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Spanish translation by / Traduccin al espaol por Guadalupe Vanessa Turcios

Illustrations by / Ilustraciones de Felipe Ugalde Alcntara

By / Por Vctor Villaseor

Piata Books Arte Pblico Press Houston, Texas

Publication of Mother Fox and Mr. Coyote is made possible through support from the Clayton Fund and the City of Houston through The Cultural Arts Council of Houston, Harris County. We are grateful for their support. Esta edicin de Mam Zorra y Don Coyote ha sido subvencionada por el Fondo Clayton y por medio del Concilio de Artes Culturales de Houston . Les agradecemos su apoyo. Piata Books are full of surprises! Los libros piata estn llenos de sorpresas! Piata Books An Imprint of Arte Pblico Press University of Houston 452 Cullen Performance Hall Houston, Texas 77204-2004 Villaseor, Vctor. Mother Fox and Mr. Coyote / by Vctor Villaseor; illustrated by Felipe Ugalde Alcntara; Spanish translation by Guadalupe Vanessa Turcios = Mam Zorra y Don Coyote / por Vctor Villaseor ; ilustraciones por Felipe Ugalde Alcntara ; traduccin al espaol por Guadalupe Vanessa Turcios. p. cm. Summary: Mam Zorra distracts a hungry coyote from eating her and her three cubs by persuading him that the moons reflection in a pond is actually a giant wheel of cheese. ISBN 978-1-55885-428-2 (alk. paper) [1. FoxesFolklore. 2. CoyoteFolklore. 3. MoonFolklore. 4. Folklore Mexico. 5. Spanish language materialsBilingual.] I. Title: Mam Zorra y Don Coyote. II. Ugalde Alcntara, Felipe, ill. III. Turcios, Guadalupe Vanessa. IV. Title. PZ74.1.V54 2004 398.2097204529775dc22 [E] 2004044592 CIP The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984. Text Copyright 2004 by Vctor Villaseor Illustrations Copyright 2004 by Felipe Ugalde Alcntara Printed in Hong Kong

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In loving memory of my mother and father, Lupe and Sal Villaseor VV To Alejandra and her friend the moon FUA

En memoria de mi mam y mi pap, Lupe y Sal Villaseor VV Para Alejandra y su amiga la luna FUA

Have you ever looked up at the full moon and seen the face of a little fox smiling down at us? Try it. It is easy. Just look up at it when it is full and round on a dark night. You will know why this miracle of creation occurred. You see, once a mother fox and her three baby foxes lived under a tree stump way up a long valley. Her babies were so tiny that they could fit in a human hand. The roots of the tree stump hid their home from the world. Mother Fox loved to bring her little cubs out into the sunlight to sunbathe on top of the rocks above the tree stump.

Alguna vez has mirado la luna llena y visto la cara de una zorrita que nos sonre? Prubalo. Es fcil, slo mira hacia arriba cuando est llena y redonda en una noche oscura. Vers por qu ocurri este milagro de la creacin. Sabes, haba una mam zorra que viva con sus tres zorritos debajo del tronco de un rbol en lo alto de un largo valle. Sus bebs eran tan pequeos que caban en la palma de una mano humana. Las races del tronco ocultaban su hogar del mundo. A Mam Zorra le encantaba sacar a sus cachorritos para que pudieran tomar el sol encima de las rocas que cubran el tronco.

But Mother Fox always had to stay alert and be very careful. An old coyote, who lived further up the hill, was lonely, mean, and always hungry. He was bigger than Mother Fox. She knew that he would devour her and her babies, if he could. Mother Fox was a softhearted red fox. She could understand the coyotes loneliness and felt sorry for him. But she knew that she had to be very careful with him, or her children would be nothing but an appetizer for the coyote. And she would be his main course. After all, this was the way the world worked.

Pero Mam Zorra tena que estar alerta y tener mucho cuidado siempre. Un viejo coyote que viva ms arriba en la colina se senta slo, era malo y siempre tena hambre. Era ms grande que Mam Zorra. Ella saba que si l pudiera, la devorara a ella y a sus bebs. Mam Zorra era un zorro rojo de gran corazn. Comprenda la soledad del coyote y senta pena por l. Pero ella saba que deba tener mucho cuidado con l, o sus hijos se convertiran en un aperitivo para el coyote, y ella sera el plato principal. Despus de todo, as es el mundo.

