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POPULATION OF SPAIN.The Spanish people are a

mixture of the in i!enous peoples of the I"erian Peninsula #ith the su$$essi%e peoples #ho $on&uere the peninsula an o$$upie it for exten e perio s.

LAN'UA'ESTrue( Spanish is
the national lan!ua!e an the onl)

lan!ua!e )ou $an use if )ou #ant to "e un erstoo almost e%er)#here.*ut in Spain other lan!ua!es are spo+en, As *as&ue -the *as&ue.( #ho spea+s himself in the /one of the *as&ue $ountr) lo$ate to#ar s the north of Spain.

CLI0ATEEspa1a se en$uentra en
la /ona templa a el planeta. En ella en$ontramos iferentes tipos e $limas,O$eani$, situa in the north( in the /one of, 'ali$ia( Asturias( Canta"ria an *as&ue Countr). 0ountain,The hi!h /ones of Spain.


ri is the $apital of Spain "e$ause it is lo$ate almost at the $entre of Spain.

+in! of Spain Juan$arlos an his #ife Sofia the pri$ipe Philip an his #ife

Leti$ia an the presi ent of espa1a 0ariano Ra3o).

LE'EN4SThere are man)

le!en s on Spain as, The mounstuo of that of the la+e( the lo%ers of Teruel( the $annon of ri%er #ol%es( the Lea er #arrior an the %ir!in of the Almu ena( the man Li5r!anes6s fish( the ni!ht of San Juan an the pala$e of Linares an man) more....


$an reali/e numerous a$ti%ities entertaine li+e to !o of fre$+le( to mount in "i$)$le( to mount astri e( to %isit a par+ of atra$iones( the) !i%e a turne ") ship( to s+i( to i%e( to %isit a #ater par+ or an a&uarium.

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