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Martin Heidegger contra Nietzsche on the Greeks

by Daniel Fidel Ferrer Central Michigan University Libraries Update: December 1, 2 !.

Martin "eidegger has devel#ped his #$n thin%ing in #pp#siti#n t# &iet'sche(s phil#s#phy and t# metaphysics in general. "eidegger sees &iet'sche as trapped $ithin metaphysics as the same time as being the last metaphysician #) *estern th#ught. &iet'sche acc#rding t# "eidegger has br#ught metaphysics t# an end. +#, &iet'sche stands at the end #) metaphysics and yet "eidegger has given us a clue that &iet'sche is part #) the transiti#n bey#nd metaphysics. ,his is the transiti#n t# a ne$, #ther beginning #) phil#s#phy that "eidegger is leading us t#$ard. ,his paper $ill enumerates )ive areas that bring #ut "eidegger(s c#ntra -p#siti#n. $ith &iet'sche #n the issue #) thin%ing $ith the /ree%s. *hy are the /ree% s# imp#rtant )#r &iet'sche and "eidegger0 &iet'sche is directly #pp#sing 1lat#, $hereas "eidegger seems cl#ser t# 2rist#tle and 1re31lat#nic 1hil#s#phers. 4n the br#ader c#nte5t, "eidegger(s 1 plus v#lumes #) c#llected $ritings sh#$ him primarily c#ncerned $ith teaching thr#ugh his analysis #) te5ts in the hist#ry #) phil#s#phy, but these as $e $ill see in the case #) &iet'sche are n#t inn#cent readings 62l)red Den%er7. 2lth#ugh during his li)e time "eidegger(s t$# v#lume set #n &iet'sche means that he published m#re ab#ut &iet'sche than any #ther single phil#s#pher, d#es n#t mean that "eidegger is cl#se t# &iet'sche as $e $ill see "eidegger(s situati#n is m#re #)ten c#ntrary t# &iet'sche. ,he #ld game #) attempting t# see the vari#us phil#s#phers in)luence #n "eidegger is alm#st #ver. *ith &iet'sche and $ith many phil#s#phers "eidegger is c#mpletely c#ntra t# their phil#s#phical p#siti#ns. 4n #ne #) the m#st telling 8u#tes )r#m "eidegger #n this sub9ect is $hen he said ab#ut "egel, -:t# place "egel(s system in the c#mmanding vie$ and then t# thin% in a t#tally #pp#site directi#n. 6;"egels +ystemati% in den beherrschenden <lic% bringen und d#ch gan' entgegengeset't den%en.- 6/2 => p.1?=7. *hat is &iet'sche(s p#siti#n #n the /ree%s0 2)ter $e have this in vie$, then $e sh#uld g# running in the #pp#siti#n directi#n. ,here $e $ill )ind "eidegger.

Heideggers Confrontational Methodology

2lth#ugh "eidegger(s enc#unter $ith &iet'sche $as imp#rtant )#r his devel#pment, it seems that "eidegger(s reading and enc#unter $ith @ant in the 1A2 s $as the interpretive reading that "eidegger received the m#st acrim#ni#us grie) )r#m #thers. "is @ant interpretati#n meth#d#l#gy is #ne that dr#ve "eidegger t# clari)y his thin%ing #n enc#unter meth#d#l#gy $ith #ther phil#s#phers and p#ets. +#, 4 $ill use s#me e5amples )r#m $hat "eidegger said #ver a number #) years ab#ut his @ant interpretati#n as )irst devel#ped in 1A2A $ith the publicati#n #) Kant and problem of Metaphysics. 4t sh#uld be n#ted that hist#rical this publicati#n is #ne $hich have $ith Bdmund "usserl(s 1

marginalia and clearly sh#$s the early brea% bet$een and "usserl and "eidegger. Cne #) the central issues is "eidegger(s remar% ab#ut interpretive vi#lence and the )act that "usserl(s misc#nstrued this idea. 6)n7. "eidegger $r#te, -Certainly, in #rder t# $ring )r#m $hat the $#rds say, $hat it is they $ant t# say, every interpretati#n must necessarily use vi#lence.. 6secti#n D>, 2 132 D, et. 1!17. *hy must $e use )#rce and vi#lence0 +peci)ically, "eideggerEs reading #) @ant is a radical interpretati#n #) @ant. ,his reading has m#re t# d# $ith "eidegger bec#ming clear #n his Metahist#ry #) metaphysics than $ith understanding @antEs #$n pr#9ect. "eidegger said, FDisc#vering E@ant in himsel)E is t# be le)t t# @ant phil#l#gyF 6 Kant and the problem of metaphysics, B, p.1?>, "eidegger(s pers#nal n#tes $ere added later7 "eidegger said in his $#r% #n "egel the )#ll#$ing ab#ut his #$n @ant interpretati#n: F@ant 3 3 pe#ple re)use t# see the pr#blem and spea% rather #) my arbitrarily reading my #$n vie$s int# @antF 6Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, B, p1!?, 1AD 3D17. Bven in a lecture series n#t dev#ted t# @ant, "eidegger(s still )eels a need t# resp#nse t# his critics. During this lecture series #n "egel $as the time that the )irst revie$s by Brnst Cassirer and Gud#l) Cdebrecht $ere being published ab#ut "eidegger(s @ant b##%. 4n the 1re)ace t# the +ec#nd Bditi#n 6Hune 1A> 7 t# Kant and problem of Metaphysics, "eidegger said, FGeaders have ta%en c#nstant #))ense at the vi#lence #) my interpretati#ns. ,heir allegati#n #) vi#lence can indeed be supp#rted by this te5t.F 6Kant and problem of Metaphysics. B.,. 557. 4 thin% "eidegger $ants t# be clear and tell his readers that he %n#$s ab#ut the criticisms #) the b##% and he is n#t denying anything ab#ut this interpretati#n. 2 care)ul reading $ill understand the )#rce and vi#lence that "eidegger brings t# his dial#gue $ith @ant. ,he re%indled spirit #) @ant $ill spea% again. 4t is easy t# ma%e s#me pe9#rative remar%s ab#ut @ant(s #ld system and then n#t t# c#me t# grips $ith @ant(s thin%ing )#r t#day. <ernd Magnus gives us s#me remar%s "eidegger made t# an unnamed )riend ab#ut his @ant b##%. "eidegger rep#rtedly said, -4t may n#t be g##d @ant, but it is a$)ully g##d "eidegger.. 6IF#r$ard t# Bnglish ,ranslati#n( t# Nietzsches Philosophy of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same by @arl LJ$ith, page 5vii7. ,his pers#nal remar% ma%es the p#int that "eidegger is n#t trying t# be a punctili#us @ant sch#lar #r a pedantic hist#rian #) phil#s#phy. "eidegger is n#t simply a @ant adherent. 2gain, "eidegger de)ines phil#s#phy as phil#s#phi'ing and being in a live dial#gue $ith #ther phil#s#phers even i) this means n#t getting them -right., since that is n#t the p#int. *hy must phil#s#phy #pen a ne$ h#ri'#n $ith @ant(s thin%ing0 "eidegger $as adamant $hen he $r#te, -@antb##%, an attempt t# 8uesti#n $hat had n#t been said, instead #) $riting in a )i5ed $ay ab#ut $hat @ant said. *hat has been said is insu))icient, $hat has n#t been said is )illed $ith riches.. 6 Kant and the problem of Metaphysics, B.,. p.1?>, marginalia7. +#, it is n#t a matter ab#ut $hat @ant said, but rather $hat he th#ught and als# $hat he did n#t thin%. "eidegger s#me time spea%s ab#ut $hat is unsaid in a thin%er.

