Finished An Approach To Designing Seven Segment Static Displ

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Ezekwe Chinwe Genevra, 2Okwu Patrick Ikechukwu,2 Mbonu ekene Samuel,4 U e !naemeka Go will,
1, 2, 3 & 4

Electronics Development Institute, Awka National agency for cience an! Engineering Infrastructure "NA ENI# $e!eral ministry of cience an! %ec&nology, Nigeria norakin"chi#$ahoo%com, okwu&i#"mail%com mbo'eke'(am#$ahoo%com, 4"o willnnaemeka#"mail%com, ABSTRACT A seven-segment dis !"#$ %& seven-segment IINTROD;CTION indi'"t%&$ is " (%&m %(e't&%ni' dis !"# devi'e (%& dis !"#ing de'im"! "! )"*ets-n+me&"!s t)"t is "n "!te&n"tive t% t)e m%&e '%m !e, d%t-m"t&i, dis !"#s- N%&m"!!# seven segment dis !"# !ette& (&%m "-g t)en n+m*e&s (&%m .-/ 0+ite +n!i1e ninesegment$ (%+&teen-segment "nd si,teen-segmentD+e t% t)ese !imit"ti%ns$ m%st dis !"# &%2e'ts g% (%& d%t m"t&i, dis !"# even 3it) t)e "dv"nt"ges %( s)"& dis !"# "nd "v"i!"*i!it# %( seven segmentsT)is " e& &esents v"&i%+s 3"#s %( '%m*ining ie'e-3ise '%ntin+%+s "!g%&it)m '%ded mi'&%'%nt&%!!e& t3% seven segment dis !"# t% "')ieve %t)e& !ette&s (&%m )-4 +sing vi" "n "ssem*!# A seven segment !isplay, as its name in!icates, is compose! of seven elements' In!ivi!ually on or off, t&ey can (e com(ine! to pro!uce simplifie! representations of t&e Englis& an! Ara(ic numerals )4*' +ften t&e seven segments are arrange! in an o(li,ue "slante!# arrangement, w&ic& ai!s rea!a(ility' In most applications, t&e seven segments are of nearly uniform s&ape an! si-e "usually elongate! &e.agons, t&oug& trape-oi!s an! rectangles can also (e use!#, t&oug& in t&e case of a!!ing mac&ines, t&e vertical segments are longer an! more o!!ly s&ape! at t&e en!s in an effort to furt&er en&ance rea!a(ility' In some / segment 0EDs, an a!!itional segment is use! to !enote a !ecimal point an! is referre! to as D1' In some 0EDs an e.tra triangle is also inclu!e! to turn t&is !ecimal point in to a comma, w&ic& improves t&e rea!a(ility of larger num(ers)2*' %&is allows for one !igit to (e place! upsi!e !own along wit& anot&er !igit, suc& t&at t&e two !ecimal points appear like a colon (etween t&e !igits'

5AT6/C789- T)e " e& "!s% &esents "n "')ieved )#si'"! &%2e't 3it) seven- segment (%& ("'+!t# %( s'ien'e in t)e (%&m :FAC;LTY OF SCIENCE<We 3&%te '%des in "ssem*!# !"ng+"ge vi" n%te "d$ 3)i') m+st *e s"ved "s -"sm (i!e- T)e s"ved (i!e 3"s *+i!t 3it) "n "ssem*!e& 5MIDI - 789 3)i') gene&"ted t)&ee (i!es= )e, (i!e$ %*2 (i!e "nd !ist (i!eT)e )e, (i!e 3"s +sed (%& t)e sim+!"ti%n %( t)e design in P&%te+s >-> VSM &%(essi%n"! "nd *+&ning %( t)e mi'&%'%nt&%!!e& (%& '%nst&+'ti%nT)e &es+!ts 3e&e %ve&3)e!ming "s t)e ie'e-3ise '%ntin+%+s "!g%&it)m 3"s im !emented$ '&e"ting &%%ms (%& m"ni +!"ti%n %( >-segments t% (%&m nine ? segment$ 8@-segments "nd si,teen-segment dis !"#s[Key words: seven segment, piece wise continuous algorithm, microcontroller]

