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Data for Project BOOK_TRACKING_SYSTEM (Hermin ! Boo" Ho#!e $ata%a!

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De!cri)tion & Barnes and Noble keeps their data warehouse in several related databases. For

purposes of Project BOOK_TR !K"N#_$%$T&' ( the pri)ar* ones of interest are a $ales +ata and "nventor* +ata. The data fro) those two databases is co)bined into one lar,er database called BOOK_TR !K"N#_$%$T&' _-arehouse for Project BOOK_TR !K"N#_$%$T&' . The pri)ar* subject areas are store sales .Tbl_Fact_$tore_$ales_%%%%_''_++ tables/( store inventor* .Tbl_Fact_$tore_"nventor*_%%%%_''_++ tables/ and distribution center .+!/ inventor* .Tbl_Fact_+!_"nventor*_%%%%_''_++ tables/. These fact areas are divided into weekl* partition tables( each ta,,ed with the closin, date of the partition. There are 01 di)ension tables in all( the pri)ar* ones representin,2

Bu*ers !usto)ers Ti)e 3endors Products $tores &)plo*ees

High Level Requirement Assume that the given business data may increase at 10% YoY. You need to address the incremental updates. No history needs to be maintained. You need to do the following (Using o ! "ac#ages in a single olution$

%emember that your ource &'(" ( to be normali)ed by you $ as well as your *inal +enormali)ed &'(" solutions are implemented on different servers ( preferable same version of ,' erver but on different machines $ o Your ultimate goal is to create a denormali)ed data set out of the given data set. -ence. you need to first normali)e e/isting database after removing duplicate records. if any.

Need to ma#e use of UN"!0&( 1 2ul# !nsert activities as re3uired to arrive at as much denormali)ation as possible. Your solution may include (able "artitioning ('ogical 1 "hysical$ using (4 ,' procedures. You need to schedule the ! "ac#age(s$ to load the data from your normali)ed &'(" database to +enormali)ed &'(" database on a biwee#ly basis. Your end solution should address all the +5' Anomalies that are usually being reported from users.

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"lease note that most of the +5' operations are on 2uyers and "roducts (ables "lease note that most of the 6'67( operations are on 6mployees and tores tables

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