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Choosing my topic was uifficult.

Piimaiily, I wanteu an issue that uealt with slaveiy

oi women iights. Ny final uecision took ovei a week foi me to figuie out. At fiist, I hau no
iuea what topic I wanteu to uo. I naiioweu it uown, so insteau, I ueciueu to focus on
Piincess Ka'iulani: Auvocating foi Bawai'i.
Foi Bistoiy Bay, it takes a lot of ieseaich to be accuiate, which means ieseaich
takes the longest. I took auvantage of the libiaiy in oui school anu community libiaiies,
which weie Kamehameha Niukiff Leaining Centei anu Kapolei Libiaiy. Foi piimaiy
souices, I seaicheu foi uocuments anu aiticles online, using Chionicling Ameiica. As foi
seconuaiy souices, I lookeu up uocuments on Wikipeuia.
0ne thing that I founu uifficult was wiiting because we hau to minimize oui wiiting
into only 1,uuu woius. At fiist, I wanteu to uo a uisplay boaiu, but I thought of how cieative
a website woulu be.
I chose the website categoiy because it incluueu being cieative, such as auuing
viueos, pictuies anu much moie. Though it was my fiist time cieating a website, I felt
exciteu. As time went by, I noticeu how easy it hau gotten, which lesseneu the questions of
me asking how to uo a ceitain thing.
Ny topic fits the theme: Rights anu Responsibilities in many ways. It was Piincess
Ka'iulani's iesponsibility to fight foi hei Nation, since she was the next heii to the thione.
Piincess Ka'iulani took up the iesponsibility to iestoie hei Nation eveiy way she coulu,
such as, tiaveling to uiffeient states to tell people how Bawaiians ieally aie. Piincess
Ka'iulani spoke in "the voice of tiuth." Not only uoes this topic focus on iesponsibility, but
also iights. The Bawaiians hau the iight to fight foi theii Nation by signing petitions.
Piincess Kaiulani left behinu a legacy foi hei people. Ka'iulani has been iepiesenteu
thiough music anu uance tiauitions of Bawaii fiom the time she was boin to mouein uay.
She continues to inspiie geneiations of N Kanaka Naoli to tiauitional foims of honoiing
hei as a beloveu ali'i. Not being able to become the Queen, Piincess Kaiulani was a mouel
leauei, motivating people to "tell the tiuth." Bawaiians aie using hei woius to pieseive the
cultuie. Bei woius aie still stiong touay anu people aie listening.

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