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‘ss09-9B00n “Applisble fos] 5612 oe- Prepared in Doe, 1956 Najoos| TERUFUSION SYRINGE PUMP TE-311/312 SERVICE MANUAL ‘Development | Engineering | Qualiy | MESonices | Responsible Sect. ‘ect. | Assurance Seot.| Sect Engineer Fe HAE | Y. Sine | Gmadee| ¥ SAUD A. fp ‘TERUMO CORPORATION 809.9002 ‘Appisble i 9512 ae~ Prepared in Dac, 1556 CONTENTS 1. General 2, Specifications 3. Special Jigs and Measuring Instruments Needed 4, Various Modes 4.1 Aging mode 42. Syrnge-maker setting mode 43 Diagnosis mode 44 Special function setting mode 45 Adjustment mode 4.6 Computer interfico condition sting mode 47 Initalization of? PROM 4.8 Flow rate maxtmit setting mode Principle of Operation 5.1 Block diagram 5.2. Bleetic and software system 52.1 Structure 52.2 Description of operation Powersupply circuit 5222 Recharging circuit 52.23. Lowtattery detection circuit 52.24 CPU pesiperal circuit, reset creit,reference voltage supply ciccuit, EPROM circuit 522.5 Failsafe circuit 522.6 Motor driving circuit 52.27 Power switch circuit 5228 LED display circuit 52.29 Buzzer driving circuit 522.10 Motor rotation detection circuit 522.11 Occhusion detection circuit 52.2.12 Syringe and nearly empty detection circuit 522.13 Setting dil snd switch czeits 522.14 Computer interface and nurse-cal circuits Liquid erystal display circuit sso.p002 “Applicable ie 9512 ae Prepared in Dec, 1006 Cc 5.22.16 Plunger/eluch disengagement detection circuit 5. Mechanism systems 53.1 Structure 53.2 Description of operation 53.21 Driving uit 5322 Slider 53.23 Cltch 53.24 Clamp 5325 Syringe detector 6, Service Parts List and Development Elevation (61 Service parts list, 62 Development elevation 17, Disassembly, Reassembly, and Adjustment 7.1 Disassembly procedure 7.2 Reassembly procedure 13 Adjustment procedure 8, Troubleshoating 8.1 Troubleshooting 18.2. Alarms and eror messages 9. Maintenance and Cleaning 9.1 Precautions for maintenance 9.2 Inspection tems, methods and intervals 93 Cleaning 10, Circuit Diagrams and Silkscreen Diagram 10.1 Main boaré 10.2 Power-supply hoard 10:3 Motor rotation detection board 10.4 Occlusion detetion board 1055 Setting dial board 10.6 Computer imarfice board 10,7 7-segment LED board 10.8 Nurse-call board 309.9802 “Applicable io 1, GENERAL ‘This Service Manual has been prepared for BME maintenance service of the TERUFUSION Sysinge pump (TE-311/312). ‘When informed of a pump unit malfunction from a doctorinurse, please troubleshoot arcording tothe following procedures. (1) any faut is found to be caused by improper operation by the doctornurse,comect the cause of the problem and instruct the user howto operate the equipment properly so that reeurence of the {alt can be prevented (2) Before starting of actual repair ofthe equipment, be sure to confirm the feu that the doctorinurse has brought to your attention. After assessing the actual sate of the fault, only then should you start any repair work, (9) Ifthe equipments found to malfunction even when tis operated properly, vse the troubleshooting ‘procedure inthis manual to diagnose the faulty pump, (4) you are unable o correct the faultby using this manval, please contact your locel TERUMO. Aistributor or TERUMO Corporation for corrective action and repait () Disinfect the items contaminated by patients body ids before returning to TERUMO distribotor ‘or TERUMO Corporation, Please include all tems that have been removed from the equipment ‘during preliminary checks upon ret of equipment, IF tis necesary to send back those items ‘that have not been