Fig 8-Seven-segment dis !"#-A@B

$ig 1'1A

manipulating two seven5segments to get an accurate !isplay of t&e alp&a(et we want to !isplay' econ!ly, N+m*e& . 8 E F @ 7 G > 6 / A On +ff On On +ff On +ff On On On B On On On On On +ff +ff On On On C On On +ff On On On On On On +ff D On +ff On On +ff On On +ff On +ff E On +ff On +ff +ff +ff On +ff On On ( On +ff +ff +ff On On On +ff On On g +ff +ff On On On On On +ff On On we wrote co!es in assem(ly language via notepa!, w&ic& must (e save! as 'asm file' %&e save! file was (uilt wit& an assem(ler "9IDI 5 :1# w&ic& generate! t&ree files; &e. file, o(< file an! list file' %&e &e. file was use! for t&e simulation of t&e !esign in 1roteus /'/ = 9 professional an! (urning of t&e microcontroller for construction' %&ir!ly t&e

programme! microcontroller wit& ot&er components were use! to ac&ieve p&ysical !esign of t&e researc& w&ic& is functional' IV- RELATED LITERAT;RE even5segment !isplays are ma!e wit& 0ED>s' t&ey are arrange! in a pattern t&at represents t&e num(er ?@> "see figure 1 a(ove#' Num(ers like A5B can (e !isplaye! an! some of t&e alp&a(ets t&at can (e possi(le in seven5segment (y turning !ifferent 0ED>s on or off' %&e various segments may (e lig&t up to form t&e numeric !igits from A to B' Displays wit& more segments yiel! a muc& more realistic alp&a(et)@*' %&e seven segment !isplay !oes not allow true !escen!ers on letters suc& as Cg8, C<8, Cp8, C,8, an! Cy8' It also !oes not allow !iagonal strokes on letters' %&e (o.y nature of t&e seven5segment !isplay woul! also make letters suc& as C+8 an! CD8 an! t&e num(er CA8 in!istinguis&a(le' %&e voltage !rop across a 0ED segment is typically in t&e 2 volt range' %&e output from a !isplay !river is in t&e range of : volts' A 22A D to 33A D resistors is commonly place! in series to limit t&e current an! provi!e a voltage !rop in t&e 3 volt range' IV-8 Seven-segment de'%de&Dd&ive&C A8BSeven ? segment !eco!ers are use! to take a four5(it E2D input an! provi!e t&e outputs t&at will pass current t&roug& t&e appropriate segments to !isplay t&e !ecimal !igit' %&e 45(it will (e passe! to t&e circuit w&ic& will convert it into /5(it t&at will

T"*!e 8C Seven-segment t&+t) t"*!e In a!!ition to t&e ten numerals, seven segment !isplays can (e use! to s&ow letters of t&e 0atin)3*, 2yrillic an! 3reek alp&a(ets inclu!ing punctuation, (ut only few representations are unam(iguous an! intuitive at t&e same time4 uppercase ), *, C, E, +, G, ,, I, -, ., O, P, S, U, , an! lowercase a, b, c, , ", h, i, n, o, /, r, t, u' %&us, a! &oc an! corporate solutions !ominate t&e fiel! of alp&a(etic on seven5segment !isplays, w&ic& is usually not consi!ere! essential an! only use! for (asic notifications, suc& as internal test messages on e,uipment un!er !evelopment' II' STATEMENT OF PROBLEM

