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Demo 1: Very easy schedule of some primary school.

On this schedule you can see the basi c inputting of lessons, how the Forms are divided into groups. How two forms can be joined so that e.g. boys from 1.A and 1.B have physical education together a t the same time. On this schedule you can also try the algorithm. You can input some conditions l ike you pick one teacher and say he cannot teach on some day, or you setup a car d relationship that e.g. English and German cannot follow so that the students a re not confused. Also you can check that it is up to you which conditions you prefer. You can e.g . create a better schedule for students by forcing e.g. mathematics lessons to t he first part of the day or you can rather prefer the teacher s wishes and generat e the schedule so that teachers have maximum 2 windows per week but the students have worse schedule then. Demo2: Easy secondary school. On the other hand teachers have max 3 windows per week an d you can also check e.g. mathematics. They cannot be after 5th lesson and only one can be on 5th lesson in each form. Because of teachers constraints it was no t possible to avoid math on 5th lesson but the program can generate so that each form has only one math on 5th, rest is 1-4. The same for the rest of the subjec ts. Also you can see that they locked some cards because they required those les sons on those positions. Also you can check that e.g. in form Kvarta they locked PE so that the girls have window in schedule. Program will not generate windows in student s timetable but this way it has to accept the manually created windows . Demo3: Harder secondary school (gymnasium). Among other things you can check e.g. the B iology and Physics Practice lessons on Monday 5th, 6th lesson. The students alte rnate every second week to either biology or physics. With defining groups Odd/E ven they avoided using cyclic schedule. Interesting is also the PE in e.g. 1.A, 1.B. You can see that algorithm knows we ll that these kinds of lessons shall be at start or end of the teaching. The Informatics use two teachers and two rooms on each lesson. Since this is a gymnasium, they also have seminars in the higher grades. In grad e 3 they simply defined the groups because the seminars have to be on the same p osition anyway. However in grade 4 students have more options to choose and the seminars are more fragmented. It was needed to set a manual block for grade4 for ms so that some students can come to lesson number 3 and leave the school after lesson nr5. Demo4: Practical secondary school. You can see how many divided lessons they have so it is very important to define the division and leave the algorithm to combine. Wi th fixed preset combination the schedule cannot be made. However when the algori thm can combine you can achieve results you will probably never even tried when doing the schedule by hand. Demo5: Practical secondary school. It can look like a small and simple school. Is it?

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