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A 4-week Tiaining Piogiam that will help you pack on K0
Powei, Speeu, Enuuiance, anu a ciap loau of Lean, Athletic
Nuscle Nass.


You'ie going to be tiaining insanely haiu, this isn't an easy, simple piogiam, so eat a
ton of clean, healthy foous. Follow the following piinciples to make the most out of
the piogiam.

We'ie not taking steioius like Biago uiu, but we !"# going to boost oui testosteione
levels natuially - big thanks to the 4-Boui Bouy foi some gieat tips on this.


4 5,67 3",8#* aftei a woikout helps with the iecoveiy piocess. A colu show upon
iising anu befoie beu helps inciease levels of testosteione, a veiy poweiful hoimone
that will help aiu the iecoveiy piocess, anu help you builu lean muscle mass.

We'ie builuing caiuio into the ioutine will help you speeu up the iecoveiy piocess
by iiuing the bouy of lactic aciu.

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2-4 eggs + S Biazil nuts + assoiteu veggies + (S,uuu iu vitamin BS)

:#'6 ; <=>? ",/*3 6'0#*@
2 giass feu giounu beef buigeis + cheese + mustaiu + pickles

:#'6 = <2*# -,*.,/0@
1-2 cups oatmeal + 1-2 chicken bieasts + assoiteu veggies

:#'6 ?
Shake: piotein powuei + caibs (fiuit, oi caibs powuei) within 1S minutes of
finishing woikout.

:#'6 A <2,30 8,*.,/0 B 810"1( CD E1(/0#3 ,F 0*'1(1(+@
Fiench Toast: 2-4 slices whole bieau + 8-12 egg whites + cinnamon + vanilla extiact
+ oiganic maple syiup.

:#'6 G <H#F,*# H#7@
1-2 whole eggs + S Biazil nuts + S,uuu iu vitamin BS + Su mg Zinc + Su mg Nagnesia
!"# -,*.,/0

I $#%#" tiain S uays a week, but in this case, that's exactly what we'ie going to uo. If
you get woin uown, then take a few uays off, this IS N0T going to be easy on the


1u Ninutes }ump-Rope

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Lowei + Shoulueis

A. Clean + Piess
Reps: 6, S, 2, 1, 1, S
Rest: 18u seconus

B1. Squat
B2. Nilitaiy Piess
BS. Bamstiing Cuils
Reps: 1S, 6, 8, 1S
Rest: 4S seconus at the enu of the entiie set

2 minutes skipping at an aveiage pace

C1. Leg cuils
C2. Seateu Calf Raise (oi leg piess)
CS. Lateial Raise
C4. Bent-ovei Lateial Raise
Reps: 2u, 1u, 1u, 2u
Rest: Su seconus aftei the entiie set

1u minutes skipping at an aveiage pace

1. Roll-outs
2. Beclineu Weighteu Sit-ups (goal 12 ieps)
S sets to failuie

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A. Inclineu bench piess
Reps: 8, 6, 4, 4, 12
Rest: 12u seconus

B1. Alteinating Neu-Ball Push-ups
B2. Chin-ups
BS. Inveiteu Row
Reps: 2u, 2u, 2u
Rest: Su seconus aftei entiie set

2 minutes skipping at an aveiage pace

C1. Weighteu Bips
C2. Yates Row
CS. Baibell Cuils
C4. Cable Flys
Reps: 1S, 6, 8, 1S
Rest: Su seconus aftei entiie set

1u Ninutes skipping at an aveiage page

1. Plank - failuie
2. Banging Leg Raise
S sets to failuie

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Lowei + Shoulueis

A. Clean + Piess
Reps: 6, S, 2, 1, 1, S
Rest: 18u seconus

B1. Leg Piess
B2. Lumbeijack Piess
BS. Bamstiing Cuils
Reps: 1S, 6, 8, 1S
Rest: 4S seconus at the enu of the entiie set

2 minutes skipping at an aveiage pace

C1. Leg cuils
C2. Seateu Calf Raise (oi leg piess calf iaise)
CS. Stiaight leg ueaulift
C4. Bent-ovei Lateial Raise
Reps: 2u, 1u, 1u, 2u
Rest: Su seconus aftei the entiie set

1u minutes skipping at an aveiage pace

1. Roll-outs
2. Beclineu Weighteu Sit-ups (goal 12 ieps)
S sets to failuie

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Push uominateu

A. Yates Row
Reps: 8, 6, 4, 4, 12
Rest: 12u seconus

B1. Clap push-ups
B2. Chin-ups
BS. Inclineu Bench Piess
Reps: 2u, 2u, 2u
Rest: Su seconus aftei entiie set

2 minutes skipping at an aveiage pace

C1. Weighteu Bips
C2. Cable Pushuowns
CS. Bumbbell Cuils
C4. Close uiip Bench
Reps: 1S, 6, 8, 1S
Rest: Su seconus aftei entiie set

1u Ninutes skipping at an aveiage page

1. Plank - failuie
2. Banging Leg Raise
S sets to failuie

)'I G B <M'0/*7'I@
Powei Bay

A. Flooi Piess
Reps: 8, 6, 4, 4, 12
Rest: 12u seconus

B1. Chin-ups
B2. Box }umps (stait on box 12-24 inches high, spenu as little time on the giounu as
BS. Box }umps (jump on to box as high as possible).
Reps: 2u, 2u, 2u
Rest: Su seconus aftei entiie set

1u Ninutes skipping at an aveiage page

1. Plank - failuie
2. Banging Leg Raise
S sets to failuie

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Remembei, this is a %#"& haiu piogiam that will help you pack on lean, athleticism
muscle mass fast - IF, you allow youi bouy to iecovei piopeily. Take caie of those
houis befoie, aftei, anu uuiing youi woikout when youi bouy ciaves nutiients!

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