4n the auth#r(s )#r$ard t# the multi3v#lume Nietzsche and !"!! 61A=17, "eidegger $r#te, -,he matter, the p#int in 8uesti#n, is in itsel) a c#n)r#ntati#n 62useinanderset'ung7. 6et. p. 555viii7. "eidegger g#es #n t# say in ne5t )e$ pages, -C#n)r#ntati#n is genuine criticism. 4t is the supreme $ay, the #nly $ay, t# a true estimati#n #) a thin%er. 4n c#n)r#ntati#n $e underta%e t# re)lect #n his thin%ing and t# trace it in its e))ective )#rce, n#t in its $ea%ness. ,# $hat purp#se0 4n #rder that thr#ugh the c#n)r#ntati#n $e #urselves bec#me )ree )#r the supreme e5erti#n #) thin%ing.. 6Nietzsche K#lume 1, et. p. !3>7. *hat is the purp#se #) reading a phil#s#pher0 2gain, this is n#t t# get "eidegger #r &iet'sche #r even their readings #) the /ree%s right. ,he piv#tal tas% is n#t sch#larship #r phil#l#gy #r $itty repartee, but rather phil#s#phical thin%ing and t# galvani'e a genuine dial#gue $ith phil#s#phers. 4n a summary essay #n &iet'sche, "eidegger $r#te that -*e attend t# a thin%er #nly by thin%ing. ,his re8uires that $e thin% everything essential that is th#ught in his th#ught.. 6-&iet'sche(s $#rd -/#d is Dead. et. 1A in #ff the eaten $rac%7. "eidegger is sh#$ing us in his hist#rical lecture $hat is means t# engage in a critical enc#unter, struggle, #r a c#n)r#ntati#n 62useinanderset'ung7 $ith #ther phil#s#phers. 4n eing and $ime, "eidegger br#ught up the -,as% #) a Destructuring #) the "ist#ry #) Cnt#l#gy. 6secti#n 44, L=7. &eedless t# say, the single $#rd -destructi#n. gave "eidegger en#ugh grie). Later #n in eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis), "eidegger said s#mething even m#re intriguing, -*hat un)#lds as -destructi#n. in eing and $ime d#es n#t mean dismantling 62bbau7 as dem#lishing 6MerstJrung7 but rather as purifying 6Reinigung7 in the directi#n #) )reeing metaphysical p#siti#ns.- 6/2 => et. p. 1>!7. ,here)#re, "eidegger has given us a meth#d#l#gy n#t 9ust t# understand h#$ he reads and enc#unters phil#s#phers, but an adr#it meth#d#l#gy )#r our own dial#gue $ith "eidegger. 2 standard $ay #) engaging "eidegger(s th#ught. ,he meth#d#l#gy sh#$s us t# m#ve al#ng "eidegger(s path$ays as an attempt $ith being hist#rical thin%ing 6seynsgeschichtliche Den%en7. ,he 9#urney and the see%ing is putting us #n a path. "eidegger says, -+ee%ing itsel) is the g#al.. 6Das +uchen selbst ist das Miel7. 6/2 =>, p. 1N, et. p.1D7. *e can ta%e "eidegger at his $#rd and try t# thin% thr#ugh $hat that means )#r phil#s#phi'ing. +ince this is n#t ab#ut revealing -eternal truths. n#r giving a metaphysical descripti#n #) #ur $#rld n#r creating a grand -system. n#r creating a -$#rldvie$. 6*eltanschauung7 n#r creating a value system. <ut rather, see%ing and as%ing 8uesti#ns, simply phil#s#phi'ing. ,he 9#urney is the pr#cess. "eidegger uses his enc#unters $ith &iet'sche t# reach t#$ard his #$n thin%ing.

Textual Issues with Heideggers Publications

"eidegger $ritings and letters are e5tensive and pr#li)erating, but there is an interesting issue #) h#$ and $hat "eidegger actually published and h#$ he has directed his s#n and #thers #n h#$ t# publish his $ritings a)ter death 6p#sthum#us $ritings7. F#r e5ample, $e %n#$ that eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis) $as t# be published #nly a)ter m#st #) the hist#rical lectures series $ere published. ,he v#lumes #) *berlegungen 6/2

