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Specific purpose : To inform my audience the tailgating among Malaysian driver Central idea : there are many implication

cause by tailgating such as emotion instability, slow reaction time and speeding. Introduction I. Tailgating is very common in Malaysia and most of them occur in a highway. II. Most Malaysia may experience this bad act on the road whether they being tailgated by someone or tailgating someone themselves. III. Tailgating is a very risky move made by the tailgater and it can cause several of problems. IV. There are many implication causes by tailgating itself. Transition : let explain all this implication to you all in further details and let me show you that tailgating will surely will cause you a very big problem to yourself and the person that you tailgated. Body A. First, tailgating can cause the person that you tailgated become emotionally unstable. 1. It raises the issue of harassment (to trouble, worry, or torment) because some drivers who are being tailgated may experience fear and anxiety. ( a. This is normal to the person that have tailgated because when someone tailgated you, you will surely become nervous and afraid b. This will most likely will cause them to drive beyond the limit of their car and surely will cause their car to lose control for example during turn, in a big roundabout especially in Samarahan (self-observation) c. I have seen by myself that someone lose control of their car in a big roundabout on the way to Samarahan due being tailgated by irresponsible driver. (self-observation) 2. It can also make the driver that have been tailgated becomes more aggressive in their driving. a. Tailgating infringes upon one's privacy because some drivers may feel as if their personal space have been invaded and/or violated and this will result anger and aggression. ( b. The person who has been tailgated usually taps on their brake to warn the tailgater to back off but if that fail, they most likely to create and accident on purpose such apply on the brake and stops that result the tailgater to hit at the back of his car. The driver soon later accuses the tailgater for following to close. Transition : Tailgating does not only someones emotion or psychology but it can also be dangerous to the tailgater.

B. Tailgating the car in front of you can increase the possibility that you will involve in an accident. 1. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tailgating is the main cause of 6.8 million car accident around the world. ( a. Tailgating is very dangerous it lowers your reaction time if the car that you tailgated suddenly stops. ( b. Due to the slow reaction time, you will surely hit the rear of the car that you have been tailgated and hitting the rear of a car in high speed will make the car lose control. 2. Tailgating is hard to predict and can also minimize your vision of the upcoming road obstacles. a. Tailgating is dangerous and deadly because its hard for to predict what will the driver in front you will do for example a sudden brake and slowing down. b. Tailgating will make it difficult for you to see what is happening on the road in front you for example a hole on the road, an animal, or even a speed bump, you wont see it coming ( Transition : Tailgating is in fact a dangerous act so dont have in mind to try it and let me furthermore my explanation to the last point. C. Tailgating can also be negative motivations the person in front you to drive faster and dangerous. 1. The effects of tailgating on teenagers can be fatal because you will endanger their life by driving faster. (self-experiences as a teenage driver) a. Tailgating can be dangerous to the person who has been tailgated because tailgating can motivate them to drive faster especially teenagers and this put their life and other road user at risk. b. Teenager usually like to show off their driving skills on the open road but when they overwhelming by another driver such as tailgaters, they tend to fight back by speeding and left the tailgater behind. This will put them in danger. 2. Tailgating can also motivate someone to drive more aggressively and this will put the person and other road user in danger. a. Tailgating can cause someone to drive more aggressively because they do not want to be underestimated by another driver especially the tailgater. b. When someone drives aggressively, theyre pushing their car to the limit and I have an experience when a person tailgated and the tailgater racing each other on a highway and one of them lose control of their car. (self-observation) Transition : That is all what I can explain to you about the implication of tailgating based on my expert and my own experiences being tailgated by someone and also a tailgater.

Conclusion I. II. III. As for conclusion, there are many implication of tailgating whether from the tailgater and the person that has been tailgated. My advice, dont even try to tailgate someone no matter in what you in because its a very risky act on the road and it will surely can cause and accident. Dont put your and other peoples life in danger.


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