Documentary Booklet 1

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Factual Programme production booklet

Name: Harry Cowley and Andrew Raynes Title of Production: A Serious Documentary

Section one: enre

enre !Please tick your c"osen genre# News $ocumentary %&S

Section Two: $e'elopment of ideas

Programme concept Target audience $e'elopment tec"ni(ues E.g.; Creation of narrative, scenario, synopsis, research process, interview questions

a. What is the concept of your programme !utline of production and is it set to "nform, educate, entertain, persuade or stir emotion T"e concept of our documentary is to inform) entertain and to stir emotion* +nform , -ur documentary will be focused on a mentally scrambled person called Paddy Ross* +t will inform 'iewers of "is condition and w"at "e "as to go t"roug" on an e'eryday basis* +t will also s"ow inter'iews wit" Paddy.s mot"er) s"owing "er t"oug"ts on "er son* &ntertain , -ur documentary will actually be in t"e form of a mockumentary and will e/aggerate and twist typical documentary con'entions* T"e main focus of t"e documentary is also outlandis" and) "opefully) will entertain t"e audience* Stir &motion , -ur documentary will "opefully stir some emotion wit"in t"e audience as t"e story s"own will be ripped wit" "ards"ip and sorrow* #. Who is your target audience and why T"e target audience for our documentary will be people t"at do not "a'e mentally disabled people in t"eir li'es* T"e target audience will also be from 01 , 21 as t"e "umour used will be aimed at t"at age range*

c. Show development of ideas $please use e%tra pages for this if required & see over' Ideas:

Develop ideas

C"aracter name3 Ryan4Paddy45eit"46ane4 3 7ot"er t"rew "im out !literally# from young age and "e was banis"ed to t"e woods* 3 Awful recreations 3 Calm 8'oice of od9 talking t"roug"out 3 7ot"er does not really care about "im 3 +nter'iew family and friends !actors# 3 $octor wearing lab coat e/plaining t"e facts 3 Symptoms 3 Complete loss of brain function 3 :ltra sad music !piano# 3 +nability to make friends so e'en tries to make friends wit" ob;ects and bugs but kills t"em 3 Has spent "is entire life li'ing in t"e wood foraging berries and pop tarts Research: <ist of web pages and screen shots you "a'e looked at) names of t"ose spoken to and list of books read* !&/tra pages will be re(uired "ere#
Primary sources= &*g*= contacts) inter'iews Secondary sources= &*g*= broadcasts) re'iews) internet) arc"i'es= c"ecking information*




"ttp:44en*wiki(uote*org4wiki4$a'id>Attenboroug" <ist of +nter'iew (uestions for eac" inter'iewee !use e/tra s"eets if re(uired# 6ecause our documentary is completely made up) all of t"e c"aracters inter'iewed are fictional* Name: ?oelle Cowley @"y being inter'iewed: S"e will be playing t"e mot"er of Paddy Auestions: 0# @"en was t"e last time t"at you saw PaddyB 2# @"at w"ere your feelings on t"at day t"at Paddy was banis"edB C# How do you feel about "is current lifestyleB

Name: Andrew Raynes @"y being inter'iewed: Andy will be acting as a professional ad'isor on t"e condition of Paddy Ross* +nter'iew Script: A SERIOUS DOCUMENTARY by Andy Raynes and Harry Cowley EXT. FIELD DAY V.O.G Morning music starts Establishing shot of sun Establishing shot of woods Paddy runs out of the woods and rolls down the hill T !s" !s #addy Ross. Paddy tries to get up D$e %o a b!r% de&e'%( #addy was born w!% d!sab!l!%!es. T !s !s !s s%ory. )en%al

Paddy plays with the sticks in the woods AND climbs a tree L!*!n+ w!% % !s 'ond!%!on asn,% been an easy %as- &or #addy. H!s &a% er 'o$ldn,% a''e.% !s 'ond!%!on so e 'o))!%%ed s$!'!de. #addy,s )o% er % en ban!s ed !) !n%o % e woods( w ere e now &ora+es &or &ood s$' as berr!es and .o. %ar%s. Paddy runs and falls over S!).le day/%o/day a'%!*!%!es 'an .ro*e d!&&!'$l%. Paddy rolls down a big hill #addy,s 'ond!%!on !s so se*ere0 !s bra!n o''as!onally %$rns o&& and res%ar%s !%sel& l!-e a ' ea. Dell 'o).$%er. L!&e wo$ld be eas!er &or all o& $s !& e was 1$s% dead. Paddy gets electrocuted on a fence

