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"#$%&' )*"+,
1269 8ootet ut. #1 5oo Iose, cA 95118
(408) 807-12JJ |
Seeklng an elecLrlcal englneerlng relaLed lnLernshlp for Lhe summer wlLh Lhe posslblllLy of exLenslon whlle
l pursue a MasLers degree ln lall of 2014

! unlvL8Sl1? Cl CALllC8nlA, SAn1A 8A88A8A 06/2014
8ocbelot of 5cleoce lo lecttlcol oqloeetloq
" College of Lnglneerlng Ponors rogram
" 3.77 CumulaLlve CA
" ueans Ponor LlsL, nlne quarLers
" 1au 8eLa l, Lnglneerlng Ponor SocleLy member

! SemLech CorporaLlon ower 8u, San !ose, CA 07/201J - 09/201J
" WroLe verllog code for a uS8 ower uellvery sysLem proLoLype
" Assembled and LesLed evaluaLlon boards
" Searched compeLlLor daLasheeLs, complled Lhe lnformaLlon, and ordered componenLs
" 1esLed lab equlpmenL funcLlonallLy and organlzed for callbraLlon

! Wlreless CommunlcaLlons and SensorneLs Lab, uCS8 06/2012 - 12/2012
" ueveloped 8l source seeklng algorlLhms for uAvs
" WroLe code for auLonomous drone conLrol and user lnLerface ln C
" Analyzed daLa wlLh MA1LA8 & Lxcel
" ALLended weekly progress meeLlngs & collaboraLed wlLh oLher labs wlLhln Lhe deparLmenL
" resenLed research aL SouLhern Callfornla Conferences for undergraduaLe 8esearch (SCCu8)

! Aspen neLworks, San !ose, CA 06/2011- 01/2012
" 8ullL LesL deskLop/server machlnes
" WroLe code for a sysLem log, console, slmple unS server, and varlous means of lnLer vlrLual machlne
communlcaLlon ln C
" vCl and neLwork LroubleshooLlng
" lnLegraLed code wlLh oLher lnLerns and sofLware englneers

! rogrammlng Languages: MA1LA8, C, C++, !AvA, verllog
! CompuLer Skllls: Llnux command llne, MlcrosofL Lxcel/vlslo, Advanced ueslgn SysLem, nC-verllog
! Lab experlence: oscllloscopes, funcLlon generaLors, neLwork analyzers, C8 and componenL LesLlng
! Clean room experlence: Lhermal oxldaLlon, phoLollLhography, weL develop and eLch, uek1ak, Lhermal
dlffuslon, Lhermal meLal deposlLlon
! 8elevanL Coursework: Analog/ulglLal clrculL deslgn, 8l clrculL deslgn, Analog/ulglLal Slgnal rocesslng, lmage
rocesslng, LlecLromagneLlcs, CuanLum Mechanlcs, Solld SLaLe LlecLronlcs, lC ueslgn and labrlcaLlon

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