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OpenVPN Security Camera Feed Installation Download and install OpenVPN from: http://openvpn net/inde!

php/open"source/downloads html

Download lin# for $%"&it or '("&it dependin) on how new you computer is If one fails to install* try the other

Once installed* loo# for OpenVPN in the start menu Select: OpenVPN "+ Shortcuts "+ OpenVPN confi)uration directory

Copy the OpenVPN Confi) File and the security #eys from the ,S& -hum. Drive to the /OpenVPN confi)uration directory/ -here are 0 files:

1aunch /OpenVPN 2,I/ from the Start 3enu or from your des#top

4hen launched* an icon

should appear in the 5uic# launch area at the .ottom ri)ht of your des#top

OpenVPN 5uic# launch icon

6i)ht clic# on the OpenVPN 5uic# launch icon and select connect Once a successful connection has .een esta.lished* the icon will turn )reen

7uic# launch icon turns )reen when connection successful

Open you favorite we. .rowser and in the ,61 .ar enter: 89% 8': 99 $

;ou should hopefully see the security camera feed

Do not leave the carmera feed runnin) in the .rowser* it will eat throu)h your &andwidth Please close the .rowser ta./window when finished It is O< to leave the OpenVPN connected thou)h

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