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UNIT 4. The Human Body The Excretory Sy tem

Year 2013/2014

The body produces waste substances. The process of removing them is called excret!on. The "!dney and the ur!nary tract make up the excretory y tem. It consists of 2

ureter ,a #$adder and a urethra. How does the excretory system work? lood carries waste products !sugars,salts"etc#, as well as nutrients, to the kidneys

along the rena$ arter!e . The kidneys filter the blood and take out the waste products. The cleaned blood returns to the circulatory system along the rena$ %e!n . The waste products mix with water and form ur!ne in the kidneys. The urine travels down the ureter into the #$adder, where it$s stored. %hen the bladder is full, the muscles contract and push urine into the urethra and out of the body.

S"!n Excret!on In the inner layer of skin, &eat '$and produce the li&uid sweat, which is mainly water. These glands are connected to tiny openings in the skin called (ore . The sweat glands filter the blood and remove waste salts. The waste salts are mixed with water




UNIT 4. The Human Body

Year 2013/2014

and excreted through the pores in the skin. 's the sweat evaporates on the skin, the

body temperature decreases.



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