OSPIRG Proposed Ballot #1

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Proposed Ballot Question: Should the ASUO fund the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group

(OSPIRG) at a level that allows OSPIRG to hire professional staff that work with students to do
investigative research, grassroots organizing and bring research directly to decision makers in Salem and
Washington, DC.

"#$%&'&()*'+ 1he Cregon SLudenL ubllc lnLeresL 8esearch Croup (CSl8C) ls a sLaLewlde, sLudenL-
dlrecLed and funded non-profit organization founded in 1971. OSPIRGs mission is to study and act on
problems LhaL affecL Lhe llves of all Cregonlans and Lo promoLe soluLlons. CurrenL pro[ecLs lnclude:
lowerlng healLh care cosLs, proLecLlng Lhe envlronmenL, sLopplng lnefflclenL spendlng of Lax dollars, and
endlng blg money ln pollLlcs. 1he organlzaLlon hlres organlzers and advocaLes LhaL work alongslde
sLudenLs Lo do lnvesLlgaLlve research, publlc educaLlon, medla ouLreach, grassrooLs organlzlng, dlrecL
servlce, and brlng research dlrecLly Lo declslon makers ln Salem and WashlngLon, uC. CSl8C ls
conLrolled by an all-sLudenL 8oard of ulrecLors. 1he ASuC cuL CSl8Cs funding to zero in the previous
academlc year.

A YES vote is a non-binding statement that the ASUO should fund OSPIRG at a level that allows OSPIRG
to hire professional staff that work with students to do investigative research, grassroots organizing and
bring research directly to decision makers in Salem and Washington, DC.

A NO vote is a non-binding statement that the ASUO should not fund at a level that allows OSPIRG to
hire professional staff that work with students to do investigative research, grassroots organizing and
bring research directly to decision makers in Salem and Washington, DC.

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