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3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; V12.0.

0 Radio Resource Control (RRC); (2013-12) Technical Specification Protocol specification (Release !)

3GPP TS 25.331

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented. This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP only. The Or ani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this "pecification. "pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.

Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UMTS, radio

3GPP Postal address 3GPP support office address

650 Route des Lucio es - So!"ia #$ti!o is Va %o$$e - &R#'() Te .* +33 , -2 -, ,2 00 &a.* +33 , -3 65 ,/ 16


Copyright Notification 'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission. The copyri ht and the fore oin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all media.
) *+,3- 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1). .ll ri hts reserved. 3MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& re istered for the benefit of its members 3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& re istered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners 5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& currently bein re istered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners G"M6 and the G"M lo o are re istered and owned by the G"M .ssociation


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1ontents....................................................................................................................................................3 7oreword.................................................................................................................................................,8 , "cope....................................................................................................................................................,9 * /eferences............................................................................................................................................,9 3 :efinitions and abbreviations...............................................................................................................,;
3., :efinitions............................................................................................................................................................,; 3.* .bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................*+

8 General.................................................................................................................................................*3
8., Overview of the specification..............................................................................................................................*3 8.* //1 5ayer Model................................................................................................................................................*8 8.3 Protocol specification principles..........................................................................................................................*<

9 //1 7unctions and "ervices provided to upper layers.........................................................................*<

9., //1 7unctions.....................................................................................................................................................*< 9.* //1 "ervices provided to upper layers...............................................................................................................*; 9.3 Primitives between //1 and upper layers...........................................................................................................*;

= "ervices e(pected from lower layers....................................................................................................*;

=., "ervices e(pected from 5ayer *...........................................................................................................................*; =.* "ervices e(pected from 5ayer ,...........................................................................................................................*; =.3 "i nallin /adio 0earers......................................................................................................................................*;

< Protocol states......................................................................................................................................*>

<., Overview of //1 "tates and "tate Transitions includin G"M and 2?3T/....................................................*> <.* Processes in 32 modes@states..............................................................................................................................3+ <.*., 32 &dle mode....................................................................................................................................................3+ <.*.* 3T/. //1 1onnected mode...........................................................................................................................3+

; //1 procedures...................................................................................................................................33
;., //1 1onnection Mana ement Procedures..........................................................................................................38 ;.,., 0roadcast of system information......................................................................................................................38 ;.,.* Pa in ;, ;.,.3 //1 connection establishment.........................................................................................................................;8 ;.,.8 //1 connection release..................................................................................................................................,+* ;.,.8a //1 connection release reAuested by upper layers......................................................................................,+< ;.,.9 Boid ,+< ;.,.= Transmission of 32 capability information....................................................................................................,+< ;.,.< 32 capability enAuiry.....................................................................................................................................,,3 ;.,.; &nitial :irect transfer.......................................................................................................................................,,8 ;.,.> :ownlin# :irect transfer.................................................................................................................................,,< ;.,.,+ 3plin# :irect transfer...................................................................................................................................,,> ;.,.,, 32 dedicated pa in .....................................................................................................................................,*, ;.,.,* "ecurity mode control...................................................................................................................................,** ;.,.,3 "i nallin connection release procedure.......................................................................................................,39 ;.,.,8 "i nallin connection release indication procedure......................................................................................,3= ;.,.,9 1ounter chec# procedure...............................................................................................................................,3> ;.,.,= &nter /.T handover information transfer.....................................................................................................,8, ;.,.,< 2TC" primary notification with security procedure....................................................................................,88 ;.* /adio 0earer control procedures........................................................................................................................,88 ;.*., /adio bearer establishment.............................................................................................................................,88 ;.*.* /econfi uration procedures............................................................................................................................,89 ;.*.3 /adio bearer release........................................................................................................................................,<> ;.*.8 Transport channel reconfi uration..................................................................................................................,<> ;.*.9 Transport format combination control............................................................................................................,<> ;.*.= Physical channel reconfi uration....................................................................................................................,;3 ;.*.< Physical "hared 1hannel .llocation DT:: onlyE...........................................................................................,;3


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;.*.; P3"1F capacity reAuest DT:: onlyE.............................................................................................................,;= ;.*.> Boid ,;; ;.*.,+ 3plin# Physical 1hannel 1ontrol DT:: onlyE..............................................................................................,;; ;.*.,, Physical channel reconfi uration failure.......................................................................................................,>+ ;.3 //1 connection mobility procedures................................................................................................................,>, ;.3., 1ell and 3/. update procedures....................................................................................................................,>, ;.3.* 3/. update.....................................................................................................................................................*3= ;.3.3 3T/.' mobility information.........................................................................................................................*3= ;.3.8 .ctive set update.............................................................................................................................................*8* ;.3.9 Fard handover.................................................................................................................................................*9+ ;.3.= &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.'.....................................................................................................................*9* ;.3.< &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.'................................................................................................................*=+ ;.3.; &nter?/.T cell reselection to 3T/.'............................................................................................................*=9 ;.3.> &nter?/.T cell reselection from 3T/.'.......................................................................................................*=< ;.3.,+ &nter?/.T cell chan e order to 3T/.'......................................................................................................*=; ;.3.,, &nter?/.T cell chan e order from 3T/.'..................................................................................................*=; ;.8 Measurement procedures...................................................................................................................................*<* ;.8.+ Measurement related definitions.....................................................................................................................*<* ;.8., Measurement control.......................................................................................................................................*<8 ;.8.* Measurement report........................................................................................................................................3+8 ;.8.3 .ssistance :ata :elivery................................................................................................................................3+< ;.9 General procedures.............................................................................................................................................3+; ;.9., "election of initial 32 identity........................................................................................................................3+; ;.9.* .ctions when enterin idle mode from connected mode................................................................................3+; ;.9.3 Open loop power control upon establishment of :P11F..............................................................................3,+ ;.9.8 Physical channel establishment criteria in 1255G:1F state.........................................................................3,+ ;.9.8. Physical channel establishment criteria for 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode.........3,, ;.9.80 Physical channel establishment criteria in 1255G:1F state on the secondary uplin# freAuency (7:: only) ...........................................................................................................................................................3,, ;.9.9 .ctions in Hout of service areaH and Hin service areaH....................................................................................3,, ;.9.= /adio lin# failure criteria and actions upon radio lin# failure........................................................................3,3 ;.9.=a /adio lin# failure criteria and actions upon radio lin# failure on the secondary uplin# freAuency (7:: only) ...........................................................................................................................................................3,8 ;.9.< Open loop power control.................................................................................................................................3,8 ;.9.; Maintenance of Fyper 7rame 'umbers..........................................................................................................3,> ;.9.> "T./T value calculation................................................................................................................................3*+ ;.9.,+ &nte rity protection........................................................................................................................................3*+ ;.9.,, 7.1F measurement occasion calculation....................................................................................................3*3 ;.9.,,a 1255G:1F measurement occasion calculation (,.*; Mcps T:: only)...................................................3*9 ;.9.,,a 1255G:1F measurement occasion calculation (,.*; Mcps T:: only)...................................................3*9 ;.9.,* 2stablishment of .ccess "ervice 1lasses.....................................................................................................3*9 ;.9.,3 Mappin of .ccess 1lasses to .ccess "ervice 1lasses................................................................................3*= ;.9.,8 P5M' Type "election...................................................................................................................................3*< ;.9.,8a 'ei hbour cells list narrowin for cell reselection.....................................................................................3*< ;.9.,9 17' calculation............................................................................................................................................3*< ;.9.,= 1onfi uration of 1T1F occasions................................................................................................................3*; ;.9.,< P/.1F selection..........................................................................................................................................3*> ;.9.,; "election of /.1F TT&................................................................................................................................33+ ;.9.,> "econdary 11P1F selection.........................................................................................................................33, ;.9.,>a "econdary 11P1F and 7.1F selection for M11F reception..................................................................33* ;.9.*+ 3nsupported confi uration............................................................................................................................33* ;.9.*, .ctions related to /adio 0earer mappin .....................................................................................................33* ;.9.** .ctions when enterin another /.T from connected mode.........................................................................38, ;.9.*3 Measured results on /.1F..........................................................................................................................38, ;.9.*8 1han e of P5M' while in //1 connected mode........................................................................................388 ;.9.*9 .ctions related to F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable..................................................................................389 ;.9.*= "ervice prioritisation.....................................................................................................................................38< ;.9.*< M0M" freAuency selection...........................................................................................................................38< ;.9.*; .ctions related to 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable...............................................................................38> ;.9.*> M0M" modification period identity calculation..........................................................................................39* ;.9.3+ :etectin M0M" service reception inability................................................................................................39*


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;.9.3, .ctions related to :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" variable.....................................................393 ;.9.3* .ctions related to M&MOGP./.M" variable..............................................................................................393 ;.9.33 .ctions related to M&MOG"T.T3" variable...............................................................................................398 ;.9.38 .ctions related to :TIG:/IG"T.T3" variable (7:: only)....................................................................399 ;.9.39 .ctions related to F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" variable (7:: only)..........................................................39= ;.9.3= .ctions related to F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 variable (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)...................................................................................................................................................39< ;.9.3< .ctions related to F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: variable (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)...................................................................................................................................................39; ;.9.3<a .ctions related to F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5.........................................................................39> ;.9.3; 1ommon F?/'T& selection (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)....................................................................3=+ ;.9.3> P&1F selection for F":P. based pa in (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)...............................................3=+ ;.9.8+ F"G:"1F /eception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F (7:: only).............................................................3=+ ;.9.8+a F"G:"1F /eception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F (,.*; Mcps T:: only).........................................3=* ;.9.8, F"?P:"1F channelisation codes selection for pa in reception (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)...........3=3 ;.9.8* .utonomous 3T/.' :/I 1ycle len th coefficient chan e......................................................................3=3 ;.9.83 /eception of M0M" from a cell operatin in M0"7' mode......................................................................3=8 ;.9.88 F"?:"1F 1J& reportin tables....................................................................................................................3=8 ;.9.89 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode (7:: only)...........................................................3=8 ;.9.89a 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode (,.*; Mcps T:: only).......................................3=< ;.9.8= .ctions related to 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only).....3=< ;.9.8< .ctions related to /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only).............3<+ ;.9.8; .ctions related to F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" variable (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) and F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" variable (7:: only)............................3<* ;.9.8> 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation (7:: only).................................................................................3<3 ;.9.8>a 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation (,.*;Mcps T:: only)..............................................................3<8 ;.9.8>b 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycle (7:: only)........................................3<8 ;.9.9+ 1ommon 2?/'T& selection (,.*; Mcps T:: only).....................................................................................3<= ;.9.9, .ctions related to "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable (7:: only).......................3<= ;.9.9* .ctions related to T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' variable (7:: only)..................................3<; ;.9.93 .ctions related to 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" variable (,.*; Mcps T:: only)..................3<; ;.9.98 .ctions related to 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable (,.*; Mcps T:: only)...............................................3<> ;.9.99 .ctions related to F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable (,.*; Mcps T:: only)..........................................3;+ ;.9.9= .ctions related to F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only).........3;+ ;.9.9< .ctions related to "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" variable.........................................................3;, ;.9.9; .ctions related to "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable (7:: only).....................3;3 ;.9.9> .ctions related to reception of a F"?"11F order for secondary uplin# freAuency activation@deactivation (7:: only)........................................................................................................................................3;9 ;.9.=+ 1onfi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity.......................................................................3;9 ;.9.=, .ctions related to M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable (,.*; Mcps T:: only).................................................3;= ;.9.=* .ctions related to M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable (,.*;Mcps T:: only).......3;= ;.9.=3 5o ed Measurements 1onfi uration...........................................................................................................3;< ;.9.=8 32 &'7O/M.T&O'....................................................................................................................................3;> ;.9.=9 Measurements lo in ..................................................................................................................................3>+ ;.9.== /elease of 5o ed Measurements 1onfi uration........................................................................................3>, ;.9.=< Measurements lo in for .'/...................................................................................................................3>* ;.9.=; /elease of .'/ 5o in Measurements 1onfi uration..............................................................................3>3 ;.9.=> .ctions related to 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable (7:: only).............................................3>8 ;.9.<+ .ctions related to 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable (7:: only).............................................3>9 ;.9.<, .ctions related to M35T&75OCG"T.T3" variable (7:: only)...............................................................3>9 ;.9.<* "election of common 2?:1F TT& (7:: only)............................................................................................3>= ;.9.<3 P/.1F preamble control parameters selection with 1oncurrent :eployment of *ms and ,+ms TT& (for 2nhanced 3plin#- 7:: only)............................................................................................................3>< ;.9.<8 P/.1F preamble control parameters selection without 1oncurrent :eployment of *ms and ,+ms TT& (for 2nhanced 3plin#- 7:: only)............................................................................................................3>> ;.9.<9 .ctions related to /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable (7:: only)............................................3>> ;.9.<= .ctions related to 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: variable (7:: only)......................................8++ ;.9.<< .ctions related to /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F variable (7:: only).................................8+, ;.9.<; .ctions related to M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable (7:: only)...................................................................................................................................................8+*


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;.9.<> .ctions related to M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable(7:: only)...................................................................................................................................................8+* ;.9.;+ .ctions related to "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable (7:: only)..........................................................................................................................8+3 ;.9.;, .ctions related to 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' variable (7:: only)............................................8+9 ;.9.;* .ctions related to 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3" variable (,.*; Mcps T:: only).........................................................................................................................................8+9 ;.= Generic actions on receipt and absence of an information element...................................................................8+= ;.=., 1' information elements................................................................................................................................8+= ;.=.* 3T/.' mobility information elements.........................................................................................................8+< ;.=.3 32 information elements................................................................................................................................8+; ;.=.8 /adio bearer information elements.................................................................................................................8*= ;.=.9 Transport channel information elements.........................................................................................................88* ;.=.= Physical channel information elements...........................................................................................................89> ;.=.< Measurement information elements................................................................................................................9+, ;.=.; Boid 99= ;.=.;a Other &nformation elements...........................................................................................................................99= ;.=.> M0M" specific information elements............................................................................................................99= ;.< M0M" specific procedures................................................................................................................................9=3 ;.<., /eception of M0M" control information.......................................................................................................9=3 ;.<.* M11F acAuisition..........................................................................................................................................9=9 ;.<.3 M0M" 'otification........................................................................................................................................9=< ;.<.8 M0M" countin ..............................................................................................................................................9<, ;.<.9 M0M" p?t?m radio bearer confi uration........................................................................................................9<3 ;.<.= M0M" modification reAuest...........................................................................................................................9<8 ;.<.< M0M" service schedulin ..............................................................................................................................9<=

> Fandlin of un#nown- unforeseen and erroneous protocol data.........................................................9<=

>., General...............................................................................................................................................................9<= >.* ."'., violation or encodin error.....................................................................................................................9<< >.3 3n#nown or unforeseen messa e type...............................................................................................................9<< >.3a 3nsolicited received messa e..........................................................................................................................9<< >.3b 3ne(pected critical messa e e(tension............................................................................................................9<; >.8 3n#nown or unforeseen information element value- mandatory information element.....................................9<; >.9 1onditional information element error...............................................................................................................9<> >.= 3n#nown or unforeseen information element value- conditional information element....................................9<> >.< 3n#nown or unforeseen information element value- optional information element.........................................9;+ >.; 3ne(pected non?critical messa e e(tension......................................................................................................9;+ >.> Fandlin of errors in nested information elements............................................................................................9;,

,+ Messa e and information element functional definition and content................................................9;*

,+., General.............................................................................................................................................................9;* ,+.,., Protocol e(tensions.......................................................................................................................................9;3 ,+.* /adio /esource 1ontrol messa es...................................................................................................................9;9 ,+.*., .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2...............................................................................................................................9;9 ,+.*.* .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 1OMP52T2.........................................................................................................9;> ,+.*.3 .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2.............................................................................................................9;> ,+.*.8 .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K.............................................................................................................9>+ ,+.*.9 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.'.................................................................................................9>, ,+.*.= 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2................................................................................9>* ,+.*.< 1255 3P:.T2............................................................................................................................................9>* ,+.*.<a 1255 3P:.T2 7::.................................................................................................................................9>= ,+.*.; 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M.........................................................................................................................9>; ,+.*.> 1O3'T2/ 1F21%.....................................................................................................................................=+8 ,+.*.,+ 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2..............................................................................................................=+8 ,+.*.,, :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/..........................................................................................................=+9 ,+.*.,* Boid =+9 ,+.*.,*a 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK........................................................................=+9 ,+.*.,3 Boid =+= ,+.*.,8 Boid =+= ,+.*.,9 F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':.............................................................................................=+=


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,+.*.,= F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2.................................................................................................=+> ,+.*.,=a F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':.................................................................................................=,+ ,+.*.,=b F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2.................................................................................................=,3 ,+.*.,=c &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/...............................................................................................................=,8 ,+.*.,=d &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O............................................................................................................=,= ,+.*.,=da 5OGG&'G M2."3/2M2'T 1O'7&G3/.T&O'.............................................................................=,< ,+.*.,=e M0M" .ccess &nformation.......................................................................................................................=,; ,+.*.,=f M0M" 1ommon p?t?m rb &nformation.....................................................................................................=,; ,+.*.,= M0M" 1urrent 1ell p?t?m rb &nformation................................................................................................=*, ,+.*.,=h M0M" General &nformation.....................................................................................................................=*3 ,+.*.,=i M0M" Modification reAuest.....................................................................................................................=*9 ,+.*.,=j M0M" Modified services &nformation......................................................................................................=*9 ,+.*.,=# M0M" 'ei hbourin 1ell p?t?m rb &nformation......................................................................................=*; ,+.*.,=5 M0M" "chedulin &nformation...............................................................................................................=3, ,+.*.,=m M0M" 3nmodified services &nformation...............................................................................................=3* ,+.*.,< M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5..................................................................................................................=33 ,+.*.,; M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2.................................................................................................=39 ,+.*.,> M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T......................................................................................................................=3< ,+.*.*+ P.G&'G TKP2 ,........................................................................................................................................=3> ,+.*.*, P.G&'G TKP2 *........................................................................................................................................=8+ ,+.*.** PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'......................................................................................=8+ ,+.*.*3 PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2................................................................=89 ,+.*.*8 PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2....................................................................=8= ,+.*.*9 PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O'.................................................................................=8= ,+.*.*= P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T................................................................................................................=8< ,+.*.*< /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'................................................................................................=8; ,+.*.*; /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2..........................................................................=99 ,+.*.*> /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2..............................................................................=9= ,+.*.3+ /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2.....................................................................................................................=9< ,+.*.3, /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 1OMP52T2...............................................................................................==, ,+.*.3* /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 7.&53/2...................................................................................................==3 ,+.*.33 /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P..........................................................................................................................==3 ,+.*.38 /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 1OMP52T2....................................................................................................==> ,+.*.39 /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 7.&53/2........................................................................................................=<+ ,+.*.3= //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T...................................................................................................................=<, ,+.*.3< //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2...............................................................................................................=<* ,+.*.3; //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2.........................................................................................=<8 ,+.*.3> //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T...............................................................................................................=<8 ,+.*.8+ //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P.....................................................................................................................=<> ,+.*.8, //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2..............................................................................................=;3 ,+.*.8,a //1 7.&53/2 &'7O...............................................................................................................................=;8 ,+.*.8* //1 "T.T3".............................................................................................................................................=;8 ,+.*.83 "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':..............................................................................................................=;9 ,+.*.88 "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2..............................................................................................................=;= ,+.*.89 "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2...................................................................................................................=;= ,+.*.8= "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2...............................................................................................=;< ,+.*.8< "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O'......................................................................=;< ,+.*.8; "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O'........................................................................................................................=;; ,+.*.8;a "ystem &nformation 1ontainer..................................................................................................................=>+ ,+.*.8> "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O'..............................................................................<*3 ,+.*.9+ T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'..................................................................................<*8 ,+.*.9, T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2............................................................<*> ,+.*.9* T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2................................................................<3+ ,+.*.93 T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5..........................................................................<3+ ,+.*.98 T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2.........................................................<3, ,+.*.99 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K....................................................................................................................<3* ,+.*.9= 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O'..........................................................................................................<3* ,+.*.9< 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M......................................................................................<33 ,+.*.9<a 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2J32"T..............................................................................................................<38 ,+.*.9<b 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2...........................................................................................................<38 ,+.*.9; 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/.................................................................................................................<39


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,+.*.9> 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5..........................................................................................<39 ,+.*.=+ 3/. 3P:.T2............................................................................................................................................<3< ,+.*.=, 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M........................................................................................................................<3; ,+.*.=* 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O'.....................................................................................................<8+ ,+.*.=3 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M..................................................................................<8, ,+.*.=8 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2....................................................................................<8* ,+.3 &nformation element functional definitions......................................................................................................<83 ,+.3., 1' &nformation elements..............................................................................................................................<83 ,+.3.* 3T/.' mobility &nformation elements.......................................................................................................<9* ,+.3.3 32 &nformation elements..............................................................................................................................<=9 ,+.3.8 /adio 0earer &nformation elements..............................................................................................................>89 ,+.3.9 Transport 1F &nformation elements.............................................................................................................>== ,+.3.= Physical 1F &nformation elements...............................................................................................................>>+ ,+.3.< Measurement &nformation elements............................................................................................................,,=8 ,+.3.; Other &nformation elements........................................................................................................................,38> ,+.3.> .'"&?8, &nformation elements...................................................................................................................,3<3 ,+.3.>a M0M" &nformation elements....................................................................................................................,3<9 ,+.3.,+ Multiplicity values and type constraint values..........................................................................................,3;>

,, Messa e and &nformation element abstract synta( (with ."'.,)...................................................,3>8

,,.+ General...........................................................................................................................................................,3>8 ,,., General messa e structure..............................................................................................................................,3>8 ,,.* P:3 definitions..............................................................................................................................................,3>> ,,.3 &nformation element definitions.....................................................................................................................,99= ,,.8 1onstant definitions.......................................................................................................................................,;9, ,,.9 //1 information between networ# nodes.....................................................................................................,;98

,* Messa e transfer synta(.................................................................................................................,;;*

,*., "tructure of encoded //1 messa es.............................................................................................................,;;* ,*.,., 0asic production..........................................................................................................................................,;;* ,*.,.* 2(tension.....................................................................................................................................................,;;* ,*.,.3 Paddin ........................................................................................................................................................,;;* ,*.* 21' lin# module for //1.............................................................................................................................,;;9 ,*.3 21' modules for //1...................................................................................................................................,;;9 ,*.8 //1 messa es encoded otherwise.................................................................................................................,;;= ,*.8., Messa es usin tabular encodin specification..........................................................................................,;;=

,3 Protocol timers- counters- other parameters and default confi urations.........................................,;;;

,3., Timers for 32................................................................................................................................................,;;; ,3.* 1ounters for 32.............................................................................................................................................,;>* ,3.3 32 constants and parameters.........................................................................................................................,;>* ,3.8 32 variables...................................................................................................................................................,;>3 ,3.8.ob .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/0*38..................................................................................................,;>3 ,3.8.oc .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/09G.':G3P.....................................................................................,;>3 ,3.8.+ 1255G&'7OG5&"T.....................................................................................................................................,;>3 ,3.8.++ Boid ,;>9 ,3.8.+a 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2:...................................................................................................................,;>9 ,3.8., 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3"..............................................................................................................................,;>9 ,3.8.,a 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O'..................................................................................................,;>9 ,3.8.* Boid ,;>9 ,3.8.*a 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2.......................................................................................................,;>= ,3.8.3 1G/'T&.......................................................................................................................................................,;>= ,3.8.3a :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3".............................................................................................,;>= ,3.8.3b :TIG:/IGP./.M".............................................................................................................................,;>= ,3.8.3c :TIG:/IG"T.T3"...............................................................................................................................,;>= ,3.8.3d :".1GP./.M........................................................................................................................................,;>< ,3.8.3e :"1FG/'T&.............................................................................................................................................,;>< ,3.8.3f :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O............................................................................................,;>; ,3.8.3 2.0GP./.M...........................................................................................................................................,;>; ,3.8.8 Boid ,;>; ,3.8.8o 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O'......................................................................................................................,;>; ,3.8.8a 2G/'T&.....................................................................................................................................................,;>> ,3.8.9 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0".............................................................................................................................,;>>


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,3.8.9a 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"................................................................................,;>> ,3.8.= 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2.....................................................................................................................,>++ ,3.8.=a 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T......................................................................................................,>++ ,3.8.=b Boid ,>+* ,3.8.=c 2TC"G&'7OG&'GP/OG/2""................................................................................................................,>+* ,3.8.< 7.&53/2G1.3"2.....................................................................................................................................,>+* ,3.8.<a 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T..................................................................................,>+* ,3.8.; 7.&53/2G&':&1.TO/............................................................................................................................,>+* ,3.8.;o FG/'T&.....................................................................................................................................................,>+3 ,3.8.;oo F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'.......................................................................................................................,>+3 ,3.8.;oa F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2................................................................................,>+3 ,3.8.;ob F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052:..............................................................................,>+8 ,3.8.;oc F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5...................................................................................................,>+8 ,3.8.;od "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O'.................................................................................,>+9 ,3.8.;oe F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3"...........................................................................................,>+9 ,3.8.;of F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G2TC"G2'.052:...............................................................................,>+= ,3.8.;ooo F"G"11FG52""GP./.M"...............................................................................................................,>+= ,3.8.;oooo F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3"..............................................................................................................,>+= ,3.8.;a &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O'........................................................................,>+= ,3.8.;b Boid ,>+< ,3.8.;c Boid ,>+< ,3.8.;d F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F......................................................................................................,>+< ,3.8.> &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TK..........................................................................................................................,>+< ,3.8.>a &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O.............................................................................,>+< ,3.8.,+ &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O.......................................................................................................,>+; ,3.8.,+a &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:.........................................................................,>+; ,3.8.,, &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O'...............................................................................................................,>,+ ,3.8.,,a 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'............................................................................................,>,+ ,3.8.,,b 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052....................................................,>,+ ,3.8.,,c M0M"G.1T&B.T2:Gservices.............................................................................................................,>,+ ,3.8.,,d M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O...................................................................................................,>,, ,3.8.,,e M0M"GP5G"erviceG/estrictionG&nfoGdedicated..................................................................................,>,, ,3.8.,* M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK................................................................................................................,>,* ,3.8.,3 Boid ,>,* ,3.8.,3a M&MOGP./.M"...................................................................................................................................,>,* ,3.8.,3b M&MOG"T.T3"....................................................................................................................................,>,3 ,3.8.,8 O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O'........................................................................................................,>,3 ,3.8.,8a P:1PG/OF1GT./G2TGMO:2..........................................................................................................,>,3 ,3.8.,9 P:1PG"'G&'7O......................................................................................................................................,>,8 ,3.8.,9a PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O'...................................................................,>,8 ,3.8.,9b PP.1GP./.M.......................................................................................................................................,>,8 ,3.8.,9c P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T.........................................................................................................................,>,9 ,3.8.,= P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/......................................................................................................,>,; ,3.8.,< P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'................................................................................................,>,; ,3.8.,; P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T..............................................................................................................,>,; ,3.8.,> /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/.......................................................................................................................,>,; ,3.8.*+ /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O....................................................................,>,> ,3.8.*+o /'1G1.P.0&5&TKG1F.'G2G"3PPO/T.........................................................................................,>,> ,3.8.*+oo /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F......................................................................................................,>,> ,3.8.*+a "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'..............................................................................................................,>,> ,3.8.*, Boid ,>,> ,3.8.** "T./TGTF/2"FO5:............................................................................................................................,>*+ ,3.8.*3 "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T.........................................................................................................,>*+ ,3.8.*3a T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' ..........................................................................................,>*+ ,3.8.*8 T71G"30"2T...........................................................................................................................................,>*+ ,3.8.*9 TGP"G&:2'T&TK....................................................................................................................................,>** ,3.8.*= TG"'G/2PO/T2:..................................................................................................................................,>*3 ,3.8.*=a T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"..............................................................................................................,>*3 ,3.8.*< T/.'".1T&O'"....................................................................................................................................,>*3 ,3.8.*<o Boid.........................................................................................................................................................,>*8 ,3.8.*<a T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T....................................................................................................................,>*8


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,3.8.*<b T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T....................................................................................................................,>*8 ,3.8.*<c T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T.....................................................................................................................,>*9 ,3.8.*<d 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T.....................................................................................................................,>*9 ,3.8.*<e T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T.....................................................................................................................,>*= ,3.8.*<f T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'T.....................................................................................................................,>*= ,3.8.*<f, T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*= ,3.8.*<f* T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*< ,3.8.*<f3 T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'T....................................................................................................................,>*< ,3.8.*<f8 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T......................................................................................................,>*< ,3.8.*<f9 T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*< ,3.8.*<f= T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*< ,3.8.*<f< T/&GG2/2:G*:G2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*; ,3.8.*<f; T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*; ,3.8.*<f> T/&GG2/2:G*7G2B2'T...................................................................................................................,>*; ,3.8.*<f,+ T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>*; ,3.8.*<f,, T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3+ ,3.8.*<f,* T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3+ ,3.8.*<f,3 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T..................................................................................................................,>3, ,3.8.*<f,8 T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,8 T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,9 T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,9 T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,= T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,= T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,< T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,< T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>3* ,3.8.*<f,; T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>33 ,3.8.*<f,; T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>33 ,3.8.*<f,> T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>33 ,3.8.*<f,> T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>33 ,3.8.*<f*+ T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>33 ,3.8.*<f*+ T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T.................................................................................................................,>33 ,3.8.*<f*, T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T..................................................................................................................,>38 ,3.8.*< 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:........................................................................................................,>38 ,3.8.*; 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:.....................................................................................................,>38 ,3.8.*;a 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T...........................................................................................................,>39 ,3.8.*;b 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2:.......................................................................,>3< ,3.8.*;c 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:.............................................................................,>3< ,3.8.*;d 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.....................................................................................................,>3; ,3.8.*> 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O'...................................................................................................,>8, ,3.8.3+ 3/.G&:2'T&TK......................................................................................................................................,>8, ,3.8.3, 3G/'T&.....................................................................................................................................................,>8, ,3.8.3* B.532GT.G...........................................................................................................................................,>8, ,3.8.33 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IGP./.M"..............................................................................................,>89 ,3.8.38 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3"...............................................................................................,>8= ,3.8.39 2G:1FG"P"GP./.M"...........................................................................................................................,>8= ,3.8.3= 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3"............................................................................................................................,>8= ,3.8.3< F"G:"1FG"P"GP./.M"......................................................................................................................,>8< ,3.8.3; F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3".......................................................................................................................,>8< ,3.8.3> "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M"...............................................................................................,>8< ,3.8.8+ "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3"................................................................................................,>8; ,3.8.8, "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O'................................................................................,>8; ,3.8.8* 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T.........................................................................................................................,>8; ,3.8.83 :1FGMOP"G&:2'T&TK.........................................................................................................................,>8> ,3.8.88 "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/............................................................................................,>8> ,3.8.89 M3GM&MOG&'7O....................................................................................................................................,>8> ,3.8.8= M3GM&MOG"T.T3"..............................................................................................................................,>8> ,3.8.8< M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O'...................................................................................,>9+ ,3.8.8; 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Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,3.8.9, 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052.........................................................................................................,>9* ,3.8.9* 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O'........................................................................................................,>9* ,3.8.93 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O'........................................................................................................,>9* ,3.8.98 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2.................................................................,>9* ,3.8.99 M35T&75OCG"T.T3"..........................................................................................................................,>93 ,3.8.9= 1255G/2"2521T&O'G&'7OG51/T::...............................................................................................,>93 ,3.8.9< 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TG7.1F.........................................................................................,>98 ,3.8.9; 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052:.................................................................................................,>98 ,3.8.9> F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3"............................................................................,>98 ,3.8.=+ /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F.......................................................................................................,>99 ,3.8.=, /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F............................................................................................,>99 ,3.8.=* M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M"................................................,>99 ,3.8.=3 M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3".................................................,>9= ,3.8.=8 "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M".........,>9= ,3.8.=9 "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3"..........,>9= ,3.8.== 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O'.......................................................................................................,>9< ,3.8.=< 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O'............................................................................,>9< ,3.8.=; 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3".......................................................,>9< ,3.9 32 //1 Procedure Performance...................................................................................................................,>9; ,3.9., :efinitions...................................................................................................................................................,>9; ,3.9.* //1 procedure performance values...........................................................................................................,>9; ,3.= /0 information parameters for si nallin radio bearer /0 +........................................................................,>=8 ,3.=a /0 information parameters for "F11F......................................................................................................,>=8 ,3.=b /0 information parameters for 011F mapped to 7.1F...........................................................................,>=8 ,3.=c /0 information parameters for P11F mapped to P1F...............................................................................,>=9 ,3.=d Parameters for 011F mapped to 01F.......................................................................................................,>=9 ,3.=e /0 information parameters for si nallin radio bearer /0 + mapped on F"?:"1F and /.1F...............,>=9 ,3.=f /0 information parameters for 011F mapped to F"?:"1F.....................................................................,>=9 ,3.= /0 information parameters for P11F mapped to F"?:"1F.....................................................................,>=9 ,3.=h /0 information parameters for si nallin radio bearer /0 + mapped on F"?:"1F and common 2?:1F ...............................................................................................................................................................,>== ,3.< Parameter values for default radio confi urations.........................................................................................,>== ,3.<., :efault confi uration 3.8 #bps si nallin ...................................................................................................,>=< ,3.<.* :efault confi uration ,3.= #bps si nallin .................................................................................................,><+ ,3.<.3 :efault confi uration ,*.* #bps "peech M 3.8 #bps si nallin ..................................................................,><3 ,3.<.8 :efault confi uration *;.; #bps conv. 1"? data M 3.8 #bps si nallin ......................................................,><< ,3.<.9 :efault confi uration 3* #bps conversational 1"? data M 3.8 #bps si nallin ..........................................,>;+ ,3.<.= :efault confi uration =8 #bps conversational 1"? data M 3.8 #bps si nallin ..........................................,>;3 ,3.<.< :efault confi uration ,8.8 #bps streamin 1"? data M 3.8 #bps si nallin ...............................................,>;< ,3.<.; :efault confi uration *; #bps streamin 1"? data M 3.8 #bps si nallin ..................................................,>>+ ,3.<.> :efault confi uration 9<.= #bps streamin 1"? data M 3.8 #bps si nallin ...............................................,>>9 ,3.<.,+ :efault confi uration ,*.*@<.>9@9.>@8.<9 #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin ..........................................,>>> ,3.<.,, :efault confi uration ,*.*@<.8@9.>@8.<9 #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin (without "/0N9)................*++3 ,3.<.,* :efault confi uration ,+.*@=.<@9.>@8.<9 #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin M +.,9 #bps "/0N9...........*++> ,3.<.,3 :efault confi uration <.8@=.<@9.>@8.<9 #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin M +.,9 #bps "/0N9.............*+,= ,3.<.,8 :efault confi uration ,*.=9@;.;9@=.= #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin M +.,9 #bps "/0N9...............*+*3 ,3.<.,9 :efault confi uration ,*.*@<.8@9.>@8.<9 #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin M +.,9 #bps "/0N9...........*+*> ,3.<.,= :efault confi uration <.>9 #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin ................................................................*+38 ,3.<.,< :efault confi uration ,*.=9@;.;9@=.= #bps speech M 3.8 #bps si nallin (without "/0N9)....................*+3> ,3.<.,; :efault confi uration "i nallin on 2?:1F on 35 dependin based on minimum 2?:1F 32 cate ory M "i nallin on F"?:"1F based minimum F"?:"1F 32 cate ory................................................*+88 ,3.<.,> :efault confi uration ,*.* #bps speech M,3.= #bps si nallin ...............................................................*+89 ,3.<.*+ :efault confi uration ,*.*@<.>9@9.>@8.<9 #bps speech M ,3.= #bps si nallin ........................................*+8> ,3.<.*, :efault confi uration =8 #bps conversation 1"?data M ,3.= #bps si nallin ..........................................*+98 ,3.<.** :efault confi uration ,*.=9@;.;9@=.= #bps speech M ,3.= #bps si nallin (without "/0N9)..................*+=+ ,3.<.*3 :efault confi uration ,3.= #bps si nallin ...............................................................................................*+== ,3.<.*8 :efault confi uration "i nallin on 2?:1F M F"?:"1FO "cheduled....................................................*+=> ,3.; Parameter values for default radio confi urations in 1255G7.1F.............................................................*+<+

,8 "pecific functions...........................................................................................................................*+<*
,8., &ntra?freAuency measurements.......................................................................................................................*+<* ,8.,., &ntra?freAuency measurement Auantities.....................................................................................................*+<*


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,8.,.* &ntra?freAuency reportin events for 7::..................................................................................................*+<3 ,8.,.3 &ntra?freAuency reportin events for T::..................................................................................................*+>+ ,8.,.8 2vent?tri ered periodic intra?freAuency measurement reports (informative)...........................................*+>8 ,8.,.9 Mechanisms available for modifyin intra?freAuency measurement reportin behaviour (informative)...*+>= ,8.,.= /eport Auantities in intra?freAuency measurements....................................................................................*,++ ,8.,.< &ntra?freAuency 1ommon 2?/G1F /5 :etermination (7:: only)..........................................................*,+, ,8.* &nter?freAuency measurements.......................................................................................................................*,+, ,8.*.+a &nter?freAuency measurement Auantities...................................................................................................*,+, ,8.*.+b 7reAuency Auality estimate.......................................................................................................................*,+* ,8.*.+c &nter?freAuency reportin Auantities..........................................................................................................*,+* ,8.*., &nter?freAuency reportin events.................................................................................................................*,+3 ,8.3 &nter?/.T measurements...............................................................................................................................*,,, ,8.3.+a &nter?/.T measurement Auantities...........................................................................................................*,,, ,8.3.+b 7reAuency Auality estimate of the 3T/.' freAuency.............................................................................*,,* ,8.3.+c &nter?/.T reportin Auantities..................................................................................................................*,,* ,8.3., &nter?/.T reportin events.........................................................................................................................*,,* ,8.3.* G"M measurements in compressed mode..................................................................................................*,*+ ,8.3.3 2?3T/. measurements in compressed mode............................................................................................*,*, ,8.8 Traffic Bolume Measurements......................................................................................................................*,*, ,8.8., Traffic Bolume Measurement Juantity......................................................................................................*,*, ,8.8.* Traffic Bolume reportin tri ers...............................................................................................................*,*, ,8.8.3 Traffic volume reportin mechanisms........................................................................................................*,*< ,8.8.8 &nterruption of user data transmission.........................................................................................................*,*; ,8.9 Juality Measurements...................................................................................................................................*,*> ,8.9., Juality reportin measurement Auantities..................................................................................................*,*> ,8.9.* Juality reportin events..............................................................................................................................*,*> ,8.= 32 internal measurements.............................................................................................................................*,*> ,8.=., 32 internal measurement Auantities...........................................................................................................*,*> ,8.=.* 32 internal measurement reportin events.................................................................................................*,3+ ,8.< 32 positionin measurements........................................................................................................................*,39 ,8.<., 32 positionin measurement Auantities......................................................................................................*,39 ,8.<.* Boid *,39 ,8.<.3 32 positionin reportin events..................................................................................................................*,39 ,8.<a Measurements related to 1"G@Fybrid cells.................................................................................................*,3< ,8.<a., &ntra?freAuency measurements for 1"G@Fybrid cells...............................................................................*,3< ,8.<a.* &nter?freAuency measurements for 1"G@Fybrid cells...............................................................................*,3< ,8.<a.3 1"G Pro(imity detection...........................................................................................................................*,3; ,8.<a.8 1"G Pro(imity &ndication.........................................................................................................................*,3; ,8.<a.9 2?3T/. measurements for 1"G@Fybrid cells.........................................................................................*,3> ,8.; Boid *,3> ,8.>s :ownlin# power control...............................................................................................................................*,3> ,8.>., Generalities.................................................................................................................................................*,3> ,8.>.* :ownlin# power control in compressed mode............................................................................................*,3> ,8.,+ 1alculated Transport 7ormat 1ombination..................................................................................................*,8+ ,8.,+., :efault T71" for M0M"..........................................................................................................................*,8, ,8.,, 32 autonomous update of virtual active set on non?used freAuency (7:: only).......................................*,8, ,8.,,., &nitial virtual active set..............................................................................................................................*,8* ,8.,,.* Birtual active set update durin an inter?freAuency measurement............................................................*,83 ,8.,* Provision and reception of //1 information between networ# nodes........................................................*,88 ,8.,*.+ General......................................................................................................................................................*,88 ,8.,*.+a General error handlin for //1 messa es e(chan ed between networ# nodes.....................................*,89 ,8.,*., //1 &nformation to tar et /'1...............................................................................................................*,8= ,8.,*.* //1 information- tar et /'1 to source /'1..........................................................................................*,8= ,8.,*.3 Boid *,8; ,8.,*.8 //1 messa es e(chan ed between networ# nodes..................................................................................*,8; ,8.,3 Boid..............................................................................................................................................................*,== ,8.,8 Boid..............................................................................................................................................................*,=< ,8.,9 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F (7:: only)................................................................................*,=< ,8.,9., 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F measurement Auantities (7:: only)......................................*,=< ,8.,9.* 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F reportin (7:: only).............................................................*,=< .., &ntroduction.....................................................................................................................................................*,=;


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

..* 1ipherin information.....................................................................................................................................*,=; ..3 7reAuency information....................................................................................................................................*,=; ..8 Multiplicity values and type constraint values................................................................................................*,=> 0., //1 states and state transitions......................................................................................................................*,<+ 0.* Transition from &dle Mode to 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode.........................................................................*,<+ 0.*., Transitions for 2mer ency 1alls..................................................................................................................*,<+ 0.3 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode "tates and Transitions....................................................................................*,<+ 0.3., 1255G:1F state.........................................................................................................................................*,<+ 0.3.* 1255G7.1F state.......................................................................................................................................*,<* 0.3.3 1255GP1F state..........................................................................................................................................*,<8 0.3.8 3/.GP1F "tate...........................................................................................................................................*,<9 0.3.9 "tates and Transitions for 1ell /eselection in 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F- and 1255G7.1F.....................*,<< 0.8 &nter?/.T handover with 1" domain services...............................................................................................*,<< 0.9 &nter?/.T handover with P" domain services................................................................................................*,<; 0.= &nter?/.T handover with simultaneous P" and 1" domain services.............................................................*,<; 0.=., &nter?/.T handover 3T/.' to G"M @ 0""...............................................................................................*,<; 0.=.* &nter?/.T handover G"M @ 0"" to 3T/.'...............................................................................................*,<; 1., :efinitions.......................................................................................................................................................*,<> 1.* 2(amples of the methodolo y.........................................................................................................................*,<>


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chan e followin formal T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re?released by the T"G with an identifyin chan e of release date and an increase in version number as followsP Bersion (.y.! whereP ( the first di itP , presented to T"G for informationO * presented to T"G for approvalO 3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chan e control. y the second di it is incremented for all chan es of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- correctionsupdates- etc. ! the third di it is incremented when editorial only chan es have been incorporated in the document.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


The present document specifies the /adio /esource 1ontrol protocol for the 32?3T/.' radio interface. The scope of the present document also includesP ? ? the information to be transported in a transparent container between source /'1 and tar et /'1 in connection with "/'1 relocationO the information to be transported in a transparent container between a tar et /'1 and another system.

/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or non?specific. 7or a specific reference- subseAuent revisions do not apply. 7or a non?specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin a G"M document)- a non?specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. D,E D*E D3E D8E D9E D=E D<E D;E D>E D,+E D,,E D,*E D,3E D,8E D,9E D,=E D,<E D,;E D,>E 3GPP T/ *,.>+9P HBocabulary for 3GPP "pecificationsH. 3GPP T" *9.3+,P H/adio &nterface Protocol .rchitectureH. 3GPP T" *9.3+3P H&nterlayer Procedures in 1onnected ModeH. 3GPP T" *9.3+8P H32 Procedures in &dle Mode and Procedures for 1ell /eselection in 1onnected ModeH. 3GPP T" *8.++;P HMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationO 1ore 'etwor# ProtocolsO "ta e 3H. 3GPP T" *9.,+3P H/7 parameters in support of //MH. 3GPP T" *9.*,9P HPhysical layer Q Measurements (7::)H. 3GPP T" *9.**9P HPhysical layer Q Measurements (T::)H. 3GPP T" *9.8+,P H3T/.' overall descriptionH. 3GPP T" *9.8+*P H"ynchroni!ation in 3T/.'O "ta e *H. 3GPP T" *3.++3P H'umberin - addressin and identificationH. &1:?GP"?*++P H'avstar GP" "pace "e ment@'avi ation 3ser &nterfaceH. /T1M?"1,+8P H/T1M /ecommended "tandards for :ifferential G'"" "ervice (v.*.*)H. 3GPP T/ *9.>*,P HGuidelines and principles for protocol description and error handlin H. 3GPP T" *9.3*,P HMedium .ccess 1ontrol (M.1) protocol specificationH. 3GPP T" *9.3**P H/adio 5in# 1ontrol (/51) protocol specificationH. 3GPP T" *8.++<P HMobile radio interface si nallin layer 3O General aspectsH. 3GPP T" *9.3+9P H"ta e * 7unctional "pecification of 32 Positionin in 3T/.'H. 3GPP T" *9.,33P H/eAuirements for "upport of /adio /esource Mana ement (7::)H.

The followin documents contain provisions which- throu h reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present document.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

D*+E D*,E D**E D*3E D*8E D*9E D*=E D*<E D*;E D*>E D3+E D3,E D3*E D33E D38E D39E D3=E D3<E D3;E D3>E D8+E D8,E D8*E D83E D88E D89E D8=E D8<E D8;E D8>E D9+E

3GPP T" *9.,*3P H/eAuirements for "upport of /adio /esource Mana ement (T::)H. 3GPP T" *9.,+,P H32 /adio Transmission and /eception (7::)H. 3GPP T" *9.,+*P H32 /adio Transmission and /eception (T::)H. 3GPP T" *3.+=+P HGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")O "ervice descriptionO "ta e *H. 3GPP T" *3.+3*P H3niversal Geo raphical .rea :escription (G.:)H. 3GPP T" *3.,**P H'on?.ccess?"tratum functions related to Mobile "tation (M") in idle modeH. 3GPP T" *9.*,,P HPhysical channels and mappin of transport channels onto physical channels (7::)H. 3GPP T" *9.*,*P HMultiple(in and channel codin (7::)H. 3GPP T" *9.*,3P H"preadin and modulation (7::)H. 3GPP T" *9.*,8P HPhysical layer procedures (7::)H. 3GPP T" *9.**,P HPhysical channels and mappin of transport channels onto physical channels (T::)H. 3GPP T" *9.***P HMultiple(in and channel codin (T::)H. 3GPP T" *9.**3P H"preadin and modulation (T::)H. 3GPP T" *9.**8P HPhysical 5ayer Procedures (T::)H. 3GPP T" *9.3+*P H"ervices provided by the physical layer H. 3GPP T" *9.3+= H32 /adio .ccess 1apabilitiesH. 3GPP T" *9.3*3P HPac#et :ata 1onver ence Protocol (P:1P) "pecificationH. 3GPP T" *9.3*8P H0roadcast@Multicast 1ontrol 0M1H. 3GPP T/ *9.>**P H/adio resource mana ement strate iesH. 3GPP T/ *9.>*9P H/adio interface for broadcast@multicast servicesH. 3GPP T" 33.,+*P H3G "ecurityO "ecurity .rchitectureH. 3GPP T" 38.,+;P H1ommon Test 2nvironments for 3ser 2Auipment (32) 1onformance Testin H. 3GPP T" 38.,*3?*P H3ser 2Auipment (32) conformance specificationO Part *P &mplementation 1onformance "tatement (&1") proforma specificationH. 3GPP T" 88.+,;P HMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationO /adio /esource 1ontrol ProtocolH. 3GPP T" 88.+=+P HGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")O Mobile "tation (M") ? 0ase "tation "ystem (0"") interfaceO /adio 5in# 1ontrol@Medium .ccess 1ontrol (/51@M.1) protocolH. 3GPP T" 89.++9P H/adio transmission and receptionH. 3GPP T" 89.++;P H/adio subsystem lin# controlH. &T3?T /ecommendation I.=;+ (+<@*++*) H&nformation Technolo y ? .bstract "ynta( 'otation One (."'.,)P "pecification of basic notationH. &T3?T /ecommendation I.=;, (+<@*++*) H&nformation Technolo y ? .bstract "ynta( 'otation One (."'.,)P &nformation object specificationH. &T3?T /ecommendation I.=>, (+<@*++*) H&nformation technolo y ? ."'., encodin rulesP "pecification of Pac#ed 2ncodin /ules (P2/)H. 3GPP T" 3,.,+*P H1haracteristics of the 3"&M .pplicationH.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

D9,E D9*E D93E D98E D99E D9=E D9<E D9;E D9>E D=+E D=,E D=*E D=3E D=8E D=9E D==E D=<E D=;E D=>E D<+E D<,E D<*E D<3E D<8E D<9E D<=E D<<E D<;E

3GPP T" *9.3+;P HFi h "peed :ownlin# Pac#et .ccess (F":P.)P Overall :escriptionO "ta e *H. &.'. /OF1 profile identifier definition (httpP@@www.iana.or @assi nments@rohc?pro?ids). 3GPP T" 88.,,;P HMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationO /adio /esource 1ontrol Protocol&u ModeH. 3GPP T" *3.*8=P HMultimedia 0roadcast Multicast "erviceO .rchitecture and 7unctional :escriptionH. 3GPP T" *9.38=P H &ntroduction of the Multimedia 0roadcast Multicast "ervice (M0M") in the /adio .ccess 'etwor# ("ta e?*)H. 3GPP T/ *9.>>*P HMultimedia 0roadcast Multicast "ervice (M0M")O 3T/.'@G2/.' /eAuirementsH. 3GPP T" *9.8,3P H3T/.' &u &nterface /.'.P "i nallin H. 3GPP T" *9.3+>P H7:: 2nhanced 3plin#O Overall :escriptionO "ta e *H. 3GPP T" *9.3,>P H2nhanced 3plin#O Overall :escriptionO "ta e *H. 3GPP T/ *9.;*<P H,.*;Mcps T:: 2nhanced 3plin#O Physical 5ayer .spectsH. Galileo O" "i nal in "pace &1: (O" "&" &1:)- &ssue ,.,- "eptember *+,+- 2uropean 3nion. 3GPP T" *=.,+,P H.daptive Multi?/ate (.M/) speech codec frame structureH. 3GPP T" *=.*+,P H.daptive Multi /ate Q Cideband (.M/?C0) speech codec frame structureH. 3GPP T" 3=.,+,P H2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2?3T/.)O 3ser 2Auipment (32) radio transmission and receptionH. 3GPP T" 3=.,+8P H2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2?3T/.)O 0ase "tation (0") radio transmission and receptionH. 3GPP T" 3=.3+8P H2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2?3T/.)O 3ser 2Auipment (32) procedures in idle modeH. 3GPP T" 3=.33,P H2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2?3T/.)O /adio /esource 1ontrol (//1)O Protocol "pecificationH. &"?GP"?*++- /evision :- 'avstar GP" "pace "e ment@'avi ation 3ser &nterfaces- March <th*++=. &"?GP"?<+9- 'avstar GP" "pace "e ment@3ser "e ment 59 &nterfaces- "eptember **- *++9. &"?GP"?;++- 'avstar GP" "pace "e ment@3ser "e ment 5,1 &nterfaces- March 3,- *++;. "pecification for the Cide .rea .u mentation "ystem (C..")- 3" :epartment of Transportation- 7ederal .viation .dministration- :T7.+,?>=?1?+++*9- *++,. &"?JR""- Juasi Renith "atellite "ystem 'avi ation "ervice &nterface "pecifications for JR""Ber.,.+- Lune ,<- *++;. Global 'avi ation "atellite "ystem G5O'."" &nterface 1ontrol :ocument- Bersion 9- *++*. 3GPP T" 3=.,33P H2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2?3T/.)O /eAuirements for support of radio resource mana ementH. 3GPP T" **.+,,P H"ervice accessibilityH. 3GPP T" *3.++3P H'umberin - addressin and identificationH. 3GPP T" *3.+8,P HTechnical reali!ation of 1ell 0roadcast "ervice (10")H. 3GPP T" 33.8+,P H3GPP "ystem .rchitecture 2volution (".2)P "ecurity architectureH.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

D<>E D;+E

3GPP T" *8.3+,P H 'on?.ccess?"tratum ('.") protocol for 2volved Pac#et "ystem (2P")H. 3GPP T" 3<.3*+P H3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (3T/.) and 2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2?3T/.)O /adio measurement collection for Minimi!ation of :rive Tests (M:T)O Overall descriptionO "ta e *H. 3GPP T" 3*.8**P HTelecommunication mana ementO "ubsriber and eAuipment traceO Trace control and confiuration mana ementH. 3GPP T" **.3=;P H"ervice /eAuirements for Machine Type 1ommunicationsO "ta e ,H. /71 3+>9P H/Obust Feader 1ompression (/OF1)P 7ramewor# and four profilesH. /71 8;,9P H/Obust Feader 1ompression (/OF1)P 1orrections and 1larifications to /71 3+>9H. 3GPP T" *9.3+<P H/eAuirement on 3ser 2Auipments (32s) supportin a release?independent freAuency bandH. 0:"?"&"?&1:?0,&?,.+P H0ei:ou 'avi ation "atellite "ystem "i nal &n "pace &nterface 1ontrol :ocument Open "ervice "i nal 0,& (Bersion ,.+)- :ecember *+,*H.

D;,E D;*E D;3E D;8E D;9E D;=E

4e3i$itio$s a$d a%%re5iatio$s

3.1 4e3i$itio$s
7or the purposes of the present document- the terms and definitions iven in D,E apply- to ether asP Activated uplink frequency (FDD only)P 7or a specific 32- an uplin# freAuency is said to be activated if the 32 is allowed to transmit on that freAuency. The primary uplin# freAuency is always activated when confi ured while a secondary uplin# freAuency has to be activated by means of an F"?"11F order in order to become activated. Adjacent Frequency: . freAuency whose centre is within 9 MF! of the centre of the currently used freAuency and belon s to the same freAuency band as that of the currently used freAuency. Assisting serving HS-DSCH Cell: &n addition to the servin F"?:"1F cell- a cell in the same freAuency- where the 32 is confi ured to simultaneously monitor a F"?"11F set and receive F"?:"1F if it is scheduled in that cell. Assisting secondary serving HS-DSCH Cell: &n addition to the servin F"?:"1F cell- a cell in the secondary downlin# freAuency- where the 32 is confi ured to simultaneously monitor a F"?"11F set and receive F"?:"1F if it is scheduled in that cell. Co on !-DCH resource: &n 7::- common 2?:1F resources are under direct control of the 'ode 0 and are shared by 32s in 1255G7.1F state and &:52 mode. &n ,.*; Mcps T::- common 2?:1F resources used by 32s in 1255G7.1F and &:52 mode are under direct control of 'ode 0 and are shared by 32s in the 1255G:1F state. Co on !-"#CH "$: 1ell which is not the servin 2?:1F radio lin# and from which the 32 can receive one /elative Grant in 1255G7.1F state. The 32 can have !ero- one or up to 3 1ommon 2?/G1F /5(s). Configured %plink Frequency (FDD only): 7or a specific 32- an uplin# freAuency is said to be confi ured if the 32 has received all relevant information from //1 in order to perform transmission on that freAuency. CS# e &er cell: a cell broadcastin the identity of the selected P5M'- re istered P5M' or eAuivalent P5M' and for which the 1"G whitelist of the 32 includes an entry comprisin the cells 1"G &: and the respective P5M' identity. Current Frequency (FDD only): The freAuency that is currently used by the 32. &n case of dual cell or dual band confi ured- the servin F"?:"1F cell freAuency is treated as current freAuency. Data Description 'ndicator (DD')P M.1?e header field used to identify the lo ical channel- M.1?d flow and the si!e of the M.1?d P:3s concatenated into a M.1?es P:3. !-DCH active set (FDD only): The set of cells on the primary uplin# freAuency which carry the 2?:1F for one 32. Only radio lin#s for which an 2?F&1F confi uration is stored are considered part of the 2?:1F active set.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!n(anced %plink in C!$$)FACH state and 'dle ode: &n 7::- combines the /25>> random access power rampin phase with 2?:1F transmission. The procedure can be started in idle mode and //1 1onnected mode- but not in 1255G:1F state. &n ,.*; Mcps T::- the /25< enhanced random access procedure for 2?:1F in 1255G:1F is used in idle mode and 1255G7.1F state. HA"* profile: One F./J profile consists of a power offset attribute and ma(imum number of transmissions. +,+S activated services: the M0M" multicast services the 32 has joined as well as the broadcast services the 32 is interested in. +CCH acquisition: the procedure for acAuirin all M11F information relevant for the 32 ie. includes reception of the /0 information for the 32Ss M0M" activated services. +,+S controlling cell: the cell from which the 32 receives M11F. +,+S notification: a notification provided by 3T/.' indicatin a chan e in the provision of one or more M0M" services. +,+S Selected Services: a subset of the M0M" activated services of the 0roadcast type for which the 32 applies //1 procedures to inform 3T/.' that the service has been selected (by upper layers). +,+S trans ission: a possibly repeated session of an M0M" service. .n M0M" transmission is uniAuely identified by the combination of the M0M" service identity and the M0M" session identity. +,SF- cluster: "et of cells operatin in M0"7' mode providin only M0M" service in PtM mode and seen as one cell by a 32. +,SF- odeP Transmission mode where a set of synchroni!ed cells transmit e(actly the same data for provision of M0M" service. +ultiflo. (FDD only): . mode of operation with two simultaneous F"?:"1F transport channels per carrier freAuency- where the F"?:"1F transport channels may belon to the same or different 'ode 0s. -ode, triggered HS-D/CCH trans ission: Transmission on a common 2?:1F resource to provide F"?:P11F feedbac# in 1255G7.1F state- which is tri ered by the reception of an F"?"11F order as defined in D,=E. /ri ary A&solute #rant (FDD only)P .bsolute Grant received with the primary 2?/'T&. /ri ary uplink frequency (FDD only)P &f a sin le uplin# freAuency is confi ured for the 32- then it is the primary uplin# freAuency. &n case more than one uplin# freAuencies are confi ured for the 32- then the primary uplin# freAuency is the freAuency on which 2?:1F correspondin to the servin 2?:1F cell associated with the servin F"? :"1F cell is transmitted. The association between a pair of uplin# and downlin# freAuencies is indicated by hi her layers. Secondary A&solute #rant (FDD only)P .bsolute Grant received with the secondary 2?/'T&. Secondary !-DCH Active Set (FDD only)P The set of cells on the secondary uplin# freAuency where 2?:1F is carried for one 32. Only radio lin#s for which an 2?F&1F confi uration is stored are considered part of the secondary 2?:1F active set. The secondary 2?:1F active set and the active set on the secondary uplin# freAuency are always the same set of cells. Secondary Serving !-DCH cell (FDD only): 1ell from which the 32 receives .bsolute Grants from the 'ode?0 scheduler on the downlin# freAuency associated with secondary uplin# freAuency. . 32 has one "econdary "ervin 2? :1F cell on the secondary uplin# freAuency. Secondary Serving !-DCH "$S or Secondary Serving "$S (FDD only): &n :ual 1ell 2?:1F operation- the set of cells which contains at least the "econdary "ervin 2?:1F cell and from which the 32 can receive and combine one /elative Grant. . 32 can have !ero or one "econdary "ervin 2?:1F /5". Secondary serving HS-DSCH cell(s)P &n addition to the servin F"?:"1F cell- the set of cells where the 32 is confi ured to simultaneously monitor an F"?"11F set and receive the F"?:"1F if it is scheduled in that cell. There can be up to < secondary servin F"?:"1F cells. &f the 32 is confi ured with two uplin# freAuencies- the first secondary servin F"?:"1F cell is the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell that is associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Secondary -on-serving !-DCH "$ or Secondary -on-serving "$ (FDD only): &n :ual 1ell 2?:1F operation- the cell which belon s to the "econdary 2?:1F active set but does not belon to the "econdary "ervin 2?:1F /5" and from which the 32 in 1255G:1F can receive one /elative Grant. The 32 can have !ero- one or several "econdary 'on?servin 2?:1F /5(s). Secondary uplink frequency (FDD only): . secondary uplin# freAuency is a freAuency on which an 2?:1F correspondin to a servin 2?:1F cell associated with a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell is transmitted. The association between a pair of uplin# and downlin# freAuencies is indicated by hi her layers. Serving !-DCH cell: 1ell from which the 32 receives .bsolute Grants from the 'ode?0 scheduler. &n T::- a 32 has one "ervin 2?:1F cell. &n 7::- a 32 has one "ervin 2?:1F cell on the primary uplin# freAuency. Serving !-DCH "$S or Serving "$S (FDD only): "et of cells which contains at least the "ervin 2?:1F cell and from which the 32 can receive and combine one /elative Grant. &n T::- the 32 has only one "ervin 2?:1F /5". &n 7::- a 32 has one "ervin 2?:1F cell on the primary uplin# freAuency. -on-serving !-DCH "$ or -on-serving "$ (FDD only): 1ell which belon s to the 2?:1F active set but does not belon to the "ervin 2?:1F /5" and from which the 32 in 1255G:1F can receive one /elative Grant. &n T::- the 32 can have !ero- one or several 'on?servin 2?:1F /5(s). &n 7::- the 32 can have !ero- one or several 'on? servin 2?:1F /5(s) on the primary uplin# freAuency. S"-0CC: "in le /adio Boice 1all 1ontinuity- Boice call or Boice and Bideo call continuity between &M" over P" access and 1" access for calls that are anchored in &M" when the 32 is capable of transmittin @receivin on only one of those access networ#s at a iven time. "in le /adio Boice 1all 1ontinuity between 1" access and &M" over P" access is referred to as /everse "/B11 (r"/?B11). 1arget Cell /re-Configuration (FDD only): F"?:"1F 1ell confi uration provided to 32 in .ctive "et 3pdate for which F"?:"1F servin 1ell 1han e may be initiated by F"?"11F order sent from tar et cell. 1arget cell HS-SCCH orderP . F"?:"1F servin cell chan e command si naled to an 32 by usin F"?"11F order in the tar et cell for which a measurement report was tri ed by an 2vent ,d intra freAuency event. /ri ary !-DCH carrier (2345+cps 1DD only)P &f a sin le 2?:1F carrier is confi ured for the 32- then it is the primary 2?:1F carrier. &n case more than one 2?:1F carriers are confi ured for the 32- then the primary 2?:1F carrier is the carrier on which the 2?/311F will be transmitted. Additional !-DCH carrier (2345+cps 1DD only)P .n additional 2?:1F carrier is an 2?:1F carrier other than the primary 2?:1F carrier . The 32 can have !ero- one or several additional 2?:1F carrier(s).

3.2 #%%re5iatio$s
7or the purposes of the present document- the followin abbreviations applyP .1% .G .&1F .M .'/ ." ."1 ."'., 011F 01: 0172 0:" 02/ 052/ 0"" 111F 11P1F 1F 15T: 1M .c#nowled ement .bsolute Grant .cAuisition &ndicator 1Fannel .c#nowled ed Mode .utomatic 'ei hbour /elation .ccess "tratum .ccess "ervice 1lass .bstract "ynta( 'otation., 0roadcast 1ontrol 1hannel 0inary 1oded :ecimal 0roadcast 1ontrol 7unctional 2ntity 0ei:ou 'avi ation "atellite "ystem 0it 2rror /ate 05oc# 2rror /ate 0ase "tation "ub?system 1ommon 1ontrol 1hannel 1ommon 1ontrol Physical 1Fannel 1onditional on history 1losed 5oop Transmit :iversity 1onnection Mana ement


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1' 1?/'T& 1"70 1"G 1T1F 1T71 1B :0:" :1. :11F :172 :1F :1?".P ::& :G.'"" :GP" :5 :"1F :T1F :TM 2.0 2?.G1F 2127 21& 2?:1F 2?:P11F 2?:P:1F 2G'O" 2?F&1F 2?P31F 2?/G1F 2?/'T& 2?/O1F 2?/311F 2?T71& 2TC" 2?311F 2?3T/. 2?3T/.' 7.1F 7:: 7?:P1F 7?TP&1F G.G.' G.'"" G1?".P G2/.' G5O'."" G'"" G/. G?/'T& F./J F1" F7' F?/'T& F"?:"1F &1: &: &:''" &2 &2T7

1ore 'etwor# 1ell /'T& 1" 7allbac# 1losed "ubscriber Group 1ommon Traffic 1Fannel 1alculated Transport 7ormat 1ombination 1onditional on value :ifferential 0:" :ynamic 1hannel .llocation :edicated 1ontrol 1hannel :edicated 1ontrol 7unctional 2ntity :edicated 1hannel :edicated 1ontrol ".P :ata :escription &ndicator :ifferential G.'"" :ifferential Global Positionin "ystem :ownlin# :ownlin# "hared 1hannel :edicated Traffic 1hannel :ual Transfer Mode 2(tended .ccess 0arrin 2?:1F .bsolute Grant 1hannel 2arth?1entered- 2arth?7i(ed 2arth?1entered?&nertial 2nhanced uplin# :1F 2?:1F :edicated Physical 1ontrol 1hannel (7:: Only) 2?:1F :edicated Physical :ata 1hannel (7:: Only) 2uropean Geostationary 'avi ation Overlay "ervice 2?:1F F./J .c#nowled ement &ndicator 1hannel 2nhanced 3plin# Physical 1hannel (T:: only) 2?:1F /elative Grant 1hannel (7:: only) 2?:1F /'T& 2?:1F /an# and Offset 1hannel (7:: only) 2?:1F /andom .ccess 3plin# 1ontrol 1hannel (T:: only) 2?:1F Transport 7ormat 1ombination &ndicator 2arthAua#e and Tsunami Carnin "ystem 2?:1F 3plin# 1ontrol 1hannel (T:: only) 2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess 2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor# 7orward .ccess 1hannel 7reAuency :ivision :uple( 7ractional :P1F 7ractional Transmitted Precodin &ndicator 1hannel GP" .ided Geo .u mented 'avi ation Galileo and .dditional 'avi ation "atellite "ystems General 1ontrol ".P G"M@2:G2 /adio .ccess 'etwor# G5Obal$naya '.vi atsionnaya "putni#ovaya "istema (2n l.P Global 'avi ation "atellite "ystem) Global 'avi ation "atellite "ystem G2/.' /e istration .rea G2/.' /adio 'etwor# Temporary &dentity Fybrid .utomatic /epeat /eAuest Fierarchical 1ell "tructure Fyper 7rame 'umber F"?:"1F /'T& Fi h "peed :ownlin# "hared 1hannel &nterface 1ontrol :ocument &dentifier &ntra :omain '." 'ode "elector &nformation element &nternet 2n ineerin Tas# 7orce


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&M0 &M2& &M"& &P &"1P 5, 5* 53 5.& M.1 M0M" M0"7' M11 M11F M: M:T M&1F MM M'1 MP MT1F M"." M"1F '.11 '." 't?".P 'C O5T: OP P11F P1F P:1P P:"1F P:3 P5M' P'72 P/.1F P/' P"& p?t?m P?TM"& p?t?p P3"1F Jo" JR"" /.0 /.1F /.& /.T /0 /72 /G /5 /51 /5" /'1 /OF1 /'T& //1 /"1P /"'

&nte rated Mobile 0roadcast &nternational Mobile 2Auipment &dentity &nternational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity &nternet Protocol &nterference on "i nal 1ode Power 5ayer , 5ayer * 5ayer 3 5ocation .rea &dentity Media .ccess 1ontrol Multimedia 0roadcast Multicast "ervice M0M" over a "in le 7reAuency 'etwor# Mobile 1ountry 1ode M0M" point?to?multipoint 1ontrol 1hannel Mandatory default Minimi!ation of :rive Tests M0M" notification &ndicator 1hannel Mobility Mana ement Mobile 'etwor# 1ode Mandatory present M0M" point?to?multipoint Traffic 1hannel Multi?functional "atellite .u mentation "ystem M0M" point?to?multipoint "chedulin 1hannel 'etwor# .ssisted 1ell 1han e 'on .ccess "tratum 'otification ".P 'etwor# Open 5oop Transmit :iversity Optional Pa in 1ontrol 1hannel Pa in 1hannel Pac#et :ata 1onver ence Protocol Physical :ownlin# "hared 1hannel Protocol :ata 3nit Public 5and Mobile 'etwor# Pa in and 'otification 1ontrol 7unctional 2ntity Physical /andom .ccess 1Fannel Pseudo?/andom 'oise Pac#et "ystem &nformation Point?to?Multipoint Pac#et Temporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity Point?to?Point Physical 3plin# "hared 1hannel Juality of "ervice Juasi?Renith "atellite "ystem /adio access bearer /andom .ccess 1Fannel /outin .rea &dentity /adio .ccess Technolo y /adio 0earer /outin 7unctional 2ntity /elative Grant /adio 5in# /adio 5in# 1ontrol /adio 5in# "et /adio 'etwor# 1ontroller /Obust Feader 1ompression /adio 'etwor# Temporary &dentifier /adio /esource 1ontrol /eceived "i nal 1ode Power /etransmission "eAuence 'umber


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

/"/P /"/J /""& ".P "0." "172 "1T: "1TO "?:P11F "?2?:P11F "?2?:P:1F "7 "G "F11F "& "&/ "P" "?/'T& "B T:: T7 T71" T7" TM TM2 TM"& Tr T"' T( 32 35 3M 3/. 3?/'T& 3"1F 3T1 3T/.' C.." CG"?;8

/eference "i nal /eceived Power /eference "i nal /eceived Juality /eceived "i nal "tren th &ndicator "ervice .ccess Point "atellite 0ased .u mentation "ystem "hared 1ontrol 7unction 2ntity "pace 1ode Transmit :iversity "oft 1ombinin Timin Offset (M0M") "econdary :edicated Physical 1ontrol 1hannel "econdary 2?:P11F (7:: only) "econdary 2?:P:1F (7:: only) "preadin 7actor "ervin rant "hared 1ontrol 1hannel "ystem &nformation "i nal to &nterference /atio "emi?Persistent "chedulin "/'1 ? /'T& "pace Behicle Time :ivision :uple( Transport 7ormat Transport 7ormat 1ombination "et Transport 7ormat "et Transparent Mode Transfer Mode 2ntity Temporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity Transparent Transmission "eAuence 'umber Transmission 3ser 2Auipment 3plin# 3nac#nowled ed Mode 3T/.' /e istration .rea 3T/.'?/'T& 3plin# "hared 1hannel 3niversal 1oordinated Time 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor# Cide .rea .u mentation "ystem Corld Geodetic "ystem ,>;8


&f not specified differently- descriptions are relevant for both 7:: and T::. :escriptions for T:: only are relevant for both ,.*; Mcps T:: and 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T:: if not specified differently.

,.1 65er5ie1 o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$

This specification is or anised as followsP ? ? ? ? ? subclause 8.* contains the description of the model of the //1 protocol layerO clause 9 lists the //1 functions and the services provided to upper layersO clause = lists the services e(pected from the lower layers and specifies the radio bearers available for usa e by the //1 messa esO clause < specifies the 32 states for the .ccess "tratum- and also specifies the processes runnin in the 32 in the respective statesO clause ; specifies //1 procedures- includin 32 state transitionsO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

? ? ? ? ? ?

clause > specifies the procedures for the handlin of un#nown- unforeseen- and erroneous protocol data by the receivin entityO clause ,+ describes the messa e in a Tabular formatO these messa es descriptions are referenced in clause ;O clause ,, specifies the encodin of the messa es of the //1 protocol. This is based on the Tabular description in clause ,+. clause ,* specifies the transfer synta( for //1 P:3s derived from the encodin definitionO clause ,3 lists the protocol timers- counters- constants and variables to be used by the 32O clause ,8 specifies some of the processes applicable in 3T/. //1 connected mode e. . measurement processes- and also the //1 information to be transferred between networ# nodes. 'ote that not all the processes applicable in 3T/. //1 connected mode are specified here i.e. some 3T/. //1 connected mode processes are described in D8E e. . cell re?selectionO .nne( . contains recommendations about the networ# parameters to be stored on the 3"&MO .nne( 0 contains informative "ta e * description of the //1 protocol states and state transitions.

? ?

The followin fi ure summarises the mappin of 32 states- includin states in G"M and 2?3T/.- to the appropriate 3T/.- G"M and 2?3T/. specifications that specify the 32 behaviour.
32 switch?on

32 &dle 3GPP T" *9.3+8 3GPP T" *3.,**

32 connected 3GPP T" *9.33,

G"M connected 3GPP T" 88.+,;

GP/" Pac#et Transfer 3GPP T" 88.+=+

2?3T/. connected 3GPP T" 3=.33,

2?3T/. idle 3GPP T" 3=.3+8 3GPP T" 3=.33,

G"M idle 3GPP T" 89.++;

32 idle 3GPP T" *9.3+8 3GPP T" *9.33,

1255G:1F 3GPP T" *9.33,

1255G7.1F 3GPP T" *9.33, 3GPP T" *9.3+8

1255GP1F 3GPP T" *9.33, 3GPP T" *9.3+8

3/.GP1F 3GPP T" *9.33, 3GPP T" *9.3+8

,i-ure '# & . /appin- of 01 state to 3GPP Specifications

,.2 RR( La7er Mode

The functional entities of the //1 layer are described belowP ? ? /outin of hi her layer messa es to different MM@1M entities (32 side) or different core networ# domains (3T/.' side) is handled by the /outin 7unction 2ntity ("F!). 0roadcast functions are handled in the broadcast control function entity (,CF!). The 0172 is used to deliver the //1 services- which are reAuired at the G1?".P. The 0172 can use the lower layer services provided by the Tr?".P and 3M?".P. Pa in of 32s that do not have an //1 connection is controlled by the pa in and notification control function entity (/-F!). The P'72 is used to deliver the //1 services that are reAuired at the 't?".P. The P'72 can use the lower layer services provided by the Tr?".P and 3M?".P. The :edicated 1ontrol 7unction 2ntity (DCF!) handles all functions specific to one 32. The :172 is used to deliver the //1 services that are reAuired at the :1?".P and can use lower layer services of 3M@.M?".P and Tr?".P dependin on the messa e to be sent and on the current 32 service state. &n T:: mode- the :172 is assisted by the "hared 1ontrol 7unction 2ntity ("172) location in the 1?/'1which controls the allocation of the P:"1F and P3"1F usin lower layers services of 3M?".P and Tr?".P. The Transfer Mode 2ntity (TM2) handles the mappin between the different entities inside the //1 layer and the ".Ps provided by /51.

? ?

'OT2 ,P 5o ical information e(chan e is necessary also between the //1 sublayer functional entities. Most of that is implementation dependent and not necessary to present in detail in a specification.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

7i ure 8.*?, shows the //1 model for the 32 and 7i ure 8.*?* and 7i ure 8.*?3 show the //1 model for the 3T/.'. 'OT2 *P The fi ure shows only the types of ".Ps that are used. Multiple instances of Tr?".P- 3M?".P and .M? ".P are possible. 2specially- different functional entities usually use different instances of ".P types.

'#S '#S



... ...




.ccess "tratum //1 ".Ps



... ...





... ...


8(&) P'&) 4(&) TM)




#M S#P

M#( ctr L1-ctr

M#( L1

,i-ure '#!& . 01 side 2odel of RRC


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

.ccess "tratum





//1 ".Ps



4(&) TM)





#M S#P

M#( ctr L1-ctr

RL( M#( L1

,i-ure '#!&!. 0TRAN side RRC 2odel (3S&/AP s4ste2)






... ...




... ...




... ...













#M S#P

M#( ctr L1-ctr

M#( L1
,i-ure '#!&3. 0TRAN side RRC 2odel (3S&' S4ste2)


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,.3 Protoco s!eci3icatio$ !ri$ci! es

This protocol specification is based on the applicable eneral uidelines iven in D,8E. &n this specification- a notation of variables is used. The variables are defined in subclause ,3.8. Bariables are typically used to represent a status or a result of an action- such as reception of an information element in a messa e- which is used to specify a behaviour somewhere else in the specification- such as when settin the value of an information element in a transmitted messa e. The variables only serve the purpose of specifyin the protocol- and do not therefore impose any particular implementation. Chen specifyin the 32 behaviour at reception of messa es- the behaviour that is tied to reception or non?reception of individual information elements- and in some cases combinations of information elements- is specified in one location (subclause ;.=).

RR( &u$ctio$s a$d Ser5ices !ro5ided to u!!er a7ers

5.1 RR( &u$ctio$s

The //1 performs the functions listed below. . more detailed description of these functions is provided in D*EP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0roadcast of information related to the non?access stratum (1ore 'etwor#)O 0roadcast of information related to the access stratumO 2stablishment- maintenance and release of an //1 connection between the 32 and 3T/.'O 2stablishment- reconfi uration and release p?t?p of /adio 0earersO 2stablishment- reconfi uration and release of p?t?m /adio 0earersO .ssi nment- reconfi uration and release of radio resources for the //1 connectionO //1 connection mobility functionsO 1ontrol of reAuested Jo"O 32 measurement reportin and control of the reportin O Outer loop power controlO 1ontrol of cipherin O "low :1. (T:: mode)O Pa in O &nitial cell selection and cell re?selectionO .rbitration of radio resources on uplin# :1FO //1 messa e inte rity protectionO Timin advance (T:: mode)O 10" controlO M0M" control.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

5.2 RR( Ser5ices !ro5ided to u!!er a7ers

The //1 offers the followin services to upper layers- a description and primitives of these services are provided in D*E and D,<E. ? ? ? General 1ontrolO 'otificationO :edicated control.

The //1 layer provides the 32?3T/.' portion of si nallin connections to the upper layers to support the e(chan e of upper layer$s information flow. The si nallin connection is used between the user eAuipment and the core networ# to transfer upper layer information. 7or each core networ# domain- at most one si nallin connection may e(ist at the same time. The //1 layer maps the si nallin connections for one 32 on a sin le //1 connection. 7or the upper layer data transfer on si nallin connections- the //1 layer supports the discrimination between two different classes- named HFi h priorityH (correspondin to H".P& +H for a G"M?M.P based core networ#) and H5ow priorityH (correspondin to H".P& 3H for a G"M?M.P based core networ#).

5.3 Pri9iti5es %et1ee$ RR( a$d u!!er a7ers

The primitives between //1 and the upper layers are described in D,<E.

Ser5ices e.!ected 3ro9 o1er a7ers

6.1 Ser5ices e.!ected 3ro9 La7er 2

The services provided by layer * are described in D*E- D,9E and D,=E.

6.2 Ser5ices e.!ected 3ro9 La7er 1

The services provided by layer , are described in D*E.

6.3 Si2$a i$2 Radio 8earers

The /adio 0earers (/0) available for transmission of //1 messa es are defined as Hsi nallin radio bearersH and are specified in the followin . The 32 and 3T/.' shall select the si nallin radio bearers for //1 messa es usin /51? TM- /51?3M or /51?.M on the :11F and 111F- accordin to the followin P ? ? ? ? "i nallin radio bearer /0+ shall be used for all messa es sent on the 111F (35P /51?TM- :5P /51?3M). "i nallin radio bearer /0, shall be used for all messa es sent on the :11F- when usin /51 unac#nowled ed mode (/51?3M). "i nallin radio bearer /0* shall be used for all messa es sent on the :11F- when usin /51 ac#nowled ed mode (/51?.M)- e(cept for the //1 messa es carryin hi her layer ('.") si nallin . "i nallin radio bearer /03 and optionally "i nallin radio bearer /08 shall be used for the //1 messa es carryin hi her layer ('.") si nallin and sent on the :11F in /51 ac#nowled ed mode (/51?.M)- as specified in subclauses ;.,.;.- ;.,.> and ;.,.,+. "i nallin radio bearer /08 shall be used for 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 messa e carryin 5o ed Measurement /eports. .dditionally- /0s whose identities shall be set between 9 and 3* may be used as si nallin radio bearer for the //1 messa es on the :11F sent in /51 transparent mode (/51?TM). //1 messa es on the "F11F are mapped either on /.1F or on the 3"1F in the uplin# usin TM and either on 7.1F or on the :"1F usin /51?3M. These messa es are only specified for T:: mode. //1 messa es on the M11F are mapped on 7.1F usin /51?3M. The transport channel confi uration for M11F is indicated on 011F. 7or this si nallin radio bearer no identity is applied.

? ? ? ?


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//1 messa es on the M"1F are mapped on 7.1F usin /51?3M. The transport channel confi uration for M"1F is indicated on M11F. 7or this si nallin radio bearer no identity is applied.

The /adio 0earer confi uration for si nallin radio bearer /0+- "F11F- 011F on 7.1F- P11F on P1F- 011F mapped to 01F- /0+ mapped on F"?:"1F (7:: only) and /.1F- 011F mapped on F"?:"1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)- P11F mapped to F"?:"1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) and /0+ mapped on F"?:"1F and common 2?:1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) are specified in subclauses ,3.=- ,3.=a- ,3.=b- ,3.=c- ,3.=e- ,3.=f,3.= and ,3.=h. 1ipherin is never applied to si nallin radio bearer /0+ or si nallin radio bearers usin /51 TM.

Protoco states

/.1 65er5ie1 o3 RR( States a$d State Tra$sitio$s i$c udi$2 GSM a$d )-UTR#
7i ure <.,?, shows the //1 states in 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode- includin transitions between 3T/. //1 connected mode and G"M connected mode for 1" domain services- and between 3T/. //1 connected mode and G"M@GP/" pac#et modes or 2?3T/. //1 connected mode for P" domain services. &t also shows the transitions between &dle Mode and 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode and furthermore the transitions within 3T/. //1 connected mode.


* T"e i$dicated di5isio$ 1it"i$ :d e Mode is o$ 7 i$c uded 3or c ari3icatio$ a$d s"a $ot %e i$ter!reted as states.


Transitions between G"M@GP/" and 2?3T/. are not shown. ,i-ure )# & . RRC States and State Transitions includin- GS/ and 1&0TRA

The //1 connection is defined as a point?to?point bi?directional connection between //1 peer entities in the 32 and the 3T/.' characterised by the allocation of a 3?/'T&. . 32 has either !ero or one //1 connection. &f '." informs ." about a new selected P5M'- re istered P5M' or eAuivalent P5M' list while bein in connected mode- the 32 shall perform the actions accordin to subclause ;.9.*8. 'OT2P The state transitions are specified in clause ;.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

/.2 Processes i$ U) 9odes0states

'OT2P This subclause specifies what processes shall be active in the 32 in the different //1 modes@states. The related procedures and the conditions on which they are tri ered are specified either in clause ; or elsewhere in the relevant process definition.

/.2.1 U) :d e 9ode
32 processes that are active in 32 &dle mode are specified in D8E. The 32 shall perform a periodic search for hi her priority P5M's as specified in D*9E- unless the 32 is receivin M0M" services via p?t?m radio bearers. The 32 shall store available measurement results as specified in D8E- when lo ed measurement is confi ured. The 32 shall perform .'/ measurements and lo in as specified in D8E- when lo ed .'/ measurement is confi ured. . 32 that is capable of receivin M0M" services on cells operatin in M0"7' mode as specified in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 is operatin in idle mode and acts on //1 messa es and system information received from this cell operatin in M0"7' mode independently from messa es received from cells not operatin in M0"7' mode. This implies that procedures e(ecuted based on messa es and system information received from a cell operatin in M0"7' mode shall not interact with messa es and system information received from a cell not operatin in M0"7' mode unless e(plicitely specified otherwise. 'OT2 ,P This implies that the 32 is operatin an independent stac# for the reception of M0M" services on cells operatin in M0"7' mode as specified in subclause ;.,.,.=.3. 'OT2 *P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the cell is operatin in M0"7' mode- system information and M11F messa es are transmitted on the M0"7' "pecial Timeslot D3+E.

/.2.2 UTR# RR( (o$$ected 9ode

&n this specification unless otherwise mentioned Hconnected modeH shall refer to H3T/. //1 connected modeH.


UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< state

&n the 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state the 32 shall perform the followin actionsP 'OT2P 7or 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- neither :11F nor :T1F are available in these states. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- :11F and :T1F reception on F"?:"1F may be confi ured in 1255GP1F state- if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state. Otherwise- neither :11F nor :T1F are available in 1255GP1F state. &n 3/.GP1F- neither :11F nor :T1F are available.

,T if the 32 is Hin service areaHP *T maintain up?to?date system information as broadcast by the servin cell as specified in the subclause ;.,.,O *T perform cell reselection process as specified in D8EO *T perform a periodic search for hi her priority P5M's as specified in D*9E- unless the 32 is receivin M0M" services via p?t?m radio bearersO 'OT2P &f the :/I cycle len th is ;+ms- then a search for hi her priority P5M's may not identify all the available P5M's due to the pa in occasion on the current servin cell coincidin with the M&0 of the cell of interest.

*T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO or *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if variable FG/'T& or variable 1G/'T& is not set- and the &2 HP&1F infoH is included in &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =P 3T monitor the pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a- ;.=.3.* and ;.9.8* and receive pa in information on the P1F mapped on the "?11P1F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.,>O *T elseP 3T monitor the pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a- ;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive P11F on the F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F- or :11F and :T1F on the F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F and the associated F"?"11F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. *T act on //1 messa es received on P11F- 011F- and :11F (7:: only)O *T perform measurements process accordin to measurement control information as specified in subclause ;.8 and in subclause ,8.8O *T maintain up?to?date 0M1 data if it supports 1ell 0roadcast "ervice (10") as specified in D3<EO *T act on //1 messa es received on M11F if it supports M0M" and has activated an M0M" service as specified in subclause ;.<O *T run timer T3+9 for periodical 3/. update if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F or for periodical cell update if the 32 is in 1255GP1F. *T store available measurements if lo ed measurement is confi ured as specified in D8E. *T perform .'/ measurements and lo in as specified in D8E- when lo ed .'/ measurement is confi ured. ,T if the 32 is Hout of service areaHP *T perform cell selection process as specified in D8EO *T run timer T3,=O *T run timer T3+9 or T3+<O *T if the cell selection process fails to find a suitable cell after a complete scan of all /.Ts and all freAuency bands supported by the 32- the 32 shall after a minimum of TimerOutOf"ervice time (default value 3+ s) of bein Hout of service areaHP 3T indicate all available P5M's to '." to enable the selection of a new P5M'O 3T if an acceptable cell is found then the 32 shall camp on that cell to obtain limited service as defined in D8E and- perform actions accordin to subclause ;.9.*8O 3T else if no acceptable cell is found- the 32 shall continue loo#in for an acceptable cell as defined in D8E.


()LL;&#(< state
:11F and- if confi ured- :T1F are available in this state.

&n the 1255G7.1F state the 32 shall perform the followin actionsP

,T if the 32 is Hin service areaHP *T maintain up?to?date system information as broadcast by the servin cell as specified in subclause ;.,.,O *T perform cell reselection process as specified in D8EO *T perform measurements process accordin to measurement control information as specified in subclause ;.8 and in subclause ,8.8O *T run timer T3+9 (periodical cell update)O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T select and confi ure the /0 multiple(in options applicable for the transport channels to be used in this //1 stateO *T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 Hcommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P 3T listen to all 7.1F transport channels mapped on the "?11P1F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.,>. *T elseP 3T if variable FG/'T& is setP 8T receive physical channels F"?"11F(s) usin the value of the variable FG/'T& as 32 identity and parameters iven by the &2(s) HF"?:"1F common system informationH accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 3T elseP 8T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P 9T receive physical channel(s) of type F"?"11F with selected common F?/'T& usin parameters iven by the &2(s) HF"?:"1F common system informationH accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. *T act on //1 messa es received on 011F- 111F and :11FO *T act on //1 messa es received on M11F if it supports M0M" and has activated an M0M" service as specified in subclause ;.<O *T act on //1 messa es received on- if available- "F11F (T:: only). ,T if the 32 is Hout of service areaHP *T perform cell selection process as specified in D8EO *T run timers T3+9 (periodical cell update)- and T3,< (cell update when re?enterin Hin serviceH) or T3+< (transition to &dle mode)- if startedO *T run timers T3,8 and@or T3,9- if startedO *T if the cell selection process fails to find a suitable cell after a complete scan of all /.Ts and all freAuency bands supported by the 32- the 32 shall after a minimum of TimerOutOf"ervice time (default value 3+ seconds) of bein Hout of service areaHP 3T indicate all available P5M's to '." to enable the selection of a new P5M'O 3T if an acceptable cell is found then the 32 shall camp on that cell to obtain limited service as defined in D8E and perform actions accordin to subclause ;.9.*8O 3T else if no acceptable cell is found- the 32 shall continue loo#in for an acceptable cell as defined in D8E.


()LL;4(< state
:11F and- if confi ured- :T1F are available in this state.

&n the 1255G:1F state the 32 shall perform the followin actionsP

,T read the system information as specified in subclause ;.,., (for 32s in T:: mode)O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T perform measurements process accordin to measurement control information as specified in subclause ;.8 and in clause ,8O ,T select and confi ure the /0 multiple(in options applicable for the transport channels to be used in this //1 stateO ,T act on //1 messa es received on :11FO ,T act on //1 messa es received on 011F (applicable only to 32s with certain capabilities and in 7:: mode)O ,T act on //1 messa es received on M11F if it supports M0M" and has activated an M0M" service as specified in subclause ;.< (applicable only to 32s supportin M0M" with certain capabilities)O ,T act on //1 messa es received on 011F (T:: only) and- if available- "F11F (T:: only). 'OT2P &f any of the above procedures results in different F"?:"1F and 2?:1F servin cells- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

RR( !rocedures

The 32 shall be able to process several simultaneous //1 procedures. .fter the reception of a messa e which invo#ed a procedure- the 32 shall be prepared to receive and act on another messa e which may invo#e a second procedure. Chether this second invocation of a procedure (transaction) is accepted or rejected by the 32 is specified in the subclauses of this clause- and in particular in subclause ;.=.3.,, (//1 transaction identifier). On receivin a messa e the 32 shallP ,T chec# that the messa e is addressed to the 32 (e. . by chec#in the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH or the &2 H3?/'T&H for messa es on 111F)O ,T discard the messa es addressed to other 32s. and then the 32 shallP ,T apply inte rity chec# as appropriateO ,T proceed with error handlin as specified in clause >O ,T act upon the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO ,T continue with the procedure as specified in the relevant subclause. 'OT2P :ue to an error in the /elease $>> ."'.,- a /elease $>> 32 is unable to determine which 32 is addressed by a downlin# 111F messa e correspondin to a protocol version later than /elease $>>. .s a result- the /elease $>> 32 will not be able to return a protocol error accordin to subclause >.3a. Therefore- the 3T/.' should only send a /elease $>> messa e version towards 32s that have indicated conformance to /elease $>> in the &2 H.ccess stratum release indicatorH.

The //1 entity in the 32 shall consider P:3s to have been transmitted when they are submitted to the lower layers. &f the //1 entity in the 32 submits a messa e for transmission usin .M /51- it shall consider the messa e successfully transmitted when 3T/.' reception of all relevant P:3s is ac#nowled ed by /51. &n the 32- timers are started when the P:3s are sent on the radio interface in the case of the transmission usin the 111F.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.1 RR( (o$$ectio$ Ma$a2e9e$t Procedures

=.1.1 8roadcast o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$
32 3T/.'

"K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O'

,i-ure *# # & . 5roadcast of s4ste2 infor2ation

32 3T/.'

P.G&'G TKP2 ,

,i-ure *# # &!. Notification of s4ste2 infor2ation 2odification for 01s in idle 2ode6 C1778PC9 state and 0RA8PC9 state
32 3T/.'

"K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O'

,i-ure *# # &3. Notification of s4ste2 infor2ation 2odification for 01s in C1778,AC9 and C17783C9 (T33 onl4) state
32 . different /.T

"ystem &nformation 1ontainer

,i-ure *# # &'. Reception of S4ste2 :nfor2ation Container


S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ structure

The purpose of this procedure is to broadcast system information from the 3T/.' to 32s in a cell.

The system information elements are broadcast in system information blocks. . system information bloc# roups to ether system information elements of the same nature. :ifferent system information bloc#s may have different


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

characteristics- e. . re ardin their repetition rate and the reAuirements on 32s to re?read the system information bloc#s. The system information is or anised as a tree. . master information block ives references and schedulin information to a number of system information bloc#s in a cell. The system information bloc#s contain the actual system information. The master information bloc# may optionally also contain reference and schedulin information to one or two scheduling blocks- which ive references and schedulin information for additional system information bloc#s. "chedulin information for a system information bloc# may only be included in either the master information bloc# or one of the schedulin bloc#s. 7or all system information bloc#s e(cept "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.*- ,9.3 and ,=- the content is the same in each occurrence for system information bloc#s usin value ta . "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.*- ,9.3 and ,= may occur more than once with different content. &n this case schedulin information is provided for each such occurrence of the system information bloc#. "ystem information bloc#s that do not use value ta may have different content for each occurrence.


S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s

Table ;.,., specifies all system information bloc#s and their characteristics. The area scope column in table ;.,., specifies the area where a system information bloc#$s value ta is valid. &f the area scope is cell- the 32 shall consider the system information bloc# to be valid only in the cell in which it was read. &f system information bloc#s have been previously stored for this cell- the 32 shall chec# whether the value ta for the system information bloc# in the entered cell is different compared to the stored value ta . &f the area scope is PLMN or Equivalent PLMN- the 32 shall chec# the value ta for the system information bloc# when a new cell is selected. &f the value ta for the system information bloc# in the new cell is different compared to the value ta for the system information bloc# stored in the 32- the 32 shall re?read the system information bloc#. &f the area scope is PLMN- the 32 shall consider the system information bloc# to be valid only within the P5M' in which it was read. &f the area scope is Equivalent PLMN- the 32 shall consider the system information bloc# to be valid within the P5M' in which it was received and all P5M's which are indicated by hi her layers to be eAuivalent. 7or "ystem information bloc# types ,9.*- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter- ,9.3- ,9.3bis and ,=- which may have multiple occurrenceseach occurrence has its own independent value ta . The 32? shall re?read a particular occurrence if the value ta of this occurrence has chan ed compared to that stored in the 32. The UE mode/state column hen block is valid in Table ;.,., specifies in which 32 mode or 32 state the &2s in a system information bloc# shall be re arded as valid by the 32. &n other words- the indicated system information bloc# becomes invalid upon chan e to a mode@state that is not included in this column. "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,= remains also valid upon transition to or from G"M@GP/". &n some cases- the states are inserted in brac#ets to indicate that the validity is dependent on the broadcast of the associated "ystem &nformation 0loc#s by the networ# as e(plained in the relevant procedure subclause. The UE mode/state column hen block is read in Table ;.,., specifies in which 32 mode or 32 state the &2s in a system information bloc# may be read by the 32. The 32 shall have the necessary information prior to e(ecution of any procedure reAuirin information to be obtained from the appropriate system information bloc#. The reAuirements on the 32 in terms of when to read the system information may therefore be derived from the procedure specifications that specify which &2s are reAuired in the different 32 modes@states in conjunction with the different performance reAuirements that are specified. The 32 shallP ,T if variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" is set to 7.5"2P *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#sP 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is not referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#s - or broadcast of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is not indicated in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 8T have read and acted upon "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- if scheduled on 01F- in a cell when the 32 transmits an //1 messa e on /.1F. 3T elseP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T have read and acted upon "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- if scheduled on 01F- in a cell before the 32 transmits the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e. 8T have read and acted upon both "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- if scheduled on 01F- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* in a cell whenP 9T the 32 transmits an //1 messa e on /.1F in //1 connected modeO or 9T the 32 receives a messa e commandin to enter 1ellG:1F state. ,T elseP *T the 32 may transmit an //1 messa e on /.1F before havin read and acted upon "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,; and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>- if scheduled on 01F. 'OT2 ,P There are a number of system information bloc#s that include the same &2s while the 32 mode@state in which the information is valid differs. This approach is intended to allows the use of different &2 values in different 32 mode@states. 'OT2 *P "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,= is also obtained by a 32 while in G"M@GP/". The details of this are not within the scope of this specification. 'OT2 3P Chen :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" variable is set T/32- the 2?3T/. capable 32 should read "&0,> before initiatin the //1 connection setup procedure e(cept for the case when it is re? directed from 2?3T/.. The !cheduling information column in table ;.,., specifies the position and repetition period for the "ystem &nformation 0loc#. The modification of system information column in table ;.,., specifies the update mechanisms applicable for a certain system information bloc#. 7or system information bloc#s with a value ta - the 32 shall update the information accordin to subclause ;.,.,.<., or ;.,.,.<.*. 7or system information bloc#s with an e(piration timer- the 32 shallwhen the timer e(pires- perform an update of the information accordin to subclause ;.,.,.<.8.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Ta;le *# # . Specification of s4ste2 infor2ation ;lock characteristics


Release ! S4ste2 infor2ation ;lock Master i$3or9atio$ % oc> Area scope (e 01 2ode<state when ;lock is =alid :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< 01 2ode<state when ;lock is read :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

3* Schedulininfor2ation S:8;P6S ? 0 S:8;R)P ? = (&44) S:8;R)P ? =, 16, 32 (T44) S:8;6&&?2 S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ i$ M:8

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) /odificatio n of s4ste2 infor2ation Va ue ta2 Additional co22ent

See 'ote 5

Sc"edu i$2 % oc> 1


Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Sc"edu i$2 % oc> 2


S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ i$ M:8

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1


S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 2 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e ,

(e (e

UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<) ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<) ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2 Va ue ta2

'ote* T"e area sco!e o3 S:81 is (e %ut 3or co9! ia$ce to ear ier 5ersio$s o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$ t"e codi$2 o3 t"e sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ 3or S:81 co$tai$s t"e UPLM' 5a ue ta2S i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t. See 'ote 3 See 'ote 3 See 'ote 5


Va ue ta2

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 a$d 5%is


:d e 9ode, (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7))

:d e 9ode, (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7))

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2

:3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e , is $ot %roadcast i$ a ce , t"e co$$ected 9ode U) s"a a!! 7 i$3or9atio$ i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 3 i$ co$$ected 9ode. See 'ote 3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5%is is se$t i$stead o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 i$ ce s t"at use 8a$d :V or 8a$d :A or 8a$d A.


Release ! S4ste2 infor2ation ;lock S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6 Area scope (e 01 2ode<state when ;lock is =alid ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) 01 2ode<state when ;lock is read ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7)

3+ Schedulininfor2ation S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) /odificatio n of s4ste2 infor2ation Va ue ta2 Additional co22ent

:3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6 is $ot %roadcast i$ a ce , t"e co$$ected 9ode U) s"a read S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 or S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5%is. :3 so9e o3 t"e o!tio$a :)s are $ot i$c uded i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6, t"e U) s"a read t"e corres!o$di$2 :)s i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 or S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5%is. :$ T44 9ode s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> 6 s"a o$ 7 %e read i$ ()LL;4(< i3 reBuired 3or o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro as s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =.5./ a$d0or i3 s"ared tra$s!ort c"a$$e s are assi2$ed to t"e U). :3 i$ t"ese cases s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6 is $ot %roadcast t"e U) s"a read s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5. See 'ote 3 :$ T44 9ode s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e / s"a o$ 7 %e read i$ ()LL;4(< i3 s"ared tra$s!ort c"a$$e s are assi2$ed to t"e U). See 'ote 3

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e /


:d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(<) :d e 9ode (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(<)

:d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< (T44 o$ 7) :d e 9ode (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<) :d e 9ode (()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<)

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

).!iratio$ ti9er ? M#A(32 , S:8;R)P C ).!iratio$Ti 9e&actor) Va ue ta2

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 11 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 11%is


S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@


Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3


Release ! S4ste2 infor2ation ;lock S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 12 Area scope (e 01 2ode<state when ;lock is =alid ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< 01 2ode<state when ;lock is read :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

'% Schedulininfor2ation S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) /odificatio n of s4ste2 infor2ation Va ue ta2 Additional co22ent

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13.1 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13.2 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13.3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13., S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1,







:d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(<

:d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(<

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2

:3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 12 is $ot %roadcast i$ a ce , t"e co$$ected 9ode U) s"a read S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 11. :3 so9e o3 t"e o!tio$a :)s are $ot i$c uded i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 12, t"e U) s"a read t"e corres!o$di$2 :)s i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 11. See 'ote 3 See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

).!iratio$ ti9er ? M#A(32 , S:8;R)P C ).!iratio$Ti 9e&actor)

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15%is S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.1 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.1%is



:d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

:d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2

T"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> is used i$ 3.=, Mc!s T44 a$d /.6= Mc!s T44 9ode o$ 7. S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1, s"a o$ 7 %e read i$ ()LL;4(< i3 reBuired 3or o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro as s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =.5./. See 'ote 3 See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3


Release ! S4ste2 infor2ation ;lock S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.1ter S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.2 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.2%is S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.2ter S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.3%is S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15., S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.5 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.6 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15./ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.= S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 16 Area scope (e 01 2ode<state when ;lock is =alid :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< 01 2ode<state when ;lock is read :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e Mode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

' Schedulininfor2ation S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) /odificatio n of s4ste2 infor2ation Va ue ta2 Additional co22ent

See 'ote 3


Va ue ta2


Va ue ta2


Va ue ta2


Va ue ta2


Va ue ta2


Va ue ta2

&or t"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t"ere 9a7 %e 9u ti! e occurre$ces See 'ote 3 &or t"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t"ere 9a7 %e 9u ti! e occurre$ces See 'ote 3 &or t"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t"ere 9a7 %e 9u ti! e occurre$ces See 'ote 3 &or t"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t"ere 9a7 %e 9u ti! e occurre$ces See 'ote 3 &or t"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t"ere 9a7 %e 9u ti! e occurre$ces See 'ote 3 See 'ote 3


Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3


Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3


Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3


Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

)Bui5a e$t PLM'

Va ue ta2

&or t"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t"ere 9a7 %e 9u ti! e occurre$ces. T"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> is a so 5a id 1"i e i$ GSM0GPRS. See 'ote 3


Release ! S4ste2 infor2ation ;lock S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1/ Area scope (e 01 2ode<state when ;lock is =alid ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< 01 2ode<state when ;lock is read ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(<

'! Schedulininfor2ation S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) /odificatio n of s4ste2 infor2ation ).!iratio$ ti9er ? S:8;R)P Additional co22ent

S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1= S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 20 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 21




:d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<, ()LL;4(< :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

:d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< :d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@ S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2

T"is s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> is used i$ T44 9ode o$ 7. S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1/ s"a o$ 7 %e read i3 s"ared tra$s!ort c"a$$e s are assi2$ed to t"e U). See 'ote 3 See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3

Va ue ta2

See 'ote 3


Va ue ta2

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 22


:d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

:d e 9ode, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<

S!eci3ied %7 t"e :) @Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$@

Va ue ta2

:3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 21 is %roadcast i$ a ce , t"e )#8 ca!a% e U) s"a 3irst a!! 7 t"e e.te$ded access %arri$2 i$3or9atio$ i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 21. :3 as a resu t access to t"e ce is $ot %arred, t"e$ a!! 7 t"e access c ass %arri$2 i$3or9atio$ i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 3. See 'ote 3 :3 so9e o3 t"e o!tio$a :)s are $ot i$c uded i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 22, t"e U) s"a read t"e corres!o$di$2 :)s i$ S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 or S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5%is. See 'ote 3

'OT2 3P The 32 behaviour is unspecified if this system information bloc# is received on a cell operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3. . networ# should not send these system information bloc#s on a cell operatin in M0"7' mode. 'OT2 8P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if a cell is operatin in M0"7' mode- system information bloc#s are transmitted on the M0"7' "pecial Timeslot D3+E. 'OT2 9P 7or 7:: 32s supportin the 'ei hbour 1ell "& acAuisition capability- the 32 can read the "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 and the Master &nformation 0loc# of a nei hbourin cell when in 1255G:1F state.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Se29e$tatio$ a$d co$cate$atio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s

. eneric "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e is used to convey the system information bloc#s on the 011F. . iven 011F may be mapped onto a 01F transport channel accordin to subclause ;.,.,.,.*. The si!e of the "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e shall fit the si!e of a 01F transport bloc#. The //1 layer in 3T/.' performs se mentation and concatenation of encoded system information bloc#s. &f the encoded system information bloc# is lar er than the si!e of a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- it will be se mented and transmitted in several messa es. &f the encoded system information bloc# is smaller than a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- 3T/.' may concatenate several system information bloc#s- or the first se ment or the last se ment into the same messa e as specified in the remainder of this clause. 7our different se ment types are definedP ? ? ? ? 7irst se mentO "ubseAuent se mentO 5ast se mentO 1omplete.

2ach of the types ? "irst- !ubsequent and Last segment # is used to transfer se ments of a master information bloc#schedulin bloc# or a system information bloc#. The se ment type- $omplete% is used to transfer a complete master information bloc#- complete schedulin bloc# or a complete system information bloc#. 2ach se ment consists of a header and a data field. The data field carries the encoded system information elements. The header contains the followin parametersP ? ? ? The number of se ments in the system information bloc# ("2GG1O3'T). This parameter is only included in the header if the se ment type is H7irst se mentH. "&0 type. The "&0 type uniAuely identifies the master information bloc#- schedulin bloc# or a system information bloc#. "e ment inde(. This parameter is only included in the header if the se ment type is H"ubseAuent se mentH or H5ast se mentH.

3T/.' may combine one or several se ments of variable len th in the same "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. The followin combinations are allowedP ,. 'o se mentO *. 7irst se mentO 3. "ubseAuent se mentO 8. 5ast se mentO 9. 5ast se ment V 7irst se mentO =. 5ast se ment V one or several 1ompleteO <. 5ast se ment V one or several 1omplete V 7irst se mentO ;. One or several 1ompleteO >. One or several 1omplete V 7irst se mentO ,+. One 1omplete of si!e *,9 to **=O ,,. 5ast se ment of si!e *,9 to ***. The H'o se mentH combination is used when there is no master information bloc#- schedulin bloc# or system information bloc# scheduled for a specific 01F transport bloc#.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

32s are not reAuired to support the reception of multiple occurrences of the same system information bloc# type within one "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. 'OT2P "ince the "&0 type is the same for each occurrence of the system information bloc#- the 32 does not #now the order in which the occurrences- scheduled for this "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- appear. Therefore- the 32 is unable to determine which schedulin information- e. .- value ta relates to which occurrence of the system information bloc#.


Re-asse9% 7 o3 se29e$ts

The //1 layer in the 32 shall perform re?assembly of se ments. .ll se ments belon in to the same master information bloc#- schedulin bloc# or system information bloc# shall be assembled in ascendin order with respect to the se ment inde(. Chen all se ments of the master information bloc#- schedulin bloc# or a system information bloc# have been received- the 32 shall perform decodin of the complete master information bloc#- schedulin bloc# or system information bloc#. 7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.*- ,9.3 and ,=- which may have multiple occurrences- each occurrence shall be re?assembled independently. The 32 shall discard system information bloc#s of which se ments were missin - of which se ments were received out of seAuence and@or for which duplicate se ments were received. The only valid seAuence is an ascendin one with the seAuence startin with the 7irst "e ment of the associated "ystem &nformation 0loc#. &f the 32 receives a "ubseAuent se ment or 5ast se ment where the inde( in &2 H"e ment inde(H is eAual to or lar er than the number of se ments stated in &2 H"2GG1O3'TH in the schedulin information for that schedulin bloc# or system information bloc#P ,T the 32 mayP *T read all the se ments to create a system information bloc# as defined by the schedulin information read by the 32O *T store the content of the system information bloc# with a value ta set to the value '355O and *T consider the content of the schedulin bloc# or system information bloc# as validP 3T until it receives the same type of schedulin bloc# or system information bloc# in a position accordin to its schedulin informationO or 3T at most for = hours after reception. ,T and the 32 shallP *T re?read schedulin information for that schedulin bloc# or system information bloc#. &f the 32 receives a "ubseAuent se ment or 5ast se ment where the inde( in &2 H"e ment inde(H is eAual to or lar er than the number of se ments stated in &2 H"2GG1O3'TH in the 7irst se ment- the 32 shall ,T discard all se ments for that master information bloc#- schedulin bloc# or system information bloc#O and ,T re?read the schedulin information for that system information bloc#O ,T then re?read all se ments for that system information bloc#.


Sc"edu i$2 o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

"chedulin of system information bloc#s is performed by the //1 layer in 3T/.'. &f se mentation is used- it should be possible to schedule each se ment separately. To allow the mi(in of system information bloc#s with short repetition period and system information bloc#s with se mentation over many frames- 3T/.' may multiple( se ments from different system information bloc#s. Multiple(in and de?multiple(in is performed by the //1 layer. The schedulin of each system information bloc# broadcast on a 01F transport channel is defined by the followin parametersP ? the number of se ments ("2GG1O3'T)O


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

? ?

the repetition period ("&0G/2P). The same value applies to all se mentsO the position (phase) of the first se ment within one cycle of the 1ell "ystem 7rame 'umber ("&0GPO"(+)). "ince system information bloc#s are repeated with period "&0G/2P- the value of "&0GPO"(i)- i W +- ,- *- X "2GG1O3'T?, must be less than "&0G/2P for all se mentsO the offset of the subseAuent se ments in ascendin inde( order ("&0GO77(i)- i W ,- *- X "2GG1O3'T?,) The position of the subseAuent se ments is calculated usin the followin P "&0GPO"(i) W "&0GPO"(i?,) V "&0GO77(i).

The schedulin is based on the 1ell "ystem 7rame 'umber ("7'). The "7' of a frame at which a particular se ment- iwith i W +- ,- *- X "2GG1O3'T?, of a system information bloc# occurs- fulfils the followin relationP "7' mod "&0G/2P W "&0GPO"(i) &n 7:: and T:: the schedulin of the master information bloc# is fi(ed as defined in table ;.,.,. 7or T::- 3T/.' may apply one of the values allowed for the master information bloc#$s repetition period. The value that 3T/.' is usin in T:: is not si nalledO 32s have to determine it by trial and error. &n case the 32 stores schedulin information in the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/- the information above is not used.



The system information is continuously broadcast on a re ular basis in accordance with the schedulin defined for each system information bloc#.


Rece!tio$ o3 SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2es %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall read "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa es broadcast on a 01F transport channel in idle mode and in the connected mode in states 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F and 1255G:1F (T:: only). &n idle mode and connected mode different combinations of system information bloc#s are valid. The 32 shall acAuire the system information bloc#s that are needed accordin to table ;.,.,. Fowever- when the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32 and &2 H35 interference for common 2?:1FH is included in "&0 9@9bis- the 32 shall acAuire the system information bloc# < upon enterin a new cell and shall consider the content of the system information bloc# < as always valid and in ore any system information e(piry timer. The 32 may store system information bloc#s with cell- PLMN or Equivalent PLMN area scope (includin their value ta if applicable) for different cells and different P5M's- to be used if the 32 returns to these cells. The 32 shall consider all stored system information bloc#s as invalid after it has been switched off. "ome information obtained from system information may be stored by the 32 or in the 3"&M for use in a stored information cell selection. Chen selectin a new cell the 32 shall consider all current system information bloc#s with area scope cell to be invalid. &f the 32 has stored valid system information bloc#s for the newly selected cell- the 32 may set those as current system information bloc#s. .fter selectin a new cell and this cell broadcasts an &2 HP5M' &dentityH in the M&0 which is different from the &2 HP5M' &dentityH broadcast in the M&0 in the previously selected cell- the 32 shall consider all current system information bloc#s with area scope PLMN to be invalid. &f the 32 has previously stored valid system information bloc#s for the selected cell of the new P5M'- the 32 may set those as current system information bloc#s. Chen '." informs ." about a new selected P5M'- the 32 shall consider all stored system information bloc#s with area scope Equivalent PLMN to be invalid.




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


#ctio$s u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> a$d Sc"edu i$2 8 oc>(s)

Chen selectin a new cell- the 32 shall read the master information bloc#. The 32 may use the pre?defined schedulin information to locate the master information bloc# in the cell. 3pon reception of the master information bloc#- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH is not present in the Master &nformation 0loc#P *T consider the &2 HP5M' identityH in the Master &nformation 0loc# as the P5M' identity of the cell. ,T elseP *T consider the P5M' identities in the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH as the P5M' identities of the cellO *T when readin the HMultiple P5M' 5istH- read all the P5M' identities in the list as followsP 3T if the &2 HM&0 P5M' &dentityH is set to T/32P 8T read the HP5M' identityH &2 in the M&0 and consider it as a part of the HMultiple P5M' 5istH. 3T if the &2 HM&0 P5M' &dentityH is set to 7.5"2P 8T not consider the HP5M' identityH &2 in the M&0 as a part of the HMultiple P5M' 5istHO 8T not consider the &2 HP5M' identityH in the M&0 as a P5M' identity of the cellO 8T not forward the P5M' in the &2 HP5M' identityH of the M&0 to upper layers. 3T if the M11 is not present when readin a &2 HP5M' identity with Optional M11H in the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istHP 8T set the M11 of this P5M' identity eAual to the M11 of the closest precedin HP5M' identity with Optional M11H in the HMultiple P5M' 5istH that includes an M11O 8T or- if no such HP5M' identity with Optional M11H e(ists- the 32 shall set the M11 of this P5M' identity to the M11 of the HP5M' identityH &2 in the Master &nformation 0loc# irrespective of the value of the &2 HM&0 P5M' &dentityH. ,T if the 32 is operatin in H.'"&?8, modeH and the &2 HP5M' TypeH has the value H.'"&?8,H or HG"M?M.P and .'"&?8,HP *T store the .'"&?8, &nformation elements contained in the master information bloc# and perform initial process for .'"&?8,. ,T compare the value ta in the master information bloc# with the value ta stored for this cell and this P5M' in the variable B.532GT.GO ,T if the value ta s differ- or if no &2s for the master information bloc# are storedP *T store the value ta into the variable B.532GT.G for the master information bloc#O *T read and store schedulin information included in the master information bloc#. ,T if the value ta s are the same the 32 may use stored system information bloc#s and schedulin bloc#s usin value ta that were stored for this cell and this P5M' as valid system information. 7or all system information bloc#s or schedulin bloc#s that are supported by the 32 referenced in the master information bloc# or the schedulin bloc#s- the 32 shall perform the followin actionsP ,T for all system information bloc#s with area scope HP5M'H or H2Auivalent P5M'H that use value ta sP *T compare the value ta read in schedulin information for that system information bloc# with the value stored within the variable B.532GT.G for that system information bloc#O *T if the value ta s differ- or if no &2s for the correspondin system information bloc# are storedP


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3T store the value ta read in schedulin information for that system information bloc# into the variable B.532GT.GO 3T read and store the &2s of that system information bloc#. *T if the value ta s are the same the 32 may use stored system information bloc#s usin value ta that were stored in this P5M' as valid system information. ,T for all system information bloc#s or schedulin bloc#s with area scope cell that use value ta sP *T compare the value ta read in schedulin information for that system information bloc# or schedulin bloc# with the value stored within the variable B.532GT.G for that system information bloc# or schedulin bloc#O *T if the value ta s differ- or if no &2s for the correspondin system information bloc# or schedulin bloc# are storedP 3T store the value ta read in schedulin information for that system information bloc# or schedulin bloc# into the variable B.532GT.GO 3T read and store the &2s of that system information bloc# or schedulin bloc#. *T if the value ta s are the same the 32 may use stored system information bloc#s usin value ta s that were stored for this cell and this P5M' as valid system information. *T for any of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*- for 7::P 3T if the value ta read in schedulin information for the system information bloc# differs with the value stored within the variable B.532GT.G for that system information bloc#O and 3T if the 32 is readin the system information bloc# as a result of receivin the &2 H011F modification infoHP 8T clear the stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H- if any. 8T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9. ,T for system information bloc#s which may have multiple occurrencesP *T compare the value ta and the confi uration or multiple occurrence identity for the occurrence of the system information bloc#s read in schedulin information with the value ta and confi uration or multiple occurrence identity stored within the variable B.532GT.GP 3T if the value ta s differ- or if no &2s from the occurrence with that confi uration or multiple occurrence identity of the system information bloc# are storedP 8T store the value ta read in schedulin information for that system information bloc# and the occurrence with that confi uration or multiple occurrence identity into the variable B.532GT.GO 8T read and store the &2s of that system information bloc#. 3T if the value ta s and the confi uration or multiple occurrence identity are identical to those stored- the 32 may use stored occurrences of system information bloc#s that were stored for this cell and this P5M' as valid system information. 3pon reception of the master information bloc# or schedulin bloc#s- the 32 shallP ,T if the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' is set to T/32P *T if the value ta of the Master &nformation 0loc# in the system information is different from the value ta stored in the variable B.532GT.GO and *T the schedulin information of system information bloc# type 3 is present in the master information bloc# and the value ta s for system information bloc# type 3 in the master information bloc# are the sameP


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3T set the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' to 7.5"2 and allow the access on the cell accordin to ;.,.;.*. *T else if the schedulin information of system information bloc# type 3 is present in any of the schedulin bloc#sP 3T if the value ta s for system information bloc# type 3 in any of the schedulin bloc#s received after the M&0 value ta chan e are the sameP 8T set the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' to 7.5"2 and allow the access on the cell accordin to ;.,.;.*. 7or system information bloc#s- not supported by the 32- but referenced either in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#s- the 32 mayP ,T s#ip readin this system information bloc#O ,T s#ip monitorin chan es to this system information bloc#. &f the 32P ,T receives a schedulin bloc# at a position different from its position accordin to the schedulin information for the schedulin bloc#O or ,T receives a schedulin bloc# for which schedulin information has not been receivedP the 32 mayP ,T store the content of the schedulin bloc# with a value ta set to the value '355O and ,T consider the content of the schedulin bloc# as valid until it receives the same type of schedulin bloc# in a position accordin to its schedulin information or at most for = hours after reception. &f the 32 does not find a schedulin bloc# in a position where it should be accordin to its schedulin information- but a transport bloc# with correct 1/1 was found at that position- the 32 shallP ,T read the schedulin information for this schedulin bloc#. &f the 32 does not find the master information bloc# in a position fulfillin P "7' mod 3* W + but a transport bloc# with correct 1/1 was found at that position)- the 32 shallP ,T consider the master information bloc# as not foundO and ,T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and ,T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorH- and the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. 'OT2P This permits a different repetition for the M&0 in later versions for 7::. &n T:: it allows for a variable "&0G/2P in this and future releases.

&f the cell is not operatin in M0"7' mode (accordin to "ection ;.,.,.=.3) thenP ,T &f system information bloc# type , is not scheduled on 01F- and system information bloc# type ,3 is not scheduled on 01F- the 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T &f the 32 only supports G"M?M.P but finds a cell that broadcasts "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,3 but not "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,- the 32 shallP


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*T consider the cell barred. ,T &f system information bloc# type , is not scheduled on 01FO and ,T if the 32 is operatin in HG"M?M.P modeHO and ,T if the &2 HP5M' typeH in the Master &nformation 0loc# has the value HG"M?M.PH or HG"M?M.P and .'"&? 8,H- the 32 shallP *T indicate to upper layers that no 1' system information is available. ,T &f in idle mode and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 is not scheduled on 01F- the 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T &f in connected mode and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 is not scheduled on 01F- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 8 is not scheduled on 01F- the 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T &f in idle mode and neither "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 nor type 9bis is scheduled on 01F- or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or type 9bis is scheduled but &2 H.&1F infoH (7::) or &2 HP&1F infoH is not presentthe 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T &f in connected mode and neither "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 nor type 9bis is scheduled on 01F- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is not scheduled on 01F- or any of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- type 9bis or type = is scheduled but &2 H.&1F infoH (7::) or &2 HP&1F infoH is not present- the 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T &f "ystem &nformation 0loc# type < is not scheduled on 01F- the 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T &n 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8 is not scheduled on 01F- the 32 shallP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. &f the cell is operatin in M0"7' mode (accordin to section ;.,.,.=.3) thenP ,T &f neither "ystem &nformation bloc# type 9 nor "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis is scheduled on the 01F the 32 shallP *T not consider this M0"7' cluster as candidate durin the M0"7' cluster selection and M0"7' cluster re? selection procedures D8E. The 32 may choose to not rechec# the status of this M0"7' cluster durin the time correspondin to the ma(imum value for Tbarred.


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,T &f "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is not scheduled on the 01F the 32 shallP *T not consider this M0"7' cluster as candidate durin the M0"7' cluster selection and M0"7' cluster re? selection procedures D8E. The 32 may choose to not rechec# the status of this M0"7' cluster durin the time correspondin to the ma(imum value for Tbarred. &f "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis are both scheduled on 01FP ,T the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


#ctio$s u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s

The 32 may use the schedulin information included within the master information bloc# and the schedulin bloc#s to locate each system information bloc# to be acAuired. 7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter,9.3bis- ,9.=- ,9.< and ,9.; the schedulin information shall be used to associate a system information bloc# with a G'"". The 32 should only e(pect one occurrence of the schedulin information for a system information bloc# in the master information bloc# and any of the schedulin bloc#s e(cept for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,=- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3- which may have multiple occurrences. "ystem &nformation 0loc#s ,9.,bis- ,9.=- ,9.< and ,9.; have one occurrence for each G.'"" supported while "ystem &nformation 0loc#s ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter and ,9.3bis may have multiple occurrences for each G.'"". Fowever- to enable future introduction of new system information bloc#s- the 32 shall also be able to receive system information bloc#s other than the ones indicated within the schedulin information. The 32 may i nore contents of such system information bloc#. &f the 32P ,T receives a system information bloc# in a position accordin to the schedulin information for the system information bloc#O and ,T this system information bloc# uses a value ta O or ,T this system information bloc# uses a value ta and confi uration or multiple occurrence identityP the 32 shallP ,T store the content of the system information bloc# to ether with the value of its value ta or the values of confi uration and multiple occurrence identity and the associated value ta in the schedulin information for the system information bloc#O and ,T consider the content of the system information bloc# valid until- if used- the value ta in the schedulin information for the system information bloc# is chan ed or at most for = hours after reception. &f the 32P ,T receives a system information bloc# in a position accordin to the schedulin information for the system information bloc#O and ,T this system information bloc# does not use a value ta accordin to the system information bloc# typeP the 32 shallP ,T store the content of the system information bloc#O ,T if F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and if the system information bloc# corresponds to "ystem &nformation 0loc# type <O or ,T if F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32 and if the system information bloc# corresponds to "ystem &nformation 0loc# type <P *T start an e(piration timer usin a value set to ;++. ,T elseP *T start an e(piration timer usin a value as defined in Table ;.,., for that system information bloc# type-


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,T consider the content of the system information bloc# valid until- the e(piration timer e(pires. &f the 32P ,T receives a system information bloc# at a position different from its position accordin to the schedulin information for the system information bloc#O or ,T receives a system information bloc# for which schedulin information has not been receivedO and ,T this system information bloc# uses a value ta P the 32 mayP ,T store the content of the system information bloc# with a value ta set to the value '355O and ,T consider the content of the system information bloc# as valid until it receives the same type of system information bloc# in a position accordin to its schedulin information or at most for = hours after reception. &f the 32P ,T receives a system information bloc# with multiple occurrences at a position different from its position accordin to the schedulin information for the system information bloc#O or ,T receives a system information bloc# with multiple occurrences for which schedulin information has not been receivedO and ,T this system information bloc# uses a value ta and confi uration or multiple occurrence identityP the 32 shallP ,T i nore this information. &f the 32 does not find a system information bloc# in a position where it should be accordin to its schedulin information- but a transport bloc# with correct 1/1 was found at that position- the 32 shall read the schedulin information for this system information bloc#. The 32 shall act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.= unless specified otherwise in the followin subclauses.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1

The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# if the 32 is operatin in HG"M?M.P modeH and the &2 HP5M' typeH in the Master &nformation 0loc# has the value HG"M?M.PH or HG"M?M.P and .'"&?8,H. The 32 shall alsoP ,T chec# that the cell- accordin to information included in &2 H1' common G"M?M.P '." system informationHis suitable D8EO ,T if in connected modeP *T not forward the content of the &2 H1' common G"M?M.P '." system informationH to upper layers. ,T if in idle modeP *T forward the content of the &2 H1' common G"M?M.P '." system informationH to upper layers. ,T for the &2 H1' domain system information listHP *T for each &2 H1' domain system informationH that is presentP 3T chec# that the cell- accordin to information included in &2 H1' domain specific '." system informationH- is suitable D8EO 3T if in connected modeP 8T not forward the content of the &2 H1' domain specific '." system informationH to upper layers.


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3T if in idle modeP 8T forward the content of the &2 H1' domain specific '." system informationH and the &2 H1' domain identityH to upper layersO 8T use the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH to calculate frame number for the Pa in Occasions as specified in D8EO 8T store the value of the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH for use in connected mode. *T if an &2 H1' domain system informationH is not present for a particular 1' domainP 3T if in idle modeP 8T indicate to upper layers that no 1' system information is available for that 1' domain. ,T if the 32 has not yet entered 3T/. //1 connected modeP *T store the values of the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T". *T if the &2 HT3*3H is not presentP 3T clear any value of the timer T3*3 stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T". ,T use the values stored in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T" for the relevant timers and constants.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 2

&f in connected mode the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if in state 3/.GP1F- start to perform 3/. updates usin the information in the &2 H3/. identityH. &f in idle mode- the 32 shall not use the values of the &2s in this system information bloc#.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 3

The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if in connected mode- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# 8 is indicated as used in the cellP *T read and act on information sent in that bloc#. ,T if &2 H:eferred measurement control readin supportH is presentP *T set variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" to T/32. ,T elseP *T set variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" to 7.5"2. Cith respect to :omain "pecific .ccess 1ontrol and Pa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH is not included in the Master &nformation 0loc#P *T apply the domain specific access restrictions as indicated by the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- and the pa in permission with access control as indicated by the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters for P5M' Of M&0H. ,T elseP *T if the P5M' specified by the &2 HP5M' &dentityH of the Master &nformation 0loc# is chosen by the 32P 3T apply the domain specific access restrictions as indicated by the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- and the pa in permission with access control as indicated by the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters for P5M' Of M&0H.


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*T else- if '?th ('W,..9) P5M' in the &2 HMultiple P5M'sH contained in the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH is chosen by the 32P 3T if the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction 5istH of the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction 7or "hared 'etwor#H is indicatedP 8T if the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or Operator'H is indicatedP 9T apply the domain specific access restrictions as indicated by the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or Operator'H. 3T elseP 8T if the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or .llH of the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction 7or "hared 'etwor#H is indicatedP 9T apply the domain specific access restrictions as indicated by the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or .llH. 3T if the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol 5istH of the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol 7or "hared 'etwor#H is indicatedP 8T if the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or Operator'H is indicatedP 9T apply the pa in permission with access control as indicated by the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or Operator'H. 3T elseP 8T if the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or .llH of the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol 7or "hared 'etwor#H is indicatedP 9T apply the pa in permission with access control as indicated by the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or .llH. The 32 shall apply the followin handlin with respect to any .ccess 1lass 0arrin informationP ,T if in idle modeP *T if the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or Operator'H or the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or .llH to be applied accordin to the reAuirements above is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3- the 32 shallP 3T if Pa in /esponse /estriction &ndication is set to H'oneHP 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>E- act as if no .ccess 1lass is barred in the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH as specified in D8E. 3T if Pa in /esponse /estriction &ndication is set to HP"HP 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E from 1" domain or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>E- act as if no .ccess 1lass is barred in the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH as specified in D8EO 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E from P" domain- act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH (or &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred listH if &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH is not present) as specified in D8E. 3T if Pa in /esponse /estriction &ndication is set to H1"HP 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E from P" domain- act as if no .ccess 1lass is barred in the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH as specified in D8EO


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8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E from 1" domain or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>E- act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH (or &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred listH if &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH is not present) as specified in D8E. 3T else (if Pa in /esponse /estriction &ndication is set to H.llH)P 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E from 1" domain or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>E- act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH as specified in D8EO 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E from P" domain- act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH as specified in D8EO 8T when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>E from P" or 1" domain- act on the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred listH if the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH is not present. 3T when initiatin a 5ocation@/e istration procedure to 1" domain- act on the &2 H5ocation@/e istration .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if the &2 H5ocation@/e istration /estriction &ndicatorH is set to H.llH or H1"H-as specified in D8EO 3T when initiatin an access to 1" domain for any other reason- act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH (or &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred listH if &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH is not present) as specified in D8EO 3T when initiatin a 5ocation@/e istration procedure to P" domain- act on the &2 H5ocation@/e istration .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if the &2 H5ocation@/e istration /estriction &ndicatorH is set to H.llH or HP"H- as specified in D8EO 3T when initiatin an access to P" domain for any other reason- act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH (or &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred listH if &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH is not present) as specified in D8E. 3T upon transition to 3T/. //1 connected- the 32 shallP 8T store that Pa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters to the variable HPP.1GP./.MH and maintain the variable until it is cleared- the P5M' chosen by the 32 is chan ed or the //1 connection is releasedO 8T if the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or Operator'H or the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or .llH to be applied accordin to the reAuirements above is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3P 9T store that :omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters to the variable H:".1GP./.MH and maintain the variable until it is cleared- the P5M' chosen by the 32 is chan ed or the //1 connection is released. 8T act on the stored &2 HPa in /esponse /estriction &ndicatorH when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , or P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>EO 8T act on the stored &2 H5ocation@/e istration .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if the &2 H5ocation@/e istration /estriction &ndicatorH is set to H.llH or H1"H- when initiatin a 5ocation@/e istration procedure to the 1" domain- as specified in D8EO 8T act on the stored &2 H5ocation@/e istration .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if the &2 H5ocation@/e istration /estriction &ndicatorH is set to H.llH or HP"H- when initiatin a 5ocation@/e istration procedure to the P" domain- as specified in D8EO


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8T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain for any other reason- as specified in D8EO 8T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- for any other reason -as specified in D8E. *T if neither the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or Operator'H nor the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or .llH to be applied accordin to the reAuirements above is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3P 3T if the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or Operator'H or the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or .llH to be applied accordin to the reAuirements above is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3 the 32 shallP 8T act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin //1 1onnection establishment to send an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain- as specified in D8E. &f Hno restrictionH was indicated in restriction status- the 32 shall act as if no .ccess 1lass is barred in the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH- and i nore the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH in the &2 H1ell .ccess /estrictionHO 8T act on the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin //1 1onnection establishment to send an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- as specified in D8E. &f Hno restrictionH was indicated in restriction status- the 32 shall act as if no .ccess 1lass is barred in the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH- and i nore the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH in the &2 H1ell .ccess /estrictionHO 8T upon transition to 3T/. //1 connected- the 32 shallP 9T store that :omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters to the variable H:".1GP./.MH and maintain the variable until it is cleared- the P5M' chosen by the 32 is chan ed or the //1 connection is releasedO 9T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain- as specified in D8EO 9T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- as specified in D8E. 3T elseP 8T act on the &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred listH when initiatin //1 1onnection establishment as specified in D8E. ,T if in connected modeP *T for the variable H:".1GP./.MHP 3T if the &2H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or Operator'H or the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or .llH to be applied accordin to the reAuirements above is included in the "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3P 8T if the variable H:".1GP./.M is not set- the 32 shallP 9T store that :omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters to the variable H:".1GP./.MH and maintain the variable until it is cleared- the P5M' chosen by the 32 is chan ed or the //1 connection is released. 8T else (the access class barrin information is stored) 32 shallP


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9T update the variable H:".1GP./.MH with that :omain "pecific .ccess /estriction ParametersO 3T elseP 8T if the variable H:".1GP./.MH is set- the 32 shallP 9T clear the variable H:".1GP./.MH. *T for the variable HPP.1GP./.MHP 3T if the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H- the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or Operator'H or the &2 HPa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters 7or .llH to be applied accordin to the reAuirements above is included in the "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3P 8T if the variable HPP.1GP./.MH is not set- the 32 shallP 9T store that Pa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters to the variable HPP.1GP./.MH and maintain the variable until it is cleared- the P5M' chosen by the 32 is chan ed or the //1 connection is released. 8T else (the access class barrin information is stored) 32 shallP 9T update the variable HPP.1GP./.MH with that Pa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters. 3T elseP 8T if the variable HPP.1GP./.MH is set- the 32 shallP 9T clear the variable HPP.1GP./.MH. *T the 32 shallP 3T if the variable H:".1GP./.MH is setP 8T if the variable HPP.1GP./.MH is setP 9T act on the stored &2 HPa in /esponse /estriction &ndicatorH when sendin a response to any P.G&'G TKP2 , or P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e- Pa in messa e specified in D=<E or 1" "2/B&12 'OT&7&1.T&O' messa e specifed in D<>EO 9T act on the stored &2 H5ocation@/e istration .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if the &2 H5ocation@/e istration /estriction &ndicatorH is set to H.llH or H1"H- when initiatin a 5ocation@/e istration procedure to the 1" domain- as specified in D8EO 9T act on the stored &2 H5ocation@/e istration .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if the &2 H5ocation@/e istration /estriction &ndicatorH is set to H.llH or HP"H- when initiatin a 5ocation@/e istration procedure to the P" domain- as specified in D8EO 9T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain for any other reason- as specified in D8EO 9T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- for any other reason -as specified in D8E. 8T if the variable HPP.1GP./.MH is not setP 9T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 H1" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain- as specified in D8EO


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9T act on the stored &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if indicated in the &2 HP" :omain "pecific .ccess /estrictionH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- as specified in D8E. 3T elseP 8T act as if no .ccess 1lass is barred. Cith respect to H1"G &dentityH &2- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H1"G &dentityH is presentP *T forward the content of &2 H1"G &dentityH to the upper layers. &f the &2 HM0"7' only serviceH is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T consider this cell to operate in M0"7' modeO ,T for T:: consider that all slots operate in M0"7' modeO ,T for 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: &M0 and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: if the 32 capabilities allow the reception of M0"7' in addition to the normal 32 operation the 32 may receive M0M" services from this cell in accordance with reAuirements for selection of a cell providin only M0"7' as specified in D8E. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 capabilities allow the reception of M0"7' in addition to the normal 32 operation the 32 may et synchroni!ed to the M0"7' cluster as specified in D8E. Cith respect to H&M" 2mer ency "upport &ndicatorH &2- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H&M" 2mer ency "upport &ndicatorH is presentP *T forward the content of &2 H&M" 2mer ency "upport &ndicatorH to the upper layers. 7or ,.*;Mcps T::- if the &2 YMappin &nfoZ is present and the mappin info for 3.;8 Mcps T:: is included- 32 shallP ,T acAuire and store the T:: freAuencies and P11P1F /"1P threshold information in the variable 1255G/2"2521T&O'G&'7OG51/T:: for cell reselection from G2/.' to ,.*;Mcps T::. ,T else *T clear the variable 1255G/2"2521T&O'G&'7OG51/T::. &f the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' to 7.5"2 and allow the access on the cell accordin to ;.,.;.*.


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&f in connected mode- the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if in connected modeP *T read and act on information sent in this bloc#O *T read the "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 3 for any .ccess 1lass 0arrin information and act on that information as described in subclause ;.,.,.=.3. &f in idle mode- the 32 shall not use the values of the &2s included in this system information bloc#.


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The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capability- the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is not included- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or


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,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capability- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is included and set to a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- the :5 freAuency is in between *,,+MF!?*,<+MF!- and 0and & is part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- the :5 freAuency is in between ,>3+MF! Q ,>>+MF!- and 0and && is part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- the :5 freAuency is in between ,;+9MF!?,;;+MF!- and 0and &&& is part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the 32 supports multi?band si nalin and the &2 HMultiple 7reAuency 0and indicator listH is included and contains a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP *T consider the cell to be not barred accordin to D8EO ,T else if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to a freAuency band not supported in the 32 radio access capability- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is not included- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- if the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to a freAuency band not supported in the 32 radio access capability- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and if the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is included and set to He(tension indicatorH or to a freAuency band not supported in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- the :5 freAuency is in between *,,+MF!?*,<+MF!- and 0and & is not part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- the :5 freAuency is in between ,>3+MF!?,>>+MF!- and 0and && is not part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- the :5 freAuency is in between ,;+9MF!?,;;+MF!- and 0and &&& is not part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and the &2 HMultiple 7reAuency 0and indicator listH is included and does not contain a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value Hnot allowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorH- and the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T elseP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency 0ands &ndicator "upportH is includedP *T if the first freAuency band is one of the freAuency bands supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP


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3T set the H"upport of the first 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to T/32. *T elseP 3T set the H"upport of the first 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to 7.5"2. *T if the second freAuency band is present and the second freAuency band is one of the freAuency bands supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP 3T set the H"upport of the second 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to T/32. *T elseP 3T set the H"upport of the second 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to 7.5"2. ,T elseP *T for 7::- clear the variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T. *T for ,.*;Mcps T::3T if the freAuency band e is one of the freAuency bands supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP 8T set the H"upport of the first 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to T/32. 3T elseP 8T set the H"upport of the first 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to 7.5"2. 3T if the freAuency band f is one of the freAuency bands supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP 8T set the H"upport of the second 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to T/32. 3T elseP 8T set the H"upport of the second 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T to 7.5"2.

,T if in connected mode- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is indicated as used in the cellP *T read and act on information sent in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =. ,T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** is indicated as used in the cellP *T read and act on information sent in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type **. ,T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O


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,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or &dle modeO and ,T if the 32 does support 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO and ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and ,T if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9O 3T store and use the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoH as the secondary freAuency for 2nhanced 3plin# transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO 3T if the &2 H2?/311F .ccess "ervice classH and@or H2?/311F persistence scalin factor listH and@or H"K'1G35 infoH and@or &2 H P/.1F &nformationH are included in the &2 H2?/311F &nfoH in system information bloc# type 9O 8T store and use the information contained in &2 H2?/311F infoHO 3T elseP 8T use the same confi uration in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH on the secondary freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoH. 3T if the &2 H3pP1F Position &nfoH is includedP 8T store and use the 3pP1F position indicated by the &2 H3pP1F Position &nfoHO *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in system information bloc# type 9O 3T use the primary freAuency for 2nhanced 3plin# transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO 3T use the same confi uration in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH on the primary freAuency for the &2 H2?/311F .ccess "ervice classH and@or H2?/311F persistence scalin factor listH and@or H"K'1G35 infoH and@or &2 H P/.1F &nformationH. *T use the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in section ;.9.89 for 7:: or ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T:: and D,9E for :T1F- :11F and 111F transmission. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HTreset 3sa e &ndicatorH is includedP 3T store &2 HTreset 3sa e &ndicatorHO *T elseP 3T clear the stored &2. ,T elseP *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateO and *T if the 32 does support 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO and *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and *T if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and *T if the variables 1G/'T&- 2G/'T& and FG/'T& are setP 3T use the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in section ;.9.89 for 7:: or ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T:: and D,9E for :T1F and :11F transmission. *T elseP 3T replace the T7" of the /.1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO 3T let the physical channel(s) of type P/.1F iven by the &2(s) HP/.1F infoH be the default in uplin# for the P/.1F if 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO


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3T start to receive the physical channel of type .&1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 H.&1F infoH (7:: only) when iven allocated P/.1F is usedO 3T if the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH is included for the selected P/.1FP 8T use this transport format for transmission of the 111F. 3T elseP 8T use the first instance of the list of transport formats as in the &2 H/.1F T7"H for the used /.1F received in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH when usin the 111F. ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not includedO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not includedP *T replace the T7" of the 7.1F@P1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO *T select a "econdary 11P1F as specified in D8E and in subclause ;.9.,>- and start to receive the physical channel of type P&1F associated with the P1F carried by the selected "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 HP&1F infoH if 32 is in &dle mode or in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateO *T start to monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F if 32 is in &dle mode or in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateO *T start to receive the selected physical channel of type "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2(s) H"econdary 11P1F infoH if 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO *T in 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::P 3T use the &2 HT:: open loop power controlH as defined in subclause ;.9.< when allocated P/.1F is used. *T in T::P 3T if the &2 HP:"1F system informationH and@or the &2 HP3"1F system informationH is includedP 8T store each of the confi urations iven there with the associated identity iven in the &2 HP:"1F &dentityH and@or HP3"1F &dentityH respectively. 7or every confi uration- for which the &2 H"7' Time infoH is included- the information shall be stored for the duration iven there. *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T if the 32 is in &dle modeP 3T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P 8T for 7::- start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9O 9T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3< at the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoHO 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in system information bloc# type 9O 9T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3< at the primary freAuencyO 3T elseP 8T replace the T7" of the 7.1F@P1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO


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8T select a "econdary 11P1F as specified in D8E and in subclause ;.9.,>- and start to receive the physical channel of type P&1F associated with the P1F carried by the selected "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 HP&1F infoHO 8T start to monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F. 3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1FP 3T if variable FG/'T& is setP 8T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 3T elseP 8T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P 9T for 7::- start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. 9T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9O =T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3< at the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoHO 9T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in system information bloc# type 9O =T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3< at the primary freAuencyO 3T if the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F &nformationH is includedP 8T determine the value of the F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" variable accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.8;. *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 3T for 7:: and for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO and 3T if &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is includedP 8T if this &2 is not currently storedO and 8T if the value of the &2 H"/'1 identityH in the variable 3G/'T& is not eAual to the ,* M"0s of the received &2 H1ell identityH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3O and 8T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F stateP 9T initiate the 3/. update procedure as specified in subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Hperiodic 3/. updateH. 8T for 7::O or 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if both variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 9T start to monitor the pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a- ;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive P11F on the F"?:"1F mapped on the F"? P:"1F- or :11F and :T1F and 011F on the F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F and the associated F"?P:"1F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. 3T elseP 8T replace the T7" of the 7.1F@P1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO


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8T select a "econdary 11P1F as specified in D8E and in subclause ;.9.,>- and start to receive the physical channel of type P&1F associated with the P1F carried by the selected "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 HP&1F infoHO 8T start to monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1FO 8T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. &f a 32 is a ,* #bps class 32 accordin to D39E and the 32 has a lower capability than reAuired to support all transport channel confi urations mapped on a specific "econdary 11P1F- the 32 shall at a certain time instant still be able to decode those transport channels mapped on this "econdary 11P1F that do match the capability supported by the 32. The 32 shall use the T71& bits for that "econdary 11P1F- to distin uish a transport channel confi uration that is supported by the 32 from a transport channel confi uration that is not supported by the 32. &n particular if the 32 is a ,* #bps class 32 accordin to D39E and it does not support the processin reAuirement at a iven point in time for a "econdary 11P1F- it shall still be able to decode the same "econdary 11P1F when the processin reAuirement is consistent with the 32 capability. Or if the 32 does not support the number of T7s or the codin of a certain transport channel on a "econdary 11P1F- it shall still be able to decode other transport channels mapped on the same "econdary 11P1F that is consistent with what is supported by the 32. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system information M0M"H is includedP *T apply the "econdary 11P1F and 7.1F indicated by the &2 H7.1F carryin M11FH for receivin M11F. ,T otherwise- if the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH includes the &2 HM11F confi uration informationHP *T apply the "econdary 11P1F and 7.1F indicated by the &2 YM11F confi uration informationZ for receivin M11F. ,T for T::- if the &2 HT:: M0"7' &nformationH is includedP *T apply the scramblin codes (as referenced by the H1ell parameters &:H) to each timeslot indicated by HT:: M0"7' &nformationH.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 6

&f in connected mode- the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capability- the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is not included- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capability- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is included and set to a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included- the :5 freAuency is in between *,,+MF!?*,<+MF!- and 0and & is part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included- the :5 freAuency is in between ,>3+MF! Q ,>>+MF!- and 0and && is part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included- the :5 freAuency is in between ,;+9MF!?,;;+MF!- and 0and &&& is part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and the &2 HMultiple 7reAuency 0and indicator listH is included and contains a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP


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*T consider the cell to be not barred accordin to D8EO ,T else if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to a freAuency band not supported in the 32 radio access capability- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is not included- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- if the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to a freAuency band not supported in the 32 radio access capability- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is not includedO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and the &2 H7reAuency band indicator *H is included and set to He(tension indicatorH- and if the &2 H7reAuency band indicator 3H is included and set to He(tension indicatorH or to a freAuency band not supported in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included- the :5 freAuency is in between *,,+MF!?*,<+MF!- and 0and & is not part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included- the :5 freAuency is in between ,>3+MF!?,>>+MF!- and 0and && is not part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capability- or ,T if the &2 H7reAuency band indicatorH is not included- the :5 freAuency is in between ,;+9MF!?,;;+MF!- and 0and &&& is not part of the freAuency bands supported by the 32 in the 32 radio access capabilityO or ,T if the 32 supports multi?band si nalin and the &2 HMultiple 7reAuency 0and indicator listH is included and does not contain a freAuency band supported in the 32 radio access capabilityP *T consider the cell to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value Hnot allowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorH- and the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T elseP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO and ,T if the 32 does support 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO and ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and ,T if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP *T use the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in section ;.9.89 for 7:: or ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T:: and D,9E for :T1F- :11F and 111F transmission. ,T elseP *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateO and *T if the 32 does support 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO and *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and *T if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and *T if the variables 1G/'T&- 2G/'T& and FG/'T& are setP 3T use the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in section ;.9.89 for 7:: or ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T:: and D,9E for :T1F and :11F transmission. *T elseP 3T replace the T7" of the /.1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO 3T let the physical channel(s) of type P/.1F iven by the &2(s) HP/.1F infoH be the default in uplin# if 32 is in 1255G7.1F state. &f the &2 HP/.1F infoH is not included- the 32 shall read the correspondin


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&2(s) in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that information to confi ure the P/.1FO 3T start to receive the physical channel of type .&1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 H.&1F infoH when associated P/.1F is used. &f the &2 H.&1F infoH is not included- the 32 shall read the correspondin &2 in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that information (7:: only)O 3T if the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH is included for the selected P/.1FP 8T use this transport format for transmission of the 111F (7:: only). 3T elseP 8T use the first instance of the list of transport formats as in the &2 H/.1F T7"H for the used /.1F received in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH when usin the 111F (7:: only). ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not includedP *T replace the T7" of the 7.1F@P1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO *T select a "econdary 11P1F as specified in D8E and in subclause ;.9.,>- and start to receive the physical channel of type P&1F associated with the P1F carried by the selected "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 HP&1F infoH if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state. &f the &2 HP&1F infoH is not included- the 32 shall read the correspondin &2 in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that informationO *T start to monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateO *T start to receive the selected physical channel of type "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2(s) H"econdary 11P1F infoH if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state. &f the &2 H"econdary 11P1F infoH is not included- the 32 shall read the correspondin &2(s) in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that informationO *T in 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::P use the &2 HT:: open loop power controlH as defined in subclause ;.9.<O *T in T::P if the &2 HP:"1F system informationH and@or the &2 HP3"1F system informationH is includedstore each of the confi urations iven there with the associated identity iven in the &2 HP:"1F &dentityH and@or HP3"1F &dentityH respectively. 7or every confi uration- for which the &2 H"7' Time infoH is included- the information shall be stored for the duration iven thereO *T ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1FP 3T read and use the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO 3T if variable FG/'T& is setP 8T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 3T elseP 8T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P


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9T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 3T for 7:: and for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO and 3T if &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP 8T read and use the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO 8T for 7::O or 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if both variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 9T start to monitor the pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a- ;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive P11F or :11F and :T1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. 3T elseP 8T replace the T7" of the 7.1F@P1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO 8T select a "econdary 11P1F as specified in D8E and in subclause ;.9.,>- and start to receive the physical channel of type P&1F associated with the P1F carried by the selected "econdary 11P1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 HP&1F infoH. &f the &2 HP&1F infoH is not included- the 32 shall read the correspondin &2 in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that informationO 8T start to monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1FO 8T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. &f in idle mode- the 32 shall not use the values of the &2s in this system information bloc#. &f a 32 is a ,* #bps class 32 accordin to D39E and the 32 has a lower capability than reAuired to support all transport channel confi urations mapped on a specific "econdary 11P1F- the 32 shall at a certain time instant still be able to decode those transport channels mapped on this "econdary 11P1F that do match the capability supported by the 32. The 32 shall use the T71& bits for that "econdary 11P1F- to distin uish a transport channel confi uration that is supported by the 32 from a transport channel confi uration that is not supported by the 32. &n particular if the 32 is a ,* #bps class 32 accordin to D39E and it does not support the processin reAuirement at a iven point in time for a "econdary 11P1F- it shall still be able to decode the same "econdary 11P1F when the processin reAuirement is consistent with the 32 capability. Or if the 32 does not support the number of T7s or the codin of a certain transport channel on a "econdary 11P1F- it shall still be able to decode other transport channels mapped on the same "econdary 11P1F that is consistent with what is supported by the 32.


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The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#.








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&f the cell is not operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. &f the cell is not operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shallP ,T if in idle modeP *T clear the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. ,T if &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<. ,T elseP *T may perform inter?freAuency@inter?/.T measurements or inter?freAuency@inter?/.T cell re?selection evaluation- if the 32 capabilities permit such measurements while simultaneously receivin the "?11P1F of the servin cell. ,T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO ,T act upon the received &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH@H&nter?freAuency cell info listH@H&nter?/.T cell info listH as described in subclause ;.=.<.3O ,T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is included in the system information bloc#P *T read the &2 and use that information for the inter?freAuency measurements as specified in subclause ;.9.*3. ,T if in idle modeO or ,T if in connected mode and if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is not broadcast in the cellP *T if no intra?freAuency measurement stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK was set up or modified throu h a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T if included- store the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin AuantityH and the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH or HPeriodical reportin criteriaH in order to activate reportin when state 1255G:1F is entered in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. The &2 H1ells for measurementH is absent for this measurement. The &2 HMeasurement BalidityH is absent for this measurement after a state transition to 1255G:1FO ,T if in connected mode and if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is not broadcast in the cellP *T read the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationHO *T if no traffic volume measurement with the measurement identity indicated in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH was set up or modified throu h a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T update the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with the measurement information received in that &2. ,T if the &2 H1ell selection and reselection infoH is not included for a new nei hbourin cell in the &2 Hintra? freAuency cell info listH- the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH or the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P *T use the default values specified for the &2 H1ell selection and reselection infoH for that cell e(cept for the &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH. ,T if the &2 H3se of F1"H is set to HusedH- indicatin that F1" is used- do the followin P *T if &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH is not included for the first new cell in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH- the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH or the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 3T use the default values specified for the &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH for that cell.


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*T if &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH is not included for any other new cell in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH- the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH or the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 3T for that cell use the same parameter values as used for the precedin cell in the same cell info list in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,. ,T if the value of the &2 H1ell selection and reselection Auality measureH is different from the value of the &2 H1ell selection and reselection Auality measureH obtained from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 8P *T use the value of the &2 from this "ystem &nformation 0loc# and i nore the value obtained from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 8. ,T if in connected mode- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is indicated as used in the cellP *T read and act on information sent in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.,*. ,T if &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.>.>ac. ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: if the cell is operatin in M0"7' only mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shallP ,T store the freAuencies and their correspondin Hcell parameter &:H indicated in the &2 HM0"7' 51/ T:: freAuency listH included in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH. &f the cell is operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 mayP ,T for 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: consider the cells indicated in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement system informationH as candidates for the selection of the M0"7' clusterO ,T for ,.*; Mcps T:: consider there e(ist M0"7' clusters deployed with the freAuencies and their correspondin Hcell parameter &:H stored. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: if the cell is not operatin in M0"7' only mode but associated with one or more M0"7' clusters the 32 shallP ,T store the freAuencies and their correspondin Hcell parameter &:H indicated in the &2 HM0"7' 51/ T:: freAuency listH included in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listHO ,T consider there e(ist M0"7' clusters deployed with the freAuencies and their correspondin Ycell parameter &:Z storedO ,T search an M0"7' cluster in M0"7' only mode with its freAuency and correspondin Hcell parameter &:H for monitorin the M0M" services delivered in dedicated M0"7' freAuency layer. 'OT2P The &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH may not include information about all nei hbourin M0"7' clusters


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11%is

The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T after reception of "&0 ,, act upon the received &2s H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH- H&nter?freAuency cell info listH and H&nter?/.T cell info listH as described in subclause ;.=.<.3O ,T if the &2 H1ell selection and reselection infoH is not included for a new nei hbourin cell in the &2s H'ew &ntra? freAuency cellsH- H'ew &nter?freAuency cellsH or H'ew &nter?/.T cellsH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisP *T use the default values specified for the &2 H1ell selection and reselection infoH for that cell e(cept for the &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH.


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,T if the &2 H3se of F1"H is set to HusedH- indicatin that F1" is used- do the followin P *T if &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH is not included for the first new cell in the &2s H'ew &ntra? freAuency cellsH- H'ew &nter?freAuency cellsH or H'ew &nter?/.T cellsH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisP 3T use the default values specified for the &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH for that cell. *T if &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH is not included for any other new cell in the &2s H'ew &ntra? freAuency cellsH- H'ew &nter?freAuency cellsH or H'ew &nter?/.T cellsH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisP 3T for that cell use the same parameter values as used for the precedin cell in the same cell info list in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis. ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9.


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&f in connected mode- the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T after reception of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,O and ,T after reception of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- if broadcast in the cellP *T update the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with the measurement information in the received &2s unless specified otherwise. ,T if &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<. ,T elseP *T may perform inter?freAuency@inter?/.T measurements or inter?freAuency@inter?/.T cell re?selection evaluation- if the 32 capabilities permit such measurements while simultaneously receivin the "?11P1F of the servin cell. ,T act upon the received &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH@H&nter?freAuency cell info listH@H&nter?/.T cell info listH as described in subclause ;.=.<.3O ,T if any of the &2s H&ntra?freAuency measurement AuantityH- H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F reportin H- HMa(imum number of reported cells on /.1FH or H/eportin information for state 1255G:1FH are not included in the system information bloc#P *T read the correspondin &2(s) in system information bloc# type ,, and use that information for the intra? freAuency measurement. ,T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is included in this system information bloc# or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P *T if the &2 is not included in the system information bloc#- read the correspondin &2(s) in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,O *T use the received information for the inter?freAuency measurements as specified in subclause ;.9.*3. ,T if included in this system information bloc# or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P *T if no intra?freAuency measurement in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK was set up or modified throu h a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T store the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin AuantityH and the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH or HPeriodical reportin criteriaH in order to activate reportin when state 1255G:1F is entered in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. The &2 H1ells for measurementH is absent for this


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measurement. The &2 HMeasurement BalidityH is absent for this measurement after a state transition to 1255G:1FO ,T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH is not included in this system information bloc#P *T read the correspondin &2 in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,. ,T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH was received either in this system information bloc# or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P *T if no traffic volume measurement with the measurement identity indicated in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH was set up or modified throu h a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T update the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with the measurement information received in that &2. ,T if in 1255G7.1F stateP *T start or continue the traffic volume measurements stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK that are valid in 1255G7.1F state. ,T if the &2 H1ell selection and reselection infoH is not included for a new nei hbourin cell in the &2 H&ntra? freAuency cell info listH- the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH or the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*P *T use the default values specified for the &2 H1ell selection and reselection infoH for that cell e(cept for the &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH. ,T if the &2 H3se of F1"H is set to HusedH- indicatin that F1" is used- do the followin P *T if &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH is not included for the first new cell in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH- the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH or the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*P 3T use the default values specified for the &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH for that cell. *T if &2 HF1" nei hbourin cell informationH is not included for any other new cell in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH- the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH or the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*P 3T for that cell use the same parameter values as used for the precedin cell in the same cell info list in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*. ,T if the value of the &2 H1ell selection and reselection Auality measureH is different from the value of the &2 H1ell selection and reselection Auality measureH obtained from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 8P *T use the value of the &2 from this "ystem &nformation 0loc# and i nore the value obtained from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 8. ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O &f in idle mode- the 32 shall not use the values of the &2s in this system information bloc#.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13

&f in idle or connected mode- the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# e(cept for the &2s H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH- H32 timers and constants in idle modeH and H1apability update reAuirementH which shall be stored only in the idle mode case. The 32 shall read "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,3 and the associated "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,3.,- ,3.*- ,3.3 and ,3.8 only when the 32 is operatin in H.'"&?8, modeH and the &2 HP5M' typeH in the Master &nformation 0loc# has the value H.'"&?8,H or HG"M?M.P and .'"&?8,H. The 32 shall alsoP ,T forward the content of the &2 H1' domain specific '." system informationH to the non?access stratum entity indicated by the &2 H1' domain identityHO


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,T use the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH to calculate frame number for the Pa in Occasions and Pa e indicator as specified in D8E. /efer to T&.@2&.@&"?*+++.9?. for actions on information contained in "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,3.,- ,3.*- ,3.3 and ,3.8.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1,

This system information bloc# type is used only in 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::. The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T use the &2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH to calculate P/.1F- :P1F and P3"1F transmit power for T:: uplin# open loop power control as defined in subclause ;.9.<.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15

&f the 32 is in idle or connected mode- and supports GP" location services it should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HGP" :ata cipherin infoH is includedP ,T act as specified in the subclause ;.=.<.,>.8.? act upon the received &2 H/eference positionH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.;O ,T act upon the received &2 HGP" reference timeH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.<O ,T if &2 H"atellite informationH is includedP *T act upon this list of bad satellites as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.=. 'OT2P 7or efficiency purposes- the 3T/.' should broadcast "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9 if it is broadcastin "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*.

=. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15%is &f the 32 is in idle or connected mode- and supports G.'"" location services it should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T act upon the received &2 H/eference positionH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.;O ,T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" reference timeH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.<O ,T if &2 HG.'"" ionospheric modelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" ionospheric modelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.9. ,T if &2 HG.'"" additional ionospheric modelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" additional ionospheric modelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,*. ,T if &2 HG.'"" 2arth orientation parametersH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" 2arth orientation parametersH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,3. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.1 The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T act on H:GP" informationH in the &2 H:GP" 1orrectionsH in a similar manner as specified in D,3E e(cept that the scale factors for P/1 and //1 are differentO ,T act upon the received &2 H32 Positionin GP" :GP" correctionsH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.3. &n this version of the specification- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the followin &2sP H:elta P/1*H- H:elta //1*H- H:elta P/13H and H:elta //13H.


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S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.1%is

This "&0 has one occurrence for each G.'"" supported. To identify the different G.'""s- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T act on H:G.'"" informationH in the &2 H:G.'"" 1orrectionsH in a similar manner as specified in D,3E e(cept that the scale factors for P/1 and //1 are differentO ,T act upon the received &2 H32 Positionin :G.'"" correctionsH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.3. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.1ter

This "&0 is for 0:" only. &f the 32 supports 0:"- then the 32 shallP ,T if &2 H32 positionin :0:" correctionsH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 H32 positionin :0:" correctionsH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,<. ,T if &2 H32 positionin 0:" &onospheric Grid ModelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 H32 positionin 0:" &onospheric Grid ModelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,;. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.2 7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* multiple occurrences may be usedO one occurrence for one satellite. To identify the different occurrences- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* includes &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T compare for each occurrence the value ta of the stored occurrence- if any- with the occurrence value ta included in the &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H for the occurrence of the "ystem &nformation 0loc# with the same occurrence identityO ,T in case the 32 has no "&0 occurrence stored with the same identity or in case the occurrence value ta is differentP *T store the occurrence information to ether with its identity and value ta for later use. ,T in case an occurrence with the same identity but different value ta was storedP *T overwrite this one with the new occurrence read via system information for later use. ,T interpret &2 HTransmission TOCH as a very coarse estimate of the current time- i.e.- the appro(imate GP" time? of?wee# when the messa e is broadcastO ,T interpret &2 H"at&:H as the satellite &: of the data from which this messa e was obtainedO ,T act upon the received &2s H"at &:H and HGP" 2phemeris and 1loc# 1orrections ParameterH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.8. The &2 HTransmission TOCH may be different each time a particular "&0 occurrence is transmitted. The 3T/.' should not increment the value ta of the "&0 occurrence if the &2 HTransmission TOCH is the only &2 that is chan ed. The 32 may not need to receive all occurrences before it can use the information from any one occurrence. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.2%is

7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis multiple occurrences may be usedO one occurrence for one satellite. To identify for which G.'"" the occurrence is related to- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. To identify the different occurrences within each G.'""- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis includes &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP


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,T compare for each occurrence the value ta of the stored occurrence- if any- with the occurrence value ta included in the &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H for the occurrence of the "ystem &nformation 0loc# with the same occurrence identityO ,T in case the 32 has no "&0 occurrence stored with the same identity or in case the occurrence value ta is differentP *T store the occurrence information to ether with its identity and value ta for later use. ,T in case an occurrence with the same identity but different value ta was storedP *T overwrite this one with the new occurrence read via system information for later use. ,T act upon the received &2s HG.'"" 'avi ation ModelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.8. The 32 may not need to receive all occurrences before it can use the information from any one occurrence. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.2ter

7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter multiple occurrences may be usedO one occurrence for one satellite. To identify for which G.'"" the occurrence is related to- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. To identify the different occurrences within each G.'""- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter includes &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T compare for each occurrence the value ta of the stored occurrence- if any- with the occurrence value ta included in the &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H for the occurrence of the "ystem &nformation 0loc# with the same occurrence identityO ,T in case the 32 has no "&0 occurrence stored with the same identity or in case the occurrence value ta is differentP *T store the occurrence information to ether with its identity and value ta for later use. ,T in case an occurrence with the same identity but different value ta was storedP *T overwrite this one with the new occurrence read via system information for later use. ,T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" additional navi ation modelsH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,8. The 32 may not need to receive all occurrences before it can use the information from any one occurrence. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.3 7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 multiple occurrences may be usedO one occurrence for each set of satellite data. To identify the different occurrences- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 includes &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T compare for each occurrence the value ta of the stored occurrence- if any- with the occurrence value ta included in the &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H for the occurrence of the "ystem &nformation 0loc# with the same occurrence identityO ,T in case the 32 has no "&0 occurrence stored with the same identity or in case the occurrence value ta is differentP *T store the occurrence information to ether with its identity and value ta for later use. ,T in case an occurrence with the same identity but different value ta was storedP *T overwrite this one with the new occurrence read via system information for later use. ,T interpret &2 HTransmission TOCH as a very coarse estimate of the current time- i.e.- the appro(imate GP" time? of?wee# when the messa e is broadcastO ,T if the &2 HGP" .lmanac and "atellite FealthH is includedP


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*T interpret &2 H"atMas#H as the satellites that contain the pa es bein broadcast in this messa eO *T interpret &2 H5"0 TOCH as the least si nificant ; bits of the TOC D,*EO *T act upon the received &2 HGP" .lmanac and "atellite FealthH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.*. ,T if the &2 HGP" ionospheric modelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HGP" ionospheric modelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.9. ,T if the &2 HGP" 3T1 modelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HGP" 3T1 modelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.>. The &2 HTransmission TOCH may be different each time a particular "&0 occurrence is transmitted. The 3T/.' should not increment the value ta of the "&0 occurrence if the &2 HTransmission TOCH is the only &2 that is chan ed. One "&0 occurrence value ta is assi ned to the table of subclause ,+.*.8;.;.,;.3. The 32 may not need to receive all occurrences before it can use the information for any one occurrence. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.3%is

7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis multiple occurrences may be usedO one occurrence for each set of satellite data. To identify for which G.'"" the occurrence is related to- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. To identify the different occurrences within each G.'""- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis includes &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T compare for each occurrence the value ta of the stored occurrence- if any- with the occurrence value ta included in the &2 H"&0 occurrence identity and value ta H for the occurrence of the "ystem &nformation 0loc# with the same occurrence identityO ,T in case the 32 has no "&0 occurrence stored with the same identity or in case the occurrence value ta is differentP *T store the occurrence information to ether with its identity and value ta for later use. ,T in case an occurrence with the same identity but different value ta was storedP *T overwrite this one with the new occurrence read via system information for later use. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" .lmanacH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" .lmanacH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.*. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" time modelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" time modelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.>. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" 3T1 modelH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" 3T1 modelH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,+. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" additional 3T1 modelsH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" additional 3T1 modelsH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,9. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" au(iliary informationH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" au(iliary informationH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,=. The 32 may not need to receive all occurrences before it can use the information for any one occurrence. =., S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15., &f the 32 is in idle mode or connected mode- the 32 shallP


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,T if the &2 HOT:O. :ata cipherin infoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.8. &f the 32 is in connected mode- the 32 shallP ,T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.*. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.5 &f the 32 is in idle or connected mode- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports 32?based OT:O. positionin P *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.*a. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.6 This "&0 has one occurrence for each G.'"" supported. To identify the different G.'""s- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.= is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T use &2 HG.'"" TO:H as a reference time for the data in &2 HG.'"" reference measurement informationHO ,T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" reference measurement informationH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15./ This "&0 has one occurrence for each G.'"" supported. To identify the different G.'""s- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.< is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T act upon the received &2 HG.'"" data bit assistanceH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,,. =. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.= This "&0 has one occurrence for each G.'"" supported. To identify the different G.'""s- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.; is associated with &2 HG.'"" &:H. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc# in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HG.'"" :ata cipherin infoH is includedP *T act as specified in the subclause ;.=.<.,>.8. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" real?time inte rityH is includedP *T act upon the received &2 H G.'"" real?time inte rityH as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.=.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 16

&f the &2 H3plin# :P1F info PreH is included in the P"7(< :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$ts for a predefined confi uration the 32 shallP ,T for 7::P *T if the &2 H'umber of TP1 bitsH is not includedP 3T use * TP1 bits in the 3plin# :P1F. *T elseP 3T if 7?:P1F is not confi ured then the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,= multiple occurrences may be usedO one occurrence for each predefined confi uration. To identify the different predefined confi urations- the schedulin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,= includes &2 HPredefined confi uration identity and value ta H. The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP


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,T compare for each predefined confi uration the value ta of the stored predefined confi uration with the preconfi uration value ta included in the &2 HPredefined confi uration identity and value ta H for the occurrence of the "ystem &nformation 0loc# with the same predefined confi uration identityO ,T in case the 32 has no predefined confi uration stored with the same identityP *T store the predefined confi uration information to ether with its identity and value ta for later use e. . durin handover to 3T/.'. ,T in case a predefined confi uration with the same identity but different value ta was storedP *T overwrite this one with the new confi uration read via system information for later use e. . durin handover to 3T/.'. The above handlin applies re ardless of whether the previously stored predefined confi uration information has been obtained via 3T/. or via another /.T. The 32 is not reAuired to complete readin of all occurrences of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,= before initiatin //1 connection establishment. The 32 is not reAuired to store more than ma(Predef1onfi preconfi urations even in the case of multiple eAuivalent P5M's.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1/

This system information bloc# type is used only for T::. &f in connected mode- the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HP:"1F system informationH and@or the &2 HP3"1F system informationH is included- store each of the confi urations iven there with the associated identity iven in the &2 HP:"1F &dentityH and@or HP3"1F &dentityH respectively. This information shall become invalid after the time specified by the repetition period ("&0G/2P) for this system information bloc#. &f in idle mode- the 32 shall not use the values of the &2s in this system information bloc#.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1=

&f the "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,; is present- a 32 shall obtain #nowled e of the P5M' identity of the nei hbour cells to be considered for cell reselection- and shall behave as specified in this subclause and in subclause ;.9.,8a. The 32 should store all the relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. . 32 in idle mode shall act accordin to the followin rulesP ,T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on 01FO and the &2 H&dle mode P5M' identities for "&0 ,,bisH is presentP *T any P5M' list of a iven type (&2s HP5M's of intra?freAuency cells listH or HMultiple P5M's of intra? freAuency cells listH- HP5M's of inter?freAuency cells listH or HMultiple P5M's of inter?freAuency cells listHHP5M's of inter?/.T cell listsH) included in the &2 H&dle mode P5M' identities for "&0 ,,bisH is paired with the list of cells of the same type derived from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis. ,T elseP *T any P5M' list of a iven type (&2s HP5M's of intra?freAuency cells listH or HMultiple P5M's of intra? freAuency cells listH- HP5M's of inter?freAuency cells listH or HMultiple P5M's of inter?freAuency cells listHHP5M's of inter?/.T cell listsH) included in the &2 H&dle mode P5M' identitiesH is paired with the list of cells of the same type derived from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis if scheduled on 01F. ,T the P5M' identity located at a iven ran# in the P5M' list is that of the cell with the same ran#in in the paired list of cells- the cells bein considered in the increasin order of their associated identities (H&ntra?freAuency cell idH- H&nter?freAuency cell idH- H&nter?/.T cell idH)O


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,T if no identity is indicated for the first P5M' in a list- the 32 shall assume that the nei hbourin cell broadcasts the same P5M' confi uration (i.e. &2 HP5M' &dentityH and &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH) as the current cellO ,T if no identity is indicated for another entry in the list- the 32 shall assume that the nei hbourin cell broadcasts the same P5M' confi uration (i.e. &2 HP5M' &dentityH and &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH) as the previous cell in the listO ,T if the number of identities in a P5M' list e(ceeds the number of nei hbour cells in the paired list (if any)- the e(tra P5M' identities are considered as unnecessary and i noredO ,T if the number of identities in a P5M' list (if any) is lower than the number of nei hbour cells in the paired listthe missin P5M' identities are replaced by the P5M' confi uration for the last cell in the list. . 32 in connected mode shall act in the same manner as a 32 in idle mode with the followin modificationsP ,T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on 01FP *T the P5M' lists to be considered are the ones included- when present- in the &2 H1onnected mode P5M' identities for "&0 ,,bisHO *T otherwise- the 32 shall use- in place of any missin list- when present- the correspondin one in the &2 H&dle mode P5M' identities for "&0,,bisHO *T otherwise- the 32 shall use- in place of any missin list- when present- the correspondin one in the &2 H1onnected mode P5M' identitiesHO *T otherwise- the 32 shall use- in place of any missin list- the correspondin one in the &2 H&dle mode P5M' identitiesH. ,T elseP *T the P5M' lists to be considered are the ones included- when present- in the &2 H1onnected mode P5M' identitiesHO *T otherwise- the 32 shall use- in place of any missin list- the correspondin one in the &2 H&dle mode P5M' identitiesH. ,T the paired lists of cells are the ones derived from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis if scheduled on 01F- and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* if present. &f both the &2s HP5M's of intra?freAuency cells listH and HMultiple P5M's of intra?freAuency cells listH are included or if both the &2s HP5M's of inter?freAuency cells listH and HMultiple P5M's of inter?freAuency cells listH are includedP ,T the 32 behaviour is not specified.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1-

&f the cell is not operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. &f the cell is not operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shallP ,T if the value of the &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T eAuals HdedicatedGpriorityHP *T clear every stored value of HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HThresh(- hi h*H- HThresh(- low*H and H23T/.?/"/J? offsetC0H in every occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T. ,T otherwiseP *T clear the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T. ,T clear the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TO ,T act upon the received &2 H3T/. priority info listH as described in subclause ;.=.<.3aO ,T if the &2 HG"M priority info listH is presentP *T act upon the received &2 as described in subclause ;.=.<.3b.


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,T if the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH is presentP *T act upon the received &2 as described in subclause ;.=.<.3c. ,T if the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is presentO and ,T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. /.1F reportin P *T store the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin informationH into the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TG7.1F and act upon the received &2 as described in subclause ;.9.*3.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 20

&f the cell is not operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HF'0 'ameH is presentP *T forward the content of &2 HF'0 'ameH to the upper layers.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 21

The 2.0 capable 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#. &f the &2 H2.0 ParametersH is included- the 2.0 capable 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H2.0 Parameters 7or .llH is included in the &2 H2.0 ParametersHP *T select the &2 H2.0 Parameters 7or .llH. ,T elseP *T select the entry in the &2 H2.0 Parameters Per P5M' 5istH in the &2 H2.0 ParametersH corresponds to the P5M' chosen by the 32. ,T if in idle modeP *T if the &2 H1" :omain "pecific 2.0 parametersH or the &2 H1ommon 2.0 parametersH is included in the selected :omain "pecific 2.0 ParametersP 3T act on the &2 H2.0 .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH when initiatin //1 1onnection establishment to send an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain- if upper layers indicate that the connection reAuest is subject to 2.0 and the 32 belon s to the cate ory of 32s as indicated in the &2 H2.0 1ate oryH. *T if the &2 HP" :omain "pecific 2.0 parametersH or the &2 H1ommon 2.0 parametersH is included in the selected :omain "pecific 2.0 ParametersP 3T act on the &2 H2.0 .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH when initiatin //1 1onnection establishment to send an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- if upper layers indicate that the connection reAuest is subject to 2.0 and the 32 belon s to the cate ory of 32s as indicated in the &2 H2.0 1ate oryH. ,T if in connected modeP *T store the selected :omain "pecific 2.0 Parameters to the variable H2.0GP./.MH upon transition to //1 connected and maintain the variable until it is cleared- the P5M' chosen by the 32 is chan ed or the //1 connection is released. *T if the &2 H1" :omain "pecific 2.0 parametersH or the &2 H1ommon 2.0 parametersH is included in the stored :omain "pecific 2.0 Parameters in variable H2.0GP./.MHP 3T act on the &2 H2.0 .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the 1" domain- if upper layers indicate that the connection reAuest is subject to 2.0 and the 32 belon s to the cate ory of 32s as indicated in the &2 H2.0 1ate oryH and si nallin connection to the P" domain is already established.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the &2 HP" :omain "pecific 2.0 parametersH or the &2 H1ommon 2.0 parametersH is included in the stored :omain "pecific 2.0 Parameters in variable H2.0GP./.MHP 3T act on the &2 H2.0 .ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH when initiatin an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P" domain- if upper layers indicate that the connection reAuest is subject to 2.0 and the 32 belon s to the cate ory of 32s as indicated in the &2 H2.0 1ate oryH and si nallin connection to the 1" domain is already established.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 22

The 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this system information bloc#.


Modi3icatio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*- ,9.3 and ,= that may have multiple occurrences- the 32 shall handle each occurrence independently as specified in the previousO that is each occurrence is handled as a separate system information bloc#. 'OT2P &t should be noted that for the proper operation of the 011F Modification &nformation sent on a P1F or on an F"?:"1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)- the "ystem &nformation should not be chan ed more freAuently than can be accommodated by mobile stations operatin at the ma(imum :/I cycle len th supported by the 3T/.'.


Modi3icatio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s usi$2 a 5a ue ta2

3pon modifications of system information bloc#s usin value ta s- 3T/.' should notify the new value ta for the master information bloc# in the &2 H011F modification infoH- transmitted in the followin wayP ,T to reach 32s in idle mode- and in 1255GP1F state and 3/.GP1F state with "?11P1F assi ned- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e transmitted on the P11F in all pa in occasions in the cellO ,T to reach 32s in 1255GP1F state and 3/.GP1F state with F"?:"1F assi ned and no dedicated F?/'T& assi ned- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e transmitted on the P11F in all pa in occasions in the cellO ,T to reach 32s in 1255G7.1F state or T:: 32s in 1255G:1F with "?11P1F assi ned- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e transmitted on the 011F mapped on at least one 7.1F on every "econdary 11P1F in the cellO ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- to reach 32s in 1255G7.1F state with F"?:"1F assi ned and in 1255GP1F with F"?:"1F and dedicated F?/'T& assi ned- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e transmitted on the 011F mapped on the F"?P:"1F indicated with the first inde(ed F"?"11F code by the 011F specific F?/'T&. &f both the &2 H2TC" informationH and the &2 H011F modification infoH are present in a P.G&'G TKP2 ,- an 2TC" capable 32 in idle mode shallP ,T if the value of &2 HM&0 value ta H in the &2 H011F modification infoH is different from the value ta stored in the variable B.532GT.GP *T set the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' to T/32O *T prohibit any //1 connection establishment attempt accordin to ;.,.;.*. 3pon reception of a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e or a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e containin the &2 H011F modification infoH containin the &2 HM&0 value ta H but not containin the &2 H011F modification timeH- the 32 shall perform actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.<.3. &f the &2 H011F modification timeH is included the 32 shall perform actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.<.*.


S7$c"ro$ised 9odi3icatio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s

7or modification of some system information elements- e. . reconfi uration of the channels- it is important for the 32 to #now e(actly when a chan e occurs. &n such cases- the 3T/.' should notify the "7' when the chan e will occur as


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

well as the new value ta for the master information bloc# in the &2 H011F modification infoH transmitted in the followin wayP ,T To reach 32s in idle mode- 1255GP1F state and 3/.GP1F state- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e transmitted on the P11F in all pa in occasions in the cellO ,T To reach 32s in 1255G7.1F state or T:: 32s in 1255G:1F with "11P1F assi ned- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e transmitted on the 011F mapped on at least one 7.1F on every "econdary 11P1F in the cellO ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- to reach 32s in 1255G7.1F state with F"?:"1F assi ned and in 1255GP1F with F"?:"1F and dedicated F?/'T& assi ned- the &2 H011F modification infoH is contained in a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e transmitted on the 011F mapped on the F"?P:"1F indicated with the first inde(ed F"?"11F code by the 011F specific F?/'T&. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- the 011F is transmitted on freAuencies where 1255G7.1F state 32s stay and 32 detects the 011F specific F?/'T& on its wor#in freAuency. 3pon reception of a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e or a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e containin the &2 H011F modification infoH containin the &2 HM&0 value ta H and containin the &2 H011F modification timeH- the 32 shallP ,T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.<.3 at the time- indicated in the &2 H011F Modification &nfoH.

The 32 shallP

#ctio$s u!o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ c"a$2e

,T compare the value of &2 HM&0 value ta H in the &2 H011F modification infoH with the value ta stored for the master information bloc# in variable B.532GT.G. ,T if the value ta s differP *T read the master information bloc# on 01FO *T if the value ta of the master information bloc# in the system information is the same as the value in &2 HM&0 value ta H in H011F modification infoH but different from the value ta stored in the variable B.532GT.GP 3T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.9. *T if the value ta of the master information bloc# in the system information is the same as the value ta stored in the variable B.532GT.GP 3T for the ne(t occurrence of the master information bloc#P 8T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.<.3 a ain. *T if the value ta of the master information bloc# in the system information is different from the value ta stored in the variable B.532GT.G- and is different from the value in &2 HM&0 value ta H in H011F modification infoHP 3T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.9O 3T if (BT1&?BTM&0) mod ; [ 8- where BT1& is the value ta in the &2 HM&0 value ta H in H011F modification infoH and BTM&0 is the value ta of the master information bloc# in the system informationP 8T for the ne(t occurrence of the master information bloc#P 9T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,.<.3 a ain.


#ctio$s u!o$ e.!ir7 o3 a s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ e.!ir7 ti9er

Chen the e(piry timer of a system information bloc# not usin a value ta e(pires the 32 shallP


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T consider the content of the system information bloc# invalidO ,T re?acAuire the system information bloc# a ain before the content can be usedO &n 7:: for system information bloc#s other than "ystem &nformation 0loc# type <- or in states other than 1255G7.1F- or in state 1255G7.1F and in the second :/I cycle after e(piry of T3*> as specified in subclause ;.9.8>bO or &n T:: for system information bloc#s other than "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8- or in states other than 1255G7.1F or 1255G:1FP the 32 mayP ,T postpone readin the system information bloc# until the content is needed. &n 7:: for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type <- while in state 1255G7.1F and not in the second :/I cycle after e(piry of T3*> as specified in subclause ;.9.8>b- and in T:: for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8- while in state 1255G7.1F or 1255 :1F the 32 shall always #eep an up to date version of the relevant &2s- unless this is not possible because system information can not be received due to bad radio conditions or the 32 uses "ystem &nformation 0loc# type < in the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/.


Rece!tio$ o3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er %7 t"e U)

&f the 32 was redirected from a different /.TP ,T if the 32 receives the "ystem &nformation 1ontainer messa e correspondin to a cell- on which 32 is camped after a cell selection procedure tri ered by the redirection procedureP *T the 32 may store the "ystem &nformation 1ontainer messa e into variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/ and use the stored master information bloc#- schedulin bloc#s and system information bloc#s in the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/ until the variable is cleared- and act as if this system information was scheduled on 011F of this cell. 'OT2P The 32 may assume that the "ystem &nformation 1ontainer contains a set of system information- such that no reception of system information is needed on the cell where the 32 is camped after a cell selection procedure tri ered by the redirection procedure.

=.1.2 Pa2i$2
U) UTR#'

P#G:'G TDP) 1

,i-ure *# #!& . Pa-in-



This procedure is used to transmit pa in information to selected 32s in idle mode- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state usin the pa in control channel (P11F). 3pper layers in the networ# may reAuest pa in - to e. . establish a si nallin connection. 3T/.' may initiate pa in for 32s in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state to tri er a cell update procedure and for 32s in 1255GP1F when the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32 to tri er a measurement report procedure. &n addition- 3T/.' may initiate pa in for 32s in idle mode- 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state to tri er readin of updated system information. 3T/.' may also initiate pa in for 32s in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state to release the //1 connection.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



3T/.' initiates the pa in procedure by transmittin a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e on an appropriate pa in occasion on the P11F. 3T/.' may repeat transmission of a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e to a 32 in several pa in occasions to increase the probability of proper reception of a pa e. 3T/.' may pa e several 32s in the same pa in occasion by includin one &2 HPa in recordH for each 32 in the P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e. 7or 1' ori inated pa in - 3T/.' should set the &2 HPa in causeH to the cause for pa in received from upper layers. &f no cause for pa in is received from upper layers- 3T/.' should set the value HTerminatin Q cause un#nownH. 3T/.' may also indicate that system information has been updated- by includin the value ta of the master information bloc# in the &2 H011F modification infoH in the P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e. &n this case- 3T/.' may omit the &2s HPa in recordH. 3T/.' may also indicate to send Primary 'otification for 2TC"- by includin in the &2 H2TC" informationH in the P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e. &n this case- 3T/.' may omit the &2s HPa in recordH.


Rece!tio$ o3 a P#G:'G TDP) 1 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

. 32 in idle mode- 1255GP1F state or 3/.GP1F state shall receive the pa in information for all its monitored pa in occasions. 7or a 32 in idle mode- the pa in occasions are specified in D8E and depend on the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH- as specified in subclause ;.=.3.,a. 7or a 32 in 1255GP1F state or 3/.GP1F state- the pa in occasions depend also on the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH and the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH- as specified in subclauses ;.=.3.* and ;.=.3.3 respectively. Chen the 32 receives a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e- it shall perform the actions as specified below. &f the 32 is in idle mode- for each occurrence of the &2 HPa in recordH included in the messa e the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H3sed pa in identityH is a 1' identityP *T compare the &2 H32 identityH with all of its allocated 1' 32 identitiesP *T if one match is foundP 3T indicate reception of pa in O and 3T forward the &2 H1' domain identityH- the &2 H32 identityH and the &2 HPa in causeH to the upper layers. ,T otherwiseP *T i nore that pa in record. &f the 32 is in connected mode- for each occurrence of the &2 HPa in recordH included in the messa e the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H3sed pa in identityH is a 3T/.' sin le 32 identity and if this 3?/'T& is the same as the 3?/'T& allocated to the 32 stored in the 32 variable 3G/'T&P *T if the optional &2 H1' ori inated pa e to connected mode 32H is includedP 3T indicate reception of pa in O and 3T forward the &2 H1' domain identityH- the &2 HPa in causeH and the &2 HPa in record type identifierH to the upper layers. *T if the &2 H/elease indicatorH in the &2 H//1 connection release informationH has the value H/eleaseHP 3T release all its radio resourcesO 3T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to the upper layersO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T pass the value of the &2 H/elease causeH received in the &2 H/elease informationH to upper layersO 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO 3T and the procedure ends. *T otherwiseP 3T if variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 8T move to 1255G7.1F state as specified in subclause ;.9.9=. 3T elseP 8T perform a cell update procedure with cause Hpa in responseH as specified in subclause ;.3.,.*. *T i nore any other remainin &2 HPa in recordH that may be present in the messa e. ,T if the &2 H3sed pa in identityH is a 3T/.' roup identity and there is a roup identity match accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,3P *T if the &2 H/elease indicatorH in the &2 H//1 connection release informationH has the value H/eleaseHP 3T release all its radio resourcesO 3T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to the upper layersO 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T pass the value of the &2 H/elease causeH received in the &2 Y/elease informationZ to upper layersO 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO 3T and the procedure ends. *T otherwiseP 3T if variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 8T move to 1255G7.1F state as specified in subclause ;.9.9=. 3T elseP 8T perform a cell update procedure with cause Hpa in responseH as specified in subclause ;.3.,.*. *T i nore any other remainin &2 HPa in recordH that may be present in the messa e. ,T otherwiseP *T i nore that pa in record. &f the &2 H011F modification infoH is included- any 32 in idle mode- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state shall perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.,., in addition to any actions caused by the &2 HPa in recordH occurrences in the messa e as specified above.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f the &2 H2TC" informationH is included and //1 is confi ured to receive 2TC"- an 2TC" capable 32 in idle mode1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state shall perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.;a., in addition to any actions caused by the &2 HPa in recordH or the &2 H011F modification infoH occurrences in the messa e as specified above.

=.1.3 RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t

U) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP UTR#'

RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *# #3& . RRC Connection 1sta;lish2ent6 network accepts RRC connection

U) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T UTR#'

,i-ure *# #3&!. RRC Connection 1sta;lish2ent6 network rejects RRC connection



The purpose of this procedure is to establish an //1 connection.



The 32 shall initiate the procedure when upper layers in the 32 reAuests the establishment of a si nallin connection and the 32 is in idle mode (no //1 connection e(ists)- as specified in subclause ;.,.;. 3pon initiation of the procedure- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ to 7.5"2O ,T if the 3"&M is presentP *T set the value of HTF/2"FO5:H in the variable H"T./TGTF/2"FO5:H to the *+ M"0s of the value stored in the 3"&M D9+E for the ma(imum value of "T./T for each 1' :omain. ,T if the "&M is presentP *T set the value of HTF/2"FO5:H in the variable H"T./TGTF/2"FO5:H to the default value in D8+E for each 1' :omain. ,T set the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH in the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TK accordin to subclause ;.9.,O ,T set the contents of the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O ,T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9O


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3- and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode)O ,T submit the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111FO ,T set counter B3++ to ,O and ,T if the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is set to HM0M" receptionHP *T when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa eP 3T if the M.1 layer indicates failureP 8T enter idle modeO 8T consider the procedure to be unsuccessfulO 8T perform other actions when enterin idle mode from connected mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*O 8T the procedure ends. 3T elseP 8T start timer T3,;O 8T apply value + for counter '3++ re ardless of the value included in &2 H32 Timers and 1onstants in idle modeH. ,T otherwiseP *T start timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P *T select a "econdary 11P1F accordin to D8EO *T start receivin all 7.1F transport channels mapped on the selected "econdary 11P1F. ,T otherwiseP *T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O and *T start receivin the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<.


RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e co$te$ts to set

The 32 shall- in the transmitted //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa eP ,T set the &2 H2stablishment causeH to the value of the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2O ,T set the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH to the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TKO ,T set the &2 HProtocol error indicatorH to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/O and ,T include the &2 HPredefined confi uration status informationH and set this &2 to T/32 if the 32 has all pre? confi urations stored with the same value ta as broadcast in the cell in which the //1 connection establishment is initiated. ,T if the 32 is attemptin to establish the si nallin connection to P"?domainP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T include the &2 H:omain &ndicatorH and set it to HP" domainH. ,T else if the 32 is attemptin to establish the si nallin connection to 1" domainP *T include the &2 H:omain &ndicatorH and set it to H1" domainHO *T set the value of the &2 H1all typeH to HspeechH- HvideoH or HotherH accordin to the call bein initiated. ,T if the 32 only supports F"?:"1F but not 2?:1FP *T include the &2 H32 capability indicationH and set it to the HF"?:"1FH value. ,T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F and 2?:1FP *T include the &2 H32 capability indicationH and set it to the HF"?:"1FV2?:1FH value. ,T if- accordin to D8E- the Fi h?mobility state is applicable and it has been detected by the 32P *T include the &2 H32 Mobility "tate &ndicatorH and set it to the HFi h?Mobility:etectedH value. ,T if the 32 performs connection establishment for M0M" ptp radio bearer reAuest as specified in subclause ;.=.>.=O and ,T if one or more of the M0M" services for which the 32 initiates the ptp radio bearer reAuest concerns an M0M" "elected "erviceP *T for each M0M" "elected "ervice that is indicated on M11F and for which the 32 initiates the ptp radio bearer reAuestP 3T order the M0M" "elected "ervices such that those selected with a hi her priority are listed in the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH before those selected with a lower priorityO 3T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H within the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH and set it to a value in accordance with subclause ;.=.>.;. ,T otherwise if the 32 performs connection establishment for M0M" countin as specified in subclause ;.<.8O and ,T if one or more of the M0M" services for which the 32 initiates the countin response concerns an M0M" "elected "erviceP *T for each M0M" "elected "ervice that is indicated on M11F and for which the 32 initiates the countin responseP 3T order the M0M" "elected "ervices such that those selected with a hi her priority are listed in the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH before those selected with a lower priorityO 3T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H within the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH and set it to a value in accordance with subclause ;.=.>.;. ,T if the 32 included one or more HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H &2sP *T include the &2 HM0M" Modification Period identityH and set it to a value in accordance with subclause ;.9.*>. ,T if the 32 supports M.1?ehsP *T include the &2 HM.1?ehs supportH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateP *T include the &2 HF"?P:"1F in 1255G7.1FH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeP *T include the &2 H"upport of common 2?:1FH and set it to T/32. 'OT2P &n ,.*; Mcps T::- 32 supportin F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state always supports 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- and vice versa.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the 32 supports M.1?i@isP *T include the &2 H"upport of M.1?i@isH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports 2?3T/.P *T if the 32 is attemptin to establish the si nallin connection as a result of bein redirected by 2?3T/.O and *T if this is the first attempt to establish the si nallin connectionO 3T do not include the &2 HPre?/edirection infoHO *T elseP 3T if the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T contains no 2?3T/. freAuenciesP 8T include the &2 HPre?/edirection infoHO 8T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. 7::P 9T set the &2 H"upport of 2?3T/. 7::H to T/32. 8T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. T::P 9T set the &2 H"upport of 2?3T/. T::H to T/32. 3T if the 32 supports any of the bands that the 2?3T/. freAuencies included in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T belon toP 8T include the &2 HPre?/edirection infoHO 8T if the 32 supports any of the bands that the 2?3T/. 7:: freAuencies included in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T belon toP 9T set the &2 H"upport of 2?3T/. 7::H to T/32. 8T if the 32 supports any of the bands that the 2?3T/. T:: freAuencies included in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T belon toP 9T set the &2 H"upport of 2?3T/. T::H to T/32. ,T if the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/ is not emptyP *T include the &2 H"ystem &nformation 1ontainer "tored &ndicationH and set it to T/32. ,T 7or 7::- if the 32 supports dual cell operation on adjacent freAuenciesP *T include the &2 HMulti cell supportH and set it to T/32. *T if the 32 supports dual cell with M&MO operation on adjacent freAuencies 3T include the &2 H:ual cell M&MO supportH and set it to T/32. *T if the 32 supports multi?cell operation on more than two cells 3T if the 32 is of F"?:"1F cate ory 3+ or 3* or 38 or 39 or 3= or 3; accordin to D39E 8T include the &2 HMore than two cell or M&MO mode with four transmit antennas supportH and set it to Hhi her rateH. 3T otherwiseP 8T include the &2 HMore than two cell or M&MO mode with four transmit antennas supportH and set it to Hlower rateH. *T else if the 32 supports multi?cell operation on two cells 3T if the 32 is of F"?:"1F cate ory 3< accordin to D39E


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T include the &2 HMore than two cell or M&MO mode with four transmit antennas supportH and set it to Hlower rateH. ,T 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 supports M3?M&MOP *T if the 32 supports uplin# and downlin# M3?M&MO 3T include the &2 HMore than two cell supportH and set it to Hhi her rateH. *T if the 32 supports uplin# M3?M&MO only 3T include the &2 HMore than two cell supportH and set it to Hlower rateH. ,T if the 32 supports 1" voice over F"P. *T include the &2 H"upport for 1" Boice over F"P.H and set it to T/32. ,T if the &2 H"upport of the first 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T is set to T/32P *T include the &2 H"upport of the first 7reAuency 0andH and set it to T/32. ,T if the &2 H"upport of the second 7reAuency 0andH in variable 7/2J32'1KG0.':G&':&1.TO/G"3PPO/T is set to T/32P *T include the &2 H"upport of the second 7reAuency 0andH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 is attemptin to establish the si nallin connection to 1" domain due to 1"70 call initiated in 2? 3T/.P *T include the &2 H1"70 &ndicationH and set it to T/32. The 32 shall not include the &2 H32 "pecific 0ehaviour &nformation , idleH.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon receivin an //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e- 3T/.' should eitherP ,T accept the reAuest and use a predefined or default radio confi uration- in which case it shouldP *T include the followin information in the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa eP 3T the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityH- to indicate which pre?defined confi uration of /0 andtransport channel parameters shall be usedO or 3T the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityH- to indicate which default confi uration of /0 and transport channel parameters shall be usedO 3T Phy1F information elements. *T submit the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the downlin# 111F. 'OT2 ,P 3T/.' should only apply a predefined radio confi uration in case it orders the 32 to enter 1255G:1F. This is because the predefined confi uration information included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# ,= mandatorily includes information only reAuired in 1255G:1F state. ,T accept the reAuest without usin a predefined or default radio confi uration- in which case it shouldP *T include in the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e the complete set of /0- Tr1F and Phy1F information elements to be usedO *T submit the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the downlin# 111FO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 *P &n /$>>- the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e always includes the &2s H.dded or /econfi ured Tr1F information listH- both for uplin# and downlin# transport channels- even if 3T/.' orders the 32 to move to 1255G7.1F and hence need not confi ure any transport channels. &n these cases- 3T/.' may include a confi uration that adds little to the encoded messa e si!e e. . a :1F with a sin le !ero si!e transport format. .t a later sta e- 3T/.' may either remove or reconfi ure this confi uration. ,T submit an //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e on the downlin# 111F. &n the //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e- the 3T/.' may direct the 32 to another 3T/. carrier or to another system. The 3T/.' may direct the 32 to 2?3T/.' 7:: only if the &2 HPre?/edirection infoH is present in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e and the &2 H"upport of 2?3T/. 7::H is set to T/32O the 3T/.' may direct the 32 to 2?3T/.' T:: only if the &2 HPre?/edirection infoH is present in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e and the &2 H"upport of 2?3T/. T::H is set to T/32. .fter the //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e has been sent- all conte(t information for the 32 may be deleted in 3T/.'. 'OT2 3P 3T/.' should not send //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e to direct 32 to 2?3T/.' if there is no means for 3T/.' to determine that 32 subscription allows 32 access to 2?3T/.'.


(e re-se ectio$, T300 or T31= ti9eout

,T if the 32 has not yet received an //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e with the value of the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH eAual to the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TKO and ,T if cell re?selection or e(piry of timer T3++ or timer T3,; occursP the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 performs cell reselectionP *T clear the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/. ,T chec# the value of B3++O and *T if B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++P 3T if cell re?selection occurredP 8T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9. 8T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state and if &2P HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP 9T if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P =T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E. 9T elseP =T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O =T start receivin the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. 3T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O 3T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3O and 3T apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode)O 3T submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111FO 3T increment counter B3++O 3T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. *T if B3++ is reater than '3++P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O 3T enter idle mode. 3T consider the procedure to be unsuccessfulO 3T Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O 3T the procedure ends.


#%ortio$ o3 RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t

&f the 32 has not yet entered 3T/. //1 1onnected mode and the //1 connection establishment is to be aborted as specified in subclause ;.,.;- the 32 shallP ,T consider the procedure to be unsuccessfulO ,T perform the actions when enterin idle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*. The procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall compare the value of the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH in the received //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e with the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TK. &f the values are different- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the rest of the messa e. &f the values are identical- the 32 shallP *T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH and &2 HPreconfi uration modeH is set to HPredefined confi urationHP 3T initiate the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration in accordance with the predefined parameters identified by the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityH with the followin e(ceptionO 8T i nore the &2 H/0 to setup listH and the &2 H/e? establishment timerH. 'OT2P &2 above &2s are mandatory to include in &2 YPredefined /0 confi urationZ that is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# ,= but should be i nored since it is not possible to establish a /.0 durin //1 connection establishment.

3T initiate the physical channels in accordance with the received physical channel information elementsO *T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH and &2 HPreconfi uration modeH is set to H:efault confi urationHP 3T initiate the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration in accordance with the default parameters identified by the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityH with the followin e(ceptionP 8T i nore the radio bearers other than si nallin radio bearers. 3T initiate the physical channels in accordance with the received physical channel information elements. 'OT2P &2 H:efault confi uration modeH specifies whether the 7:: or T:: version of the default confi uration shall be used.

*T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to H1omplete specificationHP 3T initiate the radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel confi uration in accordance with the received radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel information elements.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if &2 H:efault confi uration for 1255G7.1FH is setP *T act in accordance with the default parameters accordin to section ,3.;. ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2O ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P *T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to 7.5"2. ,T stop timer T3++ or T3,;- whichever one is runnin - and act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin P *T if the 32- accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3- will be in the 1255G7.1F state at the conclusion of this procedureP 3T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is includedP 8T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuency. 8T for ,.*;Mcps T::- decide the wor#in freAuency accordin to subclause ;.=.=.,. 3T elseP 8T for ,.*;Mcps T::- continue to use the currently used freAuency as wor#in freAuency. 3T enter 3T/. //1 connected modeO 3T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O 3T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O 3T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P 8T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,<O 3T elseP 8T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89 for 7:: and ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T::. 3T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or 3T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or 3T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or 3T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P 8T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O 3T elseP 8T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to 7.5"2O 8T 7or 7:: if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P 9T if the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type Y/.1FZ in the 35O and 9T if Hnew F?/'T&H and Hnew 1?/'T&H are includedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=T store the Hnew F?/'T&H accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,bO =T store the Hnew 1?/'T&H accordin to subclause ;.=.3.>O =T and start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 9T elseP =T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO =T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO =T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO =T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 8T elseP 9T if the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H2?:1FH in the 35O and 9T if the &2s Hnew Primary 2?/'T&H- Hnew F?/'T&H and Hnew 1?/'T&H are includedP =T store the Hnew Primary 2?/'T&H accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,8O =T store the Hnew F?/'T&H accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,bO =T store the Hnew 1?/'T&H accordin to subclause ;.=.3.>O =T confi ure 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode accordin to subclause ;.9.89 for 7:: and ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T::O =T and start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 9T elseP =T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO =T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO =T clear variable 2G/'T& and delete any stored 2?/'T& valueO =T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO =T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T i nore the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH and stop usin :/I. ,T if the 32- accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3- will be in the 1255G:1F state at the conclusion of this procedureP *T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only)O *T enter 3T/. //1 connected modeO *T i nore the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH and stop usin :/I. ,T submit an //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa e to the lower layers on the uplin# :11F after successful state transition per subclause ;.=.3.3- with the contents set as specified belowP *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH toP 3T the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 3T clear that entry. *T if the 3"&M or "&M is presentP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T set the H"T./TH for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa e with the correspondin "T./T value that is stored in the volatile memory of the M2 if the 3"&M D9+E- or the "&M is present. *T if neither the 3"&M nor "&M is presentP 3T set the H"T./TH for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa e to !eroO 3T set the value of HTF/2"FO5:H in the variable H"T./TGTF/2"FO5:H to the default value D8+E. *T retrieve its 3T/. 32 radio access capability information elements from variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O and then *T include this in &2 H32 radio access capabilityH and &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH- provided this &2 is included in variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O *T retrieve its inter?/.T?specific 32 radio access capability information elements from variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O and then *T include this in &2 H32 system specific capabilityHO *T if the 32 supports conti uous multi?cell operation on four cells in the same band- include the &2 H.dditional "econdary 1ellsH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH and set it to $a*$ for the supported bandsO otherwise- if the 32 supports conti uous multi?cell operation on three cells in the same band- include the &2 H.dditional "econdary 1ellsH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH and set it to $a,$ for the supported bandsO *T if the 32 supports conti uous multi?cell operation on ei ht cells in the same band- include the &2 H.dditional "econdary 1ells *H in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH and set it to $a=$ for the supported bandsO *T if the 32 supports conti uous multi?cell operation on seven cells in the same band- include the &2 H.dditional "econdary 1ells *H in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH and set it to $a9$ for the supported bandsO *T if the 32 supports conti uous multi?cell operation on si( cells in the same band- include the &2 H.dditional "econdary 1ells *H in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH and set it to $a8$ for the supported bandsO *T if the 32 supports conti uous multi?cell operation on five cells in the same band- include the &2 H.dditional "econdary 1ells *H in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH and set it to $a3$ for the supported bandsO *T if the 32 supports non?conti uous multi?cell operation on two cells in the same bandP 3T set the &2 H. re ated cellsH in &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cellH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH to $nc?*c$ for the supported bandO 3T set the &2 HGap si!eH in &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cellH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH for the supported band to $fiveMF!$ or $tenMF!$ or $anyGap"i!e$- or *T if the 32 supports non?conti uous multi?cell operation on three cells in the same bandP 3T set the &2 H. re ated cellsH in &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cellH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH to $nc?3c$ for the supported bandO 3T set the &2 HGap si!eH in &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cellH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH for the supported band to $fiveMF!$ or $tenMF!$ or $anyGap"i!e$- or *T if the 32 supports non?conti uous multi?cell operation on four cells in the same bandP 3T set the &2 H. re ated cellsH in &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cellH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH to $nc?8c$ for the supported bandO 3T set the &2 HGap si!eH in &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cellH in the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH for the supported band to $fiveMF!$ or $tenMF!$ or $anyGap"i!e$O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T if the 32 supports an eAual number of conti uous cells on each side of the ap- include the &2 H'on? conti uous multi?cell 1ombination (*-*)HO 3T if the 32 supports a different number of conti uous cells on each side of the ap- include the &2 H'on? conti uous multi?cell 1ombination (3-,) (,-3)HO *T if the 32 supports Multiflow operation on two cells on one freAuencyP 3T set the &2 H'umber of cellsH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to two cellsO 3T set the &2 H'umber of freAuenciesH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to one freAuencyO *T if the 32 supports Multiflow operation on three cells on two freAuencies in the same bandP 3T set the &2 H'umber of cellsH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to three cellsO 3T set the &2 H'umber of freAuenciesH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to two freAuenciesO *T if the 32 supports Multiflow operation on four cells on two freAuencies in the same bandP 3T set the &2 H'umber of cellsH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to four cellsO 3T set the &2 H'umber of freAuenciesH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to two freAuenciesO *T if the 32 support Multiflow operation on three or four non?conti uous cells in the same bandP 3T set the &2 HGap si!eH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityHO *T if the 32 supports Multiflow operation with M&MOP 3T set &2 HM&MO supportH in &2 HMultiflow per band capabilityH to sin le or dual stream M&MO transmission in all the freAuency bands where the Multiflow operation is supportedO 3T if the 32 needs more processin to enerate F./J feedbac# for Multiflow with M&MO operationP 8T set &2 H5on er F./J processin timeH in &2 HMultiflow capabilityHO *T if the 32 supports Multiflow operation on three or four cells on two freAuencies in different bandsP 3T set the &2 H"upported Multiflow 1ombinationH in &2 H/adio .ccess 1apability 0and 1ombination 5istHO 3T if the 32 supports M&MO with Multiflow in different bandsP 8T set &2 H"upport for Multiflow with M&MO operation in different bandsH in &2 HMultiflow capabilityHO *T if the variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" is T/32P 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#- or 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#- or 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#P 8T include &2 H:eferred measurement control readin H. *T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 3T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableH. *T if an &2 H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and the re istered P5M' is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T include &2 H.'/ 5o in /esults .vailableH. *T if an &2 H5o ed 1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo?7::H or H5o ed 1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2 is present and the current /e istered P5M' is the same as the P5M' in &2 HP5M' &dentityH stored in variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2P 3T include &2 H1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo .vailableH. 'OT2P &f the H//1 "tate indicatorH is set to the value H1255G7.1FH- the 32 continues to read and store the &2s in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,; and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>- if transmitted- after submittin the //1 1onnection "etup 1omplete messa e to lower layers (see ;.9.3,).

Chen the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmission the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 has entered 1255G:1F stateP *T clear the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/O *T if the &2 H:eferred measurement control readin H was included in the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa eP 3T clear variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO 3T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the 32 has entered 1255G7.1F stateP *T if the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/ is not emptyP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T start timer T3+9 usin its initial value if periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T". ,T store the contents of the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2: in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:O ,T initialise variables upon enterin 3T/. //1 connected mode as specified in subclause ,3.8O ,T consider the procedure to be successfulO .nd the procedure ends.


P"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure or ce re-se ectio$

,T &f the 32 failed to establish- per subclause ;.9.8- the physical channel(s) indicated in the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa eO or ,T if the 32 performs cell re?selectionO or ,T if the 32 will be in the 1255G7.1F state at the conclusion of this procedureO and ,T if the received //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e included the &2 H7reAuency infoH and the 32 could not find a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuency but it could find a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyO or ,T if the received //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selected another cell than indicated by this &2O or ,T if the contents of the variable 1G/'T& is emptyO ,T after havin received an //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e with the value of the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH eAual to the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TKO and


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,T before the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa e is delivered to lower layers for transmissionP the 32 shallP ,T clear the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T clear the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/O ,T chec# the value of B3++- andP *T if B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++P 3T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9O 3T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O 3T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3- and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O 3T submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111FO 3T increment counter B3++O and 3T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure in transmittin the messa e. *T if B3++ is reater than '3++P 3T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO 3T consider the //1 establishment procedure to be unsuccessfulO 3T the procedure ends.


:$5a id RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP 9essa2e, u$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ or i$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f the 3T/.' instructs the 32 to use a confi uration- which it does not support e. .- the messa e includes a pre? defined confi uration that the 32 has not stored and@or if the received messa e causes the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' or the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to be set to T/32 the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as specified in this subclause. &f the 32 receives an //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e which contains an &2 H&nitial 32 identityH with a value which is identical to the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TK- but the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3++ or T3,;- whichever one is runnin O and ,T clear the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" and proceed as below. &f the 32 receives an //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e which contains an &2 H&nitial 32 identityH with a value which is identical to the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TKP ,T if the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e contained a confi uration the 32 does not supportO and@or ,T if the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' becomes set to T/32 due to the received //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa eO and@or


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,T if the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' becomes set to T/32 due to the received //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa eP the 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3++ or T3,;- whichever one is runnin O and ,T clear the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" and proceed as below. &f B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O ,T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O ,T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3O and ,T apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O ,T submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111FO ,T increment counter B3++O and ,T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure in transmittin the messa e. &f B3++ is reater than '3++- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O ,T enter idle modeO ,T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO ,T consider the //1 establishment procedure to be unsuccessfulO ,T the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

Chen the 32 receives an //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e on the downlin# 111F- it shall compare the value of the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH in the received //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e with the value of the variable &'&T&.5G32G&:2'T&TKP &f the values are different- the 32 shall i nore the rest of the messa eO &f the values are identical- the 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3++ or T3,;- whichever one is runnin O and ,T clear the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T if the 32 has disabled cell reselection to a 3T/. carrier due to an earlier //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e- the 32 shall resume cell reselection to that 3T/. carrierO ,T if the /ejection 1ause is $unspecified$ and the &2 H1ountin 1ompletionH is present- the 32 shall terminate an on oin M0M" countin procedure accordin to subclause ;.<.8.8O ,T if the &2 Hwait timeH [T $+$O and ,T if the &2 HfreAuency infoH is present andP *T if B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++P


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3T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuencyO 3T after havin selected and camped on a suitable cell on the desi nated 3T/. carrierP 8T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9O 8T set the contents of the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O 8T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O 8T transmit an //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e on the uplin# 111FO 8T reset counter B3++O 8T start timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure in transmittin the messa eO 8T disable cell reselection to ori inal 3T/. carrier until the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH has elapsed or until the //1 connection establishment procedure ends- whichever occurs firstO 3T if no suitable cell on the desi nated 3T/. carrier is foundP 8T wait for at least the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeHO 8T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9O 8T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O 8T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O 8T then submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111F of the ori inal servin cellO 8T increment counter B3++O 8T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa eO *T if B3++ is reater than '3++P 3T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO 3T consider the //1 establishment procedure to be unsuccessfulO 3T the procedure ends. ,T if the &2 Hinter?/.T infoH is presentP *T if the &2 Hwait timeH W $+$P 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T if B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++P 3T if the &2 HG"M tar et cell infoH is presentP 8T attempt to camp on a suitable cell of the list of cells indicated for that /.TO 8T if the 32 selects and camps on one of the cells indicated for that /.TP 9T disable cell reselection to the ori inal /.T until the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH has elapsed.


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8T if the 32 cannot find any suitable cell from the indicated ones within ,+s- the 32 is allowed to camp on any suitable cell on that /.T. 9T after havin selected and camped on a suitable cell on the desi nated /.TP =T the 32 may disable cell reselection to the ori inal /.T until the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH has elapsed. 3T if the &2 H2?3T/. tar et infoH is presentP 8T attempt to camp on a suitable cell on one of the freAuencies indicated for that /.T- e(cludin any cell indicated in the list of not allowed cells for that /.T (i.e. the Hblac#listed cells per freA listH for 2? 3T/.)- if presentO 8T if the 32 selects and camps on one such cellP 9T disable cell reselection to the ori inal /.T until the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH has elapsed. 8T if the 32 cannot find any suitable cell on the indicated freAuencies within ,+s- the 32 is allowed to camp on any suitable cell on that /.TP 9T after havin selected and camped on a suitable cell on the desi nated /.TP =T disable cell reselection to the ori inal /.T until the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH has elapsed. 3T if neither the &2 HG"M tar et cell infoH nor the &2 H2?3T/. tar et infoH is presentP 8T select a suitable cell in the desi nated /.TO 8T after havin selected and camped on a suitable cell on the desi nated /.TP 9T disable cell reselection to the ori inal /.T until the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH has elapsed or until the 32 successfully establishes a connection on the desi nated /.T- whichever occurs first. 3T if no suitable cell in the desi nated /.T is foundP 8T wait at least the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeHO 8T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9O 8T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.*. 8T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O 8T then submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111FO 8T increment counter B3++O 8T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa eO *T if B3++ is reater than '3++P 3T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO 3T consider the //1 establishment procedure to be unsuccessfulO 3T the procedure ends.


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,T if the &2 Hwait timeH [T $+$O and ,T if neither the &2s HfreAuency infoH nor Hinter?/.T infoH are presentP *T if B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++P 3T wait at least the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeHO 3T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.*O 3T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3- and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O 3T submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111FO 3T increment counter B3++O 3T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa eO *T if B3++ is reater than '3++P 3T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO 3T consider the //1 establishment procedure to be unsuccessfulO 3T the procedure ends. ,T if the &2 Hwait timeH W $+$P *T if the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH is present and the 32 supports Hdelay tolerant accessHP 3T forward the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH to the upper layersO *T enter idle modeO *T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO *T consider the //1 establishment procedure to be unsuccessfulO *T the procedure ends.


:$5a id RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives an //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e which contains an &2 H&nitial 32 identityH with a value which is identical to the value of the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH in the most recent //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e sent by the 32O but the //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP The 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3++ or T3,;- whichever one is runnin O and ,T clear the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T if B3++ is eAual to or smaller than '3++P *T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O *T set the &2s in the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.,.3.3O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T perform the mappin of the .ccess 1lass to an .ccess "ervice 1lass as specified in subclause ;.9.,3- and apply the iven .ccess "ervice 1lass when accessin the /.1F or the common 2?:1F (for the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode)O *T submit a new //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# 111FO *T increment counter B3++O *T restart timer T3++ when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3++ is reater than '3++P *T if the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- perform the actions specified in subclause ;.,.3.,,O *T enter idle modeO *T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO *T consider the procedure to be successfulO *T the procedure ends.


Lo22i$2 o3 3ai ed RR( (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t

&f the //1 connection establishment fails and the 32 supports lo in of failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment- the 32 shall perform lo in of information for later retrieval. The 32 shall store connection establishment failure information in the variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2 by settin its fields as followsP ,T clear the information included in the variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2- if anyO ,T set the &2 HP5M' &dentityH to the same value as the selected P5M' D8EO ,T set the &2 H'umber Of //1 Ms TransmittedH to indicate the number of times the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e was transmitted by the 32 durin the failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment procedure. ,T for T::P *T set the &2 H7P.1F /eceivedH to T/32 if 7P.1F was received durin the failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment procedure. *T if common 2?:1F was used- include the &2 H2?/311F 7ailureH and set it to T/32 if failure indication of the 2?/311F transmission was received durin the failed //1 1onnection 2stablishment procedure. ,T if detailed location information is availableP *T if the 32 has been able to calculate a 3?dimensional positionP 3T set the &2 H2llipsoid point with altitudeH or the &2 H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH to include the location coordinatesO *T elseP 3T set the &2 H2llipsoid pointH or the &2 H2llipsoid point with uncertainty circleH or the &2 H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH to include the location coordinatesP *T if hori!ontal velocity information is availableP 3T set the &2 HFori!ontal velocityH to include the hori!ontal velocityO *T a value of the &2 H1onfidenceH- different from H+H should be calculated- as the probability that the 32 is located within the uncertainty re ion of the one of the &2s H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH or H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T set the &2 HP5M' &dentityH of the 5o ed Measurements 7ailed 1ell to indicate the &2 HP5M' &dentityH obtained from system information of the cell where the connection establishment failure was detectedO ,T set the &2 H1ell &:H to indicate cell identity obtained from system information of the cell where the connection establishment failure was detectedO ,T set the &2 H1P&1F 2c@'+H and H1P&1F /"1PH to include measured Auantities of the cell where the connection establishment failure was detected for 3T/. 7::O ,T set the HP?11P1F /"1PH to include measured Auantities for the cell where the connection establishment failure was detected for 3T/. ,.*; Mcps T::O ,T set the &2 H5o ed Measurements &ntra 7reAuency 'ei hbourin 1ells listH- H5o ed Measurements &nter 7reAuency listH- H5o ed Measurements 2?3T/. freAuency listH- H5o ed Measurements 2?3T/. freAuency e(tension listH- in order of decreasin ran#in Auantity as used for cell re?selection in each freAuency for at most the followin number of nei hbourin cellsO = intra?freAuency and 3 inter?freAuency nei hbours per freAuency as well as 3 inter?/.T nei hbours- per freAuency per /.TO ,T set the &2 H5o ed Measurements G"M 'ei hbourin 1ells listH in order of decreasin /I52B. 'OT2P The 32 includes the latest available results of the measurement performed for cell reselection- which are performed in accordance with the re ular performance reAuirements as specified in D,>E.

=.1., RR( co$$ectio$ re ease

U) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) UTR#'

RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *# #'& . RRC Connection Release procedure on the 3CC9

U) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) UTR#'

,i-ure *# #'&!. RRC Connection Release procedure on the CCC9



The purpose of this procedure is to release the //1 connection includin all radio bearers and all si nallin radio bearers between the 32 and the 3T/.'. 0y doin so- all established si nallin connections will be released.



Chen the 32 is in state 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F (7:: only)- the 3T/.' may at anytime initiate an //1 connection release by transmittin an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e usin 3M /51. Chen 3T/.' transmits an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e the downlin# :11F should be used- if available. &f the downlin# :11F is not available in 3T/.' and the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state- the downlin# 111F may be used.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T/.' may transmit several //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa es to increase the probability of proper reception of the messa e by the 32. &n such a case- the //1 "' for these repeated messa es should be the same. The number of repeated messa es and the interval between the messa es is a networ# option.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall receive and act on an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in states 1255G:1F and 1255G7.1F and 1255GP1F (7:: only). 7urthermore this procedure can interrupt any on oin procedures with the 32 in the above listed states. Chen the 32 receives the first //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa eO and ,T if the messa e is received on the 111F- and &2 H3?/'T&H is present and has the same value as the variable 3G/'T&O or ,T if the messa e is received on :11FP the 32 shall perform the //1 connection release procedure as specified below. Chen the 32 receives the first //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa eO and ,T if the messa e is received on the 111F- the &2 H3T/.' roup identityH is present and there is a roup identity match accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,3P the 32 shall perform the //1 connection release procedure as specified below. The 32 shallP ,T in state 1255G:1FP *T initialise the counter B3+; to !eroO *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T submit an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the lower layers for transmission usin 3M /51 on the :11F to the 3T/.'O *T if the &2 H/plmn informationH is presentP 3T the 32 mayP 8T store the &2 on the M2 to ether with the P5M' id for which it appliesO 3T the 32 may thenP 8T utilise this information- typically indicatin where a number of 011F freAuency ran es of a /.T may be e(pected to be found- durin subseAuent /plmn selections of the indicated P5M'. *T if the &2 H32 Mobility "tate &ndicatorH is presentP 3T consider the Fi h?mobility state to have bein detected when enterin idle mode. *T start timer T3+; when the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e is sent on the radio interfaceO *T if the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH is present and the 32 supports Hdelay tolerant accessHP 3T forward the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH to the upper layers with the indication of the 1' :omain used in //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e. ,T in state 1255G7.1FP *T if the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e was received on the :11FP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O 3T submit an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the lower layers for transmission usin .M /51 on the :11F to the 3T/.'. 3T when the successful transmission of the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e has been confirmed by the lower layersP 8T release all its radio resourcesO and 8T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO and 8T clear any entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the tables H.ccepted transactionsH and H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O 8T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 8T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 8T pass the value of the &2 H/elease causeH received in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e to upper layersO 8T if the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH is present and the 32 supports Hdelay tolerant accessHP 9T forward the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH to the upper layers with the indication of the 1' :omain used in //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa eO 8T enter idle modeO 8T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode. 3T and the procedure ends. *T if the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e was received on the 111FP 3T release all its radio resourcesO 3T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to the upper layersO 3T clear any entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the tables H.ccepted transactionsH and H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T pass the value of the &2 H/elease causeH received in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e to upper layersO 3T if the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH is present and the 32 supports Hdelay tolerant accessHP 8T forward the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH to the upper layers with the indication of the 1' :omain used in //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa eO 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO 3T and the procedure ends.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$5a id RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) 9essa2e

&f the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- and if the Hprotocol error causeH in P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' is set to any cause value e(cept H."'., violation or encodin errorH- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP The 32 shallP ,T i nore any &2(s) causin the error but treat the rest of the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e as normal accordin to subclause ;.,.8.3- with an addition of the followin actionsP *T if the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e was received on the :11FP 3T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O 3T include the &2 H2rror indicationH in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e withP 8T the &2 H7ailure causeH set to the cause value HProtocol errorHO and 8T the &2 HProtocol error informationH set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'.


(e re-se ectio$ or radio i$> 3ai ure

&f the 32 performs cell re?selection or the radio lin# failure criteria in subclause ;.9.= are met at any time durin the //1 connection release procedure and the 32 has not yet entered idle mode- the 32 shallP ,T if cell re?selection occurred (1255G7.1F state or 1255GP1F (7:: only))P *T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionH. ,T if radio lin# failure occurred (1255G:1F state)P *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T enter idle modeO *T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO *T and the procedure ends.


).!ir7 o3 ti9er T30=, u$ac>$o1 ed2ed 9ode tra$s9issio$

Chen in state 1255G:1F and the timer T3+; e(pires- the 32 shallP ,T increment B3+; by oneO ,T if B3+; is eAual to or smaller than '3+;P *T prior to retransmittin the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa eP 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedHP 8T include the same &2s as in the last unsuccessful attempt of this messa e- e(cept for the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH- which is set as specified in subclause ;.9.,+.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T elseP 8T include the same &2s as in the last unsuccessful attempt of this messa e. *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e retransmitted below to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T send the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e on si nallin radio bearer /0,O *T start timer T3+; when the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e is sent on the radio interface. ,T if B3+; is reater than '3+;P *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear any entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the tables H.ccepted transactionsH and H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T enter idle modeO *T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO *T and the procedure ends.

=.1.,./ =.1.,.=

Void Rece!tio$ o3 a$ RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e %7 UTR#'

Chen 3T/.' receives an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e from the 32- it shouldP ,T release all 32 dedicated resources and the procedure ends on the 3T/.' side.


U$success3u tra$s9issio$ o3 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e, ac>$o1 ed2ed 9ode tra$s9issio$

Chen ac#nowled ed mode was used and /51 does not succeed in transmittin the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T release all its radio resourcesO ,T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O ,T enter idle modeO ,T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO ,T and the procedure ends.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


4etectio$ o3 oss o3 dedicated !"7sica c"a$$e %7 UTR#' i$ ()LL;4(< state

&f the release is performed from the state 1255G:1F- and 3T/.' detects loss of the dedicated physical channel accordin to subclause ;.9.=- 3T/.' may release all 32 dedicated resources- even if no //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e has been received.


&ai ure to recei5e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e %7 UTR#'

&f 3T/.' does not receive any //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa e- it should release all 32 dedicated resources.

=.1.,a RR( co$$ectio$ re ease reBuested %7 u!!er a7ers

=.1.,a.1 Ge$era
The purpose of this procedure is to release the //1 connection and bar the current cell or cells. The procedure is reAuested by upper layers when they determine that the networ# has failed an authentication chec# D9E.



&f the upper layers reAuest the release of the //1 connection- the 32 shallP ,T release all its radio resourcesO ,T enter idle modeO ,T perform other actions when enterin idle mode from connected mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*O ,T if the 32 was in 1255G:1F state prior to enterin idle modeP *T consider all cells that were in the active set prior to enterin idle mode to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cells as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH. ,T if the 32 was in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state prior to enterin idle modeP *T consider the cell on which the 32 was camped prior to enterin idle mode to be barred accordin to D8EO and *T consider the barred cell as usin the value HallowedH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell re?selection indicatorHand the ma(imum value in the &2 HTbarredH.

=.1.5 Void =.1.6 Tra$s9issio$ o3 U) ca!a%i it7 i$3or9atio$

U) UTR#'

U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6'

U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM

,i-ure *# #(& . Trans2ission of 01 capa;ilit4 infor2ation6 nor2al flow


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.1.6.1 =.1.6.2

Ge$era :$itiatio$

The 32 capability update procedure is used by the 32 to convey 32 specific capability information to the 3T/.'.

The 32 shall initiate the 32 capability update procedure in the followin situationsP ,T the 32 receives a 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e from the 3T/.'O ,T while in 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F state- the 32 capabilities chan e compared to those stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:- and the variable /'1G1.P.0&5&TKG1F.'G2G"3PPO/T is set to T/32. &f the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e is sent in response to a 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e- the 32 shallP ,T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and ,T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T for the 32 capabilities defined prior to /25?=P *T retrieve its 3T/. 32 radio access capability information elements from variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O and *T include this in &2 H32 radio access capabilityH and in &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH- provided this &2 is included in variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O *T retrieve its inter?/.T?specific 32 radio access capability information elements from variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O and *T include this in &2 H32 system specific capabilityH. ,T for the 32 capabilities defined in /25?= or laterP *T include the information elements associated with the capabilities included in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2: and the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. &f the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e is sent because one or more of the 32 capabilities chan e compared to those stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: while in connected state- the 32 shallP ,T for the 32 capabilities defined prior to /25?=- include the information elements associated with the capabilities that have chan ed in the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eO and ,T for the 32 capabilities defined in /25?= or later- include the information elements associated with the capabilities included in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. &f the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P *T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue as below. ,T elseP *T if variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue as below. *T elseP 3T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T continue as below.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T elseP 8T first perform a cell update procedure usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionH- see subclause ;.3.,. The 32 //1 shall submit the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e to the lower layers for transmission on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51. Chen the messa e has been delivered to lower layers for transmission the 32 //1 shall start timer T3+8 and set counter B3+8 to ,. . 32 in connected mode should only indicate chan es of capability in the &2s H:5 capability with simultaneous F"? :"1F confi urationH- HTransport channel capabilityH- HPhysical channel capabilityH- H:evice typeH- and the &2 H32 power class e(tensionH within H/7 capability e(tensionH. The 32 should not reAuest a chan ed capability that would render an e(istin 1" confi uration invalid. . 32 with F"?P:"1F confi ured should not reAuest a chan ed capability that removes support for F":P. or F"3P. entirelyO it may reAuest reduction of its capabilities to the lowest cate ory- but not to H:1F onlyH. &f the 32 is M.1?ehs capable or supports dual cell operation on adjacent or non?conti uous freAuencies or in different bands- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH &2. &f the 32 supports dual cell operation on adjacent freAuencies- then the 32 shall support this feature on all the freAuency bands supported by the 32. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH of ,3- ,9- ,< or ,>- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate oryH of >. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH of ,8- ,=- ,; or *+- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate oryH of ,+. &f the 32 supports dual cell operation on adjacent or non?conti uous freAuencies or in different bands- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H &2. &f the 32 supports dual cell with M&MO operation on adjacent or non?conti uous freAuencies or in different bands- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H &2. &f the 32 supports dual cell with M&MO operation in different bands- or multi?cell operation on three cells with M&MO in different bands- or multi?cell operation on four cells with M&MO in different bands- the 32 shall include the &2 H"upport for dual cell with M&MO operation in different bandsH and set it to T/32. &f the 32 supports non?conti uous multi?cell operation on two- three or four cells with sin le ap in one band with M&MO- the 32 shall include the &2 H'on?conti uous multi?cell with M&MOH and set it to T/32. &f the 32 supports multi?cell operation on three cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H &2. &f the 32 supports multi?cell operation on four cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H &2. &f the 32 supports multi?cell operation on si( cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension =H &2. &f the 32 supports multi?cell operation on ei ht cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension <H &2. &f the 32 supports Multiflow operation on two cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H &2. &f the 32 supports Multiflow operation on three cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H &2. &f the 32 supports Multiflow operation on four cells- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H &2. &f the 32 supports M&MO mode with four transmit antennas operation- the 32 shall si nal a value in the HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension ;H &2.


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H of *,- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH of >- ,+- ,3- ,8- ,9- ,=- ,< or ,;. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H of **- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH of ,+- ,8- ,= or ,;. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H of *3- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH of ,3- ,8- ,<- ,;- ,> or *+. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H of *8- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH of ,8- ,; or *+. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H of *> or an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3,- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H of *8. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H of 3+- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H of *;. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3*- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H of 3+. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension =H of 33- it shall either si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3* or an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3,. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension =H of 38- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3*. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension <H of 39- it shall either si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3* or an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3,. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension <H of 3=- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension =H of 38. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension ;H of 3<- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H of *;. &f the 32 si nals an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension ;H of 3;- it shall si nal an HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H of 3*. The 32 shall use the HTotal number of soft channel bitsH (defined in Table 9.,a of D39E) for the cate ory it has si nalledas followsP ,T &f M.1?hs is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate oryHO ,T &f M.1?ehs is confi ured without dual cell operation- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"? :"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionHO ,T &f dual cell operation is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H. ,T &f dual cell with M&MO operation is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H. ,T &f multi?cell operation on three cells is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H. ,T &f multi?cell operation on four cells is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H. ,T &f multi?cell operation on five or si( cells is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"? :"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension =H. ,T &f multi?cell operation on seven or ei ht cells is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension <H.


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T &f M&MO mode with four transmit antennas operation is confi ured- the 32 uses the cate ory it has si nalled in the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension ;H. &f the 32 supports ,=J.M in the uplin#- the 32 shall si nal a value in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH &2. &f the 32 supports :ual 1ell 2?:1F operation- the 32 shall si nal a value in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H &2. &f the 32 si nals a value in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tension *H &2- it shall si nal an H2?:1F physical layer cate oryH of =. &f the 32 supports =8J.M in the uplin#- the 32 shall si nal a value of ,+ in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H &2. &f the 32 supports 35 M&MO- the 32 shall si nal a value of ,, in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H &2. &f the 32 supports =8J.M in the uplin# and 35 M&MO- the 32 shall si nal a value of ,* in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H &2 &f the 32 si nals a value in the H2?:1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 3H- it shall si nal an H2?:1F physical layer cate oryH of <.


Rece!tio$ o3 a U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon reception of a 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 3T/.' should transmit a 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e on the downlin# :11F usin 3M or .M /51. .fter the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e has been submitted to the lower layers for transmission- the procedure is complete. &f the received 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e indicates capabilities that would be insufficient for the 32 to continue in an on oin service- the 3T/.' may reconfi ure the bearers for the on oin service. &n such a case- if the 3T/.' does not perform such a reconfi uration- it should set the &2 H.cceptance of reAuested chan e of capabilityH to H/efusedH in the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of a 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e- the 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3+8O ,T if there is an entry for the 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e is present in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P *T clear that entry. ,T if the &2 H.cceptance of reAuested chan e of capabilityH is included and set to H.cceptedHP *T update its variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: with the 32 capabilities it has last transmitted to the 3T/.' durin the current //1 connection. ,T if the &2 H.cceptance of reAuested chan e of capabilityH is included and set to H.ccepted with reconfi uration to followHP *T when a reconfi uration messa e with the fla H/econfi uration in response to reAuested chan e of 32 capabilityH set to T/32- update its variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: with the 32 capabilities it has last transmitted to the 3T/.' durin the current //1 connectionO *T if a reconfi uration messa e with the fla H/econfi uration in response to reAuested chan e of 32 capabilityH set to T/32 it is not received by the 32 within a time determined by the implementation- the 32 shall consider the chan e of capabilities to be refused by the 3T/.'. ,T if the &2 H.cceptance of reAuested chan e of capabilityH is included and set to H/efusedHP *T consider the reAuest for a chan e of capabilities to be refusedO


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T wait at least 3++ seconds before transmittin another such reAuest. ,T clear the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O ,T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T stop timer T3+8O ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/MO and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T restart timer T3+8 and continue with any on oin procedures or processes as if the invalid 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e has not been received.


T30, ti9eout

3pon e(piry of timer T3+8- the 32 shall chec# the value of B3+8 andP ,T if B3+8 is smaller than or eAual to '3+8P *T prior to retransmittin the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedHP 8T include the same &2s as in the last unsuccessful attempt of this messa e- e(cept for the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH- which is set as specified in subclause ;.9.,+. 3T elseP 8T include the same &2s as in the last unsuccessful attempt of this messa e. *T send the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e on si nallin radio bearer /0*O *T restart timer T3+8O *T increment counter B3+8. ,T if B3+8 is reater than '3+8P *T initiate the 1ell update procedure as specified in subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause H/adio lin# failureH.


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.1./ U) ca!a%i it7 e$Buir7

U) UTR#'

U) (#P#8:L:TD )'EU:RD

,i-ure *# #)& . 01 capa;ilit4 en>uir4 procedure6 nor2al flow



The 32 capability enAuiry can be used to reAuest the 32 to transmit its capability information related to any radio access networ# that is supported by the 32.



The 32 capability enAuiry procedure is initiated by the 3T/.' by transmittin a 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e on the :11F usin 3M or .M /51.


Rece!tio$ o3 a U) (#P#8:L:TD )'EU:RD 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of a 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e- the 32 shall act on the received information elements as specified in subclause ;.= and initiate the transmission of 32 capability information procedure- which is specified in subclause ;.,.=.


:$5a id U) (#P#8:L:TD )'EU:RD 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/KO and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with the on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K messa e has not been received.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.1.= :$itia 4irect tra$s3er

U) UTR#'

:':T:#L 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R

,i-ure *# #*& . :nitial 3irect transfer in the uplink6 nor2al flow



The initial direct transfer procedure is used in the uplin# to establish a si nallin connection. &t is also used to carry an initial upper layer ('.") messa e over the radio interface.


:$itiatio$ o3 :$itia direct tra$s3er !rocedure i$ t"e U)

&n the 32- the initial direct transfer procedure shall be initiated- when the upper layers reAuest establishment of a si nallin connection. This reAuest also includes a reAuest for the transfer of a '." messa e. 3pon initiation of the initial direct transfer procedure the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 to the cause for establishment indicated by upper layers. 3pon initiation of the initial direct transfer procedure when the 32 is in idle mode- the 32 shallP ,T if the variable 011FGMO:&7&1.T&O'G.112""GP/OF&0&T&O' is set to 7.5"2O or ,T if the establishment of a si nallin connection is reAuested for 1" domainO or ,T if the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is set to H2mer ency 1allHP *T perform an //1 connection establishment procedure- accordin to subclause ;.,.3O 'OT2P ,T elseP *T consider the //1 connection establishment procedure to be unsuccessful. ,T if the //1 connection establishment procedure was not successfulP *T if the establishment cause for the failed //1 connection establishment was set to HM0M" receptionH and a different cause value is stored in the variable H2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2HP 3T 32?." (//1) initiates a new //1 connection establishment procedure- usin the establishment cause as contained in the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2. *T otherwiseP 3T indicate failure to establish the si nallin connection to upper layers and end the procedure. ,T when the //1 connection establishment procedure is completed successfullyP *T continue with the initial direct transfer procedure as below. 3pon initiation of the initial direct transfer procedure when the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P &f an //1 connection establishment is on oin - this procedure continues unchan ed- i.e. it is not interrupted.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue with the initial direct transfer procedure as below. ,T elseP *T if variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue with the initial direct transfer procedure as below. *T elseP 3T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T continue with the initial direct transfer procedure as below. 3T elseP 8T perform a cell update procedure- accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionHO 8T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 9T continue with the initial direct transfer procedure as below. The 32 shall- in the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa eP ,T set the &2 H'." messa eH as received from upper layersO and ,T set the &2 H1' domain identityH as indicated by the upper layersO and ,T set the &2 H&ntra :omain '." 'ode "electorH as followsP *T derive the &2 H&ntra :omain '." 'ode "electorH from TM"&@PMT"&- &M"&- or &M2&O and *T provide the codin of the &2 H&ntra :omain '." 'ode "electorH accordin to the followin prioritiesP ,. base the routin parameter for &:''" on TM"& (1" domain) or on PTM"& (P" domain) accordin to the TM"&@PTM"& provided by upper layers- where the PTM"& may be mapped from a valid G3T&O *. base the routin parameter for &:''" on &M"& when no TM"&@PTM"& is provided by upper layersO 3. base the routin parameter for &:''" on &M2& only if no (3)"&M is inserted in the 32. ,T if the 32- on the e(istin //1 connection- has received a dedicated //1 messa e containin the &2 HPrimary P5M' &dentityH in the &2 H1' &nformation &nfoHP *T set the &2 HP5M' identityH in the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the latest P5M' information received via dedicated //1 si nallin . &f '." has indicated the P5M' towards which a si nallin connection is reAuested- and this P5M' is not in a reement with the latest P5M' information received via dedicated //1 si nallin - then the initial direct transfer procedure shall be aborted- and '." shall be informed. ,T if the 32- on the e(istin //1 connection- has not received a dedicated //1 messa e containin the &2 H1' &nformation &nfoH - and if the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH was broadcast in the cell where the current //1 connection was establishedP *T set the &2 HP5M' identityH in the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e to the P5M' chosen by hi her layers D9- *9E amon st the P5M's in the &2 HMultiple P5M' 5istH broadcast in the cell where the //1 connection was established. ,T if the &2 H.ctivated service listH within variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" includes one or more M0M" services with the &2 H"ervice typeH set to HMulticastH andO ,T if the &2 H1' domain identityH as indicated by the upper layers is set to H1" domainH andO ,T if the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" does not include the 1' domain identity $P" domain$P


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T include the &2 HM0M" joined informationHO *T include the &2 HP?TM"&H within the &2 HM0M" joined informationH if a valid PTM"& is available. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the &2 H1' domain identityH as indicated by the upper layers is set to H1" domainHP *T if the value of the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is set to HOri inatin 1onversational 1allH or H2mer ency 1allHP 3T set the value of the &2 H1all typeH to HspeechH- HvideoH or HotherH accordin to the call bein initiated. ,T if the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is initialisedP *T set the &2 H2stablishment causeH to the value of the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2. ,T calculate the "T./T accordin to subclause ;.9.> for the 1' domain as set in the &2 H1' :omain &dentityHO and ,T include the calculated "T./T value for that 1' domain in the &2 H"T./TH. The 32 shallP ,T transmit the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 on si nallin radio bearer /03O ,T when the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T confirm the establishment of a si nallin connection to upper layersO and *T add the si nallin connection with the identity indicated by the &2 H1' domain identityH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'". ,T when the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51P *T the procedure ends. Chen not stated otherwise elsewhere- the 32 may also initiate the initial direct transfer procedure when another procedure is on oin - and in that case the state of the latter procedure shall not be affected. . new si nallin connection reAuest may be received from upper layers durin transition to idle mode. &n those casesfrom the time of the indication of release to upper layers until the 32 has entered idle mode- any such upper layer reAuest to establish a new si nallin connection shall be Aueued. This reAuest shall be processed after the 32 has entered idle mode.


RL( re-esta% is"9e$t or i$ter-R#T c"a$2e

&f a re?establishment of the transmittin side of the /51 entity on si nallin radio bearer /03 occurs before the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 on si nallin radio bearer /03. &f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' to other /.T than 2?3T/.' procedure occurs before the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- for messa es with the &2 H1' domain identityH set to H1" domainH- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the '." messa e as specified in subclause ;.3.<.8.


:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' to G)R#' Iu mode

&f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' to G2/.' &u mode occurs before the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- for messa es for all 1' domains- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the '." messa e as specified in subclause ;.3.<.8.


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


#%ortio$ o3 si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t

&f the 32 receives a reAuest from upper layers to release (abort) the si nallin connection for the 1' domain for which the initial direct transfer procedure is on oin - the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 has not yet entered 3T/. //1 connected modeP *T abort the //1 connection establishment procedure as specified in subclause ;.,.3O the procedure ends.


:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' to )-UTR#'

&f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' to 2?3T/.' occurs before the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- the 32 shallP ,T discard the '." messa e.


Rece!tio$ o3 :':T:#L 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

On reception of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e the '." messa e should be routed usin the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH. 3T/.' may also use the &2 H&ntra :omain '." 'ode "electorH and the &2 HP5M' identityH for routin amon the 1' nodes for the addressed 1' domain. &f no si nallin connection e(ists towards the chosen node- then a si nallin connection is established. Chen the 3T/.' receives an &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e- it shall not affect the state of any other on oin //1 procedures- when not stated otherwise elsewhere. The 3T/.' shouldP ,T set the "T./T value for the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH to the value of the &2 H"T./TH.

=.1.- 4o1$ i$> 4irect tra$s3er

U) UTR#'

46G'L:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R

,i-ure *# #+& . 3ownlink 3irect transfer6 nor2al flow



The downlin# direct transfer procedure is used in the downlin# direction to carry upper layer ('.") messa es over the radio interface.


:$itiatio$ o3 do1$ i$> direct tra$s3er !rocedure i$ t"e UTR#'

&n the 3T/.'- the direct transfer procedure is initiated when the upper layers reAuest the transfer of a '." messa e after the initial si nallin connection is established. The 3T/.' may also initiate the downlin# direct transfer procedure when another //1 procedure is on oin - and in that case the state of the latter procedure shall not be affected. The 3T/.' shall transmit the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M /51 on si nallin radio bearer /03 or si nallin radio bearer /08. The 3T/.' shouldP ,T if upper layers indicate Hlow priorityH for this messa eP


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T select si nallin radio bearer /08- if available. "pecifically- for a G"M?M.P based 1'- si nallin radio bearer /08 should- if available- be selected when H".P& 3H is reAuestedO *T select si nallin radio bearer /03 when si nallin radio bearer /08 is not available. ,T if upper layers indicate Hhi h priorityH for this messa eP *T select si nallin radio bearer /03. "pecifically- for a G"M?M.P based 1'- si nallin radio bearer /03 should be selected when H".P& +H is reAuested. The 3T/.' sets the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH to indicate- which 1' domain the '." messa e is ori inated from '


Rece!tio$ o3 a 46G'L:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e- the 32 //1 shall- usin the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH- route the contents of the &2 H'." messa eH and the value of the &2H1' :omain &dentityH to upper layers. The 32 shall clear the entry for the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". Chen the 32 receives a :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e- it shall not affect the state of any other on oin //1 procedures when not stated otherwise elsewhere.


'o si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ e.ists

&f the 32 receives a :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e- and the si nallin connection identified with the &2 H1' domain identityH does not e(ist accordin to the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the content of the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa eO ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/O and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with the &2 HProtocol error causeH set to HMessa e not compatible with receiver stateH. Chen the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmission- the 32 shallP ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has not been received.


:$5a id 46G'L:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/O and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. Chen the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmission- the 32 shallP ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid :OC'5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has not been received.

=.1.10 U! i$> 4irect tra$s3er

U) UTR#'

UPL:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R

,i-ure *# # %& . 0plink 3irect transfer6 nor2al flow



The uplin# direct transfer procedure is used in the uplin# direction to carry all subseAuent upper layer ('.") messa es over the radio interface belon in to a si nallin connection.


:$itiatio$ o3 u! i$> direct tra$s3er !rocedure i$ t"e U)

&n the 32- the uplin# direct transfer procedure shall be initiated when the upper layers reAuest a transfer of a '." messa e on an e(istin si nallin connection. Chen not stated otherwise elsewhere- the 32 may initiate the uplin# direct transfer procedure when another procedure is on oin - and in that case the state of the latter procedure shall not be affected. 3pon initiation of the uplin# direct transfer procedure in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P *T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue with the uplin# direct transfer procedure as below. ,T elseP *T if variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue with the uplin# direct transfer procedure as below. *T elseP 3T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T continue with the uplin# direct transfer procedure as below. 3T elseP 8T perform a cell update procedure- accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionHO 8T when the cell update procedure has been completed successfullyP 9T continue with the uplin# direct transfer procedure as below.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

The 32 shall transmit the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 on si nallin radio bearer /03 or si nallin radio bearer /08. The 32 shallP ,T if upper layers indicate Hlow priorityH for this messa eP *T select si nallin radio bearer /08- if available. "pecifically- for a G"M?M.P based 1'- si nallin radio bearer /08 shall- if available- be selected when H".P& 3H is reAuestedO *T select si nallin radio bearer /03 when si nallin radio bearer /08 is not availableO ,T if upper layers indicate Hhi h priorityH for this messa eP *T select si nallin radio bearer /03. "pecifically- for a G"M?M.P based 1'- si nallin radio bearer /03 shall be selected when H".P& +H is reAuested. The 32 shall set the &2 H'." messa eH as received from upper layers and set the &2 H1' domain identityH as indicated by the upper layers. Chen the successful delivery of the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51 the procedure ends.


RL( re-esta% is"9e$t or i$ter-R#T c"a$2e

&f si nallin radio bearer /0 n (where n eAuals to 3 or 8) was used when transmittin the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e and a re?establishment of the transmittin side of the /51 entity on the same si nallin radio bearer /0 n occurs before the successful delivery of the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 on si nallin radio bearer /0 n. &f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' to other /.T than 2?3T/.' procedure occurs before the successful delivery of the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- for messa es with the &2 H1' domain identityH set to H1" domainH- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the '." messa e as specified in subclause ;.3.<.8.


:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' to G)R#' Iu mode

&f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' to G2/.' &u mode occurs before the successful delivery of the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- for messa es for all 1' domains- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the '." messa e as specified in subclause ;.3.<.8.


:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' to )-UTR#'

&f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' to 2?3T/.' occurs before the successful delivery of the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e has been confirmed by /51- the 32 shallP ,T discard the '." messa e.


Rece!tio$ o3 UPL:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

On reception of the 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e the '." messa e should be routed usin the value indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH. Chen the 3T/.' receives an 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e- it shall not affect the state of any other on oin //1 procedures- when not stated otherwise elsewhere.


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.1.11 U) dedicated !a2i$2

U) UTR#'

P#G:'G TDP) 2

,i-ure *# #

& . 01 dedicated pa-in-



This procedure is used to transmit dedicated pa in information to one 32 in connected mode in 1255G:1F 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) state. 3pper layers in the networ# may reAuest initiation of pa in .



7or a 32 in 1255G:1F- 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) state- 3T/.' initiates the procedure by transmittin a P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e on the :11F usin .M /51. Chen not stated otherwise elsewhere- the 3T/.' may initiate the 32 dedicated pa in procedure also when another //1 procedure is on oin and in that case the state of the latter procedure shall not be affected. 3T/.' should set the &2 HPa in causeH to the cause for pa in received from upper layers. &f no cause for pa in is received from upper layers- 3T/.' should set the value HTerminatin Q cause un#nownH.


Rece!tio$ o3 a P#G:'G TDP) 2 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

Chen the 32 receives a P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e- it shall not affect the state of any other on oin //1 procedureswhen not stated otherwise elsewhere. The 32 shallP ,T indicate reception of pa in O and ,T forward the &2 HPa in causeH and the &2 HPa in record type identifierH to upper layers. The 32 shallP ,T clear the entry for the P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'".


:$5a id P#G:'G TDP) 2 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to P.G&'G TKP2 *O and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O


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,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid P.G&'G TKP2 * messa e has not been received.

=.1.12 Securit7 9ode co$tro

U) UTR#'

"213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':

"213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2

,i-ure *# # !& . Securit4 2ode control procedure



The purpose of this procedure is to tri er the start of cipherin or to command the restart of the cipherin with a new cipherin confi uration- for the radio bearers of one 1' domain and for all si nallin radio bearers. &t is also used to start inte rity protection or to modify the inte rity protection confi uration for all si nallin radio bearers.


(i!"eri$2 co$3i2uratio$ c"a$2e

To start@restart cipherin - 3T/.' sends a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e on the downlin# :11F in .M /51 usin the most recent cipherin confi uration. &f no such cipherin confi uration e(ists then the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': is not ciphered. 3T/.' should not transmit a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': to si nal a chan e in cipherin al orithm. Chen confi urin cipherin - 3T/.' should ensure that the 32 needs to store at most two different cipherin confi urations (#eyset and al orithm) per 1' domain- in total over all radio bearers at any iven time. 7or si nallin radio bearers the total number of cipherin confi urations that need to be stored is at most three. Prior to sendin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- for the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- 3T/.' shouldP ,T suspend all radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51?3M and all si nallin radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51? 3M- e(cept the si nallin radio bearer used to send the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e on the downlin# :11F in /51?.M- and e(cept si nallin radio bearer /0+- accordin to the followin P *T not transmit /51 P:3s with seAuence number reater than or eAual to the number in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH on all suspended radio bearers and all suspended si nallin radio bearers. ,T set- for the si nallin radio bearer used to send the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- the H/51 seAuence numberH in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH- at which time the new cipherin confi uration shall be appliedO 'OT2P The 3T/.' should avoid the situation that the 32 is aware of more than one pendin downlin# cipherin activation times for "/0*. &n such a case the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


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,T if a transparent mode radio bearer for this 1' domain e(istsP *T include the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH in &2 H1ipherin mode infoH- at which time the new cipherin confi uration shall be applied and specify a 17' value for this &2 that is a multiple of ; frames (17' mod ; W +). 'OT2P 3T/.' should chose the value for the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH such that the new cipherin confi uration will occur after all the pendin cipherin activation times have been reached for the transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain.

,T consider a cipherin activation time in downlin# to be pendin until the /51 seAuence number of the ne(t /51 P:3 to be transmitted for the first time is eAual to or lar er than the selected activation timeO ,T set- for each suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer that has no pendin cipherin activation time set by a previous security mode control procedure- an H/51 seAuence numberH in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH- at which time the new cipherin confi uration shall be appliedO ,T set- for each suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer that has a pendin cipherin activation time set by a previous security mode control procedure- the H/51 seAuence numberH in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH to the value used in the previous security mode control procedure- at which time the latest cipherin confi uration shall be appliedO ,T if &nte rity protection has already been started for the 32P *T if for the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- a new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from upper layers since the transmission of the last "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e for that 1' domainP 3T include the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. *T if the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': is different from the &2 H1' domain identityH that was sent in the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e to the 32P 3T include the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. ,T transmit the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e on /0*.


:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ co$3i2uratio$ c"a$2e

To start or modify inte rity protection- 3T/.' sends a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e on the downlin# :11F in .M /51 usin the new inte rity protection confi uration. 3T/.' should not HmodifyH inte rity protection for a 1' domain to which a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': confi urin inte rity protection has been previously sent for an on oin si nallin connection unless the application of new inte rity #eys needs to be si nalled to the 32. 3T/.' should not transmit a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': to si nal a chan e in inte rity protection al orithm. &n case of &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.'- after the reception of the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 messa e and a #ey set is received- 3T/.' should transmit a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e containin &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH in order to initiate inte rity protection with the inte rity #ey of the #ey set used in the other /.T (see subclause ;.3.=.3). Chen confi urin &nte rity protection- 3T/.' shouldP ,T ensure that the 32 needs to store at most three different &nte rity protection confi urations (#eysets) at any iven time. This includes the total number of &nte rity protection confi urations for all si nallin radio bearersO ,T if 1ipherin has already been started for the 32 for the 1' domain to be set in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':P *T if for the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- a new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from upper layers since the transmission of the last "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e for that 1' domainP 3T include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':.


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,T if 1ipherin has already been confi ured for the 32 for a 1' domain different from the 1' domain to be set in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':P *T include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. Prior to sendin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- for the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- 3T/.' shouldP ,T if this is the first "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': sent for this //1 connectionP *T if new #eys have been receivedP 3T initialise the hyper frame numbers as followsP 8T set all bits of the hyper frame numbers of the 1O3'T?& values for all si nallin radio bearers to !ero. *T else (if new #eys have not been received)P 3T use the value H"T./TH in the most recently received &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH that belon s to the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH to initialise all hyper frame numbers of 1O3'T?& for all the si nallin radio bearers byP 8T settin the *+ most si nificant bits of the hyper frame numbers for all si nallin radio bearers to the value H"T./TH in the most recently received &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH for that 1' domainO 8T settin the remainin bits of the hyper frame numbers eAual to !ero. ,T else (this is not the first "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': sent for this //1 connection)P *T if new #eys have been receivedP 3T initialise the hyper frame number for 1O3'T?& for /0* as followsP 8T set all bits of the F7' of the 1O3'T?& value for /0* to !ero. *T if new #eys have not been receivedP 3T initialise the hyper frame number for 1O3'T?& for /0* as followsP 8T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the F7' of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?& to the value of the most recently received &2 H"T./TH or &2 H"T./T listH for the 1' domain to be set in the &2 H1' :omain &dentityHO 8T set the remainin bits of the F7' of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value H"tartHP *T prohibit the transmission of si nallin messa es with any //1 "' on all si nallin radio bearers- e(cept /0*O *T set the 7/2"F value in the &2 H&nte rity protection initialisation numberH- included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH. ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HModifyHP *T for each si nallin radio bearer /0n- e(cept /0*P 3T prohibit the transmission of si nallin messa es with //1 "' reater or eAual to the //1 seAuence number in entry for si nallin radio bearer n in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH- included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH. *T consider an inte rity protection activation time in downlin# to be pendin until the selected activation time is eAual to the ne(t //1 seAuence number to be used- which means that the last //1 messa e usin the old inte rity protection confi uration has been submitted to lower layersO *T set- for each si nallin radio bearer /0n- that has no pendin inte rity protection activation time set by a previous security mode control procedure- an //1 seAuence number in entry for si nallin radio bearer n in


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the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH- included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH- at which time the new inte rity protection confi uration shall be appliedO *T set- for each si nallin radio bearer /0n- that has a pendin inte rity protection activation time set by a previous security mode control procedure- the //1 seAuence number in entry for si nallin radio bearer n in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH- included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH- to the value used in the previous security mode control procedureat which time the latest inte rity protection confi uration shall be applied. ,T transmit the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e on /0* usin the new inte rity protection confi uration. 'OT2,P &n the case of re?initialisation of &nte rity Protection at F7' wrap around- the networ# should ta#e into account the 32 actions as described in subclauses ;.9.,+., and ;.9.,+.*. 'OT2*P .fter the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e is transmitted- the networ# should ensure that it can revert bac# to old inte rity protection until it receives the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e- to ta#e into account the 32 actions when security mode control procedure is unsuccessful. The networ# should also be aware that the 32 may revert to old confi uration when waitin for the ac#nowled ement from 5* for the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e- and act accordin ly. 'OT23P &n the case of the first "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e followin an "/'" relocation- the networ# should set the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH for "/03 and "/08 to at least Hthe current downlin# //1 seAuence number V*H. .s a conseAuence- at least the first messa e sent on "/03 and "/08 by the Tar et /'1 will use the old inte rity protection confi uration.


Rece!tio$ o3 S)(UR:TD M64) (6MM#'4 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if neither &2 H1ipherin mode infoH nor &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH is included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':P *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 H"ecurity capabilityH is the same as indicated by variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:- and the &2 HG"M security capabilityH (if included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':) is the same as indicated by the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:P *T set the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' eAual to the &2 H1' domain identityHO *T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' for the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': to the value H.ffectedHO *T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' for all 1' domains other than the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH to H'ot affectedHO *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.3.8. *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 3T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.3.9. ,T prior to sendin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa eP *T use the old cipherin confi uration for this messa eO *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP


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3T include and set the &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH to the value of the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO 3T for each radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 8T start or continue incrementin the 1O3'T?1 values for all /51?.M and /51?3M si nallin radio bearers at the cipherin activation time as specified in the procedureO 8T start or continue incrementin the 1O3'T?1 values common for all transparent mode radio bearers for this 1' domain at the cipherin activation time as specified in the procedureO 8T continue incrementin the 1O3'T?1 values for all /51?.M and /51?3M radio bearers. 3T if no new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from the upper layers D8+E for the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 8T for cipherin on si nallin radio bearers usin /51?.M and /51?3M in the downlin#- at the /51 seAuence number indicated in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- for each si nallin radio bearerP 9T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the F7' component of the downlin# 1O3'T?1 to the value H"T./TH in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T set the remainin bits of the hyper frame numbers to !ero. 3T if new #eys have been receivedP 8T perform the actions in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 3T include and set the &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH to the value of the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O for each si nallin radio bearerO 3T if no new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from the upper layers D8+E for the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'- for /0*P 8T in the downlin#- for the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa eP 9T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to the value H"T./TH in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T set the remainin bits of the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H to !ero. 8T in the uplin#- for the transmitted response messa e- "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2P 9T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the uplin# 1O3'T?& to the value H"T./TH in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T set the remainin bits of the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H to !ero. 3T if no new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from the upper layers D8+E for the 1' domain indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'- for each si nallin radio bearer other than /0*P


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8T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HstartHP 9T in the downlin#- for this si nallin radio bearerP =T set the *+ most si nificant bits of &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to the value "T./T transmitted in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O =T set the remainin bits of the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to !eroO 8T elseP 9T in the downlin#- for the first messa e for which the //1 seAuence number in a received //1 messa e for this si nallin radio bearer is eAual to or reater than the activation time as indicated in &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH as included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH- for this si nallin radio bearerP =T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to the value H"T./TH in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O =T set the remainin bits of the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H to !ero. 3T if new #eys have been receivedP 8T perform the actions in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearer /0* from and includin the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa eO *T transmit the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e on /0*. 'OT2 ,P .fter submission of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the lower layers- the 32 should accept messa es received in the :5 which reAuire the new security confi uration to be applied on them. &f the received messa e is successfully inte rity chec#ed- the 32 should not discard the messa e due to lac# of completion of the security procedure- caused by the successful delivery of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 not havin yet been confirmed by lower layers- unless the security confi uration to be applied has been aborted and the messa e received reAuires inte rity protection D9E. 'OT2 *P .fter submission of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the lower layers- if the 32 successfully inte rity chec#s an //1 messa e received on "/03 usin the new inte rity protection confi uration- the 32 may behave as if the successful delivery of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e has been confirmed by /51. ,T when the successful delivery of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e has been confirmed by /51P *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T if no new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from the upper layers D8+E for the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 8T for cipherin on si nallin radio bearers usin /51?.M and /51?3M in the uplin#- at the /51 seAuence number indicated in &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2- for each si nallin radio bearerP 9T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 to the value H"T./TH in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T set the remainin bits of the hyper frame numbers to !ero.


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3T if new #eys have been receivedP 8T perform the actions in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. 3T resume data transmission on any suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer mapped on /51?.M or /51?3MO 3T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 3T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 3T if no new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from the upper layers D8+E for the 1' domain indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'- for each si nallin radio bearer other than /0*P 8T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HstartHP 9T in the uplin#- for this si nallin radio bearerP =T set the *+ most si nificant bits of &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the uplin# 1O3'T?& to the value "T./T transmitted in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O =T set the remainin bits of the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the uplin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. 8T elseP 9T in the uplin#- for the first transmitted //1 messa e for this si nallin radio bearer with //1 seAuence number eAual to the activation time as indicated in &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH included in the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2- for this si nallin radio bearerP =T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the uplin# 1O3'T?& to the value H"T./TH in the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH- at the reception of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':- that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O =T set the remainin bits of the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H to !ero. 3T if new #eys have been receivedP 8T perform the actions in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. 3T allow the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers with any //1 "'O 3T set H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0+ in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to a value such that ne(t //1 messa e to be sent on uplin# /0+ will use the new inte rity protection confi uration and the H//1 Messa e seAuence numberH in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH in the ne(t //1 messa e will eAual to the activation time for /0+ as indicated in &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH included in the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2O 3T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 3T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'O *T notify upper layers upon chan e of the security confi urationO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T and the procedure ends. ,T if the &2 H"ecurity capabilityH is not the same as indicated by the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:or the &2 HG"M security capabilityH (if included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':) is not the same as indicated by the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:- or if the &2 HG"M security capabilityH is not included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and is included in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:P *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'O *T enter idle modeO *T perform actions when enterin idle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends.


'e1 ci!"eri$2 a$d i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ >e7s

The actions in this subclause are to be performed only if the new #eys were received for an on oin //1 connection while in 3T/..

&f a new security #ey set (new cipherin and inte rity protection #eys) has been received from the upper layers D8+E for the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'- the 32 shallP ,T set the "T./T value for the 1' domain indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' to !eroO ,T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T for inte rity protection in the downlin# on each si nallin radio bearer e(cept /0*P 3T if &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HstartHP 8T for the first received messa e on this si nallin radio bearerP 9T start usin the new inte rity #eyO 9T for this si nallin radio bearerP =T set the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. 3T elseP 8T for the first messa e for which the //1 seAuence number in a received //1 messa e for this si nallin radio bearer is eAual to or reater than the activation time as indicated in &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH as included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 9T start usin the new inte rity #eyO 9T for this si nallin radio bearerP =T set the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. *T for inte rity protection in the uplin# on each si nallin radio bearer e(cept /0*P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T for the first messa e for which the //1 seAuence number in a to be transmitted //1 messa e for this si nallin radio bearer is eAual to the activation time as indicated in &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH included in the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa eP 8T start usin the new inte rity #eyO 8T for this si nallin radio bearerP 9T set the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the uplin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. *T for inte rity protection in the downlin# on si nallin radio bearer /0*P 3T at the received "213/&TK MO:21OMM.':P 8T start usin the new inte rity #eyO 8T set the &2 H:ownlin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the downlin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. *T for inte rity protection in the uplin# on si nallin radio bearer /0* P 3T at the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2P 8T start usin the new inte rity #eyO 8T set the &2 H3plin# //1 F7'H in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O of the uplin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. ,T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP *T for each si nallin radio bearer and for each radio bearer for the 1' domain indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" has the value H"tartedH for this 1' domain- then for cipherin on radio bearers usin /51?TMP 8T at the 17' as indicated in the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T start usin the new #ey in uplin# and downlin#O 9T set the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 to !ero. 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" has the value H"tartedH for this 1' domain- then for cipherin on radio bearers and si nallin radio bearers usin /51?.M and /51?3MP 8T in the downlin#- at the /51 seAuence number indicated in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T start usin the new #eyO 9T set the F7' component of the downlin# 1O3'T?1 to !ero. 8T in the uplin#- at the /51 seAuence number indicated in &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoHP 9T start usin the new #eyO 9T set the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 to !ero. ,T consider the value of the latest transmitted "T./T value to be !ero.




Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous securit7 reco$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' becomes set to T/32 of the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51- usin the cipherin and inte rity protection confi urations prior to the reception of this "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hincompatible simultaneous reconfi urationHO ,T when the response messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T set the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO *T only accept a messa e on "/0 *- with a 1O3'T?& thatP 3T is hi her than the 1O3'T?& used prior to receivin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e incremented by oneO and 3T does not ta#e into account the F7' from the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e. *T and the procedure ends.

&fP ? ?

(e u!date !rocedure duri$2 securit7 reco$3i2uratio$

a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., is initiatedO and the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e causes either? ? the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to be set to T/32O and@or the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to be set to T/32P

the 32 shallP ,T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO ,T resume data transmission on any suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer mapped on /51?.M or /51?3MO ,T allow the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers with any //1 "'O ,T when the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 3T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 3T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 3T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO *T only accept a messa e on "/0 *- with a 1O3'T?& thatP 3T is hi her than the 1O3'T?& used prior to receivin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e incremented by oneO and 3T does not ta#e into account the F7' from the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e. *T if the 32 has already submitted the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e- use a 1O3'T?& value for transmission of the ne(t messa e on "/0* as stated belowP 3T ta#e the 1O3'T?& used prior to the transmission of the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa eO 3T increment that 1O3'T?& with *O 3T apply that 1O3'T?& on the ne(t messa e to transmit. *T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'O *T the procedure ends.


:$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 due to the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2 messa e on the :11F usin .M /51 after settin the &2s as specified belowP *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hinvalid confi urationH. ,T when the response messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO *T only accept a messa e on "/0 *- with a 1O3'T?& thatP 3T is hi her than the 1O3'T?& used prior to receivin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e incremented by oneO and 3T does not ta#e into account the F7' from the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e. *T and the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 S)(UR:TD M64) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

3T/.' should apply inte rity protection on the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e and all subseAuent messa es with the new inte rity protection confi uration- if chan ed. Chen 3T/.' has received a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e and the inte rity protection has successfully been applied- 3T/.' shouldP ,T if the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH was included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa eP *T if new #eys were received for the 1' domain set in the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T set- at the downlin# and uplin# activation time- all the bits of the hyper frame numbers of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?1 values respectively for all radio bearers for this 1' domain and all si nallin radio bearers to !ero. *T else (if new #eys were not received)P 3T use- at the downlin# and uplin# activation time- the value H"T./TH in the most recently received &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH to initialise all hyper frame numbers of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?1 values respectively for all the si nallin radio bearers as followsP 8T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the hyper frame numbers of the 1O3'T?1 for all si nallin radio bearers to the value H"T./TH in the most recently received &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH for that 1' domainO 8T set the remainin bits of the hyper frame numbers eAual to !ero. ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa eP *T if this was not the first "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e for this //1 connectionP 3T if new #eys have been received for the 1' domain set in the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH included in the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa eP 8T initialise- at the downlin# and uplin# activation time- all hyper frame numbers of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?& values respectively for all the si nallin radio bearers other than /0* as followsP 9T set all bits of the hyper frame numbers of the uplin# and downlin# 1O3'T?& to !ero. 3T if no new #eys have been received for the 1' domain set in the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH included in the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa eP 8T use- at the downlin# and uplin# activation time- the value H"T./TH in the most recently received &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH that belon s to the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH to initialise all hyper frame numbers of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?& values respectively for all the si nallin radio bearers other than /0* as followsP 9T set the *+ most si nificant bits of the hyper frame numbers of the downlin# and uplin# 1O3'T?& respectively for all si nallin radio bearers to the value H"T./TH in the most recently received &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH for that 1' domainO 9T set the remainin bits of the hyper frame numbers eAual to !ero. ,T send an indication to upper layers that the new security confi uration has been activatedO ,T resume- in the downlin#- all suspended radio bearers and all si nallin radio bearersO ,T allow the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers with any //1 "'O ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': had the value H"tartHP *T start applyin inte rity protection in the downlin# for all si nallin radio bearers. ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': had the value HModifyHP *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# at the //1 seAuence number- for each si nallin radio bearers /0n- e(cept for si nallin radio bearer /0*- indicated by the entry for si nallin radio bearer n in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoHO *T continue applyin the new inte rity confi uration for si nallin radio bearer /0*O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T apply the new inte rity protection confi uration on the received si nallin messa es with //1 "' reater than or eAual to the number associated with the si nallin radio bearer in &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH. ,T apply the old cipherin confi uration for the transmission of /51 P:3s with /51 seAuence number less than the number indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH included in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHO ,T apply the new cipherin confi uration for the transmission of /51 P:3s with /51 seAuence number reater than or eAual to the number indicated in &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH included in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHO ,T apply the old inte rity protection confi uration on the received si nallin messa es with //1 "' smaller than the number associated with the si nallin radio bearer in &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoHO ,T for radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51?3MP *T use the old cipherin confi uration for received /51 P:3s with /51 seAuence number less than the /51 seAuence number indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH sent by the 32O *T use the new cipherin confi uration for received /51 P:3s with /51 seAuence number reater than or eAual to the /51 seAuence number indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH sent by the 32O *T if an /51 reset or re?establishment of the transmittin side of an /51 entity occurs after the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e has been received by 3T/.' before the downlin# activation time for the new cipherin confi uration has been reached- i nore the activation time and apply the new cipherin confi uration in downlin# immediately after the /51 reset or /51 re?establishmentO *T if an /51 reset or re?establishment of the receivin side of an /51 entity occurs after the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e has been received by 3T/.' before the uplin# activation time for the new cipherin confi uration has been reached- i nore the activation time and apply the new cipherin confi uration in uplin# immediately after the /51 reset or /51 re?establishment. ,T for radio bearers usin /51?TMP *T use the old cipherin confi uration for the received /51 P:3s before the 17' as indicated in the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH as included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':O *T use the new cipherin confi uration for the received /51 P:3s at the 17' as indicated in the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH as included in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. ,T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id S)(UR:TD M64) (6MM#'4 9essa2e

&f the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T transmit a "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the "213/&TK MO:2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T when the response messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO *T only accept a messa e on "/0 *- with a 1O3'T?& thatP 3T is hi her than the 1O3'T?& used prior to receivin the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e incremented by oneO and 3T does not ta#e into account the F7' from the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e. *T and the procedure ends.

=.1.13 Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease !rocedure

U) UTR#'

S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S)

,i-ure *# # 3& . Si-nallin- connection release procedure6 nor2al case



The si nallin connection release procedure is used to notify to the 32 that one of its on oin si nallin connections has been released. The procedure does not initiate the release of the //1 connection.


:$itiatio$ o3 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) %7 t"e UTR#'

To initiate the procedure- the 3T/.' transmits a "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e on :11F usin .M /51.


Rece!tio$ o3 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of a "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T indicate the release of the si nallin connection and pass the value of the &2 H1' domain identityH to upper layersO ,T if the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH is present and the 32 supports Hdelay tolerant accessHP *T forward the &2 H2(tended Cait TimeH to the upper layers. ,T remove the si nallin connection with the identity indicated by the &2 H1' domain identityH from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O ,T clear the entry for the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T the procedure ends.


:$5a id S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and *T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entry. ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e has not been received.


:$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f radio access bearers for the 1' domain indicated by the &2 H1' domain identityH e(ist in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"- the 32 shallP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2O and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" and clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value HMessa e not compatible with receiver stateHO ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e has not been received.

=.1.1, Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease i$dicatio$ !rocedure

U) UTR#'

S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6'

,i-ure *# # '& . Si-nallin- connection release indication procedure6 nor2al case



The si nallin connection release indication procedure is used by the 32 to indicate to the 3T/.' that one of its si nallin connections has been released or it is used by the 32 to reAuest 3T/.' to initiate a state transition to a battery efficient //1 state. The procedure may in turn initiate the //1 connection release procedure.



The 32 shall- on receivin a reAuest to release (abort) the si nallin connection from upper layers for a specific 1' domainP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if a si nallin connection in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" for the specific 1' domain identified with the &2 H1' domain identityH e(istsP *T initiate the si nallin connection release indication procedure. ,T otherwiseP *T abort any on oin establishment of si nallin connection for that specific 1' domain as specified in ;.,.3.9a. 3pon initiation of the si nallin connection release indication procedure in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P *T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue with the si nallin connection release indication procedure as below. ,T elseP *T if variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T move to 1255G7.1F state and continue with the si nallin connection release indication procedure as below. *T elseP 3T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T continue with the si nallin connection release indication procedure as below. 3T elseP 8T perform a cell update procedure- accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionHO 8T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 9T continue with the si nallin connection release indication procedure as below. The 32 shallP ,T set the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH to the value indicated by the upper layers. The value of the &2 indicates the 1' domain whose associated si nallin connection the upper layers are indicatin to be releasedO ,T if the 32 includes the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH and does not set it to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endHO *T set the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH to Hany other causeHO ,T transmit a "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e on :11F usin .M /51. ,T if the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e did not include the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH set to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH. *T remove the si nallin connection with the identity indicated by upper layers from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'". Chen the successful delivery of the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e has been confirmed by /51 the procedure ends. &n addition- if the timer T3*3 value is stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"- and if there is no 1" domain connection indicated in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"- the 32 mayP ,T if the upper layers indicate that there is no more P" data for a prolon ed periodP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if timer T3*3 is not runnin P 3T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO or 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to 7.5"2O or 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and F"?:"1F second :/I cycle 7.1F is shorter than the shorter 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domainO or 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and F"?:"1F second :/I cycle 7.1F is eAual to or lon er than the shorter 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domain- and B3,= [ ,O or 3T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F state or 3/.GP1F state and the :/I cycle len th in use is shorter than the shorter 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domainO or 3T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F state or 3/.GP1F state and the :/I cycle len th in use is eAual to or lon er than the shorter 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domain- and B3,= [ ,P 8T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F state or 3/.GP1F state and the :/I cycle len th in use is eAual to or lon er than the shorter 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domainP 9T increment B3,= by ,. 8T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and F"?:"1F second :/I cycle7.1F is eAual to or lon er than the shorter 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domainP 9T increment B3,= by ,. 8T set the &2 H1' :omain &dentityH to P" domainO 8T set the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endHO 8T transmit a "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e on :11F usin .M /51O 8T start the timer T3*3O 3T the procedure ends. The 32 shall be inhibited from sendin the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e with the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH set to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH whilst timer T3*3 is runnin . The 32 shall not locally release the P" si nallin connection after it has sent the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e with the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH set to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH. .t transmission or reception of P" data or si nallin on "/03 or upwards- or enterin //1 1onnected mode- or successful "/'" relocation- the 32 shall set B3,= to !ero.


RL( re-esta% is"9e$t or i$ter-R#T c"a$2e

&f a re?establishment of the transmittin side of the /51 entity on si nallin radio bearer /0* occurs before the successful delivery of the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e- without the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH or with the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH set to a value other than H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH- has been confirmed by /51- the 32 shallP ,T retransmit the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 on si nallin radio bearer /0*.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f an &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.' procedure occurs before the successful delivery of the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e without the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH or with the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH set to a value other than H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH- has been confirmed by /51- the 32 shallP ,T abort the si nallin connection while in the new /.T.


Rece!tio$ o3 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon reception of a "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e- if the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH is not included or the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH is set to Hany other causeH- the 3T/.' reAuests the release of the si nallin connection from upper layers. 3pper layers may then initiate the release of the si nallin connection. &f the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH is set to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH in the "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e the 3T/.' may initiate a state transition to efficient battery consumption //1 state such as &:52- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F or 1255G7.1F state.


).!ir7 o3 ti9er T323

Chen timer T3*3 e(piresP ,T the 32 may determine whether any subseAuent indications from upper layers that there is no more P" data for a prolon ed period in which case it tri ers the transmission of a sin le "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa e accordin with clause ;.,.,8.*O ,T the procedure ends. 'OT2P &f the 32 is in 1255GP1F state or 3/.GP1F state and the :/I cycle len th in use is shorter than the shorter of the 1' domain specific :/I cycle len ths for the P" domain and 1" domain or the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and F"?:"1F second :/I cycle7.1F is shorter than the shorter of the 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the P" domain and 1" domain the 32 should limit the number of subseAuent "&G'.55&'G 1O''21T&O' /252."2 &':&1.T&O' messa es with &2 H"i nallin 1onnection /elease &ndication 1auseH set to H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH in order to not adversely impact the battery lifetime or networ# si nallin load.

=.1.15 (ou$ter c"ec> !rocedure

U) (6U'T)R (<)(H (6U'T)R (<)(H R)SP6'S) UTR#'

,i-ure *# # "& . Counter check procedure



The counter chec# procedure is used by the 3T/.' to perform a local authentication. The purpose of the procedure is to chec# that the amount of data sent in both directions (uplin# and downlin#) over the duration of the //1 connection is identical at the 3T/.' and at the 32 (to detect a possible intruder Q a $man?in?the?middle$ Q from operatin ). This procedure is only applicable to radio bearers- and only to radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51?3M. &t should be noted that this reAuires that the 1O3'T?1 values for each 35 and :5 radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51?3M continue to be incremented even if cipherin is not used. This procedure is not applicable to si nallin radio bearers.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



The 3T/.' monitors the 1O3'T?1 value associated with each radio bearer usin 3M or .M /51. The procedure is tri ered whenever any of these values reaches a critical chec#in value. The ranularity of these chec#in values and the values themselves are defined to the 3T/.' by the visited networ#. The 3T/.' initiates the procedure by sendin a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e on the downlin# :11F.


Rece!tio$ o3 a (6U'T)R (<)(H 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

Chen the 32 receives a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e it shall compare the 1O3'T?1 M"0 values received in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 M"0 informationH in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e to the 1O3'T?1 M"0 values of the correspondin radio bearers. The 32 shallP ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entry. &fP ? ? ? there is one or more radio bearer(s) usin 3M or .M /51 mode stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"which is (are) not included in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 M"0 informationHO or there is one or more radio bearer(s) included in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 M"0 informationH- which is (are) not stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O or for any radio bearer (e(cludin si nallin radio bearers) usin 3M or .M /51 mode stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" and included in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 M"0 informationH with 1O3'T?1 M"0 values different from the M"0 part of the 1O3'T?1 values in the 32P

the 32 shallP ,T include these radio bearers in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 informationH in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e. 7or any /0 which is included in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 M"0 informationH in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e but not stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" in the 32- the M"0 part of 1O3'T?1 values in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e shall be set identical to 1O3'T?1?M"0 values in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e. The 5"0 part shall be filled with !eroes. The 32 shallP ,T if no 1O3'T?1 e(ists for a radio bearer for a iven direction (uplin# or downlin#) becauseP *T it is a uni?directional radio bearer confi ured only for the other direction (downlin# or uplin# respectively)O or *T it has been confi ured to /51?TM mode in one direction (uplin# or downlin#) and /51?3M in the other (downlin# or uplin# respectively)P 3T set the 1O3'T?1 in the &2 H/0 1O3'T?1 informationH in the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e- to any value. ,T submit a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e to lower layers for transmission on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51. Chen the 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmission the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e (6U'T)R (<)(H R)SP6'S) 9essa2e %7 UTR#'

&f the 3T/.' receives a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e that does not contain any 1O3'T?1 values- the procedure ends.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f the 3T/.' receives a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% /2"PO'"2 messa e that contains one or several 1O3'T?1 values the 3T/.' may release the //1 connection.


(e re-se ectio$

&f the 32 performs cell re?selection anytime durin this procedure it shall- without interruptin the procedureP ,T initiate the cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,.


:$5a id (6U'T)R (<)(H 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to 1O3'T2/ 1F21%O and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 32 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e has not been received.

=.1.16 :$ter R#T "a$do5er i$3or9atio$ tra$s3er

U) UTR#'

I :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 J (se$t 5ia ot"er R#T)

,i-ure *# # (& . :nter RAT hando=er infor2ation transfer6 nor2al flow



The inter /.T handover information transfer procedure is used by the 32 to convey //1 information needed for inter /.T handover to 3T/.'.

&fP ? ?


a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.- e. . G"M or 2?3T/.- usin radio access technolo y?specific procedures- orders the 32 to provide the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa eO or a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.- e. . G"M or 2?3T/.- usin radio access technolo y?specific procedures- confi ures the 32 to send the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa e upon system specific conditions not involvin an e(plicit order e. . early classmar# sendin upon enterin connected modeO or


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

while in connected mode usin another radio access technolo y- the inter /.T handover info chan es compared to what has previously been sent via the other radio access technolo yP

the 32 shallP ,T initiate the inter /.T handover information transfer procedure. To determine if the inter /.T handover info has chan ed compared to what has previously been sent- the 32 shallP ,T store the information last sent in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:O ,T if this variable has not yet been setP *T not initiate the inter /.T handover information transfer procedure due to chan e of inter /.T handover info. 'OT2P 1urrently neither the 32 security information nor the predefined confi uration status information chan e while in connected mode usin G"M radio access technolo y.

The 32 shallP

:'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e co$te$ts to set

,T if the 32 supports both 3MT" T:: and 7::P *T determine whether capabilities are bein reAuested for 7:: or T:: modeO and *T use the capabilities associated with that mode for the remainder of this procedure. ,T include the &2 H32 security informationH- and the &2 H32 security information*H if inter?/.T P" handover is supported by the 32O and ,T not include the &2 H32 "pecific 0ehaviour &nformation , inter/.THO ,T in case support for the compressed version of the inter /.T handover info is indicated via the other radio access technolo yP *T if the other radio access technolo y is not 2?3T/.P 3T include of the followin &2s the &2 that after encodin has the smallest si!eP &2 HPredefined confi uration status information compressedH or the &2 HPredefined confi uration status informationH. *T elseP 3T e(clude the &2 HPredefined confi uration status informationH and HPredefined confi uration status information compressedH. *T include the &2 H32 radio access capability compressedH. ,T elseP *T if the other radio access technolo y is not 2?3T/.P 3T include the &2 HPredefined confi uration status informationH. *T elseP 3T e(clude the &2 HPredefined confi uration status informationH. *T include the &2 H32 capability containerH- containin the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH and the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH- in accordance with the followin P 3T if the 32 supports multiple 3T/. 7:: 7reAuency 0andsO or 3T if the 32 supports a sin le 3T/. 7:: 7reAuency 0and different from 0and & D*,EO or 3T if the 32 supports 2?3T/.P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T include the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH- e(cludin &2s H/7 capability 7::H and HMeasurement capabilityH for 7:: and includin the &2 HMeasurement capability T::H for T::O 8T include the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH- includin the &2s H/7 capability 7:: e(tensionH- the HMeasurement capability e(tensionH- the H.dditional "econdary 1ellsH- the H.dditional "econdary 1ells *H- the H'on?conti uous multi?cellH- the H"upport of uplin# closed loop transmit diversityH and the H"upport of uplin# open loop transmit diversityH associated with each supported 3T/. 7:: freAuency band indicated in the &2 H7reAuency bandH- but may omit all or part of these &2s for supported inter?/.T bands. 3T elseP 8T include the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH- includin the &2s H/7 capability 7::H and HMeasurement capabilityH associated with the 0and & D*,E for 7:: and e(cludin the &2 HMeasurement capability T::H for T::O 8T include the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH- includin the &2s H/7 capability 7:: e(tensionH- the HMeasurement capability e(tensionH- the H.dditional "econdary 1ellsH- the H.dditional "econdary 1ells *H- the H'on?conti uous multi?cellH- the H"upport of uplin# closed loop transmit diversityH and the H"upport of uplin# open loop transmit diversityH associated with each supported 3T/. 7:: freAuency band indicated in the &2 H7reAuency bandH. ,T 7or 7::- include the &2 H32 radio access capability comp *HO ,T 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- include the &2 H32 radio access capability comp for ,.*; Mcps T::HO ,T initiate the transfer of the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa e via the other radio access technolo y- usin radio access technolo y?specific proceduresO ,T store the followin in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2: if they were included in the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa eP *T the &2 HPredefined confi uration status informationHO *T the &2 HPredefined confi uration status information compressedHO *T the &2 H32 security informationHO *T the &2 H32 security information*HO *T the &2 H32 radio access capabilityHO *T the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionHO and *T the &2 H32 radio access capability compressedHO *T if the &2 H32 radio access capability compressedH were included in the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa eP 3T set the &2 H"ecurity 1apabilityH to the mandatory />> al orithms. ,T and the procedure ends.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.1.1/ )TGS !ri9ar7 $oti3icatio$ 1it" securit7 !rocedure

U) UTR#'

)TGS PR:M#RD '6T:&:(#T:6' G:T< S)(UR:TD

,i-ure *# # )& . 1T?S pri2ar4 notification with securit4



The 2TC" primary notification with security procedure is used to transfer an 2TC" primary notification to the 32. The 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e is received via the dedicated control channel (:11F). The 32 may receive the 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e via :11F- when the 32 is in a state where it is confi ured to receive :11F. The 3T/.' may use this option to send an 2TC" primary notification to the 32 when //1 is confi ured from upper layers to receive the 2TC" primary notification either. The 32 behaviour is specified in subclause ;.,.,<.8.



The 3T/.' may initiate the 2TC" primary notification with security procedure towards 32s in connected mode 1255G:1F state by sendin the 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e on :11F usin 3M or .M /51.

=.1.1/.3 =.1.1/.,

Void Rece!tio$ o3 t"e )TGS PR:M#RD '6T:&:(#T:6' G:T< S)(UR:TD 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives the 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e on :11F- the 2TC" capable 32 shallP ,T forward the 2TC" primary notification to upper layers as specified in subclause ;.,.,<.9. &f the 32 receives the 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e- an 2TC" incapable 32 shall i nore this messa e.


&or1ard o3 t"e )TGS !ri9ar7 $oti3icatio$ to t"e u!!er a7ers

&f the 32 has received the 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e on :11F- the 2TC" capable 32 shallP ,T forward the content of the &2 H2TC" informationH received in the 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e to upper layers.



=.2 Radio 8earer co$tro !rocedures

=.2.1 Radio %earer esta% is"9e$t
"ee subclause ;.*.* /econfi uration procedures.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.2.2 Reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedures

U) R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP UTR#'

R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *#!#!& . Radio 5earer 1sta;lish2ent6 nor2al case

U) R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP UTR#'

R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP &#:LUR)

,i-ure *#!#!&!. Radio 5earer 1sta;lish2ent6 failure case

U) UTR#'

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *#!#!&3. Radio ;earer reconfi-uration6 nor2al flow

U) UTR#'

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR)

,i-ure *#!#!&'. Radio ;earer reconfi-uration6 failure case


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U) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S)


R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *#!#!&". Radio 5earer Release6 nor2al case

U) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) UTR#'

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) &#:LUR)

,i-ure *#!#!&(. Radio 5earer Release6 failure case

U) TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) UTR#'

,i-ure *#!#!&). Transport channel reconfi-uration6 nor2al flow

U) TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR) UTR#'

,i-ure *#!#!&*. Transport channel reconfi-uration6 failure case


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U) P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)


,i-ure *#!#!&+. Ph4sical channel reconfi-uration6 nor2al flow

U) P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR) UTR#'

,i-ure *#!#!& %. Ph4sical channel reconfi-uration6 failure case

? ? ? ? ?


/econfi uration procedures include the followin proceduresP the radio bearer establishment procedureO radio bearer reconfi uration procedureO the radio bearer release procedureO the transport channel reconfi uration procedureO and the physical channel reconfi uration procedure.

The radio bearer establishment procedure is used to establish new radio bearer(s). The radio bearer reconfi uration procedure is used to reconfi ure parameters for a radio bearer. The radio bearer release procedure is used to release radio bearer(s). The transport channel reconfi uration procedure is used to reconfi ure transport channel parameters. The physical channel reconfi uration procedure is used to establish- reconfi ure and release physical channels. Chile performin any of the above procedures- these procedures may perform a hard handover (subclause ;.3.9) and@or an F"?:"1F cell chan e and@or a servin 2?:1F cell chan e. The reconfi uration procedures are also used to chan e the feedbac# confi uration for F"?:"1F.



To initiate any one of the reconfi uration procedures- 3T/.' shouldP ,T confi ure new radio lin#s in any new physical channel confi urationO ,T start transmission and reception on the new radio lin#sO ,T for a radio bearer establishment procedureP *T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51O


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*T if si nallin radio bearer /08 is setup with this procedure and si nallin radio bearers /0,?/03 were already established prior to the procedureP 3T if the variable H5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'H has been initialisedP 8T connect any radio bearers setup by the same messa e as si nallin radio bearer /08 to the 1' domain indicated in the variable H5.T2"T 1O'7&G3/2: 1' :OM.&'H. ,T for a radio bearer reconfi uration procedureP *T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51. ,T for a radio bearer release procedureP *T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51. ,T for a transport channel reconfi uration procedureP *T transmit a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51. ,T for a physical channel reconfi uration procedureP *T transmit a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51. ,T if the reconfi uration procedure is simultaneous with "/'" relocation procedureP *T if the transmitted messa e is a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'P 3T include the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&H. *T elseP 3T include the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH. *T if cipherin and@or inte rity protection are activatedP 3T include new cipherin and@or inte rity protection confi uration information to be used after reconfi uration. *T use the downlin# :11F usin .M /51. ,T if transport channels are added- reconfi ured or deleted in uplin# and@or downlin#P *T set T71" accordin to the new transport channel(s). ,T if transport channels are added or deleted in uplin# and@or downlin#- and /0 Mappin &nfo applicable to the new confi uration has not been previously provided to the 32- the 3T/.' shouldP *T send the /0 Mappin &nfo for the new confi uration. ,T if the 32 supports the 3M /51 re?establishment via reconfi urationO and ,T if one or more 3M /51 radio bearers are re?establishedP *T transmit a reconfi uration messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51O *T include the &2 H3M /51 re?establishment /0 5istH and include the /adio 0earer &: encountered the error in the list. &n the /adio 0earer /econfi uration procedure 3T/.' may indicate that uplin# transmission shall be stopped or continued on certain radio bearers. 3plin# transmission on a si nallin radio bearer used by the //1 si nallin (si nallin radio bearer /0, or si nallin radio bearer /0*) should not be stopped.


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'OT2 ,P The /elease $>> /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e always includes the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ureH- even if 3T/.' does not reAuire the reconfi uration of any /0. &n these cases- 3T/.' may include only the &2 H/0 identityH within the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ureH. 'OT2 *P The /elease $>> /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e always includes the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH- even if 3T/.' does not reAuire the reconfi uration of any /5. &n these cases- 3T/.' may re?send the currently assi ned values for the mandatory &2s included within the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list H. 'OT2 3P The /elease $>> /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e always includes the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH (7::) or &2 HPrimary 11P1F &nfoH (T::) within &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH. This implies that in case 3T/.' applies the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e to move the 32 to 1255G7.1F state- it has to indicate a cell. Fowever- 3T/.' may indicate any cellO the 32 anyhow performs cell selection and notifies 3T/.' if it selects another cell than indicated by 3T/.'. &f the &2 H.ctivation TimeH is included- 3T/.' should set it to a value ta#in the 32 performance reAuirements into account. 3T/.' should ta#e the 32 capabilities into account when settin the new confi uration. &f the messa e is used to initiate a transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F state- the 3T/.' may assi n a 1? /'T& to be used in that cell by the 32. &n 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if a 1?/'T& is assi ned- then 3T/.' may additionally assi n an F?/'T& and an 2?/'T& to be used in that cell by the 32. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the messa e is used to initiate a transition to 1255GP1F state- the 3T/.' may assi n a 1?/'T&- an F?/'T& and an 2?/'T& to be used in that cell by the 32.


:$itiatio$ o3 "a$do5er 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode

To initiate the handover from G2/.' &u mode% 3T/.' shouldP ,T provide a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e to be encapsulated in &'T2/"K"T2M F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e- sent on the downlin# "/0* in G2/.' &u mode- as specified in D93E. ,T in case 3T/.' decides to use a predefined or default radio confi uration that is stored in the 32- it should include the followin information in the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eP ? ? Phy1F information elementsO and eitherP ? ? the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityH- to indicate which pre?defined confi uration of /0- transport channel and physical channel parameters shall be usedO or the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityH- to indicate which default confi uration of /0- transport channel and physical channel parameters shall be used.


Rece!tio$ o3 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP or R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' or R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) or TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' or P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 9essa2e or Tar2et ce <S-S((< order %7 t"e U)

The 32 shallP ,T be able to receive any of the followin messa esP *T /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa eO or *T /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eO or *T /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 messa eO or *T T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eO or


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*T PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eO ,T be able to perform a hard handover and apply physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>Eeven if no prior 32 measurements have been performed on the tar et cell and@or freAuency. 7or 7::P in case a measurement report was tri ered by intra freAuency event ,d and if the table HTar et cell preconfi urationsH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' includes the cell that tri ered the event the 32 shall be able to receiveP ,T Tar et cell F"?"11F order. &n case the reconfi uration procedure is used to remove all e(istin /5(s) in the active set while new /5(s) are established the 32 shallP ,T 7or 7::P *T if the 32 has a pendin HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H at the activation time received in the reconfi uration messa e and the reconfi uration reAuests a timin re?initialised hard handover (see subclause ;.3.9.,)- the 32 mayP 3T abort the pendin 1M activationO 3T set the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: to T/32. *T otherwiseP 3T set the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: to 7.5"2. &f the 32 receivesP ? ? ? ? ? ? a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa eO or a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eO or a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 messa eO or a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eO or a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eO or a Tar et cell F"?"11F order

it shallP ,T stop and reset timer T3*8 if runnin O ,T stop monitorin tar et cell F"?"11FO ,T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32O ,T if the 32 will enter the 1255G:1F state from any state other than 1255G:1F state at the conclusion of this procedureP *T if 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2 before enterin 1255G:1F state or &2 H2?:1F infoH is not included in the reconfi uration messa eP 3T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only). ,T if the 32 has received a Tar et cell F"?"11F orderP *T if the &2 H"ervin 1ell 1han e M.1 resetH in the tar et cell preconfi uration is set to T/32P 3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity D,9E. *T elseP 3T determine the value for the HTP1 combination inde(H for current cell and the cell in which the Tar et cell F"?"11F order is receivedO


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3T if the values of the &2 HTP1 combination inde(H for current cell and the cell in which the Tar et cell F"? "11F order is received are differentP 8T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity D,9E. ,T act upon all received information elements- or Tar et cell preconfi uration information in the case of received Tar et cell F"?"11F order- as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified in the followin and perform the actions below. The 32 mayP ,T maintain a list of the set of cells to which the 32 has /adio 5in#s if the &2 H1ell &:H is present. The 32 may first release the physical channel confi uration used at reception of the reconfi uration messa e. The 32 shall thenP ,T enter a state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3. &n case the 32 receives a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e includin the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ureH that only includes the &2 H/0 identityH- the 32 shallP ,T handle the messa e as if &2 H/0 information to reconfi ureH was absent. 'OT2P The ."'., Hr3H version of the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e always includes the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ureH. 3T/.' has to include it even if it does not reAuire the reconfi uration of any /0.

&n case the 32 receives a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e with the &2 H"pecification modeH set to HPreconfi urationH while the messa e is not sent throu h G2/.' &u mode% the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &n case the 32 receives a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa e with the &2 H"pecification modeH not set to H1omplete "pecificationH% the 32 behaviour is unspecified. The 32 shallP ,T if &2 H:efault confi uration for 1255G7.1FH is setP *T if the messa e is /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'P 3T if &2 Hnew 3?/'T&H is includedP 8T act in accordance with the default parameters accordin to section ,3.;. 3T elseP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 7or 7::P in 1255G:1F state- in case the 32 receives a Tar et cell F"?"11F order the 32 shallP ,T i nore /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P- /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' or PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa es as described in subclause ;.=.3.,,. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255G:1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transitionP ,T in 7::O or ,T in T:: when HPrimary 11P1F &nfoH is included indicatin a new tar et cell and H'ew 1?/'T&H is not specifiedP *T remove any 1?/'T& from M.1O *T clear the variable 1G/'T&. ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O


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,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T if the &2 H2?:1F infoH was not included in the messa eP *T for 7::P 3T stop any 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO 3T stop any 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission proceduresO 3T act as if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH was received and set to T/32O 3T release all 2?:1F F./J resourcesO 3T no lon er consider any radio lin# to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::P 3T stop any 2?.G1F and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO 3T stop any 2?/311F and 2?P31F transmission procedureO 3T act as if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH was received and set to T/32O 3T release all 2?:1F F./J resourcesO 3T no lon er consider any radio lin# to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. &f after state transition the 32 leaves 1255G:1F state- the 32 shall- before state transitionP ,T clear any stored &2 H2?:1F infoHO ,T for 7::- clear any stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO ,T for ,.*;Mcps T::- clear any stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. &f after state transition the 32 leaves 1255G:1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transitionP ,T if any &2s related to F"?:"1F are stored in the 32P *T clear any stored &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F informationHO *T clear any stored &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HO *T clear all the entries from the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'O *T for ,.*;Mcps T::- clear the &2 HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationH and the &2 HF"?"11F "et 1onfi urationH in the &2 H:5 Multi 1arrier &nformationHO *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. ,T if any &2s related to 2?:1F are stored in the 32P *T clear any stored &2 H2?:1F infoHO *T for 7::- clear any stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO *T for ,.*;Mcps T::- clear any stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO


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*T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. ,T if any of the &2s H:TI?:/I timin informationH or H:TI?:/I informationH are stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the :TIG:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.38. ,T if the &2 HF"?"11F less informationH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.39. ,T if any &2s related to M&MO are stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the M&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.33. ,T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennasH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<>. ,T if the &2 H32 Mobility "tate &ndicatorH was present in the reconfi uration messa eP *T consider the Fi h?mobility state to have bein detected. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2s H1ontrol 1hannel :/I &nformationH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.93. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H"P" informationH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.98O *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.99. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HM3?M&MO infoH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=,. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<+. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 supports the non?rectan ular resource allocation- the 32 shallP ,T determine the value for the 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.;*. &f the 32 was in 1255G:1F state upon reception of the reconfi uration messa e and remains in 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H3plin# :P1F &nfoH is absent- not chan e its current 35 Physical channel confi urationO ,T for 7::P


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*T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9,. *T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. *T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 3T if the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH is included and the &2 H7reAuency infoH is different from the stored H7reAuency infoH in the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO or 3T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in an &2 other than the &2 H3plin# secondary cell info 7::HP 8T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. 3T elseP 8T if the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH is not included in the received messa eP 9T #eep the current activation status of the secondary uplin# freAuency and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<+. ,T in T::P *T if HPrimary 11P1F &nfoH is included indicatin a new tar et cell and H'ew 1?/'T&H is not specifiedP 3T remove any 1?/'T& from M.1O 3T clear the variable 1G/'T&. *T if HPrimary 11P1F &nfoH is included indicatin a new tar et cell and H'ew F?/'T&H is not specifiedP 3T remove any F?/'T& from M.1O 3T clear the variable FG/'T&O 3T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. *T if the reconfi uration messa e caused a chan e from 7:: mode to 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: mode and provides for 2?:1F@F"?:"1F operation without an uplin# :P1FP 3T the 32 shall obtain timin advance for the 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: cell accordin to D,9E. ,T if H:P1F frame offsetH is included for one or more /5s in the active set- and the reconfi uration procedure does not reAuest a timin reinitiali!ed hard handover (see subclause ;.3.9.,)P *T use its value to determine the be innin of the :P1F or 7?:P1F frame in accordance with the followin P 3T if the received &2 H:P1F frame offsetH is across the value ran e border compared to the :P1F or 7? :P1F frame offset currently used by the 32P 8T consider it to be a reAuest to adjust the timin with *9= chips across the frame border (e. . if the 32 receives value + while the value currently used is 3;,88 consider this as a reAuest to adjust the timin with V*9= chips). 3T if after ta#in into account value ran e borders- the received &2 H:P1F frame offsetH corresponds to a reAuest to adjust the timin with a step e(ceedin *9= chipsP


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8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T and the procedure ends. *T adjust the radio lin# timin accordin ly. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transitionP ,T if the 32 was in 1255G:1F state upon reception of the reconfi uration messa eP *T clear the variable 2G/'T&. ,T if the &2 Hnew Primary 2?/'T&H is included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T store the Hnew Primary 2?/'T&H accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,8. ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- determine the value for the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=,O ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuencyO *T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuencyP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 8T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 9T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP =T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P <T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below. =T elseP <T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP ;T proceed as below. <T elseP ;T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. 3T elseP 8T for ,.*;Mcps T::- decide the wor#in freAuency accordin to subclause ;.=.=.,. *T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO


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3T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 8T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 9T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P =T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below. 9T elseP =T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP <T proceed as below. =T elseP <T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8EO *T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on the current freAuencyP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 8T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 9T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP =T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P <T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below. =T elseP <T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP ;T proceed as below. <T elseP ;T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. 3T elseP 8T for ,.*;Mcps T::- decide the wor#in freAuency accordin to subclause ;.=.=.,. *T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on the current freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 3T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 8T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 9T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P =T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below.


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9T elseP =T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP <T proceed as below. =T elseP <T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. ,T start timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and if periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"O ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P *T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,<O ,T elseP *T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89 for 7:: and ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and ,.*; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O *T use the transport format set iven in system informationO *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T for 7:: if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P 3T if the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H/.1FH in the 35O and 3T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 3T elseP 8T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 8T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoH. *T elseP 3T if the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H2?:1FH in the 35O and 3T if variable 2G/'T&- variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=.


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3T elseP 8T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable 2G/'T& and delete any stored 2?/'T& valueO 8T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoH. ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is included in the same messa eP *T i nore that &2 and stop usin :/I. ,T if the contents of the variable 1G/'T& is emptyP *T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO *T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 3T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionHO 8T proceed as below. &f the 32 was in 1255G7.1F state upon reception of the reconfi uration messa e and remains in 1255G7.1F statethe 32 shallP ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- determine the value for the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=,O ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuencyO *T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuencyP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selected another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause Hcell reselectionHO 8T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 9T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP =T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P <T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below. =T elseP <T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP ;T proceed as below.


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<T elseP ;T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. *T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 3T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 8T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 9T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P =T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below. 9T elseP =T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP <T proceed as below. =T elseP <T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::) is included the 32 shall eitherP 3T i nore the content of the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::) and proceed as belowO *T orP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 1P1F infoH (for T::)- and it is different from the current cellP 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 8T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 9T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP =T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P <T move to 1255G7.1F state and proceed as below. =T elseP <T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP ;T proceed as below. <T elseP ;T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3plin# data transmissionH and proceed as below. &f after state transition the 32 leaves 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3+9. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP


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,T if the 32 enters 1255GP1F stateP *T if the 32 supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode and the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP 3T if variable FG/'T& or variable 1G/'T& or variable 2G/'T& is not setP 8T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable 2G/'T& and delete any stored 2?/'T& valueO 8T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 8T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO 8T reset the M.1?i@is entity D,9E. ,T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is not included in the same messa eP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. The 32 shall transmit a response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.8- settin the information elements as specified below. The 32 shallP ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoHO or ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e is a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' and the &2 H'ew 3? /'T&H is includedO or ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoHP *T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity for all .M and 3M radio bearers and .M and 3M si nallin radio bearers e(cept /0* to HstopH. *T elseP 3T confi ure the /51 entity for si nallin radio bearers /0,- /03 and /08 to HstopHO 3T confi ure the /51 entity for 3M and .M radio bearers for which the &2 HP:1P "' &nfoH is not included to HstopH. *T re?establish the /51 entity for /0*O *T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T for the downlin# and the uplin#- apply the cipherin confi uration as followsP 3T if the received re?confi uation messa e included the &2 H1ipherin Mode &nfoHP 8T use the cipherin confi uration in the received messa e when transmittin the response messa e.


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3T if the cipherin confi uration for /0* from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because the activation times not havin been reachedP 8T if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': was received due to new #eys bein receivedP 9T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the received new #eysO 9T initialise the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 and downlin# 1O3'T?1 of "/0* as indicated in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. 8T else if the cipherin confi uration for /0* from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because of the correspondin activation times not havin been reached and the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': caused a chan e in 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 9T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the #eys associated with the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T initialise the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 and downlin# 1O3'T?1 of "/0* to the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH for the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' at the reception of the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. 8T apply the new cipherin confi uration immediately followin /51 re?establishment. 3T elseP 8T continue usin the current cipherin confi uration. *T set the new uplin# and downlin# F7' component of 1O3'T?1 of /0* to M.I(uplin# F7' component of 1O3'T?1 of /0*- downlin# F7' component of 1O3'T?1 of /0*)O *T increment by one the downlin# and uplin# values of the F7' of 1O3'T?1 for /0*O *T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O *T include the calculated "T./T values for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoHO *T 7or any measurement of type 1"G Pro(imity detection or any measurement associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e.1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra?freAuency measurement- 1"G inter? freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)P 3T stop all measurements of type 1"G Pro(imity detection and all measurements associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e.1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra?freAuency measurement- 1"G inter? freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)O 3T delete measurement control information for all measurements of type 1"G Pro(imity detection and all measurements associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e.1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra? freAuency measurement- 1"G inter?freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)O 3T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T. *T if timer T3*3 value is stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"P 3T stop and reset timer T3*3O 3T clear any value of the timer T3*3 stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T". *T if after state transition the 32 enters 1255G:1F stateP 3T clear the variable :".1GP./.M- the variable PP.1GP./.M- the variable 2.0GP./.M and the stored &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if stored.


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,T else if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 H3M /51 re?establishment /0 5istHP *T for each radio bearer included in the &2 H3M /51 re?establishment /0 5istH 3T if the radio bearer uses 3M /51P 8T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O 8T include the calculated "T./T values for the 1' domain associated with the radio bearer in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoHO 3T re?establish the 3M /51 entities for the radio bearer and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the latest transmitted "T./T value for the 1' domain associated with the radio bearerO 3T set the remainin bits of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 values of all the re?established 3M /51 entities to !ero. ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoHP *T if the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T is setP 3T include and set the &2 H"T./TH to the value of that variable. *T if the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T is not set and the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&H is includedP 3T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O 3T include the calculated "T./T values for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoH. *T if the received reconfi uration messa e caused a chan e in the /51 P:3 si!e- a chan e from fle(ible to fi(ed /51 P:3 si!e or a chan e from fi(ed to fle(ible :5 /51 P:3 si!e with /51 len th indicator set to ,9 bits or a chan e of the /51 5& si!e for any /0 usin /51?.MP 3T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O 3T include the calculated "T./T values for the 1' domain associated with the correspondin /0 identity in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoH. ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH or contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' for all the 1' domains in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' to H.ffectedH. ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP *T if the reconfi uration messa e is not used to perform an "/'" relocation- an "/?B11 or a handover from G2/.' &u mode with chan e of cipherin al orithmP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T if the messa e is used to perform a timin re?initialised hard handoverP 3T if &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH is includedP 8T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T elseP 3T if the reconfi uration messa e is used to setup radio bearer(s) usin /51?TMO or 3T if radio bearer(s) usin /51?TM already e(istP 8T if &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH is not includedP 9T the 32 behaviour is not specified.


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,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity Protection mode infoHP *T if the reconfi uration messa e is not used to perform an "/'" relocation- an "/?B11 or a handover from G2/.' &u modeP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e did not contain the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH in &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP *T if prior to this procedure there e(ist no transparent mode /51 radio bearersP 3T if- at the conclusion of this procedure- the 32 will be in 1255G:1F stateO and 3T if- at the conclusion of this procedure- at least one transparent mode /51 radio bearer e(istsP 8T include the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH and specify a 17' value for this &2 that is a multiple of ; frames (17' mod ; W +) and lies at least *++ frames ahead of the 17' in which the response messa e is first transmitted. 'OT2P 3T/.' should not include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in any reconfi uration messa e unless it is also used to perform an "/'" relocation with chan e of cipherin al orithm or it is also used to perform an "/?B11.

,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is not emptyP *T include the &2 H/0 with P:1P information listH and set it to the value of the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O. ,T in T::- if the procedure is used to perform a handover to a cell where timin advance is enabled- and the 32 can calculate the timin advance value in the new cell (i.e. in a synchronous T:: networ#)P *T set the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvanceH accordin or the &2 H2(tended 35 Timin .dvanceH to subclause ;.=.=.*=. ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was present in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearer /0* from and includin the transmitted response messa e. ,T if &2 H//1 state indicatorH is set to H1255G:1FHP *T if the variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" is set to T/32P 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#- or 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#- or 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#P 8T include &2 H:eferred measurement control readin H. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255G:1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transitionP ,T if the &2 H:eferred measurement control readin H was included in the response messa eP *T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T.


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&f after state transition the 32 enters 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transition and transmission of the response messa eP ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuency. *T if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T proceed as below. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E. ,T prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O ,T start timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and if periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"O ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP *T remove any 1?/'T& from M.1O *T clear the variable 1G/'T&O *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO *T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO *T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO *T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO *T for 7::O or *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HP&1F infoH isnSt included in &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =P 3T monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a- ;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive pa in on the F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedures in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O


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,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is included in the same messa eP *T use the values in the &2 H3T/.' :/I 1ycle len th coefficientH for calculatin Pa in occasion and P&1F Monitorin Occasion as specified in subclause ;.=.3.*. ,T if the criteria for 3/. update caused by H3/. reselectionH accordin to subclause ;.3., are fulfilled after cell selectionP *T initiate a 3/. update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H3/. reselectionHO *T when the 3/. update procedure is successfully completedP 3T the procedure ends. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255GP1F state from 1255G:1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transition and transmission of the response messa eP ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuency. *T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuencyP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 8T proceed as below. *T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 3T proceed as below. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E. *T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on the current freAuencyP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 8T proceed as below. *T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on the current freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 3T proceed as below. ,T prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O


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,T start timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and if periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"O ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to 7.5"2P *T remove any 1?/'T& from M.1O *T clear the variable 1G/'T&O *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T if &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H is not includedP 3T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 3T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E. *T if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O 3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. *T elseP 3T for 7::O or 3T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if both variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive P11F or :11F and :T1F on the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedures in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is included in the same messa eP *T use the values in the &2 H3T/.' :/I 1ycle len th coefficientH for calculatin Pa in occasion and P&1F Monitorin Occasion as specified in subclause ;.=.3.*. ,T the procedure ends. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255G:1F state from 1255G7.1F or from 1255GP1F stateP ,T if the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH is not includedP


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*T the 32 behaviour is not specified. &f after state transition the 32 enters 1255GP1F state from 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transition and transmission of the response messa eP ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuency. *T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuencyP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selected another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received reconfi uration messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause Hcell reselectionHO 8T proceed as below. *T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 3T proceed as below. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included in the received reconfi uration messa eP *T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::) is included the 32 shall eitherP 3T i nore the content of the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::) and proceed as belowO *T orP 3T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 1P1F infoH (for T::)- and it is different from the current cellP 8T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 8T proceed as below. ,T prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O ,T start timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and if periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"O ,T for 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F receptionO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to 7.5"2P *T remove any 1?/'T& from M.1O *T clear the variable 1G/'T&. *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP


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*T if &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H is not includedP 3T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO 3T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 3T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E. *T if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O 3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. *T elseP 3T for 7::O or 3T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if both variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive P11F or :11F and :T1F on the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedures in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is included in the same messa eP *T use the values in the &2 H3T/.' :/I 1ycle len th coefficientH for calculatin Pa in occasion and P&1F Monitorin Occasion as specified in subclause ;.=.3.*. ,T the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 9essa2e %7 t"e U) !er3or9i$2 "a$do5er 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode

&f the 32 is performin handover from G2/.' &u mode- the 32 shall- in addition to the actions in ;.*.*.3P ,T if the &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH and the &2 HPreconfi uration modeH is set to HPredefined confi urationHP *T initiate the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration in accordance with the predefined parameters identified by the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityHO *T initiate the physical channels in accordance with the predefined parameters identified by the &2 HPredefined radio confi uration identityH and the received physical channel information elementsO *T store information about the established radio access bearers and radio bearers accordin to the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityHO and ,T if the &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH and the &2 HPreconfi uration modeH is set to H:efault confi urationHP *T initiate the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration in accordance with the default parameters identified by the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and the &2 H:efault confi uration identityHO


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*T initiate the physical channels in accordance with the default parameters identified by the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityH and the received physical channel information elementsO 'OT2P The &2 H:efault confi uration modeH specifies whether the 7:: or T:: version of the default confi uration shall be used.

,T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to H1omplete specificationHP *T initiate the radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel confi uration in accordance with the received radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel information elements. ,T if &2 H:efault confi uration for 1255G7.1FH is setP *T act in accordance with the default parameters accordin to section ,3.;. ,T perform an open loop estimation to determine the 35 transmission power accordin to subclause ;.9.3O ,T set the followin variables eAual to the correspondin variables in G2/.' &u mode( 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2: 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' "T./TGTF/2"FO5: 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. ,T set the new uplin# and downlin# F7' of /0* to M"0*+(M.I(uplin# F7' of /0*- downlin# F7' of /0*))O 'OT2P M"0*+() operation provides the F7' mappin from G2/.' &u mode to 3T/.'. &n G2/.' &u mode the len th of F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 of /0* is lon er than *+ bits.

,T initialise the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T" to the default values and start to use those timer and constants values.


Tra$s9issio$ o3 a res!o$se 9essa2e %7 t"e U), $or9a case

&n case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 1OMP52T2 as response messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51. &n case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 as response messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51. &n case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 1OMP52T2 as response messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51. &n case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 as response messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51.


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&n case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 as response messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51. &n case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a Tar et cell F"?"11F order- the 32 shallP ,T determine the correspondin /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 1OMP52T2 or /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 or T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 or PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 response messa e that shall be used iven by the &2 H"ervin 1ell 1han e Messa e TypeH in the stored F"?:"1F cell confi urationO ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the correspondin response messa e to the value of H//1 Transaction &dentifierH in the entry for the correspondin response messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T transmit the correspondin /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 1OMP52T2 or /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 or T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 or PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 response messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T store the &2 H"ervin 1ell 1han e Messa e TypeH and the &2 H"ervin 1ell 1han e Transaction &dH in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". &f the new state is 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F- the response messa e shall be transmitted usin the new confi uration after the state transition- and the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the reconfi uration messa eO or ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e is a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' and the &2 H'ew 3? /'T&H is includedO or ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e included the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoHP *T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 3T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for all .M and 3M radio bearers and .M and 3M si nallin radio bearers e(cept /0* to HcontinueH. 3T elseP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for si nallin radio bearers /0,- /03 and /08 to HcontinueHO 8T confi ure the /51 entity for 3M and .M radio bearers for which the &2 HP:1P "' &nfoH is not included to HcontinueH. 3T re?establish all .M and 3M /51 entities with /0 identities lar er than 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the correspondin 1' domainO 3T re?establish the /51 entities with /0 identities ,- 3 and 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the 1' domain stored in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 3T set the remainin bits of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 values of all 3M /51 entities to !eroO 3T if the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is not presentP 8T re?initialise the P:1P header compression entities of each radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" as specified in D3=E. 3T if the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is presentP


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8T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.8.,3. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP *T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 8T notify upper layers upon chan e of the security confi urationO 8T perform the actions below. *T if the received reconfi uration messa e did not contain the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T when /51 has been reAuested to transmit the response messa eP 8T perform the actions below. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is non?emptyP *T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 3T for each radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OP 8T if the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to HstartedHP 9T confi ure the /51 entity for that radio bearer to HcontinueH. 3T perform the actions below. &f the new state is 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the response messa e shall be transmitted usin the old confi uration before the state transition- but the new 1?/'T& shall be used if the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H was included in the received reconfi uration messa e- and the 32 shallP ,T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP *T for each radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OP 3T if the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to HstartedHP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for that radio bearer to HcontinueH. *T enter the new state (1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- respectively)O *T perform the actions below. The 32 shallP ,T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP *T resume data transmission on any suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer mapped on /51?.M or /51?3MO *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T allow the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers with any //1 "'O *T set H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0+ in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to a value such that ne(t //1 messa e to be sent on uplin# /0+ will use the new inte rity protection confi urationO *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and


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*T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. ,T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO ,T clear the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&TO ,T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'.

? ? ? ? ?

Rece!tio$ o3 a res!o$se 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#', $or9a case

Chen 3T/.' has received the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 1OMP52T2 messa eO or the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 messa eO or the /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 1OMP52T2 messa eO or the T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 messa eO or the PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 messa e.

3T/.' mayP ,T delete the old confi uration. &f the procedure caused the 32 to leave the 1255G7.1F state- 3T/.' mayP ,T delete the 1?/'T& of the 32. &f the &2 H35 Timin .dvanceH or the &2 H2(tended 35 Timin .dvanceH is included in T::- 3T/.' shouldP ,T evaluate the timin advance value that the 32 has to use in the new cell after handover. &f the &2 H"T./TH or the &2 H"T./T list H is included- 3T/.' shouldP ,T set the "T./T value for each 1' domain with the correspondin values as received in this response messa eO ,T conseAuently- then use the "T./T values to initialise the hyper frame numbers- in the same way as specified for the 32 in subclause ;.*.*.3- for any new radio bearers that are established. &f 3T/.' has ordered a cipherin reconfi uration by includin the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH- 3T/.' shouldP ,T for radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51?3MP *T on the receivin side of an /51 entity apply the new cipherin confi uration in uplin# immediatelyO *T on the transmittin side of an /51 entity apply the new cipherin confi uration in downlin# immediately. ,T for radio bearers usin /51?TMP *T be in incrementin the 1O3'T?1 at the 17' only as indicated inP 3T the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH- if included in the messa e that tri ered the radio bearer control procedureO or 3T the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH- if included in the response messa e for this procedure. ,T and the procedure ends on the 3T/.' side.


ReKectio$ %7 t"e U)

&f the 3T/.' establishes one or more p?t?p radio bearer(s) for the transmission of a session of an M0M" serviceidentified by the &2 HM0M" "ession identityH- for which upper layers indicate that it has already been received correctly- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a failure response as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP


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*T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T clear that entryO and *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to HM0M" session already received correctlyH. ,T set the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. ,T the procedure ends. &f the 3T/.' establishes one or more p?t?p radio bearer(s) for the transmission of a session of an M0M" servicewhich will inhibit reception of one or more M0M" services which accordin to upper layers are of hi her priority- the 32 mayP ,T transmit a failure response as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T clear that entryO and *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to H5ower priority M0M" serviceH. ,T set the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. ,T the procedure ends.


U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e U)

&f the 3T/.' instructs the 32 to use a confi uration- which it does not support and@or if the received messa e causes the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to be set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a failure response as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hconfi uration unsupportedH. ,T set the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. The procedure ends.


P"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure

&f the received messa e caused the 32 to be in 1255G:1F state and the 32 accordin to subclause ;.9.8 failed to establish the dedicated physical channel(s) indicated in the received messa e or for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T:: failed to establish the physical channel(s) indicated in the received messa e to which :11F(s) are mapped the 32 shallP ,T 7or T:: or for 7:: if the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: fla is not set to T/32P


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*T revert to the confi uration prior to the reception of the messa e (old confi uration)- includin any F"?:"1F2?:1F- :TI and :/I confi uration if e(istin . &f there e(ists any :TI or :/I confi uration- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider only the F"?"11F orders which were ac#nowled ed prior to the activation time of the received messa eO *T 7or 7::P if the 32 was in 1ell :1F state prior to the reconfi urationP 3T if the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- re?confi ure the physical layer to perform discontinuous uplin# :P11F transmission and enable or disable discontinuous downlin# reception operations accordin to the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M" at the 17' correspondin to the frame boundary that is offset by the stored value of the &2 H2nablin :elayH from the frame boundary where uplin# transmission resumes with the old confi urationO 3T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 8T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated. 3T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>EO 3T apply power control preamble accordin to D*=E durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 HP1 preambleH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052O and 3T then not send any data on si nallin radio bearers /0+ to /08 durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 H"/0 delayH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052 or while the physical channel is not considered establishedO. ,T if the old confi uration includes dedicated physical channels (1255G:1F state) and the 32 is unable to revert to the old confi uration or for 7:: if the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: fla is set to T/32P *T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Hradio lin# failureHO *T after the cell update procedure has completed successfullyP 3T proceed as below. ,T if the old confi uration does not include dedicated physical channels (1255G7.1F state)P *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8EO *T if the 32 selects another cell than the cell the 32 camped on upon reception of the reconfi uration messa eP 3T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause H1ell reselectionHO 3T after the cell update procedure has completed successfullyP 8T proceed as below. ,T transmit a failure response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hphysical channel failureH. ,T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. The procedure ends.


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(e re-se ectio$

&f the 32 performs cell re?selection durin the reconfi uration procedure- the 32 shallP ,T initiate a cell update procedure- as specified in subclause ;.3.,O ,T continue with the reconfi uration procedure. 'OT2P .fter the completion of the cell update procedure and completion of the reconfi uration procedure within the 32- the 32 will move to the //1 state as indicated in the reconfi uration messa e.

=.2.2.The 32 shallP

Tra$s9issio$ o3 a res!o$se 9essa2e %7 t"e U), 3ai ure case

,T in case of reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa eP *T if the radio bearer establishment procedure affects several radio bearersP 3T (may) include the identities of the radio bearers for which the procedure would have been successful into the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 7.&53/2 messa e. *T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 7.&53/2 as response messa e on the :11F usin .M /51. ,T in case of reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eP *T if the radio bearer reconfi uration procedure affects several radio bearersP 3T (may) include the identities of the radio bearers for which the procedure would have been successful into the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e. *T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 as response messa e on the :11F usin .M /51. ,T in case of reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e encapsulated in &'T2/"K"T2M F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e in G2/.' &u modeP *T perform the actions as specified in D93E. ,T in case of reception of a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 messa eP *T if the radio bearer release procedure affects several radio bearersP 3T (may) include the identities of the radio bearers for which the procedure would have been successful into the /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 7.&53/2 messa e. *T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 7.&53/2 as response messa e on the :11F usin .M /51. ,T in case of reception of a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eP *T transmit a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 as response messa e on the :11F usin .M /51. ,T in case of reception of a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa eP *T transmit a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 as response messa e on the :11F usin .M /51. ,T when the response messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if no reconfi uration attempt had occurred.


Rece!tio$ o3 a res!o$se 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#', 3ai ure case

Chen the 3T/.' has receivedP ? the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 7.&53/2 messa eO or


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? ? ? ?

the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa eO or the /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 7.&53/2 messa eO or the T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa eO or the PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa eP

the 3T/.' may restore the old and delete the new confi uration. 3pper layers should be notified of the failure. The procedure ends on the 3T/.' side.


:$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T #eep the confi uration e(istin before the reception of the messa eO ,T transmit a failure response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 3T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 3T clear that entry. *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hinvalid confi urationH. ,T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. The procedure ends.


:$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous reco$3i2uratio$

&f the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" is set due to the received messa e and the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not apply the confi uration contained in the received reconfi uration messa eO ,T transmit a failure response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hincompatible simultaneous reconfi urationH. ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. The procedure ends.


:$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous securit7 reco$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 due to the received reconfi uration messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a failure response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP


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*T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hincompatible simultaneous reconfi urationH. ,T set the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the reconfi uration messa e was not received. The procedure ends.

&fP ? ?

(e u!date !rocedure duri$2 securit7 reco$3i2uratio$

a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., is initiatedO and the received reconfi uration messa e causes eitherP ? ? the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to be set to T/32O and@or the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to be set to T/32P

the 32 shallP ,T release all radio resourcesO ,T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO and ,T clear any entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the tables H.ccepted transactionsH and H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'. ,T if the received reconfi uration messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. ,T enter idle modeO ,T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO ,T and the procedure ends. 'OT2P 3T/.' should use /0 1ontrol messa es to perform an "/'" relocation only in case of state transitions from 1255G:1F to 1255G:1F.


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:$5a id recei5ed 9essa2e

&f the received reconfi uration messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit a failure response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO *T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. The procedure ends.


Radio i$> 3ai ure

&f the criteria for radio lin# failure are met in the old confi uration durin the reconfi uration procedure as specified in subclause ;.9.=- the 32 shallP ,T if 32 would have entered 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F as a result of this reconfi uration procedure and 32 has already submitted a response messa e to lower layersP *T act as if the reconfi uration messa e was not receivedO *T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Hradio lin# failureHO *T the procedure ends. 'OT2P 3T/.' should consider the reconfi uration procedure as unsuccessful in this case even if a success response messa e had been received.

,T if the 32 would have remained in 1255G:1F state as a result of this reconfi uration procedureP *T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Hradio lin# failureHO *T after the cell update procedure has completed successfullyP 3T transmit a failure response messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.*.>- settin the information elements as specified belowP 8T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 8T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 8T clear that entryO 8T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hphysical channel failureH. 3T act as if the reconfi uration messa e was not receivedO 3T the procedure ends. &n case of "/'" relocation- if the criteria for radio lin# failure are met in the new confi uration durin the reconfi uration procedure (i.e. while 32 is waitin for /51 ac#nowled ement for a response messa e.) as specified in subclause ;.9.=- the 32 shallP ,T if the received reconfi uration causes eitherP


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? ?

the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to be set to T/32O and@or the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to be set to T/32P

*T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.*.*.,*b. ,T elseP *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate the release of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear any entry for the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e in the tables H.ccepted transactionsH and H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T enter idle modeO *T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle modeO and *T the procedure ends.

=.2.3 Radio %earer re ease

"ee subclause ;.*.* (/econfi uration procedures).

=.2., Tra$s!ort c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$

"ee subclause ;.*.* (/econfi uration procedures).

=.2.5 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ co$tro

U) UTR#'

TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L

,i-ure *#!#"& . Transport for2at co2;ination control6 nor2al flow

U) TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L &#:LUR) UTR#'

,i-ure *#!#"&!. Transport for2at co2;ination control6 failure case


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The transport format combination control procedure is used to control the allowed uplin# transport format combinations within the transport format combination set.



To initiate the transport format combination control procedure- the 3T/.' transmits the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M- 3M or TM /51. Chen not stated otherwise elsewhere- the 3T/.' may initiate the transport format combination control procedure also when another procedure is on oin - and in that case the state of the latter procedure shall not be affected. To chan e the sub?set of allowed transport format combinations- the 3T/.' shouldP ,T set the allowed T71s in the &2 HTransport 7ormat 1ombination subsetH (HT71 subsetH). The 3T/.' may specify the duration for which a new T71 sub?set applies by usin the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH and independently may specify the time at which a new T71 sub?set shall be applied usin the &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH. To remove completely the previous restrictions of allowed transport format combinations- the 3T/.' shouldP ,T set the &2 Hfull transport format combination set H in the &2 HT71 subsetH.


Rece!tio$ o3 a TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

&f the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was received on .M /51 or 3M /51- the 32 shallP ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin O ,T perform the actions for the transport format combination subset specified in the &2 H:P1F@P3"1F T71" in uplin#H accordin to subclause ;.=.9.3O ,T if the &2 H35 .M/ rateH is included in the messa eP *T forward the content of the &2 H35 .M/ rateH to upper layers. ,T if the messa e is received in 1255G7.1F state- and the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH or the &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH is present in the messa eP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to 7.5"2P *T if the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH is included in the messa eP 3T store the value of the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH in the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 3T set the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH (for the 11Tr1F indicated by the &2 HT71" &dH in case of T::) in the variable T71G"30"2T to the value of the &2 HTransport format combination subsetHO 3T at the 17' indicated by &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T for the number of (,+ ms) frames specified in the &2 H:urationHO 3T at the end of the time period defined by the &2 H:urationHin the variable T71G"30"2TP 8T if the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH (for the 11Tr1F indicated by the &2 HT71" &dH in case of T::) in the variable T71G"30"2T has not subseAuently been chan ed by another messa eP 9T set the value of the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH to the value of the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 9T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

9T apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2TO *T if the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH is not included in the messa eP 3T clear the value of the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 3T set both the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH and the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH ( for the 11Tr1F indicated by the &2 HT71" &dH in case of T::) in the variable T71G"30"2T to the value of the &2 HTransport format combination subsetHO 3T at the 17' indicated by the &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T. *T when the 32 enters a state other than 1255G:1F state after the reception of the messa eP 3T if the 17' indicated by &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH has been reached and the time period defined by the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2T has not been reachedP 8T if the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH (for the 11Tr1F indicated by the &2 HT71" &dH in case of T::) in the variable T71G"30"2T has not subseAuently been chan ed by another messa eP 9T set the value of the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH to the value of the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 9T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 9T apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T. 3T if the 17' indicated by &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH has not been reachedP 8T if the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH is not included in the messa eP 9T apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T. 8T if the &2 HT71 1ontrol durationH is included in the messa e- and if the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH (for the 11Tr1F indicated by the &2 HT71" &dH in case of T::) in the variable T71G"30"2T has not subseAuently been chan ed by another messa eP 9T set the value of the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH to the value of the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 9T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 9T apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T. &f the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was received on TM /51- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HT71 subset identityH identifies one of the T71 subsets stored in the &2 HT71 subset listH in the variable T71G"30"2TP *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.9.3O *T if the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to 7.5"2P 3T in the variable T71G"30"2T- set the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH and the &2 Hdefault T71 subsetH to the value of the &2 HT71 subsetH in HT71 subset listH which is identified by the &2 HT71 subset identityHO 3T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 3T apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the &2 HT71 subset identityH is reater than the ma(imum number of T71 subsets stored in the &2 HT71 subset listH in the variable T71G"30"2TP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should only send the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e on TM /51 in order to control the rate of TM /0s (for e(ample- carryin multi?rate .M/ or C0?.M/) otherwise the 32 behaviour is not specified.

The 32 shallP ,T clear the entry for the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 due to the received T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e the 32 shallP ,T if the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was received on .M /51P *T #eep the T71 subset e(istin before the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was receivedO *T transmit a T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e on the :11F usin .M /51O *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hinvalid confi urationHO *T when the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmission the procedure ends. ,T if the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was received on 3M /51 or TM /51P *T i nore the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa eO *T clear the entry for the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'".


:$5a id TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L 9essa2e

&f the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was received on .M /51 or 3M /51 and contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit a T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 settin the information elements as specified belowP *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. ,T when the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends. &f the T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e was received on TM /51 and contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T i nore the invalid T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e as if it has not been receivedO ,T the procedure ends.

=.2.6 P"7sica c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$

"ee subclause ;.*.* /econfi uration procedures.

=.2./ P"7sica S"ared ("a$$e # ocatio$ IT44 o$ 7J

32 3T/.' PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O'

,i-ure *#!#)& . Ph4sical Shared Channel Allocation



The purpose of this procedure is to allocate radio resources to 3"1F and@or :"1F transport channels in T:: modefor use by a 32. This procedure can also be used to indicate to the 32- that a P3"1F allocation is pendin - in order to prevent further capacity reAuests from the 32. 32s are not reAuired to receive 7.1F and :"1F simultaneously- i.e. if resources are allocated to :"1F the 7.1F reception may be suspended.



To initiate the Physical "hared 1hannel .llocation procedure- the 3T/.' sends the HPFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O'H messa e on the downlin# "F11F or on the downlin# :11F usin 3M /51. The :"1F?/'T& shall be included for 32 identification- if the messa e is sent on the "F11F.


Rece!tio$ o3 a P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6' 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of a HPFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O'H messa e- if the messa e is received on the downlin# "F11F the 32 shallP ,T chec# the :"1F?/'T& to see if the 32 is addressed by the messa eO ,T if the 32 is addressed by the messa e- or if the messa e is received on the downlin# :11FP *T perform the followin actions. ,T otherwiseP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T i nore the messa e. ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin P ,T if the &2 H&"1P Timeslot listH is includedP *T store the timeslot numbers iven there for future Timeslot &"1P measurements and reports in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O'. ,T if the &2 HP:"1F capacity allocation infoH is includedP *T confi ure the physical resources used for the downlin# 11Tr1F iven by the &2 HT71" &:H accordin to the followin P 3T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi urationH has the value HOld confi urationHP 8T if the 32 has stored a P:"1F confi uration in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O' with the identity iven by the &2 HP:"1F &dentityHP 9T confi ure the physical resources accordin to that confi uration. 8T otherwiseP 9T i nore the &2 HP:"1F capacity allocation infoH. 3T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi urationH has the value H'ew confi urationHP 8T confi ure the physical resources accordin to the information iven in &2 HP:"1F &nfoH. &f &2 H1ommon timeslot infoH or &2 HP:"1F timeslots and codesH &2 are not present in &2 HP:"1F &nfoHP 9T reuse the confi uration stored in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O' for this 11Tr1F. 8T if the &2 HP:"1F &dentityH is includedP 9T store the new confi uration in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O' usin that identity. *T start usin the new confi uration at the 17' specified by the &2 H.llocation activation timeH- and use that for the duration iven by the &2 H.llocation durationHO *T if the &2 H1onfirm reAuestH has the value H1onfirm P:"1FH and &2 HP:"1F &dentityH is included in &2 HP:"1F capacity allocation infoHP 3T initiate the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T procedure as described in subclause ;.*.;. ,T if the &2 HP3"1F capacity allocation infoH is includedP *T stop the timer T3,+- if runnin O *T if the 1FO&12 HP3"1F allocationH has the value HP3"1F allocation pendin HP 3T start the timer T3,,. *T if the 1FO&12 HP3"1F allocationH has the value HP3"1F allocation assi nmentHP 3T stop the timer T3,,- if runnin O 3T confi ure the physical resources used for the uplin# 11Tr1F iven by the &2 HT71" &:H accordin to the followin P 8T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi urationH has the value HOld confi urationHP 9T if the 32 has stored a P3"1F confi uration with the identity iven by the &2 HP3"1F &dentityH in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O'P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=T confi ure the physical resources accordin to that confi uration. 9T otherwiseP =T i nore the &2 HP3"1F capacity allocation infoH. 8T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi urationH has the value H'ew confi urationH- the 32 shallP 9T confi ure the physical resources accordin to the information iven in &2 HP3"1F &nfoH. &f &2 H1ommon timeslot infoH or &2 HP3"1F timeslots and codesH is not present in &2 HP3"1F &nfoHP =T reuse the confi uration stored in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O' for this 11Tr1F. 9T if the &2 HP3"1F &dentityH is includedP =T store the new confi uration in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O' usin that identity. 3T if the &2 HP3"1F power control infoH is present in this messa e and includes the parameter H35 tar et "&/H for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- or the parameters HP/IP3"1FdesH and H0eacon P5 2st. H and HTP1 "tep "i!eH for ,.*; Mcps T::- or the parameters are stored in the variable PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 1O'7&G3/.T&O' for this 11Tr1FP 8T start usin the new confi uration at the 17' specified by the &2 H.llocation activation timeH- and use that for the duration iven by the &2 H.llocation durationH. 3T otherwiseP 8T i nore the &2 HP3"1F capacity allocation infoH. 3T if the &2 HP3"1F power control infoH is present in this messa e and includes the parameter H35 tar et "&/H for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- or the parameters HP/IP3"1FdesH and@or H0eacon P5 2st. H and@or HTP1 "tep "i!eH for ,.*; Mcps T::P 8T replace the parameters H35 tar et "&/H or HP/IP3"1Fdes" or HTP1 "tep "i!eH stored in the variable PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 1O'7&G3/.T&O' for this 11Tr1F with the si nalled values. 3T if the &2 HTraffic volume report reAuest H is includedP 8T initiate the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T procedure as described in subclause ;.*.; at the time indicated by the &2 HTraffic volume report reAuestH. 3T if the &2 H1onfirm reAuestH has the value H1onfirm P3"1FH and &2 HP3"1F &dentityH is included in &2 HP3"1F capacity allocation infoHP 8T initiate the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T procedure as described in subclause ;.*.;. 3T determine the T71" subset and hence the T71& values which are possible iven the P3"1F allocation for that 11Tr1FO 3T confi ure the M.1?c@sh in the 32 with this T71" restriction if necessaryO 3T transmit 3"1F Transport 0loc# "ets as reAuired- within the T71" limits iven by the P3"1F allocation. 'OT2P The 32 shallP ,T clear the entry for the PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T and the procedure ends. &f the 32 has just entered a new cell and "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type = has not yet been scheduledP3"1F@P:"1F information should be specified in the allocation messa e.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$5a id P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6' 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T i nore the invalid PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa eO ,T submit the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e for transmission on the uplin# "F11F- settin the information elements in the messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.;.3O ,T reset counter B3,+O ,T start timer T3,+O ,T proceed as described in subclause ;.*.;.

=.2.= PUS(< ca!acit7 reBuest IT44 o$ 7J

32 P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T 3T/.'

PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O'

,i-ure *#!#*& . P0SC9 Capacit4 re>uest procedure



Cith this procedure- the 32 transmits its reAuest for P3"1F resources to the 3T/.'. &n the normal case- the 3T/.' responds with a PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e- which either allocates the reAuested P3"1F resources- and@or allocates a P:"1F resource- or may just serve as an ac#nowled ement- indicatin that P3"1F allocation is pendin . This procedure can also be used to ac#nowled e the reception of a PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e- or to indicate a protocol error in that messa e. Cith the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e- the 32 can reAuest capacity for one or more 3"1F.



This procedure is initiatedP ,T in the 1255G7.1F or 1255G:1F stateO ,T and when at least one /0 usin 3"1F has been establishedO ,T and when the 32 sees the reAuirement to reAuest physical resources (P3"1F) for an 3"1F channel or there is the need to reply to a PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e as described in clause ;.*.< (i.e. to confirm the reception of a messa e- if reAuested to do so- or to indicate a protocol error). The procedure can be initiated ifP ? ? Timer T3,, is not runnin . The timer T3,+ (capacity reAuest repetition timer) is not runnin .

The 32 shallP ,T set the &2s in the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e accordin to subclause ;.*.;.3O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the procedure is tri ered to reply to a previous PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e by the &2 H1onfirm reAuestH set to H1onfirm P3"1FH and the &2 HP3"1F capacity allocation infoH is not presentP *T transmit the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e on /.1F. ,T elseP *T transmit the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e on the uplin# "F11F. ,T set counter B3,+ to ,O ,T start timer T3,+.


PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e co$te$ts to set

Cith one P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e- capacity for one or more 3"1F can be reAuested. &t shall include these information elementsP ,T :"1F?/'T& to be used as 32 identity if the messa e is sent on /.1FO ,T Traffic volume measured results for each radio bearer satisfyin the reportin criteria as specified in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 procedure (if no radio bearer satisfies the reportin criteria- traffic volume measured results shall not be included). These results shall includeP *T /adio 0earer &: of the /adio 0earer bein reportedO *T /51 buffer payload for these radio bearers- as specified by the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 procedure. The 32 shallP ,T if the initiation of the procedure is tri ered by the &2 HTraffic volume report reAuestH in a previously received PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa eP *T report the traffic volume measurement result for the radio bearer mapped on 3"1F transport channel specified in the received messa e. These results shall includeP 3T /adio 0earer &: of the /adio 0earer bein reportedO 3T /51 buffer payload for this radio bearer. ,T if the initiation of the procedure is tri ered by the &2 H1onfirm reAuestH set to H1onfirm P:"1FH in a previously received PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e and the &2 HP3"1F capacity allocation infoH is present in this messa eP *T set the 1FO&12 H.llocation confirmationH to HP:"1F 1onfirmationH with the value iven in the &2 HP:"1F &dentityH stored in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O'. ,T if the initiation of the procedure is tri ered by the &2 H1onfirm reAuestH set to H1onfirm P3"1FH in a previously received PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa eP *T set the 1FO&12 H.llocation confirmationH to HP3"1F 1onfirmationH with the value iven in the &2 HP3"1F &dentityH stored in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O'. ,T if the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to T/32P *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the response messa e transmitted belowO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hprotocol error indicatorH to T/32O *T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G /2L21T is 7.5"2P *T set the &2 HProtocol error indicatorH to 7.5"2. .s an option- the messa e may include &2 HTimeslot &"1PH and &2 HPrimary 11P1F /"1PH. The timeslots for which HTimeslot &"1PH may be reported shall have been confi ured with a previous PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e and stored in the variable PFK"&1.5G"F./2:G1F.''25G1O'7&G3/.T&O'. HPrimary 11P1F /"1PH is reported when reAuested with a previous PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' messa e.


Rece!tio$ o3 a PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon receivin a P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e with traffic volume measurement included for at least one radio bearer- the 3T/.' should initiate the PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' procedure- either for allocatin P3"1F or P:"1F resources as reAuired- or just as an ac#nowled ement- indicatin a pendin P3"1F allocation- as described in subclause ;.*.<.


T310 e.!ir7

3pon e(piry of timer T3,+- the 32 shallP ,T if B3,+ is smaller than '3,+P *T transmit a new P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e on the 3plin# "F11FO *T restart timer T3,+O *T increment counter B3,+O *T set the &2s in the P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T messa e as specified in subclause ;.*.;.3. ,T if B3,+ is reater than or eAual to '3,+P *T the procedure ends.

=.2.- Void =.2.10 U! i$> P"7sica ("a$$e (o$tro IT44 o$ 7J

U) UTR#'

UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L

,i-ure *#!# %& . 0plink Ph4sical Channel Control



The uplin# physical channel control procedure is used in T:: to control the uplin# outer loop power control and timin advance runnin in the 32.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



The 3T/.' initiates the procedure by transmittin the 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa e on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51 in order to update parameters for uplin# open loop power control in the 32 for one 11Tr1F or to inform the 32 about a new timin advance value to be applied. 2specially- uplin# interference information measured by the 3T/.' can be included for the uplin# timeslots used for the 11Tr1F.


Rece!tio$ o3 UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of the 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=. &n ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH and &2 HP/IF"?"&1FH and &2 HTP1 step si!eH are transmitted- this information shall be ta#en into account by the 32 for uplin# open loop power control and for uplin# closed loop power control as described in subclause ;.=.=.,,- and theHP/IF"?"&1FH shall be ta#en into account by the 32 for open loop power control as described in subclause ;.9.< and the HTP1 step si!eH for closed loop power control on F"?"&1F. &n 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- if the &2s H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH- HP/.1F 1onstant BalueHHP3"1F 1onstant BalueH- HF"?"&1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH- H.lphaH or &2 roup Hlist of 35 Timeslot &nterferenceH are transmitted- this information shall be ta#en into account by the 32 for uplin# open loop power control as specified in subclause ;.9.<. &f the 32 is capable of usin &P:5s for 32 positionin - the &2 H&P:5?.lphaH shall be used instead of the &2 H.lphaH. &f the &2 H&P:5?.lphaH parameter is not present- the 32 shall use &2 H.lphaH. &f the &2 "pecial 0urst "chedulin is transmitted the 32 shallP ,T use the new value for the H"pecial 0urst Generation PeriodH. The 32 shallP ,T clear the entry for the 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O ,T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and *T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5O and *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa e has not been received.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.2.11 P"7sica c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ 3ai ure

U) UTR#'

P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR)

,i-ure *#!#

& . Ph4sical channel reconfi-uration failure in case of runti2e confi-uration error



The physical channel reconfi uration failure procedure is used to indicate to the networ# a runtime confi uration error in the 32.


Ru$ti9e error due to o5er a!!i$2 co9!ressed 9ode co$3i2uratio$s

Chen the 32 has received from the 3T/.' the confi urations of several compressed mode transmission ap pattern seAuences- and if several of these patterns are to be simultaneously active- the 32 shall chec# to see if these simultaneously active transmission ap pattern seAuences create transmission aps in the same frame. .n ille al overlap is created if two or more transmission ap pattern seAuences create transmission aps in the same frame- irrespective of the aps are created in uplin# or downlin#. &f the parallel transmission ap pattern seAuences create an ille al overlap- the 32 shallP ,T delete the overlappin transmission ap pattern seAuence confi uration stored in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKwhich is associated with the hi hest value of &2 HTGP"&HO ,T transmit a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e on the :11F usin .M /51settin the information elements as specified belowP *T not include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO *T set the cause value in &2 Hfailure causeH to value Hcompressed mode runtime errorH. ,T terminate the inter?freAuency and@or inter?/.T measurements correspondin to the deleted transmission ap pattern seAuenceO ,T when the PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T the procedure ends.




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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.3 RR( co$$ectio$ 9o%i it7 !rocedures

=.3.1 (e a$d UR# u!date !rocedures
U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# & . Cell update procedure6 ;asic flow

U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# &!. Cell update procedure with update of 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation
U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM UTR#'

P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *#3# &3. Cell update procedure with ph4sical channel reconfi-uration
U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# &'. Cell update procedure with transport channel reconfi-uration


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM


R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)

,i-ure *#3# &". Cell update procedure with radio ;earer release
U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# &(. Cell update procedure with radio ;earer reconfi-uration
U) ()LL UP4#T) ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# &(a. Cell update procedure with radio ;earer setup
U) ()LL UP4#T) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# &). Cell update procedure6 failure case


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U) UR# UP4#T) UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM


,i-ure *#3# &*. 0RA update procedure6 ;asic flow

U) UR# UP4#T) UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# &+. 0RA update procedure with update of 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation
U) UR# UP4#T) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) UTR#'

,i-ure *#3# & %. 0RA update procedure6 failure case



The 3/. update and cell update procedures serve several main purposesP ? ? ? to notify 3T/.' after re?enterin service area in the 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F stateO to notify 3T/.' of an /51 unrecoverable error D,=E on an .M /51 entityO to be used as a supervision mechanism in the 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F- or 3/.GP1F state by means of periodical update.

&n addition- the 3/. update procedure also serves the followin purposeP ? to retrieve a new 3/. identity after cell re?selection to a cell not belon in to the current 3/. assi ned to the 32 in 3/.GP1F state.

&n addition- the cell update procedure also serves the followin purposesP ? ? ? to update 3T/.' with the current cell the 32 is campin on after cell reselectionO to act on a radio lin# failure in the 1255G:1F stateO to act on the transmission failure of the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eO


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for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the variable FG/'T& is not set- and for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::P when tri ered in the 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state- to notify 3T/.' of a transition to the 1255G7.1F state due to the reception of 3T/.' ori inated pa in or due to a reAuest to transmit uplin# dataO to count the number of 32s in 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F and 1255G7.1F that are interested to receive an M0M" transmissionO when tri ered in the 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F and 1255G7.1F state- to notify 3T/.' of the 32s interest to receive an M0M" serviceO to reAuest the M0M" P?T?P /0 setup by the 32 in 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F and 1255G7.1F state.

? ? ?

The 3/. update and cell update procedures mayP ,T include an update of mobility related information in the 32O ,T cause a state transition from the 1255G7.1F state to the 1255G:1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F states or idle mode. The cell update procedure may also includeP ? ? ? a re?establish of .M /51 entitiesO a re?establish of 3M /51 entitiesO a radio bearer release- radio bearer reconfi uration- transport channel reconfi uration or physical channel reconfi uration.



. 32 shall initiate the cell update procedure in the followin casesP ,T 3plin# data transmissionP *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the variable FG/'T& is not set- and for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::P 3T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F stateO and 3T if timer T3*+ is not runnin P 8T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP 9T perform cell update usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionH. 3T elseP 8T if the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is setP 9T perform cell update usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionH. ,T Pa in responseP *T if the criteria for performin cell update with the cause specified above in the current subclause are not metO and *T if the 32 in 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state- receives a P.G&'G TKP2 , messa e fulfillin the conditions for initiatin a cell update procedure specified in subclause ;.,.*.3P 3T perform cell update usin the cause Hpa in responseH. ,T /adio lin# failureP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metP


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3T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F state and the criteria for radio lin# failure are met as specified in subclause ;.9.=O or 3T if the transmission of the 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e fails as specified in subclause ;.,.=.=O or 3T if the 32 detects P:1P 3nrecoverable 2rror D3=E in a P:1P entity 8T perform cell update usin the cause Hradio lin# failureH. ,T M0M" ptp /0 reAuestP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metO and *T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F- 1ellGP1F or 1ellG7.1F stateO and *T if timer T3*+ is not runnin O and *T if the 32 should perform cell update for M0M" ptp radio bearer reAuest as specified in subclause ;.=.>.=P 3T perform cell update usin the cause HM0M" ptp /0 reAuestH. ,T /e?enterin service areaP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metO and *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F stateO and *T if the 32 has been out of service area and re?enters service area before T3+< or T3,< e(piresP 3T perform cell update usin the cause Hre?enterin service areaH. ,T /51 unrecoverable errorP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metO and *T if the 32 detects /51 unrecoverable error D,=E in an .M /51 entityP 3T perform cell update usin the cause H/51 unrecoverable errorH. ,T 1ell reselectionP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metP 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F state and the 32 performs cell re?selectionO or 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and the variable 1G/'T& is emptyP 8T perform cell update usin the cause Hcell reselectionH. ,T Periodical cell updateP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metO and *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F stateO and *T if the timer T3+9 e(piresO and *T if the criteria for Hin service areaH as specified in subclause ;.9.9.* are fulfilledO and *T if periodic updatin has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityHP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T for 7::P 8T if the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2P 9T perform cell update usin the cause Hperiodical cell updateH. 8T elseP 9T restart the timer T3+9O 9T and end the procedure. 3T for ,.*; Mcps T:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::P 8T perform cell update usin the cause Hperiodical cell updateH. ,T M0M" receptionP *T if none of the criteria for performin cell update with the causes specified above in the current subclause is metO and *T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F- 1ellGP1F or 1ellG7.1F stateO and *T if the 32 should perform cell update for M0M" countin as specified in subclause ;.<.8P 3T perform cell update usin the cause HM0M" receptionH. . 32 in 3/.GP1F state shall initiate the 3/. update procedure in the followin casesP ,T 3/. reselectionP *T if the 32 detects that the current 3/. assi ned to the 32- stored in the variable 3/.G&:2'T&TK- is not present in the list of 3/. identities in system information bloc# type *O or *T if the list of 3/. identities in system information bloc# type * is emptyO or *T if the system information bloc# type * can not be foundP 3T perform 3/. update usin the cause Hchan e of 3/.H. ,T Periodic 3/. updateP *T if the criteria for performin 3/. update with the causes as specified above in the current subclause are not metP 3T if the timer T3+9 e(pires and if periodic updatin has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityHO or 3T if the conditions for initiatin an 3/. update procedure specified in subclause ;.,.,.=.9 are fullfilledP 8T perform 3/. update usin the cause Hperiodic 3/. updateH. Chen initiatin the 3/. update or cell update procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if timer T3*+ is runnin P *T stop timer T3*+O *T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP 3T perform cell update usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionH. *T elseP 3T if the cell update procedure is not tri ered due to Pa in response or /adio lin# failureO and 3T if the 32 should perform cell update for M0M" ptp radio bearer reAuest as specified in subclause ;.=.>.=P


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8T perform cell update usin the cause HM0M" ptp /0 reAuestH. ,T stop timer T3,> if it is runnin O ,T stop timer T3+9O ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO and *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO and *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9O and *T if the 32 does support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T if variable FG/'T& is not set or variable 1G/'T& is not setO or 3T for 7::- an unrecoverable error D,=E in an .M /51 entity detectedP 8T clear variable FG/'T&O 8T clear variable 1G/'T&O 8T clear variable 2G/'T&O 8T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO 8T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O 8T and start receivin the F"?:"1F transport channels mapped physical channel(s) of type F"?"11F and F"?P:"1F- by usin parameters iven by the &2(s) HF"?:"1F common system informationH accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. 3T elseP 8T receive the F"?:"1F transport channels mapped physical channel(s) of type F"?"11F and F"? P:"1F- by usin parameters iven by the &2(s) HF"?:"1F common system informationH accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=O 8T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O 8T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O 8T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O 8T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O 8T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P 9T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89 for 7:: and ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP *T in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/- set the &2 HT3,8 e(piredH and the &2 HT3,9 e(piredH to 7.5"2O *T if the stored values of the timer T3,8 and timer T3,9 are both eAual to !eroO or *T if the stored value of the timer T3,8 is eAual to !ero and there are no radio bearers associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,9H and si nallin connection e(ists only to the 1" domainP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T release all its radio resourcesO 3T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 3T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T enter idle modeO 3T perform other actions when enterin idle mode from connected mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*O 3T and the procedure ends. *T if the stored value of the timer T3,8 is eAual to !eroP 3T release all radio bearers- associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,8HO 3T in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ set the &2 HT3,8 e(piredH to T/32O 3T if all radio access bearers associated with a 1' domain are releasedP 8T release the si nallin connection for that 1' domainO 8T remove the si nallin connection for that 1' domain from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 8T indicate release (abort) of the si nallin connection to upper layersO *T if the stored value of the timer T3,9 is eAual to !eroP 3T release all radio bearers associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,9HO 3T in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ set the &2 HT3,9 e(piredH to T/32. 3T if all radio access bearers associated with a 1' domain are releasedP 8T release the si nallin connection for that 1' domainO 8T remove the si nallin connection for that 1' domain from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 8T indicate release (abort) of the si nallin connection to upper layersO *T if the stored value of the timer T3,8 is reater than !eroP 3T if there are radio bearers associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,8HP 8T start timer T3,8. 3T if there are no radio bearers associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,8H or HuseT3,9H and the si nallin connection e(ists to the 1" domainP 8T start timer T3,8. *T if the stored value of the timer T3,9 is reater than !eroP 3T if there are radio bearers associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,9HO or 3T if the si nallin connection e(ists to the P" domainP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T start timer T3,9. *T for the released radio bearer(s)P 3T delete the information about the radio bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T when all radio bearers belon in to the same radio access bearer have been releasedP 8T indicate local end release of the radio access bearer to upper layers usin the 1' domain identity to ether with the /.0 identity stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 8T delete all information about the radio access bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". *T if the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 3T set the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O 3T stop any 2?.G1F and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO 3T for 7::- stop any 2?/G1F reception procedures. 3T for 7::- stop any 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission procedures. 3T for ,.*; Mcps T::- stop any 2?P31F transmission procedure. 3T clear the variable 2G/'T&O 3T act as if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH was received and set to T/32O 3T release all 2?:1F F./J resourcesO 3T no lon er consider any radio lin# to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. *T move to 1255G7.1F stateO *T select a suitable 3T/. cell on the current freAuency accordin to D8EO *T clear variable 2G/'T& andP 3T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O 3T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O 3T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=. 3T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O *T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=;Mcps T::O or *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P 3T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,<O 3T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O 3T use the transport format set iven in system information as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,O


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3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. *T elseP 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P 8T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89. 3T elseP 8T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,< andP 9T use for the P/.1F the transport format set iven in system information as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,. 3T clear variable FG/'T&O 3T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO 3T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O 3T and start receivin the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. *T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P 3T determine the value for the 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. *T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P 3T determine the value for the 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<+. *T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. ,T set the variables P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/- 7.&53/2G&':&1.TO/3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' and &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O ,T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to T/32O ,T if any &2s releated to F"?:"1Fare stored in the 32P *T clear any stored &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F informationHO *T clear any stored &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HO *T clear all the entries from the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'O *T for ,.*;Mcps T::- clear the &2 HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationH and the &2 HF"?"11F "et 1onfi urationH in the &2 H:5 Multi 1arrier &nformationHO *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9O *T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9,. ,T if any &2s related to 2?:1F are stored in the 32P *T clear any stored &2 H2?:1F infoHO *T for 7::- clear any stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO *T for ,.*;Mcps T::- clear any stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO


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*T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. ,T if any of the &2s H:TI?:/I timin informationH or H:TI?:/I informationH are stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the :TIG:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.38. ,T if the &2 HF"?"11F less informationH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.39. ,T if any &2s related to M&MO are stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the M&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.33. ,T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennasH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<>. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2s H1ontrol 1hannel :/I &nformationH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.93. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H"P" informationH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.98O *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.99. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HM3?M&MO infoH is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=,. ,T if the 32 is not already in 1255G7.1F stateP *T move to 1255G7.1F stateO *T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O *T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O *T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O *T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- determine the value for the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=,O *T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or *T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or


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*T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P 3T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,<O 3T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O 3T use the transport format set iven in system information as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,O 3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. *T elseP 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P 8T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89. 3T elseP 8T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,< andP 9T use for the P/.1F the transport format set iven in system information as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,. 3T if variable FG/'T& is not set or variable 1G/'T& is not setP 8T clear variable 1G/'T&O 8T clear variable FG/'T&O 8T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO 8T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O 8T and start receivin the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. 3T elseP 8T receive the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. ,T if the 32 performs cell re?selectionO or ,T if the 32 re?enters service area and the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis includes &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH- and for ,.*; Mcps T::- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 includes &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoHP *T clear the variable 1G/'T&O and *T stop usin that 1G/'T& just cleared from the variable 1G/'T& in M.1O *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the variable FG/'T& is setP 3T clear the variable FG/'T&O and 3T stop usin that FG/'T& just cleared from the variable FG/'T& in M.1O 3T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the variable 2G/'T& is setP 3T clear the variable 2G/'T&. *T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O


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*T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O *T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O *T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state and &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E. 3T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O 3T and start receivin the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. *T elseP 3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T set 17' in relation to "7' of current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9O ,T in case of a cell update procedureP *T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O *T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. ,T in case of a 3/. update procedureP *T set the contents of the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O *T submit the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. ,T set counter B3+* to ,O ,T start timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure in transmittin the messa e.


()LL UP4#T) 0 UR# UP4#T) 9essa2e co$te$ts to set

&n case of cell update procedure the 32 shall transmit a 1255 3P:.T2 messa e. &n case of 3/. update procedure the 32 shall transmit a 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e. The 32 shall set the &2s in the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e as followsP ,T for 7::- if the 32 supports the &2 H1ell 3pdate messa e with optimised encodin H and this &2 is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP *T use H1255 3P:.T2 7::H defined in subclause ,+.*.<a to si nal &2sO ,T elseP *T use H1255 3P:.T2H defined in subclause ,+.*.< to si nal &2sO ,T set the &2 H1ell update causeH correspondin to the cause specified in subclause ;.3.,.* that is valid when the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e is submitted to lower layers for transmissionO 'OT2P :urin the time period startin from when a cell update procedure is initiated by the 32 until when the procedure ends- additional 1255 3P:.T2 messa es may be transmitted by the 32 with different causes.


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,T if the &2 H1ell update causeH is set to Huplin# data transmissionH and if an event tri ered traffic volume measurement has been confi uredP *T if the T1TB is lar er than the threshold in the &2 H/eportin thresholdH for a traffic volume measurement stored in the M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK variable and that traffic volume measurement has Hmeasurement identityH eAual to 8- HTraffic volume event identityH eAual to H8aH- HMeasurement validityH eAual to Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 3T set the &2 HTraffic volume indicatorH to T/32. ,T set the &2 H3?/'T&H to the value of the variable 3G/'T&O ,T if the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ is T/32P *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 3T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T include and set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO *T set the &2 HProtocol error informationH set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. ,T if the value of the variable 7.&53/2G&':&1.TO/ is T/32P *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 3T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T include and set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the value of the variable 7.&53/2G1.3"2. ,T if the variable H5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'H has been initialisedP *T for each 1' domain for which an entry e(ists in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" or which is indicated in the variable 5.T2"T 1O'7&G3/2: 1' :OM.&'P 3T include the "T./T value calculated accordin to subclause ;.9.>. ,T elseP *T include the "T./T value for either the 1" domain or the P" domain- calculated accordin to subclause ;.9.>. ,T if an unrecoverable error D,=E in any of the .M /51 entities for the si nallin radio bearers /0*- /03 or /08 is detectedP *T set the &2 H.MG/51 error indication (/0*- /03 or /08)H to T/32O *T set the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/0*38 to T/32. ,T otherwiseP *T if the value of the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/0*38 is T/32P 3T set the &2 H.MG/51 error indication (/0*- /03 or /08)H to T/32. *T otherwiseP 3T set the &2 H.MG/51 error indication (/0*- /03 or /08)H to 7.5"2. ,T if an unrecoverable error D,=E in any of the .M /51 entities for the /09 or upward is detectedP *T set the &2 H.MG/51 error indication (/0T8)H to T/32O *T set the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/09G.':G3P to T/32.


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,T otherwiseP *T if the value of the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/09G.':G3P is T/32P 3T set the &2 H.MG/51 error indication (/0T8)H to T/32. *T otherwiseP 3T set the &2 H.MG/51 error indication (/0T8)H to 7.5"2. ,T set the &2 H/0 Timer indicatorH to the value of the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/O ,T if the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is initialisedP *T include the &2 H2stablishment causeH and set it to the value of the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2O *T if the value of the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is set to HOri inatin 1onversational 1allH or H2mer ency 1allH and a 1" call is bein initiatedP 3T set the value of the &2 H1all typeH to HspeechH- HvideoH or HotherH accordin to the call bein initiated. ,T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32P *T include the &2 H/econfi uration "tatus &ndicatorH and set it to T/32. ,T if the &2 H1ell update causeH is set to Hradio lin# failureH or H/51 3nrecoverable errorH and the 32 has submitted a reconfi uration response messa e to /51 and the 32 has not received the /51 ac#nowled ement for the response messa eP *T include the &2 H/econfi uration "tatus &ndicatorH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateP *T include the &2 HF"?P:"1F in 1255G7.1FH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeP *T include the &2 H"upport of common 2?:1FH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports reportin of the &2 H"ecurity /evert "tatus &ndicatorHP *T if the 32 has reverted bac# old security confi uration by abortin on oin security mode command as cell update procedure was initiatedP 3T include the &2 H"ecurity /evert "tatus &ndicatorH and set it to H/everted 0ac#H. *T otherwiseP 3T include the &2 H"ecurity /evert "tatus &ndicatorH and set it to H'ormal OperationH. ,T if the 32 supports Two :/I schemes in 3/.GP1F and 1255GP1F *T include the &2 H"upport for Two :/I schemes in 3/.GP1F and 1255GP1FH and set it to T/32. 'OT2P &n ,.*; Mcps T::- 32 supportin F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state always supports 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- and vice versa.

,T if the 32 supports M.1?i@isP *T include the &2 H"upport of M.1?i@isH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F :/I operation in 1255G7.1F stateP *T include the &2 H"upport of F"?:"1F :/I operationH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports "P" operationP *T include the &2 H"upport of "P" operationH and set it to T/32.


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,T if the 32 supports control channel :/I operationP *T include the &2 H"upport of control channel :/I operationH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 performs cell update for M0M" ptp radio bearer reAuest as specified in subclause ;.=.>.=O and ,T if one or more of the M0M" services for which the 32 initiates the ptp radio bearer reAuest concerns an M0M" "elected "erviceP *T for each M0M" "elected "ervice that is indicated on M11F and for which the 32 initiates ptp radio bearer reAuestP 3T order the M0M" "elected "ervices such that those selected with a hi her priority are listed in the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH before those selected with a lower priorityO 3T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H within the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH and set it to a value in accordance with subclause ;.=.>.;. ,T otherwise- if the 32 performs cell update for M0M" countin as specified in subclause ;.<.8O and ,T if one or more of the M0M" services for which the 32 initiates the countin response concerns an M0M" "elected "erviceP *T for each M0M" "elected "ervice that is indicated on M11F and for which the 32 initiates the countin responseP 3T order the M0M" "elected "ervices such that those selected with a hi her priority are listed in the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH before those selected with a lower priorityO 3T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H within the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices "hortH and set it to a value in accordance with subclause ;.=.>.;. ,T if the 32 included one or more HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H &2sP *T include the &2 HM0M" Modification Period identityH and set it to a value in accordance with subclause ;.9.*>. ,T if- accordin to D8E- the Fi h?mobility state is applicable and it has been detected by the 32P *T include the &2 H32 Mobility "tate &ndicatorH and set it to the HFi h?Mobility:etectedH value. ,T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P *T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableH. ,T if an &2 H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and the re istered P5M' is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P *T include &2 H.'/ 5o in /esults .vailableH. The 32 shallP ,T if the 32 capability has chan ed compared to the value stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: and the variable /'1G1.P.0&5&TKG1F.'G2G"3PPO/T is set to T/32P *T include the &2 H1apability chan e indicatorH. 'OT2P Transmittin the &2 H1apability chan e indicatorH does not tri er any actual chan ed behaviour on the part of the 32. &t serves only to inform the networ# that the 32 is reAuestin an opportunity to send a 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e.

&f the 32 needs to include the &2 H7ailure 1auseH and the 1ell 3pdate messa e si!e e(ceeds the used transport format si!e- then the 32 may omit the &2 H"upport for Two :/I schemes in 3/.GP1F and 1255GP1FH (i.e. omit the


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cell3pdate?r3?add?e(t)- the 32 may omit &2 HM0M" "elected "ervicesH (i.e. omit the mbms"elected"ervices) and the 32 may omit the /el?,+ non?critical e(tensions (i.e. omit the cell3pdate?va8+e(t)- or to be able to include &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH. The 32 should first omit the &2s before applyin the prioriti!ation rules in section ;.9.*3 to include the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH. &f the 32 does not need to include the &2 H7ailure 1auseH and the 1ell 3pdate messa e si!e e(ceeds the used transport format si!e- then the 32 may omit the &2 H"upport for Two :/I schemes in 3/.GP1F and 1255GP1FH (i.e. omit the cell3pdate?r3?add?e(t)- and the 32 may omit &2 HM0M" "elected "ervicesH (i.e. omit the mbms"elected"ervices) to be able to include the /el?,+ non?critical e(tensions (i.e. include the cell3pdate?va8+e(t)- or to be able to include &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH. The 32 should first omit the &2s before applyin the prioriti!ation rules in section ;.9.*3 to include the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH. The 32 shall set the &2s in the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e as followsP ,T set the &2 H3?/'T&H to the value of the variable 3G/'T&O ,T set the &2 H3/. update causeH correspondin to which cause as specified in subclause ;.3.,.* that is valid when the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e is submitted to lower layers for transmissionO 'OT2P :urin the time period startin from when a 3/. update procedure is initiated by the 32 until when the procedure ends- additional 3/. 3P:.T2 messa es may be transmitted by the 32 with different causesdependin on which causes are valid for the respective 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e.

,T if the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ is T/32P * T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 3T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T set the &2 HProtocol error indicatorH to T/32O *T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. ,T if the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ is 7.5"2P *T if the value of the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is T/32P 3T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 3T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O 3T set the &2 HProtocol error indicatorH to T/32O 3T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH set to H&nformation element value not comprehendedH. *T if the value of the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is 7.5"2P 3T set the &2 HProtocol error indicatorH to 7.5"2. ,T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateP *T include the &2 HF"?P:"1F in 1255G7.1FH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateP *T include the &2 HF"?P:"1F in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1FH and set it to T/32. ,T if the 32 supports 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeP *T include the &2 H"upport of common 2?:1FH and set it to T/32. ,T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P


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*T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableH. ,T if &2 H5o ed .'/ reportH in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P *T include &2 H.'/ 5o in /esults .vailableH.


T305 e.!ir7 a$d t"e U) detects @out o3 ser5ice area@

Chen the T3+9 e(pires and the 32 detects that it is Hout of service areaH as specified in subclause ;.9.9.,- the 32 shall ,T start timer T3+<O ,T act accordin to subclause <.*.*.


Re-e$teri$2 @i$ ser5ice area@

&f the 32 detects Hin service areaH accordin to subclause ;.9.9.* and timer T3+< or T3,< is runnin - the 32 shallP ,T chec# the value of B3+*O and ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*P *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O 3T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O 3T submit the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T enter idle modeO


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*T perform other actions when enterin idle mode from connected mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends.


).!ir7 o3 ti9er T30/

Chen the T3+< e(pires- the 32 shallP ,T move to idle modeO ,T release all dedicated resourcesO ,T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O ,T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O ,T perform other actions when enterin idle mode from connected mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*O ,T and the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ ()LL UP4#T)0UR# UP4#T) 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

Chen the 3T/.' receives a 1255 3P:.T2@3/. 3P:.T2 messa e- the 3T/.' shouldP ,T in case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a 1255 3P:.T2P *T if "/'" relocation was performedP 3T transmit a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e on the downlin# :11F. *T otherwiseP 3T update the "T./T value for each 1' domain as maintained in 3T/.' (refer to subclause ;.9.>) with H"T./TH in the &2 H"T./T listH for the 1' domain as indicated by H1' domain identityH in the &2 H"T./T listHO 3T transmit a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e on the downlin# :11F or optionally on the 111F but only if cipherin is not reAuiredO and 3T optionally set the &2 H/51 re?establish indicator (/0*- /03 and /08)H and@or the &2 H/51 re?establish indicator (/09 and upwards)H to T/32 to reAuest a /51 re?establishment in the 32- in which case the correspondin /51 entities should also be re?established in 3T/.'O or ,T in case the procedure was tri ered by reception of a 3/. 3P:.T2P *T if "/'" relocation was performedP 3T transmit a 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e on the downlin# :11F. *T otherwiseP 3T transmit a 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e on the downlin# 111F or :11F. *T include the &2 H3/. identityH in the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in a cell where multiple 3/. identifiers are broadcastO or ,T initiate an //1 connection release procedure (see subclause ;.,.8) by transmittin an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e on the downlin# 111F. &n particular 3T/.' shouldP *T if the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e was sent because of an unrecoverable error in /0*- /03 or /08P 3T initiate an //1 connection release procedure (subclause ;.,.8) by transmittin an //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e on the downlin# 111F.


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,T if the radio bearer is connected to a 1" domain radio access bearer and the radio bearer uses 3M /51P *T the 3M /51 entity should be re?established in 3T/.'. 3T/.' may transmit several 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa es to increase the probability of proper reception of the messa e by the 32. &n such a case- the //1 "' for these repeated messa es should be the same.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM0UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

Chen the 32 receives a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eO and ? ? if the messa e is received on the 111F- and &2 H3?/'T&H is present and has the same value as the variable 3G/'T&O or if the messa e is received on :11FP

the 32 mayP ,T maintain a list of the set of cells to which the 32 has /adio 5in#s if the &2 H1ell &:H is present. the 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3+*O ,T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to 7.5"2O ,T in case of a cell update procedure and the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP *T includes H/0 information elementsHO and@or *T includes HTransport channel information elementsHO and@or *T includes HPhysical channel information elementsHO and *T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin P *T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in the messa eP 3T if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is set to the value H1255G7.1FHP 8T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuencyO 8T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuencyP 9T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)P =T act as specified in subclause ;.3.,.,*. 9T elseP =T for ,.*;Mcps T::- decide the wor#in freAuency accordin to subclause ;.=.=.,. 8T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on the indicated freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 9T act as specified in subclause ;.3.,.,*.


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3T if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is set to the value H1255GP1FH or H3/.GP1FHP 8T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8E on that freAuencyO 8T if the 32 finds a suitable 3T/. cell on that freAuencyP 9T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 in 1255GP1F state selects another cell than indicated by this &2 or the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e did not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)O or 9T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e included the &2 H3/. identityH- and the 32 in 3/.GP1F state selects cell bein part of another 3/. than indicated by this &2 or the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e did not include the &2 H3/. identityHP =T act as specified in subclause ;.3.,.,*. 8T else- if the 32 can not find a suitable 3T/. cell on the indicated freAuency but it finds a suitable 3T/. cell on another freAuencyP 9T act as specified in subclause ;.3.,.,*. 3T if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is set to the value H1255G:1FHP 8T act on the &2 H7reAuency infoH as specified in subclause ;.=.=.,. *T if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is set to the value H1255GP1FH or H3/.GP1FHP 3T if the &2 HCait timeH[T + is included in the messa e and the 32 supports timer T3*+P 8T start timer T3*+ with value set to the time stated in the &2 Hwait timeH. *T use the transport channel(s) applicable for the physical channel types that is usedO and *T if the &2 HT7"H is neither included nor previously stored in the 32 for that transport channel(s)P 3T use the T7" iven in system information. *T if none of the T7" stored is compatible with the physical channelP 3T delete the stored T7"O 3T use the T7" iven in system information. *T if the &2 H/51 re?establish indicator (/0*- /03 and /08)H in the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e is set to T/32P 3T re?establish the /51 entities for si nallin radio bearer /0*- si nallin radio bearer /03 and si nallin radio bearer /08 (if established)O 3T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O 3T if the value of the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain stored in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' is set to H"tartedHP 8T set the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values for .M /51 entities with /0 identity *-/0 identity 3 and /0 identity 8 (if established) eAual to the "T./T value included in the latest transmitted 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for the 1' domain stored in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'. 'OT2P 3T/.' should not send a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e with a tar et state 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- and includin 1?/'T&- and settin the &2 H/51 re?establish indicator (/0*- /03 and /08)H to T/32- otherwise the 32 behaviour is not specified.

*T if the &2 H/51 re?establish indicator (/09 and upwards)H in the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e is set to T/32P


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3T for radio bearers with /0 identity 9 and upwardsP 8T re?establish the .M /51 entitiesO 8T if the value of the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H"tartedHP 9T set the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values for .M /51 entities eAual to the "T./T value included in this 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". 'OT2P 32 actions- in case &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH is included and either &2 H/51 re? establish indicator (/0*- /03 and /08)H or &2 H/51 re?establish indicator (/09 and upwards)H are set to T/32- are not defined.

,T if the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M @ 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH or contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' for all the 1' domains in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' to H.ffectedH. ,T if the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 is setP *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2. ,T enter a state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M @ 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e. &f the 32 after state transition enters 1255G:1F- 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shall- after state transitionP ,T determine the value for the F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9=O ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=. ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- determine the value for the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=,O ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 supports the non?rectan ular resource allocation- the 32 shallP *T determine the value for the 'O'G/21T.'G35./G.55O1.T&O' "T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.;*O &f the 32 after state transition enters 1255G:1F state- it shallP ,T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only)O ,T not prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O ,T if the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH is not includedP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. &f the 32 after state transition remains in 1255G7.1F state- it shall ,T start the timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and periodical cell update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityHO


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,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P *T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89 for 7:: and ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T elseP *T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,<O ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T 7or 7::- if the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H/.1FH in the 35O and *T if the 32 does not supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode or the &2 H1ommon 2? :1F system infoH is not included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and *T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 3T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. *T elseP 3T if the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H2?:1FH in the 35O and 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32O and 3T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& and variable 2G/'T& are setP 8T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=. 3T elseP 8T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable 2G/'T& and delete any stored 2?/'T& valueO 8T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T not prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is included in the same messa eP *T i nore that &2 and stop usin :/I. &f the 32 after state transition enters 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state- it shallP ,T if the 32 enters 1255GP1F stateP


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*T if the 32 supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode and the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP 3T if variable FG/'T& or variable 1G/'T& or variable 2G/'T& is not setP 8T clear variable 1G/'T& and delete any stored 1?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable FG/'T& and delete any stored F?/'T& valueO 8T clear variable 2G/'T& and delete any stored 2?/'T& valueO 8T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 8T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO 8T reset the M.1?i@is entity D,9E. ,T prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to 7.5"2P *T clear the variable 1G/'T&O *T stop usin that 1G/'T& just cleared from the variable 1G/'T& in M.1. ,T start the timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityHO ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO or ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to 7.5"2P *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O *T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. ,T elseP *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1FP 3T if &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H is not includedP 8T clear the variable 1G/'T&O 8T clear the variable FG/'T&O 8T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO 8T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<. 8T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O *T if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,>O


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3T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. *T elseP 3T for 7::O or 3T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if both variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP 8T monitor its pa in occasions on the selected P&1F determined accordin to subclauses ;.=.3.,a;.=.3.* and ;.9.3> and receive P11F on the F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F- or :11F and :T1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F and the associated F"?"11F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedures in subclause ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::. ,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is included in the same messa eP *T use the values in the &2 H3T/.' :/I 1ycle len th coefficientH for calculatin Pa in Occasion and P&1F Monitorin Occasion as specified in subclause ;.=.3.*. 'OT2P &n the case of a cell update procedure durin an on oin reconfi uration procedure movin the 32 into 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F then the value of the &2 H3T/.' :/I 1ycle len th coefficientH sent in the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e should be the same as the value sent in the reconfi uration messa e.

,T if the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is not included in the same messa eP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the 32 after the state transition remains in 1255G7.1F stateO and ,T the contents of the variable 1G/'T& are emptyP it shall chec# the value of B3+*O andP ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*P *T if- caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32O and@or 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 8T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T stop the 3/. update procedureO 3T clear any entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 3T continue with a cell update procedure.


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*T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3- e(cept for the &2 H1ell update causeH which shall be set to Hcell reselectionHO *T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111FO *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T enter idle modeO *T other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends. &f the 32 after the state transition remains in 1255G7.1F stateO and ? or ? the 32 after the state transition moves to another state than the 1255G7.1F stateP a 1?/'T& is stored in the variable 1G/'T&O

the 32 shallP ,T in case cell reselection interrupted an on oin cell update procedure and a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M was received with the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH present and the response to which was not submitted to the lower layers due to the cell re?selectionP *T include the &2 H"T./T listH in the response messa e transmitted accordin to subclause ;.3.,.<O *T if the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- the response to which was not delivered to the lower layers- due to the cell re?selection- included the &2 H/0 with P:1P information listHP 3T include the &2 H/0 with P:1P information listH in the response messa e transmitted accordin to subclause ;.3.,.<. ,T in case of a cell update procedureP


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*T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in any response messa e transmitted below to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entry. ,T in case of a 3/. update procedureP *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in any response messa e transmitted below to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is non?emptyP *T include the &2 H/0 with P:1P information listH in any response messa e transmitted below and set it to the value of the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O. ,T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e included the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoHP *T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity for all .M and 3M radio bearers and .M and 3M si nallin radio bearers e(cept /0* to HstopH. *T elseP 3T confi ure the /51 entity for si nallin radio bearers /0,- /03 and /08 to HstopHO 3T confi ure the /51 entity for 3M and .M radio bearers for which the &2 HP:1P "' &nfoH is not included to HstopH. *T re?establish the /51 entity for /0*O *T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T for the downlin# and the uplin#- apply the cipherin confi uration as followsP 3T if the received re?confi uration messa e included the &2 H1ipherin Mode &nfoHP 8T use the cipherin confi uration in the received messa e when transmittin the response messa e. 3T if the cipherin confi uration for /0* from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because the activation times not havin been reachedP 8T if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': was received due to new #eys bein receivedP 9T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the received new #eysO 9T initialise the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 and downlin# 1O3'T?1 of "/0* as indicated in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. 8T else if the cipherin confi uration for /0* from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because of the correspondin activation times not havin been reached and the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': caused a chan e in 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 9T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the #eys associated with the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T initialise the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 and downlin# 1O3'T?1 of "/0* to the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH for the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' at the reception of the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':.


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8T apply the new cipherin confi uration immediately followin /51 re?establishment. 3T elseP 8T continue usin the current cipherin confi uration. *T set the new uplin# and downlin# F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 of /0* to M.I(uplin# F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 of /0*- downlin# F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 of /0*)O *T increment by one the downlin# and uplin# values of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 for /0*O *T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O *T include the calculated "T./T values for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoH in any response messa e transmitted belowO *T for any measurement of type 1"G Pro(imity detection or any measurement associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e. 1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra?freAuency measurement- 1"G inter? freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)P 3T stop all measurements of type 1"G Pro(imity detection and all measurements associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e. 1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra?freAuency measurement- 1"G inter? freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)O 3T delete measurement control information for all measurements of type 1"G Pro(imity detection and all measurements associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e. 1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra? freAuency measurement- 1"G inter?freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)O 3T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T. *T if timer T3*3 value is stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"P 3T stop and reset timer T3*3O 3T clear any value of the timer T3*3 stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T". ,T else if the radio bearer is connected to a 1" domain radio access bearer and the radio bearer uses 3M /51P *T re?establish the 3M /51 entityO *T if the value of the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H"tartedHP 3T set the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values for the 3M /51 entity eAual to the "T./T value included in this 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T set the remainin bits of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 values of the 3M /51 entity to !ero. ,T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e did not include the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoHP *T if the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T is setP 3T include the value of the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T in the &2 H"T./TH in the response messa e transmitted below. ,T if the variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#O or *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#O or


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*T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is scheduled on the 011F and the 32 has not read nor stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#P 3T include the &2 H:eferred measurement control readin H in any response messa e transmitted. ,T transmit a response messa e as specified in subclause ;.3.,.<O ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was present in the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearer /0* from and includin the transmitted response messa e. ,T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in case of a cell update procedureP *T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. ,T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO ,T when the response messa e transmitted per subclause ;.3.,.< to the 3T/.' has been confirmed by /51P *T if the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M @ 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T resume data transmission on any suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer mapped on /51?.M or /51?3MO 3T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 3T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. *T if the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M @ 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 3T set H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0+ in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to a value such that ne(t //1 messa e to be sent on uplin# /0+ will use the new inte rity protection confi urationO 3T allow the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers with any //1 "'O 3T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2. *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. ,T in case of a cell update procedureP *T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". ,T in case of a 3/. update procedureP *T clear the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". ,T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O ,T if the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/0*38 is set to T/32P *T set the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/0*38 to 7.5"2. ,T if the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/09G.':G3P is set to T/32P *T set the variable .MG/51G2//O/GP2':&'GG/09G.':G3P to 7.5"2. ,T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'. ,T stop timers T3,8 and@or T3,9 if they are runnin .


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

The procedure ends.


Tra$s9issio$ o3 a res!o$se 9essa2e to UTR#'

&f 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? includes the &2 H/.0 information to setupHP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P 1OMP52T2 as response messa e usin .M /51.

&f the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? does not include the &2 H/.0 information for setupHO and includes the &2 H/0 information to release listHP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2 1OMP52T2 as response messa e usin .M /51.

&f the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? ? does not include the &2 H/.0 information for setupH- nor the &2 H/0 information to release listHO and includes the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ure listHO or includes the &2 H/0 information to be affected listHP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 as response messa e usin .M /51.

&f the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? does not include the &2 H/.0 information for setupH- the &2 H/0 information to release listH- the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ure listH- nor the &2 H/0 information to be affected listHO and includes HTransport channel information elementsHP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit a T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 as response messa e usin .M /51.

&f the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? ? does not include the &2 H/.0 information for setupH- the &2 H/0 information to release listH- the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ure listH- nor the &2 H/0 information to be affected listHO and does not include HTransport channel information elementsHO and includes HPhysical channel information elementsHP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit a PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O' 1OMP52T2 as response messa e usin .M /51.


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&f the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? does not include the &2 H/.0 information for setupH- the &2 H/0 information to release listH- the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ure listH- nor the &2 H/0 information to be affected listHO and does not include HTransport channel information elementsHO and does not include HPhysical channel information elementsHO and includes H1' information elementsHO or includes the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHO or includes the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO or includes the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&HO or includes the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&HO or includes the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH and the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&HP

'OT2P &n the case of a cell update procedure durin an on oin reconfi uration procedure movin the 32 into 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e should include the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H. the 32 shallP ,T transmit a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M as response messa e usin .M /51.

&f the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? does not include H/.0 information to setupHP and does not include H/0 information elementsHO and does not include HTransport channel information elementsHO and does not include HPhysical channel information elementsHO and does not include H1' information elementsHO and does not include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHO and does not include the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO and does not include the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&HO and does not include the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&HP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit no response messa e.

&f the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? ? ? ? includes H1' information elementsHO or includes the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHO or includes the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO or includes any one or both of the &2s H'ew 1?/'T&H and H'ew 3?/'T&HO or includes the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH and the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&HP

the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T transmit a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M as response messa e usin .M /51.

&f the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP ? ? ? ? ? does not include H1' information elementsHO and does not include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHO and does not include the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO and does not include the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&HO and does not include the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&HP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit no response messa e.

&f the new state is 1255G:1F state- the 32 shall- after the state transitionP ,T if the &2 H:eferred measurement control readin H was included in the response messa eP *T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the new state is 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F- the response messa e shall be transmitted usin the new confi uration after the state transition.- and the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP *T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 3T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for all .M and 3M radio bearers and .M and 3M si nallin radio bearers e(cept /0* to HcontinueH. 3T elseP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for si nallin radio bearers /0,- /03 and /08 to HcontinueHO 8T confi ure the /51 entity for 3M and .M radio bearers for which the &2 H P:1P "' &nfoH is not included to HcontinueH. 3T re?establish all .M and 3M /51 entities with /0 identities lar er than 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the correspondin 1' domainO 3T re?establish the /51 entities with /0 identities ,- 3 and 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the 1' domain stored in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 3T set the remainin bits of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 values of all 3M /51 entities to !eroO 3T if the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is not presentP T re?initialise the P:1P header compression entities of each radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" as specified in D3=E. 3T if the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is presentP 8T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.8.,3. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 8T continue with the remainder of the procedure. *T if the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e did not contain the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T when /51 has been reAuested to transmit the response messa e8T continue with the remainder of the procedure. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is non?emptyP *T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 3T for each radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OP 8T if the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to HstartedHP 9T confi ure the /51 entity for that radio bearer to HcontinueH. 3T continue with the remainder of the procedure.

&f the new state is 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the response messa e shall be transmitted in 1255G7.1F state- and the 32 shallP ,T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP *T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP 3T re?establish all .M and 3M /51 entities with /0 identities lar er than 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the correspondin 1' domainO 3T re?establish the /51 entities with /0 identities ,- 3 and 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the 1' domain stored in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 3T set the remainin bits of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 values of all 3M /51 entities to !eroO 3T re?initialise the P:1P header compression entities of each radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" as specified in D3=E. *T for each radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OP 3T if the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to HstartedHP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for that radio bearer to HcontinueH. *T enter the new state (1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- respectively). ,T continue with the remainder of the procedure.


P"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure

&f the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e would cause the 32 to transit to 1255G:1F stateP ,T if the 32 failed to establish the physical channel(s) indicated in the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e accordin to the criteria defined in subclause ;.9.8 are not fulfilledO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T for 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e does not contain dedicated physical channelsO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e does not contain dedicated physical channels nor physical shared channels as defined in clause ;.9.8O or ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M does not contain physical channels to which :11F(s) are mappedP the 32 shallP ,T if- caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e *T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32O and@or *T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 3T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO 3T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 8T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 8T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. 3T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 8T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 8T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. ,T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hphysical channel failureHO *T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*P *T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8EO *T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3- e(cept for the &2 H1ell update causeH which shall be set to H/adio lin# failureHO *T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111FO *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle mode.


U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ %7 t"e U)

&f the 32 does not support the confi uration in the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e and@or the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*- the 32 shallP *T if- caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32O and@or 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 8T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 due to the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. *T set the variable 7.&53/2G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O *T set the variable 7.&53/2G1.3"2 to H3nsupported confi urationHO *T set the content of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O *T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111FO *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*- the 32 shallP *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T release all its radio resourcesO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO *T Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*P *T if- caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32O and@or 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 8T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the variable 7.&53/2G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O 3T set the variable 7.&53/2G1.3"2 to H&nvalid confi urationHO 3T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O 3T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O 3T submit the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T increment counter B3+*O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO *T Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T the procedure ends.

? ? ? ? or

:$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous reco$3i2uratio$

&n case of a cell update procedure and if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e includes the &2 H/0 information to release listH- and@or the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ure listH- and@or the &2 H/0 information to be affected listH- and@or includes HTransport channel information elementsHO and@or includes HPhysical channel information elementsHO and the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 because of an on oin /econfi uration procedureO

&f the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 due to the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP the 32 shallP ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*P *T if- caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32O and@or 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 8T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

9T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. 8T if the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 due to the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. *T set the variable 7.&53/2G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O *T set the variable 7.&53/2G1.3"2 to H&ncompatible simultaneous reconfi urationHO *T set the content of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O *T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111FO *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T set the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O *T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO *T Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T the procedure ends.

&fP ? ?

Securit7 reco$3i2uratio$ duri$2 (e u!date !rocedure

the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: is set to T/32O and the 32 receives a "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa eP

the 32 shall


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T i nore the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e has not been received.


(o$3ir9atio$ error o3 UR# :4 ist

&f the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e causes a confirmation error of 3/. identity list as specified in subclause ;.=.*., the 32 shallP ,T chec# the value of B3+*O and ,T if B3+* is smaller or eAual than '3+*P *T if- caused by the received 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32O and@or 3T the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 8T abort the on oin inte rity and@or cipherin reconfi urationO 8T if the received 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. 8T if the received 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH 9T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and 9T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T set the &2s in the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O *T submit the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111FO *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*P *T release all its radio resourcesO *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO *T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected modeO *T the procedure ends.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$5a id ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM0UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives an 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as followsP ,T &f B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*- the 32 shallP *T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O 3T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclause ;.3.,.3O 3T submit the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*- the 32 shallP *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T release all its radio resourcesO *T enter idle modeO *T Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T the procedure ends.

? ?

T302 e.!ir7 or ce rese ectio$

&f any or several of the followin conditions are trueP e(piry of timer T3+*O reselection to another 3T/. cell (includin the previously servin cell) before completion of the cell update or 3/. update procedureO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

the 32 shallP ,T stop T3+* if it is runnin O ,T if the 32 was in 1255G:1F state prior to the initiation of the procedureO and *T if timers T3,8 and T3,9 have elapsed while T3+* was runnin P 3T enter idle mode. 3T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layers. Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*. 3T and the procedure ends. *T if timer T3,8 has elapsed while T3+* was runnin and3T if HT3,8 e(piredH in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ is set to 7.5"2 and 3T if T3,9 is still runnin P 8T release locally all radio bearers which are associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,8HO 8T indicate release of those radio access bearers to upper layersO 8T delete all information about those radio access bearers from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 8T set HT3,8 e(piredH in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O 8T if all radio access bearers associated with a 1' domain are releasedP 9T release the si nallin connection for that 1' domainO 9T remove the si nallin connection for that 1' domain from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 9T indicate release (abort) of the si nallin connection to upper layers. *T if timer T3,9 has elapsed while T3+* was runnin and3T if HT3,9 e(piredH in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ is set to 7.5"2 and3T if T3,8 is still runnin P 8T release locally all radio bearers which are associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,9HO 8T indicate release of those radio access bearers to upper layersO 8T delete all information about those radio access bearers from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 8T set HT3,9 e(piredH in the variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O 8T if all radio access bearers associated with a 1' domain are releasedP 9T release the si nallin connection for that 1' domainO 9T remove the si nallin connection for that 1' domain from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 9T indicate release (abort) of the si nallin connection to upper layers. *T if timers T3,8 and T3,9 are not runnin P 3T enter idle modeO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layers. Other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O 3T and the procedure ends. ,T chec# whether it is still in Hin service areaH (see subclause ;.9.9.*)O ,T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32 caused by the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in case of a cell update procedureP *T set the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2. ,T in case of a cell update procedureP *T clear any entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". ,T in case of a 3/. update procedureP *T clear any entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". &f the 32 detects Hin service areaH if it has not entered idle mode- andP ,T if B3+* is eAual to or smaller than '3+*- the 32 shallP *T if the 32 performed cell re?selectionP 3T delete its 1?/'T&O 3T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the variable FG/'T& is setP 8T clear the variable FG/'T&O 8T stop usin that FG/'T& just cleared from the variable FG/'T& in M.1O 8T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoH. 3T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the variable 2G/'T& is setP 8T clear the variable 2G/'T&. 3T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 does support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state and the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP 8T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO 8T set variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to T/32O 8T and start receivin the F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3<. 3T elseP 8T ta#e the actions related to the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 variable as described in subclause ;.9.3<a. 3T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O 3T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=. 3T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclauses ;.3.,.3 and ;.9.,+O 3T if a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e was received and caused the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to be set to T/32 and@or the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to be set to T/32P 8T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the received 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP 9T apply the new security (inte rity protection) confi uration received in the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M on the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e. 3T submit the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T set the contents of the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e accordin to subclauses ;.3.,.3 and ;.9.,+O 3T if a 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e was received and caused the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to be set to T/32 and@or the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32P 8T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the received 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP 9T apply the new security (inte rity protection) confi uration received in the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M on the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e. 3T submit the 3/. 3P:.T2 messa e for transmission on the uplin# 111F. *T increment counter B3+*O *T restart timer T3+* when the M.1 layer indicates success or failure to transmit the messa e. ,T if B3+* is reater than '3+*- the 32 shallP *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T in case of a cell update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T in case of a 3/. update procedureP 3T clear the entry for the 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends. &f the 32 detects Hout of service areaH- it shallP ,T act accordin to subclause <.*.*.


T31, e.!ir7

3pon e(piry of timer T3,8 the 32 shallP ,T if timer T3+* is runnin P *T continue awaitin response messa e from 3T/.'. ,T if timer T3+* is not runnin and timer T3,9 is runnin P *T set &2 HT3,8 e(piredH in variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O *T release locally all radio bearers which are associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to HuseT3,8HO *T indicate release of those radio access bearers to upper layersO *T delete all information about those radio access bearers from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T if all radio access bearers associated with a 1' domain are releasedP 3T release the si nallin connection for that 1' domainO 3T remove the si nallin connection for that 1' domain from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 3T indicate release (abort) of the si nallin connection to upper layers. ,T if timers T3+* and T3,9 are not runnin P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO *T other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


T315 e.!ir7

3pon e(piry of timer T3,9 the 32 shallP ,T if timer T3+* is runnin P *T continue awaitin response messa e from 3T/.'. ,T if timer T3+* is not runnin and timer T3,8 is runnin P *T set &2 HT3,9 e(piredH in variable /0GT&M2/G&':&1.TO/ to T/32O *T release locally all radio bearers which are associated with any radio access bearers for which in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" the value of the &2 H/e?establishment timerH is set to Huse T3,9HO *T indicate release of those radio access bearers to upper layersO *T delete all information about those radio access bearers from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T if all radio access bearers associated with a 1' domain are releasedP 3T release the si nallin connection for that 1' domainO 3T remove the si nallin connection for that 1' domain from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O 3T indicate release (abort) of the si nallin connection to upper layers. ,T if timers T3+* and T3,8 are not runnin P *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO *T clear the entry for the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T release all its radio resourcesO *T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T set the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: to 7.5"2O *T enter idle modeO *T other actions the 32 shall perform when enterin idle mode from connected mode are specified in subclause ;.9.*O *T and the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

"ee subclause ;.3.3.8.


T320 ).!ir7

3pon e(piry of timer T3*+- the 32 shallP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP *T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause correspondin to Huplin# data transmissionH. ,T elseP *T if the 32 should perform cell update for M0M" ptp radio bearer reAuest as specified in subclause ;.=.>.=P 3T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause correspondin to HM0M" ptp /0 reAuestH.

=.3.2 UR# u!date

"ee subclause ;.3.,.

=.3.3 UTR#' 9o%i it7 i$3or9atio$

U) UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM UTR#'

,i-ure *#3#3& . 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation procedure6 nor2al flow

U) UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' UTR#'

UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' &#:LUR)

,i-ure *#3#3&!. 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation procedure6 failure case

? ? ? ? ?


The purpose of this procedure is to allocate any one or a combination of the followin to a 32 in connected modeP a new 1?/'T&O a new 3?/'T&O a new F?/'T& (7::- 1255G7.1F state and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)O a new 2?/'T& (7::- 1255G7.1F state and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)O other mobility related information.



To initiate the procedure 3T/.' transmits a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e to the 32 on the downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51. &n case of "/'" relocation- the messa e is sent usin 3M /51 only.


Rece!tio$ o3 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

Chen the 32 receives a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- it shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T act on received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=O ,T if the &2 H:edicated Priority &nformationH is presentP *T act upon the received &2 as described in subclause ;.=.<.*3. ,T if the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH is presentP *T store the values of the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"- replacin any previously stored value for each timer and constantO and *T if the &2 HT3*3H is not presentP 3T clear any value of the timer T3*3 stored in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH in the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T"O and *T for each updated timer valueP 3T start usin the new value ne(t time the timer is startedO 'OT2P &f a new value of timer T3+9 is included in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH- and the old value of timer T3+9 is HinfinityH- the new value may not be used immediately.

*T for each updated constant valueP 3T start usin the new value directlyO ,T if the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH is presentP *T store the value of the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH for that 1' domain- replacin any previously stored valueO and *T use the value to determine the connected mode pa in occasions accordin to D8E. ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH or contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' for all the 1' domains in the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' to H.ffectedH. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is non?emptyP *T include the &2 H/0 with P:1P information listH in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e and set it to the value of the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O. ,T if the received 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e included the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoHP *T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity for all .M and 3M radio bearers and .M and 3M si nallin radio bearers e(cept /0* to HstopH. *T elseP 3T confi ure the /51 entity for si nallin radio bearers /0,- /03 and /08 to HstopHO 3T confi ure the /51 entity for 3M and .M radio bearers for which the &2 HP:1P "' &nfoH is not included to HstopH. *T re?establish the /51 entity for /0*O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O *T for the downlin# and the uplin#- apply the cipherin confi uration as followsP 3T if the received re?confi uration messa e included the &2 H1ipherin Mode &nfoHP 8T use the cipherin confi uration in the received messa e when transmittin the response messa e. 3T if the cipherin confi uration for /0* from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because the activation times not havin been reachedP 8T if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': was received due to new #eys bein receivedP 9T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the received new #eysO 9T initialise the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 and downlin# 1O3'T?1 of "/0* as indicated in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,. 8T else if the cipherin confi uration for /0* from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because of the correspondin activation times not havin been reached and the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': caused a chan e in 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 9T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the #eys associated with the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 9T initialise the F7' component of the uplin# 1O3'T?1 and downlin# 1O3'T?1 of "/0* to the most recently transmitted &2 H"T./T listH or &2 H"T./TH for the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' at the reception of the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. 8T apply the new cipherin confi uration immediately followin /51 re?establishment. 3T elseP 8T continue usin the current cipherin confi uration. *T set the new uplin# and downlin# F7' component of 1O3'T?1 of /0* to M.I(uplin# F7' component of 1O3'T?1 of /0*- downlin# F7' component of 1O3'T?1 of /0*)O *T increment by one the downlin# and uplin# values of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 for /0*O *T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O *T include the calculated "T./T values for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoH in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e. *T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 3T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableH. *T for any measurement of type 1"G Pro(imity detection or any measurement associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e. 1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra?freAuency measurement- 1"G inter? freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)P 3T stop all measurements of type 1"G Pro(imity detection and all measurements associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e. 1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra?freAuency measurement- 1"G inter? freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)O 3T delete measurement control information for all measurements of type 1"G Pro(imity detection and all measurements associated with 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T (i.e. 1"G Pro(imity detection- 1"G intra? freAuency measurement- 1"G inter?freAuency measurement and@or "& acAuisition)O 3T clear the variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 3T clear the variable :".1GP./.M- the variable PP.1GP./.M- the variable 2.0GP./.M and the stored &2 H.ccess 1lass 0arred 5istH if stored. ,T transmit a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was present in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearer /0* from and includin the transmitted 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the received 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP *T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the response messa eP 3T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for all .M and 3M radio bearers and .M and 3M si nallin radio bearers e(cept /0* to HcontinueH. 3T elseP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for si nallin radio bearers /0,- /03 and /08 to HcontinueHO 8T confi ure the /51 entity for 3M and .M radio bearers for which the &2 HP:1P "' &nfoH is not included to HcontinueH. 3T re?establish all .M and 3M /51 entities with /0 identities lar er than 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the correspondin 1' domainO 3T re?establish the /51 entities with /0 identities ,- 3 and 8 and set the first *+ bits of all the F7' component of the respective 1O3'T?1 values to the "T./T value included in the response messa e for the 1' domain stored in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 3T set the remainin bits of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 values of all 3M /51 entities to !eroO 3T if the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is not presentP 8T re?initialise the P:1P header compression entities of each radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" as specified in D3=E. 3T if the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is presentP 8T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.8.,3. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is emptyO and *T if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa eP 8T perform the actions belowP *T if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e did not contain the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP 3T when /51 has been reAuested to transmit the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa eP 8T perform the actions below. ,T if the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O is non?emptyP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T when /51 has confirmed the successful transmission of the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa eP 3T for each radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OP 8T if the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to HstartedHP 9T confi ure the /51 entity for that radio bearer to HcontinueH. 3T clear the variable P:1PG"'G&'7OO and 3T perform the actions below. The 32 shallP ,T if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e contained the &2 H1ipherin mode infoHP *T resume data transmission on any suspended radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer mapped on /51?.M or /51?3MO *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O and *T clear the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7O. ,T if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e contained the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHP *T allow the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers with any //1 "'O *T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to 7.5"2O and *T clear the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. ,T clear the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O'. The procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

Chen the networ# receives 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e- 3T/.' may delete any old 3?/'T&. The procedure ends.


(e re-se ectio$

&f the 32 performs cell re?selection- the 32 shallP ,T initiate a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,O ,T if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e contains the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&HO and ,T if the 32 has not yet submitted the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e to lower layers for transmissionO and ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was not included in the received 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP *T transmit a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entry. *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hcell update occurredHO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T when the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP 3T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e has not been received and the procedure ends. ,T otherwiseP *T if a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e was received and caused the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to be set to T/32 and@or the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to be set to T/32O and *T if the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH was included in the received 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP 3T apply the new security (inte rity protection) confi uration received in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e on the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e to be transmitted. *T continue the procedure normally.


:$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous securit7 reco$3i2uratio$

&f the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' becomes set to T/32 of the received 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hincompatible simultaneous reconfi urationHO ,T when the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e has been delivered to lower layers for transmissionP *T set the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to 7.5"2O *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e

&f the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"- andO ,T clear that entry. ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T when the 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends.


T322 e.!ir7

3pon e(piry of timer T3** the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 H:edicated Priority &nformationHO ,T clear the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"TO ,T set the value of &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T to HsysGinfoGpriorityHO ,T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP *T ta#e the actions as described in subclause ;.,.,.=.,> usin stored "ystem information 0loc# type ,>.

=.3., #cti5e set u!date

32 .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 1OMP52T2 3T/.'

,i-ure *#3#'& . Acti=e Set 0pdate procedure6 successful case

32 .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 3T/.'

,i-ure *#3#'&!. Acti=e Set 0pdate procedure6 failure case



The purpose of the active set update procedure is to update the active set of the connection between the 32 and 3T/.'. This procedure shall be used in 1255G:1F state. The 32 should #eep on usin the old /5s while confi urin the new /5s. .lso the 32 should #eep the transmitter turned on durin the procedure. This procedure is only used in 7:: mode.



The procedure is initiated when 3T/.' orders a 32 in 1255G:1F state- to ma#e the followin modifications of the active set of the connectionP a) /adio lin# addition to the active setO b) /adio lin# removal from the active setO c) 1ombined radio lin# addition and removal on the active setO d) .ddition of a radio lin# to the 2?:1F active setO e) /emoval of a radio lin# from the 2?:1F active set.


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f) /adio lin# addition to the secondary 2?:1F active setO ) /adio lin# removal from the secondary 2?:1F active setO h) 1ombined radio lin# addition and removal on the secondary 2?:1F active setO The procedure also allows the addition or removal of a radio lin# on the downlin# freAuencies associated with the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells. &f the 32 is not operatin in :ual 1ell 2?:1F operation- radio lin#s on the downlin# freAuencies associated with the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells are not part of the active set. Otherwiseradio lin#s on the freAuency associated with the first secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- are part of the secondary 2? :1F active set. .dditionally- the procedure also allows the update of Tar et cell preconfi uration information for e(istin radio lin#(s). &n case a)- c)- f) and h)- 3T/.' shouldP ,T prepare new additional radio lin#(s) in the 3T/.' prior to the command to the 32. &n case a)- b)- c)- d) and e)- 3T/.' shouldP ,T send an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e on downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51O ,T create active sets that contain at least one common radio lin# across a :P1F or 7?:P1F frame boundary as the result of one or multiple (parallel) active set update procedures. &n case f)- ) and h)- 3T/.' shouldP ,T send an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e on downlin# :11F usin .M or 3M /51O ,T create secondary 2?:1F active sets that contain at least one common radio lin# across a 7?:P1F frame boundary as the result of one or multiple (parallel) active set update procedures. 3T/.' should include the followin informationP ,T &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationHP :ownlin# :P1F information and other optional parameters relevant for the radio lin#s to be added alon with the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH used for the reference &: to indicate which radio lin# to add. This &2 is needed in cases a) and c) listed aboveO ,T &2s H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HP :ownlin# optional parameters relevant to the reception of secondary servin F"?:"1F cellsO ,T &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HP 3plin# optional parameters relevant to transmission on secondary uplin# freAuencyO ,T &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationHP &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH used for the reference &: to indicate which radio lin# to remove. This &2 is needed in cases b) and c) listed aboveO ,T &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyHP :ownlin# 7?:P1F information and other optional parameters relevant for the radio lin#s to be added alon with the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH used for the reference &: to indicate which radio lin# to add on the secondary uplin# freAuency. This &2 is needed in cases f) and h) listed aboveO ,T &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyHP &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH used for the reference &: to indicate which radio lin# to remove on the secondary uplin# freAuency. This &2 is needed in cases ) and h) listed aboveO ,T &2 H2?:1F reconfi uration informationHP &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH used for the reference &: alon with the &2 H2?F&1F informationH to indicate which radio lin# to add to the 2?:1F active set. This &2 is needed in case d) above- when the /5 added to the 2?:1F active set is already in the :1F active setO ,T &2 H2?:1F reconfi uration informationHP &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH used for the reference &: alon with the &2 H2?F&1F release indicatorH to indicate which radio lin# to remove from the 2?:1F active set. This &2 is needed in case e) above- when the /5 removed from the 2?:1F active set remains in the :1F active set.


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The 32 behaviour is unspecified if "/0s are mapped on 2?:1F and the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable is chan ed to 7.5"2 via the .ctive "et 3pdate procedureO or if "/0s are mapped on F"?:"1F and the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable is chan ed to 7.5"2 via the .ctive "et 3pdate procedure.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e the 32 shall act upon all received information elements as specified in ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin . The 32 mayP ,T maintain a list of the set of cells to which the 32 has /adio 5in#s if the &2 H1ell &:H is present. The 32 shallP ,T first add the /5s indicated in the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH which are not yet contained in the 32s active setO ,T remove the /5s indicated in the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationH. &f the 32 active set is full or becomes full- an /5- which is included in the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationH for removal- shall be removed before addin /5- which is included in the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH for additionO ,T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure 0 as specified in D*>E for the radio lin#s which are not yet contained in the 32s active setO ,T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is includedP *T store this 2?F&1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#. ,T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is includedP *T store this 2?/G1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#- if included. ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;O ,T stop and reset timer T3*8 if runnin O ,T stop monitorin tar et cell F"?"11FO ,T if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is included in the &2 H35 ,=J.M confi urationHP *T reset the M.1?es@e @ M.1?is@i entity D,9E. ,T if the &2 HM.1?is@i reset indicatorH is included in the &2 H35 =8J.M confi urationHP *T reset the M.1?is@i entity D,9E. ,T if both H35 ,=J.M confi urationH and H35 =8J.M confi urationH &2s are includedP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 ,P &f the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is not included in the &2 H35 ,=J.M confi urationH and ,=J.M operations starts or stops- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 ,aP &f the &2 HM.1?is@i reset indicatorH is not included in the &2 H35 =8J.M confi urationH and =8J.M operations starts or stops- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T if the &2 H35 ,=J.M settin sH is not included in the &2 H,=J.M confi urationHP *T indicate to lower layers to stop any operation in ,=J.M mode. ,T if the &2 H35 =8J.M settin sH is not included in the &2 H35 =8J.M confi urationHP *T indicate to lower layers to stop any operation in =8J.M mode.


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'OT2 *P &f the &2 H35 ,=J.M confi urationH is not included and ,=J.M mode operation is currently on oin the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *aP &f the &2 H35 =8J.M confi urationH is not included and =8J.M mode operation is currently on oin the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T if the &2s H2?T71& 0oost &nfoH and@or H2?:P:1F power interpolationH are present- act on the received information elementsO ,T if the &2s H2?:P11F@:P11F power offsetH and@or H/eference 2?T71& POH are included in the &2 H2?:1F reconfi uration information same servin cellH- act on the received information elementsO 'OT2 3P &f 2?T71& boost is si nalled to the 32 and a reference 2?T71& [W 2?T71& 0oost is si nalled to the 32 with a /eference 2?T71& PO of value 3+ or 3,- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T if the &2 H3plin# M&MO &nfo 7::H is present- then act on the received information element as specified in ;.=.=.=*. ,T if the radio lin# currently considered to be the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# is indicated in the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationHP *T no lon er consider any radio lin# as the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#O *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. ,T for each radio lin# in the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationHP *T ta#e the actions related to T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' variable as described in subclause ;.9.9*. ,T if the radio lin# in the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH is already contained in the 32 active set and the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH attempts to reconfi ure parameters other than HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH &2 for the radio lin#P *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2P To confi ure or reconfi ure the HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH &2 for the radio lin# already contained in the 32 active set- 3T/.' should provide the same value of the mandatory &2s in the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH as the one previously confi ured. Otherwise the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

,T if the table HTar et cell preconfi urationsH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' included the /5 indicated in &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationHP *T clear the entry from the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'. ,T if the H2?:1F /5 &nfo other cellsH in the table HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' included the /5 indicated in the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationHP *T clear all H2?:1F /5 &nfo other cellsH entries in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' for the removed /5(s). ,T if the radio lin# currently considered to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin# is indicated in the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationHP *T no lon er consider any radio lin# as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. ,T if the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is includedO or ,T if the &2 H2?:1F reconfi uration information on secondary uplin# freAuencyH is includedO or ,T if the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH is includedO or


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,T if the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH is includedP *T act as specified in ;.3.8.3a. ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 1OMP52T2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T transmit an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 1OMP52T2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51 without waitin for the completion of the Physical 5ayer synchronisation 0- as specified in D*>EO ,T the procedure ends on the 32 side.

The 32 shallP

<a$d i$2 o3 #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e o$ seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 (&44 o$ 7)

,T if the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8>. *T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. ,T if the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH or the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH is includedP *T first add the /5s indicated in the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyHO *T remove the /5s indicated in the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH. &f the 32 secondary 2?:1F active set is full or becomes full- an /5- which is included in the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH for removal- shall be removed before addin /5- which is included in the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH for additionO *T store this 2?F&1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin# to be added- if includedO *T store this 2?/G1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin# to be added- if includedO *T if the secondary uplin# freAuency is an activated uplin# freAuency after the active set update procedureP 3T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure 0 as specified in D*>E for the concernin radio lin# to be added if included. ,T if the &2 H2?:1F reconfi uration information on secondary 35 freAuencyH is includedP *T if the &2 H2?:1F /5 &nfo for other cellsH is presentP 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F &nformationH is presentP 8T store the 2?F&1F and 2?/G1F information (if present)- contained therein- for the indicated radio lin#. 3T if the &2 H2?/G1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 2?/G1F confi uration for the indicated radio lin#. *T if the &2 H2?:1F /5 &nfo for new secondary servin 2?:1F cellH is presentP 3T consider the radio lin# identified by the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH in the first &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H as the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#- and no lon er consider any other radio lin# as secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#.


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3T store the 2?F&1F and 2?/G1F information (if present)- contained therein- for the new secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#O 3T if the &2 H2?/G1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 2?/G1F confi uration for the new secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#. 3T store the newly received 2?.G1F confi uration for the new secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#O 3T if the old secondary servin 2?:1F cell remains in the secondary 2?:1F active set after the active set update- or if the new secondary servin 2?:1F cell was already in the secondary 2?:1F active set prior to the active set updateP 8T #eep the current activation status of the secondary uplin# freAuency and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. 3T otherwiseP 8T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. 'OT2P 3T/.' should confi ure the same value of &2 H7?:P1F frame offsetH for the servin 2?:1F radio lin# and the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#- otherwise the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e U)

&f 3T/.' instructs the 32 to use a confi uration that it does not support- the 32 shallP ,T #eep the active set as it was before the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e was receivedO ,T transmit an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e on the :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to Hconfi uration unsupportedHO ,T when the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T the procedure ends on the 32 side.


:$5a id co$3i2uratio$

&f any of the followin conditions are validP a radio lin# indicated by the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info for each /5H in the &2 H/adio lin# addition informationH has a different spreadin factor than the spreadin factor for the radio lin#s in the active set that will be established at the time indicated by the &2 H.ctivation timeHO and@or a radio lin# in the &2 H/adio lin# addition informationH is also present in the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationHO and@or a radio lin# in the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH is also present in the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyHO and@or the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationH contains all the radio lin#s which are part of or will be part of the active set at the time indicated by the &2 H.ctivation timeHO and@or the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH contains all the radio lin#s which are part of or will be part of the secondary 2?:1F active set at the time indicated by the &2 H.ctivation timeHO and@or

? ? ? ?


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? ? ? ? ?

the &2 HTI :iversity ModeH is not set to HnoneH and it indicates a diversity mode that is different from the one currently used (["TT:T or [closed loop mode,T) in all or part of the active setO and@or the &2 HTI :iversity ModeH is set to Hclosed loop mode,H and there are two confi ured uplin# freAuenciesO and@or a radio lin# indicated by the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationH does not e(ist in the active setO and@or a radio lin# indicated by the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH does not e(ist in the secondary 2?:1F active setO and@or after the removal of all radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H/adio 5in# /emoval &nformationH and the addition of all radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH the active set would contain more than the ma(imum allowed number of radio lin#sO and@or after the removal of all radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the addition of all radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH the secondary 2?:1F active set would contain more than the ma(imum allowed number of radio lin#sO and@or after the addition of all radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH the active set would contain radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info for each /5H and radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H:ownlin# 7?:P1F info for each /5HO and@or after the addition of all radio lin#s- the active set would contain a radio lin# confi ured with the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info for each /5H and the /5 would be included in the table HTar et cell preconfi urationsH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'O and@or the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH is present in the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H in the received messa eO and@or the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH or the &2 H/adio lin# removal information on secondary 35 freAuencyH is included while the secondary 2?:1F active set prior to the reception of the messa e do not contain any radio lin#O and@or the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32P

? ?

the 32 shallP ,T #eep the active set as it was before the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e was receivedO ,T transmit an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e on the :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to H&nvalid confi urationHO ,T Chen the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T the procedure ends on the 32 side. &f the followin condition is validP ? the active set update procedure results in active sets that do not contain at least one common radio lin# before and after a :P1F or 7?:P1F frame boundaryP

the 32 behaviour is not specified.




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:$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous reco$3i2uratio$

&f the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32- the 32 mayP ,T if the activation time for the procedure that has set variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' and the activation time for the .ctive "et 3pdate procedure are within a time window of 9 framesP *T transmit an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hincompatible simultaneous reconfi urationHO *T when the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e has been delivered to lower layers for transmissionP 3T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e has not been received. 3T and the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

Chen the 3T/.' has received the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 1OMP52T2 messa e,T the 3T/.' may remove radio lin#(s) that are indicated to remove to the 32 in case b)- c)- ) and h)O and ,T the procedure ends on the 3T/.' side.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) &#:LUR) 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

Chen the 3T/.' has received the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e- the 3T/.' may delete radio lin#s that were included in the &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH and the &2 H/adio lin# addition information on secondary 35 freAuencyH for addition. The procedure ends on the 3T/.' side.


:$5a id #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e

&f the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit a .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T when the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e has been delivered to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends.


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Rece!tio$ o3 a$ #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e i$ 1ro$2 state

&f the 32 is in another state than 1255G:1F state upon reception of the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit a .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with the &2 HProtocol error causeH set to HMessa e not compatible with receiver stateHO ,T when the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 7.&53/2 messa e has been delivered to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends.

=.3.5 <ard "a$do5er

Chen performin hard handover with chan e of freAuency- the 32 shallP ,T clear the variable H.djacent freAuency infoH- H&nter?band freAuency infoH and H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH if any of them is stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"TO ,T stop all intra?freAuency and inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the cells listed in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity.


Ti9i$2 re-i$itia ised "ard "a$do5er


The purpose of the timin re?initialised hard handover procedure is to remove all the /5(s) in the active set and establish new /5(s) alon with a chan e in the 17' in the 32 accordin to the "7' of the tar et cell.(see subclause ;.9.,9). 7or T:: timin re?initialised hard handover is realised via 17' calculation (see subclause ;.9.,9.*). 'OT2P 7or 7::- durin the hard?handover procedure- the 32 will ali n the timin of the uplin# transmission as specified in D*=E.

This procedure is initiated when 3T/.' does not #now the tar et "7' timin before hard handover.


:$itiatio$ (&44 o$ 7)

Timin re?initialised hard handover initiated by the 3T/.' is normally performed by usin the procedure HPhysical channel reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.=)- but may also be performed by usin either one of the followin proceduresP ? ? ? ? Hradio bearer establishmentH (subclause ;.*.,)O H/adio bearer reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.*)O H/adio bearer releaseH (subclause ;.*.3)O or HTransport channel reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.8).


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&n this case of a timin re?initialised hard handover- 3T/.' should include the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH andP ,T in 7:: modeP *T if the 32 is confi ured for :P1FP 3T set H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH and H:P1F frame offsetH respectin the followin relation (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj ? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa e and the &2 values used are the .ctual Balues of the &2s as defined in clause ,,.

*T if the 32 is confi ured for 7?:P1FP 3T set H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH and H:P1F frame offsetjH respectin one of the followin relationsP 8T (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetjO or 8T (:efault :P1F Offset BalueV*9=) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa e and the &2 values used are the .ctual Balues of the &2s as defined in clause ,,.

&f the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH is included- the 32 shallP ,T in 7:: modeP *T if the 32 is confi ured for :P1FP 3T if (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa eP

8T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue. 3T elseP 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the 32 is confi ured for 7?:P1FP 3T if (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa eP

8T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue. 3T else if (:efault :P1F Offset BalueV*9=) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa eP

8T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue V *9=. 3T elseP 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH is not included- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


Ti9i$2-9ai$tai$ed "ard "a$do5er


The purpose of the Timin ?maintained hard handover procedure is to remove all the /5(s) in the active set and establish new /5(s) while maintainin the 17' in the 32.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

7or T:: timin re?initialised hard handover is realised via 17' calculation (see subclause ;.9.,9.*). 'OT2P 7or 7::- durin the hard?handover procedure- the 32 will ali n the timin of the uplin# transmission as specified in D*=E.

This procedure can be initiated only if 3T/.' #nows the tar et "7' timin before hard handover. The tar et "7' timin can be #nown by 3T/.' in the followin * casesP ? ? 32 reads "7' when measurin H1ell synchronisation informationH and sends it to the 3T/.' in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. 3T/.' internally #nows the time difference between the cells.


:$itiatio$ (&44 o$ 7)

Timin ?maintained hard handover initiated by the networ# is normally performed by usin the procedure HPhysical channel reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.=)- but may also be performed by usin either one of the followin proceduresP ? ? ? ? Hradio bearer establishmentH (subclause ;.*.,)O H/adio bearer reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.*)O H/adio bearer releaseH (subclause ;.*.3)O or HTransport channel reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.8).

&n this case of a timin maintained hard handover procedure the 3T/.' should not include the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH. &f the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH is included- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH.

=.3.6 :$ter-R#T "a$do5er to UTR#'

32 3T/.'

F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': (sent via other system)

F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2

,i-ure *#3#(& . :nter&RAT hando=er to 0TRAN6 successful case



The purpose of the inter?/.T handover procedure is to- under the control of the networ#- transfer a connection between the 32 and another radio access technolo y (e. . G"M or 2?3T/.) to 3T/.'. This procedure may be used to perform 1" handover which applies when there is a si nallin connection to the 1" domain. Chen the 32 supports &nter?/.T P" handover- this procedure may be used to perform P" handover which applies when there is only a si nallin connection to the P" domain. This procedure may be used to perform simultaneous 1" and P" handover (i.e. :TM Fandover) which applies when there are si nallin connections to both 1" and P" domains.


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This procedure may be used to perform P" to 1" handover (i.e. "/?B11 Fandover) which applies when there is a si nallin connection in 2?3T/. P" domain to be transferred to 3T/. 1" domain. "/?B11 handover may be performed with a simultaneous P" handover. This procedure may be used to perform 1" to P" handover (i.e. r"/?B11 Fandover) which applies when there is a si nallin connection in G"M 1" domain to be transferred to 3T/. P" domain. The r"/?B11 Fandover may be performed with a simultaneous P" handover.



The procedure is initiated when a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- e. . G"M or 2?3T/.- usin radio access technolo y?specific procedures- orders the 32 to ma#e a handover to 3T/.'. . F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e is sent to the 32 via the radio access technolo y from which inter? /.T handover is performed. &n case 3T/.' decides to use a predefined or default radio confi uration that is stored in the 32- it should include the followin information in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e. ? ? ? ? the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&H to be assi nedO the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityH- to indicate which pre?defined confi uration of /0- transport channel and physical channel parameters shall be usedO or the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityH- to indicate which default confi uration of /0- transport channel and physical channel parameters shall be usedO Phy1F information elements.

'OT2 ,P Chen usin a predefined or default confi uration durin handover to 3T/.'- 3T/.' can only assi n values of &2s H'ew 3?/'T&H and Hscramblin codeH that are within the special subran es defined e(clusively for this procedure. 3T/.' may re? assi n other values after completion of the handover procedure. 'OT2 *P Chen usin a predefined or default confi uration durin handover to 3T/.'- fewer &2s are si nalledO when usin this si nallin option some parameters e. . concernin compressed mode- :"1F can not be confi ured. &n this case- the correspondin functionality can not be activated immediately. 'OT2 3P Chen usin a predefined or default confi uration- the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': should not include more than one radio lin#. &f 3T/.' includes more than one radio lin# in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': usin a predefined or default confi uration- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &n case 3T/.' does not use a predefined radio confi uration that is stored in the 32- it should include the followin information in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e. ? ? the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&H to be assi nedO the complete set of /0- Tr1F and Phy1F information elements to be used.


