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rwjw bwlku ngrI kwcI dustw nwil ipAwro ] (1171-10, bsMqu ihfol,

hlw 1! "h# king is just $ bo%, $nd his cit% is &uln#r$bl#' (# is in lo&# with his wick#d #n# i#s' dui# w#) dui# bwpw p*IAih pMifq krhu bIcwro ]1] (1171-10, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! (# r#$ds of his two oth#rs $nd his two f$th#rs+ , -$ndit, r#fl#ct on this' .. 1.. suAw I pMifqw qu / d%hu qI ] (1171-11, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! , M$st#r -$ndit, t#$ch # $bout this' ikn ibi0 pw&$ p1wnpqI ]1] rhw$ ] (1171-11, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! (ow c$n I obt$in th# 2ord of lif#3 ..1..-$us#.. 4Iqir Agin bnwspiq $lI swg5 pMf6 pwi#Aw ] (1171-17, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! "h#r# is fir# within th# pl$nts which bloo + th# oc#$n is ti#d into $ bundl#' cMdu s8rju dui# 9r hI 4Iqir A6sw igAwnu n pwi#Aw ]7] (1171-17, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! "h# sun $nd th# oon dw#ll in th# s$ # ho # in th# sk%' 6ou h$&# not obt$in#d this knowl#dg#' ..7.. rw r&Mqw jw:IA6 i#k w#) 4ogu kr%i# ] (1171-1;, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! ,n# who knows th# All-p#r&$ding 2ord, #$ts up th# on# oth#r - M$%$' qw k% l<: jw:IAih i< w 0nu sMg1h%i# ];] (1171-1;, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! <now th$t th# sign of such $ p#rson is th$t h# g$th#rs th# w#$lth of co p$ssion' ..;.. kihAw su:ih n <wi#Aw wnih iqn/w hI s%qI &wsw ] (1171-1=, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! "h# ind li&#s with thos# who do not list#n, $nd do not $d it wh$t th#% #$t' p1:&iq nwnku dwsin dwsw i<nu qolw i<nu wsw ]=];]11] (11711=, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! -r$%s >$n$k, th# sl$&# of th# 2ord?s sl$&#@ on# inst$nt th# ind is hug#, $nd th# n#:t inst$nt, it is tin%' ..=..;..11.. bsMqu ihfol hlw 1 ] (1171-1A! 4$s$nt (indol, Birst M#hl@ swcw shu guC su<dwqw hir %l% 4u< g&w#% ] (1171-1A, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! "h# 9uru is th# "ru# 4$nk#r, th# 9i&#r of p#$c#+ (# unit#s th# ort$l with th# 2ord, $nd s$tisfi#s his hung#r' kir ikrpw hir 4giq ''*w#% Anidnu hir gu: gw#% ]1] (1171-1D, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1!

9r$nting (is 9r$c#, (# i pl$nts d#&otion$l worship of th# 2ord within+ $nd th#n night $nd d$%, w# sing th# 9lorious -r$is#s of th# 2ord' ..1.. q 48lih r% n c%iq hrI ] (1171-1D, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! , % ind, do not forg#t th# 2ord+ k##p (i in %our consciousn#ss'

ibnu gur

ukiq nwhI E6 lo#) gur ui< pw#)A6 nw u hrI ]1] rhw$ ]

(1171-17, bsMqu ihfol, hlw 1! Fithout th# 9uru, no on# is lib#r$t#d $n%wh#r# in th# thr## worlds' "h# 9ur ukh obt$ins th# 2ord?s >$ #' .

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