One day, Mother Fox came in with a couple of field mice that she had caught. She presented them to her cubs for dinner. It was late in the afternoon. Her baby foxes ate the mice immediately, but they were still hungry. Mother Fox looked out and saw that Father Sun was still out, so she decided to take her three children on a hunt for more food. They were getting bigger, after all, and she thought it was a good idea to begin teaching them how to hunt for themselves. With Father Sun going down and Mother Moon coming up, the family went down the valley, past the fields, and up a small slope to the big water pond that farmers used for irrigating their fields. Mother Fox hoped to go around the ponds edge to show her kids how to hunt for frogs. Frogs were not dangerous, and the big bullfrogs were already making their big, throaty sounds, rrr-ouup, rrr-ouup.

Un da, Mam Zorra lleg con un par de ratones de campo que haba cazado. Se los dio a sus cachorros para la cena. Era pasada la tarde, as es que los zorritos se comieron los ratones inmediatamente, pero quedaron con hambre. Mam Zorra se asom y vio que Pap Sol an estaba fuera, por lo que decidi llevar a sus tres hijos a cazar ms comida. Despus de todo, los zorritos estaban creciendo, y pens que era una buena idea comenzar a ensearles cmo cazar por s mismos. Pap Sol iba bajando y Mam Luna iba subiendo cuando la familia baj del valle, pas los campos y subi una cuesta pequea para llegar a un estanque de agua que los granjeros usaban para irrigar sus campos. Mam Zorra quera rodear la orilla del estanque para ensearles a sus cachorros cmo cazar ranas. Las ranas no eran peligrosas, y las ranas grandes, que se llaman sapos, ya haban empezado a hacer fuertes ruidos, cro-a, cro-aaa.

The children had never heard frogs before, much less seen them. The baby foxes entered the grass that grew along the ponds edge, and jumped back in fear when they saw their first frog up close and it croaked, Rrr-ouup! Rrr-ouup! Mother Fox started laughing so hard that she rolled on the ground, holding her sides. Her three adorable babies leapt after the frogs. There were hundreds of frogs! Frogs were all over the place! But all the frogs, no matter how small or big, were too quick for the three little foxes. They just kept on getting away!

Los zorritos nunca antes haban odo una rana, mucho menos visto una. Entraron en el pasto que creca en la orilla del estanque, y saltaron aterrorizados cuando vieron su primera rana de cerca y sta cro, Cro-aaa! Cro-aaa! Mam Zorra comenz a rerse tan fuerte que rod en el suelo, agarrndose las costillas. Sus tres bebs adorables saltaron persiguiendo las ranas. Haba centenares de ranas! Las ranas estaban por todo el lugar! Pero todas las ranas, no importaba si eran grandes o pequeas, eran demasiado rpidas para los tres zorritos, y se escapaban de ellos.

Then Mother Foxs most adventurous cub came eye-to-eye with a great big bullfrog. The little fox leapt on the strong bullfrog, trying to hold it down with his tiny front paws. The frog let out such a mighty croak, RRR-OUUP, that the cub fell over backwards. Mother Fox continued to laugh. Now, her three determined children were going after the same big bullfrog. But no matter how hard they tried to catch it, it always got away. It was far too fast and strong. The bullfrog was now leaping over the three little foxes heads, toying with them. Finally, the frog leapt into the pond and swam away.

Uno de los zorritos ms aventureros se enfrent ojo a ojo con un gran sapo. El pequeo zorro salt encima del fuerte sapo, intentando sujetarlo con las patas delanteras, pero el sapo solt un croar tan poderoso, CRRRO-AAA, que el cachorro cay de espaldas. Mam Zorra sigui rindose. Sus tres hijos estaban resueltos a atrapar el gran sapo ahora. Pero no importaba cunto se esforzaran en atraparlo, siempre se les escapaba. Era demasiado rpido y fuerte. El gran sapo saltaba sobre sus cabezas, jugando con ellos. Finalmente, el sapo salt al lago y se fue nadando.

The tired cubs walked to their mother. They were exhausted from their first hunt, and their tiny pink tongues were hanging out of their mouths. Seeing that their mother was still rolling about in the grass laughing, the three little foxes jumped on her, laughing, too. Suddenly, the big coyote appeared right beside them. All the laugher stopped. Mother Fox quickly glanced about, but she saw that there was no escape. They were at the waters edge, where the grass was short. The coyote could easily catch all of them before they could get away.