Rece!tio$ o3 <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall be able to receive a F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e and perform an inter?/.T handover- even if no prior 32 measurements have been performed on the tar et 3T/.' cell and@or freAuency. The 32 shall act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin . The 32 mayP ,T maintain a list of the set of cells to which the 32 has /adio 5in#s if the &2 H1ell &:H is present. The 32 shallP ,T store a 3?/'T& value (3* bits)- which is derived by the &2s H"/'1 identityH and H"?/'T& *H included in &2 H3? /'T&?shortH. &n order to produce a full si!e 3?/'T& value- a full si!e H"?/'T&H (*+ bits) shall be derived by paddin the &2 H"?/'T& *H with ,+ !ero bits in the most si nificant positionsO and


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e is used to perform anythin other than 1" handover from G2/.' and the messa e does not contain at least one instance of the &2 H/.0 &nfoHO *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T initialise the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" with the si nallin connections that remains after the handover accordin to the specifications of the source /.TO 'OT2 +P The &2 H1' domain identityH in &2 H/.0 &nfoH in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e determines towards which 1' domain si nallin connections are established. The F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e contains at least one &2 H/.0 &nfoH e(cept in the 1" domain handover from G2/.' case where it may not be present- in which case the 32 behaviour is the same as if H1' domain identityH had been received and set to H1" :omainH. ,T initialise the variable 32G1.P.0&5&T&2"GT/.'"72//2: with the 32 capabilities that have been transferred to the networ# up to the point prior to the handover- if anyO ,T initialise the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T" to the default values and start to use those timer and constants valuesO ,T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH and &2 HPreconfi uration modeH is set to HPredefined confi urationHP *T initiate the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration in accordance with the predefined parameters identified by the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityHO *T initiate the physical channels in accordance with the predefined parameters identified by the &2 HPredefined radio confi uration identityH and the received physical channel information elementsO *T store information about the established radio access bearers and radio bearers accordin to the &2 HPredefined confi uration identityHO and *T set the &2 H/.0 &nfo PostH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" and the &2 H/e?establishment timerH in the &2 H/.0 &nfoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" to HuseT3,8H. ,T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH and &2 HPreconfi uration modeH is set to H:efault confi urationHP *T initiate the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration in accordance with the default parameters identified by the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityHO *T initiate the physical channels in accordance with the default parameters identified by the &2 H:efault confi uration modeH and &2 H:efault confi uration identityH and the received physical channel information elementsO 'OT2 ,P &2 H:efault confi uration modeH specifies whether the 7:: or T:: version of the default confi uration shall be used. *T set the &2 H/.0 &nfo PostH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" and the &2 H/e?establishment timerH in the &2 H/.0 &nfoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" to HuseT3,8H. ,T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationHP *T use the followin values for parameters that are neither si nalled within the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e nor included within pre?defined or default confi urationP 3T + d0 for the power offset P Pilot?:P:1F bearer in 7::O 3T calculate the :efault :P1F Offset Balue usin the followin formulaP 3T in 7::P :efault :P1F Offset Balue W ("/'T& * mod =++) \ 9,* 3T in T::P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:efault :P1F Offset Balue W ("/'T& * mod <) 3T handle the above :efault :P1F Offset Balue as if an &2 with that value was included in the messa e- as specified in subclause ;.=.=.,8. ,T if &2 H"pecification modeH is set to H1omplete specificationHP *T initiate the radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel confi uration in accordance with the received radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel information elements. ,T if &2 H:efault confi uration for 1255G7.1FH is setP *T act in accordance with the default parameters accordin to section ,3.;. ,T perform an open loop estimation to determine the 35 transmission power accordin to subclause ;.9.3O ,T set the &2 H"T./TH for each 1' domain- in the &2 H"T./T listH in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 messa e eAual to the "T./T value for each 1' domain as stored in the volatile memory of the M2 for each 1' domain if the 3"&M or the "&M is presentO 'OT2 *P %eys received while in another /.T (G2/.') or enerated when comin from another /.T (23T/.') are not re arded as HnewH ( not tri er the actions in subclause ;.,.,*.3.,) in a subseAuent security mode control procedure in 3T/.'- irrespective of whether the #eys are already bein used in the other /.T or not. &f the 32 has received new #eys in the other /.T before handoverthen the "T./T values in the 3"&M (sent in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 messa e and in the &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7O sent while in the other /.T) will not reflect the receipt of these new #eys &f the source /.T is not 2?3T/.' and the procedure is not an r"/?B11 handoverP &f cipherin has been active for the 1" domain in the source /.T- then durin the first security mode control procedure followin the &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.' procedure- 32 activates inte rity protection usin the inte rity #ey of the #ey set used. The term H#ey set usedH denotes the #ey set that was used in the last successfully completed //1 "ecurity Mode 1ontrol (3T/.')- // 1ipher Mode 1ontrol procedure or GMM .uthentication and 1ipherin procedure (G2/.') after enterin connected mode in 3T/.' or G2/.'. The term Hif cipherin has been active for the 1" domainH is defined by a successfully completed //1 "ecurity Mode 1ontrol procedure with H1ipherin Mode &nfoH (3T/.') or // 1ipher Mode 1ontrol procedure (G2/.') for the 1" domain. More specifically the state of cipherin refers to the establishment of a security conte(t where the #ey is loaded from the (3)"&M to the M2 even if the security command indicates '355 cipherin (Hno cipherin H in G2/.' or 32.+ in 3T/.'). &f the source /.T is G2/.'P 3pon performin r"/?B11(1" to P")- then durin the first security mode control procedure followin the &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.' procedure- 32 activates inte rity protection usin the inte rity #ey of the #ey set as defined in D8+E. &f the source /.T is 2?3T/.'P 3pon performin "/?B11 (P" to 1") or P" handover- then durin the first security mode control procedure followin the &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.' procedure- 32 activates inte rity protection usin the inte rity #ey of the #ey set used (see ;.,.,*.*.*.). The term H#ey set usedH denotes the 1" ("/?B11) or P" (P" handover) #ey set (%"&- 1%- &%) which was mapped usin the current "213/&TK 1O'T2IT in 23T/.' as defined in D<;E and D<>E. ,T set the value of HTF/2"FO5:H in the variable H"T./TGTF/2"FO5:H to the *+ M"0s of the value stored in the 3"&M D9+E for the ma(imum value of "T./T for each 1' :omain- or to the default value in D8+E if the "&M is presentO ,T if cipherin is indicated in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': by the presence of the &2 H1ipherin .l orithmHP *T for the handover of 1" domain- indicated by the &2 H1' domain identityH of the &2 H/.0 infoH of the &2 H/.0 information to setupH set to H1" domainH or absence of this &2- if cipherin was not active in the radio access technolo y from which inter?/.T handover is performedP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *aP The handover of the 1" domain from G2/.' to 3T/.' is particular because 1" cipherin must be maintained across the inter?/.T handover procedure. 7or other inter?/.T handover procedures ("/? B11- r"/?B11 and P" handover) cipherin in 3T/.' is not dependent on previous cipherin status in the source radio access technolo y.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the handover is from 23T/.' and there is no current "213/&TK 1O'T2IT in 23T/.'P 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *bPThe current 23T/.' security conte(t is defined in D<;E and D<>E. 7or 23T/. to 3T/. #ey mappin this conte(t consists of a minimum of the current %."M2- the associated #ey set identifier (%"&) and the associated downlin# '." 1O3'T values. *T set the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' to the value indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH of the &2 H/.0 infoH of the &2 H/.0 information to setupH if all instances of the &2 indicate the same 1' domain- or to the 1" domain when this &2 is either not present or different instances indicate different 1' domainsO *T for the 1' domain in variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to H"tartedHO *T if the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' is set to H1" domainHP 3T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable for all si nallin radio bearers to the H"T./TH value from the &2 H32 security informationH in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:. *T else if the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' is set to HP" domainHP 3T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable for all si nallin radio bearers to the H"T./TH value from the &2 H32 security information*H in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:. *T if the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH of any instance of the &2 H/.0 infoH in the &2 H/.0 information to setupH is H1" domainHP 3T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable for all 1" domain radio bearers to the H"T./TH value included in the &2 H32 security informationH in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:O. 3T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to H"tartedH. *T if the 1' domain indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH of any instance of the &2 H/.0 infoH in the &2 H/.0 information to setupH is HP" domainHP 3T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable for all P" domain radio bearers to the H"T./TH value included in the &2 H32 security information*H in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:O 3T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to H"tartedH. *T set the remainin 5"0s of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 for all radio bearers to !eroO *T not increment the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 for radio bearers usin /51?TM- i.e. #eep the F7' value fi(ed without incrementin every 17' cycleO *T set the 17' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable for radio bearers usin /51?TM to the value of the 17' as calculated in subclause ;.9.,9O *T for all user radio bearers belon in to the H1" domainH and for si nallin radio bearers when the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' is set to H1" domainHP 3T apply the al orithm accordin to &2 H1ipherin .l orithmH with the cipherin #ey of the #ey set used and apply cipherin immediately upon reception of the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':. *T for all user radio bearers belon in to the HP" domainH and for si nallin radio bearers when the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' is set to HP" domainHP 3T &f the source /.T is 2?3T/.O or 3T if the source /.T is G2/.' and the procedure is an r"/?B11 handoverP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T apply the al orithm accordin to &2 H1ipherin .l orithmH with the cipherin #ey of the P" #ey set used and apply cipherin immediately upon reception of the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':. 3T OtherwiseP 8T apply the al orithm accordin to &2 H1ipherin .l orithmH with the cipherin #ey stored in the 3"&M@"&M and apply cipherin immediately upon reception of the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':. 'OT2 3P &f cipherin is indicated in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':- 3T/.' should not include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e that starts &nte rity protection. 3pon performin simultaneous 1" and P" handover (i.e. :TM Fandover or "/?B11 with a simultaneous P" handover)- 3T/.' should start &nte rity protection for the 1" domain first then the P" domain. 3T/.' should not include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e that starts &nte rity protection for the 1" domain and 3T/.' should include the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e that starts &nte rity protection for the P" domain. 'OT2 8P :TM Fandover is not possible if the &2 Hspecification modeH is set to HPreconfi urationH due to the e(istence of a sin le &2 H/.0 &nfoH. ,T if cipherin is not indicated in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':P *T for the 1' domain(s) included in the &2 H1' domain identityH which is included in the &2 H/.0 infoH of the &2 H/.0 information to setupH- or the 1" domain when these &2s are not presentP 3T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to H'ot "tartedH. &f the 32 succeeds in establishin the connection to 3T/.'- it shallP ,T if H/.0 &nfoH list contained only one 1' domain identity in &2 H1' domain identityHP *T if 1' domain is set to 1" domain only indicate to upper layers that no 1' system information is available for any domain other than the 1" domain (see 'OT2 9)O *T if 1' domain is set to P" domain only indicate to upper layers that no 1' system information is available for any domain other than the P" domain (see 'OT2 =). ,T if H/.0 &nfoH list contained /.0s for the P" and 1" domainP *T indicate to upper layers that 1' system information is available for the P" and 1" domain (see 'OT2 <). 'OT2 9P .fter 1" handover or "/?B11 handover without a simultaneous P" handover has been completed- the 3T/.' should provide the 32 with the 1' system information of the P" domain as soon as possible- in order not to delay access to the P" domain. 'OT2 =P .fter P" handover or r"/?B11 handover has been completed- the 3T/.' should provide the 32 with the 1' system information of the 1" and P" domain as soon as possible in order not to delay access to the 1" domain and tri er a '." procedure for the P" domain. 'OT2 <P .fter :TM handover or "/?B11 handover with a simultaneous P" handover has been completed- the 3T/.' should provide the 32 with the 1' system information of the P" domain as soon as possible in order to tri er a '." procedure for the P" domain. ,T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of a 1' domain is set to H"tartedH and transparent mode radio bearers have been established by this procedure for that 1' domainP *T include the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH in the response messa e and specify a 17' value for this &2 other than the default- H'owH- that is a multiple of ; frames (17' mod ; W+) and lies at least *++ frames ahead of the 17' in which the response messa e is first transmittedO *T at the 17' value as indicated in the response messa e in the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH for radio bearers usin /51?TMP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain to the "T./T value as indicated in the &2 H"T./T listH of the response messa e for the relevant 1' domainO and 3T set the remainin 5"0s of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 to !eroO 3T increment the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable by one even if the H1O3'T?1 activation timeH is eAual to !eroO 3T set the 17' component of the 1O3'T?1 to the value of the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH of the response messa e. The F7' component and the 17' component completely initialise the 1O3'T?1 variableO 3T step the 1O3'T?1 variable- as normal- at each 17' value. The F7' component is no lon er fi(ed in value but incremented at each 17' cycle. ,T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of a 1' domain is set to H'ot "tartedH and transparent mode radio bearers have been established by this procedure for that 1' domainP *T initialise the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain with the "T./T value as indicated in the &2 H"T./T listH of the response messa e for the relevant 1' domainO *T set the remainin 5"0s of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 to !eroO *T do not increment the 1O3'T?1 value common for all transparent mode radio bearers for this 1' domain. ,T for 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- if the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': provides for 2?:1F@F"?:"1F operation without an uplin# :P1FP *T the 32 shall obtain timin advance for the 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: cell accordin to D,9E before transmittin on the uplin# :11F. ,T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P *T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableH. ,T if an &2 H5o ed 1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo?7::H or H5o ed 1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2 is present and the current /e istered P5M' is the same as the P5M' in &2 HP5M' &dentityH stored in variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2P *T include &2 H1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo .vailableH. ,T transmit a F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 messa e on the uplin# :11F- usin - if cipherin has been started- the new cipherin confi urationO ,T when the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T if the source /.T was 2?3T/.P 3T store the 1" H#ey set usedH includin the mapped %"& to the 3"&M 1" security #ey if "/?B11 was performedO 3T store the P" H#ey set usedH includin the mapped %"& to the 3"&M P" security #ey if P" handover was performedO *T if the source /.T was G2/.'P 3T store the P" H#ey set usedH includin the mapped %"& to the 3"&M P" security #ey if r"/?B11 was performedO *T if the 32 supports voice and video "/B11 handover- and a "/?B11 handover is performedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T if radio bearer confi urations contain 1onversational @ speech 1" /.0P 8T indicate to the upper layer that voice?only "/B11 handover was completed successfully. 3T if radio bearer confi urations contain 1onversational @ un#nown @ 35P=8 :5P=8 #bps 1" /.0P 8T indicate to the upper layer that voice and video "/B11 handover was completed successfully. *T if the 32 supports r"/B11 handover- and an r"/?B11 handover is performedO 3T indicate to the upper layer that r"/?B11 handover was completed successfully. *T enter 3T/. //1 connected mode in state 1255G:1FO *T initialise variables upon enterin 3T/. //1 connected mode as specified in subclause ,3.8O *T update the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: with the 32 capabilities stored in the variable &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2:. ,T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id <a$do5er to UTR#' co99a$d 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to the source radio access technolo y. The 32 shallP ,T if allowed by the source /.TP *T transmit an //1 7.&53/2 &'7O messa e to the source radio access technolo yO and *T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T Other details may be provided in the specifications related to the source radio access technolo y. 'OT2P The other /.T may include the above dia nostics information in a subseAuent handover reAuest towards the same /'1.


U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ i$ <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e

&f the 32 does not support the confi uration included in the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e- e. .- the messa e includes a pre?defined confi uration that the 32 has not stored- the 32 shallP ,T continue the connection usin the other radio access technolo yO and ,T indicate the failure to the other radio access technolo y.


U) 3ai s to !er3or9 "a$do5er

&f the 32 does not succeed in establishin the connection to 3T/.'- it shallP ,T terminate the procedure includin release of the associated resourcesO ,T resume the connection used before the handoverO and ,T indicate the failure to the other radio access technolo y. 3pon receivin an indication about the failure from the other radio access technolo y- 3T/.' should release the associated resources and the conte(t information concernin this 32.


Rece!tio$ o3 9essa2e <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MPL)T) %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon receivin a F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 messa e- 3T/.' should consider the inter?/.T handover procedure as havin been completed successfully and indicate this to the 1ore 'etwor#.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.3./ :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#'

32 3T/.'

F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':

,i-ure *#3#)& . :nter&RAT hando=er fro2 0TRAN6 successful case

32 3T/.'

F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':

F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2

,i-ure *#3#)&!. :nter&RAT hando=er fro2 0TRAN6 failure case



The purpose of the inter?/.T handover procedure is to- under the control of the networ#- transfer a connection between the 32 and 3T/.' to another radio access technolo y (e. . G"M or 2?3T/.). This procedure may be used in 1255G:1F state. This procedure may be used to perform 1" handover which applies when the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" includes at least the 1' domain identity H1" :omainH. Chen the 32 supports &nter?/.T P" handover- this procedure may be used to perform P" handover which applies when the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" includes at least the 1' domain identity HP" :omainH. Chen the 32 supports P" to 1" handover- this procedure may be used to perform P" to 1" handover which applies when the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" includes at least the 1' domain identity HP" :omainH. Chen the 32 supports 1" to P" handover- this procedure may be used to perform 1" to P" handover which applies when the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" includes at least the 1' domain identity H1" :omainH. This procedure may be used to perform simultaneous 1" and P" handover- simultaneous 1" to P" and P" handover orsimultaneous P" to 1" and P" handover which applies when the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" includes 1' domain identities for both H1" :omainH and HP" :omainH.



The procedure is initiated when 3T/.' orders a 32 in 1255G:1F state- to ma#e a handover to a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- e. . G"M or 2?3T/.. To initiate the procedure- 3T/.' sends a F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Rece!tio$ o3 a <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall be able to receive a F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e and perform an inter?/.T handover- even if no prior 32 measurements have been performed on the tar et cell. The 32 shallP ,T 7or 7::P *T if the 32 has a pendin HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H at the activation time received in the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': the 32 mayP 3T abort the pendin 1M activationO 3T set the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: to T/32. *T otherwiseP 3T set the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: to 7.5"2. ,T if the &2 H'O'12H in &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH is presentP *T perform security confi urations accordin to subclause ;.=.3.,9. ,T if the &2 Hr"/?B11 &nfoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.3.,=. ,T establish the connection to the tar et radio access technolo y- by usin the contents of the &2 H&nter?/.T messa eH. This &2 contains a messa e specified in another standard- as indicated by the &2 H"ystem typeH- and carries information about the candidate@ tar et cell identifier(s) and radio parameters relevant for the tar et radio access technolo y. The correspondence between the value of the &2 H"ystem typeH- the standard to apply and the messa e contained within &2 H&nter /.T messa eH is shown in the followin P
$alue of the :1 @S4ste2 t4pe@ GSM Standard to appl4 GSM TS 0,.1=, 5ersio$ =.5.0 or ater, or 3GPP TS ,,.01= 3GPP TS ,,.060, 5ersio$ 6.13.0 or ater G)R#' :u cd9a2000 )-UTR# 3GPP TS ,,.060, 5ersio$ /.6.0 or ater 3GPP TS ,,.11= T:#0):#0:S-2000 or ater, T:#0):#0:S-=33 or ater, T:#0):E0:S-=3, or ater 3GPP TS 36.331 :nter&RAT /essa-e <#'46V)R (6MM#'4 PS <#'46V)R (6MM#'4 4TM <#'46V)R (6MM#'4 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' DL-DCCH-Message co$tai$i$2 RRCConnectionReconfiguration

,T if the &2 H/.0 info to replaceH is presentP *T indicate to the upper layers that the radio access bearer identified by the &2 H/.0 info to replaceH is released as part of a "/?B11 procedure. ,T if the &2 H"ystem typeH has the value HG"MH or HG2/.' &uHP *T if the &2 H7reAuency bandH has the value HG"M @:1" ,;++ band usedHP 3T set the 0.':G&':&1.TO/ D89E to H./71' indicates ,;++ bandH. *T if the &2 H7reAuency bandH has the value H G"M @P1" ,>++ band usedHP 3T set the 0.':G&':&1.TO/ D89E to H./71' indicates ,>++ bandH. ,T apply the H&nter /.T Messa eH accordin to the Hstandard to applyH in the table above.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the &2 H/.0 information 5istH is included in the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa eP *T if the &2 H/.0 information 5istH includes one &2 H/.0 &nfoH with the &2 H1' domain &dentityH set to H1" domainHP 3T connect upper layer entities correspondin to the indicated 1" domain /.0 to the radio resources indicated in the inter?/.T messa e. *T if the &2 H/.0 information 5istH includes one &2 H/.0 &nfoH with the &2 H1' domain &dentityH set to HP" domainHP 3T connect upper layer entities correspondin to the indicated P" domain /.0 to the radio resources indicated in the inter?/.T messa e. 3T if the H"ystem typeH is HG"MHP 8T use the contents of the &2 HG2/.' system informationH as the system information to be in access on the tar et G2/.' cell. 'OT2,P &n this version of the specification the ma(imum number of 1" domain /.0s which may be included in the &2 H/.0 information 5istH is limited to ,. 'OT2*P &n handover to G2/.' &u mode- the /.0 information is included in the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e specified in D93E. 'OT23P /eAuirements concernin the establishment of the radio connection towards the other radio access technolo y and the si nallin procedure are outside the scope of this specification. 'OT28P The 32 may i nore the &2 H'." synchronisation indicatorH if included in the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa eO 'OT29P The 32 behaviour is undefined if the &2 H/e?establishment timerH in the &2 H/.0 infoH indicates a timer different from the timer currently confi ured for this /.0. 'OT2=P The &2 HG2/.' "ystem &nformationH is constructed in the same way as in *G to *G P" Fandover in D88E.


Success3u co9! etio$ o3 t"e i$ter-R#T "a$do5er

3pon successfully completin the handover- 3T/.' shouldP ,T release the radio connectionO and ,T remove all conte(t information for the concerned 32. 3pon successfully completin the handover- the 32 shallP ,T if inter?/.T handover to G2/.' &u mode is performedP *T perform the actions on reception of the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e as specified in D93E. ,T if inter?/.T handover to G2/.' &u mode is performed and if there are any '." messa es for which the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e or 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on si nallin radio bearer /03 or si nallin radio bearer /08 has not yet been confirmed by /51O or ,T if inter?/.T handover to other /.T than G2/.' &u mode and 2?3T/.' is performed and if there are any '." messa es with the &2 H1' domain identityH set to H1" domainH for which the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e or 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on si nallin radio bearer /03 or si nallin radio bearer /08 that have not yet been confirmed by /51P *T retransmit those '." messa es to the networ# on the newly established radio connection to the tar et radio access technolo y.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if inter?/.T handover or r"/?B11 to 2?3T/.' is performed and if there are any '." messa es for which the successful delivery of the &'&T&.5 :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e or 3P5&'% :&/21T T/.'"72/ messa e on si nallin radio bearer /03 or si nallin radio bearer /08 has not yet been confirmed by /51P *T discard those '." messa es. ,T clear or set variables upon leavin 3T/. //1 connected mode as specified in subclause ,3.8O 'OT2P The release of the 3MT" radio resources is initiated from the tar et /.T.


U) 3ai s to co9! ete reBuested "a$do5er

&f the 32 does not succeed in establishin the connection to the tar et radio access technolo y- it shallP ,T revert bac# to the 3T/. confi urationO ,T 7or 7::P *T if the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: fla is not set to T/32P 3T establish the 3T/. physical channel(s) (includin F"?:"1F and 2?:1F related channels. &f there e(ists any :TI or :/I confi uration- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider only the F"?"11F orders which were ac#nowled ed prior to the activation time of the received messa e) used at the time for reception of F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':O 3T if the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- re?confi ure the physical layer to perform discontinuous uplin# :P11F transmission and enable or disable discontinuous downlin# reception operations accordin to the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M" at the 17' correspondin to the frame boundary that is offset by the stored value of the &2 H2nablin :elayH from the frame boundary where uplin# transmission resumes with the old confi urationO 3T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 8T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated. 3T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only)O 3T apply power control preamble accordin to D*=E durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 HP1 preambleH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052O and 3T then not send any data on si nallin radio bearers /0+ to /08 durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 H"/0 delayH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052 or while the physical channel is not considered established. ,T if the 32 does not succeed to establish the 3T/. physical channel(s) or for 7:: if the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: fla is set to T/32P *T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., with cause H/adio lin# failureHO *T when the cell update procedure has completed successfullyP 3T proceed as below. ,T transmit the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 H&nter?/.T handover failureH to Hphysical channel failureH. ,T Chen the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layer for transmissionP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T the procedure ends.


:$5a id <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e

&f the &2 H&nter?/.T messa eH received within the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e does not include a valid inter /.T handover messa e in accordance with the protocol specifications for the tar et /.T- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value H&nter?/.T protocol errorHO ,T include the &2 H&nter?/.T messa eH in accordance with the specifications applicable to the other /.TO ,T transmit a F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T when the transmission of the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been confirmed by /51P *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends. &f the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T transmit a F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T when the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' &#:LUR) 9essa2e %7 UTR#'

3pon receivin an F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e- 3T/.' may initiate the release the resources in the tar et radio access technolo y.

&fP ? ? ?

U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ i$ <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e

the 3T/.' instructs the 32 to perform a non?supported handover scenarioO or the 3T/.' instructs the 32 to use a non?supported confi urationO or the 32 does not support P" Fandover to G2/.'- and the inter?/.T handover to G2/.' */+b mode is performed and the &2 H/.0 information 5istH is included in the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e and this &2 does not include any &2 H/.0 &nfoH with the &2 H1' domain &dentityH set to H1" domainHO or


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

the inter?/.T P" handover to G2/.' is performed and the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e includes the &2 H/.0 information 5istH and includes at least one &2 H/.0 &nfoH with the &2 H1' domain &dentityH set to HP" domainH- and the &2 HG2/.' "ystem &nformationH is not presentO or the inter?/.T handover to 2?3T/.' is performed and the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e includes the &2 H/.0 information 5istH and includes at least one &2 H/.0 &nfoH with the &2 H1' domain &dentityH set to H1" domainHP

the 32 shallP ,T transmit a F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 H&nter?/.T handover failureH to Hconfi uration unacceptableHO *T when the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP 3T resume normal operation as if the invalid F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO 3T and the procedure ends.


Rece!tio$ o3 <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e %7 U) i$ ()LL;&#(<

&f the 32 receives F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': while in 1255G7.1F- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 H&nter?/.T handover failureH to Hprotocol errorH- include &2 HProtocol error informationHO and *T set the value of &2 HProtocol error causeH to HMessa e not compatible with receiver stateHO *T when the F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP 3T resume normal operation as if the invalid F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e has not been receivedO 3T and the procedure ends.

=.3.= :$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$ to UTR#'

=.3.=.1 Ge$era
The purpose of the inter?/.T cell reselection procedure to 3T/.' is to transfer- under the control of the 32 and to some e(tent the source radio access technolo y- a connection between the 32 and another radio access technolo y (e. . G"M@GP/"- but not 3T/.') to 3T/.'.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



Chen the 32 ma#es an inter?/.T cell reselection to 3T/.' accordin to the criteria specified in D8E- it shall initiate this procedure. The inter?/.T cell reselection made by the 32 may use system information broadcast from the source radio access technolo y or 32 dedicated information. &f the '." procedures associated with inter?system chan e specified in D9E reAuire the establishment of an //1 connection- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 to H&nter?/.T cell reselectionHO 'OT2P This value of 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 has priority over the cause reAuested by upper layers.

,T initiate an //1 connection establishment procedure as specified in subclause ;.,.3O ,T after initiatin an //1 connection establishmentP *T release all resources specific to the other radio access technolo y. &f the '." procedures associated with inter?system chan e specified in D9E do not reAuire the establishment of an //1 connection- the 32 shallP ,T enter idle mode in the tar et cell without accessin the cellO and ,T release all resources specific to the other radio access technolo y.


:$itiatio$ o3 i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$ 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode

Chen the 32 performs an inter?/.T cell reselection from G2/.' &u mode 1ellG"hared state- the 32 shallP ,T initiate the cell update procedure as specified for the cell reselection case in 1255G7.1F and 1255GP1F states- usin the cause Hcell reselectionHand settin the G?/'T& in the &2 H3?/'T&H. Chen the 32 performs an inter?/.T cell reselection from G2/.' &u mode G/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T compare the G/. identity which the M" had been assi ned to in G2/.' a ainst the 3/. identities which are broadcast in the 3T/.' cell. ,T &f the assi ned G/. identity is not present in the list of 3/. identities that are broadcast in the 3T/.' cellP *T initiate the 3/. update procedure as specified for the 3/. reselection case in 3/.GP1F state- usin the cause Hchan e of 3/.H and settin the G?/'T& in the &2 H3?/'T&H. The 32 shallP ,T set the followin variables eAual to the correspondin variables in G2/.' &u mode( 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O &'T2/G/.TGF.':OB2/G&'7OGT/.'"72//2: 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' "T./TGTF/2"FO5: 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. ,T set the new uplin# and downlin# F7' of /0* to M"0*+(M.I(uplin# F7' of /0*- downlin# F7' of /0*)). 'OT2P M"0*+() operation provides the F7' mappin from G2/.' &u mode to 3T/.'. &n G2/.' &u mode the len th of F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 of /0* is lon er than *+ bits.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T initialise the variable T&M2/"G.':G1O'"T.'T" to the default values and start to use those timer and constants values.


U) 3ai s to co9! ete a$ i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$

&f the inter?/.T cell reselection fails before the 32 has initiated the //1 connection establishment the 32 may return bac# to the other radio access technolo y. &f the //1 connection establishment fails- the 32 shall enter idle mode.


U) 3ai s to co9! ete a$ i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$ 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode

Chen the 32 performs an inter?/.T cell reselection from G2/.' &u mode to 3T/.'- and the cell reselection failsP ,T the 32 may return bac# to the G2/.' &u mode state from which it initiated the inter?/.T cell reselection.

=.3.- :$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$ 3ro9 UTR#'

=.3.-.1 Ge$era
The purpose of the inter?/.T cell reselection procedure from 3T/.' is to transfer- under the control of the 32 and to some e(tent the 3T/.'- a connection between the 32 and 3T/.' to another radio access technolo y (e. . G"M@GP/" or 2?3T/.).



This procedure is applicable in states 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F. Chen the 32 based on received system information ma#es a cell reselection to a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- e. . G"M@GP/" or 2?3T/.- accordin to the criteria specified in D8E- the 32 shallP ,T &f the '." procedures associated with inter?system chan e specified in D9E reAuire the establishment of a connectionP *T initiate the establishment of a connection to the tar et radio access technolo y accordin to its specifications.


:$itiatio$ o3 i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$ to G)R#' Iu mode

Chen the 32 in 1255GP1F or 1255G7.1F state performs an inter?/.T cell reselection to G2/.' &u modeaccordin to the criteria specified in D8E- the 32 shallP ,T initiate the cell update procedure accordin to 3GPP T" 88.,,; D93E- settin the 3?/'T& in the &2 HG?/'T&H. Chen the 32 in 3/.GP1F state performs an inter?/.T cell reselection to G2/.' &u mode- accordin to the criteria specified in D8E- the 32 shallP ,T compare the 3/. identity which the 32 had been assi ned to in 3T/.' a ainst the G/. identities which are broadcast in the G2/.' cellO ,T &f the assi ned 3/. identity is not present in the list of G/. identities that are broadcast in the G2/.' cellP *T initiate the G/. update procedure as specified in 3GPP T" 88.,,; D93E- settin the 3?/'T& in the &2 HG? /'T&H.


Success3u ce rese ectio$

Chen the 32 has succeeded in reselectin a cell in the tar et radio access technolo y- the 32 shallP

,T release all 3T/.' specific resources. 3T/.' shouldP ,T release all 32 dedicated resources upon indication that the 32 has completed a connection establishment to the other radio access technolo y.


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U) 3ai s to co9! ete a$ i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$

&f the inter?/.T cell reselection fails- the 32 shallP ,T resume the connection to 3T/.' usin the resources used before initiatin the inter?/.T cell reselection procedure.

=.3.10 :$ter-R#T ce c"a$2e order to UTR#'

=.3.10.1 Ge$era
The purpose of the inter?/.T cell chan e order to 3T/.' procedure is to transfer- under the control of the source radio access technolo y- a connection between the 32 and another radio access technolo y (e. . G"M@GP/") to 3T/.'.



The procedure is initiated when a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- e. . G"M@GP/"- usin procedures specific for that /.T- orders the 32 to chan e to a 3T/.' cell. 'OT2P The 32 shallP ,T set the variable 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 to H&nter?/.T cell chan e orderHO 'OT2P This value of 2"T.05&"FM2'TG1.3"2 has priority over the cause reAuested by upper layers. Cithin the messa e used to order the 32 to chan e to a 3T/.' cell- the source /.T should specify the identity of the tar et 3T/.' cell as specified in the specifications for that /.T.

,T initiate an //1 connection establishment procedure as specified in subclause ;.,.3.


U) 3ai s to co9! ete a$ i$ter-R#T ce c"a$2e order

&f the inter?/.T cell reselection fails the 32 shall return to the other radio access technolo y and proceed as specified in the appropriate specifications for that /.T. 'OT2 3P The cell chan e was networ# ordered. Therefore- failure to chan e to the tar et cell should not cause the 32 to move to 32? controlled cell selection.

=.3.11 :$ter-R#T ce c"a$2e order 3ro9 UTR#'

32 3T/.'

1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.'

,i-ure *#3#

& . :nterARAT cell chan-e order fro2 0TRAN


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1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.'

1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2

,i-ure *#3#

&!. :nter&RAT cell chan-e order fro2 0TRAN6 failure case



The purpose of the inter?/.T cell chan e order procedure is to transfer- under the control of the networ#- a connection between the 32 and 3T/.' to another radio access technolo y (e. . G"M). This procedure may be used in 1255G:1F and 1255G7.1F state. This procedure may be used when no /.0s are established or when the established /.0s are only from P" domain. This procedure may not be used when there is no P" si nallin connection.



The procedure is initiated when 3T/.' orders a 32 in 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F state- to ma#e a cell chan e to a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- e. . G"M. To initiate the procedure- 3T/.' sends a 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e.


Rece!tio$ o3 a$ ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall be able to receive a 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e and perform a cell chan e order to another /.T- even if no prior 32 measurements have been performed on the tar et cell. &f the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" does not include the 1' domain identity HP" domainH- or if the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'" includes the 1' domain identity H1" domainHP ,T the 32 shall act as if the messa e was never received. The 32 shallP ,T 7or 7::P *T if the 32 has a pendin HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H at the activation time received in the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e the 32 mayP 3T abort the pendin 1M activationO 3T set the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: to T/32. *T otherwiseP 3T set the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: to 7.5"2. ,T start timer T3+>O and ,T establish the connection to the other radio access technolo y- as specified within &2 HTar et cell descriptionH. This &2 specifies the tar et cell identity- in accordance with the specifications for that other /.T. &n case the tar et cell is a G"M@ GP/" cell- &2 HTar et cell descriptionH may also include &2 H'1 modeH- which specifies the cell selection mode to be applied in the tar et cellO and ,T if &2 H'1 modeH is not included in the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.'P *T retrieve it from the tar et cell as specified in D83EO


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*T act upon &2 H'1 modeH as specified in D83E. ,T if the &2 H/.0 &nformation 5istH is included in the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa eP *T i nore the contents of the &2 H/.0 &nformation 5istH. 'OT2P /eAuirements concernin the establishment of the radio connection towards the other radio access technolo y and the si nallin procedure are outside the scope of this specification. &n case of G"M@GP/" proceed accordin to the procedure 'etwor# control cell reselection procedure as specified in D88E.

,T if the 32 supports 3T/.' to G2/.' 'etwor# .ssisted 1ell 1han e- the &2 HGeran "ystem &nformationH is present and the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP *T if accordin to D88E the &2 HG2/.' "ystem &nformationH includes a correct and consistent set of "& or P"& messa esP 3T use this information as the system information to be in access on the tar et G2/.' cell. *T otherwiseP 3T i nore the &2 HG2/.' "ystem &nformationH and continue the 1ell 1han e Order procedure. 'OT2P The &2 HG2/.' "ystem &nformationH is constructed in the same way as in *G to *G '.11- i.e. the P"& messa es are encoded as such- whereas the "& messa es e(clude * octets of headers- see D88E.


Success3u co9! etio$ o3 t"e ce c"a$2e order

The 32 re ards the procedure as completed when it has received a successful response from the tar et /.T- e. . in case of G"M when it received the response to a (P.1%2T) 1F.''25 /2J32"T in the new cell. 3pon successful completion of the cell chan e order- the 32 shallP ,T stop timer T3+>O ,T clear or set variables upon leavin 3T/. //1 connected mode as specified in subclause ,3.8.

&fP ? ?

).!ir7 o3 ti9er T30- or U) 3ai s to co9! ete reBuested ce c"a$2e order

timer T3+> e(pires prior to the successful establishment of a connection to the tar et /.TO or if the establishment of the connection to the other /.T failed due to other reasons e. . (random) access failurerejection due to lac# of resourcesP

the 32 shallP ,T if it received the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e in state 1255G:1FP *T 7or T:: or for 7:: if the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: fla is not set to T/32P 3T revert bac# to the 3T/. confi urationO 3T establish the 3T/. physical channel(s) (includin F"?:"1F and 2?:1F related channels) used at the time for reception of 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.'. *T 7or 7::P 3T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>EO 3T if there e(ists any :TI or :/I confi uration prior to the reception of the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':- instruct the physical layer to consider only the F"?"11F orders which were ac#nowled ed prior to the activation time of the received messa eO 3T if the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- re?confi ure the physical layer to perform discontinuous uplin# :P11F transmission and enable or disable discontinuous downlin# reception operations accordin to the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M" at the 17' correspondin to the frame


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boundary that is offset by the stored value of the &2 H2nablin :elayH from the frame boundary where uplin# transmission resumes with the old confi urationO 3T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 8T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated. 3T apply power control preamble accordin to D*=E durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 HP1 preambleH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052O and 3T then not send any data on si nallin radio bearers /0+ to /08 durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 H"/0 delayH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052 or while the physical channel is not considered establishedO 3T if the 1MGP.TT2/'G.1T&B.T&O'G.0O/T2: fla is set to T/32 or if the 32 does not succeed in establishin the 3T/. physical channel(s)P 8T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., with cause H/adio lin# failureHO 8T when the cell update procedure has completed successfullyP 9T proceed as below. 3T transmit the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e settin the information elements as specified belowP 8T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 8T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 8T clear that entryO 8T set the &2 H&nter?/.T chan e failureH to Hphysical channel failureH. 3T Chen the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layer for transmission- the procedure ends. ,T if the 32 receives the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e in 1255G7.1F stateP *T revert to the cell it was camped on at the reception of the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa eO *T if the 32 is unable to return to this cellP 3T select a suitable 3T/. cell accordin to D8EO 3T initiate the cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause Hcell re?selectionHO 3T when the cell update procedure completed successfullyP 8T proceed as below. *T transmit the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e settin the information elements as specified belowP 3T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and 3T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 3T clear that entryO 3T set the &2 H&nter?/.T chan e failureH to Hphysical channel failureH. *T Chen the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layer for transmissionP


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3T the procedure ends.


U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ i$ ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' 9essa2e

&f the 3T/.' instructs the 32 to perform a non?supported cell chan e order scenario or to use a non?supported confi uration- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e- settin the information elements as specified belowP *T include the &2 H//1 transaction identifierHO and *T set it to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T clear that entryO *T set the &2 H&nter?/.T chan e failureH to Hconfi uration unacceptableHO *T when the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP 3T resume normal operation as if the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e has not been receivedO 3T and the procedure ends.


:$5a id ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' 9essa2e

&f the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T set the &2 H&nter?/.T chan e failureH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T transmit a 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T when the 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 7.&53/2 messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T resume normal operation as if the invalid 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.' messa e has not been receivedO *T and the procedure ends.

=., Measure9e$t !rocedures

=.,.0 Measure9e$t re ated de3i$itio$s
3T/.' may control a measurement in the 32 either by broadcast of "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' and@or by transmittin a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. The followin information is used to control the 32 measurements and the measurement results reportin P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,. +easure ent identityP . reference number that should be used by the 3T/.' when settin up- modifyin or releasin the measurement and by the 32 in the measurement report. *. +easure ent co ? ? ? andP One out of three different measurement commands.

"etupP "etup a new measurement. ModifyP Modify a previously defined measurement- e. . to chan e the reportin criteria. /eleaseP "top a measurement and clear all information in the 32 that are related to that measurement.

3. +easure ent typeP One of the types listed below describin what the 32 shall measure. Presence or absence of the followin control information depends on the measurement type 8. +easure ent o&jects: The objects on which the 32 shall measure measurement Auantities- and correspondin object information. 9. +easure ent quantity: The Auantity the 32 shall measure on the measurement object. This also includes the filterin of the measurements. =. "eporting quantities: The Auantities the 32 shall include in the report in addition to the Auantities that are mandatory to report for the specific event. <. +easure ent reporting criteriaP The tri erin of the measurement report- e. . periodical or event?tri ered reportin . ;. +easure ent 0alidityP :efines in which 32 states the measurement is valid. >. +easure ent reporting or 3M /51. odeP This specifies whether the 32 shall transmit the measurement report usin .M

,+. Additional easure ent identitiesP . list of references to other measurements. Chen this measurement tri ers a measurement report- the 32 shall also include the reportin Auantities for the measurements referenced by the additional measurement identities. .ll these measurement parameters depend on the measurement type and are described in more detail in clause ,8. The different types of measurements areP ? 'ntra-frequency easure ents P measurements on downlin# physical channels at the same freAuency as the active set and the secondary 2?:1F active set. . measurement object corresponds to one cell. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.,. 'nter-frequency easure entsP measurements on downlin# physical channels at freAuencies that differ from the freAuency of the active set and on downlin# physical channels in the active set. . measurement object corresponds to one cell. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.*. 'nter-"A1 easure entsP measurements on downlin# physical channels belon in to another radio access technolo y than 3T/.'- e. . G"M or 2?3T/.. . measurement object corresponds to one cell (e. . G"M) or one freAuency (e. . 2?3T/.). :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.3. 1raffic volu e easure entsP measurements on uplin# traffic volume. . measurement object corresponds to one cell. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.8. *uality easure entsP Measurements of downlin# Auality parameters- e. . downlin# transport bloc# error rate. . measurement object corresponds to one transport channel in case of 052/. . measurement object corresponds to one timeslot in case of "&/ (T:: only). :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.9. %!-internal easure entsP Measurements of 32 transmission power and 32 received si nal level. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.=. %! positioning easure ents: Measurements of 32 position. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.<.

CS# /ro6i ity detection: :etection of the 32Ss pro(imity to one or more 1"G member cells. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.<a.3.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!-%1"A easure ent for C!$$)FACH: measurements on downlin# physical channels belon in to 2? 3T/. when 32 is in 1255G7.1F state. :etailed description is found in subclause ,8.,9.

The 32 shall support a number of measurements runnin in parallel as specified in D,>E and D*+E. The 32 shall also support that each measurement is controlled and reported independently of every other measurement. 1ells that the 32 is monitorin are rouped in the 32 into three mutually e(clusive cate oriesP ,. 1ells- which belon to the active set3 3ser information is sent from all these cells. &n 7::- the cells in the active set are involved in soft handover. &n T:: the active set always comprises one cell only. The 32 shall only consider active set cells and the secondary 2?:1F active set cells included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T for measurementO i.e. active set cells and the secondary 2?:1F active set cells not included in the 1255G&'7OG5&"T shall not be considered in any event evaluation and measurement reportin . *. 1ells- which are not included in the active set- but are included in the 1255G&'7OG5&"T belon to the onitored set3 3. 1ells detected by the 32- which are neither in the 1255G&'7OG5&"T nor in the active set belon to the detected set3 /eportin of measurements of the detected set is only applicable to intra?freAuency and inter? freAuency measurements made by 32s in 1255G:1F state. 7or 1"G measurements- cells that the 32 is monitorin are rouped in the 32 into two mutually e(clusive cate oriesP ,. 1ells- which belon to the CS# set- i.e.- the cells included in the variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T. 1"G set cells may also belon to the active set- monitored set- or detected set as defined above.

*. 1ells- which are not included in the 1"G set- belon to the non-CS# set3 1ells in the non?1"G set may also belon to the active set- monitored set- or detected set as defined above. &f a particular measurement has been confi ured with 1"G "et cells- then the 1"G "et cells are monitored. 7or the purpose of measurement and measurement reportin procedures- the 1"G "et shall be considered as the monitored setand the non?1"G "et shall be considered as the detected set- for the purpose of measurement and measurement reportin procedures. i.e. that 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T is used instead of 1255G&'7OG5&"T to determine what cells are in the monitored set and detected set for that measurement. &f the &2 H1ells for measurementH has been included in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- only monitored set cells e(plicitly indicated for a iven intra?freAuency (resp. inter?freAuency- inter/.T) measurement by the &2 H1ells for measurementH shall be considered for measurement. &f the &2 H1ells for measurementH has not been included in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- all of the intra?freAuency (resp. inter?freAuency- inter /.T) cells stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T shall be considered for measurement. The &2 H1ells for measurementH is not applicable to active set cells e. . when the tri erin condition refers to active set cells- the 32 shall consider all active set cells in the 1255G&'7OG5&"T for measurement irrespective if these cells are e(plicitly indicated by the &2 H1ells for measurementH.

=.,.1 Measure9e$t co$tro

,i-ure *#'# & . /easure2ent Control6 nor2al case


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U) M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L


M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L &#:LUR)

,i-ure *#'# &!. /easure2ent Control6 failure case



The purpose of the measurement control procedure is to setup- modify or release a measurement in the 32. &n subclause ;.8., and its subclauses references to "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, mean the mer e of "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,, and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis- if scheduled on 01F.



The 3T/.' may reAuest a measurement by the 32 to be setup- modified or released with a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- which is transmitted on the downlin# :11F usin .M /51. The 3T/.' should ta#e the 32 capabilities into account when a measurement is reAuested from the 32. Chen a new measurement is created- 3T/.' should set the &2 HMeasurement identityH to a value- which is not used for other measurements. 3T/.' may use several HMeasurement identityH for the same HMeasurement typeH. &n case of settin several HMeasurement identityH within a same HMeasurement typeH- the measurement object or the list of measurement objects can be set differently for each measurement with different HMeasurement identity H. Chen a current measurement is modified or released- 3T/.' should set the &2 HMeasurement identityH to the valuewhich is used for the measurement bein modified or released. &n case of modifyin &2s within a HMeasurement identityH- it is not needed for 3T/.' to indicate the &2s other than modified &2s- and the 32 continues to use the current values of the &2s that are not modified. 3T/.' should not use HmodifyH to chan e the type of measurement stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for a iven measurement identity. 7or the freAuency associated with the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell in &2 H&nter?freAuency measurement objects listH- 3T/.' should set the 3./71' to the same value as used for reception@transmission.


Rece!tio$ o3 M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e the 32 shall perform actions specified in subclause ;.= unless otherwise specified below. The 32 shallP ,T read the &2 HMeasurement commandHO ,T if the &2 HMeasurement commandH has the value HsetupHP *T store this measurement in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK accordin to the &2 Hmeasurement identityH- first releasin any previously stored measurement with that identity if that e(istsO *T for 7:: or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- if the measurement type is Auality- 32 internal- intra?freAuency- inter? freAuency or inter?/.TP 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 8T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the measurement type is Auality- 32 internal- or inter?/.TP 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP


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8T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the measurement type is intra?freAuency or inter?freAuencyP 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 8T if the 32 is wor#in on the secondary freAuencyP 9T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 8T elseP 9T may be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. *T if the measurement type is Hinter?freAuency measurementH and the &2 H&nter?freAuency "& .cAuisitionH is included or if the measurement type is Hinter?/.T measurementH and the &2 H2?3T/. "& .cAuisitionH is includedP 3T if the &2 Hreport criteriaH is not set to HPeriodical reportin criteriaHP 8T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T for measurement types Hinter?/.T measurementH or Hinter?freAuency measurementH that reAuire measurements on a freAuency other than the actually used freAuencyP 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 reAuires compressed mode to perform that measurement typeP 8T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 Y7reAuency specific compressed modeZ- the 32 does not reAuire the compressed mode on all the freAuencies associated the servin F"?:"1F cell and the secondary servin F"?:"1F cellsO and 8T the freAuency to measure is in the band other than the band of the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8 the freAuency to measure is in the band for which there is at least one freAuency associated with the entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' set to T/32O and 8T if after reception of this messa e- a compressed mode pattern seAuence with the &2 Y7reAuency specific compressed modeZ set to T/32 is active accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKP 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P =T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity by applyin the compressed mode pattern only to the band where the freAuency to measure is. 8T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 H7reAuency specific compressed mode for non? conti uous operationH- the 32 does not reAuire the compressed mode on all the freAuencies associated the servin F"?:"1F cell and the secondary servin F"?:"1F cellsO and 8T the freAuency to measure is in the same band as the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8 the freAuency to measure is not associated with the servin F"?:"1F cell or with any entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O'- which is in the same bloc# of conti uous F"?:"1F cells as the servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8T if after reception of this messa e- a compressed mode pattern seAuence with the &2 H7reAuency specific compressed modeH set to T/32 is active accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKP 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P


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=T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity by applyin the compressed mode pattern only to the bloc# of conti uous secondary servin F"?:"1F cells- which does not contain the servin F"?:"1F cell. 8T elseP 9T if after reception of this messa e a compressed mode pattern seAuence with an appropriate measurement purpose is active accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK =T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P <T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 H&nter?freAuency measurements on confi ured carriers without compressed modeH- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurements on the freAuencies confi ured for F"?:"1F operationP 8T if at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and the freAuency to measure is same as the freAuency of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 9T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurements on at least one supported band of that measurement typeP 8T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 9T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 H2nhanced inter?freAuency measurements without compressed modeH- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurements on two freAuencies in addition to the downlin# freAuency in the &2 H7reAuency infoH not included in the &2 H3plin# secondary cell info 7::HP 8T if- the freAuency to measure is same as the freAuency derived from one of the entries in H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T the freAuency to measure alon with all freAuencies associated with entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' that are set to T/32 and the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cell- corresponds to a valid confi uration accordin to the number of additional secondary servin cells and the carrier combinations supported by the 32P 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32O and 9T if the number of freAuencies on which inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are confi ured is less than or eAual to twoP =T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform measurement on adjacent freAuency and the freAuency derived from H.djacent freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is an adjacent freAuencyP 8T if all the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' are set to 7.5"2O or 8T if at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and the freAuency derived from H.djacent freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is same as the freAuency of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell associated with such an entryP 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32O and


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9T inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are not confi ured on any other freAuencyPP =T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform measurement on a freAuency in a different band from the band of the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cell and these two bands form one of the band combinations reported in the &2 H/adio .ccess 1apability 0and 1ombination 5istHP 8T if all the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' are set to 7.5"2and the freAuency derived from H&nter?band freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is in another band- and these two bands form one of the band combinations reported in the &2 H/adio .ccess 1apability 0and 1ombination 5istHO or 8T if at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- and the freAuency derived from H&nter?band freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is in another band- and is same as the freAuency of the secondary servin F"? :"1F cell associated with such an entryP 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32O and 9T if inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are not confi ured on any other freAuencyP =T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. *T for measurement type Hinter?freAuency measurementH that reAuires measurements on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuencyP 3T the 32 shall not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurement- re ardless of the activation status of secondary uplin# freAuencyO 3T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 8T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency. 'OT2P The 32 is not reAuired to perform measurements on cells for which it needs compressed mode but a suitable compressed mode pattern is not activated.

*T for measurement type Hinter?freAuency measurementH that reAuires measurements only on the same freAuency as the actually used freAuencyP 3T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 8T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. *T for measurement type H32 positionin measurementHP 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 8T if &2 HPositionin MethodH is set to HOT:O.HP 9T if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32 assistedHP =T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. assistance data for 32 assistedH is not includedP <T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 is broadcastP ;T read "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8. <T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.*. 9T if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32 basedHP =T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. assistance data for 32 basedH is not includedP


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<T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 is broadcastP ;T read "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9. <T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.*a. *T for measurement type H1"G Pro(imity detectionHP 3T if the value of &2 H3T/. 1"G Pro(imity detectionH is set to HenableHP 8T the 32 shall perform 1"G pro(imity detection function for 3T/. 1"G member cellsO 8T the 32 shall include the detection result- if pro(imity is detected- in the &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH of the correspondin M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e- as specified in subclause ,8.<a.8. 3T elseP 8T the 32 shall disable the 1"G pro(imity detection function for 3T/. cells and not send measurement report containin the &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH for any 3T/. cells. 3T if the value of &2 H2?3T/. 1"G Pro(imity detectionH is set to HenableHP 8T the 32 shall perform 1"G pro(imity detection function for 2?3T/. 1"G memberO 8T the 32 shall include the detection result- if pro(imity is detected- in the &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH of the correspondin M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e- as specified in subclause ,8.<a.8. 3T elseP 8T the 32 shall disable the 1"G pro(imity detection function for 2?3T/. cells and not send measurement report containin the &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH for any 2?3T/. cells. *T for measurement type H2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1FHP 3T if the 32 is not in 1255G7.1F stateP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T elseP 8T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.*;. *T for any other measurement typeP 3T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 8T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. ,T if the &2 HMeasurement commandH has the value HmodifyHP *T for all &2s present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T if a measurement was stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity by the &2 Hmeasurement identityHP 8T for 7:: or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- if the measurement type is Auality- 32 internal- intra?freAuencyinter?freAuency or inter?/.TP 9T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP =T the 32 behaviour is not specified. 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the measurement type is Auality- 32 internal- or inter?/.TP 9T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP


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=T the 32 behaviour is not specified. 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the measurement type is intra?freAuency or inter?freAuencyP 9T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP =T perform the actions as specified below. 8T if measurement type is set to Hintra?freAuency measurementH- for any of the optional &2s H&ntra? freAuency measurement objects listH- H&ntra?freAuency measurement objects list on secondary 35 freAuencyH- H&ntra?freAuency measurement AuantityH- H&ntra?freAuency reportin AuantityHHMeasurement BalidityH- Hreport criteriaH and Hparameters reAuired for each eventH ( iven Hreport criteriaH is set to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH) that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to Hinter?freAuency measurementH- for any of the optional &2s H&nter? freAuency measurement AuantityH- H&nter?freAuency reportin AuantityH- HMeasurement BalidityHH&nter?freAuency set updateH and Hparameters reAuired for each eventH ( iven Hreport criteriaH is set to either Hinter?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH or Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH) that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to Hinter?/.T measurementH- for any of the optional &2s H&nter?/.T measurement objects listH- H2?3T/. freAuency listH- H2?3T/. freAuency e(tension listH- H&nter?/.T measurement AuantityH- and H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to H32 positionin measurementH and the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. assistance dataH is present- for any of the optional &2s H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell info for 32?assistedH- H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?assistedH- H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?basedH- H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell info for 32? basedH and H32 positionin H that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to H32 positionin measurementH and the &2 H32 positionin GP" assistance dataH is present- for any of the optional &2s H32 positionin GP" reference timeH- H32 positionin GP" reference 32 positionH- H32 positionin GP" :GP" correctionsH- H32 positionin GP" ionospheric modelH- H32 positionin GP" 3T1 modelH- H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH- H32 positionin GP" real?time inte rityH that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to H32 positionin measurementH and the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" assistance dataH is present- for any of the optional &2s H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH- H32 positionin G.'"" reference 32 positionH- H32 positionin :G.'"" correctionsH- H32 positionin G.'"" ionospheric modelH- H32 positionin G.'"" additional ionospheric modelH- H32 positionin G.'"" 3T1 modelH- H32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 modelsH- H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH- H32 positionin G.'"" data bit assistanceH- H32 positionin G.'"" Time modelH- H32 positionin G.'"" real?time inte rityH- H32 positionin G.'"" 2arth orientation parametersH- H32 positionin G.'"" au(iliary informationH- H32 positionin :0:" correctionsH- H32 positionin 0:" &onospheric Grid ModelH that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to Htraffic volume measurementH- for any of the optional &2s HTraffic volume measurement ObjectH- HTraffic volume measurement AuantityH- HTraffic volume reportin AuantityH- andHMeasurement BalidityH that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to HAuality measurementH- for the optional &2 HJuality reportin AuantityH if it is present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to H32 internal measurementH- for any of the optional &2s H32 internal measurement AuantityH- and H32 internal reportin AuantityH that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP 8T if measurement type is set to H1"G Pro(imity detectionH- for any of the &2s H3T/. 1"G Pro(imity detectionH- and H2?3T/. 1"G Pro(imity detectionH that are present in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP


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9T replace all instances of the &2s listed above (and all their children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2s received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eO 9T leave all other stored information elements unchan ed in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. 3T otherwiseP 8T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. *T if measurement type is set to Hinter?freAuency measurementHP 3T if Hreport criteriaH is set to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH and Hreportin criteriaH in Hinter?freAuency measurement AuantityH is set to Hintra?freAuency reportin criteriaHP 8T for 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 only uses one freAuencyP 9T leave the currently stored Hinter?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH within Hreport criteriaH and Hinter?freAuency reportin criteriaH within Hinter?freAuency measurement AuantityH unchan edand continue to act on the information stored in these variables. 'OT2P &f the 3T/.' wants to modify the inter?freAuency cell info list for an inter?freAuency measurement confi ured with event based reportin without repeatin any &2s related to the confi ured events- one possibility is to set the &2 Hreport criteriaH to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH- not include the &2 Hparameters reAuired for each eventH- and set the &2 Hreportin criteriaH in the &2 Hinter?freAuency measurement AuantityH to Hintra?freAuency reportin criteriaH. 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 uses multiple freAuenciesP 9T use the content of M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 to replace the &2s related to M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK which have storedO 9T not delete the unchan ed values. *T for measurement types Hinter?freAuency measurementH that reAuire measurements on a freAuency other than the actually used freAuency- or that reAuire measurements on another /.TP 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 reAuires compressed mode to perform that measurement typeP 8T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 Y7reAuency specific compressed modeZ- the 32 does not reAuire the compressed mode on all the freAuencies associated the servin F"?:"1F cell and the secondary servin F"?:"1F cellsO and 8T the freAuency to measure is in the band other than the band of the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8T the freAuency to measure is in the band for which there is at least one freAuency associated with the entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' set to T/32O and 8T if after reception of this messa e- a compressed mode pattern seAuence with the &2 Y7reAuency specific compressed modeZ set to T/32 is active accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKP 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P =T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity by applyin the compressed mode pattern only to the band where the freAuency to measure is. 8T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 H7reAuency specific compressed mode for non? conti uous operationH- the 32 does not reAuire the compressed mode on all the freAuencies associated the servin F"?:"1F cell and the secondary servin F"?:"1F cellsO and


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8T the freAuency to measure is in the same band as the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8 the freAuency to measure is not associated with the servin F"?:"1F cell or with any entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O'- which is in the same bloc# of conti uous F"?:"1F cells as the servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8T if after reception of this messa e- a compressed mode pattern seAuence with the &2 H7reAuency specific compressed modeH set to T/32 is active accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKP 9T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P =T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity by applyin the compressed mode pattern only to the bloc# of conti uous secondary servin F"?:"1F cells- which does not contain the servin F"?:"1F cell. 8T elseP 9T if after reception of this messa e a compressed mode pattern seAuence with an appropriate measurement purpose is active accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK =T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P <T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 H&nter?freAuency measurements on confi ured carriers without compressed modeH- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurements on the freAuencies confi ured for F"?:"1F operationP 8T if at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and the freAuency to measure is same as the freAuency of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO and 8T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 9T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode- on at least one supported band of that measurement type- to perform the measurementsP 8T resume the measurements accordin to the new stored measurement control information. 3T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities in the &2 H2nhanced inter?freAuency measurements without compressed modeH- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurements on two freAuencies in addition to the downlin# freAuency in the &2 H7reAuency infoH not included in the &2 H3plin# secondary cell info 7::HP 8T if- the freAuency to measure is same as the freAuency derived from one of the entries in H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T the freAuency to measure alon with all freAuencies associated with entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' that are set to T/32 and the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cell- corresponds to a valid confi uration accordin to the number of additional secondary servin cells and the carrier combinations supported by the 32P 9T if the number of freAuencies on which inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are confi ured is less than or eAual to twoP =T resume the measurements accordin to the new stored measurement control information. 3T if accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform measurement on adjacent freAuency and the freAuency derived from H.djacent freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is an adjacent freAuencyP


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8T if all the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' are set to 7.5"2 and inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are not confi ured on any other freAuencyO or 8T if at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and the freAuency derived from H.djacent freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is same as the freAuency of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell associated with such an entry and inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are not confi ured on any other freAuencyP 9T if inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are not confi ured on any other freAuencyP =T resume the measurements accordin to the new stored measurement control information. 3T if accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 does not reAuire compressed mode to perform measurement on a freAuency in a different band from the band of the freAuency of the servin F"?:"1F cell and these two bands for one of the band combinations reported in the &2 H/adio .ccess 1apability 0and 1ombination 5istHP 8T if all the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' are set to 7.5"2and the freAuency derived from H&nter?band freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is in another band- and these two bands form one of the band combinations reported in the &2 H/adio .ccess 1apability 0and 1ombination 5istHO or 8T if at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- and the freAuency derived from H&nter?band freAuency infoH included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is in another band- and is the same as the freAuency of the secondary servin F"? :"1F cell associated with such an entryP 9T if inter?freAuency measurements without compressed mode are not confi ured on any other freAuencyP =T resume the measurements accordin to the new stored measurement control information. *T for measurement type Hinter?freAuency measurementH that reAuires measurements on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuencyP 3T the 32 shall not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurement- re ardless of the activation status of secondary uplin# freAuencyO 3T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 8T resume the measurements accordin to the new stored control information for this measurement identity on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency. *T for measurement type Hinter?freAuency measurementH that reAuires measurements only on the same freAuency as the actually used freAuencyP 3T if the measurement is valid in the current //1 state of the 32P 8T resume measurements accordin to the new stored control information for this measurement identity. *T for measurement type H2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1FHP 3T if the 32 is not in 1255G7.1F stateP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T elseP 8T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.*;. *T for any other measurement typeP 3T resume the measurements accordin to the new stored measurement control information.


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*T for measurement type Hinter?/.T measurementHP 3T if Hreport criteriaH is set to Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaHP 8T if the value of Hreport criteriaH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH is not Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaHO or 8T if the value of Hreport criteriaH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH is Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaH and if the &2 HParameters reAuired for each eventH is presentP 9T replace the &2 Hreport criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreportin criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. 3T if Hreport criteriaH is not set to Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaHP 8T replace the &2 Hreportin criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreportin criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. *T for measurement type H32 positionin measurementHP 3T if Hreportin criteriaH is set to H32 positionin reportin criteriaHP 8T if the value of Hreportin criteriaH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH is not H32 positionin reportin criteriaH- orO 8T if the value of Hreportin criteriaH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH is H32 positionin reportin criteriaH and if the &2 HParameters reAuired for each eventH is presentP 9T replace the &2 Hreportin criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. 3T if Hreportin criteriaH is not set to H32 positionin reportin criteriaHP 8T replace the &2 Hreport criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. *T for measurement type Htraffic volume measurementHP 3T replace the &2 Hreport criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. *T for measurement type HAuality measurementHP 3T replace the &2 Hreport criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eO 3T if Hreport criteriaH is set to HAuality measurement reportin criteriaHP 8T if the value of H052/ reportin H in any instance of the &2 HJuality reportin AuantityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is set to T/32P 9T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T for measurement type H32 internal measurementHP


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3T if Hreport criteriaH is set to H32 internal measurement reportin criteriaHP 8T if the value of Hreport criteriaH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH is not H32 internal measurement reportin criteriaHO or 8T if the value of Hreport criteriaH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH is H32 internal measurement reportin criteriaH and if the &2 HParameters sent for each 32 internal measurement eventH is presentP 9T replace the &2 Hreport criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. 3T if Hreport criteriaH is not set to H32 internal measurement reportin criteriaHP 8T replace the &2 Hreport criteriaH (and all its children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2 Hreport criteriaH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. ,T if the &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HreleaseHP *T terminate the measurement associated with the identity iven in the &2 Hmeasurement identityHO *T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. ,T if the &2 H:P1F 1ompressed Mode "tatus &nfoH is presentP *T if- as the result of this messa e- 32 will have more than one transmission ap pattern seAuence with the same measurement purpose active (accordin to &2s HTGMPH and H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK)P 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. *T if there is any pendin HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H or any pendin HTG17'HP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T if there is a pendin Hactivation timeH for a reconfi uration procedure that included the &2 H:P1F 1ompressed mode infoHP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T if pattern seAuence correspondin to &2 HTGP"&H is already active (accordin to H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H) in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK)P 3T if the HTGP" "tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HdeactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP 8T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame indicated by &2 HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H received in the messa eO 8T set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H for this pattern seAuence in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to HinactiveH at the frame indicated by &2 HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H received in the messa e. 3T if the HTGP" "tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP 8T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame indicated by &2 HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H received in the messa e. 'OT2,P The temporary deactivation of pattern seAuences for which the status fla is set to HactivateH can be used by the networ# to ali n the timin of already active patterns with newly activated patterns. 'OT2*P The deactivation of pattern seAuences only occurs as a result of //1 messa es received by the 32- i.e. the 32 does not set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H to HinactiveH after the final ap of a finite len th pattern seAuence.


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*T after the time indicated by &2 HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H has elapsedP 3T activate the pattern seAuence correspondin to each &2 HTGP"&H for which the HTGP" status fla H in this messa e is set to HactivateH at the time indicated by &2 HTG17'HO and 3T set the correspondin H1urrent TGP" status fla H for this pattern seAuence in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to HactiveHO and 3T be in the inter?freAuency and@or inter?/.T measurements correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuenceO 3T if the values of &2 HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H and &2 HTG17'H are eAualP 8T start the concerned pattern seAuence immediately at that 17'. *T not alter pattern seAuences stored in variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK- if the pattern seAuence is not identified in &2 HTGP"&H in the received messa e. ,T if the &2 H1255G:1F measurement occasion info 51/H is presentP *T perform actions for the &2 H1255G:1F measurement occasion info 51/H as specified in subclause ;.=.<.*=O ,T if the 32 in 1255G7.1F state receives a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- which indicates the same measurement identity as that stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP *T update the stored information with the traffic volume measurement control information in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and *T refrain from updatin the traffic volume measurement control information associated with this measurement identity in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with the information received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,) until this measurement is e(plicitly released with another M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H/ead "7' indicatorH included in the &2 H1ell infoH of an inter?freAuency cell is set to T/32 and accordin to the 32$s measurement capabilies- the 32 reAuires :5 compressed mode in order to perform measurements on the freAuency for which the "7' is to be readP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T clear the entry for the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". The 32 mayP ,T if the &2 HMeasurement commandH has the value HsetupHP *T for measurement type H32 positionin measurementHP 3T if the 32 is 1255G7.1F stateP 8T if &2 HPositionin MethodH is set to HGP"HP 9T if &2 H32 positionin GP" assistance dataH is not included and variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. is emptyP =T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9- ,9.,- ,9.* and ,9.3 are broadcastP <T read "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9- ,9.,- ,9.* and ,9.3. =T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3. 9T if &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is presentP =T for each G'"" indicated in &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH and supported by 32P <T if &2 H32 positionin G.'"" assistance dataH is not included and variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. does not contain data for that G'""P


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;T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9bis- ,9.,bis- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter- ,9.3bis- ,9.=- ,9.< and ,9.; are broadcastP >T read "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9bis- ,9.,bis- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter- ,9.3bis- ,9.=,9.< and ,9.;. ;T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<. =T if 0:" is indicated in &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH and supported by 32P <T if &2 H32 positionin G.'"" assistance dataH is not includedP ;T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter is broadcastP >T read "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter. ;T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<. ,T and the procedure ends.


U$su!!orted 9easure9e$t i$ t"e U)

&f 3T/.' instructs the 32 to perform a measurement that is not supported by the 32- or would cause the ma(imum number of reportin criteria supported by the 32 D,>E to be e(ceeded- the 32 shallP ,T retain the measurement confi uration that was valid before the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e was receivedO ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entry. ,T set the cause value in &2 Hfailure causeH to Hunsupported measurementHO ,T submit the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to lower layers for transmission on the :11F usin .M /51O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e has not been receivedO ,T and the procedure ends.


(o$3i2uratio$ :$co9! ete

&f the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T retain the measurement confi uration that was valid before the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e was receivedO ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" and clear that entryO ,T clear the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2O ,T set the cause value in &2 Hfailure causeH to H1onfi uration incompleteHO ,T submit the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to lower layers for transmission on the :11F usin .M /51O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e has not been receivedO ,T and the procedure ends.


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:$5a id M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L 9essa2e

&f the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entry. ,T set the &2 Hfailure causeH to the cause value Hprotocol errorHO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'O ,T submit the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to lower layers for transmission on the :11F usin .M /51O ,T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e has not been receivedO ,T and the procedure ends.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<0()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< state

The 32 shall apply the followin rules for different measurement types after transitin from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F stateP


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop intra?freAuency type measurement reportin O ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects a cell other than that indicated by this &2 on the current freAuency (in case the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not received) or other than that indicated by this &2 on the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoH (when the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included)O or ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which does not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)O or ,T if the transition is not due to a reconfi uration messa eP *T delete the measurements of type intra?freAuency associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. ,T for 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::P *T be in monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hintra?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,). ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if after state transition the 32 enters 1255G7.1F state and is wor#in on the primary freAuencyP 3T be in monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hintra?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,). *T else if after state transition the 32 enters 1255G7.1F state and is wor#in on the secondary freAuencyP 3T if the cell in which the 32 transited from 1255G:1F state is not included in the active set for the 1255G7.1F stateO or


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3T if the wor#in freAuency chan es after the state transitionP 8T the measurement shall be started when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the measurements of type intra?freAuency.


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@ 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop the inter?freAuency type measurement reportin assi ned in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eO ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects a cell other than that indicated by this &2 on the current freAuency (in case the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not received) or other than that indicated by this &2 on the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoH (when the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included)O or ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which does not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)O or ,T if the transition is not due to a reconfi uration messa eP *T delete the measurements of type inter?freAuency associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK and delete the correspondin compressed mode pattern stored in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK. ,T for remainin compressed mode patterns- set the &2 HTGP" "tatus 7la H to HdeactivateH and the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H to HinactiveH in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK. ,T for 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::P *T be in monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T in 1255G7.1F stateP *T for 7:: if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32P 3T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>. *T for 7::- if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32P 3T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>b. *T otherwiseP 3T perform measurements on other freAuencies- accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH- as specified in subclause ;.9.,,. *T for T::P 3T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if after state transition the 32 enters 1255G7.1F state and is wor#in on the primary freAuencyP 3T be in monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,). *T else if after state transition the 32 enters 1255G7.1F state and is wor#in on the secondary freAuencyP 3T if the cell in which the 32 transited from 1255G:1F state is not included in the active set for the 1255G7.1F stateO or


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3T if the wor#in freAuency chan es after the state transitionP 8T the measurement shall be started when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the measurements of type inter?freAuency.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop the inter?/.T type measurement reportin assi ned in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eO ,T delete the measurements of type inter?/.T associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK and delete the correspondin compressed mode pattern stored in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKO ,T be in monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP *T be in monitorin 2?3T/. freAuencies listed in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>. ,T in 1255G7.1F stateP *T if absolute priority reselection is enabledP 3T be in monitorin 2?3T/. freAuencies listed in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>. *T for 7:: if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32P 3T perform measurements on other systems accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>. *T for 7::- if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32P 3T perform measurements on other systems accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>b. *T otherwiseP 3T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoHO 3T perform measurements on other systems- accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH- as specified in subclause ;.9.,,.


Eua it7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop Auality type measurement reportin O ,T delete all measurement control information of measurement type HAualityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop 32 internal measurement type measurement reportin O ,T delete all measurement control information of measurement type H32 internalH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


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Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T retrieve each set of measurement control information of measurement type Htraffic volumeH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and *T if the optional &2 Hmeasurement validityH for this measurement has not been includedP 3T delete the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value H1255G:1FHP 3T stop measurement reportin O 3T store the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G:1F state. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH- and if the state transition is from 1255G:1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateP 3T stop measurement reportin O 3T store the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G7.1F state. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesH- and if the state transition is from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F stateP 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2 after state transitionP 8T continue measurement reportin . 3T elseP 8T for 7::P 9T stop measurement reportin O 9T store the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G:1F state- or after cell reselection. 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::P 9T continue measurement reportin . *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH has been included and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH- and if the state transition is from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F stateP 3T resume this measurement and associated reportin . ,T if no traffic volume type measurement has been assi ned to the 32 with a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e that is valid in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F states (stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK)- which has the same identity as the one indicated in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationHP *T store the measurement control information from the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,) in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO *T perform traffic volume measurement reportin accordin to the assi ned information- when in 1255G7.1F state.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F and upon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F for 32 assisted GP" or G.'"" measurements- the 32 shallP ,T retrieve each set of measurement control information of measurement type H32 positionin H stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and *T if the optional &2 Hmeasurement validityH for this measurement has not been includedP 3T delete the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value H1255G:1FHP 3T stop measurement reportin O 3T store the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G:1F state. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesHP 3T upon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1FP 8T if the choice in the &2 H/eportin 1riteriaH included the &2 H32 Positionin measurementH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to H32 positionin reportin criteriaH and the value of the &2 HMeasurement intervalH included in this &2 is less than =8 secondsP 9Tuse a value of =8 seconds for the measurement interval associated with this measurement while the 32 remains in 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F. 8T if the choice in the &2 H/eportin 1riteriaH included the &2 H32 Positionin measurementH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to HPeriodical /eportin 1riteriaH and the value of the &2 H/eportin intervalH included in this &2 is less than =8 secondsP 9T use a value of =8 seconds for the reportin interval associated with this measurement while the 32 remains in 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F. 3T continue measurement reportin accordin to its 32 positionin measurement reportin capability. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH has been included and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 3T upon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1FP 8T if the choice in the &2 H/eportin 1riteriaH included the &2 H32 Positionin measurementH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to H32 positionin reportin criteriaH and the value of the &2 HMeasurement interval H included in this &2 is less than =8 secondsP 9T use a value of =8 seconds for the measurement interval associated with this measurement while the 32 remains in 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F. 8T if the choice in the &2 H/eportin 1riteriaH included the &2 H32 Positionin measurementH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to HPeriodical /eportin 1riteriaH and the value of the &2 H/eportin intervalH included in this &2 is less than =8 secondsP 9T use a value of =8 seconds for the reportin interval associated with this measurement while the 32 remains in 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F. 3T resume this measurement and associated reportin accordin to its 32 Positionin measurement reportin capability. ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which included the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)- and the 32 selects a cell other than that indicated by this &2O or


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which does not include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::)O or ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which included the &2 H7reAuency infoH- and the 32 selects a cell on another freAuency than that indicated by this &2O or ,T if the transition is due to a reconfi uration messa e which does not include the &2 H7reAuency infoH- and the 32 can not find a cell on the current freAuency- but it selects a cell on another freAuencyO or ,T if the transition is not due to a reconfi uration messa eP *T delete the assistance data included in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: and 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2:. ,T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to HOT:O.H or HOT:O. or GP"HP *T if the &2 HMethod typeH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to H32?basedH or H32 assisted preferred but 32?based allowedH or H32?based preferred but 32?assisted allowedHP 3T be in monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,9. *T if the &2 HMethod typeH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to H32?assistedHP 3T be in monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,9. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP *T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32 assistedH stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: or 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: contains nei hbour cells on other freAuencies than the current freAuencyP 3T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH. The 32 mayP ,T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to HGP"H or HOT:O. or GP"HP *T be in monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9 and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9., and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,9. *T if the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is presentP 3T be in monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9bis and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.= and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.< and@or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.; accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,9. 3T if 0:" is indicated in &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH and supported by 32O 8T be in monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,9.,b. 'OT2P &n the case that the measurement or reportin intervals are modified to =8 seconds durin a transition to 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F as described above- the 32 retains the previously used values of HMeasurement intervalH and H/eportin intervalH for use after transition out of 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F.


(SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$ 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T stop 1"G Pro(imity detection type measurement reportin .


#ctio$s i$ ()LL;&#(<0()LL;P(<0UR#0P(< state u!o$ ce re-se ectio$

3pon cell reselection while in 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.@P1F state and the cell reselection has occurred after the measurement control information was stored- the 32 shallP ,T delete all measurements of type intra?freAuency- inter?freAuency- inter?/.T and 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T delete all compressed mode patterns associated with inter?freAuency and inter?/.T measurements stored in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKO ,T delete the traffic volume measurements that have not been set up or modified throu h a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to ()LL;4(< state

The 32 shall apply the followin rules for different measurement types after transitin from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F stateP


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F stateP ,T for 7:: or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is wor#in on the same freAuency after the state transitionP *T if intra?freAuency measurements applicable to 1255G:1F state are stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP 3T if the cell in which the 32 transited from 1255G7.1F state is included in the active set for the 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP 8T resume the measurement reportin . 3T otherwise- the 32 shallP 8T not resume the measurement reportin . The measurement shall be restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is wor#in on the different freAuency after the state transitionP *T not resume the measurement reportin . *T delete the measurements of type intra?freAuency associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F stateP ,T for 7:: or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is wor#in on the same freAuency after the state transitionP *T if inter?freAuency measurements applicable to 1255G:1F state are stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP 3T if the cell in which the 32 transited from 1255G7.1F state is included in the active set for the 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP 8T resume the measurement reportin . 3T otherwise- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T not resume the measurement reportin . The measurement shall be restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is wor#in on the different freAuency after the state transitionP *T not resume the measurement reportin . *T delete the measurements of type inter?freAuency associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin the list of cells assi ned in the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,). ,T stop monitorin 2?3T/. freAuencies listed in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>.


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T retrieve each set of measurement control information of measurement type Htraffic volumeH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO *T if the optional &2 Hmeasurement validityH for this measurement has not been includedP 3T delete the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 3T stop measurement reportin O and 3T save the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesHP 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2 before state transitionP 8T continue measurement reportin . 3T elseP 8T for 7::P 9T resume this measurement and associated reportin . 8T for ,.*; Mcps T::P 9T continue measurement reportin . *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH has been included and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value H1255G:1FHP 3T resume this measurement and associated reportin . ,T if no traffic volume type measurement has been assi ned to the 32 with a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e that is valid in 1255G:1F and has the same identity as the one indicated in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationHP *T store the measurement control information from the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,) in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO


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*T be in traffic volume measurement reportin accordin to the assi ned information.


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T retrieve each set of measurement control information of measurement type H32 positionin H stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and *T if the optional &2 HMeasurement validityH for this measurement has not been includedP 3T delete the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 3T stop measurement reportin O and 3T save the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G7.1F@1255GP1F@3/.GP1F state. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesHP 3T continue measurement reportin . *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH has been included and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value H1255G:1FHP 3T resume this measurement and associated reportin . ,T stop monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9., or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# ,9.9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.= or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.< or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.;.


(SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$ 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T resume 1"G Pro(imity detection type measurement reportin - if confi ured.


)-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(<

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255G:1F state- for 7:: the 32 shallP ,T stop the 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F type measurementO ,T delete the measurement of type 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 id e 9ode to ()LL;4(< state

The 32 shall obey the followin rules for different measurement types after transitin from idle mode to 1255G:1F stateP


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G:1F stateP ,T if intra?freAuency measurements applicable to 1255G:1F state are stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP *T if the cell in which the 32 transited from idle mode is included in the active set for the 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP


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3T be in measurement reportin . *T otherwise- the 32 shallP 3T not be in the measurement reportin . The measurement shall be restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity.


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin the list of cells assi ned in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,).


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin the list of cells assi ned in the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T stop monitorin the list of 2?3T/. freAuencies assi ned in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>.


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T be in a traffic volume type measurement- assi ned in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,).


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9., or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.= or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.< or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.;.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 id e 9ode to ()LL;&#(< state

The 32 shall obey the follow rules for different measurement types after transitin from idle mode to 1255G7.1F stateP


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T be in or continue monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hintra?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,).


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T be in or continue monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T for 7::- if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T for 7::- if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>b. ,T otherwiseP *T perform measurements on other freAuencies- accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH- as specified in subclause ;.9.,,. ,T for T::P *T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T be in or continue monitorin cells listed in the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T if absolute priority reselection is enabledP *T continue monitorin the list of 2?3T/. freAuencies assi ned in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>. ,T elseP *T stop monitorin the list of 2?3T/. freAuencies assi ned in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>O ,T for 7::- if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T perform measurements on other systems accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>. ,T for 7::- if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T perform measurements on other systems accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>b. ,T otherwiseP *T perform measurements on other systems- accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH- as specified in subclause ;.9.,,. ,T for T::P *T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH.


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T store the measurement control information from the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,) in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T be in traffic volume measurement reportin accordin to the assi ned information.


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from idle mode to 1255G7.1F state- the 32 mayP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T be in or continue monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9., or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.= or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.< or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.; accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,9O ,T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32 assistedH stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2:O or ,T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32 basedH stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: contains nei hbour cells on other freAuencies than the current freAuencyP *T perform measurements on other freAuencies accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 co$$ected 9ode to id e 9ode

3pon transition from connected mode to idle mode the 32 shallP ,T stop measurement reportin for all measurements stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T clear the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T apply the followin rules for different measurement types.


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from connected mode to idle mode- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin intra?freAuency cells listed in the &2 Hintra?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is transmitted in the cell- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T be in monitorin intra?freAuency cells listed in the &2 Hintra?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,.


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from connected mode to idle mode- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin inter?freAuency cells listed in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is transmitted in the cell- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T be in monitorin inter?freAuency cells listed in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from connected mode to idle mode- the 32 shallP ,T stop monitorin inter?/.T cells listed in the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is transmitted in the cell- accordin to ;.,.,.=.,,)O ,T be in monitorin inter?/.T cells listed in the &2 Hinter?/.T cell info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,O ,T be in or continue monitorin 2?3T/. freAuencies listed in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>.


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from connected mode to idle mode- the 32 mayP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T be in or continue monitorin assistance data received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9., or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.* or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.,ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*ter or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.3bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.= or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.< or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.;.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(<

Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the 32 shallP ,T stop any on oin traffic volume measurement- and associated traffic volume measurement reportin . ,T store the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G7.1F stateO ,T if no traffic volume type measurement has been assi ned to the 32 with a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e that is valid in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F states (stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK)- which has the same identity as the one indicated in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationHP *T store the measurement control information from the &2 HTraffic volume measurement system informationH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,) in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the 32 shallP ,T retrieve each set of measurement control information of measurement type H32 positionin H stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and *T if the optional &2 Hmeasurement validityH for this measurement has not been includedP 3T delete the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 3T if the choice in the &2 H/eportin 1riteriaH included in the &2 H32 Positionin measurementH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to H32 positionin reportin criteriaH and the value of the &2 HMeasurement intervalH included in this &2 is less than =8 secondsP 8T use a value of =8 seconds for the measurement interval associated with this measurement while the 32 remains in 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F. 3T if the choice in the &2 H/eportin 1riteriaH included in the &2 H32 Positionin measurementH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to HPeriodical /eportin 1riteriaH and the value of the &2 H/eportin intervalH included in this &2 is less than =8 secondsP 8T use a value of =8 seconds for the reportin interval associated with this measurement while the 32 remains in 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F. 'OT2P &n the case that the measurement or reportin intervals are modified to =8 seconds as described above- the 32 retains the previously used values of HMeasurement intervalH and H/eportin intervalH for use after transition out of 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the 32 shallP ,T be in or continue monitorin 2?3T/. freAuencies listed in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>.


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:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the 32 shallP ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is wor#in on the secondary freAuency before state transitionP *T delete the measurements of type intra?freAuency associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T the measurement shall be started when the &2 Hintra?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,).


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- the 32 shallP ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is wor#in on the secondary freAuency before state transitionP *T delete the measurements of type inter?freAuency associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. *T the measurement shall be started when the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.,,).


)-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(<

3pon transition from 1255G7.1F to 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F- for 7:: the 32 shallP ,T stop the 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F type measurementO ,T delete the measurement of type 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


Measure9e$ts a3ter tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< to ()LL;&#(<

Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F to 1255G7.1F and if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2 after state transition- the 32 shall resume any traffic volume measurement stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with measurement validity Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH- and start the associated traffic volume measurement reportin . 7or 7::- upon transition from 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F to 1255G7.1F and if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32 after state transition- the 32 shall resume any traffic volume measurement stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with measurement validity Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH and 3plin# transport channel type set to H:1FH- and start the associated traffic volume measurement reportin . 'OT2P &n 7::- if &2 Hmeasurement validityH is set to Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH and &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH to H:1FH- :1F refers as a matter of fact to 2?:1F.

7or ,.*; Mcps T::- upon transition from 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F to 1255G7.1F and if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32 after state transition- the 32 shall resume any traffic volume measurement stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with measurement validity Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH and 3plin# transport channel type set to H3"1FH and the 35 transport channel id is set to 3*- and start the associated traffic volume measurement reportin . 'OT2P &n ,.*;Mcps T::- if &2 Hmeasurement validityH is set to Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH and &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH to H3"1FH and the &2 H35 Tar et Transport 1hannel &:H to 3*- it refers as a matter of fact to 2?:1F.


U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F to 1255G7.1F- the 32 shall continue any 32 positionin measurement stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK with measurement validity Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH- and continue the associated 32 positionin measurement reportin .


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


The 32$s values of HMeasurement intervalH in the &2 H32 positionin reportin criteriaH and H/eportin intervalH in the &2 HPeriodical /eportin 1riteriaH after this state transition revert to the values stored durin the transition to 1255GP1F@3/.GP1F (i.e.- the =8?second interval specified in subclause ;.8.,.>b.* is not retained).


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

3pon transition from 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F to 1255G7.1F- the 32 shallP ,T if absolute priority reselection is enabledP *T continue monitorin the list of 2?3T/. freAuencies assi ned in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>. ,T elseP *T stop monitorin 2?3T/. freAuencies listed in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>. ,T for 7:: if variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T perform measurements on other systems accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E- durin the frame(s) with the "7' value not fulfilin the ineAuality specified in subclause ;.9.8>. ,T otherwiseP *T perform measurements on other systems- accordin to the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH- as specified in subclause ;.9.,,.


("a$2es i$ 9easure9e$t o%Kects

Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

Chen performin traffic volume event evaluation or reportin related to a certain transport channel- the 32 shall consider all /0s which are mapped to the concernin transport channel e. . if an additional /0 is established on a transport channel used for event tri erin or reportin - the new /0 shall be ta#en into account. 'OT2P The 32 shallP ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P *T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH is included for this measurementP 3T while a transport channel that is referenced in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH does not e(istP 8T not perform any reportin related to this transport channel. *T elseP 3T report on all e(istin uplin# transport channelsO e. . if an additional transport channel is established while the measurement is on oin - this new transport channel shall be ta#en into account in the traffic volume measurement reportin . ,T elseP *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T for 7::- if one transport channel that is referenced in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH as H:1FH and &2 Hmeasurement validityH is set to Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 8T report on the e(istin transport channel 2?:1F. &n this subclause- an He(istin H uplin# transport channel refers to a confi ured uplin# transport channel applicable in the current //1 state.


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3T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if one transport channel that is referenced in the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH as H3"1FH and the related &2 H35 Tar et Transport 1hannel &:H is set to 3* and the &2 Hmeasurement validityH is set to Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 8T report on the e(istin transport channel 2?:1F. 7or every traffic volume event- the 32 shallP ,T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P *T if the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH is not included in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement reportin criteriaH- or the H3plin# transport channel typeH has the value H:1FH or H3"1FH and the &2 H35 transport channel idH is not included in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement reportin criteriaHP 3T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH is not includedP 8T ta#e all e(istin 35 transport channels into account for event tri erin O e. . if an additional transport channel is established while the measurement is on oin - this new transport channel shall be ta#en into account in the traffic volume event tri erin . 3T elseP 8T while a transport channel that is referenced in the &2 HTraffic Bolume Measurement objectH does not e(istP 9T not ta#e this transport channel identity into account in the traffic volume measurement tri erin . *T elseP 3T while a transport channel that is referenced in the &2 HTraffic Bolume Measurement /eportin 1riteriaH does not e(istP 8T not ta#e this transport channel identity into account in the traffic volume event tri erin .


Eua it7 9easure9e$t

Chile a transport channel that is e(plicitly referenced with a transport channel identity in the &2 HJuality /eportin JuantityH does not e(ist- the 32 shallP ,T not perform any reportin related to this transport channel identity. &f the &2 HJuality /eportin JuantityH does not contain any e(plicit transport channel identities- the 32 shallP ,T report the Auality of all e(istin downlin# dedicated transport channelsO ,T if an additional transport channel is established while the measurement is on oin P *T ta#e into account this new transport channel in the Auality measurement reportin . Chile a transport channel that is e(plicitly referenced with a transport channel id in the &2 HJuality Measurement /eportin 1riteriaH does not e(ist- the 32 shallP ,T not ta#e this transport channel identity into account in the Auality measurement event tri erin .


:$tra-3reBue$c7, :$ter-3reBue$c7 a$d :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts

7or measurements which include the &2 H1ells for measurementH the 32 shallP ,T while an &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH or &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH or &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH in the &2 H1ells for measurementH points to a position in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T which is mar#ed as HvacantHP *T not ta#e this position into account for event tri erin and reportin .


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


(e Rese ectio$ (&44 o$ 7 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

Chen performin cell reselection in 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T retrieve each set of measurement control information of measurement type Htraffic volumeH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP *T if the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for the measurement has been included- and the &2 H32 stateH has been assi ned to value Hall statesHP 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2 before state transition and set to T/32 after cell reselectionP 8T stop measurement reportin O 8T store the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK to be used after the ne(t transition to 1255G:1F state- or after cell reselection. *T if variable /2.:KG7bO/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32 before state transition and set to 7.5"2 after cell reselectionP 3T resume measurement reportin .

=.,.2 Measure9e$t re!ort

,i-ure *#'#!& . /easure2ent report6 nor2al case



The purpose of the measurement reportin procedure is to transfer measurement results from the 32 to 3T/.'. 7or intra freAuency measurement- the 32 shall do the measurement reportin procedure on each confi ured uplin# freAuency re rardless its activation status.



&n 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e on the uplin# :11F when the reportin criteria stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK are met for any on oin measurements that are bein performed in the 32. &n 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e on the uplin# :11F when the reportin criteria stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK are met for any on oin traffic volume measurement or 32 positionin measurement or 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F that is bein performed in the 32. &n T::- if the /adio 0earer associated with the M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK fulfillin the reportin criteria for an on oin traffic volume measurement is mapped on transport channel of type 3"1F- the 32 shallP ,T initiate the HP3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"TH procedure instead of transmittin a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T (T:: Only). &n 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the measurement reportin is not initiated accordin to subclause ;.9.8+- subclause ;.9.8< or subclause ;.9.9=P *T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F or F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P 3T move to 1255G7.1FO 3T transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e on the uplin# :11F when the reportin criteria stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK are fulfilled for any on oin 32 positionin measurement which is bein performed in the 32. *T elseP 3T first perform the cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,- usin the cause Huplin# data transmissionH- in order to transit to 1255G7.1F stateO and then 3T transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e on the uplin# :11F when the reportin criteria stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK are fulfilled for any on oin 32 positionin measurement which is bein performed in the 32. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- the 32 in 1255GP1F state shallP ,T if variable FG/'T& is setP *T if the measurement reportin is initiated accordin to subclause ;.9.8+ or subclause ;.9.8< or subclause ;.9.9=P 3T set the &2 Hmeasurement identityH to H,=HO 3T not set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH or H2?3T/. measured resultsHO 3T include the &2 Hmeasured results on /.1FHO 3T if an event tri ered traffic volume measurement has been confi uredP 8T if the T1TB is lar er than the threshold in the &2 H/eportin thresholdH for a traffic volume measurement stored in the M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK variable and that traffic volume measurement has Hmeasurement identityH eAual to 8- HTraffic volume event identityH eAual to H8aHHMeasurement validityH eAual to Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 9T set the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH to H8aH. 3T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 8T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableH. 3T if &2 H5o ed .'/ /eportH in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is present and re istered P5M' is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 YP5M' &dentityZ or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 8T include &2 H.'/ 5o in /esults .vailableH. 3T and then transmit the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O when the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmission the procedure ends. The reportin criteria are fulfilled if eitherP ? ? a periodic M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e shall be sent accordin to the &2 HPeriodical /eportin 1riteriaHO or an event in stored &2 HMeasurement reportin criteriaH was tri ered. 2vents and tri erin of reports for different measurement types are described in detail in clause ,8.

7or the measurement- which tri ered the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T set the &2 Hmeasurement identityH to the measurement identity- which is associated with that measurement in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH or Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH or H2?3T/. measured resultsH to include measurements accordin to the &2 Hreportin AuantityH of that measurement stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and *T if all the reportin Auantities are set to 7.5"2P 3T not set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH or Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH. ,T if measurement type H2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1FH is confi uredP *T set the &2 H2?3T/. results for 1255G7.1FH to include measurements accordin to the &2 HMeasurement AuantityH of that measurement stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. ,T set the &2 HMeasured resultsH in the &2 H.dditional measured resultsH or HMeasured resultsH in the &2 H.dditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to the &2 Hreportin AuantityH for all measurements associated with the measurement identities included in the H.dditional measurements listH stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK of the measurement that tri ered the measurement reportO and *T if one or more additional measured results are to be includedP 3T include only the available additional measured results- and sort them in ascendin order accordin to their &2 Hmeasurement identityH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. ,T if the measurement report is tri ered by an intra freAuency eventO and ,T if this intra freAuency event type was confi ured for both primary and secondary uplin# freAuenciesO and ,T if the same measurement identity is used to confi ure the measurements for both primary and secondary uplin# freAuenciesP *T set both the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH as specified above. *T set both the &2 HMeasured resultsH in the &2 H.dditional measured resultsH and in the &2 H.dditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH as specified above. ,T if the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e was tri ered by an event (i.e. not a periodical report)P *T set the &2 H2vent resultsH or H2vent results on secondary 35 freAuencyH or H2?3T/. event resultsH or H2? 3T/. results for 1255G7.1FH accordin to the event that tri ered the report. *T if the measurement report is tri ered by an intra freAuency event and the same measurement identity is used to confi ure the measurements for both primary and secondary uplin# freAuenciesP 3T if the measurement report was tri ered by an event in both primary and secondary uplin# freAuencies at the same timeP 8T set both the &2 H2vent resultsH and H2vent results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to the event that tri ered the report. ,T if the &2 &nter?/.T measured results list or the &2 &nter?/.T measurement event results is included in the measurement reportP *T if the indication status of the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is mar#ed HpresentH - include the stored value of the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. ,T if the measurement report is tri ered by intra freAuency event ,d and the table HTar et cell preconfi urationsH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' includes the /adio lin# that tri ered the eventP *T if an H.ctivation time offsetH different from + is confi ured for the tar et cell- include the &2 H.ctivation timeH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. The .ctivation time shall be calculated by addin the .ctivation time offset to the current 17'P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T start continuous monitorin of tar et cell F"?"11F inde(ed as number , in &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F cell informationH in the stored confi urationO 3T stop monitorin tar et cell F"?"11F at .ctivation time. *T elseP 3T start if not runnin - or restart if runnin - timer T3*8O 3T start continuous monitorin of tar et cell F"?"11F inde(ed as number , in &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F cell informationH in the stored confi uration until the e(piry of timer T3*8. The 32 shallP ,T transmit the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e on the uplin# :11F usin either .M or 3M /51 accordin to the stored &2 Hmeasurement reportin modeH associated with the measurement identity that tri ered the report. Chen the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP ,T the procedure ends.

=.,.3 #ssista$ce 4ata 4e i5er7

,i-ure *#'#3& Assistance 3ata 3eli=er4



The purpose of the assistance data delivery procedure is to transfer 32 positionin related assistance data from the 3T/.' to the 32.



Chen reAuested by the 1ore 'etwor#- the 3T/.' may deliver 32 positionin related assistance data with a .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e- which is transmitted on the downlin# :11F usin .M /51


Rece!tio$ o3 #SS:ST#'() 4#T# 4)L:V)RD 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

3pon reception of a .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e the 32 shallP ,T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. assistance data for 32?basedH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.*a. ,T if &2 H32 positionin GP" assistance dataH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3. ,T if &2 H32 positionin G.'"" assistance dataH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$5a id #SS:ST#'() 4#T# 4)L:V)RD 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives a .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e- which contains a protocol error causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32 accordin to clause >- the 32 shall perform procedure specific error handlin as follows. The 32 shallP ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51O ,T include the &2 H&dentification of received messa eHO and ,T set the &2 H/eceived messa e typeH to .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/KO and ,T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to the value of H//1 transaction identifierH in the entry for the .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and ,T clear that entryO ,T include the &2 HProtocol error informationH with contents set to the value of the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O'. ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e has not been received.

=.5 Ge$era !rocedures

=.5.1 Se ectio$ o3 i$itia U) ide$tit7
The purpose of the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH is to provide a uniAue 32 identification at the establishment of an //1 connection. The type of identity shall be selected by the 32 accordin to the followin . &f the 32 is operatin in HG"M?M.P modeH- the 32 shall choose H32 id typeH in the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH with the followin priorityP ,. TM"& (G"M?M.P)P The TM"& (G"M?M.P) shall be chosen if provided by upper layers. The &2 H5.&H in the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH shall also be present when TM"& (G"M?M.P) is used- for ma#in it uniAue. *. P?TM"& (G"M?M.P)P The P?TM"& (G"M?M.P) shall be chosen if provided by upper layers and no TM"& (G"M?M.P) is available. The &2 H/.&H in the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH shall in this case also be present when P? TM"& (G"M?M.P) is used- for ma#in it uniAue. 3. &M"& (G"M?M.P)P The &M"& (G"M?M.P) shall be chosen if provided by upper layers and no TM"& (G"M? M.P) or P?TM"& is available. 8. &M2&P The &M2& shall be chosen when none of the above three conditions are fulfilled. Chen bein used- the &2s HTM"& (G"M?M.P)-H HP?TM"& (G"M?M.P)H- H&M"& (G"M?M.P)H- H5.&H and H/.&H shall be set eAual to the values provided by upper layers. The HP?TM"& (G"M?M.P)H and H/.&H may be mapped from a valid G3T&.. &f the 32 is operatin in H.'"&?8, modeH- the 32 shall choose H32 id typeH in the &2 H&nitial 32 identityH accordin to the procedure specified in the 3GPP* document H3GPP* 1.P+++8?.H.

=.5.2 #ctio$s 1"e$ e$teri$2 id e 9ode 3ro9 co$$ected 9ode

Chen enterin idle mode from connected mode- the 32 shallP ,T clear or set variables upon leavin 3T/. //1 connected mode as specified in subclause ,3.8O ,T stop timer T3*3 if it is runnin O ,T clear the variable "K"T2MG&'7O/M.T&O'G1O'T.&'2/O


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,T if the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e was received and the &2 H/edirection infoH was present thereinP *T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is present- attempt to camp on a suitable cell on the indicated 3T/. carrier included in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa eO *T if the &2 HG"M tar et cell infoH is present- attempt to camp on a suitable cell of the list of cells for the indicated /.T included in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e. &f no cells were indicated for that /.T or no suitable cell of the indicated cells for that /.T is found within ,+s- attempt to camp on any suitable cell of that /.TO or *T if the &2 H2?3T/. tar et infoH is present- attempt to camp on any of the freAuencies for the indicated /.T included in the //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 messa e- e(cludin any cell indicated in the list of not allowed cells for that /.T (i.e. the Hblac#listed cells per freA listH for 2?3T/.)- if present. &f no suitable cell on the indicated freAuencies for that /.T is found in less than ' seconds (where ' is the number of 2? 3T/. freAuencies listed in &2 H2?3T/. tar et infoH)- attempt to camp on any suitable cell on any freAuencies of that /.T in less than 8 secondsO *T if no suitable cell is found on the indicated 3T/. carrier or /.T camp on any suitable cell. ,T attempt to select a suitable cell to camp on. Chen leavin connected mode accordin to D8E- the 32 shallP ,T perform cell selection. Chile campin on a cell- the 32 shallP ,T acAuire system information accordin to the system information procedure in subclause ;.,O ,T perform measurements accordin to the measurement control procedure specified in subclause ;.8O and ,T if the 32 is re isteredP *T be prepared to receive pa in messa es accordin to the pa in procedure in subclause ;.*. &f the 32 is operatin in HG"M?M.P modeH- the 32 shallP ,T delete any '." system information received in connected modeO ,T acAuire the '." system information in system information bloc# type ,O and ,T proceed accordin to subclause ;.=.,.*. Chen enterin idle mode- the 32 shallP ,T if the 3"&M is present- for each 1' domainP *T if a new security #ey set was received for this 1' domain but was not used either for inte rity protection or cipherin durin this //1 connectionP 3T set the "T./T value for this domain to !eroO and 3T store this "T./T value for this domain in the volatile memory of the M2. *T elseP 3T if the current H"T./TH value- accordin to subclause ;.9.> for a 1' domain- is reater than or eAual to the value HTF/2"FO5:H of the variable "T./TGTF/2"FO5:P 8T delete the cipherin and inte rity #eys that are stored in the 3"&M for that 1' domainO 8T set the H"T./TH values for this 1' domain to !ero and store it in the volatile memory of the M2O 8T inform the deletion of these #eys to upper layers. 3T elseP 8T store the current H"T./TH value for this 1' domain in the volatile memory of the M2.


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'OT2P ,T elseP

Prior to storin the H"T./TH value- the 32 should calculate this H"T./TH value accordin to subclause ;.9.>.

*T if the "&M is present- for each 1' domainP 3T if a new security #ey set was received for this 1' domain but was not used either for inte rity protection or cipherin durin this //1 connectionP 8T set the "T./T value for this domain to !eroO and 8T store this "T./T value for this domain in the volatile memory of the M2 3T elseP 8T if the current H"T./TH value- accordin to subclause ;.9.> for this 1' domain- is reater than or eAual to the value HTF/2"FO5:H of the variable "T./TGTF/2"FO5:P 9T delete the %c #ey for this 1' domainO 9T delete the cipherin and inte rity #eys that are stored in the 32 for that 1' domainO 9T set the H"T./TH values for this 1' domain to !ero and store it the volatile memory of the M2O 9T inform the deletion of the #ey to upper layers. 8T elseP 9T store the current H"T./TH value for this 1' domain in the volatile memory of the M2. 'OT2P Prior to storin the H"T./TH value- the 32 should calculate this H"T./TH value accordin to subclause ;.9.>.

=.5.3 6!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro u!o$ esta% is"9e$t o3 4P((<

This procedure is used in 7:: mode only. Chen establishin the first :P11F in 1255G:1F the 32 shall start the 35 inner loop power control at a power level accordin toP ,T :P11FG&nitialGpower W :P11FGPowerGoffset Q 1P&1FG/"1P Chere :P11FGPowerGoffset shall have the value of &2 H:P11F Power offsetH in &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH The value for the 1P&1FG/"1P shall be measured by the 32. Chen establishin the :P11F in 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode the 32 shall start the 35 inner loop power control at a power level accordin toP ,T :P11FG&nitialGpower W Ppreamble V HPower offset Pp?eH Chere ? Ppreamble is the power of the last transmitted preamble and HPower offset P p?eH power offset between the last transmitted preamble and the initial power of the :P11F transmission in the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode.

=.5., P"7sica c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t criteria i$ ()LL;4(< state

Chen a physical dedicated channel establishment on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin# freAuency is initiated by the 32- the 32 shall start a timer T3,* and wait for layer , to indicate '3,* Hin syncH indications. On receivin '3,* Hin syncH indications on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin#


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freAuency- the physical channel is considered established on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin# freAuency and the timer T3,* is stopped and reset. 7or ,.*;Mcps T::- when physical dedicated channel(s) are not confi ured- if a physical shared channel establishment is initiated by the 32- the 32 shall start a timer T3,* and wait for layer , to indicate '3,* Hin syncH indications. On receivin '3,* Hin syncH indications- the physical channel is considered established and the timer T3,* is stopped and reset. &f the timer T3,* e(pires before the physical channel is established on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin# freAuency- the 32 shall consider this as a Hphysical channel failureH. 'OT2P 'OT2P The criteria defined in this subclause only apply in case the 32 performs synchronisation procedure . (7:: only). The physical shared channel defined in this subclause are F"?P:"1F- F"?"11F or 2?.G1F. (,.*; Mcps T:: only).

=.5.,# P"7sica c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t criteria 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode
Chen the physical channel establishment for 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode is initiated by the 32- the 32 shall considered the physical channel bein immediately established. &f the physical layer considers the post?verification of procedure .. failed D*>- section 8.3.*.3.E- the 32 shall consider this as a Hphysical channel failureH. 'OT2P The criteria defined in this subclause only apply in case the 32 performs synchronisation procedure .. (7:: only).

=.5.,8 P"7sica c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t criteria i$ ()LL;4(< state o$ t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 (&44 o$ 7)
Chen a physical dedicated channel establishment on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency is initiated by the 32- the 32 shall for that downlin# freAuency start a timer T3,* and wait for layer , to indicate '3,* Hin syncH indications. On receivin '3,* Hin syncH indications on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency- the physical channel is considered established on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency and the timer T3,* is stopped and reset. &f the timer T3,* e(pires before the physical channel is established on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency- the 32 shall consider this as a Hphysical channel failureH on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency- and deactivate the secondary uplin# freAuency as if a F"?"11F order to deactivate had been received. 'OT2P The criteria defined in this subclause only apply in case the 32 performs synchronisation procedure . (7:: only).

=.5.5 #ctio$s i$ @out o3 ser5ice area@ a$d @i$ ser5ice area@

This subclause specifies the eneral actions the 32 shall perform when it detects Hout of serviceH or Hin serviceH area. The specific 32 behaviour when it detects Hout of serviceH or Hin service areaH and periodical update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH is specified in subclause ;.3.,.


4etectio$ o3 @out o3 ser5ice@ area

The 32 shall detect Hout of serviceH area as defined in D,>E.


#ctio$s 3o o1i$2 detectio$ o3 @out o3 ser5ice@ area i$ UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< state

&f the 32 detects the Hout of service areaH and the 32 is in 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state it shall perform the followin actionsP


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,T start timer T3,=O ,T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*.


#ctio$s 3o o1i$2 detectio$ o3 @out o3 ser5ice@ area i$ ()LL;&#(< state

&f the 32 detects the Hout of service areaH and the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state it shall perform the followin actions. The 32 shallP ,T start timer T3,< if not already runnin O ,T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*.


#ctio$s 3o o1i$2 detectio$ o3 @out o3 ser5ice@ area o$ tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(<

&f the 32 detects the Hout of service areaH on transition from 1255G:1F to 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F- it shall perform the followin actionsP ,T start timer T3,=O ,T start the timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and periodical cell update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityHO ,T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*.


#ctio$s 3o o1i$2 detectio$ o3 @out o3 ser5ice@ area o$ tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<

&f the 32 detects the Hout of service areaH on transition from 1255G:1F to 1255G7.1F- it shall perform the followin actionsP ,T if the transition is tri ered by a reconfi uration procedureP *T start timer T3,<O *T start the timer T3+9 usin its initial value if timer T3+9 is not runnin and periodical cell update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityHO *T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*. ,T otherwiseP *T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*.


4etectio$ o3 @i$ ser5ice@ area

Chen a suitable cell is found based on the description in D8E- the 32 considers it as havin detected Hin service areaH.


#ctio$s 3o o1i$2 Re-e$tr7 i$to @i$ ser5ice area@ i$ UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< state

&f the 32 re?enters Hin service areaH before T3,= e(piry the 32 shall perform the followin actions. The 32 shallP ,T stop T3,=O ,T if T3+< is activeP *T stop T3+<. ,T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F state and the 32 is camped on a cell different from the one where service was lostP *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::P


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3T clear the variables 1G/'T&- FG/'T& and 2G/'T&O 3T stop usin that 1?/'T&- F?/'T& and 2G/'T& just cleared from variables 1G/'T&- FG/'T& and 2G/'T& in M.1. *T initiate the cell update procedure usin the cause Hcell?reselectionH as specified in subclause ;.3.,. ,T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*.


#ctio$s 3o o1i$2 re-e$tr7 i$to @i$ ser5ice area@ i$ ()LL;&#(< state

&f the 32 detects Hin service areaH before T3,< e(piry the 32 shall perform the followin actions. &f no cell update procedure or 3/. update procedure is on oin - the 32 shallP ,T stop T3,<O ,T if T3+< is activeP *T stop T3+<. ,T initiate the cell update procedure usin as cause H/e?enterin service areaH as specified in subclause ;.3.,O ,T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*. &f a cell update procedure or 3/. update procedure is on oin - the 32 shallP ,T stop T3,<O ,T perform the actions as specified in ;.3.,.


T316 e.!ir7

On T3,= e(piry the 32 shall perform the followin actions. The 32 shallP ,T if Hout of service areaH is detectedP *T start timer T3,<O *T move to 1255G7.1F stateO *T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*. ,T if Hin service areaH is detectedP *T initiate the cell update procedure usin as cause H/e?enterin service areaH as specified in subclause ;.3.,O *T perform processes described in subclause <.*.*.


T31/ e.!ir7

T3,< shall never e(pire- i.e. all its values shall be assumed to be HinfinityH. &f T3,< is runnin P ,T the 32 behaviour shall be as specified in subclause <.*.*.*.

=.5.6 Radio i$> 3ai ure criteria a$d actio$s u!o$ radio i$> 3ai ure
&n 1255G:1F state- after receivin '3,3 consecutive Hout of syncH indications from layer , for the established :P11F or 7?:P1F physical channel on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin# freAuency in 7::and the physical channels associated with mapped :11Fs in T::- the 32 shallP ,T start timer T3,3O ,T upon receivin '3,9 successive Hin syncH indications from layer , on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin# freAuency and upon chan e of 32 stateP


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*T stop and reset timer T3,3. ,T if T3,3 e(piresP *T consider it as a H/adio lin# failureH. Periods in time where neither Hin syncH nor Hout of syncH is reported by layer , on the downlin# freAuency associated with the primary uplin# freAuency do not affect the evaluation of the number of consecutive (resp. successive) Hin syncH or Hout of syncH indications. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 (see subclause ;.9.*;) and the 32 has stored the &2 H2?/311F infoH- a H/adio lin# failureH shall be tri ered as belowP ,T if the 2?/311F transmission counter is added reater than 'G/311F- another hysteresis Timer with the value of '?/311F times of T?/311F period shall be startedP *T upon the hysteresis Timer e(pires and still no Grant has been received for the whole time duration since the last 2?/311F transmissionP 3T consider it as a H/adio lin# failureH- refer to D9>E. 7or 7:: in 1255G:1F state and in T:: when a radio lin# failure occurs- the 32 shallP ,T clear the dedicated physical channel confi urationO ,T perform actions as specified for the on oin procedureO ,T if no procedure is on oin or no actions are specified for the on oin procedureP *T perform a cell update procedure accordin to subclause ;.3., usin the cause Hradio lin# failureH. 7or 7::- in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- in conjunction with the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state- after receivin an indication from layer , that physical layer transmission stopped caused by an :5 out?of?synchronisationthe 32 shallP ,T consider it as a H/adio lin# failureH.

=.5.6a Radio i$> 3ai ure criteria a$d actio$s u!o$ radio i$> 3ai ure o$ t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 (&44 o$ 7)
&n 1255G:1F state- after receivin '3,3 consecutive Hout of syncH indications from layer , for the established 7? :P1F physical channel on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency in 7::- the 32 shall for that downlin# freAuencyP ,T start timer T3,3O ,T upon receivin '3,9 successive Hin syncH indications from layer , on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency and upon chan e of 32 stateP *T stop and reset timer T3,3. ,T if T3,3 e(piresP *T consider it as a H/adio lin# failureH on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuencyO *T deactivate the secondary uplin# freAuency- as if a F"?"11F order to deactivate had been received. Periods in time where neither Hin syncH nor Hout of syncH is reported by layer , on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency do not affect the evaluation of the number of consecutive (resp. successive) Hin syncH or Hout of syncH indications.

=.5./ 6!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro

7or 7::- and prior to P/.1F transmission or prior to a transmission in 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- the 32 shallP


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,T acAuire valid versions of the necessary "ystem &nformation &2s as followsP *T if the 32 has stored valid versions of the &2s HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH and H1onstant valueHP 3T use the stored content of the &2s. *T otherwiseP 3T read and store the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH and H1onstant valueH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is not bein broadcast). *T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32O and *T if &2 H35 interference for common 2?:1FH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP 3T use the stored value of &2 H35 interference for common 2?:1FH. *T otherwiseP 3T if the 32 has a valid version of the &2 H35 interferenceH storedP 8T use the stored content of the &2 H35 interferenceH. 3T otherwiseP 8T read and store the &2 H35 interferenceH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type <O 8T if the 32 fails to read the &2 H35 interferenceH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type < due to bad radio conditions- the 32 shall use the last stored &2 H35 interferenceH. ,T measure the value for the 1P&1FG/"1PO ,T calculate the power for the first preamble asP PreambleG&nitialGPower W Primary 1P&1F TI power Q 1P&1FG/"1P V 35 interference V 1onstant Balue CherePrimary 1P&1F TI power shall have the value of &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH35 interference shall have the value of &2 H35 interference for common 2?:1FH if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32 and &2 H35 interference for common 2?:1FH is included in "&0 9@9bisO otherwise 35 interference shal have the value of &2 H35 interferenceHO and 1onstant Balue shall have the value of &2 H1onstant valueH. ,T as lon as the physical layer is confi ured for P/.1F transmission or the P/.1F preamble part (as part of the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode)P *T continuously recalculate the PreambleG&nitialGPower when any of the broadcast parameters used in the above formula chan esO and *T resubmit to the physical layer the new calculated PreambleG&nitialGPower. 7or 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T:: the 32 shallP ,T if in the &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol infoH the H1FO&12 35 O5 P1 infoH has the value H0roadcast 35 O5 P1 infoHP *T prior to :P1F transmission the 32 shallP 3T acAuire valid versions of the necessary "ystem &nformation &2s as followsP 8T if the 32 has stored valid versions of the &2s HPrimary 11P1F T( powerH and H:P1F 1onstant valueHP 9T use the stored content of the &2s.


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8T otherwiseP 9T read and store the &2 HPrimary 11P1F T( powerH and H:P1F 1onstant valueH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is not bein broadcast). 3T if the 32 has a valid version of the &2 H35 interferenceH for each active 35 timeslot storedP 8T use the stored content of the &2 H35 interferenceH for each active 35 timeslot. 3T otherwiseP 8T read and store the &2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH for each active 35 timeslot in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8O 8T if the 32 fails to read the &2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH for each active 35 time slot in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8 due to bad radio conditions- the 32 shall use the last stored &2 H35 Timeslot interferenceH for each active 35 timeslot. ,T otherwiseP *T acAuire /eference Power- 1onstant Balues and &0T" for all active 35 timeslots from the &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol infoH. ,T for P3"1F- P/.1F and F"?"&1F power controlP *T prior to P3"1F or P/.1F transmission the 32 shallP 3T acAuire valid versions of the necessary "ystem &nformation &2s as followsP 8T if the 32 has stored valid versions of the &2s HPrimary 11P1F T( powerH and HP3"1F 1onstant valueH for P3"1F transmissions or HP/.1F 1onstant valueH for P/.1F transmissionsP 9T use the stored content of the &2s. 8T otherwiseP 9T read and store the &2 HPrimary 11P1F T( powerH and HP3"1F 1onstant valueH for P3"1F transmissions or HP/.1F 1onstant valueH for P/.1F transmissions in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is not bein broadcast). 3T if the 32 has a valid version of the &2 H35 interferenceH for each active 35 timeslot storedP 8T use the stored content of the &2 H35 interferenceH for each active 35 timeslot. 3T otherwiseP 8T read and store the &2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH for each active 35 timeslot in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8O 8T if the 32 fails to read the &2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH for each active 35 time slot in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8 due to bad radio conditions- the 32 shall use the last stored &2 H35 Timeslot interferenceH for each active 35 timeslot. calculate the 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for the P/.1F continuously while the physical channel is activeP PP/.1F W 5P11P1F V &0T" V P/.1F 1onstant value*T 3d0 shall be added to /.1F 1onstant Balue in the above eAuation for the case where /.1F "preadin 7actor W ;O *T for <.=; Mcps T::- 3d0 shall be added to /.1F 1onstant Balue in the above eAuation for the case where /.1F "preadin 7actor W ,=.


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,T calculate the 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for the :P1F continuously while the physical channel is activeP P:P1F W 5P11P1FV(,?)5+ V &0T" V "&/T./G2TV :P1F 1onstant value ,T calculate the 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for the P3"1F continuously while the physical channel is activeP PP3"1F W 5P11P1FV(,?)5+ V &0T" V "&/T./G2TV P3"1F 1onstant value ,T calculate the initial 35 transmit power for F"?"&1F accordin to the followin formulaP PF"?"&1F W 5P11P1FV(,?)5+ V &0T" V "&/T./G2TV F"?"&1F 1onstant value Chere- for all the above eAuations for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T:: the followin applyP ? ? PP/.1F- P:P1F- PP3"1F and PF"?"&1FPTransmitter power level in d0mO Pathloss valuesP ? 5P11P1FP Measurement representin path loss in d0 based on beacon channels (the reference transmit power is si nalled as the value of the &2 HPrimary 11P1F T( PowerH on 01F in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.9)- or individually si nalled in the &2H 3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol infoH). 5+P 5on term avera e of path loss in d0O &f the midamble is used in the evaluation of 5P11P1F and 5+- and the T( diversity scheme used for the P? 11P1F involves the transmission of different midambles from the diversity antennas- the received power of the different midambles from the different antennas shall be combined prior to evaluation of the variables.

? ?

&0T"P &nterference si nal power level at cell$s receiver in d0m. &0T" shall have the value of the &2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH (&2 H35 Timeslot &nterferenceH is broadcast on 01F in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,8 or individually si nalled to each 32 in the &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol infoH for each active uplin# timeslot). P is a wei htin parameter- which represents the Auality of path loss measurements. may be a function of the time delay between the uplin# time slot and the most recent down lin# P11P1F time slot. is calculated at the 32. shall be smaller or eAual to the value of the &2 H.lphaH. &f the &2 H.lphaH is not e(plicitly si nalled to the 32 shall be set to ,. &f 32 is capable of estimatin its position by usin the OT:O. &P:5 method- the 32 shall use the &P:5? parameter. "&/T./G2TP Tar et "'/ in d0. This value is individually si nalled to 32s in &2 H35 tar et "&/H in &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH or in &2 HP3"1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH or in &2 HF"?"&1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH. P/.1F 1onstant valueP P/.1F 1onstant value shall have the value of the &2 HP/.1F 1onstant valueH. :P1F 1onstant valueP :P1F 1onstant value shall have the value of the &2 H:P1F 1onstant valueH. P3"1F 1onstant valueP P3"1F 1onstant value shall have the value of the &2 HP3"1F 1onstant valueH. F"?"&1F 1onstant valueP F"?"&1F 1onstant value shall have the value of the &2 HF"?"&1F 1onstant valueH. Balues received by dedicated si nallin shall ta#e precedence over broadcast values. &f &P:5s are applied- the 32 may increase 35 T( power by the value iven in the &2 HMa( power increaseH. This power increase is only allowed in the slots between an idle slot and the ne(t beacon slot.

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: the 32 shallP ,T acAuire valid versions of the necessary "ystem &nformation &2s as followsP *T if the 32 has stored a valid version of the &2 HPrimary 11P1F T( PowerHP


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3T use the stored content of the &2. *T otherwiseP 3T read and store the &2 HPrimary 11P1F T( PowerH from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = (or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is not bein broadcast). ,T calculate the 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for each 3pP1F code transmissionP P3pP1F W 5P11P1F V P/I3pP1Fdes V (i?,)\ Pwrramp 'OT2P Chen i eAuals ,- the initial si nature power H"i natureG&nitialGPowerH defined in D33E corresponds to P3pP1F with i set to ,.

,T calculate the 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for each P/.1F transmissionP PP/.1F W 5P11P1F V P/IP/.1Fdes V (i3pP1F?,) \ Pwrramp ,T calculate the initial 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for the P3"1F. Once the 32 receives TP1 bits relatin to the P3"1F then it transitions to closed loop power control. &f successive P3"1F resource allocations are conti uous then no return is made to open loop power control at the be innin of the succeedin resource allocation. P3"1F W P/IP3"1Fdes V 5P11P1F ,T calculate the initial 35 transmit power for F"?"&1F accordin to the followin formulaP PF"?"&1F W P/IF"?"&1F V 5P11P1F ,T calculate the initial 35 transmit power accordin to the followin formula for the :P1F. Once the 32 receives TP1 bits relatin to the uplin# :P1F then it transitions to closed loop power control. P:P1F W P/I:P1Fdes V 5P11P1F ,T calculate the initial 35 transmit power for 2?P31F accordin to the followin formulaP

P2?P31F W P/IdesGbase V 5P11P1F V e

ChereP ? ? P3pP1F- PP/.1F- P:P1F- PF"?"&1F- P3"1F- M P2?P31FP Transmitter power level in d0m. 5P11P1FP Measurement representin path loss in d0 (reference transmit power HPrimary 11P1F T( PowerH is broadcast on 01F in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =- or individually si nalled to each 32 in the &2H 3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol infoH). i is the number of transmission attempts on 3pP1F- iW,XMa( "K'1G35 Transmissions. i3pP1F is the final value of i. P/IP/.1FdesP :esired P/.1F /I power at the cell$s receiver in d0m si nalled to the 32 by the networ# in the 7P.1F response to the 32$s successful "K'1G35 transmission. P/I3pP1FdesP :esired 3pP1F /I power at the cell$s receiver in d0m. The value is broadcast in HP/I3pP1FdesH in &2 H"K'1G35 infoH on 01F and shall be read on "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =. &t can also be si nalled directly to the 32 in &2 H3plin# Timin .dvance 1ontrolH contained in a protocol messa e tri erin a hard handover or a transition from cell 7.1F to cell :1F state. P/IP3"1FdesP :esired P3"1F /I power at the cell$s receiver in d0m si nalled to the 32 in &2 HP3"1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH. P/I:P1FdesP :esired :P1F /I power at the cell$s receiver in d0m si nalled to the 32 in &2 H3plin# :P1F &nfoH and &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH.

? ? ? ?

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PwrrampP The 32 shall increase its transmission power by the value of the &2 HPower /amp stepH by every 3pP1F transmission. &ts value is si nalled in the &2 H"K'1 35 infoH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = or is si nalled to the 32 in the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvance 1ontrolH contained in a protocol messa e tri erin a hard handover or a transition from cell 7.1F state to cell :1F state. P/IF"?"&1FP :esired F"?"&1F /I power at the cell$s receiver in d0m si nalled to the 32 in &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F &nformationH. .c#?'ac# Power OffsetP :ifference in the desired /I power between F"?"&1F transmissions conveyin an ac#nowled ement and transmissions conveyin a ne ative ac#nowled ement si nalled to the 32 in &2 HF"? "11F &nfoH. P/IdesGbaseP /eference :esired 2?P31F /I power at the cellSs receiver in d0m si nalled to the 32 in 1255G:1F in &2 H2?P31F &nfoH via dedicated si nallin O or via "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9 for 32 in enhanced 1255G7.1F and &dle mode.

? ?

e P Gain factor for the selected 2?T71 transport bloc# si!e- the allocated 2?P31F physical resources- and
the Modulation type and the F./J power offset (see D33E).

=.5.= Mai$te$a$ce o3 <7!er &ra9e 'u9%ers

The M"0s of both the cipherin seAuence numbers (1O3'T?1) and inte rity seAuence numbers (1O3'T?&)- for the cipherin and inte rity protection al orithms- respectively D8+E- are called the Fyper 7rame 'umbers (F7'). 7or inte rity protection- the 32 shallP ,T maintain 1O3'T?& as specified in subclause ;.9.,+. The followin hyper frame numbers types are definedP M.1?d F7'P *8 M"0 of 1O3'T?1 for data sent over /51 TM /51 3M F7'P *9 M"0 of 1O3'T?1 for data sent over /51 3M /51 .M F7'P *+ M"0 of 1O3'T?1 for data sent over /51 .M //1 F7'P *; M"0 of 1O3'T?& 7or non?transparent mode /51 si nallin radio bearers and radio bearers- the 32 shallP ,T maintain one uplin# and one downlin# 1O3'T?1 per si nallin radio bearer and per radio bearer and one uplin# and one downlin# 1O3'T?& per si nallin radio bearerO ,T increment the /51 3M F7' and /51 .M F7' in uplin# and downlin# by one each time the /51 seAuence number wraps around in uplin# and downlin# respectivelyO ,T if the activation time for a new cipherin confi uration set by an //1 procedure is eAual to !eroP *T apply the confi ured /51 3M F7' or /51 .M F7' at this activation time- i.e. the confi ured F7' is not incremented. 'OT2P On the receiver side it may happen that the /51 P:3 with seAuence number eAual to the activation time is lost and the first received P:3 after the activation time implies a wrap around of the seAuence number compared to the activation time. &n this case the confi ured F7' is incremented by one. This action is ta#en only when the activation time is set to a /51 P:3 seAuence number value other than !ero.

7or all transparent mode /51 si nallin radio bearers and radio bearers of each 1' domain- the 32 shallP ,T maintain one 1O3'T?1- common for all radio bearers in uplin# and downlin#O


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,T increment the M.1?d F7' by one each time the 17' wraps aroundO ,T if the activation time for a new cipherin confi uration set by an //1 procedure is eAual to !eroP *T apply the confi ured M.1?d F7' at this activation time- i.e. the confi ured F7' is not incremented. ,T maintain one uplin# and one downlin# 1O3'T?& per si nallin radio bearer. 'OT2P &n this release of the specification there is only an uplin# transparent mode 1O3'T?&- which is used for si nallin radio bearer /0+.

1O3'T?1 and 1O3'T?& are defined in D8+E- with the followin supplement for 1O3'T?1P for transparent mode /51 radio bearers with a transmission time interval of ( radio frames (( W *- 8- ;)- the M.1 P:3 is carried by 5, in ( consecutive radio frames due to radio frame se mentation. &n this case- the 17' of the first radio frame in the TT& shall be used as the 17' component of 1O3'T?1 for cipherin of all data in the TT& D,9E.

=.5.- ST#RT 5a ue ca cu atio$

&n connected mode- if a security mode command procedure has been successfully completed for a 1' domain durin the current //1 connection- the "T./T value for that 1' domain is calculated asP 5et "T./TI W the "T./T value for 1' domain $I$ prior to the calculation belowP "T./TI$ W M"0*+ ( M.I ]1O3'T?1- 1O3'T?& ^ radio bearers and si nallin radio bearers usin the most recently confi ured 1%I and &%I_) V *. ? ? if "T./TI$W the ma(imum value W ,+8;9<9 then "T./TI W "T./TI$O if the current "T./TI [ "T./TI$ then "T./TI W "T./TI$- otherwise "T./TI is unchan ed. Fere- Hmost recently confi uredH means that if there is more than one #ey in use for a 1' domain- due to non?e(piry of the cipherin and@or inte rity protection activation time for any si nallin radio bearers and@or radio bearers- do not include the 1O3'T?&@1O3'T?1 for these si nallin radio bearers and@or radio bearers in the calculation of the "T./T I$.


1O3'T?1 correspondin to non?ciphered radio bearers (i.e. /0s with cipherin status set to Hnot startedH) shall not be included in the calculation of the "T./TI$. &f a radio bearer is released and the radio bearer was ciphered- the values of the 1O3'T?1 at the time the radio bearer is released shall be ta#en into account in the calculation of the "T./T I$. &f a security mode command procedure has not been successfully completed for a 1' domain durin the current //1 connection- the 32 shall use the latest transmitted "T./T value for this 1' domain.

=.5.10 :$te2rit7 !rotectio$

&f the H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKG P/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH then the 32 shallP ,T perform inte rity protection (and inte rity chec#in ) on all //1 messa es- with the followin e(ceptionsP 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMP52T2 M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' (M11F only) M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" "1F2:35&'G &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'


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P.G&'G TKP2 , P3"1F 1.P.1&TK /2J32"T PFK"&1.5 "F./2: 1F.''25 .55O1.T&O' //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P 1OMP52T2 //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T //1 1O''21T&O' /252."2 (111F only) "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 (TM :11F only) &f the H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKG P/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H'ot startedH then inte rity protection (and inte rity chec#in ) shall not be performed on any //1 messa e. 7or each si nallin radio bearer- the 32 shall use two //1 hyper frame numbersP ? ? H3plin# //1 F7'HO H:ownlin# //1 F7'H.

and two messa e seAuence numbersP ? ? H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberHO H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH.

The above information is stored in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O per si nallin radio bearer (/0+? /08). 3pon the first activation of inte rity protection for an //1 connection- 32 and 3T/.' initialise the H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH and H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for all si nallin radio bearers as specified in subclauses ;.=.3.9 and ;.9.,+.,. The //1 messa e seAuence number (//1 "') is incremented for every inte rity protected //1 messa e. &f the &2 H&nte rity Protection Mode &nfoH is present in a received messa e- the 32 shallP ,T perform the actions in subclause ;.=.3.9 before proceedin with the inte rity chec# of the received messa e.


:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ i$ do1$ i$>

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on si nallin radio bearer with /0 identity n- the H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKG P/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and the &2 $&nte rity chec# info$ is present the 32 shallP ,T chec# the value of the &2 H//1 messa e seAuence numberH included in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoHO *T if the H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH is not present in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OP 3T initialise the H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O with the value of the &2 H//1 messa e seAuence numberH included in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH of the received messa e. *T if the H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH is present in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OP


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3T if the //1 messa e seAuence number is lower than the H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OP 8T increment H:ownlin# //1 F7'H for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O with one. 'OT2P The actions above imply that also for the case the H:ownlin# //1 F7'H is re?initialised by a security mode control procedure- this H:ownlin# //1 F7'H value is incremented by one before it is applied for the inte rity protection of any received messa e if the conditions above are fulfilled.

3T if the //1 messa e seAuence number is eAual to the H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OP 8T discard the messa e. ,T calculate an e(pected messa e authentication code in accordance with subclause ;.9.,+.3O ,T compare the e(pected messa e authentication code with the value of the received &2 Hmessa e authentication codeH contained in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoHO *T if the e(pected messa e authentication code and the received messa e authentication code are the same- the inte rity chec# is successfulP 3T update the H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O with the value of the &2 H//1 messa e seAuence numberH included in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH of the received //1 messa e. *T if the calculated e(pected messa e authentication code and the received messa e authentication code differP 3T act as if the messa e was not received. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on si nallin radio bearer with identity +- ,- or *- the H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKG P/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and the &2 $&nte rity chec# info$ is not present the 32 shallP ,T discard the messa e. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on si nallin radio bearer with identity 3 or 8- the H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and the &2 $&nte rity chec# info$ is not presentP ,T if a security mode command procedure has not been successfully completed durin the current //1 connection for the 1' domain indicated by &2 H1' :omain &dentityH in the received messa eP *T the 32 shall forward the messa e to upper layer. ,T elseP *T the 32 shall discard the messa e. 3T/.' may transmit several copies of the same messa e in the downlin# to increase the probability of proper reception of the messa e by the 32. &n such a case- the //1 "' for these repeated messa es should be the same.


:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ i$ u! i$>

Prior to sendin an //1 messa e usin the si nallin radio bearer with radio bearer identity n- and the H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKG P/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH the 32 shallP ,T increment H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O with ,- even if the messa e is a retransmission of a previously transmitted messa e. ,T if the H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O eAuals !eroP *T increment H3plin# //1 F7'H for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O by one.


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'OT2 ,P The actions above imply that also for the case the H3plin# //1 F7'H is re?initialised by a security mode control procedure- this H3plin# //1 F7'H is incremented before it is applied in the inte rity protection of any transmitted messa e if the conditions above are fulfilled. 'OT2 *P 7or "/0+- this is also valid in case the Messa e "eAuence 'umber has been increased by '3+* V* resultin in an M"' which eAuals + (i.e.P "/0+ 35 activation time eAuals +). Then the uplin# //1 F7' is incremented by , after it is re?initiali!ed and before it is applied in the inte rity protection of any transmitted messa e. ,T calculate the messa e authentication code in accordance with subclause ;.9.,+.3O ,T replace the HMessa e authentication codeH in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH in the messa e with the calculated messa e authentication codeO ,T replace the H//1 Messa e seAuence numberH in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH in the messa e with contents set to the new value of the H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for si nallin radio bearer /0n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O. &n the response messa e for the procedure orderin the security reconfi uration- the 32 indicates the activation timefor each si nallin radio bearer. Chen the new inte rity confi uration is to be applied in uplin#- 3T/.' should start to apply the new inte rity protection confi uration accordin to the activation time for each si nallin radio bearer (e(cept for the si nallin radio bearer which is used to send the messa e that is reconfi urin the security confi uration where the new confi uration is to be applied startin from and includin reception of the response messa e).


(a cu atio$ o3 9essa2e aut"e$ticatio$ code

The 32 shall calculate the messa e authentication code in accordance with D8+E. The input parameter M2"".G2 D8+E for the inte rity al orithm shall be constructed byP ,T settin the HMessa e authentication codeH in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH in the messa e to the value of the &2 H/0 identityH for the si nallin radio bearerO ,T settin the H//1 Messa e seAuence numberH in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH in the messa e to !eroO ,T encodin the messa eO ,T appendin //1 paddin (if any) as a bit strin to the encoded bit strin as the least si nificant bits. 7or usa e on an //1 messa e transmitted or received on the radio bearer with identity n- the 32 shallP ,T construct the input parameter 1O3'T?& D8+E by appendin the followin &2s from the &2 H"i nallin radio bearer specific inte rity protection informationH for radio bearer n in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OP *T for uplin#P 3T H3plin# //1 F7'H- as the M"0- and H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH- as 5"0. *T for downlin#P 3T H:ownlin# //1 F7'H- as the M"0- and the &2 H//1 messa e seAuence numberH included in the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH- as 5"0.

=.5.11 &#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ ca cu atio$

7or 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- when in 1255G7.1F state and when the variable 1G/'T& is non?empty- or for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- when in 1255G7.1F state- when the variable 1G/'T& is non?empty and when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to 7.5"2then the 32 shall perform measurements as specified in subclauses ;.8.,.= and ;.8.,.> durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin eAuationP "7' div ' W 1G/'T& mod MG/2P V n \ MG/2P where


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' is the TT& (in number of ,+ms frames) of the 7.1F havin the lar est TT& on the "11P1F selected by the 32 accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.,>. 7.1Fs that only carry M0M" lo ical channels (MT1FM"1F- or M11F) are e(cluded from measurement occasion calculations. 1G/'T& is the 1?/'T& value of the 32 stored in the variable 1G/'T& MG/2P is the Measurement Occasion cycle len th. .ccordin to the eAuation above- a 7.1F Measurement Occasion of ' frames will be repeated every ' \ MG/2P frame- and MG/2P W *#. where? # is the 7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient. The value of the 7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient is read in system information in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H in the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH.

? ?

n W +-,-*X as lon as "7' is below its ma(imum value

The 32 is allowed to measure on other occasions in case the 32 moves Hout of serviceH area or in case it can simultaneously perform the ordered measurements. . 32 in T:: mode shall use the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the above eAuation for nei hbour cells measurements. 7or 7:: when in 1255G7.1F state- when the variable 1G/'T& is non?empty- when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32- when variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- when the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to 7.5"2 and when the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to 7.5"2 then the 32 in 7:: mode shall perform measurements as specified in subclauses ;.8.,.= and ;.8.,.> durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin eAuationP "7' W F?/'T& mod MG/2P V n \ MG/2P where ? ? F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&. MG/2P is the Measurement Occasion cycle len th. .ccordin to the eAuation above- a 7.1F Measurement Occasion of ,+ms?frame will be repeated every MG/2P frame- and MG/2P W *#. where? # is the 7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient. The value of the 7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient is read in system information in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H in the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH.

n W +-,-*X as lon as "7' is below its ma(imum value.

The 32 is allowed to measure on other occasions in case the 32 moves Hout of serviceH area or in case it can simultaneously perform the ordered measurements. 'OT2P 7or 7::- in order to meet the M0M" demodulation performance reAuirements D*,E- a 32 receivin M0M" PTM may not be able use the entire measurement occasion.

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: when in 1255G7.1F state- when the variable 1G/'T& is non?empty- when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32- and when the F"?"11F(s)- 2?.G1F(s) and F"? P:"1F are not confi ured in T"+- then 32 can perform the ordered measurements on any occasions. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: when in 1255G7.1F state- when the variable 1G/'T& is non?empty- when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32- and when the F"?"11F(s)- 2?.G1F(s) or F"? P:"1F are confi ured in T"+- then the 32 shall perform measurements as specified in subclauses ;.8.,.= and ;.8.,.> durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin eAuationP


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"7' W F?/'T& mod MG/2P V n \ MG/2P where ? ? F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&. MG/2P is the Measurement Occasion cycle len th. .ccordin to the eAuation above- a 7.1F Measurement Occasion of ,+ms?frame will be repeated every MG/2P frame- and MG/2P W *#. where? # is the 7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient. The value of the 7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient is read in system information in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H in the &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH.

n W +-,-*X as lon as "7' is below its ma(imum value.

The 32 is allowed to measure on other occasions in case the 32 moves Hout of serviceH area or in case it can simultaneously perform the ordered measurements.

=.5.11a ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ ca cu atio$ (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&n 1255G:1F state- when the 1255G:1F measurement occasion pattern seAuence(s) is(are) confi ured and activated for the specified measurement purpose as specified in the subclause ;.=.<.*=- then the 32 shall perform correspondin measurements as specified in subclauses ;.8.,.< and ;.8.,.; durin the timeslot(s) indicated by &2P HTimeslot 0itmapH within the frames from the frame "7'start to "7'start V MG5en th ?, frame belon to the allocation with "7'start fulfillin the followin eAuationP "7'start mod (*#) W offset where ? # is 1255G:1F measurement occasion cycle len th coefficient and si nalled by the &2 H#H in the &2 H1255G:1F measurement occasion info 51/H. The actual measurement occasion period eAual to *# radio frames. Offset is the measurement occasion position in the measurement period. and si nalled by the &2 HOffsetH in the &2 H1255G:1F measurement occasion info 51/H. MG5en th is the actual measurement occasion len th in frames startin from the Offset and si nalled by the &2 HMG5en thH in the &2 H1255G:1F measurement occasion info 51/H.

? ?

=.5.12 )sta% is"9e$t o3 #ccess Ser5ice ( asses

The P/.1F resources (i.e. access slots and preamble si natures for 7::)- timeslot (with specific frame allocation and channelisation code for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- and "K'1G35 codes (with specific frame allocation) for ,.*; Mcps T::) may be divided between different .ccess "ervice 1lasses in order to provide different priorities of /.1F usa e. &t is possible for more than one ."1 or for all ."1s to be assi ned to the same access slot@si nature space in 7:: or frame allocation@channelisation codes in 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- or frame allocation@"K'1G35 codes in ,.*; Mcps T::. .ccess "ervice 1lasses shall be numbered in the ran e + i 'um."1 < (i.e. the ma(imum number of ."1s is ;). .n ."1 is defined by an identifier- i% that defines a certain partition of the P/.1F resources ("K'1G35 resources in ,.*; Mcps T::) and an associated persistence value Pi. . set of ."1 parameters consists of H'um."1V,H such parameters (i- Pi)- i W +- X- 'um."1. P/.1F partitions shall be established usin the information element HP/.1F partitionin H. The persistence values Pi to be associated with each ."1 shall be derived from the dynamic persistence level N , ,-X- ; which is broadcast in "ystem &nformation 0loc# <- and the persistence scalin factors si- broadcast in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and possibly also in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type =- as followsP P(') W *(' ,)


Release ! ASC B i Pi % 1 ! s2 P(')

3!( 3 s3 P(') ' s, P(')

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) " s5 P(') ( s6P(') ) s/ P(')


&n addition- M0M" specific persistence values may be provided within the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. The 32 behaviour upon receivin upon receivin an M0M" dynamic persistence value is specified in subclause ;.=.>.,a. "calin factors si are provided optionally for i W *-X- 'um."1- where 'um."1V, is the number of ."1s as defined by P/.1F partitionin . &f no scalin factors are broadcast- default value , shall be used if 'um."1 *. &f k , scalin factors are broadcast and 'um."1 k-* then the last scalin factor sk-. shall be used as default for the ."1s where i T k V,. &n the case of 2?/311F operation (3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: only) a separate set of persistence values will be used. 7or 2? /311F a sin le scalin factor "r is si nalled. &f the 2?/311F shares resource with a P/.1F then dynamic perstistence levels of the P/.1F are used and persistence values are determined usin the table belowP
ASC B i Pi (1&R0CC9) % 1 P(') !A) Sr P(')

2lse if the 2?/311F does not share resource with a P/.1F then persistence values are determined usin the table belowP
ASC B i Pi (1&R0CC9) % 1 1 !&&) Sr

The establistment of .ccess "ervice 1lasses for 2?/311F (,.*; Mcps T:: only) is similar as P/.1F- differently .ccess "ervice 1lasses parameters and persistence scalin factors of 2?/311F may be acAuired from the information element H2?/311F infoH- e. . in the case of 2?:1F servin cell chan e. Only in the case that the 32s with 2?:1F and 2?/311F confi ured on the Primary 7reAuency of the multi?freAuency cell- the 2?:1F servin cell unchan ed and the 32s can obtain the dynamic persistence level ' from "&0< accordin to the confi uration of information element Y2?/311F infoZ- the dynamic persistence value ' shall be used. Otherwise- dynamic persistence level 'W, shall always be used. The persistence values are determined usin the table belowP
ASC B i Pi (1&R0CC9) % 1 P(') ! s2 P(') 3 s3 P(') ' s, P(') " s5 P(') ( s6P(') ) s/ P(')

The set of ."1 parameters is provided to M.1 with the 1M.1?1onfi ?/2J primitive (see D,9E)- the P/.1F partitionin is provided to PFK usin the 1PFK?/5?"etup?/2J primitive (see D38E). 7or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: 2?:1F operation the 2?/311F persistence values will also be provided to M.1 with the 1M.1?1onfi ?/2J primitive. The ."1 enumeration shall be such that it corresponds to the order of priority (."1 + W hi hest priority- ."1 < W lowest priority). ."1 + shall be used in case of 2mer ency 1all or for reasons with eAuivalent priority. ."1s are numbered accordin to the order in which the &2s H."1 "ettin H appear in the &2 HP/.1F partitionin Hwhere the first &2 H."1 "ettin H describes ."1 +- the second &2 H."1 "ettin H describes ."1 ,- etc. .t radio bearer setup@reconfi uration each involved lo ical channel is assi ned a M.1 5o ical channel Priority (M5P) in the ran e ,-X-;. Chen the M.1 sublayer is confi ured for /.1F transmission in the 32- these M5P levels shall be employed for ."1 selection on M.1.

=.5.13 Ma!!i$2 o3 #ccess ( asses to #ccess Ser5ice ( asses

.ccess 1lasses shall only be applied at initial access- i.e. when sendin an //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e. . mappin between .ccess 1lass (.1) and .ccess "ervice 1lass (."1) shall be indicated by the information element H.1?to?."1 mappin H in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis. The correspondence between .1 and ."1 shall be indicated as follows.
AC ASC %&+ 1st :) % 2$d :) 3rd :) ! ,t" :) 3 5t" :) ' 6t" :) " /t" :)


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&n the table- Hnth &2H desi nates an ."1 number i in the ran e + ? < to .1. &f the ."1 indicated by the Hnth &2H is undefined- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 7or the random access and the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- the parameters implied by the respective ."1 shall be employed. &n case the 32 is member of several .1s it shall select the ."1 for the hi hest .1 number. &n connected mode- .1 shall not be applied.

=.5.1, PLM' T7!e Se ectio$

:ependin on 32 confi uration- the 32 is operatin in H.'"&?8, modeH or HG"M?M.P modeH.

=.5.1,a 'ei2"%our ce s ist $arro1i$2 3or ce rese ectio$

Chile a 32 is campin on a suitable cell- a 32 havin performed the P5M' identification of the nei hbour cells as specified in subclause ;.,.,.=.,; shall narrow the cell list to be used for cell reselection (D8E) to those nei hbour cells for whichP The P5M' identity is part of the P5M's that can ma#e a cell suitable as defined in D8E.

=.5.15 (&' ca cu atio$

The :O77 used in the formulas in this clause concerns the value of &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH received in the messa e that instructs the 32 to enter 1255G:1F state or to perform timin re?initialised hard handover. "ubclause ;.9.,9.9 is used in 7:: to initialise the 17' for MT1F and@or M"1F if the &2 HM0M" "oft 1ombinin Timin OffsetH is included for an "?11P1F in M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' or M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- and if only MT1F and@or M"1F are on the "?11P1F. Otherwise- subclauses ;.9.,9., throu h ;.9.,9.8 are used to intialise the 17'.


:$itia isatio$ 3or ()LL;4(< state a3ter state tra$sitio$

Chen the 32 receives any of the messa es causin the 32 to perform a state transition to 1255G:1F- the 32 shall set the 17' in relation to the "7' of the first radio lin# listed in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH included in that messa e accordin to the followin formulaP ? for 7::P 17' W ("7' ? (:O77 div 3;8++)) mod *9= where the formula ives the 17' of the downlin# :P1F or 7?:P1F frame which starts at the same time as or which starts durin the P11P1F frame with the iven "7'. :O77 is determined accordin to subclause ;.=.=.,8. ? for T::P 17' W ("7' ? :O77) mod *9=.


:$itia isatio$ i$ ()LL;4(< state at "ard "a$do5er

Chen the 32 is in 1255G:1F state and receives any of the messa es causin the 32 to perform a hard handover- the 32 shall chec# the &2 HTimin indicationH in that messa e andP ,T if &2 HTimin indicationH has the value HinitialiseH (i.e. timin re?initialised hard handover)P *T read "7' on tar et cell identified by the first radio lin# listed in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH included in that messa eO *T set the 17' accordin to the followin formulaP 3T for 7::P 17' W ("7' ? (:O77 div 3;8++)) mod *9= where the formula ives the 17' of the downlin# :P1F or 7?:P1F frame which starts at the same time as or which starts durin the P11P1F frame with the iven "7'.


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3T for T::P 17' W ("7' ? :O77) mod *9=. ,T if &2 HTimin indicationH has the value HmaintainH (i.e. timin ?maintained hard handover)- the 32 shall #eep 17' with no chan e due to the hard handover- and only increase 17' (mod *9=) by , every frame.


:$itia isatio$ 3or ()LL;&#(<

3nless the conditions of subclause ;.9.,9.9 are met- when the 32 performs cell selection- re?selection or chan es to 1255G7.1F state the 32 shall set 17' for all common or shared channels accordin toP 17' W "7' mod *9= where the formula ives the 17' of the downlin# common or shared channel frame which starts at the same time as or which starts durin the P11P1F frame with the iven "7'. .fter the initialisation- the 17' in the 32 is increased (mod *9=) by , every frame.


:$itia isatio$ a3ter i$ters7ste9 "a$do5er to UTR#'

3pon inter /.T handover to 3T/.' the 32 shall- re ardless of the value received within &2 HTimin indicationH (if received)P ,T read "7' on tar et cell and set the 17' accordin to the followin formulaP *T for 7::P 17' W ("7' ? (:O77 div 3;8++)) mod *9= where the formula ives the 17' of the downlin# :P1F frame which starts at the same time as or which starts durin the P11P1F frame with the iven "7'. *T for T::P 17' W ("7' ? :O77) mod *9=.


:$itia isatio$ 3or MT(< a$d0or MS(< carried o$ S-((P(< t"at 9a7 %e so3t co9%i$ed

7or 7::- if the &2 HM0M" "oft 1ombinin Timin OffsetH is included for an "?11P1F in M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' or M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- and if only MT1F and@or M"1F are on the "?11P1F- the 32 shall set 17' for the "?11P1F accordin toP 17' W ("7' ("1TO div ,+ms)) mod *9= where the formula ives the 17' of the downlin# "?11P1F frame which starts at the same time as or which starts durin the P11P1F frame with the iven "7'. the "1TO used in the formula is the &2 HM0M" "oft 1ombinin Timin OffsetH. .fter the initialisation- the 17' in the 32 is increased (mod *9=) by , every frame.

=.5.16 (o$3i2uratio$ o3 (T(< occasio$s

The 1T1F- carryin 10" data is mapped onto only one "?11P1F. &f more than one 1T1F is defined- the first 1T1F that is confi ured in the list of "?11P1Fs is the one that is used for 10" data. &f the 32 is in connected mode it shall i nore any 1T1F confi uration contained in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = and use the 1T1F confi uration contained in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9. The 1T1F occasions are identified by the first radio frame of the TT& that can contain 1T1F data. The 1T1F occasions are fi(ed on the system frame number cycle + .. 8+>9 (i.e. no modulo calculation) and thus repeated cyclically. The 1T1F occasions are determined by a set of parameters.


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MTT&P number of radio frames within the TT& of the 7.1F used for 1T1F 'P period of 1T1F allocation on "?11P1F- inte er number of radio framesMTT& ' *9=- where ' is a multiple of MTT& (see D*<E and D3,E). Ma("7'P ma(imum system frame number W 8+>9 (see D,+E). %P 10" frame offset- inte er number of radio frames + % '?, where % is a multiple of MTT& . The 1T1F occasions are calculated as followsP "7' W (% V m ')- m W +- ,-...- M- with M chosen that %VM' Ma("7'. The parameters ' and % are broadcast as system information. &f the &2 HPeriod of 0M1 schedulin messa es (P)H is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis then 0M1 "chedule Messa es are transmitted periodically every P 1T1F occasions. One 0M1 "chedule Messa e may be se mented across more than one 1T1F occasion. The 1T1F occasions that contain the start of the 0M1 "chedule Messa es are calculated as followsP "7' W (% V m P ')- where m is an inte er and + "7' Ma("7' &f the &2 HPeriod of 0M1 schedulin messa es (P)H is not included in system information bloc# type 9 then 0M1 "chedule Messa es could be transmitted in any 1T1F occasion.

=.5.1/ PR#(< se ectio$

7or this version of the specification- when a 32 selects a cell- the uplin# freAuency to be used for the initial P/.1F transmission shall have a default duple( freAuency spacin offset from the downlin# freAuency that the cell was selected on. The default duple( freAuency separation to be used by the 32 is specified in D*,E for each freAuency band (for 7:: only). 'OT2P The P/.1F selection scheme assumes that all P/.1Fs confi ured in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9"ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = support all (implicitly or e(plicitly) confi urable /51 si!es of the cell- i.e. at least the transport formats correspondin to a sin le transport bloc# of each applicable /51 si!e of the cell must be defined for each P/.1F.

The 32 shall select a HP/.1F system informationH accordin to the followin rule. The 32 shallP ,T select a HP/.1F system informationH from the ones indicated in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis (applicable in &dle Mode and 1onnected Mode) or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = (applicable in 1onnected Mode only)- as followsP *T if in connected mode and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is defined and includes P/.1F infoP 3T compile a list of candidate P/.1Fs that consists of the P/.1F system information listed in "ystem &nformation 0loc# =- in the order of appearance as in "ystem &nformation 0loc# =. *TotherwiseP 3T compile a list of candidate P/.1Fs that consists of the P/.1F system information listed in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9 or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9bis- in the order of appearance as in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9 or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9bis- respectively. *T in 7::P 3T perform /.1F TT& selection as specified in subclause ;.9.,;.,. *T in ,.*; Mcps T::P 3T perform /.1F TT& selection accordin to subclause ;.9.,;.*. *T remove from the list of candidate P/.1Fs those P/.1Fs that have a TT& len th different from the selected valueO


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*T select a P/.1F randomly from the list of candidate P/.1Fs as followsP H&nde( of selected P/.1FH W floor (rand \ %) where % is eAual to the number of candidate P/.1F system informations- HrandH is a random number uniformly distributed in the ran e + rand [ , and HfloorH refers to roundin down to nearest inte er. The candidate P/.1F system informations shall be inde(ed from + to %?,. The random number enerator is left to implementation. The scheme shall be implemented such that one of the available P/.1F system informations is randomly selected with uniform probability. .t start?up of the random number enerator in the 32 the seed shall be dependent on the &M"& of the 32 or time- thereby avoidin that all 32s select the same /.1FO *T use the T71" of the selected P/.1F when performin T71 selection (see D,9E)O *T reselect the P/.1F system information when a new cell is selected. /.1F reselection may also be performed after each transmission of a Transport 0loc# "et on /.1F. ,T for emer ency call- the 32 is allowed to select any of the available P/.1F system informations. .fter selectin a P/.1F system information- the //1 in the 32 shall confi ure the M.1 and the physical layer for the /.1F access accordin to the parameters included in the selected HP/.1F system informationH &2.

=.5.1= Se ectio$ o3 R#(< TT:

=.5.1=.1 &44
&n 7:: mode- a /.1F may employ either ,+ or *+ ms TT&. The supported TT& is indicated as a semi?static parameter of the /.1F Transport 7ormat in system information. The 32 shall select an appropriate TT& len th from the /.1Fs included in the list of candidate P/.1F(s) accordin to the followin rule. The 32 shallP ,T if only /.1Fs with one particular TT& len th are included in the list of candidate P/.1F(s)P *T select this TT& len th and proceed as specified in subclause ;.9.,<. ,T if both P/.1Fs with ,+ms and *+ms TT& len ths are included in the list of candidate P/.1F(s)P *T perform TT& selection as followsP 3T when the 32 calculates the initial preamble transmit power (HPreambleG&nitialGPowerH) as specified in subclause ;.9.<P 8T select a T7 to be employed for calculation of a transmit power mar in as followsP 9T from the T7s supported by all candidate P/.1Fs #eep those which correspond to a sin le transport bloc# of all confi ured /51 si!es (i.e.- in idle mode- the /51 si!e applicable for /0+- in connected mode- the /51 si!es confi ured with e(plicit H/0 mappin infoH). &f more than a sin le T7 remain applicable- the 32 may select any of these. Preferably the 32 should select the T7 which is intended to be used at the ne(t transmission or- if such information is not available- the T7 correspondin to the lar est confi ured /51 si!e. 8T calculate a transmit power mar inMar in W ]min(Ma(imum allowed 35 t( power- PGM.I) ma((PreambleG&nitialGPowerPreambleG&nitialGPower V Pp?m V ,+\lo
,+(, *

V (d @c) )_

where HMa(imum allowed 35 t( powerH is the ma(imum allowed uplin# transmit power indicated in system information (in d0m)- and PGM.I is the ma(imum /7 output power of the 32 (d0m). The mar in shall be calculated for the ain factors d and c of the T7 selected in the step above- usin ,+ms TT& len th. 'OT2 ,P the e(pression PreambleG&nitialGPower V Pp?m V ,+\lo ,+(, V (d @c) ) represents the total /.1F messa e power if the messa e would be sent after the initial preamble.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 *P 7or all P/.1Fs with the same TT& the 3T/.' should set each of the &2s HPrimary 1P&1F TI powerHH1onstant valueH to the same value- and within these P/.1F confi urations- the 3T/.' should- for all T7s includin a sin le T0- set each of the &2s HGain 7actor c H- HGain 7actor dH and HPower offset P p? mH to the same value. &f these uidelines are not followed- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T if the resultin HMar inH value is less than = d0P 8T select /.1F with *+ ms TT&- and proceed as specified in subclause ;.9.,<. 3T otherwise- if the last 5, messa e transmission on P/.1F failed (see D,9E)P 8T the 32 may select /.1F with *+ms TT& len th and proceed as specified in subclause ;.9.,<. 3T otherwiseP 8T select /.1F with ,+ms TT& len th and proceed as specified in subclause ;.9.,<.


1.2= Mc!s T44

&n ,.*; Mcps T::- a /.1F may be assi ned a 9- ,+ or *+ ms TT&. &f- in one cell- more than one /.1F is defined a 32 shall select the /.1F that is to be used for each transmission accordin to the followin ruleP ,T if only /.1Fs with one particular TT& len th are assi ned a transport format that is suitable for the transmission of the transport bloc# setP *T select this /.1F$s TT& len th. ,T if more than one /.1Fs are assi ned a transport format that is suitable for the transmission of the transport bloc# setP *T select the lon est of the TT& len ths of these /.1Fs.

=.5.1- Seco$dar7 ((P(< se ectio$

&n 3T/.' 1onnected mode- the 32 shall select the "econdary 11P1F accordin to the followin rulesP ,T in 1ellG:1F stateP *T select "econdary 11P1F accordin to subclause ;.=.=.8. ,T in 1ellG7.1F stateP *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is defined and includes one or more "11P1F that carry a 7.1Fcompile a list of candidate "11P1F that consists of these "11P1F- in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =. 'OT2 ,P .n "11P1F carries a 7.1F if the si!e of the H7.1F@P1F informationH list within the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH e(ceeds , or if the si!e of this list eAuals , while &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH does not contain an &2 HP&1F infoH. *T otherwiseP 3T compile a list of candidate "11P1F that consists of the "11P1F(s) included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis that carry a 7.1F- in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis. *T select an "11P1F from the list of candidate "11P1Fs based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected "11P1FH W 3?/'T& mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate "11P1Fs. ,T in 1ellGP1F and 3/.GP1F statesP


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*T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is defined and includes one or more "11P1F that carry a P1F- compile a list of candidate "11P1F that consists of these "11P1F- in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = 'OT2 *P .n "11P1F carries a P1F if the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH contains &2 HP&1F infoH *T otherwise compile a list of candidate "11P1F that consists of the "11P1F(s) included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis that that carry a P1F - in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO *T select an "11P1F from the list of candidate "11P1Fs based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected "11P1FH W 3?/'T& mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate "11P1Fs. The 32 shall set the 17' in relation to the "7' of the current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9. The 32 shall decode all transport formats on all 7.1Fs multiple(ed on the selected "?11P1F accordin to its 32 capability- as defined in subclauses ;.,.,.=.9 and ;.,.,.=.=- to find bloc#s adressed to the 32.

=.5.1-a Seco$dar7 ((P(< a$d &#(< se ectio$ 3or M((< rece!tio$

The 32 shall select the "econdary 11P1F for acAuirin M11F information accordin to the followin rulesP ,T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis is defined and includes an "?11P1F within the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH includin a 7.1F for which the &2 HM11F confi uration informationH is includedP *T select that "?11P1F and 7.1F for receivin M11F. ,T otherwise if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis is defined and includes an "11P1F within the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system information M0M"H for which the &2 H7.1F carryin M11FH is includedP *T select that "?11P1F and 7.1F for receivin M11F.

=.5.20 U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$

The 32 should set the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32 if the received messa e is not accordin to the 32 capabilities.

=.5.21 #ctio$s re ated to Radio 8earer 9a!!i$2

Chen the 32 receives the &2s H/0 mappin infoH- H111F mappin infoH- H"/0, mappin infoH and@or the &2 HTransport format setH- when transport channels- M.1?d flows- M.1?ehs reorderin Aueues or 2?:1F M.1?d flows are added or deleted- when the 32 performs a cell reselection or a state transition- or when the 32 releases a /0- or when the value stored in the variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: chan es- the 32 shall for each of the confi ured /adio 0earersP ,T upon movin to 1255G7.1F state from 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F or 1255G:1F state to initiate a cell update procedure and upon subseAuent cell reselections until the first successfully completed cell update procedureonly perform the actions defined in the remainder of this subclause after reception of the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eO ,T for 7::- select the multiple(in option accordin to the followin P *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP 3T if the 32 does support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state and &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO or 3T if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P


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8T if the 32 does support 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode and the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and if 1?/'T&- F?/'T& and primary 2?/'T& are provided to the 32P 9T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35 and the correspondin common 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP =T select this multiple(in optionO 8T elseP 9T if either of the followin conditions is metP and =T the radio bearer is mapped to 111F and &2 H111F 7allbac#H is set to T/32O =T the radio bearer is mapped to :11F and &2 H:11F 7allbac#H is set to T/32. 9T if the variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: is set to T/32P =T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35P <T select this multiple(in option. 9T elseP =T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35P <T select this multiple(in option. *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO or 3T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP 8T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H7.1FH for the :5- and transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35P 9T select this multiple(in option. 3T elseP 8T if the 32 does not support 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO or 8T if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP 9T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35P =T select this multiple(in option. 8T elseP 9T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35 and the correspondin common 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP =T select this multiple(in option.


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*T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F transport channel and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue are confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2? :1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F transport channel and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue are confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V :"1FH for the :5P 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecifiedO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:"1FH for the :5P 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecifiedO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in option. ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- select the multiple(in option accordin to the followin P *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T if the /0 has the multiple(in options with the transport channel types H7.1FH and H:"1FH for the :5and the correspondin 7.1F and :"1F transport channels are confi ured- and with the transport channel types H/.1FH and H3"1FH for the 35- and the correspondin /.1F and 3"1F transport channels are confi uredP 8T if both P3"1F and P:"1F are allocatedP 9T select the multiple(in option H:"1FH for :5 and H3"1FH for 35O else 8T if only P3"1F is allocatedP 9T select the multiple(in option H7.1FH for :5 and H3"1FH for 35O else 8T if only P:"1F is allocatedP


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9T select the multiple(in option H:"1FH for :5 and H/.1FH for 35O else 8T if neither P3"1F nor P:"1F is allocatedP 9T select the multiple(in option H7.1FH for :5 and H/.1FH for 35. 3T if the /0 has a sin le multiple(in option with the transport channel type H7.1FH for the :5 and the transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35P 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a sin le multiple(in option with the transport channel type H:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :"1F transport channel is confi ured- and with the transport channel type H3"1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 3"1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else *T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F transport channel and M.1?d flow are confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F transport channel and M.1?d flow are confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V :"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F and :"1F transport channels are confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?d flow is confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?d flow is confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the/0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :"1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel H3"1FH for the 35and the correspondin 3"1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in option.


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,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- select the multiple(in option accordin to the followin P *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP 3T if the 32 does support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state and &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and if 1?/'T&- F?/'T& and primary 2? /'T& are provided to the 32P 8T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35P 9T select this multiple(in option. *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state and 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO or 3T if the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9O or 3T if the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P 8T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H7.1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35P 9T select this multiple(in optionO else 8T if the /0 has the multiple(in options with the transport channel types H7.1FH and H:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin 7.1F and :"1F transport channels are confi ured- and with the transport channel types H/.1FH and H3"1FH for the 35- and the correspondin /.1F and 3"1F transport channels are confi uredP 9T if both P3"1F and P:"1F are allocatedP =T select the multiple(in option H:"1FH for :5 and H3"1FH for 35O else 9T if only P3"1F is allocatedP =T select the multiple(in option H7.1FH for :5 and H3"1FH for 35O else 9T if only P:"1F is allocatedP =T select the multiple(in option H:"1FH for :5 and H/.1FH for 35O else 9T if neither P3"1F nor P:"1F is allocatedP =T select the multiple(in option H7.1FH for :5 and H/.1FH for 35. 8T if the /0 has a sin le multiple(in option with the transport channel type H:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :"1F transport channel is confi ured- and with the transport channel type H3"1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 3"1F transport channel is confi uredP 9T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T elseP 8T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35P 9T select this multiple(in option. *T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F transport channel and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin


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Aueue are confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2? :1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F transport channel and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue are confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1F V :"1FH for the :5- and both the correspondin :1F and :"1F transport channels are confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel type H:1FH for the 35- and the correspondin :1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in optionO else 3T if the/0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type H:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin :"1F transport channel is confi ured- and with transport channel H3"1FH for the 35and the correspondin 3"1F transport channel is confi uredP 8T select this multiple(in option. ,T confi ure the M.1 with the appropriate transport format set (with computed transport bloc# si!es) for the transport channel used by that /0O or ,T confi ure the M.1 with the appropriate M.1?d flow or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue used by that /0O ,T in case the selected multiple(in option is a multiple(in option on 2?:1FP *T if the /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfi(ed si!eH- the set of /51 si!es that apply to the lo ical channel used by that /0 consists of all /51 P:3 si!es listed in the &2 H/51 P:3 si!e listH in the /0 mappin info for 2?:1F. ,T elseP *T determine the sets of /51 si!es that apply to the lo ical channels used by that /0- based on the &2s H/51 si!e listH and@or the &2s H5o ical 1hannel 5istH included in the applicable HTransport format setH (either the ones received in the same messa e or the ones stored if none were received)O ,T in case the selected multiple(in option is a multiple(in option on /.1FP


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*T i nore the /51 si!e inde(es that do not correspond to any /51 si!e within the Transport 7ormat "et stored for /.1F. *T if there is no remainin /51 si!e inde( correspondin to an /51 si!e within the Transport 7ormat "et stored for /.1FP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if /.1F is the transport channel to be used on the uplin#- if that /0 has a multiple(in option on /.1F and if it is usin .MP *T apply the lar est si!e amon st the ones derived accordin to the previous bullet for the /51 si!e (or /51 si!es in case the /0 is realised usin two lo ical channels) for the correspondin /51 entity. 'OT2P The &2 H/0 mappin infoH is only included in the &2 HPredefined /0 confi urationsH in system information when used for &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.' and there is no .M /51 si!e chan e involved in this case.

,T if the uplin# /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eH and no uplin# /51 P:3 si!e is currently set in the /51 entityP *T if this radio bearer is a si nallin radio bearerP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T else- confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the /51 len th indicator si!e indicated in the &2 H5en th indicator si!eH. 'OT2,P &n uplin#- if the 3T/.' has confi ured H7le(ible si!eH /51 P:3s and <?bit H5en th indicator si!eH field and H5ar est 35 /51 P:3 si!eH T ,*= octets- but the 3T/.' has not confi ured H3se special value of F2 fieldH- then the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2*P &n uplin#- if the 3T/.' has confi ured H7le(ible si!eH /51 P:3s and <?bit H5en th indicator si!eH field- but the 3T/.' has also confi ured HMinimum 35 /51 P:3H T ,*= octets- then the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T if the uplin# /51 P:3 si!e is chan ed from Hfi(edH to Hfle(ible si!eH and the /51 len th indicator si!e is < bitsP *T if this radio bearer is a si nallin radio bearerP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T else- confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with fle(ible /51 P:3 si!e and the /51 len th indicator si!e indicated in the &2 H5en th indicator si!eH. ,T if that /0 is usin .M and the /51 si!e applicable to the uplin# lo ical channel transportin data P:3s is different from the one derived from the previously stored confi urationO or ,T if that /0 is usin .M and the /51 si!e applicable to the uplin# lo ical channel transportin data P:3s chan ed from Hfle(ible si!eH to Hfi(ed si!eHO or ,T if that /0 is usin .M and Hfle(ible si!eH /51 P:3s and the 5en th &ndicator si!e applicable to the uplin# lo ical channel transportin data P:3s is different from the one derived from the previously stored confi urationO or ,T if that /0 is usin .M and the /51 P:3 si!e applicable to the uplin# lo ical channel transportin data P:3s chan ed from Hfi(ed si!eH to Hfle(ible si!eH and the indicated /51 len th indicator si!e is ,9 bitsO and ,T none of the followin conditions is metP ? ? the /51 si!e chan e is caused by a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M and the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e includes the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH. the /51 si!e chan e is caused by a reconfi uration messa e- and a cell update procedure occurs durin the reconfi uration procedure and the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e includes the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH.


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the /51 si!e chan e is caused by a reconfi uration messa e- and a cell update procedure occurs durin this reconfi uration procedure and the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e includes the &2 H/51 re?establish indicatorH bein set to T/32 for the correspondin radio bearer.

*T if the /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eHP 3T if this radio bearer is a si nallin radio bearerP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T if the /51 si!e chan e is caused by a reconfi uration messa e or a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M and the &2 Hone sided /51 re?establishmentH is included in that messa e and is set to T/32O or *T the uplin# /51 si!e chan e is caused by chan in the multiple(in option with transport channel type H2? :1FH to transport channel type H/.1FH durin cell reselection- and the 32 enters or remains in 1255G7.1F state- or the 32 enters 1255GP1F state and the F?/'T& is stored after the state transition into 1255GP1F state- the 32 shall after receivin the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/MP 3T re?establish the transmittin side of the correspondin /51 entity. *T elseP 3T re?establish the correspondin /51 entityO 3T if the /51 entity for "/0* is re?establishedP 8T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T if the /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfi(ed si!eHP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the new uplin# /51 si!e. *T if the /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eHP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the /51 len th indicator si!e indicated in the &2 H5en th indicator si!eH. *T for each .M /51 radio bearer in the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" whose /51 si!e is chan edO and *T for each .M /51 si nallin radio bearer in the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' whose /51 si!e is chan edP 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of this 1' domain is set to H"tartedHP 8T if the information causin the /51 re?establishment was included in system informationP 9T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH for this 1' domain that will be included in the 1255 3P:.T2 messa e followin cell reselection. 'OT2P "ince the 32 cannot predict the "T./T value at the time of the ne(t 1255 3P:.T2 transmission in the future- 3T/.' should desist from chan in the /51 si!e for a si nallin radio bearer within a cell. Other than this case the chan e in /51 si!e for a si nallin radio bearer is #nown to the 32 when readin system information followin cell reselection. 8T if the /51 re?establishment is caused by a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/MP 9T if the whole /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity in uplin# and downlin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH included in the latest transmitted 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for this 1' domain. 9T if only the transmittin side of the /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' value for the correspondin /51 entity in the uplin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH included in the latest transmitted 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for this 1' domain.


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8T if the /51 re?establishment is caused by a reconfi uration messa eP 9T if the whole /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity in uplin# and downlin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH that will be included in the reconfi uration complete messa e for this 1' domain. 9T if only the transmittin side of the /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' value for the correspondin /51 entity in the direction uplin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH that will be included in the reconfi uration complete messa e for this 1' domain. 'OT2,P &f the 3T/.' modifies the /51 si!e for /0* on any reconfi uration messa e or 1ell 3pdate 1onfirm messa e- the 32 behaviour is unspecified in this version of the specification. 'OT2*P The 32 cannot rely on the confi ured Transport 7ormats to determine the /51 si!es to be used in downlin# for a particular lo ical channel. This si!e can be si nalled e(plicitly in the /51 &nfo &2. ,T if that /0 is usin .M or 3MO and ,T M.1?i@is is confi ured and the /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eHP *T indicate the lar est /51 si!e applicable for uplin# to the correspondin /51 entityO *T indicate the minimum /51 si!e applicable for the uplin# to the correspondin /51 entity. ,T M.1?e@es is confi ured and the /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eHP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if that /0 is usin 3M and M.1?i@is is not confi uredP *T indicate the lar est /51 si!e applicable for uplin# to the correspondin /51 entity. ,T confi ure M.1 multiple(in accordin to the selected multiple(in option (M.1 multiple(in shall only be confi ured for a lo ical channel if the transport channel it is mapped on accordin to the selected multiple(in option is the same as the transport channel another lo ical channel is mapped on accordin to the multiple(in option selected for it)O ,T confi ure the M.1 with the lo ical channel priorities accordin to selected multiple(in optionO ,T confi ure the M.1 with the set of applicable /51 "i!es for each of the lo ical channels used for that /0O ,T if there is no multiple(in option applicable for the transport channels- M.1?d flows and M.1?ehs reorderin Aueues to be usedP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if there is more than one multiple(in option applicable for the transport channels- M.1?d flows or M.1?ehs reorderin Aueues to be usedP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f upon cell re?selection or upon movin to 1255G7.1F state from 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F or 1255G:1F state to initiate cell update procedure the 32 sets variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32 as a result of the actions defined in this subclause- the 32 shouldP ,T move to idle modeO ,T release (locally) the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and the established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") and indicate this to upper layersO ,T perform other actions when enterin idle mode from connected mode as specified in subclause ;.9.*.


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=.5.22 #ctio$s 1"e$ e$teri$2 a$ot"er R#T 3ro9 co$$ected 9ode

'OT2P This section does not apply when enterin G2/.' &u mode from 3T/.' connected mode. Chen enterin another /.T from connected mode (due to &nter?/.T handover from 3T/.'- &nter?/.T cell chan e order from 3T/.' or &nter?/.T cell reselection from 3T/.')- after successful completion of the procedure causin the transition to the other /.T- the 32 shallP ,T if the 3"&M is present- for each 1' domainP *T if a new security #ey set was received for this 1' domain but was not used either for inte rity protection or cipherin durin this //1 connectionP 3T set the "T./T value for this domain to !ero andO 3T store this "T./T value for this domain in the volatile memory of the M2O *T elseP 3T store the current "T./T value for every 1' domain in the volatile memory of the M2. 'OT2P Prior to storin the "T./T value- the 32 should calculate this "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>.

,T if the "&M is present- for each 1' domainP *T if a new security #ey was received for this 1' domain but was not used either for inte rity protection or cipherin durin this //1 connectionP 3T set the "T./T value for this domain to !ero andO 3T store this "T./T value for this domain in the volatile memory of the M2. *T elseP 3T store the current "T./T value for this 1' domain in the volatile memory of the M2. 'OT2P Prior to storin the "T./T value- the 32 should calculate this "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>.

=.5.23 Measured resu ts o$ R#(<

Chen transmittin an uplin# //1 messa e and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*- if transmitted- have been received- the 32 shallP ,T if the uplin# //1 messa e is an //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa eP *T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F reportin H and the &2 HMa(imum number of reported cells on /.1FH are included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 3T include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH- as specified in the &2 H&ntra? freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F reportin H and the &2 HMa(imum number of reported cells on /.1FH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,. *T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 3T if- at the time the messa e is to be sent- valid measurements are availableO and 3T there is one or more cells for which the Auantity- indicated by the &2 H/eportin AuantityH in the &2 H&nter? freAuency /.1F reportin informationZ- e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdHP 8T include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FHO


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8T include the cells for which the Auantity- indicated by the &2 H/eportin AuantityH in the &2 H&nter? freAuency /.1F reportin informationZ- e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdHO 8T set the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell indication? "&0,,H to the followin valueP BalueGTa MO: *- with BalueGTa correspondin to the value ta of "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,O 8T set the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell indication? "&0,*H to any value. *T for 7::- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,> has been received and if the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>O and *T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. /.1F reportin P 3T if- at the time the messa e is to be sent- valid measurements are availableO and 3T there is one or more cells for which the Physical layer 1ell &dentity is not included in the blac#list of whose freAuency and the Auantity- indicated by the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F /eportin AuantityH in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin informationH- e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H2? 3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdH accordin to the criteria specified in subclause ,+.3.<.89P 8T include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FHO 8T set the value of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency indicatorHO 8T set the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency indication?"&0,>H to the followin valueP BalueGTa MO: *- with BalueGTa correspondin to the value ta of "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,>. ,T for any other uplin# //1 messa e which optionally includes the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FHP *T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F reportin H and the &2 HMa(imum number of reported cells on /.1FH are included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,Hif these &2s are not included in the broadcast H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H is not bein broadcast). 3T include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH- as specified in the &2 H&ntra? freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F reportin H and the &2 HMa(imum number of reported cells on /.1FH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* (or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,H if these &2s are not included in the broadcast H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H is not bein broadcast). *T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is included in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H (or H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,H if this &2 is not included in the H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H or if H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H is not bein broadcast)P 3T if- at the time the messa e is to be sent- valid measurements are availableO and 3T there is one or more cells for which the Auantity- indicated by the &2 H/eportin AuantityH in the &2 H&nter? freAuency /.1F reportin informationZ- e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdHP 8T include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FHO 8T include the cells for which the Auantity- indicated by the &2 H/eportin AuantityH in the &2 H&nter? freAuency /.1F reportin informationH- e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H&nter?freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdHO 8T set the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell indication? "&0,,H to the followin valueP BalueGTa MO: *- with BalueGTa correspondin to the value ta of "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,O 8T if H"ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*H is bein broadcastP 9T set the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell indication? "&0,*H to the followin valueP BalueGTa MO: *with BalueGTa correspondin to the value ta of "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*. 8T elseP


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9T set the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell indication? "&0,*H to any value. *T for 7::- if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,> has been received and if the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>O and *T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. /.1F reportin P 3T if- at the time the messa e is to be sent- 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F is not confi uredO and 3T if- at the time the messa e is to be sent- valid measurements are availableO and 3T there is one or more cells for which the Physical layer 1ell &dentity is not included in the blac#list of whose freAuency and the Auantity- indicated by the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F /eportin AuantityH in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin informationH- e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H2? 3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdH accordin to the criteria specified in subclause ,+.3.<.89P 8T include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FHO 8T set the value of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency indicatorHO 8T set the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency indication?"&0,>H to the followin valueP BalueGTa MO: *- with BalueGTa correspondin to the value ta of "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,>. ,T include in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH all reAuested reportin Auantities for cells for which measurements are reported. 'OT2P The 32 only includes measurement results for nei hbour cells for which valid measurements are available at the time the messa e is sent. .t cell access followin selection or reselection to a cell- the 32 may not have had sufficient time to obtain valid measurement results for nei hbour cells.

,T for messa es transmitted on 111F- ta#e care that the ma(imum allowed messa e si!e is not e(ceeded when formin the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH- i.e. limit the number of included nei hbour cells or if reAuired omit the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH alto ether. Chen limitin the number of included nei hbourin cellsfor 32Ss not supportin 2?3T/. /.1F reportin - the number of inter?freAuency cells should be limited first i.e. inter?freAuency cells should be omitted before limitin the number of intra? freAuency cells. 7or 32$s supportin 2?3T/. /.1F reportin - when limitin the number of included nei hbourin cellsP *T if the &2 H/.1F reportin priorityH is not presentP 3T 2?3T/. measurements shall be omitted first- followed by limitin the number of inter?freAuency cellsbefore limitin the number of intra?freAuency cells. Measurement result for the current cell shall be omitted last. *T if the &2 H/.1F reportin prirorityH is present and set to H&ntra23T/.&nterHP 3T the number of inter?freAuency cells shall be limited first- followed by omittin 2?3T/. measurementsbefore limitin the number of intra?freAuency cells. Measurement result for the current cell shall be omitted last. *T if the &2 H/.1F reportin priorityH is present and set to H&nter23T/.&ntraHP 3T the number of intra?freAuency cells shall be limited first- followed by omittin 2?3T/. measurementsbefore limitin the number of inter?freAuency cells. Measurement result for the current cell shall be omitted last. *T if the &2 H/.1F reportin priorityH is present and set to H&nter&ntra23T/.HP 3T 2?3T/. measurements shall be omitted first- followed by limitin the number of intra?freAuency cellsbefore limitin the number of inter?freAuency cells. Measurement result for the current cell shall be omitted last. *T if the &2 H/.1F reportin priorityH is present and set to H23T/.&ntra&nterHP 3T the number of inter?freAuency cells shall be limited first- followed by limitin the number of intra? freAuency cells- before omittin 2?3T/. measurements. Measurement result for the current cell shall be omitted last.


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*T if the &2 H/.1F reportin priorityH is present and set to H23T/.&nter&ntraHP 3T the number of intra?freAuency cells shall be limited first- followed by limitin the number of inter? freAuency cells- before omittin 2?3T/. measurements. Measurement result for the current cell shall be omitted last. Chen transmittin an uplin# //1 messa e and the "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*- if transmitted- have not been received- the 32 shallP ,T for any uplin# //1 messa e which optionally includes the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH- include a measurement report in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH accordin to the followin rulesP *T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity "&03H was not present in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3P 3T include a measurement report for the servin cell usin 1P&1F /"1P as a measurement AuantityO 3T include measurement reports for cells on the used freAuency for which measured results are availableusin 1P&1F /"1P as measurement Auantity for each cellO 3T omit the &2 HMeasurement results for monitored cells on non?used freAuenciesHO 3T omit the &2 HMeasurement results for 2?3T/. freAuenciesH. *T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity "&03H was present in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3P 3T include a measurement report for the servin cell usin as a measurement Auantity iven in &2 H&ntra? freAuency reportin Auantity "&03HO 3T include measurement reports for cells on the used freAuency for which measured results are availableusin as a measurement Auantity iven in &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity "&03H for each cellO 3T omit the &2 HMeasurement results for monitored cells on non?used freAuenciesHO 3T omit the &2 HMeasurement results for 2?3T/. freAuenciesH. *T for T::- include measurement reports usin the measurement Auantities specified in the &2 H/eportin Auantity listH. &f the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH is present in the messa e- the 3T/.' should e(tract the contents to be used for radio resource control.

=.5.2, ("a$2e o3 PLM' 1"i e i$ RR( co$$ected 9ode

&f the 32 camps on an acceptable cell to obtain limited service while in //1 connected mode the 32 shallP ,T #eep the //1 connection and its behaviour- while campin on an acceptable cell as if in &dle mode in that P5M'O ,T if the 32 re?enters Hin service areaH in a suitable cell- or cannot maintain limited service (i.e. cannot find any acceptable cell of any P5M')- the 32 shall resume its //1 1onnected mode behaviour as if it had not camped on any cell whilst bein in Hout of service areaH. The 32 shallP ,T if the '." indicates the selection of a new P5M' resultin from manual? or automatic mode P5M' selection D*9E while the 32 is in //1 connected modeO or ,T if the 32 attempts transmission on an acceptable cell while the 32 is in //1 connected mode (i.e. to initiate emer ency call)- the 32 shallP *T move to idle modeO *T release all dedicated resourcesO


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*T indicate release (abort) of the established si nallin connections (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'") and established radio access bearers (as stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0") to upper layersO *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'"O *T clear the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O and *T perform actions specified in subclause ;.9.* when enterin idle mode from connected mode. 'OT2P '." can inform ." about a new selected P5M' as a result of a P5M' selection (manual? or automatic mode P5M' selection (see D*9E))- or as a result of networ# si nallin (after inter?/.T handover or inter? P5M' "/'" relocation). Only in the first case (manual? or automatic mode P5M' selection)- this will result in an immediate //1 connection release.

=.5.25 #ctio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6' 5aria% e

The variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::P *T the 32 is in 1255G:1F state. ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::P *T a dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32 in the uplin#. ,T the variable FG/'T& is setO ,T the 32 has a stored &2 HF"?"11F infoHO ,T the 32 has a stored &2 HF./J infoHO ,T for 7::P *T one of the radio lin#s in the active set is confi ured as the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#O *T the 32 has stored the followin &2sP ? ? &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoHO &2 H3plin# :P1F Power 1ontrol &nfoH includin stored .1%- '.1% and .c#?'.1% /epetition factor.

,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- the 32 has stored the &2 HF"?P:"1F Timeslot 1onfi urationH and either of the followin conditions are metP *T a dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32 in the downlin#O *T the 32 has stored :hs?sync. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- the 32 has stored the &2 HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationHP ,T there is at least one /0 mapped to F"?:"1FO ,T at least for one of the /0s mapped to F"?:"1F- there is eitherP *T at least one M.1?hs Aueue (includin the &2 HM.1?d P:3 si!e &nfoH) confi ured for the concernin M.1?d flowO or *T at least one M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue confi ured for the associated lo ical channel. 'OT2 ,P &n 1255G:1F- to enable or disable F"?:"1F reception- the 3T/.' has the possibility to add@remove the concernin F"?:"1F related /0 mappin options- add@remove the concernin M.1?d flows or- for 7::- add@remove the concernin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue- add@remove the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# or- for T:: add@remove F?/'T& upon hard handover.


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'OT2 *P &n 1255G:1F- if F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and a reconfi uration- an inter?/.T handover from 3T/.'- or a cell chan e order procedure is initiated- the 32 chec#s the conditions only when the reconfi uration- inter?/.T handover from 3T/.'- or cell chan e order procedure is successfully completed. :oin so ensures that- in case of failure in the reconfi uration- inter?/.T handover from 3T/.'- or cell chan e order procedure- the 32 can return to the old confi uration as if the messa e was not received- e. . without performin a M.1?F" reset. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' to 7.5"2O ,T for 32 in 1255G:1FP *T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to 7.5"2O *T stop any F"?"11F reception proceduresO *T stop any F"?:"1F reception proceduresO *T clear the variable FG/'T& and remove any stored F?/'T&O *T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity D,9EO *T release all F./J resourcesO *T no lon consider any radio lin# to be the F"?:"1F servin radio lin#. ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::- if no downlin# :P1F is assi ned the 32 shall clear the uplin# :P1F confi uration and initiate the 1ell 3pdate procedure accordin to subclause ;.3.,- cause Hradio lin# failureH. 'OT2 3P &f confi ured for F"?:"1F and not e(plicitly indicated as bein cleared- the 32 will have still stored the &2s HF./J infoH- H.dded or /econfi ured M.1?d flowH- H.dded or /econfi ured M.1?ehs reorderin AueueH- H/0 mappin &nfoH- H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F informationH and H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H. Chenever the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O ,T perform F"?"11F reception procedures accordin to the stored F"?"11F confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.=.33 for the &2 HF"?"11F &nfoH. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin reception on si nallin radio bearer before /.0 has been established3T if M.1?ehs is not confi ured8T use the table of transport bloc# si!e for the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory , as specified in D,9Eand consider the 32 capability HTotal number of soft channel bits in F"?:"1FH eAual to that of the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory , as specified in D39E. 3T else8T use the table of transport bloc# si!e for the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D,9Eand consider the 32 capability HTotal number of soft channel bits in F"?:"1FH eAual to that of the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D39E. 'OT2 8P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin transmission on si nallin radio bearer before /.0 has been established- 3T/.' should use the same rules with the 32 as descibed above- when performin schedulin and si nallin the control information on F"?"11F- as it is not possible for 'ode 0 to be aware of the 32$s F":P. capability cate ory durin this period. ,T perform F"?:"1F reception procedures accordin to the stored F"?P:"1F confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.3.,b for the &2 HF?/'T&HO *T subclause ;.=.9.=b for the &2 HF./J infoHO


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*T subclause ;.=.=.38 for the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH. ,T use the relevant 1J& reportin table as stated in subclause ;.9.88. &n 1255G:1F- whenever the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not perform F"?"11F reception proceduresO ,T not perform F"?:"1F reception procedures. 7or 7:: and 1255G:1F state- determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9,.

=.5.26 Ser5ice !rioritisatio$

&f the 32 detects an M0M" service reception inability as specified in subclause ;.9.3+- the 32 mayP ,T reAuest upper layers to prioritise the services and to initiate release of non? prioritised services that may cause interruption in the reception of the prioritised servicesO ,T if reception of the prioritised M0M" service is inhibited by one or more M0M" service(s) provided via a p?t?p radio bearerP *T reAuest 3T/.' to terminate these M0M" service(s) usin the M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T messa e as specified in subclause ;.<.=. 'OT2P The termination of M0M" services is performed by //1 procedures- while clearin of non? M0M" services is performed by upper layers.

=.5.2/ M8MS 3reBue$c7 se ectio$

The 32 shall perform the M0M" freAuency layer selection procedure upon receivin the &2 HM0M" Preferred freAuency informationH- when specified e(plicitly e. . as in subclause ;.=.>.*- or when the priority for an M0M" service as indicated by upper layers chan es. The 32 shallP ,T if there e(ist two or more preferred freAuencies for services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12"P *T reAuest from upper layers the priorities of the different M0M" services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" for which a preferred freAuency has been received. ,T if the 32 is in idle modeP *T if a preferred freAuency layer applies for a service included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12"P 3T select the preferred freAuency indicated for the M0M" service(s) prioritised most by upper layers for which a preferred freAuency e(ists as the preferred freAuency. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F stateO and ,T if there e(ists one or more preferred freAuencies for services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" and the variable M0M"GP5G"2/B&12G/2"T/&1T&O'G&'7OG:2:&1.T2: is set to 7.5"2P *T if the &2 H/.0 informationH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is not emptyP 3T if the current freAuency is the freAuency correspondin with the preferred freAuency indicated for the M0M" service(s) prioritised most by upper layers for which a preferred freAuency e(istsP 8T select the current freAuency as the preferred freAuency. 3T elseP


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8T if there e(ists one or more preferred freAuencies for services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" for which the &2 HM0M" P5 "ervice /estriction &nformationH has not been received in the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP 9T select the preferred freAuency indicated for the M0M" service(s) prioritised most by upper layers for which a preferred freAuency e(ists for which the &2 HM0M" P5 "ervice /estriction &nformationH has not been received in the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e as the preferred freAuency. *T elseP 3T select the preferred freAuency indicated for the M0M" service(s) prioritised most by upper layers for which a preferred freAuency e(ists as the preferred freAuency. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G:1FP *T if there e(ists one or more preferred freAuencies for services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" and the variable M0M"GP5G"2/B&12G/2"T/&1T&O'G&'7OG:2:&1.T2: is set to 7.5"2P 3T if the current freAuency does not correspond to the preferred freAuency indicated for the M0M" service(s) prioritised most by upper layers for which a preferred freAuency e(istsP 8T select as preferred freAuency the preferred freAuency indicated for the M0M" service(s) prioritised most by upper layers for which a preferred freAuency e(ists for which the &2 HM0M" P5 "ervice /estriction &nformationH is not included in the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa eO 8T if a preferred freAuency has been selected and the current freAuency is different from the selected freAuencyP 9T reAuest 3T/.' to be moved to the preferred freAuency by means of the M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T messa e as specified in subclause ;.<.=O 9T if the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O is emptyP =T upon receivin a reAuest to move to the reAuested preferred freAuency- store the freAuency information of the freAuency on which the 32 was operatin prior to the hard?handover to the preferred freAuency in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O. ,T if a preferred freAuency has been selectedP *T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP 3T apply the cell?reselection procedure as described in D8E- usin the received HM0M" Preferred freAuency informationH applicable to the selected freAuencyO 3T if the 32 re?selects to a cell on the indicated preferred freAuencyP 8T if F1" is not used- and the &2 HJoffmbmsH is not present for the M0M" preferred freAuencyP 9T consider the cells on the M0M" preferred freAuency havin a Joffmbms eAual to HinfinityH. 8T if F1" is used- and the &2 HF1"GO77mbmsH is not present for the M0M" preferred freAuencyP 9T consider the cells on the M0M" preferred freAuency havin the hi hest F1" priority level. 8T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1FP 9T act accordin to subclause ;.3.,.*. 8T if the selected freAuency is different to the freAuency on which the 32 was previously operatin O and 8T if the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O is emptyP 9T store the freAuency information of the freAuency on which the 32 was operatin prior to cell? reselection to the preferred freAuency in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O.


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8T apply the M11F acAuisition procedure- as specified in subclause ;.<.*. ,T elseP *T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP 3T stop applyin any HM0M" Preferred freAuency informationH. 3T if the 32 is not redirected to another freAuencyO and 3T if the 32 does not decide to receive an M0M" serviceO and 3T if the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O is not emptyP 8T if any freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 9T select a suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuencyO 9T if no suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuency is foundP =T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. 8T if no freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 9T select a freAuency randomly amon the inter?freAuencies indicated in "&0,, or "&0,*P =T select a suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuencyO =T if no suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuency is foundP <T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. 8T clear the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O. 'OT2P The 32 is only reAuired to acAuire the relevant "&0,, or "&0,*- accordin to what is specified in subclauses ;.,.,.=.,, and ;.,.,.=.,*.

=.5.2= #ctio$s re ated to );4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e

The variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable 2G/'T& includes either the Primary 2?/'T& or the "econdary 2?/'T& or both the Primary and the "econdary 2?/'T&O ,T 7or 7::P *T the 32 has stored the followin &2sP ? ? ? ? &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalHO &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FHO &2 H2?:1F infoH- includin the &2 H2?:P11F infoH and the &2 H2?:P:1F infoHO one of the radio lin#s in the active set is confi ured as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#- and for this radio lin# the 3T/.' has confi ured the &2 H2?F&1F confi urationH and the &2 H2?.G1F infoH.

,T 7or T::P *T for non?scheduled transmission- the 32 has stored the followin &2sP ? ? &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FHO &2 H2?:1F informationH- includin the &2 H2?P31F infoHO


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&2 H'on?scheduled transmission rant infoH.

*T for scheduled transmission- the 32 has stored the followin &2sP ? ? ? ? &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FHO &2 H2?:1F informationH- includin the &2 H2?/311F infoH and the &2 H2?P31F infoHO &2 H2?F&1F infoHO &2 H2?.G1F infoH.

,T there is at least one lo ical channel mapped to 2?:1F for whichP *T the correspondin 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi ured- i.e. the &2s H2?:1F M.1?d flow power offsetH and H2?:1F M.1?d flow ma(imum number of retransmissionsH- and the transmission rant type are confi ured. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 in 1255G:1F state shallP ,T set the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T stop any 2?.G1F and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO ,T 7or 7::P *T stop any 2?/G1F reception procedures. ,T 7or 7::P *T stop any 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission procedures. ,T 7or T::P *T stop any 2?/311F and 2?P31F transmission procedures. ,T clear the variable 2G/'T&O ,T act as if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH was received and set to T/32O ,T release all 2?:1F F./J resourcesO ,T no lon er consider any radio lin# to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. Chenever the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if M.1?i@is is confi uredP *T if M.1?hs is confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T 7or 7::P *T perform 2?.G1F reception procedures accordin to the stored 2?.G1F confi uration as stated inP 3T subclause ;.=.3.,8 for the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H and the &2 H'ew "econdary 2?/'T&H. *T perform 2?F&1F reception procedures for all radio lin#s in the 2?:1F active setO *T perform 2?/G1F reception procedures for all radio lin#s in the active set for which an 2?/G1F confi uration has been providedO *T perform 2?:P11F transmission procedures accordin to the stored 2?:P11F confi uration as stated inP 3T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?:P11F &nfoH. *T perform 2?:P:1F transmission procedures accordin to the stored 2?:P:1F confi uration as stated inP


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3T subclause ;.=.9.,= for the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalHO 3T subclause ;.=.9.,< for the &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FHO 3T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?:P:1F &nfoH. *T inclusion of M.1?d P:3$s in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels belon in to a M.1?d flow for which the &2 H'on?scheduled transmission rant infoH is confi ured shallP 3T obey the schedulin and si!e restrictions as specified for that M.1?d flow (see subclause ;.=.9.,;). *T inclusion of M.1?d P:3$s in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels belon in to a M.1?d flow for which the &2 H"cheduled transmission rant infoH is confi ured shallP 3T be performed in accordance with the received schedulin rant on 2?.G1F@2?/G1F (see D,9E)O and

3T obey the schedulin restrictions as specified for scheduled transmissions (see subclause ;.=.=.3<). ,T 7or T::P *T if scheduled transmission is confi ured- perform 2?.G1F reception procedures accordin to the stored 2? .G1F confi uration as stated inP 3T subclause ;.=.3.,8 for the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H. *T Perform 2?F&1F receptionO *T for 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- perform 2?/311F transmission procedures accordin to the stored 2?/311F confi uration as stated inP 3T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?/311F &nfoH. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if scheduled transmission is confi ured- perform 2?/311F transmission procedure accordin to the stored P/.1F confi uration (see D=+E) and the stored 2?/311F confi uration as stated inP 3T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?/311F &nfoH. 'OT2 ,P The P/.1F confi uration is si nalled directly to the 32 in H2?/311F &nfoH &2 in case of 2?:1F servin cell chan e. *T Perform 2?P31F transmission procedures accordin to the stored 2?P31F confi uration as stated inP 3T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?P31F &nfoH. *T inclusion of M.1?d P:3$s in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels belon in to a M.1?d flow for which the &2 H'on?scheduled transmission rant infoH is confi ured shallP 3T obey the schedulin and si!e restrictions as specified for that M.1?d flow (see subclause ;.=.9.,;). *T inclusion of M.1?d P:3$s in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels belon in to a M.1?d flow for which the &2 H"cheduled transmission rant infoH is confi ured shallP 3T be performed in accordance with the received schedulin rant on 2?.G1F (see D,9E)O and

3T obey the schedulin restrictions as specified for scheduled transmissions (see subclause ;.=.=.3<). *T obtain and format the appropriate information on 2?311F (see D,9E). *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin transmission on si nallin radio bearer before /.0 has been established3T if M.1?i@is is not confi ured8T use the tables of transport bloc# si!e for the 2?:1F physical layer cate ory , as specified in D,9E. 3T else8T use the tables of transport bloc# si!e for the 2?:1F physical layer cate ory 3 as specified in D,9E.


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'OT2 *P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin transmission on si nallin radio bearer before /.0 has been established- 3T/.' should use the same rules with the 32 as described above- when performin confi uration- schedulin and readin the control information on 2?311F- as it is not possible for 'ode 0 to be aware of the 32$s 2?:1F capability cate ory durin this period. ,T 7or 7:: and 1255G:1F state- determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. ,T 7or ,.*;Mcps T:: and 1255G:1F state- determine the value for the M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=*. Chenever the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 in 1255G:1F state shallP ,T delete any stored 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F and 2?F&1F information for all radio lin#sO ,T not perform 2?.G1F- 2?F&1F and@or 2?/G1F reception proceduresO ,T not perform 2?:P11F- 2?:P:1F- 2?/311F and@or 2?P31F transmission procedures. ,T 7or 7::- determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. ,T 7or ,.*;Mcps T::- determine the value for the M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=*.

=.5.2- M8MS 9odi3icatio$ !eriod ide$tit7 ca cu atio$

The 32 shall calculate the identity of a Modification period as followsP MP identity, /!"NMP div MPlen0 mod 1 Cith "7'MP bein the "7' correspondin with the frame in which the concerned Modification Period starts MPlen bein the len th of the Modification Period- that is indicated by the &2 YModification period coefficientZ that is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and 9bis.

=.5.30 4etecti$2 M8MS ser5ice rece!tio$ i$a%i it7

The 32 may detect that it becomes incapable of receivin all services it is interested in at any time due to implementation specific constraints as well as upon state transitions- service @ session start- service @ session stopservice reconfi uration e. . transfer mode chan e and preferred freAuency layer chan es or whenever there are chan es concernin the subset of services that it has selected to receive. Chen evaluatin its M0M" service reception abilities- the 32 shallP ,T consider that M0M" services- for which a preferred freAuency layer is specified- are available only on the concerned freAuencyO ,T consider that M0M" services- for which no preferred freAuency layer is specified are available on all freAuenciesO ,T consider non? M0M" services to be available on all freAuencies unless specified otherwise in the followin O ,T if the variable M0M"GP5G"2/B&12G/2"T/&1T&O'G&'7OG:2:&1.T2: is set to T/32P *T consider the established non?M0M" services not to be available on any M0M" preferred freAuency. ,T if the &2 HM0M" P5 "ervice /estriction &nformationH is included in the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e for the M0M" preferred freAuency the 32 is considerin to select toP *T consider non?M0M" services not to be available on the concerned M0M" preferred freAuency. &f the 32 is unable to receive the M0M" and the non?M0M" services it is interested in- the 32 shallP ,T detect an M0M" service reception inability.


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=.5.31 #ctio$s re ated to 4)&)RR)4;M)#SUR)M)'T;ST#TUS 5aria% e

&f after state transition the 32 remains in a state other than 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if variable :272//2:GM2."3/2M2'TG"T.T3" is set to T/32P *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#sP 3T if the 32 has not read and stored "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 8T read and store "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,. 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#sP 8T if the 32 has not read and stored "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisP 9T read and store "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#s- or broadcast of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is indicated in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,P 3T if the 32 has not read and stored "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*P 8T read and store "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,; is referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#sP 3T if the 32 has not read and stored "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,;P 8T read and store "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,;. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,> is referenced in the master information bloc# or in the schedulin bloc#sP 3T if the 32 has not read and stored "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>P 8T read and store "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>.

=.5.32 #ctio$s re ated to M:M6;P#R#MS 5aria% e

&f the 32 receives an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa eP ,T if the &2 HM&MO parametersH is not includedP *T clear the M&MOGP./.M" variableO *T tri er lower layers to stop operation in M&MO mode. ,T otherwiseP *T for 7::- if the &2 HM&MO 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH in the M&MOGP./.M" variable. *T for 7::- if the &2 HM&MO pilot confi urationH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO pilot confi urationH in the M&MOGP./.M" variable. *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HM&MO "7 Mode for F"?P:"1F dual streamH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO "7 Mode for F"?P:"1F dual streamH in the M&MOGP./.M" variable. *T if the &2 HM&MO operationH is set to HstartHP


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3T for 7::- if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is includedP 8T store the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the M&MOGP./.M" variable. &n addition- it shall be indicated to lower layers that precodin wei ht set restriction is confi ured. 3T elseP 8T clear the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the M&MOGP./.M" variable. &n addition- it shall be indicated to lower layers that precodin wei ht set restriction is not confi ured. *T else if the &2 HM&MO operationH is set to HcontinueHP 3T if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is includedP 8T if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is already stored in the variable M&MOGP./.M" before receivin this messa eP 9T continue usin HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH for M&MO operation. 8T elseP 9T 32 behaviour is undefined. 3T elseP 8T if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is already stored in the variable M&MOGP./.M" before receivin this messa eP 9T continue usin HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH for M&MO operation. 8T elseP 9T continue M&MO operation without usin HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH. 'OT2P This subclause applies to 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.

=.5.33 #ctio$s re ated to M:M6;ST#TUS 5aria% e

&f the 32 receives an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa e- the 32 shallP ,T ta#e actions related to the M&MOGP./.M" variable as specified in subclause ;.9.3*O ,T determine the value of the M&MOG"T.T3" variable. The M&MOG"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T The 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T for 7::- if the 32 does not support M&MO only with sin le stream restriction- or if 32 that si nalled an F"? :"1F physical layer cate ory of ,< or ,; supports M&MO only with sin le stream restriction but =8J.M is not confi ured for downlin#- the variable M&MOGP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioHO and ,T for 7::- the variable M&MOGP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO pilot confi urationH. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- the variable M&MOGP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO "7 Mode for F"? P:"1F dual streamH. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the M&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the M&MOG"T.T3" variable to 7.5"2O ,T clear the M&MOGP./.M" variableO


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,T tri er lower layers to stop operation in M&MO mode on the servin F"?:"1F cell. &f the M&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2P ,T if prior to receivin an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa ethe M&MOG"T.T3" variable was set to T/32P *T if the &2 HF./J infoH is not included in the received messa eP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f the M&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to T/32P ,T if prior to receivin an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa ethe M&MOG"T.T3" variable was set to 7.5"2P *T if the &2 HF./J infoH is not included in the received messa eP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2P This subclause applies to 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.

=.5.3, #ctio$s re ated to 4TA;4RA;ST#TUS 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P- .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- any reconfi uration messa e- or tar et cell F"?"11F orderP ,T the 32 shall determine the value for the :TIG:/IG"T.T3" variable. The variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T both variables F"G:"1F /212PT&O' and 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' are set to T/32O ,T no :P:1F is present in uplin# and 7?:P1F is confi ured in downlin#O ,T the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M" is setO ,T the &2 H:TI?:/I timin informationH is included in the received messa e or in the &2 HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH stored in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' associated with the cell from which tar et cell F"?"11F order is received. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T clear the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M"O ,T stop :TI?:/I mode related activities. 'OT2P &f the uplin# slot format is not chan ed by the received //1 messa e- the 32 #eeps usin the same uplin# slot format currently confi ured.

&f the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e or F"?"11F order from the tar et cell- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the F"?"11F orders from the servin cell were never received. &f the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the value of &2 H:TI?:/I timin informationH included in the messa e is not H1ontinueH and the servin F"?:"1F cell was not chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the :TI- :/I related F"?"11F orders were never received. &f the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the value of &2 H:TI?:/I timin informationH included in the messa e is H1ontinueH and the servin F"?:"1F cell was not chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the :TI- :/I related F"?"11F orders were received.


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Chenever the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32 after receivin this messa e and the value of &2 H:TI? :/I timin informationH included in this messa e is not H1ontinueH- the 32 shallP ,T if the variable :TIG:/IG"T.T3" was set to T/32 before receivin this messa eP *T re?confi ure the physical layer to perform discontinuous uplin# :P11F transmission and enable or disable discontinuous downlin# reception operations accordin to the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M" at the 17' correspondin to the frame boundary that is offset by the value of the &2 H2nablin :elayH from the frame boundary where uplin# transmission starts with the new confi urationO *T let the M.1 layer continue any current restriction on 2?:1F transmission and monitorin of absolute and relative rant channels from the frame boundary where the uplin# transmission starts with the new confi uration and for the duration of the &2 H2nablin :elayH. ,T elseP *T perform discontinuous uplin# :P11F transmission and enable discontinuous downlin# reception operations by confi urin the physical layer accordin to the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M" at the 17' correspondin to the frame boundary that is offset by the value of the &2 H2nablin :elayH from the frame boundary where the uplin# transmission starts with the new confi uration. *T confi ure the M.1 layer to start restrictin 2?:1F transmissions and monitor absolute and relative rant channels at the 17' correspondin to the frame boundary that is offset by the value of &2 H2nablin :elayH from the frame boundary where the uplin# transmission starts with the new confi uration ta#in into account the &2s H32 :TI :/I OffsetH- HM.1 :TI 1ycleH- HM.1 &nactivity ThresholdH and H&nactivity Threshold for 32 Grant Monitorin H. 'OT2P &f a post?verification period is confi ured D*>E- then the uplin# transmission starts when the physical channel establishment is initiated by the 32. &f a post?verification period is confi ured and the post? verification procedure fails then uplin# transmission (re)starts when the downlin# physical channel is established and the enablin delay timer is (re)started. &f a post?verification period is not confi ured- the uplin# transmission starts when the downlin# physical channel is established.

=.5.35 #ctio$s re ated to <S;S((<;L)SS;ST#TUS 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P- .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa eO ,T the 32 shall determine the value for the F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" variable. The variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T no :P:1F is present in uplin# and 7?:P1F is confi ured in downlin#O ,T the 32 is not confi ured in M&MO modeO ,T the 32 is not confi ured in M&MO mode with four transmit antennasO ,T the variable F"G"11FG52""GP./.M" is setO ,T the &2 HF"?"11F less informationH is included in the received messa e. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T clear the variable F"G"11FG52""GP./.M"O ,T stop all F"?"11F less related activities.


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&f variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e or F"?"11F order from the tar et cell- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the F"?"11F orders from the servin cell were never received. &f the variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the value of &2 HF"?"11F less informationH included in the messa e is not H1ontinue F"?"11F less operationH and the servin F"?:"1F cell was not chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the F"?"11F less related F"?"11F orders were never received. &f the variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the value of &2 HF"?"11F less informationH included in the messa e is H1ontinue F"?"11F less operationH and the servin F"?:"1F cell was not chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the F"?"11F less related F"?"11F orders were received. Chenever the variable F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the physical and M.1 layers to operate accordin to the F"G"11FG52""GP./.M"O ,T confi ure the physical layer to use a virtual &/ buffer si!e of at least 893= bits for F"?"11F less F"?:"1F transmissions.

=.5.36 #ctio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';()LL;&#(<;ST#T) 5aria% e (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
The variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G7.1FO ,T the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO ,T the variable FG/'T& is setO ,T the variable 1G/'T& is setO ,T the 32 has stored the &2 H.dded or reconfi ured M.1?ehs reorderin AueueHO ,T "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis includes &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationHO ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 includes &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 to 7.5"2O ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F and variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to 7.5"2P *T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to 7.5"2O *T stop any F"?"11F reception proceduresO *T stop any F"?:"1F reception proceduresO *T clear the variable FG/'T& and remove any stored F?/'T&O *T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO *T release all F./J resourcesO *T clear any stored &2s HF./J infoHO Chenever the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T use the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO ,T for 7::- receive the F"?"11F(s) accordin to the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH on the servin cell applyin the scramblin code as received in the &2 H:5 "cramblin codeH as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationHO ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- receive the F"?"11F(s) accordin to the stored F"?"11F confi uration- applyin the F"? P:"1F midamble code accordin to the stored F"?P:"1F midamble confi urationO ,T for 7::P *T determine the HTotal number of soft channel bitsH (defined in Table 9.,a of D39E) accordin to subclause ;.,.=.* and use it in the physical layerO *T use the octet ali ned F"?:"1F transport bloc# table D,9E in the M.1?ehs entity. ,T perform F"?:"1F reception procedures for :11F or :T1FP *T if the 32 has a stored &2 HF./J infoHP 3T act on subclause ;.=.9.=b for the stored &2 HF./J infoH. *T elseP 3T act on subclause ;.=.9.*+ for the &2 HF./J "ystem infoH as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH. *T and use the value of the variable FG/'T& as 32 identity in the F"?"11F reception procedure in the physical layerO *T confi ure the M.1?ehs reorderin Aueues accordin to &2 H.dded or reconfi ured M.1?ehs reorderin AueueH as defined in subclauses ;.=.9.*3. ,T and for 7::- for 011F reception perform F"?:"1F reception procedures by listenin to the first inde(ed F"? "11F code listed in the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH with H011F specific F?/'T&H as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH. ,T and for ,.*; Mcps T::- for 011F reception perform F"?:"1F reception procedures by listenin to the first inde(ed F"?"11F accordin to the stored F"?"11F confi uration with H011F specific F?/'T&H as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH. 'OT2 P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shall use the table of transport bloc# si!e for the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D,9E.

Chenever the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F and variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to 7.5"2P *T not perform F"?"11F reception proceduresO *T not perform F"?:"1F reception procedures.

=.5.3/ #ctio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';6&;(((<;)'#8L)4 5aria% e (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
Chen 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state or when the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: to 7.5"2O ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to 7.5"2. Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O


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,T use the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO ,T for 7::P *T confi ure the physical layer to use the HTotal number of soft channel bitsH (defined in Table 9.,a of D39E) for cate ory ,* for F"?:"1F receptionO *T use the octet ali ned F"?:"1F transport bloc# table D,9E in the M.1?ehs entityO ,T confi ure the F./J accordin to &2 HF./J "ystem infoH as defined in subclause ;.=.9.*+O ,T confi ure the common M.1?ehs reorderin Aueues accordin to &2 H1ommon M.1?ehs reorderin AueuesH as defined in subclauses ;.=.9.**O and then ,T receive the 111F accordin to &2 H111F mappin infoH as defined in subclause ;.=.9.*,O ,T if the 32 is //1 1onnected modeP *T select a common F?/'T& as specified in ;.9.3;O *T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32P 3T receive the "/0, accordin to &2 H"/0, mappin infoH as defined in subclause ;.=.9.,>. ,T elseP *T select a common F?/'T& as specified in D8E. ,T and for 7::- start to receive the F"?"11F(s) with selected F?/'T& accordin to the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH on the selected cell applyin the scramblin code as received in the &2 H:5 "cramblin codeHO ,T and for ,.*; Mcps T::- start to receive the F"?"11F(s) with selected F?/'T& accordin to the &2 HF"?"11F system infoH on primary freAuency in the selected cell applyin the midamble code as received in the &2 HF"? P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationHO ,T confi ure the M.1 flow for 011F reception as specified in D,9EO ,T and for 7::- start to receive the first inde(ed F"?"11F code listed in the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH with H011F specific F?/'T&H as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH. ,T and for ,.*; Mcps T::- for 011F reception perform F"?:"1F reception procedures by listenin to the first inde(ed F"?"11F accordin to the &2 HF"?"11F system infoH with H011F specific F?/'T&H as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH. 'OT2 P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shall use the table of transport bloc# si!e for the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D,9E.

=.5.3/a #ctio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';G)')R#L

The 32 shallP ,T 7or 1255G7.1F state- if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state and the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in the "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9@9bisO or,T 7or 1255GP1F and 3/. P1F state- if the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state and the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP *T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 is set to T/32P 3T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to 7.5"2O 3T stop any F"?"11F reception proceduresO 3T stop any F"?:"1F reception proceduresO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to 7.5"2P 8T clear the variable FG/'T& and remove any stored F?/'T&. 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO 3T release all F./J resourcesO

=.5.3= (o99o$ <-R'T: se ectio$ (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen the &2 H1ommon F?/'T& &nformationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis- the 32 shall select the 1ommon F?/'T& accordin to the followin rulesP ,T compile a list of candidate 1ommon F?/'T& &2(s) H1ommon F?/'T&H in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO ,T select a 1ommon F?/'T& from the list of candidate 1ommon F?/'T&s based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected 1ommon F?/'T&H W 3?/'T& mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate 1ommon F?/'T&s. The 32 shall set the 17' in relation to the "7' of the current cell accordin to subclause ;.9.,9.

=.5.3- P:(< se ectio$ 3or <S4P# %ased !a2i$2 (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
7or 7::- when the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the 32 is in 3T/.' in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shall select the P&1F accordin to the followin rulesP ,T compile a list of candidate P&1F for F":P. from &2(s) HF":P. associated P&1F infoH in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO ,T select a P&1F from the list of candidate P&1Fs based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected F":P. associated P&1FH W 3G/'T& value mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate P&1Fs for F":P.. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when the &2 HP&1F for F"?:"1F listH is included in the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- and the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 is set to T/32- the 32 shall select the P&1F accordin to the followin rulesP ,T compile a list of candidate P&1F for F":P. from &2(s) HF":P. associated P&1F infoH in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9O ,T select a P&1F from the list of candidate P&1Fs based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected F":P. associated P&1FH W 3G/'T& value mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate P&1Fs for F":P..

=.5.,0 <S;4S(< Rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< (&44 o$ 7)

Chen the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state and the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O ,T use the octet ali ned F"?:"1F transport bloc# table D,9E in the M.1?ehs entityO ,T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are set and 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T determine the HTotal number of soft channel bitsH (defined in Table 9.,a of D39E) accordin to subclause ;.,.=.* and use it in the physical layerO *T for :11F or :T1F receptionP 3T use the value of the variable FG/'T& as 32 identity in the F"?"11F reception procedure in the physical layer. *T for 011F receptionP 3T perform F"?:"1F reception procedures by listenin to the first inde(ed F"?"11F code listed in the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH with H011F specific F?/'T&H as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis. *T if the 32 detects the value of the variable FG/'T& in the F"?"11F reception procedureO and *T if the value of the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F has not been chan ed due to a system information modificationP 3T initiate the measurement report procedure as specified in subclause ;.8.*O 3T move to 1255G7.1FO 3T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=O 3T stop timer T3,> if it is runnin O 3T restart the timer T3+9 if it is set to any value other than HinfinityH. *T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitO and *T if the value of the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F has not been chan ed due to a system information modificationP 3T initiate the measurement report procedure as specified in subclause ;.8.*O 3T move to 1255G7.1F stateO 3T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=O 3T stop timer T3,> if it is runnin O 3T restart the timer T3+9 if it is set to any value other than HinfinityH. ,T elseP *T if variable FG/'T& or variable 1G/'T& are set- or if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F stateP 3T clear the variable FG/'T&O 3T clear the variable 1G/'T&O 3T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E. *T perform the F"?:"1F reception procedure accordin to &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH as received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis- receive the F"?P:"1F applyin P 3T a scramblin code as received in the &2 H:5 "cramblin codeHO 3T a channelisation code selected accordin to ;.9.8, in H'umber of P11F transmissionsH consecutive TT&sO 3T the Transport bloc# si!es inde(ed in the &2 HTransport 0loc# "i!e 5istH for demultiple(in of upper layer P:3s from transport bloc#s delivered from the physical layer on F"?:"1F- as described in D*>EO and


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T confi ure the physical layer to use the HTotal number of soft channel bitsH (defined in Table 9.,a of D39E) for cate ory ,* for F"?:"1F reception.

=.5.,0a <S;4S(< Rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if variable FG/'T& and variable 1G/'T& are setP *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP 3T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O 3T use the value of the variable FG/'T& as 32 identity in the F"?"11F reception procedure in the physical layer for :11F or :T1F receptionO and 3T for 011F reception perform F"?:"1F reception procedures by listenin to the first inde(ed F"?"11F code listed in the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH for 7:: or first instance in the &2 HF"?"11F "et 1onfi urationH for ,.*; Mcps T:: with H011F specific F?/'T&H as received in &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH from "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO 3T if the 32 detects the value of the variable FG/'T& in the F"?"11F reception procedureP 8T initiate the enhanced uplin# synchroni!ation procedureO 8T move to 1255G7.1FO 8T stop timer T3,> if it is runnin . 3T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP 8T move to 1255G7.1F stateO 8T stop timer T3,> if it is runnin . *T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F stateP 3T clear the variable FG/'T&O 3T clear the variable 1G/'T&O 3T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9EO 3T if the &2 HP&1F infoH isnSt included in &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =P 8T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O 8T perform the F"?:"1F reception procedure accordin to &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH as received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9P 9T receive the F"?P:"1F applyin the confi uration accordin to ;.9.8, in HPa in "ub?1hannel "i!eH \ * consecutive TT&s and use the Transport bloc# si!es inde(ed in the &2 HTransport 0loc# "i!e 5istH for demultiple(in of upper layer P:3s from transport bloc#s delivered from the physical layer on F"?:"1F- as described in D33E. ,T elseP *T if variable FG/'T& or variable 1G/'T& are setP 3T clear the variable FG/'T&O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T clear the variable 1G/'T&O 3T clear any stored &2 HF./J &nfoHO 3T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E. *T if the &2 HP&1F infoH isnSt included in &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =P 3T set the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 to T/32O 3T perform the F"?:"1F reception procedure accordin to &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH as received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- receive the F"?P:"1F applyin P 8T F"?P:"1F confi uration selected accordin to ;.9.8, in HPa in "ub?1hannel "i!eH \ * consecutive TT&sO 8T the Transport bloc# si!es inde(ed in the &2 HTransport 0loc# "i!e 5istH for demultiple(in of upper layer P:3s from transport bloc#s delivered from the physical layer on F"?:"1F- as described in D33E. 'OT2 P Chen performin F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- the 32 shall use the table of transport bloc# si!e for the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D,9E.

=.5.,1 <S-P4S(< c"a$$e isatio$ codes se ectio$ 3or !a2i$2 rece!tio$ (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
7or 7::- when the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and the 32 is in 3T/.' in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state with variable FG/'T& not set- the 32 shall select the channelisation code for F"?P:"1F reception accordin to the followin rulesP ,T compile a list of candidate F"?P:"1F channelisation codes from the &2(s ) HF"?P:"1F 1hannelisation 1odeH in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisO ,T select a F"?P:"1F channelisation codes from the list of candidate F"?P:"1F channelisation codes based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected F"?P:"1F channelisation codesH W 3G/'T& value mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate F"?P:"1F channelisation codes. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when the &2 HPa in associated F"?P:"1F infoH is included in the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 and the 32 is in 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state- and the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GG2'2/.5 is set to T/32- the 32 shall select the F"?P:"1F accordin to the followin rulesP ,T compile a list of candidate F"?P:"1F confi uration from &2(s) HPa in associated F"?P:"1F infoH in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9O ,T select an F"?P:"1F confi uration from the list of candidate F"?P:"1Fs based on 3?/'T& as followsP H&nde( of selected F"?P:"1FH W 3G/'T& value mod %where % is eAual to the number of candidate F"?P:"1F confi uration.

=.5.,2 #uto$o9ous UTR#' 4RA (7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t c"a$2e

&f timer T3,> e(piresP ,T set # to the value of the stored &2 H:/I cycle len th coefficientHO ,T store the result of M.I(*#-P0P)- where P0P is the Pa in 0loc# Periodicity- as the :/I cycle len thO and ,T determine its connected mode pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions in the same way as for idle mode- accordin to D8E.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


The :/I cycle len th to use in connected mode is defined in D8E.

=.5.,3 Rece!tio$ o3 M8MS 3ro9 a ce o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode

. cell provides M0M" service in M0"7' mode if it is indicated so in system information- see subclause ;.,.,.=.3. . 32 that supports M0"7' operation may receive M0M" services via a cell operatin in M0"7' mode. 7or 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: &M0 and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: in order to receive an M0M" service via a M0"7' cluster the 32 shall select the M0"7' cluster as specified in D8E in addition to selectin a cell for normal campin as specified in D8E. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: in order to receive an M0M" service via an M0"7' cluster the 32 shall at the first step camp on a unicast cell and et the freAuency and Hcell parameter &:H from the system information- and then et synchroni!ed to the M0"7' cluster operatin with that freAuency and Hcell parameter &:H. 7or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: a cell shall be considered to be operatin in M0"7' mode when individual scramblin codes are assi ned to all timeslots (via the &2 HT:: M0"7' &nformationH). 7or 3.;8 Mcps T:: &M0- M0M" reception is provided on a 3.;8 Mcps T:: freAuency D**E. The "?11P1F frame type * format shall be used for the "?11P1Fs carryin MT1F. 3nless specified otherwise- the //1 protocol is operated accordin to the 7:: reAuirements applicable for M0"7'.

=.5.,, <S-4S(< (E: re!orti$2 ta% es

&f the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to HT/32H- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 has been confi ured with at least one M.1?ehs reorderin AueueP *T use the relevant 1J& tables- as defined in D*>E- for the F"?:"1F cate ory indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH or HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension*H or HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension3H or HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 8H or HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension 9H or HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension =H or HF"?:"1F physical layer cate ory e(tension <H stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- use the table of transport bloc# si!e- as defined in D,9E- for the F"?:"1F cate ory indicated by the &2 HF"? :"1F physical layer cate ory e(tensionH stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. ,T otherwiseP *T use the relevant 1J& tables- as defined in D*>E- for the F"?:"1F cate ory indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F physical layer cate oryH stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::use the table of transport bloc# si!e- as defined in D,9E- for the F"?:"1F cate ory indicated by the &2 HF"? :"1F physical layer cate oryH stored in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2:.

=.5.,5 )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode (&44 o$ 7)

7or this version of the specification- when a 32 selects a cell- the uplin# freAuency to be used for the P/.1F preamble (physical si nal) and :P11F@2?:P11F@2?:P:1F transmission shall have a default duple( freAuency spacin offset from the downlin# freAuency that the cell was selected on. The default duple( freAuency separation to be used by the 32 is specified in D*,E for each freAuency band. &f variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports concurrent deployment and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2Ss H1oncurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H and HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type * (for 2nhanced 3plin#)HO or ,T if the 32 supports concurrent deployment and TT& ali nment and Per F./J process and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2Ss H1oncurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H- HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type 3 (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H- and either of the &2Ss H1offsetH or H"cheduled Transmission confi urationHP *T confi ure the lower layers for concurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT& in a cellO *T perform common 2?:1F TT& selection as described in subclause ;.9.<*O *T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission for both *ms and ,+ms common 2?:1F TT& as described in subclause ;.9.<3.


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,T else if the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type , (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **P *T if the 32 supports 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes &2 H'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionHO or *T if the 32 supports F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycle and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F with second :/I cycle &nformation HO or *T if the 32 supports 7allbac# to />> P/.1F and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes &2 H7allbac# />> P/.1F infoHP 3T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission as described in subclause ;.9.<8. *T elseP 3T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H &2 accordin to D,9E. ,T elseP *T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H &2 accordin D,9E. ,T compile a list of candidate common 2?:1F resource confi uration in the order of appearance as contained in &2 H1ommon 2?:1F /esource 1onfi uration information listH and- if present- in &2 H1ommon 2?:1F /esource 1onfi uration &nformation 5ist 2(tensionH. &f variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32- then after receivin the H2?:1F resource inde(H by M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitive- the 32 shallP ,T determine the value for the 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<=. ,T if variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: is set to 7.5"2P *T the 32 selects the 1ommon 2?:1F /esource 1onfi uration from the list of candidate common 2?:1F resource confi uration as followsP H&nde( of the selected 1ommon 2?:1F resource confi urationH W H2?:1F resource inde(H. *T .fter selection of a common 2?:1F resource confi uration- the 32 shall confi ure M.1 and the physical layer for 2?:1F and F":P. transmission accordin to the followin P 3T confi ure 3plin# :P1F in accordance with the uplin# :P11F slot format , D*=E- the &2 H3plin# :P1F code infoH and &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoHO 3T if &2 H.1%@'.1% support on F"?:P11FH is set to T/32P 8T if any of the &2 H.1%H- H'.1%H- or H.c#?'ac# repetition factorH is not included in the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoHP 9T the 32 behaviour is not specified. 8T elseP 9T confi ure the F"?:P11F in accordance with F"?:P11F slot format D*=E- the F"?:P11F code D*;E and &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH. 3T for 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionP 8T if any of the &2 H.1%H- H'.1%H- or H.c#?'ac# repetition factorH is not included in the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH- or if the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH is not includedP


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9T the 32 behaviour is not specified. 8T elseP 9T confi ure the F"?:P11F in accordance with F"?:P11F slot format D*=E- the F"?:P11F code D*;E- the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH and the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH. 3T confi ure the common 2?:1F M.1?d flows as described in subclause ;.=.9.*8O 3T confi ure the 35 2?:P11F in accordance with the &2 H2?:P11F infoH confi urationO 3T if the 32 supports concurrent deployment and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2Ss H1oncurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H and HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type * (for 2nhanced 3plin#)HO or 3T if the 32 supports concurrent deployment and TT& ali nment and Per F./J process and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2Ss H1oncurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H- HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type 3 (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H- and either of the &2Ss H1offsetH or H"cheduled Transmission confi urationHP 8T if the last selected common 2?:1F TT& value in subclause ;.9.<* is ,+ms TT&P 9T apply a TT& of ,+ms on the 2?:P:1F. 8T elseP 9T if the H&nde( of the selected 1ommon 2?:1F resource confi urationH is less than H1oncurrent TT& partition inde(HP =T apply a TT& of ,+ms on the 2?:P:1F. 9T elseP =T apply a TT& of *ms on the 2?:P:1F. =T if the 32 supports TT& ali nment and Per F./J process and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type 3 (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H- and either of the &2Ss H1offsetH or H"cheduled Transmission confi urationHP <T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2 H1offsetHP ;T confi ure the lower layers with the &2 H1offsetHO <T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2 H"cheduled Transmission confi urationHP ;T enable HPer F./J processH scope in the M.1. ;T confi ure the M.1 with a list of F./J processes on which rants are allowed usin information contained in the &2 H*ms F./J process allocationH. 3T elseP 8T apply the TT& as si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH on the 2?:P:1FO 3T use a redundancy version for each F./J transmission as confi ured by the &2 HF./J /B 1onfi urationHO 3T use the same scramblin code for 7?:P1F- 2?/G1F- 2?F&1F and 2?.G1F reception as confi ured for the Primary 1P&1FO 3T use a channeli!ation code for 7?:P1F reception as confi ured by &2 H7?:P1F 1ode numberHO 3T confi ure 7?:P1F with the 7?:P1F slot format as specified in D*=EO 3T apply the :P1GModeW+ for 7?:P1F accordin to D*>EO


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3T confi ure the M.1 with the stored &2 H2?:P:1F infoH confi urationO 3T confi ure the 2?F&1F in accordance with the &2 H2?F&1F infoH confi urationO 3T confi ure the 2?.G1F in accordance with the &2 H2?.G1F infoH confi urationO 3T confi ure the 2?/G1F in accordance with the &2 H2?/G1F infoH confi uration if an 2?/G1F confi uration has been provided with the system informationO 3T confi ure the radio lin# as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O 3T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=. 3T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to T/32P 8T confi ure the 2?/G1F for radio lin#s other than the servin 2?:1F radio lin# in accordance with the confi uration in the stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H. 'OT2P &f accordin to the above procedure- the TT& applied on 2?:P:1F is different from the TT& si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH- then the &2Ss H3plin# :P1F power control infoH and HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH in fact refer the &2Ss H3plin# :P1F power control info for 1oncurrent TT&H and HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfo for 1oncurrent TT&H respectively if present in the &2 H1ommon 2? :1F system info parameters for 1oncurrent TT&H of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type **.

=.5.,5a )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
&f variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32- the //1 in the 32 shall confi ure M.1 and the physical layer for 2?:1F and F"?:"1F transmission- and the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the common 2?:1F M.1?d flows as described in subclause ;.=.9.*8O ,T use a redundancy version for each F./J transmission as confi ured by the &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FHO ,T confi ure the PFK with the stored &2 H2?P31F infoH confi uration and the information contained in &2 H2? /311F infoHO ,T confi ure the 2?F&1F in accordance with the stored &2 H2?F&1F infoH confi urationO ,T confi ure the 2?.G1F in accordance with the stored &2 H2?.G1F infoH confi urationO ,T confi ure the radio lin# as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=. 'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- the 32 shall use the tables of transport bloc# si!e for the 2?:1F physical layer cate ory 3 as specified in D,9E.

=.5.,6 #ctio$s re ated to (6MM6';);4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
The variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or &dle modeO ,T one radio lin# is confi ured as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#- and for this radio lin# the 3T/.' has confi ured the &2 H2?F&1F infoH and the &2 H2?.G1F infoH- and for ,.*;Mcps T:: the &2 H2?/311F &nfoH and H2? P31F &nfoHO ,T all lo ical channels are mapped to 2?:1F- and for each of which there isP


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*T one 2?:1F M.1?d flow is confi ured- i.e. the &2s H2?:1F M.1?d flow power offsetH- H2?:1F M.1?d flow ma(imum number of retransmissionsH- and for ,.*; Mcps T::- the &2s H2?:1F M.1?d flow retransmission timerH. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T if not in 1255G:1F stateP *T stop any 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F (7:: only) and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO *T for 7::- stop any 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission proceduresO *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- stop any 2?/311F and 2?P31F tranmission procedureO *T act as if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH was received and set to T/32O *T release all 2?:1F F./J resourcesO *T no lon er consider any radio lin# to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. 7or 7::- whenever the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T perform uplin# :P11F transmissionO ,T if a 111F messa e is submitted for transmission on the uplin#P *T no 2?.G1F and 2?/G1F reception procedure is performed in the physical layer. ,T if a :11F and@or :T1F messa e is submitted for transmission on the uplin#O or ,T for 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionP *T use the value stored in the variable 2G/'T& as 32 identity in the 2?.G1F reception procedure in the physical layerO *T perform 2?/G1F reception procedure for the servin radio lin# if an 2?/G1F confi uration has been provided with the common 2?:1F resource. *T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to T/32P 3T determine up to three common 2?:1F /5(s) usin the procedure specified in subclause ,8.,.< and perform 2?/G1F reception on those radio lin#s accordin to the performance reAuirements as specified in D,>E. ,T perform 2?F&1F reception procedures for the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O ,T perform 2?:P11F transmission procedures for the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O ,T perform 2?:P:1F transmission procedures for the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O ,T perform the inclusion of M.1?d P:3s or M.1?c P:3s in a M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels belon in to the M.1?d or M.1?c flows in accordance with the servin rant (see D,9E)O ,T if the transmission is a result of receivin an F"?"11F order for 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionP *T at the allowed start time of the 2?:1F transmission- provide .1%@'.1% feedbac# in accordance with D*>E in the physical layer on the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#- usin the information in the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoHO *T at the allowed start time of the 2?:1F transmission- use the information for the channel Auality indication (1J&) procedure in the physical layer on the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#- to provide feedbac# usin the information in the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH. ,T elseP


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*T if transmittin :11F or :T1F dataP 3T if &2 H.1%@'.1% support on F"?:P11FH is set to T/32P 8T after collision resolution provide .1%@'.1% feedbac# in accordance with D*>E in the physical layer on the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#- usin the information in the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoHO 8T after collision resolution use the information for the channel Auality indication (1J&) procedure in the physical layer on the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# if the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH has been provided with the common 2?:1F resource. ,T if the 32 received the H2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode process terminationH by M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitiveO or ,T if the 32 accordin to subclause ;.9.8. failed to establish the physical channelsO or ,T if the criteria for radio lin# failure are met as specified in subclause ;.9.=P *T set the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O *T stop any 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO *T stop any 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission proceduresO *T act as if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH was received and set to T/32O *T release all 2?:1F F./J resourcesO *T no lon er consider any radio lin# to be the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O *T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to T/32P 3T not consider any radio lin# to be a 1ommon 2?/G1F radio lin#. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- whenever the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if 111F messa e is submitted for transmission on the uplin# and if the variable 2G/'T& is not setP *T select a common 2?/'T& accordin to subclause ;.9.9+O *T perform 2?/311F transmission procedure- usin the selected common 2?/'T& as 32 identityO *T use the selected common 2?/'T& as 32 identity in the 2?.G1F reception procedure in the physical layer in the common 2?/'T& schedulin window accordin to subclause ;.9.9+. ,T elseP *T perform 2?/311F transmission procedure accordin to the stored P/.1F confi uration (see D=+E)- usin the value stored in the variable 2G/'T& as 32 identityO *T use the value stored in the variable 2G/'T& as 32 identity in the 2?.G1F reception procedure in the physical layer. ,T perform 2?F&1F reception procedures for the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O ,T perform 2?P31F transmission procedures accordin to the stored 2?P31F confi urationO ,T perform the inclusion of M.1?d P:3s and M.1?c P:3s in a M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels belon in to the M.1?d flows in accordance with the received schedulin rant on 2?.G1F (see D,9E). 'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when performin 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- the 32 shall use the tables of transport bloc# si!e for the 2?:1F physical layer cate ory 3 as specified in D,9E.

Chenever the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T if not in 1255G:1F stateP


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*T for 7::- not perform uplin# :P11F transmissionO *T not perform 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F (7:: only) and 2?F&1F reception proceduresO *T for 7::- not perform 2?:P11F and@or 2?:P:1F transmission proceduresO *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- not perform 2?/311F and 2?P31F transmission procedures. ,T for 7::- if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to T/32P *T not consider any radio lin# to be a 1ommon 2?/G1F radio lin#. 'OT2P 7or 7::- if accordin to subclause ;.9.89- the TT& applied on 2?:P:1F is different from the TT& si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH- then the &2Ss H3plin# :P1F power control infoH and HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH in fact refer the &2Ss H3plin# :P1F power control info for 1oncurrent TT&H and HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfo for 1oncurrent TT&H respectively if present in the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system info parameters for 1oncurrent TT&H of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type **.

=.5.,/ #ctio$s re ated to R)#4D;&6R;(6MM6';)4(< 5aria% e (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
The variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or in &dle modeP *T the 32 supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO *T the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO *T the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bis. ,T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP *T the 32 supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO *T the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO *T the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO *T the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO *T variable FG/'T& is setO *T variable 2G/'T& is setO *T variable 1G/'T& is set. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F to 7.5"2O ,T if in 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F state or in &dle modeP *T if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to 7.5"2P 3T clear variable 2G/'T&. *T reset the M.1?is@i entity D,9EO *T if in connected mode and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type = is indicated in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis as used in the cellP 3T replace the T7" of the /.1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO 3T let the physical channel(s) of type P/.1F iven by the &2(s) HP/.1F infoH be the default in uplin# if 32 is in 1255G7.1F state. &f the &2 HP/.1F infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =-


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the 32 shall read the correspondin &2(s) in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that information to confi ure the P/.1FO 3T start to receive the physical channel of type .&1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 H.&1F infoH when associated P/.1F is used. &f the &2 H.&1F infoH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =- the 32 shall read the correspondin &2 in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis and use that information (7:: only)O 3T if the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH is included for the selected /.1FP 8T use this transport format for transmission of the 111F (7:: only). 3T elseP 8T use the first instance of the list of transport formats as in the &2 H/.1F T7"H for the used /.1F received in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH when usin the 111F (7:: only). *T elseP 3T replace the T7" of the /.1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO 3T let the physical channel(s) of type P/.1F iven by the &2(s) HP/.1F infoH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis be the default in uplin# for the P/.1F if 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO 3T start to receive the physical channel of type .&1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 H.&1F infoH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis when iven allocated P/.1F is usedO 3T if the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis for the selected P/.1FP 8T use this transport format for transmission of the 111F. 3T elseP 8T use the first instance of the list of transport formats as in the &2 H/.1F T7"H in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis for the used /.1F received in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis when usin the 111F. ,T for 7::- if the 32 supports 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionP *T confi ure the lower layers to not perform 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission. ,T for 7::- determine the value of the variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<<. &f variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P ,T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateO and ,T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP *T initiate the measurement report procedure as specified in subclause ;.8.*O *T move the 32 to 1255G7.1F stateO *T restart the timer T3+9 usin its initial value if periodical cell update has been confi ured by T3+9 in the &2 H32 Timers and constants in connected modeH set to any other value than HinfinityH. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 is in 1255GP1F state and if the 32 initiates uplin# synchroni!ationP *T move the 32 to 1255G7.1F state. ,T for 7::P *T if the 32 supports 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionO


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3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes &2 H'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmissionHP 8T if variable FG/'T&- 2G/'T& and 1G/'T& is setP 9T confi ure the lower layers to perform 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission. 8T elseP 9T confi ure the lower layers to not perform 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission. 3T elseP 8T confi ure the lower layers to not perform 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission. *T determine the value of the variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<<. &f the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or 1255GP1F state and the value of the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F has chan ed due to a system information modification- the 32 shallP ,T when the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP *T clear the variable 1G/'T&- variable FG/'T& and variable 2G/'T&O *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T initiate the cell update procedure with cell update cause Hcell reselectionH as specified in subclause ;.3.,.*. *T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP 3T initiate the cell update procedure with cell update cause Huplin# data transmissionH as specified in subclause ;.3.,.*.

=.5.,= #ctio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;4RA;()LL;&#(<;ST#TUS 5aria% e (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7) a$d <S;4S(<;4RA;()LL;&#(<;2(D(L);ST#TUS 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)
The F"?:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 only when the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 supports F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycle in 1255G7.1F stateO ,T the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO ,T the 32 has a dedicated F?/'T& confi uredO ,T the &2Ss HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F &nformationH and H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH have been received from "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bis and the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F with second :/I cycle &nformationH has been received from "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type **. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152 G"T.T3" variable is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T stop any on oin 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycleO ,T set the F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152 G"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T stop the timer T3*;- if it is on oin O ,T stop the timer T3*>- if it is on oin . &f the F"?:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2- the F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 only when the followin conditions are metP


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,T the 32 supports F"?:"1F :/I operation in 1255G7.1F stateO ,T the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO ,T the 32 has a dedicated F?/'T& confi uredO ,T the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F &nformationH for 7:: or &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F &nformation ,.*; Mcps T::H for ,.*; Mcps T:: has been received from "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bisO ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- 32 with dedicated F?/'T& confi ured- after transittin from 1255GP1F to 1255G7.1F state- has detected its dedicated F?/'T& on F"?"11F indicatin F"?:"1F receptionO ,T for 7::- either of the followin conditions is metP *T the value of the &2 H:/I &nterruption by F"?:"1F dataH received from "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bis has been set to T/32O or *T the 32 supports common 2?:1F transmission and the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bis. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" variable is set to T/32the 32 shallP ,T stop any on oin 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operationO ,T set the F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T stop the timer T3*,- if it is on oin .

=.5.,- ()LL;&#(< <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ (&44 o$ 7)

The 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation determines the occasions in which the 32 is allowed to discontinuously receive F"?:"1F in 1255G7.1F state. &f the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if 2?:1F resource inde( information is received from lower layersO and ,T if H2?:1F resource inde(H received from M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitive is not eAual to ?,P *T stop the timer T3*,- if it is on oin O *T continuously receive F"?:"1F. ,T if 2?:1F enhanced random access process termination information is received from lower layersP *T start the timer T3*,. ,T if the value of the &2 H:/I &nterruption by F"?:"1F dataH received from "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bis is T/32P *T if the 32 does not have an 2?:1F resource assi ned and data on F"?:"1F or F"?"11F order for 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission is receivedP 3T start or- if the timer is runnin - restart the timer T3*, at the end of the F"?"11F subframe addressed to this 32. 3T continuously receive F"?:"1F. 3pon timer T3*, e(piryP ,T the 32 shall receive F"?:"1F durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin ineAualityP ("7' F?/'T& V =993=) mod :/IGcycle [ /(Gburst whereP


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? ? ?

F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&O :/IGcycle is the len th of the :/I cycle in radio frames- si nalled by the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I cycle 7.1FHO /( burst is the period in frames within the :/I cycle- in which the 32 receives F"?:"1F- si nalled by the &2 HF"?:"1F /( burst7.1FH.

7or 7:: when in 1255G7.1F state- when the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG"T.T3" is set to T/32then the 32 in 7:: mode shall perform measurements as specified in subclauses ;.8.,.= and ;.8.,.>- accordin to the reAuirements in D8E and D,>E.

=.5.,-a ()LL;&#(< <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ (1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

The 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation determines the occasions in which the 32 is allowed to discontinuously receive F"?:"1F in 1255G7.1F state. The F"?:"1F :/I pattern is the set of frames in which the 32 shall receive on downlin# durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin ineAualityP ("7' F?/'T& V =993=) mod :/IGcycle [ /(Gburst whereP ? ? ? F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&O :/IGcycle is the len th of the :/I cycle in radio frames- si nalled by the &2 H:/I cycle 7.1FHO /( burst is the period in frames within the :/I cycle- in which the 32 receives on downlin#- si nalled by the &2 H/( burst7.1FH.

=.5.,-% ()LL;&#(< <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e (&44 o$ 7)
The 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycle determines the occasions in which the 32 is allowed to discontinuously receive F"?:"1F in 1255G7.1F state. &f the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if 2?:1F resource inde( information is received from lower layers and the H2?:1F resource inde(H received from M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitive is not eAual to ?,O or ,T if H7allbac# transmission initiationH is received from M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitiveP *T stop the timer T3*;- if it is on oin O *T stop the timer T3*>- if it is on oin O *T continuously receive F"?:"1F. ,T if H7allbac# transmission terminationH is received from M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitiveO or ,T if 2?:1F enhanced random access process termination information is received from lower layersP *T if the 1FO&12 H:/I levelH in the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F with second :/I cycle &nformationH has the value H*?level :/IHP 3T start the timer T3*;. *T if the 1FO&12 H:/I levelH in the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F with second :/I cycle &nformationH has the value H,?level :/IHP 3T start the timer T3*>. ,T if the 32 does not have an 2?:1F resource assi ned and data on F"?:"1F or F"?"11F order for 'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission is receivedP


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*T if the 1FO&12 H:/I levelH in the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F with second :/I cycle &nformationH has the value H*?level :/IHP 3T stop the timer T3*>- if it is on oin O 3T start or- if the timer is runnin - restart the timer T3*; at the end of the F"?"11F subframe addressed to this 32. *T if the 1FO&12 H:/I levelH in the &2 HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F with second :/I cycle &nformationH has the value H,?level :/IHP 3T start or- if the timer is runnin - restart the timer T3*> at the end of the F"?"11F subframe addressed to this 32. *T continuously receive F"?:"1F. 3pon timer T3*; e(piryP ,T start the timer T3*>P ,T if the value used for &2 HF"?:"1F first /( burst7.1FH is a multiple number of framesP *T the 32 shall receive F"?:"1F durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin ineAualityP ("7' F?/'T& V =993=) mod :/IGcycle [ /(Gburst whereP ? ? ? F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&O :/IGcycle is the len th of the :/I cycle in radio frames- indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F first :/I cycle 7.1FHO /( burst is the period in frames within the :/I cycle- in which the 32 receives F"?:"1F- indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F first /( burst7.1FH.

,T elseP *T the 32 shall receive F"?:"1F durin the subframe(s) with the "ubframeG'umber and "7' value fulfillin the followin ineAualityP (("7' \ 9 V "ubframeG'umber) ? F?/'T& V =993=) mod :/IGcycle [ /(Gburst whereP ? ? ? F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&O :/IGcycle is the len th of the :/I cycle in unit of subframes- indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F first :/I cycle7.1FHO /( burst is the period in unit of subframes within the :/I cycle- in which the 32 receives F"?:"1F- indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F first /( burst7.1FH.

3pon timer T3*> e(piryP ,T the 32 shall receive F"?:"1F durin the frame(s) with the "7' value fulfillin the followin ineAualityP ("7' F?/'T& V =993=) mod :/IGcycle [ /(Gburst whereP ? ? ? F?/'T& is the value stored in the variable FG/'T&O :/IGcycle is the len th of the :/I cycle in radio frames- indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F second :/I cycle7.1FHO /( burst is the period in frames within the :/I cycle- in which the 32 receives F"?:"1F- indicated by the &2 HF"?:"1F second /( burst7.1FH.


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7or 7:: when in 1255G7.1F state- when the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 and the variable F"G:"1FG:/IG1255G7.1FG*1K152G"T.T3" is set to T/32then the 32 in 7:: mode shall perform measurements as specified in subclauses ;.8.,.= and ;.8.,.>- accordin to the reAuirements in D,>E.

=.5.50 (o99o$ )-R'T: se ectio$ (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen the &2 H1ommon 2?/'T& &nformationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- and if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode- and if the variable 2G/'T& is not set- 32 shall use a common 2?/'T& for 111F transmission (i.e. the common 2?/'T& identifies the initial access- includin //1 connection reAuest and cell update after cell re?selection)P ,T confi ure the M.1 layer with the information in the &2(s) H1ommon 2?/'T& informationHO ,T when a 111F messa e is to be sent- and if the variable 2G/'T& is not set- the M.1 layer operates as followsP *T select an 2?/311FO *T select the instance of the &2(s) H1ommon 2?/'T& informationH which is related to the selected 2?/311FO *T select a common 2?/'T& which is related to the selected 2?/311F accordin to the followin procedureP 3T compile a list of candidate common 2?/'T& roup from the selected instance of the &2(s) H1ommon 2? /'T& informationH in the order of appearance in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9- and select a common 2?/'T& roup from the list of candidate 1ommon 2?/'T& roups based on the 2?/311F transmission occasionP H&nde( of selected 1ommon 2?/'T& roupH W "7'2?/311F mod %- for TT& of 2?/311F W ,+msO or H&nde( of selected 1ommon 2?/'T& roupH W "7'S2?/311F mod %- for TT& of 2?/311F W 9msO Chere % is the number of 2?/'T& roups related to the 2?/311FO "7'2?/311F or "7'S2?/311F is the frame or sub?frame on which the 2?/311F shall be sent D33E. 3T select a common 2?/'T& randomly amon st the candidate the candicate 2?/'T&s in the selected roup. *T use the value of the selected common 2?/'T& as 32 identity in current 2?/311F transmission- and in the 2?.G1F reception within the common 2?/'T& schedulin window which is of % frames or % sub?frames len th.

=.5.51 #ctio$s re ated to S)(6'4#RD;()LL;<S;4S(<;R)()PT:6' 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

.n entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the correspondin &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is includedO ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T either of the followin conditions are metP *T the &2 HMemory Partitionin H is set to $&mplicit$ in the &2 HF./J &nfoHO or *T the &2 HMemory Partitionin H is set to $2(plicit$ in the &2 HF./J &nfoH and M&MO or M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi ured on all or none of the servin F"?:"1F cell and the secondary servin F"? :"1F cells. &f any of the above conditions is not met for a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- and the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' to 7.5"2O


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,T clear the correspondin entry in the variable :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7OO ,T flush the F./J buffers of the F./J entity associated to that secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO ,T release the F./J resources associated to that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. ,T determine the confi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity as specified in subclause ;.9.=+ &f there are more than one entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' set to T/32 and the correspondin entries in the variable :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O indicate that the networ# has confi ured non?conti uous multi?cell operation to ether with dual band operationP ,T the 32 behaviour is not specified. &f there is at least one entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T apply the i?th entry in the variables :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O"21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O'- "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" and "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" to the i?th secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. ,T .fter the new confi uration is applied- the 32 shall renumber the confi ured secondary servin F"?:"1F cells and the correspondin entries in the above variables- startin from ,- conti uously- by s#ippin empty entries in the above variables. The secondary servin F"?:"1F cells are numbered in the order their confi uration &2s appears in the messa e. The //1 5ayer shall pass the new numberin of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells to the lower layers. ,T partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?ehs- used for the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells receptionusin the information in the &2 HF./J &nfoH of the servin F"?:"1F cell and performin the procedure described in subclause ;.=.9.=bO ,T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. ,T determine the confi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity as specified in subclause ;.9.=+. 7or each entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' which is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T receive the F"?"11F(s) accordin to the correspondin &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H on the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# applyin the scramblin code as received in the correspondin &2 H:5 "cramblin codeHO ,T perform F"?:"1F reception procedures for the correspondin secondary servin F"?:"1F cell accordin to the stored F"?P:"1F confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.3.,b for the &2 HF?/'T&HO *T subclause ;.=.9.=b for the &2 HF./J infoHO *T subclause ;.=.=.38 for the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoHO *T subclause ;.=.=.89 for the &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HO ,T use the relevant 1J& reportin table as stated in subclause ;.9.88. Chenever any entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not perform F"?"11F reception procedures on the correspondin secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO ,T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. &f any entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e or F"?"11F order from the tar et cell- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider that the F"?"11F orders from the servin cell were never received. &f an entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- and the value of &2 H1onfi uration infoH contained in the correspondin &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is set to either


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H1ontinueH or H'ew confi urationH- and the servin F"?:"1F cell was not chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to remember the correspondin secondary servin F"?:"1F cell activation@deactivation F"?"11F orders that were received. 'OT2P &f any entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH is set to Hclosed loop mode,H- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

&f there is an on oin inter?freAuency measurement with the compressed mode for the freAuency- which is not in the same freAuency band as the servin F"?:"1F cellP ,T if there is a compressed mode pattern seAuence with the &2 Y7reAuency specific compressed modeZ set to T/32 in the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TKO and ,T if there is no entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable- associated freAuency of which is in the same freAuency band as the freAuency to measureP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

=.5.52 #ctio$s re ated to T#RG)T;()LL;PR)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

Chen all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the 32 has indicated support of Tar et 1ell Pre?1onfi urationO ,T the &2 HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH is included in the /adio lin# addition information in the .ctive "et 3pdate messa eO the 32 shallP ,T in case the HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH &2 is present for more than one radio lin# in the received active set update messa e- if the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH is included in the &2 HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH for this radio lin#- and the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH has already been stored in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' for other radio lin#s- the 32 behaviour is unspecifiedO ,T if the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' already contains the information for this radio lin#P *T clear the old entry from the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'. ,T store the HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' so that the confi urations are to be applied later once the Tar et cell F"?"11F order has been read from the tar et cellO ,T store the confi uration iven in the &2s H"ervin 1ell 1han e M.1 resetH- H"ervin 1ell 1han e Messa e TypeH and H"ervin 1ell 1han e Transaction &dH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to be applied later once the Tar et cell F"?"11F order has been read from the tar et cell. 'OT2P &f the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH is received in &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F cell informationH as part of the &2 HTar et cell preconfi uration informationH and is not the same value as the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the correspondin &2 H/adio 5in# .ddition &nformationH then the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

&f any of the above conditions is not met and the /adio 5in# is included in the table HTar et cell preconfi urationsH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'- the 32 shallP ,T clear the entry from the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'.

=.5.53 #ctio$s re ated to (6'TR6L;(<#'')L;4RA;ST#TUS 5aria% e (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa eP ,T the 32 shall determine the value for the 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" variable.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

The variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable F"G:"1F /212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T the &2 H1ontrol 1hannel :/I informationH is included in the received messa e. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T clear the variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IGP./.M"O ,T disable the 1ontrol 1hannel :/I related activities. &f variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to consider F"?"11F orders were never received. Chenever the variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" is set to T/32 after receivin this messa e and the value of &2 H1ontrol 1hannel :/I informationH included in this messa e is H1ontinue 1ontrol 1hannel :/I operation H- the 32 shallP ,T continue the 1ontrol 1hannel :/I related activities with the &2 in the variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IGP./.M".

=.5.5, #ctio$s re ated to );4(<;SPS;ST#TUS 5aria% e (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa eP ,T the 32 shall determine the value for the 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable. The variable 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O ,T the &2 H2?:1F "P" informationH is included in the received messa e and the 32 has stored the followin &2s in variable 2G:1FG"P"GP./.M"P *T &2 HTransmission Pattern 5istH. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T clear the variable 2G:1FG"P"GP./.M"O ,T stop all 2?:1F "P" related activities. Chenever the variable 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the physical and M.1 layers to operate accordin to the 2G:1FG"P"GP./.M". &f variable 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and the servin 2?:1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e and the value of &2 H2?:1F "P" &nformationH included in this messa e is H1ontinue 2?:1F "P" operationHthen 32 behaviour is unspecified.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.5.55 #ctio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;SPS;ST#TUS 5aria% e (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa eP ,T the 32 shall determine the value for the F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable. The variable F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T the &2 HF"?:"1F "P" informationH is included in the received messa e and the 32 has stored the followin &2s in variable F"G:"1FG"P"GP./.M"P *T &2 HTransmission Pattern 5istHO *T &2 H/eception Pattern 5istHO *T &2 HF./J &nfo for "emi?Persistent "chedulin H. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" to 7.5"2O ,T clear the variable F"G:"1FG"P"GP./.M"O ,T stop all F"?:"1F "P" related activities. Chenever the variable F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the physical and M.1 layers to operate accordin to the F"G:"1FG"P"GP./.M". &f variable F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e and the value of &2 HF"?:"1F "P" informationH included in this messa e is H1ontinue F"?:"1F "P" operationH- then 32 behaviour is unspecified.

=.5.56 #ctio$s re ated to <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< 5aria% e (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)
The variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255GP1F state or the 32 after state transition enters 1255GP1F state if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is determined accordin to subclause ;.*.*.3 or ;.3.,.=O and ,T the 32 supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle modeO and ,T the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F stateO and ,T the &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and ,T the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO and ,T the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bis or the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO and ,T the /0s have the multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and transport channel type H2?:1FH in the 35O and ,T variable FG/'T& is setO and ,T variable 2G/'T& is setO and


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H is included in the received messa e if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is determined accordin to subclause ;.*.*.3 or ;.3.,.=- or variable 1G/'T& is set if the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is determined accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.9. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F to 7.5"2. &f the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is set to T/32P ,T if the 32 has uplin# /51 data P:3 or uplin# /51 control P:3 on /0, or upwards to transmitP or ,T if the 32 is reAuested to move into 1255G7.1F state by pa in type , as described in subclause ;.,.*.3- 32 shallP *T move the 32 to 1255G7.1F stateO *T set the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F to 7.5"2O *T stop timer T3,> if it is runnin O *T restart the timer T3+9 if it is set to any value other than HinfinityHO *T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<O *T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=O *T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9O *T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::P 3T initiate the measurement report procedure as specified in subclause ;.8.*O 3T not prohibit periodical status transmission in /51O 3T confi ure the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in subclause ;.9.89 for 7:: and ;.9.89a for ,.*; Mcps T::O 3T start to receive F"?:"1F accordin to the procedure in subclause ;.9.3=.

=.5.5/ #ctio$s re ated to S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;ST#TUS 5aria% e

&f the 32 receives an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa e which includes the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H for any of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO parametersH is not included in the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::HP *T clear the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variableO ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration &nfoH in the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO parametersH has the value H1ontinueHP *T continue usin the stored parameters in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variableO ,T otherwiseP *T if the &2 HM&MO 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variable.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the &2 HM&MO pilot confi urationH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO pilot confi urationH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variable. *T if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is included in the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO parametersHP 3T store the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variableO *T else if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is not included in the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO parametersHP 3T if the &2 HM&MO operationH is included in the &2 HM&MO parametersH and it is set to HstartHP 8T if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is included in the &2 HM&MO parametersHP 9T store the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variableO 8T else if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH is not included in the &2 HM&MO parametersHP 9T clear the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variableO 3T else if the &2 HM&MO operationH is included in the &2 HM&MO parametersH and it is set to HcontinueH and if the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionHis present in the variable M&MOGP./.M"P 8T copy the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the variable M&MOGP./.M" and store it in the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variableO 3T elseP 8T clear the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variable. *T //1 shall indicate to lower layers whether precodin wei ht set restriction is confi ured based on the value of the &2 HPrecodin wei ht set restrictionH in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M". ,T determine the value of the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" variable for the correspondin secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. The "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 for a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T The 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 for that secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO ,T if the 32 does not support M&MO only with sin le stream restriction- the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioHO and ,T the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO pilot confi urationH. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to T/32 for that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- the 32 shallP ,T set the entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" variable correspondin to that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell to 7.5"2O ,T clear the entry in the the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M" variable correspondin to that secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO ,T tri er lower layers to stop M&MO operation on that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Chenever the entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" is set to T/32 for a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports M&MO only with sin le stream restriction (7:: only)P *T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode restricted to sin le stream transmission on that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- usin the parameter values stored in the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M". ,T elseP *T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode on that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- usin the parameter values stored in the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGP./.M". ,T for 7::- when M&MO only with sin le stream restriction is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. 'OT2P This subclause applies to 7:: only.

=.5.5= #ctio$s re ated to S)(6'4#RD;()LL;);4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the 32 has stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO ,T one of the radio lin#s in the secondary 2?:1F active set is confi ured as the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#- and for this radio lin# the 3T/.' has confi ured the &2 H2?F&1F confi urationH and the &2 H2?.G1F infoH. ,T either the Primary 2?/'T& or the "econdary 2?/'T& or both the Primary and the "econdary 2?/'T& are included in the stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoHO ,T the &2 H'umber of :P:1FH in the &2 H3plin# :P1F infoH is set to +O ,T the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O ,T the first entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O &f any of the above conditions are not met and the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T stop any 7?:P1F- 2?.G1F- 2?F&1F and 2?/G1F reception procedures on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuencyO ,T stop any :P11F- 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission procedures on the secondary uplin# freAuencyO ,T release all 2?:1F F./J resources for the secondary uplin# freAuencyO ,T do not confi ure HT"' field e(tensionH for the M.1?i@is entityO ,T reset the M.1?i@is entity D,9EO ,T clear any stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO ,T remove all the radio lin#s associated to the secondary 2?:1F active set.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<+. &f all of the above conditions are met and the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to T/32O ,T confi ure HT"' field e(tensionH for the M.1?i@is entityO ,T reset the M.1?i@is entity D,9E. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H is stored in the 32P *T determine the value for the 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<+. Chenever the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- and the secondary uplin# freAuency is an activated uplin# freAuency- the 32 shallP ,T perform 2G.G1F reception procedures on the secondary servin 2?:1F cell accordin to the stored 2G.G1F confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.3.,8 for the &2 HPrimary 2?/'T&H and the &2 H"econdary 2?/'T&H for secondary servin 2? :1F cell. ,T perform 2?F&1F reception procedures for all radio lin#s in the secondary 2?:1F active setO ,T perform 2?/G1F reception procedures for all radio lin#s in the secondary 2?:1F active set for which an 2? /G1F confi uration has been providedO ,T perform uplin# :P11F transmission on the secondary uplin# freAuency accordin to the stored uplin# :P1F info confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.=.= for the &2 H3plin# :P1F infoHO *T subclause ;.=.=.8> for the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H. ,T perform 2?:P11F transmission procedures on the secondary uplin# freAuency accordin to the stored 2? :P11F confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?:P11F &nfoHO *T subclause ;.=.=.8> for the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H. ,T perform 2?:P:1F transmission procedures on the secondary uplin# freAuency accordin to the stored 2? :P:1F confi uration as stated inP *T subclause ;.=.9.,= for the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalHO *T subclause ;.=.9.,< for the &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FHO *T subclause ;.=.=.3< for the &2 H2?:P:1F &nfoHO *T subclause ;.=.=.8> for the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T inclusion of M.1?d P:3$s in a M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels on the secondary uplin# freAuency shallP *T be performed in accordance with the received schedulin rant on 2?.G1F@2?/G1F (see D,9E) on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuencyO and *T obey the schedulin restrictions as specified for scheduled transmissions (see subclause ;.=.=.3<). Chenever the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- or the secondary uplin# freAuency is not an activated uplin# freAuency- the 32 shallP ,T not perform 7?:P1F- 2?.G1F- 2?F&1F and 2?/G1F reception procedures on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuencyO ,T not perform :P11F- 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission procedures on the secondary uplin# freAuency.

=.5.5- #ctio$s re ated to rece!tio$ o3 a <S-S((< order 3or seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 acti5atio$0deacti5atio$ (&44 o$ 7)
The 32 shallP ,T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and the F"?"11F order is to activate the secondary uplin# freAuencyP *T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as activatedO *T initiate the physical dedicated channel establishment procedure on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency accordin to the stored confi urationO *T confi ure the servin rant on the secondary uplin# freAuency in accordance with the &2 H"ervin Grant BalueH confi uration. ,T if the F"?"11F order is to deactivate the secondary uplin# freAuencyP *T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated. ,T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;.

=.5.60 (o$3i2uratio$ o3 @TS' 3ie d e.te$sio$@ 3or M#(-e"s e$tit7

The M.1?ehs shall be confi ured with HT"' field e(tensionH only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T The 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T either one of the followin conditions are metP *T two or more entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' are set to T/32O or *T both of the followin conditions are metP 3T an entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O 3T and the variable M&MOG"T.T3" or an entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" is set to T/32 or the variable M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" or an entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" is set to T/32. &f all of the above conditions are met and HT"' field e(tensionH is not confi ured for the M.1?ehs entity- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the M.1?ehs entity with HT"' field e(tensionHO ,T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f any of the above conditions is not met and HT"' field e(tensionH is confi ured for the M.1?ehs entity- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the M.1?ehs entity without HT"' field e(tensionHO ,T reset the M.1?ehs entity D,9E.

=.5.61 #ctio$s re ated to MU;M:M6;ST#TUS 5aria% e (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa e- the 32 shallP ,T determine the value of the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable. The M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the variable M3GM&MOG&'7O is setO ,T either of the followin conditions is metP *T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 3T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' or 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O *T the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP 3T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 and 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O &f any of the above conditions is not met and the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the M3GM&MOG"T.T3" variable to 7.5"2O ,T if the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 and 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 or F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' or 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and the 32 will be in 1255GP1F stateP *T leave the variable M3GM&MOG&'7O unchan edO ,T otherwiseP *T clear the M3GM&MOG&'7O variable. ,T tri er lower layers to stop operation in M3?M&MO mode. &f only F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 and &2 HM3?M&MO operationH has the value other than H :ownlin# H or if only 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and &2 HM3?M&MO operationH has the value other than H3plin#Hthe 32 behaviour is unspecified.

=.5.62 #ctio$s re ated to MULT:;(#RR:)R; );4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e (1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

The variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the 32 has stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO ,T the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O ,T the 32 has not stored &2 H'on?scheduled transmission rant infoH &f any of the above conditions are not met and the variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T stop any 2?.G1F- 2?F&1F reception procedures on all additional 2?:1F carriersO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T stop any 2?P31F transmission procedures on all additional 2?:1F carriersO ,T release all 2?:1F F./J resources for all additional 2?:1F carriersO ,T clear any stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO &f all of the above conditions are met and the variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' to T/32O ,T reset the M.1?i@is entity D,9E. Chenever the variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T perform 2?.G1F reception procedures on the additional 2?:1F carrier accordin to the stored &2 HMulti? carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO ,T perform 2?F&1F reception procedures on the additional 2?:1F carrier accordin to the stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO ,T perform uplin# 2?P31F transmission on the additional 2?:1F carrier accordin to the stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO ,T inclusion of M.1?d P:3$s in a M.1?i P:3 for lo ical channels on the additional 2?:1F carrier shallP *T be performed in accordance with the received schedulin :1F carrierO rant on 2?.G1F (see D,9E) on the additional 2?

Chenever the variable M35T&G1.//&2/G 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not perform 2?.G1F- 2?F&1F reception procedures on any additional 2?:1F carrierO ,T not perform 2?P31F transmission procedures on any additional 2?:1F carrier.

=.5.63 Lo22ed Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$

=.5.63.1 Ge$era
32 3T/.'

5OGG&'G M2."3/2M2'T 1O'7&G3/.T&O'

,i-ure *#"#(3# & . 7o--ed 2easure2ents confi-uration The purpose of this procedure is to confi ure the 32 to perform lo in of measurement results while in &:52 mode 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F states. 'OT2P 3T/.' may retrieve stored lo ed measurement information by means of the 32 &nformation procedure.



3T/.' initiates the lo ed measurements confi uration procedure to the 32 by sendin the 5OGG&'G M2."3/2M2'T 1O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Rece!tio$ o3 L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6' %7 t"e U)

3pon receivin the 5OGG&'G M2."3/2M2'T 1O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e the 32 shallP ,T if &2 H5o ed Measurements 1onfi uration &nfoH is presentP *T if stored- discard the e(istin lo ed measurement confi uration as well as the lo ed measurement information as specified in ;.9.==O *T store the received &2s H5o in :urationH- H5o in &ntervalH- H.rea 1onfi urationH if included in &2 H5o ed Measurements 1onfi uration &nfoH in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G1O'7&G and &2s H.bsolute Time &nfoH- HTrace referenceH- HTrace recordin sessionH and HT12 &dH in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O *T if the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH is present- store it in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O *T add the current /e istered P5M' to the contents of the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O *T start timer T3*= with the timer value set to the &2 H5o in :urationH. 'OT2P The 32 should not stop timer T3*= unless e(plicitly stated when it moves to another /.T.

,T if &2 H5o ed .'/ confi uration &nfoH is presentP *T if variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&G was already stored- discard the e(istin lo ed measurement confi uration for .'/ purpose as well as the associated lo ed measurement information as specified in ;.9.=;O *T store the received &2s in the &2 H5o ed .'/ confi uration &nfoH in variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&GO *T store the current /e istered P5M' in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O *T store the list of 2Auivalent P5M's in the &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O *T start timer T3*< with the timer value set to the &2 H5o in :urationH included in &2 H5o ed .'/ confi uration &nfoH.


T326 ).!ir7

Chen timer T3*= e(pires- the 32 shallP ,T release variable 5OGG2:GM2."G1O'7&G. The 32 is allowed to release stored lo ed measurements- i.e. to release 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 8; hours after T3*= e(piry.


T32/ ).!ir7

Chen timer T3*< e(pires- the 32 shallP ,T stop perfomin .'/ measurement and lo in - release the variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&G. 'OT2P The 32 should not stop timer T3*< upon transition to &dle mode- when it moves to another /.T or a P5M' not included in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052. The 32 is allowed to #eep the stored lo ed .'/ measurements- i.e. to store 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 8; hours after T3*< starts.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.5.6, U) :'&6RM#T:6'
=.5.6,.1 Ge$era
U) UTR#'

U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)EU)ST

U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)SP6'S)

,i-ure *#"#('# & . 01 :N,CR/AT:CN Procedure The purpose of this procedure is to to reAuest the 32 to report information.

=.5.6,.2 =.5.6,.3
32 "hallP

:$itiatio$ Rece!tio$ o3 t"e U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e %7 t"e U)

The procedure is initiated when the 3T/.' sends a 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2J32"T to the 32.

,T if &2 H5o ed Measurements /eport /eAuestH is presentP *T if /e istered P5M' is present in the &2 HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 3T if an &2 H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is presentP 8T set &2 H5o ed Meas /eportH in the 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 as followsP 9T include the &2 H.bsolute Time &nfoH and set it to the value of the &2 H.bsolute Time &nfoH in the variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T include the &2 HTrace referenceH and set it to the value of &2 HTrace referenceH in the variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T include the &2 HTrace recordin sessionH and set it to the value of &2HTrace recordin sessionH in the variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T include the &2 HT12 &dH and set it to the value of &2 HT12 &dH in the variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T include the &2s H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H and set it to include- in the same order as lo ed- one or more entries from 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T clear the lo ed measurement results included in the list of &2s H5o ed Measurement &nfo?7::H or H5o ed Measurement &nfo?T::H from 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T if the variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is not emptyP =T include &2 H5o ed Meas .vailableHO ,T if &2 H5o ed .'/ /eport /eAuestH is presentP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if /e istered P5M' is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 3T if &2 H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 is presentP 8T set &2s H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in the 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 as followsP 9T include the &2s H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfo 5istH and set it to include entries from 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T clear the lo ed measurement results included in the list of &2s H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfo 5istH from the 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O 9T clear the variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&G and stop timer T3*<. ,T if &2 H1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure /eAuestH is presentP *T if /e istered P5M' is the same as the P5M' in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH stored in variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2P 3T set &2 H1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure /eportH in the 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 as followsP 8T include the &2 H5o ed 1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo?7::H or H5o ed 1onnection 2stablishment 7ailure &nfo?T::H and set it to include the entry from the variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2O 8T set the &2 HTime "ince 7ailureH to indicate the elapsed time startin from the 5o in of the 1onnection establishment failure information that is stored in the variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2. 3T clear the the variable 5OGG2:G1O''21T&O'G2"T.05&"FM2'TG7.&53/2O ,T transmit a 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 messa e on the uplin# :11F usin .M /51.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)SP6'S) 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon receivin an 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 messa e- 3T/.' mayP ,T if the messa e includes the &2 Y5o ed Meas .vailableZ send a further 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2J32"T

=.5.65 Measure9e$ts o22i$2

Chen in idle mode- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state and 5o ed Measurements has been confi ured- the 32 shallP ,T "tore the available measurements accordin to the lo ed measurements confi uration in 5OGG2:GM2."G1O'7&G variable as specified in subclause ;.9.=9.*.



This procedure specifies the lo in of available measurements by a 32 in idle mode- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state that has lo ed measurements confi uration



Chile T3*= is runnin - the 32 shallP ,T perform this lo in in accordance with the followin P *T perform the lo in while campin normally on an 3T/. cell and the /P5M' of the 32 is present in the HP5M' &dentity 5istH stored in 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 and- if the &2 H.rea 1onfi urationH is present in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G1O'7&G- that is part of the concerned areaO *T perform the lo in at re ular intervals- as defined by the &2 H5o in &ntervalHin variable 5OGG2:GM2."G1O'7&GO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T when addin a lo ed measurement entry in variable 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052- include the fields in accordance with the followin P 3T set the &2 H/elative Time "tampH to indicate time relative to the moment at which the lo ed measurement confi uration was receivedO 3T if G'"" location information became available durin the last lo in intervalP 8T if the 32 has been able to calculate a 3?dimensional positionP 9T set &2 H2llipsoid point with altitudeH or the &2 H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH to include the location coordinatesO 8TelseP 9T set &2 H2llipsoid pointH or the &2 H2llipsoid point with uncertainty circleH or the &2 H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH to include the location coordinatesP 8T a value of the &2 H1onfidenceH- different from H+H should be calculated- as the probability that the 32 is located within the uncertainty re ion of the one of the &2s H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH or H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH. 3T set the &2 HP5M' &dentityH of the 5o ed Measurements "ervin 1ell to indicate the P5M' &dentity of the cell the 32 is campin on obtained from system informationO 3T set the &2 H1ell &:H to indicate cell identity of the cell the 32 is campin on obtained from system informationO 3T set the &2 H1P&1F 2c@'+H and H1P&1F /"1PH to include measured Auantities of the cell that the 32 is campin on for 3T/. 7::O 3T set the HP?11P1F /"1PH to include measured Auantities for the cell that the 32 is campin on for 3T/. ,.*; Mcps T::O 3T set the &2 H5o ed Measurements &ntra 7reAuency 'ei hbourin 1ells listH- H5o ed Measurements &nter 7reAuency listH- H5o ed Measurements 2?3T/. freAuency listH- H5o ed Measurements 2?3T/. freAuency e(tension listH- in order of decreasin ran#in Auantity as used for cell re?selection in each freAuency for at most the followin number of nei hbourin cellsO = intra?freAuency and 3 inter? freAuency nei hbours per freAuency as well as 3 inter?/.T nei hbours- per freAuency per /.TO 3T set the &2 H5o ed Measurements G"M 'ei hbourin 1ells listH in order of decreasin /I52B. 'OT2P The 32 includes- only once- the latest available results of the measurement performed for cell reselectionwhich are performed in accordance with the re ular performance reAuirements as specified in D,>E.

*T when the memory reserved for the lo in of measurements becomes full- stop timer T3*= and performs the same actions as performed upon e(piry of T3*=- as specified in ;.9.=3.8.


Re ease o3 Lo22ed Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$


The purpose of this procedure is to release the confi uration controllin the lo in of measurement results while in &:52 mode- 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F states as well as the lo ed measurement information.



The 32 initiates the procedure upon receivin a lo ed measurement confi uration in 3T/.' or in another /.T. The 32 also shall initiate the procedure upon switch off or detach. The 32 shallP ,T if stored- discard the e(istin lo ed measurement confi uration as well as the lo ed measurement informationi.e. release the 32 variables 5OGG2: M2." 1O'7&G and 5OGG2:GM2."G/2PO/TGB./&.052 and stop timer T3*=.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.5.6/ Measure9e$ts o22i$2 3or #'R

Chen in idle mode- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F state or 1ellG7.1F state when second :/I cycle is used and 5o ed Measurements for .'/ has been confi ured- the 32 shallP ,T "tore the available measurements accordin to the lo ed measurements confi uration in variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&G as specified in subclause ;.9.=<.*.



This procedure specifies the lo in of available measurements by a 32 in idle mode- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F state or 1ellG7.1F state when second :/I cycle is used that has lo ed measurements confi uration.



Chile T3*< is runnin - the 32 shallP ,T perform the .'/ measurements and evaluation on 3T/.'- 2?3T/.' or G2/.' cells in accordance with the followin P *T if &2 H&ntra?3T/. .'/H is included in variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&GP 3T if the 32 camps normally on an 3T/. cell (servin ) that is part of the P5M' which is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O and 3T if the servin cell and 3T/. cell- not included in the nei hbour cell list- to ether have not earlier been stored by 32 in an entry of H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in the 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O and 3T if the Auality of the 3T/. cell- not included in the nei hbour cell list- e(ceeds the Auality of the servin cell with more than the value of H5o in /elative ThresholdH- if this &2 is present in the 5o in Measurement 1onfi uration messa eO and 3T if the Auality of 3T/. cell- not included in the nei hbour cell list- is above the value of H.bsolute ThresholdHO and 3T if both the campin 3T/.' cell and 3T/. cell- not included in the nei hbour cell list- are not 1"G cellsP 8T lo the .'/ information into the variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 as followsP 9T set the &2s H"ervin P5M' &dentityH to indicate the &2 HP5M' &dentityH included in M&0 and H"ervin 1ellH to indicate cell identity of the cell the 32 is campin onO 9T try to acAuire the correspondin system information of the 3T/. cell and set to the variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 as followsP =T set the &2 H1ell &dentityH to indicate cell identity of this 3T/. cellO =T set the &2 HP5M' &dentityH to indicate the &2 HP5M' &dentityH included in M&0 of this 3T/. cellO =T set the &2 H3./71'H and H1ell parameter &:H for a T:: cell or HPrimary "cramblin 1odeH for a 7:: cell. *T if &2 H&nter?/.T .'/ for 2?3T/. &ndicatorH is included in variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&GP 3T if the 32 reselected from a 2?3T/. cell to an 3T/. cell (servin cell) that is part of the P5M' which is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O and 3T if the previously camped 2?3T/.' cell is not included in the blac#list for the 23T/.' freAuency in "&0,> of the servin cellO and 3T if both the previously camped 2?3T/.' cell and servin cell are not 1"G cellsO and


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T if the servin cell and 2?3T/.' cell to ether have not earlier been stored by 32 in an entry of H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in the 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 8T lo the .'/ information into the variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 as followsP 9T set the &2s H"ervin P5M' &dentityH to indicate the &2 HP5M' &dentityH included in M&0 and H"ervin 1ellH to indicate cell identity of the servin cellO 9T set the &2 H1ell &dentityH to indicate cell identity of this previously camped 2?3T/.' cellO 9T set the &2 HP5M' &dentityH to indicate the Primary P5M' which this previously camped 2? 3T/.' cell belon s toO 9T set the &2 HTrac#in .rea 1odeH to indicate the T.1 which this previously camped 2?3T/.' cell belon s toO 9T set the &2 H2./71'H and the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH when applicable and HPhysical 1ell &dentityH of this previously camped 2?3T/.' cell. *T if &2 H&nter?/.T .'/ for G"M &ndicatorH is included in variable 5OGG.'/G1O'7&GP 3T if the 32 reselected from a G"M cell to an 3T/. cell (servin cell) that is part of the P5M' which is the same as one of the P5M's in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052O and 3T if the previously camped G"M cell is not included in the nei hbour cell list in "&0,,@,,bis@,* of the servin cellO and 3T if the servin cell is not a 1"G cellO and 3T if the servin cell and G"M cell- not included in the nei hbour cell list- to ether have not earlier been stored by 32 in an entry of H5o ed .'/ /eport &nfoH in the 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052P 8T lo the .'/ information into the variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052- as followsP 9T set the &2s H"ervin P5M' &dentityH to indicate the &2 HP5M' &dentityH included in M&0 and H"ervin 1ellH to indicate cell identity of the servin cellO 9T set the &2 HP5M' &dentityH- H1ell &dentityH and H5.1H to indicate lobal cell identity of this previously camped G"M set cellO 9T set the &2 H0"&1H- H011F ./71'H and H0and &ndicatorH of this previously camped G"M set cell. *T when ma(imum number of entries for the .'/ lo in is reached- stop timer T3*< and perform the same actions as upon e(piry of T3*<- as specified in ;.9.=3.9.

=.5.6= Re ease o3 #'R Lo22i$2 Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$

=.5.6=.1 Ge$era
The purpose of this procedure is to release the 5o ed .'/ 1onfi uration controllin the lo in of measurement results while in &:52 mode- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F states and 1ellG7.1F state when second :/I cycle is used as well as the lo ed measurement information.



The 32 initiates the procedure to release the e(istin lo in measurements confi uration upon receivin a new 5o ed .'/ 1onfi uration in 3T/.'. The 32 also shall initiate the procedure after sendin 32 &'7O/M.T&O' /2"PO'"2 messa e as well as upon switch off or detach. The 32 shallP ,T if stored- discard the e(istin lo ed measurement confi uration as well as the lo ed measurement informationi.e. release the 32 variables 5OGG.'/G1O'7&G and 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052 and stop timer T3*<.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.5.6- #ctio$s re ated to UPL:'H;(LT4;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the 32 has stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::HO ,T the 32 has stored &2 H7?TP&1F infoH for the radio lin# transmitted from the servin F"?:"1F cell if F"?:"1F is confi ured or from the cell identified by the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH in the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H if only :1F is confi uredO ,T the 32 is confi ured with M.1?i@is if 2?:1F is confi uredO ,T the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2 if the 32 supports :ual 1ell 2? :1F operation. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T stop the 7?TP&1F reception procedureO ,T tri er lower layers to stop the uplin# 15T: transmissionO ,T clear the stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H. &f all of the above conditions are met and the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' to T/32O ,T instruct the physical layer to switch to the uplin# 15T: activation state as indicated by the &2 H&nitial 15T: activation stateH (see D*<E). Chenever the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T perform the 7?TP&1F reception procedureO ,T tri er lower layers to perform the uplin# 15T: transmission. Chenever the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not perform the 7?TP&1F reception procedureO ,T not perform the uplin# 15T: transmission. &f the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e or F"?"11F order from the tar et cell- and the &2 H&nitial 15T: activation stateH is included- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to switch to the uplin# 15T: activation state as indicated by the &2 H&nitial 15T: activation stateH (see D*<E). &f the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e or F"?"11F order from the tar et cell- and the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is includedand the &2 H&nitial 15T: activation stateH is not included- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to remember the received uplin# 15T: activation state switchin F"?"11F orders. &f the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- and the value of &2 H1onfi uration infoH contained in the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is set to either H1ontinueH or H'ew confi urationH- and the servin F"?:"1F cell was not chan ed as a result of the received messa e- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to remember the received uplin# 15T: activation state switchin F"?"11F orders.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.5./0 #ctio$s re ated to UPL:'H;6LT4;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the 32 has stored &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::HO ,T the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2 if the 32 supports :ual 1ell 2? :1F operation. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T tri er lower layers to stop the uplin# O5T: transmissionO ,T clear the stored &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H. Chenever the variable 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T tri er lower layers to perform the uplin# O5T: transmission. Chenever the variable 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not perform the uplin# O5T: transmission.

=.5./1 #ctio$s re ated to MULT:&L6G;ST#TUS 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable M35T&75OCG"T.T3" shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is T/32O ,T at least one of the entries in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is T/32O ,T the &2 HMultiflow confi urationH is present in all the entries in :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable M35T&75OCG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable M35T&75OCG"T.T3" to 7.5"2. Chenever the variable M35T&75OCG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T perform Multiflow data reception as specified in D9,EO ,T indicate to lower layers value of HMultiflow confi urationH &2 of each entry in :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7OO ,T for every entry in :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7OP *T if the stored 3./71' downlin# ('d) in the entry is the same as the value of the servin F"?:"1F cellP 3T if the &2 HMultiflow time reference cellH is not presentP 8T indicate to lower layers that the servin F"?:"1F cell is time reference for F"?:P11FO 3T elseP 8T indicate to lower layers that the cell is a time reference for F"?:P11FO *T elseP 3T if the &2 HMultiflow time reference cellH is presentP


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8T indicate to lower layers that the cell and the time reference cell are in the same cell roup as specified in D*<EO 3T elseP 8T indicate to lower layers that the cell and the non?time reference cell are in the same cell roup as specified in D*<EO ,T &f there is at least one entry in :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O with the &2 HMultiflow cellH- value of which is set to Hinter?'ode0HP *T confi ure two M.1?ehs entitiesO *T associate with the first M.1?ehs entity the servin F"?:"1F cell and all the F"?:"1F cells- entries of which in :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O have the &2 HMultiflow cellH set to Hintra?'ode0HO *T associate with the second M.1?ehs entity all the F"?:"1F cells- entries of which in :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O have the &2 HMultiflow cellH set to Hinter?'ode0HO Chenever the variable M35T&75OCG"T.T3" is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T stop Multiflow operationO ,T if TimerG/eorderin was confi ured for the receivin /51 entityP *T confi ure the receivin /51 entity not to use the correspondin functionO ,T if two M.1?ehs entities were confi ured for the inter?'ode 0 Multiflow operationP *T confi ure one M.1?ehs entityO ,T indicate to lower layers that the servin F"?:"1F cell must be used as a time reference for F"?:P11F.

=.5./2 Se ectio$ o3 co99o$ )-4(< TT: (&44 o$ 7)

. common 2?:1F resource may employ either * or ,+ ms TT&. The 32 shall ma#e the selection on an appropriate TT& len th accordin to the procedure below and indicate the selection to the lower layers. The 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 HTT& selectionH in the &2 H1oncurrent :eployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H has the value H7i(edHP *T if H7i(ed common 2?:1F TT& selectionH is set to H,+msHP 3T indicate a selection of common 2?:1F TT& of ,+ ms to the physical layer for all preamble transmissions. *T if H7i(ed common 2?:1F TT& selectionH is set to H*msHP 3T indicate a selection of common 2?:1F TT& of * ms to the physical layer for all preamble transmissions. ,T if the 1FO&12 HTT& selectionH in the &2 H1oncurrent :eployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H has the value HThreshold basedHP *T perform TT& selection as followsP 3T for the first preamble transmissionP 8T when the 32 calculates the initial preamble transmit power (HPreambleG&nitialGPowerH) as specified in subclause ;.9.<P 9T calculate a transmit power headroomFeadroom W ]min(Ma(imum allowed 35 t( power- PGM.I) (PreambleG&nitialGPower V Pp?e )_ where HMa(imum allowed 35 t( powerH is the ma(imum allowed uplin# transmit power indicated in system information (in d0m)- PGM.I is the ma(imum /7 output power of the 32 (d0m) and Pp?e


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is the Power offset between the last transmitted preamble and the initial :P11F transmission as defined in D*=E. 'OT2 ,P the e(pression PreambleG&nitialGPower V Pp?e represents the :P11F power if the common 2?:1F transmission would be sent after the initial preamble. 3T for preamble transmissions other than the firstP 8T when the 32 calculates the preamble transmit power (H1ommanded Preamble PowerH) as specified D*>E subclause =.,.P 9T calculate a transmit power headroomFeadroom W ]min(Ma(imum allowed 35 t( power- PGM.I) (1ommanded Preamble Power V Pp?e )_ where HMa(imum allowed 35 t( powerH is the ma(imum allowed uplin# transmit power indicated in system information (in d0m)- PGM.I is the ma(imum /7 output power of the 32 (d0m) and Pp?e is the Power offset between the last transmitted preamble and the initial :P11F transmission as defined in D*=E. 3T if the resultin HFeadroomH value is less than H1ommon 2?:1F TT& selection thresholdHP 8T indicate a selection of common 2?:1F TT& of ,+ ms to the physical layer for the preamble transmission. 3T elseP 8T indicate a selection of common 2?:1F TT& of * ms to the physical layer for the preamble transmission. *T for emer ency call- the 32 is allowed to select a common 2?:1F TT& of ,+ms.

=.5./3 PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters se ectio$ 1it" (o$curre$t 4e! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT: (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>, &44 o$ 7)
&f the 32 supports concurrent deployment and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2 H1oncurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT&H- the 32 shall select P/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#) accordin to the followin rule. The 32 shallP ,T for common 2?:1F TT& value eAual to ,+msP *T if the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type , (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **P 3T compile a list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters from the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type , (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **- and if the TT& si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH is eAual to ,+ms- the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H included in H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9@9bis- in the order of appearance as in "ystem &nformation 0loc# ** followed by "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9@9bis- respectivelyO 3T select P/.1F preamble control parameters randomly from the candidate list as followsP H&nde( of selected P/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H W rand where HrandH is a random number ta#in inte er values i- + i [ % with probability iven by the (i-.0th occurrence of the wei ht value in the list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters and % is eAual to the number of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters. &f any of the %?, occurrences of the &2 HCei htH is not present- HrandH is a random number ta#in inte er values i- + i [ % with eAual probability. The candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters shall be inde(ed from + to %?,. The random number enerator is left to implementation. .t start?up of


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

the random number enerator in the 32 the seed shall be dependent on the &M"& of the 32 or timethereby avoidin that all 32s select the same parametersO 'OT2P The %th occurrence of the wei ht value is not e(plicitly iven but calculated by 32- see ,+.3.=.,38.

3T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H. 3T for emer ency call- the 32 is allowed to select any of the P/.1F preamble control parameters from the candidate list. *T elseP 3T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H &2 accordin to D,9E if the TT& si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH is eAual to ,+ms. ,T for common 2?:1F TT& value eAual to *msP *T if the 32 supports TT& ali nment and Per F./J process and "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type 3 (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H- and either of the &2Ss H1offsetH or H"cheduled Transmission confi urationHP 3T compile a list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters from the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type 3 (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **- in the order of appearance as in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **. *T else if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ** includes the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type * (for 2nhanced 3plin#)HP 3T compile a list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters from the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type * (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **- in the order of appearance as in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **. *T elseP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T select P/.1F preamble control parameters randomly from the candidate list as followsP H&nde( of selected P/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H W rand where HrandH is a random number ta#in inte er values i- + i [ 5 with probability iven by the (i-.0th occurrence of the &2 HCei htH in the list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters and 5 is eAual to the number of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters. &f any of the first 5?, occurences of the &2 HCei htH is not present- HrandH is a random number ta#in inte er values i- + i [ 5 with eAual probability. The candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters shall be inde(ed from + to 5?,. The random number enerator is left to implementation. .t start?up of the random number enerator in the 32 the seed shall be dependent on the &M"& of the 32 or time- thereby avoidin that all 32s select the same parametersO 'OT2P The 5th occurrence of the wei ht value is not e(plicitly iven but calculated by 32- see ,+.3.=.,39.

*T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H. *T for emer ency call- the 32 is allowed to select any of the P/.1F preamble control parameters from the candidate list. ,T reselect the P/.1F preamble control parameters when a new cell is selected. P/.1F preamble control parameter reselection may also be performed at the start of each 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &:52 mode transmission.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.5./, PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters se ectio$ 1it"out (o$curre$t 4e! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT: (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>, &44 o$ 7)
The 32 shall select P/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#) accordin to the followin rule. The 32 shallP ,T if the TT& si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH is eAual to ,+msP *T if the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type , (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# **P 3T compile a list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters from the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type , (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# ** and the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H included in H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9@9bis- in the order of appearance as in "ystem &nformation 0loc# ** followed by "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9@9bis- respectivelyO 3T select P/.1F preamble control parameters randomly from the candidate list as followsP H&nde( of selected P/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H W rand where HrandH is a random number ta#in inte er values i- + i [ % with probability iven by the (i-.0th occurrence of the wei ht value in the list of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters and % is eAual to the number of candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters. &f any of the %?, occurences of the &2 HCei htH is not present- HrandH is a random number ta#in inte er values i- + i [ % with eAual probability. The candidate P/.1F preamble control parameters shall be inde(ed from + to %?,. The random number enerator is left to implementation. .t start?up of the random number enerator in the 32 the seed shall be dependent on the &M"& of the 32 or time- thereby avoidin that all 32s select the same parametersO 'OT2P The %th occurrence of the wei ht value is not e(plicitly iven but calculated by 32- see ,+.3.=.,38.

3T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H. 3T for emer ency call- the 32 is allowed to select any of the P/.1F preamble control parameters from the candidate list. *T elseP 3T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H &2 accordin to D,9E. ,T elseP *T confi ure and use the M.1 and the physical layer for the P/.1F preamble transmission accordin to the parameters included in the selected HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H &2 accordin to D,9E. ,T reselect the P/.1F preamble control parameters when a new cell is selected. P/.1F preamble control parameter reselection may also be performed at the start of each 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &:52 mode transmission.

=.5./5 #ctio$s re ated to R)#4D;&6R;(6MM6';)RG(< 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP *T the 32 supports 1ommon 2?/G1F 0ased &nterference 1ontrolO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T the 32 has stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::HO *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is scheduled on the 011FP 3T the 32 has read and stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on the 011FP 3T the 32 has read and stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is scheduled on the 011FP 3T the 32 has read and stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#. ,T if the 32 is in 1255GP1F stateP *T the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F stateO *T the &2 HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisO *T variable FG/'T& is setO *T variable 2G/'T& is setO *T variable 1G/'T& is setO *T the 32 supports 1ommon 2?/G1F 0ased &nterference 1ontrolO *T the 32 has stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::HO *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, is scheduled on the 011FP 3T the 32 has read and stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bis is scheduled on the 011FP 3T the 32 has read and stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#. *T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,* is scheduled on the 011FP 3T the 32 has read and stored the &2s present in this "ystem &nformation 0loc#. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F to 7.5"2O ,T clear the stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H. Chenever the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T not consider any radio lin# to be a 1ommon 2?/G1F /5. Chenever the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the M.1 to use referenceG2TP/*.

=.5./6 #ctio$s re ated to &#LL8#(H;R--;PR#(<;)'#8L)4 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F is set to T/32O ,T H2?:1F resource inde(H received is eAual to ?,O ,T either of the followin conditions is metP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T the &2 H111F 7allbac#H is set to T/32 and there is 111F messa e(s) for transmission on the uplin#O *T the &2 H:11F 7allbac#H is set to T/32 and there is :11F messa e(s) for transmission on the uplin#. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: to 7.5"2O &f the 32 receives H7allbac# transmission terminationH from M.1 with the 1M.1?"T.T3" primitive- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: to 7.5"2. &f variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: is set to T/32P ,T replace the T7" of the /.1F with the one stored in the 32 if anyO ,T let the physical channel(s) of type P/.1F iven by the &2(s) HP/.1F infoH be the default in uplin# for the P/.1F if 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateO ,T start to receive the physical channel of type .&1F usin the parameters iven by the &2 H.&1F infoH (7:: only) when iven allocated P/.1F is usedO ,T if the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH is included for the selected P/.1FP *T use this transport format for transmission of the 111F. ,T elseP *T use the first instance of the list of transport formats as in the &2 H/.1F T7"H for the used /.1F received in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH when usin the 111F. ,T select P/.1F accordin to subclause ;.9.,<O &f the variable 7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1FG2'.052: is set from T/32 to 7.5"2 and the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P ,T use the 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode as specified in section ;.9.89.

=.5.// #ctio$s re ated to R)#4D;&6R;&#LL8#(H;R--;PR#(< 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or in &dle modeO ,T the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32O ,T the &2 H7allbac# />> P/.1F infoH is included in system information bloc# type **O ,T 32 supports fallbac# to />> P/.1FO ,T the &2 H2?.& &ndicationH is set to T/32O ,T for each confi ured radio bearerP *T if the radio bearer is mapped to 111F and &2 H111F 7allbac#H is set to T/32O or *T if the radio bearer is mapped to :11F and &2 H:11F 7allbac#H is set to T/32P 3T the /0 has a multiple(in option with transport channel type HF"?:"1FH for the :5- and the correspondin M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is confi ured- and transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35. 3T if the radio bearer is mapped to :11F and &2 H:11F 7allbac#H is set to T/32- then for any lo ical channel(s) correspondin to that radio bearerP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T the /51 si!es that apply for the lo ical channel with transport channel type H/.1FH for the 35 are the same as the /51 si!es that apply for that lo ical channel with transport channel type H2?:1FH for the 35- as per subclause ;.9.*,. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F is set to T/32the 32 shallP ,T set the variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F to 7.5"2O &f variable /2.:KG7O/G7.550.1%G/>>GP/.1F is set to T/32P ,T confi ure the M.1 for 111F and :11F fallbac# accordin to the &2Ss H111F 7allbac#H and H:11F 7allbac#H respectively.

=.5./= #ctio$s re ated to M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T)''#S;P#R#MS 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa eP ,T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas parametersH is not includedP *T clear the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variableO *T tri er lower layers to stop operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas. ,T otherwiseP *T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH in the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable. *T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi urationH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi urationH in the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable.

=.5./- #ctio$s re ated to M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T)''#S;ST#TUS 5aria% e(&44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa e- the 32 shallP ,T ta#e actions related to the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable as specified in subclause ;.9.<;O ,T determine the value of the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable. The M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T The 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T the variable M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioHO and ,T the variable M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi urationH.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f any of the above conditions is not met and the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable to 7.5"2O ,T clear the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variableO ,T tri er lower layers to stop operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on the servin F"?:"1F cell. &f the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2 and the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32P ,T if prior to receivin an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa ethe M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable was set to T/32P *T if the &2 HF./J infoH is not included in the received messa eP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable is set to T/32P ,T if prior to receivin an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa ethe M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable was set to 7.5"2P *T if the &2 HF./J infoH is not included in the received messa eP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T when M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined.

=.5.=0 #ctio$s re ated to S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T) ''#S;ST#TUS 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

&f the 32 receives an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- or any reconfi uration messa e which includes the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H for any of the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO mode with four transmit antennas parametersH is not included in the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::HP *T clear the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variableO ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration &nfoH in the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO mode with four transmit antennas parametersH has the value H1ontinueHP *T continue usin the stored parameters in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variableO ,T otherwiseP *T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable. *T if the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi urationH is includedP 3T store the value of the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi urationH in the correspondin entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable.


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,T determine the value of the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable for the correspondin secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. The "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 for a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T The 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 for that secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO ,T the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas 'GcAiGtype.@MGcAi ratioHO and ,T the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" contains a value for the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi urationH. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable is set to T/32 for that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- the 32 shallP ,T set the entry in the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable correspondin to that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell to 7.5"2O ,T clear the entry in the the "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M" variable correspondin to that secondary servin F"?:"1F cellO ,T tri er lower layers to stop M&MO mode with four transmit antennas operation on that secondary servin F"? :"1F cell. ,T when M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. Chenever the entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" is set to T/32 for a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports M&MO mode with four transmit antennas only with dual stream restrictionP *T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas restricted to dual stream transmission on that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- usin the parameter values stored in the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M". ,T elseP *T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on that secondary servin F"?:"1F cell- usin the parameter values stored in the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M". ,T when M&MO mode with four transmit antennas only with dual stream restriction is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined.


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=.5.=1 #ctio$s re ated to UPL:'H;M:M6;TR#'SM:SS:6' 5aria% e (&44 o$ 7)

The variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO ,T the variable 3P5&'% G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O ,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32O ,T the variable 2?:1F transmission is set to T/32P ,T the 32 has stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::HO ,T the 32 has stored &2 H2?/O1F info 7::HO ,T the 32 has stored H2?T71 0oost &nfoHO ,T the 32 is confi ured with M.1?i@is. &f any of the above conditions is not met and the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' to 7.5"2O ,T indicate to lower layers to stop the uplin# M&MO transmissionO ,T do not confi ure HT"' field e(tensionH for the M.1?i@is entityO ,T reset the M.1?i@is entityO ,T clear the stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::HO ,T if confi ured- clear the stored 2?F&1F confi uration for the secondary stream. &f all of the above conditions are met and the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' to T/32O ,T reset M.1?i@is entityO ,T confi ure HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?i@is entityO ,T indicate to lower layers to start the uplin# M&MO transmission in ran#,. Chenever the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T stop the uplin# M&MO transmission. &f the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and the servin F"?:"1F cell was chan ed as a result of the received messa e or F"?"11F order from the tar et cell- the 32 shall instruct the physical layer to switch to the uplin# M&MO transmission in ran#,.

=.5.=2 #ctio$s re ated to '6';R)(T#'GUL#R;R)S6UR();#LL6(#T:6';ST#TUS 5aria% e (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

The 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3" variable shall be set to T/32 only when all the followin conditions are metP ,T the &2 H'on?rectan ular resource allocation indicatorH is presentO ,T the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateO


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,T the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' or 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32O &f any of the above conditions is not met and the 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3" variable is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3" variable to 7.5"2O ,T tri er lower layers to stop operation in non?rectan ular resource allocation mode. Chenever the variable 'O'G/21T.'G35./G/2"O3/12G.55O1.T&O'G"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T tri er lower layers to start operation in non?rectan ular resource allocation mode.

=.6 Ge$eric actio$s o$ recei!t a$d a%se$ce o3 a$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t

=.6.1 (' i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts
=.6.1.1 =.6.1.2 Void (' i$3or9atio$ i$3o

&f the &2 H1' information infoH is present in a messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HPrimary P5M' &dentityH is presentP *T forward the content of the &2 HPrimary P5M' identityH to upper layers. ,T elseP *T if the &2 HP5M' &dentityH is presentP 3T forward the content of the &2 HP5M' identityH to upper layers. ,T if present- forward the content of the &2 H1' common G"M?M.P '." system informationH to upper layersO ,T if the &2 H1' domain related informationH is presentP *T forward each occurrence of the &2 H1' domain specific G"M?M.P '." system infoH to ether with the &2 H1' domain identityH to upper layers. *T if an &2 H1' domain specific G"M?M.P '." system infoH is not present for a particular 1' domainP 3T indicate to upper layers that no 1' system information is available for that 1' domain. 'OT2P &f 3T/.' at "/'" relocation includes and sets the &2 HPrimary P5M' identityH to the P5M' identity si nalled in /.'.P /25O1.T&O' /2J32"T D9<E- the 3T/.' should also set the &2 HP5M' identityH to the P5M' identity in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH of the Master &nformation 0loc# transmitted in the cell(s) used by the 32 after completed "/'" relocation.


Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease i$dicatio$

&f the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection release indicationH is present in a messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if all radio access bearers for the 1' domain identified with the value of the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection release indicationH would have been released in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" after processin of the received messa eP *T indicate release of the si nallin connection identified with the value of the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection release indicationH to the upper layersO


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*T remove the si nallin connection identified with the value of the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection release indicationH from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'". ,T if radio access bearers for the 1' domain identified with the value of the &2 H"i nallin 1onnection release indicationH would remain in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" after processin of the received messa eP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.

=.6.2 UTR#' 9o%i it7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H3/. identityH is included in a received messa eP *T if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is included and set to H3/.GP1FHP 3T store this 3/. identity in the variable 3/.G&:2'T&TKO 3T after sendin a possible messa e to 3T/.' and enterin 3/.GP1F state as specified elsewhere- read system information bloc# type * in the selected cellO 3T if the stored 3/. identity in the variable 3/.G&:2'T&TK is not included in the list of 3/. identities in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type * in the selected cell- the list of 3/. identities in system information bloc# type * is empty or if the system information bloc# type * can not be found- a confirmation error of 3/. identity list has occurredP 8T if no 3/. update procedure is on oin P 9T initiate a 3/. update procedure after enterin 3/.GP1F stateO see subclause ;.3.,.*. 8T if a 3/. update procedure is on oin P 9T ta#e actions as specified in subclause ;.3.,.,+. ,T if the &2 H3/. identityH is not included in a received messa eP *T if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is included and set to H 3/.GP1FHP 3T after sendin a possible messa e to 3T/.' and enterin 3/.GP1F state as specified elsewhere- read "ystem &nformation 0loc# type * in the selected cellO 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type * in the selected cell contains a sin le 3/. identityP 8T store this 3/. identity in the variable 3/.G&:2'T&TK. 3T if "ystem &nformation 0loc# type * of the selected cell contains more than one 3/. identity- the list of 3/. identities in system information bloc# type * is empty or if the system information bloc# type * can not be found- a confirmation error of 3/. identity list has occurredP 8T if no 3/. update procedure is on oin P 9T initiate a 3/. update procedure after enterin 3/.GP1F state- see subclause ;.3.,.*. 8T if a 3/. update procedure is on oin P 9T ta#e actions as specified in subclause ;.3.,.,+.

UR# ide$tit7


Ma!!i$2 i$3o

7or 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- if the &2 HMappin infoH is received- the 32 shall in this version of the specificationP ,T i nore the contents of this &2. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HMappin infoH is received- the 32 shallP


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,T if the &2 HMap parameter ,H is included- interpret the &2 HMap parameter ,H as &2 H3pP1F Position &nfoHP *T store and use the 3pP1F position indicated by the &2 H3pP1F Positon &nfoH. The calculation of the uplin# access position is described in D33E. ,T if the &2 HMap parameter ,H is not includedP *T use the 3pPT" as the default 3pP1F position. ,T i nore other contents of the &2 HMappin infoH.

The 32 shallP

R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7

,T if the &2 H/'1 support for chan e of 32 capabilityH is included in a received messa eP *T set the variable /'1G1.P.0&5&TKG1F.'G2G"3PPO/T to the value of the &2 H/'1 support for chan e of 32 capabilityH.

The 32 shallP

(SG PS( S! it :$3or9atio$

,T if the &2 H1"G P"1 "plit &nformationH is included in a received messa eP *T consider the 1"G P"1 split information received on this cell to be valid forP 3T the 3./71' of the carrier on which it was receivedO 3T any cell not referenced in "&0,;- or when "&0,; is not broadcast- while the cell the 32 is camped on has a P5M' which is the same as the P5M' of the cell where the 1"G P"1 split information was receivedO 3T any cell referenced in "&0,; that has the same P5M' as the P5M' of the cell in which the 1"G P"1 split information was receivedO 3T while 32 is not in .ny 1ell "election state D8EO 3T *8 hours from the time it was received. 'OT2 ,P &f the &2 H1"G P"1 "plit &nformationH is received in both "&03 and "&0,,bis in the same cell then 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *P The P5M' of a cell in the above para raph is the P5M' in &2 UP5M' identityS of that cell. 'OT2 3P The = hour validity restriction (section ;.,.,.=) does not apply to this field.


)-UTR# detectio$

&f the &2 H2?3T/. detectionH is included in a received messa e and set to T/32 and the 32 is in 1255GP1F3/.GP1F state or idle mode- the 32 may detect the presence of a 2?3T/. cell on a freAuency with a priority lower than the current 3T/. cell and report the information to the '.".

=.6.3 U) i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

=.6.3.1 #cti5atio$ ti9e
&f the 32 receives a messa e in which presence is needed for the &2 H.ctivation timeH- and the value is other than the default value H'owH- the 32 shallP ,T let the Hreference 11Tr1FH be defined as the 11Tr1h that includes any transport channel or is associated with any physical channel which is bein added- re?confi ured or removed- or- in the case of F"?:"1F- the 11Tr1h includin the associated :1FO


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,T if the frame boundary immediately before the frame with the 17' (1onnection 7rame 'umber) value indicated by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH is at the TT& boundary common to all the transport channels that are multiple(ed onto the reference 11Tr1hP *T select that frame boundary as the activation time T. ,T elseP *T select the ne(t TT& boundary- which is common to all the transport channels that are multiple(ed onto the reference 11Tr1h- after the frame with the 17' (1onnection 7rame 'umber) value indicated by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH- as the activation time T. ,T if the &2 H:elay restriction fla H is received and activation time T is more than ,*; frames from the 17' at which the messa e was receivedP *T choose an activation time T as soon as possible after reception of the messa e- respectin the performance reAuirements in subclause ,3.9- which is common to all the transport channels that are multiple(ed onto the reference 11Tr1h. 'OT2P &f the 32 receives a messa e containin the &2 H:elay restriction fla H and that messa e causes a transport channel or physical channel reconfi uration of the reference 11Tr1F then the 32 behaviour is not specified.

,T at the activation time TP *T for a physical channel reconfi uration other than an F"?:"1F related reconfi uration- caused by the received messa eP 3T release the physical channel confi uration- which was present before TO 3T initiate the establishment of the physical channel confi uration as specified for the physical channel information elements in the received messa e as specified elsewhere. *T for an F"?:"1F related reconfi uration in 7:: or ,.*; Mcps T:: caused by the received messa eP 3T select the F"?"11F subframe boundary immediately before the first F"?"11F subframe- which entirely falls within the ,+ ms frame followin TO 3T start usin - at that F"?"11F subframe boundary- the new F"?:"1F confi uration in the received messa e- replacin any old F"?:"1F confi uration. *T for an F"?:"1F related reconfi uration in 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T:: caused by the received messa eP 3T start usin - at activation time T- the new F"?:"1F confi uration in the received messa e- replacin any old F"?:"1F confi uration. *T for actions- other than a physical channel reconfi uration- caused by the received messa eP 3T perform the actions for the information elements in the received messa e as specified elsewhere. 'OT2P &n 7:: an HF"?:"1F related reconfi urationH includes- in particular- reconfi urations that need to be time?ali ned with the *ms subframe of the F"?"11F- F"?P:"1F and@or F"?:P11F. 7or e(amplestart and stop of F"?"11F reception and servin F"?:"1F cell chan e.

&f the 32 receives a messa e in which presence is needed for the &2 H.ctivation timeH- and the value is the default value H'owH- the 32 shallP ,T choose an activation time T as soon as possible after the reception of the messa e- respectin the performance reAuirements in subclause ,3.9O ,T at the activation time TP *T perform the actions for the information elements in the received messa e as specified elsewhere.


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&n 7::- if the 32 was in idle mode or 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F state upon reception of the messa ere ardless of the state the 32 enters after reception of the messa e- and the value of the &2 H.ctivation timeH in the received messa e is different from H'owH- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &n T::- if the 32 was in idle mode or 1255G7.1F state upon reception of the messa e- the value of the &2 H.ctivation timeH in the received messa e is relative to the 17' associated with the cell from which the messa e was received.


(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t

The 32 updates 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficient as specified in D8E. The 32 shall use it to calculate the 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th- accordin to the followin P ,T set # to the value of the &2 H1' domain specific :/I cycle len th coefficientH. ,T store the result of M.I(* - P0P)- where P0P is the Pa in 0loc# Periodicity- as the 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th for the 1' domain indicated by the &2 H1' domain identityH. 7or 7:: P0PW,. The 32 shall determine its idle mode pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions for that 1' domain- accordin to D8E- based on the stored 1' domain specific :/I cycle len th- when usin :/I in idle mode.



&f an &2 H'ew F?/'T&H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H'ew F?/'T&H is received in a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T store the value in the variable FG/'T&O ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9O ,T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9,. &f the messa e that tri ers the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable to chan e value from 7.5"2 to T/32 does not contain the &2 H'ew F?/'T&HO and if- before receivin that messa e- the 32 is not in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F state or the variable FG/'T& is not setP ,T the 32 behaviour is not defined. Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T use the value of the variable FG/'T& as 32 identity in the F"?"11F reception procedure in the physical layer. &n 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H'ew F?/'T&H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G7.1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the value in the variable FG/'T&O ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.3=. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- &f the &2 HTreset 3sa e &ndicatorH has been storedP *T stop usin all confi ured Treset timer D,9E. Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T use the value of the variable FG/'T& as 32 identity in the F"?"11F reception procedure in the physical layer. Chen an entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP


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,T use the value of the variable FG/'T& associated with the correspondin secondary servin F"?:"1F cell as 32 identity in the F"?"11F reception procedure in the physical layer on that cell. &n 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H'ew F?/'T&H is included and the 32 will be in 1255GP1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the value in the variable FG/'T&. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- &f the &2 HTreset 3sa e &ndicatorH has been storedP *T stop usin all confi ured Treset timer D,9E.


UTR#' 4RA (7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t

&f the &2 H3T/.' :/I cycle len th coefficientH is present- the 32 shall use it to calculate the 3T/.' :/I cycle len th- accordin to the followin P ,T start timer T3,> usin the &2 HTime for :/I cycle *H valueO ,T store &2 H:/I cycle len th coefficientHO ,T set # to the value of the &2 H:/I cycle len th coefficient *HO ,T store the result of M.I(*#-P0P)- where P0P is the Pa in 0loc# Periodicity- as the :/I cycle len th. The 32 shall determine its connected mode pa in occasions and P&1F monitorin occasions in the same way as for idle mode- accordin to D8E. The :/I cycle len th to use in connected mode is defined in D8E.


Ge$eric state tra$sitio$ ru es de!e$di$2 o$ recei5ed i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

The &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH indicates the state the 32 shall enter. The 32 shall enter the state indicated by the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH even if the received messa e includes other &2s relevant only for states other than indicated by the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH. 2. . if the //1 state indicator is set to 1255G7.1F while other &2s provide information about a confi uration includin dedicated channels- the 32 shall enter 1255G7.1F state. &f however the 32 has no information about the confi uration correspondin to the state indicated by the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH- it shall consider the reAuested confi uration as invalid. The 32 shall- if the &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH in the received messa e has the valueP ,T H1255G7.1FHP *T enter 1255G7.1F state as dictated by the procedure overnin the messa e received. ,T H1255G:1FHP *T if neither :P1F is assi ned in the messa e nor is the 32 in 1255G:1FP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T elseP 3T enter 1255G:1F state as dictated by the procedure overnin the messa e received. ,T H1255GP1FHP *T if the received messa e is //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P and &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is set to 1255GP1FP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T elseP 3T enter 1255GP1F state as dictated by the procedure overnin the messa e received. ,T H3/.GP1FHP


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*T if the received messa e is //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P and &2 H//1 "tate &ndicatorH is set to 3/.GP1FP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T elseP 3T enter 3/.GP1F state as dictated by the procedure overnin the messa e received.


(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o

The &2 H1ipherin mode infoH defines the new cipherin confi uration. .t any iven time- the 32 needs to store at most two different cipherin confi urations (#eyset and al orithm) per 1' domain at any iven time in total for all radio bearers and three confi urations in total for all si nallin radio bearers. &f the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH is present and if the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T i nore this second attempt to chan e the cipherin confi urationO and ,T set the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH is present and if the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T if none of the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'G "T.T3" has the value H"tartedH- and this &2 H1ipherin mode infoH was included in a messa e that is not the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': or this &2 H1ipherin mode infoH was included in a messa e that doesnSt include the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoHO or ,T if the &2 H1ipherin Mode &nfoH was received in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and there does not e(ist e(actly one cipherin activation time in the &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH for each established /51?.M and /51?3M radio bearers included in the &2 H/0 informationH in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"H for the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O or ,T if the &2 H1ipherin Mode &nfoH was received in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH is not included in the messa e- and there e(ist radio bearers usin /51? TM accordin to the &2 H/0 informationH in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"H for the 1' domain as indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O or ,T if the &2 H1ipherin Mode &nfoH was received in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and there does not e(ist e(actly one cipherin activation time in the &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH for each established si nallin radio bearer included in the &2 H"i nallin radio bearer informationH in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"HP *T i nore this attempt to chan e the cipherin confi urationO *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32O *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.,.,*.8c. ,T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" to T/32O ,T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domains for which the &2 H"tatusH of the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' is set to H.ffectedH to H"tartedHO ,T apply the new cipherin confi uration in the lower layers for all /0s that belon to a 1' domain for which the &2 H"tatusH of the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' is set to H.ffectedH and all si nallin radio bearersP *T usin the cipherin al orithm (32. D8+E) indicated by the &2 H1ipherin al orithmH as part of the new cipherin confi urationO *T for each radio bearer that belon s to a 1' domain for which the &2 H"tatusH of the variable "213/&TKGMO:&7&1.T&O' is set to H.ffectedH and all si nallin radio bearersP 3T usin the value of the &2 H/0 identityH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" minus one as the value of 02./2/ D8+E in the cipherin al orithm.


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,T for the downlin# and the uplin#- apply the new cipherin confi uration as followsP *T if the cipherin confi uration for a .M or 3M radio bearer or si nallin radio bearer from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because of the correspondin activation times not havin been reached and the current received messa e includes the &2 H:5 1ounter "ynch &nfoH or the current received messa e is a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e and includes the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&HP 3T if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': was received due to new #eys bein receivedP 8T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the received new #eys. 3T else if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': caused a chan e in 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 8T consider the new cipherin confi uration to include the #eys associated with the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'. 3T apply the new cipherin confi uration in uplin# and downlin# immediately followin /51 re? establishment. *T if the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH is present in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH and the 32 was in 1255G:1F state prior to this procedureP 3T for radio bearers usin /51?TMP 8T apply the old cipherin confi uration for 17' less than the number indicated in the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FHO 8T apply the new cipherin confi uration for 17' reater than or eAual to the number indicated in &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH. *T if the &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH is presentP 3T apply the followin procedure for each radio bearer and si nallin radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51? 3M indicated by the &2 H/0 identityHP 8T suspend uplin# transmission on the radio bearer or the si nallin radio bearer (e(cept for the "/0 where the response messa e is transmitted) accordin to the followin P 9T do not transmit /51 P:3s with seAuence number reater than or eAual to the uplin# activation time- where the uplin# activation time is selected accordin to the rules below. 8T select an H/51 seAuence numberH at which (activation) time the new cipherin confi uration shall be applied in uplin# for that radio bearer accordin to the followin P 9T consider a cipherin activation time in uplin# to be pendin until the /51 seAuence number of the ne(t /51 P:3 to be transmitted for the first time is eAual to or lar er than the selected activation timeO 9T for each radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer that has no pendin cipherin activation time in uplin# as set by a previous procedure chan in the security confi urationP =T set a suitable value that would ensure a minimised delay in the chan e to the latest cipherin confi uration. 9T for each radio bearer and si nallin radio bearer that has a pendin cipherin activation time in uplin# as set by a previous procedure chan in the security confi urationP =T for radio bearers and si nallin radio bearers e(cept "/0*P <T set the same value as the pendin cipherin activation time. =T for si nallin radio bearer "/0*P


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<T set a suitable value that would ensure a minimised delay in the chan e to the latest cipherin confi uration. 8T store the selected H/51 seAuence numberH for that radio bearer in the entry for the radio bearer in the variable /0G3P5&'%G1&PF2/&'GG.1T&B.T&O'GT&M2G&'7OO 8T switch to the new cipherin confi uration accordin to the followin P 9T use the old cipherin confi uration for the transmitted and received /51 P:3s with /51 seAuence numbers smaller than the correspondin /51 seAuence numbers indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH sent to 3T/.' and in the received &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH received from 3T/.'- respectivelyO 9T use the new cipherin confi uration for the transmitted and received /51 P:3s with /51 seAuence numbers reater than or eAual to the correspondin /51 seAuence numbers indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH sent to 3T/.' and in the received &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH received from 3T/.'- respectivelyO 9T for a radio bearer usin /51?.M- when the /51 seAuence number indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH falls below the /51 receivin window and the /51 seAuence number indicated in the &2 H/adio bearer uplin# cipherin activation time infoH falls below the /51 transmission window- the 32 may release the old cipherin confi uration for that radio bearerO 9T if an /51 reset or re?establishment of the transmittin side of an /51 entity occurs before the activation time for the new cipherin confi uration has been reached in uplin#- i nore the activation time and apply the new cipherin confi uration in uplin# immediately after the /51 reset or /51 re?establishmentO 9T if an /51 reset or re?establishment of the receivin side of an /51 entity occurs before the activation time for the new cipherin confi uration has been reached in downlin#- i nore the activation time and apply the new cipherin confi uration in downlin# immediately after the /51 reset or /51 re?establishment. *T if the current received messa e includes the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH or the current received messa e is a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e and includes the &2 H'ew 3? /'T&HO or *T if the current received messa e includes the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoHP 3T apply the new cipherin confi uration in uplin# and downlin# immediately followin /51 re? establishment. &f the &2 H/adio bearer downlin# cipherin activation time infoH was received in another messa e than "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':P ,T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH is not present- the 32 shallP ,T for the downlin# and the uplin#- apply the cipherin confi uration as followsP *T if the cipherin confi uration for a .M or 3M radio bearer or si nallin radio bearer from a previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': has not yet been applied because of the correspondin activation times not havin been reached and the current received messa e includes the &2 H:ownlin# counter synchronisation infoH or the current received messa e is a /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e and includes the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&H or the current received messa e tri erin "/?B11P 3T if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': was received due to new #eys bein receivedP 8T consider the cipherin confi uration to include the received new #eys. 3T else if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': caused a chan e in 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P


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8T consider the cipherin confi uration to include the #eys associated with the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'. 3T apply the cipherin confi uration in uplin# and downlin# immediately followin /51 re?establishment. *T elseP 3T not chan e the cipherin confi uration.


:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

The &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH defines the new inte rity protection confi uration. .t any iven time- the 32 needs to store at most three different inte rity protection confi urations (#eysets) in total for all si nallin radio bearers for all 1' domains. &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH is present and if the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T i nore this second attempt to chan e the inte rity protection confi urationO and ,T set the variable &'1OMP.T&052G"213/&TKG/21O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value H"tartH- the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H'ot startedH and the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was not included in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was not included in the messa e tri erin "/?B11 and includin the &2 H'O'12HO or &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value H"tartH- the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H'ot startedH- the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was included in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and the &2 H&nte rity protection al orithmH is not included or the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was included in the messa e tri erin "/?B11O or &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HModifyH and the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H'ot "tartedHO or &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value H"tartH- the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and the &2 H&nte rity protection mode command infoH was included in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':O or &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HModifyH and there does not e(ist e(actly one inte rity protection activation time in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH for each established si nallin radio bearer included in the &2 H"i nallin radio bearer informationH in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"HO or &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HModifyH- the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was not included in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': and the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH was not included in the messa e tri erin "/?B11P the 32 shallP ,T i nore this attempt to chan e the inte rity protection confi urationO and ,T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH is not present- the 32 shallP ,T not chan e the inte rity protection confi uration. &f the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH is present and if the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T set the &2 H/econfi urationH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to T/32O ,T perform the actions in accordance with subclauses ;.=.3.9.,- ;.=.3.9.* and ;.=.3.9.3.


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The 32 shallP

:$itia isatio$ o3 :$te2rit7 Protectio$

,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HstartH and the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H'ot startedH- and this &2 was included in the messa e "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': or this &2 was included in the messa e tri erin "/?B11 and includin the &2 H'O'12HP *T initialise the information for all si nallin radio bearers in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O accordin to the followin P 3T set the &2 H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to !eroO 3T do not set the &2 H:ownlin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OO 3T set the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O to !ero for each si nallin radio bearer in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"H. 'OT2P The &2s H&nte rity protection activation infoH and H//1 Messa e seAuence numberHincluded in the &2 H&nte rity 1hec# &nfoH in the transmitted messa e do not have identical values- but inte rity protection is applied from the first transmitted messa e.

*T set the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to the value H"tartedHO *T perform inte rity protection on the received messa e- applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration- as described in subclause ;.9.,+., byP 3T usin the al orithm (3&. D8+E) indicated by the &2 H&nte rity protection al orithmH contained in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO 3T usin the &2 H&nte rity protection initialisation numberH- contained in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH as the value of 7/2"F D8+E. *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# for each si nallin radio bearer in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"H e(cept /0* at the ne(t received //1 messa eO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# for si nallin radio bearer /0* from and includin the received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e or the messa e tri erin "/?B11O *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearer /0* from and includin the transmitted "213/&TK MO:2 1OMP52T2 messa e or the transmitted response messa e for the messa e tri erin "/?B11O *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearers other than /0* at the uplin# activation time included in the &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH. 'OT2P .fter &nter?/.T handover to 3T/.'- and cipherin was activated in the other /.T- then durin the first security mode control procedure followin the handover- 32 activates inte rity protection usin the inte rity #ey of the same #ey set as used in the other /.T (see.subclause ;.3.=.3).

The 32 shallP

:$te2rit7 Protectio$ Re-co$3i2uratio$ 3or SR'S Re ocatio$, i$tra-R#T SR-V(( a$d "a$do5er 3ro9 G)R#' :u 9ode

,T if &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HstartH and the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and this &2 was not included "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':P 'OT2P This case is used in "/'" relocation- in "/?B11 and in handover from G2/.' &u mode.

*T perform inte rity protection on the received messa e- applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration- as described in subclause ;.9.,+., byP


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3T usin the al orithm (3&. D8+E) indicated by the &2 H&nte rity protection al orithmH contained in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO 'OT2P &f the al orithm indicated by the &2 H&nte rity protection al orithmH is different from the one currently used by the 32- then this leads to a chan e of the inte rity protection al orithm.

3T usin the &2 H&nte rity protection initialisation numberH- contained in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoH as the value of 7/2"F D8+E. *T let /0m be the si nallin radio bearer where the reconfi uration messa e was received and let /0n be the si nallin radio bearer where the response messa e is transmittedO *T prohibit transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"H e(cept on /0+ and the radio bearer where the response messa e is transmittedO *T for the downlin#- for each si nallin radio bearer- if for the si nallin radio bearer- a security confi uration tri ered by a previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': or a previous messa e tri erin "/?B11 has not yet been applied- due to the activation time for the si nallin radio bearer not havin been reachedP 3T set H:own lin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH for this si nallin radio bearer in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to (activation time ?,)- where the activation time is the correspondin activation time for this si nallin radio bearerO 3T if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': was received due to new #eys bein receivedP 8T consider the new inte rity protection confi uration to include the received new #eys. 3T else if the previous "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': or the previous messa e tri erin "/?B11 caused a chan e in 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'P 8T consider the new &nte rity Protection confi uration to include the #eys associated with the 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' associated with the previously received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.':. *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# for each si nallin radio bearer in the &2 H2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"H e(cept /0m at the ne(t received //1 messa e for the correspondin si nallin radio bearerO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# for si nallin radio bearer /0m from and includin the received confi uration messa eO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearer /0n from and includin the transmitted response messa eO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearers other than /0n from the first messa e onwards.

The 32 shallP

:$te2rit7 Protectio$ 9odi3icatio$ i$ case o3 $e1 >e7s or i$itia isatio$ o3 si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$

,T if the &2 H&nte rity protection mode commandH has the value HmodifyH and the &2 H"tatusH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O has the value H"tartedH and this &2 was included in "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': or this &2 was included in a messa e tri erin "/?B11P *T store the (oldest currently used) inte rity protection confi uration until activation times have elapsed for the new inte rity protection confi uration to be applied on all si nallin radio bearersO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# for each si nallin radio bearer n- at the first received messa e with //1 "eAuence number reater than or eAual to the //1 seAuence number indicated by the entry for si nallin radio bearer n in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH- included in the &2 H&nte rity protection mode infoHO *T perform inte rity protection on the received messa e- applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration- as described in subclause ;.9.,+.,O


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3T if present- use the al orithm indicated by the &2 H&nte rity protection al orithmH (3&. D8+E)O *T set the content of the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O accordin to the followin P 3T for each established si nallin radio bearer- stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P 8T select a value of the //1 seAuence number at which (activation) time the new inte rity protection confi uration shall be applied in uplin# for that si nallin radio bearer accordin to the followin P 9T for each si nallin radio bearer e(cept /0+P =T set the activation time for the new inte rity protection confi uration to the ne(t //1 "'. 8T for si nallin radio bearer /0+P 9T set the value of the included //1 seAuence number to reater than or eAual to the current value of the //1 seAuence number for si nallin radio bearer /0+ in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O- plus the value of the constant '3+* plus two. 8T prohibit the transmission of //1 messa es on all si nallin radio bearers- e(cept for /0*- with //1 "' reater than or eAual to the value in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH for the si nallin radio bearer in the &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH of the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7O. *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# at the //1 seAuence number- for each /0n- e(cept for si nallin radio bearer /0*- indicated by the entry for si nallin radio bearer n in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H3plin# inte rity protection activation infoH- included in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G.1T&B.T&O'G&'7OO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the uplin# at the //1 seAuence number for si nallin radio bearer /0*- as specified for the procedure initiatin the inte rity protection reconfi urationO *T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# at the //1 seAuence number- for each /0n- e(cept for si nallin radio bearer /0*- indicated by the entry for si nallin radio bearer n in the H//1 messa e seAuence number listH in the &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoHO 'OT2P 7or si nallin radio bearers that have a pendin activation time as set for inte rity protection by a previous procedure chan in the inte rity protection confi uration- 3T/.' should set this value in &2 H:ownlin# inte rity protection activation infoH.

*T start applyin the new inte rity protection confi uration in the downlin# at the //1 seAuence number for si nallin radio bearer /0*- as specified for the procedure initiatin the inte rity protection reconfi uration.

=.6.3.6 =.6.3./

Void Void


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o

&f the &2 H&nte rity chec# infoH is present the 32 shallP ,T act as described in subclause ;.9.,+.,.


'e1 (-R'T:

&f the &2 H'ew 1?/'T&H is included- the 32 shallP ,T store the value in the variable 1G/'T&- replacin any old stored valueO ,T use that 1?/'T& when usin common transport channels of type /.1F and 7.1F in the current cellO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F and 1255GP1FP 3T use that 1?/'T& when usin the transport channel of type F"?:"1F.


'e1 4S(<-R'T:

&n T:: if the &2 H'ew :"1F?/'T&H is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 will be in 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F at the end of the procedure where the received messa e included this &2P *T if the 32 supports :"1F or 3"1F as indicated in the &2 HPhysical 1hannel 1apabilityH included in the &2 H32 /adio .ccess 1apabilityHP 3T store the value in the variable :"1FG/'T&- replacin any old stored valueO 3T use that :"1F?/'T& when usin "F11F si nallin in the current cell.


'e1 U-R'T:

&f the &2 H'ew 3?/'T&H is included in a received messa e- the 32 shallP ,T store the value in the variable 3G/'T&- replacin any old stored value.


RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier

The &2 H//1 transaction identifierH may be used- to ether with the messa e type- for identification of an invocation of a downlin# procedure (transaction). The 32 behaviour for acceptin or rejectin transactions based on the messa e type and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH is specified below. &f the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH is included in a received messa e or if a Tar et cell F"?"11F order is receivedthe 32 shall perform the actions below. Chen a Tar et cell F"?"11F order is received- the 32 shall consider this as a received messa e with &2 H//1 transaction identifierH and HMessa e TypeH eAuivalent to the fields H"ervin 1ell 1han e Transaction &dH and H"ervin 1ell 1han e Messa e TypeH stored in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'. The 32 shallP &f the received messa e is any of the messa esP ? ? ? ? ? ? /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3PO or /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'O or /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2O or T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'O or PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'O or a Tar et cell F"?"11F orderP

the 32 shallP ,T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to 7.5"2O and ,T if the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: is set to 7.5"2O and ,T if the received messa e does not contain a protocol error accordin to clause > and the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to 7.5"2O and ,T if the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" does not contain an entry with an &2 HMessa e TypeH set to .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2O and ,T if the 32 has receivedP *T a Tar et cell F"?"11F orderO or


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T an //1 messa e and the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" does not contain an entry with the same HMessa e TypeH and HTransaction identifierH as the received messa e- the 32 shallP 3T accept the transactionO and 3T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". &n case of the reception of a Tar et cell F"? "11F order- the 32 shall use the values received in the &2s H"ervin 1ell 1han e Messa e TypeH and H"ervin 1ell 1han e Transaction &dH which were received in the .ctive "et 3pdateO and 3T if the received messa e is not a Tar et cell F"?"11F orderP 8T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". ,T elseP *T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32O or *T if the variable 1255G3P:.T2G"T./T2: is set to T/32O or *T if the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" contains an entry with an &2 HMessa e TypeH set to .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2O or *T if the received messa e contains a protocol error accordin to clause > causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32O or *T if the 32 received an //1 messa e and the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" contains an entry with the same HMessa e TypeH and HTransaction identifierH as the received messa eP 3T if the 32 received an //1 messa e and the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'" contains an entry with the same HMessa e TypeH and HTransaction identifierH as the received messa eP 8T i nore the transactionO and 8T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the messa e was not receivedO and 8T clear one entry which is identified by &2 HMessa e TypeH and H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and 8T end the procedure. 3T else if the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e is identical to the H//1 transaction identifierH stored for the same HMessa e TypeH as the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 8T i nore the transactionO and 8T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the messa e was not receivedO and 8T end the procedure. 3T elseP 8T reject the transactionO and 8T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 9T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". 2lseP &f the received messa e is any of the messa esP ? //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3PO or


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? ? ?

1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/MO or 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/MO or 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/KP

the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P *T if the received messa e does not contain a protocol error accordin to clause > and the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to 7.5"2P 3T accept the transactionO and 3T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T elseP *T if the received messa e contains a protocol error accordin to clause > causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32P 3T reject the transactionO and 3T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 8T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". ,T elseP ,T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is present in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P *T if the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e is identical to the H//1 transaction identifierH stored for the HMessa e TypeH in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 3T i nore the transactionO and 3T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as the messa e was not receivedO and 3T end the procedure. *T elseP *T if the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e is different from the H//1 transaction identifierH stored for the HMessa e TypeH in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 3T if the received messa e does not contain a protocol error accordin to clause > and the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to 7.5"2P 8T i nore the once accepted transaction and instead accept the new transactionO and 8T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"- replacin the previous entry. 'OT2 ,P The 32 is e(pected to process the first //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P@1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1OM7&/M messa e that it receives after transmittin an //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T@1255G3P:.T2@3/.G3P:.T2 messa e. &f the 32 receives further //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P@1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1OM7&/M messa es without havin transmitted another //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T@1255G3P:.T2@3/.G3P:.T2 messa e- the 32 is not reAuired to process these messa es.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 *P &f the previously accepted transaction was a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M that included the &2 H:owlin# counter synchronisation infoH- rather than i nore the first accepted transaction the 32 may continue with the first transaction in the case where a cell re?selection interrupted the on? oin procedure causin a cell update procedure to be tri ered. &n this case the response messa e acts as an e(plicit ac#nowled ement of both the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e si nallin an "/'" relocation and the subseAuent 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M@3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M. 3T elseP 3T if the received messa e contains a protocol error accordin to clause > causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32P 8T reject the transactionO and 8T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 9T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". 2lseP &f the received messa e is any of the messa esP ? ? F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':O or 1255 1F.'G2 O/:2/ 7/OM 3T/.'P

the 32 shallP ,T if the variable O/:2/2:G/21O'7&G3/.T&O' is set to T/32O *T reject the transactionO and *T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 3T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". 2lseP &f the received messa e is any other messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P *T if the received messa e does not contain a protocol error accordin to clause > and the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to 7.5"2P 3T accept the transactionO and 3T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". *T elseP *T if the received messa e contains a protocol error accordin to clause > causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32P 3T reject the transactionO and 3T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". ,T elseP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is present in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P *T if the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e is identical to the H//1 transaction identifierH stored in any entry for the HMessa e TypeH in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 3T i nore the transactionO and 3T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as the messa e was not receivedO and 3T end the procedure. *T elseP *T if the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e is different from the H//1 transaction identifierH stored in all entries for the HMessa e TypeH in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P 3T if the received messa e does not contain a protocol error accordin to clause > and the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T is set to 7.5"2P 8T accept the additional transactionO and 8T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H.ccepted transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"- in addition to the already e(istin entries. 3T elseP 3T if the received messa e contains a protocol error accordin to clause > causin the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to be set to T/32P 8T reject the transactionO and 8T store the &2 HMessa e typeH and the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'".


(a!a%i it7 U!date ReBuire9e$t

&f the &2 H1apability 3pdate /eAuirementH is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H32 radio access 7:: capability update reAuirementH has the value T/32P *T if the 32 supports 7:: modeP 3T store its 3T/. 7:: capabilities and its 3T/. capabilities common to 7:: and T:: in the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH and the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH in variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2: as specified belowP 8T if the 32 supports any radio access capability included in &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH that is not included in &2 H32 radio access capabilityHP 'OT2P This is valid e. . for 32 that supports multiple 3T/. 7:: 0ands- 32 that supports a sin le 3T/. 7:: 0and different from 0and & D*,E or 32 that supports 2?3T/.. 9T store the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH- e(cludin &2s H/7 capability 7::H and HMeasurement capabilityHO 9T store the &2 H32 radio access capability e(tensionH- includin the &2s H/7 capability 7:: e(tensionH- the HMeasurement capability e(tensionH- the H.dditional "econdary 1ellsH and the H'on?conti uous multi?cellH associated with each supported 3T/. 7:: freAuency band indicated in the &2 H7reAuency bandH. 8T elseP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

9T store the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH- includin the &2s H/7 capability 7::H and HMeasurement capabilityH associated with the 0and & D*,E. ,T if the &2 H32 radio access 3.;8 Mcps T:: capability update reAuirementH has the value T/32P *T if the 32 supports 3.;8 Mcps T:: modeP 3T store its 3T/.'?specific 3.;8 Mcps T:: capabilities and its 3T/.'Qspecific capabilities common to 7:: and T:: in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:. ,T if the &2 H32 radio access <.=; Mcps T:: capability update reAuirementH has the value T/32P *T if the 32 supports <.=; Mcps T:: modeP 3T store its 3T/.'?specific <.=; Mcps T:: capabilities and its 3T/.'Qspecific capabilities common to 7:: and T:: in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:. ,T if the &2 H32 radio access ,.*; Mcps T:: capability update reAuirementH has the value T/32P *T if the 32 supports ,.*; Mcps T:: modeP 3T store its 3T/.'?specific ,.*; Mcps T:: capabilities and its 3T/.'Qspecific capabilities common to 7:: and T:: in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O 3T if the 32 supports 2?3T/.P 8T store the &2 H32 radio access capabilityH- includin HMeasurement capability T::H associated with each supported 2?3T/. band. ,T if the &2 H"ystem specific capability update reAuirement listH is presentP *T for each of the /.T reAuested in the &2 H32 system specific capabilityH 3T if the 32 supports the listed /.TP 8T include its inter?/.T radio access capabilities for the listed /.T in the &2 H32 system specific capabilityH from the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:. 8T if the listed /.T is G"M and P" Fandover to GP/" is supportedP 9T include the &2 $$M" /adio .ccess 1apability$$ in the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKG/2J32"T2:O &f the &2 H 1apability update reAuirement H is not present- the 32 shallP ,T assume the default values as specified in subclause ,+.3.3.* and act in accordance with the above.


Grou! re ease i$3or9atio$

The 32 shall apply the followin procedure to compare the &2 H3?/'T& roupH with the 3?/'T& allocated to the 32 stored in the variable 3G/'T&. &f the &2 H roup discriminatorH is eAual to H.llHP ,T consider this as a roup identity match. &f the &2 H roup discriminatorH is eAual to H3?/'T& mas#HP ,T let ' be the value of the &2 H3?/'T& bit mas# inde(HO ,T if ' is eAual to b*+- b*,- X or b3,P *T compare pairs of bits- startin from bit b3, downto- and includin - bit ' of the H"/'1 identityH of the &2 H3? /'T&H with the correspondin bits stored in the variable 3G/'T&O *T if all pairs of bits are eAualP 3T consider this as a roup identity match.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if ' is eAual to b,- b*- X or b,>P *T compare pairs of bits- startin from bit b3, downto- and includin - bit b*+ of the H"/'1 identityH in the &2 H3?/'T&H with the correspondin bits of the H"/'1 identityH stored in the variable 3G/'T&O *T if all pairs of bits are eAualP 3T then compare pairs of bits- startin from bit b,> downto- and includin - bit ' of the H"?/'T&H in the &2 H3?/'T&H with the correspondin bits of the H"?/'T&H stored in the variable 3G/'T&O 3T if all pairs of bits are eAualP 8T consider this as a roup identity match. 'OT2 ,P The most si nificant bits of the 3?/'T&- which indicate the H"/'1 identityH must be uniAue amon all /'1$s- which support all the 32s in the roup to be released- in order to obtain correct behaviour of roup release.


'e1 )-R'T:

&f the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H and@or the &2 H'ew "econdary 2?/'T&H (7:: only) are@is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H is received in a 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecifiedO ,T store the new value(s) in the variable 2G/'T&O ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. &f- after state transition the 32 enters 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state and the 32 was in 1255G:1F state upon reception of the reconfi uration messa e the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports 2?:1F transmission in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode and the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH is included in system information bloc# type 9 or 9bisP *T clear the variable 2G/'T&. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the new value in the variable 2G/'T&O ,T determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F variable and perform the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8<. ,T for 7::- determine the value for the /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F variable and perform the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9. &f- after the completion of this procedure- the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2- the 32 in 1255G:1F state shallP ,T clear the variable 2G/'T&. &f- after the completion of this procedure- the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2 and the variable F"P.G/'T&G"TO/2:G1255GP1F is also set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T if not in 1255G:1F stateP *T clear the variable 2G/'T&. Chen the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T for 7::P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T use the value of the Primary 2?/'T& and@or "econdary 2?/'T& stored in the variable 2G/'T& as 32 identities in the 2?.G1F reception procedure in the physical layer. ,T for T::P *T use the value of 'ew Primary 2?/'T& stored in the variable 2G/'T& as the 32 identity in the 2?.G1F reception procedure and the 2?/311F transmission procedure in the physical layer. Chen the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and the secondary uplin# freAuency is an activated uplin# freAuency- the 32 shallP ,T use the primary 2?/'T& and@or secondary 2?/'T& stored in the &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH as 32 identities in the 2?.G1F reception procedure in the physical layer on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency.


SR-V(( :$3o

The presence of the &2 H'O'12H in the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH tri ers the relevant actions for mappin #eys from the P" domain to the 1" domain. The &2 H'O'12H is not included if cipherin is not active for P" domain prior to the reception of the the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH. &f the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH is included and the &2 H'O'12H is present in the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH- the 32 shallP ,T set the H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1" domain to H"tartedHO ,T calculate the 1% and &% for the 1" domain as specified in D8+EO ,T if the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH is included in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ 7/OM 3T/.' 1OMM.':P *T set the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' to H1" domainHO *T use the cipherin al orithm in use for the P" domain as part of the new cipherin confi uration for the 1" domain unless otherwise specified by the messa e tri erin "/?B11. &f the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T add the si nallin connection with the identity H1" domainH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G"&G'.55&'GG1O''21T&O'".


rSR-V(( :$3o

&f the &2 Hr"/?B11 &nfoH is received and contains the &2 H&M" informationH- the 32 shallP ,T indicate the H&M" informationH &2 to the upper layers as part of r"/?B11 procedure. &f the &2 Hr"/?B11 &nfoH is received and contains the &2 H'O'12H- the 32 shallP ,T forward the &2 H'O'12H to upper layers as specified in D<>EO

=.6., Radio %earer i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

=.6.,.1 Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist
&f the &2 H"i nallin /0 information to setup listH is included the 32 shallP ,T use the same "T./T value to initialise the 1O3'T?1 and 1O3'T?& variables for all the si nallin radio bearers in the listO ,T if the &2 H"i nallin /0 information to setup listH was included in the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa eP *T if the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' has been initialisedP 3T calculate the "T./T value only once durin this procedure accordin to subclause ;.9.> for the 1' domain indicated in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&'O 3T store the calculated "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T.


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,T for each occurrence of the &2 H"i nallin /0 information to setupHP *T use the value of the &2 H/0 identityH as the identity of the si nallin radio bearer to setupO *T if the si nallin radio bearer identified with the &2 H/0 identityH does not e(ist in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P 3T create a new entry for the si nallin radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". *T if the &2 H"i nallin /0 information to setup listH was received in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':O and *T if the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' has been initialised and the value H"T.T3"H of the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain stored in this variable is H"tartedHP 3T if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH or the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH either in the &2 H/51 infoH or referenced by the /0 identity in the &2 H"ame as /0H is set to H.M /51H or H3M /51HP 8T initialise the *+ M"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this si nallin radio bearer with the "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&TO 8T set the remainin 5"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this si nallin radio bearer to !eroO 8T start to perform cipherin on this si nallin radio bearer- usin the value of the &2 H/0 identityH minus one as the value of 02./2/ in the cipherin al orithm. *T if the &2 H"i nallin /0 information to setup listH was received in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':O and *T if the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G1'G:OM.&' has been initialised and the value H"tatusH of the variable H&'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7OH of the 1' domain stored in this variable is H"tartedHP 3T initialise the *+ M"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?& for this si nallin radio bearer with the "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&TO 3T set the remainin 5"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?& for this si nallin radio bearer to !eroO 3T for this si nallin radio bearer- set the &2 H3plin# //1 Messa e seAuence numberH in the variable &'T2G/&TKGP/OT21T&O'G&'7O to !eroO 3T start performin inte rity protection accordin to subclauses ;.9.,+., and ;.9.,+.*. *T perform the actions for the &2 H/51 infoH as specified in subclause ;.=.8.>- applied for that si nallin radio bearerO *T perform the actions for the &2 H/0 mappin infoH as specified in subclause ;.=.8.;- applied for that si nallin radio bearer. ,T apply a default value of the &2 H/0 identityH eAual to , for the first &2 H"i nallin /0 information to setupHO and ,T increase the default value by , for each occurrence. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should only use the default value of the &2 H/0 identityH within the //1 1onnection "etup and Fandover to 3T/.' 1ommand messa es. &f the default value of the &2 H/0 identityH is used in any other messa e then the 32 behaviour is not specified.


R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu!

&f the &2 H/.0 information for setupH is included- the procedure is used to establish or establish@release (only if 1" domain /.0 mappin is reconfi ured between :1F and 2:1F@F"P. or &2 H/.0 info to replaceH e(ists) radio bearers belon in to a radio access bearer- and the 32 shallP ,T if several &2s H/.0 information for setupH are included in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': and the included &2s H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH does not all have the same valueP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the radio access bearer identified with the &2 H/.0 infoH does not e(ist in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P *T create a new entry for the radio access bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T store the content of the &2 H/.0 infoH in the entry for the radio access bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T indicate the establishment of each radio access bearer to the upper layer entity usin the &2 H1' domain identityH- forwardin the content of the &2 H/.0 identityH and the &2s '." "ynchroni!ation &ndicator as well as the followin &2s if included in the &2 H/.0 infoHP HM0M" "ession identityH and@ or HM0M" "ervice &dentityHO *T if prior to this procedure there e(ists no transparent mode radio bearer for the 1' domain included in the &2 H1' domain identityH and at least one transparent mode radio bearer is included in the &2 H/0 information to setupHO or *T if at least one /51?.M or /51?3M radio bearer is included in the &2 H/0 information to setupHP 3T calculate the "T./T value only once durin this procedure (the same "T./T value shall be used on all new radio bearers created for this radio access bearer) accordin to subclause ;.9.> for the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH part of the &2 H/.0 information to setupHO 'OT2P 7or the case of "/?B11 the "T./T value from the mapped 1" #ey will be incremented and compared with the "T./T value read from the (3)"&M at connection setup. The lar est value will be used for the new 1" "T./T value. 7or the case of r"/?B11 the "T./T value from the mapped P" #ey will be incremented and compared with the "T./T value read from the (3)"&M at connection setup. The lar est value will be used for the new P" "T./T value. This operation is provided with the e(istin procedure in subclause ;.9.>.

3T store the calculated "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T. ,T if the radio access bearer identified with the &2 H/.0 identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH already e(ists in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P *T if prior to this procedure there e(ists no transparent mode radio bearer for the 1' domain included in the &2 H1' domain identityH and at least one transparent mode radio bearer is included in the &2 H/0 information to setupHO or *T if at least one /51?.M or /51?3M radio bearer is included in the &2 H/0 information to setupHP 3T calculate the "T./T value only once durin this procedure (the same "T./T value shall be used on all new radio bearers created for this radio access bearer) accordin to subclause ;.9.> for the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH part of the &2 H/.0 information to setupHO 3T store the calculated "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&T. *T for each radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" for that radio access bearerP 3T release the P:1P and /51 entities for that radio bearerO 3T release the /.0 subflow associated with the radio bearerO 3T delete the information about the radio bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". 'OT2P Chen 1" domain /.0 mappin is reconfi ured between :1F and 2?:1F@F"?:"1F- 3T/.' should chan e the radio bearer identity.

,T if the radio access bearer identified with the &2 H/.0 info to replaceH already e(ists in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P *T for each radio bearer in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" for that radio access bearerP 3T release the P:1P and /51 entities for that radio bearerO


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3T release the /.0 subflow associated with the radio bearerO 3T delete the information about the radio bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". 'OT2P Chen an "/?B11 procedure is initiated- if the received reconfi uration messa e attempts to confi ure /0s with the same /0 &dentity as an e(istin or about to be released radio bearer identity- the 32 behaviour is not specified.

*T indicate to the upper layers that the radio access bearer identified by the &2 H/.0 info to replaceH is released as part of a "/?B11 procedure. ,T for each radio bearer in the &2 H/0 information to setupHP *T if the radio bearer identified with the &2 H/0 identityH does not e(ist in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.=.8.3O 3T store information about the new radio bearer in the entry for the radio access bearer identified by H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T create a new /.0 subflow for the radio access bearerO 3T number the /.0 subflow in ascendin order- assi nin the smallest number to the /.0 subflow correspondin to the first radio bearer in the listO 3T if the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH is set to HP" domainH and the number of /.0 subflows for the radio access bearer is reater than ,P 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the radio bearer identified with the &2 H/0 identityH already e(ists in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 H1"?F"P. informationH is includedP *T forward the content of the &2 H35 .M/ rateH to upper layersO *T use the information in the &2 HMa( 1" delayH to determine the ma(imum bufferin of the voice frames (see D3=E).


R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure

&f the &2 H/.0 information to reconfi ureH is included then the 32 shallP ,T if the entry for the radio access bearer identified by the &2 H1' domain identityH to ether with the &2 H/.0 &dentityH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" already e(istsP *T perform the action for the &2 H'." "ynchroni!ation &ndicatorH- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.,*. ,T elseP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 H1"?F"P. informationH is includedP *T forward the content of the &2 H35 .M/ rateH to upper layersO *T use the information in the &2 HMa( 1" delayH to determine the ma(imum bufferin of the voice frames (see D3=E).


R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!

&f the &2 H/0 information to setupH is included- the 32 shall apply the followin actions on the radio bearer identified with the value of the &2 H/0 identityH. The 32 shallP


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,T use the same "T./T value to initialise the hyper frame number components of 1O3'T?1 variables for all the new radio bearers to setupO ,T perform the actions for the &2 HP:1P infoH- if present- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.,+- applied for the radio bearerO ,T perform the actions for the &2 H/51 infoH- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.>- applied for the radio bearerO ,T perform the actions for the &2 H/0 mappin infoH- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.;- applied for the radio bearerO ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH either in the &2 H/51 infoH or referenced by the /0 identity in the &2 H"ame as /0H is set to HTM /51HP *T confi ure delivery of erroneous ":3s in lower layers accordin to indication from upper layer D9E. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH either in the &2 H/51 infoH or referenced by the /0 identity in the &2 H"ame as /0H is set to H3M /51H and if the radio bearer is connected to a 1" domain radio access bearerP *T confi ure delivery of /51 seAuence number in lower layersO *T if the &2 H/0 information to setupH was received in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':P 3T if the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH is present and contains the &2 H'O'12HP 8T initialise the *+ M"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this radio bearer (includin uplin# and downlin#) with !ero for 1" domainO 3T elseP 8T initialise the *+ M"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this radio bearer (includin uplin# and downlin#) with the latest transmitted "T./T for 1" domainO 3T set the remainin 5"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this radio bearer (includin uplin# and downlin#) to !eroO 3T start incrementin the 1O3'T?1 values. ,T else if the &2 H/0 information to setupH was received in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':O and ,T if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH or the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH either in the &2 H/51 infoH or referenced by the /0 identity in the &2 H"ame as /0H is set to H.M /51H or H3M /51HP *T initialise the *+ M"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this radio bearer with the "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&TO *T set the remainin 5"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 for this radio bearer to !eroO *T start incrementin the 1O3'T?1 values. ,T if the &2 H/0 information to setupH was received in a messa e other than F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':O and ,T if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH and the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH either in the &2 H/51 infoH or referenced by the /0 identity in the &2 H"ame as /0H is set to HTM /51HP *T if prior to this procedure there e(ists no transparent mode radio bearer for the 1' domain included in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" and at least one transparent mode radio bearer is included in the &2 H/0 information to setupHP 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H'ot "tartedHP 8T at the activation time as specified in the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH if included in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the command messa e or- if this &2 is not included- as specified in the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH included in the response messa eP


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9T initialise the *+ most si nificant bits of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain with the "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&TO 9T set the remainin 5"0 of the hyper frame number component of 1O3'T?1 to !eroO 9T do not increment the 1O3'T?1 value common for all transparent mode radio bearers for this 1' domain. 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H "tartedHP 8T at the activation time as specified in the &2 H.ctivation TimeH in the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa eP 9T if the &2 H1' domain identityH in the H&2 /.0 infoH is set to 1"O and 9T if the &2 H"/?B11 &nfoH is present and contains the &2 H'O'12HP =T initialise the *+ most si nificant bits of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 common for all transparent mode /51 radio bearers to !ero. 9T otherwiseP =T initialise the *+ most si nificant bits of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 common for all transparent mode /51 radio bearer to the value of the latest transmitted "T./T for this 1' domain. 9T while not incrementin the value of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 at each 17' cycleO and 9T set the remainin 5"0 of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 to !eroO 9T start to perform cipherin on the radio bearer in lower layers while not incrementin the F7'. 8T at the activation time as specified in the &2 H1ipherin activation time for :P1FH if included in the &2 H1ipherin mode infoH in the command messa e or- if this &2 is not included- as specified in the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH included in the response messa eP 9T initialise the *+ most si nificant bits of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain with the "T./T value in the variable "T./TGB.532GTOGT/.'"M&TO 9T set the remainin 5"0 of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 to !eroO 9T if the received messa e is used to perform a Timin re?initialised hard handoverP =T increment the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable by one even if the H1O3'T?1 activation timeH is set to !ero. 9T start incrementin the 1O3'T?1 value common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain as normal- at each 17' value- i.e. the F7' component is no lon er fi(ed in value but incremented at each 17' cycle. *T if prior to this procedure there e(ists at least one transparent mode radio bearer for the 1' domain included in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H'ot "tartedHP 8T do not increment the 1O3'T?1 value common for all transparent mode radio bearers for this 1' domain. 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H"tartedHP 8T use the 1O3'T?1 value common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain.


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,T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is set to H"tartedHP *T start to perform cipherin on the radio bearer in lower layers- usin the value of the &2 H/0 identityH minus one as the value of 02./2/ in the cipherin al orithm. 'OT2P 3T/.' should not use the &2 H/0 information to setupH to setup radio bearers with /0 identity in the ran e ,?8.


R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected

&f the &2 H/0 information to be affectedH is included- the 32 shall apply the followin actions on the radio bearer identified with the value of the &2 H/0 identityH. The 32 shallP ,T perform the actions for the &2 H/0 mappin infoH- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.;- applied for the radio bearer.




R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure

&f the &2 H/0 information to reconfi ureH is included- the 32 shall apply the followin actions on the radio bearer identified with the value of the &2 H/0 identityH. The 32 shallP ,T perform the actions for the &2 HP:1P infoH- if present- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.,+- applied for the radio bearerO ,T if the &2 H/51 infoH is presentP *T perform the actions for the &2 H/51 infoH- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.>- applied for the radio bearer. ,T elseP *T continue usin the current /51 confi uration for the radio bearer. ,T perform the actions for the &2 H/0 mappin infoH- accordin to subclause ;.=.8.;- applied for the radio bearerO ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH in the &2 H/51 infoH is set to HTM /51HP *T confi ure delivery of erroneous ":3s in lower layers accordin to indication from upper layer D9E. ,T if the &2 HP:1P "' infoH is includedP *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.8.,, applied for the radio bearer. ,T if the &2 H/0 stop@continueH is includedO and *T if the H/0 identityH has a value reater than *O and 3T if the value of the &2 H/0 stop@continueH is HstopHP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for the radio bearer to stopO 8T set the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" to HstoppedH for that radio bearer. 3T if the value of the &2 H/0 stop@continueH is HcontinueHP 8T confi ure the /51 entity for the radio bearer to continueO 8T set the &2 H/0 startedH in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" to HstartedH for that radio bearer. *T if the &2 H/0 identityH is set to a value less than or eAual to *P 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


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R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease

&f the &2 H/0 information to releaseH is included- the 32 shall apply the followin actions on the radio bearer identified with the value of the &2 H/0 identityH. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H/0 identityH is set to a value less than 8P *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 H/0 identityH refers to a si nallin radio bearerP *T release the /51 entity for the si nallin radio bearerO *T delete the information about the si nallin radio bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". ,T if the &2 H/0 identityH refers to a radio bearerP *T release the P:1P and /51 entities for that radio bearerO *T indicate release of the /.0 subflow associated with the radio bearer to upper layersO *T delete the information about the radio bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O *T when all radio bearers belon in to the same radio access bearer have been releasedP 3T indicate release of the radio access bearer to upper layers providin the H1' domain identityH to ether with the H/.0 identityH and the HM0M" "ervice &dentityH if stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"O 3T delete all information about the radio access bearer from the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0". The 32 shallP ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9O ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;.


R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H/0 with P:1P informationH is included- the 32 shall apply the followin actions on the radio bearer identified with the value of the &2 H/0 identityH. The 32 shallP ,T for the &2 HP:1P "' infoHP *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.8.,,.


R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o

&f the &2 H/0 mappin infoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each multiple(in option of the /0P *T if a multiple(in option that maps a lo ical channel correspondin to a TM?/51 entity onto /.1F- 7.1F3"1F- :"1F (only for T::)- F"?:"1F or 2?:1F is includedP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the multiple(in option realises the radio bearer on the uplin# (resp. on the downlin#) usin two lo ical channels with different values of the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH (resp. of the &2 H:ownlin# transport channel typeH)P 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


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*T if that /0 is usin TM and the &2 H"e mentation indicationH is set to T/32 and- based on the multiple(in confi uration resultin from this messa e- the lo ical channel correspondin to it is mapped onto the same transport channel as another lo ical channelP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the transport channel considered in that multiple(in option is different from /.1F and if that /0 is usin .M and the set of /51 si!es applicable to the uplin# lo ical channel transferrin data P:3s has more than one element not eAual to !eroP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if that /0 is usin 3M or TM and the multiple(in option realises it usin two lo ical channelsP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T for each lo ical channel in that multiple(in optionP 3T if the value of the &2 H/51 si!e listH is set to H2(plicit listHP 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is included in the same messa e- and the value (inde() of any &2 H/51 si!e inde(H in the &2 H2(plicit listH does not correspond to an H/51 si!eH in the &2 transport format set of that transport channel iven in the messa eO or 8T if the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is different from /.1F- and if a HTransport format setH for that transport channel is not included in the same messa eand the value (inde() of any &2 H/51 si!e inde(H in the &2 H2(plicit listH does not correspond to an H/51 si!eH in the stored transport format set of that transport channelO or 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is included in the same messa e- and the value of any &2 H5o ical channel listH in the transport format set is not set to H1onfi uredHO or 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is not included in the same messa e- and the value of any &2 H5o ical channel listH in the stored transport format set of that transport channel is not set to H1onfi uredHP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T if the value of the &2 H/51 si!e listH is set to H.llHP 8T if the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on is /.1FO or 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is included in the same messa e- and the value of any &2 H5o ical channel listH in the transport format set is not set to H1onfi uredHO or 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is not included in the same messa e- and the value of any &2 H5o ical channel listH in the stored transport format set of that transport channel is not set to H1onfi uredHP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T if the value of the &2 H/51 si!e listH is set to H1onfi uredHP 8T if the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on is /.1FO or 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is included in the same messa e- and for none of the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel in the HTransport format setH- the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH is set to H.llH or iven as an H2(plicit 5istH which contains this lo ical channelO or 8T if a HTransport format setH for the transport channel this lo ical channel is mapped on in this multiple(in option is not included in the same messa e- and for none of the /51 si!es defined in the


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transport format set stored for that transport channel- the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH is set to H.llH or iven as an H2(plicit 5istH which contains this lo ical channelP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if- for the F"?:"1F transport channel- when M.1?hs is confi ured and as a result of the messa e this &2 is included in- several radio bearers can be mapped onto the same M.1?d flow- and the &2 H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was not included in the /0 mappin info of any of those radio bearers for a multiple(in option on that M.1?d flow or the same H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was used more than once in the /0 mappin info of those radio bearers for the multiple(in options on that M.1?d flowP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if- for the F"?:"1F transport channel- when M.1?ehs is confi ured and as a result of the messa e this &2 is included in- several radio bearers can be mapped onto the reorderin Aueue(s)- and the &2 H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was not included in the /0 mappin info of any of those radio bearers for a multiple(in option on at least one reorderin Aueue or the same H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was used more than once in the /0 mappin info of those radio bearers for the multiple(in options on any reorderin AueueP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if- as a result of the messa e this &2 is included in- several radio bearers can be mapped onto the 2?:1F M.1?d flows(s)- and the &2 H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was not included in the /0 mappin info of any of those radio bearers for a multiple(in option on at least one 2?:1F M.1?d flow or the same H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was used more than once in the /0 mappin info of those radio bearers for the multiple(in options on any M.1?d flowP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if- for transport channels other than F"?:"1F and 2?:1F- as a result of the messa e this &2 is included inseveral radio bearers can be mapped onto the same transport channel- and the &2 H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was not included in the /0 mappin info of any of those radio bearers for a multiple(in option on that transport channel or the same H5o ical 1hannel &dentityH was used more than once in the /0 mappin info of those radio bearers for the multiple(in options on that transport channelP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if- as a result of the messa e this &2 is included in- there are several radio bearers confi ured with a multiple(in option mapped on HF"?:"1FH- i.e.- a downlin# transport channel of type HF"?:"1FH or H:1F V F"?:"1FHand there is at least one radio bearer with a multiple(in option confi ured with the :5 M.1 header type set to HM.1?hsH and at least one radio bearer with a multiple(in option confi ured with the :5 M.1 header type set to HM.1?ehsHP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the H/0 mappin infoH is considered as valid accordin to the rules aboveP *T delete all previously stored multiple(in options for that radio bearerO *T store each new multiple(in option for that radio bearerO *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.9.*,O *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9O *T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. ,T if the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH is set to the value H/.1FHP *T in 7::P 3T refer the &2 H/51 si!e inde(H to the /.1F Transport 7ormat "et of the first P/.1F received in the &2 HP/.1F system information listH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9- "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# =.


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*T in T::P 3T use the first Transport 7ormat of the P/.1F of the &2 HP/.1F system information listH at the position eAual to the value in the &2 H/51 si!e inde(H. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# transport channel typeH is set to the value HF"?:"1FH or H:1F V F"?:"1FHOand ,T the :5 M.1 header type is set to HM.1?ehsHP *T if the &2 H5o ical channel identityH is presentP 3T confi ure the receivin M.1?ehs entity with the value of the &2 H5o ical channel identityH to be used in the H51F?&:H field of the M.1?ehs header D,9E associated with the M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue identified by the value of the &2 H:5 F"?:"1F M.1?ehs Jueue &dH. *T elseP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &n case &2 H/51 infoH includes &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH (H:5 /51 lo ical channel infoH is mandatory present) but &2 H'umber of downlin# /51 lo ical channelsH is absent in the correspondin &2 H/0 mappin infoH- the parameter values are e(actly the same as for the correspondin 35 lo ical channels. &n case two multiple(in options are specified for the 35- the first options shall be used as default for the :5. .s re ards the &2 H1hannel typeH- the followin rule should be applied to derive the :5 channel type from the 35 channel included in the &2P
Channel used in 07 4(< R#(< US(< 37 channel t4pe i2plied ;4 @sa2e as@ 4(< &#(< 4S(<

&f cipherin is applied- 3T/.' should not map Transparent Mode /0s of different 1' domains on the same transport channel and it should not map transparent mode "/0s and /0s onto the same transport channel. &n such cases the 32 behaviour is not specified. 7or 7:: the list of multiple(in options confi ured in the 32 for each /0 and "/0 should comply with the followin rules otherwise the 32 behaviour is not specifiedP ? ? ? ? ? ? at most one multiple(in option can contain the combination H7.1FH for the :5 and H/.1FH for the 35O for 7::- at most one multiple(in option can contain the combination HF"?:"1FH mapped on M.1?ehs for the :5 and H/.1FH for the 35O at most one multiple(in option can contain the combination H:1FH or H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5 to ether with H:1FH for he 35O at most one multiple(in option can contain the combination HF"?:"1FH or H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5 to ether with H:1FH for the 35O at most one multiple(in option can contain the combination H:1FH or H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5 to ether with H2?:1FH for the 35O and at most one multiple(in option can contain the combination HF"?:"1FH or H:1F V F"?:"1FH for the :5 to ether with H2?:1FH for the 35.


RL( :$3o

3pon reception of the &2 H/51 &nfoH- the 32 shallP ,T if both the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH and the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH are present in the &2 H/51 infoHP *T confi ure the transmittin and receivin /51 entities in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin ly. ,T else- if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH is present and the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH is not present in the &2 H/51 infoHP


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*T confi ure the transmittin /51 entity in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin ly and #eep the confi uration e(istin before the reception of the messa e for the receivin /51 entity. ,T else- if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH is not present and the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH is present in the &2 H/51 infoHP *T confi ure the receivin /51 entity in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin ly and #eep the confi uration e(istin before the reception of the messa e for the transmittin /51 entity. ,T if the &2 HPollin infoH is present in the &2 H/51 infoHP *T for each present &2 in the &2 HPollin infoHP 3T confi ure /51 to use the correspondin function accordin to the value of the &2. *T for each absent &2 in the &2 HPollin infoHP 3T confi ure /51 to not use the correspondin function. ,T if the &2 HPollin infoH is absentP *T confi ure /51 to not use the pollin functionality. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# /51 "T.T3" infoH is present in the &2 H/51 infoH (this &2 is present for .M /51)P *T for each present &2 in the &2 H:ownlin# /51 "T.T3" infoHP 3T confi ure /51 to use the correspondin function accordin to value of the &2. *T for each absent &2 in the &2 H:ownlin# /51 "T.T3" infoHP 3T confi ure /51 to not use the correspondin function. ,T if the &2 HTransmission /51 discardH is presentP *T confi ure the discard procedure in /51 accordin to the &2 HTransmission /51 discardH ,T if the &2 HTransmission /51 discardH is absent (only possible for TM /51 and 3M /51)P *T do not confi ure ":3 discard in /51. ,T if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH is present and is set to H.M /51HP *T if the &2 H3se special value of F2 fieldH is presentP 3T confi ure the uplin# /51 entity to use the special value of the F2 field to indicate the end of an ":3. *T if the &2 H3se special value of F2 fieldH is not presentP 3T confi ure the uplin# /51 entity to not use the special value of the F2 field to indicate the end of an ":3. ,T if the &2 H3plin# /51 modeH is present and is set to H3M /51HP *T if the &2 H.lternative 2?bit interpretationH is presentP 3T confi ure the uplin# /51 entity to use the alternative 2?bit interpretation and correspondin 5&$s. *T if the &2 H.lternative 2?bit interpretationH is not presentP 3T confi ure the uplin# /51 entity to use the normal 2?bit interpretation and correspondin 5&$s. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH is present and is set to H.M /51HP *T if &2 H:5 /51 P:3 si!eH is not presentP 3T determinin the downlin# /51 P:3 si!e will be handled at /51 level as described in D,=E- without any confi uration from //1.


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The case where this mandatory &2 is not present is meant to handle the interaction with a networ# usin an earlier release of the specification.

*T else- if the &2 H:5 /51 P:3 si!eH is present- the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfi(ed si!eH and no downlin# /51 P:3 si!e is currently set in the /51 entityP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the downlin# /51 P:3 si!e. *T else- if the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eH and no downlin# /51 P:3 si!e is currently set in the /51 entityP 3T if this radio bearer is a si nallin radio bearerP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T else- confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the /51 len th indicator si!e indicated in the &2 H5en th indicator si!eH. *T else- if the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is chan ed to Hfle(ible si!eH from Hfi(ed si!eH and the the indicated /51 len th indicator si!e is < bitsP 3T if this radio bearer is a si nallin radio bearerP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T else- confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with fle(ible /51 P:3 si!e and the /51 len th indicator si!e indicated in the &2 H5en th indicator si!eH. *T else- if the &2 H:5 /51 P:3 si!eH is present- the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfi(ed si!eH and :5 /51 P:3 si!e value is different from the one currently set in the /51 entityO or *T the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eH and the indicated /51 len th indicator si!e is different from the one currently set in the /51 entityO or *T the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is chan ed to Hfi(ed si!eH from Hfle(ible si!eHO or *T the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is chan ed to Hfle(ible si!eH from Hfi(ed si!eH and the indicated /51 len th indicator si!e is ,9 bitsP 'OT2P The downlin# /51 P:3 si!e set in the /51 entity should be e(plicitly confi ured in this release of the specification.

3T if the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eHP 8T if this radio bearer is a si nallin radio bearerP 9T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T if the &2 Hone sided /51 re?establishmentH is set to T/32P 8T re?establish the receivin side of the correspondin /51 entity. 3T elseP 8T re?establish the correspondin /51 entity. 3T if the /51 entity for "/0* is re?establishedP 8T clear all entries in the table HProcessed transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'". 3T if the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfi(ed si!eHP 8T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the new downlin# /51 P:3 si!e. 3T if the :5 /51 P:3 si!e is set to Hfle(ible si!eHP 8T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the /51 len th indicator si!e indicated in the &2 H5en th indicator si!eH.


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3T if the 32 supports the lossless :5 /51 P:3 si!e chan e and P:1P was confi ured for that radio bearer with the &2 H"upport for lossless "/'" relocation or for lossless :5 /51 P:3 si!e chan eH set to T/32P 8T include the current :5 P:1P receive seAuence number and the radio bearer identity for that radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O. 3T if the &2 H"tatusH in the variable 1&PF2/&'GG"T.T3" of the 1' domain as indicated in the &2 H1' domain identityH in the &2 H/.0 infoH for this radio bearer is set to H"tartedHP 8T if the /51 re?establishment is caused by a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/MP 9T if only the receivin side of the /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity in downlin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH included in the latest transmitted 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for this 1' domain. 9T if the whole /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity in uplin# and downlin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH included in the latest transmitted 1255 3P:.T2 messa e for this 1' domain. 8T if the /51 re?establishment is caused by a reconfi uration messa eP 9T if only the receivin side of the /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity in downlin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH that will be included in the reconfi uration complete messa e for this 1' domain. 9T if the whole /51 entity was re?establishedP =T set the F7' values for the correspondin /51 entity in uplin# and downlin# eAual to the value of the &2 H"T./TH that will be included in the reconfi uration complete messa e for this 1' domain. *T if the 32 supports M.1?ehsP 3T confi ure the downlin# /51 entity to use the special value of the F2 field to indicate the end of an ":3. *T elseP 3T confi ure the downlin# /51 entity to not use the special value of the F2 field to indicate the end of an ":3. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# /51 modeH is present and is set to H3M /51HP *T if the &2 H:5 3M /51 5& si!eH is not presentP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with an 5& si!e of < bitsO 'OT2P The case where this mandatory &2 is not present is meant to handle the interaction with a networ# usin an earlier release of the specification.

*T elseP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the 5& si!e indicated in the &2 H:5 3M /51 5& si!eH. *T if the &2 H:5 /eception Cindow "i!eH is presentP 3T if the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: indicates H"upport of F"?P:"1FH as H"upportedHP 8T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity to support out?of?seAuence reception with the receive window si!e indicated in the &2. 3T if the variable 32G1.P.0&5&TKGT/.'"72//2: indicates H"upport of F"?P:"1FH as H3nsupportedHP


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8T the 32 behaviour is not specified. *T elseP 3T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity without out?of?seAuence reception. 'OT2P &f the H3plin# /51 modeH or the H:ownlin# /51 modeH of an e(istin radio bearer is modified by a reconfi uration messa e- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

*T if the &2 H.lternative 2?bit interpretationH is presentP 3T confi ure the downlin# /51 entity to use the alternative 2?bit interpretation and correspondin 5&$s. *T if the &2 H.lternative 2?bit interpretationH is not presentP 3T confi ure the downlin# /51 entity to use the normal 2?bit interpretation and correspondin 5&$s.


P4(P :$3o

7or /OF1- as specified in D;3E and D;8EP ,T the chosen M.IG1&: shall be less than the value HMa(imum number of /OF1 conte(t sessionsH as indicated in the &2 HP:1P 1apabilityH. &f &2 HP:1P infoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the radio bearer is connected to a 1" domain radio access bearerP *T if the &2 HP:1P infoH is included in any other messa e than the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P- 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M or the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa eO or *T if the &2 HP:1P P:3 headerH is set to the value HabsentHO or *T if the &2 H"upport for lossless "/'" relocation or for lossless :5 /51 P:3 si!e chan eH is set to T/32O or *T if the &2 HFeader compression informationH is presentO or *T if the 32 does not support 1" voice service over F":P. and 2:1FP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T else 3T include P:1P headers in both uplin# and downlin# P:1P P:3s. 3T confi ure HP:1P 3nrecoverable 2rror :etectionH in lower layer. ,T else if the radio bearer is connected to a P" domain radio access bearerP *T if the &2 HP:1P P:3 headerH is set to the value HabsentHP 3T if the &2 H"upport for lossless "/'" relocation or for lossless :5 /51 P:3 si!e chan eH is T/32P 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the &2 HP:1P P:3 headerH is set to the value HpresentHP 3T include P:1P headers in both uplin# and downlin# P:1P P:3sO 3T if the &2 H"upport for lossless "/'" relocation or for lossless :5 /51 P:3 si!e chan eH is 7.5"2P 8T if the &2 HFeader compression informationH is absentP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the &2 HFeader compression informationH is absentP 3T not use Feader compression after the successful completion of this procedureO


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3T remove any stored confi uration for the &2 HFeader compression informationH. *T if the &2 HFeader compression informationH is presentP 3T if the &2 H.l orithm TypeH is set to H/71 *9+<HP 8T if the 32 capability HMa(imum header compression conte(t spaceH- as specified in D39E- is e(ceeded with this confi urationP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 8T if the &2 HP:1P P:3 headerH is set to the value HabsentHP 9T the behaviour of the 32 is unspecified. 3T if the &2 H.l orithm TypeH is set to H/71 3+>9HP 8T if the uplin# /51 mode for this radio bearer is /51?TMP 9T the behaviour of the 32 is unspecified. ,T confi ure the P:1P entity for that radio bearer accordin lyO ,T confi ure the /51 entity for that radio bearer accordin to the value of the &2 H"upport for lossless "/'" relocation or for lossless :5 /51 P:3 si!e chan eHO ,T set the P/O7&52" parameter- used by inband /OF1 profile ne otiation- for this P:1P entity for both 35 and :5 eAual to the list of /OF1 profiles received in the &2 HP:1P infoH. . 32 complyin to this version of the protocol shall support /OF1 profiles +(++++ (/OF1 uncompressed)- +(+++, (/OF1 /TP)- +(+++* (/OF1 3:P) and +(+++3 (/OF1 2"P) (see D9*E). ,T if the &2 HP:1P /OF1 tar et modeH is receivedP *T set the variable H P:1PG/OF1GT./G2TGMO:2 H to the received value. ,T if the &2 HP:1P /OF1 tar et modeH is not received in either of the 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- the /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' or the /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P messa eP *T delete the variable HP:1:G/OF1GT./G2TGMO:2H and act accordin to actions specified in D3=E.


P4(P S' :$3o

&f the &2 HP:1P "' &nfoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T transfer the seAuence number to the P:1P entity for the radio bearerO ,T confi ure the /51 entity for the radio bearer to stopO ,T include the current P:1P receive seAuence number and the radio bearer identity for the radio bearer in the variable P:1PG"'G&'7O.


'#S S7$c"ro$isatio$ :$dicator

&f the &2 H'." "ynchronisation &ndicatorH is present in a messa e- the 32 shallP ,T forward the content to upper layers alon with the &2 H1' domain identityH of the associated /.0 stored in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" at the 17' indicated in the &2 H.ctivation timeH in order to synchronise actions in '." and .".


P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

&f the &2 HP:1P conte(t relocation infoH is included- the 32 shall- for each radio bearer included in this &2P ,T &f the &2 H:ownlin# /71 3+>9 conte(t relocation indicationH is set to T/32P *T perform the actions as specified in D3=E for all /OF1 conte(ts associated with that radio bearer in the downlin#.


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,T &f the &2 H3plin# /71 3+>9 conte(t relocation indicationH is set to T/32P *T perform the actions as specified in D3=E for all /OF1 conte(ts associated with that radio bearer in the uplin#.


RL( :$3o M8MS

3pon reception of the &2 H/51 &nfo M0M"H- the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the receivin /51 entity in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin lyO ,T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity with the 5& si!e indicated in the &2 H:5 3M /51 5& si!eH. ,T if the &2 H:5 :uplication .voidance and /eorderin infoH is presentP *T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity to use the 3M duplication avoidance and reorderin functionality. ,T if the &2 H:5 Out of seAuence delivery infoH is presentP *T confi ure the correspondin /51 entity to use the 3M out of seAuence delivery functionality.


R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or M8MS !t! %earer

&f the &2 H/.0 information for M0M" ptp bearerH is included then the 32 shallP ,T if an entry for the radio access bearer identified by the &2 H/0 &dentityH already e(ists in the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" and a value of the &2 HM0M" "ervice &dentityH is stored in this entry of the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0"P *T notify upper layers that the radio access bearer characterised by the parameters currently stored in this entry of the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" is releasedO *T reuse this entry of the variable 2"T.05&"F2:G/.0" and update it with the received value of &2 HM0M" "ervice &dentityH and- if included- with the received value of &2 HM0M" "ession &dentityHO *T notify upper layers that the radio access bearer characterised by the updated parameters in this entry is established. ,T elseP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.

=.6.5 Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

=.6.5.1 Tra$s!ort &or9at Set
&f the &2 HTransport format setH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the transport format set is a /.1F T7" received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type =- and 1FO&12 H5o ical 1hannel 5istH has a value different from H1onfi uredHP *T i nore that "ystem &nformation 0loc#. 'OT2P The T7" added by the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH has no 1FO&12 H5o ical 1hannel 5istH and can thus never be considered as different from H1onfi uredH.

,T if the transport format set for a downlin# transport channel is received in a "ystem &nformation 0loc#- and 1FO&12 H5o ical 1hannel 5istH has a value different from $.55$P *T i nore that "ystem &nformation 0loc#. ,T if the transport format set for a downlin# transport channel is received in a messa e on a :11F- and 1FO&12 H5o ical 1hannel 5istH has a value different from $.55$P *T #eep the transport format set if this e(ists for that transport channelO *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


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,T if the value of any &2 H/0 identityH (and H5o ical 1hannelH for /0s usin two 35 lo ical channels) in the &2 H5o ical channel listH does not correspond to a lo ical channel indicated to be mapped onto this transport channel in any /0 multiple(in option (either included in the same messa e or previously stored and not chan ed by this messa e)O or ,T if the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH for any of the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel is set to H1onfi uredH while it is set to H.llH or iven as an H2(plicit 5istH for any other /51 si!eO or ,T if the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH for any of the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel is set to H.llH and for any lo ical channel mapped to this transport channel- the value of the H/51 si!e listH (either provided in the &2 H/0 mappin infoH if included in the same messa e- or stored) is not set to H1onfi uredHO or ,T if the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH for any of the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel is iven as an H2(plicit 5istH that contains a lo ical channel for which the value of the H/51 si!e listH (either provided in the &2 H/0 mappin infoH if included in the same messa e- or stored) is not set to H1onfi uredHO or ,T if the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH for all the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel are iven as H2(plicit 5istH and if one of the lo ical channels mapped onto this transport channel is not included in any of those listsO or ,T if the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH for the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel is set to H1onfi uredH and for any lo ical channel mapped onto that transport channel- the value of the H/51 si!e listH (either provided in the &2 H/0 mappin infoH if included in the same messa e- or stored) is also set to H1onfi uredHO or ,T if the &2 HTransport 7ormat "etH was not received within the &2 HP/.1F system information listH and if the H5o ical 1hannel 5istH for the /51 si!es defined for that transport channel is set to H1onfi uredH and for any lo ical channel mapped onto that transport channel- the H/51 si!e listH (either provided in the &2 H/0 mappin infoH if included in the same messa e- or stored ) is iven as an H2(plicit 5istH that includes an H/51 si!e inde(H that does not correspond to any /51 si!e in this HTransport 7ormat "etHO or ,T if the &2 HTransport 7ormat "etH was not received within the &2 HP/.1F system information listH- and if that /0 is usin .M and the set of /51 si!es applicable to the lo ical channel transferrin data P:3s has more than one element not eAual to !eroP *T #eep the transport format set if this e(ists for that transport channelO *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the total number of confi ured transport formats for the transport channel e(ceeds ma(T7P *T #eep the transport format set if this e(ists for that transport channelO *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 HTransport format setH is considered as valid accordin to the rules aboveP *T remove a previously stored transport format set if this e(ists for that transport channelO *T store the transport format set for that transport channelO *T consider the first instance of the parameter Number of 23s and 22& List within the 4ynamic transport format information to correspond to transport format + for this transport channel- the second to transport format , and so onO *T if the &2 HTransport format "etH has the choice HTransport channel typeH set to H:edicated transport channelHP 3T calculate the transport bloc# si!e for all transport formats in the T7" usin the followin T0 si!e W /51 si!e V M.1 header si!e T0 si!e W + whereP ? ? M.1 header si!e is calculated accordin to D,9E if M.1 multiple(in is used. Otherwise it is + bitsO $/51 si!e$ reflects the /51 P:3 si!e. if H/51 si!eH [T +if H/51 si!eH W +-


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*T if the &2 HTransport format "etH has the choice HTransport channel typeH set to H1ommon transport channelHP 3T calculate the transport bloc# si!e for all transport formats in the T7" usin the followin P T0 si!e W /51 si!e. *T if the &2 H'umber of Transport bloc#sH [T + and &2 H/51 si!eH W +- no /51 P:3 data e(ists but only parity bits e(ist for that transport formatO *T if the &2 H'umber of Transport bloc#sH W +- neither /51 P:3 neither data nor parity bits e(ist for that transport formatO *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.9.*,. 7or confi uration restrictions on 0lind Transport 7ormat :etection- see D*<E.


Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set

&f the &2 HTransport format combination setH is included for the uplin#- the 32 shall for that directionP ,T store the new transport format combination set- or (if this e(ists) modify a previously stored transport format combination set accordin to &2s included in &2 HTransport format combination setHO ,T start to respect those transport format combinationsO ,T if &2 HTransport format combination subsetH is received in this messa eP *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.9.3. ,T if &2 HTransport format combination subsetH is not received in this messa eP *T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO *T set both the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH and the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH in the variable T71G"30"2T to the value indicatin Hfull transport format combination setH. &f the &2 HTransport format combination setH is included for the downlin#- the 32 shall for that directionP ,T store the new transport format combination set- or (if this e(ists) modify a previously stored transport format combination set accordin to &2s included in &2 HTransport format combination setHO ,T start to respect those transport format combinations. &f the &2 HTransport format combination setH is not included for the uplin# and if there is no addition- removal or reconfi uration of transport channels- the 32 shall for that directionP ,T use a previously stored transport format combination set if this e(ists. &f the &2 HTransport format combination setH is not included for the downlin# and if there is no addition- removal or reconfi uration of transport channels- the 32 shall for that directionP ,T use a previously stored transport format combination set if this e(ists. &f the &2 HTransport format combination setH is not included for either the uplin# or the downlin# and for that direction after the reconfi uration there is one or more stored :1F confi urationO and ,T if no transport format combination set is stored in the 32O or ,T if transport channels are added or removed in the messa eO or ,T if any transport channel is reconfi ured in the messa e such that the si!e of the transport format set is chan edP the 32 shallP ,T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the &2 HTransport format combination setH is not included for either the uplin# or the downlin# and for that direction after the reconfi uration there is no stored :1F confi uration- the 32 shallP


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,T remove any stored transport format combination set for dedicated channels for that direction. &n the uplin# T71" the minimum set of T71s is the set of T71s that is needed for the T71 selection al orithm defined in D,9E to ive a predictable result. .ny confi ured T71" or T71 subset shall satisfy the reAuirements as specified by the minimum set. &n the definition of the minimum set of T71s below- only lo ical channels for which the T71" or the T71 subset include at least one T71 with non?empty T7 for the correspondin transport channel should be considered. The minimum set of T71s consists of the followin P ,T for each 3M lo ical channelP *T a T71 with one transport bloc# for this transport channel and empty T7s (see D38E) for all the others. &f more than one T71 fulfils these criteria- only the T71 with the lowest number of bits should be included in the minimum set of T71s. ,T for each .M lo ical channelP *T a T71 with a non?empty T7 for the correspondin transport channel and empty T7s for all other transport channels- where the non?empty T7 includes one transport bloc# with H1onfi ured /51 "i!eH eAual to the /51 P:3 si!e. ,T for each set of HsynchronousH TM lo ical channels (see the definition below) and for each set of ":3 si!es associated with itP *T a T71 with T7s correspondin to any combination of ":3 si!es that can be received in a TT& from hi her layers on the correspondin transport channels and empty T7s for all other transport channels. 'OT2P &n case an adaptive rate codec is used and the T71" has been restricted by the &2 HT71 subsetH- the minimum set consists of the set of T71s with T7s correspondin to any combination of ":3 si!es that can be received in a TT& respectin the restricted T71".

,T for each TM lo ical channel that is not part of a set of HsynchronousH TM lo ical channels (see the definition below)P *T a T71 with non?empty T7s for the correspondin transport channel- and empty T7s for all other transport channels- where 3T for non?se mented mode TM?/51 lo ical channels the non?empty T7s include- for the smallest ":3 si!e that can be received in a sin le TT& from hi her layerP 8T a T7 with non?!ero number of transport bloc#s with H1onfi ured /51 "i!eH eAual to the correspondin ":3 si!e. &f more than one T71 fulfils these criteria- only the T71 with the lowest number of bits in the T71 is included in the minimum set of T71s. 3T for se mented mode TM?/51- the non?empty T7s include any T7 such that the number of transport bloc#s multiplied by the H1onfi ured /51 "i!eH is eAual to the smallest ":3 si!e that can be received in a sin le TT& from hi her layer. ,T an HemptyH T71 (see D38E). 7urthermore- the 3T/.' should ensure that the uplin# T71" and any confi ured T71 "ubset satisfies the followin rulesP ,T for each TT& len th with which at least one transport channel is confi uredP *T for each combination of T7s for the transport channels confi ured with this TT& len th included in the T71"P 3T a T71 with these T7s for the transport channels confi ured with this TT& len th and empty T7s on all transport channels confi ured with shorter TT& len ths is also included in the T71". 7or T::- the T71" of a 11Tr1F should include those of the above combinations- which include a T7 with one transport bloc# for a transport channel used in that 11Tr1F- and the HemptyH T71 should be included in the T71" of every 11Tr1F. "ynchronous TM lo ical channels are lo ical channels on which hi her layer traffic is enerated in a perfectly correlated fashion (e. . .M/ /.0).


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The H1onfi ured /51 "i!eH is defined as the transport bloc# si!e minus the M.1 header si!e.


Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ su%set

Chen confi urin a T71 "ubset- the 3T/.' should follow the uidelines defined in subclause ;.=.9.*. &f a :1F is confi ured on the uplin# and the &2 HTransport format combination subsetH(HT71 subsetH) is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMinimum allowed Transport format combination inde(H is includedO and *T if the value of the &2 HMinimum allowed Transport format combination inde(H is reater than the hi hest T71& value in the current transport format combination setP 3T consider the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current transport format combination set. ,T if the &2 H.llowed transport format combination listH is includedO and *T if the value of any of the &2s H.llowed transport format combinationH included in the &2 H.llowed transport format combination listH does not match a T71& value in the current transport format combination setP 3T consider the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current transport format combination set. ,T if the &2 H'on?allowed transport format combination listH is includedO and *T if the value of any of the &2s H'on?allowed transport format combinationH included in the &2 H'on?allowed transport format combination listH does not match a T71& value in the current transport format combination setP 3T consider the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current transport format combination set. ,T if the &2 H/estricted Tr1F informationH is includedP *T if the value of any of the &2s H3plin# transport channel typeH and H/estricted 35 Tr1F identityH included in the &2 H/estricted Tr1F informationH do not correspond to any of the transport channels for which the current transport format combination set is validP 3T consider the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current transport format combination set. *T if the &2 H.llowed T7&sH is includedO and 3T if the value of each of the &2s H.llowed T7&H included in the &2 H.llowed T7&sH corresponds to a transport format for that transport channel within the current transport format combination setP 8T allow all transport format combinations that include these transport formats for the transport channelO 8T restrict all other transport format combinations. 3T elseP 8T consider the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current transport format combination set. *T if the &2 H.llowed T7&sH is not includedP 3T restrict all transport format combinations where the transport channel has a transport format of non?!ero rate. ,T if the 32 considers the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current Transport format combination set accordin to the aboveP *T #eep any previous restriction of the transport format combination setO *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the 32 does not consider the T71 subset to be incompatible with the current Transport format combination set accordin to the aboveP


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*T if the &2 HTransport format combination subsetH is received in a messa e other than a T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T set both the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH and the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH in the variable T71G"30"2T to the &2 HTransport format combination subsetH (in case of T:: for the uplin# 11Tr1F specified by the &2 HT71" &dH)O 3T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO 3T apply the transport format combination subset in the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH stored in the variable T71G"30"2T. ,T if the &2 Htransport format combination subsetH indicates the Hfull transport format combination setHP *T set both the &2 H1urrent T71 subsetH and the &2 H:efault T71 subsetH in the variable T71G"30"2T to the value indicatin Hfull transport format combination setHO *T clear the &2 H:urationH in the variable T71G"30"2TO *T if the &2 HTransport format combination subsetH is received in a T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e- then at the 17' indicated by the &2 H.ctivation time for T71 subsetH any restriction on transport format combination set is released and the 32 may use the full transport format combination setO *T elseP 3T any restriction on transport format combination set is released and the 32 may use the full transport format combination set.


4(< Bua it7 tar2et

&f the &2 H:1F Auality tar etH is included- the 32 shallP ,T set- at physical channel establishment- the initial downlin# tar et "&/ value based on the received &2 H:1F Auality tar etH for the transport channel with respect to all transport formatsO ,T adjust the tar et "&/ for the downlin# power control to meet the Auality tar et received in the &2 H:1F Auality tar etH for the transport channel. The 32 shall not compensate for the fact that the reAuired "&/ to achieve a tar et 052/ for a particular transport format may be different from the reAuired "&/ to achieve the tar et 052/ for another transport format.. 'OT2 ,P .djustin the tar et "&/ is possible to do continuously by the 32 if a 1/1 e(ists in all transport formats in the downlin# T7" for a :1F. &f a 1/1 does not e(ist in all transport formats- the 32 can only adjust the tar et "&/ when receivin transport formats containin a 1/1 and the 32 has #nowled e about the transport format accordin to D*<E. 'OT2 *P &f the 3T/.' confi ures a 32 to use blind transport format detection and confi ures a transport channel such that sin le transport format detection D*<E must be used to detect the T7- then it is not possible for the 32 to maintain a Auality tar et for that transport channel.


#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured 35 Tr1F informationH is included then the 32 shallP ,T for the transport channel identified by the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel &dentityH and &2 H3plin# transport channel typeHP *T perform the actions for the &2 HTransport 7ormat "etH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,. 'OT2P The 32 stores the 35 transport channel confi uration until it is e(plicitly deleted by a messa e containin the &2 H:eleted 35 Tr1F informationH or the 32 leaves //1 1onnected mode.

,T if the choice H35 parametersH is set to $2?:1F$P *T for 7::P


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3T apply the values of the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH and the &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FH to all 2?:1F M.1?d flows. *T for T::P 3T apply the value of the &2 HF./J info for 2?:1FH to all 2?:1F M.1?d flows. *T for the &2 HF./J &nfo for 2?:1FHP 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.=.9.,<. *T if the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured 2?:1F M.1?d 7low list H is includedP 3T for each M.1?d flow identified by the &2 HMac?d flow identityHP 8T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,;. *T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. 'OT2P &n case of multiple 2?:1F M.1?d flows- &2 H.dded or /econfi ured 35 Tr1F informationH is only included once. &f the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured 35 Tr1F informationH is included more than once with the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH set to $2?:1F$- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &n case the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured 35 Tr1F informationH is included in a messa e that contains the &2 H:eleted 35 Tr1F informationH with a transport channel with the same identity as indicated by &2 H35 Transport 1hannel &dentityH and same type as indicated in the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH then the 32 behaviour is unspecified.



#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1

&f the &2 H.dded or reconfi ured M.1?d flowH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if a M.1?hs Aueue (identified by the &2 HM.1?hs Aueue &dH) is included in both the &2 HM.1?hs Aueue to add or reconfi ure listH and the &2 HM.1?hs Aueue to delete listHP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T for each M.1?hs Aueue included in the &2 HM.1?hs Aueue to add or reconfi ureH listP *T if the 32 has previously stored a mappin between this M.1?hs Aueue and a M.1?d flowP 3T delete the old mappin . *T map the M.1?d flow indicated in the current messa e to this M.1?hs AueueO *T set the release timer for each of the M.1?hs Aueues in the M.1?hs entity to the value in the correspondin &2 HT,HO *T set the M.1?hs receiver window si!e for each of the M.1?hs Aueues in the M.1?hs entity to the value in the correspondin &2 HM.1?hs window si!eHO and *T confi ure M.1?hs with the mappin between M.1?d P:3 si!es inde( and allowed M.1?d P:3 si!es as followsP 3T if a M.1?d P:3 si!e has been stored for a M.1?d P:3 si!e inde( for the correspondin M.1?hs Aueue and no mappin is provided in the current messa e for this M.1?d P:3 inde(P 8T continue to use this mappin . 3T if a M.1?d P:3 si!e has been stored for a M.1?d P:3 si!e inde( for the correspondin M.1?hs Aueue and a mappin is provided in the current messa e for this M.1?d P:3 inde(P 8T confi ure the M.1?hs entity with the mappin indicated in the current messa e. ,T for each M.1?hs Aueue included in the &2 HM.1?hs Aueue to deleteH listP


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*T delete any information about the M.1?hs Aueue identified by the &2 HM.1?hs Aueue &dH. ,T if the &2 H.dded or reconfi ured M.1?d flowH is considered valid accordin to the rules aboveP *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.9.*,.


#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured :5 Tr1F informationH is included the 32 shallP ,T for the transport channel identified by the &2 H:5 Transport 1hannel &dentityHP *T if the choice H:5 parametersH is set to $e(plicit$P 3T perform the actions for the &2 HTransport 7ormat "etH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,. *T if the choice H:5 parametersH is set to $same as uplin#$P 3T if the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel &dentityH indicates an e(istin or a new 35 Transport 1hannelP 8T store as transport format for this transport channel the transport format associated with the transport channel identified by the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel &dentityH. 3T elseP 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the &2 H:1F Auality tar etH is includedP 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.=.9.8. ,T if the choice H:5 parametersH is set to HF":"1FHP *T if the &2 HF./J &nfoH is includedP 3T perform the actions specified in subclause ;.=.9.=b. *T if the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured M.1?d 7lowH is includedP 3T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.9.9a. *T if the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured M.1?ehs reorderin AueueH is includedP 3T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.=.9.*3. *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. 'OT2P 'OT2P The 32 stores the :5 transport channel confi uration until it is e(plicitly deleted by a messa e containin the &2 H:eleted :5 Tr1F informationH or the 32 leaves //1 connected mode. &n case the &2 H.dded or /econfi ured :5 Tr1F informationH is included in a messa e that contains the &2 H:eleted :5 Tr1F informationH with a transport channel with the same identity as indicated by &2 H:5 Transport 1hannel &dentityH and same type as indicated in the &2 H:ownlin# transport channel typeH then the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

=.6.5.6a =.6.5.6%

Void <#RE :$3o

&f the &2 HF./J &nfoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store the received confi urationO ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.3=. Chen the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32- the number of processes for the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell is derived from Table ;.=.9.=bP Ta;le *#(#"#(;. @Nu2;er of Processes for a secondar4 ser=in- 9S&3SC9 cell@
The :1 @Nu2;er of Processes@ is set to a =alue ;etween and "6 inclusi=e :3 Me9or7 Partitio$i$2 is set to i9! icit, t"e U) %e"a5iour is $ot s!eci3ied. ) se, t"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"e seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce is eBua to t1ice t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ :3 Me9or7 Partitio$i$2 is set to i9! icit, t"e U) %e"a5iour is $ot s!eci3ied. ) se, t"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"e seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce is eBua to t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ :3 Me9or7 Partitio$i$2 is set to i9! icit, t"e U) %e"a5iour is $ot s!eci3ied. ) se, t"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"e seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce is eBua to 3our ti9es t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ The :1 @Nu2;er of Processes@ is set to a =alue ;etween ( and *6 inclusi=e T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to t1ice t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to 3our ti9es t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ The :1 @Nu2;er of Processes@ is set to !6 ' or ( T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to "a 3 t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to t1ice t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ The :1 @Nu2;er of Processes@ is set to !'6 !* or 3! T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to "a 3 t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to Buarter t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@ T"e $u9%er o3 !rocesses 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce is eBua to t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 Processes@

:3 M:M6 or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as 1it" dua strea9 restrictio$ is co$3i2ured 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce :3 M:M6 or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as is $ot co$3i2ured 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce :3 M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as is co$3i2ured 3or t"is seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce

Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' or F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32- or the correspondin entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is T/32*T consider the 32 capability HTotal number of soft channel bits in F"?:"1FH eAual to that of the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D39EO ,T confi ure the M.1?hs@ehs entity with the number of F./J processes indicated in &2 H'umber of ProcessesH and in Table ;.=.9.=bO ,T assi n to each of these F./J processes &:s oin from + to H'umber of ProcessesH Q , per F"?:"1FO ,T if the &2 HMemory Partitionin H is set to $&mplicit$P *T partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?hs@ehs entity eAually amon the F"?:"1F transport channelsassumin that the number of F"?:"1F transport channels is eAual to the HTotal 'umber of servin @secondary servin F"?:"1F cellsH (defined in Table 9.,a of D39E) for the cate ory used by the 32 in accordance to subclause ;.,.=.*. &n the event that the division of the soft memory buffer results in a non? &nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearest &nte er value. *T if M&MO is confi ured on some but not all F"?:"1F transport channelsP 3T for each of the F"?:"1F transport channels confi ured with M&MO- partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?hs@ehs entity eAually amon the processes confi ured above. &n the event that the division of the


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

soft memory buffer results in a non?&nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearest &nte er value. 3T for each of the F"?:"1F transport channels confi ured without M&MO- use the F./J process memory buffer si!e calculated for the M&MO confi ured F"?:"1F transport channels above. *T if M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi ured on some but not all F"?:"1F transport channelsP 3T for each of the F"?:"1F transport channels confi ured with M&MO mode with four transmit antennaspartition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?ehs entity eAually amon the processes confi ured above. &n the event that the division of the soft memory buffer results in a non?&nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearest &nte er value. 3T for each of the F"?:"1F transport channels confi ured without M&MO mode with four transmit antennas- use the F./J process memory buffer si!e calculated for the M&MO confi ured F"?:"1F transport channels above. *T else if multi?cell operation on more than two cells without M&MO is confi ured- and 32 is capable of multi? cell M&MO operation on more than two cellsP 3T partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?hs@ehs entity eAually amon the processes confi ured aboveas if M&MO is confi ured. &n the event that the division of the soft memory buffer results in a non?&nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearest &nte er value. *T elseP 3T partition the soft memory buffer per F"?:"1F transport channels in the M.1?hs@ehs entity eAually amon the processes confi ured above. &n the event that the division of the soft memory buffer results in a non?&nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearest &nte er value. ,T if the &2 HMemory Partitionin H is set to $2(plicit$P *T if the 32 capability HTotal number of soft channel bits in F"?:"1FH- as specified in D39E- is e(ceeded with this confi urationO or *T if M&MO is not confi ured and if the &2 HProcess Memory si!eH is set to a value reater than the number of soft channel bits for an implicit memory partitionin with = processes per F"?:"1F transport channel- and the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H (,+.3.=.3,a) is includedO or *T if M&MO is confi ured and the &2 HProcess Memory si!eH is set to a value reater than number of soft channel bits for an implicit memory partitionin with ,* processes per F"?:"1F transport channel- and the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H (,+.3.=.3,a) is includedO or *T if M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi ured and the &2 HProcess Memory si!eH is set to a value reater than number of soft channel bits for an implicit memory partitionin with *8 processes per F"?:"1F transport channel- and the &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H (,+.3.=.3,a) is includedP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T elseP 3T partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?hs@ehs entity eAually amon the F"?:"1F transport channels. &n the event that the division of the soft memory buffer results in a non?&nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearerst &nte er value. 3T partition the soft memory buffer per F"?:"1F transport channel in the M.1?hs@ehs entity accordin to the &2 HProcess memory si!eH assumin that the order in the list follows the order in the F./J process &:s. 3T if M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi ured partition the soft memory buffer per F"?:"1F transport channel in the M.1?ehs entity accordin to the &2 HProcess memory si!eH assumin that the order in the list follows the order in the F./J process &:s. 3T &f the &2 HProcess memory si!eH included in the &2 HMemory si!eH different from the &2 HProcess memory si!eH included in the &2 H.dditional memory si!es for 8th M&MO streamHP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T &f the &2 HProcess memory si!eH included in the &2 H.dditional memory si!es for M&MOH different from the &2 HProcess memory si!eH included in the &2 H.dditional memory si!es for 3rd M&MO streamHP 8T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.

=.6.5.6c =.6.5./

Void 4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H:eleted 35 Tr1F informationH is included the 32 shallP ,T if an 3plin# transport channel is reAuested to be deletedP *T delete any information about the transport channel identified by the &2 H35 Tr1F identityH and the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH. ,T if an 2?:1F M.1?d flow is reAuested to be deletedP *T delete any information about the 2?:1F M.1?d flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityHO *T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;.


4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H:eleted :5 Tr1F informationH is included the 32 shallP ,T if a :ownlin# transport channel is reAuested to be deletedP *T delete any information about the transport channel identified by the &2 H:5 Tr1F identityH. ,T if a :5 M.1?d flow is reAuested to be deletedP *T delete any information about the :5 F"?:"1F M.1?d flow identified by the &2 HM.1?d 7low &dentityHi.e. delete any information about M.1?hs Aueue(s) mapped onto this M.1?d flow. *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. ,T if a :5 M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue is reAuested to be deletedP *T delete any information about the :5 F"?:"1F :5 M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue identified by the &2 H:5 F"? :"1F M.1?ehs Aueue &dHO *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9.


UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s

&f the &2 H35 Transport channel information common for all transport channelsH is included the 32 shallP ,T perform actions for the &2 HT71 subsetH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.3O ,T if the &2 HP/.1F T71"H is includedP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 has the choice HmodeH set to 7::P *T perform actions for the &2 H35 :1F T71"H as specified in subclause ;.=.9.*. ,T if the &2 has the choice HmodeH set to T::P


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*T if the &2 H&ndividual 35 11Tr1F informationH is includedP 3T for each T71" identified by &2 H35 T71" idHP 8T perform actions for the &2 H35 T71"H as specified in subclause ;.=.9.*. ,T if the &2 HT71 subset listH is includedP *T remove a previously stored T71 subset list if this e(ists in the &2 HT71 subset listH in the variable T71G"30"2TO *T store the &2 HT71 subset listH in the &2 HT71 subset listH in the variable T71G"30"2TO *T consider the first instance of the &2 HT71 subsetH in the &2 HT71 subset listH as Transport 7ormat 1ombination "ubset + (T71 subset identity W +)- the second instance as Transport 7ormat 1ombination "ubset , (T71 subset identity W ,) and so onO *T if the &2HT71 subset listH contains reater than ; elements then the 32 behaviour is not specified. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should not modify the T71 subset list when a temporary restriction of the T71 set is bein applied- due to the reception of the &2 HT71 1ontrol :urationH in a T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e is still bein applied.


4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s

&f the &2 H:5 Transport channel information common for all transport channelsH is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"11P1F T71"H is includedP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the &2 choice HmodeH is set to 7::P *T if the choice H:5 parametersH is set to $e(plicit$P 3T if the &2 H:5 :1F T71"H is includedP 8T if the &2 H"11P1F T71"H is included and the state the 32 enters after handlin the received information is other than 1255G:1FP 9T i nore the received &2 H:5 :1F T71"H. 'OT2P the &2 H:5 Transport channel information common for all transport channelsH always includes a :5 :1F T71" confi uration- either by includin the &2 H:5 :1F T71" H or by specifyin that the T71" is the same as in 35. &f 3T/.' does not reAuire the reconfi uration of the concerned parameters- 3T/.' may replace one T71 with the value that is already assi ned for this &2. 8T elseP 9T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.=.9.*. ,T if the &2 choice HmodeH is set to T::P *T if the &2 H&ndividual :5 11T/1F informationH is includedP 3T for each :5 T71" identified by the &2 H:5 T71" identityHP 8T if the &2 choice H:5 parametersH is set to $independent$P 9T perform actions for the &2 H:5 T71"H as specified in subclause ;.=.9.*. 8T if the &2 choice H:5 parametersH is set to $same as 35$P 9T if the &2 H35 :1F T71" identityH indicates an e(istin or a new 35 T71"P =T store for that :5 T71" the T71" identified by the &2 H35 :1F T71" identityH. 9T elseP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.




T&(S Reco$3i2uratio$0#dditio$ :$3or9atio$

&f the &2 HT71" /econfi uration@.ddition &nformationH is included the 32 shallP ,T store the T71s to be reconfi ured@added indicated in the &2 H1T71 informationH as specified belowO ,T if the &2 HPower offset informationH is includedP *T perform actions as specified in D*>E. &n order to identify the T71s included in this &2 the 32 shall calculate the 1T71 as specified in subclause ,8.,+. ,T if the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH was included in the &2 H/.1F T7"HP *T i nore for the 1T71 calculation any T7 added by the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH. &f the &2 HT71" /econfi uration@.ddition &nformationH is used in case of T71" H1omplete reconfi urationH the 32 shallP ,T remove a previously stored transport format combination set if this e(istsO ,T consider the first instance of the &2 H1T71 informationH as Transport 7ormat 1ombination + in 7:: (T71&W+) and , in T:: (T71&W,)- the second instance as Transport 7ormat 1ombination , in 7:: (T71&W,) and * in T:: (T71&W*) and so on. &n T:: the T71& value W + is reserved for physical layer use. &f the &2 HT71" /econfi uration@.ddition &nformationH is used in case of T71" H.dditionH the 32 shall insert the new additional(s) T71 into the first available position(s) in ascendin T71& order in the T71".


#dditio$a R#(< T&(S 3or (((<

&f the &2 H.dditional /.1F T71" for 111F H is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HPower offset informationH is includedP *T perform actions as specified in D*>E. ,T add to the T71" as calculated in ;.=.9.,* for the correspondin P/.1F the T71 which consists of the T7 added by the &2 H.dditional :ynamic Transport 7ormat &nformation for 111FH into the ne(t position in ascendin order after the hi hest T71& value already used. 'OT2P On P/.1F only one transport channel can be multiple(ed.


T&(S Re9o5a :$3or9atio$

&f the &2 HT71" /emoval &nformationH is included the 32 shallP ,T remove the T71 indicated by the &2 HT71&H from the current T71"- and re ard this position (T71&) in the T71" as vacant.

=.6.5.1, =.6.5.15

Void T&(S ).! icit (o$3i2uratio$

&f the &2 H T71" 2(plicit 1onfi urationH is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 choice HT71" representationH is set to $complete reconfi uration$P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T perform the actions for the &2 HT71" /econfi uration@.ddition &nformationH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,*. ,T if the &2 choice HT71" representationH is set to $addition$P *T perform the actions for the &2 HT71" /econfi uration@.ddition &nformationH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,*. ,T if the &2 choice HT71" representationH is set to $removal$P *T perform the actions for the &2 HT71" /emoval &nformationH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,3. ,T if the &2 choice HT71" representationH is set to $replace$P *T perform first the actions for the &2 HT71" /emoval &nformationH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,3O and then *T perform the actions for the &2 HT71" /econfi uration@.ddition &nformationH as specified in subclause ;.=.9.,*.


)-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store the received TT&O ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. Chen the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T apply the TT& as si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH on the 2?:P:1F. &f the received H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH is * ms and the previously stored TT& was ,+ msP ,T not send any data on 2?:P:1F in first ; TT&s after activation time of new TT&.


<#RE :$3o 3or )-4(<

&f the &2 HF./J &nfo for 2?:1FH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store the received confi urationO ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. Chen the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T use a redundancy version for each F./J transmission as confi ured by the &2 HF./J /B 1onfi urationH.


#dded or reco$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1

&f the &2 H.dded or reconfi ured 2?:1F M.1?d flowH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow power offsetH is includedP *T confi ure the power offset indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow power offsetH for the 2?:1F M.1?d flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH. ,T if the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow ma(imum number of retransmissionsH is includedP *T confi ure the ma(imum number of retransmissions indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow ma(imum number of retransmissionsH for the 2?:1F M.1?d flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow retransmission timerH is includedP *T confi ure the retransmission timer for the 2?:1F M.1?d flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH is includedP *T only multiple( M.1?d P:3Ss from the 2?:1F M.1?d flow indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH with M.1?d P:3Ss from 2?:1F M.1?d flows with which multiple(in in the same M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 is allowed in accordance to the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH. ,T elseP *T if previously the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH was already received for this 2?:1F M.1?d flowP 3T continue to only multiple( 2?:1F P:3Ss from the 2?:1F M.1?d flow indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH with M.1?d P:3Ss from 2?:1F M.1?d flows with which multiple(in in the same M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 is allowed accordin to the previously received &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH. *T else (never received the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH for this 2?:1F M.1?d flow)P 3T allow multiple(in of M.1?d P:3$s from the 2?:1F M.1?d flow indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH with M.1?d P:3$s from any other 2?:1F M.1?d flow in the same M.1?e or M.1?i P:3. ,T for 7::P *T if the &2 H'on?scheduled transmission rant infoH is includedP 3T if the TT& confi ured on the 2?:1F eAuals *ms- and the &2 H*ms non?scheduled transmission rant F./J process allocationH is confi ured for this M.1?d flowP 8T M.1?d P:3$s for lo ical channels belon in to this M.1?d flow shall only be included in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 transmitted by F./J processes allowed by the &2 H*ms non?scheduled transmission rant F./J process allocationH- with a total contribution from this M.1?d flow (i.e. includin M.1?e@es or M.1?i@is headers) not e(ceedin the si!e as si nalled by the &2 HMa( M.1?e P:3 contents si!eH. 3T elseP 8T M.1?d P:3$s for lo ical channels belon in to this M.1?d flow shall be included in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 transmitted by any F./J process- with a total contribution from this M.1?d flow (i.e. includin M.1?e@es or M.1?i@is headers) not e(ceedin the si!e as si nalled by the &2 HMa( M.1?e P:3 contents si!eH. *T if the &2 H"cheduled transmission rant infoH is includedP 3T transmission of M.1?d P:3$s for lo ical channels belon in to this M.1?d flow shall be in accordance with the received scheduled rant on 2?.G1F@2?/G1F (see D,9E). ,T for T::P *T if the &2 H'on?scheduled transmission rant infoH is includedP 3T M.1?d P:3$s for lo ical channels belon in to this M.1?d flow shall only be included in a M.1?e or M.1?i P:3 transmitted by F./J processes desi nated as non scheduled (&ds 8 Q <) in the TT&s indicated (for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- as determined from the &2s H.ctivation TimeHH/esource :urationH and H/esource PeriodicityHO for ,.*; Mcps T::- as determined from the &2s H.ctivation TimeH- H"ubframe numberH- H/esource :urationH and H/esource PeriodicityH- and the calculation of assi ned 'on?scheduled transmission rant is specified in subclause ;.=.=.,=a). *T if the &2 H"cheduled transmission rant infoH is includedP 3T transmission of M.1?d P:3s for lo ical channels belon in to this M.1?d flow shall be in accordance with the received scheduled rant on 2?.G1F (see D,9E). ,T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.9.*,O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;.


SR81 9a!!i$2 i$3o (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32 and the 32 is in 1255G7.1F statethe 32 shallP ,T if no M.1?ehs Aueue with identified by the HM.1?ehs Aueue identityH value as received in &2 H"/0, mappin infoH of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis is confi uredP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T elseP *T map the lo ical channel identified by the &2 H5o ical channel identityH to the M.1?ehs Aueue identified by the &2 HM.1?ehs Aueue identityH as received in &2 H"/0, mappin infoH of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis.


<#RE S7ste9 :$3o (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen the 32 is not in //1 1onnected state and the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32- or when the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state or will be in 1255G7.1F state at the completion of this procedurethe 32 shallP ,T if &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bisP *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- consider the 32 capability HTotal number of soft channel bits in F"?:"1FH eAual to that of the F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory > as specified in D39EO *T confi ure the M.1?ehs entity with the number of F./J processes indicated in &2 H'umber of ProcessesHO *T assi n to each of these F./J processes &:s oin from + to H'umber of ProcessesH Q ,O *T if the &2 HMemory Partitionin H is set to $&mplicit$P 3T partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?ehs entity eAually amon the processes confi ured above. &n the event that the division of the soft memory buffer results in a non?&nte er value the partition memory si!e is rounded down to the nearest &nte er value. *T if the &2 HMemory Partitionin H is set to $2(plicit$P 3T if the 32 capability HTotal number of soft channel bits in F"?:"1FH- as specified in D39E- is e(ceeded with this confi urationP 8T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 3T elseP 8T partition the soft memory buffer in the M.1?ehs entity accordin to the &2 HProcess memory si!eH assumin that the order in the list follows the order in the F./J process &:s.


(((< 9a!!i$2 i$3o (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if no M.1?ehs Aueue with identified by the HM.1?ehs Aueue identityH value as received in &2 H111F mappin infoH of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis is confi uredP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T elseP


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*T map the lo ical channel identified by the &2 H5o ical channel identityH to the M.1?ehs Aueue identified by the &2 HM.1?ehs Aueue identityH as received in &2 H111F mappin infoH of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9bis. ,T if there is more than one multiple(in option applicable for lo ical channels to be usedP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified.


(o99o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'GO7G111FG2'.052: is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T set the release timer for the M.1?ehs Aueue in the M.1?ehs entity to the value in the correspondin &2 HT,HO ,T set the reset timer for the M.1?ehs Aueue in the M.1?ehs entity to the value in te correspondin &2 HTresetHO ,T set the M.1?ehs receiver window si!e for the M.1?ehs Aueues in the M.1?ehs entity to the value in the correspondin &2 HM.1?ehs window si!eH.


#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue

&f the &2 H.dded or reconfi ured M.1?ehs reorderin AueueH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H:eleted :5 Tr1F informationH is included in the received messa eO and ,T if a M.1?ehs Aueue (identified by the &2 HM.1?ehs Aueue &dH) is included in both the &2 HM.1?ehs Aueue to add or reconfi ure listH and the &2 H:5 F"?:"1F M.1?ehs reorderin AueueH within the &2 H:eleted :5 Tr1F informationHP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T for each M.1?ehs Aueue included in the &2 HM.1?ehs Aueue to add or reconfi ureH listP *T set the release timer for each of the M.1?ehs Aueues in the M.1?ehs entity to the value in the correspondin &2 HT,HO *T set the reset timer for the M.1?ehs Aueue in the M.1?ehs entity to the value in te correspondin &2 HTresetHO 'OT2P . 32 that does not support reception of F"?:"1F in 1255G7.1F state may i nore the &2 HTresetH.

*T set the M.1?ehs receiver window si!e for each of the M.1?ehs Aueues in the M.1?ehs entity to the value in the correspondin &2 HM.1?ehs window si!eH. ,T if the &2 H.dded or reconfi ured M.1?ehs reorderin AueueH is considered valid accordin to the rules aboveP *T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.9.*,.

The 32 shallP

(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

,T confi ure the power offset indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow power offsetH for the 2?:1F M.1?d or M.1?c (for 7::) flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityHO ,T confi ure the ma(imum number of retransmissions indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow ma(imum number of retransmissionsH for the 2?:1F M.1?d flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityHO ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- confi ure the ma(imum retransmission timer indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow retransmission timerH for the 2?:1F M.1?d or M.1?c (for 7::) flow identified by the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityHO ,T if the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH is includedP *T only multiple( M.1?d P:3s from the 2?:1F M.1?d flow indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH with M.1?d P:3s from 2?:1F M.1?d flows with which multiple(in in the same M.1?i P:3 is allowed in accordance to the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH.


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,T else (&2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow multiple(in listH not included in the system information)P *T allow multiple(in of M.1?d P:3s from the 2?:1F M.1?d flow indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH with M.1?d P:3s from any other 2?:1F M.1?d flow in the same M.1?i P:3. *T for 7::- prohibit multiple(in of M.1?c P:3s from the 2?:1F M.1?c flow indicated in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH with M.1?d P:3s from any other 2?:1F M.1?d flow in the same M.1?i P:3. ,T transmission of M.1?d P:3s or M.1?c P:3s for lo ical channels belon in to this M.1?d or M.1?c flow shall be in accordance with the servin rant (7:: only) (see D,9E)O ,T perform the actions as specified in subclause ;.9.*,. 'OT2 7or 7::- if as per subclause ;.9.89- the TT& applied on 2?:P:1F is different from the TT& si nalled in the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH - then the &2Ss H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH- H2?:1F M.1?d flow power offsetH and H2?:1F M.1?d flow ma(imum number of retransmissionsH in fact refer to the correspondin &2Ss- if present- in H1ommon 2?:1F M.1?d flow info for 1oncurrent TT&H in the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system info parameters for 1oncurrent TT&H of "ystem &nformation 0loc# type **.

=.6.6 P"7sica c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

This subclause specifies the actions upon reception and@or non?reception of the physical channel information elements. The combination of the values of those information elements included in a iven messa e shall follow the compatibility rules that are specified in the physical layer specifications. &n case those rules are not followed- the 32 shall set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


&reBue$c7 i$3o

&f- after completion of the procedure- the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state- the 32 shallP ,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is includedO or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included and the H"econd 7reAuency infoH is not includedO or ,T for 7::- if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included in an &2 other than the &2 H3plin# secondary cell info 7::HP *T if the freAuency is different from the currently used freAuencyP 3T store and use the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency &nfoHO 3T if the received messa e is used to perform a Timin ?maintained hard handover (see subclause ;.3.9.*)and &2 HTimin maintained "ynchroni!ation indicatorH is includedP 8T not perform any physical layer synchronisation procedure (7:: only)O 3T elseP 8T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only). *T if the freAuency is the same as the currently used freAuencyP 3T continue to use the currently used freAuencyO 3T perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only). ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if both the &2 H7reAuency infoH and the &2 H"econd 7reAuency infoH are includedP *T the freAuency in &2 H7reAuency infoH is used as the primary freAuency- and the freAuency in &2 H"econd 7reAuency infoH is used as the secondary freAuencyO *T store the primary freAuencyO *T if the secondary freAuency is different with the currently used freAuencyP 3T store and use the secondary freAuency. *T if the secondary freAuency is the same as the currently used freAuencyP


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3T continue to use the currently used freAuency. ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is not included and the 32 has a currently used freAuencyP *T continue to use the currently used freAuencyO 'OT2 &f the received messa e is used to perform a Timin ?reinitialised hard handover- and the &2 H7reAuency &nfoH is not included- the 32 may perform the physical layer synchronisation procedure . as specified in D*>E (7:: only).

7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if- after completion of the procedure- the 32 will be in 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH is included and the H"econd 7reAuency infoH is not includedP *T store and use the freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency &nfoH as wor#in freAuency. ,T if both the &2 H7reAuency infoH and the &2 H"econd 7reAuency infoH are includedP *T the freAuency in &2 H7reAuency infoH is used as the primary freAuency- and the freAuency in &2 H"econd 7reAuency infoH is used as the secondary freAuencyO *T store the primary freAuencyO *T if the secondary freAuency is different with the currently used freAuencyP 3T store and use the secondary freAuency as wor#in freAuency. *T if the secondary freAuency is the same as the currently used freAuencyP 3T continue to use the currently used freAuency as wor#in freAuency.




P'8S(< a ocatio$

The 32 shall consider the frame numbers fulfillin the followin eAuation as HP/.1F bloc#ed framesH as specified in D33E. "7' W # \ /epetition period for an inte er # with # ]+- ,- *- 3- 8- ... - value of &2 H'umber of repetitions per "7' periodH ? ,_- whereP /epetition period isP 8+>= @ value of &2 H'umber of repetitions per "7' periodH. The 32 shall confi ure the physical layer for the physical random access procedure accordin ly.

=.6.6.3 =.6.6.3a

Void 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist

&f the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH is included in a received messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the active set resultin after the reception of the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH would contain radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info for each /5H and radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H:ownlin# 7?:P1F info for each /5HP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the active set resultin after the reception of the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH would contain radio lin#s indicated by the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info for each /5H and the radio lin# is included in the table HTar et cell preconfi urationsH in the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'P *T clear all the entries from the variable T./G2TG1255GP/21O'7&G3/.T&O'.


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,T if the messa e was received in 1255G:1F state and the 32 remains in 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eP *T for 7::- chec# whether the radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH are part of the current active set considerin that a radio lin# is uniAuely identified by the downlin# 3./71' and the primary scramblin codeO *T for T::- chec# whether the radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH are part of the current active set considerin that a radio lin# is uniAuely identified by the 3./71' and the primary 11P1FO *T if all radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH are part of the current active setP 3T for radio lin#s part of the current active set- and present in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listHP 8T update the downlin# physical channel confi uration accordin to the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8. 3T for radio lin#s part of the current active set- and absent in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listHP 8T not chan e its current downlin# physical channel confi urationO 8T 7or 7::- in case the &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to $T/32$ for another radio lin#- no lon er consider any of these absent radio lin#s as servin F"?:"1F radio lin#O 8T 7or 7::- in case the &2 H"ervin 2?:1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to $T/32$ for another radio lin#no lon er consider any of these absent radio lin#s as servin 2?:1F radio lin#. *T if all radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH are not part of the current active setP 3T perform a hard handover by replacin all the radio lin#s in the current active set with the radio lin#s in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH- each with a downlin# physical channel confi uration accordin to the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8O 3T perform the chec#s on the value of the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH as specified in subclause ;.3.9.,.* or ;.3.9.*.*O 3T act on the &2 HTimin indicationH and the &2 H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH- if included- as specified in subclause ;.9.,9.*O 'OT2P 3T/.' should not mi( radio lin#s which are part of the current active set and radio lin#s which are not part of the current active set in the same &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# listH. &n such cases the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

,T otherwiseP *T if the messa e was received in 1255G7.1F state and the 32 would transit to 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eP 3T establish a downlin# physical channel confi uration for each of the included radio lin#s accordin to the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8.


4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH is included in a received messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the messa e was received in 1255G:1F state and the 32 remains in 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eO and ,T the secondary 2?:1F active set prior to the reception of the messa e contains one or more radio lin#sP


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*T chec# whether the radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH are part of the current secondary 2?:1F active set considerin that a radio lin# is uniAuely identified by the primary scramblin codeO *T if all radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH are part of the current secondary 2?:1F active setP 3T for radio lin#s part of the current secondary 2?:1F active set- and present in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyHP 8T update the downlin# physical channel confi uration accordin to the downlin# information for each radio lin# on secondary uplin# freAuency- as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8a. 3T for radio lin#s part of the current secondary 2?:1F active set- and absent in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyHP 8T not chan e its current downlin# physical channel confi urationO 3T #eep the current activation status of the secondary uplin# freAuency and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. *T if all radio lin#s included in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH are not part of the current secondary 2?:1F active setP 3T replace all the radio lin#s in the current secondary 2?:1F active set with the radio lin#s in the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH- each with a downlin# physical channel confi uration accordin to the downlin# information for each radio lin# on secondary uplin# freAuency- as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8aO 3T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;. 'OT2P 3T/.' should not mi( radio lin#s which are part of the current secondary 2?:1F active set and radio lin#s which are not part of the current secondary 2?:1F active set in the same &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH. &n such cases the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

,T otherwiseP *T if the messa e was received in 1255G7.1F state and the 32 would transit to 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eO or *T if the messa e was received in 1255G:1F state and the secondary 2?:1F active set prior to the reception of the messa e do not contain any radio lin#P 3T confi ure the downlin# physical channel on the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency for each of the included radio lin#s as specified in subclause ;.=.=.8aO 3T consider the secondary uplin# freAuency as not activated and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9;.


4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>

&f the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H is included in a received messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 would enter 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eP *T if the 32 is in T:: mode and shared transport channels are assi ned to the 32P 3T start to receive the indicated "econdary 11P1F. *T if the 32 is in T:: mode and no shared transport channels are assi ned to the 32P 3T set the variable 3'"3PPO/T2:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


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*T 7or 7::P 3T if the &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to $T/32$P 8T consider this radio lin# as the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# and no lon er consider any other radio lin# as servin F"?:"1F radio lin#. *T 7or 7::P 3T if the &2 H"ervin 2?:1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to $T/32$P 8T consider this radio lin# as the servin 2?:1F radio lin# and no lon er consider any other radio lin# as servin 2?:1F radio lin#. 3T if the &2 H2?.G1F &nfoH is included for the servin 2?:1F radio lin#P 8T store the newly received 2?.G1F confi uration. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should always include the &2 H2?.G1F infoH if the servin 2?:1F radio lin# indicated in the messa e is another radio lin# than the servin 2?:1F radio lin# prior to the procedure.

3T if the &2 H2?/O1F &nfoH is included for the servin 2?:1F radio lin#P 8T store the newly received 2?/O1F confi uration. 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is includedP 8T store this 2?F&1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#. 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is included or previously storedP 8T store this 2?/G1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#- if included. 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 2?F&1F informationO 8T if variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 9T delete the stored 2?F&1F information for the secondary streamO 3T if the Y"econdary T0 2?F&1F release indicatorZ is presentP 8T delete the stored 2?F&1F information for the secondary streamO 3T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. 3T if the &2 H7?TP&1F infoH is includedP 8T store this 7?TP&1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#. 3T determine the value for the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. *T for T::P 3T if the &2 H2?.G1F &nfoH is includedP 8T store the newly received 2?.G1F confi uration. 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is includedP 8T store the 2?F&1F confi uration. 3T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T act on the other &2s contained in the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H as specified in subclause ;.= applied on this radio lin#. ,T in addition- if the messa e was received in 1255G:1F state and the 32 remains in 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eP *T 7or 7::P 3T if the &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to $T/32$P 8T consider this radio lin# as the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#O 8T if the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# was another radio lin# than this radio lin# prior to reception of the messa e and the &2 HF?/'T&H is not includedP 9T clear the variable FG/'T&. 3T if the &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to U7.5"2S and this radio lin# was considered the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# prior to reception of this messa eP 8T no lon er consider this radio lin# as the servin F"?:"1F radio lin#. 3T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9O 3T if the &2 H"ervin 2?:1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to $T/32$P 8T consider this radio lin# as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#O 8T if the servin 2?:1F radio lin# was another radio lin# than this radio lin# prior to reception of the messa eP 9T if the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H is not includedP =T clear the Primary 2?/'T& stored in the variable 2G/'T&. 9T if the &2 H'ew "econdary 2?/'T&H is not includedP =T clear the "econdary 2?/'T& stored in the variable 2G/'T&. 3T if the &2 H"ervin 2?:1F radio lin# indicatorH is set to U7.5"2S and this radio lin# was considered the servin 2?:1F radio lin# prior to reception of this messa eP 8T no lon er consider this radio lin# as the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 2?F&1F- 2?.G1F and 2?/G1F (if any) confi urations. 3T if the &2 H2?/G1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 2?/G1F confi uration for this /5. 3T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. 3T if the &2 H7?TP&1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 7?TP&1F confi uration for this /5. 3T determine the value for the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>. *T 7or T::P 3T if the &2 HF?/'T&H is not included and the primary 11P1F has chan edP 8T clear the variable FG/'T&.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T determine the value for the F"?:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. *T for T::P 3T if the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H is not includedP 8T clear the variable 2G/'T&. 3T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. *T for each optional &2 part of the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H that is not presentP 3T do not chan e its current downlin# physical channel confi uration correspondin to the &2- which is absent- if not stated otherwise elsewhere. 'OT2P The /elease $>> /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O' messa e always includes at least one &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H containin the mandatory &2s- even if 3T/.' does not reAuire the reconfi uration of any radio lin#.

