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$$$ Reward $$$

Tip+ m/+t -e recei,e> -0


etro Crime &topper+=

ET%O C%" E &TOPPE%& YOU% $"%&T CA!!

Toll $ree1 1.233.7!OC4UP


Baltimore Police Department CC# 144A03947

IF YOUR TIP TO THE HOTLINE LEADS TO AN ARREST AND INDICTMENT IN THIS CASE, THEN YOU AY BE E!"#"B!E $O% A CA&H %E'A%D O$ UP TO ()*000 If you have information on the above crime/victim please call, text, or e-mail

etro Crime &topper+ Hotline A,aila-le )4.Ho/r+ a Da0 Toll $ree1 1.233.7 !OC4UP 51.233.763.)6277 or +/-mit -0 te8tin9 : C& pl/+ 0o/r me++a9e; to C%" E& 5)743377 or +/-mit -0 <e- at <<<=metrocrime+topper+=or9

Homicide Detectives need your help locating the individual s! responsi"le #or the murder o# Daniel $ennett% pictured a"ove!& On 'riday% (anuary )*% +*), Daniel $ennett was murdered in the -*** $loc. o# Mc Clean $lvd& anyone with in#ormation a"out this case is as.ed to contact the Metro Crime /toppers Hotline at )01220-03OC456
Created on *+7*87+*),

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