Los cachorros cansados caminaron hacia su mam. Estaban agotados de su primera cacera, y sus lengitas rosadas les colgaban de las bocas. Al ver que su mam segua riendo, rodando en el pasto, los zorritos le saltaron encima y tambin se rieron. De repente, el coyote grande apareci a su lado. Par toda risa. Mam Zorra ech un vistazo rpido alrededor, pero no encontr un escape. Estaban en la orilla del estanque, donde el pasto estaba corto. El coyote fcilmente los poda atrapar antes de que pudieran huir.

Oh, no, Mr. Coyote, said Mother Fox, moving her children behind her. Please dont eat my kids and me! I know you caught us fair and square. I know its my fault for not paying attention. But we were having so much fun trying to catch these frogs. Yes, I thank you for your carelessness, said the big coyote, because now I have caught you, and Im going to eat you. He was so hungry that saliva was dripping from his mouth.

Ay no, Don Coyote, dijo Mam Zorra mientras esconda a sus hijos detrs de ella, por favor no nos coma a mis hijitos y a m! S que usted nos atrap justamente. S que es mi culpa por no poner atencin. Pero nos estbamos divirtiendo tanto tratando de atrapar a estas ranas. S, agradezco tu descuido, dijo el gran coyote, porque ahora te he atrapado y voy a comerte. El gran coyote tena tanta hambre que se le haca agua la boca.

Mr. Coyote, pleaded Mother Fox, please find it in your heart to let my children go. Just eat me. You see, this is their first hunt, and this isnt their fault. Look, said the coyote, I hear what you say, and if I had two good hips, I might consider your plea. But Im having a hard time feeding myself these days. So no, Ive got all of you now and Im going to eat you. If I just eat you and spare your children, they will die anyway. Besides, Im really hungry, and you all look so juicy and tender, he said, drooling more saliva off his long, red tongue and big, sharp teeth. Mother Fox knew that there was nothing she could say. He was right: this was the way of the world. She and her kids had been trying to eat the frogs, too.

Don Coyote, suplic Mam Zorra, podra abrir su corazn y dejar que mis hijos se fueran? Cmame slo a m. Usted ve, sta es su primera cacera y no tienen la culpa de esto. Mira, dijo el coyote, entiendo lo que me dices, y si tuviera las caderas buenas pensara en tu splica. Pero, ltimamente estoy batallando para alimentarme. Por lo tanto, no. Ahora los tengo a todos y me los voy a comer. Si slo te como a ti y no a tus nios, ellos morirn de todos modos. Adems, tengo mucha hambre, y todos ustedes se ven tan jugositos y sabrosos, dijo derramando ms saliva de su larga lengua roja y de sus dientes grandes y filosos. Al ver la gran hambre del coyote, Mam Zorra saba que no haba nada que pudiera decir. l tena razn, as funcionaba el mundo, y ella y sus hijitos haban estado tratando de comerse a las ranas, tambin..

Oh, how the crafty mother fox wished she could think of a way to escape. She just happened to glance up at the sky, and she saw the full moon in all her great glory coming up above the hill. Mother Moon was smiling down on her with such love and compassion that suddenly Mother Fox lost all the fear she had for the terrible coyote. Now, she was able to think straight. Look, Mr. Coyote, Mother Fox said, instead of eating me and my three little, skinny cubs, how would like to have a great big, freshly-made cheese, all for yourself? Mother Fox, like everyone else, knew how much coyotes love good cheese. But this coyote was old and smart, so it would be hard to trick him. Humans make cheese, said the coyote, so where am I going to find such a cheese without getting shot by farmers? Besides, I already have you, so why should I look further?