disinfected, seal them completely and atach a memorandum indicating thatthe ‘contents ate unsanitary and tobe handled with eae (General precaution) (1) Don’t detach connectors or printed-iruit boards wile the equipment is supplied with power. a 8809-98002 “Applisable os 9612 ot Prepared ina, 1956 (2) First visually check the malfunction equipment for open cicuits, short eircuits Jose connectors and damaged parts, Also, check for ebnormal sounds or foul sells(eaused by bamed resistor.) (@) After completion of repair work, check that all switches ae set in the respective original settings. ‘Clean the equipment and its petiphery and, then, repor the result of repr work to the BME manager (4) When handling semiconductors, especially MOS-IC, take special care not to cause electrostatic breakage,etc ‘Keep your body and your soleting ion in constant connection with a ground point through @ IMO resisor(A statically insulated type of soldering iron dose not required grounding, but it smut be used only alter being checked for completeness of inslation ) ‘When carrying ICs and printed- 5 = TEAC] Speci | Wine [Wik [TESCO | Samed | — wan] bande brnde Syringe weed 10, 20,30, 0 mL of Terumo & specified brands Flow rate seting range: When 10,20 oF 30 mL syringe is used: 0.1 - 300.0 L/h (0.1 mL step) ‘When 50 ml syringe ie used 0.41- 1200 mim (0.1- 999.9 mL: 0.1 mh step) (1000 - 1200 mihi: 1 L/h step) Display range of volume delivered 0.1 - 999.9 al. (0.1 mL step) Accuracy offlow rate: Mecharial accuracy: within # (Nomina! valve) accuracy incl. syringe: within 3% (when measured over 1 hour ater tar of infision using TERUMO syringe and, thereafter, every hour at flow rate of 1.0 mL/hr more) 309-9802, Appliabl te 5612 Ia Prepared inBos, 1056 Occlusion detection pressure: Selective setup in three stages Setting anges with TERUMO syringe used (HH): 800 +200 mag (106 7 + 26.7 KPa, 1.09 2 0.27 kgm?) (94:500 + 100 mmbig (66.7 + 13.5 KPa, 0.68: 0.14 keen?) IL} 300 + 100 mmtig (40.0: 13.3 KPa, 0.41 £0.14 keen?) Purge low rate: Approx. 1200 m/h (with 0 mL syringe used) Approx. $00 aL (vith 30 mL syringe used) ‘Approx, 400 mt (wth 20 mL. syringe used) Approx, 300 mh (with 10 mL. syringe wed) Alaming finetion: Occlusion, nearly empty, low batery, syringe dislocated, pingercltch disengaged Special function: + Possible selesive functions with intern selector switch ae (1) Stiting of deivery limit: 0.1 - 99,9 ml. (0. ml step) [hen Delivery limit is specified] + Infsion completion alarm + Keep-vein-open Sinction (to continue infusion at rate of 0.1 mL after ‘completion ofndision) . (@) Repeat alarm function (This function wil come into action if slarm i not released within 2 minutes aftr alarm buzzer stops sounding.) (@) Start reminder alarming function (This fnetion will come into action if operable state continses 2 minates or more) (4) Flow rate max iit sting function (5) Remote computerintrface function ‘+ Clear volume delivered button (Display of volume delivered counter i reset to "0" ‘when the button is pushed for 1S seconds) (Computer nterface function: RS.232C or RS-485 (TE-311C, TE-312C, only) 2-2 'ss0s-0n002 “Appliceble 9612 lot Prepared in Des, 1996 ‘Nurse-cll alarm: Relay contact pont for alarm output (applicable to muss call) CContact-point capacity 1A, 12 VDC (TE-311C, TE-312C, only) ‘Operating conditions: Ambient temperature: S 40°C, Relative humidity: 30 - 90% Storage conditions: Ambient temperature: 20 -45*C, Relative humidity: 10 95% (go condensation) Power supply: 110 V/120 V220 V/230 Vi240 V AC, 50/60 Hz 12 VDC (by exclusive use of power supply) ‘Built-in battery keeps continuous use for about 2 hours. (when computer interface functions used: approx. 