In Nigeria, Englis& language is t&e general language spoken an! un!erstoo! (y almost all an! t&ere are twenty5 si. letters of Englis& language' even segment !isplay (eing t&e most common !oes not !isplay all upper an! lower case alp&a(et' %&is &as move! most !isplay !esigners away from seven segment to !ot matri. !isplay even w&en it is t&e most efficient an! effective in luminosity' In or!er to solve t&is pro(lem an! increase t&e usa(ility of seven segment, we em(arke! into t&is researc& using $A260%7 +$ 2IEN2E8 as our case stu!y t&roug& piece5wise continuous algorit&m ' IIIO*2e'tive %( st+d# %&is researc& work is (ase! on t&e knowle!ge of seven5segment !isplay an! more specifically on t&e creation of piece5wise continuous algorit&m, (y

control t&e !isplay' o we &ave wire! t&e pins t&at control t&em to F:v or groun! w&ere appropriate' ince t&ere are seven5segments, one woul! assume t&at you woul! nee! seven outputs from t&e 1I2 to !isplay one !igit' Gere we are using a c&ip t&at will take four (it an! convert it to t&e /5(it output for t&e seven5segment !isplay' IV-E Seven segment '%nne'ti%ns %&ere are two important ways of seven5segment !isplay connection' 2ommon Ano!e Display "F# 2ommon 2at&o!e Display "5#

pin of a!!ress or !ata (us' Designs re,uiring a minimum of e.ternal memory or ot&er e.ternal component use t&is port for general purpose IJ+ ports' %&e fi.e! amount of on5c&ip I+9, IA9, an! num(er of IJ+ ports makes t&em i!eal for many applications in w&ic& cost an! space are critical' In many applications, t&e space it takes, t&e power it consumes, an! t&e price per unit are muc& more critical consi!erations t&an t&e computing power '

In common Ano!e !isplay, t&e ano!e of all t&e 0ED>s on t&e segment are collecte! an! <oine! toget&er an! t&e in!ivi!ual segments are illuminate! (y connecting to a 0ow voltage)/*' In a common cat&o!e !isplay, t&e cat&o!es of t&e 0ED>s are <oine! toget&er an! t&e in!ivi!ual segments are illuminate! (y connecting to Gig& voltage' /5segement 0ED is capa(le of !isplaying !ifferent !igits, accor!ing to w&ic& of t&e segments are turne! on or off' Gowever, it will (e clumsy an! inconvenient to &ave to (uil! t&e necessary logic gate structure to turn in!ivi!ual segment on or off to !isplay any !igit of your c&oice' $or t&e purpose of !eign, A%@B :2 &ave to (e selecte!' It is specially !esigne! to (e a(le to !rive t&e 0ED !isplay' +ne of t&e most important precautions to take in any /5segment construction is to ensure t&at t&e rig&t kin! of !isplay is use! (efore starting t&e assem(ling)H*' IV-F Mi'&%'%nt&%!!e& t&e @A:1 is a family of microcontroller "Ics# !evelope!, manufacture!, an! markete! (y IN%E0 co5operation' +t&er "ics# manufacturers suc& as A%9E0, 1GI01 , A9D, 9A%IA, an! EI9EN are license! secon!source of t&e !evice):*' As evi!ence, t&e @A:1 microcontroller 4A5pins "I2# functions as IJ+ port line' Gowever, 24 of t&ese lines are !ual purpose' Eac& can operate as a controller or Fig- F t)e &%g&"mme& VMet)%d%!%g# Ke wrote co!es in %&e met&o!ology use! in t&is pro<ect is Iapi! Application Development' Assem(le language wit& notepa!, save t&e file as 'asm file e.tension' %&e 'asm file was opene! in 95 IDE stu!io for 92 5 :1 w&ere it was (uil! an! compile!' After t&e compilation, t&ree files were generate!; 'list file, '&e. file, 'o(< file' Ke use! only t&e '&e. file to (urn in t&e compile! assem(ly language into t&e A%@A2:1 wit& a programmer' Kit& t&e '&e. file also we !esign a simulate! mo!el of t&e Fig- E- T)e mi'&%'%nt&%!!e&A7B %&e @A:1 (ecame wi!ely popular after allowing ot&er manufactures to make an! market any flavor of t&e @A:1, (ut remaining co!e5compati(le' IV-@ T)e mi'&%'%nt&%!!e& P&%g&"mme& A programmer is an electronic !evice use! to (urn programming language "especially Assem(ly language an! 2 language# after compilation into a microcontroller mostly use! (y !igital !esigners' %&ese programmers come in !ifferent si-es an! s&apes, from !ifferent companies'

system proteus = 9 professional version /'/ as s&own in fig' 4 a, (, c, !, e, f, g, as Eoolean varia(les +n L1 +ff LA I$ Ca8 is on !isplay C18
0 1 0 @ 0 B 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 : 0 H 0 /

