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A grievance means any discontentment or dissatisfaction in an employee arising out of anything related to the enterprise where he is working. A grievance represents a situation in which an employee feels that something unfavourable to him has happened or is going to happen. It may not be expressed and even may not be valid.

Causes of Grievance

Grievance resulting from working conditions Improper matching of the worker with the job. Changes in schedules or procedures Non availability of proper tools machines e!uipment "ight production standards #ad physical conditions of workplace $ailure to maintain proper discipline %oor relationship with the supervisor Grievance resulting from management policy &ages payment and job rates 'eave (vertime )eniority "ransfer %romotion demotion and discharges 'ack of career planning and employee development plan *ostility towards a labour union.

Causes of Grievance
Grievance resulting form alleged violation of "he collective bargaining agreement Central or state laws %ast practice Company rules +anagement,s responsibility Grievance resulting from personal maladjustment (ver-ambition .xcessive self esteem Impractical attitude to life

Form of Grievances
Factual Disguised Imaginary

Identifying Grievance

Exit Interview Opinion Survey Gripe oxes Open Door !olicy

Grievance /edressal +achinery

Stage"I # An aggrieved worker shall approach the foreman and informs his grievance verbally and seeks the redressal of his grievance if the worker is not satisfied with the response of foreman he can move to supervisor who has to give answer within 01 hours. If decision is not acceptable to the worker the worker can go to next step. Stage"II # If the worker is not satisfied with the decision he shall in person or by his departmental representative approach the head of department who has to give an answer before the expiry of three days. Stage"III # If the department heads fails to do so or if decision given him is not acceptable then the worker may re!uest the forwarding of his grievance to the grievance committee which comprises of the representatives of the employers and employees. "his committee make its recommendations to the management within 2 days of the worker,s re!uest. "he final decision of the management shall be communicated to the worker with in the stipulated 34 days5 by the personnel officer. Stage"I$ # A revision of his grievance can be done if the decision is not satisfactory. "he management shall communicate its decision within a week. Stage"$ # In case a decision has not been arrived at this stage the union and management may refer the grievance to voluntary arbitration within a week of receipt of the management decision by the worker.

Essentials of a Grievance !rocedure

Conformity wit% existing legislation Clarity. !romptness &raining Follow up

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