Items Marks Marks Awarded: Research & Writing Skills 061 Final Exam: Persuasive Essay

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Research & Writing Skills 061 Final Exam: Persuasive Essay Students name: Group: Date: Lecturer:

I"#R$%&'#I$" Lead in statement (2m) Brief counter arguments (2m) Thesis statement stating stance & 3 arguments (3m) '(unter argument 1 an! ) !ear topic sentence !arification (!ogica! reasoning demonstrating critica! thin"ing) #$pansion of support using %e!! referenced citations #R*"SI#I$" Transition from counter arguments to %riters stance and 3 arguments + Pr( arguments P*R*,R*P-S !ear topic sentence !arification (!ogica! reasoning demonstrating critica! thin"ing) #$pansion of support using %e!! referenced citations '$"'.&SI$" (estatement of thesis statement (ecommendation)prediction REFERE"'I", S/I..S +n te$t citations, reference !ist using the !atest .*",&*,E Suita.!e range of /oca.u!ar0 1ccurate sentence structure 1cademic tone P*R*P-R*SI", S/I..S Legitimate paraphrased %or" #$#*. M*R/S


Marks a ar!e!




hicago referencing


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