Else !isplay CA8 %o !isplay ?$> A, E, 2, D, E, $, 3, K&en AL1 ELA 2LA DLA EL1 $L1


3L1 ?$>L 1AAA111

0 1A

01 1

01 2

01 3

01 4

01 :

%o !isplay ?A> K&en AL1 EL1 2L1 DLA

01 H

Fig- @ sim+!"ted design %( t)e s#stem in s)eet 8 "nd s)eet $rom t&e simulate! !esign t&e construction of t&e p&ysical system starte! w&ic& is ma!e up of many electronic an! electrical components' %&is system make use! of piece5wise continuous algorit&m in w&ic& two seven5segments are manipulate! to form 145segments w&ic& can !isplay e.tra c&aracters in 6ppercase' %&e piece5 wise continuous algorit&m is fully !emonstrate! (elow; A03+II%G9 %+ DI 10A7 CFAC;LTY OF SCIENCE8 using seven5segment !isplay

EL1 $L1 3L1 ?A>L 111A111 %o !isplay ?2> K&en AL1 ELA 2LA DL1 EL1 $L1 3LA ?2>L 1AA111A

a f e g ! ( c $ E

A E 3 D

%o !isplay ?6>

2 4

K&en ALA EL1

2L1 DL1 EL1 $L1 3LA ?6>L A11111A %o !isplay ?0> K&en ALA ELA 2LA DL1 EL1 $L1 3LA ?0>L AAA111A %o !isplay ?%> "t&is is w&ere piece5wise continuous algorit&m is applie! to ac&ieve C%8 in upper case#' $or egment "1# K&en AL1, AL1 EL1 ELA 2L1 2LA DLA DLA ELA EL1 $LA $L1 3LA 3LA egment 1 F segment 2 L $ L 111AAAA1AAA11A $or egment "2# w&en

ELA $L1 3L1 ?7>L A11AA11 %o !isplay ?+> K&en AL1 EL1 2L1 DL1 EL1 $L1 3LA ?+>L 111111A %o !isplay ? > K&en AL1 ELA 2L1 DL1 ELA $L1 3L1 ? >L 1A11A11 %o !isplay ?I> K&en ALA ELA 2LA DLA EL1 $L1 3LA ?I>L AAAA11A %o !isplay ?N>

%o !isplay ?7> K&en ALA EL1 2L1 DLA

K&en AL1 EL1 2L1 DLA EL1

$L1 3LA ?N>L 111A11A

imulation of t&e !isplay system in proteus = 9 professional /'/

%o !isplay ?E> K&en AL1 ELA 2LA DL1 EL1 $L1 3L1 ?E>L 1AA1111 Display C$A260%7 +$ 2IEN2E8 VI- DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION As menti%ned "*%ve all t&e electrical an! electronic components were connecte! an! sol!ere! toget&er (y us, several testing an! corrections were !one on t&e system to (ring out a functional system' %&e overall !esign flow was summari-e! in fig' :'to power on t&is !isplay system , an alternating current "A2# of 22Av enters t&e transformer from t&e step5!own point, t&e step5!own re!uces t&e current from 22Av to 1@ to 12v nee!e! to !isplay eac& segment after passing t&roug& resistors of "1AAw 5/Ao&ms# an! capacitors w&ic& &elps to control t&e flow of &ig& voltage from t&e segments in or!er not to cause !amage to t&e 0EDs insi!e t&e segment, an! also stores electrical c&arges respectively' %o !isplay any particular segment of eac& !igit, t&e controlling integrate! circuit will turn on t&e cat&o!e !river for t&e selecte! !igit an! t&e ano!e !river for t&e selecte! !igit too; wit& t&e &elp of t&e clock cycle on t&e circuit, it pro!uces a s&ort (linking interval w&ic& will &elp a new segment to lig&t' VI8 Det"i!ed im !ement"ti%n !"ns Fig- design (!%3 Ste E B+&ning %( t)e '%m i!ed '%des int% mi'&%'%nt&%!!e& AT6/C78 3it) " 3en%n &%g&"mme&Ste F

