Services Marketing Report

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School of Management & Entrepreneur h!p Ma ter of "u !ne A#m!n! trat!on


SEMESTER ( )* "+O%& ( ,

Su-.ect$ Mo#ule +ea#er$

Service Marketing Project Report Mr. Abhijan Ganguly

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MKT 3 3 Service! Marketing Project " Report

Student! #ill #ork on a $inal ter% project in tea%! o$ 3&' individual!. The purpo!e o$ the project i! to apply the concept! and tool! learned in cla!! to a bu!ine!! !ituation !elected by the tea%. Through the project !tudent! #ill practice oral( #ritten and pre!entation !kill! a! #ell a! de%on!trate kno#ledge o$ core !ervice! %arketing and %anage%ent concept!. Tea%! are re)uired to !elect a particular co%pany o$ their choice and need to in$or% the %odule leader by *th #eek o$ the cla!! day about their choice o$ co%pany by %ail. Project topic! are due on +th #eek o$ the ter%. ,ach tea% #ill !ub%it the $inal #ritten project in the -niver!ity $or%at and the pre!entation .both !o$t and hard copie!/ by the +th #eek o$ the lecture day on or be$ore 0. p% and pre!ent the project in cla!! during $inal t#o !e!!ion! o$ #ork!hop and !e%inar on the !a%e day i.e. 1eek + bet#een 2. p% and '. p%. Attendance i! re)uired at 34T5 o$ the!e la!t t#o cla!! !e!!ion!. Student! %ay !elect their o#n tea%! and topic! #ithin the guideline! provided. All tea% %e%ber! are e6pected to contribute !igni$icantly to the $inal project. ,ach tea% #ill have to !elect a co%pany in !ervice indu!try pre$erably a %ultinational or a kno#n national co%pany. The $ollo#ing a!pect! !hould be covered #hile %aking the project report and pre!entation: 7alue and i%portance o$ !ervice $or the co%pany 8haracteri!tic! o$ !ervice! $or the co%pany Service Triangle " Mo%ent! o$ Truth Service 9uality Study Service Proce!! Mapping : 3ack !tage( on&!tage ;%proving !ervice )uality u!ing !ervice blueprinting Service !tandard! Study on e$$ectivene!! o$ e%ployee<! role in !ervice delivery


The tea%! #ill pre!ent their $inding! and conclu!ion! during lecture( #ork!hop( gue!t lecture!( indu!try tour( !e%inar hour and re!earch. T Page =i%it: >* & 2 page! o$ A' !i?e. .@ont !i?e: >2( Ti%e! Ae# Ro%an( !ingle !pace/ Excluding Appendix Appendi6: ;nclude any !upportive docu%ent in the appendi6.

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