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History of TV Advertising

Jasmine Fagg

The First TV Advert

The first TV ad to air in Britain was a toothpaste advert for the company Gibbs SR Toothpaste. It aired at 9:00 on september 22nd 1955 and ran for 70 seconds.

The BBC was founded in October 1922 by John Reith and George Villiers. It does not broadcast any adverts during the shows and the only adverts it does show are advertising their own programs. This is because the station is not permitted to do so and they finance their operations through a license fee paid by households that watch the station.

Best Loved Adverts

John Lewis Christmas AD Coca Cola Christmas Ad Cadbury Gorilla Ad

The John Lewis and Coca Cola Christmas adverts will forever be loved by all as they signify Christmas to people of all ages. They bring people together and are both quite heart-warming which is great for the Christmas period.

This advert is a personal favourite and also well liked by most people. Iy hade a huge impact on everyone as it was one of the first in a long line of humorous and random Cadbury Chocolate adverts. it had everyone laughing and talking about it even if they didn't know what it was advertising.

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