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Tammi Titcomb ~ }unioi Website Bibliogiaphy p.

Piimaiy Souices

1) "Piincess KaiulaniBei Life anu Times by }ennifei Fahini." !"#$%&'' )*#+,*$#- .&" /#0&
*$1 2#3&'- 4 5#67"*89:. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website ieally helpeu me because I was able to get the entiie timeline of
Piincess Ka'iulani's life. This website also helpeu naiiow uown the impoitant facts
of how Piincess Ka'iulani fought foi hei Nation.

2) Linnea, Shaion. Piincess Ka'iulani: Bope of a Nation, Beait of a People. uianu
Rapius: W.B. Eeiumans, 1998. Piint.
This book helpeu me a lot because I leaineu about Piincess Ka'iulanis life all in one
book. Nost of my infoimation useu in my website is baseu off of this book.

S) "The National Tiibune., Naich u9, 189S, Page 12, Image 12About The National
Tiibune. (Washington, B.C.) 1877-1917." ;&<' *=6+> ?9"6$#%,#$7 43&"#%* @AA. N.p.,
n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website was a huge help because it is eviuence to show that Piincess Ka'iulani
was shown all ovei the 0niteu States. This shows that she maue an impact, not only
on Bawai'I, but in the Bistiict of Columbia.

4) "Piincess victoiia Kaiulani." !"#$%&'' B#%>6"#* )*#+,*$#. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
I got huge amounts of infoimation fiom this paiticulai website. This website helpeu
me put all the impoitant facts about Piincess Ka'iulani into one website. Is website
was also oiganizeu veiy well foi me to unueistanu.

S) "The Nonaichy." 29& C6$*"%9:. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website helpeu me moie on the genealogy pait. Theie wasn't a lot of eviuence
of Piincess Ka'iulani, but I leaineu about the ali'i that came befoie hei. Leaining hei
past was helpful because it compaieu anu contiasteu between hei life anu hei
ancestois. Knowing youi genealogy plays a huge pait as a Bawaiian.

6) "Ka'iulani." 4%*1&3#% D#%>#6$*"#&' *$1 E$%:%,68&1#*'. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website was also anothei one that maue things simple foi the ieauei. It also
incluueu pictuies to catch my attention. The infoimation in heie weie auueu anu
also incluueu quotes.

7) "Piincess Kaiulani in 0.S. Nainlanu Newspapeis - Bawai'i Bigital Newspapei

Tammi Titcomb ~ }unioi Website Bibliogiaphy p. 2
Pioject." !"#$%&'' )*#+,*$# #$ FGAG C*#$,*$1 ;&<'8*8&"' H .*<*#I# D#7#>*, ;&<'8*8&"
!"6J&%>. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
I ieally like this website because when I was looking at the iefeiences, anu it
incluueu "Chionicling Ameiica," which is a veiy souice. This website also incluueu a
lot of what the Nainlanu newspapei saiu about Piincess Ka'iuani. This website
shows how known she was thioughout the woilu.

8) "Alexanuiia uazette., Naich u2, 189S, Image 2About Alexanuiia uazette.
(Alexanuiia, B.C.) 18S4-1974." ;&<' *=6+> ?9"6$#%,#$7 43&"#%* @AA. N.p., n.u. Web.
uS Feb. 2u14.
This specific image is impoitant because it is an aiticle of Piincess Ka'iulani staiting
to become known aiounu the woilu. It is shown in the Bistiict of Columbia, which is
wheie she spent most of hei life.

9) "The Noining Times., 0ctobei u9, 189S, Image 1About The Noining Times.
(Washington, B.C.) 189S-1897." ;&<' *=6+> ?9"6$#%,#$7 43&"#%* @AA. N.p., n.u. Web.
uS Feb. 2u14.
This is anothei aiticle, but fiom Washington. These aiticles aie showing how she is
staiting to make an impact, not only in Bawaii, but also aiounu the woilu. This
aiticle is veiy helpful because it shows what is going on uuiing this time.

