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Project: VietNam Japan GAS Subject: Harmonic wave caused by Hydro machine

Date: June 0 ! "00#$

1. WAVEFORM OF DC OUTPUT OF HYDROs PANEL: %ecorded at D) output o* Hydro machine contro+ pane+$ ,$, Hydro-,:

,$" Hydro-":

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,$. Hydro-.:

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"$ WAVEFORM OF ELECTRICITY: /that is recorded at output o* (rans*ormer ""00$ 1V2 "$, Phase % - Neutera+: #Without Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

#With Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

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"$" Phase S - Neutera+: #Without Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

#With Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

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"$. Phase ( - Neutera+: #Without Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

#With Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

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"$ Phase % - Phase S: #Without Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

#With Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

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"$3 Phase % - Phase (: #Without Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

#With Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

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"$4 Phase S - Phase (: #Without Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

#With Hy !o "#$hi%& Lo# :

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'. OTHER( CHEC)IN* AND MEA(URIN*: - )urrent o* condenser : 5 6ithout Hydro machine +oad: 1+,-.A0,set-"01VAr$ norma+ 5 6ith Hydro machine +oad: ./,//A0,set-"01VAr$ abnorma+ - Power *actor: 5 6ithout Hydro machine +oad: 70$8 5 6ith Hydro machine +oad /when on+y supp+y power2: 0$.70$ - &arth +ea9a:e: "37.0mA0,set hydro machine /machine is not runnin:! standby mode2$ 6hen ;))< *or Hydro contro+ pane+ is 'N! the &arth +ea9a:e current is very hi:h /specia+ Hydro-"2$ 73A at security pane+$ too hi:h$ .. CONCLU(ION: <ase on the a++ o* wave*orm that recorded at site! there are some conc+usion as: - <ecause Hydro-=nverter Pane+ has not the >=?(&% at the D) output! there are many noise caused by harmonic wave$ =t ma9es wave*orm o* e+ectricity to be not sin-wave any more$ - <y this reason! the A)<! ;))<s@ become very hot and the current o* condenser is very hi:h$

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