Affidavit Complaint-Bohol Practice Court

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Republic of the Philippines ) City of Tagum ) s.s.

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x AFFIDAVIT I, ANATOLIO BOHOL, of legal age, Filipino, single, and a resident of Tagum City, Da ao del !orte, Philippines, after ha ing been duly s"orn to in accordance "ith la", hereby depose and state, THAT# $. %n &eptember '(, ')$$ at around *#() p.m., + arri ed in the house of MILITON LAGUILLES, located at %sme,a &t., Tagum City together "ith my employer, CRISTILYN LAGUILLES'. &ince "hen "e arri ed, MILITON LAGUILLES, "as in his sari-sari store "hich "as located in front of his house, CRISTILYN LAGUILLES sat in the bench "hich "as placed in front of the store and + did the same(. .t around /#)) p.m., "hile "e "ere tal0ing about the sudden rise of tuba price due to the price of gasoline, a neighbor "ho "as later on identified as ROMEO CAHINDO arri ed and bought a tuba1. 2pon seeing that ROMEO CAHINDO "as already ery dran0 and

0no"ing that ROMEO CAHINDO is a troublema0er "hen dran0, MILITON LAGUILLES "ho had 0no"n ROMEO CAHINDO for a ery long time as neighbor, refused to gi e him tuba3. ROMEO CAHINDO persisted but MILITON LAGUILLES calmly refused and instead "ent out from the store and proceeded to the yard, "hich "as illuminated by the lights coming both from the store and the house and 4ust a meter a"ay from the bench "here + "as sitting, to pee-

*. ROMEO CAHIDO follo"ed MILITON LAGUILLES and challenged him to fight but MILITON LAGUILLES did not mind him "ith a statement, I will not fight you, dont do it-

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/. 5hile MILITON LAGUILLES "as already urinating, ROMEO CAHINDO approached him from behind and deli ered a hac0ing blo"s using a scythe held by his right hand, hitting the right shoulder and the top of the head of MILITON LAGUILLES and the latter immediately fell do"n to the ground and ROMEO CAHINDO immediately ran a"ay6. Though CRISTILYN LAGUILLES and + "ere shoc0ed by "hat "e had seen, CRISTILYN LAGUILLES "as able to shout for help and after regaining my composure, + rushed and ran to fetch the husband of my employer "ho "as 4ust near the City 7all of Tagum8. 5ithin fe" minutes, "e came bac0 and "e brought MILITON LAGUILLES to 9ishop Regan :emorial 7ospital but he "as declared dead on arri al due to the "ounds inflicted by ROMEO CAHINDO. $). + am executing this .ffida it to attest to the truth of the

foregoing fact and to support the criminal complaint lodged by CRISTILYN LAGUILLES against ROMEO CAHINDO for the crime of murder defined under .rt. '16 of the Re ised Penal Code.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, + ha e hereunto affixed my signature this ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; at ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; at ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Philippines. I HEREBY CERTIFY that + ha e personally examined the affiant and that + am fully satisfied that she oluntarily executed and understood the same.

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