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MECH 3420 Vibrations and Acoustics COURSE OUTLINE a!! 20"3
Course Objectives

T#$ ob%$cti&$s o' t#is cours$ ar$ to introduc$ t#$ 'unda($nta!s o' ($c#anica! &ibrations and d$&$!o) stud$nts* abi!it+ to a))!+ t#$ 'unda($nta!s o' &ibrations to so!&$ )rob!$(s in ($c#anica! and ci&i! $n,in$$rin,Contact Hours 3 !$ctur$ #ours )$r .$$/0 3 tutoria! #ours )$r .$$/0 4 cr$dit #ours Prerequisites 1rad$ o' C or b$tt$r in MATH 3"320 MECH 3422 3or MECH 2"20 4 MECH 34205 Course Content T#$ 'o!!, to)ics .i!! b$ co&$r$d6 "- r$$ and 'orc$d &ibration o' sin,!$7d$,r$$7o'7'r$$do( s+st$(s8 stabi!it+8 &ibration ($asurin, instru($nts d$si,n2- Transi$nt &ibration 'ro( non7#ar(onic $9citation3- r$$ and 'orc$d &ibration o' (u!ti)!$7d$,r$$7o'7'r$$do( s+st$(s8 Moda! ana!+sis4- En$r,+ ($t#ods:- unda($nta! o' acousticsWeb Page A!! not$s0 assi,n($nts0 so!utions ar$ in ;UM<Textbook Rao0 S- S-0 M$c#anica! Vibrations0 :t# Ed-0 <$arson Education0 Inc-0 2004Evaluation T#$ 'ina! cours$ ,rad$ is d$t$r(in$d b+ t#$ stud$nt*s )$r'or(anc$ on t#$ 'o!!,6 Component Assi,n($nts 2 T$r( T$sts ina! E9a(ination Voluntary Wit !ra"al Date No&$(b$r "30 20"3 Value "0= 4:= 4:= Details

MECH 3420 Vibrations and Acoustics

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#nstructor <ro'- Abra#a( >- ?an, Roo( E"7442 EITC T$!$)#on$6 32045 4@47A443 E7(ai!6,Du(anitoba-ca $ectures Tu$sda+s and T#ursda+s0 "0600a( ""6":a( Roo(6 E27"A: Tutorial Tu$sda+s0 2630)( :6":)( Roo(6 E27"A: $aboratory NEA O%%ice Hours Tu$sda+s and T#ursda+s F620a( F6:0a( Roo( E"7442 Teac ing &ssistants 'equirements('egulations Att$ndanc$ at !$ctur$s and tutoria!s is $ss$ntia! 'or succ$ss'u! co()!$tion o' t#is cours$- Stud$nts (ust satis'+ $ac# $&a!uation co()on$nt in t#$ cours$ to r$c$i&$ a 'ina! ,rad$ It is t#$ r$s)onsibi!it+ o' $ac# stud$nt to contact t#$ instructor in a timely manner i' #$ or s#$ is unc$rtain about #is or #$r standin, in t#$ cours$ and about #is or #$r )ot$ntia! 'or r$c$i&in, a 'ai!in, ,rad$- Stud$nts s#ou!d a!so 'a(i!iariG$ t#$(s$!&$s .it# S$ctions 4 and A o' t#$ R$,u!ations d$a!in, .it# inco()!$t$ t$r( .or/0 d$'$rr$d $9a(inations0 att$ndanc$ and .it#dra.a! No )ro,ra((ab!$ d$&ic$s or s+st$(s0 suc# as ca!cu!ators0 <HAs0 i<ods0 i<ads0 c$!! )#on$s0 .ir$!$ss co((unication or data stora,$ d$&ic$s0 ar$ a!!o.$d in t$r( t$stE$9a(inations un!$ss a))ro&$d b+ t#$ cours$ instructor&ca!emic #ntegrity Stud$nts ar$ $9)$ct$d to conduct t#$(s$!&$s in accordanc$ .it# t#$ #i,#$st $t#ica! standards o' t#$ <ro'$ssion o' En,in$$rin, and d$(onstrat$ acad$(ic int$,rit+ in a!! t#$ir )ursuits and acti&iti$s at t#$ uni&$rsit+- As suc#0 in accordanc$ .it# t#$ 1$n$ra! Acad$(ic R$,u!ations and R$Buir$($nts o' t#$ Uni&$rsit+ o' Manitoba0 S$ction @-"0 stud$nts ar$ r$(ind$d t#at )!a,iaris( or an+ ot#$r 'or( o' c#$atin, in $9a(inations0 assi,n($nts0 !aborator+ r$)orts or t$r( t$sts is sub%$ct to s$rious acad$(ic )$na!t+ 3$-,sus)$nsion or $9)u!sion 'ro( t#$ 'acu!t+ or uni&$rsit+5- A stud$nt 'ound ,ui!t+ o' contributin, to c#$atin, in $9a(inations or t$r( assi,n($nts is a!so sub%$ct to s$rious acad$(ic )$na!t+-

