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Barriers / Roadblocks in Communication

Physical Barriers
Noise Invisibility Environmental and Physical discomfort Distraction and ill health Insufficiently insulated rooms Poor lighting conditions

Psychological Barriers
Prejudice Know it all Pre occupation Ego Fatigue Anxiety Background Rigidity Disinterest Unfulfilled curiosity Previous learning Knowledge Cultural Disparities Preconceived notions Hierarchy

Semantic Barriers
Use of unsuitable words Improper sentence formation Ambiguous sentences Imprecise sentences Lack of comprehension Unaware of polysemic feature of language

Organizational Barriers
Processing of information from several people Delay in receipt of information Distortion of message on account of multiple sources

Interpersonal Barriers
Emotional feelings Unshared perceptions, views, ideas, values and opinions Attitude of sender receiver Timing Listening ability Partial, Lack of attention Noise, distraction and disturbance

Seven common Roadblocks

Difference in perspective Knowledge levels Lack of common language Adoption of stereo types Strong emotions Self centredness Laziness

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