A!3A=7 6+onsiderations #r perhaps Reflections7 are t# be published a)ter the vast ma9#rity #) the v#lumes #) the ,esamtausgabe are published and acc#rding t# Dr. "ermann "eidegger 6)n7 are cl#sed )#r publicati#n until at least 2 >. "#$ did "eidegger understand his publicati#ns as his #$n devel#pment0 During "eidegger(s li)e time there is s#me evidence that #nly t$# b##%s $ere published as a b##%, namely, Kant and the problem of Metaphysics and eing and $ime- eing and $ime $hich $as rushed t# be published as an inc#mplete pr#9ect s# that "eidegger c#uld get a permanent 9#b at the University #) Freiburg. "eidegger has al$ays stressed the preeminent part #) eing and $ime as 8uesti#ning investigati#n n#t as phil#s#phical b##% #r $#r%. 4n the 2ppendi5 t# his +chelling b##% $hich he published, "eidegger $r#te, -,hus $e can distinguish the necessity designated by the name eing and $ime )r#m the -b##%. $ith this title.. 6et. p 1NA7. "eidegger in a m#re radically $ay said, -2ll speci)ic -c#ntents. and -#pini#ns. and -path$ays. #) the )irst attempt in eing and $ime are incidental and can disappear.. 6/2=> secti#n 12>, et. 1?17. 4n )act, he said in his sec#nd ma9#r pr#9ect eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis) is n#t a -$#r%.. F#r e5ample, at ab#ut this same time, but a)ter eitr&ge $as c#mpleted "eidegger $r#te,
-Diese F<eitrOge 'ur 1hil#s#phieF s#llen in einem neuen 2nlau) die *eite der +eins)rage sichtbar machenP hier gilt nicht die 2us)altung im Bin'elnen, $eil diese all'u leicht den eigentlichen /esichts%reis verengt und den /rund'ug des Fragens verlieren lOQt. &#ch aber ist auch hier nicht die F#rm erreicht, die ich )Rr eine KerJ))entlichung als F*er%F gerade hier )#rdereP denn hier muQ sich der neue +til des Den%ens %undgeben 3 die Kerhaltenheit in der *ahrheit des +eynsP das +agen des Brsch$eigens 3 das Gei)machen )Rr die *esentlich%eit des Bin)achen.F 6 esinnung 61ADNSDA7 /2 ==, page !2?7.

C) c#urse right at the beginning #) eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis). "eidegger said, -must av#id all )alse claims t# be a -$#r%.. 6/2 =>, et. D7. ,his means $e are n#t presumably dealing $ith s#me )inal phil#s#phical -$#r%. #r )inished pr#9ect. ,he matter d#es n#t all#$ )#r the -$#r%. t# be published. ,hin%ing has a di))erent $ay #) pr#ceeding. +# )ar, "eidegger has n#t published aph#risms, but he has published a )e$ b##%s, addresses, lectures, dial#gues 6/2??7, p#ems, s%etches 6Bnt$Rr)e7, elucidati#ns, and letters. "eidegger d#es n#t claim t# have published a phil#s#phical $#r%. eing and $ime $as partial based #n a lecture series in the +ummer +emester 1A2>, entitled: -/eschichte des Meitbegri))s. 1r#leg#mena 'ur 1hOn#men#l#gie v#n /eschichte und &atur. 6n#$, Prolegomena zur ,eschichte des /eitbegriffs /22 7- +#, "eidegger(s b##% Kant and the problem of Metaphysics is a singular pr#9ect. "eidegger menti#ns in the 1re)ace t# the F#urth Bditi#n 6end #) 2ugust 1A?D7 that, -,he @ant b##%, $ritten immediately a)ter the c#nclusi#n #) the sec#nd Hochschule c#urse 6March 1? T 2pril =, 1A2A7, $as based #n the preparat#ry $#r%.. 6et. p. 5viii7. "eidegger $r#te the @ant b##% very 8uic%ly a)ter he returned t# Freiburg )r#m Dav#s. ,he general implicati#n is that "eidegger $as impetu#us $ith his @ant reading. "eidegger c#uld n#t d# his radical interpretati#n #) @ant $ith impunity. ,he litany #) c#mplaints again "eidegger ab#ut the

@ant b##% )#rced "eidegger t# e5plain himsel) in the later published F#r$ards that came #ut $ith vari#us editi#ns that $ere published during his li)e time. "eidegger has given s#me interesting titles t# his publicati#ns during his li)e time. Many #) these c#nvey the impressi#n that th#se $ritings are n#t a )inal phil#s#phical statement #r "eidegger(s ultimate phil#s#phical p#siti#nP )#r e5ample, Holz0ege 61AD>31A!=7, 1egmar%en 61A1A31A=17, 2nter0egs zur Sprache 61A> 31A>A7. 4n Holz0ege. "eidegger puts a n#te in )r#nt #) the te5ts #) $hat is a Holzwege a path$ay that has n# direct g#al. ,he ne$ Bnglish translati#n #) this b##% is entitled, - #ff the eaten $rac%.. Cne can say bar%ing up the $r#ng tree #r g#ing d#$n the $r#ng path. "#$ever, these are $ritings are n#t 9ust simply digressi#ns #r peregrinati#ns. Late in his li)e "eidegger added a crucial m#tt# t# his c#llected $ritings 6,esamtausgabe7, -1ath$ays, n#t $#r%s. 6*ege 3 nicht *er%e7. ,his means these are c#llected $ritings n#t his c#llected $#r%s. "#$ever, there are s#me publicati#ns that "eidegger himsel) published during his li)e time that $ill n#t be appearing in the ,esamtausgabe as planned s# )ar, hence, the $#rd Ic#llected( is n#t entirely true. ,he main p#int is that "eidegger sees himsel) #n the $ay. Bven a chr#n#l#gical appr#ach d#es n#t $#r% very $ell, )#r e5ample, Path0ays 61egmar%en7 c#vers )#rty years #) "eidegger(s $ritings. 2ll #) these rhet#rical devices ma%e a str#ng p#int that "eidegger is underway. ,his c#mes #ut #) his basic phil#s#phical Ip#siti#n( 6i) that is the right term7 #) being p#st3metaphysical. ,hat means he is n#t describing the $#rld and he is n#t ma%ing speculative metaphysical statements ab#ut the Ubersinnlichen 6the supersensu#us7 $#rld. C#nsider the directi#n #) @ant #n this issue in an imp#rtant unpublished essay, 1hat Real Progress has Metaphysics Made in ,ermany Since the $ime of 3eibniz and 1olff4. $ritten in 1?AD $here @ant de)ines metaphysics as Fthe science #) advancing by reas#n )r#m %n#$ledge #) the sensible 6+innliche7 t# the %n#$ledge #) the supersensu#us. 61r#gress, et. p. >D7. "eidegger(s 8uest )#r meaning #r truth #) <eing is n#t ab#ut the metaphysical eternal supersensu#us $#rld. ,hese are all &iet'schian c#ncept3mummies 6<egri))s3Mumien7. "eidegger is pertaining t# path$ays and n#t phil#s#phical $#r%s #r grand systems. "eidegger said in eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis), -Vuesti#ning is here beginning and end.. 6et. 2!27. Gemember "eidegger said, -+ee%ing itsel) is the g#al.. 6/2=> p 1N, et. 1D7. *e can ta%e "eidegger at his $#rd and try t# thin% thr#ugh $hat that means )#r phil#s#phi'ing. +ince the pr#9ect is n#t t# reveal -eternal truth. n#r giving a metaphysical descripti#n #) #ur $#rld n#r creating a grand -system. n#r creating s#me %ind #) liberal -$#rldvie$. n#r creating a value system, s# empirical )acts d# n#t need -pr##)s. #r -l#gic. #r t# devel#p a phil#s#phical -p#siti#n.. ,he 9#urney and see%ing is a path t#$ard phil#s#phi'ing. 1hil#s#phy is phil#s#phi'ing n#thing m#re #r less. "eidegger said, -,he grandeur #) man is measured acc#rding t# $hat he see%s and acc#rding t# the urgency by $hich he remains a see%er.. 6/2!>, p >, et p.?7. ,he lac% #) see%ing is p#inting t#$ard the distress 6&#tl#sig%eit7 #) the current ep#ch. +ince many #) "eidegger(s published $ritings have started as hist#rical lectures t# students, it seems that "eidegger(s v#ice in these $ritings is t# his students. ,he v#ice here is "eidegger as a teacher. "eidegger gave lectures #r addresses t# a variety #)