#addy s.ends !s days wander!n+ % e w!lderness( loo-!n+ &or '!*!l!sa%!on( a new .la'e %o 'all o)e. Paddy looks at the ladybirds (without narrating) Paddy finds the camera and knocks it over #addy as s.en% so )$' %!)e !n % e w!ld l!*!n+ w!% an!)als % a% e as learn% %o a'% l!-e % e)( !n order %o +e% s el%er and &ree &ood. Paddy hides behind a tree with pop tarts AND person walking by 2 en !n !))!nen% dan+er &ro) o% er .reda%ors( #addy as learned %o $se % e woods aro$nd !) as 'a)o$&la+e. Paddy runs across the field (longshot) 2ar)/bloodedness !s one o& % e -ey &a'%ors % a% a*e enabled )a))als %o 'on3$er % e Ear% ( and %o de*elo. % e )os% 'o).le4 bod!es !n % e an!)al -!n+do). Paddy chases after cameraman in woods How !s #addy s%!ll al!*e5 No one -nows0 no one 'ares. I,) e*en s%ar%!n+ %o wonder w y % !s s%$.!d do'$)en%ary !s e*en be!n+ )ade. INT. SCIENCE LA6 DAY INTERVIEWER So( w a% !s % e 'ond!%!on o& #addy Ross e4a'%ly5 DOCTOR #addy,s 'ond!%!on !s s$' a new and re'en% . eno)enon w !' !s de*elo.!n+ so ra.!dly( % a% we a*e no%( as o& ye%( 'o)e $. w!% a s$!%able na)e &or !%. Howe*er( I 'an des'r!be %o yo$ w a% !% !s. T !s !s a MRI S'an o& a nor)al $)an bra!n / as yo$ 'an see( % ere are )!ll!ons o& ne$ral 'onne'%!ons a'ross !%. Doctor shows a picture of the M ! scan" 6$%" % !s !s w a% #addy,s bra!n loo-s l!-e. Doctor shows a picture of the scrambled eggs and croissant"

I+nore % e 'ro!ssan%. A'%$ally( !% )!+ % 1$s% be a +row% de&e'% on % e ba'- o& #addy,s s.!ne( b$%( I 3$!%e &ran-ly don,% really 'are %o be ones%7 #mall nervous laugh" INTERVIEWER 6$% !sn,% % a%,s 1$s% a .la%e o& s'ra)bled e++s5 DOCTOR E4a'%ly7 And( now % a% yo$ )en%!on !%0 !%,s also )y brea-&as%. Adds salt and pepper and then s$uirts a load of ketchup on the plate" %hen shovels a spoonful into his mouth" EXT. FIELD DAY Paddy discovers pop tart bo&' it(s empty so he collapses (No )*+) Paddy plants a bit of' what seems to be a pop tarts bo&' into the soil and pours water over it AND runs off Us!n+ !s b$r+eon!n+ !n%ell!+en'e( % !s )os% s$''ess&$l o& all )a))als as e4.lo!%ed % e en*!ron)en% %o .rod$'e &ood &or an e*er/!n'reas!n+ .o.$la%!on. , week later' Paddy returns to burial site of pop tarts and gets the new' fully grown pop tart bo&" (No )*+) Paddy is shown protect the pop tarts bo& from the rain AND sleeps with his arms around the bo& #addy de*elo.s e4%re)ely s%ran+e and &!er'e a%%a' )en%s %o any% !n+ e a''!den%ally 'rea%es. T ese rela%!ons !.s are &!lled w!% lo*e and ro)an'e. INT. SCIENCE LA6 DAY DOCTOR R!+ %( now % a% I,*e &!n!s ed )y brea-&as%0 w ere were we5 -ell rings in background O 7 T a%,s l$n' %!)e7 I % !n- I,ll a*e so$. %oday.