1 hour 45 minutes) (provided that a new battery is charged up for at least 2$ hours at ambient temperature 25°C, with power of, ad i used under the canition ofS mL/h flow rate and oechsion-pressure st value"M" ) Power consumption: 12-VA (When AC power is used) or 8.4 W (when DC powers used) Electic shock protection class & type (Cass T and internal power-supply device CF type IPX 4 External dimensions: 322(W) x 114(H) x L15(D) ma Weight: Approx. 2.3 kg (TE-311) C (TE312 only] ‘ss09-oR002 Appiable 5612 lot~ Prepared in Doe, 1956 ody weight mode setting range: Weight: Dose rate 0.00 - 50.00 wefkg/min (0.01 ughkgfnia step) Body weight! 0.0 -300.0g (0.1 kg step) Drug volume: 0.0 - 300.0 mg (0.1 mg step) Solution volume: 0.0 - 300.0 mi. (0.1 mi. step) Approx. 2.4 kg ‘Specification and design are subject to change for improvement without noice ‘Computer interface and Nurse call connectors aze available on the specified product ‘ssos.9n002 Applicable Is 9612 oe Prepared in Dee, 19% Unit Avaabe Reorder | Volage | —Pogiype | Sockar ape | Boay weight] Compuirietace7 somber made} Nurse call conector TESHNST | TOV [amano | 5 > TESINDI | 0 [Anecom one | Te 5 . Teannaa | 20v | UR ype a = = TBOUNGS | Bai | Bivpeam ope | : = TEaRES |B | ORs = 5 TERING [ZV] Exons | . TEYSIINH3* | 230V | Enropean type @ - TESTING —|~200V [Boren wee | OD > Teac | av OR ape ia = THAI | BV [Eee | OD ; = TESTE fain | Tal = al TSI Ameicnope | Ud yee ‘TE¥312CG2 “UK type [a] ‘yes yes _ TE*312CG3 ‘Baropean type & yes. ‘yes Teac | _a0v [UR ype ra] = ¥e TENGE |B [Exe | = = TEs12CHar | 2500 | European type @ ye | ye TEssI2cs | 240V | European type @ ye pe sssos.98002 [ Applicabe fis] 9612 at- Prepared nD 3. SPECIAL JIGS AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS NEEDED _ Ne ‘Special jigs end measuring insraments 1 _ [Digital votencter _ 2 | Syachroscope 3 [Pressure gage (0-30 Kpai 0-3 Kaflem’) @_| Occlusion adjustment jig Me ‘S| Syringe and nearly empry detection adjustment ig SE 6 _[ Syringe detection checkup jgset(@kinds ofjigs) aa 7_[ Measuring cylinder 8 _ | Cross-point screweriver set Garge & smal), plain screwdriver (mall), thread lock, eable te, ripper, weezer, and long-nose plier “ 9 | Plunger / Clutch diseagagement detection adjusting jig [Occlusion adjustment jie Hester Syringe deection checkup jig se (kinds) Osta Syringe and weary emapy de adjusiment jg set (2 kinds) SEAS 3509-9002 ‘Applicable ot 3612 1a Prepared ines, 1596 ‘4. VARIOUS MODES ‘Various kinds of modes canbe setup withthe rotary switch inside the equipment bod, ‘Sprcification for internal switch isa follows (nternal switches specication} ‘Sch apes ede Deserpton TO) | Aging mode "For warming up the product in te easly stage of production ar ater parts ‘replacement during maintenance [-Al__| Normal mode zi TB] | Diagnosis mode For diagnosing switches, amps, buzzers, and sensors inividully TC] | Specia-fetion seting mode "For setting "Delivery imi? mode, “Repeat alarm" mode, and "Star reminder alarm" mode L TD] | Adjunment mode "For adjusting the syringe detection, nearly empty detection, and occusion detection (E]__| Computer intertace evzonment and 1D | For setting the compierinterfuce speed, umber setting mode s2op bit, ete, TF] | PROM initialzstion For initsiing EPROM in early tage of production ‘The internal switchs ofthe rotary switch type ‘When resetting the internal switch, remove the battery cover from the botiom of equipment body and takeout the battery ftom the inside of body, and the internal switch canbe eeset through the window a the depth of battery housing, Take care not to unplug the battery consector. 