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The cash balance level of the company when compared to current liabilities is to minimum and the management may

improve the cash balance to an optimum level to meet the contingencies.

INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE STUDY Finance may be defined as that administrative area or set of administrative functions in an organization which relate with the arrangement of cash and credit so that the organization may have the means to carry out its objective as satisfactorily as possible.

The main activities to the successful administration of finance in any organization comprise financial planning, raising the needed funds, financial analysis and control. Analysis of financial statement in a business deserves much attention in carrying out finance function. It helps to regains prospective analysis of operative period for the purpose of evaluating the wisdom and efficiency of financial planning. Analysis of what has happened should be of great value in improving the standards, techniques and procedures of financial control involved in carrying out finance function.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial management is broadly concerned with the procurement and effective utilization of funds by a business firm. Financial management emerged as a distinct field of study at the turn of this century. Its evolution may be divided into two broad phases.

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