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Skeletons and muscles - Quiz

1. Which part of your skeleton protects your brain? Your skull Your ribs Your pelvis 2. Which part of your skeleton protects your heart and lungs? Ribs Backbone Skull 3. As you grow, your skeleton ... grows stays the same size gets smaller 4. Which of these animals has its skeleton on the outside of its body? An ant A horse A fish 5. How does your arm bend up and down? One muscle pulls your arm up and another muscle pulls your arm down One muscle pulls your arm up and the same muscle pushes your arm down again The bones inside your arm move on their own 6. Muscles always work in pairs. When one contracts, the other ... contracts expands relaxes 7.

Which of these things is NOT true about your skeleton? It supports and protects your body It makes you grow It helps you move 8. Why do you think some animals, like crabs and insects, shed their outer skeletons? Because they get too hot Because their skeletons get too loose Because their skeletons don't grow

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