SSAB Conference - Financial Abuse (14th March 2014)

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Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board Conference

Financial Abuse
14th March 2014

Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board have organised a multi-agency conference which aims to raise awareness of the extent and prevalence of financial abuse and its impact on adults at risk in our community. The aim of this conference is to raise awareness of the role of key agencies in the prevention of financial abuse and the need for effective multi-agency working across local services.

Speakers will include:

Gary Fitzgerald CEO - Action on Elder Abuse Sally Bourner Solihull Police Commander - West Midlands Police Paul Southall Solicitor - Carver and Company Representatives from Banks & Building Societies

A scenario will be performed by our local acting group Advo-acts.

Workshops available will include:

The safeguarding clauses of the Care & Support Bill Tackling Financial Abuse locally A guide to appointeeship Mental Capacity issues

We welcome Managers and Senior staff who can cascade the key learning from this conference within their own agencies. Please complete the booking form attached to make your nominations and places will be confirmed by email nearer the date. Please complete the booking form (attached to this flyer). For any further information please contact: Tel: 0121 788 4387 Email: Web:

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