Money Honey Final

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Why numbers are more attractive than Letters ?

Hey, IT IS OF Course Numbers! Numbers is MONEY , HONEY!!!!!!!!!! see, I remember every time I collect or give my money I see the number printe on it !s" #$$$, %$$ or #$$ printe on corners o& the rupee note 'n I on(t re' )h't is )ritten using letters!!!! O& course, NO* you h've gotten the point + I )oul li,e to s'y"

Money is nothing but energy 'n everyone loves it 'n lives )ith it 'n o& course every one -O.ES it i& you love MONEY hey you shoul love love numbers 'n e&initely numbers )il be 'ttr'ctive to you/ See, in the price t'g I )rite 0001+ even th't one !upee less th'n #$$$ 'ttr'cts you! 23Y # ''n 4ET 5 / in this )hich 'ttr'cte you e&initely 5 'n # th'n letters/ HEY , 'nother re'son *hy it 'ttr'cts I s'y""" it enotes )h't I o *6NT, letter m'y escribe it but it is not giving my min )h't it nee s 7ICT3!E / o you ,no) th't it e'sy &or your min to eci&er #$$$ th'n one Thous'n YES ! IT gives me )h't I *6NT!

HEY it gives me more import'ntly th't I c'n T!6C8 my money 6CCO3NTIN4 'ccounting use N3M2E!S 'n )ithout it YESS""" I c'nt even thin, o& 'n 'ccounting )orl )ith out N3M2E!S 999 Hey %$$ number e:ceee I thin, I meet you ne:t" HEY, 2E ' m'n o& N3M2E!S 'n you )ill succee in your li&e, OF Course"

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