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ETC News and Upcoming Events We're excited to share the following news and events happening (so

far) in Febr ar!"

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#$ccelerate%altimore &ic&s off it's 'rd !ear( Chec& o t o r press release on this !ear's winners #TE)x %altimore $dvent res is ta&ing place at ETC *aven Camp s Febr ar! +th from ,# -pm .n this $dvent re/ to r the Emerging Technolog! Centers' awesome new facilit! in *ighlandtown/ then hear abo t the 0ent re For $merica (0F$) program from %ob Embr! and fo r 0F$ Fellows1 To learn more abo t 0ent re for $merica chec& o t their website1 2egister here #0oice of 3mall % siness 4) Febr ar! 56th .n Febr ar! 56/ 7856 the U131 3mall % siness $dministration/ .ffice of $dvocac! is visiting 4ar!land to learn abo t !o r experiences as a small b siness/ entreprene r and innovator1 .n this da! the! will as& the small b siness to share their %ig 9deas : %arriers : %est ;ractices as relates to their <o rne! to become s ccessf l entreprene r and innovators1 For more information and to register clic& here b! Feb =th #Technical1l! %altimore is hosting Net>Wor& Febr ar! 78th at ETC *aven Camp s There is still room to grow !o r team or attend as a <ob see&er at this tech foc sed <ob fair1 2egister here for both #%eehive" %altimore's Co#wor&ing 3pace Need a new place to wor&? Chec& o t o r %eehive( contact @ac&ie for a to r and info on membership

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We hope to see !o soon( @acA eline $lbright Comm nit! B ;rogram 4anager : Emerging Technolog! Centers 585 N1 *aven 3t1 %altimore 4)/ 75776 : ,'5175-16C'8

@an ar! '5st @ xtopiaE $ppren Conference in %a

@an ar! 7Cth $ccelerate%altim

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