Oh, cmo deseaba la astuta mam zorra encontrar alguna manera de escapar. Apenas subi los ojos al cielo y vio la luna llena que en toda su majestuosidad se asomaba por la colina. Mam Luna le sonrea con tanto amor y compasin que Mam Zorra de repente dej de sentir todo el miedo que le tena al terrible coyote. Ahora comenz a pensar con claridad. Mire, Don Coyote, dijo Mam Zorra, en vez de comerme a m y mis tres pequeos y flacos cachorros, no le gustara mejor comerse un queso grande, recin hecho, todo para usted slo? Mam Zorra, como todo el mundo, saba que los coyotes adoraban un buen queso. Pero este coyote era viejo y listo, as que iba a ser difcil engaarlo. Los humanos hacen queso, dijo el coyote, en dnde voy a encontrar tal queso sin que los granjeros me disparen? Adems, ya los tengo a ustedes, para qu busco ms?

Because Im little, said Mother Fox, and my three babies are so skinny and tiny that youll still be hungry after you eat us. But if you eat a great, big, delicious, freshly-made cheese, you will not be hungry for weeks. Really? asked the coyote, his eyes opening wide with greed. Yes, really, said Mother Fox, winking at her children. Come, follow me. Ill show you the great cheese. My little kids and I were on our way to get the cheese ourselves. Oh, no, youre not going to fool me and get away from me! said the coyote. Look, Mr. Coyote, said the mother fox, I swear, if the big cheese isnt there, then Im yours. You can eat me first and then my children. Hearing their mothers words, the three little foxes shivered with fear until they saw her wink at them once more. Okay, said the coyote. Show me.

Porque soy pequea, dijo Mam Zorra, y mis tres bebs son tan flacos y chicos que usted quedar con hambre despus de que nos coma. Pero si se come un queso grande, delicioso, recin hecho, no tendr hambre por muchas semanas. En verdad? pregunt el coyote, sus ojos abrindose con avaricia. S, de verdad, dijo Mam Zorra guindoles el ojo a sus hijos. Venga, sgame. Le ensear el gran queso. Mis hijitos y yo bamos en camino a buscar el queso para nosotros. Ah no, t no me vas a engaar y escarparte de m! dijo el coyote. Mire, Don Coyote, dijo Mam Zorra, le prometo que si el gran queso no est all, soy suya. Me puede comer a m primero, y despus a mis hijos. Al escuchar las palabras de su madre, los tres zorritos temblaron de miedo hasta que vieron que ella les guiaba el ojo otra vez. Est bien, dijo el coyote. Mustramelo.

So they went to an out-cropping of boulders. From there, they could see the reflection of Mother Moon in the middle of the pond. There, said Mother Fox, see the great, big wheel of cheese in the water? Seeing the huge, round, yellow reflection of the moon in the water, the hungry coyote licked his chops, drooling even more saliva from his long red tongue. But how am I going to get it? he asked anxiously. The cheese is too deep in the water for me to reach it, said the coyote, putting his paw in the water and trying to stretch it out to touch the cheese. Oh, thats not too much water for a big and strong coyote like you, Mother Fox said. Just drink the water down low enough so you can reach in and get the cheese. Okay, I can do that. But dont move! the coyote ordered. The cheese is all mine!

Entonces caminaron hacia un lugar lleno de rocas grandes. Desde all vieron el reflejo de Mam Luna en el centro del lago. All, dijo Mam Zorra, ve la gran rueda de queso en el agua? Al ver el enorme, redondo, amarillo reflejo de la luna en el agua, el coyote hambriento se sabore, derramando an ms saliva de su larga lengua roja. Pero, cmo lo voy a alcanzar? pregunt con ansiedad. El queso est muy al fondo del agua para que lo alcance, dijo el coyote, mientras pona la pata en el agua e intentaba estirarla para tocar el queso. Oh, sa no es demasiada agua para un coyote grande y fuerte como usted, dijo Mam Zorra. Slo tiene que beber suficiente agua para bajarle el nivel y meter la pata para alcanzar el queso. Est bien, puedo hacer eso. Pero no te muevas! le orden el coyote. El queso es todo mo!

Of course, said Mother Fox, winking at her children. Its all yours, Mr. Coyote. Yes, its mine! All mine! You and your babies get none of it! The coyote, full of greed, lowered his head to the waters edge and began to drink and drink in great big gulps. He made huge, long sucking sounds as he took the water from the pond into his belly. Mother Fox and her cubs watched his belly get bigger and bigger, fuller and fuller. He was so hungry and full of greed, thinking that Mother Fox and her cubs might try to steal some of the cheese. Mother Fox and her children watched and watched as he kept drinking and drinking as fast as he could. They began to laugh when water began to pour out of the coyotes ears. Instantly, the big coyote turned and tried to catch them for laughing at him. But he was so full water, he could not move. He just fell to the ground.

