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You are on page 1of 5 Mark Scheme Chemistry PEKA Form 5 Topic :Rate of Reaction Experiment No : ........1.2........


To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.

Problem statement How does the concentration of a reactant affect the rate of reaction? [ K1PP1(i) - Able to write the aim or problem statement correctly] Hypot esis !ariables The more concentrated the sodi m thios lphate sol tion! the higher the rate of reaction. "anip lated variable : #oncentration of sodi m thios lphate sol tion $esponding variable : Time taken for the cross %&% to disappear from the sight. #ontrolled variable : #oncentration and vol me of dil te s lph ric acid ! temperat re of the sol tion [ K1PP1(ii) - Able to write the hypothesis or variables correctly] "aterials Apparat#s '.2 mol dm-( 1)* cm( sodi m thios lphate sol tion! 1.' mol dm-( 2* cm( s lph ric acid! distilled water +' cm(! white paper marked %&% at the centre *' cm( meas ring c,linder! 1' cm( meas ring c,linder! 1*' cm( conical flask! and stop watch [ K1PP1(iii) - Able to list all the materials and apparatus correctly]


1. *' cm( of 2.' mol dm-( sodi m thios lphate is meas red sing meas ring c,linder and po red into a conical flask. %. - piece of paper marked %&% is placed nder the conical flask. &. * cm( of 1.' mol dm-( s lph ric acid is meas red and po red into the conical flask. '. .topwatch is started immediatel,. (. The mi/t re in the conical flask is swirled and placed it on the paper marked %&% . ). "ark %&% is observed verticall, from the top thro gh the sol tion. *. Time!t is recorded for the mark %&% to disappear from sight. +. The e/periment is repeated fo r more times sing different vol mes of '.2 mol dm-( sodi m thios lphate sol tion to be dil ted with different vol mes of distilled water as shown in Table 1. .et !ol#me of /0% mol $m-& so$i#m t ios#lp ate sol#tion1 cm& *' )' (' 2' 1' !ol#me of $istille$ 2ater1 cm& ' 1' 2' (' )' !ol#me of 10/ mol $m-& s#lp #ric aci$1 cm& * * * * * Total ,ol#me of reactin3 mixt#re1 cm& ** ** ** ** **

0 00 00 01 1

[ K1PP1(i,) - Able to write the procedure correctly] -ata Sample Answer: .et !ol#me of /0% mol $m-& so$i#m t ios#lp ate sol#tion1 cm& *' )' (' 2' 1' !ol#me of $istille$ 2ater1 cm& ' 1' 2' (' )' !ol#me of 10/ mol $m-& s#lp #ric aci$1 cm& * * * * * Time ta4en1s 1 1 Time 1/s '.'2( '.'*' '.'(3 '.'2) '.'12

0 00 00 01 1

12 2' 23 )1 +(

[ K1PP1(,) 5 Able to tabulate the data ] [ K&PP1 5 Able to construct a table with row consists of headings and units correctly ] [ K&PP% - Able to write a reading of the Time and 1/Time with correct and consistent decimal places] [ K&PP& - Able to write all the reading of the Time and 1/Time with correct and consistent decimal places]

6omm#nication Sample Answer: 6oncentration1mol $m-&

#oncentration against time

Time1s #oncentration against 1/time 6oncentration1mol $m


11Time s-1

[K'PP1- Able to draw 2 graphs; concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution against time,t and concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution against 1/t correctly ] 7nterpretin3 $ata 1. #oncentration of sodi m thios lphate sol tion in the reacting mi/t re. .et 0 '.2&*' 4 '.1+ ** 00 '.2&)' 4 '.1* ** 000 '.2&(' 4 '.11 ** 01 '.2&2' 4 '.'3 ** 1 '.2&1' 4 '.') ** 6oncentration of so$i#m t ios#lp ate1 mol $m-&

2. 5ased on the graphs!when the concentration of sodi m thios lphate is higher!the time taken for the mark %&% to disappear from sight is shorter. (. The rate of reaction directl, proportional to the concentration of sodi m thios lphate sol tion sed. 6K'PP% 5 Able to 10 calculate the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution in the reacting mixture in each sets using the formula M1 1!M2 2 %0 determine the values of the reciprocal of time for sets " to &0 deduce from the graphs '0 state the relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution correctly] 6oncl#sion The h,pothesis is accepted. 6K'PP&- Able to state the hypothesis is accepted or re#ected7 EN-

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