audienceP s#me times his lectures $ere t# phil#s#phers, but m#re #)ten a general academic audience. +#me #) these $ere published during li)e time, but many have n#t been published yet 6see especial a large c#llecti#n #) his lectures /2 N (ortr&ge 61A1>3 1A=?77. eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis) has been heralded as "eidegger sec#nd magnum #pus 6Ctt# 1Jggeler7 and it stands a singular pr#9ect at this time. *e still a$ait s#me #ther ma9#r $ritings that $ere d#ne sh#rtly a)ter eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis) 61AD=31ADA7, )#r e5ample, *ber den 5nfang 61A!17, 6as Ereignis 61A!1S!27, 6ie Stege des 5nfangs 61A!!77 and #) c#urse the *berlegungen v#lumes 6+onsiderations7 s#metimes called the -!chwarzen Hefte" $hich are #)ten re)erenced inside #) the eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis). Can $e ta%e $hat "eidegger $r#te in eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis) $ith m#re auth#rity than in his hist#rical lectures #r #ther $ritings0 2t this time, it seems that the eitr&ge has a special place in "eidegger(s $ritings, but there are many m#re publicati#n )r#m this peri#d that may place the eitr&ge in a di))erent c#nte5t. Certainly, the eitr&ge $as n#t in any $ay a series #) lectures #r address and $as n#t $idely %n#$n am#ng "eidegger(s students. 4t $as )airly c#ncealed by "eidegger, s# it seems t# be cl#ser t# "eidegger essential th#ught. "eidegger $#r%ed #n this publicati#n )#r a number #) years and it is #ddly aut#bi#graphical. "e re)erences many #) his #$n $#r%s, many #) $hich are n#t yet published si5ty3)#ur years later. +#, "eidegger #n "eidegger is part #) the intimate dial#gue #) his thin%ing and $riting in the eitr&ge. "eidegger(s $ritings are his path$ays, s# it is imp#rtant t# remain $ithin the hermeneutical c#nte5t and n#t t# #ver dra$ #ur c#nclusi#ns. "eidegger is acting as a guide and is pushing and directing us up the m#untain, but the right anal#gy is that $e still have t# d# the climbing and )#ll#$ this path $ith #ur #$n thin%ing. &iet'sche is lucid #n this p#int $hen he said in the 1anderer and His Shado0 6L2=?7, F,here are n# educat#rs. 2s thin%er, #ne sh#uld spea% #nly #) sel)3educati#nF. 4n the ,ay Science7 la gaya scienza. 1NN=, he says, F*e #urselves $ish t# be #ur e5periments:F 6LD1A7. &iet'sche said in his e5tra#rdinary aut#bi#graphical $#r% Ecce Homo 6$ritten 1NNN7, F4 am a disciple #) the phil#s#pher Di#nysusF 61re)ace, +ecti#n 2, et. 1. 21?7. ,his is p#inting in n#n3#nt#l#gical directi#n and m#re t#$ard a li)e phil#s#phy, namely, a $h#le $#rld vie$ that includes the cl#a% #) the p#$er #) ancient /ree%. C) c#urse, $e can as% $hat happen t# /erman phil#s#phers li%e *#l), Leibni', "amann, @ant, "erder, Hac#bi, "egel, Fichte, +chleiermacher, Lange, Meller, L#t'e, +chelling, #r even +ch#penhauer. ,he /ree%(s p#$er li)t these phil#s#phers t# ne$ heights, $hereas $ith "eidegger he $ent t# ne$ depths and )#und himsel). ,he t#pic #) "eidegger(s c#ntra &iet'sche #n the /ree%s can be seen in at least )ive speci)ic areas.

17 Nietzsche caught by Platonis#

"eidegger $rites in his essay -1lat#(s D#ctrine #) ,ruth. 61A! 7 that &iet'sche is the -m#st unrestrained 1lat#nist in the hist#ry #) *estern metaphysics. 6et. p. 1?!7.

