Kanubai Paragraph

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Paiagiaph about: Kanubai

In the novel, !""#$%& ()*%"*+ Kanubai is Leela's big biothei. Be is veiy caiing,
helpful anu unueistanuing towaius Leela. I think he is a veiy goou peison. In the
book, when Kanubai came to }amlee to the ceiemony to honoi Ramanlal's ueath.
Leela saiu that eveiyone hau aiiiveu except foi Kanubai anu }aya. 0sually, when
you aie waiting foi someone you like, oi caie foi. I always wait oi am exciteu foi
people that aie my fiienus oi people whom I love.
Kanubai was veiy uisappointeu in the way that Ba anu Kaki hau
followeu the tiauition anu shaveu Leela's heau. Be knew that nobouy
neeueu him moie than Leela iight then. Be uiun't want them to huit Leela
like that anu hau a huge fight with Babuji that he hau to leave. 0nly fiom
that, we know that Kanubai caies foi Leela anu will fight foi heie no mattei
what, anu piomiseu we will help hei.
Foi example, when my oluei biothei sees me having a pioblem with
something oi when I ask him to help me with something he always helps
me. Anu makes suie I am 0K. Be caies about me. I think Kanubai is feeling
the same about Leela. If he uiun't caie about hei he woulun't stanu up foi
hei. Also, we know that lots of people follow the tiauition in Inuia anu they
uon't think it's appiopiiate to go against it, anu Kanubai believes that the
tiauition is unfaii anu wants to change it.
Fuithei, when he hau the fight with Babuji, they uiun't ieally say in the book
what it was about but we know fiom the lettei that Kanubai left foi Leela, that
Kanubai wanteu to ieason with Babuji about the unfaiiness that Leela is going
thiough but Bapuji woulun't listen, so Kanubai hau to leave the house, so he went
back to Ahmeuabau. Cleaily, he caies about Leela, because not a lot of times
woulu I go into a fight with my paients that big, that woulu get them so mau. Anu
I uon't think that Kanubai is the kinu of peison that likes getting into fights.
I like Kanubai. Sometimes people say things like, " I hate my biothei", oi "Ny
sistei is so annoying!" But they uon't actually mean that. I iemembei that when I
was little I woulu say those things about my biothei anu I can obviously think
that he saiu the same about me, but we just say that maybe we uon't think about
it but we uo. Also, when Leela gets to stuuy with the piinciple, Saviben, Leela
gets a lettei fiom Kanubai. Be asks if Leela is enjoying stuuying with Saviben. I
think that Kanubai tolu Saviben to teach Leela. So if that is tiue, then Kanubai is
alieauy helping Leela a lot, because we uon't know what knowleuge Saviben will
biing to Leela. I hope that Kanubai will go anu see Leela soon. Kanubai is a veiy
caiing, outstanuing man anu a wonueiful biothei to Leela. I know that he will be
always this kinu to Leela thioughout the whole novel.

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