Por supuesto, dijo Mam Zorra, guindoles un ojo a sus hijos, es todo suyo, Don Coyote. S, es mo! Todo mo! T y tus bebs no tendrn ni un pedazo! El coyote, lleno de avaricia, baj su cabeza a la orilla del agua y comenz a beber y a beber a tragos grandes. Haca sorbidos y sonidos largos al pasar el agua del lago a su barriga. Mam Zorra y sus cachorros miraban cmo su barriga creca y creca, llenndose ms y ms. Tena tanta hambre y estaba tan lleno de avaricia, pensando que Mam Zorra y sus cachorros intentaran robarle parte del queso. Mam Zorra y sus hijitos miraban y miraban y el coyote segua bebiendo y bebiendo tan rpido como poda. Comenzaron a rer cuando el agua empez a salir por las orejas del coyote. Inmediatamente, el gran coyote se dio vuelta e intent atraparlos por haberse redo de l. Pero estaba tan lleno de agua que no poda moverse. Slo se cay al suelo.

Quickly, Mother Fox and her three little cubs took off running for their home. They knew that they would never be able to fool the coyote again. They would have to be very, very careful in the future.

Rpidamente, Mam Zorra y sus cachorros salieron corriendo a su casa. Saban que nunca podran volver a engaar al coyote. Tendran que tener mucho, mucho cuidado en el futuro.

That is why, even to this day, coyotes can hardly ever catch a fox, and Mother Moon continues to watch over all mothers. Why? Because Mother Moon is our friend. She keeps watch over all young creatures having fun. She makes sure they are safe when their parents are busy laughing, playing, and having a good time with them.

Es por eso que hasta el da de hoy, los coyotes apenas pueden atrapar a un zorro, y Mam Luna contina protegiendo a todas las mams del mundo. Por qu? Porque Mam Luna es nuestra amiga. Protege a las pequeas criaturas que se divierten. Se asegura que estn a salvo cuando sus padres se encuentran ocupados rindose, jugando, y divirtindose con sus hijos.

Vctor Villaseor says that this was one of his favorite stories when he was growing up. It is a universal story told to children throughout Mexico and many tribes of the Americas. In raising children, he explains, there is always the risk of having so much fun with them that we forget to remain alert and responsible. Villaseor invites us to look at the full moon one dark night, so that we can see the face of Mother Fox on the lower left hand side. She is smiling, and her face gets higher and higher on the moon as night passes. Through her willingness to give her life for her three babies, Mother Fox got her face on the moon. Vctor Villaseor dice que sta era una de sus historias favoritas cuando estaba creciendo. Es una historia universal contada a travs de Mxico y por muchas tribus de las Amricas. Al criar a los nios, dice, siempre existe el riesgo de divertirse tanto con ellos que se nos olvida mantenernos alertas y responsables. Villaseor nos invita a mirar la luna llena en una noche oscura; en ella encontraremos la cara de Mam Zorra en el lado izquierdo ms bajo. Ella se sonre, al pasar la noche su cara se eleva ms y ms en la luna. Por su voluntad de dar su vida por las de sus tres bebs, la cara de Mam Zorra fue puesta en la luna. Felipe Ugalde Alcntara was born in Mexico City in 1962. He studied Graphic Communication at the National School of Art in Mexicos National University, where he later taught an illustration workshop. He has been an illustrator and designer for childrens books, textbooks, and educational games for fifteen years. He has taught illustration workshops for children and professionals, and has participated in several exhibitions in Mexico and abroad. Felipe Ugalde Alcntara naci en la ciudad de Mxico en 1962. Estudi Comunicacin Grfica en la Escuela Nacional de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Mxico, donde despus dict un taller de ilustracin. Ha trabajado como ilustrador y diseador de libros infantiles, libros de texto y juegos educacionales para casas editoriales en Mxico por quince aos. Ha enseado talleres de ilustracin para nios y profesionales, y ha participado en varias exposiciones en Mxico y en el extranjero.

Piata Books An Imprint of Arte Pblico Press University of Houston 452 Cullen Performance Hall Houston, Texas 77204-2004 Order by phone: 800-633-ARTE

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