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Quality Center FAQ

1. What is Quality Center (TestDirector)? You can use Quality Center to create a project (central repository) of manual and automated tests and components, build test cycles, run tests and components, and report and track defects. You can also create reports and graphs to help you review the progress of test planning, runs, and defect tracking before a software release. hen you work in Quick!est, you can create and save tests and components directly to your Quality Center project. You can run Quick!est tests or components from Quality Center and then use Quality Center to review and manage the results. You can also use Quality Center with "usiness #rocess !esting support to create business process tests, comprised of the components you create in either Quick!est or Quality Center with "usiness #rocess !esting support. 2. How many tabs in QC an e!"lain them? !here are $ tabs available in QC. %. &e'uirement () to track the customer re'uirements *. !est plan () to design the test cases + to store the test scripts ,. !est lab () to e-ecute the test sets + track the results #. How you inte$rate your automate scri"ts with QC? hen you work with in&unner, you can choose to save your tests directly to your QC database or while creating a test case in the QC we can specify whether the script in automated or manual. .nd if it is automated script then %. &s there any "ossibility to restrict u"lication o' e'ects bein$ create in QC? /o ay. !he only thing we can do is to find the similar defects and delete or close them.

(. Can you retrie)e a test case once you ha)e elete them in Quality Center? 0n Quality Center, if you delete entire folder with tests, the tests get stored in 1nattached folder. "ut if you just deleted 2individual2 tests, they are 34/56 and can2t be retrieved. /ot sure if Quality Centerhas the same behaviour7functionality. !here are * options in QC. one is remove and another is delete. the diffrence is that .once it is remove it is removed from test set but avail in QC directory. 0f it is deleted, you can2t retrive. 0f you press delete that will delete from that QC directory also. *. How o we im"ort test cases written in +!cel to Quality Center? 1se 8ecury 0nteractive 8icrosoft 5-cel .dd(in for importing test cases written in e-cel sheet. 0t is available on .dd(ins page. 9elect the rows in e-cel which you want to upload to QC !hen select e-port to QC option under tools menu

,. Can you "lease e!"lain the "roce ure o' connectin$ Quality Center in QT-? !o connect to QC from Q!# follow the steps...

4pen Qtp ::) !ools ::) 9elect QC Connection ::) 0n 9erver Connction "o- 5nter QC address(1&; of QC) ::) Click Connect::) 0n project Connection "o- 5nter the <etails <omain,#roject,1ser name and #assword ::) Click Connect 0f you want to reconnect on startup check the reconnect on startup and save password for reconnection on startup. !hen close .. What are the )arious ty"es o' re"orts in QC? =or each and every phase we can get reports, like for re'uirements, test cases, and test run. !here are some types of reports also available like report summary, progress report and re'uirements coverage report. 5ach and every Quality Centerclient tool consists of a menu bar .nalysis. "y using this menu you can crate reports in table format. You can generate graphs. .ll graphs options in maths are supported. .nd you can create various types of charts too /. QC (Quality Center /.0) how can you run automate test cases? hile designing your test steps in QC for automation tests in test plan module, !est 9cript tab is available. You can generate script here or copy from your automation tool. hile running your tests, it will ask for on which host you want to run. You need to select the system in your network. !hen run it. "efore going to run your script in a system, the automation tool, like in&unner, must be installed on that system. 4therwise you will get an error 10. What is the use o' Test 1ab in QC? !est ;ab can be used to create a test set. You can add one or many test cases into a test set. !hen run all test cases in a test set together and change the status as pass7fail. 11. Can we ma" the De'ects Director? Yes. irectly to the re2uirements (not thru the test cases) in the Test

Create your re'. structure. Create the test case structure and the test cases 8ap the test cases to the apr. re'. &un and report bugs from your test cases in the test lab module.

!he database structure in QC is mapping test case to defects, only if you have created the bug from the apr. test case. 8aybe you can update the mapping by using some code in the bug script module (from the customi>e project function), as fare as 0 know, its not possible to map defects directly to an re'. 12. How to ma" re2uirements with test cases in QC? 0n re'uirements !." select coverage view. 9elect re'uirement by clicking on #arent7Child or grand Child. 4n right hand side (in Coverage ?iew indow) another window will appear. 0t has two !."9 (a) !ests Coverage (b) <etails. !est Coverage !." will be selected by default or you click it. Click on 9elect !ests "utton. . new window will appear on right hand side and you will see a list of all tests. You can select any test case you want to map with you re'uirement.

1#. Can we a Yes.

user e'ine 'iel s to Test Director?

e can add the user defined fields using QC @.A, "ut you need to have admin priviliges to this.

1%. How to mana$e test 'rom QualityCenter? !o secure the usage of the tool, users should be created in QualityCenter with Q. !ester privileges for all the automation engineers. .ll the users have to be added to the projects on which they are working. !he site administration and project administration users and passwords should be setup. !here should be a main 9ite .dministrator and a backup 9ite .dministrator. 5asy reach of 9ite administrator is very important, as some times the user login does not get disconnected normally and the test gets locked, and we need to kill the process from site admin. .utomation engineers should have the #roject .dministration (not 9ite .dministrator) privileges to create any 1ser <efined variables in QualityCenter. B!est #lanC part of the QualityCenter should be well used by creating the re'uired folders and saving the corresponding elements in them. =or e-ampleD !he actions folder should have all the reusable actions for that project7application and =lows folder should have the =lows saved in them. !his ensures easy accessibility 1(. What o you call the win ow test irector3testlab? E5-ecution 3ridE. 0t is place from where we &un all 8anual 7 .utomated 9cripts 1*. How o you create new test sets in TD4QC? ;ogin to !<. Click on E!est ;abE tab. 9elect the <esired folder under which we need to Create the !est 9et. ( !est 9ets can be grouped as per module.) Click on E/ew !est 9et or CtrlF/E 0con to create a !est 9et.

1,. What all you can o with 5ercury Quality Center? 8ake go(live decisions with confidence. 9tandardi>e and manage the entire 'uality process. 8ake 'uality decisions based on business risks and priorities. &educe application deployment risk. 0mprove application 'uality and reliability. 8anage application change impact through manual and automated functional testing. !rack 'uality assets and progress across releases and test cycles. 5nsure 'uality in strategic sourcing initiatives. arehouse critical application 'uality project data. !est service(oriented architecture services for both functionality and performance. 5nsure support for all environments including G*55, ./5!, 4racle and 9.#.

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