,T if the 32 would enter either the 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eP *T if &2s other than the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH (for 7::) or the &2 HPrimary 11P1F infoH (for T::) are included in the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#HP 3T i nore these &2s. *T act on the other &2s contained in the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin#H as specified in subclause ;.= applied on this radio lin#. *T for ,.*;Mcps T::P 3T if the &2 H2?.G1F &nfoH is includedP 8T store the newly received 2?.G1F confi uration. 3T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is includedP 8T store the 2?F&1F confi uration. 3T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=.


4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 (&44 o$ 7)

7or each of the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin# on secondary 35 freAuencyH included in a received messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 would enter 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa eP *T consider the radio lin#- identified by the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH in the first &2 H:ownlin# secondary cell info 7::H as the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#- and no lon er consider any other radio lin# as secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#O *T if the &2 H2?.G1F &nfoH is included for the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#P 3T store the newly received 2?.G1F confi uration. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should always include the &2 H2?.G1F infoH if the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin# indicated in the messa e is another radio lin# than the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin# prior to the procedure.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the &2 H2?F&1F informationH is includedP 3T store the 2?F&1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#. *T if the &2 H2?/G1F informationH is includedP 3T store the 2?/G1F confi uration for the concernin radio lin#. *T act on the other &2s contained in the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin# on secondary 35 freAuencyH as specified in subclause ;.= applied on this radio lin#- accordin to the rules for primary uplin# freAuency. ,T in addition- if the messa e was received in 1255G:1F state and the 32 remains in 1255G:1F state accordin to subclause ;.=.3.3 applied on the received messa e and the secondary 2?:1F active set prior to reception of this messa e contains one or more radio lin#sP *T if the &2 H2?/G1F release indicatorH is presentP 3T delete the stored 2?/G1F confi uration for this /5. *T for each optional &2 part of the &2 H:ownlin# information for each radio lin# on secondary 35 freAuencyH that is not presentP 3T do not chan e its current downlin# physical channel confi uration correspondin to the &2- which is absent- if not stated otherwise elsewhere. 'OT2P 3T/.' should confi ure the same value of &2 H7?:P1F frame offsetH for the servin 2?:1F radio lin# and the secondary servin 2?:1F radio lin#- otherwise the 32 behaviour is unspecified.



7or 7::P

U! i$> 4P(< i$3o

&f the &2 H3plin# :P1F infoH is included- the 32 shallP

,T release any active uplin# physical channels and activate the iven physical channelsO ,T if the &2 H'umber of 70& bitsH is not includedP *T use + 70& bits in the 3plin# :P1F. ,T if the &2 H'umber of TP1 bitsH is not includedP *T use * TP1 bits in the 3plin# :P1F. ,T elseP *T if 7?:P1F is not confi ured then the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T use an "7 eAual to or reater than the minimum "7 indicated in the &2 H"preadin 7actorH durin uncompressed frames or compressed frames by F5 schedulin O ,T use an "7 eAual to or reater than the minimum "7 divided by * durin compressed frames by "7 reduction. 7or T::P ,T release the uplin# physical channels associated with any 11Tr1F that is removed or reconfi ured and activate the physical channels assi ned to any 11Tr1F that is added or reconfi uredO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T for 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T:: use the &2 H35 tar et "&/H specified for each added or reconfi ured 11Tr1F as described in subclause ;.9.<. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: use the value of &2 Y35 tar et "&/Z specified for each added or reconfi ured 11Tr1F for parameter P/IDPCHdes as described in subclause ;.9.<O ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if HP511F &nfoH is included then store P511F &nfo parameters with respect to this uplin# :P1F (overwritin parameter values previously stored)O *T if HP511F &nfoH is not included then delete the P511F &nfo stored with respect to this uplin# :P1F. ,T use the parameters of the &2 HTime infoH for each added or reconfi ured 11Tr1FO ,T if present- use the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvance 1ontrolH as specified in subclause ;.=.=.*=.




Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er

&f the &2 HMa(imum allowed 35 TI powerH is included in the Fandover to 3T/.' 1ommand- in any other dedicated messa e or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 8- the 32 shallP ,T store and use the value until it is updated. &f the &2 HMa(imum allowed 35 TI powerH was not included in any dedicated messa e- the 32 shallP ,T use the value previously stored- when received in an earlier dedicated messa e- Fandover to 3T/.' 1ommand messa e or received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 3 or in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 8. 7or all cases- the 32 shallP ,T #eep the 32 uplin# transmit power at or below the indicated power valueO ,T if the current 32 uplin# transmit power is above the indicated power valueP *T decrease the power to a level at or below the power value. The ma(imum 32 TI power is defined as the lower of the ma(imum output power of the 32 power class and the ma(imum allowed 35 TI power indicated in this &2. The ma(imum 32 TI power shall not be e(ceeded.


Void Void

The 32 shallP ,T in 7::P

U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

*T if the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH is includedP 3T if a synchronisation procedure . in 1255G:1F is performed accordin to D*>EO or 3T if a synchronisation procedure .. for 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode is performed accordin to D*>EP 8T calculate and set an initial uplin# transmission powerO 8T start inner loop power control as specified in subclause ;.9.3O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T for the 35 inner loop power controlP 9T use the parameters specified in the &2. 3T elseP 8T i nore the &2s H:P11F Power offsetH- HP1 PreambleH and H"/0 delayHO 8T act on the &2 HPower control al orithmH and the &2 HTP1 step si!eH- if included. 3T act on the &2s H.1%H- H'.1%H and H.c#?'ac# repetition factorH- if includedO 3T if the &2 H.c#?'ac# repetition factor for Multiflow assistin cellsH is includedP 8T if Multiflow operation on two freAuencies and three cells with M&MO or Multiflow operation on two freAuencies and four cells (with or without M&MO) is confi uredP 9T act on the &2 H.c#?'ac# repetition factor for Multiflow assistin cellsH for confi ured multiflow assistin cell(s). 8T elseP 9T the 32 behavior is unspecified. 3T use the procedure for transmittin F"?:P11F preamble and postamble accordin to D*>E- if the &2 HF./JGpreambleGmodeH is set to ,. ,T in 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::P *T if the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH is includedP 3T use the parameters specified in the &2 for open loop power control as defined in subclause ;.9.<. *T elseP 3T use the current uplin# transmission power. ,T in ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if the 1FO&12 35 O5 P1 info is set to $0roadcast 35 O5 P1 info$P 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoHis included in the 3P5&'% PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 1O'T/O5 messa eP 3T use H0eacon P5 2st. H and the TP1 step si!e for the closed loop power control of the 11Tr1F identified in the messa e- replacin the e(istin value used for the 11Tr1F. 3T if the &2 H 35 tar et "&/ H is includedP 8T use this value for parameter P/IDPCHdes for open loop power control of the 11Tr1F identified in the messa e in the case of a transition from closed loop to open loop power control as specified in D33E. *T if the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH is included in the &2 H3plin# :P1F infoHP 3T use the H0eacon P5 2st. H and TP1 step si!e for the closed loop power control of all 11Tr1F added or reconfi ured by the &2 replacin any e(istin values used for the 11Tr1FsO 3T if the &2 H 35 tar et "&/ H is included i nore the parameter. ,T both in 7:: and T::O *T if the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH is not included in a messa e used to enter 1255G:1FP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9.


Seco$dar7 (P:(< i$3o

&f the &2 "econdary 1P&1F info is included- the 32 mayP ,T use the channelisation code accordin to &2 Hchannelisation codeH- with scramblin code accordin to &2 H:5 scramblin codeH in the &2 H"econdary 1P&1F infoH- for channel estimation of that radio lin#O ,T use the pilot bits on :P11F for channel estimation. &f the &2 "econdary 1P&1F info is not included- the 32 shallP ,T not use any previously stored confi uration correspondin to the usa e of the "econdary 1P&1F info.


Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$

&f the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F usa e for channel estimationH is included and has the value HPrimary 1P&1F may be usedH the 32P ,T may use the Primary 1P&1F for channel estimationO ,T may use the pilot bits on :P11F for channel estimation. 'OT2P &f the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F usa e for channel estimationH has the value HPrimary 1P&1F shall not be usedH and the &2 H"econdary 1P&1F infoH is not included for that radio lin# then the 32 behaviour is not specified.

&f the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F usa e for channel estimationH is included and has the value HPrimary 1P&1F shall not be usedH the 32P ,T shall not use the Primary 1P&1F for channel estimationO ,T may use the "econdary 1P&1F for channel estimationO ,T may use the pilot bits on :P11F for channel estimation.


4P(< 3ra9e o33set (&44 6$ 7)

&f H:P1F frame offsetH is included in a messa e that instructs the 32 to enter 1255G:1F stateP ,T 3T/.' shouldP *T if only one /adio 5in# is included in the messa eP 3T if the 32 is confi ured for :P1FP 8T set H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH and H:P1F frame offsetH respectin the followin relationP (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offset ? where the &2 values used are the .ctual Balues of the &2s as defined in clause ,,.

3T if the 32 is confi ured for 7?:P1FP 8T set H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH and H:P1F frame offsetH respectin one of the followin relationsP 9T (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetO or 9T (:efault :P1F Offset BalueV*9=) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offset? where the &2 values used are the .ctual Balues of the &2s as defined in clause ,,.

*T if more than one /adio 5in# are included in the messa eP 3T if the 32 is confi ured for :P1FP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T set H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH and H:P1F frame offsetH respectin the followin relationP (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj ? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa e and the &2 values used are the .ctual Balues of the &2s as defined in clause ,,.

3T if the 32 is confi ured for 7?:P1FP 8T set H:efault :P1F Offset BalueH and H:P1F frame offset jH respectin one of the followin relationsP 9T (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetjO or 9T (:efault :P1F Offset BalueV*9=) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj? ,T The 32 shallP *T if only one /adio 5in# is included in the messa eP 3T if the 32 is confi ured for :P1FP 8T if (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetP 9T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue. 8T elseP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T if the 32 is confi ured for 7?:P1FP 8T if (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetP 9T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue. 8T else if (:efault :P1F Offset BalueV*9=) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetP 9T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue V *9=. 8T elseP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T if more than one /adio 5in#s are included in the messa eP 3T if the 32 is confi ured for :P1FP 8T if (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa eP where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa e and the &2 values used are the .ctual Balues of the &2s as defined in clause ,,.

9T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue. 8T elseP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. 3T if the 32 is confi ured for 7?:P1FP 8T if (:efault :P1F Offset Balue) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offsetj-? where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa eP

9T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue. 8T else if (:efault :P1F Offset BalueV*9=) mod 3;8++ W :P1F frame offset j -


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

where ) indicates the first radio lin# listed in the messa eP

9T set :O77 (see subclause ;.9.,9.,) to :efault :P1F Offset Balue V *9=. 8T elseP 9T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. &f the &2 H:P1F frame offsetH is included the 32 shallP ,T use its value to determine the be innin of the :P1F or 7?:P1F frame.


4P(< (o9!ressed 9ode i$3o

&f the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH is included- and if the &2 roup Htransmission ap pattern seAuence confi uration parametersH is included- the 32 shall for each transmission ap pattern seAuence perform the followin consistency chec#sP ,T if the 32- accordin to its measurement capabilities- and for all supported bands of the 3T/. mode or /.T associated with the measurement purpose indicated by &2 HTGMPH- reAuires 35 compressed mode- and 1FO&12 $35@:5 mode$ indicates $:5 only$P *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the 32- accordin to its measurement capabilities- and for all supported bands of the 3T/. mode or /.T associated with the measurement purpose indicated by &2 HTGMPH- reAuires :5 compressed mode- and 1FO&12 $35@:5 mode$ indicates $35 only$P *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the 32- accordin to its measurement capabilities- does not reAuire 35 compressed mode for any of supported band of the 3T/. mode or /.T associated with the measurement purpose indicated by the &2 HTGMPH- and 1FO&12 $35@:5 mode$ indicates $35 only$ or $35 and :5$P *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if the 32- accordin to its measurement capabilities- does not reAuire :5 compressed mode for any supported band of the 3T/. mode or /.T associated with the measurement purpose indicated by the &2 HTGMPH- and 1FO&12 $35@:5 mode$ indicates $:5 only$ or $35 and :5$P *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if 32 already has an active transmission ap pattern seAuence that- accordin to &2 HTGMPH- has the same measurement purpose- and both patterns will be active (accordin to the &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK) after the new confi uration has been ta#en into useP *T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. ,T if there is any pendin HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H or any pendin HTG17'HP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' has value 7.5"2 after 32 has performed the chec#s above- the 32 shallP ,T if pattern seAuence correspondin to &2 HTGP"&H is already active (accordin to H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H) in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK)P *T if the HTGP" "tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HdeactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP 3T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH (see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa e- when the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into use. 3T set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H for this pattern seAuence in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to HinactiveH at the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH (see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa ewhen the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into use.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the HTGP" "tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP 3T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH(see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa e- when the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into use. 'OT2,P The temporary deactivation of pattern seAuences for which the status fla is set to HactivateH can be used by the networ# to ali n the timin of already active patterns with newly activated patterns. 'OT2*P The deactivation of pattern seAuences only occurs as a result of //1 messa es received by the 32- i.e. the 32 does not set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H to HinactiveH after the final ap of a finite len th pattern seAuence. ,T update each pattern seAuence to the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK accordin to the &2 HTGP"&HO ,T update into the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK the confi uration information defined by &2 roupH transmission ap pattern seAuence confi uration parameters HO ,T if an 7?:P1F is confi uredP *T not use the &2s H:ownlin# compressed mode methodH- H:ownlin# frame typeH- H:elta"&/,HH:elta"&/after,H- and if included- the &2s H:elta"&/*H- H:elta"&/after*H. ,T after the instant in which the messa e is to be e(ecuted- as specified in subclause ;.=.3.,P *T activate the stored pattern seAuence correspondin to each &2 HTGP"&H for which the HTGP" status fla H in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK is set to HactivateH at the time indicated by &2 HTG17'HO and *T set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H for this pattern seAuence in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to HactiveH. 'OT2,P &f the pattern is activated with a messa e that includes the &2 H.ctivation timeH- and if the 17' value indicated by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH and the 17' value indicated by the TG17' are included in the same TT& (but not at the TT& boundary) common to all the transport channels that are multiple(ed onto the reference 11Tr1h (as defined in subclause ;.=.3.,)- and if the 17' value indicated by the TG17' is eAual or hi her than the 17' value indicated by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH (as defined in subclause ;.=.3.,) value- the 32 behaviour is not specified. 'OT2*P &f the pattern is activated with a messa e used to perform timin re?initialised hard handover- the 32 can start evaluatin the activation of the pattern (i.e. compare the value of the 17' in the new confi uration with the value of the TG17') at any time between the messa e activation time and the completion of the synchronisation procedure .. *T if the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH is included in a messa e used to perform a Fard Fandover with chan e of freAuency (see subclause ;.3.9)O or *T if the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH is included in a messa e used to transfer the 32 from 1ellG7.1F to 1ellG:1F- and the cell in which the 32 transited from 1255G7.1F state is not included in the active set for the 1255G:1F state (see subclause ;.8.,.<.*)P 3T not be in the inter?freAuency measurement reportin correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuence. *T elseP 3T be in the inter?freAuency measurement reportin correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuence. *T be in the inter?/.T measurement reportin correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuenceO *T if the new confi uration is ta#en into use at the same 17' as indicated by &2 HTG17'HP 3T start the concerned pattern seAuence immediately at that 17'. ,T monitor if the parallel transmission ap pattern seAuences create an ille al overlap- and in case of overlap- ta#e actions as specified in subclause ;.*.,,.*.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH is included- and if the &2 roup Htransmission ap pattern seAuence confi uration parametersH is not included- the 32 shallP ,T if- as the result of this messa e- 32 will have more than one transmission ap pattern seAuence with the same measurement purpose active (accordin to &2s HTGMPH and H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK)P *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if there is any pendin HTGP" reconfi uration 17'H or any pendin HTG17'HP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T if pattern seAuence correspondin to &2 HTGP"&H is already active (accordin to H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK)P *T if the HTGP" "tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HdeactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP 3T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH(see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa e- when the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into useO 3T set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H for this pattern seAuence in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to HinactiveH at the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH(see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa ewhen the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into use. *T if the HTGP" "tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP 3T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH(see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa e- when the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into use. 'OT2,P The temporary deactivation of pattern seAuences for which the status fla is set to HactivateH can be used by the networ# to ali n the timin of already active patterns with newly activated patterns. 'OT2*P The deactivation of pattern seAuences only occurs as a result of //1 messa es received by the 32- i.e. the 32 does not set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H to HinactiveH after the final ap of a finite len th pattern seAuence. ,T after the instant in which the messa e is to be e(ecuted- as specified in subclause ;.=.3.,P *T activate the stored pattern seAuence correspondin to each &2 HTGP"&H for which the HTGP" status fla H is set to HactivateH at the time indicated by &2 HTG17'HO and 'OT2,P &f the pattern is activated with a messa e that includes the &2 H.ctivation timeH- and if the 17' value indicated by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH and the 17' value indicated by the TG17' are included in the same TT& (but not at the TT& boundary) common to all the transport channels that are multiple(ed onto the reference 11Tr1h (as defined in subclause ;.=.3.,)- and if the 17' value indicated by the TG17' is eAual or hi her than the 17' value indicated by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH (as defined in subclause ;.=.3.,) value- the 32 behaviour is not specified. 'OT2*P &f the pattern is activated with a messa e used to perform timin re?initialised hard handover- the 32 can start evaluatin the activation of the pattern (i.e. compare the value of the 17' in the new confi uration with the value of the TG17') at any time between the messa e activation time and the completion of the synchronisation procedure .. *T set the H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H for this pattern seAuence in the variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to HactiveHO *T if the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH is included in a messa e used to perform a Fard Fandover with chan e of freAuency (see subclause ;.3.9)O or *T if the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH is included in a messa e used to transfer the 32 from 1ellG7.1F to 1ellG:1F- and the cell in which the 32 transited from 1255G7.1F state is not included in the active set for the 1255G:1F state (see subclause ;.8.,.<.*)P


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3T not be in the inter?freAuency measurement reportin correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuence. *T elseP 3T be in the inter?freAuency measurement reportin correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuence. *T be in the inter?/.T measurement reportin correspondin to the pattern seAuence measurement purpose of each activated pattern seAuenceO *T if the new confi uration is ta#en into use at the same 17' as indicated by &2 HTG17'HP 3T start the concerned pattern seAuence immediately at that 17'. 7or transmission ap pattern seAuences stored in variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK- but not identified in &2 HTGP"&H (either due to the absence of the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH in the received messa e or due to not receivin the correspondin TGP"& value in the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH)- the 32 shallP ,T if the received messa e implies a timin re?initialised hard handover (see subclause ;.3.9.,)P *T deactivate such transmission ap pattern seAuences at the be innin of the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH (see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa eO and *T set &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in correspondin 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK to $inactive$. ,T if the received messa e not implies a timin re?initialised hard handover (see subclause ;.3.9.,)P *T continue such transmission ap pattern seAuence accordin to &2 H1urrent TGP" "tatus 7la H in the correspondin 32 variable TGP"G&:2'T&TK. 3plin# and downlin# compressed mode methods are described in D*<E. 7or 35 Hhi her layer schedulin H compressed mode method and transport format combination selection- see D,9E.


Re!etitio$ !eriod, Re!etitio$ e$2t", 633set (T44 o$ 7)

&n case the physical allocations of different channels overlap the followin priority rules shall apply for common channels and shall be ta#en into account by the 32P ,T P&1F ta#es precedence over Primary 11P1FO ,T P&1F ta#es precedence over "econdary 11P1FO ,T M&1F ta#es precedence over Primary 11P1FO ,T M&1F ta#es precedence over "econdary 11P1FO ,T "econdary 11P1F ta#es precedence over Primary 11P1F. The frame allocation can be derived by followin rulesP &f no &2 HOffsetH is e(plicitly iven- the parameter HOffsetH to be used is calculated by the followin eAuationP .ctivation time mod /epetition period W Offset. 7rames from 17' 17'off to 17'off V /epetition len th ? , belon to the allocation with 17'off fulfillin the followin eAuationP 17'off mod /epetition period W Offset. /epetition len th is always a multiple of the lar est TT& within the 11Tr1F fulfillin the followin eAuationP (lar est TT& within 11Tr1F) \ I W /epetition 5en th 2(ample of usa eP


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+ 1 o d e s







=8 frames physic. channel (1ode <O /epetition periodW;O /epetition len thW9O .ctivation time W 8 WT Offset W 8 WT 17'off W 8- ,*- *+- *;- 3=- 88- 9*- =+) physic. channel (1ode 9O /epetition PeriodW, WT /epetition len thW+O Offset W + WT 17'off W +- ,- *- 3- 8- ... (continuous allocation)) physic. channel (1ode 3O /epetition periodW,=O /epetition len thW3O .ctivation time W *3 WTOffset W < WT 17'off W <- *3- 3>- 99 )

,i-ure *#(#(# (& . 1Da2ples for fra2e allocations in T33


Re!etitio$ !eriod, Re!etitio$ e$2t", 633set sub (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

The subframes- i.e. TT& in 9ms- of non?scheduled 2?P31F allocated can be determined from H.ctivation TimeHH"ubframe numberH- H/esource :urationH and H/esource PeriodicityH- or of initial "P" 2?P31F and F"?P:"1F or "tandalone midamble allocated can be determined from H.ctivation timeH-H"ubframe numberH- H /epetition period H and H /epetition len thH as belowP The parameter HOffset subH is defined to denote the offset of assi ned 2?P31F or F"?P:"1F physical resource within each /epetition period and numerated in subframe number. HOffset subH to be used is calculated by the followin eAuationP (.ctivation time\ *V "ubframe number) mod /epetition period W Offset sub. Fere- a new term sub17' is defined to represent the "ubframe within a specified 17'- and sub17' within a specified 17' is counted as belowP 17'\ *V "ubframe number W sub17'. "ub7rames from sub17'off to sub17'off V /epetition len th ? , belon to the allocation with sub17'off fulfillin the followin eAuationP sub17'off mod /epetition period W Offset sub. 2(ample of usa eP


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+ 1 o d e s







=8 subframes physic. channel (1ode <O /epetition periodW;O /epetition len thW9O .ctivation time W *O "ubframe numberW+ WT Offsetsub W 8 WT sub17'off W 8- ,*- *+- *;- 3=- 88- 9*- =+) physic. channel (1ode 9O /epetition PeriodW, WT /epetition len thW+O WT sub17'off W +- ,*- 3- 8- ... (continuous allocation)) physic. channel (1ode 3O /epetition periodW,=O /epetition len thW3O .ctivation time W ,,O "ubframe numberW,O WTOffsetsub W < WT sub17'off W <- *3- 3>- 99 )

,i-ure *#(#(# (a& . 1Da2ples for su;fra2e allocations in T33


Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o

&f the &2 HPrimary 11P1F infoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T use the information elements in this &2.


Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

&f the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH in 7:: is included- the 32 shallP ,T use the value of this &2 as the primary scramblin code for the downlin# radio lin#.


Void Void

=.6.6.21 =.6.6.22

Void Seco$dar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode, (ode 'u9%er

The followin description applies to 7::. 1ode 'umber can be assi ned by followin rulesP ,T Chen more than one :5 :P:1F is assi ned per /5- the se mented physical channel shall be mapped on to :5 :P:1Fs accordin to D*<E. Chen p number of :5 :P:1Fs are assi ned to each /5- the first pair of "econdary "cramblin 1ode and 1ode 'umber corresponds to HPh$5 number .H- the second to HPh$5 number 16- and so on until the pth to HPh$5 number pH.

The 32 shallP

P4S(< Po1er (o$tro i$3o

,T if the &2 HP:"1F Power 1ontrol infoH is includedP *T confi ure P:"1F power control with the received values. ,T if the &2 HP:"1F Power 1ontrol infoH is not includedP


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*T continue to use the stored values.


T. 4i5ersit7 Mode

&f the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH is included the 32 shallP ,T if the value of the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH is "TT:P *T confi ure the 5ayer , to use the T( diversity mode indicated in the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH for the radio lin#s for which the &2 H1losed loop timin adjustment modeH is included- i norin the actual value of &2 H1losed loop timin adjustment modeH. ,T if the value of the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH is closed loop mode ,P *T confi ure the 5ayer , to use the T( diversity mode indicated in the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH for the radio lin#s for which the &2 H1losed loop timin adjustment modeH is included- usin the actual value of the &2 H1losed loop timin adjustment modeH. ,T if the value of the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH is HnoneHP *T confi ure the 5ayer , not to use T( diversity for all radio lin#s in the active set. &f the &2 HT( :iversity ModeH is not included- the 32 shallP ,T continue to use the already confi ured T( diversity modeO ,T in case no T( diversity mode has been confi uredP *T do not apply T( diversity. 7or 7?:P1F the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"TT: indicationH is included in the &2 H:ownlin# 7?:P1F info for each /5HP *T use "TT: for 7?:P1F on the radio lin#s for which the &2 H"TT: indicationH is set to T/32. 7or F"?"11F- the 32 shallP ,T if the :P1F associated with a F"?"11F is usin either open or closed loop transmit diversity on the radio lin# transmitted from the F"?:"1F servin cellP *T use "TT: for this F"?"11FO ,T if the 7?:P1F associated with an F"?"11F is usin open loop transmit diversity on the radio lin# transmitted from the F"?:"1F servin cellP *T use "TT: for this F"?"11F. ,T otherwiseP *T not use T( diversity for this F"?"11F. 7or 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F- and 2?F&1F from the same cell- the 32 shallP ,T for each radio lin#P *T if the :P1F associated with 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F- and 2?F&1F from the same cell is usin either open or closed loop transmit diversityP 3T use "TT: for these 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F- and 2?F&1F. *T if the 7?:P1F associated with 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F- and 2?F&1F from the same cell is usin open loop transmit diversityP 3T use "TT: for these 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F- and 2?F&1F. *T otherwiseP


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3T not use T( diversity for these 2?.G1F- 2?/G1F- and 2?F&1F. 7or 7?TP&1F- the 32 shallP ,T for each radio lin#P *T if the :P1F associated with the 7?TP&1F is usin either open or closed loop transmit diversityP 3T use "TT: for the 7?TP&1F. *T if the 7?:P1F associated with the 7?TP&1F is usin open loop transmit diversityP 3T use "TT: for the 7?TP&1F. *T otherwiseP 3T not use T( diversity for the 7?TP&1F. 'OT2P The &2 HT( :iversity ModeH shall be i nored with respect to the radio lin#s that are in the secondary 2? :1F active set.




UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro (T44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H35 Timin .dvance 1ontrolH is present- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvance 1ontrolH has the value HdisabledHP *T reset timin advance to +O *T disable calculated timin advance followin handoverO *T in case of handoverP 3T start uplin# transmissions in the tar et cell without applyin timin advance. ,T if the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvance 1ontrolH has the value HenabledHP *T in 3.;8 Mcps T:: or <.=; Mcps T::P 3T in case of no cell chan eP 8T evaluate and apply the timin advance value for uplin# transmission as indicated in the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvanceH or the &2 H2(tended 3plin# Timin .dvanceH at the 17' indicated in the &2 H.ctivation TimeH. 3T in case of cell chan eP 8T use the &2 H3plin# Timin .dvanceH or the &2 H2(tended 35 Timin .dvanceH as T.old and apply for uplin# transmission in the tar et cell at the 17' indicated in the &2 H.ctivation TimeH as specified in D33EO 8T include the value of the applied timin advance in the &2 HTimin .dvanceH or the &2 H2(tended 35 Timin .dvanceH in the 1OMP52T2 messa e. *T in ,.*; Mcps T::P 3T if the &2 H"ynchronisation parametersH is includedP 8T initiate a seAuence of 3pP1F "K'1G35 code transmissions usin a code selected from the set specified and continue until a timin correction is received in the specified 7P.1F (received for CT sub?frames followin the sub?frame in which the transmission was made) or until Ma( "K'1G35 transmissions have been completed. The power used for each "K'1G35 transmission is as specified in subclause ;.9.<. 2ach transmission is made in the first sub?frame possible followin the end of each


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7P.1F reception interval usin the timin specified in D33E. . new code is selected for each transmission. The detection that the 7P.1F relates to the transmitted "K'1G35 code is described in D33EO 8T if a timin correction is received within Ma( "K'1G35 transmissions the procedure is completed. The assi ned uplin# resources may then be used- commencin at the first possible TT& boundary or the "7' in which the assi nment commences- whichever is the later. The timin of the uplin# transmission is described in D33EO 8T if no timin correction has been received within Ma( "K'1G35 transmissions- the synchronisation procedure has failed. &f the assi ned resources are :1F- the 32 should not transmit usin these resources and should respond as if a physical channel failure has occurred as specified in subclauses ;.,.3.< or ;.*.*.< or ;.3.,.<- or ;.3.=.9. &f the assi ned resources are 3"1F then the 32 should i nore the 3"1F allocation. 3T if the &2 H"ynchronisation parametersH is not includedP 8T in case of no cell chan eP 9T continue to use the current uplin# timin . 8T in case of cell chan eP 9T evaluate and apply the timin correction for uplin# transmissions usin the procedure as specified in D33E.


U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9eters (T44 o$ 7)

The 32 shall apply uplin# synchronisation usin the values of the &2s H3plin# synchronisation step si!eH and H3plin# synchronisation freAuencyH as specified in D33E.


4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s

&f the &2 H:ownlin# information common for all radio lin#s H is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info common for all /5H is includedP *T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.=.=.*;. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# 7?:P1F info common for all /5H is includedP *T perform actions as specified in subclause ;.=.=.*;a. ,T if the &2 choice HmodeH is set to $7::$P *T perform actions for the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH as specified in subclause ;.=.=.,9O *T perform actions for the &2 HT( :iversity modeH as specified in subclause ;.=.=.*8. ,T if the &2 HM.1?hs reset indicatorH is includedP *T if the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# is the same radio lin# as prior to the reception of the messa eO and *T if- as a result of the reconfi uration messa e where this &2 is received- the M.1 header type (i.e.- either M.1?hs or M.1?ehs) is unchan edO and *T if- as a result of the reconfi uration messa e where this &2 is received- the 32 does not perform a state transition between 1255G7.1F state and 1255G:1F stateP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T if inter?'ode 0 Multiflow operation is not confi uredP 3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity D,9E. *T elseP


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3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity related to the servin cell D,9E. ,T if the &2 HM.1?hs reset indicator for Multiflow assistin cellsH is includedP *T if inter?'ode 0 Multiflow operation is confi uredP 3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity related to the confi ured assistin cells D,9E. *T elseP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2P &f the M.1 header type is chan ed- either from M.1?hs to M.1?ehs or from M.1?ehs to M.1?hs3T/.' should include the &2 HM.1?hs reset indicatorH in order to ensure a reset of the M.1?hs@ehs entity in the 32 prior to M.1?hs@ehs reconfi uration- otherwise the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s

&f the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info common for all /5H is included the 32 shallP ,T ifP *T the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info common for all /5H is included in a reconfi uration messa eO and *T the 32 was in 1255G:1F state upon reception of the messa e and remains in 1255G:1F stateO and *T the messa e is not used to perform a hard handover (as specified in subclause ;.=.=.3a) and the &2 HTimin indicationH is set to HinitialiseHP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F power control informationH is includedP *T in the case of 7::P 3T perform actions for the &2 H:P1 ModeH accordin to D*>E. *T in the case of T::P 3T perform actions for the &2 HTP1 "tep "i!eH accordin to D33E. ,T if the &2 choice HmodeH is set to $7::$P *T if the &2 H:ownlin# rate matchin restriction informationH is includedP 3T set the variable &'B.5&:G1O'7&G3/.T&O' to T/32. *T perform actions for the &2 Hspreadin factorHO *T perform actions for the &2 H7i(ed or 7le(ible positionHO *T perform actions for the &2 HT71& e(istenceHO *T if the &2 choice H"7H is set to *9=P 3T store the value of the &2 H'umber of bits for pilot bitsH. *T if the &2 choice H"7H is set to ,*;P 3T store the value of the &2 H'umber of bits for pilot bitsH. &f the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info common for all /5H is included in a messa e used to perform a Timin re?initialised hard handover or the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info common for all /5H is included in a messa e other than /0 "2T3P used to transfer the 32 from a state different from 1ellG:1F to 1ellG:1F- and cipherin is active for any radio bearer usin /51?TM- the 32 shall- after havin activated the dedicated physical channels indicated by that &2P ,T if any cipherin confi uration for a radio bearer usin /51?TM has not been applied- due to that the activation time from a previous procedure has not elapsedP


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*T apply the cipherin confi uration immediately and consider the activation time from the previous procedure to be elapsed. ,T if the &2 HM.1?d F7' initial valueH is included in the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F info common for all /5HP *T set the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 for TM?/51 to the value of the &2 HM.1?d F7' initial valueH- while not incrementin the value of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 at each 17' cycle. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should choose a value for the &2 HM.1?d F7' initial valueH usin the 1O3'T?1 value of the /0s usin /51?TM indicated by the "ource /'1 to the Tar et /'1 in the &2 H"/'" /elocation &nfoH and include some mar in in such a way that no values of 1O3'T?1 are repeated after the handover.

,T elseP *T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 for TM?/51 to the value of the latest transmitted &2 H"T./TH or H"T./T 5istH for this 1' domain- while not incrementin the value of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 at each 17' cycleO and *T set the remainin 5"0s of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 to !ero. ,T start to perform cipherin on the radio bearer in lower layers while not incrementin the F7'O ,T include the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH in the response messa e and specify a 17' value for this &2 other than the default- H'owH- that is a multiple of ; frames (17' mod ; W+) and lies at least *++ frames ahead of the 17' in which the response messa e is first transmittedO ,T calculate the "T./T value accordin to subclause ;.9.>O ,T include the calculated "T./T values for each 1' domain in the &2 H"T./T listH in the &2 H3plin# counter synchronisation infoH in the response messa eO ,T at the 17' value as indicated in the response messa e in the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeHP *T set the *+ M"0 of the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable common for all transparent mode radio bearers of this 1' domain to the "T./T value as indicated in the &2 H"T./T listH of the response messa e for the relevant 1' domainO and *T set the remainin 5"0s of the F7' component of 1O3'T?1 to !eroO *T increment the F7' component of the 1O3'T?1 variable by one even if the H1O3'T?1 activation timeH is eAual to !eroO *T set the 17' component of the 1O3'T?1 to the value of the &2 H1O3'T?1 activation timeH of the response messa e. The F7' component and the 17' component completely initialise the 1O3'T?1 variableO *T step the 1O3'T?1 variable- as normal- at each 17' value- i.e. the F7' component is no lon er fi(ed in value but incremented at each 17' cycle.


4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s

&f the &2 H:ownlin# 7?:P1F info common for all /5H is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# 7?:P1F info common for all /5H is included in a messa e used to perform a hard handoverP *T perform actions for the &2 HTimin indicationH as specified in subclause ;.9.,9.*- and subclause ;.3.9., or ;.3.9.*. ,T if the &2 H:ownlin# :P1F power control informationH is includedP *T perform actions for the &2 H:P1 ModeH accordin to D*>E.


#S( setti$2

&f the &2 H."1 settin H is included- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T establish the available si natures for this ."1 as specified in the followin P *T separately renumber the list of available si natures specified in the &2 H.vailable si natureH included in the &2 HP/.1F infoH and the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H contained in the &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH from si nature inde( + to si nature inde( '?,- where ' is the number of available si natures- startin with the lowest available si nature number and continuin in seAuence- in the order of increasin si nature numbersO *T for each occurrence in the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type , (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H- &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type * (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H- and &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters e(tension list Type 3 (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H 3T separately renumber the list of available si natures specified in the &2 H.vailable si natureH included in the &2 HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)H from si nature inde( + to si nature inde( '?,- where ' is the number of available si natures- startin with the lowest available si nature number and continuin in seAuence- in the order of increasin si nature numbersO *T consider as available si natures for this ."1 the si natures included in this renumbered list from the inde( specified by the &2 H.vailable si nature "tart &nde(H to the inde( specified by the &2 H.vailable si nature 2nd &nde(H. ,T establish the available access slot sub?channels for this ."1 as specified in the followin P *T if the &2 H.&1F transmission timin H included in the &2 H.&1F &nfoH is set to $+$O 3T i nore the leftmost (most si nificant) bit (bit b3) of the bit strin specified by the &2 H.ssi ned "ub? 1hannel 'umberHO 3T repeat 8 times the 3 ri htmost (least si nificant) bits (bits b*?b+) of the bit strin specified by the &2 H.ssi ned "ub?1hannel 'umberH to form a resultin bit strin $b* b, b+ b* b, b+ b* b, b+ b* b, b+$ of len th ,* bits- where the leftmost bit is the most si nificant. *T if the &2 H.&1F transmission timin H included in the &2 H.&1F &nfoH is set to $,$P 3T repeat 3 times the bit strin (bits b3?b+) specified by the &2 H.ssi ned "ub?1hannel 'umberH to form a bit strin $b3 b* b, b+ b3 b* b, b+ b3 b* b, b+$ of len th ,* bits- where the leftmost bit is the most si nificant. *T perform in both cases- for the resultin bit strin (that includes the repetitions) bit?wise lo ical .': operation separately with the &2 H.vailable "ub 1hannel numberH included in &2 HP/.1F info (for /.1F)H and HP/.1F preamble control parameters (for 2nhanced 3plin#)HO *T consider as available sub?channels for this ."1 the available sub?channels indicated in the resultin bit strin - after lo ical .': operation i.e. each bit set to , or + indicates availability or non?availabilityrespectively- of sub?channel number 7- with 7 from + to ,,- for the respective ."1. 'OT2 ,P &n 7::- the list of available si natures is renumbered from si nature inde( + to si nature inde( '?,where ' is the number of available si natures- startin with the lowest available si nature number and continuin in seAuence- in the order of increasin si nature numbers. ? 5ist of available si naturesP ,= or fewer si natures are available. ? 2(ampleP only si natures +- 9- ,+ and ,9 are available- then P ? "i nature + isP available si nature inde( + ? "i nature 9 isP available si nature inde( , ? "i nature ,+ isP available si nature inde( * ? "i nature ,9 isP available si nature inde( 3


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 *P &n 3.;8 Mcps T::- the list of available channelisation codes (defined in P/.1F info) is renumbered from channelisation code inde( + to channelisation code inde( '?,- where ' is the number of available channelisation codes- startin with the lowest available channelisation code number and continuin in seAuence- in the order of increasin channelisation code numbers 5ist of available channelisation codes P ; or less channelisation codes are available. The i?th bit of the bitmap defined in the &2 H.vailable 1hannelisation 1ode indicesH defines whether the channelisation code with the available channelisation code inde( i is to be used for this ."1 (bit set means used- bit unset means not used). Only the low ' bits shall be used in the bitmap- where ' is the number of available channelisation codes defined in P/.1F info. 2( P spreadin factor ,=- channelisation codes ,=@,- ,=@*- ,=@9- ,=@; are available P 1hannelisation code ,=@, isP available channelisation code inde( + 1hannelisation code ,=@* isP available channelisation code inde( , 1hannelisation code ,=@9 isP available channelisation code inde( * 1hannelisation code ,=@; isP available channelisation code inde( 3 .vailable 1hannelisation 1ode indices has the value $++++,,++$ meansP 1hannelisation 1odes ,=@9 and ,=@; are available for this ."1. 'OT2 *aP &n <.=; Mcps T::- the list of available channelisation codes (defined in P/.1F info) is renumbered from channelisation code inde( + to channelisation code inde( '?,- where ' is the number of available channelisation codes- startin with the lowest available channelisation code number and continuin in seAuence- in the order of increasin channelisation code numbers 5ist of available channelisation codes P ,= or less channelisation codes are available. The i?th bit of the bitmap defined in the &2 H.vailable 1hannelisation 1ode indicesH defines whether the channelisation code with the available channelisation code inde( i is to be used for this ."1 (bit set means used- bit unset means not used). Only the low ' bits shall be used in the bitmap- where ' is the number of available channelisation codes defined in P/.1F info. 2( P spreadin factor 3*- channelisation codes 3*@,- 3*@*- 3*@9- 3*@; are available P 1hannelisation code 3*@, isP available channelisation code inde( + 1hannelisation code 3*@* isP available channelisation code inde( , 1hannelisation code 3*@9 isP available channelisation code inde( * 1hannelisation code 3*@; isP available channelisation code inde( 3 .vailable 1hannelisation 1ode indices has the value $++++++++++++,,++$ meansP 1hannelisation 1odes 3*@9 and 3*@; are available for this ."1. 'OT2 3P &n T::- the subchannel description is found in D33E.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 8P &n ,.*; Mcps T::- the list of available "K'1G35 codes (defined in P/.1F info) is numbered from "K'1G35 code inde( + to "K'1G35 code inde( '?,- where ' is the number of available "K'1G35 codes- startin with the lowest available "K'1G35 code number and continuin in seAuence- in the order of increasin "K'1G35 code numbers The i?th bit of the bitmap defined in the &2 H.vailable "K'1G35 codes indicesH defines whether the "K'1G35 code with the available "K'1G35 code inde( i is to be used for this ."1 (bit set means used- bit unset means not used). Only the low ' bits shall be used in the bitmap- where ' is the number of available "K'1G35 codes defined in P/.1F info. ? 5ist of available "K'1G35 codesP ; or fewer "K'1G35 codes are available. 2(ampleP only si natures +- 9- = and < are available- thenP ? "K'1G35 codes + isP available "K'1G35 codes inde( + ? "K'1G35 codes 9 isP available "K'1G35 codes inde( , ? "K'1G35 codes = isP available "K'1G35 codes inde( * ? "K'1G35 codes < isP available "K'1G35 codes inde( 3 .vailable "K'1G35 codes indices has the value $++++,,++$ meansP "K'1G35 codes = and < are available for this ."1.


SR8 de a7, P( !rea9% e (&44 o$ 7)

Chen the &2 H"/0 delayH and &2 HP1 preambleH is received in a messa e that results in a confi uration of uplin# :P1F or 2?:P1F- and synchronisation procedure . is bein used as specified in D*>E- the 32 shallP ,T store the received &2 H"/0 delayH and &2 HP1 preambleH in the variable 5.T2"TG1O'7&G3/2:G"/0G:25.KG.':GP1GP/2.M052O ,T apply power control preamble accordin to D*=E durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 HP1 preambleHO and ,T then not send any data on si nallin radio bearers /0+ to /08 durin the number of frames indicated in the &2 H"/0 delayH or while the physical channel is not considered established.



=.6.6.32 =.6.6.33

Void <S-S((< :$3o

&f the &2 HF"?"11F &nfoH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the received confi uration. ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T in the case of 7::P *T receive the F"?"11F(s) accordin to the &2 HF"?"11F channelisation codeH on the servin F"?:"1F radio lin# applyin the scramblin code as received in the &2 H:5 "cramblin codeH. ,T in the case of T::P *T receive the F"?"11F(s) accordin to the &2s HTimeslot 'umberH- H1hannelisation 1odeH and Midamble confi uration &2s.


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*T transmit the F"?"&1F accordin to the &2s HTimeslot 'umberH- H1hannelisation 1odeH and Midamble confi uration &2s. *T for F"?"11F power control the 32 shall use the H052/ tar etH si nalled in the first occurrence of the HF"? "11F "et 1onfi urationH- and the 32 shall also use the &2 HPower 1ontrol G.PH for ,.*; Mcps T::. *T in 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::P 3T use the parameters specified in the &2 HF"?"&1F power control infoH for open loop power control as defined in subclause ;.9.<. *T in ,.*; Mcps T::P 3T use the &2 H P/IF"?"&1F H to calculate and set an initial uplin# transmission powerO 3T use the &2 H TP1 step si!eH upon reception of TP1 commands for closed loop power controlO 3T perform closed loop power control on F"?"&1F within the interval indicated in the &2 HPower 1ontrol G.PHO 3T use the &2 HPathloss compensation switchH to determine if the pathloss compensation from the beacon channel estimation should be ta#en into account for closed loop power control on F"?"&1FO 3T use default value of H3plin# synchronisation freAuencyH and same value of H3plin# synchronisation step si!eH in H3plin# :P1F infoH for F"?"&1F upon reception of "" commands for closed loop uplin# synchronisation on F"?"&1F. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HF"?"11F &nfoH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G7.1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the received confi urationO ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.3=. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T receive the F"?"11F(s) accordin to the &2s HTimeslot 'umberH- H1hannelisation 1odeH and Midamble confi uration &2sO ,T transmit the F"?"&1F accordin to the &2s HTimeslot 'umberH- H1hannelisation 1odeH and Midamble confi uration &2sO ,T for F"?"11F power control the 32 shall use the H052/ tar etH si nalled in the first occurrence of the HF"? "11F "et 1onfi urationH- and the 32 shall also use the &2 HPower 1ontrol G.PH for ,.*; Mcps T::O ,T use the &2 HP/IF"?"&1FH to calculate and set an initial uplin# transmission powerO ,T use the value of HTP1 step si!eH in the &2 H2?.G1F infoH for F"?"11F closed loop power controlO ,T use the &2 HTP1 step si!eH upon reception of TP1 commands for closed loop power controlO ,T perform closed loop power control on F"?"&1F within the interval indicated in the &2 HPower 1ontrol G.PHO ,T use the &2 HPathloss compensation switchH to determine if the pathloss compensation from the beacon channel estimation should be ta#en into account for closed loop power control on F"?"&1FO ,T use default value of H3plin# synchronisation freAuencyH and same value of H3plin# synchronisation step si!eH in H3plin# :P1F infoH for F"?"&1F upon reception of "" commands for closed loop uplin# synchronisation on F"?"&1F.


Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o

&f the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the received confi urationO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. Chen the variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T use the information for the channel Auality indication (1J&) procedure in the physical layer on the servin F"? :"1F radio lin#.


4P( Mode

&f the &2 H:P1 ModeH is included- the 32 shallP ,T apply the indicated :P1 mode accordin to D*>E. &f the &2 H:P1 ModeH is not included- the 32 shallP ,T continue with the currently used :P1 mode.


4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F &nformationH is included and the 32 would be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the F"?P:"1F has been confi ured by the &2 H:5 Multi?carrier informationHP *T clear other stored carriers confi uration in the &2 H:5 Multi?carrier informationH. ,T if the &2 HF"?"11F &nfoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.=.33. ,T if the &2 HMeasurement 7eedbac# &nfoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.=.38. ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F Timeslot 1onfi urationH or HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationH is includedP *T store the received confi urationO *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F &nformationH is included and the 32 would be in 1255G7.1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HF"?"11F &nfoH is includedP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.=.33. ,T if the &2 HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationH is includedP *T store the received confi uration. ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.3=.


4L Mu ti-carrier i$3or9atio$ (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

The &2 H:5 Multi?carrier informationH is used in multiple carriers system. 'OT2P Chen only one freAuency is confi ured to the 32- either the &2 H:5 Multi?carrier informationH or the &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F &nformationH may be used but should use only one of them and the :P1F freAuency shall be ali ned with the &2 H:5 Multi?carrier informationH.

&f the &2 H:5 Multi?carrier informationH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HT"'?5en thH is includedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T store the new T"' len th indicated by the &2 HT"'?5en thH. ,T if the &2 HT"'?5en thH is not includedP *T if the 32 has stored T"' len thP 3T use the stored content of the &2. *T elseP 3T set the T"' len th to =bits. ,T if the &2 HMulti?1arrier numberH is includedP *T store the new multiple carriers number indicated by the &2 HMulti?1arrier numberHO *T start reception procedure on the F"?"11Fs (refer to D33E). ,T if the &2 H:5?F"P:"1F?Multi1arrier?&nformationH is includedP *T if the &2 HF"?"11F "et 1onfi urationH is includedP 3T perform processes described in subclause ;.=.=.33. *T if the &2 HF./J?&nfoH is includedP 3T perform processes described in subclause ;.=.9.=b. *T if the &2 HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationH is includedP 3T store the F"?P:"1F midamble confi ureation indicated by the &2 HF"?P:"1F Midamble 1onfi urationHO 3T perform processes described in subclause ;.9.*9. ,T if the carrier which has been stored by the 32 is not included in the the &2 H:5?F"P:"1F?Multi1arrier? &nformationH- the 32 should delete all the confi urations related to this carrier.


)-4(< :$3o

&f the &2 H2?:1F &nfoH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T for 7::P *T if the &2 H2?:P11F &nfoH is includedP 3T store the newly received 2?:P11F confi uration. *T if the &2 H2?:P:1F &nfoH is includedP 3T store the newly received 2?:P:1F confi uration. *T if the &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H is includedP 3T store the newly received 35 M&MO confi uration and perform actions as specified in sub?clause ;.9.;,. *T if the &2 H35 ,=J.M settin sH is not includedP 3T indicate to lower layers to stop any operation in ,=J.M mode. *T if the &2 H35 =8J.M settin sH is not includedP 3T indicate to lower layers to stop any operation in =8J.M mode. *T if both the &2 H35 ,=J.M settin sH and &2 H35 =8J.M settin sH are includedP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T for T::P *T if the &2 H2?/311F &nfoH is includedP 3T store the newly received 2?/311F confi uration. *T if the &2 H2?P31F &nfoH is includedP 3T store the newly received 2?P31F confi uration. 'OT2 ,P The 3T/.' should ensure the orderin of the 2?T71& table in strictly increasin order of transmission power prior to Auanti!ation- by correct settin of the reference 2?T71& power offsets otherwise the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *P &f a reference 2?T71& si nalled to the 32 is outside the 32 physical channel capability- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *aP &f 2?T71& boost is si nalled to the 32 and a reference 2?T71& [W 2?T71& 0oost is si nalled to the 32 with a /eference 2?T71& PO of value 3+ or 3,- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 *bP&f the 32 is confi ured with 2?T71& table + and *ms TT&- and a reference 2?T71& W,*+ has been confi ured- the 32 behavior is unspecified. 'OT2 *cP &f the 32 is confi ured with 2?T71& table , and *ms TT&- and a reference 2?T71& W,,9 has been confi ured- the 32 behavior is unspecified. 'OT2 *dP&f the 32 is confi ured with 2?T71& table * and *ms TT&- and a reference 2?T71& W,*, has been confi ured- the 32 behavior is unspecified. 'OT2 *eP &f the 32 is confi ured with 2?T71& table 3 and *ms TT&- and a reference 2?T71& W,+, or a reference 2? T71& W ,+* has been confi ured- the 32 behavior is unspecified. ,T if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is includedP *T reset the M.1?es@e or M.1?i@is entity D,9E. 'OT2 3P &f the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is not set to T/32 in case the &2 H2?:1F Transmission Time &ntervalH is reconfi ured- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 8P &f the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is not set to T/32 in case the 35 M.1 header type is reconfi ured from M.1?es@e to M.1?is@i or from M.1?is@i to M.1?e@es- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2 9P &f the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is not included in the &2 H2?:1F &nfoH and ,=J.M or =8J.M operation starts or stops- the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;. Chen the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T for 7::P *T confi ure the 35 2?:P11F in accordance with the stored &2 H2?:P11FH confi urationO *T confi ure the M.1 with the stored &2 H2?:P:1FH confi uration and@or the information contained in &2 H"cheduled Transmission confi urationH. ,T for T::P *T confi ure the 2?/311F with the stored 2?/311F confi urationO *T confi ure the M.1 with the stored 2?P31F confi uration. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- &f the &2 H2?:1F &nfoH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G7.1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H2?/311F &nfoH is includedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T store the newly received 2?/311F confi uration. ,T if the &2 H2?P31F &nfoH is includedP *T store the newly received 2?P31F confi uration. ,T if the &2 HM.1?es@e reset indicatorH is includedP *T reset the M.1?es@e or M.1?i@is entity D,9E. ,T determine the value for the 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.8=. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- when the variable 1OMMO'G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 the 32 shallP ,T confi ure the 2?/311F with the stored 2?/311F confi urationO ,T confi ure the M.1 with the stored 2?P31F confi uration.


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$ (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H:TI?:/I timin informationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 Htimin H is set to H'ew timin HP *T use the newly received :TI?:/I timin confi uration. ,T if the 1FO&12 Htimin H is set to H1ontinueH- and the messa e is used to perform a hard handover (as specified in subclause ;.=.=.3a)O or ,T if the received messa e does not include the &2 H:TIQ:/I informationH and this messa e will perform 2?:1F TT& reconfi urationP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T determine the value for the :TIG:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.38.


4TA-4RA i$3or9atio$ (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H:TIQ:/I informationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the contents of the &2 in the variable :TIG:/IGP./.M"- replacin or clearin any previously stored H:TI &nformationH or H:/I &nformationHO ,T determine the value for the :TIG:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.38O ,T if the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle *H is not an inte er multiple of the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle ,HO or ,T if the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle *H is not an inte er multiple or a divisor of the value of the &2 H1J& 7eedbac# cycle- #H divided by *O or ,T if the value of the &2 H32 :P11F burst ,H is reater than the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle ,HO or ,T if the value of the &2 H32 :P11F burst *H is reater than the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle *HO or ,T if the &2 H32 :TI lon preamble len thH is set to 8 or ,9 slots and the value of the &2 H&nactivity Threshold for 32 :TI cycle *H is less than 8 TT&s (for ,+ms 2?:1F TT&) or ; TT&s (for *ms 2?:1F TT&)O or ,T if the &2 H32 :/I cycleH is not an inte er multiple or a divisor of the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle ,HO or ,T if the value of the &2 H32 :TI cycle ,H is not an inte er multiple or a divisor of the value of the &2 HM.1 :TI cycleHO or


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,T if the &2 H:TI?:/I timin informationH is included in this messa e and if the 1FO&12 Htimin H is set to HcontinueHO or ,T if the &2 H3plin# :P11F slot format informationH is received in an .1T&B2 "2T 3P:.T2 messa e and indicates different uplin# :P11F slot format from the one currently confi ured- and neither the indicated uplin# :P11F slot format nor the currently confi ured uplin# :P11F slot format are uplin# :P11F slot format 8O or ,T if the &2 H:TI &nformationH is not included in this messa eP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. 'OT2P &f the &2 H3plin# :P1F infoH is included in this messa e- the 3T/.' should ensure that the confi uration of the uplin# :P1F does not contradict the uplin# :P1F confi uration indicated in the &2 H3plin# :P11F slot format informationH.


<S-S((< ess i$3or9atio$ (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 HF"?"11F less informationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 HF"?"11F less operationH is set to H'ew F"?"11F less operationHP *T store the contents of the &2 in the variable F"G"11FG52""GP./.M". ,T determine the value for the F"G"11FG52""G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.39.


M:M6 !ara9eters

&f the &2 HM&MO parametersH is included- the 32 shallP ,T act as specified in clauses ;.9.3* and ;.9.33O ,T &f the &2 HM&MO operationH is set to HstartHP *T &f the M&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2P 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. *T otherwiseP 3T if the 32 supports M&MO only with sin le stream restriction (7:: only)O and 3T if the 32 si nalled F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory ,< or ,; D39E and =8J.M is confi ured for downlin#- or if the 32 si nalled other F"?:"1F physical layer cate ory than ,< and ,;P 8T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode restricted to sin le stream transmissionusin the parameter values stored in the variable M&MOGP./.M". 3T elseP 8T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode- usin the parameter values stored in the variable M&MOGP./.M". ,T &f the &2 HM&MO operationH is set to HcontinueHP *T &f the M&MOG"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2P 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. ,T for 7::- if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F usa e for 1hannel 2stimationH is set to HPrimary 1P&1F shall not be usedHP *T the 32 behavior is undefined. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H"econdary 1P&1F &nfoH is included and if the &2 H1hannelisation codeH in M&MO pilot confi uration is different from the &2 H1hannelisation 1odeH in "econdary 1P&1F infoP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T the 32 behavior is undefined. ,T for 7::- if the &2 H"econdary 1P&1F &nfoH is included and if the &2 HPower Offset for "?1P&1F for M&MOH is provided- then pass the offset value received in the &2 HPower Offset for "?1P&1F for M&MOH to the lower layers. ,T determine the confi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity as specified in subclause ;.9.=+. ,T for 7::- when M&MO only with sin le stream restriction is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. 'OT2P This subclause applies to 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


UL 16E#M setti$2s

&f the &2 H35 ,=J.M settin sH is included- the 32 shallP ,T indicate to lower layers to operate in ,=J.M mode- usin the parameters contained in the &2.


UL 6,E#M setti$2s

&f the &2 H35 =8J.M settin sH is included- the 32 shallP ,T indicate to lower layers to operate in =8J.M mode- usin the parameters contained in the &2O ,T if M.1?i@is not confi uredP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

3pon reception of the &2 HMulti?freAuency infoH- the 32 shallP ,T &f the &2 H"econd 7reAuency infoH is includedP *T act as specified in section ;.=.=.,. ,T &f the &2 H7P.1F 7reAuency infoH is includedP *T store the 7P.1F freAuency indicated in the &2 H7P.1F 7reAuency infoH. ,T elseP *T use the primary freAuency as 7P.1F freAuency. ,T &f the &2 H3pP1F Position &nfoH is includedP *T store and use the 3pP1F position indicated by the &2 H3pP1F Positon &nfo H. The calculation of the uplin# access position is described in D33E. ,T elseP *T use the 3pPT" as the default 3pP1F position.




4o1$ i$> Seco$dar7 (e :$3o &44

&n the followin - any information in the H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is stored in the first entry of the variable :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O. .ny first (respectively second) &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H in the H.dditional downlin# secondary cell info list 7::H &2- is stored in the second (respectively third) entry of the variable :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O. .ny first (respectively second- third and fourth) &2 H:ownlin#


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

secondary 1ell &nfo 7::H in the H.dditional downlin# secondary cell info list 7:: *H &2- is stored in the fourth (respectively fifth- si(th and seventh) entry of the variable :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O. &f the i?th &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is not included and the 32 has a stored i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable- the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable. 7or each included &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H- if the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H'ew confi urationHP *T store the i?th &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H- replacin any stored i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable. ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H1ontinueH and the 32 has a stored i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7OP *T #eep the stored i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O. The 32 shallP ,T determine the value for the "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9,. ,T if the 32 supports Multiflow operationP *T determine the value for the M35T&75OCG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<,. 7or each entry in the variable "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O' which is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H:ifferent T( diversity mode confi uration from servin F"?:"1F cellH is present in the i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable- and T( diversity is confi ured in the servin F"? :"1F cell*T not confi ure T( diversity for the i?th secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. ,T if the &2 H:ifferent T( diversity mode confi uration from servin F"?:"1F cellH is present in the i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable and T( diversity is not confi ured in the servin F"? :"1F cell*T confi ure T( diversity in the i?th secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. ,T if the &2 H:ifferent T( diversity mode confi uration from servin F"?:"1F cellH is not present in the i?th entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variable*T the T( diversity mode confi ured in the i?th secondary servin F"?:"1F cell shall be the same as the T( diversity mode confi ured in the servin F"?:"1F cell. 7or each of the variables H.djacent freAuency infoH and H&nter?band freAuency infoH that are stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T- and for which the H3./71' downlin# ('d)H is different from the H3./71' downlin# ('d)H of any stored entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variableP ,T stop all inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the cells that belon to the freAuency derived from the stored variable. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. ,T clear the stored variable. &f the variable H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH is stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T- then for each of the variable H7reAuency info for enhanced measurementH included in the variable H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementHP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the H3./71' downlin# ('d)H in the variable H7reAuency info for enhanced measurementH is different from the H3./71' downlin# ('d)H of any stored entry in the :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O variableP *T stop all inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the cells that belon to the freAuency derived from the variable H7reAuency info for enhanced measurementH. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. *T clear the variable H7reAuency info for enhanced measurementH.


(o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H1ontrol 1hannel :/I informationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H$ontrol $hannel 4R8 operationH is set to H'ew 1ontrol 1hannel :/I operationHP *T store the contents of the &2 in the variable 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IGP./.M"- replacin or clearin any previously stored H1ontrol 1hannel :/I operationHO *T use the newly received 1ontrol 1hannel :/I confi uration. *T if the &2 H2?.G1F :/I &nformationH is not includedP 3T not perform 2?.G1F discontinuous reception. ,T if the 1FO&12 H$ontrol $hannel 4R8 operationH is set to H1ontinueH- and the messa e is used to perform a hard handover (as specified in subclause ;.=.=.3a)P *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T determine the value for the 1O'T/O5G1F.''25G:/IG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.93. ,T if the &2 H2?.G1F :/I &nformationH is included- and the variable 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2P *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


SPS i$3or9atio$ (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H"P" informationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H2?:1F "P" &nformationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP *T if the 1FO&12 H2?:1F "P" operationH is set to H'ew 2?:1F "P" operationHP 3T after the 32 has received &2 H2?F&1F &nformationHP 8T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration ModeH is set to H&mplicitHP 9T if the &2 H2&H is includedP =T consider the 2?F&1F has the same confi uration as that in the &2 H2?F&1F &nfoH for ,.*;Mcps T:: which has the same value of 2& indicated by the &2 H2&H in this messa e. 9T elseP =T use the same confi uration as the 2?F&1F for non?schedule transmission. 8T elseP 9T store the 2?F&1F confi uration accordin to the &2s HTimeslot 'umberH- H1hannelisation 1odeH and midamble confi uration &2s. 8T store and use the "i nature "eAuence indicated by the &2 H"i nature "eAuence Group &nde(H.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T if the &2 HTransmission Pattern 5istH is includedP 8T store the contents of the &2 in the variable 2G:1FG"P"GP./.M". 3T if the &2 H&nitial "P" info for 2?:1FH is includedP 8T perform 2?:1F "P" operation on the semi?persistent 2?P31F resource confi ured by the &2 at the 17' determined by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH and the &2 H"ubframe numberH. *T determine the value for the 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.98. *T if the &2 H&nitial "P" info for 2?:1FH is included- the calculation of assi ned initial 2?:1F "P" transmission rant is specified in subclause ;.=.=.,=a ,T else if the &2 H2?:1F "P" &nformationH is not included- the 32 shallP *T set the variable 2G:1FG"P"G"T.T3" to 7.5"2O *T clear the variable 2G:1FG"P"GP./.M"O *T stop all 2?:1F "P" related activities. ,T if the &2 HF"?:"1F "P" &nformationH is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP *T if the 1FO&12 HF"?:"1F "P" operationH is set to H'ew F"?:"1F "P" operationHP 3T if the &2 HTransport 0loc# "i!e 5istH or the &2 H/eception Pattern 5istH is includedP 8T store the contents of the &2 in the variable F"G:"1FG"P"GP./.M". 3T if the &2 HF./J &nfo for "emi?Persistent "chedulin H is includedP 8T calculate the si!e of each virtual &/ buffer accordin to followin eAuationP "i!e of virtual &/ soft buffer W Total buffer for F"?"11F "P" operation @ '&/ where ? ? Total buffer for F"?"11F "P" operation is si nalled in the &2 HProcess Memory si!eH- and the &2 is the total si!e of the virtual &/ buffers which could be used in F"?"11F "P" operationO '&/ is the value of the &2 H'umber of ProcessesH- and the &2 is the number of F./J processes which could be used in F"?"11F "P" operation.

3T after the 32 has received &2 HF"?"&1F 5istHP 8T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration ModeH is set to H&mplicitHP 9T transmit the F"?"&1F accordin to the confi uration in the &2 HF"?"11F 1onfi urationH for ,.*;Mcps T::- of which the position listed in the &2 HF"?"11F "et 1onfi urationinH in acsendin order is indicated by the &2 HF"?"11F &nde(H in this messa e. 8T elseP 9T transmit the F"?"&1F accordin to the &2s HTimeslot 'umberH- H1hannelisation 1odeH and Midamble confi uration &2s. 3T if the &2 H&nitial "P" info for F"?:"1FH is includedP 8T perform F"?"11F "P" operation on the semi?persistent F"?P:"1F resource confi ured by the &2 at the 17' determined by the &2 H.ctivation TimeH and the &2 H"ubframe numberH. *T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.99.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the &2 H&nitial "P" info for F"?:"1FH is included- the calculation of assi ned initial F"?:"1F "P" transmission rant is specified in subclause ;.=.=.,=a ,T else if the &2 HF"?:"1F "P" &nformationH is not included- the 32 shallP *T set the variable F"G:"1FG"P"G"T.T3" to 7.5"2O *T clear the variable F"G:"1FG"P"GP./.M"O *T stop all F"?:"1F "P" related activities.


Seco$dar7 ce M:M6 !ara9eters

&f the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO parametersH is included- the 32 shallP ,T :etermine the value for the correspondin "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.9<O ,T determine the confi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity as specified in subclause ;.9.=+. 'OT2P This subclause applies to 7:: only.


U! i$> Seco$dar7 (e :$3o &44 (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H'ew confi urationHP *T if the &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH is included in the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HP 3T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH included in the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH is different from the stored freAuency infoP 8T stop intra?freAuency and inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the downlin# freAuency associated with the current secondary uplin# freAuency. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. 3T store the &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH- replacin any stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH. *T if the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH is included in the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HP 3T store the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH- replacin any stored &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH. *T if the &2 H:ownlin# information per radio lin# list on secondary 35 freAuencyH is included in the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::HP 3T act as specified in subclause ;.=.=.3b. ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H1ontinueH and the 32 has any stored &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHP *T #eep the stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH. ,T if "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable is set to T/32P *T if the &2 H3./71' downlin# ('d)H is present in the first &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H and is different from the stored H7reAuency infoH in the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHP 3T 32 behaviour is unspecified. *T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' was previously set to 7.5"2O or *T if the &2 H7reAuency infoH included in the &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH is different from the previously stored freAuency infoP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T continue inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the downlin# freAuency associated with the new secondary uplin# freAuency. The 32 shall not reAuire compressed mode to perform the measurementre ardless of the activation status of secondary uplin# freAuency. &f the &2 H3plin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is not included and the 32 has any stored &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonH- the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 H"econdary servin 2?:1F cell infoH and &2 H"econdary 2?:1F info commonHO ,T stop intra?freAuency and inter?freAuency measurements reportin on the downlin# freAuency associated with the current secondary uplin# freAuency. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity.


#dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44

&f the &2 H.dditional downlin# secondary cell info list 7::H is included- the 32 shall process its parameters as specified in ;.=.=.89. &f the &2 H.dditional downlin# secondary cell info list 7::H is not included- the 32 shall clear the second and third entries in the variables :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O- "21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O'"21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3" and "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3".


MU-M:M6 i$3o (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 HM3?M&MO infoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T act as specified in clauses ;.9.=,O ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration M3?M&MO infoH has the value H1ontinueHP *T continue usin the stored parameters in the M3GM&MOG&'7O variableO ,T otherwiseP *T store and perform M3?M&MO in the direction indicated by &2 HM3?M&MO operationHO *T store and use the midamble indicated by &2 HMidamble confi urationH- &2 HMidamble shiftH and &2 HTimeslot informationH- the calculation of assi ned "tandalone midamble transmission rant is specified in subclause ;.=.=.,=a.


Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44 (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

The &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::H is used in multiple carriers system. &f the &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::H is included- the 32 shallP ,T if a servin cell chan e will be caused by the received messa eP *T clear the stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H'ew confi urationHP *T if the &2 HT"'?5en thH is includedP 3T store and set the T"' len th to ,8bits. *T elseP 3T store and set the T"' len th to =bits. *T for each carrier in the &2 H35?Multicarrier?2:1F? &nformation 5istHP 3T store the value of H3./71'H in the &2 H3./71'H for the additional 2?:1F carrierP 3T store the 2?P31F confi uration in the &2 H2?P31F infoH for the additional 2?:1F carrierO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T store the 2?.G1F confi uration in the &2 H2?.G1F &nfoH for the additional 2?:1F carrierO 3T store the 2?F&1F confi uration in the &2 H2?F&1F &nfoH for the additional 2?:1F carrierO *T for each carrier in the &2 H35?Multicarrier?2:1F?:elete5istHP 3T delete the stored additional 2?:1F carrier information indicated by the &2 H3./71'H O ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H1ontinueH and the 32 has any stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HP *T #eep the stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::H. &f the &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::H is not included and the 32 has any stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::H- the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 HMulti?carrier 2?:1F &nfo for 51/ T::HO


Ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce i$3or9atio$

&f H"ervin F"?:"1F cell informationH &2 is present- the 32 shallP ,T act on received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=P ,T if the &2s H.1%H- H'.1%H- and HF./JGpreambleGmodeH are present- act on the received information elementsO *T if the new F?/'T& and HPrimary 1P&1F infoH are includedP 3T consider the cell indicated in Primary 1P&1F as servin F"?:"1F cell and no lon er consider any other radio lin# as servin F"?:"1F cell. &f any &2 H:ownlin# "econdary 1ell &nfo 7::H is included for a cell associated with a servin F"?:"1F cell- consider that cell a secondary servin F"?:"1F cell on the appropriate freAuency. ,T if the &2 HM.1?hs reset indicatorH is includedP *T if inter?'ode 0 Multiflow operation is not confi uredP 3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity D,9E. *T elseP 3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity related to the servin cell D,9E. ,T if the &2 HM.1?hs reset indicator for Multiflow assistin cellsH is includedP *T if inter?'ode 0 Multiflow operation is confi uredP 3T reset the M.1?hs@ehs entity related to the confi ured assistin cells D,9E. *T elseP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T determine the value for the F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*9.


)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H2?:1F reconfi uration informationH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H2?:1F /5 &nfo other cellsH is presentP *T if the &2 H2?F&1F &nformationH is presentP 3T store the 2?F&1F and 2?/G1F information (if present)- contained therein- for the indicated radio lin#. *T if the &2 H2?F&1F release indicatorH is presentP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T delete the stored 2?F&1F- 2?.G1F and 2?/G1F (if any) confi urationsO 3T if variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32P 8T delete the stored 2?F&1F confi uration for the secondary stream. *T if the &2 H"econdary T0 2?F&1F release indicatorH is presentP 3T delete the stored 2?F&1F confi uration for the secondary stream. *T if the &2 H2?/G1F release indicatorH is set presentP 3T delete the stored 2?/G1F confi uration for this /5. ,T if the &2 H2?:1F /5 &nfo new servin cellH is presentP *T consider the cell indicated in HPrimary 1P&1F infoH as servin 2?:1F radio lin# and no lon er consider any other radio lin# as servin 2?:1F radio lin#O *T store the 2?F&1F and 2?/G1F information (if present)- contained therein- for the new servin 2?:1F radio lin#O *T if the &2 H2?/G1F release indicatorH is presentP 3T delete the stored 2?/G1F confi uration for this /5. *T store the newly received 2?.G1F confi urationO *T if the &2 H2?/O1F &nfoH is presentP 3T store the newly received 2?/O1F confi urationO *T if the &2 H"ervin GrantH is included- and if the &2 H"ervin Grant BalueH is not includedP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the &2s H2?:P11F@:P11F power offsetH and@or H/eference 2?T71& POH and@or HPower offset for schedulin infoH are present- act on the received information elements. ,T if the servin 2?:1F radio lin# was another radio lin# than this radio lin# prior to reception of the messa eP *T if the &2 H'ew Primary 2?/'T&H is not includedP 3T clear the Primary 2?/'T& stored in the variable 2G/'T&. *T if the &2 H'ew "econdary 2?/'T&H is not includedP 3T clear the "econdary 2?/'T& stored in the variable 2G/'T&. ,T determine the value for the 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.*;.


#dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2

&f the &2 H.dditional downlin# secondary cell info list 7:: *H is included- the 32 shall process its parameters as specified in ;.=.=.89. &f the &2 H.dditional downlin# secondary cell info list 7:: *H is not included- the 32 shall clear the fourth- the fifththe si(th and the seventh entries in the variables :OC'5&'%G"21O':./KG1255G&'7O"21O':./KG1255GF"G:"1FG/212PT&O'- and "21O':./KG1255GM&MOG"T.T3".


U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44

&f the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H'ew confi urationHP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T store the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H- replacin any stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H. ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H1ontinueH and the 32 has any stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::HP *T #eep the stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H. &f the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H is not included and the 32 has any stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H- the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H. :etermine the value for the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>.


U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44

&f the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T store the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H. &f the &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H is not included and the 32 has any stored &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H- the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 H3plin# O5T: info 7::H. :etermine the value for the variable 3P5&'%GO5T:GT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<+.


&-TP:(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3o

&f the &2 H7?TP&1F reconfi uration infoH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H7?TP&1F info other cellsH is presentP *T for each radio lin#P 3T if the &2 H7?TP&1F infoH is presentP 8T store the 7?TP&1F confi uration- contained therein- for the indicated radio lin#. 3T if the &2 H7?TP&1F release indicatorH is presentP 8T delete the stored 7?TP&1F confi uration- for the indicated radio lin#. ,T if the &2 H7?TP&1F info new cell that determines the precodin wei htsH is presentP *T store the 7?TP&1F confi uration- contained therein- for the radio lin# transmitted from the servin F"?:"1F cell if F"?:"1F is confi ured or from the cell identified by the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F infoH in the &2 H3plin# 15T: info 7::H if only :1F is confi ured. ,T determine the value for the variable 3P5&'%G15T:GT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.=>.


(o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44

&f the &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H'ew confi urationHP *T store the &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H- replacin any stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H. ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H1ontinueH and the 32 has any stored &2 H 1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::HP


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*T #eep the stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H. &f the &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H is not included and the 32 has any stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::Hthe 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 H1ommon 2?/G1F info 7::H. :etermine the value for the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2/G1F and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.<9.


M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T)''#S !ara9eters (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas parametersH is included- the 32 shallP ,T act as specified in clauses ;.9.<; and ;.9.<>O ,T &f the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas parameters H is set to H'ew confi urationHP *T &f the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2P 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. *T otherwiseP 3T if the 32 supports M&MO mode with four transmit antennas only with dual stream restrictionP 8T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas restricted to dual stream transmission- usin the parameter values stored in the variable M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M". 3T elseP 8T indicate to lower layers to start operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas- usin the parameter values stored in the variable M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."GP./.M". ,T &f the &2 HM&MO mode with four transmit antennas parametersH is set to HcontinueHP *T &f the M&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable is set to 7.5"2P 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. ,T when M&MO mode with four transmit antennas is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined. ,T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F usa e for 1hannel 2stimationH is set to HPrimary 1P&1F shall not be usedHP *T the 32 behavior is undefined. ,T if the &2 H"econdary 1P&1F &nfoH is included and if the &2 H1hannelisation codeH in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas pilot confi uration is different from the &2 H1hannelisation 1odeH in "econdary 1P&1F infoP *T the 32 behavior is undefined. ,T if the &2 H"econdary 1P&1F &nfoH is included and if the &2s HPower Offset for "?1P&1F for M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on .ntenna*H- H1ommon Power Offset for "?1P&1F for M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on .ntenna3 and 8H and H1ommon Power Offset for :?1P&1F for M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on .ntenna3 and 8H are provided- then pass the offset value received in the &2s HPower Offset for "? 1P&1F for M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on .ntenna*H- H1ommon Power Offset for "?1P&1F for M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on .ntenna3 and 8H- and H1ommon Power Offset for :?1P&1F for M&MO mode with four transmit antennas on .ntenna3 and 8H to the lower layers. ,T determine the confi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity as specified in subclause ;.9.=+.


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,T when M&MO mode with four transmit antennas only with dual stream restriction is confi uredP *T if M.1?ehs is not confi uredP 3T the 32 behaviour is undefined.


Seco$dar7 ce M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T)''#S !ara9eters (&44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H"econdary cell M&MO mode with four transmit antennas parametersH is included- the 32 shallP ,T :etermine the value for the correspondin "21O':./KG1255GM&MOGMO:2GC&TFG7O3/GT/.'"M&TG.'T2''."G"T.T3" variable and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.;+O ,T determine the confi uration of HT"' field e(tensionH for M.1?ehs entity as specified in subclause ;.9.=+.


U! i$> M:M6 i$3o &44

&f the &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H is included and the 32 will be in 1255G:1F state after completion of this procedure- the 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H'ew confi urationHP *T store the &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H- replacin any stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H. ,T if the 1FO&12 H1onfi uration infoH is set to H1ontinueH and the 32 has any stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::HP *T #eep the stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H. &f the &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H is not included and the 32 has any stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H- the 32 shallP ,T clear the stored &2 H3plin# M&MO info 7::H. :etermine the value for the variable 3P5&'%GM&MOGT/.'"M&""&O' and ta#e the correspondin actions as described in subclause ;.9.;,.

=.6./ Measure9e$t i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

On reception of measurement information elements the 32 shallP ,T store the received information in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK and 1255G&'7OG5&"T as specifiedO ,T perform further actions as specified in subclause ;.=.< and subclause ;.8- based on the content of the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. &f a confi uration is considered to be invalid the 32 mayP ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


Measure9e$t 5a idit7

&f the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for a iven measurement has not been included in measurement control informationthe 32 shall delete the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK after the 32 ma#es a transition to a new state. &f the &2 Hmeasurement validityH for this measurement has been included in measurement control information- the 32 shall save the measurement associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. The &2 H32 stateH defines the scope of resumin the measurement. &f the H32 stateH is defined as Hall statesH- the 32 shall continue the measurement after ma#in a transition to a new state. This scope is assi ned for traffic volume measurement type and 32 positionin measurement type. 7or traffic volume measurement type this scope can only be applied by the 32 if the &2 H traffic volume measurement objectH has


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been included in measurement control information. &f the &2 H traffic volume measurement objectH has not been included in measurement control information- the 32 shall not save the measurement control information in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK- but shall send a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 7.&53/2 messa e to the 3T/.' with failure cause H1onfi uration incompleteH. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- this scope is also assi ned for intra?freAuency measurement type and inter?freAuency measurement type. &f the H32 stateH is defined as Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FH- the 32 shall store the measurement to be resumed after a subseAuent transition from 1255G:1F state to any of the other states in connected mode. This scope is assi ned for traffic volume measurement type or 32 positionin measurement type. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- this scope is also assi ned for intra?freAuency measurement type and inter?freAuency measurement type. &f the H32 stateH is defined as H1255G:1FH- the 32 shall store the measurement to be resumed after a subseAuent transition to 1255G:1F state. 7or 7::- 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- if the &2 Hmeasurement typeH received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is set to Hinter?freAuency measurementH or Hintra?freAuency measurementH and the &2 Hmeasurement validityH is present and is set to a value other than H1255G:1FH- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


&i ter coe33icie$t

&f the &2 H7ilter coefficientH is received the 32 shall- dependin on the measurement Auantity (see Table ;.=.<.*)- apply filterin of the measurements for that measurement Auantity accordin to the formula below. This filterin shall be performed by the 32 before 32 event evaluation. The 32 shall dependin on the reportin Auantity (see Table ;.=.<.*)also filter the measurements reported in the &2 HMeasured resultsH and HMeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyHor H2?3T/. measured resultsH. The filterin shall not be performed for the measurements reported in the &2 HMeasured results on /.1FH and for cell?reselection in connected or idle mode. The filterin shall be performed accordin to the followin formula.

"n = (, a ) "n , + a M n
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP Fn is the updated filtered measurement result Fn-1 is the old filtered measurement result Mn is the latest received measurement result from physical layer measurements- the unit used for Mn is the same unit as the reported unit in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e or the unit used in the event evaluation. a W ,@*(#@*)- where # is the parameter received in the &2 H7ilter coefficientH. 'OT2P if k is set to + that will mean no layer 3 filterin .

&n order to initialise the avera in filter- F0 is set to M1 when the first measurement result from the physical layer measurement is received. The physical layer measurement results are sampled once every measurement period. The measurement period and the accuracy for a certain measurement is defined in D,>E and D*+E. Table ;.=.<.* lists for all measurement Auantities and reportin Auantities if 53?filterin is applicable or not and used 53?filterin type for each measurement Auantity. Ta;le *#(#)#!. 73 filterin- applica;le for each 2easure2ent >uantit4 and reportin- >uantit4 +easure ent- 7 "eporting quantity Pathloss 1ell synchronisation information 1ell &dentity 7reAuency Auality estimate $8-filtering applica&le Kes 'o 'o 'o $inear or logarit( ic filtering 5o ? ? ? .lthou h the freAuency Co ent


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Auality estimate itself is not filtered- the inputs to the freAuency Auality estimate calculation (1P&1F 2c@'+ or 1P&1F /"1P or P?11P1F /"1P) are filtered 3T/. carrier /""& G"M carrier /""& 32 transmitted power 7:: T 32 /(?T( time difference T 1P&1F 2c@'+ T 1P&1F /"1P T:: T Primary 11P1F /"1P T Proposed TG"' T Timeslot &"1P T T.:B (,.*; Mcps T::) T .pplied T. (3.;8 Mcps T::) T .pplied T. (<.=; Mcps T::) 2?3T/. /"/P 2?3T/. /"/J Kes 'o Kes 'o 'o 'o Kes Kes 5o ? 5o ? ? ? 5o 5o 'o Kes Kes ? 5o 5o Kes Kes Kes 5o 5o 5o

The 32 shall support * different layer 3 filters per measurement type defined in subclause ;.8.+ (i.e. the 32 shall be capable to apply at least * different 53 filters to intra?freAuency measurement results Q see 'OT2- at least * different 53 filters to inter?freAuency measurement results- etc.). &f a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received that would reAuire the 32 to confi ure more than * different layer 3 filters- the 32 mayP ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 'OT2P .ny 53 filter applied to a measurement confi ured with measurement Auantity and@or reportin Auantity that evaluates or reports measurement results for the current used freAuency- is counted as one intra? freAuency 53 filter- and is therefore included in the count of used intra?freAuency filters.


:$tra-3reBue$c70:$ter-3reBue$c70:$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist

&f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP *T i nore the &2. ,T if the &2 H'ew &ntra?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP


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3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,bis- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some intra?freAuency cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all intra?freAuency cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an intra?freAuency cell in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no intra?freAuency cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &ntra?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and


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8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H&ntra?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some intra?freAuency cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all intra?freAuency cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an intra?freAuency cell in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no intra?freAuency cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &ntra?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &ntra?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa e onlyP *T consider &ntra?freAuency cells whose cell information is stored at the position indicated by the &2 H&ntra? freAuency cell idH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is not received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa eP *T consider all &ntra?freAuency cells whose cell information is stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H1"G &ntra?freAuency cell infoH is receivedP *T store the received information in the 1"G &ntra?freAuency cell info in the variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T. *T consider the cells in 1"G &ntra?freAuency cell info in variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T as monitored set and consider the cells not included in the 1"G &ntra?freAuency cell info as detected set for the associated measurement.


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&f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info list on secondary 35 freAuencyH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to 7.5"2P *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. ,T if the 1FO&12 H&ntra?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some intra?freAuency cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the &ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all intra?freAuency cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an intra?freAuency cell on secondary 35 freAuency in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the &ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no intra?freAuency cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &ntra?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa e onlyP *T consider &ntra?freAuency cells whose cell information is stored at the position indicated by the &2 H&ntra? freAuency cell idH in the &ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is not received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa eP *T consider all &ntra?freAuency cells whose cell information is stored in the &ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,, update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP


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*T i nore the &2. ,T if the &2 H'ew &nter?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,bis- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the 1FO&12 H&nter?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some inter?freAuency cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all inter?freAuency cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an inter?freAuency cell in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no inter?freAuency cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &nter?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P


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*T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell info listH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin orderP ,T if the 1FO&12 H&nter?freAuency cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some inter?freAuency cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all inter?freAuency cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an inter?freAuency cell in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no inter?freAuency cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &nter?freAuency cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is receivedP 8T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&nter?freAuency cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa e onlyP *T consider &nter?freAuency cells whose cell information is stored at the position indicated by the &2 H&nter? freAuency cell idH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is not received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa eP *T consider all &nter?freAuency cells whose cell information is stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T.


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,T if the &2 H1"G &nter freAuency cell infoH is receivedP *T store the received information in the 1"G &nter?freAuency cell info in the variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T. *T consider the cells in 1"G &nter?freAuency cell info in variable 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T as monitored set for the associated measurement. &f the 32 supports multi?band si nalin and the &2 HMultiple 7reAuency &nfo 5ist 7::H is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,, or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,bis or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly. The 32 shallP ,T if the stored 3./71' downlin# ('d) in 7reAuency &nfo in 1255G&'7OG5&"T variable matches with the 3./71' downlin# ('d) included in the &2 H7reAuency &nfoH or if the 32 does not reco ni!e the 3./71' downlin# ('d)O and *T if the 32 supports at least one band indicated in the &2 HMultiple 7reAuency 0ands &ndicator 5ist 7::HP 3T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 3./71' downlin#('d) and 3./71' uplin# ('u) valuesO 3T overwrite the 7reAuency &nfo in 1255G&'7OG5&"T variable with the new 3./71' downlin#('d) and 3./71' uplin# ('u) values. &f the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T i nore the &2 H&nter?/.T cell removalH. ,T if the &2 H'ew &nter?/.T cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T if the &2 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH is set to H'oneHP 3T i nore the cell. *T otherwiseP 3T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 8T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is receivedP 9T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 9T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 8T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is not receivedP 9T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 9T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is receivedP *T i nore the &2. ,T set the H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH to the value H+H and mar# the indication status HpresentH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,bis- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is receivedP


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8T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 8T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 3T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is not receivedP 8T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. &f the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some inter?/.T cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all inter?/.T cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an inter?/.T cell in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no inter?/.T cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &nter?/.T cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T if the &2 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH is set to H'oneHP 3T i nore the cell. *T otherwiseP 3T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 8T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is receivedP 9T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 9T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 8T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is not receivedP 9T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 9T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is receivedP *T i nore the &2O ,T set the H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH to the value H+H and mar# the indication status HpresentH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP


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,T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some inter?/.T cellsH- at the position indicated by the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idHP 3T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 3T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove all inter?/.T cellsHP 3T for each position referrin to an inter /.T cell in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TP 8T clear the cell information stored in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 8T mar# the position HvacantH. *T if it has the value H/emove no inter?/.T cellsHP 3T leave the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew &nter?/.T cellsH is received- for each cell- and in the same order as the cells appear in the &2P *T if the &2 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH is set to H'oneHP 3T i nore the cell. *T otherwiseP 3T update the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T as followsP 8T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is receivedP 9T store received cell information at this position in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO and 9T mar# the position HoccupiedH. 8T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH is not receivedP 9T store the received cell information at the first vacant position in ascendin order in the &nter?/.T cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"TO and 9T mar# the position as HoccupiedH. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa e onlyP *T consider &nter?/.T cells whose cell information is stored at the position indicated by the &2 H&nter?/.T cell idH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H1ells for measurementH is not received- in the measurement confi ured by this messa eP *T consider all &nter?/.T cells whose cell information is stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H1ell selection and re?selection info for "&0,,@,*H is presentP *T i nore the &2. ,T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH is presentP *T store the received value of the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH and mar# the indication status HpresentH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T if the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH is not presentP *T clear the H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH and mar# the indication status Hnot presentH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T.


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7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info listH or H&nter?freAuency cell info listH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"'P5 Monitor "et &ndicatorH is receivedP *T consider 2?:1F carriers whose nei hbour cells are the same for "'P5 caculation into a "'P5 carrier roupO *T confi ure the M.1?i@is entity with the "'P5 carrier roups information. 'OT2P &f 3T/.' si nallin would result in more than Hma(1ellMeasH cells for the &ntra?freAuency cell information list on primary uplin# freAuency- &nter?freAuency cell information list or &nter?/.T cell information list the 32 behaviour is unspecified.'OT2P &f 3T/.' si nallin would result in more than Hma(1ellMeasOn"ec357reAH cells for the &ntra?freAuency cell information list on secondary uplin# freAuency the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


UTR# !riorit7 i$3o ist

&f the &2 H3T/. priority info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,>- the 32 shallP ,T if the value of the &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T eAuals HdedicatedGpriorityHP *T store the value of the &2s H"prioritysearch,H- H"prioritysearch*H- HThreshservin -lowH and HThreshservin -low*H in the &2 H3T/. "ervin 1ellH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"TO *T if any of the values in any of the occurrences of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH in any occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T is the freAuency of the servin cellP 3T store the value of the &2 HpriorityH in the &2 H3T/. "ervin 1ellH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T. *T otherwiseP 3T clear the value of the &2 HpriorityH in the &2 H3T/. "ervin 1ellH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T. *T for each occurrence of the &2 H3T/.' 7:: 7reAuenciesHP 3T if the value of the &2 H3./71'H e(ists in the list of 3T/. 7:: priorities in the P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T then- in the occurrence of &2 H7reAuency 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with that value of the &2 H3./71'HP 8T store the value of the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJAualmin7::H and HJr(levmin7::H. *T for each occurrence of the &2 H3T/.' T:: 7reAuenciesHP 3T if the value of the &2 H3./71'H e(ists in the list of 3T/. T:: priorities in the P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T then- in the occurrence of &2 H7reAuency 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with that value of the &2 H3./71'HP 8T store the value of the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH and HJr(levminT::H. ,T otherwiseP *T update the P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T &2 HPriority statusH to cause HsysGinfoGpriorityH. *T store information in the &2 H3T/. "ervin 1ellH in the &2 H3T/. "ervin 1ellH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"TO *T for each occurrence of the &2 H3T/.' 7:: 7reAuenciesHP 3T if an entry already e(ists in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with the same priority value as indicated in the &2 HpriorityH and has the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH set to H3T/. 7::HP


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8T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency 5istH in that occurrence of &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH- and store the value of H3./71'H in the &2 H3./71'H in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJAualmin7::H and HJr(levmin7::H. 3T otherwiseP 8T create a new entry in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH and store the value of HpriorityH in the &2 HpriorityH in this occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 9T set the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH to H3T/. 7::H and store the value of H3./71'H in the &2 H3./71'H in the first occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJAualmin7::H and HJr(levmin7::H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH. *T for each occurrence of the &2 H3T/.' T:: 7reAuenciesHP 3T if an entry already e(ists in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with the same priority value as indicated in the &2 HpriorityH and has the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH set to H3T/. T::HP 8T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency 5istH in that occurrence of &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH- and store the value of H3./71'H in the &2 H3./71'H in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH and HJr(levminT::H. 3T otherwiseP 8T create a new entry in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH and store the value of HpriorityH in the &2 HpriorityH in this occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 9T set the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH to H3T/. T::H and store the value of H3./71'H in the &2 H3./71'H in the first occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH and HJr(levminT::H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH.


GSM !riorit7 i$3o ist

&f the &2 HG"M priority info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,>- the 32 shallP ,T if the value of the &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T eAuals HdedicatedGpriorityHP *T for each occurrence of the &2 HG"M Priority &nfoHP 3T store the &2s HJr(levminG"MH- HThresh(- hi hH and HThresh(- lowH in every entry of P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH set to HG"MH- which contains an &2 H011F ./71'H matchin a 011F ./71' indicated in the &2 HG"M cell roupH. ,T otherwiseP *T for each occurrence of the &2 HG"M Priority &nfoHP 3T create a new entry in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in this new entryP 8T store the value of &2 HpriorityH from the &2 HG"M Priority &nfoH- and set the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH to HG"MHO 8T for each of the 011F ./71's indicated by the &2 HG"M cell roupHP


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9T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency 5istH and store the &2s H0and &ndicatorHHJr(levminG"MH- HThresh(- hi hH and HThresh(- lowH and store the indicated 011F ./71' in the &2 H011F ./71'H.


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 i$3o ist

&f the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority info listH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,>- the 32 shallP ,T for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityHP *T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency &nfo 5istH in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 3T store the &2s H2./71'H and HMeasurement bandwidthHO 3T if the &2 H0lac#listed cells per freA listH is present in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityHP 8T store the blac#listed cells information. *T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71'H and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info listH is presentP 3T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP 8T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO 8T overwrite the previously stored 2./71' value with the computed 2./71' downlin#('d) value. ,T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. band =9 or hi her- for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionHP *T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency &nfo e(tension 5istH in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 3T store the &2s H2./71' e(tensionH and HMeasurement bandwidthHO 3T if the &2 H0lac#listed cells per freA listH is present in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionHP 8T store the blac#listed cells information. *T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info e(tension listH is presentP 3T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator e(tension listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP 8T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO 8T overwrite the previously stored 2./71' e(tension value with the computed 2./71' downlin#('d) value. ,T if the value of the &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T eAuals HdedicatedGpriorityHP *T for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityHP 3T if the value of &2 H2./71'H e(ists in the list of 2?3T/. priorities in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- then in that occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istHP 8T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence. 8T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence if the &2s are present.


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8T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence is present 9T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0H 9T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H 3T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71'H and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info listH is presentP 8T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP 9T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO 9T if the computed 2./71' value e(ists in the list of 2?3T/. priorities in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- then in that occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istHP =T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence. =T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence if the &2s are present. =T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence is present <T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0H <T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H *T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. band =9 or hi her- for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionHP 3T if the value of &2 H2./71' e(tensionH e(ists in the list of 2?3T/. priorities in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- then in that occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo e(tension 5istHP 8T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence. 8T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence if the &2s are present. 8T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence is presentP 9T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0HO 9T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H. 3T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info e(tension listH is presentP 8T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator e(tension listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP 9T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO 9T if the computed 2./71' value e(ists in the list of 2?3T/. priorities in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- then in that occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo e(tension 5istHP


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=T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence. =T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence if the &2s are present. =T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence is presentP <T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0HO <T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H. ,T otherwiseP *T for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityHP 3T if an entry already e(ists in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with the same priority value as indicated in the &2 HpriorityH and has the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH set to H2?3T/.HP 8T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency 5istH in that occurrence of &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH- and store the value of H2./71'H in the &2 H2./71'H in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- andP 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH if the &2s are present. 9T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence is present =T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0H =T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H 8T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71'H and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info listH is presentO 9T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP =T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO =T overwrite the previously stored 2./71' value in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with the computed 2./71' downlin# ('d) value. 3T otherwiseP 8T create a new entry in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH and store the value of HpriorityH in the &2 HpriorityH in this occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 9T set the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH to H2?3T/.H and store the value of H2./71'H in the &2 H2./71'H in the first occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istHO


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9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH if the &2s are present. 9T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priorityH occurrence is present =T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0H =T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H 9T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71'H and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info listH is presentO =T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP <T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO <T overwrite the previously stored 2./71' value in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency 5istH with the computed 2./71' downlin# ('d) value. 3T store the &2 H2?3T/. detectionH. *T if the 32 supports 2?3T/. band =9 or hi her- for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionHP 3T if an entry already e(ists in the &2 HPriority &nfo e(tension 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with the same priority value as indicated in the &2 HpriorityH and has the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH set to H2?3T/.HP 8T create a new entry in the &2 H7reAuency 5istH in that occurrence of &2 HPriority &nfo e(tension 5istHand store the value of H2./71' e(tensionH in the &2 H2./71'H in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- andP 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istH if the &2s are present. 9T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence is presentP =T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0HO =T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H. 8T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info e(tension listH is presentO 9T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator e(tension listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP =T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO =T overwrite the previously stored 2./71' e(tension value in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T with the computed 2./71' downlin# ('d) value. 3T otherwiseP


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8T create a new entry in the &2 HPriority &nfo e(tension 5istH and store the value of HpriorityH in the &2 HpriorityH in this occurrence of the &2 HPriority &nfo e(tension 5istH within the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 9T set the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH to H2?3T/.H and store the value of H2./71' e(tensionH in the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH in the first occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi hH- HThresh(- lowH- HJr(levmin23T/.H and HJAualmin23T/.H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istHO 9T store the &2s HThresh(- hi h*H and HThresh(- low*H in that occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istH if the &2s are present. 9T if the &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H from the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency and priority e(tensionH occurrence is presentP =T calculate the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.H minus the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H and store it in H23T/.?/"/J?offsetC0HO =T store the value of the received &2 HJAualmin23T/.?C0H in HJAualmin23T/.H. 9T if the 32 supports multi?band si nallin and if the 32 does not reco nise the 2./71' in the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH and the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency info e(tension listH is presentO =T if the &2 HMultiple 2?3T/. freAuency band indicator e(tension listH is present and the 32 supports at least one of the indicated 2?3T/. bandsP <T e(tract the first supported band from the order of appearance and compute the correspondin 2./71' downlin#('d) valueO <T overwrite the previously stored 2./71' e(tension value in this occurrence of the &2 H7reAuency e(tension 5istH with the computed 2./71' downlin# ('d) value. 3T store the &2 H2?3T/. detectionH.


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist

&f the H2?3T/. freAuency listH &2 is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T accordin ly and in the followin order. The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency removalH is receivedP *T if it has the value H/emove some freAuenciesH- for all the freAuencies indicated by the &2 H/emoved freAuenciesHP 3T clear the information stored in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T for the indicated freAuencies in H2?3T/. freAuency listH &2 and H2?3T/. freAuency e(tension listH &2. *T if it has the value H/emove all freAuenciesHP 3T clear the information stored in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T for all freAuencies. *T if it has the value H/emove no freAuenciesHP 3T leave the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T unchan ed. ,T if the &2 H'ew freAuenciesH is received- for each freAuencyP *T update the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T as followsP 3T if the freAuency is not present in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TP 8T store the information for the received freAuency- includin measurement bandwidth- blac#list and wideband /"/J measurements- in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T. 3T otherwise- if the freAuency is already included in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TP


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8T store the information for the received freAuency- includin measurement bandwidth- blac#list and wideband /"/J measurements- in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T- overwritin the e(istin information for the freAuency.


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

&f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement AuantityH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMeasurement AuantityH is set to HpathlossHO and *T for any intra?freAuency cell indicated by the &2 H1ells for measurementH- if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH in 7:: or the &2 HPrimary 11P1F TI PowerH in T:: in the intra freAuency cell info list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is not present- orO *T for any intra?freAuency cell indicated by the &2 H1ells for measurementH- if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH in 7:: in the intra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuency list in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T is not presentP 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. *T elseP 3T confi ure the measurement Auantity accordin ly. ,T elseP *T confi ure the measurement Auantity accordin ly.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

&f the &2 H&nter?/.T measurement AuantityH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e and 1FO&12 system is G"M- the 32 shallP ,T if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to HreAuiredH- for cells that match any of the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations in the list of inter?/.T cells that the 32 has received in &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH- and that has a HverifiedH 0"&1P *T report measurement Auantities accordin to &2 Hinter?/.T reportin AuantityH ta#in into account the restrictions defined in subclause ;.=.<.=O *T tri er inter?/.T events accordin to &2 Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaHO and *T perform event evaluation for event?tri ered reportin after 0"&1 has been verified for a G"M cell as defined in D,>EO and *T tri er periodical reports accordin to the iven H/eportin intervalHO and *T when a periodical measurement report is tri ered- include only 0"&1 verified G"M cells in the &2 H&nter? /.T measured results listHO and 3T indicate verified 0"&1 for a G"M cell in the &2 H&nter?/.T measured results listH as defined in subclause ;.=.<.=. *T when an event tri ered measurement report is tri ered- include only 0"&1 verified G"M cells in the &2 H&nter?/.T measured results listHO and 3T indicate verified 0"&1 for a G"M cell in the &2 H&nter?/.T measured results listH as defined in subclause ;.=.<.=. ,T if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to Hnot reAuiredH- for cells that match any of the 011F ./71' in the list of inter?/.T cells that the 32 has received in &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH- re ardless if the 0"&1 is HverifiedH or Hnon?verifiedHP *T report measurement Auantities accordin to &2 Hinter?/.T reportin AuantityHO


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*T tri er inter?/.T events accordin to &2 Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaHO *T when an event tri ered or periodical measurement report is tri ered- include G"M cells in the &2 H&nter? /.T measured results listH re ardless of whether the 0"&1 of the G"M cell has been verified or notO and 3T for any G"M cell that has not been verified- indicate non?verified 0"&1 for a G"M cell in the H&nter?/.T measured results listH &2 as defined in subclause ;.=.<.=. 3T for any G"M cell that has been verified- indicate verified 0"&1 for a G"M cell in the H&nter?/.T measured results listH &2 as defined in subclause ;.=.<.=. ,T if the &2 HMeasurement AuantityH is set to HpathlossHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 'OT2P The reAuirements for a cell to be considered HverifiedH or Hnon?verifiedH can be found in D,>E.

&f the &2 H&nter?/.T measurement AuantityH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e and 1FO&12 system is 2?3T/.- the 32 shallP ,T for cells whose carrier freAuency matches any of the 2./71's or e(tended 2./71's in the list of 2?3T/. freAuencies that the 32 has stored in the variable H23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TH- and for which the Physical 1ell &dentity is not included in the blac#list for that freAuencyP *T report measurement Auantities accordin to &2 Hinter?/.T reportin AuantityH ta#in into account the restrictions defined in subclause ;.=.<.=O *T tri er inter?/.T events accordin to &2 Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaHO and *T perform event evaluation for event?tri ered reportin O andP *T tri er periodical reports accordin to the iven H/eportin intervalHO and *T when a periodical measurement report is tri ered- for each freAuency include in the &2 H2?3T/. measured results listH only 2?3T/. cells for which the Physical layer 1ell &dentity has been identified and is not included in the blac#list for that freAuencyO and 3T include the Physical layer 1ell &dentity for a 2?3T/. cell in the &2 H2?3T/. measured results listH as defined in subclause ;.=.<.=. *T when an event tri ered measurement report is tri ered- include in the &2 H2?3T/. measured results listH only 2?3T/. cells for which the Physical layer 1ell &dentity has been identified and is not included in the blac#list for that freAuencyO and 3T include the Physical layer 1ell &dentity for a 2?3T/. cell in the &2 H2?3T/. measured results listH as defined in subclause ;.=.<.=.


:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

&f the &2 H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T store the content of the &2 to the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. &f the &2 H&nter?/.T measurement AuantityH is received and 1FO&12 system is G"M- the 32 shall chec# each Auantity in the G"M choice. The 32 shall include measured results in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as specified in the &2 H&nter? /.T reportin AuantityH with the followin restrictionsP ,T if the 32 has not confirmed the 0"&1 of the measured cellP *T if no compressed mode pattern seAuence specified with measurement purpose H&nitial 0"&1 identificationH is active and accordin to its capabilities the 32 reAuires compressed mode to measure this- the 32 is not reAuired to include the Hinter?/.T cell idH in the &2 H&nter?/.T measured results listH- when a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T is tri ered. ,T if the 32 has confirmed the 0"&1 of the measured cell- thenP


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*T if no compressed mode pattern seAuence specified with measurement purpose H&nitial 0"&1 identificationH nor H0"&1 re?confirmationH is active and accordin to its capabilities the 32 reAuires compressed mode to measure this- the 32 is not reAuired to include the Hinter?/.T cell idH in the &2 H&nter?/.T measured resultsH- when a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T is tri ered. &f no compressed mode pattern seAuence with measurement purpose HG"M carrier /""& measurementsH is active and accordin to its capabilities the 32 reAuires compressed mode to measure this- the 32 may include Hinter?/.T cell idH in M2."3M2'T /2PO/T without HG"M carrier /""&H even if it is defined in the &2 H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH. ,T if the &2 H3T/.' estimated AualityH is set to T/32P *T i nore that &2. ,T if &2 HG"M 1arrier /""&H is set to T/32P *T include optional &2 HG"M 1arrier /""&H with a value set to the measured /I52B to that G"M cell in &2 H&nter?/.T measured results listH. &f no compressed mode pattern seAuence specified with measurement purpose HG"M carrier /""& measurementsH is active and accordin to its capabilities the 32 reAuires compressed mode to measure this- the 32 is not reAuired to include the HG"M carrier /""&H in the &2 H&nter? /.T measured results listH- when a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T is tri ered. ,T if the 0"&1 of reported G"M cell is HverifiedHP *T set the 1FO&12 0"&1 to HBerified 0"&1H and &2 Hinter?/.T cell idH to the value that G"M cell had in the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH. ,T if the 0"&1 of reported G"M cell is Hnon?verifiedHP *T set the 1FO&12 0"&1 to H'on verified 0"&1H and the &2 H011F ./71'H to the value of that G"M cells ./71'. The reAuirements for a cell to be considered HverifiedH or Hnon?verifiedH can be found in D,>E. &f the &2 H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH is received and 1FO&12 system is 2?3T/.- the 32 shall chec# each Auantity in the 2?3T/. choice. The 32 shall include measured results in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as specified in the &2 H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH.


(e Re!orti$2 Eua$tities

&f the &2 H1ell /eportin JuantitiesH is received by the 32- the 32 shall store the content of the &2 H1ell /eportin JuantitiesH to the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. The 32 shall include measured results in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as specified in the &2 H1ell /eportin JuantitiesH- e(cept for the followin casesP &f the &2 H1ell &dentity reportin indicator H is set to T/32- the 32 shall in this version of the specificationP ,T treat the &2 as if the &2 H1ell &dentity reportin indicatorH is set to 7.5"2- e(cept when confi ured for 1"G related measurements- as described in sections ,8.<a., and ,8.<a.*. &f the &2 H1ell synchronisation information reportin indicatorH is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T include the &2 H1ell synchronisation informationH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as specified in the &2 H1ell /eportin JuantitiesHP *T if the measurement is performed on another freAuencyO or *T if the &2 H/ead "7' indicatorH included in the &2 H1ell infoH of the measured cell is set to 7.5"2P 3T the 32 may omit the information roup H1O3'T?1?"7' frame differenceH in the &2 H1ell synchronisation informationH. *T if the measurement is performed on the same freAuency and no /51 Transparent Mode 1O3'T?1 e(ists in the 32P 3T set the &2 H1O3'T?1?"7' hi hH to +.


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*T otherwiseP 3T include the information roup H1O3'T?1?"7' frame differenceH with &2 H1O3'T?1?"7' hi hH set toP 1O3'T?1?"7' hi h W ((("7' ? (1O3'T?1 mod 8+>=)) mod 8+>=) div *9=) \ *9=O 3T if /51 Transparent Mode 1O3'T?1s e(ist in both 1' domainsP 8T use the 1O3'T?1 of 1" domain in this measurement. &f the &2 HProposed TG"' /eportin reAuiredH is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T if compressed mode was used to monitor a T:: cell and the variable TG"'G/2PO/T2: is set to 7.5"2P *T report the &2 HProposed TG"'H indicatin the TG"' that suits best to the measured cellO *T set the variable TG"'G/2PO/T2: to T/32. ,T otherwise *T omit the &2 HProposed TG"'H.


Periodica Re!orti$2 (riteria

&f the &2 HPeriodical /eportin 1riteriaH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T store the contents of the &2 H.mount of /eportin H and &2 H/eportin intervalH in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. 7or the first M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e- the 32 shallP ,T send the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as soon as all reAuested reportin Auantities are available accordin to the reAuirements and the measurement capabilities set in D,>E and D*+E and in the case of "& acAuisition as soon as "& is available- for at least one measurement object stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK- but never later than one reportin interval after measurement initiation. 7ollowin the first M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e- the 32 shallP ,T send a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e one reportin interval after the previous M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa eO The first and subseAuent periodic M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es shall only include measured results for reportin Auantities that are available accordin to the reAuirements and the measurement capabilities set in D,>E and D*+E and available "& readin results for cells included in the &2s H&ntra?freAuency "& .cAuisitionH- H&nter?freAuency "& .cAuisitionH or H2?3T/. "& .cAuisitionH- i.e. if no measured results are available and the measurement type is not 32 positionin - the &2 HMeasured /esultsH shall not be included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. &f no measured results are available and the measurement type is 32 positionin - the 32 shall include the &2 HMeasured /esultsH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e in order to include the &2 H32 positionin errorH as specified in ;.=.<.,>a and ;.=.<.,>b. .fter the 32 has sent a total number of M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es- which eAual the value indicated in the &2 H.mount of reportin H- the 32 shallP ,T terminate measurement reportin O and ,T delete all measurement information lin#ed with the HMeasurement identityH of the on oin measurement from the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. &f accordin to subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a or ;.=.<.,>.,b- a 32 confi ured with a 32 positionin measurement is unable to report the reAuested measurement results due to missin GP" or G.'"" assistance data and sends a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T containin the &2 H32 positionin errorH and the &2 H2rror reasonH is set to H.ssistance :ata Missin H- then this is not counted in the total number of M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es sent. &f the &2 HPeriodical reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T store the contents of the &2 in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO and


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,T apply the confi urations iven by the &2 for the downlin# freAuency indicated by the &2 H7reAuency infoH in the &2 HPeriodical reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH and associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency as described above.


Re!orti$2 (e Status

&f the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH is received- the 32 shall set the &2 HMeasured /esultsH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as follows. The 32 shallP ,T for intra?freAuency measurement and inter?freAuency measurementP *T include the &2 H1ell Measured /esultsH for cells (e(cludin cells of another /.T) that satisfy the condition (such as H/eport cells within active setH) specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH- in descendin order by the measurement Auantity. *T the ma(imum number of the &2 H1ell Measured /esultsH to be included in the &2 HMeasured /esultsH per reported freAuency is the number specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH. ,T for periodic inter?freAuency measurementP *T include in the &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for all non?used freAuencies. ,T for inter?/.T measurementP *T include the measurement results for cells of other /.T (e. .- G"M or 2?3T/.) that satisfy the condition specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH- in descendin order by the measurement Auantity. *T the ma(imum number of the &2 HMeasured G"M 1ellsH to be included in the &2 HMeasured /esultsH is the number specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusHO orP *T the ma(imum number of the &2 HMeasured 2?3T/. 1ellsH to be included in the &2 H2?3T/. measured resultsH is the number specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH. &f the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH is received- the 32 shall set the &2 HMeasured /esults on "econdary 35 freAuencyH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as follows. The 32 shallP ,T for intra?freAuency measurementP *T include the &2 H1ell Measured /esultsH in the &2 HMeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH for cells (e(cludin cells of another /.T) that satisfy the condition (such as H/eport cells within active setH) specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH- in descendin order by the measurement Auantity. *T the ma(imum number of the &2 H1ell Measured /esultsH in the &2 HMeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH to be included in the &2 HMeasured /esults on "econdary 35 freAuencyH per reported freAuency is the number specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH. &f the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 HPeriodical reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH is received- the 32 shall set the &2 HMeasured /esults on "econdary 35 freAuencyH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T as follows. The 32 shallP ,T include the &2 H1ell Measured /esultsH in the &2 HMeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH for cells (e(cludin cells of another /.T) that satisfy the condition (such as H/eport cells within active setH) specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 HPeriodical reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH- in descendin order by the measurement Auantity. ,T the ma(imum number of the &2 H1ell Measured /esultsH in the &2 HMeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH to be included in the &2 HMeasured /esults on "econdary 35 freAuencyH per reported freAuency is the number specified in the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 HPeriodical reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH. &f the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH is not received for intra?freAuency- inter?freAuency measurement- or inter?/.T measurement- the 32 shallP


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,T for intra?freAuency measurement- inter?freAuency measurement and inter?/.T measurementP *T e(clude the &2 HMeasured /esultsH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T. 'OT2P The &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH within H2vent 1riteria 5istH defines whether H1ell Measured /esultsH is present for event?based reportin .

&f the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyH is not received for intra?freAuency- the 32 shallP ,T for intra?freAuency measurementP *T e(clude the &2 HMeasured /esults on "econdary 35 freAuencyH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T. &f the &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH in the &2 YPeriodical reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyZ is not received- the 32 shallP ,T e(clude the &2 HMeasured /esults on "econdary 35 freAuencyH in M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T. The &2 H/eportin 1ell "tatusH is not included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# ,,@,* for periodic intra?freAuency measurements. &n this case the 32 shall assume the default values H/eport cells within active set and@or monitored set on used freAuencyH and H=H.


Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t

&f the &2 HTraffic Bolume MeasurementH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T store the content of the &2 to the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. &f &2 HTraffic volume measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- and if the &2 Htraffic volume reportin AuantityH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the parameter H.vera e of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H or the parameter HBariance of /51 0uffer payload for each /0H is set to T/32P *T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement AuantityH is not includedP 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. *T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement AuantityH is includedP 3T if the parameter Htime interval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH is not includedP 8T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. &f &2 HTraffic volume measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- but &2 HTraffic volume reportin AuantityH or is not received- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t Re!orti$2 (riteria

&f the &2 HTraffic Bolume Measurement /eportin 1riteriaH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HParameters sent for each transport channelH is absentP *T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O *T set the &2 HProtocol error causeH in the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' to H&nformation element missin H. ,T for each &2 HParameters sent for each transport channelHP *T if the &2 HParameters reAuired for each 2ventH is absentP


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3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


&#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o

&2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH is used to control 32 measurement activities in inter?freAuency and inter?/.T cells in 1255G7.1F state. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to 7.5"2- or for 3.;8Mcps T:: and <.=;Mcps T::P if &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH is received- 32 shall- when in 1255G7.1F stateP ,T if &2 H7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficientH is includedP *T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- 32 is not able to perform some of the indicated measurements in this &2 simultaneously as receivin the "11P1F of servin cellP 3T perform those measurements durin 7.1F measurement occasions- see subclause ;.9.,,. *T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- 32 is able to perform some of the indicated measurements in this &2 simultaneously as receivin the "11P1F of servin cellP 3T 32 may perform measurements also on other occasions. *T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- 32 is able to perform the measurements and indicated in this &2 simultaneously as receivin the "11P1F of servin cellP 3T perform the measurements simultaneously as receivin the "11P1F of servin cell. ,T if &2 H7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficientH is not includedP *T perform those indicated measurements indicated in this &2 that 32- accordin to its measurement capabilitiesis able to perform simultaneously as receivin the "11P1F of servin cell. ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency 7:: measurement indicatorH is set to T/32P *T perform measurements and evaluate cell re?selection criteria accordin to D8E on inter?freAuency 7:: cells listed in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisH- if scheduled on 01Fand H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H- if scheduled on 01F. ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency 7:: measurement indicatorH is set to 7.5"2P *T neither perform measurements nor evaluate cell re?selection criteria on inter?freAuency 7:: cells. ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency T:: measurement indicatorH is set to T/32P *T perform measurements and evaluate cell re?selection criteria accordin to D8E on inter?freAuency T:: cells listed in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisH- if scheduled on 01Fand H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H- if scheduled on 01F. ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency T:: measurement indicatorH is set to 7.5"2P *T neither perform measurements nor evaluate cell re?selection criteria on inter?freAuency T:: cells. ,T if &2 H&nter?/.T measurement indicatorsH is includedP *T perform measurements and evaluate cell re?selection criteria accordin to D8E on those cells of listed &nter? /.T types@layers that are present in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisH- if scheduled on 01F- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H- if scheduled on 01F- and H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>H- if scheduled on 01F.


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7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: when variable F"G:"1FG/212PT&O'G1255G7.1FG"T.T2 is set to T/32P if &2 H7.1F measurement occasion infoH is received- 32 shallP ,T if &2 H7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficientH is includedP *T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 is not able to perform some of the indicated measurements in this &2 simultaneously as receivin the F"?:"1F and its associated physical channels of servin cellP 3T perform those measurements durin 7.1F measurement occasions- see subclause ;.9.,,. *T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 is able to perform some of the indicated measurements in this &2 simultaneously as receivin the F"?:"1F and its associated physical channels of servin cellP 3T the 32 may perform measurements also on other occasions. *T if- accordin to its measurement capabilities- the 32 is able to perform the measurements and indicated in this &2 simultaneously as receivin the F"?:"1F and its associated physical channels of servin cellP 3T perform the measurements simultaneously as receivin the F"?:"1F and its associated physical channels of servin cell. ,T if &2 H7.1F Measurement occasion cycle len th coefficientH is not includedP *T perform those indicated measurements indicated in this &2 that 32- accordin to its measurement capabilitiesis able to perform simultaneously as receivin the F"?:"1F and its associated physical channels of servin cell. ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency 7:: measurement indicatorH is set to T/32P *T perform measurements and evaluate cell re?selection criteria accordin to D8E on inter?freAuency 7:: cells listed in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisH- if scheduled on 01Fand H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H- if scheduled on 01F. ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency 7:: measurement indicatorH is set to 7.5"2P *T neither perform measurements nor evaluate cell re?selection criteria on inter?freAuency 7:: cells. ,T if &2 H&nter?/.T measurement indicatorsH is includedP *T perform measurements and evaluate cell re?selection criteria accordin to D8E on those cells of listed &nter? /.T types@layers that are present in H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,H- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,,bisH- if scheduled on 01F- H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,*H- if scheduled on 01F- and H"ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,>H- if scheduled on 01F.


Measure9e$t Re!orti$2 Mode

&f &2 HMeasurement /eportin ModeH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T store the contents of the &2 HMeasurement /eport Transfer ModeH in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T use the indicated /51 mode when sendin M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e(s) related to this measurementO ,T i nore &2 HPeriodical /eportin @ 2vent Tri er /eportin ModeH. &f &2 HMeasurement /eportin ModeH is not received by the 32 in M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- the 32 shallP ,T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


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:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

&f the &nter?freAuency cell info list- included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- includes a number (M) of freAuencies that is lar er than the number (') considered in a 32 performance reAuirement defined in D,>E and D*+EP ,T the 32 shallP *T meet this performance reAuirement on the first relevant (') freAuencies- accordin to the order defined by the position of the freAuencies in the &nter?freAuency cell info list- included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T the 32 mayP *T i nore the remainin (M?') freAuencies. 'OT2P &f the variable "21O':./KG1255G2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is T/32- the relevant (') freAuencies do not include the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency.

&f &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- but &2 H&nter?freAuency measurement AuantityH- &2 H&nter?freAuency reportin AuantityH or &2 Hparameters reAuired for each eventH ( iven H1FO&12 /eport criteriaH is set to Hinter? freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH) is not received- the 32 shallP ,T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. &f &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HmodifyHP ,T if 1FO&12 H/eport criteriaH in &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is set to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH and &2 Hparameters reAuired for each eventH is presentP *T for 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 uses only one freAuencyP 3T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH and 1FO&12 H/eport criteriaH in &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is set to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaHP ,T for 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 uses only one freAuencyP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified. &n the case of an inter?freAuency measurement for 7::- the 32 shallP ,T if &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- if an inter?freAuency event is confi ured that is different from event *d or *f- and if at least one freAuency other than the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency is confi ured- and if the &2 H&nter?freAuency "2T 3P:.T2H is not received in that same messa eP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 'OT2P The 3T/.' should include the &2 H&nter?freAuency "2T 3P:.T2H in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e with the &2 Hmeasurement commandH set to HmodifyH when event *a- *b- *c or *e is first confi ured- and when the 32 is reAuested to measure a freAuency other than the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency that has not been previously measured. Otherwise the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

&f &2 H&nter?freAuency measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if 1FO&12 H/eport criteriaH is set to Hinter?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH and 1FO&12 Hreportin criteriaH in Hinter?freAuency measurement AuantityH is not set to Hinter?freAuency reportin criteriaHO or ,T if 1FO&12 H/eport criteriaH is set to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH and 1FO&12 Hreportin criteriaH in Hinter?freAuency measurement AuantityH is not set to Hintra?freAuency reportin criteriaHP *T for 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::O or *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the 32 uses only one freAuencyP 3T the 32 behaviour is not specified. &f the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 is set to T/32- the 32 shallP ,T act as described in subclause ;.8.,.8a.


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

&f the &nter?/.T cell info list- included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T- includes a number (M) of freAuencies that is lar er than the number (') considered in a 32 performance reAuirement defined in D,>E and D*+EP ,T the 32 shallP *T meet this performance reAuirement on the first relevant (') freAuencies- accordin to the order defined by the position of the freAuencies in the &nter?/.T cell info list- included in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T. ,T the 32 mayP *T i nore the remainin (M?') freAuencies. &f &2 H&nter?/.T measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- but &2 H&nter?/.T measurement AuantityH- &2 H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH or Hparameters reAuired for each eventH ( iven H1FO&12 /eport criteriaH is set to Hinter?/.T measurement reportin criteriaH) is not received- the 32 shallP ,T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

&f &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- but &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement AuantityH- &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin AuantityH- H1FO&12 /eport criteriaH or Hparameters reAuired for each eventH ( iven H1FO&12 report criteriaH is set to Hintra?freAuency measurement reportin criteriaH) is not received- the 32 shallP ,T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. &n case of ,a or ,e event?tri ered reportin P ,T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement AuantityH is set to HpathlossH- the 32 shallP *T if detected set cells are indicated as possibly tri erin the event within the &2s HTri 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. &n case of ,a or ,e event?tri ered reportin on the secondary uplin# freAuencyP ,T if the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement AuantityH is set to HpathlossH- the 32 shallP *T if detected set cells are indicated as possibly tri erin the event within the &2s HTri erin condition *H in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency measurement reportin criteria on secondary 35 freAuencyHP erin condition *HP


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3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


Eua it7 9easure9e$t

&f &2 HJuality measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- but &2 HJuality reportin AuantityH is not received- the 32 shallP ,T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. &f Transport 1hannel 052/ reportin is reAuested in &2 HJuality /eportin JuantityH- but no transport channels are e(plicitly referenced with transport channel identities- the 32 shall ,T report 052/ for all downlin# transport channels- for which Transport 1hannel 052/ is defined and can be reAuested D<- ;E. &f a transport channel- for which Transport 1hannel 052/ is not defined and can not be reAuested D<- ;E- is referenced with a transport channel identity in &2 HJuality /eportin JuantityH and@or &2 HJuality Measurement /eportin 1riteriaHP ,T the 32 behaviour is not specified.


U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t

&f &2 H32 internal measurementH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- where &2 Hmeasurement commandH has the value HsetupH- but &2 H32 internal measurement AuantityH- &2 H32 internal reportin AuantityH or Hparameters sent for each 32 internal measurement eventH ( iven H1FO&12 report criteriaH is set to H32 internal measurement reportin criteriaH) is not received- the 32 shallP ,T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.




U) !ositio$i$2
U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 criteria

&f &2 H32 positionin reportin criteriaH is included- the 32 shallP ,T perform the necessary measurements and evaluate the event in the interval indicated in &2 HMeasurement &ntervalHO ,T if &2 H2vent &:H is set to H<aH and if &2 H/eport first fi(H is set to T/32P *T if the &2 HMethod TypeH included in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to H32 basedHP 3T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b.

The 32 shallP

U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

,T i nore &2 HMultiple "etsHO ,T i nore &2 H/esponse TimeHO ,T if &2 HFori!ontal .ccuracyH and@or &2 HBertical .ccuracyH is includedP *T should try to achieve the reAuested level(s) of positionin accuracy with =<` confidence.


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,T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to H1ell &:HP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a. ,T if the &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32 basedHP *T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"HO and *T if the &2 H.dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH is set to 7.5"2O and *T if the &2 H32 positionin GP" assistance dataH is not received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eO and *T if- accordin to its 32 positionin capabilities- the 32 supports a standalone positionin methodP 3T use the standalone positionin method. *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b. ,T if the &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32 assistedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a. ,T if the &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?assisted preferred but 32?based allowedH or H32?based preferred but 32? assisted allowedHP *T act either accordin to subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a or ;.=.<.,>.,b dependin on the method type chosen by the 32. &f 32 accordin to its capabilities supports /(?T( time difference type * measurement and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to H1ell &:H and the &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?basedH- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. &f 32 accordin to its capabilities supports /(?T( time difference type * measurement and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to H1ell &:H and the &2 HMeasurement validityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is other than H1255G:1FH- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. The 32 shall perform the followin consistency chec#P ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?based OT:O. and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.H and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?basedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?assisted OT:O. and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.H and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?assistedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?based GP" and does not support a standalone positionin method and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and if the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is not present and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?basedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?assisted GP" and if the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is not present and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32? assistedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?based positionin and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.orGP"H and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?basedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


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,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?based G.'"" and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and if &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is present and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?basedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32?assisted G.'"" and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and if &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is present and if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32?assistedHP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and if &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is present and if 32accordin to its capabilities- does not support any G'"" indicated in &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support /(?T( time difference type * measurement and if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to H1ell &:HP *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if 32- accordin to its capabilities- does not support 32 GP" timin of cell frames measurement and if &2 HGP" timin of 1ell wantedH is set to T/32P *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.

The 32 shallP

U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 3or U) assisted 9et"ods

,T when a measurement report is tri eredP *T if the 32 was able to perform measurements on at least one nei hbour cell included in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: in case of OT:O. or one satellite included in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. in case of GP" positionin or one satellite included in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. in case of G.'"" positionin or one cell from the active set in case of 1255 &:P 3T if the &2 HBertical .ccuracyH is includedP 8T interpret the presence of this &2 to indicate that the 3T/.' desires to compute a 3?dimensional position estimate. 3T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and if the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is not present or if the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is present indicatin GP" allowedP 8T include the &2 H32 positionin GP" measured resultsH in the measurement report and set the contents of the &2 as followsP 9T if the 32 supports the capability to provide the GP" timin of the cell frames measurementP =T if the &2 HGP" timin of 1ell wantedH is set to T/32P <T perform the 32 GP" timin of cell frames measurement on the servin cell or on one cell of the active set. <T include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or the &2 Hcell parameters idH for T::O and <T include the &2 H/eference "7'H- the &2 H32 GP" timin of cell framesH and the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eference Time 3ncertaintyH. =T if the &2 HGP" timin of 1ell wantedH is set to 7.5"2P <T include the &2 HGP" TOC msecH and set it to the GP" TOC when the measurements included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T were validO


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<T include the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eference Time 3ncertaintyH and set it to the uncertainty of the GP" TOC when the measurements included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T were valid. 9T if the 32 does not support the capability to provide the GP" timin of the cellP =T include the &2 HGP" TOC msecH and set it to the GP" TOC when the measurements included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T were validO =T include the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eference Time 3ncertaintyH and set it to the uncertainty of the GP" TOC when the measurements included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T were valid. 3T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H and the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsH is present indicatin other G'"" than GP" allowed and if any of these other G'""s is measuredP 8T include the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" measured resultsH in the measurement report and set the contents of the &2 as followsP 9T if the 32 supports the capability to provide the G.'"" timin of the cell frames measurementP =T if the &2 HG.'"" timin of 1ell wantedH is included with one bit set to value one for a supported G.'"" and if &2 H32 GP" timin of cell framesH is not presentP <T perform the 32 G.'"" timin of cell frames measurement on the servin cell or on one cell of the active setO <T include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or the &2 Hcell parameters idH for T::O and <T include the &2 H/eference "7'H and the &2 H32 G.'"" timin of cell framesH. =T if the &2 HG.'"" timin of 1ell wantedH is not included- or included with each bit set to value !ero and if &2 Y32 positionin GP" measured resultsZ is not presentP <T include the &2 HG.'"" TO: msecH and set it to the G.'"" TO: when the measurements included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T were valid. 9T if the 32 does not support the capability to provide the G.'"" timin of the cell and if &2 H32 positionin GP" measured resultsH is not presentP =T include the &2 HG.'"" TO: msecH and set it to the G.'"" TO: when the measurements included in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T were valid. 9T if the 32 supports the capability to provide the G.'"" carrier?phase measurementsP =T if the &2 HG.'"" 1arrier?Phase Measurement /eAuestedH is included with one bit set to value one for a supported G.'""P <T include the &2 H1arrier Juality &ndicationZ and include the &2 H.:/H. 9T if the 32 supports the capability to perform G.'"" measurements on multiple G.'"" freAuenciesP =T if the &2 HG.'"" Multi?freAuency Measurement /eAuestedH is included with one bit set to value one for a supported G.'""- and if any of these G.'"" si nals are measuredP <T include the &2 HG.'"" "i nal Measurement &nformationH for each measured G.'"" si nal. 3T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.HP 8T include the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. measured results H in the measurement report and set the contents of the &2 as followsP 9T set &2 H"7'H to the "7' when the last measurement was performedO 9T if the 32 supports the capability to perform the /(?T( time difference type * measurementP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP <T if the measured value is eAual to H,*<>.>3<9HP ;T set the &2 H/(?T( time difference type *H in &2 H32 positionin OT:O. measured resultsH for the reference cell to H,*<>.;<9+H. <T otherwiseP ;T set the &2 H/(?T( time difference type *H in &2 H32 positionin OT:O. measured resultsH for the reference cell to the measured value. <T include the &2 roup H/(?T( time difference type * infoH for the reference cell and for each nei hbour cell listed in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: that belon s to the active set. 9T if the 32 does not support the capability to perform the /(?T( time difference type * measurementP =T set the &2 H/(?T( time difference type *H in &2 H32 positionin OT:O. measured resultsH for the reference cell to value H,*<>.>3<9H to indicate that the measurement is not supported. 8T include &2 roup H'ei hbourH for all nei hbour cells listed in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: on which the "7'?"7' observed time difference type * measurement could be performed. 3T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e has been assi ned to value HOT:O. or GP"HP 8T the 32 may choose to either act as if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HGP"H or HOT:O.H dependin on the method chosen by the 32. 3T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to H1255 &:HP 8T if the 32 supports the capability to perform the /(?T( time difference type * measurementO and 8T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 9T perform the /(?T( time difference type * measurement on the cells in the active setO and 9T report the measurement results bac# to the networ# in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T by usin &2 H32 positionin OT:O. measured resultsH includin measurements on the cells in the active setO and 9T report /(?T( time difference type * measurement of the reference cell (as desi nated by the 32)O and 9T for all reported nei hbour cellsP =T report /(?T( time difference type * measurementO and =T set the &2 H"7'?"7' observed time difference type *H and all &2s within the correspondin &2 H32 positionin OT:O. AualityH in &2 H32 positionin OT:O. measured resultsH to value H+H. *T if the 32 is not able to report the reAuested measurement resultsP 3T include &2 H32 positionin errorH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T and set the contents of this &2 as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.9. ,T if the 32 is unable to report the reAuested measurement results due to missin GP" assistance dataP *T the 32 may at anytime send a measurement report containin the &2 H32 positionin errorH and set the contents of this &2 as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.9.


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*T after sendin the measurement report- the 32 shall not send another measurement report to reAuest the same GP" assistance data for at least *+s. This reAuirement does not apply after release of the current //1 connection. ,T if the 32 is unable to report the reAuested measurement results due to missin G.'"" assistance dataP *T the 32 may at anytime send a measurement report containin the &2 H32 positionin errorH and set the contents of this &2 as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.9O *T after sendin the measurement report- the 32 shall not send another measurement report to reAuest the same G.'"" assistance data for at least *+s. This reAuirement does not apply after release of the current //1 connection.

The 32 shallP

U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 3or U) %ased 9et"ods

,T when a measurement report is tri eredP *T if the 32 has been able to calculate a position after performin measurements on the cells included in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: in case of OT:O. or the 32 has been able to calculate a position in case of GP" or G.'"" positionin or the 32 has been able to calculate a position usin a standalone positionin methodP 3T include &2 H32 positionin Position 2stimate &nfoH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T and set the contents of the &2 as followsP 8T if the 32 supports the capability to perform the 32 GP" timin of cell frames measurementP 9T if the &2 HGP" timin of 1ell wantedH is set to T/32P =T perform the 32 GP" timin of cell frames measurement on the servin cell or on one cell of the active set. =T include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or the &2 Hcell parameters idH for T::O =T include the "7' when the position was determinedO =T include the &2 H32 GP" timin of cell framesHO =T include the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eference Time 3ncertaintyH. 9T if the &2 HGP" timin of 1ell wantedH is set to 7.5"2P =T include the &2 HGP" TOC msecH and set it to the GP" TOC when the position estimate was valid. 8T if the position was calculated with GP"O and 8T the 32 does not support the capability to provide the GP" timin of the cellP 9T include the &2 HGP" TOC msecH and set it to the GP" TOC when the position estimate was valid. 8T if the 32 supports the capability to provide the G.'"" timin of the cell frames measurementP 9T if the &2 HG.'"" timin of 1ell wantedH is included with one bit set to value one for a supported G.'""P =T perform the 32 G.'"" timin of cell frames measurement on the servin cell or on one cell of the active setO =T include the &2 HG.'"" Time &:H to identify the G'"" system timeO =T include the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or the &2 Hcell parameters idH for T::O and =T include the &2 H/eference "7'H and the &2 H32 G.'"" timin of cell framesH.


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9T if the &2 HG.'"" timin of 1ell wantedH is not included- or included with each bit set to value !eroP =T include the &2 HG.'"" TO: msecH and set it to the G.'"" TO: when the position estimate was valid. 8T if the 32 does not support the capability to provide the G.'"" timin of the cellP 9T include the &2 HG.'"" TO: msecH and set it to the G.'"" TO: when the position estimate was validO 9T include the &2 HG.'"" Time &:H to identify the G'"" system time. 8T if &2 HBertical .ccuracyH has been included in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityHP 9T if the &2 HBertical .ccuracyH has been assi ned to value H+HP =T if the &2 HFori!ontal .ccuracyH has been assi ned a value H+HP <T may include &2 H2llipsoid point with altitudeH. =T if the &2 HFori!ontal .ccuracyH has been assi ned a value uneAual to H+HO and =T if the 32 has been able to calculate a 3?dimensional position <T include &2 H2llipsoid point with altitudeH or &2 H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH as the position estimate. =T if the 32 has not been able to calculate a 3?dimensional positionP <T may act as if &2 HBertical .ccuracyH was not included in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH. 9T if the &2 HBertical .ccuracyH has been assi ned to a value uneAual to H+HP =T if the 32 has been able to calculate a 3?dimensional positionP <T include &2 H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH as the position estimate. =T if the 32 has not been able to calculate a 3?dimensional positionP <T act as if &2 HBertical .ccuracyH has not been included in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH. 8T if &2 HBertical .ccuracyH has not been included in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityHP 9T if &2 HFori!ontal .ccuracyH in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH has been assi ned to value H+HP =T may include &2 H2llipsoid pointH. 9T if &2 HFori!ontal .ccuracyH in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH has been assi ned to a value uneAual to +P =T include either &2 H2llipsoid point with uncertainty circleH or &2 H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH or &2 H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH as the position estimate. 8T if any of the &2s H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH or H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH is reportedP 9T should calculate a value of the &2 H1onfidenceH- different from H+H- as the probability that the 32 is located within the uncertainty re ion of the one of the &2s H2llipsoid point with uncertainty ellipseH or H2llipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidH that is reported. 'OT2P The value H+H of the &2 H1onfidenceH is interpreted as Hno informationH by the 3T/.' D9<E.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T if &2 HBelocity /eAuestedH has been included in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityHP 9T include &2 HBelocity estimateH if supported and available. *T if the 32 was not able to calculate a positionP 3T include &2 H32 positionin errorH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T and set the contents of this &2 as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.9. ,T if the 32 is unable to calculate a position due to missin GP" assistance dataP *T the 32 may at any time send a measurement report containin the &2 H32 positionin errorH and set the contents of this &2 as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.9O *T after sendin the measurement report- the 32 shall not send another measurement report to reAuest the same GP" assistance data for at least *+s. This reAuirement does not apply after release of the current //1 connection. ,T if the 32 is unable to report the reAuested measurement results due to missin G.'"" assistance dataP *T the 32 may at anytime send a measurement report containin the &2 H32 positionin errorH and set the contents of this &2 as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.9O *T after sendin the measurement report- the 32 shall not send another measurement report to reAuest the same G.'"" assistance data for at least *+s. This reAuirement does not apply after release of the current //1 connection.


U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-assisted

&f &2 H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?assistedH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 or in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: accordin ly. The 32 shallP ,T store received cell information in the 32 positionin reference cell info in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2:- overwritin any e(istin information. &f &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?assistedH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8 or in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: accordin ly. The 32 shallP ,T store received cell information in the nei hbour cell info list in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2:- overwritin any e(istin information. &f- accordin to its capabilities- 32 does not support &P:5s and if &2 H&P:5 parametersH is received for the reference or any of the nei hbour cells- the 32 shallP ,T i nore this &2. &n ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 H&P:5 parametersH is received and the 32 supports &P:5s- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the &2 &PG"lotO ,T if the &2 H&PGP11P1FH is set to 7.5"2P *T confi ure the physical layer with &PG"ub to be first subframe accordin to D33E. ,T if the &2 H&PGP11P1FH is set to T/32P *T confi ure the physical layer with &PG"ub to be second subframe accordin to D33E. ,T if the &2 H&PGP11P1FH is absentP *T confi ure the physical layer with &PG"ub to use both subframes accordin to D33E. &f &2 H"7' offset validityH is set to 7.5"2- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the &2 H"7' offsetH.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f &2 H32 positionin measurementH is received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shall also perform the followin consistency chec#sP ,T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.HP *T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?assistedH is not included and if 32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?assisted in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2: is emptyP 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.HP *T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?assistedH is not included and if less than two nei hbour cells are stored in 32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell info list for 32?assisted in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G.""&"T2:P 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.

The 32 shallP

U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-%ased

,T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?basedH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 or in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e or in the .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/KP *T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: accordin lyO *T store received cell information in the 32 positionin reference cell info for 32?based in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:- overwritin any e(istin information. ,T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?basedH is received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 or in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e or in the .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/KP *T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: accordin lyO *T store received cell information in the nei hbour cell info list for 32?based in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:- overwritin any e(istin information. ,T if- accordin to its capabilities- 32 does not support &P:5s and if &2 H&P:5 parametersH is received for the reference or any of the nei hbour cellsP *T i nore this &2. ,T in ,.*; Mcps T::P *T if the &2 H&P:5 parametersH is received and the 32 supports &P:5sP 3T i nore the &2 &PG"lotO 3T if the &2 H&PGP11P1FH is set to 7.5"2P 8T confi ure the physical layer with &PG"ub to be first subframe accordin to D33E. 3T if the &2 H&PGP11P1FH is set to T/32P 8T confi ure the physical layer with &PG"ub to be second subframe accordin to D33E. 3T if the &2 H&PGP11P1FH is absentP 8T confi ure the physical layer with &PG"ub to use both subframes accordin to D33E. ,T if &2 H"7' offset validityH is set to 7.5"2P *T i nore the &2 H"7' offsetH. ,T if &2 H32 positionin measurementH is received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eP


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*T also perform the followin consistency chec#sP 3T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.HP 8T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?basedH is not included and if 32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?based in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: is emptyP 9T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 3T if &2 HPositionin MethodsH is set to HOT:O.HP 8T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?basedH is not included and if less than two nei hbour cells are stored in 32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell info list for 32?based in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:P 9T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 8T if &2 HMethod TypeH is set to H32 basedHP 9T if &2 H32 positionin OT:O. reference cell info for 32?basedH is included and if &2 H1ell PositionH for the reference cell is not includedP =T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 9T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?basedH is included and if cell position of less than two nei hbour cells of the cells included in this &2 and stored in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: are differentO or 9T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?basedH is included and if cell position of only two nei hbour cells of the cells included in this &2 and stored in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: are different and if those cell positions are not different to the one of the reference cell stored in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:P =T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. 9T if the &2 H/ound Trip TimeH is neither included for the nei hbour cells nor for the reference cell infoO and =T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?basedH is included and if cell position of only two nei hbour cells of the cells included in this &2 and stored in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: are differentO or =T if the &2 H32 positionin OT:O. nei hbour cell list for 32?basedH is included and if cell position of only three nei hbour cells of the cells included in this &2 and stored in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: are different and if those cell positions are not different to the one of the reference cell stored in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:P <T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32.


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce data

The 32 may receive GP" assistance data in "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9- ,9.,- ,9.*- or ,9.3- or in the .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e- or in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. =.6./.1-.3.1 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ assista$ce &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is included- the 32 shallP ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. as followsP *T delete all information currently stored in the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T store the received acAuisition assistance information in the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T store the &2 HGP" TOC msecH in the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it as an estimate of the GP" Time?of?Cee# at the time of reception of the complete messa e containin the &2 HGP" TOC msecHO 'OT2P The 32 does not need to apply any compensation on the GP" Time?of?Cee#.

,T if the &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH are includedP *T if the 32 is able to utilise these &2sP 3T store these &2s in the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O 3T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or &2 Hcell parameters idH for T:: is not includedP 8T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP 9T use &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH to estimate the relationship between GP" time and radio interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission in the servin cell. 9T if the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eferenceTime 3ncertaintyH is includedP =T store this &2 in the &2 H32 Positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it to determine the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission. 8T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 9T i nore &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH. 3T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or &2 Hcell parameters idH for T:: is also includedP 8T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin acAuisition assistanceH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O 8T use &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH to estimate the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission in the cell indicated by HPrimary 1P&1F infoH or Hcell parameters idH. 8T if the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eferenceTime 3ncertaintyH is includedP 9T store this &2 in the &2 H32 Positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it to determine the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission. ,T if the &2 H.!imuth and 2levation 5"0H is includedP *T use the &2s H.!imuthH and H.!imuth 5"0H to determine the visible satellites a!imuth an lesO *T use the &2s H2levationH and H2levation 5"0H to determine the visible satellites elevation an les. =.6./.1-.3.2 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS # 9a$ac &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" .lmanacH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"B Global FealthH is includedP ,T store this &2 in the &2 in the &2 H"B Global FealthH in the &2 H32 positionin GP" .lmanacH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. ,T for each satelliteP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T store received GP" almanac information at the position indicated by the &2 H"at &:H in the &2 H32 positionin GP" .lmanacH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position. *T interpret &2 H:ata &:H as the :ata &: field contained in the indicated subframe- word 3- most si nificant * bits- as defined by D,*EO *T act on the rest of the &2s in a similar manner as specified in D,*E. ,T if the &2 H1omplete .lmanac ProvidedH is includedP *T store this &2 in the &2 H1omplete .lmanac ProvidedH in the &2 H32 positionin GP" .lmanacH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T use the &2 H1omplete .lmanac ProvidedH to determine whether almanac is provided for all satellites in the GP" constellation (T/32) or not (7.5"2). =.6./.1-.3.3 U) !ositio$i$2 4-GPS (orrectio$s &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" :GP" correctionsH is included- the 32 shallP ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. as followsP *T delete all information currently stored in the &2 H32 positionin GP" :GP" correctionsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T store the received :GP" corrections in the &2 H32 positionin GP" :GP" correctionsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. ,T use &2 HGP" TOC secH to determine when the differential corrections were calculatedO ,T use &2 H"tatus@FealthH to determine the status of the differential corrections. =.6./.1-.3.3a U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 'a5i2atio$ Mode

&f the &2 H32 positionin GP" 'avi ation ModelH is included- for each satellite- the 32 shallP ,T use &2 H"atellite "tatusH to determine if an update of &2 H32 positionin GP" 2phemeris and 1loc# 1orrection parametersH has been provided for the satellite indicated by the &2 H"at&:HO ,T if an update has been provided for this satelliteP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.3.8. =.6./.1-.3., U) !ositio$i$2 GPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ Para9eters &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" 2phemeris and 1loc# 1orrection parametersH is included- for each satellite- the 32 shallP ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. as followsP *T store this &2 at the position indicated by the &2 H"at &:H in the &2 H32 positionin GP" 'avi ation ModelH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position. ,T act on these GP" ephemeris and cloc# correction parameters in a manner similar to that specified in D,*E. =.6./.1-.3.5 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode &f &2 H32 positionin GP" ionospheric modelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" ionospheric modelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O ,T act on these GP" ionospheric model parameters in a manner similar to that specified in D,*E. =.6./.1-.3.6 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7 &f this list of bad satellites is included- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. as followsP *T add the "at &:s that are not yet included in the list of satellites in the &2 H32 positionin GP" real time inte rityH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T remove all "at &:s in the list of satellites in the &2 H32 positionin GP" real time inte rityH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. that are not included in &2 32 positionin GP" real time inte rity. ,T consider the data associated with the satellites identified in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. as invalid. =.6./.1-.3./ U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store the &2 HGP" Cee#H in H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it as the current GP" wee#O ,T if the the &2 HGP" Cee# 1ycle 'umberH is includedP *T store the &2 HGP" Cee# 1ycle 'umberH in H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it to determine the number of ,+*8 GP" wee# cycles occurred since the GP" !ero time?point. ,T store the &2 HGP" TOC msecH in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it as an estimate of the GP" Time?of?Cee# at the time of reception of the complete messa e containin the &2 HGP" TOC msecHO 'OT2P The 32 does not need to apply any compensation on the GP" Time?of?Cee#.

,T if the &2 H"7'H and &2 H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH are includedP *T if the 32 is able to utilise the &2sP 3T store these &2s in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O 3T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or &2 Hcell parameters idH for T:: is not includedP 8T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP 9T use &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH to estimate the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission in the servin cell. 9T if the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eferenceTime 3ncertaintyH is includedP =T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it to determine the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission. 8T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 9T i nore &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH. 3T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or &2 Hcell parameters idH for T:: is also includedP 8T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O 8T use &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' GP" timin of cell framesH to estimate the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission in the cell indicated by HPrimary 1P&1F infoH or Hcell parameters idH. 8T if the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eferenceTime 3ncertaintyH is includedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

9T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it to determine the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission. ,T if the &2 H32 Positionin GP" /eferenceTime 3ncertaintyH is not includedO and ,T if the &2 H"7'?TOC 3ncertaintyH is includedP *T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. and use it to determine if the relationship between GP" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission is #nown to within at least ,+ms. ,T if the &2 HT3T/.'?GP" drift rateH is includedP *T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O and *T may use it as an estimate of the drift rate of the 'O:2 0 cloc# relative to GP" time. ,T if the &2 HGP" TOC .ssistH is includedP *T for each satelliteP 3T delete all information currently stored in the &2 HGP" TOC .ssistH in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O 3T store the received GP" TOC .ssist information in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. =.6./.1-.3.= U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce U) !ositio$ &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference 32 positionH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference 32 positionH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O and ,T use it as a priori #nowled e of the appro(imate location of the 32. =.6./.1-.3.- U) !ositio$i$2 UT( 9ode &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" 3T1 modelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin GP" 3T1 modelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T..

The 32 shallP

U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o

,T if decipherin information is received from hi her layers for decipherin of GP" assistance data broadcast on system informationP *T store the current #ey in &2 H1urrent decipherin #eyH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T store the ne(t #ey in &2 H'e(t decipherin #eyH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T store the cipherin #ey fla in 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.. ,T if decipherin information is received from hi her layers for decipherin of G.'"" assistance data broadcast on system informationP *T store the current #ey in &2 H1urrent decipherin #eyH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O *T store the ne(t #ey in &2 H'e(t decipherin #eyH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O *T store the cipherin #ey fla in 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T..


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if decipherin information is received from hi her layers for decipherin of OT:O. assistance data broadcast on system informationP *T store the current #ey in &2 H1urrent decipherin #eyH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:O *T store the ne(t #ey in &2 H'e(t decipherin #eyH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:O *T store the cipherin #ey fla in 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:. ,T if the &2 HGP" :ata cipherin infoH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9P *T select one of the two decipherin #eys received and stored it in 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T. accordin to the followin P 39 if the value of the received &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H is the same as the value of the &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.P 8T select the current decipherin #ey. 3T if the value of the received &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H is different from the value of the &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.P 8T select the ne(t decipherin #ey. *T store the received &2 in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGGP"G:.T.O *T use the selected decipherin #ey to decipher the broadcast 32 positionin GP" information contained within the "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.,- ,9.* and ,9.3. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" :ata cipherin infoH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.;P *T select one of the two decipherin #eys received and stored it in 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. accordin to the followin P 39 if the value of the received &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H is the same as the value of the &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.P 8T select the current decipherin #ey. 3T if the value of the received &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H is different from the value of the &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.P 8T select the ne(t decipherin #ey. *T store the received &2 in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O *T use the selected decipherin #ey to decipher the broadcast 32 positionin G.'"" information contained within the "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.,bis- ,9.,ter- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter- ,9.3bis- ,9.= and ,9.<. ,T if the &2 HOT:O. positionin cipherin infoH is included in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.8P *T select one of the two decipherin #eys and stored it in 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2: accordin to the followin P 39 if the value of the received &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H is the same as the value of the &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:P 8T select the current decipherin #ey. 3T if the value of the received &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H is different from the value of the &2 H1ipherin %ey 7la H stored in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:P 8T select the ne(t decipherin #ey. *T store the received &2 in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGOT:O.G:.T.G32G0."2:O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T use the selected decipherin #ey to decipher the &2 HOT:O. assistance dataH included in the "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.8.


U) !ositio$i$2 )rror

The 32 shall set the contents of the &2 H32 positionin 2rrorH as followsP ,T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH has been assi ned to value HOT:O.H and no nei hbour cells could be received*T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H'ot 2nou h OT:O. 1ellsHO ,T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH has been assi ned to value HGP"HP *T if there were not enou h GP" satellites to be receivedP 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H'ot 2nou h GP" "atellitesH. *T if some GP" assistance data was missin P 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H.ssistance :ata Missin HO and 3T if the &2 H.dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH included in the &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to T/32P 8T include the &2 HGP" .dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH. 3T if the &2 H.dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH included in the &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to 7.5"2P 8T not include the &2 HGP" .dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH- and use the assistance data available for doin a positionin estimate. *T if the 32 was not able to read the "7' of the reference cell included in the &2 H32 positionin GP" reference timeH or in the &2 H32 positionin acAuisition assistanceHP 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H/eference 1ell 'ot "ervin 1ellH. *T if the 32 was not able to measure the reAuested GP" timin of cell frames measurementP 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H'ot .ccomplished GP" Timin Of 1ell 7ramesH. ,T if the &2 HPositionin MethodsH in &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH has been assi ned to value HGP"H and the &2 HG.'"" Positionin MethodsHis presentP *T if there were not enou h G.'"" satellites to be receivedP 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H'ot 2nou h G.'"" "atellitesH. *T if some G.'"" assistance data was missin P 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H.ssistance :ata Missin HO and 3T if the &2 H.dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH included in the &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to T/32P 8T include the &2 HG.'"" .dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH. 3T if the &2 H.dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH included in the &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK is set to 7.5"2P 8T not include the &2 HG.'"" .dditional .ssistance :ata /eAuestH- and use the assistance data available for doin a positionin estimate. *T if the 32 was not able to read the "7' of the reference cell included in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeHP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H/eference 1ell 'ot "ervin 1ellH. *T if the 32 was not able to measure the reAuested G.'"" timin of cell frames measurementP 3T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H'ot .ccomplished G.'"" Timin Of 1ell 7ramesH. ,T if none of the conditions above are fulfilledP *T set &2 H2rror reasonH to H3ndefined 2rrorH. The 32 shall not set the &2 H2rror reasonH to H/eAuest :enied 0y 3serH or H'ot Processed and TimeoutH.

=.6./.1-.6 =.6./.1-./

Void U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS assista$ce data

The 32 may receive G.'"" assistance data in "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9bis- ,9.,bis- ,9.,ter- ,9.*bis,9.*ter- ,9.3bis- ,9.=- ,9.< or ,9.; or in the .""&"T.'12 :.T. :25&B2/K messa e- or in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. &2 H32 positionin G.'"" assistance dataH is divided into a common part which is applicable to any G'"" and a eneric part which contains assistance data separately for each supported G'"". =.6./.1-./.1 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$ &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH is included- the 32 shallP ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP *T for each G.'"" the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH is includedP 3T delete all information currently stored in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 3T store the received information in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. ,T for each G.'""P *T if the &2 H.!imuth and 2levation 5"0H is includedP 3T use the &2s H.!imuthH and H.!imuth 5"0H to determine the visible satellites a!imuth an lesO 3T use the &2s H2levationH and H2levation 5"0H to determine the visible satellites elevation an les. ,T perform the followin consistency chec#P *T if the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH is included and the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is not included- the 32 shall interpret the &2 H"atellite informationH to be valid at the time provided in &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeHO *T if the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is included- the 32 shall interpret the &2 H"atellite informationH to be valid at the time provided in the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceHO *T if neither the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH nor the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is includedP 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. =.6./.1-./.2 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS # 9a$ac &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" .lmanacH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each G.'""P *T for each satelliteP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T store received G.'"" almanac information at the position indicated by the &2 H"B &:H in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" .lmanacH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this positionO 3T act on the information in a similar manner as specified in D=,E- D=;E- D=>E- D<+E- D<,E- D<*E- D<3E- D;=E for a particular G.'"". *T if the &2 H1omplete .lmanac ProvidedH is includedP 3T store this &2 in the &2 H1omplete .lmanac ProvidedH in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" .lmanacH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 3T use the &2 H1omplete .lmanac ProvidedH to determine whether almanac is provided for all satellites in the G.'"" constellation (T/32) or not (7.5"2). =.6./.1-./.3 U) !ositio$i$2 4-G#'SS (orrectio$s &f the &2 H32 positionin :G.'"" correctionsH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each G.'""P *T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP 3T delete all information currently stored in the &2 H32 positionin :G.'"" correctionsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 3T store the received :G.'"" corrections in the &2 H32 positionin :G.'"" correctionsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. *T use &2 H:G.'"" /eference TimeH to determine when the differential corrections were calculatedO *T use &2 H"tatus@FealthH to determine the status of the differential corrections. =.6./.1-./., U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 'avi ation ModelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each G.'""P *T for each satellite- the 32 shallP 3T for &2 H32 positionin G.'"" cloc# modelHP 8T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.8a. 3T for &2 H32 positionin G.'"" orbit modelHP 8T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.8b. =.6./.1-./.,a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS ( oc> Mode

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" cloc# modelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each G.'""P *T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP 3T store this &2 at the position indicated by the &2 H"at &:H in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 'avi ation ModelH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position. *T act on these G.'"" cloc# models in a manner similar to that specified in a relevant &1:. =.6./.1-./.,% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 6r%it Mode

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" orbit modelH is included- for each satellite of each supported G'""- the 32 shallP ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T store this &2 at the position indicated by the &2 H"at &:H in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 'avi ation ModelH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position.. ,T act on these G.'"" orbit models in a manner similar to that specified in a relevant &1:. =.6./.1-./.5 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" ionospheric modelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" ionospheric modelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T act on these G.'"" ionospheric model parameters in a manner similar to that specified in D=,E. =.6./.1-./.6 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7 &f this list of bad satellites is included- the 32 shall for each G.'""P ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP *T for each satellite included in the listP 3T add the "at &:s that are not yet included in the list of satellites in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" real time inte rityH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 3T if the &2 H0ad G'"" "i nal &:H is included in the satellite informationP 8T store this &2 at the position indicated by the &2 H0ad G'"" "at&:H in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position. 3T remove all "at &:s in the list of satellites in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" real time inte rityH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. that are not included in &2 H32 positionin G.'"" real time inte rityH. ,T consider the data associated with the satellites or si nals identified in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as invalid. =.6./.1-././ U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HG.'"" :ayH is includedP *T store this &2 in H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. and use it as the current G.'"" day. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" :ay 1ycle 'umberH is includedP *T store the &2 HG.'"" :ay 1ycle 'umberH in H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. and use it to determine the number of ;,>* G.'"" day cycles occurred since the G.'"" !ero time?pointO ,T store the &2 HG.'"" TO:H in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. and use it as an estimate of the G.'"" Time?of?:ay at the time of reception of the complete messa e containin the &2 HG.'"" TO:HO 'OT2P The 32 does not need to apply any compensation on the G.'"" Time?of?:ay.

,T if the &2 HG.'"" TO: 3ncertaintyH is includedP *T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. and use it to determine the uncertainty of the relationship between G.'"" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" Time &:H is not includedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T use Galileo system time as a reference for G.'""?Time?of?:ay. ,T if the &2 HG.'"" Time &:H is includedP *T use the system time indicated by this &2 as a reference for G.'""?Time?of?:ay. ,T if the &2 H"7'H and &2 H3T/.' G.'"" timin of cell framesH are includedP *T if the 32 is able to utilise the &2sP 3T store these &2s in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 3T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or &2 Hcell parameters idH for T:: is not includedP 8T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP 9T use &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' G.'"" timin of cell framesH to estimate the relationship between G.'"" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission in the servin cell. 8T if the 32 is in 1255G:1F stateP 9T i nore &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' G.'"" timin of cell framesH. 3T if the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F &nfoH for 7:: or &2 Hcell parameters idH for T:: is also includedP 8T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 8T use &2s H"7'H and H3T/.' G.'"" timin of cell framesH to estimate the relationship between G.'"" time and air?interface timin of the 'O:2 0 transmission in the cell indicated by HPrimary 1P&1F infoH or Hcell parameters idH. ,T if the &2 HT3T/.'?G.'"" drift rateH is includedP *T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O and *T may use it as an estimate of the drift rate of the 'O:2 0 cloc# relative to G.'"" time. =.6./.1-./.= U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce U) !ositio$ &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference 32 positionH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference 32 positionH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O and ,T use it as a priori #nowled e of the appro(imate location of the 32. =.6./.1-./.- U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS ti9e 9ode &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" time modelH is included- the 32 shall for each G.'""P ,T store the information in H32 positionin G.'"" time modelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T use the stored parameters to relate G.'"" time for the G.'"" indicated by HG.'"" &:H to time reference indicated by &2 HG'""GTOG&:H. =.6./.1-./.10 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 3T1 modelH is included- the 32 shall for each G.'""P ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 3T1 modelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. =.6./.1-./.11 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" data bit assistanceH is included- the 32 shall for each G.'""P


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" data bit assistanceH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T use the data in &2 H:ata 0itsH for data wipe?off of satellite si nal indicated by &2s H"atellite &:H and HG.'"" "i nal &:H. =.6./.1-./.12 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional ionospheric modelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional ionospheric modelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T act on these G.'"" additional ionospheric model parameters in a manner similar to that specified in D<*E- D;=E. =.6./.1-./.13 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 2arth orientation parametersH is included- the 32 shallP ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" 2arth orientation parametersH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T act on these G.'"" 2arth orientation parameters in a manner similar to that specified in D=;E. =.6./.1-./.1, U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional navi ation modelsH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each G.'""P *T for each satellite- the 32 shallP 3T for &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional cloc# modelsHP 8T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,8a. 3T for &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional orbit modelsHP 8T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.<.,8b. =.6./.1-./.1,a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a c oc> 9ode s &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional cloc# modelsH is included- the 32 shallP ,T for each G.'""P *T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP 3T store this &2 at the position indicated by the &2 H"at &:H in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional navi ation modelsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position. *T act on these G.'"" additional cloc# models in a manner similar to that specified in the &1: for the particular model. =.6./.1-./.1,% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a or%it 9ode s &f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional orbit modelsH is included- for each satellite of each supported G.'""- the 32 shallP ,T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP *T store this &2 at the position indicated by the &2 H"at &:H in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional navi ation modelsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.- possibly overwritin any e(istin information in this position. ,T act on these G.'"" additional orbit models in a manner similar to that specified in the &1: for the particular model.


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U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 modelsH is included- the 32 shall for each G.'""P ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 modelsH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T act on these G.'"" additional 3T1 models in a manner similar to that specified in the &1: for the particular model. =.6./.1-./.16 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" au(iliary informationH is included- the 32 shall for each G.'""P ,T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" au(iliary informationH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O ,T if the &2 HG.'""?&:?,H is includedP *T use the &2 H"i nals .vailableH as an indication of ran in si nals supported on the satellite identified by the &2 H"at &:H for the G.'"" HModerni!ed GP"H. ,T if the &2 HG.'""?&:?3H is includedP *T use the &2 H"i nals .vailableH as an indication of ran in si nals supported on the satellite identified by the &2 H"at &:H for the G.'"" HG5O'.""HO *T use the &2 H1hannel 'umberH as an indication of the carrier freAuency number of the satellite identified by the &2 H"at &:H for the G.'"" HG5O'.""H. =.6./.1-./.1/ U) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s

&f the &2 H32 positionin :0:" correctionsH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports :0:"P *T update the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T. as followsP 3T delete all information currently stored in the &2 H32 positionin :0:" correctionsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O 3T store the received :0:" corrections in the &2 H32 positionin :0:" correctionsH in the variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.. *T act on these :0:" corrections parameters as specified in D;=E. =.6./.1-./.1= U) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode

&f the &2 H32 positionin 0:" &onospheric Grid ModelH is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 supports 0:"P *T store this &2 in the &2 H32 positionin 0:" &onospheric Grid ModelH in variable 32GPO"&T&O'&'GGG.'""G:.T.O *T act on these 0:" ionospheric rid model parameters as specified in D;=E.

=.6./.20 =.6./.21

Void :$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 3or R#(< re!orti$2

&f the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F reportin H is included- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H"7'?"7' observed time difference reportin indicatorH has the value Htype *HP *T act as if the value of the &2 H"7'?"7' observed time difference reportin indicatorH is Hno reportin H.


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,T if the &2 H/eportin AuantityH (7::) or all &2s H/eportin AuantityH (T::) have the value Hno reportHP *T the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


#dditio$a Measure9e$t List

&f the &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the received measurement confi uration in this M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- or any measurement referenced in the H.dditional Measurement 5istH do not all have the same validity (for this consistency chec# the 32 shall assume H1255G:1FH as the measurement validity for measurements of type Hinter?/.TH- H32 internalH- and HAualityH)P *T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. ,T if any of the measurements referenced in the H.dditional Measurement 5istH is an intra?freAuency- inter? freAuency or inter?/.T measurement- and this measurement is confi ured with event based reportin P *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if any of the Hintra?freAuencyH- Hinter?freAuencyH- Htraffic volumeH or H32 positionin H measurements referenced in the H.dditional Measurement 5istH has been setup without includin the &2 Hmeasurement validityHP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the result of this M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is such that more than one additional measurement of the same type will be referenced in the &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH in the M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK variableP *T the 32 behaviour is not specified. ,T if the 32 has no &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH stored the in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated with the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityHP *T store the received &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.

&f the &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH is received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e with the &2 HMeasurement commandH value set to HmodifyH- and the 32 has an &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated with the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH- the 32 shallP ,T replace the information stored in H.dditional Measurement 5istH in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the one received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. &f the &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH is not received in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e and the &2 HMeasurement commandH has the value HmodifyH and the 32 has an &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated with the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH- the 32 shallP ,T leave the &2 H.dditional Measurement 5istH stored in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated with the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH unchan ed. &f- at any time durin the life?time of a measurement- any measurement referenced in the .dditional Measurement 5ist does not e(ist- the 32 shallP ,T remove this measurement identity from the .dditional Measurement 5ist. 'OT2P . measurement referenced in the .dditional Measurement 5ist which is updated with a measurement command set to HmodifyH- or replaced with a measurement command set to HsetupH- continues to e(ist.

&f the measurement confi ured with the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e tri ers a measurement report- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T also include the reportin Auantities for the measurements referenced by the additional measurement identities. The contents of the &2 H.dditional Measured resultsH are completely determined by the measurement confi uration of the referenced additional measurement.

The 32 shallP

4edicated Priorit7 :$3or9atio$

,T store &2 H:edicated Priority &nformationHO &f the 1FO&12 H.ctionH has the value H1lear dedicated prioritiesH- the 32 shallP ,T clear the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"TO ,T stop timer T3**- if it is runnin O ,T set the value of &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T to HsysGinfoGpriorityH. ,T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP *T ta#e the actions as described in subclause ;.,.,.=.,> usin stored "ystem information 0loc# type ,>. &f the 1FO&12 H.ctionH has the value H1onfi ure dedicated prioritiesH- the 32 shallP ,T clear the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"TO ,T stop timer T3**- if it is runnin O ,T set the value of &2 HPriority statusH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T to HdedicatedGpriorityHO ,T for each occurrence of the &2 HPriority 5evel 5istHP *T create a new entry in the &2 HPriority &nfo 5istH in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T- and in that new entryP 3T set the 1FO&12 H/adio .ccess Technolo yH to the value received in the &2 HPriority 5evel 5istHO 3T set the &2 HpriorityH to the value received in the &2 HPriority 5evel 5istHO 3T set the values in &2 H7reAuency 5istH or H011F ./71'H to the values received in the &2 HPriority 5evel 5istH. 'OT2P &f the HPriority 5evel 5istH &2s contain- more than ,= 3./71's correspondin to 3T/.' 7:: freAuencies- more than ,= 3./71's correspondin to 3T/.' T:: freAuencies- more than 3* 2./71's or more than 3 occurrences of HG"M cell roupH- the 32 behaviour is undefined.

,T set the &2 H2?3T/. detectionH to the value received in the &2 HPriority 5evel 5istH. ,T if the &2 HT3**H is presentP *T start timer T3** usin the value si nalled in this &2. ,T if the 32 is not in 1255G:1F stateP *T ta#e the actions as described in subclause ;.,.,.=.,> usin stored "ystem information 0loc# type ,>.


#dKace$t 3reBue$c7 i$de.

&f the &2 H.djacent freAuency inde(H is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if prior to the reception of the messa e- any of the variables H.djacent freAuency infoH- H&nter?band freAuency infoH or H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH are stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T- then for each of the stored variablesP *T stop all inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the cells that belon to the freAuency derived from the stored variable. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T clear the stored variable. ,T 2(tract the freAuency information of the element contained in the &2 Y'ew inter?freAuency cellsZ that is inde(ed by the &2 H.djacent freAuency inde(H. ,T "tore this freAuency information in the variable H.djacent freAuency infoH in 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the &2 H.djacent freAuency inde(H is received by the 32 and the 32 does not support adjacent freAuency measurements without compressed modeP ,T The 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f any two or more of the &2 H.djacent freAuency inde(H- the &2 H&nter?band freAuency inde(H or the &2 H7reAuency inde( list for enhanced measurementH are received in the same messa eP ,T The 32 behaviour is unspecified.


:$ter-%a$d 3reBue$c7 i$de.

&f the &2 H&nter?band freAuency inde(H is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if prior to the reception of the messa e- any of the variables H.djacent freAuency infoH- H&nter?band freAuency infoH or H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH are stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T- then for each of the stored variablesP *T stop all inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the cells that belon to the freAuency derived from the stored variable. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. *T clear the stored variable. ,T 2(tract the freAuency information of the element contained in the &2 Y'ew inter?freAuency cellsZ that is inde(ed by the &2 H&nter?band freAuency inde(H. ,T "tore this freAuency information in the variable H&nter?band freAuency infoH in 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the &2 H&nter?band freAuency inde(H is received by the 32 and the 32 does not support inter?band freAuency measurements without compressed modeP ,T The 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f any two or more of the &2 H.djacent freAuency inde(H- the &2 H&nter?band freAuency inde(H or the &2 H7reAuency inde( list for enhanced measurementH are received in the same messa eP ,T The 32 behaviour is unspecified.


:d e :$ter5a :$3or9atio$ (T44 o$ 7)

&f the &2 H&dle &nterval &nformationH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T store this information and e(ecute the inter?/.T measurement durin the idle interval- if neededO ,T the "7' that the idle interval e(ists should fulfil the followin eAuationP Offset W "7' mod (*a#) ChereP ? ? # is the coefficient parameter to calculate the idle interval periodO Offset is the idle interval position in a period.


()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R

&f the &2 H1255G:1F measurement occasion info 51/H is included in a /adio 0earer 1ontrol messa e or a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e or a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if pattern seAuence correspondin to &2 HPattern seAuence identifierH is already active (accordin to H"tatus 7la H) in the variable :1FGMOP"G&:2'T&TK) and the H"tatus 7la H in this messa e is set to HdeactivateH for the correspondin pattern seAuenceP *T if the &2 H.ctivation timeH is included in the messa eP 3T deactivate this pattern seAuence at the be innin of the frame- indicated by &2 H.ctivation timeH (see subclause ;.=.3.,) received in this messa e- when the new confi uration received in this messa e is ta#en into use. *T else 3T deactivate the pattern seAuence as soon as possible after the reception of the messa e. ,T set each pattern seAuence to the variable :1FGMOP"G&:2'T&TK accordin to the &2 HPattern seAuence identifierHO ,T update into the variable :1FGMOP"G&:2'T&TK the confi uration information defined by &2 roupH Measurement occasion pattern seAuence parametersHO ,T after the instant in which the messa e is to be e(ecuted without the &2 H.ctivation timeH- or at the be innin of the frame indicated by &2 Y.ctivation timeZ as specified in subclause ;.=.3.,P *T activate the stored pattern seAuence correspondin to each &2 HPattern seAuence identifierH for which the H"tatus 7la H in the variable :1FGMOP"G&:2'T&TK is set to HactivateHO and *T calculate the concerned 1255G:1F measurement occasion as specified in subclause ;.9.,,a- and start the measurement at the frame calculated 1255G:1F measurement occasion.


&reBue$c7 i$de. ist 3or e$"a$ced 9easure9e$t

&f the &2 H7reAuency inde( list for enhanced measurementH is received by the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if prior to the reception of the messa e- any of the variables H.djacent freAuency infoH- H&nter?band freAuency infoH or H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH is stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T- then for each of the stored variablesP *T stop all inter?freAuency measurement reportin on the cells that belon to the freAuency derived from the stored variable. 2ach stopped measurement is restarted when a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e is received with the correspondin measurement identity. *T clear the stored variable. ,T for each of the &2 H7reAuency inde( for enhanced measurementH included in the &2 H7reAuency inde( list for enhanced measurementHP *T e(tract the freAuency information of the element contained in the &2 H'ew inter?freAuency cellsH that is inde(ed by the &2 H7reAuency inde( for enhanced measurementHO *T store this freAuency information in the variable H7reAuency info list for enhanced measurementH in 1255G&'7OG5&"T. &f the &2 H7reAuency inde( list for enhanced measurementH is received by the 32 and the 32 does not support enhanced inter?freAuency measurements without compressed modeP ,T The 32 behaviour is unspecified. &f any two or more of the &2 H.djacent freAuency inde(H- the &2 H&nter?band freAuency inde(H or the &2 H7reAuency inde( list for enhanced measurementH are received in the same messa eP ,T The 32 behaviour is unspecified.


)-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(<

The &2 H2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1FH is used to control the 2?3T/. measurements and reportin in 1255G7.1F state.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

7or 7:: if the &2 H2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1FH is received by the 32 in a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HMeasurement commandH has the value HsetupHP *T if any of the &2Ss H/eport criteriaH- HMeasurement AuantityH- H2?3T/. freAuencies for measurementH or H/eportin ThresholdH is not received- the 32 shallP 3T clear all stored measurement control information related associated to this measurement identity in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKO 3T set the variable 1O'7&G3/.T&O'G&'1OMP52T2 to T/32. *T if the &2 H/eport criteriaH is set to HPeriodical reportin HP 3T the 32 shall assume H.mount of reportin H is set to ,. *T for each occurrence of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuencies for measurementHP 3T create a new entry in the &2 H2?3T/. 7reAuency &nfo 5istH in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TG7.1F- and in that new entryP 8T store the &2 H2./71'H. 8T if the value of the &2 H2./71'H is =9939- the 32 shallP 9T store the &2 H2./71' e(tensionH in the same entry in the &2 H2?3T/. 7reAuency &nfo 5istH in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TG7.1FP *T be in measurements accordin to the stored control information for this measurement identity. ,T if the &2 HMeasurement commandH has the value HmodifyHP *T if the &2 H/eport criteriaH is set to HPeriodical reportin HP 3T the 32 shall assume H.mount of reportin H is set to ,. *T replace the &2s H/eport criteriaH and HMeasurement AuantityH stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2s H/eport criteriaH and HMeasurement AuantityH received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. *T for each of the &2s HMeasurement AuantityH- H2?3T/. freAuencies for measurementH and H/eportin ThresholdH- the 32 shallP 3T replace all instances of the &2s listed above (and all their children) stored in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK associated to the identity indicated by the &2 Hmeasurement identityH with the &2s received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa eO *T update the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TG7.1F accordin to the received &2 H2?3T/. freAuencies for measurementH. ,T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F stateP *T if the measurements of type 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F associated with the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK has been storedP 3T 32 shall be in the measurements and reportin on the 2?3T/. freAuencies stored in the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TO


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=.6.= Void =.6.=a 6t"er :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

=.6.=a.1 )TGS i$3or9atio$
&f //1 is confi ured from upper layers to receive primary notification for 2TC"- and if the &2 H2TC" informationH is received in a P.G&'G TKP2 , or a "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e- an 2TC" capable 32 shallP ,T forward the &2 H2TC" informationH to upper layers. 'OT2P The 32 may receive the &2 H2TC" informationH also in an 2TC" P/&M./K 'OT&7&1.T&O' C&TF "213/&TK messa e. The 32 behaviour is specified in subclause ;.,.,<.8.

=.6.- M8MS s!eci3ic i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

The 32 shall perform the eneric actions defined in this subclause only for the information elements correspondin with services that are included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12".


(o$ti$ue M((< Readi$2

&f the H1ontinue M11F /eadin H is included the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H1ontinue M11F readin H is set to $T/32$P *T continue receivin the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' from M11F in the ne(t modification period and act upon it as specified in subclause ;.<.3.8.


M8MS d7$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e

&f the &2 HM0M" dynamic persistence levelH is included the 32 shallP ,T .pply the dynamic persistence level in place of that broadcast in "&0 < for M0M" related P/.1F transmissions that are made within the modification period in which this &2 was received.

The 32 shallP

M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$

,T if the 32 receives a /adio 0earer 1ontrol messa e or a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa eP *T if the &2 HM0M" P5 "ervice /estriction &nformationH is includedP 3T set the variable M0M"GP5G"2/B&12G/2"T/&1T&O'G&'7OG:2:&1.T2: to T/32. *T elseP 3T set the variable M0M"GP5G"2/B&12G/2"T/&1T&O'G&'7OG:2:&1.T2: to 7.5"2. ,T if the 32 receives a /adio 0earer 1ontrol messa e or a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e or an M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa eP *T perform the M0M" freAuency selection procedure as specified in subclause ;.9.*<.


M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 sc"edu e

&f the &2 HM0M" 5, combinin scheduleH is included the 32 mayP ,T apply 5, combinin between the concerned nei hbourin cell$ "?11P1F and the correspondin current cellSs "? 11P1F for the periods indicated by this &2.

The 32 mayP

M8MS 'u9%er o3 $ei2"%our ce s


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T apply the number of nei hbour cells to identify if all M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es have been received from M11F.


M8MS Pre3erred 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 HM0M" Preferred freAuency informationH is included the 32 shallP ,T if F1" is not used- and the &2 HJoffmbmsH is not present for the M0M" preferred freAuencyP *T consider the cells on the M0M" preferred freAuency havin a Joffmbms eAual to HinfinityH. ,T if F1" is used- and the &2 HF1"GO77mbmsH is not present for the M0M" preferred freAuencyP *T consider the cells on the M0M" preferred freAuency havin the hi hest F1" priority level. ,T perform the M0M" freAuency selection procedure as specified in subclause ;.9.*<.

=.6.-.,a =.6.-.,%

Void M8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ ti9e

3pon reception of the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH- for the services included in the &2 HModified service listH in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- and- if the &2 HM0M" all unmodified p?t?m servicesH is included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- for the services included in the &2 H3nmodified services listH included in the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH for this service is set to H.cAuire PTM /0 infoHP *T for the current cellP 3T stop usin any old confi uration on TT&s that are after or contain the time instant as indicated by the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeHO 3T start usin the confi uration for the "?11P1F received for that p?t?m bearer in the same modification period as the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH on TT&s that are after or that contain the time instant as indicated by the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH. *T for nei hbourin cellsP 3T for the nei hbourin cells for which the &2 HM0M" transmission time differenceH is includedP 8T stop usin any old confi uration on TT&s correspondin to the TT&s of the cell wherein the 32 is readin the M11F from and where the new p?t?m radio bearer information is valid accordin to the aboveO 8TT start usin the confi uration for the "?11P1F received for that p?t?m bearer in the same modification period as the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH on TT&s correspondin to the TT&s of the cell wherein the 32 is readin the M11F from and where the new p?t?m radio bearer information is valid accordin to the above. 3T for the nei hbourin cells for which the &2 HM0M" transmission time differenceH is not includedP 8T stop usin any old confi uration on TT&s that are after or contain the time instant as indicated by the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH. 8T start usin the confi uration for the "?11P1F received for that p?t?m bearer in the same modification period as the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH on TT&s that are after the time instant as indicated by the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH.


M8MS R8 ist re eased to c"a$2e tra$s3er 9ode

&f the &2 HM0M" /0 list released to chan e transfer modeH is included the 32 shallP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T perform the service prioritisation procedure as specified in subclause ;.9.*=- ta#in into account that the M0M" service(s) for which the radio bearers are released will be provided via p?t?m radio bearer(s).


M8MS ReBuired U) actio$

&f the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is included and concerns an M0M" activated service the 32 shallP ,T if the HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is set to $'one$P *T ta#e no action with respect to this &2. ,T if the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is set to $.cAuire countin info$ or set to $.cAuire countin infoQ PTM /0s unmodified$P *T perform the M0M" countin procedure as specified in subclause ;.<.8O 'OT2P &f upper layers indicate that an M0M" transmission has already been received correctly- the 32 will continue as if the information about the concerned M0M" transmission was not included in the messa e. This implies that the 32 does not respond to countin for a transmission already received correctly.

,T if the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is set to $.cAuire PTM /0 info$O or ,T if the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is set to $.cAuire countin infoQ PTM /0s unmodified$ and the 32 is not receivin a p?t?m /0 for the concerned serviceP *T continue acAuirin the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and without stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3 *T act upon the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- if received- in accordance with subclause ;.<.9O ,T if the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is set to $/eAuest PTP /0$P *T if the 32 is in idle modeP 3T indicate to upper layers that establishment of a P" si nallin connection is reAuired to receive the concerned M0M" D9E- unless the 32 has already reAuested p?t?p /0 establishment in the current modification period- and use the establishment cause set to $M0M" ptp /0 reAuest$ in the //1 connection establishment procedure. *T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F- 1ellGP1F or 1255G7.1F statesP 3T indicate to upper layers to initiate a service reAuest procedure D9E to receive the concerned M0M" serviceO 3T perform the cell update procedure with cause HM0M" ptp /0 reAuestH- as specified in subclause ;.3.,.*unless the 32 has already reAuested p?t?p /0 establishment in the current modification period. *T if the 32 is in 1255G:1FP 3T indicate to upper layers to initiate a service reAuest procedure D9E to receive the concerned M0M" service. ,T if the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH is set to $/elease PTM /0$P *T stop receivin the concerned M0M" serviceO *T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if the &2 HM0M" PTM /0 /elease 1auseH is present to indicate the actual M0M" PTM /0 release cause to 32P 3T pass the value of the &2 HM0M" PTM /0 /elease 1auseH to upper layers.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if the 32 is in a state other than 1255G:1F (for 7::) or if the 32 is in &dle mode- 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state (for T::)O and *T if the 32 decides not to receive an M0M" service indicated on the M11FO and *T if the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O is not emptyP 3T if any freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 8T select a suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuency. 8T if no suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuency is foundP 9T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. 3T if no freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O. 8T select a freAuency randomly amon the inter?freAuencies indicated in "&0,, or "&0,*. 9T select a suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuency 9T if no suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuency is foundP =T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. 3T clear the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O. *T clear all service specific information applicable for the concerned service. 'OT2P The 32 is only reAuired to acAuire the relevant "&0,, or "&0,*- accordin to what is specified in subclauses ;.,.,.=.,, and ;.,.,.=.,*.


M8MS re- acBuire M((<

&f the 32 receives the &2 H M0M" re? acAuire M11FH- the 32 shallP ,T perform the M11F acAuisition procedure as specified in subclause ;.<.*.


M8MS Ser5ice tra$s9issio$s i$3o ist

&f the 32 receives the &2 HM0M" "ervice transmissions info listH- the 32 mayP ,T discontinue reception of the "?11P1F on which the &2 was received- e(cept for the service transmissions indicated by this &2 for the concerned schedulin period.


M8MS S"ort tra$s9issio$ :4

&f the &2 HM0M" short transmission &:H is included the 32 shallP ,T if the value of the HM0M" short transmission &:H is less than or eAual to the number of services identified by the &2 HModified services listH included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e acAuired in the same modification period as the one in which the HM0M" short transmission &:H is receivedP *T consider the HM0M" short transmission &:H to be an inde( to the list of services contained in the &2 HModified services listH and apply the M0M" transmission identity specified for this entry. ,T otherwiseP *T compile a list of available M0M" services- as included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es acAuired in the same modification period as the one in which the HM0M" short transmission &:H is receivedP 3T concatenate the services contained in &2 HModified services listH included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the services contained in &2 H3nmodified services listH included in the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T consider the $M0M" short transmission &:$ to be the inde( of the entry in the list of available services and apply the M0M" transmission identity specified for this entry.


M8MS Tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7

&f the &2 HM0M" transmission identityH is included the 32 shallP ,T if upper layers indicate that the M0M" transmission has already been received correctlyP *T i nore the information about this M0M" transmission i.e. continue as if the information about the concerned M0M" transmission was not included in the messa e. ,T otherwiseP *T act upon the information about the concerned M0M" transmission as specified elsewhere. The 32 behaviour is unspecified if an M0M" transmission identity appears more than once in the combined list of transmissions i.e. the &2 is included more than once in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' or in the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'- or once in both messa e.


M8MS tra$s9issio$ ti9e di33ere$ce

The &2 HM0M" transmission time differenceH indicates the time difference between the transmissions on the current and the nei hbour cell i.e. indicatin the TT&s that can be 5,? combined. The 32 shallP ,T derive the parameter 'ei hborG"tart from the &2 M0M" transmission time difference as followsP M0M" transmission time difference W ('ei hborG"tart @ Ma(GTT&G"i!e) mod 8 where 'ei hborG"tart is the 17' of the first radio frame in a TT& on the nei hbour cell that may be combined with the TT& on the current cell of which the 17' of the first radio frame eAuals + while Ma(GTT&G"i!e is the lar est TT& si!e on the "?11P1Fs to be soft combinedO ,T in case of partial soft combinin - derive the 17' of the first radio frame in a TT& on the nei hbour cell that may be combined assumin the same time difference applies. The ma(imum delay between "?11P1F clusters that the 32 may combine is set by 32 performance reAuirements. 'OT2P The M0M" transmission time difference is semi?staticO it does not vary within or between 5, combinin periods nor when full combinin is used.


M8S&' c uster 3reBue$c7

&f the cell is operatin in M0"7' mode accordin to subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shallP ,T if for two or more services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" the &2 HM0"7' cluster freAuencyH is availableP *T reAuest from upper layers the priorities of the different M0M" services included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" for which the &2 HM0"7' cluster freAuencyH is availableO *T if the &2 HM0"7' cluster freAuencyH is available for the service with the hi hest priority included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12"P 3T tune to the freAuency indicated in the &2 HM0"7' cluster freAuencyH of that service.


M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ist

7or 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: this &2 may be included in system information bloc# ,, in a cell which is not providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode in order to provide information about freAuencies providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: this &2 shall be included in system information bloc# ,, in a cell which is not providin M0M" service in M0"7' only mode but is associated with one or more cells in M0"7' only mode- in order to provide information about freAuencies providin M0M" service in M0"7' only mode- and this &2 also provides information about the secondary freAuencies providin M0M" service in non?M0"7' only mode of current multi? freAuency cell.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&f the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH is included in system information bloc# ,,- a 32 may consider that all freAuencies on which 7:: or 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: cells providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode are listed in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH. &f the &2 H&M0 indicationH is included in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH- the 32 shall consider that the cells on the correspondin freAuencies are 3.;8 Mcps T:: &M0 cells providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode. &f the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH is included in system information bloc# ,, and no freAuency is included in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH a 32 may consider that no cell operatin in M0"7' mode is available. 7or 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: if the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH is not included in system information bloc# ,, and if services are listed in the variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" a 32 supportin reception of M0M" service in M0"7' mode shall search for cells providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: the &2 H1ell parameter &:H in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH included in system information bloc# ,, indicates the cell which is providin M0M" service in M0"7' only mode on the correspondin freAuencyO if the &2 H1ell parameter &:H is not included in the &2 HM0"7' freAuency listH- a 32 may consider that the correspondin freAuency is the secondary freAuency providin M0M" service in non?M0"7' only mode of current multi?freAuency cell.


M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist

7or 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T:: &M0 and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T::- this &2 may be si nalled in the HM0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O'H messa e received in the cells providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode. &f the &2 HM0"7' inter freAuency nei hbour listH is included and the 32 does not receive a service from this M0"7' cluster- the 32 shallP ,T consider that M0M" services transmitted in M0"7' mode are available on these freAuenciesO ,T if &2 H&M0 indicationH is includedP *T consider that the cells on the correspondin freAuencies are 3.;8 Mcps T:: &M0 cells providin M0M" service in M0"7' mode. ,T if HM0"7' services notifiedH is indicated for a freAuency listed in the &2 HM0"7' inter freAuency nei hbour listHP *T consider that available services provided on this freAuency are notified on the current freAuency. ,T if at least one freAuency is listed for which HM0"7' services not notifiedH is indicated in the &2 HM0"7' inter freAuency nei hbour listHP *T if the &2 H.ll M0"7' services notifiedH is included for one freAuency- as defined in D*,E for 7:: and D**E for T::- on which the 32 supports reception in M0"7' modeP 3T attempt to receive notifications on one of the freAuencies for which the &2 H.ll M0"7' services notifiedH is included accordin to subclause ;.<.3. *T elseP 3T attempt to receive notifications on all freAuencies for which the &2 YM0"7' services not notifiedZ is indicated as specified in subclause ;.<.3 on that band. 'OT2 ,P The 32 may not be able to receive freAuencies listed in the &2 HM0"7' inter freAuency nei hbour listH on a different band compared to the band on which the information is sent (this depends on 32 capabilities). 'OT2 *P The indications for different freAuencies (i.e. HM0"7' services notifiedH- HM0"7' services not notifiedH- H.ll M0"7' services notifiedH) in the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e can be different dependin on the freAuency in which the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e has been received.


M8S&' T4M :$3or9atio$

&f the &2 HM0"7' T:M &nformation 5istH is included- the 32 shallP ,T assume that the M0M" service identitfied in &2 HM0M" short transmission &:H can be received only in frame(s) with the 17' fulfillin the followin eAuationP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

(17' div ') mod T:MG/ep W T:MGOffset V i- i W + to T:MG5en th ? , where ? ? ? ? ? ' is the TT& (in number of ,+ms frames) of the 7.1F T:MG/ep is the repetition period T:MGOffset is the offset T:MG5en th is the number of TT&s the M0M" "ervice is transmitted- startin from T:M GOffset 17' is set accordin to subclause ;.9.,9.3 (&nitialisation for 1ellG7.1F).


M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

&f the &2 HM11F confi uration informationH is included the 32 shallP ,T 1onsider an access information period to start from the frame with the "7' value fulfillin the followin eAuation (where m is the modification period coefficient and a is the access info period coefficient)P "7' mod *(m Q a) W + ,T 1onsider a repetition period to start from the frame with the "7' value fulfillin the followin eAuation (where m is the modification period coefficient and r is the repetition period coefficient)P "7' mod *(m Q r) W + ,T 1onsider a modification period to start from the frame with the "7' value fulfillin the followin eAuation (where m is the modification period coefficient)P "7' mod *m W + ,T confi ure the /51 entity in the 32 used for receivin M11F in accordance with ;.=.8.>O ,T confi ure the M.1 entity in the 32- used for receivin M11F- for receivin T1T7 field unless the &2 $T1T7 presence$ is receivedO


'e.t sc"edu i$2 !eriod

&f the &2 H'e(t schedulin periodH is included for an M0M" service the 32 mayP ,T discontinue reception of the iven M0M" service for the number of schedulin periods indicated by this &2.


T44 M8S&' :$3or9atio$

7or T:: if the 32 receives HT:: M0"7' &nformationH (via "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9) then the 32 shall assume that any 11Tr1F confi ured to use the timeslots indicated by this &2 shall use M0"7' 0urst Type.


'et1or> Sta$dard Ti9e :$3or9atio$

7or ,.*;Mcps T::- when 32 receives H'etwor# "tandard Time &nformationH via M0M" eneral information- the 32 can adjust its local time settin s accordin to the values in H'etwor# "tandard Time &nformationH. The adjustment process is as followin P ,) 1ompare currently "7' and H1orrelative "7'H- et a differenceO *) .dd this difference to H'etwor# "tandard TimeH The result is the precise standard time in currently "7'- and then 32 can maintain this standard time. Fow often does 32 do this adjustment is a 32 implementation.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

=./ M8MS s!eci3ic !rocedures

=./.1 Rece!tio$ o3 M8MS co$tro i$3or9atio$
=./.1.1 Ge$era
The procedure for receivin M0M" control information is used by a 32 to receive information from 3T/.' concernin the way it provides M0M" services the 32 has activated. The procedure applies to all 32s supportin M0M"- irrespective of its state (idle- 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F- 1255G7.1F and 1255G:1F). Most M0M" control information is provided on the M11F. The information on M11F is transmitted usin a fi(ed schedule- which is common for all services. M11F information other than M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e is transmitted periodically based on a repetition period. This M11F information is repeated a confi urable number of times with e(actly the same contentO the period in which the content of M11F information other than M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e remains unchan ed is called the modification period. M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e may be transmitted more freAuently- based on the .ccess &nfo period. The transmissions of M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e within a modification period need not have e(actly the same content (the value of some parameters e . &2 $.ccess probability factor Q &dle$ may chan e). 'evertheless- the transmissions of M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e within a modification period should concern the same M0M" service(s)- althou h information for a service may be removed e . upon completion of the countin for that service. The eneral principles are illustrated in fi ure ;.<.,?,- in which different colours indicate potentially different content of the M11F information.

.ccess &nfo period

/epetition period

Modification period

,i-ure *#)# & . Schedulin- of /CC9 :nfor2ation 7or services provided via a p?t?m radio bearer schedulin information may be provided on an M"1F mapped on the same "?11P1F as the p?t?m radio bearer(s). 7or some of the services provided p?t?m this schedulin information may be provided by si nallin an M0M" "1F2:35&'G &'7O/M.T&O' messa e at every schedulin period- while for others the M0M" "1F2:35&'G &'7O/M.T&O' messa e may be si nalled less freAuently i.e. after a multiple of the schedulin period. &n eneral- the 32 is neither reAuired to acAuire M"1F information nor to act on it. &n case the 32 shall acAuire M11F information that is scheduled at the same time as M"1F information- the reception of the M11F information shall ta#e precedence. &n order to minimise the time the 32 needs to read M11F upon notification as specified in ;.<.3 to acAuire the reAuired information- 3T/.' should schedule the M11F messa es in a specific order ie. any messa e that needs to be read by any 32 due to the reception of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e should be scheduled prior to the remainin messa es. More specifically- the 32 may assume that 3T/.' schedules the M11F messa es in the followin orderP M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'followed by messa es that needs to be read by any 32 due to the content of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in the followin orderP M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- one or more M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'followed by messa es that do not need to be read by any 32 due to the content of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in the followin orderP M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- one or more M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'


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The reAuirements concernin which M0M" control information the 32 shall acAuire in the different cases is specified in other subclauses. This section specifies common reAuirements concernin the reception of M11F information and M"1F information.


U) reBuire9e$ts o$ readi$2 o3 M((< i$3or9atio$

Chen reAuested to acAuire M0M" control information other than the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e - the 32 shallP ,T if reAuested to start readin M11F at the ne(t modification periodP *T start readin M11F at the be innin of the ne(t modification period. ,T otherwise *T start readin M11F at the be innin of the ne(t repetition period. ,T if reAuested to stop readin M11F at the end of the modification periodP *T continue readin M11F until the reAuired M0M" control information is received or until the 32 detects a TT& in which no M11F information is transmitted- whichever is firstO *T continue readin M11F in this manner at every subseAuent repetition period- until the information is received correctly or until the end of the modification period. ,T otherwiseP *T continue readin M11F until the reAuired M0M" control information is received or until the 32 detects a TT& in which no M11F information is transmitted- whichever is firstO *T continue readin M11F in this manner at every subseAuent repetition period- until the information is received correctly. 'OT2 ,P The 32 may combine information received at different repetition periods within a modification period. Chen reAuested to acAuire the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if reAuested to start readin M11F at the ne(t modification periodP *T start readin M11F at the be innin of the ne(t modification period. ,T otherwiseP *T start readin M11F at the be innin of the ne(t access info period. ,T continue readin M11F in this manner at every subseAuent access info period- until the messa e is received correctly or until the end of the modification period. &f the 32 is 1255G:1F and has a compressed mode pattern that overlaps with the period in which it needs to read M11F- the 32 may temporarily refrain from receivin M11F unless it is capable of simultaneous operation. &f the 32 is 1255G7.1F and has a measurement occasion that overlaps with the period in which it needs to read M11F- the 32 may temporarily refrain from receivin M11F unless it is capable of simultaneous operation. . 32 in 1255G7.1F may omit performin measurements durin a measurement occasion in order to receive M11F provided that this does not prevent it from fulfillin the measurement performance reAuirements as specified in D,>E. &n &dle mode as well as in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F states the 32 may temporarily refrain from receivin M11F if needed to fulfil the measurements performance reAuirements as specified in D,>E. 'OT2 *P The 3T/.' should endeavour to ensure that for each 32 in 1255G7.1F the assi ned measurement occasions do not overlap constantly with the periodic M11F transmissions. &f the 32 selects to another cell- the 32 shall re?establish the /51 entity used for M11F reception.


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U) reBuire9e$ts o$ readi$2 o3 MS(< i$3or9atio$

&f the 32 supports reception of M"1F- 32 shallP ,T if the 32 needs to acAuire M11F information that is transmitted at the same time as the M"1F information and the 32 does not support simultaneous receptionP *T refrain from readin M"1F. &f the 32 supports reception of M"1F- 32 shouldP ,T start readin M"1F at the be innin of the ne(t schedulin periodO ,T continue readin M"1F until the reAuired M0M" control information is received or until the 32 detects a TT& in which no M"1F information is transmitted- whichever is first.

=./.2 M((< acBuisitio$

32 3T/.'

M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'

M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O'

M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'

,i-ure *#)#!& . /CC9 ac>uisition6 nor2al



The 32 applies the M11F acAuisition procedure to determine the M0M" services available in the cell and to initiate reception of the services that the 32 has activated. The procedure applies to all 32s supportin M0M"- irrespective of their state (idle- 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F- 1255G7.1F and 1255G:1F). The 32 may also apply the M11F acAuisition procedure to inform '." of other available services that are not activated. 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- if the cell is operatin in M0"7' mode- the M11F will be deployed on the M0"7' "pecial Timeslot D3+E.



&f the variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" is not empty- the 32 shall apply the M11F acAuisition procedure upon selectin (e . upon power on) or re? selectin a cell supportin M0M" or an M0"7' cluster- upon chan e of M0M" controllin cell (e . due to an active set update or hard handover)- upon enterin 3T/. from another /.Tupon release of a M0M" PTP /0 for the purpose of chan in transfer mode- upon return from loss of covera e and upon receivin an indication from upper layers that the set of activated services has chan ed.


M((< i$3or9atio$ to %e acBuired %7 t"e U)

The 32 shall detect the available M0M" services by acAuirin the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the


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ne(t modification period and without stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3. 7or cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shall immediately acAuire the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es ie. it shall not delay reception of these messa es until it has completed the acAuisition of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es. 5i#ewise for cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3- the 32 should immediately acAuire the M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es. 7or cells operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shall immediately acAuire the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es ie. it shall not delay reception of these messa es until it has completed the acAuisition of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es. 5i#ewise for cells operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3- the 32 should immediately acAuire the M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'. The 32 shall continue acAuirin the above messa es until it has received a consistent set of M11F information e . both the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e should be acAuired in the same modification period.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' a$d t"e M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' %7 t"e U)

&f the 32 is receivin an M0M" service that is not included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" and that is usin a p?t?m radio bearer- the 32 shallP ,T stop receivin the concerned M0M" service and clear all service specific information applicable for the concerned service. ,T if the 32 is in a state other than 1255G:1F (for 7::) or if the 32 is in &dle mode- 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state (for T::)O and ,T if the 32 does not decide to receive an M0M" serviceO and ,T if the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O is not emptyP *T if any freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 3T select a suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuencyO 3T if no suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuency is foundP 8T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. *T if no freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 3T select a freAuency randomly amon the inter?freAuencies indicated in "&0,, or "&0,*P 8T select a suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuencyO 8T if no suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuency is foundP 9T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. *T clear the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O. 'OT2P The 32 is only reAuired to acAuire the relevant "&0,, or "&0,*- accordin to what is specified in subclauses ;.,.,.=.,, and ;.,.,.=.,*.

3pon completin the reception of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es- the 32 shall


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,T act as follows for each of the services included in these messa es provided that the service is included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" and upper layers indicate that the session has not yet been received correctly (referred to as $applicable services$)O ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin O ,T if one or more preferred freAuency applies for the applicable servicesP *T delay actin upon the HM0M" Preferred freAuency informationH until receivin information i.e. the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa eO the relevant M11F

*T act upon the HM0M" Preferred freAuency informationH as specified in subclause ;.=.>.8 for the service(s) that upper layers indicate to have hi hest priority. ,T perform the M0M" freAuency selection procedure as specified in subclause ;.9.*<O ,T if the 32 receives an M0M" service usin a p?t?m radio bearer and the received messa es do not contain an &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH set to H.cAuire PTM /0 infoH or set to H.cAuire countin infoQ PTM /0s unmodifiedH for that service then the 32 shallP *T stop receivin the concerned M0M" service and clear all service specific information applicable for the concerned service.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e ot"er M8MS 9essa2es %7 t"e U)

7or cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3- upon receivin the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shall act as specified in subclause ;.<.8.3. 3pon receivin the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 should store all relevant &2s included in this messa e. The 32 shall alsoP ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin . 7or cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3- upon receivin the M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es- the 32 shall act as specified in subclauses ;.<.9.3 and subclause ;.<.9.8 respectively. 7or cells operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 upon receivin the M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shall act as specified in subclauses ;.<.9.3. The procedure ends.

=./.3 M8MS 'oti3icatio$

32 3T/.'

M11FP M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' M11FP updated M0M" control information

,i-ure *#)#3& . /5/S notification on /CC9


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:11FP M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' M11FP updated M0M" control information

,i-ure *#)#3&!. /5/S notification on 3CC9



The M0M" notification procedure is used by the 32 to respond to a notification provided by 3T/.'- indicatin a chan e applicable for one or more M0M" services the 32 has activated. The procedure applies to all 32s supportin M0M"- irrespective of their state (idle and connected modeP 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F- 1255G7.1F and 1255G:1F). The actual notification mechanism to be used depends on the 32 state. /eception of the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e on :11F is optional for a 32 capable of readin M11F in 1255G:1F.



3T/.' initiates the notification procedure to inform 32s about a chan e applicable for one or more M0M" services available in a cell. "ome types of M0M" service chan es e. . the establishment of a p?t?m radio bearer- involve a modification of M11F messa es other than the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. 'OT2 ,P On M11F- the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' as well as the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es are si nalled even if no services are contained in the messa e. 'OT2 *P . service remains in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e until it enters a $steady state$- upon which it moves to the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. &n case countin is used- the service remains in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e throu h the moment 3T/.' has decided the transfer mode.

The 32 mayP

Recei5i$2 t"e M8MS 'oti3icatio$ i$3or9atio$

Rece!tio$ 5ia M((<

,T monitor the M0M" notification &ndicator 1hannel (M&1F)O ,T if a notification on the M&1F for one or more of the M0M" services included in the variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" is detectedP *T acAuire the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e with delayin the readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and with stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3O *T handle the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e as specified in subclause ;.<.3.8. The 32 shallP ,T if in idle mode- 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F or 1255G7.1F stateP *T if not monitorin M&1F durin the current or the previous modification periodP 3T acAuire the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e from M11F at the start of every modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3O 3T handle the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e as specified in subclause ;.<.3.8. ,T if in 1255G:1F stateP


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*T if receivin an M0M" service that is provided via a p?t?m radio bearer and not monitorin M&1FP 3T acAuire the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e from M11F at the start of every modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3O 3T handle the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e as specified in subclause ;.<.3.8.




Rece!tio$ 5ia 4((<

'otification via :11F is used to notify the 32 about the start of a session for which a P5 applies- to notify the 32 about the establishment of a p?t?m radio bearer and to reAuest a 32 in PMMGidle state to establish a PMM connection to enable reception of a service provided via a p?t?p radio bearer. 3pon receivin the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e via :11F- a 32 in 1255G:1F shallP ,T handle the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e as specified in subclause ;.<.3.8.


U) actio$ u!o$ recei5i$2 M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e

3pon receivin the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- if the &2 HM&0 Balue ta H is presentthe 32 should chec# it to ensure that the stored system information bloc#s are up to date. &f the received &2 HM&0 Balue ta H does not match the value ta stored in the variable B.532GT.G for the master information bloc# the 32 should not consider any M0M" confi uration stored or received to be valid- until the stored system information bloc#s are up to date. 3pon receivin the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shall act as follows for each of the services included in this messa es provided that the service is included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" and upper layers indicate that the session has not yet been received correctly (referred to as $applicable services$)P ,T if the &2 HM0M" all unmodified p?t?m servicesH is included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa esP *T for all services listed in the messa e 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'- provided that the service is included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12"- upper layers indicate that the session has not yet been received correctly (referred to as $applicable services$) and the &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH in the messa e M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' is set to H.cAuire PTM /0 infoHP 3T continue acAuirin the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- and for 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and without stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3O 3T act upon the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O'- M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and for 7:: and 3.;8@<.=; Mcps T:: cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- if received- in accordance with subclause ;.<.9- and assumin the p?t?m confi uration indicated in these messa es is valid immediatelyunless the &2 HM0M" p?t?m activation timeH is included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. *T if the 32 receives an M0M" service usin a p?t?m radio bearer and the messa es M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' do not contain an &2 HM0M" reAuired actionH set to H.cAuire PTM /0 infoH or set to H.cAuire countin info Q PTM /0s unmodifiedH for that service then the 32 shallP 3T stop receivin the concerned M0M" service and clear all service specific information applicable for the concerned service.


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3T if the 32 is in a state other than 1255G:1F (for 7::) or if the 32 is in &dle mode- 3/.GP1F or 1255GP1F state (for T::)O and 3T if the 32 does not decide to receive an M0M" serviceO and 3T if the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O is not emptyP 8T if any freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 9T select a suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuencyO 9T if no suitable 3T/. cell in that freAuency is foundP =T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. 8T if no freAuency in "&0,, or "&0,* has the same freAuency stored in the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7OP 9T select a freAuency randomly amon the inter?freAuencies indicated in "&0,, or "&0,*P =T select a suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuencyO =T if no suitable 3T/. cell in the selected freAuency is foundP <T select a suitable 3T/. cell in another freAuency. 8T clear the variable M0M"GP/2BG7/2J32'1KG&'7O. 'OT2P The 32 is only reAuired to acAuire the relevant "&0,, or "&0,*- accordin to what is specified in subclauses ;.,.,.=.,, and ;.,.,.=.,*.

,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin ,T if one or more preferred freAuency applies for the applicable servicesP *T acAuire the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. ,T perform the M0M" freAuency selection procedure as specified in subclause ;.9.*<O ,T the procedure ends.


U) 3ai s to recei5e M8MS 'oti3icatio$ i$3or9atio$

&f the 32 fails to receive the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e within the current modification period- the 32 shallP ,T .cAuire the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and with stoppin at the end of that modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3O ,T act upon the received M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es as specified in subclause ;.<.*.8.


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=./., M8MS cou$ti$2

32 3T/.'

M11FP M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' M11FP M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O'

.ccess &nfo PeriodP +

.ccess &nfo PeriodP ,

,i-ure *#)#'& . /5/S countin-6 nor2al



The M0M" countin procedure is used by the 32 to inform 3T/.' about its interest to receive an M0M" transmission. The procedure applies to 32s supportin M0M" that are in idle mode or in connected mode for cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3. &n connected mode the procedure applies to the 3/.GP1F- 1ellGP1F and@ or 1ellG7.1F states dependent upon the value of the &2 H1onnected mode countin scopeH.



The 32 initiates the M0M" countin procedure for an M0M" transmission upon receivin an M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" messa e includin &2 HM0M" reAuired 32 actionH with the value set to $.cAuire countin info$ or set to H.cAuire countin infoQ PTM /0s unmodifiedH.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e M8MS #(()SS :'&6RM#T:6'

7or cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 shall acAuire the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3. &f the procedure the 32 would apply to respond to countin (&dle modeP //1 connection establishment- connected modeP 1ell update) is on oin - the 32 may defer acAuirin the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e until this procedure has completed. The 32 behaviour upon receivin an M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e that is contained in more than one TT& is not specified. 3pon receivin the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e for cells not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 includin one or more M0M" service(s) it has joined and@or includin one or more M0M" "elected "ervices- the 32 shall for each joined and@or selected serviceP ,T if the 32 is in idle modeP *T draw a random number- HrandH- uniformly distributed in the ran eP + b rand [ , *T if $rand$ is lower than the value indicated by the &2 $.ccess probability factor?&dle$ for the concerned serviceP 3T indicate to upper layers that establishment of an //1 connection is reAuired to receive the concerned M0M" service- with the establishment cause set to $M0M" reception$O 3T if the above condition applies for more than one service- initiate a sin le indication to upper layersO 3T if the //1 connection establishment succeeds- the procedure ends. *T otherwiseP 3T if the messa e tri erin the M0M" countin procedure included the &2 H1ontinue M11F readin H with a value set to T/32P 8T continue acAuirin further M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and without stoppin at the end of the modification periodin accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3.


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3T otherwiseP 8T continue acAuirin further M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and with stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3. ,T if the 32 is in 3/.GP1F state- 1ellGP1F or 1ellG7.1F state and the &2 H1onnected mode countin scopeH indicates that countin is applicable for this 32 stateP *T draw a random number- HrandH- uniformly distributed in the ran eP + b rand [ ,. *T if $rand$ is lower than the value indicated by the &2 $.ccess probability factor?connected$ for the concerned serviceP 3T if a cell update has not been successfully transmitted for this service in the current modification periodP 8T initiate the cell update procedure with $1ell update cause$ set to HM0M" receptionH- in accordance with subclause ;.3.,O 8T if the above condition applies for more than one service- initiate a sin le cell updateO 8T if the cell update procedure succeeds9T the procedure ends. *T otherwiseP 3T if the messa e tri erin the M0M" countin procedure included the &2 H1ontinue M11F readin H with a value set to T/32P 8T continue acAuirin further M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and without stoppin at the end of the modification periodin accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3. 3T otherwiseP 8T continue acAuirin further M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and with stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3. ,T otherwiseP *T the procedure endsO 3pon receivin the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e not includin an M0M" service(s) the 32 has joined or selectedP ,T the procedure endsO


Ter9i$atio$ o3 t"e M8MS cou$ti$2 !rocedure

&f the 32 detects that the M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e is not provided at an access info periodO O/ &f the 32 receives an M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e not includin an M0M" service the 32 has joined or selected- the 32 shallP ,T terminate the M0M" countin procedure. &f the 32 receives an //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e with /ejection 1ause $unspecified$ and includin the M0M" H1ountin completionH &2- the 32 shallP ,T consider the M0M" countin procedure ended for the M0M" service(s) for which the 32 has initiated the M0M" countin responseO ,T indicate to upper layers that the establishment of an //1 connection with the establishment cause set to $M0M" reception$ shall be aborted.


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&ai ure o3 t"e cou$ti$2 res!o$se !rocedure

&f the countin response procedure (//1 connection establishment or 1ell update) fails- the 32 shallP ,T if the failure occurs in the same modification period as the one in which the 32 initiated the countin response procedureO or ,T if the messa e tri erin the M0M" countin procedure included the &2 H1ontinue M11F readin H with a value set to T/32 that is applicable in the modification period in which the 32 detects the failureP *T continue acAuirin further M0M" .112"" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es without delayin readin of M11F until the ne(t modification period and without stoppin at the end of the modification period- in accordance with subclause ;.<.,.3. ,T otherwiseP *T the procedure ends.

=./.5 M8MS !-t-9 radio %earer co$3i2uratio$

32 M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' 3T/.'

,i-ure *#)#"& . /5/S p&t&2 radio ;earer 2odification6 nor2al



The M0M" p?t?m radio bearer confi uration procedure is used by the 32 to acAuire the (modified) radio bearer confi uration for one or more activated M0M" services. The procedure applies to all 32s supportin M0M"irrespective of their state (idle and connected modeP 3/.GP1F- 1255GP1F- 1255G7.1F and 1255G:1F).



The 32 applies the M0M" p?t?m radio bearer confi uration procedure whenever it detects that one of the activated services is provided by means of a p?t?m radio bearerer. This may occur as part of the M11F acAuisition or the M0M" 'otification procedure.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e M8MS (urre$t (e PTM R8 i$3or9atio$

3pon completin the reception of the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa es for an activated M0M" service- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 is already receivin an MT1F and does not have the capability to receive the new service in additionP *T the 32 behaviour is undefined. 'OT2P &n this case- the 32 may reAuest upper layers to prioritise the services and only receive the service(s) prioritised by upper layers.

,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin O ,T if the 32 previously received the service by means of a p?t?m radio bearer from a cell belon in to another M0M" cell roupP *T re?establish /51O *T re?initialise P:1P.


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,T start immediately to use the indicated confi uration unless specified otherwiseO ,T start or continue receivin the indicated p?t?m radio bearers dependin on its 32 capabilities. The 32 shall continue acAuirin the above messa es until it has received a consistent set of M11F information i.e. the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e should be acAuired in the same modification period.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e M8MS 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e PTM R8 i$3or9atio$

3pon receivin the M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e for an activated M0M" service for a cell not operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3- the 32 shallP ,T start immediately to use the indicated nei hbourin cells and confi uration- or a subset of them- for 5,? or 5* combinin or 1hip combinin (,.*;Mcps T:: only) unless specified otherwiseO ,T start or continue receivin the indicated p?t?m radio bearers from the selected nei hbourin cells dependin on its 32 capabilities. The 32 shall apply M0M" '2&GF0O3/&'G 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' only in combination with an M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' and M0M" 13//2'T 1255 P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e acAuired in the same modification period.

=./.6 M8MS 9odi3icatio$ reBuest

32 3T/.'

M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T

,i-ure *#)#(& . /5/S 2odification re>uest6 nor2al



The M0M" modification reAuest procedure is used by the 32 to reAuest 3T/.' to release the p?t?p radio bearers ofone or more M0M" services the 32 is receivin . The procedure is also used to reAuest to be moved to a preferred freAuency applicable for one or more (prioritised) activated M0M" services the 32- and to indicate the 32 M0M" "elected "ervices. The procedure applies to all 32s supportin M0M"- that are in 1255G:1F- 1255GP1F3/.GP1F or 1255G7.1F state.



. 32 enterin 1255G:1F shall initiate the M0M" modification reAuest procedure in the followin casesP ,T if the 32 has any M0M" "elected "erviceO and ,T if the &2 HM11F confi uration informationH was received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bis prior to enterin 1255G:1F. . 32 completin an //1 1onnection "etup procedure shall initiate the M0M" modification reAuest procedure in the followin casesP ,T if the 32 has any M0M" "elected "erviceO and ,T if the &2 HM11F confi uration informationH was received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9 or "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type 9bis prior to completin the //1 1onnection "etup procedure. . 32 in 1255G:1F shall initiate the M0M" modification reAuest procedure in the followin casesP


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,T the preferred freAuency applicable for the M0M" service prioritised by upper layers is different from the currently used freAuencyO ,T upper layers reAuest to discontinue reception of an M0M" service provided via a p?t?p radio bearer e. . because this inhibits reception of a hi her priority serviceO ,T upon a chan e in selection of the M0M" "elected "ervices. 'OT2P The above case may occur upon receivin a dedicated notification or in other cases e . a chan e of transfer mode from p?t?p to p?t?m for the 32$s hi hest priority M0M" service.

. 32 in 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F or 3/.GP1F state shall initiate the M0M" modification reAuest procedure in the followin casesP ,T upon a chan e in selection of the M0M" "elected "ervices that are indicated on M11FO and ,T if the &2 H&ndicate chan es in M0M" "elected "ervicesH that is included in the M0M" G2'2/.5 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e is set to T/32. &f the 32 is reAuired to initiate the M0M" modification reAuest procedure as specified in the conditions above- the 32 shallP ,T transmit an M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T messa e with the contents as specified in subclause ;.<.=.*a. &f applicable- the 32 shall use a sin le M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T messa e to reAuest a move to the preferred freAuency and@or to reAuest release of radio bearers correspondin with lower priority M0M" services provided p?t?p and@or to report the M0M" "elected "ervices.


M8MS M64:&:(#T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e co$te$ts to set

The 32 shall set the contents of the M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T messa e as followsP ,T if the preferred freAuency applicable for the M0M" service prioritised by upper layers is different from the currently used freAuencyP *T include the &2 HM0M" preferred freAuency reAuestH and set it to the prioritised M0M" service identityO ,T if upper layers reAuest to discontinue reception of an M0M" service provided via a p?t?p radio bearerP *T include the p?t?p radio bearers used for the correspondin M0M" services within the &2 HM0M" /0 list reAuested to be releasedH. ,T if the 32 enters 1255G:1FO or ,T if the 32 completes the //1 connection establishment procedureO or ,T if there is a chan e in selection of one or more of the M0M" "elected "ervicesP *T if the 32 has not selected any M0M" "elected "erviceP 3T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &nfoH and set the "tatus to $'one$. *T otherwiseP 3T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &nfoH and set the "tatus to $"ome$O 3T include the &2 H"upport of M0M" service chan e for a ptp /0HO 3T for each M0M" "elected "erviceP 8T order the M0M" "elected "ervices such that those selected with a hi her priority are listed in the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices 7ullH before those selected with a lower priorityO 8T include the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervice &:H within the &2 HM0M" "elected "ervices 7ullH.


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Rece!tio$ o3 a M8MS M64:&:(#T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e %7 t"e UTR#'

3pon reception of a M0M" MO:&7&1.T&O' /2J32"T messa e- the 3T/.' may ta#e further action dependin on the contents of the received messa e. The procedure ends.

=././ M8MS ser5ice sc"edu i$2

32 3T/.'

M"1FP M0M" "1F2:35&'G &'7O/M.T&O' M"1FP M0M" "1F2:35&'G &'7O/M.T&O'

"chedulin PeriodP +

"chedulin PeriodP ,

,i-ure *#)#)& . /5/S ser=ice schedulin-6 nor2al



The M0M" service schedulin procedure is used by the 32 that is receivin one or more activated M0M" services to acAuire the M0M" schedulin information for the M0M" services. The procedure applies to all 32s that are receivin an M0M" service provided via a p?t?m radio bearer- irrespective of their state (idle and connected modeP 3/.GP1F1255GP1F- 1255G7.1F and 1255G:1F).



The 32 may initiate the M0M" service schedulin procedure for any schedulin period of the concerned M0M" service while receivin an "11P1F carryin an M0M" service.


Rece!tio$ o3 t"e M8MS sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$

3pon receivin the M0M" "1F2:35&'G &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- the 32 shouldP ,T act as follows for each of the services included in these messa es provided that the service is included in variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12"O ,T act upon all received information elements as specified in subclause ;.=- unless specified otherwise in the followin . The procedure ends.

<a$d i$2 o3 u$>$o1$, u$3oresee$ a$d erro$eous !rotoco data

-.1 Ge$era
This subclause specifies procedures for the handlin of un#nown- unforeseen- and erroneous protocol data by the receivin entity. These procedures are called Herror handlin proceduresH- but in addition to provide recovery mechanisms for error situations they define a compatibility mechanism for future e(tensions of the protocol. The error handlin procedures specified in this subclause shall apply to all //1 messa es. Chen there is a specific handlin for messa es received on different lo ical channels this is specified. 7or system information received on the 011F- the error handlin procedures are applied on the 011F messa e "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O'- the re?assembled system information se ments as well as the system information bloc#s (includin the master information bloc# and the schedulin bloc#s)- with specific error handlin as specified below.


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Chen the 32 receives an //1 messa e- it shall set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to 7.5"2 and then perform the chec#s in the order as defined below. The error cases specified in the followin include the handlin upon reception of spare values. This behaviour also applies in case the actual value of the &2 results from mappin the ori inally sent &2 value. Moreover- in certain error cases- as specified in the followin - default values apply. &n this case- the default values specified within the ."'.,- the tabular and the procedure specifications apply.

-.2 #S'.1 5io atio$ or e$codi$2 error

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F for which the encoded messa e does not result in any valid abstract synta( value D8>E (or Hencodin errorH)- it shall perform the followin . The 32 shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F. The &2 HProtocol error informationH shall contain an &2 HProtocol error causeH set to H."'., violation or encodin errorHO ,T when //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid messa e had not been received. 'OT2 &n this case- the 32 does not perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to clause ;.

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- for which the encoded messa e does not result in any valid abstract synta(- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O ,T set the &2 HProtocol error causeH in the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' to H."'., violation or encodin errorHO ,T perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to clause ;. &f a reassembled set of system information se ments received in messa es on the 011F does not result in any valid abstract synta( value- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the reassembled set of system information se mentsO ,T treat the rest of each messa e containin the i nored system information se ments as if those se ments were not present. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- P11F- 111F- M11F- M"1F or "F11F for which the encoded messa e does not result in any valid abstract synta( value- it shall i nore the messa e.

-.3 U$>$o1$ or u$3oresee$ 9essa2e t7!e

&f a 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F with a messa e type not defined for the :11F it shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O ,T transmit an //1 "T.T3" messa e on the uplin# :11F. The &2 HProtocol error informationH shall contain an &2 HProtocol error causeH set to HMessa e type non?e(istent or not implementedHO ,T when the //1 "T.T3" messa e has been submitted to lower layers for transmissionP *T continue with any on oin processes and procedures as if the invalid messa e had not been received. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- P11F- 111F- M11F- M"1F or "F11F with a messa e type not defined for the lo ical channel type the messa e was received on- it shall i nore the messa e.

-.3a U$so icited recei5ed 9essa2e

&f the 32 receives any of the followin messa esP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

? ? ? ? ?

an //1 1O''21T&O' "2T3P messa e addressed to the 32 on the 111FO or an //1 1O''21T&O' /2L21T messa e addressed to the 32 on the 111FO or a 32 1.P.0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' 1O'7&/M messa e on the :11FO or a 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the :11FO or a 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M messa e addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the :11F

and no procedure is on oin accordin to clause ; which e(pects the messa e to be receivedP the 32 shallP ,T i nore the received messa e.

-.3% U$e.!ected critica 9essa2e e.te$sio$

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- containin an undefined critical messa e e(tension- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O ,T set the &2 HProtocol error causeH in the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' to HMessa e e(tension not comprehendedHO ,T if the &2 HMessa e TypeH of the received messa e is not present in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"P *T store the &2 HMessa e typeH of the received messa e in the table H/ejected transactionsH in the variable T/.'".1T&O'"O and *T set the &2 H//1 transaction identifierH to !ero in that table entry. ,T perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to clause ;. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- M11F- M"1F or P11F- containin an undefined critical messa e e(tension- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the messa e.

-., U$>$o1$ or u$3oresee$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 5a ue, 9a$dator7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- with a mandatory &2 havin a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T if a default value of the &2 is definedP *T treat the rest of the messa e usin the default value of the &2. ,T if no default value of the &2 is definedP *T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O *T set the &2 HProtocol error causeH in the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' to H&nformation element value not comprehendedHO *T perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to clause ;. &f the 32 receives a system information bloc# on the 011F with a mandatory &2 havin a value reserved for future e(tension (spare)or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T if a default value of the &2 is definedP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T treat the rest of the system information bloc# usin the default value of the &2. ,T if no default value of the &2 is definedP *T i nore the system information bloc#. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- M11F- M"1F or P11F with a mandatory &2 havin a value reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T if a default value of the &2 is definedP *T treat the rest of the messa e usin the default value of the &2. ,T if no default value of the &2 is definedP *T i nore the messa e.

-.5 (o$ditio$a i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t error

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- 011F- P11F- M11F- M"1F or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- for which the specified conditions for absence of a conditional &2 are met and that &2 is present- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the &2O ,T treat the rest of the messa e as if the &2 was not present. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- for which the specified conditions for presence of a conditional &2 are met and that &2 is absent- the 32 shallP ,T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O ,T set the &2 HProtocol error causeH in the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' to H &nformation element missin HO ,T perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to clause ;. &f the 32 receives a system information bloc# on the 011F for which the specified conditions for presence of a conditional &2 are met and that &2 is absent- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the system information bloc#. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- M11F- M"1F or P11F for which the specified conditions for presence of a conditional &2 are met and that &2 is absent- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the messa e.

-.6 U$>$o1$ or u$3oresee$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 5a ue, co$ditio$a i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- for which the specified conditions for presence of a conditional &2 are metthat &2 is present- and that &2 has a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T if a default value of the &2 is definedP *T treat the rest of the messa e usin the default value of the &2. ,T if no default value of the &2 is definedP *T set the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G/2L21T to T/32O


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T set the &2 HProtocol error causeH in the variable P/OTO1O5G2//O/G&'7O/M.T&O' to H&nformation element value not comprehendedHO *T perform procedure specific error handlin accordin to clause ;. &f the 32 receives a system information bloc# on the 011F for which the specified conditions for presence of a conditional &2 are met- that &2 is present- and that &2 has a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T if a default value of the &2 is definedP *T treat the rest of the system information bloc# usin the default value of the &2. ,T if no default value of the &2 is definedP *T i nore the system information bloc#. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- M11F- M"1F or P11F for which the specified conditions for presence of a conditional &2 are met- that &2 is present- and that &2 has a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T if a default value of the &2 is definedP *T treat the rest of the messa e usin the default value of the &2. ,T if no default value of the &2 is definedP *T i nore the messa e.

-./ U$>$o1$ or u$3oresee$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 5a ue, o!tio$a i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- with an optional &2 havin a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- it shallP ,T i nore the value of the &2O ,T treat the rest of the messa e as if the &2 was not present. &f the 32 receives a system information bloc# on the 011F with an optional &2 havin a value- includin choicereserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- it shallP ,T i nore the value of the &2O ,T treat the rest of the system information bloc# as if the &2 was not present. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- M11F or M"1F or P11F with an optional &2 havin a valueincludin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- it shallP ,T i nore the value of the &2O ,T treat the rest of the messa e as if the &2 was not present.

-.= U$e.!ected $o$-critica 9essa2e e.te$sio$

&f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the :11F- or addressed to the 32 on the 111F or on the "F11F- or sent via a radio access technolo y other than 3T/.'- containin an undefined non?critical messa e e(tension- the 32 shallP ,T if the non critical e(tension is included in the HBariable 5en th 2(tension 1ontainerHP *T i nore the content of the e(tension and the contents of this container after the not comprehended e(tensionand continue decodin the rest of the messa e.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T otherwiseP *T i nore the content of the e(tension and the messa e contents after the e(tension- but treat the parts of the messa e up to the e(tension normally. &f the 32 receives a system information bloc# on the 011F containin an undefined non?critical messa e e(tensionthe 32 shallP ,T i nore the content of the e(tension and the system information bloc# contents after the e(tension- but treat the parts of the system information bloc# up to the e(tension normally. &f the 32 receives an //1 messa e on the 011F- M11F or M"1F or P11F- containin an undefined non?critical messa e e(tension- the 32 shallP ,T i nore the content of the e(tension and the messa e contents after the e(tension- but treat the parts of the messa e up to the e(tension normally.

-.- <a$d i$2 o3 errors i$ $ested i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

.n erroneous &2 may be included in another &2- which may be included in another &2 and so on. This subclause specifies the handlin of errors in mandatory &2s as well as for conditional &2s for which the specified conditions for presence are met- that are nested in another &2. &n case the 32 receives an &2 (&2,) that includes a mandatory &2 (&2,?,) havin a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T consider &2, to have an undefined valueO and ,T apply the correspondin eneric error handlin to &2,.

&n case there are many &2 nestin levels- in all of which the &2 is mandatory while no default value is defined- this treatment may need to be repeated several times. The followin e(ample illustrates the eneral principle.
ExampleMessage ::= SEQUENCE { ie1 IE1 OPTIONAL, ie2 IE2 } IE1 ::= SEQUENCE { ie1-1 INTE E! "1##1$%, -- ie1-1 &al'es 1(##1$ a)e spa)e a*+ s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l ie1-2 IE1-2 OPTIONAL, ie1-( IE1-( }

&f in the above e(ample- 3T/.' would include ie, and set ie,?, to value ,3- the 32 e(periences an error in a mandatory &2. The uideline outlined in the previous then means that the 32 shall not discard the entire messa e but instead consider Hie,H to have an un#nown value. "ince &2, is optional- the eneric error handlin would be to i nore Hie,H. &n case the 32 receives an &2 (&2,) that includes a list of another &2 (&2,?,) for which one or more entries in the list have a value- includin choice- reserved for future e(tension (spare) or a value not used in this version of the specification (e. . a dummy value)- the 32 shallP ,T consider the list as if these entries were not included. 'OT2P &n case the above eneric error handlin procedures do not result in the desired behaviour- the introduction of spares may need to be reconsidered.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Messa2e a$d i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 3u$ctio$a de3i$itio$ a$d co$te$t

10.1 Ge$era
The function of each /adio /esource 1ontrol messa e to ether with messa e contents in the form of a list of information elements is defined in subclause ,+.*. 7unctional definitions of the information elements are then described in subclause ,+.3. &nformation elements are mar#ed as either MP ? Mandatory present- M: ? Mandatory with default value- OP ? Optional1B ? 1onditional on value or 1F ? 1onditional on history (see Table ,+., with information e(tracted from D,8E). Ta;le %# . /eanin- of a;;re=iations used in RRC 2essa-es and infor2ation ele2ents
A;;re=iation MP /eaninMa$dator7 !rese$t # 5a ue 3or t"at i$3or9atio$ is a 1a7s $eeded, a$d $o i$3or9atio$ is !ro5ided a%out a !articu ar de3au t 5a ue. :3 e5er t"e tra$s3er s7$ta. a o1s a%se$ce (e.2., due to e.te$sio$), t"e$ a%se$ce eads to a$ error dia2$osis. Ma$dator7 1it" de3au t 5a ue # 5a ue 3or t"at i$3or9atio$ is a 1a7s $eeded, a$d a !articu ar de3au t 5a ue is 9e$tio$ed (i$ t"e LSe9a$tica i$3or9atio$L co u9$). T"is o!e$s t"e !ossi%i it7 3or t"e tra$s3er s7$ta. to use a%se$ce or a s!ecia !atter$ to e$code t"e de3au t 5a ue. (o$ditio$a o$ 5a ue T"e $eed 3or a 5a ue 3or t"at i$3or9atio$ de!e$ds o$ t"e 5a ue o3 so9e ot"er :) or :)s, a$d0or o$ t"e 9essa2e 3 o1 (e.2., c"a$$e , S#P). T"e $eed is s!eci3ied %7 9ea$s o3 a co$ditio$, t"e resu t o3 1"ic" 9a7 %e t"at t"e i$3or9atio$ is 9a$dator7 !rese$t, 9a$dator7 1it" de3au t 5a ue, $ot $eeded or o!tio$a . :3 o$e o3 t"e resu ts o3 t"e co$ditio$ is t"at t"e i$3or9atio$ is 9a$dator7 !rese$t, t"e tra$s3er s7$ta. 9ust a o1 3or t"e !rese$ce o3 t"e i$3or9atio$. :3 i$ t"is case t"e i$3or9atio$ is a%se$t a$ error is dia2$osed. :3 o$e o3 t"e resu ts o3 t"e co$ditio$ is t"at t"e i$3or9atio$ is 9a$dator7 1it" de3au t 5a ue, a$d a !articu ar de3au t 5a ue is 9e$tio$ed (i$ t"e LSe9a$tica i$3or9atio$L co u9$), t"e tra$s3er s7$ta. 9a7 use a%se$ce or a s!ecia !atter$ to e$code t"e de3au t 5a ue. :3 o$e o3 t"e resu ts o3 t"e co$ditio$ is t"at t"e i$3or9atio$ is $ot $eeded, t"e tra$s3er s7$ta. 9ust a o1 e$codi$2 t"e a%se$ce. :3 i$ t"is case t"e i$3or9atio$ is !rese$t, it 1i %e i2$ored. :$ s!eci3ic cases "o1e5er, a$ error 9a7 %e dia2$osed i$stead. :3 o$e o3 t"e resu ts o3 t"e co$ditio$ is t"at t"e i$3or9atio$ is o!tio$a , t"e tra$s3er s7$ta. 9ust a o1 3or t"e !rese$ce o3 t"e i$3or9atio$. :$ t"is case, $eit"er a%se$ce $or !rese$ce o3 t"e i$3or9atio$ eads to a$ error dia2$osis. (o$ditio$a o$ "istor7 T"e $eed 3or a 5a ue 3or t"at i$3or9atio$ de!e$ds o$ i$3or9atio$ o%tai$ed i$ t"e !ast (e.2., 3ro9 9essa2es recei5ed i$ t"e !ast 3ro9 t"e !eer). T"e $eed is s!eci3ied %7 9ea$s o3 a co$ditio$, t"e resu t o3 1"ic" 9a7 %e t"at t"e i$3or9atio$ is 9a$dator7 !rese$t, 9a$dator7 1it" de3au t 5a ue, $ot $eeded or o!tio$a . T"e "a$d i$2 o3 t"e co$ditio$s is t"e sa9e as descri%ed 3or (V. 6!tio$a T"e !rese$ce or a%se$ce is si2$i3ica$t a$d 9odi3ies t"e %e"a5iour o3 t"e recei5er. <o1e5er 1"et"er t"e i$3or9atio$ is !rese$t or $ot does $ot ead to a$ error






Release ! A;;re=iation


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) /eanin-


10.1.1 Protoco e.te$sio$s

//1 messa es may be e(tended in future versions of this protocol- either by addin values for choices- enumerated and si!e constrained types or by addin information elements. .n important aspect concerns the behaviour of a 32conformin to this revision of the standard- upon receivin a not comprehended future e(tension. The details of this error handlin behaviour are provided in clause >. 'OT2 ,P 0y avoidin the need for partial decodin (s#ippin uncomprehended &2s to continue decodin the remainder of the messa e)- the //1 protocol e(tension mechanism also avoids the overhead of len th determinants for e(tensions. HBariable len th e(tension containersH (i.e. non critical e(tension containers that have their abstract synta( defined usin the ."'., type H0&T "T/&'GH) have been defined to support the introduction of e(tensions to a release after the subseAuent release is fro!en (and 32s based on that subseAuent release may appear). 7or this container a len th determinant is used- which facilitates partial decodin of the container as well as the decodin of the e(tensions included after the container. Two #inds of protocol e(tensions are distin uishedP non?critical and critical e(tensions. &n eneral- a receiver shall process a messa e includin not comprehended non?critical e(tensions as if the e(tensions were absent. Fowever- a receiver shall entirely reject a messa e includin not comprehended critical e(tensions (there is no partial rejection) and notify the sender- as specified in clause >. The eneral mechanism for addin critical e(tensions is by definin a new version of the messa e- which is indicated at the be innin of the messa e. The 32 shall always comprehend the complete transfer synta( specified for the protocol version it supportsO if the 32 comprehends the transfer synta( defined within protocol version . for messa e ,- it shall also comprehend the transfer synta( defined within protocol version . for messa e *. The followin table shows for which messa es only non?critical e(tensions may be added- for which messa es both critical and non?critical e(tensions may be added and for which messa es neither critical nor non?critical e(tensions may be added. 'OT2 *P 1ritical e(tensions can only be added to certain downlin# messa es.
1Dtensions (ritica a$d $o$-critica e.te$sio$s /essa-e #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 10.2.1 #SS:ST#'() 4#T# 4)L:V)RD 10.2., ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' 10.2.5 ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM 10.2.= (6U'T)R (<)(H 10.2.46G'L:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 10.2.11 <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 10.2.16a <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4 10.2.15 L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6' 10.2.16da M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L 10.2.1/ P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 10.2.22 P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6' 10.2.25 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 10.2.2/ R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) 10.2.30 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP 10.2.33 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T 10.2.36 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) 10.2.3/ RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP 10.2.,0 S)(UR:TD M64) (6MM#'4 10.2.,3 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) 10.2.,6 TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 10.2.50 U) (#P#8:L:TD )'EU:RD 10.2.55 U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 10.2.5/ U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)EU)ST 10.2.5/a UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L 10.2.5UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM 10.2.61 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.62 #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) (6MPL)T) 10.2.2

'o$-critica e.te$sio$s


Release ! 1Dtensions o$ 7


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'o e.te$sio$s

/essa-e #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) &#:LUR) 10.2.3 ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' &#:LUR) 10.2.6 ()LL UP4#T) 10.2./ (6U'T)R (<)(H R)SP6'S) 10.2.10 )TGS PR:M#RD '6T:&:(#T:6' G:T< S)(UR:TD 10.2.12a <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MPL)T) 10.2.16% :':T:#L 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 10.2.16c <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' &#:LUR) 10.2.16 M8MS #(()SS :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16e M8MS (6MM6' P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16f M8MS (URR)'T ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16 M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16h M8MS M64:&:(#T:6' R)EU)ST 10.2.16i M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16j M8MS '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16# M8MS S(<)4UL:'G :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.165 M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.16m M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L &#:LUR) 10.2.1= M)#SUR)M)'T R)P6RT 10.2.1P#G:'G TDP) 1 10.2.20 P#G:'G TDP) 2 10.2.21 P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 10.2.23 P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR) 10.2.2, PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 10.2.26 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 10.2.2= R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR) 10.2.2R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 10.2.31 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) &#:LUR) 10.2.32 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) 10.2.3, R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP &#:LUR) 10.2.35 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 10.2.3= RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST 10.2.3RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) 10.2.,1 RR( ST#TUS 10.2.,2 S)(UR:TD M64) (6MPL)T) 10.2.,, S)(UR:TD M64) &#:LUR) 10.2.,5 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' 10.2.,/ Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 10.2.,=.=.1 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1 to S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 22 10.2.,=.=., to 10.2.,=.=.25 SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' (<#'G) :'4:(#T:6' 10.2.,TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 10.2.51 TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR) 10.2.52 TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L 10.2.53 TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L &#:LUR) 10.2.5, U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.56 U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)SP6'S) 10.2.5/% UPL:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R 10.2.5= UR# UP4#T) 10.2.60 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 10.2.63 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' &#:LUR) 10.2.6, ()LL UP4#T) &44 10.2./a SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' 10.2.,= &irst Se29e$t 10.2.,=.1 Su%seBue$t or ast Se29e$t 10.2.,=.3 (o9! ete S:8 10.2.,=.5

'OT2 3P 7or the "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e protocol e(tensions are only possible at the level of system information bloc#s.

'o$-critica e.te$sio$s
).te$sio$ o3 a$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 1it" additio$a 5a ues or c"oices

&n future versions of this protocol- non?critical values may be added to choices- enumerated and si!e constrained types.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

7or choices- enumerated and si!e constrained types it is possible to indicate how many non?critical spare values need to be reserved for future e(tension. &n this case- the tabular format should indicate the number of spare values that are needed. The value ran e defined in ."'., for the e(tensible &2 should include the number of spares that are neededsince a value outside the ran e defined for this &2 will result in a eneral ."'., violation error. 7or downlin# messa es- spare values may be defined for non?critical information elements for which the need is specified to be M: or OP (or 1B case leadin to M: or OP). &n this case- a receiver not comprehendin the received spare value shall consider the information element to have the default value or consider it to be absent respectively. 7or uplin# messa es spare values may be defined for all information elements- includin those for which the need is specified to be MP (or 1B case leadin to MP). &n all cases at most one spare should be defined for choices. &n this case- information elements applicable to the spare choices shall be added to the end of the messa e.

).te$sio$ o3 a 9essa2e 1it" additio$a i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

&n future versions of this protocol- non?critical information elements may be added to //1 messa es. These additional information elements shall be normally appended at the end of the messa eO the transfer synta( specified in this revision of the standard facilitates this. . receiver conformant to this revision of the standard shall accept such e(tension- and proceed as if it was not included. . transmitter conformant to this version of the standard shall not include an e(tension reserved for introducin non critical e(tensions in later versions of the standardO i.e. the correspondin parameter defined in the ."'., shall be absent. 'OT2P &f an e(tension- reserved for future non?critical e(tensions- is included (even if it is empty)- this may result in transfer synta( errors when received by an implementation conformin to a later version of the standard.

2(tensions to a release that are introduced after the subseAuent release is fro!en may however be inserted prior to the end of the messa e. To facilitate this- Hvariable len th e(tension containersH have been introduced in most messa es.

(ritica e.te$sio$s
).te$sio$ o3 a$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 1it" additio$a 5a ues or c"oices

&n versions of this protocol- choices- enumerated and si!e constrained types may be e(tended with critical values. 7or e(tension with critical values the eneral critical e(tension mechanism is used- i.e. for this no spare values are reserved since bac#ward compatibility is not reAuired.

).te$sio$ o3 a 9essa2e 1it" additio$a i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

&n future versions of this protocol- //1 messa es may be e(tended with new information elements. "ince messa es includin critical e(tensions are rejected by receivers not comprehendin them- these messa es may be modified completely- e. . &2s may be inserted at any place and &2s may be removed or redefined.

10.2 Radio Resource (o$tro 9essa2es

10.2.1 #(T:V) S)T UP4#T)
'OT2P Only for 7::. This messa e is used by 3T/.' to add- replace or delete radio lin#s in the active set of the 32. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e Se2antics description $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e 'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: CN infor2ation ele2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o Need MP /ulti

"*( T4pe and reference RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ <-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ % M:M6 !ara9eter s 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eter s,2 Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 )-4(< reco$3i2ura tio$ i$3or9atio$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(< M4 6P 6P 6P 6P

4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@.

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


Ph4 C9 infor2ation ele2ents 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$ 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$



6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters



M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters



0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44


4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 @9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er. &44 o$ 7 R)L--


)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7


&44 o$ 7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

"*) T4pe and reference o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 &-TP:(< reco$3i2ura tio$ i$3o U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


&-TP:(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3o U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7



&44 o$ 7


3ownlink radio resources Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ NRadio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7


1 to M9a.RL -1N Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7$2 (e ("a$2e Para9eter s 10.3.6./,% 1 to M9a.RL N Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 TA 4i5ersit7 Mode 10.3.6.=6

Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ reBuired 3or eac" RL to add


&44 o$ 7


Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e Para9eters

(VTargetC ellPreco nf 6P MP


Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ NRadio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ reBuired 3or eac" RL to re9o5e


&44 o$ 7


TA 4i5ersit7 Mode


4e3au t 5a ue is t"e TA di5ersit7 9ode curre$t 7 used i$ a or !art o3 t"e acti5e set.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4P( Mode Need 6P /ulti

"** T4pe and reference )$u9erate d (Si$2 e TP(, TP( tri! et i$ so3t) Ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce i$3or9atio$ 10.3.6./,a )-4(< reco$3i2ura tio$ i$3or9atio$ UL 16E#M co$3i2urati o$ 10.3.6.=6o UL 6,E#M co$3i2urati o$ 10.3.6.=6% U! i$> M:M6 i$3o &44,5 )-4(< reco$3i2ura tio$ i$3or9atio$ sa9e ser5i$2 ce )-T&( 8oost :$3o 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description @Si$2 e TP(@ is 4P(;Mode?0 a$d @TP( tri! et i$ so3t@ is 4P(;9ode?1 i$ I2-J. $ersion R)L-5

Ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce i$3or9atio$



)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$



UL 16E#M co$3i2uratio$



UL 6,E#M co$3i2uratio$



U! i$> M:M6 i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ sa9e ser5i$2 ce


T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is c"a$2ed 1it" t"is 9essa2e.


)-T&( 8oost :$3o )-4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$

6P 6P

4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44


4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 ,

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at %oosti$2 o3 )-4P((< is disa% ed TRU) 9ea$s )4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$ 3or9u a is used, &#LS) 9ea$s )-4P4(< !o1er e.tra!o atio$ 3or9u a is used 3or t"e co9!utatio$ o3 t"e 2ai$ 3actor ed accordi$2 to I2-J &44 o$ 7

R)L-/ R)L-/


#dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10

#dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Need 6P /ulti

"*+ T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-11

Condition TargetCellPreconf

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 Radio Li$>s are added a$d at east o$e added Radio Li$> co$tai$s t"e :) Tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$.

10.2.2 #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) (6MPL)T)

'OT2P 7or 7:: only. This messa e is sent by 32 when active set update has been completed. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o


10.2.3 #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) &#:LUR)

'OT2P Only for 7::. This messa e is sent by 32 if the update of the active set has failed- e. . because the radio lin# is not a part of the active set. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP

"+% /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

10.2., #SS:ST#'() 4#T# 4)L:V)RD

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to convey 32 positionin assistance data to the 32. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)%ased 10.3./.103a U) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce data 10.3./.-0 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS assista$ce data 10.3./.-0% Se2antics description $ersion

/essa-e T4pe
01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier MP


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o /easure2ent :nfor2ation ele2ents U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-%ased



U) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce data


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS assista$ce data




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.5 ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#'

This messa e is used to order a cell chan e from 3T/. to another radio access technolo y- e. .- G"M. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents R#8 i$3or9atio$ ist NR#8 i$3o Cther infor2ation ele2ents Tar2et ce descri!tio$ N(<6:() Radio Access Technology NNGSM NNN8S:( NNN8a$d :$dicator Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e 1 to M9a.R# 8setu!N R#8 i$3o 10.3.,.= Se2antics description $ersion

(< M4

4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@


T"is :) s"ou d $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco .

MP MP MP MP 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erated (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023) 8it stri$2(3)

T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' I,5J :$c udes %its %1-%3 o3 t"e '( 9ode :) s!eci3ied i$ I,3J. %1 is t"e east si2$i3ica$t %it. '6T)* T"e 8it stri$2 s"ou d %e e.te$ded to , %its i$ a ater 5ersio$ o3 t"e 9essa2e. R)L-5 G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.,3 G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.,3 See I,,J R)L-5

NNN8((< #R&(' NNN'( 9ode


NNN(<6:() !RA" System Info type NNNNS:



See I,,J




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.6 ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent on the //1 connection used before the 1ell chan e order from 3T/.' was e(ecuted. The messa e indicates that the 32 has failed to sei!e the new channel in the other radio access technolo y. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$ter-R#T c"a$2e 3ai ure 10.3.=.5 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Cther infor2ation ele2ents :$ter-R#T c"a$2e 3ai ure



10.2./ ()LL UP4#T)

This messa e is used by the 32 to initiate a cell update procedure. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP 111F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents U-R'T: RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o 1 to M9a.(' do9ai$s N (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s. Se2antics description $ersion

MP (V#ailure

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o ST#RT ist

(< MP

N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7




ST#RT 5a ue to %e


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #M;RL( error i$dicatio$(R82, R83 or R8,) #M;RL( error i$dicatio$(R8N,) (e u!date cause Need MP /ulti

"+3 T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description used i$ t"is (' do9ai$. TRU) i$dicates #M;RL( u$reco5era% e error I16J occurred o$ R82, R83 or R8, i$ t"e U) TRU) i$dicates #M;RL( u$reco5era% e error I16J occurred o$ R8N, i$ t"e U) $ersion


8oo ea$


Tra33ic 5o u9e i$dicator


(e u!date cause )$u9erat ed (TRU))

T"is :) s"a %e set to TRU) 1"e$ t"e criteria 3or e5e$t %ased tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 is 3u 3i ed. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s $ot 3u 3i ed.


&ai ure cause


R8 ti9er i$dicator


&ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio $, R8 ti9er i$dicator


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )sta% is"9e$t cause Need 6P /ulti

"+' T4pe and reference )sta% is" 9e$t cause )$u9erat ed (s!eec", 5ideo, ot"er) )$u9erat ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5

(S (a T7!e

C$Con%ers ationalC S 6P

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded


<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;&#(<

Su!!ort o3 co99o$ )4(<


)$u9erat ed (TRU))

Su!!ort o3 <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$


)$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (<i2"9o%i it74 etected)

Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is


Su!!ort o3 SPS o!eratio$


Su!!ort o3 co$tro c"a$$e 4RA o!eratio$


U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


(a!a%i it7 c"a$2e i$dicator


)$u9erat ed (TRU))

Reco$3i2uratio$ Status :$dicator


)$u9erat ed (TRU))

T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <SP4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. 'ote 1. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode. 'ote 1. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <S4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M#(i0is o!eratio$. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort SPS o!eratio$. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort co$tro c"a$$e 4RA o!eratio$. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J eit"er t"e <i2" 9o%i it7 state is $ot a!! ica% e or it "as $ot %ee$ detected %7 t"e U). TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) ca!a%i it7 "as c"a$2ed co9!ared to t"e 5a ue stored i$ t"e 5aria% e U);(#P#8:L:TD;TR# 'S&)RR)4. TRU) i$dicates a reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedure is o$2oi$2 1it"i$ t"e U) or a res!o$se 9essa2e "as %ee$ su%9itted to RL( a$d t"e U) is 1aiti$2 3or t"e a7er 2 #(H.











Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M8MS Se ected Ser5ices Need 6P /ulti

"+" T4pe and reference M8MS Se ected Ser5ices S"ort 10.3.-a./ d )$u9erat ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

Su!!ort 3or T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(<


Securit7 Re5ert Status :$dicator


)$u9erat ed (Re5erted 8ac>, 'or9a 6!eratio$ )

T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(< Re5erted 8ac> i$dicates t"is U) "as re5erted %ac> to t"e o d securit7 co$3i2uratio$ %7 a%orti$2 t"e o$2oi$2 securit7 9ode co99a$d. 'or9a 6!eratio$ i$dicates t"is U) "as $ot re5erted %ac> to t"e o d securit7 co$3i2uratio$ %7 a%orti$2 a$ o$2oi$2 securit7 9ode co99a$d. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort re!orti$2 o3 securit7 re5ert status.



/easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents Measured resu ts o$ R#(< Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e #'R Lo22i$2 Resu ts #5ai a% e


Measured resu ts o$ R#(< 10.3./.,5 R)L-10 )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> True i$dicates t"e U) "as #'R o22i$2 resu ts to re!ort to t"e 'et1or>. R)L-10 R)L-10

6P 6P

'OT2 ,P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- 32 supportin F"?P:"1F in 1255G7.1F always supports 2?:1F enhanced random access in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- and vice versa. .nd 32 supportin F"?P:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state always supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state and 1255G7.1F F"?:"1F :/I operation.

Condition #ailure Con%ersationalCS

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @&ai ure cause@ is !rese$t a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) O)sta% is"9e$t causeP "as t"e 5a ue O6ri2i$ati$2 (o$5ersatio$a (a P or O)9er2e$c7(a P a$d a (S ca is %ei$2 i$itiated. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2./a ()LL UP4#T) &44

'OT2P Only for 7::. This messa e is used by the 32 to initiate a cell update procedure. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP 111F :irectionP 323T/.'

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents U-R'T: ST#RT ist

Need (< MP


T4pe and reference :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Messa2e T7!e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/

Se2antics description


MP MP 1 to M9a.(' do9ai$s N

ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s. (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT 8oo ea$

N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7


NST#RT #M;RL( error i$dicatio$(R82, R83 or R8,) #M;RL( error i$dicatio$(R8N,) (e u!date cause



8oo ea$

ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$. TRU) i$dicates #M;RL( u$reco5era% e error I16J occurred o$ R82, R83 or R8, i$ t"e U) TRU) i$dicates #M;RL( u$reco5era% e error I16J occurred o$ R8N, i$ t"e U)


&ai ure cause


RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier


R8 ti9er i$dicator )sta% is"9e$t cause


Tra33ic 5o u9e i$dicator


(e u!date cause &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio $, RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier R8 ti9er i$dicator )sta% is" 9e$t cause )$u9erat

T"is :) s"a %e set to


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

"+) T4pe and reference ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) 1"e$ t"e criteria 3or e5e$t %ased tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 is 3u 3i ed. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s $ot 3u 3i ed. TRU) i$dicates a reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedure is o$2oi$2 1it"i$ t"e U) or a res!o$se 9essa2e "as %ee$ su%9itted to RL( a$d t"e U) is 1aiti$2 3or t"e a7er 2 #(H. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded $ersion

Reco$3i2uratio$ Status :$dicator


)$u9erat ed (TRU))

(S (a T7!e

C$Con%ers ationalC S 6P

<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;&#(<

)$u9erat ed (s!eec", 5ideo, ot"er) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (<i2"9o%i it74 etected)

U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


(a!a%i it7 c"a$2e i$dicator


)$u9erat ed (TRU))

Su!!ort o3 co99o$ )4(<


)$u9erat ed (TRU))

Su!!ort o3 <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$


)$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (Re5erted 8ac>, 'or9a 6!eratio$ )

Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is


Securit7 Re5ert Status :$dicator


T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <SP4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J eit"er t"e <i2" 9o%i it7 state is $ot a!! ica% e or it "as $ot %ee$ detected %7 t"e U). TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) ca!a%i it7 "as c"a$2ed co9!ared to t"e 5a ue stored i$ t"e 5aria% e U);(#P#8:L:TD;TR# 'S&)RR)4. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <S4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M#(i0is o!eratio$. Re5erted 8ac> i$dicates t"is U) "as re5erted %ac> to t"e o d securit7 co$3i2uratio$ %7 a%orti$2 t"e o$2oi$2 securit7 9ode co99a$d. 'or9a 6!eratio$ i$dicates t"is U) "as $ot re5erted %ac> to t"e o d securit7 co$3i2uratio$ %7 a%orti$2 a$ o$2oi$2 securit7 9ode


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

"+* T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description co99a$d. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort re!orti$2 o3 securit7 re5ert status. $ersion

/easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents Measured resu ts o$ R#(<


Measured resu ts o$ R#(< &44 10.3./.,5 a )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> True i$dicates t"e U) "as #'R o22i$2 resu ts to re!ort to t"e 'et1or>.

Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e #'R Lo22i$2 Resu ts #5ai a% e

6P 6P

Condition #ailure Con%ersationalCS

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @&ai ure cause@ is !rese$t a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) O)sta% is"9e$t causeP "as t"e 5a ue O6ri2i$ati$2 (o$5ersatio$a (a P or O)9er2e$c7(a P a$d a (S ca is %ei$2 i$itiated. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.= ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM

This messa e confirms the cell update procedure and can be used to reallocate new /'T& information for the 32 valid in the new cell. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP 111F or :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents U-R'T: RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP (V-CCCH MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

(< 6P

T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ or a ce


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o Need

"++ /ulti T4pe and reference (i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description rese ectio$ 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 eit"er a$ SR'S re ocatio$ or a ce rese ectio$ 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode, a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9. 4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@ $ersion


#cti5atio$ ti9e 'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 4S(<-R'T:

M4 6P 6P 6P

#cti5atio$ ti9e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a

S"ou d $ot %e set i$ &44. :3 recei5ed, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6

'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t Gait ti9e RL( re-esta% is" i$dicator (R82, R83 a$d R8,)

6P 6P 6P MP 6P


<-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,Gait ti9e RL( reesta% is" i$dicator RL( reesta% is" i$dicator

RL( re-esta% is" i$dicator (R85 a$d u!1ards)


S"ou d $ot %e set to TRU) i3 :) @4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o@ is i$c uded i$ 9essa2e. S"ou d $ot %e set to TRU) i3 :) @4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o@ is i$c uded i$ 9essa2e.

CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 0TRAN :nfor2ation 1le2ents UR# ide$tit7 R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7


(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o UR# ide$tit7 8oo ea$

6P 6P

S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ R#8 ide$tit7 s"a


R5 infor2ation ele2ents R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu!




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

(%% /ulti T4pe and reference i$3or9atio$ 3or setu! 10.3.,.10

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description %e ide$tica to t"e o$e curre$t 7 co$3i2ured a$d U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied ot"er1ise. $ersion

R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease


1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease 10.3.,.11 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.1= 1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected 10.3.,.1/ 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ R)L-5 R)L-5

R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure


R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected


4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

6P 6P MP

NNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P

P4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode


P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a P4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode 10.3.,.2a UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 1 to M9a.Tr(< N


TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$


#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ Need MP

(% /ulti T4pe and reference #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 10.3.5., 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,2

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

3ownlink transport channels 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o

6P 6P

T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ Need 6P

(%! /ulti T4pe and reference (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-=

SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed %7 !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0.


MU-M:M6 i$3o



'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)


0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P

Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R


Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Mu ti-carrier

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er

R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L--

1.2=Mc!s T44



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T44 U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Need

(%3 /ulti T4pe and reference )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44 10.3.6.-/a U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 4o1$ i$> <S;P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 , 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44 )$u9erated (TRU)) ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description o$ 7 &44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7 $ersion

6P 6P

R)L-11 R)L-11




4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> to %e set-u!


4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10

6P 6P

R)L-11 &44 o$ 7 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7


M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R

6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L--


Release ! Condition CCCH CS "on-rectangularResourceAllocation


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ (((< is used a$d ci!"eri$2 is $ot reBuired a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t o$ 7 i3 (S do9ai$ R#8 9a!!i$2 is reco$3i2ured %et1ee$ 4(< a$d )4(<0<S-4S(< a$d s"a $ot %e !rese$t ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.- (6U'T)R (<)(H

This messa e is used by the 3T/.' to indicate the current 1O3'T?1 M"0 values associated to each radio bearer utilisin 3M or .M /51 mode and to reAuest the 32 to compare these to its 1O3'T?1 M"0 values and to report the comparison results to 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Presence MP MP RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o 1 to M 9a.R8a R #8s N R8 (6U'T( MS8 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.1, &or eac" R8 (e.c udi$2 si2$a i$2 radio %earers) usi$2 UM or #M RL(. /ulti :1 t4pe and reference Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o R5 infor2ation ele2ents R8 (6U'T-( MS8 i$3or9atio$ NR8 (6U'T-( MS8 i$3or9atio$



10.2.10 (6U'T)R (<)(H R)SP6'S)

This messa e is used by the 32 to respond to a 1O3'T2/ 1F21% messa e. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Presence MP MP

(%" /ulti :1 t4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o R5 infor2ation ele2ents R8 (6U'T-( i$3or9atio$ NR8 (6U'T-( i$3or9atio$


RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o 1 to M 9a.R8a R #8s N R8 (6U'T( i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.15


10.2.11 46G'L:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to transfer hi her layer messa es. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' ?T 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o (ore 'et1or> 4o9ai$ :de$tit7 '#S 9essa2e 10.3.1.= Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o CN infor2ation ele2ents (' 4o9ai$ :de$tit7



'#S 9essa2e


10.2.12 Void 10.2.12a )TGS PR:M#RD '6T:&:(#T:6' G:T< S)(UR:TD

This messa e is used by 3T/.' to send 2TC" information to the 32. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents )TGS i$3or9atio$ Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e )TGS i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.,ea Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

10.2.13 Void 10.2.1, Void 10.2.15 <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4

This messa e is used for handover from 3MT" to another system e. . G"M. One or several messa es from the other system can be included in the &nter?/.T messa e information element in this messa e. These messa es are structured and coded accordin to that systems specification. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o SR-V(( i$3o 10.3.,.2, a rSR-V(( :$3o a #cti5atio$ ti9e 1 to M9a.R# 8setu!N Se2antics description $ersion


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o SR-V(( :$3o

(< (VSR$CC C$rSR$CC M4


rSR-V(( i$3o


#cti5atio$ ti9e R5 infor2ation ele2ents R#8 i$3or9atio$ ist

4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@


&or eac" R#8 to %e "a$ded o5er. :$ "a$do5er to G)R#' Iu mode t"e R#8 i$3or9atio$ is i$c uded i$ t"e G)R#' :u 9essa2e %e o1. R#8 i$3o

NR#8 i$3o



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 i$3o to re! ace Need (VSR$CC /ulti

(%) T4pe and reference 10.3.,.= R#8 i$3o to re! ace 10.3.,.11 a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

Cther infor2ation ele2ents (<6:() System type


T"is :) i$dicates 1"ic" s!eci3icatio$ to a!! 7, to decode t"e tra$s!orted 9essa2es )$u9erat ed (GSM04( S 1=00 %a$d used), GSM0P( S 1-00 %a$d used) 8it stri$2 ($o e.! icit siQe co$strai$t ) .:$terS7 sMessa 2esN 8it stri$2 (1..512) &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to GSM s!eci3icatio$s T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e GSM 9essa2e. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to GSM s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e GSM 9essa2e. R)L-6 G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.=.,3 G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.=.,3 See I,,J R)L-6

NGSM NN&reBue$c7 %a$d


NN(<6:() SM message NNNSi$2 e GSM 9essa2e


NNNGSM 9essa2e List


NN(<6:() !RA" System Info type NNNS:




See I,,J



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NG)R#' :u NN&reBue$c7 %a$d Need MP /ulti

(%* T4pe and reference )$u9erat ed (GSM04( S 1=00 %a$d used), GSM0P( S 1-00 %a$d used) 8it stri$2 ($o e.! icit siQe co$strai$t ) 1 to M9a.:$t erS7sMe ssa2esN 8it stri$2 (1..32/6=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5

NN(<6:() !RA" Iu message NNNSi$2 e G)R#' :u 9essa2e

R)L-5 MP &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I53J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e 9essa2e. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I53J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e 9essa2e. R)L-5

NNNG)R#' :u 9essa2e List



Ncd9a2000 NNcd9a2000Messa2eLis t NNNMSG;TDP)(s)

MP .:$terS7 sMessa 2esN 8it stri$2 (=) &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to cd9a2000 s!eci3icatio$s. T"e MSG;TDP) %its are $u9%ered %0 to %/. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it / o3 t"e MSG;TDP). &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to cd9a2000 s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e %it / o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e cd9a2000 9essa2e. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to )-UTR# s!eci3icatio$s T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e octet stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e )-UTR# 9essa2e. R)L-= R)L-=


NNNcd9a2000Messa2e! a7 oad(s)


8it stri$2 (1..512)

N)-UTR# NN)-UTR# 9essa2e


6ctet stri$2

Condition SR$CC rSR$CC

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ a$ SR-V(( !rocedure is i$itiated a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ a$ rSR-V(( !rocedure is i$itiated a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.16 <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent on the //1 connection used before the &nter?/.T Fandover was e(ecuted. The messa e indicates that the 32 has failed to sei!e the new channel in the other system. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ai ure 10.3.=.6 T"is :) i$dicates 1"ic" s!eci3icatio$ to a!! 7 to decode t"e tra$s!orted 9essa2es .:$terS7 sMessa 2esN 8it stri$2 (1..512) &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to GSM s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e GSM 9essa2e. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I53J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e 9essa2e. R)L-5 R)L-5 Se2antics description $ersion


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Cther infor2ation ele2ents :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ai ure (<6:() System type




NGSM NNGSM 9essa2e List


NG)R#' :u NNG)R#' :u 9essa2e List


1 to M9a.:$t erS7sMe ssa2esN

8it stri$2 (1..32/6=)

Ncd9a2000 NNcd9a2000Messa2eLis t NNNMSG;TDP)(s)

MP .:$terS7 sMessa 2esN 8it stri$2 (=) &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to cd9a2000 s!eci3icatio$s. T"e MSG;TDP) %its are $u9%ered %0 to %/. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it / o3 t"e MSG;TDP). &or9atted a$d coded




8it stri$2


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e a7 oad(s) Need /ulti

( % T4pe and reference (1..512)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description accordi$2 to cd9a2000 s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it / o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e cd9a2000 9essa2e. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to )-UTR# s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e octet stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e )-UTR# 9essa2e. R)L-= R)L-= $ersion

N)-UTR# NN)-UTR# 9essa2e


6ctet stri$2

10.2.16a <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4

This messa e is sent to the 32 via other system to ma#e a handover to 3T/.'. /51?".PP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) 5o ical channelP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'e1 U-R'T: (i!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: Specification 2ode infor2ation ele2ents 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< Need MP 6P MP 6P 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U-R'T: S"ort 10.3.3.,= (i!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 10.3.3., 8oo ea$ <-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< 10.3.,.0a Se2antics description $ersion

R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6 R)L-=



(<6:() specification mode N(o9! ete s!eci3icatio$ R5 infor2ation ele2ents NNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist NNNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!



1 to M9a.SR8setu!N Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.2, 1 to

&or eac" si2$a i$2 radio %earer esta% is"ed


NNR#8 i$3or9atio$ to


&or eac" R#8


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e setu! ist NNNR#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu! 0plink transport channels NNUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s Need MP /ulti

( T4pe and reference R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu! 10.3.,.10 UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to M9a.Tr(<N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(<N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ U! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description esta% is"ed $ersion



NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$


3ownlink transport channels NN4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


0plink radio resources NNU! i$> 4P(< i$3o NN)-4(< :$3o 3ownlink radio resources ((o9! ete s!eci3icatio$) NN4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ NN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s





4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


NN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> NNN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN(<6:() Preconfiguration mode NNNPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ NNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ NNNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 9ode Need MP MP /ulti

( ! T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.5 )$u9erated (&44, T44)

'6T) 1


:$dicates 1"et"er t"e &44 or T44 5ersio$ o3 t"e de3au t co$3i2uratio$ s"a %e used

NNNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 NNR#8 i$3o NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNU! i$> 4P(< i$3o



4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.0 R#8 i$3o Post 10.3.,.U! i$> 4P(< i$3o Post 10.3.6.=-

6$e R#8 is esta% is"ed

NNN(<6:() tdd NNNN1.2= Mc!s T44 a$d /.6, Mc!s T44 NNNNN U! i$> 4P(< i$3o 3ownlink radio resources (Preco$3i2uratio$) NNNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNNU! i$> 4P(< i$3o


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.==


NN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o Post 10.3.6.=4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Post 1 to M9a.RLN Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> to %e setu!. :$ T44 Ma.RL is 1. 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> Post ($o data)

NN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$>


NNN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNT44 NNNNPri9ar7 ((P(< T.





Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Po1er &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o Need /ulti

( 3 T4pe and reference ((P(< T. Po1er$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


'OT2 ,P Predefined confi urations are not used in case of handover from 2?3T/.'.

10.2.16% <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent by the 32 when a handover to 3T/.' has been completed. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation ele2ents ST#RT ist N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NST#RT R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e Need MP (< MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.('do9ai$ sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT #cti5atio$ ti9e Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. R)L-10 6P )$u9erated (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> R)L-10 /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e Se2antics description $ersion

ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s.

Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o #5ai a% e Need 6P /ulti

( ' T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description True i$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts 3ro9 a RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t 3ai ure to re!ort to t"e $et1or> $ersion R)L-11

10.2.16c :':T:#L 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R

This messa e is used to initiate a si nallin connection based on indication from the upper layers- and to transfer a '." messa e. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 ?T 3T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o PLM' ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti

( " T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o PLM' ide$tit7 )$u9erat ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(< 6P

Su!!ort o3 (SG


T"is :) i$dicates t"e PLM' to 1"ic" t"e U) reBuests t"e si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ to %e esta% is"ed. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort access co$tro %ased o$ (SG



CN infor2ation ele2ents (' do9ai$ ide$tit7


:$tra 4o9ai$ '#S 'ode Se ector


'#S 9essa2e ST#RT


(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 :$tra 4o9ai$ '#S 'ode Se ector '#S 9essa2e 10.3.1.= ST#RT

ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"e (' do9ai$ as i$dicated i$ t"e :) @(' do9ai$ ide$tit7@. T"is :) s"a a 1a7s %e !rese$t i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco . Re -5

)sta% is"9e$t cause


(S (a T7!e

C$Con%ers ationalC S

)sta% is" 9e$t cause )$u9erat ed (s!eec", 5ideo, ot"er) Measured resu ts o$ R#(< 10.3./.,5 P-TMS: (GSMM#P)

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded


/easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents Measured resu ts o$ R#(< M8MS Koi$ed i$3or9atio$ NP-TMS:


6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L-6


Release ! Condition Con%ersationalCS

( (

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) O)sta% is"9e$t causeP "as t"e 5a ue O6ri2i$ati$2 (o$5ersatio$a (a P or O)9er2e$c7(a P a$d t"e :) O(' do9ai$ ide$tit7P "as t"e 5a ue @(S do9ai$@. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.16d :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6

This messa e is sent by the 32 via another radio access technolo y to provide information to the tar et /'1 when preparin for a handover to 3T/.'. /51?".PP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) 5o ical channelP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e Radio 5earer :1s Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.5a Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ co9!ressed 10.3.,.5% U) securit7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.3.,2% U) securit7 i$3or9atio$2 10.3.3.,2c U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a Se2antics description $ersion

Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ co9!ressed



01 :nfor2ation ele2ents U) securit7 i$3or9atio$ U) securit7 i$3or9atio$2 U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T

6P 6P 6P

R)L-6 T"is :) s"a $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco

U) ca!a%i it7 co$tai$er NU) radio access ca!a%i it7 NU) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$



# t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, t"e $eed "as %ee$ set to MP to a i2$ 1it" t"e #S'.1


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed Need 6P /ulti

( ) T4pe and reference U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed 10.3.3.,2o U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 2 10.3.3.,2oa U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 10.3.3.,2o%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 2



U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 3or 1.2= Mc!s



Condition #dd &'(Tdd

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or &44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.16da L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6'

This messa e is used to confi ure lo ed measurements /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Cther :nfor2ation 1le2ents Lo22ed Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Lo22ed Measure9e $ts (o$3i2uratio $ :$3o 10.3./.132 Lo22ed #'R (o$3i2uratio $ :$3o 10.3./.,2a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10 MP R)L-10


R)L-10 R)L-10



Lo22ed #'R co$3i2uratio$ :$3o




Release !

( *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.16e M8MS #(()SS :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s that have joined or selected a particular M0M" service about the need to establish an //1 connection or to perform a cell update. Chile the messa e contents may chan e within a modification period- all occurances of the information within a modification period concern the same M0M" service(s). &f the cell on which this messa e is sent is operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 behaves as if this messa e would not have been received. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e Ser5ice ist Need MP MP 1 to M9a.M8 MSser5 (ou$tN M8MS S"ort tra$s9issi o$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 0 :$te2er (0 to -60 %7 ste! o3 32, 1000) :$te2er (0 to -60 %7 ste! o3 32, 1000) Re3ere$ce0 i$de. to a tra$s9issio$ isted i$ t"e M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' or M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' #ccess !ro%a%i it7 3actor 3or U)s i$ id e 9ode. T"e actua #ccess Pro%a%i it7 (#P) is a 3u$ctio$ o3 t"e #ccess Pro%a%i it7 &actor (#P&)* #P (#P&) ? 2-(#P&0100) #ccess !ro%a%i it7 3actor 3or U)s i$ co$$ected 9ode. T"e actua #ccess Pro%a%i it7 (#P) is a 3u$ctio$ o3 t"e #ccess Pro%a%i it7 &actor (#P&)* #P (#P&) ? 2-(#P&0100) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ :) @#ccess !ro%a%i it7 3actor - :d e@ N(o$$ected 9ode cou$ti$2 sco!e NNUR#;P(< NN()LL;P(< NN ()LL;&#(< MP MP MP MP 866L)# ' 866L)# ' 866L)# ' TRU) 9ea$s t"at U)s i$ UR#;P(< state s"a !artici!ate i$ cou$ti$2 TRU) 9ea$s t"at U)s i$ ()LL;P(< state s"a !artici!ate i$ cou$ti$2 TRU) 9ea$s t"at U)s i$ ()LL;&#(< state s"a !artici!ate i$ cou$ti$2 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

NM8MS s"ort tra$s9issio$ :4



N#ccess !ro%a%i it7 3actor - :d e



N#ccess !ro%a%i it7 3actor R co$$ected



10.2.163 M8MS (6MM6' P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s about the p?t?m /0 confi uration information that may be common between different services- applicable in the current and@ or in nei hbourin cells. The messa e contents does not chan e within a modification period. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M11F


Release !

( +

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e R8 i$3or9atio$ ist Need MP MP 1 to M9a.M8 MS(o99o $R8N /ulti

(!% T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

NR8 ide$tit7


NP4(P i$3o NRL( i$3o


M8MS (o99o$ R8 ide$tit7 10.3.-a.3 P4(P i$3o 10.3.,.2 RL( i$3o M8MS 10.3.,.23 a 1 to M9a.M8 MS(o99o $Tr("N M8MS (o99o$ Tr(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a., Tra$s!ort 3or9at set 1 to M9a.M8 MS(o99o $((Tr( "N M8MS (o99o$ ((Tr(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$ati o$ set 1 to M9a.M8 MS(o99o $P"7(" N M8MS (o99o$ P"7(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.2 T"e ist $eeds $ot i$c ude t"e ((Tr(" 3or 1"ic" t"e de3au t T&(S 3or M8MS a!! ies, as s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause 1,.10.1.


R)L-6 R)L-6

Tr(" i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" Tr("



NTra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7



NT&S Tr(" i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" ((Tr("


R)L-6 R)L-6

N((Tr(< ide$tit7






P"7(" i$3or9atio$



NP"7(" ide$tit7



N(<6:() mode NN&44 or T44


R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS Need MP /ulti

(! T4pe and reference Seco$dar 7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS 10.3.6./1 a Seco$dar 7 ((P(< 3ra9e t7!e 2 i$3o , L(R T44 M8S&' :$3or9atio $ 10.3.6./= c

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

NN3.=, Mc!s T44 :M8 NNNSeco$dar7 ((P(< 3ra9e t7!e 2 i$3o MP

3.=, Mc!s T44 :M8 is a su%set o3 3.=, Mc!s T44.

R)L-= R)L-=

L(R T44 M8S&' i$3or9atio$


1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7* i$c uded o$ 7 i3 so9e ti9es ots o3 t"e seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 o3 a 9u ti3reBue$c7 ce are desi2$ated to M8S&'.


10.2.162 M8MS (URR)'T ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s about the PTM /0 confi uration used to in a cellin case one or more M0M" service is provided usin p?t?m radio bearers. The messa e contents does not chan e within a modification period. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e S-((P(< ist NS-((P(< ide$tit7 Need MP 6P 6P 1 to M9a.S( (P(<N /ulti

(!! T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (urre$t ce PTM R8 i$3o #%se$t i$ case MT(< are o$ 7 9a!!ed to t"e S-((P(<(s) i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 5 or 5%is G"e$ L1- or L2 co9%i$i$2 a!! ies, t"is ide$tit7 is used to re3er to t"is S-((P(< 1it"i$ t"e '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. G"e$ ("i! co9%i$i$2 (1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7) a!! ies, t"is ide$tit7 is used to re3er to t"e S-((P(< 1it"i$ t"e '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Re3ers to a co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

M8MS (urre$t ce S((P(< ide$tit7 10.3.-a.5

NSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o


NM8MS So3t (o9%i$i$2 Ti9i$2 633set


M8MS (o99o$ P"7(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.2 M8MS So3t (o9%i$i$ 2 Ti9i$2 633set 10.3.-a.1 0a M8MS (o99o$ ((Tr(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 1 to M9a.&# (<P(< N M8MS (o99o$ Tr(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a., 1 to M9a.R8 !erTr(" N M8MS !t-9 R8 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a./ a MS(< co$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 6


NTr(" i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a Tr("


Ti9i$2 o33set a!! ied i$ t"e (&' ca cu atio$ i$ su%-c ause =.5.15.5. T"e de3au t 5a ue is 0 9s. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. Re3ers to a (T&(S) co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o T"e de3au t 5a ue o3 t"e T&(S is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause 1,.10.1 List o3 &#(< tra$s!ort c"a$$e s carr7i$2 o$e or 9ore MT(< a$d o!tio$a 7 o$e MS(< Re3ers to a (T&S) co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o



NTr(< i$3or9atio$ ist



NNTr(" i$3or9atio$



NNR8 i$3or9atio$ ist


T"e :) is a%se$t i3 te9!orari 7 $o R8s are 9a!!ed to t"is Tr(" or i3 t"e Tr(< o$ 7 carries MS(<


NNNR8 i$3or9atio$



NNMS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S-((P(< i$ S:8 t7!e 5 Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.S( (P(<N

(!3 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )5er7 S-((P(<Ss i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 5 or 5%is 9a7 carr7 MT(< :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :$de. o3 t"e S-((P(< 1it"i$ t"e ist i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 5 or 5%is List o3 &#(< tra$s!ort c"a$$e s carr7i$2 o$e or 9ore MT(< a$d o!tio$a 7 o$e MS(< $ersion R)L-6

NS-((P(< ide$tit7 NTr(< i$3or9atio$ ist MP 1 to M9a.&# (<P(< N

:$te2er (1..9a.S ((P(<)

R)L-6 R)L-6

NNTr(" ide$tit7


:$te2er (1..9a.& #(<P(<) 1 to M9a.R8 !erTr(" N M8MS !t-9 R8 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a./ a MS(< co$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 6 M8S&' T4M :$3or9atio $ List 10.3.-a.1 2%

NNR8 i$3or9atio$ ist


:$de. o3 t"e &#(< 1it"i$ t"e ist o3 Tr("s de3i$ed 3or t"at S((P(< as i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 5 or 5%is T"e :) is a%se$t i3 t"is Tr(" o$ 7 carries MS(<



NNNR8 i$3or9atio$



NNMS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$


:$c uded i3 t"e Tr(< carries MS(<


M8S&' T4M :$3o List



Condition Soft-#DD


1Dplanation T"is :) is used o$ 7 3or &44. :t is 9a$dator7 de3au t 3or &44 i3 t"e :) @L1 co9%i$i$2@ is i$c uded i$ M8MS '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6'. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e ce su!!orts M8S&', a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

10.2.16" M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s about the eneral M0M" (confi uration) information. The messa e contents does not chan e within a modification period. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$ Need MP 6P /ulti

(!' T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio $ 10.3./.,3 a M8MS s!eci3ic ti9ers a$d cou$ters 10.3.-a.1 1 M:(< co$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 , 8it stri$2 (12) MS(< co$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 6 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-6

M8MS ti9ers a$d cou$ters



M:(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$



(e 2rou! ide$tit7


4e3au t MS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$


:de$ti3ies t"e 2rou! o3 ce s 3or 1"ic" t"e sa9e co99o$ RL( a$d P4(P e$tit7 is used as t"e curre$t ce T"e de3au t MS(< co$3i2uratio$



:$dicate c"a$2es i$ M8MS Se ected Ser5ices


M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist


'et1or> Sta$dard Ti9e :$3or9atio$


M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist 10.3./.,3 % 'et1or> sta$dard ti9e i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 /

TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) i$dicates c"a$2es i$ M8MS Se ected Ser5ices 1"i e i$ UR#;P(<, ()LL;P(< or i$ ()LL;&#(< 4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS). :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) "as t"e 5a ue &#LS). '6T) 1. Ma7 %e i$c uded 3or &44 a$d 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 i3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode


Re -/

6$ 7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44

Re -=

'OT2 ,P The default value is used when the non?critical e(tension v=b+'on1ritical2(tensions is not included.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.16i M8MS M64:&:(#T:6' R)EU)ST

The 32 transmits this messa e to reAuest 3T/.' to ta#e certain actions to improve the 32$s ability to receive its (prioritised) activated M0M" services and@ or sessions. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o /5/S infor2ation ele2ents M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 reBuest Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o M8MS ser5ice ide$tit7 10.3.-a.= 1 to M9a.R8 N R8 i$3or9atio $ to re ease 10.3.,.1M8MS Se ected Ser5ice :$3o 10.3.-a./ % )$u9erat ed (TRU)) T"e M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 t"e U) 1ou d i>e to %e 9o5ed to. T"e M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 is ide$ti3ied %7 t"e ide$tit7 o3 t"e M8MS ser5ice t"e U) 1ou d i>e to recei5e. R8s o3 o1er !riorit7 M8MS ser5ices i$"i%iti$2 rece!tio$ o3 a "i2"er !riorit7 ser5ice Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 (< R)L-6 R)L-6 6P R)L-6

M8MS R8 ist reBuested to %e re eased NR8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease


R)L-6 R)L-6

M8MS Se ected Ser5ice :$3o


'6T) 1.


Su!!ort o3 M8MS ser5ice c"a$2e 3or a !t! R8


:$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"is :) "as $o 9ea$i$2 %ut it s"a %e i$c uded u!o$ t"e co$ditio$s s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =./.6.2a.


'OT2 ,P The default value is used when the non?critical e(tension v=b+'on1ritical2(tensions is not included.

10.2.16K M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6'

This information is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s about a chan e applicable for one or more M0M" services available in the current cell and possibly in nei hbourin cells. /51?".PP .M (:11F only) or 3M 5o ical channelP M11F- :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o /5/S infor2ation ele2ents Modi3ied ser5ice ist Need MP /ulti

(!( T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o 1.. M9a.M8 MSser5 Modi3N M8MS Tra$s9is sio$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 2 )$u9erat ed ('o$e, #cBuire cou$ti$2 i$3o, #cBuire cou$ti$2 i$3o R PTM R8s u$9odi3ie d, #cBuire PTM R8 i$3o, ReBuestP TP R8, Re ease PTM R8) )$u9erat ed ('or9a R e ease, 6ut o3 M8MS Ser5ice (o5era2e i$ R#', 'et1or> #%$or9a Re ease)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

(V4((<( < 6P

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

NM8MS Tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7



NM8MS reBuired U) actio$


:$dicates reBuired U) actio$ u!o$ recei5i$2 t"e 9essa2e. G"e$ se$t o$ t"e 4((<, o$ 7 t"e 3o o1i$2 5a ues a!! 7* 'o$e, #cBuire PTM R8 i$3o, reBuest PTP R8). :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. a 5a ues e.ce!t O#cBuire PTM R8 i$3oP a$d @Re ease PTM R8@ are "a$d ed as i3 O'o$eP 1as recei5ed.


NM8MS PTM R8 Re ease (ause


:$dicates t"e PTM R8 Re ease cause. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7.


NM8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7


NNP&L i$de.


:$te2er (1.. M9a.M8 MS&reBN) &reBue$c 7 i$3o

:$dicates t"e 3reBue$c7 t"at U)s s"a co$sider as t"e !re3erred 3reBue$c7. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :$de. !oi$ti$2 to a$ e$tr7 i$ t"e ist i$c uded i$ M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6'. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.



NNP&L i$3o




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N(o$ti$ue M((< readi$2 Need MP /ulti

(!) T4pe and reference 866L)# '

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description M((< i$- %a$d $oti3icatio$. :$dicates 1"et"er or $ot t"e U) s"ou d co$ti$ue readi$2 M((< i$ t"e $e.t 9odi3icatio$ !eriod. 'ot a!! ica% e 1"e$ se$t o$ t"e 4((< &or &44 a$d 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 i$de. !oi$ti$2 to a 3reBue$c7 i$dicated i$ t"e :) @M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist @ i$ M8MS Ge$era :$3or9atio$. 4e3au t* t"e curre$t M8S&' c uster. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 i$de. !oi$ti$2 to a 3reBue$c7 i$dicated i$ t"e S:8 11. 4e3au t* t"e curre$t M8S&' c uster. $ersion R)L-6

NM8S&' c uster 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (1..M9a. M8S&'c ustersN


M8MS re- acBuire M((< M8MS d7$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e


)$u9erat ed (TRU)) 47$a9ic !ersiste$c e e5e :$te2er (1..16)

R)L-6 :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied :3 !rese$t* t"e U) 9a7 assu9e t"at, i$ eac" re!etitio$ !eriod, a t"e M((< i$3or9atio$ !recedi$2 t"e M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e is tra$s9itted 1it"i$ t"e i$dicated $u9%er o3 TT:s. :$dicates t"e $u9%er o3 M8MS '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2es t"at are co$tai$ed 1it"i$ t"e M((< tra$s9issio$. 'ot a!! ica% e 1"e$ se$t o$ t"e 4((<. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"e 5a ue 0 1as recei5ed. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) s"ou d re-acBuire t"e PtM i$3or9atio$ 3or a ser5ices isted i$ t"e 9essa2e M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 1it" t"e :) OM8MS reBuired U) actio$P set to O#cBuire PTM R8 i$3oP R)L-6

)$d o3 9odi3ied M((< i$3or9atio$


M8MS $u9%er o3 $ei2"%our ce s


:$te2er (0..32)


M8MS a u$9odi3ied !-t9 ser5ices


)$u9erat ed (TRU))


M8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ ti9e


M:8 Va ue ta2


M8MS !t-9 acti5atio$ ti9e 10.3.-a./ o M:8 Va ue ta2 10.3.=.-


:$dicates t"e 9atc"i$2 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$.



Release ! Condition MCCH DCCH MCCH,P DCCHCH M+S#"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e 9essa2e is se$t 5ia M((< a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e 9essa2e is se$t 5ia 4((< a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e 9essa2e is se$t 5ia M((< a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is !rese$t co$ditio$$a 7 o$ "istor7 i3 t"e 9essa2e is se$t 5ia 4((< a$d $ot !rese$t ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t 1"e$ t"e ce o$ 1"ic" t"is :) is se$t is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode accordi$2 to su%c ause =. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OM8MS reBuired U) actio$P "as t"e 5a ue ORe ease PTM R8P. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7.

10.2.16> M8MS '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s about the p?t?m /0 confi uration used to in nei hbourin cells- indicatin the 32 may perform selection and@ or soft combinin . The messa e content does not chan e within a modification period. &f the cell is operatin in M0"7' mode as indicated in subclause ;.,.,.=.3 the 32 behaviour upon reception of this messa e is unspecified. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e 'ei2"%ouri$2 ce ide$tit7 Need MP MP /ulti

(!+ T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2er (0..M9a. (e Meas 1N)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 T"e i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id o3 t"e ce o%tai$ed 3ro9 t"e :) L:$tra3reBue$c7 (e :$3o istL i$ S:8 110S:8 11%is. :$ case t"e i$tra3reBue$c7 ce id is o9itted i$ t"e :) T:$tra-3reBue$c7 (e :$3o istS i$ S:8 110S:811%is, it re3ers to t"e i$de. (starti$2 at Qero) i$ t"e ()LL;:'&6;L:ST as i3 t"e ()LL;:'&6;L:ST 1as co$structed 3ro9 S:8110S:811%is o$ 7, see =.6./.3. R)L-6

'ei2"%ouri$2 ce Ss S((P(< ist N(<6:() PhyCh NN87 re3ere$ce NNNSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o


1 to M9a.S( (P(<N M8MS (o99o$ P"7(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.2 M8MS (o99o$ P"7(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.2 Seco$dar 7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS 4i33 10.3.6./1 % :$te2er (-6, -3, 3, 6) S-((P(< co$3i2uratio$ used i$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce . Re3ers to a co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o o3 t"e curre$t ce &44 o$ 7 Re3ere$ced S-((P(< co$3i2uratio$ used i$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce . Re3ers to a co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o o3 t"e curre$t ce 4i33ere$tia S-((P(< co$3i2uratio$. P"7sica co$3i2uratio$ !ara9eters i$ t"is :) re! ace t"e corres!o$di$2 !ara9eters i$ t"e re3ere$ced S((P(< co$3i2uratio$. :3 t"e re3ere$ced S-((P(< co$3i2uratio$ is a%se$t, t"e 3u set o3 !ara9eters is $eeded. 4i33ere$ce (P$ 63) %et1ee$ t"e S-((P(< !o1er o33set (P$) o3 t"e $ei2"%ori$2 ce S-((P(< a$d t"e S-((P(< !o1er o33set (63) o3 t"e ser5i$2 ce t"at is 2oi$2 to %e co9%i$ed to t"is $ei2"%our ce S-((P(<, i$ d8. 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. 'ote 3 a$d ,. L2- co9%i$i$2 a!! ies i3 t"e :) is a%se$t

R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6

NN).te$ded NNNSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS 4i33



NSeco$dar7 ((P(< Po1er 633set 4i33ere$ce



NL1 co9%i$i$2 NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNM8MS So3t (o9%i$i$2 Ti9i$2 633set

6P MP MP M8MS So3t (o9%i$i$ 2 Ti9i$2 633set 10.3.-a.1 0a :$te2er (0..3)

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

Ti9i$2 o33set a!! ied i$ t"e (&' ca cu atio$ i$ su%c ause =.5.15.5

NNNNM8MS tra$s9issio$ ti9e di33ere$ce


:$dicates t"e ti9e di33ere$ce %et1ee$ t"e TT:s o$ t"e curre$t a$d t"e $ei2"%ouri$2 ce Ss S((P(< t"at ca$ %e L1co9%i$ed



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNM8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 sc"edu e Need 6P /ulti

(3% T4pe and reference M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 sc"edu e 10.3.-a./

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :3 i$c uded !artia a7er 1 co9%i$i$2 a!! ies, i$ 1"ic" case t"is :) i$dicates 1"e$ L1co9%i$i$2 a!! ies. :3 t"e :) is a%se$t, L1 co9%i$i$2 a!! ies co$ti$uous 7 ($o data) :3 L1 co9%i$i$2 is co$3i2ured, 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 U), M8MS data rece!tio$ s"a %e i9! e9e$ted %7 9ea$s o3 c"i! co9%i$e recei5er I55J. #!art 3ro9 t"e !"7sica c"a$$e co$3i2uratio$ a$d t"e MS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$, t"e sa9e co$3i2uratio$ as 3or t"e i$dicated S-((P(< used i$ t"e curre$t ce a!! ies. T"e MS(< is 9a!!ed o$ t"e sa9e tra$s!ort c"a$$e as i$ t"e curre$t ce . Re3ere$ce to t"e S-((P(< i$ t"e curre$t ce 1"ic" uses t7 t"e sa9e co$3i2uratio$ (e.c udi$2 MS(< co$3i2uratio$). $ersion R)L-6


R)L-6 R)L-/

N(<6:() L23 co$3i2uratio$ NNSa9e#s (urre$t ce


R)L-6 R)L-6

NNN(urre$t ce Ls S((P(<


NNNMS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$


M8MS (urre$t ce S((P(< ide$tit7 10.3.-a.5 MS(< co$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 6 M8MS (o99o$ ((Tr(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 1 to M9a.&# (<P(< N M8MS (o99o$ Tr(" ide$tit7 10.3.-a., 866L)# '



NN4i33ere$t NNNTr(" i$3or9atio$ 3or co99o$ 3or a Tr("


Re3ers to a (T&(S) co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o T"e de3au t 5a ue o3 t"e T&(S is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause 1,.10.1 List o3 &#(< tra$s!ort c"a$$e s carr7i$2 o$e or 9ore MT(< a$d o!tio$a 7 o$e MS(< Re3ers to a (T&S) co$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e co99o$ R8 i$3o

R)L-6 R)L-6

NNNTr(< i$3or9atio$ ist



NNNNTr(" i$3or9atio$



NNNNTr(" co9%i$i$2 status


NNNNR8 i$3or9atio$ ist


1 to M9a.R8 !erTr(" N M8MS !t-9 R8 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a./ a

Va ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at Tr(" co9%i$i$2 is used 3or t"is tra$s!ort c"a$$e (T44 o$ 7). 'ote 2. T"e :) s"a %e i2$ored i$ &44 9ode. T"e :) is o$ 7 !rese$t 3or t"e radio %earers 3or 1"ic" se ectio$ (&44) or tra$s!ort c"a$$e (T44) co9%i$i$2 a!! ies.



NNNNNR8 i$3or9atio$




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNMS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti

(3 T4pe and reference MS(< co$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.-a.1 6

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$c uded i3 t"e Tr(< carries MS(< $ersion R)L-6

'OT2 ,P The si nallin supports the option that 3T/.' maps one service to 5, combinin slots for some nei hbours and to the 5* combinin slots for other nei hbours ie. the use of different combinin schemes for different nei hbours 'OT2 *P Transport combinin can only be indicated when the complete 5* confi uration is provided for the nei hbourin cell (i.e. usin 5* confi uration choice YdifferentZ). 7ortunately- a scenario in which the nei hbourin cell confi uration is different from the current cell is re arded as the typical scenario for usin transport combinin . 'OT2 3P 7or 7::- an "?11P1F power offset is defined as the offset between the transmitted power of the data part of one "?11P1F and the transmitted power of the P?1P&1F of a iven cell (Ps?ccpch Q Pp?cpich). 7or T::- an "?11P1F power offset is defined as the offset between one "?11P1F and the P?11P1F of a iven cell (Ps?ccpch Q Pp?ccpch). 'OT2 8P The "econdary 11P1F Power Offset :ifference &2 ives the 32 an indication of the "?11P1F power on the nei hbourin cells that may be used to complete the nei hbourin cell ran#in based on P?1P&1F power for 7:: or P?11P1F for T::.

10.2.16L M8MS S(<)4UL:'G :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s when the M0M" services- provided on the same "? 11P1F as the messa e is sent- are scheduled to be transmitted. The 32 may use the schedulin information to discontinue receivin the concerned "?11P1F. The messa e is transmitted in accordance with the M"1F confi uration applicable for the correspondin "?11P1F. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M"1F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e Ser5ice sc"edu i$2 i$3o ist NM8MS Tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7 Need MP MP 1 to M 9a.M8 MSser5 Sc"edN /ulti

(3! T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6


M8MS Tra$s9is sio$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 2 1 to M 9a.M8 MSTra$ s9isN :$te2er (0..1020) %7 ste! o3 , 6$e or 9ore sets o3 sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ co9!risi$2 o3 t"e %e2i$$i$2 a$d duratio$ o3 a$ M8MS ser5ice tra$s9issio$ 3or o$e sc"edu i$2 !eriod :$dicates t"e start o3 t"e tra$s9issio$ re ati5e to t"e start o3 t"e TT: i$ 1"ic" t"e M8MS S(<)4UL:'G :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e 1as recei5ed. :$ $u9%er o3 radio 3ra9es (i.e. t"e 5a ue 0 1ou d corres!o$d to t"e start o3 t"e M8MS tra$s9issio$ %ei$2 i$ t"e sa9e TT: as t"e M8MS Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ 9essa2e.) See $ote 1. :$ $u9%er o3 radio 3ra9es


NM8MS Ser5ice tra$s9issio$s i$3o ist NNStart







N'e.t sc"edu i$2 !eriod


:$te2er (,..102,) %7 ste! o3 , :$te2er (0..31)


'u9%er o3 sc"edu i$2 !eriods (see 10.3.-a.16), a3ter t"e curre$t sc"edu i$2 !eriod, i$ 1"ic" $o data 1i %e tra$s9itted 3or t"e co$cer$ed ser5ice. :3 t"e 'e.t sc"edu i$2 !eriod is set to 0, data 9a7 %e tra$s9itted 3or t"e co$cer$ed ser5ice i$ t"e sc"edu i$2 !eriod i99ediate 7 3o o1i$2 t"e curre$t sc"edu i$2 !eriod



&f 3T/.' sets the value of the &2 H"tartH to a value less than or eAual to ,= then the 32 may not successfully receive the start of the MT1F transmission.

10.2.169 M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is transmitted periodically by 3T/.' to inform 32s about the M0M" services- available in the current cell and possibly in nei hbourin cells- that have not chan ed if the &2 HM0M" all unmodified p?t?m servicesH is not included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa e in this modification period. The messa e is repeated every repetition period while its contents does not chan e within a modification period. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP M11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e U$9odi3ied ser5ices ist Need MP 6P 1 to M9a.M8 MSser5 U$9odi3 N /ulti

(33 T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 :3 t"e :) OM8MS a u$9odi3ied !-t-9 ser5icesP is i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e i$ t"is 9odi3icatio$ !eriod, t"e ser5ices 1it" t"e :) OM8MS reBuired U) actio$P set to O#cBuire PTM R8 i$3oP i$ t"e 9essa2e M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' s"ou d %e co$sidered as 9odi3ied. R)L-6

NM8MS Tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7


NM8MS reBuired U) actio$


NM8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7


M8MS Tra$s9is sio$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 2 )$u9erat ed ('o$e, #cBuire PTM R8 i$3o, ReBuest PTP R8 ) :$te2er (1.. M9a.M8 MS&reBN)


:$dicatio$ o3 t"e U) actio$ reBuired to recei5e t"e ser5ice. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. a 5a ues e.ce!t O#cBuire PTM R8 i$3oP are "a$d ed as i3 O'o$eP 1as recei5ed. :$3or9atio$ a%out t"e 3reBue$c7 t"at U)s s"a co$sider as t"e !re3erred 3reBue$c7 a7er 3or ce re-se ectio$ duri$2 a sessio$ 3or a$ acti5ated M8MS ser5ice, as s!eci3ied i$ I25.30,J. :$de. !oi$ti$2 to a$ e$tr7 i$ t"e ist i$c uded i$ M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6'. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. &or &44 a$d 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 i$de. !oi$ti$2 to a 3reBue$c7 i$dicated i$ t"e :) @M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist @ i$ M8S&' Ge$era :$3or9atio$. 4e3au t* t"e curre$t M8S&' c uster. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 i$de. !oi$ti$2 to a 3reBue$c7 i$dicated i$ t"e S:8 11. 4e3au t* t"e curre$t M8S&' c uster.



NM8S&' c uster 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (1..M9a. M8S&'c ustersN


Condition M+S#"

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e ce o$ 1"ic" t"is :) is se$t is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode accordi$2 to su%c ause =. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

10.2.1/ M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to setup- modify or release a measurement in the 32. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP /ulti

(3' T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Measure 9e$t :de$tit7 10.3./.,= Measure 9e$t (o99a$ d 10.3./.,6 Measure 9e$t Re!orti$2 Mode 10.3./.,#dditio$a 9easure 9e$ts ist 10.3./.1

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o /easure2ent :nfor2ation ele2ents Measure9e$t :de$tit7



Measure9e$t (o99a$d


Measure9e$t Re!orti$2 Mode


#dditio$a 9easure9e$ts ist (<6:() Measurement type N:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t


(Vcomman d :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.36 :$ter3reBue$c7 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.16 :$ter-R#T 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.2/ U) !ositio$i$ 2 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.10 0 Tra33ic Vo u9e 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.6= Eua it7 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.56 U)

N:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

N:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t

NU) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t

NTra33ic Vo u9e 9easure9e$t

NEua it7 9easure9e$t

NU) i$ter$a


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 9easure9e$t Need /ulti

(3" T4pe and reference i$ter$a 9easure 9e$t 10.3./.// (SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$ 10.3./.12 3 )-UTR# 9easure 9e$t 3or ()LL;&# (< 10.3./.13 / ()LL;4( < 9easure 9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.12 6 4P(< co9!ress ed 9ode status i$3o,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

N(SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$


N)-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(<


()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R



Ph4sical channel infor2ation ele2ents 4P(< co9!ressed 9ode status i$3o


Condition Command

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Measure9e$t co99a$d@ is set to @Setu!@, o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @Measure9e$t co99a$d@ is set to @9odi37@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

10.2.1= M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent by 32- if it cannot initiate a measurement as instructed by 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP

(3( /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.1- M)#SUR)M)'T R)P6RT

This messa e is used by 32 to transfer measurement results to the 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e /easure2ent :nfor2ation 1le2ents Measure9e$t ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti

(3* T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e Measure 9e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.,= Measured Resu ts 10.3./.,, Measured Resu ts o$ seco$dar 7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.11 = Measured Resu ts o$ R#(< 10.3./.,5 1 to M9a.#d ditio$a MeasN Measured Resu ts 10.3./.,, 1 to M9a.#d ditio$a MeasN Measured Resu ts o$ seco$dar 7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.11 = )5e$t resu ts 10.3././ (e 9easure 9e$t e5e$t resu ts o$ seco$dar 7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.11 / :$te2er (0..3)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(< (VPreConf



Measured Resu ts Measured Resu ts o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

6P 6P


Measured Resu ts o$ R#(< #dditio$a Measured resu ts NMeasured Resu ts #dditio$a Measured resu ts o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NMeasured Resu ts






)5e$t resu ts )5e$t resu ts o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

6P 6P


:$ter-R#T ce i$3o i$dicatio$




Release ! )-UTR# Measured Resu ts )-UTR# )5e$t Resu ts 6P

(3+ )-UTR# Measured Resu ts 10.3./.6c )-UTR# )5e$t Resu ts 10.3./.6a )-UTR# resu ts 3or ()LL;&# (< 10.3./.13 = 10.3./.12 2 )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-=



)-UTR# resu ts 3or ()LL;&#(<



(SG Pro.i9it7 :$dicatio$ Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e #'R Lo22i$2 Resu ts #5ai a% e


R)L-Re -10

6P 6P

:$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> True i$dicates t"e U) "as #'R o22i$2 resu ts to re!ort to t"e 'et1or>.

Re -10 R)L-10

Condition IRAT


1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 at east o$e o3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T 9easured resu ts ist@ a$d t"e :) @:$terR#T 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts@ is i$c uded i$ t"e 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e ta% e OTar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$sP i$ t"e 5aria% e i$c udes t"e ce t"at tri22ered t"e e5e$t a$d t"e :) O#cti5atio$ ti9e o33setP is di33ere$t 3ro9 0. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

10.2.20 P#G:'G TDP) 1

This messa e is used to send information on the pa in channel. One or several 32s- in idle or connected mode- can be pa ed in one messa e- which also can contain other information. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP P11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation ele2ents Pa2i$2 record ist NPa2i$2 record Cther infor2ation ele2ents 8((< 9odi3icatio$ i$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e Se2antics description $ersion


1 to M9a.Pa 2e1N Pa2i$2 record 8((< 9odi3icati o$ i$3o 10.3.=.1



Release ! )TGS i$3or9atio$ 6P

('% )TGS i$3or9atio $ 10.3.=.,e a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-=

&f the encoded messa e does not fill a transport bloc#- the //1 layer shall add paddin accordin to subclause ,*.,.

10.2.21 P#G:'G TDP) 2

This messa e is used to pa e a 32 in connected mode- when usin the :11F for 1' ori inated pa in . /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Pa2i$2 cause (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Pa2i$2 Record T7!e :de$ti3ier Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Pa2i$2 cause CN :nfor2ation ele2ents (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Pa2i$2 Record T7!e :de$ti3ier

(< MP


10.2.22 P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

This messa e is used by 3T/.' to assi n- replace or release a set of physical channels used by a 32. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

(< 6P

T"e UTR#'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

(' /ulti T4pe and reference !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o!"eri$2 9ode i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@ T"is :) is a 1a7s set to TRU) a$d i$c uded i3 t"e acti5atio$ ti9e is restricted accordi$2 to su%c ause =.6.3.1 $ersion

(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


#cti5atio$ ti9e 4e a7 restrictio$ 3 a2

M4 6P

#cti5atio$ ti9e )$u9erated (TRU))


'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 4S(<-R'T:

6P 6P 6P

U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a

S"ou d $ot %e set i$ &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6

'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


<-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator )$u9erated (<i2"9o%i it74ete cted)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J, t"e U) s"a co$sider itse 3 %ei$2 i$ t"e 9o%i it7 state t"e U) "as 9ai$tai$ed i$ ()LL;4(< state or %ei$2 $ot i$ "i2" 9o%i it7 state a3ter t"e state tra$sitio$, i3 a!! ica% e.


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents UR# ide$tit7


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o UR# ide$tit7




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 Need 6P

('! /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ $ersion R)L-/

Reco$3i2uratio$ i$ res!o$se to reBuested c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 R5 infor2ation ele2ents 4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


6P 6P MP 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ R)L-5 R)L-5

NNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P

P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a <#RE i$3o 10.3.5./a &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,2

3ownlink transport channels <#RE :$3o Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o

6P 6P 6P

R)L-= R)L-/

T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ Need 6P

('3 /ulti T4pe and reference (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-=

SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0.


MU-M:M6 i$3o



'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)


0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue o3 t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er

U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P

R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L--

Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44


1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Need

('' /ulti T4pe and reference 3or L(R T44 10.3.6.-/a U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 4o1$ i$> <S;P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 , 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44 )$u9erated (TRU)) ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7 $ersion

6P 6P

R)L-11 R)L-11




4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>

4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10

6P 6P

R)L-11 &44 o$ 7 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7


M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R

6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L--

Condition #ACH*PCH


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t 1"e$ a tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<, UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< is reBuested %7 t"e 9essa2e a$d is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.23 P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent from the 32 when a physical channel reconfi uration has been done. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o ($o data) MP 6P U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ($o data) 6P )$u9erated (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811, S:811%is a$d S:812, i3 a5ai a% e. Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. R)L-, R)L-, Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

(< 6P

(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce



NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2

R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-/

R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e U! i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

6P 6P 6P MP 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN

#cti5atio$ ti9e

R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NST#RT ist NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNST#RT Need MP MP MP

('( /ulti 1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s. $ersion

ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

10.2.2, P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent by 32 if the confi uration iven by 3T/.' is unacceptable or if the 32 failed to assi n- replace or release a set of physical channel(s). /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e t7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e t7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

10.2.25 P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6'

'OT2P Only for T::. This messa e is used by 3T/.' to assi n physical resources to 3"1F@:"1F transport channels in T::- for temporary usa e by the 32. /51?".PP 3M on "F11F- 3M on :11F 5o ical channelP "F11F or :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 4S(<-R'T: RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP 6P MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e t7!e 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Se2antics description


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce (o$tro Need M4

(') /ulti T4pe and reference U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-6 PUS(< (a!acit7 # ocatio$ i$3o, P4S(< (a!acit7 # ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.6.,2 )$u9erated( 'o (o$3ir9, (o$3ir9 P4S(<, (o$3ir9 PUS(<) :$te2er (0 .. 255)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue 3or u! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce

PUS(< ca!acit7 a ocatio$ i$3o


P4S(< ca!acit7 a ocatio$ i$3o


(o$3ir9 reBuest


4e3au t 5a ue is 'o (o$3ir9

Tra33ic 5o u9e re!ort reBuest


:$dicates t"e $u9%er o3 3ra9es %et1ee$ start o3 t"e a ocatio$ !eriod a$d se$di$2 9easure9e$t re!ort. T"e 5a ue s"ou d %e ess t"a$ t"e 5a ue 3or # ocatio$ 4uratio$. Ti9es ot $u9%ers, 3or 1"ic" t"e U) s"a re!ort t"e ti9es ot :S(P i$ PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e. TRU) i$dicates t"at a Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P 9easure9e$t s"a %e re!orted %7 t"e U) i$ PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e.

:S(P Ti9es ot ist NTi9es ot $u9%er


1 to 9a.TS Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, 8oo ea$

ReBuest P-((P(< RS(P


10.2.26 PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST

'OT2P Only for T::. This messa e is used by the 32 for reAuest of P3"1F resources to the 3T/.'. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP "F11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 4S(<-R'T: RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP 6P (V-Prot!rr /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Se2antics description


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra33ic Vo u9e Need 6P

('* /ulti T4pe and reference Tra33ic Vo u9e, 9easured resu ts ist 10.3./.6/ Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, Ti9es ot :S(P i$3o 10.3./.65 Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P i$3o 10.3./.5, :$te2er(1.."i P4S(<ide$t ities) :$te2er(1.."i PUS(<ide$t ities) Protoco error i$dicator Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

Ti9es ot ist NTi9es ot $u9%er NTi9es ot :S(P Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


1 to 9a.TS

(<6:() Allocation confirmation NP4S(< (o$3ir9atio$ NPUS(< (o$3ir9atio$ Protoco error i$dicator



4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS)

Protoco error i$3or9atio$


Condition Prot!rr

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Protoco error i$dicator@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.2/ R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

This messa e is sent from 3T/.' to reconfi ure parameters related to a chan e of Jo" or to release and setup a radio bearer used for ptp transmission of M0M" services of the broadcast type. This procedure can also chan e the multiple(in of M.1- reconfi ure transport channels and physical channels. This messa e is also used to perform a handover from G2/.' &u mode to 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M or 3M or sent throu h G2/.' &u mode 5o ical channelP :11F or sent throu h G2/.' &u mode :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o Need 6P

('+ /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ or a "a$do5er 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 eit"er a$ SR'S re ocatio$ or a "a$do5er 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@ T"is :) is a 1a7s set to TRU) a$d i$c uded i3 t"e acti5atio$ ti9e is restricted accordi$2 to su%c ause =.6.3.1 $ersion

(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o

#cti5atio$ ti9e 4e a7 restrictio$ 3 a2

M4 6P

#cti5atio$ ti9e )$u9erated (TRU))


'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 4S(<-R'T:

6P 6P 6P

U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a

S"ou d $ot %e set i$ &44. :3 recei5ed T"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6

'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


<-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator )$u9erated (<i2"9o%i it74ete cted)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J, t"e U) s"a co$sider itse 3 %ei$2 i$ t"e 9o%i it7 state t"e U) "as 9ai$tai$ed i$ ()LL;4(< state or %ei$2 $ot i$ "i2" 9o%i it7 state a3ter t"e state tra$sitio$, i3 a!! ica% e.


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t CN infor2ation ele2ents


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,-


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 Need 6P

("% /ulti T4pe and reference (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$


Reco$3i2uratio$ i$ res!o$se to reBuested c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 UR# ide$tit7 Specification 2ode infor2ation ele2ents 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(<

6P 6P

)$u9erated (TRU)) UR# ide$tit7


R)L-= C$SR"S*R! L,CATI, " MP 6P MP 1 to M 9a.R#8se tu! N R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.11 1 to M 9a.M8MS ser5Se ect N R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or M8MS !t! %earer 10.3.,.-a 1to M9a.R8N # t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 R)L-, R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.1= 1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected 10.3.,.1/ 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ R)L-5 R)L-6 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< 10.3.,.0a R)L-=

(<6:() s!eci3icatio$ 9ode N(o9! ete s!eci3icatio$ R5 infor2ation ele2ents NNR#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist NNNR#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure


NNR#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or M8MS !t! %earer ist NNNR#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or M8MS !t! %earer




NNR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist


NNNR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure


NNR8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected ist NNNR8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected


NNR8 1it" P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o ist



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o Need MP

(" /ulti T4pe and reference P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a P4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode 10.3.,.2a R8 ide$tit7, 10.3.,.16

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5

NNP4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode



NNUM RL( re-esta% is"9e$t R8 List NNNR8 %earer to %e reesta% is"ed


1 to M9a.R8N U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied i3 R8 ide$tit7 i$ t"is :) i$dicates a 5a ue, 1"ic" is ess t"a$ or eBua to , or i$dicates a radio %earer, 1"ic" does $ot use UM RL( or is $ot associated 1it" PS do9ai$.

R)L-10 R)L-10

TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels NNUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 10.3.5., 1 to M9a.Tr(< N

NN4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$



3ownlink transport channels NN4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


NN4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ Need MP

("! /ulti T4pe and reference #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NPreco$3i2uratio$ NN(<6:() Preconfiguration mode

R)L-5 MP T"is 5a ue o$ 7 a!! ies i$ case t"e 9essa2e is se$t t"rou2" G)R#' Iu mode Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.5 )$u9erated (&44, T44) :$dicates 1"et"er t"e &44 or T44 5ersio$ o3 t"e de3au t co$3i2uratio$ s"a %e used

NNNPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 NNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ NNNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 9ode



NNNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o


4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.0 &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,2

6P 6P

T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ Need 6P

("3 /ulti T4pe and reference (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-=

SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed %7 !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0.


MU-M:M6 i$3o



'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)


0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P

Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44


Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er

R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L--

1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Need

("' /ulti T4pe and reference 3or L(R T44 10.3.6.-/a U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7 $ersion

6P 6P

R)L-11 R)L-11




4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist


# t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 R)L-, 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 , 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44 )$u9erated (TRU)) ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126 &44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7

R)L-10 R)L-10

6P 6P

R)L-11 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7


M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R

6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L--


Release ! Condition #ACH*PCH


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SR"S*R!L,CATI," "on-rectangularResourceAllocation

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t 1"e$ a tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<, UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< is reBuested %7 t"e 9essa2e a$d is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.2= R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent from the 32 when a /0 and si nallin lin# reconfi uration has been done. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o ($o data) MP 6P U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ($o data) 6P )$u9erated (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811, S:811%is a$d S:812, i3 a5ai a% e. R)L-, R)L-, Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

(< 6P

(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce



NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2

R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-/

R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e U! i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ Need 6P 6P 6P MP

("( /ulti T4pe and reference #cti5atio$ ti9e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. $ersion

1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s.

NST#RT ist NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNST#RT


ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

10.2.2- R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent by 32 if the confi uration iven by 3T/.' is unacceptable or if the 32 failed to establish the physical channel(s). /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, 1 to M9a.R8N R8 ide$tit7, 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

R5 infor2ation ele2ents Radio %earers 3or 1"ic" reco$3i2uratio$ 1ou d "a5e succeeded List NRadio %earer 3or 1"ic" reco$3i2uratio$ 1ou d "a5e succeeded



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.30 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S)

This messa e is used by 3T/.' to release a radio bearer. &t can also include modifications to the confi urations of transport channels and@or physical channels. &t can simultaneously indicate release of a si nallin connection when 32 is connected to more than one 1' domain. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o!"eri$2 9ode i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a <-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator )$u9erated (<i2"9o%i it74ete cted Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

(< 6P

(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


#cti5atio$ ti9e 'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 4S(<-R'T: 'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator

M4 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P MP (V#ACH*PC H

T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$. T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9. 4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@

S"ou d $ot %e set i$ &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J, t"e U) s"a co$sider itse 3 %ei$2 i$ t"e 9o%i it7 state t"e U) "as 9ai$tai$ed i$ ()LL;4(< state or %ei$2 $ot i$ "i2" 9o%i it7 state a3ter t"e state tra$sitio$, i3 a!! ica% e.


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ re ease i$dicatio$ 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents UR# ide$tit7 R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 R5 :nfor2ation 1le2ents R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist NR#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure Need 6P

("* /ulti T4pe and reference (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 UR# ide$tit7 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

6P 6P

S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$



1 to M 9a.R#8se tu! N R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.11 1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease 10.3.,.11to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.1= 1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected 10.3.,.1/ 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-6 R)L-6

R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease


R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure


R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected


4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

6P 6P MP

NR8 1it" P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o ist NNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P MP

TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ Need 6P MP

("+ /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 10.3.5., 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters T4pe and reference,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$


3ownlink transport channels 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o

6P 6P

T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ Need 6P

((% /ulti T4pe and reference,2 (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-=

SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


MU-M:M6 i$3o


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed %7 !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0.


'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)


0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P

Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44 U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$


6P 6P

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44 10.3.6.-/a U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er

R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L--

1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7


&44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7

R)L-11 R)L-11




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Need 6P

(( /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 , 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44 )$u9erated (TRU)) 1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease 10.3.,.1()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


1 to M9a.RLN

Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> to %e set-u!

4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10

6P 6P

R)L-11 &44 o$ 7 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7


M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ M8MS R8 ist re eased to c"a$2e tra$s3er 9ode NR8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease

6P 6P MP

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R



Condition &#(<;P(<


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t 1"e$ a tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<, UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< is reBuested %7 t"e 9essa2e a$d is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.31 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent from the 32 when radio bearer release has been completed. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o ($o data) MP 6P U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 T"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t s"a %e !rese$t i$ case o3 "a$do5er !rocedure i3 ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is e$a% ed. (a cu ated ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue 3or t"e $e1 ce a3ter "a$do5er i$ a s7$c"ro$ous T44 $et1or> R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied

U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o


(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a T"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t s"a %e !rese$t i$ case o3 "a$do5er !rocedure i3 ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is e$a% ed. (a cu ated ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue 3or t"e $e1 ce a3ter "a$do5er i$ a s7$c"ro$ous T44 $et1or> ($o data) :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811, S:811%is a$d S:812, i3 a5ai a% e. Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed

NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2


)$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-/

R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e


#cti5atio$ ti9e


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist Need 6P 6P

((3 /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description o$ RL(-TM. T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 $ersion

1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN

NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$


NST#RT ist NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNST#RT


1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT

ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s.

ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

10.2.32 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent by 32 if the confi uration iven by 3T/.' is unacceptable or if radio bearer cannot be released. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, 1 to M9a.R8N R8 ide$tit7, 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

R5 infor2ation ele2ents Radio %earers 3or 1"ic" reco$3i2uratio$ 1ou d "a5e succeeded NRadio %earer 3or 1"ic" reco$3i2uratio$ 1ou d "a5e %ee$ succeeded


10.2.33 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to the 32 to establish new radio bearer(s). &t can also include modifications to the confi urations of transport channels and@or physical channels.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

/51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o!"eri$2 9ode i$3o Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

(< 6P

(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ or a$ SR-V(( T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 or it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SRV(( R)L-= 4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@

SR-V(( i$3o #cti5atio$ ti9e 'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 4S(<-R'T:

(VSR$CC M4 6P 6P 6P

SR-V(( i$3o 10.3.,.2,a #cti5atio$ ti9e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a

S"ou d $ot %e set i$ &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6

'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents UR# ide$tit7

6P 6P 6P MP 6P

<-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o UR# ide$tit7




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 Need 6P

((" /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ $ersion R)L-/

R5 :nfor2ation 1le2ents (<6:() s!eci3icatio$ 9ode N(o9! ete s!eci3icatio$

MP :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, o$ 7 t"is 5a ue is s!eci3ied &or eac" si2$a i$2 radio %earer esta% is"ed Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.2, 1 to M9a.R#8s etu!N R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu! 10.3.,.10 1 to M 9a.R#8se tu! N R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.11 1to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure 10.3.,.1= 1 to M9a.R8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected 10.3.,.1/ 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P &or eac" R#8 esta% is"ed

R)L-6 R)L-6

NNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist NNNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!


1 to M9a.SR8s etu!N

NNR#8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist NNNR#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu!


NNR#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist NNNR#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure


R)L-6 R)L-6

NNR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure ist NNNR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure


R)L-6 R)L-6

NNR8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected ist NNNR8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected


NN4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NNNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNNNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

6P 6P MP

NNNNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P

P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

R)L-5 R)L-5


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNP4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode Need 6P

((( /ulti T4pe and reference 10.3.,.1a P4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode 10.3.,.2a UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< N 4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 10.3.5., 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description co$te.t re ocatio$ $ersion R)L-5

TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels NNUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


NN4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$



3ownlink transport channels NN4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


NN4e eted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$



Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o

6P 6P

T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$ Need 6P

(() /ulti T4pe and reference 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,2 (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-11

(o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed %7 !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e


MU-M:M6 i$3o



'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

((* /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er $ersion

0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P

Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44 U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s


6P 6P

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44 10.3.6.-/a U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 , 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44

R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L--

1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7


R)L-11 R)L-11




4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>

4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10

6P 6P

R)L-11 &44 o$ 7 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R Need 6P 6P

((+ /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU)) ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L--

Condition SR$CC "on-rectangularResourceAllocation

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 a$ SR-V(( !rocedure is i$itiated a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.3, R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent by the 32 to confirm the establishment of the radio bearer. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o ($o data) MP 6P U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 T"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t s"a %e !rese$t i$ case o3 "a$do5er !rocedure i3 ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is e$a% ed. (a cu ated ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue 3or t"e $e1 ce a3ter "a$do5er i$ a s7$c"ro$ous T44 $et1or> R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

(< 6P

(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


).te$ded U! i$>


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

()% /ulti T4pe and reference Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 ST#RT



T"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t s"a %e !rese$t i$ case o3 "a$do5er !rocedure i3 ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is e$a% ed. (a cu ated ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue 3or t"e $e1 ce a3ter "a$do5er i$ a s7$c"ro$ous T44 $et1or> ('o data) T"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t is $ot $eeded 3or tra$s!are$t 9ode R8s i3 !rior to t"is !rocedure t"ere e.ists o$e R8 usi$2 RL(-TM. :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811, S:811%is a$d S:812, i3 a5ai a% e. Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$

R)L-/ R)L-/


Cther infor2ation ele2ents 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2


)$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-/ R)L-/

R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e U! i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist

6P 6P 6P 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN

#cti5atio$ ti9e

NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$


R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s.

NST#RT ist NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNST#RT


ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

10.2.35 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent by 32- if it does not support the confi uration iven by 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, 1 to M9a.R8N R8 ide$tit7, 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

R5 infor2ation ele2ents Radio %earers 3or 1"ic" reco$3i2uratio$ 1ou d "a5e succeeded NRadio %earer 3or 1"ic" reco$3i2uratio$ 1ou d "a5e succeeded


10.2.36 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T

The networ# transmits this messa e when the reAuested //1 connection cannot be accepted. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP 111F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$itia U) ide$tit7 ReKectio$ cause Gait ti9e Redirectio$ i$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier :$itia U) ide$tit7 ReKectio$ cause Gait ti9e Redirectio $ i$3o$u9erat ed (TRU)) Se2antics description $ersion



(ou$ti$2 co9! etio$


T"e U) s"a i2$ore a$7 u$su!!orted 3reBue$cies i$c uded i$ t"is :). T"is 3ie d 9a7 %e !rese$t i3 t"e ReKectio$ (ause is set to Ou$s!eci3iedP ot"er1ise it s"a %e i2$ored.



Release ! ).te$ded Gait Ti9e 6P

()! ).te$ded Gait Ti9e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-10

10.2.3/ RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S)

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to release the //1 connection. The messa e also releases the si nallin connection and all radio bearers between the 32 and 3T/.'. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP 111F or :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents (<6:() ide$tit7 t7!e NU-R'T: N Grou! ide$tit7 1 to M9a.UR 'T:2rou !N MP Need MP /ulti

()3 T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

C$CCCH U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/



NNGrou! re ease i$3or9atio$

RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o '30= Re ease cause U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


Grou! re ease i$3or9atio $, o RR( tra$sactio $ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2er(1.. =) Re ease cause )$u9erat ed (<i2"9o%i it74 etected)


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J t"e U) s"a co$sider itse 3 %ei$2 i$ t"e 9o%i it7 state t"e U) "as 9ai$tai$ed i$ ()LL;4(< state or %ei$2 $ot i$ "i2"9o%i it7 state 1"e$ e$teri$2 i$ :d e Mode, i3 a!! ica% e.


).te$ded Gait Ti9e


).te$ded Gait Ti9e a R! 9$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3.=.15


Cther infor2ation ele2ents R! 9$ i$3or9atio$


Redirectio$ i$3o


Redirecti o$ i$3o -



Release ! Condition CCCH DCCH DCCH*MD Cell*DCH


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ (((< is used a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ 4((< is used a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t 1"e$ 4((< is used a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ U) is i$ ()LL;4(< state a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

10.2.3= RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent by 32 to confirm that the //1 connection has been released. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o )rror i$dicatio$

(< 6P

10.2.3- RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST

//1 1onnection /eAuest is the first messa e transmitted by the 32 when settin up an //1 1onnection to the networ#. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP 111F :irectionP 32 3T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e Radio 5earer :1s Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ Need MP MP

()" /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

TRU) i$dicates t"e U) "as a !reco$3i2uratio$s stored 1it" t"e sa9e 5a ue ta2 as %roadcast i$ t"e ce i$ 1"ic" t"e RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t is i$itiated


01 infor2ation ele2ents :$itia U) ide$tit7 )sta% is"9e$t cause Protoco error i$dicator


EU) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 id e


4o9ai$ i$dicator (a t7!e U) ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$

MP (V-CSDomain 6P

:$itia U) ide$tit7 )sta% is"9e $t cause Protoco error i$dicator U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 id e (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 )$u9erated (s!eec", 5ideo, ot"er) )$u9erated (<S-4S(<, <S4S(<+)4(<) M8MS Se ected Ser5ices S"ort 10.3.-a./d )$u9erated (<i2"9o%i it74ete cted)

4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS) T"is :) s"a $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco R)L-6 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at $eit"er <S-4S(< $or )-4(< are su!!orted %7 t"e U) R)L-6 R)L-6

M8MS Se ected Ser5ices



U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


Su!!ort 3or &-4P(<


)$u9erated (TRU))

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J eit"er t"e <i2" 9o%i it7 state is $ot a!! ica% e or it "as $ot %ee$ detected %7 t"e U). T"e :) s"a %e set to TRU) 1"e$ &-4P(< is 3u 7 su!!orted %7 t"e U). #%se$ce o3 t"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$dicates t"at &-4P(< is $ot 3u 7 su!!orted




Release ! Su!!ort 3or )$"a$ced &-4P(< 6P

()( )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort e$"a$ced &4P(< T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <SP4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. 'ote 1 T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts M#(-e"s, octet a i2$ed tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e, t"e use o3 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #M a$d di33ere$t <S-S((<s i$ co$ti2uous TT:s. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort eit"er M#(-e"s, octet a i2$ed tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e or t"e use o3 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #M or di33ere$t <S-S((<s i$ co$ti2uous TT:s. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 4P((< 4isco$ti$uous Tra$s9issio$ T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode. 'ote 1 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort dua ce o!eratio$s o$ adKace$t 3reBue$cies R)L-/

<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;&#(<


)$u9erated (TRU))


M#(-e"s su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


4P((< 4isco$ti$uous Tra$s9issio$ su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 co99o$ )-4(<


)$u9erated (TRU))


Mu ti ce su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))



Release ! 4ua ce M:M6 su!!ort 6P

()) )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort dua ce 1it" M:M6 o!eratio$ o$ adKace$t 3reBue$cies. &or &44, t"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ 9ore t"a$ t1o ce s. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, t"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort MUM:M6. :3 !rese$t, "i2"er rate i$dicates u! i$> a$d do1$ i$> MUM:M6, o1er rate i$dicates u! i$> MU-M:M6 &or &44, t"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ 9ore t"a$ t1o ce s or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, t"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort MUM:M6. :3 !rese$t, "i2"er rate i$dicates u! i$> a$d do1$ i$> MUM:M6, o1er rate i$dicates u! i$> MU-M:M6 T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"e U) su!!ort o3 radio access tec"$o o2ies t"at t"e U) cou d %e directed to, a$d t"at t"e U) 1as $ot redirected 3ro9 )UTR#. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M#(i0is o!eratio$. R)L--

More t"a$ t1o ce or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as su!!ort


)$u9erated ("i2"er rate, o1er rate)



Pre-redirectio$ i$3o


Preredirectio$ i$3o


Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is


)$u9erated (TRU))



Release ! Su!!ort o3 SPS o!eratio$ 6P

()* )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort SPS o!eratio$. T"e :) i$dicates t"e U)Ss su!!ort 3or (S Voice o5er <SP#, i3 set. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) is accessi$2 t"e ce usi$2 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ stored i$ t"e 5aria% e SDST)M;:'&6R M#T:6';(6'T#: ')R T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"e U) su!!orts t"e 1st %a$d %roadcased i$ S:8505%is. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, t"e :) a so i$dicates su!!ort %a$d e i3 $o %a$d is %roadcasted i$ S:8505%is. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"e U) su!!orts t"e 2$d %a$d %roadcased i$ S:8505%is. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, t"e :) a so i$dicates su!!ort %a$d 3 i3 $o %a$d is %roadcasted i$ S:8505%is. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest is due to (S&8 ca i$itiated i$ )-UTR#. R)L-=

Su!!ort 3or (S Voice o5er <SP# S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er Stored :$dicator


)$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))




Su!!ort o3 t"e 3irst &reBue$c7 8a$d


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 t"e seco$d &reBue$c7 8a$d


)$u9erated (TRU))


(S&8 :$dicatio$


)$u9erated (TRU))

/easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents Measured resu ts o$ R#(<


#ccess stratu9 re ease i$dicator


Measured resu ts o$ R#(< 10.3./.,5 )$u9erated( R)L-,,

R)L-5, R)L-6, R)L-/, R)L-=,

#%se$ce o3 t"e :) i9! ies R--. T"e :) a so i$dicates t"e re ease o3 t"e RR( tra$s3er s7$ta. su!!orted %7 t"e U).


R)L-5 R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-=


Release !

()+ R)L--, R)L-10, R)L-11, R)L-12)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) / s!are 5a ues are $eeded. R)L-R)L-10 R)L-11 R)L-12

'OT2 ,P 7or ,.*; Mcps T::- 32 supportin F"?P:"1F in 1255G7.1F always supports 2?:1F enhanced random access in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- and vice versa.

Condition CS-Domain

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @4o9ai$ i$dicator@ "as t"e 5a ue @(S do9ai$@. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

&f the encoded messa e does not fill a transport bloc#- the //1 layer shall insert paddin accordin to subclause ,*.,.

10.2.,0 RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP

This messa e is used by the networ# to accept the establishment of an //1 connection for a 32- includin assi nment of si nallin lin# information- transport channel information and optionally physical channel information. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP 111F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents :$itia U) ide$tit7 RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$itia U) ide$tit7 RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier #cti5atio$ ti9e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= <-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,(a!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t Se2antics description $ersion

#cti5atio$ ti9e 'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t (a!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t

M4 MP 6P 6P 6P 6P MP MP

4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@

R)L-6 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6


4e3au t 5a ue is de3i$ed i$ su%c ause


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 Specification 2ode infor2ation ele2ents 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< Need MP

(*% /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-=


4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< 10.3.,.0a MP


(<6:() specification mode N(o9! ete s!eci3icatio$ R5 :nfor2ation 1le2ents NNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist NNNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!



3 to , Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.2,

TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels NNUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to M9a.Tr(< N # t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot reBuired 1"e$ t"e :) @RR( state i$dicator@ is set to @()LL;&#(<@, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 R)L-, #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< N # t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot reBuired 1"e$ t"e :) @RR( state i$dicator@ is set to @()LL;&#(<@, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 R)L-,

NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist


NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$


3ownlink transport channels NN4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


NN#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ Need MP

(* /ulti T4pe and reference #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NPreco$3i2uratio$ NN(<6:() Preconfiguration mode NNNPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 NNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ NNNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 9ode

MP MP Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.5 )$u9erated (&44, T44) :$dicates 1"et"er t"e &44 or T44 5ersio$ o3 t"e de3au t co$3i2uratio$ s"a %e used

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5


R)L-5 R)L-5

NNNN4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o


4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.0 6P &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))



T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2


MU-M:M6 i$3o



'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

(*! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed %7 !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er $ersion

0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s

6P 6P 6P

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< i$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44

R)L-6 R)L-6


4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> to %e set-u!


4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10


&44 o$ 7



Release ! Condition "on-rectangularResourceAllocation


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.

10.2.,1 RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T)

This messa e confirms the establishment of the //1 1onnection by the 32. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier 1 to M9a.('do9 ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a 1 to M9a.:$terS7 sMessa2esN :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.=./ ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s. Se2antics description $ersion

ST#RT ist N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NST#RT U) radio access ca!a%i it7


ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


Cther infor2ation ele2ents U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7 N:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2 Need 6P

(*' /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811, S:811%is a$d S:812, i3 a5ai a% e. :$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> True i$dicates t"e U) "as #'R o22i$2 resu ts to re!ort to t"e 'et1or>. True i$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts 3ro9 a RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t 3ai ure to re!ort to t"e $et1or>. $ersion R)L-/

Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e


)$u9erated (TRU))


#'R Lo22i$2 Resu ts #5ai a% e


)$u9erated (TRU))


(o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o #5ai a% e


)$u9erated (TRU))


10.2.,1a RR( &#:LUR) :'&6

This messa e is sent by the 32 via another radio access technolo y to provide information about the cause for failure to perform the reAuested operation. /51?".PP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) 5o ical channelP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents &ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$ Need MP (V-Prot!rr /ulti T4pe and reference &ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 1Dplanation Prese$ce is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e :) @&ai ure cause@ "as t"e 5a ue @Protoco error@U ot"er1ise t"e e e9e$t is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. Se2antics description

Condition Prot!rr

10.2.,2 RR( ST#TUS

This messa e is sent to indicate a protocol error. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :de$ti3icatio$ o3 recei5ed 9essa2e NRecei5ed 9essa2e t7!e NRR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP (< (VMessage identified MP MP

(*" /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied

Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12

Cther infor2ation ele2ents Protoco error i$3or9atio$


Condition Message identified

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Protoco error cause@ i$ t"e :) @Protoco error i$3or9atio$@ "as a$7 ot"er 5a ue t"a$ @#S'.1 5io atio$ or e$codi$2 error@ or @Messa2e t7!e $o$-e.iste$t or $ot i9! e9e$ted@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

10.2.,3 S)(UR:TD M64) (6MM#'4

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to start or reconfi ure cipherin and@or inte rity protection parameters. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' to 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Securit7 ca!a%i it7 (i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Securit7 ca!a%i it7 (i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o


6$ 7 !rese$t i3 ci!"eri$2 s"a %e co$tro ed 6$ 7 !rese$t i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ s"a %e co$tro ed

CN :nfor2ation ele2ents (' do9ai$ ide$tit7


:$dicates 1"ic" ci!"eri$2 a$d i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ >e7s are a!! ica% e


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic securit7 ca!a%i it7 Need (<

(*( /ulti 1 to M9a.:$ter S7sMessa 2esN :$ter-R#T U) securit7 ca!a%i it7 10.3.=.=a T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is i$c uded i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7@ 1as i$c uded i$ RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) 9essa2e

N:$ter-R#T U) securit7 ca!a%i it7


10.2.,, S)(UR:TD M64) (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent by 32 to confirm the reconfi uration of cipherin and@or inte rity protection. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 to 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o R8 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o 10.3.,.13 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o


R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents Radio %earer u! i$> ci!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o


10.2.,5 S)(UR:TD M64) &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent to indicate a failure to act on a received "213/&TK MO:2 1OMM.': messa e. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP

(*) /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

10.2.,6 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S)

This messa e is used to notify the 32 that its on oin si nallin connection to a 1' domain has been released. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o ).te$ded Gait Ti9e (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o ).te$ded Gait Ti9e CN infor2ation ele2ents (' do9ai$ ide$tit7

(< 6P

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied


10.2.,/ S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6'

This messa e is used by the 32 to indicate to 3T/.' the release of an e(istin si nallin connection. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Need /ulti

(** T4pe and referenc e Messa2e t7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o 6 (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Si2$a i$ 2 (o$$ecti o$ Re ease :$dicatio $ (ause /a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion



CN infor2ation ele2ents (' do9ai$ ide$tit7


Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ Re ease :$dicatio$ (ause




'OT2,P 7or the sa#e of bac#ward compatibility- when the cause value is set to a value other than H32 /eAuested P" :ata session endH accordin to ;.,.,8.*P in this release of the specification- the 32 may e(clude this &2 by not includin the ."'., non?critical e(tension where it is referenced- alternatively- if the 32 includes this &2 it shall set it to Hany Other 1auseH.

10.2.,= SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is used by the 3T/.' to convey system information bloc#s to the 32. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP 011F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S&'!ri9e Need (Vchannel' MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..,0 -, %7 ste! o3 2) Se2antics description S&'?S&'!ri9e (3or 3irst 109s 3ra9e o3 209s TT:), S&'?S&'!ri9e+1 (3or ast 109s 3ra9e o3 209s TT:) &i5e s!ares are $eeded ($o data)

(<6:() Segment com)ination N(o9%i$atio$ 1 N(o9%i$atio$ 2 NN&irst Se29e$t N(o9%i$atio$ 3 NNSu%seBue$t Se29e$t N(o9%i$atio$ , NNLast se29e$t


&irst Se29e$t, 10.2.,=.1 Su%seBue$t Se29e$t, 10.2.,=.3 Last se29e$t (s"ort),10.2. ,=.5 '6T) 2



N(o9%i$atio$ 5


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNLast se29e$t Need MP

(*+ /ulti T4pe and reference Last Se29e$t (s"ort)10.2., =.5 &irst Se29e$t (s"ort), 10.2.,=.2 Last Se29e$t (s"ort), 10.2.,=.5 1 to 9a.S:8!er Ms2 (o9! ete S:8 (s"ort),10.2. ,=./

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

NN&irst Se29e$t


N(o9%i$atio$ 6 NNLast Se29e$t

'6T) 2 MP

NN(o9! ete ist NNN(o9! ete


'6T) 1

N(o9%i$atio$ / NNLast Se29e$t

'6T) 2 MP Last Se29e$t (s"ort), 10.2.,=.5 1..M 9a.S:8!er Ms2N (o9! ete S:8 (s"ort),10.2. ,=./ &irst Se29e$t (s"ort), 10.2.,=.2 1 to 9a.S:8!er Ms2 (o9! ete S:8 (s"ort),10.2. ,=./ 1..Ma.S:8 !erMs2 (o9! ete S:8 (s"ort),10.2. ,=./ &irst Se29e$t (s"ort), 10.2.,=.2 (o9! ete S:8,10.2.,=. 6 Last se29e$t,10. 2.,=., '6T) 2 '6T) 1 '6T) 2 '6T) 1 '6T) 1

NN(o9! ete ist NNN(o9! ete


NN&irst Se29e$t


N(o9%i$atio$ = NN(o9! ete ist NNN(o9! ete


N(o9%i$atio$ NN(o9! ete ist NNN(o9! ete


NN&irst Se29e$t


N(o9%i$atio$ 10 NNN(o9! ete S:8 o3 siQe 215 to 226 N(o9%i$atio$ 11 NNLast se29e$t o3 siQe 215 to 222




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Need /ulti T4pe and Se2antics description na2e reference '6T) 1* :3 (o9%i$atio$ 6 - - co$tai$s a Master i$3or9atio$ % oc>, t"e Master i$3or9atio$ % oc> s"a %e ocated as t"e 3irst :) i$ t"e ist. '6T) 2* :3 o$e o3 t"e co9%i$atio$s 5 to - is used, t"e :) @S:8 t7!e@ ? @).te$sio$ T7!e@ s"ou d $ot occur 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"at 9essa2e, ot"er1ise t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. Condition channel' 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e c"a$$e is 8(<, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

&f the encoded messa e does not fill a transport bloc#- the //1 layer shall insert paddin accordin to subclause ,*.,. Paddin is needed e. . if the remainin space is insufficient to start a new 7irst "e ment (which reAuires several bits for "&0 type- "2GG1O3'T and "&0 data).

10.2.,=a S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er

This messa e is sent via another radio access technolo y to provide information to the 32. ? ? ? /51?".PP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) 5o ical channelP '@. ("ent throu h a different /.T) :irectionP . different /.T 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e M:8 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 10.2.,=.=.1 Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 1 10.2.,=.=.2 Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 2 10.2.,=.=.3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1 10.2.,=.=., S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 3 10.2.,=.=.6 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 5 or 5%is 10.2.,=.=.= S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e / 10.2.,=.=.10 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11 10.2.,=.=.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11%is 10.2.,=.=.1, a Se2antics description $ersion R)L--

S7s:$3oT7!eS81 S7s:$3oT7!eS82 S7s:$3oT7!e1

6P 6P MP


















Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e S7s:$3oT7!e12 Need 6P /ulti

(+ T4pe and reference S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 12 10.2.,=.=.15 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 22 10.2.,=.=.25

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L--





&irst Se29e$t

This se ment type is used to transfer the first se ment of a se mented system information bloc#. The &2 is used when the first se ment fills the entire transport bloc# (1ombination *).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents S:8 t7!e S)G;(6U'T S:8 data 3i.ed Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 S)G (6U'T, 10.3.=.1/ S:8 data 3i.ed, 10.3.=.1Se2antics description


&irst Se29e$t (s"ort)

This se ment type is used to transfer the first se ment of a se mented system information bloc#. The &2 is used when the first se ment is concatenated after other se ments in a transport bloc# (1ombination 9- < and >).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents S:8 t7!e S)G;(6U'T S:8 data 5aria% e Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 S)G (6U'T, 10.3.=.1/ S:8 data 5aria% e, 10.3.=.20 Se2antics description


Su%seBue$t Se29e$t

This se ment type is used to transfer a subseAuent se ment of a se mented system information bloc#.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents S:8 t7!e Se29e$t i$de. S:8 data 3i.ed Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 Se29e$t :$de., 10.3.=.1= S:8 data 3i.ed, 10.3.=.1Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Last Se29e$t

This se ment type is used to transfer the last se ment of a se mented system information bloc#. The &2 is used when the last se ment has a len th- e(cludin len th denominator- from *,9 throu h *** (1ombination ,,).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents S:8 t7!e Se29e$t i$de. S:8 data 3i.ed Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 Se29e$t :$de., 10.3.=.1= S:8 data 3i.ed, 10.3.=.1Se2antics description

:$ case t"e S:8 data is ess t"a$ 222 %its, !addi$2 s"a %e used. T"e sa9e !addi$2 %its s"a %e used as de3i$ed i$ c ause 12.1


Last Se29e$t (s"ort)

This se ment type is used to transfer the last se ment of a se mented system information bloc#. The &2 is used when the last se ment has a len th- e(cludin len th denominator- of upto *,8 bits (1ombination 8- 9- = and <).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents S:8 t7!e Se29e$t i$de. S:8 data 5aria% e Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 Se29e$t :$de., 10.3.=.1= S:8 data 5aria% e, 10.3.=.20 Se2antics description


(o9! ete S:8

This se ment type is used to transfer a non?se mented system information bloc#. The &2 is used when the complete "&0 has a len th- e(cludin len th denominator- from *,9 throu h **= (1ombination ,+).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents S:8 t7!e S:8 data 3i.ed Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 8it stri$2 (226) Se2antics description

T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 3irst %it o3 t"e se29e$t. :$ case t"e S:8 data is ess t"a$ 226 %its, !addi$2 s"a %e used. T"e sa9e !addi$2 %its s"a %e used as de3i$ed i$ c ause 12.1


(o9! ete S:8 (s"ort)

This se ment type is used to transfer a non?se mented system information bloc#. The &2 is used when the complete "&0 has a len th- e(cludin len th denominator- of upto *,8 bits (1ombination =- <- ; and >).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 t7!e S:8 data 5aria% e Need MP MP

(+3 /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 T7!e, 10.3.=.21 S:8 data 5aria% e, 10.3.=.20

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>s

The &2 H"&0 dataH within the &2s- H7irst "e mentH- H"ubseAuent or last "e mentH and H1omplete "&0H contains either complete system information bloc# or a se ment of a system information bloc#. The actual system information bloc#s are defined in the followin clauses.


Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>

Need MP MP (V- SM 6P /ulti T4pe and reference M:8 Va ue ta2 10.3.=.PLM' T7!e PLM' :de$tit7 Mu ti! e PLM' List 10.3.1./a #'S:-,1 (ore 'et1or> :$3or9atio$ 10.3.-.1 Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s a$d sc"edu i$2 % oc>s 10.3.=.1, )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents M:8 Va ue ta2 CN infor2ation ele2ents Su!!orted PLM' t7!es PLM' :de$tit7 Mu ti! e PLM' List

:3 !rese$t, t"is :) s!eci3ies t"e PLM's o3 t"e ce . :3 a%se$t, t"e :) OPLM' :de$tit7P s!eci3ies t"e PLM' o3 t"e ce .


ANS:&' infor2ation ele2ents #'S:-,1 (ore 'et1or> :$3or9atio$


Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s a$d sc"edu i$2 % oc>s


(SG :$dicator


:3 !rese$t, t"e ce is a (SG ce (see I,J). :3 a%se$t, t"e ce is $ot a (SG ce .


Condition SM A"SI--&

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!orted PLM' T7!es@ is set to LGSM-M#PL or LGSM-M#P #'4 #'S:-,1L, a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!orted PLM' T7!es@ is set to L#'S:-,1L or LGSM-M#P #'4 #'S:-,1L, a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 1

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 10.3.=.13 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s


Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 2

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 10.3.=.13 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1

The system information bloc# type , contains '." system information as well as 32 timers and counters to be used in idle mode and in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e CN infor2ation ele2ents (' co99o$ GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (' do9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist N(' do9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ id e 9ode 10.3.3.,, U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode 10.3.3.,3 T"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied i3 t"is :) is a%se$t. Se$d (' i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" (' do9ai$. Se2antics description


01 infor2ation U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ id e 9ode


U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode


4e3au t 5a ue 9ea$s t"at 3or a ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts - &or !ara9eters 1it" $eed M4, t"e de3au ts s!eci3ied i$ 10.3.3.,3 a!! 7 a$d - &or !ara9eters 1it" $eed 6P, t"e !ara9eters are a%se$t


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 2

The system information bloc# type * contains the 3/. identity.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents UR# ide$tit7 ist NUR# ide$tit7 Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


1 ..M9a.UR #N UR# ide$tit7


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 3

The system information bloc# type 3 contains parameters for cell selection and re?selection.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8, :$dicator Need MP

(+( /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates t"at S:8, is %roadcast i$ t"e ce . G"e$ t"e U) recei5es S:83 i$ t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er 9essa2e, t"is :) is i$ter!reted as &#LS). $ersion

0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents (e ide$tit7 (e se ectio$ a$d re-se ectio$ i$3o


(e #ccess Restrictio$ 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or PLM' 63 M:8


(e ide$tit7 (e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:830, (e #ccess Restrictio$ 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters

4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ &or S"ared 'et1or>


T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e PLM' i$ t"e :) OPLM' ide$tit7P o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.



N(<6:() )arring representation NN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ List NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or 6!erator1


R)L-6 R)L-6


4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters

NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or 6!erator2


NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or 6!erator3


T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e 3irst PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e seco$d PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e t"ird PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>.





Release ! NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or 6!erator, 6P

(+) 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e 3ourt" PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e 3i3t" PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e co99o$ 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters a!! ied to a PLM's i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. :3 !rese$t, t"e U) 9a7 a!! 7 de3erred readi$2 o3 S:811, S:811%is, S:812, S:81= a$d S:81-. :3 $ot !rese$t, de3erred readi$2 9a7 $ot %e a!! ied. :3 a%se$t, t"e de3au t re!orti$2 Bua$tities are* @(P:(< RS(P@ (&44) a$d @Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P@ (T44). R)L-6

NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or 6!erator5



NN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters &or # NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters

R)L-6 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 6P R)L-6

4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2 su!!ort


N(<6:() mode



NN&44 NNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 S:83


)$u9erated( (P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P) 1 to 2 )$u9erated (Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P, Ti9es ot :S(P) )$u9erated (TRU)) Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNT44 NNNRe!orti$2 Bua$tit7 ist NNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 S:83


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

M8S&' o$ 7 ser5ice Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or PLM' 63 M:8

6P 6P

Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro &or S"ared 'et1or>


:$dicates i3 t"e ce !ro5ides o$ 7 M8MS ser5ices i$ M8S&' 9ode T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ Git" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e PLM' i$ t"e :) OPLM' ide$tit7P o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

R)L-/ R)L-=


N(<6:() )arring representation




Release ! NNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro List NNNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or 6!erator1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-=


Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters

NNNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or 6!erator2


NNNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or 6!erator3


NNNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or 6!erator,


NNNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or 6!erator5


T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e 3irst PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e seco$d PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e t"ird PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e 3ourt" PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "as c"ose$ t"e 3i3t" PLM' i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>.






NNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters &or # NNNPa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters

R)L-= MP Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters (SG :de$tit7 10.3.2.= (SG PS( S! it :$3or9atio$ 10.3.2.)$u9erated (su!!orted) T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e co99o$ Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters a!! ied to a PLM's i$ t"e :) O9u ti! ePLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc>. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pri9ar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode reser5atio$ i$3or9atio$ 3or (SG (e s. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e su!!ort o3 :MS e9er2e$c7 ca i$ t"e ce 3or i9ited ser5ice 9ode U) R)L-=

(SG :de$tit7 (SG PS( S! it :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-= R)L-=

:MS )9er2e$c7 Su!!ort :$dicator




S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e ,

The system information bloc# type 8 contains parameters for cell selection and re?selection to be used in connected mode.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents (e ide$tit7 (e se ectio$ a$d re-se ectio$ i$3o Need

(++ /ulti T4pe and reference (e ide$tit7 (e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:830, (e #ccess Restrictio$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description


(e #ccess Restrictio$



S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 5 a$d 5%is

The system information bloc# type 9 contains parameters for the confi uration of the common physical channels in the cell. "ystem information bloc# type 9bis uses the same structure as "ystem information bloc# type 9. "ystem information bloc# type 9bis is sent instead of system information bloc# type 9 in cells that use 0and &B or 0and &I or 0and I if it is broadcasted.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:86 :$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates t"at S:86 is %roadcast i$ t"e ce . G"e$ t"e U) recei5es S:85 i$ t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er 9essa2e, t"is :) is i$ter!reted as &#LS) TRU) i$dicates t"at S:822 is %roadcast i$ t"e ce . :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. 6$ 7 3or /.6= Mc!s T44 :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause $ersion

S:822 :$dicator Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents P:(< Po1er o33set


8oo ea$



P:(< Po1er o33set

(<6:() mode N&44 NN#:(< Po1er o33set

MP MP #:(< Po1er o33set

NT44 NNPUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ V<(R

NNPUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ V<(R




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

)%% T4pe and reference a P4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.6.,6 T44 o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro 10.3.6./Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ ist (o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o 10.3.6.-a Seco$dar 7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.6./2 (8S 4RA Le5e 1 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.=.3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. 'ote 1 $ersion

NNP4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


NNT44 o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro


Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o


PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist


:3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. R)L-=

(o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o


Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


'ote 2 :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed.

(8S 4RA Le5e 1 i$3or9atio$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator Need 6P /ulti

)% T4pe and reference &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator % &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 2 c &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 3 ca

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2



&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3



&reBue$c7 8a$ds :$dicator Su!!ort N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNN&reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator 3or redirectio$




1 toM 9a.&reB 8a$ds:$ dicatorS u!!ortN &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator % &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 2 c &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 3 ca

T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates o$e or t1o %a$ds 3or redirectio$.


NNNN(<6:() 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator NNNNN&reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator 1 3or redirectio$

R)L-10 R)L-10

NNNNN&reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator 2 3or redirectio$


NNNNN&reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator 3 3or redirectio$


NNT44 NNN&reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 NNNN&reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator 3or T44


1 toM 9a.&reB 8a$ds:$ dicatorS u!!ortN &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 3or T44 d

T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates o$e or t1o %a$ds 3or R& ca!a%i it7.





Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d i$dicator ist Need 6P /ulti 1 toM 9a.Mu t i! e&reB ue$c78a $ds&44 N

)%! T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description # ist o3 additio$a 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 1"ic" t"e ce %e o$2 to. T"e order o3 a!!eara$ce o3 t"e additio$a su!!orted 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$ t"e ist i$dicates t"eir !riorit7 i.e 3ro9 "i2"er to o1er. :3 t"e U) su!!orts t"e 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated e.! icit 7 or i9! icit 7 i$ accorda$ce 1it" su%c ause =., it s"a a!! 7 t"at 3reBue$c7 %a$d. 6t"er1ise, t"e U) s"a a!! 7 t"e 3irst isted %a$d 1"ic" it su!!orts i$ t"e :) @Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d i$dicator ist@. $ersion R)L-10

N(<6:() 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator NN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator

MP &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator % &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 2 c &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 3 ca )$u9erat ed (<S4P# (a!a% e (e )

R)L-10 R)L-10

NN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2


NN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3


<S4P# ce :$dicator


4e3au t is S<S4P# ca!a%i it7 $ot i$dicatedS. S<S4P# (a!a% e (e S 9ea$s t"at t"e U) 9a7 co$sider t"is ce as !art o3 t"e <S4P# co5era2e area 3or dis! a7 i$dicatio$ o$ 7. T"is i$dicatio$ s"a $ot %e used 3or a$7 ot"er !ur!ose. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< ce :$dicator Need M4 /ulti

)%3 T4pe and reference )$u9erat ed ()4(< (a!a% e (e )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t is S)-4(< ca!a%i it7 $ot i$dicatedS. S)-4(< (a!a% e (e S 9ea$s t"at t"e U) 9a7 co$sider t"is ce as !art o3 t"e )-4(< co5era2e area 3or dis! a7 i$dicatio$ o$ 7. T"is i$dicatio$ s"a $ot %e used 3or a$7 ot"er !ur!ose. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. :$c uded i3 M((< is o$ a$ S-((P(< used o$ 7 3or M8MS. 'ote 2 $ersion R)L-6

Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ M8MS


Seco$dar 7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ M8MS 10.3.6./2 a


(<6:() mode N&44 NN<S-4S(< co99o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

6P MP <S-4S(< co99o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ c <S-4S(< !a2i$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ d <S-4S(< co99o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 1.2=Mc!s T44 ca <S-4S(< !a2i$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 1.2=Mc!s T44 da :$c uded i3 ce su!!orts <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< a$d duri$2 :4L) to RR( (o$$ectio$ state tra$sitio$. :$c uded i3 ce su!!orts 3or U)s i$ RR( (o$$ected state !a2i$2 9essa2e rece!tio$ o$ <S-4S(<.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NN<S-4S(< !a2i$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$



NT44 NN<S-4S(< co99o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


:$c uded i3 ce su!!orts <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< a$d duri$2 :4L) to RR( (o$$ectio$ state tra$sitio$.

R)L-/ R)L-=

NN<S-4S(< !a2i$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


:$c uded i3 ce su!!orts 3or U)s i$ RR( (o$$ected state !a2i$2 9essa2e rece!tio$ o$ <S-4S(<.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T44 M8S&' i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti

)%' T4pe and reference T44 M8S&' :$3or9atio $ 10.3.6./= % <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&# (< :$3or9atio $ 2 <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&# (< :$3or9atio $ 1.2= Mc!s T44 " :$te2er (0 .. 163=3) )$u9erat ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T44 o$ 7* i$c uded o$ 7 i3 so9e ti9es ots are desi2$ated to M8S&'. $ersion R)L-/

<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< :$3or9atio$



<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< :$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44



Seco$d &reBue$c7 i$3o Treset Usa2e :$dicator

6P 6P

'ote 3 6$ 7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e ti9er Treset is $ot 5a id 1"e$ t"e dedicated <-R'T: is co$3i2ured i$ ()LL;&#(< a$d ()LL;P(<. 6$ 7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44. 6$ 7 3or &44. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at U) s"a use t"e Re -11 as$1 9essa2e t7!e 3or (e U!date, i3 t"e U) su!!orts t"is 9essa2e t7!e.

R)L-= R)L-=

U!P(< Positio$ :$3o (e U!date 9essa2e 1it" o!ti9ised e$codi$2

(V&reBue$ c7 6P

:$te2er (0 .. 12/) )$u9erat ed (TRU))

R)L-= R)L-11

'OT2 ,P :5 scramblin code of the Primary 11P1F is the same as the one for Primary 1P&1F (7:: only). 'OT2 *P There is only one M11F in a cell- which may either be mapped on to an "?11P1F also used for non? M0M" purposes or to an "?11P1F dedicated to M0M". &n the first case the M11F confi uration is specified within the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system informationH- in the latter case the M11F confi uration is provided within the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system information M0M"H. 'OT2 3P This &2 is used in ,.*; Mcps T:: multi?freAuency cell to indicate the secondary freAuency at which enhanced 2?:1F transmission and F"?P:"1F reception for ,.*; Mcps T:: is supported and to indicate that correspondin &2sP H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH- HF"?:"1F common system informationH (T::) and HF"?:"1F :/I in 1255G7.1F &nformation ,.*; Mcps T::H can apply for this freAuency. The absense of H7reAuency infoH means that enhanced 2?:1F access transmission and F"?P:"1F reception and above &2s apply for primary freAuency. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! Condition CTCH #re.uency


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @(T(< i$dicator@ is eBua to TRU) 3or at east o$e &#(<, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @&reBue$c7 i$3o@ is !rese$t, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 6

The system information bloc# type = contains parameters for the confi uration of the common and shared physical channels to be used in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents P:(< Po1er o33set Need /ulti T4pe and reference P:(< Po1er o33set Se2antics description $ersion


(<6:() mode N&44 NN#:(< Po1er o33set

MP MP #:(< Po1er o33set PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ V<(R a P4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.6.,6 T44 o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro 10.3.6./Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ ist Seco$dar 7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio $ 10.3.6./2 (8S 4RA Le5e 1 i$3or9atio

NT44 NNPUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


NNPUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ V<(R


6$ 7 3or /.6= Mc!s T44


NNP4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


NNT44 o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro


Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o


'ote 1

PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist


Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


(8S 4RA Le5e 1 i$3or9atio$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator Need 6P /ulti

)%( T4pe and reference $ 10.3.=.3 &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator % &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 2 c &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 3 ca

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2



&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3



Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d i$dicator ist


1 toM 9a.Mu t i! e&reB ue$c78a $ds&44 N

# ist o3 additio$a 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 1"ic" t"e ce %e o$2s to. T"e order o3 a!!eara$ce o3 t"e additio$a su!!orted 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$ t"e ist i$dicates t"eir !riorit7 i.e 3ro9 "i2"er to o1er. :3 t"e U) su!!orts t"e 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated e.! icit 7 or i9! icit 7 i$ accorda$ce 1it" su%c ause =., it s"a a!! 7 t"at 3reBue$c7 %a$d. 6t"er1ise, t"e U) s"a a!! 7 t"e 3irst isted %a$d 1"ic" it su!!orts i$ t"e :) @Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d i$dicator ist@. &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator % &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 2 c &reBue$c 7 %a$d i$dicator 3 ca


N(<6:() 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator NN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator


R)L-10 R)L-10

NN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2


NN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3


'OT2 ,P :5 scramblin code of the Primary 11P1F is the same as the one for Primary 1P&1F (7:: only).


Release ! Condition CTCH


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @(T(< i$dicator@ is eBua to TRU) 3or at east o$e &#(<, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e /

The system information bloc# type < contains the fast chan in parameters 35 interference and :ynamic persistence level.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNUL i$ter3ere$ce NT44 Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents PR#(<s isted i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 N47$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e Need MP MP UL i$ter3ere$ce 10.3.6.=/ ($o data) MP 1 toM9a.PR #(<N 47$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e 1 to M9a.PR# (<N 47$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e ).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor T"e order o3 t"e PR#(<s is t"e sa9e as i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6. T"e order o3 t"e PR#(<s is t"e sa9e as i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 or 5%is. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


PR#(<s isted i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6 N47$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e


).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor


4e3au t is 1.








S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11

The system information bloc# type ,, contains measurement control information to be used in the cell.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:812 :$dicator /easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents &#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates t"at S:812 is %roadcast i$ t"e ce . :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.


&#(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o 10.3./.=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need MP

)%* /ulti T4pe and reference Measure9e$ t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.,/ M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ist 10.3.-a.12a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 i3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' o$ 7 9ode t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 !rese$t co$tai$s a $ei2"%ouri$2 3reBue$cies o3 M8S&' c usters o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ist



S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11%is

The system information bloc# type ,,bis contains measurement control information to be used in the cell in addition to "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,, and optionally 3T/.' mobility information for 1"G cells.
:$3or9atio$ ) e9e$t0Grou! $a9e /easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents Measure9e$t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ e.te$sio$ 'eed Mu ti T7!e a$d re3ere$ce Measure9e$ t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ e.te$sio$ 10.3./.,/a (SG PS( S! it :$3or9atio$ to M9a.4edic ated(SG&r eBN &reBue$c7 :$3o T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e Pri9ar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode reser5atio$ i$3or9atio$ 3or (SG (e s. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e 3reBue$cies dedicated 3or (SG ce s o$ 7. Se9a$tics descri!tio$ Versio$ R)L-6 6P R)L-6

0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents (SG PS( S! it :$3or9atio$

R)L-= 6P R)L-=

4edicated (SG 3reBue$c7 ist



N4edicated (SG 3reBue$c7




S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 12

The system information bloc# type ,* contains measurement control information to be used in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e /easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents &#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o Measure9e$t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need /ulti T4pe and reference &#(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o 10.3./.= Measure9e$ t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.,/ Se2antics description




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13

The system information bloc# type ,3 contains .'"&?8, system information.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Cther infor2ation ele2ents CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' 4o9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist N(' 4o9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' 4o9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ U) ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ id e 9ode 10.3.3.,, (a!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t

Se$d (' i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" (' do9ai$.

01 :nfor2ation U) ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ id e 9ode


T"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied i3 t"is :) is a%se$t.

(a!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t


4e3au t 5a ue is de3i$ed i$ su%c ause

10.2.,=.=.16.1 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13.1 The system information bloc# type ,3., contains the .'"&?8, /.': information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ANS:&' infor2ation ele2ents #'S:-,1 R#'4 i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 R#'4 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.-.6 Se2antics description

10.2.,=.=.16.2 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13.2 The system information bloc# type ,3.* contains the .'"&?8, 3ser Rone &dentification information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ANS:&' infor2ation ele2ents #'S:-,1 User Vo$e :de$ti3icatio$ i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 User Vo$e :de$ti3icatio$ i$3or9atio$ 10.3.-./ Se2antics description

10.2.,=.=.16.3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13.3 The system information bloc# type ,3.3 contains the .'"&?8, Private 'ei hbour 5ist information.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ANS:&' infor2ation ele2ents #'S:-,1 Pri5ate 'ei2"%our List i$3or9atio$ Need MP

) % /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 Pri5ate 'ei2"%our List i$3or9atio$ 10.3.-.5

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

10.2.,=.=.16., S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13., The system information bloc# type ,3.8 contains the .'"&?8, Global "ervice /edirection information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ANS:&' infor2ation ele2ents #'S:-,1 G o%a Ser5ice Redirectio$ i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 G o%a Ser5ice Redirectio$ i$3or9atio$ 10.3.-.2 Se2antics description


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1,

Only for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::.

The system information bloc# type ,8 contains parameters for common and dedicated physical channel uplin# outer loop power control information to be used in both idle and connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents :$di5idua Ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce ist N:$di5idua Ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.TSN :$di5idua Ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce ).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor T4pe and reference Se2antics description

).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor


4e3au t is 1.


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15

The system information bloc# type ,9 contains information useful for 32?based or 32?assisted positionin methods.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS 4ata ci!"eri$2 i$3o Need 6P

) /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o 10.3./.=6 ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e 10.3./.-6 1 to M9a.SatN )$u9erated( 0..63)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :3 t"is :) is !rese$t t"e$ t"e S:8 t7!es 15.1, 15.2 W 15.3 are ci!"ered i$ accorda$ce 1it" t"e 4ata #ssista$ce (i!"eri$2 # 2orit"9 s!eci3ied i$ I1=J a!!ro.i9ate !ositio$ 1"ere t"e U) is ocated

Re3ere$ce !ositio$


GPS re3ere$ce ti9e


Sate ite i$3or9atio$ N8adSat:4


T"is :) is !rese$t 1"e$e5er %ad (3ai ed03ai i$2) sate ites are detected %7 UTR#' I1=J.

10.2.,=.=.1=.0 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15%is The system information bloc# type ,9bis contains information useful for 32?based or 32?assisted positionin methods. The content of this "&0 is common to all G.'"".
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re3ere$ce !ositio$ Need MP T4pe and Reference ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e 10.3./.-6o U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters 10.3./.-2c Se2antics description a!!ro.i9ate !ositio$ 1"ere t"e U) is ocated $ersion R)L-/

G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e



G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode



G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode



G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9aters




Release !

) !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.1

The system information bloc# type ,9., contains information useful for 32 positionin :GP" 1orrections. The :GP" 1orrections messa e contents are based on a Type?, messa e of :GP" specified in D,3E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4GPS correctio$s Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 4GPS correctio$s 10.3./.-1 Se2antics description

10.2.,=.=.1=.1a S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.1%is The system information bloc# type ,9.,bis contains information useful for 32 positionin :G.'"" 1orrections. The :G.'"" 1orrections messa e contents are based on a Type?, messa e of :G.'"" specified in D,3E. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4G#'SS correctio$s Need MP T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s 10.3./.-1% Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

10.2.,=.=.1=.1% S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.1ter The system information bloc# type ,9.,ter contains information useful for 32 positionin :0:" corrections and 32 positionin 0:" &onospheric Grid Model. The content of :0:" 1orrections and 0:" &onospheric Grid Model are based on the '.B messa e specified in D;=E. The content of this "&0 is for 0:" only.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 484S correctio$s Need 6P T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s 10.3./.-2e U) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode 10.3./.-2d Se2antics description $ersion R)L-12

84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode



10.2.,=.=.1=.2 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.2 The system information bloc# type ,9.* contains information useful for GP" 'avi ation Model. These &2 fields are based on information e(tracted from the subframes , to 3 of the GP" navi ation messa e D,*E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s9issio$ T6G Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..60,/--) :$te2er (0..63) Se2antics description T"e a!!ro.i9ate GPS ti9e-o31ee> 1"e$ t"e 9essa2e is %roadcast. i$ seco$ds Sate ite :4




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ Para9eters Need MP

) 3 /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 GPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ !ara9eters 10.3./.-1a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

10.2.,=.=.1=.2a S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.2%is The system information bloc# type ,9.*bis contains information useful for G.'"" 'avi ation Model. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode Need MP T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode 10.3./.-,a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

10.2.,=.=.1=.2% S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.2ter The system information bloc# type ,9.*ter contains information useful for G.'"" 'avi ation Model. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s Need MP T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s 10.3./.-,% Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

10.2.,=.=.1=.3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.3 The system information bloc# type ,9.3 contains information useful for ionospheric delay- 3T1 offset- and .lmanac. These &2s contain information e(tracted from the subframes 8 and 9 of the GP" navi ation messa e- D,*E.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s9issio$ T6G Need MP

) ' /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..60,/--) U) !ositio$i$2 GPS a 9a$ac 10.3./.=U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS UT( 9ode 10.3./.-/ 8it stri$2(1..32) 8it stri$2(=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e a!!ro.i9ate GPS ti9e-o31ee> 1"e$ t"e 9essa2e is %roadcast. i$ seco$ds

GPS # 9a$ac a$d Sate ite <ea t"


GPS io$os!"eric 9ode


GPS UT( 9ode


SatMas> LS8 T6G

(VAlmanac (VAlmanac Condition

i$dicates t"e sate ites t"at co$tai$ t"e !a2es %ei$2 %roadcast i$ t"is data set


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @GPS # 9a$ac a$d Sate ite <ea t"@ is !rese$t

10.2.,=.=.1=.3a S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.3%is The system information bloc# type ,9.3bis contains information useful for G.'"" time model- 3T1 offset and .lmanac- as well as au(iliary information. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS # 9a$ac Need 6P

) " /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS a 9a$ac 10.3./.=-a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

G#'SS ti9e 9ode s NG#'SS ti9e 9ode

6P 6P

1 to M9a.G#' SS-1N U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS ti9e 9ode 10.3./.-/a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode 10.3./.-/c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s 10.3./.-/d U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.-/3

R)L-/ R)L-/

G#'SS UT( 9ode



G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s



G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$



10.2.,=.=.1=., S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15., The system information bloc# type ,9.8 contains cipherin information for "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.9 and information useful for OT:O. 32?assisted Positionin method.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 6T46# 4ata ci!"eri$2 i$3o Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o 10.3./.=6 U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)assisted 10.3./.103 Se2antics description :3 t"is :) is !rese$t t"e$ t"e 3or U)-%ased t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.5 is ci!"ered i$ accorda$ce 1it" t"e 4ata #ssista$ce (i!"eri$2 # 2orit"9 s!eci3ied i$ I1=J

6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)assisted


10.2.,=.=.1=.,a S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.5 The system information bloc# type ,9.9 contains information useful for OT:O. 32?based Positionin method.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)%ased Need MP

) ( /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)%ased 10.3./.103a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

10.2.,=.=.1=.5 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.6 The system information bloc# type ,9.= contains information useful for acAuisition of G.'"" si nals. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS T64 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..=63--) U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$ t i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.==% Se2antics description G#'SS Ti9e o3 4a7 i$ seco$ds 1"ere G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$ is 5a id. $ersion R)L-/

G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$



10.2.,=.=.1=.6 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15./ The system information bloc# type ,9.< contains data bits which can be used for data wipe?off. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS data %it assista$ce Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce 10.3./.-/% Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

10.2.,=.=.1=./ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15.= The system information bloc# type ,9.; contains cipherin information and real?time inte rity information. The content of this "&0 is G'"" specific.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS 4ata ci!"eri$2 i$3o Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o 10.3./.=6 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea ti9e i$te2rit7 10.3./.-5% Se2antics description :3 t"is :) is !rese$t t"e$ t"e S:8 t7!es 15.1%is, 15.1ter, 15.2%is, 15.2ter, 15.3%is, 15.6 a$d 15./ are ci!"ered i$ accorda$ce 1it" t"e 4ata #ssista$ce (i!"eri$2 # 2orit"9 s!eci3ied i$ I1=J $ersion R)L-/

G#'SS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7




Release !

) )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 16

The system information bloc# type ,= contains radio bearer- transport channel and physical channel parameters to be stored by 32 in idle and connected mode for use durin handover to 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R5 infor2ation ele2ents Prede3i$ed R8 co$3i2uratio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference Prede3i$ed R8 co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.,./ Prede3i$ed Tr(< co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.5.Prede3i$ed P"7(< co$3i2uratio$ Se2antics description

TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents Prede3i$ed Tr(< co$3i2uratio$


Ph4C9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents Prede3i$ed P"7(< co$3i2uratio$



S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1/

Only for T::.

The system information bloc# type ,< contains fast chan in parameters for the confi uration of the shared physical channels to be used in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ V<(R P4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.6.,6 Se2antics description $ersion

PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ V<(R


6$ 7 3or /.6= Mc!s T44


P4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$



Release !

) *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1=

The "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,; contains P5M' identities of nei hbourin cells to be considered in idle mode as well as in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :d e 9ode PLM' ide$tities Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tities o3 $ei2"%our ce s 10.3./.53a PLM' ide$tities o3 $ei2"%our ce s 10.3./.53a PLM' ide$tities o3 $ei2"%our ce s 10.3./.53a PLM' ide$tities o3 $ei2"%our ce s 10.3./.53a Se2antics description $ersion

(o$$ected 9ode PLM' ide$tities


:d e 9ode PLM' ide$tities 3or S:8 11%is



(o$$ected 9ode PLM' ide$tities 3or S:8 11%is




S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1-

The system information bloc# type ,> contains &nter?/.T freAuency and priority information to be used in the cell.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UTR# !riorit7 i$3o ist Need MP

) + /ulti T4pe and reference UTR# !riorit7 i$3o ist 10.3./.113 GSM !riorit7 i$3o ist 10.3./.11, Rea (0.25.., %7 ste! o3 0.25)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

GSM !riorit7 i$3o ist GSM Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$

6P 6P

R)L-= :3 !rese$t, it is used %7 t"e U) as sca i$2 3actor 3or Trese ectio$s or Trese ectio$s,P(< or Trese ectio$s,&#(< 3or i$ter-R#T a%so ute !riorit7 %ased ce rese ectio$ e5a uatio$ to GSM I,J. :t re! aces :$ter-R#T Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$ i$ S:830,, i3 a5ai a% e. R)L-11

)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 i$3o ist


)-UTR# Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 i$3o ist 10.3./.115 Rea (0.25.., %7 ste! o3 0.25)


:3 !rese$t, it is used %7 t"e U) as sca i$2 3actor 3or Trese ectio$s or Trese ectio$s,P(< or Trese ectio$s,&#(< 3or i$ter-R#T a%so ute !riorit7 %ased ce rese ectio$ e5a uatio$ to )UTR# I,J. :t re! aces :$terR#T Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$ i$ S:830,, i3 a5ai a% e.


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.13-



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ()LL;&#(< #%so ute Priorit7 Measure9e$t :$dicator Need 6P

)!% /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (<i2" Priorit7 La7ers, # La7ers)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description <i2" Priorit7 La7ers 9ea$s t"at a%so ute !riorit7 9easure9e$ts are o$ 7 reBuired i$ ()LL;&#(< state o$ "i2"er !riorit7 a7ers 1"e$ Sr. e5 a$d SBua o3 t"e ser5i$2 ce are a%o5e S!riorit7searc"1 a$d S!riorit7searc"2. # La7ers 9ea$s t"at a%so ute !riorit7 9easure9e$ts are a 1a7s reBuired i$ ()LL;&#(< state accordi$2 to t"e ru es i$ I,J a$d reBuire9e$ts i$ I1-J. # U) t"at i$dicates &G:3 %ut $ot &G:, s"a %e"a5e as i3 <i2" !riorit7 La7ers is i$dicated. $ersion R)L-11


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 20

The system information bloc# type*+ contains F'0'ame.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <'8 'a9e Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference <'8 'a9e 10.3.=.,9 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=


S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 21

The system information bloc# type *, contains parameters for 2.0.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )#8 Para9eters Need 6P

)! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =., t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. $ersion R)L-11

N(<6:() )arring representation NN)#8 Para9eters Per PLM' List

MP 1 to 6 T"e $u9%er o3 i$sta$ces o3 t"is :) is t"e $u9%er o3 i$sta$ces o3 t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e M:8 ! us o$e. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is :) s!eci3ies t"e )#8 Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "a5e c"ose$ t"e PLM' i$ t"e :) OPLM' ide$tit7P o3 t"e M:8, t"e seco$d i$sta$ce s!eci3ies t"e )#8 Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "a5e c"ose$ t"e 3irst PLM' i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e M:8, t"e t"ird i$sta$ce s!eci3ies t"e )#8 Para9eters 3or U)s 1"ic" "a5e c"ose$ t"e seco$d PLM' i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e M:8, a$d so o$. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at $o e.te$ded access %arri$2 a!! ies 3or t"e corres!o$di$2 PLM' T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e co99o$ )#8 Para9eters a!! ica% e 3or a PLM's, i$c udi$2 t"e PLM' i$ t"e :) OPLM' ide$tit7P o3 t"e M:8 a$d t"e PLM's i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM'sP i$ t"e :) OMu ti! e PLM' ListP o3 t"e M:8.

R)L-11 R)L-11

NNN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters NN)#8 Para9eters &or #


4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters




S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 22

Only for 7::.

The system information bloc# type ** contains information for 1oncurrent deployment of *ms and ,+ms TT& in a cell'ode0 tri ered F"?:P11F transmission- 7allbac# to />> P/.1F- TT& ali nment- Per F./J process activation and de?activation and F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycle in 1255G7.1F. 7urther- it contains control parameters related to the P/.1F access preamble.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist T7!e 1 (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) Need 6P

)!! /ulti T4pe and reference PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist 3or T7!e 1 (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (o$tro !ara9eters o3 t"e !"7sica si2$a . T"is a$d0or !ara9eters i$ :) @PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)@ is used 3or access %7 U)Ss su!!orti$2 co$curre$t de! o79e$t 1"e$ t"e outco9e o3 t"e co99o$ )4(< TT: se ectio$ is 109s. # so used 3or access i3 @)-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a @ is eBua to 109s 1"e$ co$curre$t de! o79e$t is $ot used, %7 U)s t"at su!!ort eit"er 'ode8 tri22ered <S-4P((< tra$s9issio$ or <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e or &a %ac> to R-PR#(<. See su%c ause =.5.,5, =.5./3 a$d =.5./,. (o$tro !ara9eters o3 t"e !"7sica si2$a . Used 3or access %7 U)Ss su!!orti$2 o$ 7 co$curre$t de! o79e$t, a$d %7 U)s su!!orti$2 TT: a i2$9e$t a$d Per <#RE !rocess i3 t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ List ).te$sio$@ is $ot !rese$t, 1"e$ t"e outco9e o3 t"e co99o$ )-4(< TT: se ectio$ is 29s. See su%c ause =.5.,5 a$d =.5./3. $ersion R)L-11

PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist T7!e 2 (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)


PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>),



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist T7!e 3 (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) Need 6P

)!3 /ulti T4pe and reference PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>),

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (o$tro !ara9eters o3 t"e !"7sica si2$a . Used 3or access %7 U)Ss su!!orti$2 TT: a i2$9e$t a$d Per <#RE !rocess i3 t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ List ).te$sio$@ is !rese$t, 1"e$ t"e outco9e o3 t"e co99o$ )-4(< TT: se ectio$ is 29s. See su%c ause =.5.,5, a$d =.5./3. $ersion R)L-11

(o$curre$t 4e! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT:


'ode8 tri22ered <S-4P((< Tra$s9issio$


&a %ac> R-- PR#(< i$3o (o99o$ )-4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ List ).te$sio$

6P 6P

<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e :$3or9atio$


(o$curre$t 4e! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT: 'ode8 tri22ered <S-4P((< Tra$s9issio $ &a %ac> R-PR#(< i$3o,1 (o99o$ )4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio $ :$3or9atio$ List ).te$sio$,0 <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e :$3or9atio$



R)L-11 R)L-11

Re -11

10.2.,- SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' (<#'G) :'4:(#T:6'

This messa e is used to send information on 7.1F or F"?:"1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) to the 32s in state 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)- or 1255G:1F(T:: only) about comin modification of the system information. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP 011F :irectionP 3T/.' 32


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e Cther infor2ation ele2ents 8((< 9odi3icatio$ i$3o Need MP /ulti

)!' T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e 8((< 9odi3icati o$ i$3o 10.3.=.1 )TGS i$3or9atio $ 10.3.=.,e a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


)TGS i$3or9atio$



&f the encoded messa e does not fill a transport bloc#- the //1 layer shall insert paddin accordin to subclause ,*.,.

10.2.50 TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

This messa e is used by 3T/.' to confi ure the transport channel of a 32. This also includes a possible reconfi uration of physical channels. The messa e can also be used to assi n a T71 subset and reconfi ure physical channel. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o!"eri$2 9ode i$3o Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

(< 6P

(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


#cti5atio$ ti9e 4e a7 restrictio$ 3 a2

M4 6P

#cti5atio$ ti9e )$u9erated (TRU))

T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 4e3au t 5a ue is @$o1@ T"is :) is a 1a7s set to TRU) a$d i$c uded i3 t"e acti5atio$ ti9e is restricted accordi$2 to su%c ause =.6.3.1


'e1 U-R'T:


U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 4S(<-R'T: Need 6P 6P

)!" /ulti T4pe and reference (-R'T: 10.3.3.= 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S"ou d $ot %e set i$ &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L-6 $ersion

'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator


<-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator )$u9erated (<i2"9o%i it74ete cted)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J, t"e U) s"a co$sider itse 3 %ei$2 i$ t"e 9o%i it7 state t"e U) "as 9ai$tai$ed i$ ()LL;4(< state or %ei$2 $ot i$ "i2" 9o%i it7 state a3ter t"e state tra$sitio$, i3 a!! ica% e.


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents UR# ide$tit7 R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o UR# ide$tit7 8oo ea$


6P 6P

S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$


Reco$3i2uratio$ i$ res!o$se to reBuested c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 R5 infor2ation ele2ents 4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


6P 6P MP 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded R)L-5 R)L-5

NNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

)!( /ulti T4pe and reference co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ $ersion

TrC9 :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti3reBue$c7 :$3o 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,2

#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$


3ownlink transport channels 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


#dded or Reco$3i2ured Tr(< i$3or9atio$ ist N#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents &reBue$c7 i$3o Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o

6P 6P

T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7


4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ Need 6P

)!) /ulti T4pe and reference (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )$u9erated( TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-=

SPS :$3or9atio$


T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is $ot used. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed %7 !"7sica co$tro c"a$$e . T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot i$ 1"ic" a c"a$$e iQatio$ codes are assi2$ed 1"e$ t"e ti9es ot is sc"edu ed to t"e U). T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 is 3or TS0.


MU-M:M6 i$3o



'o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator



'o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set

C$-"onrectangula rResource Allocation

8it stri$2 (/)


0plink radio resources Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o )-4(< :$3o U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P

Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44


Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er! i$> 4P(< i$3o 10.3.6.== )-4(< :$3o 10.3.6.-/ U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 9a.i9u9 UL TA !o1er

R)L-6 &44 o$ 7 R)L--

1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 3ownlink radio resources 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Need

)!* /ulti T4pe and reference 3or L(R T44 10.3.6.-/a U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s, 1 to M9a.RLN 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 , 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )RG(< i$3o &44 )$u9erated (TRU)) ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &44 o$ 7 &44 o$ 7 $ersion

6P 6P

R)L-11 R)L-11




4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist N4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>


Se$d do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>

4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 (o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44


&44 o$ 7


6P 6P

R)L-10 &44 o$ 7 R)L-10

6P 6P

R)L-11 &44 o$ 7 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7


M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R

6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L--

Condition &#(<;P(<


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t 1"e$ a tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<, UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< is reBuested %7 t"e 9essa2e a$d is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 $o$-recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.51 TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

This messa e is sent from the 32 when a transport channel reconfi uration has been done. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o ($o data) MP 6P U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ($o data) 6P )$u9erated (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811, S:811%is a$d S:812, i3 a5ai a% e. Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. 6$ 7 a!! ica% e i3 t"e U) is 9o5i$2 to ()LL;4(< state due to t"is !rocedure R)L-, R)L-, Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

(< 6P

(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce



NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 Cther infor2ation ele2ents 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2

R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-/

R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e


#cti5atio$ ti9e

U! i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist

6P 6P 1 to M9a.R8a


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ Need MP

)3% /ulti R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NST#RT ist NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNST#RT


ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s.

ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

10.2.52 TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent by 32 if the confi uration iven by 3T/.' is unacceptable or if the 32 failed to establish the physical channel(s). /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

10.2.53 TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to control the uplin# transport format combination within the allowed transport format combination set. This messa e has different structures dependin if the messa e is sent on transparent (TM) or non? transparent mode (.M or 3M). /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( Se2antics description $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

)3 /ulti T4pe and reference tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o TrC9 infor2ation ele2ents (<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NNT&(S :d


MP ($o data) 6P

Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set :de$tit7 4P(<0PUS(< T&(S i$ u! i$> MP Tra$s!ort '6T) 1 &or9at (o9%i$atio$ su%set #cti5atio$ ti9e 3or T&( su%set M4 #cti5atio$ 4e3au t 5a ue is ti9e @$o1@ T&( (o$tro duratio$ 6P T&( (o$tro duratio$ 10.3.6.=0 UL #MR rate 6P )$u9erated( :$dicates t"e %it R)L-= t0, t1, t2, t3, rate as de3i$ed i$ t,, t5, t6, t/, I62J a$d I63J. t=) '6T) 1* :3 t"e :) OUL #MR rateP is i$c uded, $o 4(< is co$3i2ured o$ t"e u! i$> a$d t"e :) O4P(<0PUS(< T&(S i$ u! i$>P is $ot set to O&u tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ setP t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied.

&n case of transparent mode si nallin the followin messa e structure shall be usedP /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&( su%set ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :'T)G)R (0../) Se2antics description

The encodin of this messa e is specified in subclause ,*.8.,.,.

10.2.5, TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent to indicate that a received T/.'"PO/T 7O/M.T 1OM0&'.T&O' 1O'T/O5 messa e could not be handled by the 32. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP

)3! /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP

10.2.55 U) (#P#8:L:TD )'EU:RD

The 32 1.P.0&5&TK 2'J3&/K is used by the 3T/.' to enAuire inter?/.T classmar#s from the 32. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o (a!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o (a!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t

(< MP

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied

10.2.56 U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is sent by 32 to convey 32 specific capability information to the 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 3T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP 6P

)33 /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a 1 to M9a.:$ter S7sMessa 2esN :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.=./

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U) radio access ca!a%i it7

(< 6P

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


Cther infor2ation ele2ents U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7


N:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7


10.2.5/ U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM

This messa e is sent by 3T/.' to confirm that 32 capability information has been received. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.' 32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o )$u9erated (Re3used, #cce!ted, #cce!ted 1it" reco$3i2urati o$ to 3o o1) Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o #cce!ta$ce o3 reBuested c"a$2e o3 ca!a%i it7

(< 6P

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied :$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e 1as se$t i$ res!o$se to a U) reBuest 3or a ca!a%i it7 c"a$2e i$ co$$ected 9ode


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.2.5/a U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)EU)ST

This messa e is used by 3T/.' to reAuest data such as 5o ed Measurements from the 32. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Cther :nfor2ation 1le2ents Lo22ed Measure9e$ts Re!ort ReBuest Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o )$u9erated (TRU)) T"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) s"a re!ort o22ed 9easure9e$ts to t"e $et1or> i3 a5ai a% e. Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10 MP R)L-10


R)L-10 R)L-10



Lo22ed #'R Re!ort ReBuest (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure ReBuest

6P 6P

)$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-10 R)L-11

10.2.5/% U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)SP6'S)

This messa e is used by the 32 to transfer data such as 5o ed Measurements to the 3T/.'. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Cther :nfor2ation 1le2ents Lo22ed Meas Re!ort Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure Re!ort Need MP /ulti

)3" T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Lo22ed Meas Re!ort 10.3./.131 Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o 10.3./.,2% (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$ t &ai ure Re!ort 10.3./.132a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10




R)L-10 R)L-10

6P 6P 6P

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-11

10.2.5= UPL:'H 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R

This messa e is used to transfer '." messa es for an e(istin si nallin connection. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 32 ?T3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o CN infor2ation ele2ents (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S 9essa2e /easure2ent infor2ation ele2ents Measured resu ts o$ R#(< Need MP (< /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S 9essa2e 10.3.1.= Measured resu ts o$ R#(< 10.3./.,5 Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied



10.2.5- UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L

'OT2P Only for T::. This messa e is used to transfer uplin# physical channel parameters to the 32.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

/51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o ((Tr(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 10.3.6.= S!ecia 8urst Sc"edu i$2 10.3.6./5a Po1er co$tro i$3or9atio$ 3or o$e ((Tr(< UL S!ecia 8urst 2e$eratio$ !eriod i$ radio 3ra9es R)L-, R)L-, # !"a UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-6 (o$sta$t 5a ue T44 (o$sta$t 5a ue T44 # !"a :$te2er (0..3) <S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o # !"a UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-6 (o$sta$t 5a ue T44 (o$sta$t 5a ue T44 # !"a Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents ((Tr(< !o1er co$tro i$3o



S!ecia 8urst Sc"edu i$2


(<6:() TDD option N3.=, Mc!s T44 NN# !"a NNTi9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro

MP 6P 6P

NNPR#(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNPUS(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNU) !ositio$i$2 re ated !ara9eters NNN:P4L-# !"a NNNMa. !o1er i$crease NN <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro i$3o


6!erator co$tro ed PR#(< Mar2i$ 6!erator co$tro ed PUS(< Mar2i$ R)L-, R)L-, :$ d8 6$ 7 a!! ies to T44 3.=, Mc!s R)L-, R)L-5

N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN# !"a NNTi9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNPR#(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNPUS(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNU) !ositio$i$2 re ated !ara9eters NNN:P4L-# !"a


6!erator co$tro ed PR#(< Mar2i$ 6!erator co$tro ed PUS(< Mar2i$

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNMa. !o1er i$crease NN <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Need MP OP

)3) /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..3) <S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ d8 6$ 7 a!! ies to T44 /.6= Mc!s $ersion R)L-, R)L-5

N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9eters


NNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe



NNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7



NNPRA<S-S:(< NNTP( ste! siQe

6P 6P

:$te2er (-120..-5= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (1, 2, 3)

4e3au t* U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe 1. U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7 1. T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e ste! siQe to %e used 3or t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e 3reBue$c7 o3 t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 :$ d89. 4esired !o1er e5e 3or <S-S:(<. :$ d8. &or <SS:(<

R)L-, R)L-,



R)L-6 R)L-6

Condition IPDLs

1Dplanation T"is :) is !rese$t o$ 7 i3 id e !eriods are a!! ied

10.2.60 UR# UP4#T)

This messa e is used by the 32 to initiate a 3/. update procedure. /51?".PP TM 5o ical channelP 111F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents U-R'T: RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP (VProt!rr (< MP M4 /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o UR# u!date cause 10.3.3.,6 Protoco Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o UR# u!date cause Protoco error i$dicator

4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

)3* /ulti T4pe and reference error i$dicator )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(<


<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;&#(<


)$u9erated (TRU))

Su!!ort o3 <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$


)$u9erated (TRU))

Su!!ort o3 co99o$ )-4(<


)$u9erated (TRU))

Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is Su!!ort 3or T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(< Cther infor2ation ele2ents Protoco error i$3or9atio$

6P 6P

)$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))

T"is :) i$dicates 1"et"er t"e U) su!!orts <S-P4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< states. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <S-P4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(< states. T"is :) i$dicates 1"et"er t"e U) su!!orts <S-P4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <S-P4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )-4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode. T"is :) i$dicates 1"et"er t"e U) su!!orts M#(-i0is o!eratio$. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(<





R)L-= R)L-/


Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU)) :$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> True i$dicates t"e U) "as #'R o22i$2 resu ts to re!ort to t"e 'et1or>. Re -10 Re -10 R)L-10

Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e #'R Lo22i$2 Resu ts #5ai a% e

6P 6P

Condition Prot!rr

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Protoco error i$dicator@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU) a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

10.2.61 UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM

This messa e confirms the 3/. update procedure and can be used to reallocate new /'T& information for the 32 valid after the 3/. update. /51?".PP 3M 5o ical channelP 111F or :11F


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents U-R'T: RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP (V-CCCH MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o!"eri$2 9ode i$3o Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o


:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o


(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o is i$c uded i3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is a!! ied T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9

'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents UR# ide$tit7 R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7

6P 6P 6P 6P MP 6P

U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= <-R'T:,a )-R'T: RR( State :$dicator UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 10.3.3.,(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o UR# ide$tit7 8oo ea$

R)L-= R)L-=


6P 6P

S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$


R5 infor2ation ele2ents 4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist

6P 6P 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ Need MP

)'% /ulti T4pe and reference R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ $ersion

NNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P

P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a

R)L-5 R)L-5

Condition CCCH

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ (((< is used a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

10.2.62 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6'

This messa e is used by 3T/.' to allocate a new /'T& and to convey other 3T/.' mobility related information to a 32. /51?".PP .M or 3M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 3T/.'32
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 :nfor2ation 1le2ents :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP (< MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o!"eri$2 9ode i$3o Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o


(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o


T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) u$ ess it is !er3or9i$2 a$ SR'S re ocatio$ a$d a c"a$2e i$ ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9

'e1 U-R'T: 'e1 (-R'T: 'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode

6P 6P 6P 6P 6P

U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= <-R'T:,a )-R'T: U) Ti9ers a$d

R)L-/ R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

)' /ulti T4pe and reference co$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode 10.3.3.,3 4edicated !riorit7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.2./ (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 3u UR# ide$tit7 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

4edicated !riorit7 i$3or9atio$



CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents (' :$3or9atio$ i$3o


0TRAN :nfor2ation 1le2ents UR# ide$tit7 R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7

6P 6P

S"ou d %e i$c uded i3 t"e 9essa2e is used to !er3or9 a$ SR'S re ocatio$


R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents 4o1$ i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

6P 6P MP 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P a$d !er3or9i$2 P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ R)L-5 R)L-5

NNP4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

6P 6P

P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o 10.3.,.1a

10.2.63 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM

This messa e is used to confirm the new 3T/.' mobility information for the 32. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o U! i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

(< 6P


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

)'! T4pe and reference acti5atio$ i$3o )$u9erate d (TRU)) )$u9erate d (TRU)) #cti5atio$ ti9e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Cther :nfor2ation 1le2ents 4e3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2 Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e R5 :nfor2ation ele2ents (6U'T-( acti5atio$ ti9e

R)L-/ 6P 6P :$dicates t"e U) "as $ot read S:811 a$d S:812. :$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or> Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. 6$ 7 a!! ica% e i3 t"e U) is 9o5i$2 to ()LL;4(< state due to t"is !rocedure T"is :) is $eeded 3or eac" R8 "a5i$2 P4(P i$ t"e case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 1 to M9a.(' do9ai$s N (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 ST#RT ST#RT I,0J 5a ues 3or a (' do9ai$s. R)L-/ R)L-10


U! i$> cou$ter s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3o NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist NNR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

6P 6P MP 1 to M9a.R8 a R#8sN

NST#RT ist


NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNST#RT


ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.

10.2.6, UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' &#:LUR)

This messa e is sent to indicate a failure to act on a received 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. /51?".PP .M 5o ical channelP :11F :irectionP 323T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e T7!e 01 infor2ation ele2ents RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier :$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$, Se2antics description

:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o &ai ure cause

(< MP


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 3u$ctio$a de3i$itio$s

10.3.1 (' :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts (' do9ai$ ide$tit7
&dentifies the type of core networ# domain.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated ((S do9ai$, PS do9ai$) Se2antics description

(' 4o9ai$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$

Need MP MP MP '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) 10.3.1.#'S:-,1 '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.-., (' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t, /ulti T4pe and reference (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 (<6:() C" Type NGSM-M#P NN(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ N#'S:-,1 NN(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t



(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o

Need 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) 10.3.1.Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' ide$tit7 (' co99o$ GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (' do9ai$ re ated i$3or9atio$ N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 N(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3o


1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) 10.3.1.PLM' ide$tit7

Pri9ar7 PLM' ide$tit7




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

(' :$3or9atio$ i$3o 3u

Need 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) 10.3.1.Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' ide$tit7 (' co99o$ GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (' do9ai$ re ated i$3or9atio$ N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 N(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3o N(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t


1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) 10.3.1.(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t, PLM' ide$tit7


Pri9ar7 PLM' ide$tit7



4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$

Need MP ($o data) T"is 9ea$s T$o #ccess ( ass is %arredS M4 MMa.#(N T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"e !ara9eter corres!o$ds to #ccess ( ass 0, t"e seco$d to #ccess ( ass 1 a$d so o$ u! to #ccess ( ass 15. U) reads t"is :) o3 its access c ass stored i$ S:M. T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e :) @#ccess ( ass 8arred ist@ co$tai$ed i$ t"e :) @(e #ccess Restrictio$@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 3. )$u9erated( %arred, $ot %arred) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() restriction status N$o restrictio$

Nrestrictio$ NN4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess ( ass 8arred List

R)L-6 R)L-6

NNN#ccess ( ass 8arred




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters

This &2 specifies domain specific access class restriction parameters for 1" and P" domain.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (S 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Se2antics description T"is :) co$tai$s 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or (S do9ai$. T"is :) co$tai$s 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters 3or PS do9ai$. $ersion R)L-6

PS 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$



4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )#8 (o$3i2uratio$ )#8 (o$3i2uratio$ )#8 (o$3i2uratio$ Se2antics description T"is :) co$tai$s 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters 3or (S do9ai$. T"is :) co$tai$s 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters 3or PS do9ai$. T"is :) co$tai$s 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters 3or %ot" (S do9ai$ a$d PS do9ai$. $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (S 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters PS 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters (o99o$ )#8 Para9eters





Condition (ommon

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 $eit"er t"e :) @(S 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters@ $or t"e :) @PS 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters@ is !rese$t. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

)#8 (o$3i2uratio$
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( a, %, c) Se2antics description T"is :) ide$ti3ies t"e cate2or7 o3 U)s 3or 1"ic" )#8 a!! ies. Va ue TaS corres!o$ds to a U)s, 5a ue T%S corres!o$ds to t"e U)s t"at are $eit"er i$ t"eir <PLM' $or i$ a PLM' t"at is eBui5a e$t to it, a$d 5a ue TcS corres!o$ds to t"e U)s t"at are $eit"er i$ t"e PLM' isted as 9ost !re3erred PLM' o3 t"e cou$tr7 1"ere t"e U)s are roa9i$2 i$ t"e o!eratorde3i$ed PLM' se ector ist o$ t"e S:M, $or i$ t"eir <PLM' $or i$ a PLM' t"at is eBui5a e$t to t"eir <PLM', see I/5J. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is :) corres!o$ds to #ccess ( ass 0, t"e seco$d i$sta$ce corres!o$ds to $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent< Group na2e )#8 (ate2or7

)#8 #ccess ( ass 8arred List





Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent< Group na2e Need /ulti

)'( T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #ccess ( ass 1, a$d so o$ u! to #ccess ( ass -. U) reads its #ccess ( ass stored i$ t"e S:M. $ersion

N#ccess ( ass 8arred


)$u9erated( %arred, $ot %arred)




This &2 contains an &nternational Mobile 2Auipment &dentity. "ettin specified in D,,E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :M): Need MP 15 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e 3irst e e9e$t co$tai$s t"e 3irst :M): di2it, t"e seco$d e e9e$t t"e seco$d :M): di2it a$d so o$. :'T)G)R(0. .15)

N:M): di2it


:MS: (GSM-M#P)

This &2 contains an &nternational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity- used towards a G"M?M.P type of P5M'. "ettin specified in D,,E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :MS: Need MP /ulti 6 to 21 T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e 3irst e e9e$t co$tai$s t"e 3irst :MS: di2it, t"e seco$d e e9e$t t"e seco$d :MS: di2it a$d so o$. # t"ou2" $or9a 7 u!to 15 di2its are used 3or t"is :), a %i22er e$2t" is used to su!!ort 3uture e.te$sio$. :'T)G)R(0. .-)

N:MS: di2it


:$tra 4o9ai$ '#S 'ode Se ector

This &2 carries information to be used to route the establishment of a si nallin connection to a 1' node within a 1' domain.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() %ersion NR-NN(<6:() C" type NNNGSM-M#P NNNN(<6:() Routing )asis NNNNN oca (P)TMS: Need MP T"is c"oice s"a a so %e used %7 9o%i es t"at are co9! ia$t to t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco MP MP TMS: a ocated i$ t"e curre$t L# or PTMS: a ocated i$ t"e curre$t R# /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNNRouti$2 !ara9eter Need MP

)') /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (10)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e TMS:0 PTMS: co$sists o3 , octets (32%its). T"is ca$ %e re!rese$ted %7 a stri$2 o3 %its $u9%ered 3ro9 %0 to %31, 1it" %it %0 %ei$2 t"e east si2$i3ica$t T"e @Routi$2 !ara9eter@ %it stri$2 co$sists o3 %its %1, t"rou2" %23 o3 t"e TMS:0 PTMS:. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it %23 o3 t"e TMS:0PTMS:. TMS: a ocated i$ a$ot"er L# o3 t"is PLM' or PTMS: a ocated i$ a$ot"er R# t"is PLM'U or, PTMS: 9a!!ed 3ro9 a 5a id GUT: I11J (GUT: a ocated i$ sa9e PLM') T"e TMS:0 PTMS: co$sists o3 , octets (32%its). T"is ca$ %e re!rese$ted %7 a stri$2 o3 %its $u9%ered 3ro9 %0 to %31, 1it" %it %0 %ei$2 t"e east si2$i3ica$t T"e @Routi$2 !ara9eter@ %it stri$2 co$sists o3 %its %1, t"rou2" %23 o3 t"e TMS:0 PTMS:. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it %23 o3 t"e TMS:0 PTMS:. TMS: or a PTMS: a ocated i$ a$ot"er PLM'U or, PTMS: 9a!!ed 3ro9 a 5a id GUT: I11J (GUT: a ocated i$ a$ot"er PLM') T"e TMS:0 PTMS: co$sists o3 , octets (32%its). T"is ca$ %e re!rese$ted %7 a stri$2 o3 %its $u9%ered 3ro9 %0 to %31, 1it" %it %0 %ei$2 t"e east si2$i3ica$t. T"e @Routi$2 !ara9eter@ %it stri$2 co$sists o3 %its %1, t"rou2" %23 o3 t"e TMS:0 PTMS:. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it %23 o3 t"e TMS:0 PTMS:. '#S ide$tit7 is :MS: T"e @Routi$2 !ara9eter@ %it stri$2 co$sists o3 4eci9a To8i$ar7 I(:MS: di5 10) 9od 1000J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e resu t. '#S ide$tit7 is :MS:

NNNNN(P)TMS: o3 sa9e PLM', di33ere$t (R#)L#U or, PTMS: 9a!!ed 3ro9 a 5a id GUT: a ocated %7 sa9e PLM' NNNNNNRouti$2 !ara9eter MP 8it stri$2 (10)

NNNNN(P)TMS: o3 di33ere$t PLM'U or, PTMS: 9a!!ed 3ro9 a 5a id GUT: a ocated %7 a di33ere$t PLM' NNNNNNRouti$2 !ara9eter MP 8it stri$2 (10)

NNNNN:MS:(res!o$se to :MS: !a2i$2) NNNNNNRouti$2 !ara9eter


8it stri$2 (10)

NNNNN:MS:(cause U) i$itiated e5e$t)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNNRouti$2 !ara9eter Need MP

)'* /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (10)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e @Routi$2 !ara9eter@ %it stri$2 co$sists o3 4eci9a To8i$ar7 I(:MS: di5 10) 9od 1000J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e resu t. '#S !ara9eter is :M): T"e @Routi$2 !ara9eter@ %it stri$2 co$sists o3 4eci9a To8i$ar7 I(:M): di5 10) 9od 1000J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e resu t. T"is c"oice s"a $ot %e used i$ t"is 5ersio$ T"is c"oice s"a $ot %e used i$ t"is 5ersio$ # %its s"a %e set to 0 T"is %it stri$2 s"a $ot %e se$t %7 9o%i es t"at are co9! ia$t to t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco .

NNNNN:M): NNNNNNRouti$2 !ara9eter


8it stri$2 (10)

NNNNNS!are 1 NNNNNS!are 2 NNN#'S:-,1 NLater

8it stri$2 (10) 8it stri$2 (10) 8it stri$2 (1,) 8it stri$2(15)


Locatio$ #rea :de$ti3icatio$

&dentifies uniAuely a location area for a G"M?M.P type of P5M'. "ettin specified in D9E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' ide$tit7 L#( Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 8it stri$2(16) Se2antics description

T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e L#(..


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Locatio$0Re2istratio$ Para9eters
Need MP ($o data) T"is 9ea$s T$o #ccess ( ass is %arredS MP 15 T"e 3irst te$ i$sta$ce o3 t"e !ara9eter corres!o$ds to #ccess ( ass 0 to -, a$d e e5e$t" to 3i3tee$t" i$sta$ce o3 t"e !ara9eter corres!o$ds to #ccess ( ass 11 to 15, res!ecti5e 7. U) reads t"is :) o3 its access c ass stored i$ S:M (e.ce!t 3or #ccess ( ass 10). )$u9erated( %arred, $ot %arred) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() restriction status N$o restrictio$

Nrestrictio$ NNLocatio$0Re2istratio$ #ccess ( ass 8arred List

R)L-= R)L-=

NNN#ccess ( ass 8arred




Mu ti! e PLM' List

This information element identifies the multiple Public 5and Mobile 'etwor#s (for a G"M?M.P type of P5M') of a cell in a shared networ#.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:8 PLM' :de$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description T"e PLM' ide$tit7 :), %roadcasted i$ t"e M:8, s"a %e i$c uded i$ t"e 9u ti! e PLM' ist i3 a$d o$ 7 i3 t"is :) is TRU). $ersion R)L-6

Mu ti! e PLM's NPLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M((


1 to 5 PLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M((

R)L-6 R)L-6


'#S 9essa2e

. non?access stratum messa e to be transferred transparently throu h 3T/.'.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '#S 9essa2e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (1..,0-5) Se2antics description T"e 3irst octet co$tai$s octet 1 I1/J o3 t"e '#S 9essa2e, t"e seco$d octet co$tai$s octet 2 o3 t"e '#S 9essa2e a$d so o$.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


'#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P)

This information element contains system information that belon s to the non?access stratum for a G"M?M.P type of P5M'. This information is transparent to //1. &t may contain either information specific to one 1' domain (1" or P") or information common for both 1' domains.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2(1..= ) Se2antics description T"e 3irst octet co$tai$s octet 1 I5J o3 t"e '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t, t"e seco$d octet co$tai$s octet 2 o3 t"e '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t a$d so o$.

Pa2i$2 record t7!e ide$ti3ier

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (:MS: (GSMM#P), TMS: (GSM-M#P)0 P-TMS:, :MS: (4S,1), TMS: (4S-,1)) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pa2i$2 record t7!e ide$ti3ier

Pa2i$2 Per9issio$ 1it" #ccess (o$tro Para9eters

Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (# , (S, PS, 'o$e) )$u9erated (# , (S, PS) Locatio$ 0Re2istratio$ Para9eters 10.3.1./oa Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pa2i$2 Res!o$se Restrictio$ :$dicatio$ Locatio$0Re2istratio$ Restrictio$ :$dicator Locatio$0Re2istratio$

PLM' ide$tit7

This information element identifies a Public 5and Mobile 'etwor# for a G"M?M.P type of P5M'. "ettin of di its is defined in D,,E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M(( Need MP 3 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e 3irst e e9e$t co$tai$s t"e 3irst M(( di2it, t"e seco$d e e9e$t t"e seco$d M(( di2it a$d so o$. :'T)G)R(0. .-) 2 to 3 T"e 3irst e e9e$t co$tai$s t"e 3irst M'( di2it, t"e seco$d e e9e$t t"e seco$d M'( di2it a$d so o$. :'T)G)R(0. .-)

NM(( di2it M'(


NM'( di2it



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

PLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M((

This information element is a P5M' identity in subclause ,+.3.,.,, where M11 is optional. &t is used in a shared networ# and inserted in the Multiple P5M' 5ist in subclause ,+.3.,.<a.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent< Group na2e M(( NM(( di2it M'( NM'( di2it Need M4 MP MP MP 2 to 3 :$te2er (0..-) /ulti 3 :$te2er (0..-) T"e 3irst e e9e$t co$tai$s t"e 3irst M'( di2it, t"e seco$d e e9e$t t"e seco$d M'( di2it a$d so o$. T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e 3irst e e9e$t co$tai$s t"e 3irst M(( di2it, t"e seco$d e e9e$t t"e seco$d M(( di2it a$d so o$. $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

PLM' T7!e

&dentifies the type of Public 5and Mobile 'etwor# (P5M'). This &2 shall be used to control the interpretation of networ# dependent messa es and information elements in the //1 protocol.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' T7!e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (GSM-M#P, #'S:-,1, GSM-M#P a$d #'S:,1) Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.


This &2 contains a Pac#et Temporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity- used towards a G"M?M.P type of P5M'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e P-TMS: Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (32) Se2antics description Setti$2 s!eci3ied i$ I11J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e P-TMS:.,

R#8 ide$tit7

This information element uniAuely identifies a radio access bearer within a 1' domain.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() RA+ identity type NR#8 ide$tit7 (GSM-M#P) Need MP 8it stri$2 (=) &or9atted accordi$2 to I5J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e R#8 ide$tit7. :$ case o3 a radio %earer setu! 3or a$ M8MS se ected ser5ice, t"e R#8 ide$tit7 is set to t"e 5a ue reser5ed 3or TM8MS 8roadcast 9odeS, see I5J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e R#8 ide$tit7. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

NR#8 ide$tit7 (#'S:-,1)

8it stri$2 (=)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C9C:C1 NAS binding info type R#8 ide$tit7 (GSM-M#P) R#8 ide$tit7 (#'S:-,1)

Condition under which the -i=en RAB identity type is chosen PLM' is o3 t7!e GSM-M#P PLM' is o3 t7!e #'S:-,1

Routi$2 #rea (ode

&dentifies a routin area within a location area for a G"M?M.P type of P5M'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Routi$2 #rea (ode Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(=) Se2antics description Setti$2 s!eci3ied i$ I11J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e Routi$2 #rea (ode.

Routi$2 #rea :de$ti3icatio$

&dentifies uniAuely a routin area for a G"M?M.P type of P5M'. "ettin specified in D,,E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e L#: Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Locatio$ area ide$ti3icatio$ 10.3.1./ Routi$2 area code Se2antics description




This &2 contains a Temporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity- used towards a G"M?M.P type of P5M'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TMS: (GSM-M#P) Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (32) Se2antics description Setti$2 s!eci3ied i$ I11J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e TMS:.

10.3.2 UTR#' 9o%i it7 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts (e #ccess Restrictio$
&ndicates the restrictions to cell access.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e 8arred Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated($ot %arred, %arred) Se2antics description :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. a$d t"e 5a ue i$ t"is :) is di33ere$t 3ro9 O%arredP t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. $ersion

:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce re-se ectio$ i$dicator T%arred

(V-+arred (V-+arred

)$u9erated($ot a o1ed, a o1ed) :$te2er (10,20,,0,=0,16



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e Reser5ed 3or o!erator use (e Reser5atio$ ).te$sio$ (e Reser5ed 3or (SG #ccess ( ass 8arred ist Need MP MP (V-CS (V-SI+/MD

)"3 /ulti T4pe and reference 0,320,6,0,12=0) )$u9erated(res er5ed, $ot reser5ed) )$u9erated(res er5ed, $ot reser5ed) )$u9erated(TR U))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

R)L-= 4e3au t is $o access c ass %arred is a!! ied. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"e !ara9eter corres!o$ds to #ccess ( ass 0, t"e seco$d to #ccess ( ass 1 a$d so o$ u! to #ccess ( ass 15. U) reads t"is :) o3 its access c ass stored i$ S:M.


N#ccess ( ass 8arred


)$u9erated (%arred, $ot %arred)

Condition +arred SI+/-MD CS

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @(e 8arred@ "as t"e 5a ue @8arred@U ot"er1ise t"e e e9e$t is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 a$d "as a de3au t 5a ue i3 t"e :) @(e #ccess Restrictio$@ is i$c uded i$ S:8 3. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a !rese$t i3 t"e ce is a (SG ce a$d t"e :) O(e Reser5atio$ ).te$sio$P "as t"e 5a ue @reser5ed@. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is $ot i$c uded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e ,.

(e ide$tit7
This information element may carry any implementation dependent identity that unambi uously identifies a cell within a P5M'. 7or G.' to 3T/.' FO the 1ell id is encoded as reAuired in D>E.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(2=) Se2antics description

This information element identifies a cell unambi uously within a P5M'.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e ide$tit7


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

(e se ectio$ a$d re-se ectio$ i$3o 3or S:830,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ma!!i$2 :$3o Need 6P /ulti

)"" T4pe and reference Ma!!i$2 i$3o )$u9erat ed ((P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or &44, 3.=, Mc!s T44 a$d /.6= Mc!s T44, t"is :) s"ou d $ot %e se$t. ("oice o3 9easure9e$t ((P:(< )c0'0 or (P:(< RS(P) to use as Bua it7 9easure E 3or &44 ce s. T"is :) is a so se$t to t"e U) i$ S:811012. 8ot" occurre$ces o3 t"e :) s"ou d %e set to t"e sa9e 5a ue. $ersion

(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ Bua it7 9easure


(<6:() 9ode N&44 NNSi$trasearc"

MP 6P :$te2er (32..20 %7 ste! o3 2) :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J



:$te2er (32..20 %7 ste! o3 2)



:$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) 1 to M9a.6t "erR#T N )$u9erat ed (GSM, cd9a200 0) :$te2er (32..20 %7 ste! o3 2)

NNR#T List


NNNR#T ide$ti3ier






:$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (32..20 %7 ste! o3 2)

NNNS i9it,Searc"R#T


NNEBua 9i$


:$te2er (2,..0)

:$ case t"e 5a ue 20 is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"is :) as i3 it 1as a%se$t accordi$2 to I,J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J )c0'0, Id8J


Release ! NNEr. e59i$ MP

)"( :$te2er (115..-25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er(,..-2 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (1..16) :$te2er (2..16 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) 1 to M9a.6t "erR#T N )$u9erat ed (GSM, cd9a200 0) :$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) RS(P, Id89J

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

NN 4e taEr. e59i$ NNEBua 9i$-o33set NNEr. e59i$-o33set NT44 NNSi$trasearc"

C$Delta C$SI+/ C$SI+/ 6P

:3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 Er. e59i$ ? Er. e59i$ + 4e taEr. e59i$ )c0'0, Id8J T"e de3au t 5a ue is 0 RS(P, Id8J T"e de3au t 5a ue is 0 :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J

R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-/





NNR#T List


NNNR#T ide$ti3ier






:$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (105..-1 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (115..-25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er(,..-2 %7 ste! o3 2)

NNNS i9it,Searc"R#T


NNEr. e59i$


:$ case t"e 5a ue -1 is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"is :) as i3 it 1as a%se$t accordi$2 to I,J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J :3 a $e2ati5e 5a ue is recei5ed t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e 5a ue to %e 0. I,J Id8J RS(P, Id89J

NN4e taEr. e59i$


:3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 Er. e59i$ ? Er. e59i$ + 4e taEr. e59i$



Release ! NNEr. e59i$-o33set E"7st1s E"7st1s,P(< C$SI+/ MP C$SI+-

)") :$te2er (2..16 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..,0 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..,0)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) RS(P, Id8J T"e de3au t 5a ue is 0 I,J Id8J :3 !rese$t, it is used as E"7st1s 3or U) i$ ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(< state I,J Id8J :3 !rese$t, it is used as E"7st1s 3or U) i$ ()LL;&#(< state I,J Id8J 4e3au t 5a ue is E"7st1s I,J Id8J :3 !rese$t, it is used as E"7st2s 3or U) usi$2 (P:(< )c0'o Bua it7 9easure i$ ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(< state. 4e3au t 5a ue is E"7st1s,P(< I,J Id8J :3 !rese$t, it is used as E"7st2s 3or U) usi$2 (P:(< )c0'o Bua it7 9easure i$ ()LL;&#(< state. 4e3au t 5a ue is E"7st1s,&#(< I,J Id8J IsJ :3 !rese$t, it is used as Trese ectio$s 3or U) i$ ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(< state I,J IsJ :3 !rese$t, it is used as Trese ectio$s 3or U) i$ ()LL;&#(< state I,J IsJ T"is :) is used %7 t"e U) i$ "i2" 9o%i it7 state as sca i$2 3actor 3or Trese ectio$s or Trese ectio$s,P(< or Trese ectio$s,&#(< I,J. :3 !rese$t a$d <(S is used, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-5 R)L-/


C$SI+C$#DD0ualityMeasur e (VS:8,&44Eua it7Measure

:$te2er (0..,0) :$te2er (0..,0 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..,0)






(VS:8,&44Eua it7Measure

:$te2er (0..,0)


Trese ectio$s Trese ectio$s,P(<


:$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (0..31)


Trese ectio$s,&#(<


S!eed de!e$de$t Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$

Rea (0..6.2 %7 ste! o3 0.2) Rea (0..1 %7 ste! o3 0.1)




Release ! :$ter-3reBue$c7 Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$ 6P

)"* Rea (1..,./5 %7 ste! o3 0.25)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :3 !rese$t, it is used %7 t"e U) as sca i$2 3actor 3or Trese ectio$s or Trese ectio$s,P(< or Trese ectio$s,&#(< 3or i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce rese ectio$ e5a uatio$ I,J. :3 !rese$t a$d <(S is used, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. :3 !rese$t, it is used %7 t"e U) as sca i$2 3actor 3or Trese ectio$s or Trese ectio$s,P(< or Trese ectio$s,&#(< 3or i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$ e5a uatio$ I,J. :3 !rese$t a$d <(S is used, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. IsJ 4e3au t 5a ue is T$ot usedS. 4e3au t 5a ue ? = R)L-5

:$ter-R#T Sca i$2&actor 3or Trese ectio$


Rea (1..,./5 %7 ste! o3 0.25)






C$-1! speed detector *MD C$-1! speed detector *MP 6P

)$u9erat ed ($ot used, 30, 60, 120, 1=0, 2,0) :$te2er (1..16) )$u9erat ed ($ot used, 10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 60, /0) <(S Ser5i$2 ce i$3or9atio $ 10.3./.12 Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er





<(S Ser5i$2 ce :$3or9atio$

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er


Id89J U);TAPGR;M#A;R# (< i$ I,J.


Release ! Condition #DD-0uality-Measure


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Delta SI+/

1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ Bua it7 9easure@ "as t"e 5a ue (P:(< RS(P, ot"er1ise t"e :) is 9a$dator7 a$d "as a de3au t 5a ue. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e 5a ue o3 Er. e59i$ is %e o1 R 115d89. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t i3 t"e :) O(e se ectio$ a$d re-se ectio$ i$3o 3or S:830,P is i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 3. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) O(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:830,P is i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e ,. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) O(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:830,P is i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e ,, a$d t"e :) @(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ Bua it7 9easure@ "as t"e 5a ue (P:(< )c0'0. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 $o$-<(S;T(R9a. eBua s L$ot usedL, e se it is 9a$dator7 de3au t. T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 $o$-<(S;T(R9a. eBua s L$ot usedL, e se it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t.



1! Speed detector*MD 2non-HCS3

1! Speed detector*MP 2non-HCS3


(e se ectio$ a$d re-se ectio$ i$3o 3or S:811012

Need M4 (V#DD0ualityMeasur e M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(50..50) :$te2er(50..50) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. Id8J 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. Id8J $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Eo33set1s,$ Eo33set2s,$

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er

#ccordi$2 to U);TAPGR;M#A;R# (< i$ I,J, Id89J. :3 a!! ied to &44 or T44 ce s, t"e de3au t is t"e Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce . :3 a!! ied to a GSM ce , t"e de3au t is t"e U) 9a.i9u9 out!ut !o1er a!! ica% e 3or t"is GSM ce , accordi$2 to t"e U)Ls radio access ca!a%i it7.

<(S $ei2"%ouri$2 ce i$3or9atio$


<(S 'ei2"%ou ri$2 ce i$3or9atio $ 10.3./.11 :$te2er (2,..0) :$te2er ()c0'0, Id8J 4e3au t 5a ue is EBua 9i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce RS(P, Id89J

(<6:() mode N&44 NNEBua 9i$

MP (V#DDSer%ingCell M4

NNEr. e59i$


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

)(% T4pe and reference 115..-25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er(,..-2 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (115..-25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er(,..-2 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (115..-25 %7 ste! o3 2)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is Er. e59i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 Er. e59i$ ? Er. e59i$ + 4e taEr. e59i$ RS(P, Id89J 4e3au t 5a ue is Er. e59i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 Er. e59i$ ? Er. e59i$ + 4e taEr. e59i$ GSM RSS:, Id89J 4e3au t 5a ue is Er. e59i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce $ersion

NN4e taEr. e59i$ NT44 NNEr. e59i$

(VDelta M4


NN 4e taEr. e59i$ NGSM NNEr. e59i$

(VDelta M4


Condition #DD-0uality-Measure

#DD-Ser%ing-Cell Delta

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 a$d "as a de3au t 5a ue 3or :$tra0:$ter &reBue$c7 (e s i3 t"e :) @(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ Bua it7 9easure@ "as t"e 5a ue (P:(< )c0'o. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is a%se$t. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 a$d "as a de3au t 5a ue i3 t"e ser5i$2 ce is a$ &44 ce . 6t"er1ise t"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 Er. e59i$ is !rese$t a$d t"e 5a ue o3 Er. e59i$ is %e o1 R115d89. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

Ma!!i$2 :$3o
Need MP MP /ulti 1 to MMa.R#TN )$u9erated (UTR# &44, UTR# T44 3.=, Mc!s, UTR# T44 1.2= Mc!s, GSM, cd9a2000) 1 to M9a.Meas :$ter5a sN )$u9erated ( i$ear, 3u$ctio$ t7!e 2, 3u$ctio$ t7!e 3, 3u$ctio$ t7!e ,) T7!e o3 t"e 3u$ctio$ 1it"i$ t"e i$ter5a . &or 1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7. :3 :) OR#TP is set to OUTR# T44 3.=, Mc!sP, t"e :) s"ou d %e i$ter!reted as* )$u9erated (3reBue$c7 sco!e1, 3reBue$c7 sco!e2, 3reBue$c7 UTR# T44 1.2= Mc!s is i$c uded 3or R)L,. T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ma!!i$2 List NR#T

NMa!!i$2 &u$ctio$ Para9eter List NN&u$ctio$ t7!e




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNMa!;!ara9eter;1 Need

)( /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..--)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description sco!e3, RS(P t"res"o d). Para9eter descri%i$2 t"e 9a!!i$2 3u$ctio$ %et1ee$ t"e Bua it7 9easure9e$t a$d t"e re!rese$ti$2 Bua it7 5a ue, see I,J. 4e3au t 5a ue is Qero 3or t"e 3irst i$ter5a or ot"er1ise t"e 5a ue o3 Ma!;!ara9eter;2 o3 t"e i$ter5a %e3ore. &or 1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7. See 'ote10'ote2 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, t"e !ara9eter is used to i$dicate t"e u! i$> access ocatio$ o3 t"e ser5i$2 ce . Para9eter descri%i$2 t"e 9a!!i$2 3u$ctio$ %et1ee$ t"e Bua it7 9easure9e$t a$d t"e re!rese$ti$2 Bua it7 5a ue, see I,J. &or 1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7. See 'ote1 U!!er i9it o3 i$ter5a 3or 1"ic" t"e Ma!;!ara9eter;1 a$d Ma!;!ara9eter;2 are 5a id. Ma.Meas ? 25 i3 R#T ? UTR# &44 0 (P:(< )c0'0, Ma.Meas ? -1 i3 R#T ? UTR# T44 3.=, Mc!s or i3 R#T ? UTR# T44 1.2= Mc!s or i3 R#T ? UTR# &440 (P:(< RS(P, Ma.Meas ? 63 i3 R#T ? GSM. &or 1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7. See 'ote1 $ersion


R)L-11 R)L-/

:$te2er (0..12/)



:$te2er (0..--)

R)L-11 UTR# T44 1.2= Mc!s is i$c uded 3or R)L,.

NNU!!er; i9it


:$te2er (1..Ma.Meas )



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Ma4Int 'ote1*


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 Ma!!i$2 &u$ctio$ Para9eter List "as $ot reac"ed 9a.Meas:$ter5a s a$d is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. :3 :) O3u$ctio$ t7!eP is set to O3reBue$c7 sco!e1P, 3or OMa!;!ara9eter;1P a$d OMa!;!ara9eter;2P, t"is 5a ue is i$ter!reted as t"e 3reBue$c7 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (0, --)-N (-,00, -,--)U 3or OU!!er; i9itP, t"is 5a ue is i$ter!reted as t"e 3reBue$c7 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (1, -1)-N (-,00, -,-0). :3 :) O3u$ctio$ t7!eP is set to O3reBue$c7 sco!e2P, 3or OMa!;!ara9eter;1P a$d OMa!;!ara9eter;2P, t"is 5a ue is i$ter!reted as t"e 3reBue$c7 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (0, --)-N (-500, -5--)U 3or OU!!er; i9itP, t"is 5a ue is i$ter!reted as t"e 3reBue$c7 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (1, -1)-N (-500, -5-0). :3 :) O3u$ctio$ t7!eP is set to O3reBue$c7 sco!e3P, 3or OMa!;!ara9eter;1P a$d OMa!;!ara9eter;2P, o$ 7 t"e 5a ue a9o$2 (0, /5) is 5a id a$d i$ter!reted as 3reBue$c7 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (0, /5)-N (10050, 10125)U 3or OU!!er; i9itP, o$ 7 t"e 5a ue a9o$2 (1, /5) is 5a id a$d i$ter!reted as 3reBue$c7 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (1, /5)-N (10050, 1012,). :3 :) O3u$ctio$ t7!eP is set to ORS(P t"res"o dP, o$ 7 t"e 5a ue a9o$2 (0, -0) is 5a id a$d i$ter!reted as P-((P(< RS(P 5a ue 1"ic" a!! 7s to t"e 9a!!i$2 re atio$s"i!* (0, -0)-N ( -115, -25)U


UR# ide$tit7

Gives the identity of the 3T/.' /e istration .rea. &t can be used to indicate to the 32 which 3/. it shall use in case of overlappin 3/.s.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UR# ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(16) Se2antics description


4edicated !riorit7 :$3or9atio$

This &2 indicates priority information for G2/.'- 3T/.' and 2?3T/.' for reselections.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Action N( ear dedicated !riorities N(o$3i2ure dedicated !riorities NNT322 Need MP

)(3 /ulti T4pe and Reference 'ULL 6P :$te2er (5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 1=0)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

Ti9e i$ 9i$utes 3or 1"ic" t"e co$3i2ured dedicated !riorities are 5a id. G"e$ t"e ti9er e.!ires t"e U) s"ou d re5ert to usi$2 t"e !riorities si2$a ed i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e co$3i2ured dedicated !riorities are 5a id u$ti t"e $e.t u!date. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded. :3 t"is :) is a%se$t t"e$ t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est.

