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At the age of 13 to be exact in 1547, her father Henry VIII died. Eliza-beth ! !te" brother Ed#ard VI, a!

cended the throne and r$led bet#eenthe year! 1547 to 1553. At that ti%e there #a! a conflict bet#een the&rote!tant and 'o%an (atholic. In the econo%ic arena, Elizabeth #a! )ery caref$lly in %anaging the!tate finance!. 'eign of Elizabeth for 45 year! #a! con!idered a! the *+olden Era of England.* ,o%e fa%o$! -riti!h #riter!, incl$ding .illia%,ha/e!"eare , #a! al!o li)ed in tho!e age!. Elizabeth ha! a big hand in thede)elo"%ent of !ocial c$lt$re in 01. 2iterat$re, %$!ic, "ainting and Art&erfor%ance de)elo"ed ra"idly d$ring her reign. ,he #anted the alligance fro% e)erybody in co$rt and !he didn3t tolerate that anyone betraye! her4 #ho did !o, #a! !e)erely "$ni!hed. 5n the other hand, !he "refer! her !$b6ect! and ad)i!or! to be in agree%ent before %a/ing a deci!ion, !o%ething that !ee%! to be al#ay! diffic$lt to her, !"ecially if it had to do #ith #ar!, #hich !he al#ay! trie! to a)oid4 !he #orrie! abo$t the ha""ine!! and !afety of her "eo"le and there are %o%ent! #hen debility a""ear! and !he get! to o)erco%e it al#ay! re%e%bering her identity a! the da$ghter of the 1ing of England 7Henry VIII8 .hen Elizabeth too/ the throne, !he #a! i%%ediately de!cended $"on by !$itor!. Ho#e)er, a! #e all /no#, !he ne)er %arried. 5ne of the %o!t ob)io$! 9$e!tion! #o$ld be *#hy:*. ,o%e theorize that beca$!e of the #ay her father treated hi! #i)e!, Elizabeth #a! di!g$!ted by the idea of %arriage. ;he %ore ro%antic feel it #a! beca$!e !he co$ldn t %arry the %an that !he really lo)ed, 'obert <$dley. .hen Elizabeth beca%e =$een, <$dley #a! %arried, and then hi! #ife A%y died $nder %y!terio$! circ$%!tance! a fe# year! later. Altho$gh 'obert <$dley #a! cleared of any #rong-doing in the %atter, Elizabeth co$ld not %arry hi% beca$!e of the !candal that #o$ld no do$bt ari!e. Elizabeth died on >arch ?4, 1@A3 at 'ich%ond &alace and #a! !$cceeded by Ba%e! I 7Ba%e! VI of ,cotland8, the !on of >ary, =$een of ,cot!. ;he ;$dor dyna!ty ended and "a!!ed to the ,t$art!.

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