2ircuit !iagram ystem !esign =ero5 (oar! egments ol!ering Iesistors ol!ering %ransistor ol!ering 1ower !io!e ol!ering 2onnecting ca(les %esting 1ackaging top

%&ese are t&e various steps for t&e implantation of t&is seven5segment !isplay system' tep 1

C%nst&+'ti%n %( t)e '%nt&%! +nit 3it) t)e mi'&%'%nt&%!!e& 3it) %t)e& '%m %nents-


RES;LT &ow

%&is main aim of t&is researc& is to s&ow

seven5segment can (e manipulate! to !isplay all letters (ot& upper an! lower case' %&is was ac&ieve! an! it was very interesting t&roug& t&e use of piece5 wise continuous algorit&m t&ere(y creating room for manipulation of /5segments to form 145segments, B5 Fig- G ste F di"g&"m Ste @ C%nst&+'ti%n %( dis !"# +nit 3it) t)e ie'e 3ise '%ntin+%+s "!g%&it)msegment an! 1H5 segment' As researc&ers, we (elieve t&at t&ere is always a room for more improvement on t&is researc& work' %&is pro<ect can (e wi!ely use! in many sector of our economy like in (anks, sc&ools, offices, c&urc&es an! traffic control' %&erefore, if more improvements are ma!e on t&is researc&, it can &ave wi!er application areas, VIIIFig- > t)e ie'e 3ise '%ntin+%+s "!g%&it)m )1* Io(ert, +ptimi-ing t&e -ilog M@ $ort& 9icrocontroller for Iapi! 1rototyping, p354, 1BBH )2* N' Ional!, "9onroe community college# an! neals, ' "pur!ue 6niversity#' Digital B, 2A11, systems, principle an! applications "@ t& e!ition# ' Ietrieve! on August Fig- 6 t)e dis !"# +nit Ste 7 T)e '%m*in"ti%n %( t)e '%nt&%! +nit "nd t)e dis !"# +nit t% "')ieve " (+n'ti%n"! s#stem)3* 0' Guelsman,' Easic circuit %&eory wit& Digital 2omputations' applications on in eries in computer engineering' 2A11, from electrical B, from segmentO!isplay , 1BB@ &ttp4JJen'wikipe!ia'orgJwikiJ even5 REFERENCES

Englewoo! cliffs4 prentice PGall' Ietrieve! eptem(er &ttp4JJwikipe!ia'orgJwikiJseven5 segment!isplaycategories, 1B/A Fig- / ste 7 di"g&"m Ste G P"'1"ging %( t)e 3%&1ing s#stem)4 * even5 egment Displays4&ttp4JJwww'electronics5 pro<ect5!esign'comJsevensegment!isplays'&tml ):* 9acDonal!, ) Surve$ o0 1i"ital Pro"rammin" S$(tem(, 1rocee!ings of t&e Australasian 2onference on Digital ystem an! Display, Eris(ane, Australia, 2AA3

)H* 9antega--a,' Ieal %ime Application Interface "I%AI# in low cost &ig& performance motion control, 9otion 2ontrol 2AA3, a conference Na-ionale "National of ANI10A, per Associa-ione l>Automa-ione for Italiana Italian


Automation#, 9ilano, Italy' Ietrieve! on 9arc& 2/, 2A1A, 2AA3 Q' )/* Iic&ar!, Alp&a Arc&itecture, Digital %ec&nology <ournal, Digital e,uipment corporation' 4 "4# pp' ::5:@,1BB3' )@* Eom,' 5I' A& 5 RDistur(ance +(server Ease! ensorR 5 proc' of t&e IEEE

$orce 2ontrol of Io(ot 9anipulator wit&out $orce International conference on Io(otics & Automation P 0euven, Eelgium P 9ay 1BB@' Ietrieve! on Nuly 22, 2A11, 1BB@

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