NNPriorit7 Le5e List NNN!riorit7

6P 6P

1 to M9a.PrioN :$te2er (0.. M9a.PrioR 1N)

R)L-= R)L-=

NNN(<6:() Radio #ccess Tec"$o o27 NNNNUTR# &44 NNNNN&reBue$c7 List NNNNNNU#R&('

MP MP MP 1 to M 9a.'u9& 44&reBsN :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) U#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I25.101J

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=



1 to M 9a.'u9T 44&reBsN :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) U#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I25.101J

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNNN)-UTR# NNNNN&reBue$c7 List

1 to M9a.'u9 )UTR#&re BsN

R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNN)#R&(' Need MP

)(' /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0 .. 65535)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. $ersion R)L-=

NNNNNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ NNNNGSM NNNNNGSM ce 2rou! NN)-UTR# detectio$


:$te2er(6553 6 X2621,3) GSM ce 2rou! 10.3./.-a 8oo ea$

R)L-11 R)L-= R)L-=


TTRU)S 9ea$s t"at t"e U) 9a7 detect t"e !rese$ce o3 a )UTR# ce a$d re!ort to '#S



&t is always ensured by the 3T/.' that priorities for different /adio .ccess Technolo ies are always different (e. . a G2/.' roup of cells cannot have the same priority as a 3T/. or 2?3T/. freAuency). &t is always ensured by the 3T/.' that priorities for which both Thresh(-hi h* and Thresh(-low* are provided are always different from the priorities for which both Thresh(-hi h* and Thresh(-low* are not provided.


(SG :de$tit7

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (SG :de$tit7

Need MP


T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(2/)

Se2antics description #s de3i$ed i$ I/6J

$ersion R)L-=


(SG PS( S! it :$3or9atio$

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Start PS(

Need MP


T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..50, %7 ste! o3 =) )$u9erated (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 6,, =0, 120, 160, 256, a t"eRest) :$te2er (=..50, %7

Se2antics description T"e 5a ue o3 t"is :) s!eci3ies t"e start PS( o3 t"e 3irst PS( ra$2e ('6T) 1). T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e $u9%er o3 PS(s reser5ed 3or (SG ce s i$ eac" PS( ra$2e. Oa t"eRestP i$dicates a 5a ues 3ro9 Start PS( to 511. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :3 t"is :) is i$c uded, t"e U) s"a ca cu ate t"e

$ersion R)L-=

'u9%er o3 PS(s



PS( Ra$2e 2 633set




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e t Need /ulti

)(" T4pe and reference ste! o3 =)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

seco$d PS( ra$2e ('6T) 2). :3 t"is :) is $ot i$c uded, t"e U) s"a co$sider t"e seco$d PS( ra$2e to %e $ot !rese$t. '6T) 1* Let t"e :) @Start PS(@ ? s. a$d @'u9%er o3 PS(s@ ? $. T"e co9! ete set o3 ($) PS( 5a ues i$ ra$2e 1 is de3i$ed as* Ys, ((s + 1) 9od 512), ((s + 2) 9od 512) ... ((s + $-1) 9od 512)Z. '6T) 2* Let t"e :)s @Start PS(@ + @'u9%er o3 PS(s@ R 1 + @PS( Ra$2e 2 633set@ ? s. a$d @'u9%er o3 PS(s@ ? $. T"e co9! ete set o3 ($) PS( 5a ues i$ ra$2e 2 is de3i$ed as* Y(s 9od 512), ((s + 1) 9od 512), ((s + 2) 9od 512) ... ((s + $-1) 9od 512)Z. Condition alltheRest 1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e 5a ue o3 :) O'u9%er o3 PS(sP is $ot set to Oa t"eRestP. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.

10.3.3 U) :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts #cti5atio$ ti9e
.ctivation Time defines the frame number@time at which the operation@chan es caused by the related messa e shall ta#e effect. Balues between + and *99 indicate the absolute value of 17' (1onnection 7rame 'umber) of that frame number@time.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #cti5atio$ ti9e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. 255) Se2antics description (&' I10J

(a!a%i it7 U!date ReBuire9e$t

This &2 indicates to the 32 which specific capabilities to transfer to the networ#.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) radio access &44 ca!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t U) radio access 3.=, Mc!s T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t U) radio access /.6= Mc!s T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t U) radio access 1.2= Mc!s T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t S7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t ist Need MP MP MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.S7ste 9(a!a%i it 7N /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates u!date reBuired TRU) i$dicates u!date reBuired TRU) i$dicates u!date reBuired TRU) i$dicates u!date reBuired :$ t"is 5ersio$, a 9a.i9u9 siQe o3 , o3 t"e ist s"a %e a!! ied a$d a$7 ite9s a3ter t"e ,t" ite9 i$ t"e ist s"a %e i2$ored. &i5e s!are 5a ues $eeded. $ersion

'a9e c"a$2ed i$ R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-,

NS7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7 u!date reBuire9e$t


)$u9erated (GSM , G)R#' :u , )-UTR#)

R)L-5 R)L-=

:efault value isP H32 radio capability 7:: update reAuirementH W 7.5"2


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

H32 radio capability 3.;8 Mcps T:: update reAuirementH W 7.5"2 H32 radio capability <.=; Mcps T:: update reAuirementH W 7.5"2 H32 radio capability ,.*; Mcps T:: update reAuirementH W 7.5"2 H"ystem specific capability update reAuirementH not present.

(e u!date cause

&ndicates the cause for cell update.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e u!date cause Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (ce rese ectio$, !eriodica ce u!date, u! i$> data tra$s9issio$, !a2i$2 res!o$se, ree$tered ser5ice area, radio i$> 3ai ure, RL( u$reco5era% e error, M8MS rece!tio$, M8MS !t! R8 reBuest) Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. $ersion



(i!"eri$2 # 2orit"9
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (U)#0, U)#1 , U)#2) Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (i!"eri$2 a 2orit"9


(i!"eri$2 9ode i$3o

This information element contains the cipherin specific security mode control information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (i!"eri$2 9ode co99a$d (i!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 (i!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e 3or 4P(< Radio %earer do1$ i$> ci!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o Need MP MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (start0restart) (i!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 10.3.3., #cti5atio$ ti9e R8 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o, 10.3.,.13 Se2antics description


Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-TM. 6$ 7 a!! ica% e i3 t"e U) is a read7 i$ ()LL;4(< state Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL(-#M or RL(UM T"e UTR#' s"ou d $ot i$c ude t"is :) i$ a 9essa2e ot"er t"a$ a S)(UR:TD M64) (6MM#'4


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t

. coefficient in the formula to count the pa in occasions to be used by a specific 32 (specified in D8E) .
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(6...-) Se2antics description Re3ers to L>L i$ t"e 3or9u a as s!eci3ied i$ I,J, 4isco$ti$uous rece!tio$




(o99o$ )-R'T: i$3o

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.

This &2 defines the common 2?/'T& used in enhanced 1255G7.1F and &dle mode. 2ach instance in the &2 H1ommon 2?/'T& informationH is related to an 2?/311F which is defined in the P/.1F system information in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9. The first instance in &2 H1ommon 2?/'T& informationH is related to the first instance of 2? /311F in the P/.1F system information in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9 in the order of their appearances- the second instance in &2 H1ommon 2?/'T& informationH is related to the second instance of 2?/311F in the P/.1F system information in "ystem &nformation 0loc# 9 and so on. 7rom each intance in the &2 H1ommon 2?/'T& informationH- we can compile a common 2?/'T& list which is related to a certain 2?/311F. 7or each 2?/311F- there are a number of common 2?/'T& roups related to itO up to * common 2?/'T&s allocated in each roup. The common 2?/'T& list related to a certain 2?/311F is derived in incremental manner with start code indicated by &2 H"tartin 2?/'T&H. The H"tartin 2?/'T&H corresponds to the first 2?/'T& in the first roupO if the H'umber of 2?/'T& per roupH is bi er than one- then the sencond 2?/'T& in the first roup is derived by the first 2?/'T& plus ,O the first 2?/'T& in the second roup is derived by the last of 2?/'T& of the first roup plus ,X the whole common 2?/'T& list related to the 2?/311F is compiled in this manner.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o99o$ )-R'T: i$3or9atio$ NStarti$2 )-R'T: Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.)RU((<N )-R'T: :$te2er(1.. 9a.)R'T:2r ou!) :$te2er (1.. 9a.)R'T:! erGrou!) :$dicates t"e starti$2 code o3 )-R'T: re ated to a certai$ )RU((<. :$dicates t"e $u9%er o3 co99o$ )-R'T: 2rou!s re ated to t"e )-RU((<. :$dicates t"e $u9%er o3 co99o$ )-R'T:s i$ t"e 2rou!. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

N'u9%er o3 2rou!



N'u9%er o3 )-R'T: !er 2rou!





The cell /'T& (1?/'T&) identifies a 32 havin a //1 connection within a cell.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (-R'T: Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(16) Se2antics description


(SG !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ ca!a%i it7

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated Se2antics description T"e a%se$ce o3 $ersion R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 i$tra-3reBue$c7


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ Need

)(* /ulti T4pe and reference (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort i$tra3reBue$c7 !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort i$ter3reBue$c7 !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )UTR# !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ $ersion

Su!!ort o3 i$ter-3reBue$c7 !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


Void 4S(<-R'T:

&n T::- the :"1F?/'T& identifies a 32 in 1255G:1F or 1255G7.1F usin a :"1F or 3"1F within the cell.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4S(<-R'T: Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(16) Se2antics description

Void )-R'T:
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(16) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-R'T:


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

)sta% is"9e$t cause

1ause for an //1 connection establishment reAuest.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )sta% is"9e$t cause Need MP

))% /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 6ri2i$ati$2 (o$5ersatio $a (a , 6ri2i$ati$2 Strea9i$2 (a , 6ri2i$ati$2 :$teracti5e (a , 6ri2i$ati$2 8ac>2rou$d (a , 6ri2i$ati$2 Su%scri%ed tra33ic (a , Ter9i$ati$2 (o$5ersatio $a (a , Ter9i$ati$2 Strea9i$2 (a , Ter9i$ati$2 :$teracti5e (a , Ter9i$ati$2 8ac>2rou$d (a , )9er2e$c7 (a , :$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$, :$ter-R#T ce c"a$2e order, Re2istratio$, 4etac", 6ri2i$ati$2 <i2" Priorit7 Si2$a i$2, 6ri2i$ati$2 Lo1 Priorit7 Si2$a i$2, (a reesta% is"9e $t, Ter9i$ati$2 <i2" Priorit7 Si2$a i$2, Ter9i$ati$2 Lo1 Priorit7 Si2$a i$2, Ter9i$ati$2 R cause u$>$o1$, M8MS rece!tio$, M8MS !t! R8 reBuest, 4e a7 To era$t #ccess)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 'i$e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 2ti9es, ,ti9es, =ti9es, 16ti9es, 32ti9es, 6,ti9es, 12=ti9es, 256ti9es) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor

).te$ded Gait Ti9e

The field defines the wait time for :elay Tolerant access reAuest- to be passed to the 32 upper layers.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ).te$ded Gait ti9e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1.. 1=00) Se2antics description Va ue i$ seco$ds

&ai ure cause

1ause for failure to perform the reAuested procedure.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &ai ure cause Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (co$3i2uratio $ u$su!!orted, !"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure, i$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eou s reco$3i2urati o$, !rotoco error, co9!ressed 9ode ru$ti9e error, ce u!date occurred, i$5a id co$3i2uratio$ , co$3i2uratio$ i$co9! ete, u$su!!orted 9easure9e$ t, M8MS sessio$ a read7 recei5ed correct 7, o1er !riorit7 M8MS ser5ice) Se2antics description &i5e s!are 5a ues are $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),

&ai ure cause a$d error i$3or9atio$

1ause for failure to perform the reAuested procedure.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$ Need MP (V-Prot!rr /ulti T4pe and reference &ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 TGPS: 10.3.6.=2 Se2antics description

4e eted TGPS:

(VCompMod e!rr Condition

Prot!rr CompMode!rr

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @&ai ure cause@ "as t"e 5a ue @Protoco error@U ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @&ai ure cause@ "as t"e 5a ue @ (o9!ressed 9ode ru$ti9e error@U ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e,o

Grou! re ease i$3or9atio$

1ontains addressin information to perform a release of a roup of //1 connections.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U-R'T: 2rou! Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference U-R'T: 2rou! 10.3.3.,/a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5,a


The F?/'T& identifies an 32 havin a F"?P:"1F assi nment within a cell.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <-R'T: Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(16) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5,%

:MS Voice ca!a%i it7

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort :MS 5oice #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort SRV(( 3ro9 UTR# PS <S to UTR# (S #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort SRV(( 3ro9 UTR# PS <S to G)R#' (S $ersion R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Voice o5er UTR# PS <S Su!!ort SRV(( Su!!ort 3ro9 UTR# to UTR#



SRV(( Su!!ort 3ro9 UTR# to G)R#'


)$u9erated (TRU))



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e rSRV(( su!!ort 3ro9 UTR# (S to )-UTR#' &44 Need 6P

))3 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort rSRV(( 3ro9 UTR# (S to )-UTR#' &44 #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort rSRV(( 3ro9 UTR# (S to )-UTR#' T44 $ersion R)L-11

rSRV(( su!!ort 3ro9 UTR# (S to )-UTR#' T44


)$u9erated (TRU))


:$itia U) ide$tit7

This information element identifies the 32 at a reAuest of an //1 connection.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() 1! id type N:MS: (GSM-M#P) NTMS: a$d L#: (GSM-M#P) NNTMS: (GSM-M#P) NNL#: (GSM-M#P) Need MP :MS: (GSMM#P) MP MP TMS: (GSMM#P) Locatio$ #rea :de$ti3icatio$ 10.3.1./ P-TMS: (GSM-M#P) Routi$2 #rea :de$ti3icatio$ :M): 10.3.1., 8it stri$2 (S:V) (32)) 6ctet stri$2 (S:V) (5../)) 6ctet stri$2 (S:V) (5../)) 8it stri$2 (S:V) (32)) 6ctet stri$2 (S:V) (2..1/)) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

NP-TMS: a$d R#: (GSM-M#P) NNP-TMS: (GSM-M#P) NNR#: (GSM-M#P) N:M): N)S' (4S-,1) N:MS: (4S-,1) N:MS: a$d )S' (4S-,1) NN:MS: (4S-,1) NN)S' (4S-,1) NTMS: (4S-,1)


T:#0):#0:S-2000-, T:#0):#0:S-2000-, T:#0):#0:S-2000-, T:#0):#0:S-2000-, T:#0):#0:S-2000-, T:#0):#0:S-2000-, # t"ou2" $or9a 7 u!to 12 di2its are used 3or t"is :), a %i22er e$2t" is used to su!!ort 3uture e.te$sio$.


:$te2rit7 c"ec> i$3o

The &nte rity chec# info contains the //1 messa e seAuence number needed in the calculation of IM.1?& D8+E and the calculated M.1?&.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Messa2e aut"e$ticatio$ code Need MP

))' /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(32)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description M#(-: I,0J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e M#(-:. T"e 2/ MS8 o3 t"e :) s"a %e set to Qero a$d t"e 5 LS8 o3 t"e :) s"a %e set to t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @R8 ide$tit7@ 3or t"e used si2$a i$2 radio %earer 1"e$ t"e e$coded RR( 9essa2e is used as t"e M)SS#G) !ara9eter i$ t"e i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9. T"e oca RR( "7!er 3ra9e $u9%er (RR( <&') is co$cate$ated 1it" t"e RR( 9essa2e seBue$ce $u9%er to 3or9 t"e i$!ut !ara9eter (6U'T-: 3or t"e i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9. T"e :) 5a ue s"a %e set to Qero 1"e$ t"e e$coded RR( 9essa2e is used as t"e M)SS#G) !ara9eter i$ t"e i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9.

RR( Messa2e seBue$ce $u9%er


:$te2er (0..15)

:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

This &2 contains the time- in terms of //1 seAuence numbers- when a new inte rity protection confi uration shall be activated for the si nallin radio bearers.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e RR( 9essa2e seBue$ce $u9%er ist Need MP /ulti , to 5 T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e RR( seBue$ce $u9%er 1"e$ a $e1 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ co$3i2uratio$ s"a %e a!! ied, 3or si2$a i$2 radio %earers i$ t"e order R80, R81, R82, R83, R8,. T"e 5a ue 3or R81 s"a %e i2$ored i3 t"is :) 1as i$c uded i$ a RR( 9essa2e se$t o$ R81. T"e 5a ue 3or R82 s"a %e i2$ored i3 t"is :) 1as i$c uded i$ a RR( 9essa2e se$t o$ R82. NRR( 9essa2e seBue$ce $u9%er MP :$te2er (0.. 15)

:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ # 2orit"9

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (U:#1 , U:#2) Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode i$3o

Need MP (V-modify /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( start, 9odi37) :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9 8it stri$2(32) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode co99a$d 4o1$ i$> i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9


:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ i$itia isatio$ $u9%er


&R)S< I,0J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e &R)S<.

Condition Start Modify

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode co99a$d@ "as t"e 5a ue @start @, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 9ode co99a$d@ "as t"e 5a ue @9odi37@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

Void Void

Measure9e$t ca!a%i it7

Need /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) is a% e to 9easure i$ter3reBue$c7 detected ce s. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) is a% e to e.c ude ce s 3ro9 detected set 9easure9e$ts. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) is a% e to !er3or9 1ide%a$d RSRE &44 9easure9e$ts. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) is a% e to !er3or9 1ide%a$d RSRE T44 9easure9e$ts. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 detected set 9easure9e$ts

$9# not:iR*2: 5o&nfo

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo C$not*iRAT* HoInfo C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

(e s e.c uded 3ro9 detected set 9easure9e$ts

)$u9erated (TRU))


Gide%a$d RSRE &44 9easure9e$ts

)$u9erated (TRU))


Gide%a$d RSRE T44 9easure9e$ts

)$u9erated (TRU))


Need for downlink co2pressed 2ode &44 9easure9e$ts


8oo ea$


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

))( /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ &44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 3.=, Mc!s T44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ /.6= Mc!s T44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ GSM -00 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 4(S 1=00 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ GSM 1-00 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 9u ti-carrier $ersion

3.=, Mc!s T44 9easure9e$ts

(V/5(-*Mcps *tdd*sup

8oo ea$

'a9e c"a$2ed i$ R)L-,

/.6= Mc!s T44 9easure9e$ts

(V657(*Mcps *tdd*sup

8oo ea$


1.2= Mc!s T44 9easure9e$ts

(V&5'(*Mcps *tdd*sup

8oo ea$


GSM 9easure9e$ts NGSM -00

(Vgsm*sup MP

8oo ea$

N4(S 1=00


8oo ea$

NGSM 1-00


8oo ea$

Mu ti-carrier 9easure9e$t


8oo ea$


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #dKace$t &reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 1it"out co9!ressed 9ode Need (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

))) /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot reBuire co9!ressed 9ode 3or adKace$t 3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot reBuire co9!ressed 9ode 3or :$ter-%a$d 9easure9e$ts 3or t"e %a$d co9%i$atio$s re!orted i$ t"e :) ORadio #ccess (a!a%i it7 8a$d (o9%i$atio$ ListP. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot reBuire co9!ressed 9ode 3or 9easure9e$ts o$ t1o additio$a 3reBue$cies TRU) 9ea$s t"at 3or t"e dua %a$d o!eratio$ t"e U) ca$ a!! 7 co9!ressed 9ode o$ 7 to t"e co$3i2ured 3reBue$cies, 1"ic" %e o$2 to t"e 3reBue$c7 %a$d ot"er t"a$ t"e ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce . TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot reBuire co9!ressed 9ode 3or 9easure9e$ts o$ t"e 3reBue$cies 1"ic" are co$3i2ured 3or <S4S(< o!eratio$ a$d associated 1it" t"e seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce s. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ &44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 $ersion R)L-=

:$ter-%a$d &reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 1it"out co9!ressed 9ode

$9# not:iR*2: 5o&nfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


)$"a$ced i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 1it"out co9!ressed 9ode

$9# not:iR*2: 5o&nfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


&reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode

1B? not:iR*2: 5o&nf

)$u9erated (TRU))


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts o$ co$3i2ured carriers 1it"out co9!ressed 9ode

1B? not:iR*2: 5o&nf

)$u9erated (TRU))


Need for uplink co2pressed 2ode &44 9easure9e$ts


8oo ea$

3.=, Mc!s T44 9easure9e$ts

(V/5(-*Mcps *tdd*sup

8oo ea$

'a9e c"a$2ed i$ R)L-,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e /.6= Mc!s T44 9easure9e$ts Need

))* /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 9easure9e$ts o$ 3.=, Mc!s T44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ /.6= Mc!s T44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ GSM -00 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 4(S 1=00 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ GSM 1-00 TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 9u ti-carrier $ersion

(V657(*Mcps *tdd*sup


1.2= Mc!s T44 9easure9e$ts

(V&5'(*Mcps *tdd*sup

8oo ea$


GSM 9easure9e$ts NGSM -00

(Vgsm*sup MP

8oo ea$

N4(S 1=00


8oo ea$

NGSM 1-00


8oo ea$

Mu ti-carrier 9easure9e$t


8oo ea$


Release ! Condition /5(-*Mcps*tdd*sup


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




mc*sup not*iRAT*HoInfo

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 a$ :) @T44 R& ca!a%i it7@ is !rese$t 1it" t"e :) @("i! rate ca!a%i it7@ set to @3.=, Mc!s@. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 a$ :) OT44 R& ca!a%i it7P is !rese$t 1it" t"e :) O("i! rate ca!a%i it7P set to O/.6= Mc!sP. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 a$ :) @T44 R& ca!a%i it7@ is !rese$t 1it" t"e :) @("i! rate ca!a%i it7@ set to @1.2= Mc!s@. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7@ i$dicates su!!ort 3or GSM-00, GSM1=00 a$d0or GSM1-00. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 9u ti-carrier@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t.

Measure9e$t ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$

This &2 may be used to replace the measurement capability information provided within &2 HMeasurement capabilityH.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &44 9easure9e$ts Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds &44N 1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds &442N 1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds &443N )$u9erat ed(8a$d :, 8a$d ::, T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e $et1or> s"ou d i2$ore t"e e$tr7 t"at i$c udes t"e Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS. R)L-6 $ersion


N&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d


T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e sa9e as i$dicated i$ t"e :) @&reBue$c7 %a$d@ i$c uded i$ t"e :) @ U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$@. 8a$d $u9%eri$2 is de3i$ed i$ I21J. T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e sa9e as R--, i3 t"e :) O&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d 2P %e o1 is $ot i$c uded. T"e setti$2 o3 t"e 5a ue Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS %7 t"e U) is $ot s!eci3ied i$ t"e s!eci3icatio$. R)L-5 R)L-6

8a$d :::, 8a$d V:, 8a$d :V, 8a$d V, 8a$d V::, e.te$sio$ i$dicator)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d 2 Need (V-fdd& /ulti

)*% T4pe and reference )$u9erat ed(8a$d V:::, 8a$d :A, 8a$d A, 8a$d A:, 8a$d A::, 8a$d A:::, 8a$d A:V, 8a$d A:A, 8a$d AA:, 8a$d AA, 8a$d AA::, e.te$sio$ :$dicator) )$u9erat ed (8a$d AAV, 8a$d AAV:, e.te$sio$ i$dicator)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e sa9e as i$dicated i$ t"e :) @&reBue$c7 %a$d 2@ i$c uded i$ t"e :) @ U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$@, i3 t"e :) O&44 &reBue$c7 %a$dP a%o5e is $ot i$c uded. T"e setti$2 o3 t"e 5a ue Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS %7 t"e U) is $ot s!eci3ied i$ t"e s!eci3icatio$. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded :3 t"e :) is $ot !rese$t t"e 5a ue is t"e sa9e as i$dicated i$ t"e :) @&reBue$c7 %a$d 3@ i3 i$c uded i$ t"e :) @ U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$@. T"e setti$2 o3 t"e 5a ue Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS %7 t"e U) is $ot s!eci3ied i$ t"e s!eci3icatio$. Si.t7 6$e s!are 5a ues are $eeded TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ t"e &44 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d@ TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ t"e &44 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d@ $ersion R)L-6

N&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d 3



N'eed 3or 4L co9!ressed 9ode


8oo ea$

N'eed 3or UL co9!ressed 9ode


8oo ea$

T44 9easure9e$ts

(Vtdd*sup MP

1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds T44N )$u9erat ed(a, %, c) )$u9erat ed(a, %, c, d) 8oo ea$

NT44 &reBue$c7 %a$d

R)L-/ TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ T44 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @T44 &reBue$c7 %a$d@

N'eed 3or 4L co9!ressed 9ode



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N'eed 3or UL co9!ressed 9ode Need MP /ulti

)* T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ T44 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @T44 &reBue$c7 %a$d@ $ersion

GSM 9easure9e$ts

(Vgsm*su p MP

1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds GSMN )$u9erat ed(GSM, 50, GSM,=0, GSM=50, GSM-00 P, GSM-00 ), GSM1=00 , GSM1-00 ) 8oo ea$ as de3i$ed i$ I,5J. 'i$e s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

NGSM &reBue$c7 %a$d

N'eed 3or 4L co9!ressed 9ode


N'eed 3or UL co9!ressed 9ode


8oo ea$

TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ GSM 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @GSM &reBue$c7 %a$d@ TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ GSM 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @GSM &reBue$c7 %a$d@ TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 9u ti-carrier TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 9u ti-carrier 'ote 1

Mu ti-carrier 9easure9e$t N'eed 3or 4L co9!ressed 9ode

(Vmc*sup MP

8oo ea$

N'eed 3or UL co9!ressed 9ode


8oo ea$

)-UTR# 9easure9e$ts

(Veutra*su p

1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds )UTR#N



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d Need MP /ulti

)*! T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..6,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #s de3i$ed i$ I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 6,, t"e$ t"e )-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e )UTR# 9easure9e$ts e.te$sio$. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires 4L a$d UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ )UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @)UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d@ 'ote 1 $ersion R)L-=

N'eed 3or co9!ressed 9ode


8oo ea$


)-UTR# 9easure9e$ts e.te$sio$ N)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d e.te$sio$ )-UTR# 9easure9e$ts e.te$sio$ 1

(Ve.te$de d;eutra *sup 6P C$e4tende d*meas *eutra*s up MP

1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds )UTR#N :$te2er (65..256) 1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds )UTR#e.tN :$te2er (1..256) 8oo ea$


#s de3i$ed i$ I6,J. 'ote 1

R)L-11 R)L-11

N)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d e.te$sio$ 1 N'eed 3or co9!ressed 9ode

#s de3i$ed i$ I6,J. T"e 5a ue o3 6, is reser5ed a$d s"a $ot %e used.


'ote 1*

TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e R)L-11 U) reBuires 4L a$d UL co9!ressed 9ode i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ )UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @)UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d e.te$sio$ 1@ :$dicates )-UTR# %a$ds su!!orted a$d t"e $eed 3or co9!ressed 9ode, )-UTR#' 9easure9e$t su!!ort 9a7 %e se!arate 7 i$dicated as s!eci3ied i$ #$$e. ).



Release ! Condition tdd*sup gsm*sup mc*sup eutra*sup


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



fdd& fdd'

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Mu ti-9ode ca!a%i it7@ "as t"e 5a ue @T44@ or @&440T44@. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 GSM@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 9u ti-carrier@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. #t east o$e o3 t"ese :)s is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 )-UTR#@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise t"ese 3ie ds are $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. #t east o$e o3 t"ese :)s is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 )-UTR#@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU) a$d t"e U) su!!orts a )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d 2reater t"a$ 6,. 6t"er1ise t"ese 3ie ds are $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. #t east o$e o3 t"ese :)s is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 )-UTR#@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU) a$d t"e U) $eeds to re!ort )-UTR# 9easure9e$t ca!a%i it7 3or 9ore t"a$ 16 )-UTR# %a$ds. 6t"er1ise t"ese 3ie ds are $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t i3 t"e :) @&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d@ is $ot i$c uded i$ t"e 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 de3au t i3 t"e :) @&44 &reBue$c7 %a$d 2@ is $ot i$c uded i$ t"e 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e.

Measure9e$t ca!a%i it7 T44

This &2 is only used for T:: if the 32 is a multi?/.T capable which also supports 2?3T/..
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# 9easure9e$ts Need (Veutra*su p MP /ulti 1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds )UTR#N :$te2er (1..6,) #s de3i$ed i$ I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 6,, t"e$ t"e )-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e )UTR# 9easure9e$ts e.te$sio$. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) reBuires id e i$ter5a i$ order to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ )UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicated %7 t"e :) @)UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d@ 'ote 1 T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

N)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d


N'eed 3or :d e :$ter5a


8oo ea$


)-UTR# 9easure9e$ts e.te$sio$ N)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d e.te$sio$

(Ve.te$de d;eutra *sup 6P

1 to M9a.&re B8a$ds )UTR#N :$te2er (65..256)


#s de3i$ed i$ I6,J.



Release ! Condition eutra*sup


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


1Dplanation #t east o$e o3 t"ese :)s is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 )-UTR#@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise t"ese 3ie ds are $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. #t east o$e o3 t"ese :)s is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 )-UTR#@ "as t"e 5a ue TRU) a$d t"e U) su!!orts a )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d 2reater t"a$ 6,. 6t"er1ise t"ese 3ie ds are $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. Mu ti3 o1 ca!a%i it7

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort 3or Mu ti3 o1 1it" M:M6 o!eratio$ i$ di33ere$t %a$ds Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( si$2 estrea9, dua strea9) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at a U) does $ot su!!ort M:M6 1it" Mu ti3 o1 i$ di33ere$t %a$ds. 6t"er1ise, it i$dicates 1"et"er a U) su!!ort si$2 e-strea9 or dua -strea9 M:M6. Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at a U) $eeds 9ore ti9e to 2e$erate t"e <#RE 3eed%ac> 1it" Mu ti3 o1 a$d M:M6 as descri%ed i$ I26J, su%-c ause /./.2. $ersion R)L-11

Lo$2er <#RE !rocessi$2 ti9e


)$u9erated( TRU))

R)L-11 Mu ti3 o1 !er %a$d ca!a%i it7

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


Release ! 'u9%er o3 ce s MP

)*" :$te2er(2..=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Tota $u9%er o3 ce s t"at ca$ %e co$3i2ured to a U) as a !art o3 Mu ti3 o1 co$3i2uratio$. :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"e 9a.i9u9 5a ue is ,. Tota $u9%er o3 3reBue$cies, across 1"ic" t"e Mu ti3 o1 ca$ %e co$3i2ured. :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"e 9a.i9u9 5a ue is 2. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at a U) does $ot su!!ort M:M6 1it" Mu ti3 o1. 6t"er1ise, it i$dicates 1"et"er a U) su!!ort si$2 e-strea9 or dua -strea9 M:M6. Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at a U) su!!orts Mu ti3 o1 o!eratio$ 1it" $o$-co$ti2uous ce s. T"is :) i$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 2a! siQe %et1ee$ t"e a22re2ated ce s. @3i5eM<Q@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 5 M<Q 2a! siQe. @te$M<Q@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 10 M<Q 2a! siQe a$d 5 M<Q 2a! siQe. @a$7Ga!SiQe@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts a$7 9u ti! e o3 5 M<Q 2a! siQe. 5 s!are 5a ues are reBuired. R)L-11

'u9%er o3 3reBue$cies




M:M6 su!!ort


)$u9erated( si$2 estrea9, dua strea9)


'o$-co$ti2uous 9u ti-ce



NGa! siQe


)$u9erated( 3i5eM<Q, te$M<Q, a$7Ga!SiQe)


'ei2"%our (e S: acBuisitio$ ca!a%i it7

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ersion R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 i$tra-3reBue$c7 S: acBuisitio$ 3or <6


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

)*( /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ot su!!ort i$tra3reBue$c7 S: acBuisitio$ 3or <6 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort i$ter3reBue$c7 S: acBuisitio$ 3or <6 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )UTR# S: acBuisitio$ 3or <6 $ersion

Su!!ort o3 i$ter-3reBue$c7 S: acBuisitio$ 3or <6


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# S: acBuisitio$ 3or <6


)$u9erated (TRU))


Pa2i$2 cause

1ause for a 1' ori inated pa e.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pa2i$2 cause Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( Ter9i$ati$2 (o$5ersatio $a (a , Ter9i$ati$2 Strea9i$2 (a , Ter9i$ati$2 :$teracti5e (a , Ter9i$ati$2 8ac>2rou$d (a , Ter9i$ati$2 <i2" Priorit7 Si2$a i$2, Ter9i$ati$2 Lo1 Priorit7 Si2$a i$2, Ter9i$ati$2 R cause u$>$o1$ ) Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.

Pa2i$2 record
Need MP MP MP MP :MS: (GSMM#P) TMS: (GSMPa2i$2 cause (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() 1sed paging identity N(' ide$tit7 NNPa2i$2 cause NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NN(<6:() 1! Identity NNN:MS: (GSM-M#P) NNNTMS: (GSM-M#P)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNP-TMS: (GSM-M#P) NNN:MS: (4S-,1) NNNTMS: (4S-,1) NUTR#' si$2 e U) ide$tit7 NNU-R'T: NN(' ori2i$ated !a2e to co$$ected 9ode U) NNNPa2i$2 cause NNN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NNNPa2i$2 record t7!e ide$ti3ier NNRR( co$$ectio$ re ease i$3or9atio$ Need /ulti

)*) T4pe and reference M#P) P-TMS: (GSM-M#P) 6ctet stri$2 (S:V) (5../)) 6ctet stri$2 (S:V) (2..1/)) U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ Pa2i$2 cause (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Pa2i$2 record t7!e ide$ti3ier RR( co$$ectio$ re ease i$3or9atio$ 1 to M9a.UR 'T:2rou !N MP RR( co$$ectio$ re ease i$3or9atio$ Grou! re ease i$3or9atio$,o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

T:#0):#0:S-2000-, T:#0):#0:S-2000-,



NUTR#' 2rou! ide$tit7


NNRR( co$$ectio$ re ease i$3or9atio$


NNGrou! re ease i$3or9atio$



Condition C9C:C1 Used paging identity (' ide$tit7 UTR#' si$2 e U) ide$tit7 UTR#' 2rou! ide$tit7

1Dplanation Condition under which the -i=en used paging identity is chosen &or (' ori2i$ati$2 !a2es (3or id e 9ode U)s) &or UTR#' ori2i$ati$2 !a2es (3or co$$ected 9ode U)s), addressi$2 a si$2 e U) &or UTR#' ori2i$ati$2 !a2es (3or co$$ected 9ode U)s), addressi$2 a 2rou! o3 U)s,

P4(P ca!a%i it7

&ndicates which al orithms and which value ran e of their parameters are supported by the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort 3or oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ Su!!ort 3or oss ess 4L RL( P4U siQe c"a$2e Su!!ort 3or R&(250/ Need MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo' MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted 4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS) TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted $ersion



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NMa. <( co$te.t s!ace Need MP

)** /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(102, , 20,=, ,0-6, =1-2, 163=,, 32/6=, 65536, 1310/2) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

'ote 1


Su!!ort 3or R&( 30-5

(Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

NMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R6<( co$te.t sessio$s


NRe5erse deco9!ressio$ de!t"

4e3au t 5a ue is 0 R)L-, (re5erse deco9!ressio$ is $ot su!!orted). NSu!!ort 3or R&( 30-5 co$te.t MP 8oo ea$ TRU) 9ea$s R)L-5 re ocatio$ su!!orted Su!!ort 3or (S Voice o5er (V)$u9erated T"e :) i$dicates R)L-= <SP# not*iRAT* (TRU)) t"e U)Ss su!!ort HoInfo/ 3or (S Voice o5er <SP#, i3 set. 'ote 1* T"e :) @Ma. <( co$te.t s!ace@ 5a ues 163=,, 32/6=, 65536 a$d 1310/2 are $ot used i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. Condition not*iRAT*HoInfo not*iRAT*HoInfo' not*iRAT*HoInfo/ 1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is 9a$dator7 de3au t. T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t.


:$te2er( 2, ,, =, 12, 16, 2,, 32, ,=, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,, 163=,) :$te2er (0..65535)

TRU) 9ea$s "eader co9!ressio$ accordi$2 to :)T& R6<( sta$dard I=3J, I=,J is su!!orted 4e3au t 5a ue is 16.




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)+* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

)++ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*%+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* % /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* ! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* 3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* ' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* " /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* ( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* ) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* * /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

* + /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*!+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*33 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*3+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*') /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*'+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*") /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*"+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*() /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*(+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*)+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

** /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*** /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

**+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+3 /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+' /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+( /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+) /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*+* /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

*++ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink ph4sical channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents &44 do1$ i$> !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 NMa. $o 4P(< codes Need

+%% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<fdd*re.*s up MP

:$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1200, 2,00, 3600, ,=00, /200, -600, 1,,00, 1-200, 2==00, 3=,00, ,=000, 5/600, 6/200, /6=00) 8oo ea$

NMa. $o !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P(< codes to %e si9u ta$eous 7 recei5ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !"7sica c"a$$e %its recei5ed i$ a$7 10 9s i$ter5a (4P(<, S((P(<)

NSu!!ort 3or S& 512 a$d =0 9s TT: 3or 4P(< N(<6:() Support of HSPDSCH NNSu!!orted NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2

MP (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP

TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,)

6P 6P

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3


:$te2er (25..2=)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ ,


:$te2er (2-,30)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5


:$te2er (31,32)

NNN<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6


:$te2er (33,3,)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J. Va ues 13...6, are s!ares. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 12. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 13. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at dua ce o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted 1it" M:M6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 16. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1/. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s is $ot su!!orted. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 1=. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e 9u tice o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e a$d 0or si.

R)L-/ R)L-=






Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Condition /5(-*Mcps*tdd*re.*sup




not*iRAT*HoInfo not*iRAT*HoInfo

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @T44 R& ca!a%i it7@ is !rese$t 1it" t"e :) @("i! rate ca!a%i it7@ set to @3.=, Mc!s@ a$d a 3.=, Mc!s T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date "as %ee$ reBuested i$ a !re5ious 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @T44 R& ca!a%i it7@ is !rese$t 1it" t"e :) @("i! rate ca!a%i it7@ set to @/.6= Mc!s@ a$d a /.6= Mc!s T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date "as %ee$ reBuested i$ a !re5ious 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @T44 R& ca!a%i it7@ is !rese$t 1it" t"e :) @("i! rate ca!a%i it7@ set to @1.2= Mc!s@ a$d a 1.2= Mc!s T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date "as %ee$ reBuested i$ a !re5ious 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Mu ti-9ode ca!a%i it7@ "as t"e 5a ue @&44@ or @&440T44@ a$d a &44 ca!a%i it7 u!date "as %ee$ reBuested i$ a !re5ious 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e (<6:() Support of HS-PDSCH is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"e (<6:() Support of !-DCH is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t.

Pre-redirectio$ i$3o
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Referenc e 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# &44 Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# T44

Protoco error cause

This &2 indicates the cause for a messa e or information that was not comprehended.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Protoco error cause Need MP

+%! /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (#S'.1 5io atio$ or e$codi$2 error, Messa2e t7!e $o$e.iste$t or $ot i9! e9e$ted , Messa2e $ot co9!ati% e 1it" recei5er state, :$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 5a ue $ot co9!re"e$d ed, :$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 9issi$2, Messa2e e.te$sio$ $ot co9!re"e$d ed)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

Protoco error i$dicator

This &2 indicates whether a messa e was transmitted due to a protocol error or not.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Protoco error i$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s a !rotoco error occurred. &#LS) 9ea$s a !rotoco error did $ot occur.

R8 ti9er i$dicator

This &2 is used to indicate to 3T/.' if the timers T3,8 or T3,9 has e(pired in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T31, e.!ired Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e ti9er "as e.!ired or t"e stored 5a ue is Qero. &#LS) 9ea$s t"at t"e ti9er "as $ot e.!ired. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e ti9er "as e.!ired or t"e stored 5a ue is Qero. &#LS) 9ea$s t"at t"e ti9er "as $ot e.!ired.

T315 e.!ired


8oo ea$

Redirectio$ i$3o

This &2 is used to redirect the 32 to another freAuency or other system. Cith the /elease = version a list of cells may be provided to the 32- where cell selection shall be started.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Redirection Information N&reBue$c7 i$3o N:$ter-R#T i$3o Need MP /ulti

+%3 T4pe and reference &reBue$c 7 i$3o :$ter-R#T i$3o 10.3./.25

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Re-esta% is"9e$t ti9er

This information element indicates which timer to associate with /.0.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re-esta% is"9e$t ti9er Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( useT31,, useT315) Se2antics description

ReKectio$ cause

1ause for rejection of //1 connection establishment reAuest.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ReKectio$ cause Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( co$2estio$, u$s!eci3ied) Se2antics description

Re ease cause

1ause for release of //1 connection.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re ease cause Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated ($or9a e5e$t, u$s!eci3ied, !re-e9!ti5e re ease, co$2estio$, reesta% is"9e $t reKect, directed si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ reesta% is"9e $t, user i$acti5it7) Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

R& (a!a%i it7 (o9!ressed

Need MP MP 1..M9a.3 reB%a$d s&44N 1..M9a.3 reB%a$d s&442N 1..M9a.3 reB%a$d s&443N )$u9erated ($ot su!!orted, de3au t T.R. se!aratio$) TA0RA 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$ ca!a%i it7 3or t"e su!!orted 3reBue$c7 %a$d(s). 4e3au t is t"e TA0RA 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$ de3i$ed i$ I21J 3or eac" 3reBue$c7 %a$d. T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-6 R)L-10 R)L-5

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() #DD 8Su!!orted NNR& ca!a%i it7 %a$d &44 ist (o9!ressed

NNNR& (a!a%i it7 8a$d &44 (o9!ressed


N'ot su!!orted (<6:() TDD-/5(-Mcps NSu!!orted NNRadio &reBue$c7 8a$d T44 List

'ULL MP MP )$u9erated (a, %, c, a+%, a+c, %+c, a+%+c) )$u9erated (a, %, c, d, a+%, a+c, a+d, %+c, %+d, c+d, a+%+c, a+%+d, a+c+d, %+c+d, a+%+c+d) 'ULL #s de3i$ed i$ I22J. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-/

N'ot su!!orted (<6:() TDD-657(Mcps NSu!!orted NNRadio &reBue$c7 8a$d T44 List

MP MP )$u9erated (a, %, c, d, a+%, a+c, a+d, %+c, a+%+c, a+%+d, a+c+d, %+c+d, a+%+c+d) 'ULL #s de3i$ed i$ I22J. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded

R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

N'ot su!!orted (<6:() TDD-&5'(Mcps NSu!!orted NNRadio &reBue$c7 8a$d T44 List

MP MP )$u9erated (a, %, c, a+%, a+c, %+c, a+%+c) )$u9erated (a, %, c, d, a+%, a+c, a+d, %+c, %+d, c+d, a+%+c, a+%+d, a+c+d, %+c+d, a+%+c+d) 'ULL #s de3i$ed i$ I22J. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded

R)L-/ R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-/

N'ot su!!orted


R& ca!a%i it7 &44

Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( 1..,) )$u9erated( de3au t T.R. se!aratio$) Se2antics description #s de3i$ed i$ I21J 4e3au t is t"e TA0RA 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$ de3i$ed $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !o1er c ass T.0R. 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+%" /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description i$ I21J 3or eac" 3reBue$c7 %a$d. T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded. &44 o$ 7. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort t"e si2$a i$2 reBuire9e$ts o3 9u ti! e radio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds, as de3i$ed i$ I=5J, a$d t"e U) does $ot u$dersta$d t"e U#R&(' si2$a i$2 3or a %a$ds, t"at o5er a! 1it" t"e %a$d(s) su!!orted %7 t"e U). $ersion

Su!!ort o3 Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d :$dicators

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Condition not*iRAT*HoInfo

1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a .

R& ca!a%i it7 &44 e.te$sio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( 1..,) )$u9erated( de3au t T.R. se!aratio$) Se2antics description #s de3i$ed i$ I21J. # U) 1it" U) !o1er c ass 3%is si2$a s t"e 5a ue 3. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded 4e3au t is t"e TA0RA 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$ de3i$ed i$ I21J 3or eac" 3reBue$c7 %a$d. T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !o1er c ass e.te$sio$

T.0R. 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

R& ca!a%i it7 T44

Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (1..,) )$u9erated(a, %, c, a+%, a+c, %+c, a+%+c) )$u9erated (a, %, c, d, a+%, a+c, a+d, %+c, %+d, c+d, a+%+c, a+%+d, a+c+d, %+c+d, a+%+c+d, 'ota%cd) Se2antics description as de3i$ed i$ I22J as de3i$ed i$ I22J. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded. R)L-/ $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !o1er c ass Radio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds

Radio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds e.te$sio$ ist


1 to M9a.&r eB8a$d sT44e.tN )$u9erated (e, 3, 2, ", i, K, >, , 9, $, o, !) )$u9erated (3.=,Mc!s, 1.2=Mc!s, /.6= Mc!s)

as de3i$ed i$ I22J. T"e 5a ue O'ota%cdP i$dicate t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort $eit"er o$e o3 t"e %a$ds a, %, c $or d. as de3i$ed i$ I22J.



NRadio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds e.t ("i! rate ca!a%i it7


as de3i$ed i$ I22J. 8a$d 2 to %a$d ! are reser5ed 3or 3uture use. as de3i$ed i$ I22J




R& ca!a%i it7 T44 1.2= Mc!s

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated(a, %, c, a+%, a+c, %+c, a+%+c) )$u9erated (a, %, c, d, a+%, a+c, a+d, %+c, %+d, c+d, a+%+c, a+%+d, a+c+d, %+c+d, a+%+c+d) Se2antics description as de3i$ed i$ I22J. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded. R)L-/ $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Radio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),

RL( ca!a%i it7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Referenc e :$te2er (10, 50, 100, 150, 500, 1000, 200, 300, ,00, /50, 1150, 1250, 1500, 1=00, 2300, 2550, 3,00, 3500, ,,00, ,500, 5000) :$te2er(20 ,/,,0-5) :$te2er (,,5,6,=,1 6,30) 8oo ea$ Se2antics description Tota recei5i$2 a$d tra$s9itti$2 RL( #M %u33er a$d M#(-"s0e"s reorderi$2 %u33er ca!a%i it7 i$ >87tes. 'ote 1. 'ote 2. $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tota RL( #M %u33er siQe

R)L-5 R)L--

Tota recei5i$2 a$d tra$s9itti$2 RL( #M %u33er a$d M#(-"s0e"s reorderi$2 %u33er ca!a%i it7 i$ >87tes. 'ote 2. &our S!are 5a ues are $eeded.

Re -10


Ma.i9u9 RL( #M Gi$do1 SiQe Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 #M e$tities Su!!ort 3or T1o o2ica c"a$$e (o$3i2uratio$ 'ote 1* 'ote 2*


Ma.i9u9 su!!orted RL( TA a$d RA 1i$do1 i$ U)

(VTRU) 9ea$s R)L-/ not*iRA su!!orted T*HoInf o T"e :) @Tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ 5a ues 200, 300, ,00 a$d /50 are $ot used i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. T"e :) @Tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ 5a ues 1150, 1250, 1500, 1=00, 2300, 2550, 3,00, 3500, ,,00, ,500 a$d 5000 are $ot used i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. Condition 1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t.


RL( re-esta% is" i$dicator

This &2 is used to re?confi ure .M /51 on c?plane and u?plane.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e RL( re-esta% is" i$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s re-esta% is" reBuired &#LS) 9ea$s re-esta% is" $ot reBuired

RR( co$$ectio$ re ease i$3or9atio$

&ndicates whether the 32 shall perform a release of the //1 connection.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Release indicator N'o re ease NRe ease NNRe ease cause Need M4

+%* /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is O'o re easeP $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5


Re ease cause

RR( State :$dicator

&ndicates to a 32 the //1 state to be entered.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e RR( State i$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( ()LL;4(<, ()LL;&#(< , ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(<) Se2antics description

RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier

This &2 contains an identification of the //1 procedure transaction local for the type of the messa e this &2 was included within.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() RRC Tr Id type N"ormal NNRR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier N!4tended NNRR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need MP MP MP :$te2er (0..3) :$te2er (0..15) R)L-5 R)L-5 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5

C9C:C1 RRC Tr Id type "ormal !4tended

Condition under which the -i=en RRC Tr Id type is chosen # cases 1"ere t"e RRC Tr Id type9 !4tended is $ot c"ose$. 6!tio$a i$ t"e M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L 9essa2e. Ma$dator7 i$ t"e M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L &#:LUR) 9essa2e.

rSR-V(( :$3o

This &2 contains information that allows the calculation of the 1% and &% for the P" domain and the uplin# traffic transmission information- due to an r"/?B11 procedure.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '6'() :MS i$3or9atio$ Need 6P MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (12=) 6ctet Stri$2(S:V)( 1..32)) Se2antics description (o$tai$s #TGG tra$s3er detai s as de3i$ed i$ I2,.23/J $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Securit7 ca!a%i it7

Need MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (i!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 ca!a%i it7 NU)#0 NU)#1 NU)#2

NS!are :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9 ca!a%i it7 NU:#1 NU:#2



8oo ea$

T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at U)#2 is 3u 7 i$tero!era%i it7 tested. :3 3u 7 i$tero!era%i it7 tested, a so @Securit7 ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$@ o3 @U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed@ s"a %e set to TRU). S"a %e set to &#LS) %7 U)s co9! 7i$2 1it" t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco . T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at U:#1, Hasu9i, is su!!orted T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at U:#2 is 3u 7 i$tero!era%i it7 tested. :3 3u 7 i$tero!era%i it7 tested, a so @Securit7 ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$@ o3 @U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed@ s"a %e set to TRU). S"a %e set to &#LS) %7 U)s co9! 7i$2 1it" t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco .


8oo ea$ 8oo ea$





8oo ea$

Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ Re ease :$dicatio$ (ause

This &2 is used to indicate to the 3T/.' that there is no more P" data for a prolon ed period.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Si2$a $2 (o$$ectio$ Re ease :$dicatio$ (ause Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (U) ReBuested PS 4ata sessio$ e$d, a$7 ot"er cause) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=


There is a "T./T value per 1' domain. The "T./T is used to initialise the *+ M"0s of all hyper frame numbers (M.1?d F7'- /51 3M F7'- /51 .M F7'- //1 F7') for a 1' domain.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ST#RT Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2 (20) Se2antics description ST#RT I,0J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e ST#RT.



Release !

+ %

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ca!a%i it7

Need /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 3ownlink transport channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents Ma. $o o3 %its recei5ed


Ma. co$5o utio$a 7 coded %its recei5ed


Ma. tur%o coded %its recei5ed

(Vtur)o*dec *sup

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 si9u ta$eous tra$s!ort c"a$$e s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 si9u ta$eous ((Tr(< Ma. $o o3 recei5ed tra$s!ort % oc>s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T&(


:$te2er(6,0, 12=0, 2560, 3=,0, 5120, 6,00, /6=0, =-60, 102,0, 20,=0, ,0-60, =1-20, 163=,0) :$te2er(6,0, 12=0, 2560, 3=,0, 5120, 6,00, /6=0, =-60, 102,0, 20,=0, ,0-60, =1-20, 163=,0) :$te2er(6,0, 12=0, 2560, 3=,0, 5120, 6,00, /6=0, =-60, 102,0, 20,=0, ,0-60, =1-20, 163=,0) :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32) :$te2er (1..=) :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, ,=, 6,, -6, 12=, 256, 512) :$te2er(16, 32, ,=, 6,, -6, 12=, 256, 512, 102,) :$te2er(32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,) 8oo ea$

Ma.i9u9 su9 o3 $u9%er o3 %its o3 a tra$s!ort % oc>s recei5ed at a$ ar%itrar7 ti9e i$sta$t

Ma.i9u9 su9 o3 $u9%er o3 %its o3 a co$5o utio$a 7 coded tra$s!ort % oc>s recei5ed at a$ ar%itrar7 ti9e i$sta$t

Ma.i9u9 su9 o3 $u9%er o3 %its o3 a tur%o coded tra$s!ort % oc>s recei5ed at a$ ar%itrar7 ti9e i$sta$t

Ma.i9u9 tota $u9%er o3 tra$s!ort % oc>s recei5ed 1it"i$ TT:s t"at e$d at 1it"i$ t"e sa9e 109s i$ter5a


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T& Su!!ort 3or tur%o decodi$2 0plink transport channel capa;ilit4 infor2ation ele2ents Ma. $o o3 %its tra$s9itted


TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted


:$te2er(6,0, 12=0, 2560, 3=,0, 5120, 6,00, /6=0, =-60, 102,0, 20,=0, ,0-60, =1-20, 163=,0)

Ma.i9u9 su9 o3 $u9%er o3 %its o3 a tra$s!ort % oc>s tra$s9itted at a$ ar%itrar7 ti9e i$sta$t


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ma. co$5o utio$a 7 coded %its tra$s9itted Need MP

+ /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(6,0, 12=0, 2560, 3=,0, 5120, 6,00, /6=0, =-60, 102,0, 20,=0, ,0-60, =1-20, 163=,0) :$te2er(6,0, 12=0, 2560, 3=,0, 5120, 6,00, /6=0, =-60, 102,0, 20,=0, ,0-60, =1-20, 163=,0) :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32) :$te2er (1..=) :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, ,=, 6,, -6, 12=, 256, 512) :$te2er(16, 32, ,=, 6,, -6, 12=, 256, 512, 102,) :$te2er(32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Ma.i9u9 su9 o3 $u9%er o3 %its o3 a co$5o utio$a 7 coded tra$s!ort % oc>s tra$s9itted at a$ ar%itrar7 ti9e i$sta$t

Ma. tur%o coded %its tra$s9itted

(Vtur)o*enc *sup

Ma.i9u9 su9 o3 $u9%er o3 %its o3 a tur%o coded tra$s!ort % oc>s tra$s9itted at a$ ar%itrar7 ti9e i$sta$t

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 si9u ta$eous tra$s!ort c"a$$e s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 si9u ta$eous ((Tr(< o3 4(< t7!e Ma. $o o3 tra$s9itted tra$s!ort % oc>s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T&(

MP (<tdd*re.*s up MP

Ma.i9u9 tota $u9%er o3 tra$s!ort % oc>s tra$s9itted 1it"i$ TT:s t"at start at t"e sa9e ti9e


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T& Su!!ort 3or tur%o e$codi$2 Condition tur)o*dec*sup tur)o*enc*sup tdd*re.*sup


TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 tur%o decodi$2@ ? TRU). 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort o3 tur%o e$codi$2@ ? TRU). 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Mu ti-9ode ca!a%i it7@ "as t"e 5a ue @T44@ or @&440T44@ a$d a T44 ca!a%i it7 u!date "as %ee$ reBuested i$ a !re5ious 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"is 3ie d is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e.


Release !

+ !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) 9u ti-9ode09u ti-R#T ca!a%i it7


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e /ulti&RAT capa;ilit4 Su!!ort o3 GSM Su!!ort o3 9u ti-carrier Mu ti-9ode ca!a%i it7 Need /ulti

+ 3 T4pe and Referenc e 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ )$u9erat ed (T44, &44, &440T44 ) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


Su!!ort o3 UTR#' to G)R#' '#(( Su!!ort o3 <a$do5er to G#'

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o (Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o' (Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'


Su!!ort o3 :$ter-R#T PS "a$do5er

Su!!ort o3 PS <a$do5er to G#'

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o' (Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o' (Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'

Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# &44

Su!!ort o3 :$ter-R#T PS <a$do5er to )-UTR# &44

Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# T44

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o' (Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'

Su!!ort o3 :$ter-R#T PS <a$do5er to )-UTR# T44

)UTR# &eature Grou! :$dicators

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'

)$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort<a$d o5erToG# ') )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort:$terR#T-PS<a$do5er ) )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ortPS<a $do5erTo G#') )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort)UTR #&44) )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort:$terR#T<6T o)UTR#& 44) )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort)UTR #T44) )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort:$terR#T<6T o)UTR#T 44) 8it stri$2 (,)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <a$do5er to G#'. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort :$terR#T PS <a$do5er to G)R#' #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort PS <a$do5er to G#'. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )UTR# &44 #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort :$terR#T PS <a$do5er to )UTR# &44 #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )UTR# T44 #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort :$terR#T PS <a$do5er to )UTR# T44 T"e de3i$itio$s o3 t"e %its are descri%ed i$ #$$e. )










Release ! Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d :$dicators (Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'

+ ' )$u9erat ed (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort t"e si2$a i$2 reBuire9e$ts o3 9u ti! e radio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$ )UTR#, as de3i$ed i$ I6/J, a$d t"e U) does $ot u$dersta$d t"e )#R&(' si2$a i$2 3or a %a$ds, t"at o5er a! 1it" t"e %a$d(s) su!!orted %7 t"e U). #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(< 3or )UTR# &44 R)L-10

Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# &44 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 i$ ()LL;&#(<

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'

Su!!ort o3 )-UTR# T44 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 i$ ()LL;&#(<

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o'

)$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort)UTR #9easure 9e$tsa$d re!orti$2i $()LL&# (<) )$u9erat ed (4oesSu! !ort)UTR #9easure 9e$tsa$d re!orti$2i $()LL&# (<)


#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(< 3or )UTR# T44


Condition not*iRAT*HoInfo not*iRAT*HoInfo'

1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a .


The 32 sets the capability of &nter?/.T P" Fandover (by means of the &2 H"upport of &nter?/.T P" handoverH) to the same value as the correspondin G2/.' capability in D9E.


U) radio access ca!a%i it7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( R--) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e re ease o3 t"e U) accordi$2 to I35J. T"e :) a so i$dicates t"e re ease o3 t"e RR( tra$s3er s7$ta. su!!orted %7 t"e U). / s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #ccess stratu9 re ease i$dicator

(Vnot*rrc*co nnectionS etupCompl ete

)$u9erated( R)L-,, R)L-5, R)L-6, R)L-/, R)L-=, R)L--, R)L-10, R)L-11,

R)L-, R)L-5 R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-R)L-10 R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4L ca!a%i it7 1it" si9u ta$eous <S-4S(< co$3i2uratio$ Need (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo MP MP MP

+ " /ulti T4pe and reference R)L-12) )$u9erated( 32>%!s, 6,>%!s, 12=>%!s, 3=,>%!s) P4(P ca!a%i it7, RL( ca!a%i it7, Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,0 R& ca!a%i it7 &44 R& ca!a%i it7 T44

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-12 R)L-5

P4(P ca!a%i it7 RL( ca!a%i it7 Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ca!a%i it7

R& ca!a%i it7 &44 R& ca!a%i it7 T44

6P 6P

1 to 2 R& ca!a%i it7 T44 1.2= Mc!s (ViRAT*HoIn fo MP R& ca!a%i it7 T44 1.2= Mc!s P"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 U) 9u ti9ode09u tiR#T ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,1 Securit7 ca!a%i it7 U) !ositio$i$2 ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,5 Measure9e$ t ca!a%i it7 Measure9e$ t ca!a%i it7 T44 )$u9erated (4oes'ot8e $e3it&ro98at ter7(o$su9 !tio$6!ti9is atio$)

6$e @T44 R& ca!a%i it7@ e$tit7 s"a %e i$c uded 3or e5er7 ("i! rate ca!a%i it7 su!!orted. 'ote 1 'ote 1

R)L-, R)L-,

P"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7

U) 9u ti-9ode09u ti-R#T ca!a%i it7


Securit7 ca!a%i it7 U) !ositio$i$2 ca!a%i it7


Measure9e$t ca!a%i it7 Measure9e$t ca!a%i it7 T44

6P 6P


4e5ice t7!e


#%se$ce o3 t"is 5a ue 9ea$s t"at t"e de5ice does %e$e3it 3ro9 'G%ased %atter7 co$su9!tio$ o!ti9isatio$. U) 9a7 set t"e 5a ue to 4oes'ot8e$e3it&r o98atter7(o$su 9!tio$6!ti9isatio



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+ ( /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ 1"e$ it does $ot 3oresee to !articu ar 7 %e$e3it 3ro9 'G-%ased T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. $ersion

Su!!ort 3or S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11%is


)$u9erated (TRU))

T"e :) s"a %e !rese$t a$d set to TRU)

R)L-6 R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort 3or &-4P(< Need 6P

+ ) /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e :) s"a %e set to TRU) 1"e$ &-4P(< is 3u 7 su!!orted %7 t"e U). #%se$ce o3 t"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$dicates t"at &-4P(< is $ot 3u 7 su!!orted T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts M#(-e"s, t"e use o3 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #M, octet a i2$ed tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e a$d di33ere$t <S-S((<s i$ co$ti2uous TT:s. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort eit"er M#(-e"s, octet a i2$ed tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e or t"e use o3 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #M or di33ere$t <S-S((<s i$ co$ti2uous TT:s. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-6

M#(-e"s su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


U) s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7 :$3or9atio$ L(R T44


)$u9erated ('&, TriR.U$iT., TriR.TriT., <e.R.U$iT., <e.R.TriT., <e.R.<e.T, T1oR.U$iT. 4isco$ti2uou s, T1oR.T1oT .4isco$ti2uo us, T1oR.U$iT. (o$ti2uous, T1oR.T1oT .(o$ti2uous )


T1oR.U$iT.4isco $ti2uous a$d T1oR.T1oT.4isc o$ti2uous 9ea$ t"at t"e U) is ca!a% e o3 su!!orti$2 t1o $o$-adKace$t carriers. T1oR.U$iT.(o$ti 2uous a$d T1oR.T1oT.(o$t i2uous 9ea$ t"at t"e U) is o$ 7 ca!a% e o3 su!!orti$2 t1o adKace$t carriers. 6 s!are 5a ues $eeded. 'ote 3.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort 3or )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2 Need 6P

+ * /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2 is $ot su!!orted. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2 is su!!orted %7 t"e U). T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M#(i0is o!eratio$. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort (o99o$ )RG(< %ased i$ter3ere$ce co$tro i$ ()LL;&#(< state. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort &a %ac> to R-PR#(< i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :4L) 9ode. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort (o$curre$t de! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT: i$ a ce i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :4L) 9ode. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort TT: a i2$9e$t a$d Per <#RE !rocess acti5atio$ a$d deacti5atio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :4L) 9ode. $ersion R)L-/

Su!!ort o3 co99o$ )-4(<

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 (o99o$ )-RG(< %ased i$ter3ere$ce co$tro

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 &a %ac> to R-PR#(<

(Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 (o$curre$t de! o79e$t

(Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 TT: a i2$9e$t a$d Per <#RE !rocess

(Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 SPS o!eratio$ Need C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

+ + /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort SPS o!eratio$. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA o!eratio$ T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort access co$tro %ased o$ (SG T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(< T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$ 3or9u a 1"e$ 16E#M is $ot co$3i2ured T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort a%so ute !riorit7 %ased ce rese ectio$ to UTR# i$ter-3reBue$c7 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort MUM:M6. T"is :) is used 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 4ua 8a$d 6!eratio$. T"e i$te2er 5a ue n i$dicates t"at t"e nt" 48-4( (o$3i2uratio$ (#,8) i$ ta% e 5.0## i$ I21J is su!!orted %7 t"e U). $ersion R)L-=

Su!!ort o3 (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA o!eratio$

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 (SG

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort 3or T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(<


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort 3or )-4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$ 3or9u a


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort 3or a%so ute !riorit7 %ased ce re-se ectio$ i$ UTR#'


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 MU-M:M6


)$u9erated (U! i$>, U! i$> a$d 4o1$ i$>)


Radio #ccess (a!a%i it7 8a$d (o9%i$atio$ List

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo MP

1 to 16


N8a$d (o9%i$atio$

:$te2er(1..25 6)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NSu!!orted (arrier (o9%i$atio$ Need 6P

+!% /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) o$ 7 su!!orts t"e carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,1) 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). :3 carrier co9%i$atio$ (A,D) is su!!orted, t"e$ carrier co9%i$atio$ (M,') is su!!orted, 1"ere 1M?MM?A a$d 1M?'M?D, so t"e corres!o$di$2 5a ue 3or t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (M,') s"ou d %e set to TRU). (arrier co9%i$atio$ (A,D) 3or a %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8) re3ers to a % oc> o3 A co$ti2uous carriers i$ 8a$d # a$d a % oc> o3 D co$ti2uous carriers i$ 8a$d 8. T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,2) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,1) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,3) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (3,1) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,2) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). $ersion R)L-10

NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (1,2)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (2,1)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (1,3)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (3,1)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (2,2)


8oo ea$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (1,,) Need MP

+! /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,,) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (,,1) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,5) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (5,1) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,6) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (6,1) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,/) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (/,1) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,3) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (3,2) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,,) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). $ersion R)L-11

NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (,,1)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (1,5)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (5,1)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (1,6)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (6,1)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (1,/)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (/,1)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (2,3)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (3,2)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (2,,)


8oo ea$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (,,2) Need MP

+!! /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (,,2) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,5) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (5,2) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,6) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (6,2) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (3,3) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (3,,) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (,,3) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (,,,) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (3,5) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at carrier co9%i$atio$ (5,3) is su!!orted 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$ (#,8). $ersion R)L-11

NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (2,5)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (5,2)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (2,6)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (6,2)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (3,3)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (3,,)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (,,3)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (,,,)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (3,5)


8oo ea$


NN(arrier (o9%i$atio$ (5,3)


8oo ea$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NSu!!orted Mu ti3 o1 (o9%i$atio$ Need 6P

+!3 /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts Mu ti3 o1 3or t"is %a$d co9%i$atio$. Tota $u9%er o3 ce s i$ %a$d # t"at ca$ %e co$3i2ured to a U) as a !art o3 Mu ti3 o1 co$3i2uratio$. :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"e 9a.i9u9 5a ue is 2. Tota $u9%er o3 3reBue$cies i$ %a$d #, across 1"ic" t"e Mu ti3 o1 ca$ %e co$3i2ured. :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"e 9a.i9u9 5a ue is 1. Tota $u9%er o3 ce s i$ %a$d 8 t"at ca$ %e co$3i2ured to a U) as a !art o3 Mu ti3 o1 co$3i2uratio$. :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"e 9a.i9u9 5a ue is 2. Tota $u9%er o3 3reBue$cies i$ %a$d 8, across 1"ic" t"e Mu ti3 o1 ca$ %e co$3i2ured. :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$, t"e 9a.i9u9 5a ue is 1. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e M:M6 ca!a% e U) does $ot su!!ort TA di5ersit7 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s (<S-S((<, &4P(<, )-#G(<, )-<:(<, )RG(<) 1"e$ M:M6 is acti5e, P(P:(< is co$3i2ured o$ a$te$$a 1, a$d S(P:(< o$ a$te$$a 2. $ersion R)L-11

NN'u9%er o3 ce s i$ %a$d #




NN'u9%er o3 3reBue$cies i$ %a$d #




NN'u9%er o3 ce s i$ %a$d 8




NN'u9%er o3 3reBue$cies i$ %a$d 8




Su!!ort o3 TA 4i5ersit7 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s %7 M:M6 (a!a% e U) 1"e$ M:M6 o!eratio$ is acti5e

(V$ot;iR#T; <o:$3o

)$u9erated (TRU))



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+!' /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e M:M6 ca!a% e U) does $ot su!!ort TA di5ersit7 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s (<S-S((<, &4P(<, )-#G(<, )-<:(<, )-RG(<, &-TP:(<) 1"e$ M:M6 is acti5e, P(P:(< is co$3i2ured o$ a$te$$a 1, a$d S(P:(< o$ a$te$$a 2. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort t"e e$"a$ced TS0 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort ce s!eci3ic T. di5ersit7 co$3i2uratio$ 1"e$ co$3i2ured 3or dua -ce o!eratio$. $ersion R)L-11

Su!!ort o3 e$"a$ced TS0


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort 3or ce -s!eci3ic T. di5ersit7 co$3i2uratio$ 3or dua ce o!eratio$

C$Dual*Cell* HSDPA*s upported

)$u9erated (TRU))


(SG !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ ca!a%i it7

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo C$not*iRAT* HoInfo (Vnot*iRAT* HoInfo

'ei2"%our (e S: acBuisitio$ ca!a%i it7

).te$ded 9easure9e$ts Su!!ort

(SG !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.=a 'ei2"%our (e S: acBuisitio$ ca!a%i it7 )$u9erated (TRU))



Su!!ort 3or dua ce 1it" M:M6 o!eratio$ i$ di33ere$t %a$ds

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

)$u9erated (TRU))

TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) su!!orts t"e e.te$ded 9easure9e$t ide$tit7 ra$2e 1/ to 32. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort dua ce 1it" M:M6 o!eratio$ i$ di33ere$t %a$ds



U) %ased $et1or> !er3or9a$ce 9easure9e$ts !ara9eters

C$not*iRAT* HoInfo

Su!!ort o3 UTR#' #'R


U) %ased $et1or> !er3or9a$ce 9easure9e$ ts !ara9eters )$u9erated (TRU))


T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need HoInfo :MS Voice ca!a%i it7 Mu ti3 o1 ca!a%i it7 Su!!ort o3 M#(-e"s 1i$do1 siQe e.te$sio$ C$not*iRAT* HoInfo C$not*iRAT* HoInfo 6P

+!" /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort UTR#' #'R. $ersion

&or 1.2= Mc!s R)L-T44 o$ 7, t"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort :) @M#(e"s 1i$do1 siQe e.te$sio$@. 'ote ,. Su!!ort o3 UM RL( reC$)$u9erated T"e a%se$ce o3 R)L-10 esta% is"9e$t 5ia not*iRAT* (TRU)) t"is :) i$dicates reco$3i2uratio$ HoInfo t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort UM RL( reesta% is"9e$t 5ia reco$3i2uratio$. Su!!ort o3 <S-4P((< !o1er C$)$u9erated T"e a%se$ce o3 R)L-11 o33set e.te$sio$ not*iRAT* (TRU)) t"is :) i$dicates HoInfo t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort t"e <S-4P((< !o1er o33set e.te$sio$. Su!!ort o3 STT4 o$ 4L (o$tro C$)$u9erated T"e a%se$ce o3 R)L-11 ("a$$e s 1"e$ Mu ti3 o1 not*iRAT* (TRU)) t"is :) i$dicates o!eratio$ is acti5e HoInfo t"at a Mu ti3 o1 ca!a% e U) does $ot su!!ort STT4 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s (<SS((<, &-4P(<, )-#G(<, )-<:(<, )-RG(<, &TP:(<) 1"e$ Mu ti3 o1 o!eratio$ is acti5e. Su!!ort o3 $o$-recta$2u ar C$)$u9erated &or 1.2= Mc!s R)L-12 resource a ocatio$ not*iRAT* (TRU)) T44 o$ 7.T"e HoInfo a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort t"e $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$. 'ote 1* T"e seco$d e$tit7 o3 t"e @R& ca!a%i it7 T44@ is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e* i3 %ot" T44 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s a$d T44 1.2= Mc!s are su!!orted, t"e @R& ca!a%i it7 T44 1.2= Mc!s@ e$tit7 s"a %e used 3or T44 1.2= Mc!sU t"e @U) !o1er c ass@ i$ t"e @R& ca!a%i it7 T44@ e$tit7 s"a a!! 7 3or %ot" c"i! rates. 'ote 2* &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, U) su!!orti$2 )-4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode a 1a7s su!!orts <S-P4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< state a$d ()LL;&#(< <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$. 'ote 3* T1o $o$-adKace$t carriers ca$ %e i$ t"e sa9e %a$d or i$ t1o di33ere$t %a$ds. 'ote ,* T"is :) s"ou d a 1a7s %e set to OTRU)P i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$.

:MS Voice ca!a%i it7,% U) Mu ti3 o1 ca!a%i it7 )$u9erated (TRU))



Release ! Condition not*rrc*connectionSetupComplete not*iRAT*HoInfo iRAT*HoInfo Dual*Cell*HSDPA*supported


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a . T"e :) is o!tio$a i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 4ua -(e <S4P# is su!!orted. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a .


U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( R--, R)L-,, R)L-5, R)L-6, R)L-/, R)L-=, R)L--, R)L-10, R)L-11, R)L-12) 866L)#' R& ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description / s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion R)L-5 R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-R)L-10 R)L-11 R)L-12 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #ccess stratu9 re ease i$dicator

Tota #M RL( %u33er siQe e.ceeds 10 >87te R& ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed Su!!ort 3or S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11%is M#(-e"s su!!ort



Securit7 ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$


)$u9erated (TRU))

G#'SS su!!ort i$dicatio$


)$u9erated (TRU))

T"e :) s"a %e !rese$t a$d set to TRU) T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts M#(-e"s, t"e use o3 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #M, octet a i2$ed tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e a$d di33ere$t <SS((<s i$ co$ti2uous TT:s. #%se$t i3 eit"er M#(-e"s, octet a i2$ed tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e or t"e use o3 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #M or di33ere$t <S-S((<s i$ co$ti2uous TT:s are $ot su!!orted TRU) i$dicates U) securit7 ca!a%i ities %e7o$d R-reBuire9e$ts, see TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) su!!orts




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+!) /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description G#'SS $ersion

10.3.3.,2oa U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 2

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &44 !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 3or <S-P4S(<0)-4(< N4L ca!a%i it7 1it" si9u ta$eous <S-4S(< co$3i2uratio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description #%se$t i3 <SP4S(< a$d )4(< are $ot su!!orted U$it* >%!s. T"is :) is a 1a7s reBuired, %ut t"e $eed is set to 6P to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 #s de3i$ed i$ I35J Va ues 13...6, are s!are. $ersion R)L-6


)$u9erated (32, 6,, 12=, 3=,)


N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2 N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3 N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ , N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 5 N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 6 N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ / N<S-4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ = N(<6:() Su!!ort o3 )-4(< NNSu!!orted NNN)-4(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 NNN)-4(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ NNN)-4(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 2 NNN)-4(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 e.te$sio$ 3 NNU$su!!orted

MP 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P MP MP 6P 6P 6P

:$te2er (1..6,) :$te2er (1..20) :$te2er (21..2,) :$te2er (25..2=) :$te2er (2-,30) :$te2er (31,32) :$te2er (33,3,) :$te2er (35,36) :$te2er (3/,3=)

R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-R)L-11 R)L-6

.s defined in D39E.
See 'ote 1.

.s defined in D39E.
See 'ote 2. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 3. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote ,. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 5. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote 6. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote /. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. See 'ote =.

:$te2er (1..16) :$te2er (/) :$te2er (=..-) :$te2er(10..12)

#s de3i$ed i$ I35J #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. #s de3i$ed i$ I35J. ($o data)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort 3or &-4P(< Need 6P

+!* /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e :) s"a %e set to TRU) 1"e$ &4P(< is 3u 7 su!!orted %7 t"e U). #%se$ce o3 t"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$dicates t"at &-4P(< is $ot 3u 7 su!!orted T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <SS((< ess <S4S(< o!eratio$. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort e$"a$ced &-4P(< T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <SP4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort <SP4S(< i$ $eit"er ()LL;P(< $or UR#;P(< states. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 4P((< 4isco$ti$uous Tra$s9issio$ T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort S ot &or9at [, T"e :) i$dicates t"e U)Ss su!!ort 3or (S Voice o5er <SP#, i3 set. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2 is $ot su!!orted. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2 is su!!orted %7 t"e U). $ersion R)L-6 R)L-/

<S-S((< ess <S-4S(< o!eratio$ su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


)$"a$ced &-4P(< su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;&#(<


)$u9erated (TRU))


<S-P4S(< i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(<


)$u9erated (TRU))


4P((< 4isco$ti$uous Tra$s9issio$ su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


S ot &or9at [, su!!ort


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort 3or (S Voice o5er <SP#


)$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort 3or )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is Need 6P

+!+ /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M#(i0is o!eratio$. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e M:M6 ca!a% e U) does $ot su!!ort TA di5ersit7 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s (<S-S((<, &4P(<, )-#G(<, )-<:(<, )-RG(<) 1"e$ M:M6 is acti5e, P-(P:(< is co$3i2ured o$ a$te$$a 1, a$d S(P:(< o$ a$te$$a 2. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e M:M6 ca!a% e U) does $ot su!!ort TA di5ersit7 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s (<S-S((<, &4P(<, )-#G(<, )-<:(<, )-RG(<, &-TP:(<) 1"e$ M:M6 is acti5e, P(P:(< is co$3i2ured o$ a$te$$a 1, a$d S(P:(< o$ a$te$$a 2. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort t"e <S-4P((< !o1er o33set e.te$sio$. $ersion R)L-=

Su!!ort o3 TA 4i5ersit7 o$ 4L (o$tro ("a$$e s %7 M:M6 (a!a% e U) 1"e$ M:M6 o!eratio$ is acti5e


)$u9erated (TRU))



Su!!ort o3 <S-4P((< !o1er o33set e.te$sio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


'OT2 ,P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when M.1?ehs is confi ured. 'OT2 *P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when dual cell operation is confi ured. 'OT2 3P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when dual cell operation with M&MO on adjacent freAuencies or in different bands is confi ured. 'OT2 8P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when it is confi ured with multi?cell operation on three cells. 'OT2 9P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when it is confi ured with multi?cell operation on four cells. 'OT2 =P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when it is confi ured with multi?cell operation on five or si( cells. 'OT2 <P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when it is confi ured with multi?cell operation on seven or ei ht cells.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 ;P This &2 corresponds to the F"?:"1F cate ory supported by the 32 when M&MO mode with four transmit antennas operation is confi ured.

10.3.3.,2o% U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 1.2= Mc!s T44 !"7sica c"a$$e ca!a%i it7 3or <S-P4S(<0)-4(< NSu!!ort o3 S& Mode &or <SP4S(< dua strea9 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description #%se$t i3 <SP4S(< a$d )4(< are $ot su!!orted &or,1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M:M6. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort )-4(< e$"a$ced ra$do9 access i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort M#(i0is o!eratio$. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA o!eratio$ &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort SPS o!eratio$. as de3i$ed i$ I22J. $ersion R)L-=


)$u9erated (S&1, S&10S&16)


Su!!ort o3 co99o$ )-4(<


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 M#(-i0is


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA o!eratio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


Su!!ort o3 SPS o!eratio$


)$u9erated (TRU))


Radio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds e.te$sio$ ist NRadio 3reBue$c7 %a$ds e.t


1 to M9a.&re B8a$dsT 44-e.tN )$u9erated (e, 3, 2, ", i, K, >, , 9, $, o, !)


'6T) 1* '6T) 2* '6T) 3* '6T) ,*

as de3i$ed i$ I22J. R)L-= 8a$d 2 to %a$d ! are reser5ed 3or 3uture use. # U)s su!!orti$2 <S-4S(< s"ou d si2$a a cate2or7 %et1ee$ 1 a$d 15 3or t"is :) e5e$ i3 t"e U) !"7sica ca!a%i it7 cate2or7 is a%o5e 15. T"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e <S-4S(< cate2or7 su!!orted %7 t"e U) 1"e$ M#(-e"s is $ot co$3i2ured. T"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e <S-4S(< cate2or7 su!!orted %7 t"e U) 1"e$ M#(-e"s is co$3i2ured. # U)s su!!orti$2 9u ti-carrier <S-4S(< s"ou d si2$a a cate2or7 %et1ee$ 1 a$d 1= 3or t"is :) e5e$ i3 t"e U) !"7sica ca!a%i it7 cate2or7 is a%o5e 1=. T"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e 9u ti-carrier <S-4S(< cate2or7 su!!orted %7 t"e U) 1"e$ M#(-e"s is $ot co$3i2ured. T"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e 9u ti-carrier <S-4S(< cate2or7 su!!orted %7 t"e U) 1"e$ M#(-e"s is co$3i2ured.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$

Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.&re B%a$ds& 44N 1 to M9a.&re B%a$ds& 442N 1 to M9a.&re B%a$ds& 443N )$u9erated(8a $d :, 8a$d ::, 8a$d :::, 8a$d V:, 8a$d :V, 8a$d V, 8a$d V::, e.te$sio$ i$dicator) )$u9erated(8a $d V:::, 8a$d :A, 8a$d A, 8a$d A:, 8a$d A::, 8a$d A:::, 8a$d A:V, 8a$d A:A, 8a$d AA:, 8a$d AA, 8a$d AA::, e.te$sio$ :$dicator) T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e $et1or> s"ou d i2$ore t"e e$tr7 t"at i$c udes t"e Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS. $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7 ist



N&reBue$c7 %a$d


N&reBue$c7 %a$d 2


N&reBue$c7 %a$d 3


)$u9erated (8a$d AAV, 8a$d AAV:, e.te$sio$ :$dicator)

NR& ca!a%i it7 &44 e.te$sio$


R& ca!a%i it7 &44 e.te$sio$

T"e setti$2 o3 t"e 5a ue Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS %7 t"e U) is $ot s!eci3ied i$ t"e s!eci3icatio$. T"is :) i$dicates t"e su!!orted 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 8a$d V::: a$d %e7o$d. T"e setti$2 o3 t"e 5a ue Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS %7 t"e U) is $ot s!eci3ied i$ t"e s!eci3icatio$. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded T"is :) i$dicates t"e su!!orted 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 8a$d AA::: a$d %e7o$d. T"e setti$2 o3 t"e 5a ue Te.te$sio$ i$dicatorS %7 t"e U) is $ot s!eci3ied i$ t"e s!eci3icatio$. Si.t7 6$e s!are 5a ues are $eeded t"e de3au t 5a ues are t"e sa9e 5a ues as i$ t"e i99ediate 7 !recedi$2 :) @R& ca!a%i it7 &44 e.te$sio$@U t"e 3irst occurre$ce is MP

R)L-5 R)L-6



NMeasure9e$t ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


Measure9e$t ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N#dditio$a Seco$dar7 (e s Need 6P

+3! /ulti

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T4pe and reference )$u9erated(a1, a2) Se2antics description T"e $u9%er o3 additio$a seco$dar7 ser5i$2 ce s su!!orted %7 t"e U). T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ t"ree ce s or 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ 3our ce s. T"e $u9%er o3 additio$a seco$dar7 ser5i$2 ce s su!!orted %7 t"e U). T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ 3i5e ce s or 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ si. ce s or 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ se5e$ ce s or 9u ti-ce o!eratio$ o$ ei2"t ce s. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) su!!orts t"e $o$co$ti2uous 9u tice <S4P# o!eratio$ o$ t1o, t"ree or 3our ce s. T"is :) i$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s su!!orted i$ $o$co$ti2uous 9u tice o!eratio$. @$c-2c@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 2 ce s. @$c-3c@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 2 a$d 3 ce s. @$c-,c@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 2, 3, a$d , ce s. $ersion R)L-10

N#dditio$a Seco$dar7 (e s 2


)$u9erated( a3, a,, a5, a6)


N'o$-co$ti2uous 9u ti-ce


1 to M9a.'o$ (o$ti2uo usMu ti( e (o9%i $atio$sN )$u9erated($c2c, $c-3c, $c-,c)


NN#22re2ated ce s




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNGa! siQe Need MP

+33 /ulti

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T4pe and reference )$u9erated(3i5e M<Q, te$M<Q, a$7Ga!SiQe) Se2antics description T"is :) i$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 2a! siQe %et1ee$ t"e a22re2ated ce s. @3i5eM<Q@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 5 M<Q 2a! siQe. @te$M<Q@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts 10 M<Q 2a! siQe a$d 5 M<Q 2a! siQe. @a$7Ga!SiQe@ i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts a$7 9u ti! e o3 5 M<Q 2a! siQe. 5 s!are 5a ues are reBuired. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) su!!orts a$ eBua $u9%er o3 co$ti2uous ce s o$ eac" side o3 t"e 2a!. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e carrier co9%i$atio$ (2,2) is $ot su!!orted. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at U) su!!orts a di33ere$t $u9%er o3 co$ti2uous ce s o$ eac" side o3 t"e 2a!. T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at $eit"er t"e carrier co9%i$atio$ (3,1) $or t"e carrier co9%i$atio$ (1,3) are su!!orted. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at u! i$> (LT4 is $ot su!!orted o$ t"is 3reBue$c7 %a$d. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at u! i$> 6LT4 is $ot su!!orted. $ersion R)L-10

NN'o$-co$ti2uous 9u ti-ce (o9%i$atio$ (2,2)


)$u9erated(TR U))


NN'o$-co$ti2uous 9u ti-ce (o9%i$atio$ (3,1) (1,3)


)$u9erated(TR U))


NSu!!ort o3 u! i$> c osed oo! tra$s9it di5ersit7


)$u9erated(TR U))


NSu!!ort o3 u! i$> o!e$ oo! tra$s9it di5ersit7 NMu ti3 o1 !er %a$d ca!a%i it7


)$u9erated(TR U)) Mu ti3 o1 !er %a$d ca!a%i t7





Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NSu!!ort o3 U! i$> M:M6 Need 6P

+3' /ulti

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T4pe and reference )$u9erated(TR U)) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at UL M:M6 is $ot su!!orted i$ t"is 3reBue$c7 %a$d. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as is $ot su!!orted o$ t"is 3reBue$c7 %a$d. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e 3reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode 3or $o$co$ti2uous o!eratio$ is $ot su!!orted i$ t"is %a$d. $ersion R)L-11

NM:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !er %a$d ca!a%i it7


)$u9erated(TR U))


N&reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode 3or $o$-co$ti2uous o!eratio$


)$u9erated(TR U))


Condition "C--C

1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e :) @a22re2ated ce s@ is set to @$c,c@. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. G"e$ t"e :) @a22re2ated ce s@ is set to @$c-,c@, at east o$e o3 t"e o!tio$a :) s"a %e i$c uded.


U) securit7 i$3or9atio$

3pon receivin a 32 information reAuest from another system- the 32 shall indicate the reAuested security information. The 32 security information includes the followin //1 information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 01 infor2ation ele2ents ST#RT-(S Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference ST#RT Se2antics description ST#RT 5a ues to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.


U) securit7 i$3or9atio$2

3pon receivin a 32 information reAuest from another system- the 32 shall indicate the reAuested security information. The 32 security information includes the followin //1 information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ST#RT-PS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference ST#RT Se2antics description ST#RT 5a ues to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$. $ersion Re -6


U) Ti9ers a$d (o$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode

This information element specifies timer? and constants values used by the 32 in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T301 Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(10 0, 200 .. 2000 %7 ste! o3 200, 3000, Se2antics description Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2000. T"is :) s"ou d $ot %e used %7 t"e U) i$ t"is re ease o3 t"e !rotoco . 6$e s!are 5a ue is $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

+3" T4pe and reference ,000, 6000, =000) :$te2er(0.. /) :$te2er(10 0, 200... 2000 %7 ste! o3 200, 3000, ,000, 6000, =000) :$te2er(0.. /) :$te2er(10 0, 200, ,00, 1000, 2000) :$te2er(0.. /) :$te2er(5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 360, /20, i$3i$it7) :$te2er(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, ,0, 50) :$te2er(,0 , =0, 160, 320) :$te2er(1 X=) :$te2er(,0 .. 320 %7 ste! o3 ,0) :$te2er(0 . . /) :$te2er(25 0 .. 2000 %7 ste! o3 250) :$te2er (0..15)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $eeded. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2. T"is :) s"ou d $ot %e used %7 t"e U) i$ t"is re ease o3 t"e !rotoco . Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is ,000. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. $ersion





'302 T30,

M4 M4

4e3au t 5a ue is 3. Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2000. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2.. Va ue i$ 9i$utes. 4e3au t 5a ue is 30. :$3i$it7 9ea$s $o u!date Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 30. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 160. Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 5. Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 160. 4e3au t 5a ue is ,. Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2000. Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. T"e 5a ue 0 is $ot used i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1.

'30, T305

M4 M4



T30= T30T310

M4 M4 M4

'310 T311

M4 M4





T313 '313

M4 M4

:$te2er (1, 2, ,, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, ,00, 600, =00, 1000) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (1, 2, ,, 10, 20, 50,

Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 3. 4e3au t 5a ue is 20.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T31, Need M4 /ulti

+3( T4pe and reference 100, 200) :$te2er(0, 2, ,, 6, =, 12, 16, 20) :$te2er (0,10, 30, 60, 1=0, 600, 1200, 1=00) :$te2er (1, 2, ,, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, ,00, 600, =00, 1000) :$te2er(0, 10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, i$3i$it7) )$u9erat ed (i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7, i$3i$it7) )$u9erat ed (0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, -0, 120)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 12. Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1=0. $ersion





4e3au t 5a ue is 1.



Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 30. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. 4e3au t 5a ue is i$3i$it7. # t"e 5a ues are c"a$2ed to @i$3i$it7@ i$ t"e Re -5.


M4 R)L-5



Va ue i$ seco$ds. T"e use o3 0secs i$dicates $o $eed to a!! 7 t"e i$"i%it ti9er. See 'ote 1


'OT2 ,P &f T3*3 is confi ured or cleared via non?critical e(tensions of 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O' messa e- 3T/.' should e(plicitly si nal the other timers and constants in the same messa e. Otherwise the T3*3 confi uration chan e is not applied to 32.


U) Ti9ers a$d (o$sta$ts i$ id e 9ode

This information element specifies timer? and constant values used by the 32 in idle mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T300 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(100, 200... 2000 %7 ste! o3 200, 3000, ,000, 6000, =000) :$te2er(0../) Se2antics description Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1000. Use o3 4e3au t is descri%ed i$ 10.2.,=.=., a$d i$ 10.2.,=.=.16. 4e3au t 5a ue is 3. Use o3 4e3au t is descri%ed i$ 10.2.,=.=., a$d i$ 10.2.,=.=.16. Va ue i$ seco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. Use o3 4e3au t is descri%ed i$ 10.2.,=.=., a$d i$





:$te2er(0 .. 15)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+3) /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 10.2.,=.=.16. T"e 5a ue 0 is $ot used i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. Use o3 4e3au t is descri%ed i$ 10.2.,=.=., a$d i$ 10.2.,=.=.16.



:$te2er (1, 2, ,, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, ,00, 600, =00, 1000)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 ca!a%i it7


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Sta$da o$e ocatio$ 9et"od(s) su!!orted Need MP /ulti

+3+ T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3i$es i3 a U) ca$ 9easure its ocatio$ %7 so9e 9ea$s u$re ated to UTR#' TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted 4e3i$es i3 t"e U) su!!orts $et1or> %ased or U) %ased GPS 9et"ods. $ersion

U) %ased 6T46# su!!orted 'et1or> #ssisted GPS su!!ort


8oo ea$ )$u9erat ed (L'et1or> %asedL, LU) %asedL, L8ot"L, L'o$eL) 1 to M9a.G# 'SSN )$u9erat ed( S8#S, Moder$iQ ed;GPS, EVSS, GL6'#S S, 84S)

'et1or> #ssisted G#'SS su!!ort List NG#'SS :4

(Vnot*iRA T*HoInf o 6P

#%se$t i3 G#'SS is $ot su!!orted #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. )i2"t s!are 5a ues $eeded. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. &our s!are 5a ues $eeded.


R)L-/ R)L-=

NS8#S :4s


8it Stri$2(=)

NG#'SS 9ode


NG#'SS Si2$a :4


)$u9erat ed (L'et1or> %asedL, LU) %asedL, L8ot"L, L'o$eL) 10.3.3.,5 a

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. T"ree s!are 5a ues $eeded. 4e3i$es t"e s!eci3ic S8#S(s) su!!orted. T"is is re!rese$ted usi$2 a %it stri$2 1it" o$e %it !er S8#S as de3i$ed i$ '6T) 1 1"ere a o$e 5a ue i$dicates su!!ort a$d a Qero 5a ue $o su!!ort. 4e3i$es i3 t"e U) su!!orts $et1or> %ased or U) %ased G#'SS 9et"ods

R)L-12 R)L-=


#%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s t"e de3au t 5a ue as de3i$ed i$ 10.3.3.,5a 3or t"e G#'SS ide$ti3ied %7 G#'SS :4.



Release ! NG#'SS Si2$a :4s 6P

+'% 8it Stri$2(=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 4e3i$es i3 a U) "as t"e ca!a%i it7 to !er3or9 9easure9e$ts o$ 9ore t"a$ o$e G#'SS si2$a a$d 1"ic" si2$a s are su!!orted. T"is is re!rese$ted usi$2 a %it stri$2 1it" o$e %it !er si2$a as de3i$ed i$ '6T) 2 1"ere a o$e 5a ue i$dicates su!!ort a$d a Qero 5a ue $o su!!ort. 4e3i$es i3 a U) "as t"e ca!a%i it7 to !er3or9 t"e U) G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es 9easure9e$t. TRU) 9ea$s ca!a% e 4e3i$es i3 a U) "as t"e ca!a%i it7 to !er3or9 t"e U) G#'SS (arrierP"ase Measure9e$t. TRU) 9ea$s ca!a% e #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s $ot su!!orted a$d !rese$ce 9ea$s t"e U) su!!orts assista$ce data c"oices i$ 3or9ats $ot de3i$ed i$ t"e :(4 o3 a !articu ar G#'SS. Mu ti! e c"oices 3or assista$ce data e e9e$ts de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.=-a, 10.3./.-,a0%, 10.3./.-/d. TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) su!!orts G#'SS 4e3i$es i3 a U) "as t"e ca!a%i it7 to !er3or9 t"e U) GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es 9easure9e$t I/J. TRU) 9ea$s ca!a% e 4e3i$es i3 a U) "as t"e ca!a%i it7 to use :P4L to e$"a$ce its LS&'S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce Rt7!e 2L 9easure9e$t. TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted TRU) 9ea$s su!!orted R)L-=

NSu!!ort 3or G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es 9easure9e$t


8oo ea$


NSu!!ort 3or G#'SS (arrier-P"ase Measure9e$t NSu!!ort 3or $o$-$ati5e assista$ce c"oices


8oo ea$



)$u9erat ed (TRU))


G#'SS su!!ort i$dicatio$ Su!!ort 3or GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es 9easure9e$t

(ViRAT*H oInfo MP

)$u9erat ed (TRU)) 8oo ea$


Su!!ort 3or :P4L


8oo ea$

Su!!ort 3or R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e2 9easure9e$t Su!!ort 3or UP assisted GPS 9easure9e$t 5a idit7 i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< states Su!!ort 3or S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 9easure9e$t

MP (VGPSsu! !orted 6P

8oo ea$ )$u9erat ed (TRU)) )$u9erat ed (TRU))

#%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s $ot su!!orted a$d !rese$ce 9ea$s su!!orted.


Release ! Condition PSsupported not*iRAT*HoInfo iRAT*HoInfo A"SS- ID-S+AS


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) O'et1or> #ssisted GPS su!!ortP is set to L'et1or> %asedL, LU) %asedL or L8ot"L. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded. T"ese :)s are $ot $eeded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, t"e7 are o!tio$a 7 !rese$t. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OG#'SS :4P is OS8#SP a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

'OT2 ,P 1odin of "0." &:sP

5it (/S5) G##S 5it ! )G'6S 5it 3 MS#S S5AS :3s 5it Strin-(*) 5it ' 5it " G#G#' 5it ( 5it ) 5it * (7S5) -

'OT2 *P 1odin of G.'"" "i nal &:sP

GANSS Ga i eo Moder$iQed GPS S8#S EVSS GL6'#SS 84S 5it (/S5) )1 L1( L1 EVS-L1 G1 81: 5it ! )5a L2( EVS-L1( G2 GANSS Si-nal :3s 5it Strin-(*) 5it 3 5it ' 5it " 5it ( )5% L5 EVS-L2( G3 )6 EVS-L5 )5a+)5% 5it ) 5it * (7S5) -


G#'SS Si2$a :d

The G.'"" "i nal &: encodes the identification of the si nal for each G.'"". &t depends on the G.'"" &d.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS Si2$a :de$tit7 !er Si2$a :d Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :'T)G)R (0../) Se2antics description See '6T) 1 R)L-/ $ersion

'OT2 ,P


Release ! GANSS :d 4e3au t* Ga i eo $alue 4e3au t Va ue 0 1 2 3 ,-/ 4e3au t Va ue 0 1 2-/ 4e3au t Va ue 0-/ 4e3au t Va ue 0 1 2 3-/ 4e3au t Va ue 0 1 2-/ 4e3au t Va ue 0-/

+'! 1Dplanation Ga i eo )1 Ga i eo )5# Ga i eo )58 Ga i eo )6 Ga i eo )5# + )58 Reser5ed GPS L1( GPS L2( GPS L5 Reser5ed L1 Reser5ed EVS-L1 EVS-L1( EVS-L2( EVS-L5 Reser5ed GL6'#SS G1 GL6'#SS G2 GL6'#SS G3 Reser5ed 81: Reser5ed

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $ersion R)L-/

Moder$iQed GPS







UR# u!date cause

&ndicates the cause for s 3/. update.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UR# u!date cause Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( c"a$2e o3 UR#, !eriodic UR# u!date) Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.



The 3?/'T& (3T/.' /adio 'etwor# Temporary &dentity) is allocated to a 32 havin a //1 connection and identifies the 32 within 3T/.'.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e SR'( ide$tit7 Need MP

+'3 /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(12)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e SR'( :4 u$iBue i$ PLM' is e$coded to SR'( ide$tit7 :) i$ desce$di$2 order 3ro9 %31 . T"e %31 is t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it. :3 t"e SR'( :4 is 9ore t"a$ 12 %its as de3i$ed i$ I5/J, t"e re9ai$i$2 %its are i$c uded as 9ost si2$i3ica$t %its o3 S-R'T: :). &3 t"e U) :4 u$iBue i$ SR'S e$coded i$ S-R'T: :) is 9ore t"a$ 20 %its as de3i$ed i$ I5/J, t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %its are i$c uded as t"e east si2$i3ica$t %its o3 SR'( :4. T"e U) :4 u$iBue i$ SR'S is e$coded to t"e S-R'T: :) i$ desce$di$2 order.



%it stri$2(20)

:3 t"e S-R'T: :) is 9ore t"a$ 20 %its as de3i$ed i$ I5/J, t"e re9ai$i$2 %its are i$c uded as t"e east si2$i3ica$t %its o3 SR'( :4. :3 t"e SR'( :4 is 9ore t"a$ 12 %its as de3i$ed i$ I5/J, SR'T: i$c ude %ot" !art o3 t"e SR'( :4 a$d t"e U):4. T"e east si2$i3ica$t %its e$code t"e U)-:4 to t"e SR'T: :) i$ desce$di$2 order. T"e %0 is t"e east
si2$i3ica$t %it.


U-R'T: 2rou!

The 3?/'T& roup is used to identify a roup of 32s havin an //1 connection.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() group discrimimator N# NU-R'T: 9as> NNU-R'T: Need MP ($o data) MP U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ T"e %its t"at are ess si2$i3ica$t t"a$ t"e %it !ositio$ i$dicated %7 t"e U-R'T: %it 9as> i$de. s"a %e i2$ored. Va ues %1 to %31 i$dicate %it !ositio$s i$ t"e SR'T: a$d i$ t"e SR'( ide$tit7. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

NNU-R'T: %it 9as> i$de.


)$u9erated( %1, %2,..%31)



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U-R'T: S"ort

The 3?/'T& (3T/.' /adio 'etwor# Temporary &dentity) is allocated to a 32 havin a //1 connection and identifies the 32 within 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e SR'( ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference %it stri$2(12) Se2antics description T"e SR'( ide$tit7 %its are $u9%ered %20 to %31, 1"ere %20 is t"e east si2$i3ica$t %it. :3 t"e SR'( :4 is 9ore t"a$ 12 %its as de3i$ed i$ I5/J, t"e re9ai$i$2 %its are i$c uded as 9ost si2$i3ica$t %its o3 S-R'T: 2 :). T"e U) :4 is e$coded i$ SR'T: 2 i$ desce$di$2 order. :3

S-R'T: 2


%it stri$2(10)

t"e SR'( :4 is 9ore t"a$ 12 %its as de3i$ed i$ I5/J, SR'T: i$c ude %ot" !art o3 t"e SR'( :4 a$d t"e U):4. T"e east si2$i3ica$t %its e$code t"e U)-:4 to t"e SR'T: :) i$ desce$di$2 order. T"e %0 is t"e east
si2$i3ica$t %it.


UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t

. coefficient in the formula to count the pa in occasions to be used by a specific 32 (specified in D8E).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t 2 Need MP M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(3...-) :$te2er(3..-) Se2antics description Re3ers to L>L i$ t"e 3or9u a as s!eci3ied i$ I,J, 4isco$ti$uous rece!tio$ Re3ers to L>L i$ t"e 3or9u a as s!eci3ied i$ I,J, 4isco$ti$uous rece!tio$. T"e de3au t 5a ue is Osa9e as 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$tP. Va ues i$ 9i iseco$ds. T"e de3au t 5a ue is 0 9s. $ersion


Ti9e 3or 4RA c7c e 2


:$te2er(=0, 160, 320, 6,0, 12=0, 2560, 5120)


Gait ti9e

Cait time defines the time period the 32 has to wait before repeatin the rejected procedure.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Gait ti9e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. 15) Se2antics description Gait ti9e i$ seco$ds T"e 5a ue 0 i$dicates t"at re!etitio$ is $ot a o1ed. Gait ti9e s"ou d %e set to Qero i3 t"e :) @).te$ded Gait Ti9e@ is !rese$t i$ t"e RR( (o$$ectio$ ReKect 9essa2e.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 id e

This &2 indicates the 32 conformance typically for //1 connection establishment from idle mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 id e Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference %it stri$2(,) Se2antics description

U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T

This &2 indicates the 32 conformance typically for //1 connection establishment from another /.T.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference %it stri$2(=) Se2antics description

U) %ased $et1or> !er3or9a$ce 9easure9e$ts !ara9eters

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) does $ot su!!ort o22ed 9easure9e$ts i$ :d e 9ode, UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< states. $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :d e P(<

10.3., Radio 8earer :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts


(o99o$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o

7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.

. multiple(in option between a lo ical channel and a M.1?ehs Aueue.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Lo2ica c"a$$e ide$tit7 M#(-e"s Bueue ide$tit7 Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..15) M#(-e"s Eueue :d 10.3.5./3 Se2antics description 'ote $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/


the &2 H5o ical channel identityH conveys the value to be used in the H51F?&:H field of the M.1?ehs header D,9E associated with the M.1?ehs reorderin Aueue identified by the &2 HM.1?ehs Aueue identityH.


4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7

This information element identifies a default radio parameter confi uration. The correspondin default confi urations are specified in subclause ,3.<.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 Need MP

+'( /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..10, 11, 13, 12, 1,, 15, 16 1/,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description See '6T) 1 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ :4 2 is $ot used. $ersion

R)L-, R)L-5 R)L-6

1=..22, 23, 2,, 25..31)

Used o$ 7 i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ Setu! 9essa2e. See '6T) 1 Used o$ 7 i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ Setu! 9essa2e.


R)L-6 R)L-R)L-10 R)L-10

Reser5ed 3or 3uture e.te$sio$ '6T) 1* &or T44, de3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tities 0, 1, 5, 6, / a$d 22 are o$ 7 5a id 3ro9 R)L-10.

10.3.,.0a 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(<

This information element identifies a default radio parameter confi uration for 1255G7.1F. The correspondin default confi urations are specified in subclause ,3.;.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 9ode Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (&44, T44) Se2antics description :$dicates 1"et"er t"e &44 or T44 5ersio$ o3 t"e de3au t co$3i2uratio$ s"a %e used Reser5ed 3or 3uture e.te$sio$ $ersion R)L-=

4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 3or ()LL;&#(<


:$te2er (0, 1..15)

R)L-= R)L-=


4o1$ i$> RL( ST#TUS i$3o

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(10..5 50 %7 ste! o3 10, 550..1000 %7 ste! o3 50) 8oo ea$ Se2antics description Mi$i9u9 ti9e i$ 9s %et1ee$ ST#TUS re!orts Va ue TRU) i$dicates t"at U) s"ou d se$d a ST#TUS re!ort 3or eac" 9issi$2 P4U t"at is detected Ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9er;Status;Pro"i%it

Missi$2 P4U :$dicator






:$te2er(100, 200, 300, ,00, 500, /50, 1000, 2000) :$te2er(50,1 00,150,200,, 00,600,=00,1 000)

Ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds 3or 1"ic" a U) s"ou d 1ait u!o$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+') /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $ersion


Se2antics description e$cou$teri$2 a 2a! i$ t"e RL( seBue$ce $u9%ers. '6T)1. :3 t"is :) is i$c uded 3or SR80 or SR81, t"e$ t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. Condition


1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e Mu ti3 o1 o!eratio$ is co$3i2ured, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


P4(P co$te.t re ocatio$ i$3o

This information element indicates that the header compression conte(t relocation is to be performed durin "/'" relocation for the iven radio bearer.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 4o1$ i$> R&( 30-5 co$te.t re ocatio$ i$dicatio$ Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s R&( 30-5 co$te.t re ocatio$ is !er3or9ed i$ do1$ i$> TRU) 9ea$s R&( 30-5 co$te.t re ocatio$ is !er3or9ed i$ u! i$> $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5

U! i$> R&( 30-5 co$te.t re ocatio$ i$dicatio$


8oo ea$



P4(P i$3o

The purpose of the P:1P info &2 is to indicate which al orithms shall be established and to confi ure the parameters of each of the al orithms.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort 3or oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ or 3or oss ess 4L RL( P4U siQe c"a$2e Ma. P4(P S' 1i$do1 siQe Need (VLosslessCr iteria (VLossless /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ )$u9erated(s $255, s$65535) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s su!!ort Ma.i9u9 P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er 1i$do1 siQe. T"e "a$d i$2 o3 seBue$ce $u9%er 1"e$ t"e Ma. P4(P S' 1i$do1 siQe is 255 is s!eci3ied i$ I23J. G"et"er a P4(P P4U "eader is e.iste$t or $ot. $ersio n

P4(P P4U "eader <eader co9!ressio$ i$3or9atio$

MP 6P 1 to M9a.P4( P# 2oT7! eN

)$u9erated (!rese$t, a%se$t)

N(<6:() algorithm type NNR&( 250/


'ote 1 <eader co9!ressio$ accordi$2 to :)T& sta$dard R&(


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN&;M#A;P)R:64 Need M4

+'* /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..65535)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 250/ Lar2est $u9%er o3 co9!ressed $o$T(P "eaders t"at 9a7 %e se$t 1it"out se$di$2 a 3u "eader. 4e3au t 5a ue is 256. (o9!ressed "eaders 9a7 $ot %e se$t 9ore t"a$ &;M#A;T:M) seco$ds a3ter se$di$2 ast 3u "eader. 4e3au t 5a ue is 5. T"e ar2est "eader siQe i$ octets t"at 9a7 %e co9!ressed. 4e3au t 5a ue is 16=. Ma.i9u9 (:4 5a ue 3or T(P co$$ectio$s. 4e3au t 5a ue is 15. Ma.i9u9 (:4 5a ue 3or $o$-T(P co$$ectio$s. 4e3au t 5a ue is 15. G"et"er t"e a 2orit"9 s"a reorder P4(P S4Us or $ot. 4e3au t 5a ue is @reorderi$2 $ot e.!ected@. <eader co9!ressio$ accordi$2 to :)T& R6<( sta$dard I=3J, I=,J. Pro3i es su!!orted %7 %ot" co9!ressor a$d deco9!ressor i$ %ot" U) a$d UTR#'. Pro3i e 0 s"a a 1a7s %e su!!orted. 1 ? 0.0001, 2 ? 0.0002, 3 ? 0.0003 (see I52J) :$dicates t"e $ecessar7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or U! i$>. <i2"est co$te.t :4 $u9%er to %e used %7 t"e U) co9!ressor. 4e3au t 5a ue is $ersio n



:$te2er (1..255)



:$te2er (60..65535)



:$te2er (3..255)



:$te2er (3..65535)



)$u9erated (reorderi$2 $ot e.!ected, reorderi$2 e.!ected)

NNR&( 30-5


NNNPro3i es


1 to M9a.R6 <(Pro3i esN


NNNNPro3i e i$sta$ce NNNU! i$>


:$te2er(1.. 3)

R)L-, R)L-,



:$te2er (1.. 163=3)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN4o1$ i$> Need 6P

+'+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersio n R)L-,

15. :$dicates t"e $ecessar7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or 4o1$ i$>. NNNNMa.;(:4 M4 :$te2er (1.. <i2"est co$te.t :4 163=3) $u9%er to %e used %7 t"e U) deco9!ressor. 4e3au t 5a ue is 15. NNNNRe5erse;4eco9!ressio$; M4 :$te2er 4eter9i$es 4e!t" (0..65535) 1"et"er re5erse deco9!ressio$ s"ou d %e used or $ot a$d t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !ac>ets t"at ca$ %e re5erse deco9!ressed %7 t"e U) deco9!ressor. 4e3au t 5a ue is 0 (re5erse deco9!ressio$ s"a $ot %e used). 'ote 1* :3 se5era occurre$ces o3 t"e sa9e a 2orit"9 t7!e are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e :) O"eader co9!ressio$ i$3or9atio$P, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. Condition LosslessCriteria




1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @RL( 9ode@ is @#c>$o1 ed2ed@, t"e :) @:$-seBue$ce de i5er7 @ is TRU) a$d t"e :) @S4U 4iscard Mode@ is @'o discard@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Su!!ort 3or oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ or 3or oss ess RL( P4U siQe c"a$2e@ :s TRU), ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


P4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (6-9ode, R9ode) Se2antics description T"e U) s"a o$ 7 tra$sit to t"e si2$a ed 9ode 3or o!eratio$ o3 R6<( as decri%ed i$ I36J. $ersion R)L-5

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tar2et Mode


P4(P S' i$3o

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..65 535) Se2antics description T"e P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er, 1"ic" t"e se$der o3 t"e 9essa2e is e.!ecti$2 $e.t to %e recei5ed.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Recei5e P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Po i$2 i$3o
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(10..5 50 %7 ste! o3 10, 600..1000 %7 ste! o3 50) :$te2er(10..5 50 %7 ste! o3 10, 600..1000 %7 ste! o3 50) :$te2er(1,2,, ,=,16,32,6,,1 2=) :$te2er(1,,,1 6,6,) 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ :$te2er(50,6 0,/0,=0,=5,0,-5,--) :$te2er(100, 200, 300, ,00, 500, /50, 1000, 2000) Se2antics description Mi$i9u9 ti9e %et1ee$ !o s i$ 9s

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9er;!o ;!ro"i%it



Ti9e i$ 9s.

Po ;P4U Po ;S4U Last tra$s9issio$ P4U !o Last retra$s9issio$ P4U !o Po ;Gi$do1 Ti9er;!o ;!eriodic

6P 6P MP MP 6P 6P

'u9%er o3 P4Us, i$ter5a %et1ee$ !o i$2s 'u9%er o3 S4Us, i$ter5a %et1ee$ !o i$2s TRU) i$dicates t"at !o is 9ade at ast P4U i$ tra$s9issio$ %u33er TRU) i$dicates t"at !o is 9ade at ast P4U i$ retra$s9issio$ %u33er Perce$ta2e o3 tra$s9issio$ 1i$do1, t"res"o d 3or !o i$2 Ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds Ti9er 3or !eriodic !o i$2.


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7

This information element identifies a pre? defined radio parameter confi uration.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Prede3i$ed radio co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..15) Se2antics description


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$

.nother system may provide the 32 with one or more predefined 3T/.' confi urations- comprisin of radio bearertransport channel and physical channel parameters. &f reAuested- the 32 shall indicate the confi urations it has stored. The predefined confi uration status information should include the followin //1 information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R5 infor2ation ele2ents Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s NPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 Need /ulti 9a.Prede3 (o$3i2(ou $t 6P Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 10.3.,.6 T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"e ist is i$ order o3 !reco$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 T"e U) s"a i$c ude t"e 5a ue ta2 i3 it "as stored t"e co$cer$ed co$3i2uratio$

/ulti 5ound Ma.Prede3(o$3i2(ou$t

1Dplanation Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !rede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ co9!ressed

.nother system may provide the 32 with one or more predefined 3T/.' confi urations- comprisin of radio bearertransport channel and physical channel parameters. &f reAuested- the 32 shall indicate the confi urations it has stored. The compressed predefined confi uration status information should include the followin //1 information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Sets 1it" di33ere$t 5a ue ta2s NPre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ set 1it" di33ere$t 5a ue ta2s NNStart !ositio$ Need MP MP M4 1..2 :'T)G)R (0..10) 4e3au t 5a ue is 0, corres!o$di$2 1it" t"e 3irst !rede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$. T"e !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 1"ere t"e co$secuti5e seBue$ce o3 !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s %e2i$s. Va ue Ta2s 3or eac" !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ starti$2 3ro9 t"e o1est. List o3 ot"er !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s $ot i$c uded 1it"i$ t"e Sets 1it" di33ere$t 5a ue ta2s, i$ co$secuti5e order starti$2 1it" t"e o1est. :3 t"ere are stored !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s !ositio$ed a3ter a !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ t"at is $ot stored, t"e U) s"a i$dicate t"e $ot-stored !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ %7 e.! icit 7 i$dicati$2 it to %e a%se$t. :3 t"ere are $o stored !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s !ositio$ed a3ter a !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ t"at is $ot stored, t"e$ t"e U) 9a7 tota 7 o9it t"ese !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s 3ro9 t"e :), i.e. reduce t"e siQe o3 t"e ist to corres!o$d to t"e ast !ositio$ t"at co$tai$ed a stored !rede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$. T"e U) s"a i$c ude t"e 5a ue ta2 i3 it "as stored t"e co$cer$ed co$3i2uratio$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

NNPre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 ist 6t"er )$tries NPre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ist 1it" 5aria% e siQe


6..M9a. Prede3( o$3i2N 1..M9a. Prede3( o$3i2N

Pre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 10.3.,.6



R)L-5 R)L-5

NNPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 10.3.,.6



Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2

This information element is used to identify different versions of a radio bearer confi uration as may be used within one P5M' e. . to support different 3T/.' implementations.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..15 ) Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Prede3i$ed R8 co$3i2uratio$

This information element concerns a pre? defined confi uration of radio bearer parameters
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 01 infor2ation ele2ents Re-esta% is"9e$t ti9er Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference Reesta% is"9e $t ti9er 1 to M9a.SR8s etu!N Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.2, 6$ 7 o$e R#8 su!!orted MP MP 1 to M9a.R8!e rR#8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.20 Se2antics description 6$ 7 o$e R#8 su!!orted

Si-nallin- radio ;earer infor2ation Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! List NSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!


&or eac" si2$a i$2 radio %earer

R5 infor2ation R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!


R#8 i$3o

This &2 contains information used to uniAuely identify a radio access bearer.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 ide$tit7 T4pe and Se2antics description $ersion reference MP R#8 ide$tit7, M8MS Ser5ice :de$tit7 (VM8MS :$c uded 1"e$ esta% is"i$2 a R)L-6 Message ser5ice :4 R8 3or a M8MS ser5ice o3 t"e 10.3.-a.=a %roadcast t7!eU '6T) 1 M8MS Sessio$ ide$tit7 (VM8MS R)L-6 Message Sessio$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 MP (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ :$dicator 6P '#S S7$c"ro$iQat io$ i$dicator 10.3.,.12 Re-esta% is"9e$t ti9er MP Reesta% is"9e $t ti9er '6T) 1* 6$ 7 t"e @M8MS Ser5ice :4@ !art o3 t"e M8MS ser5ice ide$tit7 is si2$a ed i$ t"is :). T"e U) s"ou d co$sider t"at t"e @PLM' ide$tit7@ !art o3 t"e M8MS ser5ice ide$tit7 eBua s t"e PLM' ide$tit7 o3 a$ M8MS ser5ice 1it" t"e sa9e @M8MS Ser5ice :4@ stored i$ t"e 5aria% e #(T:V#T)4;M8MS;S)RV:()S. :3 t"ere is $o suc" M8MS ser5ice or 9ore t"a$ o$e suc" M8MS ser5ice, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. Condition Message 1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ t"e R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP a$d t"e SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6 9essa2es a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. Need /ulti


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


R#8 i$3o Post

This &2 contains information used to uniAuely identify a radio access bearer.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 ide$tit7 (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ :$dicator Need MP MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference R#8 ide$tit7, (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S S7$c"ro$iQat io$ i$dicator 10.3.,.12 Se2antics description


R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or M8MS !t! %earers

Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 M8MS Ser5ice :4 10.3.-a.=a M8MS Sessio$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.Se2antics description :$dicates t"at t"is radio %earer is used 3or a di33ere$t M8MS ser5ice. :$dicates t"at t"is radio %earer is used 3or a di33ere$t sessio$ o3 t"e M8MS ser5ice. $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 M8MS Ser5ice :de$tit7

M8MS Sessio$ :de$tit7




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


R#8 i$3or9atio$ 3or setu!

Need MP (V-CS M4 /ulti T4pe and reference R#8 i$3o 10.3.,.= )$u9erated (t0, t1, t2, t3, t,, t5, t6, t/, t=) Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 i$3o (S-<SP# i$3or9atio$ NUL #MR rate

NMa. (S de a7


:$te2er (20..200 %7 ste! o3 10) R#8 i$3o to re! ace 10.3.,.11a 1 to M9a.R8!e rR#8N R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.20

:$dicates t"e %it rate as de3i$ed i$ I62J a$d I63J. :$ case '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ :$dicator i$dicates #MR, de3au t 5a ue is Ot/P. :$ case '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ :$dicator i$dicates #MR-G8, de3au t 5a ue is Ot=O. / s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 !ossi% e de a7 3or (S 5oice 3ra9es U$it is 9s

R)L-= R)L-=


R#8 i$3o to re! ace R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! ist NR8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!



Condition CS SR$CC

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e :) O(' do9ai$ ide$tit7P "as t"e 5a ue O(S do9ai$P a$d t"e R#8 is 9a!!ed o$ <S-4S(<0)-4(<. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e R#8 is esta% is"ed as !art o3 a$ SR-V(( !rocedure a$d t"e 9essa2e is $ot <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2e a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure

Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R#8 :de$tit7, (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S S7$c"ro$iQat io$ i$3o 10.3.,.12 )$u9erated( t0, t1, t2, t3, t,, t5, t6, t/, t=) Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 ide$tit7 (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 '#S s7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator

'ote 1

(S-<SP# i$3or9atio$ NUL #MR rate

(V-CS M4

NMa. (S de a7


:$te2er(20..2 00 %7 ste! o3 10)

:$dicates t"e %it rate as de3i$ed i$ I62J a$d I63J. :$ case '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ :$dicator i$dicates #MR, de3au t 5a ue is Ot/P. :$ case '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ :$dicator i$dicates #MR-G8, de3au t 5a ue is Ot=O. / s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 !ossi% e de a7 3or (S 5oice 3ra9es U$it is 9s

R)L-= R)L-=


Condition CS

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e :) O(' do9ai$ ide$tit7P "as t"e 5a ue O(S do9ai$P a$d t"e R#8 is 9a!!ed o$ <S-4S(<0)-4(<. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

'OT2 ,P This &2 is only relevant for the 1" domain.


R#8 i$3o to re! ace

This &2 contains information to identify a radio access bearer to be replaced with a new radio access bearer as part of "/?B11 procedures. This &2 is not included in case "/?B11 from 5T2 to 3MT".
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 ide$tit7 (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R#8 ide$tit7, (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=


'#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator

. container for non?access stratum information to be transferred transparently throu h 3T/.'.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator Need MP

+"( /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e '#S S7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator.


R8 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o

This &2 contains the time- in terms of /51 seAuence numbers- when a certain confi uration shall be activated- for a number of radio bearers.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Radio %earer acti5atio$ ti9e NR8 ide$tit7 NRL( seBue$ce $u9%er Need MP MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.R8N R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er (0.. ,0-5) RL( S' I16J . Used 3or radio %earers 9a!!ed o$ RL( #M a$d UM T4pe and reference Se2antics description


R8 (6U'T-( MS8 i$3or9atio$

The M"0 of the 1O3'T?1 values of the radio bearer.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 (6U'T-(-MS8-u! i$> (6U'T-(-MS8-do1$ i$> Needed MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er (0.. 2\25-1) :$te2er (0.. 2\25-1) Se2antics description

25 MS8s 3ro9 (6U'T-( associated to t"is R8 25 MS8s 3ro9 (6U'T-( associated to t"is R8


R8 (6U'T-( i$3or9atio$

The 1O3'T?1 values of the radio bearer.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 (6U'T-(-u! i$> (6U'T-(-do1$ i$> Needed MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er (0.. 2\32-1) :$te2er (0.. 2\32-1) Se2antics description


R8 ide$tit7

.n identification number for the radio bearer affected by a certain messa e.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..32 ) Se2antics description Va ues 1-, s"a o$ 7 %e used 3or si2$a i$2 radio %earers. T"e :) 5a ue 9i$us o$e s"a %e used as 8)#R)R i$ t"e ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


R8 i$3or9atio$ to %e a33ected
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.21 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o


R8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure
Need MP 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 P4(P i$3o 10.3.,.2 P4(P S' i$3o 10.3.,.3 RL( i$3o 10.3.,.23 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.21 )$u9erated( sto!, co$ti$ue) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 P4(P i$3o P4(P S' i$3o

P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er i$3o 3ro9 t"e $et1or>. Prese$t o$ 7 i$ case o3 oss ess SR'S re ocatio$.

RL( i$3o R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o R8 sto!0co$ti$ue

6P 6P 6P


R8 i$3or9atio$ to re ease
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7


R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!
Need MP 6P MP RL( i$3o 10.3.,.23 R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.21 :de$tit7 o3 R8 1it" e.act 7 t"e sa9e RL( i$3o :) 5a ues /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 P4(P i$3o 10.3.,.2 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 P4(P i$3o (<6:() RLC info type NRL( i$3o NSa9e as R8 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o



This information element is included within &2 HPredefined /0 confi urationH.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o

. multiple(in option for each possible transport channel M.1?d flow or 2?:1F M.1?d flow this /0 can be multiple(ed on.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$3or9atio$ 3or eac" 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ NRL( o2ica c"a$$e 9a!!i$2 i$dicator Need MP (V-1LRLCLogica lChannels /ulti 1 to M9a.R8M u.6!tio$sN 8oo ea$ TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e 3irst o2ica c"a$$e s"a %e used 3or data P4Us a$d t"e seco$d o2ica c"a$$e s"a %e used 3or co$tro P4Us. &#LS) i$dicates t"at co$tro a$d data P4Us ca$ %e se$t o$ eit"er o3 t"e t1o o2ica c"a$$e s. T"is !ara9eter is $ot used i$ t"is re ease a$d s"a %e set to TRU). 1 or 2 o2ica c"a$$e s !er RL( e$tit7 or radio %earer RL( I16J R)L-6 R)L-6 MP (V-1LDCH<1SC H 6P )$u9erated( 4(<,R#(<, US(< Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 :$te2er(1..15 ) US(< is T44 o$ 7 T"is is t"e :4 o3 a 4(< or US(< (T44 o$ 7) t"at t"is R8 cou d %e 9a!!ed o$to. T"is !ara9eter is used to disti$2uis" o2ica c"a$$e s 9u ti! e.ed %7 M#( o$ a tra$s!ort c"a$$e . T"e RL( siQes t"at are a o1ed 3or t"is o2ica c"a$$e . # RL( siQes isted i$ t"e Transport #ormat Set. T"e RL( siQes co$3i2ured 3or t"is o2ica c"a$$e i$ t"e Transport #ormat Set. i3 !rese$t i$ t"is 9essa2e or i$ t"e T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

N'u9%er o3 u! i$> RL( o2ica c"a$$e s

(V-1LRLC info

1 to Ma.Lo(<! erRL(

NN(<6:() 1plin; transport channel type NNN4(<, R#(<, US(< NNNNU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e NNNNULTra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

NNNNLo2ica c"a$$e ide$tit7

NNNN(<6:() RLC si=e list







Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+"+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description !re5ious 7 stored co$3i2uratio$ ot"er1ise Lists t"e RL( siQes t"at are 5a id 3or t"e o2ica c"a$$e . T"e i$te2er $u9%er is a re3ere$ce to t"e RLC si=e 1"ic" arri5ed at t"at !ositio$ i$ t"e Transport #ormat Set 'ote , T"is !ara9eter is used to disti$2uis" o2ica c"a$$e s 9u ti! e.ed %7 M#( o$ a tra$s!ort c"a$$e $ersion

NNNNN).! icit List

1 to M9a.T&N MP :$te2er(1..9 a.T&)

NNNNNNRL( siQe i$de.

NNN)-4(< NNNNLo2ica c"a$$e ide$tit7


:$te2er(1..15 )

R)L-6 R)L-6

NNNN)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7


)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 10.3.5./e :$te2er (0..62) :3 9ore t"a$ 1 UL RL( P4U siQe is co$3i2ured 3or t"is R8, t"e di33ere$t siQes 1i use su%seBue$t 44: 5a ues starti$2 3ro9 t"is 44: 5a ue. Va ue O0.3&P is reser5ed 'ote 6


NNNN(<6:() RLC PD1 si=e NNNNN&i.ed siQe NNNNNN44:


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-6

NNNNNNRL( P4U siQe ist


1 to M9a.RL( P4UsiQeP erLo2("a$ N :$te2er(16..5 000 %7 ste! o3 =) )$u9erated (/-%it, 15-%it) :$te2er (16..120,0 %7 ste! o3 =) :$te2er (16..120,0 %7 ste! o3 =) 8oo ea$ U$it is %its U$it is %its :$dicates 1"et"er or $ot t"is o2ica c"a$$e is to %e co$sidered 1"e$ !er3or9i$2 sc"edu i$2 i$3o re!orti$2, as !er U$it is %its


NNNNNNNRL( P4U siQe NNNNN& e.i% e siQe NNNNNNLe$2t" i$dicator siQe NNNNNNMi$i9u9 UL RL( P4U siQe NNNNNNLar2est UL RL( P4U siQe NNNN:$c ude i$ Sc"edu i$2 :$3o


R)L-6 R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-6



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNM#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 Need MP

+(% /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description I15J T"is is !riorit7 %et1ee$ a userLs di33ere$t R8s (or o2ica c"a$$e s). I15J 1 or 2 o2ica c"a$$e s !er RL( e$tit7 or radio %earer RL( I16J 4e3au t 5a ue is t"at !ara9eter 5a ues 3or 4L are e.act 7 t"e sa9e as 3or corres!o$di$2 UL o2ica c"a$$e . :$ case t1o 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$s are s!eci3ied 3or t"e UL, t"e 3irst o!tio$s s"a %e used as de3au t 3or t"e 4L. #s re2ards to t"e :) @("a$$e t7!e@, ru e is s!eci3ied i$ =.6.,.=. 'ote 3 $ersion

N4o1$ i$> RL( o2ica c"a$$e i$3o NN'u9%er o3 do1$ i$> RL( o2ica c"a$$e s

(V-DLRLC info MD

1 to Ma.Lo(<! erRL(

NNN4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e


NNN4L 4(< Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 NNN4L 4S(< Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 NNN(<6:() DL MAC header type NNNNM#(-"s NNNNN4L <S-4S(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNNNM#(-e"s NNNNN4L <S-4S(< M#(-e"s Eueue :d NNNLo2ica c"a$$e ide$tit7


)$u9erated( 4(<,&#(<, 4S(<,4(<+ 4S(< , <S-4S(<, 4(< + <S4S(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

'ote ,


4e!e$di$2 o$ t"e M#(-"s0e"s t7!e o3 "eader se ected 3or <S-4S(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 10.3.5./c M#(-e"s Eueue :d 10.3.5./3 :$te2er(1..15 ) 'ote 5 16 is reser5ed 'ote 5



R)L-/ R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-/



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Need /ulti T4pe and Se2antics $ersion na2e reference description 'ote 3* T"e :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ 5a ues @ 4S(<P a$d O4(<+4S(< @ s"ou d $ot %e used 3or &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. 'ote ,* :3 i$c uded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 16, t"e 5a ues T<S-4S(<S a$d T4(< + <S-4S(<S do $ot a!! 7 3or t"e :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@. &urt"er9ore, i3 i$c uded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 16, t"e 5a ue @)-4(<P 3or t"e :) @U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ does $ot a!! 7. 'ote 5* :3 t"e :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is @<S-4S(<@ or @4(< + <S-4S(<@ a$d t"e 4L M#( "eader t7!e is @M#(-e"s@, t"e :) @Lo2ica c"a$$e ide$tit7@ co$5e7s t"e 5a ue to %e used i$ t"e @L(<-:4@ 3ie d o3 t"e M#(-e"s "eader I15J, associati$2 t"e o2ica c"a$$e 1it" t"e M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue ide$ti3ied %7 t"e :) @4L <S-4S(< M#(-e"s Eueue :d@. 'ote 6* :3 t"e radio %earer "as a 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ co$3i2ured 1it" t"e UL M#( "eader t7!e o3 @M#(-i0is@ t"e$ t"is 5a ue is i2$ored. Condition 1L-RLC info 1Dplanation :3 @(<6:() 1plin; RLC mode@ i$ t"e :) @RL( i$3o@ t"at a!! ies 3or t"at R8 (i.e. eit"er t"e o$e stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e 3or t"e R8 3or 1"ic" t"e @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@ 1as recei5ed, or t"e o$e stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e 3or t"e R8 !oi$ted at i$ t"e :) @Sa9e as R8@ i$ t"e :) @R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!@ stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e) is !rese$t t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 @(<6:() Do:nlin; RLC mode@ i$ t"e :) @RL( i$3o@ t"at a!! ies 3or t"at R8 (i.e. eit"er t"e o$e stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e 3or t"e R8 3or 1"ic" t"e @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@ 1as recei5ed, or t"e o$e stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e 3or t"e R8 !oi$ted at i$ t"e :) @Sa9e as R8@ i$ t"e :) @R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!@ stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e) is !rese$t t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 @'u9%er o3 u! i$> RL( o2ica c"a$$e s@ i$ :) @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@ is 2, t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"is :) is $ot $eeded. :3 :) @U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @4(<@ or @US(<@ (T44 o$ 7) t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @4(<@, @4(<+4S(<@ or O4(< + <S-4S(<P t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @4S(<@ or @4(<+4S(<@ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @<S-4S(<@ or O4(< + <S-4S(<P t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 @(<6:() U! i$> RL( 9ode@ i$ t"e :) @RL( i$3o@ t"at a!! ies 3or t"at R8 (i.e. eit"er t"e o$e stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e 3or t"e R8 3or 1"ic" t"e @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@ 1as recei5ed, or t"e o$e stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e 3or t"e R8 !oi$ted at i$ t"e :) @Sa9e as R8@ i$ t"e :) @R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!@ stored or recei5ed i$ t"e sa9e 9essa2e) is O#M RL( O t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

DL-RLC info



R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7


Release ! P4(P S' i$3o MP

+(! P4(P S' i$3o 10.3.,.3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er i$3o 3ro9 t"e se$der o3 t"e 9essa2e 3or oss ess SR'S re ocatio$. P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er i$3o 3ro9 t"e se$der o3 t"e 9essa2e 3or oss ess SR'S re ocatio$ or 3or oss ess 4L RL( P4U siQe c"a$2e.



RL( i$3o
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description :$dicates i3 #c>$o1 ed2ed, U$ac>$o1 ed2ed or Tra$s!are$t 9ode RL( s"a %e used. Tra$s9issio $ RL( discard 10.3.,.25 :$te2er(1,=,1 6,32,6,,12=, 256,512,/6=, 102,,1536,2 0,/,2560,30 /2,35=,,,05) :$te2er(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, ,00, ,50, 500, 550, 600, /00, =00, -00, 1000) :$te2er(1, ,, 6, =, 12 16, 2,, 32) Po i$2 i$3o 10.3.,., Tra$s9issio $ RL( discard 10.3.,.25 Tra$s9issio $ RL( discard 10.3.,.25 8oo ea$ $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() 1plin; RLC mode

N#M RL( NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard


NNTra$s9issio$ 1i$do1 siQe




Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 RL( PUs se$t 1it"out 2etti$2 t"e9 ac>$o1 ed2ed. T"is !ara9eter is $eeded i3 ac>$o1 ed2ed 9ode is used. U) s"a a so assu9e t"at t"e UTR#' recei5er 1i$do1 is eBua to t"is 5a ue. ) a!sed ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds. :t is used to tri22er t"e retra$s9issio$ o3 R)S)T P4U.

NNMa.;RST NNPo i$2 i$3o NUM RL( NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard

MP 6P (V-(S<SP#

4e3i$ed i$ I16J. :3 ot"er 5a ues t"a$ 1 are used 3or SR82 t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied.

'6T) 3

NTM RL( NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard


NNSe29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ (<6:() Do:nlin; RLC mode


TRU) i$dicates t"at se29e$tatio$ is !er3or9ed. :$dicates i3 #c>$o1 ed2ed, U$ac>$o1 ed2ed or Tra$s!are$t 9ode RL( s"a %e used R)L-/ R)L-/

N#M RL( NN(<6:() DL RLC PD1 si=e NNN&i.ed siQe



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNN4L RL( P4U siQe NNN& e.i% e siQe NNNNLe$2t" i$dicator siQe NN:$-seBue$ce de i5er7 Need MP

+(3 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(16..5 000 %7 ste! o3 =) )$u9erated (/-%it, 15-%it) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description U$it is %its '6T) 1 $ersion R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-/


NNRecei5i$2 1i$do1 siQe


NN4o1$ i$> RL( status :$3o


:$te2er(1,=,1 6,32,6,,12=, 256,512,/6=, 102,,1536,2 0,/,2560,30 /2,35=,,,05) 4o1$ i$> RL( status i$3o 10.3.,.1 :$te2er(/, 15) :$te2er(32, ,=, 6,, =0, -6, 112) 8oo ea$

TRU) i$dicates t"at RL( s"a !reser5e t"e order o3 "i2"er a7er P4Us 1"e$ t"ese are de i5ered. &#LS) i$dicates t"at recei5i$2 RL( e$tit7 cou d a o1 S4Us to %e de i5ered to t"e "i2"er a7er i$ di33ere$t order t"a$ su%9itted to RL( su% a7er at t"e tra$s9itti$2 side. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 RL( PUs a o1ed to %e recei5ed. T"is !ara9eter is $eeded i3 ac>$o1 ed2ed 9ode is used. U) s"a a so assu9e t"at t"e UTR#' tra$s9itter 1i$do1 is eBua to t"is 5a ue

NUM RL( NN4L UM RL( L: siQe NN4L Rece!tio$ Gi$do1 SiQe NTM RL( NNSe29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$

MP (V-"otSI+&7o MP

SiQe i$ %its to use 3or t"e do1$ i$> RL( UM L:.

R)L-5 R)L-6

TRU) i$dicates t"at se29e$tatio$ is !er3or9ed. 6$e sided RL( re-esta% is"9e$t MP 8oo ea$ TRU) i$dicates t"at o$ 7 o$e R)L-5 side o3 t"e #M RL( e$tit7 is re-esta% is"ed. # ter$ati5e )-%it i$ter!retatio$ (V-"ot)$u9erated T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies* R)L-6 SI+&7o (TRU)) @$or9a )-%it i$ter!retatio$@. Use s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d C$-"ot)$u9erated T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies* R)L-/ SI+&7o (TRU)) Odo $ot use s!ecia 5a ue o3 t"e <) 3ie d i$ t"e u! i$> RL( e$tit7P. '6T) 1* :3 i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 16, t"e @& e.i% e siQe@ does $ot a!! 7 3or do1$ i$> RL( P4U siQe (#M RL(). '6T) 2* Void. '6T) 3* :3 t"is :) is a%se$t a$d t"e radio %earer is co$$ected to a (S do9ai$ radio access %earer, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. Condition "ot-SI+&7o CS-HSPA 1Dplanation :3 i$c uded i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' 8L6(H TDP) 16, t"is :) is $ot $eeded. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is o!tio$a T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t :3 t"e radio %earer is co$$ected to a (S do9ai$ radio access %earer, 6t"er1ise t"e :) is o!tio$a .


This information element is included within &2 HPredefined /0 confi urationH.


RL( i$3o M8MS

The &2 /51 info M0M" is used for point?to?multipoint radio bearers- featurin only the downlin# /51 3M:.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4L UM RL( L: siQe 4L 4u! icatio$ #5oida$ce a$d Reorderi$2 i$3o Need MP (V-MTCH

+(' /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (/, 15) UM 4u! icatio$ #5oida$ce a$d Reorderi$2 i$3o 10.3.,.26 UM 6ut o3 seBue$ce de i5er7 i$3o 10.3.,.2/

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description SiQe i$ %its to use 3or t"e do1$ i$> RL( UM L:. $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

4L 6ut o3 seBue$ce de i5er7 i$3o



Condition MTCH MCCH

1Dplanation :3 t"e :) co$cer$s MT(< (see 'ote 1), t"is :) is o!tio$a . 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :3 t"e :) co$cer$s M((<, t"is :) is o!tio$a . 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

'OT2 ,P The 32 behaviour is unspecified if this &2 is received with re ard to an MT1F confi ured for M0"7' operation. . networ# should not send this &2 with re ard to an MT1F confi ured for M0"7' operation.


Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!

Need M4 MP RL( i$3o 10.3.,.23 R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.21 :de$tit7 o3 R8 1it" e.act 7 t"e sa9e RL( i$3o :) 5a ues /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =.6.,.1

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ide$tit7 (<6:() RLC info type NRL( i$3o NSa9e as R8 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o



This information element is included within &2 HPredefined /0 confi urationH.


SR-V(( :$3o

This &2 contains information that allows the calculation of the 1% and &% for the 1" domain- due to a "/?B11 procedure.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '6'() Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (12=) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=


Tra$s9issio$ RL( 4iscard

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description 4i33ere$t 9odes 3or disc"ar2e t"e RL( %u33er o$ t"e tra$s9itter sideU @Ti9er %ased 1it" e.! icit si2$a i$2@, @Ti9er %ased 1it"out e.! icit si2$a i$2@, @4iscard a3ter Ma.;4#T

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() SD1 Discard Mode


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+(" /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description retra$s9issio$s@ or @'o;discard@. &or u$ac>$o1 ed2ed 9ode a$d tra$s!are$t 9ode, o$ 7 Ti9er %ased 1it"out e.! icit si2$a i$2 is a!! ica% e. :3 @'o;discard@ is used, reset !rocedure s"a %e do$e a3ter Ma.;4#T retra$s9issio$s

NTi9er %ased e.! icit NNTi9er;MRG




NNMa.MRG NTi9er %ased $o e.! icit NNTi9er;discard


:$te2er(50,6 0, /0, =0, -0, 100, 120, 1,0, 160, 1=0, 200, 300, ,00, 500, /00, -00) :$te2er(100, 250, 500, /50, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1/50, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, ,000, ,500, 5000, /500) :$te2er(1, ,, 6, =, 12 16, 2,, 32) :$te2er(10,2 0,30,,0,50,6 0,/0,=0,-0,1 00) :$te2er(1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /, =, -, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0) :$te2er(50, 60, /0, =0, -0, 100, 120, 1,0, 160, 1=0, 200, 300, ,00, 500, /00, -00) :$te2er(1, ,, 6, =, 12 16, 2,, 32) :$te2er(1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /, =, -, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0)

) a!sed ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds. :t is used to tri22er t"e retra$s9issio$ o3 a ST#TUS P4U co$tai$i$2 a$ MRG SU&: 3ie d

) a!sed ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds %e3ore a S4U is discarded.

4e3i$ed i$ I16J


) a!sed ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds %e3ore a S4U is discarded.

NMa. 4#T retra$s9issio$s NNMa.;4#T


4e3i$ed i$ I16J



) a!sed ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds. :t is used to tri22er t"e retra$s9issio$ o3 a ST#TUS P4U co$tai$i$2 a$ MRG SU&: 3ie d

NNMa.MRG N'o discard NNMa.;4#T


4e3i$ed i$ I16J


4e3i$ed i$ I16J

C9C:C1 SDU Discard Ti9er %ased e.! icit Ti9er %ased $o e.! icit


Condition under which the -i=en SDU Discard ode is chosen :3 t"e 9odes 3or disc"ar2e o3 t"e RL( %u33er o$ t"e tra$s9itter side is @Ti9er %ased 1it" e.! icit si2$a i$2@ :3 t"e 9odes 3or disc"ar2e o3 t"e RL( %u33er o$ t"e


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Ma. 4#T retra$s9issio$s 'o discard

tra$s9itter side is @Ti9er %ased 1it"out e.! icit si2$a i$2@ &or u$ac>$o1 ed2ed 9ode, o$ 7 Ti9er %ased 1it"out e.! icit si2$a i$2 is a!! ica% e. :3 t"e 9odes 3or disc"ar2e o3 t"e RL( %u33er o$ t"e tra$s9itter side is @4iscard a3ter Ma.;4#T retra$s9issio$s@ :3 t"e 9odes 3or disc"ar2e t"e o3 RL( %u33er o$ t"e tra$s9itter side is @Reset !rocedure s"a %e do$e a3ter Ma.;4#T retra$s9issio$s@


UM 4u! icatio$ #5oida$ce a$d Reorderi$2 i$3o

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(,0, =0, 120, 160, 2,0, 320, ,=0, 6,0, -60, 12=0, 1-20, 2560, 3=,0, 5120) :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, ,0, ,=, 56, 6,) Se2antics description Ti9er (i$ 9i iseco$ds) 1"e$ P4Us are re eased to t"e u!!er a7ers e5e$ t"ou2" t"ere are outsta$di$2 P4Us 1it" o1er RL( S' 5a ues. $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9er;4#R

Gi$do1 siQe 4#R




UM 6ut o3 seBue$ce de i5er7 i$3o

Need (VnotMCCH /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (,0, =0, 120, 160, 2,0, 320, ,=0, 6,0, -60, 12=0, 1-20, 2560, 3=,0, 5120) :$te2er(=, 16, 32,,0, ,=, 56, 6,) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9er;6S4

Gi$do1 siQe 6S4




This timer used to flush the buffer is confi ured at //1 level and indicated via a local primitive.

Condition notMCCH

1Dplanation :3 t"is co$cer$s a o2ica c"a$$e ot"er t"a$ M((< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. :$ t"e atter case Ti9er;6S4 ta>es t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) Modi3icatio$ Period as i$dicated 1it"i$ t"e :) M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

10.3.5 Tra$s!ort (< :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts #dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 4(<,4S(< ,<S-4S(<) Se2antics description 'ote 2 'ote 3 $ersion :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Need MP

+() /ulti T4pe and reference Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(V-not HS-DSCH (<6:() DL parameters N).! icit NNT&S NSa9e#sUL NNU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e NNUL Tr(< ide$tit7 MP Tra$s!ort &or9at Set )$u9erated( 4(<,US(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 <#RE i$3o 10.3.5./a US(< is T44 o$ 7 Sa9e T&S a!! ies as s!eci3ied 3or i$dicated UL Tr(< &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 <#RE :$3or9atio$ is i$c uded i$ t"e :) 4L Mu ti(arrier :$3or9atio$, t"is :) s"a $ot %e !rese$t.



N<S-4S(< NN<#RE :$3o


R)L-5 R)L-5

NN(<6:() DL MAC header type NNNM#(-"s NNNN#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1 NNNM#(-e"s NNNN#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue

6P MP #dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1 #dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue Eua it7 tar2et

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-5


R)L-/ R)L-/

4(< Bua it7 tar2et 'ote 1* 'ote 2* 'ote 3*


Void T"e :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ 5a ue @4S(<@ s"ou d $ot %e used 3or &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. :3 i$c uded i$ S:8 t7!e 16, t"e 5a ue T<S-4S(<S does $ot a!! 7 3or t"e :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@. Condition 1Dplanation :3 t"e do1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is 4(< or 4S(< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1

This &2 is used in relation to the M.1?d flows mapped to the F"?:"1F transport channel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M#(-"s Bueue to add or reco$3i2ure ist NM#(-"s Bueue :d Need 6P MP

+(* /ulti M1 to 9a.Eueue :4N :$te2er(0../) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 T"e M#(-"s Bueue :4 is u$iBue across a M#(-d 3 o1s. R)L-5

NM#(-d & o1 :de$tit7 NT1


M#(-d & o1 :de$tit7 10.3.5./c :$te2er(10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 60, /0, =0, -0, 100, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 300, ,00) :$te2er(,, 6, =, 12, 16, 2,, 32) :$te2er(32, 6,, -6, 12=, 160, 1-2, 256) M1 to 9a. M#(dP4U siQesN

R)L-5 Ti9er (i$ 9i iseco$ds) 1"e$ P4Us are re eased to t"e u!!er a7ers e5e$ t"ou2" t"ere are outsta$di$2 P4Us 1it" o1er TS' 5a ues. R)L-5

NM#(-"s 1i$do1 siQe


R)L-5 T"e set o3 5a ues is used 3or Mu ticarrier case i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 9ode 3or -%its TS' o!tio$. Ma!!i$2 o3 t"e di33ere$t M#(-d P4U siQes co$3i2ured 3or t"e <S-4S(< to t"e M#(-d P4U siQe i$de. i$ t"e M#("s "eader. R)L-/

NM#(-d P4U siQe :$3o



NNM#(-d P4U siQe NNM#(-d P4U siQe i$de. M#(-"s Bueue to de ete ist NM#(-"s Bueue :d

MP MP 6P MP M1 to 9a.Eueue :4N

:$te2er (1..5000) :$te2er(0../)

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 T"e M#(-"s Bueue :4 is u$iBue across a M#(-d 3 o1s. R)L-5


#dded or reco$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1

This &2 is used in relation to M.1?d flows mapped to the 2?:1F transport channel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 Need MP

+(+ /ulti T4pe and reference )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 10.3.5./e :$te2er(0..6)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 !o1er o33set


)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s


:$te2er (0..15)

)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 retra$s9issio$ ti9er


)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9u ti! e.i$2 ist


)$u9erated (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0, ,5, 50, 55, 60, 65, /0, /5, =0, =5, -0, -5, 100, 110, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 2,0, 2=0, 320, ,00, ,=0, 560) 8itstri$2 (9a.)4(<M#(d& o1)

6$ 7 a o1ed to %e a%se$t 1"e$ a read7 de3i$ed 3or t"is )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1, u$it is d8 6$ 7 a o1ed to %e a%se$t 1"e$ a read7 de3i$ed 3or t"is )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 U$it* 9s




:$dicates, i3 t"is is t"e 3irst M#(-d 3 o1 3or 1"ic" P4Us are ! aced i$ t"e M#(-e or M#(-i P4U, t"e ot"er M#(-d 3 o1s 3ro9 1"ic" M#(-d P4Us are a o1ed to %e i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-e or M#(-i P4U. 8it 0 is 3or M#(-d 3 o1 0, 8it 1 is 3or M#(-d 3 o1 1, X Va ue L1L 3or a %it 9ea$s 9u ti! e.i$2 is a o1ed. 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. '6T)* T"e %it t"at corres!o$ds to t"e M#(-d 3 o1 itse 3 is i2$ored. 6$ 7 a o1ed to %e a%se$t 1"e$ a read7 de3i$ed 3or t"is )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1


(<6:() tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t t7!e



N'o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t i$3o NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNMa. M#(-e P4U co$te$ts siQe

R)L-6 MP MP :$te2er (1..1--=2) R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6


Release ! NNNN29s $o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t <#RE !rocess a ocatio$ M4

+)% 8itstri$2 (=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) M#(-d P4Us 3or t"is M#(-d 3 o1 are o$ 7 a o1ed to %e tra$s9itted i$ t"ose !rocesses 3or 1"ic" t"e %it is set to O1P. 8it 0 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 0, %it 1 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 1, X 4e3au t 5a ue is* tra$s9issio$ i$ a <#RE !rocesses is a o1ed. 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. 'o data R)L-6

NNNT44 NSc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t i$3o Condition Tdd&'(


R)L-/ R)L-6

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue

This &2 is used in relation to the M.1?ehs reorderin Aueues mapped to the F"?:"1F transport channel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M#(-e"s Bueue to add or reco$3i2ure ist NM#(-e"s Bueue :d NT1 Need 6P MP MP

+) /ulti M1 to 9a.Eueue :4N M#(-e"s Eueue :d 10.3.5./3 :$te2er (10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 60, /0, =0, -0, 100, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 300, ,00) :$te2er (1, 2, 3, ,) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ Ti9er (i$ 9i iseco$ds) 1"e$ P4Us are re eased to t"e u!!er a7ers e5e$ t"ou2" t"ere are outsta$di$2 P4Us 1it" o1er TS' 5a ues. Ti9er i$ 9u ti! es o3 T1 5a ues (9i iseco$ds). Used 1"e$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue is reset i$ ()LL;&#(< a$d ()LL;P(< (&44 o$ 7). 4e3au t 5a ue is 2 Si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. R)L-/




NM#(-e"s 1i$do1 siQe


NM#(-e"s 1i$do1 siQe e.te$sio$


)$u9erated (,, 6, =, 12, 16, 2,, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) )$u9erated( -6,160,1-6,2 56)

R)L-/ R)L-R)L-11 R)L--

&or 1,2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7, T"e set o3 5a ues is used 3or Mu ti-carrier case 3or -%its TS' o!tio$. :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, U) s"ou d i2$ore t"e :) @M#(e"s 1i$do1 siQe@


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 4(<,US(< ,)-4(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Se2antics description US(< is T44 o$ 7 'ote 1 R)L-6 $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e

UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7


C$-"ot!DCH (<6:() 1L parameters N4(<,US(< NNT&S N)-4(< NNUL M#( "eader t7!e

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


Tra$s!ort &or9at Set )$u9erated (M#(-i0is) :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, M#(-i0is "eader t7!e I15J is used, e se M#(-e0es "eader t7!e I15J is used. R)L-6 R)L-=


NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNN)-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a NNNT44 NN<#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< NN#dded or reco$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ist NNN#dded or reco$3i2ured )4(< M#(-d 3 o1

MP MP MP 6P )$u9erated( 2,10) 10.3.5./d M1 to 9a.)4(<M#(d & o1N U$it is 9s. 'o data

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-6

'ote 1*

#dded or R)L-6 reco$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 :3 i$c uded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 16, t"e 5a ues T)-4(<S does $ot a!! 7 3or t"e :) @U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@. Condition 1Dplanation :3 t"e u! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is 4(< or US(< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.




This information element is included within &2 HPredefined /0 confi urationH.

#dditio$a 47$a9ic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ 3or (((<

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (,=..,-6=) Se2antics description U$it is %its &or &44, 5a ues are restricted to* :$te2er (,=..2-6 %7 ste! o3 =, 312..1320 %7 ste! o3 16, 13=,..,-6= %7 ste! o3 6,) '6T) 1 $ersion Re -6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e RL( SiQe

'u9%er o3 Tra$s!ort % oc>s


:$te2er (1)

Re -6

'OT2 ,P The H&nte er (,)H type does not result in bits in the transfer synta( and is not needed in the ."'.,.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

#dditio$a R#(< T&(S 3or (((<

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= Se2antics description T"e actua T&(S is s!eci3ied i$ =.6.5.12a $ersion Re -6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Po1er o33set :$3or9atio$

Void (o99o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue ist

7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.

This &2 is defines common M.1?ehs priority Aueue parameters- which can be used for 111F and "/0, reception.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M#(-e"s Bueue to co$3i2ure ist Need MP /ulti M1 to 9a.(o99 o$Eueue: 4N M#(-e"s Eueue :d 10.3.5./3 :$te2er (10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 60, /0, =0, -0, 100, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 300, ,00) :$te2er (1, 2, 3, ,) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

NM#(-e"s Bueue :d NT1


R)L-/ Ti9er (i$ 9i iseco$ds) 1"e$ P4Us are re eased to t"e u!!er a7ers e5e$ t"ou2" t"ere are outsta$di$2 P4Us 1it" o1er TS' 5a ues. Ti9er i$ 9u ti! es o3 T1 5a ues (9i iseco$ds). Used 1"e$ M#(e"s reorderi$2 Bueue is reset i$ ()LL;&#(< a$d ()LL;P(< (&44 a$d 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7). 4e3au t 5a ue is 2 R)L-/




NM#(-e"s 1i$do1 siQe


:$te2er (,, 6, =, 12, 16, 2,, 32)


(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s

Only for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::.

This &2 is used in relation to M.1?d and M.1?c (for 7::) flows mapped to the 2?:1F transport channels.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ist N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 Need MP MP

+)' /ulti 1 to M9a.)4(<M#(d& o 1N )-4(< M#(-d & o1 :de$tit7 10.3.5./e :$te2er(0..6) :$te2er (0..15) 8itstri$2 (9a.)4(<M#(d& o1) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= '6T) 1 R)L-=

N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 !o1er o33set N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9u ti! e.i$2 ist


R)L-= R)L-= :$dicates, i3 t"is is t"e 3irst M#(-d 3 o1 3or 1"ic" P4Us are ! aced i$ t"e M#(-i P4U, t"e ot"er M#(-d 3 o1s 3ro9 1"ic" M#(-d P4Us are a o1ed to %e i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-i P4U. 8it 0 is 3or M#(-d 3 o1 0, 8it 1 is 3or M#(-d 3 o1 1, X Va ue L1L 3or a %it 9ea$s 9u ti! e.i$2 is a o1ed. 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. '6T)* T"e %it t"at corres!o$ds to t"e M#(-d 3 o1 itse 3 is i2$ored. U$it* 9s R)L-=

N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 retra$s9issio$ ti9er


)$u9erated (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0, ,5, 50, 55, 60, 65, /0, /5, =0, =5, -0, -5, 100, 110, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 2,0, 2=0, 320, ,00, ,=0, 560)


'OT2 ,P 7or 7::- 2?:1F M.1?d flow identity < is reserved for 111F transmission.

Condition Tdd&'( "otCCCH#DD

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is $ot $eeded 3or t"e )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 reser5ed 3or (((< tra$s9issio$ 3or &44, ot"er1ise it is o!tio$a .


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


4e eted 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (4(<,4S(< , <S-4S(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Se2antics description 'ote 1 $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e


4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7


(<6:() DL MAC header type NM#(-"s NN4L <S-4S(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NM#(-e"s NN4L <S-4S(< M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue 'ote 1*

(V-notHSDSCH (V-HSDSCH MP M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 10.3.5./c

R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-5

R)L-/ M#(-e"s R)L-/ Eueue :d 10.3.5./3 T"e :) @4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ 5a ue @ 4S(< @ s"ou d $ot %e used 3or &44. :3 recei5ed t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. MP Condition 1Dplanation :3 t"e do1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is 4(< or 4S(< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. :3 t"e do1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is <S-4S(< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


4e eted UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 4(<,US(< ,)-4(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 10.3.5./e 1Dplanation :3 t"e u! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is 4(< or US(< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. :3 t"e u! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is )-4(< t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. Se2antics description US(< is T44 o$ 7 R)L-6 $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e

UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7


)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7

(V-'ot)4(< (V-!-DCH

R)L-6 R)L-6

Condition "ot!-DCH !-DCH

4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Tra$s!ort Se2antics description T"is :) s"ou d $ot $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S((P(< T&(S


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+)( /ulti T4pe and reference &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco . # t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 R)L-, $ersion

(<6:() mode


6P N&44 NN(<6:() DL parameters NNN).! icit NNNN4L 4(< T&(S 6P MP Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set # t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1

6P NNNSa9e#sUL NT44 NN:$di5idua 4L ((Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NNN4L T&(S :de$tit7 6P MP 1 to M9a.((Tr (<N Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set ide$tit7 :de$ti3ies a s!ecia ((Tr(< 3or s"ared or dedicated c"a$$e s. ($o data) See $ote 2


NNN(<6:() DL parameters NNNN:$de!e$de$t NNNNN4L T&(S

MP MP Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set ide$tit7 See $ote 2 Sa9e T&(S a!! ies as s!eci3ied 3or t"e i$dicated UL 4(< T&(S ide$tit7 e.ce!t 3or i$3or9atio$ a!! ica% e 3or UL o$ 7

NNNNSa9e#sUL NNNNNUL 4(< T&(S :de$tit7


'OT2 ,P This information element is included within &2 HPredefined Tr1h confi urationH. 'OT2 *P The 3T/.' should only use the choice H"ame.s35H if the transport channel numberin - the number of T7s in the T7" of each transport channel- and the T71" are identical in the uplin# and downlin#.




<#RE :$3o

This &2 is used in relation to the F"?:"1F transport channel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'u9%er o3 Processes Need MP

+)) /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..=, 12, 1,, 16, 2,,2=,32)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) 1, '6T) 2 $ersion R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-11 R)L-5 R)L-5

(<6:() Memory Partitioning N:9! icit

MP U) s"a a!! 7 9e9or7 !artitio$i$2 o3 eBua siQe across a <#RE !rocesses MP MP M1 to Ma.<Proc essesN :$te2er(=00 . . 16000 %7 ste! o3 =00, 1/600 .. 32000 %7 ste! o3 1600, 36000 .. =0000 %7 ste! o3 ,000, ==000 .. 160000 %7 ste! o3 =000, 1/6000 .. 30,000 %7 ste! o3 16000) M1 to Ma.<Proc essesN :$te2er (=00 .. 16000 %7 ste! o3 =00, 1/600 .. 32000 %7 ste! o3 1600, 36000 .. =0000 %7 ste! o3 ,000, ==000 .. 160000 %7 ste! o3 =000, 1/6000 .. 30,000 %7 ste! o3 16000) M1 to Ma.<Proc essesN Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 so3t c"a$$e %its a5ai a% e i$ t"e 5irtua :R %u33er I2/J

N).! icit NNMe9or7 siQe NNNProcess Me9or7 siQe

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

NN#dditio$a 9e9or7 siQes 3or M:M6 NNNProcess Me9or7 siQe


'6T) 2 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 so3t c"a$$e %its a5ai a% e i$ t"e 5irtua :R %u33er I2/J

R)L-/ R)L-/

NN#dditio$a 9e9or7 siQes 3or 3rd M:M6 strea9


'6T) 2



Release ! NNNProcess Me9or7 siQe MP

+)* :$te2er (=00 .. 16000 %7 ste! o3 =00, 1/600 .. 32000 %7 ste! o3 1600, 36000 .. =0000 %7 ste! o3 ,000, ==000 .. 160000 %7 ste! o3 =000, 1/6000 .. 30,000 %7 ste! o3 16000) M1 to Ma.<Proc essesN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 so3t c"a$$e %its a5ai a% e i$ t"e 5irtua :R %u33er I2/J R)L-11

NN#dditio$a 9e9or7 siQes 3or ,t" M:M6 strea9 NNNProcess Me9or7 siQe


'6T) 2


:$te2er Ma.i9u9 $u9%er R)L-11 (=00 .. o3 so3t c"a$$e 16000 %7 %its a5ai a% e i$ ste! o3 =00, t"e 5irtua :R 1/600 .. %u33er I2/J 32000 %7 ste! o3 1600, 36000 .. =0000 %7 ste! o3 ,000, ==000 .. 160000 %7 ste! o3 =000, 1/6000 .. 30,000 %7 ste! o3 16000) '6T) 1* :3 t"e :) O'u9%er o3 !rocesses@ is $ot set to o$e o3 t"e 5a ues 12, 1, or 16 a$d eit"er t"e :) OM:M6 !ara9etersP (10.3.6.,1a) is i$c uded a$d t"e :) @M:M6 o!eratio$@ is set to eit"er OstartP or Oco$ti$ueP, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 !rocesses@ is set to o$e o3 t"e 5a ues 12, 1,, or 16 a$d t"e :) @M:M6 !ara9eters@ (10.3.6.,1a) is $ot i$c uded, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. '6T) 2* T"e 5a ues o3 t"e :) O'u9%er o3 !rocesses@ 2reater t"a$ = a$d t"e :) @#dditio$a 9e9or7 siQes 3or M:M6@ are $ot $eeded i$ S:8 t7!e 5 a$d S:8 t7!e 5%is.

10.3.5./% 10.3.5./c

Void M#(-d & o1 :de$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0../) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7


<#RE :$3o 3or )-4(<

This &2 is used in relation to the 2?:1F transport channel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN<#RE RV (o$3i2uratio$ Need MP MP

+)+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6

)$u9erated (r50, r5ta% e)

:3 Or50P is i$dicated, t"e U) s"a o$ 7 use );4(< RV i$de. 0. :3 Or5ta% eP is i$dicated, t"e U) s"a use a$ RS' %ased RV i$de. as s!eci3ied i$ I2/J :3 Or50P is i$dicated, t"e U) s"a o$ 7 use );4(< RV i$de. 0. :3 Or5ta% eP is i$dicated, t"e U) s"a use a$ RS' %ased RV i$de. as s!eci3ied i$ I31J

NT44 NN<#RE RV (o$3i2uratio$


)$u9erated (r50, r5ta% e)

R)L-/ R)L-/


)-4(< M#(-d & o1 :de$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..9a.)4(<M#(d& o1-1) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7


M#(-e"s Eueue :d
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0../) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M#(-e"s Bueue id


Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() ain #actors NSi2$a ed Gai$ &actors NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNGai$ &actor c NNNT44 NNGai$ &actor d NNRe3ere$ce T&( :4 N(o9!uted Gai$ &actors NNRe3ere$ce T&( :4


:$te2er (0.. 15) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0..3) :$te2er (0.. 3)

&or UL 4P((< or co$tro !art o3 PR#(< ($o data) &or UL 4P4(< or data !art o3 PR#(< a$d a u! i$> c"a$$e s i$ T44 :3 t"is T&( is a re3ere$ce T&(, i$dicates t"e re3ere$ce :4. :$dicates t"e re3ere$ce T&( :d o3 t"e T&( to %e used to ca cu ate t"e 2ai$ 3actors 3or t"is T&(. :$ case o3 usi$2


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+*% /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description co9!uted 2ai$ 3actors, at east o$e si2$a ed 2ai$ 3actor is $ecessar7 3or re3ere$ce.

(<6:() mode N&44 NNPo1er o33set P !-9

MP 6P :$te2er(5..10) :$ d8. Po1er o33set %et1ee$ t"e ast tra$s9itted !rea9% e a$d t"e co$tro !art o3 t"e 9essa2e (added to t"e !rea9% e !o1er to recei5e t"e !o1er o3 t"e 9essa2e co$tro !art ) 'eeded o$ 7 3or PR#(< ($o data)

NT44 C9C:C1 Gain !actors Signalled ain #actors

Condition under which the wa4 to si-nal the Gain !actors is chosen

T"e 5a ues 3or 2ai$ 3actors c (o$ 7 i$ &44 9ode) a$d d are si2$a ed direct 7 3or a T&(. T"e 2ai$ 3actors c (o$ 7 i$ &44 9ode) a$d d are co9!uted 3or a T&(, %ased o$ t"e si2$a ed setti$2s 3or t"e associated re3ere$ce T&(.


ain #actors


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Prede3i$ed Tr(< co$3i2uratio$

This information element concerns a pre? defined confi uration of transport channel parameters.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, Se2antics description

Added or Reconfi-ured TrC9 infor2ation #dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ N#dded or Reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$


1 to M9a.Tr(< !reco$3N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to M9a.Tr(< !reco$3N #dded or Reco$3i2ure d 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


3ownlink transport channels #dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ N#dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$


Eua it7 Tar2et

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Rea (-6.3 ..0 %7 ste! o3 0.1) Se2antics description Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(Tra$s!ort c"a$$e 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et)

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8L)R Eua it7 5a ue

Se9i-static Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(10, 20, ,0, =0, d7$a9ic Se2antics description :$ 9s. T"e 5a ue d7$a9ic is o$ 7 used i$ T44 9ode. &or &44 4(<, t"e 5a ue O=0P is a!! ica% e o$ 7 1"e$ S&?512. 5 is o$ 7 a!! ica% e 3or t"e R#(< i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s9issio$ ti9e i$ter5a




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T7!e o3 c"a$$e codi$2 Need MP

+*! /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 'o codi$2, (o$5o utio$a , Tur%o) )$u9erated( 102, 103) :$te2er(1.."i RM) :$te2er(0, =, 12, 16, 2,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e o!tio$ @'o codi$2@ is o$ 7 5a id 3or T44. $ersion

(odi$2 Rate Rate 9atc"i$2 attri%ute (R( siQe

(V-Coding MP MP

i$ %its

Condition Coding

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 :) @T7!e o3 c"a$$e codi$2@ is @(o$5o utio$a @ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


T&(S ).! icit (o$3i2uratio$

'eed MP MP T&(S Reco$3i2urat io$0#dditio$ i$3or9atio$ T&(S Reco$3i2urat io$0#dditio$ i$3or9atio$ T&(S Re9o5a :$3or9atio$ T&(S Re9o5a :$3or9atio$ T&(S Reco$3i2urat io$0#dditio$ i$3or9atio$ Mu ti :) t7!e a$d re3ere$ce Se9a$tics descri!tio$

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() T#CS representation N(o9! ete reco$3i2uratio$ NNT&(S co9! ete reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

N#dditio$ NNT&(S additio$ i$3or9atio$


NRe9o5a NNT&(S re9o5a i$3or9atio$


NRe! ace NNT&(S re9o5a i$3or9atio$


NNT&(S additio$ i$3or9atio$




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T&(S Reco$3i2uratio$0#dditio$ :$3or9atio$

Need MP MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.T&(N :$te2er(0..3) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 1 to M9a.T&(N :$te2er(0..15 ) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 1 to M9a.T&(N :$te2er(0..63 ) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 1 to MMa.T&(N :$te2er(0..25 5) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 1 to M9a.T&(N :$te2er(0..,0 -5) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 1 to M9a.T&(N :$te2er(0..65 535) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 1 to MMa.T&(N :$te2er(0..16 ///215) Po1er 633set :$3or9atio$ 10.3.5.= 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. 'eeded o$ 7 3or u! i$> !"7sica c"a$$e s. /ulti :1 t4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() CT#C Si=e N2 %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN2%it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$ N, %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN,%it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$ N6 %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN6 %it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$ N= %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN= %it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$ N12 %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN12 %it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$ N16 %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN16 %it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$ N2, %it (T&( NN(T&( i$3or9atio$ NNN2, %it (T&( NNNPo1er o33set :$3or9atio$








Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T&(S Re9o5a :$3or9atio$

Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.T&(N Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (T&()$ T44 0 is a reser5ed 5a ue :1 t4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re9o5a T&(: i$3or9atio$ NT&(:

Void Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

This information element is used to distin uish transport channels. Transport channels of different type (/.1F- 3"1F7.1F@P1F- :"1F or :1F) have separate series of identities. This also holds for uplin# and downlin# transport channel identities (i.e. for :1F). :ependin on in which conte(t a transport channel identity n that is sent- it will have different meanin
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..32 ) Se2antics description

Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (T&()

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0.. 1023) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$

Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set

&ndicates the allowed combinations of already defined Transport formats and the mappin between these allowed T71s and the correspondin T71& values. 7or T::- different coded composite transport channels have independent transport format combination sets and thus independent T71& values.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(: &ie d 1 :$3or9atio$

Need MP


:1 t4pe and reference T&(S e.! icit (o$3i2uratio $

Se2antics description

Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set :de$tit7

Only for T::.
Need M4 MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1...=) 8oo ea$ Se2antics description :$dicates t"e ide$tit7 o3 e5er7 T&(S 1it"i$ a U). 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. TRU) i$dicates t"e use o3

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(S :4 S"ared ("a$$e :$dicator


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) s"ared c"a$$e s. 4e3au t is &#LS).

Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Su%set

&ndicates which Transport format combinations in the already defined Transport format combination set are allowed.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Su)set representation NMi$i9u9 a o1ed Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ i$de. N# o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NN# o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ N'o$-a o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NN'o$-a o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ NRestricted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NNU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e NNRestricted UL Tr(< ide$tit7 MP MP Need MP Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ to M9a.T&(N MP Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ to M9a.T&(N MP Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ to M9a.Tr(< N )$u9erated( 4(<, US(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 1 to M9a.T&N :$te2er(0..31 ) ('o data) US(< is T44 o$ 7 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

NN# o1ed T&:s NNN# o1ed T&: N&u tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set


Tra$s!ort &or9at Set

Need MP T"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e t"at is co$3i2ured 1it" t"is T&S is o3 t7!e 4(< MP MP 1 to M9a.T&N :$te2er(16..5 000 %7 ste! o3 =) 1 to M9a.T&N :$te2er(10,2 0,,0,=0) :$te2er(0..51 2) T"e o2ica c"a$$e s t"at are U$it is %its /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Transport channel type N4edicated tra$s!ort c"a$$e s NN47$a9ic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ NNNRL( SiQe

NNN'u9%er o3 T8s a$d TT: List NNNNTra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a NNNN'u9%er o3 Tra$s!ort % oc>s NNN(<6:() Logical Channel

MP (VdynamicTT I MP MP

Prese$t 3or e5er7 5a id $u9%er o3 T8Ls (a$d TT:) 3or t"is RL( SiQe. U$it is 9s.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e List NNNN#LL NNNN(o$3i2ured Need

+*( /ulti T4pe and reference 'u 'u

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description a o1ed to use t"is RL( SiQe # o2ica c"a$$e s 9a!!ed to t"is tra$s!ort c"a$$e . T"e o2ica c"a$$e s co$3i2ured to use t"is RL( siQe i$ t"e R+ mapping info. 10.3.,.21 i3 !rese$t i$ t"is 9essa2e or i$ t"e !re5ious 7 stored co$3i2uratio$ ot"er1ise Lists t"e o2ica c"a$$e s t"at are a o1ed to use t"is RL( siQe. :$dicates t"e re e5a$t UL o2ica c"a$$e 3or t"is R8. @0@ corres!o$ds to t"e 3irst, @1@ corres!o$ds to t"e seco$d UL o2ica c"a$$e co$3i2ured 3or t"is R8 i$ t"e :) @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@. $ersion

NNNN).! icit List NNNNNR8 :de$tit7 NNNNNLo2ica ("a$$e MP (<-1LRLCLogica lChannels

1 to 15 R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er(0..1)

NNSe9i-static Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$


Se9i-static Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ T"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e t"at is co$3i2ured 1it" t"is T&S is o3 a t7!e $ot eBua to 4(< 'ote :$te2er (,=..,-6=) U$it is %its. &or &44, 5a ues are restricted to* :$te2er (,=..2-6 %7 ste! o3 =, 312..1320 %7 ste! o3 16, 13=,..,-6= %7 ste! o3 6,). Prese$t 3or e5er7 5a id $u9%er o3 T8Ls (a$d TT:) 3or t"is RL( SiQe.

N(o99o$ tra$s!ort c"a$$e s NN47$a9ic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ NNNRL( SiQe MP MP 1 to M9a.T&N

NNN'u9%er o3 T8s a$d TT: List NNNN'u9%er o3 Tra$s!ort % oc>s NNNN(<6:() mode NNNNN&44 NNNNNT44 NNNNNNTra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a NNN(<6:() Logical Channel List NNNN#LL NNNN(o$3i2ured


1 to M9a.T&N :$te2er(0..51 2)

($o data) (VdynamicTT I MP :$te2er(10,2 0,,0,=0) U$it is 9s. T"e o2ica c"a$$e s t"at are a o1ed to use t"is RL( SiQe. # o2ica c"a$$e s 9a!!ed to t"is tra$s!ort c"a$$e . T"e o2ica c"a$$e s co$3i2ured to use t"is RL( siQe i$ t"e R+ mapping info. 10.3.,.21 i3 !rese$t i$ t"is 9essa2e or i$ t"e !re5ious 7 stored co$3i2uratio$ ot"er1ise Lists t"e o2ica c"a$$e s t"at are a o1ed to use t"is RL( siQe. :$dicates t"e re e5a$t UL o2ica c"a$$e 3or t"is R8. @0@

'u 'u

NNNN).! icit List NNNNNR8 :de$tit7 NNNNNLo2ica ("a$$e MP (V-1LRLCLogica

1 to 15 R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er(0..1)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need lChannels

+*) /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description corres!o$ds to t"e 3irst, @1@ corres!o$ds to t"e seco$d UL o2ica c"a$$e co$3i2ured 3or t"is R8 i$ t"e :) @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@. Se9i-static Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ $ersion

NNSe9i-static Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$


Condition dynamicTTI


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 d7$a9ic TT: usa2e is i$dicated i$ :) Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a i$ Se9istatic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. :3 @'u9%er o3 u! i$> RL( o2ica c"a$$e s@ i$ :) @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@ i$ t"is 9essa2e is 2 or t"e :) @R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o@ is $ot !rese$t i$ t"is 9essa2e a$d 2 UL o2ica c"a$$e s are co$3i2ured 3or t"is R8, t"e$ t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"is :) is $ot $eeded.,

UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set Se2antics description T"is :) s"ou d $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco . $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PR#(< T&(S

(<6:() mode N&44



Release ! NNT&( su%set M4

+** Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Su%set Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set 1 to M9a.((Tr (<N Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set ide$tit7 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Su%set 1 to M9a.T&(s u%N

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e co9! ete e.isti$2 set o3 tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$s

NNUL 4(< T&(S


NT44 NN:$di5idua UL ((Tr(< i$3or9atio$ NNNUL T&(S :de$tit7


:de$ti3ies a s!ecia ((Tr(< 3or s"ared or dedicated c"a$$e s.



NNNT&( su%set


T&( su%set ist


4e3au t 5a ue is t"e co9! ete e.isti$2 set o3 tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$s T"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 e e9e$ts i$ t"e T&( su%set ist is =. ($o data)


N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNT44 NNNT&(S :d

MP 6P Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set :de$tit7 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Su%set

R)L-, R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

NT&( su%set




This information element is included within &2 HPredefined Tr1h confi urationH.

(o$curre$t 4e! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT:

Only for 7::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() TTI selection Need MP

+*+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) i$dicates 1"et"er co99o$ )-4(< TT: se ectio$ is 3i.ed or a t"res"o d %ased co99o$ )4(< se ectio$ criteria is used. $ersion R)L-11

N&i.ed NN&i.ed co99o$ )-4(< TT: se ectio$ NT"res"o d %ased NN(o99o$ )-4(< TT: se ectio$ t"res"o d (o$curre$t TT: !artitio$ i$de. (o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o !ara9eters 3or (o$curre$t TT:


)$u9erated (29s,109s) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0.. 9a.)4(<s1) (o99o$ )4(< s7ste9 i$3o !ara9eters 3or (o$curre$t TT: :$ ter9s o3 d8.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 (o99o$ )-4(< !ara9eters used to re! ace t"ose isted i$ t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is, i3 t"e TT: a!! ied o$ )4P4(< (as !er su%c ause =.5.,5) is di33ere$t 3ro9 t"e TT: si2$a ed i$ t"e :) @)-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a @. R)L-11

(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 i$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT:

This &2 is used in relation to M.1?d and M.1?c flows mapped to the 2?:1F transport channels. 'OT2P Only for 7::.
Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.)4(<M#(d& o 1N )-4(< M#(-d & o1 :de$tit7 10.3.5./e :$te2er(0..6) T4pe and reference Se2antics description '6T) 1 '6T) , $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ist N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7

N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 !o1er M4 '6T) 2 R)L-11 o33set N)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9a.i9u9 M4 :$te2er '6T) 2 R)L-11 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s (0..15) '6T) 1* )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tities t"at are !rese$t i$ @(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is %ut do $ot a!!ear i$ t"is ist s"a use 5a ue i$c uded i$ @(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s@. '6T) 2* 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue 3or t"e 3 o1 1it" t"e sa9e @)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7@ i$c uded i$ t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. '6T) ,* &or )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s t"at are !rese$t i$ t"is ist, t"e :) @)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9u ti! e.i$2 ist@ s"a use t"e corres!o$di$2 5a ue 3or t"e 3 o1 1it" t"e sa9e @)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7@ i$c uded i$ t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 3P 7or 7::- 2?:1F M.1?d flow identity < is reserved for 111F transmission.

10.3.6 P"7sica (< :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts #(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2
Need MP MP /ulti 9a.#S(9 a! :$te2er(0X /) Ma!!i$2 o3 #ccess ( asses to #ccess Ser5ice ( asses (see su%c ause =.5.13.) T4pe and reference Se2antics description :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2 ta% e N#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2

#:(< :$3o
Only for 7::.
Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..25 5) STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./= )$u9erated (0, 1) Se2antics description S& is 3i.ed a$d eBua to 256

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ("a$$e isatio$ code STT4 i$dicator #:(< tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2

See !ara9eter #:(<;Tra$s9issio$;Ti9i$2 i$ I26J

#:(< Po1er o33set

Only for 7::.

This parameter is used to indicate the power level of .&1F channel. This is the power per transmitted .cAuisition &ndicator- 2(tended .cAuisition &ndicator minus power of the Primary 1P&1F.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #:(< Po1er o33set Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(22..+5) Se2antics description 633set i$ d8


# ocatio$ !eriod i$3o

Only for T::.

Parameters used by 32 to determine period of shared channel allocation.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e # ocatio$ #cti5atio$ Ti9e # ocatio$ 4uratio$ Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (1..256) Se2antics description Start t"e a ocatio$ !eriod at t"e 2i5e$ (&'. Tota $u9%er o3 3ra9es 3or t"e a ocatio$ !eriod.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

# !"a
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 0, 10=, 20=, 30=, ,0=, 50=, 60=, /0=, 1) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e # !"a Va ue

#S( setti$2
Need MP MP MP MP :$te2er(0..15 ) :$te2er(0..15 ) 8it stri$2(,) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN#5ai a% e si2$ature Start :$de. NN#5ai a% e si2$ature )$d :$de. NN#ssi2$ed Su%-("a$$e 'u9%er

T"is :) de3i$es t"e su%c"a$$e assi2$9e$t as s!eci3ied i$ =.6.6.2-. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e #ssi2$ed Su%("a$$e 'u9%er.. R)L-, R)L-,

NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN#5ai a% e ("a$$e isatio$ codes i$dices

MP M4 8it stri$2(=) )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 o3 a c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de., 1"ere t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code i$dices are $u9%ered @c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. 0@ to @c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. /@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. is a5ai a% e 3or t"e #S( t"is :) is associated to. T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. is $ot a5ai a% e 3or t"e #S( t"is :) is associated to. 4e3au t is t"at a c"a$$e isatio$ codes de3i$ed i$ PR#(< :$3o are a5ai a% e. )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 o3 a

NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN#5ai a% e ("a$$e isatio$ codes i$dices


8it stri$2(16)

R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

++! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de., 1"ere t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code i$dices are $u9%ered @c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. 0@ to @c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. 15@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. is a5ai a% e 3or t"e #S( t"is :) is associated to. T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code i$de. is $ot a5ai a% e 3or t"e #S( t"is :) is associated to. 4e3au t is t"at a c"a$$e isatio$ codes de3i$ed i$ PR#(< :$3o are a5ai a% e. )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 o3 a SD'(;UL code i$de., 1"ere t"e SD'(;UL code i$dices are $u9%ered @SD'(;UL code i$de. 0@ to @SD'(;UL code i$de. /@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e SD'(;UL code i$de. is a5ai a% e 3or t"e #S( t"is :) is associated to. T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e SD'(;UL code i$de. is $ot a5ai a% e 3or t"e #S( t"is :) is associated to. 4e3au t is t"at a SD'(;UL codes de3i$ed i$ SD'(;UL :$3o are a5ai a% e. $ersion

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNN#5ai a% e SD'(;UL codes i$dices


8it stri$2(=)

R)L-, R)L-,

NN(<6:() su)channel si=e NNNSiQe1 NNNN#5ai a% e Su%c"a$$e s NNNSiQe2 NNNN#5ai a% e Su%c"a$$e s NNNSiQe,

MP MP $u :$dicates t"at a Su%c"a$$e s are a5ai a% e '6T)


8it stri$2 (2)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNN#5ai a% e Su%c"a$$e s NNNSiQe= NNNN#5ai a% e Su%c"a$$e s NNNSiQe16 NNNN#5ai a% e Su%c"a$$e s Need M4 M4 M4

++3 /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (,) 8it stri$2 (=) 8it stri$2 (16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) '6T) '6T) $ersion


2ach bit indicates availability of a subchannel- where the subchannels are numbered subchannel +subchannel , etc. The value , of a bit indicates that the subchannel is available for the ."1 this &2 is associated with. The value + of a bit indicates that the subchannel is not available for the ."1 this &2 is associated with. :efault value of the &2 is that all subchannels within the si!e are available for the ."1 this &2 is associated with.

10.3.6./ 10.3.6.=

Void ((Tr(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

Parameters used by 32 to set the "&/ tar et value for uplin# open loop power control in T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(S :de$tit7 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set :de$tit7 U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 10.3.6.-1 Se2antics description T&(S :de$tit7 o3 t"is ((Tr(<. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1.

U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o



(e a$d ("a$$e :de$tit7 i$3o

Only for T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (T7!e1, T7!e2) Se2antics description :de$ti3ies t"e c"a$$e i$ co9%i$atio$ 1it" t"e Mida9% e s"i3t a$d s ot $u9%er. :t is $ot used i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 a$d 9a7 %e set to eit"er 5a ue. T"is :) s"ou d %e i2$ored %7 t"e recei5er.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8urst t7!e

Mida9% e S"i3t Ti9e S ot


:$te2er (0X 15) Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, (e !ara9eters :4 10.3.6.-

(e !ara9eters :4


T"is :) is !rese$t o$ 7 i3 $o :P4L sc"e9e is co$3i2ured i$ t"e re3ere$ce ce . 6t"er1ise t"e s ot is de3i$ed %7 t"e :P4L co$3i2uratio$. :de$ti3ies t"e ce


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


(e !ara9eters :d
Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..12 /) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e !ara9eter :d


(o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o

Only for 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::.
Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! UL i$ter3ere$ce 3or co99o$ )4(< (o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s 6P MP

++" UL i$ter3ere$ce 10.3.6.=/ (o99o$ )4(< M#(-d 3 o1s PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>),a :$te2er (0..3/) )$u9erated (2,10) )-#G(< :$3o <#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< 10.3.5./d U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 3or (o99o$ )-4(< 10.3.6.-1a )-4P((< :$3o 10.3.6.-= )-4P4(< i$3o 10.3.6.-Rea (0.01..0.1 %7 ste! o3 0.01).

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-= R)L-=

(<6:() mode N&44 NNPR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)

MP MP (o$tro !ara9eters o3 t"e !"7sica si2$a .

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NN:$itia Ser5i$2 2ra$t 5a ue


NN)-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a NN)-#G(< :$3o NN<#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< NNU! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o


(0..3/) i$dicates )4(< ser5i$2 2ra$t i$de. as de3i$ed i$ I15J. U$it is 9s.


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NN)-4P((< i$3o NN)-4P4(< i$3o NN&-4P(< TP( co99a$d error rate tar2et


R)L-= R)L-= 4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3or9atio$. T"e actua 5a ue o3 d &4P(<TP(co99a$d)rrorR ate ? :) 5a ue C 0.01 :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. R)L-=

NN#dditio$a )-4(< tra$s9issio$ %ac> o33 NNMa.i9u9 )-4(< resource a ocatio$ 3or (((< NNMa.i9u9 !eriod 3or co isio$ reso utio$ !"ase NN)-4(< tra$s9issio$ co$ti$uatio$ %ac> o33



:$te2er (0..15) )$u9erated (=, 12, 16, 20, 2,, 32, ,0, =0) :$te2er (=..2,) )$u9erated (0, ,, =, 16, 2,, ,0, =0, i$3i$it7)

R)L-= R)L-=

:$ ter9s o3 TT:s. :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. :3 set to @i$3i$it7@, i9! icit co99o$ )-4(< resource re ease is disa% ed.

R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! NN#(H0'#(H su!!ort o$ <S4P((< MP

++( 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) TRU) i$dicates t"at <S-4P((< s"a %e used 1"e$ a co99o$ )-4(< resource is a ocated to t"e U) 3or 4T(<04((< tra$s9issio$ a3ter co isio$ reso utio$. &#LS) i$dicates t"at <S-4P((< s"a $ot %e used R)L-=

NNMeasure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o


Measure9e$ t &eed%ac> :$3o 10.3.6.,0a 1 to M9a.)4(<sN :$te2er(0..-) (0..-) i$dicates s79%o o33set as de3i$ed i$ I26J '6T)3 :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e 5a ue is eBua to t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"is :).


NN(o99o$ )-4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ ist NNNSo33set


R)L-= R)L-=

NNN&-4P(< (ode $u9%er

(VS"ort 6P

:$te2er (0..255) )-RG(< :$3o 3or (o99o$ )4(< )-<:(< i$3o 3or (o99o$ )-4(<, U! i$> 4P(< code i$3o 3or (o99o$ )4(< 10.3.6.=/%


NNN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$


NNN)-<:(< i$3o



NNNU! i$> 4P(< code i$3o



NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNN)-RU((< :$3o

MP 'ULL 'ULL MP )-RU((< :$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )-PU(< :$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44,a )-<:(< i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 )-#G(< :$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 <#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< 10.3.5./d (o99o$ )R'T: i$3o 10.3.3./a

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNNN)-PU(< i$3o




NNNN)-<:(< i$3o




NNNN)-#G(< :$3o




NNNN<#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< NNNN(((< tra$s9issio$ i$3o NNNNN(o99o$ )-R'T: i$3o


R)L-= 'ote2 R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! NNNNN<#RE 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s NNNNN<#RE retra$s9issio$ ti9er MP MP

++) :$te2er (0../) )$u9erated (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0, ,5, 50, 55, 60, 65, /0, /5, =0, =5, -0, -5, 100, 110, 120, 1,0, 160) :$te2er(0..6)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-= U$it* 9s R)L-=

NNNNN<#RE !o1er o33set MP R)L-= '6T)3* T"e de3au t 5a ue is de3i$ed %7* So33set ? (o33set+co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$) 9od 10 1"ere @o33set@ is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e ast i$sta$ce o3 t"e :) @So33set@. :3 t"e :) @So33set@ 1as $ot !rese$t i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce, @o33set@ is eBua to Qero. @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ i$dicates t"e (o99o$ )-4(< resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ $u9%er %7 order o3 a!!eara$ce. T"e 5a ue o3 t"e @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ is Qero 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. Condition Short 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. 6t"er1ise, t"is :) is o!tio$a .

'OT2,P These &2s correspond to the F"?:"1F confi uration for 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state. 'OT2*P These &2s correspond to 111F transmission confi uration for 1255G7.1F state on the primary freAuency and secondary freAuency.

(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o

Need M4 M4 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( &ra9e, Ti9es ot) :$te2er(,,=,1 6,32) Se2antics description &ra9e ti9es ot re ated i$ter ea5i$2. 4e3au t 5a ue is @&ra9e@ 4escri%es t"e a9ou$t o3 %its 3or t"e T&(: %its code 1ord as descri%ed i$ I31J. 4e3au ts is $o T&(: %it* :$ case o3 = PSH i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44* , corres!o$ds to 6 T&(: code 1ord %its. = corres!o$ds to 12 T&(: code 1ord %its. 16 corres!o$ds to 2, T&(: code 1ord %its. 32 corres!o$ds to ,= T&(: code 1ord %its.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 2$d i$ter ea5i$2 9ode T&(: codi$2

Pu$cturi$2 i9it Re!etitio$ !eriod Re!etitio$ e$2t"


Rea (0.,0..1. 0 %7 ste! o3 0.0,) :$te2er(1, 2,,,=,16,32,6 ,) :$te2er(1.. Re!etitio$ !eriod R1 )

4e3au t is co$ti$uous a ocatio$. Va ue 1 i$dicate co$ti$uous '6T)* T"is is e9!t7 i3 re!etitio$ !eriod is set to 1.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o M8MS

Need M4 M4 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( &ra9e, Ti9es ot) :$te2er(,,=,1 6,32) Se2antics description &ra9e ti9es ot re ated i$ter ea5i$2. 4e3au t 5a ue is @&ra9e@ 4escri%es t"e a9ou$t o3 %its 3or t"e T&(: %its code 1ord as descri%ed i$ I31J. 4e3au ts is $o T&(: %it* :$ case o3 = PSH i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44* , corres!o$ds to 6 T&(: code 1ord %its. = corres!o$ds to 12 T&(: code 1ord %its. 16 corres!o$ds to 2, T&(: code 1ord %its. 32 corres!o$ds to ,= T&(: code 1ord %its.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 2$d i$ter ea5i$2 9ode T&(: codi$2

Pu$cturi$2 i9it


Rea (0.,0..1. 0 %7 ste! o3 0.0,)

(o$sta$t 5a ue
Only for 7::.

This constant value is used by the 32 to calculate the initial output power on P/.1F accordin to the Open loop power control procedure.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$sta$t 5a ue Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (35..-10) Se2antics description :$ d8

(o$sta$t 5a ue T44
Only for 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::.

3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T:: constant values are used for open loop power control of P/.1F- 3"1F- F"? "&1F and 35 :P1F as defined in subclause ;.9.<.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T44 (o$sta$t 5a ue Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (35..+10) Se2antics description :$ d8

Void Void,



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Void 4e3au t 4P(< 633set Va ue

&ndicates the default offset value within interleavin si!e at a resolution of 9,*chip (,@9 slot) in 7:: and a resolution of one frame in T:: to offset 17' in the 32. This is used to distribute discontinuous transmission periods in time and also to distribute 'ode0?/'1 transmission traffics in time. 2ven thou h the 17' is offset by :O77- the start timin of the interleavin will be the timin that H17' mod (interleavin si!e)HW+ (e. . interleavin si!eP *-8-;) in both 32 and "/'1.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN4e3au t 4P(< 633set Va ue (46&&) NT44 NN4e3au t 4P(< 633set Va ue (46&&) Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


:$te2er (0..3066== %7 ste! o3 512) :$te2er(0../)

'u9%er o3 c"i!s?. 0 to 5-- ti9e 512 c"i!s, see I10J. 'u9%er o3 3ra9esU See I10J


4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio$ codes

Only for ,.*; Mcps T:: and 3.;8 Mcps T::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() codes representation N(o$secuti5e codes NN&irst c"a$$e isatio$ code Need MP MP

%%% /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

NNLast c"a$$e isatio$ code


)$u9erated ( (1601)... (16016)) )$u9erated ( (1601)... (16016)) 8it stri$2(16)

:3 a T&(: e.ists i$ t"is ti9es ot, it is 9a!!ed to t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code as de3i$ed i$ I30J. :3 t"is is t"e sa9e as &irst c"a$$e isatio$ code, o$ 7 o$e code is used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. )ac" %it i$dicates t"e a5ai a%i it7 o3 a c"a$$e isatio$ code 3or S&16, 1"ere t"e c"a$$e isatio$ codes are $u9%ered as c"a$$e isatio$ code 1 (S&16) to c"a$$e isatio$ code 16 (S&16). (&or S& 16, a 1 i$ t"e %it9a! 9ea$s t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 code is used, a 0 9ea$s t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 code is $ot used.) :3 a %its are set to Qero, S& 1 s"a %e used. &or dedicated M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ti9es ot, i3 t"e 3irst "a 3 i$ t"e %it !atter$ is set to 1010101000000000, t"e 3irst c"a$$e isatio$ code 1it" S& 2 s"a %e usedU i3 t"e seco$d "a 3 o3 %it !atter$ is set to 0000000010101010, t"e seco$d c"a$$e isatio$ code 1it" S& 2 s"a %e usedU i3 a %its are set to 1010101010101010, %ot" t"e 3irst a$d seco$d c"a$$e isatio$ codes 1it" S&2 s"a %e used.

N8it9a! NN("a$$e isatio$ codes %it9a!


4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio$ codes V<(R

Only for <.=; Mcps T:: BF1/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() codes representation N(o$secuti5e codes NN&irst c"a$$e isatio$ code Need MP MP /ulti

%% T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNLast c"a$$e isatio$ code


)$u9erated ( (3201)... (32032)) )$u9erated ( (3201)... (32032)) 8it stri$2(32)

:3 a T&(: e.ists i$ t"is ti9es ot, it is 9a!!ed to t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code as de3i$ed i$ I30J. :3 t"is is t"e sa9e as &irst c"a$$e isatio$ code, o$ 7 o$e code is used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. )ac" %it i$dicates t"e a5ai a%i it7 o3 a c"a$$e isatio$ code 3or S&32, 1"ere t"e c"a$$e isatio$ codes are $u9%ered as c"a$$e isatio$ code 1 (S&32) to c"a$$e isatio$ code 32 (S&32). (&or S& 32, a 1 i$ t"e %it9a! 9ea$s t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 code is used, a 0 9ea$s t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 code is $ot used.) :3 a %its are set to Qero, S& 1 s"a %e used.


N8it9a! NN("a$$e isatio$ codes %it9a!


R)L-/ R)L-/

4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erat ed(:$itia is e, Mai$tai$) )$u9erat ed (&#LS)) Se2antics description '6T) $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9i$2 :$dicatio$

Ti9i$2 9ai$tai$ed S7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator


&#LS) i$dicates t"at $o s7$c"ro$isatio$ !rocedure s"a %e !er3or9ed 3or ti9i$2 9ai$tai$ed i$ter3reBue$c7 "ard "a$do5er I2-J. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s t"at t"e s7$c"ro$iQatio$ !rocedure # s"a %e used.


4o1$ i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio$


M#(-d <&' i$itia 5a ue (<6:() mode N&44 NNPo1er o33set P Pi ot-4P4(< NN4o1$ i$> rate 9atc"i$2 restrictio$ i$3or9atio$

(VMessag e MP MP 6P

4o1$ i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio $ 8it stri$2(2,)


:$te2er(0.. 2,) 4o1$ i$> rate 9atc"i$2 restrictio$ i$3or9atio $

Po1er o33set eBua s PPi ot - P4P4(<, ra$2e 0..6 d8, i$ ste!s o3 0.25 d8 :3 t"is :) is set to @a%se$t@, $o Tra$s!ort (< is restricted i$ T&:.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNS!readi$2 3actor Need MP /ulti

%%! T4pe and reference :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512) )$u9erat ed (&i.ed, & e.i% e) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NN&i.ed or & e.i% e Positio$ NNT&(: e.iste$ce


TRU) i$dicates t"at T&(: is used. G"e$ s!readi$2 3actor is ess t"a$ or eBua to 6,, &#LS) i$dicates t"at T&(: is $ot used a$d t"ere3ore 4TA is used i$ t"e T&(: 3ie d.

NN(<6:() S# NNNS& ? 256 NNNN'u9%er o3 %its 3or Pi ot %its NNNS& ? 12= NNNN'u9%er o3 %its 3or Pi ot %its NNN6t"er1ise

MP MP MP :$te2er (2,,,=) :$te2er(,, =) :$ %its :$ %its ($o data). :$ #S'.1 c"oice @6t"er1ise@ is $ot e.! icit 7 a5ai a% e as a 5a ues are a5ai a% e, it is i9! ied %7 t"e use o3 a$7 5a ue ot"er t"a$ 12= or 256. ($o data) Condition under which the -i=en S! is chosen @S!readi$2 3actor@ is set to 12= @S!readi$2 3actor@ is set to 256 @S!readi$2 3actor@ is set to a 5a ue disti$ct 3ro9 12= a$d 256 1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL@ is i$c uded i$ RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP or <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 9essa2es. 6t"er1ise it is o!tio$a . T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM, <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 a$d t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP 9essa2es or i3 t"e :) @Ti9i$2 :$dicatio$@ is set to @:$itia ise@ or i3 t"e :) O&reBue$c7 :$3oP is $ot i$c uded. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a .

NT44 C9C:C1 S! S&?12= S&?256 6t"er1ise

Condition Message



Cithin the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e- only value HinitialiseH is applicable.

4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL Post

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio$ Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio$


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL Pre

Need MP MP :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512) )$u9erated (&i.ed, & e.i% e) 8oo ea$ 4e3i$ed i$ (<6:() S&512#$d!i ot 1it" @$u9%er o3 its 3or !i ot %its@ i$ #S'.1 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNS!readi$2 3actor

NN&i.ed or & e.i% e Positio$ NNT&(: e.iste$ce


TRU) i$dicates t"at T&(: is used. G"e$ s!readi$2 3actor is ess t"a$ or eBua to 6,, &#LS) i$dicates t"at T&(: is $ot used a$d t"ere3ore 4TA is used i$ t"e T&(: 3ie d. :$ %its :$ %its ($o data)

NN(<6:() S# NNNS& ? 256 NNNN'u9%er o3 %its 3or Pi ot %its NNNS& ? 12= NNNN'u9%er o3 %its 3or Pi ot %its NNN6t"er1ise NT44 NN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o

MP MP MP :$te2er (2,,,=) :$te2er(,,=)


(o99o$ Ti9es ot :$3o Condition under which the -i=en S! is chosen @S!readi$2 3actor@ is set to 12= @S!readi$2 3actor@ is set to 256 @S!readi$2 3actor@ is set to a 5a ue disti$ct 3ro9 12= a$d 256

C9C:C1 S! S&?12= S&?256 6t"er1ise

4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL

Need MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$ :$te2er(0.. 3=1,, %7 ste! o3 256) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$

NN4P(< 3ra9e o33set


633set (i$ $u9%er o3 c"i!s) %et1ee$ t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e P((P(< 3ra9e a$d t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e 4P(< 3ra9e T"is is ca ed 4P(<,$ i$ I26J

NNSeco$dar7 (P:(< i$3o


Seco$dar 7 (P:(< i$3o 10.3.6./3 1 to M9a.4P (<&or t"e !ur!ose o3 !"7sica c"a$$e 9a!!i$2 I2/J t"e

NN4L c"a$$e isatio$ code



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti 4Lc"a$ N

%%' T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4P(<s are $u9%ered, starti$2 3ro9 4P(< $u9%er 1, accordi$2 to t"e order t"at t"e7 are co$tai$ed i$ t"is :). 4e3au t is t"e sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e Pri9ar7 (P:(< 4e3i$ed i$ (<6:() S&512#$d(ode$u9%er 1it" @code $u9%er@ i$ #S'.1 $ersion

NNNSeco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code


NNNS!readi$2 3actor


Seco$dar 7 scra9% i$ 2 code 10.3.6./, :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512) :$te2er(0.. S!readi$2 3actor - 1) )$u9erat ed (code c"a$2e, $o code c"a$2e) TP( co9%i$ati o$ i$de. 10.3.6.=5 :$te2er (0..2,) :$te2er(1, 2)

NNN(ode $u9%er NNNScra9% i$2 code c"a$2e

MP (<-S#<'

:$dicates 1"et"er t"e a ter$ati5e scra9% i$2 code is used 3or co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od LS&02L.

NNTP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. NNPo1er o33set PTP(-4P4(< NN( osed oo! ti9i$2 adKust9e$t 9ode N1.2= Mc!s T44 or 3.=, Mc!s T44 NN4L ((Tr(" List NNNT&(S :4 NNNTi9e i$3o NNN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o NNN4o1$ i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes


6P (<T4Di%er sity Mode 6P M4 MP M4 1..M9a. ((Tr(< N

Po1er o33set eBua s PTP(- P4P4(<, ra$2e 0..6 d8, i$ ste!s o3 0.25 d8 :t is !rese$t i3 T. 4i5ersit7 is used i$ t"e radio i$>.



:$te2er(1.. =) Ti9e :$3o 10.3.6.=3 (o99o$ Ti9es ot :$3o 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 0..M9a. ((Tr(< N

4L !"7sica c"a$$e s to esta% is" or reco$3i2ure ist. :de$tit7 o3 t"is ((Tr(". 4e3au t 5a ue is 1 4e3au t is t"e curre$t (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o 4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes.

NNNUL ((Tr(< TP( List


UL ((Tr(< ide$tities 3or TP( co99a$ds associated 1it" t"is 4L ((Tr(<. 4e3au t is !re5ious ist or a de3i$ed UL ((Tr(<s. T"is ist is $ot reBuired 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 a$d is to %e i2$ored %7 t"e U). Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set

NNNNUL TP( T&(S :de$tit7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN4L ((Tr(< List to Re9o5e NNNT&(S :4 N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN4L ((Tr(" List NNNT&(S :4 NNNTi9e i$3o NNN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o NNN4o1$ i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes V<(R Need /ulti

%%" T4pe and reference :de$tit7

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

6P MP 6P M4 MP M4

1..M9a. ((Tr(< N :$te2er(1.. =) 1..M9a. ((Tr(< N :$te2er(1.. =) Ti9e :$3o 10.3.6.=3 (o99o$ Ti9es ot :$3o 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R a 0..M9a. ((Tr(< N

4L !"7sica c"a$$e s to re9o5e ist.

4L !"7sica c"a$$e s to esta% is" or reco$3i2ure ist. :de$tit7 o3 t"is ((Tr(". 4e3au t 5a ue is 1 4e3au t is t"e curre$t (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o 4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



NNNUL ((Tr(< TP( List


UL ((Tr(< ide$tities 3or TP( co99a$ds associated 1it" t"is 4L ((Tr(<. 4e3au t is !re5ious ist or a de3i$ed UL ((Tr(<s. T"is ist is $ot reBuired 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 a$d is to %e i2$ored %7 t"e U). Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set :de$tit7


NNNNUL TP( T&(S :de$tit7



NN4L ((Tr(< List to Re9o5e NNNT&(S :4


1..M9a. ((Tr(< N :$te2er(1.. =)

4L !"7sica c"a$$e s to re9o5e ist.

R)L-/ R)L-/

Condition S#<'

T4Di%ersity Mode

1Dplanation T"e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e U) "as a co9!ressed 9ode !atter$ seBue$ce co$3i2ured i$ 5aria% e TGPS;:4)'T:TD or i$c uded i$ t"e 9essa2e i$c udi$2 :) @4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL@, 1"ic" is usi$2 co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od @S&02@. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 a$7 TA 4i5ersit7 Mode is used o$ t"e radio i$>, i.e. i3 STT4 or @c osed oo! 9ode 1@ is used o$ t"e radio i$>. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL Post

Need MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$ Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512) :$te2er(0.. S!readi$2 3actor - 1) )$u9erated (code c"a$2e, $o code c"a$2e) TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. 10.3.6.=5 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R R)L-/ R)L-/ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$

NNSeco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code


4e3au t is t"e sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e Pri9ar7 (P:(< 4e3i$ed i$ (<6:() S&512#$d(ode$u9%er 1it" @code $u9%er@ i$ #S'.1

NN(<6:() Spreading factor


NN(ode $u9%er NNScra9% i$2 code c"a$2e

MP (<-S#<'

:$dicates 1"et"er t"e a ter$ati5e scra9% i$2 code is used 3or co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od LS&02L.

NNTP( co9%i$atio$ i$de.


N1.2= Mc!s T44 or 3.=, Mc!s T44 NN4o1$ i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN4o1$ i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes V<(R



Condition S#<'

1Dplanation T"e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e U) "as a co9!ressed 9ode !atter$ seBue$ce co$3i2ured i$ 5aria% e TGPS;:4)'T:TD or i$c uded i$ t"e 9essa2e i$c udi$2 :) @4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL Post@, 1"ic" is usi$2 co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od @S&02@. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio$

Need MP MP )$u9erated (Si$2 e TP(, TP( tri! et i$ so3t) :$te2er (1, 2, 3) @Si$2 e TP(@ is 4P(;Mode?0 a$d @TP( tri! et i$ so3t@ is 4P(;9ode?1 i$ I2-J. :$ d8 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN4P( Mode

NT44 NNTP( Ste! SiQe

6P 4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL

'OT2P 7or 7:: only.
Need MP (VSynch /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (:$itia ise, Mai$tai$) )$u9erated (&#LS)) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 &#LS) i$dicates t"at $o s7$c"ro$isatio$ !rocedure s"a %e !er3or9ed 3or ti9i$2 9ai$tai$ed i$ter-3reBue$c7 "ard "a$do5er I2-J. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s t"at t"e s7$c"ro$iQatio$ !rocedure # s"a %e used. R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9i$2 :$dicatio$ Ti9i$2 9ai$tai$ed S7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator

4o1$ i$> &-4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio$ TP( co99a$d error rate tar2et


4o1$ i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3or9atio$ Rea (0.01..0.1 %7 ste! o3 0.01)

R)L-6 R)L-6

Condition Synch

1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM, <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 a$d t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP 9essa2es or i3 t"e :) @Ti9i$2 :$dicatio$@ is set to @:$itia ise@ or i3 t"e :) O&reBue$c7 :$3oP is $ot i$c uded. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a . 4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL

'OT2P 7or 7:: only.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$ :$te2er (0..3=1,, %7 ste! o3 256) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$ &-4P(< 3ra9e o33set


633set (i$ $u9%er o3



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

%%* T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description c"i!s) %et1ee$ t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e P((P(< 3ra9e a$d t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e &-4P(< 3ra9e T"is is ca ed &-4P(<,$ i$ I26J S ot 3or9at used %7 &4P(< i$ I26J. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s t"at s ot 3or9at 0 is a!! ied. 4e3au t is t"e sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e Pri9ar7 (P:(< $ersion

&-4P(< s ot 3or9at


:$te2er (0..- %7 ste!s o3 1)


Seco$dar7 (P:(< i$3o Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code (ode $u9%er TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. STT4 i$dicatio$

6P M4

Seco$dar7 (P:(< i$3o 10.3.6./3 Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, :$te2er (0..255) TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. 10.3.6.=5 )$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-6 R)L-6

MP MP (V"oH,to1TRA "

R)L-6 R)L-6 T"is :) s"a %e set to TRU) 1"e$ STT4 is used. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s STT4 is $ot used. R)L-6

Condition "oH,to1TRA"

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 a$d it is o!tio$a i$ a t"e ot"er 9essa2es i$ 1"ic" t"e :) @4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL@ ca$ %e i$c uded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-S((< :$3o Need 6P

% % /ulti T4pe and reference <S-S((< :$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 :) 4L Mu ti-(arrier :$3or9atio$ is !rese$t, i2$ore t"is :). $ersion R)L-5

Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o


Measure9e$ t &eed%ac> :$3o 10.3.6.,0a


(<6:() 9ode NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s NNNN<S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio$ NNN/.6= Mc!s NNNN<S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio$ V<(R

MP MP 6P <S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio $ <S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio $ V<(R <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio $ 4L Mu ti(arrier :$3or9atio$ )$u9erated (,0, =0, 160, 320, 6,0) &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 :) 4L Mu ti-(arrier :$3or9atio$ is !rese$t, i2$ore t"is :).

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN 1.2= Mc!s NNNN <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio$



NNNN 4L Mu ti-(arrier :$3or9atio$ NNNN 6ut o3 S7$c 1i$do1




NNNNTS0 :$dicator


)$u9erated (TRU))

NNNNTS0 c"a$$e iQatio$ codes

C$TS>"onrectangula rResource AllocationS pecificTim eslots

4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio $ codes

Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 160. T"ree s!are 5a ues $eeded. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e e$"a$ced TS0 is $ot used. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e 3irst %it o3 ti9es ot i$3or9atio$ o$ <S-S((< is used to i$dicate TS0. &or 1.2=Mc!s T44 o$ 7. T"is :) i$dicates t"e c"a$$e iQatio$ codes i$ TS0 t"at are co$3i2ured 3or <S-P4S(< c"a$$e .






Release ! NN4o1$ i$> 6,E#M co$3i2ured 6P

% )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) R)L-/ 9ea$s t"at t"e <S-S((< does $ot use t"e 6,E#M 3or9at. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e U) uses t"e octet a i2$ed ta% e I15J. NN<S-4S(< T8 siQe ta% e (V)$u9erated :3 t"is :) is R)L-/ "ot7-0AM (octet !rese$t, octet a i2$ed) a i2$ed ta% e I15J is used, e se %it a i2$ed ta% e I15J is used. '6T) 1 '6T) 1* T"is ru e a!! ies o$ 7 i3 t"e :) @4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< i$3or9atio$@ is !rese$t i$ t"e recei5ed 9essa2e. T"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied i3 t"e :) @<S-4S(< T8 siQe ta% e@ is !rese$t i$ t"e corres!o$di$2 #S'.1 $o$-critica e.te$sio$ 1"e$ t"e :) @4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< i$3or9atio$@ is a%se$t i$ t"e recei5ed 9essa2e. Condition "ot7-0AM TS>"onrectangularResourceAllocationSpecificTimeslots 1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 6,E#M is $ot co$3i2ured a$d M#(-e"s is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 %ot" o3 $o$recta$2u ar resource a ocatio$ i$dicator a$d TS0 i$dicator are co$3i2ured a$d $o$-recta$2u ar resource s!eci3ic ti9es ots set is $ot co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise, it is $ot $eeded.


Release !

% !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s

Need 6P MP /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL 4o1$ i$> &4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL 4P(< co9!ressed 9ode i$3o TA 4i5ersit7 Mode 10.3.6.=6 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() DPCH info N4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL

N4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL



(<6:() mode N&44 NN4P(< co9!ressed 9ode i$3o


NNTA 4i5ersit7 Mode


NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNTST4 i$dicator 4e3au t 4P(< 633set Va ue

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue o3 TA 4i5ersit7 9ode ($o data) ($o data) ($o data) R)L-, R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-,



M#(-"s reset i$dicator

(VmessageT ype 6P

TST4 i$dicator 10.3.6.=5a 4e3au t 4P(< 633set Va ue, )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))

Post-5eri3icatio$ !eriod

M#(-"s reset i$dicator 3or Mu ti3 o1 assisti$2 ce s

(VmessageT ype

)$u9erated (TRU))

TRU) :$dicates t"e M#(-"s0e"s e$tit7 $eeds to %e reset. TRU) i$dicates t"at a !ost5eri3icatio$ !eriod s"a %e used I2-J. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s t"at a !ost5eri3icatio$ !eriod s"a $ot %e used. TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e M#("s0e"s e$tit7 re ated to t"e assisti$2 ce s $eeds to %e reset.




Condition MessageType

1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 a$d t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP 9essa2es. 6t"er1ise, it is o!tio$a .


Release !

% 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Post

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL Post description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Pre

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL Pre Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a RL


Release !

% '

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>

Need MP MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 8oo ea$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNSer5i$2 <S-4S(< radio i$> i$dicator

NNSer5i$2 )-4(< radio i$> i$dicator


8oo ea$

T"e 5a ue TRU) i$dicates t"at t"is radio i$> is t"e ser5i$2 <S-4S(< radio i$> T"e 5a ue TRU) i$dicates t"at t"is radio i$> is t"e ser5i$2 )-4(< radio i$>



NT44 NNPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o (e :4 (<6:() DPCH info N4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL N4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL )-#G(< :$3o )-R6(< :$3o (<6:() mode N&44 NN(<6:() !-HICH Information NNN)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ NNN)-<:(< re ease i$dicator NNNSeco$dar7 T8 )-<:(< re ease i$dicator NN(<6:() !-R CH Information NNN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NNN)-RG(< re ease i$dicator NN(<6:() #-TPICH Info NNN&-TP:(< :$3o NNN&-TP:(< re ease i$dicator NT44 NN)-<:(< :$3or9atio$


Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o (e :4 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL 4o1$ i$> &4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL )-#G(< :$3o )-R6(< :$3o &44,6

R)L-, R)L-6



6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-6 ($o data) ($o data) R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-6


)-<:(< :$3o

6P MP )-RG(< :$3o ($o data) 6P &-TP:(< :$3o ($o data) ($o data) 6P )-<:(< :$3o

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-/ R)L-/


Release !

% "

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> Post

Need MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o !ost 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL Post /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ("oice 9ode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NT44 NNPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o


4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4TA :$3or9atio$ N(<6:() !-DCH TTI length NN10 9s NNNU) 4TA c7c e 1 NNNU) 4TA c7c e 2 NNNM#( 4TA c7c e NN2 9s NNNU) 4TA c7c e 1 NNNU) 4TA c7c e 2 Need 6P MP MP MP MP

% ( /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

)$u9erated (1, 5, 10, 20) )$u9erated (5, 10, 20, ,0, =0, 160) )$u9erated (5, 10, 20) )$u9erated (1, ,, 5, =, 10, 16, 20) )$u9erated (,, 5, =, 10, 16, 20, 32, ,0, 6,, =0, 12=, 160) )$u9erated (1, ,, 5, =, 10, 16, 20) )$u9erated (1, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) :$te2er (0..3/,3=)

U$its o3 su%3ra9es. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 )-4(< TT:s. )i2"t s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Ser5i$2 Gra$t 5a ue to %e used at t"e tra$sitio$ i$ 4TA-(7c e-2. (0..3/) i$dicates )-4(< ser5i$2 2ra$t i$de. as de3i$ed i$ I15JU i$de. 3= 9ea$s Qero 2ra$t. U$its o3 s ots 4e3au t 5a ue is 2 s ots U$its o3 )-4(< TT:s. &i5e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 su%-3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 su%-3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. &i5e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 )-4(< TT:s. Si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. S ot 3or9at [ to %e used o$ UL 4P((< I26J. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.


NNNM#( 4TA c7c e N:$acti5it7 T"res"o d 3or U) 4TA c7c e 2 N4e3au t SG i$ 4TA (7c e 2


R)L-/ R)L-/



NU) 4TA o$2 !rea9% e e$2t" NM#( :$acti5it7 T"res"o d


N(E: 4TA Ti9er


NU) 4P((< %urst;1 NU) 4P((< %urst;2 4RA :$3or9atio$ NU) 4RA c7c e N:$acti5it7 T"res"o d 3or U) 4RA c7c e


)$u9erated (,, 15) )$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, :$3i$it7) )$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, :$3i$it7) )$u9erated (1, 2, 5) )$u9erated (1, 2, 5) )$u9erated (,, 5, =, 10, 16, 20) )$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512) )$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256 ) 8oo ea$ )$u9erated (1, ,) 3GPP

R)L-/ R)L-/


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

N:$acti5it7 T"res"o d 3or U) Gra$t Mo$itori$2 NU) 4RA Gra$t Mo$itori$2 U! i$> 4P((< s ot 3or9at i$3or9atio$




R)L-/ R)L-/

Release !

% )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4L Mu ti-(arrier :$3or9atio$ (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Need 6P 6P 6P 1 to M9a.T441 2=(arrierN :$te2er(0..16 3=3) <#RE i$3o 10.3.5./a <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio $ 1 to M9a.<SS((<sN :$te2er(0..16 3=3) :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05) /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (ts$-6%its, ts$--%its) :$te2er(1..9 a.T4412=( arrier) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ T"e $u9%er o3 <S-S((< Sets s"a $ot %e ar2er t"a$ U) Mu ti(arrier ca!a%i it7 R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TS'-Le$2t" Mu ti-(arrier $u9%er 4 -<SP4S(<-Mu ti(arrier:$3or9atio$

N(arrier-Uar3c$ N<#RE :$3o N<S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio$

MP 6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

N<S-S((< Set (o$3i2uratio$ NN<S-S((<-Recei5e-Uar3c$ NNTi9es ot $u9%er NN&irst ("a$$e isatio$ code NNSeco$d ("a$$e isatio$ code NNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNMida9% e S"i3t NNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$

(V-1! MP

R)L-/ R)L-/

NN8L)R tar2et


Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et). T"e U) s"a use t"e 8L)R tar2et si2$a ed i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce o3 t"e <S-S((< Set (o$3i2uratio$.


NN<S-S:(< co$3i2uratio$ NNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNN("a$$e isatio$ code


:$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016))

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! NNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode MP

% * )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (-/..= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (-120..-5= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (1, 2, 3)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-/

NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$



NNNMida9% e S"i3t NNN#c>-'ac> Po1er 633set NNNPRA<S-S:(< NNNTP( ste! siQe

(V-1! MP MP MP

R)L-/ d8. d89. 4esired !o1er e5e 3or <S-S:(<. d8. R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

Void Void

4o1$ i$> rate 9atc"i$2 restrictio$ i$3or9atio$

This &2 indicates which Tr1F is restricted in T7&.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Restricted Tr(< i$3or9atio$ N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e NRestricted 4L Tr(< ide$tit7 Need 6P MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N )$u9erated( 4(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 1 to M9a.T&N :$te2er(0..31 ) T4pe and reference Se2antics description

N# o1ed T&:s NN# o1ed T&:


4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! (<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ i$3o N(o$ti$ue MP

% +

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-= R)L-=

($o data)

Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 dua ce o!eratio$.

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NN'e1 <-R'T: NN4o1$ i$> 6,E#M co$3i2ured


<-R'T:,a )$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-= R)L-= #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e seco$dar7 ce <S-S((< does $ot use t"e 6,E#M 3or9at. T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"e U) uses t"e octet a i2$ed ta% e I15J. :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, octet a i2$ed ta% e I15J is used, e se %it a i2$ed ta% e I15J is used. R)L-=

NN<S-4S(< T8 siQe ta% e


)$u9erated (octet a i2$ed)


NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NN4L Scra9% i$2 (ode


Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./,

R)L-= 4L Scra9% i$2 code to %e a!! ied 3or <S-4S(< a$d <S-S((<. 4e3au t is sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e !ri9ar7 (P:(<. 'ote 1 R)L-=

NN<S-S((< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode :$3or9atio$ NNN<S-S((< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode NNMeasure9e$t Po1er 633set


1 to M9a.<SS ((<s N :$te2er (0..12/) Rea (-6 .. 13 %7 ste! o3 0.5) Rea (-6 .. 13 %7 ste! o3 0.5) :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) )$u9erated (4i33ere$t)

R)L-= R)L-=

NNMeasure9e$t Po1er 633set;1


NNU#R&(' do1$ i$> ('d) NN4i33ere$t T. di5ersit7 9ode co$3i2uratio$ 3ro9 ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce


T"e 9easure9e$t !o1er o33set, , i$ d8, as descri%ed i$ I2-J. T"e 9easure9e$t !o1er o33set, 1, i$ d8, as descri%ed i$ I2-J. I21J T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e T. di5ersit7 Mode is di33ere$t to t"e 4i5ersit7 Mode i$dicated i$ t"e ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce . #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at t"e sa9e T. di5ersit7 9ode is used as t"at used 3or t"e ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce . 'ote 2



R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! NNMu ti3 o1 co$3i2uratio$ 6P

%!% ti3 o1 co$3i2uratio$ i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :3 !rese$t, !ro5ides t"e Mu ti3 o1 s!eci3ic co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ 3or t"is ce . &44 o$ 7 R)L-11

Seco$dar7 ce M:M6 !ara9eters

10.3.6./2% R)L-Seco$dar7 ce M:M6 !ara9eters Seco$dar7 ce M:M6 9ode 1it" 6P Seco$dar7 &44 o$ 7 R)L-11 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as ce M:M6 !ara9eters 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,, 'ote 1* T"e ist o3 <S-S((<(s) is assu9ed to %e i$de.ed starti$2 3ro9 o$e. 'ote 2* T"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied i3 t"e :) @4i33ere$t T. di5ersit7 9ode co$3i2uratio$ 3ro9 ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce @ is !rese$t a$d t"e :) @(<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ i$3o@ is $ot set to @'e1 co$3i2uratio$@ i$ t"e recei5ed 9essa2e. Condition "ot7-0AM 1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 6,E#M is $ot co$3i2ured a$d M#(-e"s is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes

Only for ,.*; Mcps T:: and 3.;8 Mcps T::.
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio $ codes Se2antics description :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 3or t"e 3irst ti9es ot used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. T"ese codes s"a %e used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er i$ t"e ti9es ot 2i5e$ i$ &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o. ($o data) MP :$te2er(1..9 a.TS-1) T"e ti9es ots used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er s"a %e ti9es ots* ' 9od 9a.TS ('+1) 9od 9a.TS ... ('+>) 9od 9a.TS i$ t"at order, 1"ere ' is t"e ti9es ot $u9%er i$ t"e &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o a$d > t"e 'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots. T"e additio$a ti9es ots s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) as t"e 3irst ti9es ot. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is !ara9eter corres!o$ds to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used seco$d %7 t"e !"7sica a7er,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o &irst ti9es ot c"a$$e isatio$ codes (<6:() more timeslots N'o 9ore ti9es ots N(o$secuti5e ti9es ots NN'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots


NTi9es ot ist NN#dditio$a ti9es ot ist


1 to M9a.TS1N


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN(<6:() parameters NNNNSa9e as ast NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er Need

%! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description t"e seco$d to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used t"ird a$d so o$.

MP MP Ti9es ot 'u9%er 10.3.6.=, T"e !"7sica a7er s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) 3or t"is ti9es ot as 3or t"e ast o$e.

NNNN'e1 !ara9eters NNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ codes


:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio $ codes

4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R

Only for <.=; Mcps T::.
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio$ codes V<(R Se2antics description :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 3or t"e 3irst ti9es ot used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. T"ese codes s"a %e used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er i$ t"e ti9es ot 2i5e$ i$ &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o. ($o data) MP :$te2er(1..9a. TS-1) T"e ti9es ots used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er s"a %e ti9es ots* ' 9od 9a.TS ('+1) 9od 9a.TS ... ('+>) 9od 9a.TS i$ t"at order, 1"ere ' is t"e ti9es ot $u9%er i$ t"e &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o a$d > t"e 'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots. T"e additio$a ti9es ots s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) as t"e 3irst ti9es ot. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is !ara9eter corres!o$ds to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used seco$d %7 t"e !"7sica a7er, t"e seco$d to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used t"ird a$d so o$. $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o &irst ti9es ot c"a$$e isatio$ codes V<(R (<6:() more timeslots N'o 9ore ti9es ots N(o$secuti5e ti9es ots NN'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NTi9es ot ist NN#dditio$a ti9es ot ist


1 to M9a.TS1N

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN(<6:() parameters NNNNSa9e as ast NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er

MP MP Ti9es ot 'u9%er 10.3.6.=, T"e !"7sica a7er s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) 3or t"is ti9es ot as 3or t"e ast o$e.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNN'e1 !ara9eters NNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o



R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ codes V<(R Need /ulti

%!! T4pe and reference ti9es ot i$3o 4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio$ codes V<(R

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion



4P(< co9!ressed 9ode i$3o

Only for 7::.

This information element indicates the parameters of the compressed mode to be used by the 32 in order to perform inter?freAuency and inter?/.T measurements.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce NTGPS: NTGPS Status & a2


/ulti 1 to M9a.TGP SN

T4pe and reference

Se2antics description


TGPS: 10.3.6.=2 )$u9erated( acti5ate, deacti5ate) :$te2er (0..255)



T"is 3 a2 i$dicates 1"et"er t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce s"a %e acti5ated or deacti5ated. (o$$ectio$ &ra9e 'u9%er o3 t"e 3irst 3ra9e o3 t"e 3irst !atter$ 1it"i$ t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce.

NTra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce co$3i2uratio$ !ara9eters NNTGMP

6P MP )$u9erated( T44 9easure9e$ t, &44 9easure9e$ t, GSM carrier RSS: 9easure9e$ t, GSM :$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$, GSM 8S:( reco$3ir9atio$, Mu ti-carrier 9easure9e$ t, )-UTR# 9easure9e$ t) )$u9erated (TRU)) :$te2er (1..511, :$3i$it7) :$te2er Tra$s9issio$ Ga! !atter$ seBue$ce Measure9e$t Pur!ose.

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e 3reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode is co$3i2ured. T"e $u9%er o3 tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$s 1it"i$ t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce. Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Starti$2

R)L-= R)L-10

NN&reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode NNTGPR(

(V-Acti%e#DD MP




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%!3 /ulti T4pe and reference (0..1,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S ot 'u9%er T"e s ot $u9%er o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ 2a! s ot 1it"i$ t"e TG(&'. T"e e$2t" o3 t"e 3irst Tra$s9issio$ Ga! 1it"i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ e.!ressed i$ $u9%er o3 s ots T"e e$2t" o3 t"e seco$d Tra$s9issio$ Ga! 1it"i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. :3 o9itted, t"e$ TGL2?TGL1. T"e 5a ue o3 TGL2 s"a %e i2$ored i3 TG4 is set to @u$de3i$ed@ Tra$s9issio$ 2a! dista$ce i$dicates t"e $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ starti$2 s ots o3 t1o co$secuti5e tra$s9issio$ 2a!s 1it"i$ a tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. :3 t"ere is o$ 7 o$e tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$, t"is !ara9eter s"a %e set to u$de3i$ed. T"e duratio$ o3 tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ 1. Reco5er7 Period Po1er co$tro 9ode duri$2 t"e 3ra9e a3ter t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! 1it"i$ t"e co9!ressed 3ra9e. :$dicates 1"et"er $or9a P( 9ode or co9!ressed P( 9ode is a!! ied :$itia Tra$s9it Po1er is t"e u! i$> !o1er co$tro 9et"od to %e used to co9!ute t"e i$itia tra$s9it !o1er a3ter t"e co9!ressed 9ode 2a!. (o9!ressed 9ode used i$ 4L o$ 7 Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 do1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a!. :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) (o9!ressed 9ode used i$ UL o$ 7 Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 u! i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a! (o9!ressed 9ode used i$ UL a$d 4L Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 do1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a!. :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 u! i$> $ersion



:$te2er(1..1, ) :$te2er (1..1,)





:$te2er(15..2 6-, u$de3i$ed)



:$te2er (1..1,,) )$u9erated (9ode 0, 9ode 1).



)$u9erated (9ode 0, 9ode 1).

NN(<6:() 1L<DL mode NNN4L o$ 7 NNNN4o1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od

MP MP )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2)

NNNUL o$ 7 NNNNU! i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od NNNUL a$d 4L NNNN4o1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od MP )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2) MP )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2)

NNNNU! i$> co9!ressed 9ode




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 9et"od NN4o1$ i$> 3ra9e t7!e NN4e taS:R1 Need

%!' /ulti T4pe and reference (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2) )$u9erated (#, 8) Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description co9!ressed 9ode 2a! :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) duri$2 t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ (1it"out i$c udi$2 t"e e33ect o3 t"e %it-rate i$crease). :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) o$e 3ra9e a3ter t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) duri$2 t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e seco$d tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ (1it"out i$c udi$2 t"e e33ect o3 t"e %it-rate i$crease) G"e$ o9itted, 4e taS:R2 ? 4e taS:R1. :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) o$e 3ra9e a3ter t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e seco$d tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. G"e$ o9itted, 4e taS:Ra3ter2 ? 4e taS:Ra3ter1. :3 &-4P(< is co$3i2ured t"is :) s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e U) :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!eats o3 !atter$s t"at t"e U) s"a use to atte9!t to decode t"e u$>$o1$ 8S:( o3 t"e GSM ce i$ t"e i$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$ !rocedure :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 ti9e a o1ed 3or t"e reco$3ir9atio$ o3 t"e 8S:( o3 o$e GSM ce i$ t"e 8S:( re-co$3ir9atio$ !rocedure. T"e ti9e is 2i5e$ i$ ste!s o3 0.5 seco$ds. $ersion


NN4e taS:Ra3ter1


Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)

NN4e taS:R2


Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)

NN4e taS:Ra3ter2


Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)

NN' :de$ti37 a%ort

(V-Initial +SIC

:$te2er(1..12 =)

NNT Reco$3ir9 a%ort

(V-Reconfirm +SIC

Rea (0.5..10. 0 %7 ste! o3 0.5)


Release ! Condition Acti%e Acti%e-#DD Initial +SIC Re-confirm +SIC


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGPS Status & a2@ is @#cti5ate@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) ca$ %e i$c uded o$ 7 3or &44 9easure9e$ts. :t is o!tio$a !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGPS Status & a2@ is @#cti5ate@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGMP@ is set to @GSM :$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGMP@ is set to @GSM 8S:( re-co$3ir9atio$@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.,

4P(< (o9!ressed Mode Status :$3o

This information element indicates status information of the compressed mode used by the 32 in order to perform inter? freAuency and inter?/.T measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TGPS reco$3i2uratio$ (&' Tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce NTGPS: NTGPS Status & a2 Need MP MP MP MP 1 to M9a.TGP SN TGPS: 10.3.6.=2 )$u9erated( acti5ate, deacti5ate) :$te2er (0..255) Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce :de$ti3ier T"is 3 a2 i$dicates 1"et"er t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce it s"a %e acti5ated or deacti5ated. (o$$ectio$ &ra9e 'u9%er o3 t"e 3irst 3ra9e o3 t"e 3irst !atter$ 1it"i$ t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce. TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e 3reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode is co$3i2ured. /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..255) Se2antics description



N&reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode


)$u9erated (TRU))

Condition Acti%e Acti%e-,P

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGPS Status & a2@ is @#cti5ate@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGPS Status & a2@ is @#cti5ate@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.,a

4TA-4RA i$3or9atio$
7or 7:: only.,%

4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$

7or 7:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() timing N(o$ti$ue Need MP

%!( /ulti T4pe and reference ($o data)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 4TA-4RA a$d <S-S((< ess. :$ radio 3ra9es. Se5e$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/

N'e1 ti9i$2 NN)$a% i$2 4e a7


NNU) 4TA 4RA 633set

U$its o3 su%3ra9es. R)L-/ 633set o3 t"e 4TA a$d 4RA c7c es at t"e 2i5e$ TT:. 'ote* 6$ 7 t"e 5a ues o3 t"e :) OU) 4TA 4RA 633setP t"at 3u 3i t"e eBuatio$ 1! DT? DR? ,ffset 9od 5?0 ca$ %e co$3i2ured 1it" 109s )-4(< TT:. T"e U) %e"a5iour is $ot s!eci3ied i3 a$7 ot"er 5a ues are used 1it" 109s TT:.


)$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=) :$te2er (0.. 15-)

R)L-/ R)L-/

47$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=) Se2antics description Le5e s"a %e 9a!!ed to a d7$a9ic !ersiste$ce 5a ue i$ t"e ra$2e 0 .. 1. T"e 9a!!i$2 is descri%ed i$ su%c ause =.5.12.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 47$a9ic !ersiste$ce e5e

&P#(< i$3o

Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.

Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..6) )$u9erated( (1601).. (16016) Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1 :$te2er(1..,) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9es ot $u9%er ("a$$e isatio$ code Mida9% e S"i3t a$d %urst t7!e



T"e $u9%er o3 su%-3ra9es, 3o o1i$2 t"e su%3ra9e i$ 1"ic" t"e SD'( UL is tra$s9itted, i$ 1"ic" t"e &P#(< ca$ %e tra$s9itted.


&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 8a$d :, 8a$d ::, 8a$d :::, 8a$d :V, 8a$d V, 8a$d V:, 8a$d V::, Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%!) /ulti T4pe and reference e.te$sio$ i$dicator)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 8a$d V:::, 8a$d :A, 8a$d A, 8a$d A:, 8a$d A::, 8a$d A:::, 8a$d A:V, 8a$d AV, 8a$d AV:, 8a$d AV::, 8a$d AV:::, 8a$d A:A, 8a$d AA, 8a$d AA:, 8a$d AA::, e.te$sio$ i$dicator) Se2antics description 8a$d AV R 8a$d AV::: a$d 8a$d AA:: are 7et to %e de3i$ed i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$ $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2 &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (8a$d AAV, 8a$d AAV:, e.te$sio$ i$dicator) Se2antics description Si.t7 6$e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion R)L-10

&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3or T44

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 8a$d a, 8a$d %, 8a$d c, 8a$d d, 8a$d e, 8a$d 3, reser5ed, reser5ed) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&reBue$c7 i$3o
Need MP 6P :$te2er(0..16 3=3) :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e de3au t du! e. dista$ce de3i$ed 3or t"e o!erati$2 3reBue$c7 %a$d s"a %e used I21J I21J I22J /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNU#R&(' u! i$> ('u)

NNU#R&(' do1$ i$> ('d) NT44 NNU#R&(' ('t)

MP MP <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio$

'OT2P Only for T:: ,.*; Mcps.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er(0..15 ) Se2antics description T"is 9ida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode a!! ies to a <SP4S(< resources assi2$ed to t"e U). T"is co$3i2uratio$ a!! ies to a <SP4S(< resources assi2$ed to t"e U). T"is s"i3t, 1"e$ !rese$t, a!! ies to a <S-P4S(< resources assi2$ed to t"e U). $ersion R)L-5

Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio$



Mida9% e S"i3t



Condition 1!

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

<S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio$

'OT2P Only for T:: 3.;8 Mcps.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio$ List NTi9es ot 'u9%er N(<6:() 8urst T7!e NNT7!e 1 NNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode Need MP MP MP MP

%!+ /ulti 1 to M9a.TS1N :$te2er (0..1,) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (3, 6) :$te2er (0..5) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 a$d 3 NNNMida9% e S"i3t NNT7!e 2 NNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode


#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNMida9% e S"i3t Condition

MP (V-U)

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-5 R)L-5


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. <S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio$ V<(R

'OT2P Only for T:: <.=; Mcps.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-P4S(< Ti9es ot (o$3i2uratio$ List NTi9es ot 'u9%er N(<6:() 8urst T7!e NNT7!e 1 NNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode Need MP MP MP MP

%3% /ulti 1 to M9a.TS1N :$te2er (0..1,) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =) :$te2er (0../) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 a$d 3 NNNMida9% e S"i3t NNT7!e 2 NNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode


#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNMida9% e S"i3t Condition

MP (V-U)

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-/ R)L-/


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

<S-S((< :$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() 9ode N&44 NN4L Scra9% i$2 (ode Need MP M4

%3! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./,

NN<S-S((< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode :$3or9atio$ NNN<S-S((< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s NNNN #c>-'ac> Po1er 633set NNNN <S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o NNNN 8L)R tar2et


1 to M9a.<SS ((<s N :$te2er (0..12/)

4L Scra9% i$2 code to %e a!! ied 3or <S-4S(< a$d <S-S((<. 4e3au t is sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e !ri9ar7 (P:(<. 'ote 2

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:$te2er (-/..= %7 ste! o3 1) <S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05)

d8 'ote 1


NNNN 4"s-s7$c


:$te2er (20..+10)

Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et).T"is :) is 'ot Prese$t i$ R)L-5. Va ue i$ d8 set to i$dicate t"e d8 di33ere$ce %et1ee$ t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed <S-S((< !"7sica c"a$$e tra$s9it !o1er I33J a$d t"e %eaco$ re3ere$ce !o1er (it is o$e 9ea$s o3 co$tro i$2 t"e area o3 <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1it"i$ t"e ce ).



NNNN<S-S((< Set (o$3i2uratio$ NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


1 to M9a.<SS ((<sN :$te2er (0..1,) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =, 16) :$te2er(0..15 )

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 <S-S((< a 1a7s uses %urst t7!e 1. R)L-5

NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNMida9% e S"i3t

MP (V-U)

R)L-5 R)L-5


Release ! NNNNN8L)R tar2et MP

%33 Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et). T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i$ R)L-6 a$d %e7o$d. R)L-5

NNNNN<S-S:(< co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


NNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNN/.6= Mc!s NNNN#c>-'ac> Po1er 633set NNNN<S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o NNNN8L)R tar2et

MP (V-1! MP MP

:$te2er (0..1,) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (-/..= %7 ste! o3 1) <S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05) :$te2er (20..+10)

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 <S-S:(< a 1a7s uses %urst t7!e 1. R)L-5

R)L-5 R)L-5 d8 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/






:$te2er (20..+10)

Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et). Va ue i$ d8 set to i$dicate t"e d8 di33ere$ce %et1ee$ t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed <S-S((< !"7sica c"a$$e tra$s9it !o1er I33J a$d t"e %eaco$ re3ere$ce !o1er (it is o$e 9ea$s o3 co$tro i$2 t"e area o3 <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1it"i$ t"e ce ). Va ue i$ d8 set to i$dicate t"e d8 di33ere$ce %et1ee$ t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed <S-S((< !"7sica c"a$$e tra$s9it !o1er I33J a$d t"e %eaco$ re3ere$ce !o1er (it is o$e 9ea$s o3 co$tro i$2 t"e area o3 <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1it"i$ t"e ce ).




NNNN<S-S((< Set (o$3i2uratio$


1 to M9a.<SS((<sN



Release ! NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode MP MP MP

%3' :$te2er (0..1,) )$u9erated ((3201) .. (32032)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =, 16) :$te2er(0..15 ) :$te2er (0..1,) )$u9erated ((3201) .. (32032)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (-/..= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (-120..-5= %7 ste! o3 1) )$u9erated (1, 2, 3)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-/ R)L-/ <S-S((< a 1a7s uses %urst t7!e 1. R)L-/

NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNNN<S-S:(< co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 <S-S:(< a 1a7s uses %urst t7!e 1. R)L-5

NNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNN1.2= Mc!s NNNN#c>-'ac> Po1er 633set

MP (V-1! MP

R)L-5 R)L-5 d8. T"is :) is 'ot Prese$t i$ R)L-5. 'ote d89. 4esired !o1er e5e 3or <S-S:(<. T"is :) is 'ot Prese$t i$ R)L-5 d8. TP( ste! siQe 3or <S-S:(<. 6$e s!are 5a ue. T"is :) is 'ot Prese$t i$ R)L-5. Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et). T"is :) is 'ot Prese$t i$ R)L-5. d8. 6$e s!are 5a ue. U$it* 'u9%er o3 su%3ra9es 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. R)L-5 R)L-6




NNNNTP( ste! siQe



NNNN8L)R tar2et


Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05)


NNNN<S-S((< TP( ste! siQe NNNNPo1er (o$tro G#P

(V"oDPCH* !A CH M4

)$u9erated (1, 2, 3) :$te2er (1X255)

R)L-= R)L-/


Release ! NNNNPat" oss co9!e$satio$ s1itc" M4

%3" 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) TRU)* U) s"a !er3or9 t"e !at" oss co9!e$satio$ 3or <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro 1"e$ <SS:(< tra$s9issio$ 2a! is ess t"a$ OPo1er (o$tro G#PP. &#LS)* U) s"a $ot co$sider t"e !at" oss co9!e$satio$ 3or <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro . 4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS). R)L-/

NNN<S-S((< Set (o$3i2uratio$ NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN&irst ("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNSeco$d ("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


1 to M9a.<SS ((<sN :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05)

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

NNNNN Mida9% e S"i3t NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$

(V-U) MP

R)L-5 R)L-5

NNNNN8L)R tar2et


Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et). T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i$ R)L-6 a$d %e7o$d.


NNNNN<S-S:(< co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


NNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$


NNNNNNMida9% e S"i3t


:$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15)

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5




Release ! NNNNNN#c>-'ac> Po1er 633set MP

%3( :$te2er (-/..= %7 ste! o3 1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) d8. T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i$ R)L-6 a$d %e7o$d. R)L-5

'ote d89. 4esired R)L-5 !o1er e5e 3or <S-S:(<. T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i$ R)L-6 a$d %e7o$d. NNNNNNTP( ste! siQe MP )$u9erated d8. 6$e s!are R)L-5 (1, 2, 3) 5a ue. T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i$ R)L-6 a$d %e7o$d. 'ote 1* #c>-'ac> Po1er 633set is t"e di33ere$ce i$ t"e desired RA !o1er %et1ee$ <S-S:(< tra$s9issio$s co$5e7i$2 a$ ac>$o1 ed2e9e$t a$d tra$s9issio$s co$5e7i$2 a $e2ati5e ac>$o1 ed2e9e$t si2$a ed to t"e U) i$ :) @<S-S((< :$3o@. 'ote 2* T"e ist o3 <S-S((<(s) is assu9ed to %e i$de.ed starti$2 3ro9 o$e. NNNNNNPRA<S-S:(< MP :$te2er (-120..-5= %7 ste! o3 1) Condition 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ $eit"er 4P(< $or )-#G(< is co$3i2ured a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

1! No4P$5:E*+$5 <S-S((< ess i$3or9atio$

'OT2P 7or 7:: only
Need MP ($o data) MP 1..M 9a.<SS((<Le ssTr8 > N MP :$te2er (1..-0) 8oo ea$ :$de. o3 t"e M#(-"s or M#(-e"s tra$s!ort % oc> siQe as descri%ed i$ a!!e$di. # o3 I15J :$dicates 1"et"er t"e seco$d <S-P4S(< code is used 3or t"is T8 siQe. :3 TRU), t"e <S-P4S(< seco$d code i$de. 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 :) O<SP4S(< (ode :$de.P i$cre9e$ted %7 1. :$te2er (1..15) :$de. o3 3irst <S-P4S(< code /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() HS-SCCH less operation N(o$ti$ue <S-S((< ess o!eratio$ N'e1 <S-S((< ess o!eratio$ NN<S-P4S(< (ode :$de. NNTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe List

NNNTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe :$de.


NNN<S-P4S(< Seco$d (ode Su!!ort



<S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o

This &2 is used to transfer F"?"&1F power control info to the 32 and only applies to T:: 3.;8 Mcps and <.=; Mcps.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL tar2et S:R <S-S:(< (o$sta$t 5a ue Need MP MP

%3) /ulti T4pe and reference Rea (-11..20 %7 ste! o3 0.5 ) (o$sta$t 5a ue

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description d8 '6T) 1 $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5

'OT2 ,P .li nment to ."'.,P the &2 H1onstant value T::H (,+.3.=.,,a) should have been used to provide the correct value ran e. The &2 H1onstant valueH (,+.3.=.,,) is used to #eep compatibility with /25?9.

<S-4S(< co99o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

7or 7:: only.
Need MP M4 MP /ulti T4pe and reference (o99o$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.oa (o99o$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.oa (o99o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue ist <S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o <#RE :$3o 10.3.5./a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ 'ote R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (((< 9a!!i$2 i$3o SR81 9a!!i$2 i$3o (o99o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue ist

<S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o <#RE s7ste9 :$3o (o99o$ <-R'T: :$3or9atio$

MP MP MP 1 to M9a.(o9 9o$<R'T: N

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

N(o99o$ <-R'T: 8((< s!eci3ic <-R'T:


<-R'T:,a <-R'T:,a

R)L-/ R)L-/


The default values for the H"/0, mappin infoH are , for the 5o ical channel identity and + for the M.1?ehs Aueue identity. <S-4S(< co99o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44

'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (((< 9a!!i$2 i$3o SR81 9a!!i$2 i$3o (o99o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue ist Need MP M4 MP

%3* /ulti T4pe and reference (o99o$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.oa (o99o$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 10.3.,.oa (o99o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue ist <S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44 <#RE :$3o 10.3.5./a <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio $

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= 'ote 1 R)L-= R)L-=

<S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o


'ote 2


<#RE s7ste9 :$3o <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio$


R)L-= R)L-=

(o99o$ <-R'T: :$3or9atio$


1 to M9a.(o9 9o$<R'T: N <-R'T:,a <-R'T:,a


N(o99o$ <-R'T: 8((< s!eci3ic <-R'T:


R)L-= R)L-=

'OT2 ,P The default values for the H"/0, mappin infoH are , for the 5o ical channel identity and + for the M.1?ehs Aueue identity. 'OT2 *P These &2s correspond to the F"?:"1F confi uration for 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F state.

<S-4S(< !a2i$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Only for 7::.

These parameters enable the 32 in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F to receive transmissions on F":P. cell resources.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4L Scra9% i$2 (ode Need M4

%3+ /ulti T4pe and reference Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4L Scra9% i$2 code to %e a!! ied 3or <S-4S(< a$d <S-S((<. 4e3au t is sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e !ri9ar7 (P:(<. $ersion R)L-/

P:(< 3or <S4P# su!!orted !a2i$2 ist N<S4P# associated P:(< i$3o N<S-P4S(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode


1 to M9a.S(( P(<N P:(< i$3o 10.3.6.,:$te2er (0..15) <S-P4S(< c"a$$e , associated 1it" t"e P:(< 3or <SS((< ess P#G:'G TDP) 1 9essa2e tra$s9issio$. $u9%er o3 su%3ra9es used to tra$s9it t"e P#G:'G TDP) 1. :$de. o3 5a ue ra$2e 1 to 32 o3 t"e M#(-e"s tra$s!ort % oc> siQe as descri%ed i$ a!!e$di. # o3 I15J

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

'u9%er o3 P((< tra$s9issio$s


:$te2er (1..5)


Tra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe List NTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe :$de.


1 to 2 :$te2er (1..32)

R)L-/ R)L-/ <S-4S(< !a2i$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44

These parameters enable the 32 in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F to receive P11F- :11F@:T1F transmissions on F":P. cell resources. 'OT2P Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e P:(< 3or <S-4S(< ist N(<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ Mode NN:9! icit Need MP MP

%'% /ulti 1 to M9a.S(( P(<N T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNN6ccurre$ce seBue$ce $u9%er i$ S-((P(< s7st9e :$3o


:$te2er (1.. 9a.S((P( <)

T"e c"oice :$dicates t"e P:(< is s"ared 1it" P(<. :$dicates t"e occurre$ce seBuec$ce $u9%er o3 @P:(< :$3o@ i$ Seco$dar7 ((P(< S7ste9 :$3or9atio$. 4e3au t 5a ue i9! 7s t"e 3irst occurre$ce or t"e o$ 7 occurre$ce o3 @P:(< :$3o@ i$ Seco$dar7 ((P(< S7ste9 :$3or9atio$.


NN).! icit NNN<S4P# associated P:(< i$3o 4T(<04((< Rece!tio$ 1i$do1 siQe P((< re ated i$3or9atio$ NPa2i$2 associated <S-P4S(< i$3o NN<S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio$


P:(< i$3o 10.3.6.,:$te2er (1..16)

R)L-= R)L-= 'u9%er o3 su%3ra9e 3or U) to detect t"e <SS((< See 'ote 1 See 'ote 3 R)L-=


1 to M9a.S(( P(<N <S-P4S(< Mida9% e (o$3i2uratio $ 8it stri$2 (6)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNTi9es ot Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$:


NN(ode Resource :$3or9atio$ NNNStart code NNNSto! code


)ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 o3 a ti9es ot, 1"ere t"e %it 0 corres!o$ds to TS0, t"e %it 1 is TS2, t"e %it 2 is TS3X %it 6 corres!o$ds to TS6. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot is a5ai a% e. 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. 'ote 2


)$u9erated( (1601).. (16016)) )$u9erated( (1601).. (16016))

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! NPa2i$2 Su%-("a$$e SiQe NTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe List NNTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe :$de. MP MP MP

%' :$te2er (1..3) 1 to 2 :$te2er (1..32)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $u9%er o3 3ra9es 3or a Pa2i$2 su%c"a$$e :$de. o3 5a ue ra$2e 1 to 32 o3 t"e M#(-e"s tra$s!ort % oc> siQe as descri%ed i$ Ta% e -.2.3.3.= I15J R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

'OT2 ,P The &2 is not si nalled when the HP&1F infoH is present in H"econdary 11P1F system informationH in "&09 and "&0=. 'OT2 *P F"?P:"1F channelisation codes are allocated conti uously from a si nalled start code to a si nalled stop code- and the allocation includes both the start and stop code. &f a value of "tart code W ,= and "top code W , is si nalled- a spreadin factor of "7W, shall be used for the F"?P:"1F resources. 'OT2 3P The timin between P&1F and the pa in associated F"?P:"1F is specified in D3+E. 32 should receives the F"?P:"1F based on the timin specification.

<S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o

for 7:: only.
Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, Se2antics description 4L Scra9% i$2 code to %e a!! ied 3or <S-4S(< a$d <S-S((<. 4e3au t is sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e !ri9ar7 (P:(<. $ersion R)L-/

These parameters enable the 32 to receive transmission on F":P. cell resources- when the 32 is not in 1255G:1F.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4L Scra9% i$2 (ode

<S-S((< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode :$3or9atio$ N<S-S((< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode


1 to M9a.<SS ((<sN :$te2er (0..12/) ('6T))

R)L-/ R)L-/


3T/.' should use the first inde(ed F"?"11F 1hannelisation code for the 011F specific F?/'T& to indicate system information chan e information. Otherwise 32 behaviour is unspecified. <S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44

These parameters enable the 32 to receive transmission on F":P. cell resources on primary freAuency or secondary freAuency- when the 32 is not in 1255G:1F.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


for ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-S((< Set (o$3i2uratio$ NTi9es ot $u9%er N&irst ("a$$e isatio$ code NSeco$d ("a$$e isatio$ code NMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode Need MP MP MP MP MP

%'3 /ulti 1 to M9a.<SS ((<sN :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (-120..-5= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (-/..= %7 ste! o3 1) )$u9erated (1, 2, 3) Rea (-3.15..0 %7 ste! o3 0.05) :$te2er (1X255) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NMida9% e S"i3t NMida9% e co$3i2uratio$

(V-1! MP

R)L-= R)L-=

N<S-S:(< co$3i2uratio$ NNTi9es ot $u9%er NN("a$$e isatio$ code NNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNMida9% e S"i3t NNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$

(V-1! MP

R)L-= R)L-=

PRA<S-S:(< #c>-'ac> Po1er 633set TP( ste! siQe 8L)R tar2et


d89. 4esired !o1er e5e 3or <S-S:(<. d8. d8. TP( ste! siQe 3or <S-S:(<. 6$e s!are 5a ue. Si2$a ed 5a ue is Lo210(<S-S((< 8L)R Bua it7 tar2et). U$it* 'u9%er o3 su%3ra9es 4e3au t 5a ue is 1.

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

Po1er (o$tro G#P




Release ! Pat" oss co9!e$satio$ s1itc" M4

%'' 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) TRU)* U) s"a !er3or9 t"e !at" oss co9!e$satio$ 3or <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro 1"e$ <SS:(< tra$s9issio$ 2a! is ess t"a$ OPo1er (o$tro G#PP. &#LS)* U) s"a $ot co$sider t"e !at" oss co9!e$satio$ 3or <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro . 4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS). R)L-=

Condition 1!

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


3T/.' should use the first inde(ed F"?"11F 1hannelisation code for the 011F specific F?/'T& to indicate system information chan e information on primary freAuency or secondary freAuency. Otherwise 32 behaviour is unspecified.


<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< i$3or9atio$

Only for 7::.

These parameters confi ure the 32 in 1255G7.1F state to discontinuously receive F"?:"1F.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T321 Need MP

%'" /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (100, 200, ,00, =00) )$u9erated (,, =, 16, 32)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4eter9i$es t"e ti9e t"e U) 1aits u$ti i$itiati$2 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 9s. 4eter9i$es t"e e$2t" o3 t"e 4RA (7c e duri$2 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 3ra9es 4eter9i$es t"e !eriod 1it"i$ t"e 4RA (7c e t"at t"e U) co$ti$uous 7 recei5es <S4S(<, i$ 3ra9es. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e 4RA o!eratio$ ca$ %e i$terru!ted %7 <S-4S(< data. &#LS) 9ea$s t"at t"e 4RA o!eratio$ ca$$ot %e i$terru!ted %7 <S-4S(< data $ersion R)L-=

<S-4S(< 4RA c7c e&#(<



<S-4S(< R. %urst&#(<


)$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16)


4RA :$terru!tio$ %7 <S-4S(< data


8oo ea$


<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< i$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44

These parameters confi ure the 32 in 1255G7.1F state to discontinuously receive F"?:"1F. 'OT2P Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (100, 200, ,00, =00) )$u9erated (,, =, 16, 32) Se2antics description 4eter9i$es t"e ti9e t"e U) 1aits u$ti i$itiati$2 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 9s. 4eter9i$es t"e e$2t" o3 t"e 4RA (7c e duri$2 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 3ra9es 4eter9i$es t"e !eriod 1it"i$ t"e 4RA (7c e t"at t"e U) co$ti$uous 7 recei5es <S4S(<, i$ 3ra9es. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T321

4RA c7c e&#(<



R. %urst&#(<


)$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16)


:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, Se2antics description Ti9es ot 1it"i$ a 3ra9e $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9es ot $u9%er


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(: e.iste$ce Need MP

%'( /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e T&(: e.ists. :t s"a %e coded i$ t"e !"7sica c"a$$e de3i$ed i$ I30J o3 t"is ti9es ot. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode, t"e U) s"a i2$ore t"e co$te$ts o3 t"is :). ($o data) ($o data) $ersion

Mida9% e S"i3t a$d %urst t7!e


Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1

(<6:() TDD option N3.=, Mc!s T44 N/.6= Mc!s T44 N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNModu atio$ NNSS-TP( S79%o s



)$u9erated( EPSH, =PSH) )$u9erated( 0, 1, 160S&) :$te2er(1..15 )

R)L-, R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

NN#dditio$a TP(-SS S79%o s


4e$otes a9ou$t o3 SS a$d TP( %its se$d i$ t"is ti9es ot S!eci3ies t"e $u9%er o3 additio$a codes i$ t"is ti9es ot t"at carr7 TP( a$d SS s79%o s as s!eci3ied i$ I33J


:$di5idua Ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce

Parameters used by the 32 for uplin# open loop power control in T::.
:nfor2ation ele2ent Ti9es ot $u9%er UL Ti9es ot :$ter3ere$ce Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, UL :$ter3ere$ce T44 10.3.6.=/a Se2antics description

Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er

This information element indicates the ma(imum allowed uplin# transmit power.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(50..33) Se2antics description :$ d89


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Mu ti-3reBue$c7 :$3o (1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7)

Presence 6P 6P 6P /ulti :1 T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0 .. 163=3) :$te2er (0 .. 163=3) :$te2er (0 .. 12/) Se2antics 3escription 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 6$ 7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 U!P(< occu!ies U!PTS, t"e !ara9eter is $ot $eeded. 6r t"e !ara9eter is cacu ated 3or t"e u! i$> access !ositio$ o3 a ce $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:1<Group Na2e Seco$d &reBue$c7 :$3o &P#(< &reBue$c7 :$3o U!P(< Positio$ :$3o




Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o

Need MP MP Rea (-6 .. 13 %7 ste! o3 0.5) :$te2er (0, 2, ,, =, 10, 20, ,0, =0, 160, 16, 32, 6,) :$te2er (1..,) :$te2er (1..,) T"e 9easure9e$t !o1er o33set, , i$ d8, as descri%ed i$ I2-J. :$ 9i iseco$ds. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNMeasure9e$t Po1er 633set

NN(E: &eed%ac> c7c e, >



:$ 9i iseco$ds.

R)L-/ R)L-5

NN(E: re!etitio$ 3actor NN(E: re!etitio$ 3actor 3or Mu ti3 o1 assisti$2 ce s

MP (VMultiflo:



:$te2er (0..=

:3 !rese$t, t"is :) i$dicates t"at a t"e assisti$2 ce s use t"e (E: re!etitio$ 3actor i$dicated %7 t"is U). Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J ($o data)



-..10) NT44 Condition Multiflo:

R)L-11 R)L-5

1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e Mu ti3 o1 o!eratio$ is co$3i2ured, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e

Only for T::.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

This information element indicates burst type and midamble allocation. Three different midamble allocation schemes e(istP ? ? ? :efault midambleP the midamble shift is selected by layer , dependin on the associated channelisation code (:5 and 35) 1ommon midambleP the midamble shift is chosen by layer , dependin on the number of channelisation codes (possible in :5 only) 32 specific midambleP a 32 specific midamble is e(plicitly assi ned (:5 and 35).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() TDD option N3.=, Mc!s T44 NN(<6:() +urst Type NNNT7!e 1 NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode Need MP MP MP )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(,, =, 16) :$te2er(0..15 ) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(3, 6) :$te2er(0..5) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-, R)L-,

NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 a$d 3 NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNT7!e 2 NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode

MP (V-1! MP

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNT7!e 3 NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode

MP (V-1! MP

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 a$d 3 NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNN M8S&' 8urst T7!e N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN(<6:() +urst Type NNNT7!e 1 NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode

MP (V-1!

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J '6T)* 8urst T7!e 3 is o$ 7 used i$ u! i$>. ($o data) 4L o$ 7

MP MP )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 a$d 3 NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNT7!e 2 NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode Need MP (V-1! MP

%'+ /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(,, =, 16) :$te2er(0..15 ) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(,, =) :$te2er(0../) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #s de3i$ed i$ I30J $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNT7!e 3 NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode

MP (V-1! MP

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 a$d 3 NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNN M8S&' 8urst T7!e N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode

MP (V-1!

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J '6T)* 8urst T7!e 3 is o$ 7 used i$ u! i$>. ($o data) 4L o$ 7

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-,


NNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNMida9% e S"i3t

MP (V-1!

)$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er(2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15)

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-, R)L-,

Condition 1!

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U)-s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M:M6 !ara9eters
Need MP MP 6P )$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.6.,1% )$u9erated (TRU)) /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (start, co$ti$ue) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-= R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 o!eratio$ (<6:() 9ode N&44 NNM:M6 ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio

NNM:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ NNPrecodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$

6P 6P

R)L-/ :3 !rese$t a$d M:M6 o!eratio$ is set to start, t"e U) starts usi$2 !recodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$. R)L-/

NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNM:M6 S& Mode 3or <SP4S(< dua strea9 NNNN<S-S:(< Re3ere$ce Si2$a :$3o NNNNN Re3ere$ce Si2$a Mida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNRe3ere$ce Si2$a Mida9% e S"i3t NNNNNRe3ere$ce Si2$a Ti9es ot $u9%er NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 or /.6= Mc!s T44

MP MP 6P M1 to 9a.<SS( (<s N :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (1..5) )$u9erated (S&1, S&10S&16) T"e order o3 t"e ist corres!o$ds to t"e order o3 <S-S((<s i$ <S-S((< i$3o Mida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode is U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ T"e a ocated 9ida9% e s"i3t. ($o data)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=




R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


M:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$
Need MP ($o data) MP 6P :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er(-6 .. 0) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Second CPICH pattern N#$te$$a2 P-(P:(< N#$te$$a1 S-(P:(< NN("a$$e isatio$ code NN Po1er 633set 3or S-(P:(< 3or M:M6

Po1er o33set re ati5e to t"e P-(P:(< T. !o1er i$ d8


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


'o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t i$3o (T44 o$ 7)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() TDD ,ption N3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 NNTi9es ot Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$: Need

%"! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


8it stri$2 (13)

NNPo1er Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$


:$te2er (1..32)

8it9a! i$dicati$2 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ots co$3i2ured 3or )4(< are a ocated 3or $o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$s S!eci3ies t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed )-PU(< resource t"at t"e U) 9a7 use I15J. 4e3au t is @Re!etitio$ !eriod@ ? 1 (co$ti$uous) Periodicit7 i$ ter9s o3 TT:s 3or 1"ic" resource is a ocated. 1? co$ti$uous da ocatio$, 2 i$dicates e5er7 ot"er TT:, , ? e5er7 ,t", = e5er7 =t" etc. TT: i$ 1"ic" resource is assi2$ed. :3 Re!etitio$ !eriod ? 1 t"e$ 5a ue is i2$ored


NN#cti5atio$ Ti9e NNRe!etitio$ !eriod a$d e$2t"


#cti5atio$ ti9e

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNRe!etitio$ !eriod


:$te2er (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,)


NNNRe!etitio$ Le$2t"


:$te2er (1..Re!etitio $ !eriod-1)


NN(ode Resource :$3or9atio$


)$u9erated ((101),(201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=),(1601).. (16016)) :$te2er (1..=) 'u9%er o3 )U((< a$d TP( i$sta$ces 1it"i$ a$ )-4(< TT:. 4e3au t ? 1. Mi$i9u9 $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ start ast acti5e s ot o3 )-4(< TT: a$d start o3 #(H0'#(H o$ )<:(<. 8it9a! i$dicati$2 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ots co$3i2ured 3or )4(< are a ocated 3or $o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$s


N1.2= Mc!s T44 NN')-U((<


R)L-/ R)L-/


(VSc"edu ed )-PU(<

:$te2er(,..15 )


NNTi9es ot Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$:


8it stri$2 (5)



Release ! NNPo1er Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$ MP

%"3 :$te2er (1..32)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$dicates 0-31 PRR: i$de. de3i$ed i$ I31J, 1"ic" s!eci3ies t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed )-PU(< resource t"at t"e U) 9a7 use I15J. S!eci3ies t"e )PU(< 633set i$ Radio &ra9e e5e . S!eci3ies t"e )PU(< 633set i$ su%3ra9e e5e . 4e3au t is @Re!etitio$ !eriod@ ? 1 (co$ti$uous) Periodicit7 i$ ter9s o3 TT:s 3or 1"ic" resource is a ocated. 1? co$ti$uous a ocatio$, 2 i$dicates e5er7 ot"er TT:, , ? e5er7 ,t", = e5er7 =t" etc. TT: i$ 1"ic" resource is assi2$ed. :3 Re!etitio$ !eriod ? 1 t"e$ 5a ue is i2$ored R)L-/

NN#cti5atio$ Ti9e


#cti5atio$ ti9e :$te2er (0..1)


NNSu%3ra9e $u9%er NNRe!etitio$ !eriod a$d e$2t"


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNRe!etitio$ !eriod


:$te2er (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,)


NNNRe!etitio$ Le$2t"


:$te2er (1..Re!etitio $ !eriod-1)


NN(ode Resource :$3or9atio$


)$u9erated ((101), (201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=),(1601).. (16016)) :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601).. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0..1-) )$u9erated (e5er7)4(< TT:, 20,,0,60,=0, 160,200)


NN)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ NNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNSi2$ature SeBue$ce Grou! :$de. NNT-S:-'ST

MP (V-1! s!eci3ic MP (V-)RU((< i$3o

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ Va ues i$ 9s. :3 T-S:-'ST e.!ires t"e$ U) s"ou d i$c ude sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ i$ t"e $e.t $e1 $o$sc"edu ed M#(-e P4U or M#(-i P4U. R)L-/


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Condition Scheduled !-P1CH


1! specific

:3 ')-<:(< is 2i5e$ i$ sc"edu ed )-PU(< i$3or9atio$, t"is :) is $ot $eeded, ot"er1ise it is 9a$dator7 :3 U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode is co$3i2ured, t"is :) is 9a$dator7, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.
T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @)-RU((< :$3o@ is $ot i$c uded, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

!-R1CCH info


P4S(< (a!acit7 # ocatio$ i$3o

Only for T::.
Need MP MP M4 MP :$te2er(1..=) :$te2er(1.."i P4S(<ide$t ities) P4S(< :$3o 10.3.6.,, :$te2er(1.."i P4S(<ide$t ities) P4S(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 10.3.6.,5 4e3au t is 1. /ulti T4pe and reference # ocatio$ Period :$3o 10.3.6., Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e P4S(< a ocatio$ !eriod i$3o (<6:() Configuration N6 d co$3i2uratio$ NNT&(S :4 NNP4S(< :de$tit7 N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NNP4S(< :$3o NNP4S(< :de$tit7 NNP4S(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

MP 6P 6P

10.3.6.,3 10.3.6.,,

Void P4S(< i$3o

Only for T::.
Need M4 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=) (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<R Se2antics description T&(S to %e used. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(S :4 (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o P4S(< ti9es ots a$d codes 3or1.2= Mc!s T44 or 3.=, Mc!s T44 P4S(< ti9es ots a$d codes 3or /.6= Mc!s T44

4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes. 4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes. R)L-/



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


P4S(< Po1er (o$tro i$3o

Only for T::.
Need 6P 6P 1..M9a.(( Tr(<N /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1, 2, 3) Se2antics description :$ d8 UL ((Tr(< ide$tities 3or TP( co99a$ds associated 1it" t"is 4L ((Tr(<. T"is ist is $ot used i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TP( Ste! SiQe UL ((Tr(< TP( List

NUL TP( T&(S :de$tit7


Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set :de$tit7


P4S(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Only for T::.
Need MP MP MP (<+loc;&6 6P 6P 1 to M9a.Tr (<N Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set /ulti 1 to M9a.P4 S(<N :$te2er(1.. "iP4S(<i de$tities) P4S(< i$3o 10.3.6.,, S&' Ti9e :$3o 10.3.6./5 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set :3 P4S(< is co$3i2ured 3or 3.=,Mc!s T44 i$ Re -5 or 3or /.6= Mc!s i$ Re -/ t"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded. R)L-5 T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e P4S(< i$3or9atio$ NP4S(< :de$tit7 NP4S(< i$3o NS&' Ti9e :$3o N4S(< T&S N4S(< Tra$s!ort ("a$$e s

NN 4S(< Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 NN4S(< T&S N4S(< T&(S





Condition +loc;&6

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 1/. 6t"er1ise it is o!tio$a .


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3.6.,/ 10.3.6.,=

Void Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors

This &2 defines scalin factors associated with ."1 * Q ."1 < to be applied to the dynamic persistence value.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #ccess Ser5ice ( ass NPersiste$ce sca i$2 3actor Need MP MP /ulti 1 to 9a.#S(!e rsist Rea (0.-..0.2 , %7 ste! o3 0.1) T4pe and reference Se2antics description 9u ti! icit7 corres!o$ds to t"e $u9%er o3 PR#(< !artitio$s 9i$us 2 Sca i$2 3actors i$ t"e ra$2e 0, X,1


P:(< :$3o
Need MP MP MP MP :$te2er(0..25 5) :$te2er (1=, 36, /2, 1,,) STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./= Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1 R)L-, R)L-, )$u9erated ( (1601)... (16016)) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code used %7 t"e S((P(< carr7i$2 t"e associated P(<. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code used %7 t"e S((P(< carr7i$2 t"e associated P(<. T"e :) s"a a 1a7s %e set to 2 to a i2$ 1it" I30J )$u9erated ( (1601)... (16016)) )$u9erated( (,02),(=02), (=0,),(1602), R)L-/ R)L-/ S& is 3i.ed a$d eBua to 256 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN("a$$e isatio$ code NN'u9%er o3 P: !er 3ra9e NNSTT4 i$dicator NT44 NNTi9es ot $u9%er


4e3au t 5a ue is t"e ti9es ot used %7 t"e S((P(< carr7i$2 t"e associated P(<.

NNMida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e


NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN("a$$e isatio$ code


NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN("a$$e isatio$ code


)$u9erated ( (3201)... (32032))

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNN(odes ist NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code



R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

NNRe!etitio$ !eriod0 e$2t"


4e3au t 5a ue is @(6,02)@.


Release !

%") (160,), (3202),(320,), (6,02),(6,0,)) :$te2er (0...Re!etitio $ !eriod -1) :$te2er (,, =, 16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

NN633set NNPa2i$2 i$dicator e$2t"




:$te2er(2, ,, =)



:$te2er(1 .. =)

S&' 9od Re!etitio$!eriod ? 633set. :$dicates t"e e$2t" o3 o$e !a2i$2 i$dicator i$ 8its. 4e3au t 5a ue is ,. 'u9%er o3 3ra9es %et1ee$ t"e ast 3ra9e carr7i$2 P:(< 3or t"is Pa2i$2 6ccasio$ a$d t"e 3irst 3ra9e carr7i$2 !a2i$2 9essa2es 3or t"is Pa2i$2 6ccasio$. 4e3au t 5a ue is ,. 'u9%er o3 !a2i$2 2rou!s. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2.

P:(< Po1er o33set

This is the power transmitted on the P&1F minus power of the Primary 1P&1F in 7:: and Primary 11P1F T( Power in T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e P:(< Po1er o33set Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(-10 .. +5) Se2antics description 633set i$ d8

PL((< :$3o
Only for ,.*; Mcps T::
Need M M M M /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1.. 1,) :$te2er(0.. 6) )$u9erate d((1601).. (16016)) Rea (0.01.. 0.1 %7 ste!s o3 0.01) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PL((< seBue$ce $u9%er Ti9es ot $u9%er ("a$$e isatio$ (ode TP( co99a$d tar2et rate

Tra$s9it Po1er (o$tro co99a$d tar2et rate

PR#(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List

Only for 3.;8 Mcps T::.
Need MP MP MP 1 to = )$u9erated ((1601)... T"ere is a 1*1 9a!!i$2 %et1ee$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() S# NS&16 NN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNN("a$$e isatio$ code


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%"* /ulti T4pe and reference (16016))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description s!readi$2 code a$d 9ida9% e s"i3t de3i$ed i$ I30J 3or c"a$$e isatio$ codes (1601) to (160=). '6T)* c"a$$e isatio$ codes (160-) to (16016) are $ot to %e used. $ersion

NS&= NN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode


1 to = )$u9erated( (=01)..(=0=))

PR#(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode 1.2= Mc!s T44

Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.
Need MP MP /ulti 1 to , )$u9erated( (,01)..(,0,), (=01)..(=0=), (1601).. (16016)) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-, R)L-,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List N("a$$e isatio$ (ode

PR#(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List V<(R

Only for <.=; Mcps T::.
Need MP MP MP 1 to 16 )$u9erated ((3201)... (32032)) T"ere is a 1*1 9a!!i$2 %et1ee$ s!readi$2 code a$d 9ida9% e s"i3t de3i$ed i$ I30J 3or c"a$$e isatio$ codes (3201) to (32016). '6T)* c"a$$e isatio$ codes (3201/) to (32032) are $ot to %e used. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() S# NS&32 NN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNN("a$$e isatio$ code

NS&16 NN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNN("a$$e isatio$ code


1 to 16 )$u9erated ((1601)... (16016)) T"ere is a 1*1 9a!!i$2 %et1ee$ s!readi$2 code a$d 9ida9% e s"i3t de3i$ed i$ I30J 3or

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%"+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description c"a$$e isatio$ codes (1601) to (16016). $ersion

PR#(< i$3o (3or R#(<)

Need MP MP 8it stri$2(16) )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 3or a si2$ature, 1"ere t"e si2$atures are $u9%ered @si2$ature 0@ u! to @si2$ature 15@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 si2$ature is a5ai a% e a$d t"e 5a ue 0 t"at it is $ot a5ai a% e. :$ c"i!s !er s79%o 4e3i$es t"e 9i$i9u9 a o1ed S& (i.e. t"e 9a.i9u9 rate) :de$ti3icatio$ o3 scra9% i$2 code see I2=J /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN#5ai a% e Si2$ature

NN#5ai a% e S&


:$te2er (32,6,,12=,2 56)

NNPrea9% e scra9% i$2 code $u9%er NNPu$cturi$2 Li9it NN#5ai a% e Su% ("a$$e 'u9%er


:$te2er (0 .. 15) Rea (0.,0..1. 00 %7 ste! o3 0.0,) 8it stri$2(12)

)ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 3or a su%c"a$$e , 1"ere t"e su%c"a$$e s are $u9%ered @su%c"a$$e 0@ to @su%c"a$$e 11@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 su%c"a$$e is a5ai a% e a$d t"e 5a ue 0 i$dicates t"at it is $ot a5ai a% e. R)L-, R)L-,

NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNPR#(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNNNPR#(< Mida9% e

MP MP MP Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, PR#(< ("a$$e isati o$ (ode List )$u9erated


4irect or direct


Release !

%(% (4irect, 4irect0:$5ert ed) P'8S(< a ocatio$ 10.3.=.10a Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, PR#(< ("a$$e isati o$ (ode List V<(R )$u9erated (4irect, 4irect0:$5ert ed) P'8S(< a ocatio$ 10.3.=.10a SD'(;UL i$3o 10.3.6./=a 1..M9a.PR #(<;&P# (<N Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, PR#(< ("a$$e isati o$ (ode 1.2= Mc!s T44 Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1 &P#(< i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) a$d i$5erted 9ida9% e are used 3or PR#(< :de$ti3ies 3ra9es used 3or ce s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ur!oses

NNNNP'8S(< a ocatio$



NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNPR#(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List V<(R


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNPR#(< Mida9% e


NNNNP'8S(< a ocatio$


4irect or direct a$d i$5erted 9ida9% e are used 3or PR#(< :de$ti3ies 3ra9es used 3or ce s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ur!oses



NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNSD'(;UL i$3o NNNNPR#(< 4e3i$itio$ NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNNPR#(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode


R)L-, R)L-, R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

NNNNNMida9% e S"i3t a$d %urst t7!e NNNNN&P#(< i$3o






Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

PR#(< !artitio$i$2
Need MP /ulti 1 to 9a.#S( T4pe and reference Se2antics description :3 o$ 7 @'u9#S(+1@ (1it", 'u9#S(+1 M 9a.#S() #S(s are isted, t"e re9ai$i$2 ('u9#S(+2 t"rou2" 9a.#S() #S(s are u$s!eci3ied. T"e de3au t 5a ues are sa9e as t"e !re5ious #S(. :3 t"e @de3au t@ is used 3or t"e 3irst #S(, t"e de3au t 5a ues are a a5ai a% e si2$atures a$d @a a5ai a% e su%c"a$$e s@ 3or &44 a$d @a a5ai a% e c"a$$e isatio$ codes@ a$d @a a5ai a% e su%c"a$$e s@ 1it" @su%c"a$$e siQe?SiQe 1@ i$ T44.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #ccess Ser5ice c ass

N#S( Setti$2


#S( setti$2,

PR#(< !o1er o33set

Only for 7::.
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (1..6,) Se2antics description Po1er ste! 1"e$ $o acBuisitio$ i$dicator is recei5ed i$ d8 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !rea9% es i$ o$e !rea9% e ra9!i$2 c7c e

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Po1er Ra9! Ste! Prea9% e Retra$s Ma.,a

PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)

Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! #5ai a% e Si2$ature M4

%(! 8it stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e i$5erse o3 t"e %itstri$2 i$dicated i$ t"e :) @#5ai a% e Si2$ature@ i$ t"e :) @PR#(< :$3o (3or R#(<)@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist @PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist@ i$ S:85 or S:85%is. )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 3or a si2$ature. )ac" a5ai a% e si2$ature o$ t"e #:(< is associated 1it" o$e (o99o$ )4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e O(o99o$ )-4(< resource co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ istP. TRU)* )-#:s are i$ use o$ t"e #:(<. &#LS)* )-#:s are $ot i$ use o$ t"e #:(<. T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$dicated i$ t"e :) @Prea9% e scra9% i$2 code $u9%er@ i$ t"e :) @PR#(< :$3o (3or R#(<)@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist @PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist@ i$ S:85 or S:85%is. :de$ti3icatio$ o3 scra9% i$2 code, see I2=J T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"e sa9e 5a ue i$dicated i$ t"e :) @#5ai a% e Su% ("a$$e 'u9%er@ i$ t"e :) @PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist @PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist@ i$ S:85 or S:85%is. )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 3or a su%c"a$$e , 1"ere t"e su%c"a$$e s are $u9%ered @su%c"a$$e 0@ to @su%c"a$$e 11@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 su%c"a$$e is a5ai a% e a$d t"e 5a ue 0 i$dicates t"at it is $ot a5ai a% e. R)L-=

)-#: :$dicatio$




Prea9% e scra9% i$2 code $u9%er


:$te2er (0 .. 15)


#5ai a% e Su% ("a$$e 'u9%er


8it stri$2(12)



Release ! PR#(< !artitio$i$2 M4

%(3 PR#(< !artitio$i$2

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @PR#(< !artitio$i$2@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. T"is :) s"a $ot %e !rese$t i3 o$ 7 #S( 0 a$d #S( 1 are de3i$ed. :3 t"is :) is a%se$t, de3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is, i3 5a ue e.ists 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @Pri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @(o$sta$t 5a ue@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @PR#(< !o1er o33set@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @R#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @#:(< i$3o@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. R)L-=

Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors


Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors 10.3.6.,=


#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2


#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2


Pri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er


Pri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er


(o$sta$t 5a ue


(o$sta$t 5a ue


PR#(< !o1er o33set


PR#(< !o1er o33set,


PR#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters


R#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters


#:(< i$3o


#:(< i$3o



Release ! Po1er o33set P!-e MP

%(' :$te2er(5..10)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$ d8. Po1er o33set %et1ee$ t"e ast tra$s9itted !rea9% e a$d t"e i$itia 4P((< tra$s9issio$ as de3i$ed i$ I26J R)L-=

PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist

Need MP MP MP /ulti 1 .. M9a.PR# (<N PR#(< i$3o (3or R#(<) Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation ele2ent PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ NPR#(< i$3o NTra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

NR#(< T&S


N#dditio$a R#(< T&S 3or (((<


NR#(< T&(S


#dditio$a 47$a9ic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ 3or (((< Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @R#(< T&S@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP). '6T)* &or T44 i$ t"is re ease t"ere is a si$2 e T& 1it"i$ t"e R#(< T&S. &44 o$ 7


4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @R#(< T&(S@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP). '6T)* &or T44 i$ t"is re ease t"ere is $o T&(S reBuired. R)L-6

N#dditio$a R#(< T&(S 3or (((< NPR#(< !artitio$i$2


#dditio$a R#(< T&(S 3or (((< PR#(< !artitio$i$2 Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors 10.3.6.,=

NPersiste$ce sca i$2 3actors


N#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2


#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @PR#(< !artitio$i$2@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist ($ote * t"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP) T"is :) s"a $ot %e !rese$t i3 o$ 7 #S( 0 a$d #S( 1 are de3i$ed. :3 t"is :) is a%se$t, 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist i3 5a ue e.ists 6$ 7 !rese$t i$ S:8 5 a$d i$ S:8 5%is. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is


Release ! :nfor2ation ele2ent Need

%(" /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description t"e$ MP i$ S:85 a$d i$ S:85%is. $ersion

N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er

MP M4 Pri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er (o$sta$t 5a ue PR#(< !o1er o33set, R#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters #:(< i$3o 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @Pri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @(o$sta$t 5a ue@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @PR#(< !o1er o33set@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @R#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @#:(< i$3o@ 3or t"e !re5ious PR#(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. ($o data)

NNN(o$sta$t 5a ue


NNNPR#(< !o1er o33set


NNNR#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters


NNN#:(< i$3o


NNT44 Condition SI+@-MD Add-RACH-T#S

1Dplanation T"e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t is !rese$t o$ 7 i$ S:8 5 a$d i$ S:85%is. :$ S:8 5 a$d i$ S:8 5%is it is 9a$dator7 1it" de3au t. T"e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t is MP i3 t"e :) @#dditio$a R#(< T&S 3or (((<@ is i$c uded. 6t"er1ise t"e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t is $ot $eeded.


&f the settin of the P/.1F information results in that a combination of a si nature- preamble scramblin code and subchannel corresponds to a /.1F with different T7" and@or T71"- then for that combination only the T7"@T71" of the P/.1F listed first is valid- where P/.1Fs listed in "ystem &nformation 0loc# type 9 or 9bis shall be counted first.

Prede3i$ed P"7(< co$3i2uratio$

This information element concerns a pre? defined confi uration of physical channel parameters.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 0plink radio resources U! i$> 4P(< i$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference U! i$> 4P(< i$3o Pre 10.3.6.-0 Se2antics description

3ownlink radio resources


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Need 6P

%(( /ulti T4pe and Reference 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a radio i$>s Pre

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o

Need MP MP 8oo ea$ TRU) i$dicates t"at tra$s9it di5ersit7 is used. R)L-, R)L-, :$te2er (0...1,) :$te2er(0..6) TST4 i$dicator 10.3.6.=5a (e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.S(T4 i$dicator 10.3.6./0a R)L-, R)L-, T"e (e !ara9eters :4 is descri%ed i$ I32J. P((P(< ti9es ot /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNTA 4i5ersit7 i$dicator NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, a$d /.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN(<6:() SyncCase NNNNNS7$c (ase 1 NNNNNNTi9es ot NNNNNS7$c (ase 2 NNNNNNTi9es ot NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNTST4 i$dicator NN(e !ara9eters :4 NNS(T4 i$dicator


Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o !ost

Only for T::
Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP :$te2er (0X 1,) :$te2er(0..6) TST4 i$dicator 10.3.6.=5a (e P((P(< ti9es ot :$te2er (0...1,) :$te2er(0..6) R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, T"e (e P((P(< ti9es ot /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-, R)L-,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() TDD option N3.=, Mc!s T44 NN(<6:() SyncCase NNNS7$c (ase 1 NNNNTi9es ot NNNS7$c (ase 2 NNNNTi9es ot N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN(<6:() SyncCase NNNS7$c (ase 1 NNNNTi9es ot NNNS7$c (ase 2 NNNNTi9es ot N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNTST4 i$dicator (e !ara9eters :4


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S(T4 i$dicator Need

%() /ulti T4pe and reference !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.S(T4 i$dicator 10.3.6./0a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description !ara9eters :4 is descri%ed i$ I32J. $ersion


Pri9ar7 ((P(< TA Po1er

Only for T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(6..,3 ) Se2antics description :$ d89

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e Pri9ar7 ((P(< T. Po1er

Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

Only for 7::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..51 1) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 scra9% i$2 code

Pri9ar7 (P:(< T. !o1er

Only for 7::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(10..50) Se2antics description Po1er i$ d89.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 (P:(< T. Po1er

Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$

Only for 7::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( Pri9ar7 (P:(< 9a7 %e used, Pri9ar7 (P:(< s"a $ot %e used) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 (P:(< usa2e 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$

PUS(< i$3o
Only for ,.*; Mcps and 3.;8 Mcps T::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(S :4 (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o PUS(< ti9es ots a$d codes Need M4 6P 6P

%(* /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=) (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 10.3.6.-,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is 1

PUS(< i$3o V<(R

Only <.=; Mcps T:: (/25?<).
Need M4 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=) (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R 10.3.6.-,% Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is 1 $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&(S :4 (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o PUS(< ti9es ots a$d codes V<(R,

PUS(< (a!acit7 # ocatio$ i$3o

Only for T::.
Need MP ($o data) MP 6P # ocatio$ Period :$3o 10.3.6., PUS(< !o1er co$tro i$3o :$te2er(1..=) :$te2er(1.."i PUS(<ide$t ities) PUS(< i$3o :$te2er(1.. "iPUS(<ide $tities) R)L-/ MP 6P PUS(< i$3o V<(R :$te2er(1.. "iPUS(<ide $tities) R)L-/ R)L-/ 4e3au t is 1. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() P1SCH allocation NPUS(< a ocatio$ !e$di$2 NPUS(< a ocatio$ assi2$9e$t NNPUS(< a ocatio$ !eriod i$3o NNPUS(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

NN(<6:() Configuration NNN6 d co$3i2uratio$ NNNNT&(S :4 NNNNPUS(< :de$tit7 NNN'e1 1.2= Mc!s T44 or 3.=, Mc!s T44 co$3i2uratio$ NNNNPUS(< i$3o NNNNPUS(< :de$tit7 NNN'e1 /.6= Mc!s T44 co$3i2uratio$ NNNNPUS(< i$3o V<(R NNNNPUS(< :de$tit7




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

PUS(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

Only for T::.

&nterference level measured for a freAuency at the 3T/.' access point used by 32 to set P3"1F output power.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL tar2et S:R Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Rea (-11 .. 20 %7 ste! o3 0.5 d8) Se2antics description &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 t"is !ara9eter re!rese$ts PRAPUS(<des 1it" ra$2e :$te2er(-120X-5= %7 ste! o3 1) d89 ($o data) ($o data) 6P 6P :$te2er (1, 2, 3) )$u9erated (TRU)) :$ d8 T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) 9a7 ta>e i$to accou$t !at" oss esti9ated 3ro9 %eaco$ 3u$ctio$ !"7sica c"a$$e s. T"e a%se$ce i$dicates t"at U) 9a7 $ot ta>e i$to accou$t !at" oss esti9ated 3ro9 %eaco$ 3u$ctio$ !"7sica c"a$$e s $ersion R)L-,

(<6:() T44 o!tio$ N3.=, Mc!s T44 N/.6= Mc!s T44 N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNTP( Ste! SiQe NN8eaco$ PL )st.


R)L-, R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, R)L-6

PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Only for ,.*; Mcps or 3.;8 Mcps T::.
Need MP MP MP (<+loc;&6 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.PU S(<N :$te2er(1.. "iPUS(<i de$tities) PUS(< i$3o S&' Ti9e :$3o 10.3.6./5 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PUS(< i$3or9atio$ NPUS(< :de$tit7 NPUS(< i$3o NS&' Ti9e :$3o NUS(< T&S


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NUS(< Tra$s!ort ("a$$e s NN US(< Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 NNUS(< T&S NUS(< T&(S Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr (<N

%)% T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :3 PUS(< is co$3i2ured 3or 3.=, Mc!s T44 i$ Re -5 t"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded. $ersion R)L-5



Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set



Condition +loc;&6

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 1/. 6t"er1ise it is o!tio$a .

PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ V<(R

Only for <.=; Mcps T:: (/25?<).
Need MP MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.PU S(<N :$te2er(1.. "iPUS(<i de$tities) PUS(< i$3o V<(R a S&' Ti9e :$3o 10.3.6./5 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PUS(< i$3or9atio$ NPUS(< :de$tit7 NPUS(< i$3o V<(R

NS&' Ti9e :$3o NUS(< T&S

(<+loc;&6 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NUS(< Tra$s!ort ("a$$e s NN US(< Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 NNUS(< T&S NUS(< T&(S Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr (<N

%) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :3 PUS(< is co$3i2ured 3or /.6= Mc!s T44 i$ Re -/ t"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded. $ersion R)L-/



Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Tra$s!ort 3or9at set Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set


R)L-/ R)L-/

Condition +loc;&6

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 1/. 6t"er1ise it is o!tio$a .

R#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters

Only for 7::.
Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..32 ) :$te2er(0..50 ) :$te2er(0..50 ) Se2antics description Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !rea9% e c7c es Sets o1er %ou$d 3or ra$do9 %ac>-o33 Sets u!!er %ou$d 3or ra$do9 %ac>-o33

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M9a. '8019i$ '8019a.

Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$

Need MP 6P MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (e :4 4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL 4o1$ i$> &&-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL )-<:(< :$3o )-RG(< :$3o &-TP:(< :$3o Tar2et ce !reco$3i2urat Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (e :4 (<6:() DPCH info N4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL N4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL )-<:(< :$3or9atio$ )-RG(< :$3or9atio$ &-TP:(< i$3o Tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

R)L-, R)L-6



6P 6P 6P 6P

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%)! /ulti T4pe and reference io$ i$3or9atio$ 10.3.6./-a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

Only for 7::.
Need 6P MP /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o )-#G(< :$3o )-R6(< :$3o &44,6 Se2antics description :$dicates sc"edu i$2 )-4(< ce 3ro9 t"e acti5e set ce s. $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< RL :$3o $e1 ser5i$2 ce NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

N)-#G(< :$3o N)-R6(< :$3o


R)L-6 R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NSer5i$2 Gra$t NNSer5i$2 Gra$t 5a ue Need 6P 6P

%)3 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..3/,3=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (0..3/) i$dicates )-4(< ser5i$2 2ra$t i$de. as de3i$ed i$ I15JU i$de. 3= 9ea$s Qero 2ra$t. :$dicates 1"et"er t"e Ser5i$2 Gra$t is recei5ed 1it" a Pri9ar7 )-R'T: or Seco$dar7 )R'T:. Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J. See I2-J. Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J. Va ues 30 a$d 31 are o$ 7 used 3or )-T&(: N )T&(: 8oost 6$ 7 used 1"e$ $o M#(d P4USs are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-e or M#(-i P4U. U$it is i$ d8. Re3ers to a$ i$de. i$ t"e OSG-Ta% eP (see I15J). '6T) 1 Re3ers to a$ i$de. i$ t"e OSG-Ta% eP (see I15J). '6T) 1 T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is added to t"e acti5e set 1it" t"is 9essa2e. T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is added to t"e acti5e set 1it" t"is 9essa2e $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

NNPri9ar70Seco$dar7 Gra$t Se ector


)$u9erated (!ri9ar7, seco$dar7)


N)-4P((<04P((< !o1er o33set NRe3ere$ce )-T&(:s NNRe3ere$ce )-T&(: NNRe3ere$ce )-T&(: P6


:$te2er (0..=)



1 to = :$te2er (0..12/) :$te2er (0..2-, 30, 31)

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


NPo1er 633set 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o


:$te2er (0..6)


N3-:$de.-Ste! T"res"o d


:$te2er (0..3/) :$te2er (0..3/) )-<:(< :$3o


N2-:$de.-Ste! T"res"o d



N)-<:(< :$3or9atio$



N(<6:() )-RG(< :$3or9atio$



NN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-RG(< re ease i$dicator


)-RG(< :$3o ($o data)

R)L-6 R)L-6


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< RL :$3o ot"er ce s Need 6P

%)' /ulti 1 to M9a.)4( <RLN T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) is $ot a o1ed to i$c ude i$3or9atio$ o$ a RL added %7 t"is 9essa2e, e.ce!t i$ t"e case o3 a$ u!date to tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$. $ersion R)L-6

NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(<6:() )-<:(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-<:(< re ease i$dicator NNSeco$dar7 T8 )-<:(< re ease i$dicator N(<6:() )-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$


Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o )-<:(< :$3o ($o data) ($o data)

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-6 R)L-6


)-RG(< :$3o

NN)-RG(< re ease i$dicator ($o data) R)L-6 '6T) 1* :3 t"e 3-i$de.-Ste! T"res"o d 5a ue is 2reater t"a$ 2-i$de.-Ste! T"res"o d, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied.

)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ sa9e ser5i$2 ce

Only for 7::.
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..=) Se2antics description T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is c"a$2ed 1it" t"is 9essa2e. Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J. T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is c"a$2ed 1it" t"is 9essa2e. See I2-J. Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J. Va ues 30 a$d 31 are o$ 7 used 3or )-T&(: N )T&(: 8oost $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4P((<04P((< !o1er o33set

Re3ere$ce )-T&(:s


1 to =


NRe3ere$ce )-T&(: NRe3ere$ce )-T&(: P6


:$te2er (0..12/) :$te2er (0..2-, 30, 31)

R)L-/ R)L-/





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S(T4 i$dicator
Only for T::
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates t"at S(T4 is used

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S(T4 i$dicator


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNSeco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code Need MP 6P

%)) /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./= :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) :$te2er(0..S! readi$2 3actor - 1) 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$

Ma7 o$ 7 %e se$t 3or S((P(< c"a$$e s $ot carr7i$2 t"e P(<.

NNSTT4 i$dicator NNS!readi$2 3actor NN(ode $u9%er NNPi ot s79%o e.iste$ce NNT&(: e.iste$ce


TRU) 9ea$s t"e e.iste$ce. TRU) i$dicates t"at T&(: is used. G"e$ s!readi$2 3actor is ess t"a$ or eBua to 6,, &#LS) i$dicates t"at T&(: is $ot used a$d t"ere3ore 4TA is used i$ t"e T&(: 3ie d.

NN&i.ed or & e.i% e Positio$ NNTi9i$2 633set


)$u9erated (&i.ed, & e.i% e) :$te2er(0..3= 1,, %7 ste! o3 256)

("i! 4e a7 o3 t"e Seco$dar7 ((P(< re ati5e to t"e Pri9ar7 ((P(<. 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. S&' 9odu o Re!etitio$ !eriod ? o33set. Re!etitio$ !eriod is t"e o$e i$dicated i$ t"e acco9!a$7i $2 (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o :)

N1.2= Mc!s T44 or 3.=, Mc!s T44 NN633set


:$te2er (0...Re!etitio $ Period -1)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o NN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o NN(ode List NNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN633set Need MP MP MP MP

%)* /ulti T4pe and reference (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o )$u9erated( (1601).. (16016)) :$te2er (0...Re!etitio $ Period -1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

1 to 16


S&' 9odu o Re!etitio$ !eriod ? o33set. Re!etitio$ !eriod is t"e o$e i$dicated i$ t"e acco9!a$7i $2 (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o :)

R)L-/ R)L-/

NN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o NN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o NN(ode List NNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode

MP MP MP MP 1 to 32

(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o )$u9erated( (3201).. (32032))

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNSeco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code Need MP 6P

%*% /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

NNSTT4 i$dicator


Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./=

Ma7 o$ 7 %e se$t 3or S((P(< c"a$$e s $ot carr7i$2 t"e P(<. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =., t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.


NNS!readi$2 3actor NN(ode $u9%er NNTi9i$2 633set


:$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) :$te2er(0..S! readi$2 3actor R 1) :$te2er(0..3= 1,, %7 ste! o3 256)

R)L-6 R)L-6 ("i! 4e a7 o3 t"e Seco$dar7 ((P(< re ati5e to t"e Pri9ar7 ((P(<. 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. ($o data) R)L-6

NN(<6:() Modu atio$ NNNEPSH NNN16E#M NNNN(P:(< seco$dar7 ((P(< !o1er o33set N1.2=03.=, Mc!s T44 NN (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o M8MS


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-6

:$te2er(11..,) (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o M8MS 4o1$ i$> ti9es ots a$d codes Ti9e S ot L(R ).te$sio$ 10.3.6.=3a :$ter ea5i$2 9ode, T&(: codi$2 a$d !u$cturi$2 i9it 3or Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS 6$e or 9ore ti9es ots a$d codes 3or S-((P(< su!!orti$2 M8MS MT(< &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 M8S&' o$ 7 9ode, t"is :) i$dicates t"e S((P(< is de! o7ed o$ t"e M8S&' S!ecia Ti9e S ot I30J. T"e :) TTi9es ot $u9%erS i$ T4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odesS s"a %e i2$ored i3 t"is :) a!!ears.

NN4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes



NN M8S&' S!ecia Ti9e S ot



NNModu atio$ N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o M8MS


)$u9erated (EPSH, 16E#M) (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o M8MS :$ter ea5i$2 9ode, T&(: codi$2 a$d !u$cturi$2 i9it 3or Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R Need MP

%* /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> ti9es ots a$d codes V<(R )$u9erated (EPSH, 16E#M) Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./= :$te2er (,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) :$te2er (0..S!readi$ 2 3actor R 1) :$te2er (0..3=1,, %7 ste! o3 256)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 6$e or 9ore ti9es ots a$d codes 3or S-((P(< su!!orti$2 M8MS MT(< $ersion R)L-/

NNModu atio$ N3.=, Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 NNSeco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code


R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-=


NNSTT4 i$dicator NNS!readi$2 3actor NN(ode $u9%er NNTi9i$2 633set


'ot a!! ica% e* i3 !rese$t, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied 'ot a!! ica% e* t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied S& ? 256U ot"er 5a ues $ot a!! ica% e 6$ 7 code $u9%ers 2 to 15 are a!! ica% e 'ot a!! ica% e* i3 !rese$t, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied ($o data) 'ot a!! ica% e* t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NN(<6:() Modu atio$ NNNEPSH NNN16E#M NNNN(P:(< seco$dar7 ((P(< !o1er o33set Condition M+S#"

(VM8S&' MP MP MP :$te2er (-11..,)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e ce o$ 1"ic" t"is :) is se$t is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode accordi$2 to su%c ause =. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


7or 7::- the "?11P1F si nalled in this &2 is always confi ured with fle(ible position- T71& is always present and pilot is always absent.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS 4i33

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./= :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) :$te2er(0..S! readi$2 3actor R 1) :$te2er(0..3= 1,, %7 ste! o3 256) Se2antics description Ma7 o$ 7 %e se$t 3or S((P(< c"a$$e s $ot carr7i$2 t"e P(<. $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code

STT4 i$dicator S!readi$2 3actor (ode $u9%er Ti9i$2 633set

MP 6P 6P 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ ("i! 4e a7 o3 t"e Seco$dar7 ((P(< re ati5e to t"e Pri9ar7 ((P(<. R)L-/


7or 7::- the "?11P1F si nalled in this &2 is always confi ured with fle(ible position- T71& is always present and pilot is always absent.


Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need MP MP M4 /ulti 1 to M9a.S(( P(<N Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o 10.3.6./1 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set 1 to M9a.&#( <P(<N Tra$s!ort 3or9at set Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 8oo ea$ 'ote 1 &or &#(<s a$d P(< 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @T&(S@ 3or t"e !re5ious S((P(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 @&#(<0P(<@ 3or t"e !re5ious S((P(< i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. &or eac" &#(< a$d P(< 'ote 2 T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation ele2ent Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ ist NSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o NT&(S

N&#(<0P(< i$3or9atio$ ist


NNT&S NNTra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7


NN(T(< i$dicator


NP:(< i$3o M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

6P (V-S:8 t7!e 5

P:(< i$3o 10.3.6.,M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ 10.3.-a.13

T"e 5a ue TRU) i$dicates t"at a (T(< is 9a!!ed o$ t"e &#(<, a$d &#LS) t"at $o (T(< is 9a!!ed. P:(< i$3o is !rese$t o$ 7 1"e$ P(< is 9u ti! e.ed o$ Seco$dar7 ((P(< :$c uded i3 M((< is o$ a$ S((P(< used a so 3or 'o$M8MS 'ote 3



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 ,P The secondary 11P1Fs carryin a P1F shall be listed first. 'OT2 *P T7" for P1F shall be the first H7.1F@P1F informationH in the list if a P1F e(ists for the respective secondary 11P1F. 'OT2 3P &f the &2 HM11F confi uration information is includedH- it applies to the last "?11P1F in the &2 H"econdary 11P1F system information listH and to the last 7.1F included in the &2 H7.1F@P1F information listH.
Condition SI+ type @ 1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @ Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$@ is i$c uded i$ t"e S:8 t7!e 5 or 5%is, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e 9essa2e


Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ M8MS

Need MP MP Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS 10.3.6./1a Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set Tra$s!ort 3or9at set M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ 10.3.-a.13 1 to M9a.&#( <P(<N Tra$s!ort 3or9at set Tra$s!ort 3or9at set Tra$s!ort c"a$$e carr7i$2 MS(< /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description #$ S-((P(< carr7i$2 M((< a$d !ossi% 7 a so MT(< a$d MS(< $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

:nfor2ation ele2ent Seco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ NSeco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o M8MS NT&(S



N&#(< carr7i$2 M((< NNT&S NNM((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ N&#(< carr7i$2 MT(< ist NNT&S NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ NN&#(< carr7i$2 MS(<


R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


Seco$dar7 ce M:M6 !ara9eters

Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! (<6:() Configuration info N(o$ti$ue MP


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-R)L--

($o data)

($o data)Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 dua ce o!eratio$ 1it" M:M6.

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NN M:M6 ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio


NNM:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ NNPrecodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$

6P 6P

)$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.6.,1% )$u9erated (TRU))


R)L-:3 !rese$t, t"e U) a!! ies !recodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$ to t"is seco$dar7 ce . R)L--


Seco$dar7 (P:(< i$3o

Only for 7::.
Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code 10.3.6./, :$te2er(0..25 5) Se2antics description 4e3au t is t"e sa9e scra9% i$2 code as 3or t"e Pri9ar7 (P:(< S&?256

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code

("a$$e isatio$ code



Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..15 ) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce i$3or9atio$

Need 6P 6P MP 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..= -..10) :$te2er(0..= -..10) :$te2er(0, 1) Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 4o1$ i$> <S;P4S(< :$3or9atio$ <#RE i$3o 10.3.5./a )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J 1 i$dicates t"at !rea9% e a$d !osta9% e are used o$ t"e <S4P((< R see I2-J :$dicate t"e $e1 <S-4S(< ser5i$2 ce $ersion R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #(H '#(H <#RE;!rea9% e;9ode Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 4o1$ i$> <S-P4S(< :$3or9atio$ <#RE :$3o M#(-"s reset i$dicator M#(-"s reset i$dicator 3or Mu ti3 o1 assisti$2 ce s

6P 6P 6P

R)L-6 TRU) :$dicates t"e M#(-"s0e"s e$tit7 $eeds to %e reset. TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e M#("s0e"s e$tit7 re ated to t"e assisti$2 ce s $eeds to %e reset. R)L-6 R)L-11


Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e Para9eters

The &2 H"ervin 1ell 1han e ParametersH is used prepare the 32 for enhanced servin cell chan e.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e M#( reset Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e M#("s0e"s e$tit7 $eeds to %e reset, &#LS) 9ea$s TP( co9%i$atio$ :$de. is used to deter9i$e i3 M#(-"s0e"s reset is $eeded, =.2.2.3 T"e reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedure co$3i2uratio$ used 3or Tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$, =.2.2., $ersion R)L-=

Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e Messa2e T7!e


Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e Tra$sactio$ :d


)$u9erated (Radio8earerS etu!, Radio8earerR eco$3i2uratio$, Tra$s!ort("a $$e Reco$3i2u ratio$, P"7sica ("a$ $e Reco$3i2ur atio$) :$te2er (0..3)


Tra$sactio$ :d t"at s"a %e used as t"e RR( Tra$sactio$ :de$ti3ier 1it" t"e corres!o$di$2 re!o$se 9essa2e co$3i2ured %7 t"e :) OSer5i$2 (e ("a$2e Messa2e T7!eP



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S&' Ti9e i$3o

Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..,0-5) :$te2er(1..,0 -6) Se2antics description S7ste9 3ra9e $u9%er start o3 t"e !"7sica c"a$$e e.iste$ce. Tota $u9%er o3 3ra9es t"e !"7sica c"a$$e 1i

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #cti5atio$ ti9e S&' 4uratio$


S!ecia 8urst Sc"edu i$2

Only for T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0../) Se2antics description Va ue re!rese$ts $u9%er o3 radio 3ra9es 0 ? 2 3ra9es, 1 ? , 3ra9es, 2 ? = 3ra9es, 3 ? 16 3ra9es, , ? 32 3ra9es, 5 ? 6, 3ra9es, 6 ? 12= 3ra9es, / ?256 3ra9es

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S!ecia 8urst Ge$eratio$ Period

10.3.6./6 10.3.6.//

Void Void


STT4 i$dicator
Only for 7::

&ndicates whether "TT: is used or not.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e STT4 :$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at STT4 is used


SD'(;UL codes %it9a!

Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent< Group na2e SD'(;UL codes %it9a! Need MP

%*) /ulti T4pe and reference 8itstri$2(=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 o3 a SD'(;UL code, 1"ere t"e SD'(;UL codes are $u9%ered @code 0@ to @code /@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 SD'(;UL code ca$ %e used. T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 SD'(;UL code ca$ $ot %e used. $ersion R)L-/


SD'(;UL i$3o
Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference SD'(;UL codes %it9a! 10.3.6./=o :$te2er(120X-5= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er(0,1,2 ,3) :$te2er(1,2,, ,=) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent< Group na2e SD'(;UL codes %it9a!

PRAU!P(<des Po1er Ra9! Ste! Ma. SD'(;UL Tra$s9issio$s


:$ d89 :$ d8 Ma.i9u9 $u9%ers o3 SD'(;UL tra$s9issio$s i$ a !o1er ra9!i$2 seBue$ce. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 s7$c"ro$isatio$ atte9!ts.

R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

M9a. )-RU((< SD'(;UL codes %it9a!


:$te2er(1..32 ) SD'(;UL codes %it9a! 10.3.6./=o

R)L-, R)L-/


T44 M8S&' :$3or9atio$

Only for T::

This information indicates which timeslots are assi ned to T:: M0"7' and the scramblin codes assi ned to each timeslot.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9e s ot ist NTi9es ot 'u9%er N(e !ara9eters :4 Need MP MP MP /ulti ,.. [ma(T"T Ti9es ot 'u9%er 10.3.6.=, (e T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%** /ulti T4pe and reference !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.-

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


L(R T44 M8S&' :$3or9atio$

6$ 7 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44

T"is i$3or9atio$ i$dicates 1"ic" ti9es ots o3 t"e seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 o3 a 9u ti-3reBue$c7 ce are assi2$ed to 1.2=Mc!s T44 M8S&' a$d t"e scra9% i$2 codes re ated to eac" ti9es ot. :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9e s ot i$3o ist Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.M8S &'c usters N :$te2er (1..M9a.M8 S&'c usters N) 1 to M9a.TSN Ti9es ot 'u9%er 10.3.6.=, (e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.&or 1.2= Mc!s T44 i$de. !oi$ti$2 to a 3reBue$c7 i$dicated i$ t"e S:8 11. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

N&reBue$c7 i$de.



NTi9e s ot ist NNTi9es ot 'u9%er NN(e !ara9eters :4


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


SD'(;UL i$3o 3or )-RU((<

Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.
Need (VSynchronis ation parameter s (VSynchronis ation parameter s (VSynchronis ation parameter s MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(120X-5= %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er(0,1,2 ,3) Se2antics description :$ d89 $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PRAU!P(<des

Po1er Ra9! Ste!

:$ d8


Ma. SD'(;UL Tra$s9issio$s

:$te2er(1,2,, ,=)

M9a. )-RU((< SD'(;UL codes %it9a!

:$te2er(1..32 ) SD'(;UL codes %it9a! 10.3.6./=o

Ma.i9u9 $u9%ers o3 SD'(;UL tra$s9issio$s i$ a !o1er ra9!i$2 seBue$ce. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 s7$c"ro$isatio$ atte9!ts.


R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! Condition Synchronisation parameters


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OS7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9etersP does $ot, 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


T44 o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro

This information element contains parameters for open loop power control settin for T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 ((P(< T. Po1er Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 ((P(< T. Po1er description &or !at" oss ca cu atio$ $ersion

(<6:() TDD option N3.=, Mc!s T44 NN# !"a NNPR#(< (o$sta$t Va ue NN4P(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNPUS(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNU) !ositio$i$2 re ated !ara9eters NNN:P4L-# !"a NNNMa. !o1er i$crease N/.6= Mc!s T44 NN# !"a NNPR#(< (o$sta$t Va ue NN4P(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNPUS(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNU) !ositio$i$2 re ated !ara9eters NNN:P4L-# !"a NNNMa. !o1er i$crease N1.2= Mc!s T44 Condition IPDLs

MP 6P MP MP 6P (V-IPDLs MP MP 6P MP MP 6P (V-IPDLs MP MP # !"a :$te2er (0..3) :$ d% ($o data) # !"a :$te2er (0..3) # !"a (o$sta$t Va ue T44 (o$sta$t Va ue T44 (o$sta$t Va ue T44 # !"a (o$sta$t Va ue T44 (o$sta$t Va ue T44 (o$sta$t Va ue T44

R)L-, R)L-, 6!erator co$tro ed PR#(< Mar2i$ 6!erator co$tro ed UL 4P(< Mar2i$ 6!erator co$tro ed PUS(< Mar2i$ R)L-, R)L-, :$ d% R)L-, R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

6!erator co$tro ed PR#(< Mar2i$ 6!erator co$tro ed UL 4P(< Mar2i$ 6!erator co$tro ed PUS(< Mar2i$

R)L-/ R)L-,

1Dplanation T"is :) is !rese$t o$ 7 i3 id e !eriods are a!! ied


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$ter2er (0..255) Se2antics description :3 !rese$t, t"e O#cti5atio$ ti9e o33setP :) is used %7 U) to ca cu ate #cti5atio$ ti9e 3or i$c usio$ i$ 9easure9e$t re!ort 3or e5e$t 1d. $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #cti5atio$ ti9e o33set

'e1 <-R'T: 'e1 Pri9ar7 )-R'T: 'e1 Seco$dar7 )-R'T: Ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce i$3or9atio$ )-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$



4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$


4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$

6P 6P

M:M6 !ara9eters M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

6P 6P

4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44


<-R'T:,a )-R'T: )-R'T: Ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce i$3or9atio$ 10.3.6./,a )-4(< reco$3i2urati o$ i$3or9atio$ 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$,% 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$,a <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ M:M6 !ara9eters 10.3.6.,1a M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters,2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 2 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 &44 o$ 7

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=



R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-= R)L-11


6P 6P

R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #dditio$a do1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o ist &44 2 N4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Need 6P 6P ,

%+ /ulti T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 )-4(< reco$3i2urati o$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 &-TP:(< reco$3i2urati o$ i$3o U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 UL 16E#M co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.6.=6o UL 6,E#M co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.6.=6% U! i$> M:M6 i$3o &44,5

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &44 o$ 7 $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11


&44 o$ 7


)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7


&44 o$ 7


U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44 &-TP:(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3o

6P 6P

&44 o$ 7

R)L-11 R)L-11

U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44 UL 16E#M co$3i2uratio$ UL 6,E#M co$3i2uratio$ U! i$> M:M6 i$3o &44

6P 6P 6P 6P

&44 o$ 7

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

&44 o$ 7



T&( (o$tro duratio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 2,, 32, ,=, 6,, 12=, 1-2, 256, 512) Se2antics description 4e3i$es t"e !eriod i$ 9u ti! es o3 10 9s 3ra9es 3or 1"ic" t"e de3i$ed T&( su%-set is to %e a!! ied.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T&( (o$tro duratio$

10.3.6.=1 10.3.6.=2

Void TGPS:
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..M a.TGPS) Se2antics description Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce :de$ti3ier )sta% is" a re3ere$ce to t"e co9!ressed 9ode !atter$ seBue$ce. U! to MMa.TGPSN si9u ta$eous co9!ressed

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TGPS:


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%+! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 9ode !atter$ seBue$ces ca$ %e used.


Ti9e i$3o
Need M4 M4 /ulti T4pe and reference #cti5atio$ ti9e :$te2er(1..,0 -6, i$3i$ite) Se2antics description &ra9e $u9%er start o3 t"e !"7sica c"a$$e e.iste$ce. 4e3au t 5a ue is @'o1@ Tota $u9%er o3 3ra9es t"e !"7sica c"a$$e 1i 4e3au t 5a ue is @i$3i$ite@.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #cti5atio$ ti9e 4uratio$


Ti9e S ot L(R ).te$sio$

Presence Ran-e :1 T4pe and Reference )'UM)R#T )4 (TS/, X) Se2antics 3escription TS/ i$dicates t"e M8S&' S!ecia Ti9es ot 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 M8S&' 4edicated (arrier. T"ree s!are 5a ues are reser5ed.

:1<Group Na2e Ti9e S ot L(R ).te$sio$


Ti9es ot $u9%er
Need MP MP MP MP :$te2er(0..1, ) :$te2er(0..1, ) :$te2er(0..6) Ti9es ot 1it"i$ a 3ra9e Ti9es ot 1it"i$ a 3ra9e Ti9es ot 1it"i$ a su%3ra9e R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-, R)L-,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() TDD option N3.=, Mc!s T44 NNTi9es ot $u9%er N/.6= Mc!s T44 NNTi9es ot $u9%er N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNTi9es ot $u9%er


TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de.

Only for 7::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. Need MP /ulti

%+3 T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. 5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Radio i$>s 1it" t"e sa9e i$de. "a5e TP( %its, 1"ic" 3or t"e U) are >$o1$ to %e t"e sa9e. Radio i$>s t"at are !art o3 t"e )-4(< acti5e set a$d 1it" t"e sa9e i$de. "a5e ac>$o1 ed2e9e$t 3eed%ac> si2$a s o$ t"e )-<:(< 1"ic" 3or t"e U) are >$o1$ to %e t"e sa9e. Radio i$>s 1it" t"e sa9e i$de. "a5e TP: %its, 1"ic" 3or t"e U) are >$o1$ to %e t"e sa9e. $ersion




TST4 i$dicator
Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.
Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is TRU) $ersion R)L-,

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e TST4 i$dicator


TA 4i5ersit7 Mode
Only for 7::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated ($o$e, STT4, c osed oo! 9ode1) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T. di5ersit7 Mode


UL 16E#M co$3i2uratio$
Only for 7::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL 16E#M setti$2s Need

%+' /ulti T4pe and reference UL 16E#M setti$2s 10.3.6.=6a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Se2antics $ersion description (VPrese$ce o3 t"is R)L-/ 'msTTI :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) s"ou d o!erate i$ 16E#M 9odeU a%se$ce i$dicates t"at t"e U) is $ot to o!erate i$ 16E#M 9ode. See 'ote 2. M#(-es0e reset i$dicator 6P )$u9erated TRU) :$dicates R)L-/ (TRU)) t"e M#(-es0e or M#(-i0is e$tit7 $eeds to %e reset. )-T&(: ta% e i$de. 6P :$te2er (0..1) :$dicates 1"ic" R)L-/ sta$dardised )T&(: T8 siQe ta% e s"a %e used. See 'ote 1. '6T) 1* :3 t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ 16E#M 9ode, t"e 5a ue o3 O)-T&(: ta% e i$de.P is i$creased %7 2, a$d i$dices i$ t"e SG-Ta% e re3er to Sc"edu i$2 Gra$t Ta% e 2 i$ I15J. '6T) 2* :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e i$dices si2$a ed o$ t"e )-#G(< re3er to t"e Ma!!i$2 o3 #%so ute Gra$t Va ue Ta% e 168 i$ I2/J. Condition 'msTTI 1Dplanation T"is :) is !rese$t o$ 7 i3 29s TT: is co$3i2ured, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


UL 16E#M setti$2s
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..1) Se2antics description T"e 5a ue 0 i$dicates t"at t"e i$dices si2$a ed o$ t"e )-#G(< re3er to t"e Ma!!i$2 o3 #%so ute Gra$t Va ue Ta% e 168 i$ I2/J, a$d t"e 5a ue 1 i$dicates Ma!!i$2 usi$2 #%so ute Gra$t Va ue Ta% e 168.1 i$ I2/J. $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8eta)d 2ai$ )-#G(< ta% e se ectio$


UL 6,E#M co$3i2uratio$
Only for 7::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL 6,E#M setti$2s Need 6P

%+" /ulti T4pe and reference UL 6,E#M setti$2s 10.3.6.=6c

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) s"ou d o!erate i$ 6,E#M 9odeU a%se$ce i$dicates t"at t"e U) is $ot to o!erate i$ 6,E#M 9ode. TRU) :$dicates t"at M#(-i0is e$tit7 $eeds to %e reset. $ersion R)L-11

M#(-is0i reset i$dicator


)$u9erated (TRU))



UL 6,E#M setti$2s
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..1) Se2antics description T"e 5a ue 0 i$dicates t"at t"e i$dices si2$a ed o$ t"e )-#G(< re3er to t"e Ma!!i$2 o3 #%so ute Gra$t Va ue Ta% e 168 i$ I2/J, a$d t"e 5a ue 1 i$dicates Ma!!i$2 usi$2 #%so ute Gra$t Va ue Ta% e 168.1 i$ I2/J. $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8eta)d 2ai$ )-#G(< ta% e se ectio$


UL i$ter3ere$ce
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (110..-/0) Se2antics description :$ d89

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL i$ter3ere$ce


&n T::- this &2 is a timeslot specific value.


UL i$ter3ere$ce T44
Only for T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (110..-52) Se2antics description :$ d89

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T44 UL i$ter3ere$ce


This &2 is a timeslot specific value.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U! i$> 4P(< code i$3o 3or (o99o$ )-4(<

Need /ulti

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Scra9% i$2 code t7!e

T4pe and Se2antics description $ersion reference MP )$u9erated( R)L-= s"ort, o$2) Scra9% i$2 code $u9%er (V:$te2er(0..16 '6T)1 R)L-= S"ort ///215) '6T)1* :3 t"is :) is $ot i$c uded, t"e 5a ue is 2i5e$ %7* Scra9% i$2 code $u9%er ? (o33set + co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$) 9od 16///216 1"ere @o33set@ is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"e :) @scra9% i$2 code $u9%er@. @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ i$dicates t"e (o99o$ )-4(< resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ $u9%er %7 order o3 a!!eara$ce. T"e 5a ue o3 t"e @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ is Qero 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. Condition Short 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. 6t"er1ise, t"is :) is o!tio$a .


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Need 6P /ulti

%+* T4pe and reference U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 10.3.6.-1

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<6:() mode N&44 NNScra9% i$2 code t7!e NNScra9% i$2 code $u9%er NN'u9%er o3 4P4(<

MP MP MP M4 )$u9erat ed(s"ort, o$2) :$te2er(0.. 16///215 ) :$te2er(1.. 9a.4P4 (<-UL, 0)

4e3au t 5a ue is 1. 'u9%er o3 4P4(< is 1 i$ <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4. Va ue 0 9a7 o$ 7 %e used i3 tar2et co$3i2uratio$ "as $o u! i$> 4P4(<. Mi$i9u9 a o1ed S& o3 t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code 3or data !art TRU) 9ea$s e.iste$ce. :$ %its. :$ %its R)L-/ R)L-6

NNS!readi$2 3actor

C$DPDCH present MP 6P (V"either T#CI nor #+I present C$DPDCH present 6P

NNT&(: e.iste$ce NN'u9%er o3 &8: %its NN'u9%er o3 TP( %its

:$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) 8oo ea$ :$te2er (1, 2) :$te2er (,)

NNPu$cturi$2 Li9it

Rea (0.,0 ..1 %7 ste! o3 0.0,) U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-6 1 to M9a.(( Tr(<N :$te2er(1.. =) Rea (11 .. 20 %7 ste! o3 0.5d8) UL !"7sica c"a$$e s to esta% is" or reco$3i2ure ist. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. :$ d8 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 t"is !ara9eter re!rese$ts PRA4P(<des 1it" ra$2e :$te2er(-120X5= %7 ste! o3 1) d89 4e3au t is t"e curre$t (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-,

NT44 NNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro

NNUL ((Tr(< List NNNT&(S :4 NNNUL tar2et S:R

6P M4 MP

NNNTi9e i$3o NNN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o NNN (<6:() T44 o!tio$ NNNN 3.=, Mc!s T44


Ti9e i$3o 10.3.6.=3 (o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNU! i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes Need M4 /ulti

%++ T4pe and reference U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 10.3.6.-, U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R 10.3.6.-, % U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes L(R 10.3.6.-, a 1..M9a. ((Tr(< N :$te2er(1.. =)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes. $ersion

NNNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNNU! i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes V<(R


4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNN 1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNNU! i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes L(R


4e3au t is to use t"e o d ti9es ots a$d codes.

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNUL ((Tr(< List to Re9o5e NNNT&(S :4


UL !"7sica c"a$$e s to re9o5e ist

Condition DPDCHpresent "either T#CI nor #+I present

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e tar2et co$3i2uratio$ i$c udes a 4P4(<, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) OT&(: e.iste$ceP is set to &#LS) a$d t"e :) O'u9%er o3 &8: %itsP is $ot !rese$t, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o Post

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Post 10.3.6.-2 )$u9erated( s"ort, o$2) :$te2er(0..=1 -1) :$te2er(,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

(<6:() mode N&44 NNScra9% i$2 code t7!e NNReduced scra9% i$2 code $u9%er NNS!readi$2 3actor


Su%-ra$2e o3 5a ues 3or i$itia use u!o$ "a$do5er to UTR#'. S& o3 t"e c"a$$e isatio$ code 3or data !art T"ere is o$ 7 o$e 4P4(< 3or t"is case

N1.2= Mc!s T44 a$d 3.=, Mc!s T44 NNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro


NNU! i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes N/.6= Mc!s T44 NNU! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro


U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-6 U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 10.3.6.-, U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-6 U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R 10.3.6.-,% R)L-/ R)L-/


NNU! i$> 4P(< ti9es ots a$d codes




Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U! i$> 4P(< i$3o Pre

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Pre 10.3.6.-3 Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

(<6:() mode N&44 NNT&(: e.iste$ce



8oo ea$

NN'u9%er o3 TP( %its NNPu$cturi$2 Li9it NT44 NN(o99o$ ti9es ot i$3o

(V-"o T#CI MP

:$te2er (,) Rea (0.,0 ..1 %7 ste! o3 0.0,)

TRU) 9ea$s e.iste$ce. 4e3au t 5a ue is TRU) See '6T) 1. :$ %its


(o99o$ Ti9es ot :$3o '6T) 1* 'u9%er o3 &8: %its is $ot si2$a ed %ut 0 is i9! ied as tra$s9it di5ersit7 ca$$ot %e setu! "ere. Condition Si$2 e "o T#CI 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @'u9%er o3 4P4(<@ is @1@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) OT&(: e.iste$ceP is set to &#LS), ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.



U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

Parameters used by 32 to set :P1F initial output power and to use for closed?loop power control in 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: and parameters for uplin# open loop power control in 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN4P((< Po1er o33set NNP( Prea9% e NNSR8 de a7 NNPo1er (o$tro # 2orit"9 Need MP MP MP MP MP :$te2er(16,,..-6 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0../) :$te2er(0../) )$u9erated (a 2orit"9 1, a 2orit"9 2) :$te2er (1, 2) :$te2er (0..= -..10) :$te2er (0..= :$ d8 :$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es :$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es S!eci3ies a 2orit"9 to %e used %7 U) to i$ter!ret TP( co99a$ds :$ d8 Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

NNTP( ste! siQe NN#(H

(V-algo 6P




R)L-11 R)L-5


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%! /ulti T4pe and reference -..10) :$te2er(1..,) :$te2er(1..,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description I2=J :3 !rese$t, t"is :) i$dicates t"at a t"e assisti$2 ce s use t"e #c>-'ac> re!etitio$ 3actor i$dicated %7 t"is :). 1 i$dicates t"at !rea9% e a$d !osta9% e are used o$ t"e <S4P((< R see I2-J :$ d8 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 t"is !ara9eter re!rese$ts PRA4P(<des 1it" ra$2e :$te2er(120X-5= %7 ste! o3 1) d89 'o data R)L-, R)L-, $ersion R)L-11 R)L-5 R)L-11

NN#c>-'ac> re!etitio$ 3actor NN#c>-'ac> re!etitio$ 3actor 3or Mu ti3 o1 assisti$2 ce s

6P (VMultiflo:

NN<#RE;!rea9% e;9ode


:$te2er (0, 1)


NT44 NNUL tar2et S:R


Rea (-11 .. 20 %7 ste! o3 0.5d8)


NN(<6:() 1L ,L PC info NNN8roadcast UL 6L P( i$3o NNN:$di5idua 7 Si2$a ed NNNN(<6:() TDD option NNNNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce i$3o NNNNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce NNNNNN4P(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNNNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce i$3o NNNNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce NNNNNN4P(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNNNN1.2= Mc!s T44

MP 'u 6P MP MP MP 1 to M9a.TSN :$di5idua ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce (o$sta$t Va ue T44 1 to M9a.TSN :$di5idua ti9es ot i$ter3ere$ce (o$sta$t Va ue T44


Eua it7 Mar2i$ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



Eua it7 Mar2i$

R)L-/ R)L-,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNN8eaco$ PL )st. Need (V"outra$

%3 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) 9a7 ta>e i$to accou$t !at" oss esti9ated 3ro9 %eaco$ 3u$ctio$ !"7sica c"a$$e s. T"e a%se$ce i$dicates t"at U) 9a7 $ot ta>e i$to accou$t !at" oss esti9ated 3ro9 %eaco$ 3u$ctio$ !"7sica c"a$$e s &or Pat" oss (a cu atio$ $ersion R)L-6

NNNNNNTP( ste! siQe NNNNPri9ar7 ((P(< T. Po1er


:$te2er(1,2,3 ) Pri9ar7 ((P(< T. Po1er


Condition algo houtran


1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9@ is set to @a 2orit"9 1@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded T"is :) is o!tio$a i$ (e U!date (o$3ir9, P"7sica ("a$$e Reco$3i2uratio$, Radio 8earer Reco$3i2uratio$, Radio 8earer Re ease, Radio 8earer Setu!, Tra$s!ort ("a$$e Reco$3i2uratio$ a$d U! i$> P"7sica ("a$$e (o$tro . T"e :) is $ot i$c uded i$ t"e <a$do5er To UTR#' (o99a$d T"e :) is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e Mu ti3 o1 o!eratio$ is co$3i2ured, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 3or (o99o$ )-4(<

Parameters used by 32 to set :P1F initial output power and to use for closed?loop power control in 7:: when 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode is applied.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (a 2orit"9 1, a 2orit"9 2) :$te2er (1, 2) :$te2er (0..=) :$te2er (0..=) :$te2er(1..,) Se2antics description S!eci3ies a 2orit"9 to %e used %7 U) to i$ter!ret TP( co99a$ds :$ d8 Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J $ersion R)L-=

TP( ste! siQe #(H

(V-algo 6P

R)L-= R)L-=




#c>-'ac> re!etitio$ 3actor Condition algo



1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9@ is set to @a 2orit"9 1@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Post

Parameters used by 32 to set :P1F initial output power and to use for closed?loop power control.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN4P((< Po1er o33set NNP( Prea9% e NNSR8 de a7 NT44 NNUL tar2et S:R Need MP MP MP MP MP :$te2er(110..-50 %7 ste! o3 ,) :$te2er (0../) :$te2er (0../) Rea (-11 .. 20 %7 ste! o3 0.5d8) :$ d8 i$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es :$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es :$ d8 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 t"is !ara9eter re!rese$ts PRA4P(<des 1it" ra$2e :$te2er(120X-5= %7 ste! o3 1) d89 /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNUL Ti9es ot :$ter3ere$ce NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNUL Ti9es ot :$ter3ere$ce

MP MP UL :$ter3ere$ce T44 10.3.6.=/a UL :$ter3ere$ce T44 10.3.6.=/a ($o data)

R)L-, R)L-,


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 Condition algo


1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9@ is set to @a 2orit"9 1@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Pre

Parameters used by 32 to set :P1F initial output power and to use for closed?loop power control in 7:: and parameters for uplin# open loop power control in 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNPo1er (o$tro # 2orit"9 Need MP MP )$u9erated (a 2orit"9 1, a 2orit"9 2) :$te2er (1, 2) S!eci3ies a 2orit"9 to %e used %7 U) to i$ter!ret TP( co99a$ds :$ d8 ('o data) R)L-, R)L-, (o$sta$t Eua it7 Mar2i$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

NNTP( ste! siQe NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NN4P(< (o$sta$t Va ue

(V-algo MP MP


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NN4P(< (o$sta$t Va ue NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 Condition algo Need

%" /ulti T4pe and reference Va ue T44 (o$sta$t Va ue T44

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


Eua it7 Mar2i$ ($o data)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-,

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9@ is set to @a 2orit"9 1@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes

Only for ,.*; Mcps T:: and 3.;8 Mcps T::.
Need MP MP MP MP 1..2 )$u9erated( (101),)(201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=),(1601).. (16016)) ($o data) MP :$te2er(1..9 a.TS-1) T"e ti9es ots used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er s"a %e ti9es ots* ' 9od 9a.TS ('+1) 9od 9a.TS ... ('+>) 9od 9a.TS i$ t"at order, 1"ere ' is t"e ti9es ot $u9%er i$ t"e &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o a$d > t"e 'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots. T"e additio$a ti9es ots s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) as t"e 3irst ti9es ot. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is !ara9eter corres!o$ds to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used seco$d %7 t"e !"7sica a7er, t"e seco$d to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used t"ird a$d so o$. /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o Se2antics description :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 3or t"e 3irst ti9es ot used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. (ode ist used i$ t"e ti9es ot. 2i5e$ i$ &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 47$a9ic S& usa2e &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o &irst ti9es ot (ode List N("a$$e isatio$ (ode

(<6:() more timeslots N'o 9ore ti9es ots N(o$secuti5e ti9es ots NN'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots


NTi9es ot ist NN#dditio$a ti9es ot ist


1 to M9a.TS1N

NNN(<6:() parameters NNNNSa9e as ast NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er

MP MP Ti9es ot 'u9%er T"is !"7sica a7er s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

%( /ulti T4pe and reference 10.3.6.=,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) 3or t"is ti9es ot as 3or t"e ast o$e.

NNNN'e1 !ara9eters NNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o NNNNN(ode List NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode

MP MP MP 1..2

:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o )$u9erated( (101),)(201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=),(1601).. (16016))


U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes L(R

Only for ,.*; Mcps T::
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o Se2antics description :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 3or t"e 3irst ti9es ot used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. (ode ist used i$ t"e ti9es ot. 2i5e$ i$ &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 47$a9ic S& usa2e &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o &irst ti9es ot (ode List N("a$$e isatio$ (ode


1..2 )$u9erate d((101),) (201),(202), (,01)..(,0,), (=01)..(=0=), (1601).. (16016)) PL((< :$3o

NPL((< :$3o (<6:() more timeslots N'o 9ore ti9es ots N(o$secuti5e ti9es ots NN'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots

(V$o;4L;4 P(< MP MP

($o data) :$te2er(1.. 9a.TS-1) T"e ti9es ots used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er s"a %e ti9es ots* ' 9od 9a.TS ('+1) 9od 9a.TS X ('+>) 9od 9a.TS i$ t"at order, 1"ere ' is t"e ti9es ot $u9%er i$ t"e &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o a$d > t"e 'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots. T"e additio$a ti9es ots s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) as t"e 3irst ti9es ot. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is !ara9eter corres!o$ds

NTi9es ot ist NN#dditio$a ti9es ot ist


1 to M9a.T


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti S-1N

%) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used seco$d %7 t"e !"7sica a7er, t"e seco$d to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used t"ird a$d so o$.

NNN(<6:() parameters NNNNSa9e as ast NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er

MP MP Ti9es ot 'u9%er 10.3.6.=, T"is !"7sica a7er s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) 3or t"is ti9es ot as 3or t"e ast o$e.

NNNN'e1 !ara9eters NNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o NNNNN(ode List NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode


:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 1..2 )$u9erate d((101),) (201),(202), (,01)..(,0,), (=01)..(=0=), (1601).. (16016)) PL((< :$3o


NNNNNN PL((< :$3o

(V$o;4L;4 P(<

4e3au t is sa9e as set o3 !ara9eter 5a ues as assi2$ed to ast ti9es ot

Condition "o*DL*DPCH

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7 i$ t"e case t"at U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes are assi2$ed 3or UL 4P(< a$d $o 4L 4P(< is a ocated to t"e U).


U! i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes V<(R

Only for <.=; Mcps T::


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 47$a9ic S& usa2e &irst :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o Need MP MP

%* /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o 3or t"e 3irst ti9es ot used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er. (ode ist used i$ t"e ti9es ot. 2i5e$ i$ &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o. $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/

&irst ti9es ot (ode List




N("a$$e isatio$ (ode


)$u9erated( (101),)(201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=.1601) .. (16016). (3201).. (32032)) ($o data)


(<6:() more timeslots N'o 9ore ti9es ots N(o$secuti5e ti9es ots NN'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots



:$te2er(1..9 a.TS-1)

T"e ti9es ots used %7 t"e !"7sica a7er s"a %e ti9es ots* ' 9od 9a.TS ('+1) 9od 9a.TS ... ('+>) 9od 9a.TS i$ t"at order, 1"ere ' is t"e ti9es ot $u9%er i$ t"e &irst i$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o a$d > t"e 'u9%er o3 additio$a ti9es ots. T"e additio$a ti9es ots s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) as t"e 3irst ti9es ot. T"e 3irst i$sta$ce o3 t"is !ara9eter corres!o$ds to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used seco$d %7 t"e !"7sica a7er, t"e seco$d to t"e ti9es ot t"at s"a %e used t"ird a$d so o$.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NTi9es ot ist NN#dditio$a ti9es ot ist


1 to M9a.TS1N

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN(<6:() parameters NNNNSa9e as ast


R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er Need MP

%+ /ulti T4pe and reference Ti9es ot 'u9%er 10.3.6.=,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is !"7sica a7er s"a use t"e sa9e !ara9eters (e.2. c"a$$e isatio$ codes, 9ida9% e s"i3ts etc.) 3or t"is ti9es ot as 3or t"e ast o$e. $ersion R)L-/

NNNN'e1 !ara9eters NNNNN:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o NNNNN(ode List NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode

MP MP MP 1..2

:$di5idua ti9es ot i$3o )$u9erated( (101),)(201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=).(1601).. (16016). (3201).. (32032))

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce

Only for 3.;8 Mcps T::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..63) Se2antics description #%so ute ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue to %e used to a5oid ar2e de a7 s!read at t"e 'ode8 $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce

Only for 3.;8 and <.=; Mcps T::.
Need /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..255) Se2antics description #%so ute ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue to %e used to a5oid ar2e de a7 s!read at t"e 'ode8 #%so ute ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue to %e used to a5oid ar2e de a7 s!read at t"e 'ode8 $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() TDD mode N3.=, Mc!s T44 NN).te$ded UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


N/.6=.Mc!s T44 NN).te$ded UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


:$te2er (0..511)

R)L-/ R)L-/


U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro

Only for T::
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Timing Ad%ance


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N4isa% ed N)$a% ed NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNUL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce Need

% /ulti T4pe and reference 'u

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$dicates t"at $o ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is a!! ied $ersion

MP M4 U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 #%so ute ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue to %e used to a5oid ar2e de a7 s!read at t"e 'ode8. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue 3or u! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce.

R)L-, R)L-,

NN).te$ded Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


NNNN#cti5atio$ Ti9e


).te$ded UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (o$tro 10.3.6.-5a #cti5atio$ Ti9e


&ra9e $u9%er ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is to %e a!! ied. T"is :) is reBuired 1"e$ a $e1 UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce adKust9e$t is s!eci3ied a$d #cti5atio$ Ti9e is $ot ot"er1ise s!eci3ied i$ t"e RR( 9essa2e. #%so ute ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue to %e used to a5oid ar2e de a7 s!read at t"e 'ode8. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue 3or u! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce. &ra9e $u9%er ti9i$2 ad5a$ce is to %e a!! ied. T"is :) is reBuired 1"e$ a $e1 UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce adKust9e$t is s!eci3ied a$d #cti5atio$ Ti9e is $ot ot"er1ise s!eci3ied i$ t"e RR( 9essa2e. ($o data) 4e3au t* U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe is 1. U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7 is 1. T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e ste! siQe to %e used 3or t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded UL Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce


).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a

NNNN#cti5atio$ Ti9e


#cti5atio$ Ti9e


NN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9eters


R)L-, R)L-,

NNNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe





Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7 Need /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e 3reBue$c7 o3 t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 $ersion



NNNS7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9eters NNNNSD'(;UL codes %it9a!


NNNN&P#(< i$3o NNNNPRAU!P(<des NNNNSD'(;UL !rocedure


SD'(;UL codes %it9a! 10.3.6./=o &P#(< i$3o :$te2er(120X-5= %7 ste! o3 1)


R)L-, :$ d89 4e3au t is* Ma. SD'(;UL Tra$s9issio$ is 2. Po1er Ra9! Ste! is 2. Ma.i9u9 $u9%ers o3 SD'(;UL tra$s9issio$s i$ a !o1er ra9!i$2 seBue$ce. :$ d8 R)L-, R)L-,

NNNNNMa. SD'(;UL Tra$s9issio$s


:$te2er(1,2,, ,=)


NNNNNPo1er Ra9! Ste!


:$te2er(0,1,2 ,3)



Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


)-4(< :$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M#(-es0e reset i$dicator Need 6P

3 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) :$dicates t"e M#(-es0e or M#(-i0is e$tit7 $eeds to %e reset. $ersion R)L-6

(<6:() mode N&44 NN)-4P((< i$3o NN)-4P4(< i$3o NNU! i$> M:M6 i$3o NNSc"edu ed Tra$s9issio$ co$3i2uratio$ NNN29s sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t <#RE !rocess a ocatio$

MP 6P 6P 6P 6P M4 8itstri$2 (=) M#(-d P4Us %e o$2i$2 to M#(-d 3 o1s $ot co$3i2ured 1it" a OMa. M#(-e P4U co$te$ts siQeP are o$ 7 a o1ed to %e tra$s9itted i$ t"ose !rocesses 3or 1"ic" t"e %it is set to O1P. 8it 0 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 0, %it 1 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 1, X 4e3au t 5a ue is* tra$s9issio$ i$ a <#RE !rocesses is a o1ed. 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. (0..3/) i$dicates )-4(< ser5i$2 2ra$t i$de. as de3i$ed i$ I15JU i$de. 3= 9ea$s Qero 2ra$t. :$dicates 1"et"er t"e Ser5i$2 Gra$t is recei5ed 1it" a Pri9ar7 )-R'T: or Seco$dar7 )R'T: Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) s"ou d o!erate i$ 16E#M 9odeU a%se$ce i$dicates t"at t"e U) is $ot to o!erate i$ 16E#M 9ode. See 'ote 1. )-4P((< :$3o 10.3.6.-= )-4P4(< i$3o 10.3.6.-U! i$> M:M6 :$3o &44,5

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-6 R)L-6

NNNSer5i$2 Gra$t NNNNSer5i$2 Gra$t 5a ue


:$te2er (0..3/,3=)

R)L-6 R)L-6

NNNNPri9ar70Seco$dar7 Gra$t Se ector


)$u9erated (O!ri9ar7P, Oseco$dar7P)


NNUL 16E#M setti$2s


UL 16E#M setti$2s 10.3.6.=6a



Release ! NNUL 6,E#M setti$2s 6P

' UL 6,E#M setti$2s 10.3.6.=6c

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e U) s"ou d o!erate i$ 6,E#M 9odeU a%se$ce i$dicates t"at t"e U) is $ot to o!erate i$ 6,E#M 9ode. R)L-11

NT44 NN)-RU((< i$3o

R)L-/ )-RU((< R)L-/ :$3o NN)-PU(< i$3o 6P )-PU(< :$3o R)L-/, NN'o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 6P 'o$R)L-/ 2ra$t i$3o sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t i$3o 10.3.6.,1c '6T) 1* :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e i$dices si2$a ed o$ t"e )-#G(< re3er to t"e Ma!!i$2 o3 #%so ute Gra$t Va ue Ta% e 168 i$ I2/J. 6P


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3o 3or L(R T44

Need MP ($o data) 6P )$u9erated (ts$-1,%its) T"e !rese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"e e$2t" o3 TS' s"a %e 1, %its, ot"er1ise, t"e e$2t" o3 TS' s"a %e 6 %its. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Configuration info N(o$ti$ue N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NNTS'-Le$2t"

NNU! i$> Mu ti-carrier )-4(< :$3or9atio$ List NNNU#R&(' NNNPRAdes;%ase NNN)-PU(< i$3o


1 to M 9a.T4412 =(arrier-1N :$te2er(0..16 3=3) :$te2er (-112..-50 %7 ste! o3 1) )-PU(< :$3o 3or 9u ticarrier )4(< 1.2=Mc!s T44,% d89. Re3ere$ce desired !o1er e5e 3or )-PU(< 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e !re5ious @ )PU(< i$3o @ i$ t"e ist. 4e3au t 5a ue o3 3irst occurre$ce is t"e 5a ue o3 O)PU(< i$3oP i$ t"e :) O)-4(< i$3oP. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e !re5ious @ )#G(< :$3o @ i$ t"e ist. 4e3au t 5a ue o3 3irst occurre$ce is t"e 5a ue o3 O)#G(< :$3oP i$ t"e :) O4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>P. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e !re5ious @ )-<:(< :$3or9atio$ @ i$ t"e ist. 4e3au t 5a ue o3 3irst occurre$ce is t"e 5a ue o3 O)<:(< :$3or9atio$P i$ t"e :) O4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>P.

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NNN)-#G(< :$3o


)-#G(< :$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44


NNN)-<:(< :$3o


)-<:(< :$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44


NNU! i$> Mu ti-carrier )-4(< 4e ete List NNNU#R&('

(Vser%ing*ce ll*change MP

1 to M 9a.T4412 =(arrier-1N :$te2er(0..16 3=3)

R)L-10 R)L-10

Condition ser%ing*cell*change

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i$ t"e ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is 6!tio$a


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


)-4P((< :$3o
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..=) )$u9erated (29s, 109s,209s, 509s, 1009s, 2009s, 5009s, 10009s) )-T&( 8oost :$3o 8oo ea$ Se2antics description Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J To %e used 1"e$ deter9i$i$2 t"e setti$2 o3 t"e "a!!7 %it (see I15J) $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4P((<04P((< !o1er o33set <a!!7 %it de a7 co$ditio$

)-T&( 8oost :$3o


)-4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$


#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at %oosti$2 o3 )-4P((< is disa% ed TRU) 9ea$s )4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$ 3or9u a is used, &#LS) 9ea$s )4P4(< !o1er e.tra!o atio$ 3or9u a is used 3or t"e co9!utatio$ o3 t"e 2ai$ 3actor ed accordi$2 to I2-J




)-4P4(< :$3o
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..1) Se2antics description :$dicates 1"ic" sta$dardised )T&(: T8 siQe ta% e s"a %e used. See 'ote 3. See I15JU #%se$ce 9ea$s $o )-4(< 9i$i9u9 set See I2-J Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J Va ues 30 a$d 31 are o$ 7 used 3or )-T&(: N )T&(: 8oost $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-T&(: ta% e i$de.

)-4(< 9i$i9u9 set )-T&(:


:$te2er (0..12/) 1 to = :$te2er (0..12/) :$te2er (0..2-,


Re3ere$ce )-T&(:s NRe3ere$ce )-T&(: NRe3ere$ce )-T&(: P6


R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

30, 31)


Mi$i9u9 reduced )-4P4(< 2ai$ 3actor


)$u9erated (=015, 11015, 15015, 21015, 30015, ,2015, 60015, =,015)

I2-JU t"e de3au t 5a ue is =015. :3 t"e co$3i2ura% e reduced )4P4(< 2ai$ 3actor is $ot su!!orted %7 t"e



Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) U), t"e de3au t 5a ue is used.

Ma.i9u9 c"a$$e isatio$ codes


PL$o$-9a. Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ (o$3i2uratio$ NPeriodicit7 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o R $o 2ra$t


)$u9erated (s3256, s312=, s36,, s332, s316, s3=, s3,, 2s3,, 2s32, 2s32a$d2s3,) Rea (0.,, ..1.0 %7 ste! o3 0.0,) )$u9erated (e5er7)4(<T T:,,,10,20,50, 100,200,500,1 000) )$u9erated (e5er7)4(<T T:,,,10,20,50, 100,200,500,1 000) :$te2er (0..6)


#s de3i$ed i$ I2/J

R)L-6 R)L-6

Va ues i$ 9s. 4e3au t 5a ue is O$o re!ortP '6T) 1. Va ues i$ 9s. 4e3au t 5a ue is O$o re!ortP '6T) 1.


NPeriodicit7 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o R 2ra$t



NPo1er 633set 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o

6$ 7 used 1"e$ R)L-6 $o M#(d P4Us are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(e or M#(-i P4U. U$it is i$ d8. 3-:$de.-Ste! T"res"o d M4 :$te2er (0..3/) Re3ers to a$ R)L-6 i$de. i$ t"e OSG-Ta% eP (see I15J). 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. '6T)S 2, 3. 2-:$de.-Ste! T"res"o d M4 :$te2er (0..3/) Re3ers to a$ R)L-6 i$de. i$ t"e OSG-Ta% eP (see I15J). 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. '6T)S 2, 3. '6T) 1* :3 t"e Periodicit7 is set to ,9s a$d t"e )-4(< TT: is set to 109s, t"e U) s"a i$ter!ret t"e !eriodicit7 5a ue as 109s. '6T) 2* :3 t"e 3-i$de.-Ste! T"res"o d 5a ue is 2reater t"a$ 2-i$de.-Ste! T"res"o d, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. '6T) 3* :3 t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ 16E#M 9ode, t"e 5a ue o3 O)-T&(: ta% e i$de.P is i$creased %7 2, a$d i$dices i$ t"e SG-Ta% e re3er to Sc"edu i$2 Gra$t Ta% e 2 i$ I15J. :3 t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ 6,E#M 9ode, t"e U) s"a use )-T&(: ta% e , as s!eci3ied i$ I15J irres!ecti5e o3 t"e 5a ue o3 O)-T&(: ta% e i$de., a$d i$dices i$ t"e SG-Ta% e re3er to Sc"edu i$2 Gra$t Ta% e 2 i$ I15J.


)-#G(< :$3o

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related .bsolute Grant 1hannel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN)-#G(< ("a$$e isatio$ (ode NT44 NN(<6:() T44 6!tio$ NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNLo$2 Ter9 Gra$t :$dicator Need MP MP MP M4

* /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:$te2er (0..255)

8oo ea$

NNNNLe$2t" o3 TTR: 3ie d


:$te2er(1..12 )

&#LS) ? S"ort Ter9 TRU) ? Lo$2 Ter9 4e3au t ? &#LS) (S"ort Ter9) :$dicated e$2t" o3 t"e %it9a! used to i$dicate 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ots co$3i2ured 3or )4(< are a ocated


NNNN)-#G(< set co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNTS $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code


M1 to 9a.'u9)#G(<N :$te2er(0..1, ) )$u9erated( 1601, 1602,....16016 )

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNN(<6:() 8urst T7!e NNNNNNT7!e 1 NNNNNNNMida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode NNNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 NNNNNNNMida9% e s"i3t NNNNNNT7!e 2 NNNNNNNMida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode NNNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNNNNNMida9% e s"i3t NNNN)-#G(< 8L)R tar2et NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNLo$2 Ter9 Gra$t :$dicator


MP (V-U) s!eci3ic MP

)$u9erated( 4e3au t, (o99o$, U) s!eci3ic) )$u9erated( ,, =, 16) :$te2er(0..15 ) )$u9erated( 4e3au t, (o99o$, U) s!eci3ic) )$u9erated( 3, 6) :$te2er(0..5) Rea (-3.15 to 0 ste! 0.05) 8oo ea$ &#LS) ? S"ort Ter9 TRU) ? Lo$2 Ter9 4e3au t ? &#LS) (S"ort Ter9) :$dicated e$2t" o3 t"e %it9a! used to i$dicate 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ots co$3i2ured 3or )4(< are a ocated

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

MP (V-U) s!eci3ic MP M4

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNLe$2t" o3 TTR: 3ie d


:$te2er(1..12 )


NNNN)-#G(< set co$3i2uratio$


M1 to 9a.'u9)#G(<N



Release ! NNNNNTS $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code MP MP

+ :$te2er(0..1, ) )$u9erated( 3201, 3202,....32032 )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNN(<6:() 8urst T7!e NNNNNNT7!e 1 NNNNNNNMida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode NNNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 NNNNNNNMida9% e s"i3t NNNNNNT7!e 2 NNNNNNNMida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode NNNNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNNNNNMida9% e s"i3t NNNN)-#G(< 8L)R tar2et NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNR4: :$dicator


MP (V-U) s!eci3ic MP

)$u9erated( 4e3au t, (o99o$, U) s!eci3ic) )$u9erated( ,, =, 16) :$te2er(0..15 ) )$u9erated( 4e3au t, (o99o$, U) s!eci3ic) )$u9erated( 3, 6) :$te2er(0..5) Rea (-3.15 to 0 ste! 0.05) 8oo ea$ TRU) i$dicates a R4: 3ie d is !rese$t o$ )#G(< t7!e 1, d8.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

MP (V-U) s!eci3ic MP MP

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNTP( ste! siQe NNNN)-#G(< set co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN&irst ("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNSeco$d ("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode

MP MP MP MP MP MP M1 to 9a.'u9)#G(<N

:$te2er (1, 2, 3)

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNN Mida9% e S"i3t NNNN)-#G(< 8L)R tar2et NNNN)-#G(< :$acti5it7 Mo$itor T"res"o d

MP (V-U) s!eci3ic MP M4

:$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) Rea (-3.15 to 0 ste! 0.05) )$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, i$3i$it7)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 4e3au t 5a ue is @=@. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded. R)L-=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) )-#G(< :$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related .bsolute Grant 1hannel.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R4: :$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) i$dicates a R4: 3ie d is !rese$t o$ )#G(< t7!e 1, d8. $ersion R)L-=

TP( ste! siQe )-#G(< set co$3i2uratio$ NTi9es ot $u9%er N&irst ("a$$e isatio$ code NSeco$d ("a$$e isatio$ code NMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode

MP MP MP MP MP MP M1 to 9a.'u9)#G(<N

:$te2er (1, 2, 3)

R)L-= R)L-=

NMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NMida9% e S"i3t )-#G(< 8L)R tar2et

MP (V-1! specific MP

:$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, (o99o$ 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) Rea (-3.15 to 0 ste! 0.05)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

Condition 1! specific

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

)-<:(< :$3o

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related F./J .c#nowled ement &ndicator 1hannel.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN("a$$e isatio$ (ode NNSi2$ature SeBue$ce NNSeco$dar7 T8 Si2$ature SeBue$ce Need MP MP MP 6P

! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-6 T"e seco$d )<:(< si2$ature used to ac>$o1 ed2e t"e UL M:M6 seco$dar7 strea9 tra$s!ort % oc>. R)L-11

:$te2er (0..12/) :$te2er (0..3-) :$te2er (0..3-)

NT44 NN(<6:() TDD ,ption NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN')-<:(<

MP MP :$te2er(,..,, ) Mi$i9u9 $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ start ast acti5e s ot o3 )-4(< TT: a$d start o3 #(H0'#(H o$ )<:(< (seeI]Z)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNTS $u9%er NNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode NNNN8urst t7!e NNNNMida9%e a ocatio$ 9ode NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN')-<:(<


:$te2er(0..1, ) )$u9erated( 1601, 1602,..16016) )$u9erated( T7!e1, T7!e2) )$u9erated( 4e3au t, (o99o$) :$te2er(,..,, ) Mi$i9u9 $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ start ast acti5e s ot o3 )-4(< TT: a$d start o3 #(H0'#(H o$ )<:(< (seeI]Z)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


NNNNTS $u9%er NNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode NNNN8urst t7!e NNNNMida9%e a ocatio$ 9ode NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNN ')-<:(<


:$te2er(0..1, ) )$u9erated( 3201, 3202,..32032) )$u9erated( T7!e1, T7!e2) )$u9erated( 4e3au t, (o99o$) :$te2er (,..15) Mi$i9u9 $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ start ast acti5e s ot o3 )-4(< TT: a$d start o3 #(H0'#(H o$ )<:(<

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


NNNN)-<:(< set co$3i2uratio$ NNNNN): MP

M1 to 9a.'u9)<:(<N :$te2er (0..3)

R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode MP MP MP

!! :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNMida9% e S"i3t

MP (V-U) s!eci3ic

R)L-/ R)L-/ )-<:(< :$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related F./J .c#nowled ement &ndicator 1hannel.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ')-<:(< Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (,..15) Se2antics description Mi$i9u9 $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ start ast acti5e s ot o3 )-4(< TT: a$d start o3 #(H0'#(H o$ )<:(< $ersion R)L-=

)-<:(< set co$3i2uratio$ N): NTi9es ot $u9%er N("a$$e isatio$ code NMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


M1 to 9a.'u9)<:(<N :$te2er (0..3) :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NMida9% e S"i3t

MP (V-1! specific

R)L-= R)L-=

Condition 1! specific

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

)-RG(< :$3o (&44 o$ 7)

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related /elative Grant 1hannel. The 2?/G1F is usin the same channelisation code as confi ured for the 2?F&1F channel (see subclause ,+.3.=.,+,).


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Si2$ature SeBue$ce RG co9%i$atio$ i$de. Need MP MP

!3 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..3) :$te2er(0..5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

(e s 1it" a$ i$de. eBua to t"e i$de. o3 t"e Ser5i$2 )-4(< ce %e o$2 to t"e Ser5i$2 )4(< RLS. T"e )-RG(< 3ro9 t"ese ce s "a5e RG co99a$ds 1"ic" 3or t"e U) are >$o1$ to %e t"e sa9e as t"e RG co99a$ds 3ro9 t"e Ser5i$2 )-4(< ce .



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

)-RU((< :$3o (T44 o$ 7)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() T44 9ode N3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 NN)-RU((< co$sta$t 5a ue NN)-RU((< !ersiste$ce sca i$2 3actor NNT-RU((< Need

!" /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ 4e3au t ?2009s :3 T-RU(< e.!ires %e3ore Gra$t is recei5ed t"e$ u) s"ou d se$d sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ a2ai$ o$ )-RU(< 4e3au t is sa9e as PR#(< ti9es ot $u9%er 4e3au t is as PR#(< 9ida9% e 4e3au t is 1 seco$d 4e3au t is 0 seco$d (i$c ude Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ i$ e5er7 M#(-e P4U) R)L-/


:$te2er (35..10) Rea (0.-..0.2 %7 ste! o3 0.1) :$te2er(,0..3 20 %7 ste! o3 ,0)

Po1er to %e used

NN)-RU((< ti9es ot $u9%er NN)-RU((< 9ida9% e

M4 M4





Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, )$u9erated( 4irect, 4irect0:$5ert ed) )$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 12=, i$3i$it7) )$u9erated (0, ,09s, =09s, 1609s, 25o9s, 1sec, 2sec, ,sec)

R)L-/ R)L-/



NN(<6:() T44 o!tio$ NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN(<6:() S# NNNNNS&16 NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code

MP MP MP 1 to = )$u9erated ((1601)... (160=)) T"ere is a 1*1 9a!!i$2 %et1ee$ s!readi$2 code a$d 9ida9% e s"i3t de3i$ed i$ I30J 3or c"a$$e isatio$ codes (1601) to (160=). '6T)* c"a$$e isatio$ codes (160-) to (16016) are $ot to %e used.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNNS&= NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN(<6:() S# NNNNNS&32 NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List


1 to = )$u9erated( (=01)..(=0=))

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

1 to 16


Release ! NNNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code MP

!( )$u9erated ((3201)... (32016))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"ere is a 1*1 9a!!i$2 %et1ee$ s!readi$2 code a$d 9ida9% e s"i3t de3i$ed i$ I30J 3or c"a$$e isatio$ codes (3201) to (32016). '6T)* c"a$$e isatio$ codes (3201/) to (32032) are $ot to %e used. R)L-/

NNNNNS&16 NNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNNNNNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNT-RU((<


1 to 16 )$u9erated( (1601).. (16016)) )$u9erated (20, ,0, 60, =0, 120, 160, 200, 2,0, 2=0, 320, ,00, 500, 600, =00, 1000, 2000) :$te2er (0X /) 4e3au t ? 120 9s :3 T-RU((< e.!ires %e3ore Gra$t is recei5ed t"e$ U) s"ou d se$d sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ a2ai$ o$ )-RU((< 4e3au t ? 3 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s o3 sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ o$ )RU((< Va ues i$ 9s. 4e3au t ? ,09s :3 T-G#:T e.!ires t"e$ U) s"ou d se$d sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ o$ )RU((< Va ues i$ 9s. 4e3au t ? ,09s :3 !eriodic T-S: e.!ires t"e$ U) s"ou d i$c ude sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ i$ a $e1 M#(-e P4U Va ues i$ 59s TT:. :$dicates "o1 9a$7 $e.t co$secuti5e 59s TT:s t"e U) s"ou d esti9ate 1"et"er t"ere is a Gra$t 5a id %e3ore se$di$2 Sc"edu i$2 :$3o9atio$ 5ia )RU((<

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/







)$u9erated (e5er7)4(< TT:, ,0, =0, 160, 320, 6,0, 1000, 2000) )$u9erated (e5er7)4(< TT:, 20, ,0, 60, =0, 160, 200)





NN).te$ded )sti9atio$ Gi$do1


:$te2er (2..5)



Release ! NN)-RU((< #ccess Ser5ice c ass 6P

!) 1 to M9a.#S( N

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :3 o$ 7 @'u9#S(+1@ (1it", 'u9#S(+1 M 9a.#S() #S(s are isted, t"e re9ai$i$2 ('u9#S(+2 t"rou2" 9a.#S() #S(s are u$s!eci3ied. T"e de3au t 5a ues are sa9e as t"e PR#(< #S(. :3 t"e @de3au t@ is used 3or t"e 3irst #S(, t"e de3au t 5a ues are a a5ai a% e si2$atures a$d @a a5ai a% e su%c"a$$e s@ 3or &44 a$d @a a5ai a% e c"a$$e isatio$ codes@ a$d @a a5ai a% e su%c"a$$e s@ 1it" @su%c"a$$e siQe?SiQe 1@ i$ T44. 9u ti! icit7 corres!o$ds to t"e $u9%er o3 )RU((< #S(s 9i$us 2 R)L-/

NNN)-RU((< #S( Setti$2


#S( setti$2


NN)-RU((< !ersiste$ce sca i$2 3actor ist


1 to M9a.#S(! ersistN Rea (0.-..0.2 %7 ste! o3 0.1) SD'(;UL i$3o 3or )RU((< 10.3.6./=d 1..M9a.PR #(<;&P# (<N Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, 1 to 2 )$u9erated ((,01)..(,0,), (=01)..(=0=), (1601).. (16016)) Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1 &P#(< i$3o


NNNPersiste$ce sca i$2 3actor NNSD'(;UL i$3o


R)L-/ R)L-/

NNPR#(< :$3or9atio$ NNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNN ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NNNN ("a$$e isatio$ (ode


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNMida9% e S"i3t a$d %urst t7!e NNN&P#(< i$3o






Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) )-RU((< :$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T-RU((< Need M4

!+ /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (20, ,0, 60, =0, 120, 160, 200, 2,0, 2=0, 320, ,00, 500, 600, =00, 1000, 2000) :$te2er (0X /)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t ? 120 9s :3 T-RU((< e.!ires %e3ore Gra$t is recei5ed t"e$ U) s"ou d se$d sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ a2ai$ o$ )-RU((< 4e3au t ? 3 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s o3 sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ o$ )RU((< Va ues i$ 9s. 4e3au t ? ,09s :3 T-G#:T e.!ires t"e$ U) s"ou d se$d sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ o$ )RU((< Va ues i$ 9s. 4e3au t ? ,09s :3 !eriodic T-S: e.!ires t"e$ U) s"ou d i$c ude sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ i$ a $e1 M#(-e P4U Va ues i$ 59s TT:. :$dicates "o1 9a$7 $e.t co$secuti5e 59s TT:s t"e U) s"ou d esti9ate 1"et"er t"ere is a Gra$t 5a id %e3ore se$di$2 Sc"edu i$2 :$3o9atio$ 5ia )RU((< :3 o$ 7 @'u9#S(+1@ (1it", 'u9#S(+1 M 9a.#S() #S(s are isted, t"e re9ai$i$2 ('u9#S(+2 t"rou2" 9a.#S() #S(s are u$s!eci3ied. T"e :) is o$ 7 i$c uded 1"e$ )4(< is co$3i2ured o$ seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 3or a s!eci3ic U) $ersion R)L-=






)$u9erated (e5er7)4(< TT:, ,0, =0, 160, 320, 6,0, 1000, 2000) )$u9erated (e5er7)4(< TT:, 20, ,0, 60, =0, 160, 200)





).te$ded )sti9atio$ Gi$do1


:$te2er (2..5)


)-RU((< #ccess Ser5ice c ass


1 to M9a.#S( N



Release ! N)-RU((< #S( Setti$2 M4

3% #S( setti$2

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"e de3au t 5a ues are sa9e as t"e PR#(< #S(. :3 t"e @de3au t@ is used 3or t"e 3irst #S(, t"e de3au t 5a ues are a a5ai a% e si2$atures a$d @a a5ai a% e su%c"a$$e s@ 3or &44 a$d @a a5ai a% e c"a$$e isatio$ codes@ a$d @a a5ai a% e su%c"a$$e s@ 1it" @su%c"a$$e siQe?SiQe 1@ i$ T44. 9u ti! icit7 corres!o$ds to t"e $u9%er o3 )RU((< #S(s 9i$us 2 R)L-=

)-RU((< !ersiste$ce sca i$2 3actor ist


1 to M9a.#S(! ersistN Rea (0.-..0.2 %7 ste! o3 0.1) SD'(;UL i$3o 3or )RU((< 10.3.6./=d 1..M9a.PR #(<;&P# (<N Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, 1 to 2 )$u9erated ((,01)..(,0,), (=01)..(=0=), (1601).. (16016)) Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1 &P#(< i$3o


NPersiste$ce sca i$2 3actor SD'(;UL i$3o


R)L-= R)L-=

PR#(< :$3or9atio$ NTi9es ot $u9%er N ("a$$e isatio$ (ode List NN("a$$e isatio$ (ode


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NMida9% e S"i3t a$d %urst t7!e



N&P#(< i$3o




Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),

)-PU(< :$3o (T44 o$ 7)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-T&(S i$3or9atio$ (<6:() T44 9ode N3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 NN')-U((< Need MP

3! /ulti T4pe and reference )-T&(S i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


:$te2er(1..12 )

NN)-PU(< co$sta$t 5a ue NN)-PU(< TS co$3i2uratio$ ist NNNTS $u9%er NNN(<6:() +urst Type NNNNT7!e 1 NNNNNMida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 1 NNNNNMida9%e s"i3t NNNNT7!e 2 NNNNNMida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ %urst t7!e 2 NNNNNMida9%e s"i3t NN)-PU(< code "o!!i$2 NN)-PU(< TP( ste! siQe NNMi$i9u9 a o1ed code rate NNMa.i9u9 a o1ed code rate N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNS'PL Re!orti$2 T7!e NNPRAdes;%ase NN8eaco$ PL )st.

MP MP MP MP MP MP (V-1! specific MP MP (V-1! specific MP MP MP MP 6P MP M4 M1 to 9a.TS-2N

:$te2er (35..10) :$te2er(0..1, )

'o o3 s ots t"at are reBuired to carr7 TP( a$d T&(: (co$secuti5e 7 a ocated s ots %e2i$$i$2 1it" t"e 3irst). 4e3au t ? 1 (3irst a ocated s ot). Po1er to %e used

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

)$u9erated( 4e3au t, U) s!eci3ic) )$u9erated( ,, =, 16) :$te2er (0..15) )$u9erated( 4e3au t, U) s!eci3ic) )$u9erated( 3, 6) :$te2er (0..5) 8oo ea$ :$te2er (1,2,3) :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..63) )$u9erated (t7!e1, t7!e2) :$te2er (-112..-50 %7 ste! o3 1) 8oo ea$

Ma!s 0.055 to 1.0 i$ ste!s o3 0.015 Ma!s 0.055 to 1.0 i$ ste!s o3 0.015

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNTP( ste! siQe


:$te2er (1, 2, 3)

d89. Re3ere$ce desired !o1er e5e 3or )-PU(< TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) 9a7 ta>e i$to accou$t !at" oss esti9ated 3ro9 %eaco$ 3u$ctio$ !"7sica c"a$$e s. 4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS) d8.

R)L-/ R)L-/



Release ! NNPe%ase !o1er co$tro 2a! M4

33 :$te2er (1X 255)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) U$it* 'u9%er o3 su%3ra9es, 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. Va ue 255 re!rese$ts i$3i$ite i$ 1"ic" case c osed oo! !o1er co$tro s"a a 1a7s %e used. 4e3au t* U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe 1. U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7 1. T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e ste! siQe to %e used 3or t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e 3reBue$c7 o3 t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 R)L-/

NNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9eters



NNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe


:$te2er (1..=)


NNNU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (1..=)


NN)-PU(< TS co$3i2uratio$ ist NNNTS $u9%er NNNMida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e NNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode


M1 to 9a.TSL(R-1N :$te2er (1..5) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..15)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNMi$i9u9 a o1ed code rate NNMa.i9u9 a o1ed code rate NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o NNRetra$s9issio$ Ti9er 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o

MP (V-1! specific MP MP MP

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-/ R)L-/


)$u9erated (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0, ,5, 50, 55, 60, 65, /0, /5, =0, =5, -0, -5, 100, 110, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 2,0, 2=0, 320, ,00, ,=0, 560)

Ma!s 0.055 to 1.0 i$ ste!s o3 0.015 Ma!s 0.055 to 1.0 i$ ste!s o3 0.015 6$ 7 used 1"e$ $o M#(-d P4Us are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-e P4U or M#(-i P4U. 6$ 7 used 1"e$ $o M#(-d P4Us are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-e P4U or M#(-i P4U. U$it is 9s.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



Release ! Po1er 633set 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o 6P

3' :$te2er (0..6)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :3 !rese$t, t"is :) s"ou d %e i2$ored 3or L(R T44. 6$ 7 used 1"e$ $o M#(d P4Us are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(e P4U. U$it is i$ d8. R)L-/

Condition 1! specific

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @Mida9% e # ocatio$ Mode@ is @U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),a )-PU(< :$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-T&(S i$3or9atio$ S'PL Re!orti$2 T7!e PRAdes;%ase 8eaco$ PL )st. Need MP 6P MP M4

3( /ulti T4pe and reference )-T&(S i$3o )$u9erated (t7!e1, t7!e2) :$te2er (-112..-50 %7 ste! o3 1) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= d89. Re3ere$ce desired !o1er e5e 3or )-PU(< TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) 9a7 ta>e i$to accou$t !at" oss esti9ated 3ro9 %eaco$ 3u$ctio$ !"7sica c"a$$e s. 4e3au t 5a ue is &#LS) d8. U$it* 'u9%er o3 su%3ra9es, 4e3au t 5a ue is 1. Va ue 255 re!rese$ts i$3i$ite i$ 1"ic" case c osed oo! !o1er co$tro s"a a 1a7s %e used. 4e3au t* U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe 1. U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7 1. T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e ste! siQe to %e used 3or t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 T"is !ara9eter s!eci3ies t"e 3reBue$c7 o3 t"e adKust9e$t o3 t"e u! i$> tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 R)L-= R)L-=

TP( ste! siQe Pe%ase !o1er co$tro 2a!


:$te2er (1, 2, 3) :$te2er (1X 255)

R)L-= R)L-=

U! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ara9eters



NU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ ste! siQe


:$te2er (1..=)


NU! i$> s7$c"ro$isatio$ 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (1..=)


)-PU(< TS co$3i2uratio$ ist NTS $u9%er NMida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e NNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode


M1 to 9a.TSL(R-1N :$te2er (1..5) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0..63)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNMida9% e S"i3t Mi$i9u9 a o1ed code rate

MP (V-U) s!eci3ic MP

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-= R)L-=

Ma!s 0.055 to 1.0 i$ ste!s o3 0.015



Release ! Ma.i9u9 a o1ed code rate Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o Retra$s9issio$ Ti9er 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o MP MP

3) :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..15) )$u9erated (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, ,0, ,5, 50, 55, 60, 65, /0, /5, =0, =5, -0, -5, 100, 110, 120, 1,0, 160, 200, 2,0, 2=0, 320, ,00, ,=0, 560)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Ma!s 0.055 to 1.0 i$ ste!s o3 0.015 6$ 7 used 1"e$ $o M#(-d P4Us are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-i P4U. 6$ 7 used 1"e$ $o M#(-d P4Us are i$c uded i$ t"e sa9e M#(-i P4U. U$it is 9s. R)L-= R)L-=


R)L-=,% )-PU(< :$3o 3or 9u ti-carrier )-4(< 1.2=Mc!s T44

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-PU(< TS co$3i2uratio$ ist NTS $u9%er NMida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e NNMida9% e # ocatio$ Mode Need MP MP MP MP /ulti M1 to 9a.TSL(R-1N :$te2er (1..5) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNMida9% e S"i3t

MP (V-U) s!eci3ic

#s de3i$ed i$ I30J

R)L-10 R)L-10

Condition 1! specific


:3 U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode is co$3i2ured, t"is :) is 9a$dator7, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

)-T&(S i$3o (T44 o$ 7)

Presence MP MP MP MP MP MP M1 to =N :$te2er (0..10) :$te2er (-15..16) U$it* Ra$2e* 0..1 Ste!* 0.1 U$it ra$2e -15d% to +16d% /ulti M1 to =N :$te2er (0..10) :$te2er (15..16) U$it* Ra$2e* 0..1 Ste!* 0.1 U$it ra$2e -15d% to +16d% :1 T4pe and Reference Se2antics 3escription $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:1<Group Na2e Re3ere$ce 8eta :$3or9atio$ EPSH ist NRe3ere$ce (ode Rate NRe3ere$ce 8eta Re3ere$ce 8eta :$3or9atio$ 16E#M ist NRe3ere$ce (ode Rate NRe3ere$ce 8eta


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

)-T&( 8oost :$3o

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..12/) Se2antics description )-T&(: t"res"o d %e7o$d 1"ic" %oosti$2 o3 )4P((< is e$a% ed $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-T&(: %oost

4e ta T2TP

(V!-T#CI )oost&'6 Condition

:$te2er (0..6)



!-T#CI )oost&'6

:3 )-T&(:-8oost is set to 12/ t"is :) is $ot $eeded, ot"er1ise it is 9a$dator7.

(o$tro ("a$$e 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-= 6P )$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, i$3i$it7) <S-S((< 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 )-#G(< 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, i$3i$it7) :$ radio 3ra9es. Si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Control Channel DR? operation N(o$ti$ue (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA o!eratio$ NN)$a% i$2 4e a7

N'e1 (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA o!eratio$ NN<S-S((< 4RA i$3or9atio$

R)L-= MP R)L-=

NN)-#G(< 4RA :$3or9atio$



NN)$a% i$2 4e a7


:$ radio 3ra9es. Si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded.


<S-S((< 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-S((< 4RA c7c e :$acti5it7 T"res"o d 3or <SS((< 4RA c7c e Need MP 6P /ulti

3+ T4pe and reference )$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,) )$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, i$3i$it7) :$te2er (0..63)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. &i5e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 633set o3 t"e <S-S((< 4RA c7c es. $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

<S-S((< 4RA 633set



)-#G(< 4RA i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.
Need MP ($o data) :$dicate t"e )-#G(< 4RA (7c e a$d 633set are t"e sa9e as t"e <SS((< 4RA (7c e a$d 633set, a$d t"e )-#G(< :$acti5it7 Mo$itor T"res"o d is a%se$t MP 6P )$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,) )$u9erated (0, 1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, i$3i$it7) :$te2er (0..63) U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :3 it is a%se$t, t"e sa9e :) i$ t"e :) O)#G(< :$3oP is used as )#G(< i$acti5it7 9o$itor t"res"o d. U$its o3 su%3ra9es. 633set o3 t"e )-#G(< 4RA c7c es. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() !-A CH DR? information type NSa9e as <S-S((<

N)-#G(< 4RA !ara9eters NN)-#G(< 4RA c7c e NN)-#G(< :$acti5it7 Mo$itor T"res"o d

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NN)-#G(< 4RA 633set



SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )-4(< SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 <S-4S(< SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< SPS i$3or9atio$

<S-4S(< SPS i$3or9atio$




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

)-4(< SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() !-DCH SPS operation N(o$ti$ue )-4(< SPS o!eratio$ N'e1 )-4(< SPS o!eratio$ NN)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ NNN(<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ Mode NNNN:9! icit NNNNN): Need MP /ulti

' T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ($o data) $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (0..3) :3 t"e :) does $ot, U) s"a use t"e sa9e co$3i2uratio$ as t"e )<:(< 3or $o$-sc"edu e tra$s9issio$ R)L-= R)L-=


NNNN).! icit NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ NNNNNMida9% e S"i3t NNNSi2$ature SeBue$ce Grou! :$de. NNTra$s9issio$ Patter$ List

MP (V-1! specific MP 6P 1..M 9a.)4( <T.Patte r$T4412= N

:$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601).. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0..1-)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNNRe!etitio$ !eriod NNNRe!etitio$ e$2t" NN:$itia SPS i$3o 3or )-4(< NNN')-U((< NNN(ode Resource :$3or9atio$


:$te2er (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32) :$te2er (1.. Re!etitio$ !eriod R 1) :$te2er (1..=) )$u9erated ((101), (201), (202),(,01).. (,0,),(=01).. (=0=),(1601).. (16016)) 8it stri$2 (5)

Va ue 1 i$dicate co$ti$uous '6T)* T"is is e9!t7 i3 re!etitio$ !eriod is set to 1. 'u9%er o3 )-U((< a$d TP( i$sta$ces 1it"i$ a$ )-4(< TT:. 4e3au t ? 1. #s de3i$ed i$ I31J, i$dicati$2 1"ic" o3 t"e ("a$$e (odes co$3i2ured 3or )-4(< are a ocated 3or SPS resource #s de3i$ed i$ I31J, i$dicati$2 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ots co$3i2ured 3or )-4(< are a ocated 3or SPS resource :$dicates 0-31 PRR: i$de. de3i$ed i$ I31J, 1"ic" s!eci3ies t"e 9a.i9u9 a o1ed )PU(< resource t"at t"e U) 9a7 use I15J. S!eci3ies t"e )-PU(< 633set i$ Radio &ra9e e5e .

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NNNTi9es ot Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$:



NNNPo1er Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$


:$te2er (1..32)


NNN#cti5atio$ Ti9e


#cti5atio$ ti9e



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNSu%3ra9e $u9%er NNN:$itia T. !atter$ :$de. Need MP MP /ulti

'! T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..1) :$te2er (0.. 9a.)4(<T. Patter$T4412=-1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S!eci3ies t"e )-PU(< 633set i$ su%3ra9e e5e . $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

Condition 1! specific


:3 U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode is co$3i2ured, t"is :) is 9a$dator7, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

<S-4S(< SPS i$3or9atio$ 1.2= Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() HS-DSCH SPS operation N(o$ti$ue <S-4S(< SPS o!eratio$ N'e1 <S-4S(< SPS o!eratio$ NNTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe List Need MP /ulti

'3 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= ($o data) R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


1..M9a.T %s&or<S 4S(<T4412=N :$te2er (1..63) 1..M9a.R .Patter$ &or<S4S (<T4412=N :$te2er (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32) :$te2er (1.. Re!etitio$ !eriod R 1) :$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (=00 .. 16000 %7 ste! o3 =00, 1/600 .. 32000 %7 ste! o3 1600, 36000 .. =0000 %7 ste! o3 ,000, ==000 .. 160000 %7 ste! o3 =000, 1/6000 .. 30,000 %7 ste! o3 16000) 1..M9a.< SS:(<T4412=N Va ue 1 i$dicate co$ti$uous '6T)* T"is is e9!t7 i3 re!etitio$ !eriod is set to 1. :$de. o3 t"e M#(-"s tra$s!ort % oc> siQe as descri%ed i$ I15J

NNNTra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe :$de. NNRecei5e Patter$ List


R)L-= R)L-=

NNNRe!etitio$ !eriod NNNRe!etitio$ e$2t" NN<#RE :$3o 3or Se9iPersiste$t Sc"edu i$2 NNN'u9%er o3 Processes NNNProcess Me9or7 siQe


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 so3t c"a$$e %its a5ai a% e i$ t"e 5irtua :R %u33er I2/J

R)L-= R)L-=

NN<S-S:(< List NNN(<6:() Configuration Mode NNNN:9! icit NNNNN<S-S((< :$de. NNNN).! icit NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNNNMida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode


R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (1.. 9a.<SS(( <s) :$te2er (0..6) )$u9erated ((1601) .. (16016)) )$u9erated (4e3au t 9ida9% e, U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e) :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


NNNNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNNNMida9% e S"i3t NN:$itia SPS i$3o 3or <S-4S(< NNNTi9es ot :$3or9atio$ Need (V-1! 6P MP /ulti

'' T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..15) 8it stri$2 (5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= #s de3i$ed i$ I31J, i$dicati$2 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ots co$3i2ured 3or <S-P4S(< are a ocated 3or SPS resource 'ote 1 R)L-= R)L-=

NNN(ode Resource :$3or9atio$ NNNNStart code NNNNSto! code NNN#cti5atio$ Ti9e NNNSu%3ra9e $u9%er NNN:$itia Tra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQe :$de. NNN:$itia R. !atter$ :$de.


)$u9erated ((1601).. (16016)) )$u9erated ((1601).. (16016)) #cti5atio$ ti9e :$te2er (0..1) :$te2er (0.. 9a.T%s&or< S4S(<T4412=-1) :$te2er (0.. 9a.R.Patter $&or<S4S( <-T4412=1) :$te2er (0.. 9a.<SS:(< -T4412=-1) )$u9erated (EPSH, 16E#M)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

S!eci3ies t"e <S-P4S(< 633set i$ Radio &ra9e e5e . S!eci3ies t"e <S-P4S(< 633set i$ su%3ra9e e5e .

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=



NNN<S-S:(< :$de. NNNModu atio$


R)L-= R)L-=

Condition 1! specific


:3 U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ 9ode is co$3i2ured, t"is :) is 9a$dator7, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

'OT2 ,P F"?P:"1F channelisation codes are allocated conti uously from a si nalled start code to a si nalled stop code- and the allocation includes both the start and stop code. &f a value of "tart code W ,= and "top code W , is si nalled- a spreadin factor of "7W, shall be used for the F"?P:"1F resources.

4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio$ codes M8S&' :M8

3.;8 Mcps T:: M0"7' &M0 only.
Need MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..15) :$te2er (1..15) Se2antics description ("a$$e isatio$ code (&) 3or S&16 ("a$$e isatio$ code (L) 3or S&16U :3 !rese$t* co$secuti5e codes 3ro9 & to L (9odu o 16, e.c udi$2 code 0) are usedU :3 a%se$t* o$ 7 o$e code (&) is used $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &irst c"a$$e isatio$ code Last c"a$$e isatio$ code


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),

Seco$dar7 ((P(< 3ra9e t7!e 2 i$3o

3.;8 Mcps T:: M0"7' &M0 only.
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..,) 4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio $ codes M8S&' :M8 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su%-3ra9e $u9%er 4o1$ i$> c"a$$e isatio$ codes

(<6:() modulation NEPSH N16E#M NN(P:(< seco$dar7 ((P(< !o1er o33set

MP ($o data) MP :$te2er (^11..,) :$ d8

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

7or 7:: only.
Need MP ($o data) U! i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o !ara9eters re9ai$ u$c"a$2ed. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ i$3o N(o$ti$ue

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NN Seco$dar7 ser5i$2 )-4(< ce i$3o NNSeco$dar7 )-4(< i$3o co99o$ NN4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7




Seco$dar7 ser5i$2 )-4(< ce i$3o Seco$dar7 )4(< i$3o co99o$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7




Seco$dar7 ser5i$2 )-4(< ce i$3o

7or 7:: only.
Need 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )-R'T: )-R'T: Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 )-R'T: Seco$dar7 )-R'T:

Seco$dar7 )-4(< i$3o co99o$

7or 7:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 i$3o Scra9% i$2 code t7!e Scra9% i$2 code $u9%er 29s sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t <#RE !rocess a ocatio$ Need MP MP MP M4 /ulti

'( T4pe and reference &reBue$c7 i$3o )$u9erated( s"ort, o$2) :$te2er(0..16 ///215) 8itstri$2 (=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L-M#(-d P4Us are o$ 7 a o1ed to %e tra$s9itted i$ t"ose !rocesses 3or 1"ic" t"e %it is set to O1P. 8it 0 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 0, %it 1 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 1, X 4e3au t 5a ue is* tra$s9issio$ i$ a <#RE !rocesses is a o1ed. 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. :$dicates 1"et"er t"e Ser5i$2 Gra$t is recei5ed 1it" a Pri9ar7 )-R'T: or Seco$dar7 )R'T: R)L--

Ser5i$2 Gra$t NPri9ar70Seco$dar7 Gra$t Se ector


)$u9erated (O!ri9ar7P, Oseco$dar7P)


Mi$i9u9 reduced )-4P4(< 2ai$ 3actor


)$u9erated (=015, 11015, 15015, 21015, 30015, ,2015, 60015, =,015)

I2-JU t"e de3au t 5a ue is =015. :3 t"e co$3i2ura% e reduced )4P4(< 2ai$ 3actor is $ot su!!orted %7 t"e U), t"e de3au t 5a ue is used. See I15JU #%se$ce 9ea$s $o )-4(< 9i$i9u9 set o$ seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 :$ d8 T"e !o1er o33set %et1ee$ t"e i$itia 4P((< !o1er e5e o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 1"e$ it is acti5ated a$d t"e curre$t 4P((< !o1er e5e o$ !ri9ar7 UL 3reBue$c7. :$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es


)-4(< 9i$i9u9 set )-T&(:


:$te2er (0..12/)


4P((< Po1er o33set 3or seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (0../ %7 ste! o3 1)


P( Prea9% e


:$te2er (0../)



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.
Need /ulti 1 to M9a.)4( <RLN MP 6P MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (e :4 4o1$ i$> &4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL )-#G(< :$3o )-<:(< :$3o )-RG(< :$3o ($o data) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(e :4 N4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 N)-#G(< :$3o N)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ N(<6:() !-R CH Information NN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-RG(< re ease i$dicator

6P 6P 6P MP


Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.
Need /ulti 1 to M9a.)4( <RL-1N MP 6P MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (e :4 4o1$ i$> &4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL )-<:(< :$3o )-RG(< :$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Radio i$> additio$ i$3or9atio$ ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(e :4 N4o1$ i$> &-4P(< i$3o 3or eac" RL o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 N)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ N)-RG(< :$3or9atio$



Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.
Need /ulti 1 to M9a.)4( <RLN MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Radio i$> re9o5a i$3or9atio$ ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

)-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.
Need 6P MP 6P )-#G(< :$3o )-<:(< :$3o /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e seco$dar7 ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is added to t"e seco$dar7 )-4(< acti5e set 1it" t"is 9essa2e. T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e seco$dar7 ser5i$2 )-4(< ce is added to t"e seco$dar7 )-4(< acti5e set 1it" t"is 9essa2e. R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< RL :$3o 3or $e1 seco$dar7 ser5i$2 )-4(< ce N)-#G(< :$3o N)-<:(< :$3or9atio$

N(<6:() )-RG(< :$3or9atio$



NN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-RG(< re ease i$dicator )-4(< RL :$3o 3or ot"er ce s


)-RG(< :$3o 1 to M9a.)4( <RLN ($o data) T"is :) is $ot a o1ed to i$c ude i$3or9atio$ o$ a RL added %7 t"is 9essa2e, e.ce!t i$ t"e case o3 a$ u!date to tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$. Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o )-<:(< :$3o )-RG(< :$3o ($o data)



NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N)-<:(< :$3or9atio$ N(<6:() )-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-RG(< :$3or9atio$ NN)-RG(< re ease i$dicator



MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44

7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() MU-M:M6 i$3o N(o$ti$ue N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NNMU-M:M6 o!eratio$ Need MP ($o data) MP )$u9erated (U! i$>, 4o1$ i$>, U! i$> a$d 4o1$ i$>) 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NNSta$da o$e 9ida9% e i$3o




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNMida9% e co$3i2uratio$ Need MP

'+ /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) 8it stri$2 (5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Mida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode is U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ T"e a ocated 9ida9% e s"i3t. )ac" %it i$dicates a5ai a%i it7 o3 a ti9es ot, 1"ere t"e ti9es ot is $u9%ered @Ti9es ot 1@ to @Ti9es ot 5@. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot is a5ai a% e. @Ti9es ot 1@ is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. S!eci3ies t"e sta$da o$e 9ida9% e c"a$$e 633set i$ Radio &ra9e e5e . S!eci3ies t"e sta$da o$e 9ida9% e c"a$$e 633set i$ su%3ra9e e5e . Va ue 1 i$dicates co$ti$uous, i$ su%3ra9e e5e . 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. :$ d8. $ersion R)L-10

NNNMida9% e s"i3t NNNTi9es ot i$3or9atio$


R)L-10 R)L-10

NNN#cti5atio$ ti9e


#cti5atio$ ti9e


NNNSu%3ra9e $u9%er


:$te2er (0..1)


NNNRe!etitio$ !eriod


)$u9erated (1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,) :$te2er (-15.. 16)


NNNRe3ere$ce %eta

C$-1L*!DCH Condition



1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 :) @u! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @)-4(<@. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

)-RG(< :$3o 3or (o99o$ )-4(<

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related /elative Grant 1hannel to be used with common 2?:1F in 1255G7.1F and &dle mode. The 2?/G1F is usin the same channelisation code as confi ured for the 2?F&1F channel (see subclause ,+.3.=.,*8).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Si2$ature SeBue$ce '6T)1* Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0..3-) Se2antics description '6T)1 T"e de3au t 5a ue is de3i$ed %7* Si2$ature SeBue$ce ? (o33set + co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$) 9od ,0 1"ere @o33set@ is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"e :) @Si2$ature SeBue$ce@. :3 @Si2$ature SeBue$ce@ is $ot !rese$t i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce, @o33set@ is eBua to Qero. @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ i$dicates t"e (o99o$ )-4(< resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ $u9%er %7 order o3 a!!eara$ce. T"e 5a ue o3 t"e @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ is Qero 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. $ersion R)L-=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),

)-<:(< :$3o 3or (o99o$ )-4(<

&ncludes the confi uration for the 2?:1F related F./J .c#nowled ement &ndicator 1hannel.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ("a$$e isatio$ (ode Need (V-S"ort /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..12/) Se2antics description :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e 5a ue is eBua to t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"is :). '6T)1 $ersion R)L-=

Si2$ature SeBue$ce '6T)1*


:$te2er (0..3-)


T"e de3au t 5a ue is de3i$ed %7* Si2$ature SeBue$ce ? (o33set + co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$) 9od ,0 1"ere @o33set@ is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"e :) @Si2$ature SeBue$ce@. :3 @Si2$ature SeBue$ce@ is $ot !rese$t i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce, @o33set@ is eBua to Qero. @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ i$dicates t"e (o99o$ )-4(< resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ $u9%er %7 order o3 a!!eara$ce. T"e 5a ue o3 t"e @co99o$ )-4(< resource ist !ositio$@ is Qero 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. Condition 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. 6t"er1ise, t"is :) is o!tio$a .


U! i$> (LT4 i$3o &44

Need MP ($o data) Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 u! i$> (LT4 o!eratio$. /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ i$3o N(o$ti$ue

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NNS-4P((< i$3o NNNS-4P((<04P((< !o1er o33set NN:$itia (LT4 acti5atio$ state


:$te2er (0..6)

C$InitConfig C$DCH,nly

NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

)$u9erated (3irst state, seco$d state) Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o

Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J. :$dicates t"e (LT4 acti5atio$ state as descri%ed i$ I2/J. :$dicates t"e ce t"at deter9i$es t"e !recodi$2 1ei2"ts a9o$2st t"e acti5e set ce s.

R)L-11 R)L-11



Condition DCH,nly InitConfig

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 <S-4S(< is $ot co$3i2ured a$d o$ 7 4(< is co$3i2ured. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i$ t"e i$itia u! i$> (LT4 co$3i2uratio$. 6t"er1ise it is o!tio$a .


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U! i$> 6LT4 i$3o &44

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> 6LT4 acti5atio$

&-TP:(< i$3o
Only for 7::.
Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..-) :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (0..3=1,, %7 ste! o3 256) Se2antics description S ot 3or9at used %7 &-TP:(< i$ I26J. 633set (i$ $u9%er o3 c"i!s) %et1ee$ t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e P-((P(< 3ra9e a$d t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e &-TP:(< 3ra9e. T"is is ca ed &TP:(<,9 i$ I26J. $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &-TP:(< s ot 3or9at &-TP:(< code $u9%er &-TP:(< 3ra9e o33set


The 3T/.' should confi ure the 7?TP&1F info either only for the /5 transmitted from the cell which determines the precodin wei hts- or for all the /5(s) within the /5" that the cell which determines the precodin wei hts belon s to- otherwise the 32 behaviour is not specified.

&-TP:(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$3o

Only for 7::.
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"is :) is $ot !rese$t i3 t"e ce is added to t"e acti5e set 1it" t"is 9essa2e. $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &-TP:(< i$3o $e1 ce t"at deter9i$es t"e !recodi$2 1ei2"ts N&-TP:(< i$3o &-TP:(< i$3o ot"er ce s

MP 6P 1 to M9a.RLN

&-TP:(< :$3o T"is :) is $ot a o1ed to i$c ude i$3or9atio$ o$ a RL added %7 t"is 9essa2e, e.ce!t i$ t"e case o3 a$ u!date to tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$. Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o &-TP:(< :$3o ($o data)

R)L-11 R)L-11

NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(<6:() #-TPICH Info NN&-TP:(< :$3o NN&-TP:(< re ease i$dicator


R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Mu ti3 o1 co$3i2uratio$ i$3o

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( i$tra'ode8,i$ter'ode8) Se2antics description Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at Mu ti3 o1 is co$3i2ured. @i$tra-'ode8@ 9ea$s t"at t"is ce %e o$2s to t"e sa9e 'ode 8 as t"e ser5i$2 <S4S(< ce a$d s"ou d %e associated to t"e sa9e M#(-e"s e$tit7. @i$ter-'ode8@ i$dicates t"at t"is is t"e i$ter-'ode 8 ce a$d s"ou d %e associated 1it" t"e seco$d M#(e"s e$tit7. Prese$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"is ce is t"e ti9e re3ere$ce 3or t"e UL <S-4P((< c"a$$e . $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mu ti3 o1 ce

Mu ti3 o1 ti9e re3ere$ce ce


)$u9erated( TRU))


'ode8 tri22ered <S-4P((< Tra$s9issio$

Only for 7::.
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (10, 20, 30, ,0, =0, 160, 320, =00) Se2antics description :$ ter9s o3 9s. :3 $ot !rese$t, i9! icit co99o$ )-4(< resource re ease %ased o$ <S-4P((< tra$s9issio$ co$ti$uatio$ %ac> o33 is disa% ed. $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4P((< tra$s9issio$ co$ti$uatio$ %ac> o33

(o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o !ara9eters 3or (o$curre$t TT:

Only for 7::.
Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! (o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 i$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT: 6P

"3 (o99o$ )4(< M#(-d 3 o1 i$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT: :$te2er (0..3/)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-11

:$itia Ser5i$2 2ra$t 5a ue


)-#G(< :$3o U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT:

M4 6P

)-4P((<04P((< !o1er o33set


)-#G(< :$3o U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT: :$te2er (0..=)

(0..3/) i$dicates )4(< ser5i$2 2ra$t i$de. as de3i$ed i$ I15J. '6T) 1 '6T) 1


R)L-11 R)L-11

Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @)-4P((< :$3o@ i$c uded i$ t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< S7ste9 :$3o@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is


)-4P4(< i$3o #dditio$a )-4(< tra$s9issio$ %ac> o33 Ma.i9u9 )-4(< resource a ocatio$ 3or (((< Ma.i9u9 !eriod 3or co isio$ reso utio$ !"ase )-4(< tra$s9issio$ co$ti$uatio$ %ac> o33

MP M4 M4

M4 M4

)-4P4(< i$3o 10.3.6.-:$te2er (0..15) )$u9erated (=, 12, 16, 20, 2,, 32, ,0, =0) :$te2er (=..2,) )$u9erated (0, ,, =, 16, 2,, ,0, =0, i$3i$it7)

R)L-11 :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. '6T) 1 :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. '6T) 1 :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. '6T) 1 :$ ter9s o3 TT:s. :3 set to @i$3i$it7@, i9! icit co99o$ )-4(< resource re ease is disa% ed. '6T) 1 R)L-11 R)L-11

R)L-11 R)L-11

Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT:

Measure9e$ R)L-11 t &eed%ac> :$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT: '6T) 1* 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @(o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is.


U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT:

Only for 7::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #(H Need 6P

"' /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..=) :$te2er (0..=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J re3er to Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J $ersion R)L-11




#c>-'ac> re!etitio$ 3actor 6P :$te2er(1..,) R)L-11 '6T)* T"e :)Ss @Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9@ a$d @TP( ste! siQe@ s"a use t"e corres!o$di$2 5a ues i$c uded i$ t"e :) @U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is.

Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o 3or (o$curre$t TT:

Only for 7::.
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0, 2, ,, =, 10, 16, 20, 32, ,0, 6,, =0, 160) :$te2er (1..,) :$te2er (0..=) Se2antics description :$ 9i iseco$ds. $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (E: &eed%ac> c7c e, >

(E: re!etitio$ 3actor (E:

6P 6P



Re3er to R)L-11 Bua$tiQatio$ o3 t"e !o1er o33set i$ I2=J T"e :) @Measure9e$t Po1er 633set@ s"a use t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3o@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is.,

PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)

Only for 7::.
Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.PR#(<;) ULN PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) Rea (0.2..1 %7 ste! o3 0.2) (o$tro !ara9eters o3 t"e !"7sica si2$a . T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters ist (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) NPR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)


Pro%a%i it7 o3 R)L-11 se ecti$2 t"is occurre$ce o3 PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters. '6T) 1* # 1ei2"t 2i5e$ %7* 1 R (su9 o3 t"e 5a ues o3 t"e :) @Gei2"t@ across a occurre$ces), s"a %e used as 5a ue o3 t"e Lt" occurre$ce o3 t"e :) @Gei2"tP, 1"ere L is as de3i$ed i$ su%-c ause =.5./3.


'OT2 *P The sum of the values of the &2 HCei htH across all occurrences in this &2 should be less than ,.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist 3or T7!e 1 (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)
Only for 7::.
Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.PR#(<;) ULN PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) Rea (0.2..1 %7 ste! o3 0.2) (o$tro !ara9eters o3 t"e !"7sica si2$a . T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters ist (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) NPR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)


Pro%a%i it7 o3 R)L-11 se ecti$2 t"is occurre$ce o3 PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters. '6T) 1* # 1ei2"t 2i5e$ %7* 1 R (su9 o3 t"e 5a ues o3 t"e :) @Gei2"t@ across a occurre$ces), s"a %e used as 5a ue o3 t"e Ht" occurre$ce o3 t"e :) @Gei2"tP, 1"ere H is as de3i$ed i$ su%-c ause =.5./3 a$d =.5./,.


'OT2 *P The sum of the values of the &2 HCei htH across all occurrences in this &2 should be less than or eAual to ,.

PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)

Only for 7::.
Need /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(16)

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #5ai a% e Si2$ature

Se2antics $ersion description MP )ac" %it i$dicates R)L-11 a5ai a%i it7 3or a si2$ature. )ac" a5ai a% e si2$ature o$ t"e #:(< is associated 1it" o$e (o99o$ )4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e O(o99o$ )-4(< resource co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ istP. Prea9% e scra9% i$2 code MP :$te2er (0 .. :de$ti3icatio$ o3 R)L-11 $u9%er 15) scra9% i$2 code, see I2=J #:(< i$3o M4 #:(< :$3o 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e R)L-11 co9!ressed 5a ue o3 @#:(< i$3o@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. '6T)* T"e 5a ue o3 t"e :)Ss @)-#: i$dicatio$@, @#5ai a% e Su% ("a$$e 'u9%er@, @PR#(< !artitio$i$2@, @Persiste$ce sca i$2 3actors@, @#(-to-#S( 9a!!i$2@, @Pri9ar7 (P:(< TA !o1er@, @(o$sta$t 5a ue@, @PR#(< !o1er o33set@, @PR#(< tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters@, @Po1er o33set P!-e@ are used 3ro9 t"e :) @PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>)@.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

#:(< :$3o co9!ressed

Only for 7::.
T4pe and Se2antics description reference MP :$te2er(0..25 S& is 3i.ed a$d eBua to 256 5) T"e 5a ue o3 t"e :)Ss @STT4 i$dicator@ a$d @#:(< tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2@ are used 3ro9 t"e :) @#:(< i$3o@ i$ t"e 3irst occurre$ce i$ t"e ist OPR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ istP i$ S:85 or S:85%is. Need /ulti

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ("a$$e isatio$ code '6T)*

(o99o$ )-RG(< i$3o &44

Only for 7::.
Need /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! (<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ i$3o N(o$ti$ue MP


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-11 R)L-11

($o data)

Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out c"a$2e to t"e (o99o$ )RG(< co$3i2uratio$. :$dicates 1"et"er t"e U) s"ou d e5a uate a ce 3or !er3or9i$2 )RG(< rece!tio$. 8it 0 is 3or t"e 3irst ce i$ @'e1 i$tra3reBue$c7 ce s@ i$ t"e @:$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist@ i$c uded i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$, 8it 1 is 3or t"e seco$d ce i$ @'e1 i$tra3reBue$c7 ce s@ i$ t"e @:$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist@ i$c uded i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$, X Va ue L1L 3or a %it 9ea$s U) s"ou d e5a uate t"e ce . 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. '6T)* T"e %it t"at corres!o$ds to t"e ser5i$2 ce itse 3 is i2$ored. List o3 )-RG(< i$3or9atio$ o3 ce s t"at a U) s"ou d e5a uate 3or !er3or9i$2 )RG(< rece!tio$. T"e 3irst e$tr7 i$ t"e ist corres!o$ds to t"e3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 5a ue T1S i$ )RG(< 'ei2"%our (e List. T"e seco$d e$tr7 i$ t"e ist corres!o$ds to t"e seco$d %it o3 5a ue T1S i$ t"e )RG(< 'ei2"%our (e List. X :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e 5a ue is eBua to t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"is :).

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NN)-RG(< 'ei2"%our (e List


8itstri$2 (9a.(e Me as)


NN(o99o$ )-RG(< c"a$$e co$3i2uratio$ ist


1 to M 9a.(e Me as N


NNN("a$$e isatio$ (ode


:$te2er (0..12/)



Release ! NNNSi2$ature SeBue$ce (VCommon

"* :$te2er (0..3-)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :3 t"is :) is $ot !rese$t, t"e 5a ue is eBua to t"e ast occurre$ce o3 t"is :). (0..3/) i$dicates )-4(< ser5i$2 2ra$t i$de. as de3i$ed i$ I15J. 4e3au t 5a ue is :$itia Ser5i$2 2ra$t 5a ue %roadcasted i$ t"e (o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3o. :$ d8. &i ter coe33icie$t R)L-11

NNMi$i9u9 Ser5i$2 Gra$t


:$te2er (0..3/)


NNRe!orti$2 Ra$2e (o$sta$t NN&i ter coe33icie$t


Rea (0..1,.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) &i ter coe33icie$t 10.3./.-

R)L-11 R)L-11

Condition Common

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or t"e 3irst occurre$ce. 6t"er1ise, t"is :) is o!tio$a .

<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e i$3or9atio$

These parameters confi ure the 32 in 1255G7.1F state to discontinuously receive F"?:"1F with second :/I cycle. 'OT2P Only for 7::.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< seco$d 4RA c7c e&#(< Need MP

"+ /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4eter9i$es t"e e$2t" o3 t"e 4RA (7c e duri$2 seco$d 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 3ra9es. T"is :) i$dicates 1"et"er %ot" t"e 1st a$d t"e 2$d 4RA c7c e are used (2- e5e 4RA) or o$ 7 t"e 2$d 4RA c7c e is used (1- e5e 4RA) 4eter9i$es t"e !eriod 1it"i$ t"e seco$d 4RA (7c e t"at t"e U) co$ti$uous 7 recei5es <S4S(<, i$ 3ra9es. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @<S4S(< R. %urst&#(<@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. 4eter9i$es t"e ti9e t"e U) 1aits u$ti i$itiati$2 seco$d 4RA o!eratio$, i$ seco$ds. T"e de3au t 5a ue is T321 (9s) co$tai$ed i$ t"e :) @<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< i$3or9atio$@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. 4eter9i$es t"e ti9e t"e U) 1aits u$ti i$itiati$2 3irst 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 9s. T"e de3au t 5a ue is T321 (9s) co$tai$ed i$ t"e :) @<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< i$3or9atio$@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. $ersion R)L-11

(<6:() DR? le%el



N1- e5e 4RA NN<S-4S(< seco$d R. %urst&#(<


)$u9erated (1, 2)

R)L-11 R)L-11



)$u9erated (0.5, 1, 2, ,)


N2- e5e 4RA NNT32=


)$u9erated (20, ,0, 60, =0)

R)L-11 R)L-11


Release ! NN<S-4S(< 3irst R. %urst&#(< M4

(% )$u9erated (0.,, 0.=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 4eter9i$es t"e !eriod 1it"i$ t"e 3irst 4RA (7c e t"at t"e U) co$ti$uous 7 recei5es <S4S(<, i$ 3ra9es. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @<S4S(< R. %urst&#(<@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. 4eter9i$es t"e e$2t" o3 t"e 4RA (7c e duri$2 3irst 4RA o!eratio$, i$ 3ra9es. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @<S4S(< 4RA c7c e&#(<@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. 4eter9i$es t"e !eriod 1it"i$ t"e seco$d 4RA (7c e t"at t"e U) co$ti$uous 7 recei5es <S4S(<, i$ 3ra9es. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e :) @<S4S(< R. %urst&#(<@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. 4eter9i$es t"e ti9e t"e U) 1aits u$ti i$itiati$2 seco$d 4RA o!eratio$, i$ seco$ds. T"e de3au t 5a ue is T321 (9s) co$tai$ed i$ t"e :) @<S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< i$3or9atio$@ o3 t"e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 505%is. R)L-11

NN<S-4S(< 3irst 4RA c7c e &#(<


)$u9erated (2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,)


NN<S-4S(< seco$d R. %urst&#(<


)$u9erated (1, 2)




)$u9erated (0.5, 1, 2, ,)


(o99o$ )-4(< Resource (o$3i2uratio$ :$3or9atio$ List ).te$sio$

Only for 7::.
Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! Sc"edu ed Tra$s9issio$ co$3i2uratio$ N(o$3i2uratio$ 3or 2 9s TT: co99o$ )-4(< resources NN29s <#RE !rocess a ocatio$ 6P MP M4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-11

1 to M9a.)4(<sN 8itstri$2 (=)


(o33set '6T)1*

8it 0 is t"e R)L-11 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. M#(-c or M#(-d P4Us 3or t"is co99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 are o$ 7 a o1ed to %e tra$s9itted i$ t"ose !rocesses 3or 1"ic" t"e %it is set to O1P. 8it 0 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 0, %it 1 corres!o$ds to <#RE !rocess 1,X '6T)1 6P :$te2er(0..2- (0..2-) i$dicates ce R)L-11 ) o33set as de3i$ed i$ I26J T"e de3au t 5a ue is eBua to t"e sa9e 5a ue o3 t"e ast occurre$ce. T"e de3au t 5a ue o3 t"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"at tra$s9issio$ i$ t"e 3irst <#RE !rocesses is a o1ed.,1

&a %ac> R-- PR#(< i$3o

Only for 7::.
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 866L)#' 866L)#' Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (((< &a %ac> 4((< &a %ac>


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !),2

M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

Need MP ($o data) Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Configuration info N(o$ti$ue

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NNM:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio NNM:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$



NNPrecodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$


)$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$,3 8it stri$2 (6,)

R)L-11 R)L-11


T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it, 1"ere a %it 5a ue o3 Qero i$dicates t"at t"e !recodi$2 i$dices re!orti$2 is $ot a o1ed, as de3i$ed i$ I2-J.


M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$

Need 6P MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er(-6 .. 0) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11 Po1er o33set re ati5e to t"e P(P:(< T. !o1er i$ d8 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #$te$$a2 S-(P:(< N("a$$e isatio$ code NPo1er 633set 3or S-(P:(< 3or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as o$ #$te$$a2 #$te$$a3a$d, N#$te$$a3a$d, S-(P:(< NN#$te$$a3 S-(P:(< NNN("a$$e isatio$ code NN#$te$$a, S-(P:(< NNN("a$$e isatio$ code NN(o99o$ Po1er 633set 3or S(P:(< 3or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as o$ #$te$$a3 a$d , N#$te$$a3a$d, 4-(P:(< NN#$te$$a3 4-(P:(< NNN("a$$e isatio$ code NN#$te$$a, 4-(P:(< NNN("a$$e isatio$ code

6P 6P 6P MP 6P MP 6P

:$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er(-12 .. 0)

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 Po1er o33set re ati5e to t"e P(P:(< T. !o1er i$ d8 R)L-11

6P 6P MP 6P MP

:$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (0..255)

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN(o99o$ Po1er 633set 3or 4(P:(< 3or M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as o$ #$te$$a3 a$d , NN:$itia status o3 4-(P:(< Need 6P

(3 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(-12 .. 0) )$u9erated( acti5ated)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Po1er o33set re ati5e to t"e P(P:(< T. !o1er i$ d8 T"e a%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e i$itia status o3 4-(P:(< is deacti5ated. $ersion R)L-11



Seco$dar7 ce M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !ara9eters

Need MP ($o data) Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as o!eratio$. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Configuration info N(o$ti$ue

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NN M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio NNM:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$



NNPrecodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$


)$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$,3 8it stri$2 (6,)

R)L-11 R)L-11


T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it, 1"ere a %it 5a ue o3 Qero i$dicates t"at t"e !recodi$2 i$dices re!orti$2 is $ot a o1ed, as de3i$ed i$ I2-J.


U! i$> M:M6 i$3o &44

Need /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e


Release ! (<6:() (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o N(o$ti$ue


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-11 R)L-11

($o data)

Used i$ reco$3i2uratio$s 1it"out i$terru!tio$ o3 u! i$> M:M6 o!eratio$. T"is :) !ro5ides a$ i$de. 3or t"e S-)-4P((< !o1er o33set 9a!!i$2, as s!eci3ied i$ I-J su%c ause ,.2.1.5.

N'e1 co$3i2uratio$ NNS-)-4P((< Po1er 633set


:$te2er (0..1/)


NNMi$i9u9 )-T&(: 3or Ra$>2 Tra$s9issio$ NN:$ter-strea9 :$ter3ere$ce (o9!e$satio$ :$de.


:$te2er (0..12/) :$te2er (0..15)

R)L-11 :3 !rese$t, t"is :) !ro5ides a$ i$de. 3or t"e i$terstrea9 i$ter3ere$ce co9!e$satio$ 3actor :S:, as s!eci3ied i$ I2=J su%c ause ,.2.1.3. R)L-11,6

)-R6(< i$3o &44

Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..255) )-R'T: Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ("a$$e iQatio$ (ode )-R6(< )-R'T:

10.3./ Measure9e$t :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

10.3./.1 #dditio$a 9easure9e$ts ist
Need MP /ulti 1 to MMa.#dditi o$a MeasN Measure9e$ t ide$tit7 10.3./.,= T4pe and reference Se2antics description :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #dditio$a 9easure9e$ts N#dditio$a 9easure9e$t ide$tit7



(e i$3o

&ncludes non?freAuency related cell info used in the &2 Hinter?freAuency cell info listH and Hintra freAuency cell info listH.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e i$di5idua o33set Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference Rea (-10..10 %7 ste! o3 0.5) Se2antics description :$ d8 4e3au t 5a ue is 0 d8 Used to o33set 9easured Bua$tit7 5a ue :3 t"e ce 3ro9 1"ic" t"is :) "as %ee$ recei5ed is $ersion


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. :$ c"i!s. T"is :) is a%se$t 3or ser5i$2 ce . :3 t"e ce 3ro9 1"ic" t"is :) "as %ee$ recei5ed is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. TRU) i$dicates t"at read o3 S&' is reBuested 3or t"e tar2et ce :3 t"e ce 3ro9 1"ic" t"is :) "as %ee$ recei5ed is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. T"is :) is a%se$t o$ 7 i3 9easuri$2 RSS: o$ 7 (%road%a$d 9easure9e$t.) ReBuired i3 ca cu ati$2 !at" oss. TRU) i$dicates t"at tra$s9it di5ersit7 is used.

Re3ere$ce ti9e di33ere$ce to ce


Re3ere$ce ti9e di33ere$ce to ce 10.3./.60

Read S&' i$dicator


8oo ea$

(<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

MP 6P Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Pri9ar7 (P:(< T. !o1er 8oo ea$

NNPri9ar7 (P:(< T. !o1er


NNTA 4i5ersit7 :$dicator NT44 NNPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o NNPri9ar7 ((P(< TA !o1er



Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o Pri9ar7 ((P(< TA !o1er to M9a.TSN T"e U) s"a re!ort Ti9es ot :S(P 5a ues accordi$2 t"e order o3 t"e isted Ti9es ot $u9%ers. :3 t"e ce 3ro9 1"ic" t"is :) "as

NNTi9es ot ist



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) %ee$ recei5ed is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

NNN(<6:() TDD option NNNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er

MP MP :$te2er (0...1,) Ti9es ot $u9%ers, 3or 1"ic" t"e U) s"a re!ort Ti9es ot :S(P Use 3or Ti9es ot :S(P 9easure9e$ts o$ 7. 4e3au t 5a ue is @T7!e1@ Ti9es ot $u9%ers, 3or 1"ic" t"e U) s"a re!ort Ti9es ot :S(P Use 3or Ti9es ot :S(P 9easure9e$ts o$ 7. 4e3au t 5a ue is @T7!e1@ Ti9es ot $u9%ers, 3or 1"ic" t"e U) s"a re!ort Ti9es ot :S(P T"is :) is a%se$t 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce . :3 t"e ce 3ro9 1"ic" t"is :) "as %ee$ recei5ed is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

R)L-, R)L-,

NNNNN8urst T7!e


)$u9erated (T7!e1, T7!e2)

NNNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er


:$te2er (0...1,)

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNNN8urst T7!e


)$u9erated (T7!e1, T7!e2)


NNNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNNTi9es ot $u9%er


:$te2er (0...6)

R)L-, R)L-,

(e Se ectio$ a$d Re-se ectio$ :$3o


(e Se ectio$ a$d Rese ectio$ 3or S:811012:$3o 10.3.2.,

Condition +CHopt

1Dplanation T"is :) is 6!tio$a 1"e$ se$t i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' or 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1"e$ se$t i$ t"e M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L, 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded


(e 9easured resu ts

&ncludes non?freAuency related measured results for a cell.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e :de$tit7 (SG PLM' List N(SG PLM' :de$tit7 (SG :de$tit7 (SG Me9%er i$dicatio$ (e s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3or9atio$ Need 6P (V-CS MP (V-CS (V-CS 6P 1 to 6 /ulti

() T4pe and reference (e :de$tit7 PLM' ide$tit7 (SG :de$tit7 10.3.2.= )$u9erat ed(9e9% er) (e s7$c"ro$i satio$ i$3or9atio $ 10.3./.6

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-R)L--

(<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0.. ,-)

NN(P:(< )c0'0


NN(P:(< RS(P


:$te2er(0.. -1)

NN4e ta(P:(< RS(P


:$te2er(5..-1) :$te2er(,6 ..15=) (e !ara9eter s :d 10.3.6.:$te2er (0..1,) Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P i$3o 10.3./.5, :$te2er(,6 ..15=) 1 to M 9a.TSN Ti9es ot :S(P :$3o 10.3./.65

NNPat" oss NT44 NN(e !ara9eters :d

#ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J a$d I20J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 (P:(< RS(P ? (P:(< RS(P+ 4e ta(P:(< RS(P :$ d8. &i3tee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded.



NNPro!osed TGS' NNPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P

6P 6P

Pro!osa 3or t"e $e.t TGS'

NNPat" oss NNTi9es ot ist NNNTi9es ot :S(P

6P 6P MP

:$ d8. &i3tee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. T"e U) s"a re!ort t"e Ti9es ot :S(P i$ t"e sa9e order as i$dicated i$ t"e ce i$3o


Release ! Condition RSCP


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e :) @(e 9easured resu ts@ is i$c uded i$ t"e :) @Measured Resu ts@ (i.e. $ot i$c uded i$ t"e :) @#dditio$a Measured Resu ts@) a$d i3 (P:(< RS(P is !rese$t a$d i3 t"e 5a ue o3 t"e (P:(< RS(P is %e o1 0. :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e tar2et ce Ss Pri9ar7 scra9% i$2 code (as deter9i$ed 3ro9 Primary CPICH info :)) is 3ou$d i$ t"e ()LL;:'&6;(SG;L:ST set o3 PS(s. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


(e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

&ncludes non?freAuency related cell reportin Auantities.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NT44 NNPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o Need MP MP 1 to M9a.(e M easN 1 to M9a.(e M easN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description



(e re!orti$2 Bua$tities

&ncludes non?freAuency related cell reportin Auantities. 7or all boolean types T/32 means inclusion in the report is reAuested.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3or9atio$ re!orti$2 i$dicator (e :de$tit7 re!orti$2 i$dicator (<6:() mode N&44 NN(P:(< )c0'0 re!orti$2 i$dicator NN(P:(< RS(P re!orti$2 i$dicator NNPat" oss re!orti$2 i$dicator NT44 NNTi9es ot :S(P re!orti$2 i$dicator NNPro!osed TGS' Re!orti$2 reBuired NNPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P re!orti$2 i$dicator NNPat" oss re!orti$2 i$dicator Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description


(e s7$c"ro$isatio$ i$3or9atio$

The &2 H1ell synchronisation informationH contains the O77 and Tm as defined in D<E and D;E and the four most si nificant bits of the difference between the ,* least si nificant bits of the /51 Transparent Mode 1O3'T?1 in the 32 and the "7' of the measured cell. &t is notified to "/'1 by Measurement /eport messa e or Measurement &nformation 2lement in other //1 messa es


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN(6U'T-(-S&' 3ra9e di33ere$ce NNN(6U'T-(-S&' "i2" NNN6&& NNT9 NT44 NN(6U'T-(-S&' 3ra9e di33ere$ce NNN(6U'T-(-S&' "i2" NNN6&& Need

(+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

:$te2er(0..3= ,0 %7 ste! o3 256) :$te2er(0..25 5) i$ 3ra9es i$ 3ra9es :$te2er(0..3= ,0 %7 ste! o3 256) :$te2er(0..25 5) :$te2er(0..3= 3--) i$ 3ra9es i$ 3ra9es i$ c"i!s


)-UTR# e5e$t resu ts

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.2, Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7

)-UTR# e5e$ts resu ts ist N)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7


1 to M9a.Re!orted )UTR#&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e )-UTR# e5e$ts resu ts e.te$sio$ ist.

R)L-= R)L-=

NRe!orted ce s


1 to M9a.Re!orted )UTR#(e Per &reBN :$te2er (0..503) 1 to M9a.Re!orted )UTR#&reBsN :$te2er (65536..26 21,3) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.


NNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 )-UTR# e5e$ts resu ts e.te$sio$ ist N)#R&(' e.te$sio$

MP 6P 6P

R)L-= R)L-11 R)L-11


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist

1ontains the information for the list of measurement objects for 2?3T/. measurements.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() !-1TRA fre.uency remo%al NRe9o5e a 3reBue$cies NRe9o5e so9e 3reBue$cies NNRe9o5ed 3reBue$cies NNN)-UTR# 3reBue$cies Need MP /ulti

)% T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ($o data) $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. ($o data)

NNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ NRe9o5e $o 3reBue$cies 'e1 3reBue$cies N)-UTR# carrier 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (65536..26 21,3) 1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535)

R)L-11 R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


N)#R&(' e.te$sio$


:$te2er (65536..26 21,3)

)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. :t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e 9easure9e$t o%Kect 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e )#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is. )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e 9easure9e$t o%Kect 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e )#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NMeasure9e$t 8a$d1idt" Need M4 /ulti

) T4pe and reference )$u9erate d (6, 15, 25, 50, /5, 100)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Measure9e$t %a$d1idt" i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s o$ t"e carrier 3reBue$c7. :t is de3i$ed %7 t"e !ara9eter Tra$s9issio$ 8a$d1idt" (o$3i2uratio$, 'R8 I36.10,J. T"e 5a ues i$dicate t"e $u9%er o3 resource % oc>s o5er 1"ic" t"e U) cou d 9easure. 4e3au t 5a ue is 6. # ist o3 % ac> isted ce s ca$ %e si2$a ed !er 3reBue$c7 :3 t"is 3ie d is !rese$t, t"e U) s"a use a 1ider %a$d1idt" 1"e$ !er3or9i$2 RSRE 9easure9e$ts accordi$2 to TS 36.133 I/,J. $ersion R)L-=

N8 ac> isted ce s ist NNP"7sica (e ide$tit7 NGide%a$d RSRE 9easure9e$ts


1 to M9a.)UTR#( e Per&reBN :$te2er (0..503) )$u9erate d (TRU))

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-11

)-UTR# S: #cBuisitio$ Condition C+-RSR0




1Dplanation T"e 3ie d is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e 9easure9e$t %a$d1idt" i$dicated %7 Measurement +and:idth is 50 resource % oc>s or ar2er. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


)-UTR# 9easured resu ts

Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Re!orted )UTR#&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e )UTR# 9easured resu ts e.te$sio$ ist. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# 9easured resu ts ist N)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7

NMeasured )-UTR# ce s


1 to M9a.Re!orted )UTR#(e Per &reBN :$te2er (0..503) :$te2er (0..-/) T"is s"a %e re!orted i3 t"e O:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7P :) is set to TRSRPS or t"e O:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7P :) is set to T%ot"S. RSRP is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d -/ I36.133J. T"is Bua$tit7 s"a %e re!orted i3 t"e O:$terR#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7P :) is set to TRSRES or t"e O:$terR#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7P :) is set to T%ot"S. RSRE;00 to RSRE;33 i$ I36.133J are 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 33. RSRE;3, i$ I36.133J is 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue 33.


NNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NNRSRP


R)L-= R)L-=



:$te2er (0..33)


NN)-UTR# Resu ts 3or S: #cBuisitio$ )-UTR# 9easured resu ts e.te$sio$ ist N)#R&(' e.te$sio$

6P 6P 6P 1 to M9a.Re!orted )UTR#&reBsN



:$te2er (65536..26 21,3)

)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.



)5e$t resu ts
Need MP :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() e%ent result N:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

)3 /ulti T4pe and reference t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./.3/ :$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./.1/ :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./.2= Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./.6Eua it7 9easure9e$ t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./.5/ U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$ t e5e$t resu ts 10.3././= U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$ t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./.101

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

N:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

N:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

&or :S-2000 resu ts, i$c ude 3ie ds o3 t"e Pilot Strength Measurement Message 3ro9 su%c ause 2./. o3 T:#0):#0:S-2000.5

NTra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

NEua it7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

NU) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

NU) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

C9C:C1 e"ent resu#t :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts Eua it7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

Condition under which the -i=en e"ent resu#t is chosen :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? Eua it7 9easure9e$t :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t :3 9easure9e$t t7!e ? U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t


&#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o

Need 6P MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..12 ) 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at 9easure9e$ts are reBuired TRU) 9ea$s t"at 9easure9e$ts are reBuired TRU) 9ea$s t"at 9easure9e$ts are reBuired $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &#(< Measure9e$t occasio$ c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t :$ter-3reBue$c7 &44 9easure9e$t i$dicator :$ter-3reBue$c7 T44 3.=, Mc!s 9easure9e$t i$dicator :$ter-3reBue$c7 T44 /.6= Mc!s 9easure9e$t i$dicator

R)L-, R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 T44 1.2= Mc!s 9easure9e$t i$dicator :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t i$dicators NR#T t7!e '6T)1* Need MP 6P MP

)' /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at 9easure9e$ts are reBuired $ersion R)L-,

1 to M9a.6t"er R#TN

)$u9erated( '6T)1 GSM, :S2000) :3 @()LL;&#(< #%so ute Priorit7 Measure9e$t :$dicator@ is recei5ed i$ S:81- t"e$ 9easure9e$t occasio$s co$3i2ured 3or GSM s"a %e used %7 t"e U) 3or GSM a$d0or )UTR#' 9easure9e$ts accordi$2 to t"e ru es i$ I,J


&i ter coe33icie$t

Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0, 1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /, =, -, 11, 13, 15, 1/, 1-) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is 0

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &i ter coe33icie$t


GSM ce 2rou!

This &2 encodes a list of G"M cells specified by their ./71' values D89E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Starti$2 #R&(' 8a$d :$dicator (<6:() #ollo:ing AR#C"s N).! icit ist NNList o3 #R&('s N)Bua 7 s!aced NN#R&(' s!aci$2 NN'u9%er o3 3o o1i$2 #R&('s NVaria% e %it9a! 3or9at NN8it9a! N(o$ti$uous ra$2e NN)$di$2 #R&(' Need MP MP MP MP MP MP 0 to 31 :$te2er (0..1023) :$te2er (1..=) :$te2er (0..31) 6ctet stri$2 (1..16) :$te2er (0..1023) &o o1i$2 #R&(' 5a ues :$cre9e$t @d@ #R&(' 5a ues 'u9%er @$@ o3 3o o1i$2 #R&(' 5a ues, '6T) 1 '6T) 2 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..1023) )$u9erated (dcs1=00, !cs1-00) Se2antics description &irst #R&(' 5a ue i$ t"e set GSM 8#'4;:'4:(#T6 R I,5J $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


R)L-= Last #R&(' R)L-= 5a ue i$ t"e set, '6T) 3 '6T) 1* Let t"e :) @Starti$2 #R&('@ ? s. T"e co9! ete set o3 ($+1) #R&(' 5a ues is de3i$ed as* Ys, ((s + d) 9od 102,), ((s + 2Cd) 9od 102,) ... ((s + $Cd) 9od 102,)Z. '6T) 2* 8it9a! re!rese$ti$2 t"e 3o o1i$2 #R&(' 5a ues i$ t"e set. Let t"e :) @Starti$2 #R&('@ ? s. T"e 3irst %it o3 t"e 3irst octet i$ t"e %it9a! corres!o$ds to #R&(' ? ((s + 1) 9od 102,), t"e $e.t %it to t"e #R&(' ? ((s + 2) 9od 102,), a$d so o$. :3 t"e %it9a! co$sist o3 ' octets, t"e ast %it o3 octet ' corres!o$ds to #R&(' ? ((s + =C') 9od 102,). T"e co9! ete set o3 #R&(' 5a ues co$sists o3 #R&(' ? s a$d t"e #R&(' 5a ues, 1"ere t"e corres!o$di$2 %it i$ t"e %it9a! is set to @1@. '6T) 3* Let t"e :)s @Starti$2 #R&('@ ? s a$d @)$di$2 #R&('@ ? t. T"e co9! ete set o3 #R&(' 5a ues is de3i$ed as* Ys, ((s + 1) 9od 102,), ((s + 2) 9od 102,) ... ((t ^ 1) 9od 102,), tZ.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


<(S (e re-se ectio$ i$3or9atio$

Need M4 (VPenalty used MP (V-#DD0ualityMeasure Condition /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0, 10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 60) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is 0 1"ic" 9ea$s ? $ot used :$ seco$ds

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pe$a t7;ti9e Te9!orar7;o33sets NTe9!orar7;o33set1 NTe9!orar7;o33set2

:$te2er(3, 6, -, 12, 15, 1=, 21, i$3) :$te2er(2, 3, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, i$3)

Id8J Id8J

Penalty used #DD-0uality-Measure

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @Pe$a t7 ti9e@ eBua s @$ot used@, e se it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ Bua it7 9easure@ "as t"e 5a ue (P:(< RS(P, ot"er1ise t"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. T"is co$ditio$a !rese$ce is i9! e9e$ted i$ #S'.1 %7 t"e use o3 a s!eci3ic RS(P a$d )c'0 5aria$t o3 10.3./.10.


<(S $ei2"%ouri$2 ce i$3or9atio$

Need M4 M4 MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0../) E"cs 10.3./.5,a <(S (e Re-se ectio$ :$3or9atio$ 10.3./.10 Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue ? 0 4e3au t 5a ue ? 0

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <(S;PR:6 E"cs <(S (e Re-se ectio$ :$3or9atio$


<(S Ser5i$2 ce i$3or9atio$

Need M4 M4 M4 /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0../) E"cs 10.3./.5,a )$u9erated( $ot used, 30, 60, 120, 1=0, 2,0) :$te2er(1..16 ) )$u9erated( $ot used, 10, 20, 30, ,0, 50, 60, /0) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue ? 0 4e3au t 5a ue ? 0 IsJ 4e3au t 5a ue is $ot used 4e3au t 5a ue ? = IsJ

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <(S;PR:6 E"cs T(R9a.

