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Primary Sources: "10 Cover-ups That Just Made Things Worse." o!Stu""Wor#s. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&.

)01'.This !e&site contained an image o" the Tus#gee Syphi*is +,periment and the !or#ing conditions. "-utopsies% 1.'0." -utopsies% 1.'0. $ationa* -rchives% n.d. We&. 1' $ov. )01/. This out*ines genera* in"ormation and procedures "or per"orming autopsies on participants in the Tus#egee Syphi*is Study. 0idd*e% Susan. Washington Post Photo of Survivor Herman Shaw and Bill Clinton. $.d. Photograph. -n -po*ogy "or Tus#egee. Snar*y% 11 -pr. )01/. We&. 1' Jan. !hen he !as addressing the e,periment and !e p*an to use this on our pro2ect. Certi"icate "or Participants in the Tus#egee Syphi*is Study. 3igita* image. 3ocs Teach. The $ationa* -rchives% n.d. We&. 1' $ov. )01/. This item provides an e,amp*e o" the certi"icate provided to each participant in the Tus#egee Syphi*is Study a"ter )4 years o" participation. "C*inton apo*ogi5es to syphi*is e,periment victim." 6mage. -P7Wide Wor*d Photos. -merican istory. -0C-C869% )01/. We&. 1' $ov. )01/. Primary picture o" one o" the victim o" the Tus#egee e,periment !ho !as at the pu&*ic apo*ogy to the victim "orm C*inton. " uman e,periments: (irst% do harm." $ $ature Pu&*ishing :roup% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. This !e&site contained an image o" a man ho*ding up a penici**in sign. "6nside the $ationa* -rchives at -t*anta." - Page ;. $.p.% n.d. We&. 1' $ov. )01/.This site sho!s many pictures o" the victim and ho! they got treatment during the research. Joint $-<+87Tus#egee radon study team.. $.d. $-<+8% Tus#egee% -*a&ama. =nited States +nvironment Protection -gency. We&. 1' Jan. )011.Photo o" a mu*itracia* study group years a"ter the =niversity !as &ui*t. Sho!s us that racia* tensions have improved in Tus#egee% "$=S Singapore =niversity > Co**ege 3egree Courses 6n Singapore - ome." NUS Singapore University | College Degree Courses n Singapore ! Home. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. This !e&site contained in artic*e that e,p*ained the e""ects o" the study on -"rican -mericans. "9psec $e!s." 9psec $e!s. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. This !e&site contained an image o" a man getting in2ected during the Tus#egee Syphi*is +,periment. Par#% ?oung. "he dar# side$ immigrants% ra&ism% and the ameri&an way. 0*oomington%

6nd.: 6universe Com% )01). Print. This &oo# contained a *ot o" "acts on the Tus#egee Syphi*is study and ana*y5ed the e""ects and gave &ac#ground in"ormation <eport on Tus#egee Syphi*is Study% 1.;. - 1.;.. <ep. no. )11;'/. $.p.% n.d. We&. 1' $ov. )01/.This report !as prepared "or presentation at a medica* society meeting. 6t provides a &rie" overvie! o" the history o" the Tus#egee Syphi*is Study. "Search @ 0ro!se." Tus#egee Syphi*is Study Pictures: 3r. 3avid -*&ritton% $urse +unice <ivers and 3r. Wa*ter +dmondson. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. The !e&site contained an image o" the Tus#egee Syphi*is +,periment and the peop*e invo*ved. "Socio*ogica* 6mages." Socio*ogica* 6mages <SS. W.W. $orton @ Company% 6nc.% n.d. We&. 1' $ov. )01/.This !e&site ho*ds a picture o" a *etter sent out to men7victims o" the e,periment that to*d them they !ere getting "ree treatment. "The Tus#egee Syphi*is Study and the 0*ac# Panther Party >." -*ondra $e*son 0*og. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. This contained an image o" ne!s artic*es re*easingne!s o" the Tus#egee Syphi*is +,periment. Tus#egee Syphi*is Study Pictures: 0*ood test and unidenti"ied su&2ect.. 1./). $ationa* -rchives% -t*anta% :eorgia . Minority ea*th and ea*th +Auity -rchive. We&. 1/ 3ec. )01/. This !as a picture o" a man that !as having his &*ood test it and it gave us proo" and vision o" ho! the conditions !ere *i#e. "us#egee Syphilis '(periment. $.d. Photograph. :enerationa* Trauma: (ormer Chie" <e"*ects on (ami*y istory o" 6**ness. Senior -irman Jarad -. 3enton% 1B Sept. )01). We&. 1' Jan. )01'. This !as a picture o" a man having his &*ood tested and gave us a vision o" ho! things !ere. Tus#egee Syphi*is Study Pictures: =nidenti"ied su&2ects. $.d. $ationa* -rchive% -t*nata :eorgia . Minority ea*th and ea*th +Auity -rchive. We&. 1. 3ec. )01/.This !as a picture sho!ing the p*aces !here peop*e !ou*d get "treated" and ho! varia&*e it !as. We p*an to use this on our pro2ect as it gives us a vision o" the conditions. Wi**iam 0ouie% =nidenti"ied su&2ect% and 3r. 3avid -*&ritton. $.d. $ationa* -rchive% -t*anta :eorgia. Minority ea*th and ea*th +Auity -rchive. We&. )1 3ec. )01/. This is a picture o" a man !ho is a part o" the syphi**is &eing "treated" and !e p*an to use this on our !e&site as it gives us a vision o" ho! the conditions !ere *i#e. ":: ?MJ :: ?onsei Medica* Journa*$.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'.

