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Kravis On Broadway Na onal Theatre Puppetry Workshop

Friday, February 14 at 4:15 pm

Three puppeteers from the Broadway Na onal Tour of War Horse will give par cipants hands-on experience and understanding of how to create characters through the use of puppetry techniques employed in the produc on of War Horse. Using the process actors underwent in the rehearsal room, par cipants learn the movement, breath and s ills required when opera ng puppets in the theatre!

This "#$$ wor shop is for high school and college students! %pace is limited and you must register in advance! To register, email lbell& ravis!org!
Please include your name, phone, email, school and grade.

"or ques ons, call '()-(')-*+,(.

Made Possible with Support from The Chastain Charitable Founda on February 12 1!, 2"14 at the #ra$is Center - heart-warming tale of loyalty and friendship, and the winner of .ve /0)) Tony -wards1, WAR HORSE is a show of phenomenal inven veness that is currently playing to pac ed houses around the world! -t its heart are astonishing life-si2ed puppets that bring to life breathing, galloping, charging horses strong enough for men to ride! "or more informa on or to purchase c ets go to ravis!org3warhorse or call the box o4ce at '()-5+/-,*(6! Kravis On roadway Sponsored by %im and %udy &arpel 'd$an(e )tudent*+du(ator ,ush Ti(kets '$ailable 7ednesday and Thursday, "ebruary )/ 8 )+ 9erformances :nly! %elect %ea ng; 9rice <evels + 8 * =isit the >ravis ?enter Box :4ce at ,0) : eechobee Boulevard, 7est 9alm Beach or call at '()-5+/-,*(6! @ust present valid picture A!B! at me of pic up of c ets!
!isclaimer" #his o$er cannot be combined with other o$ers or discounts. %imited availability.

Student and &ducator 'ush #ic(et Program Sponsored by )u-anne ./ ,eis 'rts +du(a on Fund

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