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10. If K measurements are 7.90 (horizontal) / 7.70 (vertical) and the refractive error is 3.2 ! 0.

0 a"is 90# and the $ase curve of the %&' contact lens is chosen to $e 7.(0 mm) *hat is the antici+ated (1) +o*er needed $, the contact lens and (2) amount of the residual asti-matism. Score: 0/1 Your answer: c) (1) 3.2 s+here and (2) 0. 0 a"is 1(0# Correct answer: a) (1) 3.2 s+here and (2) 0. 0 a"is 90# Answer description: /he first ste+ is to convert the +lus c,linder refractive error to the minus c,linder format0 2.7 0. 0 a"is 1(0#. In calculatin- the +o*er needed $, the contact lens) consider onl, the s+herical com+onent of the refraction (2.7 ) and the flattest corneal meridian (7.90). /he chosen $ase curve of 7.(0 mm is 0.10 mm stee+er than flat K) *hich is e1uivalent to 0. 0 2 (0.2 2 for each 0.0 mm difference in radius of curvature). /his should $e added to the s+herical com+onent of the refraction (3stee+er add minus3). /he corneal asti-matism is 1.00 2 *ith4the4rule) *hereas the refractive asti-matism is onl, 0. 0 2. /his means that 0. 0 2 of *ith4the4rule asti-matism must have $een neutralized $, 0. 0 2 of a-ainst4 the4rule lenticular asti-matism) *hich remains uncorrected *hen the corneal asti-matism is neutralized $, the tear lens created $, the contact lens.

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