Chttp:77eym2.org7396,.phpDdE10.//'.7ym2.)011.4).4.B01F.This !e&site contained an image o" the su&2ects in the Tus#egee Syphi*is +,periment. Secondary Sources: 0assey +phraim. Persona* 6ntervie!. ). 3ec )01/. G0randt% -**an M. <acism and research: The case o" the Tus#egee Syphi*is studyH 1.B1. The astings Center <eport 1I;J: )1-).. We&. 10 $ov. )01/.This artic*e gives a deep anay*sis o" the Tus#egee Syphi*is e,periment and dissuses the origins o" the e,periment and the racism &ehind it. +ngs% <uth C*i""ord. " ea*th Care <e"orm: $eed To Kno!." -merican istory. -0CC869% )01/. We&. 1' $ov. )01/.This is &ac#ground in"ormation a&out syphi*is% and this te**s us ho! during that time period they going through many hea*th re"orms. -*so actions they too# to prevent the ST3 "rom spreading. :ray% (red 3. The Tus#egee Syphi*is Study: The <ea* Story and &eyond. Montgomery% -8: 0*ac# 0e*t% 1..1. Print. This &oo#s ta*#s gives the history o" the Tus#egee Syphi**is +,periment and descri&es the events that revo*ved around it. "6nside the $ationa* -rchives at -t*anta." - Page ;. $.p.% n.d. We&. 1' $ov. )01/.This site sho!s many pictures o" the victim and ho! they got treatment during the research. "President apo*ogi5es at White ouse "or error in Tus#egee case." Jet ) June 1..B: 'L. )eneral *ne+ile. We&. 1/ Sept. )01/.This artic*e re*ates more to the responsi&i*ities aspect o" the pro2ect &ecause this is detai*ing a&out 0i** C*intonMs "orma* apo*ogy "or the incident. Thomas% -manda. "Tus#egee Syphi*is StudyNs 6mpact 3e&ated - S(:ate." (eatured -rtic*es (rom The S(:ate. $.p.% 1; Mar. )001. We&. 1' $ov. )01/. This !e&site discusses the impact o" the Tus#egee Syphi**is +,periment on &*ac# peop*e. "The Tus#egee Time*ine." Centers "or 3isease Contro* and Prevention. Centers "or 3isease Contro* and Prevention% )' Sept. )01/. We&. 1' $ov. )01/. This is a time*ine o" important events o" !hat happened during the e,periment "orm !hen it started to !hen -cts !here passed to prevent this "rom happening again. "Tus#egee e,periment." -merican istory. -0C-C869% )01/. We&. 1' $ov. )01/.This artic*e is &rie" summary a&out the Tus#egee Medica* +,periment and a*so C*inton apo*ogy *etter to a** !ho *ost their *ives in the e,periment. "Tus#egee Syphi*is Study." 3=JS 9n*ine. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. This !e&site

contained an image o" the su&2ects o" the Tus#egee Syphi*is e,periment. "Tus#egee Syphi*is Study." Tus#egee Syphi*is. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. This !e&site contained a cartoon reenacting a part o" the study. Samue*s% -**ison. "0ruta* Case StudiesO - ne! &oo# documents a true ethics horror story." Newswee# 1) (e&. )00B: '.. :enera* 9ne(i*e. We&. 1/ Sept. )01/.This artic*e ta*#s a&out severa* other cases% *i#e Tus#egee% in !hich -"rican -merican persons !ere un#no!ing*y e,p*oited "or medica* research. "=.S. Pu&*ic ea*th Service Syphi*is Study at Tus#egee." Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. 14 June )011. We&. 1/ Sept. )01/.This artic*e gives a very a detai*ed time*ine and p*enty o" in"ormation a&out severa* o" the victims and ho! they !ere a""ected. =schan% Michae* P. "he "us#egee '(periments$ +orty ,ears of -edi&al .a&ism. 3etroit: 8ucent% )00;. Print. This &oo# !as our ma2or source o" in"ormation. 6t !as very detai*ed and ranged "rom the e""ects o" the disease to dissenting doctors in the e,periments. Jones% James . Bad Blood$ "he "us#egee Syphilis '(periment. $e! ?or#: (ree% 1../. Print.This &oo# gave me more insight on the in"*uence race had on this su&2ect. <ever&y% Susan. '(amining "us#egee$ "he nfamous Syphilis Study and ts /ega&y. Chape* i**: =niversity o" $orth Caro*ina% )00.. Print.This &oo# paints t he doctors in a *ess vi**aini5ing *ight% and gives a more o&2ective perspective on !hat happened. "Wee# 4 <eadings." Wee# 4 <eadings. $.p.% n.d. We&. ' (e&. )01'. Chttp:77"acu*ty.humanities.uci.edu7&2&ec#er7P*aguesandPeop*e7!ee#4&.htm*F. This !e&site contained a cartoon that !as reenacting a part o" the study.

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