3809-98000, “Appicable os 9612 at- Prepared ines, 1556 4.1 Aging Mode (0) Operating method 1) Wit the power switched off, st the rotary switch 0 °0" 2) With "STOP* switch buton kept pressed, turn “POWER switch ON, andthe sates 1)t03) af ‘aging ction (2) will occur, indicating that te aging mode comes into effet. "POWER" switchs turned ON without pressing “STOP? button, "Er96" will appear on the "Flow rate/ Delivery limit / Volume delivered” display (7-segmeat LED), @) Aging action 1) The motor runs. (Movement of sider: approx. 9 mh) 2) Allofindicativeclements connected bin at 1 HS0% duty, 3) During runing of motor, « minimum level of purge sound is heard, + During aging operation, itis possible to stop the motor with *STOP* switch and start it again with "START" switeh + During aging operation, the motor can be stopped by occlusion detection (epprox 4.7 kat). (3) When "POWER” switch is tuned OFF, aging mode ceases. 42. Sovinge-brand Setting Mode sss09.96002 ‘Appliesbie 9612 ae Prepared in De, 1596 (1) Set the rotary switch (S1) on the main bord to "I* (orginal seting postion), and turn [POWER] switch to ON, Now, setting of a desired one of the proviously-stored syringe brands becomes possible The display shows “11° or "12" corresponding to TERUMO syringes) wich has been reset before shipment from the factory [Sering- Syringe ran Display | Synge Brand Syringe accepted U__[TERUMO JAPAN made | 10,20, 30, 50 mL 12, | TERUMO EUROPE made | 10,20, 30, 50mL (Gm. TERUMO JAPAN made) 13__ | TERUMO USA made | 10,20, 30, 50 (60) mL Cc 14 [BD A combination 10,20 ml. (SIN), Cc 30, 50 [60] ml, (PLASTIPAK@IUSA) 15 [BD B combination 10, 20,30, $0 [60] ml (PLASTIPAK@/USA) 16 [Dong Bang. 10,20, 30, 50 mL 1 | Nipro 10,20 mL. (Thailand) 30, $0 mL Gapan) 18 | Bon 10,30, 30m 19 | Dae-at 10,20, 30, $0 mL 20 | Sherwood MONOIECT _[10,20, 30, $0 (60) mi. 21 |[B.BraunOMNIFIX® —__[10,20,30, 50 (60) mal 22 | IMS(apen) 10,20, 30,50 mi ( ‘ss09-on002 | Appiabe a 9612 Prepared in Dec, 1956 c (2) Setting procedure ‘Note: When making setting, he sure to.enter the setting number which properly represents the ead 1) The powers now tumed off, and rotary switch (S1) position is "1" setting). With both the [STOP] and (DISPLAY SELECT] butons kept pushed turn [POWER] switch to ON for 1 few seconds, and an indication “SEY* will appear on the (RATE/D LIMITE: mL} display and the syinge-brand setting mode come into effec. 2) Then, an indication “nn” (a: optional number) will appear on the [RATE/D.LIMIT/® ral] Aisplay. Make sure thatthe (10 mL lamp ie it, 3) The syringe - brand setting number advances by one each time the [STOP] bution is pushed (Set on approviate number comesponding to the syringe brand, The number dossn't go down) 4) Once a seting number is entered, push the [START] button and keep it pushed for approx. c 1.5 seconds to store the entry. As this process is completed with beep, an indication "good" will appear on the [RATED LIMIE mL] display (for approx. 2 seconds.) Incase of abnormality, "bAd" will be display. 