1u) Linnea, Shaion. !"#$%&'' )*I#+,*$#K .68& 60 * ;*>#6$- .&*"> 60 * !&68,&. uianu Rapius,
NI: Eeiumans foi Young Reaueis, 1999. Piint.
This book was veiy helpful because just the fiist few pages went to the infoimation
that I neeueu. Eveiy bit of infoimation that I neeueu about the people in hei life was
theie. This book helpeu me a lot.

11) "In Nemoiy of Piincess Ka'iulani." L6+2+=&. YouTube, u1 }uly 2uu9. Web. uS Feb.
I lookeu up quotes by Piincess Ka'iulani anu this YouTube viueo came out. This
viueo was veiy helpful because I leaineu the chant that hei mothei wiote about hei
anu some famous quotes she saiu. Nost of the websites I lookeu foi uiun't have it,
but this viueo incluueu a lot of infoimation that I neeueu.

Tammi Titcomb ~ }unioi Website Bibliogiaphy p. S
12) "The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Bawaii." ;*>#6$*, 4"%9#M&' *$1
@&%6"1' 413#$#'>"*>#6$. National Aichives anu Recoius Auministiation, n.u. Web. u2
Feb. 2u14.
This website helpeu a lot because I was able to get two of the petitions that weie
signeu to help stop the annexation of Bawaii. This website shows the men's anu
women's petitions, which is veiy goou because it shows a lot of people caie about
theii Nation. It also shows people that weie not Bawaiian that signeu it.

1S) "The Piincess uives an Impassioneu Speech." L6+2+=&. YouTube, u7 Nay 2u1u. Web.
uS Feb. 2u14.
This viueo fiom YouTube was veiy helpful because I was able to get the speech fiom
the movie ueuicateu to hei anu put it in my website. It is an impoitant speech
because it is the fiist time she goes out into the public anu fights foi hei people. This
is showing how much Piincess Ka'iulani caieu hei Nation anu People.

14) "Bawaiian Ciown Piincess victoiia Kaiulani." .*<*##*$ ?"6<$ !"#$%&'' B#%>6"#*
)*#+,*$#. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website helpeu me in the beginning because it was just a biief unueistanuing of
what happeneu to Bawaii. It also has a mini oiganizeu timeline in this website. This
timeline was helpful because I was able to go fiom theie.

1S) "The Inuepenuent., 0ctobei 1S, 1897, Image 1About The Inuepenuent. (Bonolulu,
B.I.) 189S-19uS." ;&<' *=6+> ?9"6$#%,#$7 43&"#%* @AA. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website helpeu me unueistanu what happeneu uuiing the annexation of
Bawaii. It gives the entiie histoiy of Bawaii anu then into how it got annexeu. This
was veiy helpful because it has both the Bawaiian anu white siue of the stoiy.

Tammi Titcomb ~ }unioi Website Bibliogiaphy p. 4
Seconuaiy Souices

1) "Piincess Kaiulani." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 12 Nov. 2u1S. Web. S1
}an. 2u14.
This was the fiist website that I lookeu at anu it was a gieat stait. The
infoimation that I lookeu up was baseu off of this website. I uiun't use much
infoimation fiom heie, but it helpeu me get staiteu with my ieseaich anu

2) "Likelike." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 28 Bec. 2u1S. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This website was veiy helpful because I was able to get the histoiy of Piincess
Ka'iulani's genealogy. This website was helpful because I was able to get
infoimation about hei mothei.

S) "Aichibalu Scott Cleghoin." Wikipeuia. Wikimeuia Founuation, 21 }an. 2u14.
Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
This was a veiy helpful website because I got to leain moie about hei fathei anu
how he was maiiieu into the Bawaiian ioyal family. This also teaches us about
the ielationships between the Bawaiians anu whites.