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$earning Outcomes "234:Und$rstand t#$ (od$!in, o' )ractica! &ibratin, and acoustica! )rob!$(sA))!+ ($c#anica! &ibration and acoustica! conc$)ts to si()!$ )ractica! )rob!$(sUnd$rstand trans(ission and r$duction o' &ibration and d$'ici$nci$s o' &ibration iso!atorsA))!+ $n$r,+ conc$)ts in so!&in, &ibration )rob!$(sA))!+ ana!+tica! ($t#ods to d$t$r(in$ (oda! c#aract$ristics and s+st$( r$s)ons$Expected Competency Level ** $earning Outcome " 2 3 4 : A &* 2 3 2 2 2 &+ 3 3 3 3 3 &, &3 2 3 &. 3 3 3 3
))Competency Levels4 * 7 Ino.!$d,$ 3Ab!$ to r$ca!! in'or(ation5 + 7 Co()r$#$nsion 3Ab!$ to r$)#ras$ in'or(ation5 , 7 A))!ication 3Ab!$ to a))!+ /no.!$d,$ in a n$. situation5 - 7 Ana!+sis 3Ab!$ to br$a/ )rob!$( into its co()on$nts and $stab!is# r$!ations#i)s5 . 7 S+nt#$sis 3Ab!$ to co(bin$ s$)arat$ $!$($nts into .#o!$5 / 7 E&a!uation 3Ab!$ to %ud,$ o' t#$ .ort# o' so($t#in,5

&ttribute) &/ &0





&*+ 3 3

)Attributes4 &* A /no.!$d,$ bas$ 'or $n,in$$rin, &+ <rob!$( ana!+sis &, In&$sti,ation &- H$si,n &. Us$ o' $n,in$$rin, too!s &/ Indi&idua! and t$a( .or/ &0 Co((unication s/i!!s &1 <ro'$ssiona!is( &2 I()act o' $n,in$$rin, on soci$t+E $n&iron($nt &*3 Et#ics and $Buit+ &** Econo(ics and )ro%$ct (ana,$($nt &*+ Li'$7!on, !$arnin,

5tu!ent Contact Time 6Hrs7 $ectures4 $aboratories4 Tutorials4 Evaluation Component Assi,n($nts 2 T$r( T$sts ina! E9a(ination

3 #rs !$ctur$E.$$/ J "3 .$$/sEt$r( K 3F #rs CCC #rs !aborator+ J CCC .$$/s K CCC #rs C3CC #r tutoria! J C"2CC .$$/s K CC3AC #rs Value 687 "0 4: 4: 9et o!s o% :ee!back ) S S S $earning Outcomes Evaluate! "7: "7: "7:

M$t#ods o' $$dbac/6 : 7 formative 3.ritt$n co(($nts andEor ora! discussion5; 5 7 summative 3nu(b$r ,rad$s5

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W at is expecte! o% me< "- It is b$tt$r to b$ )ro()t and #a&$ ,ood att$ndanc$ sinc$ t#$ !$ctur$ in c!ass is i()ortant- C!ass not$ on!+ )ro&id$s ,$n$ra! in'or(ation co&$r$d in t#$ c!ass0 not a!! t#$ d$tai!s2- Ho($.or/ is du$ on$ .$$/ a't$r it is assi,n$d3- <ass t.o t$r( and 'ina! $9a(sPlease note t at A!! $9a(s .i!! b$ c!os$d boo/- On!+ a doub!$7sid$d 32-:9""in5 #and7.ritt$n 'or(u!a s#$$t .i!! b$ a!!o.$d in $9a(sNo (a/$7u) $9a(s .i!! b$ ,i&$n un!$ss docu($nt$d $9cus$s ar$ sub(itt$d and a))ro&$d b+ t#$ instructorLat$ sub(ission 'or #o($.or/ .i!! not b$ acc$)t$d un!$ss docu($nt$d $9cus$s ar$ sub(itt$d- A!! sub(issions (ust b$ in #ard co)+-

&ssignments4 Reading4 Lou ar$ su,,$st$d to r$ad t#$ assi,n$d to)ics b$'or$ t#$ c!ass in .#ic# t#$+ .i!! b$ discuss$dT#is .i!! (a/$ t#$ !$ctur$ (or$ und$rstandab!$ and .i!! $nab!$ +ou to b$ )r$)ar$d to as/ Bu$stionsWritten4 Ho($.or/ )rob!$(s 'ro( t#$ t$9tboo/ .i!! b$ assi,n$d-

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