&iet'sche is entirely caught by metaphysics 6/2=> et 12?7. "eidegger claims that &iet'sche early in his phil#s#phical devel#pment rec#gni'ed his basic phil#s#phical p#siti#n $as indeed, the tas% #) o$erturning 1lat#nism. ,he t$# basic p#ints )#r "eidegger in *estern metaphysics: the )irst beginning mar%ed by 1lat# and the sec#nd $h# mar%s the end is &iet'sche. ,he basic metaphysical distincti#n is the relati#nship bet$een the supersensu#us 6Ubersinnlichen7 and sensu#us. 1lat#(s ideas are in the d#main #) the supersensu#us and &iet'sche(s Cc%am(s ra'#r cuts a$ay the supersensu#us 6true $#rld, see +ecti#n ! )r#m &iet'scheEs $0ilight of !dols or Ho0 to Philosophize 0ith a Hammer. "C* ,"B F,GUB *CGLDF F4&2LLW <BC2MB 2 F2<LB. ,he "ist#ry #) an Brr#r7 and leaves us $ith the sensu#us #r the apparent $#rld. C) c#urse at s#me p#ints &iet'sche $ants t# d# a $ay $ith this distincti#n and hence this $#uld lead us #ut #) 1lat#nism. Certainly, 1lat# and &iet'sche $ere antip#des #n the $#rld #) ideas. F#r &iet'sche there are n# eternal ideas. "eidegger(s p#int is that &iet'sche $anted t# invert 1lat#nism and still in general g#t stuc% in the 1lat#nist distincti#n #) the supersensu#us and sensu#us $#rlds. &iet'sche $as #n the verge #) seeing thr#ugh his inversi#n #) 1lat#nism, but ta%ing his #verall c#nsiderate is still $ithin the $eb #) 1lat#nism. *estern phil#s#phy is 9ust a series #) )##tn#tes t# 1lat# acc#rding t# a )am#us saying by 2l)red &#rth *hitehead. "#$ever, $ith "eidegger he sees this as the metahist#ry #) metaphysics and )#rg#ttenness #) <eing as being caught in the limitati#n #) 1lat#nism #r the inade8uacy #) $estern metaphysics. 2)ter "eidegger sees these limitati#ns, this is the $ay that "eidegger $ants t# brea% #ut in t# a ne$, #ther beginning )#r phil#s#phy. "eidegger(s brea% #ut is d#ne thr#ugh a c#n)r#ntati#n $ith 1lat#nism and its entanglement in &iet'sche(s inversi#n #) 1lat#nism. *estern metaphysics has happen all $ithin the limitati#n and realm #) 1lat#nism. &iet'sche sees Christianity as 1lat#nism )#r the pe#ple. F#r "eidegger, &iet'sche is simply the e5treme #pp#siti#n 6the antag#nist #pp#nent7 t# eternal truth and ideas #) 1lat#nism. 2lth#ugh &iet'sche $as reading many #) the early /ree% phil#s#phers, the tas% )#r &iet'sche is still $ithin the d#mini#n #) the )undamental trends #) his engagement $ith 1lat#nism. 4t sh#uld be n#ted that there is n#thing #) @ant #r "egel #r the /erman phil#s#phers in &iet'sche(s #n3g#ing devel#pment and thin%ing. ,he cru5 t# &iet'sche )#r "eidegger is &iet'sche(s #pp#siti#n t# 1lat#nism. F#r "eidegger, &iet'sche is trapped $ithin the limited h#ri'#n #) 1lat#nism. "eidegger said, -&iet'sche remains caught in metaphysics: )r#m beings t# <eingP and he e5haust all p#ssibilities #) this basic p#siti#n:. 6/2 => 1N2, et. p. 12?7. "ence, acc#rding t# "eidegger, &iet'sche tas% is simply the #verturning 6Um%ehrung7 #) 1lat#nism "eidegger #n the #ther hand is c#mpletely c#ntra t# this reading #) *estern metaphysics. ,hr#ugh the phil#s#phical c#mprehensi#n #) the early /ree%s and a deeper understanding #) 2rist#tle, "eidegger gains a s$eeping percepti#n #) the /ree%s that leads t# rec#very and retrieval #) the 8uesti#n ab#ut the meaning #r the truth #) <eing #) beings $ith#ut th#se essential elements #) 1lat#nism. "eidegger(s 9udgment #) &iet'sche as the -m#st unrestrained 1lat#nist. sh#$s unmista%ably "eidegger(s c#ntra interpretati#n #) the /ree%s. "eidegger $r#te, -&iet'sche $as stuc% in this interpretati#n

because he did n#t rec#gni'e the guiding38uesti#n as such and did n#t enact the cr#ssing t# the gr#unding38uesti#n.. 6/2=>, secti#n 11 , et. 1>D7. &iet'sche d#es have his #$n $ay #ut #) 1lat#nism, $hich he summed up $ith the e5pressi#n, -My recreati#n, my pre)erence, my cure )r#m all 1lat#nism has al$ays been $hucydides.. 6$0ilight of the !dols, -*hat 4 C$e t# the 2ncients. secti#n D7. Can "eidegger ta%e this appr#ach as $ay #) metaphysics0 2ns$er: n#, metaphysics lives at the central c#re #) phil#s#phy as such. Cnly by a radical trans)#rmati#n #) phil#s#phy can $e h#pe t# see a $ay #ut #) the b#ttle 6said the )ly7.