Doctor starts to walk off

INTERVIEWER 2a!%7 DOCTOR 2 a%,s wron+5 Doctor smiles INTERVIEWER 2e,re no% done ye%. DOCTOR O ( well( 1$s% ed!% !n so)e s'!en'y s%$&&7 INTERVIEWER 6$%7 Doctor sighs DOCTOR F!ne % en" 2 a% else abo$% #addy do yo$ wan% %o -now abo$%5 INTERVIEWER 2ell( do yo$ -now !& % ere !s any sor% o& '$re %o #addy,s !llness5 DOCTOR U+ ( well( so &ar we a*e no% been able %o 'rea%e a '$re. 6$% 'o)e on( we a*en,% e*en +o% a da)n na)e &or % e % !n+( le% alone a '$re7 2 a% -!nda 3$es%!on was % a%5 INTERVIEWER I,) sorry7 DOCTOR Yo$ s o$ld be" ARE 2E DONE5 8$s% lea*e INTERVIEW WITH MUM Paddy realises his pop tarts are missing and has a breakdown" !) be"

Section T"ree: <egal considerations

Filming in public Are you filming in pu#lic What precautions will you need to ta)e Will you need to as) permission, inform police We will be filming in a public place, therefore we will need to make sure that, while filming, no one enters the scene who is not supposed to be there. We will need to make sure that the actors are safe and that we have the proper permission We will not have to inform the police as we will not be running around waving guns and scaring the general public.

(egal and ethical considerations

Clearances and permissions Do you need to get permission to film anywhere or interview anyone $under *+'

Currently it is unlikely that we will need permission as everything will be filmed in public places and all of the people being interviewed in our documentary are above 1 years of age !urthermore we will not be using any third party property as most segments will be filmed on either college grounds or at students houses

Pri'acy Are you secretly filming on location Does the person #eing interviewed )now what it is for <ibel and defamation What will you do to prevent #eing ta)en to court

We will not be secretly filming on location. "s our documentary is a spoof, all of the interviews will be scripted and arranged prior to the interview. #herefore we will not be breaking any privacy laws as all of the interviewees are actors. $nfortunately, our spoof documentary is likely to offend a minority of people. #his is because our documentary focuses on intellectual disability. In order to avoid being taken to court and to minimise this offence, we will include a number of disclaimers at the beginning of the program stating that the people in the documentary are %ust actors, that it does not represent anyone and that it is only a fiction.

Section Four: Planning 7ake sure t"e following are added to t"is production booklet
Production organisation 4 $iary -eep a diary of filming dates and locations and who should #e there Roles and responsibilities (ist of roles if in a group &'( Sc"edules &'( +nter'iew and contacts appointments .ame of interviewees and times / location of meetings &'( <ocation recces (ocation shooting and live #roadcasts only &'( $ocumentation &'( <inks to o'erlays 4 inserts if used and times wit"in t"ose productions &'( &'(

Section Fi'e: Proposal , Create a proposal and include details on t"e following* Address t"e proposal to Dibe Productions and attac"ed to booklet*
&'( ,roposal Sub;ect area


&'( Format &'( enre &'( Style &'( Audience &'( +ntended aim

)roup *ember +arry Cowley

"ndy Raynes

Roles and Responsibilities Camera3man Actor $irector Producer +nter'iewer Cook !7aking t"e Scrambled &ggs# &(uipment and Props Pro'ider Camera3man Actor $irector Producer +nter'iewer &ditor

Location Recce Henley-On-Thames River Dangers: -Bad weather that can damage equipment -Possi ility o! !alling into the river -"ind as we do not have a wind shield and can distort audio -am ient noises such as other occupants passing y or oats that can inter!ere with the audio -#annot modi!y lighting -Potentially !looded

Henley #ollege #ampus Dangers: -Possi ility o! students passing y$ causing am ient sounds to inter!ere with the interview dialogue -#onstruction wor%s -"ind as we do not have a wind shield and can distort audio -Bad weather that can damage equipment -#annot modi!y lighting

"e will not e using any inserts as we are planning to use all o! our own !ootage !or this pro&ect'

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