Late Work Policy

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Dear Parents and Students, With the recent release of progress reports on Friday, January 31st, we would like

to notify you of a schoolwide policy change regarding late work and grades for all students. This policy will be in effect for all teachers regardless of subject or homeroom. Excused Absences If a student is absent and it is deemed an excused absence, the student will be responsible to ask his/her respective teachers for all missed and will have an equal number of days to complete any missed work. Late Work Policy If a student does not turn in an assignment on its due date at the time the teacher requests the assignment, then it is considered late. If a student gives a teacher an assignment on its due date after it is collected, it will be considered one day late. If an assignment ( i.e. homework, writing assignments, class work, projects) is turned in late, please refer to the table below to see how a grade will be lowered based on the amount of days late:

Days Late 1

Grade Reduction (%) 10% off assignment

20% off assignment

3 After the 3rd Day

30% off assignment

Work will no longer be accepted for a grade.

*On PowerSchool, if an assignment appears with a missing score code (yellow square), it will automatically receive a
score of zero until the assignment has been turned in and graded by the teacher. Parents and students please sign and return the section below to acknowledge this policy change. Please return to your childs teacher by Friday, February 7th.
Sincerely, AEA Teachers and Administration.

_______________________________ Student Signature

____________________________________ Parent Signature

______________ Date

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