27 %oung Nietzsche &&& su'erficial

4n "eidegger(s essay )r#m 1A!=, 5na8imanders Saying, "eidegger said, -,he y#ung &iet'sche d#es indeed, in his #$n $ay, establish a lively relati#nship t# the pers#nality #) the pre31lat#nic phil#s#phers, but his interpretati#n #) the te5ts are th#r#ughly c#mm#nplace 6her%Jmmlich7, even 8uite super)icial 6#ber)lOchlich7 thr#ugh#ut.. 6et. 2!D, #ff the eaten $rac%7. "eidegger is tal%ing ab#ut the 1re31lat#nic 1hil#s#phers $hich is the te5t #) a lecture series delivered by the y#ung Friedrich &iet'sche 6then a phil#l#gy pr#)ess#r7 at the University #) <asel in 1N? s. "eidegger is clearly belittling &iet'sche reading #) the pre3 1lat#nic phil#s#phers and his interpretati#n #) &iet'sche is that it is 9ust banal. "e d#es spea% t# &iet'sche actual relati#nship t# the early /ree% phil#s#phers, $hich is m#re than 9ust a slight in)luence #n &iet'sche(s #$n thin%ing. 4n this passage "eidegger ma%es three m#re imp#rtant remar%s. ,he )irst n#ti#n is that he c#ntrast &iet'sche(s translati#n $ith "ermann Diels translati#n and )inds them b#th t# lac%ing. &iet'sche calls them 1re31lat#nic and Diels calls them 1re3+#cratics. 2)ter "eidegger(s remar%s ab#ut &iet'sche, he )#ll#$s that $ith a very str#ng statement ab#ut "egel. "eidegger $r#te, -"egel is the #nly *estern thin%er $h# has th#ught)ully e5perienced the hist#ry #) th#ught:. 6et. p.1!7. 4n his lecture #n -"egel and the /ree%s. 6circa 1A>N7, "eidegger gives m#re praises )#r "egel and says similar things. 2lth#ugh @ant and &iet'sche did devel#p a Metahist#ry #) phil#s#phy, it is clear that "egel(s Metahist#ry #) phil#s#phy is distinctly c#nnected t# his $h#le phil#s#phy #) hist#ry. ,he abs#lute spirit as m#ving )r#m the abstract t# the c#ncrete, "egel $as able t# give a pattern t# the entire devel#pment #) hist#ry. C) c#urse the same $as said ab#ut &iet'sche #nly b##% #n the /ree%s, ,he irth of $ragedy #ut of the Spirit of Music 61N?D77 $ith the later title #) $he irth of $ragedy #r7 Hellenism 5nd Pessimism 61NN=7, $hich started as a )ight bet$een &iet'sche and Ulrich v#n *ilam#$it'3M#ellend#r)) #ver the very nature #) phil#l#gy. "ugh Ll#yd3H#nes said, -$ith all its appalling blemishes, it is a $#r% #) genius, and begun a ne$ era in the understanding #) /ree% th#ught.. 6Vu#ted in translat#r(s intr#ducti#n t# &iet'sche(s Pre" Platonic Philosophers, p. 5lii7. 2lth#ugh &iet'sche(s $riting maybe mar%ed $ith little regard t# pedantic and sch#larship n#ti#ns, it is clear that $hat is imp#rtant is &iet'sche(s ability t# push a ne$ paradigm #) h#$ t# vie$ the /ree%s. "eidegger d#es understand

that there is a 8uesti#n #) the bigger picture and )#r that &iet'sche is imp#rtant even th#ugh it is n#t the same visi#n that "eidegger has #) the /ree%s thin%ers.

D7 (ntrue o''osition of Par#enides to Heraclitus

"eidegger $r#te an e5ceedingly clear and sharp critical remar% ab#ut &iet'sche(s true understanding #) the /ree%s, "eidegger statement is a b##% he published. "eidegger said, -,# be sure, Nietzsche )ell prey t# the c#mm#nplace and untrue #pp#siti#n #) 1armenides t# "eraclitus. ,his is #ne #) the essential reas#ns $hy his metaphysics never )#und its $ay t# the decisive 8uesti#n, alth#ugh &iet'sche did re3c#nceive the great age #) the incepti#n #) /ree% Dasein in its entirety in a $ay that is surpassed #nly by "Jlderlin.F 6ne$, Bnglish translati#n page 1DD7. !ntroduction to metaphysics. 6/2 ! 7. ,he supp#sed c#mm#nplace #pp#siti#n is that )#r 1armenides, <eing is the #ne and never changes and )#r "eraclitus, <eing is bec#ming and al$ays in )lu5. 2cc#rding t# hist#rians "eraclitus and 1armenides $ere supp#sedly antip#des. "eidegger said that this $as n#t true and he calls this a c#mm#nplace and untrue #pp#siti#n. &iet'sche in an e5cepti#nally telling passage in his aut#bi#graphy, Ecce Homo #utlines his phil#s#phy in relati#nship t# "eraclitus. &iet'sche said, -4 retained s#me d#ubt in the case #) Heraclitus, in $h#se pr#5imity 4 )eel alt#gether $armer and better than any$here else. ,he a))irmati#n #) passing a$ay and destroying, $hich is the decisive )eature #) a Di#nysian phil#s#phyP saying Wes t# #pp#siti#n and $arP becoming, al#ng $ith a radical repudiati#n #) the very c#ncept #) eing 6+ein7 Tall #) this is clearly m#re cl#sely related t# me than anything else th#ught t# date. ,he d#ctrine #) the -eternal recurrence,. that is, #) the unc#nditi#nal and in)initely repeated circular c#urse #) all things T this d#ctrine #) Marathustra might in the end have been taught already by "eraclitus. 6Ecce Homo, -,he <irth #) ,ragedy, secti#n D7. 4n this passage &iet'sche sh#$s us his cl#seness t# "eraclitus, Di#nysus, his c#nnecti#ns t# Marathustra, and the d#ctrine #) the eternal return #) the sameP but m#st imp#rtant )#r "eidegger is th#ught that )#r &iet'sche, "eraclitus is inv#lved in the -radical repudiati#n #) the very c#ncept #) eing 6+ein7. 6radi%aler 2blehnung, re)usal7. ,his is clearly $here there is a split bet$een "eidegger and &iet'sche #n the issue #) the re9ecti#n #r re)usal #) <eing, since )#r "eidegger <eing is )ull and n#t empty #r a )icti#n. <ut h#$ much did &iet'sche %n#$ and scrutini'e ab#ut "eraclitus( thin%ing0 4n a sense &iet'sche $as never disciplined en#ugh t# c#llected all #) the saying #) these /ree% phil#s#phers in #ne c#llecti#n. ,hat $as acc#mplished by "ermann Diels $ith the publicati#n #) 6ie 9ragmente der (orso%rati%er. griechisch und deutsch. $hich $as )irst published in 1A D. 2s "eidegger p#ints #ut that this $#r% is dedicated t# *ilhelm Dilthey, alth#ugh n#t because that Dilthey $as a great /ree% sch#lar. &iet'sche als# did $#r% #n an 4nde5 t# the prestigi#us phil#l#gy 9#urnal )heinisches Museu# f*r Philologie. ,his inde5ing and revie$ #) c#ntemp#rary phil#l#gy gave &iet'sche a better understand #) the current phil#l#gy research at that time. +# in )act, &iet'sche did $#r%

