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St Columbas Catholic Primary Pupil Premium Report to parents 2013/14

Overview of the school

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant received

Total number of pupils on roll in 2012/13 Total number of pupils eligible for FSM Amount of PPG received per pupil Total amount of PPG received 204 49 950 69,000

Nature of support & Curriculum Focus 2013/14

At St Columbas we have a clear philosophy that we want to provide children with opportunities that they may not always have access to. We have provided children with workshops, theatre groups and the Life Education bus and subsidised visits to places of interest to give children a range of experiences. Early support strategies for those who need additional help in writing, reading and number have also been funded through the pupil premium. This grant has contributed towards the costs of these activities. Enriching the Curriculum 10,200 Subsidised visits to enhance the curriculum Purchasing Materials to enhance basic skills in Maths and Literacy. Targeted Support Writing and Maths Intervention groups by Teaching Assistants within the 48,528 classroom. Teacher Intervention for those children in Y6 who may not have otherwise met the end of KS2 targets. Teacher to work with Maths AG&T children in Y6 Teacher to work with the children in KS1 who may be missing targets, to narrow the gap. Teacher to work with children in Y5 who may have missed out on targets. Extended School Support

4,900 Part funding of a Residential Visit and an Outward bound experience. To set up and run a Breakfast Club with subsidised cost, to improve attendance and punctuality.

Monitoring the impact of PPG spending

Our school data, which is also published on our school shows that we are performing above the national average at the end of KS2 and in line with national; average at KS1. We believe that every experience children have has contributed towards their outstanding achievements, including those funded by this grant. Our tracking internally shows that this support given is developing filling in gaps in learning.

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