'(R T(r9a.<7st

(V-1! speed detector (V-1! speed detector

Condition 1! Speed detector

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 T(r9a. eBua s L$ot usedL, e se it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:d e :$ter5a :$3or9atio$
3sed for T:: only. &f the multi?/.T 32 needs idle interval for 2?3T/.' measurements in 1255G:1F state- this &2 may be confi ured.
Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (2..3) Se2antics description T"is :) is t"e coe33icie$t !ara9eter to ca cu ate t"e id e i$ter5a !eriod. 4e3au t 5a ue is 2. T"e actua id e i$ter5a !eriod eBua to 2\> radio 3ra9es. T"e id e i$ter5a !ositio$ i$ t"e !eriod. 4e3au t 5a ue is 0. $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e >



:$te2er (0../)



:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist

1ontains the information for the list of measurement objects for an inter?freAuency measurement.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Inter-fre.uency cell remo%al NRe9o5e a i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s NRe9o5e so9e i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s NNRe9o5ed i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s NNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce id N'o i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s re9o5ed 'e1 i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce id N&reBue$c7 i$3o Need 6P

)) /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 'o data $ersion


1 .. M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN-1) 'o data 1 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN-1) &reBue$c7 i$3o

6P M4 M4

4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e !re5ious @3reBue$c7 i$3o@ i$ t"e ist. :t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e 9easure9e$t o%Kect 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e U#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre $ce is t"e$ MP. R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

N(e i$3o N(<6:() mode specific info NN'o i$3or9atio$ NNT44 1.2= Mc!s NNN:$tra-Seco$dar7&reBue$c7 :$dicator


(e i$3o 10.3./.2 'o data 3or &44, T44 3.=, Mc!s or T44 /.6= Mc!s


8oo ea$

TRU) 9ea$s t"e i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ce "as a seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 1"ic" is t"e sa9e as t"e curre$t 1or>i$2 3reBue$c7 o3 U).


Release ! NNNS'PL Mo$itor Set :$dicator 6P

)* 8it stri$2(5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) )ac" %it i$dicates 1"et"er t"e i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ce "as a seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 1"ic" is t"e sa9e as t"e 3reBue$c7 o3 a s!eci3ic )-4(< carrier o3 U). 8it0 i$dicate t"e )-4(< carrier 1it" o1est U#R&(', a$d 8it1 i$dicate t"e )-4(< carrier 1it" t"e seco$d o1est U#R&(', ... ... 8it $ i$dicate t"e )-4(< carrier 1it" t"e $+1 o1est U#R&('. t"e Pri9ar7 )4(< carrier s"a $ot %e co$sidered i$ t"e %it9a!. R)L-10

(e s 3or 9easure9e$t N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce id (SG :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o :$ter-3reBue$c7 S: #cBuisitio$ Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 :$3o List &44

(V+CHopt MP (V8(<o!t (V8(<o!t (VM(M;o!t

1 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN-1) 10.3./.120 10.3./.12, 1 to M9a.'u9 &44&reBs N )ac" e$tr7 i$ t"e ist corres!o$ds to a U#R&(' isted i$ t"e @'e1 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce s@ :) (co99o$ to a t"ose ce s s"ari$2 t"e sa9e @&reBue$c7 i$3o@ 5a ue). :$dicates, !er $ei2"%our U#R&(', a ist o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 1"ic" t"e ce s %e o$2 to. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"ere are $o Mu ti! e 8a$ds 3or t"e !articu ar U#R&('. &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator


NMu ti! e &reBue$c7 %a$ds :$dicator List &44


1 toM 9a.Mu ti! e&reBue$c 78a$ds&4 4N


NN(<6:() 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator NNN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator


R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! NNN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2

)+ &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2 &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-10

NNN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3


Condition +CHopt MCM*opt

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded 1"e$ se$t i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is 6!tio$a T"is :) is 6PT:6'#L 1"e$ se$t i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


:$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 2a, 2%, 2c, 2d, 2e, 23) Se2antics description T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easured resu ts ist

Need 6P M4 /ulti 1 to M9a.&reBN &reBue$c7 i$3o :$te2er(0../6 ) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e !re5ious @3reBue$c7 i$3o@ i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. #ccordi$2 to UTR#;carrier;RSS:;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. &i3t7-o$e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. 6$ 7 ce s 3or 1"ic" a re!orti$2 Bua$tities are a5ai a% e s"ou d %e i$c uded. T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t resu ts N&reBue$c7 i$3o

NUTR# carrier RSS:


N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce 9easure9e$t resu ts NN(e 9easured resu ts


1 to M9a.(e M easN (e 9easured resu ts 10.3./.3


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$ter3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist 10.3./.13 :$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.1= :$ter3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t o%Kects ist :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


:$ter-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re!orti$2 ce status Measure9e$t 5a idit7 :$ter-3reBue$c7 set u!date Need

*% /ulti T4pe and reference Bua$tit7 10.3./.21 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 :$ter3reBue$c7 set u!date 10.3./.22 :$te2er (0..M9a.(e Meas-1N)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(Vreporting 6P 6P

#dKace$t 3reBue$c7 i$de.


:$ter-%a$d 3reBue$c7 i$de.


:$te2er (0..M9a.(e Meas-1N)

:$de. to a$ e e9e$t i$ t"e :) O'e1 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce P co$tai$i$2 a ce o$ t"e adKace$t 3reBue$c7U i$de. ? 0 corres!o$ds to t"e 3irst e e9e$t i$ t"e :) :$de. to a$ e e9e$t i$ t"e :) O'e1 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce P co$tai$i$2 a ce o$ a$ i$ter-%a$d 3reBue$c7U i$de. ? 0 corres!o$ds to t"e 3irst e e9e$t i$ t"e :)



&reBue$c7 i$de. ist 3or e$"a$ced 9easure9e$t


1..M9a .&reBM easGit "out(M N :$te2er (0..M9a.(e Meas-1N) :$de. to a$ e e9e$t i$ t"e :) O'e1 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce PU i$de. ? 0 corres!o$ds to t"e 3irst e e9e$t i$ t"e :)


N&reBue$c7 i$de. 3or e$"a$ced 9easure9e$t



(<6:() report criteria N:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

MP :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.3:$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.1Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 ($o data) ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t

N:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2


Release ! Condition reporting

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e (<6:() @report criteria@ is eBua to @!eriodica re!orti$2 criteria@ or @'o re!orti$2@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

This &2 contains the measurement event results that are reported to 3T/.' for inter?freAuency measurements.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s N&reBue$c7 i$3o N'o$ 3reBue$c7 re ated 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts 4etected Set Tri22er

Need MP 6P MP MP 6P


T4pe and reference :$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.1, &reBue$c7 i$3o (e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./., )$u9erated(True)

Se2antics description


1 to M9a.&reBN

:$dicates 1"et"er or $ot i$c usio$ o3 detected set ce s tri22ered t"e e5e$t.



:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

The Auantity the 32 shall measure in case of inter?freAuency measurement. &t also includes the filterin of the measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() reporting criteria N:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 criteria NN:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 Need MP MP :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.3= &i ter coe33icie$t 10.3././ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

N:$ter-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 criteria NN&i ter coe33icie$t NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7 3or 3reBue$c7 Bua it7 esti9ate


)$u9erated( (P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P) )$u9erated( Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P)

NNNT44 NNNNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7 3or 3reBue$c7 Bua it7 esti9ate



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

The tri erin of the event?tri ered reportin for an inter?freAuency measurements. .ll events concernin inter? freAuency measurements are labelled *( where ( is a-b-c- ... 2vent *aP 1han e of best freAuency. 2vent *bP The estimated Auality of the currently used freAuency is below a certain threshold and the estimated Auality of a non?used freAuency is above a certain threshold. 2vent *cP The estimated Auality of a non?used freAuency is above a certain threshold. 2vent *dP The estimated Auality of the currently used freAuency is below a certain threshold. 2vent *eP The estimated Auality of a non?used freAuency is below a certain threshold. 2vent *fP The estimated Auality of the currently used freAuency is above a certain threshold.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters reBuired 3or eac" e5e$t N:$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.Me as)5e$t N :$ter3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.1, :$te2er(115..0) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


NT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7

(VR clause >

:$te2er (120..0)

N4e taT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7

(Vclause /


Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0d8 (P:(<0Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P -115..-25d89 Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0d8 (P:(<0Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P -120..-25d89 :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 T"res"o d used 3reBue$c7 ? T"res"o d used 3reBue$c7 + 4e taT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7 'ot used i$ Re ease 6 a$d ater




NG used 3reBue$c7

(VR clause ' MP


NTi9e to tri22er


Rea (0, 0.1..2.0 %7 ste! o3 0.1) Rea (0, 0.5..1,.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) Ti9e to tri22er 10.3./.6,

:$ e5e$t 2a, 2%, 2c, 2d, 2e, 23 :$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e duri$2 1"ic" t"e e5e$t co$ditio$ "as to %e satis3ied, %e3ore se$di$2 a Measure9e$t Re!ort. Ti9e i$ 9s.

NRe!orti$2 ce status NPara9eters reBuired 3or

6P 6P 1 to

Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 :$ t"is re ease, t"e 3irst


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e eac" $o$-used 3reBue$c7 Need /ulti M9a.&re BN

*3 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description isted t"res"o d, G a$d tri22eri$2 co$ditio$ !ara9eter s"a a!! 7 to a $o$-used 3reBue$cies. Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0d8 (P:(<0Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P -115..-25d89. T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @:$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2a. <o1e5er, it is s!eci3ied to %e 9a$dator7 to a i2$ 1it" t"e #S'.1. Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0d8 (P:(<0Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P -120..-25d89 T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @:$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2a. :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 T"res"o d $o$ used 3reBue$c7 ? T"res"o d $o$ used 3reBue$c7 + 4e taT"res"o d
$o$ used 3reBue$c7


NNT"res"o d $o$ used 3reBue$c7

(VR clause &


:$te2er (120..0)


NN 4e taT"res"o d $o$ used


(Vclause -



'ot used i$ Re ease 6 a$d ater NNG $o$-used 3reBue$c7 (Vclause & C$clause C$clause @ 1 to M 9a.).c uded4et ectedSet (e s N Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Rea (0, 0.1..2.0 %7 ste! o3 0.1) )$u9erat ed(true)


NNTri22eri$2 (o$ditio$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7 detected ce s NN (e s to %e e.c uded i$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7 detected ce s

:3 !rese$t t"e U) s"a i$c ude detected set ce s i$ t"e e5e$t e5a uatio$ :3 !rese$t t"e U) s"ou d e.c ude i$dicated ce s i$ t"e e5e$t e5a uatio$ 1"e$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7 detected ce s is e$a% ed.



NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o



Release ! Condition Clause > Clause & Clause ' Clause /


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Clause Clause @

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter 3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2%, 2d, or 23, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter 3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2a, 2%, 2c or 2e, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2a, 2%, 2d or 23, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$ter 3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2%, 2d, or 23. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. 'ote t"at i$ order to a i2$ 1it" t"e #S'.1, t"is :) is a 1a7s i$c uded 1"e$ t"e :) O4e taT"res"o d $o$ used 3reBue$c7O is !rese$t, %ut t"e 5a ue s"a %e i2$ored i3 t"e @:$ter3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is $ot set to 2%, 2d or 23. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$ter 3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 2a, 2%, 2c or 2e. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @Tri22eri$2 (o$ditio$ $o$used 3reBue$c7 detected ce s@ is !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$ter3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist 10.3./.13 :$ter3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.20a Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist

:$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$




:$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$

1ontains the reportin confi uration information for an inter?freAuency measurement report- which is sent on the /.1F.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN :$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 NT44 NNRe!orti$2 Bua$tit7 ist NNN :$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 :$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 t"res"o d Need MP MP )$u9erated((P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P) 1 to 2 )$u9erated(Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P) :$te2er(-115..0) Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0d8 (P:(<0Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P -115..-25d89. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 i$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 ce s Need MP /ulti

*" T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e tota $u9%er 3or a $o$used 3reBue$cies $ersion R)L-6


:$ter-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s re!ort is reBuested. TRU) 9ea$s t"at re!ort is reBuested. T"is !ara9eter is $ot used i$ t"is re ease a$d s"ou d %e set to &#LS). :t s"a %e i2$ored %7 t"e U).

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UTR# (arrier RSS: &reBue$c7 Bua it7 esti9ate

'o$ 3reBue$c7 re ated ce re!orti$2 Bua$tities


(e re!orti$2 Bua$tities 10.3./.5


:$ter-3reBue$c7 S)T UP4#T)

'OT2 ,P Only for 7::. This information ma#es it possible to use events defined for &ntra?freAuency measurement within the same non?used freAuency for &nter?freAuency measurement reportin criteria.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e U) auto$o9ous u!date 9ode Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (6$ 1it" $o re!orti$2) Se2antics description ReBuired 3or %ac>1ards co9!ati%i it7 1it" a U) $ot su!!orti$2 t"is re5isio$ o3 t"e sta$dard


:$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist

1ontains the information for the list of measurement objects for an inter?/.T measurement.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Inter-RAT cell remo%al NRe9o5e a i$ter-R#T ce s NRe9o5e so9e i$ter-R#T ce s NNRe9o5ed i$ter-R#T ce s NNN:$ter-R#T ce id NRe9o5e $o i$ter-R#T ce s 'e1 i$ter-R#T ce s Need MP ($o data) MP MP 1 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN - 1) 1 to M9a.(e M easN ($o data) # t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 R)L-, :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN - 1) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


N:$ter-R#T ce id N(<6:() Radio Access Technology

6P 6P MP


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNGSM NNN(e i$di5idua o33set Need MP

*( /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (50..50 ) (e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:811012 10.3.2., 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erated (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023) e$u9erated (3reBue$c7, ti9es ot, co our code, out!ut !o1er, P' o33set)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ d8 Used to o33set 9easured Bua$tit7 5a ue See su%c ause =.6./.3 $ersion

NNN(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o


NNN8S:( NNN8a$d i$dicator


:$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' I,5J &or :S-2000, use 3ie ds 3ro9 T:#0):#0:S2000.5, su%c ause 3. /., Candidate #re.uency "eigh)our List Message T"is 5a ue "as %ee$ i$troduced to "a$d e t"e case 1"e$ :) @'e1 i$ter-R#T ce s@ is $ot reBuired

NNN8((< #R&(' NN:S-2000 NNNS7ste9 s!eci3ic 9easure9e$t i$3o



($o data)

(e 3or 9easure9e$t N:$ter-R#T ce id :$ter-R#T ce i$3o i$dicatio$

6P MP (VMessage

1 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN-1) :$te2er (0..3)

'6T) 1 a$d 2


Condition Message

1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ t"e M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L a$d i$ t"e SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6 9essa2es, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

'OT2 ,P The 3T/.' may choose not to use the H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH value H+H in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- to distin uish that case from those cases where the 32 receives the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH in "&0,, or "&0,*. 'OT2 *P &n case of an "/'" relocation- if the 32 has been sent the H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e and the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH is included in the "/'" /25O1.T&O' &'7O sent from the source /'1 to the tar et /'1- the H&nter?/.T cell info indicationH should be included in the &2 H&nter?/.T cell info listH. 'OT2 3P &f the 3T/.' confi ures a 32 with a H&nter?/.T cell info listH containin a set of G"M cells where one or more cell(s) belon to :1" ,;++ band and one or more cell(s) belon to P1" ,>++ band- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (3a, 3%, 3c, 3d) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7


:$ter-R#T i$3o

&nter?/.T info defines the tar et system for redirected cell selection.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T i$3o GSM tar2et ce i$3o )-UTR# tar2et i$3o Need MP (V- SM (V-!1TRA /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (GSM , )-UTR#) GSM tar2et ce i$3o 10.3.=.,2 )-UTR# tar2et i$3o 10.3.=.,L Se2antics description $ersion

R)L-= R)L-6 R)L-=

Condition SM !-1TRA

1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T i$3o@ is set to TGSMS a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T i$3o@ is set to T)-UTR#S a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


:$ter-R#T 9easured resu ts ist

Need 6P MP MP 1 to M9a.Re!o rtedGSM( e sN %it stri$2(6) RAL)V is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 63, I,6J. G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e RAL)V 5a ue to t"e RSS: %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it. /ulti 1 to M9a.6t"er R#T-16N 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t resu ts N(<6:() system NNGSM NNNMeasured GSM ce s

NNNNGSM carrier RSS:


NNNN(<6:() +SIC NNNNNVeri3ied 8S:( NNNNNNi$ter-R#T ce id NNNNN'o$ 5eri3ied 8S:( NNNNNN8((< #R&('

MP MP :$te2er(0..M 9a.(e Mea sN-1) :$te2er (0..1023) I,5J



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t
Need 6P MP MP 6P :$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist 10.3./.23 )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist 10.3./.6% :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.2:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.32 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.30 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 ($o data) ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t T"is :) is used 3or T44 o$ 7. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Inter-RAT measurement o)Dects N:$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist N)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7


Re!orti$2 ce status (<6:() report criteria N:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

(Vreporting MP

NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2

:d e :$ter5a :$3or9atio$


:d e :$ter5a :$3or9atio$ 10.3./.12a


Condition reporting

1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e (<6:() @report criteria@ is eBua to @!eriodica re!orti$2 criteria@ or @'o re!orti$2@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

This &2 contains the measurement event results that are reported to 3T/.' for inter?/.T measurements.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7 Need MP

*+ /ulti T4pe and reference :$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.2,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

(e s to re!ort N(<6:() +SIC NNVeri3ied 8S:( NNNi$ter-R#T ce id NN'o$ 5eri3ied 8S:( NNN8((< #R&('


1 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0..M 9a.(e Mea sN-1) :$te2er (0..1023) I,5J



:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

The Auantity the 32 shall measure in case of inter?/.T measurement. &t also includes the filterin of the measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t Bua$tit7 3or UTR#' Bua it7 esti9ate Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.3= )$u9erated (GSM (arrier RSS:) &i ter coe33icie$t 10.3./.)$u9erated (reBuired, $ot reBuired) :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..63) #d9issio$ criteria 3or $ei2"%ours, see su%c ause o3 T:#0):#0:S-2000.5 #d9issio$ criteria 3or $ei2"%ours, see su%c ause o3 T:#0):#0:S2000.5 #d9issio$ criteria 3or $ei2"%ours, see su%c ause a$d o3 T:#0):#0:S-2000.5 #d9issio$ criteria 3or $ei2"%ours, see su%c ause o3 T:#0):#0:S2000.5 T"is :) i$dicates t"e Bua$tit7 t"at t"e U) uses to deter9i$e t"e e5e$t tri22er. R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= Se2antics description $ersion

(<6:() system NGSM NNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7


NN&i ter coe33icie$t NN8S:( 5eri3icatio$ reBuired N:S2000 NNT#44 )c0:0 NNT(6MP )c0:0







N)-UTR# NNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7 NN&i ter coe33icie$t


)$u9erated (RSRP, RSRE) &i ter coe33icie$t 10.3./.-


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

The tri erin of the event?tri ered reportin for an inter?/.T measurement. .ll events concernin inter?/.T measurements are labelled 3( where ( is a-b-c- ... 2vent 3aP The estimated Auality of the currently used 3T/.' freAuency is below a certain threshold and the estimated Auality of the other system is above a certain threshold. 2vent 3bP The estimated Auality of other system is below a certain threshold. 2vent 3cP The estimated Auality of other system is above a certain threshold. 2vent 3dP 1han e of best cell in other system.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters reBuired 3or eac" e5e$t N:$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7 Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Meas )5e$tN :$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.2, :$te2er (115..0) Rea (0, 0.1..2.0 %7 ste! o3 0.1) :$te2er (115..0) :$ e5e$t 3a :$ e5e$t 3a, 3%, 3c :3 t"e ot"er s7ste9 is )UTR#, t"e ra$2e used de!e$ds o$* i3 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 is RSRE, ra$2e s"ou d %e (-3-..6), t"e actua 5a ue ? T"res"o d ot"er s7ste902 Id8J, i3 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 is RSRP, ra$2e s"ou d %e (115..-1-), t"e actua 5a ue ? T"res"o d ot"er s7ste9 - 25 Id89J T4pe and reference Se2antics description

NT"res"o d o1$ s7ste9 NG NT"res"o d ot"er s7ste9

(VRclause > (VRclause > (VRclause &

N<7steresis NTi9e to tri22er


Rea (0../.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) Ti9e to tri22er 10.3./.6, Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61

:$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e duri$2 1"ic" t"e e5e$t co$ditio$ "as to %e satis3ied, %e3ore se$di$2 a Measure9e$t Re!ort.

NRe!orti$2 ce status


Condition Clause > Clause &

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @3a@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to 3a, 3% or 3c, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist 10.3./.23 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist


:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

7or all boolean types T/32 means inclusion in the report is reAuested.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UTR#' esti9ated Bua it7 (<6:() system NGSM NNGSM (arrier RSS: Re!orti$2 i$dicator N)-UTR# NNRe!orti$2 Bua$tit7 Need MP MP MP MP 8oo ea$ )$u9erated (T9easure9e $t Bua$tit7S, T%ot"S) T"is :) i$dicates t"e Bua$tit7 t"at t"e U) re!ortsU i3 t"is :) is set to T9easure9e$t Bua$tit7S t"e U) re!orts eit"er RSRP or RSRE 1"ic" is i$dicated i$ t"e O9easure9e$t Bua$tit7P (see su%c ause 10.3./.2-)U i3 t"is :) is set to T%ot"S, t"e U) re!orts %ot" RSRP a$d RSRE. R)L-= R)L-= /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description T"is !ara9eter is $ot used i$ t"is re ease a$d s"ou d %e set to &#LS). $ersion


:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist

1ontains the information for the list of measurement objects for an intra?freAuency measurement.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Intra-fre.uency cell remo%al NRe9o5e a i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s NRe9o5e so9e i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s NNRe9o5ed i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s NNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id NRe9o5e $o i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s 'e1 i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s Need 6P

+! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) is eBui5a e$t to c"oice @Re9o5e $o i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s@. ($o data) $ersion


1 to M9a.(e MeasN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Mea sN - 1) ($o data) 1 to M9a.(e MeasN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Mea sN - 1) (e i$3o 10.3./.2 T"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 9ust %e !rese$t 1"e$ @:$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist@ is i$c uded i$ t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


N:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id N(e i$3o


T"is :) 9ust %e i$c uded 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce 1"e$ t"e :) @:$tra 3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist@ is i$c uded i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11. 'o data 3or &44, T44 3.=, Mc!s or T44 /.6= Mc!s R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

N(<6:() mode specific info NN'o i$3or9atio$ NNT44 1.2= Mc!s NNN S'PL Mo$itor Set :$dicator



8it stri$2(5)

)ac" %it i$dicates 1"et"er t"e i$tra 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ce "as a seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 1"ic" is t"e sa9e as t"e 3reBue$c7 o3 a s!eci3ic )-4(< carrier o3 U). 8it0 i$dicate t"e )-4(< carrier 1it" o1est U#R&(', 8it1 i$dicate t"e )-4(< carrier 1it" t"e seco$d o1est ... 8it $ i$dicate t"e )-4(< carrier 1it" t"e $+1 o1est U#R&(', t"e )-4(< carrier o$ t"e Pri9ar7 )-4(< carrier s"a $ot %e co$sidered i$ t"e %it9a!.

(e s 3or 9easure9e$t N:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id (SG :$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o :$tra-3reBue$c7 S: #cBuisitio$

(V+CHopt MP (V8(<o!t (V8(<o!t

1 to M9a.(e MeasN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Mea sN-1) 10.3./.121 10.3./.125



Release ! Condition +CHopt


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded 1"e$ se$t i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is 6!tio$a


:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (1a,1%,1c,1d, 1e,13,12,1",1 i, 1K) Se2antics description Se5e$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7



:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easured resu ts ist

Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN (e 9easured resu ts 10.3./.3 6$ 7 ce s 3or 1"ic" a re!orti$2 Bua$tities are a5ai a% e s"ou d %e i$c uded. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t resu ts N(e 9easured resu ts


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist 10.3./.33 :$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.116 :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.3= :$tra3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.,1 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t o%Kects ist :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t o%Kects ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7



:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7


Re!orti$2 ce status Measure9e$t 5a idit7 (<6:() report criteria

(Vreporting 6P 6P MP 6P

'6T) 1 :$tra3reBue$c7

R)L-6 R)L-/

N:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

+' T4pe and reference 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.3Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2

($o data) ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t 6P Periodica re!orti$2 criteria o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.136 R)L-10

Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 3or t"e seco$dar7 UL &reBue$c7

Condition reporting

1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e (<6:() @report criteria@ is eBua to @!eriodica re!orti$2 criteria@ or @'o re!orti$2@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded

'OT2 ,P The &2 Hreport criteriaH is optional in all releases e(cept /el?=. &n /el?= the &2 Hreport criteriaH is mandatory present in order to ali n the tabular format with the /el?= ."'.,.


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

This &2 contains the measurement event results that are reported to 3T/.' for intra?freAuency measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$tra3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.3, (e 9easure9e $t e5e$t resu ts 10.3./., Se2antics description $ersion

(e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts



:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

The Auantity the 32 shall measure in case of intra?freAuency measurement. &t also includes the filterin of the measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &i ter coe33icie$t (<6:() mode N&44 NNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7 Need MP MP MP )$u9erated( /ulti T4pe and reference &i ter coe33icie$t 10.3./.Se2antics description


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

+" /ulti T4pe and reference (P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P, Pat" oss) )$u9erated( Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P, Pat" oss, Ti9es ot :S(P)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

NT44 NNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7 ist NNNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7


1 to ,


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

The tri erin of the event?tri ered reportin for an intra?freAuency measurement. .ll events concernin intra? freAuency measurements are labelled ,( where ( is a- b- cX. 2vent ,aP . Primary 1P&1F enters the /eportin /an e (7:: only). 2vent ,bP . Primary 1P&1F leaves the /eportin /an e (7:: only). 2vent ,cP . 'on?active Primary 1P&1F becomes better than an active Primary 1P&1F (7:: only). 2vent ,dP 1han e of best cell (7:: only). 2vent ,eP . Primary 1P&1F becomes better than an absolute threshold (7:: only). 2vent ,fP . Primary 1P&1F becomes worse than an absolute threshold (7:: only). 2vent , P 1han e of best cell in T::. 2vent ,hP Timeslot &"1P below a certain threshold (T:: only). 2vent ,iP Timeslot &"1P above a certain threshold (T:: only). 2vent ,jP . 'on?active 2?:1F but active :1F Primary 1P&1F becomes better than an active 2?:1F Primary 1P&1F (7:: only).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters reBuired 3or eac" e5e$t N:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.Me as)5e$t N :$tra3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.3, )$u9erat ed(#cti5e set ce s, Mo$itored set ce s, #cti5e set ce s a$d 9o$itored set ce s) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


NTri22eri$2 co$ditio$ 1

(VR clause >

:$dicates 1"ic" ce s ca$ tri22er t"e e5e$t


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NTri22eri$2 co$ditio$ 2 Need (VR clause 7 C$clause &> /ulti

+( T4pe and reference )$u9erat ed(#cti5e set ce s, Mo$itored set ce s, #cti5e set ce s a$d 9o$itored set ce s, 4etected set ce s, 4etected set ce s a$d 9o$itored set ce s) Rea (0..1 ,.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$dicates 1"ic" ce s ca$ tri22er t"e e5e$t R)L-5 $ersion

NRe!orti$2 Ra$2e (o$sta$t N(e s 3or%idde$ to a33ect Re!orti$2 ra$2e NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

(VR clause ' (VR clause & MP MP 1 to M 9a.(e MeasN

:$ d8. :$ e5e$t 1a,1%.

:$ e5e$t 1a,1%

Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o Rea (0.0.. 2.0 %7 ste! o3 0.1) Rea (0../. 5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) :$te2er (115..165)

NNNT44 NNNNPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o NG


(VR clause ' MP (Vclause /

N<7steresis NT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7

:$ d8. Ra$2e used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< RS(P -115..-25 d89 (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0 d8 Pat" oss 30..165d8 :S(P -115..-25 d89 Ra$2e used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< RS(P -120..-25 d89 (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0 d8 Pat" oss 30..165d8 :S(P -120..-25 d89 :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 T"res"o d used 3reBue$c7 ? T"res"o d used 3reBue$c7 + 4e taT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7 'ot used i$ Re ease 6 a$d ater :$ e5e$t 1a :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s a o1ed

:$te2er (120..165)


N4e taT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7

(Vclause (




NRe!orti$2 deacti5atio$ t"res"o d

(VR clause -

:$te2er(0, 1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

+) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description i$ t"e acti5e set i$ order 3or e5e$t 1a to occur. 0 9ea$s $ot a!! ica% e . :$ e5e$t 1c :$dicates t"e 9i$i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s a o1ed i$ t"e acti5e set i$ order 3or e5e$t 1c to occur. 0 9ea$s $ot a!! ica% e :$ e5e$t 1K :$dicates t"e 9i$i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s a o1ed i$ t"e )-4(< acti5e set i$ order 3or e5e$t 1K to occur. &or e5e$t 1K 5a ues 5, 6 a$d / are $ot a!! ica% e. 0 9ea$s $ot a!! ica% e :$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e duri$2 1"ic" t"e e5e$t co$ditio$ "as to %e satis3ied, %e3ore se$di$2 a Measure9e$t Re!ort. Ti9e i$ 9s :$ case t"e :) @:$tra3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 criteria@ is i$c uded i$ t"e :) @:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t@, t"is :) is $ot $eeded. :$dicates t"e i$ter5a o3 !eriodica re!orti$2 1"e$ suc" re!orti$2 is tri22ered %7 a$ e5e$t. :$ter5a i$ 9i iseco$ds. 0 9ea$s $o !eriodica re!orti$2. :$ case t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 criteria@ is i$c uded i$ t"e :) @:$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t@, t"is :) is $ot $eeded. $ersion

NRe! ace9e$t acti5atio$ t"res"o d

(Vclause @

:$te2er(0, 1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /)


NTi9e to tri22er


Ti9e to tri22er 10.3./.6,

N#9ou$t o3 re!orti$2

(VR clause 6

:$te2er(1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, :$3i$it7) :$te2er(0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, ,000, =000, 16000)

NRe!orti$2 i$ter5a

(VR clause 6

NRe!orti$2 ce status


Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NPeriodica re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$-1% Need (VR clause E /ulti

+* T4pe and reference Periodica re!orti$2 i$3o-1% 10.3./.53 aa 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ case t"e :) @:$tra3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 criteria@ is i$c uded i$ t"e :) @:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t@, t"is :) is $ot $eeded. TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e ce i$di5idua o33set s"a %e used 3or e5e$t e5a uatio$ $ersion R)L-5

NUse (:6

(Vclause &> (VClause &&


Re!orti$2 criteria 3or seco$dar7 UL &reBue$c7

:$tra3reBue$c7 9easure 9e$t re!orti$2 criteria o$ seco$dar 7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.11 1 to M 9a.).c uded4et ectedSet (e s N Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :3 !rese$t t"e U) s"ou d e.c ude i$dicated ce s i$ t"e e5e$t e5a uatio$ 1"e$ i$tra-3reBue$c7 detected set is e$a% ed.


(e s to %e e.c uded i$ detected set ce s

(VClause &'


NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o


Condition Clause > Clause & Clause ' Clause / Clause Clause @ Clause 7 Clause 6 Clause ( Clause E Clause &> Clause && Clause &'

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1%@ or @13@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@ or @1%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@ or @1%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to , @1e@, @13@, @1"@ or @1i@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1c@ or 1K , ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@ or @1e@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@, @1c@ or 1K, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1e@, @13@, @1"@ or @1i@. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1d@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is $ot $eeded 1"e$ se$t i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' or 1"e$ :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria@ is i$c uded i$ t"e :) @:$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is o!tio$a . T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e i$tra-3reBue$c7 detected set is co$3i2ured to tri22er t"e 9easure9e$t e5e$t, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference Measure9e$ t ide$tit7 10.3./.,= Se2antics description T"e i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t ide$tit7 "as de3au t 5a ue 1. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t ide$tit7

:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist


:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 3or R#(< Re!orti$2


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s o$ R#(<


Re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$ 3or state ()LL;4(<


:$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist 10.3./.33 :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.3= :$tra3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 3or R#(< Re!orti$2 10.3./.,2 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s o$ R#(< 10.3./.,3 Re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$ 3or state ()LL;4(< 10.3./.62

:3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. 'ote 1 :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

'OT2 ,P The reportin of intra?freAuency measurements is activated when state 1255G:1F is entered.


:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

1ontains the reportin Auantity information for an intra?freAuency measurement.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re!orti$2 Bua$tities 3or acti5e set ce s Re!orti$2 Bua$tities 3or 9o$itored set ce s Re!orti$2 Bua$tities 3or detected set ce s Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference (e re!orti$2 Bua$tities 10.3./.5 (e re!orti$2 Bua$tities 10.3./.5 (e re!orti$2 Bua$tities 10.3./.5 Se2antics description




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 3or R#(< re!orti$2

1ontains the reportin Auantity information for an intra?freAuency measurement report- which is sent on the /.1F.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce re!orti$2 i$dicator (<6:() mode N&44 NNRe!orti$2 Bua$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 'o re!ort, t7!e 1, t7!e 2) )$u9erated( (P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P, Pat" oss, 'o re!ort) MP MP 1 to 2 )$u9erated( Ti9es ot :S(P, Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P, 'o re!ort) Se2antics description


NT44 NNRe!orti$2 Bua$tit7 ist NNNRe!orti$2 Bua$tit7


Lo22ed #'R (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o

Parameters used to confi ure lo ed 3T/.' .'/ measurements.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Lo22i$2 4uratio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (10 9i$, 309i$, 1 "ours!are1, s!are2) Se2antics description Ti9er 3or o22i$2 duratio$. T"e ti9er is acti5ated at t"e 9o9e$t o3 co$3i2uratio$. G"e$ t"e ti9er e.!ires t"e o22i$2 is sto!!ed a$d t"e co$3i2uratio$ is c eared. :$c uded i3 i$tra-UTR# #'R s"a %e !er3or9ed $ersion R)L-10

:$tra-UTR# #'R N(<6:() A)solute Threshold NNRS(P 3or #'R NNNRS(P

6P MP M4 :$te2er (-120..-25)

R)L-10 R)L-10

:$ d89. 4e3au t 5a ue is -100. :3 !rese$t, it i$dicates (P:(< RS(P 3or &44, Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P 3or T44. :$ d8. 4e3au t 5a ue is -10. &or &44 o$ 7 :3 !rese$t, it a!! ies to RS(P %7 ste! o3 2 a$d )c0'0 %7 ste! o3 1. True i$dicates t"e U) $eeds to !er3or9 i$ter-R#T #'R to )UTR#. True i$dicates t"e U) $eeds to !er3or9 i$ter-R#T #'R to GSM


NN)c0'0 3or #'R NNN)c0'0 NLo22i$2 Re ati5e T"res"o d :$ter-R#T #'R 3or )UTR# :$dicator :$ter-R#T #'R 3or GSM :$dicator

M4 6P 6P 6P

:$te2er (-2,..0) :$te2er (-,..16) )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o List Need

!%! /ulti &F Ma4"umA "RLogged Items MP MP MP MP MP MP C$-Tdd C$-#dd PLM' ide$tit7 (e :4 :$te2er(0..16 3=3) (e !ara9eter :d 10.3.6.Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o PLM' ide$tit7 8it stri$2 (16) PLM' ide$tit7 (e :4 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10

NSer5i$2 PLM' :de$tit7 NSer5i$2 (e N(<6:() logged cell info NNUTR#' NNNPLM' :de$tit7 NNN(e :de$tit7 NNNU#R&(' NNN(e !ara9eter :4 NNNPri9ar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode NN)-UTR# NNNPLM' :de$tit7 NNNTrac>i$2 #rea (ode

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10


R)L-10 Setti$2 s!eci3ied i$ I6/J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e Trac>i$2 #rea (ode. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I6/J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e (e :de$tit7. )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o e.te$sio$ List. R)L-10

NNN(e :de$tit7


8it stri$2 (2=)




:$te2er (0..65535)


NNNP"7sica (e ide$tit7 NNGSM NNNPLM' :de$tit7


:$te2er (0..503) PLM' ide$tit7

R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! NNNL#( MP

!%3 8it stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e L#(.. &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I11J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e (e :de$tit7. I,5J :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' R)L-10

NNN(e :de$tit7


8it stri$2 (16)


NNN8((< #R&(' NNN8a$d :$dicator


NNN8S:( Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o e.te$sio$ List NNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$

MP 6P 1 to MMa.'u9 #'RLo22e d:te9sN

:$te2er (0..1023) )$u9erated (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) 8S:( 10.3.=.2

R)L-10 R)L-10

R)L-10 R)L-11


:$te2er (65536..262 1,3)

)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J


Condition #dd Tdd

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or &44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or T44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s o$ R#(<

1ontains the ma(imum number of intra?freAuency cells to be reported on /.1F.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated ($o re!ort, curre$t ce , curre$t ce + %est $ei2"%our, curre$t ce +2 %est $ei2"%ours, X, curre$t ce +6 %est $ei2"%ours) Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.M8 MS&reBN :$te2er(1 .. M9a.M8M S-&reBN) #%se$ce o3 t"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t 9ea$s t"e curre$t 7 used 3reBue$c7. Va ue $ corres!o$ds 1it" t"e $t" 3reBue$c7 i$c uded i$ t"e :) 'e1 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce s t"at is s!eci3ied 1it"i$ S:8 11 T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 ist NM8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7



N(<6:() Layer con%ergence information NN"o HCS NNNEo339%9s

MP MP )$u9erate d (,, =, 12, 16, 20, 30, ,0, i$3i$it7) :$te2er (0../) T"e o33set i$ deci%e Id8J added to ce s o$ t"is M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 633set added to t"e $or9a <(S !riorit7 e5e o3 ce s o$ t"is M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 :$c uded i3 so9e ser5ice restrictio$s a!! 7 3or t"is !re3erred 3reBue$c7 e.2. co$2estio$

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

NNHCS NNN<(S;6&&9%9s


R)L-6 R)L-6

NM8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$


)$u9erate d (TRU))



M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist

Need MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.M8 S&'c u stersN &reBue$c7 i$3o )$u9erate d (TRU)) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M8S&' i$ter 3reBue$c7 $ei2"%our ist NM8S&' 3reBue$c7 N:M8 i$dicatio$


R)L-/ :3 !rese$t* 3.=, Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 is a!! ied o$ t"is 3reBue$c7. ($o data) R)L-=

N(<6:() M8S&' ser5ices $oti3icatio$ 88M+S#" ser%ices notified 88M+S#" ser%ices not notified NNN# M8S&' ser5ices $oti3ied


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


)$u9erate d (TRU))



Measured resu ts

1ontains the measured results of the Auantity indicated optionally by /eportin Juantity in Measurement 1ontrol. HMeasured resultsH can be used for both event tri er mode and periodical reportin mode. 7or intra?freAuency and inter?freAuency measurements the list shall be in the order of the value of the measurement Auantity (the first cell shall


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

be the best cell). The HbestH 7:: cell has the lar est value when the measurement Auantity is H2c@'oH or H/"1PH. On the other hand- the HbestH cell has the smallest value when the measurement Auantity is HPathlossH. The HbestH T:: cell has the lar est value when measurement Auantity is HPrimary 11P1F /"1PH. 7or intra?freAuency measurements- the orderin shall be applied to all cells included in the &2 HMeasured resultsH. 7or inter?freAuency measurements- the orderin shall be applied to all cells on the same freAuency included in the &2 HMeasured resultsH. 7or other measurements- the order of reported measurement objects is not specified.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Measurement N:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easured resu ts ist Need MP :$tra3reBue$c7 9easured resu ts ist 10.3./.35 :$ter3reBue$c7 9easured resu ts ist 10.3./.15 :$ter-R#T 9easured resu ts ist 10.3./.26 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easured resu ts ist 10.3./.6/ Eua it7 9easured resu ts ist 10.3./.55 U) :$ter$a 9easured resu ts 10.3././6 U) !ositio$i$2 9easured resu ts 10.3./.-/ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.

N:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easured resu ts ist

N:$ter-R#T 9easured resu ts ist

NTra33ic 5o u9e 9easured resu ts ist

NEua it7 9easured resu ts ist

NU) :$ter$a 9easured resu ts

NU) !ositio$i$2 9easured resu ts


Measured resu ts o$ R#(<

7or measurements on used freAuency- this &2 contains the measured results on /.1F of the Auantity indicated by /eportin Auantity in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F /eportin H in system information broadcast on 01F. The list- measurement results for monitored cells (not includin the current cell) shall be in the order of the value of the measurement Auantity as indicated by /eportin Juantity in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F /eportin H (the first cell shall be the best cell). 7or measurements on non?used freAuencies- this &2 includes the best cell on each non? used freAuency- in order of decreasin Auality and up to a ma(imum number as specified by the &2 HMa(imum number of inter?freAuency /.1F reportin cellsH. The HbestH 7:: cell has the lar est value when the measurement Auantity is H2c@'oH or H/"1PH. On the other hand- the HbestH cell has the smallest value when the measurement Auantity is HPathlossH. The HbestH T:: cell has the lar est value when measurement Auantity is HPrimary 11P1F /"1PH. 7or measurements on 2?3T/. freAuencies- this &2 includes a bit strin - of which the i?th bit should be set to , only if the Auantity of the i?th 2?3T/. freAuency confi ured for measurement and reportin on /.1F in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency list indicatorH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,> e(ceeds the threshold specified by ,T if the H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin AuantityH is set to /"/P


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T the threshold specified by the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdH. ,T if the H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin AuantityH is set to /"/J *T the threshold specified by the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdH minus the offset H23T/.? /"/J?offsetC0H- if stored in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T for that freAuency. &f the threshold is not e(ceeded- set the correspondin bit to +.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e Measure9e$t resu t 3or curre$t ce N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNN(<6:() measurement .uantity NNNN(P:(< )c0'0 Need MP MP MP

!%) /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion



:$te2er(0..-1 )

NNNNPat" oss

:$te2er(,6..1 5=)

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L) V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d8. &i3tee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. R)L-, R)L-,

NNT44 NNN(<6:() TDD option NNNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNNNTi9es ot List NNNNNNTi9es ot :S(P

MP 6P MP 1 to 1, Ti9es ot :S(P i$3o 10.3./.65 T"e U) s"a re!ort t"e Ti9es ot :S(P i$ t"e sa9e order as i$dicated i$ t"e ce i$3o T"e U) s"a re!ort t"e Ti9es ot :S(P i$ t"e sa9e order as i$dicated i$ t"e ce i$3o T"e U) s"a re!ort t"e Ti9es ot :S(P i$ t"e sa9e order as i$dicated i$ t"e ce i$3o

NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNNTi9es ot List NNNNNTi9es ot :S(P


1 to 1, Ti9es ot :S(P i$3o 10.3./.65

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNNTi9es ot List NNNNNNTi9es ot :S(P


1 to 6 Ti9es ot :S(P i$3o 10.3./.65

R)L-, R)L-, R)L-,

NNNPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P i$3o 10.3./.5, 1 to = S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce 10.3./.63

Measure9e$t resu ts 3or 9o$itored ce s o$ used 3reBue$c7 NS&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce

6P 6P

N(<6:() mode NN&44



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNN(<6:() measurement .uantity NNNN(P:(< )c0'0 Need MP 6P

!%* /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0..,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


:$te2er(0..-1 )

NNNNPat" oss

:$te2er(,6..1 5=)

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L) V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d8. &i3tee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

NNT44 NNN(e !ara9eters :d NNNPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


(e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P i$3o 10.3./.5, R)L-6 :$te2er (0..1) :$te2er (0..1) 1 to M9a.&reB N :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN-1) :$te2er (0..1) R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-11 R)L-11

Measure9e$t resu ts 3or 9o$itored ce s o$ $o$-used 3reBue$cies N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$dicatio$S:811 N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$dicatio$S:812 N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce ist NN:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce id Measure9e$t resu ts 3or )UTR# 3reBue$cies N )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$dicatio$S:81-



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e N )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$dicator Need MP

!%+ /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(9a.' u9)UTR#&r eBs;&#(<)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. )ac" %it i$dicates 1"et"er t"e radio Bua it7 o3 a$ )UTR# 3reBue$c7 is a%o5e t"e re!orti$2 t"res"o d or $ot, 1"ere a o$e 5a ue i$dicates a%o5e a$d a Qero 5a ue $ot. 8it $ corres!o$ds to t"e $-t" )UTR# 3reBue$c7 co$3i2ured 3or 9easure9e$t a$d re!orti$2 o$ R#(< i$ t"e :) @ )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist i$dicator@ recei5ed i$ S:81-. $ersion R)L-11


Monitored cells consist of nei hbourin cells.


Measured resu ts o$ R#(< &44

'OT2 ,P Only for 7::. 7or measurements on used freAuency- this &2 contains the measured results on /.1F of the Auantity indicated by /eportin Auantity in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F /eportin H in system information broadcast on 01F. The list- measurement results for monitored cells (not includin the current cell) shall be in the order of the value of the measurement Auantity as indicated by /eportin Juantity in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin Auantity for /.1F /eportin H (the first cell shall be the best cell). 7or measurements on non?used freAuencies- this &2 includes the best cell on each non? used freAuency- in order of decreasin Auality and up to a ma(imum number as specified by the &2 HMa(imum number of inter?freAuency /.1F reportin cellsH. The HbestH 7:: cell has the lar est value when the measurement Auantity is H2c@'oH or H/"1PH. On the other hand- the HbestH cell has the smallest value when the measurement Auantity is HPathlossH. 7or measurements on 2?3T/. freAuencies- this &2 includes a bit strin - of which the i?th bit should be set to , only if the Auantity of the i?th 2?3T/. freAuency confi ured for measurement and reportin on /.1F in the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency list indicatorH received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,> e(ceeds the threshold specified by ,T if the H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin AuantityH is set to /"/P *T the threshold specified by the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdH. ,T if the H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin AuantityH is set to /"/J *T the threshold specified by the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin thresholdH minus the offset H23T/.? /"/J?offsetC0H- if stored in the variable P/&O/&TKG&'7OG5&"T for that freAuency. &f the threshold is not e(ceeded- set the correspondin bit to +.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e Measure9e$t resu t 3or curre$t ce N(<6:() measurement .uantity NN(P:(< )c0'0 Need MP MP

! % /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L) V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d8. &i3tee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion


NN(P:(< RS(P

:$te2er(0..-1 )

NNPat" oss

:$te2er(,6..1 5=) 6P 6P 1 to = S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce 10.3./.63 Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0..,)

Measure9e$t resu ts 3or 9o$itored ce s o$ used 3reBue$c7 NS&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce

NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(<6:() measurement .uantity NN(P:(< )c0'0


NN(P:(< RS(P

:$te2er(0..-1 )

NNPat" oss

:$te2er(,6..1 5=) 6P MP MP MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.&reB N :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN-1) :$te2er (0..1) :$te2er (0..1)

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded. :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L) V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :$ d8. &i3tee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

Measure9e$t resu ts 3or 9o$itored ce s o$ $o$-used 3reBue$cies N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$dicatio$S:811 N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$dicatio$S:812 N:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce ist NN:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce id Measure9e$t resu ts 3or )UTR# 3reBue$cies


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e N )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$dicatio$S:81N )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$dicator Need MP MP

! /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..1) 8it stri$2(9a.' u9)UTR#&r eBs;&#(<)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. )ac" %it i$dicates 1"et"er t"e radio Bua it7 o3 a$ )UTR# 3reBue$c7 is a%o5e t"e re!orti$2 t"res"o d or $ot, 1"ere a o$e 5a ue i$dicates a%o5e a$d a Qero 5a ue $ot. 8it $ corres!o$ds to t"e $-t" )UTR# 3reBue$c7 co$3i2ured 3or 9easure9e$t a$d re!orti$2 o$ R#(< i$ t"e :) @)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist i$dicator@ recei5ed i$ S:81-. $ersion


Monitored cells consist of nei hbourin cells.


Measure9e$t (o99a$d
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( Setu!, Modi37, Re ease) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t co99a$d


Release !

! !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Measure9e$t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated ('ot used, used) Se2antics description :$dicates i3 t"e ser5i$2 ce %e o$2s to a <(S structure :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed. ("oice o3 9easure9e$t ((P:(< )c0'0 or (P:(< RS(P) to use as Bua it7 9easure E.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e Use o3 <(S

(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ Bua it7 9easure


)$u9erated ((P:(< )c0'0, (P:(< RS(P)

'OT2P 7or T::-each choice of this parameter represents P11P1F /"1P.

:3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5es as i3 t"is :) 1ou d $ot "a5e %ee$ recei5ed

:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$


:$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.,0 :$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.20 :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.31 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 10.3././3

:3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =. t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied.

Condition M+S#"

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i$ a ce o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode.


Release !

! 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Measure9e$t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ e.te$sio$


Release ! :nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist N'e1 i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s NN:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id NN(e i$3o :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist N'e1 i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s NN&reBue$c7 :$3o Need 6P MP 6P MP 6P MP M4

! ' /ulti 1 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN - 1) (e i$3o 10.3./.2 1 to M9a.(e M easN &reBue$c7 i$3o T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e !re5ious @3reBue$c7 i$3o@ i$ t"e ist. '6T)* T"e 3irst occurre$ce is t"e$ MP. :t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e e$tr7 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e U#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is. R)L-6

NN:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce id NN(e i$3o :$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist NN'e1 i$ter-R#T ce s

NN:$ter-R#T ce id

6P MP 6P MP 6P MP MP 1 to M9a.(e M easN

:$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN - 1) (e i$3o 10.3./.2

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

:$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Me asN - 1)

R)L-6 R)L-6

NN(<6:() Radio Access Technology NNNGSM NNNN(e i$di5idua o33set

:$te2er (50..50 ) (e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:811012 10.3.2., 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erated (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023)

NNNN(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o


:$ d8 Used to o33set 9easured Bua$tit7 5a ue See su%c ause =.6./.3

R)L-6 R)L-6


NNNN8S:( NNNN8a$d i$dicator


R)L-6 :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' I,5J R)L-6

NNNN8((< #R&('




Release ! NNN:S-2000 NNNNS7ste9 s!eci3ic 9easure9e$t i$3o

! "

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-6 R)L-6


e$u9erated (3reBue$c7, ti9es ot, co our code, out!ut !o1er, P' o33set)


($o data)

Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 :$3o List &44


1 to M9a.'u9 &44&reBs N

NMu ti! e &reBue$c7 %a$ds :$dicator List &44


1 to M 9a.Mu ti! e&reBue$c 78a$ds&4 4N

&or :S-2000, use 3ie ds 3ro9 T:#0):#0:S2000.5, su%c ause 3. /., Candidate #re.uency "eigh)our List Message T"is 5a ue "as %ee$ i$troduced to "a$d e t"e case 1"e$ :) @'e1 i$ter-R#T ce s@ is $ot reBuired )ac" e$tr7 i$ t"e ist corres!o$ds to a U#R&(' isted i$ t"e @'e1 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce s@ :) (co99o$ to a t"ose ce s s"ari$2 t"e sa9e @&reBue$c7 i$3o@ 5a ue). :$dicates, !er $ei2"%our U#R&(', a ist o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 1"ic" t"e ce s %e o$2 to. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"ere are $o Mu ti! e 8a$ds 3or t"e !articu ar U#R&('.




NN(<6:() 3reBue$c7 %a$ds i$dicator NNN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator

MP &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2 &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3

R)L-10 R)L-10

NNN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 2


NNN&reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3


Condition MCM*opt

1Dplanation T"is :) is 6PT:6'#L 1"e$ se$t i$ SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'. 6t"er1ise, t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


Measure9e$t :de$tit7

. reference number that is used by the 3T/.' at modification and release of the measurement- and by the 32 in the measurement report.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t ide$tit7 Need

! ( /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1..16 1/..32)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion




The specific handlin of the Measurement &dentity for 32s supportin the measurement identity e(tension is captured in ."'.,


Measure9e$t re!orti$2 9ode

1ontains the type of Measurement /eport transfer mode and the indication of periodical@event tri er.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t Re!ort Tra$s3er Mode Need /ulti T4pe and reference e$u9erated (#c>$o1 ed2 ed 9ode RL(, U$ac>$o1 e d2ed 9ode RL() )$u9erated (Periodica Se2antics description


Periodica Re!orti$2 0 )5e$t Tri22er Re!orti$2 Mode


re!orti$2, )5e$t tri22er)


Measure9e$t T7!e
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( :$tra3reBue$c7, :$ter3reBue$c7, :$ter-R#T, Tra33ic 5o u9e, Eua it7, U) i$ter$a , U) !ositio$i$2, (SG !ro.i9it7) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t T7!e


Measure9e$t 5a idit7
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( ()LL;4(<, a states e.ce!t ()LL;4(<, a states) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) state




Release !

! )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Periodica re!orti$2 criteria

1ontains the periodical reportin criteria information. &t is necessary only in the periodical reportin mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #9ou$t o3 re!orti$2 Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, :$3i$it7) :$te2er(250 , 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, ,000, 6000, =000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 2,000, 2=000, 32000, 6,000) Se2antics description T"e de3au t 5a ue is i$3i$it7. $ersion

Re!orti$2 i$ter5a


:$dicates t"e i$ter5a o3 !eriodica re!ort. :$ter5a i$ 9i iseco$ds. :3 t"is :) is co$3i2ured 3or S: acBuisitio$, t"e$ it s!eci3ies t"e 9a.i9u9 ti9e t"e U) ca$ ta>e 3or S: acBuisitio$.

10.3./.53aa Periodica re!orti$2 i$3o-1%

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #9ou$t o3 re!orti$2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, :$3i$it7) :$te2er(0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, ,000, =000, 16000) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5

Re!orti$2 i$ter5a


:$dicates t"e i$ter5a o3 !eriodica re!orti$2 1"e$ suc" re!orti$2 is tri22ered %7 a$ e5e$t. :$ter5a i$ 9i iseco$ds. 0 9ea$s $o !eriodica re!orti$2.



PLM' ide$tities o3 $ei2"%our ce s

This &2 contains the P5M' identities of nei hbour cells.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM's o3 i$tra3reBue$c7 ce s ist NPLM' ide$tit7 PLM's o3 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce s ist NPLM' ide$tit7 PLM's o3 i$ter-R#T ce s ist NPLM' ide$tit7 Need 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 1 to M9a.(e MeasN PLM' ide$tit7 #ctio$ 1"e$ $ot !rese$t is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =. 1 to M9a.(e MeasN PLM' ide$tit7 /ulti 1 to M9a.(e MeasN PLM' ide$tit7 T4pe and reference Se2antics description '6T) #ctio$ 1"e$ $ot !rese$t is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =. '6T) #ctio$ 1"e$ $ot !rese$t is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =. $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mu ti! e PLM's o3 i$tra3reBue$c7 ce s ist NMu ti! e PLM' ist NN PLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M(( Need 6P 6P MP /ulti 1 to M9a.(e MeasN 1 to 6

! * T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= #ctio$ 1"e$ $ot !rese$t is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =. R)L-= R)L-=

PLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M(( a 1 to M9a.(e MeasN 1 to 6 PLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M(( a

Mu ti! e PLM's o3 i$ter3reBue$c7 ce s ist NMu ti! e PLM' ist NN PLM' ide$tit7 1it" 6!tio$a M((

6P 6P MP

R)L-= #ctio$ 1"e$ $ot !rese$t is s!eci3ied i$ su%c ause =. R)L-= R)L-=


The &2 HP5M's of intra?freAuency cells listH and@or the &2 HP5M's of inter?freAuency cells listH can be used when each entry in those lists is either empty or includes a sin le P5M' identity. &f multiple P5M's need to be indicated in a non?empty entry- the networ# uses the &2 HMultiple P5M's of intra? freAuency cells listH and@or the &2 HMultiple P5M's of inter?freAuency cells listH instead.


Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P i$3o

Only for T::
Need MP /ulti :1 t4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. -1) Se2antics description #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P ? Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P+ 4e taPri9ar7 ((P(<

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


4e taPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P




Condition Rel@

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 i3 t"e 5a ue o3 Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P is %e o1 0. 6t"e1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


Release !

! +

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Need MP /ulti T4pe and Referenc e :$te2er( 0. .--) Se2antics description E"cs, 9a!!ed 3ro9 (P:(< )c0'o (&44), see I,J Id8J 0* -2, 1* -23.5 2* -23 3* -22.5 ... ,5* -1.5 ,6* -1 ,/* -0.5 ,=* 0 ,-* (s!are) ... -=* (s!are) --* (s!are) E"cs, 9a!!ed 3ro9 (P:(< RS(P (&44), see I,J Id89J 0* -115 1* -11, 2* -113 * ==* -2/ =-* -26 -0* -(s!are) -1* -(s!are) * -=* -(s!are) --* -(s!are) E"cs, 9a!!ed 3ro9 P((P(< RS(P (T44), see I,J Id89J 0* -115 1* -11, 2* -113 * ==* -2/ =-* -26 -0* -(s!are) -1* -(s!are) * -=* -(s!are) --* -(s!are) $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e E"cs


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

!!% T4pe and Referenc e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description E"cs e5e , 9a!!ed 3ro9 #5era2ed recei5ed si2$a e5e RSS: (GSM), see I,J Id89J 0* -110 1* -102* -10= * 61* -,62* -,= 63* -,/ 6,* -,6 65* -,5 66* -,, 6/* -,3 6=* -,2 6-* -,1 /0* -,0 /1* -3/2* -3= /3* -3/ /,* -(s!are) * -=* -(s!are) --* -(s!are) :3 !rese$t, t"e actua 5a ue o3 E"cs ? E"cs + 4e taE"cs-RS(P $ersion

4e taE"cs-RS(P




Condition RSCP

1Dplanation T"is :) is o!tio$a i3 E"cs is 9a!!ed 3ro9 (P:(< RS(P or P((P(< RS(P, a$d i3 t"e 5a ue o3 t"e RS(P is %e o1 0 (-115d89). :t is $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Eua it7 9easured resu ts ist

Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 :$te2er (0..63) tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e ? 4(< T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8L)R 9easure9e$t resu ts N4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

N4L Tra$s!ort ("a$$e 8L)R (<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NNS:R 9easure9e$t resu ts NNNT&(S :4 NNNTi9es ot ist NNNNS:R


#ccordi$2 to 8L)R;L6G i$ I1-J a$d I20J 'o data


1 to MMa.((Tr (<N :$te2er(1...=) 1 to M9a.TSN :$te2er(0..63 )

S:R 9easure9e$ts 3or 4L ((Tr(< 3or a ti9es ot o$ 1"ic" t"e ((Tr(< is 9a!!ed o$ #ccordi$2 to U);S:R i$ I20J


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Eua it7 9easure9e$t

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Eua it7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.5Eua it7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.5= Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Eua it7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

(<6:() report criteria NEua it7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

MP 'ote Gi5e$ t"is c"oice, t"e :) @4L Tra$s!ort ("a$$e 8L)R@ s"a %e set to &#LS) (see su%c ause 10.3./.5-) 'ote

NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2

'ote ($o data) ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t


&n this version of the specification- 052/ as additional measurement is not supported.


Eua it7 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e ? 4(< T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s!ort c"a$$e s causi$2 t"e e5e$t N4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7


Eua it7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

2vent 9aP 'umber of bad 1/1s on a certain transport channel e(ceeds a threshold.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters se$t 3or eac" tra$s!ort c"a$$e N4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 :$te2er(1..51 2) :$te2er(1..51 2) :$te2er(1..51 2) tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e ? 4(< T4pe and reference Se2antics description

NTota (R( N8ad (R( NPe$di$2 a3ter tri22er


'u9%er o3 (R(s 'u9%er o3 (R(s 'u9%er o3 (R(s


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Eua it7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

Need MP (V-+L!R reporting MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s re!ort reBuested T"e de3au t, i3 $o tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tities are !rese$t, is t"at t"e 8L)R is re!orted 3or a do1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e s tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e ? 4(<

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4L Tra$s!ort ("a$$e 8L)R Tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 3or 8L)R re!orti$2 N4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 NNS:R 9easure9e$t ist NNNT&(S :4 Condition +L!R reporting

MP 'o data 6P MP 1 to M9a.((Tr (<N :$te2er(1...=) 1Dplanation T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @4L Tra$s!ort ("a$$e 8L)R@ is &#LS) a$d o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @4L Tra$s!ort ("a$$e 8L)R@ is TRU) S:R 9easure9e$ts s"a %e re!orted 3or a isted T&(S :4s


Re3ere$ce ti9e di33ere$ce to ce

&n the "ystem &nformation messa e- the reference time difference to cell indicates the timin difference between the primary 11P1F of the current cell and the primary 11P1F of a nei hbourin cell.. &n the Measurement 1ontrol messa e- the reference time difference to cell indicates the timin difference between 32 uplin# transmission timin and the primary 11P1F of a nei hbourin cell.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() accuracy N,0 c"i!s NNRe3ere$ce ti9e di33ere$ce N256 c"i!s NNRe3ere$ce ti9e di33ere$ce N2560 c"i!s NNRe3ere$ce ti9e di33ere$ce Need MP MP :$te2er(0..3= ,00 %7 ste! o3 ,0) :$te2er(0.. 3=,00 %7 ste! o3 256) :$te2er(0.. 3=,00 %7 ste! o3 2560) :$ c"i!s /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description


:$ c"i!s


:$ c"i!s


Re!orti$2 (e Status

&ndicates ma(imum allowed number of cells to report and whether active set cells and@or virtual active set cells and@or monitored set cells and@or detected set cells on used freAuency and@or monitored set cells and@or detected set cells on non used freAuency should@should not be included in the &2 HMeasured resultsH.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() reported cell NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ acti5e set Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts. &or i$ter-3reBue$c7 $ersion



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

!!3 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 9easure9e$ts it is o$ 7 5a id 3or re!orti$2 e5e$ts 24 a$d 2&. See '6T) 1. T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts $ersion

NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set ce s o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ acti5e set a$d0or 9o$itored set ce s o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ detected set o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set a$d0or detected set o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort a acti5e set ce s + ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s




:$te2er(1..6) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts


:$te2er(1..6) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts


:$te2er(1..6) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts


:$te2er(1..6) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts


)$u9erated (5irtua 0acti5 e set ce s+1, 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+2, X., 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+6) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts

NRe!ort a acti5e set ce s + ce s 1it"i$ detected set o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s


)$u9erated (5irtua 0acti5 e set ce s+1, 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+2, X., 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+6) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts

NRe!ort a acti5e set ce s + ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set a$d0or detected set o$ used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s


)$u9erated (5irtua 0acti5 e set ce s+1, 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+2, X., 5irtua 0acti5e


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ 5irtua acti5e set NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s !er re!orted $o$-used 3reBue$c7 NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set o$ $o$used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s !er re!orted $o$-used 3reBue$c7 NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored a$d0or 5irtua acti5e set o$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s !er re!orted $o$-used 3reBue$c7 NRe!ort a 5irtua acti5e set ce s + ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set o$ $o$used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s !er re!orted $o$-used 3reBue$c7 Need /ulti

!!' T4pe and reference set ce s+6)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$tra-3reBue$c7 or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts $ersion



T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$tra-3reBue$c7 or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts



T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$tra-3reBue$c7 or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts



T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$tra-3reBue$c7 or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts


)$u9erated (5irtua 0acti5 e set ce s+1, 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+2, X., 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+6) :3 t"is c"oice is se ected 3or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts, t"e U) s"a re!ort o$ 7 ce s o3 t"e ot"er R#T. :3 t"is c"oice is se ected 3or i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts, t"e U) s"a re!ort ce s 1it"i$ t"e acti5e set. :3 t"is c"oice is se ected 3or i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts, t"e U) s"a re!ort ce s 1it"i$ t"e 5irtua acti5e set.

NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ acti5e set or 1it"i$ 5irtua acti5e set or o3 t"e ot"er R#T

NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort ce s 1it"i$ acti5e a$d0or 9o$itored set o$ used 3reBue$c7 or 1it"i$ 5irtua acti5e a$d0or 9o$itored set o$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7


:$te2er (1..12) T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts. :3 t"is c"oice is se ected 3or i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts, t"e U) s"a re!ort ce s 1it"i$ t"e acti5e a$d0or 9o$itored set. :3 t"is c"oice is se ected 3or i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts, t"e U)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

!!" T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description s"a re!ort ce s 1it"i$ t"e 5irtua acti5e set a$d0or 9o$itored set o$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7. T"is c"oice is $ot 5a id 3or i$ter-R#T or i$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts $ersion

NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s NRe!ort a 5irtua acti5e set ce s + ce s 1it"i$ 9o$itored set a$d0or detected set o$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7 NNMa.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!orted ce s


:$te2er(1..12 ) R)L-10


)$u9erated (5irtua 0acti5 e set ce s+1, 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+2, X., 5irtua 0acti5e set ce s+6)


'OT2 ,P 7or &nter?freAuency reportin events *: and *7- only 1FO&12 H/eport cells within active setH is valid.


Re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$ 3or state ()LL;4(<

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$tra3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.,1 Measure9e$ t Re!orti$2 Mode 10.3./.,:$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.3Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

Measure9e$t Re!orti$2 Mode


(<6:() report criteria N:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

MP T"is :) 9a7 o$ 7 co$tai$ 9easure9e$t e5e$ts 3ro9 1# to 1:, %ut $ot 9easure9e$t e5e$t 1F.

NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria


S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce

Need MP :$te2er(0.. -=303--) #ccordi$2 to T1;S&'-S&';T:M) i$ I1-J a$d I20J. &or &44 a$d 3.=, Mc!s T44 a$d /.6= Mc!s T44* 6-,6=16 s!are 5a ues are $eeded. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44* 13500,16 s!are 5a ues are $eeded. #ccordi$2 to T2;S&'-S&';T:M) i$ I1-J a$d I20J. 2,5/, s!are 5a ues are $eeded. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() type NT7!e 1

NT7!e 2

:$te2er(0.. 32/6/--) :$te2er(0.. ,0-61)

Re -,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

!!( T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. 2/6,-)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or 1.2= Mc!s T44* 3/==6 s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion Re -,


Ti9e to tri22er
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0, 10, 20, ,0, 60, =0, 100, 120, 160, 200, 2,0, 320, 6,0, 12=0, 2560, 5000) Se2antics description Ti9e i$ 9s

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9e to tri22er


Ti9es ot :S(P i$3o

Only for T::
Need MP /ulti :1 t4pe and reference :$te2er (0..-1) Se2antics description #ccordi$2 to U);TS;:S(P;L)V i$ I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9es ot :S(P


Tra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( ,a, ,%) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easured resu ts ist

Need 6P MP 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.R8N R8 :de$tit7 10.3.,.16 )$u9erated( 0, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,, 2H, ,H, =H, 16H, 32H, 6,H, 12=H, 256H, 512H, 102,H) )$u9erated( 0, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,, 2H, ,H, =H, 16H, 32H, 6,H, 12=H, 256H, 512H, :$ %7tes #$d ' H%7tes ? 'C102, %7tes. T1e 5e s!are 5a ues are $eeded. T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t resu ts NR8 :de$tit7 NRL( 8u33ers Pa7 oad

N#5era2e o3 RL( 8u33er Pa7 oad


:$ %7tes #$d ' H%7tes ? 'C102, %7tes. T1e 5e s!are 5a ues are $eeded.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NVaria$ce o3 RL( 8u33er Pa7 oad Need 6P

!!) /ulti T4pe and reference 102,H) )$u9erated( 0, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,, 2H, ,H, =H, 16H)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ %7tes #$d ' H%7tes ? 'C102, %7tes. T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded.


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t 6%Kect 10.3././0 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3././1 Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3././, Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3././2 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 ($o data) ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t 6%Kect

Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7


Measure9e$t 5a idit7 (<6:() report criteria NTra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

1ontains the event result for a traffic volume measurement.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e causi$2 t"e e5e$t Need MP

!!* /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 4(<,R#(<, US(<)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description US(< is T44 o$ 7. R#(< is t"e curre$t 7 co$3i2ured de3au t i$ t"e u! i$>. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 )-4(< is co$3i2ured to t"e U), a$d t"e U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is US(< a$d UL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e ide$tit7 is 32, it 9ea$s )-4(< TVM is co$3i2ured.

UL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e ide$tit7


Tra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7

Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 Tra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.66 1Dplanation :3 :) @U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @4(<@ or @US(<@ (T44 o$ 7) t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

Condition 1L-DCH<1SCH


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t o%Kect

1ontains the measurement object information for a traffic volume measurement.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t o%Kects NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N )$u9erated( 4(<,R#(<, US(<) US(< is T44 o$ 7. R#(< is t"e curre$t 7 co$3i2ured de3au t i$ t"e u! i$>. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 )-4(< is co$3i2ured to t"e U), a$d t"e U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is US(< a$d UL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e ide$tit7 is 32, it 9ea$s )-4(< TVM is co$3i2ured. T4pe and reference Se2antics description

NUL Tar2et Tra$s!ort ("a$$e :4


Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 1Dplanation :3 :) @U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @4(<@ or @US(<@ (T44 o$ 7) t"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

Condition 1L-DCH<1SCH


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

1ontains the measurement Auantity information for a traffic volume measurement.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$t Bua$tit7 Need MP

!!+ /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( RL( %u33er !a7 oad, #5era2e RL( %u33er !a7 oad, Varia$ce o3 RL( %u33er !a7 oad) :$te2er(20, ,0, ..260, %7 ste!s o3 20)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is !ara9eter s"ou d %e i2$ored.

Ti9e :$ter5a to ta>e a$ a5era2e or a 5aria$ce


:$ 9s

Condition A<$

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ @#5era2e RL( %u33er@ or @Varia$ce o3 RL( %u33er !a7 oad@ is c"ose$ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

1ontains the measurement reportin criteria information for a traffic volume measurement. 2vent 8aP Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume D,9E e(ceeds an absolute threshold. 2vent 8bP Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume D,9E becomes smaller than an absolute threshold.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters se$t 3or eac" tra$s!ort c"a$$e NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Need 6P 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.Tr(< N )$u9erated( 4(<,R#(<, US(<) T4pe and reference Se2antics description T"is :) is a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is 6P to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1 US(< is T44 o$ 7. R#(< is t"e curre$t 7 co$3i2ured de3au t i$ t"e u! i$>. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 )-4(< is co$3i2ured to t"e U), a$d t"e U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e is US(< a$d UL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e ide$tit7 is 32, it 9ea$s )-4(< TVM is co$3i2ured.

NUL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e :4

(V-1LDCH<1SC H 6P MP 1 to M9a.Meas !ar)5e$tN

Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7

NPara9eters reBuired 3or eac" )5e$t NNTra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7

NNRe!orti$2 T"res"o d


NNTi9e to tri22er


Tra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.66 )$u9erated( =,16,32,6,,1 2=,256,512,1 02,,2H,3H,, H,6H,=H,12H ,16H,2,H,32 H,,=H,6,H,6H,12=H,1-2 H,256H,3=, H,512H,/6= H) Ti9e to tri22er 10.3./.6,

T"res"o d i$ %7tes #$d ' H%7tes ? 'C102, %7tes

NNPe$di$2 ti9e a3ter tri22er


:$te2er(250, 500, 1000, 2000, ,000, =000, 16000) :$te2er (250, 500, 1000, 2000, ,000, =000, 16000)

NNT. i$terru!tio$ a3ter tri22er


:$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e duri$2 1"ic" t"e e5e$t co$ditio$ "as to %e satis3ied, %e3ore se$di$2 a Measure9e$t Re!ort. Ti9e i$ 9s :$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e duri$2 1"ic" it is 3or%idde$ to se$d a$7 $e1 9easure9e$t re!orts 1it" t"e sa9e Tra33ic 5o u9e e5e$t ide$tit7 e5e$ i3 t"e tri22eri$2 co$ditio$ is 3u 3i ed. Ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds Ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds. :$dicates "o1 o$2 t"e U) s"a % oc> 4T(< tra$s9issio$s o$ t"e R#(< a3ter a 9easure9e$t re!ort is tri22ered.


Release ! Condition 1L-DCH<1SCH


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 1Dplanation :3 :) @U! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e@ is eBua to @4(<@ or @US(<@ (T44 o$ 7) t"is :) is o!tio$a . 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need M4 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Measure9e$ t ide$tit7 10.3./.,= Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t o%Kect 10.3././0 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3././1 Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3././, Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 Measure9e$ t Re!orti$2 Mode 10.3./.,Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3././2 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 Se2antics description T"e tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t ide$tit7 "as de3au t 5a ue ,.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t ide$tit7 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t o%Kect

Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7


Measure9e$t 5a idit7 Measure9e$t Re!orti$2 Mode


(<6:() reporting criteria NTra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria


Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

1ontains the reportin Auantity information for a traffic volume measurement. 7or all boolean types T/32 means inclusion in the report is reAuested.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e RL( 8u33er Pa7 oad 3or eac" R8 #5era2e o3 RL( 8u33er Pa7 oad 3or eac" R8 Varia$ce o3 RL( 8u33er Pa7 oad 3or eac" R8 Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 6a,6%,6c,6d, 6e, 63, 62) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7


U) i$ter$a 9easured resu ts

Need MP 6P U) Tra$s9itted Po1er i$3o 10.3./.=5 1 to M9a.RLN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 1 10.3./.=3 1 to M9a.TSN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 3or eac" ce i$c uded i$ t"e acti5e set U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce i$ c"i! 3or eac" RL i$c uded i$ t"e acti5e set U) Tra$s9itted Po1er 3or eac" used u! i$> ti9es ot i$ asce$di$2 ti9es ot $u9%er order U) Tra$s9itted Po1er i$3o 10.3./.=5 R)L-, R)L-, U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5 ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a ).te$ded U! i$> Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce 10.3.6.-5a T#4V i$3o 10.3./.112 U! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce a!! ied %7 t"e U) U! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce a!! ied %7 t"e U) R)L-/ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNU) Tra$s9itted Po1er

NNU) R.-T. re!ort e$tries NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o


NNNU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 1


NT44 NNU) Tra$s9itted Po1er ist


NNNU) Tra$s9itted Po1er


NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN#!! ied T#


NNNN).te$ded #!! ied T#


NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN).te$ded #!! ied T#


U! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce a!! ied %7 t"e U)

R)L-/ R)L-/

NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNT#4V


R)L-, R)L-,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t
Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3././U) i$ter$a re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.=2 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.=0 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 ($o data) ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t C9C:C1 report criteria Condition under which the -i=en report criteria is chosen ("ose$ 1"e$ U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t e5e$t tri22eri$2 is reBuired ("ose$ 1"e$ !eriodica re!orti$2 is reBuired ("ose$ 1"e$ t"is 9easure9e$t o$ 7 is used as additio$a 9easure9e$t to a$ot"er 9easure9e$t Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 U) i$ter$a re!orti$2 Bua$tit7


(<6:() report criteria NU) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2

U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 'o re!orti$2


U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

This &2 contains the measurement event results that are reported to 3T/.' for 32 internal measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3././5 Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o ($o data) Condition Clause & 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @63@ or @62@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. Se2antics description

(<6:() mode N&44 NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NT44

MP (V-clause &


U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7

The Auantity the 32 shall measure in case of 32 internal measurement.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7 Need MP MP

!3' /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

)$u9erated( U) Tra$s9itted Po1er, UTR# (arrier RSS:, U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce) )$u9erated( U) Tra$s9itted Po1er, UTR# (arrier RSS:, T#4V)

NT44 NNMeasure9e$t Bua$tit7


&i ter coe33icie$t


&i ter coe33icie$t 10.3./.-

Measure9e$t o$ Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce is 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 :3 t"e :) @Measure9e$t Bua$tit7@ is set to @R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce@ a$d t"is :) is !rese$t, t"e U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied.



U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

The tri erin of the event?tri ered reportin for a 32 internal measurement. .ll events concernin 32 internal measurements are labelled =( where ( is a- b- cX. &n T::- the events =a ? =d are measured and reported on timeslot basis. 2vent =aP The 32 Transmitted Power becomes lar er than an absolute threshold 2vent =bP The 32 Transmitted Power becomes less than an absolute threshold 2vent =cP The 32 Transmitted Power reaches its minimum value 2vent =dP The 32 Transmitted Power reaches its ma(imum value 2vent =eP The 32 /""& reaches the 32s dynamic receiver ran e 2vent =f (7::)P The 32 /(?T( time difference for a /5 included in the active set becomes lar er than an absolute threshold 2vent =f (,.*; Mcps T::)P The time difference indicated by T.:B becomes lar er than an absolute threshold 2vent = P The 32 /(?T( time difference for a /5 included in the active set becomes less than an absolute threshold
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters se$t 3or eac" U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t e5e$t NU) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7 Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Meas )5e$tN U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3././5 T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NTi9e-to-tri22er Need MP

!3" /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0, 10, 20, ,0, 60, =0, 100, 120, 160, 200, 2,0, 320, 6,0, 12=0, 2560, 5000) :$te2er(50..33) :$te2er(/6=.. 12=0) Rea (0..63 ste! 0.125)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Ti9e i$ 9s. :$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e %et1ee$ t"e ti9i$2 o3 e5e$t detectio$ a$d t"e ti9i$2 o3 se$di$2 Measure9e$t Re!ort. Po1er i$ d89. :$ e5e$t 6a, 6%. Ti9e di33ere$ce i$ c"i!. :$ e5e$t 63, 62. Ti9e di33ere$ce i$ c"i!. :$ e5e$t 63 $ersion

NU) Tra$s9itted Po1er T. !o1er t"res"o d NU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t"res"o d NT#4V t"res"o d

(V-clause & (V-clause ' (V-clause /


Condition Clause & Clause ' Clause /

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @6a@ or @6%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :$ &44, t"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @63@ or @62@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. :$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 t"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @U) i$ter$a e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @63@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

10.3./.=1 10.3./.=2

Void U) :$ter$a re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

7or all boolean types T/32 means inclusion in the report is reAuested.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) Tra$s9itted Po1er (<6:() mode N&44 NNU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce NT44 NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN#!! ied T# NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN#!! ied T# NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNT#4V i$3o Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ R)L-, R)L-, MP MP MP 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-, Se2antics description $ersion


U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 1

The difference in time between the 32 uplin# :P11F@:P:1F frame transmission and the first detected path (in time)of the downlin# :P1F or 7?:P1F frame from the measured radio lin#- as defined in D<E. This measurement is for 7:: only.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 1 Need /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(/6=.. 12=0) Se2antics description :$ c"i!s. 511 s!are 5a ues are $eeded.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2

The difference in time between the 32 uplin# :P11F@:P:1F frame transmission and the first detected path (in time)of the downlin# :P1F or 7?:P1F frame from the measured radio lin#- as defined in D<E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 Need /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..=1-1) Se2antics description #ccordi$2 to I1-J.



U) Tra$s9itted Po1er i$3o

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) Tra$s9itted Po1er

Need MP


:1 t4pe and reference :$te2er (0..10,)

Se2antics description #ccordi$2 to U);TA;P6G)R i$ I1-J a$d I20J


U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o

This &2 contains information for the cipherin of 32 positionin assistance data broadcast in "ystem &nformation.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (i!"eri$2 He7 & a2 (i!"eri$2 Seria 'u9%er Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(1) :$te2er(0..65 535) Se2antics description T"e seria $u9%er used i$ t"e 4)S ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 )rror
Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( 'ot )$ou2" 6T46# (e s, 'ot )$ou2" GPS Sate ites, #ssista$ce 4ata Missi$2, 'ot #cco9! is"e d GPS Ti9i$2 63 (e &ra9es, U$de3i$ed )rror, ReBuest 4e$ied 87 User, 'ot Processed #$d Ti9eout, Re3ere$ce (e 'ot Ser5i$2 (e , 'ot )$ou2" G#'SS Sate ites, 'ot #cco9! is"e d G#'SS Ti9i$2 63 (e &ra9es) U) !ositio$i$2 GPS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest 10.3./.==a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest 10.3./.==c Se2antics description 'ote 1 $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )rror reaso$

'ote 1


GPS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest

(VPSdataM issing

G#'SS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest

(VA"SSdat aMissing


'OT2 ,P The followin table describes each value of the &2 H2rror reasonH.


Release ! $alue 'ot )$ou2" 6T46# (e s 'ot )$ou2" GPS Sate ites #ssista$ce 4ata Missi$2 'ot #cco9! is"ed GPS Ti9i$2 63 (e &ra9es U$de3i$ed )rror ReBuest 4e$ied 87 User 'ot Processed #$d Ti9eout Re3ere$ce (e 'ot Ser5i$2 (e 'ot )$ou2" G#'SS Sate ites 'ot #cco9! is"ed G#'SS Ti9i$2 63 (e &ra9es


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

:ndication T"ere 1ere $ot e$ou2" ce s to %e recei5ed. T"ere 1ere $ot e$ou2" GPS sate ites to %e recei5ed. U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS or0a$d GPS assista$ce data 9issi$2. U) 1as $ot a% e to acco9! is" t"e GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es 9easure9e$t. U$de3i$ed error. U) !ositio$i$2 reBuest de$ied %7 u!!er a7ers. U) !ositio$i$2 reBuest $ot !rocessed %7 u!!er a7ers a$d ti9eout. U) 1as $ot a% e to read t"e S&' o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce . T"ere 1ere $ot e$ou2" G#'SS sate ites to %e recei5ed. U) 1as $ot a% e to acco9! is" t"e G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es 9easure9e$t.

Condition PSdataMissing A"SSdataMissing

1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @)rror reaso$@ is @#ssista$ce 4ata Missi$2@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @)rror reaso$@ is @#ssista$ce 4ata Missi$2@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ assista$ce

This &2 contains parameters that enable fast acAuisition of the GP" si nals in 32?assisted GP" positionin .
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS T6G 9sec Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..6.0, =C10=-1) Se2antics description GPS Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ 9i iseco$ds rou$ded do1$ to t"e $earest 9i iseco$d u$it. :t is a so t"e ti9e 1"e$ sate ite i$3or9atio$ is 5a id. GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es i$ ste!s o3 1 c"i!. $ersion

UTR#' GPS re3ere$ce ti9e NUTR#' GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNT44 NNNce !ara9eters id NS&' U) Positio$i$2 GPS Re3ere$ceTi9e U$certai$t7


:$te2er(0 ... 2322,31-----) Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,05) U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e u$certai$t7 10.3./.-6a 1 to M9a.SatN :$te2er (0..63)

:de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i! :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i! T"e S&' 1"ic" t"e UTR#' GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es ti9e sta9!s. R)L-/


Sate ite i$3or9atio$ NSat:4


N4o!! er (0t" order ter9)


Rea (5120..511/.5 %7 ste! o3 2.5)

:de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. <Q


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N).tra 4o!! er NN4o!! er (1st order ter9) Need 6P MP

!3+ /ulti T4pe and Reference Rea (0.-66..0.,=3 %7 ste! o3 0.023) )$u9erated (12.5,25,50,10 0,200)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description <Q0s $ersion

NN4o!! er U$certai$t7


N(ode P"ase


:$te2er(0..102 2) :$te2er(0..1-)

N:$te2er (ode P"ase


NGPS 8it $u9%er N(ode P"ase Searc" Gi$do1


:$te2er(0..3) :$te2er(1023,1 ,2,3,,,6,=,12,1 6,2,,32,,=,6,, -6,12=,1-2)

<Q. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded. T"e 4o!! er e.!erie$ced %7 a statio$ar7 U) is i$ t"e ra$2e O4o!! er R 4o!! er U$certai$t7P to O4o!! er + 4o!! er U$certai$t7P. GPS c"i!s. :$creasi$2 %i$ar7 5a ues o3 t"e 3ie d si2$i37 i$creasi$2 !redicted !seudora$2es. 'u9%er o3 code !eriods t"at "a5e e a!sed si$ce t"e atest GPS %it %ou$dar7, i$ u$its o3 (0# code !eriod. S!eci3ies GPS %it $u9%er 9odu o , ).!ected code-!"ase is i$ t"e ra$2e O(ode P"ase R (ode P"ase Searc" Gi$do1P to O(ode P"ase + (ode P"ase Searc" Gi$do1P. 4e2rees #$ a$2 e o3 . de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite aQi9ut" a is i$ t"e ra$2e . _ a M .+11.25 de2rees. 4e2rees #$ a$2 e o3 7 de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite e e5atio$ e is i$ t"e ra$2e 7 _ e M 7+11.25 de2rees e.ce!t 3or 7?/=./5 1"ere t"e ra$2e is e.te$ded to i$c ude -0 de2rees. 4e2rees T"e 3u sate ite aQi9ut" is co$structed as O#Qi9ut"P + O#Qi9ut" LS8P. #$ aQi9ut" a$2 e o3 . de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite aQi9ut" a is i$ t"e ra$2e . _ a M .+0./03125 de2rees.

N#Qi9ut" a$d ) e5atio$ NN#Qi9ut"


Rea (0..3,=./5 %7 ste! o3 11.25) Rea (0../=./5 %7 ste! o3 11.25)

NN) e5atio$


NN#Qi9ut" LS8


Rea (0..10.5,6 =/5 %7 ste! o3 0./03125)


NN) e5atio$ LS8


Rea (0..10.5,6 =/5 %7 ste! o3 0./03125)

Ra$2e 0-35-.2-6=/5 de2. 4e2rees T"e 3u sate ite e e5atio$ is co$structed as O) e5atio$P + O) e5atio$ LS8P. #$ e e5atio$ a$2 e o3 7 de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite e e5atio$ e is i$ t"e ra$2e 7 _ e M 7+0./03125 de2rees.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

!'% /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Ra$2e 0-=-.2-6=/5 de2. $ersion


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest

Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP (V"a%igation Model MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e # 9a$ac UT( Mode :o$os!"eric 9ode 'a5i2atio$ Mode 4GPS (orrectio$s Re3ere$ce Locatio$ Re3ere$ce Ti9e #cBuisitio$ #ssista$ce Rea -Ti9e :$te2rit7 'a5i2atio$ Mode #dditio$a data NGPS Gee> NGPS;Toe

:$te2er (0..1023) :$te2er (0..16/)

NT-Toe i9it NSate ites ist re ated data NNSat:4 NN:64)

MP MP MP MP 0 to M9a.SatN

:$te2er (0..10)

GPS ti9e o3 e!"e9eris i$ "ours o3 t"e atest e!"e9eris set co$tai$ed %7 t"e U). )i2"t7-ei2"t s!are 5a ues $eeded. e!"e9eris a2e to era$ce o3 t"e U) to UTR#' i$ "ours. &i5e s!are 5a ues $eeded.

:$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..255)

:de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. :ssue o3 4ata )!"e9eris 3or Sat:4

Condition "a%igation Model

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 @'a5i2atio$ Mode @ is set to TRU) ot"er1ise it is a%se$t.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$

This &2 provides reference code and :oppler measurement information of visible satellites of a G'"" constellation. The information enables fast acAuisition of the G.'"" si nals in 32?assisted G.'"" positionin . &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is not included in &2 H32 positionin measurementH- the "atellite &nformation is valid at the time as iven in the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH &2. &.e.- if &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH is included in &2 H32 positionin G.'"" assistance dataH and &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is not included in &2 H32 positionin measurementH- the &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference timeH shall also be included. &f the &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is included in &2 H32 positionin measurementH- the &2 HGP" TOC msecH and &2 H3T/.' GP" reference timeH included in &2 H32 positionin GP" acAuisition assistanceH is also valid for the "atellite information in &2 H32 positionin G.'"" reference measurement informationH.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS Si2$a :4 Need 6P

!'! /ulti T4pe and Reference G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3.3.,5a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s t"e de3au t 5a ue as de3i$ed i$ 10.3.3.,5a 3or t"e G#'SS ide$ti3ied %7 G#'SS;:4. :3 t"is :) is as>ed %7 S:8 15.6, t"e G#'SS s"a %e so 5ed %7 t"e sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$. $ersion R)L-/

Sate ite i$3or9atio$ NSat:4


1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) Rea (102,..1023.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) Rea (0.2..0.1 %7 ste! o3 10210) )$u9erated (,0,20,10,5, 2.5) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite 1it"i$ a G#'SS co$ste atio$. &or codi$2 descri!tio$, see 'ote 2. 90s (o$5ersio$ %et1ee$ 90s a$d <Q s"a %e 9ade %7 usi$2 t"e nominal 1a5e e$2t" o3 t"e assisted si2$a . 90s2

R)L-/ R)L-/

N4o!! er (0t" order ter9)



N).tra 4o!! er NN4o!! er (1st order ter9)


R)L-/ R)L-/

NN4o!! er U$certai$t7


N(ode P"ase


:$te2er(0..10 23)

N:$te2er (ode P"ase


:$te2er(0..12 /)

N(ode P"ase Searc" Gi$do1


8it stri$2 (5)

90s. T"e 4o!! er e.!erie$ced %7 a statio$ar7 U) is i$ t"e ra$2e O4o!! er R 4o!! er U$certai$t7P to O4o!! er + 4o!! er U$certai$t7P. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded. 9s, sca i$2 3actor 2-10 "ominal c"i!!i$2 rate o3 t"e G'SS si2$a s"a %e used i$ co$5ersio$. :$creasi$2 %i$ar7 5a ues o3 t"e 3ie d si2$i37 i$creasi$2 !redicted code !"ases. 9s. :$te2er code !"ase (e.!ressed 9odu o 12= 9s) curre$t 7 %ei$2 tra$s9itted at t"e Re3ere$ce Ti9e i$c uded i$ eit"er :) @U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9eP or :) OU) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ assista$ceP, as see$ %7 a recei5er at t"e Re3ere$ce Locatio$. T"e U) ca$ ca cu ate t"e e.!ected code !"ase as 3o o1s* Re3ere$ce Ti9e R :$te2er (ode P"ase + (ode P"ase. (oded e.!ected code-!"ase is i$ t"e ra$2e O(ode P"ase R (ode P"ase Searc" Gi$do1P to O(ode P"ase + (ode P"ase Searc" Gi$do1P. &or codi$2 descri!tio$, see 'ote 1





N#Qi9ut" a$d ) e5atio$




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN#Qi9ut" Need MP

!'3 /ulti T4pe and Reference Rea (0..3,=. /5 %7 ste! o3 11.25) Rea (0../=./ 5 %7 ste! o3 11.25)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e2rees #$ a$2 e o3 . de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite aQi9ut" a is i$ t"e ra$2e . _ a M .+11.25 de2rees. 4e2rees #$ a$2 e o3 7 de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite e e5atio$ e is i$ t"e ra$2e 7 _ e M 7+11.25 de2rees e.ce!t 3or 7?/=./5 1"ere t"e ra$2e is e.te$ded to i$c ude -0 de2rees. 4e2rees T"e 3u sate ite aQi9ut" is co$structed as O#Qi9ut"P + O#Qi9ut" LS8P. #$ aQi9ut" a$2 e o3 . de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite aQi9ut" a is i$ t"e ra$2e . _ a M .+0./03125 de2rees $ersion R)L-/

NN) e5atio$



NN#Qi9ut" LS8


Rea (0..10.5 ,6=/5 %7 ste! o3 0./03125)


NN) e5atio$ LS8


Rea (0..10.5 ,6=/5 %7 ste! o3 0./03125)

Ra$2e 0-35-.2-6=/5 de2. 4e2rees T"e 3u sate ite e e5atio$ is co$structed as O) e5atio$P + O) e5atio$ LS8P. #$ e e5atio$ a$2 e o3 7 de2rees 9ea$s t"e sate ite e e5atio$ e is i$ t"e ra$2e 7 _ e M 7+0./03125 de2rees. Ra$2e 0-=-.2-6=/5 de2.


'OT2 ,P 1ode phase search window parameter formatP


Release ! CC318P9AS18S1ARC98?:N3C? L00000L L00001L L00010L L00011L L00100L L00101L L00110L L00111L L01000L L01001L L01010L L01011L L01100L L01101L L01110L L01111L L10000L L10001L L10010L L10011L L10100L L10101L L10110L L10111L L11000L L11001L L11010L L11011L L11100L L11101L L11110L L11111L


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Code Phase Search ?indow F2sG 'o i$3or9atio$

0,002 0,00, 0,00= 0,012 0,016 0,02, 0,032 0,0,= 0,06, 0,0-6 0,12= 0,16, 0,200 0,250 0,300 0,360 0,,20 0,,=0 0,5,0 0,600 0,660 0,/20 0,/=0 0,=50 1,000 1,150 1,300 1,,50 1,600 1,=00 2,000

'OT2 *P &nterpretation of "at&:P

GANSS Ga i eo Moder$iQed GPS S8#S EVSS GL6'#SS 84S $alue of Sat:3 T84 T0S R T62S T63S T0S R T3=S T3-S R T63S T0S R T,S T5S R T63S T0S R T23S T2,S R T63S T0S R T36S T3/S R T63S :nterpretation of Sat:3 T84 Sate ite PR' Si2$a 'o. 1 to 63 Reser5ed Sate ite PR' Si2$a 'o. 120 to 15= Reser5ed Sate ite PR' Si2$a 'o. 1-3 to 1-/ Reser5ed S ot 'u9%er 1 to 2, Reser5ed Sate ite ra$2i$2 code $u9%er si2$a 'o.1 to 3/ I=6J Reser5ed


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a assista$ce data reBuest


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS Re3ere$ce Ti9e G#'SS Re3ere$ce Locatio$ G#'SS :o$os!"eric 9ode G#'SS #dditio$a :o$os!"eric Mode Need MP MP MP 6P

!'( /ulti T4pe and Reference 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 4ata :4 8it Stri$2(2)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e OU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode P 3or a O4ata :4P as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.-2%. :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e OU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9etersP $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-=

G#'SS )art" 6rie$tatio$ Para9eters G#'SS ReBuested Ge$eric #ssista$ce 4ata NG#'SS :4

6P MP 6P 1 to M9a.G#' SSN

)$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-= R)L-/


#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo Va ues 0-/ reser5ed 3or 3uture use. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 1 i$ 10.3./.-0%.



NS8#S :4

(V- A"S S-ID- S+A S MP 6P (V- A"S S-ID- +DS (V- A"S S-ID- +DS MP

NG#'SS Rea -Ti9e :$te2rit7 N4G#'SS Si2$a N484S Si2$a N84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode NG#'SS # 9a$ac

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4 10.3./.-/e 8oo ea$ 4G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3./.==d 4G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3./.==d )$u9erated (TRU)) 8oo ea$


NG#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode NG#'SS #dditio$a 'a5i2atio$ Mode s


8oo ea$ )$u9erated (TRU))

TRU) 9ea$s reBuested :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e @U) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s@ :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e @U) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s@ :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e @U) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode @ TRU) 9ea$s reBuested TRU) 9ea$s reBuested. :3 OG#'SS :4P i$dicates OModer$iQed GPSP or OEVSSP a$d :) OG#'SS additio$a assista$ce data c"oicesP is $ot i$c uded, t"e G#'SS # 9a$ac 9ode reBuested is OMode -,P 3or Moder$iQed GPS, a$d OMode -2P 3or EVSS, as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.=-a. TRU) 9ea$s reBuested :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e OU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode sP. :3 OG#'SS :4P i$dicates OEVSSP a$d :) OG#'SS additio$a assista$ce data c"oicesP is $ot i$c uded, t"e G#'SS or%it a$d c oc> 9ode reBuested is OMode -2P as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.-1e a$d 10.3./.-13, res!ecti5e 7.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-/ R)L-=

R)L-/ R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NG#'SS Ti9e Mode G'SSG'SS Need 6P

!') /ulti T4pe and Reference 8:T STR:'G (=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e re3ere$ce s7ste9 3or reBuested G#'SS ti9e 9ode G'SS-G'SS is as i$dicated i$ :) @G#'SS :4@. T"e 9ode s are reBuested 3or eac" s7ste9 1it" res!ecti5e %it set to O1P. 8it 0 is set 3or GPS, 8it 1 is set 3or Ga i eo. 6t"er %its are reser5ed 8it 2 is set 3or EVSS 8it 3 is set 3or GL6'#SS 6t"er %its are reser5ed 8it , is set 3or 84S 6t"er %its are reser5ed $ersion R)L-/

R)L-= R)L-12


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NG#'SS Re3ere$ce Measure9e$t :$3or9atio$ NG#'SS data %its NNG#'SS T64 Need MP 6P MP

!'* /ulti T4pe and Reference 8oo ea$ :'T)G)R (0..=63--)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s reBuested T"is 3ie d co$tai$s t"e re3ere$ce ti9e 9odu o =6,00 seco$ds o3 t"e 3irst data %it o3 t"e reBuested data i$ i$te2er seco$ds i$ G'SS s!eci3ic s7ste9 ti9e o3 t"e G'SS i$dicated %7 :) @G#'SS :4@. $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NN4ata %it assista$ce NNNG#'SS Si2$a :4 NNNG#'SS 4ata 8it :$ter5a


4G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3./.==d :$te2er (0..15)

R)L-/ R)L-/ T"is 3ie d re!rese$ts t"e ti9e e$2t" 3or 1"ic" t"e 4ata 8it #ssista$ce is reBuested. T"e 4ata 8it #ssista$ce s"a %e re ati5e to t"e ti9e i$ter5a (G#'SS T64, G#'SS T64 + 4ata 8it :$ter5a ). T"e 4ata 8it :$ter5a r, e.!ressed i$ seco$ds, is 9a!!ed to a %i$ar7 $u9%er H 1it" t"e 3o o1i$2 3or9u a* r ?0.1C 2 H Va ue H?15 9ea$s t"at t"e ti9e i$ter5a is $ot s!eci3ied. R)L-/

NNNSate ite :$3or9atio$ NNNNSate ite :4


1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite 3or 1"ic" t"e 4ata 8it #ssista$ce reBuest is a!! ica% e a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. TRU) 9ea$s ReBuested :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e OU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode sP :3 !rese$t, t"e U) reBuests t"e OU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$P

R)L-/ R)L-/

NG#'SS UT( 9ode NG#'SS #dditio$a UT( Mode s NG#'SS #u.i iar7 :$3or9atio$ NG#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode #dditio$a data NNG#'SS Gee>04a7

MP 6P 6P (VA"SS"a %igation Model MP

8oo ea$ )$u9erated (TRU)) )$u9erated (TRU))

R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-= R)L-/

:$te2er (0..,0-5)

:3 OG#'SS :4P does $ot i$dicate OGL6'#SSP, t"is :) de3i$es t"e G#'SS Gee> $u9%er o3 t"e assista$ce curre$t 7 "e d %7 t"e MS. :3 OG#'SS :4P is set to OGL6'#SSP, t"is :) de3i$es t"e ca e$dar $u9%er o3 da7 1it"i$ t"e 3our-7ear i$ter5a starti$2 3ro9 1st o3 Fa$uar7 i$ a ea! 7ear, as de3i$ed %7 t"e !ara9eter 'T i$ I/3J o3 t"e assista$ce curre$t 7 "e d %7 t"e MS.




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNG#'SS;Toe Need MP

!'+ /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..16/)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :3 OG#'SS :4P does $ot i$dicate OGL6'#SSP, t"is :) de3i$es t"e G#'SS ti9e o3 e!"e9eris i$ "ours o3 t"e atest e!"e9eris set co$tai$ed %7 t"e U). :3 OG#'SS :4P is set to OGL6'#SSP, t"is :) de3i$es t"e ti9e o3 e!"e9eris i$ u$its o3 15 9i$utes o3 t"e atest e!"e9eris set co$tai$ed %7 t"e U) (ra$2e 0 to -5 re!rese$ti$2 ti9e 5a ues %et1ee$ 0 a$d 1,25 9i$utes). :$ t"is case, 5a ues -6 to 16/ s"a $ot %e used %7 t"e se$der. :3 OG#'SS :4P does $ot i$dicate OGL6'#SSP, t"is :) de3i$es t"e e!"e9eris a2e to era$ce o3 t"e U) to UTR#' i$ u$its o3 "ours. &i5e s!are 5a ues $eeded. :3 OG#'SS :4P is set to OGL6'#SSP, t"is :) de3i$es t"e e!"e9eris a2e to era$ce o3 t"e U) to UTR#' i$ u$its o3 30 9i$utes (ra$2e 0 to 10 re!rese$ti$2 ti9e 5a ues o3 0 to 300 9i$utes). $ersion R)L-/


NNT-Toe i9it


:$te2er (0..10)



NNSate ites ist re ated data NNNSat:4 NNN:64 NG#'SS additio$a assista$ce data c"oices NN6r%it Mode :4

6P MP MP (VAssistance Choices 6P

1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er (0..1023) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. 10 LS8s o3 :ssue o3 4ata 3or Sat:4

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-= :$te2er (0../) T"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded i3 :) @G#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode @ is set to TRU) or i3 t"e :) OG#'SS #dditio$a 'a5i2atio$ Mode sP is i$c uded a$d de3i$es t"e $o$-$ati5e or $o$de3au t or%it 9ode $u9%er as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.-1c010.3./.-1e. T"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded i3 :) @G#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode @ is set to TRU) or i3 t"e :) OG#'SS #dditio$a 'a5i2atio$ Mode sP is i$c uded a$d de3i$es t"e $o$-$ati5e or $o$de3au t c oc> 9ode $u9%er as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.-1d010.3./.-13. T"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded i3 :) OG#'SS #dditio$a UT( Mode sP is i$c uded a$d de3i$es t"e $o$-$ati5e or $o$de3au t UT( 9ode $u9%er as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.-/d. R)L-=

NN( oc> Mode :4


:$te2er (0../)


NNUT( Mode :4


:$te2er (0../)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN# 9a$ac Mode :4 Need 6P

!"% /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0../)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is :) 9a7 %e i$c uded i3 :) OG#'SS # 9a$acP set to TRU) a$d de3i$es t"e $o$$ati5e or $o$-de3au t 9ode $u9%er as de3i$ed i$ 10.3./.=-a. $ersion R)L-=

Condition A"SS- ID-S+AS A"SS"a%igation Model

AssistanceChoices A"SS- ID-+DS

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e:) OG#'SS :4P is OS8#SP a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode @ is set to TRU) or i3 t"e :) OG#'SS #dditio$a 'a5i2atio$ Mode sP is i$c uded a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 $o$-$ati5e or $o$de3au t assista$ce data c"oices are reBuested a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS :4@ is @84S@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


4G#'SS Si2$a :d

The :G.'"" si nal &d refers to the si nal for which differential corrections or data bit assistance are reAuired. &t depends on the G.'"" &:. 2ach bit refers to a particular si nal. Chen the bit is set to ,- this means that the differential corrections or data bit assistance are reAuested for this particular si nal. :ifferential corrections or data bit assistance can be reAuested for several si nals usin the bit strin .
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4G#'SS Si2$a :d Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8:T STR:'G (=) Se2antics description See 'ote 1. $ersion R)L-/

'OT2 ,P


Release ! GANSS :d 4e3au t * Ga i eo 5it nu2;er 0 1 2 3 , 5 6 / 0 1 2 3 , 5 6 / 0 1 2 3 , 5 6 / 0 1 2 3 , 5 6 / 0 1 2 3 , 5 6 / 0 1 2 3 , 5 6 /

!" 1Dplanation Ga i eo )1 Ga i eo )5# Ga i eo )58 Ga i eo )6 s!are S!are S!are S!are L1( L2( L5 S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are L1 S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are EVS-L1 EVS-L1( EVS-L2( EVS-L5 S!are S!are S!are S!are G1 G2 G3 S!are S!are S!are S!are s!are 81: S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are S!are

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $ersion R)L-/

Moder$iQed GPS








Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS a 9a$ac

This &2 contains a reduced?precision subset of the ephemeris and cloc# correction parameters.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G'a (o9! ete # 9a$ac Pro5ided Need MP 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(=) 8oo ea$ Se2antics description # 9a$ac Re3ere$ce Gee> I12J T"is 3ie d i$dicates 1"et"er t"e R'( !ro5ided a 9a$ac 3or t"e 3u GPS co$ste atio$ or $ot. TRU) 9ea$s co9! ete GPS a 9a$ac is !ro5ided. See I12J :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. )cce$tricit7 I12J Re3ere$ce Ti9e o3 # 9a$ac I12J Lo$2itude o3 #sce$di$2 'ode o3 6r%it P a$e at Gee> 7 )!oc" (se9i-circ es0sec) I12J Se9i-MaKor (9eters) I12J Lo$2itude o3 #sce$di$2 'ode o3 6r%it P a$e at Gee> 7 )!oc" (se9i-circ es) I12J Mea$ #$o9a 7 at Re3ere$ce Ti9e (se9i-circ es) I12J #r2u9e$t o3 Peri2ee (se9icirc es) I12J a!!are$t c oc> correctio$ I12J a!!are$t c oc> correctio$ I12J T"is e$a% es GPS ti9e reco5er7 a$d !ossi% 7 e.te$ded GPS corre atio$ i$ter5a s. :t is s!eci3ied i$ !a2e 25 o3 su%3ra9es , a$d 5 I12J

$ersion R)L-10

Sate ite i$3or9atio$ N4ata:4 NSat:4 Ne Ntoa Ni N6M)G#46T NSV <ea t" N#102 N6M)G#0 NM0 N Na30 Na31 SV G o%a <ea t"


1 to M9a.SatN :$te2er(0..3) )$u9erated( 0..63) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(11) 8it stri$2(11) 8it stri$2(36,)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS a 9a$ac

This &2 contains a reduced?precision subset of the ephemeris and cloc# correction parameters.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Gee> 'u9%er Need MP

!"' /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..25 5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description # 9a$ac re3ere$ce 1ee> , $u9%er o3 1ee>s si$ce t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 G#'SS s!eci3ic s7ste9 ti9e (9od 256). 'ote, i$ case o3 Ga i eo, t"e a 9a$ac re3ere$ce 1ee> $u9%er G'a $ati5e 7 co$tai$s o$ 7 t"e 2 LS8Ss I61, sectio$ 5.1.10J. :3 OMode 5P or OMode 6P is i$c uded, t"e U) s"a i2$ore t"e Gee> 'u9%er. T"is 3ie d i$dicates 1"et"er t"e R'( !ro5ided a 9a$ac 3or t"e 3u G#'SS co$ste atio$ or $ot. TRU) 9ea$s co9! ete G#'SS a 9a$ac is !ro5ided. '6T) # 9a$ac Re3ere$ce Ti9e co99o$ to a sate ites i$ G#'SS # 9a$ac usi$2 He! eria$ Para9eters 2i5e$ i$ G'SS s!eci3ic s7ste9 ti9e I61J. :ssue-63 R4ata, co99o$ to a sate ites I61J # 9a$acs are i$ t"e order o3 t"e SV :4s, t"e s9a est :4 3irst. Sate ite :4, as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. )cce$tricit7, di9e$sio$ ess I61J Para9eter i, i$c i$atio$ at re3ere$ce ti9e re ati5e to i0?56`U se9i-circ es I61J , rate o3 ri2"t Para9eter asce$sio$ (se9i-circ es0sec) I61J. T"is 3ie d co$tai$s t"e :0'#V si2$a "ea t" status I61, sectio$ 5.1.10J. T"is 3ie d co$tai$s t"e &0'#V si2$a "ea t" status I61, sectio$ 5.1.10J. Para9eter (a102), di33ere$ce 1it" res!ect to t"e sBuare root o3 t"e $o9i$a se9i-9aKor, (9eters) I61J. Ri2"t asce$sio$ (se9i-circ es) I61J Mea$ #$o9a 7 at Re3ere$ce Ti9e (se9i-circ es) I61J #r2u9e$t o3 Peri2ee (se9icirc es) I61J Para9eter af>, sate ite c oc> correctio$ %ias. Seco$ds I61J Para9eter af&, sate ite c oc> correctio$ i$ear, sec0sec I61J '6T)

$ersion R)L-/

R)L-= R)L-10

(o9! ete # 9a$ac Pro5ided


8oo ea$

He! eria$ !ara9eters (OMode 1P) NToa

6P MP :$te2er(0..61 3=00 %7 ste! o3 600)

R)L-/ R)L-12

N:64a NSate ite i$3or9atio$ HP NNSV :4 NNe NNi NN6M)G#46T

MP MP MP MP MP 1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN

:'T)G)R(0. .15)

R)L-12 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:$te2er (0..63) 8it stri$2(11) 8it stri$2(11)


8it stri$2(11)


NNSV Status :'#V NNSV Status &'#V NNde ta #102


8it stri$2(,) 8it stri$2(2) 8it stri$2(13)

R)L-/ R)L-12 R)L-12

NN6M)G#0 NNM0 NN NNa30 NNa31 '#V He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode 2P)


8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(13)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-=


Release ! NToa NSate ite i$3or9atio$ '#V-HP NNSV :4 NNe NNi NN6M)G#46T NNSV <ea t" NN#102 NN6M)G#0 NN NNM0 NNa30 NNa31 Reduced He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode 3P) NToa NSate ite i$3or9atio$ R)4-HP NNSV :4 NN# NN0 NN0 NNL1 <ea t" NNL2 <ea t" NNL5 <ea t" Midi He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode ,P) NToa NSate ite i$3or9atio$ M:4:-HP NNSV :4 NNe NNi NN;dot NNsBrt# NN0 NN NNM0 NNa3o MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP

!"" :$te2er(0..60 2112 %7 ste! o3 ,0-6) 1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(11)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) # 9a$ac Re3ere$ce Ti9e R)L-= R)L-= Sate ite :4, as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. )cce$tricit7, di9e$sio$ ess I/2J (orrectio$ to i$c i$atio$, se9i-circ es I/2J Rate o3 ri2"t asce$sio$, se9i-circ es0sec I/2J Sate ite "ea t" I/2J SBuare root o3 t"e se9i-9aKor, 9eters102 I/2J Lo$2itude o3 asce$di$2 $ode o3 or%it ! a$e at 1ee> 7 e!oc", se9i-circ es I/2J #r2u9e$t o3 !eri2ee se9i-circ es I/2J Mea$ a$o9a 7 at re3ere$ce ti9e se9i-circ es I/2J #!!are$t sate ite c oc> correctio$ seco$ds I/2J #!!are$t sate ite c oc> correctio$ sec0sec I/2J '6T) # 9a$ac Re3ere$ce Ti9e R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (0..63) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(/) 8it Stri$2(/) 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(1) :$te2er(0..60 2112 %7 ste! o3 ,0-6) Sate ite :4, as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. 9eters I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es I6=,6-,/0,/2J di9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J di9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J di9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J '6T) # 9a$ac Re3ere$ce Ti9e R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (0..63) 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(1/) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(11) Sate ite :4, as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. di9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es0sec I6=,6-,/0,/2J 9eters102 I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es I6=,6-,/0,/2J se9i-circ es I6=,6-,/0,/2J seco$ds I6=,6-,/0,/2J R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

:$te2er(0..60 2112 %7 ste! o3 ,0-6) 1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN

1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN


Release ! NNa31 NNL1 <ea t" NNL2 <ea t" NNL5 <ea t" GL6'#SS He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode 5P) NSate ite i$3or9atio$ GL6-HP NN'# NN$# NN<$# NN$# NNt$# NNi$# NNT$# NNT;46T$# NN$# NN$# NN$# NN($# NNM$# S8#S )()& Para9eters (OMode 6P) NSate ite i$3or9atio$ S8#S)()& NN4ata :4 NNSV :4 NN<ea t" NNAG NNDG NNVG NNAG Rate-o3-("a$2e NNDG Rate-o3-("a$2e NNVG Rate-o3-("a$2e NNt0 84S He! eria$ Para9eters (@Mode /@) NSate ite i$3or9atio$ 84S-HP NNSV :4 NNtoa NN#102 NNe NN NNM0 NN0 MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP

!"( 8it Stri$2(10) 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) sec0sec I6=,6-,/0,/2J 4i9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J di9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J di9e$sio$ ess I6=,6-,/0,/2J '6T) R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(21) 8it Stri$2(21) 8it Stri$2(1=) 8it Stri$2(22) 8it Stri$2(/) 8it Stri$2(15) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(10) 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(2) da7s I/3J di9e$sio$ ess I/3J di9e$sio$ ess I/3J se9i-circ es I/3J seco$ds I/3J se9i-circ es I/3J sec0or%it !eriod I/3J sec0or%it !eriod2 I/3J di9e$sio$ ess I/3J se9i-circ es I/3J seco$ds I/3J di9e$sio$ ess I/3J di9e$sio$ ess I/3J '6T) R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= 8it Stri$2(2) :$te2er (0..63) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(15) 8it Stri$2(15) 8it Stri$2(-) 8it Stri$2(3) 8it Stri$2(3) 8it Stri$2(,) 8it Stri$2(11) 4i9e$sio$ ess I/1J Sate ite :4, as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. 4i9e$sio$ ess I/1J 9eters I/1J 9eters I/1J 9eters I/1J 9eters0sec I/1J 9eters0sec I/1J 9eters0sec I/1J seco$ds I/1J '6T)

1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN

1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-12 R)L-12

1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :'T)G)R (0..63) 8:T STR:'G(=) 8:T STR:'G(2,) 8:T STR:'G(1/) 8:T STR:'G(2,) 8:T STR:'G(2,) 8:T STR:'G(2,) 8:T STR:'G(1/) Sate ite :4, as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. # 9a$ac re3ere$ce ti9e (seco$ds) I=6J SBuare root o3 se9i-9aKor (9eters102) I=6J )cce$tricit7 , di9e$sio$ ess I=6J #r2u9e$t o3 Peri2ee (se9i-circ es) I=6J Mea$ a$o9a 7 at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I=6J Lo$2itude o3 asce$di$2 $ode o3 or%ita ! a$e co9!uted accordi$2 to re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I=6J Rate o3 ri2"t asce$sio$ (se9i-circ es0sec) I=6J

R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12





Release ! NNi NNa0 NNa1 NN<ea MP MP MP (V-S$-ID

!") 8:T STR:'G(16) 8:T STR:'G(11) 8:T STR:'G(11) 8:T STR:'G(-)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) (orrectio$ o3 or%it re3ere$ce i$c i$atio$ at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I=6J Sate ite c oc> %ias (seco$ds) I=6J Sate ite c oc> rate (sec0sec) I=6J Sate ite <ea t" :$3or9atio$ di9e$sio$ ess I=6J R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12


This &2 shall contain e(actly one of the optional fiels indicated by H'OT2H.
Condition 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @SV :4@ is %et1ee$ 0 a$d 2- a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce data

This &2 contains GP" assistance data.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e 10.3./.-6 ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 4GPS correctio$s 10.3./.-1 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS $a5i2atio$ 9ode 10.3./.-, U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS UT( 9ode 10.3./.-/ U) !ositio$i$2 GPS a 9a$ac 10.3./.=U) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ Se2antics description

U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce U) !ositio$


# !riori >$o1 ed2e o3 U) 3-4 !ositio$.

U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 4GPS correctio$s


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS $a5i2atio$ 9ode


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS UT( 9ode


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS a 9a$ac


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ assista$ce



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 GPS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7 Need

!"* /ulti T4pe and Reference assista$ce 10.3./.== U) !ositio$i$2 GPS rea ti9e i$te2rit7 10.3./.-5

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description


10.3./.-0a 10.3./.-0%

Void U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS assista$ce data

This &2 contains G.'"" assistance data.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e Need 6P

!"+ /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e 10.3./.-6o ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters 10.3./.-2c 1 to M9a.G#' SSN :$te2er(0../)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce U) !ositio$


# !riori >$o1 ed2e o3 U) 3-4 !ositio$.:3 :) OU) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce dataP is !rese$t, t"is :) s"ou d $ot %e i$c uded to %ot" :)s. T"e re3ere$ce U) !ositio$ is !ro5ided i$ GGS-=, re3ere$ce s7ste9.


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode



U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode



U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters



G#'SS Ge$eric #ssista$ce 4ata NG#'SS :4

6P 6P

R)L-/ #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo Va ues 0-/ reser5ed 3or 3uture use. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 1. R)L-/


NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4

(VA"SS-ID-S+AS 6P MP 1 to M9a.G#' SS-1N

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4 10.3./.-/e


NG#'SS Ti9e Mode s NNG#'SS Ti9e Mode

R)L-/ U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS ti9e 9ode 10.3./.-/a U) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s 10.3./.-1% R)L-/

NU) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NU) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s Need (VA"SS-ID-+DS (VA"SS-ID-+DS

!(% /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s 10.3./.-2e U) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode 10.3./.-2d U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode 10.3./.-,a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s 10.3./.-,% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea ti9e i$te2rit7 10.3./.-5% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce 10.3./.-/% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$ t i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.==% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS a 9a$ac 10.3./.=-a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode 10.3./.-/c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s 10.3./.-/d U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.-/3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-12

NU) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode


NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode




NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s




NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea ti9e i$te2rit7



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS a 9a$ac



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


&f included- only one of the optional fiels indicated by H'OT2H shall be present.

Condition A"SS-ID-S+AS A"SS-ID-+DS

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS :4@ is @S8#S@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS :4@ is @84S@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

'OT2 ,P 1odin of G.'"" &:

$alue of GANSS :3 0 1 2 3 , 5-/ GANSS S8#S Moder$iQed GPS EVSS GL6'#SS 84S Reser5ed 3or 3uture use $ersion R)L-=



U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 4GPS correctio$s

This &2 contains :GP" corrections to be used by the 32.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS T6G sec Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..60 ,/--) )$u9erated( U4R) sca e 1.0, U4R) sca e 0./5, U4R) sca e 0.5, U4R) sca e 0.3, U4R) sca e 0.2, U4R) sca e 0.1, $o data, i$5a id data) 1 to M9a.SatN )$u9erated (0X63) :$te2er(0..25 5) )$u9erated( U4R) 1.0 9, 1.09 M U4R) ,.09, ,.09 M U4R) =.09, =.09 M U4R)) Rea (655.0,..655. 0, %7 ste! o3 0.32) :3 t"e (i!"er i$3or9atio$ is i$c uded t"ese 3ie ds are ci!"ered. :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. Se2antics description seco$ds GPS ti9e-o3-1ee> 1"e$ t"e 4GPS correctio$s 1ere ca cu ated $ersion

Status0<ea t"


4GPS i$3or9atio$ NSat:4 N:64) NU4R)

(VStatus<Hea lth MP MP MP

T"e 5a ue i$ t"is 3ie d s"a %e 9u ti! ied %7 t"e U4R) Sca e &actor i$ t"e :) Status0<ea t" to deter9i$e t"e 3i$a U4R) esti9ate 3or t"e !articu ar sate ite.



9eters (di33ere$t 3ro9 I13J)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NRR( Need MP

!(! /ulti T4pe and Reference Rea (,.06,..,.06, %7 ste! o3 0.032) :$te2er(12/..12/) Rea (0.22,..0.22, %7 ste! o3 0.032) :$te2er(12/..12/) Rea (0.22,..0.22, %7 ste! o3 0.032) )$u9erated( U4R) 2ro1t" 1.5, U4R) 2ro1t" 2, U4R) 2ro1t" ,, U4R) 2ro1t" 6, U4R) 2ro1t" =, U4R) 2ro1t" 10, U4R) 2ro1t" 12, U4R) 2ro1t" 16) )$u9erated( 5a 20sec, 5a ,0sec, 5a =0sec, 5a 160sec, 5a 320sec, 5a 6,0sec, 5a 12=0sec, 5a 2560sec)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 9eters0sec (di33ere$t 3ro9 I13J) $ersion

N4e ta PR(2 N4e ta RR(2


:$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco t"is :) s"ou d %e set to Qero a$d t"e U) s"a i2$ore it :$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco t"is :) s"ou d %e set to Qero a$d t"e U) s"a i2$ore it T"is :) s"ou d $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco a$d i3 recei5ed t"e U) s"a i2$ore it T"is :) s"ou d $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco a$d i3 recei5ed t"e U) s"a i2$ore it T"is 3ie d !ro5ides a$ esti9ate o3 t"e 2ro1t" rate o3 u$certai$t7 (1-) i$ t"e correctio$s. T"e U4R) at ti9e 5a ue s!eci3ied i$ t"e Time of $alidity for 1DR! ro:th Rate 3ie d is t"e 5a ue o3 t"is 3ie d ti9es t"e 5a ue o3 U4R).

N4e ta PR(3


N4e ta RR(3


NU4R) Gro1t" Rate



NTi9e o3 Va idit7 3or U4R) Gro1t" Rate


T"is 3ie d s!eci3ies t"e ti9e 1"e$ t"e 1DR! ro:th Rate 3ie d a!! ies.


Condition Status<Health

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 @status@ is $ot eBua to @$o data@ or @i$5a id data@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ !ara9eters

This &2 contains information for GP" ephemeris and cloc# correction.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (0# or P o$ L2 UR# :$de. SV <ea t" :64( Need MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(2) 8it stri$2(,) 8it stri$2(6) 8it stri$2(10

Se2antics description (ode(s) o$ L2 ("a$$e I12J User Ra$2e #ccurac7 I12J I12J :ssue o3 4ata, ( oc> I12J


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e L2 P 4ata & a2 S& 1 Reser5ed TG4 toc a32 a31 a30 (rs $ M0 (uc Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP

!(3 /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(1) 8it stri$2(=/) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(16 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(22) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description I12J I12J )sti9ated 2rou! de a7 di33ere$tia I12J a!!are$t c oc> correctio$ I12J a!!are$t c oc> correctio$ I12J a!!are$t c oc> correctio$ I12J a!!are$t c oc> correctio$ I12J #9! itude o3 t"e Si$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 to t"e 6r%it Radius (9eters) I12J Mea$ Motio$ 4i33ere$ce &ro9 (o9!uted Va ue (se9icirc es0sec) I12J Mea$ #$o9a 7 at Re3ere$ce Ti9e (se9i-circ es) I12J #9! itude o3 t"e (osi$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #r2u9e$t 63 Latitude (radia$s) I12J c #9! itude o3 t"e Si$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #r2u9e$t 63 Latitude (radia$s) I12J Se9i-MaKor (9eters) I12J Re3ere$ce Ti9e )!"e9eris I12J I12J #2e 63 4ata 633set I12J #9! itude o3 t"e (osi$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #$2 e 63 :$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I12J Lo$2itude o3 #sce$di$2 'ode o3 6r%it P a$e at Gee> 7 )!oc" (se9i-circ es) I12J #9! itude o3 t"e Si$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #$2 e 63 :$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I12J :$c i$atio$ #$2 e at Re3ere$ce Ti9e (se9i-circ es) I12J #9! itude o3 t"e (osi$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 to t"e 6r%it Radius (9eters) I12J #r2u9e$t o3 Peri2ee (se9icirc es) I12J Lo$2itude o3 #sce$di$2 'ode o3 6r%it P a$e at Gee> 7 )!oc" (se9i-circ es0sec) I12J Rate o3 :$c i$atio$ #$2 e (se9i-circ es0sec) I12J

e (us


8it stri$2(32 8it stri$2(16)

(#) toe



8it stri$2(32 8it stri$2(16

) )

&it :$ter5a & a2 #646 (ic

8it stri$2(1) 8it stri$2(5) 8it stri$2(16)

6M)G#0 (is


8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(16)

i0 (rc 6M)G#dot :dot


8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(1,)


U) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s

This &2 contains :G.'"" corrections to be used by the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4G#'SS Re3ere$ce T:9e Need MP

!(' /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..35 /0 %7 ste! o3 30)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Seco$ds. Ti9e i$ G'SS s7ste9 ti9e (9odu o 3600 s) 1"e$ t"e 4G#'SS correctio$s 1ere ca cu ated $ersion R)L-/

4G#'SS i$3or9atio$ NG#'SS Si2$a :4


1 to M9a.S2$T 7!eN G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3.3.,5a )$u9erated( U4R) sca e 1.0, U4R) sca e 0./5, U4R) sca e 0.5, U4R) sca e 0.3, U4R) sca e 0.2, U4R) sca e 0.1, $o data, i$5a id data) 1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0X 63) 8it stri$2(10) )$u9erated( U4R) 1.0 9, 1.09 M U4R) ,.09, ,.09 M U4R) =.09, =.09 M U4R)) Rea (655.0,..655. 0, %7 ste! o3 0.32) Rea (,.06,..,.06, %7 ste! o3 0.032) :3 t"e (i!"er i$3or9atio$ is i$c uded t"ese 3ie ds are ci!"ered. :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. 10 LS8s o3 :ssue o3 4ata 3ie d, 1"ic" co$tai$s t"e ide$tit7 o3 t"e G#'SS 'a5i2atio$ Mode . T"e 5a ue i$ t"is 3ie d s"a %e 9u ti! ied %7 t"e U4R) Sca e &actor i$ t"e :) Status0<ea t" to deter9i$e t"e 3i$a U4R) esti9ate 3or t"e !articu ar sate ite. #%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s t"e de3au t 5a ue as de3i$ed i$ 10.3.3.,5a 3or t"e G#'SS ide$ti3ied %7 G#'SS;:4.

R)L-/ R)L-/

NStatus0<ea t"



N4G#'SS si2$a i$3or9atio$ NNSat:4 NN:64 NNU4R)

(VStatus<Hea lth MP MP MP

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/





9eters Pseudo-ra$2e correctio$s are !ro5ided 1it" res!ect to G'SS s!eci3ic 2eodetic datu9 (e.2., PV--0.02 i3 G#'SS :4 i$dicates GL6'#SS). 9eters0sec Pseudo-ra$2e rate correctio$s are !ro5ided 1it" res!ect to G'SS s!eci3ic 2eodetic datu9 (e.2., PV--0.02 i3 G#'SS :4 i$dicates GL6'#SS).




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNU4R) Gro1t" Rate Need 6P

!(" /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( U4R) 2ro1t" 1.5, U4R) 2ro1t" 2, U4R) 2ro1t" ,, U4R) 2ro1t" 6, U4R) 2ro1t" =, U4R) 2ro1t" 10, U4R) 2ro1t" 12, U4R) 2ro1t" 16) )$u9erated( 5a 20sec, 5a ,0sec, 5a =0sec, 5a 160sec, 5a 320sec, 5a 6,0sec, 5a 12=0sec, 5a 2560sec)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is 3ie d !ro5ides a$ esti9ate o3 t"e 2ro1t" rate o3 u$certai$t7 (1-) i$ t"e correctio$s. T"e U4R) at ti9e 5a ue s!eci3ied i$ t"e Time of $alidity for 1DR! ro:th Rate 3ie d is t"e 5a ue o3 t"is 3ie d ti9es t"e 5a ue o3 U4R). $ersion R)L--

NNTi9e o3 Va idit7 3or U4R) Gro1t" Rate


T"is 3ie d s!eci3ies t"e ti9e 1"e$ t"e 1DR! ro:th Rate 3ie d a!! ies.


Condition Status<Health

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 @status@ is $ot eBua to @$o data@ or @i$5a id data@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS or%it 9ode

This &2 contains information for G.'"" orbit model parameters.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode 1P) Ntoe > >$ NM0 N6M)G#dot Ne N:dot NsBrt# Ni0 N6M)G#0 N(rs N(is Need 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP

!(( /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(1,) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(1,) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) Ti9e-o3-)!"e9eris i$ seco$ds, sca e 3actor 60 I61J #r2u9e$t o3 Peri2ee (se9icirc es) I61J Mea$ Motio$ 4i33ere$ce &ro9 (o9!uted Va ue (se9icirc es0sec) I61J Mea$ #$o9a 7 at Re3ere$ce Ti9e (se9i-circ es) I61J Lo$2itude o3 #sce$di$2 'ode o3 6r%it P a$e at Gee> 7 )!oc" (se9i-circ es0sec) I61J )cce$tricit7, sca e 3actor 2-33 I61J Rate o3 :$c i$atio$ #$2 e (se9i-circ es0sec) I61J Se9i-MaKor i$ (9eters) , sca e 3actor 2-1- I61J :$c i$atio$ #$2 e at Re3ere$ce Ti9e (se9i-circ es) I61J Lo$2itude o3 #sce$di$2 'ode o3 6r%it P a$e at Gee> 7 )!oc" (se9i-circ es) I61J #9! itude o3 t"e Si$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 to t"e 6r%it Radius (9eters) I61J #9! itude o3 t"e Si$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #$2 e 63 :$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I61J #9! itude o3 t"e Si$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #r2u9e$t 63 Latitude (radia$s) I61J #9! itude o3 t"e (osi$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 to t"e 6r%it Radius (9eters) I61J #9! itude o3 t"e (osi$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #$2 e 63 :$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I61J #9! itude o3 t"e (osi$e <ar9o$ic (orrectio$ Ter9 To T"e #r2u9e$t 63 Latitude (radia$s) I61J

$ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



8it stri$2(16)


N(rc N(ic


8it stri$2(16) 8it stri$2(16)

R)L-/ R)L-/



8it stri$2(16)



This &2 shall contain e(actly one of the optional fiels indicated by H'OT2H.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS c oc> 9ode

The &2 contains fields needed to model the G.'"" cloc# parameters.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Sate ite c oc> 9ode (OMode 1P) Ntoc Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Sat( o c>Mode sN 8:T STR:'G(1,) 8:T STR:'G (6) 8:T STR:'G (21) 8:T STR:'G (31) 8:T STR:'G (10) :$te2er(0..1) T4pe and Reference Se2antics description T"ere 9a7 %e 9ore t"a$ o$e c oc> 9ode i$c uded i3 de3i$ed i$ S:S :(4 (i.e., t1o 3or Ga i eo) I61J. ( oc> correctio$ data re3ere$ce Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ seco$ds. Sca e 3actor 60 seco$ds I61J. SV c oc> dri3t rate correctio$ coe33icie$t, sec0sec2, sca e 3actor 2-5- I61J. Para9eter af&, SV c oc> dri3t correctio$ coe33icie$t, sec0sec, sca e 3actor 2-,6 I61J. Para9eter af>, SV c oc> %ias correctio$ coe33icie$t, sec, sca e 3actor 2-3, I61J. 8roadcast Grou! 4e a7 (8G4), sec, sca e 3actor 2-32 I61J. '6T) 1 $ersion R)L-/



Na32 Na31 Na30 NTG4 NMode :4


R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-/ R)L-/

'OT2 ,P 1odin of Model &:P

GNSS Ga i eo 0 1 $alue :0'a5 &0'a5 1Dplanation


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a or%it 9ode s

This &2 contains information for G.'"" orbit model parameters.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '#V-He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode 2P) NUR# :$de. N&it :$ter5a & a2 Ntoe N N$ NM0 N6M)G#dot Ne N:dot NsBrt# Ni0 N6M)G#0 N(rs Need 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP

!(* /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(,) 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(1,) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) SV accurac7 (di9e$sio$ ess) I/2J &it i$ter5a i$dicatio$ (di9e$sio$ ess) I/2J Ti9e o3 e!"e9eris (seco$ds) I/2J #r2u9e$t o3 !eri2ee (se9i-circ es) I/2J Mea$ 9otio$ di33ere$ce 3ro9 co9!uted 5a ue (se9i-circ es0sec) I/2J Mea$ a$o9a 7 at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I/2J Rate o3 ri2"t asce$sio$ (se9i-circ es0sec) I/2J )cce$tricit7 (di9e$sio$ ess) I/2J Rate o3 i$c i$atio$ a$2 e (se9i-circ es0sec) I/2J SBuare root o3 se9i-9aKor (9eters102) I/2J :$c i$atio$ a$2 e at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I/2J Lo$2itude o3 asce$di$2 $ode o3 or%it ! a$e at 1ee> 7 e!oc" (se9i-circ es) I/2J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e or%it radius (9eters) I/2J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e a$2 e o3 i$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I/2J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e ar2u9e$t o3 atitude (radia$s) I/2J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e or%it radius (9eters) I/2J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e a$2 e o3 i$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I/2J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e ar2u9e$t o3 atitude (radia$s) I/2J '6T) 4ata !redict ti9e o3 1ee> (seco$ds) I6=,6-,/0,/2J SV accurac7 (di9e$sio$ ess) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Se9i-9aKor di33ere$ce at re3ere$ce ti9e (9eters) I6=,6-,/0,/2J $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=



8it Stri$2(16)




8it Stri$2(16)




8it Stri$2(16)




8it Stri$2(16)




8it Stri$2(16)


('#V0('#V-2 He! eria$ Para9eters (OMode 3P) Nto! NUR#oe :$de. N#

6P MP MP MP 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(26)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N#;dot N$0 Need MP MP

!(+ /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(25) 8it Stri$2(1/)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ("a$e rate i$ se9i-9aKor (9eters0sec) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Mea$ 9otio$ di33ere$ce 3ro9 co9!uted 5a ue at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es0sec) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Rate o3 9ea$ 9otio$ di33ere$ce 3ro9 co9!uted 5a ue (se9i-circ es0sec2) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Mea$ a$o9a 7 at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I6=,6-,/0,/2J )cce$tricit7 (di9e$sio$ ess) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #r2u9e$t o3 !eri2ee (se9i-circ es) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Re3ere$ce ri2"t asce$sio$ a$2 e (se9i-circ es) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Rate o3 ri2"t asce$sio$ di33ere$ce (se9i-circ es0sec) I6=,6-,/0,/2J :$c i$atio$ a$2 e at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Rate o3 i$c i$atio$ a$2 e (se9i-circ es0sec) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e a$2 e o3 i$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e a$2 e o3 i$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e or%it radius (9eters) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e or%it radius (9eters) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e ar2u9e$t o3 atitude (radia$s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e ar2u9e$t o3 atitude (radia$s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J '6T) #2e o3 data (da7s) I/3J Ti9e i$ter5a %et1ee$ t1o adKace$t 5a ues o3 t% (9i$utes) I/3J $ersion R)L-= R)L-=



8it Stri$2(23)


NM0-$ Ne$ N $ N0-$ N;dot


8it Stri$2(33) 8it Stri$2(33) 8it Stri$2(33) 8it Stri$2(33) 8it Stri$2(1/)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

Nio-$ N:0-$;dot N(is-$


8it Stri$2(33) 8it Stri$2(15) 8it Stri$2(16)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=



8it Stri$2(16)




8it Stri$2(2,)




8it Stri$2(2,)




8it Stri$2(21)




8it Stri$2(21)


GL6'#SS )art"-(e$tered, )art"-3i.ed Para9eters (OMode ,P) N)$ NP1

6P MP MP 8it Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(2)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NP2 NM N N Need MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P (V-Cloc; Model MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP MP

!)% /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(1) 8it Stri$2(2) 8it Stri$2(2/) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(2/) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(2/) 8it Stri$2(2,) 8it Stri$2(5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ("a$2e o3 t% 3 a2 (di9e$sio$ ess) I/3J T7!e o3 sate ite (di9e$sio$ ess) I/3J .-coordi$ate o3 sate ite at ti9e t% (>i o9eters) I/3J .-coordi$ate o3 sate ite 5e ocit7 at ti9e t% (>i o9eters0sec) I/3J .-coordi$ate o3 sate ite acce eratio$ at ti9e t% (>i o9eters0sec2) I/3J 7-coordi$ate o3 sate ite at ti9e t% (>i o9eters) I/3J 7-coordi$ate o3 sate ite 5e ocit7 at ti9e t% (>i o9eters0sec) I/3J 7-coordi$ate o3 sate ite acce eratio$ at ti9e t% (>i o9eters0sec2) I/3J Q-coordi$ate o3 sate ite at ti9e t% (>i o9eters) I/3J Q-coordi$ate o3 sate ite 5e ocit7 at ti9e t% (>i o9eters0sec) I/3J Q-coordi$ate o3 sate ite acce eratio$ at ti9e t% (>i o9eters0sec2) I/3J '6T) Ti9e o3 a!! ica%i it7 (seco$ds) I/1J (di9e$sio$ ess) I/1J (9eters) I/1J (9eters) I/1J (9eters) I/1J (9eters0sec) I/1J (9eters0sec) I/1J (9eters0sec) I/1J (9eters0sec2) I/1J 9eters0sec2) I/1J 9eters0sec2) I/1J '6T) SV accurac7 (di9e$sio$ ess) I=6J )!"e9eris re3ere$ce ti9e (seco$ds) I=6J SBuare root o3 se9i-9aKor (9eters102) I=6J )cce$tricit7 (di9e$sio$ ess) I=6J #r2u9e$t o3 !eri2ee (se9i-circ es) I=6J Mea$ 9otio$ di33ere$ce 3ro9 co9!uted 5a ue (se9i-circ es0sec) I=6J Mea$ a$o9a 7 at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I=6J $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12

7n (t b ) n (t b ) 7

n (t b ) 7 N

y n (t b ) n (t b ) y n (t b ) y

N ; n (t b )

n (t b ) N; n (t b ) ; N
S8#S )art"-(e$tered, )art"3i.ed Para9eters (OMode 5P) Nt0 N#ccurac7 NAG NDG NVG NAG Rate-o3-("a$2e NDG Rate-o3-("a$2e NVG Rate-o3-("a$2e NAG #cce eratio$ NDG #cce eratio$ NVG #cce eratio$ 84S He! eria$ Para9eters (@Mode 6@) NUR# :$de. Ntoe N#102 Ne N N$ NM0

8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(,) 8it Stri$2(30) 8it Stri$2(30) 8it Stri$2(25) 8it Stri$2(1/) 8it Stri$2(1/) 8it Stri$2(1=) 8it Stri$2(10) 8it Stri$2(10) 8it Stri$2(10)

8it Stri$2(,) 8:T STR:'G (1/) 8:T STR:'G (32) 8:T STR:'G (32) 8:T STR:'G (32) 8:T STR:'G (16) 8:T STR:'G (32)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N0 Need MP

!) /ulti T4pe and Reference 8:T STR:'G (32) 8:T STR:'G (2,) 8:T STR:'G (32) 8:T STR:'G (1,) 8:T STR:'G (1=) 8:T STR:'G (1=) 8:T STR:'G (1=) 8:T STR:'G (1=) 8:T STR:'G (1=) 8:T STR:'G (1=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Lo$2itude o3 asce$di$2 $ode o3 or%ita o3 ! a$e co9!uted accordi$2 to re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I=6J Rate o3 ri2"t asce$sio$ (se9i-circ es0sec) I=6J :$c i$atio$ a$2 e at re3ere$ce ti9e (se9i-circ es) I=6J Rate o3 i$c i$atio$ a$2 e (se9i-circ es0sec) I=6J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e ar2u9e$t o3 atitude (radia$s) I=6J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e ar2u9e$t o3 atitude (radia$s) I=6J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e or%it radius (9eters) I=6J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e or%it radius (9eters) I=6J #9! itude o3 cosi$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e a$2 e o3 i$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I=6J #9! itude o3 si$e "ar9o$ic correctio$ ter9 to t"e a$2 e o3 i$c i$atio$ (radia$s) I=6J $ersion R)L-12

N;dot Ni0 N:dot N(uc


R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12

















This &2 shall contain e(actly one of the optional fiels indicated by H'OT2H.
Condition 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a c oc> 9ode s OMode 5P is $ot i$c uded i$ U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a c oc> 9ode s

The &2 contains fields needed to model the G.'"" cloc# parameters.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '#V-( oc> Mode (OMode 2P) Ntoc Na32 Na31 Na30 NTG4 ('#V0('#V-2 ( oc> Mode (OMode 3P) Ntoc Nto! NUR#oc :$de. NUR#oc1 :$de. Need 6P MP MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP

!)3 /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(22) 8it Stri$2(=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) Ti9e o3 c oc> (seco$ds) I/2J ( oc> correctio$ !o 7$o9ia coe33icie$t (sec0sec2) I/2J ( oc> correctio$ !o 7$o9ia coe33icie$t (sec0sec) I/2J ( oc> correctio$ !o 7$o9ia coe33icie$t (seco$ds) I/2J Grou! de a7 (seco$ds) I/2J '6T) ( oc> data re3ere$ce ti9e o3 1ee> (seco$ds) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J ( oc> data !redict ti9e o3 1ee> (seco$ds) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J SV c oc> accurac7 i$de. (di9e$sio$ ess) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J SV c oc> accurac7 c"a$2e i$de. (di9e$sio$ ess) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J SV c oc> accurac7 c"a$2e rate i$de. (di9e$sio$ ess) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J SV c oc> dri3t rate correctio$ coe33icie$t (sec0sec2) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J SV c oc> dri3t correctio$ coe33icie$t (sec0sec) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J SV c oc> %ias correctio$ coe33icie$t (seco$ds) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J Grou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I6=, 6-, /0, /2J :$ter si2$a 2rou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I/0, /2J :$ter si2$a 2rou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I/0, /2J :$ter si2$a 2rou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I6=, 6-, /2J :$ter si2$a 2rou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I6=, 6-, /2J :$ter si2$a 2rou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I6-, /2J :$ter si2$a 2rou! de a7 correctio$ (seco$ds) I6-, /2J '6T) $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(11) 8ti Stri$2(5) 8it Stri$2(3)

NUR#oc2 :$de.


8it Stri$2(3)


Na32-$ Na31-$ Na30-$ NTG4 N:S(L1(P N:S(L1(4 N:S(L1(0# N:S(L2( N:S(L5:5 N:S(L5E5 GL6'#SS Sate ite ( oc> Mode (OMode ,P)

MP MP MP MP 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P

8it Stri$2(10) 8it Stri$2(20) 8it Stri$2(26) 8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(13)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! >$(t%) >$(t%) >$ S8#S Sate ite ( oc> Mode (OMode 5P) Nt0 NaG3o NaG31 84S Sate ite ( oc> Mode (@Mode 6@) Ntoc Na0 Na1 Na2 NTG41 MP MP 6P 6P MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP

!)' 8it Stri$2(22) 8it Stri$2(11) 8it Stri$2(5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Sate ite c oc> o33set (seco$ds) I/3J Re ati5e 3reBue$c7 o33set 3ro9 $o9i$a 5a ue (di9e$sio$ ess) I/3J Ti9e di33ere$ce %et1ee$ tra$s9issio$ i$ G2 a$d G1 (seco$ds) I/3J '6T) (seco$ds) I/1J (seco$ds) I/1J (sec0sec) I/1J '6T) Ti9e o3 c oc> (seco$ds) I=6J ( oc> correctio$ !o 7$o9ia coe33icie$t (seco$ds) I=6J ( oc> correctio$ !o 7$o9ia coe33icie$t (sec0sec) I=6J ( oc> correctio$ !o 7$o9ia coe33icie$t (sec0sec2) I=6J )Bui!9e$t Grou! 4e a7 4i33ere$tia (seco$ds) I=6J R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12

8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(12) 8it Stri$2(=) 8:T STR:'G (1/) 8:T STR:'G (2,) 8:T STR:'G (22) 8:T STR:'G (11) 8:T STR:'G (10)


This &2 shall contain e(actly one of the optional fiels indicated by H'OT2H.


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode

The &2 contains fields needed to model the propa ation delays of the GP" si nals throu h the ionosphere.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) Se2antics description 'ote 1 'ote 1 'ote 1 'ote 1 'ote 2 'ote 2 'ote 2 'ote 2

'OT2 ,P The parameters n are the coefficients of a cubic eAuation representin the amplitude of the vertical delay D,*E. 'OT2 *P The parameters n are the coefficients of a cubic eAuation representin the period of the ionospheric model D,*E.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode

The &2 contains fields needed to model the propa ation delays of the G.'"" si nals throu h the ionosphere.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ai0 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(11) Se2antics description )33ecti5e :o$isatio$ Le5e 1st order !ara9eter. T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J )33ecti5e :o$isatio$ Le5e 2$d order !ara9eter. T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J )33ecti5e :o$isatio$ Le5e 3rd order !ara9eter. T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J T"is !ara9eter is used as de3i$ed i$ I61J $ersion R)L-12



8it stri$2(11)




8it stri$2(1,)


G#'SS :o$os!"ere Re2io$a Stor9 & a2s NStor9 & a2 1 NStor9 & a2 2 NStor9 & a2 3 NStor9 & a2 , NStor9 & a2 5

6P MP MP MP MP MP 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode

This &2 contains parameters to model the propa ation delays of the G.'"" si nals throu h the ionosphere.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4ata :4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(2) Se2antics description T"e 5a ue T11S i$dicates t"at t"e !ara9eters "a5e %ee$ 2e$erated %7 EVSS, a$d t"e !ara9eters "a5e %ee$ s!ecia iQed a$d are a!! ica% e 1it"i$ t"e area de3i$ed i$ I/2J. T"e 5a ue T01S i$dicates t"at t"e !ara9eters "a5e %ee$ 2e$erated %7 84S, a$d U) s"a use t"ese !ara9eters accordi$2 to t"e descri!tio$ 2i5e$ i$ 5.2.,./ i$ I=6J. G"e$ 4ata :4 "as t"e 5a ue T00S it i$dicates t"e !ara9eters are a!! ica% e 1or d1ide I/2J. # ot"er 5a ues 3or 4ata :4 are reser5ed. seco$ds I/2J sec0se9i-circ e I/2J sec0(se9i-circ e)2 I/2J sec0(se9i-circ e)3 I/2J seco$ds I/2J sec0se9i-circ e I/2J sec0(se9i-circ e)2 I/2J sec0(se9i-circ e)3 I/2J $ersion R)L-=

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3


8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters

This &2 provides parameters to construct the 2127 and 21& coordinate transformation as defined in D=;E. The 2arth Orientation Parameters (2OP) indicate the relationship between the 2arthSs rotational a(is and CG"?;8 reference system.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e t)6P PM;A PM;A;dot PM;D PM;D;dot UT1 UT1;dot Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(16) 8it Stri$2(21) 8it Stri$2(15) 8it Stri$2(21) 8it Stri$2(15) 8it Stri$2(31) 8it Stri$2(1-) Se2antics description )6P data re3ere$ce ti9e (seco$ds) I6=J !o ar 9otio$ 5a ue at re3ere$ce ti9e (arc-seco$ds) I6=J !o ar 9otio$ dri3t at re3ere$ce ti9e (arc-seco$ds0da7) I6=J !o ar 9otio$ 5a ue at re3ere$ce ti9e (arc-seco$ds) I6=J !o ar 9otio$ dri3t at re3ere$ce ti9e (arc-seco$ds0da7) I6=J UT1-UT( di33ere$ce at re3ere$ce ti9e (seco$ds) I6=J Rate o3 UT1-UT( di33ere$ce at re3ere$ce ti9e (seco$ds0da7) I6=J $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


U) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode

This &2 contains 0:" &onospheric Grid information to calculate the propa ation delays of the 0,& si nal throu h the ionosphere.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 84S Re3ere$ce Ti9e Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..3 5/0 %7 ste! o3 30) Se2antics description Seco$ds. Ti9e i$ 84S s7ste9 ti9e (9odu o 3600 s) 1"e$ t"e 84S :o$os!"eric Grid :$3or9atio$ is 5a id. :o$os!"eric i$3or9atio$ 3or u!to 16 2rid !oi$ts 1i %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$. :o$os!"eric 2rid !oi$t $u9%er (di9e$sio$ ess) I=6J. Vertica 4e a7 at :o$os!"eric Grid Poi$ts ,(9eters) I=6J Grid :o$os!"eric Vertica )rror :$de. (di9e$sio$ ess) I=6J. $ersion R)L-12

84S :o$os!"eric Grid :$3or9atio$ N:GP $u9%er NVertica 4e a7 NG:V):


1 to M9a.: GP:$3o N :'T)G)R (1..320) 8:T STR:'G (-) 8:T STR:'G (,)



R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12


U) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s

This &2 contains the 0:" differential corrections to be used by 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 484S Re3ere$ce Ti9e Need MP /ulti

!)) T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..3 5/0 %7 ste! o3 30)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Seco$ds. Ti9e i$ 84S s7ste9 ti9e (9odu o 3600 s) 1"e$ t"e 484S correctio$s are 5a id. $ersion R)L-12

484S i$3or9atio$


1 to M9a.S 2$T7! eN G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3.3.,5a 1 to M9a.G #'SS SatN :$te2er (0X 63) :$te2er (0X 15) :$te2er (0X 15) 8:T STR:'G (13) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. User 4i33ere$tia Ra$2e )rror :$de. (di9e$sio$ ess) I=6J. 84S Re2io$a User Ra$2e #ccurac7 :$de., (di9e$sio$ ess) I=6J. )Bui5a e$t ( oc> (orrectio$ (9eters) I=6J #%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s t"e 81:


N484S Si2$a :4 N484S si2$a i$3or9atio$


R)L-12 R)L-12

NNSat:4 NNU4R): NNRUR#: NNat


R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 9easured resu ts

Need MP MP :$te2er(0.. 3/15=-11----GPS Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ u$its o3 1016t" UMTS c"i!s accordi$2 to I1-J. 3320-=321//66, s!are 5a ues are $eeded. /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Reference Time NUTR#' re3ere$ce ti9e NNU) GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es

NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNNT44 NNNNce !ara9eters id NNRe3ere$ce S&'

MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,05) :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i!. :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i!. T"e S&' 3or 1"ic" t"e ocatio$ is 5a id. T"is :) i$dicates t"e S&' at 1"ic" t"e U) ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es is ca!tured. GPS Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ 9i iseco$ds (rou$ded do1$ to t"e $earest 9i iseco$d u$it). R)L-/


NGPS re3ere$ce ti9e o$ 7 NNGPS T6G 9sec


:$te2er(0..6.0, =C10=-1) U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e u$certai$t7 10.3./.-6a 1 to G9a.Sat8 )$u9erated(0.

U) Positio$i$2 GPS Re3ere$ceTi9e U$certai$t7


Measure9e$t Para9eters NSate ite :4


:de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

!)* /ulti T4pe and Reference .63) :$te2er(0..63)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. t"e esti9ate o3 t"e carrier-to$oise ratio o3 t"e recei5ed si2$a 3ro9 t"e !articu ar sate ite used i$ t"e 9easure9e$t. :t is 2i5e$ i$ u$its o3 d8-<Q (t7!ica e5e s 1i %e i$ t"e ra$2e o3 20 R 50 d8-<Q). <Q, sca e 3actor 0.2. U$it i$ GPS c"i!s. G"o e 5a ue o3 t"e U) GPS code-!"ase 9easure9e$t, 1"ere i$creasi$2 %i$ar7 5a ues o3 t"e 3ie d si2$i37 i$creasi$2 9easured !seudora$2es.T"e U) GPS code-!"ase 9easure9e$t is di5ided i$to t"e 3ie ds OG"o e GPS ("i!sP a$d O&ractio$a GPS ("i!sP. Sca e 3actor 2-10 &ractio$a 5a ue o3 t"e U) GPS code-!"ase 9easure9e$t. 'ote 1. 'ote 2. $ersion



N4o!! er NG"o e GPS ("i!s


:$te2er(32/6=..32/6=) :$te2er(0..102 2)

N&ractio$a GPS ("i!s


:$te2er(0..(2101)) )$u9erated(' M, o1, 9ediu9, "i2") )$u9erated(ra $2e i$de. 0..ra$2e i$de. 63)

NMu ti!at" :$dicator NPseudora$2e RMS )rror


'OT2 ,P The followin table ives the mappin of the multipath indicator field.
$alue 'M Lo1 Mediu9 <i2" /ultipath :ndication 'ot 9easured MP error M 59 59 M MP error M ,39 MP error N ,39

'OT2 *P The followin table ives the bitmappin of the Pseudoran e /M" 2rror field.
Ran-e :ndeD 0 1 : 62 63 /antissa 000 001 A 110 111 1Dponent 000 000 D 111 111 ,loatin-&Point =alue6 Di 0.5 0.5625 0.5 C (1 + .0=) C 27 112 -Pseudoran-e =alue6 P P M 0.5 0.5 M? P M 0.5625 .i-1 M? P M .i 10, M? P M 112 112 M? P


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 9easured resu ts


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Re3ere$ce Ti9e NUTR#' re3ere$ce ti9e NNU) G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es NNG#'SS Ti9e :d NNG#'SS T64 U$certai$t7 NN(<6:() 9ode NNN&44 NNNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNNT44 NNNNce !ara9eters id NNRe3ere$ce S&' Need MP MP

!)+ /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


:$te2er(0.. =63-------/50 %7 ste! o3 250) :'T)G)R (0../) :$te2er(0..12 /) Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,0 -5)

G#'SS Ti9e o3 4a7 i$ $s

#%se$ce 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 2. (odi$2 as i$ 10.3./.-6a

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

:de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e G#'SS T64-S&' re atio$s"i!. :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e G#'SS T64-S&' re atio$s"i!. T"e S&' 3or 1"ic" t"e ocatio$ is 5a id. T"is :) i$dicates t"e S&' at 1"ic" t"e U) ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es is ca!tured. #%se$ce 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 2. G#'SS Ti9e o3 4a7 (9odu o 1 "our) i$ 9i iseco$ds (rou$ded do1$ to t"e $earest 9i iseco$d u$it). (odi$2 as i$ 10.3./.-6a


NG#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e o$ 7 NNG#'SS Ti9e :d NNG#'SS T64 9sec

R)L-/ 6P MP :'T)G)R (0../) :$te2er(0..35 -----) :$te2er(0..12 /) 1 to M9a.G#' SSN :$te2er(0../) #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$, see 'ote 1 i$ 10.3./.-0%.


NNG#'SS T64 U$certai$t7 G#'SS Ge$eric Measure9e$t :$3or9atio$ NG#'SS :4

6P MP 6P

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NG#'SS Si2$a Measure9e$t :$3or9atio$ NNG#'SS Si2$a :4


1 to M9a.S2$T 7!eN G#'SS Si2$a :d 10.3.3.,5a #%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s t"e de3au t 5a ue as de3i$ed i$ 10.3.3.,5a 3or t"e G#'SS ide$ti3ied %7 G#'SS;:4.

R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNG#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7 Need 6P

!*% /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..31)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e @G#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7@ 3ie d 2i5es t"e a9%i2uit7 o3 t"e code !"ase 9easure9e$t. :t is 2i5e$ i$ 9s a$d is a$ i$te2er %et1ee$ 0 a$d 31. T"e Tota (ode P"ase 3or a sate ite > (Sat>) is 2i5e$ 9odu o t"is @G#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7@ a$d is reco$structed 1it"* (ode;P"ase;Tot(Sat>) ? (ode;P"ase (Sat>)+ :$te2er (ode P"ase(Sat>) :3 t"ere is $o code !"ase a9%i2uit7, t"e @G#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7@ s"a %e set to 0. T"e 3ie d is o!tio$a . :3 @G#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7P a$d OG#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7 ).te$sio$P is a%se$t, t"e de3au t 5a ue is 19s. :3 t"e tota G#'SS code !"ase a9%i2uit7 is 2reater t"a$ 31 9s, t"e$ t"is 3ie d s"a %e used. T"e de3i$itio$ is t"e sa9e as 3or t"e @G#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7@ 3ie d e.ce!t t"e 5a ue ra$2e is 3ro9 32 to 12/ 9s. $ersion R)L-/

NNG#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7 ).te$sio$


:$te2er(32..1 2/)


NNG#'SS Measure9e$t Para9eters NNNSate ite :4 NNN(0'o


1 to G9a.G#' SSSat8 :$te2er (0..63) :$te2er(0..63 ) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. T"e esti9ate o3 t"e carrier-to$oise ratio o3 t"e recei5ed si2$a 3ro9 t"e !articu ar sate ite used i$ t"e 9easure9e$t. :t is 2i5e$ i$ u$its o3 d8-<Q (t7!ica e5e s 1i %e i$ t"e ra$2e o3 20 R 50 d8-<Q). (odi$2 as i$ 10.3./.-3

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

NNNMu ti!at" :$dicator


NNN(arrier Eua it7 :$dicato$ NNNG#'SS (ode P"ase


)$u9erated( 'M, o1, 9ediu9, "i2") 8it stri$2(2) :$te2er(0..221 -1)


'ote 1 Sca e 3actor 2-21 (ode !"ase 3or t"e !articu ar sate ite si2$a at t"e ti9e o3 9easure9e$t i$ t"e u$its o3 9i iseco$ds. :$creasi$2 %i$ar7 5a ues o3 t"e 3ie d si2$i37 i$creasi$2 9easured !seudora$2es. G'SS s!eci3ic code !"ase 9easure9e$ts (e.2. c"i!s) are co$5erted i$to u$it o3 9s %7 di5idi$2 t"e 9easure9e$ts %7 t"e $o9i$a 5a ues o3 t"e 9easured si2$a c"i!!i$2 rate.

R)L-/ R)L-/


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNG#'SS :$te2er (ode P"ase Need 6P

!* /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..63 )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ 9s :$dicates t"e i$te2er 9i iseco$d !art o3 t"e code !"ase, t"at is e.!ressed 9odu o t"e G#'SS (ode P"ase #9%i2uit7. :3 t"e tota G#'SS i$te2er code !"ase is 2reater t"a$ 63 9s, t"e$ t"is 3ie d s"a %e used. T"e de3i$itio$ is t"e sa9e as 3or t"e G#'SS :$te2er (ode P"ase 3ie d e.ce!t t"e 5a ue ra$2e is 3ro9 6, to 12/ 9s. (odi$2 as i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.-3 90s, sca e 3actor 0.0,. 4o!! er 9easured %7 t"e U) 3or t"e !articu ar sate ite si2$a Meters, sca e 3actor 2-10 #4R 9easure9e$t 9easured %7 t"e U) 3or t"e !articu ar sate ite si2$a . $ersion R)L-/

NNNG#'SS :$te2er (ode P"ase ).te$sio$


:$te2er(6,..1 2/)


NNN(ode P"ase RMS )rror


NNN4o!! er NNN#4R


)$u9erated( ra$2e i$de. 0..ra$2e i$de. 63) :$te2er(32/6=..32/6 /) :$te2er(0..33 55,,31)


R)L-/ R)L-/

'OT2 ,P 1odin of 1arrier Auality indicationP

/S5 0 1 7S5 (arrier !"ase $ot co$ti$uous (arrier !"ase co$ti$uous 4ata direct 4ata :$5erted 1Dplanation

0 1

'OT2 *P 1odin of G.'"" Time &dP

$alue of GANSS Ti2e id 0 1 2 3 ,-/ 1Dplanation GPS s7ste9 ti9e EVSS s7ste9 ti9e GL6'#SS s7ste9 ti9e 84S s7ste9 ti9e Reser5ed $ersion R)L-=



U) !ositio$i$2 GPS $a5i2atio$ 9ode

This &2 contain information reAuired to mana e the transfer of precise navi ation data to the GP"?capable 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Sate ite i$3or9atio$ NSat:4 NSate ite Status Need MP MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.SatN )$u9erated( 0..63) )$u9erated( 'S;'', )S;S', )S;'', R)V4) U) !ositio$i$2 :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. '6T) T4pe and Reference Se2antics description

NGPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ !ara9eters



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need status

!*! /ulti T4pe and Reference GPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ !ara9eters 10.3./.-1a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description


The 32 shall interpret enumerated symbols as follows.

$alue 'S;'' )S;S' )S;'' R)V4 :ndication 'e1 sate ite, $e1 'a5i2atio$ Mode ).isti$2 sate ite, sa9e 'a5i2atio$ Mode ).isti$2 sate ite, $e1 'a5i2atio$ Mode Reser5ed 1Dplanation T"e :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) @Sate ite status@ is )S;S' a$d 9a$dator7 !rese$t ot"er1ise.

Condition Satellite status


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode

This &2 contains information reAuired to mana e the transfer of precise navi ation data to the G.'""?capable 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'o$-8roadcast :$dicatio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode is $ot deri5ed 3ro9 sate ite %roadcast $ersion R)L-/

Sate ite i$3or9atio$ NSat:4 NSV <ea t" N:64 NG#'SS ( oc> Mode


1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) 8it stri$2(-) 8it stri$2(10) U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS c oc> 9ode 10.3./.-1d U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS or%it 9ode 10.3./.-1c :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. '6T)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-12 R)L-/ R)L-/

N G#'SS 6r%it Mode




The Fealth values are G'"" specific. 7or Galileo- the 32 shall interpret the bit strin as follows D=,EP
Para2eter )5a 4ata Va idit7 Status )5% 4ata Va idit7 Status )1-8 4ata Va idit7 Status )5a Si2$a <ea t" Status )5% Si2$a <ea t" Status )1-8 Si2$a <ea t" Status 5it 0 1 2 3-, 5-6 /-= T4pe 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8it stri$2 8it stri$2 8it stri$2 1Dplanation


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s

This &2 contains information reAuired to mana e the transfer of precise navi ation data to the G.'""?capable 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'o$-8roadcast :$dicatio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated (TRU)) Se2antics description :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode is $ot deri5ed 3ro9 sate ite %roadcast $ersion R)L-=

Sate ite i$3or9atio$ NSat:4 NSV <ea t" N:64 NG#'SS additio$a c oc> 9ode s


1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) 8it stri$2(6) 8it stri$2(11) U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a c oc> 9ode s 10.3./.-13 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a or%it 9ode s 10.3./.-1e :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. '6T) 1 '6T) 2

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NG#'SS additio$a or%it 9ode s



'OT2 ,P The "B Fealth values are G'"" specific as identified by the G.'"" &: P
GANSS Moder$iQed GPS S8#S EVSS EVS-L1 EVSS EVSL1(0L2(0L5 GL6'#SS 84S 5it (/S5) L1( <ea t" I/0J Ra$2i$2 6$ (0), 633(1) I/1J L1( <ea t" I/2J 8$ (MS8) I/3, !a2e 23J 81: <ea t" (Sat<1) I=6J 5it ! L1 <ea t" I6=,6-J (orrectio$s 6$ (0), 633 (1) I/1J L1 <ea t" I/2J S$ 9ealth 5it Strin-(() 5it 3 5it ' L2 <ea t" L5 <ea t" I6=,6-J I6=,6-J :$te2rit7 6$ T0S (0), 633(1) I/1J (reser5ed) SV <ea t" I/2J L2 <ea t" I/2J L5 <ea t" I/2J 5it " T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) 5it ( (7S5) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed)

&T I/3, Ta% e ,.,J T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed) T0S (reser5ed)

'OT2 *P The &O: values are G'"" specific as identified by the G.'"" &: P
GANSS Moder$iQed GPS S8#S EVSS EVSL1 EVSS EVSL1(0L2(0L5 GL6'#SS 84S 5it (/S5) T0S T0S 5it ! 5it 3 5it ' 5it " :C3 5it Strin-( ) 5it ( 5it ) 5it * 5it + 5it % 5it (7S5)

toe (seco$ds, sca e 3actor 300, ra$2e 0 R 60,500) I6=, 6-, /0J T0S T0S :ssue o3 4ata (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e -) :ssue o3 4ata, ( oc> I/2J toe (seco$ds, sca e 3actor 300, ra$2e 0 R 60,500) I/2J T0S T0S T0S T0S T0S t% (9i$utes, sca e 3actor 15, ra$2e 0 R 1,25) I/3J :ssue o3 data, c oc> (:64() I=6J :ssue o3 data, e!"e9eris (:64)) I=6J


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7

This &2 contains parameters that describe the real?time status of the GP" constellation.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Sate ite i$3or9atio$ N8adSat:4 Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.SatN )$u9erated( 0..63) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J. T4pe and Reference Se2antics description

10.3./.-5a 10.3./.-5%

Void U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7

This &2 contains parameters that describe the real?time status of the G.'"" constellation.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Sate ite i$3or9atio$ N8ad G#'SS Sat:4 N8ad G#'SS Si2$a :4 Need MP MP 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) 8it stri$2 (=) :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s t"at a si2$a s o3 t"e s!eci3ic SV are %ad. '6T) T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


1odin of 0ad G.'"" "i nal &:

GNSS Ga i eo 1 2 3 , 5 6-= 1 2 3 ,-= 1 2-= 1 2 3 , 5-= 1 2 3 ,-= 1 2-= 5it 1Dplanation )1 )5# )58 )6 )5# + )58 S!are L1( L2( L5 S!are L1 S!are EVS-L1 EVS-L1( EVS-L2( EVS-L5 S!are G1 G2 G3 S!are 81: S!are $ersion R)L-/

Moder$iQed GPS







U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..10 Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS Gee>


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS Gee> (7c e 'u9%er Need 6P

!*" /ulti T4pe and Reference 23) :$te2er(0../)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"is 3ie d !ro5ides t"e $u9%er o3 102, GPS 1ee> c7c es occurred si$ce t"e GPS Qero ti9e-!oi$t (9id$i2"t o3 t"e $i2"t o3 Fa$uar7 5, 1-=009or$i$2 o3 Fa$uar7 6, 1-=0). T"e 3irst 102, GPS 1ee>s si$ce t"e Qero ti9e!oi$t is GPS Gee> (7c e 'u9%er 0. GPS Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ 9i iseco$ds (rou$ded do1$ to t"e $earest 9i iseco$d u$it). UTR#' GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es i$ ste!s o3 1 c"i! $ersion R)L-10

GPS T6G 9sec UTR#' GPS re3ere$ce ti9e NUTR#' GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNT44 NNNce !ara9eters id NS&' U) Positio$i$2 GPS Re3ere$ceTi9e U$certai$t7


:$te2er(0..6. 0,=C10=-1) :$te2er(0.. 2322,31-----)

Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,0 -5) U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e u$certai$t7 10.3./.-6a )$u9erated ( essT"a$10, 9oreT"a$10 ) :$te2er (0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, -1, -2, -5, -10, -15, -25, -50) 1 to M9a.SatN )$u9erated( 0..63) 8it stri$2(1,) 8it stri$2(2) 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$

:de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i! :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i! T"e S&' 1"ic" t"e UTR#' GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es ti9e sta9!s. '6T) 1



S&'-T6G U$certai$t7


TUTR#'-GPS dri3t rate


T"is 3ie d i$dicates t"e u$certai$t7 o3 t"e re atio$ GPS T6G0S&'. essT"a$10 9ea$s t"e re atio$ is accurate to at east 10 9s. '6T) 1 i$ 10256 c"i!s !er sec.

GPS T6G #ssist NSat:4 NTLM Messa2e NTLM Reser5ed N# ert N#$ti-S!oo3


:de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is eBua to (SV :4 'o - 1) 1"ere SV :4 'o is de3i$ed i$ I12J.

'6T) 1* :3 t"e :) @U) Positio$i$2 GPS Re3ere$ceTi9e U$certai$t7@ is !rese$t, t"e :) @S&'-T6G U$certai$t7@ is $ot $eeded a$d s"a %e i2$ored.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..=1 -1) Se2antics description T"e seBue$tia $u9%er o3 da7s 3ro9 t"e ori2i$ o3 t"e G'SS s7ste9 ti9e i$dicated %7 G#'SS Ti9e :4 9odu o =1-2 da7s (a%out 22 7ears). '6T). T"is 3ie d !ro5ides t"e $u9%er o3 =1-2 da7 c7c es occurred si$ce t"e G#'SS Qero ti9e!oi$t de3i$ed i$ '6T) %e o1. T"e 3irst =1-2 G#'SS da7s si$ce t"e Qero ti9e-!oi$t is G#'SS 4a7 (7c e 'u9%er 0. G"e$ t"is 3ie d is i$c uded, t"e G#'SS 4a7 3ie d s"a %e i$c uded as 1e . G#'SS Ti9e o3 4a7 i$ seco$ds (odi$2 as i$ su%c ause 10.3./.-6a #%se$se o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo, 5a ues 0-/ are reser5ed 3or 3uture use #%se$se o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo, &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 2 i$ 10.3./.-3a. UTR#' G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es i$ ste!s o3 250 $s. :$dicates su%-seco$d !art o3 G#'SS T64 :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e G#'SS T64-S&' re atio$s"i! :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e G#'SS T64-S&' re atio$s"i! T"e S&' 1"ic" t"e UTR#' G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es ti9e sta9!s. i$ 10256 c"i!s !er sec. 6$e s!are 5a ue $eeded. $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS 4a7

G#'SS 4a7 (7c e 'u9%er




G#'SS T64 G#'SS T64 U$certai$t7 G#'SS Ti9e :4

MP 6P 6P

:$te2er(0..=6 3--) :$te2er(0..12 /) :$te2er (0../)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-=

UTR#' G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e NUTR#' G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNT44 NNNce !ara9eters id NS&' TUTR#'-G#'SS dri3t rate


:$te2er(0.. ------/50 %7 ste! o3 250) Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,0 -5) )'UM)R#T )4 (0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, -1, -2, -5, -10, -15, -25, -50)

R)L-/ R)L-/


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/



:efinition of G'"" system time ori inP

GANSS Ga i eo S7ste9 Ti9e GPS S7ste9 Ti9e EVSS S7ste9 Ti9e GL6'#SS S7ste9 Ti9e 84S S7ste9 Ti9e GNSS S4ste2 Ti2e Cri-in #u2ust 22, 1---U 00*00*00 UT Fa$uar7 6, 1-=0U 00*00*00 UT((US'6) Fa$uar7 6, 1-=0U 00*00*00 UT((US'6) Fa$uar7 1, 1--6U 03*00*00 UT((RU) Fa$uar7 1, 2006U 00*00*00 UT(('TS()


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e u$certai$t7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..12/) Se2antics description T"is e e9e$t !ro5ides t"e accurac7 o3 t"e !ro5ided GPS ti9e, or a ter$ati5e 7 t"e accurac7 o3 t"e !ro5ided re atio$ %et1ee$ GPS a$d UTR#' ti9e. :3 @GPS T6G@ is t"e !ro5ided GPS ti9e, or a ter$ati5e 7 t"e GPS ti9e corres!o$di$2 to t"e UTR#' ti9e !ro5ided, t"e$ t"e true GPS ti9e ies i$ t"e i$ter5a I@GPS T6G@ @GPS Re3ere$ce Ti9e U$certai$t7@, @GPS T6G@ + @GPS Re3ere$ce Ti9e U$certai$t7@J. T"e u$certai$t7 r, e.!ressed i$ 9icroseco$ds, is 9a!!ed to a $u9%er H 1it" t"e 3o o1i$2 3or9u a* r ? (C(((1+.)H)-1) 1it" ( ? 0.0022 a$d . ? 0.1=. To e$code a$7 "i2"er 5a ue o3 t"e u$certai$t7 t"a$ t"at corres!o$di$2 to H?12/ i$ t"e 3or9u a a%o5e, or to i$dicate a$ u$de3i$ed 5a ue o3 t"e @GPS T6G@, t"e sa9e 5a ue, H?12/, s"a %e used. $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) Positio$i$2 GPS Re3ere$ce Ti9e U$certai$t7


This &2 is not needed in the "/'" /25O1.T&O' &'7O messa e.


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS UT( 9ode

The 3T1 Model field contains a set of parameters needed to relate GP" time to 3niversal Time 1oordinate (3T1).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #1 #0 tot G't tLS G'LS& 4' tLS& Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) Se2antics description sec0sec I12J seco$ds I12J seco$ds I12J 1ee>s I12J seco$ds I12J 1ee>s I12J da7s I12J seco$ds I12J


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS ti9e 9ode

The G.'"" time model field contains a set of parameters needed to relate G.'"" time for the G.'"" indicated by HG.'"" &:H to selected time reference indicated by HG'""GTOG&:H.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS Ti9e Mode Re3ere$ce Ti9e T#0 Need MP

!** /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..60 ,/=, %7 ste! o3 16) :$te2er (21,/,=36,= .. 21,/,=36,/ ) :$te2er (=3==60= .. =3==60/) :$te2er (6, .. 63) )$u9erated (GPS, Ga i eo, EVSS, GL6'#SS, 84S) :$te2er(0..=1 -1) :$te2er(12=..12/)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e o3 1ee> 3or G#'SS Ti9e Mode , 2i5e$ i$ G'SS s!eci3ic s7ste9 ti9e, 1it" a 16s sca e 3actor. Seco$ds, sca e 3actor 2-35 $ersion R)L-/



T#1 T#2 G'SS;T6;:4

6P 6P MP

sec0sec, sca e 3actor 2-51 sec0sec2 , sca e 3actor 2-6= G'SS Ti9e 633set :4 Se5e$ s!are 5a ues $eeded. G'SS Ti9e 633set :4 &our s!are 5a ues $eeded. G'SS Ti9e 633set :4 T"ree s!are 5a ues $eeded. Re3ere$ce 1ee> o3 G#'SS Ti9e Mode 2i5e$ i$ G'SS s!eci3ic s7ste9 ti9e T"is 3ie d s!eci3ies t"e i$te2er seco$ds o3 t"e G'SS-G'SS Ti9e 633set. Sca e 3actor 1 seco$d.

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-12 R)L-/ R)L-10

Gee> 'u9%er 4e ta;T

6P 6P


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce

This element provides data bit assistance data for specific satellite si nals for data wipe?off.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS T64 Need MP

!*+ /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Re3erere$ce ti9e (9odu o 1 9i$ute) o3 t"e 3irst %it o3 t"e data i$ :) O4ata 8itsP, i$ seco$ds T"e 3o o1i$2 3ie ds are !rese$t ';Sat ti9es, 1it" 1 _ ';Sat _ 9a.G#'SSSat :de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. T"e 3o o1i$2 3ie ds are !rese$t ';S2$ ti9es, 1it" 1 _ ';S2$ _ 9a.S2$T7!e $ersion R)L-/

4ata 8it #ssista$ce List NSate ite :4 N4ata %it assista$ce S2$ List NNG#'SS Si2$a :4 NN4ata 8its


1 to M9a.G#' SSSatN :$te2er (0..63) 1 to M9a.S2$T 7!eN G#'SS Si2$a :4 10.3.3.,5a 8it stri$2 (1..102,)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

Ra1 data %its as tra$s9itted 3ro9 a s!eci3ic sate ite at t"e ti9e i$dicated %7 G#'SS;T64. :$ case o3 Ga i eo, it co$tai$s t"e &)( e$coded a$d i$ter ea5ed 9odu atio$ s79%o s. T"e o2ica e5e s 1 a$d 0 corres!o$d to si2$a e5e s -1 a$d +1, res!ecti5e 7. ';8:T is t"e actua $u9%er o3 e e9e$ts i$ 4ata %its* 1 _ ';8:T _ 102,.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$ case o3 Moder$iQed GPS L1(, it co$tai$s t"e e$coded a$d i$ter ea5ed 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I/0J sectio$ :$ case o3 Moder$iQed GPS L2(, it co$tai$s eit"er t"e '#V data 9odu atio$ %its, t"e &)( e$coded '#V data 9odu atio$ s79%o s, or t"e &)( e$coded ('#V data 9odu atio$ s79%o s, de!e$de$t o$ t"e curre$t si2$a co$3i2uratio$ o3 t"is sate ite as de3i$ed i$ I6=, Ta% e 3-:::J. :$ case o3 Moder$iQed GPS L5, it co$tai$s t"e &)( e$coded ('#V data 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I6-J. :$ case o3 S8#S, it co$tai$s t"e &)( e$coded data 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I/1J. :$ case o3 EVSS EVS-L1, it co$tai$s t"e '#V data 9odu atio$ %its as de3i$ed i$ I/2J sectio$ 5.2. :$ case o3 EVSS EVS-L1(, it co$tai$s t"e e$coded a$d i$ter ea5ed 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I/2J sectio$ 5.3. :$ case o3 EVSS EVS-L2(, it co$tai$s t"e e$coded 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I/2J sectio$ 5.5. :$ case o3 EVSS EVS-L5, it co$tai$s t"e e$coded 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I/2J sectio$ 5.6. :$ case o3 GL6'#SS, it co$tai$s t"e 100 s!s di33ere$tia 7 Ma$c"ester e$coded 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I/3J sectio$ :$ case o3 84S, it co$tai$s t"e e$coded a$d i$ter ea5ed 9odu atio$ s79%o s as de3i$ed i$ I=6J sectio$ 5.1.3. R)L-=



U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode

The 3T1 Model field contains a set of parameters needed to relate G.'"" time to 3niversal Time 1oordinate (3T1).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #1 #0 tot tLS G't G'LS& 4' tLS& Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(2,) 8it stri$2(32) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) 8it stri$2(=) Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

7or a G.'"" &d referrin to Galileo- the definition and the unit of the elements are provided in D=,E.


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s

This element contains contains several sets of parameters needed to relate G'"" system time to 3niversal Time 1oordinate (3T1)- as defined in D=;- =>- <+- <,- <*- <3E. Only one parameter set can be included in one 32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 models and which set of parameters to include depends on the G.'""?&: and 32 capabilities. The 3T1 time standard- 3T1(#)- is G'"" specific. 2. .- if G.'"" &: indicates JR""- 32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 models contains a set of parameters needed to relate JR"T to 3T1('&1T). &f G.'"" &: indicates Moderni!ed GP"- 32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 models contains a set of parameters needed to relate GP" system time to 3T1(3"'O). &f G.'"" &: indicates G5O'.""- 32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 models contains a set of parameters needed to relate G5O'."" system time to 3T1(/3). &f G.'"" &: indicates "0."- 32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 models contains a set of pameters needed to relate "0." networ# time for the "0." indicated by "0." &: to the 3T1 standard defined by the 3T1 "tandard &:. &f G.'"" &: indicates 0:"- 32 positionin G.'"" additional 3T1 models contains a set of parameters needed to relate 0:" system time to 3T1 ('T"1).


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mode -1 N#0-$ Need 6P MP /ulti

!+! T4pe and Reference 8it Stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) 8ias coe33icie$t o3 G'SS ti9e sca e re ati5e to UT( ti9e sca e (seco$ds) I6=,6-,/0,/2J 4ri3t coe33icie$t o3 G'SS ti9e sca e re ati5e to UT( ti9e sca e (sec0sec) I6=,6-,/0,/2J 4ri3t rate correctio$ coe33icie$t o3 G'SS ti9e sca e re ati5e to UT( ti9e sca e (sec0sec2) I6=,6-,/0,/2J (urre$t or !ast ea! seco$d cou$t (seco$ds) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Ti9e data re3ere$ce ti9e o3 1ee> (seco$ds) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Ti9e data re3ere$ce 1ee> $u9%er (1ee>s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Lea! seco$d re3ere$ce 1ee> $u9%er (1ee>s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J Lea! seco$d re3ere$ce da7 $u9%er (da7s) I6=,6-,/0,/2J (urre$t or 3uture ea! seco$d cou$t (seco$ds) I6=,6-,/0,/2J '6T) (a e$dar da7 $u9%er 1it"i$ 3our-7ear !eriod %e2i$$i$2 si$ce t"e ea! 7ear (da7s) I/3J GL6'#SS ti9e sca e correctio$ to UT((SU) (seco$ds) I/3J (oe33icie$t to deter9i$e UT1 (seco$ds) I/3J (oe33icie$t to deter9i$e UT1 (seco$ds09sd) I/3J 'oti3icatio$ o3 e.!ected ea! seco$d correctio$ (di9e$sio$ ess) I/3J '6T) sec0sec (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) $ersion R)L-= R)L-=



8it Stri$2(13)




8it Stri$2(/)




8it Stri$2(=)




8it Stri$2(16)


NG'ot NG'LS& N4' NtLS&


8it Stri$2(13) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(,) 8it Stri$2(=)

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

Mode -2 N'#


8it Stri$2(11)

R)L-= R)L-=

>c N4e ta UT1 NN81


8it Stri$2(32)


8it Stri$2(11)




8it Stri$2(10)




8it Stri$2(2)


Mode -3 N#1G'T


8it Stri$2(2,)

R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! N#0G'T Ntot NG't NtLS NG'LS& N4' NtLS& NUT( Sta$dard :4 Mode -, N#0UT( N#1UT( NtLS NG'LS& N4' NtLS& MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP MP MP MP

!+3 8it Stri$2(32) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(=) 8it Stri$2(3) 8it Stri$2 (32) 8it Stri$2 (2,) 8it Stri$2 (=) 8it Stri$2 (=) 8it Stri$2 (=) 8it Stri$2 (=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) seco$ds (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) seco$ds (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) 1ee>s (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) seco$ds (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) 1ee>s (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) da7s (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) seco$ds (I/1J, Messa2e T7!e 12) di9e$sio$ ess '6T) 1 '6T) Seco$ds I=6J sec0sec I=6J Seco$ds I=6J Gee>s I=6J 4a7s I=6J Seco$ds I=6J R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12


This &2 shall contain e(actly one of the optional fields indicated by H'OT2H.

'OT2 ,P 1odin of 3T1 "tandard &:P

$alue of 0TC Standard :3 0 1 2 3 ,-/ 0TC Standard UT( as o!erated %7 t"e (o99u$icatio$s Researc" La%orator7 ((RL), To>7o, Fa!a$ UT( as o!erated %7 t"e 'atio$a :$stitute o3 Sta$dards a$d Tec"$o o27 (':ST) UT( as o!erated %7 t"e U. S. 'a5a 6%ser5ator7 (US'6) UT( as o!erated %7 t"e :$ter$atio$a 8ureau o3 Gei2"ts a$d Measures (8:PM) Reser5ed 3or 3uture de3i$itio$


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( G##S, )G'6S, MS#S, G#G#') Se2antics description &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S8#S :4


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$

Need /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description T"is c"oice 9a7 o$ 7 %e !rese$t i3 G#'SS :4 i$dicated OModer$iQed GPSP MP 1 to $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() A"SS-ID NG#'SS-:4-1

NN#u. :$3o List



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNNSat :4 NNNSi2$a s #5ai a% e Need /ulti M9a.G#'SS SatN MP MP

!+' T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..63) 8it Stri$2(=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NG#'SS-:4-3 NN#u. :$3o List NNNSat :4 NNNSi2$a s #5ai a% e MP MP MP 1 to M9a.G#'SS SatN :$te2er(0..63) 8it Stri$2(=)

:de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. T"is 3ie d i$dicates t"e ra$2i$2 si2$a s su!!orted %7 t"e sate ite i$dicated %7 Sat :4. T"is 3ie d is 2i5e$ as a %it stri$2 as s"o1$ i$ '6T) 1 3or Moder$iQed GPS. :3 a %it is set to T1S it i$dicates t"at t"e sate ite ide$ti3ied %7 Sat :4 tra$s9its ra$2i$2 si2$a s accordi$2 to t"e si2$a corres!o$de$ce i$ '6T) 1. :3 a %it is set to T0S it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 si2$a is $ot su!!orted o$ t"e sate ite ide$ti3ied %7 Sat :4 T"is c"oice 9a7 %e !rese$t i3 G#'SS :4 i$dicated OGL6'#SSP

R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-= R)L-=

NNN("a$$e 'u9%er



:de$ti3ies t"e sate ite a$d is as de3i$ed i$ 'ote 2 o3 10.3./.==%. T"is 3ie d i$dicates t"e ra$2i$2 si2$a s su!!orted %7 t"e sate ite i$dicated %7 Sat :4. T"is 3ie d is 2i5e$ as a %it stri$2 as s"o1$ i$ '6T) 1 3or GL6'#SS. :3 a %it is set to T1S it i$dicates t"at t"e sate ite ide$ti3ied %7 Sat :4 tra$s9its ra$2i$2 si2$a s accordi$2 to t"e si2$a corres!o$de$ce i$ '6T) 1. :3 a %it is set to T0S it i$dicates t"at t"e corres!o$di$2 si2$a is $ot su!!orted o$ t"e sate ite ide$ti3ied %7 Sat :4. T"is 3ie d i$dicates t"e GL6'#SS carrier 3reBue$c7 $u9%er o3 t"e sate ite ide$ti3ied %7 Sat :4, as de3i$ed i$ I/3J.

R)L-= R)L-=


'OT2 ,P 1odin of "i nals .vailable


Release ! GANSS :3 1 Moder$iQed GPS 3 GL6'#SS


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

5it (/S5) L1( G1

5it ! L2( G2

Si-nals A=aial;le 5it Strin-(*) 5it 3 5it ' 5it " 5it ( L5 G3 T0S S!are T0S S!are T0S S!are T0S S!are T0S S!are T0S S!are

5it ) T0S S!are T0S S!are

5it * (7S5) T0S S!are T0S S!are


U) !ositio$i$2 :P4L !ara9eters

This &2 contains parameters for the &P:5 mode. The use of this parameters is described in D*>E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN:P s!aci$2 NN:P e$2t" NN:P o33set NNSeed NT44 NN:P s!aci$2 NN:P;Start NN:P;S ot NN:P;P((P(< 8urst 9ode !ara9eters N8urst Start N8urst Le$2t" N8urst 3reB Need /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(5,/,1 0,15,20,30,, 0,50) :$te2er(5,10) :$te2er(0..-) :$te2er(0..63 ) :$te2er(30,, 0,50,/0,100) :$te2er(0..,0 -5) :$te2er(0..1, ) 8oo ea$ :$te2er(0..15 ) :$te2er(10..2 5) :$te2er(1..16 ) Se2antics description See I2-J See I2-J See I2-J See I2-J See I33J See I33J See I33J See I33J See I2-J a$d I33J See I2-J a$d I33J See I2-J a$d I33J R)L-, R)L-, R)L-, R)L-, R)L-, $ersion R)L-, R)L-, MP MP MP MP MP MP MP (Vchannel 6P MP MP MP

Condition channel

1Dplanation T"is :) is !rese$t o$ 7 i3 t"e id e s ot carries t"e P((P(<


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 9easured resu ts

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# 9easured resu ts 10.3./.105 U) !ositio$i$2 Positio$ esti9ate i$3o 10.3./.10U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 9easured resu ts 10.3./.-3 U) !ositio$i$2 error 10.3./.=/ U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 9easured resu ts 10.3./.-3a Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# 9easured resu ts

U) !ositio$i$2 Positio$ esti9ate i$3o


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 9easured resu ts


U) !ositio$i$2 error


:$c uded i3 U) !ositio$i$2 error occurred R)L-/

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 9easured resu ts



U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.111 Measure9 e$t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.110 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 ($o data) 6P U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)assisted 10.3./.103 U) !ositio$i$2 Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

Measure9e$t 5a idit7 (<6:() reporting criteria NU) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 criteria


NPeriodica re!orti$2 criteria

N'o re!orti$2 U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-assisted

U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-%ased



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

!+) /ulti T4pe and reference 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-%ased 10.3./.103 a U) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce data 10.3./.-0 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS assista$ce data 10.3./.-0%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

U) !ositio$i$2 GPS assista$ce data


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS assista$ce data




U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts

This &2 contains the measurement event results that are reported to 3T/.' for 32 positionin measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() !%ent ID N/a NNU) !ositio$i$2 Positio$ esti9ate i$3o Need MP MP U) !ositio$i$2 Positio$ esti9ate i$3o 10.3./.10U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# 9easured resu ts 10.3./.105 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 9easured resu ts 10.3./.-3 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 9easured resu ts 10.3./.-3a /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.

N/% NNU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# 9easured resu ts


N/c NNU) !ositio$i$2 GPS 9easure9e$t


N/d NNU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS 9easure9e$t





U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-assisted

Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference U) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 6T46#


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)assisted Need

!+* /ulti T4pe and Reference !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 10.3./.10=

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce ist 3or U)assisted NU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)assisted


1 to M9a.(e M easN U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 10.3./.106

10.3./.103a U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# assista$ce data 3or U)-%ased

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased 10.3./.10=a Se2antics description

U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce ist 3or U)-%ased NU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased


1 to M9a.(e M easN U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased 10.3./.106a




U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# 9easured resu ts

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..,0 -5) Se2antics description S&' duri$2 1"ic" t"e ast 9easure9e$t 1as !er3or9ed

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S&' (<6:() mode N&44 NNRe3ere$ce ce id NNU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 i$3o NNNU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2


Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 10.3./.=, U) !ositio$i$2 6T46#

NNNU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# Bua it7


Eua it7 o3 t"e U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 9easure9e$t 3ro9 t"e re3ere$ce ce .


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NT44 NNRe3ere$ce ce id 'ei2"%ours N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNN'ei2"%our :de$tit7 NNN&reBue$c7 i$3o NNNU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 i$3o NNNNU) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 Need

!++ /ulti T4pe and Reference Bua it7 10.3./.10/ (e !ara9eters :4 to M9a.(e M easN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

($o data) MP 6P MP M4 M4 6P MP U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 10.3./.=, U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# Bua it7 10.3./.10/ (e a$d ("a$$e :de$tit7 i$3o 10.3.6.=a :$te2er (0..163=3) U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# Bua it7 10.3./.10/ S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce 10.3./.63 Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o &reBue$c7 i$3o 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e sa9e as i$ t"e 3irst set o3 9u ti! e sets. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue o3 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$ :$c uded 3or ce i$ t"e acti5e set e.c udi$2 t"e re3ere$ce ce .

NNNNU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# Bua it7


Eua it7 o3 t"e U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 9easure9e$t 3ro9 t"e $ei2"%our ce .

NNT44 NNN(e a$d ("a$$e :4


4e3au t 5a ue is t"e sa9e as i$ t"e 3irst set o3 9u ti! e sets.

NNNU#R&(' NU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# Bua it7


Eua it7 o3 t"e S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 9easure9e$t 3ro9 t"e $ei2"%our ce . Gi5es t"e ti9i$2 re ati5e to t"e re3ere$ce ce . 6$ 7 t7!e 2 is a o1ed.

NS&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2



U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o

This &2 ives appro(imate cell timin in order to decrease the search window.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NT44 NNce a$d c"a$$e :4 Need MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (e a$d ("a$$e :de$tit7 i$3o 10.3.6.=a :de$ti3ies t"e c"a$$e to %e 9easured o$. /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 i$3o :P4L !ara9eters Need M4 (V-IPDLs

3%% /ulti T4pe and Reference &reBue$c7 i$3o U) !ositio$i$2 :P4L !ara9eters 10.3./.-= :$te2er (0 .. ,0-5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue o3 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$

S&' o33set


S&' o33set 5a idit7


)$u9erated (&#LS)) :$te2er(0.. 3=3--)

S&'-S&' re ati5e ti9e di33ere$ce


S&'-S&' dri3t


Searc" Gi$do1 SiQe


:$te2er (0, -1, -2, -3, -,, -5, -=, -10, -15, -25, -35, -50, -65, -=0, -100, 1, 2, 3, ,, 5, =, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 65, =0, 100) :$te2er(20, ,0, =0, 160, 320, 6,0, 12=0, i$3i$it7)

# t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, $eed is MP to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1. 4e3i$e Tre3 as t"e ti9e o3 %e2i$$i$2 o3 s7ste9 3ra9e $u9%er S&'re3 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce . 4e3i$e T$c as t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 a 3ra9e 3ro9 t"e $ei2"%our ce occurri$2 i99ediate 7 a3ter t"e ti9e Tre3. Let t"e corres!o$di$2 s7ste9 3ra9e $u9%er %e S&'$c. T"e$ S&'$c ? S&'re3-S&' o33set 9odu o ,0-6. #%se$ce o3 t"is e e9e$t 9ea$s S&' o33set is 5a id. &#LS) 9ea$s S&' o33set is $ot 5a id. Gi5es t"e re ati5e ti9i$2 co9!ared to t"e re3ere$ce ce . )Bua to (T$cTre3)C(3.=,C106) 1"ere () de$otes rou$di$2 to t"e $earest o1er i$te2er. :$ c"i!s, T$c ? t"e ti9e o3 %e2i$$i$2 o3 a s7ste9 3ra9e 3ro9 t"e $ei2"%our ce , Tre3 ? t"e ti9e o3 %e2i$$i$2 o3 a s7ste9 3ra9e 3ro9 t"e re3ere$ce ce . i$ 10256 c"i!s !er seco$d

:$ c"i!s. :3 t"e 5a ue is A t"e$ t"e e.!ected S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce is i$ t"e ra$2e IRT4-A, RT4+AJ 1"ere RT4 is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e 3ie d S&'-S&' re ati5e ti9e di33ere$ce. :$3i$it7 9ea$s t"at t"e u$certai$t7 is ar2er t"a$ 12=0 c"i!s. ($o data) ($o data)

(<6:() PositioningMode NU) %ased NU) assisted



Release ! Condition IPDLs


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 :P4Ls are a!! ied a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.

10.3./.106a U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased

This &2 ives appro(imate cell timin in order to decrease the search window- as well as the cell locations and fine cell timin for 32 based OT:O..
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 10.3./.106 Se2antics description $ersion

(e Positio$ NRe ati5e 'ort"

M4 6P

:$te2er(20000..20000 ) NRe ati5e )ast 6P :$te2er(20000..20000 ) NRe ati5e # titude 6P :$te2er(,000..,000) &i$e S&'-S&' MP Rea (0..0.-3/ 5 i$ ste!s o3 0.0625) U) !ositio$i$2 Re ati5e Ti9e MP U) Eua it7 o3 t"e re ati5e ti9e 4i33ere$ce Eua it7 !ositio$i$2 di33ere$ce %et1ee$ $ei2"%our 6T46# a$d re3ere$ce ce . Bua it7 10.3./.10-a Rou$d Tri! Ti9e 6P Rea :$ c"i!s. :$c uded i3 ce is i$ (=/6.00 .. acti5e set. 2-23.=/5 i$ ste!s o3 0.0625) Rou$d Tri! Ti9e ).te$sio$ (VRea (0 .. :$ c"i!s. :$c uded i3 ce is i$ #DD ,3-2.125 i$ acti5e set. 4e3au t ? 0. ste!s o3 '6T). 0.0625) '6T)* Tota Rou$d Tri! Ti9e ? :) @Rou$d Tri! Ti9e@ + :) @Rou$d Tri! Ti9e ).te$sio$@. Condition #DD

4e3au t is t"e sa9e as !re5ious ce Seco$ds o3 a$2 e, sca e 3actor 0.03. Re ati5e !ositio$ co9!ared to re3ere$ce ce . Seco$ds o3 a$2 e, sca e 3actor 0.03. Re ati5e !ositio$ co9!ared to re3ere$ce ce . Re ati5e a titude i$ 9eters co9!ared to re3. ce . Gi5es 3i$er reso utio$


1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ &44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# Bua it7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(2) Se2antics description Std Reso utio$ 3ie d i$c udes t"e reso utio$ used i$ Std o3 6T46# Measure9e$ts 3ie d. )$codi$2 o$ t1o %its as 3o o1s* L00L 10 9eters L01L 20 9eters L10L 30 9eters L11L Reser5ed T"e L'u9%er o3 6T46#

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Std Reso utio$

'u9%er o3 6T46#


8it stri$2(3)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Measure9e$ts Need

3%! /ulti T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 9easure9e$tsL 3ie d i$dicates "o1 9a$7 6T46# 9easure9e$ts "a5e %ee$ used i$ t"e U) to deter9i$e t"e sa9! e sta$dard de5iatio$ o3 t"e 9easure9e$ts. &o o1i$2 3 %it e$codi$2 is used* L001L 5-L010L 10-1, L011L 15-2, L100L 25-3, L101L 35-,, L110L ,5-5, L111L 55 or 9ore

S!ecia case* L000L*:$ t"is case t"e 3ie d LStd o3 6T46# 9easure9e$tsL co$tai$s t"e std o3 t"e re!orted S&'S&' otd 5a ue ? )I(.-b)2J,
1"ere . is t"e re!orted 5a ue a$d b ? )I.J is t"e e.!ectatio$ 5a ue (i.e. t"e true 5a ue) o3 .. T"is std ca$ %e used irres!ecti5e o3 t"e $u9%er o3 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 o3 t"e $u9%er o3 9easure9e$ts is $ot $eeded. # so ot"er 9easure9e$ts suc" as )c0'o or R. e5e s ca$ %e uti ised i$ t"is case to e5a uate t"e LStd o3 6T46# 9easure9e$tsL re!orted i$ t"is :). Std o3 6T46# Measure9e$ts 3ie d i$c udes sa9! e sta$dard de5iatio$ o3 6T46# 9easure9e$ts (1"e$ $u9%er o3 9easure9e$ts is re!orted i$ L'u9%er o3 6T46# 9easure9e$ts 3ie dL) or sta$dard de5iatio$ o3 t"e re!orted S&'-S&' otd 5a ue ? )I(.-b)2J, 1"ere . is t"e re!orted 5a ue a$d b ? )I.J is t"e e.!ectatio$ 5a ue (i.e. t"e true 5a ue) o3 . (1"e$ L000L is 2i5e$ i$ L'u9%er o3 6T46# 9easure9e$tsL 3ie d). &o o1i$2 i$ear 5 %it e$codi$2 is used* L00000L 0 - (RC1-1) 9eters L00001L RC1 R (RC2-1) 9eters L00010L RC2 R (RC3-1) 9eters X L11111L RC31 9eters or 9ore 1"ere R is t"e reso utio$ de3i$ed %7 Std Reso utio$ 3ie d. ).2. R?20 9 corres!o$ds to 01- 9, 20-3- 9,X,620+ 9.

Std o3 6T46# Measure9e$ts


8it stri$2(5)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o

This &2 defines the cell used for time references in all OT:O. measurements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S&' Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0..,0-5) Se2antics description Ti9e sta9! (S&' o3 Re3ere$ce (e ) o3 t"e S&'-S&' re ati5e ti9e di33ere$ces a$d S&'-S&' dri3t rates. :$c uded i3 a$7 S&'S&' dri3t 5a ue is i$c uded i$ :) U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o.

(<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NT44 NNce a$d c"a$$e :4

MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (e a$d ("a$$e :de$tit7 i$3o 10.3.6.=a &reBue$c7 i$3o :de$ti3ies t"e c"a$$e to %e 9easured o$. 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e e.isti$2 5a ue o3 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$. T"is :) s"a a 1a7s %e set to de3au t 5a ue


&reBue$c7 i$3o


(<6:() PositioningMode NU) %ased NU) assisted :P4L !ara9eters

MP ($o data) :3 t"is e e9e$t is $ot i$c uded t"ere are $o id e !eriods !rese$t


U) !ositio$i$2 :P4L !ara9eters 10.3./.-=

10.3./.10=a U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased

This &2 defines the cell used for time references in all OT:O. measurements for 32?based methods.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o Need MP /ulti

3%' T4pe and Reference U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 10.3./.10=

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

(<6:() Cell Position N) i!soid NN) i!soid !oi$t N) i!soid 1it" a titude NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude


T"e !ositio$ o3 t"e a$te$$a t"at de3i$es t"e ce . Used 3or t"e U) %ased 9et"od. ) i!soid !oi$t 10.3.=.,a


) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,% Rou$d Tri! Ti9e 6P Rea :$ c"i!s. (=/6.00 .. 2-23.=/5 i$ ste!s o3 0.0625) Rou$d Tri! Ti9e ).te$sio$ (VRea (0 .. :$ c"i!s. 4e3au t ? 0. #DD ,3-2.125 i$ '6T). ste!s o3 0.0625) '6T)* Tota Rou$d Tri! Ti9e ? :) @Rou$d Tri! Ti9e@ + :) @Rou$d Tri! Ti9e ).te$sio$@. Condition #DD



1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ &44, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


U) !ositio$i$2 !ositio$ esti9ate i$3o

The purpose of this &2 is to provide the position estimate from the 32 to the networ#- if the 32 is capable of determinin its own position.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Reference Time NUTR#' GPS re3ere$ce ti9e NNU) GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es Need MP MP :$te2er(0.. 3/15=-11-----) GPS Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ u$its o3 1016t" UMTS c"i!s accordi$2 to I1-J. 3320-=321//66, s!are 5a ues are $eeded. :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i! :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e GPS T6G-S&' re atio$s"i!. T"e S&' 3or 1"ic" t"e ocatio$ is 5a id. T"is :) i$dicates t"e S&' at 1"ic" t"e U) ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9e is ca!tured. GPS Ti9e o3 Gee> i$ 9i iseco$ds (rou$ded do1$ to t"e $earest 9i iseco$d u$it). /ulti T4pe and Reference Se2antics description $ersion

NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNNT44 NNce !ara9eters id NNRe3ere$ce S&'

MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,0 -5)


NGPS re3ere$ce ti9e o$ 7 NNGPS T6G 9sec N(e ti9i$2


:$te2er(0..6. 0,=C10=-1)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNS&' NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNNT44 NNce !ara9eters id NUTR#' G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e NNU) G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es NNG#'SS Ti9e :4 Need MP MP MP

3%" /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..,0 -5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S&' duri$2 1"ic" t"e !ositio$ 1as ca cu ated. $ersion

Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0.. =63-------/50 %7 ste! o3 250) :$te2er(0../)

:de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or S&' :de$ti3ies re3ere$ce ce 3or S&' G#'SS Ti9e o3 4a7 i$ $s R)L-/ R)L-/




NNG#'SS T64 U$certai$t7 NN(<6:() mode NNN&44 NNNNPri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o NNNT44 NNNNce !ara9eters id NNRe3ere$ce S&'


:$te2er(0..12 /)

#%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 2 i$ 10.3./.-3a. (odi$2 as i$ 10.3./.-6a


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

Pri9ar7 (P:(< :$3o (e !ara9eters id 10.3.6.:$te2er(0..,0 -5)

:de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e G#'SS T64-S&' re atio$s"i! :de$ti3ies t"e re3ere$ce ce 3or t"e G#'SS T64-S&' re atio$s"i!. T"e S&' 3or 1"ic" t"e ocatio$ is 5a id. T"is :) i$dicates t"e S&' at 1"ic" t"e U) ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9e is ca!tured. G#'SS Ti9e o3 4a7 i$ 9i iseco$ds (rou$ded do1$ to t"e $earest 9i iseco$d u$it). #%se$ce o3 t"is 3ie d 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 2 i$ 10.3./.-3a. T"e !ositio$ esti9ate is !ro5ided i$ GGS-=, re3ere$ce s7ste9.


NG#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e o$ 7 NNG#'SS T64 9sec NNG#'SS Ti9e :4


:$te2er(0..35 -----) :$te2er(0../)

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

(<6:() Position estimate N) i!soid Poi$t N) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e

MP ) i!soid Poi$tU 10.3.=.,a ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e 10.3.=.,d ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se 10.3.=.,e ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,%

N) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se

N) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid Need

3%( /ulti T4pe and Reference ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c 8it stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Positio$ 4ata


&or eac" %it, i3 set to T1S, i$dicates t"at res!ecti5e G'SS or !ositio$ s7ste9 1as used 3or !ositio$ ca cu atio$. 8it 0* 6T46# %it 1* GPS %it 2* Ga i eo %it 3-15* reser5ed %it 3* S8#S %it ,* Moder$iQed GPS %it 5* EVSS %it 6* GL6'#SS %it /-15* reser5ed %it /* 84S %it =-15* reser5ed



R)L-12 R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

(<6:() $elocity estimate N<oriQo$ta Ve ocit7 N<oriQo$ta 1it" Vertica Ve ocit7

6P <oriQo$ta Ve ocit7 10.3.=.," <oriQo$ta 1it" Vertica Ve ocit7 10.3.=.,i <oriQo$ta Ve ocit7 1it" U$certai$t7 10.3.=.,K <oriQo$ta 1it" Vertica Ve ocit7 a$d U$certai$t7 10.3.=.,> U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e u$certai$t7 10.3./.-6a 1Dplanation

N<oriQo$ta Ve ocit7 1it" U$certai$t7 N<oriQo$ta 1it" Vertica Ve ocit7 a$d U$certai$t7



U) Positio$i$2 GPS Re3ere$ceTi9e U$certai$t7





This &2 is optionally present if H3T/.' GP" reference timeH is included and not needed otherwise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3./.10-a U) !ositio$i$2 Re ati5e Ti9e 4i33ere$ce Bua it7

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re ati5e Ti9e 4i33ere$ce Std Reso utio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(2) Se2antics description Std Reso utio$ 3ie d i$c udes t"e reso utio$ used i$ Std o3 Re ati5e Ti9e 4i33ere$ce 3ie d. )$codi$2 o$ t1o %its as 3o o1s* L00L 10 9eters L01L 20 9eters L10L 30 9eters L11L Reser5ed Std o3 Re ati5e Ti9e di33ere$ce 3ie d i$c udes sta$dard de5iatio$ o3 (S&'-S&' re ati5e ti9e di33ere$ce + &i$e S&'S&'). &o o1i$2 i$ear 5 %it e$codi$2 is used* L00000L 0 - (RC1-1) 9eters L00001L RC1 R (RC2-1) 9eters L00010L RC2 R (RC3-1) 9eters X L11111L RC31 9eters or 9ore 1"ere R is t"e reso utio$ de3i$ed %7 Std Reso utio$ 3ie d. ).2. R?20 9 corres!o$ds to 01- 9, 20-3- 9,X,620+ 9.

Std o3 Re ati5e Ti9e 4i33ere$ce


8it stri$2(5)


U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 criteria

The tri erin of the event?tri ered reportin for a 32 positionin measurement.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Para9eters reBuired 3or eac" e5e$t N#9ou$t o3 re!orti$2 Need MP MP /ulti

3%* T4pe and Reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 'ote* $eed corrected to MP i$ Re -/ to a i2$ 1it" #S'.1. :$te2er(1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,,i$3i$ite) 8oo ea$ $ersion

1 to M9a.Meas )5e$tN

NRe!ort 3irst 3i.


NMeasure9e$t i$ter5a


:$te2er(5,1 5,60,300,00,1=00,36 00,/200)

:3 TRU) t"e U) re!orts t"e !ositio$ o$ce t"e 9easure9e$t co$tro is recei5ed, a$d t"e$ eac" ti9e a$ e5e$t is tri22ered. :$dicates "o1 o3te$ t"e U) s"ou d 9a>e t"e 9easure9e$t :$ seco$ds

N(<6:() !%ent ID NN/a NNNT"res"o d Positio$ ("a$2e

MP MP :$te2er(10, 20,30,,0,5 0,100,200, 300,500,10 00,2000,50 00,10000,2 0000,5000 0,100000) Rea (0.25, 0.5,1,2,3,,, 5,10,20,50, 100,200,50 0,1000,200 0,5000) :$te2er(1,2 ,3,5,10,20, 50,100) Meters. :$dicated "o1 9uc" t"e !ositio$ s"ou d c"a$2e co9!ared to ast re!orted !ositio$ 3i. i$ order to tri22er t"e e5e$t.

NN/% NNNT"res"o d S&'-S&' c"a$2e


("i!s. :$dicates "o1 9uc" t"e S&'-S&' 9easure9e$t o3 #'D 9easured ce is a o1ed to c"a$2e %e3ore t"e e5e$t is tri22ered. Ti9e i$ 9s. G"e$ t"e GPS T6G a$d S&' ti9er "as dri3ted a!art 9ore t"a$ t"e s!eci3ied 5a ue t"e e5e$t is tri22ered. Ti9e i$ 9icro seco$ds ('6T) 1).

NN/c NNNT"res"o d S&'-GPS T6G


R)L-/ R)L-/

NN/d NNNT"res"o d S&'-G#'SS T6G MP :$te2er(1,2 ,3,5,10,20, 50,100)

Ti9e i$ 9icro seco$ds. R)L-/ G"e$ t"e G#'SS T6G a$d S&' ti9er "as dri3ted a!art 9ore t"a$ t"e s!eci3ied 5a ue t"e e5e$t is tri22ered. '6T) 1* :$ !re5ious 5ersio$s o3 t"e !rotoco , t"e :) @T"res"o d S&'-GPS T6G@ 1as !ro5ided i$ u$its o3 9i i seco$ds. :3 t"e i$3or9atio$ is !ro5ided i$ u$its o3 9icro seco$ds, t"e U) s"a i2$ore a$7 i$3or9atio$ !ro5ided i$ u$its o3 9i i seco$ds.


U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

The purpose of the element is to e(press the allowed@reAuired location method(s)- and to provide information desired Jo".
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Met"od T7!e Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated( U) assisted, U) %ased, U) %ased is Se2antics description $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

3%+ /ulti T4pe and Reference !re3erred %ut U) assisted is a o1ed, U) assisted is !re3erred %ut U) %ased is a o1ed) )$u9erated( 6T46#, GPS, 6T46# or GPS, (e :4) :$te2er(1,2,, , =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=) 8it stri$2(/) 8it stri$2(/) 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Positio$i$2 Met"ods


Res!o$se Ti9e <oriQo$ta #ccurac7 Vertica #ccurac7 GPS ti9i$2 o3 (e 1a$ted

MP (VMethodTy pe (VMethodTy pe MP

T"is :) s"a %e i2$ored. T"e u$certai$t7 is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ > %7 r ? 10C(1.1>-1) i$ 9eters. T"e u$certai$t7 is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ > %7 r ? ,5C(1.025>-1) i$ 9eters. :3 TRU) t"e SR'( 1a$ts t"e U) to re!ort t"e S&'-GPS ti9i$2 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce . T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). T"is :) s"a %e i2$ored. TRU) i$dicates t"at t"e U) is reBuested to se$d t"e :) @GPS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest@ a$d0or t"e O:) @G#'SS #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest@ (i3 t"e :) OG#'SS Positio$i$2 Met"odsP is i$c uded) 1"e$ t"e :) @U) !ositio$i$2 )rror@ is !rese$t i$ t"e U) !ositio$i$2 9easured resu ts. &#LS) i$dicates t"at t"e U) s"a use t"e assista$ce data a5ai a% e. 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.

Mu ti! e Sets #dditio$a #ssista$ce 4ata ReBuest


8oo ea$ 8oo ea$

)$5iro$9e$t ("aracterisatio$


)$u9erated( !ossi% 7 "ea57 9u ti!at" a$d 'L6S co$ditio$s, $o or i2"t 9u ti!at" a$d usua 7 L6S co$ditio$s, $ot de3i$ed or 9i.ed e$5iro$9e$t) )$u9erated (TRU))

Ve ocit7 ReBuested


:3 t"is e e9e$t is !rese$t t"e U) is reBuested to se$d a 5e ocit7 esti9ate



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS Positio$i$2 Met"ods Need 6P

3 % /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or eac" %it, i3 set to T1S, i$dicates t"at res!ecti5e G'SS is a o1ed. %it 0* GPS %it 1* Ga i eo %it 2-15* reser5ed 3or 3uture G'SSes 'ote 1 %it 2* S8#S (G##S, )G'6S, MS#S, G#G#') %it 3* Moder$iQed GPS (L1(, L2(, L5) %it ,* EVSS %it 5* GL6'#SS %it 6-15* reser5ed 3or 3uture G'SSes 'ote 1 %it 6* 84S %it /-15* reser5ed 3or 3uture G'SSes $ersion R)L-/



G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 (e 1a$ted


8it stri$2(=)

'ote 1 )ac" %it re3ers to a G#'SS. 8it 0 is 3or Ga i eo. 6t"er %its are reser5ed. :3 o$e %it is set to o$e t"e SR'( 1a$ts t"e U) to re!ort t"e S&'-G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce . T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). 8it 1 is 3or Moder$iQed GPSU 8it 2 is 3or EVSSU 8it 3 is 3or GL6'#SSU 6t"er %its are reser5ed. :3 o$e %it is set to o$e t"e SR'( 1a$ts t"e U) to re!ort t"e S&'-G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce . T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). :3 9ore t"a$ o$e %it is set to o$e, t"e U) 1i se ect t"e G#'SS a9o$2 t"e a o1ed G#'SS 3or t"e S&'-G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce i$ t"e 9easure9e$t re!ort. 8it , is 3or 84SU 6t"er %its are reser5ed. :3 o$e %it is set to o$e t"e SR'( 1a$ts t"e U) to re!ort t"e S&'-G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce . T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). :3 9ore t"a$ o$e %it is set to o$e, t"e U) 1i se ect t"e G#'SS a9o$2 t"e a o1ed G#'SS 3or t"e S&'-G#'SS ti9i$2 o3 t"e re3ere$ce ce i$ t"e 9easure9e$t re!ort.


Re -=



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS (arrier-P"ase Measure9e$t ReBuested Need 6P

3 /ulti T4pe and Reference 8it stri$2(=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )ac" %it re3ers to a G#'SS. 8it 0 is 3or Ga i eo. 6t"er %its are reser5ed. T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). 8it 1 is 3or S8#SU 8it 2 is 3or Moder$iQed GPSU 8it 3 is 3or EVSSU 8it , is 3or GL6'#SSU 6t"er %its are reser5ed. T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). 8it 5 is 3or 84SU 6t"er %its are reser5ed. T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). )ac" %it re3ers to a G#'SS. 8it 0 is 3or Ga i eoU 8it 1 is 3or S8#SU 8it 2 is 3or Moder$iQed GPSU 8it 3 is 3or EVSSU 8it , is 3or GL6'#SSU 6t"er %its are reser5ed. T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). 8it 5 is 3or 84SU 6t"er %its are reser5ed. T"is is "o1e5er o!tio$a i$ t"e U). $ersion R)L-/

Re -=


G#'SS Mu ti-3reBue$c7 Measure9e$t ReBuested


8it Stri$2(=)



Condition Method Type

1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @Met"od T7!e@ is @U) assisted@U ot"er1ise it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t.

'OT2 ,P 0it + of this bitmap shall not be the only one set to ,.


T#4V i$3o
Only for ,.*; Mcps T::.

T.:B indicates the difference between the /( timin and T( timin of a 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<-roup na2e T#4V Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..20,/, 20,=..=1-1) :$te2er(0..,0 -5) Se2antics description #s de3i$ed i$ I20J. $ersion R)L-, R)L-/ S&' duri$2 1"ic" t"e T#4V 9easure9e$t 1as !er3or9ed. R)L-,




UTR# !riorit7 i$3o ist

1ontains priority based reselection information for 3T/..


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UTR# Ser5i$2 (e N!riorit7 Need MP MP

3 ! /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..M9a.Prio R1N) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0../ %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..31) 1 to M 9a.'u9& 44&reBsN :$te2er(0..16 3=3)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est d8 d8, de3au t 5a ue is 0 RS(P, d8 )c0'0, d8, de3au t 5a ue is 0 $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

NS!riorit7searc"1 NS!riorit7searc"2 NT"res"ser5i$2, o1 NT"res"ser5i$2, o12 UTR#' &44 &reBue$cies NU#R&('


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-R)L-=



:$te2er (0..M9a.Prio R1N) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (2,..0) :$te2er (11-..-25 %7 ste! o3 2) 1 to M 9a.'u9T 44&reBsN :$te2er(0..16 3=3) :$te2er (0..M9a.Prio R1N) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2)

NT"res"., "i2" NT"res"., o1 NEBua 9i$&44


:t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e e$tr7 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e U#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is. 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est. RS(P, d8 RS(P, d8 )c0'0, Id8J 4e3au t 5a ue is EBua 9i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce RS(P, Id89J 4e3au t 5a ue is Er. e59i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce



R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

NEr. e59i$&44



UTR#' T44 &reBue$cies NU#R&(' N!riorit7


R)L-= R)L-= 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est. RS(P, d8 RS(P, d8 R)L-=

NT"res"., "i2" NT"res"., o1


R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NEr. e59i$T44 Need M4

3 3 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (11-..-25 %7 ste! o3 2)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description RS(P, Id89J 4e3au t 5a ue is Er. e59i$ 3or t"e ser5i$2 ce $ersion R)L-=


The networ# should ensure that priorities for different /adio .ccess Technolo ies are always different.


GSM !riorit7 i$3o ist

1ontains priority based reselection information for G"M.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GSM Priorit7 :$3o Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.'u9 GSM(e G rou!N GSM ce 2rou! 10.3./.-a :$te2er (0..M9a.Prio R1N) :$te2er (115..-25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

NGSM ce 2rou! List N!riorit7


R)L-= 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est. GSM RSS:, Id89J GSM RSS:, d8 GSM RSS:, d8 R)L-=

NEr. e59i$GSM NT"res"., "i2" NT"res"., o1


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


The networ# should ensure that priorities for different /adio .ccess Technolo ies are always different.


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 i$3o ist

1ontains information about nei hbour 2?3T/. freAuencies (with associated blac#lists)- to ether with priority based reselection information.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 Need

3 ' /ulti 1 to M9a.'u9 )UTR#&re BsN MP :$te2er(0..65 535) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T) 2 $ersion R)L-=


NMeasure9e$t 8a$d1idt"


)$u9erated( 6, 15, 25, 50, /5, 100)



:$te2er (0..M9a.Prio R1N) :$te2er (1,0..-,, %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (3,..-3) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (-3,..-3)

NEr. e59i$)UTR# NT"res"., "i2" NT"res"., o1 NEBua 9i$)UTR# NT"res"., "i2"2 NT"res"., o12 NEBua 9i$)UTR#-G8


)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J :t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e e$tr7 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e )#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is. Measure9e$t %a$d1idt" i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s o$ t"e carrier 3reBue$c7. :t is de3i$ed %7 t"e !ara9eter Tra$s9issio$ 8a$d1idt" (o$3i2uratio$, 'R8 I36.10,J. T"e 5a ues i$dicate t"e $u9%er o3 resource % oc>s o5er 1"ic" t"e U) cou d 9easure. 4e3au t 5a ue is 6. 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est. RSRP, Id89J RSRP, d8 RSRP, d8 RSRE, d8 de3au t 5a ue is $e2ati5e i$3i$it7 RSRE, d8 RSRE, d8 RSRE, d8, :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, t"e U) s"a , 1"e$ !er3or9i$2 RSRE 9easure9e$ts, use a 1ider %a$d1idt" i$ accorda$ce 1it" TS 36.133 I/,J




R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N8 ac> isted ce s !er 3reB ist Need 6P

3 " /ulti 1 to M9a.)UT R#(e Per &reBN :$te2er (0..503) 8oo ea$ T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

NNP"7sica (e ide$tit7


N)-UTR# detectio$


'u9%er o3 a!! ica% e )#R&('

(V)#R&('8 a$ds

:$te2er (0../)

)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 e.te$sio$ N)#R&(' e.te$sio$


1 to M9a.'u9 )UTR#&re BsN :$te2er (65536..262 1,3)

# ist o3 % ac> isted ce s ca$ %e si2$a ed !er 3reBue$c7 TTRU)S 9ea$s t"at t"e U) 9a7 detect t"e !rese$ce o3 a )UTR# ce a$d re!ort to '#S. '6T) 1. T"e $u9%er ' o3 )#R&(' i$ @)UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7@ or @Mu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$3o ist@ 1"ic" are a!! ica% e. :3 !rese$t t"is :) i$dicates t"e 3irst ' occura$ces o3 )#R&(' i$ @)UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7@ or @Mu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$3o ist@ 1"ic" s"a %e read %7 U). '6T) 2






)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :t is a 1a7s e$sured %7 t"e UTR#' t"at 9ore t"a$ o$e e$tr7 3or t"e sa9e !"7sica 3reBue$c7 is $ot co$3i2ured re2ard ess o3 t"e )#R&(' used to i$dicate t"is



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NMeasure9e$t 8a$d1idt" Need M4

3 ( /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 6, 15, 25, 50, /5, 100)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Measure9e$t %a$d1idt" i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s o$ t"e carrier 3reBue$c7. :t is de3i$ed %7 t"e !ara9eter Tra$s9issio$ 8a$d1idt" (o$3i2uratio$, 'R8 I36.10,J. T"e 5a ues i$dicate t"e $u9%er o3 resource % oc>s o5er 1"ic" t"e U) cou d 9easure. 4e3au t 5a ue is 6. 0 is t"e o1est !riorit7 a$d 9a.Prio-1 is t"e "i2"est. RSRP, Id89J RSRP, d8 RSRP, d8 RSRE, d8 de3au t 5a ue is $e2ati5e i$3i$it7 RSRE, d8 RSRE, d8 RSRE, d8, :3 t"is :) is !rese$t, t"e U) s"a , 1"e$ !er3or9i$2 RSRE 9easure9e$ts, use a 1ider %a$d1idt" i$ accorda$ce 1it" TS 36.133 I/,J $ersion R)L-11



:$te2er (0..M9a.Prio R1N) :$te2er (1,0..-,, %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (3,..-3) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (-3,..-3)


NEr. e59i$)UTR# NT"res"., "i2" NT"res"., o1 NEBua 9i$)UTR# NT"res"., "i2"2 NT"res"., o12 NEBua 9i$)UTR#-G8


R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

N8 ac> isted ce s !er 3reB ist


1 to M9a.)UT R#(e Per &reBN :$te2er (0..503) 8oo ea$ # ist o3 % ac> isted ce s ca$ %e si2$a ed !er 3reBue$c7 TTRU)S 9ea$s t"at t"e U) 9a7 detect t"e !rese$ce o3 a )UTR# ce a$d re!ort to '#S. '6T) 1.


NNP"7sica (e ide$tit7



N)-UTR# detectio$




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$3o ist Need 6P

3 ) /ulti 1 to M9a.'u9 )UTR#&re BsN 1 to M9a.Mu ti ! e&reBuc7 8a$ds)UT R#N T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )ac" e$tr7 i$ t"e ist corres!o$ds to a$ e$tr7 i$ t"e @)UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7@ :). :$dicates, !er $ei2"%our )#R&('6 a ist o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 1"ic" t"e )-UTR# ce s %e o$2 to. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"ere are $o Mu ti! e 8a$ds 3or t"e !articu ar )#R&('. #s de3i$ed i$ I6,J. )ac" e$tr7 i$ t"e ist corres!o$ds to a$ e$tr7 i$ t"e @)UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7@ :). '6T) 3 :$dicates, !er $ei2"%our )#R&('6 a ist o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds 1"ic" t"e )-UTR# ce s %e o$2 to. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"ere are $o Mu ti! e 8a$ds 3or t"e !articu ar )#R&('. #s de3i$ed i$ I6,J. $ersion R)L-10

NMu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator ist



NN)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d Mu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$3o e.te$sio$ ist

MP 6P 1 to M9a.'u9 )UTR#&re BsN 1 to M9a.Mu ti ! e&reBuc7 8a$ds)UT R#N

:$te2er (1..6,)

R)L-10 R)L-11

NMu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator e.te$sio$ ist



NN)-UTR# &reBue$c7 %a$d 6P :$te2er R)L-11 e.te$sio$ (65..256) '6T) 1* :3 t"e 5a ue o3 @)-UTR# detectio$@ is $ot ide$tica across t"e 3reBue$c7 a7ers, U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied. '6T) 2* T"e $u9%er o3 i$sta$ces o3 :) @)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 e.te$sio$@ s"a %e ess t"a$ or eBua to 9a.'u9)UTR#&reBs R t"e 5a ue s!eci3ied i$ :) @'u9%er o3 a!! ica% e )#R&('@ '6T) 3* T"e $u9%er o3 i$sta$ces o3 :) @Mu ti! e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$3o ist@ s"a %e ess t"a$ or eBua to 9a.'u9)UTR#&reBs R t"e 5a ue s!eci3ied i$ :) @'u9%er o3 a!! ica% e )#R&('@


The networ# should ensure that priorities for different /adio .ccess Technolo ies are always different. The networ# should ensure that priorities for which both Thresh(-hi h* and Thresh(-low* are provided are always different from the priorities for which both Thresh(-hi h* and Thresh(-low* are not provided.

Condition !AR#C"+ands


1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e $u9%er o3 i$sta$ces o3 :) @)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7@ a$d :) @)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 a$d !riorit7 e.te$sio$@ co9%i$ed is 2reater t"a$ 9a.'u9)UTR#&reBs, ot"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"e 3ie d is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e 9easure9e$t %a$d1idt" i$dicated %7 Measurement +and:idth is 50 resource % oc>s or ar2er. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.


Release !

3 *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.

1ontains the information for the list of measurement objects for an intra?freAuency measurement on secondary uplin# freAuency.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce re9o5a NRe9o5e a i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s NRe9o5e so9e i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s NNRe9o5ed i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) is eBui5a e$t to c"oice @Re9o5e $o i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s@. ($o data) $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L-MP 1 to M9a.(e Meas6$S ecUL&reB N :$te2er(0 .. M 9a.(e Meas 6$SecUL&re B N - 1) ($o data) 6P 1 to M9a.(e Meas6$S ecUL&reB N :$te2er(0 .. M 9a.(e Meas 6$SecUL&re B N - 1) (e i$3o 10.3./.2 1 to M9a.(e Meas6$S ecUL&reB N :$te2er(0 .. M9a.(e Mea s6$SecUL&r eBN-1) R)L--

NNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id



NRe9o5e $o i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s 'e1 i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s


N:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id



N(e i$3o (e s 3or 9easure9e$t



N:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce id




(e 9easure9e$t e5e$t resu ts o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.

&ncludes non?freAuency related cell reportin Auantities.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 Need MP

3 + /ulti T4pe and reference :$tra3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.3, Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L--

(<6:() mode N &44 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

MP MP 1 to M 9a.(e Me as6$SecU &reB N R)L--

N 6t"er

6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded



Measured resu ts o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.

&ncludes non?freAuency related cell reportin Auantities.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e 9easured resu ts o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 N(e 9easured resu ts Need MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me as6$SecU L&reB N (e 9easured resu ts 10.3./.3 6$ 7 ce s 3or 1"ic" a re!orti$2 Bua$tities are a5ai a% e s"ou d %e i$c uded. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L--




:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

7or 7:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 :$3o Para9eters reBuired 3or eac" e5e$t N:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 Need MP MP

3!% /ulti T4pe and reference &reBue$c7 i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description '6T)2 $ersion R)L-R)L--

1 to M9a.Meas )5e$t6$Se cUL&reBN :$tra3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7 10.3./.3, )$u9erated( #cti5e set ce s, Mo$itored set ce s, #cti5e set ce s a$d 9o$itored set ce s) )$u9erated( #cti5e set ce s, Mo$itored set ce s, #cti5e set ce s a$d 9o$itored set ce s, 4etected set ce s, 4etected set ce s a$d 9o$itored set ce s) Rea (0..1,.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) 1 to M 9a.(e Me as6$SecU L&reB N Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o Rea (0.0..2.0 %7 ste! o3 0.1) Rea (0../.5 %7 ste! o3 0.5) :$te2er (120..165) '6T)1



NTri22eri$2 co$ditio$ 1

C$Hclause >

:$dicates 1"ic" ce s ca$ tri22er t"e e5e$t


NTri22eri$2 co$ditio$ 2

C$Hclause 7

:$dicates 1"ic" ce s ca$ tri22er t"e e5e$t


NRe!orti$2 Ra$2e (o$sta$t N(e s 3or%idde$ to a33ect Re!orti$2 ra$2e o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NG N<7steresis NT"res"o d used 3reBue$c7

C$Hclause ' C$Hclause & MP C$Hclause ' MP C$-clause /

:$ d8. :$ e5e$t 1a,1%. :$ e5e$t 1a,1%


R)L-R)L-:$ d8. Ra$2e used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7. (P:(< RS(P -120..-25 d89 (P:(< )c0'o -2,..0 d8 Pat" oss 30..165d8 :S(P -120..-25 d89 :$ e5e$t 1a :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s a o1ed i$ t"e acti5e set i$ order 3or e5e$t 1a to occur. 0 9ea$s $ot a!! ica% e . R)L-R)L--

NRe!orti$2 deacti5atio$ t"res"o d

C$Hclause -

:$te2er(0, 1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /)



Release ! NRe! ace9e$t acti5atio$ t"res"o d C$-clause @

3! :$te2er(0, 1, 2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$ e5e$t 1c :$dicates t"e 9i$i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s a o1ed i$ t"e acti5e set i$ order 3or e5e$t 1c to occur. 0 9ea$s $ot a!! ica% e :$dicates t"e !eriod o3 ti9e duri$2 1"ic" t"e e5e$t co$ditio$ "as to %e satis3ied, %e3ore se$di$2 a Measure9e$t Re!ort. Ti9e i$ 9s R)L--

NTi9e to tri22er


Ti9e to tri22er 10.3./.6,


N#9ou$t o3 re!orti$2 NRe!orti$2 i$ter5a

C$Hclause 6 C$Hclause 6

:$te2er(1, 2, ,, =, 16, 32, 6,, :$3i$it7) :$te2er(0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, ,000, =000, 16000) Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Periodica re!orti$2 i$3o-1% 10.3./.53aa

R)L-:$dicates t"e i$ter5a o3 !eriodica re!orti$2 1"e$ suc" re!orti$2 is tri22ered %7 a$ e5e$t. :$ter5a i$ 9i iseco$ds. 0 9ea$s $o !eriodica re!orti$2. R)L--

NRe!orti$2 ce status NPeriodica re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$-1%

6P C$Hclause E


Condition Clause > Clause & Clause ' Clause / Clause Clause @ Clause 7 Clause 6 Clause E

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1%@ or @13@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@ or @1%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@ or @1%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1e@, @13@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1c@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@ or @1e@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1a@, @1c@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is o!tio$a i3 t"e :) @:$tra-3reBue$c7 e5e$t ide$tit7@ is set to @1%@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.

'OT2,P 2vent ,d and ,j shall not be applied for the secondary uplin# freAuency. 'OT2*P &f the &2 H7reAuency infoH is different from the current downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary 35 freAuency- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


(SG :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o

Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.&reB N &reBue$c7 i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (SG &reBue$c7 i$3o N&reBue$c7 i$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N(SG :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o 3or t"e 3reBue$c7 Need MP /ulti

3!! T4pe and reference 10.3./.121a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L--


(SG :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 10.3./.121a Se2antics description $ersion R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (SG :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o

10.3./.121a (SG ce i$3o

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (SG ce i$3o ist Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.Me as(SGR a$2eN T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L--

N(<6:() mode NN&44 NNNStart PS( NNN'u9%er o3 PS(s

MP MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er (1..512) T"e 5a ue o3 t"is :) s!eci3ies t"e start PS( o3 t"e PS( ra$2e. T"is :) s!eci3ies t"e $u9%er o3 PS(s.



(SG Pro.i9it7 :$dicatio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (e$teri$2, ea5i$2) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-MP &reBue$c7 i$3o :$dicates t"e U#R&(' accordi$2 to a %a$d it !re5ious 7 co$sidered suita% e 3or accessi$2 (o$e o3) t"e (SG 9e9%er ce (s), 3or 1"ic" t"e !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ is se$t. )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. :$dicates t"e )#R&(' accordi$2 to a %a$d it !re5ious 7 co$sidered suita% e 3or accessi$2 (o$e o3) t"e (SG 9e9%er ce (s), 3or 1"ic" t"e !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ is se$t. R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (SG Pro.i9it7 :$dicatio$ (<6:() Radio Access Technology NUTR# NN(SG &reBue$c7 i$3o 3or UTR#

N)-UTR# NN(SG &reBue$c7 i$3o 3or )UTR#


:$te2er (0..65535)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ Need 6P /ulti

3!3 T4pe and reference :$te2er (65536..262 1,3)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :$dicates t"e )#R&(' accordi$2 to a %a$d it !re5ious 7 co$sidered suita% e 3or accessi$2 (o$e o3) t"e (SG 9e9%er ce (s), 3or 1"ic" t"e !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ is se$t. $ersion R)L-11


(SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$

Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (e$a% e) Se2antics description #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at (SG !ro.i9it7 detectio$ 3u$ctio$ 3or UTR# ce s is disa% ed. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at (SG !ro.i9it7 detectio$ 3u$ctio$ 3or )-UTR# ce s is disa% ed. $ersion R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UTR# (SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$

)-UTR# (SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$


)$u9erated (e$a% e)



:$ter-3reBue$c7 S: #cBuisitio$
Need MP MP MP Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 'ULL /ulti T4pe and reference &reBue$c7 i$3o Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 i$3o (<6:() mode N&44 NNPri9ar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode NT44


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


:$tra-3reBue$c7 S: #cBuisitio$
Need MP M4 1 to M9a.S:reB uestN #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at U) s"ou d !er3or9 S: acBuisitio$ 3or a PS( ra$2es s!eci3ied i$ t"e @(SG :$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o@ :). U) is at 9i$i9u9 reBuired to acBuire t"e S: o3 t"e stro$2est PS( i$ t"ose co$3i2ured PS( ra$2es. Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 'ULL /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN:$tra-3reBue$c7 S: acBuisitio$ :$3o

NNNPri9ar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode NT44




()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o L(R

Only for ,.*; Mcps T:: in 1255G:1F state.
Need /ulti 1 to M9a.4(< Measure9 e$t6ccasio $Patter$Se Bue$ceN MP :$te2er(0.. 9a.4(<Me asure9e$t6 ccasio$Patte r$SeBue$ce1) )$u9erated( acti5ate, deacti5ate) R)L-T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ !atter$ seBue$ce

NPatter$ seBue$ce ide$ti3ier

NStatus & a2


T"is 3 a2 i$dicates 1"et"er t"e 9easure9e$t occasio$ !atter$ seBue$ce s"a %e acti5ated or deacti5ated.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NMeasure9e$t !ur!ose Need 6P

3!" /ulti T4pe and reference 8:T STR:'G (5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Measure9e$t Pur!ose. 8it 0 is 3or :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t. 8it 1 is 3or GSM carrier RSS: 9easure9e$t. 8it 2 is 3or :$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$. 8it 3 is 3or 8S:( reco$3ir9atio$. 8it , is 3or )-UTR# 9easure9e$t. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it 9ea$s t"at t"e 9easure9e$t occasio$ !atter$ seBue$ce is a!! ica% e 3or t"e corres!o$di$2 t7!e o3 9easure9e$t. $ersion R)L--

0it + is the first@leftmost bit of the bit strin .

NMeasure9e$t occasio$ !atter$ seBue$ce !ara9eters NN> 6P MP :$te2er(1..-) ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t. T"e actua 9easure9e$t occasio$ !eriod eBua to 2> radio 3ra9es. :$ 3ra9es. T"e 9easure9e$t occasio$ !ositio$ i$ t"e 9easure9e$t !eriod. T"e 9easure9e$t occasio$ e$2t" i$ 3ra9es starti$2 3ro9 t"e 633set. 8it9a! i$dicati$2 1"ic" o3 t"e ti9es ot(s) is0are a ocated 3or 9easure9e$t. 8it 0 is 3or ti9es ot 0. 8it 1 is 3or ti9es ot 1. 8it 2 is 3or ti9es ot 2. 8it 3 is 3or ti9es ot 3. 8it , is 3or ti9es ot ,. 8it 5 is 3or ti9es ot 5. 8it 6 is 3or ti9es ot 6. T"e 5a ue 0 o3 a %it 9ea$s t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot is $ot used 3or 9easure9e$t. T"e 5a ue 1 o3 a %it 9ea$s t"e corres!o$di$2 ti9es ot is used 3or 9easure9e$t. R)L-R)L--



:$te2er(0..51 1)




:$te2er(1..51 2) 8it stri$2 (/)


NNTi9es ot 8it9a!



0it + is the


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

3!( /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

first@leftmost bit of the bit strin .

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s a t"e ti9es ots ca$ %e used 3or 9easure9e$t.


)-UTR# S: #cBuisitio$
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..65535) Se2antics description )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. $ersion R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# carrier 3reBue$c7

)#R&(' e.te$sio$ P"7sica (e ide$tit7


:$te2er (65536..262 1,3) :$te2er (0..503)

R)L-11 R)L--


)-UTR# Resu ts 3or S: #cBuisitio$

Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 8it stri$2 (2=) Se2antics description T"is :) i$dicates t"e Pri9ar7 PLM' &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I6/J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e (e :de$tit7. Setti$2 s!eci3ied i$ I6/J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e Trac>i$2 #rea (ode. $ersion R)L-R)L-R)L--

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (G:-:$3o NPLM' :de$tit7 N(e :de$tit7

NTrac>i$2 #rea (ode


8it stri$2 (16)


(SG :de$tit7 (SG Me9%er i$dicatio$ (SG PLM' List N(SG PLM' :de$tit7 Pri9ar7 PLM' Suita% e

6P 6P 6P MP 6P 1 to 5

(SG :de$tit7 10.3.2.= )$u9erate d(9e9%er) PLM' ide$tit7 )$u9erate d(true)

R)L-R)L-R)L-12 R)L-12 R)L-12


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Lo22ed Measure9e$t :$3o-&44

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :'T)G)R (0../200) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e ti9e o3 o22i$2 9easure9e$t resu ts, 9easured re ati5e to t"e #%so ute Ti9e :$3o, i$ seco$ds. $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re ati5e Ti9e Sta9!

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts Ser5i$2 (e NPLM' :de$tit7 N(e :4

MP MP MP PLM' :de$tit7 (e :4

R)L-10 R)L-11 R)L-10


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N(P:(< RS(P Need MP

3!* /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. -1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (P:(< RS(P o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. (P:(< )c0'0 o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0.. -1) $ersion R)L-10

N(P:(< )c0'0


:$te2er(0.. ,-)


Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$tra &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(P:(< RS(P


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas

R)L-10 R)L-10

N(P:(< )c0'0


:$te2er(0.. ,-)

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. (P:(< )c0'0 o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s



Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter &reBue$c7 ist N&reBue$c7 :$3o N Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter3reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NN(P:(< RS(P


1.. Ma.'u9&44& reBs &reBue$c7 :$3o 1..Ma.$u9Lo2 2edMeas Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0.. -1)

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NN(P:(< )c0'0


:$te2er(0.. ,-)

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. (P:(< )c0'0 o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded.



Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$terR#T 'ei2"%our ce s ist NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist

6P 6P 1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs

R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 Need MP

3!+ /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..65535)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e Lo22ed Measure9e$ts )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist. $ersion R)L-10

NN Lo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ours List NNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NNNRSRP NNNRSRE


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas :$te2er (0..503) :$te2er (0..-/) :$te2er (0..33) RSRP is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d -/ I36.133J. RSRE;00 to RSRE;33 i$ I36.133J are 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 33. RSRE;3, i$ I36.133J is 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue 33.

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ NLo22ed Measure9e$ts GSM 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NN8S:( NN8a$d i$dicator

6P 6P 6P MP MP

1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs :$te2er (65535..26 21,3) 1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erate d (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023) RAL)V is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 63, I,6J. G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e RAL)V 5a ue to t"e RSS: %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9o st %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it. :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NN8((< #R&(' NNGSM carrier RSS:

MP MP 8it stri$2(6)


R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() "SS 1! Position N) i!soid NN) i!soid !oi$t N) i!soid 1it" a titude NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude Need 6P

33% /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e !ositio$ o3 t"e U) 1"e$ t"e 9easure9e$t is 9ade ) i!soid !oi$t 10.3.=.,a ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,% ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e 10.3.=.,d ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se 10.3.=.,e ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10



N) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se NN ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N) i!soid 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid

R)L-11 MP R)L-11


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3./.12-a Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o-&44


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #ccess :$3or9atio$ N'u9%er 63 RR( Ms2 Tra$s9itted Lo22ed Measure9e$ts &ai ed (e N(e :4 N(P:(< RS(P Need MP MP

33! /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 'u9%er o3 ti9es t"e RR( 9essa2e is se$t %7 t"e U), e.2. a3ter recei5i$2 #(H a$d #:(<. $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11

MP MP MP (e :4 :$te2er(0.. -1)

R)L-11 R)L-11 (P:(< RS(P o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. (P:(< )c0'0 o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0.. -1) R)L-11

N(P:(< )c0'0


:$te2er(0.. ,-)


Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$tra &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o N(P:(< RS(P


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas

R)L-11 R)L-11

N(P:(< )c0'0


:$te2er(0.. ,-)

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. (P:(< )c0'0 o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s



Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter &reBue$c7 ist N&reBue$c7 :$3o NLo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter3reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NN(P:(< RS(P


1.. Ma.'u9&44& reBs &reBue$c7 :$3o 1..Ma.$u9Lo2 2edMeas Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(0.. -1)

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN(P:(< )c0'0 Need MP

333 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. ,-)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (P:(< )c0'0 o3 t"e ser5i$2 (e , 1"e$ a5ai a% e :$ d8. #ccordi$2 to (P:(<;)c0'o i$ I1-J. &ourtee$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded. $ersion R)L-11

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$terR#T 'ei2"%our ce s ist NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7

6P 6P MP 1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e Lo22ed Measure9e$ts )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

NNLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ours List NNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NNNRSRP NNNRSRE


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas :$te2er (0..503) :$te2er (0..-/) :$te2er (0..33) RSRP is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d -/ I36.133J. RSRE;00 to RSRE;33 i$ I36.133J are 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 33. RSRE;3, i$ I36.133J is 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue 33.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ NLo22ed Measure9e$ts GSM 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NN8S:( NN8a$d i$dicator

6P 6P 6P MP MP

1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs :$te2er (65535..26 21,3) 1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erate d (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023) :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

NN8((< #R&('





Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNGSM carrier RSS: Need MP

33' /ulti 8it stri$2(6) T4pe and reference RAL)V is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 63, I,6J. G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e RAL)V 5a ue to t"e RSS: %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9o st %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it.

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11

Locatio$ :$3or9atio$ N(<6:() Location NN) i!soid NNN) i!soid !oi$t NN) i!soid 1it" a titude NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude

6P MP MP ) i!soid !oi$t 10.3.=.,a ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,% ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e 10.3.=.,d ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se 10.3.=.,e ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c <oriQo$ta 5e ocit7 10.3.=.,"

T"e !ositio$ o3 t"e U) 1"e$ t"e 9easure9e$t is 9ade

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11


NN) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

NN) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

NN) i!soid 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N<oriQo$ta 5e ocit7




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Lo22ed Measure9e$t :$3o-T44

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :'T)G)R (0../200) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e ti9e o3 o22i$2 9easure9e$t resu ts, 9easured re ati5e to t"e #%so ute Ti9e :$3o, i$ seco$ds. $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re ati5e Ti9e Sta9!

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts Ser5i$2 (e N PLM' :de$tit7 N(e :4

MP MP MP PLM' :de$tit7 (e :4

R)L-10 R)L-11 R)L-10


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P Need MP

33( /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(0.. -1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s $ersion R)L-10

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$tra &reBue$c7 ist N(e !ara9eters :d NPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas (e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.:$te2er(0.. -1)

R)L-10 R)L-10

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist N&reBue$c7 :$3o NLo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter3reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NN(e !ara9eters :d NNPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


1.. Ma.'u9T44& reBs &reBue$c7 :$3o 1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas (e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.:$te2er(0.. -1)

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s


R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded.


Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$terR#T 'ei2"%our ce s ist NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7

6P 6P MP 1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e Lo22ed Measure9e$ts )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist.

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

NNLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ours List NNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NNNRSRP NNNRSRE


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas :$te2er (0..503) :$te2er (0..-/) :$te2er (0..33) RSRP is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d -/ I36.133J. RSRE;00 to RSRE;33 i$ I36.133J are 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 33. RSRE;3, i$ I36.133J is 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue 33.

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ NLo22ed Measure9e$ts GSM 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NN8S:( NN8a$d i$dicator Need 6P 6P 6P MP MP

33) /ulti 1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs :$te2er (65536..26 21,3) 1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erate d (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023) RAL)V is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 63, I,6J. G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e RAL)V 5a ue to t"e RSS: %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9o st %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it. T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. R)L-11 R)L-10 R)L-10 :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' R)L-10

NN8((< #R&(' NNGSM carrier RSS:

MP MP 8it stri$2(6)


R)L-10 R)L-10


"SS 1! Position


T"e !ositio$ o3 t"e U) 1"e$ t"e 9easure9e$t is 9ade ) i!soid !oi$t 10.3.=.,a ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,% ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e 10.3.=.,d ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se 10.3.=.,e

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

N) i!soid NN) i!soid !oi$t N) i!soid 1it" a titude NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude



N) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se NN ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se

R)L-11 MP R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N) i!soid 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid Need

33* /ulti T4pe and reference ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3./.130a Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o-T44


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #ccess :$3or9atio$ N'u9%er 63 RR( Ms2 Tra$s9itted N&P#(< Recei5ed Need MP MP

3'% /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..=) 866L)#'

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 'u9%er o3 ti9es t"e RR( 9essa2e is se$t %7 t"e U), e.2. a3ter recei5i$2 &P#(<. TRU) i$dicates t"at &P#(< "as %ee$ success3u 7 recei5ed at east o$ce. TRU) i$dicates t"e 3ai ure o3 t"e )-RU((< tra$s9issio$ "as %ee$ detected $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11



N)-RU((< &ai ure




Lo22ed Measure9e$ts &ai ed (e N(e :4 NPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P

MP MP MP (e :4 :$te2er(0.. -1)

R)L-11 R)L-11 :$ d89. #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s R)L-11

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$tra &reBue$c7 (e s ist N(e !ara9eters :d NPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas (e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.:$te2er(0.. -1)

R)L-11 R)L-11

Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist N&reBue$c7 :$3o NLo22ed Measure9e$ts :$ter3reBue$c7 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NN(e !ara9eters :d NNPri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P


1.. Ma.'u9T44& reBs &reBue$c7 :$3o 1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas (e !ara9eters :d 10.3.6.:$te2er(0.. -1)

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded. Measure9e$ts do$e o$ $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s


R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

:$ d89. #ccordi$2 to P((P(<;RS(P;L)V i$ I1-J a$d I20J. T"irt7-si. s!are 5a ues are $eeded.


Lo22ed Measure9e$ts :$terR#T 'ei2"%our ce s ist NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist

6P 6P 1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs

R)L-11 R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 Need MP

3' /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..65535)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e Lo22ed Measure9e$ts )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist. $ersion R)L-11

NNLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# &reBue$c7 'ei2"%ours List NNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NNNRSRP NNNRSRE


1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas :$te2er (0..503) :$te2er (0..-/) :$te2er (0..33) RSRP is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d -/ I36.133J. RSRE;00 to RSRE;33 i$ I36.133J are 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 33. RSRE;3, i$ I36.133J is 9a!!ed to t"e 5a ue 33.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

NLo22ed Measure9e$ts )UTR# 3reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NN)#R&(' e.te$sio$ NLo22ed Measure9e$ts GSM 'ei2"%ouri$2 (e s ist NN8S:( NN8a$d i$dicator

6P 6P 6P MP MP

1.. Ma.'u9)UT R#&reBs :$te2er (65536..26 21,3) 1.. Ma.$u9Lo22e dMeas 8S:( 10.3.=.2 )$u9erate d (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$te2er (0..1023) RAL)V is 9a!!ed to a 5a ue %et1ee$ 0 a$d 63, I,6J. G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e RAL)V 5a ue to t"e RSS: %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9o st %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it. :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

NN8((< #R&(' NNGSM carrier RSS:

MP MP 8it stri$2(6)


R)L-11 R)L-11


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Locatio$ :$3or9atio$ N(<6:() Location NN) i!soid NNN) i!soid !oi$t NN) i!soid 1it" a titude NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude Need 6P MP MP

3'! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e !ositio$ o3 t"e U) 1"e$ t"e 9easure9e$t is 9ade ) i!soid !oi$t 10.3.=.,a ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,% ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e 10.3.=.,d ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se 10.3.=.,e ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c <oriQo$ta 5e ocit7 10.3.=.," $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11


N) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N) i!soid 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N) i!soid 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid NN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid

R)L-11 MP R)L-11

N<oriQo$ta 5e ocit7




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Lo22ed Meas Re!ort

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8:T STR:'G (S:V)(,=)), Se2antics description :$dicates t"e re3ere$ce to $et1or> a%so ute ti9e a)soluteTimeInfo !ro5ided at t"e !oi$t o3 9easure9e$t o22i$2 co$3i2uratio$. &or9at is DD-MM-44 <<*MM*SS usi$2 8(4 e$codi$2 Para9eter trace re3ere$ce* See TS 32.,22 I=1J Para9eter trace recordi$2 sessio$ re3ere$ce* See TS 32.,22 I=1J Para9eter T() :d* See TS 32.,22 I=1J $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #%so ute Ti9e :$3o

Trace re3ere$ce Trace recordi$2 sessio$


T() :d (<6:() 9ode N&44 NNList o3 9easure9e$ts &44 NNNLo22ed Measure9e$t :$3o-&44

MP 6P 1.. Ma.Lo22edMe asRe!ort MP

Trace Re3ere$ce 10.3./.133 Trace Recordi$2 Sessio$ 10.3./.13, T() :d 10.3./.135

R)L-10 R)L-10

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

Lo22ed Measure9 e$t :$3o&44 10.3./.121.. Ma.Lo22edMe asRe!ort


NT44 NNList o3 9easure9e$ts T44 NNNLo22ed Measure9e$t :$3o-T44 MP

R)L-10 R)L-10 Lo22ed Measure9 e$t :$3oT44 10.3./.130 )$u9erate d (TRU)) R)L-10

Lo22ed Meas #5ai a% e


:$dicates t"e U) "as o22ed 9easure9e$ts to re!ort to t"e $et1or>



Lo22ed Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o

Parameters used to confi ure lo ed measurements.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #%so ute Ti9e :$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it Sti$2 (,=) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e re3ere$ce to $et1or> a%so ute ti9e a)soluteTimeInfo !ro5ided at t"e !oi$t o3 9easure9e$t o22i$2 co$3i2uratio$. &or9at is DD-MM-44 <<*MM*SS usi$2 8(4 e$codi$2 Ti9er 3or o22i$2 duratio$. T"e ti9er is acti5ated at t"e 9o9e$t o3 co$3i2uratio$. G"e$ t"e ti9er e.!ires t"e o22i$2 is sto!!ed a$d t"e co$3i2uratio$ is c eared. 2 s!are 5a ues $ersion R)L-10

Lo22i$2 4uratio$


)$u9erate d (10 9i$,20 9i$, ,0 9i$, 1 "our, 1 "our 30 9i$, 2



Release !

3'' "our) )$u9erate d (1.2=, 2.56, 5.12, 10.2,, 20.,=, 30./2, ,0.-6, 61.,,) Trace Re3ere$ce 10.3./.133 Trace Recordi$2 Sessio$ 10.3./.13, T() :d 10.3./.135

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) are $eeded. :$dicates !eriodicit7 3or stori$2 9easure9e$t resu ts. U) %e"a5iour is u$s!eci3ied 1"e$ t"e U) is co$3i2ured 1it" a 4RA !eriod ar2er t"a$ t"e o22i$2 i$ter5a .:$ seco$ds. Para9eter trace re3ere$ce* See TS 32.,22 I=1J Para9eter trace recordi$2 sessio$ re3ere$ce* See TS 32.,22 I=1J Para9eter T() :d* See TS 32.,22 I=1J :$dicates area 3or 1"ic" t"e U) is reBuested to !er3or9 o22i$2. :3 a%se$t, t"e co$3i2uratio$ is 5a id i$ t"e RPLM' o3 t"e U) a$d t"e PLM's !ro5ided i$ :) @PLM' :de$tit7 List@, i3 !rese$t.

Lo22i$2 :$ter5a



Trace re3ere$ce Trace recordi$2 sessio$


R)L-10 R)L-10

T() :d (<6:() Area Configuration


R)L-10 R)L-10

N(e :4List NN(e :4 NNPLM' ide$tit7

1..32 MP 6P (e :4 PLM' ide$tit7 1..= MP Locatio$ area ide$ti3icatio $ 10.3.1./ 1..= MP Routi$2 area ide$ti3icatio $ 1 to M Ma.$u9M4TP LM'N PLM' ide$tit7 :$dicates t"e PLM' 3or 1"ic" t"e (e :4 is a!! ica% e. :3 $ot !rese$t, t"e (e :4 is a!! ica% e i$ t"e RPLM'.

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-11

NLocatio$ #rea (ode List NNL#:

R)L-10 R)L-10

NRouti$2 #rea (ode List NNR#:

R)L-10 R)L-10

PLM' :de$tit7 List NPLM' ide$tit7


R)L-11 R)L-11


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3./.132a (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure Re!ort

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ti9e Si$ce &ai ure Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :'T)G)R (0..1/2=00 ) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e e a!sed ti9e i$ seco$ds %et1ee$ Lo22i$2 a$d re!orti$2 o3 (o$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t 3ai ure i$3o. $ersion R)L-11

(<6:() 9ode N&44 NNLo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o&44

MP MP Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9 e$t &ai ure :$3o-&44 10.3./.12a Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9 e$t &ai ure :$3o-T44 10.3./.130 a

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11

NT44 NNLo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3oT44


R)L-11 R)L-11


Trace Re3ere$ce
Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 6ctet stri$2 (3) Se2antics description PLM' :de$tit7 $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' :de$tit7 Trace :4


Trace Recordi$2 Sessio$

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (2) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Trace Recordi$2 Sessio$


T() :d
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (1) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T() :d


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Periodica re!orti$2 criteria o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7

1ontains the periodical reportin criteria information. &t is necessary only in the intra?freAuency periodical reportin mode on the secondary uplin# freAuency.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 i$3o Periodica re!orti$2 criteria Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference &reBue$c7 i$3o Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Se2antics description '6T)1 $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10

Re!orti$2 ce status



'OT2,P &f the &2 H7reAuency infoH is different from the current downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary 35 freAuency- the 32 behaviour is unspecified.


)-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(<

Only for 7::.
Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.'u9)U TR#&reBs;& #(<N :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# 3reBue$cies 3or 9easure9e$t N)#R&('



N)#R&(' e.te$sio$ Re!ort criteria Measure9e$t Bua$tit7


:$te2er (65536..2621,3) )$u9erated ()5e$ttri22ered, Periodica re!orti$2) )$u9erated (RSRP, RSRE)

R)L-11 R)L-11

T"is :) i$dicates t"e Bua$tit7 t"at t"e U) uses to deter9i$e t"e e5e$t tri22er.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Re!orti$2 T"res"o d Need MP /ulti

3') T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..-/)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$ d8. Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7* i3 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 is RSRE, ra$2e s"ou d %e (0..3,), i3 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 is RSRP, ra$2e s"ou d %e (0..-/). $ersion R)L-11


)-UTR# resu ts 3or ()LL;&#(<

Only for 7::.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(9a. 'u9)UTR #&reBs;&# (<) Se2antics description 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. )ac" %it i$dicates 1"et"er t"e radio Bua it7 o3 a$ )UTR# 3reBue$c7 is a%o5e t"e re!orti$2 t"res"o d or $ot, 1"ere a o$e 5a ue i$dicates a%o5e a$d a Qero 5a ue $ot. 8it $ corres!o$ds to t"e $-t" )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$ t"e ist !ro5ided %7 t"e :) )-UTR# 3reBue$cies 3or 9easure9e$t. $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 i$dicator


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$

Only for 7::.

1ontains the reportin confi uration information for an 2?3T/. freAuency measurement report- which is sent on the /.1F.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist i$dicator Need MP /ulti

3'* T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(9a.'u9)UTR #&reBs)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 8it 0 is t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2. )ac" %it i$dicates t"e )UTR# 3reBue$c7 t"at t"e U) is reBuired to 9easure a$d re!ort o$ R#(<. 8it $ corres!o$ds to t"e $-t" )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 recei5ed i$ S:81-. Va ue L1L 3or a %it 9ea$s t"e corres!o$di$2 )UTR# 3reBue$c7 "as %ee$ co$3i2ured to 9easure a$d re!ort o$ R#(<. Ma.. , )UTR# 3reBue$cies s"a %e co$3i2ured i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e s!eci3icatio$. $ersion R)L-11

)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 t"res"o d


)$u9erated (RSRP, RSRE) :$te2er (0..-/) :$ d8. Ra$2es used de!e$d o$ 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7* i3 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 is RSRE, ra$2e s"ou d %e (0..3,), i3 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 is RSRP, ra$2e s"ou d %e (0..-/). T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"at )-UTR# 9easure9e$ts s"a %e o9itted 3irst, 3o o1ed %7 i9iti$2 t"e $u9%er o3 i$ter-3reBue$c7 ce s, %e3ore i9iti$2 t"e $u9%er o3 i$tra-3reBue$c7 ce s. Measure9e$t resu t 3or t"e curre$t ce s"a %e o9itted ast. T"ree s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

R)L-11 R)L-11

R#(< re!orti$2 !riorit7


)$u9erated (:$tra)UTR#:$ter, :$ter:$tra)UTR#, :$ter)UTR#:$tra, )UTR#:$tra:$ter, )UTR#:$ter:$tra)



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3.= 6t"er :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

10.3.=.1 8((< 9odi3icatio$ i$3o
&ndicates modification of the "ystem &nformation on 011F.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:8 Va ue ta2 8((< 9odi3icatio$ ti9e Need MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference M:8 Va ue ta2 10.3.=.:$te2er (0.. ,0== i$ ste! o3 =) Se2antics description

# S&' 5a ues i$ 1"ic" M:8 9a7 %e 9a!!ed are a o1ed.


Need MP MP MP %it stri$2(3) %it stri$2(3) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description I11J T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e '((. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e 8((.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8ase tra$scei5er Statio$ :de$tit7 (ode (8S:() N'et1or> (o our (ode ('(() N8ase Statio$ (o our (ode (8(()


(8S 4RA Le5e 1 i$3or9atio$

This information element contains the 10" discontinuous reception information to be broadcast for 10" :/I 5evel , calculations in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Period o3 (T(< a ocatio$ (') (8S 3ra9e o33set (H) Period o3 8M( sc"edu i$2 9essa2es (P) Need MP MP (VSI+@ /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..256) :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (=, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256) Se2antics description MTT: ' 256, ' 9u ti! e o3 MTT: 0 H '-1, H 9u ti! e o3 MTT: $ersion


Condition SI+@

1Dplanation T"e :) is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e :) @(8S 4RA Le5e 1 i$3or9atio$@ i$ S:85, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded


(e Va ue ta2
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..,) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e Va ue ta2


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


) i!soid !oi$t

This &2 contains the description of an ellipsoid point as in D*8E.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Latitude si2$ 4e2rees 63 Latitude Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated ('ort", Sout") :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description

T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0-0 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e atitude i$ de2ree (0`.. -0`) T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0360 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e o$2itude i$ de2ree (-1=0`..+1=0`)
2, 23

4e2rees 63 Lo$2itude


:$te2er (2 ...2 -1)

23 23


) i!soid !oi$t 1it" # titude

This &2 contains the description of an ellipsoid point with altitude as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Latitude si2$ 4e2rees 63 Latitude Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated ('ort", Sout") :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description

T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0-0 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e atitude i$ de2ree (0`.. -0`) T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0360 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e o$2itude i$ de2ree (-1=0`..+1=0`)
2, 23

4e2rees 63 Lo$2itude


:$te2er (2 ...2 -1)

23 23

# titude 4irectio$ # titude


)$u9erated (<ei2"t, 4e!t") :$te2er (0..2 -1)


T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "a < "+1 a %ei$2 t"e a titude i$ 9etres


) i!soid !oi$t 1it" # titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid

This &2 contains the description of an ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Latitude si2$ 4e2rees 63 Latitude Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated ('ort", Sout") :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description

T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0-0 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e atitude i$ de2ree (0`.. -0`)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4e2rees 63 Lo$2itude Need MP

3" /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (2 ...2 -1)

23 23

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0360 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e o$2itude i$ de2ree (-1=0`..+1=0`)

# titude 4irectio$ # titude


)$u9erated (<ei2"t, 4e!t") :$te2er (0..2 -1)


U$certai$t7 se9i-9aKor


:$te2er (0...12/)

T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "a < "+1 a %ei$2 t"e a titude i$ 9etres T"e u$certai$t7 r is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ ; %7 r ? 10.(1.1 -1) T"e u$certai$t7 r is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ ; %7 r ? 10.(1.1 -1) T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* '" a < 2("+1) a %ei$2 t"e orie$tatio$ i$ de2ree (0`.. 1/-`) T"e u$certai$t7 i$ a titude, ", e.!ressed i$ 9etres is 9a!!ed 3ro9 t"e :) 5a ue (I), 1it" t"e 3o o1i$2 3or9u a*
; ;

U$certai$t7 se9i-9i$or


:$te2er (0...12/)

6rie$tatio$ o3 9aKor


:$te2er (0..=-)

U$certai$t7 # titude


:$te2er(0..12 /)

h = 1 (, + ( ) % ,



:$te2er (0..100)

1it" C ? ,5 a$d 4 ? 0.025. i$ !erce$ta2e


) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 (irc e

This &2 contains the description of an ellipsoid point with an uncertainty circle as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Latitude si2$ 4e2rees 63 Latitude Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated ('ort", Sout") :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description

T"e :) 5a ue (') is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0-0 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e atitude i$ de2ree (0`.. -0`) T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0360 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e o$2itude i$ de2ree (-1=0`..+1=0`) T"e u$certai$t7 r is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ ; %7 r ? 10.(1.1 -1)
; 2, 23

4e2rees 63 Lo$2itude


:$te2er (2 ...2 -1)

23 23

U$certai$t7 (ode


:$te2er (0...12/)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 ) i!se

This &2 contains the description of an ellipsoid point with an uncertainty ellipse as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Latitude si2$ 4e2rees 63 Latitude Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )$u9erated ('ort", Sout") :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description

T"e :) 5a ue (') is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0-0 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e atitude i$ de2ree (0`.. -0`) T"e :) 5a ue (') is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* "2 ? 0360 < "+1 ? %ei$2 t"e o$2itude i$ de2ree (-1=0`..+1=0`) T"e u$certai$t7 r is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ ; %7 r ? 10.(1.1 -1) T"e u$certai$t7 r is deri5ed 3ro9 t"e @u$certai$t7 code@ ; %7 r ? 10.(1.1 -1) T"e :) 5a ue (") is deri5ed %7 t"is 3or9u a* '" a < 2("+1) a %ei$2 t"e orie$tatio$ i$ de2ree (0`.. 1/-`) i$ !erce$ta2e
; ; 2, 23

4e2rees 63 Lo$2itude


:$te2er (2 ...2 -1)

23 23

U$certai$t7 se9i-9aKor


:$te2er (0...12/)

U$certai$t7 se9i-9i$or


:$te2er (0...12/)

6rie$tatio$ o3 9aKor


:$te2er (0..=-)



:$te2er (0..100)


)TGS i$3or9atio$

&ndication of an 2TC" primary notification. The 2TC" warnin type is used to notify upper layers.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Gar$i$2 T7!e Messa2e :de$ti3ier Seria 'u9%er Need MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (1..2) 6ctet stri$2 (2) 6ctet stri$2 (2) Se2antics description :) @Gar$i$2 T7!e@ as de3i$ed i$ I//J :) @Messa2e :de$ti3ier@ as de3i$ed i$ I//J :) @Seria 'u9%er@ as de3i$ed i$ I//J $ersion R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

10.3.=.,e% 10.3.=.,3

Void G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.G)R#' S:N 6ctet stri$2(1..23) T"e 3irst octet co$tai$s octet 1 o3 T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NNN G)R#' S7ste9 :$3o NNNN G)R#' s7ste9 i$3o % oc>


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

3"3 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description t"e G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>, t"e seco$d octet co$tai$s octet 2 o3 t"e G)R#' s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> a$d so o$. $ersion


GSM Tar2et (e :$3o

Need MP MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.GSMTar 2et(e sN :$te2er (0..1023) )$u9erated (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) 8S:( 10.3.=.2 I,5J :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&(' T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GSM Tar2et (e :$3o List N8((< #R&(' N8a$d i$dicator





<oriQo$ta Ve ocit7

This &2 contains the description of a hori!ontal velocity as in D*8E.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8eari$2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0...35-) :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description T"e directio$ o3 9o5e9e$t is 2i5e$ i$ de2rees 1"ere T0S re!rese$ts 'ort", T-0S re!rese$ts )ast, etc. T"e re atio$s"i! %et1ee$ (') a$d t"e "oriQo$ta s!eed (") i$ >i o9eters !er "our it descri%es is* ' _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or ('?0) '-0.5 _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or (0M'M2 -1) ' R 0.5 ", 3or (' ? 211-1)

<oriQo$ta S!eed



<oriQo$ta 1it" Vertica Ve ocit7

This &2 contains the description of hori!ontal with vertical velocity as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Vertica S!eed directio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )'UM)R#T )4 (u!1ard, do1$1ard) :$te2er (0...35-) T"e directio$ o3 9o5e9e$t is 2i5e$ i$ de2rees 1"ere T0S re!rese$ts 'ort", T-0S re!rese$ts )ast, etc. Se2antics description




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <oriQo$ta S!eed Need MP

3"' /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0...2 -1)


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e re atio$s"i! %et1ee$ (') a$d t"e "oriQo$ta s!eed (") i$ >i o9eters !er "our it descri%es is* ' _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or ('?0) '-0.5 _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or (0M'M2 -1) ' R 0.5 ", 3or (' ? 211-1) T"e re atio$s"i! %et1ee$ (') a$d t"e 5ertica s!eed (5) i$ >i o9etres !er "our it descri%es is 2i5e$ %7 t"e 3or9u a* ' _ 5 M ' + 0.5, 3or ('?0) '-0.5 _ 5 M ' + 0.5, 3or (0M'M2 -1) ' R 0.5 5, 3or (' ? 2=-1)
= 11

Vertica S!eed


:$te2er (0..255)


<oriQo$ta Ve ocit7 1it" U$certai$t7

This &2 contains the description of hori!ontal velocity with uncertainty as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8eari$2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0...35-) :$te2er (0...2 -1)

Se2antics description T"e directio$ o3 9o5e9e$t is 2i5e$ i$ de2rees 1"ere T0S re!rese$ts 'ort", T-0S re!rese$ts )ast, etc. T"e re atio$s"i! %et1ee$ (') a$d t"e "oriQo$ta s!eed (") i$ >i o9eters !er "our it descri%es is* ' _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or ('?0) '-0.5 _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or (0M'M2 -1) ' R 0.5 ", 3or (' ? 211-1) T"e :) 5a ue is e$coded i$ i$cre9e$ts o3 1 >i o9eter !er "our. T"e 5a ue o3 ' 2i5e t"e u$certai$t7 s!eed e.ce!t 3or '?255 1"ic" i$dicates t"at t"e u$certai$t7 is $ot s!eci3ied

<oriQo$ta S!eed


<oriQo$ta U$certai$t7 S!eed


:$te2er (0..255)


<oriQo$ta 1it" Vertica Ve ocit7 a$d U$certai$t7

This &2 contains the description of hori!ontal with vertical velocity and uncertainty as in D*8E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Vertica S!eed directio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference )'UM)R#T )4 (u!1ard, do1$1ard) :$te2er (0...35-) T"e directio$ o3 9o5e9e$t is 2i5e$ i$ de2rees 1"ere T0S re!rese$ts 'ort", T-0S re!rese$ts )ast, etc. Se2antics description




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <oriQo$ta S!eed Need MP

3"" /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er (0...2 -1)


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description T"e re atio$s"i! %et1ee$ (') a$d t"e "oriQo$ta s!eed (") i$ >i o9eters !er "our it descri%es is* ' _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or ('?0) '-0.5 _ " M ' + 0.5, 3or (0M'M2 -1) ' R 0.5 ", 3or (' ? 211-1) T"e re atio$s"i! %et1ee$ (') a$d t"e 5ertica s!eed (5) i$ >i o9etres !er "our it descri%es is 2i5e$ %7 t"e 3or9u a* ' _ 5 M ' + 0.5, 3or ('?0) '-0.5 _ 5 M ' + 0.5, 3or (0M'M2 -1) ' R 0.5 5, 3or (' ? 2=-1) T"e :) 5a ue is e$coded i$ i$cre9e$ts o3 1 >i o9eter !er "our. T"e 5a ue o3 ' 2i5e t"e u$certai$t7 s!eed e.ce!t 3or '?255 1"ic" i$dicates t"at t"e u$certai$t7 is $ot s!eci3ied T"e :) 5a ue is e$coded i$ i$cre9e$ts o3 1 >i o9eter !er "our. T"e 5a ue o3 ' 2i5e t"e u$certai$t7 s!eed e.ce!t 3or '?255 1"ic" i$dicates t"at t"e u$certai$t7 is $ot s!eci3ied
= 11

Vertica S!eed


:$te2er (0..255)

<oriQo$ta U$certai$t7 S!eed


:$te2er (0..255)

Vertica U$certai$t7 S!eed


:$te2er (0..255)


)-UTR# Tar2et :$3o

Need MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.)UTR#T ar2et&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ i$ t"e )-UTR# Tar2et &reBue$c7 :$3o e.te$sio$ List. T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# Tar2et &reBue$c7 :$3o List N4L (arrier 3reBue$c7


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e N8 ac> isted ce s !er 3reB ist NNP"7sica (e ide$tit7 )-UTR# Tar2et &reBue$c7 :$3o e.te$sio$ List N)#R&(' e.te$sio$ Need 6P MP 6P 6P 1 to M9a.)UTR#T ar2et&reBsN /ulti 1 to M9a.)UTR#( e Per&reBN

3"( T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

:$te2er (0..503)

R)L-= R)L-11

:$te2er (65536..2621,3)

)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.



<'8 'a9e

This information element is used to carry the name of the home 'ode0- coded in 3T7?; with variable number of bytes per character D<9E.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <'8 'a9e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (1 to M 9a.<'8'a 9eSiQeN) Se2antics description (arries t"e $a9e o3 t"e <o9e 'ode8 1it" a 9a.i9u9 o3 9a.<'8'a9eSiQ e octets, usi$2 UT&-= codi$2. $ersion R)L-=


:$ter-R#T c"a$2e 3ai ure

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( (o$3i2uratio $ u$acce!ta% e, !"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure, !rotoco error, u$s!eci3ied) Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 Se2antics description &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T c"a$2e 3ai ure cause

Protoco error i$3or9atio$


Condition Prot!rr

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T c"a$2e 3ai ure cause@ "as t"e 5a ue @Protoco error@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ai ure

Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( (o$3i2uratio $ u$acce!ta% e, !"7sica Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue is @u$s!eci3ied@. ) e5e$ s!are 5a ues are $eeded.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ai ure cause


Release !

3") c"a$$e 3ai ure, !rotoco error, i$ter-R#T !rotoco error, u$s!eci3ied) Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Protoco error i$3or9atio$


Condition Prot!rr

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ai ure cause@ "as t"e 5a ue @Protoco error@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7

This &nformation 2lement contains the inter?/.T 32 radio access capability that is structured and coded accordin to the specification used for the correspondin system type.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() system NGSM NNMo%i e Statio$ ( ass9ar> 2 Need MP MP 6ctet stri$2 (5) T"is :) is 3or9atted as LTLVL a$d is coded i$ t"e sa9e 1a7 as t"e Mo)ile Station Classmar; ' i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$ I5J. T"e 3irst octet is t"e Mo)ile station classmar; ' I!I a$d its 5a ue s"a %e set to 33< (e.ce!t i$ t"e case o3 '6T) 2). T"e seco$d octet is t"e Length of mo)ile station classmar; ' a$d its 5a ue s"a %e set to 3. T"e octet 3 co$tai$s t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e 5a ue !art o3 t"e Mo)ile Station Classmar; ' i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t, t"e octet , co$tai$s t"e seco$d octet o3 t"e 5a ue !art o3 t"e Mo)ile Station Classmar; ' i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t a$d so o$. &or eac" o3 t"ese octets, t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost0 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e octet co$tai$s %= o3 t"e corres!o$di$2 octet o3 t"e Mo)ile Station Classmar; '5 See '6T) 2. T"is :) is 3or9atted as LVL a$d is coded i$ t"e sa9e 1a7 as t"e 5a ue !art i$ t"e Mo)ile station classmar; / i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$ I5J. T"e 3irst octet co$tai$s octet 1 o3 t"e 5a ue !art o3 Mo)ile station classmar; /, t"e seco$d octet co$tai$s octet 2 o3 t"e 5a ue !art o3 Mo)ile station classmar; / a$d so o$. See '6T) 1, '6T) 2. T"is :) is 3or9atted as LVL a$d is coded i$ t"e sa9e 1a7 as t"e 5a ue !art i$ t"e MS Radio Access Capa)ility i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$ I5J. /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

NNMo%i e Statio$ ( ass9ar> 3


6ctet stri$2 (1..32)

NNMS Radio #ccess (a!a%i it7


6ctet stri$2 (1..6,)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NG)R#' :u NNMS G)R#' :u 9ode Radio #ccess (a!a%i it7 Ncd9a2000 NNcd9a2000Messa2e Need MP /ulti

3"* T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (1..1/0)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to I53J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e :). $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5

MP .:$terS7 sMessa 2esN 8it stri$2 (=) 8it stri$2 (1..512) &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to cd9a2000 s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it / o3 t"e MSG;TDP). &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to cd9a2000 s!eci3icatio$s. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s %it / o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e cd9a2000 9essa2e.



NNNcd9a2000Messa2e! a7 oad(s)


N)-UTR# NNU) )-UTR# (a!a%i it7

R)L-= &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to t"e R)L-= 1!-!1TRA-Capa)ility i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t i$ I6/J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost09ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e 3irst octet o3 t"e octetstri$2 co$tai$s %it = o3 octet 1 o3 t"e 1!-!1TRA-Capa)ility :). '6T) 1* T"e 5a ue !art is s!eci3ied %7 9ea$s o3 (S'.1, 1"ic" e$codi$2 resu ts i$ a %it stri$2, to 1"ic" 3i$a !addi$2 9a7 %e a!!e$ded u!to t"e $e.t octet %ou$dar7 I5J. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e (S'.1 %it stri$2 is ! aced i$ t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost0 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e 3irst octet. T"is co$ti$ues u$ti t"e ast %it o3 t"e (S'.1 %it stri$2, 1"ic" is ! aced i$ t"e ast0 ri2"t9ost0 east si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e ast octet. '6T) 2* T"e i$3or9atio$ i$ t"ese :)s is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 G:T< :'T)R R#T (#P#8:L:T:)S 9essa2e, ot"er1ise it is 9a$dator7 !rese$t. :3 t"e i$3or9atio$ i$ t"e :)s @Mo%i e Statio$ ( ass9ar> 2@ a$d @Mo%i e Statio$ ( ass9ar> 3@ is $ot i$c uded, it is i$dicated %7 setti$2 t"e 3irst octet (:):) o3 t"e :) @Mo%i e Statio$ ( ass9ar> 2@ to 00<. :$ t"is case, t"e recei5er s"ou d i2$ore t"e 5a ue !arts o3 t"e Mo)ile Station Classmar; ' a$d t"e Mo)ile Station Classmar; /. T"e co$te$ts o3 t"ose are set to Qero. MP 6ctet stri$2

10.3.=.= 10.3.=.=a

Void :$ter-R#T U) securit7 ca!a%i it7

Need MP MP T"e 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e i$dicated ci!"eri$2 a 2orit"9 is su!!orted. 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ 8oo ea$ /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() system NGSM NNGSM securit7 ca!a%i it7 NNN#50/ su!!orted NNN#506 su!!orted NNN#505 su!!orted NNN#50, su!!orted NNN#503 su!!orted NNN#502 su!!orted NNN#501 su!!orted



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M:8 Va ue ta2
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..=) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:8 Va ue ta2


PLM' Va ue ta2
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..256) Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' Va ue ta2


P'8S(< a ocatio$

3T/.' may use this &2 to provide silent periods in the cell that may be used for cell synchronisation purposes.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'u9%er o3 re!etitio$s !er S&' !eriod Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(2, 3, ,, 5, 6, /, =, -, 10, 12, 1,, 16, 1=, 20, 2,, 2=, 32, 36, ,0, ,=, 56, 6,, /2, =0) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-,


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 10.3.,.5 Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2 10.3.,.6 Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7

Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ 5a ue ta2



Protoco error i$3or9atio$

This information element contains dia nostics information returned by the receiver of a messa e that was not completely understood.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() diagnostics type NProtoco error cause Need MP Protoco error cause /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description 6$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s


Release ! :nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s Need MP

3( /ulti 1 to M9a.S:8N T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1 $ersion

NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ NS:8 t7!e S:8s o$ 7 Re3ere$ces to ot"er e.te$sio$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s

MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.S:8N

Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 S:8 T7!e S:8s o$ 7, 10.3.=.22

NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ N).te$sio$ S:8 t7!e Re3ere$ces to ot"er e.te$sio$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s2

MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.S:8N

Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$ 10.3.=.1=%

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1


R)L-6 R)L-6

NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ N).te$sio$ S:8 t7!e Re3ere$ces to G#'SS s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s NG#'SS :4

MP MP 6P 6P 1 to M9a.G#' SSN

Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$2 10.3.=.1=c

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

:$te2er (0../)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. (oded as de3i$ed i$ '6T) 1 o3 10.3./.-0%


NS8#S :4

(VA"SSID-S+AS MP 1 to M9a.S:8N

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4 10.3./.-/e S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1


NG#'SS s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s sc"edu i$2


NNSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ NNG#'SS S:8 t7!e


Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 G#'SS S:8 t7!e 10.3.=.1=d

R)L-= R)L-=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'6T) 1* :3 t"is :) is !rese$t i$ t"e 5aria% e SDST)M;:'&6RM#T:6';(6'T#:')R, t"e :) s"a %e discarded. Condition A"SS-ID- S+AS 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OG#'SS :4P is OS8#SP, a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s a$d sc"edu i$2 % oc>s


Release ! :nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e Re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s Need MP

3(' /ulti 1 to M9a.S:8N T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1 $ersion

NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ NS:8 a$d S8 t7!e Re3ere$ces to ot"er e.te$sio$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s

MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.S:8N

Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 S:8 a$d S8 T7!e, 10.3.=.1=a

NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ N).te$sio$ S:8 t7!e Re3ere$ces to ot"er e.te$sio$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s2

MP MP 6P 1 to M9a.S:8N

Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$ 10.3.=.1=%

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1


R)L-6 R)L-6

NSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ N).te$sio$ S:8 t7!e Re3ere$ces to G#'SS s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s NG#'SS :4

MP MP 6P 6P 1 to M9a.G#' SSN

Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$2 10.3.=.1=c

S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

:$te2er (0../)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. (oded as de3i$ed i$ '6T) 1 o3 10.3./.-0%


NS8#S :4

(VA"SSID-S+AS MP 1 to M9a.S:8N

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4 10.3./.-/e S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s 3or 1"ic" 9u ti! e occurre$ces are used, 9a7 a!!ear 9ore t"a$ o$ce i$ t"is ist '6T) 1


NG#'SS s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s sc"edu i$2


NNSc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ NNG#'SS S:8 t7!e


Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$, 10.3.=.16 G#'SS S:8 t7!e 10.3.=.1=d

R)L-= R)L-=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'6T) 1* :3 t"is :) is !rese$t i$ t"e 5aria% e SDST)M;:'&6RM#T:6';(6'T#:')R, t"e :) s"a %e discarded. Condition A"SS-ID- S+AS 1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OG#'SS :4P is OS8#SP, a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


R! 9$ i$3or9atio$

1ontains information to provide faster /P5M' selection in the 32.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GSM 8# Ra$2e Need 6P /ulti 1 to 9a.'u9G SM&reBRa $2es :$te2er(0..16 3=3) :$te2er(0..16 3=3) 1 to 9a.'u9& 44&reBs :$te2er(0..16 3=3) :$te2er(0..16 3=3) I21J I21J T"is :) is o$ 7 $eeded 1"e$ t"e &44 3reBue$c7 ist is s!eci37i$2 a ra$2e. T4pe and reference Se2antics description GSM 8# Ra$2e $ersion

NGSM Lo1er Ra$2e (U#R&(') NGSM U!!er Ra$2e (U#R&(') &44 UMTS &reBue$c7 ist NU#R&(' (' o1) NU#R&(' ('u!!er)


Lo1er %ou$d 3or ra$2e o3 GSM 8# 3reBs U!!er %ou$d 3or ra$2e o3 GSM 8# 3reBs

3.=, Mc!s T44 UMTS &reBue$c7 ist NU#R&(' /.6= Mc!s T44 UMTS &reBue$c7 ist NU#R&(' 1.2= Mc!s T44 UMTS &reBue$c7 ist NU#R&(' (4M#2000 UMTS &reBue$c7 ist N8#'4;(L#SS

6P MP 6P MP 6P MP 6P

1 to 9a.'u9T 44&reBs :$te2er(0..16 3=3) 1 to 9a.'u9T 44&reBs :$te2er(0..16 3=3) 1 to 9a.'u9T 44&reBs :$te2er(0..16 3=3) 1 to 9a.'u9( 4M#200&r eBs 8it stri$2(5 %its) T:#0):#0:S-2000 G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e 8#'4;(L#SS to t"e %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it.. T:#0):#0:S-2000 G"e$ 9a!!i$2 t"e (4M#;&R)E I22J I22J I22J R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-, R)L-,




8it stri$2 (11 %its)


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need

3(( /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description to t"e %it stri$2, t"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it.. $ersion


Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$

Need 6P PLM' Va ue ta2 10.3.=.10 T"is :) is i$c uded i3 t"e 3o o1i$2 co$ditio$s are 3u 3i ed* t"e S:8 t7!e eBua s s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1 'ote* :) TPLM' 5a ue ta2S is used 3or S:81 %ut t"e area sco!e 3or S:8 1 is (e . T"is :) is i$c uded i3 t"e 3o o1i$2 co$ditio$s are 3u 3i ed* t"e S:8 t7!e eBua s s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 16 T"is :) is i$c uded i3 t"e 3o o1i$2 co$ditio$s are 3u 3i ed* t"e S:8 t7!e does $ot eBua s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1U a$d t"e area sco!e 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> is set to @ce @ i$ ta% e =.1.1U a$d a 5a ue ta2 is used to i$dicate c"a$2es i$ t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>. T"is :) is i$c uded i3 t"e 3o o1i$2 co$ditio$s are 3u 3i ed* t"e S:8 t7!e eBua s s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!es 15.2, 15.2%is, 15.2ter, 15.3 a$d 15.3%is 4e3au t 5a ue is 1 Re!etitio$ !eriod 3or t"e S:8 i$ 3ra9es /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() $alue tag NPLM' Va ue ta2

NPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2

N(e Va ue ta2

Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.11 (e Va ue ta2 10.3.=.,

NS:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2

S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20% MP M4 MP

Sc"edu i$2 NS)G;(6U'T NS:8;R)P

NS:8;P6S NS:8;P6S o33set i$3o NNS:8;6&&

MP M4 MP 1..15

S)G (6U'T 10.3.=.1/ :$te2er (,, =, 16, 32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,, 20,=, ,0-6) :$te2er (0 ..Re!-2 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er(2..32 %7 ste! o3 2)

Positio$ o3 t"e 3irst se29e$t Re! is t"e 5a ue o3 t"e S:8;R)P :) see %e o1 3or de3au t 5a ue 633set o3 su%seBue$t se29e$ts


Release ! ,ield S:8;P6S o33set i$3o


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3efault =alue T"e de3au t 5a ue is t"at a se29e$ts are co$secuti5e, i.e., t"at t"e S:8;6&& ? 2 3or a se29e$ts e.ce!t 1"e$ M:8 se29e$t0co9! ete M:8 is sc"edu ed to %e tra$s9itted i$ %et1ee$ se29e$ts 3ro9 sa9e S:8. :$ t"at case, S:8;6&&?, i$ %et1ee$ se29e$ts 1"ic" are sc"edu ed to %e tra$s9itted at S&'!ri9e ? = C$-2 a$d =C$ + 2, a$d S:8;6&&?2 3or t"e rest o3 t"e se29e$ts.


S)G (6U'T
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..16) Se2antics description 'u9%er o3 se29e$ts i$ t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S)G;(6U'T


Se29e$t i$de.

2ach system information se ment has an individual se ment inde(.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Se29e$t i$de. Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..15) Se2antics description Se29e$ts o3 a s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> are $u9%ered starti$2 1it" 0 3or t"e 3irst se29e$t a$d 1 3or t"e $e.t se29e$t, 1"ic" ca$ %e t"e 3irst su%seBue$t se29e$t or a ast se29e$t.


S:8 a$d S8 t7!e

The "&0 type identifies a specific system information bloc#.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 a$d S8 t7!e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated, see %e o1 Se2antics description T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded


Release ! 7ist of enu2erated =alues S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e ,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 5, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 6, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e /, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 11, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 12, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.5, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 16, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1/, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1=, Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 1, Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 5%is $ersion


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$

The "&0 type identifies a specific e(tension system information bloc#.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated, see %e o1 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

7ist of enu2erated =alues S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 11%is S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.1%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.3%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.6, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15./ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.=

$ersion R)L-6 R)L-/


S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$2

The "&0 type identifies a specific e(tension system information bloc#.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated, see %e o1 Se2antics description T1o s!are 5a ues are $eeded $ersion R)L-=


Release ! 7ist of enu2erated =alues S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2ter S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 20 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 21 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 22 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.1ter $ersion R)L-=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-12


G#'SS S:8 t7!e

The G.'"" "&0 type identifies a G.'"" specific system information bloc#.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS S:8 t7!e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated, see %e o1 Se2antics description 'i$e s!are 5a ue is $eeded $ersion R)L-=

7ist of enu2erated =alues S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.1%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2ter, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.3%is, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.6, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15./ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.=

$ersion R)L-=


S:8 data 3i.ed

1ontains the result of a master information bloc# or a system information bloc# after encodin and se mentation. The &2 is used for se ments with fi(ed len th (se ments fillin an entire transport bloc#).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 data 3i.ed Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 ( 222) Se2antics description T"e 3irst %it co$tai$s t"e 3irst %it o3 t"e se29e$t.


S:8 data 5aria% e

1ontains either a complete system information bloc# or a se ment of a system information bloc#. 1ontains the result of a master information bloc# or a system information bloc# after encodin and se mentation. The &2 is used for se ments with variable len th. The system information bloc#s are defined in clauses,+.*.8;.;., to,+.*.8;.;.,;.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 data 5aria% e Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 ( 1..21,) Se2antics description T"e 3irst %it co$tai$s t"e 3irst %it o3 t"e se29e$t.


S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7

This information element identifies a "&0 occurrence for "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.*- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter- ,9.3 and ,9.3bis. 7or "ystem &nformation 0loc# type ,9.*- ,9.*bis and ,9.*ter- this identity is assi ned to the visible satellite only. 3nused identities are claimed by newly risin satellites.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..15) Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 10.3.=.20a S:8 occurre$ce 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20c Se2antics description

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7

S:8 occurre$ce 5a ue ta2



S:8 occurre$ce 5a ue ta2

This information element is used to identify different versions of "&0 occurrence for "ystem &nformation 0loc# types ,9.*- ,9.*bis- ,9.*ter- ,9.3 and ,9.3bis.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 occurre$ce 5a ue ta2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and Reference :$te2er(0..15 ) Se2antics description


S:8 t7!e

The "&0 type identifies a specific system information bloc#.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 t7!e T4pe and Se2antics description reference MP )$u9erated, '6T) 1 see %e o1 '6T) 1* :3 t"e 5a ue @).te$sio$ T7!e@ is si2$a ed, t"e U) s"a use t"e sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ i$ t"e M:8 a$d, i3 !rese$t, i$ t"e S81 a$d S82 to ide$ti37 t"e s!eci3ic t7!e o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>. 7ist of enu2erated =alues Master i$3or9atio$ % oc>, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e ,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 5, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 6, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e /, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 11, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 12, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.5, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 16, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1/, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1=, Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 1, Sc"edu i$2 8 oc> 2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 5%is, ).te$sio$ T7!e $ersion Need /ulti



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


S:8 t7!e S:8s o$ 7

The "&0 type identifies a specific system information bloc#.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 t7!e S:8s o$ 7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated, see %e o1 Se2antics description &our s!are 5a ues are $eeded

7ist of enu2erated =alues S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e ,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 5, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 6, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e /, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 11, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 12, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 13.,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.2, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.3, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.,, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 15.5, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 16, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1/, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 1=, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ T7!e 5%is




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


U) <istor7 :$3or9atio$
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..120) Se2antics description Pro5ides e.!ired ti9e si$ce ast u! a$e acti5it7. :3 t"e i$te2er 5a ue . is %et1ee$ 1 a$d 5-, it re!rese$ts t"e e.!ired ti9e . i$ seco$ds. :3 t"e i$te2er 5a ue . is %et1ee$ 60 a$d 11-, it re!rese$ts t"e e.!ired ti9e (.-5-) i$ 9i$utes. :3 i$te2er 5a ue is set to 120, $o u! a$e acti5it7 "as %ee$ 3or 60 9i$utes or 9ore. #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i9! ies t"at, accordi$2 to I,J eit"er t"e <i2" 9o%i it7 state is $ot a!! ica% e or it "as $ot %ee$ detected %7 t"e U). $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e U) i$acti5it7 !eriod

U) Mo%i it7 State i$dicator


)$u9erated (<i2"9o%i it74ete cted)


UL data 5o u9e "istor7 4L data 5o u9e "istor7

6P 6P

4ata 5o u9e "istor7 10.3.=.2, 4ata 5o u9e "istor7 10.3.=.2,

R)L-= R)L-=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


4ata 5o u9e "istor7

Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..120) Se2antics description :3 t"e i$te2er 5a ue . is %et1ee$ 1 a$d 5-, it re!rese$ts seco$ds. :3 t"e i$te2er 5a ue is %et1ee$ 60 a$d 120, it re!rese$ts t"e t"e 5a ue 9i$us 5- i$ 9i$utes. :$ 9s $ersion R)L-=

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e 4ata 5o u9e 9o$itori$2 1i$do1

4ata tra$s9issio$ 3reBue$c7


N4ata tra$s9issio$ 3reBue$c7 2ra$u arit7


N'u9%er o3 data tra$s9issio$ occasio$s


:$te2er (100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 60000) :$te2er (100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 60000) :$te2er (0..610)


:$ 9s


Measure o3 data tra$s9issio$ 3reBue$c7. T"e data 5o u9e 9o$itori$2 1i$do1 is or2a$ised i$ ti9e !eriods o3 O4ata tra$s9issio$ 3reBue$c7 2ra$u arit7P, a$d eac" tra$s9issio$ 1it"i$ suc" a !eriod is cou$ted.


4ata 5o u9e !er R8 NR8 ide$tit7 N4ata 5o u9e


1 to M9a.R8N R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5) 4ata 5o u9e 9o$itored duri$2 t"e data 5o u9e 9o$itori$2 1i$do1, i$ %7te.

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

10.3.- #'S:-,1 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

10.3.-.1 #'S:-,1 (ore 'et1or> :$3or9atio$
Need MP MP MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference P;R)V 10.3.-.10 M:';P;R)V 10.3.-.= S:4 10.3.-.11 ':4 10.3.-.Se2antics description :nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e P;R)V M:';P;R)V S:4 ':4


#'S:-,1 G o%a Ser5ice Redirectio$ i$3or9atio$

This &nformation 2lement contains .'"&?8, Global "ervice /edirection information.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #'S:-,1 G o%a Ser5ice Redirectio$ i$3or9atio$ Need MP

3)' /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter, 10.3.-.3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to t"e 3GPP2 docu9e$t @G3G (4M# 4S o$ #'S:-,1@


#'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter

This &nformation 2lement contains .'"&?8, 3ser Rone &dentification information.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (siQe (1..20,=)) Se2antics description T"e 3irst %it co$tai$s t"e 3irst %it o3 t"e #'S:-,1 i$3or9atio$.


#'S:-,1 '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

This &nformation 2lement contains .'"&?8, system information.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '#S (#'S:-,1) s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter, 10.3.-.3 Se2antics description &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to t"e 3GPP2 docu9e$t @G3G (4M# 4S o$ #'S:-,1@


#'S:-,1 Pri5ate 'ei2"%our List i$3or9atio$

This &nformation 2lement contains .'"&?8, Private 'ei hbour 5ist information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #'S:-,1 Pri5ate 'ei2"%our List i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter, 10.3.-.3 Se2antics description &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to t"e 3GPP2 docu9e$t @G3G (4M# 4S o$ #'S:-,1@


#'S:-,1 R#'4 i$3or9atio$

This &nformation 2lement contains .'"&?8, /.': information.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #'S:-,1 R#'4 i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter, 10.3.-.3 Se2antics description &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to t"e 3GPP2 docu9e$t @G3G (4M# 4S o$ #'S:-,1@


#'S:-,1 User Vo$e :de$ti3icatio$ i$3or9atio$

This &nformation 2lement contains .'"&?8, 3ser Rone &dentification information.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #'S:-,1 User Vo$e :de$ti3icatio$ i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference #'S:-,1 '#S !ara9eter, 10.3.-.3 Se2antics description &or9atted a$d coded accordi$2 to t"e 3GPP2 docu9e$t @G3G (4M# 4S o$ #'S:-,1@


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



This &nformation 2lement contains minimum protocol revision level.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:';P;R)V Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (=) Se2antics description Mi$i9u9 !rotoco re5isio$ e5e . T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e M:';P;R)V.



This &nformation 2lement contains 'etwor# identification.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ':4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (16) Se2antics description 'et1or> ide$ti3icatio$. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e ':4.



This &nformation 2lement contains protocol revision level.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e P;R)V Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (=) Se2antics description Protoco re5isio$ e5e . T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e P;R)V.



This &nformation 2lement contains "ystem identification.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (15) Se2antics description S7ste9 ide$ti3icatio$. T"e 3irst0 e3t9ost %it o3 t"e %it stri$2 co$tai$s t"e 9ost si2$i3ica$t %it o3 t"e S:4.

10.3.-a M8MS :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts

10.3.-a.1 M8MS (o99o$ ((Tr(< ide$tit7
&dentifies a 1oded 1omposite Transport channel confi uration included within the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS (o99o$ ((Tr(" ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..32) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M8MS (o99o$ P"7(" ide$tit7

&dentifies a physical channel confi uration included within the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS (o99o$ P"7(" ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..32) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6


M8MS (o99o$ R8 ide$tit7

&dentifies a radio bearer channel confi uration included within the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS (o99o$ R8 ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..32) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6


M8MS (o99o$ Tr(" ide$tit7

&dentifies a transport channel confi uration included within the M0M" 1OMMO' P?T?M /0 &'7O/M.T&O' messa e.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS (o99o$ Tr(" ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..32) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6


M8MS (urre$t ce S-((P(< ide$tit7

&dentifies one of the current cell$s "econdary 11P1F$s.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS (urre$t ce S((P(< ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..9a.S( (P(<) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 sc"edu e

&ncludes information about the M0M" 5, combinin schedule.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 c7c e e$2t" M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 c7c e o33set Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erate d (32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,) :$te2er (0.. M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 c7c e e$2t" - ,) %7 ste! o3 , Se2antics description :$ $u9%er o3 radio 3ra9es Start o3 t"e L1 co9%i$i$2 c7c e (re ati5e to t"e ti9i$2 o3 t"e curre$t ce ) i$ $u9%er o3 radio 3ra9es. 4e3au t 5a ue is $o o33set 6$e or 9ore !eriods i$ 1"ic" L1 co9%i$i$2 is !er3or9ed 'u9%er o3 3ra9es 3ro9 t"e e$d o3 t"e !re5ious co9%i$i$2 !eriod or t"e start o3 t"e c7c e (3or t"e 3irst !eriod) 'u9%er o3 3ra9es (see $ote) $ersion R)L-6



MT(< L1- co9%i$i$2 !eriod ist NStart


1 to M 9a.M8 MSL1(PN :$te2er (0.. M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 c7c e e$2t" - ,) %7 ste! o3 , :$te2er (,.. M8MS L1 co9%i$i$2 c7c e e$2t") %7 ste! o3 ,








The MT1F 5,? combinin period should indicate one or more complete TT&s.


M8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ ti9e

:nfor2ation Need /ulti T4pe and Se2antics description $ersion 1le2ent<Group na2e reference M8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ MP :$te2er T"e 11 LS8 o3 t"e S&'. 'ote 1 R)L-6 ti9e (0..20,/) a$d 2. 'ote 1* T"e OM8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ ti9eP i$dicates t"e start o3 t"e 10 9s 3ra9e corres!o$di$2 to t"e i$dicated S&' 5a ue a$d o3 t"e !ri9ar7 ((P(< o3 t"e ce 1"ere t"is :) is tra$s9itted. 'ote 2* T"e ra$2e o3 t"e OM8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ ti9eP is 3ro9 10 9s a3ter t"e %e2i$$i$2 o3 t"e M((< 9odi3icatio$ !eriod 1"erei$ it is tra$s9itted a$d to t"e e$d o3 $e.t 3o o1i$2 M((< 9odi3icatio$ !eriod. T"e U) s"a co$sider a 5a ue out o3 t"is ra$2e as e.!ired.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M8MS !-t-9 R8 i$3or9atio$

&ncludes information about an M0M" p?t?m radio bearers mapped on a Tr1F.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e R8 i$3or9atio$ Need (V-Curr /ulti T4pe and reference M8MS (o99o$ R8 ide$tit7 10.3.-a.3 M8MS S"ort tra$s9issi o$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.1 0 :$te2er (1..15) 8oo ea$ Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

M8MS s"ort tra$s9issio$ :4



M8MS o2ica c"a$$e ide$tit7 L1 co9%i$i$2 status



T"is ide$ti3ier is used to disti$2uis" di33ere$t MT(< 9a!!ed o$ to a Tr(" (OM8MS-:dP 1it"i$ t"e M#( "eaderI15J) T"e :) is o$ 7 a!! ica% e i$ case o3 !artia L1 co9i$i$2, i$ 1"ic" case 5a ue TRU) 9ea$s t"at L1 co9%i$i$2 is used 3or t"is radio %earer



Condition Curr


1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OM8MS !-t-9 R8 i$3or9atio$ istP is i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS (URR)'T ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OM8MS !-t-9 R8 i$3or9atio$ istP is i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS '):G<86UR:'G ()LL P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise


M8MS Se ected Ser5ice :$3o

This &2 indicates whether the 32 has any M0M" "elected "ervices- and if it does it includes the list of M0M" "elected "ervices.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e (<6:() Status N'o$e NSo9e Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description ($o data) MP M8MS Se ected Ser5ices &u 10.3.-a./c R)L-6 $ersion


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M8MS Se ected Ser5ices &u

This &2 provides the M0M" "elected "ervices by means of the full identity.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS Se ected Ser5ices Need MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.M8M Sser5Se ectN M8MS ser5ice ide$tit7 10.3.-a.= T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

NM8MS Se ected Ser5ice :4




M8MS Se ected Ser5ices S"ort

This &2 indicates the M0M" "elected "ervices by means of a short identity to identify the M0M" transmission by referencin the services included in the M0M" MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' and the M0M" 3'MO:&7&2: "2/B&12" &'7O/M.T&O' messa es.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS Se ected Ser5ices Need MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.M8M Sser5Se ectN M8MS S"ort tra$s9issio $ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.10 :$te2er (0..1) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

NM8MS Se ected Ser5ice :4



Modi3icatio$ !eriod ide$tit7


:$dicates t"e 9odi3icatio$ !eriod t"e M8MS s"ort tra$s9issio$ ide$tities re3er to



M8MS Ser5ice ide$tit7

&ncludes information about the identity of an M0M" service.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS Ser5ice :4 (<6:() PLM" identity NSameAs-MI+ Need MP MP ('o data) T"e PLM' ide$tit7 is t"e sa9e as i$dicated %7 t"e :) OPLM' ide$tit7P i$ M:8 MP :$te2er (1..5) T"e PLM' ide$tit7 is o$e o3 t"e PLM' ide$tities (1 to 5) i$ t"e :) @Mu ti! e PLM' List@ i$ M:8 /ulti T4pe and reference M8MS Ser5ice :4 10.3.-a.=a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

NSameAsMI+MultiPLM"-Id NNMu ti PLM' id

R)L-6 R)L-6

N!4plicitPLM"-Id NNPLM' ide$tit7


PLM' ide$tit7

R)L-6 R)L-6


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M8MS Ser5ice :4

3niAuely identifies an M0M" bearer service within a P5M'.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS Ser5ice :4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (3 ) Se2antics description T"e co$te$t o3 t"e M8MS Ser5ice :4 3ie d is coded as octets 3 to 5 o3 t"e :) Temporary Mo)ile roup Identity I5J $ersion R)L-6


M8MS Sessio$ ide$tit7

&ncludes information about the the identity of a session of an M0M" service.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS Sessio$ :4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 6ctet stri$2 (1) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6


M8MS S"ort tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7

&ncludes a short identity of the M0M" transmission identity- which concerns a session of a specific service.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS s"ort tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (1..9a.M8 MSser5U$ 9odi3) Se2antics description Re3ere$ce0 i$de. to a tra$s9issio$ isted i$ t"e M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' or M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' $ersion R)L-6

10.3.-a.10a M8MS So3t (o9%i$i$2 Ti9i$2 633set

&ndicates the timin offset applied in the 17' calculation in sub?clause ;.9.,9.9 for a secondary 11P1F carryin only M0M" lo ical channels. &t is used for 7:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NM8MS So3t (o9%i$i$2 Ti9i$2 633set Need MP /ulti

3* T4pe and reference :$te2er (0, 10, 20, ,0)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Ti9i$2 o33set a!! ied i$ t"e (&' ca cu atio$ i$ su%-c ause =.5.15.5, i$ 9s. $ersion R)L-6


M8MS s!eci3ic ti9ers a$d cou$ters

&ncludes M0M" specific timers and counters.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e T31= Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(25 0... 2000 %7 ste! o3 250, 3000, ,000, 6000, =000, 10000, 12000, 16000) Se2antics description Va ue i$ 9i iseco$ds. 4e3au t 5a ue is 1000. $ersion R)L-6


M8MS Tra$s9issio$ ide$tit7

&ncludes information about the M0M" transmission identity- which concerns a session of a specific service.
:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8MS Ser5ice :4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference M8MS Ser5ice ide$tit7 10.3.-a.= M8MS Sessio$ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

M8MS Sessio$ :4



10.3.-a.12a M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ist

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ist Need MP /ulti 0 to M9a.M8S &'c usters N &reBue$c7 i$3o )$u9erated (TRU)) M0..12/N (e !ara9eter :d 10.3.6.T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

NM8S&' 3reBue$c7 N:M8 i$dicatio$


R)L-/ :3 !rese$t* 3.=, Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 is a!! ied o$ t"is 3reBue$c7. 6$ 7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 I32J. '6T) 1 R)L-=

N(e !ara9eter :4



'OT2 ,P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: the &2 H1ell Parameter &:H indicates the cell which is providin M0M" service in M0"7' only mode on the correspondin freAuencyO if it is not included- the &2 HM0"7' freAuencyH indicates the secondary freAuency providin M0M" service in non?M0"7' only mode of current multi? freAuency cell.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

10.3.-a.12% M8S&' T4M :$3or9atio$ List

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M8S&' T4M :$3or9atio$ List Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.M 8MSse r5U$9o di3N M8MS S"ort tra$s9issio $ ide$tit7 10.3.-a.10 :$te2er (2..-) :$te2er (0..=) :$te2er (1..=) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

NM8MS s"ort tra$s9issio$ :4



NT4M;Re! NT4M;633set NT4M;Le$2t"


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/


M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

&ncludes information about the M11F confi uration.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e #ccess :$3o Period coe33icie$t Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..3) Se2antics description Re!rese$ts a, t"e access i$3or9atio$ coe33icie$t. T"e $u9%er o3 re!etitio$s !er 9odi3icatio$ !eriod eBua s 2a 1"i e t"e actua access i$3or9atio$ !eriod, i$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es, eBua s MP 4:V 2a Re!rese$ts r, t"e re!etitio$ !eriod coe33icie$t. T"e $u9%er o3 re!etitio$s !er 9odi3icatio$ !eriod eBua s 2r 1"i e t"e actua re!etitio$ !eriod, i$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es, eBua s MP 4:V 2r Re!rese$ts m, t"e 9odi3icatio$ !eriod coe33icie$t. T"e actua 9odi3icatio$ !eriod (MP), i$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es, eBua s 29 $ersion R)L-6

Re!etitio$ Period coe33icie$t


:$te2er (0..3)


Modi3icatio$ !eriod coe33icie$t


:$te2er (/..10)


RL( i$3o T(T& !rese$ce


RL( i$3o M8MS 10.3.,.23a )$u9erate d (&#LS))

R)L-6 87 de3au t t"e T(T& is !rese$t e5e$ t"ou2" t"e &#(< o$ 7 carries o$e o2ica c"a$$e (t7!e). G"e$ t"is :) is i$c uded, t"e T(T& is a%se$t R)L-6


Release ! Condition


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 1Dplanation


Release ! M+MS


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T"is :) is $ot $eeded i3 t"e :) is co$tai$ed 1it"i$ t"e :) OSeco$dar7 ((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$P, ot"er1ise t"e :) is o!tio$a .


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


M:(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

&ncludes information about the M&1F confi uration.


Release ! :nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e M:(< Po1er o33set Need MP /ulti

3*( T4pe and reference M:(< Po1er o33set 10.3.-a.15

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-6

(<6:() mode N&44 NN("a$$e isatio$ code NN'u9%er o3 ': !er 3ra9e NNSTT4 i$dicator

MP MP MP MP :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (1=, 36, /2, 1,,) STT4 :$dicator 10.3.6./=

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 :3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode as i$dicated i$ su%c ause =., t"e U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 t"is :) is u$s!eci3ied. R)L-6

NT44 NNTi9es ot $u9%er NNMida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e


Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, Mida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 10.3.6.,1

R)L-6 R)L-6 &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, i3 t"e ce is o!erati$2 i$ M8S&' 9ode, t"e U) s"a i2$ore t"e co$te$ts o3 t"is :). R)L-6

NN(<6:() TDD option NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 NNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNN/.6= Mc!s T44 NNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNN(odes ist NNNNN("a$$e isatio$ code NNNN M8S&' S!ecia Ti9e S ot

MP MP )$u9erate d( (1601)X (16016)) )$u9erate d( (3201)X (32032)) 1 to 2 )$u9erate d( (1601)X (16016)) Ti9e S ot L(R ).te$sio$ 10.3.6.=3a

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


R)L-/ R)L-/


R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6


NNRe!etitio$ !eriod0 e$2t"


)$u9erate d((,02), (=02), (=0,), (1602), (160,), (3202), (320,), (6,02), (6,0,))

&or 1.2= Mc!s T44 M8S&' o$ 7 9ode, t"is :) i$dicates t"e S((P(< is de! o7ed o$ t"e M8S&' S!ecia Ti9e S ot I30J. T"e :) TTi9es ot $u9%erS s"a %e i2$ored i3 t"is :) a!!ears. 4e3au t 5a ue is O(6,02)P.




Release ! NN633set MP

3*) :$te2er (0X Re!etitio$ !eriod -1) :$te2er (,, =, 16)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) S&' 9od Re!etitio$!eriod ? 633set. :$dicates t"e e$2t" o3 o$e M8MS 'oti3icatio$ i$dicator i$ %its. 4e3au t 5a ue is ,. S& ? 256U o$ 7 t"e c"a$$e isatio$ codes 2 to 15 are a!! ica% e R)L-6

NNM8MS 'oti3icatio$ i$dicator e$2t" N3.=, Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 NN("a$$e isatio$ code NN'u9%er o3 ': !er 3ra9e



R)L-= MP MP :$te2er (0..255) :$te2er (16, 32, 6,, 12=) R)L-= R)L-=


M:(< Po1er o33set

This is the power transmitted on the M&1F minus power of the Primary 1P&1F in 7:: and Primary 11P1F T( Power in T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:(< Po1er o33set Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er(-10 .. +5) Se2antics description 633set i$ d8 $ersion R)L-6


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


MS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

&ncludes information about the M"1F confi uration.

:nfor2ation ele2ent<Group na2e MS(< Sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description &or &44, sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ is !ro5ided starti$2 at (S&' (S(T6 di5 109s)) 9od MS(<;R)P ? MS(<;6&& &or T44, sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ is !ro5ided starti$2 at S&' 9od MS(<;R)P ? MS(<;6&& T"e !eriod, i$ $u9%er o3 3ra9es, %et1ee$ M8MS sc"edu i$2 9essa2es (MS(<;R)P) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e T"e !ositio$ o3 M8MS sc"edu i$2 9essa2es re ati5e to ti9i$2 o3 t"e corres!o$di$2 ce (MS(<;6&&) 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e 5a ue i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e 4e3au t 5a ue is t"e o$e i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS G)')R#L :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e 87 de3au t t"e T(T& is !rese$t e5e$ t"ou2" t"e &#(< o$ 7 carries o$e o2ica c"a$$e (t7!e). G"e$ t"is :) is i$c uded, t"e T(T& is a%se$t $ersion R)L-6

NSc"edu i$2 !eriod


)$u9erate d (32, 6,, 12=, 256, 512, 102,)


NSc"edu i$2 o33set


:$te2er (0.. (MS(<;R )P-1))


NRL( i$3o


RL( i$3o M8MS 10.3.,.23a )$u9erate d (&#LS))


T(T& !rese$ce




'et1or> Sta$dard Ti9e :$3or9atio$

Only for ,.*;Mcps T::

This &2 includes information about the 'etwor# "tandard Time and a related "7' value. &f 1orrelative "7' is absentthe default 1orrelative "7' is eAual to !ero- this means the H'etwor# "tandard TimeH indicate the standard time value when "7' eAual !ero. The H'etwor# "tandard TimeH occupied 8+ bitsO the format refers to H2T"& 2' 3++ 8=; B,.9., (*++3?+9)H.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 'et1or> Sta$dard Ti9e (orre ati5e S&' Need MP 6P /ulti

3*+ T4pe and reference 8:T STR:'G (,0) :$te2er (0..,0-5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description 'et1or> Sta$dard Ti9e S7ste9 3ra9e $u9%er 1"ic" is corre ati5e 1it" 'et1or> Sta$dard Ti9e :$3or9atio$. :3 it is a%se$t, (orre ati5e S&' is eBua to Qero. $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

10.3.10 Mu ti! icit7 5a ues a$d t7!e co$strai$t 5a ues

The followin table includes constants that are either used as multi bounds (name startin with Hma(H) or as hi h or low value in a type specification (name startin with HloH or HhiH). 1onstants are specified only for values appearin more than once in the //1 specification. &n case a constant is related to one or more other constants- an e(pression is included in the HvalueH column instead of the actual value.
Constant CN infor2ation 9a.('do9ai$s 0TRAN 2o;ilit4 infor2ation 9a.R#T 9a.6t"erR#T 9a.UR# 9a.:$terS7sMessa2es 9a.R#8setu! 9a.4edicated(SG&reB 01 infor2ation 9a.tra$sactio$s 9a.P4(Pa 2oT7!e 9a.Mu ti! e&reBue$c78a$ds &44 9a.Mu ti! e&reBue$c78a$ds )UTR# 9a.&reB8a$ds&44 9a.&reB8a$ds&442 9a.&reB8a$ds&443 9a.&reB8a$ds&44-e.t 9a.&reB8a$ds&44-e.t2 9a.&reB8a$ds&44-e.t3 9a.&reB8a$dsT44 9a.&reB8a$dsT44-e.t 9a.&reB8a$dsGSM 9a.&reB8a$ds)UTR# 9a.&reB8a$ds)UTR#-e.t 9a.&reB8a$ds:$dicatorSu!! ort 1Dplanation Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 (' do9ai$s , $alue $ersion

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er or Radio #ccess Tec"$o o2ies Ma.i9u9 $u9%er or ot"er Radio #ccess Tec"$o o2ies Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 UR#s i$ a ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 :$ter S7ste9 Messa2es Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R#8s to %e esta% is"ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 dedicated (SG 3reBue$cies Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !ara e RR( tra$sactio$s i$ do1$ i$> Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 P4(P a 2orit"9 t7!es Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 additio$a 3reBue$c7 %a$ds %roadcasted i$ S:85, S:86, S:811, S:811%is, S812 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 additio$a 3reBue$c7 %a$ds %roadcasted i$ S:81Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds as de3i$ed i$ I21J a$d treated %7 RR( Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds as de3i$ed i$ I21J a$d treated %7 RR( Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds as de3i$ed i$ I21J a$d treated %7 RR( Used i$ as$.1 to si2$a additio$a %a$ds 9a.&reB8a$ds&442 R (9a.&reB8a$ds&44-1) Used i$ as$.1 to si2$a additio$a %a$ds 9a.&reB8a$ds&443 R 9a.&reB8a$ds&442 Used i$ as$.1 to si2$a additio$a %a$ds 9a.&reB8a$ds&443 R 9a.&reB8a$ds&44 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds su!!orted %7 t"e U) as de3i$ed i$ I22J Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds su!!orted %7 t"e U) as de3i$ed i$ I22J Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds su!!orted %7 t"e U) as de3i$ed i$ I,5J Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds su!!orted %7 t"e U) as de3i$ed i$ I36.101J Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds su!!orted %7 t"e U) as de3i$ed i$ I36.101J Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$c7 %a$ds %roadcasted i$ S:8505%is

9a.6t"erR#T + 1 15 = , 16 , 25 = = = = 22 =6 15 6, /= , 16 16 16 ,= 2 R)L-= R)L-11 R)L-10 R)L-= R)L-6 R)L-10 R)L-6 R)L-10 R)L-10


R)L-10 R)L-10


Release ! Constant 9a.Pa2e1 9a.S7ste9(a!a%i it7 Ma.UR'T:2rou! 9a.(o99o$<R'T: 9a.)R'T:2rou! 9a.)R'T:!erGrou! R5 infor2ation 9a.Prede3(o$3i2 9a.R8 9a.SR8setu! 9a.R8!erR#8 9a.R8a R#8s 9a.R8!erTr(" 9a.R8Mu.6!tio$s 9a.Lo(<!erRL( 9a.RL(P4UsiQePerLo2("a $ Ma.R6<(-Pac>etSiQes Ma.R6<(-Pro3i es 9a.R&( 30-5-(:4 TrC9 infor2ation 9a.(o99o$Eueue:4 9a.)-4(<M#(d& o1 Ma.<Processes Ma.<S4S(<;T8;i$de.


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue = 16 = , 32 2 R)L-5 R)L-/ R)L-= R)L-= $ersion

1Dplanation 'u9%er o3 U)s !a2ed i$ t"e Pa2i$2 T7!e 1 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i ities t"at ca$ %e reBuested i$ o$e 9essa2e. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 U-R'T: 2rou!s i$ o$e 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 co99o$ <-R'T: !er ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 co99o$ )-R'T: 2rou! !er ce (1.2= Mc!s T44) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 co99o$ )-R'T: i$ a 2rou! (1.2= Mc!s T44) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !rede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R8s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 si2$a i$2 R8s to %e esta% is"ed Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R8s !er R#8 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 $o$ si2$a i$2 R8s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R8 !er Tr(" Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R8 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 o2ica c"a$$e s !er RL( e$tit7 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 RL( P4U siQes !er o2ica c"a$$e 9a!!ed o$ )-4(< Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !ac>et siQes t"at are a o1ed to %e !roduced %7 R6<(. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !ro3i es su!!orted %7 R6<( o$ a 2i5e$ R8. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 a5ai a% e (:4 5a ues !er radio %earer Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 co99o$ Mac-e"s Bueues Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 <-#RE !rocesses Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T8 set siQe co$3i2uratio$s 3or t"e <S-4S(<.

16 32 = = 2/ 16 = 2 32 16 = 163=, R)L-5



9a.M#(dP4USiQes 9a.Tr(< 9a.Tr(<!reco$3 9a.((Tr(< 9a.Eueue:4 Ma.T& 9a.T&( 9a.T&(su% 9a.S:8!erMs2 9a.S:8 9a.S:8-&#(< Ph4C9 infor2ation 9a.<SS((<s 9a.<S-S((<LessTr8 >

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M#(-d P4U siQes !er Bueue !er9itted 3or M#(-"s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 tra$s!ort c"a$$e s used i$ o$e directio$ (UL or 4L) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !reco$3i2ured Tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, !er directio$ Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ((Tr(<s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 Mac-"s Bueues Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 di33ere$t tra$s!ort 3or9ats t"at ca$ %e i$c uded i$ t"e Tra$s!ort 3or9at set 3or o$e tra$s!ort c"a$$e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$s Su%set Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 co9! ete s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s !er SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re3ere$ces to ot"er s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re3ere$ces to s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s o$ t"e &#(< Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 <SS((< codes t"at ca$ %e assi2$ed to a U) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 <S-4S(< Tra$s!ort 8 oc> SiQes used 3or <S-S((<- ess o!eratio$

2 = = 6, (&44 a$d 1.2= M(PS T44)U 512 (3.=, Mc!s T44)U 102, (/.6= Mc!s T44) = 32 16 = = 32 102, 102, 16 32 =

R)L-/ R)L-6 R)L-5 R)L-5



, I,J

R)L-5 R)L-/


Release ! Constant

3+ 1Dplanation

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue $ersion

9a.T4412=(arrier 9a.#( 9a.#S( 9a.#S(9a! 9a.#S(!ersist 9a.PR#(< 9a.)4(<s 9a.PR#(<;)UL Ma.PR#(<;&P#(< 9a.&#(<P(< 9a.RL 9a.)4(<RL 9a.S((P(< 9a.4P4(<-UL 9a.4P(<-4Lc"a$ 9a.PUS(< 9a.P4S(< 9a.TS

T"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 carriers 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 access c asses Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 access ser5ice c asses Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 access c ass to access ser5ice c asses 9a!!i$2s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 access ser5ice c asses 3or 1"ic" !ersiste$ce sca i$2 3actors are s!eci3ied Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 PR#(<s i$ a ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 co99o$ )-4(< resources i$ a ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters (3or )$"a$ced U! i$>) i$ a ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 PR#(< 0 &P#(< !airs i$ a ce (1.2= Mc!s T44) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 &#(<s a$d P(<s 9a!!ed o$to o$e seco$dar7 ((P(<s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 radio i$>s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-4(< radio i$>s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 seco$dar7 ((P(<s !er ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 4P4(<s !er ce Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 c"a$$e isatio$ codes used 3or 4L 4P(< Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 PUS(<s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 P4S(<s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ti9es ots used i$ o$e directio$ (UL or 4L)

6 16 = / 6 16 32 , = = = , 16 6 = (=) = 1, (3.=, Mc!s T44 a$d /.6= Mc!s T44) 6 (1.2= Mc!s T44) 6, 6, , , 256


R)L-= R)L-11 R)L-,



"iPUS(<ide$tities "iP4S(<ide$tities 9a.'u9)-#G(< 9a.'u9)-<:(< 9a.)RU((< /easure2ent infor2ation 9a.TGPS 9a.#dditio$a Meas

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 PUS(< :de$tities Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 P4S(< :de$tities Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-#G(<s (T44) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-<:(<s (1.2= Mc!s T44) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-RU((< o$ !ri9ar7 3reBue$c7 (1.2=Mc!s T44) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ces Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 additio$a 9easure9e$ts 3or a 2i5e$ 9easure9e$t ide$tit7

R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-=

6 ,

9a.).c uded4etectedSet (e s
9a.'o$(o$ti2uousMu ti(e (o9%i$atio$s 9a.Meas)5e$t 9a.Meas)5e$t6$SecUL&re B 9a.MeasPar)5e$t 9a.Meas:$ter5a s

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s t"at ca$ %e e.c uded 3ro9 a detected set 9easure9e$t
Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 $o$-co$ti2uous 9u ti-ce <S4P# co9%i$atio$s i$ o$e %a$d Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 e5e$ts t"at ca$ %e isted i$ 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 e5e$ts t"at ca$ %e isted i$ 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria o$ t"e do1$ i$> 3reBue$c7 associated 1it" seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 9easure9e$t !ara9eters (e.2. t"res"o ds) !er e5e$t Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 i$ter5a s t"at de3i$e t"e 9a!!i$2 3u$ctio$ %et1ee$ t"e 9easure9e$ts 3or t"e ce Bua it7 E o3 a ce a$d t"e re!rese$ti$2 Bua it7 5a ue Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s to 9easure Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ra$2es o3 ce s 3or (SG 9easure9e$t

3 = =



2 1

9a.(e Meas 9a.Meas(SGRa$2e

32 ,



Release ! Constant 9a.S:reBuest 9a.(e Meas6$SecUL&reB 9a.Re!ortedGSM(e s 9a.Re!orted)UTR#&reBs 9a.Re!orted)UTR#(e !er& reB 9a.&reB 9a.&reBMeasGit"out(M 9a.'u9Prio 9a.Prio 9a.)UTR#(e Per&reB 9a.Sat 9a.G#'SSSat 9a.G#'SS 9a.S2$T7!e 9a.Sat( oc>Mode s 9a.Sat# 9a$acStora2e <iRM 9a.4(<Measure9e$t6ccasi o$Patter$SeBue$ce 9a.:GP:$3o ,re>uenc4 infor2ation Ma.&44&reBList Ma.T44&reBList Ma.&44&reB(e List Ma.T44&reB(e List Ma.GSM(e List Cther infor2ation Ma.G)R#'S: 9a.'u9GSM&reBRa$2es Ma.'u9&44&reBs Ma.'u9T44&reBs 9a.'u9(4M#200&reBs


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue , 32 = , , = 2 11 = 16 16 6, = = , 32 256 5 320 , , 32 32 32 R)L-R)L-12 $ersion R)L-R)L--

1Dplanation Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce reBuest 3or readi$2 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ce s to 9easure o$ t"e do1$ i$> 3reBue$c7 associated 1it" t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 GSM ce s to %e re!orted Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-UTR# 3reBue$cies to re!ort Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-UTR# ce s to re!ort !er 3reBue$c7 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 3reBue$cies to 9easure Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 i$ter 3reBue$cies to 9easure 1it"out (M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !riorities to store Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R#T or &reBue$c7 Priorit7 e5e s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )-UTR# ce s !er 3reBue$c7 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 sate ites to 9easure Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 G#'SS sate ites to 9easure Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 G#'SS su!!orted Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 additio$a si2$a s i$ G#'SS to 9easure Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 c oc> 9ode s i$ a G#'SS Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 sate ites 3or 1"ic" to store GPS # 9a$ac i$3or9atio$ Ma.i9u9 $u9%er t"at cou d %e set as rate 9atc"i$2 attri%ute 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ !atter$ seBue$ces Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 io$os!"eric 2rid !oi$ts 3or 84S as de3i$ed i$ I=6J. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 &44 carrier 3reBue$cies to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T44 carrier 3reBue$cies to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 $ei2"%ouri$2 &44 ce s to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 $ei2"%ouri$2 T44 ce s to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 GSM ce s to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 G)R#' S: % oc>s t"at ca$ %e !ro5ided as !art o3 '#(( i$3or9atio$ Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 GSM &reBue$c7 Ra$2es to store Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 &44 ce$tre 3reBue$cies to store Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T44 ce$tre 3reBue$cies to store Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 (4M#2000 ce$tre 3reBue$cies to store

R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-10 R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

= 32 = = =



Release ! Constant 9a.GSMTar2et(e s 9a.'u9GSM(e Grou! 9a.'u9)UTR#&reBs 9a.'u9)UTR#&reBs;&#(< 9a.)UTR#Tar2et&reBs 9a.<'8'a9eSiQe /5/S infor2ation 9a.M8MS-(o99o$((Tr(" 9a.M8MS-(o99o$P"7(" 9a.M8MS-(o99o$R8 9a.M8MS-(o99o$Tr(" 9a.M8MS-&reB 9a.M8MS-L1(P 9a.M8MSser5(ou$t 9a.M8MSser5Modi3 9a.M8MSser5Sc"ed 9a.M8MSser5Se ect 9a.M8MSser5U$9odi3 9a.M8MSTra$s9is 9a.M8MS-Ser5ices 9a.M8S&'c usters 7o--ed /easure2ent infor2ation Ma.$u9Lo22edMeas Ma.Lo22edMeas Ma.Lo22edMeasRe!ort Ma.$u9M4TPLM' ANR infor2ation Ma.'u9#'RLo22ed:te9s


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 32 16 = , = ,= 32 32 32 32 , , = 32 16 = 6, , 6, 16 $ersion R)L-6 R)L-= R)L-= R)L-11 R)L-= R)L-= R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-/ R)L-10

1Dplanation Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 GSM tar2et ce s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 GSM 3reBue$c7 2rou!s to store Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )UTR# ce$tre 3reBue$cies to store Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 )UTR# ce$tre 3reBue$cies to store 1"e$ i$ ()LL;&#(< Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 tar2et )-UTR# 3reBue$cies Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 octets 3or t"e <'8 'a9e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 ((Tr(" co$3i2uratio$s i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS (6MM6' P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 P"7(" co$3i2uratio$s i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS (6MM6' P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 R8 co$3i2uratio$s i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS (6MM6' P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 Tr(" co$3i2uratio$s i$c uded i$ t"e M8MS (6MM6' P-T-M R8 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$cies Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 !eriods i$ 1"ic" a7er 1 co9%i$i$2 a!! ies Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS ser5ices i$ a #ccess :$3o 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS ser5ices i$ a M8MS M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS ser5ices i$ a M8MS S(<)4UL:'G :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS Se ected Ser5ices i$ a ()LL UP4#T) or RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS ser5ices i$ a M8MS U'M64:&:)4 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 tra$s9issio$s 3or 1"ic" sc"edu i$2 i$3or9atio$ is !ro5ided 1it"i$ a sc"edu i$2 !eriod Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8MS ser5ices t"e U) stores i$ t"e 5aria% e M8MS;#(T:V#T)4;S)RV:()S Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 M8S&' c usters i$dicated i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$

Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 (e s or &reBue$cies t"at ca$ %e isted i$ Lo22ed Measure9e$t Re!ort. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 o22ed 9easure9e$ts e$tries t"at ca$ %e stored %7 t"e U) Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 Lo22ed Measur9e$t :$3o se$t i$ Lo22edMeasRe!ort Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 PLM's i$ PLM' ist 3or M4T Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 e$tries i$ Lo22ed #'R Re!ort i$3o

= ,,05 12= 15 ,

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-11 R)L-10 R)L-10




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Messa2e a$d :$3or9atio$ e e9e$t a%stract s7$ta. (1it" #S'.1)

This clause contains definitions for //1 P:3s and &2s usin a subset of ."'., as specified in D,8E. P:3 and &2 definitions are rouped into separate ."'., modules.

11.0 Ge$era
"ome messa es and@or &2s may include one or more &2s with name HdummyH that are included only in the ."'.,. The 32 should avoid sendin information elements that are named HdummyH to 3T/.'. 5i#ewise- 3T/.' should avoid sendin &2s with name HdummyH to the 32. &f the 32 anyhow receives an information element named HdummyH- it shall i nore the &2 and process the rest of the messa e as if the &2 was not included. 'OT2P .n &2 with name HdummyH concerns an information element that was (erroneously) included in a previous version of the specification and has been removed by replacin it with a dummy with same type.

The 32 shall only include the Hvariable len th e(tension containerH when it sends a non critical e(tension that accordin to this specification shall be transferred within this container. &f the abstract synta( of an &2 is defined usin the ."'., type H0&T "T/&'GH- and this &2 corresponds to a functional &2 definition in tabular format- in which the si nificance of bits is semantically defined- the followin eneral rule shall be appliedP The bits in the ."'., bit strin shall represent the semantics of the functional &2 definition in decreasin order of bit si nificanceO ? ? with the first (or leftmost) bit in the bit strin representin the most si nificant bitO and with the last (or ri htmost) bit in the bit strin representin the least si nificant bit.

11.1 Ge$era 9essa2e structure

Class-+e0i*i.i-*s 2E3INITIONS AUTOMATIC TA S ::= 4E IN IMPO!TS A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e, A1.i&eSe.Up+a.eC-mple.e, A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e3ail')e, Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5, CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN, CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e, CellUp+a.e, CellUp+a.e322-)11, CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6, CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m, C-'*.e)C,e17, C-'*.e)C,e17!esp-*se, 2-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e), ET9SP)ima)5N-.i0i1a.i-*9i.,Se1')i.5, 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e, I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e), 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A, 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI', 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM, 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2:::, 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e, L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*, M4MSA11essI*0-)ma.i-*, M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*, M4MSC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*, M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*, M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es., M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*, M4MSNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*, M4MSS1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*, M4MSU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*,


Release !
Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l, Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e, Meas')eme*.!ep-)., Pagi*gT5pe1, Pagi*gT5pe2, P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e, P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*, PUSC6Capa1i.5!e;'es., !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e, !a+i-4ea)e)!elease, !a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e, !a+i-4ea)e)!elease3ail')e, !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p, !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e, !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p3ail')e, !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1., !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease, !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6, !!CC-**e1.i-*!eleaseC-mple.e, !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es., !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p, !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e, !!CS.a.'s, Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+, Se1')i.5M-+eC-mple.e, Se1')i.5M-+e3ail')e, Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease, Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*, S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-4C6, S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-3AC6, S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-*, T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l3ail')e, UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5, UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*, UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m, UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es., UEI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se, Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e), Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l, U!AUp+a.e, U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m, U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6, UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*, UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m, UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*3ail')e 3!OM P2U-+e0i*i.i-*s -- Use) E;'ipme*. IEs : I*.eg)i.5C,e17I*03!OM I*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.s=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 2-8*li*7 2CC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2L-2CC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { i*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0I*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0message 2L-2CC6-MessageT5pe } 2L-2CC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m 1-'*.e)C,e17 +-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e) ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM OPTIONAL,

A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e, Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5, CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN, CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m, C-'*.e)C,e17, 2-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e), 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM,


Release !
,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2::: meas')eme*.C-*.)-l pagi*gT5pe2 p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-* )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-* )a+i-4ea)e)!elease )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-* ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI' m/msM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-* e.8sP)ima)5N-.i0i1a.i-*9i.,Se1')i.5 ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es. l-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-* spa)e1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2:::, Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l, Pagi*gT5pe2, P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*, !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, !a+i-4ea)e)!elease, !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p, !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease, Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+, Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease, T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l, UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5, UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m, Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l, U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m, UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*, 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI', M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*, ET9SP)ima)5N-.i0i1a.i-*9i.,Se1')i.5, 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A, UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es., L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*, NULL

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- Upli*7 2CC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UL-2CC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { i*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0I*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0message UL-2CC6-MessageT5pe } OPTIONAL,

UL-2CC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.eC-mple.e A1.i&eSe.Up+a.eC-mple.e, a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e3ail')e A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e3ail')e, 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e, 1-'*.e)C,e17!esp-*se C-'*.e)C,e17!esp-*se, ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e, i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e) I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e), ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e, meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e, meas')eme*.!ep-). Meas')eme*.!ep-)., p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e, )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e, )a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e !a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e, )a+i-4ea)e)!elease3ail')e !a+i-4ea)e)!elease3ail')e, )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e, )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p3ail')e !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p3ail')e, ))1C-**e1.i-*!eleaseC-mple.e !!CC-**e1.i-*!eleaseC-mple.e, ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e, ))1S.a.'s !!CS.a.'s, se1')i.5M-+eC-mple.e Se1')i.5M-+eC-mple.e, se1')i.5M-+e3ail')e Se1')i.5M-+e3ail')e, sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-* Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*, .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l3ail')e T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l3ail')e, 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-* UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*, 'pli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e) Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e), '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m, '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*3ail')e UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*3ail')e, m/msM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es. M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es., 'l-2CC6-MessageT5pe-ex. UL-2CC6-MessageT5pe-ex. }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-2CC6-MessageT5pe-ex. ::= C6OICE { 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se UEI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se, spa)e1? NULL, spa)e1@ NULL, spa)e1( NULL, spa)e12 NULL, spa)e11 NULL, spa)e1: NULL, spa)eA NULL, spa)eB NULL, spa)eC NULL, spa)e$ NULL, spa)e? NULL, spa)e@ NULL, spa)e( NULL, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL } -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 2-8*li*7 CCC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2L-CCC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { i*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0I*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0message 2L-CCC6-MessageT5pe } OPTIONAL,

2L-CCC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6, ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1., ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6, ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p, ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# I0 )e1ei&e+ i. is ig*-)e+ /5 .,e UE# -- See TS 2(#:@1 0-) ,a*+li*g -0 8a)*i*g se1')i.5 i*0-)ma.i-* /5 Cell 4)-a+1as. Ce*.e)# +'mm5 ET9SP)ima)5N-.i0i1a.i-*9i.,Se1')i.5, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL } -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- Upli*7 CCC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UL-CCC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { i*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0I*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0message UL-CCC6-MessageT5pe } UL-CCC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { 1ellUp+a.e ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es. ')aUp+a.e 'L-CCC6-MessageT5pe-)11 } UL-CCC6-MessageT5pe-)11 ::= C6OICE { 1ellUp+a.e spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 } OPTIONAL,

CellUp+a.e, !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es., U!AUp+a.e, UL-CCC6-MessageT5pe-)11

CellUp+a.e322-)11, NULL, NULL, NULL

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- PCC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PCC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message PCC6-MessageT5pe }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

PCC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { pagi*gT5pe1 spa)e }

Pagi*gT5pe1, NULL

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 2-8*li*7 S6CC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2L-S6CC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message 2L-S6CC6-MessageT5pe } 2L-S6CC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-* spa)e } P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*, NULL

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- Upli*7 S6CC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UL-S6CC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message UL-S6CC6-MessageT5pe } UL-S6CC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { p's1,Capa1i.5!e;'es. spa)e } PUSC6Capa1i.5!e;'es., NULL

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 4CC6 messages se*. -* 3AC6 --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4CC6-3AC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message 4CC6-3AC6-MessageT5pe } 4CC6-3AC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-3AC6, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-* S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-*, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL } -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 4CC6 messages se*. -* 4C6 --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4CC6-4C6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-4C6 } -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- MCC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MCC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message MCC6-MessageT5pe } MCC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { m/msA11essI*0-)ma.i-* M4MSA11essI*0-)ma.i-*,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

m/msC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-* M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*, m/msC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-* M4MSC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*, m/ms e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-* M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*, m/msM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-* M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*, m/msNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-* M4MSNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*, m/msU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-* M4MSU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*, spa)eA NULL, spa)eB NULL, spa)eC NULL, spa)e$ NULL, spa)e? NULL, spa)e@ NULL, spa)e( NULL, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL } -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- MSC6 messages --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MSC6-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message MSC6-MessageT5pe } MSC6-MessageT5pe ::= C6OICE { m/msS1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 } EN2 M4MSS1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*, NULL, NULL, NULL

11.2 P4U de3i$itio$s

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- TA4ULA!: T,e message .5pe a*+ i*.eg)i.5 1,e17 i*0- a)e *-. -- &isi/le i* .,is m-+'le as .,e5 a)e +e0i*e+ i* .,e 1lass m-+'le# -- Als-, all 322DT22 spe1i0i1 1,-i1es ,a&e .,e 322 -p.i-* 0i)s. -- a*+ T22 se1-*+, <'s. 0-) 1-*sis.e*15# --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P2U-+e0i*i.i-*s 2E3INITIONS AUTOMATIC TA S ::= 4E IN -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- IE pa)ame.e) .5pes 0)-m -.,e) m-+'les --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPO!TS -- C-)e Ne.8-)7 IEs : CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-, CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$, CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-3'll, NAS-Message, Pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2, PLMN-I+e*.i.5, -- UT!AN M-/ili.5 IEs : CellI+e*.i.5, CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis., 2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-*, 2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11, U!A-I+e*.i.5, -- Use) E;'ipme*. IEs : A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-), A1.i&a.i-*Time,


Release !
C-!NTI, Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*., Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@, Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex., Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)?, Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&CC:ex., Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&B$:ex., Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)C, Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B, CellUp+a.eCa'se, CellUp+a.eCa'se-ex., Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m, Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C, Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0-, Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C, 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag, 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex., 2SC6-!NTI, E-!NTI, Es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se, Ex.e*+e+9ai.Time, 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))T)I+, 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-)., )-'p!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-*, 6-!NTI, 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+, I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5, I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0-, I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0-, I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C, N-(:B, Pagi*gCa'se, Pagi*g!e1-)+Lis., Pagi*g!e1-)+2Lis.-)?, P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex., P2CP-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex., P)e-!e+i)e1.i-*I*0-, P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-), P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-)9i.,M-)eI*0-, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis., !/-.ime)-i*+i1a.-), !e+i)e1.i-*I*0-, !e+i)e1.i-*I*0--)$, !e+i)e1.i-*I*0--&B$:ex., !e<e1.i-*Ca'se, !eleaseCa'se, !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp-ex.2, !3-Capa/ili.5C-mp, !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), !S!-ECC-I*0-, Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, S!-ECC-I*0-, S!-ECC-Se1')i.5!A4I*0--&B$:ex., STA!T-Eal'e, STA!TLis., S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-&?A:ex., U-!NTI, U-!NTI-S,-)., UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le, UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT, UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs, UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s, UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex., UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&B$:ex., UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)?, UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)11, UE-6SPA-I+e*.i.ies-)$, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.2, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+-&a@:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex.,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !
UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$B:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BB:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BA:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aB:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a$:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/C:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-&CC:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&CC:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&C0:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&B$:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&A2:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&a@:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&/?:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--&CC:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B-&B/:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B-&/?:ex., UE-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-*, UE-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-*2, UE-Spe1i0i1Capa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!T22, U!A-Up+a.eCa'se, UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*., UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, 9ai.Time, -- !a+i- 4ea)e) IEs : 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5, 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)@, 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)?, 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$, 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6, 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0-, 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)?, P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e, P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis.C-mp, P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igSe.9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag, !A4-I*0-, !A4-I*0--)$, !A4-I*0--)C, !A4-I*0--P-s., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&B2:ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)11, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)?, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$-ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&$/:ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&B2:ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11, !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis., !4-COUNT-C-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., !4-COUNT-C-MS4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., !4-I+e*.i.5Lis., !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !
!4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)?, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)$, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)C, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*C,a*ge+Lis.-)$, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis., !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)@, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)?, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)$, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)C, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis., S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)?, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)$, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)C, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B, UL-AM!-!a.e, UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0-, -- T)a*sp-). C,a**el IEs: CPC6-Se.I2, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-2Lis., 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)?, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex., 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11, 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)?, 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., 6A!Q-I*0--)C, 6A!Q-I*0--)11, P-8e)O00se.I*0-S,-)., T3C-S'/se., T3CS-I+e*.i.5, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B, UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$, -- P,5si1al C,a**el IEs : A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322, A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11, A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222, Alp,a, 4EACON-PL-Es., CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-, CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@, CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)?, CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C, C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322, C-*s.a*.Eal'e, C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++, C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B, CPC6-Se.I*0-, 26S-S5*1, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)?, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1:,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !
2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex., 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12, 2L-6SP2SC6-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-*, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis., 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)?, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)?/is, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex., 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-*, 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322, 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex., 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A, 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1:, 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11, 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis., 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A, 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)1:, 2PC-M-+e, 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0-, 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0--)1:, 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C, 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C, 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&el, E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0-, E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15, E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C, E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11, E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell, E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C, E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-*, EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex., EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e, 3ee+/a17-151le-)C, 3)e;'e*15I*0-, 3)e;'e*15I*0-322, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, 3-TPIC6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0-, 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e, 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le, 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C, 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@, 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22C$B, MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e), MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C, MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex., MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex., MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B, MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A, MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s, M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C, MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B, N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B, N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B, Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@, P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0-, P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)@, P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)C, P2SC6-I+e*.i.5, P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e),


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !
PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0-, PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)@, PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)C, PUSC6-I+e*.i.5, PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-6C!-)?, P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-6C!-)?, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-lis.-&$/:ex., !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)B, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&BA:ex., !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)A, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&A?:ex., !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)1:, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&/?:ex., !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)11, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e;, !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis., !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e;, Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex., Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*, Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)C, Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)B, Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)A, Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)11, Se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s, Spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g, SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B, SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-*, SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@, SS2T-UL, S.a*+al-*eMi+am/leI*0--T2212B, T3C-C-*.)-l2')a.i-*, Timesl-.Lis., Timesl-.Lis.-)@, Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+, TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e, UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig, UL-$@QAM-C-*0ig, UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*., UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@, UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)?, UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2, UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2-)@, UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2-)?, UL-CLT2-I*0-322, UL-MIMO-I*0-322, UL-2PC6-I*0-, UL-2PC6-I*0--)@, UL-2PC6-I*0--)?, UL-2PC6-I*0--)$, UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, UL-2PC6-I*0--)11, UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex., UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$, UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C, UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A, UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11, UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B, UL-OLT2-I*0-322, UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322, UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)C, UpPC6p-si.i-*-LC!, -- Meas')eme*. IEs : A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis., A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A, Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A, CS P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*, CS P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*-&/?:ex.,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !
2el.a!SCP, 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, E&e*.!es'l.s, E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex., E&e*.!es'l.s-&B$:ex., E&e*.!es'l.s-&a@:ex., E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e;, EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s, EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s-&/?:ex., EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s, EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex., EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&/?:ex., EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex., EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s3-)CELL3AC6, I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex., I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex., I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)?, I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)?, I*.)a3)e;CellI2, I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s-LC!-)@-ex., I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-*, InterRATMeasurement-r11, I*.e)!AT-Ta)ge.Cell2es1)ip.i-*, Meas')e+!es'l.s, Meas')e+!es'l.s-&(A:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.s-&?A:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex., Meas')e+!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e;, Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.O*Se1Ul3)e;, Meas')e+!es'l.sLis., Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-LC!-)@-ex., Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&CC:xe., Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&B$:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex., Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6, Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6322-)11, Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex., Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e;, Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e;, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)@, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)$, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)C, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)B, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)A, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)1:, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)11, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)12, Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A, Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5Ex., Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e, Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-&C/:ex., Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-LC!-&Ba:ex., Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-LC!-&Ba:ex., Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sO*Se1UL3)e;, P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP, S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5, Timesl-.Lis.9i.,ISCP, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&CC:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4-ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')e+!es'l.sT22-ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&B$:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex.,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&1x5ex., -- O.,e) IEs : 4CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*I*0-, C2MA2:::-MessageLis., ET9S-I*0-)ma.i-*, ET9S-9a)*i*gSe1')i.5I*0-, SM-Ta)ge.CellI*0-Lis., E!ANI'-MessageLis., E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*, SM-MessageLis., I*.e)!AT-C,a*ge3ail')eCa'se, I*.e)!AT-6O-3ail')eCa'se, I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis., I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex., I*.e)!AT-UE-Se1')i.5CapLis., I*.)a2-mai*NasN-+eSele1.-), Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17, MI4-Eal'eTag, P)-.-1-lE))-)M-)eI*0-)ma.i-*, !plm*-I*0-)ma.i-*, !plm*-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@, SegC-'*., Segme*.I*+ex, S3N-P)ime, SI4-2a.a-0ixe+, SI4-2a.a-&a)ia/le, SI4-T5pe, S5sI*0-T5pe1, S5sI*0-T5pe(, S5sI*0-T5pe?, S5sI*0-T5peC, S5sI*0-T5pe11, S5sI*0-T5pe11/is, S5sI*0-T5pe12, S5sI*0-T5peS41, S5sI*0-T5peS42, S5sI*0-T5pe22, -- M4MS IEs: M4MS-Cell )-'pI+e*.i.5-)$, M4MS-C-mm-*!4I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$, M4MS-C'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6Lis.-)$, M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$, M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$, M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex., M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&BA:ex., M4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1eLis.-)$, M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-LC!-&C1:ex., M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex., M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$, M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-)$, M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-&CC:ex., M4MS-N'm/e)O0Neig,/-')Cells-)$, M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$, M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C, M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-IM4(B@, M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$, M4MS-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15Lis.-)$, M4MS-PTMA1.i&a.i-*Time-)$, M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0-, M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esS,-)., M4MS-Se)&i1eA11essI*0-Lis.-)$, M4MS-Se)&i1eI+e*.i.5-)$, M4MS-Se)&i1eS1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis.-)$, M4MS-SI4T5pe?-SCCPC6Lis.-)$, M4MS-Time)sA*+C-'*.e)s-)$, M4MS-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)Ea1,CCT)C,-)$, M4MS-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)Ea1,T)C,-)$, M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-)$, M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex., M4S3N-Cl's.e)3)e;'e*15-)C, M4S3N-I*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')Lis.-)C, M4S3N-I*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')Lis.-&B$:ex., M4MS-Ne.8-)7S.a*+a)+TimeI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-&BA:ex., M4S3N-T22I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!, M4S3N-T2M-I*0--Lis., -- M2T IEs L-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0-,


Release !
L-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11, L-gge+Meas!ep-)., L-gge+Meas!ep-).-&/?:ex., C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')e!ep-)., -- UT!AN AN! IEs L-gge+AN!C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0-, L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis., L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. 3!OM I*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.s maxSI4pe)Msg, maxU!NTI- )-'p 3!OM C-*s.a*.-+e0i*i.i-*s=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- ACTIEE SET UP2ATE "322 -*l5% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)( A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&@/:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&?A:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&$A:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)$ A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)$-IEs, a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&$/:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&$/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)C A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)C-IEs, a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&CB:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&CB:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.U+pa.e-&C0:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.U+pa.e-&Cg:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)B A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&BA:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&Cg:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL },


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} } } } }

1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)A A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&A?:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&A?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)1: A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g -- !EL-11 a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&/?:ex. A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)11 A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g -- !EL-12 a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } }

A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, +'mm52 Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- +'mm5( is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5( 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5@ is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5@ SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1-M-+e +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis.


2PC-M-+e, 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis.



Release !
} A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time *e8U-!NTI *e86-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e +p1-M-+e se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0} A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-lis.-&$/:ex. } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time *e8U-!NTI *e86-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e +p1-M-+e se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0'l-1$QAM-C-*0ig e-+1,-!e1-*0I*0-SameCell e-T3C-4--s.-I*0e-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time *e8U-!NTI *e86-!NTI


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



A1.i&a.i-*Time U-!NTI 6-!NTI E-!NTI E-!NTI CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e 2PC-M-+e Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0-


!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-lis.-&$/:ex. OPTIONAL

A1.i&a.i-*Time U-!NTI 6-!NTI E-!NTI E-!NTI CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e 2PC-M-+e Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)C E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-*








A1.i&a.i-*Time U-!NTI 6-!NTI



Release !
*e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e +p1-M-+e se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0'l-1$QAM-C-*0ig e-+1,-!e1-*0I*0-SameCell e-T3C-4--s.-I*0e-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. mim-Pa)ame.e)s )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. }

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E-!NTI E-!NTI CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$

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2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)B Se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e 2PC-M-+e Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)B E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322

2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&BA:ex.


A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8U-!NTI U-!NTI *e86-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)A )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s Se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e +p1-M-+e 2PC-M-+e se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)A e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C 'l-1$QAM-C-*0ig UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig e-+1,-!e1-*0I*0-SameCell E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell e-T3C-4--s.-I*0E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C e-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time *e8U-!NTI *e86-!NTI


Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&A?:ex.


A1.i&a.i-*Time U-!NTI 6-!NTI



Release !


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*e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)1: )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s Se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e +p1-M-+e 2PC-M-+e se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)A e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C 'l-1$QAM-C-*0ig UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig e-+1,-!e1-*0I*0-SameCell E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell e-T3C-4--s.-I*0E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C e-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 } A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } UL-OLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&/?:ex.


A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e86-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 OPTIONAL, e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 OPTIONAL, 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, 0-.pi1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*03-TPIC6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL, )l-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; OPTIONAL, se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s Se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, )l-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL, +p1-M-+e 2PC-M-+e OPTIONAL, se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-1$QAM-C-*0ig UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig OPTIONAL, 'l-$@QAM-C-*0ig UL-$@QAM-C-*0ig OPTIONAL, 'l-MIMO-I*0-322 UL-MIMO-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, e-+1,-!e1-*0I*0-SameCell E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell OPTIONAL, e-T3C-4--s.-I*0E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, e-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 OPTIONAL,


Release !
a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 }

' !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- ACTIEE SET UP2ATE COMPLETE "322 -*l5% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A1.i&eSe.Up+a.eC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- +'mm52 a*+ +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm52 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +'mm5( UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s a1.i&eSe.Up+a.eC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- ACTIEE SET UP2ATE 3AILU!E "322 -*l5% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A1.i&eSe.Up+a.e3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- ASSISTANCE 2ATA 2ELIEE!I--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5 ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-)( Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&(a:ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&@/:ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&@/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&CC:ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&B$:ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&B$:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&A2:ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&A2:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&a@:ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&a@:ex.-IEs, &1x5N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&1x5ex. Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&1x5ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL



Release !

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} }, la.e)-.,a*-)( ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } }

SEQUENCE { !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), SEQUENCE {}

Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- Meas')eme*. I*0-)ma.i-* Eleme*.s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4 } Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s0*-O00se.-Eali+i.5 S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 } OPTIONAL


Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ex. } Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4-ex. 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&CC:ex. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a } Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&B$:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&B$:ex. } Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex. } Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex. } Assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5-&1x5ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&1x5ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&1x5ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- CELL C6AN E O!2E! 3!OM UT!AN --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-IEs CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-&?A:ex. CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-&?A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {}








Release !

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CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- .,e IE )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# T,e IE ma5 /e 'se+ i* a la.e) -- &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l a*+ ,e*1e i. is *-. 1,a*ge+ i*.- a +'mm5 )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, i*.e)!AT-Ta)ge.Cell2es1)ip.i-* I*.e)!AT-Ta)ge.Cell2es1)ip.i-* } CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ge)a*-S5s.emI*0-T5pe C6OICE { sI E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*, pSI E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- CELL C6AN E O!2E! 3!OM UT!AN 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-)( CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ i. -- s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } CellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, i*.e)!AT-C,a*ge3ail')eCa'se I*.e)!AT-C,a*ge3ail')eCa'se } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- CELL UP2ATE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CellUp+a.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, s.a).Lis. STA!TLis., am-!LC-E))-)I*+i1a.i-*!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, am-!LC-E))-)I*+i1a.i-*!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, 1ellUp+a.eCa'se CellUp+a.eCa'se, -- TA4ULA!: !!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie) is *es.e+ i* 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))T)I+ 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))T)I+ OPTIONAL, )/-.ime)-i*+i1a.-) !/-.ime)-i*+i1a.-), -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s -- T,e 1ellUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex. 1a* /e -mi..e+ i0 i.s i*1l'si-* 8-'l+ )es'l. i* .,e


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} }

-- siGe -0 .,e message ex1ee+i*g .,e maxim'm P2U siGe p-ssi/le 0-) CCC6 -- .)a*smissi-* 1ellUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ CellUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&?A:ex. CellUp+a.e-&?A:ex., &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&$A:ex. CellUp+a.e-&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&$/:ex. CellUp+a.e-&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&CC:ex. CellUp+a.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&B$:ex. CellUp+a.e-&B$:ex.-IEs, -- T,e &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s 1a* /e -mi..e+ i0 i.s i*1l'si-* -- 8-'l+ )es'l. i* .,e siGe -0 .,e message ex1ee+i*g .,e maxim'm P2U -- siGe p-ssi/le 0-) CCC6 .)a*smissi-* &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&a@:ex. CellUp+a.e-&a@:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.e-&/?:ex. CellUp+a.e-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { CellUp+a.e-&Ce:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE { CellUp+a.e-&Cg:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

CellUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs ::= 1ellUp+a.e-&Ce:ex. &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s 1ellUp+a.e-&Cg:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.e-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se }



CellUp+a.e-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 1ellUp+a.eCa'se-ex. CellUp+a.eCa'se-ex. .)a00i1E-l'meI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; )e1-*0ig')a.i-*S.a.'sI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }


CellUp+a.e-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS IEs -- T,e m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1es 1a* /e -mi..e+ i0 i.s i*1l'si-* 8-'l+ )es'l. i* .,e -- siGe -0 .,e message ex1ee+i*g .,e maxim'm P2U siGe p-ssi/le 0-) CCC6 .)a*smissi-* m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1es M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esS,-). OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 1sCallT5pe ,sp+s1,!e1ep.i-*-Cell3a1, 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 1apa/ili.5C,a*geI*+i1a.-) } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { spee1,, &i+e-, -.,e), spa)e } OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL

CellUp+a.e-&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)T8-2!FS1,emesI*PC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } CellUp+a.e-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. }




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CellUp+a.e-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E2C6 ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O06S-2SC62!FOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O0MACiis ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O0SPSOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O0C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 }

{ { { {

.)'e .)'e .)'e .)'e

} } } }


{ .)'e }

CellUp+a.e-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs se1')i.5!e&e).S.a.'sI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { )e&e).e+4a17, *-)malOpe)a.i-* } -- O.,e) IEs l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!!es'l.sA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL }


-- TA4ULA!: T22 )ela.e+ IEs, M4MS IEs, a*+ s'pp-).3-)T8-2!FS1,emesI*PC6 a)e -mi..e+ 1-mpa)e+ .-- .a/'la) 0-) .,e p')p-se -0 1-+i*g -p.imisa.i-* CellUp+a.e322-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, s.a).Lis. STA!TLis., am-!LC-E))-)I*+i1a.i-*!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, am-!LC-E))-)I*+i1a.i-*!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, 1ellUp+a.eCa'se CellUp+a.eCa'se, -- TA4ULA!: !!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie) is *es.e+ i* 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))T)I+ 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))T)I+ OPTIONAL, )/-.ime)-i*+i1a.-) !/-.ime)-i*+i1a.-), es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se Es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se OPTIONAL, .)a00i1E-l'meI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, )e1-*0ig')a.i-*S.a.'sI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, 1sCallT5pe ENUME!ATE2 { spee1,, &i+e-, -.,e), spa)e } OPTIONAL, ,sp+s1,!e1ep.i-*-Cell3a1, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, 1apa/ili.5C,a*geI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E2C6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O06S-2SC62!FOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0MACiis ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, se1')i.5!e&e).S.a.'sI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { )e&e).e+4a17, *-)malOpe)a.i-* } OPTIONAL, spa)e@ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, spa)e( ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, spa)e2 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, spa)e1 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6322-)11 OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!!es'l.sA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.e-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6EUT!A3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- CELL UP2ATE CON3I!M --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)( CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&(a:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&@/:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {



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' )
1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

_, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)@ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)? CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$/:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&CB:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&CB:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&BA:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&BA:ex.-IEs,


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&Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Ba:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&A?:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&A?:ex.IEs, &A1:ex.-IEs, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&A1:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { CellUp+a.eC-*0i)mSEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1: CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&A1:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m&A1:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&/?:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

} } } } } _ } } }

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11 CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12 CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } }

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {


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' +

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1T)a*sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --!a+i- 4ea)e) IEs p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)@ OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1T)a*sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL _ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)? OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1T)a*sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL }, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL _ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)$ )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)$ +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ }




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- T,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,e )( a*+ )@ &e)si-*s -0 .,e message -- I0 i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )( -) )@ &e)si-* -0 .,e message, .,e UE s,-'l+ ig*-)e .,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e OPTIONAL, /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C 8ai.Time 9ai.Time )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)C )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)C +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex.-IEs &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {






Release !
1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

} }

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* } SEQUENCE { UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex.



CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex. }



CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, 8ai.Time 9ai.Time OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL,


Release !
+l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p SEQUENCE { )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&B2:ex. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&B2:ex. } OPTIONAL } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 }



CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, 8ai.Time 9ai.Time OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL,


Release !
'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. } CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. }



CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, -- +'mm52 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*.# +'mm52 S!-ECC-I*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, 8ai.Time 9ai.Time OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 OPTIONAL,


Release !
'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 }


CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, -- +'mm52 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*.# +'mm52 S!-ECC-I*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, 8ai.Time 9ai.Time OPTIONAL, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL,


Release !
+l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C 8ai.Time 9ai.Time )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/2-(-)@ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!e-es.a/lis,I*+i1a.-)!/?-)A/-&e 4OOLEAN, -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B




Release !
m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B

MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- CELL UP2ATE CON3I!M 0-) CCC6 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6 ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, -- T,e )es. -0 .,e message is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)( CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&@/:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { '-!NTI U-!NTI, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { -- T,e )es. -0 .,e message is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)@ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)? CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)?-IEs, 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$-IEs, 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {


Release !

1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$/:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s OPTIONAL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$/:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-IEs, 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&CB:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&CB:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B-IEs, 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C+:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&BA:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Ba:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Ba:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1: CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&/?:ex. CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11 CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12 CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


Release !
}, SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } } } } } }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- COUNTE! C6ECK --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C-'*.e)C,e17 ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 1-'*.e)C,e17-)( C-'*.e)C,e17-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 1-'*.e)C,e17-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } C-'*.e)C,e17-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-COUNT-C-MS4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. }

!!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), !4-COUNT-C-MS4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- COUNTE! C6ECK !ESPONSE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C-'*.e)C,e17!esp-*se ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-COUNT-C-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !4-COUNT-C-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 1-'*.e)C,e17!esp-*se-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 2O9NLINK 2I!ECT T!ANS3E! --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e) ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { +-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)( 2-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s +-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {}



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, *as-Message NAS-Message } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- ET9S P!IMA!I NOTI3ICATION 9IT6 SECU!ITI --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ET9SP)ima)5N-.i0i1a.i-*9i.,Se1')i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs e.8s-I*0-)ma.i-* ET9S-I*0-)ma.i-*, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# I0 )e1ei&e+ i. is ig*-)e+ /5 .,e UE# -- See TS 2(#:@1 0-) ,a*+li*g -0 8a)*i*g se1')i.5 i*0-)ma.i-* /5 Cell 4)-a+1as. Ce*.e)# +'mm5 ET9S-9a)*i*gSe1')i.5I*0OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 6AN2OEE! TO UT!AN COMMAN2 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+ ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)( 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)(-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)@ 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)@-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)? 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)?-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)$ 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)$-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&$/:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&$/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)C 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)C-IEs, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&CB:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&CB:ex.-IEs, &B2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&B2:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&B2:ex.-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&C+:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&C+:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)B 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)B-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&C+:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&C+:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&BA:ex.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

La.e)C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } } } } } }

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)A 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)A-IEs, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&A1:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&A1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+}

6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&Ba:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I*0OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis., 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0}, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322


Release !
}, .++ 'l-2PC6-I*0+l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 0)e;'e*15I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)

} }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e)


6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)@, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I*0OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0}, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)@ } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 _, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) _, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) _ _ _ _


Release !
_, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)?, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)?, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)?, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I*0OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)?, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0}, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)? } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 _, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) _, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) _ _ _ _ _, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)?, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0}, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-,spa-i+e*.i.ies UE-6SPA-I+e*.i.ies-)$ } OPTIONAL

6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C,




Release !
'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0-


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e), m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e)

UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 3)e;'e*15I*0-, M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C


6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. }



6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e), m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&B2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&B2:ex. } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e), m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-La.e)C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s ::= C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)1: 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)1:-IEs, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&A1:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-&A1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)11 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } }


6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1:, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: OPTIONAL } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE {


Release !
'l-2PC6-I*0+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 0)e;'e*15I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) }, .++12B 'l-2PC6-I*0+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 0)e;'e*15I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0}, .++C$B 'l-2PC6-I*0+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 0)e;'e*15I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e), M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI-S,-)., 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B OPTIONAL, 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1:, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } }, )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--P-s. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s., +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-322 }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


Release !
}, .++12B 'l-2PC6-I*0+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 0)e;'e*15I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0}, .++C$B 'l-2PC6-I*0+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L 0)e;'e*15I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e), M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-I*0--)C, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 6AN2OEE! TO UT!AN COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { --TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- TA4ULA!: s.a).Lis. is 1-*+i.i-*al -* ,is.-)5# s.a).Lis. STA!TLis. OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-&a@:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-&a@:ex., &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-&/?:ex. 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mple.e-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1-**Es.3ailI*0-A&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- INITIAL 2I!ECT T!ANS3E! --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e) ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, i*.)a2-mai*NasN-+eSele1.-) I*.)a2-mai*NasN-+eSele1.-), *as-Message NAS-Message, -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&(a:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&?A:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&?A:ex., &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {


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i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&$A:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&CC:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&B$:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&B$:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&/?:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&/?:ex.*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL } SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

} }

I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- s.a).-&al'e s,all al8a5s /e i*1l'+e+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l s.a).-Eal'e STA!T-Eal'e OPTIONAL } I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se Es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se OPTIONAL } I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; -- M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ }


I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1sCallT5pe ENUME!ATE2 { spee1,, &i+e-, -.,e), spa)e } } I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0CS ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }



I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&Cg:ex. I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. } I*i.ial2i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6EUT!A3)e; } SEQUENCE { Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. SEQUENCE { Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 6AN2OEE! 3!OM UT!AN COMMAN2 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)( 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)(-IEs, -- UT!AN s,-'l+ *-. i*1l'+e .,e IE la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s 8,e* i. se.s .,e IE -- gsm-message i*1l'+e+ i* ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)( .- si*gle- SM-Message# T,e UE -- /e,a&i-') 'p-* )e1ei&i*g a message 8i., .,is 1-m/i*a.i-* -0 IE &al'es is '*spe1i0ie+# la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN ma5 appl5 .,e )( &e)si-* -0 .,e message .- pe)0-)m PS ,a*+-&e) -- 0-) a si*gle !A4 -*l5 &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&$A:ex. 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&$A:ex.-IEs,


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} }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)$ 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)$-IEs, ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&B$:ex. 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } }

&B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&B$:ex. 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs .-6a*+-&e)!A4-I*0!A4-I*0OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, -- O.,e) IEs gsm-message C6OICE { -- I* .,e si*gle- SM-Message 1ase .,e 0-ll-8i*g )'les appl5: -- 1L .,e SM message +i)e1.l5 0-ll-8s .,e /asi1 p)-+'1.i-*= .,e 0i*al pa++i*g .,a. -)es'l.s 8,e* PE! e*1-+i*g .,e a/s.)a1. s5*.ax &al'e is )em-&e+ p)i-) .- appe*+i*g -.,e SM message# -- 2L .,e !!C message ex1l'+i*g .,e SM pa)., +-es *-. 1-*.ai* a le*g., +e.e)mi*a*.= -.,e)e is *- expli1i. pa)ame.e) i*+i1a.i*g .,e siGe -0 .,e i*1l'+e+ SM message# -- (L +epe*+i*g -* *ee+, 0i*al pa++i*g "all J:Js% is a++e+ .- e*s')e .,e 0i*al )es'l. -1-mp)ises a 0'll *'m/e) -0 -1.e.s si*gle- SM-Message SEQUENCE {}, gsm-MessageLis. SEQUENCE { gsm-Messages SM-MessageLis. } } } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs .-6a*+-&e)!A4-I*0!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, -- O.,e) IEs gsm-message C6OICE { -- I* .,e si*gle- SM-Message 1ase .,e 0-ll-8i*g )'les appl5: -- 1L .,e SM message +i)e1.l5 0-ll-8s .,e /asi1 p)-+'1.i-*= .,e 0i*al pa++i*g .,a. -)es'l.s 8,e* PE! e*1-+i*g .,e a/s.)a1. s5*.ax &al'e is )em-&e+ p)i-) .- appe*+i*g -.,e SM message# -- 2L .,e !!C message ex1l'+i*g .,e SM pa)., +-es *-. 1-*.ai* a le*g., +e.e)mi*a*.= -.,e)e is *- expli1i. pa)ame.e) i*+i1a.i*g .,e siGe -0 .,e i*1l'+e+ SM message# -- (L +epe*+i*g -* *ee+, 0i*al pa++i*g "all J:Js% is a++e+ .- e*s')e .,e 0i*al )es'l. -1-mp)ises a 0'll *'m/e) -0 -1.e.s si*gle- SM-Message SEQUENCE {}, gsm-MessageLis. SEQUENCE { gsm-Messages SM-MessageLis. } }, ge)a*-S5s.emI*0-T5pe C6OICE { sI E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*, pSI E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* } OPTIONAL }


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6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ge)a*-S5s.emI*0-T5pe C6OICE { sI E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*, pSI E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* } OPTIONAL } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- SM-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s)-&11-Se1')i.5!A4I*0S!-ECC-Se1')i.5!A4I*0--&B$:ex. } OPTIONAL

6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI' ::= SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI' C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI'-)? 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI'-)?-IEs, -- UT!AN s,-'l+ *-. i*1l'+e .,e IE *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s 8,e* i. se.s -- .,e IE ge)a*I'-message i*1l'+e+ i* ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI'-)? .-- si*gle- E!ANI'-Message -- T,e UE /e,a&i-') 'p-* )e1ei&i*g a message i*1l'+i*g .,is 1-m/i*a.i-* -0 IE &al'es is -- *-. spe1i0ie+ *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)? SEQUENCE { 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+- E!ANI'-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0)e;'e*15-4a*+ 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, -- O.,e) IEs ge)a*I'-Message C6OICE { -- I* .,e si*gle- E!ANI'-Message 1ase .,e 0-ll-8i*g )'les appl5: -- 1L .,e E!AN I' message +i)e1.l5 0-ll-8s .,e /asi1 p)-+'1.i-*= .,e 0i*al pa++i*g .,a. -)es'l.s 8,e* PE! e*1-+i*g .,e a/s.)a1. s5*.ax &al'e is )em-&e+ p)i-) .- appe*+i*g -.,e E!AN I' message# -- 2L .,e !!C message ex1l'+i*g .,e E!AN I' pa). +-es *-. 1-*.ai* a le*g., +e.e)mi*a*.= -.,e)e is *- expli1i. pa)ame.e) i*+i1a.i*g .,e siGe -0 .,e i*1l'+e+ E!AN I' -message# -- (L +epe*+i*g -* *ee+, 0i*al pa++i*g "all J:Js% is a++e+ .- e*s')e .,e 0i*al )es'l. -1-mp)ises a 0'll *'m/e) -0 -1.e.s# si*gle- E!ANI'-Message SEQUENCE {}, ge)a*I'-MessageLis. SEQUENCE { ge)a*I'-Messages E!ANI'-MessageLis. } } } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2::: ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2:::-)( 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2:::-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2:::-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-C2MA2:::-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs .-6a*+-&e)!A4-I*0!A4-I*0-- O.,e) IEs 1+ma2:::-MessageLis. C2MA2:::-MessageLis.



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6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A ::= SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)B 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)B-IEs, ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)11 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)11-IEs, ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs .-6a*+-&e)!A4-I*0!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. -- O.,e) IEs e'.)a-Message OCTET ST!IN } 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!ANC-mma*+-EUT!A-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs )s)-&11-I*0!S!-ECC-I*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs .-6a*+-&e)!A4-I*0!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. -- O.,e) IEs e'.)a-Message OCTET ST!IN } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 6AN2OEE! 3!OM UT!AN 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- O.,e) IEs i*.e)!AT-6O-3ail')eCa'se I*.e)!AT-6O-3ail')eCa'se OPTIONAL, -- I* 1ase .,e i*.e)!ATMessage .- /e .)a*s0e))e+ is 0-) E!AN I' m-+e, .,e -- message s,-'l+ /e pla1e+ i* .,e 6a*+-&e)3)-mU.)a*3ail')e-&?A:ex.-IEs -- *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* 1-*.ai*e)# -- I* 1ase .,e i*.e)!ATMessage .- /e .)a*s0e))e+ is 0-) E-UT!A, .,e -- message s,-'l+ /e pla1e+ i* .,e 6a*+-&e)3)-mU.)a*3ail')e-&B$:ex.-IEs -- *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* 1-*.ai*e)# i*.e)!ATMessage C6OICE { gsm SEQUENCE { gsm-MessageLis. SM-MessageLis. }, 1+ma2::: SEQUENCE { 1+ma2:::-MessageLis. C2MA2:::-MessageLis. } } OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-&?A:ex. 6a*+-&e)3)-mU.)a*3ail')e-&?A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ,a*+-&e)3)-mUT!AN3ail')e-&B$:ex. 6a*+-&e)3)-mU.)a*3ail')e-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }




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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

6a*+-&e)3)-mU.)a*3ail')e-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ge)a*I'-MessageLis. E!ANI'-MessageLis. } 6a*+-&e)3)-mU.)a*3ail')e-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)a-Message OCTET ST!IN } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- INTE! !AT 6AN2OEE! IN3O --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,is s.)'1.')e is +e0i*e+ 0-) ,is.-)i1al )eas-*s, /a178a)+ 1-mpa.i/ili.5 8i., @@#:1B p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. C6OICE { a/se*. NULL, p)ese*. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. }, 'E-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-* C6OICE { a/se*. NULL, p)ese*. UE-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-* }, 'e-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) C6OICE { a/se*. NULL, -- p)ese*. is a* -1.e. alig*e+ s.)i*g 1-*.ai*i*g IE UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0p)ese*. OCTET ST!IN "SIME ":##$(%% }, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &(A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { a/se*. NULL, p)ese*. SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(A:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(A:ex.-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(a:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(a:ex.-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(+:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(+:ex.-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &(g:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(g:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(g:ex.-IEs, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&@/:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&@/:ex.-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&@+:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&@+:ex.-IEs, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&?A:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$A:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*-&$/:-IEs OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } } } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. +l-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. }




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&(g:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. }


I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--)(-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$A:ex.1 I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$A:ex.1-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&Ce:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&C0:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&a@:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-4a*+-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&@+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs .++12B-!3-Capa/ili.5 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. }


I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis.C-mp P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis.C-mp 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$A:ex.1-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-*2 UE-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-*2 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 }




I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*-&$/:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$/:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs, &$e:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$e:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$e:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&CC:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs, &CA:*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&CA:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&CA:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&B$:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&B$:ex.-IEs, &BB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&BB:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&BB:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&A2:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&A2:ex.-IEs, &B/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&B/:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&B/:ex.-IEs, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&A?:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&A?:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&a@:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&a@:ex.-IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&aB:ex.


Release !


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} }

I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&aB:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&/?:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&/?:ex.-IEs, &/C:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&/C:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&/C:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)SI411/is ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&$e:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)32PC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }



I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--&CC:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-&CC:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&CC:ex. } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&CA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)E2PCC6P-8e)4--s.i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&B$:ex.-IEs ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 } SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex. SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&C0:ex. SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&B$:ex.






I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&BB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BB:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&A2:ex.-IEs ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&B/:ex.-IEs ::= -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0} I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&A?:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs p+1p-Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE {



UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B-&B/:ex. OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. OPTIONAL


Release !
} I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&a@:ex.-IEs ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&a@:ex. SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+-&a@:ex. !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp-ex.2


I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-4a*+-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+ )0-Capa/ili.5322C-mp }


I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--&aB:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aB:ex. }


I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--&/?:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--&/C:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--&/C:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/C:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- MEASU!EMENT CONT!OL --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l ::= C6OICE { -- T,e !el-@ 0'*1.i-*ali.5 -0 UE P-si.i-*i*g OT2OA Assis.a*1e2a.a T22 is -*l5 a&aila/le -- i* .,e la.e)-.,a*-)( /)a*1, -0 .,is message "i#e# .,)-'g, .,e 'se -0 .,e IE -- 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@% )( SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)( Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)(-IEs, &(A:*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&(A:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&(A:ex., &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&(a:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE{ -- T,e 1-*.e*. -0 .,e &@/: *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* ,as /ee* )em-&e+# I0 se*. -- .- a UE -0 AS )elease @, .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# A UE -0 AS -- )elease ? -*8a)+ s,all 1-mpl5 8i., .,e &@/: a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s i* .,is -- /)a*1, -0 .,e message# &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?A:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?/:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { -- Leas. sig*i0i1a*. pa). -0 ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J "!el-? -*8a)+% ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)@ Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE{ meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?A:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?/:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

_, la.e)-.,a*-)@ SEQUENCE { -- M-s. sig*i0i1a*. pa). -0 ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J "MSP%: -- ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J = -- ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP > @ N ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)$ Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)$-IEs, &$a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&$a:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&$a:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)C Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&C/:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&C/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)B Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&Ba:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&Ba:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)A Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &AC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&AC:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&AC:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL

}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)1: Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &aa:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&aa:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&aa:ex.-IEs, &a/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&a/:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&a/:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)11


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )12 meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)12 C6OICE { SEQUENCE {

Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } } } } } } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* Meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&(A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex. OPTIONAL } } } } } SEQUENCE {}

Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s0*-O00se.-Eali+i.5 S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 }


Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)@, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0OPTIONAL _ Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-mma*+-&?A:ex. C6OICE { -- .,e 1,-i1e Ji*.)a-0)e;'e*15J s,all /e 'se+ 0-) .,e 1ase -0 i*.)a-0)e;'e*15 meas')eme*., -- as 8ell as 8,e* i*.)a-0)e;'e*15 e&e*.s a)e 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) i*.e)-0)e;'e*15 meas')eme*. i*.)a-0)e;'e*15 I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex., i*.e)-0)e;'e*15 I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. } OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? OPTIONAL, -- M-s. sig*i0i1a*. pa). -0 ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J "MSP%: -- ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J = -- ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP-&?A:ex. > @ N ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP-&?A:ex. !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&?/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)$, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&$a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? } OPTIONAL

Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)C, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&C/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-&C/:ex. }


Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)B, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-LC!-&Ba:ex. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-LC!-&Ba:ex. }


Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs -- i0 .,e UE s'pp-).s ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*.s, Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&AC:ex.-IEs -- is p)ese*., a*+ .,e &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)A, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, -- i0 .,e UE s'pp-).s ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*.s, Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis.J -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis.J i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&AC:ex.-IEs -- is p)ese*., a*+ .,e &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&AC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)1:-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs SEQUENCE {



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- i0 .,e UE s'pp-).s ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*.s, Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&a/:ex.-IEs -- is p)ese*., a*+ .,e &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)1:, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, -- i0 .,e UE s'pp-).s ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*.s, Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis.J -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis.J i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&a/:ex.-IEs -- is p)ese*., a*+ .,e &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0--)1: OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&aa:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)iaO*Se1UL3)e; Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sO*Se1UL3)e; } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&a/:ex.-IEs ::= Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&AC:ex.-IEs Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)11, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0--)1: OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)11 }



Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A, -- TA4ULA!: T,e meas')eme*. .5pe is i*1l'+e+ i* meas')eme*.C-mma*+# meas')eme*.C-mma*+ Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)12, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0--)1: OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- MEASU!EMENT CONT!OL 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- Leas. sig*i0i1a*. pa). -0 ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J "!el-? -*8a)+% ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e-&?A:ex. Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e-&?A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l3ail')e-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- M-s. sig*i0i1a*. pa). -0 ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J "MSP%: -- ex.e*+e+ J!!C .)a*sa1.i-* i+e*.i0ie)J = -- ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP-&?A:ex. > @ N ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- I0 .,e ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP-&?A:ex. 8as *-. )e1ei&e+ i* .,e MEASU!EMENT CONT!OL -- message, .,e* .,e ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP-&?A:ex. s,all /e se. .- Ge)))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)-MSP-&?A:ex. !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- MEASU!EMENT !EPO!T --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meas')eme*.!ep-). ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs -- i0 .,e UE s'pp-).s ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*.s, Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J i* Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&AC:ex.-IEs -- is p)ese*., a*+ .,e &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s OPTIONAL, meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. OPTIONAL, e&e*.!es'l.s E&e*.!es'l.s OPTIONAL, -- N-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &(A:*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&(A:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&(A:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s meas')eme*.!ep-).-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&@/:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&@/:ex.-IEs, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-!el@ i*0-)ma.i-* &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&?A:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&?/:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&?/:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&$A:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&CC:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&B$:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&B$:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&A2:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&A2:ex.IEs, &AC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&AC:ex.-IE Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&AC:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&a@:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&a@:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&/?:ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&/?:ex.-IEs, &1x5N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.!ep-).-&1x5ex. Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&1x5ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&(A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { meas')e+!es'l.s-&(A:ex. Meas')e+!es'l.s-&(A:ex. } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s-LC! I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s-LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s-LC! s,all 1-*.ai* meas')eme*. )es'l.s a*+ a++i.i-*al meas')eme*. -- )es'l.s lis.# a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s-LC! Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# I. s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ -- i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { meas')e+!es'l.s-&?A:ex. Meas')e+!es'l.s-&?A:ex. } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&?/:ex.-IEs ::= i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* } SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL


Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; }


Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&CC:xe. OPTIONAL, e&e*.!es'l.s E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')e+!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')e+!es'l.sT22-ex. } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&B$:ex. e&e*.!es'l.s E&e*.!es'l.s-&B$:ex. e'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.s EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s e'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.s EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1S P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* CS P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. meas')e+!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex. a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.O*Se1Ul3)e; e&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; e'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.s EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&AC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5Ex. } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { e&e*.!es'l.s E&e*.!es'l.s-&a@:ex. l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } l-gge+AN!!es'l.sA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6EUT!A3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; e'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.s3-)CELL3AC6 EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s3-)CELL3AC6 1S P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* CS P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*-&/?:ex. e'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.s EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&/?:ex. e'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.s EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s-&/?:ex. } Meas')eme*.!ep-).-&1x5ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. a++i.i-*alMeas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex. e'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.s EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- PA IN TIPE 1 -OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL









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-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pagi*gT5pe1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs pagi*g!e1-)+Lis. Pagi*g!e1-)+Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs /11,-M-+i0i1a.i-*I*04CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s pagi*gT5pe1-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { pagi*gT5pe1-&?A:ex. Pagi*gT5pe1-&?A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { pagi*gT5pe1-&B$:ex. Pagi*gT5pe1-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } Pagi*gT5pe1-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs pagi*g!e1-)+2Lis. } Pagi*gT5pe1-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs e.8s-I*0-)ma.i-* }





-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- PA IN TIPE 2 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pagi*gT5pe2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) pagi*gCa'se -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2 la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al pagi*gT5pe2-)(-a++-ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL }

!!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), Pagi*gCa'se, CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, Pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2, SEQUENCE { !AA ex.e*si-*s 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- P6ISICAL C6ANNEL !ECON3I U!ATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)( P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


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} _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@ P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)? P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$ P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs,


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} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

&Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1: P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11 P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL },


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1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12 P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } } } } } }

P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. -- 1,a*ge+ .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. }




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. -- 1,a*ge+ .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. -- 1,a*ge+ .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2-)? OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0-



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) E;'ipme*. IEs +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- T,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,e )( a*+ )@ &e)si-*s -0 .,e message -- I0 i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )( -) )@ &e)si-* -0 .,e message, .,e UE s,-'l+ ig*-)e .,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e OPTIONAL, /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, .imi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs




Release !
0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}

3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex. } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e)








Release !
'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A }




P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 }



P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5



Release !
s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ,a);I*0P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? 6A!Q-I*0--)11 3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A


P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322



Release !
'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- P6ISICAL C6ANNEL !ECON3I U!ATION COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex. P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- P6ISICAL C6ANNEL !ECON3I U!ATION 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) OPTIONAL, 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- P6ISICAL S6A!E2 C6ANNEL ALLOCATION "T22 -*l5% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-* ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)( P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { +s1,-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)@ P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-&$A:ex. P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-&CC:ex. P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} _ _ _ P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs +s1,-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l OPTIONAL, p's1,-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, p+s1,-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1-*0i)m!e;'es. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e JN- C-*0i)mJ -- s,all /e 'se+ as spe1i0ie+ i* 1:#2#2?# 1-*0i)m!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { 1-*0i)mP2SC6, 1-*0i)mPUSC6 } OPTIONAL, .)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).!e;'es. INTE E! ":##2??% OPTIONAL, is1pTimesl-.Lis. Timesl-.Lis. OPTIONAL, )e;'es.PCCPC6!SCP 4OOLEAN } P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ OPTIONAL, p's1,-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, p+s1,-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1-*0i)m!e;'es. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e JN- C-*0i)mJ -- s,all /e 'se+ as spe1i0ie+ i* 1:#2#2?# 1-*0i)m!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { 1-*0i)mP2SC6, 1-*0i)mPUSC6 } OPTIONAL, .)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).!e;'es. INTE E! ":##2??% OPTIONAL, is1pTimesl-.Lis. Timesl-.Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, )e;'es.PCCPC6!SCP 4OOLEAN } P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al C,a**el IEs /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. } P,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)C p's1,-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)C p+s1,-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)C




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- PUSC6 CAPACITI !EQUEST "T22 -*l5% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PUSC6Capa1i.5!e;'es. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs +s1,-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs .)a00i1E-l'me T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. OPTIONAL, .imesl-.Lis.9i.,ISCP Timesl-.Lis.9i.,ISCP OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP OPTIONAL, all-1a.i-*C-*0i)ma.i-* C6OICE { p+s1,C-*0i)ma.i-* P2SC6-I+e*.i.5, p's1,C-*0i)ma.i-* PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 } OPTIONAL, p)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-) P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-)9i.,M-)eI*0-, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s p's1,Capa1i.5!e;'es.-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { p's1,Capa1i.5!e;'es.-&?A:ex. PUSC6Capa1i.5!e;'es.-&?A:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } PUSC6Capa1i.5!e;'es.-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP-+el.a 2el.a!SCP } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! !ECON3I U!ATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-* ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)( !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-IEs, -- P)e0ix J&(a-J is 'se+ "i* -*e i*s.a*1e% .- 7eep alig*me*. 8i., !AA &(a-N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@ !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-IEs, OPTIONAL


Release !


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&@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)? !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$ !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs, &$0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$0:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-IEs, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs, &CA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CA:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CA:ex.-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex.-IEs, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1: !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex.-IEs, &aa:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&aa:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&aa:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11 !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs,


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12 !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} }

} } } } } } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&aa:ex.-IEs 'm-!LC-!eEs.a/lis,me*.!4Lis. } } } } }

::= SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5Lis.


!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: IE )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al i* la.e) &e)si-*s -- -0 .,is message )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-2Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL


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}, .++


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* -- NOTE: IE +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. is -p.i-*al i* la.e) &e)si-*s -- -0 .,is message +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.


!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --!a+i- 4ea)e) IEs p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e }




!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)@ OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+


Release !

-- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* _, .++ NULL 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


_, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. _


!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)? OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e -- spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)? } } _ _-- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? OPTIONAL,


Release !
+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. _


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) E;'ipme*. IEs +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- T,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,e )( a*+ )@ &e)si-*s -0 .,e message -- I0 i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )( -) )@ &e)si-* -0 .,e message, .,e UE s,-'l+ ig*-)e .,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e OPTIONAL, /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, .imi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL,


Release !
-- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. } } }



!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)C OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL,


Release !
,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}

6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex. }







!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*03)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE {





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ 3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 OPTIONAL, 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B OPTIONAL, sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B OPTIONAL, m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL

!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 }


!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e,



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)





-- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, 'm!l1-!eEs.a/lis,me*.!4Lis. !4-I+e*.i.5Lis. OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 OPTIONAL, 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B OPTIONAL, sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B OPTIONAL, m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, 'm!l1-!eEs.a/lis,me*.!4Lis. !4-I+e*.i.5Lis. OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A OPTIONAL, mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 OPTIONAL,


Release !
1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! !ECON3I U!ATION COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! !ECON3I U!ATION 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p-.e*.iall5S'11es0'l4ea)e)Lis. !4-I+e*.i.5Lis. la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! !ELEASE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)!elease ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)( !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&(a:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)@ !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&?A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)? !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)$ !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$/:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)C !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CB:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CB:ex.-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Cg:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

)a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&@/:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&?A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

IEs, &A1:ex.-IEs,

} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)B !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C0:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&BA:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Cg:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Ba:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)A !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&A?:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&A?:ex.-IEs, &AC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&AC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&AC:ex.&A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&A1:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { !a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseSEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)1: !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&A1:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease&/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&/?:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL C6OICE { SEQUENCE {

} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )11 )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)11

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL C6OICE { SEQUENCE {

_, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )12


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} } } } _ _ _ _ _ } }

}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( )a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL SEQUENCE {}

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-2Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. }



!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL _ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL _ !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTI s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e,



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




-- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL _ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL _, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL

_ !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- T,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,e )( a*+ )@ &e)si-*s -0 .,e message -- I0 i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )( -) )@ &e)si-* -0 .,e message, .,e UE s,-'l+ ig*-)e .,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e OPTIONAL, /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, .imi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)





))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)$ )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)$ +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis.


} !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)C )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)C +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C




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+.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis.

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C








Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis.

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. }

!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&AC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A }



!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A } !a+i-4ea)e)!elease-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 }


!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis.



Release !
-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



!a+i-4ea)e)!elease-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elI*+i1a.i-* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis., )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ m/ms-!4-Lis.!elease+T-C,a*geT)a*s0e)M-+e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! !ELEASE COMPLETE --



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-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)!eleaseC-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! !ELEASE 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)!elease3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p-.e*.iall5S'11es0'l4ea)e)Lis. !4-I+e*.i.5Lis. la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)!elease3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! SETUP --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)( !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&(a:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&@/:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)@ !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)? !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*s.i-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)$ !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$/:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)C !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)C-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&CB:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&CB:ex.-IEs, &B2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&B2:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&B2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)B !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C0:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&BA:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Cg:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Ba:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


IEs, &A1:ex.-IEs,

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)A !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&A?:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&A?:ex.&A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&A1:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pSEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL



} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)1: !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&A1:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p&/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&/?:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

} } } } } } } } }

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)11 !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)12 !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)1(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } }

!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0a1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-)

!!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0A1.i&a.i-*Time U-!NTI C-!NTI !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-),



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&?+:ex.-IEs ::= --!a+i- 4ea)e) IEs p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e } SEQUENCE { P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL



!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@ OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL

_ !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

+l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL _ !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- T,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,e )( a*+ )@ &e)si-*s -0 .,e message -- I0 i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )( -) )@ &e)si-* -0 .,e message, .,e UE s,-'l+ ig*-)e .,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e OPTIONAL, /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, .imi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$-ex. OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL }, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- i0 i. is se*., .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 SEQUENCE { )a/-I*0!A4-I*0--)$,


Release !
+e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 )/-I*0-)ma.i-*C,a*ge+Lis. p-8e)O00se.I*0-S,-). } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*C,a*ge+Lis.-)$ P-8e)O00se.I*0-S,-).


3)e;'e*15I*0MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$


!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !A4s i* IE )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.Ex. is .,e same as -- i* IE )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. .,a. is i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.Ex. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&$/:ex. OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C OPTIONAL, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)C OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL }, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- i0 i. is se*., .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 NULL }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL,


Release !
'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}

UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)C-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C+:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C+:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C0:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Cg:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C s)-&11-I*0S!-ECC-I*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C







Release !
+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&B2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&B2:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C s)-&11-I*0S!-ECC-I*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C






Release !
'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&A?:ex.-IEs::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&A1:ex.-IEs::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C s)-&11-I*0S!-ECC-I*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B





Release !
sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B }

SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 }


!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C s)-&11-I*0S!-ECC-I*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C s)-&11-I*0S!-ECC-I*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 )/-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-+ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! SETUP COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, s.a).-Eal'e STA!T-Eal'e OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e-&CC:ex. !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'pC-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !A2IO 4EA!E! SETUP 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p-.e*.iall5S'11es0'l4ea)e)Lis. !4-I+e*.i.5Lis. OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION !EHECT --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1. ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-)( !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&$A:ex.-IEs, &$0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&$0:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&$0:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&a@:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&/?:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE {


Release !
i*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5 ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s

I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5, !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), SEQUENCE {}

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

!!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5 I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), )e<e1.i-*Ca'se !e<e1.i-*Ca'se, 8ai.Time 9ai.Time, )e+i)e1.i-*I*0!e+i)e1.i-*I*0OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { )e+i)e1.i-*I*0--&$A:ex. SM-Ta)ge.CellI*0-Lis. } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&$0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1-'*.i*gC-mple.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { )e+i)e1.i-*I*0!e+i)e1.i-*I*0--&B$:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ex.e*+e+9ai.Time Ex.e*+e+9ai.Time } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e<e1.-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)a-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis. EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION !ELEASE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-)( !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&CC:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-)@ !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&CC:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { OPTIONAL






Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s _ _ _

))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&/?:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL SEQUENCE {}

!!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- *-(:B is 1-*+i.i-*al -* .,e UE s.a.e *-(:B N-(:B )eleaseCa'se !eleaseCa'se, )plm*-i*0-)ma.i-* !plm*-I*0-)ma.i-* } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- *-(:B is 1-*+i.i-*al -* .,e UE s.a.e# *-(:B N-(:B )eleaseCa'se !eleaseCa'se, )plm*-i*0-)ma.i-* !plm*-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { )e+i)e1.i-*I*0--&$A:ex. !e+i)e1.i-*I*0--)$ } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs )e+i)e1.i-*I*0!e+i)e1.i-*I*0--&B$:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ex.e*+e+9ai.Time Ex.e*+e+9ai.Time } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs e'.)a-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis. EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION !ELEASE 0-) CCC6 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>








!!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6 ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)( !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { '-!NTI U-!NTI, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)@ !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: C6OICE I+e*.i.5T5pe "U-!NTI, )-'pI+e*.i.5% is )epla1e+ 8i., .,e -- -p.i-*al eleme*. g)-'pI+e*.i.5, si*1e .,e U-!NTI is ma*+a.-)5 i* ASN#1# -- I* 1ase C6OICE I+e*.i.5T5pe is e;'al .- )-'pI+e*.i.5 .,e &al'e -0 .,e U-!NTI -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ /5 a UE 1-mpl5i*g 8i., .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e message# g)-'pI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE " SIME "1 ## maxU!NTI- )-'p% % O3 )-'p!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)? !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } }

!!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, -- T,e )es. -0 .,e message is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-IEs } !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e )es. -0 .,e message is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-)@-IEs } -- T,e !? a*+ !@ se;'e*1e -0 IEs a)e i+e*.i1al i* .,is message !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)?-IEs ::= !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-)@-IEs -- T,e !$ *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&$A:ex.-IEs -- T,e !B *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&B$:ex.-IEs


Release !

" %

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T,e !1: *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-CCC6-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= !!CC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION !ELEASE COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CC-**e1.i-*!eleaseC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), e))-)I*+i1a.i-* 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*!eleaseC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION !EQUEST --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es. ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5 I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5, es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se Es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se, -- p)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-) is M2, /'. 0-) 1-mpa1.*ess )eas-*s *- +e0a'l. &al'e -- ,as /ee* assig*e+ .- i.# p)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-) P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-), -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al Ex.e*si-*s &(+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { )!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&(+:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&(+:ex.-IEs, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&@/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&?A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$A:ex.-IEs, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$/:ex.-IEs, &$e:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$e:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$e:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&CC:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&CC:ex.-IEs, &C/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&C/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&C/:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&B$:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&B$:ex.-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&Ce:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&Ce:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&Cg:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A2:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A2:ex.-IEs, &A@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A@:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-N-*C)i.i1alEx.s-&a@:-IEs OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&(+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sI*0} !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eCapa/ili.5I*+i1a.i-* -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; +-mai*I*+i1a.-) 1s-+-mai* 1sCallT5pe }, ps-+-mai* } } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= -- M4MS IEs m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1es } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&$e:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)32PC6 } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) ,sp+s1,!e1ep.i-*-Cell3a1, ma1-e,sS'pp-). +is1-*.i*'-'s2p11,T)a*smissi-* } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&C/:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)E-32PC6 } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= s'pp-).3-)CSE-i1e-&e)6SPA } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E2C6 m'l.iCellS'pp-). p)e-)e+i)e1.i-*I*0SEQUENCE { A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { ,s+1,, ,s+1,-e+1, }



Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; OPTIONAL, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 {spee1,, &i+e-, -.,e), spa)e } NULL




Release !
s'pp-).O0MACiis s'pp-).O0SPSOpe)a.i-* } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).O02'alCellMIMO }

" !
ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



!!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C-*.ai*e)S.-)e+I*+i1a.-) } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A/:ex.-IEs ::= -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 1S34I*+i1a.i-* } SEQUENCE {

ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


!!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-N-*C)i.i1alEx.s-&a@:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&a@:ex.-IEs, &A/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&A/:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&/?:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- 3-) 1#2B M1ps T22, IE Ps'pp-).O0M-)eT,a*T8-CellsO)MIMO@x@P )ep)ese*. MU-MIMO -- ,ig,e)!a.e i* 'pli*7 a*+ +-8*li*7 MU-MIMO, l-8e)!a.e i* 'pli*7 s'pp-).O0M-)eT,a*T8-CellsO)MIMO@x@ ENUME!ATE2 { ,ig,e)!a.e, l-8e)!a.e } s'pp-).O01s.3)e;'e*154a*+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O02*+3)e;'e*154a*+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } !!CC-**e1.i-*!e;'es.-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6EUT!A3)e; } SEQUENCE { Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; OPTIONAL


-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION SETUP --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)( !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&@/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&?A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { i*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5 I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)@ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {


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" 3
))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&?A:ex. &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&?A:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE { !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

} _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)? !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)$ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$/:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)C !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&CB:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&CB:ex.-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&C+:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&C+:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)B !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)B-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&C+:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&C+:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&BA:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&Ba:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)A !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&A?:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&A?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)1: !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL,


Release !

" '
*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )11 ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)11

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s )12 ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)12

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL C6OICE { SEQUENCE {

} } } } } } _ } } } }

}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1( ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL SEQUENCE {}

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5 I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5, ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*., -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al i* la.e) &e)si-*s -0 -- .,is message 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al i* la.e) &e)si-*s -- -0 .,is message +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex. -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. } OPTIONAL,



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" "

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!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e; S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-&?A:ex. -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. }


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*., -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL _ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*., -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)? } } _ _-- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)?/is OPTIONAL _ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al C,a**el IEs /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }



Release !

" (

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*., -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)$, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. }


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)C OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)C, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL


Release !

" )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

}, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. }

}, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } 3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. }



!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } }


Release !
}, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B

" *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 }



!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL,


Release !
+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B

" +
2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. }


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 OPTIONAL, sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B OPTIONAL, m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, +e0a'l.C-*0ig SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ } } } }, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C OPTIONAL, +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 OPTIONAL, sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B OPTIONAL, m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI, *e8-1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C, -- TA4ULA!: I0 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is *-. p)ese*., .,e +e0a'l. &al'e -- +e0i*e+ i* 1:#(#(#2 s,all /e 'se+# 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* +e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL, spe1i0i1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { 1-mple.e SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL }, p)e1-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { -- All IEs .,a. i*1l'+e a* 322DT22 1,-i1e a)e spli. i* .8- IEs 0-) .,is message, -- -*e 0-) .,e 322 -*l5 eleme*.s a*+ -*e 0-) .,e T22 -*l5 eleme*.s, s- .,a. -*e -- 322DT22 1,-i1e i* .,is le&el is s'00i1ie*.# p)eC-*0igM-+e C6OICE {


Release !
p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 +e0a'l.C-*0ig +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e +e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, SEQUENCE { 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$

} }

}, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B

3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B


-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all *-. /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), s.a).Lis. STA!TLis., 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis. OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &(C:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(C:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(C:ex., &(B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(B:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(B:ex.-IEs, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(a:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(a:ex.-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &(g:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(g:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(g:ex.-IEs, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&@/:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&?A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&?A:ex.-IEs, &?1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&?1:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&?1:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$A:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-*e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&CC:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-*e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&a@:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&/?:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&/?:ex.-IEs,


Release !


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} } }


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(C:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. +l-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&(g:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. }





!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$?:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$?:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$B:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$B:ex.-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&Ce:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&C0:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&C0:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e4a*+-&a@:ex. !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e4a*+-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex. }


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5-&?A:ex. I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. OPTIONAL } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&?1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {



Release !
-- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$B:ex. }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ }

UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL

!!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } l-gge+AN!!es'l.sA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e4a*+-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+-&a@:ex. } !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs 1-**Es.3ailI*0-A&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C 3AILU!E IN3O --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!C-3ail')eI*0- ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { )!C-3ail')eI*0--)( !!C-3ail')eI*0--)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1-3ail')eI*0--)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } !!C-3ail')eI*0--)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs 0ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C STATUS --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!CS.a.'s ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs -- TA4ULA!: I+e*.i0i1a.i-* -0 )e1ei&e+ message is *es.e+ i* -- P)-.-1-lE))-)M-)eI*0-)ma.i-* p)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-* P)-.-1-lE))-)M-)eI*0-)ma.i-*, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ))1S.a.'s-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL







Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SECU!ITI MO2E COMMAN2 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+ ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)( Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE{ se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)C Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all al8a5s /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-S5s.emSpe1i0i1Se1')i.5Cap I*.e)!AT-UE-Se1')i.5CapLis. OPTIONAL } Se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all al8a5s /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-S5s.emSpe1i0i1Se1')i.5Cap I*.e)!AT-UE-Se1')i.5CapLis. OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SECU!ITI MO2E COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Se1')i.5M-+eC-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* s,all al8a5s /e pe)0-)me+ -* .,is message# -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0-- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )/-UL-Cip,A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0!4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s se1')i.5M-+eC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SECU!ITI MO2E 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Se1')i.5M-+e3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s se1')i.5M-+e3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SI NALLIN CONNECTION !ELEASE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-)( Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex. Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 } Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ex.e*+e+9ai.Time Ex.e*+e+9ai.Time } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SI NALLIN CONNECTION !ELEASE IN2ICATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B$:*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*.i-*s SEQUENCE { sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*-&B$:ex. Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*-&B$:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } Sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*+i1a.i-*Ca'se ENUME!ATE2 { 'E!e;'es.e+PS2a.aSessi-*E*+, a*5O.,e)Ca'se } } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPTIONAL


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--- SISTEM IN3O!MATION 0-) 4C6 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-4C6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s s0*-P)ime pa5l-a+ *-Segme*. 0i)s.Segme*. s'/se;'e*.Segme*. las.Segme*.S,-). las.A*+3i)s. las.Segme*.S,-). 0i)s.Segme*. }, las.A*+C-mple.e las.Segme*.S,-). 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. }, las.A*+C-mple.eA*+3i)s. las.Segme*.S,-). 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. 0i)s.Segme*. }, 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. 1-mple.eA*+3i)s. 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. 0i)s.Segme*. }, 1-mple.eSI4 las.Segme*. spa)e? spa)e@ spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 } }

S3N-P)ime, C6OICE { NULL, 3i)s.Segme*., S'/se;'e*.Segme*., Las.Segme*.S,-)., SEQUENCE { Las.Segme*.S,-)., 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). SEQUENCE { Las.Segme*.S,-)., C-mple.eSI4-Lis. SEQUENCE { Las.Segme*.S,-)., C-mple.eSI4-Lis., 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). C-mple.eSI4-Lis., SEQUENCE { C-mple.eSI4-Lis., 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). C-mple.eSI4, Las.Segme*., NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SISTEM IN3O!MATION 0-) 3AC6 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- .,is IE is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-3AC6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s pa5l-a+ C6OICE { *-Segme*. NULL, 0i)s.Segme*. 3i)s.Segme*., s'/se;'e*.Segme*. S'/se;'e*.Segme*., las.Segme*.S,-). Las.Segme*.S,-)., las.A*+3i)s. SEQUENCE { las.Segme*.S,-). Las.Segme*.S,-)., 0i)s.Segme*. 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). }, las.A*+C-mple.e SEQUENCE { las.Segme*.S,-). Las.Segme*.S,-)., 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. C-mple.eSI4-Lis. }, las.A*+C-mple.eA*+3i)s. SEQUENCE { las.Segme*.S,-). Las.Segme*.S,-)., 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. C-mple.eSI4-Lis., 0i)s.Segme*. 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). }, 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. C-mple.eSI4-Lis., 1-mple.eA*+3i)s. SEQUENCE { 1-mple.eSI4-Lis. C-mple.eSI4-Lis., 0i)s.Segme*. 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). }, 1-mple.eSI4 C-mple.eSI4, las.Segme*. Las.Segme*., spa)e? NULL, spa)e@ NULL, spa)e( NULL,


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spa)e2 spa)e1 } } NULL, NULL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 3i)s. segme*. --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3i)s.Segme*. ::= -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe seg-C-'*. si/-2a.a-0ixe+ } SEQUENCE { SI4-T5pe, SegC-'*., SI4-2a.a-0ixe+

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 3i)s. segme*. "s,-).% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3i)s.Segme*.S,-). ::= -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe seg-C-'*. si/-2a.a-&a)ia/le } SEQUENCE { SI4-T5pe, SegC-'*., SI4-2a.a-&a)ia/le

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- S'/se;'e*. segme*. --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S'/se;'e*.Segme*. ::= -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe segme*.I*+ex si/-2a.a-0ixe+ } SEQUENCE { SI4-T5pe, Segme*.I*+ex, SI4-2a.a-0ixe+

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- Las. segme*. --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Las.Segme*. ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe SI4-T5pe, segme*.I*+ex Segme*.I*+ex, -- 3-) si/-2a.a-0ixe+, i* 1ase .,e SI4 +a.a is less .,a* 222 /i.s, pa++i*g -- s,all /e 'se+# T,e same pa++i*g /i.s s,all /e 'se+ as +e0i*e+ i* 1la'se 12#1 si/-2a.a-0ixe+ SI4-2a.a-0ixe+ } Las.Segme*.S,-). ::= -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe segme*.I*+ex si/-2a.a-&a)ia/le } SEQUENCE { SI4-T5pe, Segme*.I*+ex, SI4-2a.a-&a)ia/le

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- C-mple.e SI4 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C-mple.eSI4-Lis. ::= C-mple.eSI4 ::= -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4pe)Msg%% O3 C-mple.eSI4s,-). SEQUENCE { SI4-T5pe,


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-- 3-) si/-2a.a-0ixe+, i* 1ase .,e SI4 +a.a is less .,a* 22$ /i.s, pa++i*g -- s,all /e 'se+# T,e same pa++i*g /i.s s,all /e 'se+ as +e0i*e+ i* 1la'se 12#1 si/-2a.a-0ixe+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "22$%% SEQUENCE { SI4-T5pe, SI4-2a.a-&a)ia/le

C-mple.eSI4s,-). ::= -- O.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s si/-T5pe si/-2a.a-&a)ia/le }

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- SISTEM IN3O!MATION C6AN E IN2ICATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs /11,-M-+i0i1a.i-*I*04CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*I*0-, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-*-&B$:ex. S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-*-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*C,a*geI*+i1a.i-*-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs e.8s-I*0-)ma.i-* ET9S-I*0-)ma.i-* } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- T!ANSPO!T C6ANNEL !ECON3I U!ATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)( T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex., la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@ T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-IEs,



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)? T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$ T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-C .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-IEs,

&@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


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}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-1: .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex.-IEs, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1: T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-11 .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11 T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) -- 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12 T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s -- a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-1(

-- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-A .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &C+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &Ba:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} } } } } } } } } } }

}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s

.)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL SEQUENCE {}

T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL }, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. OPTIONAL } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-UL -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !Ls i* IE 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. is .,e same as -- i* IE 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message 1ell-i+-Pe)!L-Lis. CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. }


T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL _, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0OPTIONAL, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+#


Release !
+'mm5 0++ +'mm51 +'mm52 }, .++


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C6OICE { SEQUENCE { CPC6-Se.I2 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.


NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, 'l-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)? OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1P,5sC,I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL _, +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? OPTIONAL, +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL

T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) E;'ipme*. IEs +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- T,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* .,e )( a*+ )@ &e)si-*s -0 .,e message -- I0 i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )( -) )@ &e)si-* -0 .,e message, .,e UE s,-'l+ ig*-)e .,e IE ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e OPTIONAL, /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, .imi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ OPTIONAL } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$



Release !
-- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs








Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)C 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&Ba:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI






Release !
))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0+l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ OPTIONAL, UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C OPTIONAL, CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ U!A-I+e*.i.5 4OOLEAN ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A 3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL




T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs se1-*+a)5CellMim-Pa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@





Release !
+l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0mim-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


3)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) UL-2PC6-I*0--)C UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'lOLT2I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 }


T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11



Release !
+l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0-- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A

T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time +ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI -- T,e IE J*e8-2SC6-!NTIJ s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i* 322 m-+e, -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ *e8-2SC6-!NTI 2SC6-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN )esp-*seT-C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 'l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0m'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 'l-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 1-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 1-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B sps-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B m'-MIMO-I*0--T2212B MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B *-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B *-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B -- M4MS IEs m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0-) LC! 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

--- T!ANSPO!T C6ANNEL !ECON3I U!ATION COMPLETE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex. T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e is appli1a/le 0-) T22 m-+e -*l5# ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL, +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- T!ANSPO!T C6ANNEL !ECON3I U!ATION 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- T!ANSPO!T 3O!MAT COM4INATION CONT!OL i* AM -) UM !LC m-+e --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l ::= SEQUENCE { -- ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) is al8a5s i*1l'+e+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ NULL, .++ SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } }, +p1,-T3CS-I*Upli*7 T3C-S'/se., a1.i&a.i-*Time3-)T3CS'/se. A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, .01-C-*.)-l2')a.i-* T3C-C-*.)-l2')a.i-* OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { .)a*sp-).0-)ma.1-m/i*a.i-*1-*.)-l-&B2:ex. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l-&B2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l-&B2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T)a*sp-). 3-)ma. C-m/i*a.i-* C-*.)-l IEs 'l-AM!-!a.e UL-AM!-!a.e } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- T!ANSPO!T 3O!MAT COM4INATION CONT!OL 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UE CAPA4ILITI ENQUI!I --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5 ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-)( UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&@/:ex. UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&?A:ex. UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&?A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&CC:ex. UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&B$:ex. UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. } UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex. } UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e; S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-&?A:ex. } UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&CC:ex. } UECapa/ili.5E*;'i)5-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&B$:ex. } OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis. OPTIONAL, &(C:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(C:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(C:ex., &(B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(B:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(B:ex.-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(a:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(a:ex.-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&@/:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&@/:ex., &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&?A:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&?A:ex., &?1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&?1:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&?1:ex., &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(C:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. }



UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. +l-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. }



UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$?:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$?:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$B:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$B:ex.-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&Ce:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&C0:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&a@:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&@/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex. }



UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5-&?A:ex. I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&?1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex. }




UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$B:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$B:ex. } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ }

UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL

UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex. } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex. } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+-&a@:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION CON3I!M --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-)( UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&CC:ex. UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) }




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs a11ep.a*1eO0C,a*geO0Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { )e0'se+, a11ep.e+, a11ep.e+9i.,!e1-*0ig')a.i-*T-3-ll-8 } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UPLINK 2I!ECT T!ANS3E! --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e) ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, *as-Message NAS-Message, -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 'pli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'pli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&$A:ex. Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&$A:ex.-IEs, &Cg:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'pli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&Cg:ex. Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&Cg:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'pli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&/?:ex. Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; } Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&Cg:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. } Upli*72i)e1.T)a*s0e)-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6EUT!A3)e; } SEQUENCE { Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. SEQUENCE { Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UPLINK P6ISICAL C6ANNEL CONT!OL --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)( Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&@/:ex. Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&@/:ex.-IEs, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)elease @ i*0-)ma.i-* *-*1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)@ Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)? Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)?-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-$ 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$A:ex. Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$A:ex.-IEs, &$a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE{ 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$a:ex. Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$a:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)C Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } } Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 11T)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0.imi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l alp,a Alp,a spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g Spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ } }

&$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$A:ex. Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- I* 1ase -0 T22, -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 is i*1l'+e+ i*s.ea+ -0 IE -- 'p-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s i* 'p-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL } Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 11T)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ OPTIONAL, spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g Spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g OPTIONAL, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { .imi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ OPTIONAL, alp,a Alp,a OPTIONAL, p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL } } } Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 11T)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)? spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g Spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE {



Release !
.imi*gA+&a*1e alp,a p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ OPTIONAL, Alp,a OPTIONAL, C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL, 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@ OPTIONAL

}, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL } } }

Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al C,a**el IEs /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. } Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-&$a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al C,a**el IEs +esi)e+-6S-SIC6-P-8e)Le&el INTE E! "-12:##-?B% .p1-S.ep-SiGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s( , spa)e1 } }



Upli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs 11T)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C OPTIONAL, spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g Spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g OPTIONAL, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { .imi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ OPTIONAL, alp,a Alp,a OPTIONAL, p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@ OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { .imi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)C OPTIONAL, alp,a Alp,a OPTIONAL, p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL, -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22C$B OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL, +esi)e+-6S-SIC6-P-8e)Le&el INTE E! "-12:##-?B% OPTIONAL, .p1-S.ep-SiGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s( , spa)e1 } OPTIONAL } } } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- U!A UP2ATE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U!AUp+a.e ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, ')a-Up+a.eCa'se U!A-Up+a.eCa'se, p)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-) P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-)9i.,M-)eI*0-, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ')aUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ U!AUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.e-&CC:ex. U)aUp+a.e-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.e-&B$:ex. U!AUp+a.e-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.e-&a@:ex. U!AUp+a.e-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U!AUp+a.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs ::= ')aUp+a.e-&Ce:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s }


U)aUp+a.e-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).-,s+s1,!e1ep.i-*-CellU)aP1, s'pp-).-,s+s1,!e1ep.i-*-Cell3a1, }

ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


U!AUp+a.e-&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)T8-2!FS1,emesI*PC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } U!AUp+a.e-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).O06S-2SC62!FOpe)a.i-* s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E2C6 s'pp-).O0MACiis }


ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


U!AUp+a.e-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!!es'l.sA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- U!A UP2ATE CON3I!M --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)( U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)? U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)?-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex. U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } } U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie)



Release !
i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0*e8-U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0} U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0*e8-U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0U-!NTI C-!NTI !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0U!A-I+e*.i.5 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0-

I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0U-!NTI C-!NTI !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0U!A-I+e*.i.5 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)?


U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 } U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0*e8-U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI ))1-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) '.)a*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0}


I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C U-!NTI C-!NTI !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-), UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0PLMN-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 4OOLEAN 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)?


U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI OPTIONAL, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- Spe1i0i1a.i-* m-+e i*0-)ma.i-* -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- U!A UP2ATE CON3I!M 0-) CCC6 --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6 ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)( U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)(-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex. U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {


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')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-&B$:ex.-IEs, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

} }, la.e)-.,a*-)( '-!NTI ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s }

SEQUENCE { U-!NTI, !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), SEQUENCE {}

U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-CCC6-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, -- T,e )es. -0 .,e message is i+e*.i1al .- .,e -*e se*. -* 2CC6# ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m U!AUp+a.eC-*0i)m-)(-IEs } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UT!AN MO4ILITI IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-* ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)( UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(a:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(a:ex.-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex. U.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*.i-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.1-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, la.e)-.,a*-)( SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)? UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)?-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex. U.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*.i-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.1-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL _, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE{ '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)C UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)C-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-B '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.2-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*.i-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&/?:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE{ '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-12 '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL },


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} } } } }

UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0*e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-3'll -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0-- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }


UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*01ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0*e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)? -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-3'll -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? } U.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)? -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-3'll p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.1-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- UE s,all .a7e i*.- a11-'*. .,e 0-ll-8i*g 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s -- -*l5 8,e* 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s IE is p)ese*. i* -- UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-IEs -) UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)?-IEs# -- O.,e)8ise, UE s,all +is1a)+ i.# 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&B$:ex. } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.2-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs





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*e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI -- UE s,all .a7e i*.- a11-'*. .,e 0-ll-8i*g 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s -- -*l5 8,e* 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s IE is p)ese*. i* -- UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)C-IEs# O.,e)8ise, UE s,all +is1a)+ i.# 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&B$:ex., -- UT!AN M-/ili.5 IEs +e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-* 2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-*


UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UT!AN M-/ili.5 IEs +e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-* 2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C 1ip,e)i*gM-+eI*0Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C *e8-U-!NTI U-!NTI *e8-C-!NTI C-!NTI *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)11 -- CN i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s 1*-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-3'll p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 s'pp-).3-)C,a*geO0UE-Capa/ili.5 4OOLEAN +e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-* 2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs +l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*02L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UT!AN MO4ILITI IN3O!MATION CON3I!M --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 'l-I*.egP)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs 1-'*.-C-A1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, 'l-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&CC:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&CC:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&a@:ex. UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+MeasA&aila/le ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UT!AN MO4ILITI IN3O!MATION 3AILU!E --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPTIONAL


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UT!ANM-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*3ail')e ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.s ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*3ail')e-)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS ACCESS IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSA11essI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- A11ess I*0-)ma.i-* IEs m/ms-Se)&i1eA11essI*0-Lis. -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s }


M4MS-Se)&i1eA11essI*0-Lis.-)$, SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS COMMON PTM !4 IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-mm-* PTM !4 I*0-)ma.i-* IEs m/ms-C-mm-*!4I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. M4MS-C-mm-*!4I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$, m/ms-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)Ea1,T)C, M4MS-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)Ea1,T)C,-)$, m/ms-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)Ea1,CCT)C, M4MS-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)Ea1,CCT)C,-)$ OPTIONAL, -- 3-) 322 a*+ T22 (#B@M1ps i* a 1ell -pe)a.i*g i* M4S3N -*l5 m-+e a*+ 0-) T22 C#$BM1ps .,e -- IE m/ms-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. s,all /e ig*-)e+# m/ms-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex. M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, &CB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CB:ex. M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex. M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: C6OICE m-+e == J322 -) T22J m/ms-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C } M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/s0*-T22I*0-)ma.i-*-LC! M4S3N-T22I*0-)ma.i-*-LC! } M4MSC-mm-*PTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: C6OICE m-+e == J(#B@ M1ps T22 IM4J m/ms-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-IM4(B@ } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS CU!!ENT CELL PTM !4 IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- C'))e*. Cell PTM !4 I*0-)ma.i-* IEs m/ms-C'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6Lis. M4MS-C'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6Lis.-)$






Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

m/ms-SI4T5pe?-SCCPC6Lis. M4MS-SI4T5pe?-SCCPC6Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0--&CC:ex. M4MSC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL

M4MSC'))e*.CellPTM!4I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/s0*-T2M-I*0--Lis. M4S3N-T2M-I*0--Lis. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS ENE!AL IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS e*e)al I*0-)ma.i-* IEs m/ms-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15I*0M4MS-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, m/ms-Time)sA*+C-'*.e)s M4MS-Time)sA*+C-'*.e)s-)$, mi1,C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$, 1ell )-'pI+e*.i.5 M4MS-Cell )-'pI+e*.i.5-)$, ms1,2e0a'l.C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/ms e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&$/:ex. M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/ms e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex. M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/ms e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex. M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/ms e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&BA:ex. M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*+i1a.eC,a*geI*Sele1.e+Se)&i1es 4OOLEAN } M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/msMIC6C-*0ig')a.i-* M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex. m/s0*I*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')Lis. M4S3N-I*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')Lis.-)C } M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/s0*I*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')Lis. M4S3N-I*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')Lis.-&B$:ex. } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


M4MS e*e)alI*0-)ma.i-*-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/msNe.8-)7S.a*+a)+TimeI*0-)ma.i-*-LC! M4MS-Ne.8-)7S.a*+a)+TimeI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-&BA:ex. OPTIONAL, m/msMIC6C-*0ig')a.i-* M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&BA:ex. OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS MO2I3ICATION !EQUEST --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es. ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS M-+i0i1a.i-* !e;'es. IEs m/ms-P)e0e))e+3)e;!e;'es. M4MS-Se)&i1eI+e*.i.5-)$ OPTIONAL, )/-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es.-&$/:ex. M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es.-&$/:ex.-IEs, &$0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es.-&$0:ex. M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es.-&$0:ex.-IEs,


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*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


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} } }

M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es.-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0} M4MSM-+i0i1a.i-*!e;'es.-&$0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m/msS'pp-).O0Se)&i1eC,a*ge3-)AP.p!4 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS MO2I3IE2 SE!EICES IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS M-+i0ie+ Se)&i1es I*0-)ma.i-* IEs m-+i0e+Se)&i1eLis. M4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1eLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, m/ms-!ea1;'i)eMCC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, m/ms-25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&el 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&el OPTIONAL, e*+O0M-+i0ie+MCC6I*0-)ma.i-* INTE E! "1##1$% OPTIONAL, m/msN'm/e)O0Neig,/-')Cells M4MS-N'm/e)O0Neig,/-')Cells-)$, m/ms-AllU*m-+i0ie+PTMSe)&i1es ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, m/ms-PTMA1.i&a.i-*Time M4MS-PTMA1.i&a.i-*Time-)$ OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex. M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, &C1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&C1:ex. M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&C1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis. M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex. mi/-Eal'eTag MI4-Eal'eTag } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

M4MSM-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&C1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis. M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-LC!-&C1:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS NEI 64OU!IN CELL PTM !4 IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


M4MSNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS Neig,/-')i*g Cell PTM !4 I*0-)ma.i-* IEs *eig,/-')i*gCellI+e*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;CellI2, *eig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis. M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-)$, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex. M4MSNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } M4MSNeig,/-')i*gCellPTM!4I*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e J1,-i1eQP,5C6J i* .,e .a/'la) is )ealiGe+ /5 'si*g .,e 0-ll-8i*g IE +'e .- .,e -- 1-*s.)ai*. i* .,e ASN#1 impleme*.a.i-*# *eig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis. M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS SC6E2ULIN IN3O!MATION --


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-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSS1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS S1,e+'li*g I*0-)ma.i-* IEs se)&i1eS1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. M4MS-Se)&i1eS1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis.-)$, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- M4MS UNMO2I3IE2 SE!EICES IN3O!MATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MSU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- M4MS U*m-+i0ie+ Se)&i1es I*0-)ma.i-* IEs '*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis. M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, -- N-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { m/msU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex. M4MSU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } M4MSU*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1esI*0-)ma.i-*-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { '*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis. M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- S5s.em I*0-)ma.i-* C-*.ai*e) --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S5s.em-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-*.ai*e) ::= SEQUENCE { mi/ OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17%, s5sI*0-T5peS41 OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5peS41% OPTIONAL, s5sI*0-T5peS42 OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5peS42% OPTIONAL, s5sI*0-T5pe1 OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5pe1%, s5sI*0-T5pe( OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5pe(%, s5sI*0-T5pe? OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5pe?%, s5sI*0-T5peC OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5peC%, s5sI*0-T5pe11 OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5pe11% OPTIONAL, s5sI*0-T5pe11/is OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5pe11/is% OPTIONAL, s5sI*0-T5pe12 OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ S5sI*0-T5pe12% OPTIONAL, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5s.em-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-*.ai*e)-&/?:ex. S5s.em-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-*.ai*e)-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5s.em-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-*.ai*e)-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe22 OCTET ST!IN "CONTAININ } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- LO IN MEASU!EMENT CON3I U!ATION --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { l-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !1: ex.e*si-*s l-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { l-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs, l-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, S5sI*0-T5pe22% OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


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} } }

L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0L-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0l-gge+AN!C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0L-gge+AN!C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0}


L-ggi*gMeas')eme*.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0L-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0L-gge+AN!C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UE IN3O!MATION !ESPONSE --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UEI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se ::= SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), l-gge+Meas!ep-). L-gge+Meas!ep-). OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis. L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se-&/?:ex. UEI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UEI*0-)ma.i-*!esp-*se-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+Meas!ep-). L-gge+Meas!ep-).-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, 1-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')e!ep-). C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')e!ep-). l-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis. L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- UE IN3O!MATION !EQUEST --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es. ::= SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)1: UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)1:-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !1: ex.e*si-*s 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)11 UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)11-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !11 ex.e*si-*s 'eI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } } } UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+Meas!ep-).!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!!ep-).!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } UEI*0-)ma.i-*!e;'es.-)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+Meas!ep-).!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, l-gge+AN!!ep-).!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, 1-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')e!e;'es. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } EN2



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11.3 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$t de3i$itio$s

I*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.s 2E3INITIONS AUTOMATIC TA S ::= 4E IN IMPO!TS ,iP2SC6i+e*.i.ies, ,iPUSC6i+e*.i.ies, ,i!M, maxAC, maxA++i.i-*alMeas, maxM'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+sEUT!A, maxM'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+s322, maxASC, maxASCmap, maxASCpe)sis., maxCCT)C6, maxCellMeas, maxCellMeas-1, maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;, maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;-1, maxCN+-mai*s, maxC-mm-*6!NTI, maxC-mm-*Q'e'eI2, maxCPC6se.s, max2e+i1a.e+CS 3)e;, max2PC6-2L1,a*, max2P2C6-UL, max2!AC1lasses, maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8, maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8-1, maxE2C6s, maxE2C6s-1, maxE2C6TxPa..e)*-T2212B, maxE2C6TxPa..e)*-T2212B-1, maxE!NTIg)-'p, maxE!NTIpe) )-'p, maxE!UCC6, maxEUT!ACellPe)3)e;, maxEUT!ATa)ge.3)e;s, maxEx1l'+e+2e.e1.e+Se.Cells, max3AC6PC6, max3)e;, max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A, max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A-ex., max3)e;4a*+s322, max3)e;4a*+s3222, max3)e;4a*+s322(, max3)e;4a*+s322-ex., max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.2, max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.(, max3)e;4a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-)., max3)e;4a*+sT22, max3)e;4a*+sT22-ex., max3)e;4a*+s SM, max3)e;Meas9i.,-'.CM, max ANSS, max ANSS-1, max ANSSSa., max ANSSSa.-1, max E!AN-SI, max6N4NameSiGe, max6P)-1esses, max6S2SC6T4I*+ex, max6S2SC6T4I*+ex-.++(B@, max6SSCC6s, max6SSCC6s-1, max6SSIC6-T2212B, max6SSIC6-T2212B-1, max6S-SCC6LessT)4l7, maxI PI*0-, maxI*.e)S5sMessages, maxL-C6pe)!LC, maxL-gge+Meas!ep-)., max*'mL-gge+Meas,


Release !
maxMAC-+-P2UsiGes, maxM4MS-C-mm-*CCT)C,, maxM4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,, maxM4MS-C-mm-*!4, maxM4MS-C-mm-*T)C,, maxM4MS-3)e;, maxM4MS-L1CP, maxM4MSse)&C-'*., maxM4MSse)&M-+i0, maxM4MSse)&S1,e+, maxM4MSse)&Sele1., maxM4MSse)&U*m-+i0, maxM4MST)a*smis, maxM4S3NCl's.e)s, maxMeasCS !a*ge, maxMeasE&e*., maxMeasE&e*.O*Se1UL3)e;, maxMeasI*.e)&als, maxMeasPa)E&e*., maxN-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*s, maxMeasO11asi-*Pa..e)*, maxMeasO11asi-*Pa..e)*-1, maxN'mC2MA2:::3)e;s, maxN'mE-A C6, maxN'mE-6IC6, maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s, maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s-3AC6, maxN'm3223)e;s, maxN'm SMCell )-'p, maxN'm SM3)e;!a*ges, max SMTa)ge.Cells, maxN'mM2TPLMN, maxN'mT223)e;s, maxN'mAN!L-gge+I.ems, maxO.,e)!AT, maxO.,e)!AT-1$, maxPage1, maxPCPC6-APsig, maxPCPC6-APs'/C,, maxPCPC6-C2sig, maxPCPC6-C2s'/C,, maxPCPC6-S3, maxPCPC6s, maxP2CPAlg-T5pe, maxP2SC6, maxP2SC6-T3CIg)-'ps, maxP!AC6, maxP!AC6-EUL, maxP!AC6-3PAC6, maxP)e+e0C-*0ig, maxP)i-, maxP)i--1, maxPUSC6, maxQ'e'eI2s, max!A4se.'p, max!AT, max!4, max!4all!A4s, max!4pe)T)C,, max!4M'xOp.i-*s, max!4pe)!A4, max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s, max!ep-).e+EUT!ACellPe)3)e;, max!ep-).e+ SMCells, max!LCP2UsiGePe)L-gC,a*, maxS!4se.'p, max!L, max!L-1, maxE2C6!L, maxE2C6!L-1, max!O6C-Pa17e.SiGes-)@, max!O6C-P)-0ile-)@, max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B, max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1, maxSa., maxSa.Cl-17M-+els, maxSCCPC6, maxSg*T5pe,


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Release !
maxSI4, maxSI4-3AC6, maxSI)e;'es., maxS5s.emCapa/ili.5, maxT2212BCa))ie), maxT2212BCa))ie)-1, maxT/s3-)6S2SC6-T2212B, maxT/s3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1, maxT3, maxT3-CPC6, maxT3C, maxT3Cs'/, maxT3CI-2-C-m/s, maxT PS, maxT)C6, maxT)C6p)e1-*0, maxTS, maxTS-1, maxTS-2, maxTS-LC!, maxTS-LC!-1, maxU!A, maxU!NTI- )-'p 3!OM C-*s.a*.-+e0i*i.i-*s=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --CO!E NET9O!K IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#1% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A*si-@1-I2NNS ::= CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 ::= 4IT ST!IN ENUME!ATE2 { 1s-+-mai*, ps-+-mai* } SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, CN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*3'll SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, C6OICE { NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*ANSI-@1 CN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 CN-2-mai*S5sI*0SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5 NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5 NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL "SIME "1@%%

CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*Spe1i0i1NAS-I*0} CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*3'll ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*Spe1i0i1NAS-I*01*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 } CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll ::= CN-2-mai*S5sI*0- ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 1*-T5pe gsm-MAP a*si-@1 }, 1*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 } CN-2-mai*S5sI*0-Lis. ::= CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0- ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*01*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0--)$ ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*01*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. p)ima)5-plm*-I+e*.i.5 }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CN-I*0-)ma.i-*I*0-3'll ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*01*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll } 2igi. ::=

SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5 NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll INTE E! ":##A%


2-mai*Spe1i0i1EA4-Pa)ame.e)s ::= SEQUENCE { 1s-2-mai*Spe1i0i1EA4-Pa)ame.e)s EA4-C-*0ig')a.i-* ps-2-mai*Spe1i0i1EA4-Pa)ame.e)s EA4-C-*0ig')a.i-* 1-mm-*EA4-Pa)ame.e)s EA4-C-*0ig')a.i-* } EA4-A11essClass4a))e+Lis. ::= EA4-C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= ea/ ea/-A11essClass4a))e+Lis. } EA4-Pa)ame.e)s ::= C6OICE { ea/-Pa)ame.e)sPe)PLMN-Lis. ea/-Pa)ame.e)s3-)All } EA4-Pa)ame.e)sPe)PLMN ::= +-mai*Spe1i0i1EA4-Pa)ame.e)s } EA4-Pa)ame.e)sPe)PLMN-Lis. ::= E1-N:0-)AN! ::= SEQUENCE { e1-N: } SEQUENCE "SIME "1:%% O3 A11essClass4a))e+ SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 {a,/,1}, EA4-A11essClass4a))e+Lis.


