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Name: Isai Martinez


is about ...

Understanding word processing tabs

being able to professionally edit word processing documents with

Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea

Home Tab
Clipboard:Past, cut copy, format painter Font:Name, size grow shrink, chang case, clear formatting bold, italic underline, strike through subscript Paragraph:Bullets numbering multilevel list, left, center right justified alignment, line spacing, shading, border. Styles:Normal, no spacing shading ,border. Editing:Find, replace,select

Insert Tab
Pages:cover page, blank page, page break Tables:Tables illustrations: Picture clipart, shape,smart, chart Links:hyperlinke book mark crossreferences Head footer:head footer page number Text:text box quik parts worddrte drop capsigniture line date and time object Symbols:equal, simbal

Page Layout Tab

Themes:them coolers foonts efects Page set up:margins oriontation size coloms

Review Tab
Profing: speling and gramer reaserch thusourus word count Language thratel language

braks line numbers hyperlinke Coments: New coment delet previos next Page back grund: water marke page cooler page bords Traking:traking changes final show mark up Paragraph:indent left and right spacing before reviuing pain Arange posision wrap text bring forword Changes:acept rejectpreovios next send back weard select pain Compare:Compare Progect:bloke outoke resting editing

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Knowing wher functions are located and wath they do healps make editing quiker and more profeshinal.

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