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Blood Pressure in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease: AReport from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study

Joseph T Flynn1, ar! itsnefes2, Christopher Pierce3, Ste"en R Cole3, Rulan S Pare!h4, Susan # Furth4, Bradley A $arady5, and for the CKiD Study %roup6
1Children's 2Children's

Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH 3Johns Hopkins Uni ersit! School o" #$%lic Health, &alti'ore, M( )Johns Hopkins Uni ersit! School o" Medicine, &alti'ore, M( *Children's Merc! Hospital, +ansas Cit!, MO

,o characteri-e the distri%$tion o" %lood press$re .&#/, pre alence and risk "actors "or h!pertension in pediatric chronic kidne! disease .C+(/, 0e cond$cted a cross1sectional anal!sis o" %aseline &#'s in )32 children .'ean age 11!2 345 'ale2 'ean glo'er$lar "iltration rate 678R9)) 'l:'in:1;<3'2/ enrolled in the Chronic +idne! (isease in Children cohort st$d!; &#'s 0ere o%tained $sing an aneroid sph!g'o'ano'eter; 78R 0as 'eas$red %! iohe=ol disappearance; >le ated &# 0as de"ined as &#?4th percentile "or age, gender and height; H!pertension 0as de"ined as &#?*th percentile or as sel"1reported h!pertension pl$s c$rrent treat'ent 0ith antih!pertensi e 'edications; 8or s!stolic &#, 1)5 0ere h!pertensi e and 115 0ere pre1h!pertensi e .&# ?41?* th percentile/23@5 o" s$%Aects 0ith ele ated S&# 0ere taking antih!pertensi e 'edications; 8or diastolic &#,1)5 0ere h!pertensi e, and ?5 0ere pre1h!pertensi e2 *35 o" s$%Aects 0ith ele ated (&# 0eretaking antih!pertensi e 'edications; *)5 o" s$%Aects had either s!stolic or diastolic &#?*thpercentile or a histor! o" h!pertension pl$s c$rrent antih!pertensi e $se; Characteristics associated 0ith ele ated &# incl$ded %lack race, shorter d$ration o" C+(, a%senceo" antih!pertensi e 'edication $se, and ele ated ser$' potassi$'; A'ong s$%Aects recei ingantih!pertensi e treat'ent, $ncontrolled &# 0as associated 0ith 'ale se=, shorter C+( d$rationand a%sence o" AC> inhi%itor or AR& $se; 3<5 o" children 0ith C+( had either ele ated s!stolic or diastolic &#, and 3?5 o" these 0ere notrecei ing antih!pertensi es, indicating that h!pertension in pediatric C+( 'a! %e "reB$entl! $nder1 or e en $n1treated; ,reat'ent 0ith AC> inhi%itors or AR&'s 'a! i'pro e &# control in these patients;

Keywords kidne! disease2 children2 adolescents2 h!pertension2 %lood press$re2 AC> inhi%itors

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