EA4-Pa)ame.e)sPe)PLMN-Lis., 2-mai*Spe1i0i1EA4-Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { 2-mai*Spe1i0i1EA4-Pa)ame.e)s


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##$%% O3 EA4-Pa)ame.e)sPe)PLMN INTE E! "-2@##:% OPTIONAL

sm-map-I2NNS ::= SEQUENCE { )-'.i*g/asis C6OICE { l-1alPTMSI SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, .MSI-0samePLMN SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, .MSI-0+i00e)e*.PLMN SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, iMSI)esp-*se.-pagi*g SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, iMSI1a'seUEi*i.ia.e+E&e*. SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, iMEI SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, spa)e2 SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) }, spa)e1 SEQUENCE { )-'.i*gpa)ame.e) !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) } }, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 4OOLEAN } IMEI ::= IMEI-2igi. ::= IMSI- SM-MAP ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1?%% O3 IMEI-2igi. INTE E! ":##1?% SEQUENCE "SIME "$##21%% O3 2igi.


Release !
I*.)a2-mai*NasN-+eSele1.-) ::= &e)si-* )eleaseAA 1*-T5pe gsm-Map-I2NNS a*si-@1-I2NNS } }, la.e) 0'.')e1-+i*g } } } LAI ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 la1 }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


"SIME "1?%%

SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%

L-1a.i-*!egis.)a.i-*A11essClass4a))e+Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1?%% O3 A11essClass4a))e+ L-1a.i-*!egis.)a.i-*Pa)ame.e)s ::= *-!es.)i1.i-* )es.)i1.i-* } MCC ::= MNC ::= M'l.iplePLMN-Lis.-)$ ::= mi/PLMN-I+e*.i.5 m'l.iplePLMNs } NAS-Message ::= NAS-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) ::= NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP ::= P-TMSI- SM-MAP ::= C6OICE { NULL, L-1a.i-*!egis.)a.i-*A11essClass4a))e+Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "(%% O3 2igi. SEQUENCE "SIME "2##(%% O3 2igi. SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##?%% O3 PLMN-I+e*.i.59i.,Op.i-*alMCC-)$ OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1##@:A?%%


Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-l3-)S,a)e+Ne.8-)7 ::= C6OICE { pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lLis. Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lLis., pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-l3-)All Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s } Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lLis. ::= SEQUENCE { pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)1 Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)2 Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)( Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)@ Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)? Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s } Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s ::= pagi*g!esp-*se!es.)i1.i-*I*+i1a.-) l-1a.i-*!egis.)a.i-*!es.)i1.i-*I*+i1a.-) l-1a.i-*!egis.)a.i-* } Pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2 ::= SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 {all, 1S, pS, *-*e}, ENUME!ATE2 {all, 1S, pS}, L-1a.i-*!egis.)a.i-*Pa)ame.e)s


ENUME!ATE2 { imsi- SM-MAP, .msi- SM-MAP-P-TMSI, imsi-2S-@1, .msi-2S-@1 } SEQUENCE {

PLMN-I+e*.i.5 ::=


Release !
m11 m*1 } PLMN-I+e*.i.59i.,Op.i-*alMCC-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { m11 MCC m*1 MNC } PLMN-T5pe ::= gsm-MAP plm*-I+e*.i.5 }, a*si-@1 p-!EE mi*-P-!EE si+ *i+ }, gsm-MAP-a*+-ANSI-@1 plm*-I+e*.i.5 p-!EE mi*-P-!EE si+ *i+ }, spa)e } !A4-I+e*.i.5 ::= gsm-MAP-!A4-I+e*.i.5 a*si-@1-!A4-I+e*.i.5 } !AI ::= lai )a1 } !-'.i*gA)eaC-+e ::= !-'.i*gPa)ame.e) ::= TMSI- SM-MAP ::= 4IT ST!IN MCC, MNC


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



"SIME "B%%, "SIME "B%%

SEQUENCE { LAI, !-'.i*gA)eaC-+e 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% 4IT ST!IN "SIME "(2%% "SIME "1:%%

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --UT!AN MO4ILITI IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#2% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A11essClass4a))e+ ::= A11essClass4a))e+Lis. ::= All-8e+I*+i1a.-) ::= ENUME!ATE2 { /a))e+, *-.4a))e+ } SEQUENCE "SIME "maxAC%% O3 A11essClass4a))e+ ENUME!ATE2 { all-8e+, *-.All-8e+ }

CellA11ess!es.)i1.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { 1ell4a))e+ Cell4a))e+, 1ell!ese)&e+3-)Ope)a.-)Use !ese)&e+I*+i1a.-), 1ell!ese)&a.i-*Ex.e*si-* !ese)&e+I*+i1a.-), -- NOTE: IE a11essClass4a))e+Lis. s,-'l+ *-. /e i*1l'+e+ i0 .,e IE CellA11ess!es.)i1.i-* -- is i*1l'+e+ i* .,e IE S5sI*0-T5pe@ a11essClass4a))e+Lis. A11essClass4a))e+Lis. OPTIONAL } CellA11ess!es.)i1.i-*-&BC:ex. ::= 1ell!ese)&e+3-)CS } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL

Cell4a))e+ ::= C6OICE { /a))e+ SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Cell!esele1.i-*I*+ All-8e+I*+i1a.-), .-4a))e+ T-4a))e+ },


Release !
*-.4a))e+ NULL 4IT ST!IN


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellI+e*.i.5 ::= CellI+e*.i.5-Pe)!L-Lis. ::=

"SIME "2B%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 CellI+e*.i.5

CellI2Lis.I.em ::= SEQUENCE { 1ell-I+e*.i.5 CellI+e*.i.5, plm*-I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 }


CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-(-@ ::= SEQUENCE { mappi*gI*0Mappi*gI*01ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-E1-'+ SEQUENCE { -- 2e0a'l. &al'e 0-) ;-6IST-2-S is ;-6IST-1-S ;-6IST-2-S Q-65s.-S }, 1pi1,-!SCP NULL }, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s-I*.)asea)1, S-Sea)1,Q'al s-I*.e)sea)1, S-Sea)1,Q'al s-Sea)1,6CS S-Sea)1,!FLEE )a.-Lis. !AT-322-I*0-Lis. ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi*, ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* }, .++ SEQUENCE { s-I*.)asea)1, S-Sea)1,!FLEE s-I*.e)sea)1, S-Sea)1,!FLEE s-Sea)1,6CS S-Sea)1,!FLEE )a.-Lis. !AT-T22-I*0-Lis. ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* } }, ;-65s.-l-S Q-65s.-S, .-!esele1.i-*-S T-!esele1.i-*-S, ,1s-Se)&i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-* 6CS-Se)&i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-* maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) } CS -2e+i1a.e+3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. ::= CS -I+e*.i.5 ::= CS -PSCSpli.I*0- ::= -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > B s.a).PSC *'m/e)O0PSCs






SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max2e+i1a.e+CS 3)e;%% O3 3)e;'e*15I*04IT ST!IN SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, ENUME!ATE2 { ps1?, ps11:, ps11?, ps12:, ps1(:, ps1@:, ps1?:, ps1$@, ps1B:, ps112:, ps11$:, ps12?$, all.,e!es., spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }, INTE E! "1##$(% OPTIONAL "SIME "2C%%

-- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > B ps1!a*ge2O00se.

2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*3-)S,a)e+Ne.8-)7-&$C:ex. ::= C6OICE { +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.i1.i-*Lis. 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Lis.-&$C:ex., +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)All 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. } 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Lis.-&$C:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)1 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)2 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)( 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)@ 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)Ope)a.-)? 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1S2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-* 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*-&$C:ex., pS2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-* 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*-&$C:ex. } 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*-&$C:ex. ::= C6OICE { *-!es.)i1.i-* NULL, )es.)i1.i-* SEQUENCE { +-mai*Spe10i1A11essClass4a))e+Lis. A11essClass4a))e+Lis. } } MapPa)ame.e) ::= Mappi*g ::= )a. mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e)Lis. } Mappi*g-LC!-)@ ::= mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e)Lis. } INTE E! ":##12C% SEQUENCE { !AT, Mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e)Lis. SEQUENCE { Mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e)Lis.


Mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e) ::= SEQUENCE { 0'*1.i-*T5pe Mappi*g3'*1.i-*T5pe, mapPa)ame.e)1 MapPa)ame.e) OPTIONAL, mapPa)ame.e)2 MapPa)ame.e), -- T,e p)ese*1e -0 'ppe)Limi. is 1-*+i.i-*al -* .,e *'m/e) -0 )epe.i.i-* 'ppe)Limi. Uppe)Limi. OPTIONAL } Mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e)Lis. ::= Mappi*g3'*1.i-*T5pe ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasI*.e)&als%% O3 Mappi*g3'*1.i-*Pa)ame.e) ENUME!ATE2 { li*ea), 0'*1.i-*T5pe2, 0'*1.i-*T5pe(, 0'*1.i-*T5pe@ }

-- I* Mappi*gI*0- lis., mappi*g 0-) 322 a*+ (#B@M1ps T22 is +e0i*e+# -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22, Mappi*g-LC!-)@ is 'se+ i*s.ea+# Mappi*gI*0- ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!AT%% O3 Mappi*g O11'))e*1eSe;'e*1eN'm/e)O0PIC6 ::= INTE E! "1##maxSCCPC6%

2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { a1.i-* C6OICE { 1lea)2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.ies NULL, 1-*0ig')e2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.ies SEQUENCE { .-(22 T-(22 p)i-)i.5Le&elLis. P)i-)i.5Le&elLis. e'.)a2e.e1.i-* 4OOLEAN } } } 2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= a1.i-* 1lea)2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.ies 1-*0ig')e2e+i1a.e+P)i-)i.ies .-(22 p)i-)i.5Le&elLis. e'.)a2e.e1.i-* } } } P)i-)i.5Le&el ::= p)i-)i.5 )a+i-A11essTe1,*-l-g5 '.)a322 'a)01* }, '.)aT22 'a)01* SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { T-(22 P)i-)i.5Le&elLis.-)11 4OOLEAN



SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1% OPTIONAL, C6OICE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'm3223)e;s%% O3 SEQUENCE{ UA!3CN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mT223)e;s%% O3 SEQUENCE{ UA!3CN


Release !
}, e'.)a ea)01* }, gsm gsm-Cell )-'p }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


} }

P)i-)i.5Le&el-)11 ::= p)i-)i.5 )a+i-A11essTe1,*-l-g5 '.)a322 'a)01* }, '.)aT22 'a)01* }, e'.)a gsm } } } gsm-Cell )-'p

SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1% OPTIONAL, C6OICE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'm3223)e;s%% O3 SEQUENCE{ UA!3CN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mT223)e;s%% O3 SEQUENCE{ UA!3CN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EA!3CN!a*ge, SEQUENCE { SM-Cell )-'p

P)i-)i.5Le&elLis. ::= P)i-)i.5Le&elLis.-)11 ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP)i-%% O3 P)i-)i.5Le&el SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP)i-%% O3 P)i-)i.5Le&el-)11

-- A1.'al &al'e Q-65s.-S = IE &al'e > 2 Q-65s.-S ::= INTE E! ":##2:% Q-65s.-S-3i*e ::= INTE E! ":##@:% !AT ::= ENUME!ATE2 { '.)a-322, '.)a-T22, gsm, 1+ma2::: } SEQUENCE { !AT-I+e*.i0ie), S-Sea)1,Q'al, S-Sea)1,!FLEE S-Sea)1,Q'al SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxO.,e)!AT%% O3 !AT-322-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { gsm, 1+ma2::: } SEQUENCE { !AT-I+e*.i0ie), S-Sea)1,!FLEE, S-Sea)1,!FLEE S-Sea)1,!FLEE SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxO.,e)!AT%% O3 !AT-T22-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { )ese)&e+, *-.!ese)&e+ }

!AT-322-I*0- ::= )a.-I+e*.i0ie) s-Sea)1,!AT s-6CS-!AT s-Limi.-Sea)1,!AT } !AT-322-I*0-Lis. ::= !AT-I+e*.i0ie) ::= !AT-T22-I*0- ::= )a.-I+e*.i0ie) s-Sea)1,!AT s-6CS-!AT s-Limi.-Sea)1,!AT } !AT-T22-I*0-Lis. ::= !ese)&e+I*+i1a.-) ::=



-- A1.'al &al'e S-Sea)1,Q'al = IE &al'e > 2 S-Sea)1,Q'al ::= INTE E! "-1$##1:% -- A1.'al &al'e S-Sea)1,!FLEE = "IE &al'e > 2% N 1 S-Sea)1,!FLEE ::= INTE E! "-?(##@?% -- A1.'al &al'e S1ali*g3a1.-) = IE &al'e > :#1


Release !
Spee+2epe*+e*.S1ali*g3a1.-) ::= T-4a))e+ ::=

INTE E! ":##1:% ENUME!ATE2 { s1:, s2:, s@:, sB:, s1$:, s(2:, s$@:, s12B: } INTE E! ":##(1%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T-!esele1.i-*-S ::=

-- A1.'al &al'e T-!esele1.i-*-S-3i*e = IE &al'e > :#2 T-!esele1.i-*-S-3i*e ::= INTE E! ":##(1% -- A1.'al &al'e S1ali*g3a1.-) = IE &al'e > :#2? T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) ::= INTE E! "@##1A% -- A1.'al &al'e S1ali*g3a1.-)2 = IE &al'e > :#2? T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-)2 ::= INTE E! "1##1$% -- 3-) Uppe)Limi., .,e 'se+ )a*ge +epe*+s -* .,e !AT 'se+# Uppe)Limi. ::= INTE E! "1##A1% U!A-I+e*.i.5 ::= U!A-I+e*.i.5Lis. ::= 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxU!A%% O3 U!A-I+e*.i.5

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --USE! EQUIPMENT IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#(% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) ::= ENUME!ATE2 { )el-@, )el-?, )el-$, )el-C, )el-B, )el-A, )el-1:, )el-11, )el-12, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

-- TA4ULA! : 0-) A1.i&a.i-*Time, &al'e O*-8O al8a5s appea) as +e0a'l., a*+ is e*1-+e+ -- /5 a/se*1e -0 .,e 0iel+ A1.i&a.i-*Time ::= INTE E! ":##2??% 4a17-00C-*.)-lPa)ams ::= *-AP-!e.)a*sMax *-A11ess3ails *0-4O-N-AIC6 *s-4O-4's5 *0-4O-All4's5 *0-4O-Misma.1, .-CPC6 } 4a*+C-m/ C-!NTI ::= ::= SEQUENCE { N-AP-!e.)a*sMax, N-A11ess3ails, N3-4O-N-AIC6, NS-4O-4's5, N3-4O-All4's5, N3-4O-Misma.1,, T-CPC6 INTE E! "1##2?$% 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%

Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5322Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. 4OOLEAN, -- 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. is 0-) (#B@M1ps T22 'p+a.e )e;'i)eme*. 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. 4OOLEAN, s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. OPTIONAL } Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T2212B 4OOLEAN } Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5322Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-322 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22(B@ 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T2212B 4OOLEAN, s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. } Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)? ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5322Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-322 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22(B@ 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T2212B 4OOLEAN, s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)?




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22C$B }


Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)C ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5322Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-322 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22(B@ 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22C$B 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T2212B 4OOLEAN, s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)? }


Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 /-., IEs a)e p)ese*., .,e eleme*.s i* .,e IE S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)B -- s,all /e appe*+e+ .- .,e eleme*.s i* .,e IE S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)B OPTIONAL } Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)B ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5322Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-322 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22(B@ 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T22C$B 4OOLEAN, 'e-!a+i-Capa/ili.5T22Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-T2212B 4OOLEAN, s5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)B }


-- I0 .,e IE CellUp+a.eCa'se ,as .,e &al'e O1ellUp+a.eCa'se-ex.O, .,e a1.'al &al'e is -- +e0i*e+ i* .,e IE CellUp+a.eCa'se-ex.# CellUp+a.eCa'se ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1ell!esele1.i-*, pe)i-+i1alCellUp+a.e, 'pli*72a.aT)a*smissi-*, '.)a*-pagi*g!esp-*se, )e-e*.e)e+Se)&i1eA)ea, )a+i-li*73ail')e, )l1-'*)e1-&e)a/leE))-), 1ellUp+a.eCa'se-ex. } -- T,e IE CellUp+a.eCa'se-ex. s,all /e p)ese*., i0 .,e IE CellUp+a.eCa'se ,as .,e -- &al'e O1ellUp+a.eCa'se-ex.O# -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# CellUp+a.eCa'se-ex. ::= ENUME!ATE2 { m/ms-!e1ep.i-*, m/ms-PTP-!4-!e;'es., +'mm5, spa)e1 } C,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 ::= Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m ::= Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C ::= Cip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+ ::= s.a).!es.a). +'mm5 } Cip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+-)C ::= s.a).!es.a). } ENUME!ATE2 { m1ps(-B@, m1ps1-2B } ENUME!ATE2 { 'ea:, 'ea1 } ENUME!ATE2 { 'ea:, 'ea1, 'ea2 } C6OICE { Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m, NULL SEQUENCE { Cip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,m-)C

Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: T,e 1ip,e)i*g alg-)i.,m is i*1l'+e+ i* .,e Cip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+# 1ip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+ Cip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+, a1.i&a.i-*Time3-)2PC6 A1.i&a.i-*Time OPTIONAL, )/-2L-Cip,A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0!4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL } Cip,e)i*gM-+eI*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: T,e 1ip,e)i*g alg-)i.,m is i*1l'+e+ i* .,e Cip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+#


Release !
1ip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+ a1.i&a.i-*Time3-)2PC6 )/-2L-Cip,A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-

Cip,e)i*gM-+eC-mma*+-)C, A1.i&a.i-*Time !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. INTE E! "$##A% C6OICE { IMSI- SM-MAP, TMSI- SM-MAP, P-TMSI- SM-MAP, IMSI-2S-@1, TMSI-2S-@1, NULL, NULL, NULL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


CN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. ::= CN-Page+UE-I+e*.i.5 ::= imsi- SM-MAP .msi- SM-MAP p-TMSI- SM-MAP imsi-2S-@1 .msi-2S-@1 spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 }

C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { 0++-Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN, -- TA4ULA!: T,e IEs .++-Meas')eme*.s, gsm-Meas')eme*.s a*+ m'l.iCa))ie)Meas')eme*.s -- a)e ma+e -p.i-*al si*1e .,e5 a)e 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* a*-.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.# -- T,ei) a/se*1e 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e 1ase 8,e)e .,e 1-*+i.i-* is *-. .)'e# -- T,e IE O.++-Meas')eme*.sO applies .- ei.,e) -) /-., T22 (#B@ M1ps a*+ T22 C#$B M1ps, -- +epe*+i*g -* .,e !3 1apa/ili.5 1-*+i.i-*s# .++-Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, gsm-Meas')eme*.s SM-Meas')eme*.s OPTIONAL, m'l.iCa))ie)Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { .++12B-Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { a+<a1e*.3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.s ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)4a*+Meas')eme*.s ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { e*,a*1e+I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.s ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 0)e;Spe1i0i1C-mp)esse+M-+e ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!A ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A 1-mp)esse+M-+e } SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A, 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL




C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!AEx. ::=SEQUENCE { )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!AEx. } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!AEx.2 ::=SEQUENCE { )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!AEx.2, 1-mp)esse+M-+e 4OOLEAN } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. ::= C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis.2 ::= C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis.( ::= C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!AEx. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A-ex.%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!AEx.2

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322

C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.2 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/3222 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.( ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.2%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322(


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322-ex. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322 ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 +l-Meas')eme*.s322 'l-Meas')eme*.s322 } SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL,

C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/3222 ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. /-., IEs i0 .,is IE i* .,e 1-mp)esse+ m-+e 1apa/ili.5 8i.,i* .,e same -- 0)e;'e*15 /a*+# O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e ei.,e) -*e -0 .,e 0-ll-8i*g OPTIONAL IEs# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, +l-Meas')eme*.s322 4OOLEAN, 'l-Meas')eme*.s322 4OOLEAN } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322( ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( i0 .,is IE i* .,e 1-mp)esse+ m-+e 1apa/ili.5 8i.,i* -- .,e same 0)e;'e*15 /a*+# O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e .,e IE# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( OPTIONAL, +l-Meas')eme*.s322 4OOLEAN, 'l-Meas')eme*.s322 4OOLEAN } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322-ex. ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 +l-Meas')eme*.s322 'l-Meas')eme*.s322 } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. ::= C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22 ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22 +l-Meas')eme*.sT22 'l-Meas')eme*.sT22 } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. ::= C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SM ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ SM +l-Meas')eme*.s SM 'l-Meas')eme*.s SM } C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC ::= +l-Meas')eme*.sMC 'l-Meas')eme*.sMC } SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sT22%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22 SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s SM%% O3 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SM SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ SM, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN

CPC6-Pa)ame.e)s ::= SEQUENCE { i*i.ialP)i-)i.52ela5Lis. I*i.ialP)i-)i.52ela5Lis. /a17-00C-*.)-lPa)ams 4a17-00C-*.)-lPa)ams, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m, +l-2PCC6-4E! 2L-2PCC6-4E! } CS -P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0I*.)a3)e;P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0I*.e)3)e;P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0E-U.)aP)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig ::= 2L-2PCC6-4E! ::=



ENUME!ATE2{7/ps(2, 7/ps$@, 7/ps12B, 7/ps(B@}

INTE E! ":##$(% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)Se1-*+a)5!L SEQUENCE {

2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)Se1-*+a)5!L-Lis. ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)Se1-*+a)5!L ::=


Release !
p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-i+ +l-32PC6I*0-Pe)!L-Se1UL3)e; e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C, E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, C6OICE { E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL

2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322 ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE JmaxN-2PC6-P2SC6-C-+esJ -*l5 gi&es i*0-)ma.i-* -* .,e maxim'm *'m/e) -0 2PC6 C-+es# maxN-2PC6-P2SC6-C-+es INTE E! "1##B%, maxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+ MaxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+, s'pp-).3-)S3-?12 4OOLEAN, -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 Sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-!e1ep.i-* } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 S'pp-).O02e+i1a.e+Pil-.s3-)C,Es.ima.i-* } S'pp-).O02e+i1a.e+Pil-.s3-)C,Es.ima.i-* ::= 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&CC:ex. ::= ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) ,ss11,less6s+s1,Ope)a.i-* e*,a*1e+3+p1, ,s+s1,!e1ep.i-*-Cell3a1, ,s+s1,!e1ep.i-*-CellU)aP1, } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


SEQUENCE { 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }

2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0Ta)ge.CellP)eC-*0ig ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O06s+s1,2)xOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0Mim-O*l5Si*gleS.)eam ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL, ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e)$ 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)$ ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) s'pp-).O0@x@Mim-2'alS.)eam!es.)i1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O06S-2SC6Se1-*+2!FOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0N-+e4T)ig6S-2PCC6T)a*smissi-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&/B:ex. ::= *-*-C-*.ig'-'sM'l.i-Cell9i.,MIMO } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22 ::= maxTS-Pe)3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0P2SC6 maxP,5sC,Pe)TS } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@ ::= maxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame, Mi*im'mS3-2L, 4OOLEAN, MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame-)@, MaxP,5sC,Pe)S'/3)ame-)@,


Release !
mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0P2SC6 maxP,5sC,Pe)TS s'pp-).O0BPSK }

Mi*im'mS3-2L, 4OOLEAN, MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS, 4OOLEAN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-12B-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iCa))ie)-p,5si1al-la5e) M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-12B-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* m'l.iCa))ie)-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* s'pp-).O0S3M-+e3-)6SP2SC62'alS.)eam ENUME!ATE2 { s01, s01s01$ } } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-12B-&a@:ex.::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iCa))ie)-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-*2 M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-*2 } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-C$B ::= maxTS-Pe)3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0P2SC6 .++C$B-,sp+s1, s'pp-).e+ '*s'pp-).e+ }, maxP,5sC,Pe)TS } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-C$B ::= maxTS-Pe)3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0P2SC6 maxP,5sC,Pe)TS } 2L-T)a*sC,Capa/ili.5 ::= maxN-4i.s!e1ei&e+ maxC-*&C-+e4i.s!e1ei&e+ .')/-2e1-+i*gS'pp-). maxSim'l.a*e-'sT)a*sC,s maxSim'l.a*e-'sCCT)C6-C-'*. max!e1ei&e+T)a*sp-).4l-17s maxN'm/e)O0T3C maxN'm/e)O0T3 } 2!AC-S5sI*0- ::= .)a*smissi-*P)-/a/ili.5 maxim'm4i.!a.e } 2!AC-S5sI*0-Lis. ::= 2SC6-!NTI ::= 2ela5!es.)i1.i-*3lag ::= E-!NTI ::= ESN-2S-@1 ::= Es.a/lis,me*.Ca'se ::= SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame-C$B, Mi*im'mS3-2L-C$B, 4OOLEAN, C6OICE { 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), NULL MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS-C$B SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame-C$B, Mi*im'mS3-2L-C$B, 4OOLEAN, MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS-C$B SEQUENCE { MaxN-4i.s, MaxN-4i.s, T')/-S'pp-)., MaxSim'l.a*e-'sT)a*sC,s2L, MaxSim'l.a*e-'sCCT)C6-C-'*., MaxT)a*sp-).4l-17s2L, MaxN'm/e)O0T3C-2L, MaxN'm/e)O0T3 SEQUENCE { T)a*smissi-*P)-/a/ili.5, Maxim'm4i.!a.e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max2!AC1lasses%% O3 2!AC-S5sI*04IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%



ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%% "SIME "(2%%

ENUME!ATE2 { -)igi*a.i*gC-*&e)sa.i-*alCall, -)igi*a.i*gS.)eami*gCall, -)igi*a.i*gI*.e)a1.i&eCall, -)igi*a.i*g4a17g)-'*+Call, -)igi*a.i*gS'/s1)i/e+T)a00i1Call, .e)mi*a.i*gC-*&e)sa.i-*alCall, .e)mi*a.i*gS.)eami*gCall,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

.e)mi*a.i*gI*.e)a1.i&eCall, .e)mi*a.i*g4a17g)-'*+Call, eme)ge*15Call, i*.e)!AT-Cell!esele1.i-*, i*.e)!AT-CellC,a*geO)+e), )egis.)a.i-*, +e.a1,, -)igi*a.i*g6ig,P)i-)i.5Sig*alli*g, -)igi*a.i*gL-8P)i-)i.5Sig*alli*g, 1all!e-es.a/lis,me*., .e)mi*a.i*g6ig,P)i-)i.5Sig*alli*g, .e)mi*a.i*gL-8P)i-)i.5Sig*alli*g, .e)mi*a.i*gCa'seU*7*-8*, m/ms-!e1ep.i-*, m/ms-PTP-!4-!e;'es., +ela5T-le)a*.A11ess, spa)eA, spa)eB, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } Ex.e*+e+9ai.Time ::= INTE E! "1##1B::%

3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) ::= C6OICE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*U*s'pp-).e+ NULL, p,5si1alC,a**el3ail')e NULL, i*1-mpa.i/leSim'l.a*e-'s!e1-*0ig')a.i-* NULL, 1-mp)esse+M-+e!'*.imeE))-) T PSI, p)-.-1-lE))-) P)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-*, 1ellUp+a.eO11'))e+ NULL, i*&ali+C-*0ig')a.i-* NULL, 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*1-mple.e NULL, '*s'pp-).e+Meas')eme*. NULL, m/msSessi-*Al)ea+5!e1ei&e+C-))e1.l5 NULL, l-8e)P)i-)i.5M4MSSe)&i1e NULL, spa)e? NULL, spa)e@ NULL, spa)e( NULL, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL } 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))T)I+ ::= ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) 0ail')eCa'se } SEQUENCE { !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E))

3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-). ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+sS'pp-).322 3)e;'e*154a*+s!e+i)e1.i-*322 }, .++ SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+sS'pp-).T2212B 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)T2212B } } } 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)T2212B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-).%% O3 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-).T2212B

3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-).T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)T22 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22-)1: } 3)e;'e*154a*+s!e+i)e1.i-*322 ::= 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)322 ::= 0)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)1 0)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)2 0)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)( SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-).%% O3 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)322 C6OICE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322(


Release !
} ANSS-M-+e ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ENUME!ATE2 { *e.8-)74ase+, 'E4ase+, /-.,, *-*e } SEQUENCE { !!C-C-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-*, )-'p!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-*

)-'pI+e*.i.59i.,!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* ::= ))1-C-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* g)-'p!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* } )-'p!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* ::= '!NTI- )-'p SM-Meas')eme*.s ::= gsmA:: +1s1B:: gsm1A::


6-!NTI ::= 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ ::= 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { ,ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ } INTE E! "1##$@% INTE E! "1##2:%

6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::=

6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "21##2@% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "2?##2B% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "2A##(:% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "(1##(2% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)$ ::= INTE E! "((##(@% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "(?##($% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "(C##(B% 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* ::= INTE E! "1##$@%

M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ::= INTE E! "1##$@% M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* ::= INTE E! "1##($% M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-*2 ::= INTE E! "(C##$@% M'l.i0l-8Capa/4a*+C-m/i*a.i-* ::= *'m/e)O0Cells4a*+A *'m/e)O03)e;'e*1ies4a*+A *'m/e)O0Cells4a*+4 *'m/e)O03)e;'e*1ies4a*+4 } SEQUENCE { INTE E!"2##$%, INTE E!"1##(%, INTE E!"2##$%, INTE E!"1##(%

M'l.i0l-8Capa/4a*+C-m/Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 M'l.i0l-8Capa/4a*+C-m/i*a.i-* M'l.i0l-8Capa/ili.5 ::= mim-I*2i00e)e*.4a*+s l-*ge)6A!QP)-1essi*g } M'l.i0l-8Pe)4a*+Capa/ili.5 ::= *'m/e)O0Cells *'m/e)O03)e;'e*1ies mim*-*C-*.ig'-'sCapa/ili.5 } M'l.i0l-8MIMOCapa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { M'l.i0l-8MIMOCapa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { INTE E!"2##B%, INTE E!"1##@%, M'l.i0l-8MIMOCapa/ili.5 M'l.i0l-8N-*C-*.ig'-'sCapa/ili.5 OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


ENUME!ATE2 { si*gle-s.)eam, +'al-s.)eam }

M'l.i0l-8N-*C-*.ig'-'sCapa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { gapSiGe ENUME!ATE2 { 0i&eM6G, .e*M6G, a*5 apSiGe,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } "SIME "@%% "SIME "B%%

UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le ::= 4IT ST!IN

UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT ::= 4IT ST!IN I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!A ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A i+leI*.e)&al }

SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A, 4OOLEAN

I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!AEx.e*si-* ::= SEQUENCE { )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!AEx. } I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A%% O3 I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!A

I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!AEx.e*si-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sEUT!A%% O3 I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!AEx.e*si-* IMSI-a*+-ESN-2S-@1 ::= imsi-2S-@1 es*-2S-@1 } IMSI-2S-@1 ::= I*i.ialP)i-)i.52ela5Lis. ::= I*i.ialUE-I+e*.i.5 ::= imsi .msi-a*+-LAI p-TMSI-a*+-!AI imei es*-2S-@1 imsi-2S-@1 imsi-a*+-ESN-2S-@1 .msi-2S-@1 } I*.eg)i.5C,e17I*0- ::= messageA'.,e*.i1a.i-*C-+e ))1-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e) } I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0- ::= ))1-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e)Lis. } I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,m ::= SEQUENCE { IMSI-2S-@1, ESN-2S-@1 OCTET ST!IN "SIME "?##C%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASC%% O3 NS-IP C6OICE { IMSI- SM-MAP, TMSI-a*+-LAI- SM-MAP, P-TMSI-a*+-!AI- SM-MAP, IMEI, ESN-2S-@1, IMSI-2S-@1, IMSI-a*+-ESN-2S-@1, TMSI-2S-@1 SEQUENCE { MessageA'.,e*.i1a.i-*C-+e, !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e) SEQUENCE { !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e)Lis. ENUME!ATE2 { 'ia1 }

I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,m-)C ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 'ia1, 'ia2 } I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+ ::= C6OICE { s.a).I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-* SEQUENCE { i*.eg)i.5P)-.I*i.N'm/e) I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*i.N'm/e) }, m-+i05 SEQUENCE { +l-I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0I*.eg)i.5P)-.A1.i&a.i-*I*0} } I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: 2L i*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* a1.i&a.i-* i*0- a*+ I*.eg)i.5 -- p)-.e1.i-* i*.ialisa.i-* *'m/e) ,a&e /ee* *es.e+ i*si+e -- I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+# i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+ I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+, i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,m I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,m } I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eI*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: 2L i*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* a1.i&a.i-* i*0- a*+ I*.eg)i.5 -- p)-.e1.i-* i*.ialisa.i-* *'m/e) ,a&e /ee* *es.e+ i*si+e



Release !
-- I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+# i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+ i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,m


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*M-+eC-mma*+, I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,m-)C "SIME "(2%%


I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*i.N'm/e) ::=


-- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, /51:2@, /52:@B, /5@:A$, /5B1A2 } Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e-)?-ex. ::= ENUME!ATE2 { /51$(B@, /5(2C$B, /5$??($, /51(1:C2 } ENUME!ATE2 { s2, s@, sB, s12, s1$, s2@, s(2, s@B, s$@, s12B, s2?$, s?12, s1:2@, s1$(B@ } ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, am@, am?, am$, amB, am1$, am(: }

Max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s-)@ ::=

Maxim'mAM-E*.i.5N'm/e)!LC-Cap ::=

-- A1.'al &al'e Maxim'm4i.!a.e = IE &al'e > 1$ Maxim'm4i.!a.e ::= INTE E! ":##(2% Maxim'm!LC-9i*+-8SiGe ::= MaxN-2P2C6-4i.sT)a*smi..e+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { m8s2:@C, m8s@:A? } ENUME!ATE2 { /$::, /12::, /2@::, /@B::, /A$::, /1A2::, /2BB::, /(B@::, /@B:::, /?C$:: } ENUME!ATE2 { /$@:, /12B:, /2?$:, /(B@:, /?12:, /$@::, /C$B:, /BA$:, /1:2@:, /2:@B:, /@:A$:, /B1A2:, /1$(B@: } ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, /12::, /2@::, /($::, /@B::, /C2::, /A$::, /1@@::, /1A2::, /2BB::, /(B@::, /@B:::, /?C$::, /$C2::, /C$B:: } ENUME!ATE2 { )l1 } ENUME!ATE2 { .0(2, .0$@, .012B, .02?$, .0?12, .01:2@ } ENUME!ATE2 { .011$, .01(2, .01@B, .01$@, .01A$, .0112B, .012?$, .01?12, .011:2@ } ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm51, +'mm52, .011$, .01(2, .01@B, .01$@, .01A$, .0112B, .012?$, .01?12, .011:2@ }

MaxN-4i.s ::=

MaxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+ ::=

MaxN-SCCPC6-!L ::= MaxN'm/e)O0T3 ::=

MaxN'm/e)O0T3C-2L ::=

MaxN'm/e)O0T3C-UL ::=

-- .,e &al'es 1 .- @ 0-) MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame ::= INTE E! "1##22@% MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame-C$B ::= MaxP,5sC,Pe)S'/3)ame-)@ ::= MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-. ::= MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-.-LC!-)C ::= INTE E! "1##@@B% INTE E! "1##A$% ENUME!ATE2 { .s1, .s2 } INTE E! "1##@%

-- .,e &al'es 1 .- @ 0-) MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS ::= INTE E! "1##1$% MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS-C$B ::= INTE E! "1##(2%


Release !
MaxSim'l.a*e-'sCCT)C6-C-'*. ::= MaxSim'l.a*e-'sT)a*sC,s2L ::= MaxSim'l.a*e-'sT)a*sC,sUL ::= MaxT)a*sp-).4l-17s2L ::=

INTE E! "1##B% ENUME!ATE2 { e@, eB, e1$, e(2 } ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, e@, eB, e1$, e(2 }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ENUME!ATE2 { ./@, ./B, ./1$, ./(2, ./@B, ./$@, ./A$, ./12B, ./2?$, ./?12 } ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, ./@, ./B, ./1$, ./(2, ./@B, ./$@, ./A$, ./12B, ./2?$, ./?12 } INTE E! "1##1@% INTE E! "1##$%

MaxT)a*sp-).4l-17sUL ::=

MaxTS-Pe)3)ame ::= MaxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame-)@ ::=

-- TA4ULA!: Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 1-*.ai*s +epe*+e*1ies .- UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5, -- .,e 1-*+i.i-*al 0iel+s ,a&e /ee* le0. ma*+a.-)5 0-) *-8# Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7C-mp)esse+M-+e C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5, 'pli*7C-mp)esse+M-+e C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5 } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex. ::= 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.2 ::= 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC } SEQUENCE{ C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis., C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. OPTIONAL, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. OPTIONAL, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC OPTIONAL SEQUENCE{ C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.2, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. OPTIONAL, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. OPTIONAL, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC OPTIONAL

Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.( ::= SEQUENCE { 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.@ ::= SEQUENCE{ 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.2 C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.2 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.( C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.( 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/T22Lis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ SMLis. 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/MC 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.? ::= SEQUENCE { 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis.2 } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.$ ::= SEQUENCE{ 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/EUT!ALis.( } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. ::= +-8*li*7C-mp)esse+M-+e-LC! 'pli*7C-mp)esse+M-+e-LC! } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= +-8*li*7C-mp)esse+M-+e } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&A2:ex. ::= +-8*li*7C-mp)esse+M-+e }





SEQUENCE { C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. SEQUENCE { C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex.

Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;'e*152e.e1.e+Se.Meas')eme*.s ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, +-8*li*7C-mp)esse+M-+e C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;'e*15MeasO*C-*0igCa))ie)s9i.,-'.C-mpM-+e 1ellsEx1l'+e+3)-m2e.e1.e+Se.Meas')eme*.s } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 ::= i+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. }

ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


SEQUENCE { I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!ALis.


Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22-&/?:ex. ::= i+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!ALis. } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&/C:ex. ::= 8i+e/a*+!S!Q322Meas')eme*.s 8i+e/a*+!S!QT22Meas')eme*.s } MessageA'.,e*.i1a.i-*C-+e ::= Mi*im'mS3-2L ::= Mi*im'mS3-2L-C$B ::= Mi*im'mS3-UL ::=

SEQUENCE { I+leI*.e)&alMeasCapa/EUT!AEx.e*si-*Lis. OPTIONAL

SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 4IT ST!IN "SIME "(2%%


ENUME!ATE2 { s01, s01$ } ENUME!ATE2 { s01, s0(2 } ENUME!ATE2 { s01, s02, s0@, s0B, +'mm5 }

N-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*s%% O3 N-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCell N-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCell ::= agg)ega.e+Cells gapSiGe SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { *1-21, *1-(1, *1-@1 }, ENUME!ATE2 { 0i&eM6G, .e*M6G, a*5 apSiGe, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }, *-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*22 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } *-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*(1-1( ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .++, 0++, 0++-.++ } SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN


M'l.iM-+eCapa/ili.5 ::= M'l.i!AT-Capa/ili.5 ::= s'pp-).O0 SM s'pp-).O0M'l.i1a))ie) }

M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0UT!AN-T- E!AN-NACC 4OOLEAN } M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&$B:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O06a*+-&e)T- AN ENUME!ATE2 { +-esS'pp-).6a*+-&e)T- AN } } M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0PS6a*+-&e)T- AN ENUME!ATE2 { +-esS'pp-).PS6a*+-&e)T- AN } } M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0EUT!A322 ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O0I*.e)!AT6OT-EUT!A322 ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O0EUT!AT22 ENUME!ATE2 s'pp-).O0I*.e)!AT6OT-EUT!AT22 ENUME!ATE2 e'.)a3ea.')e )-'pI*+i1a.-)s 4IT ST!IN } M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&ae:ex. ::= e'.)aS'pp-).O0M34I } OPTIONAL


{ +-esS'pp-).EUT!A322 } { +-esS'pp-).I*.e)!AT6OT-EUT!A322 } { +-esS'pp-).EUT!AT22 } { +-esS'pp-).I*.e)!AT6OT-EUT!AT22 } "SIME "@%%




M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0EUT!A322Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gI*CELL3AC6 ENUME!ATE2 { +-esS'pp-).O0EUT!A322Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gI*CELL3AC6 }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

s'pp-).O0EUT!AT22Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gI*CELL3AC6 ENUME!ATE2 { +-esS'pp-).O0EUT!AT22Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gI*CELL3AC6 } } N-(:: ::= N-(:1 ::= N-(:2 ::= N-(:@ ::= N-(:B ::= N-(1: ::= N-(12 ::= INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! "1##B% INTE E! ":##C% ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s?:, s1::, s2::, s@::, s$::, sB::, s1::: } ENUME!ATE2 { s2, s@, s1:, s2: } ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s@, s1:, s2:, s?:, s1::, s2::, s@::, s$::, sB::, s1::: } ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s@, s1:, s2:, s?:, s1::, s2:: } ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s?:, s1::, s2::, s@::, s$::, sB::, s1::: } ENUME!ATE2 { s2, s@, s1:, s2: } ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s@, s1:, s2:, s?:, s1::, s2::, s@::, s$::, sB::, s1::: } INTE E! "1##$@% INTE E! "1##$@%


N-(12ex. ::= N-(12-)? ::=

N-(1( ::=

N-(1? ::=

N-(1?ex. ::= N-(1?-)? ::=

N-A11ess3ails ::= N-AP-!e.)a*sMax ::=

Neig,CellSI-A1;'isi.i-*Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0I*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-*3-)6O ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0I*.e)3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-*3-)6O ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0E-U.)aSIA1;'isi.i-*3-)6O ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }


Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-S'pp-).e+-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 SEQUENCE { gANSS-I+ ENUME!ATE2 { s/as, m-+e)*iGe+ PS, ;Gss, gl-*ass, /+s, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } OPTIONAL, gANSS-M-+e ANSS-M-+e, gANSS-Sig*alI+ ANSS-Sig*al-I+ OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)UE- ANSS-Timi*gO0Cell3)ames 4OOLEAN, s'pp-).3-)UE- ANSS-Ca))ie)P,aseMeas')eme*. 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL } -- Ea1, eleme*. i* .,e Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-S'pp-).e+-Lis.-&B$:ex. p)-&i+es ex.e*si-* i*0-)ma.i-* -- .- .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g eleme*. "p-si.i-*% i* .,e Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-S'pp-).e+-Lis. Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-S'pp-).e+-Lis.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 SEQUENCE { s/as-I+s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL, gANSS-Sig*alI+s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL, *-*-*a.i&e-A2-1,-i1es-s'pp-).e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ PS-S'pp-).e+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *e.8-)74ase+, 'e-4ase+, /-.,Ne.8-)7A*+UE-4ase+, *-Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ PS }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

N3-4O-All4's5 ::= N3-4O-N-AIC6 ::= N3-4O-Misma.1, ::= NS-4O-4's5 ::= NS-IP ::= P-TMSI-a*+-!AI- SM-MAP ::= p-TMSI )ai } Pagi*gCa'se ::=

INTE E! ":##(1% INTE E! ":##(1% INTE E! ":##12C% INTE E! ":##$(% INTE E! ":##2B% SEQUENCE { P-TMSI- SM-MAP, !AI ENUME!ATE2 { .e)mi*a.i*gC-*&e)sa.i-*alCall, .e)mi*a.i*gS.)eami*gCall, .e)mi*a.i*gI*.e)a1.i&eCall, .e)mi*a.i*g4a17g)-'*+Call, .e)mi*a.i*g6ig,P)i-)i.5Sig*alli*g, .e)mi*a.i*gL-8P)i-)i.5Sig*alli*g, .e)mi*a.i*gCa'seU*7*-8*, spa)e

Pagi*g!e1-)+ ::= C6OICE { 1*-I+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { pagi*gCa'se Pagi*gCa'se, 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1*-page+UE-I+e*.i.5 CN-Page+UE-I+e*.i.5 }, '.)a*-I+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1*-O)igi*a.e+Page-1-**e1.e+M-+e-UE SEQUENCE { pagi*gCa'se Pagi*gCa'se, 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2 Pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2 } } }


Pagi*g!e1-)+2-)? ::= C6OICE { '.)a*-Si*gleUE-I+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1*-O)igi*a.e+Page-1-**e1.e+M-+e-UE SEQUENCE { pagi*gCa'se Pagi*gCa'se, 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2 Pagi*g!e1-)+T5peI2 } OPTIONAL, ))1-C-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* !!C-C-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* }, '.)a*- )-'pI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE " SIME "1 ## maxU!NTI- )-'p% % O3 )-'pI+e*.i.59i.,!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* } Pagi*g!e1-)+Lis. ::= Pagi*g!e1-)+2Lis.-)? ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPage1%% O3 Pagi*g!e1-)+ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPage1%% O3 Pagi*g!e1-)+2-)?

P2CP-Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { l-sslessS!NS-!el-1a.i-*S'pp-). 4OOLEAN, -- I0 p)ese*., .,e Jmax61C-*.ex.Spa1eJ i* .,e IE JP2CP-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex.J -&e))i+es .,e -- Js'pp-).e+J &al'e i* .,is IE# T,e &al'e i* .,is IE ma5 /e 'se+ /5 a p)e-!EL-? UT!AN# s'pp-).3-)!012?:C C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e } } P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).3-)!01(:A? C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s Max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s-)@

2E3AULT s1$,


Release !

INTE E! ":##$??(?%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


} } }

P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).3-)!01(:A?C-*.ex.!el-1a.i-* 4OOLEAN, max61C-*.ex.Spa1e Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e-)?-ex. } P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex.2 ::= l-ssless2L!LC-P2USiGeC,a*ge } P2CP-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. ::= s'pp-).3-)CSE-i1e-&e)6SPA } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }




P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322, 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322 } OPTIONAL, -- .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +es1)i/es .,e (#B@M1ps T22 p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22, 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22 } OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&CC:ex., 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&CC:ex. } OPTIONAL, .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-(B@ SEQUENCE { -- N- T22(B@ 2L p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-* 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-(B@-&CC:ex. } OPTIONAL, .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-C$B SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-C$B, 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-C$B } OPTIONAL, .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-12B SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-12B-&CC:ex., 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-12B-&CC:ex. } OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL, .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-12B +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex. ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex. ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL, .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-12B +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex. ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&B$:ex. SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-12B-&B$:ex.

SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&A2:ex., UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&A2:ex.

SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&a@:ex. SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-12B-&a@:ex., UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-12B-&a@:ex.

SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&/?:ex.,


Release !
'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 OPTIONAL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }


P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&/B:ex. ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL }

SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&/B:ex.

P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5I*0--&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-C$B SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-C$B, 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22 } OPTIONAL, .++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5-12B SEQUENCE { 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-12B-&CC:ex. } OPTIONAL } -- P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@ +es1)i/es .,e 1#2BM1ps T22 p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { .++12B-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@, 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@ } OPTIONAL } -- P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-,sp+s1,-)? +es1)i/es .,e 6S-P2SC6 p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-,sp+s1,-)? ::= SEQUENCE { 0++-,sp+s1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { -- ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) &al'es s,all /e )es.)i1.e+ .- .,e )a*ge R1##12S -- e&e* i0 .,e UE p,5si1al 1apa/ili.5 is a/-&e 12# ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 4OOLEAN }, '*s'pp-).e+ NULL }, .++(B@-,sp+s1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), '*s'pp-).e+ NULL }, .++12B-,sp+s1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), '*s'pp-).e+ NULL } } PN4SC6-All-1a.i-*-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { *'m/e)O0!epe.i.i-*sPe)S3NPe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { 12, 1(, 1@, 1?, 1$, 1C, 1B, 1A, 11:, 112, 11@, 11$, 11B, 12:, 12@, 12B, 1(2, 1($, 1@:, 1@B, 1?$, 1$@, 1C2, 1B: } } P)e-!e+i)e1.i-*I*0- ::= s'pp-).EUT!A-322 s'pp-).EUT!A-T22 } P)-.-1-lE))-)Ca'se ::= SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN ENUME!ATE2 { as*1-Ei-la.i-*O)E*1-+i*gE))-), messageT5peN-*exis.e*., messageN-.C-mpa.i/le9i.,!e1ei&e)S.a.e, ie-Eal'eN-.C-mp)e,e*+e+, i*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.Missi*g, messageEx.e*si-*N-.C-mp)e,e*+e+, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { *-E))-), e))-)O11'))e+ }

P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-) ::=

P)-.-1-lE))-)I*+i1a.-)9i.,M-)eI*0- ::= C6OICE {


Release !
*-E))-) e))-)O11'))e+ ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) p)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-* }

NULL, SEQUENCE { !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), P)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-*

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P)-.-1-lE))-)M-)eI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { +iag*-s.i1sT5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 C6OICE { as*1-Ei-la.i-*O)E*1-+i*gE))-) NULL, messageT5peN-*exis.e*. NULL, messageN-.C-mpa.i/le9i.,!e1ei&e)S.a.e I+e*.i0i1a.i-*O0!e1ei&e+Message, ie-Eal'eN-.C-mp)e,e*+e+ I+e*.i0i1a.i-*O0!e1ei&e+Message, 1-*+i.i-*alI*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.E))-) I+e*.i0i1a.i-*O0!e1ei&e+Message, messageEx.e*si-*N-.C-mp)e,e*+e+ I+e*.i0i1a.i-*O0!e1ei&e+Message, spa)e1 NULL, spa)e2 NULL }, spa)e NULL } } !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A ::= !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!AEx. ::= !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!AEx.2 ::= INTE E! "1##$@% INTE E! "$?##2?$% INTE E! "1##2?$%

!a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { -- 0++21::, 0++1A::, 0++1B:: 1-))esp-*+ .- 4a*+ I, 4a*+ II a*+ 4a*+ III )espe1.i&el5 0++21::, 0++1A::, 0++1B::, /a*+EI, /a*+IE, /a*+E, /a*+EII, ex.e*si-*-i*+i1a.-) } !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { /a*+EIII, /a*+IF, /a*+F, /a*+FI, /a*+FII, /a*+FIII, /a*+FIE, /a*+FE, /a*+FEI, /a*+FEII, /a*+FEIII, /a*+FIF, /a*+FF, /a*+FFI, /a*+FFII, ex.e*si-*-i*+i1a.-) }

!a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( ::= ENUME!ATE2 {spa)e$@, spa)e$(, /a*+FFE, /a*+FFEI, spa)e$:, spa)e?A, spa)e?B, spa)e?C, spa)e?$, spa)e??, spa)e?@, spa)e?(, spa)e?2, spa)e?1, spa)e?:, spa)e@A, spa)e@B, spa)e@C, spa)e@$, spa)e@?, spa)e@@, spa)e@(, spa)e@2, spa)e@1, spa)e@:, spa)e(A, spa)e(B, spa)e(C, spa)e($, spa)e(?, spa)e(@, spa)e((, spa)e(2, spa)e(1, spa)e(:, spa)e2A, spa)e2B, spa)e2C, spa)e2$, spa)e2?, spa)e2@, spa)e2(, spa)e22, spa)e21, spa)e2:, spa)e1A, spa)e1B, spa)e1C, spa)e1$, spa)e1?, spa)e1@, spa)e1(, spa)e12, spa)e11, spa)e1:, spa)eA, spa)eB, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, ex.e*si-*-i*+i1a.-) } !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. ::= !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C ::= ENUME!ATE2 { a, /, 1, a/, a1, /1, a/1, spa)e } ENUME!ATE2 { a, /, 1, +, a/, a1, a+, /1, /+, 1+, a/1, a/+, a1+, /1+, a/1+, *-.a/1+ } ENUME!ATE2 { e, 0, g, ,, i, <, 7, l, m, *, -, p, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

!a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex. ::=


Release !
!a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex.Lis. ::= !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22 ::= !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22-)1: ::= !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ SM ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+sT22-ex.%% O3 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex. ENUME!ATE2 { a, /, 1, + } ENUME!ATE2 { a, /, 1, +, e, 0, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { gsm@?:, gsm@B:, gsmB?:, gsmA::P, gsmA::E, gsm1B::, gsm1A::, spa)eA, spa)eB, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1} SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN } ENUME!ATE2 { 'seT(1@, 'seT(1? C6OICE { 3)e;'e*15I*0-, I*.e)!ATI*0C6OICE { 3)e;'e*15I*0-, I*.e)!ATI*0--)$

!/-.ime)-i*+i1a.-) ::= .(1@-expi)e+ .(1?-expi)e+ !e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time) ::= } !e+i)e1.i-*I*0- ::= 0)e;'e*15I*0i*.e)!ATI*0} !e+i)e1.i-*I*0--)$ ::= 0)e;'e*15I*0i*.e)!ATI*0}

!e+i)e1.i-*I*0--&B$:ex. ::= C6OICE { -- C6OICE 0)e;'e*15I*0- is p)-&i+e+ i* IE !e+i)e1.i-*I*0- -) IE !e+i)e1.i-*I*0--)$ 0)e;'e*15I*0NULL, i*.e)!ATI*0I*.e)!ATI*0--&B$:ex. } !e<e1.i-*Ca'se ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1-*ges.i-*, '*spe1i0ie+ } ENUME!ATE2 { *-)malE&e*., '*spe1i0ie+, p)e-emp.i&e!elease, 1-*ges.i-*, )e-es.a/lis,me*.!e<e1., +i)e1.e+sig*alli*g1-**e1.i-*)e-es.a/lis,me*., 'se)I*a1.i&i.5, spa)e }

!eleaseCa'se ::=

!3-Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { 0++!3-Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { 'e-P-8e)Class UE-P-8e)Class, .x!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* } OPTIONAL, .++!3-Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { 'e-P-8e)Class UE-P-8e)Class, )a+i-3)e;'e*15T224a*+Lis. !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis., 1,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 C,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 } OPTIONAL } !3-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. ::= .++!3-Capa/ili.5 'e-P-8e)Class )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. 1,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 } } SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { UE-P-8e)Class, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis., C,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!3-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 T22(B@ a*+D-) T2212B !3 1apa/ili.5 is i*+i1a.e+ i* IEs O!3-Capa/ili.5O -) -- O!3-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex.O, .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE O!a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)CO s,all -- /e i*1l'+e+ i* .,is IE# .++(B@!3-Capa/ili.5 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, .++C$B!3-Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { 'e-P-8e)Class UE-P-8e)Class, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C -- T,e eleme*. O1,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5O = Om1psC-$BO } OPTIONAL, .++12B!3-Capa/ili.5 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C OPTIONAL } !3-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= .++12B!3-Capa/ili.5 .++(B@!3-Capa/ili.5 .++C$B!3-Capa/ili.5 } !3-Capa/ili.5-&aa:ex. ::= s'pp-).O0M34I } SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex.Lis. !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex.Lis. !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex.Lis. SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


!LC-Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 p)ese*., .,e!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGeJ i* .,e IE J!LC-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex.J -&e))i+es .,e -- 1-))esp-*+i*g &al'e i* .,is IE# T,e &al'e i* .,is IE ma5 /e 'se+ /5 a p)e-!EL-? UT!AN#!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe, maxim'm!LC-9i*+-8SiGe Maxim'm!LC-9i*+-8SiGe, maxim'mAM-E*.i.5N'm/e) Maxim'mAM-E*.i.5N'm/e)!LC-Cap } !LC-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe } !LC-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. ::= s'pp-).O0T8-L-gi1alC,a**el } !LC-Capa/ili.5-&A2:ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe } !LC-Capa/ili.5-&a@:ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe } !LC-Capa/ili.5-&/?:ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe } SEQUENCE {!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-)?-ex. SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE {!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE {!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-&a@:ex. SEQUENCE {!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-&/?:ex. C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { !eleaseCa'se OPTIONAL




!!C-C-**e1.i-*!eleaseI*0-)ma.i-* ::= *-!elease )elease )eleaseCa'se } } !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e) ::= !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e)Lis. ::= !!C-S.a.eI*+i1a.-) ::= !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) ::= !S!-ECC-I*0- ::= *-*1e ims-I*0-)ma.i-* } S-!NTI ::= S-!NTI-2 ::=

INTE E! ":##1?% SEQUENCE "SIME "@##?%% O3 !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e) ENUME!ATE2 { 1ell-2C6, 1ell-3AC6, 1ell-PC6, ')a-PC6 } INTE E! ":##(% SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "12B%% OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1## (2%% 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2:%% "SIME "1:%% OPTIONAL,


Release !
Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 ::= 1ip,e)i*gAlg-)i.,mCap


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { -- 3-) ea1, /i. &al'e J:J mea*s 0alseD *-. s'pp-).e+ spa)e1?":%, spa)e1@"1%, spa)e1("2%, spa)e12"(%, spa)e11"@%, spa)e1:"?%, spa)eA"$%, spa)eB"C%, spa)eC"B%, spa)e$"A%, spa)e?"1:%, spa)e@"11%, spa)e("12%, 'ea2"1(%, 'ea1"1@%, 'ea:"1?% } "SIME "1$%%, i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*Alg-)i.,mCap 4IT ST!IN { -- 3-) ea1, /i. &al'e J:J mea*s 0alseD *-. s'pp-).e+ spa)e1?":%, spa)e1@"1%, spa)e1("2%, spa)e12"(%, spa)e11"@%, spa)e1:"?%, spa)eA"$%, spa)eB"C%, spa)eC"B%, spa)e$"A%, spa)e?"1:%, spa)e@"11%, spa)e("12%, 'ia2"1(%, 'ia1"1@%, spa)e:"1?% } "SIME "1$%% SEQUENCE { E-!NTI E-!NTI

Se1-*+a)5Se)&i*gE2C6Cell-I*0- ::= p)ima)5-E-!NTI se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI }


Se1-*+a)5E2C6-I*0--C-mm-* ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, s1)am/li*gC-+eN'm/e) UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, ms2-S1,e+T)a*sm )a*.6A!QAll-1 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL, se)&i*g )a*. SEQUENCE { p)ima)5-Se1-*+a)5- )a*.Sele1.-) ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5, se1-*+a)5 } } OPTIONAL, mi*!e+'1e+-E-2P2C6- ai*3a1.-) Mi*!e+'1e+-E-2P2C6- ai*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, e-2C6-mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI E-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI OPTIONAL, +p11,P-8e)O00se.-Se1-*+a)5UL3)e;'e*15 INTE E!":##C%, p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le } Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* ::= +el.aACK +el.aNACK ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0+l-,sp+s1,-I*0-)ma.i-* ,a);I*0ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) } SEQUENCE { 2el.aACK 2el.aNACK 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e, P)ima)5CPIC6-I*02L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* 6A!Q-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= SEQUENCE { +el.aACK 2el.aACK +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0+l-,sp+s1,-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= SEQUENCE { +el.aACK 2el.aACK +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0+l-,sp+s1,-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= SEQUENCE { +el.aACK 2el.aACK +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0+l-,sp+s1,-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)C ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { +el.aACK 2el.aACK-)11 +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK-)11 ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0+l-,sp+s1,-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0--)11 ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-)-assis.i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }




Sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-!e1ep.i-* ::= C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { maxN-SCCPC6-!L MaxN-SCCPC6-!L, -- sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-2P2C6-!e1ep.i-* is appli1a/le -*l5 i0 -- .,e IE S'pp-). -0 P2SC6 = T!UE -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- 2P2C6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1. "see .a/'la)%# T,e -- *ame is *-. 1,a*ge+, .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-2P2C6-!e1ep.i-* 4OOLEAN } } S!NC-I+e*.i.5 ::= S!-ECC-I*0- ::= *-*1e } S!-ECC-Se1')i.5!A4I*0--&B$:ex. ::= s)-&11-I*0)a/-I*0-!epla1e } STA!T-Eal'e ::= STA!TLis. ::= STA!TSi*gle ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 s.a).-Eal'e } S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e; ::= 4IT ST!IN "SIME "12%% "SIME "12B%% OPTIONAL


SEQUENCE { S!-ECC-I*0-, !A4-I*0-!epla1e 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2:%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 STA!TSi*gle SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, STA!T-Eal'e ENUME!ATE2 { gsm } ENUME!ATE2 { ge)a*I' } ENUME!ATE2 { gsm, ge)a*I' } ENUME!ATE2 { gsm, ge)a*I', e'.)a, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-&?A:ex. ::= S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-)? ::= S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-)B ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS5s.emCapa/ili.5%% O3 S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e; S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)? ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS5s.emCapa/ili.5%% O3 S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-)? S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;Lis.-)B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS5s.emCapa/ili.5%% O3 S5s.emSpe1i0i1CapUp+a.e!e;-)B T-(:: ::= ENUME!ATE2 { ms1::, ms2::, ms@::, ms$::, msB::, ms1:::, ms12::, ms1@::, ms1$::, ms1B::, ms2:::, ms(:::, ms@:::, ms$:::, msB::: } ENUME!ATE2 { ms1::, ms2::, ms@::, ms$::, msB::, ms1:::, ms12::, ms1@::, ms1$::, ms1B::, ms2:::, ms(:::, ms@:::, ms$:::, msB:::, spa)e } ENUME!ATE2 { ms1::, ms2::, ms@::, ms$::, msB::, ms1:::, ms12::, ms1@::, ms1$::, ms1B::, ms2:::, ms(:::, ms@:::, ms$:::, msB:::, spa)e } ENUME!ATE2 { ms1::, ms2::, ms@::, ms1:::, ms2:::, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { *-Up+a.e, m?, m1:, m(:, m$:, m12:, m($:, mC2: } ENUME!ATE2 { s?, s1:, s1?, s2:, s(:, s@:, s?:, spa)e } ENUME!ATE2 { ms@:, msB:, ms1$:, ms(2: } INTE E! "1##B% ENUME!ATE2 { ms@:, msB:, ms12:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:, ms2B:, ms(2: } ENUME!ATE2 { ms2?:, ms?::, msC?:, ms1:::, ms12?:, ms1?::, ms1C?:, ms2::: }

T-(:1 ::=

T-(:2 ::=

T-(:@ ::=

T-(:? ::=

T-(:C ::=

T-(:B ::= T-(:A ::= T-(1: ::=

T-(11 ::=

-- T,e &al'e : 0-) T-(12 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* T-(12 ::= INTE E! ":##1?% T-(1( ::= T-(1@ ::= INTE E! ":##1?% ENUME!ATE2 { s:, s2, s@, s$, sB, s12, s1$, s2: } ENUME!ATE2 { s:, s1:, s(:, s$:, s1B:, s$::, s12::, s1B:: } ENUME!ATE2 { s:, s1:, s2:, s(:, s@:, s?:, s-i*0, spa)e }

T-(1? ::=

T-(1$ ::=

-- All .,e &al'es a)e 1,a*ge+ .- Ji*0i*i.5J i* !el-? T-(1C ::= ENUME!ATE2 { i*0i*i.5:, i*0i*i.51, i*0i*i.52, i*0i*i.5(, i*0i*i.5@, i*0i*i.5?, i*0i*i.5$, i*0i*i.5C} T-(1B ::= ENUME!ATE2 { ms2?:, ms?::, msC?:, ms1:::, ms12?:, ms1?::, ms1C?:, ms2:::, ms(:::, ms@:::, ms$:::, msB:::,


Release !

ms1::::, ms12:::, ms1$::: }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T-(1A ::= T-(21 ::= T-(22 ::= T-(2( ::= T-(2B ::= T-(2A ::= T-CPC6 ::= TMSI-a*+-LAI- SM-MAP ::= .msi lai } TMSI-2S-@1 ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { msB:, ms1$:, ms(2:, ms$@:, ms12B:, ms2?$:, ms?12: } ENUME!ATE2 { ms1::, ms2::, ms@::, msB:: } ENUME!ATE2 { m?, m1:, m2:, m(:, m$:, m12:, m1B:, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { s:, s?, s1:, s2:, s(:, s$:, sA:, s12: } ENUME!ATE2 { ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, msB: } ENUME!ATE2 { s:?p, s1, s2, s@ } ENUME!ATE2 { 1.:, 1.1 } SEQUENCE { TMSI- SM-MAP, LAI OCTET ST!IN "SIME "2##1C%%

ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, 7/1:, 7/?:, 7/1::, 7/1?:, 7/?::, 7/1:::, spa)e } ENUME!ATE2 { 7/2::, 7/(::, 7/@::, 7/C?: } ENUME!ATE2 { 7/11?:, 7/12?: } ENUME!ATE2 { 7/1?::, 7/1B::, 7/2(::, 7/2??: } ENUME!ATE2 { 7/(@::, 7/(?::, 7/@@::, 7/@?::, 7/?:::, spa)e(, spa)e2,!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-)?-ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-&A2:ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-&a@:ex. ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-&/?:ex. ::= spa)e1 }

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-- Eal'es +e0i*e+ as spa)e s,all *-. /e se*. i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l# I0 a spa)e &al'e is -- )e1ei&e+, i. s,-'l+ /e i*.e)p)e.e+ as O+e0a'l.-!xTF-spa)a.i-*O# Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* ::= ENUME!ATE2 { +e0a'l.-Tx!x-sepa)a.i-*, spa)e2, spa)e1 } U-!NTI ::= s)*1-I+e*.i.5 s-!NTI } SEQUENCE { S!NC-I+e*.i.5, S-!NTI

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Release !
'-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/A '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1: '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/11 '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/12 '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1( '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1@ '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1? '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1$ '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1C '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1B '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/1A '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2: '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/21 '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/22 '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2( '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2@ '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2? '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2$ '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2C '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2B '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/2A '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/(: '-!NTI-4i.Mas7I*+ex-/(1 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN

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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U-!NTI-S,-). ::= s)*1-I+e*.i.5 s-!NTI-2 }

SEQUENCE { S!NC-I+e*.i.5, S-!NTI-2

UE-4ase+Ne.8-)7Pe)0-)ma*1eMeas')eme*.sPa)ame.e)s ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0L-gge+Meas')eme*.sI+lePC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }


UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* *-. )ela.e+ .-- 0ea.')es 0-) 8,i1, ea)l5 impleme*.a.i-* is +esi)e+ 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex., 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5-&$A:ex. I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex. OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$/:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$/:ex.-IEs, &$e:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$e:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$e:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex.-IEs, &CA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&CA:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&CA:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex.-IEs, 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. OPTIONAL, &BB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BB:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BB:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BA:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BA:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex.-IEs, &AC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&AC:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&AC:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex.-IEs, &a$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a$:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a$:ex.-IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aB:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aB:ex.-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5La.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)SI411/is ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$e:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)32PC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }



UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs p+1p-Capa/ili.5 P2CP-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex., )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex., m'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex., 'e-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex., ma1-e,sS'pp-). ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 'e-spe1i0i1Capa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-* UE-Spe1i0i1Capa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!T22 } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&CA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)E2PCC6P-8e)4--s.i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex., m'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex., 'e-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex., meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E2C6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0MACiis ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0SPSOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FOpe)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).O0CS ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-* 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.( UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.( } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 s'pp-).3-)P)i-)i.5!esele1.i-*I*UT!AN ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 s'pp-).CellSpe1i0i1Tx2i&e)si.5i*2C-Ope)a.i-* }







ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis. p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex., )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5-&A2:ex., s'pp-).O0e*,a*1e+TS: ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&A2:ex. -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 1sgP)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*Capa/ili.5 CS -P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*Capa/ili.5 *eig,CellSI-A1;'isi.i-*Capa/ili.5 Neig,CellSI-A1;'isi.i-*Capa/ili.5 }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&AC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 'e-Ex.e*+e+Meas')eme*.S'pp-). ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE &-i1e -&e) IMS )ela.e+ 1apa/ili.5 &-i1eO&e)UT!A-PS-6S-S'pp-). ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s)&11-S'pp-).3)-mUT!A-.--UT!A ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s)&11-S'pp-).3)-mUT!A-.-- E!AN ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 'e-s'pp-).Ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGeEx.e*si-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }



UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-La.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s ::= SEQUENCE { &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A1:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A1:ex.-IEs, &aa:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aa:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aa:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex.-IEs, &/C:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/C:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/C:ex.-IEs, &ae:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&ae:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&ae:ex.-IEs, &/B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/B:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/B:ex.IEs, &1x5N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&1x5ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&1x5ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis.-&a@:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis.-&a@:ex. p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex., )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5-&a@:ex., meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&a@:ex. s'pp-).O0MUMIMO ENUME!ATE2 { 'pli*7, 'pli*7-a*+-+-8*li*7 } s'pp-).3-)2'alCellMim-I*2i00e)e*.4a*+s ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 'e-4ase+Ne.8-)7Pe)0-)ma*1eMeas')eme*.sPa)ame.e)s UE-4ase+Ne.8-)7Pe)0-)ma*1eMeas')eme*.sPa)ame.e)s s'pp-).O0UT!ANAN! ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-* 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&a$:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&aB:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aa:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0UM!LC)e-es.a/lis,-&ia-)e1-*0ig ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } )0-1apa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-&aa:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&ae:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 m'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&ae:ex. }






UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&/?:ex., s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E! C64ase+I*.e)0e)e*1eC-*.)-l ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

s'pp-).O03all/a17T-!AAP!AC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0C-*1'))e*.2epl-5me*. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0TTIalig*me*.A*+Pe)6A!QP)-1ess ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- UE p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis.-&/?:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis.-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, m'l.i0l-8Capa/4a*+C-m/Lis. M'l.i0l-8Capa/4a*+C-m/Lis. OPTIONAL, p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex., )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5-&/?:ex., m'l.i0l-8Capa/ili.5 M'l.i0l-8Capa/ili.5 OPTIONAL, -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-* 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.$ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.$ OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. 1apa/ili.5 meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, -- UE &-i1e -&e) IMS )ela.e+ 1apa/ili.5 )s)&11-S'pp-).3)-mUT!A-CS-.--EUT!A-322 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, )s)&11-S'pp-).3)-mUT!A-CS-.--EUT!A-T22 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O06S2PCC6P-8e)O00se.Ex.e*si-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0STT2O*2LC-*.)-lC,a**els9,e*M'l.i0l-8Ope)a.i-*IsA1.i&e ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/C:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-&/C:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.C UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.C } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE p,5si1al 1,a**el 1apa/ili.5 p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-&/B:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&1x5ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --.,e 1apa/ili.5 is 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 s'pp-).-0N-*-)e1.!es-')1eAll-1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s ::= SEQUENCE { -- Op.i-*al is 'se+ als- 0-) pa)ame.e)s 0-) 8,i1, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is .,e las. -*e )ea+ i* SI41 -- .-(:1 a*+ *-(:1 s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ /5 .,e UE i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* .-(:1 T-(:1 2E3AULT ms2:::, *-(:1 N-(:1 2E3AULT 2, .-(:2 T-(:2 2E3AULT ms@:::, *-(:2 N-(:2 2E3AULT (, .-(:@ T-(:@ 2E3AULT ms2:::, *-(:@ N-(:@ 2E3AULT 2, .-(:? T-(:? 2E3AULT m(:, .-(:C T-(:C 2E3AULT s(:, .-(:B T-(:B 2E3AULT ms1$:, .-(:A T-(:A 2E3AULT ?, .-(1: T-(1: 2E3AULT ms1$:, *-(1: N-(1: 2E3AULT @, .-(11 T-(11 2E3AULT ms2:::, .-(12 T-(12 2E3AULT 1, -- *-(12 s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 *-(12 i* UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. is p)ese*., a*+ .,e -- &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# *-(12 N-(12 2E3AULT s1, .-(1( T-(1( 2E3AULT (, *-(1( N-(1( 2E3AULT s2:, .-(1@ T-(1@ 2E3AULT s12, .-(1? T-(1? 2E3AULT s1B:, -- *-(1? s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 *-(1? i* UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. is p)ese*., a*+ .,e -- &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# *-(1? N-(1? 2E3AULT s1, .-(1$ T-(1$ 2E3AULT s(:, .-(1C T-(1C 2E3AULT i*0i*i.5@ } UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. ::= *-(12 *-(1? } SEQUENCE { N-(12ex. N-(1?ex. OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)? ::= SEQUENCE { -- Op.i-*al is 'se+ als- 0-) pa)ame.e)s 0-) 8,i1, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is .,e las. -*e )ea+ i* SI41 -- .-(:1 a*+ *-(:1 s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ /5 .,e UE i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* .-(:1 T-(:1 2E3AULT ms2:::, *-(:1 N-(:1 2E3AULT 2,


Release !
.-(:2 *-(:2 .-(:@ *-(:@ .-(:? .-(:C .-(:B .-(:A .-(1: *-(1: .-(11 .-(12 *-(12 .-(1( *-(1( .-(1@ .-(1? *-(1? .-(1$ .-(1C } UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { .-(2( T-(2( } T-(:2 N-(:2 T-(:@ N-(:@ T-(:? T-(:C T-(:B T-(:A T-(1: N-(1: T-(11 T-(12 N-(12-)? T-(1( N-(1( T-(1@ T-(1? N-(1?-)? T-(1$ T-(1C


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT 2E3AULT ms@:::, (, ms2:::, 2, m(:, s(:, ms1$:, ?, ms1$:, @, ms2:::, 1, s1, (, s2:, s12, s1B:, s1, s(:, i*0i*i.5@


UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Op.i-*al is 'se+ als- 0-) pa)ame.e)s 0-) 8,i1, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is .,e las. -*e )ea+ i* SI41 -- .-(:1 a*+ *-(:1 s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ /5 .,e UE i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* .-(:1 T-(:1 2E3AULT ms2:::, *-(:1 N-(:1 2E3AULT 2, .-(:2 T-(:2 2E3AULT ms@:::, *-(:2 N-(:2 2E3AULT (, .-(:@ T-(:@ 2E3AULT ms2:::, *-(:@ N-(:@ 2E3AULT 2, .-(:? T-(:? 2E3AULT m(:, .-(:C T-(:C 2E3AULT s(:, .-(:B T-(:B 2E3AULT ms1$:, .-(:A T-(:A 2E3AULT ?, .-(1: T-(1: 2E3AULT ms1$:, *-(1: N-(1: 2E3AULT @, .-(11 T-(11 2E3AULT ms2:::, .-(12 T-(12 2E3AULT 1, *-(12 N-(12-)? 2E3AULT s1, .-(1( T-(1( 2E3AULT (, *-(1( N-(1( 2E3AULT s2:, .-(1@ T-(1@ 2E3AULT s12, .-(1? T-(1? 2E3AULT s1B:, *-(1? N-(1?-)? 2E3AULT s1, .-(1$ T-(1$ 2E3AULT s(:, .-(1C T-(1C 2E3AULT i*0i*i.5@, .-(2( T-(2( OPTIONAL } UE- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { *e.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-s'pp-).e+Lis. Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-S'pp-).e+-Lis. OPTIONAL } UE- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { *e.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-s'pp-).e+Lis. Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ ANSS-S'pp-).e+-Lis.-&B$:ex. OPTIONAL } UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s ::= SEQUENCE { .-(:: T-(::, *-(:: N-(::, .-(12 T-(12, -- *-(12 s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 *-(12 i* UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. is p)ese*., a*+ .,e -- &al'e -0 .,a. eleme*. s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# *-(12 N-(12 } UE-6SPA-I+e*.i.ies-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI } UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


Release !
*-(12 N-(12ex.


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 ::= m'l.i!AT-Capa/ili.5Lis. m'l.iM-+eCapa/ili.5 } UE-P-8e)Class ::= UE-P-8e)ClassEx. ::=

SEQUENCE { M'l.i!AT-Capa/ili.5, M'l.iM-+eCapa/ili.5 INTE E! "1##@% ENUME!ATE2 {1lass1, 1lass2, 1lass(, 1lass@, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 is 1-mpa.i/le 8i., !AA, al.,-'g, a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) -- is )em-&e+ 0)-m .,is IE, si*1e i.s e*1-+i*g +i+ *-. )es'l. i* /i.s# T,e -- a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) is p)-&i+e+ i* .,e )ele&a*. !EL-@ ex.e*si-* IEs# p+1p-Capa/ili.5 P2CP-Capa/ili.5, )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5, .)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5, )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5, p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5, 'e-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5, se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0- ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. ::= 'e-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(B: } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. ::= 'e-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(a: } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. ::= 'e-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(g: } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$?:ex. ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.2 -- T,is IE s,all /e i*1l'+e+ i0 .,e 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex. } SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(B: SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(a: SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(g: SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.2, UE als- s'pp-).s 4a*+ I-EII UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex.


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p,5si1al1,a**el1apa/ili.5-e+1, P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-e+1,-)$, -- TA4ULA!: +e&i1eT5pe is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is O+-es4e*e0i.3)-m4a..e)5C-*s'mp.i-*Op.imisa.i-*O +e&i1eT5pe ENUME!ATE2 { +-esN-.4e*e0i.3)-m4a..e)5C-*s'mp.i-*Op.imisa.i-* } OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs s'pp-).3-)T8-2!FS1,emesI*PC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).E2P2C6P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).-0Tx2i&O*N-*MIMOC,a**el ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -- IE p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC! a*+ 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B s,all -*l5 /e -- i*1l'+e+ i* I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0- 0-) 1#2B M1ps T22, -.,e)8ise .,ese IEs a)e *-. *ee+e+ ,e)e# p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC! P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B-&C0:ex. OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL,


Release !
p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 ga*ssS'pp-).I*+i1a.i-* ma1-e,sS'pp-). 'e-Spe1i0i1Capa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-* }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5I*0--&CC:ex., ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, UE-Spe1i0i1Capa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!T22 OPTIONAL

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B-&B/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- INTE! !AT 6AN2OEE! IN3O meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 ,S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)*si-* } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5I*0--T2212B-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- INTE! !AT 6AN2OEE! IN3O meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5T22-&/?:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.( } SEQUENCE { UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.(



UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BB:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- INTE! !AT 6AN2OEE! IN3O s'pp-).3-)P)i-)i.5!esele1.i-*I*UT!AN ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&BA:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 s'pp-).CellSpe1i0i1Tx2i&e)si.5i*2C-Ope)a.i-* } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&A2:ex. ::= s'pp-).O0e*,a*1e+TS: }


ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }




UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&a$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&a$:ex. } OPTIONAL

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&aB:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&a$:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&a$:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&aB:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&aB:ex. OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.$ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.$ } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&/C:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.C UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.C } OPTIONAL


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.? UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.?, -- T,is IE s,all /e i*1l'+e+ i0 .,e UE als- s'pp-).s 4a*+ I T 4a*+ FFII 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex.2 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex.2 } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.2 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+3222 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.( ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322( UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322@


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&a$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322@-&a$:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.@-&aB:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.(%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322@-&aB:ex.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.? ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.2%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322? UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.$ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322(%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322$ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322(%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322C UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+3222 ::= SEQUENCE { )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222, 0++!3-Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { 'e-P-8e)Class UE-P-8e)ClassEx., .x!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* } OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.52 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.2 } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322( ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. /-., IEs i0 .,is IE i* .,e same EUT!A 1-mp)esse+ -- m-+e 1apa/ili.5 0-) all s'pp-).e+ UT!A /a*+s -- O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e ei.,e) -*e -0 .,e 0-ll-8i*g OPTIONAL IEs# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5( Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.( } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. all .,e )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ IEs i0 .,is IE i* .,e same -- 1apa/ili.5 0-) all s'pp-).e+ UT!A /a*+s -- O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e ei.,e) -*e -0 .,e 0-ll-8i*g OPTIONAL IEs# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alSe1-*+a)5Cells ENUME!ATE2 { a1, a2 } OPTIONAL, *-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*Lis. N-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*Lis. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322@-&a$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).-0ULOLT2 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } OPTIONAL


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322@-&aB:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. all .,e )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ IEs i0 .,is IE i* .,e same -- 1apa/ili.5 0-) all s'pp-).e+ UT!A /a*+s -- O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e ei.,e) -*e -0 .,e 0-ll-8i*g OPTIONAL IEs# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alSe1-*+a)5Cells ENUME!ATE2 { a1, a2 } OPTIONAL, *-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*Lis. N-*C-*.ig'-'sM'l.iCellC-m/i*a.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, s'pp-).-0ULOLT2 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322? ::= )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( 0++!3-Capa/ili.5 'e-P-8e)Class .x!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* } OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5@ } SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322(, SEQUENCE { UE-P-8e)ClassEx., Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.@

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. all .,e )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ IEs i0 .,is IE i* .,e same -- 1apa/ili.5 0-) all s'pp-).e+ UT!A /a*+s -- O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e ei.,e) -*e -0 .,e 0-ll-8i*g OPTIONAL IEs# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alSe1-*+a)5Cells2 ENUME!ATE2 { a(, a@, a?, a$ } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0ULCLT2 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, m'l.i0l-8Capa/ili.5 M'l.i0l-8Pe)4a*+Capa/ili.5 OPTIONAL, mim-@x@Capa/ili.54a*+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s'pp-).O0ULMIMO ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5? Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.?, 0)e;Spe1i0i1C-mp)esse+M-+e3-)N-*C-*.ig'-'s ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322C ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE ma5 -mi. all .,e )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+ IEs i0 .,is IE i* .,e same -- 1apa/ili.5 0-) all s'pp-).e+ UT!A /a*+s -- O.,e)8ise, .,e UE s,all i*1l'+e ei.,e) -*e -0 .,e 0-ll-8i*g OPTIONAL IEs# )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5$ Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex.$ } UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(B: ::= )x-.x-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2Capa/le } UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(a: ::= &ali+i.5-CellPC6-U)aPC6 } UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5Ex.-&(g: ::= s0*-s0*T5pe2Capa/ili.5 } SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }

UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 UE- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 }


UE-P-si.i-*i*gCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex. UE- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-&B$:ex.-IEs } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 4a*+C-m/ UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex.2 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s3222%% O3 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322-ex.2 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322 ::= SEQUENCE{ )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322, 0++!3-Capa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { 'e-P-8e)Class UE-P-8e)ClassEx., .x!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* } OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5Ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322, 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.-ex. C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.-ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322-ex.2 ::= SEQUENCE { )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL, )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 OPTIONAL, 1-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.( C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/322Lis.( } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p+1p-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex., .++-Capa/ili.5Ex. SEQUENCE { )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-)@-ex., p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC! P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-LC!-)@, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@-ex. } OPTIONAL, -- IE J A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-)J is *-. *ee+e+ i* !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp ::= SEQUENCE { .-.alAM-!LCMem-)5Ex1ee+s1:74 4OOLEAN, )0-Capa/ili.5C-mp !3-Capa/ili.5C-mp


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { )0-Capa/ili.5322C-mp !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp-ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B-&C0:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL, m'l.iCa))ie)-p,5si1al-la5e) M'l.iCa))ie)-6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) OPTIONAL, .++-e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e) INTE E! "1##$% OPTIONAL, +l-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig OPTIONAL, s'pp-).3-)CSE-i1e-&e)6SPA ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL,!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-)?-ex. OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { )0-Capa/ili.5C-mp !3-Capa/ili.5C-mp-&CC:ex., se1')i.5Capa/ili.5I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ga*ssS'pp-).I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ma1-e,sS'pp-). ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2 ::= SEQUENCE { 0++P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/-,sp+s1,-e+1, SEQUENCE { +l-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/C-mp-,sp+s1,-)$ 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-e+1,-)$ P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-e+1,-)$ } OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e)*si-* INTE E! "C% ,ss11,less6s+s1,Ope)a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } e*,a*1e+3+p1, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ,s+s1,!e1ep.i-*-Cell3a1, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ,s+s1,!e1ep.i-*-CellU)aP1, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } +is1-*.i*'-'s2p11,T)a*smissi-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } sl-.3-)ma.@ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } p+1p-Capa/ili.5 P2CP-Capa/ili.5-&CC:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&C0:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).-0Tx2i&O*N-*MIMOC,a**el ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) s'pp-).O0MACiis ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e)*si-*2 INTE E! "B##A% } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp2-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e)$ 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e)$ ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e) e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e)*si-*( INTE E! "1:##12% s'pp-).O06S2PCC6P-8e)O00se.Ex.e*si-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5C-mp-T2212B ::= .++12B!3-Capa/ili.5 s'pp-).O0S3M-+e3-)6SP2SC62'alS.)eam s'pp-).O0C-mm-*E2C6 s'pp-).O0MACiis SEQUENCE { !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22ex.Lis. ENUME!ATE2 { s01, s01s01$ } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }











Release !
s'pp-).O0SPSOpe)a.i-* s'pp-).O0C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FOpe)a.i-* } !3-Capa/ili.5C-mp ::= SEQUENCE { 0++ C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ s'pp-).e+ }, .++(B@-!3-Capa/ili.5 C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ s'pp-).e+ }, .++12B-!3-Capa/ili.5 C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ s'pp-).e+ } }

ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


NULL, !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp NULL, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. NULL, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.

!3-Capa/ili.5C-mp-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 s'pp-). -0 T22(B@ a*+D-) T2212B !3 1apa/ili.5 is i*+i1a.e+ i* IEs O!3-Capa/ili.5C-mpO, -- .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE O!a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)CO s,all /e i*1l'+e+ i* .,is IE# .++(B@-!3-Capa/ili.5 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, .++C$B-!3-Capa/ili.5 C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C }, .++12B-!3-Capa/ili.5 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis.-)C OPTIONAL } -- NOTE: T,is IE +e0i*es .,e s'pp-).e+ TFD!F 0)e;'e*15 sepa)a.i-* 0-) .,e )espe1.i&e s'pp-).e+ -- 0)e;'e*15 /a*+# Eal'es +e0i*e+ as spa)e s,all *-. /e se*. i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e p)-.-1-l# -- I0 a spa)e &al'e is )e1ei&e+, i. s,-'l+ /e i*.e)p)e.e+ as O+e0a'l.-!xTF-spa)a.i-*O# !3-Capa/4a*+322C-mp ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *-.S'pp-).e+, +e0a'l.-Tx!x-sepa)a.i-*, spa)e2, spa)e1 } !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322%% O3 -- T,e 0i)s. e*.)5 1-))esp-*+s 8i., .,e 0i)s. &al'e -0 IE !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322, -- 0++21::, a*+ s- -*# N- m-)e .,a* se&e* e*.)ies s,-'l+ /e i*1l'+e+ i* .,is IE# T,e -- BO., e*.)5, i0 p)ese*., s,all /e ig*-)e+# -- A* ex.e*si-* -0 .,is IE ma5 /e p)-&i+e+ 'si*g .,e IE O!3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp-ex.O# !3-Capa/4a*+322C-mp !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.%% O3 -- T,e 0i)s. e*.)5 1-))esp-*+s 8i., .,e 0i)s. &al'e -0 IE !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222, -- /a*+EIII, a*+ s- -*# !3-Capa/4a*+322C-mp !3-Capa/4a*+Lis.322C-mp-ex.2 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;4a*+s322-ex.2%% O3 -- T,e 0i)s. e*.)5 1-))esp-*+s 8i., .,e 0i)s. &al'e -0 IE !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322(, -- 2( "4a*+ FFIII%, a*+ s- -*# !3-Capa/4a*+322C-mp UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis.-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 S'pp-).e+Ca))ie)C-m/i*a.i-* UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+C-m/Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 S'pp-).e+Ca))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*-ex. S'pp-).e+Ca))ie)C-m/i*a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*12 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*21 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*1( 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*(1 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*22 } 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN

S'pp-).e+Ca))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*1@ 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*@1 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*1? 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*?1 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*1$ 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*$1 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*1C 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*C1 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*2( 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*(2 4OOLEAN, 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*2@ 4OOLEAN,


Release !
1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*@2 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*2? 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*?2 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*2$ 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*$2 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*(( 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*(@ 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*@( 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*@@ 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*(? 1a))ie)C-m/i*a.i-*?(


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +l-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig p+1p-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex. P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex., )l1-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex. !LC-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex., p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-,sp+s1,-)?, m'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&?A:ex. M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&?A:ex. } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p+1p-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex.2 P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)?-ex.2 } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$B:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&$B:ex. M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-&$B:ex. } UL-OLT2-I*0-322 ::= 'lOLT2A1.i&a.i-* } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 {.)'e}


UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322 ::= SEQUENCE { maxN-2P2C6-4i.sT)a*smi..e+ MaxN-2P2C6-4i.sT)a*smi..e+, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 4OOLEAN } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-)$ ::= maxN-2P2C6-4i.sT)a*smi..e+ p,5si1al1,a**el1apa/ili.5-e+1, } SEQUENCE { MaxN-2P2C6-4i.sT)a*smi..e+, P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-e+1,-)$

UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e)*si-* INTE E! "C% +is1-*.i*'-'s2p11,T)a*smissi-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } sl-.3-)ma.@ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e)*si-*2 INTE } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e)*si-*( INTE } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22 ::= maxTS-Pe)3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-. mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0PUSC6 } { E! "B##A% { E! "1:##12%



SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-., Mi*im'mS3-UL, 4OOLEAN

UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-(B@-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { .++(B@-e+1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { .++-e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e) INTE E! "1##1$% }, '*s'pp-).e+ NULL } } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@ ::= maxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-. SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame-)@, MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-.,


Release !
mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0PUSC6 s'pp-).O0BPSK


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-12B-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { maxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-. MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-.-LC!-)C, .++12B-e+1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { .++-e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e) INTE E! "1##$% }, '*s'pp-).e+ NULL } } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-12B-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { maxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-. MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-.-LC!-)C } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5I*0-T22-12B-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iCa))ie)-E+1,P,5si1alLa5e) INTE E! "1##B% OPTIONAL, maxN'm/e)Ca))ie)3-)MC6SUPA-T22 ENUME!ATE2 {*0-2, *0-(, *0-$, spa)e} OPTIONAL } UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-C$B ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-Pe)3)ame MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, maxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-. MaxP,5sC,Pe)Timesl-., mi*im'mS3 Mi*im'mS3-UL, s'pp-).O0PUSC6 4OOLEAN, .++(B@-e+1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { .++-e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e) INTE E! "1##1$% }, '*s'pp-).e+ NULL } } UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 ::= C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5Se)&i*gE2C6Cell-I*0Se1-*+a)5Se)&i*gE2C6Cell-I*0se1-*+a)5E2C6-I*0--C-mm-* Se1-*+a)5E2C6-I*0--C-mm-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)Se1-*+a)5!L-Lis. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)Se1-*+a)5!L-Lis. } } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-e+1,-)$ ::= 0++-e+1, s'pp-).e+ e+1,-P,5si1alLa5e) }, '*s'pp-).e+ } } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##1$% NULL


UL-T)a*sC,Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { maxN-4i.sT)a*smi..e+ MaxN-4i.s, maxC-*&C-+e4i.sT)a*smi..e+ MaxN-4i.s, .')/-E*1-+i*gS'pp-). T')/-S'pp-)., maxSim'l.a*e-'sT)a*sC,s MaxSim'l.a*e-'sT)a*sC,sUL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ NULL, .++ SEQUENCE { maxSim'l.a*e-'sCCT)C6-C-'*. MaxSim'l.a*e-'sCCT)C6-C-'*. } }, maxT)a*smi..e+4l-17s MaxT)a*sp-).4l-17sUL, maxN'm/e)O0T3C MaxN'm/e)O0T3C-UL, maxN'm/e)O0T3 MaxN'm/e)O0T3 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 ::= SEQUENCE { s.a*+al-*eL-1Me.,-+sS'pp-).e+ 4OOLEAN, 'e-4ase+OT2OA-S'pp-).e+ 4OOLEAN, *e.8-)7Assis.e+ PS-S'pp-).e+ Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ PS-S'pp-).e+, s'pp-).3-)UE- PS-Timi*gO0Cell3)ames 4OOLEAN, s'pp-).3-)IP2L 4OOLEAN }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-* ::= s.a).-CS } UE-Se1')i.5I*0-)ma.i-*2 ::= s.a).-PS }


UE-Spe1i0i1Capa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!T22 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *3, *3M1-T)i!x-U*iTx, *3M1-T)i!x-T)iTx, *3M1-6ex!x-U*iTx, *3M1-6ex!x-T)iTx, *3M1-6ex!x-6exTx, *3M1-T8-!x-U*iTx-2is1-*.ig'-'s, *3M1-T8-!x-T8-Tx-2is1-*.ig'-'s, *3M1-T8-!x-U*iTx-C-*.ig'-'s, *3M1-T8-!x-T8-Tx-C-*.ig'-'s, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } U!A-Up+a.eCa'se ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1,a*geO0U!A, pe)i-+i1U!AUp+a.e, +'mm5, spa)e1 }

UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. ::= INTE E! "(##A% UT!AN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.-)C ::= SEQUENCE { +)x-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. INTE E! "(##A%, +)x-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*.2 INTE E! "(##A% .ime3-)2!FC51le2 T-(1A } 9ai.Time ::= INTE E! ":##1?%


-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --!A2IO 4EA!E! IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#@% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alg-)i.,mSpe1i0i1I*0- ::= )012?:C-I*0} Alg-)i.,mSpe1i0i1I*0--)@ ::= )012?:C-I*0)01(:A?-I*0} CI2-I*1l'si-*I*0--)@ ::= C6OICE { !3C2?:C-I*0C6OICE { !3C2?:C-I*0-, !3C(:A?-I*0--)@ ENUME!ATE2 { p+1p-6ea+e), )01(:A?-Pa17e.3-)ma. } SEQUENCE { L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5, MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+

C-mm-*!4Mappi*gI*0- ::= l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ }

-- Uppe) limi. -0 COUNT-C is 2U(2 - 1 COUNT-C ::= INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% -- Uppe) limi. -0 COUNT-C-MS4 is 2U2? - 1 COUNT-C-MS4 ::= INTE E! ":##((??@@(1% CS-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 'l-AM!-!a.e maxCS-2ela5 } SEQUENCE { UL-AM!-!a.e MaxCS-2ela5 OPTIONAL,


Release !
2e0a'l.C-*0ig3-)Cell3AC6 ::= +e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e +e0a'l.C-*0igI+3-)Cell3AC6 } 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5 ::= 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)@ ::= 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)? ::=

SEQUENCE { 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e, 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+3-)Cell3AC6 INTE E! ":##1:% INTE E! ":##12% INTE E! ":##1(%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ &al'es 2?##(1 a)e spa)e a*+ s,all *-. /e 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 -- .,e p)-.-1-l 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+e*.i.5-)$ ::= INTE E! ":##(1% -- 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+3-)Cell3AC6 &al'es 1##1? a)e spa)e a*+ s,all *-. /e 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 -- .,e p)-.-1-l 2e0a'l.C-*0igI+3-)Cell3AC6 ::= INTE E! ":##1?% 2e0a'l.C-*0igM-+e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 0++, .++ } INTE E! ":##$2% SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, !e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe, 2L-!LC-S.a.'sI*0SEQUENCE { O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1, 4OOLEAN, !e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe, 2L-!LC-S.a.'sI*0SEQUENCE { C6OICE { O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1, ENUME!ATE2 { siGeC, siGe1? } 4OOLEAN, !e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe, 2L-!LC-S.a.'sI*0SEQUENCE { C6OICE { O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1, ENUME!ATE2 { siGeC, siGe1? } 4OOLEAN, !e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe, 2L-!LC-S.a.'sI*0--)11 SEQUENCE { !4-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis.

22I ::= 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e ::= i*Se;'e*1e2eli&e)5 )e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe +l-!LC-S.a.'sI*0} 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)? ::= +l-!LC-P2U-siGe i*Se;'e*1e2eli&e)5 )e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe +l-!LC-S.a.'sI*0} 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)C ::= +l-!LC-P2U-siGe 0ixe+SiGe 0lexi/leSiGe }, i*Se;'e*1e2eli&e)5 )e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe +l-!LC-S.a.'sI*0} 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)11 ::= +l-!LC-P2U-siGe 0ixe+SiGe 0lexi/leSiGe }, i*Se;'e*1e2eli&e)5 )e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe +l-!LC-S.a.'sI*0} 2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0- ::= )4-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis. }


2L-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0--)? ::= )/-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis. )/-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. }

SEQUENCE { !4-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis. !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis.


2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 1-*.ai*s T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 as 8ell# +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe, l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } 2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)? ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 1-*.ai*s T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 as 8ell# +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe-)?, l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 1-*.ai*s T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 as 8ell# +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe-)C, l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } 2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxL-C6pe)!LC%% O3 2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g

2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis.-)? ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxL-C6pe)!LC%% O3 2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)? 2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxL-C6pe)!LC%% O3 2L-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)C 2L-!e1ep.i-*-9i*+-8-SiGe-)$ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { siGe(2, siGe@B, siGe$@, siGeB:, siGeA$, siGe112 }

2L-!3C(:A?-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ s,all /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 CI2-I*1l'si-*I*0--)@, max-CI2 INTE E! "1##1$(B(% 2E3AULT 1?, )e&e)se2e1-mp)essi-*2ep., INTE E! ":##$??(?% 2E3AULT : } 2L-!LC-M-+e ::= +l-AM-!LC-M-+e +l-UM-!LC-M-+e +l-TM-!LC-M-+e } 2L-!LC-M-+e-)? ::= +l-AM-!LC-M-+e +l-UM-!LC-M-+e +l-TM-!LC-M-+e } 2L-!LC-M-+e-)$ ::= +l-AM-!LC-M-+e +l-UM-!LC-M-+e +l-TM-!LC-M-+e } 2L-!LC-M-+e-)C ::= +l-AM-!LC-M-+e +l-UM-!LC-M-+e +l-TM-!LC-M-+e } 2L-!LC-M-+e-)11 ::= +l-AM-!LC-M-+e +l-UM-!LC-M-+e +l-TM-!LC-M-+e } C6OICE { 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e, NULL, 2L-TM-!LC-M-+e C6OICE { 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)?, 2L-UM-!LC-M-+e-)?, 2L-TM-!LC-M-+e C6OICE { 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)?, 2L-UM-!LC-M-+e-)$, 2L-TM-!LC-M-+e C6OICE { 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)C, 2L-UM-!LC-M-+e-)$, 2L-TM-!LC-M-+e C6OICE { 2L-AM-!LC-M-+e-)11, 2L-UM-!LC-M-+e-)$, 2L-TM-!LC-M-+e

2L-!LC-S.a.'sI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { .ime)S.a.'sP)-,i/i. Time)S.a.'sP)-,i/i. OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 Time)EPC OPTIONAL, missi*gP2U-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, .ime)S.a.'sPe)i-+i1 Time)S.a.'sPe)i-+i1 OPTIONAL } 2L-!LC-S.a.'sI*0--)11 ::= .ime)S.a.'sP)-,i/i. missi*gP2U-I*+i1a.-) .ime)S.a.'sPe)i-+i1 .ime)!e-)+e)i*g } 2L-TM-!LC-M-+e ::= segme*.a.i-*I*+i1a.i-* } 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe ::= +1, 0a1, SEQUENCE { Time)S.a.'sP)-,i/i. 4OOLEAN, Time)S.a.'sPe)i-+i1 Time)!e-)+e)i*g SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN C6OICE { T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, NULL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+1,-a*+-+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE -- /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ +1,-a*+-+s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.52C6a*+2SC6 } 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe-)? ::= C6OICE { +1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, 0a1, NULL, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+1,-a*+-+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE -- /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ +1,-a*+-+s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.52C6a*+2SC6, ,s+s1, MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, +1,-a*+-,s+s1, MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.52C6a*+6S2SC6 } 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe-)C ::= C6OICE { +1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, 0a1, NULL, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+1,-a*+-+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE -- /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ +1,-a*+-+s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.52C6a*+2SC6, ,s+s1, C6OICE { ma1-,s MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ma1-e,s MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+ }, +1,-a*+-,s+s1, C6OICE { ma1-,s MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.52C6a*+6S2SC6, ma1-e,s MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+2C6a*+6S2SC6 } } 2L-UM-!LC-LI-siGe ::= 2L-UM-!LC-M-+e-)? ::= +l-UM-!LC-LI-siGe } 2L-UM-!LC-M-+e-)$ ::= +l-UM-!LC-LI-siGe +l-!e1ep.i-*-9i*+-8-SiGe } Expe1.!e-)+e)i*g ::= ENUME!ATE2 { siGeC, siGe1? } SEQUENCE { 2L-UM-!LC-LI-siGe SEQUENCE { 2L-UM-!LC-LI-siGe, 2L-!e1ep.i-*-9i*+-8-SiGe-)$ ENUME!ATE2 { )e-)+e)i*gN-.Expe1.e+, )e-)+e)i*gExpe1.e+ } SEQUENCE { Time)M!9, Time)2is1a)+, MaxM!9 SEQUENCE { Alg-)i.,mSpe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2CPAlg-T5pe%% O3 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0SEQUENCE { Alg-)i.,mSpe1i0i1I*0--)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2CPAlg-T5pe%% O3 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0--)@ INTE E! "1##1?%


Expli1i.2is1a)+ ::= .ime)M!9 .ime)2is1a)+ maxM!9 } 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0- ::= alg-)i.,mSpe1i0i1I*0} 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0-Lis. ::= 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0--)@ ::= alg-)i.,mSpe1i0i1I*0} 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0-Lis.-)@ ::= L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 ::=


Release !
L-sslessS!NS-!el-1S'pp-). ::= s'pp-).e+ *-.S'pp-).e+ } MAC-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e ::= MAC-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5 ::=

C6OICE { MaxP2CP-SN-9i*+-8SiGe, NULL 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2@%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

INTE E! "1##B%

-- A1.'al &al'e MaxCS-2ela5 = "IE &al'e > 1:% N 2: MaxCS-2ela5 ::= INTE E! ":##1B% Max2AT ::= ENUME!ATE2 { +a.1, +a.2, +a.(, +a.@, +a.?, +a.$, +a.C, +a.B, +a.A, +a.1:, +a.1?, +a.2:, +a.2?, +a.(:, +a.(?, +a.@: } SEQUENCE { Max2AT, Time)M!9, MaxM!9 ENUME!ATE2 { mm1, mm@, mm$, mmB, mm12, mm1$, mm2@, mm(2 } ENUME!ATE2 { s*2??, s*$??(? } ENUME!ATE2 { )s.1, )s.@, )s.$, )s.B, )s.12, )s.1$, )s.2@, )s.(2 } ENUME!ATE2 { +.1:, +.2:, +.(:, +.@:, +.?:, +.$:, +.C:, +.B:, +.A:, +.1:: }

Max2AT-!e.)a*smissi-*s ::= max2AT .ime)M!9 maxM!9 } MaxM!9 ::=

MaxP2CP-SN-9i*+-8SiGe ::= Max!ST ::=

N-Expli1i.2is1a)+ ::=

P2CP-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { l-sslessS!NS-!el-1S'pp-). L-sslessS!NS-!el-1S'pp-). OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: p+1p-P2U-6ea+e) is M2 i* .,e .a/'la) 0-)ma. a*+ i. 1a* /e e*1-+e+ -- i* -*e /i., s- .,e OPTIONAL is )em-&e+ 0-) 1-mpa1.*ess# p+1p-P2U-6ea+e) P2CP-P2U-6ea+e), ,ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0-Lis. 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL } P2CP-I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { l-sslessS!NS-!el-1S'pp-). L-sslessS!NS-!el-1S'pp-). OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: p+1p-P2U-6ea+e) is M2 i* .,e .a/'la) 0-)ma. a*+ i. 1a* /e e*1-+e+ -- i* -*e /i., s- .,e OPTIONAL is )em-&e+ 0-) 1-mpa1.*ess# p+1p-P2U-6ea+e) P2CP-P2U-6ea+e), ,ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0-Lis. 6ea+e)C-mp)essi-*I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL } P2CP-I*0-!e1-*0ig ::= SEQUENCE { p+1p-I*0P2CP-I*0-, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 INTE E! ":##$??(?% } P2CP-I*0-!e1-*0ig-)@ ::= p+1p-I*0} P2CP-P2U-6ea+e) ::= P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e ::= P2CP-SN-I*0- ::= P-ll-P2U ::= SEQUENCE { P2CP-I*0--)@ ENUME!ATE2 { p)ese*., a/se*. } ENUME!ATE2 { --M-+e, )-M-+e } INTE E! ":##$??(?% ENUME!ATE2 { p+'1, p+'2, p+'@, p+'B, p+'1$, p+'(2, p+'$@, p+'12B } ENUME!ATE2 { s+'1, s+'@, s+'1$, s+'$@ }

P-ll-S2U ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P-lli*gI*0- ::= .ime)P-llP)-,i/i. .ime)P-ll p-ll-P2U p-ll-S2U las.T)a*smissi-*P2U-P-ll las.!e.)a*smissi-*P2U-P-ll p-ll9i*+-8 .ime)P-llPe)i-+i1 } P-ll9i*+-8 ::=

SEQUENCE { Time)P-llP)-,i/i. Time)P-ll P-ll-P2U P-ll-S2U 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, P-ll9i*+-8 Time)P-llPe)i-+i1 ENUME!ATE2 { p8?:, p8$:, p8C:, p8B:, p8B?, p8A:, p8A?, p8AA } INTE E! ":##1?% INTE E! ":##1?% SEQUENCE { !e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time), S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. SEQUENCE { P)e+e0i*e+!4-C-*0ig')a.i-*, P)e2e0T)a*sC,C-*0ig')a.i-*, P)e2e0P,5C,C-*0ig')a.i-*


P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 ::= P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTag ::= P)e+e0i*e+!4-C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= )e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time) s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. )/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } P)e2e0!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+!4-C-*0ig')a.i-* -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs p)e2e0T)a*sC,C-*0ig')a.i-* -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs p)e2e0P,5C,C-*0ig')a.i-* }

P)e2e0!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs p)e2e0P,5C,C-*0ig')a.i-* P)e2e0P,5C,C-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. } P)e2e0!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-*-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe-)A } P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "maxP)e+e0C-*0ig%% O3 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sI*0-

P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sI*0- ::= C6OICE { s.-)e+9i.,Eal'eTagSameAsP)e&i's NULL, -.,e) C6OICE { *-.S.-)e+ NULL, s.-)e+9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTag } } P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis.C-mp ::= SEQUENCE { se.s9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igSe.s9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag, -.,e)E*.)ies P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis.Ea)SG }


P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igSe.s9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igSe.9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igSe.9i.,2i00e)e*.Eal'eTag ::= SEQUENCE { s.a).P-si.i-* INTE E! ":##1:% 2E3AULT :, -- *'m/e)O0E*.)ies INTE E! "$##1$%, -- *'m/e)O0E*.)ies is 1-&e)e+ /5 .,e siGe -0 .,e lis. i* IE P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTagLis. &al'eTagLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTagLis. } P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTagLis. ::= P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis.Ea)SG ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP)e+e0C-*0ig%% O3 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTag SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP)e+e0C-*0ig%% O3 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sI*0-


Release !
!A4-I*0- ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 *as-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) )e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time) } !A4-I*0--)$-ex. ::= m/ms-Sessi-*I+e*.i.5 } !A4-I*0--&$/:ex. ::= m/ms-Se)&i1eI+e*.i.5 } !A4-I*0--)$ ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 m/ms-Sessi-*I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 *as-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) )e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time) } !A4-I*0--)C ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 m/ms-Sessi-*I+e*.i.5 m/ms-Se)&i1eI+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 *as-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) )e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time) } !A4-I*0-!epla1e ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 *as-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)B ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 *as-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) 1s-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* } !A4-I*0--P-s. ::= )a/-I+e*.i.5 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 *as-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.p ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 m/ms-Se)&i1eI+e*.i.5 m/ms-Sessi-*I+e*.i.5 } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.pLis. ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p ::=

SEQUENCE { !A4-I+e*.i.5, CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, NAS-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*-I*+i1a.-) !e-Es.a/lis,me*.Time) SEQUENCE { M4MS-Sessi-*I+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { OCTET ST!IN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



"SIME "(%%

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SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&Sele1.%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*M4MSP.p SEQUENCE {


Release !
)a/-I*0)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)@ ::= )a/-I*0)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)? ::= )a/-I*0)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$-ex. ::= )a/-I*0--)$-ex. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$ ::= )a/-I*0)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&$/:ex. ::= )a/-I*0--&$/:ex. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C ::= )a/-I*0)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B ::= )a/-I*01s-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* )a/-I*0-!epla1e )/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&B2:ex. ::= 1s-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)11 ::= )a/-I*01s-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* )a/-I*0-!epla1e )/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. } !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@ ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ ::=

!A4-I*0-, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0-, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@ SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0-, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0--)$-ex. SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0--)$, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0--&$/:ex. SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0--)C, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0--)C, CS-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* !A4-I*0-!epla1e !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B SEQUENCE { CS-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




SEQUENCE { !A4-I*0--)C, CS-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, !A4-I*0-!epla1e OPTIONAL, !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$

-- T,e IE O!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$-ex.O p)-&i+es eleme*.s -0 ex.e*si-* i*0-)ma.i-*, 8,i1, -- a)e a++e+ .- .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g eleme*.s -0 .,e IE O!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.D-)@D-)?O# !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$-ex. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&$/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&$/:ex. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C ::= !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B

!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&B2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-&B2:ex.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 ::= !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0- ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )l1-Se;'e*1eN'm/e) } !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0-Lis. ::= !4-COUNT-C-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 1-'*.-C-UL 1-'*.-C-2L } !4-COUNT-C-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= !4-COUNT-C-MS4-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 1-'*.-C-MS4-UL 1-'*.-C-MS4-2L } !4-COUNT-C-MS4-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= !4-I+e*.i.5 ::= !4-I+e*.i.5Lis. ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)? ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)$ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)C ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)B ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis. ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)? ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)$ ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)C ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+Lis.-)B ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*C,a*ge+-)$ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )/-C,a*ge

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!A4se.'p%% O3 !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)11 SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !LC-Se;'e*1eN'm/e) SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-A1.i&a.i-*TimeI*0SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, COUNT-C, COUNT-C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4all!A4s%% O3 !4-COUNT-C-I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, COUNT-C-MS4, COUNT-C-MS4 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4all!A4s%% O3 !4-COUNT-C-MS4-I*0-)ma.i-* INTE E! "1##(2% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-I+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !4-Mappi*gI*0SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !4-Mappi*gI*0--)? SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !4-Mappi*gI*0--)$ SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !4-Mappi*gI*0--)C SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !4-Mappi*gI*0--)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 !4-I*0-)ma.i-*A00e1.e+-)B SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, C6OICE {


Release !
)elease )e-mapT-2e0a'l.!/ } }

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NULL, !4-I+e*.i.5

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!4-I*0-)ma.i-*C,a*ge+Lis.-)$ ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)@ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)? ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)$ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)C ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)B ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0ig-)11 ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0p+1p-SN-I*0)l1-I*0)/-Mappi*gI*0)/-S.-pC-*.i*'e } !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis. ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)@ ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)? ::=

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Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)$ ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)C ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)B ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!e1-*0igLis.-)11 ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*!eleaseLis. ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)@ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)? ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)11 ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0-C,-i1e )/-Mappi*gI*0} !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@ ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ ::=

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Release !
!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B ::= !4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 ::= !4-Mappi*gI*0- ::= !4-Mappi*gI*0--)? ::= !4-Mappi*gI*0--)$ ::= !4-Mappi*gI*0--)C ::= !4-Mappi*gI*0--)B ::= !4-Mappi*gOp.i-* ::= 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs +l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. } !4-Mappi*gOp.i-*-)? ::= 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs +l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. } !4-Mappi*gOp.i-*-)$ ::= 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs +l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. } !4-Mappi*gOp.i-*-)C ::= 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs +l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. } !4-Mappi*gOp.i-*-)B ::= 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs +l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. } !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-* ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 +l-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex.-!el-1a.i-* 'l-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex.-!el-1a.i-* } !4-P2CPC-*.ex.!el-1a.i-*Lis. ::= !4-S.-pC-*.i*'e ::= !4-9i.,P2CP-I*0- ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 p+1p-SN-I*0} !4-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis. ::= !e1ei&i*g9i*+-8SiGe ::=

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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

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!3C2?:C-I*0- ::= 0-MAF-PE!IO2 0-MAF-TIME max-6EA2E!


Release !

( 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

.1p-SPACE INTE E! "(##2??% 2E3AULT 1?, *-*-TCP-SPACE INTE E! "(##$??(?% 2E3AULT 1?, -- TA4ULA!: expe1.!e-)+e)i*g ,as -*l5 .8- p-ssi/le &al'es, s- 'si*g Op.i-*al -) 2e0a'l. -- 8-'l+ /e 8as.e0'l expe1.!e-)+e)i*g Expe1.!e-)+e)i*g SEQUENCE { !O6C-P)-0ileLis.-)@, UL-!3C(:A?-)@ 2L-!3C(:A?-)@ SEQUENCE { UL-!LC-M-+e 2L-!LC-M-+e SEQUENCE { UL-!LC-M-+e 2L-!LC-M-+e-)? 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { UL-!LC-M-+e 2L-!LC-M-+e-)$ 4OOLEAN, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { UL-!LC-M-+e 2L-!LC-M-+e-)C 4OOLEAN, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { UL-!LC-M-+e 2L-!LC-M-+e-)11 4OOLEAN, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { 2L-UM-!LC-LI-siGe, UM-!LC-O'.OSe;2eli&e)5-I*0--)$ SEQUENCE { 2L-UM-!LC-LI-siGe SEQUENCE { 2L-UM-!LC-LI-siGe, UM-!LC-2'plA&-i+-!e-)+-I*0--)$ C6OICE { !LC-I*0-, !4-I+e*.i.5 C6OICE { !LC-I*0--)?, !4-I+e*.i.5 C6OICE { !LC-I*0--)$, !4-I+e*.i.5 C6OICE { !LC-I*0--)C,

!3C(:A?-I*0--)@ ::= )-,1P)-0ileLis. 'l-!3C(:A? +l-!3C(:A? } !LC-I*0- ::= 'l-!LC-M-+e +l-!LC-M-+e } !LC-I*0--)? ::= 'l-!LC-M-+e +l-!LC-M-+e )l1-O*eSi+e+!eEs. } !LC-I*0--)$ ::= 'l-!LC-M-+e +l-!LC-M-+e )l1-O*eSi+e+!eEs. al.E-/i.I*.e)p)e.a.i-* } !LC-I*0--)C ::= 'l-!LC-M-+e +l-!LC-M-+e )l1-O*eSi+e+!eEs. al.E-/i.I*.e)p)e.a.i-* 'seSpe1ialEal'eO06E3iel+ } !LC-I*0--)11 ::= 'l-!LC-M-+e +l-!LC-M-+e )l1-O*eSi+e+!eEs. al.E-/i.I*.e)p)e.a.i-* 'seSpe1ialEal'eO06E3iel+ }







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Release !

( '
!4-I+e*.i.5 C6OICE { !LC-I*0--)11, !4-I+e*.i.5 O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!LC-I*0-C,-i1e-)11 ::= )l1-I*0same-as-!4 } !LC-P2U-SiGe ::=

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SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!LCP2UsiGePe)L-gC,a*%% O3 !LC-P2U-SiGe INTE E! ":##@:A?% SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##maxT3% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 !LC-SiGeI*0INTE E! "1##(% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!O6C-P)-0ile-)@%% !O6C-P)-0ile-)@ INTE E! "2##1?::% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!O6C-Pa17e.SiGes-)@%% !O6C-Pa17e.SiGe-)@ O3 O3

S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) )/-I+e*.i.5 is .,e smalles. &al'e *-. 'se+ 5e.# )/-I+e*.i.5 !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-I*0-C,-i1e !LC-I*0-C,-i1e, )/-Mappi*gI*0!4-Mappi*gI*0} S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)? ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) )/-I+e*.i.5 is .,e smalles. &al'e *-. 'se+ 5e.# )/-I+e*.i.5 !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-I*0-C,-i1e !LC-I*0-C,-i1e-)?, )/-Mappi*gI*0!4-Mappi*gI*0--)? } S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) )/-I+e*.i.5 is .,e smalles. &al'e *-. 'se+ 5e.# )/-I+e*.i.5 !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-I*0-C,-i1e !LC-I*0-C,-i1e-)$, )/-Mappi*gI*0!4-Mappi*gI*0--)$ } S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) )/-I+e*.i.5 is .,e smalles. &al'e *-. 'se+ 5e.# )/-I+e*.i.5 !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-I*0-C,-i1e !LC-I*0-C,-i1e-)C, )/-Mappi*gI*0!4-Mappi*gI*0--)C } S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) )/-I+e*.i.5 is .,e smalles. &al'e *-. 'se+ 5e.# )/-I+e*.i.5 !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-I*0-C,-i1e !LC-I*0-C,-i1e-)C, )/-Mappi*gI*0!4-Mappi*gI*0--)B } S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) )/-I+e*.i.5 is .,e smalles. &al'e *-. 'se+ 5e.# )/-I+e*.i.5 !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-I*0-C,-i1e !LC-I*0-C,-i1e-)11,


Release !

( "

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2 ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)$ ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)C ::= S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.2-)B ::= Time)2A!-)$ ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)11 SEQUENCE "SIME "(##@%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p SEQUENCE "SIME "(##@%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "(##@%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "(##@%% O3 S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'p-)B ENUME!ATE2 { ms@:, msB:, ms12:, ms1$:, ms2@:, ms(2:, ms@B:, ms$@:, msA$:, ms12B:, ms1A2:, ms2?$:, ms(B@:, ms?12: } ENUME!ATE2 { .+:-1, .+:-2?, .+:-?, .+:-C?, .+1, .+1-2?, .+1-?, .+1-C?, .+2, .+2-?, .+(, .+(-?, .+@, .+@-?, .+?, .+C-? } ENUME!ATE2 { .e?:, .e$:, .eC:, .eB:, .eA:, .e1::, .e12:, .e1@:, .e1$:, .e1B:, .e2::, .e(::, .e@::, .e?::, .eC::, .eA:: } ENUME!ATE2 { .e?:, .e$:, .eC:, .eB:, .eA:, .e1::, .e12:, .e1@:, .e1$:, .e1B:, .e2::, .e(::, .e@::, .e?::, .eC::, .eA:: } ENUME!ATE2 { ms@:, msB:, ms12:, ms1$:, ms2@:, ms(2:, ms@B:, ms$@:, msA$:, ms12B:, ms1A2:, ms2?$:, ms(B@:, ms?12: } ENUME!ATE2 { .p1:, .p2:, .p(:, .p@:, .p?:, .p$:, .pC:, .pB:, .pA:, .p1::, .p11:, .p12:, .p1(:, .p1@:, .p1?:, .p1$:, .p1C:, .p1B:, .p1A:, .p2::, .p21:, .p22:, .p2(:, .p2@:, .p2?:, .p2$:, .p2C:, .p2B:, .p2A:, .p(::, .p(1:, .p(2:, .p((:, .p(@:, .p(?:, .p($:, .p(C:, .p(B:, .p(A:, .p@::, .p@1:, .p@2:, .p@(:, .p@@:, .p@?:, .p@$:, .p@C:, .p@B:, .p@A:, .p?::, .p?1:, .p?2:, .p?(:, .p?@:, .p??:, .p$::, .p$?:, .pC::, .pC?:, .pB::, .pB?:, .pA::, .pA?:, .p1::: } ENUME!ATE2 { .pe)1::, .pe)2::, .pe)(::, .pe)@::, .pe)?::, .pe)C?:, .pe)1:::, .pe)2::: } ENUME!ATE2 {

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Time)P-llPe)i-+i1 ::=

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Release !

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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

.pp1:, .pp2:, .pp(:, .pp@:, .pp?:, .pp$:, .ppC:, .ppB:, .ppA:, .pp1::, .pp11:, .pp12:, .pp1(:, .pp1@:, .pp1?:, .pp1$:, .pp1C:, .pp1B:, .pp1A:, .pp2::, .pp21:, .pp22:, .pp2(:, .pp2@:, .pp2?:, .pp2$:, .pp2C:, .pp2B:, .pp2A:, .pp(::, .pp(1:, .pp(2:, .pp((:, .pp(@:, .pp(?:, .pp($:, .pp(C:, .pp(B:, .pp(A:, .pp@::, .pp@1:, .pp@2:, .pp@(:, .pp@@:, .pp@?:, .pp@$:, .pp@C:, .pp@B:, .pp@A:, .pp?::, .pp?1:, .pp?2:, .pp?(:, .pp?@:, .pp??:, .pp$::, .pp$?:, .ppC::, .ppC?:, .ppB::, .ppB?:, .ppA::, .ppA?:, .pp1::: } Time)!e-)+e)i*g ::= Time)!ST ::= ENUME!ATE2 { .)?:, .)1::, .)1?:, .)2::, .)@::, .)$::, .)B::, .)1::: } ENUME!ATE2 { .)?:, .)1::, .)1?:, .)2::, .)2?:, .)(::, .)(?:, .)@::, .)@?:, .)?::, .)??:, .)$::, .)C::, .)B::, .)A::, .)1::: } ENUME!ATE2 { .sp1::, .sp2::, .sp(::, .sp@::, .sp?::, .spC?:, .sp1:::, .sp2::: } ENUME!ATE2 { .sp1:,.sp2:,.sp(:,.sp@:,.sp?:, .sp$:,.spC:,.spB:,.spA:,.sp1::, .sp11:,.sp12:,.sp1(:,.sp1@:,.sp1?:, .sp1$:,.sp1C:,.sp1B:,.sp1A:,.sp2::, .sp21:,.sp22:,.sp2(:,.sp2@:,.sp2?:, .sp2$:,.sp2C:,.sp2B:,.sp2A:,.sp(::, .sp(1:,.sp(2:,.sp((:,.sp(@:,.sp(?:, .sp($:,.sp(C:,.sp(B:,.sp(A:,.sp@::, .sp@1:,.sp@2:,.sp@(:,.sp@@:,.sp@?:, .sp@$:,.sp@C:,.sp@B:,.sp@A:,.sp?::, .sp?1:,.sp?2:,.sp?(:,.sp?@:,.sp??:, .sp$::,.sp$?:,.spC::,.spC?:,.spB::, .spB?:,.spA::,.spA?:,.sp1::: } C6OICE { Expli1i.2is1a)+, N-Expli1i.2is1a)+, Max2AT-!e.)a*smissi-*s, Max2AT ENUME!ATE2 { .81, .8B, .81$, .8(2, .8$@, .812B, .82?$, .8?12, .8C$B, .81:2@, .81?($, .82:@C, .82?$:, .8(:C2, .8(?B@, .8@:A? }

Time)S.a.'sPe)i-+i1 ::=

Time)S.a.'sP)-,i/i. ::=

T)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+ ::= .ime)4ase+Expli1i. .ime)4ase+N-Expli1i. max2AT-!e.)a*smissi-*s *-2is1a)+ } T)a*smissi-*9i*+-8SiGe ::=

-- A1.'al /i. )a.e pe) ea1, &al'e is +e0i*e+ i* R$2S a*+ R$(S UL-AM!-!a.e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { .:, .1, .2, .(, .@, .?, .$, .C, .B, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } UL-AM-!LC-M-+e ::= .)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+ .)a*smissi-*9i*+-8SiGe .ime)!ST max-!ST p-lli*gI*0} UL-C-'*.e)S5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0- ::= )4-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis. s.a).Lis. } SEQUENCE { T)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+, T)a*smissi-*9i*+-8SiGe, Time)!ST, Max!ST, P-lli*gI*0SEQUENCE { !4-9i.,P2CP-I*0-Lis. STA!TLis.



UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 1-*.ai*s T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 as 8ell# 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe, l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-SiGeLis. C6OICE { allSiGes NULL, 1-*0ig')e+ NULL,


Release !
expli1i.Lis. }, ma1-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5

( )
!LC-SiGeExpli1i.Lis. MAC-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-T)C6-T5pe C6OICE { +1,-)a1,-'s1, SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 1-*.ai*s T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 as 8ell# 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe, l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-SiGeLis. C6OICE { allSiGes NULL, 1-*0ig')e+ NULL, expli1i.Lis. !LC-SiGeExpli1i.Lis. } }, e-+1, SEQUENCE { l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5, e-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ++i 22I, )l1-P2U-SiGeLis. !LC-P2U-SiGeLis., i*1l'+eI*S1,e+'li*gI*04OOLEAN } }, ma1-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5 MAC-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5 } UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)B ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-T)C6-T5pe C6OICE { +1,-)a1,-'s1, SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 1-*.ai*s T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 as 8ell# 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe, l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, )l1-SiGeLis. C6OICE { allSiGes NULL, 1-*0ig')e+ NULL, expli1i.Lis. !LC-SiGeExpli1i.Lis. } }, e-+1, SEQUENCE { l-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5 L-gi1alC,a**elI+e*.i.5, e-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, )l1-P2U-SiGe C6OICE { 0ixe+SiGe SEQUENCE { ++i 22I, )l1-P2U-SiGeLis. !LC-P2U-SiGeLis. }, 0lexi/leSiGe !LC-P2U-SiGeC-*s.)ai*. }, i*1l'+eI*S1,e+'li*gI*04OOLEAN } }, ma1-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5 MAC-L-gi1alC,a**elP)i-)i.5 } UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. ::= SEQUENCE { -- )l1-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gI*+i1a.-) s,all /e se. .- T!UE i* .,is &e)si-* -- -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* )l1-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g SEQUENCE "SIME "maxL-C6pe)!LC%% O3 UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g } UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- )l1-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gI*+i1a.-) s,all /e se. .- T!UE i* .,is &e)si-* -- -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* )l1-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g SEQUENCE "SIME "maxL-C6pe)!LC%% O3 UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)$ } UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis.-)B ::= SEQUENCE { -- )l1-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gI*+i1a.-) s,all /e se. .- T!UE i* .,is &e)si-* -- -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* )l1-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 'l-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g SEQUENCE "SIME "maxL-C6pe)!LC%% O3 UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)B


Release !
} UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs ::= -*eL-gi1alC,a**el .8-L-gi1alC,a**els } UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs-)$ ::= -*eL-gi1alC,a**el .8-L-gi1alC,a**els } UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gs-)B ::= -*eL-gi1alC,a**el .8-L-gi1alC,a**els }

( *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C6OICE { UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g, UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis. C6OICE { UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)$, UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis.-)$ C6OICE { UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*g-)B, UL-L-gi1alC,a**elMappi*gLis.-)B

UL-!3C(:A?-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm51 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ s,all /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm51 CI2-I*1l'si-*I*0--)@, max-CI2 INTE E! "1##1$(B(% 2E3AULT 1?, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 !O6C-Pa17e.SiGeLis.-)@ } UL-!LC-M-+e ::= 'l-AM-!LC-M-+e 'l-UM-!LC-M-+e 'l-TM-!LC-M-+e spa)e } UL-TM-!LC-M-+e ::= .)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+ segme*.a.i-*I*+i1a.i-* } UL-UM-!LC-M-+e ::= .)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+ } C6OICE { UL-AM-!LC-M-+e, UL-UM-!LC-M-+e, UL-TM-!LC-M-+e, NULL SEQUENCE { T)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+ 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { T)a*smissi-*!LC-2is1a)+



UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe ::= C6OICE { +1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, )a1, NULL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 NULL, 's1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } UM-!LC-2'plA&-i+-!e-)+-I*0--)$ ::= .ime)-2A! 8i+-8SiGe-2A! } UM-!LC-O'.OSe;2eli&e)5-I*0--)$ ::= .ime)-OS2 8i*+-8SiGe-OS2 } 9i*+-8SiGe2A!-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { Time)2A!-)$, 9i*+-8SiGe2A!-)$ SEQUENCE { Time)OS2-)$ 9i*+-8SiGeOS2-)$ ENUME!ATE2 { 8s@, 8sB, 8s1$, 8s(2, 8s@:, 8s@B, 8s?$, 8s$@ } ENUME!ATE2 { 8sB, 8s1$, 8s(2, 8s@:, 8s@B, 8s?$, 8s$@ }


9i*+-8SiGeOS2-)$ ::=

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --T!ANSPO!T C6ANNEL IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#?% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A++O)!e1-*0MAC-+3l-8 ::= ma1-,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. ma1-,s-2elQ'e'e-Lis. SEQUENCE { MAC-,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. MAC-,s-2elQ'e'e-Lis. OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


Release !

( +

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-e,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 MAC-e,s-2el!e-)+Q-Lis. OPTIONAL } A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q-)A ::= ma1-e,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. } SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL

A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q-T2212B-&A1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-e,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. OPTIONAL } A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q-)11 ::= ma1-e,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. } All-8e+T3C-Lis. ::= All-8e+T3I-Lis. ::= 4i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0siGeT5pe1 -- A1.'al &al'e siGeT5pe2 pa).1 pa).2 }, -- A1.'al &al'e siGeT5pe( pa).1 pa).2 }, -- A1.'al &al'e siGeT5pe@ pa).1 pa).2 } } ::= SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis.-)11 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 T3C-Eal'e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 INTE E! ":##(1% C6OICE { INTE E! ":##12C%, siGeT5pe2 = "pa).1 > B% N 12B N pa).2 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1?%, INTE E! "1##C% siGeT5pe( = "pa).1 > 1$% N 2?$ N pa).2 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##@C%, INTE E! "1##1?% siGeT5pe@ = "pa).1 > $@% N 1:2@ N pa).2 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$2%, INTE E! "1##$(% OPTIONAL




-- A1.'al &al'e 4LE!-Q'ali.5Eal'e = IE &al'e > :#1 4LE!-Q'ali.5Eal'e ::= INTE E! "-$(##:% C,a**elC-+i*gT5pe ::= C6OICE { -- *-C-+i*g is -*l5 'se+ 0-) T22 i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- -.,e)8ise i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ *-C-+i*g NULL, 1-*&-l'.i-*al C-+i*g!a.e, .')/NULL } C-+i*g!a.e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { ,al0, .,i)+ }

C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8 ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ma1-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se., ma1-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s, ma1-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. e-+1,-ma1-+-0l-8-)e.)a*smissi-*-.ime) E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8!e.)a*sTime) } C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. ::=


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8%% O3 C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8

C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8-I*0--C-*1'))e*.TTI ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ma1-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. OPTIONAL, ma1-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8-I*0--Lis.-C-*1'))e*.TTI ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8%% O3 C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8-I*0--C-*1'))e*.TTI

C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { )l1-SiGe C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe2 O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe2 }, .++ SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*T22-C,-i1e C6OICE { /i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*04i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-, -1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 } } }, *'m/e)O0T/SiGeLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 N'm/e)O0T)a*sp-).4l-17s, l-gi1alC,a**elLis. L-gi1alC,a**elLis. } C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0--25*ami1TTI ::= SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*T22-C,-i1e C6OICE { /i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*04i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-, -1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 }, *'m/e)O0T/SiGeA*+TTILis. N'm/e)O0T/SiGeA*+TTILis., l-gi1alC,a**elLis. L-gi1alC,a**elLis. } C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-

C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis.-25*ami1TTI ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0--25*ami1TTI C-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S ::= ..i ..i1: ..i2: ..i@: ..iB: +5*ami1 }, semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-* } C-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S-LC! ::= ..i ..i? ..i1: ..i2: ..i@: ..iB: +5*ami1 }, semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-* } C-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'e ::= ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ .1-!eleaseTime) )e-)+e)i*g!ese.Time) ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis.-25*ami1TTI Semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { C6OICE { C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., C-mm-*25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis.-25*ami1TTI Semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+, T1-!eleaseTime), T)ese.-!ese.Time) MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe


C-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'eLis. ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxC-mm-*Q'e'eI2%% O3 C-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'e

C-*1'))e*.-2epl-5me*.-2ms-1:ms-TTI ::= SEQUENCE { ..i-sele1.i-* C6OICE { 0ixe+ SEQUENCE { 0ixe+-TTI-Sele1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { ..i2, ..i1: } }, .,)es,-l+-/ase+ SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*-E-2C6-TTI-Sele1.i-*-T,)es, INTE E! ":##1?% } }, 1-*1'))e*.-TTI-Pa).i.i-*-I*+ex INTE E! ":##maxE2C6s-1%,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



CPC6-Se.I2 ::= C!C-SiGe ::= 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0- ::= )l1-SiGe /i.M-+e -1.e.M-+eT5pe1 }, *'m/e)O0T/SiGeLis. l-gi1alC,a**elLis. }

INTE E! "1##maxCPC6se.s% ENUME!ATE2 { 1)1:, 1)1B, 1)112, 1)11$, 1)12@ } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { 4i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-, O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 N'm/e)O0T)a*sp-).4l-17s, L-gi1alC,a**elLis.

2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0--25*ami1TTI ::= SEQUENCE { )l1-SiGe C6OICE { /i.M-+e 4i.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-, -1.e.M-+eT5pe1 O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 }, *'m/e)O0T/SiGeA*+TTILis. N'm/e)O0T/SiGeA*+TTILis., l-gi1alC,a**elLis. L-gi1alC,a**elLis. } 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-

2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis.-25*ami1TTI ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0--25*ami1TTI 2e+i1a.e+T)a*sC,T3S ::= ..i ..i1: ..i2: ..i@: ..iB: +5*ami1 }, semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-* } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis., 2e+i1a.e+25*ami1T3-I*0-Lis.-25*ami1TTI Semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-*

-- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-2Lis. se;'e*1e is 1$ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-2Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*2 -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. se;'e*1e is 1$ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-* -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ se;'e*1e is 1$ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? se;'e*1e is 1$ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)? -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C se;'e*1e is 1$ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)C 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)A

2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-&A1:ex. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 -- ASN#1 0-) IE JA++e+ -) !e1-*0ig')e+ 2L T)C6 i*0-)ma.i-*J -- i* 1ase -0 messages -.,e) .,a*: !a+i- 4ea)e) !elease message a*+ -- !a+i- 4ea)e) !e1-*0ig')a.i-* message 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)C6-T5pe,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

+l-.)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e C6OICE { expli1i.-1-*0ig T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., sameAsULT)C6 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 }, +1,-Q'ali.5Ta)ge. Q'ali.5Ta)ge. -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 TM-Sig*alli*gI*0SEQUENCE { 2L-T)C6-T5pe, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, C6OICE { T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 Q'ali.5Ta)ge. SEQUENCE { 2L-T)C6-T5peI+1-)?, C6OICE { T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, 6S2SC6-I*0Q'ali.5Ta)ge.


2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ ::= +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe +l-.)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e expli1i.-1-*0ig sameAsULT)C6 }, +1,-Q'ali.5Ta)ge. } 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)? ::= +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e expli1i.-1-*0ig sameAsULT)C6 ,s+s1, }, +1,-Q'ali.5Ta)ge. }



2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= SEQUENCE { +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)C6-T5peI+1-)?, .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e C6OICE { expli1i.-1-*0ig T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., sameAsULT)C6 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, ,s+s1, 6S2SC6-I*0--)C }, +1,-Q'ali.5Ta)ge. Q'ali.5Ta)ge. } 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= SEQUENCE { +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)C6-T5peI+1-)?, .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e C6OICE { expli1i.-1-*0ig T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., sameAsULT)C6 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, ,s+s1, 6S2SC6-I*0--)A }, +1,-Q'ali.5Ta)ge. Q'ali.5Ta)ge. } 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-&A1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ,s+s1, 6S2SC6-I*0--T2212B-&A1:ex. }




2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)C6-T5peI+1-)?, .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e C6OICE { expli1i.-1-*0ig T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., sameAsULT)C6 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, ,s+s1, 6S2SC6-I*0--)11 }, +1,-Q'ali.5Ta)ge. Q'ali.5Ta)ge. } -- ASN#1 0-) IE JA++e+ -) !e1-*0ig')e+ 2L T)C6 i*0-)ma.i-*J -- i* 1ase -0 !a+i- 4ea)e) !elease message a*+ -- !a+i- 4ea)e) !e1-*0ig')a.i-* message 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*2 ::= SEQUENCE { +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 2L-T)C6-T5pe, .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, .0s-Sig*alli*gM-+e C6OICE { expli1i.-1-*0ig T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., sameAsULT)C6 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 }, ;'ali.5Ta)ge. Q'ali.5Ta)ge. }




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { s11p1,-T3CS T3CS OPTIONAL, -- m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0- s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al# A *e8 &e)si-* -0 .,is IE s,-'l+ /e +e0i*e+ -- .- /e 'se+ i* la.e) &e)si-*s -0 messages 'si*g .,is IE m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-Pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { +l-2C6-T3CS T3CS, sameAsUL NULL } OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. I*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL } } } 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { s11p1,-T3CS T3CS OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-Pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { +l-2C6-T3CS SEQUENCE { .01s T3CS OPTIONAL }, sameAsUL NULL } OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. I*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL } 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. ::= 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? ::= 2L-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C ::= 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 ::= +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5-)? ::= +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe } 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5-)C ::= +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5-)C SEQUENCE { 2L-T)C6-T5pe, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { 2L-T)C6-T5peI+2-)? SEQUENCE { 2L-T)C6-T5peI+2-)C

-- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ 2L-T)C6-T5pe ::= ENUME!ATE2 {+1,, +s1,} 2L-T)C6-T5peI+1-)? ::= C6OICE { +1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, ,s+s1, NULL } 2L-T)C6-T5peI+2-)? ::= C6OICE { +1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, ,s+s1, MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 } 2L-T)C6-T5peI+2-)C ::= C6OICE {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

+1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- T,e 1,-i1e J+s1,J s,-'l+ *-. /e 'se+ i* 322 m-+e, a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +s1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, ,s+s1, C6OICE { ma1-,s MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ma1-e,s MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+ } } 2!AC-ClassI+e*.i.5 ::= 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-* ::= .)a*smissi-*TimeEali+i.5 .ime2')a.i-*4e0-)e!e.)5 +)a1-ClassI+e*.i.5 } 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= INTE E! "1##max2!AC1lasses% SEQUENCE { T)a*smissi-*TimeEali+i.5, Time2')a.i-*4e0-)e!e.)5, 2!AC-ClassI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*

E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8 ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ma1-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. ma1-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s ma1-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. .)a*smissi-* )a*.T5pe C6OICE { *-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0SEQUENCE { maxMAC-e-P2UC-*.e*.s INTE E! "1##1AAB2%, ms2-N-*S1,e+T)a*sm )a*.6A!QAll-1 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% }, s1,e+'le+T)a*smissi-* )a*.I*0NULL } OPTIONAL }



E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8-)C ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, ma1-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. OPTIONAL, ma1-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s OPTIONAL, ma1-+-3l-8!e.)a*sTime) E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8!e.)a*sTime) OPTIONAL, ma1-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. OPTIONAL, .)a*smissi-* )a*.T5pe C6OICE { *-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { maxMAC-e-P2UC-*.e*.s INTE E! "1##1AAB2%, ms2-N-*S1,e+T)a*sm )a*.6A!QAll-1 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } }, s1,e+'le+T)a*smissi-* )a*.I*0NULL } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8%% O3 E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8 E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8%% O3 E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8-)C E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 ::= E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Max!e.)a*s ::= INTE E! ":##maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8-1% INTE E! ":##1?% "SIME "maxE-2C6MAC+3l-8%%

E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8M'l.iplexi*gLis. ::= 4IT ST!IN E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8P-8e)O00se. ::= E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8!e.)a*sTime) ::=

INTE E! ":##$% ENUME!ATE2 { ms1:, ms1?, ms2:, ms2?, ms(:, ms(?, ms@:, ms@?, ms?:, ms??, ms$:, ms$?, msC:, msC?, msB:, msB?, msA:, msA?, ms1::, ms11:, ms12:, ms1@:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:, ms2B:, ms(2:, ms@::, ms@B:, ms?$: } ENUME!ATE2 { ..i2, ..i1: } C6OICE {

E-2C6-TTI ::= Expli1i.T3CS-C-*0ig')a.i-* ::=


Release !
1-mple.e a++i.i-* )em-&al )epla1eme*. .01s!em-&al .01sA++ } ai*3a1.-) ::= ai*3a1.-)I*0-)ma.i-* ::= sig*alle+ ai*3a1.-)s 1-mp'.e+ ai*3a1.-)s } 6S2SC6-I*0- ::= ,a);I*0a++O)!e1-*0MAC-+3l-8 } 6S2SC6-I*0--)C ::= ,a);I*0+l-MAC-6ea+e)T5pe ma1-,s ma1-e,s } OPTIONAL } 6S2SC6-I*0--)A ::= ,a);I*0+l-MAC-6ea+e)T5pe ma1-,s ma1-e,s } OPTIONAL } 6S2SC6-I*0--T2212B-&A1:ex. ::= ma1-e,s } 6S2SC6-I*0--)11 ::= ,a);I*0+l-MAC-6ea+e)T5pe ma1-,s ma1-e,s } OPTIONAL } 6A!Q-I*0- ::= *'m/e)O0P)-1esses mem-)5Pa).i.i-*i*g impli1i. expli1i. } } 6A!Q-I*0--)C ::= *'m/e)O0P)-1esses

T3CS-!e1-*0A++, T3CS-!e1-*0A++, T3CS-!em-&alLis., SEQUENCE { T3CS-!em-&alLis., T3CS-!e1-*0A++

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

INTE E! ":##1?% C6OICE { Sig*alle+ ai*3a1.-)s, !e0e)e*1eT3C-I2 SEQUENCE { 6A!Q-I*0A++O)!e1-*0MAC-+3l-8


SEQUENCE { 6A!Q-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, C6OICE { A++O)!e1-*0MAC-+3l-8, A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q

SEQUENCE { 6A!Q-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, C6OICE { A++O)!e1-*0MAC-+3l-8, A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q-)A

SEQUENCE { A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q-T2212B-&A1:ex. SEQUENCE { 6A!Q-I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, C6OICE { A++O)!e1-*0MAC-+3l-8, A++O)!e1-*0MAC-e,s-!e-)+Q-)11


SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##B%, C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe

SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { *1, *2, *(, *@, *?, *$, *C, *B, *12, *1@, *1$ }, mem-)5Pa).i.i-*i*g C6OICE { impli1i. NULL, expli1i. SEQUENCE { mem-)5SiGe SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe, a++i.i-*alMem-)5SiGes3-)MIMO SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe OPTIONAL } } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { *1, *2, *(, *@, *?, *$, *C, *B, *12, *1@, *1$, *2@, *2B, *(2 }, C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE {

} 6A!Q-I*0--)11 ::= *'m/e)O0P)-1esses mem-)5Pa).i.i-*i*g impli1i. expli1i.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe, a++i.i-*alMem-)5SiGes3-)MIMO SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMem-)5SiGesT,i)+MIMOS.)eam SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMem-)5SiGes3-').,MIMOS.)eam SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6P)-1esses%% O3 6A!QMem-)5SiGe OPTIONAL } } 6A!QMem-)5SiGe ::= ENUME!ATE2 { ,msB::, ,ms1$::, ,ms2@::, ,ms(2::, ,ms@:::, ,ms@B::, ,ms?$::, ,ms$@::, ,msC2::, ,msB:::, ,msBB::, ,msA$::, ,ms1:@::, ,ms112::, ,ms12:::, ,ms12B::, ,ms1($::, ,ms1@@::, ,ms1?2::, ,ms1$:::, ,ms1C$::, ,ms1A2::, ,ms2:B::, ,ms22@::, ,ms2@:::, ,ms2?$::, ,ms2C2::, ,ms2BB::, ,ms(:@::, ,ms(2:::, ,ms($:::, ,ms@::::, ,ms@@:::, ,ms@B:::, ,ms?2:::, ,ms?$:::, ,ms$::::, ,ms$@:::, ,ms$B:::, ,msC2:::, ,msC$:::, ,msB::::, ,msBB:::, ,msA$:::, ,ms1:@:::, ,ms112:::, ,ms12::::, ,ms12B:::, ,ms1($:::, ,ms1@@:::, ,ms1?2:::, ,ms1$::::, ,ms1C$:::, ,ms1A2:::, ,ms2:B:::, ,ms22@:::, ,ms2@::::, ,ms2?$:::, ,ms2C2:::, ,ms2BB:::, ,ms(:@::: } SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5, C6OICE { T3CS, T3CS-I+e*.i.5 }

I*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0- ::= +l-T3CS-I+e*.i.5 .01s-Sig*alli*gM-+e expli1i.-1-*0ig sameAsUL } } I*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. ::= I*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0- ::= 'l-T3CS-I+e*.i.5 'l-T3CS .01-S'/se. } I*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. ::= L-gi1alC,a**el45!4 ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 l-gC,O0!/ } L-gi1alC,a**elLis. ::= allSiGes 1-*0ig')e+ expli1i.Lis. } MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.52C6a*+6S2SC6 ::= +1,-.)a*sp-).-1,-i+ ,s+s1,-ma1-+-0l-8-i+ } MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 ::= MAC-+-P2U-SiGeI*0--Lis. ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 I*+i&i+'al2L-CCT)C6-I*0SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5, T3CS , T3C-S'/se. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 I*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, INTE E! ":##1% C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1?%% O3 L-gi1alC,a**el45!4 SEQUENCE { T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 INTE E! ":##C% SEQUENCE "SIME"1## maxMAC-+-P2UsiGes%% O3 MAC-+-P2UsiGeI*0-


--MAC-+-P+' siGes *ee+ .- /e +e0i*e+ MAC-+-P2UsiGeI*0- ::= SEQUENCE{ ma1-+-P2U-SiGe INTE E! "1##?:::%, ma1-+-P2U-I*+ex INTE E!":##C% } MAC-,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e


Release !
MAC-,s-A++!e1-*0Q'e'e ::= ma1-,sQ'e'eI+ ma1-+3l-8I+ )e-)+e)i*g!eleaseTime) ma1-,s9i*+-8SiGe ma1-+-P2U-SiGeI*0--Lis. } MAC-,s-2elQ'e'e-Lis. ::= MAC-,s-2elQ'e'e ::= ma1-,sQ'e'eI+ } MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis. ::=

SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##C%, MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5, T1-!eleaseTime), MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe, MAC-+-P2U-SiGeI*0--Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-,s-2elQ'e'e SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##C% SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis.-)A ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-)A MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-T2212B-&A1:ex. MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-Lis.-)11 ::= MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q ::= ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ )e-)+e)i*g!eleaseTime) )e-)+e)i*g!ese.Time) ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe } MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-)A ::= ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ )e-)+e)i*g!eleaseTime) )e-)+e)i*g!ese.Time) ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe } SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-)11

SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+, T1-!eleaseTime), T)ese.-!ese.Time) MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+, T1-!eleaseTime), T)ese.-!ese.Time) MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe-)A



MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-T2212B-&A1:ex. ::= ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe-ex.e*si-* } MAC-e,s-A++!e1-*0!e-)+Q-)11 ::= ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ )e-)+e)i*g!eleaseTime) )e-)+e)i*g!ese.Time) ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 ma1-e,s9i*+-8SiGe-ex.e*si-* } MAC-e,s-2el!e-)+Q-Lis. ::= MAC-e,s-2el!e-)+Q ::= ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ } MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+2C6a*+6S2SC6 ::= +1,-.)a*sp-).-1,-i+ ,s+s1,-ma1-e,s-Q'e'eI+ } MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+ ::= MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe ::= MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe-)A ::=

SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-9i*+-8SiGe-T2212B-&A1:ex.


SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+, T1-!eleaseTime), T)ese.-!ese.Time) MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe-)11, MAC-e,s-9i*+-8SiGe-T2212B-&A1:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxQ'e'eI2s%% O3 MAC-e,s-2el!e-)+Q SEQUENCE { MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+ SEQUENCE { T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, MAC-e,s-Q'e'eI+ INTE E! ":##C%


ENUME!ATE2 { m8s@, m8s$, m8sB, m8s12, m8s1$, m8s2@, m8s(2 } ENUME!ATE2 { m8s@, m8s$, m8sB, m8s12, m8s1$, m8s2@, m8s(2, m8$@, m812B } ENUME!ATE2 { m8sA$, m8s1$:, m8s1A2, m8s2?$ }

MAC-e,s-9i*+-8SiGe-T2212B-&A1:ex. ::=


Release !
MAC-,s-9i*+-8SiGe-)11 ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ENUME!ATE2 { m8s@, m8s$, m8sB, m8s12, m8s1$, m8s2@, m8s(2, m8s$@, m8s12B, m8s2?$, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3%% O3 SEQUENCE { N'm/e)O0T)a*sp-).4l-17s, T)a*smissi-*TimeI*.e)&al ENUME!ATE2 { .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 T3C-Eal'e C6OICE { NULL, NULL, INTE E! "2##1C%, INTE E! "1B##?12%

N'm/e)O0T/SiGeA*+TTILis. ::= *'m/e)O0T)a*sp-).4l-17s .)a*smissi-*TimeI*.e)&al } MessT5pe ::= N-*-all-8e+T3C-Lis. ::= N'm/e)O0T)a*sp-).4l-17s ::= Ge)-*e small la)ge }

O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe1 ::= C6OICE { -- A1.'al siGe = "B > siGeT5pe1% N 1$ siGeT5pe1 INTE E! ":##(1%, siGeT5pe2 SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al siGe = "(2 > pa).1% N 2C2 N "pa).2 > B% pa).1 INTE E! ":##2(%, pa).2 INTE E! "1##(% }, siGeT5pe( SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al siGe = "$@ > pa).1% N 1:@: N "pa).2 > B% pa).1 INTE E! ":##$1%, pa).2 INTE E! "1##C% } } O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe2 ::= C6OICE { -- A1.'al siGe = "siGeT5pe1 > B% N @B siGeT5pe1 INTE E! ":##(1%, -- A1.'al siGe = "siGeT5pe2 > 1$% N (12 siGeT5pe2 INTE E! ":##$(%, -- A1.'al siGe = "siGeT5pe( >$@% N 1(B@ siGeT5pe( INTE E! ":##?$% } P-8e)O00se.I*0-S,-). ::= )e0e)e*1eT3C m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ gai*3a1.-)4e.aC }, .++ }, gai*3a1.-)4e.a2 } SEQUENCE { T3C-Eal'e, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { ai*3a1.-) NULL ai*3a1.-)



P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { gai*3a1.-)I*0-)ma.i-* ai*3a1.-)I*0-)ma.i-*, -- P-8e)O00se.Pp-m is al8a5s a/se*. i* T22 p-8e)O00se.Pp-m P-8e)O00se.Pp-m } P-8e)O00se.Pp-m ::= P)e2e0T)a*sC,C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0'l-A++!e1-*0T)C,I*0-Lis. +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0+l-T)C,I*0-Lis. } Q'ali.5Ta)ge. ::= /le)-Q'ali.5Eal'e } !a.eMa.1,i*gA..)i/'.e ::= INTE E! "-?##1:% SEQUENCE { UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. SEQUENCE { 4LE!-Q'ali.5Eal'e INTE E! "1##,i!M%



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!e0e)e*1eT3C-I2 ::= !es.)i1.e+T)C,I*0- ::= 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe )es.)i1.e+T)C,I+e*.i.5 all-8e+T3I-Lis. } !es.)i1.e+T)C,I*0-Lis. ::=

INTE E! ":##(% SEQUENCE { UL-T)C6-T5pe, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, All-8e+T3I-Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 !es.)i1.e+T)C,I*0-


Semis.a.i1T3-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: T)a*smissi-* .ime i*.e)&al ,as /ee* i*1l'+e+ i* .,e IE C-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S# 1,a**elC-+i*gT5pe C,a**elC-+i*gT5pe, )a.eMa.1,i*gA..)i/'.e !a.eMa.1,i*gA..)i/'.e, 1)1-SiGe C!C-SiGe } Sig*alle+ ai*3a1.-)s ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ gai*3a1.-)4e.aC }, .++ }, gai*3a1.-)4e.a2 )e0e)e*1eT3C-I2 } Spli.T3CI-Sig*alli*g ::= spli.T5pe .01i-3iel+2-Le*g., .01i-3iel+1-I*0-)ma.i-* .01i-3iel+2-I*0-)ma.i-* } Spli.T5pe ::= T1-!eleaseTime) ::= SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { ai*3a1.-) NULL ai*3a1.-), !e0e)e*1eT3C-I2 SEQUENCE { Spli.T5pe INTE E! "1##1:% Expli1i.T3CS-C-*0ig')a.i-* T3CI-3iel+2-I*0-)ma.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { ,a)+Spli., l-gi1alSpli. } ENUME!ATE2 { ).1:, ).2:, ).(:, ).@:, ).?:, ).$:, ).C:, ).B:, ).A:, ).1::, ).12:, ).1@:, ).1$:, ).2::, ).(::, ).@:: } C6OICE { T3C-Eal'e, All-8e+T3C-Lis., N-*-all-8e+T3C-Lis., !es.)i1.e+T)C,I*0-Lis., NULL SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxT3Cs'/%% O3 SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL T3C-S'/se. INTE E! ":##1:2(% C6OICE { T3CI-!a*geLis., Expli1i.T3CS-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##1:2(%, T3CS-I*0-3-)2SC6 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6-T3CIg)-'ps%% O3 OPTIONAL


T3C-S'/se. ::= mi*im'mAll-8e+T3C-N'm/e) all-8e+T3C-Lis. *-*-all-8e+T3C-Lis. )es.)i1.e+T)C,I*0-Lis. 0'llT3CS } T3C-S'/se.Lis. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ .++ .01s-I2 } }, .01-S'/se. } T3C-Eal'e ::= T3CI-3iel+2-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= .01i-!a*ge expli1i.-1-*0ig } T3CI-!a*ge ::= maxT3CI3iel+2Eal'e .01s-I*0-3-)2SC6 } T3CI-!a*geLis. ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T3CS ::= C6OICE { *-)malT3CI-Sig*alli*g Expli1i.T3CS-C-*0ig')a.i-*, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 Spli.T3CI-Sig*alli*g } T3CS-I+e*.i.5 ::= .01s-I2 s,a)e+C,a**elI*+i1a.-) } T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* ::= T3CS-I*0-3-)2SC6 ::= 1.012/i. 1.01@/i. 1.01$/i. 1.01B/i. 1.0112/i. 1.011$/i. 1.012@/i. } T3CS-!e1-*0A++ ::= 1.01SiGe 1.0124i. 1.012 p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* }, 1.01@4i. 1.01@ p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* }, 1.01$4i. 1.01$ p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* }, 1.01B4i. 1.01B p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* }, 1.01124i. 1.0112 p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* }, 1.011$4i. 1.011$ p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* }, 1.012@4i. 1.012@ p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* } } } T3CS-!em-&al ::= .01i } T3CS-!em-&alLis. ::= Time2')a.i-*4e0-)e!e.)5 ::= SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* 4OOLEAN INTE E! "1##B% C6OICE { INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE E! E! E! E! E! E! E! ":##(%, ":##1?%, ":##$(%, ":##2??%, ":##@:A?%, ":##$??(?%, ":##1$CCC21?% 2E3AULT 1,

SEQUENCE{ C6OICE{ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1?%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##2??%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##@:A?%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##$??(?%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##1$CCC21?%, P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL

SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1:2(% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3C%% O3 T3CS-!em-&al INTE E! "1##2?$%

TM-Sig*alli*gI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { messT5pe MessT5pe, .m-Sig*alli*gM-+e C6OICE { m-+e1 NULL, m-+e2 SEQUENCE { -- i* 'l-1-*.)-lle+T)C,Lis., T)C6-T5pe is al8a5s 2C6 'l-1-*.)-lle+T)C,Lis. UL-C-*.)-lle+T)C,Lis. } } }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T)a*smissi-*TimeI*.e)&al ::= T)a*smissi-*TimeEali+i.5 ::= T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { ..i1:, ..i2:, ..i@:, ..iB: } INTE E! "1##2?$% INTE E! "1##(2%

T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.52C6a*+2SC6 ::= SEQUENCE { +1,-.)a*sp-).-1,-i+ T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, +s1,-.)a*sp-).-1,-i+ T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. ::= +e+i1a.e+T)a*sC,T3S 1-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S } T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se.-LC! ::= +e+i1a.e+T)a*sC,T3S 1-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S-LC! } T)ese.-!ese.Time) ::= C6OICE { 2e+i1a.e+T)a*sC,T3S, C-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S C6OICE { 2e+i1a.e+T)a*sC,T3S, C-mm-*T)a*sC,T3S-LC! ENUME!ATE2 { ).1, ).2, ).(, ).@ }

-- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. se;'e*1e is 1$ UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6p)e1-*0%% O3 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-* -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ se;'e*1e is (2 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C se;'e*1e is (2 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)C -- T,e maxim'm all-8e+ siGe -0 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B se;'e*1e is (2 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)B UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)C6-T5pe, .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. } UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= C6OICE { +1,-'s1, SEQUENCE { 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)C6-T5pe, .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. }, e-+1, SEQUENCE { ..i E-2C6-TTI, ,a);-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { )&:, )&.a/le }, a++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. } }


UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= C6OICE { +1,-'s1, SEQUENCE { 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)C6-T5pe, .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. }, e-+1, SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ..i E-2C6-TTI }, .++ NULL }, ,a);-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { )&:, )&.a/le }, a++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis.-)C }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= C6OICE { +1,-'s1, SEQUENCE { 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)C6-T5pe, .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. }, e-+1, SEQUENCE { 'l-MAC-6ea+e)T5pe ENUME!ATE2 { ma1-iis } m-+eSpe1i0i1 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ..i E-2C6-TTI }, .++ NULL }, ,a);-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { )&:, )&.a/le }, a++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. E-2C6-A++!e1-*0-MAC-+-3l-8Lis.-)C } }



UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: .01-s'/se. is appli1a/le .- 322 -*l5, T22 spe1i0ies .01-s'/se. i* i*+i&i+'al -- CCT)C6 I*0-# .01-S'/se. T3C-S'/se. OPTIONAL, p)a1,-T3CS T3CS OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-T3CS T3CS }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. } } UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: .01-s'/se. is appli1a/le .- 322 -*l5, T22 spe1i0ies .01-s'/se. i* i*+i&i+'al -- CCT)C6 I*0-# .01-S'/se. T3C-S'/se. OPTIONAL, p)a1,-T3CS T3CS OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-T3CS T3CS }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. I*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, .01-S'/se.Lis. T3C-S'/se.Lis. OPTIONAL } -- I* UL-C-*.)-lle+T)C,Lis., T)C6-T5pe is al8a5s 2C6 UL-C-*.)-lle+T)C,Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. ::= UL-2ele.e+T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ ::= UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 ::= 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5-)$ SEQUENCE { UL-T)C6-T5pe, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } I*+i&i+'alUL-CCT)C6-I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

UL-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5-)$ ::= C6OICE { +1,-'s1, SEQUENCE { 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elT5pe UL-T)C6-T5pe, 'l-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 }, e-+1, E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8I+e*.i.5 } UL-T)C6-T5pe ::= ENUME!ATE2 {+1,, 's1,}


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

USC6-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0- ::= 's1,-T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 's1,-T3S

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 SEQUENCE { T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se.

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --P6ISICAL C6ANNEL IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#$% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) ::= AC-T--ASC-Mappi*g ::= AC-T--ASC-Mappi*gTa/le ::= A11essSe)&i1eClass-322 ::= a&aila/leSig*a.')eS.a).I*+ex a&aila/leSig*a.')eE*+I*+ex assig*e+S'/C,a**elN'm/e) INTE E!"1##@% INTE E! ":##C% SEQUENCE "SIME "maxASCmap%% O3 AC-T--ASC-Mappi*g SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1?%, INTE E! ":##1?%, 4IT ST!IN { /(":%, /2"1%, /1"2%, /:"(% } "SIME"@%%

} A11essSe)&i1eClass-T22 ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*+i1es SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { 1,C-+eI*+exC":%, 1,C-+eI*+ex$"1%, 1,C-+eI*+ex?"2%, 1,C-+eI*+ex@"(%, 1,C-+eI*+ex("@%, 1,C-+eI*+ex2"?%, 1,C-+eI*+ex1"$%, 1,C-+eI*+ex:"C% } "SIME"B%% OPTIONAL, s'/1,a**elSiGe C6OICE { siGe1 NULL, siGe2 SEQUENCE { -- s'/1,: mea*s /i.s.)i*g O:1O i* .,e .a/'la), s'/1,1 mea*s /i.s)i*g O1:O s'/1,a**els ENUME!ATE2 { s'/1,:, s'/1,1 } OPTIONAL }, siGe@ SEQUENCE { s'/1,a**els 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,(":%, s'/C,2"1%, s'/C,1"2%, s'/C,:"(% } "SIME"@%% OPTIONAL }, siGeB SEQUENCE { s'/1,a**els 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,C":%, s'/C,$"1%, s'/C,?"2%, s'/C,@"(%, s'/C,("@%, s'/C,2"?%, s'/C,1"$%, s'/C,:"C% } "SIME"B%% OPTIONAL } } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { 1,C-+eI*+ex1?":%, 1,C-+eI*+ex1@"1%, 1,C-+eI*+ex1("2%, 1,C-+eI*+ex12"(%,

} A11essSe)&i1eClass-T22-)C ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*+i1es


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1,C-+eI*+ex11"@%, 1,C-+eI*+ex1:"?%, 1,C-+eI*+exA"$%, 1,C-+eI*+exB"C%, 1,C-+eI*+exC"B%, 1,C-+eI*+ex$"A%, 1,C-+eI*+ex?"1:%, 1,C-+eI*+ex@"11%, 1,C-+eI*+ex("12%, 1,C-+eI*+ex2"1(%, 1,C-+eI*+ex1"1@%, 1,C-+eI*+ex:"1?% } "SIME"1$%% OPTIONAL, s'/1,a**elSiGe C6OICE { siGe1 NULL, siGe2 SEQUENCE { -- s'/1,: mea*s /i.s.)i*g O:1O i* .,e .a/'la), s'/1,1 mea*s /i.s)i*g O1:O s'/1,a**els ENUME!ATE2 { s'/1,:, s'/1,1 } OPTIONAL }, siGe@ SEQUENCE { s'/1,a**els 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,(":%, s'/C,2"1%, s'/C,1"2%, s'/C,:"(% } "SIME"@%% OPTIONAL }, siGeB SEQUENCE { s'/1,a**els 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,C":%, s'/C,$"1%, s'/C,?"2%, s'/C,@"(%, s'/C,("@%, s'/C,2"?%, s'/C,1"$%, s'/C,:"C% } "SIME"B%% OPTIONAL }, siGe1$ SEQUENCE { s'/1,a**els 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,1?":%, s'/C,1@"1%, s'/C,1("2%, s'/C,12"(%, s'/C,11"@%, s'/C,1:"?%, s'/C,A"$%, s'/C,B"C%, s'/C,C"B%, s'/C,$"A%, s'/C,?"1:%, s'/C,@"11%, s'/C,("12%, s'/C,2"1(%, s'/C,1"1@%, s'/C,:"1?% } "SIME"1$%% OPTIONAL } } } A11essSe)&i1eClass-T22-LC!-)@ ::= a&aila/leSINC-UlC-+esI*+i1s SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { s'lC-+eI*+exC":%, s'lC-+eI*+ex$"1%, s'lC-+eI*+ex?"2%, s'lC-+eI*+ex@"(%, s'lC-+eI*+ex("@%, s'lC-+eI*+ex2"?%, s'lC-+eI*+ex1"$%, s'lC-+eI*+ex:"C% } "SIME"B%% OPTIONAL, s'/1,a**elSiGe C6OICE { siGe1 NULL, siGe2 SEQUENCE { -- s'/1,: mea*s /i.s.)i*g O:1O i* .,e .a/'la), s'/1,1 mea*s /i.s)i*g O1:O# s'/1,a**els ENUME!ATE2 { s'/1,:, s'/1,1 } OPTIONAL


Release !
}, siGe@ s'/1,a**els


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,(":%, s'/C,2"1%, s'/C,1"2%, s'/C,:"(% } "SIME"@%% SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,C":%, s'/C,$"1%, s'/C,?"2%, s'/C,@"(%, s'/C,("@%, s'/C,2"?%, s'/C,1"$%, s'/C,:"C% } "SIME"B%%


}, siGeB s'/1,a**els


} _

A1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. ::=

INTE E! ": ## 2??%

A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { p-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-* P-8e)O00se.I*0-)ma.i-*, +5*ami1T3I*0-)ma.i-*CCC6 25*ami1T3I*0-)ma.i-*CCC6 } A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6 ::= SEQUENCE { a++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-IEs A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-IEs } -- T,e -)+e) is .,e same as i* .,e P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6%% O3 A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "2%% O3 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-322 SEQUENCE "SIME "2%% O3 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-322-)11 OPTIONAL

A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 ::=

A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "@%% O3 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-322-)11 -- A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-322 is i*.)-+'1e+ .- a&-i+ a SEQUENCE -0 SEQUENCE, a 1-*&e*.i-* i* !AN2# A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-322 ::= SEQUENCE { +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: OPTIONAL } A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-322-)11 ::= +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 } AIC6-I*0- ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ s..+-I*+i1a.-) ai1,-T)a*smissi-*Timi*g } AIC6-I*0--C-mp)esse+ ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ } AIC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= AIC6-T)a*smissi-*Timi*g ::= All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0- ::= all-1a.i-*A1.i&a.i-*Time all-1a.i-*2')a.i-* } SEQUENCE { 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 SEQUENCE { C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$, 4OOLEAN, AIC6-T)a*smissi-*Timi*g SEQUENCE { C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ INTE E! "-22##?% ENUME!ATE2 { e:, e1 } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##2??%, INTE E! "1##2?$% OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- A1.'al &al'e Alp,a = IE &al'e > :#12? Alp,a ::= INTE E! ":##B% A*.e**a(A*+@ ::= SEQUENCE { a*.e**a(A*+@-S-CPIC6 a*.e**a(A*+@-2-CPIC6 } A*.e**a(A*+@-S-CPIC6 A*.e**a(A*+@-2-CPIC6 OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

A*.e**a(A*+@-S-CPIC6 ::= SEQUENCE { a*.e**a(-S-CPIC6 A*.e**a(-S-CPIC6 OPTIONAL, a*.e**a@-S-CPIC6 A*.e**a@-S-CPIC6 OPTIONAL, s-1pi1,-P-8e)O00se.-MimS-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-@x@MIMO OPTIONAL } A*.e**a(A*+@-2-CPIC6 ::= SEQUENCE { a*.e**a(-2-CPIC6 A*.e**a(-2-CPIC6 OPTIONAL, a*.e**a@-2-CPIC6 A*.e**a@-2-CPIC6 OPTIONAL, +-1pi1,-P-8e)O00se.-Mim2-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-@x@MIMO OPTIONAL, i*i.ial2-CPIC6S.a.'s ENUME!ATE2 { a1.i&a.e+ } OPTIONAL } A*.e**a(-2-CPIC6 ::= SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ } A*.e**a@-2-CPIC6 ::= SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ } A*.e**a(-S-CPIC6 ::= SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ } A*.e**a@-S-CPIC6 ::= SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ } AP-AIC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= AP-P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e ::= AP-Sig*a.')e ::= AP-Sig*a.')e-ECAM ::= ap-Sig*a.')e a&aila/leAP-S'/1,a**elLis. } AP-S'/1,a**el ::= INTE E! ":##2??% INTE E! ":##CA% INTE E! ":##1?% SEQUENCE { AP-Sig*a.')e, A&aila/leAP-S'/1,a**elLis. OPTIONAL INTE E! ":##11%

ASCSe..i*g-322 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: a11essSe)&i1eClass-322 is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is p)e&i-'s ASC -- I0 .,is is .,e 0i)s. ASC, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is all a&aila/le sig*a.')e a*+ s'/-1,a**els a11essSe)&i1eClass-322 A11essSe)&i1eClass-322 OPTIONAL } ASCSe..i*g-T22 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: a11essSe)&i1eClass-T22 is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is p)e&i-'s ASC -- I0 .,is is .,e 0i)s. ASC, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is all a&aila/le 1,a**elisa.i-* 1-+es a*+ -- all a&aila/le s'/-1,a**els 8i., s'/1,a**elSiGe=siGe1# a11essSe)&i1eClass-T22 A11essSe)&i1eClass-T22 OPTIONAL } ASCSe..i*g-T22-)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: a11essSe)&i1eClass-T22 is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is p)e&i-'s ASC -- I0 .,is is .,e 0i)s. ASC, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is all a&aila/le 1,a**elisa.i-* 1-+es a*+ -- all a&aila/le s'/-1,a**els 8i., s'/1,a**elSiGe=siGe1# a11essSe)&i1eClass-T22 A11essSe)&i1eClass-T22-)C OPTIONAL } ASCSe..i*g-T22-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: a11essSe)&i1eClass-T22-LC! is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is p)e&i-'s ASC -- I0 .,is is .,e 0i)s. ASC, .,e +e0a'l. &al'e is all a&aila/le SINCQUL 1-+es a*+ -- all a&aila/le s'/-1,a**els 8i., s'/1,a**elSiGe=siGe1#


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


A11essSe)&i1eClass-T22-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6-APsig%% O3 AP-Sig*a.')e-ECAM SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6-APsig%% O3 AP-Sig*a.')e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6-APs'/C,%% O3 AP-S'/1,a**el SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6-S3%% O3 A&aila/leMi*im'mS3-ECAM SEQUENCE { Mi*im'mSp)ea+i*g3a1.-), N3-Max, MaxA&aila/lePCPC6-N'm/e), A&aila/leAP-Sig*a.')e-ECAMLis.

A&aila/leAP-Sig*a.')e-ECAMLis. ::= A&aila/leAP-Sig*a.')eLis. ::= A&aila/leAP-S'/1,a**elLis. ::= A&aila/leMi*im'mS3-Lis.ECAM ::= A&aila/leMi*im'mS3-ECAM ::= mi*im'mSp)ea+i*g3a1.-) *0-Max maxA&aila/lePCPC6-N'm/e) a&aila/leAP-Sig*a.')e-ECAMLis. } A&aila/leSig*a.')es ::=

4IT ST!IN { sig*a.')e1?":%, sig*a.')e1@"1%, sig*a.')e1("2%, sig*a.')e12"(%, sig*a.')e11"@%, sig*a.')e1:"?%, sig*a.')eA"$%, sig*a.')eB"C%, sig*a.')eC"B%, sig*a.')e$"A%, sig*a.')e?"1:%, sig*a.')e@"11%, sig*a.')e("12%, sig*a.')e2"1(%, sig*a.')e1"1@%, sig*a.')e:"1?% } "SIME"1$%% 4IT ST!IN { s'/C,11":%, s'/C,1:"1%, s'/C,A"2%, s'/C,B"(%, s'/C,C"@%, s'/C,$"?%, s'/C,?"$%, s'/C,@"C%, s'/C,("B%, s'/C,2"A%, s'/C,1"1:%, s'/C,:"11% } "SIME"12%% ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .5pe1, .5pe2 }

A&aila/leS'/C,a**elN'm/e)s ::=

4EACON-PL-Es. ::= 4')s.T5pe ::=

-- A1.'al &al'e 4le)-Ta)ge. = IE &al'e > :#:? 4le)-Ta)ge. ::= INTE E! "-$(##:% CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0- ::= .01s-I+e*.i.5 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0} CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ ::= .01s-I+e*.i.5 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0_ CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)? ::= .01s-I+e*.i.5 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0} SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5 UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5 UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5 UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)? OPTIONAL,




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CCT)C6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C ::= .01s-I+e*.i.5 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0} C2-A11essSl-.S'/1,a**el ::= C2-A11essSl-.S'/1,a**elLis. ::= C2-CA-IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= C2-P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e ::= C2-Sig*a.')eC-+e ::= C2-Sig*a.')eC-+eLis. ::=

SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5 UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C INTE E! ":##11%


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6-C2s'/C,%% O3 C2-A11essSl-.S'/1,a**el INTE E! ":##2??% INTE E! ":##CA% INTE E! ":##1?% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6-C2sig%% O3 C2-Sig*a.')eC-+e

CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- /')s.T5pe ma5 /e se. .- ei.,e) &al'e a*+ s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e) 0-) 1#2B M1ps T22# /')s.T5pe 4')s.T5pe, mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g, .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e), 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } CellPa)ame.e)sI2 ::= C0*.a)ge.s0*0)ame-00se. ::= C,a**elAssig*me*.A1.i&e ::= *-.A1.i&e isA1.i&e } C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ ::= C,a**el!e;Pa)ams3-)UCSM ::= a&aila/leAP-Sig*a.')eLis. a&aila/leAP-S'/1,a**elLis. } Cl-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e ::= C-+eN'm/e)2SC6 ::= C-+e!a*ge ::= p+s1,-C-+eMapLis. } C-+e!es-')1eI*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= s.a).-1-+e s.-p-1-+e } C-+e9-)+Se. ::= INTE E! ":##12C% INTE E!":##2??% C6OICE { NULL, A&aila/leMi*im'mS3-Lis.ECAM INTE E! ":##2??% SEQUENCE { A&aila/leAP-Sig*a.')eLis., A&aila/leAP-S'/1,a**elLis. ENUME!ATE2 { sl-.1, sl-.2 } INTE E! ":##2??% SEQUENCE { P2SC6-C-+eMapLis. SEQUENCE { 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC! ENUME!ATE2 { l-*gC9S, me+i'mC9S, s,-).C9S, ss+.O00 } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,


C-mm-*-E-2C6-!es-')1eI*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { s--00se. INTE E! ":##A% 0-+p1,-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eN'm/e) INTE E! ":##2??% e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-mm-*E+1, e-,i1,-I*0E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-mm-*E+1,, 'l-2PC6-C-+eI*0-3-)C-mm-*E2C6 UL-2PC6-C-+eI*0-3-)C-mm-*E2C6 } C-mm-*-E-2C6-!es-')1eI*0-Lis.Ex. ::= .8-Ms6a);C-*0ig')a.i-* } C-mm-*-E-!NTI-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { T8-Ms6a);C-*0ig')a.i-*



Release !
s.a).i*g-E-!NTI *'m/e)--0-g)-'p *'m/e)--0-EN!TI-pe)-g)-'p


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-!NTI, INTE E! "1##maxE!NTIg)-'p%, INTE E! "1##maxE!NTIpe) )-'p% SEQUENCE { S1,e+'le+T)a*smissi-*C-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! ":##2A%

C-mm-*E2C6!es-')1eC-*0igI*0-Lis.Ex.::= s1,e+'le+T)a*smissi-*C-*0ig')a.i-* 1O00se. }


-- 3-) 322, .,e *e.8-)7 s,-'l+ *-. i*1l'+e .,e IE C-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0-# -- I*s.ea+, .,e IE 1-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0-322 s,-'l+ /e 'se+# -- I0 i*1l'+e+, .,e UE /e,a&i-) is '*spe1i0ie+# C-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-I*.e)0e)e*1e3-)C-mm-*E2C6 UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Lis., m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { +'mm5 SEQUENCE {}, .++ C6OICE { .++C$B NULL, .++(B@ NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { e-!UCC6-I*0E-!UCC6-I*0--T2212B, e-PUC6-I*0E-PUC6-I*0--T2212B, e-,i1,-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B, e-ag1,-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B, ,a);-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { )&:, )&.a/le }, 111,-.)a*smissi-*-I*0SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*-e-)*.i-I*0C-mm-*-E-!NTI-I*0-, ,a);-Maxim'mN'm/e)O0!e.)a*smissi-*s INTE E! ":##C%, ,a);-)e.)a*smissi-*-.ime) ENUME!ATE2 { ms1:, ms1?, ms2:, ms2?, ms(:, ms(?, ms@:, ms@?, ms?:, ms??, ms$:, ms$?, msC:, msC?, msB:, msB?, msA:, msA?, ms1::, ms11:, ms12:, ms1@:, ms1$: }, ,a);-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! ":##$% } } } } } C-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0-322 ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-I*.e)0e)e*1e3-)C-mm-*E2C6 UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Lis. C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8Lis., p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7 P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7, i*i.ialSe)&i*g )a*.Eal'e INTE E! ":##(C%, e-+1,-TTI E-2C6-TTI, e-ag1,-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, ,a);-I*0ENUME!ATE2 { )&:, )&.a/le }, 'l-2PC6p-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-3-)C-mm-*E2C6 UL-2PC6p-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-3-)C-mm-*E2C6, e-+p11,-I*0E-2PCC6-I*0--)C, e-+p+1,-I*0E-2P2C6-I*0--)B, -- A1.'al &al'e +l-32PC6-TPC1-mma*+E))-)!a.e = IE &al'e > :#:1 +l-32PC6-TPC1-mma*+E))-)!a.e INTE E! "1##1:%, a++i.i-*al-E-2C6-T)a*smi.4a17-00 INTE E! ":##1?%, max-CCC6-!es-')1eAll-1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { ..iB, ..i12, ..i1$, ..i2:, ..i2@, ..i(2, ..i@:, ..iB: }, max-Pe)i-+3-)C-llisi-*!es-l'.i-* INTE E! "B##2@%, e-+1,-T)a*smi.C-*.i*'a.i-*O00se. ENUME!ATE2 { ..i:, ..i@, ..iB, ..i1$, ..i2@, ..i@:, ..iB:,i*0i*i.5 }, a17-*a17-s'pp-).--*-6S-2PCC6 4OOLEAN, meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*-E-2C6-!es-')1eI*0-Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6s%% O3 C-mm-*-E-2C6-!es-')1eI*0-Lis. } C-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0-Pa)amC-*1'))e*.TTI ::= SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8-I*0--Lis.-C-*1'))e*.TTI C-mm-*-E-2C6-MAC-+-3l-8-I*0--Lis.-C-*1'))e*.TTI OPTIONAL, i*i.ialSe)&i*g )a*.Eal'e INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL, e-ag1,-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, 'l-2PC6p-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-C-*1'))e*.TTI


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-2PC6p-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-C-*1'))e*.TTI OPTIONAL, E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. OPTIONAL, E-2P2C6-I*0--)B, INTE E! ":##1?% OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { ..iB, ..i12, ..i1$, ..i2:, ..i2@, ..i(2, ..i@:, ..iB: } OPTIONAL, max-Pe)i-+3-)C-llisi-*!es-l'.i-* INTE E! "B##2@% OPTIONAL, e-+1,-T)a*smi.C-*.i*'a.i-*O00se. ENUME!ATE2 { ..i:, ..i@, ..iB, ..i1$, ..i2@, ..i@:, ..iB:,i*0i*i.5 } OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--C-*1'))e*.TTI Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--C-*1'))e*.TTI OPTIONAL e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. e-+p+1,-I*0a++i.i-*al-E-2C6-T)a*smi.4a17-00 max-CCC6-!es-')1eAll-1a.i-* SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##12C% INTE E! ":##(A%

C-mm-*E! C6C,a**elC-*0ig ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e }


C-mm-*E! C6I*0-322 ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { e! C6Neig,/-')CellLis. 4IT ST!IN "SIME "maxCellMeas%%, 1-mm-*E! C6C,a**elC-*0igLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxCellMeas%% O3 C-mm-*E! C6C,a**elC-*0ig, mi*im'mSe)&i*g )a*.Eal'e INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL, )ep-).i*g!a*ge !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 2E3AULT 01: } } } C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e is M2, /'. si*1e i. 1a* /e e*1-+e+ i* a si*gle -- /i. i. is *-. +e0i*e+ as OPTIONAL# se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e Se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e, .01i-C-+i*g T3CI-C-+i*g OPTIONAL, p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi., )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., OPTIONAL } C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e is M2, /'. si*1e i. 1a* /e e*1-+e+ i* a si*gle -- /i. i. is *-. +e0i*e+ as OPTIONAL# se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e Se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e, .01i-C-+i*g T3CI-C-+i*g OPTIONAL, p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi. } C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-SCCPC6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e is M2, /'. si*1e i. 1a* /e e*1-+e+ i* a si*gle -- /i. i. is *-. +e0i*e+ as OPTIONAL# se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e Se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e, .01i-C-+i*g T3CI-C-+i*g OPTIONAL, p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi., )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,A*+O00se. !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,A*+O00se. OPTIONAL } C-*s.a*.Eal'e ::= C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ ::= C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FC51le-T2212B ::= INTE E! "-(?##-1:% INTE E! "-(?##1:% ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-2, s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-(2, s'/-0)ames-$@, spa)e1 }

C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FI*0--T2212B-)B ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*.)-lC,a**el2)xOpe)a.i-* C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e SEQUENCE { e*a/li*g2ela5 E*a/li*g2ela5-T2212B }, *e8Ope)a.i-* SEQUENCE { ,S-SCC6-2)x-I*06S-SCC6-2!F-I*0--T2212B, e-A C6-2)x-I*0E-A C6-2!F-I*0--T2212B OPTIONAL, e*a/li*g2ela5 E*a/li*g2ela5-T2212B }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CPC6-Pe)sis.e*1eLe&els ::= 1p1,-Se.I2 +5*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elT3-Lis. } CPC6-Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elsLis. ::=

SEQUENCE { CPC6-Se.I2, 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elT3-Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCPC6se.s%% O3 CPC6-Pe)sis.e*1eLe&els

CPC6-Se.I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 1p1,-Se.I2 CPC6-Se.I2, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., .01s T3CS, ap-P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e AP-P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e, ap-AIC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e AP-AIC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, 1+-P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e C2-P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e, 1+-CA-IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e C2-CA-IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, 1+-A11essSl-.S'/1,a**elLis. C2-A11essSl-.S'/1,a**elLis. 1+-Sig*a.')eC-+eLis. C2-Sig*a.')eC-+eLis. +el.aPp-m 2el.aPp-m, 'l-2PCC6-Sl-.3-)ma. UL-2PCC6-Sl-.3-)ma., *-S.a).Message N-S.a).Message, *-EOT N-EOT, -- TA4ULA!: ECAM i*0- ,as /ee* *es.e+ i*si+e C,a**elAssig*me*.A1.i&e, -- 8,i1, i* .')* is ma*+a.-)5 si*1e i.Os -*l5 a /i*a)5 1,-i1e# 1,a**elAssig*me*.A1.i&e C,a**elAssig*me*.A1.i&e, 1p1,-S.a.'sI*+i1a.i-*M-+e CPC6-S.a.'sI*+i1a.i-*M-+e, p1p1,-C,a**elI*0-Lis. PCPC6-C,a**elI*0-Lis. } CPC6-Se.I*0-Lis. ::= CPC6-S.a.'sI*+i1a.i-*M-+e ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCPC6se.s%% O3 CPC6-Se.I*0ENUME!ATE2 { pa-m-+e, pams0-m-+e } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-:, s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-2, s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-(2, s'/-0)ames-$@, s'/-0)ames-12B, s'/-0)ames-2?$, s'/-0)ames-?12, s'/-0)ames-I*0i*i.5, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } INTE E!"1##@% INTE E! "-1:##?% INTE E! "-12##:%


CQI-2TF-Time) ::=

CQI-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) ::= CSIC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= 2-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-@x@MIMO ::=

-- 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 a*+ 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 1-))esp-*+s .-- IE J2e0a'l. 2PC6 O00se. Eal'eJ +epe*+i*g -* .,e m-+e# -- A1.'al &al'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 = IE &al'e > ?12 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 ::= INTE E! ":##?AA% 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 ::= 2el.aPp-m ::= 2el.aCQI ::= 2el.aCQI-)11 ::= 2el.aNACK ::= INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! "-1:##1:% INTE E! ":##B% INTE E! ":##1:% INTE E! ":##B%


Release !
2el.aNACK-)11 ::= 2el.aACK ::= 2el.aACK-)11 ::=

INTE E! ":##1:% INTE E! ":##B% INTE E! ":##1:%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- A1.'al &al'e 2el.aSI! = IE &al'e > :#1 2el.aSI! ::= INTE E! ":##(:% 26S-S5*1 ::= 2L-CCT)C, ::= .01s-I2 .imeI*01-mm-*Timesl-.I*0+l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es 'l-CCT)C,TPCLis. } INTE E! "-2:##1:% SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* TimeI*0-, C-mm-*Timesl-.I*02-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es UL-CCT)C,TPCLis. 2E3AULT 1, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

2L-CCT)C,-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* 2E3AULT 1, .imeI*0TimeI*0-, 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0OPTIONAL, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } _, 'l-CCT)C,TPCLis. UL-CCT)C,TPCLis. OPTIONAL } 2L-CCT)C,-)C ::= SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* 2E3AULT 1, .imeI*0TimeI*0-, 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0OPTIONAL, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-)C OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C! OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } }, 'l-CCT)C,TPCLis. UL-CCT)C,TPCLis. OPTIONAL } 2L-CCT)C,Lis. ::= 2L-CCT)C,Lis.-)C ::= 2L-CCT)C,Lis.-)@ ::= 2L-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e ::= 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e s0-A*+C-+eN'm/e) s1)am/li*gC-+eC,a*ge } 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 2L-CCT)C, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 2L-CCT)C,-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 2L-CCT)C,-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e S3?12-A*+C-+eN'm/e), S1)am/li*gC-+eC,a*ge SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max2PC6-2L1,a*%% O3 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

}, .++ } } }

+p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e SEQUENCE { 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 OPTIONAL

2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 OPTIONAL, +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN _ _+e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 OPTIONAL _ _ _ 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)? ::= SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)@ OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 OPTIONAL, +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN _ _+e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 OPTIONAL _ _ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL _ 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { +l-+p1,I*0-C-mm-* C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$, +l-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$ } m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0.x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e }, .++ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN _ _-



Release !
+e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e _ _ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= SEQUENCE { +l-+p1,I*0-C-mm-* C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$, +l-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$ } OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 OPTIONAL, +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++C$B NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } }, +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 OPTIONAL } }, ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= SEQUENCE { +l-+p1,I*0-C-mm-* C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$, +l-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-* 2L-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$ } OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 OPTIONAL, +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*02PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B OPTIONAL, .x-2i&e)si.5M-+e TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++C$B NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } }, +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 OPTIONAL } }, ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: ::= +l-+p1,I*0-C-mm-* +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* +l-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-* } m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0.x-2i&e)si.5M-+e }, .++ .++Op.i-* .++(B@ .++C$B .++12B .s.+-I*+i1a.-) } }, SEQUENCE { C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$, 2L-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$, 2L-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$

}, ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+


2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= +l-+p1,I*0-C-mm-* +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* +l-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-* } m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e +p1,-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0.x-2i&e)si.5M-+e }, .++ .++Op.i-* .++(B@ .++C$B .++12B .s.+-I*+i1a.-) } }, +e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e } }, ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-) p-s.Ee)i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+ ma1-,s!ese.I*+i1a.-)-assis.i*g } 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P-s. ::= +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* } 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P)e+e0 ::= +l-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* }

OPTIONAL, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'e322 OPTIONAL, 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)1: OPTIONAL, TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN 2e0a'l.2PC6-O00se.Eal'eT22 OPTIONAL

ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*P-s. SEQUENCE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*P)e+e0


2L-C-mp)esse+M-+eMe.,-+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5, s0-2, ,ig,e)La5e)S1,e+'li*g } 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-* ::= SEQUENCE { 10*6a*+li*g C6OICE { mai*.ai* NULL, i*i.ialise SEQUENCE { -- IE +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- T,e IE s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5 C0*.a)ge.s0*0)ame-00se. OPTIONAL } }, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL, p-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1, P-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1,, +l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* 2l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: T,e *'m/e) -0 pil-. /i.s is *es.e+ i*si+e .,e sp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)# sp)ea+i*g3a1.-)A*+Pil-. S3?12-A*+Pil-., p-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le, .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL } } } 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 10*6a*+li*g C6OICE { mai*.ai* NULL, i*i.ialise SEQUENCE { -- IE +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T,e IE s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5 C0*.a)ge.s0*0)ame-00se. }


}, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL, p-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1, P-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1,, +l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* 2l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: T,e *'m/e) -0 pil-. /i.s is *es.e+ i*si+e .,e sp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)# sp)ea+i*g3a1.-)A*+Pil-. S3?12-A*+Pil-., p-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le, .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL } }, -- T,e IE ma1-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e s,-'l+ /e a/se*. i* .,e !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)@-IEs -) -- !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p-)?-IEs -) 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)@-IEs -) 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+-)?-IEs a*+ -- i0 .,e IE is i*1l'+e+, .,e ge*e)al e))-) ,a*+li*g 0-) 1-*+i.i-*al IEs applies# ma1-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e MAC-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e OPTIONAL } 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { 10*6a*+li*g C6OICE { mai*.ai* SEQUENCE { .imi*gmai*.ai*e+s5*1,i*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL }, i*i.ialise NULL }, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL, p-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1, P-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1,, +l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* 2l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* OPTIONAL, -- TA4ULA!: T,e *'m/e) -0 pil-. /i.s is *es.e+ i*si+e .,e sp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)# sp)ea+i*g3a1.-)A*+Pil-. S3?12-A*+Pil-., p-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le, .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL } }, -- T,e IE ma1-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e s,-'l+ /e a/se*. i* .,e !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'p a*+ .,e -- 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+ messages# I0 .,e IE is i*1l'+e+, .,e ge*e)al e))-) ,a*+li*g -- 0-) 1-*+i.i-*al IEs applies# ma1-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e MAC-+-63N-i*i.ial-&al'e OPTIONAL } 2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*P-s. ::= +l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0} SEQUENCE { 2L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL

2L-2PC6-I*0-C-mm-*P)e+e0 ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: T,e *'m/e) -0 pil-. /i.s is *es.e+ i*si+e .,e sp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)# sp)ea+i*g3a1.-)A*+Pil-. S3?12-A*+Pil-., p-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le, .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0} } } 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., +p1,-3)ameO00se. 2PC6-3)ameO00se., se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL, +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

}, .++ } }

-- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-CellI+e*.i.5 1l-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e Cl-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-Es.a/lis, +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e SEQUENCE { 2L-CCT)C,Lis. 2L-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e


2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)@ ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., +p1,-3)ameO00se. 2PC6-3)ameO00se., se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL, +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, 1l-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e Cl-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e OPTIONAL _, .++ SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-Es.a/lis, 2L-CCT)C,Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e 2L-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e OPTIONAL } } 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)? ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., +p1,-3)ameO00se. 2PC6-3)ameO00se., se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL, +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, p-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, P-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SS2T-CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, 1l-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e Cl-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-Es.a/lis, 2L-CCT)C,Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e 2L-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e OPTIONAL } } 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)$ ::= 0++ pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. +p1,-3)ameO00se. se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0+l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex p-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, 1l-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e }, .++ +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-Es.a/lis, +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e } } 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C ::= 0++ pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. +p1,-3)ameO00se. se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0+l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex p-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, 1l-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e }, .++ +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-Es.a/lis, +l-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e } } C6OICE { SEQUENCE { PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., 2PC6-3)ameO00se., Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*02L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, P-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, Cl-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e SEQUENCE { 2L-CCT)C,Lis.-)@ 2L-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e


C6OICE { SEQUENCE { PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., 2PC6-3)ameO00se., Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*02L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, P-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, Cl-se+L--pTimi*gA+<M-+e SEQUENCE { 2L-CCT)C,Lis.-)C 2L-CCT)C,Lis.T-!em-&e



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)$ ::= pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. 0+p1,-3)ameO00se. se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C ::= pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. 0+p1,-3)ameO00se. 0+p1,-Sl-.3-)ma. se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex s..+I*+i1a.i-* } 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-P-s.322 ::= pCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-P-s.T22 ::= +l-2PC6-Timesl-.sC-+es }

SEQUENCE { PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., 2PC6-3)ameO00se., Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e INTE E! ":##2??%, TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex SEQUENCE { PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., 2PC6-3)ameO00se., 32PC6-Sl-.3-)ma. Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e INTE E! ":##2??%, TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, STT2I*+i1a.i-*



SEQUENCE { PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., 2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 2PC-M-+e SEQUENCE { TPC-S.epSiGeT22 OPTIONAL

2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@ ::= +l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es } 2L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0- ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ +p1-M-+e }, .++ .p1-S.epSiGeT22 } } }

2L-32PC6-I*0-C-mm-*-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { 10*6a*+li*g C6OICE { mai*.ai* SEQUENCE { .imi*gmai*.ai*e+s5*1,i*+ Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ OPTIONAL }, i*i.ialise NULL }, +l-32PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*02L-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL, -- A1.'al &al'e +l-32PC6-TPC1-mma*+E))-)!a.e = IE &al'e > :#:1 -- +l-32PC6-TPC1-mma*+E))-)!a.e &al'es 11##1$ a)e spa)e a*+ s,all *-. /e 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 -- .,e p)-.-1-l# -- I* a++i.i-*, .,is IE s,all al8a5s /e i*1l'+e+ -.,e)8ise .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# +l-32PC6-TPC1-mma*+E))-)!a.e INTE E! "1##1$% OPTIONAL } 2L-3)ameT5pe ::= ENUME!ATE2 { +l-3)ameT5peA, +l-3)ameT5pe4 }

2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE{ .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B } }, 0++ NULL




Release !
_ }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0--)$ meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B } }, 0++ NULL _ }




2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C! OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL, +l-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL } }, 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } _ } 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C! OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL, +l-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL } }, 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le OPTIONAL } _ } 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0.++ .++(B@ .++C$B .++12B -'.-0S5*19i*+-8 } }, 0++ } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE { O'.-0S5*19i*+-8 NULL



Release !
} 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B-ex.2 ::= ,s-s11,-I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { 6S-SCC6-I*0--)B-ex.


2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0--)A OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C! OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL, +l-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, .S:-I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -'.-0S5*19i*+-8 O'.-0S5*19i*+-8 OPTIONAL } }, 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le OPTIONAL } } } 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0--)A OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)11 OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C! OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL, +l-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, .S:-I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, -'.-0S5*19i*+-8 O'.-0S5*19i*+-8 OPTIONAL } }, 0++ SEQUENCE { +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le OPTIONAL } } } 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-s11,-I*06S-SCC6-I*0--)A meas')eme*.-0ee+/a17-I*0Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)11 m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { +l-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C! }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-.++12B 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B +l-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* .S:-I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } -'.-0S5*19i*+-8 O'.-0S5*19i*+-8 .s:C,a**eliGa.i-*C-+es 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). } }, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,




Release !
0++ } } }

SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

+l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le


O'.-0S5*19i*+-8 ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { ms@:, msB:, ms1$:, ms(2:, ms$@:, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

2L-6SP2SC6-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT2212BCa))ie)%% O3 SEQUENCE { 'a)01*-Ca))ie) UA!3CN, ,a);I*06A!Q-I*0,s-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B ,s-SCC6-T2212B-M'l.iCa))ie) SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T2212B-M'l.iCa))ie) } -- T,e IE O2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*O applies .- .++-(B@ !EL-? -*8a)+ 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e), mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-2L } -- T,e IE O2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C!O applies .- .++-C$B !EL-C -*8a)+ 2L-6SP2SC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e), mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-2L-E6C! }


2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm5 2 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 P2SC6-S6O-2C6-I*0OPTIONAL, +'mm52 P2SC6-C-+eMappi*g OPTIONAL }, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0}, +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6 OPTIONAL } 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm5 2 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 P2SC6-S6O-2C6-I*0OPTIONAL, +'mm52 P2SC6-C-+eMappi*g OPTIONAL _, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ _, +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)@ OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6-)@ OPTIONAL, 1ell-i+ CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL _ 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)? ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm5 2 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 P2SC6-S6O-2C6-I*0OPTIONAL, +'mm52 P2SC6-C-+eMappi*g OPTIONAL, se)&i*g6S2SC6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN


Release !
_, .++


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ _, +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)? -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6-)@ 1ell-i+ CellI+e*.i.5 _


2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)?/is ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm5 2 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 P2SC6-S6O-2C6-I*0OPTIONAL, +'mm52 P2SC6-C-+eMappi*g OPTIONAL }, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ }, +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)? OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6-)@ OPTIONAL, 1ell-i+ CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, se)&i*g6S2SC6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, se)&i*gE2C6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ }, +l-+p1,I*0C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)$, +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)$ } e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-6IC6-I*0C6OICE { e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0C6OICE { e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL, 1ell-i+ CellI+e*.i.5 } 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-&$/:ex. ::= s..+I*+i1a.i-* } SEQUENCE { STT2I*+i1a.i-*




2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, se)&i*g6S2SC6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, se)&i*gE2C6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ }, +l-+p1,I*0C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C, +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C } e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0-2 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-6IC6-I*0C6OICE { e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0C6OICE {



Release !
e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) OPTIONAL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL C6OICE { SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T22(B@-C$B SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B

}, .++

} }, 1ell-i+ }

.++(B@-.++C$B e-6IC6-I*0}, .++12B e-6IC6-I*0}





2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)B ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, se)&i*g6S2SC6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, se)&i*gE2C6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ }, +l-+p1,I*0C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C, +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C } OPTIONAL, e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0-2 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-6IC6-I*0C6OICE { e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0C6OICE { e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@-.++C$B SEQUENCE { e-6IC6-I*0E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T22(B@-C$B OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { e-6IC6-I*0E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL } } }, 1ell-i+ CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, se)&i*g6S2SC6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, se)&i*gE2C6-!L-i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ }, +l-+p1,I*0C6OICE { +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C, +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C } OPTIONAL, e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B OPTIONAL, e-!OC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-!OC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0-2 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-6IC6-I*0C6OICE { e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL, se1-*+a)5!eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0C6OICE { e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL


Release !
} OPTIONAL, 0-TPIC6-I*00-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL .++(B@-.++C$B e-6IC6-I*0}, .++12B e-6IC6-I*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C6OICE { 3-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL C6OICE { SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T22(B@-C$B SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B

}, .++


} }, 1ell-i+ }

CellI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)$


2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)@ ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)? ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)$ ::=

2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-&$/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-&$/:ex. 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)?/is ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)B ::= 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)11 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)?/is SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-)11

2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.P-s.322 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.322 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.322 ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L } 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22 ::= p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L } SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-P-s.322

SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-P-s., 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-P-s.T22 SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@

2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-P-s.T22-LC!-)@ ::= p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }

--0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 M'l.i-Ca))ie) 2L-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { .s*-Le*g., ENUME!ATE2 { .s*-$/i.s, .s*-A/i.s } m'l.iCa))ie)N'm/e) INTE E! "1##maxT2212BCa))ie)% +l-6SP2SC6-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* 2L-6SP2SC6-M'l.iCa))ie)-I*0-)ma.i-* }


2L-P2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm5 2 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 P2SC6-S6O-2C6-I*0OPTIONAL, +'mm52 P2SC6-C-+eMappi*g OPTIONAL } 2l-)a.e-ma.1,i*g-)es.)i1.i-* ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 ::= C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% 6S-SCC6-C-+es, meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., 'a)01*-2L UA!3CN } } 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-&BA:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +i00e)e*.TxM-+e3)-mSe)&i*g6S-2SC6Cell }


ENUME!ATE2 { +i00e)e*. }


2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL, ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es, meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., 'a)01*-2L UA!3CN, +i00e)e*.TxM-+e3)-mSe)&i*g6S-2SC6Cell ENUME!ATE2 { +i00e)e*. } OPTIONAL } }, se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322 OPTIONAL } 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL, ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es, meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., 'a)01*-2L UA!3CN, +i00e)e*.TxM-+e3)-mSe)&i*g6S-2SC6Cell ENUME!ATE2 { +i00e)e*. } OPTIONAL } }, se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-)1: OPTIONAL } 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, +l-$@QAM-C-*0ig')e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ,s-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% 6S-SCC6-C-+es, meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se.1 Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. 'a)01*-2L UA!3CN, +i00e)e*.TxM-+e3)-mSe)&i*g6S-2SC6Cell ENUME!ATE2 { +i00e)e*. } m'l.i0l-8C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0M'l.i0l-8C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0} },



Release !
se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s se1-*+a)5Cell@x@MIMOpa)ame.e)s } 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L ::= p-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, _ SEQUENCE {


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-)1: Se1-*+a)5Cell@x@MIMOpa)ame.e)s322



-- NOTE: T,e )a+i- li*7s i* .,e 0-ll-8i*g lis. ,a&e a -*e-.---*e mappi*g 8i., .,e -- )a+i- li*7s i* .,e message# 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 2L-TPC-P-8e)O00se.Pe)!L 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { 11(2-1, 11(2-2, 11(2-(, 11(2-@, 111(2-?, 11(2-$, 11(2-C, 11(2-B, 11(2-A, 11(2-1:, 11(2-11, 11(2-12, 11(2-1(, 11(2-1@, 11(2-1?, 11(2-1$, 11(2-1C, 11(2-1B, 11(2-1A, 11(2-2:, 11(2-21, 11(2-22, 11(2-2(, 11(2-2@, 11(2-2?, 11(2-2$, 11(2-2C, 11(2-2B, 11(2-2A, 11(2-(:, 11(2-(1, 11(2-(2 }

2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! ::=

2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). ::= SEQUENCE { 1-+es!ep)ese*.a.i-* C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e SEQUENCE { 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, las.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e }, / 4IT ST!IN { 1,C-+e1$-S31$":%, 1,C-+e1?-S31$"1%, 1,C-+e1@-S31$"2%, 1,C-+e1(-S31$"(%, 1,C-+e12-S31$"@%, 1,C-+e11-S31$"?%, 1,C-+e1:-S31$"$%, 1,C-+eA-S31$"C%, 1,C-+eB-S31$"B%, 1,C-+eC-S31$"A%, 1,C-+e$-S31$"1:%, 1,C-+e?-S31$"11%, 1,C-+e@-S31$"12%, 1,C-+e(-S31$"1(%, 1,C-+e2-S31$"1@%, 1,C-+e1-S31$"1?% } "SIME "1$%% } } 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-).-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE { 1-+es!ep)ese*.a.i-* C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e SEQUENCE { 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C!, las.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! }, / 4IT ST!IN { 1,C-+e(2-S3(2":%, 1,C-+e(1-S3(2"1%, 1,C-+e(:-S3(2"2%, 1,C-+e2A-S3(2"(%, 1,C-+e2B-S3(2"@%, 1,C-+e2C-S3(2"?%, 1,C-+e2$-S3(2"$%, 1,C-+e2?-S3(2"C%, 1,C-+e2@-S3(2"B%, 1,C-+e2(-S3(2"A%, 1,C-+e22-S3(2"1:%, 1,C-+e21-S3(2"11%, 1,C-+e2:-S3(2"12%, 1,C-+e1A-S3(2"1(%, 1,C-+e1B-S3(2"1@%,


Release !

1,C-+e1C-S3(2"1?%, 1,C-+e1$-S3(2"1$%, 1,C-+e1?-S3(2"1C%, 1,C-+e1@-S3(2"1B%, 1,C-+e1(-S3(2"1A%, 1,C-+e12-S3(2"2:%, 1,C-+e11-S3(2"21%, 1,C-+e1:-S3(2"22%, 1,C-+eA-S3(2"2(%, 1,C-+eB-S3(2"2@%, 1,C-+eC-S3(2"2?%, 1,C-+e$-S3(2"2$%, 1,C-+e?-S3(2"2C%, 1,C-+e@-S3(2"2B%, 1,C-+e(-S3(2"2A%, 1,C-+e2-S3(2"(:%, 1,C-+e1-S3(2"(1% } "SIME "(2%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##1?%, INTE E! "1##1?% SEQUENCE { UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B SEQUENCE { UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A SEQUENCE { UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1:, 2L-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis.-)C, 2L-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A

2L-C,a**elC-+es-M4S3N-IM4(B@ ::= 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e las.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e } 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* } 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* } 2LUL-6SPA-I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: ::= 'l-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-* +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-* +l-I*0-)ma.i-*Pe)!L-Lis. +l-6SP2SC6-I*0-)ma.i-* }


2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) }, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0-, +l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). } } } 2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) }, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--E6C!, +l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-).-E6C! } } } 2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-LC!-)@ ::= pa)ame.e)s sameAsLas. .imesl-.N'm/e) }, *e8Pa)ame.e)s i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} } }


2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-)C ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) }, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--)C, +l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). } } } 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es ::= SEQUENCE { 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0-, +l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-)., m-)eTimesl-.s C6OICE { *-M-)e NULL, a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e INTE E! "1##maxTS-1%, .imesl-.Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s } } } 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C! ::= 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0+l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). m-)eTimesl-.s *-M-)e a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s 1-*se1'.i&e .imesl-.Lis. } } } SEQUENCE { I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-)., C6OICE { NULL, C6OICE { INTE E! "1##maxTS-LC!-1%, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!-1%% O3 2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--E6C!, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-).-E6C!, C6OICE { NULL, C6OICE { INTE E! "1##maxTS-1%, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-E6C!

2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ ::= 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0+l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). m-)eTimesl-.s *-M-)e a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s 1-*se1'.i&e .imesl-.Lis. } }

} 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-)C ::= 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0+l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-). m-)eTimesl-.s *-M-)e a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s 1-*se1'.i&e .imesl-.Lis. } } 2PC-M-+e ::= }

SEQUENCE { I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--)C, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+esS,-)., C6OICE { NULL, C6OICE { INTE E! "1##maxTS-1%, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 2-8*li*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-)C

ENUME!ATE2 { si*gleTPC, .p1T)iple.I*S-0. }

-- A1.'al &al'e 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. = IE &al'e > 2 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= INTE E! "-B2##-(% -- A1.'al &al'e 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se.2 = 2 N "IE &al'e > @% 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se.2 ::= INTE E! "-2B##-1(%


Release !
2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0- ::= .gp-Se;'e*1eLis. } 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B ::= .gp-Se;'e*1eLis. } 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)1: ::= .gp-Se;'e*1eLis. } 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0- ::= .gps-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-C3N .gp-Se;'e*1eS,-).Lis. } 2PC6-C-mp)esse+M-+eS.a.'sI*0--)1: ::= .gps-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-C3N .gp-Se;'e*1eS,-).Lis. }

SEQUENCE { T P-Se;'e*1eLis. SEQUENCE { T P-Se;'e*1eLis.-)B SEQUENCE { T P-Se;'e*1eLis.-)1:

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { T PS-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-C3N, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 T P-Se;'e*1eS,-). SEQUENCE { T PS-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-C3N, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 T P-Se;'e*1eS,-).-)1:

-- A1.'al &al'e 2PC6-3)ameO00se. = IE &al'e > 2?$ 2PC6-3)ameO00se. ::= INTE E! ":##1@A% 32PC6-Sl-.3-)ma. ::= INTE E! ":##A%

UE-2!F-C51le-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-:, s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-2, s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-(2, s'/-0)ames-$@, s'/-0)ames-12B, s'/-0)ames-2?$, s'/-0)ames-?12, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } 2!F-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-+)x-C51le UE-2!F-C51le, 'e-+)x-C51le-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ UE-2!F-C51le-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+, 'e- )a*.M-*i.-)i*g-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ UE- )a*.M-*i.-)i*g-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+, 'e-+)x- )a*.M-*i.-)i*g 4OOLEAN } 2SC6-Mappi*g ::= maxT3CI-3iel+2Eal'e sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) 1-+eN'm/e) m'l.iC-+eI*0} 2SC6-Mappi*gLis. ::= 2SC6-!a+i-Li*7I+e*.i0ie) ::= 2SC6-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { MaxT3CI-3iel+2Eal'e, S3-P2SC6, C-+eN'm/e)2SC6, M'l.iC-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6-T3CIg)-'ps%% O3 2SC6-Mappi*g INTE E! ":##?11%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 SEQUENCE { +s1,-.)a*sp-).-1,a**el-i+e*.i.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, +s1,-T3S T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se.

2TF-2!F-I*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { +.x-I*02TF-I*0OPTIONAL, +)x-I*02!F-I*0OPTIONAL, 'pli*7-2PCC6Sl-.3-)ma.I*0-)ma.i-* Upli*7-2PCC6-Sl-.-3-)ma.-I*0-)ma.i-* }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2TF-E-2C6-TTI-1:ms ::= 'e-+.x-C51le1-1:ms 'e-+.x-C51le2-1:ms ma1-+.x-C51le-1:ms } 2TF-E-2C6-TTI-2ms ::= 'e-+.x-C51le1-2ms 'e-+.x-C51le2-2ms ma1-+.x-C51le-2ms }

SEQUENCE { UE-2TF-C51le1-1:ms, UE-2TF-C51le2-1:ms, MAC-2TF-C51le-1:ms SEQUENCE { UE-2TF-C51le1-2ms, UE-2TF-C51le2-2ms, MAC-2TF-C51le-2ms

2TF-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { e-+1,-TTI-Le*g., C6OICE { +.x-e-+1,-TTI-1:ms 2TF-E-2C6-TTI-1:ms, +.x-e-+1,-TTI-2ms 2TF-E-2C6-TTI-2ms }, 'e-+.x-151le2I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ UE-2TF-C51le2I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+, 'e-+.x-151le22e0a'l.S INTE E! ":##(B% OPTIONAL, -- i0 'e-+.x-l-*g-p)eam/le-le*g., is *-. p)ese*., .,e &al'e is O2 sl-.sO 'e-+.x-l-*g-p)eam/le-le*g., UE-2TF-l-*g-p)eam/le-le*g., OPTIONAL, ma1-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ MAC-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+, 1;i-+.x-Time) CQI-2TF-Time), 'e-+p11,-4')s.1 UE-2PCC6-4')s., 'e-+p11,-4')s.2 UE-2PCC6-4')s. } 2')a.i-*TimeI*0- ::= 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&el ::= 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elLis. ::= INTE E! "1##@:A$% INTE E! "1##B% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6%% O3 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&el

25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elT3-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3-CPC6%% O3 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&el 25*ami1T3I*0-)ma.i-*CCC6 ::= -1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe2 } E-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= SEQUENCE { O1.e.M-+e!LC-SiGeI*0-T5pe2 INTE E! ":##2??%

E-A C6-2!F-I*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { e-A C6-2!F-I*0-T5pe C6OICE { sameAs6S-SCC6 NULL, e-A C6-2!F-Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { e-A C6-2!F-C51le C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FC51le-T2212B, e-A C6-I*a1.i&i.5M-*i.-)T,)es,-l+ E-A C6-I*a1.i&i.5M-*i.-)T,)es,-l+-T2212B OPTIONAL, e-A C6-2!F-O00se. INTE E! ":##$(% } } } E-A C6-I*a1.i&i.5M-*i.-)T,)es,-l+-T2212B ::= ENUME!ATE2 { )a+i--0)ames-:, )a+i--0)ames-1, )a+i--0)ames-2, )a+i--0)ames-@, )a+i--0)ames-B, )a+i--0)ames-1$, )a+i--0)ames-(2, )a+i--0)ames-$@, )a+i--0)ames-12B, )a+i--0)ames-2?$, )a+i--0)ames-?12, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, i*0i*i.5 } E-A C6-I*+i&i+'al ::= .S-*'m/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*-1-+e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe } E-A C6-I*+i&i+'al-E6C! ::= .S-*'m/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*-1-+e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe } E-A C6-I*+i&i+'al-LC! ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1@%, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E2C6 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1@%, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C!, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E2C6 SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

se1-*+C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= e-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e } SEQUENCE { E-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e

E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e E-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { l-*g-Te)m- )a*.-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, le*g.,--0-TT!I-0iel+ INTE E! "1##12%, e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig, e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge. }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { l-*g-Te)m- )a*.-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, le*g.,--0-TT!I-0iel+ INTE E! "1##12%, e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-E6C!, e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge. }, .++12B SEQUENCE { )+i-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22, e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-LC!, e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge. } } } } E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e E-A C6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { l-*g-Te)m- )a*.-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, le*g.,--0-TT!I-0iel+ INTE E! "1##12%, e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig, e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge. }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { l-*g-Te)m- )a*.-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, le*g.,--0-TT!I-0iel+ INTE E! "1##12%, e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-E6C!, e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge. }, .++12B SEQUENCE { )+i-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22, e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-LC!, e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., e-A C6-I*a1.i&i.5M-*i.-)T,)es,-l+ E-A C6-I*a1.i&i.5M-*i.-)T,)es,-l+-T2212B OPTIONAL } } } } E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= )+i-I*+i1a.-) .p1-S.epSiGe e-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig e-A C6-4LE!-Ta)ge. } SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, TPC-S.epSiGeT22, E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-LC!, 4le)-Ta)ge.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig ::= E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-E6C! ::= E-A C6-Se.-C-*0ig-LC! ::= E-!OC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= E-!OC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { e-!OC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e e-)-1,-e-)*.i } E-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mE-A C6%% O3 E-A C6-I*+i&i+'al SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mE-A C6%% O3 E-A C6-I*+i&i+'al-E6C! SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mE-A C6%% O3 E-A C6-I*+i&i+'al-LC! INTE E! ":##2??% E-!OC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, E-!NTI INTE E! ":##12C% OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { e-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell e-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)CellLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell } E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C ::= e-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell e-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)CellLis. } E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11 ::= e-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell e-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)CellLis. } SEQUENCE { E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell SEQUENCE { E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell-)11 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell-)11



E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 ::= SEQUENCE { e-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se1Se)&i*gCell E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se1Se)&i*gCell e-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)CellLis.-Se1UL3)e; SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell-Se1UL3)e; } E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, se)&i*g )a*. SEQUENCE { &al'e INTE E! ":##(B% p)ima)5-Se1-*+a)5- )a*.Sele1.-) ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5, se1-*+a)5 } } OPTIONAL, e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis. p-8e)O00se.3-)S1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##$% .,)eeI*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##(C% .8-I*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##(C% e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0C6OICE { e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell-)C ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, se)&i*g )a*. SEQUENCE { &al'e INTE E! ":##(B% p)ima)5-Se1-*+a)5- )a*.Sele1.-) ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5, se1-*+a)5 } } OPTIONAL, e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis.-)C p-8e)O00se.3-)S1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##$% .,)eeI*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##(C% .8-I*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##(C% e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0C6OICE { e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, e-!OC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-!OC6-I*0-)ma.i-* se)&i*g )a*. SEQUENCE { &al'e INTE E! ":##(B% p)ima)5-Se1-*+a)5- )a*.Sele1.-) ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5, se1-*+a)5 } } OPTIONAL, e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis.-)C p-8e)O00se.3-)S1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##$% .,)eeI*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##(C% .8-I*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##(C% e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 e-! C6-I*0C6OICE { e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, )eleaseI*+i1a.-) NULL } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-!L-I*0-Ne8Se1Se)&i*gCell ::= e-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0e-6IC6-I*0e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell-)11 ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0e-6IC6-I*0e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) se1-*+a)5!eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL, e-! C6-I*0e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-!L-I*0-O.,e)Cell-Se1UL3)e; ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-!L-I*0-SameSe)&i*gCell ::= e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs } E-2C6-SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= e-+1,-SPS-Ope)a.i-* 1-*.i*'e *e8Ope)a.i-* } } SEQUENCE { E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, C6OICE { E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL


SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, C6OICE { E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL C6OICE { E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL

SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, C6OICE { E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11, NULL, NULL C6OICE { E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL

SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, C6OICE { E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL

SEQUENCE { E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis.-)C SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, E-2C6-SPS-Ne8Ope)a.i-*-T2212B



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-2C6-SPS-Ne8Ope)a.i-*-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { e-,i1,-I*0E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-3-)-SPS-T2212B, e-+1,-TxPa..e)* E-2C6-TxPa..e)*Lis.-T2212B OPTIONAL, i*i.ialSPSI*0-3-)E2C6 SEQUENCE { *-E-UCC6 INTE E! "1##B%, 1-+e!es-')1eI*0UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, .imesl-.!es-')1e!ela.e+I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, p-8e)!es-')1e!ela.e+I*0INTE E! "1##(2%, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time, s'/0)ameN'm INTE E! ":##1%, i*i.ialTxPa..e)*I*+ex INTE E! ":##maxE2C6TxPa..e)*-T2212B-1% } OPTIONAL } E-2C6-TxPa..e)*Lis.-T2212B ::= } )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6TxPa..e)*-T2212B%% O3 SEQUENCE { !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g.,3-)SPS SEQUENCE { E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., 6app54i.-2ela5C-*+i.i-* SEQUENCE { E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., 6app54i.-2ela5C-*+i.i-*, E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* INTE E! ":##B% SEQUENCE { E-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex, E-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI OPTIONAL, E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis., E-2P2C6-MaxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es, E-2P2C6-PL-N-*Max, E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-*, INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { E-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex, E-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI OPTIONAL, E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis.-)C, E-2P2C6-MaxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es, E-2P2C6-PL-N-*Max, E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-*, INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { E-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex, E-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI OPTIONAL, E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis.-)C, Mi*!e+'1e+-E-2P2C6- ai*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, E-2P2C6-MaxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es, E-2P2C6-PL-N-*Max, E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-*, INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##(C% OPTIONAL ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms@, ms1:, ms2:, ms?:, ms1::, ms2::, ms?::, ms1::: }

E-2PCC6-I*0- ::= e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. ,app54i.-2ela5C-*+i.i-* } E-2PCC6-I*0--)C ::= e-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. ,app54i.-2ela5C-*+i.i-* e-T3C-4--s.-I*0e-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* } E-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= E-2P2C6-I*0- ::= e-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex e-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs maxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es pl-N-*Max s1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-* .,)eeI*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ .8-I*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ } E-2P2C6-I*0--)C ::= e-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex e-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs maxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es pl-N-*Max s1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-* .,)eeI*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ .8-I*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ } E-2P2C6-I*0--)B ::= e-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex e-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CIs mi*!e+'1e+-E-2P2C6- ai*3a1.-) maxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es pl-N-*Max s1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-* .,)eeI*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ .8-I*+exS.epT,)es,-l+ } E-2P2C6-Pe)i-+i15O0S1,e+I*0- ::=


-- T,e a1.'al &al'e -0 E-2P2C6-PL-N-*Max is: IE &al'e > :#:@ E-2P2C6-PL-N-*Max ::= INTE E! "11##2?% E-2P2C6-P-8e)I*.e)p-la.i-* ::= E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI ::= )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##12C%,


Release !

INTE E! ":##2A% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##12C%, INTE E! ":##(1%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI-)C ::= )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI )e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI-PO-)C } E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis. ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI

E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CILis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 E-2P2C6-!e0e)e*1e-E-T3CI-)C E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gI*0-C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { pe)i-+i1i.5O0S1,e+I*0--N- )a*. E-2P2C6-Pe)i-+i15O0S1,e+I*0pe)i-+i1i.5O0S1,e+I*0-- )a*. E-2P2C6-Pe)i-+i15O0S1,e+I*0p-8e)O00se.3-)S1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##$% } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,

E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { ms2-S1,e+T)a*sm )a*.6A!QAll-1 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL, se)&i*g )a*. SEQUENCE { &al'e INTE E! ":##(B%, p)ima)5-Se1-*+a)5- )a*.Sele1.-) ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5, se1-*+a)5 } } OPTIONAL } E-2P2C6-MaxC,a**elisa.i-*C-+es ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s02?$, s012B, s0$@, s0(2, s01$, s0B, s0@, s0@x2, s02x2, s0@x2-a*+-s02x2 } INTE E! ":##12C% SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e, E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e SEQUENCE { INTE E! "@##@@%, INTE E! ":##1@%, C6OICE { 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! ENUME!ATE2 { .5pe1, .5pe2 }, ENUME!ATE2 { +e0a'l., 1-mm-* }

E-6IC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e } E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e se1-*+a)5Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e } E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-mm-*E+1, ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e } E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T22(B@-C$B ::= *-E-6IC6 .S-N'm/e) m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0.++(B@ .++C$B }, /')s.-T5pe mi+am/le-All-1a.i-*-M-+e }



E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC! ::= SEQUENCE { ei INTE E! ":##(%, .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 1,a**elisa.i-*-C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= *-E-6IC6 e-6IC6-I*0-Lis. } E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { INTE E! "@##1?%, E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mE-6IC6%% O3 E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e ::=

INTE E! ":##(A%

E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-3-)-SPS-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*m-+e C6OICE{ impli1i. SEQUENCE { ei INTE E! ":##(% }, expli1i. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 1,a**elisa.i-*-C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } }, sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e )-'pI*+ex INTE E! ":##1A% }


E-PUC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { e-T3CS-I*0E-T3CS-I*0-, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++(@B-.++C$B SEQUENCE { *-Sl-.s3-)T3CIa*+TPC INTE E! "1##12%, e-PUC6-C-*.a*.Eal'e INTE E! "-(?##1:%, e-PUC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-2%% O3 E-PUC6-TS-Sl-.s, e-PUC6-C-+e6-ppi*g 4OOLEAN, e-PUC6-TPC-S.ep-SiGe INTE E! "1##(%, mi*im'm-All-8e+-C-+e-!a.e INTE E! ":##$(%, maxim'm-All-8e+-C-+e-!a.e INTE E! ":##$(% }, .++12B SEQUENCE { s*pl-!ep-).T5pe ENUME!ATE2 { .5pe1, .5pe2 } OPTIONAL, p)x+es-/ase INTE E! "-112##-?:%, /ea1-*PLEs. 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22, pe/ase-P-8e)C-*.)-l AP P-8e)C-*.)-l AP OPTIONAL, 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL, e-PUC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!-1%% O3 E-PUC6-TS-Sl-.s-LC!, mi*im'm-All-8e+-C-+e-!a.e INTE E! ":##$(%, maxim'm-All-8e+-C-+e-!a.e INTE E! ":##$(%, maxim'mN'mO0!e.)a*sS1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##1?%, )e.)a*sTime)3-)S1,e+I*0ENUME!ATE2 { ms1:, ms1?, ms2:, ms2?, ms(:, ms(?, ms@:, ms@?, ms?:, ms??, ms$:, ms$?, msC:, msC?, msB:, msB?, msA:, msA?, ms1::, ms11:, ms12:, ms1@:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:,ms2B:, ms(2:, ms@::, ms@B:, ms?$: } } }, -- 3-) (#B@DC#$B T22 -*l5, s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 m-+e p-8e)O00se.3-)S1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##$% OPTIONAL } E-PUC6-I*0--T2212B ::= e-T3CS-I*0s*pl-!ep-).T5pe p)x+es-/ase /ea1-*PLEs. .p1-S.epSiGe pe/ase-P-8e)C-*.)-l AP 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s e-PUC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Lis. SEQUENCE { E-T3CS-I*0-, ENUME!ATE2 { .5pe1, .5pe2 } OPTIONAL, INTE E! "-112##-?:%, 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, TPC-S.epSiGeT22, INTE E! "1##2??% OPTIONAL, UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!-1%% O3 E-PUC6-TS-Sl-.s-LC!, mi*im'm-All-8e+-C-+e-!a.e INTE E! ":##$(%, maxim'm-All-8e+-C-+e-!a.e INTE E! ":##$(%, maxim'mN'mO0!e.)a*sS1,e+I*0INTE E! ":##1?%, )e.)a*sTime)3-)S1,e+I*0ENUME!ATE2 { ms1:, ms1?, ms2:, ms2?, ms(:, ms(?, ms@:, ms@?, ms?:, ms??, ms$:, ms$?, msC:, msC?, msB:, msB?, msA:, msA?, ms1::, ms11:, ms12:, ms1@:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:,ms2B:, ms(2:, ms@::, ms@B:, ms?$: }, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 INTE E! ":##$% OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-PUC6-I*0--M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { e-PUC6-TS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!-1%% O3 E-PUC6-TS-Sl-.s-LC! } E-PUC6-TS-Sl-.s ::= .s-N'm/e) mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1@%, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E2C6

E-PUC6-TS-Sl-.s-LC! ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-.e: 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -pe)a.i-*, &ali+ &al'e 0-) .imesl-.N'm/e) is INTE E! "1##?% .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex ::= E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e )g-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-C-mm-*E+1, ::= sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e } E-!UCC6-A11essSe)&i1eClass ::= INTE E! ":##?% SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e, E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex SEQUENCE { E-6IC6-! C6-Sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g-LC!-)@


E-!UCC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++(B@-.++C$B SEQUENCE { e-!UCC6-C-*s.a*.Eal'e INTE E! "-(?##1:%, e-!UCC6-Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-) Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-), .-!UCC6 ENUME!ATE2 {ms@:, msB:, ms12:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:, ms2B:, ms(2:} OPTIONAL, e-!UCC6-TS-N'm/e) INTE E! ":##1@% OPTIONAL, e-!UCC6-Mi+am/le ENUME!ATE2 {+i)e1., +i)e1.-I*&e).e+} OPTIONAL, .-a+& ENUME!ATE2 { se11, se12, se1@, se1B, se11$, se1(2, se112B, i*0i*i.5 } OPTIONAL, .-SC6E2 ENUME!ATE2 { Ge)-, ms@:, msB:, ms1$:, ms2?:, se11, se12, se1@ } OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++(B@ C6OICE { s31$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 S31$C-+es, s3B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 S3BC-+es }, .++C$B C6OICE { s3(2 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 S3(2C-+es, s3B1$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 S31$C-+es2 } } }, .++12B SEQUENCE { .-!UCC6 ENUME!ATE2 { ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, msB:, ms12:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:, ms2B:, ms(2:, ms@::, ms?::, ms$::, msB::, ms1:::, ms2::: } OPTIONAL, *-!UCC6 INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, .-9AIT ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms@:, msB:, ms1$:, ms(2:, ms$@:, ms1:::, ms2::: } OPTIONAL, .-SI ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, msB:, ms1$:, ms2:: } OPTIONAL, ex.e*+e+Es.ima.i-*9i*+-8 INTE E! "2##?% OPTIONAL, e-!UCC6-A11essSe)&i1eClass E-!UCC6-A11essSe)&i1eClass OPTIONAL, e-!UCC6-Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-) Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis. OPTIONAL, s5*1-UL-I*0-3-)E-!UCC6 SINC-UL-I*0-3-)E-!UCC6 OPTIONAL, p)a1,-i*0-)ma.i-* P!AC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-Lis. OPTIONAL } } }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-!UCC6-I*0--T2212B ::= .-!UCC6

SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, msB:, ms12:, ms1$:, ms2::, ms2@:, ms2B:, ms(2:, ms@::, ms?::, ms$::, msB::, ms1:::, ms2::: } OPTIONAL, *-!UCC6 INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, .-9AIT ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms@:, msB:, ms1$:, ms(2:, ms$@:, ms1:::, ms2::: } OPTIONAL, .-SI ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, msB:, ms1$:, ms2:: } OPTIONAL, ex.e*+e+Es.ima.i-*9i*+-8 INTE E! "2##?% OPTIONAL, e-!UCC6-A11essSe)&i1eClass E-!UCC6-A11essSe)&i1eClass OPTIONAL, e-!UCC6-Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-) Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis. OPTIONAL, s5*1-UL-I*0-3-)E-!UCC6 SINC-UL-I*0-3-)E-!UCC6 OPTIONAL, p)a1,-i*0-)ma.i-* P!AC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-Lis. OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##12C%, INTE E! ":##$% INTE E! ":##1% SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 !e0e)e*1e-4e.a-QPSK, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 !e0e)e*1e-4e.a-1$QAM INTE E! ":##$??(?% INTE E! "$??($##2$21@(%

} E-T3C-4--s.-I*0--)C ::= e-T3CI-4--s. +el.a-T2TP } E-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex ::= E-T3CS-I*0- ::= )e0e)e*1e-4e.a-QPSK-Lis. )e0e)e*1e-4e.a-1$QAM-Lis. } EA!3CN ::= EA!3CNEx.e*si-* ::=


EA!3CN!a*ge ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 .,e IE ea)01* is se. .- a &al'e -0 $??(?, .,e* .,e EA!3CN -- &al'e 0-) .,a. i*s.a*1e s,all /e )ea+ 0)-m .,e IE ea)01*Ex.# ea)01* EA!3CN, ea)01*Ex. EA!3CNEx.e*si-* } E*a/li*g2ela5 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { )a+i--0)ames-:, )a+i--0)ames-1, )a+i--0)ames-2, )a+i--0)ames-@, )a+i--0)ames-B, )a+i--0)ames-1$, )a+i--0)ames-(2, )a+i--0)ames-$@, )a+i--0)ames-12B, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }


E*a/li*g2ela5-T2212B ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { )a+i--0)ames-:, )a+i--0)ames-1, )a+i--0)ames-2, )a+i--0)ames-@, )a+i--0)ames-B, )a+i--0)ames-1$, )a+i--0)ames-(2, )a+i--0)ames-$@, )a+i--0)ames-12B, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, i*0i*i.5 } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##2??% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##?11%

EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0.++(B@ ex-'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e }, .++C$B ex-'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e } } } 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::=



Release !
.)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 1.1,-I*+i1a.-)

T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3AC6PC6%% O3 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::=

3all/a17-!AA-P!AC6-i*0--IEs::= SEQUENCE { 1CC6-3all/a17 4OOLEAN, +CC6-3all/a17 4OOLEAN } 3ee+/a17-151le ::= 3ee+/a17-151le-)C ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 01:, 012, 01@, 01B, 011:, 012:, 01@:, 01B:, 011$:} ENUME!ATE2 { 01:, 012, 01@, 01B, 011:, 012:, 01@:, 01B:, 011$:, 011$, 01(2, 01$@, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, T22-3PAC6-CC-+e1$-)@, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, 9i-LC! SEQUENCE { 3-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, C6OICE { 3-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL

3PAC6-I*0--)@ ::= .imesl-. 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe 8i } 3-TPIC6-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell ::= 0-.pi1,-I*0-)ma.i-* } 3-TPIC6-I*0-O.,e)Cell ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*00-.pi1,-I*00-.pi1,-I*0-)ma.i-* )eleaseI*+i1a.-) } } 3-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 0.pi1,-Sl-.3-)ma. 0.pi1,-C-+eN'm/e) 0.pi1,-3)ameO00se. }

SEQUENCE { 3TPIC6-Sl-.3-)ma., INTE E! ":##2??%, 3TPIC6-3)ameO00se.

3-TPIC6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 0-.pi1,-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell 3-TPIC6-I*0-Ne8Se)&i*gCell 0-.pi1,-I*0-O.,e)CellLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 3-TPIC6-I*0-O.,e)Cell } -- A1.'al &al'e 3TPIC6-3)ameO00se. = IE &al'e > 2?$ 3TPIC6-3)ameO00se. ::= INTE E! ":##1@A% 3TPIC6-Sl-.3-)ma. ::= 3)e;I*+exLis.3-)E*,a*1e+Meas ::= 3)e;'e*15I*0- ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ .++ } 3)e;'e*15I*0-322 ::= 'a)01*-UL 'a)01*-2L } 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22 ::= 'a)01*-N. } 3)e;'e*15I*+ex3-)E*,a*1e+Meas ::= 6app54i.-2ela5C-*+i.i-* ::= INTE E! ":##A%


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;Meas9i.,-'.CM%% O3 3)e;'e*15I*+ex3-)E*,a*1e+Meas SEQUENCE { C6OICE { 3)e;'e*15I*0-322, 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22 SEQUENCE { UA!3CN UA!3CN SEQUENCE { UA!3CN INTE E! ":##maxCellMeas-1% ENUME!ATE2 { ms2, ms1:, ms2:, ms?:, ms1::, ms2::, ms?::, ms1::: }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e ::= 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC! ::=

INTE E! ":##1% ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ }

6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eSe.I*0--LC! ::= SEQUENCE { s.a).C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, s.-pC-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC! } 6S-2SC6-C-mm-*S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* ::= 111,-Mappi*gI*0s)/1-Mappi*gI*01-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'eLis. ,s-s11,-S5s.emI*0,a);-S5s.emI*01-mm-*-6-!NTI-i*0-)ma.i-* } /11,Spe1i0i1-6-!NTI SEQUENCE { C-mm-*!4Mappi*gI*0-, C-mm-*!4Mappi*gI*0C-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'eLis., 6S-SCC6-S5s.emI*0-, 6A!Q-I*0-, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxC-mm-*6!NTI%% O3 6-!NTI, 6-!NTI


6S-2SC6-C-mm-*S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { 111,-Mappi*gI*0C-mm-*!4Mappi*gI*0-, s)/1-Mappi*gI*0C-mm-*!4Mappi*gI*0OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'eLis. C-mm-*-MAC-e,s-!e-)+e)i*gQ'e'eLis., ,s-s11,-S5s.emI*0--.++12B 6S-SCC6-S5s.emI*0--T2212B, ,a);-S5s.emI*06A!Q-I*0-, ,s-p+s1,-Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B, 1-mm-*-6-!NTI-i*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxC-mm-*6!NTI%% O3 6-!NTI, /11,Spe1i0i1-6-!NTI 6-!NTI } 6S-2SC6-2)x4')s.3a1, ::= 6S-2SC6-2)xCell0a1,-i*0- ::= .-(21 ,s-+s1,-2)xC51le3a1, ,s-+s1,-2)x4')s.3a1, +)xI*.e))'p.i-*-,s-+s1, } 6S-2SC6-2)xCell0a1,-i*0--T2212B ::= .-(21 ,s-+s1,-2)xC51le3a1, ,s-+s1,-2)x4')s.3a1, } ENUME!ATE2 { 01, 02, 0@, 0B, 01$, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } SEQUENCE { T-(21, 6S-2SC6-2)xC51le3a1,, 6S-2SC6-2)x4')s.3a1,, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { T-(21, 6S-2SC6-2)xC51le3a1,, 6S-2SC6-2)x4')s.3a1,

6S-2SC6-2)xCell0a1,-Se1-*+2)x-i*0- ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-Se1-*+2)x-C51le3a1, 6S-2SC6-Se1-*+2)x-C51le3a1,, +)x-le&el C6OICE { -*e-le&el-2!F SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-Se1-*+-!x-4')s.3a1, 6S-2SC6-Se1-*+-!x-4')s.3a1, OPTIONAL, .(2A T-(2A OPTIONAL }, .8--le&el-2!F SEQUENCE { .(2B T-(2B OPTIONAL, ,s-+s1,-3i)s.-!x-4')s.3a1, 6S-2SC6-3i)s.-!x-4')s.3a1, OPTIONAL, ,s-+s1,-3i)s.-2)x-C51le3a1, 6S-2SC6-3i)s.-2)x-C51le3a1, OPTIONAL, ,s-+s1,-Se1-*+-!x-4')s.3a1, 6S-2SC6-Se1-*+-!x-4')s.3a1, OPTIONAL, .(2A T-(2A OPTIONAL } } } 6S-2SC6-2)xC51le3a1, ::= 6S-2SC6-3i)s.-2)x-C51le3a1, ::= 6S-2SC6-3i)s.-!x-4')s.3a1, ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 0@, 0B, 01$, 0(2 } ENUME!ATE2 { 02, 0@, 0B, 01$, 0(2, 0$@ } ENUME!ATE2 { 0:p@, 0:pB }


Release !
6S-2SC6-Pagi*gS5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* ::= +lS1)am/li*gC-+e pi1,-3-)6S2PAS'pp-).e+Pagi*gLis. *'m/e)O0P11,T)a*smissi-*s .)a*sp-).4l-17SiGeLis. }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 PIC6-3-)6S2PAS'pp-).e+Pagi*g, INTE E!"1##?%, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 T)a*sp-).4l-17SiGeI*+ex


6S-2SC6-Pagi*gS5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { pi1,-3-)6s+s1,Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 PIC6-3-)6S2PAS'pp-).e+Pagi*g-T2212B, +.1,-2CC6-)e1ep.i-*-8i*+-8-siGe INTE E! "1##1$%, p11,-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. PCC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL } 6S-2SC6-!xPa..e)*Lis.-T2212B ::= } )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B%% O3 SEQUENCE { !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g.,3-)SPS ENUME!ATE2 { 01, 02 } ENUME!ATE2 { 0@, 0B, 01$, 0(2, 0$@, 012B, 02?$, 0?12 } ENUME!ATE2 { -1.e.Alig*e+ } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT/s3-)6S2SC6-T2212B%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##$(% SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, 6S-2SC6-SPS-Ne8Ope)a.i-*-T2212B

6S-2SC6-Se1-*+-!x-4')s.3a1, ::= 6S-2SC6-Se1-*+2)x-C51le3a1, ::= 6S-2SC6-T4SiGeTa/le ::= 6S-2SC6-T/sLis.-T2212B ::= ,s-+s1,-T4SiGeI*+ex } 6S-2SC6-SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B ::= ,s-+s1,-SPS-Ope)a.i-* 1-*.i*'e *e8Ope)a.i-* } }

6S-2SC6-SPS-Ne8Ope)a.i-*-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-T/sLis. 6S-2SC6-T/sLis.-T2212B OPTIONAL, ,s-+s1,-!xPa..e)*Lis. 6S-2SC6-!xPa..e)*Lis.-T2212B OPTIONAL, ,A!QI*0-3-)SPS SEQUENCE { *'m/e)O0P)-1esses INTE E! "1##B%, mem-)5SiGe 6A!QMem-)5SiGe } OPTIONAL, ,s-si1,-Lis. 6S-SIC6-Lis.-T2212B, i*i.ialSPSI*0-3-)6S2SC6 SEQUENCE { .imesl-.I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, 1-+e!es-')1eI*06S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eSe.I*0--LC!, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time, s0*N'm INTE E! ":##1%, i*i.ial!xPa..e)*I*+ex INTE E! ":##max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1%, i*i.ialT0sI*+ex INTE E! ":##maxT/s3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1%, m-+'la.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { m-+QPSK, m-+1$QAM }, ,s-si1,-I*+ex INTE E! ":##max6SSIC6-T2212B-1% } OPTIONAL } 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE{ +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } 6S-SCC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL },


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

.++(B@ *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l-I*0,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-SCC6-T22(B@ }, .++12B

C6OICE { SEQUENCE { INTE E! "-C##B%, 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T2212B

} } }

6S-SCC6-I*0--)$ ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l-I*06S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T22(B@-)$ }, .++12B SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, p-8e)-le&el-6SSIC6 INTE E! "-12:##-?B%, .p1-s.ep-siGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s( , spa)e1 }, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T2212B-)$ } } } } 6S-SCC6-I*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l-I*06S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T22(B@-)$ }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l-I*06S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22C$B, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T22C$B }, .++12B SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, p-8e)-le&el-6SSIC6 INTE E! "-12:##-?B%, .p1-s.ep-siGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s( , spa)e1 }, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., p-8e)C-*.)-l AP P-8e)C-*.)-l AP OPTIONAL, pa.,l-ssC-mpe*sa.i-*S8i.1, 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T2212B-)$ } } } }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

6S-SCC6-I*0--)B-ex. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ .++ .++(B@ .++C$B .++12B ,S-SCC6-.p1-s.ep-siGe } } } }



6S-SCC6-I*0--)A ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es, +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL }, .++ C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l-I*06S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T22(B@-)$ }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, ,s-SIC6-P-8e)C-*.)-l-I*06S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22C$B, +,s-s5*1 26S-S5*1 OPTIONAL, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T22C$B }, .++12B SEQUENCE { *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, p-8e)-le&el-6SSIC6 INTE E! "-12:##-?B%, .p1-s.ep-siGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s(, spa)e1 }, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,S-SCC6-.p1-s.ep-siGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s(, spa)e1 } OPTIONAL, p-8e)C-*.)-l AP P-8e)C-*.)-l AP OPTIONAL, pa.,l-ssC-mpe*sa.i-*S8i.1, 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, ,S-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T2212B-)$ } } } } 6S-SCC6-2!F-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+-T2212B ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-2, s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-(2, s'/-0)ames-$@, s'/-0)ames-12B, s'/-0)ames-2?$, s'/-0)ames-?12, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, i*0i*i.5 } 6S-SCC6-2!F-I*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { ,S-SCC6-2!F-C51le C-*.)-lC,a**el2!FC51le-T2212B, ,S-SCC6-2!F-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ 6S-SCC6-2!F-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+-T2212B ,S-SCC6-2!F-O00se. INTE E! ":##$(% } 6S-SCC6-C-+es ::= 6S-SCC6-Less-Ne8Ope)a.i-* ::= ,s-p+s1,-C-+eI*+ex ,s-s11,-LessT3S } 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C ::= ,s-s11,LessOpe)a.i-* 1-*.i*'e *e8Ope)a.i-* INTE E! ":##12C% SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##1?%, 6S-SCC6-LessT3SLis. SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, 6S-SCC6-Less-Ne8Ope)a.i-*



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

6S-SCC6-LessT3SLis. ::= ,s-s11,-LessT3SI ,s-s11,-LessSe1-*+C-+eS'pp-).

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6S-SCC6LessT)4l7%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##A:%, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-C-+es SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSCC6s%% O3 6S-SCC6-T2212B-)$, INTE E! "-12:##-?B%, INTE E! "-C##B%, ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s( , spa)e1 }, 4le)-Ta)ge., INTE E! "1##2??% 4OOLEAN

6S-SCC6-S5s.emI*0- ::= +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e ,S-SCC6C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eI*0} 6S-SCC6-S5s.emI*0--T2212B ::= ,s-SCC6-Se.C-*0ig')a.i-* p-8e)-le&el-6SSIC6 *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. .p1-s.ep-siGe /le)-.a)ge. p-8e)-1-*.)-l-gap pa.,l-ss-1-mpe*sa.i-*-s8i.1, }



6S-SCC6-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, se1-*+C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E!":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,s-si1,-1-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B } 6S-SCC6-T2212B-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, se1-*+C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E!":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, ,s-si1,-1-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B-)$ } --0-) T2212B M'l.i-Ca))ie) 6S-SCC6-T2212B-M'l.iCa))ie) ::= SEQUENCE { 'a)01*-6S-SCC6-!x UA!3CN, .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 0i)s.C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, se1-*+C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E!":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, /le)-.a)ge. 4le)-Ta)ge., ,s-si1,-1-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B } 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE {


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

}, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, *a17-a17-p-8e)--00se. INTE E! "-C##B%, p-8e)-le&el-6SSIC6 INTE E! "-12:##-?B%, .p1-s.ep-siGe ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s( , spa)e1} } 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } 6S-SIC6-Lis.-T2212B ::= impli1i. ,S-SCC6-I*+ex }, expli1i. ,S-SIC6-I*0} SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max6SSIC6-T2212B%% O3 C6OICE { SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##max6SSCC6s-1% SEQUENCE { 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B-)$

--T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 6S-SCC6s i* 6S-SCC6 i*06S-SIC6-!e0e)e*1eSig*alI*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE " SIME "1## max6SSCC6s%% O3 SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, mi+am/leS,i0. INTE E! ":##1?%, .imeSl-. INTE E! "1##?% } 6S-SCC6-T22(B@ ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 1-mm-*Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le mi+am/leS,i0. } }, mi+am/le1-*0ig')a.i-* /le)-.a)ge. ,s-si1,-1-*0ig')a.i-* } 6S-SCC6-T22(B@-)$ ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 1-mm-*Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le mi+am/leS,i0. } }, mi+am/le1-*0ig')a.i-* ,s-si1,-1-*0ig')a.i-* } 6S-SCC6-T22C$B ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 1-mm-*Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE { Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, 4le)-Ta)ge., 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T22(B@ SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE { Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T22(B@ SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C!, C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

}, mi+am/le1-*0ig')a.i-* ,s-si1,-1-*0ig')a.i-*

Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T22C$B SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C!, C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(

6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T22(B@ ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le mi+am/leS,i0. } }, mi+am/le1-*0ig')a.i-* } 6S-SIC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T22C$B ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le mi+am/leS,i0. } }, mi+am/le1-*0ig')a.i-* }

6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22(B@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e 'l-.a)ge.-SI! = IE &al'e > :#? 'l-.a)ge.-SI! INTE E! "-22##@:%, -- N-.e: IE OC-*s.a*.Eal'eO is 'se+ "i*s.ea+ -0 IE OC-*s.a*.Eal'eT22O% .- 7eep -- 1-mpa.i/ili.5 8i., !EL-? ,s-si1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e } 6S-SIC6-P-8e)-C-*.)-l-I*0--T22C$B ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e 'l-.a)ge.-SI! = IE &al'e > :#? 'l-.a)ge.-SI! INTE E! "-22##@:%, -- N-.e: IE OC-*s.a*.Eal'eO is 'se+ "i*s.ea+ -0 IE OC-*s.a*.Eal'eT22O% .- 7eep -- 1-mpa.i/ili.5 8i., !EL-? ,s-si1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e } I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0- ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) .01i-Exis.e*1e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe } I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--E6C! ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) .01i-Exis.e*1e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E6C! } I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@ ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) .01i-Exis.e*1e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe m-+'la.i-* ss-TPC-S5m/-ls a++i.i-*alSS-TPC-S5m/-ls } SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 4OOLEAN, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 4OOLEAN, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E6C! SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 4OOLEAN, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, ENUME!ATE2 { m-+-QPSK, m-+-BPSK }, ENUME!ATE2 { Ge)-, -*e,*O&e)S3 }, INTE E!"1##1?% OPTIONAL

I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- .imesl-.N'm/e) a*+ .01i-Exis.e*1e is .a7e* 0)-m I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0-# -- mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe i* I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0- s,all /e ig*-)e+# mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, m-+'la.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { m-+-QPSK, m-+-BPSK }, ss-TPC-S5m/-ls ENUME!ATE2 { Ge)-, -*e,*O&e)S3 } } I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--)C ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e),


Release !
.01i-Exis.e*1e mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe } I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1e ::= .imesl-. 'l-Timesl-.I*.e)0e)e*1e } I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. ::= ITP ::= Ni+e*.i05A/-). ::=

4OOLEAN, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-)C SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), T22-UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1e ENUME!ATE2 { m-+e:, m-+e1 } INTE E! "1##12B% ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-2:, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-2:, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { e-+1,-..i-1, e-+1,-..i-2, e-+1,-..i-@, e-+1,-..i-B, e-+1,-..i-1$, e-+1,-..i-(2, e-+1,-..i-$@, e-+1,-..i-12B, e-+1,-..i-2?$, e-+1,-..i-?12, e-+1,-..i-I*0i*i.5, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } INTE E! "-?:##((% INTE E! "1##$@% INTE E! ":##(% INTE E! "1##1:2(% SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., 3ee+/a17-151le, CQI-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-), 2el.aCQI NULL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

MAC-2TF-C51le-1:ms ::=

MAC-2TF-C51le-2ms ::=

MAC-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ ::=

MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) ::= MaxA&aila/lePCPC6-N'm/e) ::= MaxP-8e)I*1)ease-)@ ::= MaxT3CI-3iel+2Eal'e ::= Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0- ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. 0ee+/a17-151le 1;i-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) +el.aCQI }, .++ } }

Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., 0ee+/a17-151le 3ee+/a17-151le-)C, 1;i-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) CQI-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-), +el.aCQI 2el.aCQI },


Release !
.++ NULL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--)11 ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se., 0ee+/a17-151le 3ee+/a17-151le-)C, 1;i-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) CQI-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-), 1;i-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-)-Assis.i*g CQI-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) +el.aCQI 2el.aCQI-)11 }, .++ NULL } } Meas')eme*.-3ee+/a17-I*0--C-*1'))e*.TTI ::= SEQUENCE { 0ee+/a17-151le 3ee+/a17-151le-)C 1;i-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) CQI-!epe.i.i-*3a1.-) +el.aCQI 2el.aCQI } Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( ::= ENUME!ATE2 {ms@, msB, ms1$} Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1 ::= ENUME!ATE2 {ms@, msB, ms1$} Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 ::= ENUME!ATE2 {ms(, ms$} ENUME!ATE2 {ms@, msB}



Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2-E6C! ::=

Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe ::= SEQUENCE { /')s.T5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, .5pe2 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-). } } }, .5pe( SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } } } } Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE { /')s.T5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, .5pe2 SEQUENCE {


Release !
mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e +e0a'l.Mi+am/le 1-mm-*Mi+am/le 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le mi+am/leS,i0. } }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2-E6C!, C6OICE { NULL, NULL, SEQUENCE { Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-).-E6C!

}, .5pe( SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, -- m/s0*4')s.T5pe@ is -*l5 'se+ 2L m/s0*4')s.T5pe@ NULL } }

Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-)C ::= SEQUENCE { /')s.T5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, .5pe2 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-). } } }, .5pe( SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, -- m/s0*4')s.T5pe@ is -*l5 'se+ 2L m/s0*4')s.T5pe@ NULL } } Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-2L ::= SEQUENCE { /')s.T5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, .5pe2 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-).


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} } } }

Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-2L-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE { /')s.T5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+( Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1a*+(, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, .5pe2 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2-E6C!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-).-E6C! } } } } } Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. INTE E! ":##1?% _ _, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E2C6 ::= SEQUENCE { /')s.T5pe C6OICE { .5pe1 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1 Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe1, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g } } }, .5pe2 SEQUENCE { mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2 Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-*4')s.T5pe2, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 1-mm-*Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0. Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-). } } } } } Mi+am/leS,i0.L-*g ::= Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-). ::= Mi+am/leS,i0.S,-).-E6C! ::= MIMO-N-M-!a.i- ::= INTE E! ":##1?% INTE E! ":##?% INTE E! ":##C% ENUME!ATE2 { m*m1-2, m*m2-(, m*m(-@, m*m@-?, m*m?-$, m*m$-C, m*mC-B, m*mB-A, m*mA-1:, m*m1-1 }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

MIMO-Ope)a.i-* ::= MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)C ::= mim-Ope)a.i-* mim-N-M-!a.imim-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* }

ENUME!ATE2 { s.a)., 1-*.i*'e } SEQUENCE { MIMO-Ope)a.i-*, MIMO-N-M-!a.iMIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*


MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { mim-@x@N-M-!a.iMIMO-N-M-!a.imim-@x@Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* MIMO@x@-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* p)e1-+i*g9eig,.Se.!es.)i1.i-* 4IT ST!IN "SIME "$@%% } } } MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex. ::= MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL


MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&Cg:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p)e1-+i*g9eig,.Se.!es.)i1.i-* }

MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B ::= SEQUENCE { mim-Ope)a.i-* MIMO-Ope)a.i-*, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { mim-N-M-!a.iMIMO-N-M-!a.iOPTIONAL, mim-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++ C6OICE { .++12B SEQUENCE { mim-S3M-+e3-)6SP2SC62'alS.)eam ENUME!ATE2 {s01, s01s01$}, ,s-si1,-!e0e)e*1eSig*alI*0-Lis. 6S-SIC6-!e0e)e*1eSig*alI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL }, .++(B@-.++C$B NULL } } } MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A ::= SEQUENCE { mim-Ope)a.i-* MIMO-Ope)a.i-*, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { mim-N-M-!a.iMIMO-N-M-!a.imim-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)A p)e1-+i*g9eig,.Se.!es.)i1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } }, .++ C6OICE { .++12B SEQUENCE { mim-S3M-+e3-)6SP2SC62'alS.)eam ENUME!ATE2 {s01, s01s01$}, ,s-si1,-!e0e)e*1eSig*alI*0-Lis. 6S-SIC6-!e0e)e*1eSig*alI*0-Lis. }, .++(B@-.++C$B NULL } } } MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= se1-*+CPIC6-Pa..e)* *-)malPa..e)* +i&e)si.5Pa..e)* 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e } } } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$



MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-&C0:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s-1pi1,-P-8e)O00se.-MimS-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-MIMO } MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)A ::= se1-*+CPIC6-Pa..e)* *-)malPa..e)* SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL,



Release !
+i&e)si.5Pa..e)* 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e s-1pi1,-P-8e)O00se.-Mim} } }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$, S-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-MIMO


MIMO@x@-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= a*.e**a2 a*.e**a(A*+@ } Mi*im'mSp)ea+i*g3a1.-) ::=

SEQUENCE { MIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)A A*.e**a(A*+@


ENUME!ATE2 { s0@, s0B, s01$, s0(2, s0$@, s012B, s02?$ } ENUME!ATE2 { mB-1?, m11-1?, m1?-1?, m21-1?, m(:-1?, m@2-1?, m$:-1?, mB@-1? } INTE E! "1##1$%

Mi*!e+'1e+-E-2P2C6- ai*3a1.-) ::=

M'l.iC-+eI*0- ::=

-- T,ese IEs a)e applie+ 0-) 1#2B M1ps T22 -*l5 M'l.i-0)e;'e*15I*0--LC!-)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 .,e se1-*+a)5 0)e;'e*15 is p)ese*., i. i* 8-)7i*g 0)e;'e*15 se1-*+3)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22 OPTIONAL, 0Pa1,3)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22 OPTIONAL, --I0 a 1ell UpPC6 'ses -.,e) 'pli*7 se)&i1e .imesl-., i. i* .,e UpPC6 p-si.i-* 'pPC6p-si.i-*I*0UpPC6p-si.i-*-LC! OPTIONAL } M'l.i0l-8CellT5pe ::= M'l.i0l-8C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0- ::= 1ellT5pe .ime!e0e)e*1eCell } ENUME!ATE2 { i*.)a-*-+e4, i*.e)-*-+e4 } SEQUENCE { M'l.i0l-8CellT5pe, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


MU-MIMO-I*0--T2212B ::= C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* m'-MIMO-Ope)a.i-* s.a*+al-*eMi+am/leI*0} } MU-MIMO-Ope)a.i-* ::= N-EOT ::= N- AP ::= N-PC6 ::= N-S.a).Message ::= N4:1 ::= Ne8Timi*g ::= e*a/li*g2ela5 'e-+.x-+)x-O00se. } N3-Max ::=

NULL, SEQUENCE { MU-MIMO-Ope)a.i-*, S.a*+al-*eMi+am/leI*0--T2212B


ENUME!ATE2 { 'L, +L, 'La*+2L, spa)e } INTE E! ":##C% ENUME!ATE2 { 02, 0@, 0B } INTE E! "1##B% INTE E! "1##B% INTE E! ":##?:% SEQUENCE { E*a/li*g2ela5, UE-2TF-2!F-O00se. INTE E! "1##$@% SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { ms1:, ms2:, ms(:, ms@:, msB:, ms1$:, ms(2:, msB::} OPTIONAL

N-+e4-T)igge)-6S-2PCC6-T)a*smissi-* ::= ,s-+p11,-T)a*smi.C-*.i*'a.i-*O00se. }

N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22 ::= C6OICE { .++(B@-C$B SEQUENCE { .imesl-.!es-')1e!ela.e+I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "1(%%, p-8e)!es-')1e!ela.e+I*0INTE E! "1##(2%, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time,


Release !
)epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., 1-+e!es-')1eI*0-

!epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


}, .++12B SEQUENCE { *-E-UCC6 INTE E! "1##B% OPTIONAL, *-E-6IC6 INTE E! "@##1?% OPTIONAL, .imesl-.!es-')1e!ela.e+I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, p-8e)!es-')1e!ela.e+I*0INTE E! "1##(2%, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time, s0*N'm INTE E! ":##1%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., 1-+e!es-')1eI*0UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, e-6IC6-I*0SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 1,a**elisa.i-*-C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e )-'pI*+ex INTE E! ":##1A% } } } N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22-ex. ::= .++(B@-C$B .++12B .-SI-*s. }


C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, msB:, ms1$:, ms2:: } OPTIONAL

N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22-)A ::= C6OICE { .++(B@-C$B SEQUENCE { .imesl-.!es-')1e!ela.e+I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "1(%%, p-8e)!es-')1e!ela.e+I*0INTE E! "1##(2%, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., 1-+e!es-')1eI*0UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e }, .++12B SEQUENCE { *-E-UCC6 INTE E! "1##B% OPTIONAL, *-E-6IC6 INTE E! "@##1?% OPTIONAL, .imesl-.!es-')1e!ela.e+I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, p-8e)!es-')1e!ela.e+I*0INTE E! "1##(2%, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time, s0*N'm INTE E! ":##1%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., 1-+e!es-')1eI*0UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, e-6IC6-I*0SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 1,a**elisa.i-*-C-+e 6S-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-LC!, mi+am/leAll-1a.i-*M-+e C6OICE { +e0a'l.Mi+am/le NULL, 'eSpe1i0i1Mi+am/le INTE E! ":##1?% }, -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, sig*a.')eSe;'e*1e )-'pI*+ex INTE E! ":##1A% }, .-SI-*s. ENUME!ATE2 { e&e)5E2C6TTI, ms2:, ms@:, ms$:, ms2:: } } } N-*-)e1.!esAll-1I*+-T2212B ::= N-*-)e1.!esSpe1TSse.-T2212B ::= N'm/e)O02P2C6 ::= N'm/e)O034I-4i.s ::= N'm/e)O0TPC-4i.s ::= ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 4IT ST!IN "SIME "C%%



msB:, ms1$:, OPTIONAL

INTE E! "1##max2P2C6-UL% INTE E! "1##2% ENUME!ATE2 { .p1@ }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-T22 ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e), -- alp,a, p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e, +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e a*+ p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e -- s,all /e ig*-)e+ i* 1#2BM1ps T22 m-+e# alp,a Alp,a OPTIONAL, p)a1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++, +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++, p's1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++ OPTIONAL } Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ ::= ip+l-alp,a maxP-8e)I*1)ease } Pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., ::= PC-P)eam/le ::= PCC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= pagi*g-ass-1ia.e+6sp+s1,I*0SEQUENCE { Alp,a, MaxP-8e)I*1)ease-)@

ENUME!ATE2 { pi@, piB, pi1$ } INTE E! ":##C%

}, pagi*g-s'/-C,a**el-siGe .)a*sp-).4l-17SiGeLis. } PCP-Le*g., ::=

SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxSCCPC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { ,s-p+s1,-Mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* 6S-P2SC6-Mi+am/le-C-*0ig')a.i-*-T2212B, .imesl-.!es-')1e!ela.e+I*04IT ST!IN "SIME "$%%, 1-+e!es-')1eI*0-)ma.i-* C-+e!es-')1eI*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B INTE E! "1##(%, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 T)a*sp-).4l-17SiGeI*+ex ENUME!ATE2 { as:, asB } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##CA%, INTE E! ":##?11%, Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e PCP-Le*g.,, UCSM-I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPCPC6s%% O3 PCPC6-C,a**elI*0ENUME!ATE2 { ma54eUse+, s,allN-.4eUse+ }

PCPC6-C,a**elI*0- ::= p1p1,-UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e p1p1,-2L-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e p1p1,-2L-S1)am/li*gC-+e p1p-Le*g., '1sm-I*0} PCPC6-C,a**elI*0-Lis. ::= PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs. ::=


P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- p+s1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0- is 1-*+i.i-*al -* *e8-1-*0ig')a.i-* /)a*1, /el-8, i0 .,is -- sele1.e+ .,e IE is OPTIONAL -.,e)8ise i. s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. p+s1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0P2SC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0OPTIONAL, p+s1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0-, 1-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { -l+-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* 2E3AULT 1, p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 }, *e8-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { p+s1,-I*0P2SC6-I*0-, p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } } } P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { p+s1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0-, 1-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { -l+-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 }, *e8-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { p+s1,-I*0P2SC6-I*0--)@, p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 p+s1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0P2SC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-

2E3AULT 1,



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

P2SC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { p+s1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0-, 1-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { -l+-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 }, *e8-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { p+s1,-I*0P2SC6-I*0--)C, p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 p+s1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0P2SC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0} } } P2SC6-C-+eI*0- ::= sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) 1-+eN'm/e) m'l.iC-+eI*0} P2SC6-C-+eI*0-Lis. ::= P2SC6-C-+eMap ::= sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) m'l.iC-+eI*01-+eN'm/e)S.a). 1-+eN'm/e)S.-p } P2SC6-C-+eMapLis. ::= P2SC6-C-+eMappi*g ::= +l-S1)am/li*gC-+e sig*alli*gMe.,-+ 1-+e!a*ge .01i-!a*ge expli1i.-1-*0ig )epla1e } } P2SC6-I+e*.i.5 ::= P2SC6-I*0- ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es } P2SC6-I*0--)@ ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0.++Op.i-* .++(B@ p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es }, .++12B p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es } } } P2SC6-I*0--)C ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0.++Op.i-* .++(B@ p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es }, .++C$B p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es SEQUENCE { S3-P2SC6, C-+eN'm/e)2SC6, M'l.iC-+eI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3CI-2-C-m/s%% O3 P2SC6-C-+eI*0SEQUENCE { S3-P2SC6, M'l.iC-+eI*0-, C-+eN'm/e)2SC6, C-+eN'm/e)2SC6

2E3AULT 1,


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6-T3CIg)-'ps%% O3 P2SC6-C-+eMap SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e C6OICE { C-+e!a*ge, 2SC6-Mappi*gLis., P2SC6-C-+eI*0-Lis., !epla1e+P2SC6-C-+eI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL,

INTE E! "1##,iP2SC6i+e*.i.ies% SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*02-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2E3AULT 1, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@

SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C!



Release !
}, .++12B p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es } } }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@


P2SC6-I*0--LC!-)@ ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0p+s1,-Timesl-.sC-+es } P2SC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0- ::= .p1-S.epSiGeT22 'l-CCT)C,TPCLis. } P2SC6-S6O-2C6-I*0- ::= +s1,-!a+i-Li*7I+e*.i0ie) )l-I+e*.i0ie)Lis. } P2SC6-S5sI*0- ::= p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 p+s1,-I*0+s1,-T3S +s1,-T3CS } P2SC6-S5sI*0--E6C!-)C ::= p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 p+s1,-I*0+s1,-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0+s1,-T3CS } P2SC6-S5sI*0--6C!-)? ::= p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 p+s1,-I*0+s1,-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0+s1,-T3CS } P2SC6-S5sI*0--LC!-)@ ::= p+s1,-I+e*.i.5 p+s1,-I*0+s1,-T3S +s1,-T3CS _ P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis. ::= P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-E6C!-)C ::= P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-6C!-)? ::= P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ ::= P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N ::= p+s1,-S5sI*0s0*-TimeI*0-

SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*02-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { TPC-S.epSiGeT22 UL-CCT)C,TPCLis. SEQUENCE { 2SC6-!a+i-Li*7I+e*.i0ie), !L-I+e*.i0ie)Lis. SEQUENCE { P2SC6-I+e*.i.5, P2SC6-I*0-, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T3CS SEQUENCE { P2SC6-I+e*.i.5, P2SC6-I*0--)C, 2SC6-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0T3CS SEQUENCE { P2SC6-I+e*.i.5, P2SC6-I*0-, 2SC6-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0T3CS SEQUENCE { P2SC6-I+e*.i.5, P2SC6-I*0--LC!-)@, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T3CS SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 P2SC6-S5sI*0-








SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 P2SC6-S5sI*0--E6C!-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 P2SC6-S5sI*0--6C!-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 P2SC6-S5sI*0--LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { P2SC6-S5sI*0-, S3N-TimeI*0-


P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-6C!-)? ::= p+s1,-S5sI*0s0*-TimeI*0-

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { P2SC6-S5sI*0--6C!-)?, S3N-TimeI*0OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP2SC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { P2SC6-S5sI*0--LC!-)@, S3N-TimeI*0-

P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-LC!-)@ ::= p+s1,-S5sI*0s0*-TimeI*0-



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-) ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { ps0:-A, ps0:-B, ps0:-C, ps0:-$, ps0:-?, ps0:-@, ps0:-(, ps0:-2 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASCpe)sis.%% O3 Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-) ENUME!ATE2 { e1B, e($, eC2, e1@@ } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SEQUENCE { PIC6-I*0-, INTE E!"1##1?%

Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis. ::= PI-C-'*.Pe)3)ame ::=

Pi1,C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-LC!-)@ ::= PIC6-3-)6S2PAS'pp-).e+Pagi*g ::= ,s+pa-Ass-1ia.e+Pi1,I*0,s-p+s1,C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e }

PIC6-3-)6S2PAS'pp-).e+Pagi*g-T2212B ::= C6OICE { impli1i. SEQUENCE { -11'))e*1eSe;'e*1eN'm/e)O0PIC6 O11'))e*1eSe;'e*1eN'm/e)O0PIC6 }, expli1i. PIC6-I*0--LC!-)@ } PIC6-I*0- ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$, pi-C-'*.Pe)3)ame PI-C-'*.Pe)3)ame, s..+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e T22-PIC6-CC-+e .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e) mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,O00se. !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-PIC6 pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., Pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., *- AP N- AP *-PC6 N-PC6 } } PIC6-I*0--6C!-E6C!-)C ::= 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e .++(B@ .++C$B } OPTIONAL, .imesl-. mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,O00se. pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., *- AP *-PC6 } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { T22-PIC6-CC-+e, T22C$B-PIC6-CC-+e Timesl-.N'm/e) Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe, !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-PIC6 Pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., N- AP N-PC6




PIC6-I*0--LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, pi1,C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-LC!-)@ Pi1,C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-LC!-)@, mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,O00se. !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-PIC6 OPTIONAL, pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., Pagi*gI*+i1a.-)Le*g., 2E3AULT pi@, *- AP N- AP 2E3AULT 0@, *-PC6 N-PC6 2E3AULT 2 } PIC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= Pil-.4i.s12B ::= Pil-.4i.s2?$ ::= INTE E! "-1:##?% ENUME!ATE2 { p/@, p/B } ENUME!ATE2 { p/2, p/@, p/B }

-- A1.'al meas')eme*. p-8e) -00se. &al'e = IE &al'e > :#? Meas')eme*.P-8e)O00se. ::= INTE E! "-12##2$% PLCC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !
pl11,Se;'e*1eN'm/e) .imesl-.N'm/e) 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e .p1C-mma*+Ta)ge.!a.e } P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le ::=

INTE E!"1##1@%, Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, TPC-C-mma*+Ta)ge.!a.e ENUME!ATE2 { 0ixe+, 0lexi/le } C6OICE { TPC-S.epSiGe322, NULL INTE E! ":##2??% INTE E! ":##2@% INTE E! ":##2@% INTE E! "1##B% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##@%% O3 T22-P!AC6-CC-+e-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 T22-P!AC6-CC-+e-LC!-)@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m ::= alg-)i.,m1 alg-)i.,m2 } P-8e)C-*.)-l AP ::= P-8e)O00se.Pil-.-p+p+1, ::= P-8e)O00se.TPC-p+p+1, ::= P-8e)!ampS.ep ::= P!AC6-C,a*C-+es-LC!-)@ ::= P!AC6-C,a*C-+es-Lis.-LC! ::= P!AC6-2e0i*i.i-*-LC!-)@ ::= .imesl-. p)a1,-C,a*C-+es-LC! mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe 0pa1,-I*0} P!AC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC! ::= .imesl-. p)a1,-C,a*C-+es-lis.-LC! mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe 0pa1,-I*0} P!AC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-Lis. ::= P!AC6-Mi+am/le ::=

SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-P!AC6-LC!-)@, P!AC6-C,a*C-+es-LC!-)@, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, 3PAC6-I*0--)@ SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-P!AC6-LC!-)@, P!AC6-C,a*C-+es-Lis.-LC!, Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, 3PAC6-I*0--)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6-3PAC6%% O3 P!AC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-LC! ENUME!ATE2 { +i)e1., +i)e1.-I*&e).e+ }


P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASC%% O3 -- TA4ULA!: I0 -*l5 JN'mASCN1J "8i.,, N'mASCN1 V maxASC% ASCSe..i*g-322 a)e lis.e+, -- .,e )emai*i*g "N'mASCN2 .,)-'g, maxASC% ASCs a)e '*spe1i0ie+# ASCSe..i*g-322, .++ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASC%% O3 -- TA4ULA!: I0 -*l5 JN'mASCN1J "8i.,, N'mASCN1 V maxASC% ASCSe..i*g-T22 a)e lis.e+, -- .,e )emai*i*g "N'mASCN2 .,)-'g, maxASC% ASCs a)e '*spe1i0ie+# ASCSe..i*g-T22 } P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g-)C ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASC%% O3 -- TA4ULA!: I0 -*l5 JN'mASCN1J "8i.,, N'mASCN1 V maxASC% ASCSe..i*g-322 a)e lis.e+, -- .,e )emai*i*g "N'mASCN2 .,)-'g, maxASC% ASCs a)e '*spe1i0ie+# ASCSe..i*g-322, .++ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASC%% O3 -- TA4ULA!: I0 -*l5 JN'mASCN1J "8i.,, N'mASCN1 V maxASC% ASCSe..i*g-T22 a)e lis.e+, -- .,e )emai*i*g "N'mASCN2 .,)-'g, maxASC% ASCs a)e '*spe1i0ie+# ASCSe..i*g-T22-)C } P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxASC%% O3 -- TA4ULA!: I0 -*l5 JN'mASCN1J "8i.,, N'mASCN1 V maxASC% ASCSe..i*g-T22-LC!-)@ a)e lis.e+, -- .,e )emai*i*g "N'mASCN2 .,)-'g, maxASC% ASCs a)e '*spe1i0ie+# ASCSe..i*g-T22-LC!-)@ P!AC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !
p-8e)!ampS.ep p)eam/le!e.)a*sMax } P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7 ::= a&aila/leSig*a.')es e-ai-I*+i1a.i-* p)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e) a&aila/leS'/C,a**elN'm/e)s p)a1,-Pa).i.i-*i*g pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis. a1-T--ASC-Mappi*gTa/le p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 1-*s.a*.Eal'e p)a1,-P-8e)O00se. )a1,-T)a*smissi-*Pa)ame.e)s ai1,-I*0p-8e)O00se.Pp-e } P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex. ::= a&aila/leSig*a.')es p)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e) ai1,-I*0}

P-8e)!ampS.ep, P)eam/le!e.)a*sMax

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { A&aila/leSig*a.')es 4OOLEAN, P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e) A&aila/leS'/C,a**elN'm/e)s P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g-)C Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis. AC-T--ASC-Mappi*gTa/le P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) C-*s.a*.Eal'e P!AC6-P-8e)O00se. !AC6-T)a*smissi-*Pa)ame.e)s AIC6-I*0INTE E! "-?##1:% SEQUENCE { A&aila/leSig*a.')es, P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e), AIC6-I*0--C-mp)esse+



P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex.Lis. ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6-EUL%% O3 P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex.9i.,9eig,.

P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex.9i.,9eig,. ::= SEQUENCE { p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex. P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex., -- A1.'al &al'e 8eig,. = IE &al'e > :#2 8eig,. INTE E! "1##?% OPTIONAL }

P!AC6-!AC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { a&aila/leSig*a.')es A&aila/leSig*a.')es, a&aila/leS3 S3-P!AC6, p)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e) P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e), p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi., a&aila/leS'/C,a**elN'm/e)s A&aila/leS'/C,a**elN'm/e)s }, .++ SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e), 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. T22-P!AC6-CC-+eLis., p)a1,-Mi+am/le P!AC6-Mi+am/le } } } P!AC6-!AC6-I*0--E6C!-)C ::= .imesl-. 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. p)a1,-Mi+am/le } P!AC6-!AC6-I*0--LC!-&CC:ex. ::= e-!UCC6-S5* } P!AC6-!AC6-I*0--LC!-)@ ::= s5*1-UL-I*0p)a1,-2e0i*i.i-*Lis. } P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* ::= p)a1,-!AC6-I*0.)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 )a1,-T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. )a1,-T3CS p)a1,-Pa).i.i-*i*g pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis. SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), T22C$B-P!AC6-CC-+eLis., P!AC6-Mi+am/le SEQUENCE { S5* SEQUENCE { SINC-UL-I*0--)@, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6-3PAC6%% O3 P!AC6-2e0i*i.i-*-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { P!AC6-!AC6-I*0-, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T3CS P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g Pe)sis.e*1eS1ali*g3a1.-)Lis.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


a1-T--ASC-Mappi*gTa/le AC-T--ASC-Mappi*gTa/le m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 1-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e p)a1,-P-8e)O00se. P!AC6-P-8e)O00se. )a1,-T)a*smissi-*Pa)ame.e)s !AC6-T)a*smissi-*Pa)ame.e)s ai1,-I*0AIC6-I*0}, .++ NULL }

P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-E6C!-)C ::= SEQUENCE { p)a1,-!AC6-I*0P!AC6-!AC6-I*0--E6C!-)C, p)a1,-Pa).i.i-*i*g P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g-)C } P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-)@ ::= p)a1,-!AC6-I*0--LC! )a1,-T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se.-LC! p)a1,-Pa).i.i-*i*g-LC! } SEQUENCE { P!AC6-!AC6-I*0--LC!-)@, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se.-LC! P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g-LC!-)@



P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p)a1,-!AC6-I*0--LC! P!AC6-!AC6-I*0--LC!-&CC:ex. } P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6%% O3 P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*

P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-E6C!-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6%% O3 P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-E6C!-)C P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6%% O3 P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-)@

P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxP!AC6%% O3 P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-&CC:ex. P)eam/le!e.)a*sMax ::= INTE E! "1##$@% INTE E! ":##1?%

P)eam/leS1)am/li*gC-+e9-)+N'm/e) ::= P)e2e0P,5C,C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= 'l-2PC6-I*0-P)e+e0 +l-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P)e+e0 }

SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-I*0-P)e+e0, 2L-C-mm-*I*0-)ma.i-*P)e+e0


P)e2e0P,5C,C-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-I*0-P)e+e0 UL-2PC6-I*0-P)e+e0-&CC:ex. } P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0- ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- s5*1Case s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 m-+e s5*1Case C6OICE { s5*1Case1 SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e) }, s5*1Case2 SEQUENCE { .imesl-.S5*12 Timesl-.S5*12 } } 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 CellPa)ame.e)sI2 s1.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } } P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ ::= 0++ .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ .++Op.i-* C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { C6OICE {



Release !
.++(B@-.++C$B s5*1Case s5*1Case1 .imesl-. }, s5*1Case2 .imesl-.S5*12 } } }, .++12B .s.+-I*+i1a.-) } _, 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 s1.+-I*+i1a.-) _ _ P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@ ::= .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 s1.+-I*+i1a.-) }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




-- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22, .,e 0-ll-8i*g IE i*1l'+es eleme*.s 0-) .,e PCCPC6 I*0- a++i.i-*al .- .,-se -- i* P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-P-s. ::= s5*1Case s5*1Case1 .imesl-. }, s5*1Case2 .imesl-.S5*12 } }, 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 s1.+-I*+i1a.-) } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e) SEQUENCE { Timesl-.S5*12 CellPa)ame.e)sI2, 4OOLEAN

P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { .s.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 CellPa)ame.e)sI2, s1.+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN _ P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) ::= P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0- ::= p)ima)5S1)am/li*gC-+e } P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) ::= P)ima)5S1)am/li*gC-+e ::= P'*1.')i*gLimi. ::= INTE E! "$##@(% SEQUENCE { P)ima)5S1)am/li*gC-+e INTE E! "-1:##?:% INTE E! ":##?11% ENUME!ATE2 { pl:-@:, pl:-@@, pl:-@B, pl:-?2, pl:-?$, pl:-$:, pl:-$@, pl:-$B, pl:-C2, pl:-C$, pl:-B:, pl:-B@, pl:-BB, pl:-A2, pl:-A$, pl1 }

PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { p's1,-All-1a.i-* C6OICE { p's1,-All-1a.i-*Pe*+i*g NULL, p's1,-All-1a.i-*Assig*me*. SEQUENCE { p's1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0-, p's1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-Ta)ge.SI! 1-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { -l+-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* p's1,-I+e*.i.5 PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 }, *e8-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { p's1,-I*0PUSC6-I*0-,



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


} } } } }

PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { p's1,-All-1a.i-* C6OICE { p's1,-All-1a.i-*Pe*+i*g NULL, p's1,-All-1a.i-*Assig*me*. SEQUENCE { p's1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0-, p's1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0PUSC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ 1-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { -l+-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* p's1,-I+e*.i.5 PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 _, *e8-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { p's1,-I*0PUSC6-I*0--)@, p's1,-I+e*.i.5 PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 } } } } } PUSC6-Capa1i.5All-1a.i-*I*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { p's1,-All-1a.i-* C6OICE { p's1,-All-1a.i-*Pe*+i*g NULL, p's1,-All-1a.i-*Assig*me*. SEQUENCE { p's1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+I*0-, p's1,-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0PUSC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C 1-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { -l+-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* p's1,-I+e*.i.5 PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 }, *e8-C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { p's1,-I*0PUSC6-I*0--E6C!, p's1,-I+e*.i.5 PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 } } } } } PUSC6-I+e*.i.5 ::= PUSC6-I*0- ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0p's1,-Timesl-.sC-+es } PUSC6-I*0--)@ ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0.++Op.i-* .++(B@ p's1,-Timesl-.sC-+es }, .++12B p's1,-Timesl-.sC-+es } } } PUSC6-I*0--E6C! ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0p's1,-Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C! } PUSC6-I*0--LC!-)@ ::= .01s-I2 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0INTE E! "1##,iPUSC6i+e*.i.ies% SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C6OICE { SEQUENCE { Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es







SEQUENCE { Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL

SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C! SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


PUSC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-PUSC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-PUSC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI!, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22 } } } PUSC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-PUSC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-PUSC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI!, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ NULL, .++C$B NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22 } } } PUSC6-S5sI*0- ::= p's1,-I+e*.i.5 p's1,-I*0's1,-T3S 's1,-T3CS } PUSC6-S5sI*0--E6C! ::= p's1,-I+e*.i.5 p's1,-I*0--E6C! 's1,-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0's1,-T3CS } PUSC6-S5sI*0--6C!-)? ::= p's1,-I+e*.i.5 p's1,-I*0's1,-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0's1,-T3CS } PUSC6-S5sI*0--LC!-)@ ::= p's1,-I+e*.i.5 p's1,-I*0's1,-T3S 's1,-T3CS _ PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis. ::= PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-6C!-)? ::= PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ ::= PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N ::= p's1,-S5sI*0s0*-TimeI*0} PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-6C!-)? ::= p's1,-S5sI*0s0*-TimeI*0} PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPUSC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { PUSC6-I+e*.i.5, PUSC6-I*0-, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T3CS SEQUENCE { PUSC6-I+e*.i.5, PUSC6-I*0--E6C!, USC6-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0T3CS SEQUENCE { PUSC6-I+e*.i.5, PUSC6-I*0-, USC6-T)a*sp-).C,a**elsI*0T3CS SEQUENCE { PUSC6-I+e*.i.5, PUSC6-I*0--LC!-)@, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T3CS SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPUSC6%% O3 PUSC6-S5sI*0-







SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPUSC6%% O3 PUSC6-S5sI*0--6C!-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPUSC6%% O3 PUSC6-S5sI*0--LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPUSC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { PUSC6-S5sI*0-, S3N-TimeI*0-




Release !
p's1,-S5sI*0s0*-TimeI*0} PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-E6C! ::= p's1,-S5sI*0--E6C! s0*-TimeI*0} !AC6-T)a*smissi-*Pa)ame.e)s ::= mmax */:1Mi* */:1Max } !e+'1e+S1)am/li*gC-+eN'm/e) ::= !e0e)e*1e-4e.a-QPSK ::= )e0e)e*1e-C-+e-!a.e )e0e)e*1e-4e.a } !e0e)e*1e-4e.a-1$QAM ::= )e0e)e*1e-C-+e-!a.e )e0e)e*1e-4e.a }

PUSC6-S5sI*0--LC!-)@, S3N-TimeI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxPUSC6%% O3 SEQUENCE { PUSC6-S5sI*0--E6C!, S3N-TimeI*0SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##(2%, N4:1, N4:1 INTE E! ":##B1A1% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1:%, INTE E! "-1?##1$% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1:%, INTE E! "-1?##1$%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



!epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g., ::= C6OICE { )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+1 NULL, -- )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+2 1-'l+ <'s. as 8ell /e NULL als-# )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+2 INTE E! "1##1%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+@ INTE E! "1##(%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+B INTE E! "1##C%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+1$ INTE E! "1##1?%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+(2 INTE E! "1##(1%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+$@ INTE E! "1##$(% } !epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,A*+O00se. ::= C6OICE { )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+1 NULL, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+2 SEQUENCE { le*g., NULL, -00se. INTE E! }, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+@ SEQUENCE { le*g., INTE E! -00se. INTE E! }, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+B SEQUENCE { le*g., INTE E! -00se. INTE E! }, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+1$ SEQUENCE { le*g., INTE E! -00se. INTE E! }, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+(2 SEQUENCE { le*g., INTE E! -00se. INTE E! }, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+$@ SEQUENCE { le*g., INTE E! -00se. INTE E! } }

":##1% "1##(%, ":##(% "1##C%, ":##C% "1##1?%, ":##1?% "1##(1%, ":##(1% "1##$(%, ":##$(%

!epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+A*+Le*g.,3-)SPS ::= C6OICE { )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+1 NULL, -- )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+2 1-'l+ <'s. as 8ell /e NULL als-# )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+2 INTE E! "1##1%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+@ INTE E! "1##(%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+B INTE E! "1##C%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+1$ INTE E! "1##1?%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+(2 INTE E! "1##(1% } !epla1e+P2SC6-C-+eI*0- ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !
.01i-3iel+2 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) 1-+eN'm/e) m'l.iC-+eI*0} !epla1e+P2SC6-C-+eI*0-Lis. ::= !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-PIC6 ::= )pp@-2 )ppB-2 )ppB-@ )pp1$-2 )pp1$-@ )pp(2-2 )pp(2-@ )pp$@-2 )pp$@-@ } !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-MIC6 ::= )pp@-2 )ppB-2 )ppB-@ )pp1$-2 )pp1$-@ )pp(2-2 )pp(2-@ )pp$@-2 )pp$@-@ } !es.)i1.e+T)C6 ::= +l-)es.)i1.e+T)C,-T5pe )es.)i1.e+2L-T)C6-I+e*.i.5 all-8e+T3ILis. } !es.)i1.e+T)C6-I*0-Lis. ::=

MaxT3CI-3iel+2Eal'e, S3-P2SC6, C-+eN'm/e)2SC6, M'l.iC-+eI*0-

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT3CI-2-C-m/s%% O3 !epla1e+P2SC6-C-+eI*0C6OICE { INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE C6OICE { INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE INTE E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E! ":##(%, ":##C%, ":##C%, ":##1?%, ":##1?%, ":##(1%, ":##(1%, ":##$(%, ":##$(%

E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E!

":##(%, ":##C%, ":##C%, ":##1?%, ":##1?%, ":##(1%, ":##(1%, ":##$(%, ":##$(%

SEQUENCE { 2L-T)C6-T5pe, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, All-8e+T3I-Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxT)C6%% O3 !es.)i1.e+T)C6

!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, +l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L, -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ .,e IEs s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6 } !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-I+ +l-+p1,I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* } !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-I+ +l-+p1,I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* } !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-I+ +l-+p1,I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)?, 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)$ E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)?, 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)?,








Release !
+l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0-

2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)?, 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--)A SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)?, 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--)1:

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-I+ +l-+p1,I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-I+ +l-+p1,I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&/?:ex. ::= .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*01ell-I+ +l-+p1,I*0+l-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L }, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 0-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-* .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&$/:ex. ::= s..+I*+i1a.i-* } !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&BA:ex. ::= .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&A?:ex. ::= .a)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ ::= !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C ::=





SEQUENCE { Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--&/?:ex. OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, CellI+e*.i.5 C6OICE { 2L-2PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)?, 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* 3-TPIC6-I*0-)ma.i-* Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--)11 SEQUENCE { STT2I*+i1a.i-* SEQUENCE { Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--&BA:ex. SEQUENCE { Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--&A?:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)C






!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-lis.-&$/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&$/:ex. !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&BA:ex.

!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&BA:ex. ::=


Release !
!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)A ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME"1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)A

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&A?:ex. ::= !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)1: ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME"1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&A?:ex.

SEQUENCE "SIME"1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME"1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-&/?:ex.

!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)11 ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME"1##max!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-)11

!L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxE2C6!L-1%% O3 !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-Se1UL3)e; !L-A++i.i-*I*0-)ma.i-*-Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, 1ell-i+ CellI+e*.i.5 +l-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L 2L-32PC6-I*0-Pe)!L-)C, e-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, e-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* E-! C6-I*0-)ma.i-* } !L-I+e*.i0ie)Lis. ::= !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::=


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-

!L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0!PP ::= S-3iel+ ::= SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { m-+e:, m-+e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { e1/i., e2/i.s } ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { 11(2-1, 11(2-2, 11(2-(, 11(2-@, 11(2-?, 11(2-$, 11(2-C, 11(2-B, 11(2-A, 11(2-1:, 11(2-11, 11(2-12, 11(2-1(, 11(2-1@, 11(2-1?, 11(2-1$, 11(2-1C, 11(2-1B, 11(2-1A, 11(2-2:, 11(2-21, 11(2-22, 11(2-2(, 11(2-2@, 11(2-2?, 11(2-2$, 11(2-2C, 11(2-2B, 11(2-2A, 11(2-(:, 11(2-(1, 11(2-(2 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e

SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! ::=

SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. ::=

SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##(2%% O3 SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6 ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0-, .01s T3CS, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 0a1,-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., si/-!e0e)e*1eLis.3AC6 SI4-!e0e)e*1eLis.3AC6 }, .++ SEQUENCE { 0a1,-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } } }


Release !
SCCPC6-I*0-3-)3AC6-)@ ::= se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0.01s 0a1,-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ si/-!e0e)e*1eLis.3AC6 }, .++ } } SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* ::= se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0.01s 0a1,-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. pi1,-I*0}

SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0--)@, T3CS, 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., C6OICE { SEQUENCE { SI4-!e0e)e*1eLis.3AC6 NULL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0-, T3CS 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. PIC6-I*0-


SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6-LC!-Ex.e*si-*s Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@-ex., -- pi1,-I*0- i* .,e SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* IE s,all /e a/se*., -- a*+ i*s.ea+ .,e 0-ll-8i*g 'se+# pi1,-I*0PIC6-I*0--LC!-)@ } SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-6C!-E6C!-)C ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0--6C!-E6C!-)C, .01s T3CS 0a1,-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. 3AC6-PC6-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. pi1,-I*0PIC6-I*0--6C!-E6C!-)C } SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*



SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-6C!-E6C!-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-6C!-E6C!-)C -- SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@-ex. i*1l'+es eleme*.s a++i.i-*al .- .,-se i* -- SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. 0-) .,e 1#2BM1ps T22# T,e -)+e) -0 .,e IEs -- i* 8,i1, SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-)@-ex. IE ex.e*+s 8,i1, -- SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* IE# SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-)@-ex. -- T,e SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)$ is 'se+ 0-) a* S-CCPC6 +e+i1a.e+ 0-) M4MS p')p-ses# SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS-)$, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*Se. T3CS, 0a1,Ca))5i*gMCC6 SEQUENCE { m11,-.)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., m11,-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0M4MS-MCC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ }, 0a1,Ca))5i*gMTC6-Lis. M4MS-3AC6Ca))5i*gMTC6-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- I0 s1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* is p)-&i+e+ 0a1,Ca))5i*gMSC6 SEQUENCE { ms1,-.)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ } OPTIONAL } -- T,e SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)C is 'se+ 0-) a* S-CCPC6 +e+i1a.e+ 0-) M4MS p')p-ses# SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)C ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS-)C, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*Se. T3CS, 0a1,Ca))5i*gMCC6 SEQUENCE { m11,-.)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se., m11,-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0M4MS-MCC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ }, 0a1,Ca))5i*gMTC6-Lis. M4MS-3AC6Ca))5i*gMTC6-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- I0 s1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* is p)-&i+e+ 0a1,Ca))5i*gMSC6 SEQUENCE { ms1,-.)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. } OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-MIMO ::= S-CPIC6-P-8e)O00se.-@x@MIMO ::= S1,e+'le+T)a*smissi-*C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= 1-mm-*-E-2C6-!es-')1eI*0-Lis.Ex. } S1)am/li*gC-+eC,a*ge ::= S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe ::=

INTE E! "-$##:% INTE E! "-12##:% SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6s%% O3 C-mm-*-E-2C6-!es-')1eI*0-Lis.Ex.

ENUME!ATE2 { 1-+eC,a*ge, *-C-+eC,a*ge } ENUME!ATE2 { s,-).SC, l-*gSC }

Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm51 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 PCPIC6-Usage3-)C,a**elEs., -- +'mm52 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# I. s,-'l+ *-. -- /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm52 Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL, s..+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, s0-A*+C-+eN'm/e) S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e), pil-.S5m/-lExis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, p-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le, .imi*gO00se. Timi*gO00se. 2E3AULT : }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: .,e -00se. is i*1l'+e+ i* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-SCCPC6 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-SCCPC6, i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0-, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. } } } Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL, s..+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, s0-A*+C-+eN'm/e) S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e), pil-.S5m/-lExis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, p-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le P-si.i-*3ixe+O)3lexi/le, .imi*gO00se. Timi*gO00se. 2E3AULT : }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: .,e -00se. is i*1l'+e+ i* C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-SCCPC6 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-SCCPC6, .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0}, .++12B SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@ } _, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. } } } Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0--6C!-E6C!-)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--)C, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--E6C!, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SCCPC6-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-E6C!


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

Se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@-ex. ::= i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.LC!-Ex. }

SEQUENCE { I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@-ex.

Se1-*+a)5CCPC63)ameT5pe2I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { s'/3)ameN'm/e) INTE E! ":##@%, +l-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+es 2L-C,a**elC-+es-M4S3N-IM4(B@, m-+'la.i-* C6OICE { m-+QPSK NULL, m-+1$QAM SEQUENCE { 1pi1,-Se1CCPC6-P-8e)O00se. INTE E! "-11##@% } } } Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e s..+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, s0-A*+C-+eN'm/e) S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e), .imi*gO00se. Timi*gO00se. }, .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS, +-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS, +-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ } } }


Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS-)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { -- T,e C6OICE 0++ is 'se+ 0-) /-., J0++J a*+ J(#B@ M1ps T22 M4S3N IM4J 0++ SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e is *-. appli1a/le 0-) J(#B@ M1ps T22 M4S3N IM4J se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e OPTIONAL, -- T,e IE s..+-I*+i1a.-) is *-. appli1a/le 0-) 1ells -pe)a.i*g i* M4S3N m-+e, -- .,e UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+ s..+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, s0-A*+C-+eN'm/e) S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e), -- T,e IE .imi*gO00se. is *-. appli1a/le 0-) J(#B@ M1ps T22 M4S3N IM4J .imi*gO00se. Timi*gO00se. 2E3AULT :, m-+'la.i-* C6OICE { m-+QPSK NULL, -- T,e C6OICE m-+1$QAM is *-. appli1a/le 0-) MCC6 i* J(#B@ M1ps T22 M4S3N IM4J m-+1$QAM INTE E! "-11##@% } OPTIONAL }, .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS, +-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-)C, m-+'la.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { m-+QPSK, m-+1$QAM } }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS, +-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C!, m-+'la.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { m-+QPSK, m-+1$QAM } }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-M4MS, +-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2-8*li*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@, m/s0*Spe1ialTimeSl-. TimeSl-.LC!-ex. OPTIONAL, m-+'la.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { m-+QPSK, m-+1$QAM } } } } Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0-2i00-M4MS ::= se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e s..+-I*+i1a.-) SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e 4OOLEAN, OPTIONAL,


Release !
s0-A*+C-+eN'm/e) .imi*gO00se. } Se1-*+a)5CPIC6-I*0- ::= se1-*+a)52L-S1)am/li*gC-+e 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e } Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e ::= Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322 ::= 1-*.i*'e *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* mim-N-M-!a.imim-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* } }

S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e) Timi*gO00se. SEQUENCE { Se1-*+a)5S1)am/li*gC-+e C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ INTE E! "1##1?%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { MIMO-N-M-!a.iMIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)A


Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-&A?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { p)e1-+i*g9eig,.Se.!es.)i1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } Se1-*+a)5CellMIMOpa)ame.e)s322-)1: ::= 1-*.i*'e *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* mim-N-M-!a.imim-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* p)e1-+i*g9eig,.Se.!es.)i1.i-* } }


C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { MIMO-N-M-!a.iMIMO-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-*-)A ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


Se1-*+a)5Cell@x@MIMOpa)ame.e)s322 ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { mim-N-M-!a.iMIMO-N-M-!a.imim-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* MIMO@x@-Pil-.C-*0ig')a.i-* p)e1-+i*g9eig,.Se.!es.)i1.i-* 4IT ST!IN "SIME "$@%% } } } Se1-*+I*.e)lea&i*gM-+e ::= Se)&i*gCellC,a*geMAC)ese. ::= Se)&i*gCellC,a*geMsgT5pe ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 0)ame!ela.e+, .imesl-.!ela.e+ } 4OOLEAN ENUME!ATE2 { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p, )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* } SEQUENCE { Se)&i*gCellC,a*geMAC)ese., Se)&i*gCellC,a*geMsgT5pe, Se)&i*gCellC,a*geT)I+ INTE E! ":##(%


Se)&i*gCellC,a*gePa)ame.e)s ::= se)&i*gCellC,a*geMAC)ese. se)&i*gCellC,a*geMsgT5pe se)&i*gCellC,a*geT)I+ } Se)&i*gCellC,a*geT)I+ ::= S3BC-+es ::= S31$C-+es ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { 11B-1, 11B-2, 11B-(, 11B-@, 11B-?, 11B-$,

11B-C, 11B-B}

ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B} ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$} ENUME!ATE2 { 11(2-1, 11(2-2, 11(2-(, 11(2-@, 11(2-?, 11(2-$, 11(2-C, 11(2-B, 11(2-A, 11(2-1:, 11(2-11, 11(2-12, 11(2-1(, 11(2-1@, 11(2-1?, 11(2-1$}

S31$C-+es2 ::=

S3(2C-+es ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e) e*1-+es /-., JSp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)J a*+ JC-+e N'm/e)J S32?$-A*+C-+eN'm/e) ::= C6OICE { s0@ INTE E! ":##(%, s0B INTE E! ":##C%, s01$ INTE E! ":##1?%, s0(2 INTE E! ":##(1%, s0$@ INTE E! ":##$(%, s012B INTE E! ":##12C%, s02?$ INTE E! ":##2??% } -- S3?12-A*+C-+eN'm/e) e*1-+es /-., JSp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)J a*+ JC-+e N'm/e)J S3?12-A*+C-+eN'm/e) ::= C6OICE { s0@ INTE E! ":##(%, s0B INTE E! ":##C%, s01$ INTE E! ":##1?%, s0(2 INTE E! ":##(1%, s0$@ INTE E! ":##$(%, s012B INTE E! ":##12C%, s02?$ INTE E! ":##2??%, s0?12 INTE E! ":##?11% } -- S3?12-A*+Pil-. e*1-+es /-., JSp)ea+i*g 0a1.-)J a*+ JN'm/e) -0 /i.s 0-) Pil-. /i.sJ S3?12-A*+Pil-. ::= C6OICE { s0+@ NULL, s0+B NULL, s0+1$ NULL, s0+(2 NULL, s0+$@ NULL, s0+12B Pil-.4i.s12B, s0+2?$ Pil-.4i.s2?$, s0+?12 NULL } S3-P2SC6 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s0p@, s0pB, s0p1$, s0p(2, s0p$@, s0p12B, s0p2?$ } S3-P!AC6 ::= S3N-TimeI*0- ::= a1.i&a.i-*TimeS3N p,5sC,2')a.i-* } -- a1.'al s1,e+'li*g &al'e = 2"sig*alle+ -- spe1ial /')s. 0)ames Spe1ial4')s.S1,e+'li*g ::= Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s0p)(2, s0p)$@, s0p)12B, s0p)2?$ } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##@:A?%, 2')a.i-*TimeI*0&al'e N1%

a*+ is .,e pe)i-+i1i.5 -0 se*+i*g

INTE E! ":##C% ENUME!ATE2 { s0@, s0B, s01$, s0(2, s0$@, s012B, s02?$ } SEQUENCE { E-2C6-SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B 6S-2SC6-SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B INTE E! ":##C% ENUME!ATE2 { ss+.-i+-a, ss+.-i+-/, ss+.-i+-1, ss+.-i+-+, ss+.-i+-e, ss+.-i+-0, ss+.-i+-g, ss+.-i+-, } SEQUENCE { S-3iel+, C-+e9-)+Se. SEQUENCE { S-3iel+, C-+e9-)+Se., SS2T-UL OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

SPS-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B-)B ::= e-+1,-SPS-I*0,s-+s1,-SPS-I*0} S!4-+ela5 ::= SS2T-CellI+e*.i.5 ::=

SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= s-3iel+ 1-+e9-)+Se. } SS2T-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ ::= s-3iel+ 1-+e9-)+Se. ss+.-UL-)@ }



Release !
SS2T-UL ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { 'l, 'l-A*+2L }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S.a*+al-*eMi+am/leI*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* = IE &al'e > 2 mi+am/leC-*0ig')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B%, mi+am/leS,i0. INTE E! ":##1?%, .imeSl-.I*0-)ma.i-* 4IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time, s'/0)ameN'm INTE E! ":##1%, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+ ENUME!ATE2 { &1, &2, &@, &B, &1$, &(2, &$@, spa)e}, )e0e)e*1e4e.a INTE E! "-1?##1$% OPTIONAL } STT2I*+i1a.i-* ::= S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ ::= s5* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }

SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN { 1-+eC":%, 1-+e$"1%, 1-+e?"2%, 1-+e@"(%, 1-+e("@%, 1-+e2"?%, 1-+e1"$%, 1-+e:"C% } "SIME "B%%, 0pa1,-I*03PAC6-I*0--)@, -- A1.'al &al'e p)xUpPC6+es = IE &al'e - 12: p)xUpPC6+es INTE E! ":##$2%, s5*1-UL-P)-1e+')e SINC-UL-P)-1e+')e-)@ 4IT ST!IN { 1-+eC":%, 1-+e$"1%, 1-+e?"2%, 1-+e@"(%, 1-+e("@%, 1-+e2"?%, 1-+e1"$%, 1-+e:"C% } "SIME "B%% SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)1, .)2, .)@, .)B }, INTE E! ":##(%


S5* ::=

SINC-UL-P)-1e+')e-)@ ::= max-SINC-UL-T)a*smissi-*s p-8e)!ampS.ep }

SINC-UL-I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { s5* S5*, -- A1.'al &al'e p)xUpPC6+es = IE &al'e - 12: p)xUpPC6+es INTE E! ":##$2%, p-8e)!ampS.ep INTE E! ":##(%, max-SINC-UL-T)a*smissi-*s ENUME!ATE2 { .)1, .)2, .)@, .)B }, mmax INTE E!"1##(2% } SINC-UL-I*0-3-)E-!UCC6 ::= p)xUpPC6+es p-8e)!ampS.ep max-SINC-UL-T)a*smissi-*s e-!UCC6-S5* mmax } Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0- ::= a1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. *e8-6-!NTI *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0+.x-+)x-Timi*gI*0+.x-+)x-I*0,s-s11,-LessI*0SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$2% INTE E! ":##(% ENUME!ATE2 { .)1, .)2, .)@, .)B } S5*, INTE E!"1##(2% SEQUENCE { A1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. 6-!NTI, E-!NTI E-!NTI Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)B, E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C, 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C 2TF-2!F-I*0--)C 6S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,



Release !
mim-Pa)ame.e)s +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 } Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--&BA:ex. ::=

MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)B 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-&C0:ex.

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--)A ::= SEQUENCE { a1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. A1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)A, e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)A 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 } Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--&A?:ex. ::=



Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--)1: ::= SEQUENCE { a1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. A1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)A, e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)1: a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 } Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--&/?:ex. ::= 'lOLT2I*0-322 } SEQUENCE { UL-OLT2-I*0-322


Ta)ge.CellP)e1-*0igI*0--)11 ::= SEQUENCE { a1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. A1.i&a.i-*TimeO00se. *e8-6-!NTI 6-!NTI, *e8P)ima)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI *e8Se1-*+a)5-E-!NTI E-!NTI se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-* Se)&i*g-6S2SC6-CellI*0-)ma.i-*-)11, e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11, +.x-+)x-Timi*gI*02TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C +.x-+)x-I*02TF-2!F-I*0--)C ,s-s11,-LessI*06S-SCC6-LessI*0--)C mim-Pa)ame.e)s MIMO-Pa)ame.e)s-)A mim-@x@Pa)ame.e)s MIMO@x@-Pa)ame.e)s +l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 2L-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.322-)11 a++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 A++i.i-*al2LSe1CellI*0-Lis.3222 'l-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 UL-Se1-*+a)5CellI*0-322 e-+1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 E-2C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--Se1UL3)e;'e*15 'l-CLT2-I*0-322 UL-CLT2-I*0-322 0-.pi1,-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*03-TPIC6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0'L-OLT2-I*0-322 UL-OLT2-I*0-322 'l-1$QAM-C-*0ig UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig 'l-$@QAM-C-*0ig UL-$@QAM-C-*0ig 'l-MIMO-I*0UL-MIMO-I*0-322 } T22-3PAC6-CC-+e1$-)@ ::=


ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T22-UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e ::= T22-PIC6-CC-+e ::=

INTE E! "-11:##-?2% ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { 11(2-1, 11(2-2, 11(2-(, 11(2-@, 11(2-?, 11(2-$, 11(2-C, 11(2-B, 11(2-A, 11(2-1:, 11(2-11, 11(2-12, 11(2-1(, 11(2-1@, 11(2-1?, 11(2-1$, 11(2-1C, 11(2-1B, 11(2-1A, 11(2-2:, 11(2-21, 11(2-22, 11(2-2(, 11(2-2@, 11(2-2?, 11(2-2$, 11(2-2C, 11(2-2B, 11(2-2A, 11(2-(:, 11(2-(1, 11(2-(2 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 T22-M4S3NTSl-.I*0SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), CellPa)ame.e)sI2 ENUME!ATE2 { 11B-1, 11B-2, 11B-(, 11B-@, 11B-?, 11B-$, 11B-C, 11B-B } ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { 11@-1, 11@-2, 11@-(, 11@-@, 11B-1, 11B-2, 11B-(, 11B-@, 11B-?, 11B-$, 11B-C, 11B-B, 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ }

T22C$B-PIC6-CC-+e ::=

T22-M4S3NI*0-)ma.i-* ::= T22-M4S3NTSl-.I*0- ::= .imeSl-.N'm/e) 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 } T22-P!AC6-CC-+eB ::=

T22-P!AC6-CC-+e1$ ::=

T22-P!AC6-CC-+e-LC!-)@ ::=

T22-P!AC6-CC-+eLis. ::= s0B

C6OICE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 T22-P!AC6-CC-+eB, -- C,a**elisa.i-* 1-+es 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, -- 111$-1? a*+ 111$-1$ s,all *-. /e 'se+ s01$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 T22-P!AC6-CC-+e1$ } T22C$B-P!AC6-CC-+e1$ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { 11(2-1, 11(2-2, 11(2-(, 11(2-@, 11(2-?, 11(2-$, 11(2-C, 11(2-B, 11(2-A, 11(2-1:, 11(2-11, 11(2-12, 11(2-1(, 11(2-1@, 11(2-1?, 11(2-1$ }

T22C$B-P!AC6-CC-+e(2 ::=

T22C$B-P!AC6-CC-+eLis. ::= s0(2

C6OICE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 T22C$B-P!AC6-CC-+e(2, -- C,a**elisa.i-* 1-+es 11(2-1C, 11(2-1B, 11(2-1A, 11(2-2:, 11(2-21, 11(2-22, -- 11(2-2(, 11(2-2@, 11(2-2?, 11(2-2$, 11(2-2C, 11(2-2B, 11(2-2A, 11(2-(:, 11(2-(1 -- a*+ 11(2-(2 s,all *-. /e 'se+ s01$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1$%% O3 T22C$B-P!AC6-CC-+e1$ } T3C-C-*.)-l2')a.i-* ::= ENUME!ATE2 {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

.01-1+1, .01-1+2, .01-1+@, .01-1+B, .01-1+1$, .01-1+2@, .01-1+(2, .01-1+@B, .01-1+$@, .01-1+12B, .01-1+1A2, .01-1+2?$, .01-1+?12 } T3CI-C-+i*g ::= ENUME!ATE2 { .01i-/i.s-@, .01i-/i.s-B, .01i-/i.s-1$, .01i-/i.s-(2 } INTE E! ":##2??%

T C3N ::=

-- I* T 2, &al'e 2C: )ep)ese*.s J'*+e0i*e+J i* .,e .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-*# T 2 ::= INTE E! "1?##2C:% T L ::= T MP ::= INTE E! "1##1@% ENUME!ATE2 { .++-Meas')eme*., 0++-Meas')eme*., gsm-Ca))ie)!SSIMeas')eme*., gsm-i*i.ial4SICI+e*.i0i1a.i-*, gsm4SIC!e1-*0i)ma.i-*, m'l.i-1a))ie) } ENUME!ATE2 { .++-Meas')eme*., 0++-Meas')eme*., gsm-Ca))ie)!SSIMeas')eme*., gsm-i*i.ial4SICI+e*.i0i1a.i-*, gsm4SIC!e1-*0i)ma.i-*, m'l.i-1a))ie), e-UT!A, spa)e } SEQUENCE { T PSI, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { T C3N NULL T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams SEQUENCE { T PSI, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { T C3N NULL T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams-)B SEQUENCE { T PSI, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { T C3N NULL T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams-)1: INTE E! ":##2??% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 T P-Se;'e*1e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 T P-Se;'e*1e-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 T P-Se;'e*1e-)1: SEQUENCE { T PSI, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { T C3N OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

T MP-)B ::=

T P-Se;'e*1e ::= .gpsi .gps-S.a.'s a1.i&a.e .g10* }, +ea1.i&a.e }, .gps-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams } T P-Se;'e*1e-)B ::= .gpsi .gps-S.a.'s a1.i&a.e .g10* }, +ea1.i&a.e }, .gps-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams } T P-Se;'e*1e-)1: ::= .gpsi .gps-S.a.'s a1.i&a.e .g10* }, +ea1.i&a.e }, .gps-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams } T PS-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*-C3N ::= T P-Se;'e*1eLis. ::= T P-Se;'e*1eLis.-)B ::= T P-Se;'e*1eLis.-)1: ::= T P-Se;'e*1eS,-). ::= .gpsi .gps-S.a.'s a1.i&a.e .g10* },


Release !
+ea1.i&a.e NULL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

T P-Se;'e*1eS,-).-)1: ::= .gpsi .gps-S.a.'s a1.i&a.e .g10* }, +ea1.i&a.e }, 0)e;Spe1i0i1C-mp)esse+M-+e } T PL ::=


-- TA4ULA!: I* T P!C, &al'e : )ep)ese*.s Ji*0i*i.5J i* .,e .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-*# T P!C ::= INTE E! ":##?11% T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams ::= SEQUENCE { .gmp T MP, .gp)1 T P!C, .gs* T SN, .gl1 T L, .gl2 T L OPTIONAL, .g+ T 2, .gpl1 T PL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,all /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 T PL OPTIONAL, )pp !PP, i.p ITP, -- TA4ULA!: C-mp)esse+ m-+e me.,-+ is *es.e+ i*si+e UL-2L-M-+e 'l-2L-M-+e UL-2L-M-+e, +l-3)ameT5pe 2L-3)ameT5pe, +el.aSI!1 2el.aSI!, +el.aSI!A0.e)1 2el.aSI!, +el.aSI!2 2el.aSI! OPTIONAL, +el.aSI!A0.e)2 2el.aSI! OPTIONAL, *i+e*.i05A/-). Ni+e*.i05A/-). OPTIONAL, .)e1-*0i)mA/-). T)e1-*0i)mA/-). OPTIONAL } T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams-)B ::= SEQUENCE { .gmp T MP-)B, .gp)1 T P!C, .gs* T SN, .gl1 T L, .gl2 T L .g+ T 2, .gpl1 T PL, )pp !PP, i.p ITP, -- TA4ULA!: C-mp)esse+ m-+e me.,-+ is *es.e+ i*si+e UL-2L-M-+e 'l-2L-M-+e UL-2L-M-+e, +l-3)ameT5pe 2L-3)ameT5pe, +el.aSI!1 2el.aSI!, +el.aSI!A0.e)1 2el.aSI!, +el.aSI!2 2el.aSI! +el.aSI!A0.e)2 2el.aSI! *i+e*.i05A/-). Ni+e*.i05A/-). .)e1-*0i)mA/-). T)e1-*0i)mA/-). } T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { .gmp T MP-)B, 0)e;Spe1i0i1C-mp)esse+M-+e ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } .gp)1 T P!C, .gs* T SN, .gl1 T L, .gl2 T L .g+ T 2, .gpl1 T PL, )pp !PP, i.p ITP, -- TA4ULA!: C-mp)esse+ m-+e me.,-+ is *es.e+ i*si+e UL-2L-M-+e 'l-2L-M-+e UL-2L-M-+e,






Release !
+l-3)ameT5pe +el.aSI!1 +el.aSI!A0.e)1 +el.aSI!2 +el.aSI!A0.e)2 *i+e*.i05A/-). .)e1-*0i)mA/-).

2L-3)ameT5pe, 2el.aSI!, 2el.aSI!, 2el.aSI! 2el.aSI! Ni+e*.i05A/-). T)e1-*0i)mA/-). INTE E! "1##maxT PS% INTE E! ":##1@% SEQUENCE { A1.i&a.i-*Time 2')a.i-*TimeI*0ENUME!ATE2 { .sC, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 Timesl-.N'm/e)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


T PSI ::= T SN ::= TimeI*0- ::= a1.i&a.i-*Time +')a.i-*TimeI*0} TimeSl-.LC!-ex. ::= Timesl-.Lis. ::=


Timesl-.Lis.-)@ ::= C6OICE { -- .,e 1,-i1e 0-) C#$B M1ps T22 is as 0-) (#B@ M1ps T22 -.++(B@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 Timesl-.N'm/e), .++12B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!%% O3 Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@ _ -- I0 Timesl-.N'm/e) is i*1l'+e+ 0-) a 1#2BM1ps T22 +es1)ip.i-*, i. s,all .a7e &al'es 0)-m :##$ Timesl-.N'm/e) ::= INTE E! ":##1@% Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@ ::= Timesl-.N'm/e)-P!AC6-LC!-)@ ::= Timesl-.S5*12 ::= 2TF-2!F-Timi*gI*0--)C ::= .imi*g 1-*.i*'e *e8Timi*g } } INTE E! ":##$% INTE E! "1##$% INTE E! ":##$% SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, Ne8Timi*g

-- A1.'al &al'e Timi*gO00se. = IE &al'e > 2?$ Timi*gO00se. ::= INTE E! ":##1@A% Timi*gMai*.ai*e+S5*1,I*+ ::= TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex ::= TPC-C-mma*+Ta)ge.!a.e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 0alse } INTE E! ":##?% INTE E! ":##1:%

-- A1.'al &al'e TPC-S.epSiGe322 = IE &al'e N 1 TPC-S.epSiGe322 ::= INTE E! ":##1% TPC-S.epSiGeT22 ::= T)a*sp-).4l-17SiGeI*+ex ::= INTE E! "1##(% INTE E! "1##(2%

-- A1.'al &al'e T)e1-*0i)mA/-). = IE &al'e > :#? se1-*+s T)e1-*0i)mA/-). ::= INTE E! "1##2:% T8-Ms6a);C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= ,a);P)-1essAll-1a.i-* } TF-2i&e)si.5M-+e ::= SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL

ENUME!ATE2 { *-2i&e)si.5, s..+, 1l-se+L--pM-+e1, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UA!3CN ::= UCSM-I*0- ::= mi*im'mSp)ea+i*g3a1.-) *0-Max 1,a**el!e;Pa)ams3-)UCSM } UE-2PCC6-4')s. ::=

INTE E! ":##1$(B(% SEQUENCE { Mi*im'mSp)ea+i*g3a1.-), N3-Max, C,a**el!e;Pa)ams3-)UCSM ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-2, s'/-0)ames-?, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-2:, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-2: } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-1, s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-2:, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-2:, s'/-0)ames-@:, s'/-0)ames-B:, s'/-0)ames-1$:, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { s'/-0)ames-@, s'/-0)ames-?, s'/-0)ames-B, s'/-0)ames-1:, s'/-0)ames-1$, s'/-0)ames-2:, s'/-0)ames-(2, s'/-0)ames-@:, s'/-0)ames-$@, s'/-0)ames-B:, s'/-0)ames-12B, s'/-0)ames-1$:, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { e-+1,-..i-1, e-+1,-..i-@, e-+1,-..i-B, e-+1,-..i-1$, e-+1,-..i-(2, e-+1,-..i-$@, e-+1,-..i-12B, e-+1,-..i-2?$,

UE-2!F-C51le ::=

UE-2TF-C51le1-1:ms ::=

UE-2TF-C51le1-2ms ::=

UE-2TF-C51le2-1:ms ::=

UE-2TF-C51le2-2ms ::=

UE-2TF-C51le2I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ ::=


Release !

) %
spa)eB, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-2TF-l-*g-p)eam/le-le*g., ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { sl-.s-@, sl-.s-1? } INTE E! ":##1?A% ENUME!ATE2 { e-+1,-..i-:, e-+1,-..i-1, e-+1,-..i-2, e-+1,-..i-@, e-+1,-..i-B, e-+1,-..i-1$, e-+1,-..i-(2, e-+1,-..i-$@, e-+1,-..i-12B, e-+1,-..i-2?$, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

UE-2TF-2!F-O00se. ::=

UE- )a*.M-*i.-)i*g-I*a1.i&i.5T,)es,-l+ ::=

UL-1$QAM-C-*0ig ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-1$QAM-Se..i*gs e-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex ma1-es-e-)ese.I*+i1a.-) }

UL-1$QAM-Se..i*gs E-T3CI-Ta/leI*+ex ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }

UL-1$QAM-Se..i*gs ::= SEQUENCE { /e.a-E+- ai*-E-A C6-Ta/le-Sele1.i-* INTE E! ":##1% } UL-$@QAM-C-*0ig ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-$@QAM-Se..i*gs ma1-is-i-)ese.I*+i1a.-) } UL-$@QAM-Se..i*gs ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

UL-$@QAM-Se..i*gs ::= SEQUENCE { /e.a-E+- ai*-E-A C6-Ta/le-Sele1.i-* INTE E! ":##1% } UL-CCT)C6 ::= .01s-I2 'l-Ta)ge.SI! .imeI*01-mm-*Timesl-.I*0'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es } SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* UL-Ta)ge.SI!, TimeI*0-, C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es 2E3AULT 1, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

UL-CCT)C6-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { .01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI!, .imeI*0TimeI*0-, 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0.++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ } } } UL-CCT)C6-)C ::= SEQUENCE {

2E3AULT 1,



Release !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2E3AULT 1,

.01s-I2 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI!, .imeI*0TimeI*0-, 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0.++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C! }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)C } } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 UL-CCT)C6 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 UL-CCT)C6-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 UL-CCT)C6-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* SEQUENCE "SIME ":##maxCCT)C6%% O3 T3CS-I+e*.i.5


UL-CCT)C6Lis. ::= UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)@ ::= UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)C ::= UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e ::= UL-CCT)C,TPCLis. ::=

UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*. ::= C6OICE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I*0} UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)@ ::= C6OICE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)@, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I*0} UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.-)? ::= C6OICE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)?, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I*0} -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. -- 1,a*ge+ .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2 ::= C6OICE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0-, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm5 2 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I*0-, +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I2 } -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. -- 1,a*ge+ .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2-)@ ::= C6OICE { 'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)@, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 -- s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I*0-, +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I2 _ -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. -- 1,a*ge+ .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# UL-C,a**el!e;'i)eme*.9i.,CPC6-Se.I2-)? ::= C6OICE {


Release !

) !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'l-2PC6-I*0UL-2PC6-I*0--)?, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I*0-, +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I2 _ UL-CLT2-I*0-322 ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { s-+p11,-I*0S-2PCC6-I*0-)ma.i-*, i*i.ial-CLT2-A1.i&a.i-*S.a.e ENUME!ATE2 { 0i)s.-s.a.e, se1-*+-s.a.e } OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL _ _ _ UL-C-mp)esse+M-+eMe.,-+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s0-2, ,ig,e)La5e)S1,e+'li*g } C6OICE { UL-C-mp)esse+M-+eMe.,-+, 2L-C-mp)esse+M-+eMe.,-+, SEQUENCE { UL-C-mp)esse+M-+eMe.,-+, 2L-C-mp)esse+M-+eMe.,-+ ENUME!ATE2 { sl0:, sl01, sl02 } SEQUENCE { S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e

UL-2L-M-+e ::= 'l +l 'l-a*+-+l 'l +l }} UL-2PCC6-Sl-.3-)ma. ::= UL-2PC6-C-+eI*0-3-)C-mm-*E2C6 ::= 'l-2PCC6s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe 'l-2PCC6s1)am/li*gC-+e }


UL-2PC6-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, s1)am/li*gC-+e UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, *'m/e)O02P2C6 N'm/e)O02P2C6 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-), .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi. }, .++ SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l 'l-CCT)C6Lis. UL-CCT)C6Lis. 'l-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e } } } UL-2PC6-I*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, s1)am/li*gC-+e UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, *'m/e)O02P2C6 N'm/e)O02P2C6 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-), .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi. _, .++ SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ 'l-CCT)C6Lis. UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)@ 'l-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e _


2E3AULT 1,




2E3AULT 1,




Release !
_ _

) 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-2PC6-I*0--)? ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)? m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, s1)am/li*gC-+e UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, *'m/e)O02P2C6 N'm/e)O02P2C6 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-), .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi. _, .++ SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ 'l-CCT)C6Lis. UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)@ 'l-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e _ _ _ UL-2PC6-I*0--)$ ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)$ m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, s1)am/li*gC-+e UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, +p+1,P)ese*1e C6OICE { p)ese*. SEQUENCE { *'m/e)O02P2C6 N'm/e)O02P2C6 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-), .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi. }, *-.P)ese*. SEQUENCE { .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s } } }, .++ SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ 'l-CCT)C6Lis. UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)@ 'l-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e } } } UL-2PC6-I*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, s1)am/li*gC-+e UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, +p+1,P)ese*1e C6OICE { p)ese*. SEQUENCE { *'m/e)O02P2C6 N'm/e)O02P2C6 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-), .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s *'m/e)O0TPC-4i.s N'm/e)O0TPC-4i.s p'*1.')i*gLimi. P'*1.')i*gLimi. }, *-.P)ese*. SEQUENCE { .01i-Exis.e*1e 4OOLEAN, -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 *'m/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O034I-4i.s *'m/e)O0TPC-4i.s N'm/e)O0TPC-4i.s } } },


2E3AULT 1,




2E3AULT 1,





2E3AULT 1,




Release !

) '

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e 'l-CCT)C6Lis. 'l-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e

SEQUENCE { UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)C UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)C UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e


} }

UL-2PC6-I*0--)11 ::= 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe s1)am/li*gC-+e +p+1,P)ese*1e p)ese*. *'m/e)O02P2C6 sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) .01i-Exis.e*1e -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s *'m/e)O034I-4i.s *'m/e)O0TPC-4i.s p'*1.')i*gLimi. }, *-.P)ese*. .01i-Exis.e*1e -- *'m/e)O034I-4i.s *'m/e)O034I-4i.s *'m/e)O0TPC-4i.s } } }, .++ 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e 'l-CCT)C6Lis. 'l-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e } } }

SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)11 C6OICE { SEQUENCE { S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { N'm/e)O02P2C6 Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-), 4OOLEAN, is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 N'm/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O0TPC-4i.s P'*1.')i*gLimi. SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, is 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* ,is.-)5 N'm/e)O034I-4i.s N'm/e)O0TPC-4i.s


2E3AULT 1,



SEQUENCE { UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)C UL-CCT)C6Lis.-)C UL-CCT)C6Lis.T-!em-&e


UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.322 ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P-s.322, s1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe S1)am/li*gC-+eT5pe, )e+'1e+S1)am/li*gC-+eN'm/e) !e+'1e+S1)am/li*gC-+eN'm/e), sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) Sp)ea+i*g3a1.-) } UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22 ::= 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es } UL-2PC6-I*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@ ::= 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e 'l-CCT)C6-Timesl-.sC-+es _ UL-2PC6-I*0-P)e+e0 ::= 'l-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ .01i-Exis.e*1e p'*1.')i*gLimi. }, .++ 1-mm-*Timesl-.I*0} } } UL-2PC6-I*0-P)e+e0-&CC:ex. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ *'m/e)O0TPC-4i.s }, SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P-s.T22, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-LC!-)@ Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P)e+e0, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, P'*1.')i*gLimi. SEQUENCE { C-mm-*Timesl-.I*0-






Release !
.++ NULL

) "

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0- ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m }, .++ SEQUENCE { 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! OPTIONAL, 'l-OL-PC-Sig*alli*g C6OICE { /)-a+1as.-UL-OL-PC-i*0NULL, i*+i&i+'all5Sig*alle+ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } OPTIONAL } } UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)@ ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m _, .++ SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! OPTIONAL, 'l-OL-PC-Sig*alli*g C6OICE { /)-a+1as.-UL-OL-PC-i*0NULL, i*+i&i+'all5Sig*alle+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e _, .++12B SEQUENCE { .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22 _ _, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) _ } _ _ UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)? ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m, +el.aACK 2el.aACK OPTIONAL, +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK OPTIONAL, a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-) ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) OPTIONAL _, .++ SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! OPTIONAL, 'l-OL-PC-Sig*alli*g C6OICE { /)-a+1as.-UL-OL-PC-i*0NULL, i*+i&i+'all5Sig*alle+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e _, .++12B SEQUENCE {


Release !
.p1-S.epSiGe _ _, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) _ } _ _

) (

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)$ ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m, +el.aACK 2el.aACK OPTIONAL, +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK OPTIONAL, a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-) ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! OPTIONAL, 'l-OL-PC-Sig*alli*g C6OICE { /)-a+1as.-UL-OL-PC-i*0NULL, i*+i&i+'all5Sig*alle+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e }, .++12B SEQUENCE { /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22 } }, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)C ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m, +el.aACK 2el.aACK OPTIONAL, +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK OPTIONAL, a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-) ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! OPTIONAL, 'l-OL-PC-Sig*alli*g C6OICE { /)-a+1as.-UL-OL-PC-i*0NULL, i*+i&i+'all5Sig*alle+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e }, .++12B SEQUENCE { /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22 } }, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


Release !

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} } }

UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0--)11 ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se., p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5, -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m, +el.aACK 2el.aACK-)11 OPTIONAL, +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK-)11 OPTIONAL, a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-) ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-)-assis.i*g ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, ,a);-P)eam/le-M-+e 6A!Q-P)eam/le-M-+e }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! OPTIONAL, 'l-OL-PC-Sig*alli*g C6OICE { /)-a+1as.-UL-OL-PC-i*0NULL, i*+i&i+'all5Sig*alle+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'e }, .++12B SEQUENCE { /ea1-*PLEs. 4EACON-PL-Es. OPTIONAL, .p1-S.epSiGe TPC-S.epSiGeT22 } }, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) } } } } UL-2PC6p-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-C-*1'))e*.TTI ::= +el.aACK +el.aNACK a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-) } SEQUENCE { 2el.aACK 2el.aNACK ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

UL-2PC6p-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-3-)C-mm-*E2C6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m, +el.aACK 2el.aACK +el.aNACK 2el.aNACK a17-NACK-)epe.i.i-*-0a1.-) ACK-NACK-)epe.i.i-*3a1.-) } UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P-s.322 ::= SEQUENCE { -- 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se.2 ,as a smalle) )a*ge .- sa&e /i.s +p11,-P-8e)O00se. 2PCC6-P-8e)O00se.2, p1-P)eam/le PC-P)eam/le, s!4-+ela5 S!4-+ela5 } UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P-s.T22 ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI!, 'l-Timesl-.I*.e)0e)e*1e T22-UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e } UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P-s.T22-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE 'l-Ta)ge.SI! 1-))esp-*+s .- P!F-2PC6+es 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -- A1.'al &al'e P!F-2PC6+es = "&al'e -0 IE J'l-Ta)ge.SI!J - 12:% 'l-Ta)ge.SI! UL-Ta)ge.SI! _ UL-2PC6-P-8e)C-*.)-lI*0-P)e+e0 ::= C6OICE {



Release !
0++ }, .++ } }

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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: TPC s.ep siGe *es.e+ i*si+e P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m p-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m P-8e)C-*.)-lAlg-)i.,m SEQUENCE { -- +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e s,all /e ig*-)e+ i0 i* 1#2BM1ps T22 m-+e# +p1,-C-*s.a*.Eal'e C-*s.a*.Eal'eT++

UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-ex. ::= C6OICE { 0++ NULL, .++ SEQUENCE { *-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22-ex. } } UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= ma1-es-e-)ese.I*+i1a.-) e-2PCC6-I*0e-2P2C6-I*0s1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } E-2PCC6-I*0E-2P2C6-I*0E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-*



UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-es-e-)ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-2PCC6-I*0E-2PCC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, e-2P2C6-I*0E-2P2C6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, s1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL, 'l-1$QAM-Se..i*gs UL-1$QAM-Se..i*gs OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { e-!UCC6-I*0E-!UCC6-I*0OPTIONAL, e-PUC6-I*0E-PUC6-I*0OPTIONAL, *-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22 OPTIONAL } } } UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)B ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-es-e-)ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-2PCC6-I*0E-2PCC6-I*0--)C OPTIONAL, e-2P2C6-I*0E-2P2C6-I*0--)B OPTIONAL, s1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* OPTIONAL, 'l-1$QAM-Se..i*gs UL-1$QAM-Se..i*gs OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { e-!UCC6-I*0E-!UCC6-I*0OPTIONAL, e-PUC6-I*0E-PUC6-I*0OPTIONAL, *-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22 OPTIONAL } } } UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= SEQUENCE { ma1-es-e-)ese.I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-2PCC6-I*0E-2PCC6-I*0--)C e-2P2C6-I*0E-2P2C6-I*0--)B s1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* 'l-1$QAM-Se..i*gs UL-1$QAM-Se..i*gs }, .++ SEQUENCE { e-!UCC6-I*0E-!UCC6-I*0e-PUC6-I*0E-PUC6-I*0*-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22-)A } } } UL-E2C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-)11 ::= ma1-es-e-)ese.I*+i1a.-) SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL



Release !

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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { e-2PCC6-I*0E-2PCC6-I*0--)C e-2P2C6-I*0E-2P2C6-I*0--)B 'l-MIMO-I*0UL-MIMO-I*0-322 s1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* E-2P2C6-S1,e+'li*gT)a*smC-*0ig')a.i-* 'l-1$QAM-Se..i*gs UL-1$QAM-Se..i*gs 'l-$@QAM-Se..i*gs UL-$@QAM-Se..i*gs }, .++ SEQUENCE { e-!UCC6-I*0E-!UCC6-I*0e-PUC6-I*0E-PUC6-I*0*-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0N-*-S1,e+'le+T)a*s )a*.I*0-T22-)A } }


UL-MIMO-I*0-322 ::= SEQUENCE { 1-*0ig')a.i-*I*0C6OICE { 1-*.i*'e NULL, *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* SEQUENCE { s-e-+p11,-p-8e)--00se. INTE E!":##1C%, )a*72-mi*im'm-E-T3CI E-2C6-Mi*im'mSe.-E-T3CI, i*.e)-s.)eam-1-mpe*sa.i-* INTE E!":##1?% } } } UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-I*0-lis.I.em-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { 'a)01* UA!3CN, p)x+es-/ase INTE E! "-112##-?:%, e-PUC6-i*0E-PUC6-I*0--M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-T2212B OPTIONAL, e-A C6-i*0E-A C6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL, e-6IC6-i*0E-6IC6-I*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL } UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-I*0-lis.-T2212B ::=


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT2212BCa))ie)-1%% O3 UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-I*0-lis.I.em-T2212B

UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-2ele.elis.-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT2212BCa))ie)-1%% O3 UA!3CN UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6I*0--T2212B ::= 1-*0ig')a.i-*-i*01-*.i*'e *e8C-*0ig')a.i-* } } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-Ne8C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--T2212B

UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-Ne8C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { .s*-Le*g., ENUME!ATE2 { .s*-1@/i.s } 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-I*0-lis. UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-I*0-lis.-T2212B 'l-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-2ele.elis. UL-M'l.i1a))ie)E2C6-2ele.elis.-T2212B } UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e ::= UL-S1)am/li*gC-+e ::= INTE E! "-11:##-C:% INTE E! ":##1$CCC21?%


UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { s.epSiGe INTE E! "1##B%, 0)e;'e*15 INTE E! "1##B% _ -- A1.'al &al'e UL-Ta)ge.SI! = "IE &al'e > :#?% - 11 UL-Ta)ge.SI! ::= INTE E! ":##$2% UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e ::= UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l ::= +isa/le+ e*a/le+ 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e a1.i&a.i-*Time } } INTE E! ":##$(% C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e A1.i&a.i-*Time



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)@ ::= C6OICE { +isa/le+ NULL, e*a/le+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time _, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ s5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ } } } } UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-)C ::= C6OICE { +isa/le+ NULL, e*a/le+ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { .++(B@ SEQUENCE { 'l-Timi*gA+&a*1e UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { ex.-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e a1.i&a.i-*Time A1.i&a.i-*Time }, .++12B SEQUENCE { 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ s5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ } } } }



UL-Timi*gA+&a*1eC-*.)-l-LC!-)@ ::= C6OICE { +isa/le+ NULL, e*a/le+ SEQUENCE { 'l-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s UL-S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL, s5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s S5*1,)-*isa.i-*Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL } } UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 111-1, 112-1, 112-2, 11@-1, 11@-2, 11@-(, 11@-@, 11B-1, 11B-2, 11B-(, 11B-@, 11B-?, 11B-$, 11B-C, 11B-B, 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$ } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 SEQUENCE { UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, PLCC6-I*0OPTIONAL ENUME!ATE2 { 111-1, 112-1, 112-2, 11@-1, 11@-2, 11@-(, 11@-@, 11B-1, 11B-2, 11B-(, 11B-@, 11B-?, 11B-$, 11B-C, 11B-B, 111$-1, 111$-2, 111$-(, 111$-@, 111$-?, 111$-$, 111$-C, 111$-B, 111$-A, 111$-1:, 111$-11, 111$-12, 111$-1(, 111$-1@, 111$-1?, 111$-1$, 11(2-1, 11(2-2, 11(2-(, 11(2-@, 11(2-?, 11(2-$, 11(2-C, 11(2-B, 11(2-A, 11(2-1:, 11(2-11, 11(2-12, 11(2-1(, 11(2-1@, 11(2-1?, 11(2-1$, 11(2-1C, 11(2-1B, 11(2-1A, 11(2-2:,

UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. ::= UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-)C ::= 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*-C-+e pl11,-i*0-

UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

11(2-21, 11(2-22, 11(2-2(, 11(2-2@, 11(2-2?, 11(2-2$, 11(2-2C, 11(2-2B, 11(2-2A, 11(2-(:, 11(2-(1, 11(2-(2 } UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e-E6C! ENUME!ATE2 { sl-.-0-)ma.-1, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 -- spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 -- )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5, sl-.-0-)ma.-@, spa)e1 }

Upli*7-2PCC6-Sl-.-3-)ma.-I*0-)ma.i-* ::=

Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) }, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0-, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. } } } Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) _, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. } } } Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-LC!-)C ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) -- pl11,-i*0- assig*e+ as p)e&i-'sl5 +e0i*e+ sl-. _, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-)C } } } Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE { pa)ame.e)s C6OICE { sameAsLas. SEQUENCE { .imesl-.N'm/e) Timesl-.N'm/e) }, *e8Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { i*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--E6C!, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. } } } Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es ::= SEQUENCE { +5*ami1S3'sage 4OOLEAN, 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0-, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., m-)eTimesl-.s C6OICE { *-M-)e NULL, a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e SEQUENCE { *'mA++i.i-*alTimesl-.s INTE E! "1##maxTS-1% }, .imesl-.Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-E6C! ::= SEQUENCE { +5*ami1S3'sage 4OOLEAN, 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--E6C!, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-E6C!, m-)eTimesl-.s C6OICE { *-M-)e NULL, a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e SEQUENCE { *'mA++i.i-*alTimesl-.s INTE E! "1##maxTS-1% }, .imesl-.Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-1%% O3 Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-E6C! } } } Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { +5*ami1S3'sage 4OOLEAN, 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis., m-)eTimesl-.s C6OICE { *-M-)e NULL, a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e SEQUENCE { *'mA++i.i-*alTimesl-.s INTE E! "1##maxTS-LC!-1% _, .imesl-.Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!-1%% O3 Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-LC!-)@ } } } Upli*7Timesl-.sC-+es-LC!-)C ::= SEQUENCE { +5*ami1S3'sage 4OOLEAN, 0i)s.I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0I*+i&i+'alTimesl-.I*0--LC!-)@, 'l-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. UL-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis.-)C, m-)eTimesl-.s C6OICE { *-M-)e NULL, a++i.i-*alTimesl-.s C6OICE { 1-*se1'.i&e SEQUENCE { -- .,e 1,-i1e -0 O1-*se1'.i&eO is *-. *ee+e+ /e1a'se .,e)e is -*l5 1 -p.i-*# *'mA++i.i-*alTimesl-.s INTE E! "1##maxTS-LC!-1% _, .imesl-.Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!-1%% O3 Upli*7A++i.i-*alTimesl-.s-LC!-)C } } } UpPC6p-si.i-*-LC! ::= 9i-LC! ::= INTE E! ":##12C% INTE E! "1##@%

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --MEASU!EMENT IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#C% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { sa.I2 Sa.I2, -- A1.'al &al'e +-pple)O.,O)+e) = IE &al'e > 2#? +-pple):.,O)+e) INTE E! "-2:@B##2:@C%, ex.)a2-pple)I*0Ex.)a2-pple)I*01-+eP,ase INTE E! ":##1:22%, i*.ege)C-+eP,ase INTE E! ":##1A%, gps-4i.N'm/e) INTE E! ":##(%, 1-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8 C-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8, aGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-* AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-* } A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0--&a@:ex. ::= aGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-* } SEQUENCE { AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*-&a@:ex.





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0--)1: ::= SEQUENCE { sa.I2 Sa.I2, -- A1.'al &al'e +-pple)O.,O)+e) = IE &al'e > 2#? +-pple):.,O)+e) INTE E! "-2:@B##2:@C%, ex.)a2-pple)I*0Ex.)a2-pple)I*01-+eP,ase INTE E! ":##1:22%, i*.ege)C-+eP,ase INTE E! ":##1A%, gps-4i.N'm/e) INTE E! ":##(%, 1-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8 C-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8, aGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-* AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*-)1: } A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. ::= A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-&a@:ex. ::= A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-)1: ::= A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0--&a@:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0--)1:



SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5

A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A Alma*a1Sa.I*0- ::= +a.aI2 sa.I2 e .--a +el.aI -mega2-. sa.6eal., a-S;). -mega: m: -mega a0: a01 } Alma*a1Sa.I*0-Lis. ::= ALM-42SKeple)ia*Se. ::= sa.-i*0--42S7pLis. } ALM-ECE3s/asAlma*a1Se. ::= sa.-i*0--S4ASe1e0Lis. } ALM- l-*assAlma*a1Se. ::= sa.-i*0-- LO7pLis. } ALM-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s ::= -- .ime -0 8ee7 /5 $::s s.eps .--a i-+-a sa.-i*0--7pLis. } ALM-Mi+iAlma*a1Se. ::= -- .ime -0 8ee7 /5 @:A$s s.eps .--a sa.-i*0--MI2I7pLis. } ALM-NAEKeple)ia*Se. ::= -- .ime -0 8ee7 /5 @:A$s s.eps .--a sa.-i*0--NAE7pLis. } ALM-!e+'1e+Keple)ia*Se. ::= SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(%, Sa.I2, 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME

"1$%%, "B%%, "1$%%, "1$%%, "B%%, "2@%%, "2@%%, "2@%%, "2@%%, "11%%, "11%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 Alma*a1Sa.I*0SEQUENCE { ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-42S7pLis. SEQUENCE { ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-S4ASe1e0Lis. SEQUENCE { ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1- LO7pLis. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1:2(%, INTE E! ":##1?%, ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-KpLis. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1@C%, ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-MI2I7pLis. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1@C%, ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-NAE7pLis. SEQUENCE {


Release !
-- .ime -0 8ee7 /5 @:A$s s.eps .--a sa.-i*0--!E27pLis.


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

INTE E! ":##1@C%, ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-!E27pLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 A'xI*0- ANSS-I21-eleme*. SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME"B%% SEQUENCE "SIME "1## max ANSSSa.%% O3 A'xI*0- ANSS-I2(-eleme*. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%%, INTE E! "-C##1(% ENUME!ATE2 { pla:, pla@, plaB, pla1$, pla(2, pla$@, pla12B, pla2?$, pla?12, pla1:2@, pla27, pla@7, plaB7, pla1$7, pla(27, pla$@7, pla12B7, pla2?$7, pla?127, pla1:2@7, spa)e12, spa)e11, spa)e1:, spa)eA, spa)eB, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

A'xI*0- ANSS-I21 ::= A'xI*0- ANSS-I21-eleme*. ::= s&I2 sig*alsA&aila/le } A'xI*0- ANSS-I2( ::= A'xI*0- ANSS-I2(-eleme*. ::= s&I2 sig*alsA&aila/le 1,a**elN'm/e) } A&e)age!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ ::=

AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e aGim'., = IE &al'e > 11#2? N IE &al'e -0 aGim'.,LS4 > :#C:(12? +eg)ees aGim'., INTE E! ":##(1%, -- A1.'al &al'e ele&a.i-* = IE &al'e > 11#2? N IE &al'e -0 ele&a.i-*LS4 > :#C:(12? +eg)ees ele&a.i-* INTE E! ":##C% } AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*-&a@:ex. ::= aGim'.,LS4 ele&a.i-*LS4 } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1?%, INTE E! ":##1?%

AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e aGim'., = IE &al'e > 11#2? N IE &al'e -0 aGim'.,LS4 > :#C:(12? +eg)ees aGim'., INTE E! ":##(1%, -- A1.'al &al'e ele&a.i-* = IE &al'e > 11#2? N IE &al'e -0 ele&a.i-*LS4 > :#C:(12? +eg)ees ele&a.i-* INTE E! ":##C%, aGim'.,LS4 INTE E! ":##1?%, ele&a.i-*LS4 INTE E! ":##1?% } 4a+Sa.Lis. ::= 3)e;'e*15-4a*+ ::= 4CC6-A!3CN ::= 42S1l-17M-+el ::= /+sT-1 /+sa: /+sa1 /+sa2 /+sTg+1 } 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 INTE E! ":##$(% ENUME!ATE2 { +1s1B::4a*+Use+, p1s1A::4a*+Use+ } INTE E! ":##1:2(% SEQUENCE { ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME "1C%%, "2@%%, "22%%, "11%%, "1:%%

42S-I PI*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxI PI*0-%% O3 SEQUENCE { /+s-I PN'm/e) INTE E! "1##(2:%, /+s-Ee).i1al2ela5 4IT ST!IN "SIME "A%%, /+s- IEEI 4IT ST!IN "SIME "@%% } 242S-I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 242S-I*0242S-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { /+s-Sig*alI2 +/+s-Sig*alI*0-Lis. } ANSS-Sig*al-I+ OPTIONAL, 242S-Sig*alI*0-Lis.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

242S-Sig*alI*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 242S-Sig*alI*0242S-Sig*alI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { s&I2 INTE E!":##$(%, /+s-U2!EI INTE E! ":##1?%, /+s-!U!AI INTE E! ":##1?%, /+s-ECC-2el.aT 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1(%% } 4LE!-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s ::= .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 +l-T)a*sp-).C,a**el4LE! } 4LE!-Meas')eme*.!es'l.sLis. ::= 4LE!-T)a*sC,I+Lis. ::= 4SIC-Ee)i0i1a.i-*!e;'i)e+ ::= SEQUENCE { T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, 2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**el4LE! SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 4LE!-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 ENUME!ATE2 { )e;'i)e+, *-.!e;'i)e+ }


4SIC!ep-).e+ ::= C6OICE { -- Eal'e maxCellMeas is *-. all-8e+ 0-) &e)i0ie+4SIC &e)i0ie+4SIC INTE E! ":##maxCellMeas%, *-*Ee)i0ie+4SIC 4CC6-A!3CN } 4')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s ::= /')s.S.a). /')s.Le*g., /')s.3)e; } Cell2C6-!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia } Cell2C6-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-LC!-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia _ Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*Pa..e)*-LC! ::= pa..e)*I+e*.i0ie) s.a.'s3lag SEQUENCE INTE INTE INTE { E! ":##1?%, E! "1:##2?%, E! "1##1$%

C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-LC!-)@, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia

} Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*I*0--T2212B-)A::= 1ell2C6MeasO11asi-*Se;'e*1eLis. }

SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##maxMeasO11asi-*Pa..e)*-1%, ENUME!ATE2 { a1.i&a.e, +ea1.i&a.e}, meas')eme*.P')p-se 4IT ST!IN "SIME "?%% OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.O11asi-*Pa..e)*Pa)ame.e) Meas')eme*.O11asi-*Pa..e)*Pa)ame.e) OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasO11asi-*Pa..e)*%% O3 Cell2C6MeasO11asi-*Pa..e)*-LC!

-- A1.'al &al'e CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. = IE &al'e > :#? CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. ::= INTE E! "-2:##2:% CellI*0- ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) Timesl-.I*0-Lis. 4OOLEAN




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

CellI*0--)@ ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) } } CellI*0--LC!-)B-ex. ::= 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0} }

SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-)@ 4OOLEAN



SEQUENCE { CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-MC-!SCP


CellI*0--)A ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. 2E3AULT :, )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@, p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, .imesl-.I*0-Lis. Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } }, -- 3-) 1#2B M1ps T22, 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0- is -p.i-*al p)ese*. 8,e* se*. -- i* Meas')eme*. C-*.)-l#3-) 322, .,is IE is *-. *ee+e+# 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-MC-!SCP OPTIONAL } CellI*0-Lis.T-4eEx1l'+e+::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxEx1l'+e+2e.e1.e+Se.Cells %% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) Timesl-.I*0-Lis. 4OOLEAN 2E3AULT :, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,

CellI*0-SI-!SCP ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) } }, 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0} CellI*0-SI-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-!SCP SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)




Release !
.imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0_ CellI*0-SI-ECN: ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) } }, 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0} CellI*0-SI-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0_ CellI*0-SI-6CS-!SCP ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) } }, 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0} CellI*0-SI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0} CellI*0-SI-6CS-ECN: ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0p)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) .x-2i&e)si.5I*+i1a.-) }, .++ p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, 4OOLEAN, CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-!SCP OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) Timesl-.I*0-Lis. 4OOLEAN





SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. 2E3AULT :, !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell OPTIONAL, P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, 4OOLEAN, CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-ECN: OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) Timesl-.I*0-Lis. 4OOLEAN





SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. 2E3AULT :, !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell OPTIONAL, P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, 4OOLEAN, CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-6CS-!SCP OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-TF-P-8e) 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e)




Release !
.imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) } }, 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0-

Timesl-.I*0-Lis. 4OOLEAN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




CellI*0-SI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= 1ellI*+i&i+'alO00se. )e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0p)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) .imesl-.I*0-Lis. )ea+S3N-I*+i1a.-) 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0}

SEQUENCE { CellI*+i&i+'alO00se. 2E3AULT :, !e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell OPTIONAL, P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@, P)ima)5CCPC6-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, 4OOLEAN, CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-6CS-ECN: OPTIONAL

CellMeas')e+!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellI+e*.i.5 CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e OPTIONAL, 1ellS5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0CellS5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, 1pi1,-E1-N: CPIC6-E1-N: OPTIONAL, 1pi1,-!SCP CPIC6-!SCP OPTIONAL, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 CellPa)ame.e)sI2, p)-p-se+T SN T SN OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP OPTIONAL, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss OPTIONAL, .imesl-.ISCP-Lis. Timesl-.ISCP-Lis. OPTIONAL } } } -- T,e IE is 1)ea.e+ i* -)+e) .- a++ missi*g 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell IE 0)-m !el-?# CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-)A ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellI+e*.i.5 CellI+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, 1ellS5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0CellS5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, 1pi1,-E1-N: CPIC6-E1-N: OPTIONAL, 1pi1,-!SCP CPIC6-!SCP OPTIONAL, +el.a!SCPPe)Cell 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell OPTIONAL, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 CellPa)ame.e)sI2, p)-p-se+T SN T SN OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP OPTIONAL, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss OPTIONAL, .imesl-.ISCP-Lis. Timesl-.ISCP-Lis. OPTIONAL } } } CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1sgI+e*.i.5 CS -I+e*.i.5 1sgMem/e)I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { mem/e) } } CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1sg-Mem/e)PLMNLis. CS -Mem/e)PLMNLis. } CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s ::= 0++ .++ } C6OICE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; ::= C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, spa)e NULL } CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@

Cell!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 S3N-S3N-OT2-T5pe, 1ellI+e*.i.5-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 1ellS5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0-!ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 1pi1,-E1-N:-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 1pi1,-!SCP-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, pa.,l-ss-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { .imesl-.ISCP-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, p)-p-se+T SN-!ep-).i*g!e;'i)e+ 4OOLEAN, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, pa.,l-ss-)ep-).i*gI*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } } } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-MC-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { ;-O00se.S-N Q-O00se.S-N 2E3AULT :, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, ,1s-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP 6CS-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi* OPTIONAL, ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL } } } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12 ::= SEQUENCE { ;-O00se.1S-N Q-O00se.S-N 2E3AULT :, ;-O00se.2S-N Q-O00se.S-N OPTIONAL, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, ,1s-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP 6CS-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi* OPTIONAL, ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL } } } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { ;-O00se.S-N Q-O00se.S-N maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi* ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* }, .++ SEQUENCE { 2E3AULT :, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


Release !
;-!xle&Mi* ;-!xle&Mi*

Q-!xle&Mi* SEQUENCE { Q-!xle&Mi*

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


}, gsm } } }

CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-ECN: ::= SEQUENCE { ;-O00se.1S-N Q-O00se.S-N ;-O00se.2S-N Q-O00se.S-N maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi* ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* }, .++ SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* }, gsm SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* } } }


CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-6CS-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { ;-O00se.S-N Q-O00se.S-N 2E3AULT :, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, ,1s-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP 6CS-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi* OPTIONAL, ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL } } } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12-6CS-ECN: ::= SEQUENCE { ;-O00se.1S-N Q-O00se.S-N 2E3AULT :, ;-O00se.2S-N Q-O00se.S-N 2E3AULT :, maxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) MaxAll-8e+UL-TF-P-8e) OPTIONAL, ,1s-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-ECN: 6CS-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-ECN: OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ;-Q'alMi* Q-Q'alMi* OPTIONAL, ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { ;-!xle&Mi* Q-!xle&Mi* OPTIONAL } } } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +el.aQ)xle&mi* 2el.aQ)xle&mi* +el.aQ,1s 2el.a!SCP } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-PC63AC6-&?/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ;-65s.-l-S-PC6 Q-65s.-S-3i*e ;-65s.-l-S-3AC6 Q-65s.-S-3i*e ;-65s.-2-S-PC6 Q-65s.-S-3i*e ;-65s.-2-S-3AC6 Q-65s.-S-3i*e .-!esele1.i-*-S-PC6 T-!esele1.i-*-S .-!esele1.i-*-S-3AC6 T-!esele1.i-*-S-3i*e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g-&?1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) spee+ +e.e1.i-*, .,e same 6CS pa)ame.e)s a)e '.ilise+ *-*-6CS-.-C!-Max T-C!Max spee+2epe*+e*.S1ali*g3a1.-) Spee+2epe*+e*.S1ali*g3a1.-) i*.e)3)e;'e*15T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) i*.e)!ATT)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) } Cells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. ::= Cells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. ::= Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 I*.e)3)e;CellI2 SEQUENCE "SIME I*.e)!ATCellI2 "1##maxCellMeas%% O3


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 I*.)a3)e;CellI2 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 I*.)a3)e;CellI2O*Se1UL3)e;

Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::=

CellS5*1,)-*isa.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 1-'*.C-S3N-3)ame-+i00e)e*1e C-'*.C-S3N-3)ame-+i00e)e*1e .m INTE E!":##(B(AA% }, .++ SEQUENCE { 1-'*.C-S3N-3)ame-+i00e)e*1e C-'*.C-S3N-3)ame-+i00e)e*1e } } } CellT-!ep-). ::= /si1!ep-).e+ } CellT-!ep-).Lis. ::= CNAE1l-17M-+el ::= 1*a&T-1 1*a&T-p 1*a&U!A: 1*a&U!A1 1*a&U!A2 1*a&A02 1*a&A01 1*a&A0: 1*a&Tg+ 1*a&ISCl11p 1*a&ISCl11+ 1*a&ISCl11a 1*a&ISCl21 1*a&ISCl?i? 1*a&ISCl?;? } C-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8 ::= SEQUENCE { 4SIC!ep-).e+ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellT-!ep-). SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "11%%, "11%%, "?%%, "(%%, "(%%, "1:%%, "2:%%, "2$%%, "1(%%, "1(%% "1(%% "1(%% "1(%% "1(%% "1(%%




ENUME!ATE2 { 81:2(, 81, 82, 8(, 8@, 8$, 8B, 812, 81$, 82@, 8(2, 8@B, 8$@, 8A$, 812B, 81A2 } { &al'e > 2?$ E!":##1?%, E!":##2??%

C-'*.C-S3N-3)ame-+i00e)e*1e ::= SEQUENCE -- A1.'al &al'e 1-'*.C-S3N-6ig, = IE 1-'*.C-S3N-6ig, INTE -00 INTE } -- SPA!E: CPIC6-E1-N-, Max = @A -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e CPIC6-E1-N: ::= -- SPA!E: CPIC6- !SCP, Max = A1 -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e CPIC6-!SCP ::= CS -Mem/e)PLMNLis. ::=

INTE E! ":##$(%

INTE E! ":##12C%



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CS CellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ s.a).PSC *'m/e)O0PSCs }, .++ } } CS CellI*0-Lis. ::=

C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, INTE E! "1##?12% NULL

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasCS !a*ge%% O3 CS CellI*0-

CS I*.e)3)e;CellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, 1S I*.e)3)e;CellI*; CS CellI*0-Lis. } CS I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. ::= CS I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. ::= CS P)-ximi.52e.e1.i-* ::= 'T!ACS P)-ximi.52e.e1 e-UT!ACS P)-ximi.52e.e1 } CS P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-* ::= 1S p)-ximi.5I*+ )a+i-A11essTe1,*-l-g5 'T!A 1S 3)e;'e*15I*0-UT!A }, e-UT!A 1S 3)e;'e*15I*0-EUT!A } } } CS P)-ximi.5I*+i1a.i-*-&/?:ex. ::= 1S 3)e;'e*15I*0-EUT!A } 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e ::= ga*ss-sig*al-i+ +a.a-/i.s } 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1eLis. ::= 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1eSa. ::= sa.I2 +a.a4i.Assis.a*1eSg*Lis. } 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1eSg*Lis. ::= 2el.aP!C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 CS I*.e)3)e;CellI*0CS CellI*0-Lis. SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { e*a/le } ENUME!ATE2 { e*a/le } SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 {e*.e)i*g, lea&i*g }, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 3)e;'e*15I*0SEQUENCE { EA!3CN OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

SEQUENCE { EA!3CNEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { ANSS-Sig*al-I+, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##1:2@%% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1eSa. SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##$(%, 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1eSg*Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e INTE E! "-12C##12C%


--A1.'al &al'e 2el.aQ)xle&mi* = IE &al'e > 2 2el.aQ)xle&mi* ::= INTE E! "-2##-1% 2el.a!SCP ::= INTE E! "-?##-1% 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell ::= SEQUENCE { +el.a!SCP } 2el.a!SCP OPTIONAL

-- A1.'al &al'e 2el.a!!C = IE &al'e > :#:(2 2el.a!!C ::= INTE E! "-C##C% 2el.aUT1 ::= /1 SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%,


Release !
/2 4IT ST!IN

"SIME "1:%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2 ANSSI*0- ::= ga*ssSig*alI+ ga*ssS.a.'s6eal., +ga*sssig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } 2 ANSSI*0--)A ::= ga*ssSig*alI+ ga*ssS.a.'s6eal., +ga*sssig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } 2 ANSSI*0--&A2:ex. ::= +ga*sssig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } 2 ANSSI*0-Lis. ::= 2 ANSSI*0-Lis.-)A ::= 2 ANSSI*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. ::= 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-* ::= sa.I+ i-+e-+ga*ss '+)e ga*ss-p)1 ga*ss-))1 } 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*-)A ::= sa.I+ i-+e-+ga*ss '+)e ga*ss-p)1 ga*ss-))1 '+)e )-8.,!a.e '+)eEali+i.5Time }

SEQUENCE { ANSS-Sig*al-I+ ANSS-S.a.'s-6eal.,, 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. SEQUENCE { ANSS-Sig*al-I+ ANSS-S.a.'s-6eal.,, 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)A



SEQUENCE { 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&A2:ex. OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 2 ANSSI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 2 ANSSI*0--)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 2 ANSSI*0--&A2:ex. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1:%%, U2!E, INTE E! "-2:@C##2:@C%, INTE E! "-12C##12C% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1:%%, U2!E, INTE E! "-2:@C##2:@C%, INTE E! "-12C##12C%, U2!E )-8.,!a.e U2!EEali+i.5Time

-- s1ale 0a1.-) :#(2 -- s1ale 0a1.-) :#:(2

-- s1ale 0a1.-) :#(2 -- s1ale 0a1.-) :#:(2 OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { '+)e )-8.,!a.e U2!E )-8.,!a.e '+)eEali+i.5Time U2!EEali+i.5Time } 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)A ::=


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*-)A

2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 2 ANSSSig*alI*0-)ma.i-*-&A2:ex. 2 ANSS-Sig-I+-!e; ::= 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%%

2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { sa.I2 Sa.I2, i-+e IO2E, '+)e U2!E, p)1 P!C, ))1 !!C, -- +'mm51 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 2el.aP!C, +'mm52 2el.a!!C, -- +'mm5( a*+ +'mm5@ a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# T,e5 s,-'l+ *-. -- /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5( 2el.aP!C OPTIONAL, +'mm5@ 2el.a!!C OPTIONAL }


Release !
2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0--)A ::= sa.I2 i-+e '+)e p)1 ))1 '+)e )-8.,!a.e '+)eEali+i.5Time } 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0--&A2:ex. ::= '+)e )-8.,!a.e '+)eEali+i.5Time } 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. ::= 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-)A ::= 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. ::= 2i00C-))e1.i-*S.a.'s ::=

SEQUENCE { Sa.I2, IO2E, U2!E, P!C, !!C, U2!E )-8.,!a.e U2!EEali+i.5Time SEQUENCE { U2!E )-8.,!a.e U2!EEali+i.5Time

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0--)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0--&A2:ex.

ENUME!ATE2 { '+)e-1-:, '+)e-:-C?, '+)e-:-?, '+)e-:-(, '+)e-:-2, '+)e-:-1, *-2a.a, i*&ali+2a.a } INTE E! ":##$(% ENUME!ATE2 { ,G12-?, ,G2?, ,G?:, ,G1::, ,G2::, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

2L-T)a*sp-).C,a**el4LE! ::= 2-pple)U*1e).ai*.5 ::=

Ellips-i+P-i*. ::= la.i.'+eSig* la.i.'+e l-*gi.'+e }

SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { *-).,, s-'., }, INTE E! ":##B(BB$:C%, INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C%

Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e ::= SEQUENCE { la.i.'+eSig* ENUME!ATE2 { *-).,, s-'., }, la.i.'+e INTE E! ":##B(BB$:C%, l-*gi.'+e INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C%, al.i.'+e2i)e1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 {,eig,., +ep.,}, al.i.'+e INTE E! ":##(2C$C% } Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e ::= SEQUENCE { la.i.'+eSig* ENUME!ATE2 { *-).,, s-'., }, la.i.'+e INTE E! ":##B(BB$:C%, l-*gi.'+e INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C%, al.i.'+e2i)e1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 {,eig,., +ep.,}, al.i.'+e INTE E! ":##(2C$C%, '*1e).ai*.5SemiMa<-) INTE E! ":##12C%, '*1e).ai*.5SemiMi*-) INTE E! ":##12C%, -- A1.'al &al'e -)ie*.a.i-*Ma<-)Axis = IE &al'e > 2 -)ie*.a.i-*Ma<-)Axis INTE E! ":##BA%, '*1e).ai*.5Al.i.'+e INTE E! ":##12C%, 1-*0i+e*1e INTE E! ":##1::% } Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le ::= SEQUENCE { la.i.'+eSig* ENUME!ATE2 { *-).,, s-'., }, la.i.'+e INTE E! ":##B(BB$:C%, l-*gi.'+e INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C%, '*1e).ai*.5C-+e INTE E! ":##12C% } Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse la.i.'+eSig* la.i.'+e l-*gi.'+e '*1e).ai*.5SemiMa<-) ::= SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { *-).,, s-'., }, INTE E! ":##B(BB$:C%, INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C%, INTE E! ":##12C%,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'*1e).ai*.5SemiMi*-) INTE E! ":##12C%, -- A1.'al &al'e -)ie*.a.i-*Ma<-)Axis = IE &al'e > 2 -)ie*.a.i-*Ma<-)Axis INTE E! ":##BA%, 1-*0i+e*1e INTE E! ":##1::% } E*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* ::= ENUME!ATE2 { p-ssi/le6ea&5M'l.ipa.,NLOS, lig,.M'l.ipa.,LOS, *-.2e0i*e+, spa)e }

EUT!A-CS Mem/e)PLMNLis. ::= SEQUENCE"SIME "1##?%% O3 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 E'.)a-E&e*.!es'l. ::= ea)01* )ep-).e+Cells } EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.-&/?:ex. ::= ea)01* } E'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.Lis. ::= EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s ::= e&e*.I2 e'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.sLis. } EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s-&/?:ex. ::= e'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.sLis. } EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.s3-)CELL3AC6 ::= e'.)a3)e;'e*15I*+i1a.-) } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0ea)01* meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., p)i-)i.5 -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e ;!xLe&Mi*EUT!A -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e .,)es,F,ig, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e .,)es,Fl-8 e'.)a-/la17Lis.e+CellLis. e'.)a2e.e1.i-* } ::= SEQUENCE { EA!3CNEx.e*si-* OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { EA!3CN, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!ACellPe)3)e;%% O3 EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s%% O3 E'.)a-E&e*.!es'l. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.-&/?:ex. SEQUENCE { E&e*.I2I*.e)!AT, E'.)a-E&e*.!es'l.Lis. SEQUENCE { EUT!A-E&e*.!es'l.Lis.-&/?:ex. SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s-3AC6%% SEQUENCE { EA!3CN, EUT!A-Meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1%, INTE E! "-C:##-22%, INTE E! ":##(1%, INTE E! ":##(1%, EUT!A-4la17lis.e+CellPe)3)e;Lis. 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL,


> 2 > 2 > 2

EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0--&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ;;'alMi*EUT!A INTE E! "-(@##-(% .,)es,F,ig,2 INTE E! ":##(1% .,)es,Fl-82 INTE E! ":##(1% } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0--&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ;;'alMi*EUT!A-94 INTE E! "-(@##-(% } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ea)01* EA!3CNEx.e*si-*, meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., EUT!A-Meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., p)i-)i.5 INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 ;!xLe&Mi*EUT!A INTE E! "-C:##-22%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 .,)es,F,ig, INTE E! ":##(1%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2





Release !
.,)es,Fl-8 ;;'alMi*EUT!A .,)es,F,ig,2 .,)es,Fl-82 e'.)a-/la17Lis.e+CellLis. e'.)a2e.e1.i-* }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

INTE E! ":##(1%, INTE E! "-(@##-(% INTE E! ":##(1% INTE E! ":##(1% EUT!A-4la17lis.e+CellPe)3)e;Lis. 4OOLEAN


EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*-&/B:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ;;'alMi*EUT!A-94 INTE E! "-(@##-(% }


EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*-&/?:ex. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis.-&/B:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*-&/B:ex. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-

EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0--&A2:ex. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0--&/?:ex. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15Lis. ::= e'.)a3)e;'e*15!em-&al e'.)aNe83)e;'e*1ies } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15Lis.-)A ::= e'.)a3)e;'e*15!em-&al e'.)aNe83)e;'e*1ies e'.)aSIA1;'isi.i-* } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15Lis.-)11 ::= e'.)a3)e;'e*15!em-&al e'.)aNe83)e;'e*1ies e'.)aSIA1;'isi.i-* } EUT!A-SIA1;'isi.i-* ::= ea)01* p,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 } SEQUENCE { EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!em-&al, EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. SEQUENCE { EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!em-&al, EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. EUT!A-SIA1;'isi.i-* SEQUENCE { EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!em-&al-)11, EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.-)11 EUT!A-SIA1;'isi.i-*-)11 SEQUENCE { EA!3CN, EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5




EUT!A-SIA1;'isi.i-*-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 .,e IE ea)01* is se. .- a &al'e -0 $??(?, .,e* .,e EA!3CN -- &al'e 0-) .,a. i*s.a*1e s,all /e )ea+ 0)-m .,e IE ea)01*Ex.# ea)01* EA!3CN, ea)01*Ex. EA!3CNEx.e*si-* p,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 } EUT!A-Meas')e+Cells ::= p,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 )S!P )S!Q } E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l. ::= ea)01* meas')e+EUT!ACells } EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.-&/?:ex. ::= ea)01* } E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5, INTE E! ":##AC% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##((% OPTIONAL


SEQUENCE { EA!3CN, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!ACellPe)3)e;%% O3 EUT!A-Meas')e+Cells SEQUENCE { EA!3CNEx.e*si-*


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s%% O3 E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.-&/?:ex.

EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&/?:ex. ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= e'.)aMeas')e+!es'l.Lis. } EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&/?:ex. ::= e'.)aMeas')e+!es'l.Lis. } EUT!A-Meas')e+Cells-&A2:ex. ::= e'.)aSIa1;'isi.i-*!es'l.s } EUT!A-Meas')e+Cells-&1x5ex. ::= e'.)aSIa1;'isi.i-*!es'l.s } E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.-&A2:ex. ::= meas')e+EUT!ACells-&A2:ex. } E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.-&1x5ex. ::= meas')e+EUT!ACells-&1x5ex. }

SEQUENCE { E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis. SEQUENCE { EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&/?:ex. SEQUENCE { EUT!A-SIa1;'isi.i-*!es'l.s SEQUENCE { EUT!A-SIa1;'isi.i-*!es'l.s-&1x5ex. SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!ACellPe)3)e;%% O3 EUT!A-Meas')e+Cells-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!ACellPe)3)e;%% O3 EUT!A-Meas')e+Cells-&1x5ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s%% O3 E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s%% O3 E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.-&1x5ex.

E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&A2:ex. ::= E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&1x5ex. ::=

EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)aMeas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&A2:ex. E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&A2:ex. } EUT!A-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)aMeas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&1x5ex. E'.)a-Meas')e+!es'l.Lis.-&1x5ex. } EUT!A-SIa1;'isi.i-*!es'l.s ::= 1giI*0plm*-I+e*.i.5 1ellI+e*.i.5 .)a17i*gA)eaC-+e }, 1sgI+e*.i.5 1sgMem/e)I*+i1a.i-* } SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2B%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%% CS -I+e*.i.5 ENUME!ATE2 { mem/e) } SEQUENCE { EUT!A-CS Mem/e)PLMNLis. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

EUT!A-SIa1;'isi.i-*!es'l.s-&1x5ex. ::= 1sgMem/e)PLMN p)ima)5PLMNS'i.a/le } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!em-&al ::= )em-&eAll3)e;'e*1ies )em-&eS-me3)e;'e*1ies } )em-&eN-3)e;'e*1ies


C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EA!3CN, NULL C6OICE { NULL, 3)e;'e*1iesT-!em-&e, NULL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0--)11 SEQUENCE { EA!3CN, EUT!A-Meas')eme*.4a*+8i+.,

EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!em-&al-)11 ::= )em-&eAll3)e;'e*1ies )em-&eS-me3)e;'e*1ies )em-&eN-3)e;'e*1ies } EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. ::= EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.-)11 ::= EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0- ::= ea)01* meas')eme*.4a*+8i+.,



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



EUT!A-3)e;'e*15I*0--)11 ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 .,e IE ea)01* is se. .- a &al'e -0 $??(?, .,e* .,e EA!3CN -- &al'e 0-) .,a. i*s.a*1e s,all /e )ea+ 0)-m .,e IE ea)01*Ex.# ea)01* EA!3CN, ea)01*Ex. EA!3CNEx.e*si-* meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., EUT!A-Meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., e'.)a-/la17Lis.e+CellLis. EUT!A-4la17lis.e+CellPe)3)e;Lis. 8i+e/a*+!S!QMeas')eme*.s ENUME!ATE2 {.)'e} }


EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)a-3)e;'e*15Lis.I*+i1a.-) 4IT ST!IN "SIME "maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%%, e'.)a-3)e;'e*15!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6 ENUME!ATE2 { )s)p, )s); }, e'.)a-3)e;'e*15!AC6!ep-).i*gT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##AC%, )a1,!ep-).i*gP)i-)i.5 ENUME!ATE2 { i*.)aEUT!AI*.e), i*.e)I*.)aEUT!A, i*.e)EUT!AI*.)a, eUT!AI*.)aI*.e), eUT!AI*.e)I*.)a, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } OPTIONAL } EUT!A-Meas')eme*.4a*+8i+., ::= EUT!A-Meas')eme*.3-)CELL3AC6 ::= e'.)a3)e;'e*1ies3-)Meas')eme*. )ep-).C)i.e)ia meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 )ep-).i*gT,)es,-l+ } 3)e;'e*1iesT-!em-&e ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 EA!3CN!a*ge E&e*.1a ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 )ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al } E&e*.1a-)@ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 )ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al } SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 9, !ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+, !ep-).i*gAm-'*., !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-)@ 9, !ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+, !ep-).i*gAm-'*., !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; 9, !ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+, !ep-).i*gAm-'*., !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al ENUME!ATE2 { m/8$, m/81?, m/82?, m/8?:, m/8C?, m/81:: } SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s-3AC6%% O3 EA!3CN!a*ge, ENUME!ATE2 { e&e*.-.)igge)e+)ep-).i*g, pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*g }, ENUME!ATE2 { )s)p, )s); }, INTE E! ":##AC%



E&e*.1a-O*Se1Ul3)e;-)A ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; 8 )ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al } E&e*.1a-LC!-)@ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 )ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al _ E&e*.1/ ::=


SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-LC!-)@ 9, !ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+, !ep-).i*gAm-'*., !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al SEQUENCE {



Release !
.)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 } E&e*.1/-)@ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 } E&e*.1/-)C ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/ }

T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 9 SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-)@ 9 SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-)@ 9, Pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




E&e*.1/-O*Se1Ul3)e;-)A ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; 8 pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/ } E&e*.1/-LC!-)@ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* )ep-).i*g!a*ge 0-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. 8 } E&e*.11 ::= )epla1eme*.A1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al } E&e*.1+ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* 'seCIO } E&e*.1e ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* .,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 } E&e*.1e-)$ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* .,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 } E&e*.10 ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* .,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 } E&e*.10-)$ ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* .,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 }

SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; 9, Pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/


SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, !ep-).i*g!a*ge, 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-LC!-)@ 9 SEQUENCE { !epla1eme*.A1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+, !ep-).i*gAm-'*., !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$ SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$



E&e*.1<-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { )epla1eme*.A1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ !epla1eme*.A1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+, )ep-).i*gAm-'*. !ep-).i*gAm-'*., )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al } E&e*.2a ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5 T,)es,-l+, 'se+3)e;9 9, ,5s.e)esis 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;,


Release !
.imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.

TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. SEQUENCE { 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;9Lis.-)$ SEQUENCE { 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)Lis.-)1: SEQUENCE { 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)Lis.-)11 SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)$ SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)1: SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)11 SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


E&e*.2a-)$ ::= 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2a-)1: ::= 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2a-)11 ::= 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2/ ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2/-)$ ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2/-)1: ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2/-)11 ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.21 ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.21-)$ ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. }











Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E&e*.21-)1: ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.21-)11 ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2+ ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.2+-)$ ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.2+-)1: ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.2e ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2e-)$ ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2e-)1: ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.2e-)11 ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s *-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. } E&e*.20 ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.20-)$ ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9

SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)1: SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)11 SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)$ SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)1: SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)11 SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9,












Release !
,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s

65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e;, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+, 9, T,)es,-l+, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


E&e*.20-)1: ::= 'se+3)e;T,)es,-l+ 'se+3)e;9 ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.(a ::= .,)es,-l+O8*S5s.em 8 .,)es,-l+O.,e)S5s.em ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.(/ ::= .,)es,-l+O.,e)S5s.em ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.(1 ::= .,)es,-l+O.,e)S5s.em ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.(+ ::= ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } E&e*.I2I*.e)3)e; ::= E&e*.I2I*.e)!AT ::= E&e*.I2I*.)a3)e; ::=




SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s



ENUME!ATE2 { e2a, e2/, e21, e2+, e2e, e20, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { e(a, e(/, e(1, e(+ } ENUME!ATE2 { e1a, e1/, e11, e1+, e1e, e10, e1g, e1,, e1i, e1<, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }

E&e*.!es'l.s ::= C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s I*.)a3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s, i*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s, i*.e)!ATE&e*.!es'l.s I*.e)!ATE&e*.!es'l.s, .)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.!es'l.s T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.!es'l.s, ;'ali.5E&e*.!es'l.s Q'ali.5E&e*.!es'l.s, 'e-I*.e)*alE&e*.!es'l.s UE-I*.e)*alE&e*.!es'l.s, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s, spa)e NULL } E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex. ::= C6OICE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex. } E&e*.!es'l.s-&B$:ex. ::= C6OICE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-&B$:ex. } E&e*.!es'l.s-&a@:ex. ::= i*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s } C6OICE { I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s-&a@:ex.


Release !
E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Ex.)a2-pple) ::= SEQUENCE { -- 2-pple) 1s. -)+e) .e)m, -:#2##N:#1 mDs2 -- " = -@2##N21 8i., 1D21: mDs2 )es-l'.i-*% +-pple)3i)s.O)+e) INTE E! "-@2## 21%, +-pple)U*1e).ai*.5 ENUME!ATE2 { +-pU@:, +-pU2:, +-pU1:, +-pU?, +-pU2-?, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } } Ex.)a2-pple)I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e +-pple)1s.O)+e) = IE &al'e > :#:2( +-pple)1s.O)+e) INTE E! "-@2##21%, +-pple)U*1e).ai*.5 2-pple)U*1e).ai*.5 } 3AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { 0AC6-meas--11asi-*-1-e00 INTE E! "1##12% OPTIONAL, i*.e)-0)e;-322-meas-i*+ 4OOLEAN, -- i*.e)-0)e;-T22-meas-i*+ is 0-) (#B@M1ps T22 a*+ C#$B M1ps T22# 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22, .,e IE i* -- 3AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0--LC!-)@-ex. is 'se+# i*.e)-0)e;-T22-meas-i*+ 4OOLEAN, i*.e)-!AT-meas-i*+ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxO.,e)!AT%% O3 !AT-T5pe OPTIONAL } 3AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0--LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)-0)e;-T2212B-meas-i*+ 4OOLEAN } 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 01:, 011, 012, 01(, 01@, 01?, 01$, 01C, 01B, 01A, 0111, 011(, 011?, 011C, 011A, spa)e1 }

-- A1.'al &al'e 3i*eS3N-S3N = IE &al'e > :#:$2? 3i*eS3N-S3N ::= INTE E! ":##1?% 3-)/i++e*A00e1.Cell ::= 0++ .++ } 3-)/i++e*A00e1.Cell-)@ ::= 0++ .++ _ 3-)/i++e*A00e1.Cell-LC!-)@ ::= .++ _ 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis. ::= 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-)@ ::= 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.-LC!-)@ ::= C6OICE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0C6OICE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--)@ SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 3-)/i++e*A00e1.Cell SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 3-)/i++e*A00e1.Cell-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 3-)/i++e*A00e1.Cell-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellO*Se1UL3)e;

3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= 3-)/i++e*A00e1.CellO*Se1UL3)e; ::= p)ima)5CPIC6 }

SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-

3)e;Q'ali.5Es.ima.eQ'a*.i.5-322 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1pi1,-E1-N:, 1pi1,-!SCP } 3)e;Q'ali.5Es.ima.eQ'a*.i.5-T22 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP } a*ss2a.a4i.s ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !
ga*ssT-+ +a.a4i.Assis.a*1e } ANSS2e1ip,e)i*gKe5s ::= 1'))e*.2e1ip,e)i*gKe5 *ex.2e1ip,e)i*gKe5 SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN

INTE E! ":##B$(AA%, !e;2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

"SIME "?$%%, "SIME "?$%%

ANSS e*e)i12a.a ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI+ INTE E! ":##C% ga*ssTimeM-+elsLis. ANSSTimeM-+elsLis. 'eP-si.i-*i*g2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSNa&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSUTCM-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el } ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'eP-si.i*i*g ANSSs/asI2 UE-P-si.i-*i*g'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA'xilia)5I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*gANSS-S4AS-I2 ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els ANSS-Alma*a1-&B$:ex. ANSS-A++UTCM-+els ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0-



ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)B ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI+ INTE E! ":##C% 'eP-si.i*i*g ANSSs/asI2 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 ga*ssTimeM-+elsLis. ANSSTimeM-+elsLis. 'eP-si.i-*i*g2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSNa&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)B 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSUTCM-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA'xilia)5I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)A ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI+ INTE E! ":##C% 'eP-si.i*i*g ANSSs/asI2 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 ga*ssTimeM-+elsLis. ANSSTimeM-+elsLis. 'eP-si.i-*i*g2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-)A 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSNa&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)B 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSUTCM-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA'xilia)5I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&A2:ex. ::= 'eP-si.i-*i*g2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-&A2:ex.




ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssTimeM-+elsLis. ANSSTimeM-+elsLis.-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0--&a@:ex. OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'eP-si.i-*i*g242SC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-242SC-))e1.i-*s OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g42SI-*- )i+M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g-42S-I-*- )i+M-+el OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els-&1x5ex., 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&1x5ex., 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els-&1x5ex. } ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI+ INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i*i*g ANSSs/asI2 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 OPTIONAL, ga*ssTimeM-+elsLis. ANSSTimeM-+elsLis.-)1: OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-)A OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSNa&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0--)1: OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)1: OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSUTCM-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA'xilia)5I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0OPTIONAL ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI+ INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i*i*g ANSSs/asI2 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 OPTIONAL, ga*ssTimeM-+elsLis. ANSSTimeM-+elsLis.-)1: OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-)A OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g242SC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-242SC-))e1.i-*s OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g42SI-*- )i+M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g-42S-I-*- )i+M-+el OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSNa&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els-)12 OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSS!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0--)1: OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSAlma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)12 OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSUTCM-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els-)12 OPTIONAL, 'eP-si.i-*i*g ANSSA'xilia)5I*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0OPTIONAL } ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis. ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&B$:ex. ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)B ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)A ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&A2:ex. ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&a@:ex. ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&1x5ex. ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)1: ::= ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)12 ::= ANSS e*e)i1Meas')eme*.I*0- ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&B$:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&a@:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-&1x5ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 ANSS e*e)i12a.a-)12 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 SEQUENCE {


Release !
ga*ssI+ ga*ssMeas')eme*.Sig*alLis. }

INTE E! ":##C% ANSSMeas')eme*.Sig*alLis.

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


ANSS e*e)i1Meas')eme*.I*0--&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 SEQUENCE { ga*ssMeas')eme*.Sig*alLis. ANSSMeas')eme*.Sig*alLis.-&B$:ex. } ANSSMeas')eme*.Pa)ame.e)s ::= sa.I+ 1S')NGe)m'l.ipa.,I*+i1a.-) 1a))ie)Q'ali.5I*+i1a.i-* ga*ssC-+eP,ase ga*ssI*.ege)C-+eP,ase 1-+eP,ase!msE))-) +-pple) a+) } ANSSMeas')eme*.Pa)ame.e)s-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 SEQUENCE { ga*ssI*.ege)C-+eP,aseEx. INTE E! "$@##12C% OPTIONAL } ANSSMeas')eme*.Sig*alLis. ::= ga*ssSig*alI+ ga*ssC-+eP,aseAm/ig'i.5 ga*ssMeas')eme*.Pa)ame.e)s } ANSSMeas')eme*.Sig*alLis.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 SEQUENCE { ga*ssC-+eP,aseAm/ig'i.5Ex. INTE E! "(2##12C% OPTIONAL, ga*ssMeas')eme*.Pa)ame.e)s ANSSMeas')eme*.Pa)ame.e)s-&B$:ex. a*ssNa&iga.i-*M-+elA++i.i-*al2a.a ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss9ee7 INTE E! ":##@:A?%, ga*ssT-e INTE E! ":##1$C%, .-.-eLimi. INTE E! ":##1:%, sa.elli.esLis.!ela.e+2a.aLis. Sa.elli.esLis.!ela.e+2a.aLis. } ANSS!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 ::= gANSS-.-+ gANSS-.imeI+ gANSS-.-+-'*1e).ai*.5 } a*ss!e; e*e)i12a.a ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI+ INTE E! ":##C% ga*ss!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 4OOLEAN, ga*ss2i00e)e*.ialC-))e1.i-* 2 ANSS-Sig-I+-!e; ga*ssAlma*a1 4OOLEAN, ga*ssNa&iga.i-*M-+el 4OOLEAN, ga*ssTimeM-+el NSS- NSS 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% ga*ss!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*04OOLEAN, ga*ss2a.a4i.s a*ss2a.a4i.s ga*ssUTCM-+el 4OOLEAN, ga*ssNa&iga.i-*M-+elA++i.i-*al2a.a a*ssNa&iga.i-*M-+elA++i.i-*al2a.a a*ss!e; e*e)i12a.a-&B$:ex. ::= s/asI+ ga*ssA++Na&iga.i-*M-+el ga*ssA++UTCm-+el ga*ssA'xI*0ga*ssA++A21,-i1es -)/i.M-+elI2 1l-17M-+elI2 '.1M-+elI2 alma*a1M-+elI2 } OPTIONAL } a*ss!e; e*e)i12a.a-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { /+sI-*- )i+M-+el!e; ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } /+sC-))e1.i-*s!e; 2 ANSS-Sig-I+-!e; OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL SEQUENCE INTE INTE INTE { E! ":##(?AAAAA%, E! ":##C% E! ":##12C% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSg*T5pe%% O3 SEQUENCE { ANSS-Sig*al-I+ OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##(1% OPTIONAL, ANSSMeas')eme*.Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! ":##$(%, ENUME!ATE2 { *m, l-8, me+i'm, ,ig, }, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2%% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##2:AC1?1%, INTE E! ":##$(% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! "-(2C$B##(2C$C%, INTE E! ":##((??@@(1% OPTIONAL





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

a*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 a*ss!e; e*e)i12a.a a*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 a*ss!e; e*e)i12a.a-&B$:ex. a*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis.-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 a*ss!e; e*e)i12a.a-&1x5ex. ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-* ::= ga*ssSa.I+ +-pple)Me)-O)+e) ex.)a2-pple) 1-+eP,ase i*.ege)C-+eP,ase 1-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8 aGim'.,a*+Ele&a.i-* } ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { aGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-* AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*-&a@:ex. } ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*-)1: ::= ga*ssSa.I+ +-pple)Me)-O)+e) ex.)a2-pple) 1-+eP,ase i*.ege)C-+eP,ase 1-+eP,aseSea)1,9i*+-8 aGim'.,a*+Ele&a.i-* } ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! "-2:@B##2:@C%, Ex.)a2-pple) INTE E! ":##1:2(%, INTE E! ":##12C%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*-)1: OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! "-2:@B##2:@C%, Ex.)a2-pple) INTE E! ":##1:2(%, INTE E! ":##12C%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, AGim'.,A*+Ele&a.i-*

-- s1ale 0a1.-) :#?mDs OPTIONAL,


-- s1ale 0a1.-) :#?mDs OPTIONAL,


ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*-&a@:ex. ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)1: ::= ANSSTimeM-+elsLis. ::= ANSSTimeM-+elsLis.-&a@:ex. ::= ANSSTimeM-+elsLis.-)1: ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*-)1:

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS-1%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el SEQUENCE "SIME "1## max ANSS-1%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el-&a@:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS-1%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el-)1:

ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-42S7p ::= SEQUENCE { s&I2 INTE E!":##$(%, /+sAlmT-a 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%%, /+sAlmS;).A 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2@%%, /+sAlmE 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1C%%, /+sAlm9 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2@%%, /+sAlmM: 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2@%%, /+sAlmOmega: 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2@%%, /+sAlmOmega2-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1C%%, /+sAlm2el.aI 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%, /+sAlmA: 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%, /+sAlmA1 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%, /+sS&6eal., 4IT ST!IN "SIME"A%% OPTIONAL ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1- LO7p ::= gl-AlmNA gl-Alm*A gl-Alm6A gl-AlmLam/+aA gl-AlmTlam/+aA gl-Alm2el.aIA gl-A7m2el.aTA gl-Alm2el.aT+-.A gl-AlmEpsil-*A gl-AlmOmegaA SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN


"11%%, "?%%, "?%%, "21%%, "21%%, "1B%%, "22%%, "C%%, "1?%%, "1$%%,


Release !
gl-AlmTa'A gl-AlmCA gl-AlmMA ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-Kp ::= s&I+ ga*ss-alm-e ga*ss-+el.a-I-alm ga*ss--mega+-.-alm ga*ss-s&s.a.'sINAE-alm ga*ss-s&s.a.'s3NAE-alm ga*ss-+el.a-a-s;).-alm ga*ss--megaGe)--alm ga*ss-m-Ge)--alm ga*ss--mega-alm ga*ss-a0-Ge)--alm ga*ss-a0--*e-alm } ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-MI2I7p ::= s&I2 mi+iAlmE mi+iAlm2el.aI mi+iAlmOmega2-. mi+iAlmS;).A mi+iAlmOmega: mi+iAlmOmega mi+iAlmMmi+iAlma0: mi+iAlma01 mi+iAlmL16eal., mi+iAlmL26eal., mi+iAlmL?6eal., } ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-NAE7p ::= s&I2 *a&AlmE *a&Alm2el.aI *a&AlmOME A2OT *a&AlmSE6eal., *a&AlmS;).A *a&AlmOME A*a&AlmOmega *a&AlmM*a&Alma0: *a&Alma01 } ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-!E27p ::= s&I2 )e+Alm2el.aA )e+AlmOmega: )e+AlmP,i: )e+AlmL16eal., )e+AlmL26eal., )e+AlmL?6eal., } 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN

"SIME "1:%%, "SIME "1%%, "SIME "2%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



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"B%%, "C%%, "C%%, "1%%, "1%%, "1%%

ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-S4ASe1e0 ::= SEQUENCE { s/asAlm2a.aI2 4IT ST!IN "SIME s&I2 INTE E! ":##$(%, s/asAlm6eal., 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmFg 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmIg 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmMg 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmFg+-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmIg2-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmMg2-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME s/asAlmT4IT ST!IN "SIME ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-42S7pLis. ::= ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1- LO7pLis. ::=

"2%%, "B%%, "1?%%, "1?%%, "A%%, "(%%, "(%%, "@%%, "11%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-42S7p SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1- LO7p


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-KpLis. ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-Kp SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-MI2I7p SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-NAE7p SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-!E27p

ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-MI2I7pLis. ::= ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-NAE7pLis. ::= ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-!E27pLis. ::=

ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-S4ASe1e0Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 ANSS-SAT-I*0--Alma*a1-S4ASe1e0 a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na& ::= sa.I+ s&6eal., i-+ ga*ssCl-17M-+el ga*ssO)/i.M-+el } a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&-)12 ::= sa.I+ s&6eal., i-+ ga*ssCl-17M-+el ga*ssO)/i.M-+el } a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssCl-17M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Cl-17M-+els-&1x5ex., ga*ssO)/i.M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++O)/i.M-+els-&1x5ex. a*ss-Sa.-I*0--Na& ::= sa.I+ s&6eal., i-+ ga*ssCl-17M-+el ga*ssO)/i.M-+el a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&Lis. ::= a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&Lis.-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "A%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1:%%, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Cl-17M-+el, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-O)/i.M-+el SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na& SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&-)12 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&-&1x5ex. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "$%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Cl-17M-+els-)12, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++O)/i.M-+els-)12 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "$%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Cl-17M-+els, UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++O)/i.M-+els

a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&Lis.-&1x5ex. ::= a*ss-Sa.-I*0--Na&Lis. ::= ANSS-Sig*al-I+ ::= ANSS-S.a.'s-6eal., ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 a*ss-Sa.-I*0--Na& INTE E! ":##C% ENUME!ATE2 { '+)e-s1ale-1+-.:, '+)e-s1ale-:+-.C?, '+)e-s1ale-:+-.?, '+)e-s1ale-:+-.(, '+)e-s1ale-:+-.2, '+)e-s1ale-:+-.1, *--+a.a, i*&ali+-+a.a } SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE {

ANSS-S.-)m-3lag ::= s.-)m-0lag--*e s.-)m-0lag-.8s.-)m-0lag-.,)ee s.-)m-0lag-0-') s.-)m-0lag-0i&e LONASS1l-17M-+el ::=


Release !
gl-Ta' gl- amma gl-2el.aTa' PS-Meas')eme*.Pa)am ::= sa.elli.eI2 1-N: +-pple) 8,-le PS-C,ips 0)a1.i-*al PS-C,ips m'l.ipa.,I*+i1a.-) pse'+-)a*ge!MS-E))-) PS-Meas')eme*.Pa)amLis. ::= SM-Ca))ie)!SSI ::= 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN

"SIME "22%%, "SIME "11%%, "SIME "?%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! "-(2C$B##(2C$B%, INTE E! ":##1:22%, INTE E! ":##1:2(%, M'l.ipa.,I*+i1a.-), INTE E! ":##$(% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 PS-Meas')eme*.Pa)am 4IT ST!IN "SIME "$%%

SM-Cell )-'p ::= SEQUENCE { s.a).i*gA!3CN 4CC6-A!3CN, /a*+I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { +1s1B::, p1s1A:: }, 0-ll-8i*gA!3CNs C6OICE { expli1i.Lis.O0A!3CNs SEQUENCE "SIME ":##(1%% O3 4CC6-A!3CN, e;'all5Spa1e+A!3CNs SEQUENCE { a)01*-Spa1i*g INTE E! "1##B%, *'m/e)O03-ll-8i*gA!3CNs INTE E! ":##(1% }, &a)ia/le4i.MapO0A!3CNs OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1##1$%%, 1-*.i*'-'s!a*geO0A!3CNs SEQUENCE { e*+i*gA!3CN 4CC6-A!3CN } } } SM-Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-Ca))ie)!SSI SM-Ca))ie)!SSI -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 INTE E! "@$##1C(% /si1!ep-).e+ 4SIC!ep-).e+, -- +'mm52 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm52 O/se)&e+Time2i00e)e*1eT- SM SM-Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= PS-TO9-1mse1 ::= PS-TO9-1se1 ::= PS-TO9-Assis. ::= sa.I2 .lm-Message .lm-!ese)&e+ ale). a*.iSp--0 } PS-TO9-Assis.Lis. ::= SM-CellI2 ::= gsm-CellI2 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.%% O3 PS-TO9-Assis. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##maxCellMeas-1% OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!ep-).e+ SMCells%% O3 SM-Meas')e+!es'l.s INTE E! ":##$:@CAAAAA% INTE E! ":##$:@CAA% SEQUENCE { Sa.I2, 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN

"SIME "1@%%, "SIME "2%%,

SM-P)i-)i.5I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { gsmCell )-'p SM-Cell )-'p, p)i-)i.5 INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 N 1 ;!xLe&Mi* SM INTE E! "-?B##-1(%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 .,)es,F,ig, INTE E! ":##(1%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 .,)es,Fl-8 INTE E! ":##(1%


Release !
} SM-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. ::= SMCell )-'pi*gLis. ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'm SMCell )-'p%% O3 SM-P)i-)i.5I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 SM-CellI2

6CS-Cell!esele1.I*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) pe*al.5Time is J*-.Use+J -- Temp-)a)5 -00se. is *es.e+ i*si+e Pe*al.5Time-!SCP pe*al.5Time Pe*al.5Time-!SCP } 6CS-Cell!esele1.I*0-)ma.i-*-ECN: ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: T,e +e0a'l. &al'e 0-) pe*al.5Time is J*-.Use+J -- Temp-)a)5 -00se. is *es.e+ i*si+e Pe*al.5Time-ECN: pe*al.5Time Pe*al.5Time-ECN: } 6CS-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { ,1s-P!IO 6CS-P!IO ;-6CS Q-6CS ,1s-Cell!esele1.I*0-)ma.i-* 6CS-Cell!esele1.I*0-)ma.i-*-!SCP } 6CS-Neig,/-')i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-*-ECN: ::= SEQUENCE { ,1s-P!IO 6CS-P!IO ;-6CS Q-6CS ,1s-Cell!esele1.I*0-)ma.i-* 6CS-Cell!esele1.I*0-)ma.i-*-ECN: } 6CS-P!IO ::= 6CS-Se)&i*gCellI*0-)ma.i-* ::= ,1s-P!IO ;-6CS .-C!-Max } 6-)iG-*.alEel-1i.5 ::= /ea)i*g ,-)iG-*.alSpee+ } 6-)iG-*.al9i.,Ee).i1alEel-1i.5 ::= &e).i1alSpee+2i)e1.i-* /ea)i*g ,-)iG-*.alSpee+ &e).i1alSpee+ } INTE E! ":##C% SEQUENCE { 6CS-P!IO Q-6CS T-C!Max SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(?A%, INTE E! ":##2:@C% SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { 'p8a)+, +-8*8a)+ }, INTE E! ":##(?A%, INTE E! ":##2:@C%, INTE E! ":##2??% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(?A%, INTE E! ":##2:@C%, INTE E! ":##2??% 2E3AULT :, 2E3AULT :, OPTIONAL 2E3AULT :, 2E3AULT :,

2E3AULT :, 2E3AULT :,

6-)iG-*.alEel-1i.59i.,U*1e).ai*.5 ::= /ea)i*g ,-)iG-*.alSpee+ ,-)iG-*.alSpee+U*1e).ai*.5 }

6-)iG-*.al9i.,Ee).i1alEel-1i.5A*+U*1e).ai*.5 ::= SEQUENCE { &e).i1alSpee+2i)e1.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { 'p8a)+, +-8*8a)+ }, /ea)i*g INTE E! ":##(?A%, ,-)iG-*.alSpee+ INTE E! ":##2:@C%, &e).i1alSpee+ INTE E! ":##2??%, ,-)iG-*.alU*1e).ai*.5Spee+ INTE E! ":##2??%, &e).i1alU*1e).ai*.5Spee+ INTE E! ":##2??% } -- A1.'al &al'e 65s.e)esis = IE &al'e > :#? 65s.e)esis ::= INTE E! ":##1?% -- A1.'al &al'e 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e; = IE &al'e > :#? 65s.e)esisI*.e)3)e; ::= INTE E! ":##2A% I+leI*.e)&alI*0- ::= 7 -00se. } SEQUENCE { INTE E! "2##(% INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


Release !
I*.e)3)e;Cell ::= 0)e;'e*15I*0*-*3)e;!ela.e+E&e*.!es'l.s } I*.e)3)e;Cell-LC!-)@ ::= 0)e;'e*15I*0*-*3)e;!ela.e+E&e*.!es'l.s _ I*.e)3)e;CellI2 ::= I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@ ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)B ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)A ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. 1S I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)1: ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. 1S I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* }

SEQUENCE { 3)e;'e*15I*0-, CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { 3)e;'e*15I*0-, CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-LC!-)@ INTE E! ":##maxCellMeas-1% SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Cells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)@ Cells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)B Cells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)A Cells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. CS I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.e)3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)1: Cells3-)I*.e)3)e;MeasLis. CS I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.e)3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* SEQUENCE { 3)e;'e*15I*0-, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0NULL OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL





I*.e)3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* ::= 0)e;'e*15I*0m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5S1)am/li*gC-+e }, .++ } } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN: ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. }

SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN: SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis.



I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP-LC! ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis.




Release !
*e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. _ I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN:-LC! ::= )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. _


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL

I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC! ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC! ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } I*.e)3)e;CellLis. ::= I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 I*.e)3)e;Cell SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 I*.e)3)e;Cell-LC!-)@

I*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s I*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. I*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. I*.e)3)e;E&e*. ::= e&e*.2a e&e*.2/ e&e*.21 e&e*.2+ e&e*.2e e&e*.20 } I*.e)3)e;E&e*.-)$ ::= e&e*.2a e&e*.2/ e&e*.21 e&e*.2+ e&e*.2e e&e*.20 } I*.e)3)e;E&e*.-)1: ::= e&e*.2a e&e*.2/ e&e*.21 e&e*.2+ e&e*.2e e&e*.20 } I*.e)3)e;E&e*.-)11 ::= e&e*.2a e&e*.2/ e&e*.21 e&e*.2+ e&e*.2e e&e*.20 } I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis. ::= I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis.-)$ ::= I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis.-)1: ::= I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis.-)11 ::= C6OICE { E&e*.2a, E&e*.2/, E&e*.21, E&e*.2+, E&e*.2e, E&e*.20 C6OICE { E&e*.2a-)$, E&e*.2/-)$, E&e*.21-)$, E&e*.2+-)$, E&e*.2e-)$, E&e*.20-)$ C6OICE { E&e*.2a-)1:, E&e*.2/-)1:, E&e*.21-)1:, E&e*.2+-)1:, E&e*.2e-)1:, E&e*.20-)1: C6OICE { E&e*.2a-)11, E&e*.2/-)11, E&e*.21-)11, E&e*.2+-)1:, E&e*.2e-)11, E&e*.20-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.e)3)e;E&e*. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.e)3)e;E&e*.-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.e)3)e;E&e*.-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

--3-ll-8i*g IE s,all /e 'se+ )ega)+less -0 CPIC6 !SCP"322% -) P)ima)5 CCPC6 !SCP"T22% --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 .,e 1ells i* I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. --T,e IE is -*l5 'se+ 0-) meas')e+ )es'l.s a*+ *-. 0-) a++i.i-*al meas')e+ )es'l.s# I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { .,)e,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-+el.a 2el.a!SCP, .,)e,-l+N-*Use+3)e;'e*15-+el.aLis. T,)e,-l+N-*Use+3)e;'e*15-+el.aLis. }


--T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 .,e e&e*.s i* I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.Lis. I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-&?A:ex. --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 )ele&a*. e&e*.s i* I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. --i#e# .,e 0i)s. eleme*. -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e 0i)s. -11')a*1e -0 e&e*. 1e, 10, 1,, 1i, --.,e se1-*+ eleme*. -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e se1-*+ -11')a*1e -0 e&e*. 1e, 10, 1,, 1i I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 2el.a!SCP --3-ll-8i*g IE s,all /e 'se+ )ega)+less -0 CPIC6 !SCP"322% -) P)ima)5 CCPC6 !SCP"T22% --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 .,e 1ells i* I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. --T,e IE is -*l5 'se+ 0-) meas')e+ )es'l.s a*+ *-. 0-) a++i.i-*al meas')e+ )es'l.s# I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s ::= e&e*.I2 i*.e)3)e;CellLis. } I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s-&a@:ex. ::= +e.e1.e+Se.T)igge) } SEQUENCE { E&e*.I2I*.e)3)e;, I*.e)3)e;CellLis. SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 {.)'e}



I*.e)3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s-LC!-)@-ex. ::= e&e*.I2 i*.e)3)e;CellLis. _

SEQUENCE { E&e*.I2I*.e)3)e;, I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-LC!-)@-ex.


I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { )ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 }, i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 2E3AULT 01:, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 0)e;Q'ali.5Es.ima.eQ'a*.i.5-322 3)e;Q'ali.5Es.ima.eQ'a*.i.5-322 }, .++ SEQUENCE { 0)e;Q'ali.5Es.ima.eQ'a*.i.5-T22 3)e;Q'ali.5Es.ima.eQ'a*.i.5-T22 } } } } } I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0'.)a-Ca))ie)!SSI UT!A-Ca))ie)!SSI i*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. } I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. ::= i*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. } I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. ::= i*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. } I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellMeas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex.


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.s


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. } I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN: ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. } SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN: OPTIONAL


I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP } I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN: ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: }



I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP-LC! _ I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN:-LC! } I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC! } I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC! } I*.e)3)e;!AC6!epCellsLis. ::= I*.e)3)e;CellI2 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3





2'mm5-I*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. }, i*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gT,)es,-l+ T,)es,-l+, max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; } } I*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. } }, i*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gT,)es,-l+ T,)es,-l+, max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)@, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia,


Release !
pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)$ ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)A ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)1: ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)11 ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= i*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis. } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$ ::= i*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis. } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)1: ::= i*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis. } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)11 ::= i*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis. } I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= '.)a-Ca))ie)-!SSI 0)e;'e*15Q'ali.5Es.ima.e *-*3)e;!ela.e+Q'a*.i.ies } I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)C, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)A, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)A, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)1:, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1:, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp.-)1: C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)11, I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)11, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1:, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp.-)1: SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis. SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis.-)$ SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis.-)1: SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;E&e*.Lis.-)11 SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, Cell!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies ENUME!ATE2 { 1pi1,-E1N:, 1pi1,-!SCP }





-- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP } I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 I*.e)3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22 I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis., I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5



Release !
i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)@ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)$ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)C ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)B ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e a+<a1e*.3)e;'e*15I*+ex )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)A ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e a+<a1e*.3)e;'e*15I*+ex i*.e)4a*+3)e;'e*15I*+ex )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)1: ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e a+<a1e*.3)e;'e*15I*+ex i*.e)4a*+3)e;'e*15I*+ex 0)e;I*+exLis.3-)E*,a*1e+Meas )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)11 ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 i*.e)3)e;Se.Up+a.e a+<a1e*.3)e;'e*15I*+ex i*.e)4a*+3)e;'e*15I*+ex 0)e;I*+exLis.3-)E*,a*1e+Meas )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)!AT-Ta)ge.Cell2es1)ip.i-* ::=

UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)$ SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)B, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e INTE E! ":##(1% I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)A, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e INTE E! ":##(1% INTE E! ":##(1% I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)A SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)1:, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e INTE E! ":##(1% INTE E! ":##(1% 3)e;I*+exLis.3-)E*,a*1e+Meas I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)1: SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)1:, I*.e)3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e INTE E! ":##(1% INTE E! ":##(1% 3)e;I*+exLis.3-)E*,a*1e+Meas I*.e)3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)11 SEQUENCE {









Release !
.e1,*-l-g5Spe1i0i1I*0gsm /si1 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ /11,-A!3CN *1M-+e }, is-2::: spa)e2 spa)e1 }

C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 4SIC, 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, 4CC6-A!3CN, NC-M-+e NULL, NULL, NULL

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


I*.e)!ATCellI2 ::= I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* ::=

INTE E! ":##maxCellMeas-1% INTE E! ":##(%

I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis. !em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis., -- NOTE: 3'.')e )e&isi-*s -0 +e+i1a.e+ messages i*1l'+i*g IE *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. -- s,-'l+ 'se a 1-))e1.e+ &e)si-* -0 .,is IE *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis., 1ells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. Cells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. OPTIONAL } I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-4 ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis. !em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis., -- NOTE: IE *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al# 6-8e&e), s5s.em i*0-)ma.i-* -- +-es *-. s'pp-). message &e)si-*s# 6e*1e, .,is 1a* *-. /e 1-))e1.e+ *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis.-4 } I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)@ ::= )em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis. *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. } I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)$ ::= )em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis. *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. 1ells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-*-)$ } I*.e)!ATCellI*+i&i+'alO00se. ::= I*.e)!ATE&e*. ::= e&e*.(a e&e*.(/ e&e*.(1 e&e*.(+ } I*.e)!ATE&e*.Lis. ::= I*.e)!ATE&e*.!es'l.s ::= e&e*.I2 1ellT-!ep-).Lis. } I*.e)!ATI*0- ::= I*.e)!ATI*0--)$ ::= )a. gsm-Ta)ge.CellI*0-Lis. } SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis., Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Cells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis., Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Cells3-)I*.e)!ATMeasLis. I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* INTE E! "-?:##?:%



C6OICE { E&e*.(a, E&e*.(/, E&e*.(1, E&e*.(+ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.e)!ATE&e*. SEQUENCE { E&e*.I2I*.e)!AT, CellT-!ep-).Lis. ENUME!ATE2 { gsm } SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATI*0-, SM-Ta)ge.CellI*0-Lis.


I*.e)!ATI*0--&B$:ex. ::= C6OICE { -- C6OICE gsm is p)-&i+e+ i* IE I*.e)!ATI*0- -) IE I*.e)!ATI*0--)$ gsm NULL, e'.)a SEQUENCE { e'.)a-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis. EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis. } }


Release !
I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 ::= measQ'a*.i.5UT!AN-Q'ali.5Es.ima.e )a.Spe1i0i1I*0gsm meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. /si1-Ee)i0i1a.i-*!e;'i)e+ }, is-2::: .a++-E1I.1-mp-E1Is-0.Sl-pe a++I*.e)1ep. } } } I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5-)B ::= measQ'a*.i.5UT!AN-Q'ali.5Es.ima.e )a.Spe1i0i1I*0gsm meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. /si1-Ee)i0i1a.i-*!e;'i)e+ }, is-2::: .a++-E1I.1-mp-E1Is-0.Sl-pe a++I*.e)1ep. }, e-UT!A meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. } } } I*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.s ::= gsm spa)e }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 SM, 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 2E3AULT 01:, 4SIC-Ee)i0i1a.i-*!e;'i)e+ SEQUENCE INTE INTE INTE INTE { E! E! E! E! ":##$(%, ":##1?%, ":##$(% ":##$(%


SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 SM, 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 2E3AULT 01:, 4SIC-Ee)i0i1a.i-*!e;'i)e+ SEQUENCE INTE INTE INTE INTE { E! E! E! E! ":##$(%, ":##1?%, ":##$(% ":##$(%


SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5EUT!A, 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. 2E3AULT 01:


SM-Meas')e+!es'l.sLis., NULL

I*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxO.,e)!AT-1$%% O3 I*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.s I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. ::= i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. i*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)@ ::= i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. i*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)$ ::= i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. i*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)B ::= i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.O/<e1.s i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. e'.)a-3)e;'e*15Lis. } OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia i+leI*.e)&alI*0} SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)@ I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)$ I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { C6OICE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)$, EUT!A-3)e;'e*15Lis. I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5-)B I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia, I+leI*.e)&alI*0OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,




Release !
I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)A ::= i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.O/<e1.s i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. e'.)a-3)e;'e*15Lis. } OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia i+leI*.e)&alI*0} I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)11 ::= i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.O/<e1.s i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. e'.)a-3)e;'e*15Lis. } OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia i+leI*.e)&alI*0} I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.S5sI*0- ::= i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. }

SEQUENCE { C6OICE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)$, EUT!A-3)e;'e*15Lis.-)A I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5-)B I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia, I+leI*.e)&alI*0SEQUENCE { C6OICE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-)$, EUT!A-3)e;'e*15Lis.-)11 I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5-)B I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia, I+leI*.e)&alI*0SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.S5sI*0--4 ::= i*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. }


I*.e)!AT!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= C6OICE { i*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, *-!ep-).i*g !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. } I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= i*.e)!ATE&e*.Lis. } SEQUENCE { I*.e)!ATE&e*.Lis. OPTIONAL

I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { '.)a*-Es.ima.e+Q'ali.5 4OOLEAN, )a.Spe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { gsm SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ 8,e* )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 4OOLEAN, gsm-Ca))ie)-!SSI 4OOLEAN } } } I*.e)!AT!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B ::= '.)a*-Es.ima.e+Q'ali.5 )a.Spe1i0i1I*0gsm gsm-Ca))ie)-!SSI }, e'.)a )ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 } } I*.)a3)e;CellI2 ::= I*.)a3)e;CellI2O*Se1UL3)e; ::= I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@ ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. INTE E! ":##maxCellMeas-1% INTE E! ":##maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;-1% SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL } SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5, /-., }



Release !
*e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. }

Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-)@ Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis.

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.I*0-O*Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; 1ells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis.O*Se1UL3)e; } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)A ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. 1S I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)1: ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. 1ells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. 1S I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* } I*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-*I*0-::= SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-)1: Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. CS I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI)e;'es.%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.I*0-O*Se1UL3)e;


SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-)A Cells3-)I*.)a3)e;MeasLis. CS I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-*



I*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-*I*0I*.)a3)e;SIA1;'isi.i-*I*0}, .++ NULL } } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN: ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: ::= )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. } SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN: SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP SEQUENCE { !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:






I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ _ I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ } I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ _


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { )em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. !em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. OPTIONAL, *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ _ I*.)a3)e;E&e*. ::= e1a e1/ e11 e1+ e1e e10 e1g e1, e1i } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-)@ ::= e1a e1/ e11 e1+ e1e e10 e1g e1, e1i } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-LC!-)@ ::= e1a e1/ e11 e1+ e1e e10 e1g e1, e1i } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-)$ ::= e1a e1/ e11 e1+ e1e e10 e1g e1, e1i e1< } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-)C ::= e1a e1/ e11 e1+ e1e e10 e1g e1, e1i e1< } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= e1a e1/ e11 e1e e10 } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? ::= .)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-* 'seCIO C6OICE { E&e*.1a, E&e*.1/, E&e*.11, NULL, E&e*.1e, E&e*.10, NULL, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 C6OICE { E&e*.1a-)@, E&e*.1/-)@, E&e*.11, NULL, E&e*.1e, E&e*.10, NULL, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 C6OICE { E&e*.1a-LC!-)@, E&e*.1/-LC!-)@, E&e*.11, NULL, E&e*.1e, E&e*.10, NULL, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 C6OICE { E&e*.1a-)@, E&e*.1/-)@, E&e*.11, E&e*.1+, E&e*.1e-)$, E&e*.10-)$, NULL, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$, E&e*.1<-)$ C6OICE { E&e*.1a-)@, E&e*.1/-)C, E&e*.11, E&e*.1+, E&e*.1e-)$, E&e*.10-)$, NULL, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$, T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$, E&e*.1<-)$ C6OICE { E&e*.1a-O*Se1Ul3)e;-)A, E&e*.1/-O*Se1Ul3)e;-)A, E&e*.11, E&e*.1e-)$, E&e*.10-)$ SEQUENCE { T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2 4OOLEAN



Release !
} I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia ::= e&e*. ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-)@ ::= e&e*. ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-LC!-)@ ::= e&e*. ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-)$ ::= e&e*. ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-)C ::= e&e*. ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*., 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-)@, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-LC!-)@, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s




SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-)$, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-)C, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.O*Se1UL3)e;, 65s.e)esis, TimeT-T)igge), !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s



I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaO*Se1UL3)e; ::= e&e*. ,5s.e)esis .imeT-T)igge) )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. ::= I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)@ ::=


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia-)C

I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-LC!-)@ ::= I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)$ ::= I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)C ::=

I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE{ 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.O*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaO*Se1UL3)e; } I*.)a3)e;E&e*.!es'l.s ::= e&e*.I2 1ellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s } SEQUENCE { E&e*.I2I*.)a3)e;, CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s SEQUENCE { E&e*.I2I*.)a3)e;, CellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e;

I*.)a3)e;E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; ::= e&e*.I2 1ellMeas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; } I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 ::= 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0-

SEQUENCE { 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*. C6OICE {

2E3AULT 01:,


Release !
0++ }, .++ } } }

SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-322

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22Lis. I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22Lis.

-- I0 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-322 is 'se+ i* I*.e)!ATMeasQ'a*.i.5, .,e* -*l5 -- 1pi1,-E1-N: a*+ 1pi1,-!SCP a)e all-8e+# -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-322 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1pi1,-E1-N:, 1pi1,-!SCP, pa.,l-ss, +'mm5 } I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-322-si/( ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1pi1,-E1-N:, 1pi1,-!SCP }

-- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP, pa.,l-ss, .imesl-.ISCP, +'mm5 } I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##@%% O3 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22

I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22-si/(Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 ENUME!ATE2 { p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP, .imesl-.ISCP } I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s

I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP ::= i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 } I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN: ::= i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 } SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN: I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 1, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 } I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN: ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP-LC!-)@ i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 } I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN:-LC!-)@ i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 }

::= SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT 1, I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 OPTIONAL, Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL ::= SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT 1, I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 OPTIONAL, Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL

I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT 1, i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 OPTIONAL, max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.I2 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT 1, i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis. I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-SI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 OPTIONAL, max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 OPTIONAL, )ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)$ ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)A ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)11 ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. } C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)@, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)C, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)A, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)11, Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)@ ::= e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. }

SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)@


I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-LC!-)@ ::= e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. }

SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-LC!-)@


I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)$ } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)C ::= SEQUENCE { e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)C }



I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)A ::= SEQUENCE { e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)C e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.O*Se1UL3)e; I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.O*Se1UL3)e; } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-)C e&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.O*Se1UL3)e; I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ex1l'+e+CellI*0-Lis. CellI*0-Lis.T-4eEx1l'+e+ } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? ::= SEQUENCE { pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/ Pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/ } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { a1.i&eSe.!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies Cell!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies, m-*i.-)e+Se.!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies Cell!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies, +e.e1.e+Se.!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies Cell!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.ies }




I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.53-)!AC6 ::= SEQUENCE { s0*-S3N-OT2-T5pe S3N-S3N-OT2-T5pe, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 I*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. I*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. } } } I*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-322 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1pi1,-E1N:, 1pi1,-!SCP, pa.,l-ss, *-!ep-). } ENUME!ATE2 { .imesl-.ISCP, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP, *-!ep-). }

I*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22 ::=

I*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 I*.)a3)e;!epQ'a*.i.5!AC6-T22 I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@ I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)@ OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@ i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 -- )ep-).C)i.e)ia is -p.i-*al i* la.e) &e)si-*s -0 .,is message )ep-).C)i.e)ia I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)$ } I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)C ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)A ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)1: ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)@ I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)A I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)A SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)1: I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)A





I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis. I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.-)1: OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; I*.)a3)e;CellI*0-Lis.O*Se1UL3)e; OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 OPTIONAL, )ep-).C)i.e)ia I*.)a3)e;!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)11 OPTIONAL, pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)iaO*Se1UL3)e; Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sO*Se1UL3)e; }


I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 CellMeas')e+!es'l.s-)A I*.)aUT!AAN! ::= SEQUENCE { l-ggi*gA/s-l'.eT,)es,-l+ l-ggi*g!ela.i&eT,)es,-l+ } IO2E ::= IP-Le*g., ::= IP-PCCPC6-)@ ::= IP-Spa1i*g ::= L-ggi*gA/s-l'.eT,)es,-l+, L-ggi*g!ela.i&eT,)es,-l+ INTE E! ":##2??% ENUME!ATE2 { ipl?, ipl1: } 4OOLEAN ENUME!ATE2 { e?, eC, e1:, e1?, e2:, e(:, e@:, e?: } ENUME!ATE2 { e(:, e@:, e?:, eC:, e1::} ENUME!ATE2 { 0)e;'e*15, .imesl-., 1-l-')1-+e, -'.p'.p-8e), p*-O00se. } { ENUME!ATE2 { mi*1:, mi*(:, ,)1, spa)e2, spa)e1 }, I*.)aUT!AAN! OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL


IP-Spa1i*g-T22 ::= IS-2:::Spe1i0i1MeasI*0- ::=

L-gge+AN!C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE l-ggi*g2')a.i-* i*.)aUT!AAN! i*.e)!ATAN!0-)EUT!AI*+i1a.-) i*.e)!ATAN!0-) SMI*+i1a.-) }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mAN!L-gge+I.ems%% O3 L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mAN!L-gge+I.ems%% O3 L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0--&/?:ex. L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { plm*-I+e*.i.5 se)&i*gCell l-gge+CellI*0} PLMN-I+e*.i.5, CellI+e*.i.5, L-gge+CellI*0-

L-gge+AN!!ep-).I*0--&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+CellI*0L-gge+CellI*0--&/?:ex. } L-gge+CellI*0- ::= C6OICE { l-gge+UT!ACellI*0l-gge+EUT!ACellI*0l-gge+ SMCellI*0} L-gge+CellI*0--&/?:ex. ::= C6OICE { l-gge+EUT!ACellI*0} L-gge+UT!ACellI*0-, L-gge+EUT!ACellI*0-, L-gge+ SMCellI*0-


L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eI*0--322 ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eA11essI*0--322 L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eA11essI*0--322, l-gge+Meas3aile+CellMeas L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-322, l-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis.-322 l-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis.-322 l-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas-&/?:ex. l-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eL-1a.i-*I*0L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eL-1a.i-*I*0} L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eI*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eA11essI*0--T22 L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eA11essI*0--T22, l-gge+Meas3aile+CellMeas L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-T2212B, l-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')MeasLis.-T2212B l-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis.-T2212B l-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas-&/?:ex. l-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eL-1a.i-*I*0L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eL-1a.i-*I*0} L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eA11essI*0--322 ::= SEQUENCE { *'m/e)O0!!CMsgT)a*smi..e+ INTE E! ":##B% } L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eA11essI*0--T22 ::= SEQUENCE { *'m/e)O0!!CMsgT)a*smi..e+ INTE E! ":##B%, 0pa1,!e1ei&e+ 4OOLEAN, e-!UCC63ail')e 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL } L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eL-1a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { l-1a.i-* C6OICE { ellips-i+P-i*. Ellips-i+P-i*., ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le, ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse, ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e, ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllipse Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e }, ,-)iG-*.alEel-1i.5 6-)iG-*.alEel-1i.5 OPTIONAL }



C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')e!ep-). ::= SEQUENCE { .imeSi*1e3ail')e INTE E! ":##1C2B::%, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { l-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eI*0L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eI*0--322 }, .++ SEQUENCE {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

l-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eI*0L-gge+C-**e1.i-*Es.a/lis,me*.3ail')eI*0--T2212B } } L-gge+EUT!ACellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { plm*-I+e*.i.5 .)a17i*gA)eaC-+e e'.)aCellI+e*.i.5 ea)01* p,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 } L-gge+EUT!ACellI*0--&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ea)01* } L-gge+ SMCellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { plm*-I+e*.i.5 la1 gsmCellI+e*.i.5 /11,-A!3CN /a*+I*+i1a.-) /si1 } PLMN-I+e*.i.5, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2B%%, EA!3CN, EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 }



PLMN-I+e*.i.5, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%, 4CC6-A!3CN, 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, 4SIC

L-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { a/s-l'.eTimeI*04IT ST!IN "SIME"@B%%, l-ggi*g2')a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 {mi*1:, mi*2:, mi*@:, ,)1, ,)1mi*(:,,)2,spa)e2,spa)e1}, l-ggi*gI*.e)&al ENUME!ATE2 {li12B,li2?$,li?12,li1:2@,li2:@B,li(:C2,li@:A$,li$1@@}, .)a1e!e0e)e*1e T)a1e!e0e)e*1e, .)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-* T)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-*, .1e-I+ TCE-I+, a)eaC-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { 1ellI2Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##(2%% O3 CellI+e*.i.5, l-1a.i-*A)eaLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 LAI, )-'.i*gA)eaLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 !AI } OPTIONAL } L-gge+Meas')eme*.sC-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)11 ::= SEQUENCE { a/s-l'.eTimeI*04IT ST!IN "SIME"@B%%, l-ggi*g2')a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 {mi*1:, mi*2:, mi*@:, ,)1, ,)1mi*(:,,)2,spa)e2,spa)e1}, l-ggi*gI*.e)&al ENUME!ATE2 {li12B,li2?$,li?12,li1:2@,li2:@B,li(:C2,li@:A$,li$1@@}, .)a1e!e0e)e*1e T)a1e!e0e)e*1e, .)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-* T)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-*, .1e-I+ TCE-I+, plm*Lis. Plm*Lis. OPTIONAL, a)eaC-*0ig')a.i-* C6OICE { 1ellI2Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##(2%% O3 CellI2Lis.I.em, l-1a.i-*A)eaLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 LAI, )-'.i*gA)eaLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 !AI } OPTIONAL } L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis.-322 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'm3223)e;s%% O3 L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;I*0--322 L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;I*0--322 ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, l-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Neig,/-')Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max*'mL-gge+Meas%% O3 L-gge+MeasNeig,/-')I*0--322 } L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;I*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, l-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Neig,/-')Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Neig,/-')Lis.-T2212B } L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas ::= l-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Lis. l-gge+Meas SMNeig,/-')CellsLis. SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Lis. OPTIONAL, L-gge+Meas SMNeig,/-')CellsLis. OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Lis. L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Lis.-&/?:ex. } L-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis.-322 ::= L-gge+MeasNeig,/-')I*0--322 L-gge+MeasNeig,/-')I*0--322 ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, 1pi1,-!SCP CPIC6-!SCP, 1pi1,-E1-N: CPIC6-E1-N: } L-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')MeasLis.-T2212B ::= L-gge+MeasNeig,/-')Meas-T2212B L-gge+MeasNeig,/-')Meas-T2212B ::= 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max*'mL-gge+Meas%% O3 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max*'mL-gge+Meas%% O3

SEQUENCE { CellPa)ame.e)sI2, P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP

L-gge+Meas SMNeig,/-')CellsLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max*'mL-gge+Meas%% O3 L-gge+Meas SMNeig,/-')Cellsi*0L-gge+Meas SMNeig,/-')Cellsi*0- ::= SEQUENCE { /si1 4SIC, 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, /11,-A!3CN 4CC6-A!3CN, gsm-Ca))ie)!SSI SM-Ca))ie)!SSI } L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%%O3 L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;I*0L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;I*0--&/?:ex. L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;I*0::= SEQUENCE { ea)01* l-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Neig,/-')I*0-Lis. L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Neig,/-')I*0} L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;I*0--&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ea)01* EA!3CNEx.e*si-* } L-gge+MeasEUT!A3)e;Neig,/-')I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { p,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5, )S!P INTE E! ":##AC% , )S!Q INTE E! ":##((% } L-gge+MeasI*0--322 ::= SEQUENCE { )ela.i&eTimeS.amp l-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas l-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis. l-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis. l-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas l-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0} INTE E! ":##C2::%, L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-322, L-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis.-322 L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis.-322 L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas L-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0EA!3CN, SEQUENCE "SIME "1## max*'mL-gge+Meas%% O3



L-gge+MeasI*0--322-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { l-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-322-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, l-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0L-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0--&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, l-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL } L-gge+MeasI*0--T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { )ela.i&eTimeS.amp INTE E! ":##C2::%, l-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-T2212B, l-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.)a0)e;Neig,/-')MeasLis.-T2212B OPTIONAL, l-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis. L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis.-T2212B OPTIONAL, l-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas OPTIONAL, l-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0L-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

L-gge+MeasI*0--T2212B-&/?:ex. ::= l-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas l-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0l-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas } L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-322 ::=

SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-T2212B-&/?:ex. L-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0--&/?:ex. L-gge+MeasI*.e)!ATNeig,/-')Meas-&/?:ex.


SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxL-gge+Meas!ep-).%% O3 L-gge+MeasI*0--322 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxL-gge+Meas!ep-).%% O3 L-gge+MeasI*0--

L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-322-&/?:ex. ::= 322-&/?:ex. L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-T2212B ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxL-gge+Meas!ep-).%% O3 L-gge+MeasI*0--T2212B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxL-gge+Meas!ep-).%% O3 L-gge+MeasI*0--

L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-T2212B-&/?:ex. ::= T2212B-&/?:ex. L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ l-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. }, .++ l-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. } } } L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ l-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. }, .++ l-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. } } } L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Lis.-T2212B ::= L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;I*0--T2212B

SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-322 SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-T2212B

SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-322-&/?:ex. SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-T2212B-&/?:ex.

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mT223)e;s%% O3

L-gge+MeasI*.e)0)e;Neig,/-')Lis.-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max*'mL-gge+Meas%% O3 L-gge+MeasNeig,/-')Meas-T2212B L-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0- ::= C6OICE { ellips-i+P-i*. Ellips-i+P-i*., ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e } L-gge+MeasL-1a.i-*I*0--&/?:ex. ::= C6OICE { ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le, ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse, ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllipse Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e } L-gge+Meas!ep-). ::= a/s-l'.eTimeI*0.)a1e!e0e)e*1e .)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-* .1e-I+ l-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. l-gge+MeasA&aila/le } L-gge+Meas!ep-).-&/?:ex. ::= l-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME"@B%%, T)a1e!e0e)e*1e, T)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-*, TCE-I+, L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis. ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }


SEQUENCE { L-gge+MeasI*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. SEQUENCE { CellI+e*.i.5, CPIC6-!SCP, CPIC6-E1-N:


L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-322 ::= 1ellI+e*.i.5 1pi1,-!SCP 1pi1,-E1-N: }

L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-322-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { plm*I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-T2212B ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellI+e*.i.5 CellI+e*.i.5, p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP } L-gge+MeasSe)&i*gCellMeas-T2212B-&/?:ex. ::= plm*I+e*.i.5 PLMN-I+e*.i.5 } L-gge+UT!ACellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { plm*-I+e*.i.5 1ellI+e*.i.5 'a)01* 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 p)ima)5S1)am/li*gC-+e } L-ggi*gA/s-l'.eT,)es,-l+ ::= C6OICE { )s1p0-)AN! e1-N:0-)AN! } SEQUENCE { OPTIONAL

PLMN-I+e*.i.5, CellI+e*.i.5, UA!3CN, CellPa)ame.e)sI2 P)ima)5S1)am/li*gC-+e


!SCP0-)AN!, E1-N:0-)AN!

-- i. applies .- !SCP /5 s.ep -0 2 a*+ E1DN: /5 s.ep -0 1 -- A1.'al &al'e L-ggi*g!ela.i&eT,)es,-l+ = IE &al'e > 2 "!SCP% -- A1.'al &al'e L-ggi*g!ela.i&eT,)es,-l+ = IE &al'e "E1DN:% L-ggi*g!ela.i&eT,)es,-l+ ::= INTE E! "-@##1$% Keple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s ::= .-e-*a& ga*ss--mega-*a& +el.a-*-*a& m-Ge)--*a& -mega+-.-*a& ga*ss-e-*a& i+-.-*a& a-s;).-*a& i-Ge)--*a& -mega-Ge)--*a& 1-)s-*a& 1-is-*a& 1-'s-*a& 1-)1-*a& 1-i1-*a& 1-'1-*a& } MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1 ::= MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe2 ::= MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe( ::= SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "1@%%, "(2%%, "1$%%, "(2%%, "2@%%, "(2%%, "1@%%, "(2%%, "(2%%, "(2%%, "1$%%, "1$%%, "1$%%, "1$%%, "1$%%, "1$%%

ENUME!ATE2 { e1, e2, e(, e@, e?, e$} ENUME!ATE2 { e1, e2, e(, e@, e?, e$, eC, eB, eA, e1:, e11, e12} ENUME!ATE2 { &ia1.CellsPl's1, &ia1.CellsPl's2, &ia1.CellsPl's(, &ia1.CellsPl's@, &ia1.CellsPl's?, &ia1.CellsPl's$ } ENUME!ATE2 { *-!ep-)., 1'))e*.Cell, 1'))e*.A*+-1-4es.Neig,/-'), 1'))e*.A*+-2-4es.Neig,/-'), 1'))e*.A*+-(-4es.Neig,/-'), 1'))e*.A*+-@-4es.Neig,/-'), 1'))e*.A*+-?-4es.Neig,/-'), 1'))e*.A*+-$-4es.Neig,/-') } INTE E! "1##B%

Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6 ::=

Max!ep-).e+CellsO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; ::=

Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis., i*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis., i*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.sLis., .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis.,


Release !
;'ali.5Meas')e+!es'l.s 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s spa)e } Meas')e+!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; ::= i*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Q'ali.5Meas')e+!es'l.s, UE-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s, NULL SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.O*Se1UL3)e; SEQUENCE {

Meas')e+!es'l.s-&(A:ex. ::= 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&(A:ex. } Meas')e+!es'l.s-&?A:ex. ::= C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. } Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex. ::= C6OICE { 'eI*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s } Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. ::= C6OICE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s } Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex. ::= Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex. ::= Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.O*Se1Ul3)e; ::=


I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&?A:ex., I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&?A:ex.

UE-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex.


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')e+!es'l.sO*Se1Ul3)e; I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex., I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&A2:ex.

Meas')e+!es'l.s-&A2:ex. ::= C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. i*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. } Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. ::= C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. i*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s }

I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex., I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&1x5ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex.

Meas')e+!es'l.s-LC!-)@ ::= C6OICE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.)a3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis., i*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.e)3)e;Meas')e+!es'l.sLis., i*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. I*.e)!ATMeas')e+!es'l.sLis., .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis., ;'ali.5Meas')e+!es'l.s Q'ali.5Meas')e+!es'l.s, 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s UE-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s-LC!-)@, 'e-p-si.i-*ii*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s, spa)e NULL } Meas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')e+!es'l.s SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 Meas')e+!es'l.s-LC!-)@

Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&CC:xe. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { -- T,e Omeas')e+!es'l.sO eleme*. s,all /e p)ese*., i0 O&CC:O ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*. )es'l.s -- ass-1ia.e+ 8i., .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g eleme*. i* .,e IE OMeas')e+!es'l.Lis.O s,all /e -- p)-&i+e+, -.,e)8ise i. is *-. *ee+e+ meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL } Meas')e+!es'l.sLis.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxA++i.i-*alMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { -- T,e Omeas')e+!es'l.sO eleme*. s,all /e p)ese*., i0 O&B$:O ex.e*+e+ meas')eme*. )es'l.s -- ass-1ia.e+ 8i., .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g eleme*. i* .,e IE OMeas')e+!es'l.Lis.O s,all /e -- p)-&i+e+, -.,e)8ise i. is *-. *ee+e+ meas')e+!es'l.s Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6 ::= SEQUENCE { 1'))e*.Cell SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 C6OICE { 1pi1,-E1-N: CPIC6-E1-N:, 1pi1,-!SCP CPIC6-!SCP, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss, spa)e NULL } }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- 3-) (#B@ M1ps, C#$B M1ps a*+ 1#2B M1ps T22 .imesl-.ISCP Timesl-.ISCP-Lis. p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP } } }, m-*i.-)e+Cells M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis. } Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-&Cg:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1'))e*.Cell-2el.a!SCP 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell m-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis.-&Cg:ex. M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis.-&Cg:ex. }




--T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 .,e 1ells i* M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis. M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis.-&Cg:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell --T22 1,-i1e is )em-&e+, 1-mpa)e+ .- .a/'la), i* -)+e) .- -p.imise 322 0-)ma. Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6322-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { 1'))e*.Cell SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 C6OICE { 1pi1,-E1-N: CPIC6-E1-N:, 1pi1,-!SCP CPIC6-!SCP, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss, spa)e NULL } }, meas')e+!es'l.sUse+3)e; M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis.322-)11 OPTIONAL, meas')e+!es'l.sN-*Use+3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; OPTIONAL, meas')e+!es'l.sEUT!A3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; OPTIONAL } Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI*+i1a.i-*-SI411 i*.e)3)e;CellI*+i1a.i-*-SI412 i*.e)3)e;!AC6!epCellsLis. } Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6-EUT!A3)e; ::= e'.)a3)e;'e*15I*+i1a.i-*-SI41A e'.)a3)e;'e*15I*+i1a.-) } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+ ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)@ ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)$ ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1%, INTE E! ":##1%, I*.e)3)e;!AC6!epCellsLis. SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s-3AC6%% C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)@, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)@ NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)$, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)$





Release !
)elease NULL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)C ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)B ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)A ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)1: ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)11 ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+-)12 ::= se.'p m-+i05 meas')eme*.T5pe }, )elease }

C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)C, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)C NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)B, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)B NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)A, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)A NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)1:, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)1: NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)11, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)11 NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)12, SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)12 NULL







Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { -- C6OICE 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e )ep)ese*.s PCCPC6-!SCP i* T22 m-+e# 'se--0-6CS C6OICE { ,1s-*-.-'se+ SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN: OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN: OPTIONAL } }, i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.S5sI*0--4 OPTIONAL }, ,1s-'se+ SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN: OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN: OPTIONAL } },


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



}, .)a00i1E-l'meMeasS5sI*0T)a00i1E-l'meMeasS5sI*0OPTIONAL, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ i. s,all /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e UE# +'mm5 UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.S5sI*0OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-* ::= SEQUENCE { -- C6OICE 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e )ep)ese*.s PCCPC6-!SCP i* T22 m-+e# 'se--0-6CS C6OICE { ,1s-*-.-'se+ SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN: OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN: OPTIONAL } }, *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. OPTIONAL }, ,1s-'se+ SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: OPTIONAL } }, *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. OPTIONAL } } } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-*A++-*-)? ::= SEQUENCE { --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.)a3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.)a3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis.A++-*-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.e)3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.e)3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis.A++-*-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.A++-*-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL } Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-*-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- C6OICE 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e )ep)ese*.s PCCPC6-!SCP i* T22 m-+e# 'se--0-6CS C6OICE { ,1s-*-.-'se+ SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } }, *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. OPTIONAL }, ,1s-'se+ SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL }


Release !
}, *e8I*.e)!ATCellLis. } } }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0--LC!-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- C6OICE 'se--0-6CS s,all ,a&e .,e same &al'e as .,e 'se--0-6CS -- i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-- C6OICE 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e )ep)ese*.s PCCPC6-!SCP i* T22 m-+e# 'se--0-6CS C6OICE { ,1s-*-.-'se+ SEQUENCE { -- C6OICE 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e s,all ,a&e .,e same &al'e as .,e -- 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*01ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL }, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } } }, ,1s-'se+ SEQUENCE { -- C6OICE 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e s,all ,a&e .,e same &al'e as .,e -- 1ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e i* Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*01ellSele1.Q'ali.5Meas')e C6OICE { 1pi1,-!SCP SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL _, 1pi1,-E1-N: SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.)a3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, i*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0- I*.e)3)e;Meas')eme*.S5sI*0--6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL } } } } } Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 ::= Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5Ex. ::= Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A ::= INTE E! "1##1$% INTE E! "1C##(2% INTE E! "1##(2%

Meas')eme*.O11asi-*Pa..e)*Pa)ame.e) ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.-O11asi-*-C-e00 INTE E! "1##A%, meas')eme*.-O11asi-*-O00se. INTE E! ":##?11%, meas')eme*.-O11asi-*-Le*g., INTE E! "1##?12%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "C%% } Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 SM ::= ENUME!ATE2 { gsm-Ca))ie)!SSI, +'mm5 } ENUME!ATE2 { )s)p, )s); }


Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5EUT!A ::=

Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e ::= meas')eme*.!ep-).T)a*s0e)M-+e pe)i-+i1alO)E&e*.T)igge) } Meas')eme*.T5pe ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. }

SEQUENCE { T)a*s0e)M-+e, Pe)i-+i1alO)E&e*.T)igge) C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*., I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*., I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*., UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*., T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.


Release !
Meas')eme*.T5pe-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)$ ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)C ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)B ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)A ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. 1sgP)-ximi.52e.e1.i-* } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)1: ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. 1sgP)-ximi.52e.e1.i-* } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)11 ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*. 'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. 1sgP)-ximi.52e.e1.i-* e'.)aMeas')eme*.3-)CELL3AC6 } Meas')eme*.T5pe-)12 ::= i*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*. i*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.

C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)@, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)@, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)@, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)@, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@ C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)$, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)$, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)$, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)@, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@ C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)C, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)C, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)$, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)C, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@ C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)C, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)B, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)B, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)B, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@ C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)A, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)A, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)A, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)A, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@, CS P)-ximi.52e.e1.i-*

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)1:, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)1:, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)A, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)1:, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@, CS P)-ximi.52e.e1.i-* C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)11, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)11, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)11, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)1:, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@, CS P)-ximi.52e.e1.i-*, EUT!A-Meas')eme*.3-)CELL3AC6 C6OICE { I*.)a3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)11, I*.e)3)e;'e*15Meas')eme*.-)11, I*.e)!ATMeas')eme*.-)11,


Release !
'p-Meas')eme*. .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ;'ali.5Meas')eme*. 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. 1sgP)-ximi.52e.e1.i-* e'.)aMeas')eme*.3-)CELL3AC6 } Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 ::= 'e-S.a.e } M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis. ::= M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-!es'l. ::= s0*-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 1pi1,-E1-N: 1pi1,-!SCP pa.,l-ss spa)e } }, .++ 1ellPa)ame.e)sI2 p)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP } } } M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-Lis.322-)11 ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)12, T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*., Q'ali.5Meas')eme*., UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@, CS P)-ximi.52e.e1.i-*, EUT!A-Meas')eme*.3-)CELL3AC6 SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { 1ell-2C6, all-4'.-Cell-2C6, } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-!es'l. SEQUENCE { S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, C6OICE { CPIC6-E1-N:, CPIC6-!SCP, Pa.,l-ss, NULL SEQUENCE { CellPa)ame.e)sI2, P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP OPTIONAL,


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##B%% O3 M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-!es'l.322-)11

--T22 1,-i1e is )em-&e+, 1-mpa)e+ .- .a/'la), i* -)+e) .- -p.imise 322 0-)ma. M-*i.-)e+Cell!AC6-!es'l.322-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { s0*-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e OPTIONAL, p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 C6OICE { 1pi1,-E1-N: CPIC6-E1-N:, 1pi1,-!SCP CPIC6-!SCP, pa.,l-ss Pa.,l-ss, spa)e NULL } } M'l.ipa.,I*+i1a.-) ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *m, l-8, me+i'm, ,ig, }

M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxM'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+sEUT!A%% O3 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!A M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Ex.e*si-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxM'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+sEUT!A%% O3 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+EUT!AEx. M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)lis. } M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Lis. OPTIONAL

M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+Ex.e*si-*I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)lis. M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Ex.e*si-*Lis. OPTIONAL } M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+I*0-

M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*15I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxN'mEUT!A3)e;s%% O3 M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*154a*+Ex.e*si-*I*0-


Release !
M'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Lis.322::= M'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Lis.322 } M'l.iple3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.322 ::= N-C!-T-C!Max65s. ::= *-C! .-C!Max65s. } NAE1l-17M-+el ::= *a&T-1 *a&a02 *a&a01 *a&a0: *a&Tg+ } Na&iga.i-*M-+elSa.I*0- ::= sa.I2 sa.elli.eS.a.'s ep,eme)isPa)ame.e) } Na&iga.i-*M-+elSa.I*0-Lis. ::= Na&M-+el-42SKeple)ia*Se. ::= /+sU!AI 4IT ST!IN /+sT-e 4IT ST!IN /+sAP-8e)6al0 4IT ST!IN /+sE 4IT ST!IN /+s9 4IT ST!IN /+s2el.aN 4IT ST!IN /+sM: 4IT ST!IN /+sOmega: 4IT ST!IN /+sOmega2-. 4IT ST!IN /+sI: 4IT ST!IN /+sI2-. 4IT ST!IN /+sC'1 4IT ST!IN /+sC's 4IT ST!IN /+sC)1 4IT ST!IN /+sC)s 4IT ST!IN /+sCi1 4IT ST!IN /+sCis 4IT ST!IN } Na&M-+el-CNAEKeple)ia*Se. ::= 1*a&T-p 1*a&U!Ai*+ex 1*a&2el.aA 1*a&A+-. 1*a&2el.aN1*a&2el.aN-2-. 1*a&M1*a&E 1*a&Omega 1*a&OME A: 1*a&2el.aOmega2-. 1*a&I1*a&I-2-. 1*a&Cis 1*a&Ci1 1*a&C)s 1*a&C)1 1*a&C's 1*a&C'1 } Na&M-+el- LONASSe1e0 ::= gl-E* gl-P1 gl-P2


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

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SEQUENCE "SIME "1## maxN'm3223)e;s%% O3 M'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+I*0SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##1$% T-C!Max65s. SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 2E3AULT B,


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"SIME "?%%, "SIME "2%%, "SIME "1%%,


Release !
gl-M gl-F gl-F+-. gl-F+-.+-. gl-I gl-I+-. gl-I+-.+-. gl-M gl-M+-. gl-M+-.+-. } Na&M-+el-NAEKeple)ia*Se. ::= *a&U!A *a&3i.3lag *a&T-e *a&Omega *a&2el.aN *a&M: *a&OmegaA2-. *a&E *a&I2-. *a&AP-8e)6al0 *a&I: *a&OmegaA: *a&C)s *a&Cis *a&C's *a&C)1 *a&Ci1 *a&C'1 } Na&M-+el-S4ASe1e0 ::= s/asTs/asA11')a15 s/asFg s/asIg s/asMg s/asFg2-. s/asIg2-. s/asMg2-. s/asFg2-.2-. s/agIg2-.2-. s/asMg2-.2-. } Ep,eme)isPa)ame.e) ::= 1-+eO*L2 ')aI*+ex sa.6eal., i-+1 l2P0lag s01!e&+ .- 2 .--1 a02 a01 a0: 1-)s +el.a-* m: 1-'1 e 1-'s a-S;). .--e 0i.I*.e)&al a-+1-i1 -mega: 1-is i: 1-)1 -mega -mega2-. i2-. } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN ST!IN

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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



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Release !
NC-M-+e ::= 4IT ST!IN

"SIME "(%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Neig,/-') ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { *eig,/-')I+e*.i.5 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0'E-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2I*0UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { *eig,/-')A*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, *eig,/-')Q'ali.5 Neig,/-')Q'ali.5, s0*-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e2 S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e2} Neig,/-')-&(A:ex. ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ 0)e;'e*15I*0}, .++ } } Neig,/-')Lis. ::= Neig,/-')-T22-)C ::= 'a)01* } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { 3)e;'e*15I*0NULL


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Neig,/-') SEQUENCE { UA!3CN OPTIONAL

-- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e 1ells i* IE Neig,/-')Lis.-T22-)C s,all /e .,e -- same as .,e -)+e) i* IE Neig,/-')Lis. Neig,/-')Lis.-T22-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Neig,/-')-T22-)C -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e 1ells i* IE Neig,/-')Lis.-&(A:ex. s,all /e .,e -- same as .,e -)+e) i* IE Neig,/-')Lis. Neig,/-')Lis.-&(A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Neig,/-')-&(A:ex. Neig,/-')Q'ali.5 ::= 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Q'ali.5 } Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)@ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-&C/:ex. ::= i*.)aSe1-*+a)53)e;I*+i1a.-) } Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-LC!-&Ba:ex. ::= 1ellI*0--LC!-)B } Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)B ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0*-I*0.++12B i*.)aSe1-*+a)53)e;I*+i1a.-) } } } Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)A ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI2 SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Q'ali.5 SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0--)@ SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE { CellI*0--LC!-)B-ex.




I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0--)@, C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0CellI*0--)A, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { *-I*0NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { i*.)aSe1-*+a)53)e;I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN } } } Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)3)e;CellI2 I*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0CellI*0--)A, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { *-I*0NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { i*.)aSe1-*+a)53)e;I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, sNPLM-*i.-)Se.I*+i1a.-)-T2212B 4IT ST!IN } } } Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)@ ::=


"SIME "?%%


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)@

-- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ells i* *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-&C/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-&C/:ex. -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ells i* *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-LC!-&Ba:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-LC!-&Ba:ex. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)B ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)A ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-)1: ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-!SCP ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-ECN: ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN: ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;Cell-)1: SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-!SCP SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-ECN: SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-6CS-!SCP SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-6CS-ECN: SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-!SCP-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,







Release !
0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0} Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= i*.e)3)e;CellI2 0)e;'e*15I*01ellI*0_ Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN: ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP ::= Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::=

3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-ECN:-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.e)3)e;CellI2 3)e;'e*15I*0CellI*0-SI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-ECN: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-!SCP SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-ECN:-LC!-)@

Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellSI-!SCP-LC!-)@

Ne8I*.e)!ATCell ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)!ATCellI2 I*.e)!ATCellI2 OPTIONAL, .e1,*-l-g5Spe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { gsm SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12 i*.e)!ATCellI*+i&i+'alO00se. I*.e)!ATCellI*+i&i+'alO00se., /si1 4SIC, 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, /11,-A!3CN 4CC6-A!3CN, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 NULL OPTIONAL }, is-2::: SEQUENCE { is-2:::Spe1i0i1MeasI*0IS-2:::Spe1i0i1MeasI*0}, -- ASN#1 i*1-*sis.e*15: Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al 8i.,i* -- I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.# T,e UE s,all 1-*si+e) IE Ne8I*.e)!ATCell 8i., -- .e1,*-l-g5Spe1i0i1I*0- se. .- Ja/se*.J as &ali+ a*+ ,a*+le .,e -- message as i0 .,e IE Ne8I*.e)!ATCell 8as a/se*. a/se*. NULL, spa)e1 NULL } } Ne8I*.e)!ATCell-4 ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)!ATCellI2 I*.e)!ATCellI2 OPTIONAL, .e1,*-l-g5Spe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { gsm SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.i-*!esele1.i-*I*0CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-11-12 i*.e)!ATCellI*+i&i+'alO00se. I*.e)!ATCellI*+i&i+'alO00se., /si1 4SIC, 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, /11,-A!3CN 4CC6-A!3CN, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 NULL OPTIONAL },




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

is-2::: SEQUENCE { is-2:::Spe1i0i1MeasI*0IS-2:::Spe1i0i1MeasI*0}, -- ASN#1 i*1-*sis.e*15: Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis.-4 s,-'l+ /e -p.i-*al 8i.,i* -- I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-4# T,e UE s,all 1-*si+e) IE Ne8I*.e)!ATCell-4 8i., -- .e1,*-l-g5Spe1i0i1I*0- se. .- Ja/se*.J as &ali+ a*+ ,a*+le .,e -- message as i0 .,e IE Ne8I*.e)!ATCell-4 8as a/se*. a/se*. NULL, spa)e1 NULL

Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis. ::= Ne8I*.e)!ATCellLis.-4 ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0_ Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-)A ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0}

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)!ATCell SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.e)!ATCell-4 SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0--)@ SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0--)A OPTIONAL,



Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;CellI2 I*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0CellI*0--)A, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { *-I*0NULL, .++12B SEQUENCE { sNPLM-*i.-)Se.I*+i1a.-)-T2212B 4IT ST!IN } } } Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellO*Se1UL3)e; ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2O*Se1UL3)e; 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-)@ ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-)A ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-)1: ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-LC!-&Ba:ex. ::= 1ellI*0--LC!-)B }


"SIME "?%%


SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2O*Se1UL3)e; CellI*0--)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-)1: SEQUENCE { CellI*0--LC!-)B-ex.



-- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ells i* *e8I*.)a3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.-LC!-&Ba:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;Cell-LC!-&Ba:ex. Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellO*Se1UL3)e; Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-!SCP ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-ECN: ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-!SCP SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 OPTIONAL,



Release !
1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN: ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0_ Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0_ Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;CellI2 1ellI*0} Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN: ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN: ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::=

CellI*0-SI-ECN: SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-6CS-!SCP SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-6CS-ECN: SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-!SCP-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-ECN:-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;CellI2 CellI*0-SI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)







SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-!SCP SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-ECN: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-!SCP-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-ECN:-LC!-)@

Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-!SCP-LC!-)@ Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-Lis.-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 Ne8I*.)a3)e;CellSI-6CS-ECN:-LC!-)@ -- IE J*-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+J is *-. *ee+e+ i* 1ase -0 e&e*. 2a -- I* 1ase -0 e&e*. 2a UT!AN s,-'l+ i*1l'+e &al'e : 8i.,i* IE J*-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+J -- I* 1ase -0 e&e*. 2a, .,e UE s,all /e ig*-)e IE J*-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+J -- I* la.e) &e)si-*s -0 .,e message i*1l'+i*g .,is IE, a spe1ial &e)si-* -0 -- IE JN-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.J ma5 /e +e0i*e+ 0-) e&e*. 2a, *amel5 a -- &e)si-* *-. i*1l'+i*g IE J*-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+J N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e) ::= SEQUENCE { *-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+ T,)es,-l+, *-*Use+3)e;9 9 } N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)-)$ ::= *-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+ *-*Use+3)e;9 } SEQUENCE { T,)es,-l+-)$, 9

N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { *-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+ T,)es,-l+-)$, *-*Use+3)e;9 9, *-*Use+3)e;T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2e.e1.e+Cells ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)-)11 ::= SEQUENCE {



Release !
*-*Use+3)e;T,)es,-l+ *-*Use+3)e;9 *-*Use+3)e;T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2e.e1.e+Cells ex1l'+e+CellI*0-Lis. }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

T,)es,-l+-)$, 9, ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } CellI*0-Lis.T-4eEx1l'+e+


N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { *-*Use+3)e;9 9, *-*Use+3)e;T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2e.e1.e+Cells ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)-)11 ::= SEQUENCE { *-*Use+3)e;9 9, *-*Use+3)e;T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2e.e1.e+Cells ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ex1l'+e+CellI*0-Lis. CellI*0-Lis.T-4eEx1l'+e+ } N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis. ::= N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)$ ::= N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)1: ::= N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)Lis.-)11 ::= N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)Lis.-)1: ::= N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)Lis.-)11 ::= N-*Use+3)e;9Lis.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e) SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 N-*Use+3)e;Pa)ame.e)-)11 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 N-*Use+3)e;2aPa)ame.e)-)11



SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 9 INTE E! ":##@:A?% ENUME!ATE2 { 12:, 1@:, 1B:, 11$:, 1(2:, 1$@:, 112B:, m-)eT,a*12B: }

O/se)&e+Time2i00e)e*1eT- SM ::= OT2OA-Sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe ::=

-- SPA!E: Pa.,l-ss, Max = 1?B -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e Pa.,l-ss ::= Pe*al.5Time-!SCP ::= *-.Use+ p.1: p.2: p.(: p.@: p.?: p.$: } Pe*al.5Time-ECN: ::= *-.Use+ p.1: p.2: p.(: p.@: p.?: p.$: } Pe*+i*gTimeA0.e)T)igge) ::=

INTE E! "@$##1C(% C6OICE { NULL, Temp-)a)5O00se.1, Temp-)a)5O00se.1, Temp-)a)5O00se.1, Temp-)a)5O00se.1, Temp-)a)5O00se.1, Temp-)a)5O00se.1 C6OICE { NULL, Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis., Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis., Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis., Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis., Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis., Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis. ENUME!ATE2 { p.a.:-2?, p.a.:-?, p.a.1, p.a.2, p.a.@, p.a.B, p.a.1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { pe)i-+i1al, e&e*.T)igge) } SEQUENCE { !ep-).i*gAm-'*. !ep-).i*gI*.e)&alL-*g 2E3AULT )a-I*0i*i.5,

Pe)i-+i1alO)E&e*.T)igge) ::=

Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Pe)i-+i1!ep-).i*gI*0--1/ ::= SEQUENCE { )ep-).i*gAm-'*. !ep-).i*gAm-'*., )ep-).i*gI*.e)&al !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al } Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s ::= SEQUENCE { pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: }



Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sO*Se1UL3)e; ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-, pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s Pe)i-+i1al9i.,!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: } PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells ::= plm*sO0I*.)a3)e;CellsLis. plm*sO0I*.e)3)e;CellsLis. plm*sO0I*.e)!ATCellsLis. } SEQUENCE { PLMNsO0I*.)a3)e;CellsLis. PLMNsO0I*.e)3)e;CellsLis. PLMNsO0I*.e)!ATCellsLis. OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells-&B$:ex. ::= m'l.ipleplm*sO0I*.)a3)e;CellsLis. m'l.ipleplm*sO0I*.e)3)e;CellsLis. }

SEQUENCE { M'l.iplePLMNsO0I*.)a3)e;CellsLis. M'l.iplePLMNsO0I*.e)3)e;CellsLis. PLMN-I+e*.i.5


Plm*Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mM2TPLMN%% O3 PLMNsO0I*.e)3)e;CellsLis. ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 } M'l.iplePLMNsO0I*.e)3)e;CellsLis. ::= m'l.iplePLMN-lis. } PLMNsO0I*.)a3)e;CellsLis. ::= } plm*-I+e*.i.5

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##$%% O3 PLMN-I+e*.i.59i.,Op.i-*alMCC-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE "SIME "1##$%% O3 PLMN-I+e*.i.59i.,Op.i-*alMCC-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL C6OICE { Ellips-i+P-i*., Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le, Ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse, Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e, Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e ENUME!ATE2 { -.+-a, gps, -.+-aO) PS, 1ellI2 }


M'l.iplePLMNsO0I*.)a3)e;CellsLis. ::= m'l.iplePLMN-lis. } PLMNsO0I*.e)!ATCellsLis. ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 } P-si.i-*Es.ima.e ::= ellips-i+P-i*. ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ci)1le ellips-i+P-i*.U*1e).Ellipse ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllipse } P-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+ ::=


-- A1.'al &al'e P!C = IE &al'e > :#(2 P!C ::= INTE E! "-2:@C##2:@C%


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- SPA!E: P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP, Max = A1 -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e P)ima)5CCPC6-!SCP ::= INTE E! ":##12C% Q-6CS ::= Q-O00se.S-N ::= Q-Q'alMi* ::= Q-Q'alMi*-O00se. ::= INTE E! ":##AA% INTE E! "-?:##?:% INTE E! "-2@##:% INTE E! "1##1$%

-- A1.'al &al'e Q-!xle&Mi* = "IE &al'e > 2% N 1 Q-!xle&Mi* ::= INTE E! "-?B##-1(% -- A1.'al &al'e Q-!xle&Mi*-O00se. = "IE &al'e > 2% Q-!xle&Mi*-O00se. ::= INTE E! "1##B% Q'ali.5E&e*.!es'l.s ::= Q'ali.5Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= /le)Meas')eme*.!es'l.sLis. m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ .++ si)-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s } } } Q'ali.5Meas')eme*. ::= ;'ali.5!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } Q'ali.5!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= ;'ali.5!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } Q'ali.5!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= Q'ali.5!ep-).i*gC)i.e)iaSi*gle ::= .)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 .-.alC!C /a+C!C pe*+i*gA0.e)T)igge) } Q'ali.5!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= +l-T)a*sC,4LE! /le)-+l-T)a*sC,I+Lis. m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ .++ si)-T3CS-Lis. } } } !AT-T5pe ::= !e0e)e*1eCellP-si.i-* ::= ellips-i+P-i*. ellips-i+P-i*.9i.,Al.i.'+e } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE { 4LE!-Meas')eme*.!es'l.sLis. C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { SI!-Meas')eme*.Lis. OPTIONAL,


SEQUENCE { Q'ali.5!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Q'ali.5!ep-).C)i.e)ia C6OICE { Q'ali.5!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, NULL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 Q'ali.5!ep-).i*gC)i.e)iaSi*gle SEQUENCE { T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, INTE E! "1##?12%, INTE E! "1##?12%, INTE E! "1##?12% SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN, 4LE!-T)a*sC,I+Lis. C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { SI!-T3CS-Lis.




ENUME!ATE2 { gsm, is2::: } C6OICE { Ellips-i+P-i*., Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+e

-- !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-*, as +e0i*e+ i* 2(#:(2 !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e }


!e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS ::= SEQUENCE { ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e Ellips-i+P-i*.Al.i.'+eEllips-i+e


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!e0e)e*1eTime2i00e)e*1eT-Cell ::= C6OICE { -- A1.'al &al'e a11')a15@: = IE &al'e > @: a11')a15@: INTE E! ":##A$:%, -- A1.'al &al'e a11')a152?$ = IE &al'e > 2?$ a11')a152?$ INTE E! ":##1?:%, -- A1.'al &al'e a11')a152?$: = IE &al'e > 2?$: a11')a152?$: INTE E! ":##1?% } !em-&e+I*.e)3)e;CellLis. ::= )em-&eAllI*.e)3)e;Cells )em-&eS-meI*.e)3)e;Cells )em-&eN-I*.e)3)e;Cells } !em-&e+I*.e)!ATCellLis. ::= )em-&eAllI*.e)!ATCells )em-&eS-meI*.e)!ATCells } )em-&eN-I*.e)!ATCells C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 I*.e)!ATCellI2, NULL C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 I*.)a3)e;CellI2, NULL C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 I*.e)3)e;CellI2, NULL

!em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis. ::= )em-&eAllI*.)a3)e;Cells )em-&eS-meI*.)a3)e;Cells )em-&eN-I*.)a3)e;Cells }

!em-&e+I*.)a3)e;CellLis.O*Se1UL3)e; ::= C6OICE { )em-&eAllI*.)a3)e;Cells NULL, )em-&eS-meI*.)a3)e;Cells SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeasO*Se1UL3)e;%% O3 I*.)a3)e;CellI2O*Se1UL3)e;, )em-&eN-I*.)a3)e;Cells NULL } !epla1eme*.A1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *-.Appli1a/le, .1, .2, .(, .@, .?, .$, .C } ENUME!ATE2 { *-.Appli1a/le, .1, .2, .(, .@, .?, .$, .C } ENUME!ATE2 { )a1, )a2, )a@, )aB, )a1$, )a(2, )a$@, )a-I*0i*i.5 }

!ep-).2ea1.i&a.i-*T,)es,-l+ ::=

!ep-).i*gAm-'*. ::=

!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s ::= C6OICE{ 8i.,i*A1.i&eSe. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+Se.Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*A1.i&eA*+O)M-*i.-)e+Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*2e.e1.e+Se.Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+A*+O)2e.e1.e+Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, allA1.i&epl'sM-*i.-)e+Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, allA1.i&ePl's2e.e1.e+Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, allA1.i&ePl'sM-*i.-)e+A*+O)2e.e1.e+Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, 8i.,i*Ei).'alA1.Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+Se.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+A*+O)Ei).'alA1.i&eSe.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, allEi).''sM-*i.-)e+Se.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, 8i.,i*A1.Se.O)Ei).'alA1.Se.-I*.e)!AT1ells MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe2, 8i.,i*A1.Se.A*+O)M-*i.-)e+Use+3)e;O)Ei).'alA1.Se.A*+O)M-*i.-)e+N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe2 } !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: ::= 8i.,i*A1.i&eSe. 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+Se.Use+3)e; 8i.,i*A1.i&eA*+O)M-*i.-)e+Use+3)e; C6OICE{ MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8i.,i*2e.e1.e+Se.Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+A*+O)2e.e1.e+Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, allA1.i&epl'sM-*i.-)e+Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, allA1.i&ePl's2e.e1.e+Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, allA1.i&ePl'sM-*i.-)e+A*+O)2e.e1.e+Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, 8i.,i*Ei).'alA1.Se. MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+Se.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, 8i.,i*M-*i.-)e+A*+O)Ei).'alA1.i&eSe.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe1, allEi).''sM-*i.-)e+Se.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe(, 8i.,i*A1.Se.O)Ei).'alA1.Se.-I*.e)!AT1ells MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe2, 8i.,i*A1.Se.A*+O)M-*i.-)e+Use+3)e;O)Ei).'alA1.Se.A*+O)M-*i.-)e+N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe2, allEi).''sM-*i.-)'s2e.e1.e+Se.N-*Use+3)e; MaxN'm/e)O0!ep-).i*gCellsT5pe( SEQUENCE { !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s SEQUENCE { !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s-)1: SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e, Cell2C6-!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e, Cell2C6-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-LC!-)@ ENUME!ATE2 { *-Pe)i-+i1al)ep-).i*g, )i:-2?, )i:-?, )i1, )i2, )i@, )iB, )i1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { )il:, )il:-2?, )il:-?, )il1, )il2, )il(, )il@, )il$, )ilB, )il12, )il1$, )il2:, )il2@, )il2B, )il(2, )il$@ } -- 9,e* .,e &al'e J)il:J is 'se+, .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. -- +e0i*e+#

!ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp. ::= )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'sOp.-)1: ::= )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s } !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6 ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e )ep-).C)i.e)ia } !ep-).i*gI*0-3-)Cell2C6-LC!-)@ ::= i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e )ep-).C)i.e)ia } !ep-).i*gI*.e)&al ::=



!ep-).i*gI*.e)&alL-*g ::=

-- A1.'al &al'e !ep-).i*g!a*ge = IE &al'e > :#? !ep-).i*g!a*ge ::= INTE E! ":##2A% !e;2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e ::= ga*ssSig*alI2 ga*ss2a.a4i.I*.e)&al ga*ssSa.elli.eI*0} !L-A++i.i-*I*0-Lis. ::= !L-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.s ::= )l-A++i.i-*I*0-Lis. )L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } !LC-4'00e)sPa5l-a+ ::= SEQUENCE { 2 ANSS-Sig-I+-!e;, INTE E!":##1?%, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 INTE E!":##$(% OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0SEQUENCE { !L-A++i.i-*I*0-Lis. !L-!em-&alI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

ENUME!ATE2 { pl:, pl@, plB, pl1$, pl(2, pl$@, pl12B, pl2?$, pl?12, pl1:2@, pl27, pl@7, plB7, pl1$7, pl(27, pl$@7, pl12B7, pl2?$7, pl?127, pl1:2@7, spa)e12, spa)e11, spa)e1:, spa)eA, spa)eB, spa)eC, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- A1.'al &al'e !!C = IE &al'e > :#:(2 !!C ::= INTE E! "-12C##12C% !SCP0-)AN! ::= SEQUENCE { )SCP } Sa.2a.a ::= sa.I2 i-+e } Sa.2a.aLis. ::= Sa.elli.esLis.!ela.e+2a.a ::= sa.I+ i-+ } Sa.elli.esLis.!ela.e+2a.aLis. ::= Sa.elli.eS.a.'s ::= INTE E! "-12:##-2?% SEQUENCE{ Sa.I2, IO2E SEQUENCE "SIME ":##maxSa.%% O3 Sa.2a.a SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##$(%, INTE E! ":##1:2(% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 Sa.elli.esLis.!ela.e+2a.a ENUME!ATE2 { *s-NN-U, es-SN, es-NN-U, )e&2, )e& } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME 4IT ST!IN "SIME INTE E! ":##1% "1@%%, "$%%, "21%%, "(1%%, "1:%% OPTIONAL

Sa.elli.e-1l-17-m-+el ::= .--1 a02 a01 a0: .g+ m-+el-i+ } Sa.elli.e-1l-17-m-+elLis. ::=


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSa.Cl-17M-+els%% O3 Sa.elli.e-1l-17-m-+el

-- I+e*.i0ies .,e sa.elli.e a*+ is e;'al .- "SE I2 N- - 1% 8,e)e SE I2 N- is +e0i*e+ i* R12S# Sa.I2 ::= INTE E! ":##$(% S4AS1l-17M-+el ::= s/asTs/asAg0s/asAg01 } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1(%%, "SIME "12%%, "SIME "B%%

S-2PCC6-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { s-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. } S-2PCC6-2PCC6-P-8e)O00se. ::= S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 ::= S3N-S3N-2)i0. ::=


INTE E! ":##$% ENUME!ATE2 { 0alse } ENUME!ATE2 { s0*s0*+)i0.:, s0*s0*+)i0.1, s0*s0*+)i0.2, s0*s0*+)i0.(, s0*s0*+)i0.@, s0*s0*+)i0.?, s0*s0*+)i0.B, s0*s0*+)i0.1:, s0*s0*+)i0.1?, s0*s0*+)i0.2?, s0*s0*+)i0.(?, s0*s0*+)i0.?:, s0*s0*+)i0.$?, s0*s0*+)i0.B:, s0*s0*+)i0.1::, s0*s0*+)i0.-1, s0*s0*+)i0.-2, s0*s0*+)i0.-(, s0*s0*+)i0.-@, s0*s0*+)i0.-?, s0*s0*+)i0.-B, s0*s0*+)i0.-1:, s0*s0*+)i0.-1?, s0*s0*+)i0.-2?, s0*s0*+)i0.-(?, s0*s0*+)i0.-?:, s0*s0*+)i0.-$?, s0*s0*+)i0.-B:, s0*s0*+)i0.-1::} C6OICE { S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e1, S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e2

S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e ::= .5pe1 .5pe2 }

-- SPA!E: S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e1, Max = AB(:(AA -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22, Max &al'e -0 S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e1 is (2C$CAA#


Release !
-- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e1 ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

INTE E! ":##1$CCC21?%

-- SPA!E: S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e2, Max = @:A$1 -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22, Max &al'e -0 S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e2 is 2C$@A# -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e S3N-S3N-O/sTime2i00e)e*1e2 ::= INTE E! ":##$??(?% S3N-S3N-OT2-T5pe ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *-!ep-)., .5pe1, .5pe2 } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ": ## @:A?%, INTE E! ":## (B(AA% ENUME!ATE2 { lessT,a*1:, m-)eT,a*1: } INTE E! ":##$(% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 SI!-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s SEQUENCE { T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai*, SI!-Timesl-.Lis. T3CS-I+e*.i.5Plai* SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCCT)C6%% O3 SI!-T3CS SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 SI! PS *a&iga.i-* message "2(%%, "2@%%, "2@%%, "1$%%

S3N-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e1 ::= s0*-O00se. s0*-s0*-!el.ime+i00e)e*1e } S3N-TO9-U*1e).ai*.5 ::=

SI! ::= SI!-Meas')eme*.Lis. ::=

SI!-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s ::= .01s-I2 si)-Timesl-.Lis. } SI!-T3CS ::= SI!-T3CS-Lis. ::= SI!-Timesl-.Lis. ::=

-- S'/3)ame1!ese)&e+, )ese)&e+ /i.s i* s'/0)ame 1 -0 .,e S'/3)ame1!ese)&e+ ::= SEQUENCE { )ese)&e+1 4IT ST!IN "SIME )ese)&e+2 4IT ST!IN "SIME )ese)&e+( 4IT ST!IN "SIME )ese)&e+@ 4IT ST!IN "SIME } T-A2Ei*0- ::= } .-A2E s0* SEQUENCE { INTE E!":##2:@C%, INTE E!":##@:A?%

T-A2Ei*0--ex. ::= .-A2E s0* } T-C!Max ::= *-.Use+ .(: .$: .12: .1B: .2@: } T-C!Max65s. ::=

SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##B1A1%, INTE E! ":##@:A?% C6OICE { NULL, N-C!-T-C!Max65s., N-C!-T-C!Max65s., N-C!-T-C!Max65s., N-C!-T-C!Max65s., N-C!-T-C!Max65s. ENUME!ATE2 { *-.Use+, .1:, .2:, .(:, .@:, .?:, .$:, .C: } SEQUENCE { OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1%%

TCE-I+ ::= .1e-I+ }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Temp-)a)5O00se.1 ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { .-(, .-$, .-A, .-12, .-1?, .-1B, .-21, i*0i*i.e } ENUME!ATE2 { .-2, .-(, .-@, .-$, .-B, .-1:, .-12, i*0i*i.e } SEQUENCE { Temp-)a)5O00se.1, Temp-)a)5O00se.2 INTE E! "-11?##:% INTE E! "-12:##:%

Temp-)a)5O00se.2 ::=

Temp-)a)5O00se.Lis. ::= .emp-)a)5O00se.1 .emp-)a)5O00se.2 } T,)es,-l+ ::= T,)es,-l+-)$ ::=

-- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 0)e;'e*15 +e0i*e+ i* I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)ia T,)e,-l+N-*Use+3)e;'e*15-+el.aLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3)e;%% O3 2el.a!SCPPe)Cell T,)es,-l+P-si.i-*C,a*ge ::= ENUME!ATE2 { p11:, p12:, p1(:, p1@:, p1?:, p11::, p12::, p1(::, p1?::, p11:::, p12:::, p1?:::, p11::::, p12::::, p1?::::, p11::::: } ENUME!ATE2 { 's1, 's2, 's(, 's?, 's1:, 's2:, 's?:, 's1:: } ENUME!ATE2 { ms1, ms2, ms(, ms?, ms1:, ms2:, ms?:, ms1:: } ENUME!ATE2 { 's1, 's2, 's(, 's?, 's1:, 's2:, 's?:, 's1:: } ENUME!ATE2 { 1:-2?, 1:-?, 11, 12, 1(, 1@, 1?, 11:, 12:, 1?:, 11::, 12::, 1?::, 11:::, 12:::, 1?::: } INTE E! "-11?##1$?% INTE E! "-12:##1$?%

T,)es,-l+S3N- ANSS-TO9 ::=

T,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9 ::=

T,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9-'s ::=

T,)es,-l+S3N-S3N-C,a*ge ::=

T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15 ::= T,)es,-l+Use+3)e;'e*15-)$ ::=

-- A1.'al &al'e TimeI*.e)&al = IE &al'e > 2:# TimeI*.e)&al ::= INTE E! "1##1(% Timesl-.I*0- ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) /')s.T5pe } Timesl-.I*0--LC!-)@ ::= .imesl-.N'm/e) } Timesl-.I*0-Lis. ::= Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), 4')s.T5pe SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 Timesl-.I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!%% O3 Timesl-.I*0--LC!-)@

Timesl-.I*0-Lis.-)@ ::= C6OICE { -- .,e 1,-i1e 0-) C#$B M1ps T22 is .,e same as 0-) (#B@ M1ps T22 -.++(B@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 Timesl-.I*0-, .++12B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS-LC!%% O3 Timesl-.I*0--LC!-)@ _ -- SPA!E: Timesl-.ISCP, Max = A1 -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e


Release !
Timesl-.ISCP ::=

INTE E! ":##12C%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- Timesl-.ISCP-Lis. s,all *-. i*1l'+e m-)e .,a* $ eleme*.s i* 1#2BM1ps T22 m-+e# Timesl-.ISCP-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 Timesl-.ISCP Timesl-.Lis.9i.,ISCP ::= Timesl-.9i.,ISCP ::= .imesl-. .imesl-.ISCP } TimeT-T)igge) ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 Timesl-.9i.,ISCP SEQUENCE { Timesl-.N'm/e), Timesl-.ISCP ENUME!ATE2 { ...:, ...1:, ...2:, ...@:, ...$:, ...B:, ...1::, ...12:, ...1$:, ...2::, ...2@:, ..(2:, ...$@:, ...12B:, ...2?$:, ...?::: } SEQUENCE { PLMN-I+e*.i.5, OCTET ST!IN "SIME "(%% SEQUENCE { OCTET ST!IN

T)a1e!e0e)e*1e ::= plm*-I+e*.i.5 .)a1eI+ } T)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-* ::= .)a1e!e1-)+i*gSessi-* } T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.Pa)am ::= e&e*.I2 )ep-).i*gT,)es,-l+ .imeT-T)igge) pe*+i*gTimeA0.e)T)igge) .x-I*.e))'p.i-*A0.e)T)igge) }

"SIME "2%%

SEQUENCE { T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.T5pe, T)a00i1E-l'meT,)es,-l+, TimeT-T)igge) Pe*+i*gTimeA0.e)T)igge) TF-I*.e))'p.i-*A0.e)T)igge)


T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { 'l-.)a*sp-).C,a**elCa'si*gE&e*. UL-T)C6-I+e*.i.5, .)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.I+e*.i.5 T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.T5pe } T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.T5pe ::= ENUME!ATE2 { e@a, e@/ } C6OICE { NULL, TimeI*.e)&al, TimeI*.e)&al

T)a00i1E-l'meMeasQ'a*.i.5 ::= )l1-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ a&e)age!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ &a)ia*1eO0!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ }

T)a00i1E-l'meMeasS5sI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*.I2 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 2E3AULT .)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*.O/<e1.Lis. T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*.O/<e1.Lis. .)a00i1E-l'meMeasQ'a*.i.5 T)a00i1E-l'meMeasQ'a*.i.5 .)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e, )ep-).C)i.e)iaS5sI*0 T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).C)i.e)iaS5sI*0} T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.s ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )l1-4'00e)sPa5l-a+ a&e)age!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ &a)ia*1eO0!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ } SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !LC-4'00e)sPa5l-a+ A&e)age!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ Ea)ia*1eO0!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+



T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.sLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')e+!es'l.s T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*. ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !
.)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*.O/<e1.Lis. .)a00i1E-l'meMeasQ'a*.i.5 .)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*.O/<e1.Lis. T)a00i1E-l'meMeasQ'a*.i.5 T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).C)i.e)ia

T)a00i1E-l'meMeas')eme*.O/<e1.Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 UL-T)C6-I+e*.i.5 T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= .)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } C6OICE { T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, NULL C6OICE { T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia

T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).C)i.e)iaS5sI*0- ::= .)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia }

T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= SEQUENCE { -- NOTE: .)a*sC,C)i.e)iaLis. s,-'l+ /e ma*+a.-)5 i* la.e) &e)si-*s -0 .,is message .)a*sC,C)i.e)iaLis. T)a*sC,C)i.e)iaLis. OPTIONAL } T)a00i1E-l'me!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { )l1-!4-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ 4OOLEAN, )l1-!4-4'00e)Pa5l-a+A&e)age 4OOLEAN, )l1-!4-4'00e)Pa5l-a+Ea)ia*1e 4OOLEAN } T)a00i1E-l'meT,)es,-l+ ::= ENUME!ATE2 { .,B, .,1$, .,(2, .,$@, .,12B, .,2?$, .,?12, .,1:2@, .,27, .,(7, .,@7, .,$7, .,B7, .,127, .,1$7, .,2@7, .,(27, .,@B7, .,$@7, .,A$7, .,12B7, .,1A27, .,2?$7, .,(B@7, .,?127, .,C$B7 } SEQUENCE { UL-T)C6-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasPa)E&e*.%% O3 T)a00i1E-l'meE&e*.Pa)am OPTIONAL SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT)C6%% O3 T)a*sC,C)i.e)ia ENUME!ATE2 { a17*-8le+ge+M-+e!LC, '*a17*-8le+ge+M-+e!LC } INTE E! "-?:##((% ENUME!ATE2 { a1.i&eSe.CellsO*l5, m-*i.-)e+Se.CellsO*l5, a1.i&eSe.A*+M-*i.-)e+Se.Cells } ENUME!ATE2 { a1.i&eSe.CellsO*l5, m-*i.-)e+Se.CellsO*l5, a1.i&eSe.A*+M-*i.-)e+Se.Cells, +e.e1.e+Se.CellsO*l5, +e.e1.e+Se.A*+M-*i.-)e+Se.Cells } ENUME!ATE2 { 'g+):, 'g+)1, 'g+)2, 'g+)?, 'g+)1:, 'g+)1? , 'g+)2?, 'g+)?:, 'g+)-1, 'g+)-2, 'g+)-?, 'g+)-1:, 'g+)-1?, 'g+)-2?, 'g+)-?:, spa)e } ENUME!ATE2 { .xia.:-2?, .xia.:-?, .xia.1, .xia.2, .xia.@, .xia.B, .xia.1$ } ENUME!ATE2 { lessT,a*1,

T)a*sC,C)i.e)ia ::= 'l-.)a*sp-).C,a**elI2 e&e*.Spe1i0i1Pa)ame.e)s } T)a*sC,C)i.e)iaLis. ::= T)a*s0e)M-+e ::=

T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T,)es,-l+ ::= T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*1 ::=

T)igge)i*gC-*+i.i-*2 ::=

T'.)a*- a*ss-2)i0.!a.e ::=

TF-I*.e))'p.i-*A0.e)T)igge) ::=

U2!E ::=


Release !

/e.8ee*1-a*+-@, /e.8ee*@-a*+-B, -&e)B }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

U2!E )-8.,!a.e ::=

ENUME!ATE2 { g)-8.,-1-?, g)-8.,-2, g)-8.,-@, g)-8.,-$, g)-8.,-B, g)-8.,-1:, g)-8.,-12, g)-8.,-1$ } ::= ENUME!ATE2 { &al-2:se1, &al-@:se1, &al-B:se1, &al-1$:se1, &al-(2:se1, &al-$@:se1, &al-12B:se1, &al-2?$:se1 } SEQUENCE { TimeT-T)igge), T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T,)es,-l+


UE-$A4-E&e*. ::= .imeT-T)igge) .)a*smi..e+P-8e)T,)es,-l+ }

UE-$3 -E&e*. ::= SEQUENCE { .imeT-T)igge) TimeT-T)igge), -- i* 1#2B M1ps T22 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT,)es,-l+ 1-))esp-*+s .- TA2E T,)es,-l+ 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT,)es,-l+ UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT,)es,-l+ } -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# UE-A'.-*-m-'sUp+a.eM-+e ::= C6OICE { +'mm5 NULL, -*9i.,N-!ep-).i*g NULL, +'mm52 !L-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.s } UE-I*.e)*alE&e*.Pa)am ::= e&e*.$a e&e*.$/ e&e*.$1 e&e*.$+ e&e*.$e e&e*.$0 e&e*.$g } UE-I*.e)*alE&e*.Pa)amLis. ::= UE-I*.e)*alE&e*.!es'l.s ::= e&e*.$a e&e*.$/ e&e*.$1 e&e*.$+ e&e*.$e e&e*.$0 e&e*.$g spa)e } UE-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 ::= meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 0il.e)C-e00i1ie*. } C6OICE { UE-$A4-E&e*., UE-$A4-E&e*., TimeT-T)igge), TimeT-T)igge), TimeT-T)igge), UE-$3 -E&e*., UE-$3 -E&e*. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 UE-I*.e)*alE&e*.Pa)am C6OICE { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, NULL SEQUENCE { UE-Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5, 3il.e)C-e00i1ie*.

2E3AULT 01:

UE-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)322 UE-T)a*smi..e+P-8e) 'e-!F-TF-!ep-).E*.)5Lis. UE-!F-TF-!ep-).E*.)5Lis. },



Release !
.++ } } }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T22-Lis. applie+TA

SEQUENCE { UE-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T22-Lis. OPTIONAL, UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL

UE-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s-LC!-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T22-Lis. UE-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T22-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- I0 TA &al'e is *-. g)ea.e) .,a* 2:@C, .,e* 'se .,is IE .- )ep-).# .-A2Ei*0T-A2Ei*0OPTIONAL } UE-I*.e)*alMeas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { .++(B@-C$B SEQUENCE { applie+TA EFT-UL-Timi*gA+&a*1e OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { -- I0 TA &al'e is g)ea.e) .,a* 2:@C, .,e* 'se .,is IE .- )ep-). .-A2Ei*0T-A2Ei*0--ex. OPTIONAL } } } UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*. ::= 'e-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 'e-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia } UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.-)@ ::= 'e-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 'e-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia _ UE-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.S5sI*0- ::= 'e-I*.e)*alMeas')eme*.I2 'e-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 } UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= 'e-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia ::= 'e-I*.e)*alE&e*.Pa)amLis. } SEQUENCE { UE-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { UE-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)@ UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).C)i.e)ia SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 UE-I*.e)*alMeasQ'a*.i.5 OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,


2E3AULT ?,

C6OICE { UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, NULL SEQUENCE { UE-I*.e)*alE&e*.Pa)amLis.


UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e) 4OOLEAN, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1e 4OOLEAN }, .++ SEQUENCE { applie+TA 4OOLEAN } } } UE-I*.e)*al!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e) 4OOLEAN, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1e 4OOLEAN _, .++ SEQUENCE { .++Op.i-* C6OICE { -- applie+TA applies .- /-., (#B@ M1ps T22 a*+ .- C#$B M1ps T22# -- T,e)e0-)e, *- a++i.i-*al 1,-i1e -0 T22 m-+e is *e1essa)5 .++(B@ SEQUENCE { applie+TA 4OOLEAN }, .++12B SEQUENCE {


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} _ _ _ _

-- TA4ULA!: UE-Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5, 0-) (#B@ M1ps T22 -*l5 .,e 0i)s. .8- &al'es -- 'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e) a*+ '.)a-Ca))ie)-!SSI a)e 'se+# -- 3-) 1#2B M1ps T22 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1e 1-))esp-*+s .- T-A2E i* .,e .a/'la) UE-Meas')eme*.Q'a*.i.5 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 'e-T)a*smi..e+P-8e), '.)a-Ca))ie)-!SSI, 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1e } UE-!F-TF-!ep-).E*.)5 ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe1 } UE-!F-TF-!ep-).E*.)5Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe1 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 UE-!F-TF-!ep-).E*.)5

-- SPA!E: UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe1, Max = 12B: -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe1 ::= INTE E! "C$B##1CA1% UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2 ::= INTE E! ":##B1A1% SEQUENCE { UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2, Neig,/-')Q'ali.5

UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2I*0- ::= 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2 *eig,/-')Q'ali.5 }

-- I* 1#2B M1ps T22, a1.'al &al'e 0-) -- T-A2E T,)es,-l+ = "UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT,)es,-l+ - C$B% > :#12? UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT,)es,-l+ ::= INTE E! "C$B##12B:% UE-T)a*smi..e+P-8e) ::= UE-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)T22-Lis. ::= INTE E! ":##1:@% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxTS%% O3 UE-T)a*smi..e+P-8e)

UL-T)C6-I+e*.i.5 ::= C6OICE{ +1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5, -- N-.e: .,e )e0e)e*1e .- CPC6 i* .,e eleme*. *ame /el-8 is i*1-))e1.# T,e *ame is *-. 1,a*ge+ -- .- 7eep i. alig*e+ 8i., !AA# )a1,-)1p1, NULL, 's1, T)a*sp-).C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 ::= 4IT ST!IN "SIME "C%%

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-242SC-))e1.i-*s ::= SEQUENCE { /+s-!e0Time INTE E! ":##11A%, /+s-242S-I*0-Lis. 242S-I*0-Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s ::= 1ip,e)i*gKe53lag 1ip,e)i*gSe)ialN'm/e) } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1%%, INTE E! ":##$??(?%

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s ::= SEQUENCE { +ga*ss)e0e)e*1e.ime INTE E! ":##11A%, +ga*ssI*0-Lis. 2 ANSSI*0-Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-)A ::= SEQUENCE { +ga*ss)e0e)e*1e.ime INTE E! ":##11A%, +ga*ssI*0-Lis. 2 ANSSI*0-Lis.-)A } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +ga*ssI*0-Lis. 2 ANSSI*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. }

-- s1ale 0a1.-) (:s

-- s1ale 0a1.-) (:s


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-) ::= SEQUENCE { e))-)!eas-* UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)Ca'se, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-)C ::= SEQUENCE { e))-)!eas-* UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)Ca'se-)C, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es.-&B$:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es.-&1x5ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)Ca'se ::= ENUME!ATE2 { *-.E*-'g,OT2OA-Cells, *-.E*-'g,, assis.a*1e2a.aMissi*g, *-.A11-mplis,e+ PS-Timi*gO0Cell3)ames, '*+e0i*e+E))-), )e;'es.2e*ie+45Use), *-.P)-1esse+A*+Time-'., )e0e)e*1eCellN-.Se)&i*gCell } ENUME!ATE2 { *-.E*-'g,OT2OA-Cells, *-.E*-'g,, assis.a*1e2a.aMissi*g, *-.A11-mplis,e+ PS-Timi*gO0Cell3)ames, '*+e0i*e+E))-), )e;'es.2e*ie+45Use), *-.P)-1esse+A*+Time-'., )e0e)e*1eCellN-.Se)&i*gCell, *-.E*-'g,, *-.A11-mplis,e+ ANSS-Timi*gO0Cell3)ames, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } SEQUENCE { !ep-).i*gAm-'*., 4OOLEAN, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.I*.e)&al, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Spe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { !ep-).i*gAm-'*., 4OOLEAN, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.I*.e)&al, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Spe1i0i1I*0--)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)am





UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)Ca'se-)C ::=

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)am ::= )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).3i)s.3ix meas')eme*.I*.e)&al e&e*.Spe1i0i1I*0} UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)am-)C ::= )ep-).i*gAm-'*. )ep-).3i)s.3ix meas')eme*.I*.e)&al e&e*.Spe1i0i1I*0} UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)amLis. ::=

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)amLis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxMeasE&e*.%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)am-)C UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Spe1i0i1I*0- ::= eCa eC/ eC1 } C6OICE { T,)es,-l+P-si.i-*C,a*ge, T,)es,-l+S3N-S3N-C,a*ge, T,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Spe1i0i1I*0--)C ::= C6OICE { eCa T,)es,-l+P-si.i-*C,a*ge, eC/ T,)es,-l+S3N-S3N-C,a*ge, eC1 T,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9-'s, eC+ T,)es,-l+S3N- ANSS-TO9


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T,is IE, i0 i*1l'+e+, s,all 1-*.ai* exa1.l5 -*e -0 .,e -p.i-*al eleme*.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els ::= SEQUENCE { '.1M-+el1 UTCm-+elSe.1 '.1M-+el2 UTCm-+elSe.2 '.1M-+el( UTCm-+elSe.( } -- T,is IE, i0 i*1l'+e+, s,all 1-*.ai* exa1.l5 -*e -0 .,e -p.i-*al eleme*.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { '.1M-+el1 UTCm-+elSe.1 '.1M-+el2 UTCm-+elSe.2 '.1M-+el( UTCm-+elSe.( '.1M-+el@ UTCm-+elSe.@ } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { '.1M-+el@ UTCm-+elSe.@ } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 ::= ga*ss-87-*'m/e) alm-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s } SEQUENCE{ INTE E! ":##2??%, ALM-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL




-- T,is IE, i0 i*1l'+e+, s,all 1-*.ai* exa1.l5 -*e -0 .,e -p.i-*al eleme*.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { alm-7eple)ia*NAEAlma*a1 ALM-NAEKeple)ia*Se. alm-7eple)ia*!e+'1e+Alma*a1 ALM-!e+'1e+Keple)ia*Se. alm-7eple)ia*Mi+iAlma*a1 ALM-Mi+iAlma*a1Se. alm-7eple)ia* LONASS ALM- l-*assAlma*a1Se. alm-e1e0S4ASAlma*a1 ALM-ECE3s/asAlma*a1Se. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)B ::= SEQUENCE{ ga*ss-87-*'m/e) INTE E! ":##2??%, alm-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s ALM-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s alm-7eple)ia*NAEAlma*a1 ALM-NAEKeple)ia*Se. alm-7eple)ia*!e+'1e+Alma*a1 ALM-!e+'1e+Keple)ia*Se. alm-7eple)ia*Mi+iAlma*a1 ALM-Mi+iAlma*a1Se. alm-7eple)ia* LONASS ALM- l-*assAlma*a1Se. alm-e1e0S4ASAlma*a1 ALM-ECE3s/asAlma*a1Se. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1-mple.e-Alma*a1-P)-&i+e+ 4OOLEAN } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)1: ::= ga*ss-87-*'m/e) 1-mple.e-Alma*a1-P)-&i+e+ alm-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s alm-7eple)ia*NAEAlma*a1 alm-7eple)ia*!e+'1e+Alma*a1 alm-7eple)ia*Mi+iAlma*a1 alm-7eple)ia* LONASS alm-e1e0S4ASAlma*a1 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-)12 ::= ga*ss-87-*'m/e) 1-mple.e-Alma*a1-P)-&i+e+ alm-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s alm-7eple)ia*NAEAlma*a1 alm-7eple)ia*!e+'1e+Alma*a1 alm-7eple)ia*Mi+iAlma*a1 alm-7eple)ia* LONASS alm-e1e0S4ASAlma*a1 alm-7eple)ia*42SAlma*a1 } SEQUENCE{ INTE E! ":##2??%, 4OOLEAN ALM-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s ALM-NAEKeple)ia*Se. ALM-!e+'1e+Keple)ia*Se. ALM-Mi+iAlma*a1Se. ALM- l-*assAlma*a1Se. ALM-ECE3s/asAlma*a1Se. SEQUENCE{ INTE E! ":##2??%, 4OOLEAN ALM-7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s ALM-NAEKeple)ia*Se. ALM-!e+'1e+Keple)ia*Se. ALM-Mi+iAlma*a1Se. ALM- l-*assAlma*a1Se. ALM-ECE3s/asAlma*a1Se. ALM-42SKeple)ia*Se.






UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { alm-7eple)ia*42SAlma*a1 ALM-42SKeple)ia*Se. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss!e0e)e*1eTime 4OOLEAN,



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ga*ss)e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* 4OOLEAN, ga*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 4OOLEAN, ga*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis. a*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis.

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssA++I-*-M-+el!e; 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2%% OPTIONAL, ga*ssEOP)e; ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, ga*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis. a*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis.-&B$:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es.-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis. a*ss!e;'es.e+ e*e)i1Assis.a*1e2a.aLis.-&1x5ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { +a.aI2 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2%%, alp,a-/e.a-pa)ame.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els ::= SEQUENCE { *-*-/)-a+1as.I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ga*ssSa.I*0-Na&Lis. a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { *-*-/)-a+1as.I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ga*ssSa.I*0-Na&Lis. a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&Lis.-)12 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssSa.I*0-Na&Lis. a*ss-Sa.-I*0--A++Na&Lis.-&1x5ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a ::= 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. } SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis. OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL,


UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssA++I-*-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssEa).,O)ie*.a.i-*Pa)a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&B$:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)B ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssA++I-*-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssEa).,O)ie*.a.i-*Pa)a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)B } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)A ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssA++I-*-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssEa).,O)ie*.a.i-*Pa)a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)A } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&A2:ex. }





UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&a@:ex. ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&a@:ex. }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-&1x5ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)1: 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssA++I-*-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssEa).,O)ie*.a.i-*Pa)a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)1: } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)12 ::= 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssA++I-*-M-+el 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssEa).,O)ie*.a.i-*Pa)a ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. }



SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)1: !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis.-)12


UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0- ::= C6OICE { -- T,is 1,-i1e ma5 -*l5 /e p)ese*. i0 ANSS I2 i* M-+e)*iGe+ ga*ssI21 A'xI*0- ANSS-I21, -- T,is 1,-i1e ma5 -*l5 /e p)ese*. i0 ANSS I2 i* LONASS ga*ssI2( A'xI*0- ANSS-I2( } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Cl-17M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { sa.elli.e-1l-17-m-+elLis. Sa.elli.e-1l-17-m-+elLis. } -- T,is IE, i0 i*1l'+e+, s,all 1-*.ai* UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Cl-17M-+els ::= *a&Cl-17M-+el 1*a&Cl-17M-+el gl-*assCl-17M-+el s/asCl-17M-+el } -- T,is IE, i0 i*1l'+e+, s,all 1-*.ai* UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Cl-17M-+els-)12 *a&Cl-17M-+el 1*a&Cl-17M-+el gl-*assCl-17M-+el s/asCl-17M-+el /+sCl-17M-+el }


exa1.l5 -*e -0 .,e -p.i-*al eleme*.s SEQUENCE { NAE1l-17M-+el CNAE1l-17M-+el LONASS1l-17M-+el S4AS1l-17M-+el exa1.l5 -*e -0 .,e -p.i-*al eleme*.s ::= SEQUENCE { NAE1l-17M-+el CNAE1l-17M-+el LONASS1l-17M-+el S4AS1l-17M-+el 42S1l-17M-+el



UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Cl-17M-+els-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { /+sCl-17M-+el 42S1l-17M-+el } -- T,is IE, i0 i*1l'+e+, s,all 1-*.ai* exa1.l5 -*e -0 .,e -p.i-*al eleme*.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++O)/i.M-+els ::= SEQUENCE { *a&Keple)ia*Se. Na&M-+el-NAEKeple)ia*Se. 1*a&Keple)ia*Se. Na&M-+el-CNAEKeple)ia*Se. gl-*assECE3 Na&M-+el- LONASSe1e0 s/asECE3 Na&M-+el-S4ASe1e0 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++O)/i.M-+els-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { *a&Keple)ia*Se. Na&M-+el-NAEKeple)ia*Se. 1*a&Keple)ia*Se. Na&M-+el-CNAEKeple)ia*Se. gl-*assECE3 Na&M-+el- LONASSe1e0 s/asECE3 Na&M-+el-S4ASe1e0 /+sKeple)ia*Se. Na&M-+el-42SKeple)ia*Se. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++O)/i.M-+els-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { /+sKeple)ia*Se. Na&M-+el-42SKeple)ia*Se. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a ::= ga*ss2a.aCip,e)i*gI*0ga*ss2e1ip,e)i*gKe5s SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s ANSS2e1ip,e)i*gKe5s







Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ss!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS 'eP-si.i-*i*g a*ssI-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el ga*ss e*e)i12a.aLis. ANSS e*e)i12a.aLis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss-.-+ INTE E! ":##?A%, +a.a4i.Assis.a*1eLis. 2a.a4i.Assis.a*1eLis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a ::= SEQUENCE { .e-p 4IT ST!IN "SIME pmF 4IT ST!IN "SIME pmF+-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME pmI 4IT ST!IN "SIME pmI+-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME +el.aUT1 4IT ST!IN "SIME +el.aUT1+-. 4IT ST!IN "SIME } "1$%%, "21%%, "1?%%, "21%%, "1?%%, "(1%%, "1A%%

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { alp,a-Ge)--i-*-s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%, alp,a--*e-i-*-s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "11%%, alp,a-.8--i-*-s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1@%%, gANSS-s.-)m-0lags ANSS-S.-)m-3lag } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-42S-I-*- )i+M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { /+s-!e0Time INTE E! ":##11A%, /+s-I PI*0-Lis. 42S-I PI*0-Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eTime C6OICE { '.)a*- ANSS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l. UT!AN- ANSS!e0e)e*1eTime, ga*ss!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 ANSS!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 }, ga*ss e*e)i1Meas')eme*.I*0ANSS e*e)i1Meas')eme*.I*0} UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss e*e)i1Meas')eme*.I*0ANSS e*e)i1Meas')eme*.I*0--&B$:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { *-*-/)-a+1as.I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } ga*ssSa.I*0-Na&Lis. a*ss-Sa.-I*0--Na&Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-O)/i.M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { 7eple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s Keple)ia*Pa)ame.e)s }




UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSSSa.%% O3 SEQUENCE { /a+-ga*ss-sa.I+ INTE E! ":##$(%, /a+-ga*ss-sig*alI+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssSig*alI+ ANSS-Sig*al-I+ sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. } OPTIONAL,

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0--&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&a@:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0--)1: ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssSig*alI+ ANSS-Sig*al-I+ sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. ANSSSa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)1: } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss2a5 INTE E! ":##B1A1% ga*ssT-+ INTE E! ":##B$(AA%, ga*ssT-+U*1e).ai*.5 INTE E! ":##12C% ga*ssTimeI+ INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL,



Release !
'.)a*-ga*ss)e0e)e*1eTime .imi*gO0Cell3)ames m-+e 0++ p)ima)5-CPIC6-I*0}, .++ 1ellPa)ame.e)s } }, )e0e)e*1eS0* } OPTIONAL, .'.)a*-ga*ss-+)i0.!a.e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(AAAAAA%, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0SEQUENCE { CellPa)ame.e)sI2 INTE E! ":##@:A?% T'.)a*- a*ss-2)i0.!a.e OPTIONAL

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss-2a5-C51le-N'm/e) INTE E! ":##C% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss2a5 INTE E! ":##B1A1% ga*ss-2a5-C51le-N'm/e) INTE E! ":##C% ga*ssT-+ INTE E! ":##B$(AA%, ga*ssT-+U*1e).ai*.5 INTE E! ":##12C% ga*ssTimeI+ INTE E! ":##C% '.)a*-ga*ss)e0e)e*1eTime SEQUENCE { .imi*gO0Cell3)ames INTE E! ":##(AAAAAA%, m-+e C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5-CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { 1ellPa)ame.e)s CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } }, )e0e)e*1eS0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% } OPTIONAL, .'.)a*-ga*ss-+)i0.!a.e T'.)a*- a*ss-2)i0.!a.e } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 8aas, eg*-s, msas, gaga*, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }




UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ss-.imeM-+el)e0e)e*1eTime INTE E! ":##(CCAA%, -- s1ale 0a1.-) 1$s ga*ss-.-a: INTE E! "-21@C@B($@B##21@C@B($@C%, -- s1ale 0a1.-) 2-(? -- Oga*ss-.-alO s1ale 0a1.-) 2-?1 ga*ss-.-a1 INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C% OPTIONAL, -- Oga*ss-.-a2O s1ale 0a1.-) 2-$B ga*ss-.-a2 INTE E! "-$@##$(% OPTIONAL, g*ss-.--i+ ENUME!ATE2 { gps, galile-, ;Gss, gl-*ass, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 }, ga*ss-87-*'m/e) INTE E! ":##B1A1% OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +el.aT INTE E! "-12B##12C% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el-)1: ::= ga*ss-.imeM-+el)e0e)e*1eTime ga*ss-.-a: -- Oga*ss-.-alO s1ale 0a1.-) 2-?1 ga*ss-.-a1 -- Oga*ss-.-a2O s1ale 0a1.-) 2-$B ga*ss-.-a2 g*ss-.--i+ SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(CCAA%, INTE E! "-21@C@B($@B##21@C@B($@C%, INTE E! "-B(BB$:B##B(BB$:C%


-- s1ale 0a1.-) 1$s -- s1ale 0a1.-) 2-(? OPTIONAL,

INTE E! "-$@##$(% OPTIONAL, ENUME!ATE2 { gps, galile-, ;Gss, gl-*ass, /+s, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 },


Release !
ga*ss-87-*'m/e) +el.aT }

INTE E! ":##B1A1% INTE E! "-12B##12C%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+els ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS-1%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+els-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS-1%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+el-&a@:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el ::= a--*e-'.1 a-Ge)--'.1 .--.-'.1 +el.a-.-ls-'.1 8-*-.-'.1 8-*-ls0-'.1 +*-'.1 +el.a-.-ls0-'.1 } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "2@%%, "(2%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e ::= SEQUENCE { gps-!e0e)e*1eTime PS-TO9-1mse1, '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. }


UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-)C ::= SEQUENCE { gps-!e0e)e*1eTime PS-TO9-1mse1, '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-&a@:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { gps-!e0e)e*1eTime PS-TO9-1mse1, '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 OPTIONAL, sa.elli.eI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. A1;'isi.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-)1: } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. ::= SEQUENCE { alma*a1!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, '.1M-+el!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, i-*-sp,e)i1M-+el!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, *a&iga.i-*M-+el!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, +gpsC-))e1.i-*s!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, )e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-*!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, )e0e)e*1eTime!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, a;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, )ealTimeI*.eg)i.5!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, *a&M-+elA++2a.a!e;'es. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&M-+elA++2a.a!e; } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 ::= 8*-a alma*a1Sa.I*0-Lis. s&- l-/al6eal., } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1-&a@:ex. ::= 1-mple.e-Alma*a1-P)-&i+e+ } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%%, Alma*a1Sa.I*0-Lis., 4IT ST!IN "SIME "($@%% SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN






UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1-)1: ::= SEQUENCE {


Release !
8*-a 1-mple.e-Alma*a1-P)-&i+e+ alma*a1Sa.I*0-Lis. s&- l-/al6eal., }

4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%%, 4OOLEAN Alma*a1Sa.I*0-Lis., 4IT ST!IN "SIME "($@%%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!eal-.imeI*.eg)i.5 4a+Sa.Lis. -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&CC:ex. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-&CC:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!eal-.imeI*.eg)i.5 4a+Sa.Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)A ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s-)A 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!eal-.imeI*.eg)i.5 4a+Sa.Lis. }





UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s-&A2:ex. OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)1: OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s-)A OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1-)1: OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-A1;'isi.i-*Assis.a*1e-)1: OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!eal-.imeI*.eg)i.5 4a+Sa.Lis. OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s ::= SEQUENCE { gps-TO9 PS-TO9-1se1, s.a.'s6eal., 2i00C-))e1.i-*S.a.'s, +gps-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s-)A ::= SEQUENCE { gps-TO9 PS-TO9-1se1, s.a.'s6eal., 2i00C-))e1.i-*S.a.'s, +gps-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-)A } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +gps-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis. 2 PS-C-))e1.i-*Sa.I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el ::= SEQUENCE { alp,a: 4IT ST!IN "SIME alp,a1 4IT ST!IN "SIME alp,a2 4IT ST!IN "SIME alp,a( 4IT ST!IN "SIME /e.a: 4IT ST!IN "SIME /e.a1 4IT ST!IN "SIME /e.a2 4IT ST!IN "SIME /e.a( 4IT ST!IN "SIME } "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eTime C6OICE { '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l. UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l., gps-!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 PS-TO9-1mse1 }, gps-Meas')eme*.Pa)amLis. PS-Meas')eme*.Pa)amLis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el ::= *a&iga.i-*M-+elSa.I*0-Lis. } SEQUENCE { Na&iga.i-*M-+elSa.I*0-Lis.


UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Na&M-+elA++2a.a!e; ::= SEQUENCE { gps-9ee7 INTE E! ":##1:2(%, -- SPA!E: gps-T-e, Max = 1$C -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e gps-T-e INTE E! ":##2??%, -- SPA!E: .T-eLimi., Max = 1: -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e .T-eLimi. INTE E! ":##1?%, sa.2a.aLis. Sa.2a.aLis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE{ m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eI+e*.i.5 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eI+e*.i.5 CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } } } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime ::= SEQUENCE { gps-9ee7 INTE E! ":##1:2(%, gps-.-8-1mse1 PS-TO9-1mse1, '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime s0*-.-8-U*1e).ai*.5 S3N-TO9-U*1e).ai*.5 '.)a*- PS-2)i0.!a.e UT!AN- PS-2)i0.!a.e gps-TO9-Assis.Lis. PS-TO9-Assis.Lis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE {



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)C ::= SEQUENCE { gps-9ee7 INTE E! ":##1:2(%, gps-.-8-1mse1 PS-TO9-1mse1, '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 s0*-.-8-U*1e).ai*.5 S3N-TO9-U*1e).ai*.5 OPTIONAL, '.)a*- PS-2)i0.!a.e UT!AN- PS-2)i0.!a.e OPTIONAL, gps-TO9-Assis.Lis. PS-TO9-Assis.Lis. OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&a@:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { gps-9ee7-C51le-N'm/e) INTE E! ":##C% } OPTIONAL



UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { gps-9ee7 INTE E! ":##1:2(%, gps-9ee7-C51le-N'm/e) INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, gps-.-8-1mse1 PS-TO9-1mse1, '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 OPTIONAL, s0*-.-8-U*1e).ai*.5 S3N-TO9-U*1e).ai*.5 OPTIONAL, '.)a*- PS-2)i0.!a.e UT!AN- PS-2)i0.!a.e OPTIONAL, gps-TO9-Assis.Lis. PS-TO9-Assis.Lis. OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 ::= INTE E! ":##12C% UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el ::= a1 a: .--. 8*-. +el.a-.-LS 8*-ls0 +* +el.a-.-LS3 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s ::= ip-Spa1i*g ip-Le*g., ip-O00se. see+ /')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-)@ ::= m-+eSpe1i0i1I*00++ ip-Spa1i*g ip-Le*g., ip-O00se. see+ }, .++ ip-Spa1i*g-T22 ip-sl-. ip-S.a). ip-PCCPC } }, /')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s } 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT SEQUENCE ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME { "2@%%, "(2%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%

SEQUENCE { IP-Spa1i*g, IP-Le*g.,, INTE E! ":##A%, INTE E! ":##$(%, 4')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { IP-Spa1i*g, IP-Le*g.,, INTE E! ":##A%, INTE E! ":##$(% SEQUENCE { IP-Spa1i*g-T22, INTE E! ":##1@%, INTE E! ":##@:A?%, IP-PCCPC6-)@ 4')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s



UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ip-Spa1i*g IP-Spa1i*g-T22, ip-sl-. INTE E! ":##1@%, ip-S.a). INTE E! ":##@:A?%, ip-PCCPC IP-PCCPC6-)@ /')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s 4')s.M-+ePa)ame.e)s }



Release !

* %

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*. OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*+e+ O'e-p-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0-O i*0-)ma.i-* ma5 /e p)-&i+e+ 'si*g IE -- OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0--&CC:ex.O i* IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex.O# 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s OPTIONAL, -- T,e O'e-p-si.i-*i*g-E))-)O i*0-)ma.i-* ma5 /e p)-&i+e+ 'si*g IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-)CO i* -- IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex.O# -- I0 IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-)CO is p)ese*., .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)O s,all -- /e ex1l'+e+# 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-E))-) UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-) OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0--&CC:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-E))-) UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-)C OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- a*ss-Meas')e+!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Meas')e+!es'l.s OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&(A:ex. ::= 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex. } SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex.

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-E))-) UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-&B$:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- a*ss-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&1x5ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-E))-) UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E))-)-&1x5ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5, )ep-).C)i.e)ia UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-&(A:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-&(A:ex. meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)@, meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)C ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)C, meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)B ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B, meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)B } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)A ::= 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B, Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 OPTIONAL








Release !
)ep-).C)i.e)ia 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a }

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)A UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)A


UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B, meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)1: 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)1: } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.-)12 ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B, meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 Meas')eme*.Eali+i.5 )ep-).C)i.e)ia UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)1: 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)12 }



UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s ::= C6OICE { -- I* 1ase -0 Oe&e*.CaO )ep-).i*g, i0 IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0-O is *-. *ee+e+, -- C6OICE s,all /e se. .- Oa++i.i-*alO)!epla1e+P-sMeasE&e*.Oa*+ .,e Oe&e*.CaO s,all /e i*1l'+e+ -- i* IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex.O# e&e*.Ca UE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0-, e&e*.C/ UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*., e&e*.C1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s, -- I0 C6OICE is se. .- Oa++i.i-*alO)!epla1e+P-sMeasE&e*.O, -- IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex.O s,all /e p)ese*.# a++i.i-*alO)!epla1e+P-sMeasE&e*. NULL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex. ::= C6OICE { e&e*.Ca UE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0--&CC:ex., e&e*.C1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Meas')eme*.!es'l.s-&CC:ex., e&e*.C+ UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Meas')e+!es'l.s, spa)e NULL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.E&e*.!es'l.s-&B$:ex. ::= C6OICE { e&e*.C+ UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Meas')e+!es'l.s-&B$:ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Meas')eme*.I*.e)&al ::= ENUME!ATE2 { e?, e1?, e$:, e(::, eA::, e1B::, e($::, eC2:: } ENUME!ATE2 { 'e-Assis.e+, 'e-4ase+, 'e-4ase+P)e0e))e+, 'e-Assis.e+P)e0e))e+ }

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Me.,-+T5pe ::=

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--)@ 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-)@ }



UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- I* 1ase -0 T22 .,ese IP2L pa)ame.e)s s,all /e 'se+ 0-) .,e )e0e)e*1e 1ell i*s.ea+ -0 -- IP2L Pa)ame.e)s i* IE UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0'e-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22-)@-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22-)@-ex. OPTIONAL, -- T,ese IP2L pa)ame.e)s s,all /e 'se+ 0-) .,e *eig,/-') 1ells i* 1ase -0 T22 i*s.ea+ -0 -- IP2L Pa)ame.e)s i* IE UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0-Lis.# T,e 1ells s,all /e


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-- lis.e+ i* .,e same -)+e) as i* IE UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0-Lis. 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22Lis.-)@-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22Lis.-)@-ex.


UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4 ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--UE4 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--UE4 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4 } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--UE4-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--UE4-ex. 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4-ex. } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)C ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0- UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--)C 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-)C } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22Lis.-)@-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22-)@-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')e+!es'l.sT22-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { *eig,/-')Lis. Neig,/-')Lis.-T22-)C }





UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*. ::= SEQUENCE { s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?%, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eCellI2e*.i.5 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, 'e-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2I*0UE-!F-TF-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eCellI+e*.i.5 CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } }, *eig,/-')Lis. Neig,/-')Lis. OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Meas')eme*.-&(A:ex. ::= *eig,/-')Lis.-&(A:ex. } SEQUENCE { Neig,/-')Lis.-&(A:ex.

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s s0*-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e S3N-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e1, s0*-S3N-2)i0. S3N-S3N-2)i0. sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe OT2OA-Sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe, p-si.i-*i*gM-+e C6OICE{ 'e4ase+ SEQUENCE {}, 'eAssis.e+ SEQUENCE {} } } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } },



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0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-)@ s0*-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e S3N-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e1, s0*-O00se.-Eali+i.5 S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 s0*-S3N-2)i0. S3N-S3N-2)i0. sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe OT2OA-Sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe, p-si.i-*i*gM-+e C6OICE { 'e4ase+ SEQUENCE { )ela.i&eN-)., INTE E! "-2::::##2::::% )ela.i&eEas. INTE E! "-2::::##2::::% )ela.i&eAl.i.'+e INTE E! "-@:::##@:::% 0i*eS3N-S3N 3i*eS3N-S3N -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTime = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% N BC$ )-'*+T)ipTime INTE E! ":## (2C$$% }, 'eAssis.e+ SEQUENCE {} }


UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--UE4 ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s s0*-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e S3N-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e1, s0*-S3N-2)i0. S3N-S3N-2)i0. sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe OT2OA-Sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe, )ela.i&eN-)., INTE E! "-2::::##2::::% )ela.i&eEas. INTE E! "-2::::##2::::% )ela.i&eAl.i.'+e INTE E! "-@:::##@:::% 0i*eS3N-S3N 3i*eS3N-S3N, -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTime = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% N BC$ )-'*+T)ipTime INTE E! ":##(2C$$% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--UE4-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* INTE E! ":##C:2C@% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-)@ s0*-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e S3N-S3N-!elTime2i00e)e*1e1, s0*-O00se.-Eali+i.5 S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 s0*-S3N-2)i0. S3N-S3N-2)i0. sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe OT2OA-Sea)1,9i*+-8SiGe, p-si.i-*i*gM-+e C6OICE { 'e4ase+ SEQUENCE { )ela.i&eN-)., INTE E! "-2::::##2::::% )ela.i&eEas. INTE E! "-2::::##2::::% )ela.i&eAl.i.'+e INTE E! "-@:::##@:::% 0i*eS3N-S3N 3i*eS3N-S3N -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTime = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% N BC$ )-'*+T)ipTime INTE E! ":## (2C$$% -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* INTE E! ":##C:2C@% }, 'eAssis.e+ SEQUENCE {} } }





UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0-


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UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--)@ UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--UE4 -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--UE4 -- i* UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-UE4-ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--UE4-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellLis.-)C ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Neig,/-')CellI*0--)C UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Q'ali.5 ::= s.+!es-l'.i-* *'m/e)O0OT2OA-Meas')eme*.s s.+O0OT2OA-Meas')eme*.s } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "(%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0- C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, p-si.i-*i*gM-+e C6OICE { 'e4ase+ SEQUENCE {}, 'eAssis.e+ SEQUENCE {} }, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--)@ ::= SEQUENCE { s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0- C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0OPTIONAL, p-si.i-*i*gM-+e C6OICE { 'e4ase+ SEQUENCE { 1ellP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eCellP-si.i-* OPTIONAL, -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTime = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% N BC$ )-'*+T)ipTime INTE E! ":##(2C$$% OPTIONAL }, 'eAssis.e+ SEQUENCE {} }, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-)@ OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--UE4 ::= SEQUENCE { s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0- C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*01ellP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eCellP-si.i-* -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTime = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% N BC$ )-'*+T)ipTime INTE E! ":##(2C$$% 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s } OPTIONAL,



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UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--UE4-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* INTE E! ":##C:2C@% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-!e0e)e*1eCellI*0--)C ::= SEQUENCE { s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } }, 0)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0p-si.i-*i*gM-+e C6OICE { 'e4ase+ SEQUENCE { 1ellP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eCellP-si.i-* -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTime = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% N BC$ )-'*+T)ipTime INTE E! ":##(2C$$% -- a1.'al &al'e )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* = "IE &al'e > :#:$2?% )-'*+T)ipTimeEx.e*si-* INTE E! ":##C:2C@% }, 'eAssis.e+ SEQUENCE {} }, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)eme.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-)@ }





UE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eTime C6OICE { '.)a*- PS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l. UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l., gps-!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 PS-TO9-1mse1, 1ell-Timi*g SEQUENCE { s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?%, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE{ 1ellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 CellA*+C,a**elI+e*.i.5 } } } }, p-si.i-*Es.ima.e P-si.i-*Es.ima.e } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0--&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eTimeOp.i-*s C6OICE { -- I0 Oea)lie)-.,a*-)CO, IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0-O s,all /e i*1l'+e+# ea)lie)-.,a*-)C NULL, -- I0 O)CO, .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE OUE-P-si.i-*i*g-P-si.i-*Es.ima.eI*0-O s,all /e ex1l'+e+# )C SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eTime C6OICE { '.)a*- ANSS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l. UT!AN- ANSS!e0e)e*1eTime, ga*ss!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 ANSS!e0e)e*1eTimeO*l5 }, p-si.i-*Es.ima.e P-si.i-*Es.ima.e } }, p-si.i-*2a.a 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%%, &el-1i.5Es.ima.e Eel-1i.5Es.ima.e OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTimeU*1e).ai*.5 OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia ::= 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).C)i.e)ia-)C ::= 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia *-!ep-).i*g } C6OICE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)amLis., Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, NULL C6OICE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-E&e*.Pa)amLis.-)C, Pe)i-+i1al!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia, NULL


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UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5 ::= SEQUENCE { me.,-+T5pe UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Me.,-+T5pe, p-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+ P-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+, -- +'mm51 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ i. s,-'l+ -- /e ig*-)e+# +'mm51 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!esp-*seTime, ,-)iG-*.al-A11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 gps-Timi*gO0Cell9a*.e+ 4OOLEAN, -- +'mm52 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ i. s,-'l+ -- /e ig*-)e+# +'mm52 4OOLEAN, a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e;'es. 4OOLEAN, e*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* E*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-&(A:ex. ::= &e).i1al-A11')a15 } SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15



UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { me.,-+T5pe UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Me.,-+T5pe, p-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+ P-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+, ,-)iG-*.alA11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 &e).i1alA11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 gps-Timi*gO0Cell9a*.e+ 4OOLEAN, a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e; 4OOLEAN, e*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* E*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)C ::= SEQUENCE { me.,-+T5pe UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Me.,-+T5pe, p-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+ P-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+, ,-)iG-*.alA11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 &e).i1alA11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 gps-Timi*gO0Cell9a*.e+ 4OOLEAN, a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e; 4OOLEAN, e*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* E*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* &el-1i.5!e;'es.e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } gANSSP-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%% gANSSTimi*gO0Cell9a*.e+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% gANSSCa))ie)P,aseMeas')eme*.!e;'es.e+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!ep-).i*gQ'a*.i.5-)B ::= SEQUENCE { me.,-+T5pe UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Me.,-+T5pe, p-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+ P-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+, ,-)iG-*.alA11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 &e).i1alA11')a15 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-A11')a15 gps-Timi*gO0Cell9a*.e+ 4OOLEAN, a++i.i-*alAssis.a*1e2a.a!e; 4OOLEAN, e*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* E*&i)-*me*.C,a)a1.e)isa.i-* &el-1i.5!e;'es.e+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } gANSSP-si.i-*i*gMe.,-+s 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%% gANSSTimi*gO0Cell9a*.e+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% gANSSCa))ie)P,aseMeas')eme*.!e;'es.e+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% gANSSM'l.i3)e;Meas')eme*.!e;'es.e+ 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-!esp-*seTime ::= ENUME!ATE2 { s1, s2, s@, sB, s1$, s(2, s$@, s12B } SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN SEQUENCE { "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "SIME "1$%%, "1(%%, "C%%, "B%%, "1$%%, "1(%%, "B%%, "@%%, "B%%




UTCm-+elSe.1 ::= '.1A: '.1A1 '.1A2 '.12el.aTls '.1T-. '.19N-. '.19Nls0 '.12N '.12el.aTls0 } UTCm-+elSe.2 ::=


Release !
*A .a'C +el.aUT1 7p } UTCm-+elSe.( ::= '.1A18*. '.1A:8*. '.1T-. '.19N. '.12el.aTls '.19Nls0 '.12N '.12el.aTls0 '.1S.a*+a)+I2 } UTCm-+elSe.@ ::= '.1A: '.1A1 '.12el.aTls '.19Nls0 '.12N '.12el.aTls0 } 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT 4IT SEQUENCE { ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME ST!IN "SIME

* )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



"2@%%, "(2%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "B%%, "(%%

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-- SPA!E: UT!A-Ca))ie)!SSI, Max = C$ -- Eal'es a/-&e Max a)e spa)e UT!A-Ca))ie)!SSI ::= INTE E! ":##12C% UT!AN- ANSS!e0e)e*1eTime ::= SEQUENCE { 'e- ANSSTimi*gO0Cell3)ames SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al &al'e R*sS = "ms-Pa). > @2A@A$C2A$ N ls-Pa).% > 2?: -- A1.'al &al'es R*sS L B$(AAAAAAAAC?: a)e )ese)&e+ a*+ a)e 1-*si+e)e+ a p)-.-1-l e))-) ms-Pa). INTE E! ":##B:%, ls-Pa). INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% }, gANSS-TimeI+ INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, gANSS-TimeU*1e).ai*.5 INTE E! ":##12C% OPTIONAL, m-+e C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { p)ima)5-CPIC6-I*0P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { 1ellPa)ame.e)s CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } }, )e0e)e*1eS0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% } UT!AN-322-3)e;'e*15Lis. ::= UT!AN-322-3)e;'e*15 'a)01* p)i-)i.5 -- A1.'al &al'e .,)es,F,ig, -- A1.'al &al'e .,)es,Fl-8 ;Q'alMi*322 -- A1.'al &al'e ;!xLe&Mi*322 } ::= = IE &al'e > 2 = IE &al'e > 2 = IE &al'e > 2 N 1 SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxN'm3223)e;s%% O3 UT!AN-322-3)e;'e*15 SEQUENCE { UA!3CN, INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1%, INTE E! ":##(1%, INTE E! ":##(1%, INTE E! "-2@##:% INTE E! "-$:##-1(% OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

UT!AN-T22-3)e;'e*15Lis. ::= UT!AN-T22-3)e;'e*15 'a)01* p)i-)i.5 -- A1.'al &al'e .,)es,F,ig, -- A1.'al &al'e .,)es,Fl-8 -- A1.'al &al'e ;!xLe&Mi*T22 ::= = IE &al'e > 2 = IE &al'e > 2

SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxN'mT223)e;s%% O3 UT!AN-T22-3)e;'e*15 SEQUENCE { UA!3CN, INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1%, INTE E! ":##(1%, INTE E! ":##(1%, INTE E! "-$:##-1(% OPTIONAL

= IE &al'e > 2 N 1


Release !
} UT!AN- PS-2)i0.!a.e ::=

* *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

ENUME!ATE2 { '.)a*- PS2)i0.:, '.)a*- PS2)i0.1, '.)a*- PS2)i0.2, '.)a*- PS2)i0.?, '.)a*- PS2)i0.1:, '.)a*- PS2)i0.1?, '.)a*- PS2)i0.2?, '.)a*- PS2)i0.?:, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-1, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-2, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-?, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-1:, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-1?, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-2?, '.)a*- PS2)i0.-?:}

UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) '.)a*- PSTimi*gO0Cell &al'es a/-&e 2(22@(1AAAAAA a)e *-. -- 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- A1.'al &al'e '.)a*- PSTimi*gO0Cell = "ms-pa). > @2A@A$C2A$% N ls-pa). '.)a*- PSTimi*gO0Cell SEQUENCE { ms-pa). INTE E! ":##1:2(%, ls-pa). INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% }, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eI+e*.i.5 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eI+e*.i.5 CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } } OPTIONAL, s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% } UT!AN- PS!e0e)e*1eTime!es'l. ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 'e- PSTimi*gO0Cell &al'es a/-&e (C1?BA11AAAAAA a)e *-. -- 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- A1.'al &al'e 'e- PSTimi*gO0Cell = "ms-pa). > @2A@A$C2A$% N ls-pa). 'e- PSTimi*gO0Cell SEQUENCE { ms-pa). INTE E! ":## 1$(B(%, ls-pa). INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% }, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eI+e*.i.5 P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0}, .++ SEQUENCE { )e0e)e*1eI+e*.i.5 CellPa)ame.e)sI2 } }, s0* INTE E! ":##@:A?% } UT!A-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { '.)a-Se)&i*gCell SEQUENCE { p)i-)i.5 INTE E! ":##maxP)i--1%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 s-P)i-)i.5Sea)1,1 INTE E! ":##(1%, -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e, +e0a'l. &al'e is : s-P)i-)i.5Sea)1,2 INTE E! ":##C% -- A1.'al &al'e = IE &al'e > 2 .,)es,Se)&i*gL-8 INTE E! ":##(1% }, '.)a*-322-3)e;'e*15Lis. UT!AN-322-3)e;'e*15Lis. '.)a*-T22-3)e;'e*15Lis. UT!AN-T22-3)e;'e*15Lis. } UT!A-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. ::= .,)es,Se)&i*gL-82 } Ea)ia*1eO0!LC-4'00e)Pa5l-a+ ::= SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(1%




ENUME!ATE2 { pl&:, pl&@, pl&B, pl&1$, pl&(2, pl&$@, pl&12B, pl&2?$, pl&?12, pl&1:2@, pl&27, pl&@7, pl&B7, pl&1$7, spa)e2, spa)e1 } 6-)iG-*.alEel-1i.5, 6-)iG-*.al9i.,Ee).i1alEel-1i.5, 6-)iG-*.alEel-1i.59i.,U*1e).ai*.5, 6-)iG-*.al9i.,Ee).i1alEel-1i.5A*+U*1e).ai*.5

Eel-1i.5Es.ima.e ::= C6OICE { ,-)iG-*.alEel-1i.5 ,-)iG-*.al9i.,Ee).i1alEel-1i.5 ,-)iG-*.alEel-1i.59i.,U*1e).ai*.5 ,-)iG-*.al9i.,Ee).i1alEel-1i.5A*+U*1e).ai*.5 } -- A1.'al &al'e 9 = IE &al'e > :#1


Release !
9 ::=

* +
INTE E! ":##2:%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --OT6E! IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#B% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4CC ::= 4CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*I*0- ::= mi/-Eal'eTag /11,-M-+i0i1a.i-*Time } INTE E! ":##C% SEQUENCE { MI4-Eal'eTag, 4CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*Time


-- A1.'al &al'e 4CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*Time = IE &al'e > B 4CC6-M-+i0i1a.i-*Time ::= INTE E! ":##?11% 4SIC ::= *11 /11 } C4S-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 1.1,-All-1a.i-*Pe)i-+ 1/s-3)ameO00se. } SEQUENCE { NCC, 4CC SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##2?$%, INTE E! ":##2??% ENUME!ATE2 {pB, p1$, p(2, p$@, p12B, p2?$} "SIME "B%%, "SIME "1##?12%%

C4S-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-*-ex.e*si-*-)$ ::= C2MA2:::-Message ::= msg-T5pe pa5l-a+ } C2MA2:::-MessageLis. ::= C2MA2:::-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. ::= CellEal'eTag ::= 2a.aT)a*sm3)e;'e*15 ::= +a.aT)a*sm3)e; )a*'la)i.5 } *'m/e)O02a.aT)a*smO11


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxI*.e)S5sMessages%% O3 C2MA2:::-Message SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mC2MA2:::3)e;s%% O3 3)e;'e*15I*0-C2MA2::: INTE E! "1##@% SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { ms1::, ms2?:, ms?::, ms1:::, ms2:::, ms?:::, ms1::::, ms$:::: }, INTE E! "1##$1:% SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##12:%, 2a.aT)a*sm3)e;'e*15 2a.aE-l'mePe)!4-Lis. SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 2a.aE-l'mePe)!4

2a.aE-l'me6is.-)5 ::= +a.aE-l'meM-*.-)i*g9i*+-8 +a.aT)a*sm3)e;'e*15 +a.aE-l'mePe)!4 } 2a.aE-l'mePe)!4 ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 +a.aE-l'me } 2a.aE-l'mePe)!4-Lis. ::=


2e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*gS'pp-). ::= SEQUENCE { -- I0 m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0- is *-. p)ese*., +e0e))e+ SI411, SI411/is a*+ SI412 )ea+i*g -- 8i., +e0a'l. meas')eme*. ;'a*.i.ies applies m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-322 I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-322-si/( }, .++ SEQUENCE { i*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22Lis. I*.)a3)e;MeasQ'a*.i.5-T22-si/(Lis. } } OPTIONAL } ET9S-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 8a)*i*gT5pe messageI+e*.i0ie) SEQUENCE { OCTET ST!IN OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1##2%%, "SIME "2%%,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- T,is IE is *-. 'se+ i* .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# ET9S-9a)*i*gSe1')i.5I*0- ::= OCTET ST!IN EUT!A-4la17lis.e+Cell ::= p,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 } SEQUENCE { EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5

EUT!A-4la17lis.e+CellPe)3)e;Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxEUT!ACellPe)3)e;%% O3 EUT!A-4la17lis.e+Cell EUT!A-P,5si1alCellI+e*.i.5 ::= EUT!A-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 ::= 'e-EUT!A-Capa/ili.5 } EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis. ::= INTE E! ":##?:(% SEQUENCE { OCTET ST!IN SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxEUT!ATa)ge.3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxEUT!ATa)ge.3)e;s%% O3 EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0--&/?:ex.

EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. ::=

EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { +lEUT!ACa))ie)3)e; EA!3CN, e'.)a4la17lis.e+CellPe)3)e;Lis. EUT!A-4la17lis.e+CellPe)3)e;Lis. } EUT!A-Ta)ge.3)e;I*0--&/?:ex. ::= ea)01* } --A1.'al &al'e = 2U"IE &al'e% Expi)a.i-*Time3a1.-) ::= Ex. ANSS-S1,e+'li*gI*0- ::= ex.e*si-* ANSS-SI4T5pe s1,e+'li*gI*0&al'eTagI*0} SEQUENCE { EA!3CNEx.e*si-*



INTE E! "1##B% SEQUENCE { SI4-T5peEx. ANSS, S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*, Eal'eTagI*0-

-- 3-) ea1, ex.e*+e+ ANSS SI4 .5pe .,e &al'e .ag i*0-)ma.i-* is a++e+ a. .,e e*+ Ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max ANSS%% O3 Ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0Ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { ga*ssI2 INTE E! ":##C% s/asI2 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-S4AS-I2 ga*ssS1,e+'li*g SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4%% O3 Ex. ANSS-S1,e+'li*gI*0} -- 3-) ea1, ex.e*+e+ SI4 .5pe .,e &al'e .ag i*0-)ma.i-* is a++e+ a. .,e e*+ Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4%% O3 Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0- ::= ex.e*si-*SI4-T5pe s1,e+'li*gI*0&al'eTagI*0} SEQUENCE { SI4-T5peEx., S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*, Eal'eTagI*0OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL,

-- 3-) ea1, ex.e*+e+ SI4 .5pe .,e &al'e .ag i*0-)ma.i-* is a++e+ a. .,e e*+ Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis.2 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4%% O3 Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-2 Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-2 ::= ex.e*si-*SI4-T5pe2 s1,e+'li*gI*0&al'eTagI*0} 322-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { SI4-T5peEx.2, S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*, Eal'eTagI*0SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'm3223)e;s%% O3 -- NOTE1: T,e IE JUA!3CN "Nl-8%J 1-))esp-*+s .-- J'a)01*-2LJ i* 3)e;'e*15I*0-322# -- NOTE2: T,e IE JUA!3CN "N'ppe)%J 1-))esp-*+s .-


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- J'a)01*-ULJ i* 3)e;'e*15I*0-322# 3)e;'e*15I*0-322 3)e;'e*15I*0-C2MA2::: ::= } E!AN-S5s.emI*0-4l-17 ::= E!AN-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SM-4A-!a*ge ::= } SM-4A-!a*ge-Lis. ::= OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1##2(%% E!AN-S5s.emI*0-4l-17 SEQUENCE { /a*+-Class 1+ma-3)e; 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "?%%, "SIME"11%%

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max E!AN-SI%% O3 SEQUENCE { gsmL-8!a*geUA!3CN gsmUp!a*geUA!3CN UA!3CN, UA!3CN

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'm SM3)e;!a*ges%% O3 SM-4A-!a*ge

-- T,is IE is 0-)ma..e+ as OTLEO a*+ is 1-+e+ i* .,e same 8a5 as .,e Mobile Station Classmark 2 -- i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*. i* R?S# T,e 0i)s. -1.e. is .,e Mobile station classmark 2 IEI a*+ i.s &al'e -- s,all /e se. .- ((6# T,e se1-*+ -1.e. is .,e Length of mobile station classmark 2 a*+ i.s &al'e -- s,all /e se. .- (# T,e -1.e. ( 1-*.ai*s .,e 0i)s. -1.e. -0 .,e &al'e pa). -0 .,e Mobile Station -- Classmark 2 i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*., .,e -1.e. @ 1-*.ai*s .,e se1-*+ -1.e. -0 .,e &al'e pa). -0 .,e -- Mobile Station Classmark 2 i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*. a*+ s- -*# 3-) ea1, -0 .,ese -1.e.s, .,e 0i)s.D -- le0.m-s.D m-s. sig*i0i1a*. /i. -0 .,e -1.e. 1-*.ai*s /B -0 .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g -1.e. -0 .,e M-/ile -- S.a.i-* Classma)7 2# SM-Classma)72 ::= OCTET ST!IN "SIME "?%% -- T,is IE is 0-)ma..e+ as OEO a*+ is 1-+e+ i* .,e same 8a5 as .,e &al'e pa). -- classmark 3 i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*. i* R?S -- T,e &al'e pa). is spe1i0ie+ /5 mea*s -0 CSN#1, 8,i1, e*1-+i*g )es'l.s i* a -- 0i*al pa++i*g ma5 /e appe*+e+ 'p.- .,e *ex. -1.e. /-'*+a)5 R?S# T,e 0i)s.D -- CSN#1 /i. s.)i*g is pla1e+ i* .,e 0i)s.D le0.m-s.D m-s. sig*i0i1a*. /i. -0 -- -1.e.# T,is 1-*.i*'es '*.il .,e las. /i. -0 .,e CSN#1 /i. s.)i*g, 8,i1, is -- )ig,.m-s.D leas. sig*i0i1a*. /i. -0 .,e las. -1.e.# SM-Classma)7( ::= OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1##(2%% SM-MessageLis. ::= SM-MS-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 ::= smSe1')i.5Capa/ili.5 ::= i* .,e Mobile station /i. s.)i*g, .- 8,i1, le0.m-s. /i. -0 .,e .,e 0i)s. pla1e+ i* .,e las.D

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxI*.e)S5sMessages%% O3 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##?12%% OCTET ST!IN "SIME "1##$@%%

4IT ST!IN { -- 3-) ea1, /i. &al'e J:J mea*s 0alseD *-. s'pp-).e+ a?-C":%, a?-$"1%, a?-?"2%, a?-@"(%, a?-("@%, a?-2"?%, a?-1"$% } "SIME "C%% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max SMTa)ge.Cells%% O3 SM-Ta)ge.CellI*0SEQUENCE { 4CC6-A!3CN, 3)e;'e*15-4a*+, 4SIC OPTIONAL OCTET ST!IN "SIME"1##max6N4NameSiGe%%

SM-Ta)ge.CellI*0-Lis. ::=

SM-Ta)ge.CellI*0- ::= /11,-A!3CN 0)e;'e*15-/a*+ /si1 } 6N4Name ::=

I+e*.i0i1a.i-*O0!e1ei&e+Message ::= SEQUENCE { ))1-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie) !!C-T)a*sa1.i-*I+e*.i0ie), )e1ei&e+MessageT5pe !e1ei&e+MessageT5pe } I*.e)!AT-C,a*ge3ail')eCa'se ::= 1-*0ig')a.i-*U*a11ep.a/le p,5si1alC,a**el3ail')e p)-.-1-lE))-) '*spe1i0ie+ C6OICE { NULL, NULL, P)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL,


Release !
spa)e@ spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 } E!ANI'-MessageLis. ::= E!ANI'-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 ::= NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxI*.e)S5sMessages%% O3 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##(2C$B%% 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##1C:%%

I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 ::= C6OICE { gsm SEQUENCE { gsm-Classma)72 SM-Classma)72, gsm-Classma)7( SM-Classma)7( }, 1+ma2::: SEQUENCE { 1+ma2:::-MessageLis. C2MA2:::-MessageLis. } } I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxI*.e)S5sMessages%% O3 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5

I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ge)a*I'-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 E!ANI'-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 } I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s'pp-).O0I*.e)-!AT-PS-6a*+-&e) ENUME!ATE2 { +-esS'pp-)I*.e)-!AT-PS-6a*+-&e) } gsm-MS-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 SM-MS-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 } I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)a-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 EUT!A-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 } I*.e)!AT-UE-Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 ::= C6OICE { gsm SEQUENCE { gsmSe1')i.5Capa/ili.5 smSe1')i.5Capa/ili.5 } } I*.e)!AT-UE-Se1')i.5CapLis. ::= I*.e)!AT-6O-3ail')eCa'se ::= 1-*0ig')a.i-*U*a11ep.a/le p,5si1alC,a**el3ail')e p)-.-1-lE))-) i*.e)!AT-P)-.-1-lE))-) '*spe1i0ie+ spa)e11 spa)e1: spa)eA spa)eB spa)eC spa)e$ spa)e? spa)e@ spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 } SEQUENCE "SIME"1##maxI*.e)S5sMessages%% O3 I*.e)!AT-UE-Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 C6OICE { NULL, NULL, P)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-*, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL OPTIONAL,


Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17 ::= SEQUENCE { mi/-Eal'eTag MI4-Eal'eTag, -- TA4ULA!: T,e PLMN i+e*.i.5 a*+ ANSI-@1 1-)e *e.8-)7 i*0-)ma.i-* -- a)e i*1l'+e+ i* PLMN-T5pe# plm*-T5pe PLMN-T5pe, si/S/-!e0e)e*1eLis. SI4S/-!e0e)e*1eLis., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&$A:ex. Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&$A:ex., &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&$/:ex. Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&$/:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&B$:ex. Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&B$:ex.-IEs,


Release !
*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


} }

Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&$A:ex. ::= m'l.iplePLMN-Lis. }

SEQUENCE { M'l.iplePLMN-Lis.-)$


Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. }


Mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis.2 ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. Ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. 1sg-I*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } MI4-Eal'eTag ::= NCC ::= PLMN-Eal'eTag ::= INTE E! "1##B% INTE E! ":##C% INTE E! "1##2?$%


P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag ::= SEQUENCE { p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5 P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5, p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTag P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTag } P)-.-1-lE))-)I*0-)ma.i-* ::= +iag*-s.i1sT5pe .5pe1 p)-.-1-lE))-)Ca'se }, spa)e } } !e1ei&e+MessageT5pe ::= SEQUENCE { C6OICE { SEQUENCE { P)-.-1-lE))-)Ca'se NULL

ENUME!ATE2 { a1.i&eSe.Up+a.e, 1ellC,a*geO)+e)3)-mUT!AN, 1ellUp+a.eC-*0i)m, 1-'*.e)C,e17, +-8*li*72i)e1.T)a*s0e), i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)C-mma*+, meas')eme*.C-*.)-l, pagi*gT5pe2, p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, p,5si1alS,a)e+C,a**elAll-1a.i-*, )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, )a+i-4ea)e)!elease, )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p, ))1C-**e1.i-*!elease, ))1C-**e1.i-*!e<e1., ))1C-**e1.i-*Se.'p, se1')i.5M-+eC-mma*+, sig*alli*gC-**e1.i-*!elease, .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, .)a*sp-).3-)ma.C-m/i*a.i-*C-*.)-l, 'eCapa/ili.5E*;'i)5, 'eCapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*C-*0i)m, 'pli*7P,5si1alC,a**elC-*.)-l, ')aUp+a.eC-*0i)m, '.)a*M-/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*, assis.a*1e2a.a2eli&e)5, spa)e$, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1

!plm*-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-4A-!a*ge-Lis. SM-4A-!a*ge-Lis. 0++-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. 322-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. .++-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. T22-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. 1+ma2:::-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. C2MA2:::-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

!plm*-I*0-)ma.i-*-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-4A-!a*ge-Lis. SM-4A-!a*ge-Lis. 0++-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. 322-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. -- .,e -p.i-* is .,e same 0-) C#$B M1ps T22 as 0-) (#B@ M1ps T22 -- i#e# T22-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. applies .++(B@-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. T22-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. .++12B-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. T22-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. 1+ma2:::-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. C2MA2:::-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. _


S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* ::= SEQUENCE { s1,e+'li*g SEQUENCE { segC-'*. SegC-'*. 2E3AULT 1, si/-P-s C6OICE { -- T,e eleme*. *ame i* .,e )epe.i.i-* pe)i-+ a*+ .,e &al'e -- "m'l.iplie+ /5 .8-% i* .,e p-si.i-* -0 .,e 0i)s. segme*.# )ep@ INTE E! ":##1%, )epB INTE E! ":##(%, )ep1$ INTE E! ":##C%, )ep(2 INTE E! ":##1?%, )ep$@ INTE E! ":##(1%, )ep12B INTE E! ":##$(%, )ep2?$ INTE E! ":##12C%, )ep?12 INTE E! ":##2??%, )ep1:2@ INTE E! ":##?11%, )ep2:@B INTE E! ":##1:2(%, )ep@:A$ INTE E! ":##2:@C% }, si/-P-sO00se.I*0Si/O33-Lis. OPTIONAL } } S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*SI4 ::= si/-T5pe s1,e+'li*g } S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*SI4S/ ::= si/S/-T5pe s1,e+'li*g } SegC-'*. ::= Segme*.I*+ex ::= SEQUENCE { SI4-T5peA*+Tag, S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* SEQUENCE { SI4S/-T5peA*+Tag, S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-* INTE E! "1##1$% INTE E! "1##1?%

-- A1.'al &al'e S3N-P)ime = 2 > IE &al'e S3N-P)ime ::= INTE E! ":##2:@C% SI4-2a.a-0ixe+ ::= SI4-2a.a-&a)ia/le ::= SI4O11')I+e*.i.5 ::= 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "222%% "SIME "1##21@%%

INTE E! ":##1?%

SI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag ::= SEQUENCE { si/O11')I+e*.i.5 SI4O11')I+e*.i.5, si/O11')Eal'eTag SI4O11')Eal'eTag } SI4O11')Eal'eTag ::= SI4-!e0e)e*1eLis. ::= SI4S/-!e0e)e*1eLis. ::= SI4-!e0e)e*1eLis.3AC6 ::= SI4-T5pe ::= INTE E! ":##1?% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4%% O3 S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*SI4 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4%% O3 S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*SI4S/ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSI4-3AC6%% O3 S1,e+'li*gI*0-)ma.i-*SI4 ENUME!ATE2 { mas.e)I*0-)ma.i-*4l-17, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe2, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe(, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe@, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe?, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe$, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5peC, -- +'mm5, +'mm52 a*+ +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*.# I0 .,e5 a)e )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ +'mm5, +'mm52, +'mm5(, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe11, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe12, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1(, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1(-1, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1(-2, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1(-(, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1(-@, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1@, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1?, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1?-1, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1?-2, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1?-(, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1$, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1C, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1?-@, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1B, s1,e+'li*g4l-171, s1,e+'li*g4l-172, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe1?-?, s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe?/is, ex.e*si-*T5pe } SI4-T5peA*+Tag ::= C6OICE { s5sI*0-T5pe1 PLMN-Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe2 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe( CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe@ CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe? CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe$ CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5peC NULL, -- +'mm5, +'mm52 a*+ +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*.# I0 .,e5 a)e )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 CellEal'eTag, +'mm52 NULL, +'mm5( NULL, s5sI*0-T5pe11 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe12 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1( CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-1 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-2 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-( CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-@ CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1@ NULL, s5sI*0-T5pe1? CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1$ P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1C NULL, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-1 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-2 SI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-( SI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-@ CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1B CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-? CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe?/is CellEal'eTag, spa)e@ NULL, spa)e( NULL, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL } SI4S/-T5peA*+Tag ::= s5sI*0-T5pe1 s5sI*0-T5pe2 s5sI*0-T5pe( s5sI*0-T5pe@ s5sI*0-T5pe? s5sI*0-T5pe$ s5sI*0-T5peC C6OICE { PLMN-Eal'eTag, CellEal'eTag, CellEal'eTag, CellEal'eTag, CellEal'eTag, CellEal'eTag, NULL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- +'mm5, +'mm52 a*+ +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*.# I0 .,e5 a)e )e1ei&e+ .,e UE /e,a&i-') is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 CellEal'eTag, +'mm52 NULL, +'mm5( NULL, s5sI*0-T5pe11 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe12 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1( CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-1 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-2 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-( CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1(-@ CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1@ NULL, s5sI*0-T5pe1? CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1$ P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1C NULL, s5sI*0-T5peS41 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5peS42 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-1 CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-2 SI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-( SI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-@ CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1B CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe1?-? CellEal'eTag, s5sI*0-T5pe?/is CellEal'eTag, spa)e2 NULL, spa)e1 NULL C6OICE { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL C6OICE { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL C6OICE { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ENUME!ATE2 { s-2, s-@, s-$, s-B, s-1:, s-12, s-1@, s-1$, s-1B, s-2:, s-22, s-2@, s-2$, s-2B, s-(:, s-(2 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##1?%% O3 Si/O33

SI4-T5peEx. ::= s5s.emI*0-T5pe11/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-1/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-2/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-(/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-$ s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-C s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-B } SI4-T5peEx.2 ::= s5s.emI*0-T5pe1A s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-2.e) s5s.emI*0-T5pe2: s5s.emI*0-T5pe21 s5s.emI*0-T5pe22 s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-1.e) spa)e2 spa)e1 } SI4-T5peEx. ANSS ::= s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-1/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-2/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-2.e) s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-(/is s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-$ s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-C s5s.emI*0-T5pe1?-B spa)eA spa)eB spa)eC spa)e$ spa)e? spa)e@ spa)e( spa)e2 spa)e1 } Si/O33 ::=

Si/O33-Lis. ::=


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*S5sI*0-Lis. CN-2-mai*S5sI*0-Lis., -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s 'e-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1-&(a:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1-&(a:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*.i-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1-&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1-&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. 'e-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s }


UE-C-**Time)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex., UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex.


S5sI*0-T5pe2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5Lis. U!A-I+e*.i.5Lis., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} }


S5sI*0-T5pe( ::= SEQUENCE { si/@i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs 1ellI+e*.i.5 CellI+e*.i.5, 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-(-@, 1ellA11ess!es.)i1.i-* CellA11ess!es.)i1.i-*, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&?A:ex., &?1:N-*1)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&?1:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&?1:ex.-IEs, &$C:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&$C:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&$C:ex., &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B(:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&B(:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&B(:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&B$:ex.-IEs, &BC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&BC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&BC:ex.-IEs, &A::N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe(-&A2:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe(-&A2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe(-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { mappi*g-LC! Mappi*g-LC!-)@ } S5sI*0-T5pe(-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. } CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe(-&?1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0-T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g-&?1:ex. CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g-&?1:ex. }


S5sI*0-T5pe(-&$C:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)ame.e)s3-)PLMNO0MI4 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*Pa)am-&$C:ex. OPTIONAL, +-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.i1.i-*3-)S,a)e+Ne.8-)7 2-mai*Spe1i0i1A11ess!es.)i1.i-*3-)S,a)e+Ne.8-)7-&$C:ex. OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe(-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { +e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*gS'pp-). 2e0e))e+Meas')eme*.C-*.)-l!ea+i*gS'pp-). ;-Q'alMi*-O00se. Q-Q'alMi*-O00se. OPTIONAL, ;-!xle&Mi*-O00se. Q-!xle&Mi*-O00se. OPTIONAL, m/s0*O*l5Se)&i1e M4S3NO*l5Se)&i1e OPTIONAL }


S5sI*0-T5pe(-&B(:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)PLMNO0MI4 Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-lPa)ame.e)s3-)S,a)e+Ne.8-)7 Pagi*gPe)missi-*9i.,A11essC-*.)-l3-)S,a)e+Ne.8-)7 OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe(-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= 1sgI+e*.i.5 1sg-PSCSpli.I*0} S5sI*0-T5pe(-&BC:ex.-IEs ::= 1ellA11ess!es.)i1.i-* } S5sI*0-T5pe(-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= imsEme)ge*15S'pp-).I*+i1a.-) } SEQUENCE { CS -I+e*.i.5 CS -PSCSpli.I*0SEQUENCE { CellA11ess!es.)i1.i-*-&BC:ex. SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { s'pp-).e+ } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL



S5sI*0-T5pe@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs 1ellI+e*.i.5 CellI+e*.i.5, 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-SI4-(-@, 1ellA11ess!es.)i1.i-* CellA11ess!es.)i1.i-*, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe@-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe@-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe@-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe@-&?A:ex., &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe@-&?/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe@-&?/:ex.-IEs, &?1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe@-&?1:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe@-&?1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe@-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { mappi*g-LC! Mappi*g-LC!-)@ } S5sI*0-T5pe@-&?A:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. } OPTIONAL




S5sI*0-T5pe@-&?/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0-PC63AC6-&?/:ex. }



S5sI*0-T5pe@-&?1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1ellSele1.!esele1.I*0-T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g-&?1:ex. CellSele1.!esele1.I*0-T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g-&?1:ex.



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe? ::= SEQUENCE { si/$i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs pi1,-P-8e)O00se. PIC6-P-8e)O00se., m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ai1,-P-8e)O00se. AIC6-P-8e)O00se. }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) 1#2BM1ps -) C#$BM1ps T22, .,e 0-ll-8i*g IEs s,-'l+ /e a/se*. -- a*+ .,e i*0- i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )espe1.i&e .++12BSpe1i0i1I*0- -) .++C$BSpe1i0i1I*0- i*s.ea+# -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) (#B@M1ps T22 i* !?, 6C!-)?-Spe1i0i1I*0- s,-'l+ als- /e -- i*1l'+e+# p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N OPTIONAL, -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-T22 } }, p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0OPTIONAL, p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis., sCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis., -- 1/s-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-* is 1-*+i.i-*al -* a*5 -0 .,e CTC6 i*+i1a.-) IEs i* -- sCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. 1/s-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-* C4S-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&@/:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )el-@ i*0-)ma.i-* &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&?A:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&$?:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&$?:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&$B:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&$B:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&$A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&CC:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&B$:ex.-IEs, &BA:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&BA:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&BA:ex.-IEs, &B/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&B/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&B/:ex.-IEs, &B+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&B+:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&B+:ex.IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&a@:ex.IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&aB:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?&aB:ex.-IEs, &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s S5sI*0-T5pe?-N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s-&/?:IEs OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --T,e 0-ll-8i*g IE PN4SC6-All-1a.i-*-)@ s,all /e 'se+ 0-) (#B@M1ps T22 -*l5#


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


pN4SC6-All-1a.i-*-)@ PN4SC6-All-1a.i-*-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I* 1ase -0 T22, .,e 0-ll-8i*g IE is i*1l'+e+ i*s.ea+ -0 .,e -- IE 'p-IP2L-Pa)ame.e) i* 'p-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a# -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL, I0 S5sI*0-T5pe? is se*. .- +es1)i/e a 1#2BM1ps T22 1ell, .,e IE P!AC6-!AC6-I*0- i*1l'+e+ i* P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. s,all /e ig*-)e+, .,e IE P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g a*+ .,e IE )a1,-T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. s,all /e a/se*. a*+ .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE i* .,e 0-ll-8i*g P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ s,all /e 'se+ p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, .++12BSpe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, pCCPC6-LC!-Ex.e*si-*s P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL, sCCPC6-LC!-Ex.e*si-*sLis. SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@-ex. _ OPTIONAL, 0)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-) !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL

S5sI*0-T5pe?-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ,1)-)?-Spe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-6C!-)? p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-6C!-)? } } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&$?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)2 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&$B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: 6S2PA Cell I*+i1a.-) is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is O6S2PA Capa/ili.5 *-. i*+i1a.e+O ,s+pa-CellI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { ,s+pa-Capa/leCell } }



S5sI*0-T5pe?-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TA4ULA!: E-2C6 Cell I*+i1a.-) is M2 i* .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* -- 2e0a'l. &al'e is OE-2C6 Capa/ili.5 *-. i*+i1a.e+O e+1,-CellI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { e+1,-Capa/leCell } OPTIONAL, s11p1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS C6OICE { m11,O*SCCPC6'se+3-)N-*M4MS M4MS-MCC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$, m11,O*SCCPC6'se+O*l53-)M4MS SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)$ } OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-Lis. A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-Lis. OPTIONAL, 14S-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-*-ex.e*si-* C4S-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-*-ex.e*si-*-)$ OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-C-mm-*S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* 6S-2SC6-C-mm-*S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*, ,s-+s1,-Pagi*gS5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* 6S-2SC6-Pagi*gS5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL }, .++C$B SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-E6C! OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-E6C!-)C OPTIONAL, -- I0 S5sI*0-T5pe? is se*. .- 1-*0ig')e a C#$BM1ps T22 1ell, .,e Op)a1,-!AC6-I*0-O i* -- IE P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. s,all /e ig*-)e+, Op)a1,-Pa).i.i-*i*gO s,all /e a/se*. -- a*+ .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE i* .,e 0-ll-8i*g IE P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-E6C!-)C -- s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-E6C!-)C OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, -- I0 S5sI*0-T5pe? is se*. .- 1-*0ig')e a C#$B M1ps T22 1ell "i* a*5 m-+e% -) a (#B@ M1ps T22 -- 1ell -pe)a.i*g i* M4S3N m-+e, IE SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-6C!-E6C!-)C is 'se+, -.,e)8ise -- IE SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ is 'se+# s11p1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-6C!-E6C!-)C OPTIONAL, s11p1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS C6OICE { -- I0 1,-i1e is Om11,O*SCCPC6'se+3-)N-*M4MSO, IE M4MS-MCC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ is 'se+# -- I0 1,-i1e is Om11,O*SCCPC6'se+O*l53-)M4MSO, IE M4MS-MCC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)C is 'se+ -- .- 1-*0ig')e a C#$BM1ps T22 1ell -) a 1ell -pe)a.i*g i* M4S3N m-+e, -.,e)8ise IE -- SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)$ is 'se+# m11,O*SCCPC6'se+O*l53-)M4MS SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-M4MS-)C } OPTIONAL, .22-M4S3NI*0-)ma.i-* T22-M4S3NI*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe?-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e 0iel+ O+'mm5O s,all /e ma)7e+ a/se*. i* S5sI*0-T5pe? a*+ S5sI*0-T5pe?/is# A 0ail')e .-- 1-mpl5 8i., .,is )e;'i)eme*. ma5 p)e&e*. .,e UE .- )e1ei&e a*5 se)&i1e i* .,e 1ell# T,e UE -- ma5 .)ea. .,e 1ell as /a))e+# +'mm5 SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-2)xCell0a1,-i*06S-2SC6-2)xCell0a1,-i*0OPTIONAL }, .++12B SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-C-mm-*S5sI*0SEQUENCE { ,s-+s1,-C-mm-*S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* 6S-2SC6-C-mm-*S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B, ,s-+s1,-Pagi*gS5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* 6S-2SC6-Pagi*gS5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*-T2212B OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ,s-+s1,-2)xCell0a1,-i*06S-2SC6-2)xCell0a1,-i*0--T2212B OPTIONAL } } } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&BA:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+3)e;'e*15I*03)e;'e*15I*0-T22 1-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0C-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0} S5sI*0-T5pe?-&B/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { .)ese.UsageI*+i1a.-) ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 'pPC6p-si.i-*I*0UpPC6p-si.i-*-LC! } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&B+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0-322 C-mm-*E2C6S5s.emI*0-322 } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-). 3)e;'e*154a*+sI*+i1a.-)S'pp-). 0)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Lis.322 } OPTIONAL,







S5sI*0-T5pe?-N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s-&/?:-IEs::= SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe?-&/?:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe?-&/?:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } S5sI*0-T5pe?-&/?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { si/22i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, 1ellUp+a.eMessageOp.imise+E*1-+i*g ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } -- S5sI*0-T5pe?/is 'ses .,e same s.)'1.')e as S5sI*0-T5pe? S5sI*0-T5pe?/is ::= S5sI*0-T5pe?



S5sI*0-T5pe$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs pi1,-P-8e)O00se. PIC6-P-8e)O00se., m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { ai1,-P-8e)O00se. AIC6-P-8e)O00se., -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 CSIC6-P-8e)O00se. OPTIONAL }, .++ SEQUENCE { -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) 1#2BM1ps T22, p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N, -- p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N a*+ -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-T22 s,-'l+ /e a/se*. -- a*+ .,e i*0- i*1l'+e+ i* .,e .++12BSpe1i0i1I*0- i*s.ea+# -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) C#$BM1ps T22, p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N -- a*+ p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N s,-'l+ /e a/se*. a*+ .,e i*0- i*1l'+e+ i* .,e -- .++C$BSpe1i0i1I*0- i*s.ea+# -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) (#B@M1ps T22 i* !?, 6C!-)?-Spe1i0i1I*0- s,-'l+ -- als- /e i*1l'+e+# p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N OPTIONAL,


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}, p)ima)5CCPC6-I*0P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0OPTIONAL, p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, sCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, 1/s-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-* C4S-2!F-Le&el1I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, -- C-*+i.i-*al -* a*5 -0 .,e CTC6 i*+i1a.-) IEs i* -- sCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&@/:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )el-@ i*0-)ma.i-* &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&?A:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$?:*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&$?:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&$?:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &$A:*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&$A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&$A:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&CC:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&a@:ex.-IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe$-&aB:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe$-&aB:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL

S5sI*0-T5pe$-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 is p)ese*. -*l5 i0 IP2Ls a)e applie+ 0-) T22 -pe*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22 Ope*L--pP-8e)C-*.)-l-IP2L-T22-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I0 S5sI*0-T5pe$ is se*. .- +es1)i/e a 1#2BM1ps T22 1ell, .,e IE P!AC6-!AC6-I*0- i*1l'+e+ -- i* P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. s,all /e ig*-)e+, .,e IE P!AC6-Pa).i.i-*i*g a*+ .,e -- IE )a1,-T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. s,all /e a/se*. a*+ .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IEs i* .,e 0-ll-8i*g -- P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ s,all /e 'se+ p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, .++12BSpe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL, pCCPC6-LC!-Ex.e*si-*s P)ima)5CCPC6-I*0--LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL, sCCPC6-LC!-Ex.e*si-*sLis. SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, 0)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-) !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322 OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe$-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ,1)-)?-Spe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-6C!-)? p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-6C!-)? } } S5sI*0-T5pe$-&$?:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)2 !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+3222 } S5sI*0-T5pe$-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { a++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-Lis. } A++i.i-*alP!AC6-T3-a*+-T3CS-CCC6-Lis. OPTIONAL


S5sI*0-T5pe$-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { .++C$BSpe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-E6C! OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-E6C!-)C OPTIONAL, -- I0 S5sI*0-T5pe$ is se*. .- 1-*0ig')e a C#$BM1ps T22 1ell, .,e Op)a1,-!AC6-I*0-O i* -- IE P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. s,all /e ig*-)e+, Op)a1,-Pa).i.i-*i*gO s,all /e a/se*. -- a*+ .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g IE i* .,e 0-ll-8i*g IE P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-E6C!-)C -- s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# p)a1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. P!AC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-E6C!-)C OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- I0 S5sI*0-T5pe$ is se*. .- 1-*0ig')e a C#$B M1ps T22 1ell,


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-- IE SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-6C!-E6C!-)C is 'se+, -.,e)8ise -- IE SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ is 'se+# s11p1,-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis. SCCPC6-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-6C!-E6C!-)C


S5sI*0-T5pe$-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 0)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)( !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+322( } S5sI*0-T5pe$-&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { m'l.iple3)e;'e*154a*+I*+i1a.-)Lis.322 }




S5sI*0-T5peC ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 'l-I*.e)0e)e*1e UL-I*.e)0e)e*1e }, .++ NULL }, p)a1,-I*0-)ma.i-*-SI4?-Lis. 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elLis., p)a1,-I*0-)ma.i-*-SI4$-Lis. 25*ami1Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elLis. expi)a.i-*Time3a1.-) Expi)a.i-*Time3a1.-) -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} }


-- T,is IE is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# -- I. 8as 7ep. -*l5 0-) /a178a)+s 1-mpa.i/ili.5 )eas-*s S5sI*0-T5peB ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- +'mm51, +'mm52, +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm51 CPC6-Pa)ame.e)s, -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs +'mm52 CPC6-Se.I*0-Lis., +'mm5( CSIC6-P-8e)O00se., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- T,is IE is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# -- I. 8as 7ep. -*l5 0-) /a178a)+s 1-mpa.i/ili.5 )eas-*s S5sI*0-T5peA ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* a*+ -- i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+ /5 .,e )e1ei&e)# +'mm5 CPC6-Pe)sis.e*1eLe&elsLis., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} }


-- T,is IE is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# -- I. 8as 7ep. -*l5 0-) /a178a)+s 1-mpa.i/ili.5 )eas-*s S5sI*0-T5pe1: ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 2!AC-S5sI*0-Lis., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe11 ::= SEQUENCE { si/12i*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN, -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0a1,-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*03AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&@/:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&$A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&$/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&$/:ex.-IEs,


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} } }

&CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&CC:ex.-IEs, &C/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&C/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&C/:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&B$:ex.-IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11-&aB:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11-&aB:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

S5sI*0-T5pe11-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 0a1,-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0--LC!-Ex. meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0--LC! }

3AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0--LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0--LC!-)@-ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe11-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.)a3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.)a3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis.-&?A:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.e)3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.e)3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis.-&?A:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-&?A:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe11-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# I0 )e1ei&e+, .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 2'mm5-I*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe11-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs i*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0I*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0} S5sI*0-T5pe11-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs m/s0*3)e;'e*15Lis. M4S3N3)e;'e*15Lis. } S5sI*0-T5pe11-&C/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-&C/:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe11-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs m/s0*3)e;'e*15Lis. } SEQUENCE { M4S3N3)e;'e*15Lis.-&B$:ex. OPTIONAL




S5sI*0-T5pe11-&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs m'l.iple3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.322 M'l.iple3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.322 }


S5sI*0-T5pe11/is ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-* meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0--LC! Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-*-LC!-)@ meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-*A++-*-)? Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-Ex.e*si-*A++-*-)? -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &C/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {



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s5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&C/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&C/:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&B$:ex.-IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&aB:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&aB:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-&C/:ex. OPTIONAL

S5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&C/:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. }

S5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs 1sg-PSCSpli.I*0CS -PSCSpli.I*01sg-2e+i1a.e+3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. CS -2e+i1a.e+3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. } S5sI*0-T5pe11/is-&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs m'l.iple3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.322 M'l.iple3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.322 }



S5sI*0-T5pe12 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 0a1,-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*03AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0-, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe12-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe12-&@/:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe12-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe12-&?A:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe12-&$A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe12-&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe12-&$/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe12-&$/:ex.-IEs, &C/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe12-&C/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe12-&C/:ex.-IEs, &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe12-&aB:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe12-&aB:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe12-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 0a1,-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0--LC!-Ex. meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0--LC! } 3AC6-Meas')eme*.O11asi-*I*0--LC!-)@-ex. OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*.C-*.)-lS5sI*0--LC!-)@-ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe12-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.)a3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.)a3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis.-&?A:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.e)3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.e)3)e;'e*15CellI*0-Lis.-&?A:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, --T,e -)+e) -0 .,e lis. 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e -)+e) -0 1ell i* *e8I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis. *e8I*.e)!ATCellI*0-Lis.-&?A:ex. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCellMeas%% O3 CellSele1.!esele1.I*0--&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe12-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*# I0 )e1ei&e+, .,e UE /e,a&i-') -- is *-. spe1i0ie+# +'mm5 2'mm5-I*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe12-&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs i*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0I*.e)3)e;!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0} S5sI*0-T5pe12-&C/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs *e8I*.e)3)e;CellLis. Ne8I*.e)3)e;CellLis.-&C/:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe12-&aB:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs m'l.iple3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.322 }





S5sI*0-T5pe1( ::= SEQUENCE { -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-2-mai*S5sI*0-Lis. CN-2-mai*S5sI*0-Lis., -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s OPTIONAL, 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1(-&(a:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1(-&(a:ex.-IEs, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1(-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1(-&@/:ex.-IEs, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1(-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1(-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1(-&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex. } UE-I+leTime)sA*+C-*s.a*.s-&(a:ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe1(-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@Ex. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-)@-ex. }


S5sI*0-T5pe1(-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1apa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*. Capa/ili.5Up+a.e!e;'i)eme*.-&CC:ex. OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1(-1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-@1 IEs a*si-@1-!AN2-I*0-)ma.i-* ANSI-@1-!AN2-I*0-)ma.i-*, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } S5sI*0-T5pe1(-2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-@1 IEs a*si-@1-Use)M-*eI2-I*0-)ma.i-* ANSI-@1-Use)M-*eI2-I*0-)ma.i-*, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } S5sI*0-T5pe1(-( ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-@1 IEs a*si-@1-P)i&a.eNeig,/-')Lis.I*0- ANSI-@1-P)i&a.eNeig,/-')Lis.I*0-, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } S5sI*0-T5pe1(-@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-@1 IEs a*si-@1- l-/alSe)&i1e!e+i)e1.I*0ANSI-@1- l-/alSe)&i1e!e+i)e1.I*0-, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } S5sI*0-T5pe1@ ::= SEQUENCE {






Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs i*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis. I*+i&i+'alTS-I*.e)0e)e*1eLis., expi)a.i-*Time3a1.-) Expi)a.i-*Time3a1.-) -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {}


S5sI*0-T5pe1? ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-*, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-!eal-.imeI*.eg)i.5 4a+Sa.Lis. OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-&@/:ex.-IEs, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )elease@ i*0-)ma.i-* &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-&CC:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'p-Ip+l-Pa)ame.e)s-T22 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-IP2L-Pa)ame.e)s-T22-)@-ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime } OPTIONAL

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&CC:ex.

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&a@:ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe1?/is ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eP-si.i-* !e0e)e*1eL-1a.i-* ANSS, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?/is-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?/is-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?/is-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?/is-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?/is-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++I-*-M-+el 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.a.i-*Pa)a UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Ea).,O)ie*.Pa)a } S5sI*0-T5pe1?/is-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eTime-&a@:ex. }



S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- 2 PS 1-))e1.i-*s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-1-&A2:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1-&A2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }


Release !
S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-2 PS-C-))e1.i-*s-&A2:ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1/is ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2 ANSS-C-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-1/is-&A2:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1/is-&A2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1/is-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2 ANSS-C-))e1.i-*s }

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-2 ANSSC-))e1.i-*s-&A2:ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe1?-1.e) ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'eP-si.i-*i*g-42SC-))e1.i-*s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-242SC-))e1.i-*s 'eP-si.i-*i*g42SI-*- )i+M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g-42S-I-*- )i+M-+el -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)elease12 i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Ep,eme)is a*+ 1l-17 1-))e1.i-*s .)a*smissi-*TO9 PS-TO9-1se1, sa.I2 Sa.I2, ep,eme)isPa)ame.e) Ep,eme)isPa)ame.e), -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }


S5sI*0-T5pe1?-2/is ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-*a&iga.i-*M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Na&iga.i-*M-+el, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-2.e) ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &1x5N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-2.e)-&1x5ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-2.e)-&1x5ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-2.e)-&1x5ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els }

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++Na&iga.i-*M-+els-&1x5ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe1?-( ::= SEQUENCE { -- Alma*a1 a*+ -.,e) +a.a .)a*smissi-*TO9 PS-TO9-1se1, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-I-*-sp,e)i1M-+el OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-UTC-M-+el OPTIONAL, sa.Mas7 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##(2%% OPTIONAL, ls/TO9 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-(-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1 } SEQUENCE { UE-P-si.i-*i*g- PS-Alma*a1-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+els OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTC-M-+el UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-UTCM-+el OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&B$:ex.-IEs, &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&a@:ex.-IEs, &1x5N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&1x5ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&1x5ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0} { UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&B$:ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A'xilia)5I*0OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+els UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TimeM-+els-&a@:ex. OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-(/is-&1x5ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1 'e-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els }

UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-Alma*a1-&1x5ex., UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-A++UTCM-+els-&1x5ex.

S5sI*0-T5pe1?-@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-@-&(a:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-@-&(a:ex., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-@-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-@-&@/:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-@-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s0*-O00se.-Eali+i.5 S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-@-&@/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-)@ex. } OPTIONAL




S5sI*0-T5pe1?-? ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-?-&(a:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-?-&(a:ex., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-?-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-?-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-?-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { s0*-O00se.-Eali+i.5 S3N-O00se.-Eali+i.5 } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-?-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'e-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4-ex. UE-P-si.i-*i*g-OT2OA-Assis.a*1e2a.a-UE4-ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-TO2 INTE E! ":##B$(AA%, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0-)ma.i-* UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0-, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &a@:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1?-$-&a@:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1?-$-&a@:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }


S5sI*0-T5pe1?-$-&a@:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0-)ma.i-* UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!e0e)e*1eMeas')eme*.I*0--&a@:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-C ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a4i.Assis.a*1e UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.a-4i.-Assis.a*1e, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1?-B ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-2a.aCip,e)i*gI*0- UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Cip,e)Pa)ame.e)s OPTIONAL, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-)ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g- ANSS-!ealTimeI*.eg)i.5 OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e2e0i*e+!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-* P)e2e0!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-*, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1$-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1$-&CC:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1$-&A2:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1$-&A2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1$-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { p)e2e0i*e+!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-* P)e2e0!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-*-&CC:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1$-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { p)e2e0i*e+!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-* P)e2e0!a+i-C-*0ig')a.i-*-&A2:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1C ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5si1al 1,a**el IEs -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) 1#2BM1ps -) C#$BM1ps T22, p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis. a*+ -- p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis. s,-'l+ /e a/se*. a*+ .,e i*0- i*1l'+e+ i* .,e )espe1.i&e -- .++12BSpe1i0i1I*0- -) .++C$BSpe1i0i1I*0- i*s.ea+# -- I0 P2SC6DPUSC6 is 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) (#B@M1ps T22 i* !?, 6C!-)?-Spe1i0i1I*0- s,-'l+ als- /e -- i*1l'+e+# p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis. PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis. P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1C-&@/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1C-&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1C-&?A:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1C-&?A:ex.-IEs OPTIONAL, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1C-&CC:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1C-&CC:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S5sI*0-T5pe1C-&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { .++12BSpe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis. PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis. P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-LC!-)@ } } S5sI*0-T5pe1C-&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ,1)-)?-Spe1i0i1I*0SEQUENCE { p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis. PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-6C!-)? p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis. P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-6C!-)? } } S5sI*0-T5pe1C-&CC:ex.-IEs ::= .++C$BSpe1i0i1I*0p's1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N p+s1,-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N } OPTIONAL }



SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { PUSC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-S3N-E6C! P2SC6-S5sI*0-Lis.-E6C!-)C


S5sI*0-T5pe1B ::= SEQUENCE { i+leM-+ePLMNI+e*.i.ies PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells OPTIONAL, 1-**e1.e+M-+ePLMNI+e*.i.ies PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1B-&$/:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1B-&$/:ex., &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1B-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1B-&B$:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1B-&$/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { i+leM-+ePLMNI+e*.i.iesSI411/is PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells 1-**e1.e+M-+ePLMNI+e*.i.iesSI411/is PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells } S5sI*0-T5pe1B-&B$:ex. ::= i+leM-+ePLMNI+e*.i.ies 1-**e1.e+M-+ePLMNI+e*.i.ies } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

SEQUENCE { PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells-&B$:ex. PLMNI+e*.i.iesO0Neig,/-')Cells-&B$:ex.


S5sI*0-T5pe1A ::= SEQUENCE { -- Meas')eme*. IEs '.)a-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. UT!A-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis., gsm-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. SM-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, e'.)a-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*-)eleaseB i*0-)ma.i-* &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1A-&A2:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&A2:ex., &aB:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1A-&aB:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&aB:ex., &/(:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/(:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/(:ex., &/?:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/?:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/?:ex., &/B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/B:ex. S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/B:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&A2:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { '.)a-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. e'.)a-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&aB:ex. ::= m'l.ipleE'.)a3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis. } UT!A-P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex., EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&A2:ex.

SEQUENCE { M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*15I*0-Lis.



Release !
S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/(:ex. ::= 1ell-0a1,-meas-i*+ }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE { ENUME!ATE2 { ,ig,-p)i-)i.5-la5e)s, all-la5e)s } OPTIONAL

S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/?:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { gsmT)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-)2 OPTIONAL, e'.)aT)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-) T)esele1.i-*S1ali*g3a1.-)2 OPTIONAL, *'m/e)O0Appli1a/leEA!3CN INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, e'.)a-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Lis.-&/?:ex. OPTIONAL, e'.)a-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis. EUT!A-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis. OPTIONAL, m'l.ipleE'.)a3)e;'e*15I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis. M'l.ipleEUT!A3)e;'e*15I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis. OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs e'.)a-3)e;'e*15!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0EUT!A-3)e;'e*15!AC6!ep-).i*gI*0OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5pe1A-&/B:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { e'.)a-3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis.-&/B:ex. 3)e;'e*15A*+P)i-)i.5I*0-Ex.e*si-*Lis.-&/B:ex. } S5sI*0-T5pe2: ::= ,N4Name *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } S5sI*0-T5pe21 ::= ea/-Pa)ame.e)s *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } SEQUENCE { 6N4Name SEQUENCE {} SEQUENCE { EA4-Pa)ame.e)s SEQUENCE {} EUT!AOPTIONAL



S5sI*0-T5pe22 ::= SEQUENCE { -- I* .,e Ta/'la) .,e)e a)e sepa)a.e +e0i*i.i-*s 0-) p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Lis.T5pe1Ex. -- a*+ p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Lis.T5pe2Ex.Dp)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Lis.T5pe(Ex. e&e* -- .,-'g, .,e 1-*.e*.s a)e .,e same# T,e -*l5 +i00e)e*1e is i* ,-8 .,e IE W9eig,.P is 'se+ i* -- 1al1'la.i*g .,e 8eig,. 0-) ea1, sig*alle+ P!AC6 C-*.)-l Pa)ame.e)s# -- T- simpli05 .,e ASN#1, a si*gle +e0i*i.i-* is 'se+ ,e)e 0-) all .,)ee 1ases# p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Lis.T5pe1Ex. P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex.Lis. OPTIONAL, p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Lis.T5pe2Ex. P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex.Lis. OPTIONAL, p)a1,-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Lis.T5pe(Ex. P!AC6-P)eam/le3-)E*,a*1e+Upli*7Ex.Lis. OPTIONAL, 1-*1'))e*.-2epl-5me*.-2ms-1:ms-TTI C-*1'))e*.-2epl-5me*.-2ms-1:ms-TTI OPTIONAL, *-+e4-T)igge)-6S-2PCC6-T)a*smissi-* N-+e4-T)igge)-6S-2PCC6-T)a*smissi-* OPTIONAL, 0all/a17-!AA-P!AC6-i*03all/a17-!AA-P!AC6-i*0--IEs OPTIONAL, 1-mm-*E2C6!es-')1eC-*0igI*0-Lis.Ex. C-mm-*E2C6!es-')1eC-*0igI*0-Lis.Ex. OPTIONAL, ,s-+s1,-2)xCell0a1,-Se1-*+2)x-i*0- 6S-2SC6-2)xCell0a1,-Se1-*+2)x-i*0OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5peS41 ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs si/-!e0e)e*1eLis. SI4-!e0e)e*1eLis., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5peS41-&$/:ex. S5sI*0-T5peS41-&$/:ex., &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5peS41-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5peS41-&B$:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S5sI*0-T5peS41-&$/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. } S5sI*0-T5peS41-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis.2 ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. Ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. } S5sI*0-T5peS42 ::= -- O.,e) IEs SEQUENCE {





Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

si/-!e0e)e*1eLis. SI4-!e0e)e*1eLis., -- Ex.e*si-* me1,a*ism 0-) *-*- )eleaseAA i*0-)ma.i-* &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5peS42-&$/:ex. S5sI*0-T5peS42-&$/:ex., &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s5sI*0-T5peS42-&B$:ex. S5sI*0-T5peS42-&B$:ex., *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


S5sI*0-T5peS42-&$/:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. } S5sI*0-T5peS42-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis. Ex.SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0--Lis.2 ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. Ex. ANSS-SI4T5peI*0-S1,e+'li*gI*0-Lis. } T22-UMTS-3)e;'e*15-Lis. ::= UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* ::= 'e-I*a1.i&i.5Pe)i-+ 'eM-/ili.5S.a.eI*+i1a.-) 'l-+a.aE-l'me6is.-)5 +l-+a.aE-l'me6is.-)5 } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN'mT223)e;s%% O3 3)e;'e*15I*0-T22 SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##12:%, 6ig,-M-/ili.52e.e1.e+ 2a.aE-l'me6is.-)5 2a.aE-l'me6is.-)5




-- 3-) s5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*4l-17T5pe11/is .,e Eal'e Tag I*0- JCellEal'eTagJ is 'se+ Eal'eTagI*0- ::= C6OICE { *-*e NULL, 1ellEal'eTag CellEal'eTag, plm*-Eal'eTag PLMN-Eal'eTag, sI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag SI4O11'))e*1eI+e*.i.5A*+Eal'eTag } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --ANSI-@1 IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#A% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ANSI-@1- l-/alSe)&i1e!e+i)e1.I*0- ::= ANSI-@1-P)i&a.eNeig,/-')Lis.I*0- ::= ANSI-@1-!AN2-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= ANSI-@1-Use)M-*eI2-I*0-)ma.i-* ::= ANSI-@1-NAS-Pa)ame.e) ::= Mi*-P-!EE ::= NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-*ANSI-@1 ::= NI2 ::= P-!EE ::= SI2 ::= ANSI-@1-NAS-Pa)ame.e) ANSI-@1-NAS-Pa)ame.e) ANSI-@1-NAS-Pa)ame.e) ANSI-@1-NAS-Pa)ame.e) 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##2:@B%% 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%%

ANSI-@1-NAS-Pa)ame.e) 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1$%% 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN "SIME "B%% "SIME "1?%%

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --M4MS IN3O!MATION ELEMENTS "1:#(#Aa% --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M4MS-A11essP)-/a/ili.53a1.-) ::= ENUME!ATE2 { ap0:, ap0(2, ap0$@, ap0A$, ap012B, ap01$:, ap01A2, ap022@, ap02?$, ap02BB, ap0(2:, ap0(?2, ap0(B@, ap0@1$, ap0@@B, ap0@B:, ap0?12, ap0?@@, ap0?C$, ap0$:B, ap0$@:, ap0$C2, ap0C:@, ap0C($, ap0C$B, ap0B::, ap0B(2, ap0B$@, ap0BA$, ap0A2B, ap0A$:, ap01::: } 4IT ST!IN "SIME "12%%

M4MS-Cell )-'pI+e*.i.5-)$ ::= M4MS-C-mm-*CCT)C,I+e*.i.5 ::= M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5 ::=

INTE E! "1##(2% INTE E! "1##(2%


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4MS-C-mm-*!4I+e*.i.5 ::= M4MS-C-mm-*!4I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= 1-mm-*!4I+e*.i.5 p+1p-I*0)l1-I*0}

INTE E! "1##(2% SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*!4I+e*.i.5, P2CP-I*0--)@, !LC-I*0--MTC6-)$

M4MS-C-mm-*!4I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-C-mm-*!4%% O3 M4MS-C-mm-*!4I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ M4MS-C-mm-*T)C,I+e*.i.5 ::= INTE E! "1##(2% 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN, 4OOLEAN

M4MS-C-**e1.e+M-+eC-'*.i*gS1-pe ::= SEQUENCE { 1-'*.i*g3-)U)aPC6 1-'*.i*g3-)CellPC6 1-'*.i*g3-)Cell3AC6 }

M4MS-C'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { s11p1,I+e*.i.5 M4MS-SCCPC6I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5, s-0.C-m/-Timi*gO00se. M4MS-S-0.C-m/-Timi*gO00se. OPTIONAL, -- I0 .,e IE .)a*spC,-I*0-C-mm-*3-)AllT)C, is a/se*., .,e +e0a'l. T3CS as spe1i0ie+ -- i* 1@#1:#1 applies .)a*spC,-I*0-C-mm-*3-)AllT)C, M4MS-C-mm-*CCT)C,I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, .)a*spC6I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-T)C6I*0-)ma.i-*-C'))Lis. } M4MS-C'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6Lis.-)$ ::= M4MS-3AC6Ca))5i*gMTC6-Lis. ::= M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= p-TMSI } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 M4MS-C'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3AC6PC6%% O3 T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. SEQUENCE { P-TMSI- SM-MAP OPTIONAL

M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-(2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al L1 1-m/i*i*g s1,e+'le &al'es "-00se., s.a)., +')a.i-*% = IE &al'e > @ 151leO00se. INTE E! ":##C% OPTIONAL, m.1,-L1C-m/i*i*gPe)i-+Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-L1CP%% O3 SEQUENCE { pe)i-+S.a). INTE E! ":##C%, pe)i-+2')a.i-* INTE E! "1##B% } } M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-$@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al L1 1-m/i*i*g s1,e+'le &al'es "-00se., s.a)., +')a.i-*% = IE &al'e > @ 151leO00se. INTE E! ":##1?% OPTIONAL, m.1,-L1C-m/i*i*gPe)i-+Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-L1CP%% O3 SEQUENCE { pe)i-+S.a). INTE E! ":##1?%, pe)i-+2')a.i-* INTE E! "1##1$% } } M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-12B ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al L1 1-m/i*i*g s1,e+'le &al'es "-00se., s.a)., +')a.i-*% = IE &al'e > @ 151leO00se. INTE E! ":##(1% OPTIONAL, m.1,-L1C-m/i*i*gPe)i-+Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-L1CP%% O3 SEQUENCE { pe)i-+S.a). INTE E! ":##(1%, pe)i-+2')a.i-* INTE E! "1##(2% } } M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-2?$ ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al L1 1-m/i*i*g s1,e+'le &al'es "-00se., s.a)., +')a.i-*% = IE &al'e > @ 151leO00se. INTE E! ":##$(% OPTIONAL, m.1,-L1C-m/i*i*gPe)i-+Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-L1CP%% O3 SEQUENCE { pe)i-+S.a). INTE E! ":##$(%, pe)i-+2')a.i-* INTE E! "1##$@% } } M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-?12 ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al L1 1-m/i*i*g s1,e+'le &al'es "-00se., s.a)., +')a.i-*% = IE &al'e > @


Release !
151leO00se. m.1,-L1C-m/i*i*gPe)i-+Lis. pe)i-+S.a). pe)i-+2')a.i-* }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

INTE E! ":##12C% OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-L1CP%% O3 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##12C%, INTE E! "1##12B%

M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-1:2@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- A1.'al L1 1-m/i*i*g s1,e+'le &al'es "-00se., s.a)., +')a.i-*% = IE &al'e > @ 151leO00se. INTE E! ":##2??% OPTIONAL, m.1,-L1C-m/i*i*gPe)i-+Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-L1CP%% O3 SEQUENCE { pe)i-+S.a). INTE E! ":##2??%, pe)i-+2')a.i-* INTE E! "1##2?$% } } M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le ::= 151leLe*g.,-(2 151leLe*g.,-$@ 151leLe*g.,-12B 151leLe*g.,-2?$ 151leLe*g.,-?12 151leLe*g.,-1:2@ } M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gT)a*smTime2i00 ::= C6OICE { M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-(2, M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-$@, M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-12B, M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-2?$, M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-?12, M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le-1:2@ INTE E! ":##(%

M4MS-L2(C-*0ig')a.i-* ::= C6OICE { sameAsC'))e*. SEQUENCE { 1'))e*.Cell-SCCPC6 M4MS-SCCPC6I+e*.i.5, ms1,-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ OPTIONAL }, +i00e)e*. SEQUENCE { -- I0 .,e IE .)a*spC,-I*0-C-mm-*3-)AllT)C, is a/se*., .,e +e0a'l. T3CS as spe1i0ie+ -- i* 1@#1:#1 applies .)a*spC,-I*0-C-mm-*3-)AllT)C, M4MS-C-mm-*CCT)C,I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, .)a*spC6I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-T)C6I*0-)ma.i-*-Neig,/Lis. } } M4MS-L-gi1alC,I+e*.i.5 ::= M4MS-MCC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ ::= a11essI*0-Pe)i-+C-e00i1ie*. )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+C-e00i1ie*. m-+i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+C-e00i1ie*. )l1-I*0.1.0-P)ese*1e } INTE E! "1##1?% SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##(%, INTE E! ":##(%, INTE E! "C##1:%, !LC-I*0--MCC6-)$, M4MS-TCT3-P)ese*1e


M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ ::= SEQUENCE { mi1,P-8e)O00se. M4MS-MIC6P-8e)O00se., m-+e C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$, *i-C-'*.Pe)3)ame M4MS-NI-C-'*.Pe)3)ame, s..+-I*+i1a.-) 4OOLEAN }, -- T,e C6OICE .++(B@ is 'se+ 0-) /-., .++(B@ a*+ .++C$B# I0 IE -- OM4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex.O is *-. p)ese*., .++(B@ applies# .++(B@ SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e), mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,O00se. !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-MIC6 OPTIONAL, m/msN-.i0i1a.i-*I*+Le*g., M4MS-MIC6N-.i0i1a.i-*I*+Le*g., 2E3AULT m*@ }, .++12B SEQUENCE { .imesl-. Timesl-.N'm/e)-LC!-)@, mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-LC!-)@, 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+eLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##2%% O3 2L-TS-C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e, )epe.i.i-*Pe)i-+Le*g.,O00se. !epPe)Le*g.,O00se.-MIC6 OPTIONAL, m/msN-.i0i1a.i-*I*+Le*g., M4MS-MIC6N-.i0i1a.i-*I*+Le*g., 2E3AULT m*@ } } }


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { m-+e C6OICE { -- 3-) .++(B@, IE OMi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-)CO )epla1es IE OMi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5peO -- i* IE OM4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$O# IE OMi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5peO s,all /e ig*-)e+# .++(B@ SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-)C }, -- 3-) .++C$B, .,e C6IOCE .++(B@ i* IE OM4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$O applies, ex1ep. -- .,a. IE OMi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E6C!O )epla1es IE OMi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5peO# IE -- OMi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5peO s,all /e ig*-)e+# .++C$B SEQUENCE { mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe Mi+am/leS,i0.A*+4')s.T5pe-E6C! }, .++12B SEQUENCE { m/s0*Spe1ialTimeSl-. TimeSl-.LC!-ex. OPTIONAL } } } M4MS-MIC6C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--&BA:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { m-+e C6OICE { im/(B@ SEQUENCE { 1,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$ C,a**elisa.i-*C-+e2?$, *i-C-'*.Pe)3)ame M4MS-NI-C-'*.Pe)3)ame-IM4(B@ } } } M4MS-MIC6N-.i0i1a.i-*I*+Le*g., ::= M4MS-MIC6P-8e)O00se. ::= ENUME!ATE2 { m*@, m*B, m*1$ } INTE E! "-1:##?%

M4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1e-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { m/ms-T)a*smissi-*I+e*.i.5 M4MS-T)a*smissi-*I+e*.i.5, m/ms-!e;'i)e+UEA1.i-* M4MS-!e;'i)e+UEA1.i-*-M-+, m/ms-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15 C6OICE { m11, M4MS-P3LI*+ex, +11, M4MS-P3LI*0} OPTIONAL, --+'mm5 is *-. 'se+# I0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,all /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } 1-*.i*'eMCC6!ea+i*g 4OOLEAN } M4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1eLis.-)$ ::= M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1e-&CC:ex. ::= m/s0*Cl's.e)3)e;'e*15 }


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&M-+i0%% O3 M4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1e-)$ SEQUENCE { M4S3N-Cl's.e)3)e;'e*15-)C OPTIONAL

M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1e-LC!-&C1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { )/!eleaseCa'se M4MS-PTM-!4!eleaseCa'se-LC!-)C }


-- IE OM4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex.O 1-*.ai*s a lis. -0 ex.e*si-* +a.a -- ass-1ia.e+ 8i., .,e M4MS .)a*smissi-* i+e*.i.ies a. .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g -- p-si.i-*s i* IE OM4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1eLis.-)$O M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&M-+i0%% O3 M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1e-&CC:ex. -- IE OM4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-LC!-&C1:ex.O 1-*.ai*s a lis. -0 ex.e*si-* +a.a -- ass-1ia.e+ 8i., .,e M4MS .)a*smissi-* i+e*.i.ies a. .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g -- p-si.i-*s i* IE OM4MS-M-+i0e+Se)&i1eLis.-)$O M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-LC!-&C1:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&M-+i0%% O3 M4MS-M-+i0ie+Se)&i1e-LC!-&C1:ex. M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ ::= ms1,S,e+'li*gI*0)l1-I*0.1.0-P)ese*1e } M4MS-MSC6S1,e+'li*gI*0- ::= s1,e+'li*gPe)i-+-(2-O00se. s1,e+'li*gPe)i-+-$@-O00se. s1,e+'li*gPe)i-+-12B-O00se. s1,e+'li*gPe)i-+-2?$-O00se. SEQUENCE { M4MS-MSC6S1,e+'li*gI*0!LC-I*0--MSC6-)$ M4MS-TCT3-P)ese*1e C6OICE { INTE INTE INTE INTE OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

E! E! E! E!

":##(1%, ":##$(%, ":##12C%, ":##2??%,


Release !
s1,e+'li*gPe)i-+-?12-O00se. s1,e+'li*gPe)i-+-1:2@-O00se. }

INTE E! ":##?11%, INTE E! ":##1:2(%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5, se1-*+a)5CCPC6P8)O00se.2i00 M4MS-SCCPC6P8)O00se.2i00 OPTIONAL, la5e)1C-m/i*i*g C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s-0.C-m/-Timi*gO00se. M4MS-S-0.C-m/-Timi*gO00se., m/ms-L1C-m/i*i*gT)a*smTime2i00 M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gT)a*smTime2i00, m/ms-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, m/ms-L2(C-*0ig')a.i-* M4MS-L2(C-*0ig')a.i-* } M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5CCPC6-I*0-2i00 Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0-2i00-M4MS, se1-*+a)5CCPC6P8)O00se.2i00 M4MS-SCCPC6P8)O00se.2i00 OPTIONAL, la5e)1C-m/i*i*g C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { s-0.C-m/-Timi*gO00se. M4MS-S-0.C-m/-Timi*gO00se., m/ms-L1C-m/i*i*gT)a*smTime2i00 M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gT)a*smTime2i00, m/ms-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le M4MS-L1C-m/i*i*gS1,e+'le OPTIONAL }, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, m/ms-L2(C-*0ig')a.i-* M4MS-L2(C-*0ig')a.i-* } M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6-)$ -- IE JM4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-&CC:ex.J ma5 /e )e1ei&e+ as a* ex.e*si-* -0 .,e IE -- JM4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-)$J# 9,e* /-., lis.s a)e )e1ei&e+ i* .,e same message -- a*+ .,e *'m/e) -0 lis. eleme*.s is g)ea.e) .,a* 1-*s.a*. &al'e OmaxSCCPC6O, .,e -- UE /e,a&i-') is '*spe1i0ie+# M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6Lis.-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxSCCPC6%% O3 M4MS-Neig,/-')i*gCellSCCPC6-&CC:ex. M4MS-Ne.8-)7S.a*+a)+TimeI*0-)ma.i-*-LC!-&BA:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { *e.8-)7S.a*+a)+Time 4IT ST!IN "SIME "@:%%, 1-))ela.i&eS3N INTE E! ":##@:A?% } M4MS-NI-C-'*.Pe)3)ame ::= M4MS-NI-C-'*.Pe)3)ame-IM4(B@ ::= M4MS-N'm/e)O0Neig,/-')Cells-)$ ::= M4MS-P3LI*+ex ::= M4MS-P3LI*0- ::= M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*-IM4(B@ ::= m/ms-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5 se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS }


ENUME!ATE2 { *i1B, *i($, *iC2, *i1@@ } ENUME!ATE2 { *i1$, *i(2, *i$@, *i12B } INTE E! ":##(2% INTE E! "1##maxM4MS-3)e;% 3)e;'e*15I*0SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5, Se1-*+a)5CCPC63)ameT5pe2I*0-

M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-IM4(B@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,%% O3 M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*-IM4(B@ M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ ::= m/ms-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5 se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS } M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ::= m/ms-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5 se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS } M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5, Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS-)$ SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,I+e*.i.5, Se1-*+a)5CCPC6I*0--M4MS-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,%% O3 M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*-)$


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-)C ::= M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ ::= M4MS-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15I*0--)$ ::= m/msP)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15 la5e)C-*&e)ge*1eI*0-)ma.i-* m/ms-Q-00se. m/ms-6CS-00se. }, m/ms-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0} M4MS-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15Lis.-)$ ::= M4MS-PTMA1.i&a.i-*Time-)$ ::= M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-C ::= )/I*0-)ma.i-* s,-).T)a*smissi-*I2 l-gi1alC,I+e*.i.5 } M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-CLis. ::= M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-N ::= s,-).T)a*smissi-*I2 l-gi1alC,I+e*.i.5 la5e)1-C-m/i*i*gS.a.'s M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-NLis. ::= M4MS-PTM-!4!eleaseCa'se-LC!-)C ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-C-mm-*P,5C,%% O3 M4MS-P,5C,I*0-)ma.i-*-)C ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } SEQUENCE { INTE E! "1##maxM4MS-3)e;% C6OICE { M4MS-Q-00se., INTE E! ":##C% M4MS-PL-Se)&i1e!es.)i1.I*0--)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MS-3)e;%% O3 M4MS-P)e0e))e+3)e;'e*15I*0--)$ INTE E! ":##2:@C% SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*!4I+e*.i.5, M4MS-S,-).T)a*smissi-*I2, M4MS-L-gi1alC,I+e*.i.5 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4pe)T)C,%% O3 M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-C SEQUENCE { M4MS-S,-).T)a*smissi-*I2, M4MS-L-gi1alC,I+e*.i.5, 4OOLEAN} SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4pe)T)C,%% O3 M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-N ENUME!ATE2 { *-)mal!elease, -'.O0M4MSSe)&i1eC-&e)ageI*!AN, *e.8-)7A/*-)mal!elease, spa)e?, spa)e@, spa)e(, spa)e2, spa)e1 } ENUME!ATE2 { ;@, ;B, ;12, ;1$, ;2:, ;(:, ;@:, ;I*0i*i.5 } ENUME!ATE2 { *-*e, a1;'i)eC-'*.i*gI*0-, a1;'i)eC-'*.i*gI*0-PTM-!4sU*m-+i0ie+, a1;'i)ePTM-!4I*0-, )e;'es.PTP!4, )eleasePTM-!4 } ENUME!ATE2 { *-*e, a1;'i)ePTM-!4I*0-, )e;'es.PTP!4 } INTE E! "1##maxSCCPC6% ENUME!ATE2 { m1p--mi*'s$, m1p--mi*'s(, m1p--pl's(, m1p--pl's$ } SEQUENCE { C6OICE { NULL, M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esLis.3'll OPTIONAL,


M4MS-Q-00se. ::= M4MS-!e;'i)e+UEA1.i-*-M-+ ::=

M4MS-!e;'i)e+UEA1.i-*-UM-+ ::=

M4MS-SCCPC6I+e*.i.5 ::= M4MS-SCCPC6P8)O00se.2i00 ::= M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0- ::= s.a.'s *-*e s-me } } M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esLis.3'll ::= M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esLis.S,-). ::= M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esS,-). ::= m/ms-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esLis. m-+i0i1a.i-*Pe)i-+I+e*.i.5 }

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&Sele1.%% O3 M4MS-Se)&i1eI+e*.i.5-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&Sele1.%% O3 M4MS-S,-).T)a*smissi-*I2 SEQUENCE { M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1esLis.S,-)., INTE E! ":##1%


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4MS-Se)&i1eA11essI*0--)$ ::= SEQUENCE { s,-).T)a*smissi-*I2 M4MS-S,-).T)a*smissi-*I2, a11essp)-/a/ili.53a1.-)-I+le M4MS-A11essP)-/a/ili.53a1.-), a11essp)-/a/ili.53a1.-)-C-**e1.e+ M4MS-A11essP)-/a/ili.53a1.-) m/ms-C-**e1.e+M-+eC-'*.i*gS1-pe M4MS-C-**e1.e+M-+eC-'*.i*gS1-pe } M4MS-Se)&i1eA11essI*0-Lis.-)$ ::=


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Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4MS-T)a*spC,I*0-3-)T)C,-)$ ::= 1-mm-*T)C,I+e*.i.5 .)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. } M4MS-T)C6I*0-)ma.i-*-C')) ::= .)a*spC,-I*0)/I*0-)ma.i-* ms1,-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0} M4MS-T)C6I*0-)ma.i-*-C'))Lis. ::= M4MS-T)C6I*0-)ma.i-*-Neig,/ ::= .)a*spC,-I*0.)a*spC,-C-m/i*i*gS.a.'s )/I*0-)ma.i-* ms1,-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0}

SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*T)C,I+e*.i.5, T)a*sp-).3-)ma.Se. SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*T)C,I+e*.i.5, M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-CLis. M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max3AC6PC6%% O3 M4MS-T)C6I*0-)ma.i-*-C')) SEQUENCE { M4MS-C-mm-*T)C,I+e*.i.5, 4OOLEAN, M4MS-PTM-!4I*0-)ma.i-*-NLis. M4MS-MSC6-C-*0ig')a.i-*I*0--)$



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SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&U*m-+i0%% O3 M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1e-)$ SEQUENCE { M4S3N-Cl's.e)3)e;'e*15-)C OPTIONAL

-- IE OM4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex.O 1-*.ai*s a lis. -0 ex.e*si-* +a.a -- ass-1ia.e+ 8i., .,e M4MS .)a*smissi-* i+e*.i.ies a. .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g -- p-si.i-*s i* IE OM4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-)$O M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1eLis.-&CC:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxM4MSse)&U*m-+i0%% O3 M4MS-U*m-+i0ie+Se)&i1e-&CC:ex. M4S3N-Cl's.e)3)e;'e*15-)C ::= INTE E! "1##maxM4S3NCl's.e)s%

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SEQUENCE "SIME ":##maxM4S3NCl's.e)s%% O3 M4S3N3)e;'e*15

-- Lis. -0 ex.e*si-*s .- .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g eleme*.s -0 IE JM4S3N3)e;'e*15Lis.J M4S3N3)e;'e*15Lis.-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME ":##maxM4S3NCl's.e)s%% O3 M4S3N3)e;'e*15-&B$:ex. M4S3NO*l5Se)&i1e ::= ENUME!ATE2 {.)'e}

M4S3Nse)&i1esN-.N-.i0ie+-)C ::= SEQUENCE { *-.i0i1a.i-*O0AllM4S3NSe)&i1esI*T,e4a*+ ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e }



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

M4S3NI*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')-)C ::= SEQUENCE { m/s0*3)e;'e*15 3)e;'e*15I*0-, m/s0*Se)&i1esN-.i0i1a.i-* C6OICE { m/s0*Se)&i1esN-.i0ie+ NULL, m/s0*Se)&i1esN-.N-.i0ie+ M4S3Nse)&i1esN-.N-.i0ie+-)C } } M4S3NI*.e)3)e;'e*15Neig,/-')-&B$:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { im/-I*+i1a.i-* ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } } OPTIONAL

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Release !
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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

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Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

maxN'm3223)e;s INTE E! ::= B maxN'mAN!L-gge+I.ems INTE E! ::= @ max*'mL-gge+Meas INTE E! ::= B maxN'mM2TPLMN INTE E! ::= 1? maxN'mT223)e;s INTE E! ::= B maxN-O0Meas INTE E! ::= 1$ maxO.,e)!AT INTE E! ::= 1? maxO.,e)!AT-1$ INTE E! ::= 1$ maxPage1 INTE E! ::= B maxPCPC6-APsig INTE E! ::= 1$ maxPCPC6-APs'/C, INTE E! ::= 12 maxPCPC6-C2sig INTE E! ::= 1$ maxPCPC6-C2s'/C, INTE E! ::= 12 maxPCPC6-S3 INTE E! ::= C maxPCPC6s INTE E! ::= $@ maxP2CPAlg-T5pe INTE E! ::= B maxP2SC6 INTE E! ::= B maxP2SC6-T3CIg)-'ps INTE E! ::= 2?$ maxP!AC6 INTE E! ::= 1$ maxP!AC6-EUL INTE E! ::= @ maxP!AC6-3PAC6 INTE E! ::= B maxP)e+e0C-*0ig INTE E! ::= 1$ maxP)iINTE E! ::= B maxP)i--1 INTE E! ::= C maxPUSC6 INTE E! ::= B maxQ'e'eI2s INTE E! ::= B max!A4se.'p INTE E! ::= 1$ max!AT INTE E! ::= 1$ max!4 INTE E! ::= (2 max!4all!A4s INTE E! ::= 2C max!4M'xOp.i-*s INTE E! ::= B max!4pe)!A4 INTE E! ::= B max!4pe)T)C, INTE E! ::= 1$ max!ep-).e+EUT!ACellPe)3)e; INTE E! ::= @ max!ep-).e+EUT!A3)e;s INTE E! ::= @ max!ep-).e+ SMCells INTE E! ::= B max!L INTE E! ::= B max!L-1 INTE E! ::= C max!LCP2UsiGePe)L-gC,a* INTE E! ::= (2 max!3C(:A?-CI2 INTE E! ::= 1$(B@ max!O6C-Pa17e.SiGes-)@ INTE E! ::= 1$ max!O6C-P)-0ile-)@ INTE E! ::= B max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B INTE E! ::= @ -- max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B s,-'l+ /e ( max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1 INTE E! ::= ( -- max!xPa..e)*3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1 s,-'l+ /e 2 maxSa. INTE E! ::= 1$ maxSa.Cl-17M-+els INTE E! ::= @ maxSCCPC6 INTE E! ::= 1$ maxSg*T5pe INTE E! ::= B maxSI4 INTE E! ::= (2 maxSI4-3AC6 INTE E! ::= B maxSI4pe)Msg INTE E! ::= 1$ maxSI)e;'es. INTE E! ::= @ maxS!4se.'p INTE E! ::= B maxS5s.emCapa/ili.5 INTE E! ::= 1$ maxT2212BCa))ie) INTE E! ::= $ maxT2212BCa))ie)-1 INTE E! ::= ? maxT/s3-)6S2SC6-T2212B INTE E! ::= @ maxT/s3-)6S2SC6-T2212B-1 INTE E! ::= ( maxT3 INTE E! ::= (2 maxT3-CPC6 INTE E! ::= 1$ maxT3C INTE E! ::= 1:2@ maxT3Cs'/ INTE E! ::= 1:2@ maxT3CI-2-C-m/s INTE E! ::= ?12 maxT PS INTE E! ::= $ maxT)C6 INTE E! ::= (2 -- maxT)C6p)e1-*0 s,-'l+ /e 1$ /'. ,as /ee* se. .- (2 0-) 1-mpa.i/ili.5 maxT)C6p)e1-*0 INTE E! ::= (2 maxTS INTE E! ::= 1@ maxTS-1 INTE E! ::= 1( maxTS-2 INTE E! ::= 12 maxTS-LC! INTE E! ::= $ maxTS-LC!-1 INTE E! ::= ? maxU!A INTE E! ::= B maxU!NTI- )-'p INTE E! ::= B EN2


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

11.5 RR( i$3or9atio$ %et1ee$ $et1or> $odes

I*.e)*-+e-+e0i*i.i-*s 2E3INITIONS AUTOMATIC TA S ::= 4E IN IMPO!TS 6a*+-&e)T-UT!ANC-mma*+, Meas')eme*.!ep-)., P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, !a+i-4ea)e)!elease, !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p, !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs, !!C-3ail')eI*0-, T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs 3!OM P2U-+e0i*i.i-*s -- C-)e Ne.8-)7 IEs : CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll, CN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*., NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, -- UT!AN M-/ili.5 IEs : CellI+e*.i.5, U!A-I+e*.i.5, -- Use) E;'ipme*. IEs : A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-), C-!NTI, C,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5, 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig, 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex., 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22, 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@, SM-Meas')eme*.s, 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)), Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e, Maxim'mAM-E*.i.5N'm/e)!LC-Cap, Maxim'm!LC-9i*+-8SiGe, MaxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+, MaxN-2P2C6-4i.sT)a*smi..e+, MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame, MaxP,5sC,Pe)S'/3)ame-)@, MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS, Max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s-)@, MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, MaxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame-)@, Mi*im'mS3-2L, M'l.iM-+eCapa/ili.5, M'l.i!AT-Capa/ili.5, Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ PS-S'pp-).e+, P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-e+1,-)$, !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis., !LC-Capa/ili.5, !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e), Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, Sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-!e1ep.i-*, STA!TLis., STA!TSi*gle, STA!T-Eal'e, S'pp-).O02e+i1a.e+Pil-.s3-)C,Es.ima.i-*, T-(:?, T)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5, Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-*, U-!NTI, UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs, UE- ANSSP-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5, UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5, UE-P-8e)ClassEx., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.2, UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis.-ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5,


Release !
UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex., UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex., UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-)$, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@, !a+i- 4ea)e) IEs : P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e, P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igEal'eTag, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)?, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$-ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&$/:ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&B2:ex., !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11, !4-I+e*.i.5, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)?, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11, T)a*sp-). C,a**el IEs : CPC6-Se.I2, 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)?, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A, 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex., 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11, 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis., UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0-, UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis., UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C, UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B, P,5si1al C,a**el IEs : 3)e;'e*15I*0-, P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex, S1)am/li*gC-+eC,a*ge, T C3N, T PSI, T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams, T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams-)B, Meas')eme*. IEs : E&e*.1<-)$, 65s.e)esis, I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex., I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex., I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)?, I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)?, I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-*, Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e;, Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e, Meas')eme*.T5pe, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)@, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)$, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)C, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)B,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)






Release !
Meas')eme*.T5pe-)A, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)1:, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)11, Meas')eme*.T5pe-)12, A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis., A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A, P-si.i-*Es.ima.e, !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s, T,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9-'s, TimeT-T)igge), -- M4MS IEs : M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$, M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0-, -- O.,e) IEs : E!ANI'-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5, SM-MS-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5, I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis., I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex., I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex., I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex., UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-*, UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le, UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT 3!OM I*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.s maxCN+-mai*s, maxE2C6!L, max ANSS, maxN-O0Meas, max!4, max!4all!A4s, max!3C(:A?-CI2, maxS!4se.'p, max!L, maxT PS 3!OM C-*s.a*.-+e0i*i.i-*s=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-- Pa). 1: Class +e0i*i.i-*s simila) .- 8,a. ,as /ee* +e0i*e+ i* 11#1 0-) !!C messages -- I*0-)ma.i-* .,a. is .)a*0e))e+ i* .,e same +i)e1.i-* a*+ a1)-ss .,e same pa., is g)-'pe+ ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!C i*0-)ma.i-*, .- .a)ge. !NC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!C I*0-)ma.i-* .- .a)ge. !NC se*. ei.,e) 0)-m s-')1e !NC -) 0)-m a*-.,e) !AT I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-)(, S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)(, !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0--)?, NULL

T-Ta)ge.!NC-C-*.ai*e) ::= C6OICE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0s)*1!el-1a.i-* )01(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0ex.e*si-* }

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !!C i*0-)ma.i-*, .a)ge. !NC .- s-')1e !NC --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ta)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e) ::= C6OICE { )a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p !a+i-4ea)e)Se.'p, )a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-* !a+i-4ea)e)!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, )a+i-4ea)e)!elease !a+i-4ea)e)!elease, .)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* T)a*sp-).C,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, p,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-* P,5si1alC,a**el!e1-*0ig')a.i-*, ))1-3ail')eI*0!!C-3ail')eI*0-, -- IE +l-2CC6message 1-*sis.s -0 a* -1.e. s.)i*g .,a. i*1l'+es .,e IE 2L-2CC6-Message +L-2CC6message OCTET ST!IN , ex.e*si-* NULL } -- Pa). 2: C-*.ai*e) +e0i*i.i-*s, simila) .- .,e P2U +e0i*i.i-*s i* 11#2 0-) !!C messages -- I* alp,a/e.i1al -)+e)


Release !


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-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 6a*+-&e) .- UT!AN i*0-)ma.i-* --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-)( ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { -- IE I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-)(-IEs als-- i*1l'+es *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0--)( I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-)(-IEs, &(A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&(A:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&(A:ex.-IEs, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&$A:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&$A:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&B$:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&B$:ex.-IEs, &A2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&A2:ex. I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&A2:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e IEs ma5 *-. )e0le1. .,e .a/'la) 0-)ma. -- /'. ,as /ee* 1,-se* .- simpli05 .,e ,a*+li*g -0 .,e i*0-)ma.i-* i* .,e 4SC -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis. OPTIONAL, -- i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-, O1.e. s.)i*g is 'se+ .- -/.ai* B /i. le*g., 0iel+ p)i-) .-- a1.'al i*0-)ma.i-*# T,is ma7es i. p-ssi/le 0-) 4SS .- .)a*spa)e*.l5 ,a*+le i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ &ia SM ai) i*.e)0a1e e&e* 8,e* i. i*1l'+es *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s# -- T,e -1.e. s.)i*g s,all i*1l'+e .,e I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0- i*0-)ma.i-* -- T,e 4SS 1a* )e-'se .,e @@#:1B le*g., 0iel+ )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e MS i*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0OCTET ST!IN "SIME ":##2??%% } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&(A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 0ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) }


I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5-&$A:ex. I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&$A:ex. } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&B$:ex. } I*.e)!AT6a*+-&e)I*0-9i.,I*.e)!ATCapa/ili.ies-&A2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- O.,e) IEs 'e-I*a1.i&i.5-Pe)i-+ INTE E! "1##12:% OPTIONAL } -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- !3C(:A? 1-*.ex., s-')1e !NC .- .a)ge. !NC --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0--)? ::= C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { )3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0-Lis.-)? !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0-Lis.-)?, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




Release !
}, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0-Lis.-)? ::=


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

SEQUENCE {} SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4all!A4s%% O3 !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0-

-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- S!NC !el-1a.i-* i*0-)ma.i-* --- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)( ::= C6OICE { )( SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)( S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)(-IEs, &(B:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(B:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(B:ex.-IEs, -- !ese)&e+ 0-) 0'.')e *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* &(A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(A:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(A:ex.-IEs, &(a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(a:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(a:ex.-IEs, &(/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(/:ex.-IEs, &(1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(1:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(1:ex.-IEs, la.e)N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(+:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(+:ex.-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i.i-*al !AA ex.e*si-*s s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)(-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(,:ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &(g:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(g:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(g:ex.-IEs, &@/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&@/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&@/:ex.-IEs, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?A:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?A:ex.-IEs, &?a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex.-IEs, &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex.-IEs, &?1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

} }

}, la.e)-.,a*-)( C6OICE { )@ SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)@ S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)@-IEs, &@+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&@+:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&@+:ex.-IEs, -- C-*.ai*e) 0-) a++i*g *-* 1)i.i1al ex.e*si-*s a0.e) 0)eeGi*g !EL-? s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)@-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?A:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?A:ex.-IEs, &?a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex.-IEs, &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex.-IEs, &?1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )? SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)? S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)?-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)?-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &?a:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex.-IEs, &?/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex.-IEs, &?1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex.-IEs, &$A:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex.-IEs, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


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} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )$ SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)$ S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)$-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)$-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)$-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &$/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs, &CC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs, &B2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s)*1-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B2:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B2:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B$:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )C SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)C S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)C-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)C-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)C-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, &B2:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s)*1-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B2:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B2:ex.-IEs, &B$:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B$:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B$:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )B SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)B S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)B-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)B-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &Ce:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, &B+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B+:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B+:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )A SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)A S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)A-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)A-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &B+:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B+:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B+:ex.-IEs, &AC:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&AC:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&AC:ex.-IEs, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&A1:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&A1:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )1: SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)1: S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)1:-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)1:-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, &A1:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&A1:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&A1:ex.-IEs, &a/:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&a/:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&a/:ex.-IEs,


Release !

*-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s } OPTIONAL OPTIONAL

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} } } } } } } }

} }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )11 SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)11 S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)11-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)11-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s C6OICE { )12 SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)12 S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)12-IEs, s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)12-a++-ex. 4IT ST!IN OPTIONAL, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, 1)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} } }

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)(-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs -- I0 .,e ex.e*si-* &(B: is i*1l'+e+ 'se .,e ex.e*si-* 0-) .,e 1ip,e)i*g s.a.'s pe) CN +-mai* 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'s Cip,e)i*gS.a.'s, -- I0 1ip,e)i*g s.a.'s is s.a).e+ a*+ .,e IE*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* s,-'l+ /e i*1l'+e+, -- .,e IE 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 "i* S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(B:ex.-IEs% s,all /e 'se+ i*s.ea+# 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, -- T,e -)+e) -0 -11'))e*1e i* .,e IE 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. is .,e -- same as .,e !4s i* S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. i* !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.# -- T,e sig*alli*g !4s a)e s'pp-se+ .- /e lis.e+ -- 0i)s.# O*l5 UM a*+ AM !4s .,a. a)e 1ip,e)e+ a)e lis.e+ ,e)e 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, -- I* .,e IE s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-, .,e 0i)s. i*0-)ma.i-* lis.e+ 1-))esp-*+s .-- sig*alli*g )a+i- /ea)e) !4: a*+ a0.e) .,e -)+e) -0 -11'))e*1e is .,e same as .,e S!4s i* -- S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. -- T,e .a)ge. !NC ma5 ig*-)e .,e IE s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0- i0 .,e -- IE i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s ,as .,e &al'e J*-. s.a).e+J# s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis., impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis. OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis. OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, m-+eSpe1i0i1I*0C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, .,e5 s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


}, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0+l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. -- Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). }

}, .++

2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. NULL 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. Meas')eme*.!ep-).


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(B:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs -- I* .,e S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)(-IEs, .,e IE O1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5O is 'se+ .- )ep)ese*. .,e -- IE 1-*0ig')e+ CN +-mai*O i* .,e .a/'la)# 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&(A:ex. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&(A:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(C:ex. 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(B:ex. +l-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex. 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-&(B:ex., 0ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 1ip,e)i*gI*0-3-)S!41-&(a:ex. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-&(a:ex., 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(a:ex. -- 1*-+-mai* i+e*.i.5 0-) IE s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(a:ex. is spe1i0ie+ -- i* s'/se;'e*. ex.e*si-* "S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(/:ex.-IEs% s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(a:ex. STA!T-Eal'e } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 1*-+-mai* i+e*.i.5 0-) IE s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(a:ex. i*1l'+e+ i* p)e&i-'s ex.e*si-* 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, -- .,e IE s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(/:ex. 1-*.ai*s .,e s.a). &al'es 0-) ea1, CN 2-mai*# T,e -- &al'e -0 s.a). i*+i1a.e+ /5 .,e IE s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(a:ex. s,-'l+ /e se. .- .,e -- same &al'e as .,e s.a).-Eal'e 0-) .,e 1-))esp-*+i*g 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 i* .,e IE -- s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(/:ex. s.a).Eal'e3-)Cip,e)i*g-&(/:ex. STA!TLis.2 OPTIONAL } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(g:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&(g:ex. } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&(,:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-* SEQUENCE {} } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&@+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. } TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0--)A STA!TLis.2 ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "2##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 STA!TSi*gle OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&@/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&@/:ex. }


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. OPTIONAL, 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5-&?A:ex. I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?A:ex. OPTIONAL } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?a:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0} S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* } OPTIONAL


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&?1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&?1:ex. } Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-&(a:ex. ::= SEQUENCE { +l-UM-SN 4IT ST!IN } Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. ::= Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sCN+-mai* ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'s } "SIME "C%%


SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sCN+-mai* SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, Cip,e)i*gS.a.'s

C-+eC,a*geS.a.'sLis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!L%% O3 C-+eC,a*geS.a.'s C-+eC,a*geS.a.'s ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0s1)am/li*gC-+eC,a*ge } P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, S1)am/li*gC-+eC,a*ge

S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0- ::= SEQUENCE { s.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1eLis. S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1eLis., 1-+eC,a*geS.a.'sLis. C-+eC,a*geS.a.'sLis. OPTIONAL } S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B ::= s.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1eLis. 1-+eC,a*geS.a.'sLis. } S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1eLis. ::= S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1eLis.-)B ::= S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1e ::= .gpsi 1'))e*.-.gps-S.a.'s a1.i&e .g10* }, i*a1.i&e }, .gps-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams } S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1e-)B ::= .gpsi 1'))e*.-.gps-S.a.'s a1.i&e .g10* }, i*a1.i&e }, .gps-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams SEQUENCE { S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1eLis.-)B, C-+eC,a*geS.a.'sLis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1e SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxT PS%% O3 S.-)e+T P-Se;'e*1e-)B SEQUENCE { T PSI, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { T C3N NULL T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams SEQUENCE { T PSI, C6OICE { SEQUENCE { T C3N NULL T PS-C-*0ig')a.i-*Pa)ams-)B OPTIONAL OPTIONAL



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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)@-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, -- T,e .a)ge. !NC ma5 ig*-)e .,e IE s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0- i0 .,e -- IE i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s ,as .,e &al'e J*-. s.a).e+J# s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis., impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)@, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis. OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis., )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). Meas')eme*.!ep-). OPTIONAL, 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) OPTIONAL _ S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)?-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s,


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)





s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)?, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)? OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)?, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)? OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, -- O+'mm5O, O+'mm51O a*+ O+'mm52O a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, -- .,e5 s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 C6OICE { 0++ SEQUENCE { +'mm51 CPC6-Se.I2 OPTIONAL, +'mm52 2!AC-S.a.i1I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. OPTIONAL _, .++ NULL } OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). Meas')eme*.!ep-). OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) OPTIONAL

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$A:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$-ex. OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; Meas')e+!es'l.sO*!AC6i*.e)3)e; OPTIONAL, -- M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$-ex. OPTIONAL } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)$-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)







-- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)$ OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)$ OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ Meas')eme*.!ep-).% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) OPTIONAL, M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)$-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&$/:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e -)+e) -0 .,e !A4s i* IE )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.Ex. is .,e same as -- i* IE )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis. .,a. is i*1l'+e+ i* .,is message )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.Ex. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&$/:ex. OPTIONAL, m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0} S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)C-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- IE OUE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$O i*1l'+es .,e !el-? )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-*s -- a*+ ea)lie)# !el-$ a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s a)e i*1l'+e+ i* IE OUE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEsO# 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s)*s-.-(:? T-(:? OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)C OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)C OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C OPTIONAL, -- P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0OPTIONAL,


Release !
-- Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). -- O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se -- M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0} "CONTAININ


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

4IT ST!IN Meas')eme*.!ep-).% 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0-


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)C-a++-ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs, &C0:N-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE { s!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex. S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs, *-*C)i.i1alEx.e*si-*s SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&CC:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { .,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9-'s T,)es,-l+S3N- PS-TO9-'s s)*s-.-(:? T-(:? } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&Ce:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&Ce:ex. } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&C0:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-&C0:ex. } OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)B-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- IE OUE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$O i*1l'+es .,e !el-? )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-*s -- a*+ ea)lie)# !el-$ a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s a)e i*1l'+e+ i* IE OUE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEsO# 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN


Release !
"CONTAININ -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 s)*s-.-(:? -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*01*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. -- Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0+l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. -- P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0-- Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). "CONTAININ -- O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 'e-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* -- M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0}


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? U!A-I+e*.i.5 T-(:? NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)B I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B 2L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)C TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B 4IT ST!IN Meas')eme*.!ep-).% 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0-



S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B2:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-&B2:ex. } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B$:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- P,5C6 IEs e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. } S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&B+:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --!a+i- 4ea)e) IEs p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e }




S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)A-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- IE OUE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$O i*1l'+es .,e !el-? )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-*s -- a*+ ea)lie)# !el-$ a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s a)e i*1l'+e+ i* IE OUE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEsO# 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)





UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s)*s-.-(:? T-(:? OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)A OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-.p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ Meas')eme*.!ep-).% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) OPTIONAL, 'e-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-&AC:ex.-IE OPTIONAL

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&AC:ex.-IEs ::= -- Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. }

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&A1:ex.-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- 3-) 1#2BM1ps T22 -*l5 +l-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-T2212B-&A1:ex. }


S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)1:-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL,


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)







1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- IE OUE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$O i*1l'+es .,e !el-? )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-*s -- a*+ ea)lie)# !el-$ a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s a)e i*1l'+e+ i* IE OUE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEsO# 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s)*s-.-(:? T-(:? OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)1: OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)B OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-.p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ Meas')eme*.!ep-).% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) OPTIONAL, 'e-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0OPTIONAL S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&AC:ex.-IEs

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&a/:ex.-IEs ::=

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)11-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J#


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)








-- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- IE OUE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$O i*1l'+es .,e !el-? )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-*s -- a*+ ea)lie)# !el-$ a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s a)e i*1l'+e+ i* IE OUE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEsO# 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s)*s-.-(:? T-(:? OPTIONAL, C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)11 OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL, !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL, P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-.p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ Meas')eme*.!ep-).% OPTIONAL, O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) OPTIONAL, 'e-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* OPTIONAL, M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ OPTIONAL, m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0OPTIONAL


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--)12-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- N-*-!!C IEs -- IE )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage i*1l'+es .,e i+e*.i.5 -0 .,e !4 'se+ /5 .,e s-')1e S!NC -- .- se*+ .,e message 1-*.ai*e+ i* .,e IE JTa)ge.!NC-T-S-')1e!NC-C-*.ai*e)J# -- O*l5 i*1l'+e+ i0 .5pe is JUE i*&-l&e+J )/-I+e*.i.53-)6OMessage !4-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s.a.eO0!!C S.a.eO0!!C, s.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e, -- Cip,e)i*g )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis. Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@,*0ig')e+CN-2-mai* CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 1al1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g OPTIONAL, 1-'*.-C-Lis. COUNT-C-Lis. OPTIONAL, 1ip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ OPTIONAL, -- I*.eg)i.5 p)-.e1.i-* )ela.e+ i*0-)ma.i-* IEs i*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s, s)/-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams OPTIONAL, -- Use) e;'ipme*. IEs '-!NTI U-!NTI, 1-!NTI C-!NTI OPTIONAL, -- IE OUE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$O i*1l'+es .,e !el-? )a+i- a11ess 1apa/ili.5 ex.e*si-*s -- a*+ ea)lie)# !el-$ a*+ la.e) ex.e*si-*s a)e i*1l'+e+ i* IE OUE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEsO# 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$, 'e-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-ex. UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/4a*+322Lis. OPTIONAL, 'e-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i+le OPTIONAL, 'ESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT UESpe1i0i14e,a&i-')I*0-)ma.i-*1i*.e)!AT OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) is 'se+ 0-) .,e .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* -- )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e) 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UE-Capa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC a*+ IE 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI a)e 'se+ 0-) .,e -- .)a*spa)e*. .)a*s0e) -0 1apa/ili.5 i*0-)ma.i-* )e1ei&e+ 0)-m .,e UE .,a. 8as i*.)-+'1e+ -- i* a )elease i*+epe*+e*. ma**e), i#e#, .)a*s0e))e+ 8i.,i* a ELEC# T,ese UE 1apa/ili.ies -- a)e i*1l'+e+ /-., i* .,e !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE a*+ .,e UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION -- messages# O*l5 .,e ELEC -0 -*e message *ee+s .- /e i*1l'+e+ i#e# .,e -*e 0)-m .,ese -- messages .,a. 8as las. )e1ei&e+# -- Case 1: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a !!C CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE "!SC% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-!SC 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ !!CC-**e1.i-*Se.'pC-mple.e-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: I0 .,e las. )e1ei&e+ message 8as a UE CAPA4ILITI IN3O!MATION "UCI% 'eCapa/ili.5C-*.ai*e)-UCI 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ UECapa/ili.5I*0-)ma.i-*-)(-a++-ex.-IEs% OPTIONAL, -- O.,e) IEs 'e-!ATSpe1i0i1Capa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? OPTIONAL, -- UT!AN m-/ili.5 IEs ')a-I+e*.i.5 U!A-I+e*.i.5 OPTIONAL, s)*s-.-(:? T-(:? OPTIONAL, -- C-)e *e.8-)7 IEs 1*-C-mm-* SM-MAP-NAS-S5sI*0NAS-S5s.emI*0-)ma.i-* SM-MAP, 1*-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.3'll OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. IEs -*g-i*gMeas!epLis. O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)12 OPTIONAL, i*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* I*.e)!ATCellI*0-I*+i1a.i-* OPTIONAL, -- !a+i- /ea)e) IEs p)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis. P)e+e0i*e+C-*0igS.a.'sLis., s)/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. S!4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11, )a/-I*0-)ma.i-*Lis. !A4-I*0-)ma.i-*Se.'pLis.-)11 OPTIONAL, p+1p-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e P2CP-!O6C-Ta)ge.M-+e OPTIONAL, -- T)a*sp-). 1,a**el IEs 'l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0UL-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, 'l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. UL-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)B OPTIONAL, +l-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*02L-C-mm-*T)a*sC,I*0--)@ OPTIONAL, +l-T)a*sC,I*0-Lis. 2L-A++!e1-*0T)a*sC,I*0-Lis.-)11 OPTIONAL, -- P,5C6 IEs .p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. OPTIONAL, s.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0S.-)e+C-mp)esse+M-+eI*0--)B OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-.p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, se1-*+a)5-e-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, -- Meas')eme*. )ep-). meas')eme*.!ep-). 4IT ST!IN "CONTAININ Meas')eme*.!ep-).% OPTIONAL,


Release !
-- O.,e) IEs 0ail')eCa'se 'e-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* -- M4MS IEs m/ms-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-* m/msSele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0} -- IE +e0i*i.i-*s Cal1'la.i-*Time3-)Cip,e)i*g ::= 1ell-I+ s0* } Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4 ::= +l-63N 'l-63N } Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-)@ ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 +l-63N +l-UM-SN 'l-63N }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3ail')eCa'se9i.,P)-.E)) UE-6is.-)5I*0-)ma.i-* M4MS-H-i*e+I*0-)ma.i-*-)$ M4MS-Sele1.e+Se)&i1eI*0-


SEQUENCE { CellI+e*.i.5, INTE E! ":##@:A?% SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN 4IT ST!IN

"SIME "2:##2?%%, "SIME "2:##2?%%

SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2:##2?%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "C%% 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2:##2?%%


-- TA4ULA!: Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis., m'l.ipli1i.5 &al'e *'m/e)O0!a+i-4ea)e)s -- ,as /ee* )epla1e+ 8i., max!4# Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4 Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-Lis.-)@ ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!4%% O3 Cip,e)i*gI*0-Pe)!4-)@ ENUME!ATE2 { s.a).e+, *-.S.a).e+ } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sCN+-mai*-)@ SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, Cip,e)i*gS.a.'s, STA!T-Eal'e SEQUENCE { CN-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00i1ie*. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*-&(A:ex.

Cip,e)i*gS.a.'s ::= Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sLis.-)@ ::= Cip,e)i*gS.a.'sCN+-mai*-)@ ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 1ip,e)i*gS.a.'s s.a).-Eal'e } CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*-&(A:ex. ::= 1*-2!F-C51leLe*g.,C-e00 }

CN-2-mai*I*0-)ma.i-*Lis.-&(A:ex. ::=

C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { 0++-Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN, -- TA4ULA!: T,e IEs .++-Meas')eme*.s, gsm-Meas')eme*.s a*+ m'l.iCa))ie)Meas')eme*.s -- a)e ma+e -p.i-*al si*1e .,e5 a)e 1-*+i.i-*al /ase+ -* a*-.,e) i*0-)ma.i-* eleme*.# -- T,ei) a/se*1e 1-))esp-*+s .- .,e 1ase 8,e)e .,e 1-*+i.i-* is *-. .)'e# .++(B@-Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, .++12B-Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL, gsm-Meas')eme*.s SM-Meas')eme*.s OPTIONAL, m'l.iCa))ie)Meas')eme*.s 4OOLEAN OPTIONAL } COUNT-C-Lis. ::= COUNT-CSi*gle ::= 1*-2-mai*I+e*.i.5 1-'*.-C } SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxCN+-mai*s%% O3 COUNT-CSi*gle SEQUENCE { CN-2-mai*I+e*.i.5, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "(2%%

2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE JmaxN-2PC6-P2SC6-C-+esJ -*l5 gi&es i*0-)ma.i-* -* .,e maxim'm *'m/e) -0 2PC6 C-+es# maxN-2PC6-P2SC6-C-+es INTE E! "1##B%, maxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+ MaxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

s'pp-).3-)S3-?12 4OOLEAN, -- +'mm5, +'mm52 a*+ +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 Sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-!e1ep.i-*, +'mm5( S'pp-).O02e+i1a.e+Pil-.s3-)C,Es.ima.i-* }


2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-)? ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e IE JmaxN-2PC6-P2SC6-C-+esJ -*l5 gi&es i*0-)ma.i-* -* .,e maxim'm *'m/e) -0 2PC6 C-+es# maxN-2PC6-P2SC6-C-+es INTE E! "1##B%, maxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+ MaxN-P,5sC,4i.s!e1ei&e+, s'pp-).3-)S3-?12 4OOLEAN, -- +'mm5, +'m52 a*+ +'mm5( a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 Sim'l.a*e-'sSCCPC6-2PC6-!e1ep.i-*, +'mm5( S'pp-).O02e+i1a.e+Pil-.s3-)C,Es.ima.i-* OPTIONAL, 0++-,sp+s1, C6OICE { s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { ,s+s1,-p,5si1al-la5e) 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), -- +'mm5 a*+ +'mm52 a)e *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-* -- a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ .,e5 s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# +'mm5 4OOLEAN, +'mm52 4OOLEAN }, '*s'pp-).e+ NULL } } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-)? ::= maxTS-Pe)3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0P2SC6 maxP,5sC,Pe)TS .++(B@-,sp+s1, s'pp-).e+ '*s'pp-).e+ } } 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)? ::= maxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame maxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame mi*im'mS3 s'pp-).O0P2SC6 maxP,5sC,Pe)TS s'pp-).O0BPSK .++12B-,sp+s1, s'pp-).e+ '*s'pp-).e+ } } 2L-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex. ::= )01(:A?-C-*.ex.-I+e*.i.5 +l-m-+e +l-)e0-i) +l-)e0-.ime +l-1'))-.ime +l-s5*--00se.-i+ +l-s5*-sl-pe-.s +l-+5*-1,a*ge+ } E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0- ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0)g-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0--)A ::= p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0)g-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)3)ame, MaxP,5sC,Pe)3)ame, Mi*im'mS3-2L, 4OOLEAN, MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS, C6OICE { 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), NULL

SEQUENCE { MaxTS-Pe)S'/3)ame-)@, MaxP,5sC,Pe)S'/3)ame-)@, Mi*im'mS3-2L, 4OOLEAN, MaxP,5sC,Pe)TS, 4OOLEAN, C6OICE { 6S2SC6-p,5si1al-la5e), NULL

SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1$(B(%, ENUME!ATE2 {', -, )}, OCTET ST!IN " SIME "1##(:::%%, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##$??(?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% OPTIONAL, 4OOLEAN SEQUENCE{ P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, INTE E! ":##?% SEQUENCE{ P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, INTE E! ":##?% SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0-


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*I*0-Lis.-)A ::= Impleme*.a.i-*Spe1i0i1Pa)ams ::= I*.eg)i.5P)-.e1.i-*S.a.'s ::=

SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxE2C6!L%% O3 E-! C6-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0--)A 4IT ST!IN "SIME "1##?12%%

ENUME!ATE2 { s.a).e+, *-.S.a).e+ }

I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis.-)? ::= SEQUENCE { i*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 I*.e)!AT-UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5Lis., ge)a*I'-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 E!ANI'-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5 } I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-)$-ex. ::= SEQUENCE { -- T,e 1-*.e*. -0 .,e &$A: *-*-1)i.i1al ex.e*si-* s,-'l+ /e -- 1-*si+e)e+ as a* ex.e*si-* -0 IE I*.)a3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis. e&e*. E&e*.1<-)$, ,5s.e)esis 65s.e)esis, .imeT-T)igge) TimeT-T)igge), )ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s !ep-).i*gCellS.a.'s }



-- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 .,e spe1i0i1a.i-*, i. s,-'l+ -- *-. /e se*. a*+ i0 )e1ei&e+ i. s,-'l+ /e ig*-)e+# Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e-)? ::= ENUME!ATE2 { +'mm5, /51:2@, /52:@B, /5@:A$, /5B1A2, /51$(B@, /5(2C$B, /5$??($, /51(1:C2 } Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@ ::= +-8*li*7C-mp)esse+M-+e 'pli*7C-mp)esse+M-+e } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)@ ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)$ ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)C ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)B ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)A ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)1: ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)11 ::= se.'p SEQUENCE { C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-)@, C-mp)esse+M-+eMeasCapa/ili.5-)@ C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)@, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)$, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)C, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)B, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)A, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)1:, NULL, NULL C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)11,


Release !
m-+i05 )elease } Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)12 ::= se.'p m-+i05 )elease } NULL, NULL


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C6OICE { Meas')eme*.T5pe-)12, NULL, NULL

O*g-i*gMeas!ep ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e C6OICE Meas')eme*. i* .,e .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* is i*1l'+e+ -- i* Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e C6OICE Meas')eme*. i* .,e .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* is i*1l'+e+ -- i* Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)@# meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)@, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)? ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, -- TA4ULA!: T,e C6OICE Meas')eme*. i* .,e .a/'la) +es1)ip.i-* is i*1l'+e+ -- i* Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)@# meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)@, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL, meas')eme*.C-mma*+-&?A:ex. C6OICE { -- .,e 1,-i1e Ji*.)a-0)e;'e*15J s,all /e 'se+ 0-) .,e 1ase -0 i*.)a-0)e;'e*15 meas')eme*., -- as 8ell as 8,e* i*.)a-0)e;'e*15 e&e*.s a)e 1-*0ig')e+ 0-) i*.e)-0)e;'e*15 meas')eme*. i*.)a-0)e;'e*15 I*.)a-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex., i*.e)-0)e;'e*15 I*.e)-3)e;E&e*.C)i.e)iaLis.-&?A:ex. } OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? I*.)a3)e;!ep-).i*gC)i.e)ia-1/-)? OPTIONAL, i*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? I*.)a3)e;E&e*.-1+-)? OPTIONAL } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)$ ::= meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)C ::= meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)B ::= meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. } SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)$, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)C, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)B, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.




O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)A ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)A, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, -- i0 a*5 -0 .,e a++i.i-*al meas')eme*. I2 is 8i.,i* .,e )a*ge 1C .- (2, -- JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEsJ s,-'l+ /e p)ese*. a*+ s,-'l+ i*1l'+e -- .,e IE Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J a*+ Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J# -- T,e &al'e -0 .,e IE Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J i* JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEsJ -- s,-'l+ /e .,e same as .,e Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J &al'e i* JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-)AJ, -- a*+ Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J s,-'l+ 1-*.ai* .,e 1-mple.e lis.# -- T,e IE Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J i* JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-)AJ s,-'l+ s.ill -- 1-*.ai* .,e a++i.i-*al meas')eme*. I2 8,i1, &al'e is 8i.,i* .,e )a*ge 1 .- 1$#


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


} -----

T,e IE JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEsJ s,-'l+ /e i*1l'+e+ .- )ep-). meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 &al'es 8i.,i* .,e )a*ge 1C .- (2 a*+ 8,e* a Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J i* JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-)AJ *ee+s .- 1-*.ai* -*e -0 .,e &al'es 8i.,i* .,e )a*ge 1C .- (2 i* .,e IE Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J# SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL

O*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEs ::= meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. }

O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)1: ::= SEQUENCE { meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5, meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)1:, meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e OPTIONAL, -- i0 a*5 -0 .,e a++i.i-*al meas')eme*. I2 is 8i.,i* .,e )a*ge 1C .- (2, -- JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEsJ "i* S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&a/:ex.-IEs%s,-'l+ /e p)ese*. -- a*+ s,-'l+ i*1l'+e .,e IE Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J a*+ -- Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J# I* .,is 1ase, .,e &al'e -0 .,e IE Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J i* -- JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEsJ "i* S!NC-!el-1a.i-*I*0--&a/:ex.-IEs% s,-'l+ /e .,e same as .,e -- Jmeas')eme*.I+e*.i.5J &al'e i* JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-)1:J, a*+ Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J -- s,-'l+ 1-*.ai* .,e 1-mple.e lis.# -- T,e IE Ja++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.J i* JO*g-i*gMeas!ep-)1:J s,-'l+ s.ill -- 1-*.ai* .,e a++i.i-*al meas')eme*. I2 8,i1, &al'e is 8i.,i* .,e )a*ge 1 .- 1$# a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. OPTIONAL } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)11 ::= meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. } O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)12 ::= meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5 meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e a++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis. } O*g-i*gMeas!epLis. ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)@ ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)? ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)$ ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)C ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)B ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)A ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-&AC:ex.-IE ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)1: ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)11 ::= O*g-i*gMeas!epLis.-)12 ::= P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)@ ::= l-sslessS!NS-!el-1a.i-*S'pp-). SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)11, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A SEQUENCE { Meas')eme*.I+e*.i.5-)A, Meas')eme*.C-mma*+9i.,T5pe-)12, Meas')eme*.!ep-).i*gM-+e A++i.i-*alMeas')eme*.I2-Lis.-)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)@ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)? SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)$ SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)C SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)B SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)A SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-&AC:ex.-IEs SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)1: SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)11 SEQUENCE "SIME "1##maxN-O0Meas%% O3 O*g-i*gMeas!ep-)12 SEQUENCE { 4OOLEAN,




Release !
s'pp-).3-)!012?:C *-.S'pp-).e+ s'pp-).e+ }, s'pp-).3-)!01(:A? *-.S'pp-).e+ s'pp-).e+ max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s )e&e)seC-mp)essi-*2ep., } }

C6OICE { NULL, Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

C6OICE { NULL, SEQUENCE { Max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s-)@ INTE E! ":##$??(?%

2E3AULT s1$, 2E3AULT :

P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)? ::= SEQUENCE { l-sslessS!NS-!el-1a.i-*S'pp-). 4OOLEAN, s'pp-).3-)!012?:C C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e-)? }, s'pp-).3-)!01(:A? C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s Max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s-)@ )e&e)seC-mp)essi-*2ep., INTE E! ":##$??(?% s'pp-).3-)!01(:A?C-*.ex.!el-1a.i-* 4OOLEAN } } } P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { l-sslessS!NS-!el-1a.i-*S'pp-). 4OOLEAN, l-ssless2L!LC-P2USiGeC,a*ge ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } s'pp-).3-)!012?:C C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ Max61C-*.ex.Spa1e-)? }, s'pp-).3-)!01(:A? C6OICE { *-.S'pp-).e+ NULL, s'pp-).e+ SEQUENCE { max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s Max!O6C-C-*.ex.Sessi-*s-)@ )e&e)seC-mp)essi-*2ep., INTE E! ":##$??(?% s'pp-).3-)!01(:A?C-*.ex.!el-1a.i-* 4OOLEAN } } } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-)@ ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } .++(B@-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } .++12B-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } } P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-)? ::= 0++P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } .++(B@-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } .++12B-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 +-8*li*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 'pli*7P,5sC,Capa/ili.5 } } !3-Capa/ili.5-)@ ::= 0++!3-Capa/ili.5

2E3AULT s1$, 2E3AULT :,


2E3AULT s1$, 2E3AULT :,

SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-)@, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322 OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22 OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322-)?, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5322 OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-)?, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22 OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE { 2L-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)?, UL-P,5sC,Capa/ili.5T22-LC!-)@ OPTIONAL



Release !
'e-P-8e)Class .x!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* } .++(B@-!3-Capa/ili.5 'e-P-8e)Class )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. 1,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 } .++12B-!3-Capa/ili.5 'e-P-8e)Class )a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis. 1,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 }

UE-P-8e)ClassEx., Tx!x3)e;'e*15Sepa)a.i-* SEQUENCE { UE-P-8e)ClassEx., !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis., C,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5 SEQUENCE { UE-P-8e)ClassEx., !a+i-3)e;'e*154a*+T22Lis., C,ip!a.eCapa/ili.5

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)




!3C(:A?-C-*.ex.I*0- ::= )/-I+e*.i.5 )01(:A?-C-*.ex.-Lis. } !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.-Lis. ::= +l-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex. 'l-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex. } !LC-Capa/ili.5-)? ::=!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe maxim'm!LC-9i*+-8SiGe maxim'mAM-E*.i.5N'm/e) } S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0- ::= 'l-!!C-63N +l-!!C-63N 'l-!!C-Se;'e*1eN'm/e) +l-!!C-Se;'e*1eN'm/e) }

SEQUENCE { !4-I+e*.i.5, !3C(:A?-C-*.ex.-Lis. SEQUENCE "SIME "1##max!3C(:A?-CI2%% O3 SEQUENCE { 2L-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex. OPTIONAL, UL-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex. OPTIONAL SEQUENCE {!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-)?, Maxim'm!LC-9i*+-8SiGe, Maxim'mAM-E*.i.5N'm/e)!LC-Cap

SEQUENCE { 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2B%%, 4IT ST!IN "SIME "2B%%, !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e), !!C-MessageSe;'e*1eN'm/e)

S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0-Lis. ::= SEQUENCE "SIME "@##maxS!4se.'p%% O3 S!4-Spe1i0i1I*.eg)i.5P)-.I*0S.a.eO0!!C ::= ENUME!ATE2 { 1ell-2C6, 1ell-3AC6, 1ell-PC6, ')a-PC6 } ENUME!ATE2 { a8ai.N-!!C-Message, a8ai.!4-!eleaseC-mple.e, a8ai.!4-Se.'pC-mple.e, a8ai.!4-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, a8ai.T)a*sp-).C6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, a8ai.P,5si1alC6-!e1-*0ig')a.i-*C-mple.e, a8ai.A1.i&eSe.Up+a.eC-mple.e, a8ai.6a*+-&e)C-mple.e, se*+CellUp+a.eC-*0i)m, se*+U)aUp+a.eC-*0i)m, -- +'mm5 is *-. 'se+ i* .,is &e)si-* -0 spe1i0i1a.i-* -- I. s,-'l+ *-. /e se*. +'mm5, -.,e) ENUME!ATE2 { 7/1:, 7/?:, 7/1::, 7/1?:, 7/2::, 7/(::, 7/@::, 7/?::, 7/C?:, 7/1::: } P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex

S.a.eO0!!C-P)-1e+')e ::=

}!LC-AM-4'00e)SiGe-)? ::=

TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0- ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0.p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*-I*0--)A ::= SEQUENCE { p)ima)5CPIC6-I*0.p1-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex } UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-)? ::=

P)ima)5CPIC6-I*0-, TPC-C-m/i*a.i-*I*+ex



Release !
m'l.i!AT-Capa/ili.5Lis. m'l.iM-+eCapa/ili.5 s'pp-).O0UT!AN-T- E!AN-NACC

M'l.i!AT-Capa/ili.5, M'l.iM-+eCapa/ili.5, 4OOLEAN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-)@ ::= SEQUENCE { s.a*+al-*eL-1Me.,-+sS'pp-).e+ 4OOLEAN, 'e-4ase+OT2OA-S'pp-).e+ 4OOLEAN, *e.8-)7Assis.e+ PS-S'pp-).e+ Ne.8-)7Assis.e+ PS-S'pp-).e+, s'pp-).3-)UE- PS-Timi*gO0Cell3)ames 4OOLEAN, s'pp-).3-)IP2L 4OOLEAN, )x-.x-Time2i00e)e*1eT5pe2Capa/le 4OOLEAN, &ali+i.5-CellPC6-U)aPC6 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL, s0*-s0*T5pe2Capa/ili.5 ENUME!ATE2 { .)'e } OPTIONAL } UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Las.K*-8*P-s ::= s0* 1ell-i+ p-si.i-*Es.ima.e } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)@ ::= a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) p+1p-Capa/ili.5 )l1-Capa/ili.5 .)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5 )0-Capa/ili.5 p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 'e-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 } SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##@:A?%, CellI+e*.i.5, P-si.i-*Es.ima.e SEQUENCE { A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-), P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)@, !LC-Capa/ili.5, T)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5, !3-Capa/ili.5-)@, P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-)@, UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5, Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-)@, Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@


UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)? ::= SEQUENCE { a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-), +l-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig p+1p-Capa/ili.5 P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)?, )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5-)?, .)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5, )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-)@, p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-)?, 'e-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-)?, se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-)@, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@ OPTIONAL } UE-!a+i-A11essCapa/ili.5-)$ ::= SEQUENCE { a11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-) A11essS.)a.'m!eleaseI*+i1a.-), +l-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig 2L-Capa/ili.59i.,Sim'l.a*e-'s6S-2SC6C-*0ig p+1p-Capa/ili.5 P2CP-Capa/ili.5-)$, )l1-Capa/ili.5 !LC-Capa/ili.5-)?, .)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5 T)a*sp-).C,a**elCapa/ili.5, )0-Capa/ili.5 !3-Capa/ili.5-)@, p,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5 P,5si1alC,a**elCapa/ili.5-)?, 'e-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5 UE-M'l.iM-+e!AT-Capa/ili.5-)?, se1')i.5Capa/ili.5 Se1')i.5Capa/ili.5, 'e-p-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5 UE-P-si.i-*i*g-Capa/ili.5-)@, meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5 Meas')eme*.Capa/ili.5-)@ OPTIONAL } UL-!3C(:A?-C-*.ex. ::= )01(:A?-C-*.ex.-I+e*.i.5 'l-m-+e 'l-)e0-i) 'l-)e0-.ime 'l-1'))-.ime 'l-s5*--00se.-i+ 'l-s5*-sl-pe-.s 'l-)e0-s*-1 } EN2 SEQUENCE { INTE E! ":##1$(B(%, ENUME!ATE2 {', -, )}, OCTET ST!IN " SIME "1##(:::%%, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##$??(?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##@2A@A$C2A?% OPTIONAL, INTE E! ":##$??(?% OPTIONAL




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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Messa2e tra$s3er s7$ta.

Transfer synta( for //1 P:3s is derived from their ."'., definitions by use of Pac#ed 2ncodin /ules- unali ned as specified in I.=>, D8>E- and with adapted final paddin . &f special encodin is used- it is indicated in the 21' module defined for each ."'., module. The use of special encodin is defined in D,8E. The followin encodin rules apply in addition to what has been specified in I.=>, D8>EP ? Chen a bit strin value is placed in a bit?field as specified in ,9.= to ,9.,, in D,,E- the leadin bit of the bit strin value shall be placed in the leadin bit of the bit?field- and the trailin bit of the bit strin value shall be placed in the trailin bit of the bit?field.
The terms Hleadin bitH and Htrailin bitH are defined in &T3?T /ec. I.=;+ ^ &"O@&21 ;;*8?,. Chen usin the


Hbstrin H notation- the leadin bit of the bit strin value is on the left- and the trailin bit of the bit strin value is on the ri ht.

12.1 Structure o3 e$coded RR( 9essa2es

.n //1 P:3- which is the bit strin that is e(chan ed between peer entities@ across the radio interface- is the concatenation of a basic production- an e(tension and paddin - in that order. //1 P:3s shall be mapped to and from /51 ":3s upon transmission and reception as followsP ? ? when deliverin an //1 P:3 as an /51 ":3 to the /51 layer for transmission- the first bit of the //1 P:3 shall be represented as the first bit in the /51 ":3 and onwardsO and upon reception of an /51 ":3 from the /51 layer- the first bit of the /51 ":3 shall represent the first bit of the //1 P:3 and onwards.

12.1.1 8asic !roductio$

The $basic production$ is obtained by applyin 3'.5&G'2: P2/ to the abstract synta( value (the ."'., description) as specified in I.=>,- e(cept for the + to < bits added at the end to produce a multiple of ; bits. The basic production can have any positive number of bits- not necessarily a multiple of ; bits.

12.1.2 ).te$sio$
2mitters compliant with this version of the specification of the protocol shall- unless indicated otherwise on a P:3 type basis- set the e(tension part empty. 2mitters compliant with a later version mi ht send non?empty e(tensions.

12.1.3 Paddi$2
2mitters compliant with this version of the specification of the protocol shall- unless indicated otherwise on a P:3 type basis- pad the basic production with the smallest number of bits reAuired to meet the si!e constraints of the lower layers. Paddin bits shall be set to +. /eceivers compliant with this version of the specification have no need to distin uish the e(tension and paddin partsand shall- unless indicated otherwise on a P:3 type basis- accept //1 P:3s with any bit strin in the e(tension and paddin parts.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,i-ure !# #3& . PaddinChen usin .M or 3M mode- /51 reAuires that the //1 P:3 len th is a multiple of ; bits. Chen usin Tr mode- /51 does neither impose si!e reAuirements nor perform paddin . This implies that //1 has to ta#e into account the transport format set defined for the transport channel across which the messa e is to be sent. //1 shall add the lowest number of paddin bits reAuired to fit the si!e specified for the selected transport format. &n case of 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- when usin Tr mode- //1 shall add the lowest number of paddin bits to ensure octet ali nment. 7or pa in type , messa es- in case the P11F is mapped on F"?:"1F- paddin needs to apply only to ensure octet ali nment. 7or "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' 1F.'G2 &':&1.T&O' messa e- in case the 011F is mapped on F"?:"1Fpaddin needs to apply only to ensure octet ali nment. 7or system information bloc#s- buildin the P:3 involves two steps. The first step is the buildin of the "ystem &nformation 0loc#s- in which step paddin is not applied (the rules for e(tension apply). The second step is the buildin of the //1 P:3s- involvin se mentation and concatenation of "ystem &nformation 0loc#s- and then paddin as described above for Tr mode if the 011F carryin the "ystem &nformation 0loc#s is mapped on 01F. The procedure is shown by means of an e(ample as described in 7i ure ,*.,.3?*. The e(ample includes two "ystem &nformation 0loc#s- "&0n and "&0nV,- of which only "&0n includes a protocol e(tension. The two "ystem &nformation 0loc#s used in the e(ample do not reAuire se mentation and are concatenated into one "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

"&0n? ."'.,

"&0n- r>> part


."'., encodin
2ncoder added paddin (+..< bits)

"&0n- r>> part


"e mentation M concatenation-



P1& ."'., encodin


2ncoder added paddin (+..< bits)





//1 paddin
//1 added paddin ('ote ,) "&? P:3

P1& "&0ncompleteG"e ."'.,

P1& "&0nV,-firstG"e ."'.,

'ote ,P //1 paddin needs to be added only to octet ali n 011F bloc#s which are mapped onto F"?:"1F

,i-ure !# #3&!. Paddin- for S4ste2 :nfor2ation P1&P Protocol control information at "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e level "&P "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e 7or system information bloc#s- //1 may also add paddin information at the end of &2 H"&0 data fi(edH- used both within &2 H5ast se mentH and &2 H1omplete "&0H. The &2 H"&0 data fi(edH has a fi(ed len th i.e. no len th denominator used. &n case the remainin amount of H"&0 dataH information is insufficient to fill the &2 completely- //1 includes paddin bits. "ince no len th denominator is included- the receivin //1 cannot remove the paddin added by the sender. Foweversince the paddin used is the same as the paddin added by the P2/ encoder to achieve octet ali nment- the receiver can handle it. 'OT2 , The mechanism described above implies that the P:3 provided to the ."'., decoder may have more than < paddin bits included. 7or a complete "ystem &nformation 0loc# of len th *,9 bits- ,, paddin bits are added by //1. "ince the decoder reAuires an octet ali ned input- = additional bits need to be added. &n this (worst) case- a total of ,< paddin bits is included. 'OT2 * 7or the above cases- use of paddin bits is possible and more efficient than includin a len th denominator.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Chen usin the //1 paddin described above- the se ment has a fi(ed len th- which completely fills the transport bloc#. Therefore- in this case no //1 paddin is added within the "K"T2M &'7O/M.T&O' messa e. This is illustrated by means of the followin fi ure.

,i-ure !# #3&3. No RRC paddin- for S4ste2 :nfor2ation

12.2 )(' i$> 9odu e 3or RR(

!!C-ECN-Li*7-M-+'le LINK-2E3INITIONS ::= 4E IN IMPO!TS !!C-e*1-+i*gs 3!OM !!C-E*1-+i*g-2e0i*i.i-*s= -- E*1-+i*g -/<e1.s 0-) !!C messages

ENCO2E Class-+e0i*i.i-*s 9IT6 !!C-e*1-+i*gs COMPLETE2 4I PE!-4ASIC-UNALI NE2 ENCO2E P2U-+e0i*i.i-*s 9IT6 !!C-e*1-+i*gs COMPLETE2 4I PE!-4ASIC-UNALI NE2 ENCO2E I*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.s 9IT6 !!C-e*1-+i*gs COMPLETE2 4I PE!-4ASIC-UNALI NE2 ENCO2E I*.e)*-+e-+e0i*i.i-*s 9IT6 !!C-e*1-+i*gs COMPLETE2 4I PE!-4ASIC-UNALI NE2 EN2

12.3 )(' 9odu es 3or RR(

The encodin definition module H//1?2ncodin ?:efinitionsH contains definition of the encodin object set H//1?encodin sH. The encodin object set contains all the speciali!ed encodin for //1.
!!C-E*1-+i*g-2e0i*i.i-*s ENCO2IN -2E3INITIONS ::=


Release !
4E IN EFPO!TS !!C-e*1-+i*gs= !!C-e*1-+i*gs XENCO2IN S ::= { -- T)aili*g /i.s -'.e)-e*1-+i*g }


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- T,e .)aili*g /i.s i* all !!C messages s,all /e ig*-)e+ -- "i*1l'+i*g '*7*-8* message 1-*.e*.s Y '*7*-8* ex.e*si-*s%# -- T,is -&e))i+es .,e +e0a'l. PE! /e,a&i-') 8,i1, pa+s .,e las. -- -1.e. 8i., Ge)- /i.s# --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'.e)-e*1-+i*g XOUTE! ::= { ENCO2E!-2ECO2E! { } 2ECO2E AS I3 { POST-PA22IN e*1-+e)--p.i-* } } EN2 Class-+e0i*i.i-*s-ECN-M-+'le ENCO2IN -2E3INITIONS ::= 4E IN EN2 P2U-+e0i*i.i-*s-ECN-M-+'le ENCO2IN -2E3INITIONS ::= 4E IN EN2 I*0-)ma.i-*Eleme*.s-ECN-M-+'le ENCO2IN -2E3INITIONS ::= 4E IN EN2 I*.e)*-+e-+e0i*i.i-*s-ECN-M-+'le ENCO2IN -2E3INITIONS ::= 4E IN EN2

12., RR( 9essa2es e$coded ot"er1ise

'OT2P The messa es included in this section are not specified by means of ."'.,.

12.,.1 Messa2es usi$2 ta%u ar e$codi$2 s!eci3icatio$

The encodin of the messa e is specified by means of a table listin the information elements #nown in the messa e and their order of their appearance in the messa e. Chen a field e(tends over more than one octet- the order of bit values pro ressively decreases as the octet number increases. The least si nificant bit of the field is represented by the lowest numbered bit of the hi hest numbered octet of the field.


TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L usi$2 tra$s!are$t 4((<

TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L, 3 %it 3or9at

The 3 bit format is as followsP

3 0 0 0 1 ! 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Set :de$tit7 5a ue 0 1 2 /


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)






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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Protoco ti9ers, cou$ters, ot"er !ara9eters a$d de3au t co$3i2uratio$s

The information provided in subclauses ,3., and ,3.* shall be treated as informative. The normative te(t is specified in the relevant subclauses in clause ; and clause ; shall prevail.

13.1 Ti9ers 3or U)


Release ! Ti2er T300 Start Tra$s9issio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST i$ case o3 co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t 3or reaso$s ot"er t"a$ M8MS rece!tio$ Tra$s9issio$ o3 ()LL UP4#T)0UR# UP4#T) Tra$s9issio$ o3 U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' )$teri$2 ()LL;&#(< or UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< state. Rece!tio$ o3 ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM0UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM. G"e$ t"e ti9er T305 "as e.!ired a$d t"e U) detects @out o3 ser5ice area@. Tra$s9issio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) U!o$ rece!tio$ o3 ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' 9essa2e Tra$s9issio$ o3 PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST Rece!tio$ o3 P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6' 9essa2e 1it" t"e (<6:() @P1SCH allocation@ set to @PUS(< a ocatio$ !e$di$2@. G"e$ t"e U) starts to esta% is" dedicated (<. &or 1.2= Mc!s T44, it ca$ a so a!! 7 3or !"7sica s"ared c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t. &or &44, ti9er T312 ru$s i$de!e$de$t 7 3or t"e do1$ i$> 3reBue$c7 associated 1it" t"e !ri9ar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 a$d 3or t"e do1$ i$> 3reBue$c7 associated 1it" t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7. G"e$ t"e U) detects co$secuti5e '313 @out o3 s7$c@ i$dicatio$ 3ro9 L1. &or &44, ti9er T313 ru$s i$de!e$de$t 7 3or t"e do1$ i$> 3reBue$c7 associated 1it" t"e !ri9ar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 a$d 3or t"e do1$ i$> 3reBue$c7 associated 1it" t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7.

**+ Stop Rece!tio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) At eDpir4 Retra$s9it RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST i3 V300 ?M '300, e se 2o to :d e 9ode

T302 T30,

Rece!tio$ o3 ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM0UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM Rece!tio$ o3 U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM )$teri$2 a$ot"er state.



G"e$ t"e U) detects @i$ ser5ice area@. 'ot sto!!ed Success3u res!o$se to a co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t reBuest i$ t"e $e1 ce . Rece!tio$ o3 P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6' Rece!tio$ o3 P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6' 9essa2e 1it" (<6:() @P1SCH allocation@ set to @PUS(< a ocatio$ assi2$9e$t@. G"e$ t"e U) detects '312 @i$ s7$c@ i$dicatio$ 3ro9 L1.

Retra$s9it ()LL UP4#T)0UR# UP4#T) i3 V302 ?M '302, e se, 2o to :d e 9ode Retra$s9it U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' i3 V30, ?M '30,, e se i$itiate a ce u!date !rocedure Tra$s9it ()LL UP4#T) i3 T30/ is $ot acti5ated a$d t"e U) detects @i$ ser5ice area@. 6t"er1ise, i3 T30/ is $ot acti5e, start T30/. Tra$sit to id e 9ode

T30= T30T310 T311

Tra$s9it RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) i3 V30= M?'30=, e se 2o to id e 9ode. Resu9e t"e co$$ectio$ to UTR#' Tra$s9it PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST i3 V310 ?M '310, e se !rocedure sto!s. U) 9a7 i$itiate a PUS(< ca!acit7 reBuest !rocedure.


T"e criteria 3or !"7sica c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t 3ai ure is 3u 3i ed


G"e$ t"e U) detects co$secuti5e '315 @i$ s7$c@ i$dicatio$ 3ro9 L1.

T"e criteria 3or Radio Li$> 3ai ure is 3u 3i ed.


Release ! Ti2er T31, Start G"e$ t"e criteria 3or radio i$> 3ai ure are 3u 3i ed. T"e ti9er is started i3 radio %earer(s) t"at are associated 1it" T31, or i3 o$ 7 RR( co$$ectio$ e.ists o$ 7 to t"e (S do9ai$. G"e$ t"e criteria 3or radio i$> 3ai ure are 3u 3i ed. T"e ti9er is started o$ 7 i3 radio %earer(s) t"at are associated 1it" T315 or i3 RR( co$$ectio$ e.ists to PS do9ai$. G"e$ t"e U) detects @out o3 ser5ice area@ i$ UR#;P(< or ()LL;P(< state

*+% Stop G"e$ t"e (e U!date !rocedure "as %ee$ co9! eted.

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) At eDpir4 See su%c ause =.3.1.13.


G"e$ t"e (e U!date !rocedure "as %ee$ co9! eted.

See su%c ause =.3.1.1,.


G"e$ t"e U) detects @i$ ser5ice area@.




T321 T322


G"e$ t"e T316 e.!ires or 1"e$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state, t"e U) detects @out o3 ser5ice area@. Tra$s9issio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST i$ case o3 co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t 3or M8MS rece!tio$ G"e$ e$teri$2 ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(<. G"e$ recei5i$2 t"e ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e 1it" :) OGait ti9eP a$d :) ORR( State :$dicatorP set to t"e 5a ue O()LL;P(<P or OUR#;P(<P. See su%c ause =.5.,-. G"e$ recei5ed i$ UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e i$ t"e :) O4edicated Priorit7 :$3or9atio$P or u!o$ ce (re)se ectio$ to UTR# 3ro9 a$ot"er R#T 1it" 5a idit7 ti9e co$3i2ured 3or dedicated !riorities (i$ 1"ic" case t"e re9ai$i$2 5a idit7 ti9e is a!! ied). G"e$ tra$s9itti$2 a S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' 9essa2e i$c udi$2 t"e :) @Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ Re ease :$dicatio$ (ause@

G"e$ t"e U) detects @i$ ser5ice area@. Rece!tio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP

:$itiate ce u!date !rocedure i3 i$ ser5ice area is detected. 6t"er1ise start ti9er T31/, tra$sit to ()LL;&#(< state a$d i$itiate ce u!date !rocedure 1"e$ t"e U) detects @i$ ser5ice area@. T31/ $e5er e.!ires.

)$ter id e 9ode

G"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(< state. G"e$ i$itiati$2 t"e ce u!date or UR# u!date !rocedure, see su%c ause =.3.1.2.

T"e U) acti5ates starts t"e 4RA c7c e %ased o$ O4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$tP. See su%c ause =.3.1.16.

See su%c ause =.5.,-. G"e$ dedicated !riorities are c eared, 1"e$ $e1 dedicated !riorities are recei5ed, 1"e$ PLM' se ectio$ is !er3or9ed o$ reBuest %7 '#S, or u!o$ ce (re)se ectio$ to a$ot"er R#T (i$ 1"ic" case t"e ti9er is carried o$ to t"e ot"er R#T).

See su%c ause =.5.,-. See su%c ause =.3.3./

See su%c auses =.2.2.3, =.3.1.6, a$d =.5.2.

See su%c ause =.1.1,.,


Release ! Ti2er T32, Start G"e$ a 9easure9e$t re!ort is tri22ered %7 i$tra 3reBue$c7 e5e$t 1d a$d t"e ta% e OTar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$sP i$ t"e 5aria% e T#RG)T;()LL;PR)(6 '&:GUR#T:6' i$c udes t"e ce t"at tri22ered t"e e5e$t a$d a$ #cti5atio$ ti9e o33set eBua to 0 is co$3i2ured U!o$ recei5i$2 L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6' i$c udi$2 t"e Lo22ed Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o U!o$ recei5i$2 L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6' i$c udi$2 t"e Lo22ed #'R (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o

*+ Stop U!o$ success3u rece!tio$ o3 a Tar2et ce <S-S((< order or a3ter , seco$ds or u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 a$7 RR( reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2e or #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) At eDpir4 Sto! 9o$itori$2 tar2et ce <SS((<


U!o$ rece!tio$ o3 a $e1 L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6' or u!o$ o2 5o u9e e.ceedi$2 t"e a5ai a% e U) 9e9or7. G"e$ reac"i$2 t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 e$tries i$ t"e L6G; #'R;R)P6RT;V #R:#8L) or t"e #'R o22i$2 i$3o is re!orted to t"e $et1or>. U!o$ a ocatio$ o3 a co99o$ )-4(< resource or u!o$ i$itiatio$ o3 &a %ac> to R-PR#(< tra$s9issio$.

See su%c ause =.5.63.,


See su%c ause =.5.63.5



:3 <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" 2- e5e 4RA is co$3i2ured* U!o$ re ease o3 t"e co99o$ )-4(< resource or u!o$ &a %ac> to R-- PR#(< tra$s9issio$ ter9i$atio$, or u!o$ <S-S((< rece!tio$ 1"e$ $o co99o$ )-4(< resource is a ocated. :3 <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" 1- e5e 4RA is co$3i2ured* U!o$ re ease o3 t"e co99o$ )-4(< resource or u!o$ &a %ac> to R-- PR#(< tra$s9issio$ ter9i$atio$, or u!o$ <S-S((< rece!tio$ 1"e$ $o co99o$ )-4(< resource is a ocated. :3 <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" 2- e5e 4RA is co$3i2ured* u!o$ e.!ir7 o3 T32=.

See su%c ause =.5.,-%

U!o$ a ocatio$ o3 a co99o$ )-4(< resource, or u!o$ i$itiatio$ o3 &a %ac> to R-PR#(< tra$s9issio$. :3 <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" 2- e5e 4RA is co$3i2ured* U!o$ <S-S((< rece!tio$ 1"e$ $o co99o$ )-4(< resource is a ocated.

See su%c ause =.5.,-%


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.2 (ou$ters 3or U)

Counter V300 V302 V30, Reset G"e$ i$itiati$2 t"e !rocedure RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t G"e$ i$itiati$2 t"e !rocedure (e u!date or UR# u!date G"e$ se$di$2 t"e 3irst U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e. G"e$ se$di$2 t"e 3irst RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e i$ a RR( co$$ectio$ re ease !rocedure. G"e$ se$di$2 t"e 3irst PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e i$ a PUS(< ca!acit7 reBuest !rocedure #t tra$s9issio$ or rece!tio$ o3 PS data or si2$a i$2 o$ SR83 or u!1ards, or e$teri$2 RR( (o$$ected 9ode, or success3u SR'S re ocatio$. :ncre2ented U!o$ e.!ir7 o3 T300. U!o$ e.!ir7 o3 T302 U!o$ e.!ir7 o3 T30, ?hen reachin- 2aD =alue G"e$ V300 N '300, t"e U) e$ters id e 9ode. G"e$ V302 N '302 t"e U) e$ters id e 9ode. G"e$ V30, N '30, t"e U) i$itiates t"e (e u!date !rocedure G"e$ V30= N '30= t"e U) sto!s re-tra$s9itti$2 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e. G"e$ V310 N '310 t"e U) sto!s re-tra$s9itti$2 t"e PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e. G"e$ V316 N? 1 t"e U) sto!s se$di$2 a$7 3urt"er S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' 9essa2es, 1it" t"e :) @Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ Re ease :$dicatio$ (ause@ set to @U) ReBuested PS 4ata sessio$ e$d@ i$ ()LL;P(< state or UR#;P(< state or i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d t"e 5aria% e <S;4S(<;4RA;()LL;&#(<; 2(D(L);ST#TUS is set to TRU) 3or as o$2 as t"e 4RA c7c e e$2t" i$ use is eBua to or o$2er t"a$ t"e s"orter (' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" 3or t"e PS do9ai$ a$d (S do9ai$.


U!o$ e.!ir7 o3 T30=


U!o$ e.!ir7 o3 T310


U!o$ se$di$2 t"e S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' 9essa2e, 1it" t"e :) @Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ Re ease :$dicatio$ (ause@ set to @U) ReBuested PS 4ata sessio$ e$d@ i$ ()LL;P(< state or UR#;P(< state or i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d t"e 5aria% e <S;4S(<;4RA;()LL;&#(<; 2(D(L);ST#TUS is set to TRU) a$d t"e 4RA c7c e e$2t" i$ use is eBua to or o$2er t"a$ t"e s"orter (' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" 3or t"e PS do9ai$ a$d (S do9ai$ a$d V316 M 1.

13.3 U) co$sta$ts a$d !ara9eters

Constant '300 '302 '30, '30= '310 '312 '313 '315 0sa-e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s o3 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s o3 t"e ()LL UP4#T) 0 UR# UP4#T) 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s o3 t"e U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s o3 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$ o3 t"e PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 @i$ s7$c@ recei5ed 3ro9 L1. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 successi5e @out o3 s7$c@ recei5ed 3ro9 L1. Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 successi5e @i$ s7$c@ recei5ed 3ro9 L1 duri$2 T313 is acti5ated.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13., U) 5aria% es
13.,.o% #M;RL(;)RR6R;P)'4:'G;R823,
This variable indicates whether an .M /51 unrecoverable error has been detected durin the current cell update procedure on /0 *- 3- or 8.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #M RL( error !e$di$2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s a$ u$reco5era% e error 1as detected o$ #M RL( duri$2 t"e curre$t ce u!date !rocedure.. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ t"e ce u!date !rocedure is co9! eted.

13.,.oc #M;RL(;)RR6R;P)'4:'G;R85;#'4;UP
This variable indicates whether an .M /51 unrecoverable error has been detected durin the current cell update procedure on /0 9 or above.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #M RL( error !e$di$2 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s a$ u$reco5era% e error 1as detected o$ #M RL( duri$2 t"e curre$t ce u!date !rocedure.. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ t"e ce u!date !rocedure is co9! eted.

13.,.0 ()LL;:'&6;L:ST
This variable contains cell information on intra?freAuency- inter?freAuency and inter?/.T cells- as received in messa es "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,,- "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,*- and M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5. The first position in &ntra?freAuency cell info list corresponds to &ntra?freAuency cell id +- the second to &ntra?freAuency cell id ,- etc. The first position in &nter?freAuency cell info list corresponds to &nter?freAuency cell id +- the second to &nter?freAuency cell id ,- etc. The first position in &nter?/.T cell info list corresponds to &nter?/.T cell id +- the second to &nter?/.T cell id ,- etc. This variable shall be cleared at cell re?selection- when leavin 3T/. //1 connected mode- when switched off as well as at selection of a new P5M'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o N(<6:() position status NN6ccu!ied NNN(e i$3o NNVaca$t &reBue$c7 i$3o :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o o$ Need 6P MP MP 6P 6P 1..M9a.(e (e i$3o 10.3./.2 &reBue$c7 i$3o 'o data &reBue$c7 i$3o 3or seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7. '6T). R)L-R)L-/ulti 1..M9a.(e MeasN T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 N(<6:() position status NN6ccu!ied NNN(e i$3o NNVaca$t :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o N(<6:() position status NN6ccu!ied NNN&reBue$c7 i$3o NNN(e i$3o NNVaca$t #dKace$t 3reBue$c7 i$3o :$ter-%a$d 3reBue$c7 i$3o &reBue$c7 i$3o ist 3or e$"a$ced 9easure9e$t N&reBue$c7 i$3o 3or e$"a$ced 9easure9e$t :$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist N:$ter-R#T ce i$3o NN(<6:() position status NNN6ccu!ied NNNN(<6:() Radio Access Technology NNNNNGSM NNNNNN(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o Need

*+' /ulti Meas6$S ecUL&reBN MP MP 6P MP MP MP 6P 6P 6P 1.. M 9a.&reBM easGit"out (M N &reBue$c7 i$3o 1..M9a.(e MeasN &reBue$c7 i$3o (e i$3o 10.3./.2 1..M9a.(e MeasN (e i$3o 10.3./.2 T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

R)L-R)L-R)L-'o data R)L--

'o data &reBue$c7 i$3o &reBue$c7 i$3o R)L-= R)L-R)L-10


R)L-10 R)L-5


NNNNNN8S:( NNNNNN8((< #R&(' NNNNN:S-2000 NNNNNNS7ste9 s!eci3ic 9easure9e$t i$3o


(e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o 3or S:811012 10.3.2., 8S:( 10.3.=.2 :$te2er (0..1023) e$u9erated (3reBue$c7, ti9es ot, co our code, out!ut !o1er, P' o33set)

I,3J &or :S-2000, use 3ie ds 3ro9 T:#0):#0:S-2000.5, su%c ause 3. /., Candidate #re.uency "eigh)our List Message 'o data

NNNVaca$t N(<6:() indication status NNPresent NNN:$ter-R#T ce i$3o i$dicatio$ NN"ot present

MP 6P :$te2er (0..3) 'o data

R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5


This &2 is not used in this release of the specification.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.00 Void 13.,.0a ()LL;UP4#T);ST#RT)4

This variable indicates whether a cell update or 3/. update procedure is in pro ress.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e u!date started Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s a ce or UR# u!date !rocedure is i$ !ro2ress. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.1 (:P<)R:'G;ST#TUS
This variable contains information about the current status of cipherin in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Status 3or eac" (' do9ai$ N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NStatus Need MP MP MP /ulti M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 )$u9erated( 'ot started, Started) T4pe and reference Se2antics description



8oo ea$

Set to @'ot started@ 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to @'ot started@ 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. TRU) 9ea$s a$ RR( !rocedure !er3or9i$2 reco$3i2uratio$ o3 ci!"eri$2 is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.1a (6MM6';);4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6'
This variable indicates whether 2?:P:1F and 2?:P11F transmission procedures for 7:: or 2?/311F and 2? P31F transmission procedure for ,.*; Mcps T:: in 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.8= for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o99o$ )-4(< tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description See su%c ause =.5.,6 $ersion R)L-=

13.,.2 Void


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2a (6'&:GUR#T:6';:'(6MPL)T)
This variable indicates whether a received measurement control messa e contains invalid an incomplete measurement confi uration.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (o$3i2uratio$ i$co9! ete Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* #$ i$co9! ete co$3i2uratio$ "as %ee$ detected. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.3 (;R'T:
This variable stores the assi ned 1?/'T& for this 32 when in 1255G7.1F state. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- this variable stores the assi ned 1?/'T& for this 32 in 1255GP1F state- if in 1255GP1F state a F"?:"1F transport channel has been allocated.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (-R'T: Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference (-R'T: 10.3.3.= Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.3a 4)&)RR)4;M)#SUR)M)'T;ST#TUS
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4e3erred 9easure9e$t status Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description :3 TRU), t"e U) ca$ tra$s9it RR( 9essa2es o$ R#(< a$d recei5e RR( 9essa2es co99a$di$2 it to e$ter ()LL;4(< 1it"out "a5i$2 read a$d acted o$ S:811, S:811%is, S:812, S:81= a$d S:81-. $ersion R)L-/


Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference 4TA-4RA :$3or9atio$ i$,a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

7or 7:: only.

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ara9eters 3or 4TA-4RA

13.,.3c 4TA;4RA;ST#TUS
'OT2P 7or 7:: only. This variable indicates whether discontinuous 35 :P11F transmission and discontinuous reception of 7?:P1F and F"P. :5 channel procedures are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.38 for actions related to the settin of this variable.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4TA;4RA;ST#TUS Need MP

*+) /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* disco$ti$uous tra$s9issio$ a$d rece!tio$ is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-/

13.,.3d 4S#(;P#R#M
This variable contains :omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters durin the connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (S 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 4o9ai$ #ccess Restrictio$ Se2antics description T"is :) co$tai$s (S 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared u!o$ success3u SR'S re ocatio$. T"is :) co$tai$s PS 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$ Para9eters ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared u!o$ success3u SR'S re ocatio$. $ersion R)L-6

R)L-11 R)L-6

PS 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$


4o9ai$ #ccess Restrictio$


13.,.3e 4S(<;R'T:
&n T:: this variable stores the assi ned :"1F?/'T& for this 32 when in 1255G:1F state.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4S(<-R'T: Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 4S(<-R'T: 10.3.3.-a Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Need 6P /ulti 1 to / T4pe and reference 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o1$ i$> seco$dar7 ce i$3o &44

13.,.32 )#8;P#R#M
This variable contains 2.0 Parameters durin the connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic )#8 Para9eters Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode a$d c eared u!o$ success3u SR'S re ocatio$. $ersion R)L-11

13.,., Void 13.,.,o );4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6'

This variable indicates whether 2?:P:1F and 2?:P11F transmission procedures are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.*; for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-4(< tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* )-4(< tra$s9issio$ is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-6


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.,a );R'T:
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pri9ar7 )-R'T: Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )-R'T: Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-6

Seco$dar7 )-R'T:




13.,.5 )ST#8L:S<)4;R#8S
This variable is used to store information about the established radio access bearers and si nallin radio bearers in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R#8 i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.R#8s etu!N T4pe and reference Se2antics description &or eac" R#8 esta% is"ed. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. R#8 i$3o 10.3.,.= 1 to M9a.R8!e r R#8N R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 :$te2er(0..M 9a.Su%3 o1 cou$tN) )$u9erated( sto!!ed, started) 1 to M 9a.SR8se tu!N )$u9erated( sto!!ed, started) &or eac" R8 %e o$2i$2 to t"e R#8

NR#8 i$3o NR8 i$3or9atio$ NNR8 ide$tit7 NNSu%3 o1 NNR8 started Si2$a i$2 radio %earer i$3or9atio$ NR8 started


Re3ere$ce to t"e R#8 su%3 o1 i9! e9e$ted %7 t"is R8 4e3au t 5a ue is started :$ t"e order o3 R80 a$d u!1ards. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. 4e3au t 5a ue is started


13.,.5a )ST#8L:S<)4;S:G'#LL:'G;(6'')(T:6'S
This variable is used to store information about established si nallin connections.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ ist Need 6P

+%% /ulti 1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or eac" esta% is"ed si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. (' do9ai$ ide$tit7

NSi2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ ide$tit7


13.,.6 )ST#8L:S<M)'T;(#US)
This variable is used to store the cause for establishment of a si nallin connection received by upper layers- to be used at //1 connection establishment or &nitial :irect Transfer.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )sta% is"9e$t cause Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )sta% is"9e $t cause Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.6a )UTR#;&R)EU)'(D;:'&6;L:ST
This variable contains cell information on 2?3T/. freAuencies (possibly with associated blac#lists)- as received in messa es "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,> and M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 :$3o List N)#R&(' Need MP MP

+% /ulti 1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBsN :$te2er(0 .. 65535)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. Measure9e$t %a$d1idt" i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s o$ t"e carrier 3reBue$c7. :t is de3i$ed %7 t"e !ara9eter Tra$s9issio$ 8a$d1idt" (o$3i2uratio$, 'R8 I36.10,J. T"e 5a ues i$dicate t"e $u9%er o3 resource % oc>s o5er 1"ic" t"e U) cou d 9easure. 4e3au t 5a ue is 6. R)L-=

NMeasure9e$t 8a$d1idt"


)$u9erated(6, 15, 25, 50, /5, 100)


N8 ac> isted ce s !er 3reB ist NNP"7sica (e ide$tit7


1 to M9a.)UTR#( e Per&reBN :$te2er (0..503) # ist o3 % ac> isted ce s ca$ %e si2$a ed !er 3reBue$c7 :3 t"is 3ie d is !rese$t, t"e U) s"a use a 1ider %a$d1idt" 1"e$ !er3or9i$2 RSRE 9easure9e$ts accordi$2 to TS 36.133 I/,J.

R)L-= R)L-=

NGide%a$d RSRE 9easure9e$ts


)$u9erated (TRU))


&reBue$c7 :$3o e.te$sio$ List


1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBsN



Release ! N)#R&(' e.te$sio$ 6P


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$te2er(65536.. 2621,3) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. R)L-11

13.,.6% Void 13.,.6c )TGS;:'&6;:';PR6GR)SS

This variable is not used in this version of the specification.

13.,./ &#:LUR);(#US)
This variable contains the cause for failure of a 32 initiated procedure- to be reported in a retransmitted messa e.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &ai ure cause Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference &ai ure cause Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,./a &R)EU)'(D;8#'4;:'4:(#T6R;SUPP6RT
This variable indicates which freAuency bands broadcasted in &2 H7reAuency 0ands &ndicator "upportH 32 supports. 7or ,.*;Mcps T::- if no freAuency band is broadcasted in &2 H7reAuency 0ands &ndicator "upportH- 32 sets the variable accordin to own capability. "ee subclause ;.,.,.=.9 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Su!!ort o3 t"e 3irst &reBue$c7 8a$d Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description &or &44, c eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 t"e ca9!ed ce or $o :) O&reBue$c7 8a$ds :$dicator Su!!ortP i$ S:8505%is. &or 1.2=Mc!s T44, c eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 t"e ca9!ed ce . &or &44, c eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 t"e ca9!ed ce or $o O&reBue$c7 8a$ds :$dicator Su!!ortP i$ S:8505%is. &or 1.2=Mc!s T44, c eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 t"e ca9!ed ce . $ersion R)L-10

Su!!ort o3 t"e seco$d &reBue$c7 8a$d


8oo ea$


13.,.= &#:LUR);:'4:(#T6R
This variable indicates whether the procedure has failed for a 32 initiated procedure.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &ai ure i$dicator Need MP

+%3 /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* Procedure "as 3ai ed. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.=o <;R'T:
This variable stores the assi ned F?/'T& for this 32 when in 1255?:1F- 1255G7.1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) or 1255GP1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) state- and when an F"?:"1F transport channel has been allocated.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <-R'T: Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference <-R'T:,a Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-5

13.,.=oo <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6'
This variable indicates whether F"?"11F and F"?:"1F reception procedures are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.*9 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< rece!tio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< rece!tio$ is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-5

13.,.=oa <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';()LL;&#(<;ST#T)
This variable indicates whether F"?"11F and F"?:"1F reception procedures are on oin in 1255G7.1F for 011F- :11F and- if confi ured- :T1F reception. "ee subclause ;.9.3= for actions related to the settin of this variable. 'OT2P 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< state Need MP

+%' /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode, ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;4(<. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode, $ersion R)L-/

13.,.=o% <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';6&;(((<;)'#8L)4
This variable indicates whether F"?"11F and F"?:"1F reception procedures are enabled for 111F and 011F- and for "/0, if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state. "ee subclause ;.9.3< for actions related to the settin of this variable. 'OT2P 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.
Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< rece!tio$ 3or t"e (((< is e$a% ed. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 ()LL;P(<, UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;4(<. $ersion R)L-/

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< rece!tio$ o3 (((<

13.,.=oc <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';G)')R#L
This variable indicates whether F"?"11F and F"?:"1F reception procedures are on oin in 1255G:1F1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F- or 3/.GP1F. "ee subclause ;.9.3<a for actions related to the settin of this variable. 'OT2P 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ a states Need MP

+%" /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;4(<, ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(< or UR#;P(< is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode $ersion R)L-/

13.,.=od S)(6'4#RD;()LL;<S;4S(<;R)()PT:6'
2ach entry in this variable indicates whether F"?"11F and F"?:"1F reception procedures are confi ured for a secondary servin - assistin servin or assistin secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. "ee subclause ;.9.9, for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< rece!tio$ Need MP /ulti 1 to / T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< rece!tio$ is co$3i2ured 3or a seco$dar7 ser5i$2, assisti$2 ser5i$2 or assisti$2 seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce . Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.=oe <S;4S(<;4RA;()LL;&#(<;ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether F"?:"1F :/I operation is supported in 1255G7.1F. "ee subclause ;.9.8; for actions related to the settin of this variable. 'OT2P 7:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< status Need MP

+%( /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< is su!!orted. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;&#(< or 1"e$ dedicated <-R'T: is c eared. $ersion R)L-=

13.,.=o3 <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6';6&;)TGS;)'#8L)4
This variable is not used in this version of the specification.

13.,.=ooo <S;S((<;L)SS;P#R#MS
'OT2P 7or 7:: only. This variable contains the parameters for 32 operation in F"?"11F less mode. The parameters are listed in subclause ,+.3.=.3=ab.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ara9eters 3or <S-S((< ess Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference <S-S((< ess :$3or9atio$ i$ Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/



7or 7:: only.

This variable indicates whether F"?"11F less F"?:"1F transmission procedures are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.39 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S;S((<;L)SS;ST#TUS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* <S-S((< ess <S-4S(< tra$s9issio$ is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-/

13.,.=a :'(6MP#T:8L);S)(UR:TD;R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'
This variable indicates whether an incompatible simultaneous reconfi uration of a security function has been received.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$co9!ati% e securit7 reco$3i2uratio$ Need MP

+%) /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* #$ i$co9!ati% e si9u ta$eous securit7 reco$3i2uratio$ "as %ee$ detected. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.=% Void 13.,.=c Void 13.,.=d <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(<

This variable indicates whether variables FG/'T&- 1G/'T& and 2G/'T& are stored in 1255GP1F state.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <SP# R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* 5aria% es <;R'T:, (;R'T: a$d );R'T: are stored i$ ()LL;P(< state. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-=

13.,.- :':T:#L;U);:4)'T:TD
&n this variable the identity used by the 32 when establishin an //1 connection is stored.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$itia U) ide$tit7 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$itia U) ide$tit7 Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.-a :'T)GR:TD;PR6T)(T:6';#(T:V#T:6';:'&6
This variable contains information to be sent to 3T/.' about when a new inte rity protection confi uration shall be activated in the uplin# for si nallin radio bearers in case of modification of inte rity protection.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o Need 6P

+%* /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.10 :'T)GR:TD;PR6T)(T:6';:'&6
This variable contains information about the current status of the inte rity protection in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Status Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 'ot started, Started) Se2antics description Set to @'ot started@ 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to @'ot started@ 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. TRU) 9ea$s a reco$3i2uratio$ o3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. G"e$ i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ is started, status i$3or9atio$ 3or R80- R8, i$ t"at order. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.



8oo ea$

Si2$a i$2 radio %earer s!eci3ic i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ i$3or9atio$


1 to M9a.SR8s etu!N

NU! i$> RR( <&' N4o1$ i$> RR( <&' NU! i$> RR( Messa2e seBue$ce $u9%er N4o1$ i$> RR( Messa2e seBue$ce $u9%er


8it stri$2 (2=) 8it stri$2 (2=) :$te2er (0.. 15) :$te2er (0.. 15)

13.,.10a :'T)R;R#T;<#'46V)R;:'&6;TR#'S&)RR)4
This variable stores information about the inter /.T handover info that has been transferred to another /.T.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ Need /ulti

+%+ T4pe and referenc e Prede3i$ ed co$3i2ura tio$ status i$3or9ati o$ 10.3.,.5 a Prede3i$ ed co$3i2ura tio$ status i$3or9ati o$ co9!res sed 10.3.,.5 % U) securit7 i$3or9ati o$ 10.3.3., 2% U) securit7 i$3or9ati o$2 10.3.3., 2c U) radio access ca!a%i it 7 10.3.3., 2 U) radio access ca!a%i it 7 e.te$sio $ 10.3.3., 2a U) radio access ca!a%i it 7 co9!res sed 10.3.3., 2o :$terR#T U) radio access ca!a%i it 7 10.3.=./

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T

Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ co9!ressed


( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T


U) securit7 i$3or9atio$


( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T

U) securit7 i$3or9atio$2


( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T


U) radio access ca!a%i it7


( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed



U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7


1 to M9a.S7st e9(a!a% i it7N

( eared u!o$ e$teri$2 co$$ected 9ode i$ a$ot"er R#T


Release ! N:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 MP

+ % :$terR#T U) radio access ca!a%i it 7 10.3.=./

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.11 :'V#L:4;(6'&:GUR#T:6'
This variable indicates whether a received messa e contained an invalid confi uration- by means of invalid values or invalid combinations of information elements.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e :$5a id co$3i2uratio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* #$ i$5a id co$3i2uratio$ "as %ee$ detected. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.11a L#T)ST;(6'&:GUR)4;(';46M#:'
This variable stores the 1'?domain that was most recently confi ured to be used for cipherin and inte rity protection.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Latest co$3i2ured (' do9ai$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.11% L#T)ST;(6'&:GUR)4;SR8;4)L#D;#'4;P(;PR)#M8L)
This variable stores the "/0 delay and P1 preamble to be used for establishin the :P1F after failure of hard handover- inter?/.T handover from 3T/.'- or cell chan e order from 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e SR8 de a7 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0../) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure.

P( !rea9% e


:$te2er (0../)

13.,.11c M8MS;#(T:V#T)4;S)RV:()S
This variable stores the M0M" multicast services the 32 has joined as well as the M0M" broadcast services the 32 is interested to receive. Chenever the list of joined multicast services and@ or interested broadcast services chan es- upper layers provide an indication upon which the 32 shall update the variable accordin ly. &n case upper layers de?select an M0M" "elected "ervices- the 32 shall remove the concerned service from the variable. 5i#ewise- when upper layers select an M0M" "elected "ervices- the 32 shall add the concerned service to the variable.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #cti5ated ser5ice ist Need 6P

+ /ulti 1 to M9a.M8M SSer5icesN M8MS Ser5ice ide$tit7 10.3.-a.= )$u9erated (Mu ticast, 8roadcast) 8oo ea$ T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

NSer5ice :de$tit7


NSer5ice t7!e


NM8MS Se ected Ser5ices :$dicator


T/32 means that the service is currently a M0M" "elected "ervice

Condition +roadcast

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Ser5ice t7!e@ is set to T8roadcastS a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


.n independent instance of the variable M0M"G.1T&B.T2:G"2/B&12" is used by 32s supportin reception of M0M" services from cells operatin in M0"7' mode and will contain the services available in M0"7' mode only as indicated by hi her layers.

13.,.11d M8MS;PR)V;&R)EU)'(D;:'&6
This variable stores the freAuency information of the cell the 32 is camped on- upon movin to the M0M" preferred layer indicated M0M" 751 preferred freAuency information.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PR)V &reBue$c7 :$3or9atio$ (<6:() mode N&44 ce NNU#R&(' do1$ i$> ('d) N3.=, Mc!s T44 ce NNU#R&(' ('t) N1.2= Mc!s T44 ce ist NNU#R&(' ('t) Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


:$te2er(0 .. 163=3) :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) :$te2er(0 .. 163=3)

I21J I22J I22J



This variable stores the value of the &2 HM0M" P5 "ervice /estriction &nformationH restriction applicable to preferred freAuency received in the latest /adio 0earer 1ontrol or 1ell 3pdate 1onfirm messa e.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M8MS;PL;S)RV:();R)STR: (T:6';:'&6;4)4:(#T)4 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (TRU), &#LS)) Se2antics description Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-6


Release !

+ !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.12 M)#SUR)M)'T;:4)'T:TD
This variable stores the measurements confi ured in the 32. 7or each confi ured measurement- the information below shall be stored.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference M)#SUR)M )'T (6'TR6L 10.2.1/, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11 10.2.,=.=.12, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 12 10.2.,=.=.13 Se2antics description :$3or9atio$ as co$tai$ed i$ t"ese 9essa2es. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure (=.,.1.=-=.,.1.-). ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure (=.,.1.-a).

13.,.13 Void 13.,.13a M:M6;P#R#MS

This variable indicates the values of the parameters for operation in M&MO mode. "ee subclause ;.9.3* for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() 9ode N&44 NNM:M6 ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio Need MP 6P )$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.6.,1% )$u9erated (TRU)) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

NNM:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ NNPrecodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$

6P 6P

:3 !rese$t, U) a!! ies !recodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$.



Release ! NT44 NN(<6:() T44 o!tio$ NNN1.2= Mc!s T44 NNNNM:M6 S& Mode 3or <SP4S(< dua strea9 NNNN<S-S:(< Re3ere$ce Si2$a :$3o

+ 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= T"e order o3 t"e ist corres!o$ds to t"e order o3 <SS((<s i$ <SS((< i$3o Mida9% e # ocatio$ 9ode is U) s!eci3ic 9ida9% e a ocatio$ T"e a ocated 9ida9% e s"i3t. ($o data) R)L-=

MP MP 6P M1 to 9a.<SS( (<s N :$te2er (2, ,, 6, =, 10, 12, 1,, 16) :$te2er (0..15) :$te2er (1..5) )$u9erated (S&1, S&10S&16)

NNNNN Re3ere$ce Si2$a Mida9% e co$3i2uratio$



NNNNNRe3ere$ce Si2$a Mida9% e S"i3t NNNNNRe3ere$ce Si2$a Ti9es ot $u9%er NNN3.=, Mc!s T44 or /.6= Mc!s T44


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

13.,.13% M:M6;ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether the 32 is operatin in M&MO mode. "ee subclause ;.9.33 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 status Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ M:M6 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;4(< state. $ersion

13.,.1, 6R4)R)4;R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'
This variable stores information about an on oin /econfi uration procedure.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 6rdered reco$3i2uratio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at a Reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedure is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.1,a P4(P;R6<(;T#RG)T;M64)
This variable contains the /OF1 tar et mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tar2et Mode Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (6-9ode, R9ode) Se2antics description T"e U) s"a o$ 7 tra$sit to t"e si2$a ed 9ode 3or o!eratio$ o3 R6<( as decri%ed i$ I36J. $ersion R)L-5


Release !

+ '

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.15 P4(P;S';:'&6
This variable contains P:1P receive seAuence numbers for one or several radio bearers to be included in a response messa e to 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ ist Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.22 T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

NR8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$


13.,.15a P<DS:(#L;S<#R)4;(<#'')L;(6'&:GUR#T:6'
This variable is used only for T:: to store information about the physical shared channel confi uration in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PUS(< co$3i2uratio$ NPUS(< i$3o NPUS(< :de$tit7 NPUS(< !o1er co$tro i$3o Need 6P MP 6P 6P PUS(< i$3o :$te2er(1.. "iPUS(<ide $tities) PUS(< !o1er co$tro i$3o ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 a$d ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. P4S(< :$3o 10.3.6.,, :$te2er(1.."i P4S(<ide$t ities) P4S(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 10.3.6.,5 1 to 9a.TS Ti9es ot $u9%er 10.3.6.=, ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 a$d ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Ti9es ot $u9%ers, 3or 1"ic" t"e U) s"a re!ort t"e ti9es ot :S(P i$ PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 a$d ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

P4S(< co$3i2uratio$ NP4S(< :$3o NP4S(< :de$tit7 NP4S(< !o1er co$tro i$3o

6P MP 6P 6P

:S(P Ti9es ot ist NTi9es ot $u9%er


13.,.15% PP#(;P#R#M
This variable contains Pa in Permission with .ccess 1ontrol Parameters durin the connected mode.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pa2i$2 Res!o$se Restrictio$ :$dicatio$ Need MP

+ " /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( # , (S, PS, 'o$e)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared u!o$ success3u SR'S re ocatio$. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared u!o$ success3u SR'S re ocatio$. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared u!o$ success3u SR'S re ocatio$. $ersion R)L-=

R)L-11 R)L-=

Locatio$0Re2istratio$ Restrictio$ :$dicator


)$u9erated( # , (S, PS)

R)L-11 R)L-=



Locatio$ 0Re2istratio$ Para9eters 10.3.1./oa


13.,.15c PR:6R:TD;:'&6;L:ST
This variable contains cell information on 3T/. and inter?/.T priorities to be applied to nei hbour cells stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T and 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"T- as received in messa es "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,> and 3T/.' MO0&5&TK &'7O/M.T&O'. The contents of this variable are inherited at inter?/.T cell (re)selection- includin the remainin validity time (i.e.T3*+ in 2?3T/.'- T3** in 3T/.'- and T3*3+ in G2/.')- if confi ured. This variable can be confi ured in 1255G:1F- 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F and &dle states. Fowever- it is only used in 1255G7.1F- 1255GP1F- 3/.GP1F and &dle states. &n $amped on any cell in D8E- the 32 implicitly ta#es actions as described in subclause ;.,.,.=.,> assumin the &2 HPriority statusH eAuals HsysGinfoGpriorityH usin stored "ystem information 0loc# type ,>. &n $amped normally in D8Eif the 32 assumes it has valid 32 specific priorities accordin to D8E- the 32 implicitly ta#es actions as described in subclause ;.=.<.*3 without stoppin T3** usin stored &2 H:edicated Priority &nformationH. 7or 3T/. and 2?3T/. freAuencies- a 32 that supports multi?band cells for the concerned /.T considers the dedicated priorities to be common for all overlappin bands (i.e. independent of the ./71' that is used).


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Priorit7 status Need MP

+ ( /ulti

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) T4pe and reference )$u9erated (s7s;i$3o;!riori t7, dedicated;!rior it7) :$te2er (0..M9a.PrioR 1N) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

UTR# Ser5i$2 (e N!riorit7

6P 6P

NS!riorit7searc"1 NS!riorit7searc"2 NT"res"ser5i$2, o1 NT"res"ser5i$2, o12 Priorit7 :$3o List N!riorit7

MP M4 MP M4 6P 6P 1 to M9a.'u9PrioN

:$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0../ %7 ste! o3 1) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..31)

#%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at t"e o1est !riorit7 is assi2$ed to t"e ser5i$2 3reBue$c7 ( o1er t"a$ a$7 assi2$ed !riorit7) RS(P, d8 d8, de3au t 5a ue is 0 RS(P, d8 )c0'0, Id8J, de3au t 5a ue is 0 #%se$ce o3 t"is :) i$dicates t"at $o !riorit7 is assi2$ed to t"e i$dicated 3reBue$cies

R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-R)L-=

:$te2er (0..M9a.PrioR 1N)


N(<6:() Radio #ccess Tec"$o o27 NNUTR# &44 NNN&reBue$c7 List NNNNU#R&(' NNNNEBua 9i$&44

MP 1 to M9a.'u9&44 &reBsN MP M4 :$te2er (0.. 163=3) :$te2er (-2,..0)

R)L-= R)L-=

R)L-= )c0'0, Id8J 4e3au t 5a ue is -2,. RS(P, d89 4e3au t 5a ue is -11-. RS(P, d8 RS(P, d8 R)L-=

NNNNEr. e59i$&44


:$te2er (-11-..25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) 1 to M9a.'u9T44 &reBsN


NNNNT"res"., "i2" NNNNT"res"., o1 NNUTR# T44 NNN&reBue$c7 List NNNNU#R&(' NNNNEr. e59i$T44

6P 6P

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=


:$te2er (0.. 163=3) :$te2er (-11-..25 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2)

R)L-= RS(P, d89 4e3au t 5a ue is -11-. RS(P, d8 R)L-=

NNNNT"res"., "i2"




Release ! NNNNT"res"., o1 NN)-UTR# NNN&reBue$c7 List NNNN)#R&(' MP 6P

+ )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) RS(P, d8 R)L-= R)L-=

1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBsN :$te2er(0 .. 65535) :$te2er (-1,0..,, %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (-3,..-3) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (-31.. 31) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J RSRP, d89 4e3au t 5a ue is -1,0. RSRP, d8 RSRP, d8 RSRE, d8 de3au t 5a ue is $e2ati5e i$3i$it7 RSRE, d8 RSRE, d8 633set i$ d8 used 3or Measured resu ts o$ R#(< R)L-=

NNNNEr. e59i$)UTR#



NNNN T"res"., "i2" NNNNT"res"., o1 NNNNEBua 9i$)UTR# NNNNT"res"., "i2"2 NNNNT"res"., o12 NNNN)UTR#-RSREo33setG8

6P 6P M4 6P 6P 6P

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L-11

NNN&reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ List NNNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$


1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBsN :$te2er(65536.. 2621,3) :$te2er (-1,0..,, %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (-3,..-3) :$te2er (0..31) :$te2er (0..31) 8it stri$2 (=) Y'(( 0 to /Z )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. RSRP, d89 4e3au t 5a ue is -1,0. RSRP, d8 RSRP, d8 RSRE, d8 de3au t 5a ue is $e2ati5e i$3i$it7 RSRE, d8 RSRE, d8 8it9a! i$dicati$2 '(( 5a uesU rese ectio$ o3 G)R#' ce s is !er9itted 1"e$ t"e corres!o$di$2 '(( %it ? @1@. 4e3au t is O11111111P

R)L-11 R)L-11

NNNNEr. e59i$)UTR#



NNNN T"res"., "i2" NNNNT"res"., o1 NNNNEBua 9i$)UTR# NNNNT"res"., "i2"2 NNNNT"res"., o12 NNGSM NNN'(( !er9itted

6P 6P M4 6P 6P M4

R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-=

NNN&reBue$c7 List NNNN8a$d i$dicator


1 to M 9a.(e MeasN )$u9erated (4(S 1=00 %a$d used, P(S 1-00 %a$d used) :$dicates "o1 to i$ter!ret t"e 8((< #R&('

R)L-= R)L-=


Release ! NNNN8((< #R&(' NNNNEr. e59i$GSM MP M4

+ *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) :$te2er (0..1023) :$te2er (-115..56 %7 ste! o3 2) I,5J GSM RSS:, d89 4e3au t 5a ue is -115. GSM RSS:, d8 GSM RSS:, d8 TTRU)S 9ea$s t"at t"e U) 9a7 detect t"e !rese$ce o3 a )-UTR# ce a$d re!ort to '#S R)L-= R)L-=

NNNNT"res"., "i2" NNNNT"res"., o1 )-UTR# detectio$

6P 6P 6P

:$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) :$te2er (0..62 %7 ste! o3 2) 8oo ea$

R)L-= R)L-= R)L-=

13.,.16 PR6T6(6L;)RR6R;:'4:(#T6R
This variable indicates whether there e(ist a protocol error that is to be reported to 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Protoco error i$dicator Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Protoco error i$dicator Se2antics description Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.1/ PR6T6(6L;)RR6R;:'&6RM#T:6'
This variable contains dia nostics to be reported to 3T/.' for a messa e that was not completely understood.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Protoco error i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.1= PR6T6(6L;)RR6R;R)F)(T
This variable indicates whether there has occurred a severe protocol error causin the on oin procedure to fail.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Protoco error reKect Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* a se5ere !rotoco error "as occurred. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.1- R8;T:M)R;:'4:(#T6R
This variable contains information to be sent to 3T/.' if any of the timers T3,8 or T3,9 has e(pired when the 32 sends a cell update with cause /5 failure.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 ti9er i$dicator Need 6P

+ + /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ti9er i$dicator

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.20 R8;UPL:'H;(:P<)R:'G;#(T:V#T:6';T:M);:'&6
This variable contains information to be sent to 3T/.' about when a new cipherin confi uration shall be activated in the uplin# for radio bearers usin /51?.M or /51?3M.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R8 u! i$> ci!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference R8 acti5atio$ ti9e i$3o 10.3.,.13 Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.20o R'(;(#P#8:L:TD;(<#'G);SUPP6RT
This variable indicates whether the servin /'1 supports chan es of 32 capability in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R'( su!!ort 3or c"a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.20oo R)#4D;&6R;(6MM6';)4(<
&n 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode- this variable indicates whether 2?:P:1F and 2?:P11F transmission procedures for 7:: or 2?/311F and 2?P31F transmission procedure for ,.*; Mcps can be immediately started by the 32. "ee subclause ;.9.8< for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Read7 3or co99o$ )4(< Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description See su%c ause =.5.,/ $ersion R)L-=

13.,.20a S)(UR:TD;M64:&:(#T:6'
This variable contains information on which 1' domain is affected by the on oin security reconfi uration.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Status 3or eac" (' do9ai$ N(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NStatus Need MP MP MP /ulti M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 )$u9erated( #33ected, 'ot #33ected) T4pe and reference Se2antics description

13.,.21 Void


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.22 ST#RT;T<R)S<6L4
This variable contains information about the ma(imum allowed value of the "T./T for a 1' domain.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e T<R)S<6L4 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference :$te2er (0..10,=5/6) Se2antics description 20 %its. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.23 ST#RT;V#LU);T6;TR#'SM:T
This variable contains the value of "T./T for new radio bearer(s) to be transmitted in a response messa e.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ST#RT Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference ST#RT Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.23a T#RG)T;()LL;PR)(6'&:GUR#T:6'
This variable indicates whether F"?"11F reception procedures are confi ured for a tar et cell for which F"?:"1F servin 1ell 1han e may be initiated by F"?"11F order sent from tar et cell. "ee subclause ;.3.8.3 and ;.9.9* for actions related to the settin of this variable. 'OT2P 7:: only.
Need 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ )$u9erated (Radio8eare rSetu!, Radio8earer Reco$3i2urat io$, Tra$s!ort(" a$$e Reco$3i 2uratio$, P"7sica ("a $$e Reco$3i2 uratio$) :$te2er (0..3) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-= R)L-=

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e M#( reset Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e Messa2e T7!e

Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e Tra$sactio$ :d Tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$s NPri9ar7 scra9% i$2 code NTar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$

6P 6P MP MP 1 to M9a.RLN

R)L-= R)L-=

:$te2er(0..51 1) Tar2et ce !reco$3i2urat io$ i$3or9atio$ 10.3.6./-a

R)L-= R)L-=

13.,.2, T&(;SU8S)T
This variable contains information about the T71 subset(s) applicable to the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() mode N&44 NN(urre$t T&( su%set Need MP MP /ulti

+! T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Su%set T&( (o$tro duratio$ 10.3.6.=0 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Su%set



NN4e3au t T&( su%set


Set to @&u tra$s!ort 3or9at set@ 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. T"e T&( su%set to 2o %ac> to 1"e$ a$7 te9!orar7 i9itatio$ is re eased. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. R)L-,

NNT&( su%set ist NNNT&( su%set


1 to M9a.T& (su%N Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Su%set 1 to M 9a.((T r(< N 6$e T&(S is created 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. @T&(S :4@ is set to 1 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. @S"ared c"a$$e i$dicator@ is set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to @&u tra$s!ort 3or9at set@ 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. T"e T&( su%set to 2o %ac> to 1"e$ a$7 te9!orar7 i9itatio$ is re eased. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2


NT44 NNT&(S ist


NNNT&(S ide$tit7


Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set :de$tit7

NNN(urre$t T&( su%set


Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Su%set T&( (o$tro duratio$ 10.3.6.=0 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Su%set



NNNN4e3au t T&( su%set



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need /ulti

+!! T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion

NNT&( su%set ist NNNT&(S ide$tit7


1 to M9a.T& (su%2N Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Set :de$tit7 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$ati o$ Su%set

R)L-, R)L-,

NNNT&( su%set



13.,.25 TGPS;:4)'T:TD
This variable contains the confi uration parameters of all the confi ured compressed mode transmission ap pattern seAuences.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce NTGPS: NTGPS Status & a2 Need 6P /ulti 1 to M9a.TGP SN TGPS: 10.3.6.=2 )$u9erated( acti5ate, deacti5ate) T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. T"is 3 a2 i$dicates 1"et"er t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce s"a %e acti5ated or deacti5ated. T"is 3 a2 i$dicates t"e curre$t status o3 t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce, 1"et"er it is acti5e or i$acti5e (o$$ectio$ &ra9e 'u9%er o3 t"e 3irst 3ra9e o3 t"e 3irst !atter$ 1it"i$ t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce. :$3or9atio$ as co$tai$ed i$ t"e :) 2rou! @Tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce co$3i2uratio$ !ara9eters@ i$ :) @4P(< co9!ressed 9ode i$3o@


N (urre$t TGPS Status & a2


)$u9erated( acti5e, i$acti5e) :$te2er (0..255)



NTra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce co$3i2uratio$ !ara9eters


Condition Acti%e

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGPS Status & a2@ is @#cti5ate@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.26 TGS';R)P6RT)4
This variable specifies whether an &2 HProposed TG"'H was reported to the 3T/.'
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Pro!osed TGS' re!orted Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.26a T:M)RS;#'4;(6'ST#'TS
This variable contains the values for all timers and constants used in connected mode.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode Need M4 /ulti T4pe and reference U) Ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ co$$ected 9ode 10.3.3.,3 Se2antics description 4e3au t 5a ue 9ea$s t"at 3or a ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts 3or !ara9eters 1it" $eed M4, t"e de3au ts s!eci3ied i$ 10.3.3.,3 a!! 7 a$d 3or !ara9eters 1it" $eed 6P, t"e !ara9eters are a%se$t. # !ara9eters are set to t"e de3au t 5a ue 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode to a$ot"er R#T.

13.,.2/ TR#'S#(T:6'S
This variable stores the identifications of the on oin //1 procedure transactions.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e #cce!ted tra$sactio$s NMessa2e t7!e NRR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier Need 6P MP MP /ulti 1 to M9a.tra$s actio$sN Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier 1 to M9a.tra$s actio$sN Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier 1 to M9a.tra$s actio$sN Messa2e T7!e RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

ReKected tra$sactio$s NMessa2e t7!e NRR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier


Processed tra$sactio$s NMessa2e t7!e NRR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2/o Void 13.,.2/a TR:GG)R)4;1#;)V)'T

This variable contains information about a ,a event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,a event per active set confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered Need 6P /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1..:$3 i$it7) 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1..:$3 i$it7) 8oo ea$ T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

N!ri9ar7 (P:(< Nse$t re!orts (e s rece$t 7 tri22ered N!ri9ar7 (P:(< Nse$t re!orts Periodica re!orti$2 ru$$i$2


'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2

'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2

13.,.2/% TR:GG)R)4;18;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,b event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,b event per active set confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered Need 6P /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e MeasN

+!" T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion

N!ri9ar7 (P:(<


Nse$t re!orts


Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1.. :$3i$it7) 1 to M 9a.(e MeasN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1.. :$3i$it7) 8oo ea$

'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2


(e s rece$t 7 tri22ered N!ri9ar7 (P:(<


R)L-5 R)L-5

Nse$t re!orts


'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2.


Periodica re!orti$2 ru$$i$2



13.,.2/c TR:GG)R)4;1(;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,c event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,c event per active set confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered Need 6P /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1..:$3 i$it7) 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1..:$3 i$it7) 8oo ea$ T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

N!ri9ar7 (P:(< Nse$t re!orts (e s rece$t 7 tri22ered N!ri9ar7 (P:(< Nse$t re!orts Periodica re!orti$2 ru$$i$2


'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2

'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2

13.,.2/d 8)ST;()LL;14;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,d event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,d event confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8est ce Need 6P

+!( /ulti T4pe and reference Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.2/e TR:GG)R)4;1);)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,e event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,e event per active set confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered Need 6P /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

N!ri9ar7 (P:(< (e s rece$t 7 tri22ered N!ri9ar7 (P:(<


13.,.2/3 TR:GG)R)4;1&;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,f event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,f event per active set confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered Need 6P /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

N!ri9ar7 (P:(< (e s rece$t 7 tri22ered N!ri9ar7 (P:(<


13.,.2/31 TR:GG)R)4;1G;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a , event that has been tri ered in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered NPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2/32 TR:GG)R)4;1<;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,h event that has been tri ered in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered NPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description

13.,.2/33 TR:GG)R)4;1:;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,i event that has been tri ered in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered NPri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description

13.,.2/3, 8)ST;&R)EU)'(D;2#;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a *a event that has been confi ured in the 32. 7or 7::- there is one such variable per virtual active set used per *a event confi ured in the 32. 7or T::- there is one such variable per *a event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8est 3reBue$c7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference &reBue$c7 i$3o Se2antics description

13.,.2/35 TR:GG)R)4;28;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a *b event that has been confi ured in the 32. 7or 7::- there is one such variable per virtual active set used per *b event confi ured in the 32. 7or T::- there is one such variable per *b event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 tri22ered N&reBue$c7 Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN &reBue$c7 i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description

13.,.2/36 TR:GG)R)4;2(;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a *c event that has been confi ured in the 32. 7or 7::- there is one such variable per virtual active set used per *c event confi ured in the 32. 7or T::- there is one such variable per *c event confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 tri22ered N&reBue$c7 Need 6P MP

+!* /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN &reBue$c7 i$3o T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

13.,.2/3/ TR:GG)R)4;24;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a *d event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per *d event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description

13.,.2/3= TR:GG)R)4;2);)V)'T
This variable contains information about a *e event that has been confi ured in the 32. 7or 7::- there is one such variable per virtual active set used per *e event confi ured in the 32. 7or T::- there is one such variable per *e event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &reBue$c7 tri22ered N&reBue$c7 Need 6P MP /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN &reBue$c7 i$3o T4pe and reference Se2antics description

13.,.2/3- TR:GG)R)4;2&;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a *f event that have been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per *f event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description

13.,.2/310 TR:GG)R)4;3#;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a 3a event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per event 3a confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() system NGSM NN(<6:() +SIC NNNVeri3ied 8S:( NNNN:$ter-R#T ce id NNN'o$ 5eri3ied 8S:( NNNN8((< #R&(' N)-UTR# NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 ist NNN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 MP MP Need 6P MP

+!+ /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

0 to M9a.(e M easN MP 0 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er (0..1023) 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (0..M9a.(e MeasN-1)



NNN(e ist


1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #(e sPer& reBN :$te2er (0..503) 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN :$te2er (65536..262 1,3) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.


NNNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$


R)L-= R)L-11




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2/311 TR:GG)R)4;38;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a 3b event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per event 3b confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() system NGSM NN(<6:() +SIC NNNVeri3ied 8S:( NNNN:$ter-R#T ce id NNN'o$ 5eri3ied 8S:( NNNN8((< #R&(' N)-UTR# NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 ist NNN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 MP MP 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. Need 6P MP 0 to M9a.(e M easN MP 0 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er (0..1023) R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (0..M9a.(e MeasN-1) /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion



NNN(e ist


1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #(e sPer& reBN :$te2er (0..503) 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN :$te2er (65536..262 1,3) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.


NNNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$


R)L-= R)L-11



13.,.2/312 TR:GG)R)4;3(;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a 3c event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per event 3c confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() system NGSM NN(<6:() +SIC NNNVeri3ied 8S:( NNNN:$ter-R#T ce id NNN'o$ 5eri3ied 8S:( NNNN8((< #R&(' N)-UTR# NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 ist NNN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 MP MP Need 6P MP

+3 /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

0 to M9a.(e M easN MP 0 to M9a.(e M easN :$te2er (0..1023) 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. R)L-= R)L-= :$te2er (0..M9a.(e MeasN-1)



NNN(e ist


1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #(e sPer& reBN :$te2er (0..503) 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN :$te2er (65536..262 1,3) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.


NNNNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$


R)L-= R)L-11



13.,.2/313 8)ST;()LL;34;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a 3d event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per event 3d confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() system NGSM NN(<6:() +SIC NNNVeri3ied 8S:( NNNN:$ter-R#T ce id NNN'o$ 5eri3ied 8S:( NNNN8((< #R&(' N)-UTR# NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 Need

+3! /ulti T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

MP MP :$te2er (0..M9a.(e MeasN-1) :$te2er (0..1023) :$te2er (0..65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@. R)L-= R)L-=


NNP"7sica (e :de$tit7 NN)-UTR# (arrier &reBue$c7 e.te$sio$ ist NNN)#R&(' e.te$sio$

MP 6P 1 to M9a.Re!o rted)UTR #&reBsN

:$te2er (0..503)

R)L-= R)L-11


:$te2er (65536..262 1,3)

)#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J.


13.,.2/31, TR:GG)R)4;6#;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a =a event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per =a event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description

13.,.2/315 TR:GG)R)4;68;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a =b event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per =b event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description

13.,.2/316 TR:GG)R)4;6(;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a =c event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per =c event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description

13.,.2/31/ TR:GG)R)4;64;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a =d event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per =d event confi ured in the 32.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P

+33 /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

13.,.2/31= TR:GG)R)4;6);)V)'T
This variable contains information about a =e event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per =e event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description

13.,.2/31- TR:GG)R)4;6&;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a =f event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per =f event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() 9ode N&44 )5e$t tri22ered;RL N1.2= Mc!s T44 NNT#4V Need /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion


M9a.RL N

8oo ea$ T#4V i$3o 10.3./.11 2 R)L-, R)L-,

13.,.2/320 TR:GG)R)4;6G;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a = event that has been confi ured in the 32. There is one such variable per = event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )5e$t tri22ered;RL Need 6P /ulti M9a.RLN T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2/321 TR:GG)R)4;1F;)V)'T
This variable contains information about a ,j event that has been tri ered in the 32. There is one such variable per ,j event confi ured in the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (e s tri22ered Need 6P /ulti 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1..:$3 i$it7) 1 to M 9a.(e Me asN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er(1..:$3 i$it7) 8oo ea$ T4pe and reference Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-6

N!ri9ar7 (P:(< Nse$t re!orts (e s rece$t 7 tri22ered N!ri9ar7 (P:(< Nse$t re!orts Periodica re!orti$2 ru$$i$2


R)L-6 'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2 R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6 'u9%er o3 re!orts se$t to UTR#' i$ case o3 e5e$t tri22ered !eriodica re!orti$2 R)L-6 R)L-6

13.,.2/2 U);(#P#8:L:TD;R)EU)ST)4
This variable stores information about the 32 capabilities that have been reAuested by 3T/.' but that have not yet been transferred to 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) radio access ca!a%i it7 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7


1 to M 9a.:$terS7 sMessa2es N :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.=./ :$c udes i$ter-R#T c ass9ar>. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

N:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7


13.,.2= U);(#P#8:L:TD;TR#'S&)RR)4
This variable stores information about which 32 capabilities that have been transferred to 3T/.'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) radio access ca!a%i it7 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ Need

+3" /ulti T4pe and reference U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a 1 to M9a.S7ste 9(a!a%i it 7N :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.=./ U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed 10.3.3.,2o Securit7 ca!a%i it7

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion


U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7


N:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7


:$c udes i$ter-R#T c ass9ar>. ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot stated ot"er1ise i$ t"e !rocedure. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. R)L-5

U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed


Securit7 ca!a%i it7



13.,.2=a U);P6S:T:6':'G;GPS;4#T#
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GPS 4ata ci!"eri$2 i$3o Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o 10.3./.=6 8it stri$2(56) 8it stri$2(56) U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e 10.3./.-6 ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 4GPS correctio$s 10.3./.-1 1 to M9a.SatN )$u9erated( 0..63) U) Sate ite :4 Se2antics description

GPS 4eci!"eri$2 He7s N(urre$t deci!"eri$2 >e7 N'e.t deci!"eri$2 >e7 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce ti9e


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS re3ere$ce U) !ositio$


# !riori >$o1 ed2e o3 U) 3-4 !ositio$.

U) !ositio$i$2 GPS 4GPS correctio$s


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS $a5i2atio$ 9ode NSat:4 NGPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc>



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (orrectio$ !ara9eters Need

+3( /ulti T4pe and reference !ositio$i$2 GPS )!"e9eris a$d ( oc> (orrectio$ !ara9eters 10.3./.-1a U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2 U) !ositio$i$2 GPS UT( 9ode 10.3./.-/

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description

U) !ositio$i$2 GPS io$os!"eric 9ode


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS UT( 9ode


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS a 9a$ac NSat:4


1 to M9a.Sat# 9a$acStor a2eN Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.=U) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ assista$ce 10.3./.== U) !ositio$i$2 GPS rea ti9e i$te2rit7 10.3./.-5

NNG'a NN4ata:4 NNe NNtoa NN: NN6M)G#46T NNSV <ea t" NN#102 NN6M)G#0 NNM0 NN NNa30 NNa31 NSV G o%a <ea t" U) !ositio$i$2 GPS acBuisitio$ assista$ce


U) !ositio$i$2 GPS rea -ti9e i$te2rit7



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2=% U);P6S:T:6':'G;6T46#;4#T#;U);#SS:ST)4
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)assisted Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 10.3./.10= Se2antics description

U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce ist 3or U)assisted NU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)assisted


1 to M9a.(e M easN U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 10.3./.106

13.,.2=c U);P6S:T:6':'G;6T46#;4#T#;U);8#S)4
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 6T46# 4eci!"eri$2 He7s N(urre$t deci!"eri$2 >e7 N'e.t deci!"eri$2 >e7 6T46# 4ata ci!"eri$2 i$3o Need 6P MP MP 6P /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2(56) 8it stri$2(56) U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o 10.3./.=6 U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased 10.3./.10=a 1 to M9a.(e M easN U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased 10.3./.106 Se2antics description

U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# re3ere$ce ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased


U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce ist 3or U)-%ased NU) !ositio$i$2 6T46# $ei2"%our ce i$3o 3or U)-%ased



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.2=d U);P6S:T:6':'G;G#'SS;4#T#


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e G#'SS 4ata ci!"eri$2 i$3o Need 6P

+3+ /ulti T4pe and reference U) !ositio$i$2 (i!"eri$2 i$3o 10.3./.=6 8it stri$2(56) 8it stri$2(56) U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e 10.3./.-6o ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters 10.3./.-2c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode 10.3./.-2a 1 to M9a.G#' SSN :$te2er (0../) U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4 10.3./.-/e 1 to M9a.G#' SS-1N 6P U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS ti9e 9ode 10.3./.-/a U) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s 10.3./.-1%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-/

G#'SS 4eci!"eri$2 He7s N(urre$t deci!"eri$2 >e7 N'e.t deci!"eri$2 >e7 U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce ti9e


R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/ R)L-/

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce U) !ositio$


# !riori >$o1 ed2e o3 U) 3-4 !ositio$.


U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a io$os!"eric 9ode



U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS )art" orie$tatio$ !ara9eters



U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS io$os!"eric 9ode



G#'SS Ge$eric 4ataList NG#'SS :4 NS8#S :4


R)L-/ Sa9e as :) i$ 10.3./.-0% R)L-/ R)L-=

NG#'SS Ti9e Mode s List NNPositio$i$2 G#'SS Ti9e Mode


NU) !ositio$i$2 4G#'SS correctio$s




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NU) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s Need (VA"SS-ID-+DS (VA"SS-ID-+DS

+'% /ulti T4pe and reference U) !ositio$i$2 484S correctio$s 10.3./.-2e U) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode 10.3./.-2d U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode 10.3./.-,a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s 10.3./.-,% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea ti9e i$te2rit7 10.3./.-5a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce 10.3./.-/% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$ t i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.==% U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS a 9a$ac 10.3./.=-a U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode 10.3./.-/c U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s 10.3./.-/d U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.-/3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-12

NU) !ositio$i$2 84S :o$os!"eric Grid Mode


NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS $a5i2atio$ 9ode



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a $a5i2atio$ 9ode s



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS rea ti9e i$te2rit7



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS data %it assista$ce



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS re3ere$ce 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS a 9a$ac



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS UT( 9ode



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS additio$a UT( 9ode s



NU) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS au.i iar7 i$3or9atio$




Release ! Condition A"SS-ID-S+AS A"SS-ID-+DS


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS :4@ is @S8#S@ a$d $e5er stored ot"er1ise. T"e :) is o!tio$a 7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS :4@ is @84S@ a$d $e5er stored ot"er1ise.

13.,.2- U'SUPP6RT)4;(6'&:GUR#T:6'
This variable indicates whether a received messa e contained a confi uration that is not supported by the 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* #$ u$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ "as %ee$ detected. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.30 UR#;:4)'T:TD
This variable stores the assi ned 3/. identity for this 32 when in 3/.GP1F state.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e UR# ide$tit7 Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference UR# ide$tit7 Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.31 U;R'T:
This variable stores the assi ned 3?/'T& for this 32.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U-R'T: Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode.

13.,.32 V#LU);T#G
This variable contains information about the value ta for the last received system information bloc# of a iven type- for all system information bloc#s usin value ta s. The 32 shall maintain one instance of this variable for the current selected cell. The 32 may store several instances of this variable- one for each cell- to be used if the 32 returns to these cells. .ll &2s in this variable shall be cleared when switched off. .ll &2s in this variable e(cept for the &2 H"&0 ,= value ta listH shall be cleared at selection of a new cell and this cell broadcasts an &2 HP5M' &dentityH in the M&0 which is different from the &2 HP5M' &dentityH broadcast in the M&0 in the previously selected cell. The &2 H"&0 ,= value ta listH is cleared when '." informs ." about a new selected P5M'.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:8 5a ue ta2 S8 1 5a ue ta2 S8 2 5a ue ta2 Need 6P 6P 6P /ulti T4pe and reference M:8 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.(e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue Se2antics description Va ue ta2 3or t"e 9aster i$3or9atio$ % oc> Va ue ta2 3or t"e sc"edu i$2 % oc> t7!e 1 Va ue ta2 3or t"e $ersion


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 1 5a ue ta2 Need

+'! /ulti T4pe and reference ta2 10.3.=., PLM' 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.10

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description sc"edu i$2 % oc> t7!e 2 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1 'ote* :) TPLM' 5a ue ta2S is used 3or S:81 %ut t"e area sco!e 3or S:8 1 is (e . Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 2 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 3 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e , Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 5 or 5%is Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 6 ($o data) Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 11 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 11%is Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 12 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13.1 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13.2 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13.3 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 13., $ersion

(V- SM

S:8 2 5a ue ta2


(e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.,

S:8 3 5a ue ta2


S:8 , 5a ue ta2


S:8 5 5a ue ta2


S:8 6 5a ue ta2


(<6:() mode N&44 NT44 S:8 11 5a ue ta2



(e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.,

S:8 11%is 5a ue ta2



S:8 12 5a ue ta2


S:8 13 5a ue ta2


S:8 13.1 5a ue ta2


S:8 13.2 5a ue ta2


S:8 13.3 5a ue ta2


S:8 13., 5a ue ta2



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 15 5a ue ta2 Need 6P

+'3 /ulti T4pe and reference (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., 1 to M9a.SatN

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15%is Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.1 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.1ter List o3 5a ue ta2s 3or a stored occurre$ces o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.2 $ersion

S:8 15%is 5a ue ta2



S:8 15.1 5a ue ta2


S:8 15.1ter 5a ue ta2



S:8 15.2 5a ue ta2 ist


NS:8 15.2 5a ue ta2 NS:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2


(e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20% 1 to M9a.SatN List o3 5a ue ta2s 3or a stored occurre$ces o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.3 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.3

S:8 15.3 5a ue ta2 ist


NS:8 15.3 5a ue ta2


PLM' 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.10 S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20% (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.,

NS:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2


S:8 15., 5a ue ta2


Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S:8 15.5 5a ue ta2 Need 6P

+'' /ulti T4pe and reference (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.,

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.5 $ersion

G#'SS s!eci3ic S:8s NG#'SS :4

6P M4

1 to M9a.G#' SSN :$te2er(0../) :de$ti3ier 3or G#'SS, a%se$ce o3 t"is :) 9ea$s Ga i eo. &or codi$2 descri!tio$ see '6T) 1 i$ 10.3./.-0%.

R)L-/ R)L-/

NS8#S :4


NS:8 15.1%is 5a ue ta2

U) !ositio$i$2 G#'SS S8#S :4 10.3./.-/e (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., 1 to M9a.SatN


NS:8 15.2%is 5a ue ta2 ist


Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.1%is List o3 5a ue ta2s 3or a stored occurre$ces o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.2%is



NNS:8 15.2%is 5a ue ta2 NNS:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2


(e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20% 1 to M9a.SatN List o3 5a ue ta2s 3or a stored occurre$ces o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.2ter (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20% 1 to M9a.SatN List o3 5a ue ta2s 3or a stored occurre$ces o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.3%is Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.3%is

R)L-/ R)L-/

NS:8 15.2ter 5a ue ta2 ist



NNS:8 15.2ter 5a ue ta2 NNS:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2


R)L-= R)L-=

NS:8 15.3%is 5a ue ta2 ist



NNS:8 15.3%is 5a ue ta2


PLM' 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.10 S:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.20%


NNS:8 occurre$ce ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e NS:8 15.6 5a ue ta2 Need 6P

+'" /ulti T4pe and reference (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., 1 to M9a.Pred e3(o$3i2N

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.6 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15./ Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 15.= List o3 5a ue ta2s 3or a stored occurre$ces o3 t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 16 $ersion R)L-/

NS:8 15./ 5a ue ta2



NS:8 15.= 5a ue ta2



S:8 16 5a ue ta2 ist


NPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2


S:8 1= 5a ue ta2


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 a$d 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.11 (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=., (e 5a ue ta2 10.3.=.,

S:8 1- 5a ue ta2


S:8 20 5a ue ta2


S:8 21 5a ue ta2


S:8 22 5a ue ta2


Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1= Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 20 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 21 Va ue ta2 3or t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 22





Condition SM A"SI A"SS- ID-S+AS

1Dplanation T"is i$3or9atio$ is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ @GSM-M#P 9ode@ a$d $e5er stored ot"er1ise. T"is i$3or9atio$ is o!tio$a 1"e$ t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ @#'S:-,1 9ode@ a$d $e5er stored ot"er1ise. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @G#'SS :4@ is @S8#S@ a$d $e5er stored ot"er1ise.

13.,.33 (6'TR6L;(<#'')L;4RA;P#R#MS
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ara9eters 3or (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA Need MP

+'( /ulti T4pe and reference (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA :$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 i$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

13.,.3, (6'TR6L;(<#'')L;4RA;ST#TUS
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only. This variable indicates whether discontinuous reception of 1ontrol 1hannel procedures is enable. "ee subclause ;.9.93 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (6'TR6L;(<#'')L;4RA;S T#TUS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* co$tro c"a$$e disco$ti$uous rece!tio$ is e$a% e. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-=

13.,.35 );4(<;SPS;P#R#MS
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only. This variable contains the parameters for 2?:1F "emi?persistent "chedulin . The parameters are listed in subclause ,+.3.=.,,,.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ara9eters 3or )-4(< SPS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference )-4(< SPS :$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 i$ Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

13.,.36 );4(<;SPS;ST#TUS
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only. This variable indicates whether 2?:1F "emi?persistent "chedulin procedures are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.98 for actions related to the settin of this variable.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e );4(<;SPS;ST#TUS Need MP

+') /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* )-4(< SPS o!eratio$ is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-=

13.,.3/ <S;4S(<;SPS;P#R#MS
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps only. This variable contains the parameters for F"?:"1F "emi?persistent "chedulin . The parameters are listed in subclause ,+.3.=.,,*.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U) !ara9eters 3or <S-4S(< SPS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference <S-4S(< SPS :$3or9atio$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 i$ Se2antics description $ersion R)L-=

13.,.3= <S;4S(<;SPS;ST#TUS
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps only. This variable indicates whether F"?:"1F "emi?persistent "chedulin procedures are on oin . "ee subclause ;.9.99 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S;4S(<;SPS;ST#TUS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< SPS is o$2oi$2. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-=

13.,.3- S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;P#R#MS
This variable indicates the values of the parameters for operation in M&MO mode in the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. "ee subclause ;.9.9< for actions related to the settin of this variable.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio Need 6P

+'* /ulti 1 to / T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ 10.3.6.,1% )$u9erated (TRU))

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11

M:M6 !i ot co$3i2uratio$ Precodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$

6P 6P

1 to / 1 to /

R)L-11 R)L-11

13.,.,0 S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells are operatin in M&MO mode. "ee subclause ;.9.9< for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 status Need MP /ulti 1 to / T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e seco$dar7 ce o3 t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ M:M6 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;4(< state or ea5i$2 dua ce o!eratio$. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.,1 S)(6'4#RD;()LL;);4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6'
This variable indicates whether 2?:P11F and 2?:P:1F transmission procedures are confi ured on the secondary 35 freAuency. "ee subclause ;.9.9; for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Seco$dar7 ce )-4(< tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* )-4(< tra$s9issio$ is co$3i2ured o$ t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L--

13.,.,2 ()LL;:'&6;(SG;L:ST
This variable contains 1"G@Fybrid cell information on intra?freAuency and inter?freAuency cells as received in M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. This variable shall be cleared at cell re?selection- when leavin 3T/. //1 connected mode- when switched off as well as at selection of a new P5M'.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (SG :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o (SG :$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o Need 6P 6P

+'+ /ulti T4pe and reference 10.3./.121 10.3./.120

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-R)L--

13.,.,3 4(<;M6PS;:4)'T:TD
This variable is use to store the 1255G:1F measurement occasion pattern seAuences confi ured to the 32 for ,.*;Mcps T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ !atter$ seBue$ce Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$ t occasio$ i$3o L(R 10.3./.126 Se2antics description :$3or9atio$ as co$tai$ed i$ t"ese 9essa2es. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;4(< state.

13.,.,, SDST)M;:'&6RM#T:6';(6'T#:')R
This variable contains the system information for the current servin cell.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ (o$tai$er 10.2.,=a Se2antics description ( eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode, 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode a$d 1"e$ U) c"a$2es a ser5i$2 ce to t"e ot"er ce t"a$ t"e ce associated 1it" t"is 5aria% e. $ersion R)L--

13.,.,5 MU;M:M6;:'&6
This variable contains M3?M&MO parameters for ,.*; Mcps T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e MU-M:M6 i$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference MU-M:M6 i$3o 1.2= Mc!s T44 Se2antics description

13.,.,6 MU;M:M6;ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether the 32 is operatin in M3?M&MO mode. "ee subclause ;.9.=, for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e MU;M:M6 status Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ MU-M:M6 9ode. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;4(< a$d $ersion R)L-10


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) ()LL;&#(< state.

13.,.,/ MULT:;(#RR:)R; );4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6'

'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only. This variable indicates whether multi?carrier 2?P31F transmission procedures are confi ured on the additional 2?:1F carrier. "ee subclause ;.9.=* for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mu ti carrier )-4(< tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU)* )-4(< tra$s9issio$ is co$3i2ured o$ t"e additio$a )-4(< carrier. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode 1"e$ $ot ot"er1ise stated i$ t"e !rocedure. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-10

13.,.,= L6GG)4;M)#S;(6'&:G
This variable contains parameters related to 5o ed Measurements. This variable should not be deleted upon transition to &dle mode and when the 32 move to another /.T.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Lo22ed Measure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Lo22ed Measure9e$ ts (o$3i2uratio $ :$3o 10.3./.132 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10

13.,.,- L6GG)4;M)#S;R)P6RT;V#R:#8L)
This variable includes the lo ed measurements information.This variable should not be deleted upon transition to &dle mode and when the 32 move to another /.T. The 32 shall store the lo ed measurements durin 8; hours after e(piry of the timer T3*=.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Trace re3ere$ce Trace recordi$2 sessio$ Need MP MP

+" /ulti T4pe and reference Trace Re3ere$ce 10.3./.133 Trace Recordi$2 Sessio$ 10.3./.13, T() :d 10.3./.135 8it Sti$2 (,=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Para9eter trace re3ere$ce* See TS 32.,22 I=1J Para9eter trace recordi$2 sessio$ re3ere$ce* See TS 32.,22 I=1J Para9eter T() :d* See TS 32.,22 I=1J :$dicates t"e re3ere$ce to $et1or> a%so ute ti9e a)soluteTimeInfo !ro5ided at t"e !oi$t o3 9easure9e$t o22i$2 co$3i2uratio$. &or9at is DD-MM44 <<*MM*SS usi$2 8(4 e$codi$2 $ersion R)L-10 R)L-10

T() :d #%so ute Ti9e :$3o


R)L-10 R)L-10

(<6:() 9ode N&44 NNList o3 9easure9e$ts &44 NNNLo22ed Measure9e$t :$3o&44 NT44 NNList o3 9easure9e$ts T44 NNNLo22ed Measure9e$t :$3oT44 PLM' :de$tit7 List NPLM' ide$tit7

MP 0..Ma.Lo2 2edMeas MP Lo22ed Measure9e$ t :$3o-&44 10.3./.120..Ma.Lo2 2edMeas MP Lo22ed Measure9e$ t :$3o-T44 10.3./.130 1.. Ma.$u9M 4TPLM' PLM' ide$tit7

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10

R)L-10 R)L-10 R)L-10


R)L-11 R)L-11

13.,.50 L6G;#'R;(6'&:G
This variable contains parameters related to lo ed .'/ measurements. This variable should not be deleted upon transition to &dle mode and when the 32 move to another /.T or a P5M' not included in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG.'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Lo22ed #'R (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference Lo22ed #'R (o$3i2uratio$ :$3o 10.3./.,2a Se2antics description $ersion R)L-10


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.51 L6G;#'R;R)P6RT;V#R:#8L)
This variable includes the lo ed .'/ measurements information.This variable should not be deleted upon transition to &dle mode and when the 32 move to another /.T or a P5M' not included in the &2 HP5M' &dentityH or &2 H2Auivalent P5M' &dentity 5istH stored in variable 5OGG .'/G/2PO/TGB./&.052. The 32 shall store the lo ed measurements durin 8; hours after start of the timer T3*<.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' :de$tit7 Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 Se2antics description RPLM' 1"e$ recei5i$2 t"e L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6 ' 9essa2e )Bui5a e$t PLM' :de$tit7 o3 t"e RPLM' 1"e$ recei5i$2 t"e L6GG:'G M)#SUR)M)'T (6'&:GUR#T:6 ' 9essa2e $ersion R)L-10

)Bui5a e$t PLM' :de$tit7 List N)Bui5a e$t PLM' :de$tit7


1..15 PLM' ide$tit7

R)L-10 R)L-10

Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o


Lo22ed #'R Re!ort :$3o 10.3./.,2%


13.,.52 UPL:'H;(LT4;TR#'SM:SS:6'
This variable indicates whether the 32 is operatin in uplin# 15T: transmission. "ee subclause ;.9.=> for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> (LT4 tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ u! i$> (LT4 tra$s9issio$. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.53 UPL:'H;6LT4;TR#'SM:SS:6'
This variable indicates whether the 32 is operatin in uplin# O5T: transmission. "ee subclause ;.9.<+ for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> 6LT4 tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ u! i$> 6LT4 tra$s9issio$. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.5, L6GG)4;(6'')(T:6';)ST#8L:S<M)'T;&#:LUR)
This variable includes the lo ed information from the latest failed //1 connection establishment. This variable should not be deleted upon transition to &dle mode and when the 32 move to another /.T. The 32 shall store the lo ed


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

information durin 8; hours or until reported to the networ# and 32 may #eep the information beyond 8; hours. The 32 may discard the variable upon switch off or detach.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e PLM' ide$tit7 (<6:() 9ode N&44 NN Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o-&44 Need MP MP /ulti T4pe and reference PLM' ide$tit7 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11 R)L-11 R)L-11 Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e $t &ai ure :$3o-&44 10.3./.12-a Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e $t &ai ure :$3o-T44 10.3./.130a R)L-11


NT44 NN Lo22ed (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3o-T44


R)L-11 R)L-11

13.,.55 MULT:&L6G;ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether the 32 is confi ured with Multiflow operation. "ee subclause ;.9.<, for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Mu ti3 o1 status Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"at t"e Mu ti3 o1 tra$s9issio$ is co$3i2ured 3or t"e U). Set to &#LS) 1"e$ e$teri$2 t"e RR( co$$ected 9ode, or 1"e$ ea5i$2 t"e ()LL;4(< state, or 1"e$ ea5i$2 t"e RR( co$$ected 9ode. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.56 ()LL;R)S)L)(T:6';:'&6;L(RT44
'OT2P 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only. This variable contains the the freAuencies and P11P1F /"1P threshold information used for cell reselection from G2/.' to ,.*; Mcps T::. The variable should not be cleared unless 32 receives "&03 without mappin info for 3.;8 Mcps T::.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Ma!!i$2 :$3o Need 6P /ulti T4pe and Reference Ma!!i$2 i$3o Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.5/ )UTR#;&R)EU)'(D;:'&6;L:ST;&#(<
'OT2P 7or 7:: only. This variable contains 2?3T/. freAuency information to be measured under 1255G7.1F state- as received in M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5- and the 2?3T/. freAuency /.1F reportin information as received in "ystem &nformation 0loc# Type ,>.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e )-UTR# &reBue$c7 :$3o List Need MP /ulti 1 to M9a.'u9)UT R#&reBs;&#( <N :$te2er(0 .. 65535) )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. :3 t"e :) i$dicates a 5a ue o3 65535, t"e$ t"e )#R&(' 3or t"is i$sta$ce s"ou d %e read 3ro9 t"e corres!o$di$2 i$sta$ce o3 :) @)#R&(' e.te$sio$@ )#R&(' o3 t"e do1$ i$> carrier 3reBue$c7 I6,J. )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$ 10.3./.13T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11




N)#R&(' e.te$sio$


:$te2er (65536..2621, 3)


)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$



13.,.5= &#LL8#(H;R--;PR#(<;)'#8L)4
7or 7::- in 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode- this variable indicates whether />> P/.1F transmission procedure is on oin to transmit 111F or :11F data even when@if /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32. "ee subclause ;.9.<= for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &a %ac> R-- PR#(< )$a% ed Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description See su%c ause =.5./6 $ersion R)L-11

13.,.5- <S;4S(<;4RA;()LL;&#(<;2(D(L);ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether F"?:"1F :/I operation with second :/I cycle is supported in 1255G7.1F. "ee subclause ;.9.8; for actions related to the settin of this variable. 'OT2P 7:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e <S-4S(< 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e status Need MP

+"" /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description TRU)* <S-4S(< 4RA o!eratio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< 1it" seco$d 4RA c7c e is su!!orted. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;&#(< or 1"e$ dedicated <-R'T: is c eared. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.60 R)#4D;&6R;(6MM6';)RG(<
'OT2P 7or 7:: only. &n 1255G7.1F or 1255GP1F state- this variable indicates whether the 32 has been confi ured for 2?/G1F reception on radio lin#s other than the servin 2?:1F radio lin#. "ee subclause ;.9.<9 for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Read7 3or co99o$ )RG(< Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description See su%c ause =.5./5 $ersion R)L-11

13.,.61 R)#4D;&6R;&#LL8#(H;R--;PR#(<
7or 7::- in 1255G7.1F state or &dle mode- this variable indicates whether a '.1% on the 2?.& in .&1F indicates to the 32 that the 32 should initiate the />> P/.1F procedure to transmit 111F or :11F data even when@if /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32. "ee subclause ;.9.<< for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Read7 3or &a %ac> R-- PR#(< Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description See su%c ause =.5.// $ersion R)L-11

13.,.62 M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T)''#S;P#R#MS
This variable indicates the values of the parameters for operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas. "ee subclause ;.9.<; for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$,3 8it stri$2 (6,) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11

M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$



Precodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$




Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.,.63 M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T)''#S;ST#TUS
This variable indicates whether the 32 is operatin in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas. "ee subclause ;.9.<> for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as status Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;4(< state. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.6, S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T) ''#S;P#R#MS

This variable indicates the values of the parameters for operation in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas in the secondary servin F"?:"1F cell. "ee subclause ;.9.;+ for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as ';cBi;t7!e#0M;cBi ratio M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$ Need 6P /ulti 1 to 3 T4pe and reference )$u9erated( 102, 203, 30,, ,05, 506, 60/, /0=, =0-, -010, 101) M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as !i ot co$3i2uratio$,3 Se2antics description $ersion R)L-11


1 to 3


Precodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$


1 to 3

0it strin (=8)


13.,.65 S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;M64);G:T<;&6UR;TR#'SM:T;#'T) ''#S;ST#TUS

This variable indicates whether the secondary servin F"?:"1F cells are operatin in M&MO mode with four transmit antennas. "ee subclause ;.9.;+ for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e Need MP /ulti 1 to 3 T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e seco$dar7 ce o3 t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ M:M6 9ode 1it" 3our tra$s9it a$te$$as. ( eared 1"e$ ea5i$2 ()LL;4(< state $ersion R)L-11

"econdary cell M&MO mode with four transmit antennas status


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) or ea5i$2 dua ce o!eratio$.

13.,.66 UPL:'H;M:M6;TR#'SM:SS:6'
This variable indicates whether the 32 is operatin in uplin# M&MO transmission. "ee subclause ;.9.;, for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e U! i$> M:M6 tra$s9issio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s t"e U) is o!erati$2 i$ u! i$> M:M6 tra$s9issio$. Set to &#LS) 1"e$ ea5i$2 UTR# RR( co$$ected 9ode or t"e 4(< state. $ersion R)L-11

13.,.6/ 8((<;M64:&:(#T:6';#(()SS;PR6<:8:T:6'
This variable indicates whether any //1 connection establishment e(cept for emer ency call and 1" connection setup is prohibited or not.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e 8((< 9odi3icatio$ access !ro"i%itio$ Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description TRU) 9ea$s a$7 RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t e.ce!t 3or e9er2e$c7 ca a$d (S co$$ectio$ setu! is !ro"i%ited. :t is c eared 1"e$ e$teri$2 id e 9ode, recei5i$2 S:83 a3ter t"e detectio$ o3 t"e 5a ue ta2 c"a$2e 3or S:83, detecti$2 t"at S:83 5a ue ta2 "as $ot c"a$2ed duri$2 t"e 8((< 9odi3icatio$ or rese ectio$ to a$ot"er UTR# ce . $ersion R)L-11

13.,.6= '6';R)(T#'GUL#R;R)S6UR();#LL6(#T:6';ST#TUS
7or ,.*; Mcps T:: only. This variable indicates whether the 32 is confi ured for non?rectan ular resource allocation. "ee subclause ;.9.;* for actions related to the settin of this variable.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e '6';R)(T#'GUL#R;R)S6U R();#LL6(#T:6';ST#TUS Need MP /ulti T4pe and reference 8oo ea$ Se2antics description &or 1.2= Mc!s T44 o$ 7. TRU) 9ea$s t"e $o$-recta$2u ar $ersion R)L-12


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) resource a ocatio$ is co$3i2ured

13.5 U) RR( Procedure Per3or9a$ce

This subclause defines the performance reAuirements related to //1 procedures in the 32. Chere the total delay is impacted by processin of variable len th on the physical layer (e. . physical layer synchronisation)- references to appropriate specifications are iven.

13.5.1 4e3i$itio$s
The followin definitions of ', and '* are valid only for this 32 //1 Procedure Performance specification. ', W upper limit on the time reAuired to e(ecute modifications in 32 after the reception of a 3T/.' ?T 32 messa e has been completed. Chere applicable (e. . the physical layer transmission is impacted)- the chan es shall be adopted in the be innin of the ne(t TT& startin after ',. ', is specified as a multiple of ,+ ms. '* W number of ,+ ms radio frames from end of reception of 3T/.' ?T 32 messa e on 32 physical layer before the transmission of the 32 ?T 3T/.' response messa e must be ready to start on a transport channel with no access delay other than the TT& ali nment (e. . :1F- therefore e(cludin delays caused by /.1F procedure etc). The 32 response messa e transmission from the physical layer shall be in at the latest ('*\,+)VTT& ms after completion of the reception of the last TT& carryin the tri erin 3T/.' ?T 32 messa e. Chen Tar et "tate is 1255G:1F- the 32 response messa e transmission from the physical layer may be additionally delayed by the value of &2 H"/0 delayH. ', and '* are independent (e. . '*?', is not restricted to bein less than or eAual to ,+ms).

13.5.2 RR( !rocedure !er3or9a$ce 5a ues

'OT2P Times indicated in the table do not include cell reselection.
Procedure title. RRC Connection /ana-e2ent Procedures 8roadcast o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 0TRAN &E 01 SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' 5 '# 01 &E 0TRAN N N! Notes '2 is $ot a!! ica% e 3or a$7 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 9essa2es, %ecause t"ere is $o res!o$se 9essa2e 3ro9 t"e U). 'o s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ data s"a %e ost due to !rocessi$2 o3 a M:8 recei5ed 1it" $o detecta% e errors. T"is 9ea$s t"at t"e U) s"a %u33er a s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ data recei5ed a3ter t"e M:8 u$ti t"e data ca$ %e !rocessed accordi$2 to t"e i$3or9atio$ i$ t"e M:8, u$ ess t"e M:8 1as recei5ed erro$eous 7.

S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 2 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e , S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 5 or S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 5%is S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 6 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e /

SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'

10 10 10 10 10 10 5

'# '# '# '# '# '# '#


Release ! Procedure title. S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11 or S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 11%is S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 12 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 13 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1, S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 15 or 15%is or 15.1 or 15.1%is or 15.1ter or 15.2 or 15.2%is or 15.2ter or 15.3 or 15.3%is or 15., or 15.5 or 15.6 or 15./ or 15.= S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 16 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1= S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 1S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 20 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 21 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 22 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ ("a$2e :$dicatio$ RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t Target state C!LL*DCH 0TRAN &E 01 SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6'

+"+ 01 &E 0TRAN N 10 10 10 10 10 N! '# '# '# '# '#

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Notes

SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' SDST)M :'&6RM#T:6' RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) 10

'# '# '# '# '# '# '# '# '1 9easures ti9e to t"e start o3 t. 0 r. o$ 4P(<. '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" a so de!e$ds o$ t"e 'ode 8. T"e !er3or9a$ce o3 t"e !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$ !rocedure is s!eci3ied i$ I1-J a$d I20J '1 a$d '2 a!! ica% e as de3i$ed ('2 ca$ %e tested 3ro9 t"e i$itiatio$ o3 t"e !o1er ra9! o$ R#(<). '1 sets t"e reBuire9e$t 3or t"e ti9e 3ro9 t"e co9! etio$ o3 t"e ast re!etitio$ o3 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e to t"e re ease o3 t"e !"7sica c"a$$e . '2 sets t"e reBuire9e$t 3ro9 t"e e$d o3 success3u rece!tio$ o3 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) 9essa2e to t"e start o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ o3 t"e RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 9essa2e. '1 re!rese$ts U) i$ter$a co$3i2uratio$ t"at ca$$ot %e e.ter$a 7 o%ser5ed.

RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t Target state C!LL*#ACH RR( co$$ectio$ re ease #rom C!LL*DCH state

RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S)

RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)



RR( co$$ectio$ re ease #rom C!LL*#ACH state

RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S)

RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6MPL)T)




Release ! Procedure title. Pa2i$2 U) ca!a%i it7 e$Buir7 Securit7 9ode co$tro Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease !rocedure (ou$ter c"ec> )TGS Pri9ar7 'oti3icatio$ 1it" Securit7 0TRAN &E 01 P#G:'G TDP) 1 U) (#P#8:L:TD )'EU:RD S)(UR:TD M64) (6MM#'4 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) (6U'T)R (<)(H )TGS PR:M#RD '6T:&:(#T:6' G:T< S)(UR:TD

+(% 01 &E 0TRAN ()LL UP4#T) U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' S)(UR:TD M64) (6MPL)T) N 10 '# 5 5 (6U'T)R (<)(H R)SP6'S) '# 10

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) N! 11+ T = = '# = '# '2 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause t"ere is $o res!o$se 9essa2e. '1 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause t"e U) co$3i2uratio$ does $ot c"a$2e. '2 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause t"ere is $o res!o$se 9essa2e. Notes T is t"e re!etitio$ !eriod o3 S:8/ (a!! ica% e 3or &44) a$d S:81, (a!! ica% e 3or T44) '1 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause t"e U) co$3i2uratio$ does $ot c"a$2e.

Radio 5earer control procedures Radio %earer esta% is"9e$t Target state C!LL*DCH

R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP

R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR)



'2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8.

Radio %earer esta% is"9e$t #rom state C!LL*#ACH to state C!LL*#ACH Radio %earer esta% is"9e$t #rom C!LL*DCH to C!LL*#ACH Radio %earer reco$3i2uratio$ Target state C!LL*DCH

R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR# T:6'

R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR)





5 or 10


Radio %earer reco$3i2uratio$ #rom Idle Mode and state C!LL*#ACH to state C!LL*DCH Radio %earer reco$3i2uratio$ #rom state C!LL*#ACH to state C!LL*#ACH Radio %earer reco$3i2uratio$ #rom state C!LL*DCH to state C!LL*#ACH Radio %earer re ease Target state C!LL*DCH

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR# T:6' R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR# T:6' R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR# T:6' R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S)

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T)



'1 a$d '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause U) $eed to read S:8s o$ 8(< %e3ore se$di$2 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP (6MPL)T) '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8. '6T) 1 T"is reBuire9e$t a!! ies 1"e$ t"e U) "as a co99o$ )-4(< resource a$d is $ot reBuired to !er3or9 a$7 s7$c"ro$iQatio$.





'1 a$d '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause U) $eed to read S:8s o$ 8(< %e3ore se$di$2 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR)




Release ! Procedure title. Radio %earer re ease #rom state C!LL*#ACH to state C!LL*#ACH Radio %earer re ease #rom state C!LL*DCH to state C!LL*#ACH 0TRAN &E 01 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S)

+( 01 &E 0TRAN R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) N 10 N! 11

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Notes



Tra$s!ort c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ Target state C!LL*DCH

TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR# T:6'

TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR)

5 or 10


'1 a$d '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause U) $eed to read S:8s o$ 8(< %e3ore se$di$2 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8. '6T) 1

Tra$s!ort c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ #rom state C!LL*#ACH to state C!LL*#ACH Tra$s!ort c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ #rom state C!LL*DCH to state C!LL*#ACH Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ co$tro AM or 1M RLC mode Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ co$tro Transparent mode P"7sica c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ Target state C!LL*DCH

TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR# T:6' TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR# T:6'

TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T)





'1 a$d '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause U) $eed to read S:8s o$ 8(< %e3ore se$di$2 TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T)

TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR# T:6'

TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L &#:LUR)


'2 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause $o res!o$se 9essa2e is de3i$ed. '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8. '6T) 1

P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR)

5 or =


P"7sica c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ #rom state C!LL*#ACH to state C!LL*#ACH P"7sica c"a$$e reco$3i2uratio$ #rom state C!LL*DCH to state C!LL*#ACH P"7sica S"ared ("a$$e # ocatio$ IT44 o$ 7J

P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR# T:6' P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR# T:6' P<DS:(#L S<#R)4 (<#'')L #LL6(#T:6'

P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T)




'1 a$d '2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause U) $eed to read S:8s o$ 8(< %e3ore se$di$2 P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) '2 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause $o res!o$se 9essa2e is de3i$ed.


Release ! Procedure title. U! i$> P"7sica ("a$$e (o$tro IT44 o$ 7J 0TRAN &E 01 UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L

+(! 01 &E 0TRAN N = N! '#

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Notes ReBuire9e$ts 3or outer oo! a$d ti9i$2 ad5a$ce adKust9e$ts are de3i$ed i$ I22J a$d I20J. '2 is $ot a!! ica% e %ecause t"ere is $o res!o$se 9essa2e.

RRC connection 2o;ilit4 procedures (e u!date

()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM

UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*#ACH P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*DCH


'2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8.

TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*#ACH TR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*DCH





'2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8.

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*#ACH R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T :6' (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*DCH





'2 ca$$ot %e s!eci3ied, %ecause t"e P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted o$ 7 a3ter !"7sica a7er s7$c"ro$isatio$, 1"ic" de!e$ds a so o$ 'ode 8.

UR# u!date

UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM

R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) (6MPL)T) Target state C!LL*DCH UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM




Release ! Procedure title. UTR#' 9o%i it7 i$3or9atio$ 0TRAN &E 01 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' #(T:V) S)T UP4#T)

+(3 01 &E 0TRAN UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM 0 &#:LUR) #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) N 5 N! =

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Notes

#cti5e set u!date


T"e reBuire9e$ts o$ U) co9%i$i$2 a$d !o1er co$tro !er3or9a$ce 3or %ot" UL a$d 4L are s!eci3ied %7 R#' GG, i$ I21J a$d I1-J. # so i$ case o3 %ra$c" additio$ t"e (6MPL)T) 0 &#:LUR) 9essa2e is tra$s9itted 1it"out 1aiti$2 3or t"e $e1 %ra$c" to sta%i ise, t"ere3ore '2 is s!eci3ied.

:$ter-R#T "a$do5er to UTR#'

<#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 (ot"er s7ste9) <#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' (6MM#'4 M)#SUR)M)' T (6'TR6L

<#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MPL)T)



:$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' /easure2ent procedures Measure9e$t co$tro

<#'46V)R &R6M UTR#' &#:LUR) M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L &#:LUR)



T"e !er3or9a$ce o3 t"is !rocedure is s!eci3ied i$ 3GPP TS ,5.010 i$ case o3 "a$do5er 3ro9 GSM a$d 3GPP TS 36.133 i$ case o3 "a$do5er 3ro9 )-UTR#. T"e !er3or9a$ce o3 t"is !rocedure is s!eci3ied i$ I1-J a$d I20J. Res!o$se to 9easure9e$t i$Buir7 de!e$ds o$ !"7sica a7er 9easure9e$t. Res!o$se ti9e is de3i$ed i$ I1-J a$d I20J. '1 a$d '2 o$ 7 de3i$e t"e !rocessi$2 o3 t"e 9essa2e.

01 :N,CR/AT:CN U) :'&6RM#T:6'

U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)EU)ST

U) :'&6RM#T:6' R)SP6'S)

'OT2 ,P The lower value applies when the 32 is ordered to do a servin F"?:"1F cell chan e- chan in no other information than contained in the &2 HF?/'T&H- the &2 H:ownlin# F"?P:"1F informationH- the &2 H3plin# :P1F power control infoH and@or the &2 H"ervin F"?:"1F radio lin# indicatorH (7:: only).


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.6 R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or si2$a i$2 radio %earer R8 0

The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for si nallin radio bearer /0+ for T:: and for 7::- if either 32 or 3T/.' do not support common channel mappin on F"?:"1FP
:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e RL( i$3o NU! i$> RL( 9ode NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard NNSe29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ N4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode NNLe$2t" i$dicator siQe R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o NU! i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NNUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e NNRL( siQe ist $alue TM o9itted &#LS) UM / Co22ent

'eit"er discard is used, $or 1i t"ere %e a reset

Si$2 e 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ R#(< '0# R#(< corres!o$di$2 1it" se ected PR#(< :3 a5ai a% e t"e siQe i$ t"e :) O#dditio$a 47$a9ic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ 3or (((<P 3or t"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e used. ) se t"e 3irst T& de3i$ed i$ t"e Tra$s!ort &or9at Set 3or t"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e is used.

NNM#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 N4o1$ i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NN4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e

1 &#(<

Procedure descriptions in subclause ;.=.8.; shall not be applied for the &2 H/0 mappin infoH that is used for si nallin radio bearer /0+.

13.6a R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or S<((<

The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for "F11FP
:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e RL( i$3o NU! i$> RL( 9ode NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard NNSe29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ N4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o NU! i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NNUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e NNRL( siQe ist NNM#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 N4o1$ i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NN4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e NU! i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NNUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e NNUL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNM#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 NNRL( siQe ist N4o1$ i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NN4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e NN4L Tra$s!ort ("a$$e :de$tit7 $alue TM o9itted &#LS) UM Co22ent 'eit"er discard is used, $or 1i t"ere %e a reset

R#(< '0# 1 &#(<

6!tio$ 1 R#(< corres!o$di$2 1it" se ected PR#(< T"e 3irst T& de3i$ed i$ t"e Tra$s!ort &or9at Set 3or t"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e t"at is used

6!tio$ 2 US(< 1 1 '0# 4S(< 1

T"e 3irst T& de3i$ed i$ t"e Tra$s!ort &or9at Set 3or t"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e t"at is used

13.6% R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or 8((< 9a!!ed to &#(<

The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for 011F mapped to 7.1FP
:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e 4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode Se29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ $alue TM &#LS) Co22ent


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13.6c R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or P((< 9a!!ed to P(<

The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for P11F mapped to P1FP
:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e 4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode Se29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ $alue TM &#LS) Co22ent

13.6d Para9eters 3or 8((< 9a!!ed to 8(<

The transport format parameters for 01F are specified in D38E.

13.6e R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or si2$a i$2 radio %earer R8 0 9a!!ed o$ <S-4S(< a$d R#(<
The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for si nallin radio bearer /0+- if 32 and 3T/.' support common channel mappin on F"?:"1FP 'OT2P 7:: only.
$alue TM o9itted &#LS) UM / R#(< '0# Co22ent 'eit"er discard is used, $or 1i t"ere %e a reset

:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e RL( i$3o NU! i$> RL( 9ode NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard NNSe29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ N4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode NNLe$2t" i$dicator siQe R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o NU! i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NNUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e NNRL( siQe ist

Si$2 e 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ R#(< corres!o$di$2 1it" se ected PR#(< :3 a5ai a% e t"e siQe i$ t"e :) O#dditio$a 47$a9ic Tra$s!ort &or9at :$3or9atio$ 3or (((<P 3or t"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e used. ) se t"e 3irst T& de3i$ed i$ t"e Tra$s!ort &or9at Set 3or t"e tra$s!ort c"a$$e is used.

NNM#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 N4o1$ i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NN4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e

1 <S-4S(<

13.63 R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or 8((< 9a!!ed to <S-4S(<

The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for 011F mapped to F"?:"1FP 'OT2P 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.
$alue TM &#LS) '0# Co22ent 'o M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue is co$3i2ured 3or 8((< rece!tio$.

:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e 4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode Se29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue

13.62 R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or P((< 9a!!ed to <S-4S(<

The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for P11F mapped to F"?:"1FP 'OT2P 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.


Release ! :nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e 4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode Se29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue $alue TM &#LS) '0#


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Co22ent 'o M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue is co$3i2ured 3or P((< rece!tio$.

13.6" R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or si2$a i$2 radio %earer R8 0 9a!!ed o$ <S-4S(< a$d co99o$ )-4(<
The followin /adio 0earer parameter values apply for si nallin radio bearer /0+- if 32 and 3T/.' support common channel mappin on F"?:"1F and 2?:1FP 'OT2P 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only.
$alue TM o9itted &#LS) UM / Co22ent

:nfor2ation ele2ent< Group na2e RL( i$3o NU! i$> RL( 9ode NNTra$s9issio$ RL( discard NNSe29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ N4o1$ i$> RL( 9ode NNLe$2t" i$dicator siQe R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o NU! i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NNUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e NNRL( siQe ist NNM#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 N4o1$ i$> 9a!!i$2 i$3o NN4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e

'eit"er discard is used, $or 1i t"ere %e a reset

Si$2 e 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ )-4(< '0# 1 <S-4S(< )-4(< corres!o$di$2 1it" t"e 'ode 8 a ocated co99o$ )-4(< resource, i.e. UL 4P((<0)4P((<0)-4P4(<.

13./ Para9eter 5a ues 3or de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s

The 32 shall support the use of the default radio confi urations that are specified in the followin . &n each of the tables that are used to specify the parameter values for these default confi urations- the followin principle is usedP ? Optional &2s that are not used are omittedO

'OT2 ,P These confi urations are based on D8,E and cover a number of /.0 and si nallin connection confi urations. 'OT2 *P &f needed- si nallin radio bearer /08 is established after the completion of handover. 'OT2 3P 7or each default confi uration- the value of 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T::- <.=; Mcps T:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: parameters are specified. .ll parameters apply to 7::- 3.;8 Mcps T::- <.=; Mcps and ,.*; Mcps T:: modes- unless e(plicitly stated otherwise. &t should be noted that in this respect default confi urations differ from pre?defined confi urations- which only include parameter values for one mode. 'OT2 8P The transport format si!es- indicated in the followin table- concern the /51 P:3 si!e- since all confi urations concern dedicated channels. The transport bloc# si!es indicated in T" 38.,+; are different since these include the si!e of the M.1 header. 'OT2 9P The tabular values included in this subclause- represent the actual &2 values as in clause ,+- and not the ."'., representation of these values.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

'OT2 9.P

:efault confi uration identity ,, can not be used with release 8 32s

'OT2 =P The difference between default confi uration N** and default confi uration N, (,3.= #bps si nallin ) resides in the /51 confi uration and the :1F Auality tar et 'OT2 <P The difference between default confi uration N*3 and default confi uration N,< ("i nallin on 2?:1F M F"?:"1F) resides in the &2 H2?:1F M.1?d flow identityH and &2 HM.1?d 7low &dentityH (= in N*3- + in N,<)- in &2 HtransmissionGrantTypeH (scheduledTransmissionGrant&nfo in N*3- non? "cheduledTransGrant&nfo in N,<) and in &2 H&nclude in "chedulin &nfoH (T/32 in N*3- 7.5"2 in N,<).

13./.1 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3., >%!s si2$a i$2

Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic $alue 2 0 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300


Release ! Para2eters NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81- R83* '0# R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R81- R83* co$3i2ured R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3

dc" Tr(<1* 1 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e # '0#


Tr(<1* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* T"ird Tr(<1* 160 Tr(<1* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1 Sa9e#sUL


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

Tr(<1* 1 Tr(<1* 5.10


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c28it #dditio$ (T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1) 1 Si2$a ed 11 15 0

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 1

256 &#LS) , '0#


Release ! Para2eters Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

0 3ra9eRe ated = 1 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 1 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 1 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 1 re!etitio$Period1

13./.2 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 13.6 >%!s si2$a i$2

Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode $alue 1 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 100 R81- R83* '0# R81* UM R82- R83* #M


Release ! Para2eters NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 100 R81- R83* '0# 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R81- R83* co$3i2ured R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3

dc" Tr(<1* 1 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e # '0#


Tr(<1* 10 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* T"ird Tr(<1* 160 Tr(<1* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1 Sa9e#sUL


Release ! Para2eters NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* 1 Tr(<1* 5.10


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c28it #dditio$ (T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1) 1 Si2$a ed 11 15 0

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 1

12= &#LS) , '0#


Release ! Para2eters NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 0 3ra9eRe ated = 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

13./.3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.2 >%!s S!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe $alue ,a 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS)

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$


Release ! Para2eters Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.=1) Tr(<2* (0. 103, 1.103) Tr(<3* (0. 60, 1.60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero Tr(<2-,* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.=1) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s


Release ! Para2eters NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , ).! icit M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (1.0) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t

NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7)

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c68it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&1, T&0) 11 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 12 (o9!uted '0#


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue '0# 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 13 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&1, T&1) 23 Si2$a ed 11 15 0 Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.==

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.== re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./., 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 2=.= >%!s co$5. (S- data W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe $alue ,a , R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1


Release ! Para2eters NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.5/6, 1.5/6, 2.5/6) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? -, !art2? 2 (5/6) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero,1, 2 Tr(<2* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* ,0 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0# Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<1* 1=0 Tr(<2* 160 Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Sa9e#sUL

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Tr(<1* 2.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c,8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&0) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&1) 3 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&1, T&1) , (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1) 5 Si2$a ed = 15 0

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.-2

6, TRU) = & e.i% e


Release ! Para2eters NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.,, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.,, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

13./.5 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 32 >%!s co$5ersatio$a (S- data W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe $alue ,a 5 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS)

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$


Release ! Para2eters Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.6,0, 1.6,0) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? 11, !art2? 2 (6,0) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e Tr(<2* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* 20 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0# Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<1* 1=5 Tr(<2* 160 Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16 dc"


Release ! Para2eters Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Sa9e#sUL

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Tr(<1* 2.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c28it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0, T&1) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&1) 3 Si2$a ed = 15 0 '0#



Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=

6, TRU) = & e.i% e

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.= re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

13./.6 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 6, >%!s co$5ersatio$a (S- data W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= ,a $alue


Release ! Para2eters 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 6 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7


Release ! Para2eters NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.6,0, 2.6,0) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? 11, !art2? 2 (6,0) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, 2 Tr(<2* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* 20 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0# Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<1* 1/0 Tr(<2* 160 Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Sa9e#sUL

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Tr(<1* 2.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c28it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue (T&0, T&1) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&1) 3 Si2$a ed = 15 0 '0#


Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.-2

32 TRU) = & e.i% e

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.56


Release ! Para2eters NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.56 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

13././ 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1,., >%!s strea9i$2 (S- data W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe $alue 2 / R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode


Release ! Para2eters NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.5/6, 1.5/6) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? -, !art2? 2 (5/6) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e, Tr(<2* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* ,0 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0# Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<1* 165 Tr(<2* 160 Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL)


Release ! Para2eters Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S -


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Sa9e#sUL

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Tr(<1* 1.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c,8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0, T&1) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&1) 3 Si2$a ed 11 15 0 '0#



Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 1

12= TRU) = & e.i% e

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.= re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.= re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 1 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.== re!etitio$Period1

13./.= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 2= >%!s strea9i$2 (S- data W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN $alue 2 =


Release ! Para2eters r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7


Release ! Para2eters TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.5/6, 1.5/6, 2.5/6) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? -, !art2? 2 (5/6) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e, 2 Tr(<2* Vero, o$e #

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$

Tr(<1* ,0 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0# Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<1* 155 Tr(<2* 160 Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Sa9e#sUL


Release ! Para2eters NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Tr(<1* 1.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c,8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&0) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&1) 3 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&1, T&1) , (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1) 5 Si2$a ed = 15 0


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 1

6, TRU) = & e.i% e

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.,, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.,, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.- 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 5/.6 >%!s strea9i$2 (S- data W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe $alue 2 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7


Release ! Para2eters N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* 2 R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.5/6, 1.5/6, 2.5/6, 3.5/6, ,.5/6) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? -, !art2? 2 (5/6) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e, 2, 3, , Tr(<2* Vero, o$e #

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute

Tr(<1* ,0 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0# Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<1* 1,5 Tr(<2* 160


Release ! Para2eters NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Sa9e#sUL

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2 Tr(<1* 1.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c,8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&0) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&0) 3 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,, T&0) , (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&1) 5 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&1, T&1) 6 (o9!uted 0


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue (T&2, T&1) / (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&1) = (o9!uted 0 (T&,, T&1) Si2$a ed = 15 0

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 1

32 TRU) = & e.i% e

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.,= re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.,= re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0./2 re!etitio$Period1


Release ! Para2eters 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

3ra9eRe ated 16 0./2 re!etitio$Period1

13./.10 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.20/.-505.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe $alue ,a 10 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic


Release ! Para2eters NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.=1) Tr(<2* (0. 103 Tr(<3* (0. 60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-,* Vero # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2* (1.53) Tr(<3* (1.60) Tr(<,* (1.1,,) Tr(<1-,* 6$e Tr(<1-3* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 3Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 53 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-,* 6$e Tr(<1-,* a Tr(<1* (1.,2) Tr(<2* (1.63) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* ,2 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 63 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.55) Tr(<2* (1.=,) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 55 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =, Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1./5) Tr(<2* (1.103) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /5 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.=1) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (1.0) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t

NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) = (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 15 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 22 (o9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0) 5(o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&1) 60 (o9!uted 0 (T&1,T&0,T&0,T&1) 61 (o9!uted 0 (T&2,T&1,T&0,T&1) 6= (o9!uted 0 (T&3,T&2,T&0,T&1) /5 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,,T&3,T&0,T&1) =2 (o9!uted 0 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&1) 11Si2$a ed 11 15 0 Sa9e as UL


Release ! Para2eters NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue # 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.==

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.== re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0./2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

13./.11 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.20/.,05.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2 (1it"out SR8[5)
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at $alue 2, R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0#


Release ! Para2eters NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.=1) Tr(<2* (0. 103 Tr(<3* (0. 60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,) 8itMode



Release ! Para2eters NNNNNsiQeT7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-,* Vero # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2* (1.53) Tr(<3* (1.60) Tr(<,* (1.1,,) Tr(<1-,* 6$e Tr(<1-3* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 3Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 53 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-,* 6$e Tr(<1-,* a Tr(<1* (1.,2) Tr(<2* (1.63) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* ,2 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 63 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.55) Tr(<2* (1.=/) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 55 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =/ Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.61) Tr(<2* (1.103) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 61 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.=1) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


Release ! Para2eters NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (1.0) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) = (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 15 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 22 (o9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0) 5(o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&1) 60


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue (o9!uted 0 (T&1,T&0,T&0,T&1) 61 (o9!uted 0 (T&2,T&1,T&0,T&1) 6= (o9!uted 0 (T&3,T&2,T&0,T&1) /5 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,,T&3,T&0,T&1) =2 (o9!uted 0 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&1) 11Si2$a ed 11 15 0 Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.==

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.== re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16


Release ! Para2eters NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 0./2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.12 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 10.206./05.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2 W 0.15 >%!s SR8[5


Release ! Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe

!% %

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 5a 11 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* /, R8=* = R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R8=* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8=* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8=* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8=* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8=* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3, R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode

NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1


Release ! NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3, R8=* 5 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8=* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.65) Tr(<2* (0. --) Tr(<3* (0. ,0, 1.,0) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 65 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* -Tr(<3* t7!e 1* ,0 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-2* Vero Tr(<3-,* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2* (1. 53) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1-2* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<2* 1* 53 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.,2) Tr(<2* (1.63) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* ,2 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 63 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.55) Tr(<2* (1./6) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 55 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* /6 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.5=) Tr(<2* (1.--) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 5= Tr(<2* t7!e 1* --


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e


Release ! NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute

!% !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.65) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 65 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ,, Tr(<5* 5 :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 a$d t300t31 o$ Tr(<5 are di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N

NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNNtti NNNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNNcodi$2Rate NNNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNNcrc-SiQe NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&( ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d

Tr(<1* (1.0) Tr(<5* (0.3, 1.3) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<5* t7!e 1* 3 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<5* Vero, o$e # sa9e as UL e.ce!t 3or Tr(<5 Tr(<5* 20 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<5* T"ird Tr(<5* 200 Tr(<5* 12 Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ,, Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2- Tr(<5* #%se$t

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0


Release ! NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d N T&( su%set ist NNT&( su%set 1 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 2

!% 3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) = (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 15 (o9!uted

0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 22 (o9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0) 5(o9!uted

0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 60 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 61 co9!uted

0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1) 6= co9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1) /5 co9!uted

0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1) =2 co9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&1) 11si2$a ed 11 15 0 (s!eec" rate 10.2) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(5, T&(/, T&(=, T&(6, T&(-, T&(10, T&(11, T&(12) (s!eec" rate 6./)


Release ! NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 3 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set , NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nd -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 16 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1/ NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1= NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 20 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 21 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 22 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 23 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2,

!% '

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(/, T&(=, T&(5, T&(-, T&(10, T&(11) (s!eec" rate 5.-) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(/, T&(=, T&(,, T&(-, T&(10) (s!eec" rate ,./5) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(/, T&(=, T&(3, T&(-) :$de!e$de$t 1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) = (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0, T&0) 15 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0, T&0) 22 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0, T&0) 5(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 60 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 61 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1, T&0) 6= (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1, T&0) /5 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1, T&0) =2 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&1, T&0) 11(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 120 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 121 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 12= (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0, T&1) 135 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0, T&1) 1,2 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0, T&1) 1/(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1=0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1=1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1== (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1-5 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1, T&1) 202 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&1, T&1)


Release ! NNNNNNNct3c Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"

!% " 23-

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.==

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9e Re ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9e Re ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1


Release !

!% (

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.13 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ /.,06./05.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2 W 0.15 >%!s SR8[5


Release ! Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe

!% )

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue /a 12 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R86* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R86* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R86* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R86* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85- R86* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R86* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R86* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R86* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R86* TM R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* 3 R85* 1, R86* 2 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R86* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R86* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R86* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c"

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode

NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe

NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e


Release ! NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List

!% *

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R81- R83* 3 R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/*, R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.61) Tr(<2* (0. =/) Tr(<3* (0. 1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 61 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =/ Tr(<3* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-2* Vero Tr(<3* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2* (1.53) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1-2* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<1* 1* 53 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.,2) Tr(<2* (1.63) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* ,2 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 63 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.55) Tr(<2* (1./6) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 55 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* /6 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.5=) Tr(<2* (1.=/) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 5= Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =/ Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a


Release ! NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNNtti NNNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNNcodi$2Rate NNNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNNcrc-SiQe NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&( ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd

!% +

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Tr(<1* (1.61) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 61 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* 20 Tr(<3* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2* 0 Tr(<3* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 a$d t300t31 o$ Tr(<, are di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N

Tr(<1* (1.0) Tr(<,* (0.3, 1.3) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<,* t7!e 1* 3 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<,* Vero, o$e # sa9e as UL e.ce!t 3or Tr(<, Tr(<,* 20 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<,* 200 Tr(<,* 12 Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3 Tr(<1* 7x10 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c68it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0#


Release ! NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d N T&( su%set ist NNT&( su%set 1 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 2 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 3 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set ,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0) = (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0) 15 (o9!uted

0 (T&,, T&3, T&0) 22 (o9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&0) 2(o9!uted

0 (T&0, T&0, T&1) 30 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&1) 31 co9!uted

0 (T&2, T&1, T&1) 3= co9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&1) ,5 co9!uted

0 (T&,, T&3, T&1) 52 co9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1) 5si2$a ed 11 15 0 (s!eec" rate /.,) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(5, T&(/, T&(=, T&(6, T&(-, T&(10, T&(11, T&(12) (s!eec" rate 6./) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(/, T&(=, T&(5, T&(-, T&(10, T&(11) (s!eec" rate 5.-) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(/, T&(=, T&(,, T&(-, T&(10) (s!eec" rate ,./5)


Release ! NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nd -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 16 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1/ NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1= NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 20 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 21 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 22 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 23 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2, NNNNNNNct3c Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(/, T&(=, T&(3, T&(-) :$de!e$de$t 1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) = (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 15 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 22 (T&5, T&,, T&0, T&0) 2(T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 30 (T&1, T&0, T&1, T&0) 31 (T&2, T&1, T&1, T&0) 3= (T&3, T&2, T&1, T&0) ,5 (T&,, T&3, T&1, T&0) 52 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0) 5(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 60 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 61 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1) 6= (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1) /5 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1) =2 (T&5, T&,, T&0, T&1) =(T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) -0 (T&1, T&0, T&1, T&1) -1 (T&2, T&1, T&1, T&1) -= (T&3, T&2, T&1, T&1) 105 (T&,, T&3, T&1, T&1) 112 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&1) 11-

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8


Release ! Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"

!%!! TRU) 0.==

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.60 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9e Re ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

3ra9e Re ated 16 0.6, re!etitio$Period1


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.1, 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.650=.=506.6 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2 W 0.15 >%!s SR8[5


Release ! Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 62 13 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* /, R8=* = R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 300 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R8=* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R8=* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= 3or U)s 1it" 9ore t"a$ 10 >%7te @tota RL( #M %u33er siQe@ a$d 32 ot"er1ise R85- R8/* '0# R8=* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R8=* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* 300 R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R8=* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3. R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0#

NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode

NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7


NNd -RL(-Status:$3o

NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList


Release ! NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* , R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3, R8=* 5 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R8=* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* , 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0./2) Tr(<2* (0. 1=1) Tr(<3* (0.60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /2 Tr(<2* t7!e 2* !art1? 6, !art2? 5 Tr(<3* t7!e1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-3* Vero Tr(<,* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.,0) Tr(<2* (1. /=) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1-2* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* ,0 Tr(<2* 1* /= Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.5,) Tr(<2* (1.113) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 5, Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 113 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.6,) Tr(<2* (1.1=1) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 6, Tr(<2* t7!e 2* !art1?6, !art2? 5 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List


Release ! NNNt3 ,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Tr(<1* (1./2) Tr(<2* '0# Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /2 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* T"ird Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 256 Tr(<,* 1/0 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2* 0 Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ,, Tr(<5* 5 :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 a$d t300t31 o$ Tr(<5 are di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNNtti NNNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNNcodi$2Rate NNNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNNcrc-SiQe NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue

Tr(<1* (1.0) Tr(<5* (0.3, 1.3) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<5* t7!e 1* 3 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<5* Vero, o$e # sa9e as UL e.ce!t 3or Tr(<5 Tr(<5* 20 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<5* T"ird Tr(<5* 205 Tr(<5* = Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ,, Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t Tr(<3* #%se$t Tr(<,- Tr(<5* #%se$t

TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&( ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c68it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0


Release ! NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d N T&( su%set ist NNT&( su%set 1 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 2 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 3 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nd -T&(S


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) / (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 13 (o9!uted

0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 1(o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 20 (o9!uted

0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 21 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1) 2/ co9!uted

0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1) 33 co9!uted 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1) 3si2$a ed 11 15 0 (s!eec" rate 6.6) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=) (s!eec" rate =.=5) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-) (s!eec" rate 12.65) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(5, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-, T&(10) :$de!e$de$t 1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2


Release ! NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 16 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1/ NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1= NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 20 NNNNNNNct3c Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed

!%!* (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) / (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0, T&0) 13 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 20 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 21 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1, T&0) 2/ (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1, T&0) 33 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1, T&0) 3(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) ,0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) ,1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) ,/ (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0, T&1) 53 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0, T&1) 5(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) 60 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) 61 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1, T&1) 6/ (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1, T&1) /3 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1, T&1) /-

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=,

12= &#LS) , &i.ed


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.15 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.20/.,05.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2 W 0.15 >%!s SR8[5
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode $alue ,% 1, R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* /, R8=* = R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 200 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R8=* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8=* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8=* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8=* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# R85- R8=* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3. R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0#

NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList


Release ! Para2eters NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3, R8=* 5 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8=* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.=1) Tr(<2* (0. 103) Tr(<3* (0.60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<3* t7!e1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-3* Vero Tr(<,* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2* (1.53) Tr(<3* (1.60) Tr(<,* (1.1,,) Tr(<1-3* 6$e Tr(<1-3* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<2* 1* 53 Tr(<3* 1* 60 Tr(<1-3* 6$e Tr(<1-3* a Tr(<1* (1.,2) Tr(<2* (1.63) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* ,2 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 63 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.55) Tr(<2* (1.=/) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 55 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =/ Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.61) Tr(<2* (1.103) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 61 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<1-2* 6$e


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList


Release ! Para2eters NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9iStaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.=1) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16

NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNNtti NNNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNNcodi$2Rate NNNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNNcrc-SiQe NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* -, Tr(<5* 5 :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 a$d t300t31 o$ Tr(<5 are di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N

Tr(<1* (1.0) Tr(<5* (0.3, 1.3) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<5* t7!e 1* 3 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<5* Vero, o$e a sa9e as UL e.ce!t 3or Tr(<5 Tr(<5* 20 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<5* T"ird Tr(<5* 205 Tr(<5* = Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t Tr(<3* #%se$t Tr(<,- Tr(<5* #%se$t

TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d N T&( su%set ist NNT&( su%set 1 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 2 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) = (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 15 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 22 (o9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0) 5(o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&1) 60 (o9!uted 0 (T&1,T&0,T&0,T&1) 61 (o9!uted 0 (T&2,T&1,T&0,T&1) 6= (o9!uted 0 (T&3,T&2,T&0,T&1) /5 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&,,T&3,T&0,T&1) =2 (o9!uted 0 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&1) 11Si2$a ed 11 15 0 (s!eec" rate ,./5) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-) (s!eec" rate 5.-) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-, T&(10)


Release ! Para2eters NNT&( su%set 3 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set , NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nd -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 16 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1/ NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1= NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 1NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 20 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 21 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 22 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 23


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue (s!eec" rate /.,) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(5, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-, T&(10, T&(11) (s!eec" rate 12.2) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(5, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-, T&(10, T&(11, T&(12) :$de!e$de$t 1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) = (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0, T&0) 15 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0, T&0) 22 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&0,T&0) 5(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 60 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&0) 61 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1, T&0) 6= (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1, T&0) /5 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1, T&0) =2 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&1,T&0) 11(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 120 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 121 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 12= (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0, T&1) 135 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0, T&1) 1,2 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&0,T&1) 1/(T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1=0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1=1 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1== (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1, T&1) 1-5 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1, T&1)


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNT&( 2, NNNNNNNct3c Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 202 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&1,T&1) 23-

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=,

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

13./.16 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ /.-5 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode $alue 6 15 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0#


Release ! Para2eters NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 200 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3*3, Tr(<,* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S


Release ! Para2eters NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* (0./5) Tr(<2* (0. =, 1.=,) Tr(<3* (0. 60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /5 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =, Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero Tr(<2-,* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1./5) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /5 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2-Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 4c" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ).! icit M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (1.0) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3*3, Tr(<,* Tr(<1* /.10-3 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute

NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c,8it


Release ! Para2eters NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*'<)#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) 5 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 6 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) / (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1) 11 Si2$a ed 11 15 0 Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.-6

12= &#LS) , &i.ed

0 3ra9eRe ated 16 0.52 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16


Release ! Para2eters NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 0.52 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.=0 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated 16 0.=0 re!etitio$Period1


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.1/ 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.650=.=506.6 >%!s s!eec" W 3., >%!s si2$a i$2 (1it"out SR8[5)


Release ! Para2eters Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue /.1.106 16 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* /, R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 200 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3. R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c"


Release ! NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3, R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

4c" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0./2) Tr(<2* (0. 1=1) Tr(<3* (0.60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /2 Tr(<2* t7!e 2* !art1? 6, !art2? 5 Tr(<3* t7!e1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-3* Vero Tr(<,* Vero, o$e # Tr(<1* (1.,0) Tr(<2* (1. /=) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1-2* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* ,0 Tr(<2* 1* /= Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.5,) Tr(<2* (1.113) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 5, Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 113 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.6,) Tr(<2* (1.1=1) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 6, Tr(<2* t7!e 2* !art1?6, !art2? 5 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1./2) Tr(<2* '0# Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /2


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 ,

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e


Release ! NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute

!%'! Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* T"ird Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 256 Tr(<,* 1/0 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2* 0 Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 4c" :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N

4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue

Tr(<1* (1.0) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # sa9e as UL Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* -, Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t Tr(<3* #%se$t Tr(<,* #%se$t

TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&( ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7)

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c68it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) / (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 13 (o9!uted


Release ! NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d N T&( su%set ist NNT&( su%set 1 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 2 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist NNT&( su%set 3 NNN # o1ed tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ ist d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 1(o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 20 (o9!uted

0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 21 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1) 2/ co9!uted

0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1) 33 co9!uted 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1) 3si2$a ed 11 15 0 (s!eec" rate 6.6) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=) (s!eec" rate =.=5) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-) (s!eec" rate 12.65) (T&(1, T&(2, T&(3, T&(,, T&(5, T&(6, T&(/, T&(=, T&(-, T&(10) Sa9e as UL 1 &#LS)

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=,

12= &#LS) , &i.ed


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.1= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ Si2$a i$2 o$ )-4(< o$ UL de!e$di$2 %ased o$ 9i$i9u9 )-4(< U) cate2or7 W Si2$a i$2 o$ <S-4S(< %ased 9i$i9u9 <S-4S(< U) cate2or7
Para2eters Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NN4L RL( P4U siQe NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ NNd -UM-RL(-L:-siQe R%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNU! i$>Tra$s!ort ("a$$e T7!e("oice NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNN44: NNNNRL( P4U siQe NNN:$c ude i$ Sc"edu i$2 :$3o NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNMac-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e NUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 $alue /.5.10 1/ R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81-R83* 1,, R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# / 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e )-4(< R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R81-R83*0 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 1,, &#LS) R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ <S-4S(< R81- R83* 0 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3



Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 10 R5ta% e 6$e M#(-d 3 o1 0 , 5 0 'o$-sc"edu ed 162 <S-4S(<

Para2eters N UL-Para9eters("oice NN )-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a NN <#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< NNN <#RE RV (o$3i2uratio$ NN #dded or reco$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 !o1er o33set NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9u ti! e.i$2 ist NNN tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t t7!e("oice NNNN 'o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t i$3o NNNNN Ma. M#(-e P4U co$te$ts siQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e N4L-Para9eters("oice NN<#RE :$3o NNN'u9%er o3 Processes NNNMe9or7 Partitio$i$2("oice NNNN:9! icit NN#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1 NNN M#(-"s Bueue to add or reco$3i2ure ist NNNNM#(-"s Bueue :d NNNNM#(-d & o1 :de$tit7 NNNNT1 NNNNM#(-"s 1i$do1 siQe NNNNM#(-d P4U siQe i$3o NNNNNM#(-d P4U siQe NNNNNM#(-d P4U siQe i$de. TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN

0 0 100 12 1,= 0 Null

13./.1- 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.2 >%!s s!eec" W13.6 >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o $alue /.1.131 1= R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100



Release ! Para2eters NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R82- R83* $0a R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* $0a R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.=1) Tr(<2* (0. 103, 1.103) Tr(<3* (0. 60, 1.60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,, 2.1,,, 3.1,,, ,.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero Tr(<2-3* Vero, 6$e Tr(<,* Vero, o$e, 2, 3, , #


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List


Release ! Para2eters NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.=1) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a

NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN

Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ).! icit M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (1.0) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t


Release ! Para2eters u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 13


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c68it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&1, T&0) 11 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 12 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 13 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&1, T&1) 23 Si2$a ed 10 15 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&2) 2, (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&2) 25 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&3) 36 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&3) 3/ (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&,) ,= (o9!uted 0


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 16 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 1/ NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=,

12= TRU) , & e.i% e

13./.20 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.20/.-505.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" W 13.6 >%!s si2$a i$2
Para2eters Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST $alue /.1.132 1R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* / R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 15 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0#


Release ! Para2eters NN!o i$2:$3o


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R82- R83* $0a R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* $0a R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNNti9erPo Periodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNNti9erStatusPeriodic NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0. =1) Tr(<2* (0. 103) Tr(<3* (0. 60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,) 8itMode



Release ! Para2eters NNNNNsiQeT7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<3* t7!e 1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-,* Vero # Tr(<1* (1.3-) Tr(<2* (1.53) Tr(<3* (1.60) Tr(<,* (1.1,,, 2.1,,, 3.1,,, ,.1,,) Tr(<1-3* 6$e Tr(<,* 6$e, 2, 3, , Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* 3Tr(<2* 1* 53 Tr(<3* 1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.,2) Tr(<2* (1.63) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* ,2 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 63 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.55) Tr(<2* (1.=,) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 55 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* =, Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1./5) Tr(<2* (1.103) Tr(<3- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /5 Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 103 Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.=1) Tr(<2- Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* =1 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<2* T"ird Tr(<3* <a 3 Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 235 Tr(<,* 160

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e

NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 5 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute


Release ! Para2eters NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2- Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* ).! icit M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (1.0) %itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2- Tr(<,* #%se$t

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c=8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) = (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 15 (o9!uted 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 22 (o9!uted 0 (T&5, T&,, T&1, T&0) 5(o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&1) 60 (o9!uted 0 (T&1,T&0,T&0,T&1) 61 (o9!uted


Release ! Para2eters NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 16 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 1/ NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 0 (T&2,T&1,T&0,T&1) 6= (o9!uted 0 (T&3,T&2,T&0,T&1) /5 (o9!uted 0 (T&,,T&3,T&0,T&1) =2 (o9!uted 0 (T&5,T&,,T&1,T&1) 11Si2$a ed 10 15 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&2) 120 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&2) 121 (o9!uted 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&3) 1=0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&3) 1=1 (o9!uted 0 (T&0,T&0,T&0,T&,) 2,0 (o9!uted 0 Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=,

12= TRU) , & e.i% e


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.21 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 6, >%!s co$5ersatio$ (S-data W 13.6 >%!s si2$a i$2


Release ! Para2eter Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN R%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue /.1.133 20 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# R85* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c"


Release ! NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1,2,3,, NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 , NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R81- R83* R85* 1 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85* '0#

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.6,0, 2.6,0) Tr(<2* (0.1,,, 1.1,,, 2.1,,, 3.1,,, ,.1,,) Tr(<1* 6ctetMode Tr(<2*8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? 11, !art2? 2 (6,0) Tr(<2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, 2 Tr(<2* Vero, o$e, 2, 3, , #

Tr(<1* 20 Tr(<2* ,0 Tr(<1* Tur%o Tr(<2* (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* '0#

Tr(<2* T"ird

Tr(<1* 1/0 Tr(<2* 160


Tr(<1* 16 Tr(<2* 16

4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode

dc" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* Sa9e#sUL


Release ! NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&( ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* Tr(<1* 2.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c,8it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&0, T&1) 2 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&1) 3 Si2$a ed = 15


Release ! NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor

!%"* 0 (T&0, T&2) , (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&3) 6 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&,) = (o9!uted 0

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.==



Release ! NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*' /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"

!%"+ TRU) = & e.i% e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.22 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12.650=.=506.6 >%!s s!eec" W 13.6 >%!s si2$a i$2 (1it"out SR8[5)


Release ! Para2eters Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN R%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue /.1.13, 21 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3, R85* 5, R86* 6, R8/* /, R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85-R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) R81* UM R82- R83* #M R85- R8/* TM R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R85- R8/* '0# R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R85- R8/* '0# R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# R85- R8/* &#LS) 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3. R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0# R81- R83* co$3i2ured R85- R8/* '0# R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* 5 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c"


Release ! NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1,2,3,,


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) R81- R83* R85* 1, R86* 2, R8/* 3, R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R85- R8/* '0#

4c" Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0./2) Tr(<2* (0. 1=1) Tr(<3* (0.60) Tr(<,* (0.1,,, 1.1,,, 2.1,,, 3.1,,, ,.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /2 Tr(<2* t7!e 2* !art1? 6, !art2? 5 Tr(<3* t7!e1* 60 Tr(<,* 2* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1-3* Vero Tr(<,* Vero, o$e, 2, 3, , # Tr(<1* (1.,0) Tr(<2* (1. /=) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1-2* 8itMode Tr(<1* 1* ,0 Tr(<2* 1* /= Tr(<1-2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<1* (1.5,) Tr(<2* (1.113) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 5, Tr(<2* t7!e 1* 113 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1.6,) Tr(<2* (1.1=1) Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr("2* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 6, Tr(<2* t7!e 2* !art1?6, !art2? 5 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<2* 6$e Tr(<1* a Tr(<2* a Tr(<1* (1./2) Tr(<2* '0# Tr(<3* '0# Tr(<,* '0# Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* /2


NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 3

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 ,

NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e


Release ! NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute

!%(3 Tr(<1* 6$e Tr(<1* a

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Tr(<1- Tr(<3* 20 Tr(<,* ,0 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1- Tr(<3* T"ird Tr(<,* T"ird Tr(<1* 200 Tr(<2* 1-0 Tr(<3* 256 Tr(<,* 1/0 Tr(<1* 12 Tr(<2* 0 Tr(<3* 0 Tr(<,* 16 4c" :$de!e$de$t M6$ 7 t30 o$ Tr(<1 is di33ere$t a$d s"o1$ %e o1N

4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue

Tr(<1* (1.0) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 1* 0 Tr(<1* 6$e # sa9e as UL Tr(<1* 1, Tr(<2* 2, Tr(<3* 3, Tr(<,* -, Tr(<1* /.10 Tr(<2* #%se$t Tr(<3* #%se$t Tr(<,* #%se$t

TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&( ist NNNNNNT&( 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 3 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( , NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7)

1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c68it #dditio$ (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&0) 1 (o9!uted '0# '0# 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&0) / (o9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&0) 13 (o9!uted '0#


Release ! NNNNNNNNd

!%(' '0#

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Release ! NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 5 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 6 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( / NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( = NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 10 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 11 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 12 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 13 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 1, NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&( 15 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) N t3c-Su%set Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&0) 1(o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&1) 20 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&1) 21 (o9!uted 0 (T&2, T&1, T&0, T&1) 2/ co9!uted 0 (T&3, T&2, T&0, T&1) 33 co9!uted 0 (T&,, T&3, T&0, T&1) 3si2$a ed 10 15 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&2) ,0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&2) ,1 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&3) 60 (o9!uted 0 (T&1, T&0, T&0, T&3) 61 (o9!uted 0 (T&0, T&0, T&0, T&,) =0 (o9!uted 0 Sa9e as UL 1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 0.=,



Release ! NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*' /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"

!%(( TRU) , & e.i% e

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

13./.23 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 13.6 >%!s si2$a i$2

Para2eter Re3 3,.10= 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 $alue 3 22 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* TRU) R82- R83* --


Release ! Para2eter NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ r%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNtra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Ntra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 Ntra$s!ort&or9atSet NNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 1 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNNt3 2 NNNN$u9%er63Tra$s!ort8 oc>s NNNNr c-SiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNse9istaticT&-:$3or9atio$ NNNtti NNNc"a$$e (odi$2T7!e NNNNcodi$2Rate NNNrateMatc"i$2#ttri%ute NNNcrc-SiQe 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e Nd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e :de$tit7 (s"ou d %e as 3or UL) Nt3s-Si2$a i$2Mode NNtra$s!ort&or9atSet NNNd7$a9icT&-i$3or9atio$ NNNNt300 t30,1 NNNNr cSiQe NNNNNsiQeT7!e NNNN$u9%er63T%SiQeList


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue R81- R83* '0# R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R81* '0# R82- R83* 32 R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e 4c" R81- R83*R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R81- R83* co$3i2ured R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ 4c" R81- R83* R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3

4c" Tr(<1* 4edicatedTra$s("T&S Tr(<1* (0.1,,, 1.1,,) 8itMode Tr(<1* t7!e 2, !art1? 2, !art2? 0 (1,,) Tr(<1* Vero, o$e # '0#


Tr(<1* 10 (o$5o utio$a Tr(<1* T"ird Tr(<1* 160 Tr(<1* 16 4c" Tr(<1* Sa9e#sUL


Release ! Para2eter NNNN o2ica ("a$$e List NNULTr(<-:d Ndc"-Eua it7Tar2et NN% er-Eua it7Va ue TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN u -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-:4 (T44 o$ 7) Ns"ared("a$$e :$dicator (T44 o$ 7) Nt3c-Su%set Nu -T&(S NNe.! icitT&(S-(o$3i2uratio$Mode NNNct3cSiQe NNNNT&(S re!rese$tatio$ NNNNNT&(S ist NNNNNNT&(S 1 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d NNNNNNT&(S 2 NNNNNNNct3c NNNNNNN2ai$&actor:$3or9atio$ NNNNNNNNc (&44 o$ 7) NNNNNNNNd NNNNNNNNre3ere$ceT&(:d d -(o99o$Tra$s(":$3o Nt3cs-Si2$a i$2Mode Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN ,33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NN!o1er(o$tro # 2orit"9 NNNt!cSte!SiQe Nt3ci-).iste$ce N!u$cturi$2Li9it 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNs!readi$2&actor NNt3ci-).iste$ce NN!i ot8its NN!ositio$&i.ed Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN 3#*' < )#(* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nu -4P(<-Po1er(o$tro :$3o NNd!c"-(o$sta$tVa ue Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t" Ph4C9 :N,CR/AT:CN #!* /cps T33 UL-4P(<-:$3oPrede3 Nco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNt3ci-(odi$2 NN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue Tr(<1* Tr(<1* 1.10


1 &#LS) #%se$t, $ot reBuired 'or9a T&(: si2$a i$2 (o9! ete (t3c28it #dditio$ (T&0) 0 (o9!uted 0 (T&1) 1 Si2$a ed 11 15 0 Sa9e as UL

# 2orit"9 1 1 d8 TRU) 1

12= &#LS) , '0#

0 3ra9eRe ated = 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 0.-2 re!etitio$Period1

3ra9eRe ated = 0.6, re!etitio$Period1


Release ! Para2eter 4L-(o99o$:$3or9atio$Prede3 Nd -4P(<-:$3o(o99o$ NNco99o$Ti9es ot:$3o NNNseco$d:$ter ea5i$2Mode NNNt3ci-(odi$2 NNN!u$cturi$2Li9it NNNre!etitio$Period#$dLe$2t"


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue

3ra9eRe ated = 0.6, re!etitio$Period1

13./.2, 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ Si2$a i$2 o$ )-4(< W <S-4S(<U Sc"edu ed

Para2eter Re3 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 r c-:$3o("oice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo P4U NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ Nd -RL(-Mode NN4L RL( P4U siQe NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNNti9erStatusPro"i%it NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNse29e$tatio$:$dicatio$ NNd -UM-RL(-L:-siQe R%-Ma!!i$2:$3o NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNU! i$>Tra$s!ort ("a$$e T7!e("oice NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNN)-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNN44: NNNNRL( P4U siQe NNN:$c ude i$ Sc"edu i$2 :$3o NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s $alue 23 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R c-i$3o R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81* '0# R82- R83* 'o4iscard R81* '0# R82- R83* 25 R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= R81* '0# R82- R83* 200 R81* '0# R82- R83* 1 R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* $0a R82- R83* 1 R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* &#LS) R82- R83* -R81- R83* '0# R81* UM R82- R83* #M R81-R83* 1,, R81* '0# R82- R83* TRU) R81* '0# R82- R83* 12= R81* '0# R82- R83* as %e o1 R82- R83* 100 R82- R83* TRU) R81- R83* '0# / 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e )-4(< R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R81-R83* 6 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 1,, TRU) R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 6$eLo2ica ("a$$e


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) $alue 6$e 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ <S-4S(< R81- R83* 6 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3

Para2eter NNMa!!i$2 o!tio$ 1 NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNNNMac-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN P1R TrC9 UL-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList NU! i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e NUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e ide$tit7 N UL-Para9eters("oice NN )-4(< Tra$s9issio$ Ti9e :$ter5a NN <#RE i$3o 3or )-4(< NNN <#RE RV (o$3i2uratio$ NN #dded or reco$3i2ured )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 !o1er o33set NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$s NNN )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 9u ti! e.i$2 ist NNN tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t t7!e("oice NNNN Sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 2ra$t i$3o 4L-#ddReco$3Tra$s(":$3oList N4o1$ i$> tra$s!ort c"a$$e t7!e N4L-Para9eters("oice NN<#RE :$3o NNN'u9%er o3 Processes NNNMe9or7 Partitio$i$2("oice NNNN:9! icit NN#dded or reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1 NNN M#(-"s Bueue to add or reco$3i2ure ist NNNNM#(-"s Bueue :d NNNNM#(-d & o1 :de$tit7 NNNNT1 NNNNM#(-"s 1i$do1 siQe NNNNM#(-d P4U siQe i$3o NNNNNM#(-d P4U siQe NNNNNM#(-d P4U siQe i$de. TrC9 :N,CR/AT:CN6 CC//CN


10 R5ta% e 6$e M#(-d 3 o1 6 , 5 0


0 6 100 12 1,= 0 Nu##

13.= Para9eter 5a ues 3or de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s i$ ()LL;&#(<

The 32 shall support the use of the default parameter values that are specified in the followin . Optional &2s that are not used- are omitted. The tabular values included in this subclause- represent the actual &2 values as in clause ,+- and not the ."'., representation of these values. The 32 shall for each /0 with radio bearer identity n listed in the default confi uration with the :efault confi uration identity iven in &2 H:efault confi uration identity for 1255G7.1FHP ,T if a multiple(in option containin the combination H7.1FH for the :5 and H/.1FH for the 35 for a /0 with radio bearer identity n is included in the default confi urationP *T if the radio bearer identity n is listed in e(plicit or another default confi uration in the messa e received by the 32P 3T if there is no multiple(in option containin the combination H7.1FH for the :5 and H/.1FH for the 35 for this radio bearer identity nP 8T append the radio bearer mappin information in accordance with the default parameters for /0 with radio bearer identity n to the radio bearer mappin information for /0 with radio bearer identity n. *T else


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T store the radio bearer mappin information in accordance with the default parameters for /0 with radio bearer identity n and confi ure the transmittin and receivin /51 entities in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin to Table ,3.;., ,T if a multiple(in option containin the combination HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and H/.1FH for the 35 for a /0 with radio bearer identity n is included in the default confi urationP *T if the radio bearer identity n is listed in e(plicit or another default confi uration in the messa e received by the 32P 3T if there is no multiple(in option containin the combination HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and H/.1FH for the 35 for this radio bearer identity nP 8T append the radio bearer mappin information in accordance with the default parameters for /0 with radio bearer identity n to the radio bearer mappin information for /0 with radio bearer identity n. *T else 3T store the radio bearer mappin information in accordance with the default parameters for /0 with radio bearer identity n and confi ure the transmittin and receivin /51 entities in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin to Table ,3.;., ,T if a multiple(in option containin the combination HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and H2?:1FH for the 35 for a /0 with radio bearer identity n is included in the default confi urationP *T if the radio bearer identity n is listed in e(plicit or another default confi uration in the messa e received by the 32P 3T if there is no multiple(in option containin the combination HF"?:"1FH for the :5 and H2?:1FH for the 35 for this radio bearer identity nP 8T append the radio bearer mappin information in accordance with the default parameters for /0 with radio bearer identity n to the radio bearer mappin information for /0 with radio bearer identity n. *T else 3T store the radio bearer mappin information in accordance with the default parameters for /0 with radio bearer identity n and confi ure the transmittin and receivin /51 entities in the 32 for that radio bearer accordin to Table ,3.;.,


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

Ta;le 3#*# . 3efault radio confi-uration % in C1778,AC9

Re3 3,.10= 0 25.--3 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 R5 :N,CR/AT:CN r%-:de$tit7 rlc&:nfoChoice Nu -RL(-Mode NNtra$s9issio$RL(-4iscardMode NNN9a.4at NNtra$s9issio$Gi$do1SiQe NNti9erRST NN9a.-RST NN!o i$2:$3o NNNTi9erPo NNNPo S4U NNN astTra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNN astRetra$s9issio$P4U-Po NNNPo Gi$do1 Nd -RL(-Mode NNd -RL(-P4U-siQe NNi$SeBue$ce4e i5er7 NNrecei5i$2Gi$do1SiQe NNd -RL(-Status:$3o NNN9issi$2P4U-:$dicator NNd -UM-RL(-L:-siQe r c-6$eSidedRe)st r;&/appin-:nfo NUL-Lo2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2s NNu -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 NNr c-SiQeList NNNr c-SiQe:$de. NN9ac-Lo2ica ("a$$e Priorit7 N4L- o2ica ("a$$e Ma!!i$2List NNNd -Tra$s!ort("a$$e T7!e NNN o2ica ("a$$e :de$tit7 0 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R7C info for C1778,AC9 si-nallinR81* UM, R82-R83* #M R81* '0#, R82-R83* 'o4iscard R81* '0#, R82-R83* ,0 R81* '0#, R82-R83* 6, R81* '0#, R82-R83* 200 R81* '0#, R82-R83* 1 R81* '0#, R82-R83* as %e o1 R81* '0#, R82-R83* 1000 R81* '0#, R82-R83* 1 R81* '0#, R82-R83* &#LS) R81* '0#, R82-R83* TRU) R81* '0#, R82-R83* -R81* UM, R82-R83* #M R81* '0#, R82-R83* 12= (actua siQe 1,, %its) R81* '0#, R82-R83* TRU) R81* '0#, R82-R83* 6, R81* '0#, R82-R83* as %e o1 R81* '0#, R82-R83* TRU) R81* /, R82-R83* '0# R81-R83* &#LS) ,or RAC9<,AC9 as a 2appin- option RAC9 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 R81-R83* e.! icitList (re3ers to S:8506) 1 (re3ers to R#(< T&S i$ S:8506) R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3 ,AC9 R81* 1, R82* 2, R83* 3


&n "/'1 relocation- the tar et "/'1 shall chec# &2 H"i nallin /0 informationH in &2 H"/'" /25O1.T&O' &'7OH to find out the current /51 info and /0 mappin info used by the 32.


S!eci3ic 3u$ctio$s

1,.1 :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts

1,.1.1 :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tities
. measurement Auantity is used to evaluate whether an intra?freAuency event has occurred or not. &t can beP , :ownlin# 2c@'+. * :ownlin# path loss. 7or 7::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 1P&1F T( power ? 1P&1F /"1P. 7or Primary 1P&1F T( power the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. 1P&1F /"1P is the result of the 1P&1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

7or T::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 11P1F TI power ? Primary 11P1F /"1P. 7or Primary 11P1F TI power the &2 HPrimary 11P1F TI PowerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. Primary 11P1F /"1P is the result of the Primary 11P1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m. &f necessary Pathloss shall be rounded up to the ne(t hi her inte er. /esults hi her than ,9; shall be reported as ,9;. /esults lower than 8= shall be reported as 8=. 3 :ownlin# received si nal code power (/"1P) after despreadin . 8 &"1P measured on Timeslot basis. . description of those values can be found in D<E and D;E.

1,.1.2 :$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 e5e$ts 3or &44

Cithin the measurement reportin criteria field in the Measurement 1ontrol messa e the 3T/.' notifies the 32 which events should tri er a measurement report. &f present- the Hreportin criteria for secondary 35 freAuencyH notifies the 32 which events should tri er a measurement report for the secondary uplin# freAuency. The listed events are the toolbo( from which the 3T/.' can choose the reportin events that are needed for the implemented handover evaluation function- or other radio networ# functions. &f present- the &2 H1ells to be e(cluded in detected set cellsH notifies the 32 to e(clude cells from correspondin measurement report and 32 shall e(clude indicated cells from measurement report for intra?freAuency measurement. .ll the specified events are measured with respect to any of the measurement Auantities iven in subclause ,8.,.,. The measurement Auantities are measured on the monitored primary common pilot channels (1P&1F) of the cell defined in the measurement object and measurement object on secondary 35 freAuency. "pecial mechanisms for the events are illustrated in subclause ,8.,.8 and ,8.,.9. 'OT2P The events below are numbered ,.- ,0- ,1-X since all intra?freAuency reportin events would be labelled ,I- inter?freAuency reportin events would be labelled *I- and so on for the other measurement types.

Chen one intra?freAuency measurement identity corresponds to multiple intra?freAuency events with identical event identities- the 32 behaviour is not specified.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1#* # Pri9ar7 (P:(< e$ters t"e re!orti$2 ra$2e

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,a is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T per active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete the correspondin variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,. is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- for each of these primary 1P&1FsP *T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cellO and *T if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- and if that primary 1P&1F is part of cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to HTri erin condition *H- and if that primary 1P&1F is not included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TP 3T include that primary 1P&1F in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T.


Release !


3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T if the value of H/eportin deactivations thresholdH for this event is reater than or eAual to the current number of cells in the active set or eAual to + and any primary 1P&1Fs are stored in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TP *T if H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +P 3T if the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 8T start a timer with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this event and set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T to T/32O 3T set Hsent reportsH for the primary 1P&1Fs in Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T to ,. *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,aHO and 3T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T in descendin order accordin to the confi ured measurement Auantity ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each of those cellsO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. *T move all entries from Hcells recently tri eredH to Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T. ,T if the timer for the correspondin periodical reportin has e(piredP *T if any primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TP 3T if H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +- and if H.mount of reportin H is reater than Hsent reportsH stored for any of these primary 1P&1Fs- in Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TP 8T increment the stored counter Hsent reportsH for all 1P&1Fs in Hcell tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TO 8T start a timer with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this eventO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,aHO and 9T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T with value of &2 Hsent reportsH eAual to or smaller than value of H.mount of reportin H in descendin order accordin to the confi ured measurement Auantity ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each of those cellsO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. 8T if Hsent reportsH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T is eAual to H.mount of reportin H for all entriesP


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9T set the &2 HPeriodical /eportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T to 7.5"2 and disable the timer for the correspondin periodical reportin . ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation 3 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation 8 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1FO or ,T if a primary 1P&1F is no lon er part of the cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to the HTri erin condition *HP *T if that primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH or Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 1P&1F from Hcells tri eredH or Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T. 3T if no entry in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T has a value of Hsent reportsH smaller than H.mount of reportin HO or 3T if there is no entry in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'TP 8T if the correspondin reportin interval timer is runnin P 9T stop the reportin interval timerO 9T set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T to 7.5"2. This event is only applicable to the 1255G:1F state. Chen the measurement is setup in 1255G:1F or upon transition to 1255G:1F the 32 shallP ,T if the HTri erin condition *H includes active set cellsP

*T include the primary 1P&1F of all cells in the current active set into the Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,.G2B2'T with the counter Hsent reportsH set to H.mount of reportin H. 2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss)
N* ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne < ,+ Log , @ (, @ M i ) + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est + ( R,a 5,a @ *)i = ,

2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)
N* ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne < ,+ Log Mi + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est ( R,a 5,a @ *) i =,

2Auation 3 (5eavin tri erin condition for pathloss)

N* ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne > < ,+ Log , @ (, @ M i ) + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est + ( R,a + 5,a @ *) i =,

2Auation 8 (5eavin tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)
N* ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne < < ,+ Log Mi + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est ( R,a + 5,a @ *) i =,

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNew is the measurement result of the cell enterin the reportin ran e. CIONew is the individual cell offset for the cell enterin the reportin ran e if an individual cell offset is stored for that cell. Otherwise it is eAual to +.


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Mi is a measurement result of a cell not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the active set. NA is the number of cells not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the current active set. 7or pathloss MBest is the measurement result of the cell not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the active set with the lowest measurement result- not ta#in into account any cell individual offset. for other measurements Auantities. MBest is the measurement result of the cell not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the active set with the hi hest measurement result- not ta#in into account any cell individual offset. W is a parameter sent from 3T/.' to 32. R1a is the reportin ran e constant. H1a is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,a. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MNew- Mi and MBest are e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MNew- Mi and MBest are e(pressed in mC.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 18* # !ri9ar7 (P:(< ea5es t"e re!orti$2 ra$2e

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,b is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T per active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete the correspondin variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,0 is confi ures in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- for each of these primary 1P&1FsP *T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cell- and if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- and if that primary 1P&1F is part of cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to HTri erin condition ,H- and if that primary 1P&1F is not included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TP 3T include that primary 1P&1F in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T. ,T if any primary 1P&1Fs are stored in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TP *T if HPeriodic reportin info?,bH is present- and H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +P 3T if the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 8T start a timer with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this event and set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T to T/32O 3T set Hsent reportsH for the primary 1P&1Fs in Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T to ,. *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,bHO and


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3T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T in ascendin order accordin to the confi ured measurement Auantity ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each of those cellsO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. *T move all entries from &2 Hcells recently tri eredH to Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T. ,T if the timer for the correspondin periodical reportin has e(piredP *T if any primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TP 3T if HPeriodic reportin info?,bH is presentP 8T if H/eportin intervalH is not eAual to +- and if H.mount of reportin H is reater than Hsent reportsH stored for any of these primary 1P&1Fs- in Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TP 9T increment the stored counter Hsent reportsH for all 1P&1Fs in Hcell tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TO 9T start a timer with the value of H/eportin interval?,bH for this eventO 9T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP =T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,bHO and =T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hmeasurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T with value of &2 Hsent reportsH eAual to or smaller than value of H.mount of reportin H in ascendin order accordin to the confi ured measurement Auantity ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each of those cellsO =T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. 9T if Hsent reportsH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T is eAual to H.mount of reportin H for all entriesP =T set the &2 HPeriodical /eportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T to 7.5"2 and disable the timer for the correspondin periodical reportin . ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation 3 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation 8 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1FO or ,T if a primary 1P&1F is no lon er part of the cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to the HTri erin condition ,HP *T if that primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 1P&1F from Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TO 3T if there is no entry in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'TP


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8T if the correspondin reportin interval timer is runnin P 9T stop the reportin interval timerO 9T set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,0G2B2'T to 7.5"2. 2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss)
N* ,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld < ,+ Log , @ (, @ M i ) + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est + ( R,b + 5 ,b @ *) i =,

2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)
N* ,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld < ,+ Log Mi + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est ( R,b + 5 ,b @ *) i =,

2Auation 3 (5eavin tri erin condition for pathloss)

N* ,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld < < ,+ Log , @ (, @ M i ) + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est + ( R,b 5 ,b @ *) i =,

2Auation 8 (5eavin tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)
N* ,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld > < ,+ Log M i + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est ( R,b 5 ,b @ *)i = ,

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOld is the measurement result of the cell leavin the reportin ran e. CIOOld is the individual cell offset for the cell leavin the reportin ran e if an individual cell offset is stored for that cell. Otherwise it is eAual to +. Mi is a measurement result of a cell not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the active set. NA is the number of cells not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the current active set. 7or pathloss MBest is the measurement result of the cell not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the active set with the lowest measurement result- not ta#in into account any cell individual offset. for other measurements Auantities. MBest is the measurement result of the cell not forbidden to affect reportin ran e in the active set with the hi hest measurement result- not ta#in into account any cell individual offset. W is a parameter sent from 3T/.' to 32. R1b is the reportin ran e constant. H1b is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,b. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MOld- Mi and MBest are e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MOld- Mi and MBest are e(pressed in mC.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1(* # $o$-acti5e !ri9ar7 (P:(< %eco9es %etter t"a$ a$ acti5e !ri9ar7 (P:(<

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,c is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T per active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO


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,T delete the correspondin variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,1 is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- for each of these primary 1P&1FsP *T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cellO and *T if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- and if the primary 1P&1F that is better is not included in the active set but the other primary 1P&1F is any of the primary 1P&1Fs included in the active set- and if that first primary 1P&1F is not included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'TP 3T include that primary 1P&1F in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T. ,T if the value of H/eplacement activation thresholdH for this event is less than or eAual to the current number of cells in the active set or eAual to + and if any primary 1P&1Fs are stored in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'TP *T if H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +P 3T if the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 8T start a timer for with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this event and set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T to T/32. 3T set Hsent reportsH for that primary 1P&1F in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T to ,. *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,cHO and 3T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T not in the active set as well as the Hprimary 1P&1F infoH of all the primary 1P&1Fs in the active set for which the measured value is worse (i.e. reater for pathloss and less for the other measurement Auantities) than the one of the entry in Hcell recently tri eredH that has the best measured value ta#in into account their cell individual offset. The Hprimary 1P&1F infoH for those cells shall be ordered accordin to their measured value ta#in into account their cell individual offsetbe innin with the best cell to the worst oneO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. *T move all entries from Hcells recently tri eredH to Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T. ,T if the timer for the periodical reportin has e(piredP *T if any primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T- and not included in the current active setP 3T if H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +- and if H.mount of reportin H is reater than Hsent reportsH stored for that primary 1P&1F- in Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'TP 8T increment the stored counter Hsent reportsH for all 1P&1F in Hcell tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'TO 8T start a timer with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this eventO


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8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,cHO and 9T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hmeasurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T with value of &2 Hsent reportH eAual to or smaller than value of H.mount of reportin H and that are not part of the active set as well as the Hprimary 1P&1F infoH of all the primary 1P&1Fs in the active set for which the measured value is worse (i.e. reater for pathloss and less for the other measurement Auantities) than the one of the entry in Hcell tri eredH that has the best measured value- orderin the Hprimary 1P&1F infoH accordin to their measured value be innin with the best cell to the worst one- ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cellO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. 8T if Hsent reportsH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T is eAual to H.mount of reportin H for all entriesP 9T set the &2 HPeriodical /eportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T to 7.5"2 and disable the timer for the correspondin periodical reportin . ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation 3 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation 8 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F orO ,T if a primary 1P&1F is added to the active setP *T if that primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH or Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 1P&1F from Hcells tri eredH or Hcells recently tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T. 3T if no entry in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T has a value of Hsent reportsH smaller than H.mount of reportin H or 3T if there is no entry in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'TP 8T if the correspondin reportin interval timer is runnin P 9T stop the reportin interval timerO 9T set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,1G2B2'T to 7.5"2. 2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! 5,c @ *2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! + 5,c @ *2Auation 3 (5eavin tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne > ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! + 5,c @ *2Auation 8 (5eavin tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)


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,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne < ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! 5,c @ *The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNew is the measurement result of the cell not included in the active set. CIONew is the individual cell offset for the cell becomin better than the cell in the active set if an individual cell offset is stored for that cell. Otherwise it is eAual to +. 7or pathlossP MInAS is the measurement result of the cell in the active set with the hi hest measurement result. 7or other measurement AuantitiesP MInAS is the measurement result of the cell in the active set with the lowest measurement result. CIOInAS is the individual cell offset for the cell in the active set that is becomin worse than the new cell. H1c is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,c. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MNew and MinAS are e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MNew and MinAS are e(pressed in mC.

,i-ure '# #!#3& F:nfor2ati=eG. A pri2ar4 CP:C9 that is not included in the acti=e set ;eco2es ;etter than a pri2ar4 CP:C9 that is in the acti=e set &n this fi ure- the parameters hysteresis and time to tri er- as well as the cell individual offsets for all cells are eAual to +. &n this e(ample the cells belon in to primary 1P&1F , and * are in the active set- but the cells transmittin primary 1P&1F 3 and 1P&1F 8 are not (yet) in the active set. The first measurement report is sent when primary 1P&1F 8 becomes better than primary 1P&1F *. The Hcell measurement event resultH of the measurement report contains the information of primary 1P&1F 8 and 1P&1F *. .ssumin that the active set has been updated after the first measurement report (active set is now primary 1P&1F , and primary 1P&1F 8)- the second report is sent when primary 1P&1F 3 becomes better than primary 1P&1F ,. The Hcell measurement event resultH of the second measurement report contains the information of primary 1P&1F 3 and primary 1P&1F ,.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 14* ("a$2e o3 %est ce

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,d is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,:G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially contain the best cell in the active set when the measurement is initiatedO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,T .s soon as the best cell in the active set has been evaluated by the 32 (and stored in the T/&GG2/2:G,:G2B2'T variable) and provided that there is more than one cell in the active set- tri er an immediate measurement report with &2s set as belowP *T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHO H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,dH and Hcell measurement event resultsH to the 1P&1F info of the primary 1P&1F stored in the T/&GG2/2:G,:G2B2'T variableO *T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.* Chen event ,: is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if &2 Huse1&OH is present and its value is T/32- ta#e into account the 1ell &ndividual Offset for evaluation of the 2Auation , and *- otherwise do not ta#e it into account. ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F that is not stored in H0est cellH in variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F that is not stored in H0est cellH in variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'TP 'OT2P &f the eAuations are simultaneously fulfilled for more than one primary 1P&1F- the 32 should report only one event ,:- tri ered by the best primary 1P&1F.

*T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cell- and if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH and if &2 HTri erin condition *H is absent or if it is present and that primary 1P&1F is part of cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to HTri erin condition *HP 3T set Hbest cellH in the variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T to that primary 1P&1F that tri ered the eventO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHO H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,dH and Hcell measurement event resultsH to the 1P&1F info of the primary 1P&1F that tri ered the report. 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*. This event is only applicable to the 1255G:1F state. 3pon transition to 1255G:1F the 32 shallP ,T set Hbest cellH in the variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T to the best cell of the primary 1P&1Fs included in the active set. 2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM Not3est + $&=Not3est ,+ LogM 3est + $&=3est 5,d @ *2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)

,+ LogM Not3est + $&=Not3est ,+ LogM 3est + $&=3est + 5,d @ *The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNotBest is the measurement result of a cell not stored in Hbest cellH in the variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T. CIONotBest is the cell individual offset of a cell not stored in Hbest cellH in the variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T. MBest is the measurement result of the cell stored in Hbest cellH in variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T. CIOBest is the cell individual offset of a cell stored in Hbest cellH in the variable 02"TG1255G,:G2B2'T. H1d is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,d. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MNot Best and MBest are e(pressed as ratios.


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&f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MNot Best and MBest are e(pressed in mC.

,i-ure '# #!#'& F:nfor2ati=eG. A pri2ar4 CP:C9 ;eco2es ;etter than the pre=iousl4 ;est pri2ar4 CP:C9 &n this fi ure- the parameters hysteresis and time to tri er- as well as the cell individual offsets for all cells are eAual to +.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1)* # Pri9ar7 (P:(< %eco9es %etter t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,e is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T per active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete the correspondin variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,2 is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- for each of these primary 1P&1FsP *T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cell- and if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- and if that primary 1P&1F is part of cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to HTri erin condition *H- and that primary 1P&1F is not included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'TP 3T include that primary 1P&1F in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T. ,T if any primary 1P&1Fs are stored in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'TP *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,eHO and 3T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T in descendin order accordin to the confi ured measurement Auantity ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each of those cellsO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell.


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*T move all entries from Hcells recently tri eredH to Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T. ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation 3 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation 8 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1FO or ,T if a primary 1P&1F is no lon er part of the cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to the HTri erin condition *HP *T if that primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'TP 3T remove that primary 1P&1F and sent reports from Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T. This event is only applicable to the 1255G:1F state. Chen the measurement is setup in 1255G:1F or upon transition to 1255G:1F the 32 shallP ,T if the HTri erin condition *H includes active set cellsP

*T include the primary 1P&1F of all cells in the current active set that fulfil the eAuations , or * accordin to the HMeasurement AuantityH of event ,e into the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,2G2B2'T. 2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne 2,e 5,e @ *2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne 2,e + 5,e @ *2Auation 3 (5eavin tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne > 2,e + 5,e @ *2Auation 8 (5eavin tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)

,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne < 2,e 5,e @ *The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNew is the measurement result of a cell that becomes better than an absolute threshold. CIONew is the individual cell offset for the cell becomin better than the absolute threshold. Otherwise it is eAual to +. T1e is an absolute threshold. H1e is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,e. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MNew is e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MNew is e(pressed in mC.


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,i-ure '# #!#"& F:nfor2ati=eG. 1=ent&tri--ered report when a Pri2ar4 CP:C9 ;eco2es ;etter than an a;solute threshold &n this fi ure- the parameters hysteresis and time to tri er- as well as the cell individual offsets for all cells are eAual to +.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1&. # Pri9ar7 (P:(< %eco9es 1orse t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,7 is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'T per active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete the correspondin variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,7 is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- for each of these primary 1P&1FsP *T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cell- and if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- and if that primary 1P&1F is part of cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to HTri erin condition ,H- and that primary 1P&1F is not included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'TP 3T include that primary 1P&1F in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'T. ,T if any primary 1P&1Fs are stored in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'TP *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency event measurement resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,fHO and 3T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH or in Hcell measurement event results on secondary 35 freAuencyH all entries of the Hcells recently tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'T in descendin order accordin to the confi ured measurement Auantity ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each of those cellsO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH- and@or the &2 Hmeasured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH and the &2 Hadditional measured results on secondary 35 freAuencyH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cellO


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*T move all entries from Hcells recently tri eredH to Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'T. ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation 3 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation 8 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1FO or ,T if a primary 1P&1F is no lon er part of the cells allowed to tri er the event accordin to the HTri erin condition ,HP *T if that primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'TP 3T remove that primary 1P&1F from Hcells tri eredH in the correspondin variable T/&GG2/2:G,7G2B2'T.

2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld 2, f + 5, f @ *2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)

,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld 2, f 5, f @ *2Auation 3 (5eavin tri erin condition for pathloss)

,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld < 2, f 5, f @ *2Auation 8 (5eavin tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities)

,+ LogM =ld + $&==ld > 2, f + 5, f @ *The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOld is the measurement result of a cell that becomes worse than an absolute threshold CIOOld is the individual cell offset for the cell becomin worse than the absolute threshold. Otherwise it is eAual to +. T1f is an absolute threshold H1f is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,f. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MOld is e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MOld is e(pressed in mC.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

,i-ure '# #!#(& F:nfor2ati=eG. 1=ent&tri--ered report when a Pri2ar4 CP:C9 ;eco2es worse than an a;solute threshold &n this fi ure- the parameters hysteresis and time to tri er- as well as the cell individual offsets for all cells are eAual to +.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1F* # $o$-acti5e )-4(< %ut acti5e 4(< !ri9ar7 (P:(< %eco9es %etter t"a$ a$ acti5e )-4(< !ri9ar7 (P:(<

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,j is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,L is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation , below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation * below is fulfilled for one or more primary 1P&1Fs- for each of these primary 1P&1FsP *T if all reAuired reportin Auantities are available for that cellO and *T if the eAuations have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- and if the primary 1P&1F that is better is not included in the 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active set and the other primary 1P&1F is any of the primary 1P&1Fs included in the 2?:1F active set- and if that first primary 1P&1F is not included in the Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'TP 3T include that primary 1P&1F in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T. ,T if the value of H/eplacement activation thresholdH for this event is less than or eAual to the current number of cells in the 2?:1F active set or eAual to + and if any primary 1P&1Fs are stored in the Hcells recently tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'TP *T if H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +P 3T if the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 8T start a timer for with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this event and set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T to T/32. 3T set Hsent reportsH for that primary 1P&1F in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T to ,. *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,LHO and


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH all entries of the Hcells recently tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T not in the 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active set as well as the Hprimary 1P&1F infoH of all the primary 1P&1Fs in the 2?:1F active set for which the measured value is worse (i.e. reater for pathloss and less for the other measurement Auantities) than the one of the entry in Hcell recently tri eredH that has the best measured value ta#in into account their cell individual offset. The Hprimary 1P&1F infoH for those cells shall be ordered accordin to their measured value ta#in into account their cell individual offset- be innin with the best cell to the worst oneO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. *T move all entries from Hcells recently tri eredH to Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T. ,T if the timer for the periodical reportin has e(piredP *T if any primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T- and not included in the current 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active setP 3T if H/eportin intervalH for this event is not eAual to +- and if H.mount of reportin H is reater than Hsent reportsH stored for that primary 1P&1F- in Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'TP 8T increment the stored counter Hsent reportsH for all 1P&1F in Hcell tri eredH in variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'TO 8T start a timer with the value of H/eportin intervalH for this eventO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,LHO and 9T include in Hcell measurement event resultsH all entries of the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T with value of &2 Hsent reportH eAual to or smaller than value of H.mount of reportin H and that are not part of the 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active set as well as the Hprimary 1P&1F infoH of all the primary 1P&1Fs in the 2?:1F active set for which the measured value is worse (i.e. reater for pathloss and less for the other measurement Auantities) than the one of the entry in Hcell tri eredH that has the best measured value- orderin the Hprimary 1P&1F infoH accordin to their measured value be innin with the best cell to the worst one- ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cellO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. 8T if Hsent reportsH in variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T is eAual to H.mount of reportin H for all entriesP 9T set the &2 HPeriodical /eportin runnin H in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T to 7.5"2 and disable the timer for the periodical reportin . ,T if HMeasurement AuantityH is HpathlossH and 2Auation 3 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F- or if HMeasurement AuantityH is H1P&1F 2c@'+H or H1P&1F /"1PH- and 2Auation 8 below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F orO ,T if a primary 1P&1F is added to the 2?:1F active setP *T if that primary 1P&1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH or Hcells recently tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 1P&1F from Hcells tri eredH or Hcells recently tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T. 3T if no entry in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T has a value of Hsent reportsH smaller than H.mount of reportin H or 3T if there is no entry in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'TP 8T if the reportin interval timer is runnin P


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9T stop the reportin interval timerO 9T set the &2 HPeriodical reportin runnin H in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,LG2B2'T to 7.5"2. 2Auation , (Tri erin condition for pathloss) ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! 5, ) @ *2Auation * (Tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities) ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! + 5, ) @ *2Auation 3 (5eavin tri erin condition for pathloss) ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne > ,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! + 5 , ) @ *2Auation 8 (5eavin tri erin condition for all the other measurement Auantities) ,+ LogM Ne + $&=Ne <,+ LogM &n*! + $&=&n*! 5 , ) @ *The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNew is the measurement result of the cell not included in the 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active set. CIONew is the individual cell offset for the cell not included in the 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active set becomin better than the cell in the 2?:1F active set if an individual cell offset is stored for that cell. Otherwise it is eAual to +. 7or pathlossP MInAS is the measurement result of the cell in the 2?:1F active set with the hi hest measurement result. 7or other measurement AuantitiesP MInAS is the measurement result of the cell in the 2?:1F active set with the lowest measurement result. CIOInAS is the individual cell offset for the cell in the 2?:1F active set that is becomin worse than the new cell. H1 is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,L. &f the measurement results are pathloss or 1P&1F?2c@'o then MNew and MinAS are e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P then MNew and MinAS are e(pressed in mC.
Measurement Auantity P 1P&1F ,

P 1P&1F * P 1P&1F 3 P 1P&1F 8

/eportin event ,L /eportin event ,L


,i-ure '# #!#)& F:nfor2ati=eG. A pri2ar4 CP:C9 that is not included in the 1&3C9 acti=e set ;ut included in 3C9 acti=e set ;eco2es ;etter than a pri2ar4 CP:C9 that is in the 1&3C9 acti=e set


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

&n this fi ure- the parameters hysteresis and time to tri er- as well as the cell individual offsets for all cells are eAual to + and replacement activation threshold is eAual to + or , or *. &n this e(ample the cells belon in to primary 1P&1F , and * are in the 2?:1F active set- but the cells transmittin primary 1P&1F 3 and 1P&1F 8 are not (yet) in the 2?:1F active set but included in :1F active set. The first measurement report is sent when primary 1P&1F 8 becomes better than primary 1P&1F *. The Hcell measurement event resultH of the measurement report contains the information of primary 1P&1F 8 and 1P&1F *. .ssumin that the 2?:1F active set has been updated after the first measurement report (2?:1F active set is now primary 1P&1F , and primary 1P&1F 8)- the second report is sent when primary 1P&1F 3 becomes better than primary 1P&1F ,. The Hcell measurement event resultH of the second measurement report contains the information of primary 1P&1F 3 and primary 1P&1F ,.

1,.1.3 :$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 e5e$ts 3or T44

1,.1.3.1 Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1G* ("a$2e o3 %est ce (T44)
Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event , is set up- the 32 shall ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be empty. ,T store the P?11P1F of the servin cell in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'T as the best cell . ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,G is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if the eAuation , is fulfilled for one or more P?11P1Fs durin the time HTime to tri erH *T if those P?11P1Fs are not included in the Hprimary 11P1F infoH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TP 3T include those P?11P1Fs in Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TO *T update the prebest cell to the best P?11P1F and for each cell in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TP 3T if 2Auation * below is fulfilled for a primary 11P1FP 8T remove the entry of that primary 11P1F from Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TO *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H, HO 3T set the first entry in Hcell measurement event resultsH to the H1ell parameters &:H of the P?11P1F which was stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TO 3T include all entries in Hcells tri eredH in variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'T in Hcell measurement event resultsH in the measurement report in descendin order accordin toP
,+ LogM + =

where M is the P?11P1F /"1P and O the individual offset of a cellO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. ,T if 2Auation * below is fulfilled for a primary 11P1FP *T if a primary 11P1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 11P1F from Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,GG2B2'TO The 32 shall use the eAuations below for evaluation of reportin event , P


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2Auation ,

,+ LogM i + =i 5,g > ,+ LogM previous G best + = previous G best The variables in the formula are defined as followsP M!"e#io$s%best is the current P?11P1F /"1P of the previous best cell e(pressed in mC O!"e#io$s%best is the cell individual offset of the previous best cell Mi is the current P?11P1F /"1P of the currently evaluated cell i e(pressed in mC Oi is the cell individual offset of the currently evaluated cell i H1& is the hysteresis parameter for the event , . 2Auation *

,+ LogM i + =i + 5,g < ,+ LogM previous G best + = previous G best The variables in the formula are defined as followsP M!"e#io$s%best is the current P?11P1F /"1P of the previous best cell e(pressed in mC O!"e#io$s%best is the cell individual offset of the previous best cell Mi is the current P?11P1F /"1P of the currently evaluated cell i e(pressed in mC Oi is the cell individual offset of the currently evaluated cell i H1& is the hysteresis parameter for the event , .

,i-ure '# #3# & . A P&CCPC9 RSCP ;eco2es ;etter than the pre=ious ;est P&CCPC9 RSCP


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1<* Ti9es ot :S(P %e o1 a certai$ t"res"o d (T44)

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,h is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event ,h is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuation , is fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH and if that P?11P1F is not included in the &2 Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'TP *T include that P?11P1F in the &2 Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'TO


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*T send a measurement report with the &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,hH and in Hcell measurement event resultsH the H1ell parameters &:H of the P?11P1F that tri ered the reportO 3T include in H1ell measured resultsH the HTimeslot &"1PH of those cells that are included in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'T and Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. ,T if 2Auation * below is fulfilled for a primary 11P1FP *T if a primary 11P1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 11P1F from Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,FG2B2'T. The 32 shall use the eAuations below for evaluation of reportin event ,hP 2Auation ,
,+ LogM i + 5 ,h + =i < 2,h -

2Auation *
,+ LogM i 5 ,h + =i > 2,h -

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP Mi is the Timeslot &"1P of the currently evaluated cell i e(pressed in mC Oi is the cell individual offset of the currently evaluated cell i T1' is the Threshold for event ,h H1' is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,h. 0efore any evaluation is done- the Timeslot &"1P e(pressed in mC is filtered accordin to subclause ;.=.<.*.

,i-ure '# #3#!& . An :SCP =alue of a ti2eslot drops ;elow an a;solute threshold


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 1:* Ti9es ot :S(P a%o5e a certai$ t"res"o d (T44)

Chen an intra?freAuency measurement confi urin event ,i is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released.


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Chen event ,i is confi ured in the 32- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuation , is fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH and if that P?11P1F is not included in the &2 Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'TP *T include that P?11P1F in the &2 Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'TO *T send a measurement report with the &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hintra?freAuency measurement event resultsHP H&ntrafreAuency event identityH to H,iH and in Hcell measurement event resultsH to the H1ell parameters &:H of the P?11P1F that tri ered the reportO 3T include in Hmeasured resultsH the HTimeslot &"1PH of those cells that are included in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'T and Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset for each cell. ,T if 2Auation * below is fulfilled for a primary 11P1FP *T if a primary 11P1F is included in the Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'TP 3T remove the entry of that primary 11P1F from Hcells tri eredH in the variable T/&GG2/2:G,&G2B2'T. The 32 shall use the eAuation below for evaluation of reportin event ,iP 2Auation ,

,+ LogM i 5 ,i + =i > 2,i 2Auation *

,+ LogM i 5 ,i + =i < 2,i The variables in the formula are defined as followsP Mi is the Timeslot &"1P of the currently evaluated cell i e(pressed in mC Oi is the cell individual offset of the currently evaluated cell i T1i is the Threshold for event ,i H1i is the hysteresis parameter for the event ,i. 0efore any evaluation is done- the Timeslot &"1P e(pressed in mC is filtered accordin to subclause ;.=.<.*.

,i-ure '# #3#3& . An :SCP =alue of a ti2eslot eDceeds a certain threshold


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1,.1., )5e$t-tri22ered !eriodic i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orts (i$3or9ati5e)

1,.1.,.1 (e additio$ 3ai ure (&44 o$ 7)
Re!orti$2 ra$2e

P(P:(< 1

P(P:(< 2

Re!orti$2 ter9i$ated Periodic re!ort )5e$t-tri22ered re!ort Periodic re!ort P(P:(< 3

,i-ure '# #'# & . Periodic reportin- tri--ered ;4 e=ent A Chen a cell enters the reportin ran e and tri ers event ,.- the 32 shall transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T to the 3T/.' and typically this may result in an update of the active set. Fowever- in some situations the 3T/.' may be unable to add a stron cell to correspondin the active set typically due to capacity shorta e for e(ample. The 32 shall continue reportin after the initial report by revertin to periodical measurement reportin if the reported cell is not added to the correspondin active set. This is illustrated in 7i ure ,8.,.8.,?,. :urin periodic reportin the 32 shall transmit M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es to the 3T/.' at predefined intervals. The reports shall include reportin information of the cells in the current active set and of the monitored cell(s) in the reportin ran e. 2vent?tri ered periodic measurement reportin shall be terminated ifP ,T there are no lon er any monitored cell(s) within the reportin ran eO or ,T the 3T/.' has added cells to the correspondin active set so that it includes the ma(imum number of cells (defined by the reporting deactivation t(res(old parameter)- which are allowed for event ,. to be tri eredO or ,T the 32 has sent the ma(imum number of M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es (defined by the a ount of reporting parameter). The reportin period is assi ned by the 3T/.' (with the "eporting interval parameter). &f the reportin interval is set to !ero event?tri ered periodic measurement reportin shall not be applied.


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(e re9o5a 3ai ure (&44 o$ 7)

,i-ure '# #'# a. Periodic reportin- tri--ered ;4 e=ent 5 Chen a cell enters the removal ran e and tri ers event ,0- the 32 shall transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T to the 3T/.' and typically this may result in the removal of the wea#est active cell. &f the 3T/.' is unable to receive M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T after the ma(imum retransmission- it is beneficial to receive continuous reports in this case as well. The 32 shall revert to periodical measurement reportin if the 3T/.' does not update the correspondin active set after the transmission of the measurement report. This is illustrated in 7i ure ,8.,.8.,a. :urin periodic reportin the 32 shall transmit M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es to the 3T/.' at predefined intervals. 2vent?tri ered periodic measurement reportin shall be terminated ifP ,T there are no lon er any monitored cell(s) within the removal ran eO or ,T the 3T/.' has removed cells from the correspondin active set so that there are no lon er the minimum amount of active cells for event ,0 to be tri eredO or ,T the 32 has sent the ma(imum number of M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es (defined by the Hamount of reportin H parameter). The reportin period is assi ned by the 3T/.' (with the H/eportin intervalH parameter). &f the reportin interval is set to !ero- event?tri ered periodic measurement reportin shall not be applied.


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(e re! ace9e$t 3ai ure (&44 o$ 7)

P(P:(< 1 P(P:(< 2

Periodic re!ort )5e$t-tri22ered re!ort

Periodic re!ort

Re!orti$2 ter9i$ated

P(P:(< ,

P(P:(< 3

,i-ure '# #'# &!. Periodic reportin- tri--ered ;4 e=ent C Chen a cell enters the replacement ran e and tri ers event ,1- the 32 shall transmit a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T to the 3T/.' and typically this may result in the replacement of the wea#est active cell. &f the 3T/.' is unable to replace the cell due to for e(ample capacity shorta e- it is beneficial to receive continuous reports in this case as well. The 32 shall revert to periodical measurement reportin if the 3T/.' does not update the correspondin active set after the transmission of the measurement report. This is illustrated in 7i ure ,8.,.8.,?*. :urin periodic reportin the 32 shall transmit M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es to the 3T/.' at predefined intervals. The reports shall include reportin information of the cells in the current active set and of the monitored cell(s) in the replacement ran e. 2vent?tri ered periodic measurement reportin shall be terminated ifP ,T there are no lon er any monitored cell(s) within the replacement ran eO or ,T the 3T/.' has removed cells from the correspondin active set so that there are no lon er the minimum amount of active cells for event ,1 to be tri ered (as defined by the replace ent activation t(res(old parameter)O or ,T the 32 has sent the ma(imum number of M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa es (defined by the a ount of reporting parameter). The reportin period is assi ned by the 3T/.' (with the "eporting interval parameter). &f the reportin interval is set to !ero- event?tri ered periodic measurement reportin shall not be applied.

1,.1.5 Mec"a$is9s a5ai a% e 3or 9odi37i$2 i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 %e"a5iour (i$3or9ati5e)
1,.1.5.1 <7steresis
To limit the amount of event?tri ered reports- a hysteresis parameter may be connected with each reportin event iven above. The value of the hysteresis is iven to the 32 in the /eportin criteria field of the Measurement 1ontrol messa e. &n the e(ample in 7i ure ,8.,.9.,?,- the hysteresis ensures that the event ,: (7::) or &G(T::) (primary 1P&1F(7::)@11P1F(T::) * becomes the best cell) is not reported until the difference is eAual to the hysteresis value. The fact that primary 1P&1F(7::)@11P1F(T::) , becomes best afterwards is not reported at all in the e(ample since the primary 1P&1F(7::)@11P1F(T::) , does not become sufficiently better than the primary 1P&1F(7::)@11P1F(T::) *.


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,i-ure '# #"# & . 94steresis li2its the a2ount of 2easure2ent reports



To limit the measurement si nallin load- a time?to?tri er parameter could be connected with each reportin event iven above. The value of the time?to?tri er is iven to the 32 in the /eportin criteria field of the Measurement 1ontrol messa e. The effect of the time?to?tri er is that the report is tri ered only after the conditions for the event have e(isted for the specified time?to?tri er. &n the followin 7:: e(ample in 7i ure ,8.,.9.*?,- the use of time?to?tri er means that the event (primary 1P&1F 3 enters the reportin ran e) is not reported until is has been within the ran e for the time iven by the time?to?tri er parameter.

Measurement Auantity P 1P&1F , /eportin ran e

P 1P&1F *

P 1P&1F 3

Time?to?tri er
/eportin event ,.


,i-ure '# #"#!& . Ti2e&to&tri--er li2its the a2ount of 2easure2ent reports &n the followin T:: e(ample in 7i ure ,8.,.9.*?*- the use of time?to?tri er means that the event (Timeslot &"1P upon certain threshold) is not reported until it has been upon the threshold for the time iven by the time?to tri er parameter.


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,i-ure '# #"#!&!. Ti2e&to&tri--er li2its the a2ount of 2easure2ent reports 'OT2P The time?to?tri er could be combined with hysteresis- i.e. a hysteresis value is added to the measurement Auantity before evaluatin if the time?to?tri er timer should be started.


(e i$di5idua o33sets

7or each cell that is monitored- an offset can be assi ned with inband si nallin . The offset can be either positive or ne ative. The offset is added to the measurement Auantity before the 32 evaluates if an event has occurred. The 32 receives the cell individual offsets for each primary 1P&1F(7::)@11P1F(T::) in the &2 H1ell individual offsetH included in the &2 H1ell infoH associated with each measurement object and with each measurement object on secondary 35 freAuency included in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e. 7or the 7:: e(ample- in 7i ure ,8.,.9.3?,- since an offset is added to primary 1P&1F 3- it is the dotted curve that is used to evaluate if an event occurs. Fence- this means that measurement reports from 32 to 3T/.' are tri ered when primary 1P&1F plus the correspondin offset- i.e. the dotted curve- leaves and enters the reportin ran e and when it ets better than primary 1P&1F , (if these events have been ordered by 3T/.'). This offset mechanism provides the networ# with an efficient tool to chan e the reportin of an individual primary 1P&1F. 0y applyin a positive offset- as in 7i ure ,8.,.9.3?,- the 32 will send measurement reports as if the primary 1P&1F is offset 7 d0 better than what it really is. This could be useful if the operator #nows that a specific cell is interestin to monitor more carefully- even thou h it is not so ood for the moment. &n the e(ample in 7i ure ,8.,.9.3?,- the operator mi ht #now by e(perience that in this area primary 1P&1F 3 can become ood very Auic#ly (e. . due to street corners) and therefore that it is worth reportin more intensively. :ependin on the implemented handover evaluation al orithmthis may result in the cell with primary 1P&1F 3 bein included in the active set earlier than would have been the case without the positive offset.


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Measurement Auantity P 1P&1F , /eportin ran e

P 1P&1F *

Offset for P 1P&1F 3 P 1P&1F 3

/eportin event ,0 /eportin event ,.


,i-ure '# #"#3& . A positi=e offset is applied to pri2ar4 CP:C9 3 ;efore e=ent e=aluation in the 01 7or the T:: e(ample- in 7i ure ,8.,.9.3?*- an offset is added to primary 11P1F*- it is the dotted curve that is used to evaluate if the primary 11P1F* becomes better than primary 11P1F, (ordered by the 3T/.').

,i-ure '# #"#3&!. A positi=e offset is applied to pri2ar4 CCPC9 ! 1orrespondin ly- the operator can choose to apply a ne ative offset to a primary 11P1F. Then the reportin on that primary 11P1F is limited and the correspondin cell may be- at least temporarily e(cluded from the active set or as a tar et cell for handover. &t is important to note that the offset is added before tri erin events- i.e. the offset is added by the 32 before evaluatin if a measurement report should be sent as opposed to offsets that are applied in the networ# and used for the actual handover evaluation. &t should also be noted that the cell individual offset is not used in all measurement reportin events- and that it is not applied to all events in the same way.


&or%id a Pri9ar7 (P:(< to a33ect t"e re!orti$2 ra$2e (&44 o$ 7)

The reportin ran e affects the reportin events ,. and ,0 presented above. The reportin ran e is defined as a function of all the Primary 1P&1Fs in the active set (see ,8.,.*., and ,8.,.*.*). &f the parameter C is set to +- the reportin ran e is defined relative to the best Primary 1P&1F. Fowever- there could be cases where it is ood to forbid a specific Primary 1P&1F to affect the reportin ran e. 7or e(ample in 7i ure ,8.,.9.8?, the networ# has reAuested the 32 to not let Primary 1P&1F 3 affect the reportin ran e. This mechanism could be effective if the operator #nows by e(perience that the Auality of Primary 1P&1F 3 is very unstable in a specific area and therefore should not affect the reportin of the other Primary 1P&1Fs.


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The 32 shall i nore that a Primary 1P&1F is forbidden to affect the reportin ran e if all of the followin conditions are fulfilledP ? ? the Primary 1P&1F is included in active setO and all cells in active set are defined as Primary 1P&1Fs forbidden to affect the reportin ran e.
Measurement Auantity P 1P&1F , /eportin ran e /eportin /an e 1onstant

P 1P&1F *

P 1P&1F 3


,i-ure '# #"#'& . Pri2ar4 CP:C9 3 is for;idden to affect the reportin- ran-e

1,.1.6 Re!ort Bua$tities i$ i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts

The Auantities that the 32 shall report to 3T/.' when the event is tri ered for an intra?freAuency measurement are iven by the &2 H&ntra?freAuency reportin AuantityH stored for this measurement and can be the followin P , "7'?"7' observed time difference * 1ell synchronisation information 3 1ell &dentity 8 :ownlin# 2c@'+ (7::). 9 :ownlin# path loss. 7or 7::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 1P&1F T( power ? 1P&1F /"1P. ? ? 7or Primary 1P&1F T( power the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. 1P&1F /"1P is the result of the 1P&1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.

7or T::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 11P1F TI power ? Primary 11P1F /"1P. ? ? 7or Primary 11P1F TI power the &2 HPrimary 11P1F TI PowerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. Primary 11P1F /"1P is the result of the Primary 11P1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.

&f necessary Pathloss shall be rounded up to the ne(t hi her inte er. /esults hi her than ,9; shall be reported as ,9;. /esults lower than 8= shall be reported as 8=. = :ownlin# received si nal code power (/"1P) after despreadin (of a primary 1P&1F for 7::- and of a primary 11P1F for T::). < &"1P measured on Timeslot basis. (T::)


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; Proposed TG"' (T::) . description of those values can be found in D<E and D;E.

1,.1./ :$tra-3reBue$c7 (o99o$ )-RG(< RL 4eter9i$atio$ (&44 o$ 7)

7or reception of 2?/G1F from radio lin#s other than the servin 2?:1F radio lin# in 1255G7.1F state- the 32 shallP ,T if 2Auation , below is fulfilled for a primary 1P&1F of a cell to be evaluated for performin 2?/G1F receptionP *T if the eAuation has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH eAual to +P 3T consider the radio lin# as a 1ommon 2?/G1F /5. 2Auation ,P ,+c5o M'ew V 1&O'ew d ,+c5o M0est ? /,a?2?/G1F The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNew is the 1P&1F 2c@'+ measurement result for the cell under evaluation for 2?/G1F reception. CIONew is the individual cell offset for the cell under evaluation for 2?/G1F reception- if an individual cell offset is provided in the system information for that cell. Otherwise it is eAual to +. MBest is the 1P&1F 2c@'+ measurement result for the servin 2?:1F cell- not ta#in into account any cell individual offset. R1a-(-R)CH is the reportin ran e constant. MNew and MBest are e(pressed as ratios.