#n /ree% phil#l#gy be)#re his submersi#n int# /ree% phil#s#phy. <ut it $as his insight int# 1lat#nism that dr#ve &iet'sche(s phil#s#phical resp#nse. C) c#urse, this is part #) his tangled relati#nship $ith +#crates. 2lth#ugh &iet'sche had metaphysical pr#blems and c#ncerns it seems m#re his )undamental driving )#rce has m#re t# d# $ith m#rality than $ith metaphysics #r #nt#l#gy. 2gain, "eidegger is n#t c#ncerned $ith getting &iet'sche right acc#rd t# s#me interpretati#n $hich reads the $eight #) &iet'sche(s statements in Ecce Homo ab#ut his li)e and phil#s#phy. <ut rather, $hat is pr#v#cative in &iet'sche )#r "eidegger(s thin%ing. *hat is the decisive 8uesti#n that &iet'sche never )#und0 Certainly as a pristine metaphysician &iet'sche c#uld have t# c#me t# the 8uesti#n #) -*hat is the nature #) beingness 6+eiendheit70. Cr, he c#uld have as%ed the 8uesti#n -*hy is there s#mething, rather n#t n#thing0. &iet'sche(s #$n criti8ue #) metaphysics predetermined that &iet'sche $#uld n#t )#ll#$ d#$n this path. ,his is $here &iet'sche stands in league $ith "eidegger and their basic p#siti#n #) being anti3metaphysics. "eidegger $ants t# ta%e the ne5t step by n#t being caught in the $eb #) being -anti3. metaphysics. "e $ants t# leave it behind and stand c#mpletely #utside #) metaphysics. Cur 8uesti#n is d#es "eidegger actually stand in a ne$ beginning. Can $e still have a relati#nship t# metaphysics by )reeing and puri)ying metaphysics0 "eidegger(s hist#rical lectures are the $ay that "eidegger has attempted t# engage phil#s#phers )r#m the past, that is, t# bring them t# li)e in the present. Bven th#ugh these phil#s#phers are as "egel said, -: $ith respect t# the inner essence #) phil#s#phy there are neither predecess#rs n#r success#rs.. 6$he 6ifference bet0een 9ichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy , e.t. p.N?7. 1hil#s#phers stand side by side all thin%ing #ne th#ught but each in their #$n $ay. "eidegger understands the relati#nship bet$een 1armenides and "eraclitus is c#ntra t# &iet'sche(s understands #) that relati#nship as a simple #pp#siti#n. &#te care)ully that "eidegger d#es in the end p#siti#n &iet'sche e5tremely high in the rebirth #) /ree% phil#s#phy, $hich is 9ust surpassed #nly by the great p#et 33 Friedrich "Jlderlin 61?? 3 1N!D7

!7 +ntology and its 'lace

4n an imp#rtant remar%, "eidegger said, -$ith Nietzsche the critical enc#unter 62useinanderset'ung7 as the #ne is nearest 6&Ochsten7 but t# rec#gni'e that he is )arthest rem#ved )r#m the 8uesti#n #) <eing 6+eins)rage7.. 6/2=> et 12!, g 1?=7. &iet'sche is the cl#sest #ne in the pr#9ect #) #verc#ming metaphysics, #) #verc#ming 1lat#nism, #) understanding the )initude #) Da3sein, #) c#ming the cl#sest t# a ne$ spirit #) the /ree%s. &iet'sche sees -<eing is an empty )icti#n. 6das +ein eine leere Fi%ti#n7. 6$0ilight of the !dols, -Geas#nF in 1hil#s#phy., secti#n 27. "eidegger rightly understands &iet'sche(s p#siti#n as being )arthest rem#ved )r#m his single 8uesti#n ab#ut the <eing #) beings. 4n the !ntroduction to Metaphysics, "eidegger said this ab#ut &iet'sche(s remar%s ab#ut #nt#l#gy. -*hat &iet'sche says here ab#ut <eing is n# casual remar%, 9#tted d#$n during the )ren'y #) lab#r in preparati#n )#r his authentic and never c#mpleted $#r%. 4nstead, it is his guiding c#ncepti#n #) <eing since the earliest days #) phil#s#phical lab#r. 4t supp#rts and determines his phil#s#phy )r#m the gr#und up.. 6et. p.DN7.

