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NAME axlDBCreateText - add text to the database FUNCTION axlDBCreateText( t_text l_anchorPoint r_textOrientation [t_layer] [o_attach] ) ==> l_result/nil

SYNOPSIS Creates a text string in the layout with the arguments as described below. NEEDS t_text - The text string. l_anchorPoint - The location of the text r_textOrientation - axlTextOrientation structure: defstruct axlTextOrientation r_textOrientation ;the orientation of text textBlock ;string - text block name rotation ;rotation in floatnum degrees mirrored ;t-->mirrored, nil --> not mir rored justify ;"left", "center", "right" Note: As with all SKILL defstructs, use constructor function: make_axlTextOrientation to create instances of axlTextOrientation. Use copy function: copy_axlTextOrientation to copy instances of axlTextOrientation. - Layer name. - axl DBID of an object that the text should be attached to. (nil for design). - nil if not created, or a list containing (car) list of axl DBIDs of the text (cadr) t if DRCs created or nil.

t_layer o_attach RETURNS l_result/nil: NOTE

if o_attach is a symbol instance, then the text is "stand alone", but a child of the symbol instance. If the t_text string contains NEWLINEs then multiple text records will be created (and multiple DBIDs returned). EXAMPLE The following example adds the text string "Chamfer both sides" center justified, mirrored and rotated 60 degrees. myorient = make_axlTextOrientation( ?textBlock "8", ?rotation 60., ?mirrored t, ?justify "center") axlDBCreateText( "Chamfer both sides", 7600:4600, myorient, "board geometry/plating_bar", nil) ==> (dbid:526743 nil)

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