1,.2 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts

1,.2.0a :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tities
The two first measurement Auantities listed below are used by the 32 to evaluate whether an inter?freAuency measurement event has occurred or not- throu h the computation of a freAuency Auality estimate. The Auantity to use to compute the freAuency Auality estimate for an inter?freAuency measurement is iven in the H&nter?freAuency measurement AuantityH stored for that measurement. , :ownlin# 2c@'o (7::) * :ownlin# received si nal code power (/"1P) after despreadin . 3 :ownlin# path loss. 7or 7::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 1P&1F T( power ? 1P&1F /"1P. ? ? 7or Primary 1P&1F T( power the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. 1P&1F /"1P is the result of the 1P&1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.

7or T::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 11P1F TI power ? Primary 11P1F /"1P. ? ? 7or Primary 11P1F TI power the &2 HPrimary 11P1F TI PowerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. Primary 11P1F /"1P is the result of the Primary 11P1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.

. description of those values can be found in D<E and D;E.


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1,.2.0% &reBue$c7 Bua it7 esti9ate

1,.2.0%.1 &44 ce s
The freAuency Auality estimate used in events *a- *b *c- *d- *e and *f is defined asP

N* ) + (, < ) ) ,+ LogM 3est ) > frequency) = ,+ LogM frequency ) = < ) ,+ Log M i ) i =,

The variables in the formula are defined as follows (Hthe virtual active set on freAuency jH should be understood as the active set if freAuency j is the used freAuency or understood as the secondary 2?:1F active set if freAuency j is the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency. &f freAuency j is a non?used freAuency and is not the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency- the way the virtual active set is initiated and updated is described in subclause ,8.,,)P *f"e+$enc, - is the estimated Auality of the virtual active set on freAuency j. MfreAuency j is the estimated Auality of the virtual active set on freAuency j. Mi j is a measurement result of cell i in the virtual active set on freAuency j. '. j is the number of cells in the virtual active set on freAuency j. M0est j is the measurement result of the cell in the virtual active set on freAuency j with the hi hest measurement result. Cj is a parameter sent from 3T/.' to 32 and used for freAuency j. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?2c@'o then MF"e+$enc,- Mi - and MBest are e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P or P11P1F?/"1P then MF"e+$enc,- Mi - and MBest are e(pressed in mC.


T44 ce s

>i - frequency ) =,+ LogM i +=i - ) *i .f"e+$enc, - is the estimated Auality of cell i on freAuency j. Mi is the measurement result for Primary 11P1F /"1P of cell i on the primary freAuency e(pressed in mC. Oi.- is the cell individual offset of the currently evaluated cell i on freAuency j. Oi- is set by &2 H 1ell individual offsetH

1,.2.0c :$ter-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tities

The Auantities that the 32 shall report for each cell to 3T/.' when the event is tri ered for an inter?freAuency measurement is iven by the H&nter?freAuency reportin AuantityH &2 stored for this measurement and can be the followin - from , to ;. The Auantity number > can be reported for each freAuency that tri ered the report. , 1ell identity * "7'?"7' observed time difference 3 1ell synchronisation information 8 :ownlin# 2c@'o (7::) 9 :ownlin# path loss. 7or 7::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 1P&1F T( power ? 1P&1F /"1P. ? 7or Primary 1P&1F T( power the &2 HPrimary 1P&1F T( powerH shall be used. The unit is d0m.


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1P&1F /"1P is the result of the 1P&1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.

7or T::P Pathloss in d0 W Primary 11P1F TI power ? Primary 11P1F /"1P. ? ? 7or Primary 11P1F TI power the &2 HPrimary 11P1F TI PowerH shall be used. The unit is d0m. Primary 11P1F /"1P is the result of the Primary 11P1F /"1P measurement. The unit is d0m.

&f necessary Pathloss shall be rounded up to the ne(t hi her inte er. /esults hi her than ,9; shall be reported as ,9;. /esults lower than 8= shall be reported as 8=. = :ownlin# received si nal code power (/"1P) after despreadin (of a primary 1P&1F for 7::- and of a primary 11P1F for T::). < &"1P measured on Timeslot basis. (T::) ; Proposed TG"' (T::) > 3T/. carrier /""& . description of those values can be found in D<E and D;E.

1,.2.1 :$ter-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 e5e$ts

Cithin the measurement reportin criteria field in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e 3T/.' notifies the 32 which events should tri er the 32 to send a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. The listed events are the toolbo( from which the 3T/.' can choose the reportin events that are needed for the implemented handover evaluation function- or other radio networ# functions. .ll events are evaluated with respect to one of the measurement Auantities iven in subclause ,8.*.+a. The measurement Auantities are measured on the monitored primary common pilot channels (1P&1F) in 7:: mode and the monitored primary common control channels (P11P1F) in T:: mode of the cell defined in the measurement object. . Hnon?used freAuencyH is a freAuency that the 32 has been ordered to measure upon but is not used for the connection. . Hused freAuencyH is a freAuency that the 32 has been ordered to measure upon and is also currently used for the connection. .n e(ception to the definition of used and non?used freAuency is the freAuency of the first secondary servin F"?:"1F cell which shall be treated as a non?used freAuency for the purpose of inter?freAuency measurementand when more than one uplin# freAuency is confi ured- shall be treated as a used freAuency for the purposes of intra? freAuency measurement. &f the non?used freAuency is the downlin# freAuency associated with the secondary uplin# freAuency and if intra? freAuency measurement reportin on this freAuency is confi ured- the Hmonitored set on non?used freAuencyH consists of cells in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency cell info on secondary 35 freAuencyH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T that are not part of the secondary 2?:1F active setO Otherwise- the Hmonitored set on non?used freAuencyH consists of cells in Hcells for measurementH (or all cells in 1255G&'7OG5&"T if Hcells for measurementH is not present) in the &2 H&nter? freAuency cell infoH in the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T that are not part of the virtual active set on that non?used freAuency. The Hdetected set on non?used freAuencyH consists of all cells that are not part of the virtual active set on that non?used freAuency and are not in the 1255G&'7OG5&"T. The &2 H1ells to be e(cluded in detected set cellsH notifies the 32 to e(clude indicated cells from correspondin measurement report and 32 shall e(clude indicated cells from measurement report for inter?freAuency detected set measurement. &f a measurement is confi ured with &2 HTri erin 1ondition non?used freAuency detected cellsH the 32 maintains * virtual active sets and * variables- in order to evaluate the event accordin to the rules below usin one virtual active set and one variable for cells only in the 1255G&'7OG5&"T- and in parallel usin another virtual active set and another variable for all cells (includin detected set cells not indicated in H1ells to be e(cluded in detected set cellsH). Chen one inter?freAuency measurement identity corresponds to multiple inter?freAuency events with identical event identities- the 32 behaviour is not specified.


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)5e$t 2a* ("a$2e o3 %est 3reBue$c7.

Chen an inter?freAuency measurement confi urin event *a is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T per virtual active set related to that measurement- which shall initially contain the used freAuencyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event *a is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T when the measurement is initiated or resumedP *T store the used freAuency in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T. ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH while not considerin detected set cells for a freAuency included for that event and which is not stored in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cellsO or ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH while considerin detected set cells but not simultaneously fulfilled for that time while not considerin detected set cells- for a freAuency included for that event and which is not stored either in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cells or in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T used for evaluation with detected set cellsO or ,T if the 1"G virtual active set has been updated- since the last measurement report for this event associated with 1"G measurement- and eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH- for a freAuency included for that event and which is stored in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'TP *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set in Hinter?freAuency measurement event resultsHP 8T Hinter?freAuency event identityH to H*aHO and 8T H7reAuency infoH to the freAuency that tri ered the eventO and 8T H'on freAuency related measurement event resultsH to the HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the best primary 1P&1F for 7:: cells in case of non?1"G measurements or HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the cell present in 1"G virtual active set in case of 1"G measurements or HPrimary 11P1F infoH to the H1ells parameters &:H of the best primary 11P1F for T:: cells on that freAuency- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. 8T if the freAuency tri ered the event due to considerin detected set cellsP 9T set the &2 H:etected "et Tri erH. 3T if a non?used freAuency tri ered the measurement reportP 8T include in &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for the non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. 3T if the used freAuency tri ered the measurement reportP 8T do not include the &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH in the measurement report. 3T set the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO *T update the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated with that freAuency. ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled but the 1"G virtual active set is updated for a freAuency included for that eventP *T restart evaluation of this event for this freAuency.


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2Auation ,P

>Not3est >3est + 5 *a @ *
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Not Best is the Auality estimate of a freAuency not stored the Hbest freAuencyH in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T. *Best is the Auality estimate of the freAuency stored in Hbest freAuencyH in the variable 02"TG7/2J32'1KG*.G2B2'T. H/a is the hysteresis parameter for the event *a in that measurement.


)5e$t 2%* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 t"e curre$t 7 used 3reBue$c7 is %e o1 a certai$ t"res"o d and t"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 a $o$-used 3reBue$c7 is a%o5e a certai$ t"res"o d.

Chen an inter?freAuency measurement confi urin event *b is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T per virtual active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event *b is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuations , and * below have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to Tri erH from the same instant- respectively for one or several non?used freAuencies included for that event and for the used freAuencyP *T if any of those non?used freAuency tri ered while not considerin detected set cells and is not stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cellsO or *T if any of those non?used freAuency tri ered while considerin detected set cells but did not simultaneously tri er while not considerin detected set cells and is not stored either in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cells or the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T used for evaluation with detected set cellsO or *T if the 1"G virtual active set has been updated- since the last measurement report for this event associated with 1"G measurement-for any of those non?used freAuency which are stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'TP 3T store the non?used freAuencies that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated into that variableO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?freAuency measurement event resultsHP 9T Hinter?freAuency event identityH to H*bHO and 9T for each non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- be innin with the best freAuencyP =T H7reAuency infoH to that non?used freAuencyO and =T H'on freAuency related measurement event resultsH to the HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the best primary 1P&1F for 7:: cells in case of non?1"G measurements or HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the cell present in 1"G virtual active set in case of 1"G measurements or HPrimary 11P1F infoH to the H1ell parameters &:H of the best primary 11P1F for T:: cells on that non?used freAuency- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. =T if the freAuency tri ered the event due to considerin detected set cellsP <T set the &2 H:etected "et Tri erH.


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8T include in &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for each non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO 8T set the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if this eAuations , and * below have been fulfilled but the 1"G virtual active set is updated for a freAuency included for that eventP *T restart evaluation of this event for this freAuency. ,T if eAuation 3 below is fulfilled for a non?used freAuency stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'TP *T remove that non?used freAuency from the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated. ,T if eAuation 8 below is fulfilled for the used freAuencyP *T clear the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T. Tri erin conditionsP 2Auation ,P

>Non used 2Non used *b + 5 *b @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Non $sed is the Auality estimate of a non?used freAuency that becomes better than an absolute threshold. TNon $sed /b is the absolute threshold that applies for this non?used freAuency in that measurement. H/b is the hysteresis parameter for the event *b. 2Auation *P

>Used 2Used *b 5 *b @ *
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used freAuency. T0sed /b is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency in that measurement. H/b is the hysteresis parameter for the event *b. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation 3P

>Non used < 2Non used *b 5 *b @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Non $sed is the Auality estimate of a non?used freAuency that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*0G2B2'T. TNon $sed /b is the absolute threshold that applies for this non?used freAuency in that measurement. H/b is the hysteresis parameter for the event *b. 2Auation 8P

>Used > 2Used *b + 5 *b @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP


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*0sed is the Auality estimate of the used freAuency. T0sed /b is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency in that measurement. H/b is the hysteresis parameter for the event *b.


)5e$t 2c* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 a $o$-used 3reBue$c7 is a%o5e a certai$ t"res"o d

Chen an inter?freAuency measurement confi urin event *c is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T per virtual active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event *c is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for one or several non?used freAuencies included for that event durin the time HTime to tri erHP *T if any of those non?used freAuencies tri ered while not considerin detected set cells and is not stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cellsO or *T if any of those non?used freAuency tri ered while considerin detected set cells but did not simultaneously tri er while not considerin detected set cells and is not stored either in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cells or in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T used for evaluation with detected set cellsO or *T if the 1"G virtual active set has been updated- since the last measurement report for this event associated with 1"G measurement-for any of those non?used freAuency which are stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'TP 3T store the non?used freAuencies that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated into that variableO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?freAuency measurement event resultsHP 9T Hinter?freAuency event identityH to H*cHO and 9T for each non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- be innin with the best freAuencyP =T H7reAuency infoH to that non?used freAuencyO and =T H'on freAuency related measurement event resultsH to the HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the best primary 1P&1F for 7:: cells in case of non?1"G measurements or HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the cell present in 1"G virtual active set in case of 1"G measurements or HPrimary 11P1F infoH to the H1ell parameters &:H of the best primary 11P1F for T:: cells on that non?used freAuency- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. =T if the freAuency tri ered the event due to considerin detected set cellsP <T set the &2 H:etected "et Tri erH. 8T include in &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for each non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO 8T set the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.* not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled but the 1"G virtual active set is updated for a non?used freAuency included for that eventP *T restart evaluation of this event for this freAuency.


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,T if eAuation * below is fulfilled for a non?used freAuency stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'TP *T remove that non?used freAuency from the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated. Tri erin conditionP 2Auation ,P

>Non used 2Non used *c + 5 *c @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Non $sed is the Auality estimate of a non?used freAuency that becomes better than an absolute threshold. TNon $sed /c is the absolute threshold that applies for this non?used freAuency in that measurement. H/c is the hysteresis parameter for the event *c. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation *P

>Non used < 2Non used *c 5 *c @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Non $sed is the Auality estimate of a non?used freAuency stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*1G2B2'T. TNon $sed /c is the absolute threshold that applies for this non?used freAuency in that measurement. H/c is the hysteresis parameter for the event *c.


)5e$t 2d* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 t"e curre$t 7 used 3reBue$c7 is %e o1 a certai$ t"res"o d

. 32 shall be able to perform this measurement and the correspondin event reportin without reAuirin compressed mode. Chen an inter?freAuency measurement confi urin event *d is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G*:G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event *d is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for the used freAuency durin the time HTime to tri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G*:G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G*:G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?freAuency event resultsHP Hinter?freAuency event identityH to H*dH and no &2 H&nter? freAuency cellsH- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO 8T include in &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for the used freAuency- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO 8T set the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G*:G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if eAuation * is fulfilled for the used freAuencyP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G*:G2B2'T to 7.5"2.


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Tri erin conditionP 2Auation ,P

>Used 2Used *d 5 * d @ *
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used freAuency. T0sed /d is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency and event *d. H/d is the hysteresis parameter for the event *d. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation *P

>Used > 2Used * d + 5 *d @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used freAuency. T0sed /d is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency and event *d. H/d is the hysteresis parameter for the event *d.


)5e$t 2e* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 a $o$-used 3reBue$c7 is %e o1 a certai$ t"res"o d

Chen an inter?freAuency measurement confi urin event *e is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T per virtual active set related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event *e is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for one or several non?used freAuencies included for that event durin the time HTime to tri erHP *T if any of those non?used freAuencies tri ered while not considerin detected set cells and is not stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cellsO or *T if any of those non?used freAuency tri ered while considerin detected set cells but did not simultaneously tri er while not considerin detected set cells and is not stored either in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T used for evaluation without detected set cells or in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T used for evaluation with detected set cellsO or *T if the 1"G virtual active set has been updated- since the last measurement report for this event associated with 1"G measurement-for any of those non?used freAuency which are stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'TP 3T store the non?used freAuencies that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated into that variableO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?freAuency measurement event resultsHP 9T Hinter?freAuency event identityH to H*eHO and 9T for each non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- be innin with the best freAuencyP


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=T H7reAuency infoH to that non?used freAuencyO and =T H'on freAuency related measurement event resultsH to the HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the best primary 1P&1F for 7:: cells in case of non?1"G measurements or HPrimary 1P&1F infoH of the cell present in 1"G virtual active set in case of 1"G measurements or HPrimary 11P1F infoH to the H1ell parameters &:H of the best primary 11P1F for T:: cells on that non?used freAuency- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. =T if the freAuency tri ered the event due to considerin detected set cellsP <T set the &2 H:etected "et Tri erH. 8T include in the &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for each non?used freAuency that tri ered the event- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO 8T set the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled but the 1"G virtual active set is updated for a non?used freAuency included for that eventP *T restart evaluation of this event for this freAuency. ,T if eAuation * below is fulfilled for a non?used freAuency stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'TP *T remove that non?used freAuency from the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T correspondin to the virtual active set bein evaluated. Tri erin conditionP 2Auation ,P

>Non used 2Non used *e 5 *e @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Non $sed is the Auality estimate of a non?used freAuency that becomes worse than an absolute threshold. TNon $sed /e is the absolute threshold that applies for that non?used freAuency for that event. H/e is the hysteresis parameter for the event *e. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation *P

>Non used > 2Non used *e + 5 *e @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *Non $sed is the Auality estimate of a non?used freAuency stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G*2G2B2'T. TNon $sed /e is the absolute threshold that applies for that non?used freAuency for that event. H/e is the hysteresis parameter for the event *e.


)5e$t 2 3* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 t"e curre$t 7 used 3reBue$c7 is a%o5e a certai$ t"res"o d

. 32 shall be able to perform this measurement and the correspondin event reportin without reAuirin compressed mode. Chen an inter?freAuency measurement confi urin event *f is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G*7G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O


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,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event *f is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for the used freAuency durin the time HTime to tri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G*7G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G*7G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?freAuency event resultsHP Hinter?freAuency event identityH to H*fH- and no &2 H&nter? freAuency cellsHO 8T include in &2 H&nter?freAuency measured results listH the measured results for the used freAuency- not ta#in into account the cell individual offsetO 8T set the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G*7G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if eAuation * is fulfilled for the used freAuencyP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G*7G2B2'T to 7.5"2. Tri erin conditionP 2Auation ,P

>Used 2Used * f + 5 * f @ *
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used freAuency. T0sed /f is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency and event *f. H/f is the hysteresis parameter for the event *f. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation *P

>Used < 2Used * f 5 * f @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used freAuency. T0sed /f is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency and event *f. H/f is the hysteresis parameter for the event *f.

1,.3 :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts

1,.3.0a :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tities
. measurement Auantity is used by the 32 to evaluate whether an inter?/.T measurement event has occurred or not. The measurement Auantity for 3T/.' is used to compute the freAuency Auality estimate for the active set- as described in the ne(t subclause- and can beP , :ownlin# 2c@'o. * :ownlin# received si nal code power (/"1P) after despreadin .


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The measurement Auantity for G"M can beP , G"M 1arrier /""& The measurement Auantity for 2?3T/. can beP , 2?3T/. /"/P * 2?3T/. /"/J . description of those values can be found in D<E and D;E.

1,.3.0% &reBue$c7 Bua it7 esti9ate o3 t"e UTR#' 3reBue$c7

The estimated Auality of the active set in 3T/.' in event 3a is defined asP

N* >U2R*N = ,+ LogM U2R*N = < ,+ Log M i + (, < ) ,+ LogM 3est i = ,

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0TRAN is the estimated Auality of the active set on the currently used 3T/.' freAuency. M3T/.' is the estimated Auality of the active set on currently used 3T/.' freAuency e(pressed in another unit. Mi is the measurement result of cell i in the active set- accordin to what is indicated in the &2 HMeasurement Auantity for 3T/.' Auality estimateH. '. is the number of cells in the active set. M0est is the measurement result of the cell in the active set with the hi hest measurement result. C is a parameter sent from 3T/.' to 32. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?2c@'o M0TRAN- Mi and MBest are e(pressed as ratios. &f the measurement result is 1P&1F?/"1P or P11P1F?/"1P- M0TRAN- Mi and MBest are e(pressed in mC.

1,.3.0c :$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tities

The Auantities that the 32 shall report to 3T/.' when the event is tri ered for an inter?/.T measurement are iven by the &2 H&nter?/.T reportin AuantityH stored for that measurement- and can be the followin P &n the case the other /.T is G"MP , G"M carrier /""& &n the case the other /.T is 2?3T/.P , Measurement JuantityP &n case the measurement Auantity is /"/P then only /"/P is reportedO in case the measurement Auantity is /"/J then only /"/J is reported. * 0othP both /"/P and /"/J are reported. . description of those values can be found in D<E- D;E and D<8E.

1,.3.1 :$ter-R#T re!orti$2 e5e$ts

Cithin the measurement reportin criteria field in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e the 3T/.' notifies the 32 which events should tri er the 32 to send a M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e. The listed events are the toolbo( from which the 3T/.' can choose the reportin events that are needed for the implemented handover evaluation function- or other radio networ# functions. .ll events are measured with respect to one of the measurement Auantities iven in subclause ,8.3.+a- and of the freAuency Auality estimate iven in subclause ,8.3.+b. 7or 3T/.' the measurement Auantities are measured on the


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monitored primary common pilot channels (1P&1F) in 7:: mode and the monitored primary common control channels (P11P1F) in T:: mode of the cell defined in the measurement object. 7or other /.Ts the measurement Auantities are system?specific. . Hused 3T/.' freAuencyH is a freAuency that the 32 have been ordered to measure upon and is also currently used for the connection to 3T/.'. HOther systemH is e. . G"M or 2?3T/.. &n the te(t below describin the eventsP ? HThe 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations considered in that inter?/.T measurementH shall be understood as the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations of the inter?/.T cells pointed at in the &2 H1ells for measurementH if it has been received for that inter?/.T measurement- or otherwise of the cells included in the Hinter?/.T cell infoH part of the variable 1255G&'7O 5&"T. HThe 011F ./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurementH shall be understood as the 011F ./71's of the inter?/.T cells pointed at in the &2 H1ells for measurementH if it has been received for that inter?/.T measurement- or otherwise of the cells included in the Hinter?/.T cell infoH part of the variable 1255G&'7O 5&"T. HThe 2?3T/. freAuencies considered in that inter?/.T measurementH shall be understood as the 2?3T/. freAuencies whose 2./71's is included in the the variable 23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7O 5&"T.

Chen one inter?/.T measurement identity corresponds to multiple inter?/.T events with identical event identities- the 32 behaviour is not specified.


)5e$t 3a* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 t"e curre$t 7 used UTR#' 3reBue$c7 is %e o1 a certai$ t"res"o d and t"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 t"e ot"er s7ste9 is a%o5e a certai$ t"res"o d.

Chen an inter?/.T measurement confi urin event 3a is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event 3a is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to HreAuiredHP *T if eAuations , and * below have both been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH from the same instant- respectively for the used 3T/.' freAuency and for one or several G"M cells that match any of the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T if the &nter?/.T cell id of any of those G"M cells is not stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'TP 8T store the &nter?/.T cell ids of the G"M cells that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T into that variable. 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3aH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hverified 0"&1H and H&nter?/.T cell idH to the G"M cells that tri ered the event (best one first)ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 9T Hmeasured resultsH and possible Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation 8 is fulfilled for a G"M cell whose inter?/.T cell id is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'TP 3T remove the inter?/.T cell id of that G"M cell from the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T. *T if eAuation 3 is fulfilled for the used freAuency in 3T/.'P 3T clear the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T. ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to Hnot reAuiredHP


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

*T if eAuations , and * below have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH from the same instant- respectively for the used 3T/.' freAuency and for one or several 011F ./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T if any of those 011F ./71's is not stored into the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'TP 8T store the 011F ./71's that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3aH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hnon verified 0"&1H and H011F ./71'H to 011F ./71's that tri ered the event (best one first)- ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 9T Hmeasured resultsH and possible Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation 8 is fulfilled for a 011F ./71' that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'TP 3T remove that 011F ./71' from the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T. *T if eAuation 3 is fulfilled for the used freAuency in 3T/.'P 3T clear the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T. ,T if the other /.T is 2?3T/.P *T if eAuations , and * below have been fulfilled for a time period indicated by HTime to tri erH from the same instant- respectively for the used 3T/.' freAuency and for one or several 2?3T/. cells on any of the freAuencies considered in that inter?/.T measurement and that are not included in the blac#listP 3T if any of those 2?3T/. cells are not stored into the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'TP 8T store the 2?3T/. cells that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T in H2?3T/. event resultsHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3aH- and H2?3T/. carrier freAuencyH and HPhysical cell identityH to the 2./71' and physical cell identity of the cells that tri ered the event (best one first)O 9T H2?3T/. measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9. *T if eAuation 8 is fulfilled for a cell that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'TP 3T remove that cell from the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T. *T if eAuation 3 is fulfilled for the used freAuency in 3T/.'P 3T clear the variable T/&GG2/2:G3.G2B2'T. Tri erin conditionsP 2Auation ,P

>Used 2Used 5 3a @ *
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used 3T/.' freAuency. T0sed is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency in that measurement. H1a is the hysteresis parameter for event 3a.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

2Auation *P

M =ther


+ $&==ther R*2 2=ther


+ 5 3a @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOt'e" RAT is the measurement Auantity for the cell of the other system. CIOOt'e" RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOt'e" RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H1a is the hysteresis parameter for event 3a. 5eavin tri ered state conditionsP 2Auation 3P

>Used > 2Used + 5 3a @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP *0sed is the Auality estimate of the used 3T/.' freAuency. T0sed is the absolute threshold that applies for the used freAuency in that measurement. H1a is the hysteresis parameter for event 3a. 2Auation 8P

M =ther


+ $&==ther R*2 < 2=ther


5 3a @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOt'e" RAT is the measurement Auantity for the cell of the other system. MOt'e" RAT is e(pressed in d0m. CIOOt'e" RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOt'e" RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H1a is the hysteresis parameter for event 3a.


)5e$t 3%* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 ot"er s7ste9 is %e o1 a certai$ t"res"o d

Chen an inter?/.T measurement confi urin event 3b is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event 3b is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to HreAuiredHP *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one or several G"M cells that match any of the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T if the inter?/.T cell id of any of those G"M cell is not stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'TP 8T store the inter?/.T cell ids of the G"M cells that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP


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9T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3bH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hverified 0"&1H and H&nter?/.T cell idH to the G"M cells that tri ered the event (worst one first)- ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation * below is fulfilled for a G"M cell whose inter?/.T cell id is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'TP 3T remove the inter?/.T cell id of that G"M cell from the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T. ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to Hnot reAuiredHP *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one or several of the 011F ./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T if any of those 011F ./71' is not stored into the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'TP 8T store the 011F ./71's that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3bH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hnon verified 0"&1H and H011F ./71'H to 011F ./71's that tri ered the event (worst one first)- ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation * below is fulfilled for a 011F ./71' that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'TP 3T remove that 011F ./71' from the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T. ,T if the other /.T is 2?3T/.P *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one or several of the 2?3T/. cells on any of the freAuencies considered in that inter?/.T measurement and that are not included in the blac#listP 3T if any of those 2?3T/. cells is not stored into the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'TP 8T store the 2?3T/. cells that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in H2?3T/. event resultsHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3bH- and H2?3T/. carrier freAuencyH and HPhysical cell identityH to the 2./71' and physical cell identity of the cells that tri ered the event (worst one first)O 9T set the &2 H2?3T/. measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9. *T if eAuation * below is fulfilled for a cell that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'TP 3T remove that cell from the variable T/&GG2/2:G30G2B2'T. Tri erin conditionP 2Auation ,P

M =ther


+ $&==ther




5 3b @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOt'e" RAT is the measurement Auantity for the cell of the other system.


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

CIOOt'e" RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOt'e" RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H1b is the hysteresis parameter for event 3b. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation *P

M =ther


+ $&==ther


> 2=ther


+ 5 3b @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOt'e" RAT is the measurement Auantity for the cell of the other system. MOt'e" RAT is e(pressed in d0m. CIOOt'e" RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOt'e" RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H1b is the hysteresis parameter for event 3b.


)5e$t 3c* T"e esti9ated Bua it7 o3 ot"er s7ste9 is a%o5e a certai$ t"res"o d

Chen an inter?/.T measurement confi urin event 3c is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be emptyO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event 3c is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to HreAuiredHP *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one or several G"M cells that match any of the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T if the inter?/.T cell id of any of those G"M cell is not stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'TP 8T store the &nter?/.T cell ids of the G"M cells that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3cH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hverified 0"&1H and H&nter?/.T cell idH to the G"M cells that tri ered the event (best one first)- ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation * below is fulfilled for a G"M cell whose inter?/.T cell id is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'TP 3T remove the inter?/.T cell id of that G"M cell from the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T. ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to Hnot reAuiredHP *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one or several of the 011F ./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T if any of those 011F ./71' is not stored into the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'TP 8T store the 011F ./71's that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T into that variableO


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3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3cH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hnon verified 0"&1H and H011F ./71'H to 011F ./71's that tri ered the event (best one first)- ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 9T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation * is fulfilled for a 011F ./71' that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'TP 3T remove that 011F ./71' from the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T. ,T if the other /.T is 2?3T/.P *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one or several 2? 3T/. cells on any of the freAuencies considered in that inter?/.T measurement and that are not included in the blac#listP 3T if any of those 2?3T/. cells is not stored into the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'TP 8T store the 2?3T/. cells that tri ered the event and that were not previously stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T into that variableO 8T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 9T set in H2?3T/. event resultsHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3cH- and H2?3T/. carrier freAuencyH and HPhysical cell identityH to the 2./71' and physical cell identity of the cells that tri ered the event (best one first)O 9T set the &2 H2?3T/. measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9. *T if eAuation * is fulfilled for a cell that is stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'TP 3T remove that cell from the variable T/&GG2/2:G31G2B2'T. Tri erin conditionP 2Auation ,P

M =ther


+ $&==ther




+ 5 3c @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOt'e" RAT is the measurement Auantity for the cell of the other system. MOt'e" RAT is e(pressed in d0m. CIOOt'e" RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOt'e" RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H1c is the hysteresis parameter for event 3c. 5eavin tri ered state conditionP 2Auation *P

M =ther


+ $&==ther


< 2=ther


5 3c @ *

The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MOt'e" RAT is the measurement Auantity for the cell of the other system. MOt'e" RAT is e(pressed in d0m. CIOOt'e" RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOt'e" RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H1c is the hysteresis parameter for event 3c.


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)5e$t 3d* ("a$2e o3 %est ce i$ ot"er s7ste9

Chen an inter?/.T measurement confi urin event 3d is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T related to that measurementO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen event 3d is confi ured in the 32 within a measurement- the 32 shallP ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to HreAuiredHP *T when the measurement is initiated or resumedP 3T store in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T the &nter?/.T cell id of the G"M cell that has the best measured Auantity amon the G"M cells that match any of the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations considered in that inter?/.T measurement- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset of the G"M cellsO 3T send a measurement report with &2 set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3dH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hverified 0"&1H and H&nter?/.T cell idH to the G"M cell that is stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation , has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for a G"M cell that is different from the one stored in 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T and that matches any of the 011F ./71' and 0"&1 combinations considered in that inter?/.T measurementP 3T store the &nter?/.T cell id of that G"M cell in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3dH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hverified 0"&1H and H&nter?/.T cell idH to the G"M cell is now stored in 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if the other /.T is G"M- and if &2 H0"&1 verification reAuiredH is set to Hnot reAuiredHP *T when the measurement is initiated or resumedP 3T store in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T the 011F ./71' of the G"M cell that has the best measured Auantity amon the 011F ./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurementO 3T send a measurement report with &2 set as belowP 8T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3dH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hnon verified 0"&1H and H011F ./71'H to the 01F ./71' that is stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9 and ;.8.*- respectively- not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for one of the 011F ./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurement and different from the one stored in 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TP 3T store the 011F ./71' of that G"M cell in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP


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! !%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

8T set in Hinter?/.T measurement event resultHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3dH- H1FO&12 0"&1H to Hnon verified 0"&1H and H011F ./71'H to the 011F ./71' that is now stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*not ta#in into account the cell individual offset. ,T if the other /.T is 2?3T/.P *T when the measurement is initiated or resumedP 3T store in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T the 2./71' and Physical 1ell &dentity of the 2?3T/. cell that has the best measured Auantity amon the 2./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurementO 3T send a measurement report with &2 set as belowP 8T set in H2?3T/. measurement resultsHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3dH- and H2?3T/. 1arrier 7reAuencyH and HPhysical 1ell &dentityH to the 2./71' and the Physical 1ell &dentity that are stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 8T set the &2 H2?3T/. measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9. *T if eAuation , below has been fulfilled for a time period indicated by Htime to tri erH for a cell on one of the 2./71's considered in that inter?/.T measurement and different from the cell stored in 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TP 3T store the 2./71' and Physical 1ell &dentity of that 2?3T/. cell in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H2?3T/. event resultsHP Hinter?/.T event identityH to H3dH- and H2?3T/. carrier freAuencyH and HPhysical 1ell &dentityH to the 2./71' and the Physical 1ell &dentity that are now stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'TO 8T set the &2 H2?3T/. measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.=.<.9. 2Auation ,P

M Ne M 3est + 5 3d @ *
The variables in the formula are defined as followsP MNew is the measurement Auantity for a cell of the other system that is not stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T. MBest is the measurement Auantity for a cell of the other system that is stored in the variable 02"TG1255G3:G2B2'T. H1d is the hysteresis parameter for event 3d.

1,.3.2 GSM 9easure9e$ts i$ co9!ressed 9ode

1,.3.2.1 GSM RSS: 9easure9e$ts
The 32 shall perform G"M /""& measurements in the aps of compressed mode pattern seAuence specified for G"M /""& measurement purpose.


:$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$

The 32 shall perform &nitial 0"&1 identification in compressed mode pattern seAuence specified for &nitial 0"&1 identification measurement purpose.


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! !

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

The parameter H' identify abortH in the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH indicates the ma(imum number of patterns that the 32 shall use to attempt to decode the un#nown 0"&1 of the G"M cell in the initial 0"&1 identification procedure. The 0"&1 identification procedure is defined in detail in D,>E.


8S:( re-co$3ir9atio$

The 32 shall perform 0"&1 re?confirmation in compressed mode pattern seAuence specified for 0"&1 re?confirmation measurement purpose. The parameter HT reconfirm abortH in the &2 H:P1F compressed mode infoH indicates the ma(imum time allowed for the re?confirmation of the 0"&1 of one G"M cell in the 0"&1 re?confirmation procedure. The 0"&1 re?confirmation procedure is defined in detail in D,>E.

1,.3.3 )-UTR# 9easure9e$ts i$ co9!ressed 9ode

1,.3.3.1 )-UTR# RSRP 9easure9e$ts
The 32 shall perform 2?3T/. /"/P measurements in the aps of compressed mode pattern seAuence specified for 2? 3T/. measurement purpose.


)-UTR# RSRE 9easure9e$ts

The 32 shall perform 2?3T/. /"/J measurements in the aps of compressed mode pattern seAuence specified for 2? 3T/. measurement purpose.

1,., Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$ts

1,.,.1 Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t Eua$tit7
Traffic volume measurements may be confi ured by //1 to assist with dynamic radio bearer control. The reported Auantities that can be confi ured areP , 0uffer Occupancy. * .vera e of 0uffer Occupancy. 3 Bariance of 0uffer Occupancy. . description of these values can be found in D,9E. Chen a report is tri ered- the 32 shall provide the reAuested Auantities for the ac#nowled ed and unac#nowled ed mode /0s mapped onto the transport channels identified. Chen the /51 buffer payload- .vera e of /51 buffer payload or Bariance of /51 buffer payload is reported- the measured Auantity shall be rounded upwards to the closest hi her value possible to report. Chen the measured Auantity is over the hi hest value possible to report- it shall be set to the hi hest value.

1,.,.2 Tra33ic Vo u9e re!orti$2 tri22ers

Traffic volume measurement reports can be tri ered usin two different mechanisms- periodical and event tri ered. The reportin criteria are specified in the measurement control messa e. .ll the specified events are evaluated with respect to the Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume (T1TB). This Auantity is eAual to the sum of the 0uffer Occupancy for all lo ical channels mapped onto a transport channel. The events on a iven transport channel shall be evaluated at least at every TT& (may be more often) as described in D,9E. Chen one traffic volume measurement identity corresponds to multiple traffic volume events with identical event identities for the same transport channel- the 32 behaviour is not specified. Chen a traffic volume measurement is set up- the 32 shallP ,T for 7::- if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to T/32P


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*T if one transport channel that is referenced in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH as H:1FH and &2 Hmeasurement validityH is set to Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP 3T the uplin# transport channel on which the 32 is supposed to report in 1255G7.1F state is of type 2? :1F. ,T for ,.*; Mcps T::- if one transport channel that is referenced in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH as H3"1FH and the &2 H35 tar et transport channel idH is set to 3* and and &2 Hmeasurement validityH is set to Hall statesH or Hall states e(cept 1255G:1FHP *T the uplin# transport channel on which the 32 is supposed to report is of type 2?:1F. ,T if the &2 Hreport criteriaH is set to HTraffic volume measurement reportin criteriaHP *T for each &2 HParameters sent for each transport channelHP 3T if the &2 H3plin# transport channel typeH is not includedO or 3T if the &2 H3plin# Transport 1hannel TypeH has the value H:1FH or H3"1FH and the &2 H35 transport channel idH is not includedP 8T for each &2 HParameters reAuired for each 2ventHP 9T for each uplin# transport channel on which the 32 is supposed to report (see below)P =T confi ure an event tri er defined by the values in the &2s HMeasurement &dentityH- HTraffic volume event identityH- H/eportin thresholdH- HTime to tri erH- HPendin time after tri erH and HT( &nterruption after tri erH. 3T elseP 8T for each &2 HParameters reAuired for each 2ventHP 9T for the uplin# transport channel defined by the &2s H3plin# transport channel typeH and H35 transport channel idHP =T confi ure an event tri er defined by the values in the &2s HMeasurement &dentityH- HTraffic volume event identityH- H/eportin thresholdH- HTime to tri erH- HPendin time after tri erH and HT( &nterruption after tri erH. ,T elseP *T if the &2 Hreport criteriaH is set to HPeriodical reportin criteriaHP *T confi ure periodical tri ers with period eAual to the value in the &2 H/eportin &ntervalH and with number of transmissions eAual to the value in the &2 H.mount of reportin H for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityH. 7or each transport channel for which an event tri er has been confi ured- the 32 shallP ,T for each event confi ured for this transport channelP *T if the T1TB is lar er than the threshold in &2 H/eportin thresholdH at TBM setup or modifyO or *T if the T1TB becomes lar er than the threshold in &2 H/eportin thresholdH while the event is confi uredP 3T if the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH has value H8aHP 8T if the &2 HTime to tri erH is not presentO and 8T if the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event is not activeP 9T if the &2 HPendin time after tri erH is includedP =T start the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event with the value in this &2. 9T tri er a report for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityH.


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8T elseP 9T start the Time?to?tri er timer for this event with the value in the &2 HTime to tri erH. 3T if the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH has value H8bHP 8T if the Time?to?tri er timer for this event is activeP 9T stop this timer. *T if the T1TB is smaller than the threshold in &2 H/eportin thresholdH at TBM setup or modifyO or *T if the T1TB becomes smaller than the threshold in &2 H/eportin thresholdH while the event is confi uredP 3T if the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH has value H8aHP 8T if the Time?to?tri er timer for this event is activeP 9T stop this timer. 3T if the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH has value H8bHP 8T if the &2 HTime to tri erH is not presentO and 8T if the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event is not activeP 9T if the &2 HPendin time after tri erH is includedP =T start the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event with the value in this &2. 9T tri er a report for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityH. 8T elseP 9T start the Time?to?tri er timer for this event with the value in the &2 HTime to tri erH. Chen the Time?to?tri er timer for an event elapsesP ,T if the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event is not activeP *T tri er a report for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityH correspondin to this eventO *T if the &2 HPendin time after tri erH is includedP 3T start the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event with the value in this &2. Chen the Pendin ?time?after?tri er for an event elapsesP ,T if the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH has value H8aHP *T if the T1TB is lar er than the threshold in &2 H/eportin thresholdHP 3T if the &2 HTime to tri erH is not presentP 8T tri er a report for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityH correspondin to this eventO 8T start the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event with the value in the &2 HPendin time after tri erH. 3T elseP 8T start the Time?to?tri er timer for this event with the value in the &2 HTime to tri erH. ,T if the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH has value H8bHP *T if the T1TB is smaller than the threshold in &2 H/eportin thresholdHP 3T if the &2 HTime to tri erH is not presentP


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8T tri er a report for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityH correspondin to this eventO 8T start the Pendin ?time?after?tri er timer for this event with the value in the &2 HPendin time after tri erH. 3T elseP 8T start the Time?to?tri er timer for this event with the value in the &2 HTime to tri erH. Chen a periodical tri er elapses- the 32 shallP ,T tri er a report for the measurement identified by the &2 HMeasurement &dentityHO ,T if the number of reports tri ered by this periodical tri er reaches the value in the &2 H.mount of reportin HP *T disable this periodical tri er. Chen a report is tri ered for a iven &2 HMeasurement &dentityH- the 32 shallP ,T consider the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK correspondin to this measurement identityO ,T if the report is tri ered by an event tri erP *T include the &2 H2vent resultsHO *T if variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the &2 H3plin# transport channel type causin the eventH to the type of the transport channel which tri ered the reportO 3T if the transport channel type is H:1FH or H3"1FHP 8T include the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel identityH and set it to the identity of the transport channel which tri ered the report. 3T elseP 8T not include the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel identityH. *T elseP 3T for 7::P 8T set the &2 H3plin# transport channel type causin the eventH to the value H:1FHO 8T include the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel identityH and set it to any value. 3T for ,.*; Mcps T::P 8T include the &2 H35 Transport 1hannel identityH and set it to the identity of the transport channel which tri ered the report. *T set the &2 HTraffic volume event identityH to the identity of the event that tri ered the reportO *T if the &2 HT( interruption after tri erH for the event that tri ered the report is includedP 3T if the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state and 3T if the variable /2.:KG7O/G1OMMO'G2:1F is set to 7.5"2P 8T prohibit :T1F transmissions on the /.1FO 8T if the T( interruption timer is not runnin O or 8T if the T( interruption timer is runnin and still has a value lar er than the &2 HT( interruption after tri erH for the event- i.e. it was started earlier by another event with a lar er value in &2 HT( interruption after tri erHP


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9T start the T( interruption timer with the value in the &2 HT( interruption after tri erH for this event. 8T when it receives from the 3T/.' a messa e causin the transition to 1255G:1F stateO or 8T when the T( interruption timer elapsesP 9T stop the timerO 9T resume these transmissions. ,T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH is not includedP *T report on all the uplin# transport channels as specified below. ,T if the &2 HTraffic volume measurement objectH is includedP *T report on the uplin# transport channels identified in this &2 as specified below. ,T for each 3M or .M /0 mapped onto a transport channel on which the 32 is e(pected to reportP *T add an element in the &2 HTraffic volume measurement resultsHO *T set the value of the &2 H/0 &dentityH to the identity of the considered radio bearerO *T if the /0 is mapped onto one lo ical channelP 3T if the &2 H/51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 8T include the &2 H/51 0uffers PayloadH and set it to the 0uffer Occupancy value for this lo ical channel- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 3T if the &2 H.vera e of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 8T include and set the &2 H.vera e of /51 0uffer PayloadH to the 0uffer Occupancy for this lo ical channel avera ed over the interval specified in the &2 HTime &nterval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH (see D,9E)- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 3T if the &2 HBariance of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 8T include and set the &2 HBariance of /51 0uffer PayloadH to the variance of the 0uffer Occupancy for this lo ical channel computed over the interval specified in the &2 HTime &nterval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH (see D,9E)- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. *T if the /0 is mapped onto two lo ical channelsP 3T if one lo ical channel is mapped onto transport channels on which the 32 is supposed to reportP 8T if the &2 H/51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 9T include and set the &2 H/51 0uffers PayloadH to the 0uffer Occupancy value for this lo ical channel- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 8T if the &2 H.vera e of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 9T include and set the &2 H.vera e of /51 0uffer PayloadH to the 0uffer Occupancy for this lo ical channel avera ed over the interval specified in the &2 HTime &nterval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH (see D,9E)- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 8T if the &2 HBariance of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 9T include and set the &2 HBariance of /51 0uffer PayloadH to the variance of the 0uffer Occupancy for this lo ical channel computed over the interval specified in the &2 HTime &nterval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH (see D,9E)- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 3T if both lo ical channels are mapped onto transport channels on which the 32 is supposed to reportP 8T if the &2 H/51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P


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9T include and set the &2 H/51 0uffers PayloadH to the sum of the 0uffer Occupancy values for the two lo ical channels- rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 8T if the &2 H.vera e of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 9T include and set the &2 H.vera e of /51 0uffer PayloadH to the sum of the 0uffer Occupancy for the two lo ical channels avera ed over the interval specified in the &2 HTime &nterval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH (see D,9E) and rounded up to the ne(t allowed value. 8T if the &2 HBariance of /51 0uffer Payload for each /0H is set to T/32P 9T include and set the &2 HBariance of /51 0uffer PayloadH to the variance of the sum of the 0uffer Occupancy for the two lo ical channels- computed over the interval specified in the &2 HTime &nterval to ta#e an avera e or a varianceH (see D,9E) and rounded up to the ne(t allowed value.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t , #* Tra$s!ort ("a$$e Tra33ic Vo u9e %eco9es ar2er t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d
Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume Threshold


/eportin event 8.

/eportin event 8.

,i-ure '#'#!# & . 1=ent tri--ered report when Transport Channel Traffic $olu2e ;eco2es lar-er than a certain threshold &f the monitored Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume (T1TB) D,9E is lar er than an absolute threshold at TBM setup or modify- or is lar er at activation of the monitored transport channel- or becomes lar er than an absolute threshold while the event is confi ured i.e. if T1TBT/eportin threshold- this event could tri er a report. The event could be tri ered a ain only if T1TB becomes smaller than the /eportin threshold and later T1TBT/eportin threshold is verified a ain.


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Re!orti$2 e5e$t , 8* Tra$s!ort ("a$$e Tra33ic Vo u9e %eco9es s9a er t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d
Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume

Threshold Time

/eportin event 80

/eportin event 80

/eportin event 80

,i-ure '#'#!# &!. 1=ent tri--ered report when Transport Channel Traffic $olu2e ;eco2es s2aller than certain threshold &f the monitored Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume (T1TB) D,9E is smaller than an absolute threshold at TBM setup or modify- or is smaller at activation of the monitored transport channel- or becomes smaller than an absolute threshold while the event is confi ured i.e. if T1TB[/eportin threshold- this event could tri er a report. The event could be tri ered a ain only if T1TB becomes bi er than the /eportin threshold and later T1TB[/eportin threshold is verified a ain.

1,.,.3 Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 9ec"a$is9s

Traffic volume measurement tri erin could be associated with both a time#to#trigger and a pending time after trigger' The time?to?tri er is used to et time domain hysteresis- i.e. the condition must be fulfilled durin the time?to?tri er time before a report is sent. Pendin time after tri er is used to limit consecutive reports when one traffic volume measurement report already has been sent and enables periodic reportin while the T1TB remains above(8a) or below(8b) the threshold. This is described in detail below.


Pe$di$2 ti9e a3ter tri22er

This timer is started in the 32 when a measurement report has been tri ered by a iven event. The 32 is then forbidden to send new measurement reports tri ered by the same event durin this time period. &nstead the 32 waits until the timer has e(pired. &f the Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume D,9E is still above the threshold for event 8a- or below the threshold for event 8b when the timer e(pires- the 32 sends a new measurement report- and the timer is restarted. Otherwise it waits for a new tri erin .


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Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume Threshold

S(ort pending ti e after trigger

Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume Threshold Time

$ong pending ti e after trigger


/eportin event 8a

/eportin event 8a

/eportin event 8a Pendin time after tri er

Pendin time after tri er

,i-ure '#'#3# & . Pendin- ti2e after tri--er li2its the a2ount of consecuti=e 2easure2ent reports 7i ure ,8.8.3.,?, shows that by increasin the pendin time after tri er a tri ered second event does not result in a measurement report. The fi ure assumes absence of the &2 HTime to tri erH.



The timer is started in the 32 when the Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume tri ers the event. &f the T1TB crosses the threshold before the timer e(pires- the timer is stopped. &f the timer e(pires then a report is tri ered.

Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume Threshold

S(ort ti e-to-trigger

Transport 1hannel Traffic Bolume Threshold Time

$ong ti e-to-trigger


/eport , Time?to?tri er

'o /eport Time?to?tri er

,i-ure '#'#3# &!. Ti2e&to&tri--er is used to achie=e ti2e h4steresis 7i ure ,8.8.3.,?* shows that by increasin the time?to?tri er the report is not tri ered.

1,.,., :$terru!tio$ o3 user data tra$s9issio$

0y includin the &2 HT( &nterruption after tri erH- a 32 in 1255G7.1F state may be instructed by the 3T/.' to prohibit transmission of user data on the /.1F temporarily after a measurement report has been tri ered. The 32 shall only resume transmission of user data- whenP ,T it receives from the 3T/.' a messa e allocatin a dedicated physical channel- leadin to the transition to 1255G:1F stateO or ,T the time period indicated by the &2 HT( &nterruption after tri erH elapses.


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The transmission on si nallin radio bearers shall not be interrupted.

1,.5 Eua it7 Measure9e$ts

1,.5.1 Eua it7 re!orti$2 9easure9e$t Bua$tities
7or Auality measurements- the followin measurement Auantities are usedP ,. :ownlin# transport channel 052/ *. Timeslot "&/ (T:: only)

1,.5.2 Eua it7 re!orti$2 e5e$ts

Chen one measurement identity corresponds to multiple Auality events for the same transport channel- the 32 behaviour is not specified.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 5#* # !rede3i$ed $u9%er o3 %ad (R(s is e.ceeded

Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shall send a measurement report when the amount of bad 1/1s durin a predefined slidin window e(ceeds a predefined number. The followin three parameters are used in the schemeP 1otal C"C W the len th of the slidin window over which the number of bad 1/1s are counted. ,ad C"C W the number of bad 1/1 that is reAuired within the latest HTotal 1/1H received 1/1s for the event to be tri ered. /ending after trigger W a new event can not be tri ered until HPendin after tri erH 1/1s have been received-

Chen a :1F is established- the 32 shall be in to count the number of bad 1/1s within the last HTotal 1/1H received 1/1s. 'o event can be tri ered until at least HTotal 1/1H 1/1s have been received. 7or each new received 1/1- the 32 shall compare the number of bad 1/1s within the latest HTotal 1/1H received 1/1s with the parameter H0ad 1/1H. .n event shall be tri ered if the number of bad 1/1s is eAual or lar er than H0ad 1/1H. .t the time when the event is tri ered a pendin time after tri er timer is started with the len th of HPendin after tri erH 1/1s. . new event can not be tri ered until Pendin after tri erH 1/1s have been received. Chen Pendin after tri erH 1/1s have been received the event evaluation start a ain and a new event can be tri ered.

,i-ure '#"#!# & . 1=ent tri--ered CRC error reportin-

1,.6 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$ts

1,.6.1 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t Bua$tities
7or 32 internal measurements the followin measurement Auantities e(istP ,. 32 transmission (T() power- for T:: measured on a timeslot basis.


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*. 32 received si nal stren th power (/""&). 3. 32 /(?T( time difference (7:: only). 8. T.:B (,.*; Mcps T::).

1,.6.2 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 e5e$ts

&n the Measurement reportin criteria field in the Measurement 1ontrol messa es- the 3T/.' notifies the 32 of which events should tri er a measurement report. 32 internal measurement reportin events that can tri er a report are iven below. The reportin events are mar#ed with vertical arrows in the fi ures below. .ll events can be combined with time?to?tri er. 'OT2P The reportin events are numbered =.- =0- =1-.. where = denotes that the event belon s to the type 32 internal measurements.

Chen one measurement identity corresponds to multiple internal events with identical event identities- the 32 behaviour is not defined.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 6#* T"e U) T. !o1er %eco9es ar2er t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =a is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 T( power (for T:: within a sin le T") is reater than the value in &2 H32 Transmitted Power T( power thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H=aHO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if the 32 T( power (for T:: within a sin le T") is less or eAual the value in &2 H32 Transmitted Power T( power thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=.G2B2'T to 7.5"2.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 68* T"e U) T. !o1er %eco9es ess t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =b is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 T( power (for T:: within a sin le T") is less than the value in &2 H32 Transmitted Power T( power thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P


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3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H=bHO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if the 32 T( power (for T:: within a sin le T") is reater or eAual the value in &2 H32 Transmitted Power T( power thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=0G2B2'T to 7.5"2.

,i-ure '#(#!#!& . 1=ent&tri--ered 2easure2ent reports when the 01 TD power ;eco2es lar-er or less than a;solute thresholds


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 6(* T"e U) T. !o1er reac"es its 9i$i9u9 5a ue

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =c is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 T( power is eAual its minimum value (for T:: its minimum value on a sin le T") for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H=cHO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if the 32 T( power is reater than its minimum valueP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=1G2B2'T to 7.5"2.


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,i-ure '#(#!#3& . 1=ent&tri--ered 2easure2ent report when the 01 TD power reaches its 2ini2u2 =alue


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 64* T"e U) T. !o1er reac"es its 9a.i9u9 5a ue

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =d is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 T( power eAuals the ma(imum power the 32 can transmit- i.e. the ma(imum 32 TI power reduced by the power reduction used by the 32 (for T:: its ma(imum value on a sin le T") for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H=dHO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if the 32 T( power is less than the ma(imum 32 TI powerP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=:G2B2'T to 7.5"2. 'OT2P The ma(imum 32 TI power is defined in subclause ;.=.=.; and the ma(imum allowed power reduction is defined in subclause =.*.* in D*,E.


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,i-ure '#(#!#'& . 1=ent&tri--ered report when the 01 TD power reaches its 2aDi2u2 =alue


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 6)* T"e U) RSS: reac"es t"e U)Ls d7$a9ic recei5er ra$2e

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =e is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 /""& is reater or eAual the 32$s dynamic receiver ran e for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T to T/32O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H=eHO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T is set to T/32 and if the 32 /""& is less than the 32$s dynamic receiver ran eP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=2G2B2'T to 7.5"2.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 6& (&44)* T"e U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce 3or a RL i$c uded i$ t"e acti5e set %eco9es ar2er t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =f is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2 for each /5O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 /(?T( time difference for a /5 included in the active set is reater than the value in the &2 H32 /(?T( time difference thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T is set to 7.5"2 for this /5P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T to T/32 for this /5O


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3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H=fHO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T is set to T/32 for a /5 and if the 32 /I?T( time difference for this /5 included in the active set is less than or eAual to the value in the &2 H32 /(?T( time difference thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T to 7.5"2 for this /5.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 6& (1.2= Mc!s T44)* T"e ti9e di33ere$ce i$dicated %7 T #4V %eco9es ar2er t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event =f is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to the currently measured T.:BO ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the absolute value of the difference between the measured T.:B and the T.:B stored in the variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T is reater than the predefined threshold confi ured with the &2 HT .:B ThresholdH for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=7G2B2'T to the currently measured T.:BO *T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 3T set the &2 HT.:BH to the measured value- and the &2 H"7'H to the "7' durin which the latest measurement was performed- in the &2 HT.:B &nfoHO 3T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*.


Re!orti$2 e5e$t 6G* T"e U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce 3or a RL i$c uded i$ t"e acti5e set %eco9es ess t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen a 32 internal measurement confi urin event = is set up- the 32 shallP ,T create a variable T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T related to that measurement- which shall initially be set to 7.5"2 for each /5O ,T delete this variable when the measurement is released. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 /(?T( time difference for a /5 included in the active set is less than the value in &2 H32 /(?T( time difference thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for a time period indicated by the &2 HtimeGtoGtri erHP *T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T is set to 7.5"2 for this /5P 3T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T to T/32 for this /5O 3T send a measurement report with &2s set as belowP 8T set in H32 internal measurement event resultsHP H32 internal event identityH to H= HO 8T set the &2 Hmeasured resultsH and the &2 Hadditional measured resultsH accordin to subclause ;.8.*. ,T if the variable T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T is set to T/32 for a /5 and if the 32 /I?T( time difference for this /5 included in the active set is reater or eAual the value in &2 H32 /(?T( time difference thresholdH stored for this event in the variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TKP


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*T set the variable T/&GG2/2:G=GG2B2'T to 7.5"2 for this /5.

1,./ U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$ts

1,./.1 U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$t Bua$tities
The Auantity to measure for 32 positionin is dependent on the positionin method and the method type reAuested in the &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH. , "7'?"7' observed time difference type *- optional. * /(?T( time difference type *- optional. 3 GP" timin of cell fames- optional. The definition of other GP" measurements is not within the scope of this specification.

1,./.2 Void 1,./.3 U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 e5e$ts

&n the &2 H32 positionin reportin criteriaH in the Measurement 1ontrol messa es- the 3T/.' notifies the 32 of which events should tri er a measurement report. 32 positionin reportin events that can tri er a report are iven below. The content of the measurement report is dependant on the positionin method and method type reAuested in the &2 H32 positionin reportin AuantityH of the Measurement 1ontrol messa e and is described in detail in D,;E. Chen one measurement identity corresponds to multiple positionin events with identical event identities- the 32 behaviour is not defined.


Re!orti$2 )5e$t /a* T"e U) !ositio$ c"a$2es 9ore t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

This event is used for 32?based methods only. Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T if the 32 chan es its position compared to the last reported position by more than the threshold defined by the &2 HThreshold position chan eHO or ,T if no position has been reported since the event was confi ured and the 32 chan es its position compared to the first position estimate obtained after the event was confi ured by more than the threshold defined by the &2 HThreshold position chan eHP *T send a measurement report as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,bO *T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is reater than !eroP 3T decrease &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event by one. *T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is eAual to !eroP 3T delete this event from the list of events in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK. ,T if the 32 is unable to evaluate the event because a position measurement is not availableP *T not send a report.


Re!orti$2 )5e$t /%* S&'-S&' 9easure9e$t c"a$2es 9ore t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP


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,T send a measurement report when the "7'?"7' time difference measurement type * of any measured cell chan es more than the threshold defined by the &2 HThreshold "7'?"7' chan eHO and ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32?basedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b. ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32?assistedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a. ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32?assisted preferred but 32?based allowedH or H32?based preferred but 32?assisted allowedHP *T the 32 may choose to act accordin to either subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a or ;.=.<.,>.,b. ,T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is reater than !eroP *T decrease &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event by one. ,T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is eAual to !eroP *T delete this event from the list of events in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


Re!orti$2 )5e$t /c* GPS ti9e a$d S&' ti9e "a5e dri3ted a!art 9ore t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP ,T send a measurement report when the GP" Time Of Cee# and the "7' timer have drifted apart more than the threshold defined by the &2 HThreshold "7'?GP" TOCHO and ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32 basedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b. ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32 assistedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a. ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32 assisted preferred but 32 based allowedH or H32 based preferred but 32 assisted allowedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a or in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b dependin on the method type chosen by the 32. ,T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is reater than !eroP *T decrease &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event by one. ,T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is eAual to !eroP *T delete this event from the list of events in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.


Re!orti$2 )5e$t /d* G#'SS ti9e a$d S&' ti9e "a5e dri3ted a!art 9ore t"a$ a$ a%so ute t"res"o d

Chen this event is ordered by 3T/.' in a measurement control messa e- the 32 shallP


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,T send a measurement report when the G.'"" Time Of Cee# and the "7' timer have drifted apart more than the threshold defined by the &2 HThreshold "7'?G.'"" TOCHO and ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32 basedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b. ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32 assistedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a. ,T if 3T/.' set &2 HMethod TypeH in H32 positionin reportin AuantityH in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e to H32 assisted preferred but 32 based allowedH or H32 based preferred but 32 assisted allowedHP *T act as specified in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,a or in subclause ;.=.<.,>.,b dependin on the method type chosen by the 32. ,T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is reater than !eroP *T decrease &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event by one. ,T if the value of &2 H.mount of /eportin H in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK for this event is eAual to !eroP *T delete this event from the list of events in variable M2."3/2M2'TG&:2'T&TK.

1,./a Measure9e$ts re ated to (SG0<7%rid ce s

1,./a.1 :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 3or (SG0<7%rid ce s
7or each cell reported in the &2 H1ell measured resultsH of an intra?freAuency Measurement /eport- which is also included in the &2 H&ntra?freAuency "& .cAuisitionH associated with the measurementP ,T if the 32 mana ed to acAuire the valid system information of the concerned cellP *T include the followin &2s in the &2 H1ell measured resultsHP 3T H1ell &dentityH &2. 3T if the concerned cell broadcasts a 1"G identityP 8T H1"G &dentityH &2. 8T if the concerned cell is 1"G member cellP 9T H1"G Member indicationH &2 and set it to HmemberHO 9T H1"G P5M' &dentityH &2 of all P5M's broadcast that fulfil the 1"G member cell definition. The system information of the reported cell(s) can be acAuired by the 32 without any measurement aps.

1,./a.2 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 3or (SG0<7%rid ce s

7or each cell reported in the &2 H1ell measured resultsH of an inter?freAuency Measurement /eport- which is also included in the &2 H&nter?freAuency "& .cAuisitionH associated with the measurementP ,T if the 32 mana ed to acAuire the system information of the concerned cellP *T include the followin &2s in the &2 H1ell measured resultsHP


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3T H1ell &dentityH &2O 3T if the concerned cell broadcasts a 1"G identityP 8T H1"G &dentityH &2. 8T if the concerned cell is 1"G member cellP 9T H1"G Member indicationH &2 and set it to HmemberHO 9T H1"G P5M' &dentityH &2 of all P5M's broadcast that fulfil the 1"G member cell definition. &f the 32 needs measurement aps to read the system information on the non?used freAuency- the system information of the reported cell can be acAuired by the 32 via autonomous measurement aps when the &2 H&nter?freAuency "& .cAuisitionH is received by the 32- i.e.- 32 is allowed to temporarily abort communication with the servin cell to perform "& acAuisition within the limits as specified in D,>E. 32 shall send the measurement report before the ma(imum provided time specified in &2 YPeriodical reportin criteriaZ if the 32 is able to acAuire "& early.

1,./a.3 (SG Pro.i9it7 detectio$

The 32 shallP ,T if the &2 H3T/. 1"G Pro(imity detectionH is present and has the value HenableHP *T enable the pro(imity detection function of enterin or leavin the pro(imity of 3T/. 1"G member cell(s) . ,T elseP *T disable the pro(imity detection function of enterin or leavin the pro(imity of 3T/. 1"G member cell(s) . ,T if the &2 H2?3T/. 1"G Pro(imity detectionH is present and has the value HenableHP *T enable the pro(imity detection function of enterin or leavin the pro(imity of 2?3T/. 1"G member cell(s) . ,T elseP *T disable the pro(imity detection function of enterin or leavin the pro(imity of 2?3T/. 1"G member cell(s) .

1,./a., (SG Pro.i9it7 :$dicatio$

&f pro(imity detection function is enabled for a /.T- the 32 shall initiate the transmission and set the contents of &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH in the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e as followsP ,T if the 32 is aware that it is in the pro(imity of one or more 1"G member cell(s) on a freAuency of the enabled /.T- the 32 shallP *T if the 32 has not transmitted a Y1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH for the /.T and freAuency since the enablin of pro(imity detection function- or *T if the last Y1"G Pro(imity &ndicationZ transmitted for the concerned /.T and freAuency was a leavin indication- and more than 9 s has elapsed since its transmission3T set the &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH to Henterin HO 3T set the &2 H1"G 7reAuency info for 3T/.H or H1"G 7reAuency info for 2?3T/. H to the freAuency of the cell(s) for which the Pro(imity &ndication was tri ered. ,T if the 32 leaves the pro(imity of all the 1"G member cell(s) on a freAuency of the enabled /.T- the 32 shallP *T if the last Y1"G Pro(imity &ndicationZ transmitted for the concerned /.T and freAuency was an enterin indication- and more than 9 s has elapsed since its transmission-


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3T set the &2 H1"G Pro(imity &ndicationH to Hleavin HO 3T set the &2 H1"G 7reAuency info for 3T/.H or H1"G 7reAuency info for 2?3T/.H to the freAuencyof the cell(s) for which the Pro(imity &ndication was tri ered.

1,./a.5 )-UTR# 9easure9e$ts 3or (SG0<7%rid ce s

7or each cell reported in the &2 H2?3T/. measured resultsH of an 2?3T/. inter?/.T Measurement /eport- which is also included in the &2 H2?3T/. "& .cAuisitionH associated with the measurementP ,T if the 32 acAuired the system information of the concerned cellP *T include the followin &2s in the &2 H2?3T/. /esults for "& .cAuisitionHP 3T H1G&?&nfoH &2O 3T if the concerned cell broadcasts a 1"G identityP 8T H1"G &dentityH &2O 8T if the concerned cell is 1"G member cellP 9T H1"G Member indicationH &2 and set it to HmemberHO 9T HPrimary P5M' "uitableH if the Primary P5M' &dentity meets the 1"G member cell definitionO 9T H1"G P5M' &dentityH &2 of all other P5M's broadcast that fulfil the 1"G member cell definition. &f the 32 needs measurement aps to read the system information on the 2?3T/. cell- the system information of the reported cell can be acAuired by the 32 via autonomous measurement aps when the &2 H 2?3T/. "& .cAuisitionH is received by the 32- i.e.- 32 is allowed to temporarily abort communication with the servin cell to perform "& acAuisition within the limits as specified in D<8E. 32 shall send the measurement report before the ma(imum provided time specified in &2 YPeriodical reportin criteriaZ if the 32 is able to acAuire "& early.

1,.= Void 1,.-s 4o1$ i$> !o1er co$tro

1,.-.1 Ge$era ities
This function is implemented in the 32 in order to set the "&/ tar et value on each 11Tr1F used for the downlin# power control. This "&/ value shall be adjusted accordin to an autonomous function in the 32 in order to achieve the same measured Auality as the Auality tar et set by 3T/.'. The Auality tar et is set as the transport channel 052/ value for each transport channel as si nalled by 3T/.'. Chen transport channel 052/ is used the 32 shall run a Auality tar et control loop such that the Auality reAuirement is met for each transport channel- which has been assi ned a 052/ tar et. The 32 shall set the "&/ tar et when the physical channel has been set up or reconfi ured. &t shall not increase the "&/ tar et value before the power control has conver ed on the current value. The 32 may estimate whether the power control has conver ed on the current value- by comparin the avera ed measured "&/ to the "&/ tar et value. 'OT2P The power control function for 7?:P1F is specified in D*>E.

1,.-.2 4o1$ i$> !o1er co$tro i$ co9!ressed 9ode

&n compressed mode- the tar et "&/ needs to be chan ed in several frames compared to normal mode. 7or this purposefour values :elta"&/,- :elta"&/after,- :elta"&/* and :elta"&/after* are si nalled by the 3T/.' to the 32 (see subclause ,+.3.=.33).


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7or each frame- the tar et "&/ offset durin compressed mode- compared to normal mode isP "&/ W ma( ("&/,Gcompression- X - "&/nGcompression) V "&/,Gcodin V "&/*Gcodin where n is the number of TT& len ths for all Tr1hs of the 11Tr1h- 7i is the len th in number of frames of the i?th TT& and where "&/Gcodin fulfilsP ? ? ? ? ? "&/,Gcodin W :elta"&/, if the start of the first transmission ap in the transmission ap pattern is within the current frame. "&/,Gcodin W :elta"&/after, if the current frame just follows a frame containin the start of the first transmission ap in the transmission ap pattern. "&/*Gcodin W :elta"&/* if the start of the second transmission ap in the transmission ap pattern is within the current frame. "&/*Gcodin W :elta"&/after* if the current frame just follows a frame containin the start of the second transmission ap in the transmission ap pattern. "&/,Gcodin W + and "&/*Gcodin W + otherwise.

and "&/iGcompression is defined by P ? ? "&/iGcompression W 3 d0 for downlin# frames compressed by reducin the spreadin factor by *. "&/iGcompression W + d0 in all other cases.

"everal compressed mode patterns applyin to the same frames should be avoided as much as possible. &n case several compressed mode patterns are used simultaneously- a "&/ offset is computed for each compressed mode pattern and the sum of all "&/ offsets is applied to the frame.

1,.10 (a cu ated Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$

The 1alculated Transport 7ormat 1ombination (1T71) is a tool for efficient si nallin of transport format combinations. 5et & be the number of transport channels that are included in the transport format combination. 7or :1Fs- all confi ured :1Fs are included in the transport format combination. 2ach transport channel Tr1Fi- i W ,- *- X- &- has 5i transport formats- i.e. the transport format indicator T7&i can ta#e 5i values- 2"& i ]+-,-*-...- Li ,_ . 4efine P i =

) =+

i ,

% here i , .% 1% ?% &% and L@ , .'

5et T71(T7&,- T7&*- X- T7&&) be the transport format combination for which Tr1F, has transport format T7&,- Tr1F* has transport format T7&*- etc. The correspondin 1T71(T7&,- T7&*- X- T7&&) is then computed asP

$2"$ (2"&, - 2"& * - - 2"& & ) = 2"& i Pi .

i =,


7or 7.1F and P1F transport channels- HTr1F,H corresponds to the transport channel listed at the first position in &2 H7.1F@P1F informationH in &2 H"econdary 11P1F "ystem &nformationH- HTr1F *H corresponds to the transport channel listed at the second position in &2 H7.1F@P1F informationH and so on. 7or all other transport channels in 7:: and for all confi ured transport channels of the same transport channel type (i.e. :1F- :"1F- 3"1F) in T::- HTr1F,H corresponds to the transport channel havin the lowest transport channel identity in the transport format combination mapped to the T71& field. HTr1F *H corresponds to the transport channel havin the ne(t lowest transport channel identity- and so on.


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1,.10.1 4e3au t T&(S 3or M8MS

1,.10.1.1 S-((P(< co$3i2uratio$ i$c udi$2 a &#(< carr7i$2 MS(<
&n case the "?11P1F confi uration includes a 7.1F carryin M"1F- the default T71" is defined accordin to the followin P 5et Tr1F , be the 7.1F carryin M"1F- Tr1F * be the first Tr1F carryin MT1F listed in the &2 HTr1h information listH- Tr1F 3 be the second Tr1F carryin MT1F listed in the &2 HTr1h information listH etc. and let Tr1F & be the last Tr1F carryin MT1F listed in the &2 HTr1h information listH. 2ach transport channel Tr1Fi- i W ,- *- X- &- has 5i transport formats- i.e. the transport format indicator T7&i can ta#e 5i values. 2ach transport format combination set is defined by the transport formats of each transport channel mapped on this "? 11P1FP T71 W (T7&,- T7&*- X- T7&&). The HM0M" implicit T71"H contains then the followin set of T71sP T71" W ](+-+-X-+)-(+-,-X-+)-X-(+-5*-X-+)-(+-+-,-X-+)-X-(+-+-53-X-+)-X-(+-+-+-X-,)-X-(+-+-+-X-5&)(,-+-X-+)-(,-,-X-+)-X-(,-5*-X-+)-(,-+-,-X-+)-X-(,-+-53-X-+)-X-(,-+-+-X-,)-X-(,-+-+-X-5&)(*-+-X-+)-X-(5,-+-X-+)_


S-((P(< co$3i2uratio$ $ot i$c udi$2 a &#(< carr7i$2 MS(<

&n case the "?11P1F confi uration does not include a 7.1F carryin M"1F- the default T71" is defined accordin to the followin P 5et Tr1F , be the first Tr1F listed in the &2 HTr1h information listH- Tr1F * be the second Tr1F listed in the &2 HTr1h information listH etc. and let Tr1F & be the last Tr1F listed in the &2 HTr1h information listH. 2ach transport channel Tr1Fi- i W ,- *- X- &- has 5i transport formats- i.e. the transport format indicator T7&i can ta#e 5i values. 2ach transport format combination set is defined by the transport formats of each transport channel mapped on this "? 11P1FP T71 W (T7&,- T7&*- X- T7&&). The HM0M" implicit T71"H contains then the followin set of T71sP T71" W ](+-X-+)- (,-X-+)-X-(5,-X-+)-(+-,-X-+)-X-(+-5*-X-+)-X-(+-+-X-,)-X-(+-+-X-5&)_

1,.11 U) auto$o9ous u!date o3 5irtua acti5e set o$ $o$-used 3reBue$c7 (&44 o$ 7)

&n the te(t that followsP ? a Hnon?used freAuencyH is a freAuency that the 32 has been ordered to measure upon but is not used for the connection. . Hused freAuencyH is a freAuency that the 32 has been ordered to measure upon and is also currently used for the connectionO a Hnon?used freAuency (resp. cell) considered in an inter?freAuency measurementH shall be understood as a non? used freAuency (resp. cell) included in the list of cells pointed at in the &2 Hcells for measurementH if it was received for that measurement- or otherwise as a non?used freAuency (resp. cell) included in the H&nter?freAuency cell infoH part of the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T.

7or event?tri ered inter freAuency measurements it is possible to use intra?freAuency measurement reportin events for support of maintenance of an active set associated with a non?used freAuency considered in that measurement- a Hvirtual active setH and used in the evaluation of the freAuency Auality estimates. The Hinitial virtual active setH for a freAuency is the virtual active set that is associated to that freAuency just after a messa e was received that sets up or modifies the inter?freAuency measurement.


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The way the virtual active sets are initiated and updated for the non?used freAuencies considered in an inter?freAuency measurement is described in the two subclauses below. The 32 shall support a sin le virtual active set per non?used freAuency for non?1"G measurements if detected set cells are not considered for that freAuency. The 32 shall support two virtual active sets per non?used freAuency for non?1"G measurements if detected set cells are considered for that freAuency Q both virtual active sets are maintained usin the same rules- and in parallel- however the first virtual active set is maintained considerin only cells stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T- and the second virtual active set is maintained additionally considerin any detected cells (cells stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T and cells not stored in 1255G&'7OG5&"T) and e(cludin cells indicated in &2 H1ells to be e(cluded in detected set cellsH. This is in order to allow the 32 to determine whether or not detected set cells affect the measurement event result. &n the followin subclauses- the term Hvirtual active setH applies to both of these virtual active sets (i.e. the virtual active set not containin detected set cells- and the virtual active set containin detected set cells). 2lsewhere in the specificationunless stated otherwise- the term Hvirtual active setH is used to refer to the virtual active set not containin detected set cells. &f any measurement is confi ured for 1"G cells (usin 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T) then the 32 shall additionally maintain a H1"G virtual active setH for this purpose. The virtual active set is not initialised and maintained for an inter freAuency measurement with periodic reportin . . virtual active set initialised and maintained by another inter?freAuency measurement does not affect reportin of the periodic inter?freAuency measurement.

1,.11.1 :$itia 5irtua acti5e set

&f the 32 receives a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e that sets up or modifies an inter?freAuency measurement and includes the &2 H&nter?freAuency set updateHO or &f at least one cell can be measured on a non?used freAuency for which the current virtual active set is empty (see subclause ,8.,,.*)- the 32 shallP ,T for each non?used freAuency "i considered in the measurement where cells can be measuredP *T if event ,a is confi ured for the used freAuency in an intra?freAuency measurement and the 1"G virtual active set is not usedP 3T include in the initial virtual active set the Ni cells that have either the reatest downlin# 2c@'+ or the reatest downlin# /"1P after despreadin or the lowest pathloss (the measurement Auantity to be used is determined by the &2 Hintra?freAuency measurement AuantityH of the intra?freAuency measurement from which the event ,a confi uration is ta#en)- amon the cells on freAuency "i considered in that inter? freAuency measurement- whereP

N i = min( N,a - N $ells "i ) if N.a+ and N i = N $ells




N.a is the H/eportin deactivation thresholdH included in the intra?freAuency measurement for the first event ,a defined in the intra?freAuency measurement with the lowest identity at the time the inter? freAuency measurement was received with the &2 H&nter?freAuency set updateH present. N$ells "i is the number of cells on freAuency "i considered in that inter?freAuency measurement. *T else if the 1"G virtual active set is used and event ,c is confi ured for the used freAuency in an intra? freAuency measurementP 3T include in the initial 1"G virtual active set , cell that has either the reatest downlin# 2c@'+ or the reatest downlin# /"1P after despreadin or the lowest pathloss (the measurement Auantity to be used is determined by the &2 Hintra?freAuency measurement AuantityH of the intra?freAuency measurement from which the event ,c confi uration is ta#en)- amon the cells on freAuency "i in 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T.

Ni = .


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*T elseP

N i = N $ells


N$ells "i is the number of cells on freAuency "i considered in that inter?freAuency measurement. 'OT2,P The 32 initialises the virtual active set with up to the ma(imum number of inter?freAuency cells supported by the 32 as defined in D,>E. 'OT2*P &f the 3T/.' confi ures more than one measurement usin events *.- *0- *1 or *2 the 32 measurement capabilities may be e(ceeded due to the necessary copyin of ,.- ,0- ,1 criteria. To avoid this the 3T/.' may confi ure one measurement to apply to multiple freAuencies so that the ,.- ,0and ,1 criteria will only be copied once. 'OT23P .fter a hard handover (see subclause ;.3.9)- if the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e that restarts an inter?freAuency measurement usin the virtual active set does not include the &2 H&nter?freAuency set updateH- the 32 behaviour re ardin the virtual active set is not specified.

1,.11.2 Virtua acti5e set u!date duri$2 a$ i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t

7or an inter?freAuency measurement- the 32 shallP ,T apply the events of type ,a- ,b and ,c that were defined for the used freAuency in other stored measurements of type Hintra?freAuencyH at the time the inter?freAuency measurement was last received with the &2 H&nter? freAuency set updateH presentO and ,T update the virtual active set for the non?used freAuencies considered in that measurement accordin to the followin rulesP *T if several events of type ,c were defined for the used freAuency when the inter?freAuency measurement was last received with the &2 H&nter?freAuency set updateH present- and the inter?freAuency measurement applies to cells in the 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T then only the first ,c event that was defined in the measurement with the lowest measurement identity shall apply to the non?used freAuencies and replace the H/eplacement activation thresholdH with + to update the 1"G virtual active setO *T if several events of type ,a (resp. ,b-,c) were defined for the used freAuency when the inter?freAuency measurement was last received with the &2 H&nter?freAuency set updateH present- only the first ,a event (resp ,b- ,c) that was defined in the measurement with the lowest measurement identity shall apply to the non?used freAuenciesO *T all the cells considered in the inter?freAuency measurements shall be able to affect the reportin ran e for event ,a and ,b. (i.e. the &2 H1ells forbidden to affect reportin ran eH possibly stored for the intra?freAuency measurements on the used freAuency does not apply to the non?used freAuencies considered in the inter? freAuency measurement)O *T the &2s Hamount of reportin H and Hreportin intervalH that were stored for the intra?freAuency measurements on the used freAuency shall not be considered if reports of the virtual active set updates are needed. *T the measurement Auantity and filter coefficient to be used is determined by the &2 Hintra?freAuency measurement AuantityH of the intra?freAuency measurement from which the intra?freAuency event confi uration is ta#en. 'OT2P &f the measurement Auantity and filter coefficients to be used differ for the ,a- ,b- and ,c events applied then the 32 behaviour is unspecified.

,T if event ,a is applicable to the non?used freAuencies considered in the inter?freAuency measurement- always only consider monitored cells that are not in the virtual active set for this event- andP *T when this event is tri ered (accordin to the criteria described in subclause ,8.,.*.,) by a cell for a non?used freAuency considered in that measurementP


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3T if the H/eportin deactivation thresholdH is eAual to +- or if the H/eportin deactivation thresholdH is different from + and the number of cells included in the virtual active set for that freAuency is less than or eAual to the H/eportin deactivation thresholdHP 8T add the primary 1P&1F that enters the reportin ran e to the Hvirtual active setH. *T if event ,b is applicable for the non?used freAuencies considered in that inter?freAuency measurement- always only consider cells in the virtual active set for this event- and when this event is tri ered (accordin to the criteria described in subclause ,8.,.*.*) by a cell for a non?used freAuency considered in that measurementP 3T if the number of cells included in the virtual active set is reater than ,P 8T remove the primary 1P&1F that leaves the reportin ran e from the Hvirtual active setH. *T if event ,c is applicable for the non?used freAuencies considered in that inter?freAuency measurement- always only consider monitored cells for this event- and when this event is tri ered (accordin to the criteria described in subclause ,8.,.*.3) by a cell for a non?used freAuency considered in that measurementP 3T if the H/eplacement activation thresholdH is eAual to +- or if the H/eplacement activation thresholdH is different from + and the number of cells included in the virtual active set for that freAuency is reater than or eAual to the H/eplacement activation thresholdHP 8T ran# all active and non?active primary 1P&1Fs and ta#e the n best cells to create a new Hvirtual active setH- where n is the number of active primary 1P&1Fs in the Hvirtual active setH. ,T if event ,c is applicable to the non?used freAuencies considered in the inter?freAuency measurement applyin to cells in the 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T- always only consider cells in the 1255G&'7OG1"GG5&"T- and when this event is tri ered (accordin to the criteria described in subclause ,8.,.*.3) by a cell for a non?used freAuency considered in that measurement P *T ran# all active and non?active primary 1P&1Fs and ta#e the best cell to create a new H1"G virtual active setH. ,T if 2vent ,a is not defined for the used freAuency in other stored measurements of type Hintra?freAuencyH at the time the inter?freAuency measurement was set up and the 1"G virtual active set is not used for the measurementP *T the 32 shall continuously update the virtual active set to consist of all cells on freAuency "i considered in that inter?freAuency measurement. 'OT2P The 32 needs to only update the virtual active set with up to the ma(imum number of interfreAuency cells supported by the 32 as defined in D,>E.

&f none of the cells that are considered in the measurement on this freAuency were measured- the 32 may treat the virtual active set as empty and follow the appropriate initialisation procedured in subclause ,8.,,., when any relevant cell can first be measured. &f a cell is a member of the virtual active set and is removed from the variable 1255G&'7OG5&"T or removed from the list of cells pointed at by the &2 H1ells for measurementH for the inter?freAuency measurement then the 32 shall remove the cell from the virtual active set. (This rule is not applicable for the virtual active set which is used for evaluatin detected set cells). &f an inter?freAuency measurement that initialised a virtual active set is released- then any virtual active set associated with this measurement shall also be released.

1,.12 Pro5isio$ a$d rece!tio$ o3 RR( i$3or9atio$ %et1ee$ $et1or> $odes

1,.12.0 Ge$era
&n certain cases- e. .- when performin handover to 3T/.' or when performin "/'1 relocation- //1 information may need to be transferred between 3T/.' nodes- between 3T/.' and another /.T- between nodes within another /.T or between the 32 and another /.T. The //1 information e(chan ed between networ# nodes or between the 32 and another /.T is typically transferred by means of //1 information containers. .n //1 information container is a self?contained and e(tensible //1


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information unit that may be used to transfer a number of different //1 messa es- one at a time. .s stated before- //1 information containers may be used to transfer //1 messa es across interfaces other than the 3u interface. The //1 messa es that may be included in //1 information containers have similar characteristics as the //1 messa es that are transferred across the 3u interface. The //1 messa es that are sent to@ from the 32- e. .- F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.':- &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O are covered by (sub)clauses ;- >- ,+- ,,.+?,,.8 and ,* of this specification. The followin subclauses concern //1 messa es e(chan ed between networ# nodes. &n future versions of this specification- it is possible to e(tend the //1 messa es transferred across interfaces other than 3u. 7or these //1 messa es the same e(tension mechanism applies as defined for //1 messa es transferred across the 3u interface- as is specified in subclause ,+.,- i.e.- both critical and non?critical e(tensions may be added. The transfer synta( for //1 information containers and //1 messa es transferred between networ# nodes is derived from their ."'., definitions by use of Pac#ed 2ncodin /ules- unali ned (I.=>,). &t should be noted that the encoder adds final paddin to achieve octet ali nment. The resultin octet strin is- carried in a container- transferred between the networ# nodes. Chen usin a separate //1 information container for each endpoint- the receivin //1 protocol entity is able to interpret the received containerO this means that the receiver need not ta#e into account information about the (networ# interface) messa e used in transferrin the container. The followin encodin rules apply in addition to what has been specified in I.=>, D8>EP ,T Chen a bit strin value is placed in a bit?field as specified in ,9.= to ,9.,, in D,,E- the leadin bit of the bit strin value shall be placed in the leadin bit of the bit?field- and the trailin bit of the bit strin value shall be placed in the trailin bit of the bit?field.
'OT2P The terms Hleadin bitH and Htrailin bitH are defined in &T3?T /ec. I.=;+ ^ &"O@&21 ;;*8?,. Chen usin the

Hbstrin H notation- the leadin bit of the bit strin value is on the left- and the trailin bit of the bit strin value is on the ri ht.

1,.12.0a Ge$era error "a$d i$2 3or RR( 9essa2es e.c"a$2ed %et1ee$ $et1or> $odes
The error handlin for //1 messa es that are e(chan ed between networ# nodes applies the same principles as defined for other //1 messa es. .lthou h the same principles apply for networ# nodes receivin un#nown- unforeseen and erroneous //1 messa es received in //1 information containers- the notification of the error should be done in a different manner- as specified in the followin P The networ# node receivin an invalid //1 messa e from another networ# node shouldP ,T if the received //1 messa e was un#nown- unforeseen or erroneousP *T prepare an //1 7.&53/2 &'7O messa e- includin the &2 H7ailure causeH set to HProtocol errorH and the &2 HProtocol error informationH includin an &2 HProtocol error causeH which should be set as followsP 3T to H."'., violation or encodin errorH upon receivin an //1 messa e for which the encoded messa e does not result in any valid abstract synta( valueO 3T to HMessa e type non?e(istent or not implementedH upon receivin an un#nown //1 messa e typeO 3T to HMessa e e(tension not comprehendedH upon receivin an //1 messa e includin an undefined critical messa e e(tensionO 3T to H&nformation element value not comprehendedH upon receivin an //1 messa e includin an mandatory &2 for which no default value is defined and for which either the value is set to spare or for which the encoded &2 does not result in a valid transfer synta(. The same applies for conditional &2s- for which the conditions for presence are met- the &2 is present but has a value set to spare or for which the encoded &2 does not result in a valid transfer synta(O 3T to H&nformation element missin H upon receivin an //1 information container with an absent conditional &2 for which the conditions for presence are met.


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,T if there was another failure to perform the operation reAuested by the received //1 messa eP *T prepare an //1 7.&53/2 &'7O messa e- includin the &2 H7ailure causeH set to a value that reflects the failure cause. ,T send the //1 7.&53/2 &'7O messa e to the networ# node from which the invalid //1 protocol information was received. 'OT2 ,P The appropriate (failure) messa es used across the networ# interfaces may not support the inclusion of a //1 information container. &n this case- the information contained in the //1 7.&53/2 &'7O messa e may need to be transferred otherwise e. . by mappin to a cause value (e. . a cause value in the //? F.':OB2/ 7.&53/2 messa e when there is a error associated with the //1?F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': messa e). 'OT2 * &n case the //1 procedure used to perform "/'" relocation fails e. . due to non comprehension- the source /'1 may notify the tar et /'1 by includin the dia nostics information (&2s HProtocol errorH and HProtocol error informationH) in the H//1 messa e H"/'" /elocationH &nfo sent in the //1 information containerH used for a subseAuent relocation reAuest.

1,.12.1 RR( :$3or9atio$ to tar2et R'(

The //1 information container H//1 &nformation to tar et /'1H may either be sent from source /'1 or from another /.T. &n case of handover to 3T/.'- this information ori inates from another /.T- while in case of "/'1 relocation the //1 information ori inates from the source /'1. &n case of handover to 3T/.'- the //1 information transferred may provide 3T/.' specific information- as defined in the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O C&TF &'T2/ /.T 1.P.0&5&T&2" messa e- that the tar et /'1 needs when preparin the handover command messa e. &n case of "/'1 relocation and handover@cell reselection from G2/.' &u mode- the //1 information transferred specifies the confi uration of //1 and the lower layers it controls- e. .- includin the radio bearer and transport channel confi uration. &t is used by the tar et /'1 to initialise //1 and the lower layer protocols to facilitate "/'1 relocation and handover@cell reselection from G2/.' &u mode in a manner transparent to the 32. /71 3+>9 1O'T2IT &'7O is used to transfer the compressor and decompressor conte(t information of the /OF1 D;3E- D;8E protocol from source /'1 to tar et /'1.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e (<6:() case N<a$do5er to UTR#' Need MP :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 G:T< :'T)R R#T (#P#8:L:T: )S 1,.12.,.1 SR'S R)L6(#T:6 ' :'&6 1,.12.,.2 R&( 30-5 (6'T)AT :'&6 1,.12.,., /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description #t east o$e s!are c"oice, (ritica it7* ReKect, is $eeded $ersion

NSR'( re ocatio$

NR&( 30-5 co$te.t i$3o


1,.12.2 RR( i$3or9atio$, tar2et R'( to source R'(

There are * possible cases for /'1 relocationP ,. The 32 is already under control of tar et /'1O and *. The "/'1 /elocation with Fard Fandover (32 still under control of "/'1)- but 32 is movin to a location controlled by the tar et /'1 (based on measurement information).


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&n case , the relocation is transparent to the 32 and there is no HreverseH direction container. The "/'1 just assi ns the $servin $ function to the tar et /'1- which then becomes the "ervin /'1. &n case * the relocation is initiated by "/'1- which also provides the //1 &nitialisation &nformation to the tar et /'1. 0ase on this information- the tar et /'1 prepares the Fard Fandover Messa e ( HPhysical channel reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.=)- Hradio bearer establishmentH (subclause ;.*.,)- H/adio bearer reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.*)H/adio bearer releaseH (subclause ;.*.3) or HTransport channel reconfi urationH (subclause ;.*.8)). &n case * two possibilities are defined in order to transmit the relocation messa e from the tar et /'1 to the source /'1 which can be chosen by the source /'1 by includin or not includin the &2 H/0 &d for handover messa eH in the &2 H"/'" /elocation &nfoH. &n case the &2 H/0 &d for handover messa eH has been received by the tar et /'1 in the &2 H"/'" /elocation &nfoHthe tar et /'1 should choose the &2 H:5 :11F messa eH and include the :5 :11F messa e that should be transmitted transparently to the 32 by the source /'1. &n that case- the tar et /'1 is inte rity protectin the messa e if applicable. &f the tar et /'1 did not receive the &2 H/0 &d for handover messa eH in the &2 H"/'" /elocation &nfoH the tar et /'1 should use another choice. &n that case- the source /'1 should inte rity protect the messa e before transmittin it to the 32 if applicable. The source /'1 then transmits the Fandover Messa e to the 32- which then performs the handover. &n the successful case- the 32 transmits an III 1OMP52T2 messa e- usin the new confi uration- to the tar et /'1. &n case of failure- the 32 transmits an III 7.&53/2- usin the old confi uration- to the source /'1 and the //1 conte(t remains unchan ed (has to be confirmed and chec#ed with the "/'" relocation procedure).
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (<6:() RRC message NR#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP Need MP R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP 10.2.31 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:G UR#T:6' 10.2.25 R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) 10.2.2= TR#'SP6R T (<#'')L R)(6'&:G UR#T:6' 10.2.51 P<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:G UR#T:6' 10.2.20 RR( &#:LUR) :'&6 10.2.,1 a 6(T)T STR:'G /ulti T4pe and reference Se2antics description #t east o$e s!are c"oice, (ritica it7* ReKect, is $eeded

NR#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

NR#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S)

NTR#'SP6RT (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

NP<DS:(#L (<#'')L R)(6'&:GUR#T:6'

NRR( &#:LUR) :'&6

N4L 4((< 9essa2e


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1,.12.3 Void 1,.12., RR( 9essa2es e.c"a$2ed %et1ee$ $et1or> $odes

1,.12.,.0 <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4
This //1 messa e is sent between networ# nodes to transfer the actual handover command includin the details of the radio confi uration to be used upon handover to 3T/.' as compiled by the tar et /'1. :irectionP tar et /'1 source /.T The messa e is e(actly the same as the F.':OB2/ TO 3T/.' 1OMM.': defined in subclause ,+.*.,=a.


:'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6

This //1 messa e is sent between networ# nodes to transfer information relevant for the tar et /'1 when preparin for handover to 3T/.'. :irectionP source /.T nodetar et /.T node The messa e is e(actly the same as the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O defined in subclause ,+.*.,=d.


:'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 G:T< :'T)R R#T (#P#8:L:T:)S

This //1 messa e is sent between networ# nodes when preparin for an inter /.T handover to 3T/.'. The radio access capabilities for the source /.T and tar et /.T shall always be includedO the radio access capabilities for other /.Ts may be included if available at the source /.T. :irectionP source /.Ttar et /'1
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e 01 :nfor2ation ele2ents Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.5a Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ co9!ressed 10.3.,.5% U) securit7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.3.,2% U) securit7 i$3or9atio$2 10.3.3.,2c U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 Se2antics description $ersion

Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ co9!ressed



U) securit7 i$3or9atio$ U) securit7 i$3or9atio$2 U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T

6P 6P 6P

R)L-6 T"is :) s"a $ot %e i$c uded i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 t"e !rotoco

U) ca!a%i it7 co$tai$er NU) radio access ca!a%i it7


NU) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$


# t"ou2" t"is :) is $ot a 1a7s reBuired, t"e $eed "as %ee$ set to MP to a i2$ 1it" t"e


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed Need

! '+ /ulti T4pe and reference e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9!ressed 10.3.3.,2o U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 2 10.3.3.,2oa

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description #S'.1 R)L-5 $ersion


U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 2



Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents U) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7


1 to M9a.S7ste 9(a!a%i it 7N :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.=./ &ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 :$te2er (1..120)

N:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7


&ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$

6P (V-Prot!rr

4ia2$ostics i$3or9atio$ re ated to a$ ear ier "a$do5er to UTR#' reBuest

U) i$acti5it7 !eriod


Pro5ides e.!ired ti9e si$ce ast u-! a$e acti5it7. :3 t"e i$te2er 5a ue . is %et1ee$ 1 a$d 5-, it re!rese$ts t"e e.!ired ti9e . i$ seco$ds. :3 t"e i$te2er 5a ue . is %et1ee$ 60 a$d 11-, it re!rese$ts t"e e.!ired ti9e (.-5-) i$ 9i$utes. :3 i$te2er 5a ue is set to 120, $o u-! a$e acti5it7 "as %ee$ 3or 60 9i$utes or 9ore.


Condition Prot!rr

1Dplanation T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Protoco error i$dicator@ is i$c uded a$d "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded.

'OT2,P To facilitate that networ# nodes can transparently forward the //1 information received- the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O C&TF &'T2/ /.T 1.P.0&5&T&2" should include the entire &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa e. The networ# node- which may not be able to decode the information received- may only append some information to what was received. 'OT2*P The above table does not need to reflect the order of the information elements in the actual encoded messa e. The order- that is reflected in the ."'.,- should be chosen in a manner that avoids that networ# nodes need to perform reorderin of information elements.


SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6

This //1 messa e is sent between networ# nodes when preparin for an "/'" relocation or a handover@cell reselection from G2/.' &u mode. Cith the presence or absence of the &2 H/0 identity for Fard Fandover messa eH the source /'1 indicates to the tar et "/'1 whether the source /'1 e(pects to receive the choice H:5 :11F messa eH in the &2 H//1 information- tar et


Release !

! "%

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

/'1 to source /'1H in case the "/'" relocation is of type H32 involvedH. 7urthermore the tar et /'1 uses this information for the calculation of the M.1?&. :irectionP source /'1@/.Ttar et /'1
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e Non RRC :1s NR8 ide$tit7 3or <a$do5er 9essa2e Need 6P /ulti T4pe and reference R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 Se2antics description Gi5es t"e id o3 t"e radio %earer o$ 1"ic" t"e source R'( 1i tra$s9it t"e RR( 9essa2e i$ t"e case t"e re ocatio$ is o3 t7!e @U) i$5o 5ed@. :$ "a$do5er 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode t"is :) is a 1a7s set to 2. $ersion

NState o3 RR( NState o3 RR( !rocedure


RR( state i$dicator, )$u9erated (a1ait $o RR( 9essa2e, a1ait R8 Re ease (o9! ete, a1ait R8 Setu! (o9! ete, a1ait R8 Reco$3i2urat io$ (o9! ete, a1ait Tra$s!ort (< Reco$3i2urat io$ (o9! ete, a1ait P"7sica (< Reco$3i2urat io$ (o9! ete, a1ait #cti5e Set U!date (o9! ete, a1ait <a$do5er (o9! ete, se$d (e U!date (o$3ir9, se$d UR# U!date (o$3ir9, , ot"ers) M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 )$u9erated( 'ot started, Started) ST#RT

Cipherin- related infor2ation N(i!"eri$2 status 3or eac" (' do9ai$ NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NN(i!"eri$2 status NNST#RT


ST#RT 5a ue to %e used i$ t"is (' do9ai$.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NLatest co$3i2ured (' do9ai$ Need MP

! " /ulti T4pe and reference (' do9ai$ ide$tit7

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Va ue co$tai$ed i$ t"e 5aria% e o3 t"e sa9e $a9e. :$ case t"is 5aria% e is e9!t7, t"e source R'( ca$ set a$7 (' do9ai$ ide$tit7. :$ t"at case, t"e (i!"eri$2 status a$d t"e :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ status s"ou d %e 'ot started a$d t"e tar2et R'( s"ou d $ot i$itia ise t"e 5aria% e Latest co$3i2ured (' do9ai$. Ti9e 1"e$ t"e ci!"eri$2 i$3or9atio$ o3 t"e 9essa2e 1ere ca cu ated, re ati5e to a ce o3 t"e tar2et R'(. :$ "a$do5er a$d ce rese ectio$ 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode t"is 3ie d is $ot !rese$t. :de$tit7 o3 o$e o3 t"e ce s u$der t"e tar2et R'( a$d i$c uded i$ t"e acti5e set o3 t"e curre$t ca (6U'T-( 5a ues 3or radio %earers usi$2 tra$s!are$t 9ode RL( (' do9ai$ ide$tit7 8it stri$2(32) $ersion

N(a cu atio$ ti9e 3or ci!"eri$2 re ated i$3or9atio$


NN(e :de$tit7


(e :de$tit7 :$te2er(0..,0 -5) 1 to M9a.('do 9ai$sN

NNS&' N(6U'T-( ist NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NN(6U'T-( N(i!"eri$2 i$3o !er radio %earer NNR8 ide$tit7 NN4o1$ i$> <&' NN4o1$ i$> S' NNU! i$> <&' :nte-rit4 protection related infor2ation N:$te2rit7 !rotectio$ status NSi2$a i$2 radio %earer s!eci3ic i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ i$3or9atio$ NNU! i$> RR( <&'


1 to M9a.R8N R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 8it stri$2(20..25 ) 8it Stri$2(/) 8it stri$2(20..25 ) )$u9erated( 'ot started, Started) , to M9a.SR8s etu!N 8it stri$2 (2=)

&or si2$a i$2 radio %earers t"is :) is 9a$dator7. T"is :) is eit"er RL( #M <&' (20 %its) or RL( UM <&' (25 %its) VT(US) o3 RL( UM T"is :) is eit"er RL( #M <&' (20 %its) or RL( UM <&' (25 %its)


&or eac" SR8, i$ t"e case acti5atio$ ti9es 3or t"e $e.t :P co$3i2uratio$ to %e a!! ied o$ t"is SR8 "a5e a read7 %ee$ reac"ed t"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e ast 5a ue used. ) se t"is 5a ue corres!o$ds to t"e 5a ue t"e source 1ou d "a5e i$ita iQed t"e <&' to at t"e acti5atio$ ti9e, $ot co$sideri$2 a$7 i$cre9e$t o3 <&' due to RR( S' ro o5er. :$cre9e$t o3 <&' due to RR( S' ro o5er is ta>e$ care o3 %7 tar2et %ased o$ 5a ue se$t %7 t"e source.


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NN4o1$ i$> RR( <&' Need MP

! "! /ulti T4pe and reference 8it stri$2 (2=)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description &or eac" SR8, i$ t"e case acti5atio$ ti9es 3or t"e $e.t :P co$3i2uratio$ to %e a!! ied o$ t"is SR8 "a5e a read7 %ee$ reac"ed t"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e ast 5a ue used. ) se t"is 5a ue corres!o$ds to t"e 5a ue t"e source 1ou d "a5e i$ita iQed t"e <&' to at t"e acti5atio$ ti9e, $ot co$sideri$2 a$7 i$cre9e$t o3 <&' due to RR( S' ro o5er. :$cre9e$t o3 <&' due to RR( S' ro o5er is ta>e$ care o3 %7 tar2et %ased o$ 5a ue se$t %7 t"e source. :$ !articu ar, 3or SR82, t"is :) s"ou d $ot ta>e i$to accou$t t"e RR( 9essa2e t"at 1i tri22er t"e re ocatio$. '6T)* :$ order to "a5e t"e !ossi%i it7 o3 se$di$2 do1$ i$> 9essa2es a3ter t"e co$structio$ o3 t"e :) @SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6@, t"e source 9a7 c"oose a 5a ue a"ead o3 t"e ast 5a ue used. &or eac" SR8, t"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e ast 5a ue recei5ed or i$ t"e case acti5atio$ ti9e 1as $ot reac"ed 3or a co$3i2uratio$ t"e 5a ue eBua s (acti5atio$ ti9e -1). &or eac" SR8, t"is :) corres!o$ds to t"e ast 5a ue used or i$ t"e case acti5atio$ ti9e 1as $ot reac"ed 3or a co$3i2uratio$ t"e 5a ue eBua s (acti5atio$ ti9e -1). :$ !articu ar, 3or SR82, t"is :) s"ou d $ot ta>e i$to accou$t t"e RR( 9essa2e t"at 1i tri22er t"e re ocatio$. '6T)* :$ order to "a5e t"e !ossi%i it7 o3 se$di$2 do1$ i$> 9essa2es a3ter t"e co$structio$ o3 t"e :) @SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6@, t"e source 9a7 c"oose a 5a ue a"ead o3 t"e ast 5a ue used 3or SR83 a$d SR8,. $ersion

NNU! i$> RR( Messa2e seBue$ce $u9%er


:$te2er (0.. 15)

NN4o1$ i$> RR( Messa2e seBue$ce $u9%er


:$te2er (0.. 15)

N:9! e9e$tatio$ s!eci3ic !ara9eters RRC :1s 01 :nfor2ation ele2ents NU-R'T:


8it stri$2 (1..512) U-R'T: 10.3.3.,/ (-R'T: 10.3.3.= U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.3.,2 U) radio G-R'T: is ! aced i$ t"is 3ie d 1"e$ !er3or9i$2 "a$do5er or ce rese ectio$ 3ro9 G)R#' Iu mode5


N(-R'T: NU) radio access (a!a%i it7


NU) radio access ca!a%i it7



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e e.te$sio$ Need

! "3 /ulti T4pe and reference access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ 10.3.3.,2a :$te2er (0..,0-5) (e ide$tit7U ) i!soid Poi$tU 10.3.=.,a ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e 10.3.=.,d ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se 10.3.=.,e ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude 10.3.=.,% ) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid 10.3.=.,c U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ id e 1

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NLast >$o1$ U) !ositio$ NNS&' NN(e :4 NN(<6:() Position estimate NNN) i!soid Poi$t NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 circ e


Ti9e 1"e$ !ositio$ 1as esti9ated :$dicates t"e ce , t"e S&' is 5a id 3or.

NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 e i!se

NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude

NNN) i!soid !oi$t 1it" a titude a$d u$certai$t7 e i!soid

EU) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 id e


EU) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T


U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ 1 i$terR#T

T"is :) s"ou d %e i$c uded i3 recei5ed 5ia t"e @:'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6@, t"e @RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST@, t"e :) @SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6@ or t"e @:$ter R#T <a$do5er :$3o 1it" :$ter R#T (a!a%i ities@ T"is :) s"ou d %e i$c uded i3 recei5ed 5ia t"e @:'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6@, t"e @RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST@, t"e :) @SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6@ or t"e @:$ter R#T <a$do5er :$3o 1it" :$ter R#T (a!a%i ities@

Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents NU) s7ste9 s!eci3ic ca!a%i it7


1 to M9a.S7ste 9(a!a%i it 7N :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 10.3.=./ UR# ide$tit7 :$te2er (5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 360,

NN:$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7


0TRAN /o;ilit4 :nfor2ation ele2ents NUR# :de$ti3ier NT305

6P 6P

:3 U) is i$ ()LL;&#(< state, t"is i$3or9atio$ e e9e$t s"a %e i$c uded. Va ue i$ 9i$utes.



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e CN :nfor2ation 1le2ents N(' co99o$ GSM-M#P '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ N(' do9ai$ re ated i$3or9atio$ NN(' do9ai$ ide$tit7 NN(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic GSMM#P '#S s7ste9 i$3o NN(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t Need

! "' /ulti T4pe and reference /20, i$3i$it7) '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) to MMa.('do 9ai$sN '#S s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (GSM-M#P) 10.3.1.(' do9ai$ s!eci3ic 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t, 1 to MMa.'o63 MeasN Measure9e$ t ide$tit7 10.3./.,= Measure9e$ t co99a$d 10.3./.,6 Measure9e$ t t7!e 10.3./.50 Measure9e$ t re!orti$2 9ode 10.3./.,#dditio$a 9easure9e$ ts ist 10.3./.1 :$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist 10.3./.33 :$tra3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 10.3./.116 :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.3= :$tra3reBue$c7 re!orti$2

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$3i$it7 9ea$s $o u!date. $ersion



(' re ated i$3or9atio$ to %e !ro5ided 3or eac" (' do9ai$


/easure2ent Related :nfor2ation ele2ents N&or eac" o$2oi$2 9easure9e$t re!orti$2


T"e source R'( s"ou d i$c ude t"e 9easure9e$t :)s 3or eac" 9easure9e$t co$3i2ured a$d o$2oi$2 i$ t"e U).

NNMeasure9e$t :de$tit7 NNMeasure9e$t (o99a$d NNMeasure9e$t T7!e NNMeasure9e$t Re!orti$2 Mode NN#dditio$a Measure9e$ts ist

MP MP (V-Setup 6P

T"is :) s"ou d "a5e t"e 5a ue Setu!.


NN(<6:() Measurement NNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 NNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o

(V-Setup 6P

NNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7


NNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 NNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNNNRe!orti$2 ce status NNNNMeasure9e$t 5a idit7 NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria Need

! "" /ulti T4pe and reference Bua$tit7 10.3./.,1 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.3Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 'ULL 6P :$ter3reBue$c7 ce i$3o ist 10.3./.13 :$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.1= :$ter3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.21 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 :$ter3reBue$c7 set u!date 10.3./.22 :$tra3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.3:$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.1Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 'ULL 6P :$ter-R#T

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

6P 6P 6P

NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 NNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 NNNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o

NNNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 NNNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 re!orti$2 Bua$tit7



NNNNRe!orti$2 ce status NNNNMeasure9e$t 5a idit7 NNNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 set u!date

6P 6P 6P

NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNN:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


NNNNN:$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria

NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 NNN:$ter-R#T NNNN:$ter-R#T ce i$3o


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNNN:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 NNNN:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 NNNNRe!orti$2 ce status NNNNMeasure9e$t 5a idit7 NNNN)-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist Need

! "( /ulti T4pe and reference ce i$3o ist 10.3./.23 :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3./.2:$ter-R#T re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.32 Re!orti$2 ce status 10.3./.61 Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 )-UTR# 3reBue$c7 ist 10.3./.6% :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.30 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 'ULL 6P Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t o%Kect 10.3././0 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3././1 Tra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3././, Measure9e$ t 5a idit7 10.3./.51 Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3././2 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 'ULL 6P Eua it7 9easure9e$

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion



6P 6P 6P


NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNN:$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 NNNTra33ic Vo u9e NNNNTra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t 6%Kect NNNNTra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 NNNNTra33ic 5o u9e re!orti$2 Bua$tit7



NNNNMeasure9e$t 5a idit7 NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNNTra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria


NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 NNNEua it7 NNNNEua it7 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNNEua it7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria Need

! ") /ulti T4pe and reference t Bua$tit7 10.3./.5Eua it7 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.5= Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 'ULL 6P U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$ t Bua$tit7 10.3././U) i$ter$a re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.=2 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$ t re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.=0 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53 'ULL 6P L(S re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 10.3./.111 L(S re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.110 Periodica re!orti$2 criteria 10.3./.53

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion


NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 NNNU) i$ter$a NNNNU) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 NNNNU) i$ter$a re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNNU) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria



NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 NNNU) !ositio$i$2 NNNNL(S re!orti$2 Bua$tit7

NNNN(<6:() report criteria NNNNNL(S re!orti$2 criteria


NNNNNPeriodica re!orti$2

NNNNN'o re!orti$2 Radio 5earer :nfor2ation 1le2ents NPrede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$


Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$ status i$3or9atio$ 10.3.,.5a 1 to M9a.SR8s etu!N Si2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.2, 1 to M9a.R#8s :$3or9atio$ 3or eac" R#8 &or eac" si2$a i$2 radio %earer

NSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ ist NNSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$


NR#8 i$3or9atio$ ist



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNR#8 i$3or9atio$ Need MP

! "* /ulti etu!N R#8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 10.3.,.10 P4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode 10.3.,.2a T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NP4(P R6<( tar2et 9ode



Transport Channel :nfor2ation 1le2ents 0plink transport channels NUL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s, 1 to MMa.Tr(< N #dded or reco$3i2ured UL Tr(< i$3or9atio$ 4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 to MMa.Tr(< N #dded or reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$

NUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ ist NNUL tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$


3ownlink transport channels N4L Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s


N4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ ist NN4L tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e Ph4C9 infor2ation ele2ents NTP( (o9%i$atio$ :$3o ist NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNTP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. Need 6P MP MP

! "+ /ulti 1 to M9a.RLN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. 10.3.6.=5 1 to M 9a.)4(< RLN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o TP( co9%i$atio$ i$de. 10.3.6.=5 1 to M9a.)4( <RLN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er (0..5) 1 to M9a.)4( <RLN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o :$te2er (0..5) 1 to M9a.TGP SN TGPS: 10.3.6.=2 )$u9erated( acti5e, i$acti5e) :$te2er (0..255) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion

NTP( (o9%i$atio$ :$3o ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNTP( co9%i$atio$ i$de.



N)-RG(< (o9%i$atio$ :$3o ist NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNRG co9%i$atio$ i$de. N)-RG(< (o9%i$atio$ :$3o ist o$ seco$dar7 UL 3reBue$c7 NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNRG co9%i$atio$ i$de. NTra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce NNTGPS: NN (urre$t TGPS Status & a2


R)L-= R)L-= R)L-= R)L-R)L-R)L-R)L-5 R)L-5 T"is 3 a2 i$dicates t"e curre$t status o3 t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce, 1"et"er it is acti5e or i$acti5e (o$$ectio$ &ra9e 'u9%er o3 t"e atest !ast 3ra9e o3 t"e 3irst !atter$ 1it"i$ t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce. R)L-5




NNTra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ seBue$ce co$3i2uratio$ !ara9eters




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNNTGMP Need MP

! (% /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated( T44 9easure9e$ t, &44 9easure9e$ t, GSM carrier RSS: 9easure9e$ t, GSM :$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$, GSM 8S:( reco$3ir9atio$, Mu ti-carrier 9easure9e$ t, )-UTR# 9easure9e$ ts) :$te2er (1..511, :$3i$it7) :$te2er (0..1,)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description Tra$s9issio$ Ga! !atter$ seBue$ce Measure9e$t Pur!ose. $ersion R)L-5

R)L-= T"e $u9%er o3 re9ai$i$2 tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$s 1it"i$ t"e Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ce. Tra$s9issio$ Ga! Starti$2 S ot 'u9%er T"e s ot $u9%er o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ 2a! s ot 1it"i$ t"e TG(&'. T"e e$2t" o3 t"e 3irst Tra$s9issio$ Ga! 1it"i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ e.!ressed i$ $u9%er o3 s ots T"e e$2t" o3 t"e seco$d Tra$s9issio$ Ga! 1it"i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. :3 o9itted, t"e$ TGL2?TGL1. T"e 5a ue o3 TGL2 s"a %e i2$ored i3 TG4 is set to Pu$de3i$edP Tra$s9issio$ 2a! dista$ce i$dicates t"e $u9%er o3 s ots %et1ee$ starti$2 s ots o3 t1o co$secuti5e tra$s9issio$ 2a!s 1it"i$ a tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. :3 t"ere is o$ 7 o$e tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$, t"is !ara9eter s"a %e set to u$de3i$ed. T"e duratio$ o3 tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ 1. Reco5er7 Period Po1er co$tro 9ode duri$2 t"e 3ra9e a3ter t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! 1it"i$ t"e co9!ressed 3ra9e. :$dicates 1"et"er $or9a P( 9ode or co9!ressed P( 9ode is a!! ied :$itia Tra$s9it Po1er is t"e u! i$> !o1er co$tro 9et"od to %e used to co9!ute t"e i$itia tra$s9it !o1er a3ter t"e co9!ressed 9ode 2a!. R)L-5








:$te2er(1..1, ) :$te2er (1..1,)







:$te2er(15..2 6-, u$de3i$ed)




:$te2er (1..1,,) )$u9erated (9ode 0, 9ode 1).

R)L-5 R)L-5



)$u9erated (9ode 0, 9ode 1).


NNN(<6:() 1L<DL mode




Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNNN4L o$ 7 NNNNN4o1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od NNNNUL o$ 7 NNNNNU! i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od NNNNUL a$d 4L NNNNN4o1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od NNNNNU! i$> co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od NNN4o1$ i$> 3ra9e t7!e NNN4e taS:R1 MP MP Need

! ( /ulti T4pe and reference )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2) )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2) )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2) )$u9erated (S&02, "i2"er a7er sc"edu i$2) )$u9erated (#, 8) Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description (o9!ressed 9ode used i$ 4L o$ 7 Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 do1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a! (o9!ressed 9ode used i$ UL o$ 7 Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 u! i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a! (o9!ressed 9ode used i$ UL a$d 4L Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 do1$ i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a! Met"od 3or 2e$erati$2 u! i$> co9!ressed 9ode 2a! $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5


R)L-5 R)L-5

R)L-5 R)L-5




R)L-5 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) duri$2 t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ (1it"out i$c udi$2 t"e e33ect o3 t"e %it-rate i$crease) 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) o$e 3ra9e a3ter t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e 3irst tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) duri$2 t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e seco$d tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$ (1it"out i$c udi$2 t"e e33ect o3 t"e %it-rate i$crease) G"e$ o9itted, 4e taS:R2 ? 4e taS:R1. 4e ta i$ 4L S:R tar2et 5a ue to %e set i$ t"e U) o$e 3ra9e a3ter t"e 3ra9e co$tai$i$2 t"e start o3 t"e seco$d tra$s9issio$ 2a! i$ t"e tra$s9issio$ 2a! !atter$. G"e$ o9itted, 4e taS:Ra3ter2 ? 4e taS:Ra3ter1. :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re!eats o3 !atter$s t"at t"e U) s"a use to atte9!t to decode t"e u$>$o1$ 8S:( o3 t"e GSM ce i$ t"e i$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$ !rocedure R)L-5

NNN4e taS:Ra3ter1


Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)


NNN4e taS:R2


Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)


NNN4e taS:Ra3ter2


Rea (0..3 %7 ste! o3 0.1)


NNN' :de$ti37 a%ort

(V-Initial +SIC

:$te2er(1..12 =)



Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group Na2e NNNT Reco$3ir9 a%ort Need (V-Reconfirm +SIC

! (! /ulti T4pe and reference Rea (0.5..10. 0 %7 ste! o3 0.5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description :$dicates t"e 9a.i9u9 ti9e a o1ed 3or t"e re-co$3ir9atio$ o3 t"e 8S:( o3 o$e GSM ce i$ t"e 8S:( re-co$3ir9atio$ !rocedure. T"e ti9e is 2i5e$ i$ ste!s o3 0.5 seco$ds. $ersion R)L-5

NScra9% i$2 (ode ("a$2e List NNPri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o NNScra9% i$2 code c"a$2e

(<-S#<' MP MP

1 to M9a.RLN Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o )$u9erated (code c"a$2e, $o code c"a$2e) M)#SUR)M )'T R)P6RT 10.2.1-

R)L-5 R)L-5 :$dicates 1"et"er t"e a ter$ati5e scra9% i$2 code is used 3or co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od LS&02L. T"e source R'( s"ou d i$c ude t"e Measure9e$t re!ort t"e U) se$t t"at tri22ered t"e SR'S re ocatio$. T"is i$3or9atio$ cou d e.2. %e used %7 t"e tar2et R'( to set i$itia !o1er 1"e$ esta% is"i$2 a 4(<. 4ia2$ostics i$3or9atio$ re ated to a$ ear ier SR'( Re ocatio$ reBuest (see '6T) 2 i$ 1,.12.0a) R)L-5

Cther :nfor2ation ele2ents NMeasure9e$t re!ort


N&ai ure cause


&ai ure cause Protoco error i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.12 U) "istor7 i$3or9atio$ 10.3.=.23

NProtoco error i$3or9atio$


U) "istor7 i$3or9atio$ /5/S infor2ation ele2ents M8MS Koi$ed i$3or9atio$ NP-TMS: M8MS Se ected Ser5ice :$3o



6P 6P 6P P-TMS: (GSM-M#P) M8MS Se ected Ser5ices :$3o 10.3.-a./%

:$c uded i3 t"e U) "as Koi$ed o$e or 9ore M8MS ser5ices :$ case t"e U) is i$ PMM-:d e

R)L-6 R)L-6 R)L-6

/ulti 5ound Ma.'o63Meas

1Dplanation Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 acti5e 9easure9e$ts, u!!er i9it 16


Release ! Condition Setup Ciphering

! (3

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


Prot!rr SR+& #cti5e :$itia 8S:( Re-co$3ir9 8S:( S&02

1Dplanation T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e :) Measure9e$t co99a$d "as t"e 5a ue @Setu!@, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e :) (i!"eri$2 Status "as t"e 5a ue @started@ a$d t"e ci!"eri$2 cou$ters $eed $ot %e rei$itia ised, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e :) :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ status "as t"e 5a ue @started@ a$d t"e i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ cou$ters $eed $ot %e rei$itia ised, ot"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) @Protoco error i$dicator@ is i$c uded a$d "as t"e 5a ue TRU). 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 3or R81. 6t"er1ise it is $ot $eeded. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @(urre$t TGPS Status & a2@ is @#cti5e@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGMP@ is set to @GSM :$itia 8S:( ide$ti3icatio$@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"is :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t 1"e$ t"e 5a ue o3 t"e :) @TGMP@ is set to @GSM 8S:( re-co$3ir9atio$@ a$d $ot $eeded ot"er1ise. T"e :) is 9a$dator7 !rese$t i3 t"e :) OTra$s9issio$ Ga! Patter$ SeBue$ceP is i$c uded a$d "as t"e 5a ue OS&02P as t"e co9!ressed 9ode 9et"od, a$d a read7 se$t t"e U) t"e :) OScra9% i$2 (ode ("a$2eP 3or eac" RL i$ t"e acti5e set. 6t"er1ise t"e :) is $ot $eeded.




R&( 30-5 (6'T)AT :'&6

This //1 messa e is sent between networ# nodes in "/'" relocation. &t is used to transfer the compressor and decompressor conte(t information of the /OF1 protocol. :irectionP source /'1 tar et /'1


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e R&( 30-5 co$te.t NR8 ide$tit7 NR&( 30-5 co$te.t ist NN4o1$ i$> R&( 30-5 co$te.t NNN4o1$ i$> R&( 30-5 co$te.t ide$tit7 NNN4L;M64) NNNR)&;:R Need MP MP MP 6P MP MP MP

! (' /ulti 1 to M9a.R8a R#8sN R8 ide$tit7 10.3.,.16 1 to M9a.R&(3 0-5-(:4N :$te2er (0..163=3) )$u9erated (u, o, r) 6ctet stri$2 (1..3000) T4pe and reference

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description $ersion R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R)L-5 R6<( 9ode i$ do1$ i$> %e3ore SR'S re ocatio$. T"e RTP :R "eader (see sectio$ 5././ o3 R&(30-5 3or detai ed 3or9at) corres!o$di$2 to t"e o dest "eader i$ t"e co9!ressor s idi$2 1i$do1. #rri5a ti9e (at t"e co9!ressor) o3 R)&;:R i$ 9i iseco$ds. See sectio$s ,.5., a$d 6.5.1 o3 R&(30-5. (urre$t ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds. See sectio$ 6.5.1 o3 R&(30-5. Last s7$c"ro$iQed o33set o3 :P-:4. See sectio$ ,.5.5 a$d 6.5.1 o3 R&(30-5 (ter9ed @633set;:@). :t is re ated to t"e co9!ressio$ a$d deco9!ressio$ o3 :P-:4 a$d is t"e s7$c"ro$iQed o33set %et1ee$ t"e :P-:4 5a ue a$d t"e S' 5a ue (i$ t"e sa9e "eader) duri$2 t"e ast S6 state %e3ore t"e re ocatio$ !rocedure. R)L-5 R)L-5



:$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5)




:$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5) :$te2er (0..65535)






Release ! NNNSD';SL6P);TS 6P

! (" :$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Last s7$c"ro$iQed s o!e o3 TS. See sectio$s a$d 5./ o3 R&(30-5. :$ S6 state, TS($) ? TS(9) + ($-9) C SD';SL6P);TS, 1"ere $ a$d 9 are, t"e RTP S' o3 t"e curre$t a$d t"e re3ere$ce !ac>et, res!ecti5e 7. T"e u$it o3 SD';SL6P);TS de!e$ds o$ 1"et"er TS is sca ed %e3ore co9!ressio$ or $ot. :$3or9atio$ 1"et"er d7$a9ic 3ie ds ot"er t"a$ RTP S', RTP TS a$d :P-:4 "a5e c"a$2ed i$ t"e "eaders t"at are stored i$ t"e s idi$2 1i$do1. Set to TRU) i3 c"a$2ed a$d &#LS) i3 $ot c"a$2ed. R)L-5



8oo ea$


NNU! i$> R&( 30-5 co$te.t NNNU! i$> R&( 30-5 co$te.t ide$tit7 NNNUL;M64) NNNR)&;:R


:$te2er (0..163=3) )$u9erated (u, o, r) 6ctet stri$2 (1..3000)

R)L-5 R)L-5 R6<( 9ode i$ u! i$> T"e RTP :R "eader (see sectio$ 5././ o3 :)T& R&(30-5 3or detai ed 3or9at) corres!o$di$2 to t"e ast correct 7 deco9!ressed "eader. #rri5a ti9e (at t"e deco9!ressor) o3 R)&;:R i$ 9i iseco$ds. See sectio$ss ,.5., a$d 6.5.1 o3 R&(30-5. (urre$t ti9e i$ 9i iseco$ds. See sectio$ 6.5.1 o3 R&(30-5. R)L-5 R)L-5



:$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5)




:$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5)



Release ! NNNSD';6&&S)T;:4 6P

! (( :$te2er (0..65535)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Last s7$c"ro$iQed o33set o3 :P-:4. See sectio$ss ,.5.5 a$d 6.5.1 o3 R&(30-5 (ter9ed@633set;:@) . :t is re ated to t"e co9!ressio$ a$d deco9!ressio$ o3 :P-:4 a$d is t"e s7$c"ro$iQed o33set %et1ee$ t"e :P-:4 5a ue a$d t"e S' 5a ue (i$ t"e sa9e "eader) duri$2 t"e ast S6 state %e3ore t"e re ocatio$ !rocedure. Last s7$c"ro$iQed s o!e o3 TS. See sectio$ss a$d 5./ o3 R&(30-5. :$ S6 state, TS($) ? TS(9) + ($-9) C SD';SL6P);TS, 1"ere $ a$d 9 are, t"e RTP S' o3 t"e curre$t a$d t"e re3ere$ce !ac>et, res!ecti5e 7. T"e u$it o3 SD';SL6P);TS de!e$ds o$ 1"et"er TS is sca ed %e3ore co9!ressio$ or $ot. (orres!o$ds to t"e RTP SeBue$ce 'u9%er o3 t"e !redecessor o3 t"e atest RTP !ac>et. T"is cou d %e used to !er3or9 oca re!air o3 co$te.t %7 deco9!ressor i$ U or 6 9ode (see Ore3 - 1P i$ sectio$ i$ :)T& R&(30-5 3or 3urt"er e.! a$atio$). R)L-5



:$te2er (0..,2-,-6/ 2-5)




:$te2er (0..65535)


1,.13 Void


Release !

! ()

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

1,.1, Void 1,.15 )-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(< (&44 o$ 7)

The measurement is performed only when the 32 is in 1255G7.1F state. The 32 shall- ta#in advanta e of non? transmission aps- perform 2?3T/. /"/P or /"/J measurements and reportin accordin to the confi uration received in the M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e.

1,.15.1 )-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(< 9easure9e$t Bua$tities (&44 o$ 7)

. measurement Auantity is used by the 32 to evaluate whether an 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F event has occurred or not. The measurement Auantity for 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F can beP , 2?3T/. /"/P * 2?3T/. /"/J . description of those values can be found in D<E and D;E.

1,.15.2 )-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(< re!orti$2 (&44 o$ 7)

7or cells whose carrier freAuency matches any of the 2./71's in the list of 2?3T/. freAuencies that the 32 has stored in the variable H23T/.G7/2J32'1KG&'7OG5&"TG7.1FH- and for which the Physical 1ell &dentity is not included in the blac#list for that freAuency- the 32 shallP ,T for event?tri ered reportin - tri er one measurement report if the measured Auality of any cell on a confi ured 2?3T/. freAuency e(ceeds the threshold specified by the &2 H/eportin ThresholdHP *T for those 2?3T/. freAuencies where at least one cell e(ceeds the threshold- set the correspondin bit of the &2 H2?3T/. freAuency indicatorH to , in the &2 H2?3T/. results for 1255G7.1FH. ,T for periodical reportin - tri er one periodical report when valid measurements are availableP *T for those 2?3T/. freAuencies whose at least one cell e(ceeds the threshold- set the correspondin bit of the &2 H 2?3T/. freAuency indicatorH to , in the &2 H2?3T/. results for 1255G7.1FH. .fter the 32 has sent the M2."3/2M2'T /2PO/T messa e- the 32 shallP ,T stop the measurement associated with the identity iven in the &2 Hmeasurement identityH.


Release !

! (*

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

#$$e. # (i$3or9ati5e)* US:M !ara9eters

#.1 :$troductio$
This anne( contains recommendations about the //1 parameters to be stored in the 3"&M.

#.2 (i!"eri$2 i$3or9atio$

:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e (i!"er >e7 3or eac" (' do9ai$ N(H :$te2rit7 >e7 3or eac" (' do9ai$ N:H T<R)S<6L4 ST#RT 5a ue 3or eac" (' do9ai$ NST#RT HS:, He7 set ide$ti3ier 3or eac" (' do9ai$ NHS: Need MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN 8it stri$2 (3) M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN 8it stri$2 (20) He7 set ide$ti3ier is descri%ed i$ I,0J. M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN 8it stri$2 (12=) 8it stri$2 (20) ST#RT 5a ue is descri%ed i$ I,0J. /ulti M1 to 9a.('4o 9ai$sN 8it stri$2 (12=) :$te2rit7 >e7 is descri%ed i$ I,0J. T4pe and reference Se2antics description (i!"er >e7 is descri%ed i$ I,0J.

#.3 &reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$

'ei hbour cell list.
:nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e &44 ce ist NU#R&(' do1$ i$> ('d) NPri9ar7 scra9% i$2 code 3.=, Mc!s T44 ce ist NU#R&(' ('t) N(e !ara9eters :4 1.2= Mc!s T44 ce ist NU#R&(' ('t) N(e !ara9eters :4 Need 6P MP 6P 6P MP 6P 6P MP 6P M1 to M1 to 9a.T44&r eB(e ListN M1 to 9a.T44&r eBListN M1 to 9a.&44&r eB(e ListN M1 to 9a.T44&r eBListN /ulti M1 to 9a.&44&r eBListN :$te2er(0 .. 163=3) Pri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o I21J T4pe and reference Se2antics description $ersion

:$te2er(0 .. 163=3) :$te2er (0..12/)

I22J T"e (e !ara9eters :4 is descri%ed i$ I32J. R)L-,

:$te2er(0 .. 163=3) :$te2er

I22J T"e (e

R)L-, R)L-,


Release ! :nfor2ation 1le2ent<Group na2e GSM 'ei2"%our ce ist NGSM $ei2"%our ce i$3o NN8S:( NN8((< #R&(' Need

! (+ /ulti 9a.T44&r eB(e ListN 6P MP MP MP M1 to 9a.GSM( e ListN T4pe and reference (0..12/)

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !) Se2antics description !ara9eters :4 is descri%ed i$ I32J. $ersion

#., Mu ti! icit7 5a ues a$d t7!e co$strai$t 5a ues

Constant Cipherin- infor2ation 9a.('4o9ai$s ,re>uenc4 infor2ation 9a.&44&reBList 9a.T44&reBList 9a.&44&reB(e List 9a.T44&reB(e List 9a.GSM(e List 1Dplanation Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 (' do9ai$s Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 &44 carrier 3reBue$cies to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T44 carrier 3reBue$cies to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 $ei2"%ouri$2 &44 ce s o$ o$e carrier to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 $ei2"%ouri$2 T44 ce s o$ o$e carrier to %e stored i$ US:M Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 GSM ce s to %e stored i$ US:M , , , 32 32 32 $alue


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#$$e. 8 (i$3or9ati5e)* 4escri!tio$ o3 RR( state tra$sitio$s i$c udi$2 GSM a$d )UTR#
This anne( contains "ta e * description of //1 states and state transitions.

8.1 RR( states a$d state tra$sitio$s

.fter power on- the 32 stays in &dle Mode until it transmits a reAuest to establish an //1 1onnection. &n &dle Mode the connection of the 32 is closed on all layers of the access stratum. &n &dle Mode the 32 is identified by non?access stratum identities such as &M"&- TM"& and P?TM"&. &n addition- the 3T/.' has no own information about the individual &dle Mode 32s- and it can only address e. . all 32s in a cell or all 32s monitorin a pa in occasion. The 32 behaviour within this mode is described in D8E. The 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode is entered when the //1 1onnection is established. The 32 is assi ned a radio networ# temporary identity (/'T&) to be used as 32 identity on common transport channels. The //1 states within 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode reflect the level of 32 connection and which transport channels that can be used by the 32. 7or inactive stationary data users the 32 may fall bac# to P1F on both the 1ell and 3/. levels. That is- upon the need for pa in - the 3T/.' chec#s the current level of connection of the iven 32- and decides whether the pa in messa e is sent within the 3/.- or should it be sent via a specific cell.

8.2 Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 :d e Mode to UTR# RR( (o$$ected Mode

The transition to the 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode from the &dle Mode can only be initiated by the 32 by transmittin a reAuest for an //1 1onnection. The event is tri ered either by a pa in reAuest from the networ# or by a reAuest from upper layers in the 32. Chen the 32 receives a messa e from the networ# that confirms the //1 connection establishment- the 32 enters the 1255G7.1F or 1255G:1F state of 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode. &n the case of a failure to establish the //1 1onnection the 32 oes bac# to &dle Mode. Possible causes are radio lin# failure- a received reject response from the networ# or lac# of response from the networ# (timeout).

8.2.1 Tra$sitio$s 3or )9er2e$c7 (a s

/efer to D8E for all states and procedures referred to in this subclause. Chen 32 leaves idle mode from state $amped on any cell in order to ma#e an emer ency call- movin to state $onnected mode /emergency calls only0% the 32 shall attempt to access the current servin cell. &f the access attempt to the servin cell fails the 32 shall use the $ell Reselection procedure. &f no acceptable cell is found- the 32 shall use the *ny cell selection. Chen returnin to idle mode- the 32 shall use the procedure $ell selection hen leaving connected mode in order to find an acceptable cell to camp on- state $amped on any cell.

8.3 UTR# RR( (o$$ected Mode States a$d Tra$sitio$s

8.3.1 ()LL;4(< state
The 1255G:1F state is characterised by ? ? ? 7or T::P . dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32 in uplin# and downlin# or a dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32 in the uplin# and F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32. . dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32 in uplin# and downlin#. 7or T::P ? 2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and F"G:"1FG/212PT&O' is set to T/32.


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? ? ?

2G:1FGT/.'"M&""&O' is set to T/32 and a dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32 in the downlin#.

The 32 is #nown on cell level accordin to its current active set. :edicated transport channels- downlin# and uplin# (T::) shared transport channels- and a combination of these transport channels can be used by the 32.

The 1255G:1F?state is entered from the &dle Mode throu h the setup of an //1 connection- or by establishin a dedicated physical channel from the 1255G7.1F state. &n T:: a P:"1F may be assi ned to the 32 in this state- to be used for a :"1F. . P3"1F may also be assi ned to the 32 in this state- to be used for a 3"1F. &f P:"1F or P3"1F are used for T::- a 7.1F transport channel may be assi ned to the 32 for reception of physical shared channel allocation messa es.

Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to :d e Mode Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(< state

Transition to &dle Mode is realised throu h the release of the //1 connection.

Transition to 1255G7.1F state occurs when all dedicated channels have been released- which may be a) via e(plicit si nallin (e. . PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2- /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P- T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- etc.). at the end of the time period for which the dedicated channel was allocated (T::)

Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;P(< state

Transition to 1255GP1F state occurs via e(plicit si nallin (e. . PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'/.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2- /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P- T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- etc.).


Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to UR#;P(< state

Transition to 3/.GP1F state occurs via e(plicit si nallin (e. . PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'/.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2- /.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P- T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- etc.).

Radio Resource # ocatio$ tas>s (()LL;4(<)

7or the :1F- several physical channel allocation strate ies may be applied. The allocations can be either permanent (needin a :1F release messa e) or based on time or amount?of?data. /esource allocation can be done separately for each pac#et burst with fast si nallin on the :1F 7or each radio frame the 32 and the networ# indicate the current data rate (in uplin# and downlin# respectively) usin the transport format combination indicator (T71&). Fowever- in T::- :1F and :"1F or 3"1F may be mapped on different 11Tr1Fs- their T71& are totally independent. :1F transmission is not modified by the simultaneous e(istence of :"1F@3"1F. &f the confi ured set of combinations (i.e. transport format set for one transport channel) are found to be insufficient to retain the Jo" reAuirements for a transport channel- the networ# initiates a reconfi uration of the transport format set (T7") for that transport channel. This reconfi uration can be done durin or in between data transmission. 7urther- the networ# can reconfi ure the physical channel allowin an increase or decrease of the pea# data rate. 7or the uplin# data transmission- the 32 reports the observed traffic volume to the networ# in order for the networ# to re?evaluate the current allocation of resources. This report contains e. . the amount of data to be transmitted or the buffer status in the 32.

RR( (o$$ectio$ 9o%i it7 tas>s (()LL;4(<)

:ependin on the amount and freAuency of data macrodiversity (soft handover) may or may not be applied.


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The //1 1onnection mobility is handled by measurement reportin - soft handover and Timin re?initialised or Timin ? maintained hard handover procedures.


U) Measure9e$ts (()LL;4(<)

The 32 performs measurements and transmit measurement reports accordin to the measurement control information. The 32 uses the connected mode measurement control information received in other states until new measurement control information has been assi ned to the 32.


#cBuisitio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (()LL;4(<)

T:: 32s reads the 01F to acAuire valid system information. 7or each acAuisition- the 32 may need different combinations of system information broadcast on 01F. The schedulin on the broadcast channel is done in such way that the 32 #nows when the reAuested information can be found.

8.3.2 ()LL;&#(< state

The 1255G7.1F state is characterised byP ? ? 'o dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32. The 32 continuously monitors in the downlin#P ? &n 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T:: modeP ? ? a 7.1F.

&n 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: modeP ? ? a 7.1FO or an F"?:"1Fs and optionally a 7.1F for M0M" reception.

The 32 is assi ned a default common or shared transport channel in the uplin# (e. . /.1F or common 2?:1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only)) that it can use anytime accordin to the access procedure for that transport channel. The position of the 32 is #nown by 3T/.' on cell level accordin to the cell where the 32 last made a cell update. &n T:: mode- one or several 3"1F or :"1F transport channels may have been established.

? ?

Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to ()LL;4(< state

. transition occurs- when a dedicated physical channel is established via e(plicit si nallin (e. . PFK"&1.5 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- /.:&O 02./2/ /252."2/.:&O 02./2/ "2T3P- T/.'"PO/T 1F.''25 /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- etc.).

Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to ()LL;P(< state

The transition occurs when 3T/.' orders the 32 to move to 1255GP1F state- which is done via e(plicit si nallin (e. . 1255 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- etc.).

Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to :d e Mode

3pon release of the //1 connection- the 32 moves to the idle mode.


Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to UR#;P(< State

The transition occurs when 3T/.' orders the 32 to move to 3/. GP1F state- which is done via e(plicit si nallin (e. . 3/. 3P:.T2 1O'7&/M- /.:&O 02./2/ /21O'7&G3/.T&O'- etc.).

Radio Resource # ocatio$ Tas>s (()LL;&#(<)

7or 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- in the 1255G 7.1F state the 32 will monitor a 7.1F.


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7or 7:: in the 1255G7.1F state the 32 will monitor a 7.1F- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255G7.1F state or &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH is not included in the system information. Otherwise the 32 will monitor the common F"?:"1F(s)- and 7.1F monitorin is restricted to M0M" reception. 7or ,.*; Mcps T:: in the 1255G7.1F state the 32 will monitor a 7.1F- if the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception or &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH and &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH are not included in the system information. Otherwise the 32 will monitor the common F"?:"1F(s)- and 7.1F monitorin is restricted to M0M" reception. 7or 3.;8 Mcps T:: and <.=; Mcps T::- the 32 is enabled to transmit uplin# control si nals and it may be able to transmit small data pac#ets on the /.1F. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- the 32 is enabled to transmit uplin# control si nals and it may be able to transmit small data pac#ets on the /.1F- if the 32 does not support 2nhanced 3plin# in 1255G7.1F state and &dle mode- and if &2 HF"?:"1F common system informationH and &2 H1ommon 2?:1F system infoH are not included in the system information. Otherwise the 32 enabled to transmit uplin# control si nals and it may be able to transmit data pac#ets on common 2?:1F. The networ# can assi n the 32 transport channel parameters (e. . transport format sets) in advance- to be used when a :1F is used. 3pon assi nment of the physical channel for :1F- the 32 moves to 1255G:1F state and uses the pre? assi ned T7" for the :1F. &f no 32 dedicated physical channel or transport channel confi uration has been assi ned- the 32 uses the common physical channel and transport channel confi uration accordin to the system information. 7or the uplin# data transmission- the 32 reports the observed traffic volume to the networ# in order for the networ# to re?evaluate the current allocation of resources. This report contains e. . the amount of data to be transmitted or the buffer status in the 32. Chen there is either user or control data to transmit- a selection procedure determines whether the data should be transmitted on a common transport channel- or if a transition to 1255G:1F should be e(ecuted. The selection is dynamic and depends on e. . traffic parameters (amount of data- pac#et burst freAuency). &n the T:: mode- the 3T/.' can assi n 3"1F @ :"1F resources to the 32 in 1255G7.1F state. Chen 3"1F @ :"1F resources are assi ned- the 32 will continue to monitor 7.1Fs- dependin on the 32 capability. The 32 may use the 3"1F @ :"1F to transmit si nallin messa es or user data in the uplin# and @ or the downlin# usin 3"1F and @ or :"1F when resources are allocated to cell and 32 is assi ned use of those 3"1F @ :"1F. 7or the uplin# data transmission on 3"1F the 32 reports to the networ# the traffic volume (current si!e of /51 data buffers)- The 3T/.' can use these measurement reports to re?evaluate the current allocation of the 3"1F @ :"1F resources.

RR( (o$$ectio$ 9o%i it7 tas>s (()LL;&#(<)

&n this state the location of the 32 is #nown on cell level. . cell update procedure is used to report to the 3T/.'when the 32 selects a new cell to observe the common downlin# channels of a new cell. :ownlin# data transmission on the 7.1F or F"?:"1F (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) can be started without prior pa in . The 32 monitors the broadcast channel and system information on 011F of its own and nei hbour cells and from this the need for the updatin of cell location is identified. The 32 performs cell reselection and upon selectin a new 3T/. cell- it initiates a cell update procedure. 3pon selectin a new cell belon in to another radio access system than 3T/.- the 32 enters idle mode and ma#es an access to that system accordin to its specifications.


U) Measure9e$ts (()LL;&#(<)

The 32 performs measurements and transmit measurement reports accordin to the measurement control information. 0y default- the 32 uses the measurement control information broadcast within the system information. Fowever- for measurements for which the networ# also provides measurement control information within a M2."3/2M2'T 1O'T/O5 messa e- the latter information ta#es precedence.


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Tra$s3er a$d u!date o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (()LL;&#(<)

The 32 reads the 01F to acAuire valid system information. 7or each acAuisition- the 32 may need different combinations of system information broadcast on 01F. The schedulin on the broadcast channel is done in such way that the 32 #nows when the reAuested information can be found. Chen the system information is modified- the schedulin information is updated to reflect the chan es in system information transmitted on 01F. The new schedulin information is broadcast on 7.1F and@or on the common F"? :"1F(s) (7:: and ,.*; Mcps T:: only) in order to inform 32s about the chan es. &f the chan es are applicable for the 32- the modified system information is read on 01F.

8.3.3 ()LL;P(< state

The 1255GP1F state is characterised byP ? 7or 7::- if HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation or the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- and for T::- no dedicated physical channel is allocated to the 32. 7or 7::- if HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation and the 32 does support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- dedicated physical channel may be allocated to the 32. ? 7or 7::- if HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation or the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- and for T::- the 32 selects a P1F with the al orithm specified in subclause ;.9.,>- and uses :/I for monitorin the selected P1F via an associated P&1F. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation and the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- the 32 selects a F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F with al orithms specified in ;.9.8,- ;.9.3> and ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::- and uses :/I for monitorin the selected F"?:"1F via an associated P&1F. 'o uplin# activity is possible. The position of the 32 is #nown by 3T/.' on cell level accordin to the cell where the 32 last made a cell update in 1255G7.1F state.

? ?

The :11F and :T1F lo ical channels can only be used in this state if F"?:"1F is used and a dedicated F?/'T& is confi ured and for ,.*; Mcps T:: a dedicated 2?/'T& is confi ured. Otherwise- if the networ# wants to initiate any activity- it needs to ma#e a pa in reAuest on the P11F lo ical channel in the #nown cell to initiate any downlin# activity.

Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;P(< to ()LL;&#(< state

The 32 is transferred to 1255G7.1F stateP a) by pa in from 3T/.' (P.G&'G TKP2, messa e) b) throu h any uplin# access

Radio Resource # ocatio$ Tas>s (()LL;P(<)

&n 1255GP1F state no resources have been ranted for data transmission. 7or this purpose- a transition to another state has to be e(ecuted. The 32 may use :iscontinuous /eception (:/I) in order to reduce power consumption. Chen :/I is used the 32 needs only to receive at one pa in occasion per :/I cycle. The 32 may be instructed to use specific :/I cycle len ths by the networ#. The 32 determines its pa in occasions in the same way as for &dle Mode- see D8E.

RR( (o$$ectio$ 9o%i it7 tas>s (()LL;P(<)

&n the 1255GP1F state- the 32 mobility is performed throu h cell reselection procedures- which may differ from the one defined in D8E.


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The 32 performs cell reselection and upon selectin a new 3T/. cell- it moves to 1255G7.1F state and initiates a cell update procedure in the new cell. .fter the cell update procedure has been performed- the 32 chan es its state bac# to 1255GP1F state if neither the 32 nor the networ# has any more data to transmit. 3pon selectin a new cell belon in to another radio access system than 3T/.- the 32 enters idle mode and ma#e an access to that system accordin to its specifications. &n case of low 32 activity- 3T/.' may want to reduce the cell?updatin overhead by orderin the 32 to move to the 3/.GP1F "tate. This transition is made via the 1255G7.1F state. 3T/.' may apply an inactivity timer- and optionally- a counter- which counts the number of cell updates e. . 3T/.' orders the 32 to move to 3/.GP1F when the number of cell updates has e(ceeded certain limits (networ# parameter).


U) Measure9e$ts (()LL;P(<)

The 32 performs measurements and transmit measurement reports accordin to the measurement control information. The 32 uses the measurement control information accordin to the system information when no 32 dedicated measurement control information has been assi ned.

Tra$s3er a$d u!date o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (()LL;P(<)

The 32 reads the 01F to acAuire valid system information. 7or each acAuisition- the 32 may need different combinations of system information broadcast on 01F. The schedulin on the broadcast channel is done in such way that the 32 #nows when the reAuested information can be found.

8.3., UR#;P(< State

The 3/.GP1F state is characterised byP ? ? 'o dedicated channel is allocated to the 32. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is not included in "ystem &nformation or the 32 does not support F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- and for T::- the 32 selects a P1F with the al orithm specified in subclause ;.9.,>- and uses :/I for monitorin the selected P1F via an associated P&1F. 7or 7:: and ,.*; Mcps T::- if HF"?:"1F pa in system informationH is included in "ystem &nformation and the 32 supports F"?:"1F reception in 1255GP1F and 3/.GP1F state- the 32 selects a F"?:"1F mapped on the F"?P:"1F with al orithms specified in ;.9.8,- ;.9.3> and ;.9.8+ for 7:: and ;.9.8+a for ,.*; Mcps T::- and uses :/I for monitorin the selected F"?:"1F via an associated P&1F. 'o uplin# activity is possible. The location of the 32 is #nown on 3T/.' /e istration area level accordin to the 3/. assi ned to the 32 durin the last 3/. update in 1255G7.1F state.

? ?

The :11F lo ical channel cannot be used in this state. &f the networ# wants to initiate any activity- it needs to ma#e a pa in reAuest on the P11F lo ical channel within the 3/. where the location of the 32 is #nown. &f the 32 needs to transmit anythin to the networ#- it oes to the 1255G7.1F state. The transition to 3/.GP1F "tate can be controlled with an inactivity timer- and optionally- with a counter that counts the number of cell updates. Chen the number of cell updates has e(ceeded certain limits (a networ# parameter)- then the 32 chan es to the 3/.GP1F "tate. 3/. updatin is initiated by the 32- which- upon the detection of the /e istration area- sends the networ# the /e istration area update information on the /.1F of the new cell.


Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 UR#;P(< State to ()LL;&#(< State (UR#;P(<)

.ny activity causes the 32 to be transferred to 1255G 7.1F "tate. a) 3plin# access is performed by /.1F. b) by pa in from 3T/.' ( P.G&'G TKP2, messa e ). 'OT2P The release of an //1 connection is possible in the 3/.GP1F state. 32 in 3/.GP1F is able to o to idle when tri ered by pa in type , messa e in case $$/elease indicator$$ has the value $$/elease$$.


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Radio Resource # ocatio$ Tas>s (UR#;P(<)

&n 3/.GP1F "tate no resources have been ranted for data transmission. 7or this purpose- a transition to 1255G7.1F "tate has to be e(ecuted. The 32 may use :iscontinuous /eception (:/I) in order to reduce power consumption. Chen :/I is used the 32 needs only to receive at one pa in occasion per :/I cycle. The 32 may be instructed to use specific :/I cycle len ths by the networ#. The 32 determines its pa in occasions in the same way as for &dle Mode- see D8E.


RR( (o$$ectio$ 9o%i it7 tas>s (UR#;P(<)

&n 3/.GP1F "tate the location of a 32 is #nown on 3T/.' /e istration area level. &n this state- the 32 mobility is performed throu h 3/. reselection procedures- which may differ from the definitions in D8E. The 32 performs cell reselection and upon selectin a new 3T/. cell belon in to a 3/. that does not match the 3/. used by the 32- the 32 moves to 1255G7.1F state and initiates a 3/. update towards the networ#. .fter the 3/. update procedure has been performed- the 32 chan es its state bac# to 3/.GP1F state if neither the 32 nor the networ# has any more data to transmit. 3pon selectin a new cell belon in to another radio access system than 3T/.- the 32 enters idle mode and ma#es an access to that system accordin to its specifications.


U) Measure9e$ts (UR#;P(<)

The 32 performs measurements and transmit measurement reports accordin to the measurement control information. The 32 uses the measurement control information accordin to the system information when no 32 dedicated measurement control information has been assi ned.


Tra$s3er a$d u!date o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (UR#;P(<)

The same mechanisms to transfer and update system information as for state 1255GP1F are applicable for 32s in 3/.GP1F state.


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8.3.5 States a$d Tra$sitio$s 3or (e Rese ectio$ i$ UR#;P(<, ()LL;P(<, a$d ()LL;&#(<
See :d e Mode 3i2ure i$ 3GPP TS 25.30,

(e Se ectio$ 1"e$ ea5i$2 co$$ected 9ode

(a9!ed 'or9a 7

2o "ere 3ro9 id e 9ode

retur$ to id e 9ode $o suita% e ce 3ou$d UTR# RR( (o$$ected Mode tri22er suita% e ce se ected :$itia (e Rese ectio$


suita% e ce se ected

(e Rese ectio$

$o suita% e ce 3ou$d suita% e ce i$ ot"er R#T 3ou$d

,i-ure 5#3#"& . 0TRA RRC Connected 2ode cell reselection for 0RA8PC96 C1778PC96 and C1778,AC9 &n some states the 32 performs cell reselection procedures. The 32 selects a suitable cell (defined in D8E) and radio access technolo y based on connected mode radio measurements and cell reselection criteria. 7i ure 0.3.9?, shows the states and procedures in the cell reselection process in connected mode. Chen a cell reselection is tri ered- the 32 evaluates the cell reselection criteria based on radio measurements- and if a better cell is found that cell is selected- procedure 1ell reselection (see D8E). &f the chan e of cell implies a chan e of radio access technolo y- the //1 connection is released- and the 32 enters idle mode of the other /.T. &f no suitable cell is found in the cell reselection procedure- the 32 eventually enters idle mode. Chen an &nitial cell reselection is tri ered- the 32 shall use the &nitial cell reselection procedure (see D8E) to find a suitable cell. One e(ample where this procedure is tri ered is at radio lin# failure- where the 32 may tri er an initial cell reselection in order to reAuest re?establishment of the //1 connection. &f the 32 is unable to find a suitable cellthe 32 eventually enters idle mode.

8., :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 1it" (S do9ai$ ser5ices

Chen usin 1" domain services- 3T/.' is usin an &nter?/adio access system Fandover Procedure and G"M is usin a Fandover procedure for the transition from 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode to G"M 1onnected Mode.


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8.5 :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 1it" PS do9ai$ ser5ices

Chen usin P" domain services- the 32 can initiate cell reselection from a G"M@GP/" cell to a 3T/.' cell and then uses the //1 1onnection 2stablishment procedure for the transition to 3T/. //1 1onnected mode. &t is also possible for the 0"" to initiate a 3T/. &nter?/.T Fandover to seamlessly relocate the 32 to 3T/.'. &n this latter case there is no need to return the 32 to &dle Mode (GP/" Pac#et &dle Mode) and the 32 immediately moves to //1 connected state in the 3T/.'. &n the case that cell reselection is used- when the //1 1onnection is established from &dle Mode (GP/" Pac#et &dle Mode) the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T messa e contains an indication- that 3T/.' needs to continue an already established GP/" 32 conte(t from the 1'. This indication allows 3T/.' to e. . prioritise the //1 1O''21T&O' /2J32"T from the 32. &t is possible for a 2?3T/. e'ode0 to initiate a &nter?/.T Fandover to 3T/.' to seamlessly relocate the 32 to the //1 connected state in 3T/.'. &n 3T/. //1 connected mode 3T/.' may use 32 or networ# initiated cell reselection to chan e from a 3T/.' cell to a G"M@GP/" cell. &f the cell reselection was successful the 32 enters &dle Mode (GP/" Pac#et &dle Mode). The 32 sends a pac#et channel reAuest from &dle Mode (GP/" Pac#et &dle mode) to establish a Temporary 0loc# flow and enter GP/" Pac#et Transfer Mode. &n the GP/" Pac#et Transfer Mode the 32 sends a /. 3pdate reAuest messa e. The /. 3pdate /eAuest messa e sent from the 32 contains an indication that G"M@GP/" need to continue an already established 3T/.' 32 conte(t from the 1'. This means that the /. 3pdate reAuest is always sent for the transition from 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode to G"M@GP/" re ardless if the /. is chan ed or not. .lternatively- the 3T/.' may use an &nter?"ystem /elocation (P" Fandover) to relocate a 3T/. //1 connected 32 directly to GP/" Pac#et Transfer Mode in G2/.'. 'OT2P The reason for usin /. update instead of a new messa e is to reduce the impact on the e(istin G"M@GP/" specification.

The 3T/.' may use an &nter?/.T Fandover to relocate a 3T/. //1 connected 32 directly to //1G1O''21T2: mode in 2?3T/.'.

8.6 :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 1it" si9u ta$eous PS a$d (S do9ai$ ser5ices

8.6.1 :$ter-R#T "a$do5er UTR#' to GSM 0 8SS
7or a 32 in 1255G:1F state usin both 1" and P" :omain services the &nter?/.T handover procedure is based on measurement reports from the 32 but initiated from 3T/.'. The 32 performs the &nter?/.T handover from 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode to G"M 1onnected Mode first. Chen the 32 has sent handover complete messa e to G"M @ 0"" the 32 initiates a temporary bloc# flow towards GP/" and sends a /. update reAuest. &f the &nter?/.T handover from 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode to G"M 1onnected Mode was successful the handover is considered as successful re ardless if the 32 was able to establish a temporary bloc# flow or not towards GP/". &n case of &nter?/.T handover failure the 32 has the possibility to o bac# to 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode and re? establish the connection in the state it ori inated from.

8.6.2 :$ter-R#T "a$do5er GSM 0 8SS to UTR#'

7or a 32 in G"M 1onnected Mode usin both 1" and P" domain services the &nter?/.T handover procedure is based on measurement reports from the 32 but initiated from G"M @ 0"". The 32 performs the &nter?/.T handover from G"M 1onnected Mode to 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode. &n 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode both services are established in parallel. &f the &nter?/.T handover from G"M 1onnected mode to 3T/. //1 1onnected Mode was successful the handover is considered as successful.


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&n case of &nter?/.T handover failure the 32 has the possibility to o bac# to G"M 1onnected Mode and re?establish the connection in the state it ori inated from.

#$$e. ( (i$3or9ati5e)* 4escri!tio$ 3or t"e (o9!ressed (odi$2 o3 Pre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s i$c uded i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e
This anne( contains a description of the compressed codin of the &2 HPredefined confi uration status information compressedH (see subclause ,+.3.8.9b) included in the &'T2/ /.T F.':OB2/ &'7O messa e.

(.1 4e3i$itio$s
/re-defined configuration set .it( different value tags: This is a set of consecutive positions for which pre?defined confi urations are stored with different value ta s. The set cannot include positions for which no pre?defined confi uration is stored. /re-defined configuration list .it( varia&le si:e: This is the variable si!ed list consistin of the value ta s correspondin to the remainin positions after the HPre?defined confi uration sets with different value ta sH have been formed. This will also indicate not stored pre?defined confi urations- either e(plicitly or implicitly (i.e. in the case that there are no more stored confi urations until the end of the variable si!ed list). This is hi hli hted in fi ures 1.*?, and 1.*?*.

(.2 ).a9! es o3 t"e 9et"odo o27

7rom fi ure 1.*?, it can be seen that there are two HPre?defined confi uration sets with different value ta sH. The start position of "et, is H,H with a list of < pre?defined confi urations ],- *- 3- 8- 9- =- <_. The start position of "et* is H,+H with a list of = pre?defined confi urations ],+- ,,- ,*- ,3- ,8- ,9_. The HPre?defined confi urations list with variable si!eH has a start position of +- and includes all of the pre?defined confi urations not included in the sets ]+- ;- >_. The value ta at position > is not stored. This does not need to be e(plicitly indicated in the codin as Hnot storedH because there are no stored pre?defined confi urations positioned after this in the list.


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Pre?defined confi uration set, with different value ta s

'ot e(plicitly indicated

Pre?defined confi uration set* with different value ta s

Pre?defined confi urations list with variable si!e

,i-ure C#!& . 1Da2ple scenario where non&stored pre&defined confi-urations do not need to ;e eDplicitl4 indicated

7i ure 1.*?* is similar to 7i ure 1.*?,. Fowever in this case for the HPre?defined confi urations list with variable si!eHthe pre?defined confi uration in position ; is not stored. This needs to be e(plicitly indicated in the codin as Hnot storedH because there is a stored pre?defined confi uration (position >) positioned after this in the list.


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Pre?defined confi uration set, with different value ta s

Pre?defined confi uration set* with different value ta s

Pre?defined confi urations list with variable si!e

,i-ure C#!&!. 1Da2ple scenario where non&stored pre&defined confi-urations need to ;e eDplicitl4 indicated


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#$$e. 4 ('or9ati5e)* :9! e9e$tatio$ o3 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess (o$tro (4S#() i$ U)s o3 3GPP Re ease 5
32s of 3GPP /elease 9 implementin the domain specific access class control feature but not implementin the networ# sharin feature shall act on the domain specific access class restriction indicated by the &2 H:omain "pecific .ccess /estriction Parameters 7or P5M' Of M&0H if present- and otherwise apply the access restrictions indicated by the &2 H1ell .ccess /estrictionH.

#$$e. ) ('or9ati5e)* )UTR# &eature 2rou! i$dicators

This anne( contains the definitions of the bits in 23T/. 7eature Group &ndicators. &n this release of the specification the 32 shall include the optional 23T/. 7eature Group &ndicators &2 in the 32 multi?mode@multi /.T capability &2 of the //1 messa e. 7or a specific indicator- if all functionalities for a feature roup listed in Table 2., have been implemented and tested- the 32 shall set the indicator as as HtrueH (as one)- else (i.e.- if any one of the functionalities in a feature roup listed in Table 2., have not been implemented or tested)- the 32 shall set the indicator as HfalseH (as !ero). The 32 shall set all indicators that correspond to /.Ts not supported by the 32 as HfalseH (as !ero). The 32 shall set all indicators- which do not have a definition in Table 2.,- as HfalseH (as !ero). &f the optional 23T/. 7eature Group &ndicators &2 is not included by a 32 of a future release- the networ# may assume that all features pertainin to the /.Ts supported by the 32- listed in Table 2., and deployed in the networ#have been implemented and tested by the 32. Ta;le 1# . 3efintions of feature -roup indicators
:ndeD of indicator (;it nu2;er) 1 ( e3t9ost %it) 2 3 , 3efinition (descri!tio$ o3 t"e su!!orted 3u$ctio$a it7, i3 i$dicator set to TtrueS) - UTR# ()LL;P(< to )UTR# RR(;:4L) ce rese ectio$ - UTR# UR#;P(< to )UTR# RR(;:4L) ce rese ectio$ )UTR#' 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 i$ co$$ected 9ode - UTR# ()LL;&#(< a%so ute !riorit7 ce rese ectio$ 3or "i2" !riorit7 a7ers - UTR# ()LL;&#(< a%so ute !riorit7 ce rese ectio$ 3or a a7ers Notes

U) su!!orti$2 )-UTR#' s"a %it to TTRU)S i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 s!eci3icatio$. U) su!!orti$2 )-UTR#' s"a %it to TTRU)S i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 s!eci3icatio$. U) su!!orti$2 )-UTR#' s"a %it to TTRU)S i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 s!eci3icatio$. U) su!!orti$2 )-UTR#' s"a %it to TTRU)S i$ t"is 5ersio$ o3 s!eci3icatio$.

set t"is set t"is set t"is set t"is

Clarification for

o&ility to !%1"A-

7or mobility to 2?3T/.'- it is assumed that we have > main HfunctionsHP .. "upport of measurements and cell reselection procedure in idle mode 0. "upport of measurements and cell reselection procedure in 1255@3/.GP1F 1. "upport of //1 release with redirection procedure :. "upport of //1 reject with redirection procedure


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2. "upport of 23T/.' measurements and reportin in connected mode 7. "upport of handover procedure in connected mode G. "upport of hi h priority layer measurements and cell reselection procedure in 1255G7.1F F. "upport of all priority layer measurements and cell reselection procedure in 1255G7.1F &. "upport of 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F for 2?3T/. 7:: and 2?3T/. T::

Of the above- all 32s that indicate support of 2?3T/. in 32 capability si nallin H"upport of 2?3T/. 7::H or H"upport of 2?3T/. T::H support .)- 1) and :) for all 23T/. bands they support. 7or 0) above- 32s indicates support by the Group , indicator bit (if Group , is set to HtrueH- it is supported for all 23T/. bands the 32 supports). 7or 2) above- 32s indicate support by the Group * indicator bit (if Group * is set to HtrueH- it is supported for all 23T/. bands the 32 supports). The compressed mode capability for supported 2?3T/. freAuency bands (U'eed for compressed modeS) in YMeasurement capability e(tensionZ is i nored by the networ# when Group * is set to HfalseH. &n this version of the specification- the 32 supportin 2?3T/.' shall set the Group * indicator bit to HtrueH. 7or 7) above- 32s indicate support by the separate 32 capability si nalin H"upport of &nter?/.T P" Fandover to 2? 3T/. 7::@T::H defined in T" *9.3+= (if this bit is set to HtrueH- P" handover is supported for all 23T/. bands the 32 supports). This bit can only be set to HtrueH if the 32 has set the Group * indicator bit to HtrueH. 7or G) above- 32s indicates support by the Group 3 indicator bit (if Group 3 is set to HtrueH- it is supported for all 23T/. bands the 32 supports). &f the separate 32 capability H"upport for absolute priority based cell re?selection in 3T/.'H is also set to HtrueH- 32s indicate support of hi h priority layer measurements and cell reselection procedure in 1255G7.1F also for 3T/. inter?freAuency. 7or F) above- 32s indicates support by the Group 8 indicator bit (if Group 8 is set to HtrueH- it is supported for all 23T/. bands the 32 supports). &f the separate 32 capability H"upport for absolute priority based cell re?selection in 3T/.'H is also set to HtrueH- 32s indicate support of all priority layer measurements and cell reselection procedure in 1255G7.1F also for 3T/. inter?freAuency. 32s that indicate support for F also indicate support for G. 7or &) above- 32s indicate support by the separate 32 capability si nalin H"upport of 2?3T/. 7:: measurements and reportin in 1255G7.1FH and H"upport of 2?3T/. T:: measurements and reportin in 1255G7.1FH defined in T" *9.3+= (if the correspondin bit is set to HtrueH- 2?3T/. measurement for 1255G7.1F for 2?3T/. 7:: and 2?3T/. T:: is supported for all 23T/. 7:: and T:: bands respectively- that the 32 supports).

#$$e. & ('or9ati5e)* Su!!ort o3 Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d :$dicators (Mu ti! e &8:) i$ U)
7or 32s of 3GPP /elease > or earlier- implementation of the multiple freAuency band indicators feature is optional if the 32 supports a band which has overlap with other bands defined in 3GPP D;9E- otherwise not applicable. 'ote that these other bands may not be supported by the 32- but the 32 shall understand the 3./71' si nallin for all bandsthat overlap with the bands supported by the 32- and that are defined in the earliest version of D*,E that includes all 32 supported band(s). 7or 32s of 3GPP from /elease ,+- implementation of the multiple freAuency band indicators feature is mandatory if the 32 supports a band which has overlap with other bands defined in 3GPP D;9E- otherwise not applicable. 'ote that these other bands may not be supported by the 32- but the 32 shall understand the 3./71' si nallin for all bands- that overlap with the bands supported by the 32- and that are defined in the earliest version of D*,E that includes all 32 supported bands.


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#$$e. G (i$3or9ati5e)* ("a$2e "istor7


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3ate 1001--1201---

TSG B RP-05 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06

TSG 3oc# RP---52, RP---650 RP---65, RP---65, RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---652 RP---651 RP---65, RP---651 RP---/1RP---65, RP---651 RP---65, RP---656 RP---652 RP---651 RP---656 RP---656 RP---65, RP---656 RP---656 RP---65, RP---65, RP---656 RP---650 RP---656 RP---65, RP---65, RP---65, RP---656 RP---65, RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---656 RP---65, RP---65, RP---65, RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---65, RP---65, RP---65/ RP---65, RP---65/

CR 001 005 00/ 00010 011 012 013 01, 015 016 01/ 01= 01025 026 02/ 02= 0203, 03= 030,0 0,2 0,, 0,5 0,6 0,/ 0,= 0,050 051 052 053 05, 055 056 05/ 061 062 063 06, 066 06/ 060/0 0/1 0/2 0/3 0/, 0/6 0// 0/= 0/-

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent #!!ro5ed at TSG-R#' [5 a$d ! aced u$der ("a$2e (o$tro Modi3icatio$ o3 RR( !rocedure s!eci3icatio$s 1 :$troductio$ o3 :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$t 3or Po1er (o$tro # 2orit"9 1 RR( !ara9eters 3or SS4T 1 :$c usio$ o3 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 2 Securit7 9ode co$tro !rocedure 3 U!dates o3 t"e s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ !rocedure 2 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 1 :$ter-s7ste9 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 1 #dditio$a 9easure9e$ts i$ RR( 9easure9e$t 9essa2es 3 Va ue ra$2e 3or Measure9e$t :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$ts 2 Messa2e co$te$ts 3or i$ter s7ste9 "a$do5er to UTR#' :$c usio$ o3 ci!"eri$2 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts (orrectio$s a$d editoria c"a$2es 1 # 2orit"9 3or (T(& (a cu atio$ Lo2ica (< 3or RR( (o$$ectio$ Re-esta% is"9e$t (RR( (o$$ectio$ Re-esta% is"9e$t de eted i$ R#';10, RP-000/15) 1 Gai$ &actors 1 Para9eters 3or ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e (e U!date (ause 1 RR( :$itia isatio$ :$3or9atio$ 1 6!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro 3or PR#(< #dditio$ o3 t"e U) co$tro ed #MR 9ode ada!tatio$ :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or RL( reset Su!!ort 3or 4S-,1 :$itia U) :de$tit7 2 :$te2ratio$ o3 (e 8roadcast Ser5ice ((8S) 1 Gated tra$s9issio$ o3 4P((< Modi3icatio$ to t"e Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (o$tro 9essa2e 'e1 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts a$d 9odi3icatio$s to 9essa2es reBuired i$ order to su!!ort co$3i2uratio$ a$d re-co$3i2uratio$ o3 t"e 4S(< i$ &44 9ode 1 )ditoria (orrectio$s a$d # i2$9e$ts 1it" La7er 1 s!eci3icatio$s 1 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or T44 s"ared c"a$$e o!eratio$ 4escri!tio$ o3 (' de!e$de$t :)s i$ Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> U) ca!a%i it7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 1 UTR#' res!o$se ti9e to u! i$> 3eed%ac> co99a$ds o3 TA di5ersit7 co$tro 'e1 a$d corrected (P(< !ara9eters 2 (o9!ressed 9ode !ara9eters 1it"out 2ati$2 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set a$d tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ su%set 1 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or ce se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ (orrectio$s a$d # i2$9e$ts o3 t"e RR( to t"e L1 3or T44 1 :$troductio$ o3 a S((< !rocedure Su!!ort 3or 4S-,1 Pa2i$2 U) :de$tit7 2 Su!!ort 3or cd9a2000 <ard <a$do5er 1 Pro5ide $ecessar7 si2$a i$2 to su!!ort &44 4S(< RR( !rocedure i$teractio$s 1 Tra$s3er o3 U) ca!a%i ities Se ectio$ o3 i$itia U) ide$tit7 U) ca!a%i it7 5eri3icatio$ i$ t"e securit7 9ode co$tro !rocedure 1 4P(< i$itia !o1er #ctio$s 1"e$ e$teri$2 id e 9ode S!eci3icatio$ o3 i$ter-3reBue$c7 a$d i$ter-s7ste9 re!orti$2 e5e$ts 3or &44 1 Si2$a i$2 radio %earers (' i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts U) i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 1 Radio %earer, tra$s!ort c"a$$e a$d !"7sica c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 6t"er i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 2 RR( si2$a i$2 3or P4(P

Cld 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0

New 3.0.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0


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TSG B RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-06 RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/

TSG 3oc# RP---65, RP---65, RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---655 RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---653 RP---655 RP---655 RP---65/ RP---655 RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---655 RP---65/ RP---65/ RP---655 RP---65/ RP---653 RP---65/ RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3

CR 0=0 0=1 0=2 0=3 0=5 0-2 0-5 0-6 0-/ 0-= 100 102 106 10= 10110 113 116 11/ 120 121 122 123 12, 125 126


RP-0000,3 131 RP-0000,3 132 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,3 RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, 133 13, 13/ 13= 131,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,, 1,5 1,6 1,/ 1,= 1,150 152 15, 155 156 15/ 15-

RP-0000,, 160 RP-0000,, 162 RP-0000,, 163 RP-0000,, 16,

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent (o$te$t o3 Measure9e$t (o$tro Messa2es RR( :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$ts to su!!ort 8 oc> STT4 tra$s9issio$ di5ersit7 i$ T44 1 Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease 1 #dditio$ o3 ce access restrictio$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts to S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 1 RR( (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t !ara9eters 1 Su!!ort o3 U) auto$o9ous u!date o3 a acti5e set o$ a $o$-used 3reBue$c7 1 TP( co9%i$i$2 3or !o1er co$tro 1 )ditoria Modi3icatio$ o3 :)s i$ RR( 9essa2es Se ectio$ o3 S((P(< 1 RR( :$itia isatio$ :$3or9atio$ 1 Su!!ort o3 !"7sica c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t a$d 3ai ure criteria i$ t"e U) 1 RR( (o$$ectio$ Re-esta% is"9e$t (Messa2e de eted i$ R#';10, RP-000/15) 1 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ o$ &#(< 1 S#Ps a$d Pri9iti5es 3or 4S-,1 9ode 1 TA 4i5ersit7 Mode 3or 4edicated ("a$$e 1 R#(< 9essa2e e$2t" si2$a i$2 o$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 1 Routi$2 o3 '#S 9essa2es i$ UTR#' 3 T8S :de$ti3icatio$ i$ T&S 1 Mer2i$2 t"e "ard "a$do5er a$d so9e radio %earer co$tro !rocedures 1 Se ected RR( 9essa2e tra$s3er s7$ta. )33icie$t rate co99a$d si2$a i$2 T44 Mode 8(< Rece!tio$ i$ (e 4(< State U! i$> 6uter Loo! Po1er (o$tro i$ T44 Mode 1 T&S T8 SiQe (a cu atio$ 1it" 8it # i2$ed T44 M#( <eaders Grou!i$2 o3 4R#( :)s, a$d detai ed de3i$itio$s o3 t"ese :)s (orrectio$ o3 s!eci3icatio$s 3or t"e L47$a9ic Resource # ocatio$ (o$tro o3 U! i$> 4(<L Procedure 2 ( ari3icatio$ o3 P4(P i$3o a$d P4(P ca!a%i it7 :)s )ditoria c"a$2e to @S!eci3icatio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> c"aracteristics@ #dditio$s o3 (8S re ated :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$ts Si2$a i$2 3or co9!uted 2ai$ 3actors 1 Ge$era error "a$d i$2 !rocedures 1 RR( 9essa2e e.te$sio$s Paddi$2 o3 RR( 9essa2es usi$2 RL( tra$s!are$t 9ode 2 U) i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 6t"er i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3 :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 3u$ctio$ , R#8-R8 re atio$s 1 :$ter-s7ste9 "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' 3 <a$do5er to UTR#' i$c udi$2 !rocedure 3or !re- co$3i2uratio$ 2 RR( 9easure9e$t 3i teri$2 !ara9eters 'e1 e5e$t @RL out o3 U) R. 1i$do1@ 1 #ccess co$tro o$ R#(< 2 cd9a2000 <ard <a$do5er 1 (P(< !ara9eters 1it" correctio$s U-! a$e #M RL( reco$3i2uratio$ %7 ce u!date !rocedure 3 (P(< 1 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or #S( i$ T44 #dditio$ o3 ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 5a ue i$ "a$do5er re ated 9essa2es 2 P"7sica c"a$$e descri!tio$ 3or T44 Messa2e co$te$ts 3or t"e i$ters7ste9 co99a$d 9essa2e to UTR#' o!erati$2 i$ T44 9ode (orrectio$s o$ use o3 PUS(< !o1er co$tro i$3o a$d 9i$or correctio$s 2 U) i$di5idua 4RA c7c es i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< states (orrectio$ to Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (o$tro !rocedure 3 4o1$ i$> outer oo! !o1er co$tro

Cld 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0

New 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0


Release !

! *) Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0/ RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0=

TSG 3oc# RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,, RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,5 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6

CR 165 166 16/ 16= 161/0 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/, 1/5 1/6 1// 1/= 1/1=0 1=3 1=, 1== 1=1-2 1-3 1-, 201 202 203 20, 205 206 20/ 20= 20210 212 213

RP-0000,6 215 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 220 2223, 236

RP-0000,6 252 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,6 RP-0000,/ RP-0000,/ RP-0000,/ RP-0000,/ RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 25, 255 256 25263 26/ 26= 2/1 2/2 2/3 22= 260 261 262 265


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 2 Redirectio$ o3 RR( co$$ectio$ setu! 2 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts i$ ()LL;&#(< state List o3 3ou$d editoria 9ista>es i$ t"e 4ec-- 5ersio$ o3 25.331 (V3.1.0) 1 Tra$s!ort % oc> siQe 1 (e #ccess Restrictio$ )ditoria 9odi3icatio$ Modi3icatio$ o3 4P(< i$3o 1 Measure9e$t co$tro 9essa2e 2 Re!orti$2 ce status #dditio$a :) 3or R8 re ease #5ai a% e S& i$ PR#(< i$3o Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t e5e$t Re!ort o3 9u ti! e ce s o$ a$ e5e$t resu t )ditoria 9odi3icatio$ o$ 4irect Tra$s3er (orrectio$ o3 t"e Securit7 Mode (o$tro !rocedure 1 Ma.i9u9 ca cu ated Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ #dditio$a 4P(< :)s to a i2$ 25.331 1it" 25.21, 1 R8 R 4(< 9a!!i$2 1 Modi3icatio$s re ated to &44 9ode 4S(< 1 :de$ti3icatio$ o3 S"ared ("a$$e P"7sica (o$3i2uratio$ i$ T44 Mode 1 U! i$> 6uter Loo! Po1er (o$tro 4uri$2 <ard <a$do5er Su!!ort o3 Mu ti! e ((Tr(<Ls i$ T44 Mode 1 U! i$> P"7sica ("a$$e (o$tro i$ T44 Mode 1 Tra$s3er o3 i$itia i$3or9atio$ 3ro9 U) to tar2et R'( !rior to "a$do5er to UTR#' 1 (' i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts UTR#' 9o%i it7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 1 R8 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 1 P"7sica c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 1 U) ca!a%i it7 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts U) 5aria% es 1 #ctio$s 1"e$ e$teri$2 id e 9ode Usa2e o3 !i ot %its S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ !rocedure correctio$s Reco$3i2uratio$ o3 ci!"eri$2 1 )$"a$ce9e$ts to RR( co$$ectio$ re-esta% is"9e$t !rocedure (Messa2e su%seBue$t 7 de eted i$ R#';c), RP-000/15) U!dates to RR( :$itia isatio$ :$3or9atio$ tra$s!are$t co$tai$er a$d additio$ o3 re5erse directio$ co$tai$er descri!tio$ 1 ("a$2es i$ RR( 9essa2es to su!!ort oss ess SR'( re ocatio$ 1 Measure9e$ts o3 u$ isted $ei2"%ouri$2 ce s 2 :$c usio$ o3 Locatio$ Ser5ices 1 #!! icatio$ o3 #ccess Ser5ice ( asses a$d re atio$ to #ccess ( asses 1 4RA i$dicator !rese$ce a$d state e$teri$2 9ec"a$is9 at t"e e$d o3 a !rocedure 1 P"7sica s"ared c"a$$e a ocatio$ !rocedure (orrectio$s to T44 s!eci3ic !ara9eters i$ P:(< i$3o )ditoria 9odi3icatio$s 2 :$troductio$ o3 9a!!i$2 3u$ctio$ i$3or9atio$ i$ (e se ectio$ a$d (i!"eri$2 a$d i$te2rit7 <&' 'e1 S:8 3or UP Re9o5a o3 s7$c"ro$iQatio$ (ase 3 TA 4i5ersit7 U!date o3 ta%u ar 3or9at c ause 10 #S'.1 descri!tio$ 5 4o1$ i$> !o1er co$tro i$ co9!ressed 9ode 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ !"7sica c"a$$e a ocatio$s i$ T44 , T44 Measure9e$ts a$d Re!orti$2 , Si2$a i$2 o3 :)s re ated to S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ o$ &#(< 3 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (o$tro

Cld 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.1.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0

New 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0


Release !

! ** Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0=

TSG 3oc# RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000222 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223 RP-000223

CR 262/5 2/2=0 2=1 2=2 2=3 2=5 2=6 2=/ 2== 2=2-1 2-2 2-3 2-, 2-6 2-/ 2-= 300 301 30, 305 306 30/ 30310 311 312 313 31, 315 31= 31-

RP-000223 320 RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-00022, RP-000225 RP-000225 323 32, 325 326 32= 32330 331 332 333 33, 335 336 33/ 333,0 3,2 3,, 3,5 3,6 3,/ 3,=

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 1 Si2$a i$2 o3 !artia 3ai ure i$ radio %earer re ated !rocedures ( ari3icatio$ o$ P4(P i$3o )ditoria 9odi3icatio$ o$ Tra$s!ort (" ca!a%i it7 )ditoria 9odi3icatio$ o$ (' :) 3 )ditoria 9odi3icatio$ o$ P"7sica (< :) 1 )ditoria 9odi3icatio$ o$ #S'.1 descri!tio$ 1 :)s o$ S:8506 2 Re-esta% is"9e$t ti9er 1 (' 4RA c7c e coe33icie$t 1 (e #ccess Restrictio$ 1 (e se ectio$ a$d re-se ectio$ !ara9eters 2 Modi3icatio$ o$ Measure9e$t :) 1 R#(< Tra$s9issio$ !ara9eters 1 S((P(< S7ste9 :$3o 1 #dditio$ o3 <&' 3or RR( (6'')(T:6' R)-)ST#8L:S<M)'T (6MPL)T) 1 RL( reco$3i2uratio$ i$dicator 3 RL( :$3o 1 Usa2e o3 Tra$s!ort (< :4 2 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ set 1 Usa2e o3 U-R'T: a$d (-R'T: i$ 4L 4((< 9essa2e 4escri!tio$ o3 (e U!date Procedure 1 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 9odi3icatio$ !rocedure &u$ctio$a descri!tio$s o3 t"e RR( 9essa2es ( ari3icatio$ o3 (T&( ca cu atio$ 3 (o9!ressed 9ode !ara9eters 2 Si2$a i$2 !rocedure 3or !eriodic oca aut"e$ticatio$ 5 )ditoria correctio$s o$ securit7 2 Securit7 ca!a%i it7 1 (orrectio$s o$ #S'.1 de3i$itio$s 2 4RA c7c e o1er i9it 1 Re9o5a o3 (P:(< S:R 9easure9e$t Bua$tit7 1 Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease reBuest 1 ("a$2e to :M): codi$2 3ro9 8(4 to "e.adeci9a 1 Re9o5a o3 RL( seBue$ce $u9%ers 3ro9 RR( i$itia isatio$ i$3or9atio$ 3 #dditio$ o3 t"e e$2t" o3 P4(P seBue$ce $u9%ers i$to P4(P i$3o 1 8S:( 5eri3icatio$ o3 GSM ce s Re!orti$2 ce status RR( 9easure9e$t 3i teri$2 !ara9eters (e -rese ectio$ !ara9eter si2$a i$2 3 Mu ti! icit7 5a ues Eua it7 9easure9e$ts , (P(< Status :$dicatio$ 9ode correctio$ , )$d o3 (P(< tra$s9issio$ <a$do5er to UTR#' !rocedure <ar9o$iQatio$ o3 access ser5ice c asses i$ &44 a$d T44 1 (orrectio$ to usa2e o3 !ri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o a$d !ri9ar7 (P:(< i$3o (orrectio$s a$d c ari3icatio$s o$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ "a$d i$2 )ditoria correctio$s 1 )ditoria correctio$s o$ u! i$> ti9i$2 ad5a$ce (orrectio$ o3 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ ta%u ar 3or9at a$d #S'.1 1 U) 5aria% es 1 Ge$era error "a$d i$2 1 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ e.te$si%i it7 i$ #S'.1 de3i$itio$s Usa2e o3 !i ot %its 3 RR( co$$ectio$ re ease !rocedure 1 # i2$9e$t o3 Sectio$ 10.3 o$ 9et"odo o27 de3i$ed i$ 25.-21 Modi3icatio$s o3 ce (re)se ectio$ !ara9eters

Cld 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0

New 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0


Release !

! *+ Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0= RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0-

TSG 3oc# CR RP-000225 350 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000225 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 351 352 353 35, 355 35/ 35= 35360 361 362 363 36, 36= 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/5 3// 3/= 3/3=0 3=2

RP-000226 3=3 RP-000226 3=, RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-000226 RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ 3=5 3=/ 3== 3=3-0 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-, 3-5 3-6 3-/ 3-= 3-,00 ,01 ,02 ,0, ,0= ,0-

RP-00022/ ,10 RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-00022/ RP-000361 ,12 ,1, ,15 356


RP-000361 ,03 RP-000361 ,13 RP-000361 ,16

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 1 GPS ti9e-o3-1ee> re!rese$ted as seco$ds a$d 3ractio$s o3 seco$ds 2 (P(< correctio$s PLM' t7!e se ectio$ 3 Pa2i$2 a$d esta% is"9e$t cause 5a ues (o99o$ c"a$$e co$3i2uratio$s 2 ( ari3icatio$ o3 !rioritiQatio$ o3 o2ica c"a$$e s i$ U) 2 U) ca!a%i it7 correctio$s 2 ( ari3icatio$ o3 <&' 3 ( ari3icatio$ o3 :$te2rit7 Protectio$ 1 RR( 9essa2e siQe o!ti9iQatio$ re2ardi$2 Tr(< !ara9eters Protoco e.te$sio$s i$ #S' 1 4o1$ oadi$2 o3 !re- de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s 5ia S:8 16 1 6!ti9iQatio$ o3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 1 (P(< 2ai$ 3actor 2 S&' Tra$s9issio$ Rate i$ T44 Mode 1 :$te2rit7 (o$tro Modi3icatio$ to 9easure9e$t e5e$t e5a uatio$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ re ated !ara9eters 1 ("a$2es i$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o )ditoria correctio$s to PR#(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ a$d (e i$3o )ditoria (orrectio$s to 25.331 Procedures a$d Ta%u ar &or9at 1 (orrectio$s to 3i2ures a$d !rocedures 3or t"e 3ai ure cases (orrectio$s o$ use o3 6R4)R)4;(6'&:G 1 (orrectio$s to Tra$s!ort ("a$$e a$d R8 Reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedures 1 (orrectio$s to :':T:#L 4:R)(T TR#'S&)R a$d U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (6'&:RM !rocedures (orrectio$s to Tra$s!are$t 9ode si2$a i$2 i$3o Ta%u ar 3or9at a$d #S'.1 (orrectio$s to So3t <a$do5er 9essa2es a$d !rocedures (orrectio$s to RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T !rocedures 1 Tra$s!ort 3or9at co9%i$atio$ i$ T44 a$d Tra$s!ort c"a$$e :4 1 Si2$a i$2 3or d7$a9ic TT: i$ T44 1 Usa2e o3 4((< 3or S"ared ("a$$e # ocatio$ 9essa2e 1 (orrectio$ to !"7sica c"a$$e :)s i$ T44 1 T44 !reco$3i2uratio$ 3or <a$do5er to UTR#' (orrectio$s to 9easure9e$t co$tro descri!tio$s a$d 9essa2es 1 (orrectio$s o$ #S'.1 de3i$itio$s #dditio$ o3 t"e Se29e$tatio$ i$dicatio$ 3ie d 3or tra$s!are$t 9ode RL( i$ t"e RL( :$3o 1 Radio 8earer ide$tit7 3or (((< 1 #S'.1 de3i$itio$s 3or RR( i$3or9atio$ %et1ee$ $et1or> $odes 1 '#S Routi$2 4P((< !o1er co$tro !rea9% e 2 Modi3icatio$s o3 #ssisted GPS Messa2es ("oice o3 :$itia U) :de$tit7 #'S:-,1 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 1 RL( 5a ue ra$2es 1 <&' Reset 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ ci!"eri$2 !ara9eters a$d i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ !rocedure i$ case o3 SR'S re ocatio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 co9!ressed 9ode acti5atio$ a$d co$3i2uratio$ 3ai ure 1 Modi3icatio$ o3 t"e RL( SiQe :) (P(< 4L Po1er co$tro 1 S&' 9easure9e$ts i$ T44 3 ( ari3icatio$ o$ 9u ti! icit7 o3 P(< a$d P:(< a$d S-((P(< se ectio$ 3 Para9eters to %e stored i$ t"e US:M 3 6!ti9iQatio$ o3 :$ter-s7ste9 "a$do5er 9essa2e 2 Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce i$ <a$do5er Procedures

Cld 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.2.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0

New 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0


Release !

! +% Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



TSG 3oc# CR RP-000361 ,1/ RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000361 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000362 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-000363 RP-00036, RP-00036, ,1= ,1,20 ,21 ,22 ,2, ,25 ,26 ,2/ ,2= ,30 ,31 ,32 ,3, ,35 ,3/ ,3= ,3,,0 ,,1 ,,2 ,,, ,,5 ,,= ,,,50 ,51 ,52 ,53 ,5, ,55 ,56 ,5/ ,5,61 ,62 ,63 ,6, ,65 ,66 ,6/ ,6,/0 ,/1 ,/2 ,/, ,/6 ,// ,/= ,/,=0 ,=1 ,=3 ,=5 ,=6 ,=/ ,-0

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 2 S7$c"ro$iQatio$ o3 Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce a$d Ti9i$2 4e5iatio$ Measure9e$t 4o1$ i$> P"7sica ("a$$e s Per Ti9es ot T44 Mode 4(< Rece!tio$ i$ (e 4(< State 2 4o1$ i$> Po1er (o$tro 4uri$2 4TA i$ T44 Mode 1 Pa2i$2 :$dicator Le$2t" 4e3i$itio$ U!dati$2 W a i2$9e$t o3 RR( co$tai$ers W "a$do5er to UTR#' i$3or9atio$ tra$s3er 4e3au t 5a ues 3or U) ti9ers a$d cou$ters 1 Securit7 9ode co$tro 1 (orrectio$s a$d )ditoria u!dates to c"a!ter = (orrectio$s a$d editoria u!dates to c"a!ter 10 Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< state #ssisted GPS Messa2i$2 a$d Procedures 2 (orrectio$s to #cti5atio$ Ti9e use )ditoria (orrectio$s to 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 ra$2e , 4e3au t 4P(< o33set 5a ue a$d 4P(< o33set 3 RL( i$3o ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e descri!tio$ o3 :) se9a$tics i$ @R8 1it" P4(P i$3or9atio$@ 1 )ditoria correctio$s o$ securit7 )ditoria correctio$ to R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 1 (o9!ressed 9ode co$3i2uratio$ 3ai ure Gai$ 3actors 3or T44 :$troductio$ o3 4e3au t 4P(< 633set Va ue i$ T44 1 6!ti9iQatio$ o3 "a$do5er to UTR#' co99a$d )ditoria correctio$s 1 Ma!!i$2 o3 c"a$$e isatio$ code 2 4L T&(S Li9itatio$ S:8 o33set RR( (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) cause #dditio$ o3 R#(< T&(S 2 (e :de$tit7 )ditoria Modi3icatio$s 1 T44 PR#(< Po1er (o$tro 3or S!readi$2 &actor =016 T44 ((Tr(< Re!etitio$ Le$2t" 4e3i$itio$ 1 Re!orti$2 t"res"o d o3 tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ts 2 UP GPS assista$ce data 3or S:8 1 Su!!ort o3 ce u!date co$3ir9 o$ (((< 1 Ma. Gi$do1 SiQe i$ RL( ca!a%i ities 3 U) "a$d i$2 o3 (&' 1 (orrectio$ o3 !addi$2 descri!tio$ i$ c ause 12 1 Gi$do1 siQe i$ RL( i$3o 1 T&( (o$tro 4uratio$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> Ta%u ar :$3or9atio$ 1 &reBue$c7 e$codi$2 i$ i$ter-s7ste9 "a$do5er 9essa2es RR( 9essa2e siQe o!ti9iQatio$ re2ardi$2 T&S !ara9eters 2 R#(< se ectio$ 4RA c7c e o1er i9it R. 1i$do1 siQe i$ RL( i$3o 1 (orrectio$s W o!ti9iQatio$s re2ardi$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s o3 e$2t" 215..221 1 (orrectio$s o$ =.1.1 resu ti$2 3ro9 RR( re5ie1 at R2[1, 1 (orrectio$s to t"e RR( co$$ectio$ re ease !rocedure 1 'e1 re ease cause 3or si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re-esta% is"9e$t 1 (orrectio$ to :) 9ida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e 1 (orrectio$ i$ RL( i$3o 4escri!tio$ o3 (T(< occasio$s 1 T44 ((Tr(< UL04L Pairi$2 3or :$$er Loo! Po1er (o$tro 1 4((< a$d 8((< Si2$a i$2 o3 T44 UL 6L P( :$3or9atio$ 1 8roadcast S:8s 3or T44 UL 6L P( :$3or9atio$ 1 (P(< correctio$s

Cld 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0

New 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0


Release !

! + Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



TSG 3oc# RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-00036, RP-000365 RP-000365

CR ,-2 ,-, ,-6 ,-/ ,-= ,-500 501 502 503 50, 505 506 50/ 50= 50510 511 512 513

RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-0RP-01202000 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10

RP-000365 51, RP-000365 515 RP-000365 516 RP-000365 RP-000365 RP-000365 RP-000365 51/ 51= 51520

RP-000365 521 RP-000365 522 RP-000365 523 RP-000365 52, RP-000365 525 RP-000365 RP-000365 RP-000365 RP-000365 RP-000365 RP-000365 526 52= 530 532 533 53,

RP-000365 535 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 536 53/ 53= 535,1 5,2 5,3 5,, 5,5 5,6 5,= 5,-

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 3 (orrectio$s to Securit7 :)s 1 (orrectio$s to !ara9eters to %e stored i$ t"e US:M )ditoria correctio$s 2 P"7sica S"ared ("a$$e # ocatio$ !rocedure (orrectio$ to Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (o$tro Messa2e 1 Usa2e o3 (e Para9eter :4 R8 descri!tio$ 3or S<((< 1 Use o3 L: i$ UM 1 Mi$or (orrectio$s to RR( Protoco S!eci3icatio$ 1 (orrectio$ to (e U!date (ause (orrectio$ o$ T30/ de3i$itio$ (orrectio$s to re ati5e !riorities i$ RR( Protoco U$i3icatio$ o3 Reco$3i2uratio$ Procedures 1 ("a$2es to sectio$ =.2 !ro!osed at Paris RR( #d <oc )sta% is"9e$t (ause 1 PR#(< !artitio$i$2 )ditoria (orrectio$ o$ #cti5e Set U!date )ditoria (orrectio$ re2ardi$2 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ Re!orti$2 (e Status 1 )ditoria correctio$s o$ RR( (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t a$d Re ease !rocedures '6T)* :$ su%c ause =.1.,.6, t"e c"a$2e 3ro9 @decrease@ to @i$crease@ 3or V30= 1as decided to %e i$correct a3ter discussio$ o$ t"e TSG-R#' GG2 re3 ector a$d 1as $ot i9! e9e$ted Gated Tra$s9issio$ (o$tro :$3o 1 (e se ectio$0rese ectio$ !ara9eters 3or S:8 30, :9! e9e$tatio$ o3 )c0'0 !ara9eters a$d o!ti9iQatio$ o3 S:8 11012 PR#(< :$3o 1 U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o #:(< !o1er o33set 5a ue ra$2e 4irect !a2i$2 o3 RR( co$$ected U) i$ ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< '6T)* T"is (R 1as !ost!o$ed i$ TSG-R#' [- a$d 1as 1ro$2 7 i$c uded i$ 53.,.0. T"is 1as corrected i$ 53.,.1 (orrectio$s to Sectio$s 1-/ )rror "a$d i$2 3or U! i$> P"7sica ("a$$e (o$tro !rocedure (orrectio$s to do1$ i$> outer oo! !o1er co$tro i$ co9!ressed 9ode 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ 9easure9e$t !rocedure usi$2 co9!ressed 9ode 1 U!dates to ce a$d UR# u!date !rocedures %ased o$ RR( #d <oc 1 U!dates to R'T: a ocatio$ !rocedure %ased o$ RR( #d <oc PR#(< co$sta$t 5a ue 1 (orrectio$s to t"e !a2i$2 !rocedure 1 Mo5i$2 o3 te.t 3ro9 25.30, 1 Messa2e e.te$si%i it7 1 #dditio$s to @State o3 RR( Procedure@ i$ RR( :$itia isatio$ i$3or9atio$, source R'( to tar2et R'( 1 Su!!ort o3 codec $e2otiatio$ Re9o5a o3 co$te$ts o3 (R 520 3ro9 53.,.0, %ecause it 1as !ost!o$ed at TSG-R#' [- a$d %7 accide$t i$c uded a$71a7. 4o1$ i$> outer- oo! !o1er co$tro i$ co9!ressed 9ode 1 (orrectio$ i$ t"e use o3 @U-R'T: S"ort@ (orrectio$s re ated to U) Ti9i$2 (orrectio$s to S&'-S&' de3i$itio$ 1 (orrectio$s to de3i$itio$ a$d use o3 #cti5atio$ Ti9e (orrectio$s to o2ica c"a$$e !riorities 1 (orrectio$ to codec $e2otiatio$ 1 (&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce 9easure9e$t 1 (orrectio$ to ti9i$2 i$dicatio$ 3or "ard "a$do5er 1 U) Radio #ccess (a!a%i it7 (orrectio$s 1 RR( esta% is"9e$t a$d !a2i$2 causes 3or '#S si2$a i$2 (orrectio$s to :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts a$d Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ts

Cld 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0

New 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0

3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.,.0 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1

3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.0 3.,.1 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0


Release !

! +! Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10

TSG 3oc# RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/0 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1

CR 551 553 55, 556 55560 561 56, 566 56= 5/1 5/2

Re= 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 3 1 , 2 1 1

RP-0005/1 5/3 RP-0005/1 5/, RP-0005/1 5/5 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/, RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-0005/1 RP-000/15 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/, RP-0005/2 RP-0005/, RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 RP-0005/2 5/6 5// 5/= 5=0 5=1 5=3 5=, 5=5 5=6 5=/ 5-0 5-2 5-5 5-6 5-/ 5-= 5-600 601 602 60, 606 60= 60610 611 613 61, 615 616 61/ 61= 61621 622

1 1 1

2 1 1 , 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2

1 1 1

RP-0005/2 623 RP-0005/2 62, RP-0005/3 625 RP-0005/3 62= RP-0005/3 62RP-0005/3 630

2 1

Su;ject<Co22ent PR#(<0R#(< S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ GSM Measure9e$t re!orti$2 8L)R 9easure9e$t a$d Bua it7 tar2et ( ari3icatio$ o3 P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er 1i$do1 ter9i$o o27 ( ari3icatio$ o$ )rror <a$d i$2 Re9o5a o3 co9!ressed 9ode 9easure9e$t !ur!ose @ot"er@ ( ari3icatio$ o3 co9!ressed 9ode 9easure9e$t !ur!ose @GSM@ Re!orti$2 9u ti! e GSM ce s 'u9%er o3 RLs t"at ca$ %e re9o5ed i$ #cti5e Set u!date ( ari3icatio$ o$ Se29e$t :$de. RR( !rocedure !er3or9a$ce reBuire9e$ts (orrectio$ o3 $e1:$terS7ste9(e List a$d Measure9e$t(o$tro S7s:$3o i$ #S'.1 Re9o5a o3 & o1 :d co$ce!t 1"i e 9ai$tai$i$2 :u i$ter3ace 3 e.i%i it7 (i!"eri$2 a$d reset (orrectio$s a$d c ari3icatio$s co$cer$i$2 i$ter-R#T c"a$2e !rocedures Ge$era Securit7 ( ari3icatio$s ( ari3icatio$ o$ R8 0 ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e tra$sitio$ o3 RR( state UP 9easure9e$ts 3or RR( i$3or9atio$ to tar2et R'( (orrectio$ o$ L(S re!orti$2 criteria (S:(< (orrectio$s ( ari3icatio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 sate ite "ea t" issues ( ari3icatio$ o$ acti5atio$ ti9e ( ari3icatio$ o$ acti5atio$ ti9e 3or ci!"eri$2 i$ TM Measure9e$t !rocedures a$d 9essa2es :$ter-R#T U) radio access ca!a%i it7 ( ari3icatio$ o$ ce u!date0UR# u!date !rocedures Protoco States a$d Process S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ RR( (o$$ectio$ Ma$a2e9e$t Procedures, Ge$eric !rocedures a$d actio$s Pa2i$2 Procedures '#S si2$a i$2 Procedures Radio 8earer (o$tro Procedures (orrectio$s to t"e (ou$ter ("ec> Procedure Ta%u ar :$3or9atio$ a$d #S'.1 (orrectio$s to Measure9e$t 6ccasio$ co$ce!t (orrectio$s co$cer$i$2 o!ti9isatio$ o3 R8 i$3or9atio$ (orrectio$s to securit7 (i!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e 3or 4P(< (o$3ir9atio$ o3 si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t R#(< Su%-c"a$$e si2$a i$2 #ssista$ce data de i5er7 3or UP ( ari3icatio$ o3 L(S 9easure9e$ts (o$3i2uratio$ o3 RL( P4U siQes 3or o2ica c"a$$e s P:(< !o1er o33set 3or T44 (orrectio$ 3or P4S(< !o1er co$tro 3or T44 Usa2e o3 d7$a9ic s!readi$2 3actor i$ u! i$> (orrectio$ o3 Mida9% e S"i3t 3or 8urst T7!e 3 (orrectio$ o3 te.t co$cer$i$2 Sc"edu i$2 o3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ # i2$9e$t o3 GSML-- 8# Ra$2e co$ce!t a$d its i$c usio$ i$ UTR# ( ari3icatio$ o3 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o (orrectio$ to U) 9u ti-R#T ca!a%i it7 (orrectio$ to P4(P seBue$ce $u9%er e.c"a$2e duri$2 "ard "a$do5er 4(< Eua it7 Tar2et Si9u ta$eous re ease o3 R8s a$d si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ (orrectio$ o$ Tra$s!ort ("a$$e Reco$3i2uratio$

Cld 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1

New 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0


Release !

! +3 Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-10 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11

TSG 3oc# RP-0005/3 RP-0005/, RP-0005/3 RP-0005/3 RP-0005/3 RP-0005/3 RP-0006=, RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-010032 RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-01002RP-010032 RP-0102/, RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010030 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031

CR 631 632 633 636 636,0 6,1 6,2 6,5 6,6 650 653 65/ 65= 65660 661 662 663 665 666 66/ 66= 666/0 6/1 6/2 6/, 6/5 6/6 6/= 6/6=0 6=1 6=2 6=, 6=5 6=6 6=/ 6== 6=6-0 6-1 6-3 6-, 6-6 6-= /00 /01 /02 /03 /0, /05 /10 /11 /12 /13 /1,


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Li9itatio$ o3 4RA c7c e e$2t" Si2$a i$2 o3 t"e a !"a 5a ue i$ T44 3or o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro Su!!ort 3or i9!ro5ed co9!ressed 9ode "a$d i$2 3or T44 9easure9e$ts Usa2e o3 seco$dar7 (P:(< a$d seco$dar7 scra9% i$2 code ).!iratio$ ti9e o3 S:8 t7!e /, 1, (orrectio$ to i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ 4o1$ i$> 6uter Loo! (o$tro 2 RL &ai ure i$ ce u!date !rocedure 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ (6U'T)R (<)(H 2 Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t correctio$s 2 Reser5ed T&(: 3or t"e T44 S!ecia 8urst (orrectio$ to descri!tio$ o3 RR( state tra$sitio$s RL( re-esta% is" correctio$ 1 Re9o5a o3 RL( o2ica c"a$$e 9a!!i$2 i$dicator 'e1 !a2i$2 a$d esta% is"9e$t cause @U$>$o1$@ 1 Misce a$eous !rocedure correctio$s (orrectio$s to co9!ressed 9ode !atter$ seBue$ce "a$d i$2 :$ter-s7ste9 c"a$2e c ari3icatio$s 1 RL( status tra$s9issio$ i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eter 5a ues 3or SR80 )$codi$2 3or RR(- co$tai$er 2 U!date o3 9essa2e e.te$sio$ a$d e$codi$2 descri!tio$s , :$troductio$ o3 de3au t !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s 2 Securit7 correctio$s ( ari3icatio$s o$ 8 i$d <a$do5er Su!!ort 1 Missi$2 descri!tio$s o3 U) actio$s 2 (orrectio$s o$ U) Positio$i$2 i$3or9atio$ 1 Securit7 re ated correctio$s to SR'S 2 4o1$ i$> !o1er o33sets 2 ("ec>i$2 t"e i$te2rit7 o3 U) securit7 ca!a%i ities 1 ( ari3icatio$ to Seco$dar7 ((P(< i$3o 1 Misce a$eous correctio$s Re9o5a o3 La7er 3 3i teri$2 3or R#(< 2 (orrectio$ o3 co9!ressed 9ode !ara9eters Re9o5a o3 i99ediate ce e5a uatio$ 2 Sc"edu i$2 o3 S:8 15.2 a$d S:8 15.3 1 (orrectio$ to )(' 9odu es 1 :9!ro5e9e$t o3 t"e descri!tio$ o3 ti9i$2 ad5a$ce 3or T44 (orrectio$ o$ ti9i$2 ad5a$ce a$d a ocatio$ 3or s"ared c"a$$e s 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ S& 1 si2$a i$2 1 (orrectio$ to !o1er co$tro i$ T44 Mida9% e - ("a$$e isatio$ code associatio$ 3or T44 'et1or> reBuested re!orti$2 3or !"7sica s"ared c"a$$e a ocatio$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ Tra$s!ort ("a$$e :de$tit7 1 )ditoria (orrectio$ 2 (orrectio$ to add codi$2 o3 i$tra do9ai$ '#S $ode se ector 1 (orrectio$s to s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> c"aracteristics i$ T44 2 #S'.1 correctio$s 2 Measure9e$t re ated correctio$s 1 ( ari3icatio$s o$ T&( (o$tro !rocedure 2 #ssociatio$ o3 PLM' :4 to $ei2"%our ce s 1 T&(S Se ectio$ Guide i$es S!ecia 8urst Sc"edu i$2 4uri$2 4TA i$ T44 1 Radio Li$> &ai ure (riteria i$ T44 1 (orrectio$ W ( ari3icatio$ to T44 R#(< Su%c"a$$e s 1 'u9%er o3 retra$s9issio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST U! i$> &reBue$c7 'oti3icatio$

Cld 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.,.1 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0

New 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0


Release !

! +' Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-11 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12

TSG 3oc# CR RP-010031 /15 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-010031 RP-0100,2 /16 /1/ /1= /1/20 /21 /23 /2, /25 6=3

RP-0100,1 6-2 RP-01003/ /06 RP-01003/ /0/ RP-01003/ /0= RP-01003/ /0RP-0100,0 /22 RP-01003- /26 RP-010311 /31 RP-010311 /33 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010311 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010312 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-010313 RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-01031, /35 /3= /,0 /,6 /,= /50 /52 /5, /56 /5= /62 /6, /66 /6= //0 //2 ///=1 /=5 /=/-3 /-5 /-/ /-=03 =05 =0/ =0=13 =15 =1/ =1=25 =2/ =2-


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent ( ari3icatio$ o3 Radio 8earer Ma!!i$2 3or 4(<04S(< Tra$s!ort ("a$$e s (orrectio$ o3 9is9atc"es %et1ee$ ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 (orrectio$ to disco$ti$uous rece!tio$ i$ T44 Po1er co$tro !rea9% e Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 #M e$tit7 1 Rea -ti9e :$te2rit7 8roadcast 3 Mo5i$2 Rea -ti9e :$te2rit7 descri!tio$ to di33ere$t c"a!ter 1 Re9o5a o3 t"e !a7 oad u$it co$ce!t Securit7 re ated correctio$s to SR'S Periodic PLM' se ectio$ correctio$ 1 Modi3icatio$ o3 @SS4T :$3or9atio$@ :) !ara9eters to i$dicate i3 SS4T is used i$ t"e UL o$ 7 1 :d e a ocatio$ 3or 'ode 8 s7$c"ro$isatio$ 1 P"7sica c"a$$e co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 2 ("a$2es to Measure9e$t Re ated Si2$a i$2 a$d :$troductio$ o3 (e (Re)se ectio$ Para9eters 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 :$troductio$ o3 R#(< Para9eters 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 :$troductio$ o3 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 Para9eters 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 :$troductio$ o3 :P4Ls 3or T44 1 R6<( u!dates to RR( ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e :) Ls!readi$2 3actorL i$ U! i$> 4P(< i$3o 3or &44 9ode (orrectio$ o3 U) Radio #ccess (a!a%i it7 de!e$di$2 o$ UTR#' &44 %a$ds ( ari3icatio$ o$ Securit7 9ode co$tro (orrectio$ o3 Tr(< !ara9eter "a$d i$2 T&( Su%sets i$ T44 RR( co$tai$ers Various correctio$s Ge$era error "a$d i$2 3or s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ 6rder o3 e e9e$ts i$ stri$2s (o$3i2uratio$ co$siste$c7 c"ec>s (o9!ressed 9ode correctio$s (orrectio$ co$cer$i$2 i$ter-R#T !rocedures Measure9e$t correctio$s RL( Tr 4iscard #$$e. 8 (P(< (orrectio$ S:8 (orrectio$ 3or (S:(< Po1er 633set Tra$s3er o3 Last >$o1$ !ositio$ i$ case o3 SR'S re ocatio$ (orrectio$s to U) Positio$i$2 9easure9e$ts GSM 9easure9e$ts i$ co9!ressed 9ode (orrectio$ o3 #cti5atio$ Ti9e i$ :$ter-Rat <6 (o99a$ds ( ari3icatio$ o3 &R)S< i$ SR'S re ocatio$ (orrectio$ to U) ti9ers a$d co$sta$ts i$ id e 9ode ( ari3icatio$ o$ 9u ti3ra9e a ocatio$ i$ T44 Prede3i$ed !ara9eters 3or o2ica c"a$$e s Pat" oss ca cu atio$ ( ari3icatio$ o$ !eriodic 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 1 <a$d i$2 o3 :) PR#(< T&(S a$d Pri9ar7 (P:(<0Pri9ar7 ((P(< i$3o (orrectio$ to &#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$ T44 ( ari3icatio$ o3 L1 s7$c"ro$iQatio$ !rocedures (orrectio$ o3 #cti5atio$ Ti9e de3i$itio$ (orrectio$s to RR( !rocedure !er3or9a$ce Re9o5a o3 9a!!i$2 3u$ctio$ Securit7 c ari3icatio$s (orrectio$s to U) Positio$i$2 4e3i$itio$ o3 4P(< $u9%eri$2 (orrectio$s to S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ Procedure Re atio$ %et1ee$ 46&& a$d 4P(< &ra9e 633set

Cld 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.5.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0

New 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 3.6.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0


Release !

! +" Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-12 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13

TSG 3oc# RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-01031, RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010315 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-010316 RP-01031/ RP-01031/ RP-01031/ RP-01031/ RP-01031/ RP-010323 RP-010323 RP-010323 RP-010323 RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0105,, RP-0106/1 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,5 RP-0105,6 RP-0105,6 RP-0105,6 RP-0105,6

CR =31 =3/ =3=,3 =,5 =,=55 =61 =63 =66 =6= =/2 =/5 =// =/==1 ==3 ==5 ==/ ===-3 =-5 =-/ =--01 -0, -06 //3 =50 =51 -02 0=/0 0-0= 0-10 0-12 0-1, 0-16 0-1= 0-20 0-22 0-2, 0-26 0-2= 0-30 0-32 0-35 0-3/ 0-30-,1 0-,3 0-,5 0-53 0-55 0-5/ 0-5-


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Procedures 3or @sa9e as UL@ )ditoria a$d 9i$or correctio$s )ditoria (orrectio$ (orrectio$s o$ 6T46#-:P4L s!eci3ic %urst !ara9eter se9a$tic descri!tio$ )rror "a$d i$2 3or 9essa2es se$t 3ro9 a$ot"er R#T 'eeded T&( i$ t"e T&(S 3or T44 ( ari3icatio$ o3 T&(S se ectio$ 2uide i$es ( ari3icatio$ o3 Tra33ic Vo u9e 9easure9e$ts (&' s7$c"ro$isatio$ !ro% e9s at ti9i$2 re-i$itia ised "ard "a$do5er (orrectio$s o$ UP #ssista$ce Messa2e 4escri!tio$s (orrectio$ o$ #rea Sco!e o3 S:8 15.3 (orrectio$ to #:(< !o1er o33set ( ari3icatio$ o$ :) L4o1$ i$> rate 9atc"i$2 restrictio$ i$3or9atio$L (orrectio$s o$ Ta%u ar0#S'.1 (orrectio$s o$ Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 i$co$siste$cies )ditoria correctio$s o$ Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 i$co$siste$cies U) Positio$i$2 correctio$s to #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar (orrectio$s to reso 5e i$co$siste$cies %et1ee$ Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 U) !ositio$i$2 6T46# 'ei2"%our (e :$3o 4R#( correctio$s #S'.1 (orrectio$ o3 :) T&(S :4 (orrectio$ o3 :) :64) ra$2e i$ #GPS Positio$i$2 (orrectio$ to 8urstModePara9eters i$ :P4L (orrectio$s o$ i$co$siste$cies %et1ee$ Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 'a9i$2 o3 9essa2e a%stract t7!es i$ #S'.1 :$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts outside t"e e.te$sio$ co$tai$er (orrectio$ co$cer$i$2 4RA c7c e u!o$ i$ter-R#T c"a$2e to1ards UTR#' (orrectio$s to :P4Ls 3or T44 2 (orrectio$ to 1.2=Mc!s T44 R#(< !ara9eters a$d o!eratio$ T&(: codi$2 i$ case o3 =PSH 1 Structure a$d $a9i$2 o3 i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts UL Tra$s!ort ("a$$e T7!e (orrectio$ Guide i$es co$cer$i$2 co$ditio$s, s!ares, de3au ts a$d correctio$ o3 i$co$siste$cies (orrectio$ to T44 4L 4P(< (o99o$ Ti9es ot :$3o T44 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ U!date i$ (e ;4(< )ditoria (orrectio$s UL 4P(< Po1er (o$tro :$3o i$ T44 ('-ori2i$ated !a2i$2 i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< state (orrectio$s to U) 5aria% e "a$d i$2 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$ts 1 :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts Mu ti! e.i$2 co$3i2uratio$ correctio$s Rece!tio$ o3 $o$-dedicated co$tro c"a$$e s 9a!!ed o$ &#(< i$ ()LL;&#(< state Re9o5a o3 (-R'T: 1"e$ e$teri$2 ()LL;4(< T& a$d T&( set de3i$itio$ (orrectio$ o3 re9ai$i$2 #S'.10Ta%u ar i$co$siste$cies (P:(< )c0'0 Ra$2e Priorities 3or :4''S codi$2 4edicated !i ots a$d S-(P:(< s!eci3icatio$ re ated to U) s!eci3ic %ea93or9i$2 Securit7 correctio$s :$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$ts 3or T44 correctio$s :$co$siste$cies %et1ee$ #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar 3or9at T44 P:(< correctio$s a$d c ari3icatio$s Messa2es o$ (((<

Cld ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.0.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0

New ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0


Release !

! +( Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-13 RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1,

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0105,6 0-61 RP-0105,6 0-63 RP-0105,6 0-65 RP-0105,6 0-6/ RP-0105,6 0-=2 RP-0105,6 0-=, RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ 0-=6 0-== 0--0 0--2 0--, 0--6

RP-0105,/ 0--= RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ RP-0105,/ RP-0105,= 1000 100, 1006 100=

RP-0105,= 1010 RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,= RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-0105,RP-010550 RP-010550 RP-010550 101, 1016 101= 1020 1022 102, 1026 102= 1030 103, 1036 103= 10,= 1050 1052 1062 1066 106= 10/6 10=2 10=6

RP-01055, 0-33 RP-01055, 0-,6 RP-01055, 0-/0 RP-01055, 0-/1 RP-01055, RP-01055, RP-01055, RP-010/63 RP-010/63 RP-010/63 RP-010/63 0-/2 0-/3 0-/, 10== 10-0 10-= 1100

1002001 1202001

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent ( ari3icatio$ o3 Para9eter Va ues 3or 4e3au t Radio (o$3i2uratio$s ( ari3icatio$ to usa2e o3 de3au t 5a ues i$ @(e Se ectio$ a$d Rese ectio$ 3or S:811012:$3o@ ( ari3icatio$ o3 "a$d i$2 o3 S7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> 1, 4escri!tio$ o3 U) %e"a5iour 1"e$ recei5i$2 U) !ositio$i$2 re ated i$3or9atio$ ( ari3icatio$ o$ !eriodic 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 (orrectio$s a$d c ari3icatio$s o$ Measure9e$t !rocedures descri!tio$ Loss ess (riteria i$ P4(P :$3o (orrectio$s to ce rese ectio$ !ara9eter 5a ues (orrectio$ to si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease (orrectio$s to ce u!date !rocedures P4(P co$3i2uratio$ a$d PS do9ai$ co$3i2uratio$ c"ec>s (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier 3or (e U!date, UR# U!date a$d RR( co$$ectio$ setu! 1 (orrectio$ o3 U) ca!a%i ities re2ardi$2 R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 9easure9e$t (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 :) L4o1$ i$> i$3o 3or eac" radio i$>L Redu$da$t :) i$ Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ )ditoria correctio$s M#( o2ica c"a$$e !riorit7 added to de3i$itio$ o3 R80 a$d S<((< (o$tro o3 !ri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P 9easure9e$t i$ PUS(< (#P#(:TD R)EU)ST 9essa2e Various 9i$or correctio$s Ra$2e o3 T312 8itstri$2 o3 c"a$$e isatio$(ode:$dices Tra$s9issio$ o3 U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e Mu ti! e U) ca!a%i ities !rocedures (orrectio$s to i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts outside t"e e.te$sio$ co$tai$er S&' re!orti$2 T&(: co9%i$i$2 i$dicator RL( reset o$ a Si2$a i$2 Radio 8earer Eua it7 :$dicatio$ 3or U) Positio$i$2 Para9eters )ditoria (orrectio$ 3or U) Positio$i$2 ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e curre$t status o3 ci!"eri$2 ( ari3icatio$ o$ <&' i$itia iQatio$ at SR8 a$d R8 setu! ( ari3icatio$ o$ :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t ( ari3icatio$ o$ re-asse9% 7 o3 se29e$ts Mi$or (orrectio$s Su!!ort o3 dedicated !i ots 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$ (orrectio$ to SR'S re ocatio$ "a$d i$2 (orrectio$ to RL( state 5aria% es Readi$2 o3 (' i$3or9atio$ i$ S:8 1 i$RR( (o$$ected Mode Restricti$2 t"e 9a.i9u9 a9ou$t o3 !reco$3i2uratio$s i$ case o3 eBui5a e$t PLM's 6rder o3 %its i$ %itstri$2s Se ectio$ o3 t"e R&(30-5 (:4 tra$s9issio$ (orrectio$ o3 :P4L !ara9eters 3or T44 e$"a$ce9e$ts i$ #S'.1 descri!tio$ 1 1.2= Mc!s T44 P:(<, Mida9% e a$d UL ti9i$2 ad5a$ce co$tro correctio$s :$troductio$ o3 1.2= Mc!s T44 Mode i$ c ause 13./ Tad5 i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 (orrectio$ a$d c ari3icatio$ to PR#(< i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 Re! ace9e$t o3 i$correct (RL--) 5ersio$ o3 #S'.1 %7 correct (Re -,) 5ersio$ o3 #S'.1. (orrectio$s to RR( i$3or9atio$ co$tai$ers Re9o5a o3 8 oc> SST4 (6U'T-(-S&' 3ra9e di33ere$ce 9easure9e$t Tri22er 3or de etio$ o3 ci!"eri$2 a$d i$te2rit7 >e7s

Cld ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.1.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1

New ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.0 ,.2.1 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0


Release !

! +) Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-1, RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15

TSG 3oc# CR RP-010/63 1102 RP-010/63 110, RP-010/63 110RP-010/63 1111 RP-010/63 1113 RP-010/63 1115 RP-010/6, 111/ RP-010/6, 111RP-010/6, RP-010/6, RP-010/6, RP-010/6, 112, 1126 1132 113,

RP-010/6, 1136 RP-010/6, 113= RP-010/6, RP-010/65 RP-010/65 RP-010/65 RP-010/65 11,2 11,, 11,6 11,= 1152

RP-010/65 115, RP-010/65 1156 RP-010/65 115= RP-010/65 1166 RP-010/65 RP-010/65 RP-010/66 RP-010/66 RP-010-,0 RP-010/66 RP-010/66 RP-010/66 RP-010-,1 RP-010/66 RP-010/66 RP-010/66 RP-010/6/ RP-010//3 RP-010//3 RP-010//3 RP-010//3 RP-010//3 116= 11/0 11/2 11/, 11/= 11=0 11=2 11=, 11=6 1203 121, 1220 1222 10-6 1120 11-1200 1201


RP-010//3 1206 RP-0200/0 122RP-0200/0 1231 RP-0200/0 1233 RP-0200/0 123/ RP-0200/0 123RP-0200/0 12,1 RP-0200/0 12,3

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent (orrectio$ to P;co9!e$satio$ ca cu atio$ 3or GSM $ei2"%our ce s Preco$3i2uratio$s i$ case o3 eBui5a e$t PLM's <a$d i$2 o3 4RA c7c e a$d U-R'T: i$ RR( co$$ectio$ setu! a$d "a$d i$2 o3 Tr(< i$3or9atio$ (orrectio$ to :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$t $a9es (orrectio$ o3 4escri!tio$ o3 :) @SS4T :$3or9atio$@ ( ari3icatio$ o$ (e :de$tit7 a$d correctio$ to re3ere$ce to 8#'4;:'4:(#T6R ( ari3icatio$ to Measured Resu ts o$ R#(< a$d Measure9e$t )5e$ts :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar 1rt. RPLM' i$3or9atio$ Ge$era c ari3icatio$ o$ )sta% is"9e$t o3 #ccess Ser5ice ( asses ( ari3icatio$ o$ TA di5ersit7 i$dicator :) a$d STT4 i$dicator :) 4i33ere$t di5ersit7 9odes used i$ t"e sa9e acti5e set :ssues re2ardi$2 si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t a$d RR( co$$ectio$ re ease Prese$ce o3 #( to #S( 9a!!i$2 i$ S:85 a$d S:86 RR( esta% is"9e$t cause at i$ter-R#T ce c"a$2e order to UTR#' Start o3 ti9ers at radio i$> 3ai ure <a$d i$2 o3 t"e $u9%er o3 &8: %its se$t i$ U! i$> 4P(< i$3o 8it stri$2 order 1"e$ usi$2 P)R ( ari3icatio$ o$ 4RA c7c e e$2t" i$ co$$ected 9ode (orrectio$ to error co$ditio$ o$ do1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> (orrectio$ o3 i$co$siste$cies %et1ee$ ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 Measure9e$t re ated correctio$s :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ "ard-coded !reco$3i2uratio$s !ara9eters a$d !rocedure te.t PLM' searc" i$ ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< states 1it" =09s 4RA c7c e (orrectio$ to (&' ca cu atio$ 3or &44 (orrectio$ to radio %earer co$tro <a$d i$2 o3 :) @3reBue$c7 i$3o@ (orrectio$ to Radio 8earer Re ease 1 (orrectio$ to R#(< re!orti$2 (orrectio$ to UR#0(e u!date a$d ot"er 9i$or correctio$s (orrectio$ to #cti5e Set U!date (orrectio$ o3 Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t (riteria 1 (orrectio$ o3 U) Positio$i$2 :$5a id RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T Securit7 %ase i$e 3or correctio$s Pe$di$2 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ ti9e 3or UL R80 (orrectio$ o3 rate 9atc"i$2 restrictio$ 3u$ctio$ Usa2e o3 UM RL( S!ecia Le$2t" :$dicator (orrectio$s to R)L-, L(R Ta%u ar 4escri!tio$ a$d #S'1 (ode (orrectio$ o3 &P#(< !ara9eter de3i$itio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 (orrectio$ o3 1.2=Mc!s T44 (orrectio$ a$d ( ari3icatio$ to 6!e$ Loo! Po1er (o$tro i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 ).te$sio$s o3 :) 5a ue ra$2es i$ ta%u ar (o$sta$t 5a ue ra$2e correctio$ 3or 4P(< a$d PUS(< i$ T44 9ode (orrectio$s to o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro 3or T44 a$d R8 i$3or9atio$ !ara9eters 3or S<((< Re9o5a o3 u$$ecessar7 re! icatio$ o3 T&(S :4 i$ P"7sica S"ared ("a$$e # ocatio$ 9essa2e (orrectio$ to T& se ectio$ 1"e$ usi$2 UL RL( TM (orrectio$ to t"e U) %e"a5iour i$ case o3 SR'S re ocatio$ <eader (o9!ressio$ !rotoco s re-i$itia isatio$ duri$2 SR'S Re ocatio$ Misa i2$9e$ts %et1ee$ ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 re ated to U) Positio$i$2, ta%u ar correctio$

Cld ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.2.1 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0

New ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0


Release !

! +* Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-15 RP-16

TSG 3oc# RP-0200/0 RP-0200/0 RP-0200/0 RP-0200/1 RP-02023RP-0200/1

CR 12,5 12,/ 12,1251 1253 125=

RP-0200/1 1260 RP-0200/1 RP-0200/1 RP-0200/1 RP-0200/1 RP-0200/1 RP-0200/1 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-020205 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-020231 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/2 RP-0200/3 RP-0200/3 RP-020250 RP-0202,RP-0200/3 RP-0200/3 RP-0200/, RP-0200/, RP-0200/3 RP-0200/3 RP-0200/3 RP-0200/3 RP-0200/3 RP-0200/, RP-0200/, RP-020210 RP-02022= RP-020233 RP-02023= RP-0200=2 RP-0200=2 RP-0200=2 RP-0200=2 RP-0200=2 RP-0200=2 RP-0200=2 RP-0200=, RP-0200-0 1262 126= 12/1 12/3 12/5 12// 12/12=1 12=3 12=5 12=/ 12=12-, 12-6 12-= 130/ 1313 131/ 1311323 1331 1333 133/ 13313,3 13,5 13,/ 13,1351 1353 135= 1360 1362 136, 1366 136= 13/0 1122 11=/ 11== 1223 125, 12-0 1335 1121225


RP-0200=5 12-1 RP-0200-, 1305 RP-020330 13/3

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent (orrectio$s to co99e$ts i$ #S'.1 (orrectio$ to restarti$2 o3 T30= ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e use o3 T30- duri$2 i$ter-R#T ce rese ectio$s Measure9e$t (orrectio$s 1 ).iste$ce o3 T&(: %its (orrectio$s o3 i$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ !rocedura descri!tio$, ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 (orrectio$s to ).!iratio$ Ti9e &actor a$d ).!iratio$ Ti9e 3or9u a 3or S:8 / a$d S:8 1, (orrectio$s to Re!orti$2 (e Status (orrectio$ to i$ter 3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts #ctio$s at rece!tio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc> t7!e 1 T. di5ersit7 a$d $o di5ersit7 i$ t"e sa9e acti5e set (orrectio$ to ce u!date Success3u a$d u$success3u !rocedures Measure9e$t re ated correctio$s ( ari3icatio$s o$ )5e$t 14 1 Securit7 correctio$s Tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(< state (orrectio$s a$d c ari3icatio$s o3 Radio i$> ti9i$2 S!are 5a ues i$ #S'.1 #ctio$s o$ rece!tio$ o3 9easure9e$t re ated :)s 1 Re9o5a o3 c"a$$e codi$2 o!tio$ @$o codi$2@ 3or &44 a$d 3.=, Mc!s T44 Ti9i$2 :$dicatio$ 1"e$ 9o5i$2 to ()LL;4(< state (orrectio$ to !rocessi$2 R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o RR( (o$$ectio$ Re ease 3o o1i$2 $et1or> aut"e$ticatio$ 3ai ure ( ari3icatio$ o$ ser5i$2 ce i$ S:811 Treat9e$t o3 o!tio$a e e9e$ts i$ R8 co$tro 9essa2es Procedure Per3or9a$ce 3or T44 UL !"7sica ("a$$e (o$tro 1 ( ari3icatio$ to !"7sica c"a$$e esta% is"9e$t criteria 1 6T46# #ssista$ce 4ata Retra$s9issio$ o3 u! i$> direct tra$s3er at RL( re-esta% is"9e$t a$d i$ter-R#T c"a$2e (orrectio$ to :) @UL i$ter3ere$ce@ 3or UTR# T44 (orrectio$s o3 U) Positio$i$2 reBuire9e$ts Mu ti9ode s!eec" i$ de3au t co$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$ to U) :d 3or 4S(< (orrectio$s to su!!ort co9%i$ed (e 0UR# u!date a$d SR'S re ocatio$ 'u9%er o3 UTR#' a$d :$ter-R#T 3reBue$cies #%ortio$ o3 si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t Modi3icatio$ o3 GPS ti9i$2 re!rese$tatio$ to a5oid ar2e i$te2ers #dditio$a T&(S se ectio$ 2uide i$es ( ari3icatio$ o3 a7er 3 3i teri$2 o3 9easure9e$ts i$ t"e U) :9!ro5ed reada%i it7 o3 !rocedura te.t ( ari3icatio$ o$ :(S 5ersio$ 1it"i$ U) radio access ca!a%i ities ( ari3icatio$ o3 Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 T&( i$ t"e T&(S Su!!ort o3 UP 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 i$ ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< 2 (orrectio$ to i$c ude (e :4 3or (e ;4(< state 2 (orrectio$ o3 Tra$s!are$t 9ode si2$a i$2 3or UL rate co$tro 2 :$troductio$ o3 de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s 3or UMTS;#MR2 1it" 3our s!eec" 9odes 1 #cBuisitio$ o3 PLM' ide$tit7 o3 $ei2"%our ce s 5ia S:8 1= Various #S'.1 (orrectio$s <a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' 3ai ure (orrectio$s to i$dicate t"at S:8 1, is $ot used %7 1.2= T44 2 Su!!ort o3 3 e.i% e "ard s! it 9ode 1 :$troductio$ o3 t"e !ara9eters o3 6T46# 1it" :P4L 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 Radio i$> ti9i$2 2 :$troductio$ o3 <S4P# #S'.1 (orrectio$s

Cld ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.3.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 5.0.0

New ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 ,.,.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.1.0


Release !

! ++ Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16 RP-16

TSG 3oc# CR RP-020330 13/6 RP-020330 13/RP-020330 13=2 RP-020330 13=5 RP-020330 13== RP-020331 13-2 RP-020331 13-5 RP-020331 13-= RP-020331 1,01 RP-020331 RP-020331 RP-020332 RP-020332 RP-020332 RP-020332 RP-020332 RP-020332 RP-020333 RP-020333 RP-020333 RP-020333 1,0, 1,0/ 1,10 1,13 1,16 1,11,23 1,26 1,21,32 1,35 1,3=

RP-020333 1,,1 RP-020333 1,,, RP-02033, 1,,/ RP-02033, 1,50 RP-02033, 1,53 RP-02033, 1,56 RP-02033, 1,5RP-02033, RP-020335 RP-020335 RP-020335 RP-0203=2 1,62 1,65 1,6= 1,/1 1,=0

RP-020363 1,=3 RP-0203=1 1,=6 RP-020335 1,=RP-020336 1,-2 RP-020336 1,-5 RP-020336 RP-02033RP-02033RP-02033RP-0203,1 RP-0203,1 1,-= 1,/3 1,/5 1,// 1,-1500

RP-0203,5 1501 RP-0205,1 150, RP-0205,1 150/ RP-0205,1 1510

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent ( ari3icatio$ o3 u$$ecessar7 MP :)s i$ R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' (orrectio$ o$ S:8 t7!e ( ari3icatio$ to t"e "a$d i$2 o3 :) @(e s 3or 9easure9e$t@ recei5ed i$ S:8 11012 1 (orrectio$ to (e U!date !rocedure (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 &#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ i$3o i$ S:812 #ctio$s 1"e$ o!tio$a :) @Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er@ is 9issi$2 (orrectio$s co$cer$i$2 de3au t co$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$ co$cer$i$2 1"e$ "ard "a$do5er s!eci3ic "a$d i$2 a!! ies <a$d i$2 o3 5aria% es ()LL;:'&6;L:ST a$d M)#SUR)M)'T;:4)'T:TD :) @(e S7$c"ro$isatio$ :$3or9atio$@ (orrectio$s to (e :$di5idua 633set ( ari3icatio$ to (o9!ressed Mode Status :$3o ( ari3icatio$ o3 6T46# Bua it7 3i2ure (orrectio$ to (e #ccess Restrictio$ 3or S:8, (orrectio$s co$cer$i$2 s!are 5a ues a$d co99e$ts Varia% e 3or s"ared c"a$$e co$3i2uratio$s 1 :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ o$ R80 1 Periodic ce u!date c ari3icatio$s Mu ti! e ce s tri22eri$2 e5e$t 14 4isKoi$t #cti5e Sets i$ t"e #cti5e Set U!date !rocedure 4e etio$ o$ co9!ressed 9ode !atter$s 1"e$ 9o5i$2 to ()LL;&#(< state T44 (-R'T: i$ (e 4(< 1 ((Tr(< Re ease i$ T44 La7er 3 retra$s9issio$ o3 S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' # i2$9e$t o3 ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 3or UTR#' GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9es reso utio$ (orrectio$ to 4e3au t Radio (o$3i2uratio$ Ti9ers ( ari3icatio$ to $u9%er o3 L3 3i ters 1 (orrectio$ to 3G to 2G :$ter-R#T "a$do5er 3or 9u ti-do9ai$ R#8s 4(< Bua it7 tar2et (orrectio$ to R8 Ma!!i$2 :$3o 1 (i!"eri$2 acti5atio$ 3or TM %earers T&(S se ectio$ 2uide i$e correctio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 Measure9e$t Va idit7 a$d Va id Measure9e$t 6%Kects Re9ai$i$2 c ari3icatio$ o3 Measure9e$t Va idit7 a$d Va id Measure9e$t 6%Kects 1 Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t c ari3icatio$s (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 :) L4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" RLL (orrectio$s to Securit7 !rocedure o$ Missi$2 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ reset o$ re ocatio$ a$d cou$ter c"ec> res!o$se actio$s 3or as799etric %earer co$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$s to ce u!date i$teractio$s 1it" securit7 a$d SR'S Re ocatio$ @6ut o3 ser5ice@ area de3i$itio$ RR( co$$ectio$ re ease !rocedure i$ ()LL;4(< state (orrectio$ to 4L TM 4((< T& siQe 3or 4e3au t (o$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$s i$ #S'.1 re ated to SR'S re ocatio$ <S-4S(< re ated correctio$s Re9o5a o3 8L)R t"res"o d 3ro9 :) @Measure9e$t &eed%ac> i$3o@ R&( 30-5 co$te.t re ocatio$ 1 1 U) %e"a5iour 1"e$ acti5e set ce s are $ot i$c uded i$ ()LL;:'&6;L:ST (orrectio$s to "a$d i$2 o3 :) @(e s 3or 9easure9e$t@ ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e use o3 U) radio access ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$s 1it"i$ t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e

Cld 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0

New 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0


RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/


Release !

!!%% Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/

TSG 3oc# RP-0205,1 RP-0205,1 RP-0205,1 RP-0205,2 RP-0205,2 RP-0205,2

CR 1513 1516 1522 152= 1531 153,

RP-0205,2 153/ RP-0205,2 15,0 RP-0205,2 15,3 RP-0205,3 15,6 RP-0205,3 1551 RP-0205,3 155, RP-0205,3 155/ RP-0205,3 1560 RP-0205,3 RP-0205,, RP-0205,, RP-0205,, RP-0205,, RP-0205,, RP-0205,, 1563 1566 15615/2 15/= 15=1 15=,

RP-0205,5 15=/ RP-0205,5 15-0 RP-0205,5 15-3 RP-0205,5 15-6 RP-020630 15-RP-0205,5 1602 RP-0205,6 1605 RP-0205,6 160= RP-02065, 1611 RP-0205,6 161, RP-0205,6 161/ RP-0205,6 RP-0205,/ RP-0205,/ RP-0205,/ 1620 1623 1626 162-

RP-0205,/ 1632 RP-0205,/ 1635 RP-0205,/ 163= RP-0205,= 16,1 RP-0205,= 16,, RP-0205,= 16,/ RP-0205,= 1650 RP-0205,= 1655 RP-0205,= RP-020631 RP-0205,RP-0205,RP-0205,16/0 16/3 16/6 16/16=2

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent (orrectio$ to RR( co$$ectio$ !rocedure (orrectio$ to t"e 5aria% e TGPS;:4)'T:TD Missi$2 :)s i$ RL( i$3o 1 (orrectio$s o3 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 e5e$ts 2 U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 reco$3i2uratio$ #!! icatio$ o3 i$te2rit7 >e7s i$ case o3 a !e$di$2 (' do9ai$ s1itc" duri$2 a SR'S re ocatio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$s o$ Eua it7 Measure9e$ts (orrectio$ o3 4P(< co$sta$t 5a ue i$ T44 de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s <a$d i$2 o3 U) i$ter$a 9easure9e$t i$3or9atio$ i$ %roadcast 6%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce to GSM re!orti$2 i$dicator (orrectio$s o$ Securit7 re ati5e to ci!"eri$2 o3 TM %earers a$d to SR'S re ocatio$ (odi$2 o3 :) '( 9ode ( ari3icatio$ to 3i tered 9easure9e$t Bua$tities :$co$siste$cies i$ tri22eri$2 a$d re!orti$2 3or e5e$ts 1a, 1%,1c, 1e a$d 13 1 6!tio$a a$d Ma$dator7 3ie ds i$ Measure9e$t (o$tro ( ari3icatio$s to Re!orti$2 (e Status ( ari3icatio$ to 9i$i9u9 S& ( ari3icatio$s to i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 2 (i!"eri$2 1"e$ <6 to UMTS o3 si2$a i$2 o$ 7 co$$ectio$ :$ter R#T "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' (orrectio$ to (e U!date !rocedure 1it" cause @Radio i$> 3ai ure@ (orrectio$ to t"e "a$d i$2 o3 :) @UTR#' 4RA c7c e e$2t" coe33icie$t@ i$ ()LL0UR# UP4#T) !rocedure (orrectio$ to RL( u$reco5era% e error occurs i$ ()LL;4(< state Use o3 scra9% i$2 c"a$2e 1"e$ acti5ati$2 (M !atter$ usi$2 S&02 %7 M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L #ctio$s 1"e$ o!tio$a :) @Ma.i9u9 a o1ed UL TA !o1er@ is 9issi$2 1 :P;o33set correctio$ ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e :) @&reBue$c7 :$3o@ (orrectio$ o3 R'T: used i$ PUS(< ca!acit7 reBuest a$d !"7sica s"ared c"a$$e a ocatio$ (orrectio$ to a o1ed o2ica c"a$$e ist c"oice 3or R#(< tra$s!ort c"a$$e s 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 SR'S Re ocatio$ :$3o 4(< Bua it7 tar2et <a$d i$2 o3 5aria% es ()LL;:'&6;L:ST a$d M)#SUR)M)'T;:4)'T:TD(2) 1 (orrectio$ o3 seco$dar7 ((P(< se ectio$ a$d PR#(< se ectio$ RR( TVM (orrectio$s (orrectio$ o3 Tra$s9issio$ Ga! 4ista$ce se9a$tics descri!tio$ (orrectio$s to #cti5e Set U!date a$d si9u ta$eous reco$3i2uratio$ U) %e"a5iour 3o o1i$2 RL( siQe c"a$2e RR( S' i$ u! i$> Mu ti! e.i$2 o3 Tr 9ode R8s o3 di33ere$t (' do9ai$s o$ t"e sa9e tra$s!ort c"a$$e Securit7 c ari3icatio$s (orrectio$ to t"e actio$s o3 @out o3 ser5ice area@ a$d @i$ ser5ice area@ TVM* !e$di$2 ti9e a3ter tri22er a$d i$itia co$ditio$s 1 <a$d i$2 o3 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" RL i$ reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2es (orrectio$s to (e U!date0UR# U!date Procedure i$ case o3 $ested ce u!dates a$d si9u ta$eous SR'S re ocatio$ (orrectio$s to securit7 1 SR'S re ocatio$ 1it" i$te2rit7 Rece!tio$ o3 M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L i$ state ()LL;&#(< U$su!!orted co$3i2uratio$ <a$do5er correctio$s

Cld 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0

New 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0


Release !

!!% Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/ RP-1/

TSG 3oc# RP-02055= RP-02055RP-020553 RP-020553 RP-020553 RP-020553 RP-020553 RP-02055/ RP-020662 RP-02055/ RP-0205-0 RP-02055/

CR 15/5 1661 165/ 1651663 1665 166/ 15,/ 1651 1652 16=3 16=,

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 1 (orrectio$ o3 S&'-S&' Measure9e$t (orrectio$s to S7$c"ro$isatio$ 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 (orrectio$s o$ Po1er (o$tro 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 (orrectio$ to RL( e$tit7 re-esta% is"9e$t duri$2 SR'S re ocatio$ Rei$troductio$ o3 :) @SR8 de a7@ i$ Re -, #S'.1 (orrectio$s to #S'.1 3or SR'( re ocatio$ co$tai$er U$used e e9e$ts i$ #S'.1 (orrectio$ o$ Radio i$> ti9i$2 2 P"7sica a7er :)s 3or <S4P# Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ e e9e$ts 3or <S4P# TA di5ersit7 o$ radio i$>s i$ t"e acti5e set Ma$dator7 Su!!ort o3 dedicated !i ots 3or c"a$$e esti9atio$ (orrectio$s to :)s @) i!soid !oi$t 1it" # titude a$d u$certai$t7 ) i!soid@ a$d @) i!soid !oi$t 1it" u$certai$t7 ) i!se@ <a$d i$2 o3 (i!"eri$2 a$d i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$ ti9es <a$d i$2 o3 9easure9e$ts at state tra$sitio$s to03ro9 4(< state. Measure9e$t re ated correctio$s #S'.1 o3 t"e SR'S re ocatio$ i$3o (orrectio$s to PR#(< se ectio$ T44 4o1$ i$> Pat" Loss 3or i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t (orrectio$ o$ codi$2 o3 GSM ( ass9ar> 2 a$d 3 (orrectio$ o$ &ra9e # ocatio$ (a cu atio$ :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts Ma.i9u9 # o1ed UL TA Po1er ST#RT 5a ues 3or t"e i$itia isatio$ o3 SR8 cou$ters a$d UTR#' i$correct actio$s (orrectio$ to t"e RR( tra$sactio$ ta% e 9a$a2e9e$t Use o3 4(< Eua it7 Tar2et 1it" 8 i$d Tra$s!ort &or9at 4etectio$ (orrectio$ to stori$2 curre$t T&( su%set i$ 5aria% e T&(;SU8S)T 3or T44 Securit7 at i$ter-R#T "a$do5er :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ acti5atio$s ti9es #dditio$a 9easure9e$ts 4P(< co9!ressed 9ode i$3o i$ 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a RLs <a$d i$2 o3 R8 9a!!i$2 RL( 1i$do1 siQe i$ de3au t co$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$s to #cti5atio$ ti9e 'u9%eri$2 o3 @#S( Setti$2@ :)s i$c uded i$ @PR#(< !artitio$i$2@ :) (orrectio$ o$ su!!ort 3or co9!ressed 9ode :$troductio$ o3 %ac>1ards co9!ati% e correctio$ 9ec"a$is9 Si2$a i$2 o3 t"e ti9i$2 adKust9e$t 9ode 3or c osed oo! T. di5ersit7 <a$d i$2 o3 "7!er 3ra9e $u9%ers )ar 7 U) S!eci3ic 8e"a5iour :$3or9atio$ i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest 0 i$terR#T i$3o (orrectio$ o3 #S'1 :) @:$ter&reB(e :$3oList-r,@ (orrectio$ o3 S!ecia 8urst Sc"edu i$2 3or T44 (orrectio$ o3 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 e5e$t 63 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 (i!"eri$2 duri$2 SR'S re ocatio$ 1it"out reuse o3 (6U'T-( (orrectio$ to :) O:$tra 4o9ai$ '#S 'ode Se ectorP (orrectio$ to PR#(< se ectio$ (orrectio$ to re!orti$2 e5e$t 63 3or &44 #S'.1 correctio$s #s799etric R6<( (o$3i2uratio$ Re3ere$ce (e 3or GSM 6T4 Measure9e$t RR( co$tai$er 3or R&(30-5 co$te.t (orrectio$ to :) O#ccess stratu9 re ease i$dicatorP RL( ca!a%i it7 3or <S4P# 4edicated !i ot %its 3or <S-4S(< ).!a$sio$ o3 (P:(< RS(P ra$2e

Cld 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0

New 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0


RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1=

RP-020/21 16=/ RP-020/21 RP-020/21 RP-020/21 RP-020/21 RP-020/21 RP-020/22 RP-020=-2 RP-020/22 RP-020/22 RP-020/22 RP-020/22 16-0 16-3 16-6 16-1/10 1/13 1/16 1/11/22 1/25 1/2= 1 2 1 1

RP-020/23 1/31 RP-020/23 1=03 RP-020/23 1/,2 RP-020/23 RP-020/23 RP-020/23 RP-020/2, RP-020/2, RP-020/2, RP-020/2, RP-020/2, 1/,5 1/,= 1/51 1/5, 1/5/ 1/66 1/61//2 1

RP-020/2, 1//RP-020-03 1/3, RP-020/2/ 1//6 RP-020=-3 1=10 RP-020/26 1/60 RP-020=5= RP-020=5= RP-020=5= RP-020=5= RP-020=5= RP-020=5= RP-020=5RP-020=5RP-020=5RP-020=5RP-020/36 RP-020/36 RP-020/36 RP-020/36 RP-020/36 1/01 1/03 1/05 1/=1 1/=3 1/=5 1/=/ 1=02 1=05 1=0/ 1/0/ 1/-1 1/-2 1/-, 1/-5

2 3


Release !

!!%! Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



TSG B RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1= RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-1RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20

TSG 3oc# RP-020/36 RP-020/36 RP-020/36 RP-020=-6 RP-030103 RP-030103

CR 1/-6 1/-/ 1/-= 1/-3 1=13 1=16

RP-030103 1=1RP-030103 RP-030103 RP-03010, RP-03010, RP-03010, RP-03010, RP-03010, RP-030105 RP-030105 RP-030105 1=22 1=25 1=31 1=3, 1=3/ 1=,0 1=,3 1=,6 1=,1=55

RP-0300=2 1=5= RP-030111 1=60 RP-030111 1=62 RP-030111 1=6, RP-030111 1=66 RP-030111 1=6= RP-03011/ RP-03011/ RP-03011RP-03011/ 1=/2 1=/3 1=/, 1=/5

RP-03011/ 1=// RP-03011/ 1=/= RP-03011/ RP-030120 RP-030105 RP-030106 RP-030106 RP-030106 RP-030106 RP-03011/ RP-030111 RP-03011/ RP-030105 RP-03011/ RP-0301=/ RP-030201 1=/1==0 1==, 1==/ 1=-0 1=-3 1=-6 1=-/ 1=-1-00 1-02 1-03 1-01-10

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent L3 Retra$s9issio$ o3 e5e$t 1% 4P( 9ode c"a$2e i$ #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 :) L4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" RLL 2 <S4P# !ara9eter 5a ue ra$2es #S'.1 o3 t"e SR'S re ocatio$ :$3o (orrectio$ to !rocedura te.t 3or P"7sica S"ared ("a$$e # ocatio$ (T44 o$ 7) 1 (M a$d state tra$sitio$ re ated to 9easure9e$ts, additio$a 9easure9e$ts, 5irtua acti5e set a$d !eriodic 9easure9e$ts P"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure a$d radio i$> re-esta% is"9e$t (orrectio$ co$cer$i$2 %it $u9%eri$2 co$5e$tio$ #dditio$a Measure9e$t re!orti$2 ist 2 (orrectio$ o$ RR( i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ !rocedure Re!orti$2 (e Status a$d )5e$t 2# (orrectio$ to t"e "a$d i$2 o3 5aria% e TGPS;:4)'T:TD a$d :) OTri22eri$2 co$ditio$ 102P 1 <ard "a$do5er 1it" !e$di$2 ci!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9es (orrectio$ o3 de3au t co$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$ to U) %e"a5iour o$ e$teri$2 RR( (o$$ected 9ode U!date o3 Start 5a ues i$ US:M o$ i$ter-R#T tra$sitio$s a$d tra$sitio$s to id e 9ode (orrectio$s to ("a$$e isatio$ (ode T&(: Ma!!i$2 3or T44 (orrectio$ o3 P'8S(< 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 (orrectio$ o3 S&'-S&' o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 3 #S'.1 correctio$s co$cer$i$2 9issi$2 U) ca!a%i it7 e.te$sio$s ).te$sio$s 3or 1.2= Mc!s s!eci3ic e e9e$ts i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (orrectio$s to !o1er co$tro !ara9eter si2$a i$2 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 T44 <S-S:(< Po1er (o$tro Usa2e o3 se!arate scra9% i$2 code 3or <S4P# T44 <S-4S(< 9ida9% e s"i3t a$d %urst t7!e (orrectio$s to t"e :) @#dded or Reco$3i2ured M#(-d 3 o1@ a$d t"e associated ta% e i$ 10.3.10 1 'et1or> #ssisted (e ("a$2e 3ro9 UTR#' to G)R#' 1 4e3i$i$2 9ore t"a$ o$e 4S(< 0 US(< tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$ P4S(< a$d PUS(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ (T44 o$ 7) :$troduci$2 t"e use o3 !re-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s 1it"i$ UTR# Grou! re ease (1it"out securit7 (orrectio$ to :$ter-R#T Measure9e$t Re!ort (orrectio$ o3 si2$a i$2 o3 tra$s!ort % oc> siQe 3or 4S(< PS ser5ice co$ti$uit7 1"e$ 9o5i$2 %et1ee$ 3G a$d 2G 1 Mu ti! e acti5atio$s o3 t"e sa9e co9!ressed 9ode !atter$ Setti$2 o3 ci!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e 3or TM %earers (orrectio$ o3 s"ado1 (R i9! e9e$tatio$ Re9o5a o3 MRRU !ara9eter i$ P4(P i$3o Measure9e$t e5e$t 3or e5a uatio$ o3 %est <S-4S(< ce 1 '#S a$d :$te2rit7 !rocedure i$teractio$ (orrectio$ to US8: GPS $a5i2atio$ 9ode u!date 9ec"a$is9 La7er 3 3i teri$2 de3i$itio$ 1 <a$d i$2 o3 UP #ssista$ce 4ata (o$cer$s o$ Procedures 3or (e -:4 Positio$i$2 Met"od :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ Procedura , #S'.1, a$d Ta%u ar #s!ects o3 U) Positio$i$2 )rror Re9o5a o3 &&S (&or 3urt"er Stud7) a$d re3ere$ces to ot"er 1or>i$2 2rou!s He7 "a$d i$2 1"e$ e$teri$2 id e 9ode a$d codi$2 o3 securit7 ca!a%i ities Securit7 actio$s 1"e$ S:M is !rese$t o$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest U!date o3 i$ter3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t ce i$3o ist, readi$2 o3 S:811012, i$c usio$ o3 Measured Resu ts o$ R#(< #dditio$a 9easure9e$ts 1it"out 9easure9e$t 5a idit7

Cld 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0

New 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0

RP-0302-3 1-13 RP-0302-3 1-16 RP-0302-3 1-1RP-0302-3 1-22 RP-0302-3 1-26 RP-0302-3 1-2RP-0302-, 1-32 RP-0302-, 1-3/


Release !

!!%3 Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20 RP-20

TSG 3oc# RP-0302-, RP-0302-, RP-0302-, RP-0302-5 RP-0302-5

CR 1-,0 1-,3 1-,6 1-,1-52

RP-0302-5 1-55 RP-0303/, RP-03036RP-0302-5 RP-0302-= RP-0302-= RP-030350 RP-0303/1 RP-030303 RP-030303 RP-030303 RP-030,=, RP-030,=, RP-030520 RP-030506 1-5= 1-/= 1-=1 1-=3 1-51-=/ 1--0 1-60 1-61 1-63 1--3 1--6 2003 2000

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent <a$do5er to UTR#' i$ 9acrodi5ersit7 1 TVM Re!orti$2 i$ ()LL;P(< state 1 :$itia isatio$ o3 t"e Virtua #cti5e Set :) OT. di5ersit7 9odeP i$ #(T:V) S)T UP4#T) 9essa2e 1 (orrectio$ to tra$s!ort c"a$$e tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t e5e$ts ,a a$d ,% Ma.i9u9 'u9%er o3 GPS # 9a$ac Messa2es to %e Stored i$ U);P6S:T:6':'G;GPS;4#T# 2 Sto!!i$2 o3 RL( e$tities at re ocatio$ , (i!"eri$2 Mode i$3o :) i$ 2G-3G <a$do5er ST#RT 5a ues o$ 2G-3G "a$do5er R6<( !ro3i e si2$a i$2 1 6!ti9isatio$ o3 t"e :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e 2 (orrectio$s to securit7 !rocedures i$ case o3 !e$di$2 securit7 co$3i2uratio$s at SR'S Re ocatio$ Setti$2 o3 T31/ to i$3i$it7 a$d out o3 ser5ice %e"a5iour (orrectio$ to t"e :) T<S-4S(< ca!a%i it7 c assS (orrectio$ o3 OR8 9a!!i$2 i$3oP i$ case <S-4S(< + 4(< ).! a$atio$ o3 (V-U) 3or t"e :) Mida9% eS"i3t i$ t"e ta%u ar <a$d i$2 o3 >e7 sets at :$ter-R#T <a$do5er to UTR#' (orrectio$ to U) Positio$i$2 !ri5ac7 !rocedures ST#RT ca cu atio$ i$ co$$ected 9ode Reco$3i2uratio$ 1it" state tra$sitio$ to a$ i$dicated ce o$ a di33ere$t 3reBue$c7 PR#(< c"a$$e isatio$ code ist i9itatio$ to a i2$ 1it" TS 25.221 <a$d i$2 o3 tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ at radio %earer re ease (orrectio$s 3or T44 3or t"e :)s O4o1$ i$> 4P(< i$3o co99o$ 3or a radio i$>sP T&(S se ectio$ 2uide i$es 3or T&( Su%set Va ue ra$2e o3 U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce t7!e 2 9easure9e$t #cti5atio$ Ti9e 3or 4S(< (orrectio$ o3 P4(P (o$3i2uratio$ 3or R&( 250/ (orrectio$s to e5e$t ist "a$d i$2 (orrectio$s to R#(< re!orti$2 (orrectio$s to 9odi3icatio$ o3 #dditio$a Measure9e$t ists U) !ositio$i$2 su!!ort i$ t"e U) ) i9i$atio$ o3 )P( 9ec"a$is9 U) %e"a5iour i$ tra$sitio$ 3ro9 ()LL;4(< to ()LL;&#(<0 ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< a$d 6ut o3 Ser5ice is detected Radio i$> 3ai ure duri$2 reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedure (i!"eri$2 o3 TM SR8s (orrectio$ o$ P4(P <eader co9!ressio$ (o$3i2uratio$ (orrectio$s 3or T44 PUS(< (orrectio$ to U) %e"a5iour o$ T31/ e.!ir7 (orrecti$2 5a ue ra$2e o3 M#(-"s %u33er :4 (orrectio$ o3 "a$d i$2 o3 :) @M#(-"s reset i$dicator@ i$ #dded or Reco$3i2ured 4L Tr(< i$3or9atio$ U) ca!a%i it7 si2$a i$2 3or UMTS1=00 <a$do5er %et1ee$ UTR#' a$d G)R#' :u 9ode U!dated re3ere$ces to t"e RR( State :$dicator :) (orrectio$s to )5e$t 14 Reco$3i2uratio$ o3 M#(-d 3 o1 <S-S((< tra$s9it di5ersit7 9ode Scra9% i$2 code W !"ase re3ere$ce co9%i$atio$s 3or <S-4S(< (so utio$ 2) U$success3u securit7 9ode co$tro !rocedure a$d :$te2rit7 Protectio$ ST#RT 5a ue ca cu atio$ 3or RL( siQe c"a$2e U) Positio$i$2 U) %ased assisted GPS <a$d i$2 o3 Qero-rate Tr(<s i$ T&(S Measure9e$t co$tro 3or #-GPS (orrectio$s to 1.2= Mc!s T44 !o1er co$tro * #S'10Ta%u ar co$siste$c7, correctio$ o3 o9issio$s

Cld 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.,.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0

New 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0


RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21 RP-21

2 1

RP-030,=, 2006 RP-030,=, 200RP-030,=5 2015 RP-030,=5 RP-030,=5 RP-030,=5 RP-030,=5 RP-030,=6 RP-030,=6 RP-030,=6 RP-030,=6 RP-030,/= RP-030,=6 RP-030505 RP-030,-1 RP-030,-1 RP-030,-1 RP-030,-5 RP-030,-5 RP-030,-5 RP-030,-5 RP-030,-5 RP-030,-5 RP-030,-5 RP-030,,RP-030,62 RP-030503 201= 2025 2033 20,, 20,= 2051 205, 205/ 206, 20620/2 2020 2022 202/ 1--/ 2022030 2035 20320,0 20,1 202= 2061 2066 1 1


RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22

RP-03061/ 20/5 RP-030625 RP-03061/ RP-03061/ RP-03061/ RP-030621 20/6 20/20=5 20-1 20-3


Release !

!!%' Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22 RP-21 RP-22 RP-22 RP-22

TSG 3oc# CR RP-030621 20-5 RP-03061/ 2102 RP-030625 RP-030611 RP-030610 RP-03061= RP-03061= RP-03061= 2103 2106 2112 2115 211= 212,

RP-030662 212/ RP-030662 2130 RP-030621 2132 RP-030621 2136 RP-030621 213= RP-030625 RP-030625 RP-030/13 RP-030625 21321,0 21,1 21,2

RP-030625 21,3 RP-03062RP-030625 RP-030662 RP-030625 RP-030/22 RP-030612 RP-030625 21,, 21,5 21,= 21,2152 215= 215-

RP-0305,= 203, RP-030630 RP-030/21 RP-030630 )ditoria RP-0,00-5 RP-0,00-5 RP-0,010/ RP-0,00-5 RP-0,00-5 RP-0,00-5 RP-0,0101 RP-0,0101 RP-0,0101 RP-0,0101 RP-0,010/ RP-0,010/ RP-0,010/ RP-0,0131 2133 213, 2160 216= 21/2 21/6 21=0 21=, 21== 21-1 21-/ 2200 2203 220/ 2202213 221/


RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23

RP-0,00-6 2221 RP-0,00-6 2225 RP-0,00-2 222RP-0,00-6 2235 RP-0,00-6 223RP-0,00-/ 22,3 RP-0,00-/ 22,/

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent U!P(< !o1er co$tro 3or 1.2=Mc!s 1 :$teractio$ %et1ee$ co9!ressed 9ode !atter$ acti5atio$ a$d 9essa2e acti5atio$ ti9e :$itia isatio$ o3 5irtua acti5e set 1 (orrectio$ to Redirectio$ !rocedure at RR( (o$$ectio$ Setu! 2 S&' associated 1it" GPS ti9i$2 o3 ce 3ra9e (orrectio$ to <a$d i$2 S:81 Measure9e$t <a$d i$2 :$ State Tra$sitio$ 3or U) Positio$i$2 (orrectio$s to U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 3or U) assisted a$d U) %ased 9et"ods 1 S:8 / readi$2 <&' i$itia isatio$ i$ case o3 !e$di$2 securit7 co$3i2uratio$s 1 Ge$era !rotoco error "a$d i$2 3ai ure 3or 4L (((< 9essa2es due to #S'.1 error (orrectio$s re ati$2 to 1.2= Mc!s T44 Missi$2 (<6:() RL( :$3o t7!e i$ t"e #S'.1 :) TR8:$3or9atio$Setu!-r,S 1 RRM i$ P(<0&#(< (orrectio$ o3 o!erati$2 %a$d re3ere$ce 1 Re-orderi$2 Eueue a$d <#RE :ds (orrectio$ to t"e !rocedura descri!tio$* Reco$3i2uratio$ o3 M#(-d 3 o1 1 )$"a$ce9e$t o3 RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier 3or 9easure9e$t co$tro 9essa2e :$c usio$ o3 a de3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tit7 3or #MR-G8 T44 (-R'T: i$ (e 4(< #dditio$a Measure9e$ts List Modi37 :P acti5atio$ ti9e 3or R80 3 Mi$i9u9 U) ca!a%i it7 c ass , Measured resu ts o$ R#(< (6U'T-: re5erti$2 i$ case Securit7 Mode (o$tro !rocedure 3ai ure 1 Mai$tai$i$2 t"e RR( (o$$ectio$ 1"i e )9er2e$c7 ca9!ed o$ a &-PLM' duri$2 66S ($ote* it 1as decided t"at t"is (R 1ou d $ot %e i9! e9e$ted u$ti t"e Re -6 1ou d %e created) :$troductio$ o3 UMTS=00 1 #S ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$ :$troductio$ o3 $e1 %a$ds Re!air o3 corru!ted 3i2ures 2 Res!o$se o$ SR'S Re ocatio$ 1it" (e U!date TP( (o9%i$atio$ :$de. i$ SR'( re ocatio$ 1 (orrectio$ to @(urre$t TGPS Status & a2@ 1 :$5a idatio$ o3 ST#RT 5a ue i$ US:M0U). 1 U! i$> :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ "a$d i$2 i$ case o3 '302 i$cre9e$t 1 #9ou$t o3 re!orti$2 3or U)-%ased a$d U) assisted #-GPS 1 )$suri$2 decodi$2 !ossi%i it7 re ated to :$troductio$ o3 $e1 %a$ds 2 ( ari3icatio$ to 9u ti9ode i$dicatio$ (orrectio$ 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 Po1er (o$tro Missi$2 @!dc!-S'-i$3o@ i$ #S'.1 :) @R8-:$3or9atio$Reco$3i2-r,@ (orrectio$ to <S-S((< i$3o (orrectio$ to <S-S((< i$3o (orrectio$ to acti5atio$ ti9e 3or <S-4S(< reco$3i2uratio$ i$ T44 3 (o$$ected 9ode "a$d i$2 :) L(' do9ai$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$L i$ S:81 (orrectio$ to e5e$t 64 1 (orrectio$ to U) !ositio$i$2 re!orti$2 3or GPS sta$da o$e o!eratio$ 9ode &reBue$c7 %a$d a i2$9e$t 1it" 25.101 UTR#' setti$2 o3 t"e acti5atio$ ti9e 3or TM %earers i$ (i!"eri$2 Mode i$3o :) (orrectio$s to @)$tered !ara9eter@ (orrectio$s to T&( Su%set &u$ctio$a it7 1 Gaiti$2 3or RL(-#(H o$ UM:

Cld 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.6.0 5.5.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 6.0.0 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1

New 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 5./.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.0.1 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0


Release !

!!%" Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-23 RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2,

TSG 3oc# RP-0,0105 RP-0,0101 RP-0,0121 RP-0,00-1 RP-0,0101 RP-0,010/ RP-0,010/ RP-0,010= RP-0,0106 RP-0,0131 RP-0,0131 RP-0,0131 RP-0,010= RP-0,00-/ RP-0,00-/ RP-0,0110 RP-0,012RP-0,00-5 RP-0,0203 RP-0,0211 RP-0,0203 RP-0,0236 RP-0,0206

CR 22,2252 2253 225, 225/ 2252261 2263 2265 226/ 22622/1 22/, 22=1 22=5 22=6 22== 216= 22-2 22-, 2303 2305 230=


RP-0,020/ 2311 RP-0,0210 2313 RP-0,020/ 2316 RP-0,0210 RP-0,0211 RP-0,020/ RP-0,0210 RP-0,0210 RP-0,0210 RP-0,020/ RP-0,0210 RP-0,0236 RP-0,0236 231= 2320 2323 2325 232/ 2322332 233, 2336 233=

RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-2, RP-25 RP-25

RP-0,0211 23,0 RP-0,0210 23,2 RP-0,0206 23,5 RP-0,0206 23,= RP-0,0211 2350 RP-0,0236 235, RP-0,0236 2356 RP-0,0211 235= RP-0,0215 RP-0,022, RP-0,0212 RP-0,0213 RP-0,0256 RP-0,032/ 2352361 2363 2365 236/ 23/3


RP-0,032/ 23//

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent :$5a id Si9u ta$eous Reco$3i2uratio$ (riteria 1 Ge$era correctio$ a$d a i2$9e$t o3 t"e #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar 1 :$troductio$ o3 UMTS1/0002100 (8a$d :V) :$troductio$ o3 UMTS=50 (8a$d V) :$troductio$ o3 VL)( i$ e5er7 9essa2e %ra$c" Si9u ta$eous Rece!tio$ o3 S-((P(< a$d <S-4S(< (e rese ectio$ %et1ee$ UTR#' a$d G)R#' :u 9ode <S4P# re ated correctio$s o$ %u33er 3 us"i$2 o$ state tra$sitio$s, R#T tra$sitio$s, error cases, M#(-"s reco$3i2uratio$ a$d readi$ess to recei5e <S-P4S(< 2 Si2$a i$2 o3 M#(-"s Reset 2 Modi3icatio$ o3 :$ter-3reBue$c7 ()LL;:'&6;L:ST 1 IV#SJ 18-1( co$3 icts 1"e$ 1# is $ot co$3i2ured 1 <a$d i$2 o3 1ait ti9e i$ RR( co$$ectio$ reKect Misa i2$9e$ts %et1ee$ RL-- a$d Re -5 !rocedures :ssues re ated to :$ter-R#T a$d :$ter-3reBue$c7 "a$do5ers 1 (orrectio$s to reco$3i2uratio$ sce$arios a$d ci!"eri$2 o3 TM R8s , #dditio$ o3 @ce se ectio$ i$dicatio$@ 3or ce se ectio$ at re ease o3 RR( co$$ectio$ a$d RR( co$$ectio$ reKect 1it" re-directio$ <S4P# ca!a%i it7 3or 9u ti9ode &44-T44 ter9i$a s 2 Res!o$se o$ SR'S Re ocatio$ 1it" (e U!date )9!t7 $o$-critica e.te$sio$s 1 Missi$2 O5320P e.te$sio$ i$ t"e U) (#P#8:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' (orrectio$ o$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ i$ T44 (orrectio$s to (e ("a$2e 6rder 3ro9 UTR#' !rocedure (orrectio$ o$ S&'-S&' ti9e di33ere$ce 9isa i2$9e$t i$ 1.2= Mc!s T44 #S'.1 correctio$ e3to5ers ( osi$2 t"e R)L-5 e.te$sio$s i$ t"e #S'.1 :$correct !rese$ce o3 U)-Radio#ccess(a!a%i it7 e.te$sio$ i$ RR( (6'')(T:6' S)TUP (6MPL)T) U$$ecessar7 M#(-d 3 o1 ide$tit7 i$ t"e :) O4L-Tr(<-T7!e-r5P 1 U) ca!a%i it7 e$Buir7 3or G)R#' :u 9ode ( ea$ u! o3 SR'S Re ocatio$ :$3o R)L-, 5ersio$ Ta%u ar correctio$ 3or R#4:6 8)#R)R R)L)#S) 9essa2e Misa i2$9e$ts %et1e$ RS-- a$d Re -5 !rocedures )rro$eous setti$2 o3 Re-esta% sis" :$dicator i$ case o3 SR'S re ocatio$ (orrectio$ to :) O(e :$3oP (orrectio$ (o$cer$i$2 U) Positio$i$2 Measure9e$t Pe$di$2 co9!ressed 9ode reco$3i2uratio$s #cti5e co9!ressed 9ode !atter$s 1it" sa9e 9easure9e$t !ur!ose (orrectio$ to :$3or9atio$ ) e9e$ts 3or U) R.-T. ti9e di33ere$ce 'a9i$2 correctio$ i$ t"e <S-4S(< :) Measure9e$t &eed%ac> :$3or9atio$ ( ari3icatio$ a%out o!e$ oo! !o1er co$tro i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 ( ari3icatio$ a%out 9easure9e$t co$tro s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ i$ T44 9ode (orrectio$ to ti9i$2-9ai$tai$ed "ard "a$do5er re2ardi$2 t"e UL tra$s9issio$ ti9i$2 2 Se ectio$ o3 suita% e ce ("ec> o3 t"e PLM' ide$tit7 i$ t"e M:8 1"e$ se ecti$2 a $e1 ce (o9!ressed :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 9essa2e 9odi3icatio$s0correctio$s T"e #S'.1 de3i$itio$ o3 :) OS7s:$3oT7!e5%isP RL( siQe "a$d i$2 a$d RL( re-esta% is"9e$t Restrict o!eratio$ o3 t"e 5irtua acti5e set Usa2e o3 di33ere$t R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ U) !rocedure i$ case o3 <<6 3ai ure T44 9isa i2$9e$t %et1ee$ ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 de3i$itio$s o3 UL Tra$s!ort c"a$$e i$3or9atio$ co99o$ 3or a tra$s!ort c"a$$e s a$d s!ecia %urst sc"edu i$2 4e3i$itio$ o3 !ara9eters 3or U)-assisted #-GPS

Cld 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.2.0 6.2.0

New 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.3.0 6.3.0


Release !

!!%( Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-25 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26 RP-26

TSG 3oc# RP-0,033RP-0,0360 RP-0,031RP-0,033, RP-0,033, RP-0,033, RP-0,033, RP-0,03,= RP-0,033, RP-0,033, RP-0,033, RP-0,0335 RP-0,0335 RP-0,0335 RP-0,0335 RP-0,0335 RP-0,0335 RP-0,0335

CR 23/= 23=1 23=, 23=6 23== 23-0 23-2 23-, 23-6 23-= 2,00 2,02 2,0, 2,06 2,0= 2,10 2,12 2,1,

RP-0,0335 2,16 RP-0,032= RP-0,0336 RP-0,0336 RP-0,032= RP-0,0336 RP-0,0336 RP-0,0,=1 RP-0,0,=1 RP-0,0,=1 RP-0,0,/6 RP-0,0,=1 RP-0,0,/, RP-0,0,// RP-0,0,=1 RP-0,0,=1 RP-0,0526 RP-0,0,=2 RP-0,0,=2 RP-0,0,=2 2,1= 2,20 2,22 2,2= 2,30 2,32 2,3, 2,36 2,3= 2,,2 2,,, 2,,= 2,51 2,53 2,55 2,5/ 2,52,61 2,63


RP-0,0,=2 2,65 RP-0,0,// 2,6= RP-0,0,=2 2,/0 RP-0,0520 2,/2 RP-0,0505 2,/, RP-0,0505 2,/6 RP-0,0505 2,/= RP-0,0522 2,=0 RP-0,0505 RP-0,0505 RP-0,0,-5 RP-0,0505 RP-0,0,-1 RP-0,0,-1 RP-0,05,3 2,=2 2,=, 2,=/ 2,-3 2,-, 2,-5 2,-6

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 2 #dditio$ o3 UMTS=50 (8a$d V) i$ t"e ta%u ar 4e3au t (o$3i2uratio$s 3or 9u ti! e #MR Rate (o$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$ o$ PR#(< se ectio$ i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 :$co$siste$c7 i$ U) actio$ 3or <&' i$itia isatio$ Usa2e o3 di33ere$t R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o 3or T44 T44 <S-4S(< (orrectio$s # i2$9e$t o3 Ta%u ar 4e3i$itio$ 1it" #S'.1 3or <S-S((< :$3o 1 (orrectio$ to <S-4S(< rece!tio$ co$ditio$s (orrectio$ to R8 9a!!i$2 c"ec> Positio$ Ti9esta9! 3or #-GPS Pe$di$2 co9!ressed 9ode reco$3i2uratio$s Prede3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s 3or t"e RR( co$$ectio$ reBuest (e u!date duri$2 reco$3i2uratio$ 3ro9 ()LL;&#(< to ()LL;P(< U) actio$s 3or 4e ta;#(H0'#(H a$d re!etitio$ 3actor (a cu atio$ o3 UL tra$s9it !o1er 3or <S-S:(< (T44) <a$d i$2 o3 Ti9er T302 ).!ir7 (orrect $a9i$2 3or <S-4S(< 1it" 4(< 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ (o9!ressed Pre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s descri!tio$ i$ $e1 #$$e. ( :$te2ratio$ %et1ee$ i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a$d t"e se$di$2 o3 do1$ i$> 9essa2es duri$2 SR'S re ocatio$ (orrectio$s to restrictio$s o3 o!eratio$ o3 t"e 5irtua acti5e set U) actio$s 3or recei5ed $e1 >e7s 1 Scra9% i$2 (ode ("a$2e ( ari3icatio$s to V#S 3u$ctio$a it7 U) securit7 ca!a%i it7 i$ :'T)R;R#T "a$do5er (orrectio$ to t"e Radio Li$> &ai ure %e"a5iour (orrectio$ to 9easured resu ts o$ R#(< T305 "a$d i$2 u!o$ a state tra$sitio$ <a$d i$2 o3 !e$di$2 #M RL( u$reco5era% e errors si2$a ed %7 ce u!date (orrectio$ to 9a.i9u9 e$2t" o3 (T(< !eriod TP( ste! siQe i$ de3au t co$3i2uratio$s Re3ere$ces to :TU-T Reco99e$datio$s o$ #S'.1 #S'.1 c ari3icatio$ o$ Measure9e$t Re!ort 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 (orrectio$ to <S-4S(< rece!tio$ co$ditio$s 1 M#(-"s Reset !rocedure 2 (e se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ !ara9eters 1 ( ari3icatio$ t"e P4(P ca!a%i it7- Ma. <( co$te.t s!ace (orrectio$s to :) OG#:T T:M)P ? 0 1 RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier i$ t"e M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L 9essa2e (orrectio$ to i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t "a$d i$2 i$ S:811 1 Missi$2 6T46# T44 re ated 5,%0 e.te$sio$ i$ M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L 2 ( ari3icatio$ o3 Radio 8earer 4o1$ i$> (i!"eri$2 #cti5atio$ Ti9e :$3o 2 T&( Su%set Varia% e Usa2e a$d #!! icatio$ o3 Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ Su%set Use o3 !reco$3i2uratio$ i$ t"e R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 9essa2e UTR#' setti$2 o3 ci!"eri$2 acti5atio$ ti9e 3or SR82 (orrectio$ to #S'1 :) Osr%-S!eci3ic:$te2rit7Prot:$3oP 2 (riteria 3or i$itiati$2 ce u!date o$ recei5i$2 O&reBue$c7 i$3oP :) i$ ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$ts i$ P(< states &ai ure cause i$dicatio$ o$ (e U!date 1 'et1or> S"ari$2 a$d 9u ti! e PLM' ide$tities :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t co$tro i$3or9atio$ used #S'.1 u!date 3or t"e i$troductio$ o3 M8MS 1 :$troductio$ o3 M8MS 2 Prea9% e a$d Posta9% e to reduce <S-4P((< tra$s9it !o1er

Cld 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0

New 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0


Release !

!!%) Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3ate 0302005

TSG B RP-26 RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/ RP-2/

TSG 3oc# RP-0,050/ RP-05003= RP-05006RP-05016-

CR 2,-/ 2,-1 2,-2501

RP-05006- 2503 RP-0500=- 250, RP-05011, 2506 RP-05006- 250= RP-0500/0 2510 RP-0500/0 2513 RP-0500/0 RP-05006/ RP-05006RP-0500/0 RP-0500/0 RP-0500=6 RP-0500=6 RP-050110 RP-0500=1 RP-0500/, RP-0500=, RP-0500/RP-0500=/ RP-0500=, RP-0500-/ 2515 251/ 2512521 2523 252, 2525 2526 252/ 252= 2522530 2532 253, 2535

RP-0500/- 2536 RP-05012= 253= RP-050253 RP-05033RP-050320 RP-05032RP-050302 RP-050302 RP-050316 RP-050316 RP-050316 RP-050316 RP-050303 RP-050320 RP-05032, 25325,0 25,1 25,2 25,5 25,/ 25,= 25,2550 2551 2553 255, 2555


RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2=

RP-050322 2556 RP-050320 255/ RP-050320 255= RP-050320 255RP-050316 2560 RP-050316 2561 RP-050320 2562 RP-050320 256, RP-050320 2566

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent :$troductio$ o3 )-4(< 2 Re9o5a o3 TGPL2 Mi$or <S4P# re ated correctio$s :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ re ated i$3or9atio$ i$ t"e SR'S re ocatio$ i$3o 'u9%er o3 ti9es ots t"at ca$ %e used 3or <S-P4S(< resource 3or 3.=, Mc!s T44 <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1it"out a 4L 4P(< 3or 3.=, Mc!s T44 Re9o5a o3 u$$ecessar7 ce u!dates o$ recei5i$2 O&reBue$c7 i$3oP :) i$ ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e #S'.1 c ari3icatio$ o$ (e a$d ("a$$e :de$tit7 i$3o 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 <a$d i$2 o3 TM SR8Ss at radio i$> 3ai ure Re9o5a o3 t"e U#R&(' u! i$> ('u) i$ t"e i$3or9ati5e #$$e. #.3 1 (orrectio$ o$ PR#(< se ectio$ 3 Loss ess 4L RL( P4U siQe c"a$2e ( ari3icatio$ o3 G)R#' (P)S: 9essa2e codi$2 i$ '#(( U$su!!orted RL( 9ode reco$3i2uratio$s (orrectio$ to :$ter R#T ce i$3o i$dicatio$ (orrectio$ to $et1or> s"ari$2 3u$ctio$a it7 'et1or> s"ari$2 correctio$s 1 (' do9ai$ s!eci3ic #ccess ( ass 8arri$2 (orrectio$s to @se ected PLM'@ i$ access stratu9 :$troductio$ o3 &-4P(< Mi$or )-4(< re ated correctio$s 2 Misce a$eous M8MS correctio$s #dditio$a &reBue$c7 8a$ds :$troductio$ o3 )-4(< i$ t"e #S'.1 :9!ro5e9e$ts to u! i$> c osed oo! !o1er co$tro 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 M8MS (orrectio$s to 25.331 #S'.1 1 (orrectio$ to ce se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ !ara9eters to e$a% e e$"a$ced ce rese ectio$ 3 &aster L1 4(< s7$c"ro$iQatio$ 3 Ti9i$2 9ai$tai$ed "ard "a$do5er 1 Re9o5a o3 u$$ecessar7 Start 5a ues Mer2ed (R a i2$e9e$t 1.r.t. $et1or> s"ari$2 3u$ctio$a it7 Ti9i$2 Rei$itia iQed <a$do5er W Radio Li$> Ti9i$2 #dKust9e$ #dditio$ o3 o9itted :) Ore!ort criteriaP i$ M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L 9essa2e O9odi37P co99a$d 2 Misce a$eous M8MS correctio$s (set ::) 1 (orrectio$ to M8MS $oti3icatio$ !rocedure 1 &#(< Measure9e$t 6ccasio$ 1"e$ U) recei5es M8MS &reBue$c7 a7er dis!ersio$ 2 Si2$a i$2 o3 tar2et 9ode 3or R6<( o!eratio$ 2 :$troductio$ o3 i$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 ( osed-Loo! Po1er (o$tro :9!ro5e9e$ts 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 R #S'1 (orrectio$s Re ease 6 <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1it"out a 4L 4P(< 3or 3.=, Mc!s T44 R Setti$2 o3 4"s-s7$c 1 (orrectio$ to t"e #9ou$t o3 Re!orti$2 Measure9e$t re!ort 9essa2e de3i$itio$ 1"e$ :$ter-R#T ce i$3o i$dicatio$ is used 4irect tra$sitio$ to 4(< 1 #dditio$ o3 t"e $u9%er o3 M8MS 'ei2"%our (e PTM :$3or9atio$ 9essa2es to t"e M8MS Modi3ied Ser5ices :$3or9atio$ 9essa2e 1 #dditio$ o3 M8MS cou$ti$2 3or U)s i$ (e ;P(< a$d (e ;&#(< states a$d additio$ o3 U) reBuested !-t-! %earer esta% is"9e$ :$troductio$ o3 :) OR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ureP i$ R8 S)TUP, R8 R)L)#S) 9essa2es :$c udi$2 <S-4S(< ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e i$ #SU 1 4etectio$ o3 #cti5atio$ (&' 1ra!arou$d i$ t"e U) duri$2 <S4S(< ce c"a$2e

Cld 6.3.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.,.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0

New 6.,.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0


Release !

!!%* Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2= RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2-

TSG 3oc# RP-05030, RP-050302 RP-050302 RP-050302 RP-050320 RP-0503/, RP-050305

CR 256= 25/2 25/, 25/6 25// 25/25=1

RP-050306 25=3 RP-05030/ RP-05030= RP-05030RP-050310 RP-050311 RP-050312 RP-050313 RP-05032/ RP-050336 RP-050323 RP-050316 RP-0503-2 RP-050320 RP-05032= RP-0503,6 25=5 25=6 25=25-1 25-3 25-5 25-/ 25-= 25-2600 2601 2602 260, 2605 260/

RP-05031/ 260= RP-050316 260RP-050320 2610 RP-05032RP-050316 RP-050316 RP-050316 RP-050,=6 RP-050,65 RP-050,65 2611 2613 261, 2615 2616 2612621


RP-050,65 2623 RP-050,65 RP-0505=/ RP-050,65 RP-050,65 RP-050,=2 RP-050,5= RP-050,5= RP-050,5= RP-050,5= RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 2626 262= 2630 2632 2633 2635 263/ 26326,1 26,2 26,3 26,,

RP-050,=2 26,5 RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 RP-050,=2 26,6 26,= 26,2650 2651 2652

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 >e7s at i$ter-R#T "a$do5e (T&( ca cu atio$ 3or 4(< 4e3au t R8 ide$tit7 i$ :) LSi2$a i$2 R8 i$3or9atio$ to setu! 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 13 U) L3 reBuire9e$ts 3or <S-4S(< 9o%i it7 3 Su!!ort 3or out-o3-seBue$ce P4Us i$ RL(-UM &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 =0 9s TT: 3or 4(< 3or a ot"er cases %ut 1"e$ t"e U) su!!orts S&512 &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 o%ser5ed ti9e di33ere$ce to GSM ce &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 SS4T &eature ( ea$-u!* Re9o5a o3 4S(< (&44) &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 (P(< &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 dedicated !i ot as so e !"ase re3ere$ce &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 4R#( &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 TA di5ersit7 c osed oo! 9ode 2 &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 (o9!ressed 9ode %7 !u$cturi$2 2 # i2$9e$t o3 )U4(< RR( Sta2e-3 to Sta2e-2 status, i$c udi$2 "a$d i$2 o3 2 )-R'T:s Radio i$> 3ai ure i$ &-4P(< 1 Setti$2 u! &-4P(< a$d )-4(< i$ RR( co$$ectio$ setu! 1 Va idit7 o3 PtM co$3i2uratio$s 1 (((< 9essa2e e$"a$ce9e$ts Eua it7 9easure9e$t correctio$s ( ea$-u! o3 R6 #S'.1 e3to5ers 2 U) %e"a5iour 3or 4(< S:R tar2et setti$2 3or 4o1$ i$> !o1er co$tro RL( L: 6!ti9iQatio$ 3or VoiP 2 :$troductio$ o3 a$ S-((P(< !o1er o33set di33ere$ce i$ order to i9!ro5e ce se ectio$ 3or so3t a$d se ecti5e co9%i$i$2 )rro$eous i9! e9e$tatio$ o3 (R[2501 i$ RR( s!eci3icatio$ 56.5.0. (orrectio$ to $et1or> s"ari$2 M8MS as$1 issues S((P(< ti9i$2 o33set i$3or9atio$ 3or &44 M8MS so3t co9%i$i$2 M8MS correctio$s o$ si2$a i$2 o!ti9iQatio$ Su!!ort o3 4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess co$tro i$ Re -5 Ues #S'1 u!date 3or :$terR#TRe!orti$2Eua$tit7 1 :) OR8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ureP 3or R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 9essa2e SiQe o3 T&( Su%set List 3or Tra$s!ort &or9at (o9%i$atio$ (o$tro R8 9a!!i$2 ru es 3 Ru es 3or tri22eri$2 "ard "a$do5er RS(P 5a ue ra$2e e.te$sio$ <-R'T: 5a idit7 Re9o5a RL(-S4U a i2$9e$t ca!a%i it7 &eature ( ea$ U!* Re9o5a o3 4R#( 4R#( W 4edicated !i ots re9o5a e3to5ers (as$1) 4R#( W (P(< re9o5a e3to5ers (si%=,-,10) 1 &eature re9o5e (Ta%u ar0as$1 a i2$9e$t) (orrectio$ to U) L3 reBuire9e$ts 3or <S-4S(< 9o%i it7 Rate (o$tro (orrectio$ :$troductio$ o3 co$tai$er to 3aci itate tra$s!are$t tra$s3er o3 U) ca!a%i ities Mi$or #S'.1 correctio$ 3or T44 :)s 8eaco$ PL )st a$d 4<SS7$c #dditio$ o3 o$2oi$2 reco$3i2uratio$ i$dicator i$ ce u!date &aster L1 4(< s7$c"ro$iQatio$ 4irect tra$sitio$ to 4(< PS: 9essa2es i$ ()LL (<#'G) 6R4)R &R6M UTR#' SR'S re ocatio$ i$3o (orrectio$ to U)-assisted 6T46# su!!ort

Cld 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.5.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0

New 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0


Release !

!!%+ Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-2RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-30

TSG 3oc# CR RP-050,=2 2653 RP-050,=2 265, RP-050,=3 2655 RP-050,=3 2656 RP-050,=3 265/ RP-050,=3 RP-050,=3 RP-050,/6 RP-050,/3 RP-050,=3 RP-050,6= RP-050,6= RP-050,6= RP-050,6= RP-050,/1 RP-050,/1 RP-050,/2 RP-050,/1 RP-050,6= 265= 2652660 2661 2662 2663 266, 2665 2666 266/ 266= 26626/0 26/1

RP-050,6= 26/2 RP-050,6= 26/3 RP-050,6- 26/, RP-050,6/ RP-050,=3 RP-050,=, RP-050,/1 RP-050,=3 RP-050561 RP-050=01 RP-050/=/ RP-050/=5 RP-050/-6 RP-050=2/ RP-050/-/ RP-050/=6 26/5 26/6 26// 26=0 26=1 26=2 261/ 26=3 26=5 26=6 26=/ 26== 26-0


RP-050/=5 26-2 RP-050/=5 26-, RP-050/=5 RP-050/=5 RP-050=00 RP-050/== RP-050/== RP-050/-/ RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 RP-050/-3 26-6 26-= 26-2/00 2/01 2/02 2/03 2/0, 2/05 2/06 2/0/ 2/0= 2/02/10 2/11

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent (orrectio$ to u$de3i$ed U) %e"a5iour i$ case o3 (e -:4 !ositio$i$2 1it" 9et"od t7!e U)-%ased Recei5i$2 @&reBue$c7 i$3o@ :) i$ ()LL UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e Re-e$tr7 i$ ser5ice i$ ()LL;P(< %e3ore T316 e.!ir7 #S'.1 a i2$9e$t to Re -5 o3 :$terR#T(e :$3o:$dicatio$ #dditio$ o3 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts re!orti$2 o$ R#(< re!orti$2 i$ t"e #S'.1 o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST a$d ()LL UP4#T) 9essa2es (orrectio$ to t"e #9ou$t o3 Re!orti$2 Mi$or correctio$ o3 <S-4S(<0 )-4(< ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$ Modi3icatio$ o3 TP( co99a$d error rate 2ra$u arit7 a$d ra$2e 1 :$troductio$ o3 PS "a$do5er %et1ee$ UTR#' a$d G)R#' :$c udi$2 <S-4P((< !o1er o33set a$d <#RE !rea9% e 9ode i$ acti5e set u!date Mi$or M8MS correctio$s (set :V) ( ari3icatio$ o$ M8MS 9odi3ied ser5ices i$3or9atio$ :) M8MS correctio$ 3or recou$ti$2 1 M8MS as$1 issues )-4(< correctio$s a$d additio$s )-4(< correctio$s , )-4(< additio$s to acti5e set u!date 1 U) ca!a%i ities 3or )-4(< i$ 25.331 (o$ditio$a sus!e$sio$ o3 ()LL;&#(< 9easure9e$ts to e$a% e rece!tio$ o3 M((< M8MS 9essa2e order o$ M((< MS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ i$ case o3 so3t co9%i$i$2 Ti9i$2 633set 1 Re9o5a o3 3i.ed !ositio$ 3or S-((P(<s carr7i$2 M8MS c"a$$e s :$troductio$ o3 8a$d V:: :$troduci$2 !re- co$3i2uratio$ u!o$ radio %earer esta% is"9e$t 1 :$troductio$ o3 t"e de5ice t7!e i$dicatio$ i$ U) ca!a%i it7 )-4(< TT: Reco$3i2uratio$ Ma.i9u9 $u9%er o3 re3ere$ce )T&(:Ss &-4P(< !o1er co$tro 2 :$troductio$ o3 UMTS1/00 , :$troductio$ o3 t"e <S4P# a$d )-4(< (a!a% e (e :$dicator 1 PR#(< 3or (((< i$ S:8 6 1 T.0R. 3reBue$c7 se!aratio$ ca!a%i it7 (&44) 1 )-4(< 9o%i it7 correctio$s a$d 9u ti-ste! "a$d i$2 3or )-RG(< 1 L1 s7$c"ro$isatio$ at <<6 (orrectio$ to U) !ositio$i$2 9easure9e$ts i$ ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< state ( ari3icatio$ o3 4e ta i$ :$ter0:$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 criteria ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e usa2e o3 @#c>-'ac> Po1er 633set@ i$ <S4P# 3or T44 Modi3icatio$ o3 G8-#MR de3au t co$3i2uratio$ Ser5i$2 )-4(< radio i$> i$dicatio$ :$troductio$ o3 UMTS -00 (8a$d V:::) M((< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ (orrectio$ o3 de3au t T&(S 3or M8MS U$idirectio$a RL( reco$3i2uratio$ 1 Misa i2$9e$ts 3or )-4(< U!date 3or )-4(< Ser5i$2 Gra$t :) 5a ue ra$2e ( ari3icatio$ o$ M#(-d 3 o1 9u ti! e.i$2 ist #dditio$ o3 )-4(< !o1er o33sets to acti5e set u!date )-R'T: 5a idit7 ( ari3icatio$ o3 %it stri$2s 3or )UL 1 Modi3icatio$ o3 S: !eriodicit7 )-4(< P6 si2$a i$2 1 M#( es0e reset i$dicator

Cld 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6.6.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0

New 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0


Release !

!! % Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-30 RP-30 RP-30 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31 RP-31

TSG 3oc# CR RP-050/== 2/1, RP-050=31 2/1/ RP-050=61 RP-0600=/ RP-0600=3 RP-0600=1 2/1= 2/16 2/20 2/22


RP-0600-1 2/23 RP-0600=/ 2/2, RP-0600=/ 2/25 RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-0600=/ RP-060120 2/26 2/2/ 2/2= 2/22/30 2/31 2/32 2/33 2/3,

RP-0600-1 2/35 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-3 RP-0600-2 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-1 2/36 2/3/ 2/3= 2/32/,0 2/,1 2/,2

RP-0600-1 2/,3 RP-0600=3 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-2 RP-0600-5 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-1 RP-0600== 2/,6 2/,/ 2/,= 2/,2/51 2/52 2/53

RP-0600-1 2/5, RP-0600-1 2/55 RP-0600-1 RP-0600-1 RP-0600=6 RP-0600== RP-0600-3 RP-0600-5 RP-0600-/ RP-0600-6 2/56 2/5/ 2/60 2/61 2/6, 2/65 2/13 2/5=

RP-0600-= 2/5RP-0600-- 2/62 RP-0603/, RP-060360 RP-060361 2/62//2 2//,

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 1 M8MS correctio$s o$ de3au t T&(S, ser5ice ide$tit7 a$d PL Ser5ice :$3or9atio$ 1 (orrectio$s o3 i$co$siste$cies i$ Re -6 RR( 9essa2es (#S'.1 re5ie1) 1 :$troductio$ o3 Su!!ort o3 <a$do5er to G#' 5 )-4(< Measure9e$t )5e$t 1F 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ 11 3or 9u tirate #MR 1it" SR85 1 #dditio$ o3 s7$c"ro$iQatio$ !ara9eters i$ RR( 3or <S-S:(< i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 :$te2rit7 Protectio$ c"ec> 3or '#S 9essa2es )-4(< radio i$> additio$ usi$2 #SU o3 RL a read7 i$ 4(< acti5e set #dditio$ o3 S&12= a$d S&256 i$ )-4(< 9a.i9u9 c"a$$e isatio$ codes 2 RR( si2$a i$2 e33icie$c7 c"a$2es 3or )-4(< )-4(< <#RE :$3o si2$a i$2 Seco$dar7 Scra9% i$2 (ode i$ &-4P(< RL i$3or9atio$ (orrectio$ to )-4(< :)s 'o$-sc"edu ed 2ra$t :) "a$d i$2 3or )-4(< )-R'T: "a$d i$2 i$ #cti5e Set U!date !rocedure )ditoria correctio$ o$ O)-4(< i$3or9atio$P 1 (orrectio$s o3 i$co$siste$cies i$ Re -6 RR( 9essa2es (#S'.1 re5ie1) (orrectio$ to Modi37i$2 :$te2rit7 Protectio$ (o$3i2uratio$ 3or TM SR8 (orrectio$ to Securit7 Mode (o$tro Procedure Reso 5i$2 !ro% e9s 3ro9 (R i9! e9e$tatio$ Re9o5a o3 GPRS e$cr7!tio$ a 2orit"9 i$3o 1 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$s 3or Mu ti-9ode #MR Periodic UR# U!date i$ 66S (orrectio$ i$ :) U) !ositio$i$2 ca!a%i it7 &-4P(<, <S4P# a$d )-4(< i$ <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' (6MM#'4 (Re -6 #S'.1 re5ie1 issue 013) Re!rese$tatio$ o3 :) @ atest(o$3i2ured('-4o9ai$@ i$ t"e r3 %ra$c" o3 SR'S Re ocatio$ :$3o 1 /.-5>%!s '8 #MR 4e3au t (o$3i2uratio$ re9o5a Periodic 8M( Sc"edu e Messa2e 1 :$troductio$ o3 additio$a 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$ ide$tities 1 PS de3au t co$3i2uratio$s (o$3i2uratio$ o3 4L T&(S as LSa9e as ULL '#S s7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicator i$ R8 setu! Ge$era error "a$d i$2 i$ case o3 #S'.1 5io atio$ a$d 3or M8MS c"a$$e s ( ari3icatio$ o3 U) actio$ u!o$ recei5i$2 t"e :) R8 i$3or9atio$ to c"a$2e ist Re9o5a o3 u$$ecessar7 c"ec>i$2 3or <S-4S(< a$d )-4(< co$3i2uratio$ :$troductio$ o3 G8-#MR de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1it"out SR8[5 :$itia 4P(< 3ra9e o33set 3or &-4P(< 1 Su!!ort 3or di33ere$t )-4(< a$d <S-4S(< ser5i$2 ce s (orrectio$ to S-((P(< !o1er o33set 3or M8MS :$ter-R#T PS <a$do5er ca!a%i it7 :$dicatio$ o3 <SP# ca!a%i it7 a$d co$5ersatio$ ca t7!e 3or (S 3 )$a% i$2 t"e Pro5idi$2 o3 Ve ocit7 Re ease / <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1it"out a 4L 4P(< 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 R s7$c"ro$isatio$ a$d !o1er co$tro o3 UL 4P(< 5ia PL((< /.6= Mc!s T44 6!tio$ (Re ease /) :$troductio$ o3 R)L-/ access stratu9 re ease i$dicator 1 1 1 Ro<( Se29e$tatio$, !addi$2 a$d Pac>et;siQes;a o1ed !ara9eter re9o5a (orrectio$s o3 !rocedures dea i$2 1it" OSer5i$2 <S-4S(< radio i$> i$dicatorP a$d OSer5i$2 )-4(< radio i$> i$dicatorP M#(-<S "a$d i$2 3or @retur$ i$ case o3 3ai ure@

Cld 6./.0 6./.0 6./.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 /.0.0 /.0.0 /.0.0

New 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.=.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 6.-.0 /.0.0 /.0.0 /.0.0 /.0.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0


RP-32 RP-32 RP-32


Release !

!! Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0603=3 2//6 RP-06036= 2//= RP-06036= 2/=0 RP-06036= 2/=2 RP-06036= RP-06035, RP-060361 RP-060361 2/=, 2/=6 2/== 2/-0

RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-32 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33

RP-06036, RP-06036, RP-06035= RP-06036, RP-06036, RP-06036, RP-06036, RP-060365 RP-060365 RP-060365 RP-060365 RP-060365 RP-060366 RP-060366 RP-060366 RP-060366 RP-060366 RP-060366 RP-0603/3 RP-06035RP-06035RP-060362 RP-06036= RP-06035, RP-060366 RP-060366 RP-06036RP-06036RP-06036RP-0603=6 RP-0605/3 RP-0605/, RP-0605/5 RP-0605/, RP-0605-/ RP-0605=1 RP-0605/6 RP-0605/6 RP-0605/6 RP-0605/6 RP-0605/5 RP-0605/5 RP-0605/5 RP-0605/5 RP-0605-3

2/-2 2/-, 2/-6 2/-= 2=00 2=02 2=0, 2=06 2=0= 2=10 2=12 2=1, 2=16 2=1= 2=20 2=22 2=2, 2=26 2=2/ 2=22=30 2=31 2=33 2=35 2=3/ 2=32=,2 2=,3 2=,, 2=,5 2=,= 2=52 2=5, 2=56 2=5= 2=52=61 2=65 2=6/ 2=62=/1 2=/3 2=// 2=/2==1


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld 1 OR8P ter9i$o o27 i$ securit7 !rocedures /.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ :) OM8MS re-acBuire M((<P /.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M((< #cBuisitio$ :$itiatio$ /.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 e$codi$2 o3 T8 siQe 3or &44 co99o$ tra$s!ort /.0.0 c"a$$e s - <(S !ara9eters 3or M8MS ce rese ectio$ /.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M#(-e0es reset /.0.0 - Modi3icatio$ to t"e O8L)R tar2etPco$3i2uratio$ 9et"od i$ RR( s!ec /.0.0 3or 3.=,Mc!s T44 - #dd so9e :)s re2ardi$2 <S-S:(< !o1er co$tro !ara9eter /.0.0 u!dati$2 i$ UPL:'H P<DS:(#L (<#'')L (6'TR6L 9essa2e i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 9ode - (orrectio$s o$ :$ter-R#T ce i$3o i$dicatio$ /.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$s re2ardi$2 5irtua acti5e set /.0.0 - PS <a$do5er (a!a%i it7 /.0.0 - <a$d i$2 o3 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> t7!e 5%is. /.0.0 - :$troduci$2 co$tai$er 3or Measure9e$t Re!ort i$3or9ato$ 1it"i$ /.0.0 SR'S re ocatio$ - Re9o5a o3 GSM 6T4 re3ere$ce ce /.0.0 - )rror "a$d i$2 o3 Ldu997L :)s i$troduced i$ #S'.1 %7 rece$t /.0.0 3eature re9o5a - ST#RT 5a ue i$ (e U!date /.0.0 - 4e3au t co$3i2uratio$s 10 a$d 13 /.0.0 - :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 o$ R#(< /.0.0 - Radio %earer 9a!!i$2 3or SR8s /.0.0 - (orrectio$ to RL( de3au t co$3i2uratio$ /.0.0 - 'e1 sta$da o$e SR8 de3au t co$3i2uratio$ /.0.0 - :$troductio$ o3 de3au t co$3i2uratio$s 1it" T3 e.i% e T&(SS /.0.0 - S9a :) correctio$s* @R8 i$3or9atio$ to c"a$2e ist@, @#ccess ( ass /.0.0 8arred@ - (orrectio$ to :) 4e3au t (o$3i2uratio$ :de$tit7 /.0.0 - (orrectio$ to T&( su%set 3or de3au t co$3i2uratio$s 11W12 /.0.0 - <S4P#0)-4(< i$3o i$ :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 G:T< /.0.0 :'T)R R#T (#P#8:L:T:)S 1 #ddi$2 (S (a T7!e to (e U!date Messa2e /.0.0 - (orrect i$dicatio$ o3 Re -/ ta%u ar e$tries /.0.0 - (orrectio$s to R)L-/ #S'.1 /.0.0 - Measure9e$t co$tro #S'.1 error /.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M8MS Radio 8earer Re ease /.0.0 - (orrectio$ o$ )-4(< 4L Scra9% i$2 (ode /.0.0 - Rei$state9e$t o3 9issi$2 :) @Periodica re!orti$2 i$3or9atio$-1%@ i$ /.0.0 #S'.1 - SR82 sus!e$sio$ /.0.0 - Re ease / Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (3.=, M!cs a$d /.6= Mc!s T44) /.0.0 - :$troductio$ o3 R)L-/ access stratu9 re ease i$dicator /.0.0 - Positio$i$2 5e ocit7 #S'.1 /.0.0 1 (orrectio$ o3 !ositio$i$2 co$3ide$ce re!orti$2 i$co$siste$cies /.0.0 - Re9o5a o3 (:4 i$dicatio$ i$ P4(P P:4 /.1.0 - (orrectio$ to t"e ta%u ars 3or Ser5i$2 Gra$t 5a ue /.1.0 - Ra$2e o3 t"e e$codi$2 o3 )-4(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 a$d <S- /.1.0 4S(< !"7sica a7er cate2or7 - 3-i$de. ste! 2-i$de. ste! c ari3icatio$s /.1.0 2 :$troductio$ o3 S:8 11%is /.1.0 - Po1er c ass 3or UMTS2600 (V::) i$ter$a 0 -00 (V:::) /.1.0 - (orrectio$s to M8MS 4o1$ i$> Ti9es ots a$d (odes 3or T44 /.1.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M8MS $oti3icatio$ 3or U)s i$ ()LL;4(< state /.1.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M8MS !-t-9 acti5atio$ ti9e :) /.1.0 - #ccess !ro%a%i it7 3actor /.1.0 - Modi3icatio$ to t"e <S-S((< set co$3i2uratio$ 9et"od i$ RR( /.1.0 s!ec 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ to ta%u ar 3or :) O4e a7 restrictio$ & a2P /.1.0 - (orretio$ o$ 3G-2G <a$do5er /.1.0 - Pe$di$2 securit7 co$3i2uratio$ 3or SR82 /.1.0 - U) radio access ca!a%i it7 3or Si$2 e-%a$d U) /.1.0

New /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0

/.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0


Release !

!! ! Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-33 RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-3, RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0605-3 2==3 RP-0605-3 2==5 RP-0605-3 2==/ RP-0605-3 2==RP-0605=3 2=-2 RP-0605/3 RP-0605/3 RP-0605=5 RP-0605=3 RP-0605=6 RP-0605=2 RP-0605-3 RP-0605=, RP-0605=, RP-06062, RP-0605/, RP-0605-3 RP-060622 RP-0605/= RP-060/22 RP-060/1/ RP-060/15 RP-060/16 RP-060=0, RP-060/1= RP-060/1= RP-060/1= RP-060/1= RP-060/1RP-060/16 RP-060/26 RP-060/1RP-060/16 RP-060/20 RP-060/12 RP-060/13 RP-060/1= RP-060/1= RP-060/2, RP-060/1= RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/015RP-0/0151 RP-0/0151 RP-0/0151 RP-0/0151 RP-0/0151 RP-0/0153 2=-/ 2-00 2-01 2-02 2-03 2-0, 2-0/ 2-0= 2-10 2-11 2-13 2-15 2-1/ 2-12-16 2-22 2-23 2-25 2-2/ 2-31 2-33 2-35 2-36 2-3= 2-,0 2-,1 2-,3 2-,5 2-,/ 2-,= 2-,2-51 2-53 2-5, 2-56 2-5/ 2-5= 2-52-60 2-61 2-62 2-63 2-6, 2-66 2-6= 2-/0 2-/2 2-/3 2-/5



Re= Su;ject<Co22ent - :$ter-R#T "a$do5er to UTR#' (<SP#) - Ta%u ar W re3ere$ce correctio$s - &-4P(< T. 4i5ersit7 1 ).!iratio$ o3 RR( ti9er T31,0T315 associated to (S0PS R#8s - ( ari3icatio$ o$ ).ceedi$2 Varia$ce i$ Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t 1 Use o3 (M;P#TT)R';#(T:V#T:6';#86RT)4 1 (orrectio$s o3 !rocedures dea i$2 1it" <ard <a$do5er - (orrectio$ to s!readi$2 3actors used 3or /.6= Mc!s T44 PR#(< - (orrectio$s to #S'.1 (3.=, Mc!s a$d /.6= Mc!s T44) - :$troductio$ o3 3.=, Mc!s a$d /.6= Mc!s T44 )-4(< - Su!!ort o3 25/0 R 2620 M<Q %a$d 3or T44 - #S'1 correctio$ o$ :$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< 9easure9e$t re!orti$2, %ac>1ard co9!ati% e so utio$ - (S (a t7!e i$dicatio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< 1 U) %e"a5iour i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ Re-esta% is"9e$t sce$arios 2 )$"a$ci$2 M8MS su!!ort 3or Mo%i e TV - )-4(< 2ai$ 3actor co9!utatio$ - (orrectio$ to de3au t co$3i2uratio$ [22 (orrectio$ to codi$2 o3 PL((< 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 M#(-"s reset 2 U) %ased 6T46# !ositio$i$2 i$ G(4M# ce s 1it" e.te$ded ra$2e 1 (orrectio$ o$ acce!ta% e co$3i2uratio$s 3or co9!ressio$ e$tities - :$troductio$ o3 8a$d A ().te$ded UMTS 1./02.1 G<Q) i$ 25.331 - Gra$t a$d M#(-e0es "eaders 3or )-4(< a$d Re3ere$ces 2 (orrectio$ to )-4(< reco$3i2uratio$ - Re9o5a o3 MS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ 3ro9 S-((P(< s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ - (orrectio$ re ati$2 to t"e 3or9atio$ o3 a ist o3 ser5ices - :$de$tatio$ error i$ "a$d i$2 M8MS esta% is"9e$t cause 5a ues - MS(< co$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ - Ta%u ar0#S'.1 9is9atc" 3or :) @U) radio access ca!a%i it7 co9! 2@ - (orrectio$ to Radio 8earer Ma!!i$2 3or U) i$ ()LL;4(< state 1 State tra$sitio$ dia2ra9 3ro9 UR#;P(<0(e ;P(< to id e - Usa2e o3 8a$d :$dicator i$ :$ter-R#T ce i$3o ist - (orrectio$ 3or su!!ort o3 <S-4S(< i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ Setu! - (orrectio$s re ated to 3.=, a$d /.6= Mc!s T44 )-4(< a$d t"e su!!ort o3 T44 at 2.6 G<Q 1 :$troductio$ o3 t"e U) s!eed i$3or9atio$ at t"e ()LL;4(< tra$sitio$ 2 :$troductio$ o3 t"e $e1 securit7 a 2orit"9s U)#2 a$d U:#2. - R#8 :4 3or 9o%i e TV - M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ a$d !re3erred 3reBue$c7 a7er 2 :$troductio$ o3 i$ter-R#T 4TM <a$do5er - M8MS s"ort tra$s9issio$ :4 a$d Mo%i e TV 2 4e3erred S:811012 readi$2 a$d acti$2 - U) Positio$i$2 &i$e Ti9e #ssista$ce 3or GPS - (orrectio$ o3 @T"res"o d S&'-GPS T6G@ 1 (orrectio$ to sta$da o$e U) !ositio$i$2 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ i$troductio$ o3 t"e $e1 securit7 a 2orit"9s - ("a$2e to area sco!e o3 S:81 5a ue ta2 - (orrectio$ o3 t"e ta%u ar descri!tio$ o3 t"e :) 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$> Post - Re9o5a o3 redu$da$t #S'1 e e9e$t 4L-((Tr("TP(List - (orrectio$ o3 M8MS M64:&:(#T:6' R)EU)ST - Gordi$2 o3 M8MS PL Ser5ice Restrictio$ :$3or9atio$ a$d !re3erred 3reBue$c7 a7er - 9a.M8MS-Ser5ices de3i$itio$ 1 M8MS se ected ser5ices i$dicatio$ 1 (orrectio$ o3 R#8 re ease !rocedure 3or Mo%i e TV - Ta%u ar # i2$9e$t 3or U! i$> 4P(< :$3o

Cld /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.1.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0

New /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.2.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.3.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0


Release !

!! 3 Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-35 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-36 RP-3/ RP-3/

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0/0151 2-// RP-0/015, 2-/RP-0/0153 RP-0/0163 RP-0/015/ RP-0/0161 RP-0/01/2 RP-0/0160 RP-0/0151 RP-0/015= RP-0/0,02 RP-0/0,0/ RP-0/0,0/ RP-0/0,0/ RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/03-5 RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,03 RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,16 RP-0/0,01 RP-0/0,01 RP-0/0,16 RP-0/0,01 RP-0/0,01 RP-0/0,06 RP-0/0,06 RP-0/0,16 RP-0/0,06 RP-0/0,0, RP-0/0,00 RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,15 RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/0,0= RP-0/03-= RP-0/03-/ RP-0/03-/ RP-0/03-/ RP-0/0,1/ RP-0/03-, RP-0/0,01 RP-0/0,01 RP-0/0,01 RP-0/050, RP-0/0623 RP-0/0625 2-=1 2-=3 2-=, 2-=5 2-=6 2-=/ 2-=2--0 2-=2 2--2 2--3 2--, 2--5 2--6 2--/ 2--= 2--3000 3001 3002 3003 300, 300= 3010 3012 3013 3015 301/ 3013021 3022 302, 3025 3026 302/ 302= 3023030 3031 3032 303, 3035 3036 303/ 303= 30330,0 30,1 30,3 30,/ 30,=



Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld 1 U!date t"e :)P R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ureP 3or Mo%i e TV /.3.0 - #%se$ce o3 MS ( ass9ar> 2 a$d 3 i$ :) @:$ter-R#T U) radio /.3.0 access ca!a%i it7@ - <a$d i$2 o3 T&(S 1it" $o 4(< co$3i2ured /.3.0 1 :$troduci$2 6,E#M do1$ i$> su!!ort /.3.0 - :$troductio$ o3 1.2= Mc!s T44 )-4(< /.3.0 1 :$troduci$2 M:M6 i$ RR( s!eci3icatio$ /.3.0 - # i2$9e$t o3 Ta%u ar 1it" #S'.1 /.3.0 - (orrectio$s to Ta%u ar 3or 3.=, a$d /.6= Mc!sT44 )-4(< /.3.0 1 M:(< rece!tio$ 3or ser5ices sc"edu ed 1it" MS(< /.3.0 - :$troductio$ o3 4TA-4RA a$d <S-S((< ess i$ RR( /.3.0 6 :$troduci$2 16E#M u! i$> su!!ort /.,.0 Use o3 :$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a 2orit"9 U:#02* re9o5a o3 a Ls"a L i$ a /.,.0 $ote RR( (e id e$codi$2 a i2$9e$t o$ R#'#P /.,.0 Si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ re ease at T31,0315 e.!ir7 /.,.0 (e U!date (o$3ir9 1it" RL( re-esta% is" i$dicator /.,.0 (orrectio$ o3 STT4 :$dicator 3or &-4P(< T. 4i5ersit7 /.,.0 :$troductio$ o3 G#' PS "a$do5er /.,.0 &eature ( ea$ U! e3to5er* Re9o5a o3 4R#( e3to5er /.,.0 :$itia isatio$ o3 (&' ca cu atio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< /.,.0 PLM' se ectio$ !i$2-!o$2 co$tro /.,.0 6!ti9iQatio$ o3 s1itc"i$2 %ete1ee$ M8MS %roadcast TV c"a$$e s /.,.0 tra$s9itted o$ !t! %earers (M8MS 3or Mo%i e TV) # i2$9e$t o3 ta%u ar to #S'.1 3or S:8110S:812 a$d e5e$t 1F /.,.0 2 :$troductio$ o3 <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(<, UR#;P(< /.,.0 a$d ()LL;P(< 1 :$troductio$ t1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(< /.,.0 Mai$te$a$ce o3 PMM co$$ectio$ 3or M8MS PTP rece!tio$ /.,.0 (o$te$t o3 MS: 9essa2e 1"e$ se$t o$ 4((< /.,.0 Re ati5e orderi$2 o3 M8MS Se ected Ser5ices 1"e$ i$dicated to /.,.0 t"e $et1or> 8ac>2rou$d sca$ duri$2 M8MS PTM rece!tio$ /.,.0 4e3au t M8MS acti5atio$ ti9e a$d LM8MS a u$9odi3ied !-t-9 /.,.0 ser5icesL Pro% e9 1it" t"e :) LM8MS ser5ice ide$tit7L i$c uded i$ t"e :) LR#8 /.,.0 i$3oL (orrectio$ o3 SR8 de a7 /.,.0 :$correct re3ere$ce to 25.--3 3or de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1/ /.,.0 Re9o5a o3 redu$da$t :) LM8MS-Pre3erred&reBReBuest-r6L /.,.0 (orrectio$ to (T&( 3or de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12 /.,.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 :9!ro5ed L2 su!!ort 3or "i2" data rates /.,.0 M8MS T44 a$d &44 P"7sica La7er :9!ro5e9e$ts /.,.0 :$troductio$ o3 Gait ti9e to (e U!date (o$3ir9 /.,.0 Re9o5i$2 t"e i9itatio$ o3 SR'( ide$tit7 siQe /.,.0 Usi$2 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( /.,.0 #M 1 T305 ti9er i$ RR( co$tai$er at SR'S re ocatio$ /.,.0 Su!!ort 3or si2$a i$2 o3 &-4P(< s ot 3or9ats /.,.0 1 #-G'SS i$ UTR#' (RR() /.,.0 #dditio$ o3 )-4(< Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ Po1er 633set i$ T44 /.,.0 9ode 1 (orrectio$s to ta%u ar 3or $o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 3or L(R T44 /.,.0 :$troductio$ o3 PR#(< co$3i2uratio$ i$ 9essa2es tri22eri$2 )-4(< /.,.0 ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e i$ L(R T44 9ode (orrectio$ to de3i$itio$ o3 9a.'u9)-#G(< 3or T44 /.,.0 (orrectio$ to de3i$itio$ o3 Po1er Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$ /.,.0 (T44 o$ 7) M8MS Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ /.,.0 M8MS 'oti3icatio$ /.,.0 Mi$or correctio$ o$ te.t /.,.0 2 :$dicatio$ 3or &-4P(< su!!ort status /.,.0 1 (orrectio$ to )-4(< STT4 o!eratio$ /.5.0 1 ReBuire9e$t o$ M:(< readi$2 /.5.0

New /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.,.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.6.0 /.6.0


Release !

!! ' Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3/ RP-3=

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0/062, 3050 RP-0/06/1 3053 RP-0/06/1 305, RP-0/0626 3055 RP-0/0630 3056 RP-0/06/0 305/ RP-0/0632 305= RP-0/0631 305RP-0/0631 3060 RP-0/0636 3061 RP-0/0636 3062 RP-0/0625 RP-0/0625 RP-0/0623 RP-0/0625 RP-0/0625 RP-0/06/1 RP-0/06/1 RP-0/06/1 RP-0/06/1 RP-0/06/1 RP-0/063, RP-0/062/ RP-0/062/ RP-0/062/ RP-0/062/ RP-0/062/ RP-0/062RP-0/0631 RP-0/06/0 RP-0/06/0 RP-0/0623 RP-0/0650 RP-0/062, RP-0/062, RP-0/062, RP-0/062, RP-0/0626 RP-0/0626 RP-0/062/ RP-0/0632 RP-0/062= RP-0/0636 RP-0/0636 RP-0/062= RP-0/0636 RP-0/0636 RP-0/0636 RP-0/062, RP-0/062, RP-0/0/6, RP-0/0633 RP-0/1011 306, 3066 306= 30/2 30/, 30// 30/= 30/30=0 30=1 30=2 30=3 30=, 30=5 30=6 30=/ 30== 30=30-0 30-2 30-3 30-, 30-6 30-= 3100 3102 3103 310, 3105 310/ 310= 3103112 3113 311, 3115 3116 3120 3122 3123 3063126


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent ST#RT 5a ues i$ ce u!date %e3ore securit7 is e$a% ed 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ )$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< State (orrectio$ o3 UTR#' M68:L:TD :'&6RM#T:6' e.te$sio$ 1 Loss ess reco$3i2uratio$ %et1ee$ 3i.ed a$d 3 e.i% e RL( P4U siQe Restrictio$ o$ t"e $u9%er o3 M:M6 !rocesses (orrectio$ o$ 16 E#M (ate2or7 1 (orrectio$ to M8S&' T4M (orrectio$s to Ta%u ar (a i2$9e$t 1it" #S'.1) (R i9! e9e$tatio$ issues 25.331 5/.,.0 (200/-03) :$co9! ete e.ce!tio$ descri!tio$ i$ U)-%ased 6T46# (orrectio$ o3 i$co$siste$c7 i$ 25.331 re ated to U)-se$di$2 o3 ca!a%i ities 1 M8MS (ou$ti$2 co9! etio$ i$ RR( 1 M8MS !t! ser5ice c"a$2e 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ o2ica c"a$$e 9u ti! e.i$2 :$te2rit7 Protectio$ a$d M8MS* (orrectio$ to Procedura Te.t (a i2$9e$t 1it" #S'.1) M8MS ser5ices $a9i$2 Re9o5a o3 RR( !addi$2 o$ 8((< a$d P((< carried o$ <S4S(< Periodic M#(-e"s reset (orrectio$ to U) %e"a5ior to disa% e <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1"e$ <S-4S(< rece!tio$ is u$a5ai a% e (e rese ectio$ issues duri$2 RR( co$$ectio$ esta% is"9e$t !rocedure #dditio$a cases o3 M#(-e"s reset 3or U)s o!erati$2 i$ )$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 2 U) (a!a%i ities 3or Re -/, 1it" Li9!ro5ed L2L o!tio$a (orrectio$ to (P( UL 4TA 3or additio$ o3 a $e1 ce i$ t"e acti5e set. 1 <a$d i$2 o3 4P((< S ot &or9at , (orrectio$ to t"e re ated :)s o3 4TA-4RA o!eratio$ i$ RR( 1 Restrictio$ o3 <S-S((< ess o!eratio$ a$d M:M6 1 <S-S((< ess 5irtua :R %u33er siQe Ti9i$2 #d5a$ce (orrectio$s 3or 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 )-4(< 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 )4(< Se$di$2 Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ Periodica 7 (orrectio$ o$ 6,E#M a$d M:M6 U) ca!a%i it7 i$ RR( 1 Starti$2 a$d sto!!i$2 o!eratio$ i$ 16E#M 9ode T"e ra$2e o3 )-T&(:;ed,s1itc" :$troductio$ o3 9u ti-3reBue$c7 o!eratio$ 3or L(R T44 &-4P(< TP( error rate tar2et (orrectio$ to (T&( 3or de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1, (orrectio$ to de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 16 Securit7 correctio$ o$ PS "a$do5er to UTR#' :) (o99o$ R8 9a!!i$2 i$3o (o99o$-M#(-e"s-Reorderi$2Eueues 2 (orrectio$ to (P( Para9eters ("a$2e ReBuest 3or 25.331 #S'.1 3or M8MS T44 a$d &44 P"7sica La7er :9!ro5e9e$ts U!date o3 G#'SS e e9e$ts i9!ro5i$2 G#'SS a9%i2uit7 reso utio$ (orrectio$s to 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d ()LL;P(< ( ari3icatio$ o$ reco$3i2uratio$ o3 T305 :$troductio$ o3 S:8 t7!e e.te$sio$ 3or S:8 t7!e 15.= (orrectio$ 3or co$3i2uratio$ o3 R&(250/ "eader co9!ressio$ (orrectio$ 3or (S ca t7!e #dd t"e 3reBue$c7 i$3or to ide$ti37 t"e $ei2"%our ce s 1"e$ re!ort t"e 6T46# 9easure9e$t resu ts (orrectio$s i$ t"e de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s 11012013 Misce a$eous correctio$s i$ t"e de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s 1 &or t"e creatio$ o3 RR( Re -= :$troductio$ o3 8a$d A: 2 U) setti$2 3or t"e O).te$sio$ i$dicatorP i$ t"e 3reBue$c7 %a$d :)s

Cld /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 /.5.0 =.0.0

New /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 /.6.0 =.0.0 =.0.0 =.1.0


Release !

!! " Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3= RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3-

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0/0=-= 3133 RP-0/0=-RP-0/0-00 RP-0/0-03 RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0-03 RP-0/0=-5 RP-0/0=-, RP-0/0=-5 RP-0/0=-2 RP-0/0-03 RP-0/0-03 RP-0/0-02 RP-0/0-03 RP-0/0=-= RP-0/0=-= RP-0/0=-= RP-0/0=-RP-0/0-3= RP-0/0=-, RP-0/0-06 RP-0/0-01 RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0=-5 RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0=-5 RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0=-5 RP-0/0=-/ RP-0/0-11 RP-0/0=-5 RP-0/0-10 RP-0/0-0/ RP-0/0-05 RP-0/0-0, RP-0/0-0, RP-0/0-12 RP-0/0-05 RP-0=01/= RP-0=01=RP-0=01=RP-0=01=RP-0=01=RP-0=01=6 RP-0=01== RP-0=01=1 RP-0=01-1 3135 313/ 31,1 31,3 31,5 31,/ 3151 315, 315/ 3162 316, 3166 31631/1 31/3 31/5 31// 31/31=1 31=, 31=6 31== 31-0 31-2 31-6 31-= 3201 3203 3206 320= 3210 3212 321, 3215 321/ 3213221 3223 3225 3231 3233 3235 323/ 32332,1 32,3 32,5 32,/


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld (orrectio$ to Measure9e$t Re!ort :$itiatio$ Procedure 1it" U)s i$ =.0.0 ()LL;P(< ST#RT 5a ue a$d reco$3i2uratio$ 3ro9 3i.ed to 3 e.i% e =.0.0 U) 4TA ca!a%i it7 i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest =.0.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 a$ additio$a U) cate2or7 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 )-4(< =.0.0 U) Gaiti$2 duri$2 (e U!date Procedure =.0.0 1 (orrectio$ 3or radio %earer 9a!!i$2 3or &44 =.0.0 #dd )-RU((< SD'(-UL i$3o 3or "a$do5er !rocedure 3or L(R =.0.0 T44 (orrectio$ o$ MMS: rece!tio$ o$ 4((< =.0.0 2 R#4:6 8)#R)R S)TUP usi$2 de3au t co$3i2uratio$s =.0.0 (orrectio$ o3 i$te2rit7 !rotectio$ a$d c"ec>i$2 o3 M8MS M64:&:)4 =.0.0 S)RV:()S :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e o$ 4((< Use o3 de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 12 =.0.0 # (orrectio$ a%out S'PL 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 =.0.0 Su!!ort o3 SR8 tra$s9issio$ o$ <SP# 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 =.0.0 More i9!ro5e9e$t o$ 4edicated 3reBue$c7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 =.0.0 M8MS ( ari3icatio$ o3 2ai$ 3actor 8eta-e i$ L(R T44 )UL =.0.0 2 :ur %ac>1ard co9!ati%i it7 !ro% e9 =.0.0 8((< rece!tio$ o$ <S-4S(< 3or ()LL;P(< U) =.0.0 (e ;P(< U) %e"a5iour u!o$ rece!tio$ o3 acti5atio$ ti9e i$ =.0.0 reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2e (E: Ta% e usa2e =.0.0 Sc"edu ed Gra$t setti$2 i$ 4TA (7c e 2 duri$2 (P( o!eratio$ =.0.0 Gro$2 UL Pu$cturi$2 Li9its 3or de3au t co$3i2uratio$s [15, [1=, =.0.0 [1-, [20 a$d [21 1 ("a$2e o3 U) ca!a%i it7 duri$2 a$ RR( co$$ectio$ =.0.0 (orrectio$ to <S-S((< $u9%eri$2 assu9!tio$ 3or 6,E#M =.0.0 e$codi$2 ( ari3icatio$ t"at O4e3au t 4P(< o33set 5a ueP is reBuired 3or &#(<- =.0.0 N4(< reco$3i2uratio$ )rror i$ Re -/ s"ado1 (R co$cer$i$2 M8MS !re3erred 3reBue$c7 =.0.0 i$3or9atio$ (orrectio$ to (o$tro :$3or9atio$ tra$s9issio$ 1it" t1o o2ica =.0.0 c"a$$e s So9e editoria correctio$s o$ Mu ti-carriers 3or L(R T44 =.0.0 Procedure te.t co$cer$i$2 M8MS o33sets a$d ta%u ar0#S'.1 =.0.0 descri!tio$ are $ot a i2$ed 1 M8MS (o99o$ P"7sica ("a$$e s i9itatio$ =.0.0 1 (orrectio$ o$ M8MS &reBue$c7 La7er 4is!ersio$ (&L4) =.0.0 1 Re! ace9e$t o3 t"e a 9a$ac Sat Mas> %7 SV :4 =.0.0 ( ari3icatio$ o$ )-4P4(< !o1er e.tra!o atio$0i$ter!o atio$ =.0.0 8((< 0 M((< co$siste$c7 3or M8MS rece!tio$ =.0.0 :$troductio$ o3 (S 5oice o5er <SP# =.0.0 :$troductio$ o3 <S-4S(< cate2or7 3or co9%i$ed M:M6 a$d =.0.0 4L6,E#M 4isa% e rese ectio$ to t"e ori2i$a R#T 1"e$ U) recei5es RR( =.0.0 (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T (orrectio$s due to t"e #S'.1 R/ re5ie1 (9ai$ (R) =.0.0 Si2$a i$2 o3 Re -/ U) ca!a%i ities (#S'.1 R/ re5ie1) =.0.0 #u29e$tatio$ o3 G#'SS Si2$a :4 3ie d =.0.0 4e ta T2TP Para9eter =.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M#A;(:4 =.1.0 - &#(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ (a cu atio$ =.1.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ O4e3au t 4P(< o33set 5a ueP =.1.0 - S7$c"ro$ised 9odi3icatio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ % oc>s =.1.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ OMeasured Resu ts o$ R#(<P i$ e$"a$ced =.1.0 ()LL;&#(< - (orrectio$ to co$ditio$s 3or setti$2 M:M6;ST#TUS 5aria% e =.1.0 - (orrectio$ to <S-S((< $u9%eri$2 assu9!tio$ 3or 6,E#M =.1.0 e$codi$2 - Use o3 ce se ectio$ a$d rese ectio$ i$3o i$ t"e case t"at a ce is =.1.0 !ro5idi$2 M8S&' o$ 7 ser5ice - (orrectio$s due to t"e RR( Re -/ #S'.1 re5ie1 =.1.0

New =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.1.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0


Release !

!! ( Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-3RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0=01// 3250 RP-0=01=RP-0=01-0 RP-0=01=6 RP-0=01=2 RP-0=01=5 RP-0=01=5 RP-0=01=5 RP-0=01=, RP-0=01/= RP-0=0203 RP-0=0200 RP-0=0201 RP-0=0201 RP-0=0202 RP-0=020, RP-0=03-0 RP-0=03-0 RP-0=0,03 RP-0=0,1, RP-0=0,1/ RP-0=03-6 RP-0=03-6 RP-0=0,03 RP-0=03-3 RP-0=0,03 RP-0=0,0, RP-0=0,,3 RP-0=03-= RP-0=0,00 RP-0=03-5 RP-0=0,1= RP-0=0,02 RP-0=0,05 RP-0=0,1RP-0=0,13253 3255 325/ 3253261 3263 3265 326/ 32/0 32/1 32/2 32/3 32/, 32/5 32/6 32=2 32=5 32=/ 32== 32=32-1 32-3 32-5 32-= 3300 3302 330, 3306 330= 3312 3313 3315 3316 331/ 331-


RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0

RP-0=03-6 RP-0=03=, RP-0=03-6 RP-0=0,01 RP-0=0300 RP-0=0,,2 RP-0=03-, RP-0=0,00 RP-0=0,00 RP-0=0,00 RP-0=0,03 RP-0=0,03 RP-0=03-,

3321 3322 332, 3323332 33,0 33,2 33,, 33,6 33,= 33,3350 3352

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - L2-co9%i$i$2 i$ M8MS (URR)'T ()LL P-T-M R8 =.1.0 :'&6RM#T:6' 9essa2e - Tra33ic 5o u9 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;P(< U) =.1.0 - Su!!ort o3 octet a i2$ed <S-4S(< tra$s!ort % oc> siQes 3or $o$=.1.0 6,E#M 1 (orrectio$ to M:M6 1it" t"e 9essa2e P<DS:(#L (<#'')L =.1.0 R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' - Su!!orti$2 9u ti-3reBue$c7 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 M8MS =.1.0 - Modi3icatio$ o3 5aria% e );4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6' setti$2 =.1.0 - (orrectio$ a$d ( ari3icatio$ o3 $o$-sc"edu ed )-PU(< a ocatio$ =.1.0 3or L(R T44 - Modi3icatio$s o$ t"e 5a ues o3 T-RU((< ti9er 3or L(R T44 =.1.0 - Persiste$ce sca i$2 5a ues 3or 3.=,0/.6= Mc!s T44 )-4(< =.1.0 - (orrectio$ to de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1/ =.1.0 - Si2$a i$2 o3 de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1/ i$ <#'46V)R T6 UTR#' =.1.0 (6MM#'4 9essa2e - :$troductio$ o3 UMTS /00 M<Q (8a$ds A:: R A:V) i$ 25.331 =.1.0 1 (S-<SP# UL #MR Rate a$d 9a.i9u9 Kitter ti9e =.1.0 2 Pro!osa 3or RR( %ased rate co$tro =.1.0 - :$troduci$2 :9!ro5ed L2 3or u! i$> =.1.0 - :$troductio$ o3 PP#( =.1.0 1 :$ter!retatio$ o3 t"e @'ei2"%ouri$2 ce ide$tit7@ i$ M8MS =.2.0 '):G<86UR:'G ()LL PTM R8 :'&6 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M8MS dis!ersio$ =.2.0 - Mi$or #S'.1 correctio$s due errors detected duri$2 5/=0 =.2.0 i9! e9e$tatio$ 2 (o$3i2ura% e 5a ues 3or t"e 9i$i9u9 a$d 9a.i9u9 RL( P4U siQe =.2.0 - :$troductio$ o3 6,E#M i$ RR( 3or L(R T44 =.2.0 - (orrectio$ o$ t"e attri%ute o3 Treset i$ s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ =.2.0 - )ditoria correctio$ to reco$3i2ure M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue =.2.0 - )ditoria correctio$ to 5aria% e descri!tio$ o3 ()LL;:'&6;L:ST =.2.0 - (orrectio$ to t"e ca curatio$ o3 4P(< 3ra9e o33set 3or &-4P(< o$ =.2.0 ti9i$2 re-i$itia ised "ard "a$do5er - <a$d i$2 o3 TR#'SP6RT &6RM#T (6M8:'#T:6' (6'TR6L =.2.0 - (o9! etio$ o3 t"e 9ec"a$is9 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ =.2.0 tra$s9issio$ o$ M#(-e P4U a o$e 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 i$ )UL 1 (ou$ter a$d ti9ers 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ Re!orti$2 o3 L(R =.2.0 T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e de3i$itio$ o3 PRR: 3or T44 =.2.0 1 (orrectio$ a$d ( ari3icatio$ o3 )-RU((< :$3o 3or L(R T44 =.2.0 - Re-esta% is"9e$t co$ditio$ 3or RL( reco$3i2uratio$ to 3i.ed 3ro9 =.2.0 3 e.i% e P4U siQe - )ar 7 :9! e9e$tatio$ o3 PP#( =.2.0 - M8S&' (orrectio$s =.2.0 1 R#8 reco$3i2uratio$ 3or (S <SP# =.2.0 - Various correctio$s due to editoria !ro% e9s detected duri$2 (R =.2.0 i9! e9e$tatio$ a3ter R#'-3- (orrectio$ o3 9issi$2 Re -/ VL)( i$ t"e Radio 8earer =.2.0 Reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2e a$d ot"er $o$-editoria correctio$s due to !ro% e9s disco5ered duri$2 (R i9! e9e$tatio$ - RR( co$$ectio$ re ease 3or (e ;P(< =.2.0 - :$troduce a $e1 %a$d ) 3or L(R T44 =.2.0 - (orrectio$ o3 ()LL;P(< i$ Reco$3i2uratio$ Procedure =.2.0 - ).te$ded !o1er co$tro 2a! 3or )-PU(< i$ L(R T44 =.2.0 - G#'SS correctio$s =.2.0 - (orrectio$ to $ote o$ re3ere$ce )-T&(: co$3i2uratio$ =.2.0 - (orrectio$ to re atio$ %et1ee$ 4TA-4RA ti9i$2 a$d 4TA-4RA =.2.0 co$3i2uratio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ 'u9%er o3 )-U((< 3or L(R T44 =.2.0 1 Prese$ce c ari3icatio$ o3 )-<:(< :$3or9atio$ !er radio i$> 3or T44 =.2.0 - (orrectio$ o$ t"e $o$-sc"edu ed )-PU(< co$3i2uratio$ =.2.0 - (orrectio$ o3 9issi$2 Re -/ VL)( i$ t"e Radio 8earer =.2.0 Reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2e - Various #S'.1 correctio$s =.2.0 - (orrectio$ to si2$a i$2 o3 U! i$> 4P((< s ot 3or9at i$3or9atio$ =.2.0

New =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.2.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0

=.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0


Release !

!! ) Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


0=0200= 0-0200=

TSG B RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,0 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,1 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0=0,03 3353 RP-0=0,,2 3355 RP-0=0,,0 3356 RP-0=06=1 335= RP-0=06/RP-0=06=0 RP-0=06=6 RP-0=06=1 RP-0=06=, RP-0=0/01 RP-0=06/= RP-0=0/01 RP-0=06=5 RP-0=06-6 RP-0=06=2 RP-0=06/RP-0=06/RP-0=06=5 RP-0=06/RP-0=06=/ RP-0=06-, RP-0=06-, RP-0=06-/ RP-0=1022 RP-0=1013 RP-0=101, RP-0=0--RP-0=1005 RP-0=1022 RP-0=100, RP-0=1022 3360 3362 3363 3365 336/ 33/3 33/6 33=2 33=6 33=/ 33=33-1 33-5 33-/ 3,00 3,01 3,03 3,0, 3,05 3,1, 3,15 3,16 3,13,21 3,22 3,2, 3,25


RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2

RP-0=1022 RP-0=1022 RP-0=101, RP-0=1003 RP-0=100/ RP-0=1030 RP-0=100, RP-0=101, RP-0=1003 RP-0=102RP-0=1022 RP-0=1033 RP-0=1022 RP-0=1033 RP-0=1033 RP-0=1102 RP-0=1015 RP-0=1033 RP-0=0=5/ RP-0=1000

3,26 3,2/ 3,2= 3,30 3,32 3,33 3,35 3,36 3,3= 3,33,,5 3,,6 3,,/ 3,,= 3,53 3,5= 3,60 3,62 3,63 3,66

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - U$correct 1a7 to de ete M#(-e"s re-orderi$2 Bueue =.2.0 1 :$dicatio$ 3or )-4P((< Po1er 8oosti$2 su!!ort status =.2.0 - <S-S((< orders 3or <S-S((<- ess o!eratio$ =.2.0 - &i. Gord !ro% e9 =.3.0 - (orrect t"e descri!tio$ o3 U) %e"a5iour duri$2 <S-4S(< =.3.1 Rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< 1 (orrectio$ o$ t"e $o$-sc"edu ed )-PU(< co$3i2uratio$ 3or =.3.1 1.2=Mc!s T44 2 M8S&' (orrectio$s =.3.1 3 RR( !rocedures 3or co$3i2uri$2 :9!ro5ed a7er 2 3or UL =.3.1 - 4e etio$ o3 4u! icate 4e3i$itio$ o3 ()LL;&#(< <S-4S(< =.3.1 Varia% es - Modi3icatio$ o3 G#'SS ti9i$2 re!rese$tatio$ to a5oid ar2e =.3.1 i$te2ers - Readi$2 Tra33ic Vo u9e Measure9e$t S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ i$ S:811 =.3.1 , ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e U) %e"a5ior o$ 4S#( =.3.1 - (orrectio$ to si2$a i$2 o3 9u ti! e PLM's i$ S:81= =.3.1 2 Reco$3i2uratio$ o3 i$acti5e R#8s to 4(< =.3.1 3 :$troductio$ o3 )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< i$ 25.331 =.3.1 - (orrectio$ to M:M6 !ara9eters =.3.1 - Perstiste$ce 5a ue (Pi) co9! etio$ 3or )-RU((< i$ L(R T44 =.3.1 - :$troduce )-4(< Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t 3or L(R T44 =.3.1 - :$troduce Er. e59i$633set i$ 25.331 3or T44 =.3.1 1 (orrectio$ o3 )-RU((< co$3i2uratio$ 3or L(R T44 )UL =.3.1 2 (i!"eri$2 !rocedures 3or (S o5er <SP# =.3.1 1 :$troductio$ o3 a%so ute !riorities rese ectio$ =.3.1 1 U) (a!a%i ities a$d redirectio$ (UTR#-LT)) =.3.1 2 :$troductio$ o3 ()LL;&#(< 4RA =.3.1 - <#RE 3eed%ac> 1it" )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ (e ;&#(< state =.,.0 - ( ari3icatio$ 3or L: siQe decisio$ 3or UM RL( u! i$> =.,.0 - (orrectio$ to 9easure9e$t %e"a5iour 3or ()LL;&#(< U) =.,.0 - T7!o i$ :) L4o9ai$ S!eci3ic #ccess Restrictio$L =.,.0 - Mis! aced :)s i$ R#4:6 8)#R)R R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' =.,.0 1 Re! ace9e$t o3 )-#:(< i$ 25.331 =.,.0 1 Reseti$2 t"e !eriodic ce u!date ti9er T305 a3ter auto$o9ous =.,.0 state tra$sitio$ to ()LL;&#(< i$ )$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 2 Reseti$2 t"e !eriodic ce u!date ti9er T305 a3ter auto$o9ous =.,.0 state tra$sitio$ to ()LL;&#(< i$ )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 co99o$ )-4(< resource usa2e i$ 25.331 =.,.0 1 (orrectio$s 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< i$ 25.331 =.,.0 1 S9a er 5a ue ra$2es 3or 4RA %urst e$2t" =.,.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ to t"e sco!e o3 U! i$> 4P((< s ot 3or9at , 3eature =.,.0 - :$troduce :$tra-Seco$dar7&reBue$c7 :$dicator 3or L(R T44 =.,.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 $o$-used 3reBue$c7 de3i$itio$ 3or seco$dar7 =.,.0 3reBue$c7 i$ 4(-<S4P# 2 correct t"e descri!tio$ o3 U) %e"a5iour duri$2 <S-4S(< =.,.0 Rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;P(< - So9e correctio$s 3or )$"a$ced U) 4RA =.,.0 - Modi3icatio$ o3 t"e co$ditio$s 3or disa% i$2 <S-S((< ess o!eratio$ =.,.0 - Su!!ort 3or additio$a $a5i2atio$ sate ite s7ste9s i$ RR( =.,.0 1 S:8/ readi$2 ti9e 1it" )$"a$ced U! i$> 3or ()LL;&#(< state i$ =.,.0 25.331 - :$troductio$ o3 $e1 de3au t co$3i2uratio$s =.,.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 <S-4P((< usa2e 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ =.,.0 ()LL;&#(< - :$c usio$ o3 U) "istorica i$3or9atio$ i$ SR'( R)L6(#T:6' :'&6 =.,.0 - SiQe co$strai$ts o$ U) %a$d ca!a%i ities =.,.0 3 :$troductio$ o3 U) Measure9e$t (a!a%i it7 o$ 3reBue$c7 adKace$t =.,.0 to i$tra-3reBue$c7 1 Pre5e$tio$ o3 e.cessi5e 66S due to 3ai ure o3 SBua criterio$ =.,.0 2 :9!ro5ed )UL !o1er co$tro at U) !o1er i9itatio$ =.,.0 - :$troductio$ o3 )TGS PR:M#RD '6T:&:(#T:6' G:T< S)(UR:TD =.,.0 9essa2e 1 M8MS 3reBue$c7 se ectio$ =.,.0

New =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.0 =.3.1 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0

=.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0


Release !

!! * Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,2 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0=1003 3,6= RP-0=1030 3,6RP-0=102= 3,/0 RP-0=1033 3,/1 RP-0=1015 3,/3 RP-0=1033 3,/6 RP-0=1003 3,/= RP-0=1015 3,=0 RP-0=1015 RP-0=1015 RP-0=1033 RP-0=1005 RP-0=1012 RP-0=1012 RP-0=1015 RP-0=1005 RP-0=1006 RP-0=1025 RP-0=0--= RP-0=100/ RP-0=102, RP-0=1005 RP-0=1003 RP-0=1030 RP-0=1005 RP-0=101, RP-0=1030 RP-0=1005 RP-0=1031 RP-0=112= RP-0-01,, RP-0-0115 RP-0-0115 RP-0-011RP-0-011/ RP-0-011/ RP-0-013RP-0-0136 RP-0-01,RP-0-01,1 RP-0-01,0 RP-0-0136 RP-0-0135 RP-0-01,/ RP-0-01,2 RP-0-013RP-0-0151 RP-0-0132 RP-0-01,, RP-0-0150 RP-0-0132 RP-0-0133,=1 3,=2 3,=3 3,=, 3,=5 3,=6 3,=/ 3,=3,-2 3,-, 3,-3501 3505 3503511 3512 351, 3515 3516 351= 3520 3521 3532 3535 353= 35,0 35,2 35,, 35,5 35,6 35,/ 35,= 35,3550 3551 3552 3553 355, 3555 3556 355= 3553561 3562


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent - (orrectio$ to 4RA a$d (E: re!orti$2 1 :$troductio$ o3 4ua (e <S4P# o!eratio$ 2 :$troductio$ o3 <S-4S(< ce c"a$2e e$"a$ce9e$ts 3 :$troductio$ o3 o!tio$a 3eatures i$ Re ease = - 4etectio$ o3 )-UTR# ce i$ id e 9ode - #dd t"e 9a. $u9%er o3 t"e e.te$ted %a$ds 3or T44 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e use o3 L&-4P(< s ot 3or9atL :) 1 (orrectio$s to a%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ a$d redirectio$ to )UTR# !rocedures a$d !ara9eters 1 PS "a$do5er to03ro9 )-UTR#' 1 Measure9e$t a$d 9easure9e$t re!orti$2 o3 )-UTR#' ce s 2 &ast 4or9a$c7 3or UMTS - (orrectio$s re ated to t"e ce u!date 1ait ti9er T320 - (orrectio$ o3 t"e s9a t7!o - RL& "a$d i$2 duri$2 (S o5er <SP# reco$3i2uratio$ - U) %e"a5iour o3 '#S 9essa2e tra$s9issio$ 1"e$ i$ter-R#T c"a$2e - (orrectio$ to :4T !rocedure - ( ari3icatio$ 3or 16E#M UL )-#G(< ta% e 9a!!i$2 2 :$troductio$ o3 e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ o3 9easure9e$t e5e$t 1: - ( ari3icatio$ o3 Persiste$ce Va ue (Pi) 3or )-RU((< i$ L(R T44 - :$troductio$ o3 additio$a U) cate2ories 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 6,E#M 4L - (orrectio$ to O4L RL( P4U siQeP e.! icit co$3i2uratio$ to !re5e$t securit7 issue - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e use o3 L4TA-4RA ti9i$2 i$3or9atio$L 3or "ard "a$do5er 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 curre$t 3reBue$c7 i$ 4(-<S4P# 1 (orrectio$ o3 9easure9e$t e5e$t 1< 1 #dd i$dicatio$ o3 e$"a$ced 4RA ca!a%i it7 i$to ()LL UP4#T) - :$dicatio$ o3 4ua (e ca!a%i it7 i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest a$d (e U!date - Su!!ort o3 )$"a$ced &-4P(< i$ RR( (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST 1 (R o$ (SG Su!!ort i$ 25.331 2 Su!!ort 3or 3.=, Mc!s M8S&' :M8 o!eratio$ 2 Su!!ort 3or 3.=, Mc!s M8S&' :M8 o!eratio$ 1 UMTS 3reBue$c7 i$3or9atio$ i$ :) OR! 9$ i$3or9atio$P - (' s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ a3ter PS <6 - (orrectio$ to t"e U) %e"a5iour 1"e$ e$teri$2 UR#;P(< state 1 (o$ditio$ to set t"e LSecurit7 ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$L 3 a2 2 (i!"eri$2 3or i$tra-UTR#' Radio 8earer Setu! - Re / - T321 Ti9er Start Ti9e ( ari3icatio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 #(H0'#(H re!orti$2 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< 1 :$troductio$ o3 M:M6 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 2 (orrectio$ to G#'SS additio$a assista$ce data reBuest - (S-<SP# i$3or9atio$ i$ R#8 i$3or9atio$ to reco$3i2ure - #dditio$ o3 )-R'T: a$d <-R'T: i$ UR# UP4#T) (6'&:RM 9essa2e 1 (SG correctio$s 3 :$troductio$ o3 (o$ti$uous (o$$ecti5it7 3or !ac>et data users 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 (orrectio$s to )$"a$ced Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e 3 (orrectio$s 3or )$"a$ced U) 4RA 1 Ge$era de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 3or ()LL;&#(< - (orrectio$s to detectio$ o3 )-UTR# ce - (orrectio$ o$ M8S&' 3reBue$c7 ist :) i$ 3.=,Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 - (orrectio$ to acti5atio$0deacti5atio$ o3 seco$dar7 ce rece!tio$ - Missi$2 re3ere$ce to )-UTR#' 4L-4((<-Messa2e at :$ter-R#T <a$do5er - (orrectio$s 3or e$"a$ced U) 4RA

Cld =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.,.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0

New =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0


Release !

!! + Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,3 RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,,

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0-0132 3563 RP-0-01,= RP-0-0136 RP-0-01,2 RP-0-011= RP-0-0132 RP-0-011/ RP-0-0151 RP-0-0115 RP-0-0115 RP-0-0121 RP-0-011= RP-0-0132 RP-0-0132 RP-0-0133 RP-0-036, RP-0-0135 RP-0-0151 RP-0-0150 RP-0-01,2 RP-0-01,2 RP-0-0132 RP-0-013RP-0-0132 RP-0-013/ RP-0-0122 RP-0-0151 RP-0-01,6 RP-0-0136 RP-0-0326 RP-0-01,5 RP-0-011/ RP-0-0326 RP-0-0,-= RP-0-0505 RP-0-0505 RP-0-0500 RP-0-0506 RP-0-051/ RP-0-0506 RP-0-051RP-0-051RP-0-051RP-0-051RP-0-0506 RP-0-0505 RP-0-0500 RP-0-051RP-0-051RP-0-051RP-0-060/ RP-0-0501 RP-0-0503 RP-0-0503 RP-0-051= RP-0-0513565 3566 356/ 35635/3 35/5 35// 35=0 35=3 35=5 35=/ 35-2 35-3 35-, 35-5 35-6 3601 3603 3605 360/ 360= 3603610 3613 361, 3615 361/ 361= 3613620 3622 362, 3623631 3633 3635 3636 363/ 363= 36336,0 36,1 36,2 36,3 36,5 36,/ 36,= 36,3650 3656 365= 3660 3662 3663 366,


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 1 ( eari$2 o3 ST#RT a$d Pre-de3i$ed co$3i2uratio$s at :$ter-R#T <a$do5er UTR#' to )-UTR#' - :$troductio$ o3 SR-V(( o!eratio$s 1 Re9o5a o3 redu$da$t (e U!date !rocedure - Processed tra$sactio$s i$itia isatio$ u!o$ SR8 re-esta% is"9e$t - ( ari3icatio$ o3 sco!e o3 si2$a ed tra$s!ort % oc> siQes 3or <SS((< ess o!eratio$ 1 Su!!ort )-UTR#' :$ter-R#T 9easure9e$t %7 UTR# T44 U) - 25.331 Re = (R U) restrictio$s o$ )-T&(: 2 (orrectio$s re ated to UTR# R= #S'.1 issues - (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 ()LL;:'&6;L:ST 1"e$ L:$ter-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o istL is recei5ed i$ S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> T7!e 11%is 1 (orrectio$s 3or PS "a$do5er to UTR#' 1 (orrectio$ to RR( "a$d i$2 o3 #G a$d SG ta% es 1"e$ 16E#M UL is co$3i2ured 1 (orrectio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 4TA-4RA i$3or9atio$ - (orrectio$s to UTR# to )UTR# 9o%i it7 - (orrectio$ to ser5i$2 ce dedicated !riorit7 "a$d i$2 1"e$ $o !riorit7 is a5ai a% e - )UTR# &eature Grou! Su!!ort :$dicators i$ UTR# , Re5ised R#'2 R)L-= (Rs 3or LT) o$ &eature Grou! :$dicators 2 (orrectio$ to (SG PS( si2$a i$2 - #dditio$ o3 )-RG(< (o9%i$atio$ :$3o i$ SR'S R)L6(#T:6' :'&6(R=) - (orrectio$s to 4ua (e <S4P# o!eratio$ - (orrectio$s to <S-4S(< ce c"a$2e e$"a$ce9e$ts(R=M:M6) - So9e correctio$s to Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e e$"a$ce9e$ts - (orrectio$s to a%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ - ( ari3icatio$ o3 e$"a$ced U) 4RA o!eratio$ - :$"eriti$2 o3 dedicated !riorities at i$ter-R#T rese ectio$ 1 (orrectio$s to e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 6,E#M T8 Ta% e a!! ica%i it7 - (orrectio$ o3 U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o :) - :$troductio$ o3 UMTS 8a$d 3 i$ 25.331 - (orrectio$ o$ &-4P(< s ot 3or9at 3or )-4(< i$ ()LL;&#(< 1 #dditio$ o3 (SG ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$ - (orrectio$ 3or UTR# )TGS du! icate detectio$ - #ddi$2 t"e M8MS PTM R8 re ease cause i$ t"e M((< 9essa2e 1"e$ re easi$2 t"e M8MS ser5ice 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - #dditio$ o3 (SG ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$ i$ :$itia 4irect Tra$s3er 1 Re9o5a o3 descri!tio$ o3 (P(< 3eature 1 )rror i$ U) ca!a%i it7 u!date !rocedure 1 (orrectio$ o$ de3erredMeasure9e$t(o$tro Readi$2 - ( ari3icatio$ 3or setti$2 t"e <S;S((<;L)SS;ST#TUS 5aria% e - Re9o5a o3 &&S i$ re3ere$ce to G)R#' ti9er T3230 1 #dditio$ o3 se9a$tics descri!tio$ 3or su!!ort o3 (SG 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 setti$2 9eaure9e$t ca!a%i it7 T44 i$ :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6R 9essa2e - (orrectio$ to e$"a$ced Ser5i$2 (e ("a$2e !rocedure - (orrectio$ o3 t"e Oe seP c ause i$ Tar2et ce <S-S((< rece!tio$ - S:8/ a$d e$"a$ced U) 4RA o!eratio$ 2 (orrectio$ to state9e$t o3 SPS o!eratio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 Preser5i$2 dedicated !riorities i$ ca9!ed o$ a$7 ce state - (orrectio$ o$ U) Mo%i it7 State :$dicator - (orrectio$ to (P( acti5atio$0deacti5atio$ - Procedure reBuire9e$ts 3or )TGS !ri9ar7 $oti3icatio$ 1it" securit7 - <a$d i$2 o3 dua ce <S-S((< orders at ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e - (orrectio$s to co99o$ )-4(< o!eratio$ , S!eci3icatio$ o3 (P( restored state u!o$ !"7sica a7er 3ai ure 2 (orrectio$ to $o$-sc"edu ed tra$s9issio$ 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 (E: re!orti$2 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ to :9!ro5ed L2 su!!ort 3or "i2" data rates 3or T44 - Missi$2 (S o5er <SP# o!eratio$ i$ SR-V(( - (orrectio$ o$ (P:(< Seco$dar7 ((P(< !o1er o33set i$ 3.=,

Cld =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.5.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0

New =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0


Release !

!!!% Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,, RP-,,

TSG 3oc# RP-0-0502 RP-0-051/ RP-0-0,-RP-0-0505 RP-0-0500 RP-0-051RP-0-0506 RP-0-0506 RP-0-050, RP-0-051RP-0-051RP-0-0500 RP-0-0505 RP-0-0506 RP-0-051RP-0-0-06 RP-0-0-06 RP-0-0-06 RP-0-0-01 RP-0-0-12 RP-0-0-05 RP-0-0-1, RP-0-0-11 RP-0-0-16 RP-0-0-16 RP-0-0-0= RP-0-0-1/ RP-0-0-12 RP-0-0-13 RP-0-0-02

CR 3665 366/ 36/1 36/3 36/5 36/6 36=0 36=1 36=3 36=, 36== 36-0 36-2 36-, 36-5 3/00 3/01 3/02 3/0, 3/05 3/0= 3/03/10 3/13 3/15 3/1/ 3/1= 3/13/22 3/2=


RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5

RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5

RP-0-0-12 RP-0-0-12 RP-0-0-16

3/35 3/36 3/3=

RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5

RP-0-0-0RP-0-0-10 RP-0-0-10 RP-0-0-10 RP-0-0-01 RP-0-0-15 RP-0-0-0, RP-0-0-1/

3/,2 3/,3 3/,5 3/,/ 3/,3/50 3/5, 3/55

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 1 (orrectio$ o$ !-t-9 %earer re ease i$ 3.=, Mc!s T44 M8S&' :M8 1 #dditio$ o3 (SG ce reser5atio$ si2$a i$2 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e su!!ort o3 2 di33ere$t a7er 3 3i ters !er 9easure9e$t t7!e 1 ( ari3icatio$ to "a$d i$2 o3 :) OUse s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie dP - Re9o5a o3 s ot 3or9at 3 3ro9 :) OU! i$> 4P((< s ot 3or9at i$3or9atio$Pi$ O4TA-4RA i$3or9atio$P 1 (orrectio$ to Tar2et(e Preco$3i2:$3o as$1 - (orrectio$ 3or )-UTR# 9easure9e$t a$d re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 (R 3or 25.331 - (orrectio$s to a%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ - (orrectio$ to )$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< (a!a%i it7 - (o$3i2uratio$ o3 )#: !o1er o33set - (orrectio$ to RR( tra$sactio$ ide$ti3ier "a$d i$2 1 (orrectio$s to (P( 1"e$ )-4(< TT: is reco$3i2ured (Re =) - (a T7!e :$c usio$ co$ditio$ 2 Tra$s3er o3 :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 u!o$ "a$do5er 3ro9 UTR#' - ( ari3icatio$ o3 S:8/ readi$2 3or e$"a$ced u! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state 1 (orrectio$ 3or t"e 5a ue ra$2e o3 t"res"o d ot"er s7ste9 i$ case )UTR# 9easure9e$t # t1 - :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ #S'.1 a$d Ta%u ar 3or9at o3 )-UTR# tar2et i$3o 3 ( ari3icatio$ o$ si2$a i$2 co$$ectio$ i$itia isatio$ u!o$ <6 to UTR#' - Missi$2 RR( 9essa2es i$ RR( !rocedure !er3or9a$ce 5a ues sectio$ - (orrectio$s to "a$d i$2 o3 seco$dar7 ce <S-4S(< i$3or9atio$ i$ 4(-<S4P# - (orrectio$ to <S-S((< ess o!eratio$ (Re -=) 1 (orrectio$ to t"e rece!tio$ o3 a Tar2et ce <S-S((< order - (orrectio$s re ated to (SG - #ctio$s u!o$ (S o5er <SP# is co$3i2ured i$ LR8 i$3or9atio$ to setu!L :) - Va idatio$ o3 P4(P co$3i2uratio$ i$ case o3 (S 5oice o5er <SP# 1 )-4(< TT: restrictio$ 3or 16E#M - ( ari3icatio$ t"at a co$3i2uratio$ 1it" si9u ta$eous R8 9a!!i$2 o!tio$s 3or 9ac-is0i a$d 9ac-es0e is i$5a id - 4ua (e <S4P#* c ari3icatio$ o3 setti$2 o3 5aria% e S)(6'4#RD;()LL;<S;4S(<;R)()PT:6' - :$co$siste$c7 1it" #S'.1 3or TVM 3or )$"a$ced UL 3or ()LL;&#(< 1 Ma>i$2 3eatures OUsi$2 s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie d to i$dicate e$d o3 a$ S4U 3or RL( #MP o!tio$a , octet a i2$ed <S-4S(< tra$s!ort % oc> ta% e o!tio$a 3or $o$-6,E#M U)s a$d ORe9o5i$2 t"e co$strai$t t"at t"e sa9e <S-S((< s"ou d %e used i$ co$ti2uous TT:sP o!tio$a 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 <-#RE :$3o 3or 4(-<S4P# - (orrectio$ i$ t"e use o3 <-R'T: 3or t"e seco$dar7 ce o3 4ua (e <S4P# o!eratio$ - (orrectio$ to res!o$se 9essa2e o3 (e U!date (o$3ir9 9essa2e i$ case o3 Voice T7!e Tra$sitio$ i.e. O(S o5er <SP#P to O(S o5er 4(<P or 5ice-5ersa - ( ari3icatio$ 3or U) %e"a5iour o$ RL( u$reco5era% e error 1"e$ U) "as $ot recei5ed L2 #c> 3or a Reco$3i2 (o9! ete 9s2 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ co99o$ )-4(< M#( 3 o1 co$3i2uratio$ i$ e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 (orrectio$ to !eriodica ce u!date 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ U) cate2or7 o3 e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 9u ti-3reBue$c7 i$3o 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - Securit7 t"reat 1it" du! icate detectio$ 3or )TGS - (orrectio$ to t"e descri!tio$ o3 M:M6 !ara9eters - #9%i2uit7 o$ t"e RL( P4U t7!e o3 SR8

Cld =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =.6.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0

New =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0

=./.0 =./.0 =./.0

=.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0

=./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0 =./.0

=.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0


Release !

!!! Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0-0-02 3/5RP-0-0-0/ RP-0-0-1= RP-0-0-06 RP-0-0=-RP-0-0-1/ RP-0-0-16 RP-0-0-20 RP-0-0-03 RP-0-0-03 RP-0-0-10 RP-0-0-1/ RP-0-0-20 RP-0-0-0RP-0-0-0RP-0-0-00 RP-0-0-00 RP-0-0=/, 3/60 3/61 3/62 3/6, 3/65 3/63//6 3//= 3/=0 3/=1 3/=5 3/== 3/-2 3=00 3=03 3=0/ 3=10



RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,5 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6

RP-0-0-01 RP-0-0-02 RP-0-0-00 RP-0-0-21 RP-0-0-25 RP-0-0-23 RP-0-0-2, RP-0-130/ RP-0-1306 RP-0-1321 RP-0-132/ RP-0-1310 RP-0-1310 RP-0-1325 RP-0-131= RP-0-132, RP-0-131, RP-0-13/= RP-0-133= RP-0-133= RP-0-13,/ RP-0-1312 RP-0-1315

3=13 3=1, 3=16 36=5 3/26 3/2/ 3//, 3=20 3=2, 3=26 3=31 3=3, 3=36 3=,1 3=,, 3=,6 3=,= 3=50 3=51 3=52 3=53 3=56 3=5=

RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6

RP-0-1321 RP-0-1321 RP-0-1306

3=62 3=6, 3=6=

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - Ma>i$2 3eatures O&-4P(<P a$d O:$troductio$ o3 Gait ti9e to (e =./.0 U!date (o$3ir9P o!tio$a - 25.331 &eatures to %e 9ade o!tio$a i$ re ease =* )-4P((< !o1er =./.0 %oosti$2 - (orrectio$ re2ardi$2 SRV(( =./.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ >e7 9a!!i$2 a$d stori$2 a3ter success3u "a$do5er =./.0 3ro9 )UTR#' 2 Ma>i$2 3eatures @T1o 4RA sc"e9es i$ UR#;P(< a$d =./.0 ()LL;P(<@ a$d @)-4P4(< !o1er i$ter!o atio$ 3or9u a@ o!tio$a - ( ari3icatio$ t"at 44: is $ot used 1it" 9ac-i0is co$3i2uratio$ =./.0 - (S 5oice o5er <SP# U) ca!a%i it7 i$ RR( (6'')(T:6' =./.0 R)EU)ST - (orrectio$s to t"e (6'TR6L;(<#'')L;4RA;ST#TUS o3 =./.0 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e Po1er Resource Re ated :$3or9atio$ o3 =./.0 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e co$3i2uratio$ o3 T-S:-'ST 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 =./.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ 3ac" 9easure9e$t occasio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 =./.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ Sc"edu i$2 :$3or9atio$ tra$s9issio$ =./.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e $u9%er o3 R.T. Patter$ o3 SPS o!eratio$ 3or =./.0 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 25.331 o$ #dditio$ o3 L(R T44 R= e.te$d ca!a%i it7 i$3o i$ :$ter- =./.0 R#T <a$do5er i$3o - Missi$2 RR( 9essa2es i$ RR( !rocedure !er3or9a$ce 5a ues =./.0 sectio$ - ( ari3icatio$ o$ :$ter-3reBue$c7 R#(< re!orti$2 Bua$tit7 3or T44 =./.0 - )-#G(< c"a$$e a$d );R'T: 5aria% e correctio$s =./.0 , Ma>i$2 3eatures @#%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ to G)R#'@, =./.0 @#%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ to UTR# i$ter-3reBue$c7@ a$d @:9!ro5ed )UL !o1er co$tro @ o!tio$a - )$"a$ci$2 t"e (ate2or7 <a$d i$2 i$ UMTS =./.0 - Ma>i$2 t"e %it o3 3eature @U)#20U:#2@ re3or9u ated =./.0 - RL( SiQe - SiQe:$3oT7!e2 correctio$ =./.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 8a$d A:A =.=.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 si$2 e strea9 M:M6 (T.## 3a %ac> 9ode) =.=.0 2 :$troductio$ o3 4ua 8a$d <S4P# i$ 25.331 =.=.0 1 25.331 Sta2e 3 (R :$troductio$ o3 4(-<S4P# a$d M:M6 =.=.0 - #ddi$2 9issi$2 re3ere$ce 3or <S;S((<;L)SS;ST#TUS 5aria% e -.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ de3erred 9easure9e$t co$tro readi$2 -.0.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ 3or i$itia SPS T. !atter$ !ara9eter 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 -.0.0 2 ( ari3icatio$ o3 co99o$ )-4(< 9ac-d 3 o1 3or (((< tra$s9issio$ -.0.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 Po1er 633set 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 -.0.0 (c"a$2e 1) 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 Po1er 633set 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 -.0.0 (c"a$2e 2) - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e co$3i2uratio$ o3 TA di5ersit7 9ode o$ 4P(< i$ -.0.0 4(-<S4P# - (orrectio$ o3 $esti$2 e5e s 2reater 15 i$ #S'.1 :) de3i$itio$s -.0.0 1 (orrectio$ o3 $u9%er o3 ': !er 3ra9e 3or 3.=, Mc!s T44 M8S&' -.0.0 :M8 1 (orrectio$ o3 t"e U) %e"5iour a3ter RR( co$$ectio$ ReKect 1it" -.0.0 redirectio$ to )UTR# 2 6$e correctio$ to #S'1 o3 e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< state 3or L(R -.0.0 T44 - (orrectio$s to 4(-<S4P# co9%i$ed 1it" M:M6 -.0.0 - (R o$ t"e <#RE co$3i2uratio$ o!tio$s 3or 4(-<S4P# -.0.0 - :MS )9er2e$c7 Su!!ort :$dicatio$ i$ 8((< -.0.0 1 M#(-es0e reset 1"e$ 16E#M o!eratio$ starts or sto!s(R)L-=) -.0.0 - Ma>i$2 3eatures O#%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ to G)R#'P, -.0.0 O#%so ute !riorit7 rese ectio$ to UTR# i$ter-3reBue$c7P o!tio$a (6!tio$1) - (orrectio$ o$ (o$tro ("a$$e 4RA descri!tio$ i$ ()LL;4(< -.0.0 state 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e actio$s re ated to <S;4S(<;R)()PT:6' -.0.0 5aria% e 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$s to t"e &reBue$c7 Bua it7 esti9ate i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 -.0.0

New =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0

=.=.0 =.=.0 =.=.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0

-.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0


Release !

!!!! Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,6 RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/

TSG 3oc# CR RP-0-131/ 3=/2 RP-0-13,/ RP-0-1305 RP-0-1305 RP-0-130= RP-0-1325 RP-0-131/ RP-0-132/ RP-0-133/ RP-0-133RP-0-133= RP-0-133= RP-0-133= RP-0-13,6 RP-0-1336 RP-0-1306 RP-0-1322 RP-0-1322 RP-0-1321 RP-0-125= RP-0-1,53 RP-0-13,3 RP-0-1325 RP-0-133/ RP-0-125RP-0-131, RP-0-132RP-0-132= RP-0-132= RP-0-1322 RP-0-131/ RP-0-1306 RP-0-130= RP-0-13,/ RP-0-1335 RP-0-131/ RP-0-133= RP-0-13/6 RP-1001-RP-1002=, RP-1002-, RP-1002=/ RP-1002-= RP-100303 RP-100306 RP-100302 RP-10030= RP-100306 RP-1002-, 3=/3 3=/3==3 3==6 3=-0 3=-, 3=-= 3=-3-0, 3-05 3-06 3-10 3-11 3-1, 3-20 3-22 3-2, 3-2= 3-30 3-3/ 3-,0 3-,= 3-53 3-56 3-60 3-66 3-6= 3-/0 3-/6 3-=3 3-=6 3-=3--0 3--5 ,001 ,002 ,00/ ,010 ,013 ,015 ,01/ ,023 ,02, ,025 ,026 ,02/ ,02= ,030


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent - :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 3or #dKace$t &reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 1it"out co9!ressed 9ode 3 :$troductio$ o3 TS0 e$"a$ce9e$t 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 U) %e"a5iour u!o$ a re9o5a o3 t"e ser5i$2 <S-4S(<0)-4(< radio i$> - Ma.i9u9 Po1er Reductio$ (MPR) a$d e5e$t 64 re!orti$2 2 RR( Si2$a i$2 o3 S-(P:(< !o1er o33set 3or M:M6 U)s - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e de3i$itio$ o3 t"e 9u tice su!!ort - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e U) state a3ter 3ast dor9a$c7 reBuest - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e tra$s9issio$ o3 M#(-c P4Us (R-) 1 4ua %a$d a$d 4(+M:M6 ca!a%i it7 si2$a i$2 - :$troductio$ o3 4(-<S4P# co9%i$ed 1it" T.## e.te$sio$ - 8u$d i$2 4(-M:M6 a$d TS' e.te$sio$ to2et"er i$ RR( - :$dicatio$ o3 M:M6 su!!ort i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest - Re9o5a o3 redu$da$t :) - Tra$s9issio$ o3 U) i$acti5e !eriod duri$2 :$ter-R#T "a$do5er to UTR#' 2 :$troductio$ o3 4(-<SUP# 2 Modi3icatio$ o3 i$ter R#T "a$do5er i$3o 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ to M)#SUR)M)'T (6'TR6L rece!tio$ i$ e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 P:(< se ectio$ sc"e9e 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ to (P( o!eratio$ 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 S7$cro$iQatio$ detectio$ 1i$do1 co$3i2uratio$ i$ (P( 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 3 U) su!!ort 3or )-UTR#' 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 i$ co$$ected 9ode 2 (R o$ Su!!ort o3 i$%ou$d 9o%i it7 to (SG ce a$d <7%rid ce - Searc"i$2 o$ t"e adKace$t ce 1it"out t"e $eed 3or co9!ressed 9ode - Re 2 6!tio$a it7 o3 searc" o$ t"e seco$dar7 carrier - Re 1 (arrier-s!eci3ic STT4 co$3i2uratio$ 3or 4(-<S4P# 1 (orrectio$ to U) %e"a5iour a3ter "a$do5er to UTR#' 3ro9 )UTR#' or G)R#' - ( ari3icatio$ t"at a co$3i2uratio$ 1it" R8 9a!!i$2 o!tio$s 3or 3 e.i% e RL( P4U siQe a$d 9ac-es0e is i$5a id 1 UM RL( ci!"eri$2 error detectio$ a$d reco5er7 - (S 5oice o5er <SP# S4U discard ti9er co$3i2uratio$ - Su!!orti$2 (((< tra$s9issio$ o$ seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - U!date U) 5aria% e V#LU);T#G to i$c ude S:8 t7!es 1- a$d 20 1 (orrectio$ to t"e re3ere$ce i$ sectio$ 1,.-.2 - 6!tio$a su!!ort o3 T. di5ersit7 o$ 4L co$tro c"a$$e s 3or M:M6 ca!a% e U)s - #dditio$ o3 4G'SS Va idit7 Period 1 :$troductio$ o3 %a$d AA: - 25.331 - Sta$dard Ti9e :$3or9atio$ Tra$s9issio$ i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 S7ste9 - 'e1 5a ues 3or %u33er siQes - (o99o$ )-4(< M#(-d 3 o1 List #S'.1 de3i$itio$ correctio$ 1 :$dicatio$ o3 M:M6 code%oo> restrictio$ - Tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t i$ ()LL;P(< state 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 T323 co$3i2uratio$ - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e 3reBue$c7 se ectio$ o!eratio$ 3or )-&#(< o3 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ to t"e acti5atio$0deacti5atio$ o3 seco$dar7 ce M:M6 3eature - (orrectio$s 3or 5irtua acti5e set - 25.331* &i. 3or (SG 9easure9e$ts 1it"out S: re!ort - :$troductio$ o3 %a$d AA (=00 M<Q) 1 :$troductio$ o3 ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ ca cu atio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - Re ease - U) (a!a%i it7* UTR# <o9e 'ode 8 :$%ou$d Mo%i it7 re ated 3eatures - U) %e"a5iour u!o$ RL( re-esta% is"9e$t or i$ter-R#T c"a$2e %e3ore success3u de i5er7 o3 S(R: 3or 3ast do9a$c7

Cld -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.0.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0

New -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0


Release !

!!!3 Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/ RP-,/

TSG 3oc# CR RP-100306 ,031 RP-100306 RP-1002=5 RP-1002-= RP-100306 RP-100306 RP-1002=/ RP-1002=/ RP-1002=/ RP-1002=RP-10030= RP-1002-, RP-1002-, RP-1002=, RP-1002=3 RP-1002=RP-1002== RP-100303 RP-1002-, RP-10030RP-1002-, RP-1002=5 RP-1002-3 RP-10030= RP-1002=5 RP-100306 RP-10030= RP-100306 RP-1002-RP-1002-, RP-10031, RP-10055/ RP-10053= RP-1005,1 RP-10053/ RP-10053/ RP-10053= RP-10053RP-100532 RP-100551 RP-100556 RP-10053RP-10053RP-1005,, RP-10053, RP-100551 ,032 ,03,0,1 ,0,6 ,0,= ,052 ,05, ,056 ,061 ,062 ,06, ,06,0/3 ,0/,0=1 ,0=3 ,0=, ,0== ,0-2 ,0-/ ,103 ,105 ,10/ ,10,112 ,113 ,115 ,116 ,11/ ,11= ,11,120 ,122 ,12, ,126 ,12,131 ,13, ,13/ ,13= ,1,1 ,1,, ,1,6 ,1,,153


RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,=

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 2 (R o$ 25331;(R....;(R)L--) Re9ai$i$2 o!e$ issues 3or su!!ort o3 i$%ou$d 9o%i it7 i$ UMTS - ( ari3icatio$ to 9easure9e$t co$3i2uratio$ 3or S: re!orti$2 1 (orrectio$ o$ 9easure9e$t to )-UTR#(R-) - (orrectio$s to TS' 3ie d e.te$sio$ co$3i2uratio$ 3or M#(-e"s e$tit7 (a ter$ati5e 5ersio$) 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ re!orti$2 i$ ()LL;&#(<, ()LL;P(< a$d UR#;P(< - Readi$2 $ei2"%our <'8 S7ste9 :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> 3 W Master :$3or9atio$ 8 oc> - #dditio$ o3 L(e Se ectio$ a$d Re-se ectio$ :$3oL i$ 9easure9e$t co$tro - #dditio$ o3 <S-S((< TP( ste! siQe 3or e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ )-RU((< i$3o i$ e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 1 (orrectio$s to (P( 1"e$ $o 4P(< is co$3i2ured 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 (orrectio$s re ated to UTR# Re -- #S'.1 issues 1 #S'.1 issue 1it" S:G'#LL:'G (6'')(T:6' R)L)#S) :'4:(#T:6' - :$tra 4o9ai$ '#S 'ode Se ector 4eri5atio$ 1 (orrectio$s to <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL-P(< a$d ()LL-&#(< 1 (orrectio$s to t"e 4e ta Pri9ar7 ((P(< RS(P 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e ca!a%i ities o3 SPS a$d co$tro c"a$$e 4RA i$ ()LL UP4#T) 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 (orrectio$ o3 R'T:s "a$d i$2 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< - :$itia Ser5i$2 Gra$t 3or Seco$dar7 (arrier i$ 4ua (e )-4(< o!eratio$ 2 U) &ast 4or9a$c7 u!o$ SR'S re ocatio$ 1 :$ter-R#T PS "a$do5er o3 si2$a i$2 radio %earers o$ 7 1 (orrectio$ o$ si9u ta$eous de etio$ a$d additio$ o3 Tra$s!ort ("a$$e s i$ a si$2 e reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2e - (orrectio$ to t"e 5a ue ra$2e o3 RSRE 2 ( ari3icatio$ 3or PP#( a3ter :$ter-R#T Redirectio$ - (e rese ectio$ e$"a$ce9e$ts (R 3or 25.331 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e :) U) Securit7 :$3or9atio$2 - Pro.i9it7 status i$dicatio$ "a$d i$2 at 9o%i it7 - #S'.1 :ssue 1it" (e U!date(o$3ir9 , (SG 9easure9e$t re ease u!o$ SR'S re ocatio$ - ( ari3icatio$ o3 U) (ate2ories 3or T.##-'o$-M:M6 - Modi3icatio$ to &ast 4or9a$c7 i$ P(< States - (R to 25.331 o$ Redirectio$ e$"a$ce9e$ts to UTR#' 4e etd To( %oo>9ar>s 3or 3aster 3i e o!e$i$2 - # i2$9e$t o3 ta%u ar to #S'.1 i$ :) 4o1$ i$> i$3or9atio$ 3or eac" radio i$>@ 3or T44@ - ( ari3icatio$ o$ (SG i$dicator (Re ease -) - ( ari3icatio$ 3or )$"a$ced ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e o$ re9o5a o3 a RL. - ( ari3icatio$ o3 4L M#( "eader t7!e setti$2 1"e$ M#(-: is co$3i2ured - ( ari3icatio$ o3 T. i$terru!tio$ a3ter tri22er "a$d i$2 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state a$d :d e 9ode - (orrect t"e i$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 3or PSu!!ort o3 (SGP i$ OU) radio access ca!a%i it7P 1 (orrectio$ to t"e )-RU((< tra$s9issio$ o$ t"e seco$dar7 3reBue$c7 duri$2 RR( state tra$sitio$ 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 1 <a$d i$2 o3 RR( U$reco5era% e )rror i$ )$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< - Pro"i%it ti9er 3or !ro.i9it7 i$dicatio$ - ( ari3icatio$ to ce rese ectio$ to )-UTR# e$"a$ce9e$t - #dditio$ o3 U!P(< !ositio$ i$3o i$ e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< 2 ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e usa2e o3 Treset 3or 1.2= Mc!s T44 - #dditio$ o3 U) ca!a%i it7 i$ :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 3or L(R T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ U) radio access ca!a%i it7 i$ #S'1 3or L(R T44 - (orrect t"e :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 3or (SG :$%ou$d Mo%i it7 (a!a%i it7

Cld -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.1.0 -.2.0 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1 -.2.1

New -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.0 -.2.1 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0


Release !

!!!' Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,= RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,-

TSG 3oc# CR RP-10055/ ,15, RP-100550 RP-100532 RP-1005,RP-1005,1 RP-1005,5 RP-1005,3 RP-1005,, RP-100532 RP-100560 RP-100=,, RP-100=50 RP-100=5= RP-100=56 ,155 ,161 ,16,1/, ,1/6 ,1=3 ,1=/ ,1=,1-0 ,1-, ,200 ,202 ,206

0602010 0-02010

RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-,RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50

RP-100=62 RP-100=,2 RP-100=50 RP-100=5RP-100=,1 RP-100==3 RP-100-10 RP-100=63 RP-100=55 RP-100=,, RP-100=,, RP-100=5= RP-100=,6 RP-100=62 RP-100=50 RP-100=62 RP-100=,2 RP-100=62 RP-100=62 RP-100=,= RP-100=51 RP-100=51 RP-100=5RP-101205 RP-101201 RP-101200 RP-101202 RP-101200 RP-101366 RP-101206 RP-1011-= RP-1011-RP-101366 RP-101213 RP-101213

,20/ ,21= ,221 ,223 ,2,0 ,2,5 ,250 ,251 ,25,2/1 ,2/5 ,2=6 ,2=,2-2 ,2-5 ,2-6 ,301 ,305 ,30= ,311 ,315 ,31= ,322 ,331 ,33, ,33/ ,33,3,2 ,3,3 ,3,5 ,3,= ,351 ,352 ,353 ,35,


Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - (orrect t"e :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 3or 4e5ice -.2.1 t7!e - 4ua (e )-4(< o!eratio$ correctio$ -.2.1 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< -.2.1 state - Su!!ort M#(-e"s i$ Si$2 e Strea9 M:M6 case -.2.1 - )$"a$ced ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e - a o1i$2 u!date o3 t"e seco$dar7 -.2.1 3reB 3or <:(<0RG(< ot"er RL - )$"a$ced ser5i$2 ce ("a$2e - a o1i$2 t"e re-additio$ o3 a RL i$ -.2.1 order to u!date tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3or9atio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 acti5e set 3or seco$dar7 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce -.2.1 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ SRV(( -.2.1 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e tra33ic 5o u9e 9easure9e$t i$ ()LL;P(< state -.2.1 510.0.0 created %ased o$ 5-.3.0 -.3.0 - Pre!aratio$ 3or reusi$2 R)L-=0- 4L si2$a i$2 o!tio$s i$ R)L-10 -.2.1 - :$correct i$co$sisite$c7 c"ec> o$ M#(-e"s reorderi$2 Bueue 10.0.0 - (orrectio$ to V#S u!dati$2 10.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 !ri9ar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 a$d seco$dar7 u! i$> 10.0.0 3reBue$c7 - (orrectio$ to M:M6;ST#TUS a$d 10.0.0 S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;ST#TUS setti$2 3or Si$2 e Strea9 M:M6 - :$troductio$ o3 Re -10 access stratu9 re ease i$dicator 10.0.0 - (orrectio$ to 9issi$2 #S'.1 3or M:M6 !ara9eters 10.0.0 - (orrectio$ to de3erred S:811 readi$2 10.0.0 - Pre-redirectio$ i$3o setti$2 a3ter t"e redirectio$0(S&8 3ro9 )-UTR# 10.0.0 - & e.i% e RL( o$ 7 a!! ies to user R8, $ot SR8 10.0.0 - L: siQe 3or (((<(SR8[0) i$ e$"a$ced ()LL;&#(< o!eratio$ 10.0.0 1 S9a Tec"$ica )$"a$ce9e$ts a$d :9!ro5e9e$ts 3or G'SS 10.0.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 ,(-<S4P# i$ 25.331 10.0.0 - U!date o3 5irtua acti5e set "a$d i$2 3or i$ter-3reBue$c7 (SG 10.0.0 9easure9e$ts - (orrectio$ to de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$ [20 10.0.0 - ( ari3icatio$s to t"e i$tra-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t e5e$t 3or 10.0.0 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 (orrectio$ to t"e state o3 t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 i$ case o3 10.0.0 "ard "a$do5er 1 ).! icit <#RE Me9or7 !artio$i$2 3or dua ce o!eratio$ 10.0.0 - )ditoria (orrectio$s to 25.331 10.0.0 - (orrectio$ to de3au t co$3i2uratio$ [23 10.0.0 2 U) su!!orted &reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 3or redirectio$ i$ RR( 10.0.0 (6'')(T:6' R)EU)ST - ( ari3icatio$ o3 1"e$ to c ear :) Precodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$@ 10.0.0 3ro9 M:M6;P#R#MS@ - )ditoria c"a$2es 3or M:M6 a$d stori$2 o3 )-RG(< i$3or9atio$ 10.0.0 - Use o3 'a5i2atio$a Mode #dditio$a data 10.0.0 1 Securit7 !rocedures 3or i$tra-UTR#' SR-V(( 10.0.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 &G: setti$2 3or i$ter-R#T 3eatures $ot su!!orted %7 10.0.0 t"e U) 1 Re9o5a o3 SR8 o$ 7 PS "a$do5er 10.0.0 - :$troductio$ o3 s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ co$tai$er i$dicatio$ 10.0.0 - #dditio$ o3 R6<( tar2et 9ode i$ SR'S re ocatio$ 9essa2e 10.1.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e o!eratio$ o3 RR( 3or 3.=, Mc!s T44 :M8 10.1.0 M8S&' - (orrectio$ o$ actio$s re ated to 10.1.0 <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< - (orrectio$ o$ (S 5oice o5er <SP# S4U discard ti9er co$3i2uratio$ 10.1.0 - (orrectio$ o$ R)#4D;&6R;(6MM6';)4(< de3i$itio$ 10.1.0 - (orrectio$ to t"e a%se$ce o3 :) additio$a (e s i$ ,(-<S4P# 10.1.0 1 (orrectio$ to t"e i9itatio$ o3 S: acBuisitio$ 10.1.0 - (R o$ T32, ti9er usa2e 10.1.0 - Po1er o33set 3or Sc"edu i$2 :$3o i$ M#(-i 10.1.0 2 So9e c ari3icatio$s o3 ,(-<S4P# %e"a5ior 10.1.0 1 So9e e2ac7 editoria correctio$s 3or T):10 10.1.0 - S!eed de!e$de$t sca i$2 ru es i$ <(S e$5iro$9e$t 10.1.0

New -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 -.3.0 10.0.0 10.0.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0

10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.1.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0


Release !

!!!" Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50 RP-50

TSG 3oc# CR RP-101203 ,35/ RP-10120, RP-101205 RP-101213 RP-101366 RP-10121RP-101200 RP-10126, RP-101211 RP-101200 RP-101213 RP-101212 RP-101365 RP-101200 RP-101220 RP-1011-= RP-101366 RP-101213 RP-101200 RP-11026/ RP-1102/6 RP-11026= RP-11026/ RP-1102/, RP-11026= RP-1102/RP-110266 RP-11026, RP-11026, RP-1102/, RP-1102=2 RP-11026, RP-11026= RP-11026, RP-1102// RP-110266 RP-1102/RP-1102/1 RP-1102=6 RP-1102=1 RP-1102/, RP-1102/RP-1102/, RP-11026= RP-1102=2 ,360 ,36,3/5 ,3=2 ,3=3 ,3=6 ,3-3 ,3-, ,3-/ ,3-= ,,00 ,,03 ,,06 ,,0/ ,,11 ,,1,,2/ ,,3, ,,3/ ,,3= ,,,1 ,,,, ,,,6 ,,,,,50 ,,53 ,,5/ ,,5= ,,60 ,,61 ,,65 ,,6,,/6 ,,=2 ,,-5 ,,-6 ,511 ,512 ,515 ,51,520 ,523 ,526 ,533


RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - U) %e"a5iour 1"e$ PP#( a$d 4S#( !ara9eters $ot !rese$t i$ 10.1.0 S:83 - (orrectio$s to )TGS !ri9ar7 $oti3icatio$ 1it" securit7 !rocedure 10.1.0 1 (orrectio$ re ated to i$ter-R#T a$d i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 10.1.0 o$ a 3reBue$c7 ot"er t"a$ t"e used 3reBue$c7 - RL( reset o$ a Si2$a i$2 Radio 8earer 10.1.0 - (orrectio$s o$ 25.331 3or ,(-<S4P# 10.1.0 - :$troductio$ o3 MU-M:M6 3or L(R T44 i$ 25.331 10.1.0 3 S:85 c"a$2es 3or )-4(< i$ ()LL;&#(< a$d :d e Mode 10.1.0 1 Procedura te.t to su!!ort 9easure9e$ts i$ t"e Seco$dar7 UL 10.1.0 &reBue$c7 3 Precodi$2 1ei2"t set restrictio$ setti$2 3or seco$dar7 ce s 10.1.0 - RR( !rocedure !er3or9a$ce reBuire9e$ts 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ 10.1.0 ()LL;&#(< - #dditio$ o3 Re -10 critica e.te$sio$ i$ SR'S re ocatio$ 9essa2e 10.1.0 addi$2 R6<( tar2et 9ode - #dditio$ o3 U) R6<( ca!a%i it7 i$ :R#T "a$do5er 10.1.0 2 :$troductio$ o3 M(<SUP# 3or 1.2=Mcs! T44 10.1.0 - (orrectio$ o3 <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< "a$d i$2 10.1.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 detected set 9easure9e$ts a$d re!orti$2 3or :$ter- 10.1.0 3reBue$c7 1 ( ari3icatio$s 3or de etio$ o3 tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ 3or e.isti$2 10.1.0 RL %7 #SU 1 (orrectio$s to ,(-<S4P# 10.1.0 - )$"a$ced Securit7 Mode !rocedure "a$d i$2 i$ case o3 de a7ed L2 10.1.0 #(H 2 &urt"er correctio$s o$ actio$s re ated to 10.1.0 <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< - ("a$2e i$ t"e radio %earer 9a!!i$2 due to a s7ste9 i$3o 9essa2e 10.2.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ MU-M:M6 ca!a%i it7 3or L(R T44 10.2.0 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ U) %e"a5ior a3ter tra$stio$ to e$"a$ced 10.2.0 ()LL;&#(< 3or L(R T44 - (orrectio$ o3 R8 9a!!i$2 o!tio$ se ectio$ 3or 10.2.0 <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< 1 (orrectio$ to s7ste9 i$3or9atio$ co$tai$er re3ere$ce 10.2.0 - (orrectio$ o$ Sc"edu i$2 :$3o !ara9eters 3or L(R T44 10.2.0 - (orrectio$ to SR'( re ocatio$ as$1 to i$c ude Re -10 10.2.0 9easure9e$t t7!es - :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar 3or9at 3or #cti5e Set 10.2.0 U!date 9essa2e - P(: Gei2"t set restrictio$ o2ic 10.2.0 - R8 9a!!i$2 L4(< + <S-4S(<L 3or M#(-e"s 10.2.0 - Re9o5a o3 i$a!!ro!riate co99e$t i$ #S'.1 3or RSRE %ased ce 10.2.0 rese ectio$ !ara9eters 1 U) (a!a%i ities 3or M4T 10.2.0 - Use o3 'e1 <-R'T: i$ UM: 9essa2e i$ ()LL;4(< state 10.2.0 - <a$d i$2 o3 5aria% es PP#(;P#R#M@ a$d @4S#(;P#R#M@@ 10.2.0 - Reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2es a$d <S-SS(< orders i$teractio$ 3or 10.2.0 4TA04RA - :$troductio$ o3 a ca!a%i it7 i$dicatio$ 3or t"e :$ter-3reBue$c7 10.2.0 4etected Set 3eature - ( ari3icatio$ o3 i$5a id co$3i2uratio$ 3or e$"a$ced ser5i$2 <S-4S(< 10.2.0 ce c"a$2e - #dditio$ o3 M#(-e"s i$ tota RL( #M %u33er siQe i$ RL( ca!a%i it7 10.2.0 - (orrectio$ to (SG :$tra-3reBue$c7 ce i$3o 10.2.0 - 25331;(R.... Su!!ort o3 4e a7 To era$t access reBuests 10.2.0 1 (orrectio$s 3or t"e co$3i2uratio$ o3 3reBue$cies to 9easure 1it"out 10.2.0 (M 3 (orrectio$ o3 co$ditio$a 7 i$c uded co$te$t i$ S: co$tai$er 10.2.0 - ).te$d t"e carrier ca!a%i it7 3or Mu ti-(arrier <S4P# 3or 1.2=Mc!s 10.2.0 T44 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e 9easure9e$t occasio$ o3 )-&#(< 3or 1.2=Mc!s 10.2.0 T44 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e i$tra a$d i$ter 3reBue$c7 9easure9e$t i$ )10.2.0 &#(< 3or 1.2=Mc!s 2 :$troductio$ o3 Mi$i9iQatio$ o3 4ri5e Tests 10.2.0

New 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.2.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0


Release !

!!!( Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-51 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52 RP-52

TSG 3oc# CR RP-110266 ,5,2 RP-11026= RP-1102/, RP-110,22 RP-1102/RP-1102/, RP-110266 RP-1101=RP-110=3= RP-110=2RP-110=3= RP-110=31 RP-110=25 RP-110=2RP-110=2RP-110=2RP-110=2RP-110=3/ RP-110=26 RP-110=25 RP-110=30 RP-110=25 RP-110=,3 RP-110=3/ RP-110=3= RP-110=3= RP-110=26 RP-110=2RP-110=2/ RP-110=31 RP-110=25 RP-110=2RP-110=2RP-110=2RP-110=,2 RP-110=2= RP-110=,3 RP-110=3= RP-110=33 RP-110=25 RP-110=2RP-110=3= RP-110=,1 RP-110=32 RP-110=,, ,55= ,562 ,565 ,566 ,56= ,5/1 ,5/6 ,5/,5=2 ,5=3 ,5=5 ,5=6 ,5-2 ,5-5 ,5-= ,601 ,602 ,606 ,60/ ,60,610 ,611 ,612 ,613 ,61, ,626 ,632 ,63, ,63/ ,6,2 ,6,,652 ,65/ ,65= ,661 ,662 ,66,6/1 ,6/3 ,6/, ,6/= ,6=0 ,6-0 ,6-,

0,02011 0602011

Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - (orrectio$ o3 tar2et ce !reco$3i2uratio$ i$3o "a$d i$2 u!o$ 10.2.0 reco$3i2uratio$ - 'e2ati5e 5a ues i$ a L9odL 3u$ctio$ 10.2.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 RR( (6'')(T:6' R)F)(T 1it" redirectio$ 10.2.0 1 4ua 8a$d 4ua (e M:M6 o$ 7 Re ease 10 U) $ot 3( or ,( 10.2.0 ca!a% e - #ddi$2 t"e de3au t (o$3i2uratio$ 3or 12.20/.,05.-0,./5 >%!s s!eec" 10.2.0 + 3., >%!s (1it"out SR8[5) - Re -= &G: "a$d i$2 i$ Re -10.2.0 1 (orrectio$ re ated to "a$d i$2 o3 4TA, 4RA <S-S((< orders u!o$ 10.2.0 e$"a$ced ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e - Si2$a i$2 3or $e1 %a$d i$dicator 3 10.2.0 - (orrectio$ (to 10.2.36, OLo22edMeasGSM'ei2"%our(e sListP i$ 10.3.0 11.3 a$d to 13.,.0) as 1ro$2 s!eci3icatio$ 3i e 1as u! oaded. - ( ari3icatio$ to setti$2 o3 dedicated !riorities 10.3.1 1 (orrectio$ 3or SR-V(( Para9eter Setti$2 10.3.1 - (orrectio$ to e$"a$ced securit7 9ode !rocedure "a$d i$2 1"e$ 10.3.1 1aiti$2 3or de a7ed L2 #(H 1 (orrectio$ to t"e ()LL;4(< 9easure9e$t occasio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s 10.3.1 T44 2 (orrectio$ to t"e )-PU(< TS co$3i2uratio$ ist 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 10.3.1 - (orrectio$ to t"e <S-S((< s7ste9 i$3o 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 10.3.1 - (orrectio$s to T321 a$d e$"a$ced U) 4RA o!eratio$ u!o$ 10.3.1 tra$sitio$ to ()LL;&#(< state - &ast 4or9a$c7 correctio$ 3or re easi$2 radio %earers 10.3.1 1 &urt"er c ari3icatio$ o$ U) %e"a5ior duri$2 state tra$sitio$ 3ro9 10.3.1 ()LL;P(<0UR#;P(< to ()LL;&#(< 1 :$troductio$ o3 e.te$ded 1ait ti9er i$ Si2$a i$2 (o$$ectio$ 10.3.1 Re ease - <a$d i$2 o3 ST#RT 5a ue due to a$ RL( reesta% is"9e$t 1"e$ 4L 10.3.1 RL( P4U siQe is reco$3i2ured 3ro9 3i.ed to 3 e.i% e 1it" 15-%it L: 1 Re9o5i$2 Ro<( discre!a$c7 10.3.1 1 Re!orti$2 o3 (SG V#S ce i$ case o3 (SG :$ter-3reBue$c7 10.3.1 Measure9e$ts 1 Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 a i2$9e$t* M8MS 10.3.1 - T() :4 !ara9eter 3or o22ed M4T 10.3.1 - U!dated 5a ue ra$2e 3or t"e ).te$ded Gait Ti9er 10.3.1 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ P:(< codes ist 3or L(R T44 10.3.1 - (orrectio$ o3 t"e 9is9atc"ed $a9es %et1ee$ #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar 10.3.1 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e $u9%er o3 <#RE !rocesses i$ <S4P# 1"e$ 10.3.1 s1itc"i$2 %et1ee$ M:M6 a$d $o$-M:M6 - Reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2es a$d <S-SS(< orders i$teractio$ 3or 10.3.1 4(-<S4P# - Void :) LUse s!ecia 5a ue o3 <) 3ie dL 10.3.1 1 # i2$9e$t o3 Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 3or S'RS Re ocatio$ 10.3.1 - (orrectio$s to t"e se ectio$ o3 R8 9u ti! e.i$2 o!tio$ 10.3.1 1 (orrectio$ o3 actio$s re ated to 10.3.1 T#RG)T;()LL;R)(6'&:GUR#T:6' 5aria% e 1 ( eara$ce o3 t"e stored 3reBue$c7 i$3o 3or 9easure 1it"out (M 10.3.1 1 (orrectio$ to S:85 5%is a$d S:86 "a$d e 3or )$"a$ced U! i$> 10.3.1 1 :$troductio$ o3 UTR#' #uto9atic 'ei2"%or Re atio$ 10.3.1 1 (orrectio$s to detectio$ o3 )-UTR# ce 10.3.1 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ PLM' c"ec>i$2 3or M4T o22i$2 10.3.1 1 (orrectio$s re ated to UTR# R)L-10 25.331 #S'.1 issues 10.3.1 - (orrectio$ to t"e Sta$da o$e Mida9% e :$3or9atio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s 10.3.1 T44 - Ta%u ar a$d #S'.1 a i2$9e$t* $e1-4S(<-R'T: 10.3.1 1 (orrectio$ to t"e !"7sica c"a$$e 3ai ure i$ ()LL UP4#T) 10.3.1 (6'&:RM 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - Procedure te.t 3or additio$ o3 $e1 %a$d i$dicator 3 a$d c"a$2e o3 10.3.1 t"e #S'.1 t7!e 2 (orrectio$ to ,(-<S4P# to su!!ort si2$a i$2 3or $o$-adKace$t 10.3.1 a22re2atio$ - :$troductio$ o3 9easure9e$t :4 e.te$sio$ 10.3.1 1 #dditio$ o3 $e1 %a$d AAV ().!a$ded 1-00 M<Q 8a$d), ! us 10.3.1

New 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.1 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0


Release !

!!!) Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)



TSG 3oc#



RP-52 RP-52 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-53 RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-5, RP-55 RP-55 RP-55 RP-55 RP-55 RP-55

RP-110=3= RP-110/,, RP-1112=, RP-1112/5 RP-1112=5 RP-1112=6 RP-1112=5 RP-1112=, RP-1112/, RP-1112/= RP-1112=, RP-1112/1 RP-1112=2 RP-1112-3 RP-1112/6 RP-1112/, RP-1112/5 RP-1112/, RP-1112/, RP-11121/ RP-1112// RP-1112-6 RP-1112-, RP-1112/5 RP-111/0= RP-111/06 RP-111/02 RP-111/01 RP-111/11 RP-111/15 RP-111/15 RP-111/15 RP-111/15 RP-111/03 RP-111/0, RP-111/13 RP-111/15 RP-111/1RP-111/1/ RP-111/1= RP-111/1RP-12032RP-12032= RP-12032/ RP-120320 RP-120321 RP-120320

,6-= ,6-,/00 ,/05 ,/1= ,/20 ,/26 ,/2/ ,/31 ,/,= ,/55 ,/5/ ,/5,/61 ,//0 ,//5 ,//,/=2 ,/=5 ,/== ,=02 ,=03 ,=0, ,=05 ,=0= ,=12 ,=13 ,=22 ,=2,=30 ,=33 ,=36 ,=,6 ,=6, ,=/3 ,=/, ,==, ,==6 ,=31 ,=,/ ,=,= ,=-1 ,-0,-11 ,-21 ,-2,-35




Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Procedure te.t 3or additio$ o3 $e1 %a$d i$dicator 3 a$d c"a$2e o3 t"e #S'.1 t7!e 1 :$troductio$ o3 t"e 3reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode - (orrectio$ to (e ("a$2e 6rder - ( ari3icatio$ o$ dua %a$d ca!a%i it7 i$ ,(<S4P# 1 Tar2et ce <S-S((< order "a$d i$2 - U!date to RR( !er3or9a$ce 5a ues 3or U) :$3or9atio$ !rocedure 1 25.331 (R i$c udi$2 ePLM' su!!ort 3or #'R 2 ( ea$u! correctio$s 3or #'R Sta2e 3 %e"a5iors - Missi$2 PGR e$tries i$ S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;P#R#MS 5aria% e 2 ( ari3icatio$ o$ U! i$> 4P(< !o1er co$tro i$3o 3or (o99o$ )4(< 1 25.331 correctio$ o$ (SG ide$tit7 5a idit7 to a o1 i$troductio$ o3 (SG R#' s"ari$2 - Li9it t"e ,(-<S4P# $o$-co$ti2uous o!eratio$ to o$e %a$d o$ 7 - (orrectio$ to <S-4S(< rece!tio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< 1 ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e Pre-Redirectio$ i$3o setti$2 a3ter t"e redirectio$ 3ro9 )-UTR# - (' 4o9ai$ 3or eGaitTi9e - 4isa% i$2 de3au t co$3i2uratio$ 1/,23 i$ <a$do5er To UTR#' (o99a$d - Use o3 'e1 )-R'T: i$ UM: 9essa2e 3 Re9o5a o3 #S )TGS du! icate detectio$ 2 PP#( correctio$s - (orrectio$ to t"e SPS resource co$3i2uratio$ 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 1 Me9or7 !artitio$i$2 3or <#RE 1it" si9u ta$eous M:M6 a$d $o$M:M6 o!eratio$ i$ 9u ti-carrier <S-4S(< o!eratio$ 1 &ast dor9a$c7 u!o$ RR( (o$$ectio$ Re ease - (o9! eti$2 t"e additio$ o3 $e1 %a$d i$dicator 3 - #dd 8a$d AA:: 3or LT)0UMTS 3500 (&44) to TS 25.331 2 ( ari3icatio$ o3 R4: i$dicator o3 )-#G(< i$3o 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ o$ t"e 9easure9e$t co$3i2uratio$ 5a idatio$ 3or S&' readi$2 - (orrectio$s o3 PS >e7s "a$d i$2 u!o$ PS :S<6 - 4e ete )-<:(<, )-RG(<, )-#G(< i$3or9atio$ 1"e$ );4(< is sto!!ed - (orrectio$ to 4e3au t Radio (o$3i2uratio$s 3or T44* $u9%er o3 T&(: codi$2 %its - ( ari3icatio$ o3 PS( ra$2e 3or (SG ce s - # i2$9e$t o3 t"e te.t descri!tio$ 3or S:8 1= 3or U)s i$ id e 9ode a$d co$$ected 9ode 1 :9!ro5ed 4e3erred Measure9e$t (o$tro Readi$2 - 25.331 tri5ia correctio$s - :$troductio$ o3 t"e 3reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode 1 ( ari3icatio$ to t"e "a$d i$2 o3 <S-4S(< T8 siQe ta% e 1 (orrectio$ o3 8((< 9a!!i$2 o$ <S-4S(< 2 #ddressi$2 t"e issue o3 i$co$siste$t <#RE 9e9or7 !artitio$i$2 3or "i2"-!ea>-rate U)s 1 (orrectio$ a%out t"e !rese$ce o3 Securit7 Re5ert Status :$dicator i$ ()LL UP4#T) Messa2e 1 Su!!ort ear 7 i9! e9e$tatio$ o3 u! i$> 6LT4 i$ Re -10 - TS 25.331 511.0.0 created %ased o$ 510.6.0 1 :$troductio$ o3 =(-<S4P# i$ 25.331 1 :$troductio$ o3 u! i$> (LT4 i$ 25.331 1 :$troductio$ o3 u! i$> 6LT4 i$ 25.331 - S!eci3icatio$ ( ea$u!* re9o5a o3 4R#( e3t o5er - #dditio$ o3 $e1 %a$d AAV: ().te$di$2 =50 M<Q U!!er 8a$d (=1, =,- M<Q) 1 #dditio$a 5a ue 3or Tota RL( #M 8u33er SiQe 2 ( ari3icatio$ o$ stored <#RE i$3o 1"e$ <S-4S(< rece!tio$ is $ot su!!orted - (orrectio$ to 25.331 o$ (e Rese ectio$ e$"a$ce9e$ts (Re -11) - ( ari3icatio$s o3 t"e U) %e"a5iours 1"e$ i$itiati$2 a ce u!date !rocedure



10.3.1 10.3.1 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0

10.,.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0

10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.,.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.6.0

10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0

10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.6.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 10.5.0 11.0.0 11.0.0 10.6.0 11.0.0 11.0.0 11.0.0 11.0.0 11.1.0 11.1.0

11.0.0 11.1.0 11.0.0 11.1.0 11.0.0 11.1.0 11.0.0 11.1.0


Release !

!!!* Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)

3ate 0602012

TSG B RP-55 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-56 RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5/ RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5=

TSG 3oc# CR RP-120322 ,-53 RP-120=15 ,-55 RP-120=03 RP-120=06 RP-120=06 RP-120=06 RP-120=0, RP-120=0RP-120=0RP-120=0RP-120=25 RP-120=1, RP-120=25 RP-120=0RP-120=0= RP-120=25 RP-120=25 RP-120/31 RP-12136RP-1213=2 RP-121363 RP-121365 RP-121366 RP-12136/ RP-1213/1 RP-121,22 RP-12135/ RP-1213=2 RP-121,2= RP-12135RP-121365 RP-12136= RP-1213=2 RP-1213=3 RP-121363 RP-121361 RP-121366 RP-121-25 RP-121-25 RP-121-3, RP-121-3/ RP-121-3/ RP-121-25 RP-121-,1 RP-121-5/ RP-121-,6 RP-121-,3 ,-5,-6/ ,-/1 ,-/5 ,-=1 ,-=, ,-=/ ,-=,--1 ,--3 ,--5006 50250,, 505/ 5063 50/1 50/50=1 50=2 50=3 50=, 50=5 50-1 5120 5125 5125130 51,2 51,515, 516= 51/, 51=2 51=3 51-0 51-, 51-/ 51-5201 5203 5206 520/ 520= 520-



Re= Su;ject<Co22ent - (orrectio$ o3 de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$s i$ ()LL;&#(< 2 ).te$d t"e carrier ca!a%i it7 3or t1o-carrier <S4P# 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - Reco$3i2uratio$ 9essa2es a$d <S-S((< orders i$teractio$ 3or <S-S((< ess - (orrectio$s re2ardi$2 t"e U) %e"a5iour o$ e5a uati$2 t"e 5aria% e <SP#;R'T:;ST6R)4;()LL;P(< - ( ari3icatio$s o3 t"e U) %e"a5iours 1"e$ i$itiati$2 a ce u!date !rocedure 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$s o$ 4S#( a$d PP#( - (orrectio$ o3 SR81 9a!!i$2 i$3o 3or &#(< - ( ari3icatio$ o$ de3au t radio co$3i2uratio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< - (orrectio$ to t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 acti5atio$ state a3ter reco$3i2uratio$ !rocedure - ( ari3icatio$ o3 ca!a%i it7 si2$a i$2 3or U) su!!orti$2 48-4(<S4P# 1it" M:M6 1 Modi3icatio$ o3 securit7 co$te.t stora2e rate o$ t"e U:(( - (orrectio$ o3 $esti$2 e5e s 2reater t"a$ 15 i$ #S'.1 3or RR( Messa2e <a$do5erToUTR#'(o99a$d 1 SRV(( radio %earer co9%i$atio$ 1 ( ari3icatio$s o$ t"e e5e$t 9easure9e$t re!ort 3or 4(-<SUP# 1 :$troductio$ o3 a (S&8 :$dicator i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest - (orrectio$s to !er-%a$d ca!a%i it7 si2$a i$2 - )ditoria u!dates to 25.331 1 :$troductio$ o3 9u ti! e 3reBue$c7 %a$d i$dicator 1 :$troductio$ o3 Mu ti3 o1 i$ TS 25.331 - (R to 25.331 o$ Buasi-3ast retur$ - (orrectio$ o$ t"e carrier ca!a%i it7 3or t1o-carrier <S4P# 3or 1.2=Mc!s T44 - (orrectio$ o$ <#RE 9e9or7 !artitio$i$2 3or =(-<S4P# 1 Misce a$eous correctio$s 3or UL (LT4 - Re9o5e t"e e5e$t 64 9odi3icatio$s 3or UL 6LT4 - :$troductio$ o3 )#8 2 #ddi$2 t"e 9issi$2 M#(-e"s 1i$do1 siQe 5a ues 3or -%its TS' o!tio$ i$ 1.2=Mc!s T44 - Re-i$troductio$ o3 de3au t co$3i2uratio$ [23 - #dditio$ o3 9issi$2 :) L:$c ude i$ Sc"edu i$2 :$3oL i$ de3au t co$3i2uratio$ [1/ 1 :$troductio$ o3 M4T e$"a$ce9e$ts - Voice su!!ort (a!a%i ities - (orrectio$ 3or =(-<S4P# %ac>1ards co9!ati%i it7 - :$troductio$ o3 a%so ute !riorit7 %ased 9easure9e$ts a$d rese ectio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< State i$ 25.331 - :$troductio$ o3 ).te$ded S-R'T: - # i2$i$2 ST#RT 5a ue "a$d i$2 1"e$ e$teri$2 id e 9ode 3ro9 co$$ected 1 RR( (o$$ectio$ Re ease* searc" ti9e 3or )-UTR# si2$a ed 3reBue$cies - (orrectio$ o$ t"e '6T) o3 :) L(o99o$ )-4(< s7ste9 i$3oL 1 Re9o5e t"e e5e$t 64 9odi3icatio$s 3or UL (LT4 - ( ari3icatio$ to t"e "a$d i$2 o3 :) 4i33ere$t T. di5ersit7 9ode co$3i2uratio$ 3ro9 ser5i$2 <S-4S(< ce - (orrectio$s to i$tra-UTR#' SR-V(( "a$do5er !rocedure 1 (orrectio$ to $o$-%ac>1ards co9!ati% e #S'.1 - ( ari3icatio$ to o22i$2 o3 PLM' ide$tit7 i$ #'R - (orrectio$s to :$ter-3reBue$c7 detected set 9easure9e$ts - Re9o5a o3 SR-V(( tri22ered %7 ce u!date co$3ir9 - ( ari3icatio$ o3 a%so ute !riorit7 %ased 9easure9e$ts a$d rese ectio$ i$ ()LL;&#(< State - ( ari3icatio$ o$ t"e setti$2 o3 (S&8 :$dicator i$ RR( (o$$ectio$ ReBuest - ( ari3icatio$s 3or Lo22i$2 o3 (o$$ectio$ )sta% is"9e$t &ai ure :$3or9atio$ - (orrectio$ to #(H-'#(H re!etitio$ 3actor 3or Mu ti3 o1 assisti$2 ce s

Cld New 11.0.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0

11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.1.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0

11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0

11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.,.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.3.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0

11.3.0 11.,.0 11.3.0 11.,.0 11.3.0 11.,.0


Release !

!!!+ Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5= RP-5=

TSG 3oc# CR RP-121-5/ 5210 RP-121=1RP-121-,2 RP-121-,3 RP-121-,1 RP-121-,5 RP-121-,3 RP-121-,3 RP-121-5= RP-121-5/ RP-121-22 RP-121-3/ RP-121-5/ RP-121-23 RP-121-3/ RP-121-35 RP-121-3/ RP-121-25 RP-121-5/ RP-121-5/ RP-121-3/ RP-121-,6 RP-121-5= RP-121-3, RP-121-5= RP-121-23 RP-13022RP-13022RP-1302,RP-130232 RP-130235 RP-1302,RP-1302,6 RP-1302,= RP-13023/ RP-13023RP-13022RP-130232 RP-130232 RP-130236 RP-13022RP-13023RP-1302,/ RP-13023RP-13022= RP-130235211 5212 5213 521, 5215 5216 521/ 521= 5215221 5231 5233 523, 52352,3 5252 5255262 5265 5266 52/1 52/2 52/5 52=5 52=/ 52-6 5300 5301 530, 5305310 5311 5315 5316 5315323 5326 5325330 5335 533/ 53353,2 53,, 53,6



Re= Su;ject<Co22ent Cld - (orrectio$ to t"e :) LTi9i$2 9ai$tai$ed S7$c"ro$iQatio$ i$dicatorL 11.3.0 3or &-4P(< 1 (R to 25.331 o$ t"e :$troductio$ o3 rSRV(( 3eature 11.3.0 2 :$troductio$ o3 ,T.-<S4P# i$ 25.331 11.3.0 - :$troductio$ o3 additio$a 5a ues 3or 4e ta#(H a$d 4e ta'#(H 11.3.0 2 :$troductio$ o3 &urt"er )$"a$ce9e$ts to ()LL;&#(< i$ 25.331 11.3.0 3 :$troductio$ o3 UL M:M6 1it" 6,E#M i$ TS 25.331 11.3.0 - (orrectio$ to M#(-"s reset !rocedure 3or Mu ti3 o1 11.3.0 - (orrectio$ to t"e i$dicatio$s o3 9u ti3 o1 ti9i$2 11.3.0 - :$ter-R#T Trese ectio$ e$"a$ce9e$t 11.3.0 - Ra!!orteurLs correctio$s 3or 25.331 RR( s!eci3icatio$ 11.3.0 1 ( ari3icatio$ o$ U) su!!ort a$d !rioritisatio$ %et1ee$ %a$ds 3or 11.3.0 Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d :$dicators 1 Re9o5a o3 i$5a id co$ditio$ to sto! #'R o22i$2 duratio$ ti9er 11.3.0 T32/ - Re9o5i$2 U) %e"a5ior discre!a$c7 i$ case o3 radio i$> 3ai ure 11.3.0 duri$2 o$2oi$2 reco$3i2uratio$ - :$troductio$ o3 e$"a$ced ser5i$2 ce c"a$2e 3or UL 16E#M a$d 11.3.0 UL 6,E#M - :$troductio$ o3 UM RL( re-esta% is"9e$t 5ia reco$3i2uratio$ 11.3.0 - :$troductio$ o3 a !eriodic 9easure9e$t 3or 4(-<SUP# 11.3.0 2 (R to 25.331 o$ # o1 $et1or> to e.c ude so9e ce s %ei$2 11.3.0 detected a$d re!orted i$ i$traWi$ter-3reB detected set o!eratio$ - (orrectio$ o$ t"e deacti5atio$ o3 t"e seco$dar7 ce rece!tio$ 11.3.0 - (orrectio$ to t"e 5aria% e SDST)M;:'&6RM#T:6';(6'T#:')R 11.3.0 - 4e a7 i$ c"ec>i$2 SR8 1-, 9a!!i$2 o$ P(< to &#(< tra$sitio$ 11.3.0 1 Ra$2e o3 Lo22i$2 Re ati5e T"res"o d 3or UTR#' #'R 11.3.0 - Re9o5i$2 t"e :) (o$te$tio$ 4etected i$ #ccessia%i it7 11.3.0 Measure9e$t(o!tio$ 3) 1 :$troductio$ o3 1ide%a$d RSRE 9easure9e$ts 11.3.0 - (orrectio$ to :'T)R R#T <#'46V)R :'&6 3or UMTS T440&44 11.3.0 ca!a% e U) - :$troductio$ o3 :$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts o$ co$3i2ured 11.3.0 carriers 1it"out co9!ressed 9ode - (orrectio$s to (e U!date 1"e$ (e U!date 9essa2e siQe 11.3.0 e.ceeds t"e used tra$s!ort 3or9at siQe 1 (R to 25.331 o$ PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters 3or 11.,.0 )$"a$ced U! i$> (R11) 1 ( ari3icatio$ to RR( !addi$2 3or (((< tra$s9issio$ i$ case o3 )UL 11.,.0 &#(< - #dditio$a 5a ue 3or Tota RL( #M 8u33er SiQe 11.,.0 - (orrect t"e 5aria% e i$ t"e @#ctio$s re ated to 11.,.0 S)(6'4#RD;()LL;M:M6;ST#TUS 5aria% e@ 1 (orrectio$ to 9easured resu ts o$ R#(< i$ (e U!date 9essa2e 11.,.0 - #dditio$ o3 (e U!date 9essa2e 1it" o!ti9ised e$codi$2 11.,.0 1 Re -11 #S'.1 Re5ie1 correctio$s 11.,.0 1 <a$d i$2 o3 Roa9i$2 Su%scri%ers i$ case o3 RR( (o$$ectio$ 11.,.0 ReKect - ).te$di$2 )-UTR# &reBue$c7 8a$d a$d )#R&(' 5a ue ra$2e 11.,.0 - Misce a$eous correctio$s 3or &urt"er )$"a$ce9e$ts to 11.,.0 ()LL;&#(< i$ 25.331 - (orrectio$s o3 t"e U) %e"a5ior 1"e$ 5aria% e );R'T: is $ot set i$ 11.,.0 ()LL;P(< state 1 )5a uatio$ o3 S)(6'4#RD;()LL;);4(<;TR#'SM:SS:6' 11.,.0 5aria% e 1 :$co$siste$c7 %et1ee$ #S'.1 a$d ta%u ar o$ t"e !rese$ce o3 t"e 11.,.0 :) L3reBue$c7 i$3oL - ).te$d 3G #'R #!! ica% e RR( State 11.,.0 - U) %e"a5ior at acti5atio$ a$d deacti5atio$ o3 )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ 11.,.0 ()LL;&#(< state i$ S:8505%is - ( ari3icatio$ o$ rSRV(( 11.,.0 - (orrectio$s o$ de3i$itio$ o3 (SG 9e9%er ce 3or UMTS 11.,.0 1 Misce a$eous correctio$s to 25.331 o$ 3urt"er e$"a$ce9e$ts to 11.,.0 ()LL;&#(< - :$5a idatio$ o3 )TGS 1it" securit7 3eature 11.,.0 - :$troduci$2 a$ i$dicatio$ 3or su!!ort o3 t"e e.te$ded ra$2e o3 <S- 11.,.0

New 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0


Release !

!!3% Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-5RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-60 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-61 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62

TSG 3oc# RP-1302,0 RP-1302,RP-13023RP-1302,= RP-13022RP-13022= RP-13023RP-130225 RP-13022RP-1302,RP-13023RP-1302,= RP-1303,RP-130=0, RP-130=0RP-130=06 RP-130=02 RP-130=0/ RP-130=0/ RP-130=02 RP-130=0RP-130=05 RP-130=06 RP-130=06 RP-130=02 RP-131313 RP-131320 RP-131320 RP-13131, RP-131316 RP-131316 RP-131316 RP-131311 RP-131313 RP-131320 RP-131310 RP-131-=5 RP-131-=1 RP-131-=1 RP-131--2 RP-131--2 RP-131--3 RP-131--5 RP-131--5 RP-131--2 RP-131--0 RP-131-=2

CR 53,/ 535/ 5355360 5362 536, 5365 536/ 53/0 53/1 53/2 53/3 53/5 53// 53/= 53/53=, 53-1 5,02 5,03 5,0= 5,16 5,1/ 5,23 5,30 5,35 5,3= 5,,1 5,,, 5,,/ 5,,5,50 5,51 5,5, 5,66 5,/2 5,/5 5,// 5,/5,=0 5,=1 5,=2 5,=3 5,== 5,=5,-2 5,-=




Re= Su;ject<Co22ent 4P((< !o1er o33set - 6!tio$a Su!!ort o3 #ccessi%i it7 Measure9e$ts &eature 1 :$troductio$ o3 1ide%a$d RSRE 9easure9e$ts i$ :d e 9ode 1 ).te$di$2 t"e ra$2e o3 t"e 2$d 4RA c7c e e$2t" 1 8e"a5iour i$ case o3 e.cessi5e dedicated !riorit7 i$3or9atio$ - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e :) LSc"edu ed Tra$s9issio$ co$3i2uratio$L i$ )$"a$ced U! i$> i$ ()LL;&#(< state - Pro"i%it PS co$$ectio$ setu! 1"i e S:83 is %ei$2 u!dated - &)-&#(< correctio$s o$ PR#(< se ectio$ - :$5a id 9easure9e$t co$3i2uratio$ 1it" di33ere$t ())#R&(' - ( ari3icatio$ o$ a5ai a% e si2$ature orderi$2 i$ co99o$ )-4(< 1 :$troductio$ o3 t"e 3reBue$c7 s!eci3ic co9!ressed 9ode 3or t"e i$tra-%a$d $o$-co$ti2uous o!eratio$ 1 Si9u ta$eous o!eratio$ o3 Mu ti3 o1 <S4P# a$d STT4 - :$troductio$ o3 (e s e.c uded 3ro9 detected set 9easure9e$ts ca!a%i it7 si2$a i$2 1 (orrectio$ to $o$-%ac>1ards co9!ati% e as$1 1.2=Mc!s T44 - ( ari3icatio$ o$ U) :$3or9atio$ !rocedure - (orrectio$s to ).te$ded )-UTR# &reBue$c7 8a$d a$d )#R&(' 5a ue ra$2es - S:8/ readi$2 a$d 2$d 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< - L: siQe a$d & e.i% e RL( P4Us i$ u! i$> - ( ari3icatio$ o$ :$ter-R#T "a$do5er to UTR#' - ( ari3icatio$ o3 t"e securit7 co$3i2uratio$ a3ter si9u ta$eous (S a$d PS i$ter-R#T <a$do5er - (orrectio$ 3or PS co$$ectio$ setu! !ro"i%itio$ 1"i e S:83 is %ei$2 u!dated - (orrectio$ to (e U!date 9essa2e 1it" o!ti9ised e$codi$2 - (orrectio$s to U) se ectio$ o3 e2ac7 3reBue$c7 %a$d 3or Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d :$dicators - (orrectio$ o3 se9a$tics descri!tio$ o3 PR#(< !rea9% e co$tro !ara9eters e.te$sio$ ist T7!e 1 - Re$u9%eri$2 o3 @#5ai a% e Si2$atures@ 3or &)-&#(< 1 ( ari3icatio$ 3or t"e su!!ort o3 4(-<S4P# - ( ari3icatio$ o3 M#( "eader co9%i$atio$ 1"e$ M#(-i is co$3i2ured - Ra!!orteurs correctio$s 3or 25.331 RR( s!eci3icatio$ - ( ari3icatio$ o$ 4e3erred Measure9e$t (o$tro Readi$2 1 P"7sica ("a$$e esta% is"9e$t a$d Radio Li$> &ai ure o$ t"e seco$dar7 u! i$> 3reBue$c7 1 (orrectio$ o3 descri!tio$ 3or PR#(< se ectio$ 1"e$ L1ei2"tL is i$ use 1 (orrectio$ o3 co$curre$t de! o79e$t o3 29s a$d 109s TT: - (orrectio$ 3or S:8/ readi$2 a$d 2$d 4RA i$ ()LL;&#(< - :$troductio$ o3 U) ca!a%i it7 si2$a i$2 3or 1ide%a$d RSRE 9easure9e$ts - 4e ete #ccess ( ass %arred List, 4S#( a$d PP#( i$3or9atio$ u!o$ SR'S re ocatio$ - ).!a$d t"e )UTR# 9easure9e$t ca!a%i it7 ist 2 #!! 7i$2 M#(-"s0e"s reset 3or state tra$sitio$ - (orrectio$s o3 i$tra-3reBue$c7 a$d i$ter-3reBue$c7 9easure9e$ts 3or 4(-<SUP# - &urt"er correctio$s o$ M&8: re ated issues - :$troductio$ o3 ca!a%i it7 %it 3or )-UTR# Mu ti! e &reBue$c7 8a$d :$dicators - #ddi$2 )#R&(' e.te$sio$ to t"e 5aria% e )UTR#;&R)EU)'(D;:'&6;L:ST;&#(< - ( ari3icatio$ 3or sto!!i$2 t"e RL( Ti9er;Reorderi$2 ti9er - ( ari3icatio$ o$ M4T #ccessi%i it7 Measure9e$ts discard - ( ea$u! o3 1ide%a$d RSRE 9easure9e$t ca!a%i it7 - Ra!!orteur correctio$s 3or 25.331 RR( s!eci3icatio$ - ( ari3icatio$ o$ "a$d i$2 3or L)#R&(' e.te$sio$L :) i$ )-UTR# 9easure9e$t 3or ()LL;&#(< ? (orrectio$s 3or t"e U) 5aria% e S)(6'4#RD;()LL;<S;4S(<;R)()PT:6' 1 (orrectio$ to Ga i eo assista$ce data e e9e$ts

Cld 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0 11.,.0

New 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0

11.,.0 11.5.0 11.,.0 11.5.0 11.,.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11.6.0

11.5.0 11.6.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.5.0 11.5.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11./.0 11./.0 11./.0

11.6.0 11./.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11.6.0 11./.0 11./.0 11.=.0 11./.0 11.=.0 11./.0 11.=.0 11./.0 11.=.0 11./.0 11./.0 11./.0 11./.0 11./.0 11.=.0 11.=.0 11.=.0 11.=.0 11.=.0

11./.0 11.=.0 11./.0 11.=.0


Release !

!!3 Chan-e histor4

3GPP TS !"#33 $ !#%#% (!% 3& !)


TSG B RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62 RP-62

TSG 3oc# CR RP-131-=3 5,-RP-131--2 5501 RP-13200, RP-131-=5 RP-131--5 RP-131--/ RP-131--= RP-131--6 RP-131-=2 5503 5505512 5,=, 5,=5 5,=6 5500

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1/3<;9 H1larification on "chedulin &nformation transmissionH for T" *9.33, v;.<.+ of /P?+>+>,< which was approved by /.' N89 could not be implemented as it is actually a 1/ to *9.3*, v;.=.+. 1/8=<; HProcedure te(t for addition of new band indicator 3 and chan e of the ."'., typeH for T" *9.33, v,+.3., of /P?,,+;3; which was approved by /.' N9* was not implemented since 1/8=<; is obsolete after 1/8=>8 rev ,.


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