4) "Theophilus Baiiis Bavies." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, u2 }an. 2u14.
Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
It was amazing to leain how Piincess hau a guaiuian with hei in Englanu. This
website taught me how impoitant Piincess Ka'iulani's life was. Theophilus was
also hei "seconu fathei," which was a goou stait to ieau off fiom.

S) "Piincess Kaiulani Connections." !"#$%&'' )*#+,*$# ?6$$&%>#6$'. N.p., n.u. Web. uS
Feb. 2u14.
This image was useu in one of my sliues foi my website. This website was helpful
because I was able to get pictuies anu leain moie about hei life.

6) "Pictuie of Baby Piincess Kaiulani." !#%>+"& 60 5*=: !"#$%&'' )*#+,*$#. N.p., n.u.
Web. uS Feb. 2u14.

Tammi Titcomb ~ }unioi Website Bibliogiaphy p. S
This pictuie was veiy helpful because it is one of the many few that shows
Piincess Kaiulani as a chilu. This image helpeu me with my website because I
wanteu to show hei as a baby to a teen anu then to a young auult.

7) "Liliuokalani." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, u2 }an. 2u14. Web. u2 Feb.
This website was one of the most impoitant because Piincess Ka'iulani was to be
heii to the thione aftei Queen Lili'uokalani. This website helpeu me because I
was able to leain moie about why ceitain things happeneu that affecteu Piincess

8) "uieat Baiiowuen." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 1S }an. 2u14. Web. uS
Feb. 2u14.
This website was veiy helpful because this is wheie she went to school to get
piivate lessons. It is veiy impoitant because it is wheie she founu out that
tuimoil was happening back in Bawaii.

9) "Annexation of Bawaii." 4$$&P*>#6$ 60 .*<*##. N.p., n.u. Web. u1 Feb. 2u14.
I founu this website veiy beneficial because it is a biief oveiview of how Bawaii
was annexeu. It incluues the impoitant facts that I neeueu to unueistanu why
Bawaii, as a nation, was failing.

1u) "Sanfoiu B. Bole." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 29 }an. 2u14. Web. uS Feb.

Tammi Titcomb ~ }unioi Website Bibliogiaphy p. 6
This is one of the main websites that I founu useful because he is one of the
ieasons why Piincess Ka'iulani hau to woik so haiu to get hei nation iestoieu.
Be causeu most of the tuimoil that was happening in Bawaii.

11) "Loiiin A. Thuiston." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 21 }an. 2u14. Web. uS
Feb. 2u14.
This is someone else that causeu the kinguom of Bawaii to fail. It is an impoitant
website because it shows what, why anu how they took contiol of Bawaii at the

12) "Bawaiians Fight Foi Theii Lanu anu Lives Against Biotechnology." @+$$#$7 29&
?6+$>":. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
I founu this website iesouiceful because Piincess Ka'iulani left behinu a legacy,
which was "a voice of tiuth." This website talks about how Bawaiians in mouein
uay still fight foi theii lanu anu fieeuom.

1S) "Bana Bou: The Nagazine of Bawaiian Aiilines - Cuiient Issue." .*$* .6+K 29&
C*7*Q#$& 60 .*<*##*$ 4#",#$&' H ?+""&$> R''+&. N.p., n.u. Web. uS Feb. 2u14.
I founu this website valuable because its an example of Piincess Ka'iulani's life
being shown in Bawaii. A lot of people uon't know who she is oi what she has
uone foi Bawaii. This website helps show the gieatness of Bawaii's last piincess.

14) "Republic of Bawaii." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 29 }an. 2u14. Web. uS
Feb. 2u14.
This was an impoitant site because it shows what Bawaii became aftei the
annexation. This website helpeu me unueistanu how Bawaii was going to be

1S) "Teiiitoiy of Bawaii." N#O#8&1#*. Wikimeuia Founuation, 29 }an. 2u14. Web. uS
Feb. 2u14.
This is an impoitant site also because it is the last thing Bawaii was calleu befoie
oui ueaiest beloveu Piincess uieu. The histoiy went uown the line anu it is what
it is because of the past.

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