"eidegger(s p#siti#n #n the imp#rtance #) #nt#l#gy is clear, "eidegger said this in a number #) places, but it ma%es it clear $hen he states, -,he 8uesti#n #) the -meaning #) <eing. is the 8uesti#n #) all 8uesti#ns.. 6/2 => et N, g 117. 4n his $#r% #n Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit 6/2D2, lecture 1AD 7, "eidegger said, - . . . the inner necessities #) the )irst and last pr#blem #) phil#s#phy 3 the question of BeingF and he c#ntinues, F4 have been c#ncerned $ith rene$ing the 8uesti#n #) ontology 3 the m#st central pr#blem #) *estern 1hil#s#phy 3 the 8uesti#n #) <eing . . .F 6B.,. p.1D7. 2dditi#nal "eidegger said, F*e assert n#$ that <eing is the pr#per and s#le theme #) phil#s#phyF ' asic Problems of Phenomenology 6/22!, 1A2? lecture7, p117 and he adds the )#ll#$ing remar%, -1hil#s#phy is the the#retical c#nceptual interpretati#n #) <eing, #) <eingEs structure and its p#ssibilities. 1hil#s#phy is #nt#l#gical.F 6 asic Problems of Phenomenology 6/22!, lecture 1A2?7, p.117. 2lth#ugh "eidegger d#es n#t 8u#te this speci)ic remar% in &iet'sche, there is an imp#rtant passage by &iet'sche in the 1re31lat#nic 1hil#s#phers lecture series )r#m 1N? s at the University #) <asel. 4n the secti#n #n "eraclitus 6m#st li%ely dating )r#m 1N?27, &iet'sche $r#te a real pr#piti#us remar%, -*ell, this is the intuitive percepti#n #) "eraclitusP there is n# thing #) $hich $e many say, -it is.. "e re9ects eing. "e %n#$s #nly <ec#ming, the )l#$ing.. &iet'sche then c#ntinues in a )e$ sentences later, -"eraclitus thus sees #nly the Cne, but in the sense #pp#site t# 1armenides.. 6et. p. =23 =D7. 2lth#ugh &iet'sche here reali'es the #nt#l#gical issues, he d#es n#t ma%e it a central issue #r even a 8uesti#n )#r his thin%ing. F#r &iet'sche this is #ne remar% am#ng th#usands #) pages, )#r "eidegger this is the m#st damming and telling remar% that &iet'sche c#uld ma%e. Cnt#l#gy is n#t 9ust #ne discipline am#ng #ther phil#s#phical discipline li%e ethics, epistem#l#gy, and l#gic 6thin% #) L#t'e(s thin%ing #n this issue7P but rather, phil#s#phy is #nly as #nt#l#gy. Certainly, "eidegger and &iet'sche $ere antip#des #n #nt#l#gy. "eidegger is c#ntra &iet'sche as #nt#l#gy is primary. "eidegger(s p#siti#n is e5actly c#ntra t# &iet'sche thesis ab#ut the <eing #) beings as -empty )icti#n.. 4t is thr#ugh "eidegger(s analysis #) the /ree%s 6speci)ically, 2na5imander, 1armenides, "eraclitus, 1lat#, and als# 2rist#tle7 that "eidegger dra$s #ut his resplendent #nt#l#gical thin%ing. Cn the #ther hand, &iet'sche d#es n#t )ind #nt#l#gy as central in the /ree%s. *hat d#es &iet'sche )ind0 &iet'sche $r#te a sh#rt n#te in 1NN> that n#t #nly summari'ed his cl#seness t# the /ree%s but may have )#reseen "eidegger(s b#nd t# the /ree%s. &iet'sche $r#te, -: $ith disc#very #) anti8uity, the digging up ancient phil#s#phy, ab#ve all #) the pre3+#cratics T the m#st deeply buried #) all /ree% templesX 2 )e$ centuries hence, perhaps, #ne $ill 9udge that all /erman phil#s#phy derives its real dignity )r#m being a gradual reclamati#n #) the s#il #) anti8uity, and that all claims t# -#riginality. must s#und petty and ludicr#us in relati#n t# that higher claim #) the /ermans t# have 9#ined ane$ the b#nd that seemed t# be br#%en, the b#nd $ith the /ree%s, the hithert# highest type #) man.. 4n an#ther n#te &iet'sche said in March3Hune 1NNN 61ill to Po0er, L!D?7, -,he real phil#s#phers #) /reece are th#se be)#re +#crates..


&iet'sche g#es #n t# say, -,#day $e are again getting cl#se t# all th#se )undamental )#rms #) $#rld interpretati#n devised by the /ree% spirit thr#ugh 2na5imander, "eraclitus, 1armenides, Bmped#cles, Dem#critus, and 2na5ag#ras T $e are gr#$ing m#re Greek by the day:. 1ill to Po0er 6!1A7 61NN>7. Fr#m these remar%s it is clear that &iet'sche reali'es the immense impact the /ree%s had #n /erman phil#s#phers and $ill have in the )uture. ,he image #) the /ree%s had a pr#)#und e))ect #n &iet'sche(s phil#s#phy and thin%ing even $ith#ut having &iet'sche pedantically )#ll#$ing every translati#n #) the /ree% t# the )inal degree. ,his is n#t a 8uesti#n #) &iet'sche(s /ree% phil#l#gical sch#larship, but rather the tremend#us impact and in)luence #) the /ree% image.

>7 The new other ,eginning to Philoso'hy

*hat did "eidegger )ind in the /ree%s that the inc#rrigible &iet'sche did n#t see0 4t is bec#ming apparent and embry#nic that #ne #) "eidegger(s ma9#r pr#9ects is in his p#inting t#$ard the #ther beginning in phil#s#phy. F#r e5ample in the eitr&ge he says. -the thrust int# the crossing and thereby the %n#$ing a$areness that any %ind #) metaphysics has and must c#me t# an end, i) phil#s#phy is t# attain its #ther beginning. 6/2 =>, eitr&ge zur Philosophie '(om Ereignis) 61AD=31ADN7 p.1?131?D, et. p 1217. +#, "eidegger is trying t# guide us s# that 1hil#s#phy itsel) can -attain its #ther beginning.. "eidegger sees the lin%s t# the /ree%s as $hen they started the )irst beginning t# phil#s#phy and $here he is p#inting t# an#ther, ne$, #ther beginning t# phil#s#phy. 4n a di))erent light remember "egel(s 8uesti#n in the beginning #) the Science of 3ogic -*ith *hat Must the +cience <egin0. "eidegger may have )#ll#$ed "egel(s 8uesti#n, but he has trans)#rmed int# a p#st3m#dern and c#re phil#s#phical issue. ,his means: that there is an#ther beginning t# phil#s#phy in general. "eidegger sees this #riginal thrust #) the )irst /ree% beginning #) phil#s#phy as an inspirati#n )#r the ne$, #ther beginning in phil#s#phy. ,he cru5 is that "eidegger is guiding us t#$ard this ne$, #ther beginning in phil#s#phy by raising the 8uesti#n #) the meaning and truth #) <eing 6+eyn, Breignis7. 4n a secti#n at the end #) this $#r% "eidegger $rites, -,hat is, $e are standing be)#re the decision bet0een the end 6and its running #ut, $hich may still ta%e centuries7 and another beginning:. 6/2 !> g 12!, et. p. 1 N7. "eidegger stands at the decisi#n p#int bet$een the )inal end #) the )irst beginning in phil#s#phy and the ne$, #ther beginning in phil#s#phy that is 9ust starting. &iet'sche als# understands his p#siti#n in hist#ry. "e said at the beginning #) .*hy 4 am a Destiny. in Ecce Homo, -4 %n#$ my )ate. Cne day my name $ill be ass#ciated $ith mem#ry #) s#mething tremend#us T a crisis $ith#ut e8ual #n earth.. 4 d# n#t thin% that "eidegger $#uld say this is the same $ay that &iet'sche did, but 4 thin% the results $ill be the same. "eidegger is c#n)r#nting and end#$ing us $ith a -decisi#n. t#$ard the ne$, #ther beginning $hich $ill )#rce a brea%ing p#int #r a ri)t in phil#s#phy. Heideggers -uestion is. will it be the final e'ita'h for 'hiloso'hy for thinking/



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