Withdrawing Medication From Am Ampule

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1 Name____________________________________________________ Unit _____________________________________________________ Instructor/Evaluator: _________________________________________ Date______________________________ Position ____________________________ Position____________________________

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Withdrawing Medication From an Ampule

Goal: Wit !ra" t e #ull !ose o# me!ication #rom an am$ule sa#el% " ile maintainin& ase$sis' 1' C ec( me!ication or!er an! ma(e sure t e solution in t e am$ule matc es t e or!ere! solution' Com$lete ste$s 1 t rou& ) in Proce!ure 19-1' *' +ssem,le #ilter nee!le an! s%rin&e' -' Pic( u$ am$ule an! #lic( its u$$er stem several times "it a #in&ernail' 4' Wra$ a sterile &au.e $a! or alco ol "i$e aroun! t e am$ule/s nec( ,e#ore ,rea(in& t e nec( alon& t e score! line "it an out"ar! sna$$in& motion' +l"a%s ,rea( a"a% #rom %our ,o!%' 0' Discar! t e ,ro(en nec( a$$ro$riatel%1 an! $re$are to "it !ra" me!ication #rom t e am$ule usin& one o# t e #ollo"in& met o!s: a' Place t e am$ule u$ri& t on a #lat sur#ace1 insert t e nee!le in t e solution1 an! "it !ra" t e correct amount o# me!ication ,% $ullin& u$ on t e $lun&er' Do not touc t e nee!le to t e &lass rim' ,' 2ilt t e am$ule si!e"a%s' Wit !ra" t e $ro$er !ose o# me!ication' )' Remove t e nee!le #rom t e solution' 3ol! t e nee!le u$ri& t1 ins$ect t e s%rin&e1 an! !is$el an% air t at ma% ave ,een !ra"n into t e s%rin&e' 4a(e sure t at t e s%rin&e contains t e ri& t amount o# me!ication' E5$el an% e5tra me!ication' 6a,el s%rin&e' 7' Cover t e #ilter nee!le "it a sa#et% &uar! an! c an&e t e nee!le' Discar! am$ule in s ar$s container' 8' Per#orm an! %&iene'


Co$%ri& t 9 *:1- ,% Wolters ;lu"er 3ealt < 6i$$incott Williams = Wil(ins' Procedure Checklist for Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function1 7t e!ition1 ,% Rut >' Craven1 Constance ?' 3irnle1 = @ aron ?ensen'

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