5) The syriage-band setting mode can be terminated by tuming power supply to OFF. Note: Turn POWER] switch to ON again. check for proper indication. of a_number sxisting-one, @)_ Special mention 1) Soon atte indiation of goa" or" the pay wl tem to tein ndicaton C 2) tfpowersoplyicatff daring seting procedure fle o store teeny wilh ‘ssp 98002 ‘Applisble ot 61210 Prepared in Des, 1998 43 Diagnosis Mode 43.1 Opersting method 1) With the power switched off, set the rotary switch to "B" 2) With “STOP” switch buton kept pressed, tum “POWER” switch ON, and “sIAg" will eppear on the "Flow rate Delivery limit Volume delivered” display, indicating the start of diagnosis mode, I "POWER" switch is tumed ON without pressing "STOP* button in this case, "E:91" will appear on the "Flow rate / Delivery limit / Volume delivered" display. Also, be sure to release "STOP" switch button es soon asthe power is switched on; otherwise, “Ee 8° will be indicate. * [aIAg stands for Diagnosis] 3) When “POWER” switch is tamed OFF, diagnosis mode ceases ‘Succeeding to start of diagnosis mode, execution of diagnosis ations, checking for proper action, and indication of status can be made as deseribed below. Pushing "PURGE" switch button while diagnosis item (1) being indicated causes the diagnosis item to skip Diagnosis tem Deserption (1) ___| Display of sofwae-version numbers (2) | Diagnosis of indicative elements (@)___| Diagnosis of “operational” switches (| Diagnosis of buzzer (S)___| Diagnosis of preset dial (©) | Diagnosis of euch sensor (@)___| Diagnosis of motor roution and rotation detection sensor (© __ | Diagnosis of syringe nearly empty detection sensor ()___ | Diagnosis of syringe detection sensor (10) | Diagnosis of occlusion deteotion sensor (11) | Diagnosis of power-supply volage and satus of AC/DC power supplies (02) | Diagnosis of musse-call fonction .ss09-9p002 “Applicable fis 9612 ot Prepared in Das, 1956 (4) Display ofsoftware-version numbers ‘When "STOP" switch button is released immediatly after star of diagnosis mode, the software (CPU program) version number is indicated on the "Flow rate Delivery limi Volume elivered diepay. ‘+ The 4 digits from the frstindcates the software version number (0900 - 9989). “Flow rate Delivery limi Volume delivered” display CIC (2) Diagnosis of indicative elements 1) Bich ie "STOP" bon spud te ndcne element ae swithed over one afer nother stomatal in te following sequence to dagnose them: “Syringe lamps 4 amps) ligt up simaltneosly + Operational indiestore lamps (4 lamps) light ep simuanousy and geen lamp revo. + “Oesasion minder MLL) eto smlesouy “Alam ndesto” lamps (lamps ight wp silanes 4 “Plow rte! Detvry limi! Volume delivered" pla (segments) and a lamp light up simatansoaty. + "ACIDC" mp an "Batey" amps (amps ight wp simaneaty C However, tee "Baer lamps ae led up when power is switched on as far a the eer yang 4-6 2 Inthe case of TE-312 + Allof LCD indicator and backlight ae turned on. (8) Diagnosis f “operational” switches » a » Pushing “STOP button after the indicative elements have been diagnosed eanses progress to the diagnosis of “operational” switches. In this cas, the "Flow cate/ Delivery limit) Volume elivered” display indicates "HO}.1" (Qeans ben) Diagnosis of “START” switch ‘While "HOULI" being indicaed, twming “START” switch ON/OFF causes indicstion "LOL" HDL" appear altemaely on the display ‘Thats, "L* and “A” correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as "START™ switch isin the normal condition Push "STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of PURGE” switch, Diagnosis of "PURGE" switch While "THQR.1" being indicated, turing “PURGE” switch ON/OFF causes indication "URATTHER. appear alterately on the display, ‘That is, "Land "HY correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as “PURGE” switch sin ‘the normal condition, ‘Push "STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of "DISPLAY SELECT” switch, Diagnosis of "DISPLAY SELECT" switch While "HIB.I" being