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Written Test
E. E.:


A. Answer the following questions:

(12 pontos)

a) Do you think it is important to speak English fluently? Why? / Why not? ____________
b) Why do you think English is considered a global language? _____________________
B. Read the following text and answer exercises 1,2,3 and 4:
English Around the World
English is spoken as first language by more than 370 million people throughout the world. One in five of
the world's population speaks English with some degree of competence. It is an official or semi-official
language in over 70 countries, and it plays a significant role in many more. English is not just one
standard language, but can be thought of as a "family", which includes many different varieties.
Within a decade, 2 billion people will be studying English and about half the world about 3 billion
people will speak it. Non-native speakers now outnumber native speakers 3 to 1, according to
English language expert David Crystal. He recognizes that there has never before been a language
that's been spoken by more people as a second language than a first. In Asia alone, the number of
English-users has topped 350 million roughly the populations of the USA, Britain and Canada. There
are more Chinese children studying English about 100 million than there are Britons.
The massive English-learning industry in India alone is a $100 million-per year business. It's the front
line of a global revolution in which hundreds of millions of people are learning English, the planet's
language for almost every kind of transaction. English is the main language of commerce, technology,
communication, science, academic conferences, business, entertainment, airports and air-traffic control,
diplomacy, radio, newspapers, books, sports, tourism, international competitions, pop music advertising
etc. and, increasingly, empowerment.
Over two-thirds of the world's scientists read in English. Three quarters of the world's mail is written in
English. Eighty per cent of the world's electronically stored information is in English. Of the estimated
forty million users of the Internet, some eighty per cent communicate in English, but this is expected to
decrease to forty per cent as speakers of other languages get online.
The new English-speakers aren't just passively absorbing the language. They are shaping it, arising an
interesting event: the blend of two names of languages in one, which forms a new name for that new
language. This blending is called portmanteau. Some examples of portmanteaus from names of
languages are:
Englog = English + Taglog (spoken in the Philippines); Japlish = Japanese + English; Hinglish = Hindi
+ English; Spanglish = Spanish + English
Adapted from: British Council (
"Not the Queen's English"; Newsweek article From the magazine issue dated Mar 7, 2005 (;

B.1 - Decide whether these sentences are True or False. (Justify your answer with sentences
from the text.)
(12 pontos)
a) 20% of the worlds population speaks English quite fluently.


b) In ten years of the worlds population will speak English.


c) English is the first language spoken by more non-native speakers
than by native speakers.
d) The new speakers of English accept the language as it is.


B. 2 Find what the following words refer to in the text:

(8 pontos)

a) It (line 2) __________________

b) which (line 4) ___________________

c) He (line 7) _________________

d) they (line 21) ___________________

B.3 Find equivalents for the following words in the two first paragraphs:

(12 pontos)

a) level _____________________
b) task ______________________
c) be more numerous _______________________ d) overcame _________________
B.4 Answer the following questions about the text: (try to use your own words)

(18 pontos)

a) Where do we find the highest numbers of English-users, according to the text?

b) Which areas have English as the main language? ________________________________

A- Steve, a Brazilian teen, went to London for the first time. Fill in the gaps using the
appropriate verb tenses to find out what happened there.
(12 pontos)
Last weekend, Steve _____________ (go) to the bus stop to visit Madame Tussauds. He
_________________ (not/see) the bus, so he ______________ (miss) it because he
____________________ (ask) a lady which bus to take.
Finally, Steve ____________ (get) to the museum. He ___________________ (buy) the
ticket when he __________________ (see) some old friends.

He ___________ (be) very happy to find them and they ________________ (enter) together.
They ______________ (meet) in Red Lion, a famous pub, that night, too. Steve was late but
his friends _______________ (wait) for him when he _______________ (arrive).
B. Fill in the gaps using the If clauses:

(6 pontos)

a) If Steve _______________ (know) how to speak Chinese, he ____________________

(travel) to China.
b) Steves friends _________________ (not/go) to Red Lion, if it _________________
(not/be) a famous pub.

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