Real Analysis (Unit-1.2)

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[2] b) Prove that the collection of all measurable sets form a -ring. 4.






( 1st Year, 1st Semester )

a) Define a measurable cover. Prove that every set with -finite outer measure has a measurable cover. b) State and prove Egoroffs Theorem. 6 10 6 Time : Two hours


a) State and prove Dominated convergence Theorem.

Full Marks : 50

b) Prove that f is a function of bounded variation if and only if it can be expressed as the difference of two monotonically increasing functions. 4 1.

Answer question No.1 and any three from the rest. (Symbols have their usual meanings) Give an example of a function whose improper Riemann integral exists finitely but the Lebesgue integral does not exist. 2. 2

c) If f is finitely integrable on [a, b] show that the function F defined by F ( x ) = f ( t ) dt is a continuous function of
a x

a) Prove that the Lebesgue outer measure of an interval is equal to its length. 8

bounded variation on [a, b]. 6. a) Give the definition of a vitali cover. b) State and prove Vitali covering Theorem.

6 2 14

b) When a set of real numbers is called measurable ? Show that a set with Lebesgue outer measure zero is measurable. 2

c) If E is contained in a bounded open interval , prove that

m* ( E ) + m* ( \ E ) = m ( )

when m* , m * and m denote respectively the Lebesgue outer, inner measure and Lebesgue measure. 3. 6

a) Prove that every member of R(E), the ring generated by a class of subsets E, is contained in finite union of members of E. Further if E is countable, show that R(E) is also countable. 8 [ Turn over

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