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Reading Assignment Topics

Instructions: Write a page (minimum) in response to each of the following topics. Be as
detailed and as thoughtful as you can. This is not a research exercise. The aim is to encourage
close reading and specific thinking about the texts as part of your preparation before coming to
class. You must be clear and coherent, but thought, attention to detail, and willingness to play
with reasonable possibilities of meaning will count more than either “expression” or
“correctness.” Handwritten responses are acceptable. Late responses will not be counted.

1. In “A Model of Christian Charity” John Winthrop describes what might be called the
ideal Puritan Christian community. What are the key features or characteristics of this
community—both explicit and implicit? I.e., what kind of community is it (Open?
Closed? Egalitarian? Hierarchical? Fixed? Fluid? Etc.)

BONUS: (not required)

2. In “Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House,” is Bradstreet fully
consoled over the loss of her house, or are there traces of conflict?
3. In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” what strategies does Edwards employ to
move or affect his listeners, and in terms of the processes of conversion, what is the
sermon supposed to achieve? Consider his audience in thinking about this.

Due: Wednesday, September 30

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