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Brooklyn Ascend Middle School

February 3, 2014 Dear Brooklyn Ascend Middle School Families, We are jus one shor !eek a!ay "rom he #ery "irs adminis ra ion o" our ma h $e! %ork S a e mock e&am a School Ascend 'har er School( )his e&am is mean o mirror he ac ual s a e e&am as much as *ossible( We !ill be sharin+ hese resul s !i h "amilies once all +radin+ is com*le e( Mock e&am resul s are no coun ed o!ards scholars, +rades( )hey are mean o +i#e scholars he bene"i o" e&*eriencin+ he es be"ore he ac ual es ( - has been "ound ha his is reassurin+ o s uden s( )hey are also mean o hel* us +uide our ins ruc ion( We are able o be er de ermine !ha our scholars kno! and !ha hey need o kno!( - am !ri in+ o you !i h a "e! im*or an reminders as !e a**roach hese da es. )he ma h mock e&am !ill be +i#en o#er 3 days, February 11/13( - is essen ial ha your child a ends school on hese days and arri#es on ime( - is im*or an ha e#ery child has he bene"i o" e&*eriencin+ !ha es in+ day !ill look like and "eel like( )he s a e e&ams are in A*ril( 0lease be sure your child +e s more han enou+h res durin+ his ime( - is a +ood idea o ha#e scholars in bed no la er han 1*m o be sure hey +e *len y o" slee*( 0resen a *osi i#e a i ude o!ard he es s( 2e your child kno! ha you ha#e con"idence in his or her abili ies( 3&*lain ha some o" he es 4ues ions may be di""icul and ha i does no ma er i" o her scholars "inish earlier( 2e your child kno! ha i is okay o *roceed a his or her o!n *ace( - is no a race5 )he eachers !ill be +i#in+ he scholars *len y o" !arnin+ ime i" i seems hey are no +oin+ o be "inishin+ on ime( 6emind scholars ha hey !ill be able o learn e#en more be !een he ime o" he mock e&am and he ac ual e&am5 3ncoura+e +ood !ork habi s( 3&*lain he im*or ance o" care"ully "ollo!in+ direc ions, a#oidin+ careless errors, and checkin+ !ork o make sure i ,s done correc ly( Do no crea e addi ional !ork "or your child( We ha#e been *re*arin+ "or his es all year( 7a#e your child com*le e his or her re+ular res*onsibili ies, bu do no do any addi ional !ork !i h hem beyond he home!ork *acke and he inde*enden readin+( 0lease reach ou o your child,s eacher or o me !i h any 4ues ions you may ha#e re+ardin+ he es ( We !ill share he resul s !i h you as soon as !e ha#e hem( Sincerely,
123 3 18 h S , Brooklyn, $% 11212


Brooklyn Ascend Middle School

2incoln 'am*bell Dean o" -ns ruc ion

123 3 18 h S , Brooklyn, $% 11212


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