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Date: Listening skills The spectacular frog Q1 State true or false:

Name: grade:

1. Isaac, the frog could swim well. 2. He had two older brothers. 3. His best friend was a bird. 4. He was sad because he could not swim across the river. 5. He asked Bernie the owl for help. Q2 Fill in the blanks: he got from the owl. were working.

1. He made wings with the ____________ 2. He could not believe that his ______

3. He flew past two ________ fishing in a ________ . 4. The boy was so surprised to see a flying frog that he fell in the _______________. 5. All the other frogs made a circle so that Isaac could make a safe _____________.

Q3 Choose the correct word or phrase: 1. The _______ were surprised to see a frog flying. Owls Ducks Eagles 2. His brothers were eating__________ Snacks Fruit Insects 3 Isaac was awarded a ------- by the other frogs. Trophy Ribbon Cup

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