indicated, turning "DISPLAY SELECT" switch ON/OFF causes Indication "L[B.1°/"HB.1" appear alternately onthe display. ‘Thats, “L* and "H" correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as "DISPLAY SELECT” ‘witch isin the normal condition. Push “STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of ‘CEmL” switch, Diagnosis of “C Emi." switch While "HD'.1" being indicated, wming “C Emi" switch ON/OFF causes indication "UD" HDS.1" appear alternately on the display, 47 508 95002 “Appiable at 962 ot Prepared in Des, 1956 ‘That is, "L* and "H" correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as “CLEAR (C Em stitch is in the normal condition. Inthe case of TE-311, push "STOP” switch co proceed to diagnosis ofthe buzzer, ‘Inthe case of TE-312, perform diagnosis of "DISPLAY ON/OFF" switch, 6) Diagnosis of ‘DISPLAY ON/OFF" switch ‘While "HOS.1" being indicated, tring “DISPLAY ON/OFF” switch ON/OFF causes indication "L[B.1"7"HDB.1" appear altemately onthe display. ‘That is, "L" and “H" comespond to ON and OFF respectively as far as "DISPLAY ON/OFF switch is in the normal condition. Push "STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of "ITEM SELECT” switch, 7) Diagnosis of "TTEM SELECT" switch While "HDS.1" being indicated tuning "ITEM SELECT switch ON/OFF causes indication “LQ6.1"/'HOE.A" appear altemaely onthe display. Cc ‘That is, "L* and “H" correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far 2s "ITEM SELECT” ‘Switch isin the normal condition. 8) Pash “STOP switch, and it will ease indication of “)D}.2" and proceed tothe diagnosis of the buzzer. (4) Diagnosis of buzzer 1) As faras "START" bution is kept presse, the buzzer sounds warning. ‘+ While "12" being indicated, the buzzer makes sound at low volume, Releasing "START" button causes proceed tothe next stage of volume. ‘+ While [J02.2° being indicated, the buzzer makes sound at medium volume. Releasing “START bution causes proceed tothe next-stage of volume. ted, the buzzer makes sound at high volume. Releasing “START bation causes proceed tothe next-stage of volume. + While “D0S2" being indicated, the buzzer makes sound at top volume using the fi-safe function, and athe suze time “Alarm” lamps (4 lamps) light up. Relessing "START" button cansesreur to the inital evel of sound volume. ‘ss00-9B002 “Appliabl oe ‘612 ot Prepared iaDee, 1956 + Bach change of sound volume is transient and no recording to EPROM is made. 2) Press "STOP" bution, snd it will ease indication of “nC](13"(n= 0 - 9) and proceed to the iagnosis ofthe preset dil (8) Diagnosis of preset dia 1) Tum the preset dil clockwise (ress) or counterclockwise (decreas). The preset dais regarded as functioning nornlly if "2" of “x0 03" appearing on the “Flow cate/ Delivery limi Volume deliveres” display counts up or down (0-9). 2) Push "STOP" buton and it wl euse indication of "L14" and proceed tothe diagnosis oF the clutch sensor (©) Diagnosis of church sensor (excepting domestic specification) 1) Manually place the clutch in Joek/unlock position and check for proper sate of the clutch Cc sensor port 2) ach time the display must indicate "LD4" for lock or "HJ for unlock. 3) Pash "STOP" button and it will cause indication of "TJ. 5” and proceed to the diagnosis of. ‘moar dive and rotation-detection sensor. (Diagnosis of motor dive and rotaton-detetion sensor 1) While “JD 5" being indicated, pushing “START button will ease the motor to run by only one rotation and that otation will be detected by the sensor 2) The result of diagnosis is indicated on the display as “gD1D5" (good) or "oS" (bd. 3) Push "STOP" button, and i will cause indication of "nn. (a= 0 - 9) and proceed to the iagnosis ofthe nearly empty detection sensor. (8) Diagnosis of nearly empty detection sensor 1) With the clutch disconnected, move the sider toward the extremely pushed position, and the C value of A/D wil vary with lider position 2) Indication is made in the form of "ann.6" in which “nnn’represents A/D value given in decimal 49 C a 3809-98002 “pliable at 9612 ot Prepared in Dac, 1556 Push "STOP" button, and it wil ease indication of "ana.7" and proceed tothe dagnesis of the syringe deretion sensor (©) Diagnosis of syringe detection sensor » a > ‘The 10 ce syringe lamp lights and an A/D value is indicate. Indication is made in the form of “nan.7" in which "ana"represents A/D value given in decimal, Pash "STOP" button, and it will cause indication of “DO(8" and proceed tothe diagnosis of the occlusion detection sensor (10) Diagnosis of occlusion detection sensor » 2 > * Indication “D[DS" remains uni the "START" button or “STOP” button is pushed. Pushing "START" button wil cause the motor to tive at 300 pps and indication to change ‘onan. in which “nnn” represents A/D value given in decimal AUD value is dependent on loa applied tthe sider, ‘When "STOP" button is pushed, tie motor will come to stop, making a stop sound, and the state will proceed to the next diagnosis of the power-supply voltage and stats af AC/DC power supplies. ‘ihe slider proaches near the netly empy limit postion, the motor will actomatially come to ‘stop, making a stop sound (to prevent the sider from reaching the extreme-end of stroke.) (11) Diagnosis of power-supply voltage and satus of ACIDC power supplies » 2 2 4 ‘The A/D value of the voltage detection sensor is indicted in the form of "ann. Inthe ease of buttery drive, the "AC/DC" lamp goes off and an A/D valve lower than that of AC drive will be indicated. In the ease of AC drive, the "AC/DC" lamp lights and an A/D value higher than that of battery drive will be indicated If ripple exist in the AC/oatery boundary, the indication will become unsteady (because of absence of hysteresis). Cc 3809-98002 “Applicable ont Selzer Prepared in Des, 1998 5) Pash "STOP" button, an it will cause indication of “D[UA" and proceed tothe diagnosis ofthe nurse-all (relay) function. (12) Disgnosis of murse-call function 1) While “D0 DA" is indicated, pushing “START bation will cause a change of indication to “LOIGA" anda tip (conduction) of the nursecall relay. 2) Pushing "START" bution again will cause indication to change to "HI]DLA" andthe relay to be cutoff, [Bach time "START" button is pushed, the relay turns to ON and OFF alternately 3) Push "STOP" button to ceases all items of diagnosis, and indication on the display will ‘return to "dlAg" showing the state of equipment being standing by forthe next keying. 44 Special Function Setting Mode (1). The selective special functions ae shown below: Description Seung of delivery nit mode ‘Seting of silenced repeat alarm mode Setting of silenced start reminder alarming mode Setlng of remote computer interface mode Seung of flow rate max limit mode @)Seting method 1) With power supply eut OFF, set the rotary switch t0 °C 2) With “STOP” switeh kept pressed, turning POWER" switch to ON will cause indication of| PEC" in the "Flow rte / Delivery limit / Volume delivezea” display (7-segment display), making seletion of special functions posible ‘Then, “10 mL" lamp will light and a binary number of four figures will appear in the rumeral display zone,

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